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Volume II

^.. . TTpnAPY


View from Fort Putnam: The Cadets encamped. From General Farley's
West Point Frontispiece
Introductory Note i

Bibliographies of West Point (1694-1902), of the U. S. Military Academy

(1776-1902), and of the writings of graduates of the V. S Military Acad-
emy (1S02-1902), by Edward S. Holden (U. S. M. .\., 1870) I

Bibliography of West Point ( 1694-1902), arranged chronologically . . .

Views of West Point and vicinity ( 1778-1902) 36
Maps of West Point and vicinity ( 1769-1902) 40
Miscellaneous papers, West Point and vicinity ( 1702-1902) .... 44
Bibliography of the U. S. Military Academy (1776-1902), arranged
chronologically 46
Bibliography of the writings of graduates (1S02-1902), arranged alpha-
betically 165
List of graduates of the U. S. Military Academy (1802-1902), with the year
of graduation and the number in General Cullum's Biographical Register,

compiled by W. L. Ostrander 397

Editor's note 433


U.S. Mil:laiy Academy. 1870.



The following- bibliographies relating to the United States Military

Academy and to the post of West Point have been constructed
First: By giving references to books and periodicals in the Librarx' of
the Academy. The letter "A" following a title indicates that the book
is owned by the Library of the I'nited States Military Academy.

Second: By copying titles from Poore's Catalogue of Government

Publications, 1774-18S1, and its \-arious continuations to 1902. Onl\' a
few references to Congressional documents could be verified by the editor
in the course of the work on accoiuit of lack of time.
Third: By copying titles from catalogues of books, etc., in the lilirary
of the WarDepartment. Washington.
Fourth: B\' copving titles from catalogues of books, etc., now in the
collection of the Di\"ision of Militar\- Information, Adjutant-Oeneral's
Fifth: By copying
titles from the catalogues of a few large libraries

in the United and from Poole's and other indexes to periodicals.


Sixth: By references to certain important series which have been

thoroughly searched by the editor, such as the American State Papers,
Military Affairs, and others of the sort.
Seventh: By reference to the biographies of statesmen and .soldiers
Academy. Miss Lucretia Pope, daughter of Major-
in the Librar\- of the
General Pope (a graduate of 1S42), was good enough to examine all
such biographies, page b\-page, marking e\'ery reference to the Academy
and to a certain list of per.'^ons. Many hundred volumes were thus

*Not all of the cards of the original manuscript bililiographies are here printcii.
Thev are, however, preserved in tlit- T'liited .States Military .A.c<ideniy I,ibrar>
H. Doc. 7.S9, 5,S-2— vol 2 1 I
2 Coitctinial of Lhiilcd States Mih'tarv Academy.

searched by Miss Pope, leaf \)\ leaf, and the significant entries snbse-
quently copied by myself. This part of the work has been ver\-
thoroughly done, thanks to Pope's intelligent assiduity.
Eighth: B}- reference to various series of manuscripts as follows:
The Cullum manuscripts in the posse.ssion of the Association of Grad-

uates, United States Military Academy. These manu.scripts have been

carefully .searched by Capt. Bertram C. and by
Gilbert, Artillery Corps,
myself. They include many letters bj* Colonel Thayer.
The Swift manuscripts loaned to the United States Military Academy
by the heirs of Gen. J. G. vSwift, first graduate (1802) of the Academy.
These papers were, by the great kindness of General Swift's
heirs, depo.sited in the Library in October and November, 1902, and have
been as thoroughly examined by Captain Gilbert and by myself as time
The manuscripts of Capt. Aklen Partridge, vSuperintendent United
States Military- Academy (1815-1S17), were loaned to us in October,
1903, by his sou, Mr. Henry V. Partridge, of Norwich, \'t. They have
been thoroughlj' examined by myself.
Miscellaneous manuscripts, records of the Dialectic Society, orderly
books, etc., in the Librarj- of the Academy, which have been thoroughly
.searched by Capt. Gordon Heiner, Artillery Corps, and by myself.
The manuscript papers (returus, reports, orderly books, letters, etc.),
written at West Point in the years 1795 to 1829, which were transferred
(in February, 1903) from the Schuylkill Arsenal to the Library of the
Academy, through the courtesy of Capt. John T. Knight, U. S. Army,
by authority of the Quartermaster-General and of the Adjutant-General,
U. S. Army. These ha\-e been searched as thoroughlj' as time allowed
by myself.
The manu.script index to the daily issues of the New York Times
newspaper, from 1861 to 1902, from which every reference to West Point
and to the United States Military Academy has been copied.
MantLscript orderly books and regimental returns belonging to the
Pocumtoc Valley Memorial As.sociation, of Deerfield, Mass., which were
most kindly loaned to us in 1903, through the kindness of the president
aud secretarj' of the association, and which have been searched by me.
The manuscript records of the academic board, adjutant, quartermaster,
aud treasurer. United States Military Academj-, have not been searched
for lack of time. They should be gone o\-er page by page, and would
no doubt }-ield rich returns. Under existing conditions it has been
simply impossible even to begin this work except in one point. The
general orders, headquarters United vStates Military Academy, from
Februar}^ 19, 1838 (the date of the disastrous fire which de.stroyed the
records of the Academy), to 1857 were, however, examined by Lieut.
A. F. Casad, Artillery Corps, during November 1902. He has extracted
many items of general interest which appear in the Militar}^ Academy
/rifrodi<ctorv JVolr. 3

bibliography-. Capt. Gordon Ileiiicr, Artillery Cordis, has been good

enough to continue this examination from i<S57 to 1902, and all the
records from 1S3S to 1902, as well as the orders of the commandant of
cadets, have been examined by Capt. F. \V. Sladen. I'. S. Arm>', who
has kindl\- given us the benefit of his .search.
Capt. H. M. Reeve, Seventeenth Infantry, I'. S. Army, during the
summer of 1902 thoroughh" searched the mamiscripts of the State Depart-
ment and of the Library of, and made accurate copies of all
significant documents with his own hand.
The greater part of this Ijibliography was completed in July, 1902,
In the autumn of 1903 it was for the first time possible for me to leave
my duties at West Point and to consult the manuscripts of the War
Department in Washington. Through the .great kindness of Brigadier-
General Ainsworth, Brigadier-General Gillespie, Brigadier-General
George B. Davis, and Colonel W. P. Hall, the maivuscripts of the Record
and Pension Office, of the Engineer Department, of the Judge-Advocate-
General's Department, and of the Adjutant-General's Department were
opened, and everj* assistance was given by them and by those imme-
diately in charge of the records, especially by Messrs. Heitman and
Wood. Brigadier-General Charles P. Humphrey, Quartermaster-
General, was so good as to provide a stenographer to aid in the work;
the Chief of the Record and Pension Office and the Adjutant-General
permitted a large number of selected documents to be copied entire; and
the Judge-Advocate-General cau.sed copies to be made of two very long
documents. Copies are filed with the adjutant, United States Military
Acadenu- and also in the Library.
The thanks of each and every graduate of the Academy are due for
the generous aid thus offered b\- gentlemen and by others not here
named. The materials for a history of the United States Military Acad-
enij- are now substantially complete.
The War Department records are \-ery full; at the same time they are
very special, as they cover official matters only. The bibliography as
printed here represents more especially such miscellaneous information
as can be derived from printed books rather than that contained in the
manuscripts in the War Department. It is relatively much more full
for the early years of the Academy's history ( 1S02-1S38 ) than for the
later, since the records at West Point are complete after February, 1838.


The bibliography of the writings of graduates from 1S02 to 1902 has

been formed
First: By including a very few li.sts of their own writings furnished
bj- the graduates themselves. During the j-ear 1899 a circular was sent
to every living graduate, asking for a of his published works for
insertion in \'olume IV of Cullum's Regi.ster. All such lists are here
4 Centennial of Unt/cd Sfa/cs Military Academy.

included. They make, however, but au insignificant part of the whole.

A similar request was printed in the Army
and Navy Register for April
12, and brought a few returns. All graduates stationed at West
Point have been formally requested to examine the bibliography while
it was in manuscript, in order to make it as complete as practicable.

Some references to the history, etc. of a few uongraduates are included


in the bibliography. Washington, Jeffenson, Adams, Monroe, Madison,

Jack.son, Hamilton, Knox, Pickering, Nicola, and a few others of the
Revolutionarj' period are mentioned in connection with the origin, found-
ing, and progress of the Academy. The names and writings of pro-
fessors and other officers of the Academ}- are likewise included.
Second: By copying the catalogue cards of the Library of the Military
Academy for books, etc., published by graduates. The letter "A" fol-
lowing a title indicates that the book is now in the Library.
Third: By copying from Cullum's Biographical Register, Volumes I,
n, IIL I^^ all references to books, etc., printed by graduates. When-
ever such references were incomplete every effort has been made to com-
plete them. If any graduate fails to find papers credited which he has
published, it is earnestly requested that a notice of such omissions be
sent to the editor.
Fourth: 3y copying titles from the catalogues of a few large libraries
in the United States, particularly from the Libraries of Congress, the
War Department, the Engineer Department, and from all available
author-indexes to periodicals.
Fifth: All portraits of graduates (except photographs) owned by the
United States Militarj- Academy are here catalogued and, in order to
make our list of portraits complete, I have included a few paintings and
busts of nongraduates that are owned by the Academy. Most of the
data under this head have been furni.shed by Prof. C. W. Larned, LT. S.
Military Academv.
Sixth: I have made a
list of the statues and other memorials erected

in honor of distinguished graduates throughout the country and it is

here included, although it is not complete. The data here given have
been gathered from a great variety' of sources from the letters of per- —
sonal friends, from published biographies, from the catalogues of brass
founders, etc.
vSeventh: A large collection of engraved portraits has been made by
the Library of the Academj- with the a.ssistance of Paul Lamed, cadet
U. S. Military Academ>', and a list of them is here printed.
Eighth A list of photographs of graduates owned by the West Point

army mess has been prepared under the direction of Capt. H. M. Reeve,
U. S. Arm}', and is here included.
Ninth: The writings of engineer and ordnance officers are taken from
the indexes to the reports of the Chief of Engineers and of the Chief of
Ordnance, so far as the>- have been printed.
IiilrodncioiY Xoic. 5

All author-iiulfx to thu former reports was iiuule in this library by

Private Browiily. Tin.- index to the reports of the Chief of luigineers
has been continued in niantiscript from 1892 to date under the direction
of Lieut. Col. C. \\". Raymond, Corps of Ivngineers, l)y Mr. John McClure,
chief clerk of the engineer office, in Philadelphia, by the kind i)ermission

of the Chief of Engineers, and its data are here included.

The printed indexes of the reports of the Chief of Ordnance have been
continued, in manuscript, from 1893 to date by the courtesy of the Chief
of Ordnance and are here included.
Annual reports of a routitic nature are, hi gcneyal not mentioned here. ,

Such reports are incident to the official station held by the graduate.
The reports indexed in the Records of the Civil War are
omitted. Every article written for magazines, etc., b\- graduates has
been included, whenever it is known to the editor. The object of the
catalogue has been to exhibit the intellectual product of the Academy
for a hundred years. If magazine articles of the .sort are included — as
they certainly should be — it is clear that we can not omit a project for
a bridge over the Mississi])pi River, or a series of experiments upon the
effect of explosives.
It is also obvious that the editor can not decide what .scientific reports
of the .sort are more important and what are it hasless .so: hence
been necessary to include all such.
Tenth: The titles of writings of artillery and other officers ha\-e been
copied from a complete author-index manuscript to the Journal of the
( )

United vStates Artillery made t)y Capt. C. DeW'. Willcox, of the Artillery
Corps, during 1902.
Eleventh: The titles of the writings of cavalry and other officers ha\-e
been copied from a complete author-index (manu.script to the Journal )

of the United States Cavalry Association made by Lieut. T. A. Roberts,

Tenth Cavalry, in 1902.
Tw^elfth: The
titles of the writings of infantry and other officers have

been copied from a complete author-index (manuscript) to the Publica-

tions of the Infantry Societ>- made by Capt. R. C. I)a\is, Seventeenth
Infantry, U. S. Army, in April, 1902.
Thirteenth: The titles of other writings
of graduates lia\-e been taken
from a complete author-index (manuscript to the Journal of the United

Sen'ice Institution made by Lieut. T. A. Roberts. Tenth Cavalry, U. S.

Army, in 1902.
Fourteenth: The reports of the Coast Survej", of the National
Academy of Sciences, of the Pacific Railway Surveys, of the siirve>s
west of the one-hundredth meridian (Wheeler's and others 1, etc.. have
been searched b>' the editor.
Fifteenth: The theses of graduates of the Artillery vSchool. have like-
wise been catalogued .so far as they could be found. There is no pub-
lished list of them, so far as is known to me.
6 Ceutcniiial of United States Military Acadcniv.

Sixteenth: The valuable index to the Annuals of the Association of

Graduates United States Militar\- Acadeni)- prepared by Capt. W. C.
Rivers, First Cavalry, TJ. S. Army, has been consulted for references
to the places where obituaries and portraits of deceased graduates can
be found. Where a jK.irtrait is known to exist in any of the books
catalogued here, the fact is noted after the title entr\'.

Seventeenth: B}- copying from standard biographies of the gradu-


ates all works there credited them. to In cases of this .sort it has not
always been pos.sible to obtain full titles, etc.. but no pains have been
.spared in this regard.
Eighteenth: The very numerous entries from the i2,s volumes of the
Official Records of the War of the Rebellion which relate to reports,
etc., from graduates are not here given. Each one of the 128 vol-
umes of that work has its own index in which the names of graduates
occur at e\'ery few lines. The index to these indexes is itself a volume
of 1,242 pages. Reports from many of the graduates are found in 10,
20, or even more ^•olumes and in man)' places in each separate

volume. Reference is here made, once for all, to the Official Records
above cited. Its indexes, together with the entries here printed, exhaust
the sources of information at present accessible to the editor.

It is obvious thai a l)ibliography of this .sort can not be made comptetc

except by very long research, nor without the direct assistance of the
graduates themselves: nor can it be made accurate except by repeated
revision by skilled hands. In the publications of Congress, and of the
War Department, proper credit can not be given to officers without
turning over the pages of each document one by one. There has been
no time for an exhaustive The following
examination of the
bibliographies are but work that must eventually be
.specimens of a
done in a thorough and complete manner. They are but a first attempt.
In making them it has not been possible to command the services of
even a .single trained clerk. The editor will be grateful for notice of all
necessary corrections and additions. He is very conscious of the imper-
fections of the li.sts here printed.
At the same time he asks that they should be judged by comparing
them with previously printed lists of the .sort rather than with an ideal
standard of perfection. They con.stitute a painstaking attempt to
exhibit the activity of the Military Academy in one direction; and even
in their presentform demonstrate its signal vitality- and usefulness.
Our graduatesare by their training and habit men of action rather
than scholars, students, or writers. Vet in the latter capacities they
nave left a mark upon the nineteenth century which is highly honorable
to their alma mater and to them.selves. Four thousand and twenty-one
persons graduated at the Military Academy from 1802 to 1902. The
Introduciojy Note. 7
bibliography of the writings of these graduates which follows contains
about 16,000 titles. It is submitted that this is an extraordinary out-

put for an institution that, by its nature, trains its pupils for scientific
and technical work alone. Officers of the Army are taught to act, not
to write. When an act is approved by the proper official superior, it
is forgotten and the officer goes on to other acts. Viewed in this light
the catalogue that follows is instructive, and it conclusively an.swers
the question whether or not the educational methods of the Academ\- fit
its graduates for their places in military and iu civil life.
UlHI.lOCKAI'ilV <ll- WKSr I'OIXT. 1524^002.

[Arraiijifti cliroiioU»^ic;illv.]

[Note.— (A) signifies that the book citcil is in (he library of the X'nited States Military Academy
or in that of the Association of Graduates of the United Slates Military' Academy. (C) indicates
that the book cited is a Congressional document, most of which are owned by the Academy.]


1524. Vcrrazzaiiii discovers the mouth .granted to John Moore, Mar. 25, 1747.
of the Hud.sou River. Hoth the foregoing purchased for $1 1,-
1609, September 14. Hemlrik Hiul- 085, July 3, 1790; Cridley tr.-ict, 310
soii anchored near Point. MS. acres, purchased for ;fio,o<K>, Mar. lo,
Capt. H. JI. Reeve, U. S. Amiy. 1S24; Kinsley tract, 225 acres, pur-
cha.sed for ;5i5o,oo<:i, Mar. 2, 1S89. Ju-
1633, April. The U'illiaw, of London,
risdiction ceded by the State of New-
\va.s the first English sliip to go up the
Hudson. Janvier: Dutch founding of York to the United States Mar. 2, 1826,

Jlav 15, 1888, June 7, 1875, and Sept.

X. Y.,p. 89. (W 27, 1876.
1694, March 1. Capt. John Evans. K.
N., commanding H. JI. frigate A'ii/t-
1723 - 1889. Lands comprising the
military reservation of West l^oint. N.
"to have a patent for land uji
Y. 1723-1889. (Information relating
Hudson's river." This patent included
to the. U. ,S. M. A. Press, 1S91, 1 vol,,
West Point. Mar. 14, 1710: Order con- )

O. 206 pp. (A)

cerning lands resumed by the Crown
from Captain Evans. Calendar of 1746, November 3. Patent granted to
Council Minutes, N. Y., 166S-1783, pp. John iloore. This included lands at
95- 235. The land was patented to West Point. Calendar of Council Min-
N. Y., 1668-1783, p, 362. Petition

Captain Evans, Sept. 20, 1694. Ab- (

stract of Patent.s, 3:164, No. 144S. (A) )
granted Nov. 3. The date of the royal
patent to Moore is Mar. 25, 1747. (.A)
1694-1902. Geology, climate, physic-
al geography. /« Tarr ^R. S. i: The 1750-1783. (West Point and vicinity.)
physical geography of New York State The first iron furnace in Orange Coun-
(with a chapter on climate). N. Y., ty; tlie Sterling Iron Works 1752 ); the

1902, I vol., O. ( .\)

chain across the Hudson made there
-Akerly Samuel .\u e.ssay on the
( ) :
and put in place May 1, 1778; two other
geology of the Hudson River ... Il- chains were put in place, one at the
lustrated maps. N.Y., 1820. vol..
. . . 1
mouth of Murderers Creek, near Corn-
8°, pp. 69. (A) wall Landing, the other at Fort Mont-
goinerv. See Tenth Census of the
1710, March. Warrant for patent to
r, .S., '1880, vol. 2, p. 65.- (A)
Capt. Charles Congreve. This ])atent
included lands at West Point. Calen- 1769. See The Hudson River from
dar of Council Minutes, N. Y., !66,S- Ocean to Source, p, 346. .\')

1783, p. 235. Petition granted Mar. 7, —

1774. Broadside debates on dividing
1710, The date of the royal p.-itent to Orange County. N.Y.,ip.,f°, (N.Y.
Congreve is May 17, 1723. (A) Public Library.
1723-1871. Boynton, Capt, Edward 1775, May25. Re.solution of the Con-
C: History of West Point, and its tinental Congress providing for estab-
military importance during the .\mer- command the Hudson
li.shing po.sts to
ican Revolution, and the origin and River; directing experienced persons
progress of the U. S. Military Academy to report where obstructions should be
. xviii - 40S pages.
. . N. Y., 1863, i placed. (A)
vol., O.: 2ded., 1S71. (A) 1775, May 30. Act of the Provincial
1723-1889. West Point Re,sen-.ilioii.
( Congrtss directing Colonel Clinton and
Congreve tract ( nortliern part, i ,463 Mr. Tappan to report on suitatile sites
acres) granted to Charles Congreve, for forts on the Hud.son, with estimates
May 17, 1723. The rent was 2s, 6d, per of their cost. The report was made on
100 acres. Moore tract, 332 acres. June 13, 1775. (A)
lO Cnitoniial i)f United Stales iM/h'tary Acadc»iy.

1775, August 18. Resolution of the 1776, May 21. General Washington
Provincial Congress for fortifying the directs Lord Stirling, Col. R. Putnam,
Hudson. (A) and Col. H. Knox to examine the forts
1775, August 29. Commissioners ap- in the Highlands. The detailed report
pointed by the Congress, with Col. is dated June i and signed by Lord Stir-
Bernard Romans, engineer, began the ling. Boynton's History of West
erection of forts in the Highlands. The Point, p. 28. iW
plans of Colonel Romans of works to 1776, July 16. A secret committee of
be erected on Constitution Island are the provincial convention charged to
described in Bo^niton's History of West obstruct the channel of the Hudson
Point, p. 22. The report is in Amer. River. (A)
.\rchives, vol. 3. (A) 1776, July 25. Letter from Jacobus
1775, September. The committee of Van Zandt to Governor Clinton rela-
safetv on the fortifications in the High- tive to chain across the Hudson at
lands — reports, letters, maps, by Col. West Point. Pub. Papers of George
Bernard Romans, etc. .Amer. Archives, Clinton, vol. T, p. 273.
vol. 5, p. 735. (.A) 1776, July 26. General Washington
1775, October Commissioners rec-
1. has sent Lieut. Thomas Machin to lay

ommend the building of Fort Mont- out such works at West Point as are
gomery. Nov. 3, three companies or- thought necessary by the officers
dered to garrison Constitution Island. there. Pub. Papers of George Clinton,
Boynton's History of West Point, p. vol. 1, p. 276. (A)
24.' ( .A ) 1776, November 11. Washington in-
spected West Point with regard to the
1775, November 23. Commissioners
building of forts there. Irving's Wash-
recommend to Congress to fortify West
Point. Amer. Archive.s quoted ///
ington, vol. 2, p. 405. (A)
Bovnton's West Point, p. 25. (A) 1776, November 12, General Heath
in command of the Department of
1775 et seq. Lee papers. 4 v. {Sec
the Highlands. Gen. Israel Putnam
N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections. Publi-
placed in command in May, 1777.
cation fund ser., 1S71-74. Military )
Boynton's History of West Point, \>. 4'?.
affairs along the Hudson during the
1776, November. Obstructions in the
1775-1778. Obstructions in Hudson Hudson. Lossing's Life of Schuyler,
River described ( i at Fort Washing- (A)
pp. 150-152.

ton, Westchester County; (2) at Fort

Montgonierv 1776); (3) at West Point
1776, December 1. The garrison at
Constitution Island increased by two
(4) at Pallopefs Lsland (1776).
regiments to work on the obstructions
Eager's History of Orange Countv,
at Pallopels Island. Boynton's His-
N. v., p. 594. '(A)
tory of West Point, p. 41. (A)
1775-1783. Sec MSS. of Horatio
Ob.structions of the Hudson
Gates /;/ Library' of N. Y. Hist. Soc.
River. Sec MSS. Xos. 66 to 96 at
1775-1783. Thacher, Jas. A military :
Wa.shin,gton's headquarters in New-
journal during the American Revolu- burgh, N. Y.
tionary War I vol., 0°, 1S23. (A)
. . .

Die Deutschen Hilf.strup-

1775-1783. Foru list of Revolution- ])en in nordamerikanischen Befreiungs
ary MSS., many of which relate to Kriege Hannover, 1863, i vol., 8°,
AVest Point, sec Univ. of the State of (The Hessian and other
PP- 397 271. I

N. A'. State Library Bulletin, History mercenary troops in the war of the
Xo. 5, June, 1S99. '(A'l Revolution.) (A)
1775-1783. Objections to employing 1776-1783. The MSS. of General
the troops of one State at West Point (
Heath are in possession of the Mass. 1

within the borders of another. Life of Hist. ,Soc. They have not been exam-
Elbridge Gerry, vol. i, p. 456. (.A) ined for the preparation of this memo-
1776, January 5. The Continental rial vohnne.
Congress resolves that Fort Montgom- 1777, February 14 to March 28.
ery be built. Jan. 16, Col. -Isaac Nic- General Parsons command; his re-
oll placed in command of the fortifi- ports on the progress of the work dated n

cations in the Highlands and so re- Feb. Mar. 7, "Mar. 16; General Ko.s-
mains until June 8. Boj-nton's His- ciu.sko took charge of the works Mar.
tory of West Point, pp. 27-28. A) 1
26; General MacDougall assumed com-
1776, April 5. The garri.son of Fort mand of the post Mar. 28; Col. Rufus
Constitution is 124 men; the W'orks Putnam's regiment built Fort Putnam.
described. Bovnton's History of West Boynton's History of West Point, p.
Point, p. 28. (.A) 62.' (A)
Bihlio^rapJiy of IJ'rsf Point. II

1777, March. (West I'oint and vicin- 1777, Decembers. General Washing-
itv, ) History of the cliaiii at Fort ton instructs General Putnam to use
Montgomery — witli a map of the Ilud- his whole force to fortify the High-
son. Life of General I'aterson, jjp. 126, lands. On Nov. 5, 1777, Governor
128. lAi Clinton, General Parsons, and Lieuten-
ant-Colonel Radiere had determined on
1777, April 5. 'I'lu- works on Consti-
a boom at Con.stitution I.sland and a fort
tution Island monnte<l fonrteeii
at West Point to defend it.
6-pounders, eight 9-])ounders, eight History of West Point, pp. 4S-50. .\ ( )

4-ponnders. I/ord Stirling's report to

— General Gatesincommandof West

Washington on these works, June i. "

1776. f'ci :
Point. Life of General Paterson, p.
1611. .\
1777, May 17. Generals MaeDoug.ill,

Knox, Greene, Clinton, and Wayne 1777, December 20. Letter from
" recomnienrl a boom
Fort Mont- at George Clinton toCieneral Wa.shington,
gomery. Boynton's History of AVest >
relative to erecting a strong fortress at
I'oint.'p. 42. {\\ West Point and stren.gthening chain
across river. Pub. Papers of George
1777, October 7. The obstructions al
^ Clinton, vol. 2, p. 591.
Fort :\Iontgomery and in tlie Hudson
(which had cost |25o,o<ni) were de- ;
1777. The h'ort Montgomery liooni and
stroyed by the British. chain were stretched fnmi Anthony's
Fort Constitution in conuuand of ( N'ose on the cast shore of the Hudson J
Capt. G. Mott since .\ug, 9) summoned to Chain Point on the west shore just
to surrender by the British; Oct. S, he :
south of the present iron railway
abandoned the island. General Tryon bridge. Fort Clinton stood on the
then demolished the fortifications in crag above Chain Point. .A part of
the Highlands. Continental village tliis chain had been used at Lake Cham-

was destroved. Boynton's HLstory of ])lain in 1775. Some links of the chain
West Point, p. 47. '(
.\) are now at Ringwood N. J. ). the rest (

1777, October 15. Forts Montgomery at West Point.

and Clinton taken Oct. 6 by the Brit- Scrap-book of autograph letters,
ish; the .\mericans then evacuated [
maps, plans, bills, etc., relating to the
Fort Constitution and the block-house 1
manufacture, etc., of the chain across
on Constitution Island. West Point I theHudvon. .Specially correspondence

was not vet fortified. Heath's Me- relating to Captain Machin's .share in
moirs, p. 130. .V ( t the work —
a few- letters of Colonel
1777, October. The British, under Lamb's. Property of Hon. Thomas

^ General Vaughan, went up the Hudson R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. [Subsequently

and destroyed Esopus their farthest — given to U. S. Military .Academy.]
north in this campaign. Cutler's Fife The old provost prison at West
of Israel Putnam, p. 314- A I I

Point was a retaliatory institution where

) 1777, October, to 1778. Biography i^nglish prisoners received the .same
of Dr. Timothy Dwight. chaplain to treatment as .American prisoners in
General Parsons brigade, in his The- New York City. See MSB. 114 and
olog\', p. xvi, 133 at Washington's headquarters at
1777, November 7. General Putnam Newburgh, N. Y.
writes to General Washington in re- Captain Machen, em-

1777 et seq.
gard to a boom across the river at West |

ployed on the fortifications at West

Point. Irving's Washington, vol. 3, I'oint, in .stretching the chain across
p. 313- l-A> Eager's History of
the river, etc.
1777, November. The honor of .se- Orange Countv, N. Y., pp. 204, 595.
lecting West Point to be fortified is (Al "

[erroneously] claimed solely for Gen.

Lsrael Putnam. Humphrey's Life of 1777-78, winter of. Fort Clinton
(then Fort .Arnold) begun under Lieu-
Putnam, {.W
p. 154.
tenant-Cohniel Radiere; l\Iar. 12, 177.S,
Lieutenant- Colonel Radiere op- Kosciuszko in charge, with Col. Rufns
posed the selection of West Point as a Putnam a,s,si.sting; Fort .Arnold com-
fortified place. Cutler's Life of Israel
pleted in June; P'orts Wyllis, Webb,
Putnam, p. 340. (A) and Putnam built at this time; chain
The plain was then covered by a across the Hudson.
growth of yellow pines 10 or 15 feet
high —
not large enough to use for
1777-78. The .site

was near the present Trophy Point.

of Fort ,Sherbourne
building huts. Narrative of the Revo-
lution. The United Service, vol. 4, Oct. Fort Webb was built where the
1903, p. 361. (A) obsen'atorv now stands.
12 Cciilcuiiial of I 'iiilcil States Military Aaidciiiy.

1777-1783. C.cneral Parsons ill coiii- the troops. General Parsons in com-
niand, winter of 1777-7S; General
mand Feb. 14. Livingston: Israel Put-
Paterson in conimami, winters of 177S- nam, pp. 371-372. (A)
79 and 1779-80; Genen-.l Heath com- !

1778, February 19. Letter from

luanded in the Highlands, 17S0-S1; Henry Wisner to Governor Clinton ad-
General McDougall coninianded in the vising as to condition of affairs at
Highlands, 1781-82; General Paterson Point. Pub. Papers of George Clinton,
at \Vest Point, autumn of 1783; Gen- vol. 2, p. 778.
eral Knox ill coniniand of West Point,
1778, February. Questions of General
June to December, 1783. Life of John Putnam and answers of Governor Clin-
Paterson, ]). 299. (A) ton relative to the defense of the Hud-
1778, January 7. Letter from George son. Captain Machin has hitherto had
Clinton to General Putnam, giving his charge of making the chevaux de frise
opinion in favor of fortifying West and chain, and understands what is
Point for the security of the river. needed. Pub. Papers of George Clin-
Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 2, ton, vol. 2, pp. 724-729.
P- 653. 1778, March 5. Letter from General
1778, January 13. .\ committee Gates relative to defences at West
visits West Point with a view to laying Point . Governor Clinton in gen-
. .

out fortifications. Livingston: Israel eral charge by order of the board of

Putnam, p. 370. \ .K 1
war. Colonel La Radit're is to con-
1778, January 14. Report of a com- form his plans to the circumstances of
mittee ill favor of fortifying West the case; Colonel Kosciuszko is to be
Point and stretching a chain across the ordered to the Highlands. Pub. Papers
Hudson there and maintaining at least of George Clinton, vol. 2, pp. 847-S4S.
2,000 light troops in the mountains. 1778, March 16. Gen. Samuel Holden
Bovnton's Histor\- of West Point, p. Parsons writes from West Point to Gen-
53-' (A) eral Washington as to the defences
1778, January 20. General Parsons there; he will be ready to stretch the
and his brigade garrison West Point. chain next week; two sides and a bas-
Fort Clinton begun under Lieutenant- tion of the fort [.Arnold ?] will be com-
Colonel Radiere; a contract for the pleted in a fortnight. He was in com-
chain signed Feb. 2, with the Sterling mand of the post June 5, 1779. Hil-
Iron Works. Boynton's History of dretli: Earlv Settlers of Ohio, pp. 209,
West Point, p. 56. (A) 536- 'A)
West Point first occupierl as a 1778, March 17. Letter from Gov-
niilitarv; its occupation continu- ernor Clinton to Colonel Hughes rela-
ous since that date. tive to grievances of workmen at West
Point. Pub. Papers of George Clinton,
1778, January 24. Letter from Israel
vol. 3, p. 48.
Putnam to Governor Clinton reporting
the progress of the works at West Point. 1778, March 26. Lieutenant-Colonel
Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 2, Radiere relieved in charge of works at
p. 690. Point bv Kosciusko. Cullum JIS.
1778, February 3. Letter from Hugh
Hughes to Governor Clinton relative to 1778, March. Col. Rufus Putnam with
the " New chain at West Point." Pub. his regiment ordered to West Point;
Papers of George Clinton, vol. 2, p. 707. Fort Putnam was built by his regiment.
1778, February 8. Capt. James Beebe In 1779 he erected a battery on the site
detached from his regiment Flleventh (
of old Fort Montgomer\- (destroyed).
Connecticut line) to .serve as cajitain of In November, 1781, he was with his
a permanent corps of .sappers and min- regiment at Point. Hildreth:
ers stationed at West Point. Connec- Earlv Settlers of Ohio, pp. 72-73, 78,
ticut in the Revolution, p. 298, and MS., 81. '(A)_
letter of William S. Beebe Aug. 24, f Maj. Gen. Alex. IMcDougall ap-
1S97). (A) pointed to command West Point. Liv-
1778, February 10. Letter from ingston: Israel Putnam, p. 373. (\)
Charles Jloore to Governor Clinton, 1778, March to April. Returns of a
dated West Point, relative to occupy- detachment of Colonel AUi.son's regi-
ing the Robinson House upon surren- ment on fatigue dut}' at West Point.
dering possession of his farm at West Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 3,
Point. Pub. Papers of George Clinton, P- 443- (A)
vol. 2, pp. 740-741. 1778, April 3. Letter from Henry Wi.s-
1778, February 13. Gen. Lsrael Put- ner to Governor Clinton advising every-
nam re]«)rts on the defenses of West thing serene at West Point. Pub. Papers
Point, and on the pitiable condition of of George Clinton, vol. 3, p. 122. (A)
Bihlio^rapliv of W'csl Piniil. 13

1778, April 11. Inslnu-liDiislor build- 1778, July 16. General Washington
iiifj Fort Putnam; for forlif\in^ West inspects West Point and is saluted by
Point; dispositions for tlie j;arrison in 13 guns, Thacher's Journal, p, 167.
case of attack apparently some of the
( (A)
Corps of Invalids were there present); 1778. July 28. Ko.sciusko's garden
Fort Putnam was nearly inclosed by described in Thacher's Journal. (A)
April 13. Hoynton's llistorv of West
Point. p]i. 63-517. (A)
1778, August 2. The works in very
b,ad order. Life of John Lamb, ]>. 207.
1778, April 13. General McDougall (Al
accompanied Comit Kosciusko to \Vest ,

Point to perfect its fortifications. Car- 1778, August 21. James Owen, a
rinsfton: Washington the Soldier, p.
Tory returned from the enemy, .sent to
212. -\i i
West l\)int to work. Pul>. Papers of
George Clinton, vol. 3, p. 674. (A)
1778, April 15. Letter from Gf)vernor
Clinton to General ilcDougall relative 1778, Aug-ust 21, to 1779, June 18.
to dismissing militia at West Point. Return of the lughth Miissacliusetts
Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 3, Regiment of foot, commanded by Col.
pp. 16S. 170. (A) James Wesson, vol. F. MS.
i The I

regiment was stationed at West Point

1778. April 19. Letter from James
or in the Highlands during much of
Clintdu til Governor Clinton advising
West Point dismi.s.sed and
militia at
this period. The volume is the pro]j-

erty of the Pocumtoc Valley IMcmori.d

work suspended. Pub. Papers of George
.Association, Deerfield, Mass.
Clinton, vol. 3, p. 195. 1 .\ 1

1778, April 27. Eight oflicers of en-

1778, August 30 to October 6. Or-
dei'h- liook of Colonel Malcolm's regi-
gineers, 177 enlisted artificers under
nien"t at West Point. MS. N. Y. Hist.
Colonel Kosciusko at work at West
Soc. Aug. 30, no furloughs to be
Point. :\IcDougall :\IvSS. 1 .\ 1

granted; Sept. 3, boats passing the

1778, last of April. The great chain chain to .show passports; Sept. 4, laini-
stretched across the Hudson; General dresses must not charge for washing
Parsons assumed command \\>r. 22. I

more than 66 cents per month per

Bovuton's Historv of West Point, pp.

man; Sept, 6, fatigue parties to work

7v'79- (Ai from 6 a. m. the evening gun, ex-
1778, May 1. Governor Clinton to cept 8-9 a. m., breakfast, 12-2 p, m.,
Governor Trumbull, advising new dinner; .Sept. 25, tattoo at 7 p. m.; re-
chain in position, and state of works at flections l)y one corps on another breed
West Point. Pub. Papers of George a spirit of discord; Sept. 26, Colonel Burr
Clinton, vol. 3, p. 246. ( .\ I is president of a general court-martial,

1778, May Letter from Thomas

10. 1778, September 15. Letter from
C(jnwa^" to Governor Clinton, advising Maj. .SanuielTen Broeck to Col. Robert
.shipment of heavy ordnance to West Bauson, giving list of men in Col. Peter
Point. I'ub. Papers of George Clinton, R. Livingston's regiment who refused
vol. 3. p. 290, (.^'l to go to West Point (Fort Arnold)
1778. May. General Gates in com- when ordered. Pub. Papers of George
mand. Some pieces captured at Bnr- Clinton, vol. 4, p. 33. (A)
goyne's surrender were brought to 1778, September 19. General
West Point engraved with the date of ington writes to General Duportail from
the surrender. [Nos. 95, lor, 102, Fort Clinton approving the latter's
103, 104, no, III, 112 of Ordnance \ plans for the defenses of the Hudson,
Museum U. S. M. .\., and probably but instructing him to carry out Colo-
others not there mentioned.] The 1
nel Ko.sciusko's plans at p-ort Clinton,
United Service, vol. 4, Oct., 1903, pp. and to modify for Constitution
362-363. (A) Island, if necessary. Spark's Life of
1778, June 2. Letter from Governor !
Washington, vol. 6, pp. 67-6S. (.\)
Clinton to Colonel Cantine. diverting 1778, September(?). Gen. I. Putnam,
Colonel Cantine's connnand from West i
with two brigades, stationed near West
Point to Schoharie. Pub. Papers of Point. Irving's Washington, vol. 3,
George Clinton, vol. 3, p. 389. (A) p. 471- (A)
1778, June 27. Letter from General 1778, November 25. Two companies
Gates, dated June 27, 177S, requesting of artillery al I'ort .\rnol<l, West Point;
Governor Clinton to take command of one company on Constitution Island.
West Point, Pub. Papers of George Life of John Lamb, p. 210, (.A)
Clinton, vol. 3, p. 496. (.-X)
1778, December 2. Copy of a letter
1778, June. Description of the site. of Brigadier-General Duportail regard-
Thacher's Journal, p]>. 132-133, 215- ing number of cannon neces.sarj' at
216. (A) West Point (iio). (Copied from State
14 Cctiloiiiial of United Stah's Militarv Academ\

Department MS. bvCapt. 11. M. Reeve, 1778-1783. Many letters in the Pub-
U. S. .\riny.) ( A'i licPapers of George Clinton, published
1778, December 5. Letter from CtOv- by the State of New York. (A)
ernor Clinton to Colonel Malcolm, in 1779, January 2. Colonel Kosciuszko
which he regrets that Colonel Malcolm reports that 3<-hj links of the great chain
is to lie superseded. Pub. Papers of are now on shore, with about 100 of the
George Clinton, vol. 4, p. 353. (A) small chain. McDougall MSS. (.A)

1778, December 10. Letter from AV. 1779, January. In re Colonel Mal-
Malcolm to Governor Clinton. Pub. colm's relief from West Point bv Gen-
Papers of Cieorge Clinton, vol. 4, p. eral McDougall. In Coll. N. Y. Hist.
363. (A) Soc, 1S73, p. 290. (.A)

1778, December 17. Lieutenant-Colo- 1779, February 24. .A barrack 200

nel Gouvion to inspect the works and feet long is building. McDougall MSS.
Iniildings at West Point; to consider (A)
what plans the British would follow to 1779, March 18. The chain is not yet
capture the; plans for its extended. McDougall MSS. (A)
by our troops; (the east face of Fort
Arnold is unfinished); to make draw-
1779, March 26 to June 25. The
Kighth Mas.sachusetts Regiment bat-
ings of all the works; by order of Gen-

talion of Foot .stationed at West Point,

eral McDougaU. Mcbougall MSS. )

Wesson; Caleb Clap, lieuten-

(Col. J.
ant and adjutant. Sec MS. return be-

1778, December 21. A fatigue party longing to the Pocumtoc Valley Me-
to work every day until the laboratory morial Association, Deerfield. Mass.,
is put into good order. McDougall copied 1902.
MSS. (A)
1779, March 26, to 1782, May 1.
1778, December 28. The chain is safe Monthly and weekly returns of Col.
and can be easily taken up when the John Lamb's regiment of artillery;
cold abates; the boom lies where it was, weekly returns of the New York
and will be taken up. Colonel Mal- Corps of Artillery, commanded by Maj.
colm in command of the post. Letter S. Baumanat West Point Oct. 31 to
of Kosciuszko /;/ McDougall MSS. A (
Dec. 15, 17S3. MS. in X. Y. Hist. Soc.
1778, December. One brigade at West 1779, March 28. The chain is to be
Point. Sparks: Washington, ]>. 283. put down in about tendavs. McDougall
(A) MSS. (A)
1778. There was a block house during 1779, March 30. The pay of a soldier
the Revolution on the site of the Kins- is %- per month. JIcDougall MSS.
ley House (1903). Colton's Guide to (A)
W'est Point, p. 46. A (

1779, April 17. General McDougall's

Col. Aaron Burr commanded the detailed instructions to Colonel Kos-
post of West Point during a part of the ciuszko respecting the works at West
winter. See Parton's Life of Burr, Point. Fort Arnold to lie strengthened
1S61, pp. 109-110. (A) its east parapet to be 16 feet thick; the
Townsend (Peter): On the iron block house on Rock Hill to be made
chain made during the war of the Rev bombproof and to be enclosed in a re-
olution for the defense of the Hudson doubt; the water batteries and certain
at West Point. MS., v., Q. i (A) others to be palisaded in the rear.
Description of the chain across McDougall MSS. (A)
the Hudson; of its transportation and 1779, May 16. Col. John Bailey, com-
floatation. The chain was taken up in manding the post. McDougall M.SS.
17S3. Eager's History of Orange (A)
County, N. V., pp. 566, 572. (A) 1779, May 21. Brigadier-General
1778-79. Troops in the Highlands Par.sons m command at this date.
commanded bv Gen. Samuel Holden Life of John Lamb,
(A p. 220, I

Parsons. Mag. Amer. Hist., iSSS, p. 1779, May 31. Letter from Governor
2S7. (A) Clinton to General McDougall, making
1778-1780. Benedict Arnold's oath of preparations for meeting the enemy
allegiance to the United State of Amer- at West Point, etc. If the enemy ap-
ica — facsimile. Lodge's Stor\' of the pear in force, 3 guns are to be fired at
Revolution, vol. i. p. 304. (A) West Point, then 3 from Xew Windsor,
1778-1782. McDougall, Maj. Gen. and 3 from Fishkill. Pub. Papers of
Alexander. Documents relating to George Clinton, vol. 4. p. 866. (.A)
West 177S to 17S2 (copied by
Point, 1779, June 1. Two Carolina regiments
;\Iajor Boynton), i v., F. MS., pp. and the Ulster County militia ordered
67. (A) to West Point. Gen. Samuel Holden
Bih/iqo-rap/iv of J I 'est Point. 15

Parsons is in command *>!" that post. 1779, July 18. tieneral Washington's
July 17, 1779, two brigades at West headcpiarters at West Point. [At this
Point (1,461 enliste<l men). JIcDou- time the more ini])ortant works were
KalPsMSS. i.W com])lete<l.] Irving's Washin,gt<)n,
vol. 3, pp. 50.S, 516. i.\)
1779, June 5. A return of a detach-
ment of Colonel Allison's regiment, or- 1779, July 19. Major Hull ordered to
dered to West I'oint, dated June 5, West Point and his detachment built a
1779. Pub. Papers of Cieorge Clinton, fort. Life of (ieneral Hull, j). 153.
vol. 5. P- 37- (^) 1779, July 20. General Washington
1779, June 7. Letter from Governor writes to General St. Clair to examine
Clinton to C.eneral McDongall, rela- the long hill in front of I'ort I'utnam
tive to military dispositions near West with reference to fortifying it; its pos-
Point. Pub. Papersof George Clinton, session is essential to the safety of the
vol. 5, p. 61. (A) post. St. Clair Papers, vol. i. p. 47S.
Letter from General McDougall (•\)
to Governor Clinton, enclosing letter 1779, July 23. Gen. William Irvine,
from General Wa.shington, requesting at West Point, writes re.specting the
ameetingat West Point next morning. Invalid Corps, Sept. 15 ( writesSept. 17).
Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 5, Life of Pre.sident Reed, vol. 2, pp. 117,
p. 49- (-^^ 129. (A)
1779, June 9.Letter of General Pat-
tison respecting the capture of Stony
1779, July 25 to 28.
Washington's headquarters at West
Point by the British. Map of West General Heath in command
Point by a deserter. Garrison of West
after November, 1779. (C)
Point is 7 regiments from Mas.sachu-
setts and 2 froni North Carolina, be- 1779, July 26. Letter of General Pat-
sides militia. They are working night tison giving the British account of the
and dav to strengthen the works. /;/ capture of Stony Point by General
Coll. x!y. Soc., 18-5, p. 73. (A) Wayne, in Coll. N. Y. Hist. Soc, 1S75.
1779, June 10. Disposition of the p. 95- (A)
troops to defend the Hud.son. Thach- 1779, July 27. Baron Steuben's re-
er's Journal, p. 197. \\] port on the American .Army, Stony
1779, June 22. General Washington Point, West Point, etc. Kapp's Life
and General Heath come to West Point; of Steuben, pp. 232-235. i .A )

the latter took command (Jime 23) of 1779, July — Washington writes from

the troops on the east side of the Hud- West Point to President Reed on July
son; the advanced posts were near 29, .Aug. 22. Life of Reed, vol. 2, p.
Peekskill. Heath's Memoirs, p. 204. 122. (\\
(A) 1779, August 13. General Washing-
1779, June 23. General McDougall ton at West Point. Life of John Lamb,
assumes command of the post, the gar- p. 225. I .A)
rison consisting of Larned's, Patter-
1779, August 20. General McDou-
son's, and the Carolina brigades; gall, H. Knox, and Du Portai! report
Nixon's brigade occupied Constitution
on the defenses of West Point to Gen-
Island. The works at Fort Putnam eralWashington; they think the water
were completeil durin.t; the summer, liatteries ofFort Arnold of small
2,500 men working. Bovnton's His-
importance and recommend a battery
torv of West Point, 'pp. S1-S2. (A)
northeast of it to defend the chain, and
1779, June 29. Gen. John Lamb
one of it [Battery Knox].
placed in command of the artillery at
They estimate the cannon required for
West Point. Lieutenant Burbeck's
compan}' ordered to report there. Life
each work —
106 in all. McDou.gall
MSS. A (

of John Lamb, p. 22^. 1 .\ )

1779, July 2 to July 30. Return of 1779, September 1780, July 28. 3, to
the Eighth JIassachusetts regiment, Return of Ninth Mas.sachusetts
commanded by Col. James \\'esson regiment, connnanded by Col. James
(Caleb Clap, adjutant 1. [In the same Wesson (Caleb Clap, adjutant 1. MS.
volume]: Return of the Ninth Massa- IV., belonging to the P.V. M. .A., Deer-
chusetts regiment, commanded by field, Ma,ss. Presented by Maj. T. W.

James We.sson, esq., .\ug. 6 to .Aug.
27, 1779 (Caleb Clap, adjutant). MS. 1779, September 3, to 1781, Decem-
: V. F., belonging to the P. V. M. A., ber 28. Return of the Second Ma.ssa-
Deerfield, Mass. chusetts regiment of foot (Col. J.
1779, July 16. Wayne captures forts Bailey), dated: West Point, Sept. 3,
at Stony Point. Life of General Hull, 1779, to July 28, 1780; Verpfanck's
p. 159 (with map). (A) Point, Aug. 4; Orangetown, Aug. 10;
i6 Cci/tnni ial of Unilcd Stairs Military

Teneck, bept. 1, blankets, 116 good, 17 needing repair,

Teneck, Aug. 25,
15; Orangetown,
14S deficient. MS. return Library m
Steenrapie, Sept. S,
20, U. S. M. A.
Sept •'2 29,Oct. 6; Totoway, Oct. 13,
West Point, Dec. 1779, October 7. W.ashington at West
27, Nov. '„ 10, 17, 24;
7 1780, to Jan. 5, 17S1;
York huts, Jan. Point. Life of John Jay, vol. 2. p. 51.
19 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23,
Mar. 2, 9,
1779, October 8. Inspection return of
16, 23, v>, Apr. 6, 13, '9. 27, May 4, IL
Massachusetts Regiment.
14, i/Si; the Ninth
17 25; West Point, June 2, (MS. belonging to P. V. M. A.. Deer-
PeekskiU, June 24 (5t men left at
field Mass. Present fit for duty, 1S2

Point), June 29; Philipsboro, July 7,


Ferrv, July Aug. rank and file; present sick, 20; absent
Tulv Dobbs 20, 27,
sick, 13; 218 muskets, 174
Aug. 24, 31, Sept
3 i'o,~l7: PeekskiU,
7; Continental Village, .Sept. 14;
9038 cartridges on hand; 169 good
MS coats, 66 needing repair, 27
Point, Sept. 21 to Dec. 2S, 17S1.
(A) on hand; 22 good breeches, 26 needing
Return, i v. in Library U.S. M. A. good
repair, 214 deficient on hand; 4
1779, September Inspection return
4. hats 4 needing repair, 254 deficient on
of the Second Massachusetts
regunent hand; St good blankets, 88 needing re-
rank pair, 123 deficient; .85 good
.shoes, 8u
of foot, dated West Point; 235
and file present for duty; 30S muskets, needing repair, 359 deficient. [See
3oobavonets, 10,759 cartridgeson hand. Oct. II, I779-]
repair, 20
Coats," 186 good, 70 needing Deplorable condi-
deficient; breeches, 40 good, 50
need- 1779, October 11-
tion of the troops there. [But see Oct.
repair, deficient; shoes, 137
6 and Nov. 4.] Life of John Lamb, p.
good 49 needing repair, 366 deficient;
blankets, 122 good, 15 needing
repair, f.^-)

Return in Library 1779. November 4. Inspection return

139 deficient. MS.
I'.S.M.A. (A) of the Ninth JIas.sachusetts Regiment.
(MS. belonging to P. V. M. A., Deer-
1779, Saptember 9. Two Massachu- field, Mass. Coats, good 127, 98 need-

settsbrigades and Pennsylvania line at ing repair, 40 deficient; breeches,

West Point; North Carolina brigade at i.S^ 28 needing repair, 219
Constitution Island, etc.; Fort Clinton, blankets, good 45. 93 needing
Fort Putnam, and 7 or S redoubts built 127 deficient; shoes, good 38, 91
or building; on the east side of ing repair, 401 deficient. [.See this
river the north and middle
catalogue Oct. II, I779-]
and one "at the gorge of the moun-
tains." Heath's Memoirs, p. 217. (A) 1779, November 6. General McDou-
gall reports to General Wa.shington
1779, September 16. Visit to West the state of the post, the lack of
Point— Fort Arnold— Fort Putnam.— the difficulty of housing the troops,

in Guild (R. A.): Life, Times, and It will soon l)e time to
draw 111 the
Correspondence of James Manning. chain. Three months' bread must be
Boston, 1S64, I vol., O., pp. 523- laid in. McDougall MSS. (A)
Ssptember 24. General Du 1779 November 9. The Massachu-
garrisons West Point and
Portail reports to General Washington setts line
that 2,880 men are needed to garrison the posts in the Highlands;
the works at West Point and makes
a Heath in " command of all the posts
detailed report on the garrison,
Vionil.-- and troops on Hudson's River, which
proofs, and barracks of each
work. General Washington verv frequently
called the kev that locked the
McDougall MSS. (A)
nication between the Eastern
1779, September 28. Baron .Steuben
Southern States." Heath's Memoirs,
writes to Benjamin Franklin on
p. 224. A)
state of discipline of the Army,
and I

sends his Regulations. Kapp's Life

1779, December 14. Gen. John Stark
at West Point. Memoir of Stark, p.
of Steuben, p. 236. (A)
197- (A)
1779. September 30. Washington at Major Bauman had
, ,

West Point. Memoirs of Lafayette, 1779, summer of.

in command of the
artillery at
vol. p. 304. Life of John Lamb, p.
I (
West Point.
1779, October 6. Inspection return of
240. (A)
the Second Massachusetts Regiment
Colonel Hull's
foot, 204 rank and file; 223
muskets, 1779, late autumn.
detachment returned to West Point.
210 bayonets, 6,530 cartridges on hand. inspector-
Colonel Hull, adjutant and
Coats.'igo good, 64 needing repair, 27 Highlands
need- general of the armv in the
deficient; breeches, 34 good, 44
to the summer of 1783.
ing repair, 203 deficient; shoes, 145
206. (A)
Life of General Hull, pp. 171.
good, 46 needing repair, 371 deficient;
Bibliooiapliy of Jl'rs/ /h////. 17

1779. General \\'ashin,i;t<)ii al Wcsl 177—. .\ female spy. Miss :MoncrietT,

Point, Au^. 20, Xov. 12, iS, 2;,, 1779. ])risoner at West Point, made by
Washington Collection, Boston Atlie- stealth a ])lan of the works. Noah:
nieum, p. 473. Old men and Old Times in York, New
General Washington at West quoted in Ivager's Histor\- of Orange
Point, Aug. 20, 31; Sept. 29; Nov. 12, County, N. Y., p. 590. (A)
1779. Dates of letters in AtUenx'nni 177 — Roster of the Massachusetts

library, Boston. brigade garri,soning West Point under

Ob.structions of the Hudson (with General McDougall is given on ]>. 143.
a view of a chain). Army and Navy of Life of General Paterson. It was
of the U. vS., sec. vi, p. 93. (.A) composed of the Tenth, Eleventh,

Obstructions chevaux de frise- Twelfth, and Fourteenth regiments of
the Massachusetts line. (A)
placed across the Hudson at Pollopell's
Island to Murderers Creek near Corn- 177—. Riittenber, E. M.: Obstructions
wall Landing. Prisoners of war were to the navigation of Hudson River (in
confined on the island later during the War of Independence) . . . IW
the Revolution. O. 1S60. (Munsell's Histor. Series,
1779 (about). The fort and .stone No. 5.) (A)
barracks on Constitution Island were
1780, January Desertion of .some
erected by Connecticut troops. Park's
.soldiers Massachusetts line.
of tlie
Sketch of West Point, p. 139. (A) Thacher's Journal, p. 226. (A)
1779? The garrison of West Point con-
sists of 30 men commanded b\' a major. 1780, January 9. The north redoubt
(east side of the river) on fire till Jan.
Life of Arthur Lee, vol. 2, p. 387. (A)
10. Hudson frozen over; Jan. 26, a
1779? Detailed list of quarters at
fire in the quartermaster's barrack at
West Point. McDougall MSS. (A)
West Point and the building destroyed;
1779 et seq. Lieut. Daniel Niven, Brigadier-General Paterson in com-
Kngineers, drew the plans of Fort Put- mand there. Feb. I, the north re-
nam, superintended the floating of the doubt again on fire till Feb. 3. Heath's
great chain across the river, etc. Memoirs, p. 227. See also N. Y. Colo-
Sketch of his life /;/ Eager's History nial Docs., vol. S, p. 786. (A)
of Orange County, N. Y., p. 158. (A)
1780, January 26. Fire in the quar-
1779-1780, winter of. Ma j. Gen. termaster's barrack. The artillery are
John Paterson in connnand, relieving two or three companies of Crane's and
General McDougall Dec. 6, 1779; dis- one of Lamb's. Life of General Pater-
tress of the garrison. Life of Paterson, son, p. 207, and N. Y. Colonial Docs.,
pp. 202-207. (A) vol. 8, p. 786. (A)
1779-1781. Return of the Massachu- 1780, February
5. Marshall and
setts Second Regiment
of foot, Sept. Brooks' troops man Fort Arnold, Jack-
3, 1779, to Dec. 2S, 17S1 (part of the son and Tupper's troops man Fort
garrison for man V months). MS. i v., Putnam, Bailej- and Wesson's troops
f°. (A) man Fort Wyllis lines and Fort Webb;
1779-1783. Fairchild (M. C. D.): Colonel Bradford's regiment man the
Memoirs of Col. Sebastian Bowman advanced redoubts. In case of alarm
. .with selections from his corre-
Sheppard's regiment is to man two re-
spondence, illus. n. p., 1900, I v., doubts on the cast side of river, Vose's
C, pp. 137. (A) [The M.SS. of Col. to Constitution Island, thirteenth and
Bowman are deposited with the N. Y. fifteenth to reenforce West Point. Life
Hist. Soc] of General Paterson, p. 211. (.A)

catalogue of MSS. and relics at Experiments in gunner5' tried.

Washington's headquarters. New- Life of General Paterson, p. 209. (A)
burgh, N. Y. Illustrated Newburgh, 1780, March 31. Distress of the gar-
1890, I v., C, pp. 104, contains MSS. ri.son discontent of the troops; about

relating to West Point; description of 700 men fit for duty; stores exhausted;
obstructions in the Hudson, etc. (A) the Army unpaid and disheartened.
The memoirs of Rufus Putnam. Life of General Paterson, pp. 214-21S.
111. (port.). Boston, 1903. i v., C, (A)
pp. 460. See pp. 73-75, 200. 1780, early in April. Gen. Robert
Reboubt Hill of Garrison
east Howe assumes command of West Point
Station, Hudson River Railroad, is now and is succeeded by Benedict Arnold
[1904] marked by the iron tower on the Aug. 3. Boynton's Histor}' of West
Sloan estate. Point, p. 86. (A)

H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2— vol 2 2

i8- Crntcinrial of United Siatcs AfHilary Acadoiiy.

1780, April. Col. Benjamin Tnpper 1780, July to December. Colonel

stretched the chain across the Hudson. Lamb's orderly book is owned by the
Hildretli: Early Settlers of Ohio, p. Cayuga County Historical Society, is". Y.
222. (k) Winsor: Narr. and Crit. Hist. .'Vmer.
[not .so owned in 1904. E. .S. H.]
1780, May 19. The "dark day" in
the northern United States. Rept. 1780, August 3. Gen. B. Arnold as-
Sec. War, 1871, p. 6S2. (A) sumed command. The works mounted
100 guns and had cost #3,chx>,ooo, and
1780, May 25. Arnold asks for the
three years labor; the garrison was 3,000
command of West Point, and receives men; war stores were concentrated
itearly in August; his treason (Sept.
here. ( .\
25). Irving, Washington, vol. 4, pp.
41, Iu5. 107. { k\ 1780, August 10 and 22. Capt. Sam-
uel Holden, of Col. Eben. Thayer's
1 780, May 29. The garrison very short Massachusetts regiment, makes return
of provisions and without rum. Heath's
of effectives at West Point. MS. Arch-
Memoirs, p. 239. \k)
ives of Ma.ssachusetts; cited in Massa-
1780, June General Washington
1. chusetts Soldiers and Sailors, etc., vol. 8,
writes to Gen. Robert Howe: "You p. 113.
will do well to consider the post of West 1780, August 12. Colonel Lamb in
Point as the capital object of your at- connnand at West Point. Life of John
, tention and everything else as second- Lamb, ji. 248. (A)
ary; " and on June 21: "From the im-
1780, August 13. Letter from S. Bau-
mense importance of the post ... I man, major of artillery, to Alexander
wish that you keep your force com- Hamilton, exposing the defects in ad-
pleted to 2,500 men." Park's Sketch
ministration at West Point, which is
of West Point, pp. 22-23. (A)
"like a wild Tartars' camp under the
1780, June 10. General Washington care of ungovernable, undisciplined
to Brig. Gen. James Clinton, ordering militia;" suggests that the commanders
him to return to West Point. Pub. are changed too frequently, etc. MS.
Papers cf George Clinton, vol. 5, \i. copied by Capt. H. M. Reeve, V. S.
S09. (AJ Armv, from vol. 2, Hamilton's Corres-
1780, June 16. Letter from General pondence, State Dept, Library. (.\)

Howe to Governor Clinton. General 1780, August 22. Washington and

Howe strengthens his position at West Rochambeau visit West Point. Irv-
Point. Pub. Papers of George Clinton, ing's \\'asliington, \ol. 4, p. 337. (A)
vol. 5, p. .S3 2. (A) 1780, August 25. Letter from Na-
1780, June 17. Letter from Governor thaniel Stevens to Governor Clinton,
Clinton to Col. Udney Hay— urgent inclosing letter from General .Arnold
orders for re-enforcements for West reporting only one daj-'s .supply of
Point. Pub. Papers of George Clinton, fresh beef on hand at West Point.
vol. 5, p. S40. (A) Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 6,
1780, June 23. Detachments from p. 13S-139. (A)
Major Phillip's militia and from Colonel 1780, August. Colonel Malconi in
Hathorn's regiment annexed toColonel command at West Point. Major Ville-
Paterson's regiment. Paterson's bri- franche ordered to make the provost
gade left West Point July 2S. Life of prison secure. Life of John Lamb,
General Pater.son, pp. 219, 222. (.A.) p. 246. (A)
1780, middle of June. Baron Steuben 1780, August-October. Nine hun-
ordered to \\'est Point. Kapp's Life of dred and forty-five three months' men
Steuben, p. 278. (A) sent by New Hampshire to reenforce
1780, July 1 Lieutenant-Colonel Gou-
the army at West Point; rolls and or-
vion reports on the work on redoubts ders ill Hammond IT. W.): Rolls re-
I, 2, 3. Kosciuszko estimates that the lating to [N. H.] soldiers in the Revo-
\vork on all the forts requires the labor lutionary War 1887), pp. 104-106, 109-

of 600 men, 160 carpenters, 20 masons. 165. (A)

12 miner.s, and 10 teams, for sixty days. 1780, September 4. Four hundred
McDougall Mss. (A) men with two companies of artillery at j

1780, July 3. General Kosciuszko and \\'est Point according to British infor-

Colonel Gouvion estimate that the labor mation). N. Y. Colonial Docs., vol. 8,
of 500 men for two months is necessary p. .S06. (A)
to complete the works at West Point and 1780, September 15, to 1782, Novem-
Constitution Island. Only 200 men are ber 20. Discontent of the Army.
now available for fatigue. McDougall Kapp's Life of Steuben, pp. 285, 501.
Mss. (A) (A)
Bibliograpliy of ITrs/ PoiJil. 19
1780, September 25. Alexainkr Hani- river[the garrison is 3,01x1 men]. .\
iltiMi's aicouiit (if Arnold's treason. is needed between Re<loubts
Life of Ilainiltoii, vol. 1, pp. 26;, ft seq 3 and 4. Greene G. W. Life of Gen
( ) :

(A) eral Greene, vol. 2, p. 354. \.\)

Colonel Wade in temporary com- 1780, October 11. General Greene
mand of West Point. Ir\infj's Wash- with four brigades ordered to garrison
ington, vol. 4, p. 135. (A) West Point and to complete the fortifi-
Colonel Lamb in connnandat West cations. There is not an ounce of flour
Point. Irving's Washington, vol. 4, ]).
for tlie troops. McDougall MSS. .\ ( )

io2- (A) .' 1780, October 13. Daniel Carthv is

1780, September 26. General Wayne's (luarterma.slerof the; 3.o<hi men in
very ra])id march to defend West Point, garrison. Greene (G. W. ): Life of
de,scril)ed in two letters of his in Penn- General Greene, vol. 2. p. 353. ( .\ )

sylvania in the Revolution, vol. 2 ijp 1780, October 16. General Heath in
287,288. (A) coinm.uiil of the post. Nov. 5, "the
General Greene's order, head- troops are again without bread;" Nov.
quarters, Orangetown, announcing Ar- 14, the great chain taken up for the
nold's treason. Revolutionary orders winter (description of the chain).
of Washington (Whiting), p. log. {\\ Heath's Memoirs, pp. 257, 262. (.A)
General Washington's .account of 1780, October 17. Letter from Gen-
Arnold's treason. Heath's Memoirs p. eral Heath to Governor Clinton, advis-
253- (A) ing lliat he is placed in command at
Andre a prisoner at West Point till
West Point. Pub. Papers of (ieorge
Clinton, vol. 6, p. 302. (A)
Sept. 28. Irving's Washington, vol. 4,
P- 139- (A) ' 1780, October. Wretched condition of
the armament and supplies; gun car-
1780, September 27. General
ington's orders to the ofiicer command- riages in bad order; no artillery artif-
ing West Point as to dispositions for the icers; the works in bad condition; the
safety of the
troops on half allowance of flour; no
-_ (General IMcDou-
gall in command at West Point till the
wood; little forage; lime needed; etc.
arrival of General St. Clair.
Greene G.W, ) Lifeof Cieneral Greene,
( :
St. Clair )
vol. 2, pp. 348-351. (A)
Papers, vol. i, p. 527. (.\)
1780, September. Disposition of the 1780, November 2. Letter from Gen-
troops in case of attack; estimate of the eral Heatli to Governor Clinton, advis-
forces (total 3,086 return of ordnance ing that .\iidr('''s coparcener, Joslnia

stores; remarks on the works; proceed-

Hett .Smith, is confined at West Point.
ings of a council of war, Sept. 6. The Pub. Papers of George Clinton, vol. 6,
foregoing were papers found on JIajor P-372- (A)
Andre; the originals are in the New Court of inquiry held m reference
"York State Library. Boyuton's History to the conduct of certain officers re-
of West Point, pp. 1 10-120. (.\) specting Arnold's treason. Revv.
Company orderly book of troops
Orders of Wasliington (Whiting), pp.
at Point. See Proc. IMass. Hist.
13S. (A)
,Soc., vol. 19, p. 3S5.
1780, November 17. Letter from Gen-
eral Heath to Governor Clinton, advis-
1780, September ?. Description of the
works by the Marquis de Chastellu.K. ing famine threatened at Point.
Boynton's History of West Point, p. 15-;. Pub. Papers of (ieorge Clinton, vol. 6,
A'i p. 4iS. (Al

1780, October 5. The garrison in- 1780, November 19. Court of inquiry
creased; General McDougall took com-
held m
reference to the conduct of cer-
tain ofEcers during .Arnold's treason.
mand till superseded by General St.
Clair; Colonel Lamb remained as com- Revv. Orders of Washington ( Whit-
mandant of the artillery. Life of John ing)'. P- T-t,S- (A)
Lamb, p. 271. (.\) Theinvalids (veterans?) oftheMas-
1780, October 8 to 16. General Greene .sachusettsand Connecticut lines arrived
in command of West Point. John.son's at West Point. Nov. 21, General Clias-
Life of Greene, vol. 1, p. 210. (.A.) tellux and other I-'rcnch officers visit
1780, October 9. The New Jersey West Point. Heath's Memoirs, p. 264.
man (A
gade is to redoubts i, 2, 3, 4; New I

York brigade. Forts Putnam and Webl) 1780, November 30. The New Jersey
and Redoubt Wyllis; Stark's brigade. brigade left West Point; four jlassa-
Fort Clinton; two regiments of Xew chusetts brigades arrived; two Con-
Hampshire brigade on Constitution necticut brigades arrived on the
Island; two regiments on east side of side of the river and all went into win-
20 Coitfunial of L 'in'/cd S/a/rs Mililarv Academy
ter quarters. Dec. 6, Washington in 1780. Andre and .Smith papers, MS.S.,
winter quarters at New Windsor. He 155 to 162, at Washington's headquar-
visited West Voint Dec. 6. Heath's ters, Newburgh, N. Y.
Memoirs, pp. 265-26O. (A) Twelve MSS. found in Major An-
1780, November 30. Four Massachu- dre's boots Sept. 23, 1780, containing
setts brigades went into winter quarters detailed information concerning the
at West Point. The Fourth Brigade was fortifications of West Point, etc. The
to defend Fort Clinton; tlie Second, original MSS. are in the .State librarv,
Forts Putnam, Wyllis, and Webb; Gen- Albany, N. Y. [MS. No. 1853], and are
eral Pater.son (Third Brigade) in com- printed in Lossing's Fieldbook of the
mand at Point during the winter Revolution, II, pp. 153-156, and
1 780-Si Life of General Paterson pp.
. . where.
230-231. (A)
Romance of American Historv:
1780, December 1. Distress of the No. I,The Charter, a tale of Connecti-
soldiers of the garrison on half allow-;
cut: The Democratic Review, Febru-
ance of bread; entirely without rum; ary, 1S38. No. II, West Point, a tale
exposed to storms under canvas cover. of treason [.\rnold's treason]: ibid.,
Thacher's Journal, p. 291. (A) November, 1S3S, p. 235. No. II, same,
1780, December 3. General Heath's concluded: ibid., December, 1838, p.
orders for the distribution of troops 339- (A)
one Connecticut regiment to north re- The and career of Maj. John
doubt; one to middle redoubt; one to Andre . by Winthrop Sargent;
. .

