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Giant tortoise, giant turtle (US) Galpago

Candelabra Candelabro
Identity tag Pulsera de identificacin
Weary Cansado, desgastado
Welfare Estado de bienestar
Shes in shock /traumatized
Im weary of Im feeling weary of
To be orphan
To dispose rubbish
Spiritual healer Curandero
The twist of the story El giro de la historia


Hen party Despedida de soltera Stag party, hen party, bachelor party
Go dutch Pagar cada uno lo suyo To pay one's own expenses on a date or outing.
To kick the bucket To die The old horse finally kicked the bucket.
A pain in the ass/butt Sb or sth very annoying The kids were a real pain in the ass/butt
A pain in the neck Sb or sth very annoying This child is a real pain in the neck
To be behind bars To be in prison Jims behind bars
To be down in the mouth To be sad Amandas down in the mouth today.
In your birthday suit Desnudo He went to the party in his birthday suit
Blackleg Esquirol Blacklegs generally are unpopular
Golden handshake Compensacin por el trabajo My uncle has been given a golden handshake
Crows feet Patas de gallo You dont have crows feet!
To give sb the cold shoulder To ignore I tried to be pleasant to her but she gave me the cold
Gate-crasher Somebody who go to a party where
he hasnt been invited
To be full of beans To have a lot of energy and I've never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.
To be in the land of nod To be sleeping Jamie's in the land of nod at last.
A busmans holiday a holiday where you do something
similar to your usual work instead of
having a rest from it
Name the day To decide when you are going to get When are you going to name the day?
To be an early bird To get up or arrive early Ellen's the early bird in this house, not me.
To play gooseberry Hacer de escopeta Yes, thank you, I'd love to go to the cinema, if you two are
To feel like a gooseberry sure you don't mind me playing gooseberry.
A local rag Local newspaper Ive just bought the local rag

A disastrous dress rehearsal To be in the limelight To sing backing vocals (chorus)
To suffer from stage fright A standing ovation To enter the stage on cue (on time)
An inspiring live performance An emotional recall A moving curtain call (ovacin final)

Compound words
Underwriter Aseguradora Understudy Sustituto, suplente
Soundtrack Playwright Autor teatral
Overact Backtrack Go back / change opinion
Underact Poor acting Playact To pretend (fingir)
Screenwriter guionista

Idioms with dog

To go to the dogs Ir de mal en peor Have you seen their house lately? It's go to the dogs.
To be dog tired Exhausted, really tired He usually got home at around seven o'clock, dog-
tired after a long day in the office.
To be in the doghouse If you are in the doghouse, someone is I'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favourite vase this morning.
annoyed with you and shows their
To be dressed up like a Dress up extravagantly There she was, all dressed up like a dog's dinner, in a ridiculous
dogs dinner frilly shirt and a skirt that was far too short.
To be sick as a dog To vomit a lot I can't come in to work today, I'm sick as a dog.
To be raining cats and To rain a lot Geeze, its raining cats and dogs out there!
To be like a dog with a When someone just won't let go of an She's like a dog with a bone about solving this issue and can't
bone seem to let it go.
issue. Persistently insistent.
To be a dog in a someone who keeps something that Stop being such a dog in the manger and let your sister ride you
manger (pesebre) they do not want in order to r bike if you're not using it.
prevent someone else from getting it

Let sleeping dogs lie Ms vale dejarlo como est
You cant teach an old it is very difficult to teach someone new You're never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a
dog new tricks skills or to change someone's habits or computer.
character You can't teach old dog new tricks, you know.
Its a dog life Good life I had breakfast in bed and lay around the house all day, its a
dog life.
The hair of the dog an alcoholic drink taken as a cure the Paul offered me the hair of the dog, but I couldn't stand the thou
morning after an occasion when you ght of drinking any more.
have drunk too much alcohol
A dogsbody Burro de carga to act as a dogsbody
Dog-eared A book or paper that is dog-eared has
the pages turned down at the
corners as a result of a lot of use.
Lamp, sheep (singular y plural), ewe /ju/ (female sheep)

