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Detailed internal architecture AUTHORS

Rucsandra M. Corbeanu University of

of a uvial channel sandstone Texas at Dallas, 2601 N. Floyd Road, Richardson, Texas,

determined from outcrop, cores, Rucsandra M. Corbeanu received her B.Sc. degree in
geoscience from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of
Geology and Geophysics, Romania, in 1991 and is
and 3-D ground-penetrating currently working toward her Ph.D. in geology at the
University of Texas at Dallas. Rucsandras interests include
all aspects of reservoir characterization, geostatistics, and
radar: Example from the ground-penetrating radar applications.

Kristian Soegaard E&P Research Centre,

middle Cretaceous Ferron Norsk Hydro ASA, N-5020 Bergen, Norway;

Sandstone, east-central Utah Kristian Soegaard received his high school degree in
Denmark in 1974, his B.Sc. honors degree in geology
from the University of the Witwatersrand in
Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1980, and his Ph.D. from
Rucsandra M. Corbeanu, Kristian Soegaard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, in
Robert B. Szerbiak, John B. Thurmond, 1984. Kriss interests are in description and interpretation
of sedimentary systems at all scales and of all ages.
George A. McMechan, Deming Wang, Steven Snelgrove,
Craig B. Forster, and Ari Menitove Robert B. Szerbiak University of Texas at
Dallas, 2601 N. Floyd Road, Richardson, Texas, 75080
Robert Szerbiak received his B.S. degree (1971) in
geoscience at Michigan State University and an M.S.
degree (1980) in geophysics from Texas A&M University
ABSTRACT and is currently working toward his Ph.D. in geophysics at
the University of Texas at Dallas. His interests include
Ideally, characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs requires infor- reservoir characterization and shallow geophysics, uid-
ow modeling, geostatistics, ground-penetrating radar,
mation about heterogeneity at a submeter scale in three dimensions. and effective medium theory.
Detailed geologic information and permeability data from surface
and cliff face outcrops and boreholes in the alluvial part of the Fer- John B. Thurmond Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 54-913,
ron Sandstone are integrated here with three-dimensional (3-D) Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139
ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data for analysis of a near-surface John Thurmond is currently working on his Ph.D, in
sandstone reservoir analog in uvial channel deposits. The GPR sur- carbonate sedimentology at the Massachusetts Institute of
vey covers a volume with a surface area of 40 16.5 m and a depth Technology. He received his B.S. degree in geology with
highest honors from the University of Texas at Dallas in
of 12 m. Five architectural elements are identied and described in 1997. His work currently involves 3-D mapping of
outcrop and well cores, using a sixfold hierarchy of bounding sur- carbonate stratigraphy to understand evolving
morphologies and the processes that control them.
faces. Internally, the lower four units consist of ne-grained,
parallel-laminated sandstone, and the upper unit consists of George A. McMechan University of Texas at
medium-grained, trough cross-bedded sandstone. The same sedi- Dallas, 2601 N. Floyd Road, Richardson, Texas, 75080;
mentary architectural elements and associated bounding surfaces
George McMechan received a B.A.Sc. degree in
are distinguished in the GPR data by making use of principles de- geophysical engineering from the University of British
veloped in seismic stratigraphic analysis. Columbia in 1970 and an M.Sc. degree in geophysics
from the University of Toronto in 1971. His main research
To facilitate comparison of geologic features in the depth do- interests are waveeld imaging, 3-D seismology, reservoir
main and radar reectors in the time domain, the radar data are characterization, and ground-penetrating radar.
depth migrated. The GPR interpretation is carried out mainly on
Deming Wang University of Texas at Dallas,
migrated 100 MHz data with a vertical resolution of about 0.5 m. 2601 N. Floyd Road, Richardson, Texas, 75080
Measures of the spatial continuity and variation of the rst- and Deming Wang received a B.S. degree with honors (1986)
second-order bounding surfaces are obtained by computing 3-D ex- in exploration geophysics from Hefei Polytechnic
University, China, an M.S. degree (1993) in geophysics
perimental variograms for each architectural element (each radar from Peking University, China, and an M.S. degree (2000)
in geosciences from the University of Texas at Dallas. He
has done research on prestack imaging and crosshole
Copyright 2001. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. imaging.
Manuscript received October 27, 1999; revised manuscript received September 14, 2000; nal acceptance
November 9, 2000.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, no. 9 (September 2001), pp. 15831608 1583

Steven Snelgrove University of Utah, 423 facies). The maximum correlation length of the dominant internal
Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84108 features ranges between 4 and 6 m, and the anisotropy factor ranges
Stephen H. Snelgrove received a B.S. degree in geophysics between 0.6 and 0.95.
and an M.S. degree in geological engineering from the
University of Utah. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in
civil engineering at the University of Utah. His research
interests include characterization of aquifers and INTRODUCTION
petroleum reservoirs using geophysics and geostatistics,
and numerical modeling of subsurface ow.
Over the past 15 years an acute realization of the limitations of one-
Craig B. Forster University of Utah, 423 dimensional (1-D) facies models (i.e., from measured sections, core
Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84108; descriptions, and well logs) in reconstruction of depositional sys-
Craig Forster holds degrees in geology and hydrogeology tems architecture has led to studies of continuous two-dimensional
from the University of Waterloo, Canada (M.S. degree), (2-D) outcrop facies maps (Miall and Tyler, 1991). Facies mapping
and the University of British Columbia (B.S. degree and
Ph.D.). His current research program employs of outcrop analogs yields reliable sedimentologic and stratigraphic
interdisciplinary outcrop-to-simulation studies to assess detail that, in conjunction with outcrop permeability and porosity
how geologically derived permeability heterogeneity
should be incorporated in numerical models of information, may be used for characterizing subsurface reservoirs
subsurface uid ow, mass transport, and heat transfer. in three dimensions (e.g., Flint and Bryant, 1993). As is the case for
1-D stratigraphic sections, however, 2-D outcrop facies maps also
Ari Menitove University of Utah, 423 Wakara
Way, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84108 fall short of providing continuous empirical information regarding
Ari Menitove is currently working as a geological engineer sedimentary deposits in the third dimension.
for Kleinfelder, Inc., in Salt Lake City, Utah. He received A new technology for characterizing sedimentary rocks in three
his B.S. degree in geophysics from Bates College in
Lewiston, Maine, in 1993 and his M.E. degree in dimensions is now emerging through the use of ground-penetrating
geological engineering from the Colorado School of Mines radar (GPR) (Baker and Monash, 1991; Gawthorpe et al., 1993).
in Golden, Colorado, in 2000.
A high-resolution geophysical technique, GPR can provide indirect
information on lithologic and petrophysical properties of shallow
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS subsurface rock units. The vertical resolution of GPR is on the order
of a few decimeters, and the depth of penetration is in the range of
The research leading to this article was funded primarily
by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE- meters to tens of meters (Davis and Annan, 1989). The GPR an-
FG03-96ER14596 to McMechan and Soegaard with auxil- tennas send electromagnetic pulses into the ground to image the
iary support from the University of Texas at Dallas
Ground-Penetrating Radar Consortium. The migrated GPR subsurface through the energy reected and diffracted by spatial
data were interpreted using the PC-based seismic inter- changes in electromagnetic properties. Depending on the desired
pretation software WinPICS of Kernel Technologies Ltd.
The geostatistical analysis was done using the Geostatisti-
resolution and depth of penetration, frequencies from 25 MHz to
cal Software Library (GSLIB) programs. The outcrop 1 GHz can be used. The maximum penetration depth depends on
gamma-ray scintillometer was provided by ARCO, and the attenuation of the GPR signal, which is inversely proportional
gamma-ray measurements on split cores and Hassler cell
permeability/porosity testing were performed by Terra to the effective electrical resistivity. The propagation velocity and
Tek Labs in Salt Lake City. amount of reected energy depend mainly on the complex dielec-
Gerard Neil Gaynor initiated the use of GPR on out-
crop of the Ferron Sandstone for reservoir analog studies. tric permittivities of the materials encountered (Davis and Annan,
We thank John S. Bridge for his insight into the uvial 1989).
barform in the upper 5 m of the channel complex and
Coco van den Bergh and Jim Garrison from The Ferron The data from GPR have the same potential for describing
Group Consultants for discussions in the eld and for stratigraphic geometries in specic depositional environments as
providing insight into the position of the Coyote basin site
in the greater depositional framework of the Ferron Sand-
seismic data have had in providing understanding of larger-scale
stone. We acknowledge Marie D. Schneider for help in in- stratigraphic sequences (Vail, 1977; Posamentier and Vail, 1988;
tegrating geologic outcrop and geophysical data. We also Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Weimer and Posamentier, 1993). Unlike
thank Janok Bhattacharya for his review of an earlier ver-
sion of the manuscript. AAPG reviewers Bruce S. Hart, conventional seismic data used in oil exploration, which generally
Peter J. McCabe, and Keith W. Shanley provided many have vertical and horizontal resolutions no better than upward of
comments that improved the nal version of the article.
This article is contribution No. 927 from the Geosciences 5 and 25 m, respectively, GPR is capable of resolving sedimentary
Department of the University of Texas at Dallas. features at the decimeter scale necessary for describing and inter-
preting depositional paleoenvironments. To date, most GPR sur-
veys have been performed on unconsolidated, recent sediments
rather than on consolidated sedimentary sequences in which hy-
drocarbon accumulations occur (e.g., Bridge et al., 1995). In near-
surface settings, a shallow water table is signicant because the GPR