Constitution Island; Fourth Jlassachu- new edition edited bv William Abbott.

setts Brigade to Fort Clinton; second N. Y., 1902, I vol., S'°, p. 545. (A)
ditto to Forts Putnam, Wyllis, and
Webb, etc. Re\'y. Orders of Wash-
1780. Sparks (Jared): The Life and
ington (Whiting), p. 144. (A)
Treason of Benedict .Arnold. New
York, 184S, I vol., S°, pp. 335. (A)
1780, December 10. Officers to have
a week's allowance of rum and men
1780-81, winter of. The .south bar-

racks at Fort Clinton were burned dur-

one gill daily. Revy. Orders of Wash-
ington (Whiting I, p. 146. ing the winter, and also the log parapet
of north redoubt.
1780, December 24. Court-martial
order: Court of Inquiry dissolved. The sappers and miners were a
Revy. Orders of Wa.shington (Whit- part of the garrison. Gen- Mem. to
ing), pp. 160, 161. I .\
eral Greene, dated headquarters Tap-

pan, Oct. 8, 1780.

1780, December 27. Masonic cele-
bration at Starkean Hall, West Point. 1781, January 3. Massachusetts bri-
Dec. 2S, Washington visited the post. gade is now in comfortable winter
He.ith's Memoirs, p. 26S. (.\)
quarters and tolerably supplied with
everything except money. Thacher's
1780, December. Return of the Ninth
Journal, p. 295. (.\
Massachusetts Regiment. (MS. be- )

longing to P. V. M. .\., Deerfield, 1781, Januarys. Congress passes a

Mass. dated West Point from Dec. 2
resolution that British prisoners in our
to Dec. 29, 1 780. hands shall receive the same treatment
1780. New Hampshire troops serving as Americans receive in pri.sons.
at West Point. Hammond (I. W.f: Mass. Hist. Coll., vol. 2, p. 202. [The
Rolls relating to [N. H.] soldiers in old provost prison at West Point was
the Revolutionarv war (18S7), p. 5S a retaliatory prison.] (.\)
(A) 1781, January 11. Washington held
Medal struck by order of Congress a council of war at West Point; La-
Nov. 3 for presentation to the captors fayette visited the post Jan. 13, and
of Andr^. Obverse; "Fidelity;" an with Washington again on Jan. 22.
ornamented heart-shaped shield. Re- Heath's Memoirs, pp. 270, 271. (A)
verse: " Vincit Amor Patrije;" a 1781, January 24. Court-martial
wreath. Silver. Elliptical, 27 by 36. held. Revy. Orders of Washington
Amer. Jour. Numis., vol. 26, p. 21. (Whiting), p. 169. (.A.)
Description of the fortress; its im- 1781, January 30. Thanks of com-
portance; Arnold's trea.son. .i^ndr^'s manding general to Major-General
capture and death. Sargent: Life of Howes and to officers and men under
.Andre, pp. 254 et seq. (A) his command for suppressing mutiny
^ —Leake, I. Q.: Life and
times of Gen. John Lamb, who com-
. . .
in part of the New Jer.sey line, with
remarks upon the subject. North Re-
manded ...
at West Point at the doubt MS. West Point, 1781. (A)
time of Arnold's defection i v . . . 1781, February 14. Bounty of $24
8°. 1S50. (Al per man, in specie, given to Massa-
Biblioi^raphy of IVi'sl Point. 21

chusetts soldiers at West Point. back of Constitution Island; Dec. 28.

Thacher's Journal, p. 306.1 (A) the First Massachusetts Brigailc en-

1781, March 6 and 7. Colonel Van camp back of West Point. Heath's
New York ilemoirs, 320, 324. {.\]
Schaak's r<.-i;iniunt of tlie i>p.

line arrived at West Point from .Al- 1781. November 17. of A number
bany; the troops were at this time well the Invalid Corps on duty at W'est
supplied with provisions. .\pr. 4, Gen- Point; tliev arc in extreme need of
eral Washington visited "the Point." clothing. 'McDougall MSS. (A)
Heath's Memoirs, p. 275. ( .\) 1781, December 14. Capt. D. Niven.
1781, April 10. " The great chain was engineers, gives an estimate for build-
hauled from off the beach near the red ing a hospital at West Point; 5o,<xxi
house at West Point" by about 280 shingles, etc. The hospital to be two
men; and the next day fixed in posi- stories. 12 and 9 feet, depth 20 or
tion. Apr. 26, General Washington 22 feet, rooms rS feet long (Jan. !•?,

visited the post; provisions were very 1782). McDougall MSS. (A)
scarce, the reserve stores being nearly 1781. December. The "North Re-
e.xhausted. Heath's Memoirs, pp. 2S1- doubt" ion a low hill on the east side
2S2. ( A ) of the Hud.son) commanded bv M.ajor
1781, April. Troops vaccinated. Lillie. Pierce (E. L. ): Maj. John
Lillie, p. 122. .A)
Thacher's Journal, p. 30S. (\)

1781, May 9. W.ashington visited the General McDougall in command

post. Heath's Jlemoirs, p. 2S7. .A) (
of West Point. Life of John Paterson,
p. 269. [\]
1781, May 11. General Paterson at
West Point, in connnand; roster of his 1781. Orderly book of Sergt. Leonard
brigade, p. 235: left West Point in June. Broome, of Captain Simand's company
of the Fourth Regiment [Battalion],
Life of General Paterson, pp. 2t,-^. 240,
242. (A) commanded by Col. Thomas Proctor.
I vol., MS., [Simands=Sini-
obi. O.
1781, June 13. The Corps of Invalids mons is not mentioned in the roster of

to be marched to West Point and sta- Hamerslv, p. 2; this comjiany was

tioned there at the request of General |
stationed in the "North Redoubt,"
Washington. Journals of Congress, [

17S1.] (A)
vol. 7, pp. 9S-99. (K)
Proposals made to the noncom-
1781, June 20. The Invalids and a few^ missioned officers and men of the Penn-
others left in the garri.son; the other sylvania line at Princeton Jan. 7, 1781,
troops go to Peekskill. Thacher's Jour- concerning redress of grievances by His
nal, p. 316. (A) Excellency Joseph Reed, esq.. Presi-
1781, August 10. Washington or- dent, and Brigadier-General Potter, of
dered the First New York and Hazen's the Council of Pennsvlvania. North
regiment from West Point. "The In- Redoubt MS., West Point, 1781. I A I

valids having got in both from Phila-

Ration returns; weekly, monthl\
delphia and Boston and more militia," \
returns; clothing accounts and rolls of
West Point is secure. Washington's Captain .Simand 's company of ye Fourth
Diarv in Mag. .\mer. Hist., vol. 20 Regiment of .\rtillery stationed at the
(1SS8), p. 6.J. A) I

Middle and North Redoubts. North

1781, August 19. General Heath Redonlit MS., West Point, N. Y., 17S1.
placed in command of all the troops (A)
remaining in "this department," in- Roll giving names of men in Cap-
cluding the Corps of Invalids. "The tain Sinnnonds' artillery company —
security of West Point" is to be his
sergeants, 4 corporals, 4 bombardiers,
first object. .Sept. 1 the Eighth Jlas-
1 ,
drummer and i fifer, and
4 gunners, i

sachusetts Regiment ordered to West North Redoubt JIS..

22 matro.sses.
Point; Oct. 23. the .\rmy was short of
West Point, 1781. Al 1

flour. Heath's Memoirs, p. 29S. (A)

Frontier and West Point men,
1781, August, September, October. 17S1. New Hampshire State Papers,
General Paterson in connnand at West vol. 16, p. 249.
Point; Paterson's brig.ade moved there 1782, January 4. General .McDougall,
Sept. 19, 1781; the new prison commanding, is ordered to discontinue
not yet finished, Xov. 23, 1781. Life of the firing of a morning and evening gnu
General Paterson, p. 245. (.A) to .save powder, according to General
1781, October 31. The capture of Washington's instructions. McDou-
Cornwallis's army was celebrated by a gall MSS. (A) Si-c 1795. Nov. 7 and
review, etc.; Dec. 2u, the Tenth Massa- 1800, June 27.
chusettsRegiment arrived at West Point 1782. January 13. Major Yille-
Dec. 23, the Connecticut line encamp franche. Engineers, reports on the pow-
22 Coitciinial of United States Militarv Academy.
tier magazines: A general magazine out- Orders of Washington, issued at New-
side of Fort Clinton; none within it. burgh, p. 12. .\ I j

Fort Putnam, Fort Wyllis, North Re- 1782, May 6. Mutiny of the troops of
doubt, South Redoubt, ha\e powder the Connecticut Line on the Hudson.
magazines; Fort Webb, Redoubts Nos. Thacher's Journal, p. 372. (A)
have none; F'orts 5, 6, 7
I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
are on Constitution Island. McDougall
1782, May 12. General court-martial
order. Revy. Orders of Washington
MSS. (X) IWhiting p. 197. (A)

1782, January 14. Detailed report by

1782, May 17. Washington to Robert
M.-ijor Ville Franche of the work to be
Morris: " West Point has hardly a bar-
<lone to make the forts conform to Gen-
rel of salt provisions; it coidd not stand
eral Washington's plans and those of
a siege of three days." W'ritings of
General Du Portail. The old Fort Geo. Washington, vol. lo, p. 21. (A)
Clinton should be demolished, the new
one completed; Fort Putnam com- Garrison orders regarding un-
pleted; Fort Webb is abandoned. Mc- authorized horses. Revj-. Orders of
Dougall MS,S. (A) Washington W'hiting), p. 201. (A)

1782, January 18. General Paterson 1782, May 28.

Orders respecting the
in command of West Point. Previous celebration of the birth of a Dauphin
to Jan. 18 the troops were disposed: of France. Revy. Orders of Washing-
Forts Nos. I and 2, Second Massachu- ton (Whiting), pp. 20S-210. (A)
setts Regiment; Nos. 3 and 4, Fifth 1782, May 3 The garrison consisted

Massachusetts; Forts Putnam and Wyl- of First, Second, and Third Massachu-
lis, Eighth Massachusetts; Bri- setts brigades, Tenth Massachusetts
gade in reserve; Corps of Sappers and Regiment, First and Second Connec-
Miners, Artillery, etc., in Fort Clinton; ticut brigades. Boynton's History of
smallpox at the post. Captain Larned, West Point, p. 159. (A)
of the Fourth Massachusetts, at Ver- Description of the celebration in
planks, and Captain Pierce, of the honor of the birth of the Dauphin of
Eighth, at Stony Point. Life of Gen- France. Life of John Peterson, p. 268;
eral I'ater.son, pp. 248-249. (A) Thacher's Journal, p. 372; Heath's Me-
1782, February 5. Fourteenth Mas- moirs, p. 346. (A)
sachusetts Regiment assigned to Re- 1782, June 1. Muster orders: The
doubts I and 2; Seventh, to 3 and 4; Corps of Invalids will be mustered
Fourth, along the road from 2 to 3; June 23. Revy. Orders of Washington
Eighth, F'orts Putnam, W\'nis, and (Whiting), p."2i3. (Aj
Webb; Fifth in reserve. Life of John
Paterson, p. 254. .\
1782, June 17. Service stripes insti-

tuted for enli.sted men U. S. Army.

1782, March 21. A
duel fought with Revy. Orders of Washington (Whit-
pistols, at ten feet, between Captain ing), pp. 220,230. (A)
and Lieutenant The .

Captain was killed. Washington vis-

1782, July 4. Salute of 13 guns fired.
Thacher's Journal, p. 375. (A)
ited the post Apr. 6 and reviewed the
First Massachu,setts Brigade. His .sa- 1782, August 4. Thirty prisoners es-
lute was 13 guns. Apr. 9 he reviewed caped from the pro\ost prison. Revy.
the Third Massachusetts Brigade and Orders of Washington (Whiting), p.
the Tenth Regiment [at West Point?]. 246. (A)
Heath's Memoirs, p. 331, 333. (A)
1782, August 12. A stone magazine
1782, April 29. Troops at West Point, to contain barrels of powder be-
i ,(X3i.i
First and Second Massachusetts bri- gun on Con.stitution Island under
gades and Third Regiment of .\rtillery the direction of Major Villefranche.
(Boynton's Creneral Orders of George Heath's INIemoirs, p. 351. (A)
Washington, issued at Newburgh, 17S2
and 17S3, p. 12), Tenth Massachusetts, 1782, Aug-ust 23. Muster-roll of the
Sappers and INIiners and Corps of In- Fourth Massachusetts Regiment dated
valids; commander, Maj. Gen. Henry as above, signed by Col. William
Knox ibid. 37
( ,At this time soldiers
) .
Shepard. MS.
at \\"est Point were employed as blow- 1782, August 24. General Knox
ers, colliers, time fusers, artificers placed in command; the .sappers and
(ibid., 39) in the "Public Armory" miners formed part of the garrison;
there. also the corps of invalids. General
West Point was garri.soned by the Orders, headquarters, Newburgh, Aug.
First and Second Massachusetts bri- 24, 1782. Revy. Orders of Washing-
gades and the Third Regiment of Artil- ton, p. 240. They remained at West
lery. General Knox placed in com- Point till the Army was disbanded,
mand of the post. Boynton's General 17S3.
Bih/io^rap/iv of U rs/ Poiiil. 23

1782, Augrust 24. Major -Cencral West Point. .Armj- and Navy of the
Kiinx appoiiilt'd to commainl Wc-sl T. S., sec. 6, p. 93. (A)
I'oiiit the artillery, sappers,
(rarri.son; 1783, June 11. Headquarters Third
and iiiiners. Tentli Massachusetts Rejii- Regiment .\rlillerists and Ivngineersat
lueiit, and corps of invalids. Heath's Point. Mag. .\incr. Hist., vol. 9.
Meniiiirs, p. 351. ( A) p. 255- (A)
1782, Atigust 28. (".eneral court-mar- 1783, June 23. Two
brigades arrived
tial order respectin;; IMajor-Clcneral this day. General
Paterson's is en-
McDougall (acquitted). [Controversy camped on the plain about the "Red
with General Heath.] Revy. Orders House;" . the New Hampshire troops
. .

of Washington (AVhiting), p. 245. (A) are to go to Constitution Island. Gen-

1782, August 29. Knox assigned to eral Knox in connnand of the post.
conunaiid West Point; instructions how Life of John Patcrson, p. 295. (A)
to make the post secure. Writings of "The Ma,s.sachusetts regiments
Washington, vol. 10, p. 72. {.\)
Cieo. marched to West Point." Heath's
1782. I,etter from General Heath of Memoirs, ]). 3.S5. (.A)
Mav 17S2, respecting persons con-
,S, 1783, Aug-ust27. Preparations to cele-
fined in the old provost jirison at West brate the treaty of peace; 20,000 lamps,
Point. Sec MS.S. i^and 133 at
etc. Life of T. Pickering, vol. i p. 476. ,

ington's headquarters, Xewburgh, (A)

X. V.
1783, September 25. Memorial of
1782-83, winterof. Tlie garrison con- .Stephen Moore, owner of i 100 acres of ,

sisted of a few troops only. Life of lanil on which are the fortifications and
John I'aterson, p. 300. (A) barracks of West Point, a.sking payment
1783, March 10. Duel between Cap- for damages and arrears. Order to as-
t;iin H and Lieutenant S ,
.sessthe damages, etc. Journals of Con-
of the First Massachusetts Regiment. gress, vol. 8, pp. 279-280. (A)
Thacher's Journal, p. 369. (A) 1783, November 12. General Knox
1783, March 22. A packet boat will at West Point; the garrison to be one
leave Xewburgh
daih- at 10 a. m. for regiment; answer to Washington's
West Point, leaving West Point at 4 farewell orders. Life of T. Pickering,
p. m. March 28, an<l s\ibsequenlly, the
; vol. I, pp. 483, 486, 4S8. (A)
boat will leave at 9.30 a. ni. and stop 1783, November 25. American troops
at New \\'indsor. Orderly Book First from West Point took pos.session of
New York Regiment, heailquarters New York Citv. P.eauman's Memoirs,
Xewburgh. M.S. (A) p. 25. (A)
1783, April 15. The Society of the 1783, about November 25. Washing-
Cincinnati organized at West Point. ton at West Point. Sparks: Wash-
Brooks: Henry Knox, p. 175 (organized ington, p. 370. (.A)
at the cantonments near Newburgh.
1783, December 20. Washington's
Asa Bird Gardiner, Jlemoirof Burbeck, lifeguard mustered out at Constitution
p. 4). u-v)
Lsland. History and roster of Life
1783, April 17. A packet boat will (iuard.
leave West Point at 10 a. m. and Xew- Colonel Hull in
1783-84, winters of.
burgh at 5 p. ni. Orderly Book F'irst connnand of the regiment of infantry
New York Regiment, headquarters at West Point. Life of General Hull,
Newburgh. MS. (.\) (A)
p. 211.
Colonel Lamb's regiment of ar-
tillery, the corps of .sappers and miners, 1784, January 3. The garrison is

and "Colonel Swift's" regiment of in- composed Gen. Henry Jackson's

valids to be inspected April 28. Or- regiment about 500 .strong and 1 20 ar-
( )

derly Book First New York Regiment, tillerymen. This was the entire .Army
headquarters Newburgh. MS. (.A) of the United States. General Knox
in command at West Point. Brooks:
1783, May 1. .\lexander Hamilton re- Henry Knox, p. 186. (A)
ports on the reduction of the corps of
invalids. Life of Hamilton, vol. 2, p. Letter from General Knox to the
]8S. (.SV<' ibid., vol. 5, p. 328. ) (A) President of Congress, copied from
State Department MSS. by Capt. H. M.
1783, May 22. Description of the
Reeve, U. S. -Army (refers to the dis-
chain across the Hudson. Life of T.
persion of the troops at West Point to
Pickering, vol. i, p. 470; vol. 3,
various stations; infantry and artillery
p. 147. From Lossing: Field Book of
will be retained there; an arsenal of
the Revolution, vol. i, p. 706.) (A)
arms established there; powder maga-
1783, June 4. Capt. David Bu.shneU zines put in order; incloses returns of
in command of sappers and miners at war-like stores; many of the cannon
^(utciiuial of I ^)ntrd States Military Acadoiiy.
Hovnton's Historv of West Point,
are trophies; about 20 men in hospital;

about lou Canadian refugees there are p.

drawing rations. The returns show 1786. Mails from Albany arrived in
the force at West Point to be General New York once weekly from Nov. I
Jackson's regiment infantry, —
599; to May I, and three times a week May
Corps of Invalids, jS; artillery, J36. I to Nov. I. [The mails from West
There are 2oi cannon fit for service ) Point were taken toNewburgh.] Beau-
(A) man's Memoirs, p. 11. (A)
1784, January 4. The garrison was as 1786-87. Orders, etc., in re Molly
follows: Jackson's regiment, 35 officers, Pitcher. Boynton's History of West
564 men; Corps of Invalids, S
officers, Point, p. 167'. (A)
30 men; artillerv, 1 1 officers, 25
men. West Point Reservation; civil
Report of General Knox to Congress. authority over, etc. [Buildings at Con-
(A) .stitution Islan<l, Mar. 3, 1788;] West
, ,

1784, May. The Army

of the L nited Point Letter Book No. I. MS. Jan. 31,
States consisted of So enlisted men- 17S6; same, No. 2, Dec. S, 1787. (A)
artillerists— of whom 55 were stationed 1 786-1 79 .Waste Book No. 2 for Ord-
at West Tomt. This organization was nance stores, Oct. 5. 1786, to Sept. 13,
originallv Alexander Hamilton's bat- 1791. MS. I vol., F, (A)
terv, raised in 1776, and became, sub- 1786-1805. OrdnanceWasteBook.No.
sequentlv, Light Battery F, Fourth Oct. 5, 1786-1791, 1 vol., F, MS.; No.
Artillerv, and is now Eighth Light T791-1795, I vol., F. MS.; No. 4,
Battery^ Artillerv Corps. Army and 3,
1795-1805, I vol., F. MS. (A)
Navy of the U. S., vol. i, p. 7- A> (

Bvt. Maj. L.
1786-1877. 'West Point. Laws of
1784, October 31. Congress relating to West Point and the
Doughty, captain of artillery, in com- U. S". Militarv .\cademy, from 1786 to
mand of the post. 1877. Compiled bv Brev. Lieut. -Col.
1784-1790. Letter books (of the Robert H. Hall i vol., O.
. 94 PP-
. .

quarterniaster's and ordnance stores;

military stores). No. I, 1784-1786;
1787, April Report to the Secretary
No. 2, 1786-1790. 2pam.,F. MS. (A) Price, on
at War (Knox), by William
1785, last of January. General Knox the situation of the wrecks of the frigates
turns over the command of West Point liurned when the British captured Fort
to Maj. George Fleming; the redoubts Montgomery (October, 1777). West
dismantled in 1787; the buildings, bar- Point' Letter Book No. 2. MS. (A)
racks, etc., on Constitution Island, were
sold in 1788. Boynton's History of 1787, July 20. One barrel powder
issued to 7 Oneida Indians by order of
West Point, pp. 164-165. (A)
the Secretary of War; Sept. 8, arms
1785. General Knox becomes Secre- issued to a Huron Indian ditto; cannon
tary of War and relinquishes the com- and powder issued to the State of Massa-
mand to Captain Fleming. The garri-
chusetts, to the State of Georgia, etc.,
son consists of 12 men [?]. Park's from time to time ditto. Ordnance
sketch of West Point, p. 31. (A) Waste Book No. 2. Ai I

1785-1788. Moll Pitcher mentioned 1787, August 13. Captain Burbeck's

in West Point Letter Book No. i Sept. ,
company of artillery arrived at West
14, 17S5, Jan. 13, 1786, and
in saine, there are no artificers in this
No. 2, Oct. 7, 17S6; July 8, Apr. 21, company. West Point Letter Book No.
June 12, Aug. 13, 17S7; Feb. 14, June 4, 2, Aug. 'iS. MS. (A)
Dec. 4, 178S. West Point Letter Book Captain Burbeck's
1787, August 15.
No. 2. MS. (A)
company remains until Aug. 26, 1789.
1785-1806. Waste books; quarter- Captain' Burbeck in command of the
master stores. Waste book. 1785-1794, post for two vears. Returned with his
1795-1S06. 2 pam., F. MS. (A) company Nov. 20, 17S9, and remained
till Apr! 5, 1790, in command.
1786, July 31. Report of the Secre-
Amer. Hist., vol. 9, p. 256. (.\)
tary of War [Knox] on the expediency mounted
1787, September. Guns are
of retaining West Point as a military
The'rent of the post is I437 per redoubt No. i in Fort Putnam, and in
in ,

year, and its is recommended. the north redoubt. West Point Letter
(Copied from State Department MSS., Book No. 2. MS. (A)
by Capt. H. M. Reeve, U. S. Army.) 1787-1798. "Three battalions of the
See also Hamilton's Works, vol. 3, Corps of .\rtillerists and Engineers,
p. 82. (A) lately recruited, were assembled in the
General Knox's report on the value suminer of 1795 at West Point; the
First Battalion raised in 1787 was con-
of West Point as a military post, quoted
/)//>//'do raphv of Il'/s/ Point. 25

sidercd at Uial lime a.s (U-tachcd to 1790, April 5. .V detachment of iS ar-

Cireenvillc, the headquarters of the tillerists left at West Point. Ordnance
Western Aniiv. In the summer of 1796 Waste Book No. 2. (.K)
three companies were detached to the 1790, June 10. .Alexander Hamilton,
westward and southward, and in the .Secretary of the Treasury, reports in
ensuin}; autmnn five others were sent favor of retaining West Point, and re-
to the sea coast. In 1797 one was sta- fers to his report of July 31, 1786.
tioned at Fort Washington in Rhode 1790, July 5. -Act of Congress author-
Island, and three remain at West Point
izing the President of the t'nited States
(Jan. I, 179S). Three officers, i cadet,
to })urchase a tract of land at \\'est
and 73 men
present May, 179S."
Point. Laws of the vS., vol. i, p.C
Orderly Book, Corps of Artillerists and (The original of this act was pre-
Engineers. .\ ( 1

.sented to VS. Military .Xcademy by


1788, June 11. The height of the wall F. O. Briggs, I'. S. Jlilitary .\cademy,
of Fort Clinton was 25 feet. West 1S72, in 1903.'! \\'\
Point Letter Rook No. 2. MS. (A)
1790. " Purchaseof West Point" S12,-
1788, November 2. .\ vessel chartered 014.41.War Department
In records.
to take " the company" to \ew York.
1791, September 13. "The .Arsenal"
West Point Letter Book No. 2. MS. West Point mentioned. Ordnance
(A) Waste Book No. 2. (.A)
1788. The chain at West Point, vi 1793. The Hudson (poem), by Fau-
Geological Reports of New York, No.
geres (Margaretta Y. ). In The pos-
275- A (

thumous works of .Ann Eliza Bleecker.

1789, May 30. Captain Burbeck's N. Y., 1793, I vol., O, pp. 358-375;
company and a detachment of General West Point, pp. 367-69. I .\
now Third United

Harmar's regiment

States Infantry, then First Infantry 1

1794, 9, to 1798, January 1.
were mustered. West Point Letter List of connnissioned officers who
Book No. 2. MS. (A) have been appointed to the corps of
artillerists and engineers (also list of
1789, September 3. Serviceable pow- officersof the battalion of artillery, 17S7—
der on hand: 272 double barrels, 1,087 Orderly Book, pp. ix-xix. (.A)
single barrels, 2,787 half barrels. Ord-
nance Waste Book No. 2. (A) 1794, December 12. The old wall of
Fort Putman facing Fort Clinton taken
, ,

1789, September 30. Contract for downand rebuilt by Major Niven. Nine
raising cannon and old iron from the
bomb-proof arches were then complete,
river (from the burned frigates, old
four incomplete, .\nier. State Papers,
booms, etc. 1. West Point Letter Book Military .\fTairs, vol. i, p. 104. (.A)
No. 2. MS. A( I

1 794. Report by Colonel Yincent ( .-Vug.

1789-1838. See American State Pa- 31) on the condition of the works at
pers, Military .\fTairs, 17S9-1838, 7 vols.,
West Point. Report of Major Niven
F, 1834-1861'. Passim. (A) Bovnton's History
(Dec. 12), ditto.
178-. Townsend, the iron P.: On of West (A)
Point, pp. 168-170.
chain made during the war of the Rev- 1794-1796. The forts strengthened at
olution for the defence of the Hudson
a cost of about f 35, 000. (A)
at West Point 11S451. i pam. O.
MS. [The description itself fills four 1794-1815. There ^vas expended on
pages. ] A the fortifications $13,030.07. Amer.

State Papers, vol. 3, p. 252. (.\)

1790, February 3. The garrison con-
-sists of I John Peirce,
oflttcer (Lieut. 1795, May 25. Weekly return of a
of the artillerists and engineers), and
detachment of the corps of artillerists
100 men beside the guards. One or and engineers showing three cadets.
two officers with 60 or 70 men expected Orderly Book, Corps of .Artillerists and
from Springfield in a few days. West Engineers, 1795. (.A)

Point Letter Book No. 2. MS. (A) 1795, June 14. .Ml officers and cadets
1790, March 30. At this time the gar- assigned to a provisional battalion of
rison comprised Burbeck's and Savage's and engineers.
artillerists Orderly
companies of artillery and Smith's com- Book, Corps of .Artillerists and Engi-
pany of the First Infantry. Mag. neers, 1795. {k)
Amer., vol. 9, p. 256. ( .\ 1795, June 25. Organization of four
Three companies were battalions in the regiment of artillerists
1790, April 5.
mustered. Capt. John Smith's and engineers, with colors for each.
Infantry had 64 enli.sted men; a detach- Orderly Book, Corps of .Artillerists and
ment of iS artillerists under Captain Engineers, 1795. (.A)

Savage. West Point Letter Book No. 1795, July 9. Sergeants-major elected
2. MS. (A) bv ballot of sergeants for each battalion
26 Ccjitoniial of Uiii/cd Sia/cs Militarv Acadrniv.

of the re<;iinent of artillerists and en,£;i- martial papers; various returns; orderly
neers. Orderly Book, Corps of Artil- books, 1-4, 1795-98; waste books; mis-
lerists and Engineers, 1795. (A) cellaneous letters and papers. .A (

1795, July 14. Companies exercised 1795-1799. Clothing account book

according to Baron Stubens' instrnc- of the corps of artillerists and engi-
tions. Orderly Book, Corps of Artil- neers at West Point. M.S. 12S num-
lerists and Engineers. 1795. (.^1 bered pages [the volume contains ac-
1795, August 31. The three battal- counts of qaartermaster's stores, cam])
ions of the regiment of artillerists and ecjuipage, hos]Mtal .stores, and arms and
engineers moved from camp to new 'iccoutrements]. (.\)
Ijarracks completeil for their use. Or- 1795-1812. Henry Garrison kept a
derly Book, Corps of Artillerists and store at West Point; then removed to
Engineers, 1795. (A) Phillipstown and became judge of court
1795, November 7. The .Secretary of of common pleas. Court of Inquiry,
Wargrantsa flag to the garrison, which March, 18 16.
is received with ceremoii}'. The flag 1796, January 10. Lieutenant-Colo-
is to float from sunrise to sunset. nel Rochefoutaine assumes command
Morning and evening guns are to be of the post and three battalions of the
fired. Orderly Book, Corps of Artil- corps of artillerists and engineers,
lerits and Engineers [Apparentlv the relieving Major Tousard. Orderly
garrison had no flag before this date.] Book. \.\)
(A) 1796, January 17. Helmets with
1795, December Return of powder
7. plume and cockade to replace hats.
in magazines — Fort Putnam, 188 bar- Orderly Book, Corps of .\rtillerists and
rels; Fort Clinton, 99 barrels; Consti- Engineers. (A)
tution Island, 1,436 barrels. MS. Ord- 1796, February 21. K "Federal
nance Waste Book, No. 4. (A) salute" will be fired on Washington's
1795, December 11. TheNewHamp- birthday. Orderh' Book, Corps of Ar-
[shire]building will be fitted for the tillerists and Engineers. (.\)
accommodation of the oflficers. Orderl v Return of ordnance and militarv
Book, Corps of Artilleri.sts and Engi- storesat West Point. MS. (A)
neers [New Hampshire troops were at
West Point August to October, 17S0].
1796, May 16. The Lieutenant-Colonel
Commandant orders that requisitions
(A) be made forflour to serveas hairpowder
1795. The First Regiment of Artiller- for themen. Orderly Book, Corps of
ists and Engineers had a band of 2c >
and Engineers. (.\)
pieces, supported by the officers and
1796. May 20. .\ parapet will be built
men; its uniform was scarlet coats, dark for field pieces to practice upon. Or-
blue facings, yellow .silk epaulettes, derly Book, Corps of Artillerists and
helmets with scarlet plumes, black F'ngineers. (A)
gaiters. MS. Memorandum of Wil-
liam Ward ( 1902). (A) 1796, June 1. .\ct of Congress appro-
priates for the completion of
1795-1796. Buildingsatthepost men- the fortifications, etc. {.\)
tioned: Commissary
store; Cunning-
1796, Junes. Garrison: Second, Third,
ham's; Mr. Garrison's .store; ordnance and Fourth Battalions of the Corps of
.storehouse; Quartermaster's store- Artillerists and Engineers and a der
house; old provost; officers' quarters;
tachment of infantrj-. Louis Tousard,
guardhouse; North's tavern; store "at commanding. Orderly Book, MS. (A)
the south of the garrison;" the bar-
racks, near the center of the parade; 1796, June 5. The guard is i sergeant,
military .stores; the barn. Orderly 3 corporals, and 18 men. The guard
Book, Corps of Artilleri.sts and Engi- at "Ft. Putt" will be reduced to i cor-
]K)ral and 3 men. Orderly Book, MS.
neers. (A)
I A)
Orderly Book of the Corps of Ar-
tillerists and Engineers at West Point. 1796, June 25. The matter of arre.sts
of .soldiers of the garrison b)^ civil
No. 2. Nov. I, 1795, to June 6, 1796.
MS. process for debt considered, (^i' Ar-
I vol., F. [From Schuylkill
ticles of War and act of Congress May
Arsenal.] (A)
30, 1796; also resolution of Congress,
clothing account book, 1795-96
Dec. 26, 1775.) Orderly Book No. 3,
I vol., V. MS. (A) Corps of Artilleri.sts and Engineers.
1795-1799. MSS. relating to the Corps .Vf' a/jo Nov. 5, 1S92. fA)
of .'\rtillcrists and Engineers: Mu.ster 1796, July 4. Post orders prescribe a
and pay rolls; monthly returns; morn- salute of 15 guns at sunrise from F'ort
ing reports; garri.son orders; court- Putnam, and salutes at noon of 15 guns
Jiibliographv of West Poi)il. 27

from Fort rutnamand I'"orlClinloii, and [

1796, to -Vug. 17, I'Soj. M.S. I vol., F.
one of 15 \!.\\w> at siuisul from I'ort Pul- (A)
nam. Orderly Book, MS. (A) 1796-1805. Return of arms and ae-
1796, July?. Sentinel's posts: No. i, contrements received from the Corps
main jjuard; Xo. 2, in front of barracks; of .\rlillerists and Engineers at West
No. 3, in Fort Clinton; No. 4, sentry |
Point from ist of July to 1st of Oct.,
box near North's; No. 5, at tlie colon- ,
1796, etc., to 1.S05, I vo'l., F. MS. (A)
nade; No. 6, at tlie contractor's store; !

1797, January 19. General order,

No. 7, lio.spital; No. S, sentry box near regulations respecting .salutes of can- (

the right of barracks; No. 9, between non) to naval officers prescribed by '

the preceding and the colonnade; No. the Secretary of War. To an .Admiral
10, .sentry box l>elween the colonnade

15 gnns, etc. Orderly Book No. 3. -Ar- 1

and North's. Orderly Book No. 3. tillerists aiul Engineers. (.A)

Corps of .Vrtillerists and F^n.nineers.
1797, January 21. The powder .stored
(A) at Constitution Island to be removed
17.96, August 5. Countersign, "Klec- to the niagaziiu? in F'ort Clinton. Or-
tricity." Aug. 6; countersign, " Frank- derly Book No. 3, Corps of .Artillerists
lin." Orderly Book No. 3, Corps of and Engineers. (.A)
Artillerists and Engineers. (A)
1797, January 23, 24, 25, and 26.
1796, August 6. Present: 16 officers, Account of powder moveil from tnaga-
I cadet, 275 men of the Corps of .Artil- zine on Con.stitution Island to maga-
lerists and Engineers. Orderly Book. zine in F'ort Clinton [i,c;x« barrels].
( 2 cadets on furlough. ) ( .\ I
Return of .Arms and .Accoutrements,
1796, September 8. Lieut. Nath. Cnd- 1796-1805. (A I

worth, Corps of Artillerists and V.w- 1797, February 20. Damaged pow-
gineers, killed by Lieut. Simon Ged- der, etc., issued. .Artillerists to cele-
de.s, who was cashiered Sept. 20, 1796. brate the President's birthday. Return
Orderly Book, Corps of Artillerists and of .\rms and Accoutrements, 1797-1 Sos.
Engineers, p. xii. (A) (A)
1796, September 14. "Delivered to 1797, February 22. Washington's
Maj. J. J. U. Rivardi for his nse on his birthday celebrated by a salute of 16
journey to Detroit by order of Col. guns at daybreak from Fort i"utnam,
Step. Rochefontaine 6 dozen blank 16 guns from Fort Putnam, and 16
tnusket cartridges, filled; 2 dozen mus- guns from Fort Clinton, and a feu de
ket balls; 4 flints; i tin canteen." joye ( 2 rounds per man
1 from the 1

Ordnance Waste Book No. 4. (.A) garrison, and 16 guns from Fort Put-
1796, October 18. Countersign for the nam at sunset. Each to have an man
day, "Astronomy." Countersign July extra gill of liquor. Orderly Book No.
20, 1797, " Philosophy." Orderly Book 3, .Artillerists and Engineers. (.A)
No. 3. .Artillerists and Engineers. A ( )
1797, March Issued damaged pow-
der, etc., "for celebrating the instal-
1796, December 26. Garrison's store
ijot far from the river; the lime house ment in office of President of the LTnited
near the landing (near the present States." Return of Arms and .Accou-
north dock?). Orderly Book No. 3, - trements, 1797-1S05. (.A)

Artillerists and Engineers. (A) 1797, April 25. Small pox at the Red
House (Washington Valley) and in
1796. Orderly Book and Quartermas- the garrison (May i ). The men are to
ter's Waste Book, Corps of Artilleri.sts be vaccinated. Recruiting instructions
and Engineers. Places mentioned:
given in full (May 27), oath of alle-
"The bathing place near the military
giance (p. 210). Orderly Book No. 3,
stores;" "the colonnade" in front of Artilleri.sts and Engineers. (.A)
camp; the contractor's store; hospital;
the battery; the mortar battery; the
1797, June 20. Stores issued for use
of laboratory of the Corps of .\rtillerists
wood yard; Mr. Garrison's .store; lime; the Red House in Washington's
and Engineers. Return of .-^rms and
.•\ccoutrenients, 1797-1S05. (.Al
Valley; laboratory; quartermaster's
stores. [Mr. Henry Garrison, issuing 1797, June 27. The garrison being
commissary.] (.\)
weak, the guard will be reduced to I

.sergeant, i corporal, and privates.

1796-1797. Orderly Book of the Duties of the guanl defined -^ug. 6,
Corps of .Artilleri.sts and Engineers at 1797. Orderly Book No. 3, .Artillerists
West Point. No. 3, May 28, 1796 to and Engineers. (.A)
Dec. 1, '797- MS-
-5 \'o\., F. [From
1797, June 29. Articles i.s.sued "for
Schuylkill Ansenal ] (
A use of the laboratory" on this and

1796-1805. Quartermaster's Waste- other dates. Quarterma-ster's account

Book kept at West Point, -Sept. 21, book, post of West Point. MS. (A)
2S CniictDtial of United States Militarv Academy.

1797, August 11. Ordnance iletacli- 1798-99. Orderly Book of the Corps
ment at West Point mentioned. Re- of Artillerists and Engineers. Com-
turn of Arms and Accoutrements, 1797- menced at West Point Jan. 5, 1798
iSus. (A) [ends Mav 15, 1799]. MS. [From the
1797, September 9. Ordnance stores Schuylkill .Arsenal.] (A)
sliipped from West Point by Georj<e 1799, January 1 . Garrison orders pre-
Fleming, ordnance and military store- .scrihe the e.xact form for dress parades.
keeper, on board sloop Fetji-ral'nt ,^o\\x\ The musicians are to beat the assem-
Gee, master, to be delivered at Ports- bly on the south side of barracks, out-
mouth, N. H., for use of frigate build- side of the fence. Orderly Book, Corps
ing there for the Algerines. Return of of .Artillerists and Engineers. A) (

Arms and .Accoutrements, 1797- 1805. 1799, March 24. Four companies
(A| Corps of Artillerists and Engineers
1797, October 4. A "wooden fortifi- present. Orderly Book. (.A)
cation" at West Point requires paint- 1799, June 5. Four hundred and
ing. Ouarterniaster's Stores Waste four wooden canteens .shipped to Gen.
Book. It was situated on the grounds
Ebenezer Stevens for use of the Twelfth
now occupied by the professor of civil Regiment of Infantry at New York.
and military engineering.) (A) Return of Arms and Accoutrements,
1797-1799. Ouarterma.ster's Waste 1796-1,805. (A)
Book. Corps of Artillerists and Engi- 1800, June 27. .An evening gun fired
neers, Jan. 4, 1797, to May 28, 1799. daily. JLS. in frames in library. (A,
M.S. I vol., F. [From '.Schuvlkill
1801, February to October. Va'.ue of
Arsenal.] (A)
a ration, Jo. 155. M.S. letter of George
1798, January 3. Melanthon Smith Fleming.
and Henry Wykoff, of New York City,
contractors for furnishing provisions 1801, June 17toSeptember 22. Maj.
to the garrison, 179S. Orderly Book, John Lillie, then captain Second United
Corps of .Xrtillerists and Engineers. States Artilleryists and Engineers in
(A) command at West Point (assigned in
May). Pierce (E. L. ): Maj. John Lil-
1798, January 26. Garrison of the
lie, 1755-1801, p. 31. (.A), three companiesof 6omen, Colonel
Rochefontaine, commanding. Quar- 1801, September 23. Lieutenant-col-
termaster's Waste Book. MS. Nov. onel commandant .Second Regiment
25, 79.S, four companies present.
1 (A) Artillerists and Engineers at West
1798, April 19. Lieut. Col. Commdt. Point apparently in command. Pierce
Stephen Rochefontaine in command (E. L. ): Maj. John Lillie, p. 120. (A)
the water-cure administered to a soldier Copy of a letter from Colonel Tou-
by order of a regimental court-martial. .sard to Gen. H. Knox, announcing the
Army and Navy Journal, Nov. 22, 1902, death of Maj. John Lillie, who is buried
p. 289. (.\] near the monument to Marcus, son of
1798, April 22. A well is to be dug General Kno.x, U, .S. Military Acad-
in front of the barracks of the artiller- emv Scrap Book, No. 37S E ( 1904), pp.
ists and engineers (barracks completed 30-31. (Al
Aug. 31, 1795). Garrison Orders. 1801, December 19. The Secretary of
(This well is probably near the south- War calls on Williams for a re-
west corner of the present mortar bat- port on the fortifications at West Point
tery. 1 I .A I
(and other places). War Dept. Mili-
1798, July 3. Record of arms issued tarv Book No, I.
to Cadet Cross of the First Regiment The buildings of the post were: .A
of Artillerists and Engineers. Return of stone house at the north dock; the
.Arms and .Accoutrements, 1796-1S05. "white quarters" of the commandant
(A) I Lieutenant Osborn); the artillery
1798, July 6. Cadet Cross detailed as mess; the academy, an office near it;
Judge-.Advocate of a Garri.«on Court- south of the academy was the quarters
martial (and of a General Court, July of the military storekeeper (Major
31). Orderly Book, Corps of Artil- Fleming), which had been headcjuar-
lerists and Engineers. A (
ters; farther south, quartersandasmall
laboratory; the model yard; Roche-
1798, August. Musket, bayonet, etc.,
fontaine's quarters; cadet barracks;
i.ssued to Cadet Cross. Quartermas-
ter's Waste Book.
Major Rivardi's quarters; two military
MS. (A)
stores; east of them the armory and the
1798, October 11. The flagstaff was hcspital; Fort Clinton (then dilapi-
in I'ort Clinton. Orderly Book, Corps dated); F\)rt Putnam; the "old pro-
of .Artillerists and Engineers. .A ( ) v<jst " in ruins on the west edge of Ex-
Bihlioirraphy of West Poitif. 29
edition Hollow. Swift's Memoirs, pp. 1805, August 17. • Delivered to .Maj.
29-30. |.-\) William .-\. Barron of the engineers for
1802, March 12. Order of Secretary the purj^we of raising the body of
of War. Two eoiiipanies for I'ort Jay Cadet McKeniiy. who was drowned in
and West Point are to be fonned from Hudson's River, viz, 'j barrel of dam-
Barron's, Carmicliael's, Deveanx's, and aged ])owder and 12 empty 12-pounder
late Lillie's companies. War Dept. paper cartridges." Return of arms
Military Book Xo. i.
and accoutreinents, 1797-1805. (.A)
1802, August 11. Secretary of War 1805. Fort partially demol-
appoints Lieut. R. W. Osborn assistant ished and rebuilt of stone.
military agent at West Point. War 1806, about November. Capt. Alex-
Dept. jlilitary Book Xo. I. ander Thompson succeeds George
1802, September 22. Secretary of War Fleming as military agent, quarter-
to Lieutenant Osborn. .MI the public master, at West Point. War Dept.
property in the military store will re- Milit.irv Book No. 3.
main in the care of Captain Fleming. 1806, December 23. House of late
War Dept. :Military Book Xo. i. widow, Jane Cunningham, on West
1803, January 1. Troo]5s at West Point, bought for %2^m. War Dept.
Point, aggregate 82. Amer. State Pa- Military Book No. 3.
pers, Jlilitary .\ffairs, vol. I, p. 7S6. 1806-1813. Steamboats i)lying on the
1803, February 28. .\ct of Congress: Hudson: Clermont, 1806; Car of Xep-
Nineteen enlisted men of engineers au- tum\ 1S07; Piimi^oii, 1S07; Firejly
thorized. These men are mentioned (
packet betw-een New York and New-
ill the act of .Apr. 29, [S12, forming the
burgh), 1812; IV(istiin<rtoii, iSi^. Col-
company of bombardiers, .sappers, and den (C. D, I, Life of Robert Fulton, p.
miners. This company was recruited .^72.
mainlv at Norwich, Vt., by Capt. 1807, February 6. .A house on West
Aldeii' Partridge. (MSS. froni Gilbert Point has been conveyed to the United
Thompson.) (.\) States b3- Mr. Garrison. War Dept.
1803, March 7. Troops at Fort Jay Military Book No. 3.
and West Point — two companies. War 1809, May 29. Sundry companies of
Dept. ;\lilitary Book No. i. troops have been ordered to encamp at
1803, May 6. Secretary of War to West Point. War Dept. Militarv- Book
Captain Fleming. There w-ill in future No. 4.
be no more than a sergeant's guard at 1809, August 21. Captain Esla-
West Point in addition to the Corps of brook's company at West I'oiiit. War
Engineers. He is to perform the du- Dept. Military Book No. 4.
ties of what has heretofore been called
1810, February 2. Two companies
the quartermaster's department. Lieu-
stationed at West Point Estabrook's
tenant Osborn is relieved. War Dept.

companv of Light .Artiller\-, 43 men;

Military Book, No. i. '-

and ?). War'Dept. Mili-

1803. Troops at West Point: Officers, Book No. 4
tary SiY p. . ( 2S4.
Corps of Engineers, 7; teacher of
1810, October 19. The drilling (of
French, t; cadets of engineers, 3; pri- the bombardiers) on the new system
vates of engineers, 14; cadets of artil-
begins to-dav. Orderlvbook, 1815-16.
lery, 8; noncommissioned officers of
MS. (A) '

artillery, 2; privates of artillery, S; sur-

geon's mate, I; total, 44. [Return 1811, February 12. Twenty-seven
dated.] Washington,
Feb. 4, 1805, men of the late Captain Estabrook's
(Amer. State Papers, Military .\ffairs, company of Light .Artillery at West
vol. I, p. 175.) Point. War Dept. Military Book No. 5.
1804. at West Point: Officers
Troops 1812, April 28. Secretary of War
of engineers, 7; teacher of French, i: orders Colonel Williams to provide for
cadets of engineers, 3; privates of en- the storage of 2,000 barrels of gun-
gineers, r6; cadets of artillery, 15; non- powder at West Point, War Dept.
commissioned officers of artillery, 2; Military Book No. 5.
privates of artillery, 6; surgeon's mate,
I; total, 51. [Return dated] Wa.sli- 1812, July 15. .A new dock is build-
ington, Feb. 4, 1805. .Amer. State Pa-
ing ill the place of the old one [north
pers, Military .Affairs, vol. i, p. 176.) dock]. Partridge MSS. -A ( 1

1805. July 19. Secretary of War a.sks 1812, September Secretary of War
Colonel Williams for an estimate of instructs Captain Partridge to maintain
cost of a dry stone wall 5 feet high to a guard of 7 men of the engineers over
inclose public ground at West Point. the public stores. War Dept. Jlilitary
War Dept. Military Book No. 2. Book No. 6.
•30 Ccntciniial of United Staffs Military Academy.

J.812-1821. The company of bombar- 1815. A map of this date shows, among
diers, sappers, and miners stationed at other things: Battery southeast of site
most of this period, was
West Point for of present hotel; old barracks about
disbanded Mar. 2, 1821, but its band half wa}- from present hotel to execu-
"was retained. Boynton'.s History of tion hollow; store near present
\Vest Point, p. 335. (A) ofiice; North's tavern near present
1813-1816. Descriptive lists of recruits
headquarters building; new academy,
Regiment of Artillery, 1S13, in front of present sallj' port; new
in the First
Ijarracks, north of present academy;
and account of clothing is.sued to .same.
Order Book, Military District No. r, military .storekeeper, near quarters of
1S13-1S16. (A) pre.sent professor of engineering; old
academy, near quarters of present pro-
Order Book of Military Di-strict
fessor of drawing. (A)
No. I, Boston, etc., 1813-1816, First
Regiment of Artillery. lyol., F. MS. 1815-1820. Orderly Book 1815-1S17
of Company M, Second Battalion,
Corps of Artillery. i vol., F. MS.
1814, April. Men of the company of Same, 1817-1S. I'voL.F. MS. Same
bombardiers, .sappers, and miners re-
1S18-1820. I vol., F. MS. (A)
turned to West Point. A company of
engineer troops must haye been at West Morning reports 1815-16 of Com-

Point until after Mar. 2, 1S21. (See pany M, Second Battalion, Corps of
the act of Congress of that date. ) From Artillery. i vol., F. MS. Same,
this date to 1846 there were no enlisted
1817-18'. ivol.,F. MS. Same, iSi8-
men of engineers. MS. from Gilbert 1820. I vol., F. MvS. (A)
Thompson. (A) 1815-1821. Roster and register. Com-
1814, June. The company of bombar- pany A, Second Artillery, 181510 1S21.
diers, .sappers, and miners marched to I vol., F. MS. 243 pp'. (A)
the frontier. Court of Incjuiry, Mar., Company book (muster roll, des-
1816. criptive list, clothing, etc., monthly
1814, Julys. Fifteen hundred barrels returns from November, 1815, to March,
of gunpowder to be stored in the mag- 1821) of Company M, Second Bat-
azine at West Point. Partridge M.S. talion, Corps of Artillery, U. S. Army,
I A) Fort Griswold, November, 1815; Pitts-
field, March, 1816; Boston, September,
1814, August 3. Tlie citizens of Or-
ange County tender their services to 1S16; Fort George (Castine), Novem-
repair the fortifications at West Point; ber, 1816; Fort McCleary, May, 1817;
a connnittee of defense was formed; a Fort Constitution, October, 1S18; Fort
subcommittee wishes to inspect the JlcCIeary, January, 1820; Fort Consti-
works Aug. 12, and desires Colonel tution, May, 1S20; Fort Columbus,
Swift to be present there and then to September, 1820; Governors Island ist
advise them. Letter of John Duer to October, 1820-March, 1821. i vol.,
Swift MSS. (A) F. MS. (A)
J. G. Swift.
1814-1816. The number of bombar- 1816, October 19. Drilling "on the
diers in garrison varied from 22 to 90. new-system" begins. Orderly Book
Court of Inquiry, Mar., 1816. company of bombadiers 1815-16. (A)
1815, April 1. A post-office estab- 1816. Trophy cannon taken at Stony
lished at West Point. Letter of Post- Point and one taken on Lake Cham-
master-General, Aug. 14, 1903. (A) plain by Commodore Macdonough at
1815, June 20. Barges make trips to West Point; the latter is a 24-pounder.
Newburgh ex-ery Wednesday and Sat- Proceedings general court - martial.
urday, weather permitting (May 13, MS., p. 30^ (A I

1S16J, leaving 8 a. m. and returning the

1817, June 11. President Monroe is
same day. Orderly Book company of
to visit West Point June 12. Letter of
bombadiers, 1S15-16. (A)
William Kemble to Gouverneur Kein-
1815, December [Newport, R. L]
5. f)le. (A)
Non-commissioned officers of the Regi-
ment Artillery distinguished by
of 1817-18. Morning report: Record of
badges (chevrons) of j-ellow .silk bind- morning reports, Company M, Second
ing in the herring-bone fashion, the Battalion, Corps of -Artillery, 1S17-18.
angle pointing to the shoulders and Capt. T. Bennett's company. [May i,
worn on the sleeve above elbow; ser- 1817, to Aug. 8, 1S18, at Fort McClea'ry]
geant-major, cjuartermaster-.sergeant, Portsmouth, N. H. i vol., F. MS.
etc., two badges on each arm; .ser- (A)
geants, one on each arm; corporals, Orderly Book, Company M, Sec-
(me on right arm. Order Book Mili- ond Battalion, Corps of .\rtillery, 1817-
tary Division No. I, 1813-1816. .\ I I 18 at Forts McCleary and Constitution,
Jiiblioi^raphv of II 'csl I\>i)it. 31
I'ortsmouth, X. II. Nov. 26, 1817, to .Slate Papers, Military .M'f.iirs, vol. 3,
Nov. 12, 1S18. I vol., F. M.S. (A) ]). 11,5.

1818, February 20. Major Thayer 1827, October. Troops at West Point:
.sends to Secretary of War
a map of One company. Second .\rtillerv; 2 offi-
West Toiiit drawn bv Caflel Whistler. cers. 36 enlisted men present for duty;
[Slap not found.] MS. in O. M. .\., 4 privates on sick list, etc. Ame'-. .State
.\. G. O. Pa])ers, Jlilitary .-\ff;iirs, vol. 5, ]). 623.
1818, October. Troops at West Point; 1827 1829. Captain Whiting's coni-
bombardiers, sappers, and miners, S6. ])any, F, of the Fourth .Artillery, at
.•\mer. State Tapers, Military .\ffairs, West Point, 1829 (.Vjiril and .August),
vol. I, p. 7S7. the artillery detachment, U. .S. Jlilitary
1818. Morninsr report: Company M, .Academy was organized. Boynton's
Second Battalion, Corps of Artillery, Ili.story of West Point, p. 335. (.\)

U. ,S. .Armv. .Vn^. 11, iSiS, to Sep't. 1828, November. Troops at West
30,1820. ivol.,F. MS. (.A) Point: One com])any IF), I'ourth .Ar-
IMajor Boynton, adjutant, tillery, 5 officers, 42 enlisted men total,
1818, about. ;

V S. Milit.irv Academy, writes, Jan. 24,

47. .Amer. State Papers, i\Iilitary .Af-

1S6S, to Caroline (".ilman, a relative of fairs, \"ol. 4. ]>. 9,

Maj. John Lillie, that the continental 1829, November. Troops at West
soldiers buried at West Point were all Point: .A "detachment" of l officer and
moved to the ceiiietery, 1818, and later 36 men; total, 37. .Anier. State Papers,
General Knox's child was buried, tra- Military .Affairs, vol. 4, p. 159.
dition savs, near the cadet barracks. 1830, November. Troops at West
MS. 5tr iSoi, Sept. 23. Point: .A "detachment " of [officer and
1818-1820. Orderly Book 1S1S-1820. 52 men; total, 53. Amer. State Papers,
Comjjany M, Second .Artillery. [Nov. Military .Affairs, vol. 4, p. 592.
18, 1818, to Mar 9, 1820, at Fort Con- 1830-31. Two locomotives built at
stitution, Portsmouth, N. H.] vol., 1
Cold .Spring for theS. C. Railroad— the
F. MS. A ( I
first constructed in the United States
1819, January. Troops at West Point: for regular railroad business. One was
Total present, 74; privates in arrest, 11; named West Point. .Amer. Hisl. Record,
bombardiers, sappers, and miners. vol. 1, p. 406. (.A)
(.'\mer. State Papers, Military .affairs, 1833. Finch (I.): Travels in the United
vol. I, pp. S14, 815, 817.) States, etc.- Visits to West Point, ]). 47.
1820, The Hudson between .Sandy (AJ
Hook and Sandy Hill, with the post 1835. The picturesque beauties of the
road between New York and .\lbanv, Hudson River and its vicinity; illus-
N. V. .\. T, Goodrich & Co., 1820, 14 trated in a series of views from original
pts. drawings taken expressly for this work
1821-1827. Captain Fanning's com- and engraved on steel by distinguished
pany, \, of the Second .\rtillery, at artists. With historical and descriptive
West Point. Bovnton's Hi.storv of West illustrations by .Samuel L. Knapp, esq.
Point, p. 335. '(A) New York,F. Disturnell, 1835. 2 vols.
1823, May 28. Company .\,.Second
.\itillery, stationed at West Point. Or- The Hudson River Guide; con-
derlv Book, Corps of Bombardiers, taining a description of all the landings
1815-16. MS. (A) and principal places on the Hudson
River as far as navigable Map. . . .

1824, Wall's Hudson River portfolio. New York, V. Disturnell, 18^5. l8mo.
Views from drawings by W. G. Wall, pp. 16. PI.
engraved by J. Hill at New York.
1835-36. Letters about the Hud.son
(1824.) Imp. obi. F, 21 col. pis.
River and its vicinity written by a citi-
Company .\ (Li.ght), Second Re,gi- zen of New York [by F'reeman Hunt].
meiit .Artillery, V . S. .\rmy. Morning New York, 1836. I vol. O. pp. 2ug.
reports, 1821:1-1824. i vol. F", fool.scap (A)
size. M.S. (This company was sta- A decision of the At-
tioned at West Point after Slar., 1824. 1837, July 13.
torney-General, United States, places
A j

thcsojoxirn of civilians at the post within

1825, September 6. Office of sutler is the discretion of the Superintendent.
abolished. Militarv .Academv Records. Bovnton's History of West Point, p. 220.
MS. (A)
1825, November. Troops at West 1837, August 17. -Adjutant-General's
Point: One company. Second .\rtillery Office, General C)rders, No. 100, pub-
4 officers, 46 men; total, 50. .Amer. lishes an opinion of the Attorney-Gen-
32 Centcunial of Lhiited States Military Academy.

eral regarding the authority of the com- Company A or a detachment was sta-
manding officer over resident citizens, tioned at West Point from
1S46 to June,
etc. (A) 1S65, and other companies or detach-
1837. Hudson River and its vicinity. ments ever since that time. MS. of
Gilbert Thompson. (A)
New York, 1S37. l6mo.
1837-1846. Statistical table of dis- 1846. Panorama of the Hudson River
eases of garrison of West Point. Num-
from New York to Albany. New York.
1S02-1846, 37 deaths. F. Disturnell, 1846. l2mo. pp. 32.
ber of deaths, 8.
Mean annual temperature, 50.6° barom- ;
eter, 29.731; rainfall, 47. 68. App. E., 1846, about. Of Fort Clinton nothing
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1847. (A) remains but the mounds. Eager's
1837-1899. Rainfall, 1837-1841,55.72 Historvof Orange Countv, N. Y., p. 584.
inches; 1S43-1S45. 34. 17 inches; 1847-
1S60, 46.86 inches; 1.890-1S99, 46. Si 1846-1848. The company of sappers,
inches. MS. data furnished by Doctor miners, and pontoniers was created by
Trubv, assistant surgeon, U. .S. Armv. law May 15, 1846, and the recruits as-
(A) sembled at West Point; it left for Mex-
ico Sept. 24, 1846; left the City of Mex-
1838. Sketches of the Nortli River.
ico May 23, and arrived at West Point
New York, W. H. Colyer, 1838. i2mo.
Map. June 22, 1848; its services highly com-
pp. 119.
mended in Report Chief of Engineers,
1839. February 22. The ice in the
1848, pp. 278-281.
river is fast breaking up. MS. letter
of Cadet H. W. Halleck. (A) 1848. June 22. Company A, battalion
of engineers, returned to West Point
1839. Land belonging to the United from Jlexico, and remained there till
States at West Point. 1S39. i pam.
Jan. 18, 1861, when it went to Wash-
O bound. 68 pp. Lithogr. (A) ington; returning Sept. 30, it left to
1840. West Point, or a tale of Treason; join the Army of the Potomac Oct. 30,
an historical drama in 3 acts ... by 1861, leaving a small detachment at
J. Breck, Baltimore, 1S40. i vol. 8°. West Point; Company A returned in; or. Reminis- 1865, and remained till Sept. i, 1867,
cences of West Point. N. Y. Military when a new detachment was formed.
Magazine, vrd. i, (1841), pp. 338, 356, Company E arrived Mar. 3, 1871. Rept.
374- (A) >Supt. U. S. Militarv Academy, 1896,

1841-1880. Officers and members of p. 175- (A I

the West Point Army Mess, from 1S41 1850. Traveller's Railroad and Steam-
to 1880. I pam. O. 1S80. (A) boat Guide to the Hudson River, de-
1841-1902. West Point Army,
scribing the cities, towns, and places
founded Dec. 20, 1841; its history; its of interest along the route. New York,
first home was at the west end of the
Gaylord Watson (1850). O. pp. 50.
old Cadet Mess Hall, where Thayer's 1851. Hudson River and the Hudson
monument now stands; in 1850-51 it River Railroad. New York, Wm. C.
was in the south end of the present ca- Locke & Co. (1851). O. pp. 50.
det mess; in igoi-2 it was in Quarters Map.
Nos. 4 and 6; in 1903 it was in the Wilson's Illustrated Guide to the
newAnny Mess building. Con.stitution Hudson River . . . 12th ed. New
West Point Armv Mess, 1S95, p. T4. York, H.Wilson, Mar. 15, 185 1. i8mo.
(Ai pp. 61, 20.
1844. Guide book to West Point and 1852. The Hudson, illustrated with pen
vicinitv . . . New York, J. H. Colton, and pencil; comprising sketches, local
1844. 'i vol. (A) 8°. and legendary, of its several places of
The road from Fort Putnam de- interest, together with the route to
bouching on the plain near the gym- Niagara Falls. New York, T. W.
nasium of 1903 was built by Major vStrong, 1852. Q. pp. 32.
Delafield in the .spring of 1844. Col- 1856-57. Fort Clinton repaired and
ton's Guide Book, p. 35. (A) restored. Letter book Quartermaster
1845. O'Maher ( Mary Isabel ): Letters U. S. Militarv Academy, November,
from West Point. 1845-1847, i vol., F. 18S9, p. ,85. (A)
(foolscap). MS. (A) 1858, October 13. Company A, Engi-
Panoramic view of the Hudson neer Battalion, arrives from Fort Brid-
River, from Jersey City ... to .\lbany, ger, having marched 1,100 miles in fifty-
and down from Albany to New York, eight days. Papers Essayons Club,
13 feet long. New
York, 1845. viii, p. 3.