Votes is votes
To canvass /kn.vs/ Hacer campaa I've been out canvassing for the Labour Party every
evening this week.
To slaver Babear (animal) The dog slavered with excitement when told it was time for a walk.
Cuppa Cup of tea
Growling mutt Chucho grun The candidate edged past the growling mutt
Mutt /mt/ chucho
To bare, baring /ber/ show The dog bared its teeth.
To snarl, snarling /snl/ Rugir, rugido
Baby dribbles /drb.l/ Babear, salivar Babies dribble constantly.
You dribble in football Regatear He dribbled the ball and then shot.
To mind your Ps and Qs to make an effort to be especially polite in a particular situation: I have to mind my p's and q's when I'm
with my grandmother.

Director Producer Screenwriter Hairdresser
Camera operator Make-up artist Co-director Set dresser
Sound engineer Doubling artist
Location scout Look around for exteriors Best boy Chief assistant
Guffer Chief electrician Foley artist In charge of atrezzo
Chore Tarea, quehacer
One-off Excepcin Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off?

Insisting on doing sth

To shed tears= derramar lgrimas
Interested in

Raunchy (adj) /rn.ti/ connected with sex in a very a raunchy novel

clear and obvious way:
Gobbledygook (n) /bldik, -uk/ language that sounds important and This computer manual is gobbledygook
official but is difficult to understand
Rigmarole (n) /r.m.rl/ a long set of actions or words The customs officials made us go through the (
without any real purpose: whole) rigmarole of opening up our bags for
Dogged (adj) Stubborn Her ambition and dogged determination
ensured that she rose to the top of her profession.
Gripe (n) /rap/ a strong complaint: Her main gripe is that she's not being trained
Lackadaisical (adj) / showing little enthusiasm and effort: The food was nice enough but the service was
somewhat lackadaisical.

To hinder Dificultar, entorpecer Her progress certainly hasn't been hindered by her lack of
Arson Incendio provocado To commit arson
Corkscrew (sacacorchos)
They leave a bad taste in your mouth / lack of respect - disrespectful

Use of English
Three phones went off Despite a personal appeal Ive just about had enough
Intent on All it takes a few calls

A dancers lot (Its my lot = Its my destiny)

Taut stomachs In shape, fit and taut stomachs beneath
Tatty gymnasiums or slink into backstage Andrajoso/ escabullirse
Tatty: scruffy, shabby
To slink escabullirse To slink into backstage
To hustle Move quickly Despite having hustled and sweated themselves to the
heights of Britain
Hustle and bustle Ajetreo, trajn I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.
Promise /prm.s/
Prerequisite /prirek.w.zt/
Resilience /rzl.i.nts/
To despise Despreciar The two groups despise each other.
Financial constraint Limitacin Conscious of deadline and financial constraints
Sartorial style /st.ri.l/ Right style sartorial elegance
Theyre mostly instructed to the hunt the Insulso, inspido I find chicken a little bland.
To disrobe Desvestirse They have to disrobe in a corner
Of the fleets of talented dancers Flota a fishing fleet

Its a catch-22 Crculo vicioso Its a catch-22 because you wont hear about the
To call sb in To call for help A new team of detectives were called in
to conduct a fresh inquiry.
To jade Harto, hastiado, cansado They are less jaded than you
Out of sync Uncoordinated My watch and your watch are out of sync.

