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M-11 Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems

Exam no 1

1. A lead-acid battery is considered to be fully charged when the

a) SG reaches 1.180
* b) cells begin to gas freely
c) SG and voltage remain constant for specified period

2. The preferred method of battery charging a Ni-Cad battery is constant

a) voltage
* b) current
c) power

3. Wing spoilers, when used asymmetrically, are associated with

a) elevators
b) rudder
* c) ailerons

4. In an aircraft flying control system employing servo-tabs, the installation of external ground locks to the main control surface
a) is unnecessary since the system is irreversible and therefore the control surface cannot be displaced by the wind
* b) would not prevent movement of the control column
c) would also prevent movement of the control column

5. Air above Mach 0.7 is

* a) Compressible
b) incompressible
c) compressible only when above the speed of sound

6. Supersonic air passing through a divergent duct causes the

a) pressure to increase, velocity to increase
* b) pressure to decrease, velocity to increase
c) pressure to increase, velocity to decrease

7. An aircraft flying below the tropo-pause descends at a constant True Airspeed, its Mach. No. will
a) increase
* b) decrease
c) not change

8. Spongy brakes are usually a result of

* a) air in the system
b) internal leakage
c) external leakage

9. Over inflated tyres may cause damage to the

a) wheel hub
* b) wheel flange
c) brake drum

10. Blow-out panels are fitted to floors of pressurised aircraft to

a) provide access for pressurising the aircraft
b) relieve pressure if the maximum differential is exceeded
* c) provide venting should a differential pressure build up across the floor
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 23.
Question :2 The correct answer Is b CAIPs EEL/I - 5  Para 4.1
Question :3 The correct answer is c Pallett Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Page 51. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook
Page 1-1.2
Question :4 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Flight Barnard and Philpot, Second Edition Page 253 (first line)
Question :5 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Flight Barnard and Philpot, Second Edition Pagel23. Mechanics of Flight AC Kermode
10th Edition Page 355
Question :6 The correct answer Is b Speed of sound INCREASES with DECREASING altitude, so mach number will decrease.
Mechanics of Flight AC Kermode 10th Edition Page 340
Question ;7 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems 2nd Edition Page 111
Question :8 The correct answer Is a CAAIPs 5-8 Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-31
Question :9 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-32
Question :10 The correct answer Is c Example DCIO Cargo door disaster. Cargo compartment depressurised, cabin pressure caused
floor to collapse. Blow-out panels made compulsory thereafter
Exam no 2

1. If an aircraft is yawing to the left, where would you position the trim tab on the rudder?
* a) To the left
b) To the right
c) To the centre

2. If an aircraft is flying with a left wing low, where would you move the left aileron trim tab?
* a) Up
b) Down
c) Moving the aileron trim tab will not correct the situation

3. When a Leading edge flap is fully extended, what is the slot in the wing for?
a) To increase the lift
* b) To re-energise the boundary layer
c) To allow the flap to retract into it when it retracts

4. A purpose of a cut-out in a hydraulic system

a) is to limitless of fluid in the event of pipe fracture
b) is to prevent creep in jack operated services which have several selected positions
* c) is to relieve the pump of load when the operation of services is complete and the accumulator charged with fluid

5. Hydraulic pressure can be restored by

a) the use of a pressure/heat exchanger
* b) compressing the air charge in an accumulator
c) Compressing the fluid in a Reservoir

6. Auto pilot servo brake is energised

* a) to actuate off
b) at the same time as the clutch
c) to actuate on

7. Hand held mikes are not permissible on

* a) public transport aircraft
b) public transport or aerial work
c) private aircraft only

8. Track altitude in a radio altimeter system begins at

a) 10 000ft radio alt.
* b) 2 500ft radio alt.
c) 1 000ft radio alt.

9. A fuel cross-feed valve is usually in

a) the open position
* b) the closed position
c) its last position

10. Full time yaw damper system detects

a) only low frequencies
b) All frequencies.
* c) band pass frequencies.
now did you do'

Question : I The correct answer Is a Automatic flight control, Pallett, 4th Edition
Page 43
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Automatic flight control, Pallett, 4th Edition Page 43
Question :3 The correct answer Is b Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2nd Edition Page 50. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe
Textbook Page 1-32
Question :4 The correct answer Is c CAIPs AL/3-21 5.2
Question :5 The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-21 Para 7
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 142
Question :7 The correct answer Is a ANO Article 46 Para 5
Question :8 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 223
Question :9 The correct answer Is b Fuel cross feed valves must be closed for flight
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Pallett Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Page 222 on.
Exam no 3

1. What is the radio altimeter track altitude?

a) 500ft
* b) 2500 ft
c) 10000ft

2. Which category of hand mikes consider essential?

* a) Light aircraft
b) aerial work aircraft
c) Heavy passenger aircraft

3. Emergency frequency is
* a) 121.5 MHz
b) 123.5 MHz
c) 125.5 MHZ

4. Sliding coupling in fuel systems are used on

a) high pressure systems
b) Low pressure systems
* c) air or vapour systems

5. Cargo and baggage compartment fire detection and containment come under
a) Class B
b) Class C
* c) Class D

6. When a current transformer is disconnected what should be done?

* a) Terminals shorted
b) Resistor placed across terminals
c) Left open circuit

7. What does the differential sensing coil sense?

* a) Current
b) Volts
c) Power

8. 121.5 MHz is what frequency?

* a) VHF
b) ILS
c) VOR

9. 112.1 MHz is what frequency?

* a) VOR
b) ILS
c) VHF

10 . Where does the GCU gets its power?

* a) PMG
b) Battery
c) RAT
Question : I The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin p323-324
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a ANO Schedule 4 Scale N and Article 47, prohibit them on Transport Category aircraft. However, no
direct reference to them being 'essential' on light aircraft Is found.
Question :3 The correct answer Is a JAP OPS 1.320 or 1.350. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook-Page 12-25
Question :4 The correct answer Is c CAIPs AL/3-17 5. S. 3
Question :5 The correct answer Is a
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 61
Question :7 The correct answer Is a
Question :8 The correct answer Is a 118-137 MHz Is VHF frequency. Jeppesen A&P Technician
Airframe Textbook Page 12-13
Question :9 The correct answer is a 'ri2-113 MHz Is VOR frequency. Less than 112 MHz odd decimals are IL5. Jeppesen A&P
Technician Airframe Textbook Page 12-14
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 7-24. PMG Is main supply for GCU, batt back
up power for GCU
Exam no 4
1. Galley loads are wired in
a) series
* b) parallel so load shedding will lower current consumption
c) either series or parallel depending on the design

2. On a fibre glass aerial, what paint should be used?

a) Cellulose only
* b) Not cellulose
c) Polyurethane

3. A current limiter
a) limits current flow to a load
* b) opens a circuit after a time/current condition has been exceeded
c) can be used as a radio suppressor

4. When a load is shed from a busbar the

a) busbar voltage increases
* b) current consumption from the bar decreases
c) busbar voltage decreases

5. In unparalleled AC generation systems the phase rotation of one generator in relation to the others
* a) is unimportant
b) must be synchronised prior to paralleling
c) Must be BCA

6. In a multi-generator system, the generator which takes more than its reactive power share is protected by
a) over current and under current protection circuits
* b) over voltage and under voltage protection circuits
c) over excitation and under excitation protection circuits

7. Sharing of electrical loads by paralleled DC generators is controlled by

a) equalising circuits which control the speed of the generators
* b) equalising circuits which control the field excitation of the generators
c) automatic load shedding

8. Excessive commutator sparking can be caused by

a) brushes positioned on MNA
* b) weak spring tension
c) rotating field diode failure

9. Before checking the SG of a battery recently removed from an aircraft

* a) allow to stabilise for one hour
b) take the temperature of the electrolyte
c) carry out a capacity test

10. When painting a neoprene coated radio antenna

a) use cellulose paint
b) use a paint
* c) do not use cellulose paint
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is b All loads on-an aircraft are wired In parallel
Question ;2 The correct answer Is b CAIPs PL/2-2 S.I. 2
Question :3 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 112
Question :4 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, Page 241. Load

shedding reduces current consumption

Question :5 The correct answer Is a Phase relationship Is unimportant In an unparalleled system

(although answer b says It will be paralleled, thereby changing the question???)

Question :6 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 49
Question :7 The correct answer Is b Changing the speed would also change the frequency and thus The 'phase ' relationship, Generators
are always controlled by adjusting the field strength
Question :8 The correct answer Is b Weak spring tension of the brushes can cause excessive sparking
Question :9 The correct answer Is a CAIPs EEL/1-I
Question :10 The correct answer Is c CAIPsPL/2-2 S.I.2
Exam no 5

1. On an AC external power plug, the interlock circuit is controlled by pins

a) AB
b) CD
* c) EF

2. Over voltage protection circuits are activated

a) before the over voltage limit is exceeded
* b) dependent on the magnitude of the over voltage
c) after a fixed time delay

3. With respect to flight spoilers they

a) only operate on the ground
b) only operate in flight
* c) can operate both on the ground and in flight

4. Aircraft emergency escape slides are usually pressurised with

a) oxygen
* b) CO2
c) helium

5. As an aircraft descends from cruising altitude(34,000ft), the cabin altitude must

a) stay the same
= b) increase
c) decrease.

6. A refrigerant is used in which of the following?

a) Air cycle machine
b) Pneumatic pump
* c) Vapour cycle

7. With aircraft lights -which of the following is true?

a) Starboard light red, port light green, tail light Red
b) Starboard light red, port light green, tail light White
* c) Starboard light green, port light red, tail light white

8. An ECAM system is tested under the following conditions:-

a) Aircraft on the ground with one engine running
* b) Aircraft on the ground with parking brake set/on
c) Aircraft in the air with both engines running

9. With respect Differential Aileron Control, which of the following is true?

a) The up going Aileron moves through a smaller angle than the down going aileron
b) The up going and down going ailerons both deflect to the same angle
* c) The down going aileron moves through a smaller angle than the up going aileron

10. How many axis does the aircraft autopilot control?

a) Two
b) Three
= c) Four.
now did you do'
Question :1 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 72
Question ;2 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page -119
Question :3 The correct answer Is c Flight spoilers are used In flight and on the ground. However Ground spoilers can ONLY be used
on the ground. Jeppesen Transport Category Aircraft Systems Page 5-6. Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2m Edition Page 51 '
Question :4 The correct answer Is b All Inflatable emergency equipment are Inflated with CO2
Question :5 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-22. CAIPs AL/3-23
Question :6 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-34
Question :7 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft .Electrical Systems'3rd Edition Page'145
Question :8 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Page 391
Question :9 The correct answer Is c Mechanics of Flight, Kermode, Page 301. The down going aileron 'moves less. to reduce the
Induced drag which causes adverse aileron yaw.
Question :10 The correct answer Is b Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2nd Edition Page 81.

Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 12-36

This is exam number 6.

1. A diode connected across a coil will

a) prevent back EMF and allow faster switching
* b) suppress arching when relay is opening and closing
c) prevent the coil being fitted the wrong way

2. Which fault does not trip the GCR?

a) Under frequency and under volts
b) Over frequency and over volts
* c) Over frequency and under frequency

3. Differential protection in a generating system

a) detects voltage difference between source and load
* b) detects current difference between source and load
c) uses the volts coil to trip the GCR

4. Open phase sensing on a current transformer

a) is detected using all phases
b) is detected using any phase
= c) is detected on generator neutral circuit

5. Emergency floor lighting system is inoperative, then

* a) the aircraft is allowed to fly empty to a main base
b) the aircraft is not allowed to fly until repaired
c) the aircraft is allowed to fly in daylight conditions only

6. A white light must be

a) of five candela showing from starboard side through an angle of 110 degrees in the horizontal plain
b) of at least three candela showing through an angle of 110 degrees from dead astern in the horizontal plain
* c) of at least three candela showing through 70 degrees from dead astern to each side in the horizontal plain

7. If battery is switched off in flight the

* a) battery is disconnected from bus
b) generator voltage falls to zero
c) captain's instruments will be powered from the standby bus

8. To flash a generator field

* a) generator must be stationary
b) rotate but not on line
c) on line and producing a voltage less than the flashing voltage

9. A hydraulic motor generators voltage and current is controlled by

a) the swash plate
b) the constant speed drive
= c) the voltage regulator

10. The ground interlock pins are numbered

a) A and B
b) C and N
* c) E and F
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is b The diode Is being used as a fast capacitor to absorb the Inductive sparking when the relay opens
Question :2 The correct answer Is c This Is a terrible question. A and b are both wrong because under and over voltage will both trip the
relay. On some aircraft, under frequency will NOT trip the relay, so c Is the least Incorrect'
Question :3 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 121
Question :4 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 121
Question :5 The correct answer Is a 'Can fly without passengers In accordance with the MEL. No reference found
Question :6 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 145
Question :7 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 4
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 4
Question :9 The correct answer Is a HMG controls frequency by-varying angle of swash plate
Question :10 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 72
Exam no 7

1. A nose down change of trim (tuck under) occurs due to shock induced on
a) tip stall on a straight wing aircraft
b) tip stall on a delta wing aircraft
* c) root stall on a delta wing aircraft

2. Zone 320 under the ATA system is

* a) vertical stabiliser
b) central fuselage
c) horizontal stabiliser

3. When doing a bonding check the maximum resistance between component and the master earthing point is
a) O.OO5 ohms
b) 1/50 ohms
* c) 500 milliohms

4. Which instrument are most likely to damage if you have a rapid drop in pressure, when carrying out a pilot static leak check?
* a) Altimeter
b) Air speed indicator
c) vertical speed indicator

5. The aeroplane fin is of symmetrical aerofoil section and will therefore provide a side-load
a) only when the rudder is moved
= b) if a suitable angle of attack develops due either yaw or rudder movement
c) only if a suitable angle of attack develops due to yaw

6. An aircraft left wing is flying low. The aileron trimmer control to the left aileron trim tab in the cockpit would be
* a) moved up causing the left aileron to move down
b) moved up causing the left aileron to move up
c) moved down causing the left aileron to move down

7. The bearing used in a fibre pulley is

a) a roller bearing
b) a plain bearing
* c) a ball bearing

8. The real time on a CMC is when

* a) existing faults page is selected on the CDU
b) ground test page is selected on the CDU
c) fault history page is selected on the CDU

9. The signal line between the controller and discharge valve is leaking. This will cause
a) the cabin pressure to decrease
* b) the cabin pressure to increase
c) it will not effect on cabin pressure

10. A spill valve opens

a) to control the air from the cabin to outside
= b) to control the flow to the cabin
c) to prevent an excessive pressure difference
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is c Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2nd Edition Page 45
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Kroe^/Wathln^/Delp Page 22
Question :3 The correct answer is c CMPs EEL/1-6-3. S-'
Question :4 The correct answer Is a Altimeter Is most sensitive to rapid pressure changes
Question :5 The correct answer Is a, A symmetrical aerofoil at zero degrees AOA provider no lift
Question. :6 The correct answer Is a Down aileron required - which requires up trim
Question :7 The correct answer Is c Ball bearings are used In fibre pulleys
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition)Eismin Page 271
Question :9 The correct answer Is b The discharge valve Is opened by vacuum In the signal line. If line leaks , valve will close, and
cabin pressure will Increase. Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician Textbook Page 14-22
Question :10 The correct answer Is a 'Safety Valves' CAIPS AL/3-23 .
Exam no 7

1. A nose down change of trim (tuck under) occurs due to shock induced on
a) tip stall on a straight wing aircraft
b) tip stall on a delta wing aircraft
* c) root stall on a delta wing aircraft

2. Zone 320 under the ATA system is

* a) vertical stabiliser
b) central fuselage
c) horizontal stabiliser

3. When doing a bonding check the maximum resistance between component and earth is
a) O.OO5 ohms
b) 1/50 ohms
* c) 50 milliohms

4. Which instrument are most likely to damage if you have a rapid drop in pressure, when carrying out a pilot static leak check?
* a) Altimeter
b) Air speed indicator
c) vertical speed indicator

5. The aeroplane fin is of symmetrical aerofoil section and will therefore provide a side-load
* a) only when the rudder is moved
= b) if a suitable angle of attack develops due either yaw or rudder movement
c) only if a suitable angle of attack develops due to yaw

6. An aircraft left wing is flying low. The aileron trimmer control to the left aileron trim tab in the cockpit would be
* a) moved up causing the left aileron to move down
b) moved up causing the left aileron to move up
c) moved down causing the left aileron to move down

7. The bearing used in a fibre pulley is

a) a roller bearing
b) a plain bearing
* c) a ball bearing

8. The real time on a CMC is when

* a) existing faults page is selected on the CDU
b) ground test page is selected on the CDU
c) fault history page is selected on the CDU

9. The signal line between the controller and discharge valve is leaking. This will cause
a) the cabin pressure to decrease
* b) the cabin pressure to increase
c) it will not effect on cabin pressure

10. A spill valve opens

* a) to control the air from the cabin to outside
= b) to control the flow to the cabin
c) to prevent an excessive pressure difference
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is c Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2nd Edition Page 45
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Kroe^/Wathln^/Delp Page 22
Question :3 The correct answer is c CMPs EEL/1-6-3. S-'
Question :4 The correct answer Is 'a Altimeter Is most sensitive to rapid pressure changes
Question :5 The correct answer Is a A symmetrical aerofoil at zero degrees AOA provider no lift
Question. :6 The correct answer Is a Down aileron required - which requires up trim
Question :7 The correct answer Is c Ball bearings are used In fibre pulleys
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Eismin Page 271
Question :9 The correct answer Is b The discharge valve Is opened by vacuum In the signal line. If line leaks , valve will close, and
cabin pressure will Increase. Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician Textbook Page 14-22
Question :10 The correct answer Is a 'Safety Valves' Claps AL/3-23 .
This is exam number 8.

1. An aircraft aerofoil is exposed to supersonic flow. The boundary layer

* a) is subsonic
b) increases in depth
c) is supersonic

2. A brake debooster valve is provided for

a) decreasing the pressure and slowly releasing the brakes
= b) applying brake pressure slowly and releasing the brakes quickly
c) increasing the pressure and applying the brakes rapidly

3. Asymmetrical aerofoil is accelerating through Mach 1 with an angle of attack of 0. A shock wave will form
a) on the upper surface only and moving aft
b) on the upper and lower surface and will move aft until the point of maximum camber
= c) on the upper and lower surface and will move aft

4. One of the inputs in a CMC is autopilot controls. The data will be stored in
a) volatile memory
* b) non-volatile memory
c) erased only after end of sector

5. The runway heading is

a) QDH
b) QDR
* c) ??