1846. May Act of Congress: au-

15. 1860, December 1. Memorandum or-
thorizes a company of engineer troops. der of Superintendent V . S. Military
Bihliograpliy of West Poijii.
Acadenir organizing a light battery of 186-. The Hudson and Northern routes
4 pieces from the Military Academy de- from New York to Montreal. New
tachments of dragoons and artillery. York, N. Y. News Co., 1S6-. i6mo.
Lieutenants ("iriflin, Piijer, Sytnonds, pp. 160.
and \Vel)b; 57 dragoons, 11 artillery 1870, December. E Company, Bat-
men, musician, 69 horses.
i Orders talion of Engineers, ordered from Jeffer-
f. S. Military Academy. .\ ( )
son Barracks to West Point, where it
1861, January 7. Orders No. 3, remained to 1898. In .\pril, 1898, 48
headquarters I". S. Military Academy, men of E Company ordered to Willets
directed a light battery to be organized Point, and 60 men of Company or- A
at West I'oint, and 70 men from tlie cav- dered to West Point. In the same year
alry and artillery detachments joined A Company was .sent to the Philippines
it. On July 4, at Washington, it be- and E Company to Cuba. Hodges:
came D Battery of the Fifth Artillery. Roster of service with engineer troops
Bush (J. C.):' History of the Fifth, and reports Chief of Engineers 1S85-
Artillery, p. 6. (A) 1898. (A)
1864. Battle monument history of — 1870. General Orders,
56, Adjutant-
the project to the dedication of the General's Office. Secretary of War to
site, June 15. 1S64. Oration of Major- transfer 50 captured bronze guns for
General McClellan. Xew York, 1.S64. construction of a monument at West
pam. O.
I ,^9 pp. (A) Point. ( A I

1865, June. company, battalion of

.\ General Orders, 122, Adjutant-
engineers, ordered to West Point, where General's Office. Company E, Bat-
it remained initil Aug. 2, 1S67, when talion of p;ngineers, to be stationed at
it was relieved by a detachment of 50 the U. S. Military Academy. (.\)
men. Hodges: Roster of Service with 1872, July. West
Point, with illustra-
Engineer Troops t'. S. Army (1SS5). tions: in Scribner's Monthly, July,
(A) 1872, pp. 257-284. \.\)
1866. Legends and poetry of the Hud- 1873, February 28. .\ct of Congress:
son. Xew York, P. S. \\'ynckoop & Appropriates j;io,oi:x.> for remodeling
Son, 1S66. sq. i5mo. pp. 87. Battery Knox. \K)
Guide to the Hudson River, by 1874, West Point memoranda, ipam.,
railroad and by steamboat. Albany, 0.,Spp. A) I

F. Munsell, 1S66. i6mo. p. 56. Col-

ored map.
1875, May 15. Act of New York leg-
islature ceding jurisdiction to the
1867, December 14. West Point res- United States. Ditto, Jlay 25, 1876.
er\-ation. Right of way granted by See General Orders, Xos. 27 and 62,
Congress to Hudson River XVest Shore Headquarters U. S. Military Academy,
Railroad. (C) June 7, 1875, and Sept. 27, 1876. (A)
1867. Guide to West Point and the 1875. The Hudson River. V. Illus-
U. S. Military Academy. [By E. C. trated in .•\rt Journal (Xew York),
Boynton.] With maps and engrav- 1875, p. 169. (A I

ings. New York. Van Xostrand, 1867.

1876. Force at West Point, S Military
I vol. O. 105 pp. (A
.\cademy professors; cadets, 290-298.
1868. West Shore Railroad. Supreme Detachment at West Point, 225. Com-
court of Xew York. Y. A. Murdock pilation of Official Documents Illustra-
and W. B. Duncan, etc., v. Hudson tive of the Organization of the Army of
River West Shore Railroad Companj' the L'nited States, 1789-1S96, p. 84.
. amended complaint,
. . pam. O. i
1877. Adjutant-General's Office, Gen-
1 868. (.\) eral Orders 15. Department of
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- Point, how constituted. General Scho-
eral's Office, 52. Act granting right of field to command and to report direct
way acrcss the Government lands at to Adj utant-General A . (

West Point to the Hud.son River West General Orders, 47, Adjutant-Gen-
Shore Railroad Conipan}-. (A) eral's Office. Prescribes the number
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- of enlisted men to compose the West
eral's Office, 60. Act to construct a Point detachment. (A)
wagon road from West Point to Corn- 1878. June 10. The daily consump-
wall Landing, New York. (A) tion of water is less than :oo,ooo gal-
1869. General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- lons. Rept. Board of Visitors, 1S78,
eral's Office, 27. Fixes number of en- p. 470. (A)
listed men of ordnance allowed at the 1878. Historic oration delivered ;it
U. S. Military .\cademy. (
A the decoration of the graves of the

H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2 —vol 2 3

34 Centennial of L 'nitcd States Military Academy.

immortal heroes who lie in the national 26, 1SS9. Purchase of land adjoining
cemetery at that memorable post, on military reservation. (.\)
Decoration Day, May 30, i,S7.S. By 1889, March Congress au-
2. -Act of
JIaj. Henry C. banes, O. pani. New- thorizes purchase of the Kinsley estate,
York, i.SjS. 2 copies. (A) $150, 000. (A)
1879. (Stewart, Maria L.) Our little 1889. Water supply. See Letter book
brown; a poem of West Point quartermaster U. S. Military .Acad-
. . . 1.S79 . . . New York, i.S,Su. i
amy, November, 1889, pp. 85-88. Sew-
pam. bound. O. I A ) erage, pp. S8-92.
ibid., Gas works,
1880, February 17. .\ct of Congress ibid., pp. 92-94. Steam-heating, ibid.,
appropriates money to brinjj the re- pp. 94-96. Fire-alarm, ibid., p. 96.
mains of Gen. Geo. Sykes, U. S. Arnij-, (A)
to West Point. (A) Public buildings described. Let-
1880. .Adjutant-General's Office, Gen«- terbook quarterma.ster U. S. Military
eral Order 84. Gen. O. O. Howard to Academy, November, 18S9, pp. 96-115.
relieve General Schofield in command Officers' quarters described, ibid., pp.
of the Department of West Point. A) ( 1 15-15 1. (Quarters for married enli,sted
1880-1896. Report on the causes of men described, ibid., pp. 151-167.
prevalent malarial fever at West Point. Barracks, ibid., pp. 167-170. Miscel-
Report Board of Visitors 1S96, pp. iK- laneous l)uildings, ibid., pp. 170-191.
3'-'- (A) (A)
1881. Letter on cavalry barracks at 1890, June 20. Act of Congress au-
West Point. Secretar}' .\lexander thorizesthe establishment of a tele-
Ramsey, Feb. 26, iSSi. Sexate Ex. phone system at the (A)
Docs., No. 58, 46th Con.£;., 3d sess. 1890. Water supply of the post. Daily
vol. 3. 2 pp. (C) consumption, 359,000 gallons (winter),
1882-1889. General Order, Adjutant- 247,000 (spring), 296,000 (summer); in
General's Office, 77, 1882; 13, 1889. August, 1S90, 270,000 gallons, or 225
Commandant. (K) per capita. Report Superintendent U.
S. Military Academy, 1890, p. 228. See
1883, Deceinber 24. The .\rniy mess
also pp. 238-240, (A)
incorporated. (A) Point: [a play] showing the
1885-1895. by-laws,
Constitution, vicissitudes of war, the sale of Wtst
and list of officers and members of the Point; trial of Andre, etc.
. . . Writ-
West Point armv mess, i pam. 8°. ten by Leon del Monte. Cincinnati,
1SS5. 1 890. 1895. (A) 1890, I vol. 8°. pp. 106. (A)
1886-1892. Rainfall at old cadet hos- Battle Monument. American Ar-
pital, 47 inches (during?); (1886-92), chitect, No. 781, Dec. 13, 1890; con-
rainfall at new cadet hospital, 51.6 taining on pages 168 and 169 an article
inches; (1886-92), rainfall at Round on the Battle Monument, with illu.stra-
Pond, 53,8 inches. Rept. Supt, U. S. tions. I pam. V. (.\)
Military Academy, 1S92, p. 18. (A) Limits of the cemetery extended
1887. From about 1824 to 1887 the so as to take in the former cadet garden.
control of the hotel was in the hands Rept. Supt. U. vS. ^Military .Vcademy,
of the Superintendent U. S. Military 1891, p. 13. (A)
.\cademy. In 1S87, by direction of the General Order .-Vdjutant-General's
Secretary of War, it was leased for five Office 72. Artillery detachment to be
vears to Mr. .K. H. Cranev rental ( mustered out as artillerymen and re-
13,500). Rept. Supt. U. S.' Military enlisted as army service men in Quar-
.Academy, 1891, p. 11. (A) termaster's Department. (A)
1888, March 12. Great storm, bliz- General Order .Adjutant-General's
zard, at West Point. Snowdrifts cov- Office 85. Army service men in Quar-
ering the fronts of the stone houses of termaster's Department, retention of
professors; leaching to windows of dia- pay. (A)
lectic hall in cadet barracks; closing F'or man}- years the Superintend-
both entrances to sally port of bar- ent of the U. S. Military .Academy has
racks, etc. had under his command at this post a
detachment of 185 enlisted men, 117
1888, September 22. Act of Congress
known asMilitary Academy de-
1'. S.
authorizes the purchase of the Kinsley
tachment of artillery, 68 as U. S. Mili-
tracts to be added to the reservation.
tary .Academy iletachment of cavalry-.
The post quartermaster w-as placed in
1888-1889. General Orders, 75, Ad- command of the former Jan. 2.1, 1889.
jutant-General's Office, 188S; War -Act of Congress June 20, 1890, organ-
Department Circular 3, Dec. i, 1888; ized the artillery detachme.nt into army
BihliograpJiv of West Poi)il. 35
service men. Quartermaster's Depart- 1893-94, fiscal year. .Average strength
ment. Rept. Supt. V. ,S. Military of the connnand: Officers, 53.23; ca-
.\ea(icmy, 1892, p. m. (.\) dets, 275.84: enlisteil men, 337.08; offi-
1890. Songs, West Point .\nny Mess. cers' families, 289; other civilians,
1])am. 8°. 8 ])p. [n. d., about 1890.] 476.08; total, 1,431.23. Rept. .Supt.
(A) V. S. Military .'\cademv, 1894, p. 17.
1890 -91, fiscal year. .Vverage .strength I A )

of the command: Officers, 50; cadets, 1894, June 9. -A .serious fire occurred
261; enli.sted men,
331; civilians, 1,065; ne;ir the gas house. Rept. Board of
total, 1,707. Rept. .Supt. U. S. Mili- X'isitors, p. 61. { .\ )

tary .\cailemy. 1891, p. 22. (.\)

1890-1897. Tillman (S. E.): Notes 1 894-95 , fiscal year. Average strength
on chemical analysis of water at West of the comnumd: Officers, 52. So; ca-
Point. I vol. (A) dets, 287.70; enlisted men, 333.52; ci-
vilians, officers' families, 210; other
1891-92, fiscal year, .\verage daily civilians. 443: total, 1,327.02. Rept.
strength of the connnand: Officers, .Supt. U. ]\Iilitarv Acadeuiv, 1895,
.S. p.
52.67; cadets, 272.50; enlisted men, 14. (A)
348.08; civilians, 673; total, 1,346.25.
Rept. Supt. V . S. Military Academy, 1894-1897. Battle Monument. Min-
1S92, p. 27. (A) utes of meetings of building connuit-
tee of Battle Monument. Prof. C. W.
1892, March 17. The Robinson House Larned, secretary. West Point, 1894-
(headquarters in the Highlands) was 1S97. I vol. 8°. MS. (A)
<lestrnyed )iy fire Mar. 17. 1892.
1894-1899. General Orders, .-Vdjutant-
1892, November 5. "A resident of General's Office, 37, 1894; 37, 1S99.
Point who has no other qualification as Number of army service men in Quar-
a resident of the State except such as termaster's Department allowed. (A)
he gets from residence there is not a
resident of the State and is not quali- 1895, January 16. .\ct of Congress
fied to vote. Since the State of New provides that the enlisted strengtli of
York has ceded to the United States the army service and of the cavalry
the territory comprising the West Point iletachments shall not exceed 215. (.A)
reservation, reserving nothing except 1895, January 16. .\ct of Congress
the right to serve process therein, such authorizes to be procured architects'
territory has ceased to be subject to plans for new library, new organ for the
State jurisdiction or to be a part of the chapel, etc., V. S. Military .Academv.
( Matter of Town of Highlands,
State. '
( A )

48 N. Y. vState Reporter, 795; 22 N. Y.

Supp., 13S. ) The judge states in the 1895, June 30, to 1896, June 30.
opinion that he has decided two other Mean strength of the command; Offi-
cases on this same point the first, that — cers, 50.83; cadets, 296.77; enlisted men,
the a,ssessors of the town of Highlands 330.78; civilians (officers' families, etc. ),
had no jurisdiction over laiuls at West 300; civilians (soldiers' families, etc. I,
Point; the second, that a .State court 481.61; total, 1,459.98. Rept. Supt.
had no jurisdiction to entertain a suit U. S. Militarv Academy, 1S96, p. 187.
to foreclose a mortgage upon propertv (A)
at West Point. E. S. D. See also
( ) 1895-1899. Guard, police, and fire
this catalogue June 25, 1796. regulations. Pam. O. \ \)
1892-93, fiscal year. .\ verage strength 1896, May. The battle monument
of the command: Officers, 52.59; ca- completed. Work on Memorial Hall
dets, 259.43; enlisted men, 326.03; offi- begun January, 1.896. Rept. Supt. U. S.
cers' families, 197; other civilians, 476; Military .Academy, 1S96. p. 8. (.A)
total, I, -511. 05. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
tarv' Academy, 1893, P- 'S- (A) 1896-1897, fiscal year. .\verage
.strength of the command: Officers,
1893. New gas plant provided. Rept. 51.50; cadets, 29S.5S; enlisted men,
Board of Visitors, p. 21. (.\) 325.44; civilians (officers' families,
Army Officers' Athletic Associa- etc.), 164.25; other civilians, 511.50;
tion. Constitution, by-laws, reports, total, 1,351.27. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
and of members. .\unual report
I tary Academy, 1897, p. 14. (.\)
to.) 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901.
1897, BattleMonunient. Brewer, Jus-
(A) tice D. J. .Address ... at the dedi-
1893, July 24. Cavalrymen and engi- cation of the Battle Monument, West
neers fight at Cranstons. N. Y. Times, Point, N. Y., May 31, 1897. U. S. M.
p. 5, col. 6. A. Press, 1S97. i pam. O. (.A)
Centnuiial of Umicd States Military Academy.
Monument Association, to C Company, and authority
1897. Battle
given to organize Company at West M
i8q7 Minutes of meetings of building Point which was done. General
committee, 1S97. West Point. 1S97. No. 22, Adjutant-General's
I O.
vol.(MS.) (A)
Office, 1901. l--^)
Constitution and by-laws, West
190 1 . Post library ( for soldiers founded )

Point Golf Club. pani. 8°. 1897. from

by order of the'Superintendent

(A) overflow from U. S. Military Academy

News of the Highlands
1897-1902. library. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
( weekl V newspaper ) .
contains a column Academy, 1902. (A)
referring to West Point. (A) List of cemetery interments to
1898 Battle Monument. Larned, Prof cember, 1901. MS.' I vol. S°. (A)
Historv of the Battle Monument
C \V
with a list of the 1902 April. C Company, Battalion of
at West Poin't Engineers, was transferred from West
. . .

names of those inscribed upon Point to Port Leavenworth, most of
commemorated by it West Point
men remaining in the West Point de-
. . .

N. Y.,1898. I vol. O. 237 pp. tachment General Orders.No. 34, Adju-

General Order Adjutant-General's tant-General's Office, 1902), which was

Office, 103. Erection of building at organized Apr. 24, T902 Special Orders,

West Point for religious purposes. (A) No. 6, Headquarters V. S.


1899, September 4. E Company, Bat- Academy, 1902). (A)

Engineers, returns to West
talion of 1902, August 22. Methods for de-
Point (its designation changed
to M stroying mosquitoes adopted.
Company). (A) I No. '50. (A)
1900, June 6. Act of Congress 1902, December 22. The enlisted
new offi-
strength of the Engineer Detachment

priates #78,999 for building

of Mar 2

cers' mess and quarters; act at West Point is 88— S

sergeants, 8 cor-
1 901,
further appropriates 129,960. (A) po.rals, 36 first-class privates, 36
Act of Congress appropriates pay class privates.
artillery detachment, U. vS.
for the 1902. Report on the trees of the reser-
Military Academy. [Up to this time vation, made by an expert from
the Bu-
the work had been done by men
of the (A)
reau of Eorestry, United States.
cavalrv detachment who received ,
Fort Putnam: Plan to restore it p
pay,]' (A) Report of the American Scenic and His-
1900, July 24. E Company, Battalion toric Preservation Society
for 1902, p.
of Engineers, leftWest Point for the (A)
Philippines and was replaced by a de-
(Buildings of the new post.)
tachment (later increased to 50 men)

from Willets Point. M Company was Earned, Prof. C. W., U. S.
organized from this detachment Academy. Report upon the reorgani
Vv'hen C Company returned
old E I
zation of the plant of the U. S.
Company) it was sent to West Point Academy, accompanied by estimate,
map, and drawings. West Point, N.
(Dec 24 1901) and M Company
MS. letter from 1902. I vol. 8°. 24 pp. and atlas f .

sent to Washington.
I.ieut. W. B. Ladue. (A) (A)
1900. Tripp. W. H.: Guide to West Designs for the new post and acad-
Point and the U. S. Military Academy emvbyCram, Goodhue, and Perguson.
West Point (1900). i pam. O. ///'Architectural Review, July, 1903.

(A) pis. (A)

Memorialtablets of the Revolu- Latitude of old observatory N. +
tionary and Spanish-American wars Longitude of oldobserva-
di° 23' 31"
presented by the New Latitude of
fin chapel] . . .
tory W. +
4" 55'" 49-33'.
York Daughters of the Revolution, new observatory N. 41° ^3' "-l' + •

with address bv Professor Michie. Longitude of new observatory W.

i -4- 4
pam. 8°. (A) 55" 50.55'-
1901, February 26. The designation Views on the Hudson. L. and
of E Company, Battalion of
Engmeer.s pis.
N. Y., Nelson (n. d.), p. '5. 12
(then in the Philippines) was changed
1779? "Military Committee 25: S21.
1778-1783. West Point at the time Chevaux de frise, battery, and chains
Revolution, redrawn from Bar-
of the Hud.son River between
In Brooks: to obstruct the
ber's Historical Collection. and Butter Hill. Am.
(A) Breakneck
Henry Knox, p. 158.
Vieius of IVcsi Point. 37
Photo. Lithogr. Co., New York." ings on the Hudson. Published in
Paris, lithogra]>h in Mag. .\mer. Hist.,
1780. A view of West Point on Hud- vol. 18 ( i887),p. gi. [Battalion in col-
son's River, by Major I/Knfant, engi- unm of four companies.] {h.)

neer. 796x15a""". Legend: " .\ view 1826. General

the military view of
of Point," etc. I'rontispiecc to .school. From J. Mil-
West Point, 1826.
Boynlon's Ili.'itory of West Point. ( k )
bert's Itineran Picturesque Drawings
Steel engraving. "West
Point, on tin- Hud.son. Published in Paris,
with its fortifications, etc., in 17S0." lithograph /// Mag. .\mer., vol.
" Drawn an<l engraved by J. SniilHc 18 ( 1S87 1, p. 90. (A)
from tlie original drawing made in 1826, about. View from F'ishkill Land-
1780 by L'Enfant, engineer U. S. ing looking to West Point (No. 15 of
Army." View from hill, directly cast the Hud.son River portfolio), by W. tL
from Garrison's station. New York. Wall, engraved by L. Hill. Size, 20x26
G. P. Putnam. (A) inches. Lent bv.Association of (Gradu-

encampment ates.
1780? View of the at )

West Point, being No. 544 of the in- 1828, May 13. Colored engraving
ventory of President Washington's drawn by C't. Catlin. "To the cadets
library. [Possibly this is a cop}' of of the West Point Military .Academy
Major L'Enfant's drawing.] this print is respectfully dedicated by
1782. View of Starkean Hall, erected their friend and servant, Geo. Catlin."
at West Point for Masonic meetings. Showing the general parade, looking
MS. ... in Washington's headquar- north, and the Hudson River to New-
ters, Newburgh, N. V. burgh, with the battalion at parade
close in front of the Superintendent's
1783. Copperplate engraving "H. Liv-
quarters. The battalion lias two colors,
ingston del," entitled "West Point
one blue, the other white. (

viewed from the north as it appeared

at the close of the war," from the New- Colored engraving drawn by G.
York JIagazine, given as a frontispiece Catlin. "To the cadets of the West
to Fcurtli Annual Reunion of the -As- Point Military .Academy this print is
sociation of Graduates L'. S. Military respectfully dedicated by their friend
Academy, June 12, 1.S73. Copy in and servant, Geo. Catlin." Showing
Barber's Hist. Coll., New York, p. 272. the general jjarade looking from the
(A) iiortli bv Wood's monument; the cadets

1800. " West Point on Hudson River." at artillery drill. (.A)

Water-color picture. 12x16 inches. 1828? "Plain of West Point

at the
"Purchased in London in 1901, where" A lithograph in
itwas represented as having been done black from a drawing by J. Milbert.
by an English officer about iSuo. Pre- Size, 14.XII. Looking north over the
sented to the Library I'. ,S. Military plain. Ill Library of Congress.
Academy, We,st Point, N. Y., by S. P.
.\very." Framed in the librar}'. (A) 1828, about. Oil painting byG. Catlin,
" Fort Put- showing the parade ground, U. ,S. Mili-
1811. Mezzotint by ?
Uiry .Academy, and the .Academy build-
nam, West Point." Lookingnorth. O.
ing and barracks. Looking south.
F'ramed. .A photographic copy of this
Mezzotint by " F'ort Clin-
? is owned by the Army and Navy Club,
ton, West Point." Looking south. Washington. .A) (

O. (A)
" Military Oil painting, by G. Catlin. show-
1820. Academy, West Point, ing the parade ground, U. S. Military
N.Y." Copperplate, 80x1641""'. (,\na- Academy and the view up the Hud.son.
lectic Magazine, n. s., vol. 2, p. 171.)
Looking north. Framed. A photo-
View of the buildings, the battalion at
graphic copy of this is owned by the
drill. Wood's monument in center of
the parade, a cadet officer.
Army and Navy Club, of Washington.
1826. No. 16 of the Hudson River port- The two following lithographs in
folio.Painted by W. G. Wall. En- a volume in Library of Congress: " Iti-
graved by L Hall. Colored print. .\ neraire pittoresque du fieuve Hudson
copy framed in library. (.\) . .il'apres les des,sins originaux pris

snr les lieux par J. Millert. Chez

Military School, West Point, vol.
Henry Gaugain et Cie, editeurs."
2,p.37oof ? Steel plate 5l4'x7'4 .
" General view of the Military School,
West Point." Lithographed in black.
Plain of West Point. Sketched Looking south from cemetery. No
at the moment of exercises, 1826. From hotel shown. .About 14x11. /// Li-
J. Milbert's Itineran Picturesque Draw- brary of Congress.
38 Ccii/n/N/a/ of lUiilcd States Militaiy Academy.
1830. Copperplate engraving at the 1836. Steel engraving, 6 '2 xg, "painted
base of a topograpliical map of West by Robert W. Weir, engraved by James
Point, by T. B. Brown. 1830. (A) Smillie, view of the Hudson Highlands
1830, about. Lithograph, io;^xi5 from West Point. Painted and en-
from a drawing by S. Eastman.
iiKlies, graved for the New York Mirror,
Lithograph by Pennington, View of TS36." (A) Point from Washington Valley. 1837, about. Steel engraving by R.
(Lent by .Association of Graduates.) Young from an original bj' W, H. Bart-
lett, "The tomb of Kosciusko." Look-
1831, November 15. Steel engraving,
West Point.
4'4'x6'4, Military School, ing from road in rear of
London. Engraved and printed by Cadet Encampment. London, Geo.
Fenner Sears & Co. Facing p. 492, Virtue, 1S37. (>. Should be entitled
Vol. II, Hinton's Hist, and Topog. "Monument to Kosciusko." [Other
U. S. {.W copies, London, 183S.] (.A)

From same original: J. .\rcher,sc. 1839, about. Steel engraving by G. R.

5'4X7|<. Same title. (A^ Ricliardson from an original bv W. H.
Bartlett, "Crow Nest from Bull Hill."
1831. West Point from Phillipstown.
Looking south and showing U. S. Mili-
To Col. S. Thayer, Superintendent of
tary Academv. London, Geo. \"irtue,
the U. S. Military Academy . . . this
1839. O. (.A)
print is respectfully inscribed by
his obedient .servant, W. J. Bennett. 1840, View from West Point Hud.son (

Chromo-lithograph. Painted and en- River). In .American

177.x 118""".
graved by [W. J. B.], colored by Hill, Scenery. From drawings by W. H.
published by Parker Clover, New- & Bartlett. The literary department by
York. 16x22. Presented by (louver- N. P. Willis. Q. London, G. Vir-
neur Kemble III. (A) tue, 1S40. Vol. I, p. 6. In Library of
1832, about. Two small woodcuts after
Catlin'soil paintings, on pp. 483-484 of 1840-41. Building for the library and
Political Geographv: Book of the United apparatus of the Military
States. .Academy, con.structed from the designs
of Major Delafield. Colored litho-
1834., West Point, N.Y.
graph. Frontispiece to catalogue of
J. Archer, .sc, 200X 13S""". [/?/ Hinton
the Library, U. S. Military Academv.
(J. H.); The history and topography 1S59. (A)'
of the United States. New ed. 4°.
Boston, Sanmel Walker, 1834. Vol. 2. 1841, October 1. View from West
opp. p. 270.] This is a steel engraving Point,on the Hudson. Steel engrav-
looking from the cemetery toward the ing, 4>2 X634;, by J. T. Wilmore, after
plain and showing the old buildings. T. Creswick. View up the river from

/;/ Library of Congress. hotel veranda,

Steel engraving, 5 .x 9, "Washing- 1841-1855. Water color sketch, by
ton's headquarters, Newburgh, N. Y.: Lieut. R. S. Smith, from the northeast
Robt. W. Weir, piuxt.; James Smillie, tower of the lilirarv building looking
sculpt.: painted and engraved for the north. The date is after 1S41; prob-
New York Mirror, 1834." (A) ably soon after. Size about 14.x 10
[.A less brilliant print from the
inches. In the possession of New-
same original, published by Lewis P. lands. (.A)

Clover, iSo Fulton street. New York, 1848 (about). View of West Point, U.
1834.] Both /;/ Librarv of Congress. S. M. A. Painted by Robert Havell,
"West Point from above Wash- from Fort Putnam [looking northeast].
ington Valley, looking down the river. Colored lithograph, 16 x 24 inches.
Published by Parker & Co. New . . .
1850 ? Three steel engravings of views
York. Entered according to act of of the Hudson River near West Point.
Congress . 1S34
. .
." .Colored
(U.S. Coast Survey ? 1S50?) 90x350°'"'.
lithograph, 20x24 inches. " Painted by Framed. (.A)
Geo, Cooke, engraved by W. J. Ben- 1853. View .southward from the library,
nett." Framed in library U. S. Mili- 1S53. Photograph from a jiaper nega-
tary .Academy. .A ( tive (13x16 in. ). ( .A)
Perspective \-iew copperplate and
( ) 1853 ? Viewof U. S. Military .Academy.
planoftheacadeniic building. E. Prud- Painted by Robt. Harell from Fort
liomme, sc; folding sheet. Q. (A) Putnam. The class of 1853. Auto-
1835. Cadets' encampment. Drawn graphs. Large sheet. See album U. S.
by S, Eastman, Lithograph of Endi- Military .Academy. (.A)
cott, New York,
1S35. Picture. 28x17 1855 ?
[View] 4"4'x6.'4:. [/;/ Dana
inches. Framed in library U. S. Mili- ( Charles .A. ) : The United States illus-
tary Academy. (A) trated. Edited bv Charles A. Dana.
Viczi's of IJ^rs/ Point.
2 vols, in I. 4°. New York, H. J. 1883, after. Folio atlas of views arto —
Meyer (1S55?). Vol. 1. p. 39.] In types of West Point. Extracted from
Library of Congress. Catalogue of Homes on the Hnd.son.
1856, about. Cadets serving the guns .Artotype Pidj. Co., New York. (.\)
of the scacoast battery before 1856. 1885. Chromo-lithograph, 24 x 341;
Stereoscopic slide on glass. (A) inches, of West Point seen from tlie east
1856. Steel engraving, 4's x 5V. "K. shore. Andrew Melrose, del. Framed
Walker -West I'oint-McRae." l'"roni in lii)rary.
Fort Putnam. Cadets encamped. y\) 1887. [Album Photogravures.] West
1857 ? Three photographs of West Point Military Academy. Photos and
Point, 10 X 12: a shows Fort Clinton drawings by S. R. Stoddard. New-
in process of reconstruction;b shows York, Hart &
Stoddard, 1SS7. i vol.
ordnance laboratory, etc.; c .shows (A)
8°, obi.

north dock with siege battery of 4 1890-91. Thirteen photographs of the

guns. (A) progress of the gymnasium. 1S90-1S91.
1860. [Many views in Farley (J. P.): iS X 10 inches and 10 .x 12 inches. In
West Point in the earlv sixties. wrapper. ) ( .-V

(I9i>2i.] (A) 1892. Sketch of the Battle monument.

1860-1880. Photographs. 127 num- In Rept. Supt. U. S. Militarv Academv
bers bound in 2 vols., O, obi. About 1S92, p. iS. (A)
i86o-iSSo. [Landscapes, houses, camp- 1896. [Album Photogravures.] New
life pictures, etc.] (.-\) York, .\. Whittenian, 1S96. i vol.,

1862. The ^Mountain Spring near Coz- obi. y. i.\l

zen's Dock, West Point. Chromolith- 1900-1901. Photograph of the tem-

ograph; II X15 W. F. F. Palmer, del. porary library, first floor. Academic
Currier & Ives, New York, lith. (A) building. East and west rooms, igtio-
U. S. aiilitary Academy, West 1901. I sheet ( 17 X 31 inches). (A)
Point, from the opposite shore. Chro- 1902. Fifty gelatin prints [mo.stly
molithograph, 1 X isK- F- F- Palmer,
1 views], 32 leaves. New York, West
del. Currier & Ives, New York, lith. Point Book Co. Obi. 4°.
(A) 1902. (West Point and vicinity.)
The Hudson, from West Point \'iew of Stony Point from Verplanck's
grounds, or the U. S. Military Academy. Point. The Hudson River from Ocean
Chromolithograph, 11 x I5K- F- F- to Source, p. 306. (A)
Palmer, del. Currier& Ives, New York, 1903. (West Point and vicinity.)
lith. Looking north from Trophv View of the Highlands between garri-
Point. (.A) son and Cold .Spring. Journal of Silas
Cozzen's Dock, West Point. Constant, p. 420. (A)
Chromolithograph. 1 X i5",. F. F. 18 —
? Point after the painting Ijy
Palmer, del. Currier & Ives, New Robert Weir. Reproduced /;/ The
York, lith. (A) Hudson River from Ocean to Source,
1867, about. "West Point on the Hud- P- 372- (A)
son," after A. L. Miller; published by
Edmund Foerster & Co., 15 N. William
? Lithograph. 5x7
" Tond) of Kosciusko at North Point,
street. New York, 1S67. View from New York." [sic]. Cadet on guard
Garrison Ferry landing, showing U. S. below the monument. (A)
Military Academy buildings. Colored
Steel engraving.
? 3?^ x 4Ji. S.
lithograph, about 20 x 16. /// Library
\'. Hunt,
sc. Copy of W\ H. Bartlett's
of Congress.
painting. (A)
1869. Steel engraving by S. V. Hunt,
? engraving.
Steel d,% x k%.
from a painting by Harry Fenn, "West
"West Point (Hudson): Drawn after
Point and the Highlands." Looking
north from the siege batterv. New
nature for the proprietor, Herrmann J.
Meyer." (A)
York, D. .Appleton '& Co., 1S69. O.
? Steel engraving. " Drawn on
the spot " for H. J. Meyer. " Monu-
1870, about. Oil ])ainting of view-
looking north. Autnnm coloring. By ment of Cosciusco. " Looking north.
Prof. R. N. Weir. (Iwned bv Gen. C. F. (A)
Roe. ? engraving.
Steel 4^5 x 6^4^.
1870, about. painting of view
Oil "James Smillie West Point
D. —
looking north. By Prof. R. N. Weir; James Smillie." (A)
owned by the iSIis,ses Weir. ? Steel engraving. 4x6 inches.
1875. In The Kxi. Journal, New York, Das Grab Cosciusco's zu W'est Point
vol. I, p. 169. (A) am Hudson, Verein. Staaten.
f (A) )
40 Coitcniiial oj United Slates Militarv Acadoiiv.

18 — ? de Kosciusco.
Jardin Copper "The Tomb of Kosciusko." Looking
plate 4x6.
Headinj;: Etats-l^nis, Es- northeast from near road in rear of
tados ITnidos 6i.. Vanderburch del.; cadet encampment. 2 copies. Ex-
Ales sc. ( A ) tracted from Evans: Memoir of Kos-
View from West Point looking up
ciusko, p. 12. (A)
the Hudson. \'ignette 4x6 from an 18 ? —Steel engraving by R. Wallis,
8° book. Copperplate. (A) after an original by W.' H. Bartlett.
? Lithograph. 7 x gV West Point "View from West Point." Looking
from the east bank of the Hudson. (A) north. O. (A)
Steel engraving. 4;?;^ x 7 \i inches.
? ? A colored lithograph showing
West Point, engraved expressly for the the U. S. Military Academy taken from
Ladies' Repository bv W. Well- . . .
the east .side of theHud.son.' Ferryboat,
stood, from an original drawing by West Point, hotel, and river in the fore-
C. W. Tice. (A) ground. 16 X 2u.

View from West Point looking up

? Lieut. Col. .\lex. R. Thomp-
the Hudson. Print 434^ x3?4f. From a son's monument, Point ceme-
copperplate owned by J. O. Wright & tery. I lithogr. picture. xbYz'x.YZ
New inches. (A)
Co., 6 East Fortv-second street, W'
York City. {
? 1,107 photographs of landscapes,
? Sie Old China ( a magazine ) , vol. houses, etc., at West Point, [n. d.,
I, No. 8, May, 1902, p. 720, for notice 18 — 14x11 inches. Very many du-

of 3 pieces of china decorated with plicates.] 127 numbers of these are

views of Point. (A) bound in two albums. (A)
? Steel engraving b)' R. Sands, ? Two hundred and twentv-nine
from an original by W. H. Bartlett. .stereo.scopic views (New York, Pach)
"View from Fort Putnam." Looking in j^aper box. 4x8.xy '. inches. Many
north. Extracted from Memoir of duplicates. A large collection of 8x 10
Kosciuszko (Evans), iSSS, p. 10. (.\.) prints, b}' Pach, mounted, purchased
? Bacon E. M.) The Hudson ( in 1903. (A)
River from Ocean to Source. About 1 See West Point Howitzer for
loo views of the river .scenery, etc. different years, especially i8g6; re-
New York, 1902. i vol., O. ports of Superintendent U. ,S. Military
? Steel engraving by R. Wallis, Acadeni)'; reports of Boards of Visitors,
after an original by W. H. Bartlett. U. S. Military Academy. (A)

M.\I'S OK WEST POINT -\Nri VICINITY, 1769-19112.

1769. Map of lot No. 2, Philipse Lieut. John Hills; p. 365, another
patent (now Cold Spring on Hudson), such plan. (A)
made by Daniel Lambert. Journal of 1776. "Misc. Papers in Secretary of
Sila.s Con.stant, p. 414. (A) State's Office, .\lbany. 34. 195. Plan
1775, September. By Col. Bernard of Fort Montgomery, drawn by Colo-
Romans iii .\nier. Archives, vol. 3, nel Parker, 1776." Lithograph. 7|<
P- 735- (
1 ) Map of the Hudson from X 10.
Cro' Nest to lona Island; (2) works Map, re<luced from a British map
built and to be built at Constitution of showing the country from
Island; (3) ditto, 2 .sketches; (4) plan Staten Island to Yonkers and the chain
of chief work. N. B. There was a across the Hudson at F'ort Washington.
landing at West Point near the present Lodge's Story of the Revolution, vol.
South Dock. (A) I, p. 186. {k)
1775-1777. Constitution Island cop- 1776-1783. Operations militaires Sur
per plate map, 5 x 7 '4 inches. Legend: r Hud.son /// vie, correspondance et
" Map of Fort Constitution, MarteUer's ecrits de Washington par M. . . .

Rock, opposite West Point, 1775-6-7; C'juizot. .Vtlas, plate 18 Paris, 1840, 170
compiled from Amer. Archives." In .K 190 """.

Bovnton's Historv of West Point, p. 27. 1777, October 6. Plan of forts Clin-
( A') ton and Montgommery [sic], .stormed
1776. Map of Constitution I.sland with Oct. 6, 1777, by the troops under Lord
its works. Winsor's Narr. and Crit. Hen. Clinton. In Andre's Journal,
Hist, of America, vol. 6 p. 32,5. On vol. I, p. 108. .Scale, 2.37 inches I =
p. 324 is a plan of Fort Montgomery mile. Facsimile; reduced slightly. (A)
(1776) and of the chain there; on p. Plan of the attack of the forts
363, plan of the attack on forts Clinton Clinton and Montgomer}- by ...
and Montgomery (Oct. 6, 1777) by John Hills, lieutenant Twenty-third
Maps of U'rs/ Poii/t. 41

regiment. London, published hy Wil- (Copied from the original in the Na-
liam I'aden, geographer to the King, tional Library. Paris. F'ramed in ) (

June I, 17S4. Colored lithograph. offices of the .^.ssociation of Graduates

Scale, 3 inches = mile: size, 21 x 26i V. S. Military .Academy). (A)
inches. /)i X. V. Hist. Soc. Plioto- 1779. Plan of the of Stony
gra])liic copy frame owned by Li-
in Point by a detachment of the .American
brary at Military .\cademy. (.\) -Army, connnanded by Brigadier-Gen-
1777, October 7. Map, 5 x Sf,, of eral Wayne on the 15th of July, 1779
forts Clinton and Jlontgomerv and the . . from the surveys of William Simp-

liritisli attack upon them.

' Litho- son, beutenant Seventeenth Regiment,
graph of R. H. Pease, .Vlbany," n. d. etc. London, ])rinted for William
1777. IMa]) "from Obstructions to Nav- Faden . . . Mar. i, 1784. [Two copies
igation of the Hudson River by E. M. in the .State Library, .Albany, N. Y].
Ruttenber" [Haverstraw to Newburgh; The country west
of Hudson's 01
lithograph. 6'< x io,'<; topography North River occupied by the American
indicated.] ( .\ ) army under Wa.shington, from a niami-
1777-1780. JLS. maps by Robert Er.s- seript map drawn for Lord .Stirling in
kine, V. R. S., geographer to the .\rmy 1779. Scale, about 3 inches to lo miles.
of the United States, at X. Y. Hist. Soc. Re])roduced as a steel engraving facing
Nos. I, (2), 3, (4), 5, 7, 36,93 20 sheets, = p. 10 of Evans' Memoir of Kosciuszko,

(94), no, (129), and perhaps others

1 (A)
refer to West Point and vicinity. Map of West Point made by Ko.s-
in ( ) are now Xo. (129) referre<l ciuszko in 1779. Facsimile. ///Guide
to Moore's land at West Point. to West Point (Boynton), p. 10. (X)
1778. Westchester County, N. Y., an<l .\ plan of West Point (sketched
vicinity, from the MSS. surveys by from the Moses Greenleaf Papers, Mass.
Robert Erskine, F, R. S. geographer Hist. .Soc, and reproduced 130X 145""" —


to the .-Vrniy of the United States, 77S- 1 Win.sor's Xarr. and Crit. Hist, of

1780 . .[Copperplate, 6 'j xS'/^,

. -America, vol. 6, p. 451). (.A)
.showing the country from .Staten Island Outline map of Hud,son River
to Norwalk Conn., and to Fishkill, Highlands. (Compiled) /'// Carring-
N. Y.] (A) ton: Washington the Soldier, p. 254.
1778-1780. "Westchester County, (A)
X. Y., and vicinity, from the M,SS. 177—. [ IManof Webb'sredoubt.Williss,
surveys of Robert Erskine, F. R. S., Fort Putnam, and Fort Clinton. Anon-
geographer to the .\rmy of the United ymous. IM.S. 4 X 5.] /// Library of
States, [77S-1780. Copied from the Congress.
original l)e Witt maps, vol. i, Xo. 66)
1 780. Map of the west side of the Hud-
in the po.ssession of the X. Y. Hist. Soc. sonRiver. Copperplate. Scale, iinch =
and now engraved." /// Irving's I nule: map 5 x 7!^^ inches. Legpnd:
Washington, vol. 2, p. 226. (A) " Map of the west side of the Hudson
1779. April 25. Legendof a map made River; copy from the original of Major
bv Colonel Ko.scius?.ko, mentioning all Villefranche." /// Bo\'nton's Historv
the Ijuildings on the pest. (The map of West Point, p. 43. '(\)
is not copied. McDougall, MSS.
A (
"Outline Map of Hudson River
1779, June 9. Sketch of the rebel Highlands." Carrington's Battles ///
works at West Point as taken from the of the .American Revolution, 1775-1781,
de.scription of them given by a deserter p. 512. 120 .X 196""". (.A)
who came to Stony Point, June 9, 1779. Copperplate Plan des forts, bat- '

M.S. [anonymous] 85-2 x 15. Originals teries, et poste de West Point, 17S0."
in Library of Congress. Photographic Legend: "A, magazin . . . N, Ecole
cop)' in Library U. S. Military du G^nie S, I5ibliotheque
. . . . . . U
Academv. See Coll. X. Y. Hist. Soc, Laboratoire." Scale, 1.75 inches= 290
1875, p. >«. (A) toises. This is the fronti-spiece to F.
1779, July 16. Sketch of Stony and Barbe-Marbois: Complot d'.Arnold . . .

Verplanck's points an<l of the disposi- contre les Etats-Unis d'.Amerique . . .

tion of C.eneral Wa^-ne's troops. Life Paris, I vol., 1S16. 8°. 110x153""".
of General Hull, p. 159. (\) (A)
1779. Map (plan) of West Point and Topographical map of West Point.
the roads to it from the South with — Copperplate. inches= Scale, 2.75
the Hudson River from Stony Point to I mile; map 394x292""". Legend:
West Point redrawn in ink. Scale, " Plan of West Point, copied from the
1.65 inches = i mile. Map, 23', x 34 original map of Major Villefranche,
inches. Legend: "Joint a la depeche engineer." /;/ Boyntou's Historv of
de Mr. Geraud le 19 Juillet, 1779." West Point, p. 87. (A)
Coiifiiiiial of I ^tu'/cil States Military Academv.
1812. Copperplate. Scale, inch =
•Operations on the Hudson

Sochains; map, 5x7)4^ inches. Legend:
River' [showinK the country along the \

river from Tarr'ytown to Newbnrgh].

"Map accompanying the report, 1812.
loS. References: i. Fort Clinton," etc. /;/
/;; Irving's Washington, IV, p.
Boynton's History of West Point, p.
II.' (.•\)
"Map showing the scene of Ar- Map of "West Point, N. Y.,
nold's treason." In Lossing's Field 1815.
Book of the Revolution, p. 148. Size,
west of tTreenwich. Cadet John A.
2 X 3 inches. Scale, 9 miles to inch.
',4' 1

[New York, 1S59.] (A) Webber, U. S. Service, 1815." Pencil

drawing. MS. in N. Y. Hist. Soc.
A map of the east side of the
Copv bv Capt. H. C. Smither, U. S.
North River, done in consequence of .\rniy, owned by library U. S. Military
orders from His I^xcellency General Academy. (.\)
Washington IJobbs Ferry to iMsh-
of the country round

kill). Copied in vSargent's Life of 1821. .\ survey

\\'estPoint and of a projected road for
Andre, p. 303. (.•\)
the communication from that plice
1780. about. Villefranche, Major: Plan with New York and the countr\- west
of West Point, n.d. (about 1780.) i

of the North River, by Major Pcrrault,


sheet, 22 X 31 inches. In frame. Pre-

Pen and ink topography; scale,

sented to the U. S. Military Academy by

4.25 iuches=i mile. MS. Historical

James H. Castle, of the city of Philadel- notes on the margin by Lieut. F. J. D.
phia, Pa., 1852. (A)
Kinsley.) (A)
1781. Plan de West Point leve a vue. 1825?-i829.? map of
235 X 165""". [In magazine of Ameri- 226 feet to one
West Point.
caii history. Edited by John Austin 14x20 inches. Litho-
inch; map,
vStevens. 4°. New York, iSSo. Vol. 4. graphed bv T. B. Brow^n, U. S. Army.
p. 3"-l.] (Al Imbert'sLith. Press, New York. Leg-
1781-82. [Plan of the camp of the

end Gives the quarters and buildings


combined American and French armies on the post and their occupants. One
on Hudson River, near Uobbs Ferry, i
copy framed in the library; one copy
17S1-82. Copv from the original in a '

fraiiied in offices of the Association of

MS. journal of a French officer, by Graduates, U. S. Military Academy.
Prof. W. W. Bailey.] MS. (A) (A)
1783. Sketch of Point. 17S3. 1830. West Point, 1830. T.B.Brown,
MS. [anonymous]. 13x22. Original del. W.P.; E. Prud'homme, sc. New-
in Library of Congress. Photographic York; Valentine, printer. 7>^x6.
copvinlibrarvU. S. Military Academy. [N. (Topographical.)
p., 1830.]
(A)' Topography of West Point [U. S.
.Surveyed a coup d'oeil the 24 M.A.,iS32]. Copperplate. 200x150"""
Oct., laid down the 27 Oct., 1783, by [probably a cop\- of the preceding].
John Hinncks. MS. 23x19 [1783]- 1831. Copperplate topographical map
TsIoTE.— Drawn in pencil. Numbered I

by J. W. Bailey (Professor) U. S. Mil- ,

in pencil " 153." /" Library of Con- itary Academy. /" the drawing acad-

gress. Photographic copy in U. S. '

eniy, U. S. Military Academy.

Military Academy. ( .\
Constitution Island: .Surveyed

Same. West Point [by Hinncks. and draw^n bv Lieutenant Eastman, U.

S. Army, 1836 (scale, about 400
MS. anonymous. 2oxi8,'4. 17S3?].
Note. — Drawn with pen and ink. inch). 'Lithograph, 12x18. (A)
Numbered in pencil " I54." ^>' I^'"
1837, about. Fort Putnam, West
brary of Congress. Point. Topographical map. In East-
1805-1807. [The date is between man (S. ): Treatise on Topographical
1805 and 1807.] MS. map, 9,'-^xi5 Drawing (1837). pi. n. (A)
inches. Legend: "Map of a wall to 1839, Parmenter's survey
April 6.
enclose West Point, projected by Maj. platted. Rept. Board of Visitors, U.
William A. Baron and surveyed by A. S. Military Academv, 1S84,
last page.
Macomb, captain of Engineers." Cul- (-'V)
lum]\ISS.,U.S. Jlilitary.^cademy. (.A.)
1839. Copperplate. Scale, i inch =
1812, January 22. Map of the ])ul)- 50 chains; map 5 >< 7/4 inches. Legend;
lic lands at West Point, Jan. 22, 1812; "Survey of the United States lands at
Robert (Reuben?) Hopkins, surveyor. West Point, 1839." In Boynton's His-
Original in vol. 38, p. 523, office of the tory of West Point, p. I4- (A)
secretary of state, Albany, N. Y. Copy
1844. Folding map. Lithograph.
made iii 1839 in library U. S. Military inch. In Colton
Academy. \.K')
Scale, 10 chains to i
Maps of West Point. 43

(J. H.): Guiilo Book to Wcsl Point. print, about 22 X 36 inches. Scale, i
(A) inch = 2o<j feet. Contours 20 feet apart.
1847. .Sketch of the Hudson, West (A)
Point to Tarry town, with revohitionary 1886. map of vicinity of West
sites niarkeil. .Scale, 4 miles to inch. i Point, X. Y., from rcconnai.ssance
Cutter's Life of Israel Putnam, p. 30^. notes of cadets of first 1S86.
( --^ >
Scale, ^ inches to mile. Blueprint.i

1854, Topographical map.

about. (A)
.Scale, :3,ixxi. ///Smith (R, S. ): .\
— [Contour] " Maj) of the Jlilitary
manual of topographical drawing. Reservation, West Point. N. Y. Com-
New York, 185.}. vol. 8°. (A) I piled under the direction of Prof. James
1863. Map of West Point. Copper- Mcrcur, U. S. Military .Academy, from
plate. Scale, 5,000; ma]), 351 x 237""".
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Map
of 1880: tracing furnished by and

Legend identifies the buildings ///

(ieodetic .Survey, .\pril, 1.S86, and topo-
Bovnton's History of West Point, ]).

(A) graphical Survey made by Lieut,

(ieorge A. Linn, Corps of Engineers,
1873P Post of West Point, N. Y., with U. S. .\rmy, in the summer of 1.S86.
part of United States nulitary reserva- Th contours of the east face of Cro'
tion, surveyed and drawn by First Xest are from photographic survey of
Lieut. Henry A. Reed, U. S. .\rtillery, Lieut, H. .\. Reed, Second Artillery.
1S73? 1S74? Topographical: photo- Many of the wood roads are from foot
graph in the West Point Hotel. 14x20 reconnai.s.sances. Blueprint, about
inches. 23x19 inches. Scale, 1:10, cxxi. /// (

1874, abotit. Topographical .sketch of Library V . S. Military .Academy. ) ( .\ )

West Point, U. .S. Military .Academy. 1886-87. Road map of vicinity of

l"rontispiece to Wood ( O. E. ) : The West West Point, from reconnaissance notes
Point Scrap Book. New York, 1S74. of cadets of first, 1SS6-87 . . .

I vol., illus. ,S°. (A I Capt. Philip JNI. Price, Corps of Engi-

neers, instructor of practical military
1875, about. Beers I'. W. ): County
engineerin.g. Blueprint, i sheet, 27 x 23

Atlas of Orange County, X. Y. Chi-

inches. Scale, 3 i:iches=i mile.
cago, I vol., F°, 1875. p. 136 is a plan
Framed. (A)
of West Point. Scale. 40 rods to inch. i

(A) 1888. Map

of the military reservation,
West Point. Scale, 1:10,000. Rept.
1878. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- Board of Visitors U. S. Mditary .'\cad-
vey Chart No. 50, sheet 2. Hudson emy, 188S, p. 11. (.•\)
River from Haverstraw to Poughkeep-
.Survey of the boundary lines of
sie. Scale, i :6o,ooij. (.\)
the U. S. Military Reservation at West
1880. Map of the Highlands of the Point, N. Y., Iiy F'irst Lieut. John
Hudson, Orange County, from actual Biildle, Corps of Engineers, 1888-1890.
surveys by James P. Kirby, E. C. Scale, inch = 1,51x1 feet. Folding map

Newburgh, N. Y'., 1880. Scale, i.otxi drawn by First Lieut. G. H. Cameron,

feet = I inch, 5x3,'/; feet. (.\) Fourth Cavalry, /// Rept. Supt. V. S.
Military Academy, i.Sgi, p. 11. (A)
1883. West
Point, N. Y. Scale, 1 14,800;
1885. 28 X 22 inches. U. S. Coast Survey
Topographical map of West Point
[map of the reservation from a plane and vicinity, drawn by Cadet David
table survey, contours every lo feet]. P. Cordray, November and December,
Chart No. 47; 2 copies framed in Cadet 188S (colored topo.graphy Scale, ) .

Guard House, i copy framed in Libra- i:io,<xx). /// the drawing academv.
ry, I copy framed in Adjutant's office,
U. S. Military Academy. Reproduced 1889. after. Blue print. Scale, about
in Rept. Sec. War, 1S89, vol. i, p. 1 13". i,ixxj feet to I inch. Legend, "Reser-
See a/so i1)id., p. 1072, and in Rept. vation, West Point, X. Y. Lati- . . .

Board of Yisitors, U. S. Military -Acad- tude 41° 32' 33", longitude 74° 41'."
emy, 1 886, p. 805. (A) (Framed) 18 x 22. .A. (

1885. [Contour] sketch of defensive 1890. [Topographical map] U. S.

lines near West Point, N. Y., from re- Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1890. En-
connais.sances of the first Corps graved on copper; size, 22 x 28 inches.
of Cadets, Oct. 7, 8, and 12, 1885, under Lenox Library. See 187S and 1SS3.
direction of Capt. F. Y. Greene, in- 1891. Contour map of proposed [Lusk]
structor in practical mditary engineer- reservoir below Fort Putnam, surveyed
ing, assisted by Capt. H. G. Sharpe and drawn by Lieut. C. H. McKins-
and Lieuts. W. 'M. Black, L. H. Beach, try . under the direction of Capt.
. .

S. E. Stuart, and J. R. Totten. Blue- Geo. McC. Derby September. . . .

44 Centennial of United Stales Military Academy.

1S91. Scale, 1:1,200. Contours. In The Hudson River from Ocean to

Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, Source. New Y'ork, 1902, i vol., 8°.
i.Sg2, p. 19. (A) (A)
1896. Blueprint. "Reservation, \Ve,st 1902. One of the most useful maps of
Point, N. Y." (A) the Hudson River is published in sec-
1898. Map of U. ,S. Military Academy. tions in Rand & McNally's Handy
Drawn in ... by Cadet J. F.
1S9S Guide to the Hudson River, etc. (A)
Woodyard .and photographed by
. .

1902. Hall (E. H.): .Stony Point bat-

Capt. F. W. Lewis to the scale of to I
tle field, with a map [by Capt. J. P.
T,5oo. (A)
Jervey, Corps of Engineers, U. S.
1899. Reconnais.sance map of the post Arm}']. New York, 1902, i vol., 8°,
of West Point, surveyed without instru- pp. 40. (Capt. Jervey's original map
ments and drawn b^' the class of
. . .
is in the library U. S. Military
1S99, U. S. Military (colored Academy Academy A ) . (

topograph}' In the
) . .Scale, i : i ,ouo.
drawing academy, U. S. Military Acad- 1903. The West Point Lands. On
emy. (A) linen; compiled by Capt. H. M. Reeve,
U. S. Army. Scale, i inch=666 yards
1901. Map of West Point, N. Y., show- (appro.ximate).
ing modifications and additions . . .

to accompany the report of Prof. C. W^. Map of road from railroad station
Larned, by Capt. F. W. Lewis (igoi). to southern end of military post at
Topographical in colors. Scale, map West Point, N. Y., laid out' by Maj.
I inch=i25 (In the department feet. J. B. Bellinger, Quartermaster's De-
of drawing, U. S. Militarv Academy. partment, U. S. .•\rmy, and constructed
(A I
under his direction, 1901-1903 . . .

1902. Smither, H. C: Map

of country Scale, I inch = 250 feet. (A)
west of West Point, July 9, 1902. Scale, Map showing site of proposed
4 inches = i mile. 100 feet contours. power house, U. .S. Military Academy,
Size, 8 X 934' inches. (A) West Point, N. Y., drawn by direction
Contour map of West Point. N. Y. of Maj. J. M. Carson, jr., quarterma.ster
to accompany report of the advisory U. S. Military .Academy, December,
board of officers convened by General 1903. Drawn by H.
L. Sterling. Scale,
Orders, No. 130, headquarters U. S. Mili- I inch =
2u feet, [i foot contours.]
tary Academy, June 12, 1902. Depart- Blue prints. 2 copies. (.\)
ment of drawing, U. ,S. Military -Acad-
emy. Scale, I inch=i7o feet. Con- Topographical map of West Point
tours ever}' 10 feet. Blue print. A (
Military Reservation Surveyed . . .

and drawn under direction of Capt. J. E.

C3''s road map of the Hudson
Kuhn, Corps of Engineers, and Capt.
River district. New York. Scale, 3
Mason Patrick, Corps of Engineers.
miles to I inch. Boston [1902]. Fold-
.Scale, ... I inch = 150 feet. 1903.
ing map. (A)
Surveyed by direction of Col. A, L.
1902. Map of the Hudson River from Mills,' .Superintendent U. S. Military
Nyack to Newburgh. Scale, 7""" = I ( 1 .\cademy. ( Contours 5 feet apart.
mile. Sec. II of maps to accompany
) (A)


Bicentennial celebration of the two hun- Presbyterian Church, Montgomery,

dredth anniversary of the settlement of Orange County, N. Y. 163 pp., New-
the Minisink Valley, held under the burgh, 1880. 'L. I. Hist. ,Soc.
auspices of the Minisink Historical So-
ciety, July 22, 1890. 28 pp. Port Jer- W.: 1737-1878, Reformed Dutch
Mills, S.
vis, n. d. L. I. Hist. Soc. Church of Deerpark, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Historical discourse read at the open-
List of the inhabitants in the county of ing of the memorial chapel, Oct. 22,
Orange, 1702. (State secretary of. Doc- 1878. 64 pp. Port Jervis, 1878.
umentary History of the State of New
York.) 1849-iS'si, 1:366-367; 1850- Maclise, D. M.: The former days; A his-
1851, 1:239. torical regarding the Good-
will Presbyterian Church, Montgomery,
Eager, M.: An early canal. {See His-
N. Y., delivered on New Year's Day,
torical Magazine, Mar., 1864, 8:114-
1865, in commemoration of the one
115.) Built in Orange County between
hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary
1728 and 1760 by Governor Colden.
of the .settlement of the first pastor of
Dickson, J. M.: The Goodwill memorial; the church. 1S65. 31pp. New York,
or. The first 150 years of the Goodwill Providence Pub. Lib.
Maps of U 'est Point. 45
New Windsor Presbyterian Church. Stickney C. E.) History of the Minisink
( :

Record of Ijapti.snis, marriaj^cs, and region, which includes the present towns
births, entered by the Rev. John Close of Minisink, Deer])ark, Mount Hope,
[1764- 796]. 1 I .S'i'V Historical Society and Wavvayanda, in Orange
of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. County, N. Y., from their org.inization
Papers. 189'). pp. 9-31.) New York and settlement to the present lime;
State Lib. inelnding a general history of the
Report of the connnittee of the American (
first settlement of the county. .Middle-
Scenic and Historic Preservation Socie- town, N. Y., 1867, 211 pp.
ty) on the Stony Point Reservation, /;; Howe, J. F.: Dutch Church at Mont-
the report of the society. 1900. pp.75- gomery, N. Y. (.SVv American His-
84, with 3 maps. {.\ ) torical Record, January, 1873,2:21-24.)
Return of the Ninth Ma.ssachusetts Regi- Beach, Lewis: Cornwall, 200 pj). New-
ment (MvS. belonging to P. V. M. A., burgh, 1873.
Deerfield, Mass.), dated: Verplanks
Point, Au,g. 17S0; Orangetown, .Vug.
Howe, J. F.: St. David's Parish, Orange
County, N. Y. {See American His-
10, iS, Teneck, Aug. 25, Sejjt. i,
1 780;
torical Record, May, 1S74, 3:195-198.)
l7So;CampSteenrapie, Sept. 8, 15, 1780;
Orangetown, Sept. 22,29, Oct. 6, 1780; Ruttenber, E. M.: History of Newburgh
Totaway, Oct. 13, 20, 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17, {see his History of the County of
and 24, 1780. Orange. 1875, pp. III-420).
Orderl}-book [presumably of one of the Ruttenber, E. M.: History of the county
regiments of the Massachusetts Brig- of Orange; with a history of the town
ade] from Aug. 27 to Nov. 9, 1780. and city of Newburgh, general, ana-
Headquarters order, Orangetown, Sept. lytical, and biographical. 424 pp., New-
26, 1780, announces .Arnold's treason burgh. 1875. [Almost the same as his
(printed on pp. 226 and 229, Life of N. Hi.story of Newburgh.]
Greene, vol. 2). Oct. i, 17S0, the Board
of General Officers decides that .\ndre Ruttenber, E. M.: Historical .sketch of
was a spy and that he ouglit to suffer Newburgh, N. Y. (.S'(Y' Carter's Cen-
death. MS. property of tlie P. V. M. A. tennial City and General and Business
of Deerfield, Mass. ' (A) Directory of the city of Newburgh,
N. Y., for the year 1876, pp. 9-56.)
Hunt Freeman
( ) : Letters about tlie Hud-
son River and its vicinity, by a citizen Ruttenber, E. M., and Clark, L. H.: His-
af New York. New York. 1836, i voL, tory of Orange County Local History (

u . New Windsor), N. Y., with illu.stra-

Eager ( S. W. ) : Outline history of Orange tions and biographical sketches of
County, N. Y., with an enumeration of tnany of its ])ioneers and prominent
the names of its towns, villages, rivers, men, 820 pp., Philadelphia, 1S81.
and creeks. Newburgh, 1S46-47. 652 Brodhead, Ed,gar: [Orange County,
pp. N. Y.] Picturesque corner of three
Papers relating to the palatines and to the states; a chapter of Indian history and
first Newburgh, Orange
.settlement of tradition. (.SVv JIagazine of ,\merican
County. Documentary history of tlic
( History, October, 1SS3, 10:267-283. )

State of New York 1849-185 1, 3:539- I

Gumaer, P. E.: History of Deerpark, in
607; 1850-51, 3:325-364.
Orange County, N. Y., 204 pp. Port
Niven (A. C): The centennial memo- Jervis, 1890. Publi,shed by the Mini-
rial; a record of the one hundredth ,sink Valley Historical Society.
anniversary of the .A. R. Presbyterian
Church of Little Britain, together with Fowler, R, L.: Historic houses and revo-
a sketch of the Clinton family. New lutionary letters. (Sec Magazine of
York, 1859, 251 pp. American History, August, i8go, 24:81-
100. FHlison House, New Windsor,
Ruttenber (E. M.): History of the town
ofNewburgh. Newburgh, 1S59, 322 Orange County.
Biographic and genealogic.sketches, pp. Emer}-, Rufus: Church of England in
259-322. Newburgh previous to the
anil vicinity
Denniston Goldsmith Survevof Orange
( ) :
Revolution. .SVc Historical Society of

County, N.Y. 103 p.. Alb. ,'1863. E-x- Newburgh Bay and the Highlands.
tracted from transactions of New York Papers, 1896, pp. 3.S-46.) New' York
State Agricultural Society, 1862. Early State Lib.
history and settlement, pp. 5-19. Skeel, Adelaide, Newburgh, the palatine
Riotous proceeding in Blooming Grove, of (Juassaick. .S'lr Powell, ( County, in 1772. .Si-f Historical L. P. ed. Hi.storic Towns of the Middle
Magazine, Jvme, 1S62, 6:189-1913. States. 1S99. pp. 107-135.

