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Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008

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Energy Economics
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e n e c o

International evidence on crude oil price dynamics: Applications of

Hassan Mohammadi a,, Lixian Su b
Department of Economics, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4200, United States
Graduate Student, Department of Economics, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4200, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We examine the usefulness of several ARIMA-GARCH models for modeling and forecasting the conditional
Received 30 October 2009 mean and volatility of weekly crude oil spot prices in eleven international markets over the 1/2/199710/3/
Received in revised form 19 April 2010 2009 period. In particular, we investigate the out-of-sample forecasting performance of four volatility
Accepted 22 April 2010
models GARCH, EGARCH and APARCH and FIGARCH over January 2009 to October 2009. Forecasting
Available online 29 April 2010
results are somewhat mixed, but in most cases, the APARCH model outperforms the others. Also, conditional
standard deviation captures the volatility in oil returns better than the traditional conditional variance.
APARCH Finally, shocks to conditional volatility dissipate at an exponential rate, which is consistent with the
ARIMA covariance-stationary GARCH models than the slow hyperbolic rate implied by the FIGARCH alternative.
EGARCH 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Crude oil prices

1. Introduction Previous empirical work has examined the stochastic properties of

spot and future crude oil prices using alternative modeling techniques,
The past few years have witnessed a renewed interest in modeling data frequencies and scope of investigation. Modeling techniques have
and forecasting crude oil prices and their volatility. A number of factors included vector autoregressive models (Mirmirani and Li, 2004),
may have contributed to that interest. First, such information is useful cointegration and error correction modeling (Mohammadi, 2009),
for modeling oil price derivatives, forecasting future spot prices, GARCH (Morana, 2001; Yang et al., 2002; Sadorsky, 2006; Agnolucci,
calculating measures of risk as well as hedging (Hansen and Lunde, 2009), neural network (Yu et al., 2008), and Jump-diffusion process
2005). Second, oil price movements appear to have undesired (Askari and Krichene, 2008). Data frequency has varied from monthly
consequences for the economies of both oil-importing and oil-exporting (Mohammadi, 2009) to daily (Yu, et al., 2008; Askari and Krichene, 2008;
countries. A large and growing body of literature has studied the effect of Kang et al., 2009). Finally, the scope of the analysis has varied from one
oil shocks on ination (Rothemberg and Woodford, 1996), output market (Askari and Krichene, 2008; Yang et al., 2002), to two (Yu et al.,
(Hamilton and Herrera, 2004; Mork, 1989; Ferderer, 1996, Yang et al., 2008), and three markets (Kang et al., 2009). Broadly, these results suggest
2002); investment (Bernanke, 1983; Elder and Serletis, 2009); that oil price series are persistent and contain unit roots. Oil returns have
monetary policy (Bernanke et al., 1997 and commodity prices excess kurtosis, are negatively skewed, and do not follow a Gaussian
(Chaudhuri, 2001). There is also a growing body of literature on distribution. Volatility in oil returns is clustering and persistent, consistent
Dutch disease suggesting that high oil prices are associated with high with predictions of GARCH variety models.
ination, real exchange rate appreciation, loss of competitiveness, and This paper will re-examine the time series properties of crude oil prices
decline in manufacturing output and employment in oil-exporting by extending it in three directions. First, it uses weekly crude oil spot price
countries.1 Thus, a better understanding of the dynamics of crude oil data over 1/2/199710/3/2009 period for a total of 664 observations,
prices and their volatility is useful for energy researchers, market rather than the monthly or daily data which have been prevalent in
participants and policy makers. previous studies, thus providing an opportunity to examine the
robustness of previous studies to data frequency.2 Second, it uses price

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 309 438 7777. 2

We have chosen weekly data for two reasons: rst, it allows us to examine the
E-mail addresses: (H. Mohammadi), (L. Su). robustness of previous studies to alternative data frequencies. Second, we are limited
Early studies include Bruno and Sachs (1982) and Edwards and Aoki (1983). More by the availability of data with other frequencies for such a large number of markets. In
recent research includes Jahan-Parvar and Mohammadi (2008) and Korhonen and fact, the Energy Information Administration reports daily data for only two markets.
Juurikkala (2009). Thus to broaden the scope of the study, we have relied on weekly data.

0140-9883/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1002 H. Mohammadi, L. Su / Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008

Table 1
Summary statistics for returns to crude oil (weekly data: January 3, 1997October 9, 2009).

Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK US Venezuela

Mean (%) 0.100 0.064 0.087 0.114 0.102 0.105 0.105 0.089 0.099 0.099 0.061
4.706 5.201 4.321 4.183 4.368 4.821 5.664 4.666 5.089 4.628 4.993
Std. dev. (%) 20.568 23.359 15.194 24.007 20.979 20.722 26.101 21.088 25.992 22.666 19.694
Maximum 19.636 26.748 24.889 16.816 25.799 21.339 25.213 17.331 16.164 18.944 22.167
Minimum 0.280 0.573 0.687 0.236 0.518 0.359 0.160 0.362 0.057 0.392 0.620
Skewness 4.332 6.363 6.172 5.867 6.397 4.578 4.894 4.621 4.632 5.018 5.377
Kurtosis 55.019* 332.587* 314.784* 222.453* 332.217* 79.096* 97.193* 82.992* 70.518* 123.470* 189.310*
JargueBera [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Q(36) 73.309* 66. 756* 91.278* 67.360* 74.360* 79.087* 57.778* 67.325* 41.690 75.651* 47.200
[0.000] [0.001] (0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.012] [0.001] [0.257] [0.000] [0.100]
Q2(36) 92.735* 174.340* 191.000* 115.260* 165.990* 81.550* 122.140* 129.010* 132.100* 130.890* 80.156*
[0.000] [0.000] (0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]

Notes: JarqueBera is the 2statistic for test of normality. Q(36) and Q2(36) are the BoxPierce statistics for serial correlations of up to 36 orders in returns and squared returns series.
Probability values are in brackets. Signicance at the 5% level is given by *.

data from eleven international markets, including both oil-exporting and frequently. The JarqueBera test statistics reject normality. The Box
oil-importing countries, thus providing an opportunity to evaluate the Pierce Q statistics do not reject autocorrelations of up to 36 orders in
behavior of oil prices across a large number of global markets. Third, it returns and their squared values. Thus returns are serially correlated and
examines the volatility of crude oil returns using four alternative classes of subject to time-varying volatility.
volatility models (GARCH, EGARCH and APARCH and FIGARCH), and
evaluates their out-of-sample forecasting performance. Within this 3. Modeling conditional moments
framework, it addresses a number of research questions: Do weekly oil
prices exhibit time-varying volatility, and if so, is the pattern similar across Modeling crude oil returns and their volatility consists of two steps.
markets? Does volatility respond symmetrically to positive and negative The rst step involves the specication of the ARMA(p, q) model for mean
shocks? What is the evidence of risk-return tradeoff in the oil market? returns, and diagnostic tests of their residuals. The second step is the
How persistent are the shocks to conditional volatility? Do they dissipate specication of the GARCH (p, q) model for conditional volatility and its
at an exponential rate as in covariance-stationary GARCH, EGARCH diagnostic tests.
and APARCH models, or at a slow hyperbolic rate as in the FIGARCH
model? Finally, how do these models perform in terms of out-of-sample 3.1. Conditional mean
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes Our strategy for modeling the conditional mean is to search over
the data and their statistical characteristics. Section 3 discusses the models alternative ARMA(p, q) models by varying p and q parameters from 0 to 3,
and their unique properties. Section 4 presents the empirical results. And and identifying the optimum model using the Schwartz Information
Section 5 concludes. Criterion (SIC). The results of this exercise suggest that oil returns may be
modeled as a MA(1) process. That is,
2. Data
r1 = 1 + Lt 1
Weekly data on eleven crude oil (FOB) spot prices ($/barrel) covering
January 3, 1997 to February 13, 2009 are obtained from the ofcial website where is the MA(1) parameter, L is the lag operator, and t are
of the Energy Information Administration (EIA). They include Algeria's innovations with zero mean but potentially subject to conditional
Saharan blend, Canadian Par, China's Daqing, Abu Dhabi's Murban, heteroskedasticty. Thus, given the short memory of the MA(1) process,
Indonesia's Minas, Norway's Blend, Russia's Urals Mediterranean, Saudi the effect of random shocks dissipates after one period.
Arabia's Medium, U.K.'s Brent Blend, the U.S.'s weighted average of import Table 2 provides the estimation results along with their diagnos-
prices, and Venezuela's Tia Juana Light. Thus the data include prices in tics. The estimated values for range from the low of 0.135 for Russia
both oil-exporting and oil-importing countries as well as OPEC and non- to high of 0.535 for the U.K., and satisfy the invertibility condition.
OPEC members. Also, the BoxPierce statistics on the standardized residuals, Q(20),
An examination of sample autocorrelations, partial autocorrelations, as reject the existence of serial correlation of up to twenty orders.4 In
well as formal tests of unit roots reveal that the log of crude oil prices are contrast, Engle's (1982) ARCH test rejects the null hypothesis of no
non-stationary in levels but stationary in rst differences.3 Given the ARCH effect in favor of ARCH(10).5 This implies that returns are
stationarity requirements of the analysis, we construct measures of crude tranquil over some clustered periods and turbulent over others. Thus,
oil nominal rate of return (rt), as rt =100 ln(Pt /Pt 1), where Pt and Pt 1 we turn to modeling the conditional variance.
are current and one-period lagged prices.
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for the return series. The results 3.2. Conditional variance
are rather similar across markets. Mean returns are quite small, but the
corresponding standard deviations are larger in an order of several We begin with the generalized autoregressive conditional hetero-
magnitudes. Under the assumption of normality, standard measures of skedasticity model, GARCH(1,1) proposed by Bollerslev (1986),
skewness and kurtosis possess asymptotic distributions of N(0, 6/T) and N
(0, 24/T), respectively, where T(=664) equals the sample size. The t = zt t
negative values of skewness statistic suggest greater probability of large 2 2 2
t = + t1 + t1
decreases in oil returns during the sample period. The high value of
kurtosis statistics suggest that extreme price changes occur more 4
Exceptions are Canada and Russia. We attempted to remove serial correlation
using higher order ARMA processes but with no success. Thus we proceed with the
analysis acknowledging this short-coming.
3 5
The results are available upon request. The exception is Venezuela.
H. Mohammadi, L. Su / Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008 1003