6. A spar web will take load in

* a) shear
b) tension
c) bending

7. What kind of seal are used on firewall bulkheads?

a) soft rubber
* b) fire-proof grommets
c) None required

8. A fuel cross-feed valve is powered from

a) AC busbar
b) the battery
* c) DC busbar

9. A fuel cross-feed valve is lubricated

* a) by the fuel
b) by internal cooling
c) by air

10. A cabin altitude is protected against reaching an altitude of 13 000ft by

a) bellows in the outflow valve
= b) altitude sensor
* c) cabin overpressure relief valve
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is a
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Kroes/Watklns/Delp Page 359
Question :3 The correct answer Is b
Question :4 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Eismin Page 271
Question :5 The correct answer Is c Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2nd Edition Page 173
Question :6 The correct answer Is a The spar as a whole, takes bending and shear. The bending Is taken by the booms (as compression-
top and tension - bottom) and the web takes the shear. (Sometimes called a 'shear' web).
Question :7 The correct answer Is b
Question :8 The correct answer Is c
Question :9 The correct answer Is a
Question :10 The correct answer Is c
This is exam number 9

1. How is damage to the nose cone of an aircraft prevented during a lightning strike?
* a) Bonded Strip
b) Earthing Strap
c) Special paint

2. ILS marker beacon lights are

a) green, blue, amber
* b) blue, amber, white
c) blue, white, green

3. 111.1 MHz is
* a) an ILS frequency
b) a VOR frequency
c) a HF frequency

4. An autopilot PFCU servo brake is

a) energised on
* b) energised off
c) energised at the same time as the clutch

5. A florescent tube contains

a) orange coatings, rare gases and mercury vapour
* b) phosphor coatings, rare gases and mercury vapour
c) iodine coating and rare gases.

6. Distilled water should be added to a ni-cad battery

* a) when fully charged
b) at any time
c) only in the battery workshop

7. Overflowing electrolyte in a ni-cad battery indicates

* a) excessive charging current
b) not enough charging current
c) low electrolyte temperature

8. The aviation distress frequency is

a) 122.5MHz
* b) 121.5MHz
c) 121.5KHZ

9. A radar altimeter in track mode is effective to

a) 2000 ft
b) 100ft
* c) 2500 ft

10. During a normal engine shutdown, generator tripping is initiated by

* a) Under voltage
b) Under frequency
c) Over current
now did you do'
Question :1 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Eismin Page 343
Question :2 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Eismin Page 312. Jeppesen A&P Technician
Airframe Textbook Page 12-24
Question :3 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen Aircraft Padlci Systems Page 69 shows this as a localiser frequency. Jeppesen A&P
Technician Airframe Textbook Page 12-24
Question :4 The correct answer Is b
Question :5 The correct answer Is b
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician Page 7-32
Question :7 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician. Page 7-31, 7-32
Question :8 The correct answer Is b JAP OPS I.S20or I.S50c. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 12-25
Question :9 The correct answer Is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics. Eismin Page 323- 324
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 120
Exam no 10

1. 112.1 MHz is
a) an ILS frequency
* b) a VOR frequency
c) an ADF frequency

2. What does a Decca Navigation system operate on?

* a) Low Frequency
b) High Frequency
c) Very High Frequency

3. What is the minimum separation between a seat back cushion and another seat or fixed structure?
a) 24 inches
* b) 26 inches
c) 28 inches

4. In an auto land aircraft fitted with a CMC

a) all faults are recorded in Volatile memory
* b) all faults are recorded in Non-Volatile memory
c) only Primary Faults are recorded

5. Adhesive Boding is
a) wetting , gripping
* b) Wetting , Setting
c) spreading, setting

6 Tension is the stress of

a) twisting
* b) elongation and stretch
c) crush or compression

7. What are the minimum number of fire bottles in a cabin with 201-300 people?
a) 3 BCF
b) 4 Methyl Bromide
* c) 4 Fire Extinguishers

8. On an aircraft with asymmetrical ailerons what happens to induced drag when banking right?
a) Drag on inside aileron goes up but not as much as the outer
b) Drag on the outer aileron increases
* c) Drag on the outer aileron is less

9. When the primary stops fitted to a control run have been contacted
* a) a clearance exists at the secondary stops
b) the secondary stops will just be in contact
c) the secondary stops have been over-ridden

10. Excessive wear on both sides of the control cable pulley groove is evidence of
= a) pulley misalignment
b) cable misalignment
* c) excessive cable tension.
now did you do'
Question :!..... The correct answer Is b 112 - 118 MHz are VOP frequencies. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 12-14
Question :2 The correct answer Is a Deca navigation Is low frequency.
Question :3 The correct answer Is b AWN 64 Para 4.1
Question :4 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Eismin Page 271
Question :5 The correct answer Is b A module 7 question? The two processes In adhesive bonding Is 'wetting and setting'
Question :6 The correct answer Is b Tension Is the stress of elongation or stretch.
Question :7 The correct answer IS c JAP'OPS 1.790, AWN 60
Question :8 The correct answer Is c mechanics of flight, Kermode, p301. A very poorly worded question. Differential ailerons mean
that the outer aileron moves down LESS than the Inner aileron moves UP. This means mean^ that the outer aileron ha^ \less INDUCED
drag than It would have If they both moved the same,
Question :9 The correct answer Is a The clearance Is on the secondary Stops
Question :10 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-45
This is exam number 11

1. A universal protractor used to measure degrees of aileron travel should be zeroed

* a) with the aileron in the neutral position
b) with the aileron in the down position
c) when the aircraft is in level flight attitude

2. A flying control static friction check

a) can only be carried out during flight
b) will demonstrate that a high force is always necessary to operate non-powered controls.
* c) demonstrates the force the pilot requires to overcome system inertia and move the controls

3. Anoxia is due to
a) release of nitrogen bubbles in the blood
* b) lack of oxygen
c) low air pressure on the body

4. The basic system of cabin pressurisation is to arrange a constant

a) inlet and outlet
b) outlet and vary the inlet
* c) inlet and vary the outlet

5. The purpose of the differential capsule in the pressure controller is to control

a) the rate of pressurisation
* b) cabin differential pressure
c) cabin air flow.

6. Control of rate of change of cabin pressure is

= a) more important in descent
* b) equally important in ascent and descent
c) more important in ascent

7. With a pressurised aircraft at max differential pressure and a cabin pressure increase occurs, the differential capsule in the
pressure controller will
a) have a constant mass flow
* b) let all pressurising air to be spilled overboard
c) let pressurisation to be switched off until leaks cause a drop in pressure

8. If the cabin altitude increases above the normal maximum

* a) a warning light comes on in the cockpit
b) compressor delivery is automatically boosted
c) an inward relief valve opens

9. Fuel cross feed valves are lubricated by

* a) fuel
b) special lubricant
c) no lubrication needed

10. Fuel cross feed valves are operated by

* a) 28 v dc bus
b) battery dc
c) 115 vac
now did you do'
Question : 1 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-40
Question :2 The correct answer Is c A. static friction check demonstrates the force the pilot requires to overcome system Inertia and
move the controls
Question :3 The correct answer is b CAAIPs Leaflet 5-9 Para 2.1
Question :4 The correct answer Is c -Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-20.
Question :5 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-22. CAIPs AL/3-23
Question :6 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-20 onwards. CAIPs AL/3-23
Question :7 The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-23 Para 4.3.13
Question :8 The correct answer Is a 'CAIPs AL/3-23 Para 4.4.4
Question :9 The correct answer Is a All fuel components are lubricated by fuel
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Transport Category Aircraft Systems Page 6-6 .
This is exam number 12.

1. What is the colour of the band on a hydraulic seal?

a) white
* b) green
c) yellow

2. Which of the following has hyperbolic curve?

a) VOR
b) DME
* c) Loran C

3. What would you use to neutralise NiCad battery spillage?

* a) Boric acid
b) Bicarbonate of soda
c) Distilled water

4. A GPS satellite will come into view

a) 20 above the horizon with respect to the viewer
* b) 15 above the horizon with respect to the viewer
c) 10 above the horizon with respect to the viewer

5. Apparent drift is a function of

a) sin x latitude
* b) cos x latitude
c) tan x latitude

6. What is an aileron balance cable for?

* a) To allow the cable to be tensioned
b) To allow aircraft to fly hands off
c) To correct for wing heaviness

7. With an increase in the Mach number, the boundary airflow

a) remains constant
* b) decreases thickness
= c) increases thickness

8. A comfortable cabin altitude rate of climb is

* a) 500ft per minute
b) 300ft per minute
c) 100ft per minute

9. Restrictions to the use of hand held microphones apply to

a) aerial work and transport category aircraft
* b) transport category aircraft only
c) private aircraft

10. A white steady light is required

* a) of at least 3 candelas, at the rear of the aircraft 70 degrees either side of dead astern
b) of at least 10 candelas, at the rear of the aircraft 110 degrees either side of dead astern
c) of at least 10 lumens, at the rear of the aircraft 110 degrees either side of dead astern
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 8-44
Question :2 The correct answer Is c Loran C Is a type of Omega Navigation. Jeppesen Avionic Fundamentals Page 153. Also Aircraft
Radio Systems by James Powell Page 101
Question :3 The correct answer Is a Boric acid
Question :4 The correct answer Is b 'Elevation mask' Is 15 degrees
Question :5 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Page 103-
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-27
Question :7 The correct answer Is b An Increase In Mach number reduces the boundary layer thickness
Question :8 The correct answer Is a .Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe "Text book Page 14-22.CAIPs AL/3-23
Question :9 The correct answer Is b ANO Schedule 4 Scale N
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 145.

Exam no 13

1. Before operating generators in parallel, their voltages should be matched to prevent

* a) overloading the generator drive and shearing of splines
b) voltage spikes of sufficient magnitude to trigger GCU over voltage circuits
c) large circulating currents developing

2. Consumer loads are connected to a busbar

* a) in parallel so when loads are shed current is reduced
b) in series so when loads are shed current is reduced
c) in series so when loads are shed voltage is reduced

3. A current transformer connected on the neutral star point of a generator is for

a) negative sequence protection
b) overload protection
* c) differential current protection

4. Differential protection as applied to AC generation systems compares

* a) generator current to busbar current
b) generator voltage to busbar voltage
c) ambient pressure to cabin pressure

5. When a current transformer is disconnected

* a) a shorting link should be fitted
b) a resistor should be installed
c) no further precautions required

6. In an AC generation system, the frequency and phase rotation

* a) must be synchronised prior to paralleling^
b) must be out of phase prior to paralleling
c) is of no consequence after paralleling

7. Diodes are placed across a contactor to

* a) speed up operation by reducing back EMF
b) prevent contact bounce
c) ensure smooth contactor operation

8. Placing the battery master switch to off during flight will

* a) isolate the battery from the main busbar
b) disconnect all power to the main busbar
c) shut down the APU

9. The purpose of the clutch in an auto throttle servo is

a) to protect the servo motor in the event of inadvertent runaway
b) to limit the range of control movement
* c) to allow the pilot to override

10. Whilst operating paralleled AC constant frequency generators, it is important to maintain generator outputs at the same voltage
a) to prevent a circulating current developing between two or more TRUs
* b) to prevent a circulating current of considerable magnitude developing between two or more generators
c) to prevent CSD shock loading
now did you do'
Question :1 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical System? 3rd Edition Page 52.
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a All loads are connected In parallel with each other
Question :3 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 121
Question :4 The correct answer Is a Pallett 'Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 121
Question :5 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 61
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 48
Question :7 The correct answer Is a The diode acts as a fast capacitor to absorb the back EMF
Question :8 The correct answer Is a The Battery master *switch simply connects the battery to the main busbar, allowing It to be
charged from the generator(s).
Question :9 The correct answer Is c Pallett Automatic Flight Control Pg 289
Question :10 The correct answer Is b

.you give up
OK |
Exam no 14

1. A voltage regulator installed in series with a generator field

a) uses a current coil in parallel with generator output
= b) uses a voltage coil in series with generator output
* c) uses a voltage coil in parallel with generator output

2. CSD warning lights on the flight deck normally indicate

= a) high oil pressure, low oil temp
* b) low oil pressure, high oil temp
c) low oil pressure, under frequency

3. The output frequency of a hydraulically driven standby generator is controlled by

* a) a hydraulically actuated swash plate
= b) an IDG
c) a CSD

4. An AC generator used with a CSD

a) does not need a voltage controller because voltage is kept constant
= b) does not need a voltage controller because current is kept constant
* c) needs a voltage controller to maintain voltage with increasing load

5. Power to a GCU is supplied

a) initially by a 'field tickling' supply and then PMG output
b) generator output only
* c) battery bus or rectified generator output

6. Trip signals for a GCR are

a) under frequency and over current
* b) differential protection and under voltage
c) over frequency and under voltage

7. Abnormal CSD operation is monitored on the flight deck by observing indications of

* a) high oil temp / low oil pressure
b) High oil temp / low oil quantity
c) low oil quantity / low oil temp

8. Wires in hot temperature areas should be bound with

* a) Nomex
b) Teflon
= c) PVC

9. A heat gun should be operated at

a) 100 degrees above the specified
= b) 100 degrees below the specified
* c) at the specified temperature

10. High voltages on a generator in a parallel system should be prevented because

a) it will damage the drive shaft
b) it will cause high circulating current in the bus / other generators
* c) it will trip the GCR
Microsoft Internet Explorer
How did you do?
Question :1 The correct answer Is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin page 199-20D
Question ;2 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician Textbook, page 7-50
Question :3 The correct answer Is a
Question :4 The correct answer Is c
Question :5 The correct answer Is c
Question. :6 The correct answer Is b
Question :7 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician Textbook, page 7-50
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Nomex Is high temperature binding tape
Question :9 The correct answer Is c A heat gun should be operated at the specified temperature
Question :10 The correct answer Is c
Exam no 15
1. Over voltage condition trips the generator. The time taken to trip the GCU depends on
a) closing of fuel and hydraulic valves
* b) amplitude of voltage
c) time delay circuit

2. Speed of HMG is controlled by a

* a) swash Plate
b) CSD unit
c) ID unit

3. Track mode of RA is operational

a) from 1.0 to 100 feet
* b) from 0 to 2500 feet
c) above 10000 feet

4. Permanent Magnet should have

a) low retentivity, high coercivity
* b) high retentivity, low coercivity
c) low retentivity, low coercivity

5. How many floor path light can you fly with unserviceable?
a) 15%
b) 20%
* c) 25%

6. How many aerials are there in a TCAS system?

a) 3
* b) 2
c) 1

7. Wavelength of X band radar is

* a) 3 cm
b) 5 cm
c) 10 m

8. Precipitation static is caused by

a) HF radiation
b) lightning strikes
* c) skin to air particle collisions

9. HF aerials have weak points designed at

a) front end
* b) back end
c) both ends

10. How is a serrated rod ice detector bench tested?

a) By a motor load test
b) Motor test and go-no go gap measurement
* c) Screwdriver torque test
now did you do'
Question :1 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, page 203
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Speed of an HMG Is controlled by a swash plate
Question :3 The correct answer Is b The radio altimeter Is operational from 0 - 2500 ft Jeppesen Avionic Fundamentals Page 223
Question :4 The correct answer Is b A permanent magnet should have a low coercivity (so It Is easy to magnetise) and high retentivity
(so It Is difficult to demagnetise)
Question :5 The correct answer Is c AWN 56 2.11
Question :6 The correct answer Is b Avionic Systems: Operation and Maintenance page 160
Question :7 The correct answer Is a Introduction to Avionics Dale Cundy Page 82
Question :8 The correct answer Is c. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics - Eismin page 211
Question :9 The correct answer Is b CAIPs PL/2-2 Para 2.2..4
Question :10 The correct answer Is c 'Petard rotation [of the detector] with slight thumb pressure using a torque screwdriver.' Ref:
Exam no 16

1. What is reply frequency of an aircraft transponder?

= a) 1000MHz
b) 1030MHz
* c) 1090MHz

2. How often do hand-held extinguishers have to be weighed

* a) Annually
b) Bi-annually
c) Every 5 years

3. CAT 2 RVR limit is

a) 10,000ft
* b) 1200ft
c) 1000ft

4. Vertical projected separation between seat rows must be

* a) 3 inches
b) 4 inches
c) 5 inches

5. Dissimilar Metal Fusion Bonding is best for

a) high strength and high stiffness
b) high strength and toughness
* c) high strength and ductility

6. A Fuselage Station is a
* a) longitudinal point on the aircraft fuselage
b) lateral point on aircraft fuse
c) lateral point on aircraft wing

7. Prior to aluminium alloy bonding, we use

* a) solvent etch
b) alkaline etch
= c) acid etch

8. What will happen if the aircraft battery becomes overheated?

a) The hot battery bus will be disconnected from the battery
* b) The batter charger will switch to trickle charge mode
= c) The power supply to the battery charger will be interrupted

9. The purpose of a slot in awing is to

* a) act as venturi, accelerate the air and re-energise boundary layer
b) speed up the airflow and increase lift
c) provide housing for the slat

10. The purpose of primer is to

* a) help bonding of the topcoat
b) provide shiny surface for the topcoat
c) provide flexible surface for the top coat
Question : I The correct answer Is c Avionic Fundamentals page 211
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-10 Para 6.3 and 7.1
Question :3 The correct answer Is b 'CAT II IL5 Runway Visual Range (PVP) Is 'not less than 1200ft' Per: Avionic Fundamentals page
Question :4 The correct answer Is a AWN 64 Para 4.3
Question :5 The correct answer Is c An old module 7 question. See the Module 7 Forum topics for details
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Fuselage Stations are longitudinal measurements on the fuselage
Question :7 The correct answer Is a Phosphoric acid and chromic acid wash
Question :8 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Pages 29-31
Question :9 The correct answer Is a A slot Is to act *as venturi, accelerate the air and re-energise boundary layer
Question :10 The correct answer Is a CAIPs BL/6-20 P'Ara.2.1

Exam no 17

1. Large flap deployment

a) causes increased span wise flow towards tips on wing upper surface
* b) causes increased span wise flow towards tips on wing lower surface
c) has no effect on span wise flow

2. At speeds greater than mach 1 airflow in the boundary layer is

* a) subsonic
b) supersonic
c) stationary

3. A mach meter works

a) above 10000ft
* b) always
c) always except on the ground

4. With the elevator trim wheel adjusted fully aft. (nose up) range of movement of the elevator is restricted
* a) for "up" travel movement
b) for "down" travel movement
c) would make no difference to the movement

5. Acrylic windows must be able to flex in situ because they have

* a) larger coefficient of expansion than surrounding structure
b) smaller coefficient of expansion than surrounding structure
c) slight shrinkage due to age

6. Engine wing fire bottles should be charged with nitrogen at 15C to

a) 1500psi
b) 1250psi
* c) 600psi

7. When the temperature increases in a lead acid battery, the SG will

a) increase
* b) decrease
c) remain the same

8. Radio marker info is displayed on

* a) HSI
= b) ADI

9. Angle of Attack alarm is sounding too close to stall. Rectification is to

a) move probe up
* b) move probe down
c) move probe laterally

10. When does auto trim operates at a lower speed?

a) When flaps down
b) When gears down
* c) When flaps up.
now did you do'
Question : 1 The correct answer Is b Flaps Increase the pressure differential between top and bottom surfaces, Increase tip vortices and
span wise flow.
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a ,A dumb question, as the definition of the boundary layer Is 'airflow ranges from zero to 99% of
free flow speed' However, by same definition, some flow In the boundary layer Is ALWAYS less than Mach I
Question :3 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Page 45
Question :4 The correct answer Is a Use-of trim reduces the associated control movement direction range
Question :5 The correct answer Is a Acrylic has a thermal expansion approximately 8' that of aluminium alloy
Question :6 The correct answer Is c Transport Category Aircraft Systems Page 9-7. Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page
Question :7 The correct answer Is b Since volume Increases, but mass remains constant, with temperature, density decreases.
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Eismin Page 357
Question :9 The correct answer Is b Move probe down, away from the Leading Edge stagnation point
Question :10 The correct answer Is c Lower stab speeds are normally associated with flaps/gear up
Exam no 18

1. A water separator is located

* a) downstream of turbine
b) downstream of heat exchanger
c) upstream of the turbine

2. A cargo bay must have signs stating

a) no hazardous cargo
b) max dimensions
* c) max loadings

3. Where is alpha angle used?

a) Accelerometer
b) IPS
* c) Angle of attack

4. A fire that can be put out by a crew member in a cargo bay is a

a) class a
* b) class b
c) class d

5. Spoiler / speed brakes deploy to

a) 15 deg
* b) 30 deg
= c) 60 deg.

