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Web Analytics Association
The Evolution of Site Centric Measurement


Web Analytics Association
•  Vision:
The leading authority of excellence in digital marketing
•  Mission:
To lead and support the members by providing
–  quality education,
–  developing standards and best practices,
–  conducting research and
–  advocating for issues that advance the industry.
Web Analytics Association
•  Four committees drive strategic priorities
•  Membership:
–  More than 1.500 members from 40 countries throughout the
–  41 Corporate Members, representing 11 countries
–  16 Country Managers leading Country Groups
•  Members:
industry practitioners, vendors, consultants and educators
Strategic priorities
1.  Education
Inform & educate the marketplace about the field of web analytics, champion
the effort to create, train and certify web analytics professionals, and
encourage institutions of higher learning to add web analytics to their curricula
2.  Research
Provide relevant and useful data & insight into trends, best practices, and
emerging issues facing the Web measurement & analytics industry
3.  Standards
Define web analytics measures in order to develop common vocabulary,
definitions and standards for measuring and reporting web metrics
4.  Membership
5.  Globalization
Web Analytics Association
The Evolution of Site Centric Measurement


Standards history
1.  June 06 Web Analytics Definitions: the Big 3
–  Unique visitors
–  Visits/sessions
–  Page views
2.  Aug 07 Web Analytics Definitions
–  Building block terms
–  Visit characterization
–  Content characterization
–  Conversion metrics
Standards history
3.  Sept 08 Web Analytics Definitions
–  Building block terms
–  Visit characterization terms
–  Visitor characterization
–  Engagement terms
–  Conversion metrics
–  Miscellaneous terms
•  Hit (AKA Server Request or Server Call)
•  Impressions
Standards today
4.  23 Feb 2010 Social Media Standards
Open for public comment for a period of 60 days
Widget Install Source Destination
Grab Views Active installs New installs
Seed installs Grab installs Grab attempts Grab failures
Grab completion rate Grab install rate Social Bookmark Social Bookmarks
Unique social bookmarks Social bookmarks Clickbacks per social Posts
clickbacks bookmark
Comments Inbound links Trackbacks Comments per post
Fostering collaboration
Social Media Standards Definition
•  Open for public comment for a period of 60 days
•  Open for public comment until April 23rd 2010

We welcome feedback to build a common vocabulary
Thank you to all contributors
Jodi McDermott, Comscore Ned Kumar, FedEx
Rob Cataford, Web Analytics Nick Mihailovski, Google
Consultant Aseem Patel, The Motley Fool
Chad Cattachio, GIS Planning Dan Piche, Sitebrand
Katie Cipollone, Omniture Bob Russotti, ANSI
Josh Dreller, Fuor Digital Dean Westervelt, Collective
Enrique Gonzales, AARP Intellect
Steve Harris, Hilton Worldwide And all those who worked on the
previous documents!
Aurélie Pols
Web Analytics Association’s Globalization Chair
& Principle Consultant Europe, Web Analytics Demystified Inc.
Twitter: @aureliepols

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