Strategy Log

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Strategy Log

Strategy Purpose Procedure Classroom

Line-Up *get students in * Select a topic that * Sentence Line-up
(Sharron Bassano) sequential order to requires student to * Events in a story
collaborate complete a sequential
* Opportunity to talk task
* To cement * Students line-up in
understanding of order
sequence * Share out
Inside/Outside Circle *discussion technique *Students form two *Collaborating
gives students the concentric circles *Practicing
opportunity to *they exchange productive language
respond to questions information with a
and/or discuss partner until the
information with a teacher signals the
variety of peers in a outer circle to move
structured manner. in one direction
* giving each student
a new peer to talk to
Morning Message * give students a *first thing in the *It allows students to
(Julia Cameron) chance to practice morning write for 10 build schema
their writing skills minutes
*To begin to clear the
clutter of the mind
*to be more creative
and intuitive
Sprinting *to allow students to *Students will write *warm up exercise to
(Natalie Goldberg) write freely for about five minutes begin writers
*having students in their journal workshop
concept/theme write *teacher guides the *to allow students to
writing by giving them express themselves
a concept to write through freewriting
*then about every
minute changes the
topic, but keeps it
Ex)ice cream,
bananas, whipped
cream, cherries.
Writing from both * To write from what *Teacher modeling *Likes/dislikes -
sides of the rock you see/remember as *Write for 5 minutes pro/con
(Natalie Goldberg) well as the *Share out with A/B *Happy/Sad -
underbelly. partners compare/contrast
*To look from *Share out with *Can do/Cannot do
different points of group *Learned/Did not
view and helps us to learn
become better

Writers Notebook *To incubate ideas for *students will *Works well to
(Ralph Fletcher) writing brainstorm about the scaffold the process
topic they will be of writing
writing about (using *offers practice in
prior Knowledge) literacy components:
*students write read aloud, guided
*have a teacher or reading, share
peer review with reading, independent
constructive feedback reading, word study
*students revise work
and make changes
that they need
*Lastly they will
publish their work
and share what they
Academic Language *To tap prior * Display different *Good for developing
Corners knowledge illustrations (no text) academic language
*Promote language from story in corners and introduce
development as (or scatters areas). literature books
students interact with *Using post-it notes, *Look at science
illustrations from the students write/label pictures
story. as many items as they *Topic in Social
can (nouns, Studies
synonyms, verbs, *Different events in
adjectives). story
*Teacher mediates
language or
students to come up
with synonyms or
more sophisticated
* Then students are
directed to use a
language function and
structure within
which to frame their
* Share out predict.

Reciprocal Buddy *comprehensible *partner A & B *Unit opener

Reading input A. Read first (literature)
*collaboration paragraph *Language Arts--
B. Listen and Reading
A. Respond to partner
Reciprocal Buddy *to produce language *partner A & B *checking for
Teaching *accountability A. Teaches first meaning making
paragraph *producing language
B. Listen and
A. Respond to partner
Read like a writer *understand motive *re-read the text *Literacy /Reading
(Katie Wood Ray) of authors writing *notice something Language
about craft -comprehension
*talk about it to make -point of view
a theory about why -deeper thoughts
the author used the -clarity
craft -main idea
-style (writing)

Writing from one *experiences with *think of a special *Writing

genre to another writing place. Write a friend a development
(Natalie Goldberg) letter about a special
Line of *check for *line up A/B rotate *before/during /after
communication understanding reading
*productive language
Interactive journal *feedback *write for 10 minutes *to teach students to
*interpretive (me) *switch journals in organize and
*collaborative (us) groups synthesize their
*productive (writing, *Other students thoughts
oral, visual, respond with 5 *accommodate
presentation) minute interaction multiple learning
styles at one time
Community Circles *Energizes students *Students make a *Transition between
*Builds classroom circle activities
community *Music-teacher leads *Small break between
*Lower affective filter students in testing
*Motor Skills movement *Physical
*Choose student to Activity/Warm-Up
*Repeat 5 - 10

Collaboration *Builds language *Sit in triad *Communication

*Identify language *Collaborate on
demands projects
*Identify language
objectives for unit
*Evaluate using
*Re-think if necessary

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