Table 2
MA(1) models of weekly crude oil returns (weekly data: January 3, 1997December 27, 2008).

Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

Mean equation
0.026 0.042 0.061 0.036 0.067 0.038 0.038 0.037 0.042 0.041 0.051
(0.101) (0.088) (0.094) (0.082) (0.095) (0.103) (0.111) (0.098) (0.098) (0.096) (0.098)
0.259 0.033 0.363 0.233 0.365 0.296 0.144 0.250 0.139 0.288 0.165
(0.034)* (0.035) (0.029)* (0.033)* (0.030)* (0.033)* (0.034)* (0.034)* (0.034)* (0.034)* (0.034)*

Model diagnostics
Log(L) 1286.79 1333.96 1195.32 1160.38 1203.448 1289.12 1406.17 1273.69 1341.10 1255.75 1313.66
Q(20) 16.649 38.376 13.797 27.202 17.268 27.867 38.289 27.319 27.852 25.583 20.912
[0.614] [0.005]* [0.795] [0.100] [0.572] [0.086] [0.005]* [0.097] [0.086] [(0.142] [0.342]
ARCH(10) 2.742 2.309 9.823 3.947 9.333 2.002 8.635 3.429 7.315 2.619 1.361
[0.003]* [0.012]* [0.000]* [0.000]* [0.000]* [0.031]* [0.000]* [0.000]* [0.000]* [0.004]* [0.195]

Notes: Log(L) is the value of the log likelihood function. Q(20) is the BoxPierce Q statistic for serial correlations in the standardized residuals. ARCH(10) is Engel's LM test of ARCH
effect of up to tenth order. Signicance at the 5% level or better is given by *.

where t are innovations in the mean Eq. (1); 2t is the conditional In order to examine the possibility of tradeoff between risk and
variance; zt is a standardized error term; is a constant; 2t 1 is the returns, Engle et al. (1987) have introduced the EGARCH-M model by
news about the volatility from the previous period, and is the ARCH incorporating the conditional standard deviation into the return equation,
term; and 2t 1 is the previous period's forecast error variance, and is
the GARCH term. The parameters , , and must be positive; rt   = 1 + Lt + t
2 1
+ b 1; where + captures the persistence of volatility shocks. As log t = + 1L 1 + L g zt 5
in Baillie and Bollerslev (1989), we assume that zt follows a skewed g zt = 1 zt + 2 jjzt Ejzt j
Student-t distribution.6
One potential short-coming of the GARCH model is the assumption where captures the effect of conditional volatility on mean returns. If
that2t responds symmetrically to the news about volatility from the N 0, then there is a positive tradeoff between risk and return as
previous period. The exponential GARCH (or EGARCH) model suggested by the portfolio theory.
originally proposed by Nelson (1991), and re-expressed in Bollerslev The GARCH and EGARCH models discussed above assume the
and Mikkelson (1996) allows for an asymmetric response, conditional variance is a linear function of lagged squared returns.
Ding et al. (1993) have proposed the asymmetric power GARCH (or
2 1 APARCH) which is more exible in modeling the conditional variance,
log t = + 1L 1 + Lg zt1 3
and is written as,

where t = + jt1 jt1 + t1 6

g zt = 1 zt + 2 jjzt jEjzt jj 4 where N 0 and 1 b b 1. Depending on the values of and , the

APARCH model includes several other specications as its special cases. In
For 1 b 0 the future conditional variance will increase more in particular, conditional volatility is better modeled in terms of the variance
response to negative shocks than positive shocks of the same magnitude.7 if =2, and in terms of conditional standard deviation if =1.8
The models considered so far assume that conditional variance
follows an exponential rate of decay in response to lagged news about
Footnote 9 provides some justications for our choice of standardized skewed volatility. Baillie et al. (1996) have introduced the more exible
Student-t distribution. More information on this distribution as well as others is found fractionally integrated GARCH (FIGARCH) model which allows
in G@RCH 6.0 Help available at varying degrees of memory in the conditional volatility. The
default.htm. The log-likelihood function for the distribution is,
FIGARCH(1,d,1) can be written as,
8 0 1 9
>   >
< v B 2 C = 2 1 1 d 2
LSkSt = T log
log 0:5 log v2 + logB C + log s t = 1L + 11L L1L t 7
> 2 2 @ 1A >
: + >

