Human Development Nursing Questions

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is the

Q.2) Children first appear to gain some concept of self in Piaget's


A. concrete operational
B. sensorimotor stage
C. preoperational stage (Correct Answer)
D. formal operations

Q.3) According to Piaget, children in the concrete operational stage have difficulty

A. Perspective-taking
B. Deductive logic (Your Answer)
C. Inductive logic
D. Conservation

Q.4) Jane has learned to feed herself with a spoon. When her mother gives her a fork,
she immediately begins to feed herself. Jane has __________ the fork into her
schema for utensils.

A. Accommodated
B. Appropriated
C. Assimilated (Correct Answer)
D. Initiated

Q.5) The ability to think abstractly and systematically solve problems emerges during
A. Preoperational Stage
B. Concrete Operational Stage (Your Answer)
C. Sensorimotor Stage
D. c) \\\

Q.6) Jane's mother has two crackers, both of equal size. She breaks one of the
crackers up into four pieces. Jane says she wants the one with the most and
immediately chooses the four pieces, even though the two amounts are equal.
Jane's choice illustrates Piaget's concept of:

A. Accommodation
B. Egocentrism (
C. False belief
D. Conservation (Correct Answer)

Q.7) Children begin to develop symbols to represent events or objects in the world
during the ________________ substage of the sensorimotor stage:

A. Primary Circular Reactions

B. Secondary Circular Reactions (
C. Tertiary Circular Reactions
D. Early Representational Thought (Correct Answer)

Q.8) Piaget believed that children in the preoperational stage have difficulty taking the
perspective of another person. This is known as

A. Reversibility
B. Egocentrism (Your Answer)
C. Metacognition
D. Constructivism

Q.9) The ability to analyze logical possibilities and to engage in meta cognition and
experimental thinking is well established during

A. latency
B. adolescence (Your Answer)
C. higher education
D. post graduate education

Q.10) Connie has a strong interest in making a social contribution. She uses her
creativity and productivity to develop a sense of meaning and social participation
in the community. Connie has a positive sense of -----------------------------.

A. intimacy (
B. generativity (Correct Answer)
C. self esteem
D. integrity

Q.12) Your long term psychotherapy client has a lifelong pattern of dependency,
narcissism and envy. You can best interpret the developmental origins of this
personality pattern of understanding which state of development?

A. oral stage (Correct Answer)

B. anal stage (
C. opedial stage
D. latency stage

Q.18) The object concept develops during the developmental stage of.....

A. trust vs. mistrust (Correct Answer)

B. autonomy vs. shame and doubt
C. initiative vs. guilt
D. industry vs. inferiority

Q.20) Your client, Mickey is 6 years old. He refuses to go to school. He is willing to go

with his mohter but when she leaves he cries hysterically until she returns and
takes him with her. Micky' s problem is .........

A. school phobia
B. separation anxiety (
C. either school phobia or separation anxiety (Correct Answer)
D. normal behavior for an eight year old child

Q.23) When a child is given two balls of playdough the same size, he hammers one
into elongated shape, asserting that the elongated shape has more play dough
in it than the original. Piaget would place this child in which stage.

A. Formal Operations
B. Preoperational Operations (Your Answer)
C. Sensorimotor
D. Concrete Operational

Q.24) Your client is concerned about a persistent problems of guilt. He avoids

competition and is righteously moralistic in referring to successful people he
If you were taking a development history, what age would most likely reveal the
source of this client's underlying conflict or fixation.

A. infancy
B. toddlerhood (Your Answer)
C. preschool or early elementary years (Correct Answer)
D. adolescence

Q.25) Your caseload includes client's in many different age ranges. According to
Erikson's developemental framework the conflict between identity versus role
confusion can casue problems for which of your client.

A. the elementary school age children

B. the adolescents (
C. he young adult
D. any of your clients (Correct Answer)

Q.26) Your client is anxious 30 year old man who has serious conflicts in relation to
competition, winning and losing, In analyzing your client's conflict you should
pay special attention to his development at about the age of:

A. infancy (
B. age 2
C. age 5 (Correct Answer)
D. adolescence

Q.32) You are working with a 30 year old graduate student in crisis following rejection
by a boyfriend. If you were assesing the effectiveness of this client's problems
solving mechanisms you should consider all of the following to be effective
problems solving mechanism except..