6. Fuel systems that are interconnected must have

* a) air spaces interconnected
b) separate venting for each tank
c) no airspace

7. As fuel level increases, system capacitance

a) decreases
* b) increases
c) no change

8. When refuelling
a) the fuel nozzle will automatically cut off the supply when the tank is full
b) it is important to fill the expansion space in the tank
* c) it is important not to fill the expansion space in the tank

9. Which part of the wing of a swept-wing aircraft stalls first?

* a) Tip stalls first
b) Root stalls first
c) Both stall together

10. Composite material is bonded by

a) copper wire
* b) special paint
c) aluminium wire
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-32
Question :2 . The correct answer Is c Usually, pallet size Is fixed, but the weight Is critical.
Question :3 The correct answer is c. Aircraft Instrument and Integrated Systems -Pallett Page 73.

Question :4 The correct answer Is b Transport Category Aircraft Systems: Page 9-3
Question :5 The correct answer Is c In flight, Speed brake spoilers are extended to 30 degrees and extend to 45 degrees with
wheel movement. B757 MM Chapter 27-61-00
Question :6 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-17
Question :7 The correct answer Is b The dielectric constant of kerosene Is more than that of air. B757 MM Chapter
Question :8 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 15-18-'
Question :9 The correct answer Is a The tip of a swept wing stalls first
Question :10 The correct answer Is b ChMPs Leaflet 9- 1 3.4.4

Exam no 19

1. Cargo nets are manufactured from

* a) Hessian
b) polypropylene
c) nylon

2. With autopilot engaged which control surface is inhibited?

a) Elevators
b) Ailerons
* c) THS

3. When flaps are lowered the automatic trim system will

a) increase the angle of incidence of the THS
* b) decrease the angle of incidence of the THS
c) angle of incidence remains the same

4. During flight an aircraft is yawing to the right. The aircraft would have a tendency to fly
a) left wing low
* b) right wing low
c) nose up

5. In autopilot control column

a) does not move
b) moves in pitch
* c) moves in pitch and roll.

6. Where is the spin up/rundown brake?

a) Inner gimbal
* b) Outer gimbal
c) Rotating vane

7. On replacing a pre-indexed flux valve you would

a) carry out a check swing after fitment
*. b) fit the serviceable pre indexed flux valve into the same position as the unserviceable pre-indexed flux valve was removed
c) align the Aircraft onto it's Wquotient so that no error is induced

8. In Airways flying, what is the barometric scale of the altimeter set to?
a) QFE
b) QNH
* c) 1013.25

9. Zone D Cargo compartment windows

a) are made from fire retardant Perspex
b) must have blinds pulled down
* c) must be blanked off

10. A hyperbolic system is

a) ILS
b) VOR
* c) LORAN C
now did you do'
Question : I The correct answer Is a
Question ;2 The correct answer Is c A&P Airframe Technician Textbook Pg 12-35
Question :3 The correct answer Is b
Question :4 The correct answer Is b The leading wing (left wing) has Increased life, causing It to rise
Question :5 The correct answer Is c A&P Airframe Technician Textbook Pg 1.2-47
Question. :6 The correct answer Is b
Question :7 The correct answer Is b
Question :8 The correct answer Is c 1013.25 mb or QNE
Question :9 The correct answer Is c
Question :10 . The correct answer Is c Loran C Is a type of Omega Navigation. Jeppesen Avionic Fundamentals Page 153
Exam no 20

1. Afire zone in which a crew member could enter to fight a fire is

* a) class A
b) class B
c) class E

2. When is 'auto throttle' disengaged?

= a) On selection of thrust reverse
b) After thrust reverser has deployed beyond 90% so that TOGA can be selected in case of emergency
* c) On landing

3. On testing a generator it is found to require adjusting, where would you adjust it?
a) In the cockpit on the flight engineers panel
b) OntheGCU
* c) By means of a remote trimmer

4. Tubeless tyres are stored

a) horizontally maximum of four high with smallest diameter tyre on top
* b) vertically
c) at 15 to 20 P.S.I.

5. Control of hydraulically powered emergency electrical generator frequency is

* a) by angle of swash plate
b) by IDG
c) by CSU.

6. Aircraft with autopilot and auto trim, a pitch command input will cause
* a) column to move and trim system to move
b) column to move and trim system not to move
c) column will not move and trim system will move

7. ATA 100 is
a) upper fuse
* b) lower fuse
c) Left hand wing

8. On a wheel bogie unit, positive camber is

a) top of wheels closer together
* b) bottom of wheels closer together
c) front of wheels closer together

9. In regard to aircraft transponder, what is pulse frequency?

a) Amount of times interrogating signal is sent per second
b) Number of pulses per signal
* c) Amount of times reply signal is sent per second

10. Weight of extinguisher is stamped

a) on base of body
* b) on head fitting
c) on bracket
Question : I . The correct answer Is a Transport Category Aircraft-Systems Page 9-3 and JAR 25.857
Question ;2 The correct answer Is c Micro switches on landing move throttle levers. to 8%, then OFF after 2s Pallett Automatic
Flight Control Page 290
Question :3 The correct answer Is c Adjusted with a remote trimmer.'
Question :4 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-47 CAIPs AL/3- 18'15.1
Question :5 The correct answer Is a Control of an HPG Is via a swash plate
Question :6 The correct answer Is a The auto trim will move the trim surface, which will move the elevator, which will move the
control column
Question :7 The correct answer Is b ATA Zone 100 Is lower fuselage (below floor)
Question :8 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-13
Question :9 The correct answer Is c
Question :10 The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-10, Para 6.3
Exam no 21

1. In a CMC system where would you find a 'real time' fault?

a) In Test
* b) In Fault
c) In Fault History

2. Toilet flush motor is protected from overheat by

a) cooling fan on timer switch
* b) thermal protection
c) water cooling

3. In a capacitive fire detection system, if

a) there is a break the system will work but not test satisfactory
* b) there is a short to earth the system will work but not test satisfactory
c) there is a break the system will not work

4. Life jackets are inflated with cylinders of

a) air
* b) CO2
c) Nitrogen

5. When using Biopor microbial fuel growth treatment

a) it is applied wet and flushed out
b) it is applied dry and left
* c) it is added to the fuel and burnt

6. Microbial growth is
* a) brown black slime
b) red dots.
c) green sludge

7. Vibration monitoring signals are sent

a) direct to the gauge
b) via a 1/2 wave rectifier to the gauge
* c) via a signal conditioner to the gauge

8. The vacuum system gauge reads 5 inches of mercury. This is from

* a) ambient and minus
b) zero and minus
c) zero and positive

9. Solid burning oxygen units have a burn time of

* a) 15 min
b) 30 min
c) 45 min

10. A direct reading bourdon gauge has a restriction in the inlet, this is to
a) prevent FOD ingestion
* b) dampen sudden pressure changes
c) allow for calibration
Question : I The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, page 270-273. 'Peal time' means reporting of a
fault as It occurs, not In Fault History or Test.
Question :2 The correct answer Is b AWN 57
Question :3 The correct answer Is b CArPsAL/3-9 Para 4.2.1
Question :4 The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-12. 4 b All Inflatable safety equipment use CO2
Question :5 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen Aircraft Gas Turbine Power plants 7-3-
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 15-38
Question :7 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen Aircraft Instruments and Avionics Page 90
Question :8 The correct answer Is a The 5 Inches hg refers 'to 'the 'suction' from ambient.
Question :9 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3- 25 3.5.2
Question :10 The correct answer Is b The restriction Is to damp out surges In pressure

Exam no 22

1. Windshield heating provides

* a) impact resistance enhancement
b) increases strength to resist cabin pressure
c) thermal expansion for a tighter fit

2. CAT 2 RVR limit is

a) 800m
* b) 400m
c) 200m

3. When the moisture separator is purged in a pneumatic system, it dumps

a) the whole system
* b) just the moisture trap
c) the system between compressor and regulator valve

4. The pneumatic system pump is

a) rotor vane
* b) piston
c) centrifugal

5. A badly corroded and pitted brake disk will

* a) wear brake pads too quickly, and should be replaced
b) be ok, and provide better grip
c) produce a loss of fluid

6. At what press and temp is anti ice fluid applied?

* a) 70 deg F at 100psi
b) 7 deg F at 100psi
c) 70 deg F at 10psi

7. In semi-monocoque construction, compression loads are taken by

a) stringers
* b) frames
c) bulkheads

8. Wing bending and shear loads are taken by

a) spar cap
* b) main spar
c) skin

9. The dilutor demand regulator functions

* a) when the user breathes in
b) all the time
c) only when the supply valve is opened by the user

10. A maintainer valve in an hydraulic system will

* a) allow continued press to essential systems during times of reduced supply
b) dampen pressure inputs
c) maintain a high pressure to all systems
Question : I The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-3-6 (last paragraph)
Question :2 The correct answer Is b CAT II IL5 Runway Visual Range (PVP) Is 'not less than 1200ft' 1200ft = 400m Ref: Avionic
Fundamentals page 199
Question :3 The correct answer is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 8-54. CAIPs AL/3-22
Question :4 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 8-56, Although smaller systems may have a
vane type.
Question :5 The correct answer Is a Badly corroded brakes should be replaced
Question :6 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/11-3 5.2.2
Question :7 The correct answer Is b Frames take the compression loads
Question :8 The correct answer Is b The main spar takes the wing bending and shear loads
Question :9 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-10
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 8-31 Also known as priority valves CAIPs
AL/3-21 5.3
Exam no 23

1. In a pneumatic system the maintainer valve will be fitted in supply lines to

a) essential equipment
* b) non-essential equipment
c) all equipment

2. A comfortable rate of cabin altitude climb for passengers is

* a) 500ft per min
b) 300 ft per min
c) 100 ft per min

3. The hot junction of thermocouple is

a) in the instrument
b) in the combustion chamber
* c) aft of combustion chamber

4. With a drop in ambient temperature, an aircraft service ceiling will

a) lower
* b) rise
c) not be affected

5. Before carrying out a ground pressure check,

* a) check all Pitot and static lines are fitted
b) turn on all instruments
c) set altimeter to QNH.

6. The electrical connector to a remote aircraft component must be

* a) 0.5 in wide
b) 0.25 in wide and 22 AWG
c) 22 AWG

7. To measure moisture in an oxygen system use

a) a glass plate
b) litmus paper
* c) a hygrometer using the dew point method

8. Most large transport aircraft skins are

* a) 2024
b) 7075
c) 5056

9. Where is the temperature overheat switch located in a hydraulic pump?

a) In the pressure line
b) In the suction line
* c) In the case drain.

10. How much oxygen is in a tyre?

* a) 5% by volume
b) 15% by volume
c) 5% by pressure
Question : I The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-22. Maintainer valves work In same way as those In hydraulic systems (hence the
reference). Although they protect the flow to the essential systems, they do so by being situated In the non-essential lines, and closing off
If the pressure drops.
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-23
Question :3 The correct answer Is c The hot junction Is the sensor, aft of the combustion chamber
Question :4 The correct answer Is b As ambient temperature drops, density Increases and aircraft performance Increases
Question :5 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-33 Para. 12,2 5
Question :6 The correct answer Is a CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 Para. 3.3.1 (a)
Question :7 The correct answer Is c CAIPs AL/3-25 Para 6.4
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 2-8
Question :9 The correct answer Is c -Jeppesen Transport Category Aircraft .Systems 7-ICiand 7-8
Question :10 The correct answer Is a AWN 70
This is exam number 24

1. A tyre specification 32 x10.75-14.What does the 10.75 refer to?

a) Bead diameter
* b) Section Width
c) Overall diameter

2. What happens if a component has an internal hydraulic leak?

a) Increase in pressure
* b) Increase in temperature
c) Fluid loss

3. What happens to hydraulic fluid when it is overheated?

a) Increase viscosity
* b) Increase acidity
c) Increase alkalinity

4. When servicing an oleo, fluid comes out of the air valve when the leg is depressurised?
* a) The leg is serviceable - the separator has bottomed
b) Leaking air/oil seals
c) Separator plate stuck open

5. When does auto trim operates at lower speed?

a) When flaps down
b) When gear down.
* c) When flaps up

6. What force is an I-Beam subjected to?

* a) Bending
b) Tension
c) Shear

7. How is the hydraulic pump depressurising solenoid actuated?

a) Energised Open
* b) Energised Closed for fail-safe
c) Energised both open and closed depending on cockpit selection

8. How do you prevent hydraulic fluid frothing?

a) Via tray
b) Vent Reservoir to atmosphere
* c) By pressurising

9. When a ni-cad battery is fully charged

a) the electrolyte level stays the same
* b) the electrolyte level is higher level than normal
c) the electrolyte level is lower than normal

10. How many programs can a FMC store?

a) One current
* b) Two, One active and one standby
c) Two, both active
now did you do'
Question : I . The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-IS 3.1
Question :2 The correct answer Is b Increase In temperature Is an Indication of Internal leaks
Question :3 The correct answer Is b HI acidity Is a common problem revealed after an oil system analysis
Question :4 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-6
Question :5 The correct answer Is c Lower stab speeds are normally associated with flaps / gear up
Question :6 The correct answer Is a An I beam Is subject to Bending, although different parts of II: are subject to tension (upper
boom) and shear (the web)
Question :7 The correct answer Is b The depressurising valve (some times called an 'offloading valve') Is energised closed, to
failsafe open.
Question :8 The correct answer Is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 8-1 &
Question :9 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 7-32
Question :10 The correct answer Is b Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Page 399 on. Boeing 757 chapter
3'1-61-uO page 201.
Exam no 25

1. EPR and speed for auto throttle is activated at

a) cruise
* b) take off
c) approach

2. How does an IRS calculate velocity?

* a) Integration of accelerometers
b) Double integration of accelerometers
C) Differentiation of laser gyro

3. What is the arc of a landing light is

* a) 11 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 20 degrees

4. In an autopilot what controls pitch mode?

* a) Glide slope
b) VOR
c) Localizer

5. Glide slope controls autopilot in

* a) Pitch
b) Yaw
c) Roll

6. Static dischargers help eliminate radio interference by dissipating static electricity into the atmosphere at
* a) low current levels
b) high voltage levels
c) all voltage levels

7. Electrical load on aircraft is controlled by

* a) a GCU
= b) a BPCU
c) an IPS

8. When a rad. alt. reaches 2500 ft what happens to the display?

* a) rad. alt. out of view
b) rad. alt. flag in view
c) error warning in view

9. A radome is protected from static electricity build-up by:

a) Bonding strips
b) Special conductive grease
* c) Conductive paint.

10. An aspect ratio of 8 would mean

* a) span 64, mean chord 8
b) mean chord 64, span 8
c) span squared 64, chord 8.
Question : I The correct answer Is b Pallett Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Page 286
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Pallett Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Page 191
Question :3 The correct answer Is a Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 146 Fig 10-1
Question :4 The correct answer Is a Pallett' Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Page ;137
Question :5 The correct answer Is a Pallett Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Page 137
Question :6 The correct answer Is a Reference found In an older version of A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 700 (Not In
latent edition). Quote 'If the aircraft Is equipped with static dischargers, the static discharge occurs at lower current and more frequently'
Question :7 The correct answer Is a The 'Generator Control Unit controls electrical, load.
Question :8 The correct answer Is a Jeppesen Aircraft Radio Systems Page 195
Question :9 The correct answer Is c CAIPs PL/2-5 Para 3.5
Question :10 The correct answer Is a Aspect Patio = span/mean chord
Exam no 26

1. Which of the following statements is correct, in relation to PLI washers used in critical bolted joints?
a) PLI washers can be used more than once, providing they are used in critical bolted joints
b) PLI washers can be affected by thread or nut friction or by lubrication
* c) PLI washers can only be used with self locking nuts and the washers should be used once

2. Precise points are located on an aircraft by a system of

* a) frame stations, water lines and buttock lines
b) frame stations, vertical lines and lateral lines
c) longitudinal, vertical and lateral lines

3. Windscreen delamination is
a) windscreen peeling away from the airframe
b) bubbling of the glass due to overheat
* c) separation of the glass from the vinyl interlayer

4. What is the ideal storage temperature for windscreen panels?

* a) 50'F to 70F
b) 30'c to 50C
c) 50C to 70C

5. What is the maximum temperature of warm water which is used to clean dirty aircraft acrylic panels?
* a) 104'F
b) 40'F
c) 125'F

6. Pitot tubes are heated

* a) electrically
b) by compressed bleed air
c) by kinetic heating

7. Accumulators as fitted to aircraft hydraulic systems

a) provide additional fluid if leaks occur
b) are only ever used in an emergency
* c) store fluid under pressure

8. A Skydrol hydraulic fluid would be made of

* a) Butyl rubber, ethylene propylene or Teflon
b) natural rubber
c) synthetic rubber

9. Synthetic hydraulic fluid subjected to overheating is high in

* a) acidity
b) alkalinity
c) viscosity

10. The advantage of leading edge fluid de-icing is

* a) aerodynamic shape is not disturbed
b) more efficient
c) less of a fire hazard.
Question : I The correct answer Is c CMPs AL/7-SPara 4.5.4
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Frame stations, water lines and buttock lines
Question :3 The correct answer c 130 CAIPsAL/7-10 Para 5.1.1
Question :4 The correct answer Is a CAIPS AL/7-10 Para 5.1 .'I
Question :5 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/7-4 Para 6.1 says 40 degrees C, which Is 104 degrees F
Question. :6 The correct answer Is a CAIPsAL/10-1 Para 3.2
Question :7 The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/3-21 Para 7
Question :8 The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/3-21 Para 3.3.1
Question :9 The correct answer is a Overheating causes acidity
Question :10 The correct answer Is a The advantage of leading edge fluid de-icing Is aerodynamic shape Is not disturbed
Exam no 27

1. The type of fluid in an oleo strut will depend upon

a) type of fluid most readily available
b) the type of seal material
* c) heat generated in operation of the system

2. A restrictor valve
* a) may be used to slow down undercarriage extension
b) restrict the extent of travel of the undercarriage
c) speed up the flow in one direction