1584 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

signal will be strongly attenuated in the saturated zone Coyote basin, in the Cretaceous upper Ferron Sand-
and under the water table. In arid environments, such stone Member of the Mancos Shale in east-central
as the site studied for this article, the water table is not Utah. The procedure for, and utility of, applying 3-D
encountered at depths of GPR penetration. Diagenesis, GPR data to ancient siliciclastic rocks is demonstrated.
subsequent fracturing, and preferential weathering of
exposed outcrops are factors that inuence the elec-
trical properties of consolidated rock. These factors GEOLOGIC SETTING
overprint the response of primary sedimentary features
and complicate the GPR signature. Data preprocess- The Coyote basin eld site is located in east-central
ing, velocity analysis, and depth migration can focus Utah, in the upper part of the Cretaceous Ferron Sand-
the GPR image and reduce artifacts that are unrelated stone known as the Last Chance Delta (Garrison et
to primary lithology (Szerbiak et al., in press). al., 1997) (Figure 1). The Ferron Sandstone crops out
The GPR data commonly consist of 2-D proles along the southwestern ank of the San Rafael swell
(Alexander et al., 1994) or pseudo-3-D grids of widely and is the product of a series of uvial-deltaic com-
spaced intersecting 2-D lines (Bristow, 1995). Notable plexes that prograded toward the northeast. Excellent
exceptions are 3-D GPR surveys of recent-delta gravels exposures are present along vertical cliffs parallel with
in Switzerland (Beres et al., 1995), and Cretaceous the progradational direction. Exposures perpendicular
shoreface sandstone bodies in Utah (McMechan et al., to the progradation direction are afforded by east-
1997). If the signal attenuation and dispersion are suf- westoriented canyons. The outcrop at Coyote basin
ciently low, the kinematic properties of GPR data are includes a cliff face oriented northwest-southeast and
similar (except for scale) to seismic reection data extends approximately 45 m laterally and approxi-
(Fisher et al., 1992a, b). This implies that many of the mately 12 m vertically. The surface above the cliff face
processing techniques developed in contemporary seis- is a relatively at and barren mesa top favorable to GPR
mic studies, and the techniques and facilities devel- surveys. Seismic surveys near cliff faces typically con-
oped for interpreting 3-D seismic stratigraphic data tain strong reections from features at the cliff face;
(Brown, 1996) may also be used in 3-D GPR investi- however, GPR acquisition design, with dipole antennas
gations. Acquisition of GPR data on 3-D grids, and 3-D oriented perpendicular to the acquisition lines that are
GPR migration enhance the horizontal and vertical ac- parallel with the cliff face, produces and records energy
curacy of the GPR image (Szerbiak et al., in press). that is polarized near the plane below the survey line
To facilitate the integration of geologic and geo- and discriminates against energy coming from the sides
physical data, geostatistical prediction and simulation of the line. Thus cliff face reections are less of a prob-
algorithms are applied to interpolate the sparse geo- lem in GPR data than in seismic data.
logic control data. Geostatistical analysis of radar re-
ections has previously been used to quantify the cor- Stratigraphic Setting
relation structures found in 2-D GPR proles and to
provide a means for interpretation based on the as- The Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Member is one of
sumption that correlation structures in GPR data are several northeastward-thinning clastic wedges that
directly related to lithologic variation and the internal prograded into the Mancos Sea along the western mar-
structure of different depositional environments (Rea gin of the Cretaceous Interior Seaway during the mid-
and Knight, 1998). In this article, quantitative com- dle to late Turonian (Ryer, 1981; Gardner, 1992). The
parative evaluation of the spatial variability of hetero- upper part of the Ferron Sandstone is a thick uvial-
geneities encountered in uvial deposits is based on deltaic complex deposited during a third-order sea
computation of 3-D experimental variograms of the level rise combined with a progressively decreasing rate
GPR amplitude data corresponding to each architec- of sedimentation (Gardner, 1992, 1995).
tural element. The Ferron Sandstone is subdivided into seven dis-
The objective of this article is to evaluate the po- crete delta lobes (genetic sequences GS1 to GS7)
tential of 3-D GPR surveys for investigating ancient (Ryer, 1981) or major stratigraphic cycles (SC1 to
sedimentary systems and constructing accurate 3-D SC7) (Gardner, 1992, 1995). The lower three se-
reservoir analog models suitable for subsequent hydro- quences (SC1 to SC3) are interpreted as prograda-
carbon ow simulation. This evaluation is made tional with sea level constant or slowly falling, and
through a case study of a uvial channel sandstone at exceeded by sediment input. The following two

Corbeanu et al. 1585

Figure 1. Location of the
Coyote basin site in the Ferron
Sandstone outcrop (the shaded
areas) along the southwestern
ank of the San Rafael Swell in
east-central Utah.

sequences (SC4, SC5) are considered aggradational, deposition of parasequence set 3 is more north-south
with sea level slowly rising and balanced by sediment oriented (approximately 345 azimuth) than that of
input. The nal two sequences (SC6, SC7) are retro- the underlying and overlying parasequence sets (Gar-
gradational with relative sea level rising at an increasing rison et al., 1997). The channels at Coyote basin are
rate (Gardner, 1995). generally straight or of low sinuosity (Garrison et al.,
Each sequence or stratigraphic cycle is capped by 1997).
a major coal bed or coal zone. Recent work of Garrison
et al. (1997) identied at least 12 parasequence sets
that appear to form four high-frequency, fourth-order FIELD DATA
depositional sequences (FS1 to FS4) within the upper
part of the Ferron Sandstone clastic wedge (Figure 2). The Coyote basin site contains a surface area of 40
The uvial channel complex at Coyote basin is located 16.5 m on the mesa top (Figure 3) and 45 12 m
at the top of stratigraphic cycle SC3 of Gardner (1995) vertical exposure at the adjacent cliff face. The data
or parasequence set 3, in the FS2 sequence of Garrison consist of detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and
et al. (1997) (Figure 2). SC3 is capped by coal zone C petrophysical data and 3-D GPR data. A leveling sur-
and is represented at Coyote basin by nonmarine facies vey provided accurate topographic corrections and a
associations composed of large distributary channel reference datum for all data sets. For reference, the
belts (Garrison et al., 1997). The paleoshoreline during volume extent of the survey is roughly equal to the size

1586 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

Corbeanu et al.