A. task oriented activity

B. engaging social supports
C. partializing the problem
D. somatization (Correct Answer)

Q.45) Your are working with a depressed and anxious 16 year old adolescent . In
assessing your client's developing sense of identity , your should determine

A. how well the client recognizes his common personhood with people of other cultures and
B. whether or not the client is able to derive a sense of self- esteem caring for others within
the extended family or larger community. (Your Answer)
C. how well the client is adapting to social demands to begin making adult role choices.
(Correct Answer)
D. whether or not the client has a sense of time perceptive, a sense that their will be a future
that he will be here in the future.
Erikson characterizes development as a series of what?

A. A.
psychosexual stages
B. B.
sociophallic stages

C. C.
psychosocial stages (Correct Answer)
D. D.
psychomoral stages

Q.2) What psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of self-will or


A. A.
trust vs. mistrust
B. B. ) autonomy vs. shame and doubt
(Your Answer
C. C.
generativity vs. stagnation
D. D.
intimacy vs. isolation

Q.3) Which psychosocial stage centres around integrating a new personality

out of the many changes taking place at this time in the individuals life?

A. A.
identity vs. role confusion
(Correct Answer)
B. B.
autonomy vs. shame and doubt (
C. C.
trust vs. mistrust
D. D.
industry vs. inferiority

Q.4) During the _________________ stage, one's ability to cope with demands
is challenged and either competence or inferiority are the outcomes.

A. A.
B. B.
Early childhood (
C. C.
D. D.
School Age
(Correct Answer)

Q.5) Which of these is NOT one of the "life stage virtues" of development
according to Erik Erikson?

A. A.
B. B.
Love (Your Answer)
C. C.
Honesty (Correct Answer)
D. D.

Q.6) _________ vs. __________ is the conflict faced during middle adulthood.

A. A.
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
B. B.
Identity vs. Role Confusion
C. C.
Integrity vs. Despair
D. D.
Generativity vs. Stagnation (Correct Answer)

The nurse teaches parents how to help their children learn impulse control and cooperative
behaviors. This would occur during which of the stages of development defined by Erikson?

A. Trust versus mistrust

B. Initiative versus guilt (Your Answer)
C. Industry versus inferiority
D. Autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt
The stage of initiative versus guilt occurs from ages 3 to 6 years, during which children develop direction and
purpose. Teaching impulse control and cooperative behaviors during this stage help the child to avoid risks of altered
growth and development. In the autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt stage, toddlers learn to achieve self-
control and willpower. Trust versus mistrust is the first stage, during which children develop faith and optimism.
During the industry versus inferiority stage, children develop a sense of competency.

Q.2) The nurse who volunteers at a senior citizens center is planning activities for the
members who attend the center. Which activity would best promote health and
maintenance for these senior citizens?

A. Gardening every day for an hour

B. Cycling 3 times a week for 20 minutes
C. Sculpting once a week for 40 minutes
D. Walking 3 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes (Correct Answer)
D. Exercise and activity are essential for health promotion and maintenance in the older adult and to
achieve an optimal level of functioning. About half of the physical deterioration of the older client is
caused by disuse rather that by the aging process or disease. One of the best exercises for an older adult
is walking, progressing to 30 minutes session 3 to 5 times each week. Swimming and dancing are also

Q.3) According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the child aged 7 to 11

years demonstrates concrete operations when he or she:

A. Begins to think abstractly

B. Participates in parallel play (
C. Is able to communicate with others on a simple level
D. Recognizes that friends may perceive things differently (Correct Answer)
The concrete operations stage from 7 to 11 years is characterized by the child's ability to think through
things without performing them and mentally understand a viewpoint different from his or her own.
Parallel play is characteristic of a younger child, 2 to 7 years of age. Simple communication skills are
typical up to 7 years of age. Then the child begins to add a mental element that shows further
development of communication. Abstract thinking is typical of an older child, 11 years to adulthood.