[Arranjii-<1 liimiujlogically.j

[Note.— (A I signifies that the book cited is in the libran' of the United States Militarj- Academy.
(C) indicates that the book cited is a Congressional docnment, most of which are owned by the

Maps, views, etc. Sir Jlaps, Views, 190, 195, 21 r, 253, 291, 294, 307, 347, 366,
etc., under West Point. 368, 395. 418. 455. 620, 624, 629. 636, 661,
1723-1861. Boynton (Capt. Eihvard 665, 704, 739. (A)
C. ): History of VVest Point and its mil- Vol. VI, marked by the
itary importance durinff the .American following pages: 47,48,50,53. 128,223,
Revolution, and the origin and prog- 225, 227, 231, 232, 239, 264, 266, 284, 362,
ress of the U. S. Military Academy . . . 796, 813, 823, 856, S59, 900, 903, 904, 907,
xviii -}-4o.S pp. New York, 1861, iSS^'^, 908,967,1017,1023. {A)
1S74. I vol. 8°. (A) Vol. VII, marked by the
1723-1889. Report on West Point following pages: i to 108, 594, 643, 644,
and U. Military Academy.
S. 2u 1 7"8. 712, 715. 717. 718. 720. .S98, 940, 945.
typewritten folio pages, by Lieut. Col. (A)
C. W. Williams, Quartermaster, U. vS. 1775-1866. Organization of the Corps
Military Academy, 1875. Copy from of Kngineers. In Legislative history of
the Letter Book of Quarterma.ster U. ,S. the General Staff of the Army, V. S.'A.,
Military Academy, November, 1SS9, pp. pp. 485 '''' se/;. (
77-i97,'2i3-2i9. (A) John .Adams to Henry
1776, June 2.
1774 et seq. References will be fomid Knox: Refers to Knox's suggestion of
at the opening of Amer. State Pa- May 16 for establishing military acade-
pers, Military Affairs, Vol. I, marked mies. Adams's Life and Works, vol. 9,
by the following pages: 46, 109, in, p. 384. (A)
112, 125, 129, 135, 137, 143, 145, 175,
1776, September 15. John Adams to
177. 185, 191. 223, 229, 247, 249, 265,
Henry Knox: "I wish we had a mili-
267, 315, 317. 325. .3S3. 3«5. 393. 425.
tary academy, and should be obliged to
435, 515. 605, 627, 629, 663. 671, 779, you for a plan of such an institution."
7S5, 787, Soi, 803, Sii, 813, 815, 817,
Adams's Life and Works, vol. i, p. 257.
821, 827, 829, 835, 837, S39, 841. (A)
Vol. II, marked by the fol-
lowing pages: 5, 7, 37,39, 49, 51, 53,
1776, September 23. In a let:ter of
this date Gen. Henry Knox writes to
55. 65, 67, 75, 77, 79, 81, S3, 87, 139,
157, 191, 195, 239, 241, 277, 339, 349,
his brother: "We ought to have acade-
mies inwhich the whole theory of tlie
351. 353. 355. 367. 3S1, 385. 3S7. 419,
art of war shall be taught," etc.
455, 461, 517, 523, 559, 569, 579, 615,
621, 625, 633, 635, 645, 64S, 655, 663, 1776, September 25. General Knox
679. 699, 7<i7, 714. 717. 719. 839, 846. writes to John Adams: "Military acade-
(A) mies must be instituted at any expense.
Vol. Ill, marked bv the fol- We are fighting against a people well
lowing pages: 102,
109, 115, 140, 143, acquaintetl with the theory and prac-
144, 186, 211, 218, 223, 227, 252, 280, tice of war —
brave by discipline and
35S, 370, 372. 575. 628, 637, 673, 674, habit." Knox Papers, vol. 3, p. 52, at
795, 803, 807, 810, S16, 819. (A) N. E. H. G. Soc. Boston.
Vol. IV, marked by the 1776, September 27. Henry Knox
following pages: 9, 12, 23, 40, 67, 80, submits: "Hints to Congressional com-
152. 159, 169, 177, 179, 263, 307, 333, 364, mittee now in camp headquarters, Har-
.585.592, 603, 609, 673, 677, 683, 709, 732, lem Heights, advocating the establish-
736, 740, 811, 843, 845, 870. (A) ment of a military academy nearly on
Vol. V, marked by the fol- the same plan as that of Woolwich."
lowing pages: 14, 19, 36, 54, 60, 81, 83, Boynton's History of West Point, p. 177.
91, 93, 96, 99, 100, 104, 147, 151, 171, 177, (A)
Dibliography of the U. S. MHilary Acadcvtv. 47
1776, October 1. The- Uoanl of War, 1778, winter. General Knox established
oil Uk- motion t)f jolm Adams, " h't- a military academy at the camp at
solffiL That a cominitlci- of five be ap- Pluckeinin, X. J. IJrooks: Henry
pointed to prepare and bring in a plan Knox, p. 130. (\)
of a military academy at the army." 1778. I'ort Putnam built 14 guns; gar-(

Anier. Archives, vol. 2, p. 13S3. (A) rison 4.50 men); it was dismantled 1787;
John Adams made the motion, was a rebuilt 1794.
member of the committee, and wrote Fort Clinton built by Kosciusko.
on the .same day to General Knox to
Its name was Fort .-Vrnold till 17S0.
noiifv him that the committee was ap-
pointed and to ask his sentiments. Batterv Knox built, and rebuilt
Adams's Life and Works, vol. ",, \>. .S5. iS7.t.

.SVcp. 86. (A) 1779. March 11. Act of Continental

1776-1887. Critical history of the Congress authorizes the Corps of Engi-
Military Academy, with copious cita- neers. May II, 1779, fixed the pay, etc.,
tions from original documents. In of the Sappers and Miners. (.A)

Logan (J. A. h The Volunteer Soldier 177- to 1783. St-f "Justification of

in America, pp. 157-458. (A) LewisTou.sard.addre.ssed to the national
1776-1902. MSS. relating to U. S. convention of France, written and pub-
Military Acadenn', 1776-1902, collected lished from the bloody prisons of the
and copied under the direction of Ed- Abbaye by himself the 24th Januarv-,
ward S. Hoklen, 1901-2, 4 vols., 4°. (A) 793" Philadelphia, 17, i vol.
1777, June 20. Resolution of Con- 1780. June 18. General Order pre-
gress providingfor "a Corpsof Invalids scribes buff and blue as the colors of
[veterans] to serve as a military school the Engineers and of the Sappers and
foryoimg gentlemen previous to their Miners. The latter had their color
being appointed to marching regi- changed tored; the F^ngineer color was
ments." This was the Military Acad- alwavs buff.
emy at the Army. (A) 1780, November 19. The Invalids
The officers ofthe Corps of In- [veterans?] of the Massachusetts and
valids were, Ijy law, obliged to contri- Connecticut lines arrived at West Point.
bute one day's pay in every month to- In 78
1 the whole coqjs arrived by

ward the formation of a library for the Washington's order. Heath's Memoirs,
Military .Academy at the Army. Jour- p. 264. (A)
nals of Congress, vol. 3, p. 204. (C) 1780. Barb^-Marbois (F. de): Com-
1777, July. The Invalid Corps organ- plot d'.Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton
ized at Philadelphia by Col. Lewis contre les Etat.s-Vnis, etc. September,
1780. Paris, 1816. 8°. (A). .S'ccWest
Nicola. The corps is intended as a
school for propagating military knowl- Point, maps, 1780. .At this time there
edge and discipline. Journals of Con- was an engineer .school, a library-, and
gress, vol. 3, pp. 230-232. (C) a laboratory lodged in three buildings
at West Point.
1777, August 5 Letter of Chevalier

Floberque de la Rocatelle to General Chastellux, Marquis de: Travels

Washington proposing the establish- in North America in the years 17S0,
ment of a military school to train cadets 178 1, and 17S3: translated from the
of 16 to iS years as artillerists and en- F'rench by an English gentleman who
gineers in t'ne U. S. Army, copied by resided in America at that period; with
Capt. H. M. Reeve, U. S. Army, fron'i notes bythe translator. 2 vols., London.
the original in the Library of Con- 17S7. [Includes travel in Hud.son River
gress. MS. letters to Washington, vol. Valley, with some account of military
6, p. 20S.
operations there and .Arnold's treason.]
1777-1784. History of Colonel NMco-
la's Invalid Regiment (the Military 1781, June 13. The Corpsof Invalids
Academy at the .\rmyl, with rosters. to be marched to West Point and there
Pennsvlvania in the Revolution, vol. 2, stationed at the request of \\'ashingtou.
(A) Journals of Congress, vol. 7. pp. 98, 99.
pp. 259-2S3.
1778, January 28. General Washing-
ton recommends to Congress the organ- 1781. July 22. The Invalid Corps [the
ization of engineer troops. Gen. Lewis Military .\cademy at the .Army] is on
Duportail, of the corps of engineers of its way to West Point [detachments

the French army, was at this time chief had been there since 1778]. St. Clair
engineer, and Washington was follow- Papers, vol. i, p. 553. (.A)

ing his advice in this matter. 1782, August 24. The Tenth Massa-
1778, May 27. .Act of Congress; or- chusetts Regiment, the Sappers and
ganizes engineer troops. (A) Jliners, and the Corps of Invalids or-
48 Coitcunial of U)iitcd States Militafv Academy.

dereil to West Point at the request <if 1783, May 17. Gen. B. Lincoln rec-
General Washington. Boynton's Gen- ommends ( in a letter dated War Office)
eral Orders of Washington Issued at the e.stabli.shment of military acade-
Xewhurgh, pp. 37, 39. (A) mies at West Point and at the proposed
1782, October 29. Return of Corps of magazine in Virginia. Cullum MS.
Invalids then at Point; total (A)
strength, 20 ofBcers, i .surgeon, I mate, 1783, May. A military academy at
362 enlisted men. Copied by Capt. Point proposed by General Hutch-
"h. INI. Reeve, U. S. Army, from MS. in inson and General Pickering [?] and
the li1)rary of the State Dept. (A) approved b}- General Washington. See
1783, March 3. Copy from Papers of Boynton's History of U. S. Military
the Continental Congress in the State Academy, p. 178, and elsewhere. (A)
Dept. Library. Report from Secretary 1783, September 8. Washington's
ofWar [Benjamin Lincoln], who rec- observations (referring to peace
. . .

ommends the establishment of 5 arse- establishment) advocating a corps of

nals, one at West Point, that a military artilleri.stsand engineers; the necessity
academy be established at each one, for trained officers. Copied by Capt.
and that officers of ability be -sent to H. M. Reeve, U. S. Army. (A)
connnand who can superintend the 1783, September 20. General Du-
instruction of the pupils. (The same portail writes to General Washington:
subject is again discussed in a letter to "The neces.sity of an academy to be
Alexander Hamilton, dated May 1, the nxirsery of the [Engineer] Corps is
1783.) Copied from State Dept. MS. . .obvious." The plan of organiza-

by Capt. H. JI. Reeve, U. S. Annv. tion is given: "A three years';
(A) ten or twelve students; graduates to
1783, April 15. Baron Steuben on the be commissioned; three professors of
peace establishment and on a military science beside military instructors."
academy; a detailed plan for U. S. Mil- Birkhimer's Hist. Sketch U. S. Artil-
itary Academy given. Kapp's Life of lery, pp. 17-19. (A)
Steuben, pp. 513 ct seq. (A) 1783, September 30. Letter of Brig-
1783, April 22. Letter, dated New- adier-Ge-eral Duportail, copied by
burgh, from Timothy Pickering, Quar- Capt. H. M. Reeve, U. S. Army, from
termaster-CTeneral, on the peace estab- MS. in State Dept. Library. (De-
lishment declares it if not impractica- tailed plan for a military academy;
ble, then inexpedient to establish professors; a three-v'ears' course; twen-
military academies . This letter is
. . ty students; graduates to fill vacancies
printed in Sparks's Life of Washington, in the Army. .\ ) (

vol. S, p. 417. (K\ 1783, spring Memorial of Capt.of.

Remarks on a military academy Lewis Garenger on a peace establish-
at West Point, given in full, op. cit., ment. Copied by Capt. H. M. Reeve,
vol. 4, p. 431. Life of Timothy Pick- U. S. Army, from MS. in the .State
ering, vol I, pp. 461-463. (A) Dept. Library. Elaborate plan for (

1783, May 2. General Wa.shington military .schools proposed.) (A)

writes from Xeuburg to Lieut. Col. 1783. Report on a peace establish-
.\lexander Hamilton, chairman of a —
ment military academies. Life of
committee of, his "senti- Hamilton, vol. 2, p. 210. (A)
ments on a peace establishment. . . .

Rufus Putnam: T'noughts on a
Fourthly, academies, one or more, for peace establishment requested by Gen-
the instruction of the art military, par- eral W'ashington; "West Point . . .

ticularly those branches which respect here should the art of gunnery, fortifi-
engineering and artillery." The . . .
cation, etc be taught." Mem-
regiment of artillery and the Corps of oirs of Putnam, p. 2.J0.
Invaliils will "garrison West Point.
The importance of the last-named post 1784, Aprill ?) Steuben (Baron): "Pro-
jet pour I'etablissement des academies
is so great as justly to have been con-
. militaires, etc." Copied by Capt.
sidered the key of America. ... I
. .

H. M. Reeve, U. S. Army, from' MSS.,

would propose that provision should
vol. 38, Library .State Dept. Reports
be made at some post or posts where
of connnitteesof Continental Congress.
the principal engineers and artillerists
shall be stationed for instructing a cer-
MS. (A)
tain number young gentlemen in
of 1784, December 15. Major L'Enfant
the theory of the art of war" cop- . . . to the President of Congress on organi-
ied by Capt. H. M. Reeve, U. S. Army, zation of an engineer corps and the
from MSS. of Letters received from necessity for trained officers. State
Washington, A, vol. 7, Library of the Dept. MSS., Chap. A, No. 78, voL 14,
State Dept. (A) PP- 579, 5S3, 595. 603. Noted by Capt. (
BihliograpJtv of ilw U. S. MiJilary Academy. 49
H. M. Army. .SV v Leg.
Reeve-. U. S. ) 1791, October 25. ^Message of Presi- (".en. S. Army, p. 495. Staff, I'. dent Washington advocating the estab-
1784, spring of ? Report on Depart- ( )
lishment of a military academy. Mes-
ment of \Var by the committee a])- sages, etc., of the Presidents, vol. i, p.
pointedtoconsiderpeace arrangements. 1-7. (A|
.\. Hamilton: "Tlie Coqjsof Engineers 1793, November 28. Account of the
to of one regiment ami two pre])aration of President Washington's
battalions of artillery, eaeli battalion of message referring to a military acad-
4 companies. anil of a corps of . . . emy. W.'ishington, Randoli)h, Knox,
artificers, . . .with i professorof math- and Hamilton favored the reconunen-
ematics, I7.S per mo.; i professor of dation. Jefferson opposed it as uncon-
chemistry, J75; i professor of natural .stitutional. It was retained in the
philosophy. J75; i professor of civil President's message. Jefferson: Works,
architecture, f-,^: 1 drawing master, vol. 9, p]i. 182-183. (A)
%'},. . . Theconmiitteeareof o]iinion 1793, November. Jefferson's account
that the effect of [military aca<lemies] of the cabinet meeting that di.scussed
rarely compensate for the expense; that Washington's proposal to found a mili-
military knowledge is best acquired in tary academy. Eord's Writings of Jef-
service the professors proposed to
. . .
ferson, vol. I, p. 270. (.A)
be attached to the Corps of Engineers
will produce substantally all the utility 1793. Timothy Pickering as Secretary
to be expected from academies, that at of War, selected scientific foreign offi-
all events, institutions of this kind can
cers to be connected with the school at
only be an object of future considera- West Point. Upham's Life of Picker-
tion . thesefiveprofessorsareindis-
. .
ing, vol. 3, p. 258. (A)
pensable for the instruction of the offi- 1793-1837. Constitutional objections
cers." Copied by Capt. H. M. Reeve, to a military academy stated and exam-
U. S. .Army, from :MSS. in the Library ined. Amer. Quar. Rev., vol. 22 ( 1S37),
of the State Dept. Rept. of Committees p. lui. (A)
of Continental Congress, vol. 38. (.A)
1793-1846. Brief history of West
1786, August 3. Congress considers
Point and the military school there. In
the purchase of lands at West Point. EZager's Historv of Orange County,
Journals of Congress, vol. 11, p. 171. (A)
N. v., pp. 578-5,S4, 586-597.
1793-1902. The Hudson Riverfront
1786-1877. Laws of Congress relating ocean to source. X. Y. 1902, O. ,

to West Point and the U. S. Military Chap. XXin, pp. 370-37S. (A)
Academy, from 17S6 to 1877. Com-
piled bv Brev. Lieut. CoL Rob. H. Hall 1794, May 9. .Act of Congress organ-
... 'vol., I 4° (8°), (94PP-)- <A) izing a corps of artillerists and engi-
neers, each companv- to have two cadets
1789-1901. United .States laws relat-
with the pay, etc., of a sergeant.
ing to —vols.;
given in U. S. Compiled Stats.,
index in vol. 4136.
1901, 3 3, p.
St. Paul, 1901, 3 vols. ,8°. ( A )
-Act ofCongress creates the grade
of cadet cadets to each company of
1790, January

4. Act of Congress artillerists and engineers I. Xone were

authorizes the President to buy West appointed till ;\Ia\- 12, iSoo, and only
Point. [The original act owned by
9 before March 16, 1S02. [Twelve ca-
U. S. Military Academy.] .A ( )
dets of the service were at West Point
1790, January 8. Message of Presi- in iSoi, not all of artillerists and engi-
dent Washington suggests the estab- ineers.] The law of Apr. 12, 1S08,
lishment of a military academy. Mes- authorized 156 additional cadets and
sages, etc.. of the President, vol. i, p. that of Jan. 1 1, 1S12, provided 64 more,
6.S. (A) making a total of 310, which was re-
duced to 260 by the law of Apr. 29, 181 2.
1790, January 18. "Adequate insti-
Rejjt. .Supt. r. S. Jlilitarv- Academy,
tutions for the military education of
189A, ]). 122. I A)
youth" must be established. Report
of General Knox, Secretary of War, 1794-1796. In 1794, at the recom-
approved bv President Washington. mendation of General Washington, a
(A) military school was commenced at West
Point . and its building was burned
. .

1790. Executive messages, reports

in 1796. Park's Sketch of West Point,
from the Department of War, and re-
]). 140. A)
ports of the committees of the House

of Representatives since 1790, relative 1794-1802. .S<rEllery(H. ): The Mem-

to the Academy. In American Quar- oirs of Gen. J.G. Swift, 1 vol, 1890, 4°.
terly Review, vol. 22, p. 77. (A) (A)
H.Doc. 789, 5S-2— vo! 2 4
50 Cciilnniial of United Slatfs Militarv Acadonv.

1795, September 28. Record of cloth- meet in the "instruction room" to at-
ins;issued to a cadet on tliis date and tend lectures on the theoretical part of
subsequently; Jan. lu, 1796, a padlock fortification and in the afternoon on
issued for " instruction room." West military- duty. Orderly Book, Corps of
Point Clothing Account Book. lyg'?. Artillerists and Engineers. (A)
(A) 1796, March28. To-morrow at loa.m.
1795. Cadets of the artillerists and en- the officers will meet at the "instruc-
gineers sometimes conmianded compa- tionroom " to copyplans of fortification
nies. Point Ordnance Waste drawn after Muller. Captain Finiel,
Book, No. 4, Nov. 9, 23, 1795. (A) temporary engineer, sent to this garrison
1 795-96. Cadet James Triplett, Nov. 5 by the Secretary of War, will assist the
to Dec. I, 1795; Cadet Philip Landais, officers. .\t 4 p. m. continuation of the

Nov. 10, 1795, to Sept. 10, 1796; Cadet lectures on Baron von .Steuben's regu-
Philip Rodriguez, Jan. 8, 1796, all be- lations. Orderly Book, Corps of Artil-
came lieutenants Dec. 19, 1796. These lerists and P^ngineers, West Point. (A)
are the only cadets of the Corps of Ar- 1796, April 28. The officers' barracks
tillerists and Engineers mentioned in destroyed by fire shortly before this
the Clothing .Account Books, 1795- date. The Secretary of War desires
1799- (A) that the instruction of officers be con-
1796, February 3. ijii a school for tinued daily. A board is appointed to
cadets. Life of T. Pickering, vol. 3, p. select a study room. Tents will be set
146. .S<vf (//.w p. 256. (a; up for officers and men in front of the
barracks. Orderly Book, Corps of
I'oreign officers were selected
Artillerists and P'ngineers. (A)
for duty at West Point with special ref-
erence to their fitness as in.structors [by 1796, December 7. Hamilton's first
Secretary of War Pickering]. Amer. draft of President Washington's mes-
vState Papers, vol. I, p. 113. (.\) .sage to Congress recommends a mili-
tarv academy. Hamilton's Works, vol.
1796, February 10. Officers of the
7. p. 612. (A)
Corps of Artillerists and Engineers to
attend in "the study room " from 1 to 1
1796, General Pickering's suggestion
12 a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m. The first lec- of a military school. Amer. State
ture on the theory of fortification. The Papers, Militarv Affairs., par. 6, vol. i,
text-book is Muller's. The afternoons p. 113. (A)
drawing the plans.
will be devoted to 1797, June 20. Iniur lieutenants will
Mr. Warren, temporary engineer, will be instructed in the use of field pieces,
explain the principles of drawing. The howitzers, etc., by the captains of the
senior officer present will be the mod- garrison at Point in turn. Order
erator and preserve order. Orderly of the lieutenant-colonel, comman-
Book, Corps of Artillerists and Engi- dant. Orderly Book No. 3, Artillerists
neers. Twenty-six officers and 3 cadets and Engineers. (A)
in the garrison. ( .\ ) 1798, April 27. Act of Congress pro-
1796, February 29. " To-morrow af- viding for an additional regiment of
ternoon the officers are required to artillerists and engineers with more
attend the instruction room to meet cadets; books and apparatus to be pro-
with the adjutant of the corps upon the vided for their use. (A)
baron's [Steuben's] regulations." Or- 1798, June 5. Alexander Hamilton
der of Lieutenant-Colonel Rochefon- to the Secretary of the Treasury "\\"ol-(

taine, /;/ Orderly Book, Corps of Artil- cott): "Further measures advisable to
lerists and Engineers, at West Point. be taken without delay ... to estab-
(A) lish an academy for military and naval
1796, March 3. Black lead pencils instruction. This is a very important
and drawing paper will not be issued measure and ought to be permanent."
except for use in the "study room." Hamilton's Works, vol. 6, p. 295. (A)
March 12: The sergeants and corporals
will attend lectures by the adjutant at
1798, July 16. Act of Congress: Pay
the "instruction room" on ever}- part
of cadet, J[o per month and 2 rations
per day; 4 teachers authorized. (A),
of their duty. The officers will attend
lectures on the theory of fortification 1798, July 31. Garrison order con-
in the " instruction room " three morn- vening a general court-martial and de-
ings a week and on military duty three tailing Cadet Cross as judge-advocate.
afternoons weekly. Orderly Book, MS. "(A)
Corps of Artillerists and Engineers.
1798, Aug-ust 3. Cadet Cross is act-
ing judge-advocate of garri.son court at
1796, March 12. Tuesdays, Thurs- West Point. Orderly Book No. 4,
days, and .Saturday's the officers will Corps Artillerists and Engineers. (.\1
Bibliography of the U. S. Military Academy.

1798, Aug'ust 10. The quarterniastcr ton Nov. 28; Washington replies Dec.
issues to Cadet Cross of the Corjis of 12. Hamilton's Works, vol. s, pp. ^78,
Artillerists ami Engineers, i nuisket, 383, 387. (A)
I bayonet, i sword belt, i cartridge 1799, December 12. General Wash-
box and belt (new),bayonet scab- i
ington's continuous advocacy of a mili-
bard. Ouarterma.ster's Wa.ste Hook. tary academy, in a letter to Hamilton.
I A) Writings of Washington, vol. 14, p.
1798, December 31. Cadets ai)ix>inted 241. (A)
as .standard bearers and the grade of 1799. .Mexander Hamilton to Dayton
ensign abolished. Amer. State I'apers, (.Speaker House of Representatives):
vol. I, p. 125. I .\ I
"... the institution of a military acad-
1798-1821. Changes in the organiza- emy will be an auxiliary of great im-
tion of the artillerists and engineers portance " to the Armv. Hamilton's

suniniarized Haskiiis: The First Reg- Works, vol. 6, p. 3S6. (A)
iment of Artillery, I". S. .\nny; pp. 13, 1800, February 13. Report of Secre-
tary of War to House of Representa-
1799, January 9. Uniform of the V S. . tives, Feb. 13, 1800, as to expenses of
.\nny, prescribed by the Secretary of military schools. Amer. State Papers,
War. Cadets to wear the uniform of a ;SIilitary .affairs, vol. I, p. 142. (A)
captain except that in place of epau-
1800, July 25. John Adams to S. Dex-
lettes they wear a silver strap on the
ter. Secretary of War, respecting a mili-
right shoulder. Orderly Book, 1798-
and Engineers at West
tary academy. He is ready to appoint
99, Artillerists
64 cadets, 4 teachers, and 2 engineers;
Point. (.\)
directs books, instruments, etc., to be
1799, March 3. .\cX of Congress pro- bought; thinks the cadets .should be
vides for cadets of artillery, infantry, instructed at different .stations in rota-
and cavalrv and prescribes their pav. tion; that midshipmen should be ad-
(A^ mitted; asks if Captain Barron and Mr.
1799. March, April, and May. The B. de Pusy will do as teachers. Adams's
garrison of West Point was composed Ivife and Works, vol. 9, p. 65. See,
of 2 companies of the First and Second also. p. 76. (A)
Regiments of Artillerists and Engi-
1800, September 28. Col. Henry Bur-
neers.Total present for duty about
beck, Chief of Artillerists and En-
t8o.Returns Div. R. and P. 6.
gineers, reconuuends the establishment
1799, June 24. John Adams to the 11
of a military school. See Gardiner
Secretary of War in regard to Count
(A. B.): Memoir of Burbeck. (A)
Rumford's appointment to be .Superin-
tendent U. S. ZMilitary Academy. 1800, November 10. Fire destroyed
Adams's Life and Works, vol. 8, p. 660. every record but one in the War De-
(A) partment, Wa.shington.
1799, July 7. John Adams to the .Sec- 1800. Report on military schools.
retary of War
regarding a plan of Secretary James McHenry. Feb. 13,
Alexander Hamilton's which had been 1800. E.x. Docs., 6th Cong., ist sess.
forwarded by McHenry for a military 13 pp. (The plan was -Alexander
academy. .\dams's Life and Works, Hamilton's. .St'cBoynton'sHistorvof

vol. 8. p. 662. \.\\ West Point, p. iS8;'Amer. State Pa-

pers, Military Affairs, vol. I, pp. 133,
1799, September The superintend-
485; also A\'orks, vol. 5.
ency \2 . S. Academy, offered
to Count Rumford. Life of Rufus
King, vol. 2, p. 574; vol. 3. pp. 102- Message on the Military Academy,
104. (.\) President John .\dams. Jan. 14, iSixj.
State papers; Jlilitary .\ffairs. vol. i,
. [The superintendency of the U. S.
Military Academy was offered to Count pp. 133-141, 6th Cong., I.St .sess. (The
plan was .Alexander Hamilton's.) (C)
Rumford in 1799 and declined.] See
Ellis: Life of Count Rumford, 1871, 1800-1833. .S^rCullum (G. W.): The
I vol., 8°. See especial! v pp. 352, 35 ^, early history of the U. S. Military
354. (A) .Academy. Iii his Biog. Register, vol.
3. pp. 465-f>72. (A)
1799, November 23. .\lexander
Hamilton to JIcHenry, Secretary of 1800-1837. Reports of the Secretary
War: Complete plan for a military of War (which usually refer to the
academy proposed afterwards sent to ( U. ,S. Military .Academy) in the Amer.
Congress. See Amer. State Papers, State Papers, Military Affairs, for 1800,
Military Affairs, vol. 1, p. 133). A iSri, 1819, in vol. i; for 1824, in vol. 2;
copy of the plan was sent to Washing- for 1825, 1826, 1827, in vol. 3; for 1828,
Cciilniuial of I 'iiitrd S/ci/c.'; Military Acadcviv.

1829, 1S30, 1831, in vol. 4; for 1S32, and for 25 cadets. War Dept. Mili-
1833, 1834, 1835, ill vol. 5; for 1836, in tary Book No. I.

vol. 6; for 1837, in vol. 7. (A) 1801, June 12. Secretary of War to
1801, January 6. Mr. George Barron General Wilkinson. The nece.ssity for
appointed teacher of arts and sciences; Major Jonathan Williams to be at West
dismissed Feb. 11, 1S02. He acted as Point earlier than Oct. r is not urgent.
professor of mathematics, had been a War De])t. ^Military Book No. i.
colleague of Huttoii, and introduced 1801, July 2. Lieutenant Worrell and
the Woolwich methods of instruction all cadets in the service except J. B.
at West Point. .Swift's Memoirs. (A) Wilkin.son to repair to West Point by
1801, March 3. The President orders the first part of September. By order
the appointment of 9 cadets in the of Secretary of War. War Dept. Mili-
Corps of Artillerists and Engineers. tary Book No. I.
War Dept. Military Book No. i. 1801, July 20 [?]. The Secretary of
1801, April 14. Instructions to Lieut. War [Dearljorn] orders all cadets of
Col. Connnandant L. Tousard from artillerists to West I'oint, details Major
Secretary of War. He is inspector of Jonathan Williams as Superintendent
artillery from Mav 26, iSoo. West of the school, and Lieutenant-Colonel
Point is be his permanent residence.
to Commandant Tousard to supervise its j.U
"When you shall not be organization. Gardiner (A. B.): Life y»\
necessarily employed you will . . . of Henry Burbeck. '

give all the a.ssi.stance in )-our power in 1801, October 19. Letter of Secretary
the instruction of such officers and of War to Major Cushing, commanding
cadets as maybe at West Point." War Point. Jlr. Baron has written
Dept. Military Book No. i. that some subalterns ordered to West
1801, April 15. Letter from Secretary Point for the purpose refuse to receive
of War ( Dearborn ) to commanding the instruction offered them by the
officer,W'est Point. It is in contem- wisdom of the Government. Such con-
plation to establish a military .school duct must cease. War Dept. Military
at West Point. War Dept. Military Book No. I.
Book No. I. 1801, October 30. Letter of Secretary
1801, May 1. Colonel Tou-sard is in- of War to Cadet Swift. He must apolo-
spector of artillery and is stationed at gize to Mr. Baron or be dismissed the
West Point, but does not command the service. War Dept. Military Book
post. Returns Div. R. and P. O. No. I.

1801, May'12. Secretary of War to 1801, October. The 12 cadets at West

General Wilkinson. The President Point were taught as one class. The
has decided on the immediate estab- academic hours were 8 to 12 a.m. Prof.
lishment of a military school at West George Baron taught Hutton's Mathe-
Point. Major Jonathan Williams is to matics by blackboard methods. Baron
be inspector of fortifications. He is had been a teacher at Woolwich. Swift's
to be at West Point to direct the neces- Memoir, p. 27. (A 1

sary arrangements for the commence- 1801, November 10. Lieut. James
ment of the school. War Dept. Mili- Wilson [Engineers] ordered to West
tary Book No. I. Point by Secretary of War to attend the
Letter from Secretary of War to
military school. War Dept. Military
Book No. I.
Captain Fleming. Asks a report on
the public buildings at West Point to 1801, November 16. I^etter of Secre-
accommodate i teacher of mathe-
. . . tary of War to Cadet Swift respecting
matics, practical teacher of gunnery,
I his misunderstanding with Mr. Baron.
and rooms for 20 or 311 pupils; and for War Dept. Military Book No. i.

an estimate for a wooden 2-stor\' build-

1801, November 19. Secretary of War
ing 30 by 20 feet, finished in a plain
to Lieut. ,S. Worrell. His excuses for
manner, the whole of each story to be
not attending the Jlilitary Academy are
in one room [the Academy]. War not sufficient. The instruction is in-
Dept. Military Book No. i. " It is a
dispensable to an artillerist.
1801, May 24. Captain Fleming re- duty to your country to improve this
ports to the Secretary of War on the opportunity." War Dept. Military
buildings at Point. [The report Book No. I.
is not in War Department files .so far as
is known.] 1801, December 2. Cadets are placed
under the immediate direction of the
1801, May 26. vSecretary of War to Superintendent. No officer of the gar-
Captain Fleming. Orders work on the rison will give orders to them. No per-
(jnarters at West Point for officers . . . son attached to the school is to be borne
Biblioi^rapliv of llic l\ S. Militarv .Iradnuy. 53
on garrison returns. Secretary of War 1801-1805. .SVv Barnard, J. G. :
/;/War Dept. Military Book Xo. i. on the late Gen. Joseph Ct. Totteii,
1801, December 5. Letter of Secretary jjp. 6. A ( 1

of War to Cadet Swift in re (luarrel with 1 1801-1844. Register of the Officers

Mr. Baron. Swift must ajxiloiji/e and and Graduates of the V S. Military
. lodge with the other cadets or <init .\ca<lemv from iSoi to 1814. Xcw
the service. War Dept. Military Hook York, i.S;.), (A)
r vol., 8°, pp. 36.
No. I. 1801-1848. A catalogueof the gradu-
1801, December 14. Letter of Secre- ates of the X ,S. Military .\cademy, .

tary of War to Jonathan Williams. He from its establi.shment in 1801 to June,

is appointed inspector of fortifications 1848; giving the present rank of those
and is to repair to West Point and to in service [etc.], together with the reg-
take the superintendence of the Mili- ulations for the admi.ssion of cadets,
tary School at that post. War Dept. and a synopsis of the course of study
Military Book Xo. i. pursued at that institution. Xew York,
1801, December 18. Letter of Secre- W. II. 1S47, 16^.
tary of War to Maj. Jonathan Williams 1801-1902. Register, Official, of the
respecting; serious charges against Mr. officers and cadets of the L. S. Military
Baron, teacher of mathematics. War .'\cademy,West Point, N. Y. 1801-190-^.
Dept. Military Book Xo. i. A
( )

1801, December 24. Secretary of War 1802, January 20. .Secretary of War
incloses a cadet's warrant for the son to Maj. Jonathan Williams respecting
(then aged lo years) of the late JIajor 5(.x) copies of Elements of Fortification
Lillie. He is to be immediately en- printed. War Dept. Military Hook
tered in the Military School at West Xo. I.

Point. War Dept. .Military Book No. i 1802, February 11. Secretary of War
1801. Williams Jonathan): Elements I
to Jonathan Williams respecting court
of Fortification, translated from the of inquiry on Jlr. Baron's conduct.
French, second edition, printed for the Baron's dismissal is forwarded with to-
war office, n. p., iSoi, pp. 51, 6 plates. taldisapprobation of his public and pri-
(Text-book.) (.-V) vate conduct. War Dept. Military
Sec E. L. Pierce: Life of Maj. Book Xo. I.
John Lillie, 1S96, I vol., 8°, pp. 31, 122, 1802, March 9. Secretary of War
etc. [Major Lillie was captain Second grantsa leave to Major Williams. Lieu-
Regiment, Artillerists and Engineers, tenant Wilson, of the Corps of Engi-
and from May to Sept. 22, 1801, he neers, is to take charge of the Military
commanded at West Point. His mon- .\cademy during Major Williams's ab-
ument in the U. S. ^Military Academy sence. War Dept. Military Book Xo. i.
cemetery recites that he was "an active 1802, March 16. Act of Congress
agent in founding the Military Acad- ])rovides for cadets of artillery; fi.xes
emy, So I."] (.\
I ) their pay tfiio) and gives them two
"The building for the .Academy rations; organizes a Corps of Engineers
was put in order by [Maj. John Lillie]. consisting of officers and 10 cadets
It was about as large as a country school- (pay, %\(i and two rations); orders the
house the seats and forms were
. . .
corps stationed at West Point to consti-
painted green." Pierce (E. L. ): Maj. tute a ^lilitary .\cademy. \) \

John Lillie, 1755-1801, pp. 31. (.\) 1802, April 13. .Secretary of War
Sec Gardiner, .Asa Bird: Memoir notifies Jonathan Williams that the
of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Henry Burbeck, President has appointed him major of
" Founder of the U. S. Military .Acad- engineers. War Dept. Jlilitary Book
emy" New York, 1883, 'ill., 4°.
. . .
Xo. (Barron appointed captain,

(A) and Dransey, lieutenant, same date.)

1801-1805. Extracts from the journal 1802, April. The .Academy opened
(1S30) of John Lillie (appointed cadet under Capt. \V. A. Barron. The course
at the age of 10 years 7 months): "The of study was Hutton's Mathematics,
Military Academy was then in its in- Enfield's Natural Philosophy, Yauban's
fancy; all order and regulation, either Fortification, Scheel's Artillery, an<l
moral or religious, gave way to idleness, practical surveying. Examinations
dissipation, and irreligion. Xo control were held September. Swift's Me-
over the conduct of the officers and ca- moirs, 35-36. (.A)

dets was then exercised Drunken- . . . 1802, 4. May

Secretary of War noti-
ness and Sabbath breaking constituted fies Jared Mansfield of his appointment
the order of the day, and well it was as captain of engineers and hopes he
for me that I left that place of ruin." will not decline it. War Dept. Blili-
(A) tary Book No. 1.
54 CrJiioniial of United Slates Military Aeadeiiiy

1802, May
8. Capt. W. A. Barron is 1802, December 3. Secretary of War
to repair to West Point [for dnty as to Colonel Williams. His purchase of
professor of mathematics, 1802-1.S07]. instruments for U. S. Militarv Academy,
War Dept. Military Book No. i. 1143.51,is approved. He forwards
1802, May 26. Leaves anthorized by sample of uniform for Corps of Engi-
neers. It is perhaps too expensive, but
Secretary of War to Cadets H. B. Jack-
is approved and will be adopted. Vaca-
son, Samuel Gates, William Gates. In
future all furloughs to cadets to be ap- tion for cadets ordered from Dec. I to
plied for to Major Williams. W'ar Mar. 15. War I)e])t. Militarv Book
Dept. Military Book No. i N". I.
1802, June 7. Secretary of War orders 1802-3 and 1805-1812. The punish-
Capt. Jared Mansfield to West Point. ments for cadets were coniiuements
War Dept. Jlilitary Book No. i. (arrests), etc. Court of Inquiry,
March, 1S16.
1802, June 8. Secretary of War noti-
fiesthat John Livingston is appointed 1802-1812. The largest number of
a cadet in the artillery [N. B.] and cadets at the Academy at any one time
will report to Major Williams, Super- was 36 and the average about 20. The
intendent of the Military- School. War term was usually April to November.
Dept. Military Book No, i. Rept. Su])t. U. S. Military Academy,
1S96, p. 123. ( .\
1802, July Regulations for West

Point by Secretary of War. Copy in 1802-1813. Capt. J. A. Mansfield,
Proc. General Court-Martial, j\LS.', p. Corps of I'higineers, acting professor
(A) of mathematics 1S02-3; Capt. W. A.
Barron, Corps of Engineers, ditto,
1802, July 9. Secretary of War to I 02- 1807. The text-book was Hut-

Colonel Williams directing him to form

ton's Mathematics. F. R. Hassler,
a library and a collection of instru-
acting professor 1807-1809, assisted by
ments for U. S. Military Academy.
Lieut.Alden Partridge, Corps of Engi-
War Dept. Military Book No. I.
neers. The latter was assistant pro-
1802, July 28. Letter of Secretary of fessorand professor 1S06-1813. Rept.
War Colonel Williams.
to Cadets Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896,
Osborn [should be Swift], Armistead, pp. 39-41. (A)
and Levi to be attached to Corps of 1802-1815. Set' Cullum (G. W.):
Engineers. In re North's claim. Re-
Campaigns and engineers of the war
pairing large barracks. War Dept.
of 1812-1815, passim. (A)
Military Book No. i.
1802-1816. Between these dates and
1802, July 29. Secretary of War to
]5rol)aljlv later the corps of cadets was
Colonel Williams inclosing regulations
frequently .styled "the gentlemen
for the post at West Point, one copy to
cadets." Partridge and other MSS.
be delivered to the superintending
officer of the Academy. War Dept.
Military Book No. i. 1802-1821. Letters of cadets who
have the Militarv Academy.
Regulations for the post of \\'est
Originals in A. G. O., O.' M. A.
Point. Cullum, MS. (A)
Register of the officers and grad-
1802, September 6. Secretary of War
uates of the U. S. Military Academy
to Colonel Williams in re repairs, etc.
from 1S02 to 1831, I vol., 4°, pp. 16.
Cadets to have waiters (enlisted men),
one to a mess of at least four. War
Dept. Military Book No. i. The total expense of the insti-
1802, September 28. "Lent, on ade- tution 1S02-1S21 is |So8,545; average
sire of Captain Izard, six carbines for cost of each of the 283 graduates who
the use of the young cadets." Quarter- have been commissioned is |2,222.
master's Wa.ste Book, West Point, MS. Rept. Board of Visitors, 1821, p. 69.
(A) (A)
1802, November Secretary of War
6. 1802-1822. Register of cadets who
to Colonel Williams. The value of a have graduated at the U. S. Military
rationfor thenext vear isii cents. War Academy and received conunissions in
Dept. Military Book No. i. the Army of the United States from
June, 1802, to July, 1822, inclusive, i
1802, November 12. Tnc Military
vol., 4°, pp. 8. (A)
was formed. Its
J'liitosop/iical Socicfy
place of meeting was to be the \J. S. 1802-1825. Register of graduates of
Military Academy. Swift's Memoirs, the U. S. Military Academy who have
p. 37. ( Its con.stitution in the frames been commissioned in the Army of the
in library U. S. Militarv Academy. ) Set' Ihiited States from June, 1802, to July,
May, 1808. (A) 1S25, inclusive, i vol., 4°, pp. 10. (A)
Biblioo^rapliY of the U. S. Mi/i/arr .lardiriuy. 55
1802-1826. There was no hospital .\cademy, 1802-1S61. In the Volunteer
for cailrts during these years. Rept. .Soldier of America, pp. 443-445. (.-V)
Hoard of Visitors, 1S26, \>. 176. (A) 1802-1863. Total appropriations by
1802-1828. Letter from the Secretary Congress for the sujjport of U. S. Mili-
of War ... in relation to the expend- tar}' .\cadeniy, 62 years, 57, 133,235.70.
itures at the IMilitary .Veadeniy at Boynton's Ilistoiy of West Point, p.
West Point from 1802 to [1S2S].
. . . 312 (where details are given). (.A)
House Doc. No. 194, 20th Cong., ist 1802-1866. Book of letters written
sess., S pp. (A) (all other Military Academy papers
1802-1833. CuUum (( ;. \V. ): The transferred to .\djutant-(ieneral's Of-
early history of the U. S. Military fice, Office Military .\cadcmy). Rec-
Academy. I)! his Biog. Reg., vol. 3, ords of luigiueer Dept. War Dept. ,

pp. 465-672. (A) 1802-1870. Register of cadets admit-

1802-1837. Is the Academy an aristo- ted into the V. S. Military Academy
eratio institution? Amer. Ouar. Rev., from its origin to June 30, 1S70, com-
vol. 22, pp. 112-113. (A) piled by Bvt. Maj. C. lioynton, adju-
Report on the history, etc., of the tant of the Military .-Vcadem}-. Wash-
U. S. Military Academy. House Doc. ington, 1S70. 1 vol., O. (k)
No. 731, 24th Cong., 2d sess. (.\) 1802-1871. Boynton, Capt. Edward
1802-1838. After Apr. 29, 1S12, grad- C, Hi.story of West Point, 2d ed., 1871,
uated cadets were required to serve I vol., O., xviii and 416 pp. (A)
five years as officers; this was extended 1802-1876. Lieut. Col. RobertHall,
to eight years on July 5, 1S3S. H. List of cadets admitted to the U. S.
1802 to 1844, June 30. Total cost of Military Academy till 1876, with tables
r. S. Jlilitary Academy, :?4, 002, 901.25.
exhibiting the results of the examina-
Annual expense (1S44I, $116,500 tions and the corps to which the gradu-
(about). General Totten's report on ates have been promoted. Washing-
p. 159, Alxstract of Letters Sent, Office ton, 1S76, 1 vol., O. (A)
Military Academy, Adjutant Cieneral's 1802-1877. Menioranda as to the to-
Office, and ibid., Feb. 26, 1S44. tal number of cadets; the number from
1802-1845. The pay of cadets, |i6 each .State; the number of candidates
and two rations=|2S. Mar. 3, 1845, rejected [by .States] the ratio of grad- ;

an act of Congress fixed the pay at |;24 uates to admitted candidates, etc. Re-
per month. Mar. 3, 1S57, an act of port of Board of Visitors, 1877, pp. 395-
Congress fixed the pay at I30. (A) 402. (A)
1802-1846. Table of the number of 1802-1880. .\b.stract from complete
cadets received and graduated at U. .S. .-Vrmy Register United States, 1779-iSSo.
Military Academy from the different Register of cadets admitted into the
States; of officers of volunteers in
list V . S. Military Academy from its estab-
the Mexican war who are graduates. blishment with tables exhib-
till iS.So,

Report Board of Visitors. 1S47. (A) iting the results of the examinations
for admission and the corps to whicli
1802-1847. Statistics of graduates,
the graduates have been promoted.
1S02-KS47; tables. Whole number, Compiled bv Bvt. Lieut. Col. Robert
1.365; killed in battle, 6S; civil occu-
H. Hall. Washington, T. H. S. Ham-
pations; militar}' .services killed in — ersly, 1S80. jil., 1S9-24SPP., O. 1
war with England, 10; in Florida war,
12; in Mexican war, 46; brevets for 1802-1883. L'academie militaire des
gallantry, etc.. Si. Report Board of Etats-l'nis a Point, par P. ,S.

Visitors, 184S, pp. 294-296. [\) Michie . . . et J. Forsyth. Revue in-

1802-1861. Proportion of graduates ternational de renseignement. Tome
to number of cadets entering: 1802- 5, 18S3, pp. 611 et seq. (.A)
iSii, 0.606; 1S12-1S21, 0.2S9; 1822- . 1802-1886. Ward, W. : List of cadets
1S31, 0.377; 1S32-1S41, 0.472; 1842- admitted into the U. S. Military Acad-
1851, 0.510; 1S52-1861, 0.523. Boyn- emy from its origin till Sept. 1,
. . .

ton's Historv of West Point, p. 281. 1886; with tables exhibiting the re-
(A) sults of examinations for admission, and
Table giving the number of cadets the corps to which the graduates have
admitted from the nonslave-holding been promoted. Compiled under the
States (total number, 2,278) and from direction of Lieut. W. C. Brown . . .

the slave-holding .States (1,819) '" the I vol., 8°, Washington, 1887. (A)
years 1802-1S61. /k Logan: Volunteer
Register of graduates, 1802-18.S6,
Soldier in America, p. 245. { \)
with an index. /;/ Berard, -A. B.
Brief biographies of the heads of Reminiscences of West Point, 1 vol.,
the classes graduated at U. S. Military O., 1886. (A1
56 Ccutciiiiial of L ^iiitfd States Military Academy.

1802-1890. Teaching of mathematics 1802-1902. The portraits of 449 gradu-

at West Point; history; anecdotes anil ates or officers, U. S. Military Academy,
descriptions; criticism. Cajori: Teach- are owned by the Association of Gradu-
ing and Histor\-of Mathematics in the ates or \>y the library (engravings and
United States, pp. S4-86, 114-127. jjhoto.graphs ), beside cadet class albums,
See Rosengarten G. ); German 1857-1902 (e.xcept 1S5S, 1S60, 1861,
soldier in the wars of the United States. 1862, 1867, 1872, 1873, 1874). Index
[ rf in Bull. Xo. 3, Assoc, of Grads. (A)
2d ed., Philadelphia. 1S90.
graduates. U. S. Military- Academy, of Cadets promoted and assigned to:
German descent.] Corps of Engineers, 3<x>; topographical
Civil occupations of graduates, U.
engineers, 32; ordnance department,
Military Academy, 1S02-1.S90. /// 72; light artillery, 49; artillery, 1,155;
light dragoons, i; dra.goons, 136; cav-
Cnlluni's Biog. Reg., vol. 3, p. 464;
alry, 624; mounted rifles, 35; mounted
ditto, 1802-1903. /;/ Hull. .X.s.soc. Grads.
rangers, 5; infantry, 1,635; rifles, 5;
1903, (A)
marines, 5; not commissioned, 13; ag-
1802-189S. [The U. S. ^Military Acad- gregate, 4,067. (A)
emy as a school of technology, etc.],
by Professor Riedler, /;/ Report U. S. Regulations of the U. S. Military
Commissioner of I-'ducation, 1892-93, Academy issued: 1802, 1810,1814,1821,
\K) 1S25, i8'29, 1832, 1839, 1S53, 1S57, 1866,
vol. I, p. 657,
1S73. 1S77. 1SS3. 1S94, 1902. (A)
1802-1896. History of all the aca-
demic departments, U. S. Militarv Plans of the most important build-
/;/ Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili'-
ings and works are on file at the draw-
tarv Academy, 1S96. (.\) ing academy, [A few of them are
mentioned in this catalogue.] (.\)
1802-1899. Laws of Congress relat-
ing to West I'oint and the U. S. Mili- \ list of the text-books in use can
tarv .\cadeniv, 1899, vol., O. Same, i
be found in Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
17S6-1877. (A) Academy, 1S96, and also in annual
1802-1900. Cullum
Bvt. Maj. Gen. (
cadet registers. A(

Brief history of the academic i:i-

George W. Biographical register of
) :

the oHicers and graduates of the U. S. struction, U. S. Militarv .\cademv. fn

Military Adademy from 1S02 to 1867. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mil'itary Academy,
Revised edition with supplement' con- 1902, pp. 10-15. (A-)

taining the register of graduates to Civiloccupations of graduates,

January i, 1S79, 3 vols., 8°, York, Xew U. S. Militarv .'Academy, 1802-1902.
1879. Same, from 1802 to 1S90, with /;; Bull. No. 3, Assoc, of Grads. (A)
the earlv historj- of the Academy, 3d Jubilee of the Academy. Notices
ed.. New- York, 189 1,3 vols., O. (.\) in newspapers collected in .scrapbooks
Ro-ster of officers of the U. S. at the library, U. S. Military Academy.
Military Academy, 1S02-1900. In Cul- (A)
luni's Biog. Reg., vol. 4, pp. 1-9, Uist
Official records. MSS. I, in the
of graduates, with biographies, 1S02-
offices of the adjutant, commandant,
1900, vols. I, 2, 3, 4. (A)
treasurer, and quartermaster, U. S.
1802-1901. G. B. Davis: The mili- Military .\cadeniy; II, in the library;
tary laws of the United States, Chap. III, in the .\djutant-Generars Office,
XXXI. Washington, 190T, i vol., 8°. War Dept.; IV, in the Record and Pen-
[This chapter contains the laws relat- sion Office, War Dept. [no catalogue of
ing to U. S. Military Academy, and its the foregoing MSS. can here be given];
footnotes give data concerning the his- V, in the library of the .A.ssoc. of Grads.,
tory of the .\cademy.] (.\) U. S. Military Academy. (.\)
Re.gister of cadets admitted into
Obituaries and portraits of de-
the U. .S. Military Academy from its
ceased graduates are to be found in
origin to June 30, i87o(E.C. Bovnton);
.\niiuals .\ssoc. of Grads., U. S. Mili-
ibid., to Sept. 30, 1S76 R. h! Hall); (

tarv Academy, 1870 to date. Index ni

ibid, to Sept. i, 1886 (Wni. Ward); "
Bull. No. 3. (A)
ibid., to Sept. I, 1901 (W. C. Rivers).
Washington, 4 vols., O. (A) See the indexes to the annual vol-
Index to obituaries of graduates. umes of the Army and Navy Journal
/;/ Bulletin Xo. i, .\ssoc. of Grads. and of the .\rmv and Navy Register.
igoi, p. 223. (A) (A)
1802-1902. Power of the Superin- Graduates, U. S. Military .Acad-
tendent of the Military Academy to emy, total 4,121, have been promoted
make regulations. See Lieber (G. X'. ) as follows: Engineers, 307; topograph-
Remarks on the Army regulations, p. ical engineers. 32; ordnance, 72; light
82, note. Washington, 1S98, i vol., <). artillery, 49; artillery, 1,168; light dra-
Bihlioi^rapliv of flw IJ. S. Mililarv Aauiciuy. 57
goons, i: dragoons, 136; cavalry, 648; 1802-1902. The following entries re-
mounted 35; niounte<l rangers,
rifles, late Congressional volumes serial
to 1

5; infantry, 1.645: rifles, 5; marines, 5; No. and documents doc. No.

) Con- ( ) . (

not commissioned, 13. Heitnian's gressional Documents, Tables and In-

Hist. Reg. U. S. .\rmv, vol. i, p. 144. de.\, Superintendent of Documents,
(A) PP- 475-479-

Serial Doc.
Ko. No.

.Academic building at, iSSS 2603 2029 Annual report Board of Visitors
.\<ijutaiit-Generar.s report relative (in annual report of Secretary
lo, 1843 . 442 96 of War) — Continnccl.
Annual report Board of Visitors i8b2(not in Secretary of War's
(in atniual report Secretary of report ) 1159
War)— 1S63. p. 7fi 1184
1S25, p. 64 125 (Chief of Kngineers.
same 131 1.S64, p. 43 (not in Secretary of
1826. p. 22S 144 War's report) 1230 S3
same 148 1565. p. 925 1250
1527, p. 6S 163 1566, p. 432 1285
same, p. 65 169 (Inspector and Hoard of Visit-
1528, p. 57 l8l ors.)
same, p. 44 1S4 1867, pp. 4S9. 49-1 1324
1,829. P- ^'^ 192 1S6S, pp. 993, 9^,7 1367
same 195 1569, pp. 459, 477 1412
1S30, p, 115 203 1570, pp. 29=1. 503 1446
same 206 (Superintendent and Hoard of
1831. p. gj 216 Visitors.
1832. p. 117 233 1571, pp. 423. 43.S '503
1833. 1'- 13" 238 1872, pp. 785. 791 '558
same. p. 105 25-t ( Board of Visitors, i

1534, P- 173- • 266 1872 (special report to House),

same. p. 166 1S73 and 1874 (not issued in
1535, p. 205 279 Congressional set).
same. p. 2co 286 1575. p. 349 1674
1536, p. 30S 297 1576. p. 347 1742
same. p. 29.S 301 1577. P-3S3 1791
837. 314 1S7S, p. 447 1843
P- 4of'
same. p. 6S ; 1S79. p. 421 903
iSjS, p. 239 5's 18S0, p. .MI 1952
same, p. 23S 344 same (not in Secretary of
1S39, p. 222 .3.54 War's report) ,
same 363 ]S8i (not in Secretary- of War's
iS40,p, 143 37.5 report) .
same 382 1882, p. 529 ,
1841, p. 151 395 same (not in Secretary of
same. p. 129 401 War's report \ 2118
1S42, p. 26S 413 1883. p. hS3 2182
same. p. 260 41S 1S84, p. Sii
(Chief ot Engineers.) same (with cotnniittee re-
1843, p. lis 43" ports) 2310
same, p. 119 439 1885, p. S39 2369
1S44, p. 190 449 same (not in Secretary ot
same. p. 1.S4 .-. ... 463 War's report ) 2415
1.845. P- 2''9 470 1SS6. p. 747 2461
same 4S0 same(not iti Secretary ol
1.846. p. 1 34 493 War's report) ... '.
same 497 1S87. p. 751 2533
(Board of Visitors.) same (not in Secretary of
1S47. p. 629 .^ 503 War's report) '.
. . 2516
same .'
515 ]88S. p. 913 262S
184,8,p. 2S2 hll same (not in Secretary of
1849, p. 235 549 War's report) , 2614
same 569 (Superintendent and IJoard of
1550. p. 370 587 Visitors.
same, p. 270 595 1889, pp. 215, 1015 27l,S
1551. p. 363 5ll 1890. pp. 217, iof)5
same 634 (Board of i'isitors.)
1,852. p. 16S 659 1891, p. 277. 755
same 674 same ( ""t in Secretary of
1853, p. 180 691 War's report)
same 711 1892. p. 155. 673
1854, p. 12S 747 Appointments at large at
same 778 same
1855, p. 225 Sli Appropriations for, committee re-
same 841 port, etc.. 18S5,
1856, p. 300 876 1S87.
same S94 .same
1857, p. 197 920 iSSS
same 943 same
1858, p. S39 976 1890
same 999 same
1859, p. 65S - 1024 same
:86o. p. 274 1079 iSgi
(Superintendent. 1892
1S61, p. 114 IllS 1S95--
58 Centennial of United States Military Academy.


Appropriations for, committee re-

port, etc. —
1893 3042
same 3044
1894 3073
same , . 3141
Band of U. S. Military Academy.
to reorganize, 1890 . 2814
Board of Visitors to U. S. Military
Academy, aiiioinits paid to, 1817-
1S27 166
Cadets at U. S. Militarj- Academy,
appointment of
same .

change of course of instruction
at U. S. Military Academy. .

expulsion of cadets, investiga-

increase of number of cadets .

lists of cadets, etc., iRis-1820.
petition relative to appoint-
ments of cadets in the
Army, 1S85
plan to c(jnii)el cadets to re-
main in military service...
reduction of number of cadets.
Cavalrj^ barracks at, iSSi
Class of '86, petition of. for legis-
lation to secure appointments in
Army to members of said class.
Clerks of U. S. Military Academy,
1SS7 : :.
Commissary storehouse at U. S.
Military Academy, appropria-
tion for construction of, 1890.. ,

Competitive examination for ad-

mission to V S. Military Acad-

emy, plan for

Committee report on U. S. Mili-
Enlisted men at West Point, quar-
ters of , 1SS5
Estimates for U. S. Military Acad-
emy, 1840 !

Expenditures on U. S. Military
Academy, etc. , 1820
1821 ,

Bibliograpliy of tlir U. S. Militarv Academy. 59
F. D. Masson, first "teacher," 1S03- 1804, April 20. Secretary of War au-
l8lo; F. Masson, first teacher, iSio- thorizes Lieutenant Cxates [N. B.] to
1S15; C. Berard. first teacher and pro- pursue his .studies at Jlilitary .-Vcad-
fessor, 1815-1848; J. Du Coniman, sec- emy. War Dept. Military Book No. 2.
ond teacher, 181S- H. R. Agiiel,
1804, April. The .\cademy opened
second teacher, 1S40-1S48; H. R. Agnel, under I'rofes.sors Barron and De Masson
professor, 1848-1871; G. L. Andrews, (Major Wadsworth, superintendent)
professor, 1871-1892; E. K. Wood, pro- Swift's Memoirs, p. 46. (A)
fessor, 1892-1902. Rept. Supt. U. S.
1804, May 12. Secretary of War con-
Military Academy. l8g6. p. 1,^2. (A) venes a court-martial to be composed
1803, March 10. Secretary of War of both oflicers and cadets. Circen's
authorizes Colonel Williams to enlist appraised; De Ma.sson's pur-
19 men for engineers, "to be siibject to chases of books, J226.45. War Dept.
the rules and .Articles of War." The Military Book No. 2.
President will appoint teachers of " Point
1804. December 24.
French and of drawing with pay not is abandoned for the season " before
above that of captain. Colonel Will- this date. Letter of Lieutenant Ma-
iams to designate the unifonn. War combi?) to J. G.Swift, Swift MSS. (.A)
Dept. Military Book No. i.
1804-1816. A new grammar of the
1803, May
24. Secretary of War tu French tongue, originally compiled
W. A. Barron. The memorial of offi-
for the use of the .American Military
cers and cadets at West Point has been Academy, by a French gentleman
. .

received. War Dept. Militarv Book .

[Masson?]. New York, 1804, i vol.,

No. I.
8°. Text-book department of modern
1803, May. Francis de Masson ap- languages, 1804-1816 (?) Partridge
pointed teacher of French and of topo- MS. (A)
graphical drawing. Swift's Memoirs, Secretary of War to
1805, April 22.
p. 40. (A) Colonel Williams. He has been ap-
1803, June 13. Secretary of War or- pointed lieutenant-colonel, and will
ders Captain Fleming to the proceed to West Point to take com-
"school-room" with charts, etc. War mand of the Corps of Engineers and
Dept. ililitary Book No. i. the direction of the Military- Academy.
1803, June 20. Major Jonathan Will- War Dept. Military Book No. 2.
iams, Corps of Engineers, Superintend- May 27. Secretary of War to
ent U. S. Military .Academy, resigned Colonel Williams. J. D. Windham
his commission. Reappointed chief has been appointed a cadet in the ar-
engineer Apr. 19, 1805, and resigned tillery [N. B.], and will report at the
July 31, 1812. (A) Military .Academy. War Dept. :\Iili-
1803, June 25. Secretary of War to tary Book No. 2.
Capt. W. .A. Barron. Colonel Williams
having resigned (June 21 ). the Military 1805, June 1. Secretary of War to
Academy will be under your care dur- Colonel Williams. Ten sets of mathe-
ing the absence of Major Wadsworth. matical instruments and of lead

War Dept. Military Book No. i. pencils imported for Jlilitary Academy.
War Dept. Military Book No. i.
1803, July 25. Secretary of War to
Captain Barron. Mr. de Masson is 1805, June 10. Secretary of War to
appointed teacher of French. French Colonel Williams. He hopes Cadet
books can be ordered. [His pay was McComb "can be induced" to remain
f4ci. Dec. I.] one year longer at the Military Acad-
emy. War Dept. Military Book No. 2.
1803, September 7. De Masson may
give lessons in drawing also. War 1805, ,^une 21. " Delivered to Lieut.
Dept. Military Book No. 2. Col Coinmdt. Jonathan Williams, of the

Corps of Engineers, 58 stands of P'rench

1803, September 23. Secretary of
arms, 2 carbines, 200 musket flints, 60
War authorizes purchase of books for
bayonet scabbards," etc. Quartermas-
Military .Academy.
ter's Wastebook, kept at West Point.
1803. Adams (George): Geometrical (A)
and graphical essays, containing a gen-
of the mathematical
1805, July 22. Court of inquiry held
eral description
at West Point. War Dept. Military
instruments used in geometry, civil
Book No. 2.
and military sur\-eying, leveling and
perspective. London, 1803, i vol., O. 1805, August 17. Cadet McKenny
Text-book department of mathematics, drowned in the Hudson River. MS.
Oct. 7, 1803, to' War Dept.
. Return of .Arms, etc., at West Point,
Military Book No. 2. 1 796- 1 805 (last page). (A)
6o CciiUimial of Unitrd Stales Military Academy.

