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Report on proposed activities for foreigners


The purpose of this report is to consider the activities that

a group of tourists should do during their stay , in
Bucharest . I have discussed about it with some tourist
guides to get some more information about the city .

Best time to visit

The best time of the year for visiting is deffinetly

summer.Bucharest is a summer based town with lots of
activities to do.For example, we have over five water
parks and two private clubs.Other that that, you can go jet
skiing ,in the parks or even take some canoeing lessons.

Places to visit

Some of the best places to visit (, after me) are :

1.The Pupils House : is one of the biggest buildings in the

world and the biggest one from
Romania.There are usually held tours that can last up to
seven hours , depending on how much you want to visit.

2.The Arch of Triumph : was created by Petre Antonescu

and is a close representation to the one in Paris

Things to bring

You do not really need to bring anything apart from your

personal belongings , such as : camera , clothes and so
on.You will find everything you need in the nearby
shops.Bucharest is also know for its five malls, all placed
really close tp each other.

Bucharest is a great place to visit, especially during

English tourist speaking tourists will feel welcomed here

because almost everyone speaks English as their second
language .

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