3. The function of the oil in a shock absorber is to

= a) damp the rebound
* b) absorb the landing shock
c) ensure the separator does not bottom

4. The purpose of the flutter plate in a shock absorber is to

a) separate the oil from the air
b) restrict the compression of the air
* c) permit free flow of during compression and restriction of oil during compression

5. Oxygen cylinder test dates

a) are painted in white on the cylinder
* b) may be stamped on the neck of the cylinder
c) are variable depending on discharge

6. Fluorescent tubes are made up of

* a) phosphates, rare gases and mercury
b) oxides, rare gases and mercury
c) ionides, rare gases and mercury

7. A 4:1 step-up transformer receives 120VAC in its primary and has 1600 Ohms resistance in its secondary. What is the current
a) 3A
* b) 1.2A
c) 0.3A

8. What is B-RNAV?
a) Ability to store 6 waypoints
b) Indicates true airspeed
* c) Indicates bearing and airspeed until next active waypoint

9. An Automatic Flight Control System receives inputs from the following ground based transmitters
* b) VOR, ILS

10. After engine start using a NiCad battery, the pilot observes on the battery charger indicator, an initial high current draw
followed by a rapid decrease in current
a) there is a problem with the charging circuit and he must shut-down the engines
b) the battery is faulty
* c) no cause for concern
Question :1 The correct answer Is c The type of fluid In-an oleo strut will depend upon heat generated In operation of the system
Question :2 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-6 Page 7&8
Question :3 The correct answer Is b Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-5
Question :4 The correct answer Is c
Question :5 The correct answer Is b CAIPs AL/3-25 Para 4.2.2. The same Para also Indicates that a could also be correct.
Question. :6 The correct answer Is a Fluorescent tubes are made up of phosphates, rare gases and mercury
Question :7 The correct answer Is b Find current In secondary I = V/P = 480/1600 = 3/IOA. Next find current In Primary = 4
3/10= 12/10= 1.2A
Question :8 The correct answer Is c See Forum
Question :9 The correct answer Is b An AFC5 uses TOP and IL5 (PA Is not ground based)
Question :10 The correct answer Is c This Is normal
Exam no 28

1. Topping up a NiCad battery in situ

* a) is not allowed
b) is only allowed in the shop
c) is permitted

2. What opposes buckling in a semi-monocoque structure?

a) Frames
* b) Stringers
c) Bulkheads

3. The visible angle of a white tail navigation light is

a) 11 degrees
b) 110 degrees
* c) 140 degrees

4. What is the wavelength of C band radar?

a) 3 cm
b) 4m
* c) 7 cm

5. O2 system pressure has leaked away after charging. What is the most probable cause?
a) Supernumarator regular
b) Temperature Compensator
* c) Breathing Regulator

6. Made up wheels should be stored

* a) vertical at 20/30 PSI charge
b) horizontal no more than 4 high
c) vertical at working pressure

7. High pressure pneumatic source is a

* a) reciprocating pump
b) centrifugal Compressor
c) butterfly pump

8. High pressure pneumatic pump is a

a) spur gear
b) butterfly pump
* c) reciprocating pump

9. Before an aircraft reaches critical mach

a) the nose pitches up because the CP moves Forward
* b) the nose pitches down because the CP moves rear
c) the aircraft buffets because the CP moves to the shock wave

10. A cantilever wing is

a) top wing of biplane
* b) normal airliner wing
c) sweep back wing.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
How did you do?
Question : I . The correct answer Is a CMPs EEL/1-3 Para 6.4.
Question ;2 The correct answer Is b Stringers oppose budding
Question :3 The correct answer Is c Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems 3rd Edition Page 146
Question :4 The correct answer Is c Introduction to Avionics Dale Cundy Page 82
Question :5 The correct answer is c
Question. :6 The correct answer is a CAIP5 AL3-18 Para 15-1 and 15-3
Question :7 The correct answer Is a CAIPs AL/3-23 4.1
Question :8 The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/3-23 4.1
Question :9 . The correct answer Is b Mechanics of Flight 10th edition Bernard and Philpot Pg 341
Question :10 The correct answer Is b Cantilever mean^ supported at one end only
Exam no 29

1. A horn balance on a control will

= a) increase degree of movement at high speed
* b) decrease degree of movement at low speed
c) decrease degree of movement at high speed

2. The suction gauge reads 5 inches of mercury. This is

a) above ambient pressure
b) below ambient pressure
* c) above zero pressure

3. In normal flight if the control column is pulled back, a servo tab fitted to the elevator will
a) move up
* b) move down
c) remain in line with the elevator

4. In normal flight, if the control wheel is moved to the left, then the aileron on the right wing will
* a) increase the angle of attack of the right hand wing
b) decrease the angle of attack of the right hand wing
c) keep the angle of attack of the right wing constant

5. On an aircraft fitted with elevons in normal flight, if a column is moved forward, the elevon will
a) remain stationary
b) both move up
* c) both move down

6. Extending a leading edge slat will have what effect on the angle of attack of a wing?
a) increase the angle of attack
* b) decrease the angle of attack
c) no effect on angle of attack

7. To ensure that a wing stalls at the root first, stall wedges are
a) installed on the wing leading edge at the wing tip
* b) installed on the wing leading edge at the wing root
c) installed at the wing trailing edge at the wing root

8. On a standard day at which altitude will the speed of sound be the greatest?
* a) sea level
b) 10,000ft
c) 20,000 ft

9. Which of the following will increase the Critical Mach Number of an airfoil?
* a) using a thin airfoil and sweeping the wings back
b) increasing the aspect ratio of the wings
c) decreasing the fineness ratio of the wings

10. As an aircraft accelerates through the transonic region the centre of pressure tends to
a) move forward
* b) move rearward
c) turn into a shockwave
Question : I
The correct answer Is b A strangely worded question. A horn balance Is to relieve the pilot of some of the control loads at high speed.
Question ;2 The correct answer Is c A auction gauge read^ from Absolute (zero) pressure
Question :3 The correct answer Is b
Question :4 The correct answer Is a
Question :5 The correct answer Is c
Question :6 The correct answer Is b
Question :7 The correct answer Is b
Question :8 The correct answer Is a
Question :9 The correct answer Is a
Question :10 The correct answer Is b
Exam no 30

1. Which of the following is an example of a fail safe structure?

* a) Spar
= b) Stringer
c) Longeron

2. Damage tolerant design

* a) allows for certain damage to the structure to go un-repaired between scheduled maintenance
b) allows for damage to structure by distributing loads to other structure
c) is applied only to secondary structure

3. What is primary radar?

a) Land based
* b) Radar that sends out pulse and receives reflected pulse
c) Radar that gives height and position

4. Lead acid after numerous checks one cell has low reading.
a) it is defective
* b) it must be replaced
c) it needs toping up.

5. What is ILS frequency?

a) 50MHz
= b) 75 MHz
* c) 100 MHz

6. TCAS is selected
a) automatically
= b) by a switch on by pilot on selector panel
c) not available in cruise.

7. FMC secondary is selected

= a) on the ground by the pilot
b) by calendar date monthly
c) in the air by the pilot

8. A short range passenger aircraft has complete electrical failure. What time duration would the battery be expected to power
essential equipment?
a) forever
= b) 30 minutes
* c) 60 minutes

9. An external power plug has two short pins, these are used for
* a) the interlock circuit
b) ground handling bus
c) a guide for correct alignment of the plug in the socket

10. What are the primary colours for use in CRT display?
a) Yellow, Cyan, Magenta
b) Red, Blue, Yellow
* c) Red, Blue, Green.
Question : I The correct answer Is a
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a
Question :3 The correct answer Is b
Question :4 The correct answer Is b
Question :5 The correct answer Is c
Question. :6 The correct answer Is ????
Question :7 The correct answer Is ????
Question :8 The correct answer Is c Over 60 minutes and the aircraft and operator must comply with ETOPS regulations.
Question :9 . The correct answer Is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems, Pallett Page 290
Question :10 The correct answer Is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems, Pallett Page 290
Exam no 31

1. Wing navigation lights must be visible from which angle?

* a) 110 degrees
b) 180 degrees
c) 125 degrees

2. The purpose of a synchronising bus bar is

* a) to allow monitoring and trimming from the flight deck
b) to monitor total current load
c) to enable two propeller systems to be synchronised

3. The manual VOR input is for

* a) RMI
= b) course deviation bar
c) glide slope

4. In an aircraft where the autopilot is controlling a turn

a) 1 aileron is up, 1 aileron down for the duration of the turn
b) both ailerons down for the duration of the turn
* c) 1 aileron up, 1 aileron down to set the bank angle and then ailerons back to neutral
Question : I The correct answer Is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 146
Question ;2 The correct answer Is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 51 and 52
Question :3 The correct answer Is a The PMI must be selected to VOP or ADF. Jeppesen Aircraft Radio Systems - Powell, Page 63
Question :4 The correct answer Is c Most aircrafts are neutrally stable In roll, SQ they will maintain the bank angle after the ailerons
have been neutralised.
Question :5 The correct answer Is ????
Question :6 The correct answer Is
Question :7 The correct answer Is
Question :8 The correct answer Is
Question :9 The correct answer Is
Question :10 The correct answer Is
Exam no 32

1. How are passenger door pressure loads transmitted to the fuselage structure?
* a) By doorstops
b) By the pressure seal
c) Through the latching mechanism

2. Passenger cabin windows are constructed with two panes and a seal between them. Under normal flight conditions which
panel(s) take the differential pressure loads?`
a) Both
b) Inner
* c) Outer

3. How are passenger seats secured to the floor?

= a) By the back legs while the front attachment provides anti rattle
b) By the front legs while the back attachment provides anti rattle.
c) By both front and back legs

4. On a monospar wing, what gives the wing it's contour?

a) The position of the spars
b) Milled stringers
= c) Ribs

5. A normal hydraulic system will

= a) show pressure and source of Hydraulics
b) show fluid temperature and quantity
c) illuminate a light in the cockpit when the system is ready

6. Afire detection zone wiring can pass through another fire zone when
= a) the system and the extinguishing system are the same
b) the system is the same but the extinguishant is different
c) the system is different but the extinguishant is the same

7. On touch down of Aircraft

a) the cabin pressure will be Zero
b) the outflow valve will be shut
= c) the outflow valve will be fully open

8. A galley trolley will be designed to

= a) not exceed the floor loading limits
b) not exceed the floor limits more than 3 times in one hour
c) does not matter as the trolleys move

9. Cockpit dome lighting is provided by the

a) battery bus
* b) battery bus and ground services bus
c) ground services bus
Question : 1 The correct answer Is a
Question ;2 The correct answer Is c The Inner panel has a small hole In It to let the pressure through to the outer panel
Question :3 The correct answer Is
Question :4 The correct answer Is
Question :5 The correct answer Is
Question. :6 The correct answer Is
Question :7 The correct answer Is
Question :8 The correct answer Is
Question :9 The correct answer Is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronic, Eismin 5th edition page 256
Question :10 The correct answer Is
This Is exam number 34 without answer. You've been here 1 times

1. The velocity of air from the cabin ventilation system should not exceed
= a) 20 feet per second
b) 40 feet per second
c) 120 feet per second

2. What is the contamination monitor for in a Systron donner fire detection system?
= a) Integrity comparator
b) Dirty contacts
c) Volts drop

= b)

4. A material commonly used for pressure bulkhead sealing is

a) soft rubber
= b) aluminium

5. A double headed oxygen pressure regulator is used for

= a) extra supply in case of emergency
b) additional flight crew
c) changes in altitude

6. Standby Compass adjusting magnets (Flinders Bars), when do they exert the most amount of influence?
= a) When parallel to each other
b) When 45 degrees apart
c) When 90 degrees apart

7. Main deck cargo windows, for fire regulations, must have

a) blinds drawn
= b) fireproof covers
c) windows un-obscured

8. The Mach Trim signal is initiated by the

a) autopilot
b) electric trim
= c) elevator PCU.

9. When a fire test on a Systron Donor fire detector system test is carried out
a) a signal passes through the unbroken centre conductor to produce the warning
= b) the signal passes through the centre and back through the outer to give warning
c) it checks the integrity of the contacts

10. Pitot Tubes are heated by

a) A.C. b) D.C. * c) A.C. and D.C. A/C Inst & Integrated System by Pallett Pg. 32
31distance checks
side and end loads
aircraft turning with an error in roll
calibration check

This is exam number 31. You've been here 1 times

1. Wing navigation lights must be visible from which angle?
a) 110 degrees
b) 180 degrees
c) 125 degrees

2. The purpose of a synchronising bus bar is

a) to allow monitoring and trimming from the flight deck
b) to monitor total current load
c) to enable two propeller systems to be synchronised

3. The manual VOR input is for

a) RMI
b) course deviation bar
c) glideslope

4. In an aircraft where the autopilot is controlling a turn
a) 1 aileron is up, 1 aileron down for the duration of the turn
b) both ailerons down for the duration of the turn
c) 1 aileron up, 1 aileron down to set the bank angle and then ailerons back to neutral

5. In the ATA 100 zonal system the passenger entry door will have a designation of
a) 400
b) 600
c) 800

6. Which area of the aircraft is subject to hoop stress?

a) Wings
b) Pressure cabin
c) Control surfaces

7. In a monocoque structure, which component carries the majority of the loads?

a) Longerons
b) Stringers
c) Skin

8. Which anti corrosive treatment is found on alloy steels?

a) Cadmium plating
b) Zinc plating
c) Nickel plating
9. What material can be chromated as a protection against corrosion?
a) Aluminium alloys
b) Magnesium alloys
c) Ferrous alloys

10. When carrying out a symmetry check on a large aircraft what method of measurement is normally used?
a) Steel tape and spring balance
b) Longitudinal alignment method
c) Lateral alignment method

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 146

Question :2
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 51 and 52

Question :3
The correct answer is b B737 MM Chapter 34-31-02

Question :4
The correct answer is c Most aircraft are neutrally stable in roll, so they will maintain the bank angle after the ailerons have been

Question :5
The correct answer is c Checkout most modern aircrfat MAintenance Manuals for zonal locations

Question :6
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/7-2 2.7

Question :7
The correct answer is c

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/7-12 3.3.5 i


This is exam number 33. You've been here 1 times

1. A material commonly used for pressure bulkhead sealing is
a) soft rubber
b) aluminium

2. The velocity of air from the cabin ventilation system should not exceed
a) 20 feet per second
b) 40 feet per second
c) 120 feet per second

3. To avoid moments bending the root of the wing, the aircraft will be fitted with
a) symmetrical flight control trim
b) integrated fuel monitoring system
c) automatic trim control for controlled turns and rudder movements

4. After MLG down and securely locked a red light is illuminated in the flight deck. The possible causes are
a) shorted sensor
b) out of adjustment sensor
c) wiring problem

5. A wing's leading edge would have provisions and linkages for slats and
a) slots
b) leading edge flaps
c) trailing edge flaps

6. A yaw damper gain could be fitted with

a) increased sensitivity for increased speed
b) decreases sensitivity for decreased speed
c) decreases sensitivity for increased speed

7. To confirm the state of charge of a nicad battery

a) subject the battery to load and check the voltage
b) measure the discharge time
c) subject the battery to load, check voltage and check the SG of each cell
8. Circulating currents are associated with
a) AC generators in parallel
b) DC generators in parallel
c) AC and DC generators in parallel

9. In an aircraft system employing balance tabs, the installation of external ground locks between the control surface and
the balance tabs
a) is unnecessary since the system is irreversible
b) would prevent the movement of the control column
c) would not prevent the movement of the control column

10. Supersonic air going through an incipient shock wave will decrease its speed and
a) decrease temperature and increase density
b) increase temperature and decrease density
c) increase temperature and increase density

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/7-2 para 3.9

Question :2
The correct answer is c BCAR Section D6

Question :3
The correct answer is a Probably referring to Load Alleviation Function. Jeppesen Transport Category Aircraft Systems Page 5-29.

Question :4
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 176

Question :5
The correct answer is b Slots are fixed features - no linkages, or are produced when the slats open.

Question :6
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control, Pallett Page 223

Question :7
The correct answer is b CAIPs EEL/1-3 4.5.6 and 4.7

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is b A+P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-29

Question :10
The correct answer is c Mechanics of Flight AC Kermode 10th Edition Page 326 fig 11.4


This is exam number 35. You've been here 1 times

1. Shear stress is described as
a) compressing forces
b) pulling forces
c) slip away under the action of forces

2. The ground cable must be

a) copper stranded 0.5 mm cross sectional area
b) single strand copper wire 0.5 mm cross sectional area
c) single strand 18 AWG

3. What is the colour of the middle marker beacon?

a) White
b) Blue
c) Amber

4. On large transport aircraft, the windshield wiper system is

a) independent on each side with different power sources
b) independent on each side but with the same power source
c) one system for both sides but with the same power source

5. Where on the aircraft FS245, RWS45?

a) 245" from the nose of the aircraft and 45" from the centreline of the right wing
b) 245" from the nose of the aircraft and 45" from the tip of the right wing
c) 245" from the datum line of the aircraft and 45" from the centreline of the right wing

6. When performing maintenance operations on an aircraft equipped with RVSM system, and a quick release disconnect
connection is disturbed
a) a full test of the system should be carried out
b) a full test of the system should be carried out only if the aircraft manufacturer recommends to do so
c) the allowances for the system should be halved
7. For aircraft certificated after 1997 and with RVSM, the maximum tolerance for the system would be
a) +/- 200 feet plus +/- 50 feet for instrument error
b) +/- 500 feet for the system overall
c) +/- 300 feet plus +/- 50 feet for instrument errors

8. A GPS system is formed from

a) space, control, user
b) satellites, processing unit, display unit
c) receiver, processing unit, interactive console

9. For aircraft with dual CMCs, when only one CMC is available, it
a) must be connected to the left side
b) must be connected to the right side
c) can be connected to either side

10. These markings are found on a tyre - 32 x 10,45 - R14. What does the number 32 mean?
a) Inner diameter
b) Outer diameter
c) width

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c The keyword is 'slip', but it is a terrible definition of shear stress.

Question :2
The correct answer is b CAIPs EEL/1-6 3.3.1 a (i)

Question :3
The correct answer is c Jeppesen - Avionics Fundamentals, Page 219 fig 14-2

Question :4
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems, Pallett, Page 178

Question :5
The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/7-2 fig 15

Question :6
The correct answer is b Boeing MM Ch 34-12-11/401

Question :7
The correct answer is a Download TGL No.6 at PAra.8.3

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricty and Electronics Fifth Edition Eisman Chap 13 page 271

Question :10
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-18 3.1

This is exam number 36. You've been here 1 times

1. With reference to differential aileron control
a) drag increases on the inner wing
b) drag decreases on the outer wing
c) drag increases on the outer wing

2. HSI provides information on

a) VOR, ILS, plan, attitude
b) VOR, plan, map, ILS, radar
c) VOR, ILS, map, radar, attitude

3. Laser gyros are

a) aligned to the aircraft structure
b) aligned to the magnetic north
c) aligned to the true north

4. Laser gyros
a) have rotational parts
b) do not have rotational parts
c) have moveable parts

5. The sensing element of the flux valve

a) aligns itself to the new heading of the aircraft after it has stabilised
b) aligns itself to the new heading as the aircraft turns
c) remains in the same position attached to the aircraft structure

6. As the cabin altitude reaches 3042 metres

a) the 02 masks deploy automatically and hang half way extended
b) the 02 masks deploy automatically and the crew must activate the system from the cockpit
c) the 02 masks deploy automatically and the crew activates the system from the emergency panel

7. Paint remover substances

a) are damaging to some aircraft parts
b) are not damaging for aircraft parts
c) should only be used once
8. How is the radome protected from lightning strike?
a) Diverter strips
b) Special paint
c) Special grease on the hinges

9. Galley equipment which does not need electrical power is called

a) minimum equipment
b) controlled equipment
c) uncontrolled equipment

10. Galley trolleys must have placards indicating

a) location, position, flight number
b) maximum weight, position, flight number
c) Must be stowed for take-off, landing and turbulence.