1805, September 30. Stone fence 1807, February 10. F. R. Hassler

around public ground) to be built by appointed teacher of mathematics at

order of the Secretary of War. War lycx) on proljation for one year.
Dept. Military Book Nd. 2. Dept. Military Book No. 3.

Secretary of War to Cadet Chou- 1807, April 6. J. G. Swift assumes

teau. The rank of cadets will make no connnand of the post. Memoirs, p. 65.
difference in future .\nny rank; justice (A)
will be done according to merit. War 1807, April. Capt. J. G. Swift .Super- (

Dept. JNIilitary Book, No. 2. intendent I

begins the fonnation of a
1805, September 30. Secretary of War lil)rarv for the Academy. Memoirs,
considers all cadets on probation and p. 67." (A)
liable to be discharged without trial. 1807, May 1. A bell has lately been
Cadets niav be tried by any court that purchase<l for West Point. War Dept.
can try noncommissioned officers. War .Military Book No. 3.
Dept.' Military Book No. 2. 1807, June 16. Furloughs may be
1805. Cadet mes.s organized. Rept. granted to any member of the Military
Supt. U. S. Military .\cadeniv, 1S96, p. Academy in the discretion of Colonel
123. (A) Williams. By order of Secretary of
1805-1902. List of 2S0 graduates who War. War liept. INIilitary Book No. 3.
have become general officers, U. S. 1807, November 17. .Secretary of
Army, to 1900. /« Bulletin .\ssoc. of War (to Capt. J. G. Swift). Will not
Grads., No. i (1900), p. 64; ibid., No. authorize the purchase of more books
2 1902), p. 42; ibid.. No. 3 (1903). (A)
( for the Military Academy, except as
1806, March 24. .Secretary of War to appro\-ed by Colonel Williams. War
Colonel Williams, authorizing purchase Military Dept. Book No. 3.
of a quadrant and discouraging pur- 1807-1810. Captain Partridge acted
chase of books, because science is .so as assistant professor of mathematics
rapidly advancing that a book will Apr. I to Nov. I, 1807; Apr. i to Nov.
soon be obsolete[!] War Dept. Mili- 20, 1S08; .\pr. I to Dec. i, 1809, and as
tary Book No. 2. principal assistant profes.sor Apr. i to
1806, March 25. .Secretary of War Nov. I, 1810. Proc. Court of Inquiry
orders Captain Fleming to deliver ord- MS., p. 327.(A)
nance to Colonel Williams for experi- 1807-1817. Cadet Thayer was post
ments in gunnery for the improvement adjutant. Cadet Ragland held the
of the .students of the Military .Acad- same office in 181 7; hours for military
emy. War Dept. Military Book No. 2. given; chevrons prescribed
1806, May 24. Secretary of War to for cadets (1817). The present style
Captain Fleming. The public build- of chevrons was adopted June 29, 1830.
ings require re]3airs to cost |8oo-| ,000. i Jour. Mil. Ser. Inst. U. S., vol. 2,
The lower story of the Academy to be p. 453- (A)
decently repaired. The buildings gen- 1808, March 14. Report on the prog-
erally are but temporary. Water sup- ressand present state of the Military
ply from springs to Academy. A 12- Academy, by Col. Jon. Williams. Cul-
foot yawl for the use of the Academy. lum MS!
Mouiit two field pieces for the use of 1808, March 16. Six cadets of artil-
the artillery cadets. War Dept. Mili- ler\- appointed and ordered to West
tary Book No. 3. Point. War Dept. Military Book
1806, July 1. .Secretary of War directs No, 3.
no spirituous liquors to be sold within 1808, March 18. House Docs., loth
the pulilic ground without a written Cung., rst Mes.sage from the
permission from connnanding officer.
President: Necessity for instruction in
War Dept. Military Book No. 3. artillery and engineering; Colonel Wil-
1806, Aug-ust 30. Secretary of War liams's report; .sy.stem of instruction;
toColouel Williams. Qustion of double too few teachers; suggestions for reor-
rations to commanding officer. I.s our ganization. II pp.
Military Academy a military post? Special message of President Jef-
[Decided to be so by President U. S. ferson on the state of the Military
Oct. 3]. War Dept. Military Book Academy and on the question of its
No. 3. removal to Washington. See Cullum:
1806-1817. Cadets" acceptances of ap- Campaigns of the War
of 1S12-1815, p.
pointnients /« A.G. 0.,0. M. A. 39; also' in Messages, etc., of the Presi-
dents, vol. I, p. 445. (A)
1806-1900. of graduates killed in
action, iSoS-igoo. In Bulletin Assoc, Letter of Jefferson suggests that
of Grads., No. i (1900), p. 54. (A) the Military .\cadeniy be removed to
BibliograpJiv of the I'. S. MiliUirv Arach iiiv. 6

Washiiifjtoii. M.S. in Stale Di-pt. 1808, November 8. Order: All ab-

Library, sences of cadets nuist be accounted for
1808. March. President Jefferson's bv written re])orts. Court of Intjuirv,
si)ecial message to Congress as to the Jiareh 1816, App. y. (.A. )

necessity of enlarging the scope of the 1808, November 9. Two or three

r. S. Military Academy and as to the niDiiths' 1
lay advanced to certain cadets.
advantages of Washington as a site for War Dept. Military Book No. 3.
it. Writings of Jefferson, vol. 8, p. loi. 1808. The
Ivlenients of Fortification
(A) . translated from the French by
. .

1308, April 12. .\ct of pro- Jonathan Williams. 2d ed. (n. p.)
vides for cadets of infantry, rinenien, i8t)i, I vol., 8°. Text-book depart-
and dragoons. (A) ment of civil and militarj^ engineering.
1308, May 11. Secretary of War to i8o8(?) Kept. Supt. r'. S. Militar\-
Colonel Williams. Whenevertheyoung .\cademy, 1S96, p. 160.

gentlemen at the .\cademy become tur- 1809, March 31. Cadets perform the
bulent or refractory they should . . . duties of officer of the day in rotation.
be discharged without delay. In gen- The officer of the da)- forms the parade.
eral no courts-martial for cadets. War Proc. Court of Inquiry. MS., pp. 316-
Dept. Military Book No. 3. 31S Five cadets acted as drillmasters,
1308, May. Constitution of the U. S. and the cadet adjutant (usually) com-
Military Philosophical Society, Chap. manded the jjarade. .\ (

IV; Meetings twice monthly wherever Academy orders: Two classes in

the Military .\cademy may be estab- mathematics, adjutant; a li-
etc. .\\\

lished. CuilumMS. .StvizA'othis cata- lirarian; the gentlemen cadets will in o

logue, Nov. 1S02, 1S09, --^pril and
12, turn perform the duty of officer of the
May, 1816, 1822, and 1824. (.\) day; a. m. and p. m. parades, etc.
1808, June 20. Secretary of War au- (Copy on file in library U. S. Slilitary
thorizes engagement of Mr. Zoeller as Academy. Court of Inquiry, Jlarch,

a temporary professor of drawing at 18 16. Ajip. O. (.\t

the Military Academy; De Masson to 1809, April 29. The War Department
be relieved from drawing and to per- can spare no copies of Mutton's Mathe-
form temporarily the duty of professor matics to the Military Academy. War
of engineering. War Dept. Military Dept. Military Book "No. 4.
Book is^o. 3. 1809, May
23. vSecretary of War in-
1808, August Letter from Jeffer-
6. quires as to conduct of the military
son to 1 Complaints of cadets
)earl)orii. storekeeper [.Snowden] at West Point.
that promotions are made without re- Difficulties and actual disturbances
gard to seniority ormerit. MS. in State have taken place. War Dept. Military
Dept. Library. Book No. 4.
1808, August 15. Extract from the 1809, June 1. War Department sub-
Minutes of the U. Military Philo-
S. scribes to 20 copies of Colonel Tou-
sophical Society requesting Col. Jona- sard's Artillerists' Companion. War
than Williams to translate and publish Dept. Military Book No. 4.
General Kosciuszko's Manual of the 1809, July 15. Mr. Madison in a
service of artillery at the cost of letter to Col.Jonathan Williams speaks
the society. ( )p. cit., p. iii. (A) of a report made by him.self to Mr. Jef-
1808, September 30. Mrs. Colonel fenson on the subject of a military
Williams writes to Maj. J. (i. Swift in academv. Cullum M.S. copies from
regard to allowing Mrs. Capt. .\lexander letters in N. V. .State Hist. Soc. ( A
Thompson to retain quarters and to 1809, August 8. Court of inquiry
board cadets. [This privilege was held at West Point June iS relative to
granted, and the family of Captain firing the barracks May 8. War Dept.
Thompson bearded cadets till about Military Book No. 4.
1873.] Thereare 19 enlisted men at the
Academ)',2 being mu.sicians. Two are 1809, November 10. Secretary of
employed half their time in going for War directs that the amount all )wed
the mail. The water has to be carried. for teachers of I'rench and of drawing-
Mr. Snowden, military storekeeper, be divided between Messrs. De Mas.sou.
has had disturbances with cadets. Hassler, and Zoeller. W'ar Dept. Mili-
Swift M.SS. (A) tary Book No. 4.

1808, October 31. Fifty copies of the 1809, December 29. Secretary of War
work on horse artillery Williams's ( orders a return to be made to the pre-
translation of Kosciuszko) for the Mili- siding officer of the Military Academy
tary Academy. War Dept. Military of all public books, etc. \\'ar DejJt.
Book No. 3. Military Book No. 4.
62 .
Centennial of Uni/rd S/afrs Military Aaui/^ -niv.

1809. U. S. Military and Pliilosophical 1810-1816. Scl- Partridge (Alden):

Society: Extracts from the minutes U. S. Jlilitary .\cadeniy; i8 experi-
... at an occasional meeting held at ments made on the fire of artillery and
New York, Dec. 28, 1S09. New York, infantry made at West Point iSio- (

1S09, T vol., 4°, pp. 22. [Astor Li- 1S14); meteorological observations;
brary.] ditto iSio-iSl4),
( etc. MS. iyol,,Q.
1809-1874. Cadets were boarded by 1810-1824. Returns and muster rolls
Mrs. Alexander Thompson and l)y her of troops at West Point. Returns Div.
daughters in a special mess. [Sff R, and P. O. (Monthly returns, 1810-
Sept 30, iSoS.] Court of Inquiry, 1S24; nuuster rolls, 1S10-1S13.
March, 1S16. 1810-1838. II vols., iSic^i83S, of
1810, January 18. cadet of artil- A military correspon<lence of Secretary
lery appointed and ordered to report to of War's Office, with 50 references to
Major Macomb, of the engineers, at Military Academy affairs. Not printed.
Charleston, S. C. War Dept., Mili- A. M. M.
tary Book No. 4. 1810-1902. Regulations U. S. Mili-
1810, March 14. Furlough granted to tary Academy [the "black-book"] for
Mr. l)e Masson provided he furnishes the years 1810, 1S15, 1814*, 1821*, 1825,
a substitute. War Dept., Military 1829*, 1831, 1S39, 1840*, 1841*, 1853,
Book No. 4. 1857, 1S66, 1873, 1877, 1883, 1894, 1902.
1810, May 9. Secretary of War has no (Those marked with a star are not
objection to attaching Cadet Abert to owned by the library (h) )

Captain Whitey's company of artillery 1811, March 13. The Military .Acad-
and Cadet Larrabee to Captain Sweet's emy expected to a translator

company. War Dept., Military Book for a system of tactics for light cavalry.
No. 4. Detter of Secretary of War. War Dept.
May Secretary of War Military Book No 5.
1810, 17.
writes to .Superintendent of U. S. Mili- 1811, April 6. Depredations commit-
tary .\cademy Send a cadet of steady
' ted by persons unknown during the
habits -vvhu writes a good hand to assist w'inter of iSio-ii; front .stoop of the
the adjutant and inspector" [at Wash- white quarters burned in the .spring of
ington]. (Cadet Abert was sent.) iSii its kitchen torn down .^pr. 4, etc.

War Dept., Military Book No. 4. A court of inquiry ordered by Captain

1810, May 18. Secretary of War to Gratiot, commanding. Cullum MSS.
Colonel Williams. After cadets have (A)
completed their studies they are to serve 1811, November 30. The President
as soldiers in the line with companies, intends to recommend a second mili-
but may mess with officers, ^\'ar Dept. tary academy at Washington. Secre-
Military Book No. 4. tary of War to Colonel Williams. War
Dept., Military Book No. 5,
1810, autumn Capt. .\. Partridge
was assistant military agent at West 1811. Certain books of the librarj'
Point till the .spring of iSil. Proc. marked on the cover U. S. Militar}-
Court of Inquiry, MvS., p. 237. (A) Academy. Certain books belonging to
the library were captured by the Brit-
1810. Regulations relative to the Mili- ish at the surrender of Detroit in 1812.
tary .Vcademy at \\'est Point, copy i
Proc. general court-martial, MS., pp.
in U. S. M. \. library; another copy, iu8, 112. (A)
sheet, pasted to fly leaf of General
1811-1817. The War Dept, records
Regulations for the Army or Military of these years would show that cadets
Institutes, Philadelphia, 1821. (A)
were punished by being obliged to sit
. The regulations prohibit cadets astride cannon for hours, etc. Colo-
from discharging firearms "within the nel Thayer's letter, Feb. 14, 1S53.
public wall," [The wall of 1780 prob- Cullum MS. (A)
ably remained on the limits of the
1812, January 11. .\ct of
plain.] Cadets did not always wear provides for new regiments and for
uniform. Vacations from Dec. 15 to (A)
cadets attached to each.
Mar. 15 were allowed. (.\)
1812, March 31. Not a single in-
1810-1816. Partridge MSS.: Bill of
cadet at
structtir or West Point in Sep-
fare of cadets; daily routine of Mili-
temljer; I cadet present. Rept.
tary Academy; orders on military store-
Supt.U. S. Military Academy, 1896, pp.
keeper; bills for cadet uniforms; orders
41-42. (A)
U. S. Military Academy; letters iSio-
1S16; miscellaneous papers relating to 1812, April 29. .\ct of Congress in-
cadets; ditto relating to West Point. creases the Corps of Engineers; pre-
(A) txribes the organization of the Military
Bibliographv of f/ic U. S. Militarv Acade?ny. 63
Academy; provides for 250 cadets of all 1812, October?, to 1828, August 31.
arms then in the service [cadets of lij;hl During this ])eriod Jared Mansfield was
artillerj' not eligible] provides for de-
; head of the department of natural and
gret'.o (sec. 4) for graduate<l cadets, etc. experimental jihilosophy. The text-
(Al book in iSig was (Gregory's Mechan-
1812, April 29. of
.\cl ics. In 1S20 a definite course was laid
"Skc. 3. Candidates shall he fourteen down. In 1S2.), Bridge's Mechanics was
to twenty-one years of age; well versed
adopted for the lower sections. Rept.
.Supt. r. .S. Military Academy, 1S96,
in reading, writing, and arithmetic
shall engage to serve five years; and pp. 15-16. (A)
shall receive the pay, etc., now allowed 1812, October 10. .Secretary of War
to cadets in the Corps of Engineers directs the issue of ball cartridges to
after admission." (A) cadets not to exceed 4S monthly. [Can-
non cartridges were also issued.] War
Act of Congress appro])riates
Dept. Military Book No. 6.
$25,000 for buildings of U. S. Militarv
Academy; provides field musicians; 1812, November 26. Secretary of
cadets to be encamped at least three
War instructs Colonel Mansfield to re-
months of each year. I .\
port monthly to War Department and
to remain on furlough. "The buildings
Act of Congress: Graduated cadets at West Point will not be read}- till next
to be assigned to various arms of the spring. War Dept. Military Book No. 5.
ser\-ice;andasbrevetsecond lieutenants
1812, December 11. J. A. Dix ap-
supernumerary in case no vacancies poiiiteil "Cadet in the
service of the
exist, not more than one to any corn-
United States;" to report to Major
pan v at the same time. Boynton's
Dix, Fourteenth Infantry. (Other
History of West Point, p. 210. (A)
cases of the kind.) War Dept. Mili-
Act of Congress: The department tary Book No. 5.
of natural and experimental philosophy 1812, December 21. Book of " letters
organized. Since 1S02 instruction liad sent" ill Office Military .Academy
been given to advanced students in begins.
mechanics and practical astronomy General Swift intends to open the
with Enfield's Institutes of Natural Militarv Academv in April, 1813. Let-
Philosoph}' as text-book. Rept. Supt. ters .seiit, O. M. A., A. G. O.
U. S. Militarv Academv, 1,^96, p. 14.
1812. "The I". S. Military Academy
Library isfounded,"accordingto Little
Act of Congress establishes the (C. E. Cyclopedia of Classified Dates,
i :

department of engineering, U. S. Mili New York, 1900, p. 119. [As a col-

tary Acadeni)-; 1S02-1S12, instruction lection of books it was founded in
was given, both theoretical and practi- 1777; it had a permanent building in
cal. List of text-books, 1.S02-1823. i 17S0 or earlier.] (A)
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military '
Academv, 1812-1817. Cadets were regularly ex-
iS^, p. 160. (A) j
amined; regulations adopted 1S12 and
Act of Congress establishes the I.Si 6; course of studies laid down, etc.,

department of mathematics. The three (

by Capt. Alden Partridge. See The
professors named, with three assistant jiilitary .\cademy L'nmasked (1S30),
professors (army officers or cadets), pp. 13, '14, 15- (-^)
teachers of French and of drawing, 1812-1820. Military Academy Letter
shall, with the Corps of Engineers, Books. Letters .sent, Engineer Depart-
constitute the Military Academy. There ment, vol. I, 1.S12-1S20; vol. 24, 1866.

may be 250 cadets of the service at- Books of letters and indorsements to
tached to the Jlilitary Academy or not, date. A. G. O.; O. M. A.
at the discretion of the President. ( A
1812-1838. Letters sent from chief
Act of Congress: Entrance re- engineer respecting Militar}- Academy
quirements and qualifications of cadets are contained in books Nos. I to 7. O.
prescribed. (A) U. A., A. G. O.
1812-1839. Letter of General Totten,
1812, July. JIaj. Peter Charles L'En- There has been an ad-
-\ug. 19, 1843.
fant appointed profes,sorof engineering
jutant, U. S. Military Academy, since
at I'. S. Military Academy. Declined.
181 2, and the position was recognized

Bovnton's Historv of West Point, p. in the regulations of October, 1S21.

161. i.\)
extra pay till Mar.
The adjutant drew
1812, August 2. Reasons for Colonel 3, 1S35, and General Orders, No. 14, pub-
Williams's resignation discussed in a lished the opinion of the .-Attorney-Gen-
letter from General Macomb to Major eral interpreting the law of Mar. 3.
Swift. S-n-ift MSS. (A) The Supreme Court, U. S., in 1S41 ( 15
64 Ccntciniial of United Slates Military Academy.

Pet., 445), decided the law of 1835 to 1813, June. Muster roll of 56 cadets
refer to that year onlv.— Abstracts of U. S. Military Academy (47 present).
letters sent, O. M. A., A. G. O. O. M.A., A.G. O.
1812-1878. Brief history of the en- 1813, July 3. Mr. Winfield appointed
trance requirements, U. S. Military steward of cadets' mess. Board about
Academy. Rept. Boardof Visitors, ilSyS, I2.40 per week. Letterssent, O. M. A.,
(A) A. Ct. O.
pp. 455-459-
1812-1884. Organization of the band 1813, July 20. Henry Garrison makes
and of tlie field nuisic x'ven in a table. proposals for carrying the mail from
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1S84, p. S50. the post to Peekskill and return.
(A) Partridge MS. (A)
1812-1894. History of the prelnni- 1813, August 2. Captain Partridge
narv e.\amination U. S. Military Acad- asks Colonel Fenwick if he may bring
emy. First established in 1812, it re- cadets to see the fortifications in New-
quired lliat the candidate be well yersed York. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
in readinjj, writing, and arithmetic. 1813, August 9. Rev. .\dam Empie
No change was made till i856, when assigned as chaplain and acting pro-
English grammar, history, and geog- fes.sor of ethics, etc., to Apr. 30, 1S17.
raphy were added. In 1870 the exam- Parks' Sketch of West Point, p. 70. (.\)
ination, previously oral, was made a 1813, September 1. Morning report
written exercise. Lieut. C. D. Willcox of the cadet guard in camp: One ser-
in Rept. Board of Visitors, 1894, p. 97. geant, I corporal, 9 privates; total, 11.
(A) Partridge MS. (.-V)

1812-1902. Reports of the Superin- 1813, September 1, to 1820, August

tendent U. S. Military Academy are on 29. .Andrew Ellicott, professor of
the Adjutant's' office, U.'S. Mili-
file in mathematics U. S. Military .Academy.
tary .Academy from 1S12 to 1902, ex- Calculus was first studied about 181 7-
cept 1S16. MS. (A) 18. Charles Davies appointed a.ssistant
Numberof graduates killed or professor 1816. Prof. C. Crozet ap-
mortally wounded in action, 224. Bull. pointed 181 7, and introduce<l instruction
No, I, Assoc, of Grads., p. 54, and Xo. in descriptive geometry, using the
2, p. 3. I A ) blackboard freely. Rept. Supt. U. S.
1813, earlier than. War Department, Military .Academy, l8g6, p. 42. (A)
room 59, contains many MS. books 1813, September 22. Andrew Ellicott
{some letter books), returns, mu.ster to C.encral Swift. Acknowledges re-
early date,
rolls, etc., of some of which ceipt of his appointment as professor
relate to Military .\cademy. MS. War of mathematics. MS. A. G. O., O
M. A.
Dept., Record and Pension Office.
Captain Partridge accepts appoint-
[ have not been .searched.] ment as professorof engineering. MS.,
1813, January 11. .Secretary of War O. M. A., A. G. O.
sends to Captain Partridge the report 1813, October 16. Letter from Gen-
of commissioners (on the boundary of eral Swift to Superintendent. Rev.
North's land ). The report is to be re- Adam Empie appointed chaplain and
corded in Orange County. War Dept. professor of ethics, etc. An officer or
Military Book No. 6. a trusty cadet to go to New York to
1813, April 13. The Secretary of War receive $1,000 worth of books for the
thinks the Military .\cademy should be library; Colonel McComb's band to go
situated on Long Island. War Dept. to West Point; the handwriting and
:\Iilitary Book No. 6. spelling of the cadets must be attended
to. Partridge MS. ( A
1813, April 21. Captain Partridge
accepts the appointment of professor Books library liought, value
of mathematics in the Military Acad- about $1,000; mathematical instru-
emy. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.' ments, $70; a band will go to West
Point; four rooms for Professor lillicott's
1813, May 4. Doctor Kirkland writes quarters and apparatus; cadets to write
from Harvard College to General Swift, exercises in books to be inspected on
then Superintendent U. S. Military Saturdays; neglect punished by arrest
Academy, reconnnending text-books: or confinement. Letterssent O. M. A.,
Morse's Geography, p;ufield's Natural A. G. O.
Philosophy, Playfair's Euclid, Web-
ster's JIathematics, Burlamaqui'sNatu- 1813, October 20. Captain Partridge
ral and Political Law, Paley's Moral asks for an 18 or 20 pounder for in-
Philosophy, Fergu.son's Civil Society, .struction of cadets. They are moving
Butler's .Analogy, Paley's Evidences. fieldpieces with considerable dexterity.
vSwift MSS. (A) MS. O. M. .A., A. G. O.
Bibliography of (he U. S. Military Academy.

1813, October 24. Captain Partriilj,'e 1813-1816. Muster rolls post of
U) Si-crilary of War. Has appoiiiti.'il Point. Originals in .\. G. O., O. JI. \.
Cadet Trescott assistant professor of Copies in .Adjutant's office M. .A. (.-V)
matlicinatics. Cadet whose ,
1813-1825. Miscellaneous papers re-
habits arc bad, to Ije transferred from ceived from Engineer Department. In
Militarv Acadeinv to First Artillery "as A. G. O., O. m: A.
ail example." MS. O. M. A., A. C,. O.
1813, November 3. Monthly report 1814, prior to. Cadets wore a blue,
long-tailed coat, single brea.sted, stand-
of the Corps of Enj^incers and Cadets
ing collar, with the flat button of the
at West Point, snbmitled to .Adjutant-
artillerists and engineers. In 1814
General Third Military District.
the bullet button was that of the .stalT
[N. B. .Also return of fuel Sept. lo,
1S13.] MS. O. M. A., A. O. O. of the .Army. CuUum MS. (.A)
1813, December 8. Cadet unifonn.
1814, January 4. Changes in cadets'
uniform contemplated. New uniform
Secretary of War directs 300 "short
cap should be adopted; also short coats
muskets" forwarded from Springfield
and .short boots. Letter of Captain
Armory to West Point for use of cadets.
Partridge to Secretary of War. MS.
Boynton's History of West Point, p.
O. M. A., A. G. O.
213- (A)
the Secretary of War
Order of 1814, January 7. Captain Partridge
to Secretary of War. Isaac Partridge
directs short muskets, one iS-
will conduct cadets' mess. Price per
pounder ,i;un, one loii mortar, one
5j2-inch howitzer to be furnished for
man per month, |io. MS. O. M. A.,
A. G. O.
the of cadets. Boynton's History
of West Point, p. 213. (.\) 1814, January 13. Secretary of War
orders a building erected at West Point.
the Secretary of War
Order of
Returns Diy., R. and P. O.
directs the cadets to be fed at a common
table, not at priyate houses, as at pres- 1814, January 23. .Secretary of War
ent. Boynton's History of West Point, directs (.Central .Swift to make contracts
p. 209. (A) for .Academic building at West Point.

1813, December. Isaac Partridge ap-

War Dept. Military Book No. 7.

pointed steward at West Point, to have 1814, March 16. Secretary of War
quarters and %\o monthly for each writes Captain Partridge that Cadet
cadet boarded. Proceedings Court of who has been .some time absent

Inquiry. MS., p. 247. Some cadets w-ithout leave, is to be authorized to

were boarded by Mrs. Captain Thomp- return and to be "admonished" when
son (since 1S09), who had their rations he does so. War Dept. Military Book
and their allowance of fuel for the fiye No. 7.
summer months. (A)
1814, March 17. The barracks at
1813. Order from War Department Military .Academy are now filled and
regarding messing of cadets. Order no cadets will be sent there till new
Book U. S. Military Academy, 1813, buildings are erected. War Dept. Jlili-
and Boynton's History of West Point, tary 15c .ok No. 7.
p. 209. (A)
1814, March 24. Military .Academy
Cadets were quartered in the Long orders signed by General Swift confirm
Barrack and the [first] .-Vcademy was a the regulations of 1810, and place the
two-storied wooden building on the site internal control and direction of the
of the present quarters of the Superin- .Academy in the hands of Capt. A. Par-
tendent, U. S. Military .Academy. tridge. Park's Sketch of West Point,
Boynton's History of West Point, p. pp. 62-63. A ( I

209. (Sec West Point maps, 1815.


1814, March 24, to 1867. Military

.Academy Orders, O. M. -A., .A.
vol. i.

Cadet monument erected. Boyn- G. O. (Copies in adjutant's office U. ,S.

ton's History of West Point, p. 302. Military .Academy and in library. (.A)
1814, April 1. Reveille; roll call
1813-1815. Breakfast, 7 a.m.; din- twenty niiimtes later; inspection of
ner i p. m.; supper, after sunset. Ca- rooms thirty miinites later by the officer
dets will be marched to and from meals; of the day. who will make a certified
perfect order at table; caryers will be report; mathematics, etc.. 8-1 1; study,
appointed; all must rise from table by ii-i; French, li-i; <linner and recrea-
^vordof cotnmind, the caryers first, and tion, 1-2; drawing and study, 2-4; exer-
return by files in perfect order. Court cise, 4-5; study and evening parade,
of inquiry, March, 1816. etc. Court of inquiry, March, 1S16.
H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2— yol 2 5
66 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Secretary of War au- 1814. There was a small library in a

1814, April 21. building about 10 feet .square which
thorizes eniplovment of Pierre Thomas,
War Dept. Military stood behind the present quarters of
sword master.'
the Superintendent. Under Colonel
Book No. 7.
Academy Regu- Thayer the library was much increased
1814 May2. Military
and was moved to the second story of
lations issued. War Dept. Records.
the [second] Academy, where it re-
mained until 1S38. CullumMS. (A)
Regulations. Copy pasted on p.
Previous to the construction of the
".Statistical Book" in adjutant's
(One stone mess hall, cadets messed in the
office, U. S. Military Academy. building "now" occupied by Mrs.
copy in library.) .\) (
Thompson. The mess \vas well con-
The regulations prescribe the cadet ducted by j\Ir. Partridge, a relative of
uniform; Blue coat, single breasted, the Superintendent. Cullum MS.
eight buttons; gray trousers
wuiter; m (A)
silk hat with gilt eagle on the
The blackboard extensively used
etc. yellow buttons with eagle. The
in instruction by Professor Crozet.
present uniform was established, by Cullum MS.— ALSO by George Baron
order Sept. 4, 1S16. See also Jour. in 1801. Swift's Memoir. (A)
Mil -Serv. Inst. U. -S., vol. 2, p. 451-
The company of bombardiers
["bom. soldiers"] occupied the east
1814, MayProfessor Ellicott ap-
30. wing of cadet barracks and enforced
pointed postmaster. Letters sent, C). discipline as sentinels, etc. Cadets re-
M. A., A. G. O. ported their absences to the sentinel.
1814, December 8. Six frame build- This practice was changed by Colonel
ings; a frame barrack large enough
Thaver about 1819. Cadets were con-
hold 100 cadets; new stone buildings
fined in the bombardier prison. Cul-
are contracted for. Letters sent, lum MS. (A)
M. A.
O. summer encampment was
1814. December 21. Lieutenant immediately in front of the quarters of
Wright to .Superintendent ^Military the Superintendent. Cullum MS.
Academy regarding the difficulty in (A)
getting 'the money for their pay, etc. Cadet uniform, blue; round hat
Partridge MS. k (
with a silk cockade and yellow eagle,
1814, December 28. Colonel Swift there were two cadet messes— one on
to .Secretary of War (Monroe). the plain near the present quarters
for a military school were
frequently kept by
(1902) of the Superintendent,
urged by W'ashington. In 1794 tlie Mr. Isaac Partridge; the other, Mrs.
War Department arranged to give in- Thompson, widows of Capt. Alexander
struction to young officers of artillery; Thompson. Cadets' rooms heated by
the buildings were soon destroyed by open fires; in the mess no table cloths,
fire and the plan postponed.
In iSoi no glass tumblers (tin cups were used),
a school was begun with i master
and no chairs (but benches painted red).
12 cadets. Letters sent, O. JI. .\. Recollections of Gen. G. D. Ramsay.
Secretary of War directs a cor- MS. (A)
poral and 6 men sent from New York The cadets then encamped at
to guard public stores at West Point. Governors Island, New York Harbor,
War Dept. Military Book, No. 8. in August, and were present at
1814, spring- of. Cidet mess first execution of a deserter. During the
opened by I. X. Partridge. Court ot winter there was artillery firing over
inquiry, March, 1S16. the ice toward Newburg and the cadets
Some cadets wore duck were expert practical artillerists. Cap-
1814, about.
with buttons all along tain Partridge achieved much as Su-
'Court of inquiry, March, perintendent, and had few if any supe-
the s'ides.
walls of the

riors in his corps. The

' '

reservation were cadet limits ? [Qu. ?
Pockets with flaps in a cadet the walls of 17S0?] Recollections of
coat. Court of inquiry, March, 1816. Gen. G. D. Ramsay, MS. (.A) ^

1814. Cadet uniform. Recollec- . . .

The mess-steward's flock of sheep
tions of Gen. G. D. Ramsay. (A) was pastured on the plain; the bar-
Records of the Military Academy racks were on the site of the present
hotel, about 250 feet long; water
from March, 1814, to February 19,
(Typewritten copies from the brought from springs; vk'ood for fires
originals i'n O. M. A., A. G. O. ) I vol., was sawed and split in their rooms by
cadets; the new cadets made the fires,
Q. (A)
Bibliography of iJic U. S. Millla )y Academy. 67
swept rooms, and shovclcil the
the 1815, prior to. Military delinquencies
snow; was very little hazing; few
tliere were reported and recorded. Daily and
overcoats were worn; tours of extra weekly records of .studies were not made
guard duty were given as punishments; until the fall of 1817, when the form of
also confinement in the guardhouse. the weekly class report (essentially the
Recollections of Gen. G. 1>. Ramsav, same as at present) was drawn up bv
MS. (A) Cai)t. D.B.Douglas. Cullum MS. (A')
1814-1816. Cadets' personal recom- 1815, January 3. Regulations U. S.
mendations and papers are to he found Military .Academy and order from the
in A. G. O., O. M. A. Secretary- of War, Feb. 28: .\ perma-
There were no trials by court- nent Superintendent U. S. Military
martial and no demerit marks in 1S14- Academy shall be appointed, and shall
15; the next year classes were formed
have exclusive control; the Chief of
and courses of study laid down; the Engineers to be in.spector of the .'Acad-
cadets were greatly attached to Cap- emy; rules with respect to the promo-
tain Partridge. After the grey uniform tion of cadets of the U. S. Military .\cad-
was introduced, the Superintendent emy apjiroved by the Secretary of War.
also wore it. Recollections of Gen. Captain Partridge was Superintendent.
G. D. Ramsay, MS. (A) Park's Sketch of West Point, pp. 63-
67. (A)
U. S. Military Academy text-
books: Geographv bv ?l. ( Par- Secretary of War to Captain Par-
tridge MS. tridge. He is appointed Superintendent

Prayer book (each cadet was fur-

Military .\cadeniy. Messrs. Thomas
and Zoeller to have additions to their
nished with one). Text-books U. S.
]iay. The two small, square be-
Militarv Academy, 1S14-1816. Par-
tween the long parallel stores will be
tridge MS.
turned over for the exclusive use of
Text-books, 1814-1816. Loga- Military .Academy. War Dept. Mili-
rithm table. Partridge MS. tary Book Xo. 8,
1814-1819. In 1S14 the class of 5 ca- 1815, January 20. There were tar-
dets in philosophy recited in the pro- gets on this date, and probably there
fessor's parlor; the text-book was En- was target practice for cadets. MS.
field's. The cadets played football p. I
O. M. A., A. G. O.
73); visit of the cadets to New York Captain Partridge to General
(p. 75). E. D. Mansfield: Personal
Swift. The Secretary of War has ap-
Memories, pp. 58 et seq. (AJ
pointed him Superintendent of the
1814-1820. Sfi- Ramsay (G. D.l: Military .Academy. Douglas assigned
Recollections of cadet life. In Cul- as professor of philosophy; Berard
lum's Biographical Register, vol. 3, pp. teacher of French; Zoeller teaches sur-
612-632; also copy of a portion of the veying. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
original MS., owned by Admiral Ram-
-say, U. S. Navy. (A)
1815, January 25. Secretary of War
(Monroe) asks academic staff to send,
1814-1821. Masson ( ): French through General .Swift, a plan of regu-
(irammar. Text-book department of

lations for Militarv .Academv. War

modern languages, 1S14-1821.) Rept. Dept. Military Book No. 8.
,Supt. V S. Militarv .\cademv 1896, p.

138. 1815, February 1. Orders; The com-

manding officer of U. .S. Engineers at
Masson ): French Reader.
West Point will consider himself the
(Text- book department of modern lan-
Superintendent of the Military .\cad-
guages, 1S14-1821.) Rept. Supt. U. S.
Military .Academy 1S96, p. 139.
emy till further orders. J. G. .Swift,
Chief of Engineers. Partridge. MS.
1814-1822. The corps of cadets was (A)
absent from West Point: Governors
Island, .August, 1S14; ditto, summer of 1815, February 2. Diplomas author-
1815; New York City, summer 1816; ized for cadets by General Swift. See
New York City, 1S17, July 5; Hudson ••
Degrees," Apr. 29. 1812. See 1824.
(march), 1819; Philadelphia (march), War Dept. Records. (.A)
-August,1820; Boston (march), 1821; 1815, February 4. Colonel Bomford
Goshen, July, 1822. applies for 6 cadets for ordnance dutv.
1814-1830. Uniform of cadets. In MS. Returns Div. R. and P. O.
Jour. Mily. Service Instn. U. S., vol. 2,
1815, February Captain Partridge
p. 450.
to General Discussion of the
1814 to date. Cadets' papers, applica- regulations of the Military Academy.
tions, names, recommendations, etc. .\ permanent Superintendent is neces-
In A. G. O., O. M. A. sary. He has acted as Superintendent
68 Cnitciinial of United States Military Academy.

for more than five years (i. e., since Cap plates needed. [Probably diamond
1810). MvS. O. M. A., A. G. O. shaped.— E. S. H.] MS. 6. M. A.,
Andrew A. G.O.
1815, February 10. Ellicott
writes General Swift. Captain Par- 1815, May 21. Captain Partridge to
tridge is almost unrivaled in the man- General Swift. It will be inconvenient
agement of cadets. MS. .\. G. O., to give up the laboratory to be used as
O. M. A. a bakehouse. MS. O. M. A., A. G.O.
1815, February 11. Captain Partridge 1815, May 30. Cadet Payne injured
to'tleneral Swift. ex-
Intends to make at artillery drill by premature discharge
periments on the velocity of projec- of gun. This is the first accident at the
tiles. MS. O. M. A., A.'G. O. Academy. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
1815, February 28. The Chief of En- 1815, May 31. Adjutant- General
gineers is the inspector of the U. S. U. ,S. Army directs all officers at West
Military Academy; the Superintendent Point to report to conmianding general
will receive orders only through him; of the northern division of the Army.
a treasurer will be appointed by the in- Partridge MS. A (

spector; qualified cadets shall receive 1815, June 5. Uniform of band at

diplomas signed by the Superintendent West Point: Twenty engineers' coats
and professors; the matter of a Board with black collars and cuffs; 20 gaiters;
of Visitors will be considered later. 20 pompoms, red, with white tops; 12
Order of Secretary of War (Monroe). music swords, etc. Partridge MS.
In Records U. S. ' Militarv Academy, (A)
1S14-1838. (A) 1815, June 23. C. C. Pinckney is
Regulations U. S. Military Acad- elected vice-president of the U. S.
emy. Original in frames in library. Military Philosophical Society, but de-
Copy in Proc. Court of Inquiry, MS., clines on account of his great age.
pp. 303-305. Regulations for the cadet The society was still in existence Sept.
mess, ibid., pp. 305-306. Regulations 22, 1S24. "Swift MSS. (A)
Military Academy, ibid., pp. 306-317.
Regulations for parades and drills, pp.
1815, June — . Gray satinet coats or-
dered for cadets. Court of Inquiry.
317-319. (A) March, 1S16.
1815, March 3. Congress fixes
.\ct of
1815, July 31. .Andrew Ellicott to
the Jlilitary Peace Establishment. (A) General Swift. The camp is broken
1815, March 28. Professor Mansfield up by the commandant, who has
to General Swift. The library has directed studies to begin. The winter
fewer scientific books than thirteen is not the best time for vacations. MS.
years ago. MS. A. G. O., O. M. A. O. M. A., A. G. O.
1815, March. "After March, 1815, Mr. Thorp, of New
1815, Augrust 6.
every professor shall sign a diploma York, to make cadets' uniforms out of
before a cadet is commissioned." Let- satinet. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
ter of J. G. Swift, Feb. 2. 1S15. (Set-
also 1S19 and 1824.) (A) 1815, August 26. C.C.W.D. to Gen-
eral .Authorizing printing of
1815, April 20. Secretary of War to regulations of the U. .S. Infantry.
Major Thayer and Colonel McRee. Furnish each cadet with a copy, ^\'ar
They will embark on the squadron to Dept. Military Book No. 8.
the Mediterranean [in the frigate
sail to
Congress'] Then visit military schools,
1815, August 26. Letters of cadets.
work.shops, arsenals, etc. ami buy books
, Cadet punishments. Itisalleged: 1813,
and instruments for the Jlilitary .-Acad- a cadet was marched up and down the
emy. War Dept. Military Book No. 8. parade with a badge on his back; 1814,
cadets were drummed around theplain;
1815, April 24. Secretary of War ar-
cadets were forced to sit on cannon for
ranges a credit of #5,000 for Colonel a short time; two were confined in the
McRee and Major Thayer to buy books, black hole, 8 feet square; cadets were
maps, etc. (for Military Academy). confined in the .soldiers' guardhouse
War Dept. Military Book No. S. 1 8 to 20 at a time. Court of Inquiry,
1815, April- July. Major Burton's March, 1S16.
store built on West Point. Proc. Gen-
1815, September26. Thirty -six swords
eral Court-Martial, MS., p. 93. (A) belts shipped to Superintendent of
1815, May Plan for two additional
9. the Military Academy, valued at I432;
militarv academies proposed by the 300 more are daily expected from Eng-
acadeuiic staff. MS. O. M. A., A. G.O. land. Partridge MS. (.\)

1815, May 14. Cadet uniforms will 1815, September 27. Captain Part-
be completed in about four weeks. riilge to General Swift: Report on the
Bibliograpliv of llir U. S. Mi'/i'taiy Academy. 69
dailv routine of the Jlilitarv Acacleniy. has for a long lime been dispensed
A. L. vS., 4 pp., Partridge MS. with." Colton's Guide to \Vest Point,
1815, October 10. Slate.s were issued 1844. P- 74- (A)
to cadet.s on jnemorauduiu receipts. 1815. (Swift, MvSS. Work and materi-

Professor ElHcott makes requisition als on the new buildings belonging to

(Apr. 22, 1.S16) for 150 slates and i.otw the United States at West Point as fur-
IH-ncils. Partridge MS. (A) nished by Mr. Jacob Halsev an<l .sur-
1815, November25. Captain Partridge veyed .Vugust and September, 1815, by
to General Swift. Cadets should have John ]•;. West and Christopher Halsey.
dress and undress uniforms. The Board MS. Book A (cadet buildings, etc.);
of Visitors should come up shortly. MS. Book B, measurements of ma.son
The cadets to go to New York. MS. work done at West Point for the United
O. .M. A., A. G. O.
States by Thomas T. Woodruff (cadet
barracks, Academy, etc.). (A)
1815, November 28. General .Swift
to .Secretary of War. The uniform of Cadet study hours, g a. m. to 1

the cadets has been gray for the past p. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and from 7 (winter)
fifteen months. Inclosed description
or S (summer) to g.30 p. m. There
of uniform.) Book i, Letters Sent, were no examinations. Prof. Horace
A. G. O., O. M. A. (The texture of Webster hi CuUum MS. (.\)

the cloth, but nothing else, was changed The cadet detailed as acting
June 26, 1S20.) assistant professor was R. Delafield in
1815, December 21. General Swift 1815. CuUum MS. (A)
has suggested the appointment of vis- South (cadet) barracks built; de-
itors to the Military Academy and the molished 1S50. A description and view
President approves. "War Dept. Mili- of it ill Boynton's History of West
tarv Book No. S. Point, p. 255. (A.)

1815, 14. Captain Partridge (i) Cadet mess hall built; demol-
writes: Cadets go to New York on ished 1S52. A
description and view of
leave, when there obtain orders to re- it /;/ Boynton's History of West Point,
port at Fort Columbus, and are thus p. 257. '(A)
lost to the Academy. This is an im- (2) .Academic building completed
proper course. They behave very well destroyed by fire Feb. 19, 1838. .A. de-
while here. MS. O." M. A., A. G. O. .scriptionand view of it ill Boynton's
1815, spring' of. An inquiry into the History of West Point, p. 255. (A)
conduct of the Superintendetit was in- West Point. [Description of the
stituted by General Swnft. Court of site, history of the school, character
Inqiury, March, 1S16. of Colonel Williams, of Captain Par-
Store established by Mr. I. N. tridge, duties of cadets, course of stud\-,
Partridge. Court of Inquirv, ]March, etc.] Niles's Register, vol. 9, p. 15.
1816. (A)
1815, Cadets went to Gov-
of. 1815-16. Early discipline at :Military
ernors Island, New York Harbor, and .•\cademy, illu.strated by superintend-
encamped for about a month. CuUum ent's orders in Proc. Court of Inquiry,
MS. (A) MS., pp. 293-301. (A)
1815. The treasurer U. S. Military Punishments of cadets were: Pub-
.\cademy is said to receive i per cent lic reprimands, confinement to limits
commission on his disbursements. or to rooms, extra guard dut\', putting
Court of Inquiry, March, 1S16. on probation, suspension, confinement
to guardhouse, dismissal. Certain ca-
Mr. Isaac N. Partridge (uncle of dets who were noisy in their rooms
Captain Partridge) occupied the quar-
(there were six or eight to a room ) were
ters called "the colonel's house."
sometimes ordered to sit on gun car-
Court of Inquiry, March, 1S16. riages and study there. Testimony of
Explanations in writing were re- Captain Partridge, Court of Inquiry,
quired for all reported absences. Court MS., p. 253. [\]
of Inquiry, March, 1816.
Every Wednesday and Saturday a
Cadets were appointed careers at crew of enlisted men, under the com-
mess tables. Court of Inquirv, March, mand of a cadet, rowed the barge to
1816. Newburgh and return. Orderly Book,
company of bombadiers, MS. ( .\
"Before the parade is dismissed
the companies are drawn up in open 1815? 1816? The cadets visited New
square and an evening prayer is de- York for a day or two. The encamp-
livere^'l by the chaplain." Niles's Reg- ments at West Point were at first 1814) (

ister, September, 18 15. "The custom on the plain in front of the present
70 CcHtcnuial of United States Military Acadeii/y.

Superintendeiit's quarttrs, and before the court in detail on 20 points pp. (

1S20 near Fort Clinton. Every cadet 265-272). 21: "It is clearly proven
in turn acted as officer of the day. The that Captain Partridge has been solici-
cadet officer of the day received the tous about the health, morals, and im-
parade and was the officer in charge provement of the cadets, and in the
till 181S. Recollection,s of Gen. G. D. correction of faults uniform, punctil-
Ramsay. MS.(A) ious, dispassionate, and forbearing."
1815-1817. Uniform: Captain Par- Court ailjourned .\pr. 12, 1816. (Pi.)
tridge wore a gray coatee with 3 rows 1816, March 30. Andrew Ellicott
of 10 engineer buttons, herring-bone writes to General Swift that he will
black lace with Austrian knots, 12 but- accept the office of postmaster at West
tons on tails of coat, one gold epaulette; Point. He recommends C. Berard as
also a blue uniform coat as captain of professor of French. MS. A. P.O.,
engineers. U. S. M. A.
1815-1878. Total cost of U. S. Mili- 1816, March 31. Captain Perkins
tary Academy. jfi'J, 998,083, or $174,- writes to General Swift. .A.sks to be re-
572.76 per year on the average. The ' lieved as cjuartermaster at West Point.
cost of buildings aud grounds, etc., is MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.

about $2,000,000 about half the cost 1816, March. Regulations U. S. Mili-
of a war ship. The annual expen,se is tary Academy. MS. In War Dept.
about $250,000, about the cost of keep- jNIiiitary Book No. 8, pp. 463-465.
ing that vessel in conmnssion about — 1816, April 7. .\ddre,ss .signed b\- 109
one-fourth the annual cost of a regi-
cadets highly commending the admin-
ment of infantry. Report Board of istration of Captain Partridge. Court
Visitors, 187S, pp. 461-465. (A)
of Inquiry, March, 1816, .\pp. R.
1815-1902. Boards of Visitors were
1816, April 8. Mr. Berard appointed
present at West Point 1815 to 1902.
librarian. (See his letter of Aug. 14,
Their reports are on file in the adjutant's
1818.) MS. /« O. M. A., A. G. O.
office, U. vS. Militarv Academy. 1819 to
date. MS. (A) ' Lieutenant Gardiner of the artil-
lery has the permission of the Secretary
1816, before. Cost of cadet clothing: of War to study at Militarv Academy.
Gray coat, $23; blue coat, I36; gray Partridge MS. (.\)
trousers, |;i2. Collars sometimes
''highly worked;" blue vests, with bul- 1816, April 17. Report of General
let Ijuttons; buff vests; white vests; blue
Swift to Secretary of War on the Mili-
trousers, $17.50. All the articles were tary .Academy. 'MS. In O. M. A., A.
sometimes highly worked with black G. "O.
lace. Court of Inquiry, Jlarch, 1816. 1816, April 18. The musicians from
1816, February 5. Lieutenant Gads- Governors Island destined for West
den writes to General vSwift, proposing Point have arrived. Instruments need-
Knoxville, Tenn., as a site for the Mil- ed. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
itarv Academy. MS. A. G. O., O. 1816, April 26. Professor Mansfield
M. A. reports to General Swift on instruments
1816, February. Captain Perkins, bought for the Militarv Academy (sex-
.Assistant Deputy Quartermaster-Gen- tants, etc. ). MS. /« A. G.O., d. M. A.
eral, reported as quartermaster at West 1816, April. The "West Point Liter-
Point. Proc. Court of Inquiry, MS., ary Reading Room" a literary socie-—
p. 243. (A) —
ty preceded the Amasophic Societ\',
as did the Philomathean Society,
1816, March 6. Rules and regulations
for the government of the U. S. Mili- founded 1822. (.A)

tary Academy were drawn up and ap- 1816. May

13. Bill of fare for cadets.
proved by the Secretary of \\'ar; they Partridge JIS. {\)
provide for a Board of Visitors, five iu Colonel McRee and Major Thayer
number. Park's Sketch of West Point, have bought a library of books needed
p. ^l. (A) [at West Point], James Renwick to
J 816, March 15. Proceedings of a J. G. .Swift, Swift MSS. (A)
court of inquiry (Colonel Atkinson, 1816, May 22. .A programme of a

president) convened at West Point by course of studies drawn up and ap-

general orders Feb. ig, 1S16, to inquire proved by the Secretary of War July i
into the conduct of Captain Partridge F'luxions optional; Latin and Greek
as Superintendent of the Militarj-.Acad- were reviewed in the fourth year for
emy and commanding officer at West those cadets who had previously studied
Point. Copy of original in Judge-Ad- these languages; no theoretical instruc-
vocate General's Office. MS., i vol., tion in military subjects. Park's
O., pp. 362. Unanimous opinion of Sketch of West Point, pp. 72-73, (A)
Bibliograpliy of llic I'. S. Military Academy.

1816, May 22. Report of the academic Bovnton's IIi.storv of West Point, p.
sUilT at West Point on the course of 2..t". (A)
education proper for cadets. Amended 1816, August 9. General Parker to
and approved by the Secretary of War General .Swift. .Asks what is the uni-
June M, iSi6. War Dept. Military form of cadets. No two are ever alike.
Book No. 9. .Some have full dress of the .start of the
1816, May. (.SVv 1.S16, .-Vpril. ) .Vino- Army. MS. O. M. .A., .A. G. O.
.-iophic Society founded, and existed 1816, August 18. Captain Partridge
till about 1S23; it had a library of about to General Swift. He intends to make
500 volumes. The Philoniatbean So- another ex])e(lition to the Highlands to
sciety founded 1822 and aborbed the detennine the heights of mountains.
Auiosophic. The Ciceronian Society MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
was next formed, and finally the Dia- 1816, August 30. Letter describing
lectic Society in 1S24-25 [which con- uniform of cadets as approved by Gen-
tinues to 1902]. Park's Sketch of -Adopted, with changes, in
eral Swift.
West Point, pp. 117-11S. .A. Lyceum General Orders. .Adjutant General's Of-
of Natural History existed for several Sept. MS. in O. M. A..
fice, 4, iSi6.
years till 1831. (.4) A. G. O.
1816, June 13. Secretary of War
1816, September 4. Orders of .Adju-
authorizes detail of cadets to the coast tantand Inspector-General. Uniform of
survey. Permission rescinded Jul}- 3, cadets prescribed. Records U. S. Mil-
on advice of General Swift. War itaryAcademy. 1814-183S. (.A)
Dept. Military Book No. 9.
Order from War
Cadet uniform.
1816, June 21. Captain Douglas re- Department prescribes gray uniform,
ports a spirit of insubordination among hat and cockade, pantaloons with .Aus-
cadets. Cadets believe they are not trian knot. Bovnton's Hi.story of
subject to courts- martial. M.S. .\. G.
West Point, p. 213. (.A)
O., O. M. A.
[The three rows of buttons were
1816, June 27. A garri.son court con- copied from Captain Partridge's coat
sidered whether a cadet officer could (iYC steel engraved portrait).] (.A)
exercise authority as such over a sol-
dier, and decideii that he could when uniform
Cadet present style —
the soldier was acting disorderly. (grav) adopted. (5£Vl8i4. Journal )

This decision was approved by Captain M. S. I., vol. 2, p. 453. (.A-)

Partridge, Superintendent U. S. Mili- 1816, September 9. .Secretary of War

tary Academy. Orderly Book, Com- to General Either the Chief
pany of Bombadiers, 1815-16, MS. (A) Engineer or the next in rank is Super-
1816, June 29. General Orders, -Ailju- intendent r. S. Military -Academy and
tant-General's Office, gives qualifica- nuist reside at West Point. Does Gen-
tions for entering cadets. (A) eral Swift elect to be Superintendent?
If not. Colonel McRee will be detailed.
1816, June 29. Orders of .\djutant War Dept. Military Book No. 9.
and Inspector General as to qualifica-
tions of cadets. Records U. S. Mili- 1816, September 10. Captain Crozet
tary .\caderay, 1S14-1.S38. (.A.) writes that he intends to follow_ the
methods of instruction of the Ecole
1816, July 1. Secretary of War writes Polvtechnique and that he will use its
General Swift giving reasons for the " authors." MS. -A. G. C, O. M. -A.
changes he has matie in the regulations
for the Military .Academy. By law no 1816, September 14. .Secretary of
one but the Chief Engineer can be War instructs General Swift as to meas-
Superintendent. Captain Partridge is ures necessary for discipline, etc., at
not such. War Dept. Militarv Book West Point. 'War Dept. Military Book
No. 9. No, 9.

Candidates to present themselves Secretary of War authorizes the

in September, and to be examined in appointment of Captain Crozet as pro-
spelling, reading, writing, and arith- fessor of engineering at Military .Acad-
metic. -Amer. State Papers, Military emy. War Dept. Military Book No. 9.
Affairs, vol. 2, p. 381. (A) Captain Partridge to General Swift.
Regulations for the government of Some books belonging to the Military
the Military .Academy (dated Jlay 22 I'hilosophical .Society were sent to New
approved by Secretary of War; a Board York in 181 2. .Alterations have been
of Visitors of five competent gentlemen made by the -Adjutant-General in the
provided for; the Superintendent to be suggested uidform of cadets. Round
president of the board. Examinations hats ordered instead of caps. MS. O.
to be held in January and in June. M. A., A. G. O.
72 Centennial of United States Ulilitaty Academy.

1816, September 15. Captain Par- 1816, October and November. Mus-
tridfje General Swift. The disci-
lo i
ter roll of the cadets attached to the
pline he introduced in 1814 has been U. S. Military Acadein)-: Recapitula-
relaxed by outside influence. MS. O. tion: Present, fit for duty, 192; sick,
M. A., A. G. O. present, 2; sick, absent, 2; absent with
leave, 11; absent without leave, 6; ab-
1816, September 23. Captain Par-
tridge to tieneral Swift. The .-Vcademy sent by order, 5; on command, i; on
niust have a permanent Superintend- furlough, i; resigned, 7; deserted, 2;
ent. in the new barracks
Every room total, 229. Partridge MS. (.\)
is occupied.Cadets have not all re- 1816, November 7. Cadets nmst not
turned from vacation. MS. O. M. A., the sentinel at the south gate with-
A. G. O. out a written pass. Orderly Book,
1816, September 25. Captain Par- Company of Bombardiers, 1S15-16, MS.
tridge to General Swift. Hats versus (A)
caps: Caps for cadets will be I7 or fS 1816, November 11 Secretary of War

apiece. Shabby hats make shabby pa- provides ;f3,2i;io for books, plans, etc.,
rades. Caps can be varni.shed. Nan- for Military .\cademy, to be expended
keen pantaloons are better than white. by Colonel McKee and Major Thayer
JIS. O. M. A., A. G. O. in Europe, etc. War Dept. Military
1816, September 26. Cadet Book No. 9.

left the Military Academy, without Captain Partridge to General

leave, to join the Spanish patriots. MS. Swift. Discipline is declining at the
O. :\I. A., A. G. O. Academy. The academic staff should
be subject to military orders. MS.
1816, September 27. General Swift
O.M. A., A.G.O.
to Captain Partridge. " I do not like
the [cadet] uniform and am not pleased 1816, November 16. Cadets forbid-
at the manner in which it has been es- den to emjiloy soldiers as waiters, and
tablished." Partridge MS. (A) to pay them money, etc. Orderly Book,
Company of Bombardiers, 1815-16.
1816, September 29. Captain Par- MS. (A)
tridge to .\djutant-General. A number
1816, December 18. Officers not of
of subaltern officers of the line have
the Corps of Engineers are not to serve
applied to be attached to Military Acad-
at the Military Academy. MS. O. M.
emy. All quarters here are crowded.
A., A.G.O.
MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
1816, December 21. Captain Par-
1816, Septemiber. Why the cadet uni- tridge resigns professorship of engi-
form is grav. See Memoir of J. T. neering, Military .\cademy; nominates
Greble, p. iS'. (A) Captain Crozet as his successor. MS.
1816, October 2. List of books, etc., O.M. A., A.G.O.
needed for the Military Academy. Pro- 1816, December 31. Fire in General
posed bv Professors Mansfield and El- .Swift's quarters at West Point. Proc.
licott. iviS. O. M. A., A. G. O. general court-martial. MS., p. 157.
1816, October Secretary of War
writes to General >Swift about the cadet 1816, summer of. Cadets visited New
uniform reconnnended last winter. York and were reviewed by the com-
Hats will be substituted for caps, as mon council in the park. CuUum MS.
they are neater. There will be no un- (A)
dress uniform. War Dept. Military
1816. Cadet uniform described. M.
Book No. 9.
G. Book, p. 6.
1816, October 7. Secretary of War
There was no catalogue of the
writes Mansfield agreeing that
I'ruf. J.
library. Court of Inquiry, March,
the Superintendent of the Jlilitary '

Academy should be permanent not — 1S16.

the senior officer present. Since the A steel-engraved portrait of Capt.

law of 181 2 there seems to be a system- Alden Partridge, superintendent U. ,S.
atic plan to nullify that law, through Military Academy, 1S12-1S16, shows a
the device of inspector Military Acad- blue (?) unifonn coat with three rows
emy, etc. The Secretary has not as of bell buttons. The cadet coatee of
favorable an opinion of Captain Par- 1S16 was probably copied from this.
tridge as Professor Mansfield. War (A)
Dept. ^Military Book No. 9.
The corps of cadets was at this
1816, October 30. Mr. Thomas needs time, and probably earlier, organized
foils for use in teaching fencing. M>S. as a battalion and officered bv cadets.
O. M. A., A. G. O. Cullum MS. (A)
Bibliography of llie U. S. A fi/i/tirv Academy. 73
1816. President Monroe visited the dix to the a.stronomical part, .selected
Academy during the summer. Cadet from Mr. Ivwing's Practical .A.stronomy,
J. H. Clinton
(1S15) held at the same by Samuel Webber. Boston, 2d .Am.
time the grade of midshipman, U. S. ed., iSii, vol., Q.
I (Text-book, De-
Navy. There were cadets in the Army partment Natural and Experimental
who never joined the Academy. No Philo.sophy, 1816 ?)-iSi8. ( Report )

warrants were given to cadets in 18 14, Supt. V. .S. Military .A-cademy, 1896, p.
and was no preliminarj- examina-
tliere 15, and Partridge, M.S.
tion and no oath of allegiance. A ca- 1816-1826. Semiannual of ca- rolls
det who had only one arm was admitted. dets. Originals in O. M. .\.;
.A. G. ().,
Two cadets were married. Recollec- copies in .Adjutant's Office, U. S. Mili-
tions of Gen. G. D. Ramsay. MS. [.\ tary Academy. (.A)
Regulations relative to the Mili- 1816-1830. The Military .Academy at
tary Academy. 1S16. /;/ .A.mer. State West Point unmasked; or corruption
Papers, Militarr Affairs, vol. i, pp. S38, and military despotism exposed. By
839- (A) .Americanus [said to be Capt. .Alden
Rules with respect to the promo- Partridge]. Washington, 1S30, i vol.,
tion of cadets, approved by Secretary O., pp. 28. (A)
of War; the rank in the Army to de- 1816-1875. The quarters north of the
pend on general merit fixed by an ex- gymnasium were built at the following
amination; cadets to receive a diploma, dates: No. 5, 1829; 7, 1S16; 9 was
etc. Bovnton's Historv of West Point, built during the Revolution and served
p. 214. '(A) as headquarters; 11,1858; 15,1816; 19,
Cadet uniform, gray color (essen- 1S81; 21, 1821; 23, 1S20; 31, 182S; 35,
tially same as at present) prescribed. 1826, 39. 1S21; 43, 1S75. Records of
Bovnton's Historv of West Point, p. Quartennaster, U. S. Military .Academy,
215- (A) Letter Book, November. iSSg, p. 115.
Dufief (N. G.): Nature displayed (A)
in her mode of teaching language to 1816-1902. Instruction in fencing has
man. .Adapted to the French.
. .
been continuously given during this
3d ed. Philadelphia, iSio, 2 vols., O. period. H. J.K.
(Text-book Department of Modern
Languages, 1816.) Cullum's Address, Masters of the sword Pierre :

Thayer Slonmnent, p. 13. Thomas, 1816-1S26; Pierre Trainque,

1826-27; Louis S. Simon, 1827-1S32;
Simpson (Thomas); Trigonome-
-AlbertJumel, 1S32-1837; Ferd. Dupare,
try, Plane and Spherical, with the con-
1837-1S40; H. G. Boulet, 1840-1842;
struction and application of logarithms. Janon, 1S46-1858; .Antone Lorentz,
London, 1799, i vol., O. (Text-book
1858-18S4; H. J. Koehler, 1885-1902.
Department of Mathematics, in April,
1816.) Partridge MS. Post cemeterv first laid out in iSi6.
Tousard, (Louis)
de; .American Total number of recorded interments
.Artillerist's Companion, or Elements of to July 1, 1902, 1,198. .SVt' Report of

-Artillerv. Philadelphia, 1S09, r vol., Quartermaster U. S. Military .Academy,

(Text-book Dept. ill Rept. .Supt. U. S. Jlilitary .Academy,
O. ,

1816. ) Proc. general court-martial, for 1902, p. 43. (A)

MS., p. 98. Records of courts of inquiry and
Professor Mansfield testifies that courts-martial held at West Point on
Captain Partridge's government of ca- file;';/ office of Judge-.Advocate-General,
dets was
excellent, and that this was War Dept.
the universal opinion of the professors;
that Captain Partridge is very active,
1817, January 20. .Adjutant-General
persevering, and indefatigable; that he
writes to General Swift. He has for
the first time received a report from
is fully competent as professor of engi-
the post cf \\"est Point and of the Mili-
neering, etc. Proc. Court of Inquirv,
tary .Academy. Your presence at West
JIS., p. 171. (A)
Point will give the system the energy

treasurer receives i per cent requisite. MS. O. M. .A., .A. G. O.
on payments made to [for] cadets: Reg-
ulations for the treasurer, U. S. Military 1817, January 21. Secretary of War
.\cademy. Proc. Court of Inquiry, MS., approves General Swift's purpose to
p. 301. (A) employ Captain Partridge temporarily
as instructor of tactics. U. S. Military
1816 P-1818. Enfield (William): In-
Book No. 9.
stitutes of natural philosophy, theoret-
ical and practical with some cor-
. . . 1817, January 31. Captain Partridge
rections, change in the order of the requires knap.sacks for cadets. MS.
branches, and the addition of an appen- O. M.A.,.A. G. O.
74 CottoDiial of U)iitcd States M/7/tarr Academy.

