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Review of the Book Modelling Transport

his book illustrates the re- the view of the authors on the re-
search and knowledge of the lationship between planning and
authors over the last 40 years modelling. Chapter 2 highlights
in transportation modelling. This those analytical and statistical
is a thorough and detailed update skills that should be included in
(4th edition) of a very successful order to have a sufficiently self-
title in the market Modelling Trans- contained book, while chapter 3
port that was first published back presents the basic methodology
in 1990. The new book observes tools and methods for valid scien-
analytically the basic principles of tific experimentations.
transport modelling in the last two Chapters 3 to 9, as well as 12 and
decades. This edition includes up- 15 provide the necessary informa-
dated content in (i) modelling for tion to deal with requirements in
private sector projects, (ii) activity- transportation modelling. Several
based modelling, (iii) dynamic as- important issues are covered, such
signment and micro-simulation and as trip generation and distribution
(iv) sizeable updates to the disag- modelling, specification and esti-
gregate modelling and Stated Pref- Title: Modelling Transport, mation of discrete choice models
erence sections. In addition modern 4th Edition and model transferability.
issues, such as congestion charging, Authors: Juan de Dios Ortzar Chapters 4 to 6 and 10 to 12 pro-
global warming and the role of GPS and Luis G. Willumsen vide the basic information for mod-
in travel time surveys, are also dis- elling and equilibrium in trans-
ISBN/ Press/Year:
cussed in this fourth edition. port. Chapters 13, 14 and 16 cover
The authors approach the sub- contemporary topics that are lately
Wiley Press/2011
ject from the point of view of a mod- gaining importance and focus the
elling exercise, discussing theory, Price: ;60.00 attention of the scientific commu-
data, model specification and es- WWW link: nity in those fields. Specifically,
timation, validation and forecast- WileyCDA/WileyTitle/ taking into consideration the new
ing. Modelling Transport could be productCd-0470760397.html tendency that shifts the attention
an excellent reference for scien- from passenger issues to freight
tists following a Masters course the context is presented renders and logistics issues, the authors
in transportation studies, since it the book useful for undergraduate provide valuable information
deals with interdisciplinary issues programs as well, mainly in civil based on their rich experience in
of this field. However, the simple engineering. the field.
and straightforward way in which The first three chapters of the Ortzar and Willumsen have
book are introductory. Chapter 1 avoided strict mathematical de-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MITS.2011.2178881
provides an introduction to trans- tails of every model. Instead, they
Date of publication: 27 January 2012 port planning issues and outlines choose to concentrate on basic


model principles, the identification of
Table 1. Issues of transport modelling that are covered in this book.
their strengths and limitations, as well
as a description of their use. The level Modelling of: Trip generation, trip distribution, data and space
of theory is sufficient for the reader
who would like to select and use the Models: Simplified transport demand model, freight demand model, activity-based model,
aggregation model, transferability model, discrete choice model, modal split and
models, while the examples efficiently
direct demand model
bridge the gap between theory and
practice. In this latest edition, the au-
thors mark with a shaded box all the to know about modelling. A well- clear that the authors choose not to
material which is up to date and/or intentioned comment for this book is focus on these. Instead, the state-of-
still under development, but is impor- the fact that the authors decide not to the-art in transport modelling and its
tant enough to be mentioned now. place special emphasis on economic practical applications are presented in
Modelling Transport describes in a aspects and economic evaluation pro- a pedagogic manner, which is easily
comprehensible way the fundamen- cedures. Although, the final chapter understandable to both engineers and
tal elements of transport demand is dedicated to financial issues, it is practitioners.
modelling. It covers a wide variety
of topics in transport planning, with
special emphasis on modelling, in- Reviewer: Christos-Nikolaos Anagnostopoulos
cluding recent developments on other
subjects as well. Detailed references Christos-Nikolaos E. Anagnostopoulos was born in Athens, Greece in
are included, providing the original 1975. He received his Mechanical Engineering Diploma from the National
sources and directions for further Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree
reading. Each chapter comes with a from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Dpt., NTUA in 2002.
From 2008, he serves the University of the Aegean as Assistant
set of exercises and solved examples, Professor in the Cultural Technology and Communication Department.
which would be very convenient for He is a member of the Greek chamber of Engineers and member of
students following MSc courses re- IEEE. His research interests include image processing, computer
lated to transport modelling. vision, neural networks and intelligence transportation systems
To sum up, this book is one of the applications. He has published more than 110 papers in journals and
conferences, in the above subjects as well as other related fields in informatics. He also serves
best in its field, as it covers just about as associate editor for the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.
everything a transport engineer has

S O C I E T Y N E WS (continued from page 38)

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