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Level : MS1

Sequence : 2 Lesson:1 Lesson focus: Learning / Listening

Learning Objective(s):By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to ask and give information about ones
family and about age using numbers from 13 to 100.
Competency (ies) targeted : interact interpret produce.(the competencies are presented in an integrated way and
the teacher will decide on which competency he will focus)
Domain : Oral / Written Both.
Language tools (target structures): personal pronouns, possessive adjectives.( He....his / She .....her) / the present
simple tense / W.H Qs.
Material(s): Maps/
Core Values:
Cross-curricular Competencies:
o Intel Comp: ability to interpret an oral message
Knowing and understanding
o Metho Comp: ability to use the listening strategies.
the others
o Commu Comp: ability to use role-play to communicate appropriately.
Openness to the word
o Perso n Social Comp: ability to socialize through oral exchanges.
Time Framework Procedure focus Aids T/
10m Warm- T/L *Presenting poster VA
n up *Teacher shows a poster of family members. page 48 the new of
1-Naming the relatives. lexis about family
2-Make oral example like the example written below: family, membe
*Brother mother- father ect r page
5mn I listen and complet *Preparing the VAT
Teachers Task : The teacher draws on the board the family tree L learners to family
and elicits from the learners the words they might already know the listening tree
. (the natives) phase.

20m The first listening( listening for a purpose): dialogue T/L *Presenting
n Omar: Welcome to my home, Peter the new lexis Audio
Peter: Thank you, Omar. about family, listenin A
Omar: Let me show you photos of my family. relatives and g script
Peter: Who is this?
Omar: She is my sister Samia. the use of
Peter: How old is she ? personal
Omar: She is 15 years old. pronouns
Peter: And this old lady? and
Omar: She is my grandmother Mariem? possessive
Peter: How old is she ? adjectives
Listening Omar: She is 65 years old. *Identifying
The teacher asks the learners to listen to the dialogue and the use of whiteb
answer the questions: W.H Qs. oard
Who is speaking? *Using the
What are they speaking about? ordinal
Is Omar polite with Peter? numbers in a
context (the
The second listening:
family) VAT
The teacher reads the dialogue again and asks the learners to
listen and fill in the table.
relative name age

20m Teacher asks the learners to Revise the numbers from (0 to 13) L
n I listen and repeat: Task 6 p52 / VAT
T *Revising the
of the
I look and match the numbers Task 7 p52 ordinal
numbers. Song

listening * Presenting
the numbers
through a song
The teacher presents a song about numbers and asks the learners to
repeat it
I listen and repeat task 5 page 52 AT

The teachers comments:

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Level : MS1
Sequence : 2 Lesson:2 Lesson focus: Learning / Listening 2
Learning Objective(s):By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to ask and give information about jobs and
use the articles also the cardinal numbers.
Competency (ies) targeted : interact interpret produce.(the competencies are presented in an integrated way and
the teacher will decide on which competency he will focus)
Domain : Oral / Written Both.
Language tools (target structures): the articles.( a / an/ the) / the present simple tense . the cardinal numbers.

Material(s): Maps/
Core Values:
Cross-curricular Competencies:
o Intel Comp: ability to interpret an oral message
Knowing and understanding
o Metho Comp: ability to use the listening strategies.
the others
o Commu Comp: ability to use role-play to communicate appropriately.
Openness to the word
o Perso n Social Comp: ability to socialize through oral exchanges.
Time Framework Procedure focus Aids T/
10m Warm- T/L *Presentin poste VA
n up Task 2 p 50 Teacher shows a poster of jobs. page 50 g the new r
1-Naming the jobs lexis about page
jobs 50

5mn I listen and show *Preparing poste VAT

Task 3 p 50 The teacher shows the posters for preparing the T/L learners to r p 50
listening learners to the listening phase about jobs quiz . the listening

20m The first listening( listening for a purpose): dialogue T/L *Identifying
n A: Where does a nurse work? the use of Audio
B: The nurse works in a hospital. articles listeni A
A: Where does an architect work? ng
B: The architect works in an office.
A: Where does a teacher work?
B: The teacher works in a school.
A: Where does a farmer work?
B: the farmer works on a farm.
The teacher asks the learners to pay attention to the *use the
underline words. Explaining the use of the articles grammar


* Presenting VAT
the articles
through a
Task 4 p 51 teacher asks the learners to complete the bubbles task
with appropriate articles * filling the
20m L/
n I listen and repeat: p53 T VAT
n of the
Task 8_ p53 ordinal book
Teacher uses the situation on the book (Omar greeting his numbers.
grandmother)and asks the learner to complete the table and the

* Presenting
the numbers
through a

The teachers comments:

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Level :1MS
Sequence : 2 Lesson 3 Lesson focus: PRONUNCIATION
Learning Objective(s) lesson: By the end of Sequence 5, learners will be able to ask and give Information about
their about the family members using words that contain the sounds: //, //, /e/ and /I:/.
Competency (ies) targeted : Oral interaction with focus on accuracy

Domain : Oral / Written Both.

