Pulling-A-Nympho-From-Bus-Stop PDF

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I was shocked as to how easy it is to pull a girl straight from the street to your apartment, make out

with her and get sexual with her. There is no more boundaries between ME and A HOT GIRL I see on
the street. I can approach, interact with and attract ANY GIRL I SEE." - This is pretty much what you
will start thinking, once you get laid by a street approach.
This little hottie happened in fall 2013 just before my big decision of quitting school. At this point I'm
still studying Latin and English in Vienna lol. My game is on a very stealth level, I've done the crazy
stuff, but in this phase of my pimpage journey I tone it down a lot and focus less on craziness, more on
quality girls... HIGH quality girls ;)
I kept these stories as pure and unedited as possible. - just like I wrote them back then. About some of
it my opinions differ now, some of it I would do differently now but I kept it to depict my inner change
Additional comments that I added now are kept in brackets [...]

Pulling A Nympho Straight From The Bus Stop

Okay okay, admittedly, it wasn't a bus stop, it was a tram stop, but it just sounded cooler... well, this
was a dayg ame lay. Haven't really done much day game recently, been focussing more on club game,
especially SNLs, but how I always like to emphasize: Just integrate day game into your everyday life,
you never know who you run into ;)
Always funny how life / the Universe / Karma can reward you as long as you take massive action. In
this case I didn't expect anything, let alone to pull... so, enjoy!

Preliminaries - The World Is Awesome!

It's a Thursday - a fateful Thursday, as today's the day of RSD Alex's Free Tour and BOY am I excited
[It was about to be my second ever Free Tour as an attendee in MY city Vienna!!]! But first it's all
about Uni, as I'm studying two languages at the University of Vienna. Horny as I am, I sit next to a hot
blondie, smalltalk, notice how my presence is intimidating her and how she has all her filters up, totally
in her head, shy as fuck. We share some of our way out of the lecture hall and I flinch when saying
good bye to her. Fuck, still happens to me when I'm not warmed up... should've closed, haha.
But nevermind, in a good mood I roll on towards the tram, open a cute brunette: "Ey, don't look so
sad!" She starts smiling all over her face, we chat for 30 seconds, our ways part...
I'm in an even better mood, strut around as if I'm sitting on a Harley Davidson - leaned back hardcore,
legs apart like a motherfucker, music massaging my inner ears, pavement feeling good under my feet,

fresh autumn-air filling my lungs with oxygen... dayum how much I love working hard...

The Approach
Arrive at the tram stop - my mind is completely empty - I see her. She's petite, slim, alternative style...
her hair is straight, long and dark red... she's wearing hot pants with black tights... holy crap, those legs,
that ass! She's coming from the side, without thinking I open with the first crap that comes to my mind:
"Ey, aren't you cold?" She's ripped out of her thoughts, looks at me, has a damn cute face, light-brown
eyes, tender, innocent. We stop for a moments, smalltalk.
At first it's awkward and jerky, I could tell she's wondering what the fuck I want from her but BAM I
neg her style that reminds me of Avril Lavigne (she's wearing Converse and a leather blazer to her hot
pants). We chat about Avril Lavigne and Nickelback (lol) and first traces of a connection appear. She
tells me she just graduated some art history degree 2 days ago and is now on her way to go shopping.
My tram arrives, she has to take the same one, we keep chatting in the tram, I keep negging her a little
more. She does come across as a little arrogant and I do want to get her off her selfimposed pedestal.
My negs make her laugh more and more and I get first IOIs.
I ask about her age - 25, older than me (dayum, she looks like fucking 18!). I'm honest about my age.
Her stop comes, I make up an excuse to get out too by telling her I'm meeting up with a friend, haha.

