Mountain Weasel

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Mountain weasel

The mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), also known is gray to gray-brown with some light yellow. The lips are
as the pale weasel, Altai weasel or solongoi, primar- white and the chin has grayish-brown vibrissae.[3]
ily lives in high-altitude environments, as well as rocky
tundra and grassy woodlands.[2] This weasel rests in rock
crevices, tree trunks, and abandoned burrows of other 2 Reproduction
animals or the animals it previously hunted. The home
range size of this animal is currently unknown. Geo-
Overall, these animals are thought to be solitary animals
graphical distribution for this species lies in parts of Asia
except when mating.[3] The mating system for these an-
from Kazakhstan, Tibet, and the Himalayas to Mongolia,
imals is unknown, but other species in the same genus
northeastern China, southern Siberia, Korea, and also
are polygynous. Polygynous groups usually consist of one
some parts of Russia. The most common area for this
male and multiple females. The mountain weasel breeds
species, however, is Ladakh, India. The conservation sta-
once a year. Males ght vigorously for access to females.
tus, according to the IUNC, is near threatened because it
Mating usually occurs in February or March, and the
is considered to be in a signicant decline and requires
young are usually born in May. The gestation period is
monitoring mainly because of habitat and resource loss.
3049 days, but these periods of gestation and birth can
be altered because the animal is capable of delayed im-
plantation; the female can breed and the egg is fertilized,
1 Description but the egg does not attach to the endometrium in the
uterus to continue pregnancy until resources are available
to maintain the pregnancy and feed the young. The litter
size is one to eight young. The ospring are born altricial,
require nourishment and depend on the mother, their eyes
are closed, and their fur is not well developed. Lactation
lasts about two months, and after weaning, the young be-
come independent but remain with their littermates until
fall. Young are able to breed in the following season when
they are just under a year of age.[3]

3 Behavior
The mountain weasel is capable of climbing, running, and
swimming.[3] Their long bodies and short legs allow them
Painting by A. N. Komarov.
to be very agile. Altai weasels are generally nocturnal, but
may hunt during daylight. Although solitary, they com-
Sexual dimorphism is slight in the Altai weasel.[3] The
municate with each other visually and vocally. This ani-
male body length from head to base of the tail is about
mal has extremely good vision. They also communicate
8.511 in (220280 mm), with the tail adding about 46
by sound to warn of possible predators, to protect their
in (100150 mm). Males can weigh 812 oz (230340
territories, and when mating. When threatened, they emit
g).[3] Females are slightly smaller, with their head and
a loud chirring sound and excrete a foul, pungent odor
body lengths measuring around 8.510 in (220250 mm),
from their anal glands.[4]
with their tails adding 3.55 in (89127 mm), and they
weigh about 48 oz (110230 g). This species undergoes
seasonal molts during the spring and autumn. The sum-
mer coat consists of gray to gray-brown fur with some 4 Food habits
light yellow, while the winter fur is more of a dark yel-
low with some brown. In both coats, the underbelly is The mountain weasels are strict carnivores; some other
pale yellow to creamy white. The upper head between animals in the suborder Canifornia are omnivores. They
the muzzle and ears is usually darker gray-brown. The primarily feed on pikas and voles; they have an impor-
tail may be more rufous than the back. The summer fur tant ecological role in reducing or limiting the popula-


