York Rite Newsletter v1

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ISSUE 01- JULY 2016



York Rite Houses initiate

four distinguished Army
Servicemen into
York Rite Masonry Most Excellent Grand High Priest
Victor B. Pettus, KYGCH

Several members of the York Rite Bodies assembled

to witness the arching, greeting, and creating and

O n Sunday, June 5, 2016 at Red-

stone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL
under the leadership of Grand Master
to witness the arching, greeting, and
creating and dubbing. Grand Master
Corey Hawkins Sr., Esq., Grand High
Corey Hawkins Sr., Esq. of the Most Priest Victor Pettus, Grand Thrice Il-
Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge lustrious Master Robert Glenn, Grand
of Alabama the York Rite Houses Commander Charles Motley, Grand
Greeting and Salutation to all the
companions of the W. H. Mack
were able to initiate four distinguished King A. Derek Bowman, Deputy Grand
Grand Chapter.
Army Servicemen into York Rite Ma- Commander Freddie Armstead, Sir.
sonry. The process of the initiation Knight Woodie Pugh, Sir. Knight The capitulars degrees entail the
was set-up and organized by PHP Dwight Coleman, Sir. Knight Erick Mark Master, Past Master, Most
Dwight Coleman. General Dennis L. Kennedy, and Sir. Knight Willie Keller. Excellent Master, and Royal Arch.
Via, CSM James K. Sims, LTC Court-
ney L. Abraham, and Col. David Wil- The Holy Royal Arch is also re-
son was arched into the W.H. Mack ferred to as the Red House. The
Grand Chapter, greeted into the W.H. Royal Arch meets as a Chapter.
Mack Grand Council, and created and The members refer to themselves
as a companion which is closer than
dubbed into the Hendley-Mack Grand
a brother.
Commandery. There were several
members of the York Rite Bodies there

United We Serve
Ed Turner Commandary #49 Constantine Day Celebration
He saw with his own eyes in the heavens a trophy of the cross rising from the light of
Lifes most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others? the sun carrying the message In Hoc Signo Vinces which means in this sign, you will
- Martin Luther King, Jr. conquer.
On Sunday, November 8, 2015 of a slanted letter X with the top in this sign, you will conquer. In
Lincolnite Board member con- Saturday morning, January 16, to honor the life, vision and service at First Baptist Church Eastlake in of its head bent round, he marked Eusebiuss account, Constantine
tacted E.C. Cad Ford, Jr. for assis- 2016 to spruce up Lincoln School of Dr. King by volunteering their Birmingham, Alabama, the Hen- Christ on their shields. Eusebius had a dream the following night,
tance with the outside appearance Memorial Museum and Park; de- time, resources, and sweat equity dley-Mack Grand Commandery describes another version while in which Christ appeared with the
of Lincoln School Museum and spite the prediction of threatening to beautify this historic location. celebrated Constantine Day. The marching at midday. He saw with same heavenly sign and told him
Park. weather. speaker of the day was Rev. Henry his own eyes in the heavens a tro- to make a standard, the labarum,
This location is the former site Carson of Persia Commandery #2. phy of the cross rising from the light for his army in that form.
for what is now Alabama State The celebration was well attended of the sun carrying the message In
University in Montgomery, the by Sir Knights and Cyrene Cru- Hoc Signo Vinces which means
school was founded in 1867 by saders across the state. Constan-
freed slaves for their children. tine Day comes from Constantine
Coretta Scott King was an alum- I who is also known a Constantine
nae of Lincoln. The Great and Saint Constantine.
Constantine was a Roman Em-
The museum houses artifacts, peror in 306 B.C. and was the sole
historical documents, memora- holder of that office from 324 B.C.
bilia, videos, photos and news- until his death in 337B.C. Con-
papers relating to the legacy of stantine is best known for being
Lincoln School. Its also a huge the first Christian Roman emper-
tourism attraction for the city, visi- or. Constantine was visited by a
tors and citizens. Members of the dream the night before the battle,
Ed Turner Commandary #49 lo- They picked up litter, collected
twigs, raked leaves and recycled wherein he was advised to mark
cated in the Historic Marion, Ala- the heavenly sign of God on the
bama observed Dr. Martin Luther plant debris for composting.
shields of his soldiers by means
King, Jr. Holiday by turning out The Commandary was proud

