The Short Story Handstand

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It was at a time when I had been reduced cream parlor opposite where we sat and gave
to painting street signs for a living. My days the boy a copper. Later a young woman
were spent entirely in drawing huge strolled past with a samisen, her hair fastened
advertisements on billboards for toothpaste, in a bun with a green comb, and carrying a
circuses, bottled beer and ladies underwear. baby on her back.
At first the novelty of my new life made it
tolerable but soon I came to loathe it and to Not bad looking, eh?
long for some forms of escape, even if only
I bet shes an ex-geisha or something.
What do you think?
Formerly when I had worked as a serious
She walked up and down the street in
painter I had, of course, never taken the
front of us. Occasionally, she stopped and
slightest interest in the pictures on billboards.
strummed on her samisen. Later a huge, dirty-
Let alone given any thought to the people who
looking woman in an advanced state of
painted them. If anything, these pictures had
pregnancy waddled past us. We looked at her
struck me as an insult to my artistic sensibility.
in fascination. She was the most repulsive
Yet now when I saw the little drawings printed
woman we had ever seen. So that day drew
on the covers of notebooks in the stationers
slowly to an end.
or the designs glazed on the lids of paint
boxes, or even the billboards outside theaters. A good job? Hell, theres no such things
I would stop and look, and sometimes I found as a good job! Its all a lot of sweat! If anyone
myself actually being moved by them. I thinks its fin making a living, hes crazy.
suppose it was because I had come to realize
that among the people who produced these No, well never get anywhere this way.
drawings there must be many who, like Just sweat away till we croak, thats all! The
myself, had once aspired to be real artists but only way to make money is gambling.
had been forced by circumstances into this
Gambling, eh? said a large, dark-
skinned bricklayer who was squatting next to
What made me begin to hate my new the bench in his undershirt. Ill tell you about
occupation, however, was not just the feeling gambling. When I lived in Shitaya, there was a
that I was prostituting such talents as I might girl in the neighborhood about 24 years old.
have; it was the relentless monotony. I soon She was pretty little piece, I can tell you! I
learned that almost all the workers with whom used to watch her passing outside my
I had now come to spend my time suffered to window. She strutted past in her straw sandals
a greater or lesser extent from this same with her head high in the air. She wore a big
sense of monotony. They were forever gold chain over her breast and always carried
discussing possible ways of breaking the a shining patent- leather handbag. She had a
tedium of their lives. gold chain on the bag also. She lived in a
poor-looking sort of house and I got to
We would gather in the evening by the wondering how she could afford to doll herself
benches near the suburban tenements where up like that. Then I heard shed been gambling
we lived. One by one we arrived from different and made quite a pile. Thats how to get rich,
directions, exhausted at the end of a long I thought to myself. Even women can do it.
days work in the heat. We sat down heavily Then early one morning on my way to work I
on the benches or, if there was no longer any saw a girl hurrying out of a low-class brothel. I
room, squatted beside them on the gravel, just saw her back but there was something
and indolently fanned ourselves as we chatted familiar about the way she walked. I followed
away, oblivious to the passing of time. her for a while and then I saw her face as she
got on a tram. It was the girl with the gold
Along came a couple of young street
chain, all right! So much for gambling.
-acrobats. Accompanied him on tambourine.
A girl wearing a red sash came out of the ice-
Thats right, said a serious- looking man I did not know why, but for some reason
on the bench. You cant always hit it lucky. Chos handstanding excited my curiosity. In
And even if you do, it doesnt always work out. time I came to learn from Cho himself and
Why, only last week I saw in the paper that a from some of his friends how he had acquired
certain man won a gambling pool or this avocation. It appeared that he had once
something. Hed been hard up all his life and seen a girl doing a handstanding stunt in the
then all of a sudden about half a million yen circus. Standing upright on her hand, she had
fell on his lap. What did he do. He went stark crossed a long narrow plank suspended
raving mad and murdered his wife with a between two platforms high over the arena.
