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The Muscular System

The muscular system consists of the skeletal muscles and also all the
other soft tissues in the body (tendons, ligaments, internal organs etc.)
There are over 600 muscles connected to your skeleton. These Skeletal
muscles are attached to our bones and are arranged in pairs, each pair
of muscles pulling and pushing the bones around to enable voluntary
movement. There are also 22 internal organs made from a type of
muscle known as smooth muscle. These are involuntary muscles and
can stretch easily. Cardiac muscle is a third type of muscle in the human
body and as the name might suggest it only appears in the heart. The
heart can contract like a skeletal muscle and also stretch like a smooth

All gentle exercise improves muscular strength, for example we use

around 200 muscles when just walking a single step. In Tai Chi we go
further, conditioning, and toning all of the muscles in the body. Tai Chi
practise also improves your flexibility, reduces pain and stiffness and
improves your physical coordination.

Another of Tai Chis famous health claims is that it can reduce the risk of
falling over. Just as a building that leans needs to be supported, a body
that is not upright causes muscles to constantly take the strain. Learning
to be upright greatly improves both your balance and spatial awareness
leading to less trips, falls and clumsy accidents.

The turning of your torso massages all of the internal organs and
improves spinal flexibility leading to one of Tai Chis most famous health
benefits: easing chronic back problems. Your neck moves from side to
side and your limbs constantly rotate or spiral, increasing your flexibility
and range of movement throughout your whole body. At the same time
all of your muscles, ligaments and tendons are being gently stretched
and strengthened keeping your whole body mobile and healthy.

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