TK 1A Friday Lesson 1

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LESSON 1 Date 20/01/2017

OBJECTIVE (S): Introduce myself to ss. Review general vocabulary. Review and
practise present simple through asking and giving personal information and
talking about our families.

- ICEBREAKER: Random sentence making...15


- Make ss ask for my information to recall Wh questions to enquire personal


Whats your name?; How old are you?;etc10


-Make them write those questions to collect data from 3 ss

10 min

- Pick 2 students to tell their answers about their classmates to review verb
conjugation in 3rd person. Write the answers on the board. The rest of the class
will tell their answers following the conjugation
rules...15 min

-Review the rules to conjugate verbs in 3rd person. Give ss cards with verbs with
different endings. They must classify them. Make example
sentences..20 min

- Introduce nationalities and languages. handout: Motivator p.2. 10


-Activity: Give ss cards with different peoples information, data about

nationalities and languages will be in blank, ss must complete that data. They
will ask one another about the people on their cards. Each student must gather
information of 3 people. They will tell the answers of their partners. Corrections
on the board25 min

-Talk about our families: Construct the family tree with the aid from ss / include
.... 15 minutes

- Each ss will write about their relatives (mom, dad, siblings, uncles/aunts)
using personal information (Names, occupation, nationalities, etc). They will
pass to the front and tell about their
-Complete SB p.6 exercise 1; p.8 exercise 6A/B; p.9 exercises 9A/B/C(+ and

AB p.4-
..30 min

... 15min

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