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control, Pallett 4th Edition Page 41. A+P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-11

Question :2
The correct answer is b Attitude is on the EADI

Question :3
The correct answer is a Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 99

Question :4
The correct answer is b Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 99

Question :5
The correct answer is c Jeppesen - Avionics Fundamentals Page 106-110

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is a CAIPs BL/6-20 11.1

Question :8
The correct answer is a CAIPs RL/2-5 3.4.2

Question :9
The correct answer is c AWN 99 4.1, 4.2

Question :10
The correct answer is c AWN 99 5.11

This is exam number 37. You've been here 1 times

1. When inspecting Lavatory installations
a) "No Smoking" sign should be fitted next to the ashtrays only
b) the ashtray should not be located close to the toilet paper holder
c) the ashtray must be made of a thermoplastic material

2. Lavatories must have in the disposal container

a) water/glycol extinguisher with white ball markings indicating when discharged
b) Freon extinguisher with white ball markings indicating when discharged
c) Freon extinguisher with black ball markings indicating when discharged

3. Fire detection loop must be capable of

a) detecting fire/overheat condition within 5 seconds and extinguishing such that after 30 seconds the condition
is no longer present
b) using master warning visual and aural signals
c) using master warning visual signals only

4. Paralleling is used for

a) AC and DC electrical generators
b) AC electrical generators only
c) DC electrical generators only

5. When testing emergency slide bottles

a) all three pins must be shorted together and grounded to the cartridge body
b) one pin must be grounded to the cartridge body at one time
c) any pin could be checked by connecting directly to ground

6. Battery charging procedures can be found in ATA

a) Chapter 24 Section 21
b) Chapter 24 Section 31
c) Chapter 31 Section 21

7. In a carbon pile regulator the resistive element is

a) in series with the field and changes resistance with changing length
b)in series with the field and changes resistance with surface area contact
c) in parallel with the field and changes resistance with changing length

8. In fully Fly By Wire aircraft, wing root bending moments are reduced by
a) transfer of fuel from one wing tank to another
b) symmetrical application of aileron
c) operation of elevator

9. A green / grey dot marking on aircraft tyre casing represents

a) breather points
b) the light part of the tyre
c) military reference

10. In detachable flange type wheels, the flange is secured by

a) bolts
b) a lock ring
c) a retainer plate

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b AWN 83 5.4

Question :2
The correct answer is b JAR 25-854 a, b

Question :3
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 163

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is a Testing of the cartridges is the same procedure as testing fire bottle cartridges. CAIPs EEL/1-7 3.6.3 on.

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is b CAIPs EEL/1-2 3.1

Question :8
The correct answer is b CAIPs EEL/1-2

Question :9
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/3-18 3.6

Question :10
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-18 4.7.1

This is exam number 38. You've been here 1 times

1. Bladder type fuel tanks are secured by
a) press type rivets
b) contact adhesive
c) bolts

2. Fuse plugs in aircraft tyres are

a) for overpressure protection
b) for over temperature protection
c) to deflate the tyre before removal

3. A breaker strip in an aircraft tyre is

a) to provide strength
b) to provide a wear indication
c) to indicate the position for tyre levers

4. Oxygen cylinders are normally fitted with

a) pressure and quantity gauge

b)oxygen purity gauge
c) temperature gauge

5. To remove a rivet
a) chisel off the rivet head, and remove the shank with a metal punch
b) Drill the head with a drill bit the same size as the rivet shank, chisel off the rivet head, and remove the shank with a metal
c) Drill the head with a drill bit slightly smaller than the rivet shank, chisel off the rivet head, and remove the shank with a metal

6. When acrylic and sheet metal is joined together, allowance should be made for
a) expansion of the acrylic due to heat
b) expansion of the metal due to heat
c) galvanic corrosion of the metal

7. Most aircraft skins are made of

a) 2024
b) 7075
c) 2017
8. Dutch role is movement in
a) yaw and roll
b) pitch and roll
c) yaw and pitch

9. A zero fuel test on a fuel quantity indicating system is carried out by

a) tanks completely empty

b)tanks completely full
c) tanks empty with unusable fuel amount

10. A radio coupled approach is

a) localiser first, followed by glideslope
b) glideslope first, followed by localiser
c) in any order

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a AL/3-15 4.1.3 says press studs or cords

Question :2
The correct answer is b AL/3-19 3.1.2

Question :3
The correct answer is a See

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is b CAAIPs Leaflet 6-4 3.7.1 says 'drill equal in diameter than that of the rivet', but CAIPs BL/6-29 para 10.1 says
'slightly smaller'. We chose the former, because it is current.

Question :6
The correct answer is a AL/7-4 para 4

Question :7
The correct answer is a Most aircraft skins are 2024, except for wing upper surfaces, which are 7075

Question :8
The correct answer is a Avionic Fundementals Jeppesen page 291

Question :9
The correct answer is c AL/10-3 11.14.1.e

Question :10
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control Pallett Page 184-185
This is exam number 39. You've been here 1 times
1. Aileron signal is fed to rudder channel
a) for turn coordination
b) for yaw damping compensation
c) for turn command back-up

2. Yaw damping rate changes with

a) airspeed
b) altitude
c) flap position

3. After a tank bag has been replaced, a fuel flow test should be carried out at
a) engine inlet
b) tank outlet
c) tank shut-off valve point

4. In biologically contaminated fuel, corrosion takes place

a) below the fungal colonies
b) the bottom 2 inches of the tank
c) the top of the tank

5. In a compass swing: North error -2 degrees, South error - 2 degrees. The coefficient of C is
a) 0 degrees
b) +2 degrees
c) -2 degrees

6. If fluid leaks along with air whilst oleo charging, this is

a) caused by a leaky seal
b) normal
c) due to excessive charging pressure

7. A demand regulator in a portable oxygen bottle opens

a) when 100% selected
b) when breathing
c) all the time

8. Portable oxygen bottles are fitted with

a) a demand regulator
b) an over temperature indicator
c) an overpressure indicator

9. American made crew oxygen cylinders are

a) green in colour with a RH thread
b) green in colour with a LH thread
c) black in colour with a RH thread

10. The rate of G/S warning in GPWS

a) changes with radio altitude
b) changes with barometric altitude
c) does not change

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control. Pallett. 4th Edition Page 121/122

Question :2
The correct answer is a Avionic Fundementals page 292

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is a AL/3-15 para 8.3

Question :5
The correct answer is a AL/10-5 page 6 table 1 (-2)-(-2)/2 = 0

Question :6
The correct answer is a AL/3-6 3.3.3 iii

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is a Avionic Fundementals page 263
This is exam number 40. You've been here 1 times
1. If you short the two prongs with the single prong of a bonding tester together, what would the gauge read?
a) 0
b) full scale deflection
c) centre scale

2. What is the main purpose of a frize aileron?

a) Help pilot overcome aerodynamic loads
b) Increase drag on the up going wing
c) Decrease drag on the up going wing

3. What frequency are VOR and ILS?

a) VHF
b) UHF
c) HF

4. On an aircraft employing a heater system on the air conditioning system, after an overheat how is the heater reset?
a) On ground only by engineer
b) After it cools the pilot resets
c) After cooling below 300 degrees C it auto resets

5. Constant pressure hydraulic system uses what to relieve pressure in system when no services are being used?
a) Pressure relief valve
c) Return line back to pump

6. If the pneumatic water drain trap is left open for a long time it will drain
a) all the system
b) between the compressor and the PRV
c) just the moisture trap

7. Which connector has a left hand thread?

a) O2
b) N2
c) Freon

8. When aligning an aircraft for a compass swing, the maximum allowable error is
a) 1 degrees
b) 3 degrees
c) 5 degrees

9. What happens to a hydraulically operated flight control surface when pressure is removed?
a) Remain in last position
b) Go to neutral
c) Droop
10. Oscillation and hunting of flight control surface are prevented by
a) Tachogenerator
b) Feedback from control surface
c) Feedback from servo motor

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a CAIPs EEL/1-6 3.10.2 B

Question :2
The correct answer is c The Frise aileron increases drag on the upgoing aileron, which is on the downgoing wing. And Vise versa on the
other aileron

Question :3
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Page 426

Question :4
The correct answer is b JAR 25.859 para 2 (ii)

Question :5
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-21 12.2

Question :6
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/5-1 fig 1 and para 4.4. & AL/5-1 6.3.2

Question :7
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/6-6 6.3.2 iv

Question :8
The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/10-5 9 note.

Question :9
The correct answer is c The drop in pressure releases a valve which lets the fluid pass easily from one side of actuator piston to the other.
This is to prevent a hydraulic lock and permit manual reversion. Surfaces behave like manually controlled surfaces.

Question :10
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control by E.H.J.Pallett 3rd edition, page-157 (feedback, para 2)
This is exam number 41. You've been here 1 times
1. Stick shaker activates at a speed which is above the stalling speed by
a) 4%
b) 7%
c) 10.321%

2. The pitot head is fitted on the aircraft. The alignment of pitot head is carried out with
a) an inclinometer
b) micrometer
c) spirit level

3. A red dot / triangle mark on aircraft tyres means

a) breather points
b) the light part of the tyre
c) military reference

4. Maximum battery temperature on charging before protection circuit starts is

a) 71 degrees F
b)144 degrees F
c) 144 degrees C

5. If an aircraft has no battery charger the battery is charged by

a) constant voltage
b)constant current
c) constant current until a predetermined limit when it automatically switches to constant voltage

6. Battery charging procedures can be found in ATA

a) Chapter 24 Section 21
b)Chapter 24 Section 31
c) Chapter 31 Section 21

7. In a carbon pile regulator the resistive element is

a)in series with the field and changes resistance with changing length
b)in series with the field and changes resistance with surface area contact
c) in parallel with the field and changes resistance with changing length

8. The output of a carbon pile regulator with no variation of loading is

a) stationary
c) pulse width modulating

9. In a transistor voltage regulator the voltage output is controlled by

a) transformers and transistors
b)diodes and transformers
c) zeners and transistors

10. Paralleled relay for DC system is energised and connected by

a) voltage coil
b)current coil
c) voltage and current coil

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin 5th Edition Page-370

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-18 3.6

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is b B777 MM

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is c CAIPs EEL/1-2 3.3.1

Question :10
The correct answer is c
This is exam number 42. You've been here 1 times
1. Increasing the real load primarily
a) decreases frequency
b) decreases output voltage
c) increases output voltage and increases frequency

2. Inductive reactive load causes

a) no effect on torque but produces extra heat dissipated
b) increase in torque and increase in heat dissipated
c) increase in torque only

3. The power factor of an AC generator identifies the proportion of

a) apparent power from the generator that does work

b)reactive power from the generator that does work
c) real power from the generator that does work

4. The control of hydraulically powered emergency electrical generator frequency is by

a) angle of swash plate

c) restriction valve

5. Differential protection in an AC system protects against

a) a reverse current flowing from the battery

b)short circuits
c) line-line, line-line-line, line-earth faults

6. When resetting the CSD on the ground, the engine should be

a) stationary
b)rotating at idle
c) rotating at Nsync

7. One of the main purposes of a CSD is to

a) enable generators to be paralleled
b) prevent engine overload
c) maintain constant load on the generator

8. In a undervolt condition in an AC generator system, the most likely consequence is

a) activation of the time delay circuit
b) de-activation of the field regulatory TRs
c) energise the bus tie relay

9. If voltage and frequency of the generator drop to zero in flight, it would be an indication that the
a) CSD drives shaft had sheared
b) phase sequence detection circuit has operated
c) bus tie interlock is inoperative

10. Assuming all systems are operating normally, as aircraft electrical load increases, generator output voltage will
a) decrease and amperage output increases
b) increases and amperage output increases
c) remain constant and amperage output increases

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electrical Systems. Pallett Page 121

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is c
This is exam number 43. You've been here 1 times

1. Battery trays are

a) metal for earthing purposes

b)metal with PVC coating and anti corrosive paint
c) absorbent to soak up electrolyte

2. When installing multiple batteries on aircraft they are connected in

a) parallel
c) either parallel or series and switched between as an option

3. What is the small pin on the DC ground power connector?

a) Ground or earth
b)Positive to battery relay
c) Positive to external power relay

4. On selection of MLG down, the gear extends then begins to retract again. The cause is

a) a faulty selector valve

b)a faulty actuator
c) gear lowered at too high an airspeed

5. A radio frequency of 16 MHz would be used for

a) weather radar
b)HF communications
c) marker beacons

6. A wing mounted stall warning vane

a) moves up at impending stall

b)moves down at impending stall
c) gives a visual indication of impending stall

7. During an autopilot controlled turn

a) ailerons and rudder will move

b)ailerons, rudder and elevators will move
c) ailerons, rudder and THS will move

8. A Systron-Donner fire detection system uses

a) nitrogen gas
b)helium gas
c) oxygen gas

9. A toilet is fitted with thermal protection

a) to protect against freezing at altitude

b)to protect against the dangers of smoke and fire in the event of an overheat
c) to protect against continuous flushing

10. On a full fly-by-wire system, a speedbrake screwjack servomotor is controlled by

a) flight augmentation computer
b)flight control computer
c) flight management and guidance computer

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electrical Systems. Pallett Page 24

Question :2
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electrical Systems. Pallett Page 23/26/27

Question :3
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electrical Systems. Pallett Page 70

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is b

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is b Transport Category Aircraft Systems. Jeppesen Page 9-22

Question :9
The correct answer is b AWN 57 Para.2.3

Question :10
The correct answer is b
This is exam number 44. You've been here 1 times

1. In a fly-by-wire aircraft what controls the roll spoilers?

a) Flight control computer

b)Flight augmentation computer
c) Flight management computer

2. If aircraft has ability to transfer fuel in flight, provision must be made to

a) shut off fuel before structural damage

b)provide overflow facility to dump fuel
c) stop engine from using tank during transfer

3. If an aircraft is aerodynamically stable

a) C of P moves back
b) aircraft becomes too sensitive
c) aircraft returns to trimmed attitude

4. What is the principle of O2 generator?

a) sodium chlorate and iron using a mechanical detonator producing O2 when mixed with air
b)sodium chlorate and iron mixed by an electronic detonator
c) sodium chloride and iron mixed by an electronic detonator

5. Prior to securing a leading edge de-icing boot you must

a) remove all paint
b)shave rivet to prevent further abrasion
c) paint the surface

6. Where would you find information regarding galley equipment?

a) AWN 99

c) ANO

7. A large flap deployment causes

a) increased spanwise flow from root to tip on the wing lower surface
b)reduced spanwise flow from root to tip on the wing upper surface
c) no effect on spanwise flow

8. On a full fly-by-wire system, a speedbrake screwjack servomotor is controlled by

a) flight augmentation computer

b)flight control computer
c) flight management and guidance computer

9. The primary purpose of sealant in use in pressurised aircraft is

a) to seal the cabin

b)to provide external streamlining
c) to prevent corrosion

10. What is the purpose of thermal protection on electric toilet motor?

a) Prevent toilet freezing
b)Stop motor running beyond 10 seconds if timer become unserviceable
c) Prevent motor overheating and become fire hazard

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a JAR 25.957

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-25 3.5.1

Question :5
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/11-1 4.2.2

Question :6
The correct answer is a AWN 99

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is b

Question :9
The correct answer is c Thiokol, PRC, JC5a etc. all corrosion inhibitors.

Question :10
The correct answer is c AWN 57 Para.2.3
This is exam number 45. You've been here 1 times

1. How is RAT driven?

a) Airstream
c) Fan

2. How can fire extinguisher be identified as being used?

a) Weighed
b)Check the tell-tale wire
c) Check the pressure

3. What external warning is there for an APU fire?

a) Red light
c) Both

4. Which of the following is Perspex resistant to?

a) kerosene
c) acetone

5. What pressure are oxygen cylinders usually pressurised to?

a) 1800 PSI
b)3000 PSI
c) 300 PSI

6. Ditching control is used to

a) achieve rapid depressurisation
b)maintain cabin pressure at sea level
c) close the outflow valves

7. How often are life jackets inspected?

a) In accordance with the AMM
b)In accordance with the manufacturers specification
c) Every 12 months

8. What kind of gyro is a rate gyro?

b)Tied down
c) Space

9. Engine fire bottle pressure switches are operated by

a) AC
c) AC or DC
10. Hydraulic systems normally operate at

a) 3000 PSI
b)300 PSI
c) 1800 PSI

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a Ram Air Turbine

Question :2
The correct answer is a AL/3-10 6.3

Question :3
The correct answer is c AL/3-26 2.8

Question :4
The correct answer is a AL/7-4 2.3

Question :5
The correct answer is a AL/3-25 4.2

Question :6
The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/3-2 fig 5 item Y, CAAIPs Leaflet 5-2

Question :7
The correct answer is b Leaflet 5-2 4.1 and CAIPs AL/3-12 4.1

Question :8
The correct answer is b AL/10-2 A rate gyro has only 2 axis of freedom. Aircraft Insruments & Intergrated Systems Pallett page 129

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is a Transport Category Aircraft Systems Jeppesen Pages 7-5 & 7-7
This is exam number 46. You've been here 1 times

1. When flushing hydraulic systems

a) flush with same hydraulic oil

b)flush with any hydraulic oil
c) flush with methylated spirit

2. When replenishing a hydraulic system

a) use the same/correct hydraulic fluid

b)use any hydraulic fluid made by the same manufacturer
c) use any hydraulic fluid

3. When replacing a flexible pipe

a) use two spanners to stop pipe from twisting

b)do a bonding check
c) tighten only hand tight

4. How is an aircraft battery rated?

a) Ampere hours
c) Joules

5. Mass balance weights are used for

a) counteract flutter on control surfaces

b)balance tabs
c) balance trailing edge of flying control surfaces

6. When pressurising the aircraft on the ground for test purposes, internal doors, cupboards etc. must be

a) all closed
b)all open
c) removed

7. Fire tests on aircraft internal furnishings must be carried out

a) every two years

b)only when equipment items fail random tests
c) every five years

8. Portable fire extinguishers are operated by

a) breaking tell tale/tamperproof seal then operated by handle

b)one single operation until fire extinguisher is empty
c) turn upside down and squeeze button/trigger

9. Upper and lower strobe lights are coloured

a) green
c) white
10. When fitting a tyre the red dot should be positioned

a) adjacent to the charging valve

b)opposite the charging valve
c) on the other side of the wheel opposite to the charging valve

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a Transport Category Aircraft Systems Jeppesen Page 7-2

Question :3
The correct answer is a AL/3-13 6.5

Question :4
The correct answer is a Aircrfat Electrical Systems Pallett Page 21

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is b AL/3-23 12.3.4

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is b Transport Category Aircraft Systems Jeppesen Page 7-2

Question :10
The correct answer is a
This is exam number 47. You've been here 1 times

1. Composite brake units

a) have less weight than normal brake units but fade away at high temperatures

b)have less weight than normal brake units and have increased efficiency at high temperatures

c) weigh the same as normal brake units and fade away at high temperatures

2. Cargo bay lights on a modern aircraft are supplied by

a) the battery bus

b)DC handling bus

c) AC handling bus

3. A radio altimeter system can be self tested

a) on the ground only

b)in the air only

c) both

4. A modern aircraft CMC uses

a) magnetic fault indicator

b)CRT screen

c) LED display
5. Ailerons control the aircraft in the

a) longitudinal axis

b)lateral axis

c) directional axis

6. Oxygen storage cylinders, once charged should be

a) turned on and safety wirelocked

b)turned off

c) turned on by crew

7. In a fuel system with interconnected vents

a) the expansion space must be 10% of the tank capacity

b)the expansion space must be 2% of the tank capacity

c) an expansion space is not required

8. In a pressurised aircraft cabin window, the differential pressure can be taken by

a) the inner pane only

b)the scratch panel

c) both panes

9. On an aircraft travelling at speeds greater than Mach 1 the boundary layer is

a) thicker than if the aircraft were travelling slower than Mach 1

c) supersonic

10. At speeds above Mach 1 shockwaves will form above and below the wing

a) at the leading edge

b)at the trailing edge

c) at both the leading edge and the trailing edge

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-20 'Carbon Brakes'

Question :2
The correct answer is c BAe 146 AMM

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is b Ailerons control the aircraft 'IN' the lateral axis, which is 'ABOUT' the longitudinal axis.