( "
#) where 0 d 1 is the fractional difference parameter, capturing the
T szt + m 2It
0:5 logt2 + 1 + v log 1 + ; persistence of the shock to conditional volatility (or the degree
t =1 v2
memory). Shocks to conditional volatility have a short memory when
where 8 d = 0, and a long memory when d = 1. For 0 b d b 1the model provides
> m
< 1 if zt an intermediate range of persistence so that a shock to the optimal
It =
: 1 if zt b m : forecast of the future conditional variance dissipates at a slow
s hyperbolic rate.
Here is the asymmetry parameter, v is the degree of freedom of the distribution,
  4. Empirical results
v + 1 p
m= p v
1 ;

This section reports the results of estimating the parameters of the
and 2 conditional mean and variance equations for the GARCH, EGARCH,
s= 2 + 12 1 m2 :
APARCH and FIGARCH models represented by Eqs. (1)(7) along with
their diagnostic tests. We estimate the models' parameters with
This is known as the leverage effect, and has been found in nancial assets. On the
weekly data from January 2, 1997 to December 27, 2008, and use data
other hand, if N 0 then a positive shock has a larger impact on volatility than negative
shocks of the same magnitude. This inverse leverage effect has been observed in a
number of commodity prices including electricity as in Bowden and Payne (2008). For more detail see Ding et al. (1993).
1004 H. Mohammadi, L. Su / Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008

Table 3
MA(1)-GARCH(1,1) models of weekly crude oil returns (weekly data: January 3, 1997December 27, 2008).

Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

Mean equation
0.091 0.087 0.099 0.115 0.102 0.085 0.110 0.102 0.124 0.083 0.085
(0.095) (0.087) (0.085) (0.073) (0.089) (0.099) (0.101) (0.093) (0.094) (0.096) (0.097)
0.280 0.067 0.340 (0.249) 0.341 0.303 0.166 0.248 0.164 0.294 0.181
(0.045)* (0.044) (0.042)* (0.045)* (0.043)* (0.048)* (0.041)* (0.044)* (0.041)* (0.042)* (0.042)*

Variance equation
0.114 0.095 0.316 0.080 0.364 0.103 0.167 0.178 0.116 0.144 0.297
(0.062) (0.064) (0.240) (0.043) (0.292) (0.055) (0.076)* (0.074)* (0.060)* (0.068)* (0.110)*
0.074 0.064 0.106 0.082 0.095 0.064 0.088 0.074 0.073 0.075 0.071
(0.020)* (0.021)* (0.045)* (0.023)* (0.045)* (0.018)* (0.021)* (0.018)* (0.018)* (0.019)* (0.026)*
0.900 0.919 0.780 0.891 0.779 0.912 0.886 0.881 0.903 0.887 0.862
(0.028)* (0.029)* (0.124)* (0.033)* (0.139)* (0.024)* (0.025)* (0.028)* (0.024)* (0.031)* (0.035)*
Asymmetry 0.107 0.102 0.070 0.239 0.064 0.130 0.162 0.208 0.084 0.198 0.101
(0.069) (0.052)* (0.065) (0.074)* (0.057) (0.066)* (0.063)* (0.074)* (0.065) (0.075)* (0.063)
Tail 8.0562 6.738 8.569 9.006 7.319 8.005 10.306 9.223 10.923 9.060 5.886
(2.484)* (1.914)* (2.613)* (2.836)* (2.008)* (2.498)* (3.959)* (3.011)* (4.398)* (3.004)* (1.293)*

Model diagnostics
+ 0.974 0.983 0.886 0.973 0.874 0.976 0.974 0.965 0.976 0.962 0.933
Q(20) 13.539 32.437 12.318 20.235 15.992 19.165 25.416 20.062 20.466 22.858 18.012
[0.810] [0.028]* [0.891] [0.381] [0.658] [0.446] [0.117] [0.391] [0.367] [0.244] [0.522]
ARCH(10) 0.242 0.395 1.011 0.218 1.207 0.293 1.056 0.247 1.586 0.259 0.464
[0.992] [0.949] [0.432] [0.995] [0.283] [0.983] [0.395] [0.991] [0.107] [0.989] [0.913]
Log(L) 1268.05 1315.89 1173.44 1173.44 1185.84 1272.75 1381.52 1258.129 1319.62 1238.485 1304.911

Notes: e2t 1 is the lagged news about volatility; h2t 1is lagged conditional volatility. See also Table (2).