1817, February 2 1 Captain Partri<lKe

. 1817, May 23. Captain Partridge asks
to General Swift. Incloses nienioran- for musket flints for ^Military

(lum of cailet 'Uniform. JIS. O. JI.A., Academy, etc. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.

A. G. O. [Memorandum not found.] 1817, July 5. Visit of corps of cadets
1817, March 2. Captain Partridge to to New York. Extract from Niles
General Swift, inclosing sy.stem of reg- Weekly Register, July 5, 1817. (A)
ulations for Military Academy drawn 1817, July 17. Order of Chief of
up by himself. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O. Engineers to Major Thaj^er to take
1817, March 3. Cadets .should each command of post of West Point and of
have a copy of Hutton's Mathematics. Military Academy. Records U. S.
MS. O. M.A., A. G. O. Military Academy, 1814-1838. (.\)

1817, March 0. Captain Partridge to 1817, July27. Major Thayer assumed

General Swift. Submits a course of command of the U. S. Military Acad-
studies devised by him.self. Separate emy. ( His letter to Secretary of War.
classes abolished. Each cadet to grad- Cullum MS. (A)
uate \vhen he finishes his work. MS. Major Tha3'er to tieneral Swift.
O. M. A., A. G. O. He assumed command at West Point,
1817, March 6. Rules and regulations and finds two professors in arrest.
for the government of the U. S. Mili- Wishes them relieved, or their places
tary Academy. Secretary Crawford.
filled. MS. /;/ O. M. A., A. G. O.
Records U. S'. Military Academy, 1814- 1817, July 28. Captain Partridge to
1838, pp. 14-16. july23, 181S. (A)
5(V' General Swift. Inclosing charges,
Captain Partridge toGeneral Swift. etc., against Professors Mansfield and
Announces that several advanced stu- Mr. Snowden, and Teacher
dents had formed a class in philosophy Berard. .\sks for court of inquiry on
[independent of Colonel Mansfield]. himself.Has preferred charges against
Asks for a board of visitors. MS. O. M. Captaiji O'Connor. MS. 0. M. .A., A.
A., A. G. O. G. O.
1817, March 1 Cadets were marched
. 1817, July to August. Cadet Ryland
to the mess hall in squads. MS. O. M was adjutant of the post. Proc. Gen-
A.,A. G.O. eral Court-Martial, MS., p. 62. (.A)
1817, March 31. Professor Mansfield 1817, August 1. JIajor Thayer writes
to General Swift. Writes that there is to General Swdft; wishes a captain of
abuse in allowing carpenters, tailors, infantry as instructor of tactics, lieu-
discharge<l soldiers, etc., to build little tenant of artillery, ditto; also a quar-
houses on and about the plain, in addi- termaster and adjutant. MS. in O. M.
tion to getting their wood off of the A., A. G. O.
public property and affording asylum 1817, August 2. .\djutant-General to
for all sorts of people. MS. A. G.O., Major Thayer, directing him to release
O. M. A. profe.s.sors from arrest. M,S. O. M. A.,
1817, March. Captain Crozet writes to A. G. O.; also in Cullum MS.
General Swift that it is injurious for 1817, August 6. Secretary of War to
3'oung men destined for different Major Thayer. .\s Superintendent of
of the Army to be in the same school. Military .Academy he is subject only to
West I'oint is not a proper site for the the order of the President of the Ujiited
Academy [too far from centers of learn- States. Thayer's report to Swift will
ing and manufacture], MS. -A. G. O., be sent to the President. About |7o,ooo
O. M. A. is available. War Dept. Military Book
1817, April 14. Major Burton, of New- No. 9.
York, furnishes uniform trousers for
1817, August 8. The .\djutant-Gen-
cadets. Tactics taught to cadets hv
eral will oriler all cadets to report at
Captain Partridge. MS. O. M. A., A'.
West Point Sept. i. Captain O'Con-
G. O.
nor has translated a book for the Mili-
1817, April 27. Professor Mansfield tary Academy [Science of War]. War
to General Swift. He has bought a Dept. Military Book No, 9,
number of books for his department
JIartin's philosophy among them. After this date cadets must report
MS. in A. G. O., O. M. A. at West Point on as candidates.
Sept. i

Their e.xamination and admission at

1817, May19. President of United
any other time is irregular. Letter of
States desires Major Thayer to be
Secretary* of War to Major Thayer, at
ordered to West Point as Superinten-
dent during General .Swift's absence.
whose request the order was issued.
The President intends to visit West Cullum MS. (A)
Point shortly. War Dept. Military 1 81 , August 3 . Captain Partridge
Book No. 9. to (ieneral Swift. Reports that he took
Bibliography of the U. S. Militarv Academy. 75
coininand of West Point Aui;. 29. 1817, September 25. President of the
Major Thayer occupied hisquarters and I'liited .Slates, through Secretary of
declined to vacate. The senior officer War, directs a court-martial at '\Vest
of engineers present is bv law Super- Point on Captain Partridge and a court
intendent. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O. of inquiry on the charges
1817, September 1. One hundred and academic stafT. General Scott will be
seventy-five cadets present; a<lniitte<l president of both courts. War Dept.
since, 12; absent without leave, 301 not Military Book No. g.
returned from furlough I. Major Thay- 1817, September 29. Cadet Pinck-
er's letter to the Secretarv of War, Oct. ney.of .South Carolina, was notified by
I, 1S17. CuUuni .AIS. (A) Major Thayer in writing to return to
1817, September 3. Secretary of War West Point for duty. His father writes
notifies Major Thayer that Cajitaiu to General .Swift to say that as the
Partridge and Lieutenant Davies have e()uinox was approaching the return by
.sea was hazardous and as the country
been placed in arrest. Major Thayer
is to report on the "daring act of nui-
was sickly his return by land was dan-
tiny." War Dept. Military Book No. 9. gerous, and asks that he be allowed to
return in the middle of October.
1817, September 5. Academic duties Thomas Pincknev to J. G. Swift, Swift
will begin at S a. m. Sept. 6. Records MSS. (A)
I'. S. Military Academy, iSi4-i.S3,S. A ( I

1817, September. Since this date

- TheWashington City Daily Gazette each instructor has rendered a weekly
contains an article signed "A friend to class report. Major Thayer's letter of
the injured" bearing on the case of Cap- Jan. 30, i.Si.S, to the Secretarv of War,
tain Partridge. Proc. General Court- Cullum MS. (.\!
Martial, MS., p. 146; given ibid., MS., 1817, October 2. Captain Partridge
pp. 154. 155- writes to tieneral Swift. .\.sks for his
old quarters at West Point, viz: the
1817, September 6. Circular from
Major Thayer to each professor of the small house near the old -Academv.
Military Academy, requiring a pro- MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
gramme of study in his department 1817, October 11. Secretary of War
and a memoir showing the method of authorizes Major Thayer to engage a
instruction. Cullum MS. (A) teacher of French at former salary.
War Dept. Military Book No. 9.
1817, September 11. Major Thayer
writes to General .Swift. Reports that 1817, October 16. The present check-
the adjutant ami some cadets escorted
book system instituted by Colonel
Captain Partridge with the band when
Thayer. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. C S.

leaving the post, MS. in O. JI. .\..

vol. '2. p. 463. (A)
A. G. O. 1817, October 20. Proceedings of a
general court-martial convened at West
1817, September 12. The New York Point for the trial of Capt. A. Partridge.
Columbia, newspaper, contains an ap- General Scott, president. Copy from
peal from Capt. A. Partridge to the original inofKceof the Judge-.\dvocate-
public. Proc. General Court-ilartial. General. MS., 1903. i vol., 8°, pp.
October, 181 7, MS., p. 10; given in full 175. Cliargcs: I. Neglect of duty and
ibid., MS., pp. 147-153- unofficerlike conduct 10 specifica-—
1817, September 23. Captain Par- tions;n. Conduct unofficerlike and to
tridge to General .Swift. In reference the prejudice of good order and mili-
command and
to his assumption of the tary discipline —4 specifications; III.
temporarv superintendence of the Mili- Disobedience of orders — 2 specifica-
tary .Academy. MS O. M. .A. .A. G. O.
. ,
tions; W
Mutiny, and beginning and

uniform. Chevrons pre-
exciting mutiny - 4 specifications.
Pleading: Not guilty to each and all.
scribed, etc. in Thayer's order.
, Boyn-
Findings: Of Charge I, not guilty; of
ton's History of West Point, p. 21.S;
Charge II, not guilty; of Charge III,
U. S. Militarv .Academv Order Book.
guilty; of Charge IV, not guilty. Sen-
1S17. (A)
tence: To be cashiered. The court, in
Major Thayer's orders: Cadets consideration of the zeal and persever-
organized into a battalion of two com- ance which the prisoner seems uni-
panies, with a cadet colonel, adjutant, formly to have displayed in the dis-
sergeant-major, etc. Cadet rank dis- charge of his professional duties up to
tinguished by .gold lace and b\' yellow August, 181 7, beg leave to reconimend
ribbon chevrons. .\ connnandanl of him to the clemencv of the President
cadets was appointed by the Superin- of the T'nited States in the hope that
tendent. Boynton's Historj- of West the punishment may be remitted. The
Point, p. 218. (A) court further is of opinion that Charges
'](i CcJitciniicl of United States Military Academy.

Iand II, and most of the specifications 1817. Report on the Military Academy
under them, were but frivolous and at West Point. Acting Secretary G.
vexatious. Action: Tlie President ap- Graham, Feb. 15, 1817. House Docs.
proves the sentence and proceedings, 14th Cong., 2d sess., 21 pp. (A)
except tliat part wliich pronounces Cemetery laid out; road to it built
certain charges, etc., frivolous and vex- 1S39 or 1.S40; enlarged 1S90 and 1900;
atious, and, in consideration of the enlargement laid out 1903. (A)
recommendation of the court, remits Cadet uniform. Chevrons pre-
the punishment. Captain Partridge is
released from arrest and returned to scribed. Journal M. S. I., vol. 2, p.

duty. (A) 405. (A)

1817, November 1. Practical military General Orders, War Dept., about
instruction ceased on this date for the court of inquiry. MSS. in Colonel
year. Letter of Major Thayer to the Larned's possession.
Secretary of War, Oct. I, 1S17, Cullum Martin (Benjamin): The philo-
MS. (A) grammar; being a view of the
1817, November 4. As many cadets present state of experimented physi-
as General Scott may require to be de- ology or natural philosophy. In four
tailed as copyists for the general court- parts. London, 126 pp., vol. 2, 8°.

martial of which he is president. Or- (Text-book, department nat. and ex-

der of the Ac'jutant and Inspector- perimental philosophy, .Apr., 1S17.)
General. Cullum MS. (A) 1817-18. "Prom Sept. i, 1817, to Mar.
1817, November 27. General Orders, I,1818, the uumlier of cadets absent
Adjutant-General's Office, in relation to without leave was at no time less than
general court-ii.artial for trial of Captain 12." Major Thaver to Secretary of
Partridge, findings; Charge I, not guilty; War, May 3, 1818,' Cullum MS. (A)
Charge II, not guilty; Charge 1 11, guilty; Cadet puni.shments examples; —
Charge IV, not guilty. Sentence, to be cadets permitted to w-ear whiskers, but
cashiered, but recommended to clemen- not mustaches or beards p. 467 va- ( )

cy. President of United States remits cations abolished (.^pr. 15, 181S); fur-
the punishment and restores him to loughs may be granted during the en-
duty. campment. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,
vol. 2, pp. 45S-474. (A)
1817, December 13. Secretary of War
writes General Swift that the Superin- 1817-1830. Cadets were made to do
tendent of the U. S. Military Academv police duty, wheeling wheelbarrows,
is not under the command of the Chief etc. , for punishment. See The Military
Engineer while he is alxsent from Mili- Academy unmasked ( 1830), p. 8. (.A)
tary Academy. War Dept. Military Camp W'as pitched on the grass
Book No. 9. parade. The Military Academy un-
1817. Major Thayer divided classes
masked (1S311), p. 20.
. . . (A)
into .sections for recitation; instituted 1817-1832. Adjutant's office in base-
weekly transfers between .sections; es- ment of superintendent's quarters till
tablished daily marks; published an an- it was moved to second floor, east end

nual register; provided an annual Board of Academy. William Ward.

of Visitors; introduced the check-book 1817-1833. Early discipline at the
sy.stem of accounts; organized the aca- U. S. Military .'\cademy. Jour. Mil.
demic board as at present, etc. Boyn- Sen- Inst.U. S., vol. 2, p. 448. (A)
ton's History of West Point, p. 21S. (A) SV Cullum (G. W.): .\ddress at
Thecost of the public buildings, the unveiling of the statue of General
etc., was, up to this date, $115,354.15 Thayer at West Point, June 11, 1883.
[not including the "east barracks," In Cullum's Biog. Register, vol. 5, p.
145,000]. See The Military Academy 633- (A)
Unmasked (1830), p. 9. (A) 1817-1836. Music ma.sters: Richard
Willis, June 16, 1817 to 1830.'; Alex.
[As to the controversy between
Kyle, 1S30-1S36; Joseph Lucchesi, 1S36.
Gen. J. G. Swift and Capt. .\. Partridge
Park's Sketch of West Point, pp. §5,
relating to the command at West Point.]
98. Boynton's History of West Point,
In MS. correspondence between Major-
General Jackson and Brevet Major- P- 337- (A)
General Scott. MS. p. 17. Also in 1817-1837. Monthly returns of merit
Thayer Cullum MSS. (A) and general merit for cadets. Originals
in A. G. O., O. M. A.; copies in 'u. vS.
North (cadet) barracks built de- — Military Academy. (.A.)
molished 1 85 1. A description and view
of it /;/ Boynton's History of West 1817-1877. The varying practice as to
Point, p. 255. (A) the making of cadet officers from dif-
Biblicio-rapliy of tlir U. S. Military Acadejny. 77
ferent classes described in Jour. Mil. history, and
ethics, the chaplain S. V .

Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 2, pp. 456-457. Military .\c.adeniy to be the head of the
(A) de])artment. Rev. T. I'icton, professor
1817-1896. Department of ordnance J818-1S25; Rev. C. P. Mcllvaine, 1825-
and gunnery, V. S. INlilitary .\cadcniy, 1S27; Rev. T.Warner, 1828-1838; Rev.
organized 1S57 —
its history. .\ de])art- J. Adams, Rev. M. P. Parks,

ment of artillery' mentioned 1.S17 and Rev. W. T. Sprole, 1S47-1856;


it continued to 1857, when the depart- Rev. J. W. French, 1856-1871; Rev. J.

ment was organized by the academic Forsyth, 1S71-1874; Rev. W. M. Post-
board. History of the department; lethwaile, 1S74-1S96. Rept. Supt. U.
text-books used. Rept. Supt. U. S. .Academy 1S96, p. 157. (.\)'
S. Jlilitary
Slilitary Academy, (A)
1896, p. 176. 1818, April 15. Vacations are abol-
1817-1901. Brief history of the Acad- ished; lurloughs will be granted usu-
emy. In Michie's McClellan, pp. 8 et ally during camp; the Superintendent
seq. (A) is authorized to detail cadet instructors.
Records I'. S. Militarv .-^cademv, 1814-
1818, January 8. Secretary of War
1S38. (A)
directs Major Thayer to forward a com-
plete plan of all buildings for the Com- 1818, April 20. MajorThayer to Gen-
mittee of Congress on Ways and Means. eral Swift. Twelve thousand copies of
AVar Dept. Military Book Xo. 9. a treatise on the science of war trans-
lated by Captain O'Connor have been
1818, February 10. Secretary of War deposited at West Point. One copy
Calhoun is gratified with the progress
( I

should be given to each graduated ca-

of the Military Academy. Orders names
of five most distinguished cadets, etc.,
det. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
published in the Army Register. War 1818, April 25. MajorThayer requests
Dept. Military Book No. 10. permission to build a gun house. MS.
i>: (). M. A., A. G. O.
1818, February 14. The vSecretary of
War directs the names of the five most 1818, May 12. JIajor Thayer writes
di.stinguished cadets in each class to be General .Swift. Requesting to be re-
annually published in the Army Regis- lieved as Superintendent I'. S. Militarv
ter, etc.(The practice continues to Academy. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
to this day. Boynton's History of West
) Order from the Engineer Depart-
Point, p. 219; Records U. S. Military ment: Cadets failing to join at the ex-
Academy, 1814-183S, p. 17. {.\) piration of their furloughs shall have
1818, February 25. Capt. John Bliss their pay stopped; if absent without
has been detailed as instructor of tac- leave for more than tw'o months, to be
tics. War Dept. Military Book No. 10. dismis.sed the service. Park's Sketch
of West Point, p. 86. (A)
1818, March 25. ?Iajor Thayer recom-
mends granting an indefinite furlough 1818, June 12. E. W. Phelps acted as
to Cadet Delafield, who will aid in sur- steward at West Point May, 1817, to
veying the boundary line between the May, under agreement to receive
United States and Canada. MS. in O. II10.50 monthly for cadets' mess per
M. A., A. G. O. person, .\bout jfi.ouo is due to him.
He requests pavment. MS. O. M. A.,
1818, March. Cadet .sections assembled
A. G. O.
at the beat of drums. Bugle calls were
not introduced till about 1840. Jour. 1818, June 25. Academic board rec-
Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. 2, p. 466. ommends 23 cadets for promotion. Ap-
proved by the inspector, excepting that
Cadet Bache should be appointed to the
1818, April Captain Partridge re-
Engineers. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O.
signs his commission. MS. O. M. A.,
A. G. O. 1818, June. A merit roll of class stand-
ing for the first class made out, for the
1818, April 3. Major Thayer writes
first time, according to the svstem of
respecting uniform for band. MS. in
MajorThayer. Cu'llum MS. '
O. M. A.; A. G. O.
1818, July 16. JIajor Thayer requests
1818, April 13. Order of the Engi- 2l>ij nuiskets, New Haven pattern. MS.
neer Department: Cadets may be em-
O. M. A., A. G. O.
ployed as acting assistant professors
with increased pay of f 10 per month. 1818, July 23. Regulations approved
(See 1S23, Sept. 10, for mark of this by the Secretary of War. See Mar. 6,
grade by additional buttons on uniform 1817. In Records U. S. Military .Acad-
coat.) Boynton's History of West emy, 1814-1838, pp. 16-17. (A)
Point, p. 221. (A) Order of the Secretary of War
1818, April 14. Congress or-
.\ct of provides for semiannual e.xamination,
ganizes the department of geography, Jan. I, June 1; candidates to report
78 Centennial of United States Militaiy Academy.

June 25, etc.; annual encampments '8, 1818. House Docs., No. 104, 15th
July I to Aug. 31; furloughs to be Cong., 1st sess., vol. 5, 160 pp.

granted not more than one-fourth of to 1818. Sim,son (Robert): Ele-
the corps to be absent at anj' one time ments of conic sections, 2d ed., Edin-
and every graduate to have been pres- burgh, 1792, 1 vol., O. (Text-book de-
ent during two encampments. Boyn- partment of mathematics, to 1818.
ton's History of West Point, p. 223. (A) Rept. Supt. U. S. Militarv .-Academy,
1818, July 26. All communications 1896, p. 43- (A)
from the Military Academy are to be 1818 to Vernon (Guy) de: A .

made through the Chief Engineer. treatiseon the science of war and fortifi-
MS. O. M. A., A. G. O. cation translated by John M. O'Con-
. . .

1818, August 2. Cadets at West Point, nor, captain, U. S. .'Vnny. New York,
165; recentlv connnissioned, 23; re- 1817, 2 vols., O. (Text-book depart-
signed, 11; estimated total Aug. 31, ment civil and militarv engineering,
131; appointed, 80; vacancies, 39; to- iSiS to ) Rept. Siipt. U. S. Mili-

tal, 250. CuUum MS. (A) tary Academy, 1896, p. 160. (A)
1818, August 28. Major Thayer re- Gregory (Olinthus): A treatise of
ports that Mr. Zoeller intends to re- mechanics, theoretical, practical, and
sign. Recommends that he be not per- descriptive, 3d ed., London, 1815, 2
mitted to do so until another is ap- vols., O. (Text- book department nat-
pointed. MS. O. M. A., A. G. O. ural and e.xperimental philosophy, i8r8
1818, October 26. Major Thayer and to .) Rept. Supt. I'. S. M'ilitary
academic board are anxious to have a Academy, 1S96, p. 15. [h)
knowledge of English grammar added 1818-1827. Farrar's text-books used
to the entrance requirements. Cul- at West Point and Har\-ard University.
lum MS. (A) Life of D. Treadwell, p. 394 of centen-
1818, October. Wood's nionument nial volume, Amer. Acad. Arts and
erected. Boynton's History of West Sciences. (A)
Point, ]i. 302. [It stood till after 1821 1818 to 182-. Hutton (Charles): A
in the middle of the parade ground, course of mathematics in two volumes
and till aj'ter 1870 on a knoll near Tro- . . revised
. and corrected by Robert
phy Point, and is now in the ceme- Adrian from 5th and 6th L. ed. New
tery.] (A) York, 1818, I vol. O. (Part relating
1818, November 1. Academic staff to conic sections used as text-book de-
writes to Secretary of War on the im- partment of mathematics, 1818 to 182-.
portance of observing the order of Rept. Supt. U. S. Military .Academy,
merit in making appointments in the 1.896, p. 43- (A)
Armv, noting cases. MS. O. M. .\., 1818-1863. History of the U. S. Mili-
A. G. O. tarv .\cademy band. Boynton's History
1818, November 18. Major Thayer of West Point, p. 335. (A)
asks that a railing be put around Wood's Li.sts of the five "most distin-
monument. M.S. O. M. A., A. G. O. guished" cadets given. Boynton's
1818, November 26. Rules with re- History of West Point, pp. 325-334.
spect to the promotion of cadets. Cul- (A)
lutn MS. (A) 1818-1882. Latrobe (John H. B.):
1818, December 9. .\ court of inquiry Reminiscences of West Point from
convened at West Point. Records U. S. September, 1818, to March, 1882 . . .

Military .\cademy, 1S14-1S38. {A.) East Saginaw, Mich., 1887, i pam.,

8°, 36 pp. (A)
1818. -A Board of Visitors in this year.
Colonel Thayer's letter, Feb. 11, 1853. 1818-1884, 1837-1884. Summary
Cullum MS. ' [It was not the first one.] of Congressional appropriations (sum
^3,422,539.83); table of the amounts
Charges preferred by 5 cadets
annually paid to cadets 1818-1884 (total
against the commandant of cadets, Capt.
Rept. Board of Visit-
John Bliss, Sixth Infantry throwing — 16,439,890.08).
ors, 1.S84, p. S49, (h)
stones at cadets; violently throwing
them out of ranks; swearingat them, etc. 1818-1889. .Amounts paid cadets each
Ill The Military Academy Unmasked year 1S18-1839; total, $7,213,230.77.
(1830), p. 26. (A) Rept. Board of Visitors, 1889, p. 1093.
Papers relating to West Point. (A)
The cadets and others. Nov. 22, 1818. 1818-1896. Department of civil and
Ex. Papers, No. A-14. .15th Cong., ist military engineering U. S. Military
sess., vol. 2, 62 pp. (A) .Vcademy; of list text-books; the
• •
Report on army contingent ex- methods the Ecole Polytechnique
penses. Secretary J. C. Calhoun. Feb. were introduced 1S18 by Crozet; [those
Ihbliography of the U. S. Militarv Acadc»n\

of Metz by Mahan; those of

in 7830 1819. Secretary of War Calhoun rec- ( )

Woolwicli iSoi-2 by Baron,] Rept. onnnends a .second military academv.

Supt. U. S. Military Academy, i.Sg6, Amer. State Papers, vol. i, p. 834. (,V)
pp. 160-165. (A) '
E.\'pos(5 of facts concerning recent
1818-1902. Annual Register of the tran.sactions relating to the corjjs of
Officers and Cadets [separately printed cadets of the U. S. Military .Academy
each year from] 1S18 to date. (.\) at West Point, N. V. Xewburgh,
1819, January 1. Catalojjue of the 1819, 6S ]ip., I pam., 8°. [Bound with
cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, it: Ragland, Cadet T.: Defense before

West Point, Jan. i, [819 [total, 2-^0]. a general court-martial held at West
I sheet f°. (A) Point. . . 1S19. . Xewburgh,
. . .

1819, January 15. Letter from Secre-

1S19, 24 pp.] (A)
tar}- of War ( Calhoun to Colonel
.Ajournal of a marcli [to Hudson,
Thayer. (A) X. v.] performed by the corps of
cadets of the U. S. Military Academy
Report of the Secretary of War
in the year 1819. Xewburgh, iSig, 'i
[Calhoun] on an additional military
vol., 8°, pp. 44. (A)
academy. Amer, State Papers, vol. i,

p. 834. (A) Cadets petition against

maltreatment by officers of the Armv.
Report on U. S. Military Academy
.\mer. State Papers, vol. 2, p. 5. (A)
by General Bernard and Colonel McRee,
Amer. State Papens, Military .Affairs, List of apparatus needed bv each
vol. I, p. S34. (A) department, U. S. Military Academv;
catalogue of English book's needed in
1819, March 27. Mr. C. Zoeller's
its library. Rept. Board of \"isitors,
resignation accepted to take effect Jan.
5. Records C
S. Militarv Academv,
pp. 10-24. (A)
Mr. Xorth's tavern is within 100
1S14-1S3S. (A)
yards of cadet barracks; the purchase
1819, May. general court-martial
of Mr. North's land is recommended.
sitting at West Point decides that it has
Rept. Board of Visitors, 18 19, p 9
no authority to tr\' cadets; decision
negatived by the Attorney -General
.Aug. 21, iSig. Boynton's History of Paper relating to the Militarv
West Point, p. 220. (A) .\cademy. Senator Williams, Jan. 21',
1819. State Papers, No. 63, 15th Cong.,
1819, June. The corps of cadets organ-
2d sess., vol. I, 2 pp. (,A)
ized \n 4 comjianies for the encamp-
ment (only) and this was the rule until Petition relating to West Point.
Apr. 3, 1S27, when the permanent or- Ex-Cadet Loring and others. Dec. 27,
ganization was 4 companies. Jour. Mil. 1S19. Ex. Papers, No. 14, i6th Cong.,
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 1st sess., vol. 2, 6 pp. (A)
2, p. 455. (./V)

1819, August 21. Report of Aug. 21, Resolutions relating to militarv

1819, to Congress "on complaints academies. Representative Johnsoii,
against Military Academy at West Jan. 29, 1SJ9, House Docs., Xo. 113,
Point." Amer. .State Papers, Military 15th Cong., 2d sess., vol. 6, i p. (A)
Affairs, vol. 2, pp. 5-30, Daily guard mounting introduced;
1819, September 23. Orders of Adju- cadet sentinels replaced bomljardier
tant and Inspector General for a court- sentinels in barracks. Cullum M.S.
martial to reconvene at West Point to (A)
try cadets and the professor of engi- Catalogue of English books neces-
neering (Crozet). Records U. S. Mili- sary for the library of the U. S. Mili-
tary Academy, 1S14-1S3S. (A) tary Academy at West Point. In Re-
.A court of inquiry convened to in-
port of the Board of Visitors 1S19.
vestigate a quarrel between two cadets. Estimated cost, f6,o<jo: foreign books,
Records U. S. Military Academv, 1814- etc., |i,cx)o; total, |7,(XKi. (A)
1838. (A) Fire in a room in the South Bar-
1819. (5"ff a/io March. 1S15.) A pho- —
racks the energy of Professor Davies
tographic copy of the diploma of Daniel in extinguishing it. Cajori: Teaching
Tyler is on file in the office of the ad- and history of mathematics in the I'.

jutant, U. S. Military Academy. It is

S., p. 119. ( X)
off the same lithographic stone as the 1819, about. I'p to this date cadets
diploma of 1S70. (.A) were furnished with text-ljooks, draw-
In relation to an additional mili- ing materials, and equipments; after it
tary academy, communicated to the cadets paid for such articles. Cullum
House of Representatives Jan. 29, iSig, MS. (A)
by J. C. Calhoun /;; his Works, vol. 5, i
1819 to . Xewton (Isaac): Sir.
P- 54- (A) Mathematical principles of Natural
8o Ccuicnnial of United States Military Academy.

Philosophy. Rev. & correcte<l by

chemistry: Henry's, 1820-1829; Tur-
W. Davis! London, 1819, i v., O. ner's, 1829-1S40; Webster's 1840-1843;
(Text- book department natural and Kane's, 1S43-185S; Fownes', 1858-
experimental philosophy, 1S19 to .) 1.S84; Regnault's, 1S59-1S60; Bloxam's,

Rept. vSupt. r. S. Military Academy, 1884-1896; Tillman's. Text-books in

1.S96, p. 16. (.\| mineralogy, etc.: Cleveland's, 1820-
1S34; Bakewell's, 1834-1841; Lyell's,
1819 to Hachette,
(J. X. P.):
Eli^mentaire des Machines. 1841-1842; Dana's Mineralogy, 1839-
(Text-book department civil and mili- 1894; Dana's Geology, 1872-1882;
tary engineering, 1819 to . ) Rept. Hitchcock's Geology, 1842-1872; Le-
Military Academy, 1896, conte's Geology, 1882-1896 (with Till-
,Supt. U. .S.

(A) man's Common Rocks). Rept. Supt.

p. 160.
U. vS. Military Academy, 1896, p. 104.
vSganzin (M. I.): An elementary
course of civil engineering . . . trans-
lated from the French in 1S27. 3d Fr. 1820, October 17. Triple rations will
(Text- be allowed the Superintendent U. S.
ed., Boston, 1827, I vol., S°.
and military Military Academy. War Dept. Militarj'
book department civil
engineering, 1S19 to .) Rept, Book No. II.
Supt. U. S. Military Academy 1S96, p. 1820, October. The position of pro-
164. (A) mathematics offered to Prof.
fessor of
Hauv, M. I'Abbe: Traitd Elemen- R.Adrain; declined. CuUumMS. (A)
taire de Physique. 2d ed., Paris, 1S06 1820, December 12. Letter of Colonel
I vol.,S°.' (Text-book department Thaver giving of fare for cadets.
natural and experimental philosophy, Copy in'.V. G. O., O. M. A.
1S19 to Rept. vSupt. U. S. Mili-
. )
1820, December 14. Secretary of War
tary .\cademy, 1896, p. 15. (A) writes Capt. D. B. Douglass that he
1819-1825. Letters of Colonel Thayer shall either be restored to his rank in
on file M.
A., A. G. O., relating
in O. the Engineers or be appointed professor
to regulations and course of study. of mathematics, U. S. Military Acad-
Copies in adjutant's office, V S. Mili- . emy. War Dept. Military Book No. 11.
tary Academy. (A) 1820, about. Certain cadets refused to
1819-1902. Military Academy papers. sign the pay rolls because the amount
Filed in A. G. O., ().' M. A. of their acknowledged) debts had been

1820, February 25. Report of Secre- deducted. Rept. Board of Visitors,

tary of \\'ar to House of Repre.senta- 1820. (A)
tives,Feb. 25, 1S20, relative to Military 1820. Cadet uniform coats cost $16;
Academ}'. Amer. State Papers, Mili- vests, I3. 50; trousers, $9.50; white vests,
tary Affairs, vol.2, pp. 25-9S.
I2.511; linen trousers, f 2. 75; dress hat,
Lieut. G. \V. Gardiner resigns as f8; shoes, I3 and I4. The pay and
post adjutant. Lieut. George Blaney allowances of cadets is I338 per year.
succeeds him. Records U. S. Military Rept. Board of Visitors, 1820. Cul-
Academy, 1S14-1S38. (A) lum MS. (A)
1820, June Letter of Colonel 17. Cadet luiiform. Pantaloons very
Thayer with respect to cadet uniform. short. Remarks on length by Board
Copy in A. G. O., O. M. A. of Visitors. Rept. Board of Visitors,
1820, June 29. Requisition for 21 1820. (A)
knap.sacks for the military band and
Cadet uniform. Coatee, white
martial music of the company of bom-
trousers, dress hat, plume, sash, sword,
bardiers, sappers, and miners. (S. A.
belt, ornament, and chevrons shown.
MS., No. 263.) (A) Photo in U. S. Military Academy, Mis-
1820, Aug-ust 29, to 1823, May 1. cell., vol. I, p. 40. (A)
Capt. Douglas, Corps of Engi-
I). B.
neers, professor of mathematics during Reorganization of the West Point
this period. Cadets detailed as acting Military Academy. Supt. S. Thayer,
assistant profes.sors. Biot's application Feb. 23, 1820. House Docs., No. 88, p.
of algebra to geometry was introduced iS, i6thCong., ist.sess.,vol. 6, 8pp. (A)
as a class book. In 1823 the text-books Report of the Academic staff of
were: Cambridge Trigonometry; La- West Point Military Academy F'eb. 23,
Croix's Algebra; Legendre'sCTCometry; 1820. House Docs', No. 88, p. 15, i6th
Sganzin's Construction; Garnier's An- Cong., 1st sess., vol. 6, 4 pp. (A)
alytic Geometry. Rept. Supt. U. S.
Military Academy, 1896, pp. 43-45. (A) Report of the Board of Visitors
(MS.). /« Cullum-Thayer MS. (A)
1820, October 9. Instruction in chem-
istry and mineralogy given by Surgeon West Point Military Academy.
Cutbush, U. S. Army. Text-books in General Bernard and Colonel McRee.
Bibliography of the U. S. Military Academy. 8i
Feb. 23, 1820. House Docs., No. cSS, p. 1820-1825 and 1848-1867.
26, i6th Cong., ist sess., vol. 6, 10 pp. (
Jedidiah ) : The .\ineric,'ui universal ge-
ography; or, a view of the present .st.ate
1820. Report on the West Point Mili- of all the kingdoms, states, and colonies
tary .Vcadeniy. Secretary). C.Calhoun. in the known world. 6th ed. Boston,
Feb. 23, 1S20. House Docs., No. SS, 1812. I vol., O. (Text-book, depart-
i6th Cong., 1st sess., vol. 6, 7 pp. (.\) ment of geography, history, and ethics,
Report on the West Point Military 1820-1825 and 184^8- 1,86 7.)' Cadet Reg-
Academy. .Secretary J. C. Calhoun. ister, 184S, p. 23, and 1867, p. 24, Rept.

Jan. 28, 1S20. House Docs., No. 61, Board of \'isitors, 1821-1825. (.\)
i6th Cong., 1st .sess., vol. 5, 29 pp. (A) 1820-1829. Henry (William): Ele-
Rules and Regulations of West ments of experimental chemistry. Phil-
Point Military Academy. Lieutenant adelphia, 1823. r vol., O. (Text-book,
Smith. Feb. 23, 1S20. ' House Docs., department of chemistrv, 1820-1829.)
No. 88, p. 8, i6th Cong., ist sess., vol. Rept. Supt. U. S. Milit'arv Academv,
6,7 pp. (A) 1896, p. i,,5. (A)
"Military Academy, West Point, 1820-1843. Paley (William): The
N. Y." (View, and portrait of a cadet principles of moral and political philos-
officer.) Copperplate 3 x6'<. (A) ophy. Sth ed. Boston, 1S15. i vol.,

Journal of a inarch performed by

O. Text-book, department of history,

the Corps of Cadets of the U. S. Mill geography, and ethics, 1820-1843'.

tary Academy in the year 1S20 [to
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1821; .^nfer.
State Papers, Military .affairs, vol. 2,
Philadelphia] [byacadet]. [Thecorps
%va.s encamped at Fort Clinton June 23
p. 661; Cadet Register, 1843, p. 20.

to Aug. 4, returning to West Point about

Aug. 30.] Newburgh, 1820. i vol., 1820-1866. Books of letters received
O., pp. 64. (A) are in the Engineer Department, U. S.
The cadets went to Philadelphia Armv. The original letters are filed in
during the summer, but did not enter the .\.(;.(X, O. M. .•\.
the cit}^ on account of yellow fever 1820-1902. The heads of the depart-
there prevailing. Recollections of Gen. ment oi chemLstry, mineralogv, and
G. D. Ramsay, MS. (A) geology have been: Doctor Ciitbush,
The cadets have " a librarv societv. 1820-1S23; Doctor Percival, 1824; Doc-
which has laid the foundation of a tor Torrey, 1824-1827; Lieutenant Hop-
collection of books." kins, 1827-1835; Lieutenant Bailey,
Rept. Board of
Visitors, 1820. Cullum MS. (A) 1835-1838; Professor Bailey, 1838-1857;
Professor Kendrick, 1857-1880; Profes-
1820 or 1821. "The first triennial sor Tillman, 1881-1902. All the in-
register of graduates was printed."
struction of this department transferred
ColonelThayer's letter of Feb. 11, 1S53.
to the second, 1879-S0. Rept.
Cullum M,S. [No triennial register was Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1S96,
ever printed, so far as is known.]
p. 105. (A)
1820-21. Tables showing the course
to 1821. Tactics. Rules and reg-
of instruction in all the departments,
ulations prescribed for infantry drill
the text-books employed, etc. Rept.
Board of Visitors, 1821, p. 58. (A)
service. ( Text-book department'of tac-
tics, to 1S21.)
Rept. vSupt. U. S.
1820-1823. Cleaveland (Parker): Kle- Military .\cademy, lSg6, p. 124. (A)
nientary on mineralogv and
geology. 2d ed. Boston, 1S22.
1821, March 2. Act of Conrgess re-
i vol.,
8^. (Text-book department of chem- duces the -\rmy, but retains the U. S.
Military .\cademy unchanged. (A)
istry, 1820101833 or 1S34.) Rept. vSupt.
U. S. Military Academv,
iSq6, P
p. loj 1821, April 2. Lieut. P. H. Yalt ap-
(A) 4 pointed post adjutant. A court of in-
1820-1824. See De Peyster (Frede- quiry convened. Records L'. S. Mili-
tar}- .Academy, 1814-183S. (A)
rick ) In
: memoriam Robert Parker
Parrott. ( .1 1821, April 19. The Secretary of War
1820-1825. Tytler (Alexander Fra- directs that the corps of cadets be
ser): Elements of general history, an- marched to Boston during the summer.
cient and modern, to which are added Culhmi M.S. (A)
a table of chronology, etc. 2d Am. ed. 1821, August 14. The corps of cadets
from the 5th British. Philadelphia, marched to Boston. Cullum MS. (.\)
1813. 1 vol., O. (Text-book, depart- Visit of the corps of cadets to Pres-
ment of geography, history, and ethics, ident .Vdams at yuincy; the corps en-
1820-1825.) Amer. ,State' Papers, Jlil- camped on Boston Common; the town
itary .\fFairs,vol. 2, pp. 661 Rept. Board
; meeting voted them a stand of colors
of Visitors, 1821-1S25. (A) with the motto "A scientia ad glo-
H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2— vol 2 6
82 Cciitciniial of United States Ali/itaiy Academy.
riam," which was presented. Their instructors had the privilege of wear-
regimental standard showed Minerva ing civilian dress [a singular method
and other devices on a white ground. of rewarding soldiers]. {.\)
J. Quincv: Figures of the Past, pp.
SS- 1821. General Bernard and Captain
93- (A)' Le Conte, of the Board of Visitors, re-
1821, August 14. Address of ex-Presi- porton the organization U. S. Military
dent John Adams to the corps of cadets Academy. They would graduate in-
at his liouse, Quincv, Given in fantry officers at the end of the second
full 1)1 .'Vdams's Life and Works, vol. lo, year, engineers and artillery at the end
pp. 4<«>-4oi, and .-^pp. A. (A) of the fourth. The last year would be
1821, August. Itbut not
is likely, devoted to a school of application. The
proved, that the battalion color of the other members of the board do not con-
corps of cadets piwious to this date cur. Rept. Board of Visitors, i82i,pp.
bore the motto 'A scientia ad gloriam,"
' 27-41. (A)
and also the word "Essayons." Cadet luiiform. Probable descrip-
The ladies of Boston presented a tion. "West Point in 1821," by Han-
white silk embroidered flag to the corps nibal Day, U. S. Military .\cademy.
of cadets. It bore figures of Minerva, (A)

Mars, and the Goddess of Liberty, and Cadet uniform: Dress hats —
also the word
Essayons.' No other '
' ( change from silk hat to cap 7 inches
inscription is now visible on this flag, high, with round visor and diamond-
which is No. 915 of the Ordnance Mu- shaped ornament. Plates in Q. M. G.
seum Catalogue of 1S9.S. (A) )
Uniform U. S. A. A (

inhabitants of Boston pre- Facts throwing light on the good
1 sented a blue flag to the corps of cadets. discipline of the cadets (pp. 27, 42) and
S It bore an eagle, coat of anus, and the the insubordination of same (p. 41).
!! words "Presented by the inhabitants Rept. Board of Visitors, 1821. (A)
of Boston." (No other inscription is Rept. Board of Visitors, 1821, re-
/ now visible on this flag, which is No. fers to the case of deserter iShaw [cadet
924of the Ordnance Museum Catalogue C. B. Shaw, admitted 1818, deserted
of 1S9S.) (A) July I, 1820] and his assassiu-like at-
1821, October Cutbush is al-
9. Dr. J. tempt upon Major Thayer. Loc. cit.,
lowed Jig extra monthly for his ser\-- p. 40. See aim Records Military Acad-
ices as chemical lecturer from Sept. i. emy, MS., p. 23. (A)
Records U. f^. Military Academy, 1S14- Infantry tactics first taught as a
1S3S. (A) regular course; the cadets divided into
1821, October 19. Report of General two companies, 1817; into four, 1S25.
Swift to Secretary of War on the U. S. Rept. Supt., U. S. Military .\cademy,
Military Academy, in June 1821. MS. 1896, p. 124. (A)
ill O. M. A., A. G. O.
[Regulations for the U. S. Mili-
1821. Jefferson writes to Professor tar}' Academy, about 26 pp.] constitute
Mansfield, of the V. S. Military Acad- article 78 of General Regulations for
emy, "The real debt is to its able. . . the Army or Militar}- Institutes. Phila-
and zealous professors." Writings of delphia, :S2i, I vol., O. Same for
Jefferson, vol. 7, p. 2113. (.\) 1S25, General Regulations for the

[Arusmont, Mme. Frances Army, revised by Major-General vScott.

(Wright) d'.] Views of society and Washington, 1S25, i vol., O. (A)
manners in America in a series of let- Report on W'est Point Military
ters to a friend in England during the Academy, Secretarj- John C. Calhoun,
years 181S, 1819, and 1S20, by an Eng- Jan. 8, 1821. Ex. papers. No. 51, i6th
lish woman. 2d Amer. from ist Lond. Cong., 2d sess., vol. 4, 9 pp. (A)
ed., with additions and corrections by
the author. New York, 1821. [Ch. 9, 1821 to Murray (Lindley): Lec-

pp. 10S-124, \"oyage up the Hudson; teur Fraufois ou recueil de pieces, en

principally on West Point and the prose et en vers. Philadelphia, 1812,
scenes of -Arnold's treason.] Translated I vol., O. (Text-book department
into French b^- J. T. Parisot and pub- modern languages, 1S21 to ) Rept. .

lished by Beciiet, aine, at Paris, 1822, Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p.

with Miss Wright as author. 138. (A)
West Point in 1821, MS., I vol.; 1821-1825. Vattel, M. de: The Law
poems [collected], 1822, MS., i vol.; of Nations, or Principles of the Law of
various, 1822, MS., i vol. 3 vols., MS., Nature applied to the Conduct and
Q., collected by Hannibal Day, U. S. Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns. 4th
Military Academy, 1S23. A footnote Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1835, i vol. O.
in the first volume shows that cadet (Te.xt-book department history, geo-
Bibliography of tlic U. S. Mililarv Acadeviv- 83

grapliT an<l ethics. 1S21-1.S25.) Kept. encamped at Newburgh four days. Ac-
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, count of the festivities in Eager's His-
p. 156; Kept. Hoard of Visitors. 1821- tory of Orange County, N. V., pp. 198-
1S25. (A) 199; sec also p. 493. (.•\)

1821-1825. Biot (J. B. 1: Essai de 1822, October 10. The uniform of

iTCoiiietrie .\nalytique.appliquee aux the U. >S. Military .\cademy band was
courbes et aux surfaces du second ordre. white, faced with red. Boynton's His-
Septieme ed. Paris, 1826. i vol., O. tory of West Point, p. 337. (.\)
Text-book department of matliematics,
1822, October 30. General court-mar-
1821-1825, and 1S25 to .) Rept. tial convened at West Point. Records
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, U. S. Militarv Academv, 1814-1838.
pp. 25. 46. (A) (A)
1821-1828. Professors' quarters facinj; 1822. The uniform of the band was
north [double houses of stone], the white coats, buttonholes red, collars
westernmost was built in 182 1; the red, skirts of coats faced red; pompons,
others in 1S26 and 1828. Boynton's lower half red, top white; epaulettes,
History of West Point, p. 264. (A) red. MS. Mem. of Wm.
Ward ( 1902).
1821-1832. Wanostrocht (X.): A (A)
.ijrannnar of the French lanifuage, with Chief of Engineers presents a his-
practical exercises. 5th Am. from I4tli tory of the Academy. Amer. State
Loud, ed. Boston, 1S19, i vol.. 8°. Papers, vol. 2, p. 3S0. (A)
(Text-book department of modern lan- North's tavern is believed to re-
guages, 1S21-1832?) Rept. Supt. U.S. ceive about 1^50 per year from each
Military Academy, 1S96, p. 13S. (A) cadet. "Captain Crozet is by far the
1821-1837. Semiannual rolls of cadets. best mathematician in the LTnited
Originals in A. G. O.. O. M. A,; copies States." Rept. Board of Visitors, p.
in adjutant's ofBce, U. S. Military Acad- 76. I A
emy. (A) General Bernard, General Swift,
1821-1841. Sage, Le: Histoire de Gil Captain Le Conte report that not
Bias de Santillane, Vols. I, II, III, IV. enough attention is paid to the stud\' of
Paris, 1829, I vol., O. (Text-book, tactics. In our Army, where promo-
department of modern languages, 1821- tion is according to rank and not to
1841.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military merit, all officers should be equal in
Academy, 1896, p. 13S. {k) abilities. Artillerv exercises are totally
1822, January 16. General court- neglected; no exercises in firing can-
martial order; cadets dismissed. Re- non for six years past; is the metl«)d
cords U. S. Militarv Academv, 1814- of discipline at T. S. Military .\cadeniy
1S3S. (A) satisfactory? Rept. Board of \'isitors,

1822, March 11. Letter of Colonel PP- 72-73-' (A)

Thayer giving historv of the Academv The examinations are conducted
Copy in'\. G. O., O. M. k. fairly and the merit roll made up with-
froni 1S17.
out favor or prejudice. The cost of
1822, March 30. General Macomb mainlainin.g a cadet for four years will
reports; Ihe U. S. Military Academy
not exceed ^i.Soo. Average annual
was in its infancy until 1818; prior to cost per cadet is $436. Rept. Board of
this there was but little system or reg-
Visitors, p. 68. (.\)
were admitted without
ularity; cadets
examination and with no regard to age The Philomathean Society found-
ed. It absorbed the Amosophic Societv
or qualifications; the institution was
(April, 1S16). Park's Sketch of Wes't
therefore filled with students more or
Point, p. 118. (A)
less unfit. Amer. State Papers, Mili-
tary .Affairs, vol. 2, p. 3S1. (A) Excursion through the United
States and Canada during the years
1822, June 8. The Secretary of War
1822-23; b}- an P^nglish gentleman.
directs all Military Academy corres-
[Pp. 352-376, chapter
Londoii, 1824.
pondence, etc., subsequent to this date
on the Hudson River, with a detailed
to be filed witli the Engineer Depart-
description of the West Point Military
ment. Records U. S. Militarv Academv
1814-1838. (A)
Report on the Military Academy.
1822, June 11. Lieutenant Blaney Secretary J. C. Calhoun, Apr. 2, 1822.
appointed post adjutant. West Point. Ex. Papers, No. 104, 17th Cong., ist
Records U. S. Militarv Academv, 1814- sess., vol. 6, 28 pp. (A)
1838. (A) Report on the Military .\cadeniy.
1822, July 25. Reception of the corps Committee on Military .Affairs, JIar. 4,

of cadets at Newburgh on its return 1822. Reports of Committees, No. 54,

march from Goshen. The corps was 17th Coug., 1st sess., vol. 1, 3 pp. (A)
84 Ccntciuiial of United States Military Academy.
1822. A, Catalogue, of books in the li- 1823. Jliss Leslie was commissioned to
lirary of the U. S. Military Academy, paint a standard for the corps of ca-
August, 1822. Printed by Ward M. dets; the device is not mentioned.
Gazlay, Newburgh, N.Y., 1S22. I pain. War Dept. records. (.51?^ this cata-
O. [24 pp.] Contains about 750 titles. logue, August, 1821.) (A)
(A) [The catalogue of 1S53 says that Regulations of the U. S. Military
the one of 1S22 has 22 pages; but per- Academy at West Point. New York,
haps the one of 1822 is not complete, 1823, I O, pp. 40+.
as it breaks off in History with the let-
Military Academy. .\rticle 78
ter D.]
Register of cadets who have grad-
(Army Regulations). Organization —
[etc.]. Washington, 1823,31 pp., inc.
uated at the U. S. Military Academy 4 tab.
and received commissions in the Army The cannon now in the chapel
of the United States from June, 1802,
given by the heirs of Major-General
to July, 1822, inclusive, n. p., n. d., I
Greene to U. >S. Military Academy.
vol. Q. pp.8. (A)
Boynton's History of West Point, p.
1822-23. In infantry drills the older 295- (A)
cadets, in rotation, are put in command
Sec pp. 301, 302 of Morse (J. and
of the battalion. Rept. Board of Visi-
R. C. ) The Traveler's Guide, or Pocket

tors, 1S22, p. 67; ibid., 1823, p. 86. (A)

Gazetteer of the United States. New
1822-1888. Report of the Military Haven, 1S23, i vol., O. (A)
Academy post fund (to) 1888. MS., I
to 1823. Hutton (Charles) Course :
vol. O.' pp. 38. (A)
of mathematics. 3ded. London, 1800,
1823, March 12. Ten dollars monthly I vol., O. (Text-book department of
allowed to the librarian. Records U. S. mathematics, to 1823. ) Rept.
Military .\cademy, 1814-183S. (A) Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896,
P-39. (A)
1823, April 26. Crozet's
resignation accepted; and ( 28) 1823 to Lacroix (S. F.): Ele-

Professor Douglas takes his place. ments of algebra translated from . . .

Prof. C. Davies appointed profe,ssor of the French by John Farrar. 2d ed.

mathematics vice Douglas. Records Cambridge, 1825, i vol., O. (Text-
U. S. Military Academy, 1814-1838. book department of mathematics, 1823
(A) to .) Rept. Supt, U. S. Military
Academy, 1896, p. 45. (A) .

1823, May 1, to 1837, May 31. Legendre [K. M.): Elements of

Charles Davies, professor of mathe-
geometry translated from the
, . .

matics during this period. Lacroix's

French ... by John Farrar. 2d ed.
Trigonometry was used as a text-book
Cambridge, 1S25, i vol,, O. (Text-
in 1824; also Biot's Analytical Geome-
book department of mathematics, 1823
try and Lacroi-x's Calculus, Crozet's De-
to , ) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
scriptive Geometry, Ross's Bourdon's
Academy, 1896, p. 45, (A)
Algebra (1S31). By 1839 all the text-
books in mathematics were from the elementary on plane
hand of Profes.sor Davies. Rept. Supt. and spherical trigonometry and on the
U. S. Military .\cademy, 1896, pp. 4i- application of algebra to geometry . . .

46. (A) ' translated from the French by Cum-

mingsand Hilliard for the use of the stu-
1823, June 14. Lieutenant Ross and
dents of the imiversity at Cambridge.
Cadet Searle detailed for topographical
1st ed. Cambridge, 1820, i vol., O.
duties. Military Academy records, MS. (Text-book department of mathemat-
ics, 1823 to ,) Rept, ,Supt, U. S,
1823, August 27. Description of a Military .\cademy, 1896, p, 45. {h.)
review of the corps of cadets by Gen-
Sganzin (M. J.): Programme ou
eral Scott. Leonidas Polk, vol. i, p.
Resume des lefons d'un Cours de Con-
53. (A) Quatrieme^d, Paris, 1S39,
1823, September 10. Cadets acting as 3 vols,, O. (Text-book department of
assistant professors to wear additional mathematics, 1823 to .) Rept.
buttons on uniform coat. Boynton's Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p.
History of West Point, p. 222. (A) 45. (A)
1823, December 12. The use of to- 1823, after. United States circuitcourt:
bacco by cadets is forbidden. When "This book is the copy of the .-Vrithm^-
cadets fail in examinations the reasons tique d'Eniile annexed to the second
of such failures will be given by the depositions of Bartlett and Church and
academic board. Engineer orders. to that of Berard in the case of Emer-
Military Academy records, MS. [K) son V. Davies (?) et al. Jno, Pickering
Bibliography of the U. S. Mililary Academy. 85

for plaintiff; Win. J. Austin, of counsel 1824, May 28. The relative rank of
for defendants." (A) members of the aca<lemic staff is fixed
1823-24. Garnier (J. G.): Gdom^trie bv order of the Chief of Kngineers.
Analytiqne ou Application de I.'Alj;i!- Jiilitary .Academy records, MS. (.A)
bre a la Geom^trie. IXnixicnie dd. 1824, July 9. Four months' furlough
Paris. 1S13, I vol., O. (Text-book is granted to graduates from Septem-
department of mathematics, 1823-24.) ber I. Jlilitary .Academy records, MS.
Rept, Supt. U. S. Military .Academy, Xcc «/.«) July I.)', [S25. (.A)
1896, p. 45- (A) 1824. Instruction in cavalry recom-
1823-1827. Leonida.s Polk, vol. i, pp. mended. Department of chemistry
4S, 51, 52, So, S3, 96, 192, 266. (A) and ethics. Amer. State Papers, vol.
1823-1829. History of U. S. Military 2,PP- 633. 7
Academy. See Thayer (S.), corre- Professor Gimbrede, drawing-
spondence with Kilian, book dealer, master, cngrave<l a plate for cadet's
Paris, 1S23-1S29, regarding books for diploma. (.St't February 2,1815). ^^'^
the library U. S. Military Academy. Dept. records. (.A)
I vol., bound, O. (A) Report on the Jlilitary Academy,
1823-1902. Department of civil and Secretary J. C. Calhoun, Mar. 8, 1824.
military engineering. Capt. Alden Par- Ex. Papers, No. in, iSth Cong. ist ,

tridge, professor, 1813-1816; Claude sess., vol. 6, 60 pp. (.\)

Crozet, 1817-1823; Capt. I). B. Douglas, Dailv journal of the proceedings
182^-1831; Lieut. D. H. JIahan, 1831- of the Board of X'isitors; monthly pay
1871; J. B.Wheeler, 1S71-1SS4: Capt. and allowances of a cadet are $28,20; a
J. Mercur, 1S84-1896;
Capt. G. J. Fie- book fund deducted from the pay pro-
beger, 1S96-1902. Rept. Supt. U. S. vides books and stationery; the cadets
Military Academv, 1S96, pp. 160-162. voluntarily contribute to the pay of the
(A) band; their board costs fio monthly.
1824, February 24. Discharged ca- Rept. Board of Visitors, 1824. (.A)
dets shall be entitled to transportation cost of uniform, etc.; programme
home and their pay during the journey, of studies and text-books; list of appa-
computing at the rate of 20 miles per ratus needed in the different depart-
day. Military Academv records, M-S. ments. Rept. Board of Visitors, 1S24,
(A) pp. 111-114. (.A)
1824, February 27. A
court-martial List of text-books used at U. S.
finds several cadets guilty of intoxi- Military Academy. Amer. State Pa-
cation and assigns punislmients (dis- pers, Militarv Affairs, vol. 2, p. 661.
missal in most cases ) .A voluntary tem-
perance pledge by many cadets induces Cadets acting assistant instructors
the Superindentent to intercede with received |2o a month e.xtry pay, wore
the President of the United States, a double row of buttons, and had the
who remits punishment in these cases. privilege of keeping a waiter (servant).
Military .Academy records, MS. (A) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military .Academy,
1824, February. Voluntary pledge of 1896, p. 60. (A)
certain cadets to abstain from the use Lallemand ( H. .A treatise on
) :

of spirituous liquors. CuUum MS. (.A)

artillery, to which is added a summary
1824, March 8. Report of .Secretary of military reconnoitering, of fortifica-
of War to House of Representatives, tion, of the attack and defense of places,
March 8, 1S24, "on condition of the and of castrametation tran.slated . . .

Military .Academy at West Point and from the MS. of the author by James
an estimate of the cost of establishing Renwick. New York, 1820, 2 vols. O.
another one in one of the western (Text-book department of tactics,
States." Amer. State Papers, Military 1824.) .Amer. State Papers, Military
.Affairs, vol. 2, pp. 632-665. .Affairs, vol. 2, p. 661. (.A)

1824, March 12. The

of Mili- rolls
1824 to Farrar, (J.): .An elemen-
tary .Academy will in future contain tary on the application of trigo-
the residences of cadets. Military
noiiietry to orthographic and stereo-
Academy records, MS. (.A) graphic projection together with
. . .

1824, April 26. Practice marches. logarithmic and other tables. Cam-
Letter of General M to Colonel bridge, 1822, I vol. O. (Text-book
Thayer. ( .\ department of mathematics, 1S24 to
) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
1824, May 20. Lieut. George Blaney

.Academy, 1896, p. 45. (A)

resigns as adjutant of the post and is
relieved. Military Academy records, Levizac, JL de: Theoretical and
. MS. (A) practical grammar of the French
86 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

tongu"., inwhich the present usage is 1S27 in vol. 3; for 1828,1829, '830, 1831
displayed and all the principal difficul- in vol. 4; for 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835 in
vol. 5; for 1836 in vol. 6; for T837 in
ties explained ... to which has been
treatise on French versification vol. 7. (.A)
added a
Revised and corrected by A. C.
. 1824-1885. The graduates of the U. S.
Houel. New York, 1S23, i vol. O. Military Academy attend the following
(Text-book department of modern lan- post-graduate schools: The artillery
guages, 1824 to 1S72.) The copy in .school, p'ort Monroe, established 1S24
the library contains notes that show (2 years' course engineer school, Wil-

this book to have been used as a text- Point, 1S73 (3 years); infantry and

book. (A) cavalry school, Fort Leavenworth, 1881

1884 to Crozet(C.): A treatise on
(2 years). Rept. Board of Visitors,
descriptive geometry. Pt. I. Containing 1885, p. S52. (A)
the elenientary principles of descriptive 1824-1894. Conduct rolls of cadets.
geometry and'its application to spheric /// 0.,0. M.A.
A. (t.

and conic sections. (Text-book de- 1825, Jan\iary 21. Gen. Roger Alden
partment of mathematics, 1S24 to .
is appointed military storekeeper at
Amer. State Papers, Military Affairs, West Point. Jlilitary .\cademy Rec-
vol. 2, p. 661. (A) ords, MS. (-\)
Lacroix (S. F. ): An elementary 1825, January 27. The War and
treatise on the differential and integral Navy Departments have agreed that
calculus. Cambridge, 1S16, 1 vol. O. future vacancies in the Marine Corps
(Text-book department of mathematics, \
shall be filled by graduates U. S.
1824 to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili- Military Academy. Military Academy
tary .\cademy, 1S96, p. 45. Reconfs, MS. A ( 1

Lacroix (S. F.): Traits El^men- 1825, March 2. Lieut. James Green,
taire de Calcul Differentiel et de calcul Second Artiller}-, has been acting as
integral. Paris, 1S20, i vol. O. (Text- quartermaster [of the post and also of
book department of mathematics, 1S24 corps of cadets] with no clerical assist-
to Rept. Supt. I'. S. Military
. )
ance. -\n allowance for clerk hire
Academy, 1S96, pp. 45, 46. (A) is recommended. Military .Academy
Bridge (B. ), Rev.: A treatise on Records, (\)MS.
mechanics, intended as an introduction 1825, April 21. Lieut. H. H. Gird,
to the study of natural philosophy. Fourth .\rtillery, is appointed adjutant
London, 1S14, I vol. O. (Text-book U. vS. aiilitary Academy and of the
department of natural and experimental post. He has been acting in that
philosophv, 1824 to Rept. Supt. . )
capacity since June 9, 1824. Military
U. S. Mil'itary Academv, 1896, p. 16. .'Vcaden'iy Records, MS. (.\)
1825, July 9. Five hundred copies
1824-25, winter of. The Dialectic So- Infantry Tactics furnished by Davis &
cietyformed [and still exists] Sec this .
Force, Washington, for 11,130.50, or
catalogue, Mav, i8u8, April and May, Schuvlkill .\rsenal,
$2.25 per copy.
iSi6,andiS22;'alsoi83i. Park's Sketch MSS. (A)
of West Point, p. 118. (A)
1825, August 29. Court to try Cadet
1824-1828. See Memoir of Jefferson Jefferson Davis. Orders 19, U. vS. Mil-
Davis, by his wife, ill. New York itary Academy. (A)
[1890], 2 vols. O. Vol. I, pp. 34-42,
1825, September 6. Office of sutler
51-54, 102-103, 487, 504, 533, and else- Military Academy Rec-
is abolished.
where. (.\)
MS. (A)
1824-1831. CrozetiC. ): A treatise on Pierre Thomas,
descriptive geometry Pt. II . . .
1825, September 9.
sword master, resigns Dec. 11. Mili-
its application to perspective,
tary Acadenu' Records, MS.
shades, and shadows. New York, 1S21,
•(Text-book department of Tranque was appointed (?) Nov. 17 to
I vol. O.
succeed. [Revoked.] (A)
mathematics, 1S24-1831.) Rept. Supt.
U. S. Military Academy, 1S96, pp. 46- 1825, September 24. Order of Colo-
47; Anier. .State Papers, Military .\ffairs, nel Thayer mentions "officer of the
vol. 2, p. 661. (A) week " who is over cadets; cadets niay
Church (A. E. ): Personal remi- walk on the plains after dinner until 3
niscences of the Military Academy from p. m. on Sunday instead of from 4 to 5,
1824 to 1S31. West Point ,1879, i vol. as heretofore. (A) MS.
O. A ( 1825, 15. The quarter-
1824-1837. Reports of Board of Vis- master has recently ordered 70 copies
.Amer. State Papers, Military of Legendre's Geometry. Schuykill
itors in
Affairs for 1824 in vol. 2; for 1825, 1S26, Arsenal, MSS. (A)
Dibliograpliy of iJir U. S. Militarv Academy. ^7

1825. Officer in charge: His duties 449, 463, 470, 480, 493, 497, 503, 515, 537,
prescribed by the regulations of 1S25. 549. 569. 5S7. .59.5. 61 1, 634, 659, 674, 691
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 711. 747. 778, 81 1, 841, 876, 894, 920, 943,
1S96, pp. 125. (A) 976, 999, 1024, 1079, 1 1 18, 1 159, 1 184,
The Board of Visitors recommends 1230, 1230, 1285, 1324, 1367, 1412, 1446,
that a uniform for the professors V. S. 15»3. tJS'"!. 157"'. 1674. 1742. -'794. i«43.
Military Academy be fixed, and that ca- 1903, 1944, 1952, 1993, 2091, 211S, 2182.
det instructors shall conform strictly to 2277, 2310, 2369, 2415, 2461, 2488, 2516,
the prescribed uniform. Synopsis of 2533, 2614, 2628, 2715, 2.831, 2904, 2921,
the of studies; list of text-books; 31177 [for the year 1.892]. (C)
detailed .statement of of the 1826, January 26. Report of Secre-
U. S. Military Academy (p. 150); bill tary of War to House of Representa-
of fare at cadet mess (p. 153). Rept. tives Jan. 26, 1826, " In relation to an
Board of Visitors, 1825. (.A) of the lunnber of cadets au-
SecretarT of War declares .Acad- thorized at the Militar\' .\cademy at
emy efficient and recommends purchase West Point." .Amer. State Papers,
of horses for lessons in equestratiou. Military .\ffairs, vol. 3, p. 227.