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is b JAR 25.969

Question :8
The correct answer is c If, by 'both panes' they mean both main panes.

Question :9
The correct answer is b Boundary layer at supersonic speeds is very thin and considered negligible. Part of it is stationary. b) is the 'best'

Question :10
The correct answer is c
This is exam number 48. You've been here 1 times

1. A cantilever wing is

a) a swept back wing

b)the upper wing of a biplane

c) a wing without any external struts or bracing

2. Prior to conducting a ground pressurisation test, it is necessary to

a) disconnect the emergency pressure relief valve

b)set QFE

c) reset/disable the pressure controller

3. On a 'hot rod' type of ice detector, it is switched on

a) all the time

b)when in the air

c) when selected by the crew

4. Ice formation on wings is due to

a) suspended ice crystals melting on contact with the wing and instantly re-freezing

b)ice crystals forming layers on contact with the wing

c) supercooled water changing state on contact with the wing

5. When installing a 'Hi-lock' bolt, it is necessary to

a) lubricate the shank and threads

b)lubricate the collar

c) simply fit the bolt as they are prelubricated

6. The web of an I beam takes mainly which type of load

a) shear


c) bending

7. A condition after which a permanent deformation of a material is caused, is known as

a) bending



8. Sealant or levelling compound is installed during structure repair:

a) according to SB instructions

b)according to separate manufacturer's documentations such as BAC

c) according to AMM and SRM chapter 51

9. PTV type entertainment equipment

a) is not the part of maintenance schedule

b)has no capacity for digital information processing and transmitting

c) is installed with seat electronic unit and multiplexing techniques

10. Construction such as horn balance and inset hinge balance installed on control surface assembly

a) is meant to trim CG of control surfaces

b)serves as "servo" system of balance

c) has same effect of the balance tab

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c

Question :2
The correct answer is c The pressurisation system must be controlled manually. Setting QFE is for the automatic control of the valves.

Question :3
The correct answer is c AL/11-6 3.2.1

Question :4
The correct answer is c AL/11-6 2

Question :5
The correct answer is c

Question :6
The correct answer is a A 'web' always takes shear loads

Question :7
The correct answer is c Strain is 'best' of the answers. Strain is 'deformation' but does not necessarily cause a permanent deformation.

Question :8
The correct answer is c Chapter 51 is General Practices
Question :9
The correct answer is c PTV = Personal Television

Question :10
The correct answer is c A&P Technician Airframe Textbook. Jeppesen 1-24 fig 1-59,<BR>balance tab 1-23 -para 3<BR>

This is exam number 49. You've been here 1 times

1. The purpose of the vinyl interlayer in window construction is

a) to increase static strength

b)to improve on brittle behaviour
c) to enable inclusion of heater film

2. Semi-monocoque construction

a) offers good damage resistance

b)is used only for the fuselage
c) utilizes the safe-life design concept

3. In typical vapour cycle system, the subcooler

a) is a heat exchanger to superheat the vapour

b)cools the vapour further to prevent slugging
c) delivers extra cooling effect when the aircraft is on ground
4. The apparent wander for directional gyros is

a) compensated by applying a constant torque

b)maximum at the pole
c) dependant on longitude

5. Active load control involves

a) varying lift force to control vertical movement of the aircraft

b)limiting the deflection of control surface with airspeed
c Intervention & monitoring the human pilot)

6. The mid-spar is found in large aircraft to

a) support fitting the engine mount & landing gear mount

b)assist the main spar with operational loads
c) provide redundant design

7. How do you remove air from hydraulic fluid?

a) Vent to atmosphere
c) Pass through a restriction

8. A thermal compensator is used in

a) an hydraulic system
b)an oxygen system
c) a fuel system

9. An aircraft lands in autoland. After touch down and thrust reversers are deployed what happens to

a) Automatically switches off

b)Stays armed for go around in an emergency
c) Advances throttles
10. How many fire extinguishers are required on an aircraft with 501 passengers?

a) 5



How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b AL/7-10 3.1.1

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is b

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control Pallett and Coyle Page 292

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-25 4.12

Question :9
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control Pallett and Coyle Page 286

Question :10
The correct answer is c . JAR 25.851
This is exam number 50. You've been here 1 times

1. Pilot's instinctive cut-out buttons are positioned

a) on right side of control wheel

b)on side of control wheel furthest from throttles
c) on left side of control wheel

2. Active load control uses

a) elevator and stab

b)elevator and aileron
c) aileron and spoiler

3. The Directional Gyro is checked every 15 minutes for

a) toppling
c) erection

4. A pressure control relay in a hydraulic pump is

a) energised to the run position

b)de-energised to start the pump
c) used to prevent anything happening until there is hydraulic pressure

5. A cockpit check on the engine firewire system is a

b) continuity check
c) function check
6. When a vibrating rod ice detector has de-iced, the warning lamp on the flight deck

a) goes out immediately

b) goes out after one more cycle
c) goes out after a set period of time

7. De-misting of passenger windows is provided by

a) an electrical heating element

b)air from the cabin
c) sealed window

8. ILS and VOR operate in which range

a) UHF
c) VHF

9. An anti-balance tab is used

a) for trimming the aircraft

b)to relieve stick loads
c) to give more feel to the controls

10. The fin helps to give

a) directional stability about the longitudinal axis

b)directional stability about the normal axis

c) longitudinal stability about the normal axis

How did you do?

Question :1
The correct answer is b JAR 25.1329 (d)

Question :2
The correct answer is c Transport Category Aircraft Systems 5-29 (Load Alleviation Function)

Question :3
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 192

Question :4
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/3-21 13.3.2

Question :5
The correct answer is b B747-400 AMM

Question :6
The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/11-6 3.4.1

Question :7
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-24 fig 1

Question :8
The correct answer is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 12-1

Question :9
The correct answer is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 1-29

Question :10
The correct answer is b Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 1-22

This is exam number 51. You've been here 1 times

1. A reduction in field strength of a DC shunt motor driving a constant load will result in
a) reduced torque and increased speed
b)increased torque and reduced speed
c) increased torque and speed

2. When charging an oxygen bottle with gaseous oxygen, the oxygen is

a) passed into the bottle as quickly as possible to keep the temperature down
b)passed into the bottle slowly to keep the temperature at approximately ambient
c) passed into the bottle at any rate as this does not affect temperature

3. The purpose of the autopilot servo-motor torque setting is to

a) damp the system oscillation

b)protect the servo motor
c) prevent control surface runaway

4. Random drift of a gyro is caused by

a) error in roll when aircraft is turning

b)gyro friction and unbalance

5. Structural members are designed to carry

a) side loads
b)end loads

6. Most radio aerials are

a) bonded
b)not bonded
c) insulated from the fuselage

7. A bonded waffle doubler, as well as acting as a skin strengthener also acts as a

a) shear tie
b)jury strut
c) tear stopper

8. Where are the left handed threads found in an oxygen system?

a) Charging connection
b)Shut-off valve
c) Line valve

9. A restrictor valve can be used

a) to increase the speed of the undercarriage extension

b)to reduce the speed of the undercarriage extension
c) to increase the speed of undercarriage retraction

10. Standby Compass adjusting magnets (Flinders Bars), when do they exert the most amount of influence?

a) When parallel to each other

b)When 45 degrees apart
c) When 90 degrees apart

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 138 (reduces Back EMF)

Question :2
The correct answer is b A&P Mechanic Airframe Handbook Page 598

Question :3
The correct answer is c Automatic Flight Control Pallett and Coyle
Question :4
The correct answer is b Automatic Flight Control Pallett and Coyle Page 104

Question :5
The correct answer is c What kind of question is this?

Question :6
The correct answer is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 12-56

Question :7
The correct answer is c CAIPs AL/7-2 (crack stopper band fig.4)

Question :8
The correct answer is c A&P Mechanic Airframe Handbook Page 592

Question :9
The correct answer is b CAIPs AL/3-6 4.2

Question :10
The correct answer is c Angle between flinders bars determins their correcting influence.

This is exam number 52. You've been here 1 times

1. In a fully Fly By Wire Aircraft, ground spoilers are deployed automatically when the aircraft is on ground

a) thrust reversers are deployed

b)brakes are deployed
c) weight on ground switch is activated

2. In a fully Fly By Wire aircraft, rudder trim is nulled by

a) electric flight control unit

b)Flight Augmentation Computers
c) Flight Guidance and Management Computer

3. FMC secondary flightplan is selected

a) on the ground by the pilot

b)by calendar date monthly
c) in the air by the pilot

4. On a high pressure pneumatic system, if the drain plug for oil and water is left open for long periods of time, the system would

a) lose all pressure

b)lose pneumatic pressure partially
c) lose pressure from the compressor side only

5.What are the faying surfaces of a repair?

a) Edges of repair metal

b)Material under repair

c) Middle of repair

6. Why is a joggle joint used?

a) So countersunk rivets do not need to be used

b)Smooth contour of surface

c) Added strength
7. With engine static EPR gauge reads just above 1.

a) This is OK

b)Transmitter is unserviceable

c) Gauge requires re-calibration

8. Aileron input is fed into the yaw damper system to

a) prevent nose pitching down

b)prevent adverse yaw in a turn

c) prevent nose pitching up

9. Portable O2 diluter demand valve works when

a) 100% selected

b)less than 500psi in bottle

c) user breathes in

10. When the fire handle is operated it

a) cuts off fuel and hydraulics. Generator remains on line to provide electrical power

b)cuts off field current, hydraulics and fuel and operates fire extinguishers

c)operates fire extinguisher only

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a A320 Ground Spoiler Logic diagram - also,
Question :2
The correct answer is b Transport Category Aircraft Systems Page 5-26

Question :3
The correct answer is c FMC has a primary (active) and a secondary (alternative) stored flight plan.

Question :4
The correct answer is c AL/3-22 figure 1

Question :5
The correct answer is b Open to interpretation. We have gone for 'material under repair' as the surfaces joined together.

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is c

Question :8
The correct answer is b

Question :9
The correct answer is c

Question :10
The correct answer is b

This is exam number 53. You've been here 1 times

1.Coefficient A is adjusted

a) 270 degrees
b)360 degrees
c) on any heading
2. With an aircraft which has more than one compass system

a) both are adjusted on each heading

b)master adjusted, slave adjusted, each having a corrected compass card
c) master and slave adjusted, correction card for master only

3. GPWS operating in mode 1 and 2 when close to ground will give

a) amber warning
b)red caption and aural "whoop whoop pull up"
c) red caption and aural "pull up undercarriage, flaps, throttle"

4. DC electrical cable must be positioned how far away from a compass?

a) So as to give no more than 2 degrees deflection of compass

b)20 inches
c) 24 inches

5. The components of an ILS are

a) a localizer and a glide slope

b)a localizer, a glide slope and the marker beacons
c)a localizer and the marker beacons

6. In ILS, the glideslope provides

a) lateral steering
b)vertical steering

7. If the 90 Hz tone modulation in a localizer receiver, the deviation indicator will show

b)fly right
c) fly left

8. Autopilot will operate after

a) 1000 ft
b)750 ft
c) 500 ft

9. Which pitot probe provides info to the captains instruments?

a) Upper

10. On the CWP, what does amber indicate?


b)Present status

c) Cautionary info

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c AL/10-5 9.2.7

Question :2
The correct answer is b Al/10-5 9.2 Note.

Question :3
The correct answer is b

Question :4
The correct answer is a AL/10-5 4.1.5

Question :5
The correct answer is b Aircraft Radio Systems by James Powell page 69

Question :6
The correct answer is b Aircraft Radio Systems by James Powell page 69
Question :7
The correct answer is b Aircraft Radio Systems by James Powell page 73

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is c

This is exam number 54. You've been here 1 times

1. Which instrument shows Decision Height?

a) HSI
b)Pitot static probes
c) INS

3. What will happen if the Master Dim and test switch is switched to the on position?
a) All lights will illuminate
b)Dome lights will illuminate
c) Rectangular indicator lights will illuminate

4. What is the maximum rad alt track altitude?

a) 500 ft
b)10000 ft
c) 2500 ft

5. A radio coupled autopilot in pitch uses

a) VOR

c) ADF

6. EPR and thrust modes in autothrottle are the only modes that can be selected in

a) take off


c) approach

7. Inertial nav unit uses pin programming for

a) aircraft type


c) magnetic orientation

8. How can it be verified if FMC update is correct?

a) data plate on FMC


c) FMC via CDU

9. What are the 2 short prongs for on an AC plug?

a) Using AC current to pull on interlock circuit

b)Prevent arcing during plug connection / disconnection

c) Help plug location / fit

10. A vibration contact voltage regulator consists of a shunt winding and a

a) voltage regulating coil in parallel

b)voltage regulating coil in series

c) current regulation coil in series

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b

Question :2
The correct answer is c

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is c

Question :5
The correct answer is b

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is a Pin programming is used to tel the INU which way it is mounted in teh aircraft. Para 5D

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electrical Systems. Pallett Page 11
This is exam number 55. You've been here 1 times

1. A de-icer boot is completely bonded to the leading edge to

a) Prevent electrical static build up

b)Smoother airflow over leading edge
c) More efficient de-icer cycles

2. The weak link on a wire aerial is at

a) the front
b)the middle
c) the rear

3. GPWS will show a fault if the following fails:

a) Radio altimeter
b)Pressure altimeter
c) Air speed indicator

4. What is the contamination monitor for in a Systron Donner fire detection system?

a) Integrity comparitor
b)Dirty contacts
c) Volts drop

5. A double headed oxygen pressure regulator is used for

a) extra supply in case of emergency

b)additional flightcrew
c) changes in altitude
6. Pitch trimming in autopilot is initiated by

a) C of G Movement

b)continued pitch input

c) pitch of aircraft in cruise

7. Jet engines are usually mounted by

a) welded steel tubing

b)forged mounts and bolted to aircraft forged structure

c) aluminium castings

8. In a cockpit window heater system the autotransformer

a) steps up output for severe weather conditions

b)supplies AC Power for heating

c) supplies DC power for heating

9. A high speed aircraft with MACH warning will

a) warn when Mcrit is reached

b)warn when Mach 1 has been exceeded

c) warn when coming to limits of upper envelope

10. A constant delivery pump has its output varied with

a) servo pressure


c) gears

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a CAIPs AL/11-1 3.4 (unless they mean 'bonded' as in cemented. In which case the answer is b)

Question :2
The correct answer is c RL/2-2 Figure 4

Question :3
The correct answer is a Of the three, GPWS has only connection to the RA. It does use barometric vertical speed however.

Question :4
The correct answer is b EEL/1-7 2.2.4 (d)

Question :5
The correct answer is b

Question :6
The correct answer is b If the elevator is deflected over a long time, the AFCS trims the horizontal stabilizer to eliminate the elevator
deflection load

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 62/63 (Note: a transformer cannot 'supply' power)

Question :9
The correct answer is a Mach overspeed warning (aka 'henpecker' - cluck, cluck, cluck) is activated at Mcrit (shown by the barber pole
on some ASIs)

Question :10
The correct answer is b Constant delivery is constant flow rate.
This is exam number 56. You've been here 1 times

1. When power is switched off the gimbal brake

a) stops outer gimbal

b)restricts outer gimbal

c) restricts inner gimbal

2. In an air conditoning system heat is added to air by

a) restricting compressor inlet

b)restricting compressor outlet

c) restricting duct outlets

3. Two compressors driven by separate engines use

a) NRVs to prevent compressors driving each other


c) Interconnected to share loads

4. Fuel tanks interconnected must have

a) vents to allow overfueling

b)tank where fuel is fed from both tanks to engine inlet

c) protection against overfill for tanks and fuel system

5. IRS has mercury switches on

a) inner gimbal

b)outer gimbal

c) all gimbals


a) provides ATA tech log reference for all faults

b)provides source of fault

c) supplies CMC with source of fault

7. After successful ditching, use of life rafts must be

a) displayed clearly on leaflet in pouch in front of seat

b)shown how to be deployed by air stewardesses

c) clear instructions given with ease of use on raft

8. Secondary bonding is usually with

a) stranded copper 0.25 inch

b)single strand 0.25 inch

c) 18 AWG

9. What is the purpose of diode in a power GCR?

a) To prevent backflow of current in the EMF coil

b)To speed up the operation

c) To allow flow in the event of failure of the relay

10. Eddy currents are

a) caused by resistance of the coil

b)circulating currents

c) caused by heating effect of the coil

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b Used for gimbal lock prevention. Energised off.