Grandeur Chandelier Four-posted bed (cama tradicional)
Scaffolding = andamio Exquisite /kskwz.t/ Heritage
Spire (aguja de tejado) Park and ride Hill fort
Bicicle lane Mountain /man. tn /
Garden shed Cobertizo
Kibble (am) Pienso para mascotas
Dried pet food (br) Pienso para mascotas
To besiege /bsid/ Asediar Siege asedio
Panelling Superficie con paneles a panelled room/wall/door
Joust /dast/ Justa The two teams are jousting for position at the top of the league
to refurbish /rif.b/ Renovar The museum has undergone a 15 million refurbishment.
To redecorate /ridek..ret/
To refurnish Amueblar de nuevo They've refurnished the room very simply
Warehouse /we.has/ almacn The goods have been sitting in a warehouse for months because a
strike has prevented distribution.
Im minding Estoy cuidando Im minding my neighbours dog while shes away
A childminder /taldman.dr/ Niera, canguro a registered childminder
By leaps and bounds Very quickly The company is growing by leaps and bounds this year.
Fitzalan, Fitz da la idea de nobleza pero en su origen quera decir bastardo de Fitzroy (the bastard son of the King)
Reformation, it refers to the law; reform: renovation

New words
To binge-watch to watch several episodes (= We binge-watched an entire season of Breaking Bad on
separate parts) of a television Sunday
series or programme, one after
Clean eating the practice of following a diet that
contains only natural foods, and is
low in sugar, salt, and fat
Dad bob (n) (slang) an untoned and slightly
plump (rollizo) male physique, esp
one considered attractive
Ghosting (n) (informal) the act or an instance of
ending a romantic relationship by
not responding to attempts to
communicate by the other party
To slope Ascender, subir una cuesta many paths sloped down the hillside
To scribble Garabatear, garabato The baby's just scribbled all over my new dictionary!
To take to sth like a duck to to discover when you start to do He took to fatherhood like a duck to water.
water something for the first time that you
have a natural ability to do it
To binge an occasion when an activity is a drinking/eating/spending binge
done in an extreme way, He went on a five day drinking binge
especially eating, drinking, or
spending money
Guzzle Devorar comida, bebida He guzzled his beer and ordered another.
To go on a binge Irse de juerga

Use of English
Shall we get Harry a present? Hes retiring next month Harry is tue to retire next month, so why dont we get him a
Due present?

If the star hadnt caught the flu, there would have been a cast There was to have been a cast party tomorrow but the star has
party tomorrow caught the flu
Competition is fierce but Tilda Swinton is a firm favorite to win Despite (the) fierce competition, | Tilda Swinton
the award for Best Actress is/seems/appears set to win the award for best actress
Profits from Justin Timberlakes worldwide tour will probably Justin Timberlakes worldwide tour stands to make profits/a
exceed one billion dollars profit | in excess of one billion of dollars
A problem has forced the director to cancel this weeks meeting The director was supposed to | have/be having a meeting with
with the scriptwriter the scriptwriter this week but a problem has forced him to cancel
Supposed it
Sandra was fully intended to send a photograph with her Sandra had every intention | of sending / had fully
application form but she forgot intended to send a photograph with her applications form but
Had she forgot
Theyre auditioning for the new musical on Monday, so no doubt Hundreds of dancers are bound | to turn up for/at the auditions
hundreds of dancers will turn up for the new musical on Monday.

To pay attention When you are used to +ing
The cost of living Desalination plant
They laughed at everything
To squash Aplastar He accidentally sat on her hat and squashed it.
To scrap Descartar They're considering scrapping the tax and
raising the money in other ways.

Parsons pleasure
To curtsy / Hacer una reverencia She curtsied to the Queen.
A dealer Comerciante an antiques dealer
A wheeler-dealer Embaucador He worked in the property business for a number of
years, acquiring a reputation as a formidable wheeler-
Chest of drawers Cmoda antigua
Austere Austere an austere childhood during the war
Con-man, shyster Timador
Summit /sm.t/ Cima, cumbre On this day in 1784, Dr Michel Paccard and Jacques
Balmat reached the summit of Mont Blanc.
To spot Ubicar If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark them with
a pencil.
An inlay /n.le/ Incrustracin The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.
To /pk/ To push You'll poke someone in the eye with that umbrella if
you're not careful!
Station-wagon Camioneta Station-wagon
Rambling large and spreading out in many different a rambling old house
Stumpy Short and thick There was a large ring on each of her stumpy fingers.
To gasp to take a short, quick breath through the When she saw the money hidden in the box she
mouth, especially because of surprise, gasped insurprise
pain, or shock
A layman No especialista
To saunter / Pasear, andar sin direccin alguna He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself.
Brittle Quebradizo, frgil As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle.
To crackle Crujir, crujido, chasquido The radio started to crackle.
To snap Romper con ruido Some vandal's snapped off my car aerial again.
Pot-bellied Barrign

