Personal Statement

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Nowadays in modern life almost 70% depend on the engineering. It is always changing
in order to improve the quality of life and it is in particular which attract me to civil engineering. I
hope I able to combine all my knowledge regarding engineering especially in physics and
mathematics. These two subjects always be my favourite subject since I was in secondary
school and I hope I can work in an area which is both diverse and bring me excitement. I am
interested to the prospect of a job which enables me to shape the world around me for the
future and make a difference to peoples life. While I anticipate a challenging and demanding
career, I also expect it to be very rewarding especially when I can see projects I have worked on
being built from the start to completion.

Highway and Traffic are the subject at degree level that I enjoyed during my studies. Not
only I select these subject in order to pursue engineering at master level but also they continue
to be my strongest subject. My curiosity in the operation, design and dynamics of objects,
naturally influences my choice of master at University of Oxford, will bring me more to Civil
Engineering. I am particularly keen to study at the department of Civil Engineering in the
University of Oxford and interested to make a research about the new system of road and
highway as well improve it by using suitable pavements and use others alternative which less
cost and can support the bigger load relatively. Besides, it is because of the international
reputation of the department attracts such a variety of students from others countries and I
believe it will be stimulating environment in which to study at master level. Your university also
provided excellent working and recreation facilities such as each college have their own library
where I can easily make my research in suitable environment and easy to get references. The
University of Oxford also offered comfortable access by car or by bus and it only takes 5
minutes by using public transport to the city. Others facilities like gym an dsport activities as well
been provided there, hence I can spend my evening routine easily.

In 2014, I was selected among the Civil engineering students to participate the
competition which are not really related with my course but the basic of electrical engineering. I
learnt some basic during my matriculation level in 2012. Thefore, it encourage me to join the
group of 5 members where others are from electrical background. I enjoyed developing my
problem solving ability and adapting my knowledge to the new level and challenging situations
beyond my studies scope. The competition is involved many university in Malaysia and it is
about creating an innovation for the future generation. This enable me to experience a range of
disciplines such as Electrical and Mechanical Engineering while strengthening my teamwork,
organizational and ICT skills.

Throughtout my education I have participated in a range of initiatives and activities along

with holding many positions of responsibility such as representative, house captain,college
representative and coaching the schoolas a motivational facilititator. Communicating with people
with difference age and enable them to further their skills and their ideas are extremely
rewarding. Durin my matriculation studies, I act as a mentor and selected as a facilitator to
coach secondary student for maths and physic lesson. I also had been selected by my lecturer
as a Guru Kecil to guide and teach my friends in maths subject. These helped me to develop
into an imaginative and caring. I have also represented my class during my matriculation level in
Senamrobik competition and achieve 2nd place. Besides, I also represented my batch during the
Civil Games by playing netball. In addition, I also enter futsal competiton organized my College
Eleven and won the fourth place. My experiences developed my interpersonal skills and
provided me with an ambition to excel in everything that I do.

I strongly believe I have the qualities required to futher my studies as a university

students in Oxford and would cherish this opportunity to build my existing experience both
academicall and socially. I feel I would excel in Civil Engineering and look forward to the
prospect of a challenge, I see myself as an individual who would not only take from university
but also given by contributing to all aspects of university life. In a long run, I hope with the
requirement and qualifications that I have, I will be accepted to be oen of your master sudent. I
believe the moment I graduated from your university , I will return back to my country with proud
and develop the new road system in order to give benefit to Malaysia itself. I sure by developing
new system with less cost material but strong in foundation and pavement and economic
friendly will help to develop my country and improve the technology in designing the road and

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