Question :2
The correct answer is b Best answer we can get to a bad question. Heat is added by varying the amount of compressor outlet air that
bypasses the heat exchanger

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is c JAR 25.969

Question :5
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 116

Question :6
The correct answer is c The ECAM displays the abnormal parameter or function and its associated warning and the CMC records the
failure information detected by the system BITE

Question :7
The correct answer is c No reference found

Question :8
The correct answer is c CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 3.3.1 (a) (ii)

Question :9
The correct answer is a The diode is to prevent the high current flow in the coil due to induction as the relay switches off

Question :10
The correct answer is b
This is exam number 57. You've been here 1 times

1. Differential aileron control will

a) cause a nose down moment

b)cause a nose up moment

c) prevent yawing in conjunction with rudder input

2. How many fire extinguishers are required on an aircraft having 401 - 500 people?

a) 5


c) 8

3. Toilets must have a smoke detection

a) light in the cockpit

b)aural and visual warning in the main cabin

c) connected to a pump to pump the smoke out

4. When an undercarriage is lowered, it tends to creep back up. The fault could be

a) a leaky selector valve

b)a stuck relief valve

c) the emergency system

5. Escape route lighting must not have more than

a) 10% obscured

b)15% obscured

c) 20% obscured

6. Fireproofing of cabin material should be done

a) every 2 years

b)when a sample fails

c) every 5 years

7. How many emergency lights are allowed to be inoperative?

a) None


c) 25%

8. The angle of a runway turnoff light is

a) 40o

c) 60o

9. The small pins in the power connector plug are

a) positive


c) neutral

10. Cabin fluorescent lighting circuits are supplied with

a) 115 V AC

b)28 V AC

c) 28 V DC

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c

Question :2
The correct answer is b JAR 25.851

Question :3
The correct answer is a JAR 25.854 says a) or b)

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is c

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is c JAR 25.812 (l) (1), and CAAIPs Leaflet 5-11 2.11.1

Question :8
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 146

Question :9
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 70

Question :10
The correct answer is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 7-76 (figure 7-115)

This is exam number 58. You've been here 1 times

1. On a fly-by-wire aircraft, what controls stabilizer trim?

a) SEC

b)ELAC and SEC


2. When an overvolt is present on an ac generator system the tripping circuit

a) trips at a set level

b)trips after a time delay

c) trips after a time delay inversely proportional to overvolt amplitude

3. In an AC distribution system the purpose of the synchronising bus-bar is to

a) provide interconnection between the generator load busbars

b)supply essential services

c) provide a means of monitoring the load

4. When a FADEC system loses air data input it goes to

a) soft reversion

b) hard reversion

c) mechanical reversion

5. Vibrating contact voltage regulator sensing coil is

a) across the generator output

b)in series with the field windings

c) in parallel with the field windings

6. A current transformer connected across the neutral of a 3 phase generator is for

a) differential protection

b)phase sequence monitoring

c) load monitoring

7. Zener diodes are for

a) voltage stabilisation

b)voltage regulation
c) rectification

8. Generator output indications are

a) KW


c) KVA & KW

9. A Flight Data Recorder is activated when

a) the helicopter takes off

b)the helicopters engines are started

c) when power is applied to the helicopter

10. On an EADI the command bars show

a) required flight path compared with horizon

b)required flight path compared to planned flight path

c) required flight path compared with aircraft position

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b Transport Category Aircraft Systems 5-23

Question :2
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 119/120

Question :3
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 81
Question :4
The correct answer is a TTS FADEC Booklet Page 13

Question :5
The correct answer is b EEL/1-2 Page 5

Question :6
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 121

Question :7
The correct answer is b An old Module 4 question. Although Zener diodes can be used (back-to-back) to protect equipment from voltage
spikes (voltage stabilisation) they are more commonly associated with voltage regulation.

Question :8
The correct answer is c An AC generator is rated in KVA and KW (or KVA and power factor, from which KW can be calculated).
However, a DC generator is rated in KW only.

Question :9
The correct answer is a ANO Art. 53 Para (3) (Closest answer).

Question :10
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 212/213

This is exam number 59. You've been here 1 times

1. The airdata computer inputs to

a) mach meter, standby altimeter, ASI

b)cabin rate sensors, machmeters, ASI, altimeter

c) altimeter, FMC, secondary radar

2. If the runway picture in the EADI moves down during an ILS approach the aircraft must fly



c) nowhere - this is normal on an ILS approach

3.Load shedding allows

a) more current to the busbar

b)less current to the busbar

c) more voltage to the busbar

4. How may the output of a transistorised voltage regulator be described?

a) Slightly variable DC

b)Pulse width modulated DC

c) Variable AC

5. In the event of complete AC generator failure in an AC split bus-bar generation system, how is power

a) By power fed from static inverter only

b)By power fed from a hot battery bus-bar only

c) By power fed from a battery supplied static inverter

6. Which components within a generator control unit connects the output of the field power supply to the

a) Generator control relay

b)Generator line contactor

c) Generator power pilot relay

7. In what units are static inverters rated?

a) kW
b) kVA
c) kVAR

8. What modulation is used for the beams of a localiser in an ILS?

a) 150 Hz right of runway centreline, 90 Hz left of runway centreline

b)150 Hz left of runway centreline, 90 Hz right of runway centreline

c) 90 Hz below the glide path, 150 Hz above the glide path

9. What deviation is indicated by 2 dots in a VOR system?

a) 2.5o


c) 6o

10. In an automatic flight control system when may yaw damper be applied?

a) During automatic control only

b)During manual control only

c) During either manual or automatic control

How did you do?

Question :1
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 179 (DADC). (Analogue ADC shown on page 162
shows instruments only - answer a)

Question :2
The correct answer is b

Question :3
The correct answer is b Load shedding is carried out to reduce current (voltage is constant).

Question :4
The correct answer is b A voltage regulator has two outputs, one to the generator field (pulse width modulated on a transistorised
regulator) and one to the busbar (constant voltage but variable current depending on load). The answer here depends upon which output
they are referring.

Question :5
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 78 Fig. 5.2

Question :6
The correct answer is a Not sure of the point of this question. The GCR is the only one which is (sometimes) 'within' the GCU. (Never
heard of a 'generator power pilot relay')

Question :7
The correct answer is b VA or KVA, just like an AC generator

Question :8
The correct answer is a Aircraft Radio Systems Powell Page 70

Question :9
The correct answer is b (Note: VOR is 5 degrees per dot. ILS is 2 1/2 degrees per dot)

Question :10
The correct answer is c Automatic Flight Control Pallett Page 222 - 226

This is exam number 60. You've been here 1 times

1. In what frequency range does the automatic direction finding (ADF) system operate?
a) 108.00 - 117.95 MHz
b)1025 - 1150 KHz
c) 190 - 1759 KHz

2. In a generator system, a stability winding is used

a) in series with the field to prevent oscillations

b)to prevent voltage overshoot
c) to control output current

3. On engine shut down what prevents GCR being tripped?

a) undervolt


c) under current

4. How is real and reactive load sharing achieved in an AC parallel generator system?

a) Real load by control of the constant speed drives, reactive load by adjustment of generator fields
b)Real and reactive loads by control of the constant speed drives only. Output voltage is controlled by
c) Real load by control of generator fields, Reactive loads by adjustment of the constant speed drives

5. How are passenger reading lights normally tested?

a) Each one is switched on individually at passenger panel

b)By using a READ LIGHT TEST switch at any passenger panel

c) By using a READ LIGHT TEST switch on the cabin attendant panel

6. In what position should the selector switch be for a standby and emergency lighting system during flight?

a) OFF


7. How does an aircraft distinguish its own Distance Measuring Equipment reply from those for other aircraft?

a) By using an alternate frequency

b)By modulation of an audio tone

c) By changing at random the time delay between the pulse pairs of the interrogation signal

8. from where is bearing information received for display on the digital-distance radio-magnetic indicator

a) From VOR and ADF systems

b)From VOR only

c) From ADF only

9. How may the basic principle of the radio altimeter be described?

a) As a comparison of radio altitude against a barometric altitude referenced to ISA sea level (1013.25mb)

c) As a series of radio pulses to the ground their frequency depending on the expansion or contraction of an evacuated capsule and the
deflection of an E and I bar transducer

10. Which frequency is used to achieve line of sight radio communication?

a) VHF and UHF


c) VHF
How did you do?

Question :1
The correct answer is c Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 12-13

Question :2
The correct answer is b EEL/1-2 3.4.5 (d)

Question :3
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett page 120

Question :4
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett page 48 and 49

Question :5
The correct answer is c

Question :6
The correct answer is b Transport Category Aircraft Systems 11-23

Question :7
The correct answer is c Aircraft Radio Systems Powell Page 106

Question :8
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 197

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is a

This is exam number 61. You've been here 1 times

1. Why is an aerial tuning unit used in a high frequency (HF) communication system?

a) To extend or retract the aerial and so vary its physical length

b)To select the transmission/reception frequency in the HF band

c) To electrically lengthen or shorten the aerial for optimum matching of impedance

2. What would be the purpose of an input from an inertial reference system being connected to a weather

a) To provide stabilisation for the radar antenna

b)To place the weather radar target in azimuth and distance for the display

c) To ensure that there is no radar transmission with aircraft on ground

3. Which systems provide envelope modulation information for a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)

a) Flaps/undercarriage


c) Rudder/ailerons

4. In a compass system, what senses the horizontal component of the earths magnetic field and where is it

a) Directional gyro mounted on the roll axis of the aircraft

b)Flux detectors fitted in the wing tips

c) A precession device mounted on the yaw axis of the aircraft

5. The Time Reference Scanning Beam (TRSB) corresponds to ILS localiser and glidepath. How does it

a) Azimuth and elevation transmitters produce a narrow beam which is rapidly scanned TO and FRO or UP and DOWN

b)It operates in the same manner as ILS but utilises higher frequencies
c) It operates in conjunction with DME at lower frequencies than ILS

6. Other than when there is a fault in an aircraft battery or its charging system, when is the charger switched

a) When there is a failure of one alternator in a split-bus bar system

b)When the battery is used for excessively high discharge currents such as in starting

c) When the alternators are fully loaded

7. The FMS nav data base is updated

a) after a B or C check has been completed

b)every 28 days

c) daily

8. An RMI has inputs from VOR and

a) no other sources

b)a azimuth gyro

c) a remote compass input

9. The trimmer resister in a carbon pile volts regulator is

a) in series with the generator field

b)in parallel with the generator volts coil

c) in series with the generator volts coil

10. When a field relay trips the generator off line it can be reset
a) on the ground only

b)by cycling the generator switch

c) after the fault has been cleared

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 182

Question :5
The correct answer is a Aircraft Radio Systems Powell Page 224

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 194

Question :9
The correct answer is c EEL/1-2 Fig 1

Question :10
The correct answer is b
This is exam number 62. You've been here 1 times

1. An overvoltage condition trips the generator, the time taken to trip is dependant upon

a) amplitude of voltage

b)time delay circuit

c) closing fuel and hyd valves etc

2. In a paralleled AC generator system both A phases must be in synchronisation and

a) CBA must equal ABC

b)phase rotation does not matter

c) CBA must equal CBA

3. When loads are shed from a busbar automatically

a) bus bar voltage rises

b)bus bar current rises

c) bus bar current decreases

4. In a modern HSI, the displays are

a) course and direction

b)course and attitude

c) direction and attitude

5. In an IRS system you would expect to find

a) ring laser gyros

b)three strap down accelerometers

c) an azimuth gyro system

6. In an INS system the accelerometer is a mass

a) suspended between two springs in a tube

b)a mass suspended in free air

c) a remotely mounted mass on the airframe

7. In a modern aircraft the ACARS system is used primarily for

a) reporting defects on the aircraft automatically

b)communications between the aircraft and base

c) as part of the passenger telephone system

8. What controls output from generator




9. The term "empennage" incorporates

a) elevators, stabiliser, rudder

b)elevators, stabiliser, ailerons

c) rudder, ailerons, spoilers

10. Which of the following are primary control surfaces?

a) Elevators, roll spoilers, tabs

b)Elevators, ailerons, rudder

c) Roll spoilers, elevators, tabs

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a Inverse time delay - b could also be considered correct. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, page 203

Question :2
The correct answer is c

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett page 303

Question :5
The correct answer is a Assuming they mean a strapdown system. (Note: in b, it is the system which is strapdown, not the
accelerometers, in c, azimuth gyro is not the only type of gyro involved).

Question :6
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 256. (Note: the mass is suspended in fluid, and is not

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, has full descriptions of all 3 units.

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is b
This is exam number 63. You've been here 1 times

1. Flutter can be prevented by

a) mass balance

b)trim tabs

c) balance panels

2. Vents holes are found on

a) tubeless tyres

b)tubed tyres

c) spilt wheel tyres

3. Which of the following can be used on the ground?

a) Turbo brake

b)Turbo compressor

c) Turbo fan
4. Pressure refuelling is carried out at

a) 15 PSI

b)20 PSI

c) 40 PSI

5. What is important about the air entering a dry air pump?

a) must be filtered

b) must be pressure controlled

c)must be temperature controlled

6. What test is carried out to ensure serviceability of a squib?

a) Bottles are fired

b)Safety ohmmeter is used to check voltage

c) A continuity check

7. Cross feed valves permit fuel transfer from

a) tank to tank

b)left tank to right tank

c) any tank to any engine

8. What is fitted to the fuel jettison pipe to prevent vaporisation?

a) anti corona device


c) corona device

9. Specific Gravity in a lead acid battery should give an indication of

a) charge

b)electrolyte level

c) electrolyte temperature

10. If an aircraft suddenly drops pressure at 14000ft

a) masks drop automatically

b)attendant must drop masks

c) passenger must get mask from overhead stowage

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a AL/3-18 2.4. However A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-42 says both tubed and tubeless. So does
Dunlop General Servicing Instructions

Question :3
The correct answer is c Used on air conditioning systems to supply air on ground.

Question :4
The correct answer is c AL/3-17 5.4 says 'up to 50 psi'

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is c Trick question. A continuity check is carried out - with a safety ohmmeter. But a safety ohmmeter does not check
Question :7
The correct answer is c

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is a Transport Category Aircraft Systems 8-8

This is exam number 64. You've been here 1 times

1. During normal engine shut down the generator

a) breaker is tripped only

b)breaker and control relay are both tripped

c) control relay is tripped only

2. At what temperature does a yellow fuse plug melt at?

a) 150 deg C

b)200 deg C

c) 250 deg C
3. Above the critical mach number, the drag coefficient

a) increases


c) remains the same

4. In a CMC warning signals are generated by

a) Warning computer


c) FMC

5. Dissimilar metal fusion bonding is best for

a) high strength high ductility

b) high strength high toughness

c) low strength high toughness

6. In a fully fly by wire system, if the elevator loses all electrical power

a) servos move to neutral and lock

b)servos remain stationary and provide damping

c) servos lock at last position

7. A variable angled pump starts at

a) maximum stroke
b)minimum stroke

c) half way position

8. At what height does the rising runway appear?

a) 500ft


c) 200ft

9. An H on the EHSI indicates

a) DME hold

b)VOR hold

c) ILS approach

10. What happens to the capacitance in a fuel contents gauge as fuel is used?

a) Increases


c) Depends on altitude

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a B757 Maintenance Training Manual

Question :2
The correct answer is b Boeing 757 Carbon Brake wheel, Description and Operation 32-42-82 Part AHA1648 - Yellow Plug
Temperature 390 degrees F
Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is a Transport Category Aircraft Systems 11-5

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 358

Question :10
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 353

This is exam number 65. You've been here 1 times

1. What are the main areas of the autopilot?

a) Error, correction, follow up, demand

b)Error, correction , demand, resolved

c) Error, correction, follow up, command

2. VHF frequency is

a) 108 - 112 MHz

b)108 - 136 MHz

c) 108 - 118 Mhz

3. The call system for the captain will have the audio

a) two tone chime


c) hi tone chime

4. Channel 3 on a CVR records

a) first officer


c) flightdeck

5. DME works on the frequency of

a) VHF


c) HF

6. A radial is referenced

a) from a beacon

b)to a VOR
c) on a compass

7. ADF works by using

a) loop aerial

b)sense aerial

c) both loop and sense aerial

8. The ideal conditions for paint spraying an aircraft are

a) 20oC to 30oC and humidity below 70%

b)15oC to 25oC and humidity below 75%

c) 15oC to 25oC and humidity above 60%

9. When an aircraft is put into storage for medium / long periods, the fuel tanks should be

a) empty


c) some fuel left in to prevent sealant from deteriorating/drying out

10. The generator warning light will come on when

a) voltage too high

b)voltage above battery voltage

c) voltage below battery voltage

How did you do?

Question :1
The correct answer is c

Question :2
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 295

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is c JAR 25.1457

Question :5
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 310 and 278

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is c

Question :8
The correct answer is b BL/6-20 5

Question :9
The correct answer is c AL/3-15 9.3

Question :10
The correct answer is c

This is exam number 66. You've been here 1 times

1. Compared to air driven gyros, the electric gyro runs

a) faster


c) same speed

2. Hot fluids in an aircraft galley must have closed container lids at temperatures above

a) 45 degrees C

b)55 degrees C

c) 65 degrees C

3. Windshield rain repellent is applied

a) before rain and spread on window surface by wipers

b)when rain is on windows and spread by wipers

c) when in heavy rain so vision is unobscured

4. In a gas firewire system, what causes the firewire caption to come on when heat is applied?

a) Capacitance increase


c) Pressure

5. In an auto trim system, for the trim system to operate

a) autopilot must be engaged

b)autopilot need not be engaged

c) operation of the trim controls is required

6. Fluid viscosity

a) increases with an increase in temperature

b)decreases with an increase in temperature

c) decreases with a decrease in temperature

7. A check flow valve in a hydraulic system prevents

a) pump cavitation

b)reverse flow

c) overpressure

8. A pneumatic indicator takes its indications from

a) compressor inlet

b)compressor outlet

c) reservoir

9. What is apparent drift?

a) earths rotation

b)errors when aircraft banking

c) gyro pivot friction

10. Integral fuel booster pumps

a) require no cooling

b)require ram air cooling

c) the fuel does cooling

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a CAP 455 AWN No.99 5.2

Question :3
The correct answer is b, Jeppesen, A&P Airframe Textbook Page 13-17

Question :4
The correct answer is c Jeppesen A&P Airframe Technician Textbook Page 16-8 Lindberg System

Question :5
The correct answer is a Automatic Flight Control, Pallett Page 213 - 218

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is b

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 102

Question :10
The correct answer is c
This is exam number 67. You've been here 1 times

1. Toilet fire detection can be found in

b)AWN 80
c) AWN 83

2. The outside casing of a firewire has

a) 28vdc potential above ground

b)115vdc potential above ground
c) same potential as ground

3. The cam plate in a nose undercarriage is for

a) the shimmy damper

b)alignment for nose wheel steering on nose undercarriage extension
c) align for nose wheel on nose undercarriage retraction

4. An aircraft airspeed indicator has

a) pitot to the capsule

b)static to the capsule
c) pitot to the capsule and static to the out side of the capsule

5. What is tyre creep related to?

a) Tyre moving around the wheel

b)Horizontal movement of the tyre
c) Vertical movement of the tyre
6. Water Lines (WLs) are measured points on a

a) horizontal line
b) vertical line
c) wing line

7. The four main structural items making up a horizontal stabiliser are

a) spar, rib, stringers, skin panels

b)spar, rib, longerons, skin panels
c) spar, rib, bulkheads, skin panels

8. The main undercarriage is attached to

a) front main spar

b)rear main spar
c)aircraft structure

9. In an auto pilot coordinated turn, when the turn angle is reached?

a) both ailerons are down

b)one is up one is down

c) the ailerons are faired

10. A flat planer radar dish

a) is used for RF transmissions only

b)is a parabolic dish

c) is a series of wave guides with slots cut in them

How did you do?