hatchet! No, its no good when things change Cho had been greatly impressed. There
too much Im not sure it isnt best to jog seemed to be no catch in this as in so many
along the way we do. the man sat looking other circus tricks; it was purely the result of
straight ahead after he had spoken. He long practice. Suddenly it occurred to him, as
seemed quite moved by what he said.after a he sat there in the circus, that he could learn
while he got up and left. Then one by one the the trick himself.
others began to leave, some to start their
night shifts, some for the public baths, some From them on, he began practicing
for home. Soon they had all gone except handstands whenever he had time after
myself, a tinsmith called Cho, and two others. meals, in the evenings, and in the brief rest
periods between work. At least it broke the
Is it hArd to learn the flute? said Kichiko, monotony.
an engineers mate. Id like to play the flute.
Often he was discouraged and felt that he
What an idea! Said Cho with a smile. would never be any good. Yet he persevered.
Hows a clumsy ox like you going to play the Its that girl, he told me once, that girl at the
flute? Anyhow it takes years before you can circus. I just cant get her out of my mind. She
play an instrument. was real beauty, you know. Fine white teeth,
red lips, lovely breasts, big, dark, mysterious
I suppose youre a great hand at the eyes- shes the prettiest girl Ive seen.
flute, said Kichiko.
He had never seen her again, but by his
No, I cant play. I like listening, though, handstanding he kept her memory alive. Apart
said Cho. from this, there was, I guessed, a hidden
motive that made him continue his exhausting
Well, youre a fine one to tell me I cant
pastime. By becoming an expert handstander
play the flute. Youre a clumsy brute yourself.
himself, as great as this girl if not greater, was
I may not be able to play, but at least I he not in some way derogating from the
know what it,s all about. You havent got the perfection which he had originally seen in her,
vaguest idea what art is. Its not something thereby making her in this respect at least,
you can learn like playing tiddlywinks! less wonderful? By surpassingher in the art of
handstanding, by taking for himself the praise
Oh yes, Id forgotten. Youre a great that had originally been hers, was he not
artist, arent you? said Kichiko laughing. A somehow punishing her for being so
great artist when it comes to singing songs in completely unattainable?
the beer parlor, I mean!
The trouble was, said Cho, I didnt
Im good at standing on my hands, have a high narrow plank to practice on. But I
announced Cho, beaming all over but with a got round this in the end. I found a straw mat
touch of genuine pride. Cho was a rather with a thin black border becomes the plank
silent man. He had a large round face - almost and both edges become sheer drops
bloated, in fact. There was something about hundreds of feet high. So when I practice
his expression that made one feel he was walking along the edge of the mat on my
smiling inwardly all the time in a warm, hands, Im as frightened of falling as I would
pleasant way. be in the circus. Well, Ive got it now so I can
do it every time without even swaying. And if I
Standing on your hands? What a very
can do it on the mat, I dont see why I couldnt
original art! I said without thinking. We all
do it in the circus like she did but of course
laughed including Cho.
Ill never really know.
That girl certainly did something to you, usually left again after a time. One evening as
I said to Cho one day. Cho looked at me we gathered by our benches, a small,
seriously. Its the same as painting, he said. intelligent-looking man joined us. Youre new
When you see something beautiful, it gets you around here, arent you? I said.
in some way, doesnt it, and that makes you
want to paint it. Youll work away like mad Thats right. Ive just got myself a job as
trying to paint it, wont you? Well, its the same lathe man in those ironworks over there. Ive
with me. Only I cant paint so Ive got to got lodgings here, too.
imitate what Ive seen. Is that so strange?
