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Teresa Paukan

5th Grade
Blueberry Jam

Students will gather blueberries from the surrounding area, make blueberry jam, and
record recipe and events as we go through the process
Students will refer to notes, and with the teacher write a recipe and publish it using
Microsoft Word

Alaska Standards
5.W.2 Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
5.W.3 With guidance and support, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting
5.W.6 With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, produce, edit and publish
writing; demonstrate sufficient keyboarding skills
5.W.7 Recall relevant information from experiences; summarize or paraphrase information

Materials Needed:
Lemon Juice
Sure Jell
Hot Plate
Large Pot
Mixing spoon
Canning Jars

1. Pick blueberries up the Andreafski River.
2. Have students write the recipe in rough draft form as we make the blueberry jam as a
class, with our parent helper.
3. Take any additional notes on another sheet of paper.
4. As a class go over the elements of a proper recipe.
5. As a class, write the recipe for blueberry jam using the first draft and notes.
6. Type the recipe on Microsoft Word for publishing.

1. As students complete the activity circulate to see who is working, who is participating,
and who is following directions.
2. Record in writing journal a response to the activity. What did we experience? What did
we learn?
3. Grade the final typed product using a rubric. Does it have a proper title? All the
elements in a recipe? All the ingredients? Is each step written clearly?

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