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Home Improvement Construction Works

(Naga City, Camarines Sur)


A.1 The Company


Mr. Roden A. Rojo. He is a BS-Political Science graduate of Ateneo de Naga Unversity and
took his Masters in Developmental Management (MDM) at the Asian Institute of
Management (AIM).

RZCDC is a corporation duly registered with the Scurities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in
January 20, 2016 under SEC Registration Number I0059 and with the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) with assigned Tax Identifiction Number (TIN) 107-127-924-000. Its principal
office is located at Door 3, Roco Apartment, Mabini Street, San Francisco Camarines Sur.

RZCDC's core business is into real estate brokerage operating since year 2000 under the
company name Quantum Realty & Development Corporation. To date RZCDC was able to
generate P368 million in sales and a client base of 355 accounts across four (4) subdivision
developments in Bicol.

A.2 The Market

The 80% of the demand for houses comprise of the middle class. These are mostly
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), Gornemnent and Private Employees and Micro and Small
Entrepreneurs. To meet the demand, developers designed affordable housing packages
ranging from P800,000.00 to P1,500,000. These are BARE TYPE houses that are sold to
as is leaving to the buyers the Improvements Construction Works (ICW) to make it livable.
As of date, in Naga City alone, there are 470 houses that requiring ICW.

A.3 Success Factors

20% or 94 of the buyers are of these houses are RZCDC clients so that the
possibility to be awarded ICW contracts is very high estimated at 90% equivalent
to 85 houses.
Most if not all subdivision developers in Naga City do not engage in small ICW
contracts so that buyers are constrained to hire directly construction workers in
the informal sector that have no professional trainings but gained the skills thru
actual work experience
RZCDC constuction teams are composed of workers with profeciency training
certificates from TESDA, complemented with ample experience ranging from 3-10
years of being exposed to construction works.
Most direct-hire construction workers are engaged by the buyer under a lot
pakyaw or daily pay arrangements where more often adversely affect the
quality of work to the disadvantage of the latter.
RZCDC's workers are salaried monthly thereby ensuring quality of work.
A.3 Business Model

HICW contracts is offered under the following options:

OPTION 1: Homeowner pays 50% of the contract price, RZDC finances the remaining 50%
and implements the contract then buyer pays in full upon completion.
OPTION 2: Homeowner pays 30% of the contract price, balance thru bank/Pag-ibig
financing whereby proceeds are to be released to RZRCDC and implements
lthe contract.
OPTION 3: Homeowner pays 30% of the contract price, RZRCDC finances the balance,
implements the contract and homeowners pays RZRCDC in installment ranging
from 3 to 6 months after completion.

A.4 Strategic Partnership

RZRCDC have an established business relationship with major developers in the Bicol Region
thereby ensuring continued supply of HICW contracts. As regards to meeting manpower,
RZRCDC has forged a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sequera Institute of
Technology thereby ensuring a steady supply of skilled workers.


B.1 HICW Contract Packages

BASIC : Contract Price P395,000.00; Improvements include tile flooring,

kitchen extension with cabinets, tin/fiberglass sheet roofing,
cemented front, concrete hollow blocks fence and steel gate.
(Completed in 3 months)
MEDIUM: Contract Price P500,000.00; Improvements include tile flooring,
kitchen extension with cabinets, second floor (2) rooms division
concrete slab roofing, tiled frontage, concrete hollow blocks fence and
steel gate. (Completed in 5 months)
HIGH: Contract Price P600,000.00; Improvements include tile flooring,
kitchen extension with cabinets, second floor (2) rooms division,
concrete slab roofing, tiled frontage, concrete hollow blocks fence and
steel gate and other customization request but not to exceed
P100,000.00 materials and labor costs, if exceeds homeoners pays
additional amount as may be determined. (Completed in 6 months)

B.2 Investment Requirement

Initial investment requirement amount to P3.5 million broken down as follows:

Equipment and tools 500,000.00
4 HICW contracts 2,000,000.00
Contingencies 1,000,000.00
Total 3,000,000.00
B.3 Investmetn Terms

Hereunder are the proposed terms of the investment::

1. Interest at 20% per annum

2. Secured by Performance Bond
3. Option to roll-ver or withdraw
4. Other terms as may be agreed upon

Looking forward to a mutually beneficial business venture. Thank you.


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