Language tools ( target structures): the sounds //, //, /e/ and /I:/

Material(s): Paper strips (words contain the sounds)

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:
1. Intellectual competency:-The learner can show creativity when producing pieces of oral and written 1. Being
messages. responsible
-He can identify sounds when interacting orally 2. Being positive
2. Methodological competency:. 3. Valuing each
- He can use strategies for listening and taking turn to answer. member within
-He can assess himself the family
- He can assess his peers
3. Communicative competency: - He can pronounce words correctly to communicate appropriately.
4.personal and social competencies :- He is aware of his role and others' role in working hard at school,
and being sociable.
Tim Framewor focu L.
Procedure Aids T/
e k s Objectives
5 mn Teacher uses the previous lesson revising the numbers and T/L To motivate
Warm Up the family members Ls and elicit A
Teacher writes the main sounds on board ( three thirteen target items
father mother brother Thursday )
5mn Teacher explain and give examples Discover Whit V / A
Presentatio (th) //, mother sounds in a e
n //, thirteen context board

10 Drilling:
mn Task 2 p54 : Listen and repeat. Reinforcemen A
L/L t and
consolidation M/I


Task 2 P54 : classification the words

// //

5 mn Teacher reads the passage aloud

5mn Teacher explain and give examples T/L Discover Whit V / A
Presentatio /e/ pen get sounds in a e
n /I:/ keep neat. context board
10 Teacher asks learners to classify these words L/L Whit V / A
mn /e/ /I:/ e

Task 3 p55 : Listen and repeat. Help learners

to distinguish MI
L/L sounds


Task 4p 55



The teachers comments:

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Level : MS 1
Sequence : 5 Lesson: 4 Lesson focus: Grammar
Learning Objective(s):By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to to introduce his/her family members.use personal and
possessive pronouns,articles,and the present simple present tense.
Competency (ies) targeted : : interact interpret produce.(the competencies are presented in an integrated way
and the teacher will decide on which competency he will focus on)
Domain : Oral / Written Both.

Language tools ( target structures): Personal pronoun: I, he, and she , possessive adjectives: My, his and her W.H Qs :
What /who / the three forms of to be. present simple.
Material(s): Manual book Family Tree Poster / Flash cards (jobs)
Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:
1--Intellectual competency: 1- Respect of relatives
The learner can think and use the language to guess. 2- developing
2. Methodological competency: friendship
He can work in pairs.
3. Communicative competency:
- He can use drama and role play to communicate appropriately
4. Personal and social competencies:
He socialises through oral interaction.
He develops attitudes of friendship.
foc VAKT /
Time Framework Procedure L. Objectives Aids
us M.I

10 Warmin Teacher sticks a family tree on the board, draws a table and
mn g up invites hislher learners to fill in it T/ Brainstorming,
Male (he ) Female ( she ) L revising and Whit T+V
recalling the eboa
previous words. rd

Task 1 P 57
*To involve the
Omar has an English friend Her name is Margaret He sends T/ learners in using
15 her an e-mail to introduce his family members L the three forms of
mn I circle the correct words to help Omar write his e-mail L/ to be to guess
Presenta T and identify the
tion family members,
names and jobs.

A+ V
L *Eliciting from the
learners to
T/ complete the
L dialogue using the
right W.H
questions, personal Book
pronouns and
Task 2 p 58 possessive
I guess who is who adjectives
n I write the names of my family members in the circles
I swap my sheet with my partner and guess who is who
To involve the
learners in
using the three
forms of to be
to guess
and identify the
family members, Book V
names and jobs.

n use M

Teachers Task
The teacher asks his her learners to draw their family chart

The teachers comments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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Level :1MS
Lesson focus: Reading
Sequence : 2 Lesson 5
Learning Objective(s) of the lesson:By the end of Sequence 5, By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able
to respond to Adakus email, introduce themselves and talk about languages, likes, food and pets
Competency (ies) targeted : interact interpret* produce (the competencies are presented in an integrated way
and the teacher will decide on which competency he will focus on)

Domain : Oral written Both

Language tools ( target structures): Simple present tense to be to introduce himself/herself.
Simple present tense with verbs to introduce likes
Give information about their country village
Material(s): Email
Core Values:
1- Being responsible for his
own learning.
Cross-curricular Competencies:
2- Being proud of belonging to
1 Intellectual competency: The learner can understand and interpret non-verbal messages.
2. Methodological competency: using emails
3 -Valuing leisure time
3. Communicative competency: He can use information and communication technology
activities.(Reading books).
such as emails to communicate appropriately with learners of other cultures
4 - Openness to the world
4. Personal and social competencies: Learner socialises through written exchanges.
(sharing information and
respecting people of other
focu L.
Time Framework Procedure Aids T/
s Objectives
5 mn The teacher brings a letter and drew an email on white T/L To
boerd introduce Pictures
T tries to help learners to destingwich between a letter new V
and en amail knowledge Flash
Warming up cards
M. I

T tries to introduces him selfe

I am( name age school country family class likes ( food
sport pets )
Pre-reading T mentions the new words
5MN I like = I love and he tries to give examples V/A
He askes learners to do the same Identify