He soon established himself as one of
His explanation struck me as quite our group. We all found him interesting
reasonable. because he had spent his life moving from
place to place and could describe all sorts of
Look Cho, said Kichiko that evening things that were unfamiliar to us. Although
when I first heard about the handstanding, uneducated, he was a good talker and, as he
why dont you let us see you do it now? he told us of the hardships he had undergone,
laughed and looked round. The last rays of the strange places where he had worked, the
the summer sun were fading; the sky had lost odd customs he had observed in the other
its brightness and become a light transparent parts of Japan, and the efforts of workers to
blue. A slight wind blown up and dull, vaguely improve their conditions, we felt that we were
colored clouds scudded past high above us. being lifted out of the prisons of our narrow
Would you really like to see? said Cho
carefully. He stood up and leaned forward on His lively eyes shone as he described life
one of the benches. As he put his weight on it, underground in the Aso mines where he had
the bench shifted slightly on the gravel. formerly worked. To get to the first pit, you go
down a hundred and fifty feet in the cage.
Id better do it here, he said. He planted Then down you go another hundred and fifty
his hands firmly on the ground next to the feet to the next pit. There are twelve pits
bench and raised himself a couple of times, altogether. In the bottom pit the temperature
falling back lightly in, the same place. Then, was nearly a hundred degrees just from the
keeping both legs closely together, he moved heat of the earth. There was a whole lot of us
slowly up until he was standing vertically in working down there. The air was pumped
the air. The soles of his straw sandals faced down from the pit head. But after youd been
the surface of the limpid evening sky. His down there awhile, it got so damned hard to
plump arms were slightly bent as they breathe your lungs were fit to burst. I was in
supported his heavy, squat body. As the blood the war and I can tell you that to spend eight
ran to his head his face became so dark one hours down there in that mine was worse than
could hardly distinguish it from the earth. twenty four under enemy fire.
Kichiko whistled with admiration. Thats And dont let them tell you mining isnt
good, he said. Thats pretty damned good! dangerous! Down there youre at the mercy of
Quite a few people had gathered from the machines and theyre always going wrong.
neighborhood to watch Chos performance One of the fellows I knew was pulling a loaded
and they were all exclaiming their admiration trolley onto the elevator. At least he thought
as he held his feet immobile in the air. When the elevator was there but something had
he stood up again, a couple of the local gone wrong and instead he stepped backward
errand boys and a few other enterprising into the empty shaft and went shooting down
young fellows began to try the trick. After I left, hundreds of feet with the trolley on top of him.
I turned back and saw them all in their light You could hear him screaming right down to
shirts standing upside down by the benches in the bottom.
the gathering dusk.
You see, the strain down makes you
There was a large steelwork in the careless in the end. Lots of the fellows get
neighborhood. Most of the workers were blown to smithereens by the dynamite theyve
regular employees, but there was also quite a planted themselves. Sometimes they even
number of casual laborers who drifted in from knock down the props when theyre working
the other factories or from the mines and and get buried alive.
But Ill tell you something funny. While They used to sit listening to him in silence and
youre down there in the mine, youre so busy occasionally I noticed Cho sighing as if moved
with your work, youre so damned glad you by something the man had said.
havent had an accident yourself and trying so
hard to watch out in the future, that you dont One day as I was strolling down the sunlit
have time to worry about anything else. Its street, I stopped dead in my tracks. Some of
when you come out on the surface after a the things the little man had said suddenly
days work that you start thinking. You see came back to me with extra ordinary force. It
other people walking about up there whove was as if I had been walking along a narrow
never been down a mine in all their lives. And single -track railway bridge and had abruptly
you get to asking yourself: What the hell! Im been struck by the thought: What shall I do if
no different from them. What do I spend all a train comes rushing towards me? Perhaps
day down in that damned hole for? the time would come when Id have to make
such a decision. The idea made my heart
Thats the way lots of us began figuring. pound like a hammer.
