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Corruption in Pakistan

Corruption means moral perversion, depravity,

dishonesty especially bribery and putrefaction. Corruption
is defined as the abuse of public office for private gains. It
involves the seeking or extraction of promise or receipt of
a gift or any other advantage by a public servant in
consideration of the performance or omission of an act, in
violation of the duty required of the office. Corruption can
be termed a two way traffic as it involves members of
both public and private sectors, or a giver and a taker
who are engaged in illegal, illegitimate and unethical the
misappropriation and embezzlement by a public servant
in spending public money is also called corruption where
there no involvement of a private person. The formula of
the corruption given by Prof.Robert klitgaard is:
M shows monopoly, D shows discretion and A shows

Corruption takes a variety of forms i.e. bribery, nepotism,

patronage, theft of states assets, evasion of taxes
diversion of revenue and electoral fraud. Corruption
impedes economic growth discourages foreign
investment and in habits access to vital public services it
also undermines the effectiveness of international aid.
The effects and impacts of not controlling this menace
are quiet damaging in developing countries of the world
because it hearts the poorer segments of society
disproportionately. In Pakistani society, the two major
types of prevalent corruption are: petty corruption and
grand corruption. The common man of the country
encounters petty corruption in his everyday dealings in
almost all public sector offices. The transparency
international Pakistan (TIP) in his report has raised
Pakistan`s rank in corruption index from 42 to 33 in an
overall ranking of 176 countries of the world. It has
further pointed out that corruption level reached their
peak during 2012 the chairman of the TIP has identified
corruption as the major cause of poverty, illiteracy,
terrorism ,shortage of electricity and lack of governance
in Pakistan the national corruption perception survey
2010 clearly depicts that the overall corruption in 2010
increased from Rs. 195 billion in 2009 to Rs. 223 billion in
2010 and 70 percent Pakistanis stated that present
government is more corrupt than previous government.
Corruption in Pakistan has afflicted every organ of the
state. The NAB chief as estimated that the corruption in
Pakistan to be around 10 to 12 billion a day. Some of the
main reasons of corruption in Pakistan are unregulated
land awards, the inefficient public sector, drug money,
foreign aid and informal structure of Pakistan economy.
By: Abdul
(Hons) Economics
Roll No:645-BH-13

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