Amer. State Papers, vol. 3, p. 109. (A) 1826, March 2. The State of New-
President Monroe's first mes-
St'f York ceded jurisdiction over West
sage to Congress, ill Messages and Point to tlie Tnited States, reserving
Papers of the Presidents, vol. 2, p. 305. the right to execute civil and criminal
processes by which the property of the
T'nitcd States was not affected. (.A)
Description of U. S. Military .\cad-
emy aiid West Point /;/ A Northern 1826, April 26. Letter of S. V. R.
Tour, being a guide Philadelphia,
. . .
Ryan Thayer respecting
to Colonel
1825, I vol., O. busts and engravings. Busts [Qu? of
Washington, Lafayette, and Napoleon
1825 to . Lacroix (S. F.): E16-
now I9i:-i2'i in the librarv?] were sent.
mens d'Algebre, a I'usage de I'ecole (

Cullum MS. (.A)

centrale des Quatre-Nations. Trezieme
ed., Paris, 1820, ivol.,8°. (Text-book 1826, June. Description of the June
department of mathematics, 1S25 to examinations, etc. Life of George
). Rept. Supt. r. S. Military Acad- Ticknor, vol. r, pp. 374 et seq. (A)
emy. 1S96, p. 46. (.A) Report of the Board of Visitors to
1825-26. Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, Karl West Point, June, 1826. .Amer. .State
Bernhard, duke of. Travels through Papers, Militarv .Affairs, vol. t,, pp.
North America during the years 1825 372-3S«.
and 1826. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1828. 1826, August 17. .Additional regula-
[Vol. 1, ch. 5, pp. 5S-64, gives some tions for the Military Academy respect-
description of .Albany and of boats on ing punishments authorized by the
the river; ch. 9, pp. 103-11S describes Secretary of ^\ar. Practical military
his journey from Glens Falls to New instruction shall be given throughout
York, dwelling especially on West the year; field exercises as directed by
Point and the ^Military .Academy.] the Superintendent. Records Military
1825-1829. ."JiY- Chiide E. Leel: Life .Academy, MS. (/».)

of Gen. R. E. Lee. (A) 1826, December 25. The signal "call

Sec Cooke, John Esten: A Life of to quarters" was sounded b\- a bugler
Gen. Robert E. Lee. (.A) (W. R. Nelson), Records" Military
-\cademy, MS., p. 189. 1 .\ )

See Johnson, Bradley: Jlemoirs of

(A) 1826, December 30. Court of inquiry
J. E. Johnston.
convened to report on certain disorders
See Long, A. L. Memoirs of Rob- :

reported to have occurred Dec. 24.

ert E. Lee. (A)
See court-martial of cadets, May 9,
See Pollard, E. -A. The Life and :
1827, pp. 169-200. Records Military
Times of Robert E. Lee. (A) Academy, MS. (.A)
See White, Henry A.: Lee. 1826. The Board of Visitors recom-
Heroes of the Nations. (A) mends a considerable increase of the
1825-1831. Life of O. M. Mitchel, library. " The library is the principle
pp. 20-40; Headley: Old Stars, pp. of life to every institution for in.struc-
28-32. (A) tion whose tone can never higher
1825-1902. Reportsof Boards of Visi- than the means for teaching its instruc-
tors in Congressional Documents Nos. tors." Rept. Board of Visitors, p. 171.
125, 131, 144, 148, 163, 169, 181. 184, 192,
195, 2^3, 206, 216, 233, 238, 254, 266, 271, The .Academy progressing favor-
279, 2S6, 297, 301, 314, 321, 33S, 344, 354, ably. Le.sstime should be devote<l to
363, 375. 3S2. 395> 4^1. 4l3. 4lS, 43^ 439. Freuch. English should be karued
Centennial of United States Military Academy.

before entrance. More buildings re- 1827. Statement of the cost of the Mili-
quired. Auier. State Papers, vol. 3, tary .\cadem3-, 1S02-182S. Amer. State
Papers, vol. 3, p. 816. (A)
PP- 377 to 379- U-^)
1826. Attorney-General gives opinion More attention should be given to
on the laws regulating the number of mathematics, especially descriptive ge-
cadets. Amer. State Papers, vol. 3, ometry. Riding school needed. Amer.
p. 223. (A) State Papers, vol. 3, p. 637. (.\)

Drawing, specimens exhibited of, 1828, February 22. The committe;

by the cadets at A\'est Point, at the of cadets on Kosciusko's Monument
annual visitation in 1S26. Thirteen write to General Swift for advice
drawings bound in i vol; F, obi. signed Charles Mason, Robt. E. Lee,
( 15,'4' X 20
inches. ) (A) John MacKav, Charles Petigru, Wm.
Report on the Military Academy. Battinger. vS'wift MSS. ( .\

Secretary James Barbour, Jan. 23, 1826. 1828, Marcli 31. Prof. J. Mansfield's
House Ex. Docs., Ne. 5.S, igth Cong., resignation accepted to date from
1st sess., vol. 4, 22 pp. O. (A) Aug. 31. Records U. S. Military Acad-
Report on the Military Academy. emy. (A)
Secretary James Barbour, Jan. 24, 1S26. 1828, July 14. Military Academy or-
House Ex. Docs., No. 62, 19th Cong., der Xo. 2i-i, rank of mem-
fixes relative
1st sess., vol'. 4, 4 pp. O. (A) bers of the academic board. Records
Army of the United States. Mili- Academy.
U. S. Military Al (

tary Academy at West Point, by H. 1828, August 25. James Monroe

Whiting i)i N. Amer. Rev., vol. 23, pp. writes to Colonel Thayer to ask him
265. (A) to write an account of the principles
[Royall, Mrs. Anne.] Sketches and methods on which the U. S. Mili-
and manners of the tary Academy is conducted. [Colo-
of history, life,
United States, by a traveler. New Ha- nel Thayer's report has not 'vet been
ven, printed forthe author, 1826. [Pp. found.] Cullum MSS. (A)
270-288 describe a journey up the 1828, September l,to 1834, Decem-
Hudson in a sleigh, and the cities of bers!. During this period E. H. Cour-
Albany and Troy; pp. 375-382, a visit tenay Avas professor of natural and ex-
to West Point.] perimental philosophy. Francoeur's
See Life, Letters, and Journals of Mechanics was text-book in 1830, also
Bourcharlat's treatise in 1831, and
George Ticknor, vol. i, p. 372. (A)
Courtenay's Mechanics in 1833; Brews-
1826 to date. Reports of Board of Vis- ter's Optics in 1S32, Gummere's As-
itors. Originals on file in A. G. O., tronomy (displacing Farrar's) in 1S34.
O. M. A. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military .•\cademy,
1827, April 3. The corps of cadets 1896, p. 16. (A)
was permanently organized in four 1828, November 6. Military Academy
companies. (&vthis catalogue June, order Xo. 41, directing the adoption of
1819.) Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S., a uniform overcoat. Buttons to be
vol. 2. p.455. (A) stamped Cadet. Letter from Colonel
Gratiot to Lieutenant-Colonel Thayer.
1827, June 20. An address by the Cullum MS. Also Records U. S. Mili-
Hon. Thomas B. Reed, of Mississippi, tary Academy. (A)
to the cadets. N. Y., 1827. i vol., O.,
pp.40. (.A.)
1828, December 5. Captain Hitch-
cock appointed commandant of cadets
1827, December 26. Fire destroyed by the War Dept. Up to this time the
the "long barracks" of Revolutionary officehad been filled by the Superin-
times which stood near the site of the tendent U. S. Military Academy or by
hotel. Boynton's History of West some officer deputed by liim. Thayer
Point, p. 253. (It stood on the site, to Gratiot /;/ Cullum M'S. (.\)
according to the Military Academy
1828, December 10. Cadets request
Unmasked (1S30), p. 7.) (A)
permission to present a sword to Major
1827. The doctrine ofStates' rights was Worth. Refused by order of President
then taught at U. S. Military Academy, of the United States and Secretary of
according to Leonidas Polk, vol. I, p. War. War. Dept. Military Book Xo.
266. (A) 12.

Abracadabra, pseud. The Em- 1828, December 31. Report of Sec-

pire of Reason, an allegory addressed retary of War to House of Representa-
to the Dialectic Society at the U. S. tives, Dec. 31, 1828, "On expediency
Military .\cademy. West Point, N. Y. of compelling cadets to continue in the
The Rover, Xo. 6, Newburgh, 1S2S, i military service. Amer. State Papers,

vol., O, pp. 24. (A) Jlilitar'y Affairs, vol. 4, p. 40.

Bibliography of the U. S. Military Acadeviy. Sg

1828. Astronomy should studied.

l>e disgrace. .Action by the President dis-
Cadets should not be employed
as misses with disgrace. Records U. S.
teachers. .\mer. State Papers, vol. 4, M. A. (A)
p. 23. (.\) 1829, May 16. Journal of the .\nieri-
Register of graduates of the can .V.ssociation for the Promotion of
United States Military Academy who Science, Literature and the .\rts: Vol.
have been conimi.s,sioned in the .'Xmiy I, No. I. E.xposition of the objects
of the United States; from June, 1S02, and views of the a.ssociatc society at
to Julv, 1S28, inclusive. O. [n. p. or West Point (this wa,s organized 1S29);
d.] No. 2; No. 3 (Roswell Park, .A. M.
Report on tlie Militar}' Academy. Lea, fieo. W. Turner, connnittee K\\ ) .

Secretary James Barbour, Jan. 4, 1828. printed? New York, 1831. i vol., O,

House Ex. Docs., No. 49, 20th Cong., pp. 49- (A)
istsess., vol. 2, 5 pp., O. (.A) 1829, May 25. An order from War
Report on the Military .Academy, Dept. authorized officers to wear a
Secretary James Barbour, Mar. 10, frock coat. General Thayerwore, in his
182S. Senate Docs,, No. 132, 20th office, an old unifonn coat without
Cong., ist sess., vol. 4, 16 pp., O. (A) epaulettes. Letter of Gen. .A. A. Hum-
Report on the Military .\cadeniy. phreys, Dec. 23, 1S80, Cullum MS. A (

Secretary James Barbour, Mar. 13, 1829, May. President James Monroe's
1S28. House Ex. Docs., No. 149, 20th ])ortrait now in the library U. ,S. Mil-

Cong., 1st sess., vol. 4, 7 pp., O. (A) itarv .Academv), painted bv Sullv.
Resolution on the Military Acad- Culium-Thayei- MSS. (.\)

emy. Senator Benton, Mar. 11, 1S28. 1829, July. Letter of Charles Sumner
Senate Docs., No. 136, 20th Cong., ist respecting his visit to West Point.
sess., vol. 4, 1 p., O. (A) Colonel Thayer gave him a topograph-
-&•? President JohnQuincy Adams's ical map of West Point made by Lieut.

fourth message to Congress /;/ Jles- T. B. Brown. Pierce's Life of Sumner,

sages and Papers of the Presidents, vol. 2, p. 69. The map itself is owned
vol. 2, p. 417. (A) by Hon, John Bigelow". (A)
Kosciusko monument erected 1829, about. The cadet overcoat intro-
(|5,rxjo). duced. See The Empire of Reason,
Cadet unifonn. Hat, plume, Dialectic Society, 1829, p. 24., and this
trousers, and straps shown; also cross catalogue 1828, Nov. 6. (A)
belts. Drawing by Catlin in library 1829. Smith (F. H.): U. S. Military
U. S. Military Academy. (A) Academy, 1S33. West Point fifty years
1828-1832 and 1844-1848. Keyes
ago. New York, 1879.
K. D. Fifty years observations, etc.,
) :
Models required for engineering
department. K chapel and assembly

p. 190 and throughout the book. (A)

room needed. Amer. State Papers, \ol.
1828-1838. It is probable, though not
4, p. 178. (A)
proved, that Rawle'.s view of the Con-
.\coustics is not studied; artillerv-
stitution was used as a text-book during
is taught uiuler great disadvantages; a
these years in the department of law and chapel are badly needed.
(see the copy of this book owned by
Rept. Board of Visitors.
Chaplain Warner now in the librarv
U. S. Military- Academy). (A)
— General Orders, .Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office, No. 25, authorizes the Su-
1828-1884. From iS2StoJuly i, 1845,
perintendent to enlist 55 men; [the
the pay of a cadet was f 16 per month,
artillery detachment.] (.A)
plus fo.40 per day comnnitatiou of ra-
tions; till Mar. i, 1857, it was $24 per Annual Report on the Military
month; for March and .April, 1S57, .Academy. Secretary P. B. Porter. Feb.
each cadet was paid I59.40; from Jlay 6, 1S29. House Ex. Docs., No. 115, 20th
I, 1857, to Mar. I, 1864, the pay was Cong., 2d sess., vol. 3, ii pp., O. (.A)
I30; for March and .April, 1864, each Regulations for the interior police
cadet was paid $176.65; from Ma\' I, and discipline of the U. S. Military
1864, to July I, 1876, the pay was $500 .Academv. Newburgh, 1829, i vol., (),
per year plus commutation; 17 pp. '(A)
and to 18S4 the pav was $540. Rept. Hotel built at a of about
Board of Visitors, 18S4, p. 850. (.A ) |lS,ooo; west wing .added in 1850; west
1829. January 5. Cadet tried wing enlarged in 1870; west wing en-
for mutiny —
striking his superior offi- larged in iS79(?); enlargements in i.SSi
cer. To be shot to death,
Sentence: and later. I^etter book of Quarter-
with recommendation that, in consid- master U. S. Military .\cademy for
eration of youth, he be dismissed with November, 1S89, p. no. (A)
Cniicnuial of United States. Military Acada. 'IV

1829-1833. Smith F.H.): West roinl
1830, November 9. Military .Acad-
between tlie emy order No. 33: Remarks of the
fifty yt-ars afjo; differences
I're'siVlent of the United States an<l
the Secretary of War upon the reports re-
Superintendent; O'Conner's transla- ceived from the superintendent and
inspector for the past four months.
tion of I)e Vernon's Science of War
bought bv each cadet at J20; two ex- Records U. S. M. A.
amination's in engineering held in June, 1830. The Military Academy at West
1833, by order of Colonel
Thayer; Point Unmasked, or Corruption and
anecdotes. (
A military despotism exposed, by Ameri-
hazing or molesting of new [Capt. Alden Partridge, Super-
No i
cadets. See Smith ( F. H. ) U. S. Mil-: intendent U. S. Military Academy,
itary Academy, 1S33; The inner life of j
1815-1817?] Washington, 1830, I vol.,
the'V. M. I. cadet. Lexington, 1873, O, p. 28. (A)
I vol., O, p. 37- I A) Plan for reorganizing the Military-
1829-1840. Turner (Edward): Ele- Academy, propo.sed [liy Capt. Alden
ments of chemistry, Edinburgh, 1827, Partridge?] in The Military Academy
I vol., O. (Text-book department of Unmasked (1830), p. 11. The grade
chemistrv, 1829-1S40. Rept. )
Supt. of cadet to be abolished; appointments
to the Army by Congress; young offi-
U S. Military' Academy, 1896, p. 105. i

(A) ,
cers to be ordered to West Point for
instruction. (A)
1829-1857. All explanations were to
Diploma of Alex. J. Swift. It is
be submitted in writing; 1S57-1866

the same as the diploma of 1902, except

they were submitted verbally; 1866-
that the coat of arms, U. S. Military
1892 all were submitted in writing;
.Academy (1902), occupies the place of
1892-1896 either verbally or in writ-
an eagle with wings extended (1830);
ing. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Acad-
that the pompon of the cadet dress
emy, 1896, p. 125. (A)
hat is black 1830), and. for a very few^

182—. of the National Mili-

Account minor details. The earliest diploma so
tary School of the United States of far known is 1S19. (A)
.\n'ierica. n. p., n. d., [182-], O. First cadet hospital built (now
1830, March 17. Military .\cademy u.sed as quarters )

order No. 9. Court martial. ,\ cadet Waterworks built (|4,5oo).

refused to answer as to facts known to Cost of each cadet to the country
him through private correspondence per year I500; as only one-half gradii-
or confidence reposed in him by ate the cost of each graduated cadet is
another cadet. The reviewing author- |4,ooo. See The Military Academy
ity (Secretary of War) held that he Unmasked (1830), p. 10. (A)
rightly refiused. Records U. S. M. A.
Reports of the Boards of Visitors
Sec also Feb. 22, 1831, and Dec. 8, 183T.
of the Military Academy at West Point,
in June, iS3o;and June, 1831 [by Lieu-
1830, June 29. The present style of
tenant Temple]. N. Anier. Rev., 1832,
chevrons for cadet officers adopted. (P. 180)
vol. 34, pp. 246-261.
Jour. Mil. .Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 2,
Language and literature should
P- 453- (A)
be studied. Riding school and gym-
1830, June. Horsemanship should be nasium necessary. Two cadets from
taught, and also fencing; the buildings each State and Territory. No political
at West Point should be built as part appointments. .-Vmer. State Papers,

of a plan they now jjresent the effect vol. 4, pp. 607-608. {\)
of a .somew^hat irregular village; regu- Report relative to the Military
latious for the hotel. Rept. Board of .\cademy. Secretary J. H. Eaton. Jan.
Visitors. (A) 1830.' vState Papers, No. 19, 21st
No military topography is taught; Cong., 1st sess., vol. i, 6 pp., O. (.\)
the new hospital is almost read>- to be Resolutions on the West Point
occupied; the general health of the Academy. Representative Crockett.
cadets is not good during the winter, Feb. 25, 1830. House Repts., Res. No.
probably from lack of exercise; "no vol. 3, i p., O.
7, Cong., 1st sess.,
discipline could be established upon (C)
sounder principles nor administered
Report on the Military .\cademy.
with greater kindness, discrimination,
Secretary J. H. Eaton. Mar. 15, 1S30.
justice, and decision than that of the
State Papers, No. 79, 21st Cong., ist
U. S. Military Academy;" the cost of
sess., vol. 3, 152 pp., O. (C"l
the new hotel is |i7, 226.12; extension
of the course of studies recommended. 1830-31. Edgar Allan Poe at West
Rept. Board of Visitors. .A ( \
Point. Sec Harjier's Mag., November,
Bibliography of the U. S. Miliiaiy Academy. 91

1867, p. 754 (reprinted in Ingram's Life 1

1831. Reporton the Military .\c.idcm\-.
of Poe, vol. I, p. 82); ibid., vol. 45, p. Secretary' H. Katon. J. Jan 28, 1831.
561 foot note ( G. W. Culluin
A ) . ( House Ex. Docs., No. Cong., 76, 21st
1830-31. See the article Poe (Edgar 2d sess., vol. 3, (A) 9 pp., O.
A.) in Duyckincks Cyclo. of Amer. The assembly trumpet call of the
I/it., vol. 2. F'rench infantry of 1831 is the same as
1831, February 8. M. A. Order No. 7, the assembly (1902) at U. S. Military
referring to the court-martial of Cadet Academy, and has probably been in
Edgar A. Poe is given in full in In- use at West Point since 1831 or so.

gram's Life of Poe, vol. i, pp. 89-91. (A i

Kastner: Mu.sique militaire (1848), pi.
25. No. 2. K. S. H. (A)
1831, July 14. Military .\cademy
order No. 30. Offences divided into 1831 to Bourdon (M.): Ele-

seven classes. Rules respecting de- ments of algebra translated from . . .

merits. A cadet with more than 200 the French bv Lieut. Edward C. Ross.
demerits in any year is deficient in con- New York. 1831. i vol., O. (Text-
duct. Records V. S. Militarv Academy. book department of mathematics, iS^
(A) to .) Rept. .Supt. U. S. Military
1831, September 17. Albert Jumel .\cademy, 1896. p. 46. (.\1
accepts the po.sition of sword master. 1831-1833. Bourcharlat(J.L.): El^-
Culhnn MS. (A) mens de M^canique. Paris, 1827. i

1831, November 29. Military .\cad- vol., O. (Text-book department of

emv order No. 42. Remarks of the in- natural and experimental philosophv,
spector on outrages committed near 1,531-1833.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
cadet barracks. Records U. >S. Mili- tary .\cadeniy, 1896, p. 16. (A)
tary Academy. (A) 1831-1835. See Haupt, Herman:
1831, December 14. Cadet Reminiscences. (.\)
tried by court martial for setting fire to See Bache, Richard Meade: Life
an icehouse, Finding; Guilty.
etc. of General George Gordon Meade.
Sentence: To be confined one month at (^)
Fort Columbus and then dismissed in
See Pennypacker, I. R. General :

disgrace. Action: The imprisonment

Meade. (
remitted and the cadet dismissed. Re-
cords U. S. Military Academy., (.\) 1832, June 26. Cadets then scrubbed
1831. Regulations Dept. of War, 1831. the floors of their rooms with water.
I pam. O. MS., 27 pp., with seal. (A) Letter of General Macomb to Colonel
Thayer in Cullum MS. (A)
Secretary of War Eaton ) recom-

mends changes reducing the numlier of 1832, October 13. Orders No. 89. .A.d-

cadets, etc. Amer. State Papers, vol. jutant-Genercals Office. Lhiiform of the
4, p. 676. (A) band prescribed. White coat, red fac-
Letters of cadets. Cost of Militarv ings, white trousers with red stripe in
Academy from 1802 to 1829. Amer. summer, .same as for musicians of ar-
State Papers, vol. 4, p. 307. (A) tillerv in winter. .Swords worn. Rec-
ords Military .\cademy. .\ ( )

Board of Visitors recommends

purchase of 20 horses. Amer. State 1832, December 31. The President of
Papers, vol. 4, p. 737. (A the United States directs that no per-
pension should be given to the son under 16 years of age be appointed
professor of French, who had become to be a cadetj Records U. S. Military
Ijlind at the Academy. Amer. State Academy. ( .\

Papers, vol. 4, p. Sii. (A) 1832. Regulations for the Military

Report on the .\rmy and Military .\cademy Point.
at New York,
.Vcademj-. Militar)- Committee. Feb. S. J. &
J. Harper, 1832. 92 pp., 9 tab..
4, 1 83 1. House Rept-s. No. 60, 21st I facs., O. (A)
Cong., 2d, 2 pp., O. (.\) Board of A'isitors recommends
colors issued to the corps of higher pay for professors. of ad-
cadets (see 1821, 1823 ). War Dept. Rec- mission of cadets should be from 15 to
ords. (A) 19. .\mer. .State Papers, vol. 5, p. 61.

Report on the Military .\cadem} (A)

Secretary John H. Eaton. Jan. 4, 1831. Report of Senate Committee on
House Ex. Docs., No. 27, 21st Cong., claim of a professor of the Military
2d sess., vol. I, 5 pp., O. {\) Academy, who lost his eyesight, for a
pension. .\mer. State Papers, Military
The Lvceum of Natural History,
Affairs, vol. 5, p. 14.
which had existed for several years,
was dissolved. Parks's Sketch of West Report on contingent expenses of
Point, p. 119. (A) the Militarv Academv. Secretary L.
92 Cciiicunial of United States Military Academy.

Cass. Jan. 7, 1832. House Ex. Docs., cadet shall enter until he is 16 years of
No. 50, 22(i Cong., 1st sess., vol. 2, age. War Department Military Book
5 pp., O. (A) No. 13.

1832. Anonymous: U.S. Military Acad- 1833, November 22. Adjutant-Gen-

emy. Reports of Boards of Visiters eral's Office, orders No. loS: A cadet
[sic], etc. In Amer. Quart. Rev., triedon the charge of conduct unbe-
vol. 2, (P)
pp. 495-503. coming an officer. Record, U. S. Mili-
1832 Davies (C.) [U.S. Mil-
to .
tary .\cademy. (A)
itary Academy, 1S15]: Mensuration. 1833, November 26. The legislature
(Text-book department of mathemat- of Tennessee resolves that the U. S.
ics, 1832 to ) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy should be abolished;
Military Academy, 1896,' p. 47. that of Ohio ditto. Mar. 3, 1S34. See,
Legendre (.A.. M. ): Elements of in answer, the report of the House
geometry and trigonometry, with notes, Committee on Military Affairs, May 17,
. . translated from the French by
1S34; and also, in favor, report of Mar.
David Brewster Revised and
. . .
I, 1S37, House of Representatives.
altered for the use of the Military Acad- Park's Sketch of West Point, p. 120.
emy at West Point. New York, 182S. (A)
I vol., O. (Text-book department of 1833. Board of Visitors recommends
mathematics, 1832 to ) Rept. ,Supt. study of applied mechanics; increased
U. S. Military Academy, 1896, pp. 47, instruction in astronomy; more atten-
51- (A) tion to cavalry and artillery drill.
Voltaire, History of Charles Amer. State Papers, vol. 5, p. 213. (A)
XII, King of Sweden. Boston, 1884. At this date order book.s were
I vol., O. (Text-book department of complete from 1802 to 181 1, and none
modern languages, 1S32 to ) till November, 1816. From then the
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academv, series was complete. [All were burned
1896, p. 138. (A) in 1838.] Colonel Thaver's letter of
Feb. II, 1853, Cullum MS. (A)
Berard Claudius ( .\ grannnar ) :

of the French language. New York, See Stuart James ) Three years

1826. I vol., O. (Te.xt-book depart- in North America, ed. 2, rev. 2 vols.

ment of modern languages, 1S32 to Edinburg, 1833. [Vol. i, ch. 3-4, pp.
) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military .Acad- 34-63, voyage up the Hudson and city
emy, 1896, p. 138. (A) of Albany; ch. 17, pp. 424-435, Cat-
skills and West Point; ch. 1S-19, pp.
1832-1839. Brewster (Sir David): A
45l>-50I, describes a carriage drive from
treatise on optics. London, 1S31.
( Text-book department of natural and New York to Troy on the east side of
experimental philosophy, 1832-1S39,) the river, and return on the west side.]
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1833-1837. .Srr John Sedgwick, gen-
1896, pp. 16-17. (A) eral,U. S. Army, i v., ()." (A)
1832-1864. Davies (Charles)
[U. S. 1833 or 1834 to 1841. Bakewell
Military Academy, 1815]: Elements of (Robert): Introduction to geology. 3d
descriptive geometry. Philadelphia, ed. New Haven, 1S29. i vol., O.
1844. I vol., O. (Text-book depart- (Te.xt-book department of chemLstry,
ment of mathematics, 1832-1864.) 1833 oi" 1S34 to 1S41.) Rept. Supt.
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 104.
1896, p. 47; Cadet Regi.ster, 1864, p. (A)
18. (A) 1833-1850. Boucharlat M. An ele- ( ) :

1832-1865. Davies C. [U.S. Mil- ( )

mentary mechanics
treatise on . . .

itary .Academy, 1815]: .A treatise on translated from the French by E. H.

shades and shadows and linear perspec- Courtenay. New York, 1S48. t vol., O.
tive. New York, 1S51. I vol., O. (Text- (Text-book natural and experimental
book department of mathematics, 1832- philosophy, 1831-1833.) Rept. Supt.
1865.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military U. S. Military Academy, 1896, pp. 16-
Academy, 1896, pp.47, 52; Cadet Reg- 17. (A) '

ister, 1S65, P- 25. (A) 1834, April 1. C. R. Leslie, teacher of

1832-1872. Berard (C): Lefons drawing, resigns to take effect Apr. 15.
Fraufaises a I'usage des Commenjans. Records, L^. S. Military Academy. (.A)
Philadelphia, 1822. i vol., O. (Text- 1834, June. The library consisted of
book department of modern languages, more than 8,000 volumes. .Amer. State
1832-1872.) Cadet Register, 1872, p. Papers, JNIilitarv .Affairs, vol. 5, p. 421.
27; Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Acad- (A)
emy, 1896, p. 238. (A) 1834, November 22, to 1871, Feb-
1833, January 7. The President of the ruary 14. During this period W. H.
United ,States directs that hereafter no C. Bartlett was head of the department
Biblii>i^rapliy of tlw U. S. Military Academy. 93
of natural and experimental philoso- two parts, the first containing a clear
phy, more than thirty-six years. Elec- and compendious view of the theory,
tricity was omitted from this course in the second a iiumljerof practical jirob-
1S39; Bartlett's optics replaced Brew- lems, to which are added solar, lunar,
ster's in 1839, and Rogel's books on and .some other astronomical tables.
magnetism, etc., replaced the Library of Philadelphia, 1S22. vol., O.
1 [Text-
Useful Knowledge, the earlier text- book department of natural an<l experi-
books. A programme for the course mental philosophy, 1834-1855.] Rept.
was adopted in 1840 essentially as Su])t. U. ,S. Jlilitarv .4cademv, iSg6,
above. Rept. Supt. U. S. IMilitary pp. 16. iS. (A)
Academy, 1896, p. 17. Al (
1835, March 31. No married per.son
to 1834. Farrar (John): An ele- win hereafter lie appointed a cadet.
mentary treatise on astronomy, adapted The marriage of a cadet vacates his po-
to the present improved state of the sition. Order of Secretary of War. (.\)
science. Cambridge, 1827. i vol., O. 1835, April 21. Rough draft of a let-
(Text-book department of natural and ter from Secretary of War to the chap-
experimental philosophy, to 1S34. lain U. S. Military Academy with re-
Rept. Supt. U. S. Militarv Academy, .spect to court of inquiry ordered. MS.
1896, p. 16. (A) ill O. M. A., A. G. O.

1834, prior to. Before iS34the appro- 1835, April 24. Secretary of War di-
priations for the pay, subsi.stence, etc., rects Chief Engineer to go to West
of officers and cadets were included in Point and to give to the Superintendent
the general appropriation for the pay, the decision of the Dejjartment respect-
etc., of the Army. ing the conduct of the chaplain [in
1834. Ordnance used in artillery prac- visiting the hospital without permis-
tice is deficient. Amer. State Papers, sion?]. War Dept. Military Book No. 14.
vol. 5, p. 422. (A) 1835, August 31. Secretary of War di-
Amer. Quart. Rev. No. 32, Decem- rects General Jesup.ColonelTotten, and
ber, 1834. I vol., O. [on pp. 358-375: Colonel Crane to associate themselves
Academy at West Point.] ( .\) with the academic board in the reex-
Report on Military Academy. amination of Cadets Bruce and McLeod.
Committee on Military Affairs. May War Dept. Military Book No. 14.
17, 1834. Reports of committees. No. 1835, September 1. The President of
466, 23d Cong., sess., vol. 4, 19 pp., the United States orders a reexamina-
O. (A) tion of two cadets by the academic
Resolutions relative to Military board. War Dept. Military Book No.
Academy. Legislature of Ohio. Mar. 14. [N. B. — Letter to Superintendent,
3, 1S34. Senate Docs., No. 247, :yd -•^ug. 31, is missing. One leaf has been
Cong., 1st sess., vol. 3, i p., O. (A) cut from book.]
Statement of the historv and im- 1835, September 7. Secretary of War
portance of the Military Academy at to Superintendent U. S. Military Acad-
West Point and reasons why it should emy. The court of inquiry at West
not be abolished. Report from the Point had full power to adjourn with-
Committee on Military Affairs, House out pursuing the investigation. War
of P,.epresentatives. Amer. State Pa- Dept. Military Book No. 14.
pers, Militarv Affairs, vol. 5, p. 349. 1835, September 28. Adjutant-Gen-
(A) eral's Orders, court-martial order. Ca-
Knapp (S. L. ): Tales of the Gar- dets absent on leave are still subject to
den of Kosciusczko. New York, 1S34. Militarv .\cademv regulations. Rec-
I vol., O. (A) ords U.'S. M.A. (A)
1834-1836. Cadet chapel built at a 1835, November 11. Secretary of
cost of $14,75. ..35. War will not appoint two cadets from
1834-1838. Theson.^;" Benny Havens" thesame family. War Dept. Military
.saidto have seen written by J. T. Met- Book No. 14.
calfe, IT. S. Military .\cademy, 183S. 1835, November 14. Adjutant-Gen-
Ann. Assoc. Grads., 1902, p. 129. (\) eral's Orders, court-martial order. Res-
The unpublished poetic writings olutions of corps of cadets referring to
of Lieut. Lucius O'Brien, deceased. cadet mess quoted in full (pp. 469-471 ).
Eighth U. S. Infantry, transcribed from Records I'. S. M. A. (K)
the original bvhis son. Leavenworth, 1835, about. Cadet uniform cap.
1S66. I vol.,"0., pp. 17. [Petite Co- Cadets and enlisted men wore a cap
( )

quille, pp. 6-7; Bennv Havens, pji. of morocco with a visor (the outline not
8-11.] (A) unlike those in PI. XI, uniform of the
1834-1855. Gummere
(John): An U. S. .\rmy Quartermaster-General)
elementarv treatise on astronomy, in —
made in 3 parts the visor, the front
94 Cnifcniiia/ of United States Military Academy.

half, the rear half. These folded so Florida war is honorable, but is denied
that could be carried fiat under the
it by Secretary of War. War Dept. Mili-
arm. The crease ran from ear to ear tary Book No. 15.
not as in PI. XI above. (Mr. W. 1836, March 3. Adjutant-General's
Ward. Orders, court-martial order. Cadet re-
Better howitzers necessary for fuses to take his hands from his pockets,
artillery instruction. .\n assistant in- etc. Records U. S. M. A. (A)
structor needed. Anier. State Papers, 1836, March 17. Reasons why it has
vol. 5, p. 708. been pro])osed to abolish the Academy.
Cadet Carter wounded in a fencing [n Arniv and Navv Chronicle, p. 164.
bout died; Chaplain Warner went to (
A )

the hospital to administer consolation 1836, June 9. Notice i.>f a pamphlet

while Carter was .still alive, but neg- "Letter to the Hon. Mr. Hawes in re-
lected to obtain permission of Major ])ly to his strictures on the graduates
De Russy, Superintendent U. S. Mili- U. S. Military Academy, bya graduate."
tary .\cademy. For this the chaplain [The letter is given in full, pp. 370,
was placed in arrest. Keyes (E. D. ): 386.] Armv and Navv Chronicle, p.
Fifty Years Observation, etc., p. 7S. 360. (A)
(A)' 1836, June 15. Letter from West Point
— See President Jackson's seventh respecting the Board of Visitors, etc.
message to Congress, Dec. 7. 1835, in In Armv and Navv Chronicle, p. 66.
Messages and Papers of the Presidents, (A) "

vol. 3, p. 169. (A) 1836, June. Rept. Board of Visitors /;/

Report on Military Academy. -Army and Navy Chronicle, p. 18: The
Acting Secretary M. Dickenson, Jan. cadets are well fed (p. 19); discussion
21, 1S35. Senate Docs. No. 68, 23d of the course of study p. 20 religious
I )

Cong., 2d sess., vol, 3, 5 pp. O. (A) in.struction (p. 21); the cadets are not
trained as cavalry; letter of President
1835-1839. Cadets permitted to pay
Jackson restoring a discharged cadet
for private tuition (p. 26 1. .Account of
(p. 22). (A)
cadet life. Life of Gen. I. I. .Stevens,
(A) Report Board of Visitors ;'// Army
PP- 2-1-59-
and Navy Chronicle, pp. 2, iS; In rooms
5<YFitz Gerald David In Menio-
about 12 feet square. 3 and 4 cadets live;
( ) ;

riam Gen. Henrv J. Hunt. 1S19-1889.

philosophical department needs
(A) more room; mineralogy and geology
See Stevens, Hazard: Life of Gen. are not taught; details at West Point
Isaac X. Stevens. ( .A ) are not desired liy officers; the professor
1835-1881. Wax
impressions of the of cheniLstry is paid only $767 per year;
seals of class rings are owned by the statistics of cadets w'ho have left the
Association of Graduates for the years .\cademy; |;2o,ooo has been expended
this year (tor a building for military ex-
1835, 1837, 1840 (2 mottoes), 1841, 1843,
1845, 1847, 1849, TS50, 1851, 1852, 1853, ercises in winter. (A)
1S54, 1855, 1S56, 1857, 1858, 1859, i860, 1836, July 6. .Adjutant-GeueraPs Of-
1S61 (2cla,sses), 1862, 1863, 1S64, 1865, fice, General Orders, No. 46.
( W. H. C.
1866, 1S67, 186S, 1S69, 1870, 1871, 1872, Bartlett to be professor of natural and
1873, ^"d 18S1. (The above in an experimental philosophy. (.A)
album.) [ h.]
1836, July 28. List of distinguished
1835-1902. Thomas Avery sounded cadets of three classes, 1836. In .\rmy
the bugle calls for cadet recitations, and Navy Chronicle, p. 55. (.\ )

though many calls were

etc., till 1845,
1836, August 25. List of cadets ap-
sounded on the drum. Louis Benz,
pointed. In Army and Navy Chronicle,
bugler, 1845 to J"l.^'. 187S; George
pp. 1 21-122. (A)
Piano, bugler, Sept. i, 1878, to June i,
1885; Wtn. L. Lewis, trumpeter, June 1836, November 10. The resignation
I, 1885, toJune3u, 1902. .Si!'fiS3i. [For
Mr. Jumel, swordmaster, accepted, to
the calls see this catalogue, 1903.] take effect Feb. 15, 1,837. Records
V. S. Military .Academy. (A)
1836, January 14. Debate in the
1836, November 30. The new aca-
House of Representatives on the resolu-
demic building (then constructing) was
tion of Hon. Mr, Hawes inquiring if it
designed to provide 16 recitation rooms,
might be expedient to abolish the U. S.
a large hall for military exercises, and
Military .Academy reported in .Army
quarters for all the assistant professors
and Navy Chronicle, p. 46. (A)
at Military .Academy. Annual Rept. of
1836. Febrviary 14. The application In.spector U. S. Military Academy in
of the first class to be ordered to the .Abstract of letter book, vol. i. (A)
Biblioffrapliy of the U. S. Military Academy. 95
1836, Decembers. Secretary of War, 1836-1841. Biography of J. P. Garn-
Dec. 3, 1836, "recommends that the esche, pp. 43-61. (A)
term of service of cadets should be pro- 1836-1844. Vol i , Ab.stracl of Letters.
longed after graduation. Cadets only O. M. A., A. G. ().
required by law to serve five years, four
of which are spent at the Academy."
1837, February 2. Letter of Lieut. J.
Amer. State Papers, Military Affairs,
W. Bailey, acting profe.s.sor of chemis-
try, to Hon. Gouv. Kemble. .As the
vol. 6, p. 813.
department of chemistry has never
1836. The study of geology, etc., aban- been established b\- law-, the absurd
doned for want of teachers. .Accom- situation exists that a cadet instructor
modation of quarters for professors and in it receives f lo a month besides his
cadets insufficient. Amer. State Pa- pay, while the head of department re-
pers, vol. 6, p. 901. ceives nothing in addition. .\t this
President Jackson restores Cadet date the river is frozen .so as to permit
Hammond to the Academy. .Amer. passage to Cold Spring on the ice. ( .A
State Papers, vol. 6, p. 90S. 1837, March 1. Histcry of the Mili-
Justitia,pseud.: Letter to the tary .Academy. Its changes by legisla-
Hon. Mr. Hawes in reply to his stric- tion and practice, etc., being a report
tures on the graduates of the ililitary of a select committee of House of Rep-
Academy, by a graduate. New York, resentatives, Mar. 1,1837. .Amer. State
1836. pp. 30. Papers, Military .Affairs, vol. 7, pp.
Hunt (Freeman): Letter about 1-106.
the Hudson. New York, 1836, i vol. 1837, March 29. Secretary of War
O, pp. 209. (History of U. S. Military Lieutenant Church of his ap-
Academy, pp. 164-1SS.) (.A) pointment as professor of mathematics,
Letter to the Hon. Mr. .June I. War Department Jlilitary
M. C, in reply to his strictures on the Book No. 17.
graduates of the Military .\cademy. 1837, June 17. Board of Visitors, June
Bv a graduate, late an officer in the 17. 1S37, recommend another professor
r. S. Army. New York, 1S36. (Ex- in chemical department and a prepara-
tracts given in Amer. Quart. Rev., vol. tory school for cavalry officers. .\mer.
22 (1S37 ), pp. 112, 124. State Papers, Military Affairs, vol. 7,
The Dialectic Society has a library p. 711.
of several hundred volumes. Life of 1837, September 10. Colonel Thayer,
Gen. I. I. Stevens, p. 38. (A) in conversation with Mr. Kemble,
Every except the fourth had agreed to again accept the superin-
one or more debating societies. The tendency, U. S. Military .Academy, if
black stripe on the gray uniform trous- the Secretary of War would first try
ers was of velvet. Life of Gen. I. I. another officer and if that officer should
Stevens, p. 33. (A) not be satisfactory. JIS. diary of Hon.
Gouverneur Kemble.
Feeling between cadets from North
and South. Life of I. L Stevens, pp. 37, 1837, November 13. The Secretary
55- (-=^)
of War R. Poinsett) writes to Hon.
Gouv. Kemble, M. C, to sa\' that he
Cadet chapel built.
intends to relieve the Superintendent
Cadet uniform described. O. M. U. S. Military .Academy and the chap-
G. Book, p. 14. [.\] lain in June, 1S38, and that, in all prob-
1836-1839. Wheaton (Henry): Ele ability. Colonel Thayer will be ap-
ments of international law. i'hiladel pointed to be Superintendent at that
phia, 1836, I vol., O. Text-book de time. (The Superintendent was re-
partment of geographv. historv. and lieved September, 1 838, and succeeded
ethics, 1S36-1839." Rept. Supt.' U. S. by Colonel Pelafield. The chaplain
Jlilitary Academy, 1896, p. 156. (A) resigned at the .same date. MS. (.\) )

1836-1840. See Memoirs of W. T. 1837, November 18. Military .Acad-

Sherman, vol. I, pp. 15-17. (A) emy Orders, No. 17. In future the term
"deserter" will not be used of cadets.
See Sherman and His Campaigns,
Records l'. S. Military Academy. (.A)
pp. 10-13. (A)
1837. The first instructor in cavalry
See Force ( Manning F. ) General :

tactics was appointed. In 1839 a ser-

Sherman. (A)
geant and 5 troopers were ordered to
See In Menioriam William T. West Point to aid in practical instruc-
Sherman. (A) tion, 12 horses were supplied by Quar-
See Piatt (Donn) Gen. George H.
: termaster's Department, and harness
Thomas. A severe criticism of the
( was provided for the light battery drills.
school.) 5ir Coppee, Henry: General Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
Thomas. (Aj 1896, p. 125, (A)
96 Coitciinial of United States Military Academy.

1837. Miiitarv Academy at West Point. 1838, January 15. Pledge of cadets
Amer. Quart. 'Rev., vol. 22, pp. 77-131- not to violate par. 96, Military Acad-
(A) emy regulations. Records U. S. Mili-
tary Academy. (A)
Remarks on the report to the
House of Representatives of the select 1838, February 19. The building de-
committee of nine to investigate the stroyed by fire contained the library,
condition of the U. S. Military Academy and the departments of chemistry, nat-
at West Point. June, 1837. pam. ural philosophy, and engineering. It
is suggested that a conmii,ssion be ap-
Report on Military Academy.
pointed to devise a general plan for the
House Select Committee. Mar. i, 1S3;
location of all the buildings of the
Reports of Committees, No. 303, 24th
Military .Academy. Rept. Inspector of
Cong., 2(1 sess., vol. 2, 200 pp., O.
the U. S. Militarv Academy, Sept. 21,
1838. (A)
See President Jackson's first mes-
sage to, 1S37, in Messages and
A R. P. Parrott to Gouv.
letter of
Kemble, dated Feb. 19, says: "They
Papers of the Presidents, vol. 2, p. 456.
had aserious fire last night at the Point,
the library building and most of the
Oration delivered before the corps books (as I hear) being destroyed."
of cadets at West Point, July 4, 1837, MS. (A)
by Cadet Leslie Chase [class of 1838]
The books and records of the ad-
Newburgh, 1837, pp. 22, O. (A)
jutant destroyed by fire. The academic
Orders No. 100, 1837, concerning building burned. (A)
authority of the commanding officer of
the post over resident citizens, with
1838, February 23. Library books
turned in to librarian at hotel. Post
opinion of the Attornev-General. I
Orders, vol. i, p. 2. (A)
pam., O., lith. (A)
1838, March 8. Report of board in-
Cavalry exercise for cadets intro- vest gating cause of burning of aca-
duced "this year." See Sherman and demic building. Fire originated near
His Campaigns, p. 12. (A) stove. Causes unknown. Post Orders,
The salary of the postmaster is vol. I, p. 4. (A)
15872.79. (The post-office was estab- 1838, March 10. Boots issued to
lished in 1S15.) Biennial Register Offi- cadets. Post Orders, vol. i, p. 4. (A)
cers, etc., U. S., 1838. (A) 1838, March 15. Cadets' summer pan-
Cadet uniform. Hat and coatee taloons altered to .same as winter pat-
shown. Engraving "Tomb of Kosci- tern. Covered buttons. Post Orders,
usko," p. 121, U. S. Military Academy vol. I, p. 6. (A)
Pictures — A. (A) 1838, April 4. .Subdivision inspector's

1837-1841. See Biography of Lieut.

certificate [ =
"slips," 191:12]; officer of
day certificate mentioned. Post Or-
Col. Julius P. Garische, U. S. Army,
ders, vol. I, p. 10. (A)
by his son. (.\)
1838, April 23. Inspections of cadets'
See Woodward, Ashbel: Life of rooms. Orders, vol. I, p. 16. (A)
Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. (A)
1838, April 29. First-class fencing.
1837-1884. Total number
of cadets Post Orders, vol. I, p. 17. (A)
graduated, 2167; average cost of each 1838, May 10. Use by cadets of to-
graduate, 1^,828.23. Rept. Board of bacco in section room. Post Orders,
Visitors, 1884, p. 818. (A) vol. I, p. 21. (A)
1837, June 1, to 1878, March 30. Cadets appointed noncommis-
A. E. Church was professor of mathe- sioned officers in battalion of cadets
matics during this period (assistant tender resignation as such. [Referred
profe,ssor 1S2S-1831 and 1833-1837); to Secretary of War. Cadets required
programme of instruction, 1839-40. to do duty as ordered.] Post Orders,
Church's Calculus introduced 1S43; his vol. r, p. 20. (A)
Analytical Geometry, 1852; his Trigo- 1838, June. Board of Visitors makes
nometry, 1863; his Descriptive Geom- suggestions as to the department of
etry, 1864; his Perspective, 1S66. Re- chemistry. Rhetoric, moral and polit-
port Supt. U. S. Military Academy, ical .science not sufficiently studied.
1896, pp. 48-59. (A) Certain defects in the course men-
1 837-1 890. Summary of Congressional tioned. Ex. Docs., vol. I, 1838-39.
appropriations for the support of U. S. An observatory should be pro-
Military Academy, 1837-1890. Total, vided; a swimming school; a
)f4,537, 343-58- Rept. Board of Visitors, company of dragoons should replace
1889, p. 10S9. (A) the detachment of artillery at the post;
BtbliograpJiy of t/ir [^. S. J/////a/y Academy. 97
the lower floor of the new Academy 1838-1894. Percentage of graduates to
will be used as a drill room; at present total admitted; number of candidates
( owing to the fire there are sometimes
) from each State examined and rejected;
six cadets in a room; cadets sleep on statisticsrespecting candidates, etc.
mattresses on the floor; the painting (Tables prepared by Lieut. C. D. Will-
room of the professor of drawing cost cox and Prof. E. W. Bass.) Rept.
f8cK>; geography, history, and compo- Board of Visitors, 1894, jjp. 112-114.
sition are not tanght, which is a defect. (A)
Rept. Board of Visitors. (A) 1839, April 30. Cadets allowed to re-
1838, July 4. The oration was bv ceive d.nicing lessons. Orders,
Cadet H. \V. Halleck. (.SVr his letter vol. I, ]). 1 14. (A)
of July i6.) (A) 1839, June 12. .A. .sergeant and 5 troop-

ers oi dragoons ordered to West Point

1838, July Act of Congress in-
to aid in instruction of cadets in riding;
creases the Corps of Engineers; author-
12 horses provided. Riding master ap-
izes a professor of chemistry, mineral-
pointed in September; 30 more horses
ogy, and geology at U. S. Military
and light - battery harness bought.
Academy; cadets to serve for eight
Bovnton's History of West Point, p.
years unless sooner discharged five (
.226. (A)
years by the act of Apr. 2g, 1S12). A) (

1839, October 12. The Secretary of

1838, July 16. Description of the
\\'ar decides that the regulations for
routine of camp in a letter of Cadet
assignments of quarters to officers at
H. \V. Halleck, first JIS. (A)
army posts are not applicable at West
1838, July and August. Six cadets Point. The assignment is left to the
reported for u.sing tobacco during this discretion of the Superintendent. .Ab-
period. Punishments, arrest five to stract of Letter Book, vol. i, p. 7^; O.
seven days, with two or three extra M. A., A. G. O.
tours of guard duty. M.S. In O. M. A.,
to 1839. Library of useful knowl-
A. r,. O.
edge .Magnetism, electro-magnet-
. .

1838, September 28. A. h. S. of Major ism, and electro-dynamics. Text-book

Delafield to commissary -general of pur- natural and experimental philosophy
chases respecting two colors for the to 1839. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
corps of cadets to be " executed bj' taryAcademy, 1S96, p. 17.
Mr. Weir after designs to be furnished
here." MS.
1839. Apaper, " The Talisman," issued
by the Dialectic Society (extract
1838, November 24. Cadet uniform. given). "The Rover," issued in 1837.
Wearing of vests optional. When worn Life of Gen. I. I. Stevens, p. 57. (A)
must be uniform, and when not worn
The cadets are exercised as in-
coat must be buttoned up when out of
quarters or tent. Post Orders, vol. i,
fantry and artillery. Owing to unfa-
vorable circumstances they are less
p. 71 (Orders, No. 172). (A)
.skilled in the latter branch. Descrip-
Cadets get bedsteads [had previ- tion of the course in artillery and of
ously slept on mattresses on the floor] other courses in the .\cademv, ethics,
Post Orders, vol. i, p. 70, 95. (A) French, drawing, mathematics, "the
1838, December 17. Cadet uniform. basison which military education must
Pantaloons to be made loose with wide '
' be founded," philosophy, chenii.strv,
fall in front." Made to be worn with engineering. Rept. Board of Visitors,
leather straps when so ordered. When '
1839, pp. 4-6. (A)
supply of velvet is used up, black ca.ssi- Two fire engines provided for by
mere to be substituted in stripes." Post act of Congress. Rept. Board of \'isit-
Orders, vol. i, p. 80 (Orders, No. 185). ors, p. 7. (A)
The examinations are thorough
1838. (Third) Academic building built and impartial; mathematics is the basis
(|68,254). Demolished about 1S91. A on which a military education must
description and view of it hi Boynton's rest; Bartlett's Optics just introduced;
History of West Point, p. 258. (A) the library contains 8-10,000 vols.; the
Uniform stock of black bombazine annual cost of the Academy, exclusive
forcadets. Post Orders, vol. i, p. 26. (A) of pay, is |22,ooo. Rept. Board of
1838-1866. Kent (James): Commen- Visitors. ( .4

tarieson American law Pt. I,

. . . All cadets are on the same level.
The law of nations, gth ed. Boston, Discipline is alike for all. The only
1858. Text-book department of geog-
( distinctions are grades of merit open to
raphy, hi.story, and ethics, 183S-1866.) the competition of every one, and
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, granted only when they are deserved.
1896, p. 156. (A) Rept. Board of Visitors, p. 3. (A)
H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2— vol 2
98 Centennial of United States Mi/itaiy Aeadeniv.

1839. The Boardof Visitors recommends 1839-1843. Life and campaigns of

the adoption of Major Delafield's plans r. ,S. Grant, pp. 20-29. (A)
to build cadet barracks on the eastern See Church, \V. Conant: Grant.
border of the plain on the bank of the (A)
river, the inesshouse north of it and the
See Alexander, .\. W. LT. s. Grant
laboratory within Fort Clinton. The

as a Soldier. (A)
cadets are less accomplished as artiller-
ists than as infantry' soldiers. Arrange- See Copp^e, Henry : < rrant and his
ments have been made for a supply of Campaigns. (.•\)
horses for a field battery. Rept. (A) See Lossing, B. J. Life : Campaigns
Alvord (Lieut.
Benj.): Address and Battles of U. S. Grant.
before the Dialectic Society of the tion. {\)
corps of cadets, in commemoration of See Life and Services of Gen. U. S.
the gallant conduct of the nine gradu- Grant, Conqueror of the Rebellion and
ates of the Military .Academy and other Eighteenth President of the United
officers of the U. S. .'\rmy who fell in .States. (A)
the battles which took place in Florida. Sec Wil.son, James Grant: Life and
<)., pam. New York, 1839. (A) Public Services of Gen. U. S. Grant.
Butler (Benjamin F. ): The mili- (A)
tary profession in the United States, &t' Badeau, Adam: Militarv His-
and the means of promoting its useful- tory of U. S. Grant. (A)
ness and honor. .\\\ address delivered
See Personal Memoirs of U. S.
before the Dialetic Society of the corps
Grant, vol. i, pp. 32-46. (A)
of cadets of the Military Academy,
West Point, at the close of the annual See Childs, George W. Recollec- :

examination, June tions of General Grant. (.\)

19, 1839. ( K)
Regulations. New York, 1S39. i
See H. S. Garland: U. S. Grant,
vol., O., 2 copies. (\) His Life and Character. ill New
York, 1898. I vol., O., especially pp.
Letter on the Military .Academy.
24-53- (A)
Chief of Engineers Jos. ti. Totten,
Nov. 21, 1839. House Docs., No. 121, See In Memoriam, James A. Har-
26th Cong., 1st sess., vol. 3, 9 pp., O. (A) die, U. S. Army. (A)
Report on Militar\- Academy. See Dana and Wilson; Life of
Board of Visitors, June 20, 1839. House (W\\. y. S. Grant. (.\)
Docs., No. 2, 26th Cong., ist sess., vol. 1839-1850. Roget (P. M. Treatise ) :

I, p. 222, 10 pp., O. (A) on magnetism, electro-magnetism, and

Officers, professors, and teachers electro-dynamics, n. p., n. d. i vol.,

mustered and in.spected in front of O. (Text-book department of natural

Superintendent's quarters. Post Or- and experimental philosophv, i8'59-
ders, vol. I, p. 163. (A) 1850.) Rept. Supt. U. S. 'Military
Academy, 1896, p. 17; Cadet Register,
Library contains between 8,000
1850, p. 22. (K)
and 10,000 volumes. Rept. Board of
Visitors, p. 6. (A) 1839-1852. The riding-masters of the
Plan of the first and second floors Academy have been: James Mc.Auley,
of the building, designed l\v Major 1S39-1842; H. Hershberger, 1842-1848;
Delafield for the library and philosoph- F.^R. O. de Beville, 1848-1852. H. J. K.
ical apparatus of the Military Academy, Bartlett (Wm. H. C.) [U. vS. Mili-
etc. Dec. 12, 1839). Drawn by Cadet
tary- Academy, 1S26]: An elementary
Tilden, September, 1839. (A) treatise on York, 1839,
optics. New
2 vols., (Text-book department of
1839, about. Chri.stmasandNew Year's natural and experimental philosophy,
entertainments described. In Wood-
1839-1852. ) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
ward'sLifeof General L^'on, p. 31. (A)
Academy, 1896, pp. 17-18. (A)
1839-1842. Davies (Charles) [U. S. Davies (Charles)
[U. S. Military
Military Academy, 1S15]: Elements of Academy, 1815]: Elements of analyt-
the differential and integral calculus. ical geometry, 2d ed. New York, 1839.
2d ed. New York, 1S38. i vol., O. I vol., O. (Text-book department of
(Text- book department of mathemat- mathematics, 1S39-1S52.) Rept. Supt.
ics, 1S39-1842. Cadet Register, 1S42,
U..S. Military Academy, 1896, pp. 53,55.
p. 23; Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Acad- ( .\ 1

emy, 1896, pp. 54-55. (A)

1839-1853. Legendre (A. M.): Ele-
1839-1843. S. G. French: Two 'Wars, ments of geometry and trigonometry
ch.i. 111. Nashville, 1901. ivol.,0. (A) . translated from the French by Da-
. .

Hazing, etc. Sec In Memoriam, vid Brewster, revised and adapted to

James A. Hardie, p. g. (A) instruction in United States bv Charles
BibliograpJiv of iJir U. S. Military Academy. 99
Davies. New York, 1839. vol., (). i an oath was taken that dilTcrcd slightly
(Text-book (leparlincnl of mathemat- in form from tinu' to lime until the
ics, 1839-1S53, trinoMometry to 1.S63. I civil war. .SVr the .Academic Regula-

Rejit. Supt. V S. Military Acailemy,

. tions, 1839-1902. I .A I

189'^'. PI'- 5'. ,S9- (A)

1840, June 29. Signal to be sounded
1839-1858. The lower floor of the bv clrunnner orderly for cadets at cotil-
aeademie building was used as a riding lion ]iarties to return to camp. Orders
hall in the years 1839 to 1H55. kept. 48, Order Hook 139-411, U. S. C. C.
Board of Visitors 18S6, p. 765. (First (A)
year connnenced to ride, Dec. 11, 1839;
second year commenced to ride, Apr. 1840, June. .Stune of the rooms in bar-

12, l8-,9; third year connnenced to ride,

racks contain six cadets, many four,
Oct. —
1858. 'W. W.)
, (A) none than two; new barracks and
mess rooms are recommended; f.icililies
1839-1864. Davies (Charles) [l^. S. for swimming should be provided; a
Militar}- Academy, 1815]: Elements court of inquiry on the moral condition
of descriptive geometry, with their ap- of the .Academy has recently sat and
plication to spherical trigonometry, has not yet reported; minority rejiort
spherical projections, and warped .s'lr- (q. V.) the mass of the people regard
faces. Philadelphia, 1S26. i vol., O. V. S. Military Academy as an elee-
(Text-book department of mathemat- mosynarv' school for the education of
ics, 1S39-1S64.) Rept. Supt. U. S. the aristocracy. Rept. Board of Visit-
Military Academy 1896, pp. 52, 59. ors. (A)
Cadet Register, 1864, p. 18. (.A)
Board of \'isitors declares the
1839-1880. Kent (James): Connnen- chaplain should not be professor of
taries on American law vol. I, . . . ethics. Minority report declares the
Pt. II, Government and constitutional Academy a failure.
jurisprudence of the I'nited States. Newbarracks should be built.
New York, 1826. i vol., O. (Text- New instruments in astronomy re-
book department of geography, history, ceived. 'The cavalry instruction is
and ethics, 1839-1873, and departnient good. Ex. Doc, vol. I, 1840-41, p. 25.
of law, 1878-T880. ) Re])t. Supt. U. S.
Military Academy, 1896, p. 156; Cadet 1840, July 10. Daily routine for each
Register, 1878, p. ^4, and 1880, p. 36. class. Orders No. 43', U. S. C. C. (A)
(A) 1840, July 20. -Act of Congress pro-
1839-1887. Dana (James D.): Man- vides that the commandant of cadets
ual of mineralogy, including observa- shall be instructor in tactics or of prac-
tions on mines, rocks, reduction of tical military engineering. (.A)
ores, etc. New Haven, 1871, i vol., O. 1840, August 21. Target practice
(Text-book department of chemistry,
ranges 30-130 yards. Orders No. 70,
1839-1887. ) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
T^S. C. C. (.A)
Academy, 1896, p. 104; Cadet Register,
1S87, p.'3i. (A) 1840, September 14. U. S. ."M. A. ca-
1839-1899. Davies (Charles) [U. S. dets called to academic duties [only]
Military Academv", 1815]: Elements of by a gong. Orders No. 82, V S. C. C. .

surveying, with the necessary tables. (A)

New "York, 1830, i vol., O.' (Text- 1840, September 19. Subject for de-
book department of mathematics, 1839- bate: "Whether it would be beneficial
1S99.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military to the service to prohibit officers of the
Academy, 1S96, p. 52; Cadet Register, Army under the rank of captain from
1S99. P-30- (\) being married."' Decided in negative
Bourdon (M.): Elements of alge- by vote of II to 4. Journal Dialectic
bra . translated from the French
. .
Society, 1S40-1844. (.\)

by Charles Davies Rev. ed. . . . 1840. M. -A.

U. S. of text-books
New York, 1S39. :vol.,U. (Text-book in use. Park's Sketch of West Point,
departmentof mathematics, 1839-1S99. pp. 107-10S. A cadet's pay is |2S per
Rept. Supt. U. ,S. Military Academy, month. Ibid, p. iii.
1896, p. 4S. (A) Cadet uniform described: an eagle
1839-1902. Records in office of com- on the front of the dress hat [not a
mandant of cadets, 19^4. Orders, 1839 ca.stle?] Cadets who have been present
to date, in 9 vols. letters, 1870-1890, in
; at two encampments uiaj- go on fur-
3 vols.; endorsements, 1870-1S90, in 2 lough during tlie third. Park's Sketch
vols. (A) of West Point, p. 104. (A)
The Regulations l^. S. Military Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
Academy, 1810-1831, prescribe no oath eral's Office, No. 7, describes the uni-
to enterin.g cadets. From 1S39 onward form of professors, teachers, and their
lOO Centciniial of United Slatrs JMilitary Academy.

sword master, chaplain,

assistants, the istry,1840-1843. ) Rept. of Supt. IT. S.
and cadets, U. S. Military Academy. Military Academy, 1896, p. 106. (.\)
(A) 1840-1844. Records of the Dialectic
1840. Cadets allowed to take refresh- Society. MS., i vol., O. (A)
ments into barracks. Post Orders, yol. See Reminiscence of Wiiifield
I, p. 235. (A) Scott Hancock, by his wife. (A)
Catalogue of the library of the .S'<'(> Walker, F. A.: General Han-
U. S. Jlilit.iry Academy at West Point. cock. (A)
1840. I vol., V. (foolscap), no pp.
MS. (A) 1840-1847. Murray (Lindley): Intro-
duction an Lecteur Francois on Recueil
Dialectic Society. Journal from
de Pieces Choi.sies; avcc I'e.xplication
Mar. 9, 1S40, to May 11, 1844. Roll of des Idiotisms, et des phrases difiiciles,
members 1S39-40, 1S40-41, 1S41-42. qui s'y trouvent. New York, 1807. i
MS. I vol. F. (A) vol., O. (Text-book department of
Park, Roswell: A sketch of the modern languages, 1840-1847.) Rept.
history and topography of West Point Supt. I'. .S. Militarj' .\cademy, 1896, p.
and the U. S. Military .\cademy . . .
138; Cadet Register, 1847, p. 23. (.-V)
Philadelphia, 1S40. i vol., O., 140 pp.