It wasnt hard to get the other fellows to see
our point of view. What the hell, we were The little man told us one day about a
risking our lives down there every day to derelict mine. The ore had given and the
make profits for the company. We all got miners had all moved to other pits. The power
together and were going to make a set of was still connected, however, and one
minimum demands for our safety- not wages, morning the lights were turned on for a party
mind you, just for our safety. But we had an of visiting journalists. One of the men get
informer among us. Our plan leaked out and separated from the rest of the group and,
the company put a stop to it all. before he knew it, he was hopelessly lost in
the mazes of tunnels and passages which
Later on, a couple of smooth, well- twisted about underground like the coils of
dressed men came along and told us how we some immense serpent. He must have rushed
ought to organize ourselves. Theyd never around, gradually becoming panic- stricken, in
been farther down a mine than the pit head those weird, deserted corridors hundreds of
but they pretended to know all about it. Well, feet below the ground. His shouts for help
we miners were a pretty uneducated bunch would have been deadened by the thick walls.
but we could tell fakes when we saw them. If And then he ran headlong into the open
these men really had our interests at heart, elevator- pit and fell hundreds of feet into pitch
wed have felt it and gone along with them all darkness.
the way. But it didnt take us long to see they
were the type to make their living out of our This story made a great impression on
troubles- and a damned good living too. me and it was long before I could rid my mind
Better honor than life, they used to teach us of the terrifying vision.
in the army. Well, these men wanted honor
Gradually I came to think that, however
and life- and plenty of both- all at our
monotonous and unrewarding my present
expense. The dirty rats- what could they teach
work might be, I should at least be grateful
us? Its lucky for them they cleared out before
that it was fate.After all, I said one evening,
I got my hands on them!
Why do we work anyway? When alls said
No one who hasnt really been a worker and done, surely its so we can earn enough
knows what its all about. You cant learn it out to keep alive. In that case, its a complete
of a book. Youve got to be a worker, youve contradiction to take a job where youre
got to live like a worker, day after day, year risking your life.
after year. Thats the only way to get to
It seemed unbelievable to me that
understand the labor problem.
anyone should be so mad as to do work in
We werent born to live like slaves or which he might at any moment be killed. Later
animals! We workers deserve the same share I was to learn that such logic does not always
of the countrys wealth as everyone else. apply and that to break the unendurable
Thats what Id like to tell society. monotony of their lives, some people will in
fact do things which can only be classed as
A socialist, I thought to myself and insane.
wondered whether all the others realized it.
Cho and the little man became friends dreary suburb, seemed to me men exhausted
and I often saw them together. One evening by the monotony of work, men in whom all
as I was calling for Cho on my way back from spirit of adventure had atrophied. At least, that
work, I found him standing outside his shop is what I thought until the following incident.
talking to the little man. They both nodded to
me. The man had a map in his hands. Here it I had spent all day painting a huge
is, he said, pointing a small corner of land advertisement for womans dresses on a tin
sticking out into the blue northern sea, heres billboard. In the evening when I had finished, I
Nikolaevsk. Thats where Ill be heading now. decided to pass by Chos shop. It was a close
A friend of mines, he continued, I first sultry evening and although the summer was
thought Id try my luck somewhere really far almost over, the sun was extremely hot. There
away- Sakhalin, Kamchatka, or somewhere. was not the slightest breeze. When I arrived,
But then I thought if I came to Tokyo Id meet Cho was standing in a shirt and a pair of khaki
a lot of interesting people, people I could talk trousers working on a shiny tin bucket.
to, people who felt like I did about things. Ive
Have you ever been to the girls circus at
always been a great talker, you know, ever
Asakusa? he said when he saw me.
since I was a youngster. Well, Ive got to like a
lot of you fellows, but Im not really your type. No, never. Ive been to the opera once-
So now, Im pushing on. I wont be going thats all.
straight to Nikolaevsks. Ill spend the winter
working in Hokkaido and try crossing over to Id like to go to the amusement park at
the mainland next spring. He passed for a Asakusa, said Cho, wiping the perspiration
while. I suppose the fact is Im just a born off his face.
wanderer, he added, laughing. We said
Asakusa, I said. That shouldnt be too
goodbye, and Cho and I stood watching him
difficult. It doesnt take all that long to get
walk away in the distance.
He asked me if I wanted to go with him,
Its all right if youve got money. Then
said Cho. And I would have, too, except for
you can go to the mountains for the summer.
my old mother. Shed be lost without me.