I would like to take this

opportunity to welcome all
Select Master, and Super
Excellent Master, which consist
Grand Masters Corner
companions to the W. H. Mack of the cryptic degrees.
Grand Council. The cryptic I would like to welcome
degrees of Masons form the Most Illustrious Thrice Illustrious all brothers to the Most Worship-
center body of the York Rite of Master Robert W. Glenn KYGCH ful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
Freemasonry. A Master Mason Alabama. Ancient Craft Masonry
may join a Chapter of Royal which is also referred to as Blue
Arch Masons and receive the Lodge, the Symbolic Degrees,
four degrees of that organiza- or Ancient Craft Masonry, is com-
tion. After which he may seek prised of three degrees: Entered
further knowledge in Freema- Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and
sonry and join a Council of Master Mason.
Cryptic Masons. The three
degrees are the Royal Master, M. W. Corey D. Hawkins, Sr., Esq., KYGCH-K.C.T., 33
Grand Master of Alabama
Companions from Gardners Success provided lunch for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham, AL.
The Anniston York Rite Bodies | Burning Bush Holy Royal Arch Chapter #5 | Reuel Jethro Council #9
J.T. Howze Commandery #29

Ronald McDonald House 2015

2016 York Rite Workshop
By Thalmus Mahand | December 26, 2015
Birmingham, Alabama

O On December 26, 2015, the

Companions of Gardners Suc-
core values: Focusing on the critical
needs of children.

W in Anniston
cess provided lunch for the families
e would like to thank Outback
staying at the Ronald McDonald
Steakhouse in Fultondale
House in Birmingham, AL.
for providing the lunches that were

T he mission of Ronald McDonald

House is to create, find and sup-
port programs that directly improve
provided to the families at Ronald
McDonald House.
On Saturday April 2, 2016, the chael Sims, P.H.P. Marcus Tillman, shop. The companions of the An-
Below: Companions from Gardners Success companions of Burning Bush Comp. Charles Snell, Comp. Carlos niston York Rite Bodies would like
the health and well-being of children. provided lunch for the families staying at the
Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham, AL. Chapter #54, companions of Jones, P.H.P. Greg Rice, Comp. Lee to thank all the Companions and
Guiding us in our mission are our
Ruel-Jethro Council #9, and the McNeil, Comp. Carlton Kerley, and Sir Knights for a successful work-
Sir Knights of J.T. Howze # 29 P.E.C. Willie Keller. The workshop shop. A special recognition goes
under the leadership of High was performed and illustrated by to our newly appointed Grand
I would like to welcome the
Sir. Knights to the Hendley-Mack Priest Michael Sims hosted their the officers and members of the District Deputy of the North East-
Grand Commandery. The chival- first York Rite Workshop at 10:00 Anniston York Rite bodies. The ern Jurisdiction Holy Royal Arch
ric orders consist of three orders a.m. at the South Highland Com- workshop was a great success. In Masons Michael Sims for his role
opposed to masonic degrees. The
Chivalric Order is the last body in munity Center in Anniston, AL. attendance at the workshop were as facilitator of the workshop.
the York Rite of Freemansonry. The High Priest Michael Sims arranged the Most Excellent Grand High
three orders are the Illustrious Or- an array of presenters to speak on Priest Victor B. Pettus, Curtis
der of the Red Cross, Order of Mal- various degrees and orders in the Nelson, and William Garrett. The
ta, and Order of the Temple, which
is often called Knights Templar. York Rite body. The presenters Knights Templar Right Eminent
discussed the Mark Master degree Grand Commander Charles Mot-
Right Eminent Grand Commander through the Order of the Temple. ley and District Deputy Courtney
Charles L. Motley KYCH
The presenters included H.P. Mi- Williams also attended the work-
York Rite Workshop in
Demopolis, AL
On June 13, 2016 Very Emi- workshop was well attended with tended by Grand High Priest Vic-
nent Deputy Grand Commander approximately 45 various York Rite tor Pettus, Grand Thrice Illustrious
Freddie Armstead organized an Masons from Central Alabama Master Robert Glenn, and Grand

