Lab 5

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The character LCD must be initialized before displaying characters on it

there is a basics for initialization to avoid any problem
The basics of the initialization are appropriate for most applications:
The display is on
The underline cursor is of
The blinking cursor is of
The cursor is automatically incremented after each write
The display does not shift

2 In LCD we can display on it diferent Character with diferent size this the
example for displaying the following character on the LCD and showing how
LCD can do that

The LCD is initialized for multi-line mode (note the

additional lines
after entering 4-bit mode). This will allow both lines of
the LCD module to display
information. With the display initialized, custom character definitions are
downloaded to the LCD.
The LCD has room for eight, user-definable customer characters. The data is
for these characters in an area called CGRAM and must be downloaded to the
after power-up and initialization (CGRAM is volatile, so custom character
are lost when power is removed from the LCD). Each custom character requires
bytes, the first byte being the top line of the character, the last byte being the
bottom line of the character. The eighth byte is usually $00 as this is where the
cursor is positioned when under the character.
The standard LCD font is five bits wide by seven bits tall. You can create custom
characters that are eight bits tall, but as explained before the eighth line is
reserved for the underline cursor. Heres an example of a custom character
The shape of the character is determined by the ones and zeros in the data
bytes. A
1 in a given bit position will light a pixel; zero will extinguish it.

3. LED: displays make great output devices, there will be projects

that require providing more complex information to the user. Of course, nothing
beats the PC video display, but these are large, expensive, and almost always
impractical for microcontroller projects
LCD: LCD modules, on the other hand,
fit the bill well. These inexpensive modules allow both text and numeric output,
very few I/O lines, and require little efort from the BASIC Stamp. And since the
introduction of the BS2p, character LCD instructions have become part of the
2.0 and later 2.5 languages. That said, we can still use the stock BS2 to drive
versatile displays and the experiments that follow will demonstrate how.
Character LCD modules are available in a wide variety of configurations: one-
two-line, and four-line are very common. The number of columns (characters)
line is also variable, with 16- and 20- character displays being the most
common and

4.Because the more possible number enter the more decreasing the efect of
processor and its efficiency became low which afect on the Pixels and show
picture not good as the television if we make over scan the resolution will
decrease so it is better to decrease the possible number to make resolution
better like mobile the more you zoom the more of quality decrease

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