But when am I going to have time to go to
We started walking along slowly. A few Asakusa? I suppose thats what they mean
sprigs of wilted morning glory stood in a black, by no leisure for the poor. His face was
unglazed vase in a window opposite the shop. wreathed in smiles; he looked as if he was
It was really amazing how blue the sky was. imagining the gay, bustling pleasure grounds
Under this deep, weird, silent blue, the black- of Asakusa.
tiled roofs of the houses seemed to roll sadly
Presently Kichiko, the engineers mate,
into the distance like dunes along a seashore.
joined us. He had on a short workmans coat.
None of us ever saw the little man again.
Well, hot enough for you? he said in his
We heard that he found a job in a factory at
gruff voice. Whats happening? Anything
oil. No doubt he made his way to Hokkaido
and perhaps he even reached Nikolaevsk.
Whenever he may be, I am sure he is No, said Cho. By the way, Kichi, where
heatedly expounding his theories. were you last night?
I thought about him often. I remembered Last night?, Oh yes, after work I went
the clear look in his eyes when he was not down to the river at Ryogoku to cool off. He
talking. In them, were reflected the images of sat down on Chos work bench and began
faraway mountains, of clouds floating across fanning himself.
distant skies, of infinitely remote stars, and
sometimes of the dark, raging ocean. Yes, he Look, Cho, said Kichiko after a while.
was a wanderer and I felt that like the What about you and me climbing that
wanderers of old he had within him a song chimney over there by the spinning mill? Wed
that comforted him in his weariness and that get quite a view.
constantly spurred him on to discover new
places and new ideas. Compared to him the In this heat? said Cho. How high do
members of our group, rooted here in our you suppose it is?
Come on, dont be a coward. said Come and see, said Kichiko. Youll get
Kichiko laughing. Its two hundred and fifty dizzy just standing down here staring at it. He
feet. bent his head back and looked up to the top.
Imagine working up there, though, he added.
Heights dont bother me, said Cho. I They wouldnt get me to work on a chimney
was always climbing trees when I was a kid. like that for anything.
Well, then, lets go. We took off our coats and threw them on
the ground next to the solid- looking brick
What about you? said cho, looking in
foundation; then we removed our shoes and
my direction.
wet the palms of our hands with spittle. I put
I remember how I had once peered out of one foot on the rickety scaffolding and
the window from the fourth floor of an office glanced back at the city: under the deep blue
building. The pavement below had looked sky the rooftops stretched out in solid black
white and dry in the glaring sun, and the heat rows; they looked very safe.
seemed to be flashing from the hard surface.
Kichiko started climbing first; after him
Suddenly I had imagined how my blood would
went the rotund Cho and finally myself. The
redden those burned, white stones if I fell out
steps were not built straight, but circled round
of the window.
the chimney in an endless- looking spiral. The
I glanced at Cho but did not answer. narrow iron rungs dug sharply into the soft
soles of my feet.
Just then Kichiko looked at me. Come
on. he said. You can have a go at painting I had not realized what this climb would
the top of the chimney. Itll be more fun than be like. As the other two moved steadily
those billboards of yours! upward round the chimney, I gradually began
to fall behind. When I had reached about the
I was too much of a coward to admit that I halfway mark, I suddenly felt I could not
was frightened of heights. All right, Ill come continue. But glancing down, I realized that it
along, I said, even simulating a certain would be at least as hard to start going down.
enthusiasm. From now on, I forced every muscle in my
body to continue climbing. My feet no longer
The three of us left Chos shop. On our
hurt, but my legs were trembling
way we stopped at an ice cream parlor and
uncontrollably, and although I planted myself
each had a glass of ice water. Then we set out
firmly on each rung, I had the uncomfortable
for the spinning mill. It was on a huge dusty
feeling that any moment my body would float
plain at the edge of the city. As we trudge
off into space of its own accord.
along, the shriek of the crickets reverberated
in my ears like the sound of a boiling kettle. The wind was blowing quite hard up here
The perspiration was streaming down my and I could hear some of the looser boards of
forehead. We were all looking ahead at the the scaffolding clatter noisily. If just one of
chimney which reared itself before us under these flimsy rungs should slip or break, Id
the blue, cloud-speckled sky. It had only lose my footing and go plunging headlong into
recently been completed and the scaffolding space. At the thought, a cold sweat ran over
was still coiled around it all the way to the top my whole body. My hands were particularly
like a monstrous snake. There was no smoke. clammy and I was certain that they would slip
as I grasped the rungs above. If only I could
We reached the chimney in about 15
wipe them or rub them with sand.