The Key Situation

So we both get out of the tram... so far the whole interaction was kinda jerky and unsmooth, had to
invest a lot myself, so far I wasn't entirely sure as to how far I can go. But now we're standing on the
street and she doesn't make any attempt to leave. Avril's body language is turned towards me, we're
involved in a good conversation, cool. To be honest, it surprises me, has she only seemed moderately
invested in the tram.
Note: It barely happens that a girl bombards you with IOIs. It's actually the opposite, the biggest IOI
that one can get is her just staying with you, being quiet and attentive.
We chat more, I do some mild physicality (touching her shoulder, pushing her away etc.), I get in lock-
in position and lean my back against a wall. She mentions my friend I was supposed to meet up with
and tells me she's okay with waiting with me - yeah! We stand there for about 10 minutes and I tell her
that my friend just texted and ditched me. I act disappointed and go for the instant date: "Hey... are you
spontaneous?" Just as she was about to answer I hear it from my periphery: "Hey, you!"

Jaywalker [my old PUA name haha]: 1 - Hipster Chode: 0

Her attention immediately switches to the tall guy who was about to pass by us, she seems to know
him, kiss left, kiss right, I immediately turn away from her and give her my shoulder, this will not end
up in any kind of competition over the girl.
I get to know from their first sentences that they met at a party and it seems like from there she has a lot
of attraction going for him, so he's not an acquaintance that she's having in her friend zone. Damn it.
However, I calm down immediately, the guy may have had situational value and/or social proof, but he
probably still has no game, haha... I turn towards them. He's tall, five o'clock shadow, dressed like a

hipster, I look at his body language and mimic... he has no game, I could tell... he will fuck up his own
At first Avril looks very open towards him, shows IOIs, but he invests far too much and is not offering
any value - Mistake #1.
He mentions me towards Avril: "Is that guy with you?" A key situation - how much will she admit that
I'm just a guy who's just approached her? But she calibrates very well and just gives him a short
"yeah". Now Hipsterchodes alarms start ringing. Of course he tries to fuck with me now "Ah, I see,
well, he looks quite reserved..." haha, awesome. I may give both of them my shoulder and use the time
to respond to some texts in my inbox, but I don't really look reserved... He clearly exaggerated in order
to lower my value... shoots his own leg - Mistake #2.
He now starts to panic, nervously has to show his own value... well too bad he's doing it way too
obvious. "Well, you know... I'm an actor! Look, this is where I will play, it's a really great theater!"
Now he pulls out flyers and gives me one too, wants to impress me and make me respond to him, but
I'm just super nice and open, take his flyer, shake his hand - Mistake #3. I notice how Avril's attraction
towards him completely flattened out.
Now Mr. Hipster tries to push on an instant date, wants to come with her but he's lacking balls and
calibration, so he just asks her what she's up to now, awkwardly waiting for HER to invite him, but she
doesn't do it - Mistake #4.
So it's awkward silence, resulting in even more panic and him drawing in his horns, 30 seconds later he
sits in the next tram and looks at me with a sad face - Mistake #5. I feel bad for him.

Instant Date
Avril is still standing next to me, tells me who that guy was: She knows him, like I had thought, from a
party, where he got a guitar and all the girls were giving him Anime Eyes. Cute, too bad that it doesn't
help him as long as he doesn't have game ;)
I just change topics, "ah yeah, are you spontaneous?" A minute later we're strolling over the street,
under my time constraint that I don't have much time. But instead of heading towards that shopping
street, we're heading towards the LJ25 (my place). We run into two of my
wings, smalltalk about the upcoming Free Tour that is only a couple hours ahead. I'm so free from
She now gives me Anime Eyes. I say bye to the guys while sidehugging Avril: "Ey guys, was awesome
seeing you, but we have to go now, Avril wants to take me for ice cream!" She gives me a big WTF-
look, haha, we never talked about ice cream, but I'm just too selfamused, and also I'm already plotting
the pull ;)

The Instant Pull

"Come we take this tram here, it's just a few stops to my favorite ice cream place!" No objections. Note
that Vienna's public transport system is fucking awesome, there's trams, busses, metros everywhere -
makes logistics quite comfortable.
Time for more comfort.