from January 2, 2009 to October 9, 2009 for out-of-sample forecasting in all but the U.K.11 We also fail to reject the null hypothesis of = 1 in
evaluations. Also, as in Baillie and Bollerslev (1989), we assume that zt six markets, but = 2 is rejected only in two markets. Thus, the bulk of
innovations in Eq. (2) follow a skewed Student-t distribution, and evidence favors modeling the conditional standard deviation rather
report the estimates of their asymmetry and tail parameters.9 than the variance. As Ding et al. (1993) have argued, such a nding
Tables 36 report the results. implies a higher correlation between absolute returns than between
Table 3 reports the parameter estimates for the MA(1)-GARCH squared returns, and is consistent with the long memory property
(1,1) model. Overall, the model performs well. Estimates of , the observed in high frequency nancial data.
coefcient of the MA(1) process for conditional mean is in the range of Finally, Table 6 reports the estimates of parameters for the MA(1)
0.067 for Canada to 0.341 for Indonesia, and are statistically signicant FIGARCH(1,d,1). The estimates of d, the fractional integration parameter,
for all but Canada. The estimates of and are signicant, and + are signicantly different from zero and one in only two markets Dubai
ranges from the low of 0.874 for Indonesia to the high of 0.976 for and the U.S. As for these two markets, the estimate of the autoregressive
Norway and the U.K., indicating high persistence in the conditional conditional variance parameter, , is insignicant only for Dubai. Thus,
volatility. The estimates of asymmetry and tail parameters are support for FIGARCH(1,d,1) is limited only to this market.
signicant, supporting the skewed Student-t distribution for innova-
tions. Also, the diagnostic tests reveal no evidence of serial correlation 5. Forecast evaluation
or ARCH effects in the remaining residuals. The sole exception is
Canada for which serial correlation remains a problem. We evaluate the out-of-sample forecasting performance of the
Table 4 reports the parameter estimates for the MA(1)EGARCH conditional mean and volatility models using their associated root
(1,1) model. The estimates of 1are all negative, and signicantly mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE). The
different from zero in four markets. Thus, evidence of asymmetric statistics associated with the conditional mean are constructed as,
response to good and bad news appears mixed. Estimates of + range
from the low of 0.56 for Norway to the high of 0.97 for Dubai and the U.K.
1 T 2
Thus, allowing for asymmetry tends to reduce the persistence in the RMSE = e
T t =1 t
conditional volatility in several markets. We also examined the
possibility of risk-return tradeoff by estimating the GARCH-M model. s
The estimates of the tradeoff parameter are all insignicant, suggesting 1 T
MAE = je j
lack of such tradeoff.10 T t=1 t
The results of the APARCH model are reported in Table 5. The
estimates of , the power parameter are signicantly different from zero where T is the number of out-of-sample forecast data points, et =ra,t rf,t
is the forecast error, ra,t is the actual return and rf,t is its future forecast.
Similarly, the statistics related to the conditional volatility models are,
The empirical analysis is carried out in G@RCH 5.0 software package. The program
allows for four alternative distributions: Gaussian, Student-t, generalized error s
distribution (GED), and skewed Student-t distribution. Our choice of the skewed 1 T  2 2 2

Student-t distribution is motivated by three factors: rst, as several studies (Bollerslev,
RMSE = a;t f ;t
T t=1
1987; Hsieh, 1989; Baillie and Bollerslev, 1989; and Palm and Vlaar, 1997) have
shown, this distribution is more suitable when variables are subject to high observed
kurtosis as is the case for oil returns. Second, the estimated parameters of this 1 T 2 2
MAE = j f ;t j
distribution (reported in Tables 36) are signicant, suggesting the relevance of this T t = 1 a;t
distribution. Third, experimentation with other available distributions does not change
the paper's main conclusions.
10 11
These results are available upon request. The estimates for Venezuela are not available due to lack of convergence.
H. Mohammadi, L. Su / Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008 1005

Table 4
MA(1)EGARCH(1,1) models of weekly crude oil returns (weekly data: January 3, 1997December 27, 2008).

Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

Mean equation
0.016 0.044 0.056 0.045 0.051 0.024 0.040 0.044 0.066 0.026 0.001
(0.092) (0.087 (0.085) (0.085) (0.081) (0.096) (0.101) (6.950) (0.092) (0.095) (0.001)
0.276 0.072 0.345 0.250 0.349 0.294 0.158 0.249 0.155 0.289 0.173
(0.046)* (0.046) (0.042)* (0.044)* (0.051)* (0.046)* (0.043)* (0.042)* (0.043)* (0.039)* (0.015)*