Figure 2. Generalized cross section of upper part of the Ferron Sandstone clastic wedge (modied from Garrison et al., 1997). Stratigraphic location of survey site at Coyote
basin is illustrated. See Figure 1 for location of cross section. Letters A to M identify marker coal horizons; SB1 to SB5 are sequence boundaries; FS1 to FS4 are fourth-order
sequences; 1a to 8b are parasequence sets.
Figure 3. Surface geology of the GPR survey site at Coyote basin. Heavy black lines represent conjugate fracture set oriented
northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest, and the cliff face. CB1 through CB5 are locations of measured stratigraphic sections at
the cliff face. A through D are locations of boreholes from which cores were extracted. The map shows the location of the cliff face
(Figure 4), trough cross-bed outcrop (Figure 12), the 3-D grid, and a 200 MHz GPR crossline at x 31.5 m (Figure 13). The origin
(x,y) (0,0) is at the southeast corner of the GPR grid; the total grid size is (x,y) (40.0,16.5) m.

1588 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

of a single voxel in contemporary reservoir ow 200 MHz. Interpretation was performed mainly on the
simulators. 100 MHz data to obtain a good compromise of vertical
resolution (0.5 m) and depth of penetration (15
Geologic Data m). The 200 MHz GPR data set, which has higher res-
olution (0.3 m) but shallower penetration (10 m),
A wide spectrum of geologic and petrophysical data was used only for detailed interpretation of the upper
were collected at Coyote basin. The surface geology 5 m of the uvial sandstone. The 50 MHz data (1 m
was mapped on the top of the outcrop where the GPR vertical resolution and 20 m depth of penetration)
survey was conducted, and the map includes cross- were too coarse to be of use at the scale of interest.
bedding, fractures, and soil cover (Figure 3). A facies The 3-D GPR survey at Coyote basin was per-
map with architectural elements and bounding sur- formed on a rectangular grid of 34 approximately
faces of sedimentary deposits was made along the east- north-southoriented lines (azimuth 350) at a spacing
facing cliff face (Figure 4). Paleocurrent orientations of 0.5 m between adjacent lines (Figure 3). Each GPR
from 81 trough cross-beds inside the GPR grid and line contains 81 traces, equally spaced at 0.5 m. The
from an additional 130 trough cross-beds adjacent to GPR equipment used in the survey was a PulseEKKO
the survey yielded information about depositional IV system with a transmitter voltage of 1000 V. Dipole
trends (Figure 5). Five stratigraphic sections, evenly antennas were oriented parallel with each other and
spaced along the 45 m long outcrop, provided detailed perpendicular to the in-line direction. A common mid-
sedimentologic information (Figure 4). Four 15 m point (CMP) gather, covering an offset range of 26 m,
long, 2.5 in. (6.3 cm) diameter cores were obtained was recorded for each data set. The CMPs provided
from wells drilled behind the outcrop (Figure 3). Per- initial velocity control and helped optimize the source-
meability measurements were performed on 485 core receiver offset for the 3-D data acquisition. The offsets
plugs extracted from the outcrop along the strati- used were 3 m at 50 and 100 MHz and 2 m at 200
graphic sections at a sample spacing of 10 cm and on MHz. Vertical and crosshole GPR surveys were also
the well cores at a sample spacing of 5 cm; permeability recorded at 100 MHz using boreholes A, C, and D
measurements on the outcrop core plugs were ob- (Figure 3); the results of analysis of these data, the
tained using a probe permeameter to test one end of petrophysical data, and the ow modeling will be re-
each core plug, and along the well cores using a ported elsewhere.
computer-controlled, stage-mounted, electronic probe
permeameter (Snelgrove et al., 1998). Total gamma-
ray measurements at a sample spacing of 25 cm along GEOSTATISTICAL METHODOLOGY
the stratigraphic sections were obtained using a hand-
held scintillometer. Full spectral gamma-ray measure- Geostatistics is used to estimate the spatial variability
ments were made along the well cores at a sample spac- of different geologic and GPR parameters, based on the
ing of about 3 cm. Measurements of electrical assumption that properties in the earth are not ran-
properties (dielectric permittivity and electrical con- dom, but have spatial continuity and are correlated
ductivity) were performed on a set of 33 cylindrical over some distance. Variogram modeling has been suc-
plugs, 1 in. (2.5 cm) in diameter, drilled orthogonally cessfully used by Rea and Knight (1998) to quantify
to the well-core axes, providing GPR velocity and at- the correlation length of radar reections to character-
tenuation information as a function of water satura- ize heterogeneities of the subsurface in two dimen-
tion. Hassler cell permeability/porosity tests were per- sions. The main assumption is that there exists a link
formed on the same 33-sample set. Petrographic between the lithology of layers and their electrical
analysis of thin sections (Snelgrove et al., 1998) pro- properties, and thus a relationship between the corre-
vided quantitative mineralogy information for dielec- lation structure of radar reections and lithology. This
tric constant modeling, and parameters such as clay spatial relationship is expressed through standard
content and porosity for GPR modeling. variograms (Rea and Knight, 1998).
An essential assumption in the calculation of the
Ground-Penetrating Radar Data variograms is that the data are stationary in space,
which means that any subset of the data has the same
Three 3-D common-offset digital GPR data sets were statistics as any other subset. For GPR data, the sta-
recorded using antenna frequencies of 50, 100, and tionarity requirement is not satised because of the

Corbeanu et al. 1589


Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture



















Trough Cross-Bedded Medium-Grained Sandstone PERMEABILITY GAMMA RAY

(md) (Total Count)
10 meters 1 meter


Massive & Parallel-Laminated Fine-Grained Sandstone

Mudstone-Intraclast Conglomerate

Ripple Cross-Laminated Siltstone

Figure 4. Sedimentary facies map of the cliff face at Coyote basin. Higher-order bounding surfaces (A through E, in red) outline major architectural elements (units 1 through
5). Surface F is the topographic surface. Less-signicant, lower-order bounding surfaces are in black. Exposed surfaces are shown as solid lines; dashed lines are inferred where
outcrop is covered. Also shown are ve measured stratigraphic sections (CB1 through CB5) in which primary sedimentary structures, textural information, permeability, and
gamma-ray data were recorded. The position of the outcrop relative to the 3-D GPR grid is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 5. Paleocurrent mea-
surements for the upper surface
of the uvial sandstone. The
paleocurrent rose diagrams are
exclusively for the uppermost
unit, unit 5, of the channel
complex and represent ow di-
rection inferred from medium-
scaled trough cross-beds. The
general progradation direction
of the parasequence set 3, in
the upper part of FS2 sequence
of the upper Ferron Sandstone
delta complex (Garrison et al.,
1997) is illustrated using the
heavy arrow. The orientation of
the 211 cross-beds in relation
to parasequence set 3 paleo-
geography is explained as a lo-
cal phenomenon of the radial
sediment dispersal pattern in
delta systems. The trough cross-
bedded sandstone in unit 5 is
interpreted as a channel bar.
The GPR survey site is located
in an upstream position on the
bar. A possible areal extent of
the barform (the stippled re-
gion) and the corresponding
cross sectional geometry and
internal reectors (cross-bed
cosets), illustrated below, are
schematically extended from
outcrop facies maps.

strong decay of the amplitude down a radar trace due where h is the separation distance between two data
to radar signal attenuation, and also by changes in radar points (the lag), N(h) is the number of pairs of data
facies both vertically and laterally (Rea and Knight, points separated by h, xi is the data value at one of the
1998). To compensate for radar signal attenuation an points of the ith pair, and yi is the corresponding data
automatic gain control (AGC) with a window length value at the second point. Equation 1 can be applied
of 2.5 m was applied to each GPR trace after migra- to 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D data sets. For 3-D data, the sep-
tion. Between proles, the GPR amplitudes were nor- aration vector h is specied together with its direction
malized relative to the maximum amplitude value in dened by three angles, azimuth, dip, and plunge
the survey. To account for changes in radar facies, the (Deutsch and Journel, 1998).
migrated GPR volume was subdivided into four units In most geologic data sets, the data values along
(referred to as units 2 to 5) dened by specic radar certain directions are more coherent than along others.
facies, prior to the variogram computations. The direction with best continuity represents the max-
The experimental variograms were computed for imum correlation direction of the data set. The
the 3-D GPR relative amplitude data within each GPR minimum correlation direction is perpendicular to the
facies using the equation (Deutsch and Journel, 1998) maximum correlation direction. The ratio between
minimum and maximum correlation lengths is the
anisotropy factor (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). Com-
(xi yi)2 monly, variograms are presented as 1-D curves along
c(h) (1)
2N(h) a particular direction. A more global view of the