Note: Especially for day game and instant pulls from the street, it is almost KEY that you a) reward her
for her spontaneity and b) mention that the whole situation is crazy... even for you (Statement of
Empathy). It shows her that you're a normal guy and that it's not normal for you to take random people
from the street with you (even if it is).
I compliment her open mindedness and spontaneity, pull out my phone to check the opening hours - of
course the place is closed, it's September and cold in Vienna, but I wait with telling her until we're at
my stop. "Oh shit, the ice cream place is closed, but come, I have a better idea!" I take her hand and
woop, we are outside. "Let's buy ice cream here!" We are now close to the LJ25 and head into a
grocery store - next step. (Step By Step Pulling) "Naah, fuck this, you know what, let's make awesome
fruit yoghurt instead! But EY, only if you promise not ti rob me!" Just a little hesitation but she's down,
even though she mentions that it's crazy. But great, she plays along very cool and I compliment her
spontaneity again.
We buy fruits and ice cream, on the way to my place... more rapport again, joking around, going with
the flow. Story telling, story telling, story telling...

At My Place
We enter my room, I show her everything, start making yoghurt, show her a couple songs on Youtube
etc. I now do solid game on her, wait for the KC a little longer in order to not creep her out. Funny
thing: One of my drawers is open as we enter my room. It's the drawer with tissues, condoms, lube and
sex toys... hahaha, not until minutes pass, I notice it and awkwardly have to close it in the middle of a
sentence...phew... also my computer showing RSDNation and pick up videos is not of advantage... I
really have to work on my discretion, haha. But she doesn't seem to notice... cool.
I stand in the kitchen, I keep making yoghurt, she's sitting, watching me, we chat lively and every now
and then I do a step over to her and be naturally physical. At some point I go for the kiss, she pulls
away, I stay cool and keep going in a good mood.
I do it again and our lips touch for a second... she's just like: "Wtf, that's kinda fast now!"
Note: STATEMENT OF EMPATHY! "Yeah I know, what WE are doing is really crazy, haha..."
Emphasizing the WE instead of ME, even though it's clearly me initiating all the escalation.
Shortly afterwards I kiss her again, we make out. Eat the yoghurt, listen to songs, I let her sit on my lap,
she's bitching about the yoghurt being too sweet, I neg her: "All you can do is bitch around even though
I was so nice and invited you to my place" ;)
It's getting later and Free Tour is coming closer... we chill on my bed and I show her my favorite
(bang)movie: The Art Of Flight.

The Escalation
We make out passionately, whereas I'm focussing on a) admitting that all this is crazy - and b) blaming
her (see many of my other LRs, ha) [or this video I made over a year later as an RSD instructor:
I escalate more and explore her slim legs, her tight body... I grab her ass, she's cool with it. But my
hands under her shirt is too much, also when I place her hands on my boner, she blocks: "Hey, I decide
where I want to put my hands!" She's horny as fuck, I can sense it (she snuggles up to me, kisses me,

gives me compliments, moans when I kiss her neck) but it's still going too fast for her. We've been
knowing each other for about 2 hours now.
60 minutes until Free Tour. I have to leave soon.
I escalate a little more, finger her over her pants, she grabs my dick and moans, but that's how far we
get today... she blocks when I want under her pants or shirt, but it's cool with me.
Note: Girls not only want to prepare for sex emotionally, but also physically. In my case she couldn't
have expected to be approached on the street and taken home to some guy, so she most probably won't
be shaved, prepared, whatsoever...
I myself want too that she feels confident and comfortable while having sex. So in combination with
the fact that I have to leave for Free Tour anyway, I decide to just take a step back and chill with her,
connect, do more quality rapport, in order to make a day 2
happen easily.