Shifty Sospechoso, falso There's a couple of shifty-looking people standing on the
street corner.
Trifle A little I'm a trifle confused about the arrangements for tonight.
Copperplate hand Caligrafa
Saw sierra
Piddling (slang) Ridculo, irrisorio They are making piddling profits of less than $20,000.

Describing music
Deafening (ensordecedora) Depressing Discordant
Harmonious Mind-blowing (fantastic) Rhythmic
Soothing Uplifting (inspiradora)/moving (emotivo) Upbeat

To wail to make a long, high cry, usually The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was
because of pain or sadness the custom in the region.
To be on the same To think in a similar way Were not on the same page. Listen carefully to what I am telling you.

Useful language: agreeing, disagreeing, weighing things up

Agreement Disagreement/ Partial disagreement Weighing things up
I cant disagree , That maybe the case, but , I think we ought to ,
Id go along with that, Absolutely! Youve got a point, but , I cant rule out ,
No, youre right there (agreeing with I hear what youre saying but, to be Have you considered ?
negative statement / question), honest Ive never found that, Dont forget,
I agree with you, Im not sure about that Ill bear that inmind

French English meaning

la carte Menu, table dhte (men cerrado)
Amour-propre Self-steem

Aprs-ski social activities that take place in the evening at aprs-ski entertainment
hotels and restaurants in places where people go
to ski
Attach Agregado en una embajada
Au pair
Avant-garde Innovador, daring (atrevido)
Bte noire a person or thing that you dislike very much or that My particular bte noire is cigarette butts being
annoys you left in half-empty glasses.
Bon voyage Good journey
Carte blanche Carta blanca
Cerise a dark reddish-pink colour
Chaise longue Divn
Coup dtat Golpe de estado
Coup de grce Golpe de tracia
Crme de la crme Lo mejor de lo mejor
Cuisine Cooking
Cul-de-sac Calle sin salida
Deja vu
Eau de cologne/toilette
Encore Un bis We were shouting for an encore.
Faux pas words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not I made some remark about his wife's family, and
polite then realized I'd made a serious faux pas
to put your feet on it
Femme fatale Mujer provocativa
Fianc(e) Comprometido/a
Gauche Torpe, cohibido
Genre Gnero en arte What genre does the book fall into - comedy or
tragedy?a literary/musical/film genre
Hors doeuvre Entremeses

Joie de vivre Cheerful Beauty, grace, youth, joie de vivre , the words
sprang at once and naturally to your mind on
seeing her.
Mardi grass Carnaval
Ne /ne/ Nombre de soltera Elaine Gibson (ne Gillett)
Nom de plume Seudnimo
Objet dart an object, usually a small object, considered to
have some worth or value as art
Papier mach
Par excellence Por excelencia This is undoubtedly the cooking chocolate par
Petit four a small cake or biscuit, usually served at the end
of a mealwith coffee
Pice the resistance the best and most important or exciting thing, The pice de rsistance of his stage act was a
often the last in a series of things: brilliant Barbra Streisand impression.
Pid--terre Small house to live, segunda residencia
Rendez-vous date We have a rendezvous for next week, don't we?
RSVP (repondez sil Please, aparece sobre todo en invitaciones
vous plat)
Sang-froid /s fw/ Sangre fra
Souvenir Present
Tte--tte an informal private conversation between two We must have a tte--tte sometime.
people, especially friends:
Bon aptit Enjoy your meal
Soire / an evening party, often with musical entertainment

Shrove Tuesday (martes de carnival) /rv

Ash Wednesday
Forty days of lent (cuaresma)