Corbeanu et al. 1591

variogram values in all directions is achieved by com- GPR Facies
puting variogram volumes. A variogram volume is a
3-D plot of the sample variogram c(h) computed in all Interfaces that generate GPR reections can include
directions for all available separation vectors h bedding planes, fracture planes, or any other boundary
(hx,hy,hz). The lowest values of c(h) generally form an separating rock types with different electrical proper-
ellipsoid centered at the value c(o) 0, which is also ties. Electrical properties of a rock correlate mainly
the symmetry center (Deutsch and Journel, 1998). with lithologic composition (sand/clay ratio, grain size,
Variogram volumes are used to determine the orien- sorting, etc.) and water saturation (Knight and Nur,
tation and dip of vector h for which data sets show best 1987; Annan et al., 1991). Generally, saturation is a
spatial continuity. Directions and amount of aniso- measure of permeability and porosity of rocks, which
tropy are given by the orientation of the major and in turn, are generally consistent with lithology (Rea and
minor axes of the ellipsoid. The major axis is coinci- Knight, 1998).
dent with the maximum correlation direction. Identication of bounding surfaces using GPR re-
ections is based not only on the contrast in electrical
properties above and below surfaces that produce sig-
DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS nicant reection amplitudes, but also on the hierarchy
of reection terminations, reection continuity, and
Context: Hierarchy of Bounding Surfaces geometrical congurations above and below the sur-
face (see the radar facies of Gawthorpe et al. [1993]).
Miall (1985, 1988) emphasized the importance of First-order surfaces separate similar lithofacies below
identifying and correlating bounding surfaces at various and above the surface and present a contrast in elec-
scales rather than simply documenting vertical facies trical properties only if there is a change in petrophys-
transitions to clearly understand the complexities of ical properties (e.g., permeability, porosity) across the
uvial depositional systems. He developed a sixfold surface (e.g., due to a change in grain size). In this case
hierarchy of bounding surfaces. First-order surfaces a rst-order surface correlates with a single continuous
separate similar sedimentary features such as cross-bed GPR reection that truncates against higher-order
set bounding surfaces (Allen, 1983; Miall, 1985). bounding surfaces. If no contrast is present, the posi-
Second-order bounding surfaces outline cosets of ge- tion of the bounding surface does not correspond to a
netically related facies without signicant evidence of reector and must be inferred from the attributes pre-
erosion, but with dissimilar lithofacies above and be- viously listed. Second-order surfaces separate different
low the surface (Miall, 1985). Third- and fourth-order lithofacies above and below and are thus more likely
bounding surfaces envelop larger-scale architectural to have disparate electrical properties. Therefore, a
elements constituting facies associations (Miall, 1985; second-order bounding surface is almost everywhere
Soegaard, 1991). A third-order bounding surface en- represented by a continuous GPR reection (see Gaw-
velops any architectural element with uniform com- thorpe et al., 1993). First- and second-order surfaces
position of facies or facies sequences such as a bar or are generally several decimeters to several meters in
channel element (Soegaard, 1991). Fourth-order sur- length (Miall, 1985, 1988). Third- and fourth-order
faces envelop a complex of stacked architectural ele- surfaces should give rise to continuous GPR reections
ments composed internally of similar facies sequences where different electrical properties are encountered
such as composite bars (Soegaard, 1991). Fifth-order above and below the surface but commonly are dened
bounding surfaces outline larger depositional systems by characteristic reection terminations (truncation,
composed of diverse but related architectural ele- onlap or downlap) against a surface, and also by the
ments. They are marked by erosion and local cut-and- existence of different radar facies (specic patterns of
ll relief and basal gravel lags (Miall, 1985). Sixth- reection continuity, conguration, amplitude, and
order surfaces separate depositional sequences whose frequency) above and below the surface (see Gaw-
distribution is generally dictated by allogenic effects. thorpe et al., 1993; Alexander et al., 1994; Bridge et
Fifth- and sixth-order surfaces can be mapped using al., 1998). Third- and fourth-order surfaces are gen-
high-resolution 3-D seismic data (Miall, 1988; Thomas erally several tens of meters in length (Miall, 1985,
and Anderson, 1994). Lower-order surfaces, generally 1988). Fifth-order surfaces are represented by contin-
observed only at the outcrop, can be imaged using GPR uous, through-going reections where they are char-
technology. acterized by sharp contacts but may be more complex

1592 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

or completely obscured where gradational contacts oc- In the rst step, synthetic GPR traces are simu-
cur. Fifth-order surfaces clearly separate different ra- lated to estimate vertical velocity functions at the four
dar sequences (see Gawthorpe et al., 1993). No sixth- wells and the ve stratigraphic sections. Bounding sur-
order surfaces are present in the study volume. face depths and two-way reection traveltimes were
available at the wells, but only depths were available
GPR Data Preprocessing at the cliff face stratigraphic sections. Reection travel
times were estimated at the cliff face by extrapolation
Several processing steps were applied to the 3-D GPR of the two-way traveltime surface observed in the 3-D
data before depth migration. Preparation and pre- grid to the cliff face. Each 1-D model was parameter-
processing of the GPR data consisted of trace editing, ized by electrical properties based on correlation of
time-zero corrections, air-wave removal (to reduce lithology and permeability, and lab measurements of
near-surface interference), bandpass lter analysis (to dielectric permittivity (which is the main determinant
discriminate high-frequency events associated with of the velocity of the GPR wave) and electrical resis-
small sedimentary structures from the high-amplitude tivity (which is the main determinant of GPR signal
energy near the median signal frequency), gain analy- attenuation). The nite-difference modeling algo-
sis, and predictive deconvolution. Detailed informa- rithm used was described in detail by Xu and Mc-
tion on this processing was given by Szerbiak et al. (in Mechan (1997). Figure 6 shows the simulated GPR
press). response at well A; the synthetic radargrams have
The most important step in processing GPR data matched the reection amplitude, polarity, and fre-
is 3-D depth migration, which allows direct and ac- quency content of the main events in the 3-D data.
curate comparison (in 3-D space) between geologic This modeling procedure yields a robust velocity es-
data and radar data, especially where velocity varies timate in depth at the control sections in the survey
signicantly in three dimensions (Szerbiak et al., in and also provides a direct correlation of major bound-
press). An initial migration, using a single average in- ing surfaces identied at the cliff face and in bore-
terval velocity function, produced a poorly migrated holes, with reections in GPR proles in the time do-
GPR image and also poor ties with the borehole depth main (Figure 6).
control points. These poor results are explained by sig- The second step in building the 3-D velocity
nicant lateral variation in velocity that is produced, model consisted of spatially interpolating and extrap-
not only by the spatial variation of lithologic facies, but olating the vertical velocity proles obtained by mod-
also by the fracture systems at the site. The fracture eling. The interpolation procedure was based on
systems are oriented northwest-southeast and north- building 3-D experimental variograms from two main
east-southwest (Figure 3) and inuence the amount average velocity facies (one facies above surface E and
and pattern of weathering in each block bounded by the other one between surfaces E and A/B in Figure
the fractures. Depending on the amount and type of 6), and then simulating 2-D velocity surfaces at reg-
weathering, different parts of the same lithologic unit ular depth intervals from the vertical velocity control
can have different electrical properties, which in turn, proles. The complete procedure of building a smooth
may substantially change the GPR propagation veloc- 3-D velocity model based on geologic control and geo-
ity. Also, the permeability values at the outcrop are statistical techniques was discussed by Szerbiak et al.
determined to be signicantly higher than permeability (in press).
values in well cores because of increased weathering at A 3-D Kirchhoff algorithm (Epili and McMechan,
the cliff face (Snelgrove et al., 1998). Because surface 1996) was used to migrate the GPR data into a depth
waters have been moving along the fractures in recent image. Depth migration provided high-resolution im-
times, the rock adjacent to the fractures has likely been ages of the sedimentary features and also relative am-
exposed to weathering in a way similar to the rock at plitude data for the geostatistical correlation analysis.
the present cliff face. Because 3-D GPR data volumes have a format similar
to that of 3-D seismic data, 3-D seismic interpretation
Velocity Model Building and Migration software provides a exible and efcient means for
The 3-D velocity model was obtained in two steps: display, attribute computation, and analysis of the
(1) obtaining vertical velocity proles at control points, 3-D GPR data. Figure 7 shows representative slices
and (2) spatially interpolating between these velocities through the 3-D GPR data volume, without and with
by kriging (Deutsch and Journel, 1998). interpretive labels.