Q.4) Which of the following is an example of development?

A. A 7-month-old infant pulls up to a standing position.

B. Two lower teeth appear in an 8-month-old infant. (
C. The birth weight of an infant doubles by 6 months of age. (Correct Answer)
D. A young child uses words instead of crying to make his or her needs known.
An infant's pulling up to a standing position demonstrates the change in skill and function that is
development. It occurs in a predictable manner (i.e., the child sits up, then pulls up, then stands).
Changes in height and weight illustrate growth. Changes in teeth are also the result of growth. Finding
new ways of dealing with situations represents maturation.

Q.5) A 10-year-old fifth-grader enjoys having his artwork displayed on the family
refrigerator. This behavior is indicative of which developmental stage as
described by Erikson?

A. Initiative versus guilt

B. Intimacy versus isolation (
C. Industry versus inferiority (Correct Answer)
D. Identity versus role confusion
School children 6 to 10 years old are eager to work and play and thrive on their accomplishments and
praise, a characteristic of the industry versus inferiority stage. The initiative versus guilt stage applies to
children 3 to 6 years of age, when children begin to develop a conscience. The identity versus role
confusion stage applies to young people at the time of puberty. The intimacy versus isolation stage
applies to young adults, who begin to develop close meaningful relationships.
Q.6) The nurse caring for a hospitalized adolescent can best meet the adolescent's
developmental needs by:

A. Providing diversion activities such as word puzzles

B. Providing privacy while the adolescent's significant other visits (
C. Encouraging the parent to stay with the adolescent at all times
D. Explaining procedures and including the adolescent in decision making (Correct Answer)
Adolescents need to participate in decisions regarding their care. They need to understand and are
capable of understanding treatment issues. Providing diversions would be more appropriate for a
school-aged child at the industry versus inferiority stage. Adolescents need parental presence but are
also moving toward independence and separation from the family. A significant other is more relevant
for a young adult, who is developmentally ready for intimacy.

Q.7) Which stage of development is most unstable and challenging regarding

development of personal identity?

A. Adolescent (Your Answer)

B. Toddler
C. Young Adult
D. Pre-school Age

Q.9) A clinic nurse assesses the communication patterns of a 5-month-old infant.

The nurse determines that the infant is demonstrating the highest level of
developmental achievement expected if the infant:

A. Uses simple words such as mama

B. Uses monosyllabic babbling (Your Answer)
C. Links syllables together
D. Coos when comforted
B. Using monosyllabic babbling occurs between 3 and 6 months of age. Using simple words such as
mama occurs between 9 and 12 months. Linking syllables together when communicating occurs
between 6 and 9 months. Cooing begins at birth and continues until 2 months.
Q.13) Which of the following is a statement about normal growth and development on
which effective nursing care is based?

A. Growth occurs at the same rates for individuals in the same stage
B. Development starts with complex tasks and progresses to simple tasks. (
C. Individuals have unique patterns of growth and development that are difficult to predict.
D. Success in one phase of growth and development affects the ability to complete later
phases successfully.
(Correct Answer)
Repeated developmental failures can result in deficiencies in subsequent stages. The nurse should be
alert to these developmental stages. Patterns of growth and development are predictable. The rate
varies, but the pattern does not. Development progresses from simple to complex. Growth occurs at
different rates in different individuals in the same developmental stage.

Q.14) A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a new mother regarding the

psychosocial development of the newborn infant. Using Eriksons psychosocial
development theory, the nurse would instruct the mother to

A. Allow the newborn infant to signal a need (

B. Anticipate all of the needs of the newborn infant
C. Avoid the newborn infant during the first 10 minutes of crying
D. Attend to the newborn infant immediately when crying
A. According to Erikson, the caregiver should not try to anticipate the newborn infants needs at all
times but must allow the newborn infant to signal needs. If a newborn is not allowed to signal a need,
the newborn will not learn how to control the environment. Erikson believed that a delayed or
prolonged response to a newborns signal would inhibit the development of trust and lead to mistrust of
Q.16) The despair associated with old age, as described by Erikson, is related to:

A. Mistakes made earlier in life

B. Physical changes that alter older adults' perception of self-worth (Your Answer)
C. Involvement with community activities for senior citizens
D. Participation in the activities of children and grandchildren
Persons of all ages need to feel valued. Loss of function due to physical changes can decrease self-
esteem. Involvement in activities appropriate to one's age can increase the sense of belonging and self-
worth. Participation in family activities leads to feelings of being needed. Although mistakes can cause
feelings of failure, generally people learn and grow after making them.
Q.18) During which stage of cognitive development does the individual's thinking move
to abstract and theoretical subjects and possibly venture into such topics as
achieving world peace, finding justice, and seeking meaning in life?

A. Sensorimotor
B. Pre-Operational
C. Formal Operations (Correct Answer)
D. Concrete Operations
During the formal operations stage of development, the individual's thinking moves from abstract to
theoretical subjects. During the concrete operations stage, children achieve the ability to perform
mental operations. During the sensorimotor stage, infants develop the schemas or action patterns for
dealing with the environment. During the pre-operational stage, children learn to think using symbols
and mental images.

Q.24) A 47-year-old woman expresses dismay to the nurse that her young adult
children are unemployed. Her husband is working and near retirement. She is
not working and feels bored with her life and unneeded. She is experiencing
which of Erikson's stages of development?

A. Integrity versus despair

B. Intimacy versus isolation
C. Identity versus confusion
D. Generativity versus self-absorption and stagnation (Correct Answer)
The stage of generativity versus self-absorption and stagnation occurs in middle age, and represents a
time when individuals want to play a role in the development of the next generation. In the stage of
integrity versus despair, during older adulthood, the individual either views life with despair and regret
or acquires wisdom. Intimacy versus isolation is a stage seen in young adults. Identify versus confusion
is the stage seen during puberty.
Q.29) Moral development theory differs from cognitive development theory in what

A. Cognitive development theory deals with the formation of personality.

B. Moral development theory predicts how a person will react in any situation.
C. Cognitive development theory describes physical changes that take place in stages
D. Moral development theory characterizes the value system of people and their respect for
others. (Correct Answer)
Moral development theory describes values and the way people act toward one another. There is no
effective way to predict a person's behavior or reaction in unknown situations. Cognitive development
focuses on the thinking or intellectual aspect of development, not physical growth and development.
Personality is related to moral development.

Q.32) Which of the following is the developmental theorist who believed his research
describes a sequential process that occurs through interactions between the
internal life (personality) of adults and their outer world (culture, lifestyle)?

A. Freud (
B. Gould (Correct Answer)
C. Thomas
D. Erikson
The development themes identified by Gould start when individuals are in their twenties and are
seeking to get away from their parents. Gould believed his research describes a sequential process that
occurs through interactions between the internal life (personality) of adults and their outer world
(culture, lifestyle). Erikson focused on psychosocial development, Freud on psycho-sexual
development, and Thomas on temperament.
Q.36) During which stage of moral developmental identified by Kohlberg is the
individual's moral reasoning based on personal gain?

A. Postconventional (Your Answer)

B. Conventional
C. Preconventional
D. Instrumental relativist orientation
At the preconventional stage of moral development, the person reflects on moral reasoning based on
personal gain. An individual with the instrumental relativist orientation recognizes that there is more
than one right view. At the conventional stage of moral development, the person's moral reasoning is
based on his or her personal internalization of societal and others' expectations. Postconventional
reasoning focuses on social orientation and ethical principles.

Q.38) Which of the developmental stages defined by Freud is a time of turbulence

during which earlier sexual urges reawaken and are directed to an individual
outside the family circle?

A. Anal
B. Genital (Your Answer)
C. Latency
D. Phallic or oedipal
The genital stage is the final stage of psychosexual development and is a time of turbulence during
which earlier sexual urges reawaken and are directed to an individual outside the family. The anal stage
is the second stage in which the focus of pleasure changes to the anal zone. The phallic or oedipal stage
is the third stage in which the genital organs become the focus of pleasure. The latency stage is the
fourth stage during which sexual urges are repressed and channeled into productive activities that are
socially acceptable.

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