Looking up, I saw that Kichiko had
Are you sure its 200 and 50 feet? Said
reached the top of the chimney. He was
Cho, looking up.It doesnt seem that high
standing on the narrow bricklayers platform
from here.
that surrounded it and leaning with both his
hands on a low, perilous railing. He looked
round at the scenery. Now Cho reached the
top and joined Kichiko in admiring the view.
From time to time they glanced down the side
of the chimney to see how I was getting on.
Finally I reached the top. It was broader fro, even if only very slightly. I had forgotten
than I had imagined while climbing - about 6 that tall buildings and chimneys move in the
ft. In diameter. My legs were twitching with a wind.
sort of cramp and I realized that I could not
possibly stand on the platform with the other A sense of despair came over me. Just
two. Instead I squatted down carefully on the then I heard an astounding remark from
wooden boards and held onto the bottom of Kichiko.
the railing with both hands. My teeth chattered
I dont suppose you could do that trick of
and my whole body was trembling.
yours up here? he said.
I no longer cared in the slightest what
I looked up at Cho, who was standing
impression on my companions. My only object
directly over me. His face at this moment
now was to elicit their sympathy so that they
seemed more enormous than ever. He smiled
might somehow help me to reach the ground
strangely and looked around.
safely. Normally they would have laughed to
see me in this condition and probably they Of course I could, he said after a while.
would have teased me. But now they just I can stand on my hands anywhere. The
glanced at me occasionally without smiling or trouble is, theres no proper place to rest my
saying anything as if it were quite normal that hands on up here. These damned boards
I should be in such a state. In some way, this bend every time you step on them. Besides,
attitude of theirs added still further to my this platforms so narrow that the railing would
anxiety. I should almost have welcomed some get in the way when I raised my legs.
normal bantering. Instead I heard Cho saying:
Take a look over there, Kichi. The seas come Supposing we bet you? If you can do it
right up close, hasnt it? And look at those up here, well each give you a yen. said
trams. Theyre just like little crawling bugs Kichiko after a pause. What about it? he
Whats that tower over there? added, looking down at me. Youd give him a
yen, wouldnt you?
Thats the 12- story pagoda of Asakusa,
answered Kichiko nonchalantly. The whole thin was a joke, he realized.
Cho was a determined fellow, but he wasnt
I just stared straight down at the wooden crazy. He obviously knew that this would be
boards. My head was blank and there was a suicide. I nodded silently at Kichiko. Id share
haze in front of my eyes. Yet I could not help in the joke, if thats what they wanted.
noticing between the wide cracks of the
boards people down below like tiny black Youd each give me a yen, eh? said
beans. At this sight my throat became clogged Cho. That makes a whole days wages.
and I could hardly breathe. I must stay still, I
Only look here, said Kichiko laughing
told myself. If I try looking at the sea or the 12
nervously,If you make a mistake, itll be the
story pagoda of Asakusa, Im done for.
end of you. Ill have to go down and pick up
Gradually I noticed that the sun was the mess.
sinking and that the whole sky had turned
You neednt tell me. I can figure that out
crimson. Why in Gods name had I come up
for myself,said Cho. The trouble is, he
here? How would I ever get down? I was
continued, as if speaking to himself, where
bound to lose my footing on those endless
would I put my hands? He looked all around
steps. As my mind darted back over my past
the platform. Then his eyes came to rest on
life, which now seemed infinitely remote, I
the thick iron mouth of the chimney. He bent
remembered with shame how I had cursed
over and looked into the great black opening.
the monotony and never felt really grateful for
its safety. If I do it,he said, Ill stand on this edge.