Variance equation
0.663 0.803 0.678 0.413 0.794 0.697 0.707 0.692 0.832 0.514 0.972
(0.39)* (0.0342)* (0.246)* (0.740) (0.194)* (0.392)* (0.504)* (6.648) (0.380)* (0.394)* (0.398)*
0.206 0.238 0.204 0.009 0.308 0.366 0.051 0.004 0.004 0.061 0.064
(0.382) (0.349)* (0.307)* (0.527) (0.402) (0.257) (0.386)* (3.826) (0.536) (0.051) (0.536)*
0.963 0.964 0.937 0.965 0.934 0.964 0.961 0.951 0.963 0.939 0.956
(0.017)* (0.031)* (0.028)* (0.016)* (0.033)* (0.016)* (0.015)* (0.060)* (0.015)* (0.031)* (0.026)*
1 0.094 0.102 0.079 0.074 0.085 0.129 0.118 0.088 0.076 0.061 0.079
(0.051) (0.061) (0.039)* (0.053) (0.039)* (0.059)* (0.050)* (0.324) (0.044) (0.051) (0.052)
2 0.154 0.187 0.198 0.148 0.204 0.161 0.143 0.098 0.126 0.093 0.139
(0.065)* (0.069)* (0.071)* (0.076)* (0.095)* (0.052)* (0.066)* (0.395) (0.072) (0.055) (0.058)*
Asymmetry 0.154 0.138 0.087 0.250 0.083 0.178 0.221 0.231 0.138 0.242 0.139
(0.066)* (0.052)* (0.063) (0.074)* (0.055) (0.063)* (0.065)* (1.055) (0.064)* (0.070)* (0.064)*
Tail 7.944 7.220 9.016 10.279 7.901 8.440 11.590 11.887 12.338 10.465 5.392
(2.264)* (2.024)* (2.855)* (3.599)* (2.315)* (2.540)* (4.385)* (12.517)* (5.147)* (3.739)* (1.127)*

Model diagnostics
+ 0.759 0.726 0.733 0.974 0.626 0.598 0.910 0.947 0.967 0.878 0.892
Q(20) 8.257 29.228 11.142 18.053 14.983 20.302 27.584 21.272 21.201 22.631 14.254
[0.975] [0.062] [0.919] [0.519] [0.724] [0.377] [0.092] [0.322] [0.326] [0.254] [0.769]
ARCH(10) 8.597 0.580 1.097 0.168 1.483 0.225 1.314 0.287 1.841 0.195 0.519
(0.987) [0.831] [0.3662] [0.998] [0.141] [0.994] [.219] [0.984] [0.051] [0.997] [0.877]
Log(L) 1265.48 1315.15 1172.13 1133.93 1185.01 1269.65 1379.14 1253.61 1319.01 1234.09 1297.16

Notes: See Table 3.

where 2a,t and 2f,t are the realized and forecasts of volatility respectively. Both RMSE and MAE rank the MA(1)EGARCH(1,1) rst followed by
As a general rule, smaller forecast error statistics imply superior the MA(1)APARCH(1,1). However, there is no support for the MA
forecasting ability. (1)ARCH(1,1) or the FIGARCH(1,d,1). Similarly, Table 8 reports the
Tables 7 and 8 eport the results with data from January 3 to forecast evaluations for the conditional variance. Now evidence is
October 10, 2009. Table 7 shows the ndings for the conditional mean. mixed. The MAE criterion typically favors the MA(1)EGARCH(1,1)

Table 5
MA(1)APARCH(1,1) models of weekly crude oil returns ((weekly data: January 3, 1997December 27, 2008).

Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

Mean equation
0.022 0.063 0.072 0.071 0.075 0.015 0.055 0.046 0.091 0.035
(0.098) (0.085) (0.085) (0.071) (0.089) (0.099) (0.099) (0.092) (0.089) (0.093)
0.276 0.062 0.342 0.256 0.337 0.297 0.155 0.248 0.151 0.288
(0.046)* (0.046) (0.041)* (0.044)* (0.043)* (0.046)* (0.043)* (0.041)* (0.043)* (0.040)*

Variance equation
0.089 0.070 0.209 0.067 0.261 0.083 0.317 0.117 0.172 0.130
(0.053) (0.071) (0.154) (0.030)* (0.223) (0.053) (0.545) (0.051)* (0.396) (0.069)
0.071 0.072 0.074 0.071 0.063 0.063 0.066 0.052 0.067 0.067
(0.018)* (0.025)* (0.033)* (0.017)* (0.031)* (0.016)* (0.033)* (0.011)* (0.028)* (0.016)*
0.904 0.916 0.900 0.904 0.836 0.912 0.870 0.901 0.889 0.882
(0.029)* (0.042)* (0.067)* (0.022)* (0.079)* (0.030)* (0.051)* (0.025)* (0.070)* (0.036)*
0.550 0.439 0.359 0.500 0.358 0.753 0.329 0.831 0.329 0.679
(0.339) (0.262) (0.235) (0.230) (0.335) (0.384)* (0.355) (0.361)* (0.449) (0.290)*
1.206 1.202 1.757 1.273 1.911 1.069 2.432 1.229 2.010 1.255
(0.475)* (0.475)* (0.599)* (0.324)* (0.793)* (0.400)* (1.930) (0.345)* (2.670) (0.311)*
Asymmetry 0.146 0.121 0.072 0.244 0.073 0.174 0.199 0.227 0.108 0.234
(0.069)* (0.052)* (0.064) (0.075)* (0.056) (0.066)* (0.067)* (0.068)* (0.066)* (0.072)*
Tail 7.838 7.268 8.788 10.152 7.677 10.628 7.838 11.198 11.343 10.223
(2.301)* (2.184)* (2.796)* (3.531)* (2.234)* (4.152)* (2.301)* (4.067)* (4.829)* (3.616)*