Corbeanu et al. 1593

1594 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture
Geostatistical Analysis are grouped together and referred to as unit 2. Surfaces
A and B at the outcrop are also mapped together in
Figure 8A shows three orthogonal slices from the vario- the GPR data volume and referred to as surface A/B
gram volume of the GPR relative amplitudes from the (Figure 7). The contour maps with the depths of the
uppermost interpreted unit (unit 5 in Figure 7) of the four bounding surfaces that resulted from the inter-
migrated GPR volume. The azimuth, dip, and plunge pretation of the GPR volume are presented in Figure 9.
of the maximum correlation direction (the longest axes
of the ellipsoid) can be computed from the projections Fifth-Order Bounding Surface: A/B
onto the three orthogonal planes of the variogram vol-
ume (the red arrows in Figure 8A). The dip angles ex- The sharp erosional contact between the underlying
tracted from the variogram volumes for each unit were extensive, thick mudstone and the overlying 12 m
also compared with the dip of GPR reections from thick sandstone is interpreted as a fth-order bounding
the migrated GPR volume. The resulting parameters surface that separates the uvial ood-plain mudstone
for each unit are presented in Table 1. from the channel sandstone and is referred to as A/B
The experimental variograms were computed in outcrop and in the GPR interpretation (Figures 4,
along the maximum and minimum correlation direc- 7). The sandstone above this surface and the mudstone
tions for each radar facies identied in the GPR volume below it have very different electrical properties so that
(units 2 to 5). Satisfactory tting of the experimental the GPR reection at the boundary should be strong
variograms commonly requires use of nested struc- and continuous. Surface A/B is dened locally by mud-
tures containing a linear combination of two basic stone intraclast conglomerate and small-scale scour-
models, rather than a single model (Isaaks and Srivas- and-ll relief. The mudstone intraclast conglomerate
tava, 1989). Each model in the nested structure pro- and associated siltstone deposits have average electrical
vides different contributions to the nal composite properties between the sandstone and mudstone end
model. The tting was done by iterative manual trials members, causing the A/B surface to be less sharply
until the best nested structure tting was obtained. Fig- dened by the radar signal. Depending on the thickness
ure 8B shows an example of an experimental vario- and complexity of the transition zone, surface A/B
gram and the nested model tted to it, from the upper- produces locally dispersed reections with reduced
most unit of the GPR volume. The results from amplitudes analogous to the transition that occurs at a
modeling the experimental variograms in each unit are water table (Annan et al., 1991).
also given in Table 1 and are interpreted in the follow- Tracking the continuous, strong GPR reection
ing section. (the dashed red line on the interpreted prole in
the lower panel of Figure 7, which correlates with the
A/B surface in wells A, C, and D) toward the northern
INTEGRATED INTERPRETATION OF part of the survey, there is an apparent mistie around
SEDIMENTOLOGIC AND GPR DATA well B. The strong GPR event correlates with the mud-
stone intraclast conglomerate layer (B) at about 14 m
Five architectural elements are identied in the out- in well B, rather than with the A surface (top of ood-
crop at Coyote basin and referred to as units 1 to 5 in plain mudstone). Around well B and measured section
ascending stratigraphic order. Five bounding surfaces CB1, surfaces A and B delineate a local scour-and-ll
separate these units and are referred to as surfaces A element, which in outcrop was originally interpreted
to E, also in ascending order (Figure 4). The same units as unit 1 (Figure 4) and in the GPR interpretation lay
and bounding surfaces are mapped in the GPR between the two red lines (A and B in Figures 7,
migrated-data volume, except for units 1 and 2, which 10A). The presence of the conglomerate obscures the

Figure 6. Input and output of the synthetic radargram modeling at well A. Panel (A) shows details 1 m from the core emphasizing
the correlation between lithology and permeability. Panel (B) shows the lithofacies model and the permeability prole on which the
synthetic radargram was built, together with the interval velocity prole resulting from the radargram modeling. Panel (C) contains
the synthetic radargram for well A (in the middle) and ve traces from the 3-D GPR volume adjacent to well A (on either side). E and
A/B are two major bounding surfaces interpreted in outcrop and boreholes and identied using GPR reections in time proles. These
two surfaces provide ties that control the average velocity facies from which velocity correlation functions were obtained.

Corbeanu et al. 1595

Well A Well C Well D Well B
0 0
2 2 amplitude
Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

Depth (m) 4 4
6 6

Depth (m)
8 8

10 10
12 12 6.66

14 14
16 16

Well A Well C Well D Well B

0 0
2 2

4 Unit 5 4
E -6.66

Depth (m)
Depth (m)

6 6
Unit 4
8 D 8
10 Unit 3 10
12 Unit 2 12
14 14 -13.1
A x 1000
16 16

10 meters
Figure 7. Uninterpreted (upper panel) and interpreted (lower panel) GPR proles from the migrated 3-D 100 MHz volume, connecting wells A, C, D, and B. Lithologic columns
and permeability proles from each well are shown for correlation with the GPR reectors. Colored lines in the lower panel show the interpreted bounding surfaces (A/B to E);
red arrows below interpreted surfaces C to E show the truncation of the GPR reections against the third- and fourth-order erosional surfaces. The dashed rectangle in the lower
right corner shows the location of the area analyzed using instantaneous frequency in Figure 9. The dashed red line marks the continuous, strong GPR event tracked from wells
A, C, and D, which correlates with the top of unit 1 (surface B) and obscures below the reection corresponding to the upper bounding surface of the ood-plain mudstone
(surface A). The black arrow in the upper panel marks the reduced amplitude reection correlated with surface A.

N 1.20
0.0 (XZ)
-0.2 0.80
3.0 N 0.40
2.0 (YZ)

1.0 0.00
0.0 3.0
Y 2.0
-1.0 1.0
-2.0 -1.0
-2.0 X
-3.0 -4.0 -3.0

Nested structure = spherical + exponential Nested structure = gaussian + exponential





direction of maximum correlation direction of minimum correlation

hmax = 5.75 m hmin = 3.4 m
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0
h (m) h (m)
Figure 8. Example of variogram analysis in unit 5. (A) three orthogonal slices through the center of symmetry of the variogram
volume displaying the variogram values computed along all directions and for all available separation lags. The direction of the
maximum correlation of the GPR amplitudes projects on the three slices along the longest axis of the central dark blue ellipses (red
arrows) dened by the lowest values of c as a function of the separation vector (blue colors on the color bar). These projections
indicate the azimuth, dip, and plunge of the direction of maximum correlation. Azimuth is measured in the horizontal symmetry plane
clockwise from the y axis; dip and plunge are measured in the vertical symmetry planes clockwise toward the z axis (Deutsch and
Journel, 1998). The parameters inferred from the variogram volume analysis are given in Table 1. (B) Experimental variograms along
directions of maximum and minimum correlation of the GPR amplitudes in the uppermost unit interpreted in the GPR volume. The
red squares are data points of the experimental variograms, whereas the green continuous lines are the nested model tted to each
variogram; the results of the variogram analysis are presented in Table 1. For denitions of symbols used in the gure see equation
1 in the text.