Shopping basket psychology
To rock move backwards and forwards or He picked up the baby and gently rocked her to sleep
from side to side in a regular way
Caper / Alcaparra
Shrimp /rmp/ Camarn
Teen-aged (adj) Adolescente Teen-aged soon
To shudder /d.r/ Shake in emotion The sight of so much blood made him shudder.
Classy Elegante That's one classy vehicle you've got there.
Opulent Adinerado an opulent lifestyle
To indulge, indulged Darse el gusto, consentido We took a deliberate decision to indulge in a little nostalgia.
/ndld/ Mimar My aunt indulges the children dreadfully.
Well-heeled Adinerado His family was very well heeled.
Loaded Forrado He inherited the family business - he must be loaded!
Bumper / larger in amount than usual: Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year.
Fidgety /fd.t/ Nervioso, inquieto
Resentful Resentido, amargado She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.
Weary Cansado, aburrido I think he's a little weary after his long journey.
Worn-out Cansado I've been working all night and I'm worn out.
Hefty large in amount, size, force, etc.: a hefty bill/fine
Her salary will go up by a hefty 13 percent.
Grudging Reticente, reluctant She won the grudging respect of her boss.
Rigmarole (embrollo) The customs officials made us go through the (whole) rigmarole of opening up our bags for inspection.

Pre-reading task 1
Blurb Nota publicitaria en la tapa trasera de The blurb on the back of the book says that it "will touch your
un libro heart"
Shabby Looking old and in bad condition He wore a shabby old overcoat.
Flighty Caprichoso, voluble (especialmente a flighty young woman
de una mujer)

Aloof distante She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.
Damp Humedad en invierno, no agradable This shirt still feels a bit damp.
Shabby chic es un estilo de decoracin que tiene su origen en la poca de las grandes casas de campo de Gran Bretaa y que
consiste principalmente en mezclar elementos antiguos con modernos. Se distingue por utilizar una paleta de colores pasteles,
tales como rosa, verde agua, etc. con predominancia del blanco

Lents Lentejas
Pulses /pls/ Legumbres Chick peas Garbanzo
White beans judas
Desert /dzt/ Postre
Bachelor /bt.l.r/ Licenciatura
Bacherlor pad Casa de soltero
Sleazy /sli.zi/ Dirty, squalid This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.
Suburb /sb.b/ Barrio residencial

Use of English A grand return to standup (monologue) comedy.

To step into the spotlight (ser el foco de la atencin) To enhance interest

To be line up: to be ready To come a long way
To make our comeback (retorno, regreso) To raise money
Shifty sands Arenas movedizas
Shifting times
To go viral: to become popular very quickly
One-off gala: only once

He smokes 30 fags a day. Too many. Cigarettes
He drinks a lot. He must spend twenty quid a week on booze Pounds/alcohol
He thought his meal was overcooked. When the waiter brought Made
his bill he kicked up a fuss and would not pay
I lost 500 at a casino last night. Im absolutely skint Without money
My mate stole a car. Now hes in the nick Friend/prison
She got bored with her boyfriend and ditched him Discarded
Theres a good film on the box tonight, but Ive got to go out. Television/Nuisance
What a drag!
I wouldnt like to be a copper directing traffic in the street in this Policeman
bad weather
A boozer. A pub
Drunk as a skunk (mofeta): muy bebido
Pissed as a newt: muy bebido

Her boss said he would sack her if she was late again Dismiss
Theres a super film on at the pictures this week Very good
He made a lot of money and now he lives in a very posh district Upper class
When I was a kid I went everywhere by bike Child/bicycle
My grandfather usually has a snooze after lunch Short slepp
Did you really find 50 , are you kidding? Joking
She lives in just one room and has to share a kitchen, bathroom Toilet
and loo with the other people in the house.
Im broke. Can you lend me some money? Without money
Im afraid I drank too much and got a bit merry Happy
You cant believe everything you read in the paper Newspaper
Shes very untidy. She leaves her stuff lying all over the place Possessions
Tiddly: slightly drunk, old fashioned