Model diagnostics
+ 0.975 0.986 0.974 0.975 0.899 0.975 0.916 0.953 0.956 0.949
LBQ(20) 14.523 29.935 11.686 19.296 16.060 21.554 26.241 21.614 21.047 22.895
[0.752] [0.053] [0.899] [0.438] [0.653] [0.307] [0.119] [0.304] [0.334] [0.242]
ARCH(10) 0.371 0.514 0.864 0.217 1.076 1.137 0.158 0.278 1.783 0.234
[0.959] [0.881] [0.567] [0.995] [0.379] [0.332] [0.043]* [0.986] [0.061] [0.993]
Log(L) 1265.07 1314.04 1171.49 1133.20 1184.31 1269.46 1378.41 1252.89 1317.73 1234.03

Notes: stands for not available due to lack of convergence. is the (inverse) leverage effect parameter; is the PARCH parameter. + captures the persistence of the volatility
shocks on conditional variance. Estimates for Venezuela are nor reported due to convergence problems. See also Table 3.
1006 H. Mohammadi, L. Su / Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008

Table 6
MA(1)-FIGARCH(1,d,1) models of weekly crude oil returns (weekly data: January 3, 1997December 27, 2008).

Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

Mean equation
0.106 0.088 0.099 0.111 0.101 0.103 0.107 0.086 0.126 0.085 0.072
(0.100) (0.091) (0.084) (0.073) (0.089) (0.104) (0.102) (0.101) (0.095) (0.093) (0.008)
0.279 0.068 0.339 0.249 0.343 0.299 0.166 0.249 0.161 0.288 0.180
(0.046)* (0.045) (0.042)* (0.045)* (0.044)* (0.048)* (0.041)* (0.045)* (0.040)* (0.039)* (0.041)*

Variance equation
0.151 0.163 0.384 0.096 0.314 0.149 0.149 0.229 0.104 0.912 0.324
(0.159) (0.342) (0.562) (0.064) (0.465) (0.137) (0.162) (0.241) (0.089) (0.366)* (0.559)*
d 0.425 0.517 0.028 0.527 0.019 0.384 0.605 0.424 0.567 0.259 0.344
(0.285) (0.696) (0.155) (0.202)* (0.125) (0.211) (0.658) (0.283) (0.334) (0.065)* (0.444)
0.406 0.273 0.886 0.208 0.877 0.488 0.226 0.217 0.288 0.416 0.357
(0.212)* (0.233) (0.079)* (0.116) (0.108)* (0.192)* (0.342) (0.122) (0.217) (0.181)* (0.213)
0.703 0.716 0.759 0.676 0.796 0.738 0.732 0.595 0.759 1.174 0.629
(0.179)* (0.480) (0.198)* (0.137)* (0.196)* (0.124)* (0.339) (0.253)* (0.146)* (0.183) (0.270)*
Asymmetry 0.101 0.098 0.068 0.243 0.065 0.126 0.159 0.214 0.077 0.216 0.107
(0.068)* (0.053) (0.066) (0.074)* (0.058) (0.063)* (0.063)* (0.077) (0.065)* (0.073)* (0.066)
Tail 8.167 6.513 8.617 8.780 7.294 8.291 10.262 8.640 11.548 9.451 5.720
(2.616)* (1.944)* (2.642)* (2.755)* (2.005)* (2.716)* (4.522)* (2.797)* (5.242)* (3.039)* (1.473)*

Model diagnostics
LBQ(20) 13.883 32.544 12.346 20.346 15.986 19.924 24.628 19.175 27.664 22.801 18.333
[0.790] [0.027]* [0.870] [0.374] [0.658] [0.399] [0.173] [0.445] [0.067] [0.246] [0.500]
ARCH(10) 0.218 0.403 1.020 0.188 1.197 0.214 0.941 0.233 1.305 0.298 0.333
[0.995] [0.946] [0.424] [0.997] [0.289] [0.995] [0.494] [0.993] [0.229] [0.982] [0.972]
Log(L) 1268.88 1316.72 1173.42 1136.76 1185.83 1273.47 1382.19 1259.23 1319.75 1237.71 1305.97

Notes: d is the fractional difference parameter. See Table 3.

Table 7
Out-of-sample forecast evaluation statistics for the conditional mean models (January 2,2009October 9, 2010).

Model Criteria Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

MA(1)GARCH(1,1) RMSE 3.729 6.333 3.174 3.867 4.048 3.930 4.546 4.012 4.717 4.307 4.638
MAE 2.542 4.928 2.588 2.772 3.004 3.000 3.044 2.935 3.453 3.011 3.792
MA(1)EGARCH(1,1) RMSE 3.724 6.325 3.171 3.865 4.042 3.926 4.540 4.006 4.710 4.309 4.641
MAE 2.557 4.927 2.581 2.743 2.994 2.986 3.030 2.926 3.430 3.002 3.793
MA(1)APARCH(1,1) RMSE 3.724 6.333 3.172 3.867 4.045 3.926 4.541 4.005 4.713 4.309 Na
MAE 2.556 4.930 2.584 2.750 2.998 2.984 3.033 2.925 3.440 3.004 Na
MA(1)FIGARCH(1,d,1) RMSE 3.729 6.333 3.174 3.866 4.048 3.931 4.546 4.010 4.717 4.306 4.638
MAE 2.539 4.928 2.589 2.769 3.003 3.007 3.043 2.933 3.454 3.013 3.792