Question :1
The correct answer is c AWN 83

Question :2
The correct answer is c

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is c

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is c What?

Question :9
The correct answer is c Due to the aircraft's neutral lateral stability, the ailerons are neutralised (faired) and the aircraft will hold the turn

Question :10
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 342

This is exam number 68. You've been here 1 times

1. Above 2500 ft the rad alt

a) pointer goes to zero to show system is being monitored

b)pointer is hidden behind a mask with off flag out of view

c) continues to indicate but with a warning flag

2. When replacing a current transformer

a) it can only be fitted one way round

b)it can be fitted any way round

c) voltage/current selection must be made prior to fitting

3. How is the next database on the FMC activated?

a) Manually, on the ground

b)Automatically by due date

c) Manually in the air

4. The economy coil on a relay

a) makes it cheaper to make

b)reduces current required to hold closed

c) reduces current required to close

5. The emergency lighting system must be designed so that after any single transverse vertical separation of the fuselage during crash
landing the maximum amount of emergency lighting that fails is

a) 10%

c) 25%

6. What is the function of the generator control relay?

a) Control output voltage

b)Bring the generator on-line

c) Connect the generator to the busbar

7. How is automatic AoA protection provided?

a) Autothrottle applying more power

b)Fast/Slow indication

c) Reduce flap deployment

8. What is the output angle of a landing light?

a) 11 degrees

b)15 degrees

c) 20 degrees

9. What sort of etch solution is used on Aluminium alloys

a) Alkaline Etch

b)Acid Etch

c) Solvent Etch
10. What are the types of true bonded joints?

a) cemented and specific

b)mechanical and specific

c) mechanical and cemented

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b Avionic Systems: Operation and Maintenance Page 189

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is c JAR 25.812

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 146

Question :9
The correct answer is b Old Module 7 question

Question :10
The correct answer is b Old Module 7 question
This is exam number 69. You've been here 1 times

1. Where would you find information on life-raft deployment?

a) Cabin safety onboard card

b)Cabin operations manual

c) JARs

2. What GPWS mode gives a "Whoop Whoop, Pull-up" command

a) Mode 2

b)Mode 3

c) Mode 6

3. How does a mach meter work?

a) True airspeed / indicated airspeed

b)True airspeed and true speed of sound

c) Indicated airspeed / temperature

4. A machmeter works

a) always

b)always except on the ground

c) above 10000 ft
5. On a standard day at which altitude will the speed of sound be the highest?

a) Sea Level

b)5,000 ft

c) 10,000 ft

6. The purpose of the autopilot servo-motor torque setting is to

a) prevent control surface runaway

b)dampen oscillations

c) provide autopilot

7. The current consumed by a DC starter motor will

a) increase as the engine speed increases

b)decrease as the engine speed increases

c) remain constant

8. The various parts of the aircraft airframe are maintained at the same potential by

a) earthing

b)static wicks

c) bonding

9. Why is a joggle joint used?

a) To provide a flush fit

b)To add strength

c) To provide a smooth contour to surface

10. Air conditioning systems

a) Increase the temperature of air

b)increase and decrease the temperature of air

c) decrease the temperature of air

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is c Kermode Mechanics of Flight 10th edition p339

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is b Decreases due to the back EMF as engine speed increases

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is a Arguably c also, but the joggle does not provide the 'contour'.

Question :10
The correct answer is c

This is exam number 70. You've been here 1 times

1. How do oxygen cylinders show over pressure?

a) Green rupturing disc

b)Audible warning

c) Red rupturing disc

2. Slats

a) keep the boundary layer from separating for longer

b)increase the overall surface area and lift effect of wing

c)act as an air brake

3. 'Aquaplaning' can be reduced by?

a) anti-skid

b)lowering slats

c) increased flaring
4. An air cycle machine turbine

a) drives compressor to pressurise aircraft

b)drives compressor to increase temperature

c) drives compressor to decrease temperature

5. On passenger aircraft of 2 or more zones

a) seat backs fold forward at over wing emergency exits

b)there should be at least one exit per zone

c) emergency exits are to be clearly signed

6. In a pressurised cabin there is a gauge that shows

a) cabin differential pressure

b)cabin pressure altitude

c) aircraft altitude

7. Due to the change of lift forces resulting from the extension of flaps in flight

a) nose should be raised increasing AoA

b)nose should remain in same pos maintaining same AoA

c) nose should be lowered reducing AoA

8. Flight spoilers
a) can be used with differential ailerons to reduce adverse yaw in a turn

b)can be deployed on the down going wing in a turn to increase lift on that wing

c) can be used to decrease lift to allow controlled decent without reduction of airspeed

9. If the aircraft is flying nose heavy which direction would your move the elevator trim tab?

a) Down to move elevator up

b)Up to move elevator up

c) Up to move elevator down

10. When changing a pitot static instrument with quick release couplings

a) a leak check is not required

b) a leak check is always required

c) a leak check is only required if stated by manufacturer

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is c

Question :6
The correct answer is a Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 14-23
Question :7
The correct answer is c The main purpose of flaps is to increase lift so that the pilot can lower the nose, increase decent angle and get a
better view of the runway.

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is b

This is exam number 71. You've been here 3 times

1. The cross sectional area of a secondary conductor must be not less than

a) 18 SWG for a single wire

b)22 SWG x 0.5"

c) 22 SWG x 0.25"

2. A neutralising agent for sulphuric acid is

a) borax powder

b)citric acid

c) distilled water
3. In a split bus power distribution system

a) generators are paralleled on connection to the tie bus

b)each generator supplies its own bus and distribution system in normal operation

c) power is split between 115V AC and 28V DC

4. Wing tip vortices are strongest when

a) flying high speed straight and level flight

b)flying slowly at high angles of attack

c) flying into a headwind

5. Air exiting the compressor side of an ACM

a) will have increased pressure and temperature

b)will have decreased pressure and temperature

c) no change in temperature or pressure as it is a centrifugal compressor

6. The purpose of a scavenge system within a fuel system is

a) to ensure that all available fuel can be used

b)to ensure that any water in the fuel is constantly dispersed thus reducing microbiological contamination

c) to ensure that all unused fuel is returned to the tanks efficiently

7. Pneumatic rain removal systems

a) use engine bleed air at high velocity to remove water droplets from windscreen

b)use a pneumatic motor to drive windscreen wipers

c) are not permitted on large transport aircraft

8. A transponder that is compatible for use with a TCAS system would be

a) Mode A

b)Mode C

c) Mode S

9. GPS

a) uses 24 satellites equally spaced around 6 orbits

b)uses 18 satellites equally spaced around 6 orbits

c) uses 21 satellites equally spaced around 7 orbits

10. When both sides are not easily reached which type of fastener would you use?

a) Hi lock bolt

b)Pop rivet

c) Blind rivet

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 3.3.1 (ii)

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is b
Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is c Pop rivet is not a blind fastener because the broken stem must be retrieved

This is exam number 72. You've been here 1 times

1. Where would you find information on life-raft deployment?

a) Cabin safety onboard card

b)Cabin operations manual

c) JARs
2. What GPWS mode gives a "Whoop Whoop, Pull-up" command?

a) Mode 2

b)Mode 3

c) Mode 6

3. Aerodynamic balance

a) will cause CP to move forward of hinge and cause overbalance

b)will cause CP to move towards the trailing edge and cause instability
c) will reduce aerodynamic loading

4. Random precession of the inner gimbal ring is detected by placing mercury switches

a) on inner gimbal ring

b)on outer gimbal ring
c) on both gimbal rings

5. The IRS laser gyro is a

a) rate gyro
b)displacement gyro
c) displaced gyro

6. What manoeuvre does TCAS II advise the pilot to make:

a) TA
b) RA
c) either RA or TA

7. What are the shapes of traffic shown on a TCAS display ?

a) White diamonds, red squares and amber circles
b) White squares, red diamonds and amber circles
c) White circles, red diamonds and amber squares

8. The laser ring gyro

a) does not have gimbal

b)does not have gimbal and rotating parts
c) has a stabilized platform
9. A single failure of fly by wire

a) has no effect on the aircraft's operation

b)will limit the flight profile
c) will reduce the operational height and speed

10. Fly-by-wire load alleviation function in turbulent weather conditions will result in

a) ailerons moving symmetrically upward

b)ailerons and spoiler moving symmetrically upward

c) spoiler moving symmetrically upward

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is a

Question :5
The correct answer is a Rate integrated gyro. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Ed. Eismin Page 373

Question :6
The correct answer is b

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Ed. Eismin Page 373

Question :9
The correct answer is a
Question :10
The correct answer is b

This is exam number 73. You've been here 1 times

1. The flux detector element

a) changes it position after the aircraft heading is changed

b)gives heading with respect to magnetic north

c) changes heading with the heading of the aircraft

2. 3 autopilot computers are considered

a) Fail resistant

b)Fail Passive

c) Fail Operable

3. In autopilot with THS in motion

a) elevator is inhibited

b)Mach trim is inhibited

c) Auto Trim is inhibited

4. Auto trim will switch to 'slow' when

a) flaps are extended

b)flaps are retracted

c) landing gear up and locked

5. If rate feedback in a flight director goes open circuit, position indication will

a) oscillate

b)go hard over

c) be sluggish

6. Why is a hydraulic damper fitted to a nose wheel steering system?

a) Vibration and Shimmy

b)To centralise the nose leg assembly during an up selection

c) To centralise the nose wheel during an up selection

7. Cabin differential pressure is the pressure difference between

a) 8,000ft and standard barometric pressure

b)sea level air pressure and indicated dynamic pressure in the cabin

c) the pressure inside the aircraft and the ambient air pressure

8. What governs the ultimate fatigue life of an aircraft?

a) Flying Hours

c) Pressure Cycles

9. What decides the type of oil used in an undercarriage leg?

a) The material of the leg

b)The types of seals the leg uses

c) Neither, any oil can be used

10. Flashing a generator field

a) restores magnetism

b)increases resistance

c) decreases resistance

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b

Question :2
The correct answer is b

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is c

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is a

This is exam number 74. You've been here 1 times

1. How is the stabiliser automatically controlled in normal manual operation?

a) Mach/Speed Trim

b)Electric Trim

c) Pitch Trim

2. Windscreen wiper torque tests are carried out at

a) the shaft end

b)blade attachment end

c) centre point of the blade

3. Windscreen autotransformers

a) step up voltage

b)step down voltage

c) are used to supply extra current under difficult conditions

4. Waste water drain masts

a) are heated using low amperage with the aircraft on ground only

b)are not heated

c) are heated using low amperage in the Air and on ground

5. Class D cargo bay windows require

a) double acrylic panels

b)fire proof coatings

c) the blind down for flight

6. In a light fixed wing aircraft the fuel warning light indicates

a) pump failure

b)the tank does not pressurise

c) ice blockage, filter popped or pump fail

7. Cargo bay panels are normally constructed from

a) Kevlar

b)Fibreglass and resin

c) monolithic Nomex
8. If pressure controller is set to 0ft

a) cabin remains at sea level till maximum differential

b)maximum differential is reached immediately after takeoff

c) cabin will not pressurise

9. During pressurisation check at maximum differential, if the engines are shutdown

a) outflow valve opens immediately

b)cabin ROC Indicator gives indication of cabin seal efficiency

c) aircraft remains pressurised until the dump valve opens

10. In an anti-skid system

a) brakes release on rising torque

b)brakes release on falling torque

c) brakes are modulated to give most efficient braking

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is a

Question :2
The correct answer is a

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is c
Question :5
The correct answer is c

Question :6
The correct answer is c

Question :7
The correct answer is b AWN 80 Para.2.3 and 4.1.1

Question :8
The correct answer is c

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is c

This is exam number 75. You've been here 1 times

1. The needle of a resolver is connected to

a) 2 coils and an electromagnet

b)2 coils and a permanent magnet

c) 2 coils

2. How are tubeless tyres stored?

a) Vertically between bars


c) Horizontally up to 4 in in order of size

3. A Duplex seal consist of

a) a rubber 'T' section ring sandwiched between two Teflon rings

b)a square section rubber ring within a steel washer

c) a hard rubber square section ring with a soft rubber square section inner ring

4. At high Mach Numbers above Mach 2.2, some aircraft metals

a) such as aluminium become brittle

b)lose their strength due to the kinetic heating effect

c) will shrink due to the extreme pressures involved

5. The life of an aircraft oxygen cylinder is

a) 10 years

b)5 years

c) 2 years

6. A discharged chemical generator is indicated by

a) a protruding pin

b)a change in colour

c) a broken tell tale wire

7. A chemical oxygen generator has a supply duration of at least

a) 5 minutes

b)15 minutes

c) 30 minutes

8. The line service valve must be

a) wire locked open

b)wire locked closed

c) only be wire locked with telltale wire

9. Oxygen equipment must be carried by aircraft capable of flying above

a) 4,000 ft


c) 10,000ft

10. The critical altitude for oxygen requirement is approximately

a) 4,000 ft

b)25,000 ft

c) 38,000 ft

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is c
Question :2
The correct answer is a AL/3-10 Para.15.1 (only tubed tyres can be stored horizontally)

Question :3
The correct answer is a

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is b

Question :6
The correct answer is b AL/3-25

Question :7
The correct answer is b AL/3-25

Question :8
The correct answer is a AL/3-25

Question :9
The correct answer is c AL/3-25 3.1

Question :10
The correct answer is b AL/3-25 Table 1

This is exam number 76. You've been here 1 times

1. Spoiler position feedback is provided by a

a) microswitch

c) R.V.D.T.

2. Rudder "Q" limiting

a) increases rudder movement with increase in airspeed

b)restricts rudder movement with increase in airspeed

c) increases feel as airspeed increases

3. Mach trim operates

a) to reduce Dutch roll

b)along the lateral axis

c) along the longitudinal axis

4. An example of a secondary flight control is a

a) spoiler


c) flap

5. A balance tab

a) assists the pilot to move the controls

b)effectively increases the area of the control surface

c) is used to trim the appropriate axis of the aircraft

6. To increase critical mach number

a) tailerons are fitted

b) elevons are fitted

c) the wings are swept

7. Elevons combine the functions of both

a) rudder and elevator

b)rudder and aileron

c) elevator and aileron

8. Flutter can be reduced by using

a) mass balancing

b)a horn balance

c) servo tabs

9. A differential aileron system is designed to

a) prevent adverse yaw

b)minimise flutter

c) compensate for aileron reversal

10. An artificial feel system is required

a) for power assisted control systems

b)for proportional control systems

c) for power operated control systems

How did you do?

Question :1
The correct answer is c

Question :2
The correct answer is b

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is a Some would consider a Flap to be a secondary flight control. It is discounted in this question as it is technically a
Lift Augmentation Device, rather than a 'control'

Question :5
The correct answer is a

Question :6
The correct answer is c

Question :7
The correct answer is c

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is a

Question :10
The correct answer is c

This is exam number 77. You've been here 1 times

1. An elevator provides control about the

a) longitudinal axis

b)lateral axis

c) horizontal stabilizer

2. A tandem P.F.C.U.

a) has the actuator rams co-axial

b)has the actuator rams parallel

c) has two control surfaces under its control

3. The outboard ailerons on some large aircraft

a) are isolated to improve sensitivity

b)are isolated at low speeds

c) are isolated at high speeds

4. How can a pilot over-ride the auto-throttle?

a) By deselecting auto-throttle first

b)Manually through a clutch on the throttle levers

c) It is not possible

5. How is fuel supplied to a turbine engine?

a) By a gravity feed pump

b)By a fuel boost pump

c) By suction from the engine driven fuel pump

6. What is the purpose of a differential Frise aileron?

a) To increase the drag to increase the rate of yaw and turn

b)To decrease the drag and decrease the rate of yaw and turn

c) Has no effect on rate of yaw and turn

7. When is a hydraulic de-pressurising valve energised?

a) When selected off

b)When selected on

c) When there is sufficient hydraulic pressure available

8. Where is the water trap located in a bootstrap compressor?

a) At the inlet of the compressor

b)At the outlet of the compressor

c) At the inlet of the turbine

9. With regard to extraneous spilt fluids

a) they can be ignored, they provide extra protection

b)they may be harmful to the aircraft structure

c) they should only be cleaned up if they are on the external surface of the aircraft
10. Where is the "fasten seatbelt" sign switch located

a) Within reach of the Captain

b)Within reach of the First Officer

c) Within reach of both pilots

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b

Question :2
The correct answer is b

Question :3
The correct answer is c

Question :4
The correct answer is b

Question :5
The correct answer is b

Question :6
The correct answer is a

Question :7
The correct answer is a AL/3-21 4.2

Question :8
The correct answer is c CAIPs shows it at the outlet of the turbine (not one of the answers). B757 has an additional water trap at the inlet
of the turbine

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is c
This is exam number 78. You've been here 1 times

1. Where is the silencer located in a "blower" air conditioning system?

a) At the inlet of the blower

b)At the outlet of the blower

c) At the inlet to the cabin

2. With regard to forward/rearward passenger seat installation

a) you can only fit seats facing forward

b)you can fit seats facing forward or rearward

c) you can only fit seats as stated in the Declaration of Design and Performance (DPP)

3. When does a "blower" air conditioning system produce the most air?

a) At high altitudes

b)At low altitudes

c) It is not affected by altitude

4. A fixed volume axial pump contains the following rotating parts:

a) Drive Shaft, Swash Plate & Valve Block

b)Drive Shaft, Swash Plate & Cylinder Block

c) Swash Plate & Valve Block

5. If an undercarriage oleo has insufficient deflection, the likely cause is

a) oil level too high

b)loss of pressure/leakage

c) air pressure too high

6. What percentage of escape path marking lights may be inoperative after any single transverse separation

a) Not more than 50 %

b)Not more than 25 %

c) Not more than 10 %

7. A fuel tank suction valve will open when

a) the booster pump fails

b)the engine driven pump fails

c) both the engine driven and booster pump fail

8. An ice deposit formed when liquid water flows over the airframe before freezing, and which is dense, tough and sticks closely to the

a) Glaze Ice

b)Hoar Frost

c) Rime Ice

9. A Maxaret is used in what system?

a) Self centring landing gear

b)Skid control

c) Tyre inflation

10. Decca navigation uses

a) LF


c) VHF

How did you do?


Question :1
The correct answer is b AL/3-24 Figure 3

Question :2
The correct answer is c AWN 64 Para.2.2

Question :3
The correct answer is c AL/3-24 Figure 3 (effect of the Spill Valve)

Question :4
The correct answer is b AL/3-21 Figure 2

Question :5
The correct answer is c

Question :6
The correct answer is b Airworthiness Notice 56 Para 2.11.1

Question :7
The correct answer is a

Question :8
The correct answer is a

Question :9
The correct answer is b

Question :10
The correct answer is a

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