The Connection
We lie arm in arm in my bed, the movie is playing, the music is awesome, we make out, she snuggles
up to me, I look a lot into her eyes... very deeply, we hold eye contact for minutes it feels... she's
amazing. For some reason I feel like knowing her forever... here we are... two people in love, infinite
connection, haven't had that in a long time...
She gives me compliments, we hold hands, she tells me that, within the first minutes of our initial
conversation, all she thought was how big of an idiot I am, how much I'm getting on
her nerves etc. etc.. Also, she constantly gets approached on the street, but somehow I did it way more
smooth than everybody else...
What a great girl, I wanna see her again! Somehow I just feel such a connection with her... it's not only
her hot appearance (she is exactly my type), but also her cute attitude, her compliance, her voice... I get
along with her so well... haha.
Free Tour starts in 30 minutes, I have to leave, we get ready. Our mood is on top of the world, we're in
love (of course we're not really, but it feels like), we're spontaneous, we laugh. I steer the conversation
towards movies: "Ey, I'd so love to watch Avatar now! Shit, too bad, I have to leave now..." She shows
compliance and I tell her we should watch the movie together soon... "I get the movie, you get the
food! Something good... and healthy... get nuts or something... yeah, bring nuts!" She laughs and
Note: Give her small tasks to do, she will love you for it ;) On the way to the tram we schedule the day
2 for coming Monday, I'd text her the Sunday
before. We exchange numbers.

The Weekend
Freetour is fucking amazing.
It's Sunday night and highly motivated we head out to do night game. Amongst many familiar faces
and bros is also Alex himself as a surprise and we have a good time.

I text Avril at some point for details tomorrow. She doesn't text back.

Ohhh the Self Esteem

Monday comes and Avril still hasn't replied, I hit the gym, no response, I teach some private lessons in
Latin, no response, it's only 1h until she's supposed to come by... still nothing. I see the flake in front of
me... too bad...
But then she does text me: "Hey... would you be mad if I pass by 3h later? I can't make it earlier -.-
Okay?!" Nice. Haha.

The Final Date

We meet, immediate connection again, we head to the LJ25, chat a little in my room, eat awesome nuts
she brought, I start Avatar.
I, of course, escalate hard during the movie, heavy make out, I make her really horny, but she does
block a couple times. The movie is fucking awesome and she cries several times (wtf), so I decide to
watch the movie to the end and then escalate all the way.
The Escalation
I find it great that she feels so intensely with the movie and lets go of all her feelings, that means she's a
very empathetic person. It's also good that she experiences such a wide range of emotions together with
me... it's to my advantage ;)
Shit, after the movie is over, it is quite late already (11:30 on a Monday night) and I have to escalate
faster. I'm on her, make her horny, let her feel my body under my shirt, she mentions she has to leave
soon several times.
I finger her over pants, she loves it, under her pants, however, she blocks, although with less and less
decisiveness. She grabs my cock several times, but then lets go of it. Whenever I put her hand on it she
just says again: "Heey, I decide where my hands are!"
I sense that despite all the blocks she does need it badly, so I just take a step back:
I focus on my feelings, not my thoughts, look into her eyes, feel her with complete awareness, kiss her
without thinking and notice how beautiful it can be. (I'm just in the moment, not thinking about the lay
or what step I could do next, just fully enjoying her presence and her clear eyes looking directly into
my soul... I guess this is how sex is actually supposed to be... too bad that all so often we just think
about the escalation and the next steps... We miss so much by letting all the moments just pass by...
instead of living them.

Two Mistakes I Make

Our connection is insane, we get along perfectly, she is so fucking hot and I sit/lie next to her... with a
boner... for 45 minutes. At some point I lie next to her and she notices a female hair in my bed... it's not
hers and it's black... "Heeeey, that's not my hair!" She obviously is disappointed and sad, but I don't
apologize for anything, fucking many girls is normal for me. I change the topic.
Barely 2 minutes later Avrils looks at my blanket... and spots a little stain... "Is that... blood?" she asks

surprised... Shit, that must be from MagnificantAss... one of my lays from the week before... damn...
didn't change sheets yet... yayaya, I know, more discretion...
Change topic again, she's pissed again, but I can turn her around and make her horny again.

