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Being a Queen Bee

Read the following passage. Then, underline the facts and circle the opinions.

I wish I could be the queen bee. What a special honor it is to be the queen of a colony. All
of the worker bees have to do daily chores for the queen. Imagine having swarms of worker bees
doing everything for you Worker bees make your hive and bring you honey.
Being a queen bee is better than being a dog or a cat or even a human. The queen bee
produces 2,000 eggs a day. She is the only one who can do this in the hive. Being a worker bee
must be so boring and dull. Worker bees must all be jealous of the queen bee.
Another reason I wish I was the queen bee is that I would stand out among all the other
bees. The queen is the largest in the whole hive and that makes her the most special. Beekeepers
often mark the queen with a special paint that helps her stand out from the rest of the bees. There
is nothing special about the worker bees since they all look basically the same.
The queen bee is one of the most amazing animals in the whole animal kingdom. Don't
you wish you could be the queen bee too?

Being a Queen Bee

Read the following passage. Then, underline the facts and circle the opinions.

I wish I could be the queen bee. What a special honor it is to be the queen of a colony. All
of the worker bees have to do daily chores for the queen. Imagine having swarms of worker bees
doing everything for you Worker bees make your hive and bring you honey.
Being a queen bee is better than being a dog or a cat or even a human. The queen bee
produces 2,000 eggs a day. She is the only one who can do this in the hive. Being a worker bee
must be so boring and dull. Worker bees must all be jealous of the queen bee.
Another reason I wish I was the queen bee is that I would stand out among all the other
bees. The queen is the largest in the whole hive and that makes her the most special. Beekeepers
often mark the queen with a special paint that helps her stand out from the rest of the bees. There
is nothing special about the worker bees since they all look basically the same.
The queen bee is one of the most amazing animals in the whole animal kingdom. Don't
you wish you could be the queen bee too?

2007 Educational Broadcasting Corp.

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