Stake /stek/ Apuesta She spent two weeks in Las Vegas playing high-stakes blackjackat
the casinos.
Prat (slang) Stupid You've made me spill my drink, you prat!
Dumb /dm/ Stupid Are they brave or just dumb?
creepy-crawly / bichos
Pernickety /pnk..ti/ Trisquismiquis, quisquilloso
Cockroach /kk.rt/ cucaracha
Tusk /tsk/ Colmillo
Granary rn.r.i/ Granero Punjab, the granary of India

Readerless books?
Amidst entre The new perfume was launched amidst a fanfare of publicity.
A nagging Irritante, agobiante a nagging voice
I got sick of her constant nagging.
To nag to criticize or complain often in an If you stop nagging at me, I might actually do it.
annoying way:
Pundits Expertos a political/foreign-policy/sports pundit
Spate a larger number of events than usual, Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the
especially unpleasantones, Kingsland Road area.
happening at about the same time:
Plethora Exceso There's a plethora of books about the royal family.
Cursory overview / Quick look a cursory glance/look
a cursory examination
A token Un detalle It doesn't have to be a big present - it's just a token.

The power of the tides

Attention Attend Sustainable Sustain
Renewable Renew Harnessing Harness
Predictabily Predict Untapped Tap

Inexahaurible Exhaust Breakthrough Break
Effectively Effect

Recent years Future generations Renewable resources
Sustainable development Tidal power Inexhaustible source
Oceanic tides Technological breakthrough Integral part
Realistic proposition Open market

The last stand (chance) of the Amazon

To ravage Expoliar Watching as multinational ravage the land he loves
A wan Plido A wan and smoky blue
Clamour /klm.r/ Clamor the clamour of the city
a clamour of voices
Hush /h/ Quiet, silence A hush fell over the room
Tributary / Afluente
Resurgent /rs.dnt/ Que resurge, que renace Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the
Lead /lid/ Plomo
Fiascos /fis.k/ Fiasco The show was a fiasco - one actor forgot his lines and another
felloff the stage.
Isolation /a.s.let/
The peoples of Los pueblos de
To circumscribe Limitar algo Their movements have been severely circumscribed since the
/ lawscame into effect.
To have next to no idea To know nothing Who have next to no idea of what the world has become
To slaughter Masacrar, machacar Hardly anyone in the town escaped the slaughter when
the rebels were defeated.
Abattoir /b..twr/ matadero

Slaughterhouse /sl.t.has/
Untold Incalculable Which affects untold number of aquatic species
Logger leador
Acrimonious / Mordaz, agrio, persona Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious
amargada divorce.
Acrimony / Bitterness The acrimony of the dispute has shocked a lot of people.
Grim Worring, without hopes The future looks grim.

To amount to Equivaler, ser lo mismo que His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.
To enmesh Entrelazar, to tangle up, She has become enmesh in a mass of drugs and unimportant
involve crime
Indigo /n.d./ Dark-blue color
Dam Presa
Fivefold /fav.fld/ Five times a fivefold rise in share prices
To sell off To sell very cheap The government has effectively sold off half of the rainforest
To take in To consider There is so much to consider
In the wake of sht If something happens in the Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb
wake of something else, it attacks.
happens after and often
because of it:
Mist Bruma The early-morning mist soon lifted/cleared.
Hypocrite /hp..krt/ Hipocrita
Hypocrisy / Hipocresia
Omen /.mn/ Augurio, presagio A bad omen
To borrow (receive) I had to borrow a pen from the invigilator to do the exam.
To lend (give) She doesn't like lending her books.