Notes: RMSE is the root mean squared error; MAE is the mean absolute error. Lowest values for the statistics are denoted in bold face.

while the RMSE prefers the MA(1)APARCH(1,1). Again, there is no where d is the sample mean loss differential, and and f are the
support for the GARCH and FIGARCH models. corresponding mean and variance in population. Under the null
The RMSE and MAE statistics allow one to sort among models based hypothesis of zero mean loss differential ( = 0), the standardized
on their out-of-sample forecasting accuracy. However, they do not sample mean loss differential has a standard normal distribution,
formally test whether improvements in forecast accuracy between two
models are statistically signicant. To address this issue we apply the test 
statistic proposed by Diebold and Mariano (1995) and Diebold (2007). B = r N0; 1
More formally, let e1t and e2tt=1,...n denote forecast errors from two ^f
competing models, and g(e1t) and g(e2t) represent their associated
loss functions. Also let dt = g(e1t) g(e2t). As Diebold (2007), pp.
262268 shows, where f is a consistent estimator of f. In practice, B is the Student-t
statistic for the hypothesis of zero population mean loss differential. It
p  is obtained by regressing the loss differential series on an intercept
n d N0; f ;
and correcting for serial correlation using the Newey and West (1987)

Table 8
Out-of-sample forecast evaluation for conditional variance (January 2, 2009October 10, 2009).

Model Criteria Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela

MA(1)-GARCH(1,1) RMSE 23.56 55.45 14.23 28.63 26.96 24.48 39.42 24.20 39.80 32.79 28.69
MAE 13.36 36.74 8.14 13.26 15.74 13.49 20.75 13.78 20.53 19.02 17.89
MA(1)-EGARCH(1,1) RMSE 23.03 54.07 13.69 28.49 26.21 23.98 38.91 23.93 39.32 32.43 26.77
MAE 13.24 36.76 9.63 11.97 15.04 12.85 21.96 13.08 19.99 18.49 16.80
MA(1)-APARCH(1,1) RMSE 23.16 52.53 13.53 28.42 26.35 23.25 38.48 23.92 38.82 31.44 Na
MAE 14.86 35.54 7.78 15.19 15.37 14.62 24.64 14.15 21,25 21.13 Na
MA(1)-FIGARCH(1,d,1) RMSE 23.68 54.91 14.27 28.54 26.94 24.80 39.26 24.09 39.64 33.40 28.40
MAE 13.06 36.66 8.17 13.59 15.74 13.52 21.00 14.01 20.61 18.79 17.76

Notes: See Table 7.

H. Mohammadi, L. Su / Energy Economics 32 (2010) 10011008 1007

Table 9
DieboldMariano (DM) test statistic for forecast accuracy of conditional variance: EGARH versus GARCH, APARCH, FIGARCH.

Model Criteria Algeria Canada China Dubai Indonesia Norway Russia S. Arabia UK USA Venezuela


MA(1)-GARCH(1,1) MSE 3.21 3.67 15.70 5.55 0.85 6.06 3.29 2.97 2.62 0.46 5.39
MAE 2.82 17.50 58.43 9.96 9.97 24.11 17.74 13.84 22.48 14.58 40.62
MA(1)-APARCH(1,1) MSE 4.62 12.39 9.03 11.61 0.93 11.86 6.65 12.55 8.25 13.86
MAE 10.82 1.45 9.53 7.18 6.03 3.00 6.01 3.71 1.18 5.86
MA(1)-FIGARCH(1,d,1) MSE 11.32 4.68 24.32 9.08 0.74 5.66 5.80 6.79 1.86 0.82 3.81
MAE 1.74 4.29 19.43 1.12 8.03 12.56 3.21 2.28 6.25 5.32 10.46


MA(1)-GARCH(1,1) MSE 25.71 92.59 15.46 9.05 72.63 29.42 6.46 10.81 14.60 19.32
MAE 4.35 36.20 76.67 0.28 146.20 3.31 5.96 3.26 25.40 0.36
MA(1)-EGARCH(1,1) MSE 10.82 12.39 9.03 11.61 0.93 11.86 6.65 12.55 8.25 13.88
MAE 4.62 1.46 9.53 7.18 6.03 3.01 6.01 3.71 1.18 5.87
MA(1)-FIGARCH(1,d,1) MSE 40.39 29.85 56.88 7.75 145.06 38.57 6.25 4.61 7.30 41.92
MAE 4.59 55.56 33.18 63.83 58.07 58.63 114.16 46.68 82.34 56.56
Notes: Signicant at 5% level or better. The statistics for Venezuela are missing due to convergence problems.

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