Corbeanu et al. 1597

Table 1. Semivariogram Analysis: Parameters and Results

Unit Facies Correlation Direction* Model Range Nugget Sill Anisotropy Factor

Unit 5 Trough cross-bed Maximum Azimuth 90 Spherical exponential 5.75 0.0 0.70
Dip 7 15.00 0.0 0.35
Minimum Azimuth 0 Gaussian exponential 3.40 0.0 0.80
Dip 0 8.00 0.0 0.30
Unit 4 Scour and ll Maximum Azimuth 90 Gaussian exponential 5.00 0.0 0.70
Dip 0 12.50 0.0 0.30
Minimum Azimuth 0 Gaussian exponential 3.00 0.0 0.65
Dip 0 10.00 0.0 0.45
Unit 3 Scour and ll Maximum Azimuth 90 Gaussian exponential 4.00 0.0 0.70
Dip 0 15.00 0.0 0.35
Minimum Azimuth 0 Gaussian exponential 3.00 0.0 0.65
Dip 0 8.00 0.0 0.32
Unit 2 Scour and ll Maximum Azimuth 90 Gaussian exponential 4.20 0.0 0.65
Dip 0 15.00 0.0 0.35
Minimum Azimuth 0 Gaussian exponential 4.00 0.0 0.80
Dip 0 10.00 0.0 0.40
*By convention the azimuth is measured clockwise from the y axis, whereas dip is measured clockwise toward the z axis (Deutsch and Journel, 1998).

GPR reection from surface A, and where unit 1 unit 1 pinches out or is thinner than the vertical reso-
pinches out against surface A and becomes thinner lution and is no longer resolved by the 100 MHz GPR
than one-quarter of the wavelength, differentiating be- data.
tween the two surfaces A and B becomes more difcult The contour map with the depths of surface A/B
because of tuning effects. Displaying radar data with (Figure 9) shows a general dip of the surface toward
other attributes, such as instantaneous frequency, clar- the northwest and an erosional depression in the north-
ies the position of the A/B surface at well B and ern part of the survey, more accentuated around well
throughout the northern part of the survey. The in- B where the scour-and-ll element 1 has its maximum
stantaneous frequency attribute is the time derivative thickness.
of the instantaneous phase and represents a measure of
the frequency of the waveform at every sample. Lateral Fine-Grained, Parallel-Laminated Sandstone Facies
heterogeneity, including pinch-outs or abrupt changes Association: Units 1 to 4
in lithofacies, tends to change the instantaneous fre-
quency more rapidly. If this is the case, then the GPR Sedimentologic Description
reection of surface A/B around well B is not a mistie Units 1 to 4 cover approximately the lower 7 m of
but the product of a composite reection due to abrupt the channel complex and consist of ne-grained len-
lateral changes in facies not resolved by the 100 MHz ticular sandstone bodies that pinch out over distances
GPR. Figure 10 shows a comparison of the instanta- of several tens of meters parallel to the cliff face (Fig-
neous frequency attribute for the GPR data in two pro- ure 4). Internally, these architectural elements consist
les, one running through well B (see also Figure 7) of low-angle, parallel-laminated, ne-grained sand-
and the other located farther eastward, nearer the cliff stone that scour into underlying, similar parallel-
face. The dashed line in Figure 10A delineates the laminated sandstone. The base of each of unit (1 to
strong continuous GPR event B (interpreted on the 4) is erosional and commonly has mudstone intraclast
relative amplitude display in Figure 7 as corresponding conglomerate along the basal scour. Locally, the ero-
to the mudstone intraclast conglomerate at 14 m depth sional scours can have a steep cut relief of almost 1
in well B), and the attenuated reection from the top m lled with mudstone intraclast conglomerate (see
bounding surface of ood-plain mudstone is shown by Figure 4 near section CB1 at depths of 9 and 12 m)
solid line A. In Figure 10B, the two GPR events cor- resulting in abrupt lateral changes in thickness of
responding to surfaces A and B become coincident, as conglomerate layers. The upper part of units 1 to 4

1598 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

Corbeanu et al.

Figure 9. Depth contour maps of the four surfaces (A/B to E) that bound the major architectural elements in the uvial sandstone at Coyote basin; depths are in meters, and
the depth contour increment is 0.25 m. These contours maps are generated from the 100 MHz migrated GPR data and are relative to the GPR horizontal datum. A to D are
locations of the wells inside the GPR grid. Notice the abrupt erosional depression around well B on surface A/B, the relatively at character of surfaces C and D, and the erosional
scour oriented parallel with the paleoow on surface E.

7.5 7.5

10.0 10.0

Depth (m)
Depth (m)

12.5 12.5

Instantaneous Frequency (MHz)

15.0 15.0 111.00

17.5 17.5
20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
(B) X (m)
7.5 7.5


10.0 10.0

Depth (m)
Depth (m)

12.5 12.5

15.0 15.0

17.5 17.5
20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
X (m)
Figure 10. Instantaneous frequency displays of the northern half and lower 10 m of two GPR proles. (A) The GPR prole through
well B at y 12.0 m; (B) the prole at y 7.0 m. The continuous line in (A) is the interpretation of the A/B surface revealed as
a composite reection due to the gradational character of the contact; the dashed line marks the continuous GPR reector, which is
interpreted as the top of unit 1 (see also Figure 6). In panel (B) the two continuous lines show complete coincidence as apparently
unit 1 is pinched out or thins beyond the vertical resolution of the GPR data.

are capped by mudstone layers, generally 510 cm sion about the mean value is observed in units 2 and
thick, which are also laterally discontinuous because 3 (see Figures 4, 7; Table 2).
of truncation by the overlying unit (Figure 4). Per- Units 1 to 4 are interpreted as scour-and-ll ele-
meabilities measured in units 1 to 4 are on the order ments deposited during ood events within a uvial
of tens of millidarcys with very low values (a few channel. Because units 1 to 4 are covered beyond the
millidarcys) in the mudstone and mudstone intraclast extent of the 45 m survey area, the larger-scale sedi-
conglomerate intervals. The lowest average perme- mentologic architecture is not revealed in outcrop for
ability is measured in unit 4, but the highest disper- the lower part of the channel complex.

1600 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

Table 2. Characterization of Major Units of Fluvial Channel by Means of Lithofacies, Permeability Values, and Range, and the
Corresponding Radar Facies

Units Sedimentologic Description Permeability Statistics Radar Facies

~ 1 to 270 md

Medium- to large-scale, trough cross-

Unit 5
bedded, medium-grained sandstone

Mean ~50 md
Std ~40 md

~ 1 to 80 md
Unit 4

Mean ~20 md
Low-angle, parallel-laminated, Std ~10 md

fine-grained lenticular sandstone ~ 1 to 90 md

capped by mudstone layers and
Unit 3
with mudstone intraclast Mean ~30 md
Std ~13 md
conglomerates on the basal scours

~ 1 to 80 md
Unit 2

Mean ~30 md
Std ~15 md

GPR Interpretation structural dip, and have limited erosional relief (Fig-
GPR reections in approximately the lower 7 m of ure 9).
the data volume correlate well with second-order A cube view of the 3-D GPR data shows, on a
bounding surfaces between sandstone layers and horizontal amplitude slice cut at constant depth
mudstone or mudstone intraclast conglomerate lay- through unit 3 (Figure 11), high-amplitude zones
ers because these correspond to a signicant change correlated with mudstone and mudstone intraclast
in electrical properties between the three lithologies. conglomerate layers striking approximately north-
The irregularity in thickness and shape of these south and dipping slightly toward the east.
mudstone and conglomerate layers is evident in the The mudstone and conglomerate layers inside
GPR images as discontinuous, irregular reections units 2 to 4 could affect uid ow if these layers
(Figures 7, 11). Many layers that are signicantly are continuous. Commonly, the mudstone and con-
thinner than 0.5 m are not resolved using the 100 glomerate layers are laterally discontinuous in out-
MHz GPR data (see Figure 7 at 10.5 m depth crop, and GPR reectors display the same pattern.
around wells C and D). The GPR radar facies identied in units 2 to 4 con-
Third-order bounding surfaces C and D, inter- tain subparallel, discontinuous GPR reections (Fig-
preted in the GPR proles, are continuous surfaces ures 7, 11; Table 1). Units 2 to 4 are characterized
dened by downlap or truncation of second-order by generally similar radar facies in terms of conti-
reections above and below the third-order surfaces, nuity and conguration of reections, with more dis-
respectively (Figures 7, 11). Both surfaces C and D continuous GPR reections in units 2 and 3 related
dip gently toward the north, following the regional to higher variability in permeability values (Table 2).