The Companions of educational workshop for York

Rite Masons in Demopolis, AL.
and South Alabama. The com-
panions and Sir Knights enjoyed
Eminent Commander Charles
Motley. It is the goal of the York

Omega #65 (HRAM)

The presenters were High Priest an interesting dialogue on the vari- Rite to continue to educate com-
William Garrett and Thrice Illustri- ous lectures and stories within the panions and Sir Knights through-
ous Master Curtis Nelson. The York Rite. The workshop was at- out the Jurisdiction of Alabama.
(Pictured EHP Griffin, Comp. Gard- come together to grant their time The pictures illustrate how ev-
ner with Brothers and Sisters) to Ronald McDonald House. eryone is committed to being a
The Companions of Omega #65
On some occasions, the Com- servant to others, regardless of
(HRAM), has continually pro-
panions will provide and serve the temperature going below 35
vided charitable contributions to
on Pizza Saturdays, which al- degrees.
organizations and families.
lows all of the families to get a
Every year, the Companions
chance to meet the Companions
and Brothers of Triume #430,
and understand the purpose.

(Pictured EHP Griffin, Comp. Myricks and Comp. Gardner with students)

The Companions of Omega #65 (HRAM) use a variety of ideas to raise funds, which allows the
Companions to help the community on a more constant basis. The Companions donated backpacks
and school supplies to the kids of Hudson K8 (Bham City School) at the start of the school year. The
students were overly excited and put their new supplies to good use right away.


Zerubbabel Day Celebration
The date is generally thought to have been between 538 and 520 BC. Zerubbabel also
laid the foundation of the Second Temple in Jerusalem soon after.

On Sunday, February 28, speaker was Companion (El- the Babylonian captivity in the first
2016 at First United Cumberland der) Antoine Head of Zerubbabel year of Cyrus,
Presbyterian Church in America Chapter #3. Zerubbabel Day is an King of Persia.
(UCPC), Bakers Beauty #51 annual celebration of Royal Arch The date is gen-
along with various Royal Arch Masons. Zerubbabel was a gover- erally thought to
Chapters in the Jefferson County nor of the Persian Province of Ye- have been be-
District hosted a Zerubbabel Day hud Medinata and the grandson of tween 538 and
Celebration. The High Priest of Jehoiachin, penultimate king of Ju- 520 BC. Zerubbabel also laid the
the Day was High Priest Jerome dah. Zerubbabel led the first group foundation of the Second Temple
Kirk of Bakers Beauty #51. The of Jews, numbering 42,360, from in Jerusalem soon after.

2016 York Rite Day in Birmingham

On April 16, 2016, Zerbubbe- brothers an opportunity to ad- Chapter #58, Hudson Beauty
al Chapter #3, Hurst Chapter vance in masonry through vari- Chapter #29, Garden Success
#58, J.W. Hudson Council # ous ceremonies and lectures to Chapter #UD Mt. Horeb Chap-
10, and Persia Commandery understand York Rite Masonry. ter #48, J.W. Hudson Council
#2 hosted a York Rite Day. The York Rite is broken down #10, Adoniram Council #4,
The York Rite Day was orga- into three different masonic Persia Commandery #2, De-
nized by High Priest William houses. The brothers that join Molay Commandery #42, and
Garrett. The various chapters, the various masonic houses Godfrey Commandery #4 to
councils, and commanderies improve their masonic knowl- arch, greet, and create and
initiated 23 brothers through edge and relationship with other dub the brothers into the York
the Royal Arch, Royal & Select members of the York Rite. There Rite.
Masters, and Knights Templar. were several members from
The York Rite Day gives Zerbubbeal Chapter #3, Hurst

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