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Every company is striving for Gender Diversity. Putting mandatory policies in place is
not going to be enough to get the edge though. Lets look at what it takes to be
a Top Ten Best Company for Women in India:

1. Getting Men to be advocates of Gender Diversity: One of the highlights

of Accenture is that the Men play an active role as advocates of gender diversity in
the organisation. The Leaders at Accenture consistently engage in fostering a culture
of inclusion in their businesses by sponsoring and advocating for diversity. This is a
great way to get the organisation to become more welcome to the idea of diversity.

2. Structured Learning: Cummins has the Growing Women Leaders (GWL)

Program, spearheaded by the Company. It focuses on increasing women in
leadership roles, through structured initiatives across multiple ranks. The two fold
objectives include Talent Visibility and Talent Development. High potential women
employees are identified leveraging the internal performance management system.
This creates a leadership pipeline that is rich with diversity.

3. Understanding changing priorities at different life stages: Organisations

need to recognize that peoples needs change to match their evolving priorities
during the different phases of their lives whether one is raising a family or taking
care of a sick family member or aging parents. Deloitte offers its professionals
solutions and choices that help them balance their personal and professional
commitments. These include a formal framework for flexible work options such as
remote work, telecommuting, and flex-time. These formalized programs strengthen
mutual trust and commitment.

4. Extensive care for Mothers: Organizations support their women employees, at

every stage of their personal and professional lives, to make informed choices. EYs
MomEY is one such initiative that ensures that their working mothers have the best
of both the worlds. They guarantee job for working mothers who take a career break
for maternity/ child care, within 5 years of leaving the organization without any
formal interview process. They provide Maternity coaching and transition support for
mothers-to-be and mothers returning to work after maternity leave, apart from
providing Free-of-cost day care facility within office premises so that working
mothers can stay close to their little ones even at the workplace.
5. Flexi all the way: In this era of technology, Flexibility is the keyword if you have
to be truly inclusive. Different life stages of different people means that there is a
need for a not-so-rigid work structure, especially when it comes to work timings and
locations. At Hindustan Unilever Limited, Flexi-Location Policy, Flexible return to
work option, Career By Choice (CBC) the platform for women returning to the work
force etc., are all part of creating an inclusive workplace.

6. Building Legacy: Building Relationship and Influencing (BRI) is a program for

high potential women leaders in IBM, who are two to four years away from
promotion to an executive role. Participants engage in experiential and action-
centered learning that helps them develop business relationship and influencing
capabilities. This increases their internal confidence and inner competence, laying
the foundations for a shift in how they see themselves. In addition to this formal
learning, participants become part of an online community, and are exposed to
opportunities for mentorship.

7. Workplace flexibility can cut across industries: It is a misconception that

flexibility is not possible in every industry. ICICI, early last year, launched iWork@
home, an initiative which allows women employees to work from home by providing
access to their work applications in a safe and secure manner. Also, in order to assist
women managers who travel on business, the Bank also introduced a policy which
covers the cost of travel and stay of young children and their caregivers along with
the woman employee.

8. Employee Groups: Intel India has Women@Intel Network (WIN) chapter,

formalized as a chartered employee group. The WIN chapter is organized to focus on
five vectors to show measurable progress in areas that matter. Those vectors are
Technical Development for Women, Mentoring, STAY & Lean In, WIN talks, cross-site
conferences, external conferences, and WIN communications.

9. Whats the App?: MiLady App, the mobile application rolled out by Mindtree,
enables women going on maternity leave to stay connected to the organization. The
app updates employees on organizational developments and also facilitates their
return to work by apprising them of the available projects they can join. MiLady
enables expecting and new mothers to stay connected, relevant and inspired.
Mindtree has an engagement model that provides for a buddy before women
employees go on leave; it helps identify the right role for them to rejoin. Mindtree
has designated HR managers who stay in touch with women going on maternity
leave to ensure constant connection and smooth return.

10. Helping all the way: Morgan Stanleys recruiting programs expose women
entering or re-entering the workforce to the financial services industry. Interns and
lateral hires are placed in every area of the Firm and work with teams of
professionals, acquiring first-hand knowledge and experience at a global financial
services organization. There is a program called Women in Technology that consists
of networking and recruiting events for prospective women hires in the Technology
division at the Firm. Their Return to Work Program welcomes experienced candidates
who are transitioning back into the workforce. Throughout the paid 10 to 12-week
internship, participants receive tailored development programming, including a Firm
orientation, technology training and informal lunches with senior leadership.

11. Networking helps: People Combine provides affinity/network groups for their
employees Including new mothers, parents who have adopted, working mothers,
LGBTQ parents. They have consciously driven the diversity program not only for the
employees but also for supplier partner they have. 27% of the payments were made
to women owned and veteran owned suppliers.


Organize an affinity group for women in the workplace.
Creating a forum for women to brainstorm in a supportive environment
is a great way to generate innovative ideas and progress the company

Develop a mentorship program for women, by women.

Women in the workplace who have successfully been promoted to
upper management are by far the best mentors for other women with
similar aspirations. Chances are, a program just needs to be put in
place to help connect these two groups.

Provide relevant healthcare.

Providing onsite health screenings is a good way to take care of both
genders. Check out services such as Mobile On-site Mammography to
keep your female employees healthy.
Extend maternity leave programs.
Did you know that the US is one of the few countries that still doesnt
require companies to offer paid maternity leave? Approximately 50%
of US companies dont extend benefits to new moms, but this number
is decreasing annually. Get ahead of the game and support your
employees little ones!

Reserve a small room at each office for new moms.

At Great Place to Work, we have a family room that is a designated
space for new moms to attend to nursing needs. To make the space
more inviting, we put out flowers and cover the walls with adorable
pictures of employees children.

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