Only a few feet away gaped the huge, He felt the surface of the chimney top.
black, empty mouth of the chimney. I was
aware of a distant rumbling sound coming The trouble is, its damned
from its depths, like the roar of some great slippery.Suddenly his expression changed,
monster. At the same time I suddenly realized and with a sense of horror I knew that he was
that the entire chimney was swaying to and going to try the trick. I wanted to stop him and
began to stutter out something, but the words began going round and I had to look down.
wouldnt come. All I could do was to squat When I next glanced up, Cho was gradually
there gazing up at him intently with my sunken straightening his legs. A moment later they
eyes. Surely, I thought, he could not be doing were fully extended and now he stood there
this for the two yen, however much he may on his hands, his body a rigid line against the
have wanted to spend the day at Asakusa. evening sky. A presentiment of relief ran
Could it be that he was still trying in some through me.
strange way to get the better of that girl at the
circus? Or was he emulating the little man and Kichiko had not taken his eyes off Cho for
defying monotony in his own way? I never a moment. He continue to gaze fixedly at him
knew. The next moment I heard Cho say: All as he now slowly drew in his legs and began
right, Ill take the wager. Ill have to go. there to retrace the line he had drawn in the air.
was no longer the slightest trace of laughter in Skillfully avoiding the railing, he gradually
his voice. brought them back to the platform. For the first
time since the performance had begun, I
Wait a minute, said Kichiko, suddenly allowed myself to look straight at him. The
becoming dead serious. You know whatll strength of his entire body seemed to be
happen if you slip. concentrated in the bulging muscles of his
arms. I noticed that a sort of spasm was
If I slip, thats the end of me. There was passing from the nape of his neck to his
a touch of defiance in Chos voice as he threw shoulders. His hair was drenched.
out the words. He turned round in the
direction of the city and stared at it for a few The handstand was safely completed. For
moments. The sun was rapidly disappearing a while none of us spoke. Cho stood staring
now and strangely shaped tufts of cloud straight into space with unblinking, protruding
drifted past in the darkening sky. Yet the top of eyes. His complexion was not even pale, but
our chimney was brilliant red from the last completely colorless like a dead mans. round
rays of the sun, as if illuminated by giant the corners of his mouth I detected a cool,
flames. dark, self- mocking smile.

Cho spat on his hands and rubbed his In a flash I remembered seeing such a
palms carefully with a handkerchief to remove smile once before. A car had come hurtling
any trace of greasiness. Then he hung the along the street where I was walking and
handkerchief on the railing and, bracing had almost run over a man working on the
himself, planted both hands on the iron mouth tramlines. By some miracle he had
of the chimney. For several moments he stood escaped, though the side of the car must
there peering down into the huge, black have grazed his overalls. Afterward he had
opening from whose depths emerged the stood there rigid in the middle of the street
continual roaring sound. I glanced at him. His still holding a large granite paving stone. His
eyes protruded from their sockets, his short
eyes were wide open and there was a weird
head was wet with perspiration. All this time
smile on his face. The car disappeared in
the chimney swayed rhythmically to and fro in
the distance and the people who had
the wind.
stopped to look hurried on; but the man still
Cho brought his legs together and drew stood there staring straight ahead into
them in as far as possible to avoid catching space.
them on the railing. Once they were raised, it
would be too late to make any adjustment. Then I noticed a black bird skimming
Should he then miscalculate and lose his past directly over the chimney and
balance, he would either fall headlong into the silhouetted strangely against the dark sky.
200 and 50 ft. Gullet of the chimney or
Kichiko was the to go down and I followed
backward over the railing and down to the
him. Glancing back, I saw Cho still standing
hard ground below.
there on the platform. His face was that of a
His legs had now left the platform and dead man. He seemed sunk in thought.
were already a few feet in the air. My head

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