Corbeanu et al. 1601

Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

Depth (m)


10.0 Uni 0.5

A/B 0.0
it 4

10.0 Uni
20.0 15.0
X (m) Unit
5.0 Y (m)

Figure 11. Cube display of the 3-D GPR data, made of two lines at y 1.5 m and y 10.5 m, two crosslines at x 18 m and x 40 m, and two horizontal slices at z
4 m and z 9.5 m. The x and y axes coincide with the long and short axes of the GPR grid (Figure 3). Red, blue, orange, and green labels on the left side of the cube mark
the interpreted A/B, C, D, and E bounding surfaces, respectively. Inside the vertical GPR proles, the purple arrows mark downlap, onlap, and truncation of the GPR reections
against the major bounding surfaces. The relation between high-GPR-amplitude zones on the horizontal slice and the inclined reections on the vertical proles in unit 5 is
illustrated using thin black lines portraying the climbing cross-beds in the vertical plane and their shape on the surface. In unit 5, the black arrows show paleoow direction, and
in unit 3 they show the dip direction of the mudstone and mudstone intraclast conglomerate layers.
Geostatistical Interpretation complex) consists exclusively of medium- to large-
To quantify the lateral extent of mudstone and con- scale, trough cross-bedded, medium-grained sandstone
glomerate layers, from the continuity of the corre- (Figure 4). Permeabilities in unit 5 are in the range of
sponding GPR reections, experimental variograms are few hundreds of millidarcys with high dispersion about
computed for each unit from the GPR relative ampli- the mean (Table 2).
tude data, along both maximum and minimum corre- This trough cross-bedded unit is lenticular in ge-
lation directions. The maximum correlation directions ometry with a relatively at (erosional) base and a con-
of the GPR amplitude data coincide with the long side vex upper surface (Figure 5). The base of unit 5 is de-
of the GPR grid in all units (Table 1). The data in the ned by surface E both in outcrop (Figure 4) and in
experimental variogram are tted with a nested struc- the interpreted GPR volume (Figures 7, 11). Unit 5
ture composed of two basic models: Gaussian and has been mapped outside the GPR survey area and ex-
exponential. tends about 640 m to the south in a downcurrent di-
The correlation lengths (or ranges) of the Gaussian rection before pinching out (Figures 3, 5). The up-
contribution range from 4 to 5 m in the maximum current (northward) extent of unit 5 is not determined
correlation direction and from 3 to 4 m in the mini- because of the lack of a cliff face exposure, but the unit
mum correlation direction (Table 1). These correlation is present at least 30 m outside the 3-D GPR grid,
lengths are interpreted as characterizing the lateral based on information from a 2-D GPR prole extend-
continuity of the mudstone or mudstone intraclast con- ing toward the north beyond the 3-D grid. Trough
glomerate layers with thicknesses comparable to ver- cross-beds in the upcurrent position are clearly climb-
tical resolution of the GPR (0.5 m), and enveloped ing, with rst-order coset bounding surfaces truncating
by second-order bounding surfaces, inside each unit. against the fourth-order E surface in an upcurrent di-
The anisotropy factors of these short-wavelength struc- rection (Figures 4, 5). In the downcurrent part of unit
tures are 0.95, 0.75, and 0.6, respectively, for units 2, 5, south of the survey area, trough cross-bed coset sur-
3, and 4. These anisotropies imply that mudstone and faces truncate against the lower E surface in the down-
mudstone intraclast conglomerate inside the channel current direction (Figure 5). The thickness of the
lls have more elongated shapes toward the upper part trough cross-beds in the lower half of unit 5 is 1030
of the channel (unit 4) and more isometric shapes at cm, with a signicant proportion of the cross-beds be-
the base of the channel (unit 2), but all have a maxi- ing preserved. In the upper half of unit 5, trough cross-
mum lateral extent of 5 m. These results compare fairly bed sets tend to be less than 10 cm thick (Figure 4).
well with the facies map at the cliff face, especially the The smaller cross-bed sets are either a result of smaller
mudstone intraclast conglomerates in units 2 and 3. original bedforms on the upper bar surface or due to
Where making direct comparisons of the mudstone scouring by overlying cross-beds (Figure 4).
and mudstone intraclast conglomerate layers with the On the upper surface of the survey site, trough
GPR reections, one should consider the limitation of cross-beds are up to 1.5 m wide and extend in a down-
the 100 MHz GPR data on resolving features signi- current direction for a distance of up to 7 m (Figure
cantly thinner than about 0.5 m. Sometimes mudstone 3). Along the cliff face, similar lateral extents of several
layers are interpreted in the outcrop to be laterally con- meters are seen for individual cross-bed sets (Figures
tinuous over more than 10 m (e.g., at the base of unit 4, 12). The paleocurrent measurements from the up-
4 and the top of unit 2 in the southern part of the per surface of unit 5 (Figure 5) show a more east-
outcrop in Figure 4) but are relatively thin and irregular southeastern (115 to 150 azimuth) paleoow for the
in thickness and may not be well resolved by the GPR distributary channels at Coyote basin than the general
reections. These layers are described by longer cor- east-northeastern (075 azimuth) progradational direc-
relation lengths (the exponential model in the nested tion of delta lobes forming parasequence set 3 (Garri-
structure), but they have a smaller contribution to the son et al., 1997). This change in ow may be due to
combined model (Table 1). active bifurcation as the main distributary channels ap-
proach the coastline.
Medium-Grained Trough Cross-Bedded Sandstone Facies Unit 5 is interpreted as a channel barform. Coset
Association: Unit 5 boundaries outline the geometry of the upper surface
of the barform. The survey site at Coyote basin is in
Sedimentologic Description the upcurrent part of the barform on the northwestern
Unit 5 (the uppermost 4.55.5 m of the sandstone side of the channel bar based on dip orientations of

Corbeanu et al. 1603

Figure 12. Detailed outcrop map of trough cross-beds on two orthogonal outcrop faces in unit 5 immediately southeast of the GPR
survey area (Figure 3). The north-south panel shows the geometry of trough cross-beds parallel with ow direction, whereas the east-
west panel is perpendicular to ow. Heavy lines mark the coset bounding surfaces that are most likely resolved by GPR data; these
are compared in the text with the maximum correlation lengths from the geostatistical analysis.