tion numbers of these rodents. Muskrats, rabbits, ground serve was created to preserve and protect the ecosystem
squirrels, small birds, lizards, frogs, sh, and insects are of the mountains and Altai forests it surrounds. It is the
also found in their diet. [2] biggest nature reserve in Kazakhstan, and includes about
52 species of mammals, including the Altai weasel and
also the food of the weasel, the pika.[7]
5 Predation Although no specic conservation strategy or program is
dedicated to the Altai weasel, many other programs in-
Although no predators for this species have been re- clude it or it gains advantage. For example,the Kaza-
ported, their main predators likely are large birds.[2] khstan nature reserve protects many dierent species.
Some terrestrial predators could include wolves and Also, programs that protect pikas and other small
foxes. However, the Altai weasel is a erce animal, so mammals also help protect the weasel; Sanjiangyuan,
most predators usually look elsewhere for easier prey. Changtang and Kekexili nature reserves in China are in
The average lifespan of this animal is about seven to 10 this category. Another approach to conserving this ani-
years. mal would be to review conservation strategies of other
species in the same genus. Population declines in Mustela
lutrola, the European mink, are similar to the Altai weasel
- primarily caused by habitat destruction, but also from
6 Threats diseases. A program was established in Russia to help
conserve this species by captive breeding and reintroduc-
Some threats causing the weasel to be considered near- tion; the goal was to breed minks in captivity research
threatened include habitat change, mainly caused by hu- stations.[8]
man development,[5] and other dangers, such as trac on
roads, which can reduce their population. Overgrazing The animals were trained to swim, build dens, and hunt,
by cattle, goats, and sheep causes the prey of the weasel then were reintroduced into the wild to live and repro-
to diminish because their hiding spots and food are re- duce. Transformation of captive-bred minks into a suc-
duced. Reduction in prey is also in part due to poisoning cessful wildlife population did result in problems. The
of its main food, the pika. The pika is considered a pest main problem is adaptation to captivity, which changes
because it interferes with livestock feed. Poison also can some behavioral and morphological characteristics of the
kill the weasels when they consume poisoned pikas. animal, such as their lack of fear of predators. To x
this problem, minimizing the number of generations in
captivity was recommended. They used cryopreserva-
tion of gametes and embryos. Using cryopreservation and
7 Conservation recent cloning technologies are considerations for repro-
ducing and reintroducing the minks into the wild to pre-
The species is listed in appendix III of the Convention serve the species population. This approach to conserving
on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) the species could also work for the Altai weasel. Another
of wildlife fauna and ora. The category in which it is in- possible strategy could include putting aside passageways
cluded consists of 45 species that are protected in at least between grazing lands for the weasel to be able to pass
one country which has asked for assistance in controlling through and between woodlands to capture its food with-
the trade of that animal to safeguard resources for the fu- out disturbing the grazing lands of the livestock. Being
ture. The mountain weasel is also listed in the Wildlife able to feed and interact with the domestic grazers would
Protection Act of 1972 in schedule II part II by the gov- take cooperation and interest of the farmers.
ernment of India, which states the animal receives abso-
In Pakistan-administered Kashmir it is list as an endan-
lute protection and oenders are prescribed the highest
gered species.
of penalties.Penalties may include three to seven years of
imprisonment or a $25,000 ne.[6]
To initiate a plan to set a nature reserve, construction,
stang, access development, and research and monitor-
8 References
ing of the species it intends to protect and preserve are
[1] Abramov, A.; Wozencraft, C. & Ying-xiang, W. (2008).
required.[5] Sometimes, it is dicult to achieve all of
"Mustela altaica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
these requirements. For example, nature preserves were
Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of
proposed in China in the Yeniugou and Xiugou valleys. Nature. Retrieved 21 March 2009. Database entry in-
Unfortunately, the plans were denied by the authorities cludes a brief justication of why this species is of near
because they viewed it as an attempt to direct the gov- threatened
ernment funds to Golmud, China where these valleys are
located.[5] [2] Allen,G.M. (1938). Mammals of China and Mongolia.
American Museum of Natural History. 1.
However, a successful nature reserve includes the Altai
weasel in Kazakhstan. The West Altai State Nature Re- [3] King, Carolyn (1989). The Natural History of Weasels

and Stoats. Cornell University Press.

[4] Stroganov, S. (1969). Carnivorous Mammals of Siberia.

IPST Press.

[5] Harris, R.B & Loggers (2004). Status of Tibetan plateau

mammals in Yeniugou,China.. Wildlife Biology. 10: 91

[6] ""Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of In-

dia. The Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972"". 1993.

[7] West Altai State Nature Reserve.

[8] S Amstislavsky; H Lindeberg; J Aalto & MW Kennedy

(2008). Conservation of the European mink (Mustela
lutreola): focus on reproduction and Reintroduction.

9 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

9.1 Text
Mountain weasel Source: Contributors: Shyamal, RedWolf, Auric,
Cam, Mike Rosoft, Rich Farmbrough, Pradiptaray, Hesperian, Kurt Shaped Box, BD2412, MZMcBride, ErikHaugen, Ucucha, Gurch,
Tony1, SmackBot, Gruzd, Snowmanradio, Mammalia, Mgiganteus1, Bruinfan12, Cydebot, Casliber, Altaileopard, Headbomb, Ar-
madilloFromHell, Anaxial, R'n'B, Reedy Bot, Vanished User 4517, STBotD, VolkovBot, TXiKiBoT, Hqb, John Carter, Seb az86556,
Lorenthegreat, SieBot, BenoniBot~enwiki, DragonBot, Panellet, Jmkim dot com, Addbot, TutterMouse, Laikayiu, Luckas-bot, Ptbot-
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Bot, John of Reading, Chermundy, TuHan-Bot, Wikipelli, Soli123, Dohn joe, ClueBot NG, Akdulj, Eyesnore, Elmidae and Anonymous:

9.2 Images
File:MSU_V2P1b_-_Mustela_altaica_raddei_painting.png Source:
V2P1b_-_Mustela_altaica_raddei_painting.png License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: V. G. Heptner, et al. (1988) Mammals of the Soviet
Union, vol. 2, part 1b Original artist: A. N. Komarov

9.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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