I make out with her, lick her neck, she grabs my body, I grab her tits, she loves life now. She jumps up,
shows me a Youtube song, it's surprisingly awesome and during the following escalation we listen to
"Howling", the Ame Remix, on Endless Youtube, awesome.
She blocks a couple more times but I'm well calibrated and plow through it, pull down her tights, she
may give a short "No", but shows complete compliance. She's wearing a white thong, super thin cotton,
her legs are perfect, oh shit. I finger her over panties, let her feel my cock, get it out, she takes what she
wants... this horny little 25-year-old. I finger her under
panties, pull them down, she spreads her legs, won't let me finger her anymore, pulls me over her... I
grab a condom, put it on.

The Sex
I penetrate her... extremely slowly... I look deep into her eyes. the last minutes of escalation have been
super slow in movement, I just shut down my mind and enjoyed the moment, feeling her body, her
energy... how beautiful all that can be when fully present. That song helps too.
I fuck her super slowly and it's intense. She goes crazy, looks into my eyes, she feels so good.
She starts dirty talking, ah, how much I love sex with older, more confident girls! "Come on, take me...
harder..." Ooooh okay, I speed up slowly, give it to her harder, faster, her pussy is contracting and I'm
just about to cum.
Damn it that I've been having blue balls since Thursday, can barely fuck without cumming
immediately. I keep having to stop. Shit, I just have to train my PC muscle harder!
At some point I do cum... we lie next to each other, look at each other, talk, talk, talk, I make yogurt
again, we keep talking... naked... she missed her last tram home long time ago, it's after 2am...
Afterwards - She Shows Her Real Face
I tell her she could stay over night, she does. I usually don't enjoy actually sleeping with other girls in
one bed, rarely feel comfortable enough with them. We fall asleep together... at least that's what I
But just as I'm about to slip into the land of dreams (I dream about more pimping, wtf) I feel something
on my dick... my room is dark but I notice how she's starting to jerk me off. My dick is harder than
Angela Merkel's face and I ask Avril: "Ey, what are you doing?" She doesn't answer, lets go of my dick
and snuggles up to me... touches my body... "I like your eyes... your face... your abs..." Now she pauses
for a seconds and with a really girly voice she says "... and I like your cock." she starts jerking off
again, kisses my belly... and I know what's coming now... and here comes the blow job under the
blanket, nice.
I notice how horny she gets from that, I don't touch her, just let her do her job, start doing some dirty

talk... "Fuck, you're so hot... you're driving me crazy..." Even though I've just fallen asleep and feel
tired as fuck, my horniness prevails, so I say: "Do you want me to cum or do you wanna get fucked
again?" She doesn't answer. I repeat it in a dominant voice.
She lets go of me... "How dare you talking to me like this!" she sounds super serious. I sense she's
horny as fuck. "Do you wanna get fucked now or not," again, very dominant. She starts grinding her
wet pussy on me. I find the whole situation very splendid... lying on my back... in the warm and nice
bed... but EY, what is she doing? She climbs on me and wants to stick it in already! Just an hour ago I
've asked her if she's on birth control, she denied. "Ey, what the fuck are you doing? You're not on birth
control!" She whispers (obviously completely emotionally overwhelmed from all the horniness): "Just
stick it in real quick..." I'm about to give by and hesitate... just stick it in... just for a second... nothing
will happen...
"What the fuck, no! Get a condom!" Damn it, fucking damn it, what an evil seduction, haha. She is so
horny and I literally have to throw her off me to get a condom, haha.
She rides me with incredible passion, never have I experienced something as intense... what a Nympho!
(Even the next morning she wakes me up with a blow job, we fuck and even after that she needs to get
fucked couple more times, but I have to go work out... haha).
So it's the middle of the night, she rides me, I cum, she lies next to me, satisfied, feeling my body and I
notice how she's getting horny again after minutes... but thank goodness she lets me sleep... all she's
saying is: "That's how I give good-night kisses ;)"


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