cross-bed cosets seen both at the outcrop and in the ure 9). The orientation of this scour is also parallel with
GPR data (Figure 5). The upward climb of cross-bed the paleoow indicators at the site (Figure 5).
cosets in the upcurrent part of the barform implies that The internal conguration of radar facies inside
sedimentation rates were high and that bar accretion unit 5 along proles is generally parallel with the
occurred both in an upcurrent and a downcurrent di- paleoow (see the GPR section between wells D and
rection. More commonly, barforms tend to experience B in Figure 7 and the north-south faces of the data
erosion in an upcurrent direction and bar growth in a cube in Figure 11) and show continuous, slightly
downcurrent direction (Bridge, 1986; Miall and oblique reections (Table 2). These reections are in-
Turner-Peterson, 1989). In these last instances, rst- terpreted as rst-order bounding surfaces inside unit
order cosets truncate against the upper surface of bar- 5. A horizontal amplitude slice cut at a constant depth
forms (i.e., fourth-order bounding surfaces) in an up- of 4 m through unit 5 (the uppermost face of the GPR
current direction. cube in Figure 11) shows high-amplitude zones cor-
relating with rst-order cross-bed cosets striking
GPR Interpretation northeast-southwest, perpendicular to the ow direc-
The base of unit 5 is a fourth-order bounding surface tion as measured from the trough cross-beds at the
(E) separating a medium-grained trough cross-bedded surface. These high-amplitude zones are a result of the
sandstone with high permeabilities (hundreds of mil- intersection between the horizontal slice and the up-
lidarcys) from underlying ne-grained, parallel- to ward climb of trough cross-bed cosets to the southeast
slightly obliquely laminated sandstone with low per- (Figure 11).
meabilities. Locally, discontinuous mudstone intraclast Migrated 200 MHz GPR data are useful for inter-
conglomerate lies immediately above surface E (Figure preting detailed sedimentologic structures of about 0.3
4). On GPR proles, surface E is dened by a change m thickness inside unit 5. The GPR prole transverse
of geometry from baselapping reections above to to the paleoow direction at the position x 31.5 m
truncated reections below the surface, rather than a (Figure 3) from the 200 MHz migrated GPR data
single continuous reection (Figures 7, 11). This pat- shows cross-bed cosets of medium scale interpreted in
tern in the GPR data is consistent with the truncation the lower part of unit 5 (Figure 13). Upwardly concave
relationships between bounding surfaces seen at the discontinuous reectors truncate against adjacent or
outcrop. Based on interpretation of the GPR data, the overlying reectors, thus mimicking the geometries
geometry of surface E has an erosional scour oriented seen in the nested trough cross-beds in the facies map.
approximately north-south, with a northward dip (Fig- The GPR reections in areas with thin trough cross-

1604 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

beds outline cosets of several such cross-beds rather The 100 MHz data are a good compromise be-
than individual trough bed sets. These reections are tween vertical resolution (0.5 m) and depth of pene-
the GPR expression of the rst-order bounding tration (15 m) for the scale and detail studied at the
surfaces. outcrop. The 200 MHz GPR data have a better vertical
resolution (0.3 m) but are not useful at depths
Geostatistical Interpretation greater than 910 m where the signal is strongly atten-
To quantify the lateral extent of cosets of trough cross- uated. The bulk of our interpretation was carried out
beds bounded by rst-order surfaces, experimental on migrated 100 MHz GPR data, and only our inter-
variograms were computed along both the maximum pretation of the upper 5 m of the stratigraphic succes-
and minimum correlation direction on GPR relative sion used information from the migrated 200 MHz
amplitude data. The maximum correlation direction of GPR 3-D images.
the GPR amplitudes corresponds to the long side of To effectively integrate geologic and GPR data,
the GPR grid. The data in the experimental variograms 3-D migration of the GPR data from the time do-
were tted with a nested structure composed of two main into the depth domain was essential. A good
basic models (spherical/Gaussian and exponential) depth migration was obtained only after constructing
(Table 1). a detailed velocity model containing both vertical
In the maximum correlation direction, the shorter and lateral changes in electrical properties of the
range (corresponding to the spherical model from the rock volume surveyed. Synthetic radargrams were
nested structure tted to the experimental variogram) generated to estimate vertical velocity proles and
is 5.75 m and represents the main contribution to the to correlate key GPR reections in the time domain
combined model (Table 1). This correlation length is to geologic boundaries in the depth domain. Kriging
in good agreement with the length of trough cross-bed was used to interpolate the lateral distribution of the
sets measured at the outcrop of up to 7 m. In the min- velocity.
imum correlation direction, the range of 3.4 m (Table To identify and separate architectural elements
1) is almost twice the maximum width of the trough and bounding surfaces in outcrop and well cores, the
cross-bed sets measured in outcrop (up to 1.5 m). The sixfold hierarchy of bounding surfaces developed by
100 MHz GPR data have a horizontal spacing between Miall (1985) was used together with techniques for
traces of about 0.5 m, so laterally and vertically stacked interpreting stratigraphic sequences from seismic data.
cross-bed cosets with dimensions less than a meter or Five architectural elements, referred to as units 1
so are not resolved, and a direct comparison with in- through 5 in ascending stratigraphic order, and their
dividual sets is no longer possible (Figure 12). bounding surfaces, referred to as surfaces A through
The longer correlation lengths resulting from the E, were correlated in outcrop and well cores. Units 1
nested structure tted to the experimental variograms through 4 are scour-and-ll elements deposited during
are 15 and 8 m, respectively, for the spherical and ood events within a uvial channel, and unit 5 is a
Gaussian models (Table 1); these correlation lengths channel barform accreting in both upcurrent and
have a smaller contribution to the combined nested downcurrent directions. The same architectural ele-
model and are interpreted as probably the net result of ments and bounding surfaces were interpreted in the
the lateral and vertical stacking of some of the cross- migrated GPR data.
bed sets. Radar facies characteristic to each element were
interpreted based on the internal conguration and
continuity of reections as well as reection termi-
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION nation patterns against higher-order bounding sur-
faces. First- and second-order surfaces generally cor-
The 3-D GPR data are used together with detailed sed- relate directly with the GPR reections. Where the
imentologic and stratigraphic information to analyze contact between two elements is gradational rather
the detailed 3-D architecture of a uvial channel res- than sharp, the GPR expression is a composite reec-
ervoir analog in the Ferron Sandstone beneath a surface tion that can be resolved using information from ad-
area of 40 16.5 m, at Coyote basin in east-central ditional attributes such as instantaneous frequency.
Utah. The uvial channel at Coyote basin belongs to Abrupt lateral changes in lithofacies (e.g., unit 1
the seaward-stepping parasequence sets and is straight around well B in Figure 10) are effectively addressed
or slightly sinuous. through instantaneous frequency attribute analysis.

Corbeanu et al. 1605

Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

W Y (m) E W Y (m) E
16.5 0.0 16.5 0.0


Depth (m)




1 meter
8.0 1 meter
(B) (C)
Figure 13. Upper 7 m of the uninterpreted (A) and interpreted (B) versions of the migrated 200 MHz GPR prole, at x 31.5 m (Figure 3). Cross-bed sets and cosets can be
interpreted as upward-concave reections in the GPR data and are marked with continuous orange lines in (B). For comparison, (C) shows the cliff face map of trough cross-
beds from unit 5, perpendicular to ow as illustrated in Figure 12, for comparison. The sketch of trough cross-beds appears distorted because of a two-time vertical exaggeration
for direct comparison with the GPR proles. The dashed lines at the top of (A) and (B) represent the topographic surface.
Because of their high variability in thickness and 1998). This type of information will assist in better
lateral extent, ow barriers inside uvial reservoirs volumetric calculations and history matching for the
cannot be condently mapped in 100 MHz data sets larger, more-crude ow simulation models needed for
over large areas away from geologic control points. entire elds. In light of the efciency of GPR surveys
A quantitative description of the distribution of ow (modest costs and acquisition time), larger grids can be
barriers inside each unit is achieved by modeling employed in the future to extend the detailed inter-
3-D experimental variograms of GPR amplitude. pretation presented herein to larger volumes approach-
The assumption is that GPR amplitude is an indirect ing the scale of the interwell spacing in actual hydro-
function of changes in permeability and, ultimately, carbon reservoirs (Corbeanu et al., 2000).
of existence of ow barriers. Correlation lengths of
the nested model tted to variograms in unit 5 are
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1608 Ferron Sandstone Internal Architecture

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