Non-denominational No confesional
Bummer (slang, US) Lata, plomazo "I've left my wallet at home." "What a bummer!"
Out of the blue Algo inesperado One day, out of the blue, she announced that she
was leaving.
Flip-flop a complete change of opinion,
policy, etc

Some birds
Black-bird Mirlo
Hummingbird Colibr
The snip vasectoma
Alligator Caiman
To have a frog in my To have difficulty in speaking because
throat your throat feels dry and you want to
Perky Lively You look very perky this morning.
Foot in the door to complete the first step in a process I think I could get the job if I could only get my foot in the door.
Trawler nets Redes de arrastre
To trawl /tr.l/ Hacer pesca de arrastre They trawl these waters for cod.
Bycatch fish or other sea creatures that are Bycatch can be kept and landed as part of the commercial
caught unintentionally by people who catch or discarded.
are trying to catch other types of fish:
To ping to make a short, sharp sound: We heard a small stone ping against our window.
To ping INFORMAL to send an email or text message: Ping me an email.

Consume Consumption Integrate Integration
Disrupt Disruption Extract Extraction
Integrate Integration Isolate Isolation
Contaminate Contamination Degrade Degradation
Deplete Depletion Deteriorate Deterioration
Implement Implementation Irrigate Irrigation
Legislate Legislation Pollinate Pollination
Rehabilitate Rehabilitation

Animal sounds figurative use

Bark Dogs Chirp (piar) /tp/ birds
Growl (gruido) Bears, lions Hoot Owl
Screech (chillido) Parrots Squawk /skwk/ Duck
Bark Dogs Bellow (bramar) /bel./ Bulls, cows
Buzz Bees Chatter Monkeys
Howl (aullar) Dogs, wolfs Hum (zumbar) Bees
Roar (rugir) /rr/ Bear, tigers, lions, elephants Squeak (chirrido) /skwik/ mouse

Get back to your room! Dad growled (grui) Its such a lovely morning, she chirped happily
Ive got a really sore throat, he croaked Can you stop screeching in my ear? Youll deafen me, she said
The car roared down the road in a cloud of exhausted fumes He was so cold in the snow his teeth were chattering
The coffee shop at Kew Gardens was buzzing with activity las
Saturday morning.

Phrasal verbs
To crack down on To become more strict The library is cracking down on people who lose their books.
To wipe out Destroying Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.
To cut down Chop I'm trying to cut down on caffeine.

To hand out Distribute The teacher asked her to hand out the worksheets.
To die out Desaparecer Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.
To amount to Equivaler, ser lo mismo que His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.
To step back to temporarily stop being involved in Let's just step back from the problem and think about what we could do.
an activity or situation in order to
think about it in a new way
To come up to have to deal with a problem If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out

Use of English
Getting rid of Personal lives to
There was a time. Before being discarded
What is more Make the effort
To cut down on Buy fewer/less eggs
To bring out in a rash: aparecer un erupcin. Seafood always brings me out in huge spots.
Adverbs go before the mail verb and after the verb to be: I usually get up at 7 pm, Im usually on time.

Haphazard(ly) Aleatorio He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner.
To a degree Hasta cierto punto I like to a degree
Gimmick No serious a publicity gimmick
Crche guardera Does your employer provide a crche?
Height /hat/: altura
Width /wt/: anchura
To make an effort

Ambosely, Kenya
Wide-eyed Wonderingly, inocente At that time, I was still a wide-eyed youngster.
Peacefully Quietly He was back in her arms and she
could once again sleep peacefully.

Daintily Delicadamente He handed round a plate of tiny sandwiches,
daintily arranged in rings.
Lavishly large in quantity and expensive or The dining room was lavishly decorated.
Grumpy cascarrabias a grumpy old man
Trumpeting Noisy We could hear the elephants trumpeting in the distance.
Wistfully Longingly - con anhelo "I would love to go back to Venice," he said wistfully.
Massive Huge They've got a massive house.
Lazily Slowly Palm trees swayed lazily in the soft breeze.
Euphoric Happy An euphoric mood

To wallow Holgazanear a hippopotamus wallowing in mud

To strut Pavonearse The boys strutted around trying to get the attention of
a group of girls who were nearby
To skulk merodear I thought I saw someone skulking in the bushes - perhaps we
should call the police


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