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DATE/SESSION: Site Visit #1 09/29/16 PSU STUDENT: Shelbi


Share Learning Goals:

Agenda, what we will accomplish today, typed sheet with goals and
checkable boxes to show students.
Create your Practicum Community Guidelines
Get to Know You game
All About Me project
Benchmark Word test
Extra activity Read aloud one of your favorite books with response activity

All About Me booklet

Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW create an All About Me booklet that includes Spencers name and
picture, five favorite items along with label, a picture for 3 favorite books, a
sentence and picture to match that answer three different questions.
Strand: Writing
Box Sub-Heading: W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a
topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to
strengthen writing as needed.

Pencil, crayons, student template, teacher model booklet

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
Ask student: What are ways you get to know someone?
Tell student: Lets think of some things you said during the Get to Know You
game that could be included in your own booklet

Introduce the Lesson:

Tell student: Today we are going to create a booklet about you like the one I
have made that can help me get to know you a little better.

Teaching the Lesson: Model
o Show Spencer my own booklet and my thought process while
making my book.
o Explain each page to him. Introduce him to people in the pictures
and where we were
o Explain what the childrens books I chose are about
o Read what my favorite things are.

Check for Understanding: Shared Demonstration

o Assist Spencer in brainstorming ideas of what he likes.
o I have a template that you will use for your All About Me booklet.
Does he understand how he is to complete his own

Guided Practice
o Student will write his name on cover, label at least 3 favorite
items, 1 favorite book, and 1 sentence to answer the 3 different
questions. Teacher assistance may be needed when writing
Independent Practice
o Student will draw pictures to go along with his answers to the 3
different questions, if time permits.
o Say: Today I showed you my booklet and you started on your own
booklet. We learned so much about each other.
o Ask student: What did we learn about each other today?

Spencer will need to write his name on cover, label at least 3 favorite
items, 1 favorite book, and 1 sentence to answer the 3 different
Creating Practicum Community Guidelines
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW discuss and help create a list of appropriate classroom behaviors and
contribute at least 3 ideas.
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Box Sub-Heading: Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse
partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and
large groups
SL.1.1.B Build on others talk in conversations by responding to the
comments of others through multiple exchanges.

No, David! by David Shannon

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
Ask student: Ask student what he thinks school would be like without rules.
Tell students you are going to read No, David!, a book about a little boy who
does not always follow the rules. The book will show ways David gets into
trouble by not listening to his mother.

Introduce the Lesson:

Tell student: While we are together, it is important to follow the rules so we
stay out of trouble.
Today we are going to work together to come up with rules, or guidelines of
how we should behave while we are together.

Teaching the Lesson: Modeling
o Say: When I am at school, a rule I follow is to always do my best.
I do this by using listening ears while the teacher is talking. If I do
not listen, then I will not know what the teacher is teaching and
cannot complete my schoolwork on my own.
o In the No, David! book, he didnt do his best, did he?

Check for Understanding: Shared Demonstration

o Why is it important to listen to the teacher? (So I can do my
best/so I can learn/answers may vary)
o If I am listening to the teacher, am I looking at her or drawing on
my paper? (Listening to the teacher)
o If I am listening to the teacher, will I be answering the teachers
questions or talking to friends about recess? (Answering the

Guided Practice
o Discuss with student other ways rules we should follow in school.
Student should come up with at least 3 ideas of important
rules to follow, model these ideas, and describe why they
are important.
o Add all agreed upon rules to the paper.

o Review rules.
o Ask student: Why is it important we both follow these rules
during practicum? (So everyone is able to learn/Answers may

Student will need to participate in at least 3 ideas of appropriate
behaviors to follow during the guided practice portion.
Student may model this behavior.
Benchmark Reading Assessment
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW read words from the Benchmark Reading Assessment until 90% or less
accuracy is achieved.
Strand: Reading: Foundational Skills.
Box Sub Heading: RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word
analysis skills in decoding words.

Word list packet, Where-to-start Word Test, Where-to-start Word Test
Individual Record, pencil, notecard.

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
Ask: Do you like to read books?
Have a discussion with student about words they know how to read or that
they see a lot in books.

Introduce the Lesson:

Say: Today I want you to read a list of words so I know what kinds of books to
bring with me when we visit each other.

Teaching the Lesson: Model
o Say: I want you to read some words. When you come to a hard
word, try it. If you cannot read it, go on to the next word. Ill be
making some notes while you read. Start here. (Point to word,
me) Start child on beginning word list.

Check for Understanding: Shared Demonstration

o Ask: Do you have any questions?
o Understanding can be determined based on records taken during
word reading.

Independent Practice
o Make notes on Where-to-start Word Test Individual Record as
the student reads the word list. Do no prompt the child as
this is an assessment.
Check each correct word. Write incorrect responses next to
the word.
o Go to next list if 90% (19 or 20 words) or above accuracy. Stop
testing after 18 or less correct words read.

o Praise the child for a job well done.
o Restate that know you know what books to bring in for him to
read to you.

Student will need to read words from the Benchmark Reading
Assessment until 90% or less accuracy is achieved.
o Accuracy will be marked on Where-to-start Word Test Individual
Get to Know You Game
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW answer at least 3 get to know you questions about himself.
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Box Sub-Heading: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant
details, expressing ideas and feeling clearly.

Roll a Topic sheet

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
Say: Were going to play a game to get to know each other better. Youll be
asked questions to get you thinking about things you like.

Introduce the Lesson:

Have the Roll a Topic sheet out where student and teacher can see well. Give
student directions to complete this game
Roll the die.
That number indicates which topic will be discussed.
o If number is rolled more than once, continue to answer.

Teaching the Lesson: Model
o Read each topic out loud to the child.
o Go first as to show the student how to play.
o After rolling, state/count the number out loud
o Read to topic question again and answer with as much detail as
Ex. What is your favorite food? (I love pizza because
there are so many possible toppings to make it different. I
could eat different kind of pizza every day for a week.)

Check for Understanding: Shared Demonstration

o You rolled a 3. That says, What is your favorite holiday?
(Answers will vary)
Prompt for more detailed answers if needed
You said your favorite animal is a panda. Why do you
like pandas the most? (Answers will vary)

o Review favorite things stated.
o Tell student you are glad you get to know them a little bit better.

Student will need to describe at least 3 topics about himself.
Teacher will assess based on observations or oral communication with
the student.
Extra Activity Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin

Book Introduction:

Relate this book back to the All About Me booklet.

Say: This was one of my favorite books I listed in my All About Me
booklet. Do you remember that? I wanted to bring it to share with you.

Purpose for Reading

To introduce the student to a favorite book of mine to further the

connection between getting to know each other

Comprehension Questions

Surface Level:
o What did the dragons hate eating?
o Did the dragons listen to the boy when they ate the salsa?
Deeper Level:
o The dragons helped the boy rebuild his home after they
accidentally burned it down. What are some ways you have
helped someone fix something?

Extension Activity

Dragon coloring page


Dragon coloring page
Learning Goals
Create Practicum
Community Guidelines

Get to Know You game

Benchmark Word reading

All About Me project

Dragons Love Tacos by

Adam Rubin Read Aloud
Roll a Topic
Tell your favorite food.
Tell your favorite TV show.
Tell your favorite animal.
Tell your favorite holiday.
Tell your favorite app.
Tell your favorite sport.

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