25 Task 1 p 59 t askes learners to read the email and fill in Extract

mn the id card information EMAIL
transfer E MAL
While - from verbal
reading to non M.I
Task 2t askes kearners to write true or false To read for
*jack is old specific
*he is from Algeria information
*jack likes listening to music .
*he loves pets

Task 3 : ls read the text and answer the questions

*is jack nine years old
*does he like football
*is he from America

10 T askes learners to write their own Id card

mn To produce
Post - L/L id card
reading M.I

The teachers comments:

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Level :1MS
Sequence : 2 Lesson 6 Lesson focus: Integration / Written Production
Learning Objective(s) of the lesson: By the end of the lesson learners will be able to introduce their families
members and jobs in an email ( attached document)
Competency (ies) targeted : interact interpret* produce (the competencies are presented in an integrated way and
the teacher will decide on which competency he will focus on)
Domain : Written
Language tools ( target structures): Simple present tense to be to introduce oneself
Simple present tense with verbs to introduce likes.
Simple present tense to have to indicate the possession of objects or relationships. Personal pronouns and possessive
adjectives (I/ he/she- My/his/her)
Material(s): Maps/ Flash cards / Maps
Core Values:
Cross-curricular Competencies:
1- Being responsible.
1. Intellectual competency: - formulation of correct lge to produce an email.
2- Being happy and proud of
2. Methodological competency: He can gather resources to mobilise them efficiently to
belonging to a family.
produce a piece of writing.
3- Valuing jobs.
3. Communicative competency: He can use information and communication
4 - Openness to the world
technology such as emails and blogs to communicate appropriately.
(sharing information and
4. Personal and social competencies: He socialise through sharing the tasks and
respecting people of other
collaborating within the members of the group .
Tim Framewor focu L.
Procedure Aids T/
e k s Objectives
5mn Teacher shows the grid p 62 and asks them to fill in its. brainstormin Book V/A
Warmn up
T/L g


Activate Learners
5nm Teacher asks learners to take their ID card learners ID ID card

15 Teacher asks ls to write an email using the previous

MN information ( names verbs possessives personal To be able to
pronouns ) TL write an copybook Visual
email using s
personal M.I
15 Writing Individual learners work and design their emails LL Personal ID VAT
MN Cards
learners work
and design EMAILS
their own
Prodution LL
10 Editing

Teacher asks ls to pay attention to punctuation

capitalization and to start drafting their email
PROOF reading
level 1MS
Sequence : 02 Lesson : 7 Lesson focus :Self-assessment/Ican do
Learning objectives of sequence 02 By the end of sequence 02, learners will be able to ask and answer questions about
family and relatives, name different jobs, use the present simple and express likes, orally and in writing.
Competencies targeted Interaction, interpretation, production
Domain Oral and Written
Language tools Introducing family members, naming jobs, likes, present simple
Materials Self-assessment grid.
Learning objectives of the lesson By the end of the lesson ,my learners will be able to identify their areas of strengths
and weaknesses for the Improvement of the learning process
Cross-curricular competencies Core values
Intel comp: self-assessment /autonomy and Self-assessment and self-criticism.
Metho comp: ability to use an assessment grid Pride
Commu comp: ability to exchange with others Openness to the world.

time Framework Procedure Focus L. objectives Aids

10 mns Pre- -The teacher distributes the checklists to T/ L -To clarify Grid/checklist V/A
assessment the learners and explains the grid and instructions
concept checks.

-Self - Learners read the grid and tick in the LL To reflect the Grid/Checklist V/A T
25 assessment appropriate boxes learning
mns process and
areas for M/I
20 mns Analysis and Collection of papers, analyzing data and T/L Group Grid/Checklist
feedback designing remedial work learners
according to
their needs M/I
and design

The teachers comments:

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Level : 01 Lesson :08 Lesson focus: I play / I enjoy
Learning objective: by the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to reinvest previous knowledge in a funny way
Competency targeted: interact, interpret and produce.
Domains : Oral /Written
Language tools : names of jobs / family members
Materials: , pictures
Cross-curricular competencies Core values
Intel comp: demonstrates his abilities to face problem Socializing
solving Knowing and understanding the others
Metho comp: pride
Commu comp:
Persons social comp: ability to socialize through
Framework procedure focus L. Aids VAKT/M.I
Ti Objectives
15 Task 01 P 65 -Teacher presents the game. The task consist of - Flash V/A
mn re-ordering words according to the flashcards sticked on the Learn and cards
L/L have fun

LL Identify
-The teacher stick flashcards presenting jobs on the board
and write next to each picture a disordered word .
-He instructs his learners to reorder the words.
Task 02 P65
20 -the teacher presents the second game which shows a picture
mn of a family surrounded by words. Those words are missing
letters. The learner should complete them to get the members
L/L Pictures
of the family.


Task 3 P66 I read observe and put the family name under the
appropriate number


The teachers comments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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Edited by teachers
Mezhoudi zineb
Rebai fatiha
Kortbi rafika
Salhi ahlem
Benritab karima
Benchaala sara
Ben addad houria

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