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A HUDUULY Lae ULIVETSILY Explorations in Education-- Field Placement I Evaluation For: (Print PSU Student Name) Please indicate which, evaluation is being completed sig Final Evaluation Due: Friday, November 21st ‘Mid-Term Evaluation Due: Friday, October 1718 NOTE: As candidates progres from ther erly field experiences through student teaching, tis expected that their teaching performance wil become more sophisticated and refined, In most cases, a rating of 1 oF? is indicative of satisfactory pragres in carly field experiences, ating of 2 or 3 is indicative of satisfactory progress in later filed experiences; and a rating o°3 is indicative of satisfactory progress in sdeat teaching. Most sandidates will not receive 4's, Ratings of 1 or must be accompanied by comments explaining WHY the student recsived these ratings. However, comments may ie entered at any Level of performance and are helpfil tour candidates. ‘STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT) RATING SCALE: NA i Noviee 2 Progressing 3 Effective 4 Advanced No opporuity provid tor | Caniat ston anaris | Cant sls and Cauddatepeiomsasa | (Above Aveage pevfoance aot witesoa | end begining eile svarens lve fueatcaberaicendot | Patoenaee) dnteepne rrepation Candide pers a spores tae PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Is dependable, exible, and punctual. NAL 234 ‘he student has been punctual each assigned time. CZ) N _DFNO Number of tardies ‘Tho student has been present cach assigned time. N IFNO Number of absences —_ ‘The student notified me of any abseuces N Thesnceatiasmadewyallabsnces, (E) N IFNO Number ofssences not completed _ ‘Mainiaihs @ Gonsistenily positive and professional demicanior = 3 » tia 1Qa 4 Complies with confidentiality laws and policies regarding students, parents, and personnel na 1 2@e Comusiuniates fluently using appropriate and praznmatically coroctofal aad written language ia 1@3 4 Seeks to implement the recommendations from evaluations of professional performance na 1@)3 4 Practices sel-evalidtion and reflection io enhance instctional effectiveness we 1 2@>4 Candidate's dress and personal hygiene are appropriate for aschoc! setting NA 123 Shows inlerest aid cithussm for tedching and learaing DNA a 2 COMMENTS: Please explain any areas of concern in the eategory of “Professional Characteristics”. Has done well Communi cating when abserf rT have enjoyed working with ber she has helpeol S% muck! THE LEARNER AND LEARNIN¢ ‘Conveys high expectations that all students will succeed and learn Models dad extiusastc bebavior end a caring attitude towards al stadents Demonstrates positive rapport with a diverse student population Listens carefully to ali students then responds ina professional manner ‘Has a positive presence in the classroom COMMENTS: Please explain any areas of concern 1204 1@3.4 1034 oe 12@a the category of “Relaonships with Studens My. students really enjoy working with Shelbi, would. like fo “See her inlerack prore with Student. She ri IS dling & Qooo job so J uo oT Ky REEES Updates gust 2034 BINAL EVALUALIUN: (CCIe appropriate teapauscsy ‘The recommended grade for this stadent: Pass: FAIL, ‘This stadeat should continue in the teacher preparation program: YES Questionable NO ‘Overall performance of this candidate: Ineffective 1-234, Advanced, ‘inal Comments (contizme on back or add a page, if more space is needed): \ Thank yee Cooperating Teacher's Signature Leda allicgipg eu elM e [0}(5//4 Cooperating Teaser PlewsePrin) SAIC “Thomas __proneorensi_bQ0- (087-3478 soroor_La keside. piseie USP ASO onde | CCOOPERATING TEACHER: lene make a rein op for yur es ind recur he sgn erga PSUIn he eneop provided fre of Pact Bavsatin To upbeat 701. Brosaway Piasburg, KS 06762 pated August 2018

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