(A) 1840-1852. Library. Class list of

books in geography and history. MS.,
One hundred and seventeen offi-
I vol., O. (This list was made after
cers of the Regular Army resigned dur-
IS40 and probably before 1S52.) (A)
ing the year of the Seminole war
and the a\-erage of the years since has 1840-1860. Eleven cadets died dur-
been about 30, according to minority ing tliese years. The causes of death
report, Board of Visitors. The ])ower were continued fever i, typhoid i,
of the General Government to aid in- cholera i, dysentery' 3, pneumonia i,
ternal improvements considered. (.V) phthisis pulmonalis 2, congestio ce-
rebra i. drowning i. Cong. Doc. 1089,
Experimental lectures ill natural
p. 173- (A)
philosophy given about this time. The
astronomical transit was mounted 1842. [Criticism of of instruction
In 1S50 Bartlett's Synthetic Mechanics there by Gen. B. F. Butler.] In But-
was adopted as a text-book, but re- ler's Book, pp. 863-86S and elsewhere.
placed by his Analytic Mechanics in (A)
1853. Bartlett's .Spherical Astronomy 1841, March 15. Subject for debate:
introduced 1S55. Electricity tran.s- "Has a State a right to .secede from
ferred to department of chemistry, the L'nion." Lieutenant Kendrick
1856. Rept. vSupt. U. S. Blilitary Acad- supported the negative, and the ques-
emy, 1S96, p. 18. (.A) tion was decided in the affirmative by
Ordnance (and artillery) labora- the casting vote of the president [Ca-
tory erected (at a of fS,ooo?) Let- det Sam. Jones, I'. S. Military Acad-
ter book of quartermaster, U. S. Mili- emy, 1841; major-general C. S. Army,
tary Academy, November, 1889, p. 114. 1865.] Journal Dialetic Society, 1840-
(A) 1844. (A)
1840, about. .\ lithograph certificate 1841, March 29. Cadets ab.sent from
of resignation was given to cadets about West Point are to wear either full uni-
1840 to about i860. The first form had form or citizens clothes. Orders No.
a stand of flags, a seated female figure, 10, headquarters U. S. Military Acad-
a tablet "United we stand," and was emy. (.\)
designed by Professor Weir. The sec- 1841, June 30. Cadet officers to wear
ond form had at its head a trophy of the sword on a shoulder belt, not from
arms, a cadet dress hat (cylindric, a waist belt, as heretofore. Orders No.
black plume; an eagle over a large cas- 36, U. S. C. C. (A)
tle in front) on a knapsack bearing the 1841, June. Logic should be included
word "Essayous" under a rising sun. in the curriculum; the barracks con-
R. S. vS. delt. (Copies are in the adju- tains 96 rooms for 250 cadets; new bar-
tant's office.) (A) racks .should be built on the east side
1840 to Bailey (J. W.): Chemical
. of the plain on the bank of the river;
notes on gunpowder and its materials cadets are paid ^28 monthly. Rept.,
(lithographed). (Text-book depart- Board of Visitors. (.•\)
ment of chemistry (?), 1S40 to ?) 1841. November 22. The inspector
Sec Title-)3age of book in library U. S. Military -Academy approves the Super-
Military .Xcademy. (A) intendent's request for a court of in-
1840-1843. Web.ster(JohnW.'): Man- quiry respecting recent disorders among
ual of chemistry. Boston, 1826. I vol., cadets, The court reports about De-
O. (Text-book department of chem- cember 17. Nothing is detected. Wit-
Bibliography of tlie U. S. Military Academy. loi
not testifv on account of a
iiesses (lid modern languages, 1841 to )

tendenc\- to incriminate tliemselves. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military .Vcademv,

Abstract of letters sent, O. M. A., A. 1896, p. 138. (A)
G. O. (A) 1841-1842. Lyell (Charles): Princi-
1841, December 17. Recommenda- plesofGeology. sthed. London, 1837.
tion that Sergeant Heiselberger be dis- 1 vol, O. (Text-book departmentof
charged Dec. 31 and appointed Jan. i chemistry, 1841-1842. ) Rept. Supt. U.S.
as riding master Jlilitary Academy. Military Academy, 1896, p. 104. (.\)
Abstract of letters sent, O. JI. A., A. 1841-1845. .SVv> Thayer (W. H.) From :

G. O. (A) the tanyard to the White House. The

The class of 1841 lost more of its
story of President Grant's life. I,.,

members killed in battle than any 1SS5. I vol., O., pp. 80-85. (\-)
other. Biography of Garesch^,
" p. 54. 1841-1847. Barthelemy (J. J.): Voy-
(A) age de Jeune Anacharsis en Grece vers
le milieu du iv" siecle avant \'€x(t vul-
Regulation regarding dress of ca-
gaire. Paris, 1843, i vol., O. (Text-
dets while on furlough. Post orders,
vol. I, p. 250. (A)
book department of modern languages,
1S41-1847. ) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
The library and observatory built Academy, 1S96, p. i-;8; Cadet Register,
(fc'',2i6). A description and view of 1847, p. 23. (A) ~

it in Boj-nton's Historv of West Point,

p. 259. '(A)
1841 and 1847. The field music for
the battalion of cadets authorized by
West Point Military Academy. the .A.iljntant-General U. vS. Army.
Alden Partridge. Jan. 13, 1S41. House List of the teachers of music, 1817-1863.
Docs., No. 68, 26tli Cong., 2d ,sess.,
Bovnton's Historv of West Point, p.
vol. 2, 8 pp. (A) (A)
National defense. (2) Annual re- 1841-1848. Anderson (Robert) [U.vS.
port of the Board of Visitors of the U.S. Military Academy, 1825]: Instruction
Military Academy [by H. Whiting]. for field artillery, horse and foot; trans-
In N. Amer. Rev., vol. 52, Januarv, lated from the French and arranged
1841, pp. 22-30. (A) for the service of the I'nited .States.
Philadelphia, 1S39. i vol., O. (Text-
Notes engineering, etc.
Lithogr., I vol., K. (13 x 10 inches), 2
book department of tactics, 1.S41-1848.
copies. Contents: (i) Bailey, J. W.
Cadet Registers, 1S41, p. 22, and 1848,
Chemical notes on gunpowder and its p. 22. (A)
materials, 1840; (2) Knowlton military 1841-1853. Kinsley (Z, J. D. ): Pyro-
pyrotechny, 1S42; (3) Miner Knowl- techny. Text-book departmentof ord-

ton: Notes on giitipowder, percussion nance and gunnery, 1841-1853.) Rept.

powder, cannon, and projectiles, 1841; Supt. I'. S. Military Academy, 1S96, p.
(4) Professor IMalian: Notes on archi- 179; Cadet Register, 1853, p. 22.
tecture; (5) Jlahan: Notes supple- 1841-1856. Knowlton Miner! [U. S. 1

mentary to the course of permanent Militar}- Academy, 1829]: Noteson gun-

fortification; (6) Mahan: Notes on powder, percussion powder, cannon,
mines; (7) Mahan: Composition of and projectiles. West Point, 1839. i
armies. (A) vol., (Text-book department of
Memorial of .•\lden Partridge re- ordnance and gunnery, 1841-1856.)
lating to the Military Acadenn- at West Rept. Supt. U. S. Military .Academy,
Point and praying that young men ed- 1S96, p. 179; Cadet Register, 1856, p.
ucated at other military schools may 20. (A)
have an equal chance for admission to 1841-1858. Mahan (D. H.) [U. S.
the Army as those young men who are Jlilitary .\cademy] Lithographic notes :

educated at West Point. Jan. 21, 1821. on architecture. West iPoint, 1840.
Referred to the Committee on Military I vol., F. (Text-book department of
Affairs. See Barnard's Amer. Jour, of civil and military engineering, 1841-
Education, 1S63, pp. 6S3-687. (A) 185S. ) Rept. Supt. IT. S. Military Acad-

Chief engineer urges instruction emy, 1896, p. 161; Cadet Register, 1858,
in practical military engineering. Ex. p. \t. (A)
Doc, vol.1841-42, p. 131.
I, 1841-1859. Mahan (D. H.) [U. .S.
Military Academy, 1824]: Lithographic
The State of Connecticut favors
abolishing the Academy. »SenateDocs., notes on composition of armies
. . .

1S41-42, vol. 5, p. 363.'

and strategy. (West Point) n. d. I
vol., O. (Text-book department of
1841 to . Levizac, M. de: Theo- civil and militarj' engineering, 1841-
retical practical grammar of the
and 1859.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
French tongue. New York, 1824. i Academy, 1896, p. 116; Cadet Register,
vol., O. (Text-book department of 1859, p, '16. (A)

I02 Ccnicunial of U)iitcd Sia/cs Militarv Academy.

1849-1859. Mahan (D. H.) [U. -S, 1841-1877. Mahan (D. H.) [U. S.
Military Academy, 1824]: An elemen- Military ."Vcademy, 1824]: \\\ elemen-
tary treatise on advanced guard, out- tary course of civil engineering for the
post, and detachment service of troops, use of cadets of the U. S. Jlilitary
and the manner of postingand handling Academy. New ed. New York, 1846.
them in the presence of an enemy. I vol., O. (Text-book department of
New York, 1S47. i vol., O. (Text- civil and military engineering, 1841-
book department of civil and military 1877,) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
engineering, 1S41-1S59. Cadet Regis-
) Academy, 1896, p. i5i; Cadet Register,
ters, i,S4i, p. 22, and 1S59, p. 16. ( .\ 1877, p. 36. (A)
1841-1860. Thiroux (M.): In.struc- 1841-1878. Mahan (I).H.) [U. S.
tion theorique et pratique d'.\rtillerie Jlilitary .\cadeniy, 1S24]: Lithographic
a I'usage des eleves de I'^cole militaire notes on machines. (Text-book de-
de Saint-Cj-r. Troisieme ed, Paris, partment of civil and military engi-
1849. I vol., O. (Text-book depart- neering, 1841-1S7S. ) Rept. Supt. U.
ment of ordnance and gunnery, 1841- S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 161;
1S60. Rept. .Supt. U. S. Military
) Cadet Register, 1858, p. 17.
Academy, 1896, p. 180; Cadet Register, 1841-1879. Mahan (I). H.) [U. S.
i860, p. (A) Military -\cademy, 1S24]:
'17. .\ on
1841-1861. Blair (Hugh): Lectures field fortification, containing in.struc-
on rhetoric and belles-lettres ... to tions on the methods of laying out,
which are added copious questions and con.structing, defending, and attacking
an analysis on each lecture by Abra- intrenchments, with the general out-
ham Mills, New York, 1830. lvol.,0. lines alsoof the arrangement, the attack
(Text-book department of geography, and defenseof permanent fortifications.
hi.story, and ethics, 1841-1861.) Cadet 4th enlgd. ed. Richmond, 862. i vol. 1

Registers, 1841, p. 22, and 1861, p. 19. O. (A) The corresponding N.Y. edi-

(A) tion was a text-book deiiartment of civil

1841-1863 and 1866 to Ma-
and military engineering, 1841-1879.)
han (IJ. H.) [U. S. Military Academy, Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
1S24] Descriptive geometry as applied
1S96, p. 161; Cadet Register, 1S79,
to the drawing of fortification and P- 34-
stereotomy. New York, 1900. i vol., 1842, March 3. Uniform proposed for
O. Text-book department of civil and
( the band by Major Delafield: red coat,
military engineering, 1841-1S63 and white front and facings, blue trousers,
1866 to .) Cadet Registers, 1841, double red stripe; tall black cylindric
p. 22; 1863, p. 17; 1866, p. 25.(A) cap; tall pompon, white below, red
1841-1864. Mahan H.): Litho-
(D. above; engineer castle on front of cap.
graphic notes supplementary to the Uniform not adopted. [Copy of origi-
course of permanent fortifications. nal in Engineer Dept.] (K)
(Text-book department of civil and 1842, May 11. Company officers to
military engineering, 1841-1864.) Rept. wear a plume and brass castle on dress
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. hat in lieu of pompon, and crossed
117; Cadet Register, 1864, p." 17. (A) cannon. Orders No. 14, U. S. CO. (A)
Mahan (D. H.): Lithographic 1842, May 31. Prior to 1S39 all ex-
notes on the attack and defense of per- aminations were conducted by the
manent works. (Text-book depart- whole academic board; in June, 1839,
ment of civil and military engineering, the board was divided into committees.
1841-1864. Rept. vSupt' U. S. Military
) In 1S42 the board reports that the last
Academy, 1896, p. 117. (A) method has failed and recommends a
1841-1865. Mahan (D. H.) [U. S. return to the early practice, ( Abstract

Military .\cademy, 1824]: Lithographic of Letter Book, Vol. i, O. M. A., A.

notes on nnnes and other accessories. G. O.)
West Point (n. d. ). i vol., Q. (Text- 1842, June. Table of the occupations
book department of civil and military and condition of the parents of 221
engineering, 1841-1865.) Rept. Supt. cadets at the U. S. Military .'Vcademy.
U. S. Military Academy, 1S96, p. 125. The Board makes a number of recom-
(A) mendations (q. V.) Rept. Board of
1841-1870. Scott, Maj. Gen. W. S.:
Visitors. (A)
(By authority.) Infantry tactics, or Austin (J. J.): Address delivered
rules for the exercise and maneuvers before the corps of cadets. New York,
of the U. S. Infantry. New York, 18 pp.
1846. 3 vols., O. (Text-book depart- 1842, August 23. Act of Congress
ment of tactics, 1841-1870. Cadet ) fixes the rations of the Superintendent
Regi.sters, 1841, p. 22, and 1S70, p. 26. U. S. Militarv Academy. (Repealed
(A) Aug. 3, i86i.)' (A)
Biblios^rapliy of tlic U. S. Militarv Acadcuiy. 103

1842, September 5. Imme<liatt'ly af 1842-1846. See Life of Stonewall

each cailct is hereafter to fold
ter risiiij; Jackson, by a Virginian. (A)
mattress double and pile lieddiiig See Hovev, Carl: Stonewall Jack-
neatlv on top of it. Not to be dis- -son. (A)
turbed until tattoo. Order Book (42-
Ay Cooke, A. \\.: Stonewall Jack-
48), U. S. C. C. son, pp. 12-13. (A.)
1842. Ordnance Department — Cadets 1842-1846 and 1847-1852. See
Graduated. Secretary J. C. Spencer. Maury H.): [U. S. Milit.-iry Acad-
Apr. 14, 1S42. Docs., No. 194, emy, 1S46.] Recollections of a Virgin-
27thCong.,2dsess.,vol..4. 13pp. (A) ian in the Mexican, Indian, and civil
Resolutions concerning Military wars. New York, 1S94. (.A.)
Academy. Connecticut legislature. 1842-1854. Table showing the condi-
June 8, 1S42. Senate Docs., No. 363, tion in life of parents of cadets. Cong.
27tli Cong., 2d sess., vol. 5, i p. (A) Doc. No. 747, p. 120. Same, 1842-1857,
A pen and ink sketch by Cadet in Cong. Doc. No. 920, p. 191. (.V)
George H. Derby shows a cadet room 1842-1855. Condition in life of the
and uniform. Grey trousers are worn parents of cadets, 1S42-1855. Cong.
with straps; white linen collar inside Doc. No. Sli, p. 216. (A)
of gre\- .standing collar of the coatee;
dress hat a cylinder with hollowed 1842-1856. Table showing the con-
glazed top, stiff brush plume; cap dition in life of the parents of cadets.
ornament a spread eagle over crossed Cong. Doc. No. 876, p. 296. (.A)

cannon. Visor nearly straight. (A) 1842-1858. Table exhibiting the con-
Report on cadets at AVest Point. dition in life of the parents of cadets.
Secretary J. C. Spencer. Jan. 7, 1842, Cong. Doc. No. 976, p. 832. (A)
Senate Docs., No. 42, 27th Cong., 2d 1842-1872. Hitchcock (Charles H.):
sess., vol. 2, 3 pp. O. (A)
Elementary geologj'. Newed. New
At time cadet barracks was
this York, 1867. r vol., O. (Text-book,
warmed with grates burning anthracite department of chemistry-, 1842-1872).
coal. Life and Letters of Stonewall Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
Jackson, p. 33. (A) 1.S96, p. 104. (A)
Convention at Albany proposes to
1842-1887. Table giving the occupa-
abolish the Academy, which is aristo-
tion of the parents of candidates for
cratic and unrepublican. House Jour- admission. Rept. Board of Visitors,
nal, 1S42-43, p. 347.
1887, p. 7S0, and a less complete table
The State of Maine passes resolu- in ibid., 1886, p. 772. (A)
tions against the Academy. Ex. Docs.
1S42-43. voL 5, No. 155." 1842-1891. Tables showing the occu-
pations of the parents of candidates ad-
1842-1844. Kirkham,( Samuel): Eng- mitted to U. S. Military .Academy,
lish grammar in familiar lectures, ac- 1 84 2- 1 Sg I. In Rept. Board of Visit-
companied by a compendium, embrac- ors, 1887, p. 35, and ibid., 1891. p.
ing a new systematic order of pars- 785. (A)
ing, a new system of punctuation,
exercises in false syntax, and a svstem 1842-1896. The Department of prac-
of philosophical grammar, in notes tical militar}-engineering was formed
. .appendix
. key to the exer-
. . .
in 1842. Previous to this time instruc-
cises. New ed. New York, 1829. i
tion had been given by the department
vol. O. , Text-book department of ge- of civil and military engineering. The

first detailed progrannne of in.struction

ographv-, history, and ethics, 1S42-1S44.
Cadet Registers, 1842, p. 23, and 1S44, adopted 1853. Signalling made a part
p. 21. (A) of thework of this department 1867.
Statement of the course in 1S96. Rept.
1842-1846. See Henderson: Life of Supt. U. S. Military Academy, i8g6,
Stonewall Jackson, vol. i, pp. 15-27. p. 172-173. (A)
1843, March 1. Act of Congress pro-
and Letters of Stonewall
Life vides that cadets shall be actual resi-
Jackson, by his wife, pp. 32 etseq. (A) dents of their districts; prescribes the
P. T. Turnley: Reminiscences. number of cadets; abolishes boards of
Chicago, n. d. i vol., O. [Especiallv visitors till further orders. (The latter
its Ch. III.] (A) section was repealed Aug. 8, 1846. ) (A)
See Michie, P. S.: General Mc- 1843. March 11. Subject for debate:
Clellan. \) ( "Is Texas justifiable in the conquest
See Hiilard, G. S.: Life and Cam- of Mexico?" Journal Dialectic Society,
paigns of George 15. McCIellan. (A) 1840-1S44. (A)
I04 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

1843, March 18. Question for debate: 1843. F. H. S. U. S. Military Academy.


"Has a State under any circumstances /;/ Southern Lit. Mess., November,
the right to nullify an act of Congress?" 1843, PP- 665-670 [probably F. H.
The above question was decided b}- the vSmith, U. S. Military .\cademy, 1S33].
Superintendent to be imconstitutional. (A)
Journal Dialectic Society, 1S40-T844. Documents from the Department
(A) of War ... 3d sess. 27th Cong. The
1843, April 4. History of two trophy- Military Academy [by I. J. Austin].
guns at West Point, presented to Gen- Ill N. Amer. Rev., October, 1843, PP-
eral Greene by Congress, Oct. 18, 1783. 269-292. (A)
Abstract of letters sent, p. 120,
/;/ Resolution for abolition of Mili-
O. M. A., A. G. O. tary Academy. Mainelegislature, Feb.
1843, July 11. Parks, (N. P. ): Chap- 2, 1843. Docs., No. 155, 27th
lain U. ,S. Military .\cademy. A word Cong., 3d sess., vol. 5, i p. [K)
to commanders; a discourse to the The (present) frames for weekly
graduating class. New York, 1S43,
I class reportswere made.
vol., O, pp. 16. (A) W. H. C. Account of the
Bartlett, :

1 843 July
, Letter of General Totten
5 . obser\atory, U. S. Military Academy,
with respect to the assignment of mem- etc. In Trans. .\mer. Phil. Soc, n.s.,
of the graduating class to corps.
l.iers VIII, 191. (A)
The principles heretofore carefully ob- ? Seacoast battery built about 1843.
served are: i That no cadet be ap-
( )
(Mem. of William Ward.)
pointed to a corps for which he has not
1843-1847. Poore (B. P.): Life of
been recommended by the academic Ch. III. (Description
.•\. E. Burnside.
board: (2) that cadets be, in the order
of an examination, pp. 43-45. ) Provi-
of merit, permitted to select their assign-
dence, 1SS2. I vol., O. (A)
ments in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the academic board. 1843-1857. Bailey, W. W.: My Boy-
.Vbstract of letters sent, O. M. K.,X. G. O. hood at West Point. Providence, 1891.
I vol., O. (A)
1843, July 15. Remarks of General
Totten upon the report of a board of 1843-1858. Kane (vSir Robert): Ele-
officers ( convened May ) upon the ments of chemistry, theoretical and
Military .\cademT. .\bstract of letters practical. 2d ed. Dublin, 1849. i vol.,
sent,p.' 130, O. M. .\. O. (Text-book department of chemis-
try, 1843-7858. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-

1843, September 7. Hereafter assist-

tary .\cademy, 1S96, p. 105. (X)
ant instructors of tactics will inspect
their companies daily between 8 and 9 1843-1899. Church(AlbertE.)[U. S.
a. m.; coats to be buttoned, collars Military Academy, 1S2S]: Elements of
hooked. At other inspections fatigue the differential and integral calculus.
jackets may be worn. Order Book New York, 1842. ivol.,0. (Text-book
(42-4S) U. vS. C, C. (A) department of mathematics, 1843-1899.
1843, October 18, and 1852, Sep- Cadet Registers, lS4'^, p. 21, and 1899,
tember 27. Resolutions of the aca- p. 30. (A)
demic board on the matter and manner 1844, before. " .\ guard is stationed at
of .scientific instruction in the U.S. Mili- the south dock. It was fonuerly the
tary Academy. Quoted i)i Rept. ,Supt. custom to take the names of all gentle-
U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 17. men arriving at or leaving the post."
(A) Colton's Guide to West Point, p. 7.
1843. Extract from a report of General (A)
Totten to the Secretary of War on V S.
Military .Academy. Rept. Board of

1844, January 2. Washington's order

about swearing published to the corps.
Visitors, 1888, p. 4. (A)
Post Orders, vol. 2, p. 13S. (.\)
.\ board of officers ( Gen. W. Scott,
president) inspect and report on the 1844, January 29. Of cadets admitted
instruction at U. S. Military Academj'. since the act of Congress Apr. 29, 1812,
Statement by the academic board of there have been graduated i,iiS; 6ire-
the fundamental principles of instruc- .signed before five years; the number of
tion at West Point. Ill Rept. Supt. graduates now- in the service is 542. A
U. S. Military Academy 1896, pp. S4-5S. table is given showing to what corps
(A) they belong. Rept. of Adjutant-Gen-
eral, House Doc. No. 96, Cong. Doc.
Board of Visitors recommends 50
No. 442. (A)
horses for cavalry instruction. More
attention to the study of history and 1844, April 9. Names of all persons
literature. Ex. Doc. 1842-43, vol. i, arriving on post registered. Post Or-
pp. 25S-260. ders, vol. 2, p. 153. (A)
Bihliograpliy of the U. S. Military Academy. 105

1844, December 2. Guard duty after 1845. Hostile criticism of the Military
tajis. Post (Jrders, vol. 2, p. 203. (A) .Academy in the preface and here and
1844. I'ish, Hamilton: Report ... on there of Recollections of the U. S.
till' resolutions
of legislatures .; . .
.\nny ... by an American soldier.
also ])etilion praying the aboli- Boston, 1S45. I vol., O. pp. 167. {.\)
. . .

tion of the Military Academy and res- —'

Dade monument erected.

olution of the House relative to the Iron fence in front of Superintend-
number of cadets, i pam., O., 1844. ent's, etc., cjuarters built.
28th Cong., 1st sess.. House Rept. No.
Chief of Engineers recommends
476. vol. 2,43 pp. (A)
the creation of a corps of sapjiers and
Cadet married. Resignation miners and the supply of models for
takes effect from date of marriage. teaching military science. [Title of
Post Orders, vol. 2, p. 187. (A) book lost; it is probably one of the
Rolls of the cadets of the U. S. letter books of the Inspector U. S. Mili-
Military Academy prepared for the an- tary Academy.] vol. I, 1S45-46, p. 269.
nual examination in June, 1S44, show- ? Siege battery built about 1S45.
ing their standing . . . i pam., O. (Mem. of William'Ward.
1845-1847. O'Maher, Mary Isabel:
Message on Army appointments. Letters from West Point, 1845-18;/. 1
President John Tyler, Mar. 12, 1844. MS. (A)
vol., F., Docs., No. iSi, 2Sth Cong., ist
1845-1851. Cadet barracks built
.sess., vol. 5, 3 pp. [List of appoint-
(;Ji86,ooo) (two divisions of west wing
ments since Jan. I, 1S43.] [\)
added, 1S82). .1 description and view
Report on Military Academy. of it in Boynton's History of West
Secretary J. M. Porter. Jan. 30, 1844. Point, p. 261.
House Docs., No. 96, 2Sth Cong., ist 1845-1855. Table.showing the indebt-
sess., vol. 4, 3 pp. (C)
edness of the corps of cadets on Oct. 31
Report on cadets at AVest Point. of each year since 1845 when the pay
Secretary William Wilkins. Apr. 4, of cadets was reduced to f 24. The av-
1844. House Docs., No. 220, 28th erage was f 5, 1 iS. 18. Rept. Supt U. S. .

Cong., 1st sess., vol. 5, 3 pp. (A) Military Academy, 1S56, ( .\ I

Stag dances in camp described. 1845-1858 and 1860-1862. Bullions,

In Colton's Guide to West Point, p. 17. Rev. Peter. The principles of English
( )

(A) grannuar; comprising the substance of

1844-1846. Willetts (Jacob): New and tlie most appro\'ed English grammars
improveil school geography, accom- extant, with copious exercises in pars-
panied by a new and correct atlas, 5th ing and .sj-ntax, and an appendix of
ed. Poughkeepsie, 1S42. i vol., O. various and useful matter. New York,
(Text-book department of geographj", 1 85 1. I vol., O, (Text-book depart-
history, and ethics, 1S44-1S46. Cadet ) ment of geography-, historv and ethics,
Registers, 1S44, p. 21, and 1S46, p. 21. 1845-185S and i,S6t^-i852, )' Cadet Reg-
(a'i isters, 1845, p. 2r,and 1862, p. 17. (.\)
1844-1847. Hedge (Levi): Elements 1845-1882. 1845-1866, 1,731 cadets
of logick, or a summary of the general admitted; 43 per cent graduated; in
principles and different modes of rea- 1S66 grammar, geography, and history
soning. Boston, I S40. ivol.,0. (Text- were added to entrance requirements.
book department of history, geography 1 867- 1 873, 845 cadets admitted, 41 per
and ethics, 1S44-1S47.) Cadet Regis- cent graduated; 1873-1,882, 1,570 cadets
ters, 1844, p. 20, and 1847, p. 22. (A) admitted, 33 per cent graduated; of
1844-1861. Wayland (Francis): The those appointed, 1873-18S2, after com-
elements moral science.
of (Text- petitive examination, 47 per cent grad-
book department of history, geography uated, while 25 per cent of those ap-
and ethics, 1844-1861.) Boston, 1S38, pointed without examination graduated.
I vol., O. Cadet Registers, 1S44, p. 20, Rept. ,Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
and 1861, p. iS. (A) 1852, p. 192, (.\)

Effects of West Point train-ing. 1846, February 2. Gymnasium started.

See Walker (F. A. General Hancock,
) : Entire battalion attends. Post Orders,
p. 27. (A) vol. 2, p. 294. (A)
1845, March 3. Act of Congress: The 1846, April 26. The corps pledges it-
pav of cadets fixed at f 24 per month. self to abstain from the use of intoxi-
(.V) cating liquors. Post Orders, vol. 2, p.

1845, November 7. Reorganization 308, ( A )

of Dialectic Society. Post Orders, vol. 1846, May 15. .\ small ponton train
2, p. 279. (A) provided for the instruction of cadets.
io6 Centennial of United States Militaiy Aeadeniy.

Papers Pract, Eng., No. 4, 1S49, p. 279. for the admission of cadets
(A) New York, i vol., O, 1847, pp. 45.
1846, May 15. Act of Congress organ-
izing a company of sappers and miners 1847. Message on promotion of cadets.
to aid ill giving instruction at U. S. President Jas. K. Polk, Feb. 15, 1847.
Military Academy. (A) Senate Ex. Docs., No. 25, 30th Cong.,
1st sess., vol. 4, 2 pp. (A)
1846, June 20. New forage caps is-
sued. Order Book (42-4S), U. S.C.C. The legislature of Georgia ex-
(A) presses its high sense of the value of
1846, June 30. Cadets forbidden to the Academy. Senate Journal, 1847-48,
alter new forage cap by taking out p. 108.
stiffening or otherwise. Order Book Resolution on Military Academy,
(42-48), U.vS.C.C. (A) West Point. Georgia legislature, Dec.
1846, July 3. Cadets forbidden to 30, 1847. Senate Mis. Docs., No. 59,
wear the (?) light shoes on dutv. 30th Cong., 1st .sess., vol. i, i p. (A)
Order Book 42-4SJ, U. S. C. C. (A)
Uniform of cadets described; a
1846, August 8. Act of Congress di.s- black velvet stripe on the grey trousers.
continuing a Board of Visitors repealed. Eager's History of Orange County,
See Mar. i, 1843; promotes the teachers N. Y.,p. 587. '(A)
of drawing and French to professors. 1847 to Le Brethon (J. J. P.):

(A) Guide to the French language . . .

1846, October 8. All academic signals corrected, enlarged, and improved by

and call to quarters to be sounded on P. Bekeart. 2d Am. from 7th Lond.,
liugle instead of drum as before. Post ed. New York, 1846. lvol.,0. (Text-
Orders, vol. 3, p. 31. (A) book de])artment of modern languages,
1847 to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
1846. Report on West Point Academy.
tary Academy, 1S96, p. 13S. (A)
Representative A. C. Niven, May 11,
1846. House Repts., No. 660, 29th 1847-1882. Reports of the Boards of
Cong., 1st sess., vol. 3, 3 pp. (A) Visitors are to be found in Reports of
the Secretary of War for 1847, 1848-
1846-1848. Names of officers of Mexi-
1S49; 1S50, 1851, 1852, 1S53, 1854, 1855,
can war on tablets in the chapel, i
1S56, 1857, 1S58, 1S59; 1S60, 1S61, 1862,
pam., O. (n. d.) (A)
1863; 1870, 1871, 1875, 1879; iSSo; and
1846-1902. The music of the trumpet for 1872 in House Mis. Doc. 14242; for
callsfor cadets. Written out byTrump- 1881 in Senate Mis. Doc. 14; for 18S2 in
eter I^ewis, 1903. I sheet, MS. (A) House Mis. Doc. No. 24. Rept. Board
of Visitors, 1884, p. S25. (A)
1847, April 14. Order relating to vic-
tories in Mexican war. Post Orders, 1848, June 16. Addresses in the
vol. 3, p. 79. (A) chapel of the U. S. Military Academy,
by Hon. Ashbell Smith, of Texas, and
1847, Jxme 25. By direction of super- Col. A. W. Doniphan, of Missouri. O,
intendent the battalion will be marched New York. N. Y. [184.S], i v., O.,
to all meals with field music. S. O. 29, (A)
pp. 21.
Order Book (42-48), U. S. C. C. (A)
1848, June. The
firm enforcement of
1847, August 10. Lithographed cir- discipline to the success of
is es.sential
cular from the Superintendent U. S. the Academy— clemency to the indi-
Military Academy to all graduates an- vidual is too often injurious to the
nouncing the intention to publish a mass; the course of study should ex-
complete register and asking for their tend over five years; a department
records in the war with Mexico, etc. of law should be established; Spanish
(Schuvlkill arsenal, MS., No. 267.) should be taught; logic should be cut
(A) out of the course; the library should
have )fl,5oo a year; five cadets are
1847, November vSuperintendent
recommends that sometimes in one room; 30 dragoons
cadets form cricket
clubs ill order to get exercise during
are "stationed at West Point. Rept.
suspension of drills. Post Orders, vol.
Board of Visitors. (A)
142. (A) Bill of fare of cadets given in full;
3, p.
only one cadet has died from disease
1847, November 30. Cadets acting as since 1802 and the cause of death was
assistant ]jrofessors to lie distinguished pneumonia (1S45). Rept. Board of
by captain's chevrons with the addition Visitors. [.S(V 18415-1860. During these
of a star on each arm. Post Orders, years 11 cadets died.] (A)
vol. 3, p. 152. (A)
1848. The Napoleon Club organized
1847. The graduates of the U. S. Mili- about this time by officers stationed at
tary Academy . . . Regulations West Point for the study of campaigns.
Bihliojrraphy of the U. S. Mililnry ^Icademv.

Michie'a McClellan, p. 24: Maury's No. 30th Cong., 2d sess., vol. 4. 5

Recollections, p. 50. (A) \i\i. Statement of contingent expenses
1848. report on expenses of military of militarv establishment for vear 18.1.S.
establishment. Secretary \V. L. Marcy, (A)
Jan. 26, 1S4S. Senate Kx. Docs., No. 1849. I^ieut. C. P. Kingsljury's ele-
15, 30th Cong., 1st .sess., vol. 4, 3 pp. mentary on artilleryand infan-
(A) try (New York, 1849. i vol., (.)., pp.
1848 1853. 5(r DavieslH. R.): Gen- 203) took the place of Thiroux' Artil-
eral Sheridan, pp. 3-4. Sec a ho Sheri- lery [in French] as a text-book. (A)
dan's Personal Memoirs, vol. i, pp. 1849, about. A change of the cadet uni-
5-14- (A) form from gray to blue was proposed.
See Sheridan, P. H.: Personal .S"<v Willis N. P. Hurrygraphs, ed.
( ) .

Memoirs, vol. I, pp. 9-14. (.\) of T851, p. 136. (A)

1848-1861. Whately (Richard): 1849-50. Cadet uniform: Cadet Lieut.
I-;iemenls of logic, comprising the sub- I".. K. Warren's portrait. Cap orna-
stance of the article in the Eucyclo- ment, eagle over a large castle; long
px'dia Metropolitana, with additions, sword: linen collar turned down over
etc. Boston, I S4S. ivol.,0. (Text- collar of coatee; he wearsa moustache.
book department of history, geography Jour, of Rev. Silas Constant, p. 450.
and ethics, 1S48-1S61.) Cadet Regis- (A)
ters, iS4,S, p. 22, and i,S6i, p. 18. (A) 1849-1853. Schofield (J. M.i: Forty-
1848-1872. Chapsal (M. ): Leeons si.x years in the Army, pp. 3-16, 26 et
et Modeles de Littdrature Franjaise seq., 439 et .seq. (.\)
ou Choi.x de Morceaux en prose et en See Cullum, G. W. Robert Ogden :

Vers. Nouvelle ed. New York, 1S46. Tyler. A memorial. (A)

I vol., O. (Text-book department of
modern languages, 1S4S-1872. Cadet
.SV<' Davies, Henry K.: General

.Sheridan. (.A)
Registers, 1S4S, p. 23, and 1S72, p. 27.
(A) See In Memoriam Gen. P. H.
Sheridan. (A)
Mahan (I). H.) [U. S. Military
Academy, 1824]: .-Vdvance-guard, out- Sec Personal Memoirs of P. H.
post, and detachment service of troops, Sheridan, U. S. .\rmv. In two volumes.
w'ith the e.s.sential principles of strategy Vol. I. (A)
and grand tactics for the use of officers 1849-1872. Bo]mar(A. ): Theoretical
of the militia and volunteers. New ed. and ])ractical grammar of the French
New York, 1S63. ivol.,0. (Text-book language New and rev. ed. New
. . .

department of civil and military engi- York, 1834. I vol., O. (Text-book

neering, 184.S-1872. ) Rept. Sup't. V S. . department of modern languages, 1S49-
Military Academv, 1896, p. 161. Cadet 1S72. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Acad-

Registers, 1872, p. 28. (A) emy, 1.S96. p. 138. (.A)

January 1. Order relating to 1849-1885. Rowan (F. M.): Mor-
captured Mexican flags and .services of ceaux Choisis des Auteurs Modernes, a
Ill graduates in Mexican war. Post I'n.sage de la Jeunesse. (New York,
I' Orders, vol. 3, p. 2.S9. (A) 1870. I vol.,0. (Text-book depart- )

1849, January 23. First class goes ment modern languages, 1849-1885.)
on ])lc<lge for .sake (.>f a classmate. Post Rept. Supt. U. S. Militarv Academv,
t)r(lers, vol. 3, p. 293. (.-V) 1896, p. 1 38. (A)
1849, February 19. Act of Congress: 1850, May. The uniform of the U. S.
forage allowances of professors U. S. Military Academy band made the same
Military Academy. (A) as that of arm}' bands. Boynton's His-
1849, April 9. Cadets required to tory of Point, p. 337. (A)
batlie in new barracks once a week. 1850, June. The Spanish language
Not oftener without Superintendent's should be studied: also evidences of
permission. Order Book (49-59), U.S. revealed religion history and Eng- ;

C. C. (A) lish; more attention to law; new riding

1849, November 22. Cadets desiring hall is needed; the pay of a cadet is I24
to bathe more than once a week re- without rations; "India-rubber cloak
quired to get permit in writing. Post fund" covers charges for the use of
Orders, vol. 3, p. 386. (A) same by cadets; table giving the con-
1849, November 24. Profes.sors and dition in life of parents of cadets,
other officers required to attend chapel. 1842- 850. Rept. Board of Visitors.

Post Orders, vol. 3, p. 386. (.A)


1849. Report on contingent expenses 1850, August 6 Corporal of guard sta- .

of War Department. Secretary W. L. tioned at each door of mess hall, etc.

Jlarcy, Jan .6, 1849. House E.x. Doc, Order Book (49-59), U. S. C. C. (A)
Coiteniiial of Ufiitcd States Military Academy
1850, September 16. Act of Congress 1850-1859. Mordecai Alfred [U. S.( )

fixes pay of professors U. S. Military Military .Academy, 1861]: Report of

Academy. (A) experiments on gunpowder made at
1850, September 28. Act of Congress Washington Arsenal in 1843 and 1844.
fixes the pay Superintendent
of the Washington, 1845, i voL, O. (Text-
U. S. Military Academy. (A) book department of ordnance and gun-
nery, 18501-1859.) Rept. ,Supt. U. S.
1850. Cadet mess hall Grant Hall
Military Academy, 1896, p. 180; Cadet

built., 1859, p. 16. (A)
Main guardhouse built.
1850-1887. Poncelet (J. V.): ,Syn-
Report on Military Establishment. thetical mechanics. Translated bj- \V.
Secretary G. W. Crawford, Jan. 22, H. C. Bartlett. (Text-book depart-
1850, House Ex. Doc, No. 21, 31st ment of natural and experimental phi-
Cong., 1st sess., vol. 7, 5 pp. (A) losophy, 1850-1853. Bartlett's Analyt-
. General Orders, Adjutant-fien- ical Mechanics used 1.S53-18S7. ) Rept.
eral's Office, No. 18, describes the dress Supt. U. S. Military .\cademy, 1S96, p.
of the band. (A) 17; Cadet Re.gister, 1887, p. 31.
Sunday evening parade di.scontin- 1851, March 3. Act of Congress fixes
ued. Rept. Board of Visitors, TS52, p. the pay of professors U. ,S. Militar\'
194. The Board recommends that the Academy. (.A)
south dock be built, ibid. (p. 212); 1851, June. The trophy guns of the
table showing the condition of the par- Mexican war should be sent from Gov-
ents of cadets (p. 213). (.A) ernors Island to West Point; each cadet
-. Davies (C): Logic of mathemat- costs the United States per year f 690.86;
ics (preface, pp. 3, 4). New York, tables of furniture and bedding to be
1850. I vol., O. (A) purchased by cadets (165.78), of cloth-
Dress hat and ornament, collar, ing ($485.72), of miscellaneous ex-
sword, sword belt, cuffs, chevrons, and penses (138.42), of permanent charges
plume, shown in photo of General War- (1717.34), a'"l ^O'' books (1:46.09).
ren while a cadet. Journal of Rev. Si- Rept. Board of Visitors. (.A)
las Constant, by Roebling. (A) 1851, October 7. The library contains
Mahan(D. H.) [U. S. Military 16,036 bound volumes, 300 maps, etc.
Academy, 1824] Summary of the course
The accessions were: 183S, 250 vols.;
of permanent fortification and of the 1839, 602 vols.; 1S40, 159 vols.; 1841,
attack and defense of permanent works. 377 vols.; 1842, 108 vols.; 1.843, 171
West Point, 1S50. i vol., O. (Text- vols.; 1S44, 50 vols.; 1845, 130 vols.;
book U. S. Military .Academy, 1S50. 1846, 25 vols.; 1847. 50 vols.; 1848,80
(A) vols.; 1849, 256 vols.; 1S50, 700 vols.
MS. letter of Lieut. Henry Copp^e,
1850 to . Light artillery drill regu.
U. S. -Army, librarian.
lations, U. ,S. .Army. Washington, 1891-
I vol., 16°, (Text-book department of 1851. Cadet barracks completed at a
tactics, 1850 to 1 Rept. Supt. S.
. V .
It contains 210 rooms.
cost of f 186,000.
Military .Academy, iSg6, p. 126; Cadet An extension with 33 rooms, costing
Register, 1850, p. 22. (.A) $72,000, completed in 1882. (A)
Tactics for garrison artillery. Whistler (Jas. Abbott McNeill)
Text-book department of tactics. 1S50 at West Point. In Chap. Book, vol. 8,

to . ) Rept. Supt. r. S. Military No. II, Apr. 15, 1894, pp. 439-442.
Academy, 1S96, p. 126; Cadet Register, (A)
1S50, p. 22. Commandant's office and cadet
Tactics for siege artillery. Text- (
guardhouse erected at a cost of $3,500.
book departmentof tactics, 1S50 to .
(The clock in it presented by Lafay-
Rept. ,Supt. U. S. Militar}' Academy, ette, it is .said.) (.A)
1.S96, p. 126; Cadet Register, 1850, p. Description and view [about 1828],
22. quoted from Hunt's Letters about the
Tactics for garrison, siege, and Hudson. Also view before 1790. In
field artillery.(Text-book department Barber's Hist. Coll. N. Y., 1,851, pp.
of ordnance and gunnery, 1S50 to . 267-273. (A)
Rept. Supt. U. .S. Military Academy,
1851-1856. Davis (Daniel, jr.): Man-
1896, p. 180.
ual of magnetism, including electro-
1850-1854. See Lossing's Memoir of magnetism, magneto-elect: icity, and
J. T. Greble, pp. 17, 22, 95, and else- thermo-electricity. Bo.ston, 1842, i
where. (A) vol., O. (Text-book department of
Sec Howard (O. O. i, the Christian natural and experimental philosophy,
Hero, by L. C. Hollowav, 1885, pp. 1851-1856.) Cadet Register, 1851, p.
^5-34. (A) 20, and 1S56, p. 21. (A)
Bibliography of till' U. S. Miliiarv Acadcniv. 109
1852, June 21. Assistant instructors 1852. .Second cadet mess hall (Crant
of tactics tt) be detailed as oflicer in Hall I, erected at a cost of 543,187.
charge for three days instead of one Boynton's History of West Point, p.
week. .S. O. ^S. Order Book 09-59), 262. .SchofieldHiill added 1876. Crant
r. ,S. C. C. (A) Hall enlarged igo2. (\)
1852, June. Report ISoard of X'isitors. -After the completion of the .stone
In Cong. Doc. 674, p. 168. The ])ayof mess hall the cadets were messed liv
cadets previous to 1S45 \vasS2.S.2o per contract (Mr. NichoUs. contractor).
month, and is now which is in- Tliis sv.stem was changed bv Colonel
sufficient. The present Superintend- De Russy. CidUnn MS. (.A)
seven years expended 56.'" "'
ent has in 1852-1856, and 1861. Cadet life at
more than his pay. Tlie study of cav- West Point, etc. In The Life of George
alry tacticswas recommended in 1833, D. Bayard, I'. S. .\nuy, by S. F. Bay-
in and is again reconnnended.
1S43, ard. New York, 1874. i voL.O (por-
Table showing the number of graduates trait), e.specially pp. 28 et seq. (A)
from each State, 1S02-1S31; total, 1,53.=; 1852-1881. (W. H. C.)
(p. 190). (.\) [!'. S. Military Academy, 1826]: Ele-
1852, July 10. Watch guards, chains, ments of natural philo.sophy. Pt. II,
seals not to be exposed when on duty. -Acoustics; Pt. HI, Optics. NewA'ork,
1.S52. I vol.. O. (Text-book depart-
Each cadet must ha\e 2 white linen
fatigue jackets. Order Book (49-59). ment of natural and experimental phi-
r. S. C. C. A I
losophy, 1S52-1881.) (.A)
1852-1898. Church (Alberts.) [U.S.
1852, August 6. .\ct of Congress fixes
Military .Academy, 1828]: Elements of
the pay of assistant professors, I". ,S.
analytical geometry. New York, l,S5i.
Military .Academy. \\)
1 vol., O. (Text-book department of
1852. Until this date fencing was mathematics. 1.852-1S98.) Cadet reg-
taught to the first class, after it to the isters, 1S52, p. 21, and 1S9S. p. 30. (.\)
fourth class. H. J. K. 1853. January 25. Battalion sized
Song of the graduates, 1852. and reorganizeil. .A and D companies
Music by .\pelles; words by Cadet composed of tall cadets, permanently
T . New York, 5 pp., F. Litlio-
. . first and fourth companies; B and C
graph frontispiece showing uniforms small, permanently second and third
of a cadet private and of a second lieu- companies. Permanent assignment to
tenant, U. ,S. .\rmy. (.\) quarters: .A, 2 divisions east end; B,
Reports on naval cadets and in- 2 divisons east of .sally port; C, 2 di-

struction. Secretary C. M. Comrad. visions west, and half of angle division

if necessary; D, 2 divisions south wing,
July 30, US52, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 98,
32d Cong., 1st sess., vol. lu, 3 pp. In and half of angle division, if neces.sarv.
relation to a proposed increase of the Order Bonk (49-59) U. S. C. C. (A)
number of cadets, and a change in the 1853, April 1. Drawing [tracing] of
course of instruction at the Military "present cadet dress cap, black felt,
."Academy, with an estimate of the ex- patent leather top, weight 10J4 ounces,
pense thereof. .A ( cost f2." Plnme of feathers; castle
Report on the .\rmy. Maj. Gen. below eagle as cap ornaments. Orig-
Winfield Scott, Nov. 22, 1852. .Senate inal in Engineer Department, Wash-
Ex. Docs. No. I, pp. 33-65, 32d Cong., ington. (.A)
2d sess., vol. 2. (.A) 1853, June 24. The sun dial will be
Catalogue of the library of the under the custody of sentinel on No.
U. S. Military .Academy, Point. 6, who will see that no one in consult-

N. Y., exhibiting its condition at the ing it puts his hands on it. Orders No.
close of the ^-ear 1852. New York, 10, extract 18, Order Book (49-59),

John F. Trow, printer, 1853, i '<o\., C, U. S. C. C. (A)

viii, 403 pp., interleaved. [Pages 353- 1853, June. Report Board of Yisitors
403. .\lphabeticalindex, ]). iii-v. Re- in Cong. Doc. No. 711, p. iSo. The
marks by Lieut. Hy Copp^e on earlier pay of cadets is $24 monthly, and does
catalogues, increase of the library, ap- not cover their expenses ( p. 187 ) (
A .

propriations, the building and statis-

tics.] (A) 1853. Cost
of equatorial telescope,
$5,000; cost of artillery and cavalry
West Point Cadets Camp Polka, horses and forage. 19,481).
danced under the direction of Mr.
Flasko, composed by Emil . . West Point, N. Y. [The third and
Ganther. professor of piano, Baltimore last of a series of articles.] 111. In
[New York?] n. d. [1852]. 4 pp., F. Gleason's Pictorial Drawing Room
(A) Compauiou, May 9, 1S53. (A)
no- Cnitciiiiial of U/n'/rd S/a/rs Militai-v Aradniiy.
1853. Regulations. With an appendix of ethics .should be appointed; study of
containing extracts from the general history to be enforced. Ex. Doc, vol.
regulations for the Army, and the rules I, pt. '2, 1.S54-55, p. 1S-117.

and articles of war. New York, J. F. 1854, August 28. Order of .Secretary
Trow, 1S53. XXV, 164 pp., O. (A) of War fixes the duration of the course
Addresses to the graduating class, at five years (the class of 1S54 was di-
1853, by Kenneth Rayner. (A) vided; part graduated in 1S54, the rest
D'Or^mieulx (Mrs. Th. M.): Rec- in 1855). Oct. II, 1858, the
ollections of West Point in 1S53. MS. changed to four years, and .Apr. 5, 1859,
(A) to five years. Boynton's History of
5 PP- (1902).
West Point, pp. 24.8, 250. (.A)
West Point Dream Waltz, com-
jiosed and dedicated to Mrs. General 1854, September 1. The .Spanish lan-
,Scott by Cadet Thomas Wilson, of the guage first taught at V S. Military .

U. .S. Military Academy [class of 1853]. Academy. The professorship was es-
[Baltimore?], 1S53. 5pp.,F. Colored tablished by act of Congress Feb. 16,
lithograph frontispiece, showing hotel, 1857. P. de Janon, professor, 1857-
etc. (A) 1S82 (except 1863-1865). A list of
te.xt-books emploved given at p. 141,
Woodcut of cadet uniform, .show-
loc. cit. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
ing officer and privates' cap, dress hat,
Academy, 1896, pp. 139, 141. (.\)
musket, belts, and ornaments. U. S.
Militarv Academv Misc., vol. i, p. 45 1854, September 18. Course changed
(A) to five vears. Post Orders, vol. 4, p. 216.
1853-1883. Miller (W'illiam Allen):
Ph vsics of chemistry, later called chem-

1854, October 7. The last register of

and after about
ical physics, i<S66 called the graduates was published in 1850.
magnetism and electricity. New York, It is proposed to publish a register ev-

1871. 1 O. (Text-book depart-

vol., ery five years instead of trienniallv, as
ment of chemistry, 1853-1883.) Rept. heretofore, beginning in 1S55. Rept.
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, Supt. U. vS. Military Academy, Cong.
p. 105.
Doc. No. 747, p. 127. (.\)
1853-1887. Bartlett (W. H. C.) [U.S. 1854. .\ddresses to the graduating
Military .\cademy, 1S26]: Elements of class, 1854, bv S. J. Bavard. pam., O.
analytical mechanics. 3d ed. New (A)
York, 1S55. ivol.,0. (Text-book de- .\nonymous: West Point and ca-
partment of natural and experimental det life. /;/ Putnam's Monthly, .^lUgust,
philo.sophy, 1,853-1.887.) Rept. Supt. 1S54, pp. 192-204. (A)
U. S. Militarv .\cademv, 1896, pp. 18-19. Report on the Military Academy,
(A) .Superintendent and Board of Visitors,
1854, February 2. Gen. J. G. Swift June and October, 1854, House Ex.
sent to Colonel Thayer a memoir on Docs., No. I, pt. 2, pp. 117-158, 33d
West Point; and to the editor of the Cong., 2d sess., vol. I. (A)
National Intelligencer a notice of the The Ordnance Mu.seuni founded.
U.S. Military Academv. Swift's Diarv, Bovnton's History of West Point, p.
MS. 297. (A)
1854, May 10. .\ct of Congress fixes Cavalry stables built.
the pav of the master of the sword.
Cost of a wharf [the south dock],
1854, June. Rept. Board of Visitors
i)i Cong. Doc. No. 747, p. 12S. A five 1855, March 3. Act of Congress fixes
tilepay of the professors of French and
years' course is recommended; the elo-
.Spanish and of drawing. [\)
cution of the cadets is poor; history
.should be studied p. 130) cadets grad-
; 1855, June. Rept. Board of Visitors,
uate in debt (p. 131); new officers' Cong. Doc. 811. The system of the
quarters badly needed (p. 148); the U. S. Military Academy forms habits
methods of instruction described (p. of order, sy.stem, punctuality, respon-
150): a preparatory .school is recom- sibility, subordination, obedience, and
mended (p. 151); list of the public conseciuent efficiency (p. 226); course
buildings (p. 155). (A) of studies (p. 248); officers' cjuarters
Rept. Board of Visitors, Cong. badly needed (p. 254); report of the
Doc. 778, p. 128. A five years' course librarian (p. 25S). (A)
recommended 130); list and de-
(p. 1855, July Colonel Walker, com-
scription of 21 public buildings at West mandant, on fourth classmen to
Point (p. 155). (A) use their baj-onets on upper classmen
Course of studv extended to five interfering with them, etc., and re-
years; better hospital needed; professor minds sentinels that their muskets have
Bibtiograpliy nf llic U. S. Militarv Acadcni V. I 1

bayonets. Order Book (49-^9), V . S. 1855-1891. Bartlett (\V. IL C.) [U.

C.'C. (A) S. Military .Academy, 1S26]: Elements
1855, September 6. Cadet and 11011- of natural philoso])liy. Vol. IV. Sjilier-
coiiiniissioiied olTiccrs boardinj^ at Mrs. ical a.stronomy. New York, 1855. i
Thompson's to procure substitutes and vol., O. (Text-book department of
to attend meals at mess ball when their natural and experimental philosophy,
services are re(|uired. Order Book 1855-1891. ) Rejit. Supt, U. S. Military
(49-59), U. S. C. C. (.-M
.Xcidemy, 1896, pp. l8-ig, (A)
1855. cadet riding hall built at a 1856, April 23. Act of Congress fixes
cost of ;j22,uoo. (.\) the extra pay of the librarian, a.ssistant
Report on Military .\cadeiny, librarian, and other employees. The
.Secretary of the Senate is to furnish the
Board of Visitors, June, 1S55, House
library, U. S. Military .-Vcademy, with a
Ex. Docs., No. I, pt. 2, pp. 225-259,
34th Cong., istsess., vol. i.
copy of all Senate documents, [h)
Reporton Military .\cademy,Supt. 1856, June 12. .\ct of Congress gives
the local rank of colonel and lieutenant-
J. G. Barnard, Sept. 30, 1855. House
colonel of En,gineers, respectively, to
Ex. Docs., No. I, pt. 2, pp. 216-224, 34th
the Superintendent U. S. Military
Cong., istsess.; vol. g. {.\\
.\cademy and to the commandant of
Letters on the Military ,\cademy. cadets, the latter to be instructor of
Colonel Lee and General Totten, De- tactics; fixes the pa\- of the senior as-
cember, 1S54. and January, 1S55. sistants of tactics. (.A)
House Misc. Docs., No. 13, 33d Cong.,
2d sess., vol. I. 6 pp. y.\\
1856, June. Rept. Board of Visitors
/// Cong. Doc. No. S76, p. 300. The
Report on Jlilitary .\cademy. Superintendent should be selected from
Representative Houston. Jan. 11,1855. any one of the scientific corps of the
House Repts., No. 26. 33d Cong., 2d .Army (p. 301); perhaps a second acad-
sess., vol. I, I p. (A) emy should be established (p. 301);
Estimates for Military Academy, piazzas should be built to cadet barracks
Supt. J. (t. Barnard, Oct. 11, 1S55. House (p. 302); cadets should not be turned
Ex. Docs., No. I, pt. 2, pp. 224-225, 34th back (p. 303); a department of moral
Cong., istsess., vol. 1. (.A) philosophy, should be establi,shed
Willis N. P. Out-doors at Idle-
( ) :
(p. 305); cost of board for cadets per
wild; or the shaping of a home on the month is fe.59 (p. 317); the elocution
banks of the Hudson [near Cornwall] of cadets is bad (p. 326.) (A)
. .New York, 1S55. i vol., O. See
1856, October 11. The commandant
pp. 414-423- (A) takes pleasure in announcing that the
Kentuckv moves that
State of corps will be reviewed by the Hon.
the Hermitage be purchased and the Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War. By
Academy moved there. House Misc. order Colonel Hardee. Order Book
Docs., vol. 2, p. 151. (49-59),U. S. C. C. (A)
1855, about. The trees along sentinel's 1856. Capt. G. B, McClellan built and
beats in camp planted. armed the mortar and siege batteries.
Cong. Doc. 10S9, p. 151. .\)
1855 to . (By authority) Cavalry

tactics U. S. Army, assimilated to the Soldiers' chapel built (now used

tactics of infantry and artillery. New as barracks for field musicians).
York, 1S78. I vol., O. (Text-book de-
Report of the condition of the
partment of tactics, 1S55 to .) Ca-
Military .Academy. Senate Doc, 1855-
det Register, 1855, p. 20. (.A)
56, vol. 2, p. 214.
1855-1858. Lossing (Benson J.): A
Report of West Point Visitors,
pictorial history of the United States.
Francis H. Smith, president, June 17,
New York, 1854. i vol., O. (Text- 1S56. Senate E.x. Docs. No. 5, pp.
book department of geography-, history,
^tHj-ssS, 34th Cong., 3d sess., vol. -5.
and ethics, 1855-1S5S. ) Cadet Regis-
ters, 1S55, p. 22, and 1S58, p. 19. \k)
Spanish not taught. Professor
1855-1867. Sargent (Epes): The recommended. Better water supply,
standard speaker, containing exercises
barracks, etc., needed. Ex. Docs.,
in and poetry for declamation in
1856-57, vol. 1, pt. 2, No. 7S2.
schools, academies, ... a treatise on
oratory and elocution, nth ed. Phil- Report on the Military Academy.
adelphia, 1854. ivol.,0. (Text-book Superintendent and Board of Visitors.
department of ethics, 1S55-1867. Cadet June and October. 1S56. House Ex.
Registers 1S55, p. 22, and 1867, ]). 24. Doc, No. I. part 2, pp. 293-339, .54"!
(A) Cong,, 3d sess., vol. I. (A)
112 Cciifcnnial of United States Ali/itary Acadcni)

1856, about. Stereoscopic slide oil 920, pp. 204-218. a severe criti-
[It is
glass showing cadets serving the guns cism of the course of and military
of the seacoast battery. (A) engineering, U. S. Military Academy,
1856 to Spiers (A.), and Sii-
with suggestions for its iinjiroveinent.
renne (Gabriel): Standard pronounc- It was indorsed by the Board of Msit-

ing dictionary of the French and Eng- ors, same vol., p. 200.] (.A)

lish languages. New York, 1859, i vol., 1857, -June. Rept. Board of Yisitors in
O. (Reference text-book department Cong. Doc. 920, p. 197. The study re-
of modern languages. 1856 to .) quired of cadets is excessive; the sub-
Rept. Supt. U. S. 'Military Academy, jects studied not always adapted to the
1S96, p. 138. (A) ends required p. 19S a reorganization
( ) ;

1856-1858. Roemer and Caman- is necessary (p. 199); the text-books in

cliu I Simon I : Polyglot reader, and use are not satisfactory- (p. 200); new
guide for tran.slation, consisting of a plan for administration of the U. S.
series of English extracts, with their Military Academy and the post pro-
translation into French, German, Span- posed (pp. 201-202); aboard should be
ish, and Italian. New York, i8,S5. i appointed to consider and report on
vol., O. (Text-book department of the Academy (p. 203). (A)
modern languages, 1S56-1858.) Rept. 1857, July 15. The use of umbrellas
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. by officers of Arnn- on duty with corps
141. I -A 1
of cadets is strictly forbidden. Order
1856-1861. Weber (Dr. George): Out- Book (49-59 K tT. S. C. C. (A)
lines of universal history, from the 1857, August 14. Revised edition of
creation of the -world to the present regulations for the Military Academy
time. Translated from the German by ineffect. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 71. (A)
Dr. M. Behr. 3d ed. Bo.ston, 1854, 1857, September 11. Cadets will be
1 vol., O. (Text-book department of allowed to smoke in area of barracks
geography, history, and ethics, 1856- and no other place. Order Book
1S61:) Cadet Regi.sters, 1856, p. 22, and S. C. C. (A)
(49-59). t'.
tS6i, p. 17. (A)
1857, November. Gas works built.
1856-1874. Josse (M.): A grammar
of the Spanish language. New York, 1857, December 23. Lieutenant Ca-
1869, I vol., O. (Text-book depart- sey, Corps of Engineers, appointed
ment of modern languages, 1856-1S74.) director of the gas works, and instruc-
Rept. Supt. U, S. Military Academy, tions given for supply of gas and
1896, p. 141. (A) charges for same. Post Orders, vol. 5,
1857, January 31. Academic and p. 107. (A)
military staff assembled to witness cere- 1857. From 1831 to 1S57 every pro-
mony of class taking oath of allegiance. fessor and officer stationed at West
Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 19. (A) Point was obliged to report all viola-
1857, February 16. Act of Congress tions of regulations. The regulations
authorizes the appointment of a pro- of 1857 placed all discipline in the
fessor of Spanish; fixes the pay of the hands of the tactical department.
master of the sword. (A) Cong. Doc. 10S9, p. 263. (A)
1857, March Act of Congress fixes
3. Class rings. The Association of
the pav of cadets at $30 per month. Graduates has metal copies of class
(A) rings, 1S57-1870. (There are t-wo styles
1857, March 11. Cadets of first class for 1861.) (A)
sent to hospital in camp town for pur-
Chase (W. H.) [U. S. Military
poses of instruction in care of sick sol-
.Academy, 1815]: Reply of . . . to the
diers, police discipline, and sanitary
.strictures of'.Another who also knows

arrangements. Post Orders, vol. 5, p.

upon the report of the late Board of
26. (A)
Visitors at West Point, 1857. Pensa-
1857, April 25. All regular guards cola, 1S57, I vol., O, 6 pp. (A)
of post mounted together; cadet guard
onright. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 35. (A) (Old) cavalry barracks built.

Cadets allowed to smoke. Post

Now used for post exchange.
Orders, vol.5, p. 34. (A) Cadet uniform forage cap. {^See
class album of 1857.) (A)
1857, June 22.
Five cadets relin-
(|uislied part of their furlough at the re- Flat buttons w-orn on riding
quest of commandant and superintend- jacket. Photo of W. Sinclair, class
ent. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 56. (A) album, 1857. (A)
1857, June. Paper submitted to the '
Gray pantaloons worn by cadets.
Board of Visitors ii Cong. Doc. No. '
1 Photo in class album, 1S57. (.A)
BibliograpJiy of tlir U. S. MHi la >y Academy. 113
1857. Cadets" white pantaloons o]x-ii in 1858, June 12. Act of Congress recog-
front, and used for ridinjj (?j Photo nized the department of tactics U. S.
in class album, 1S57. (A) Jlilitary Academy. Instruction had,
White vest worn by cadets. Photo of course, been given since 1802. The
in class album, 1S57.(A) Superintendent was commandant of
cadets till ]8i8, when the Su])erintend-
Cane and watch chain shown to
ent appointed .1 conunandant. Later
have been used by cadets. Photos in
(1828, Dec. 5 the .Secretary of War de.s-
class album, 1S57. (A)
ignated the co:nmandant. The title
Cap cover used by cadets. Photo "commandant of cadets" was recog-
in class album, 1S57. (A) nized in the Regul.itions of 1825. Rept.
Cadet sword and knot .shown; Supt. U. S. Militarv Academv, 1S96, p.
foragecap and riding uniform changed; 122, and Cullum MSS. (A)'
dress coat slashed at cuff; dress hat or- 1858, June. Rept. Board of Visitors,
nament eagle and castle; sash, collar, Cong. Doc. Xo. 999, p. 839, recom-
and stock worn. Photos in class al- mends the creation of a department of
bum, 1S57. (A) law (p. 840J; a.ssistant profe.s.sors (p.
Regulations. (A)
I vol., O. 842); competitive examinations for en-
trance recommended p. S45 inade-
Report on the Hermitage. Sen- ( ) ;

quacy of officers' quarters (p. 846); the

ator Jones. Feb. 12, 1S57. Senate
Superintendent shoidd have the local
Repts., Xo. 3S5, 34th Cong., 3d sess.,
rank of colonel (p. S49) new clock for
vol. I, 2 pp. Recommending the ac- ;

academic building bought this vear for

ceptance of the Hermitage from the
I700. (A)
State of Tennessee for a branch of West
Point Military Academy. A (
Rept. Board of Visitors in Cong.
Doc. Xo. 976, p. 839. A department
Report on military disbursements. of law should be created (p. S40); ap-
Secretary Jefferson Davis. Jan. 2, 1S57. proval of the course of civil and mili-
Senate Ex. Docs., Xo. 18, 34th Cong., tary engineering p. 841 cadets shoidd
) ;

3d sess., vol. 5, 5 pp. {.\) be admitted after competitive examina-

1857-1861; also 1870-1875. See tions (p. S45); the Superintendent
Michie, P. S.: Life and Letters of Gen- should have the local rank of colonel
eral Upton (Emory), pp. 290, 418, and (p. 85.1). (A)
elsewhere. I .\ I 1858, July 6. Superintendent and com-
mandant have local rank of colonel and
1857-1883. Velazquez (M.) and Si- lieutenant-colonel, respectively. Post
monne(T. ): Ollendorff's new method
Orders, vol. 5, p. 160. (A)
of learning to read, w'rite, and speak
the Spanish language. Xew York, 1858, September 11. "Two stands of
1867, I vol., O. (Text-book depart- colors taken from the British army un-
der the capitulation of York presented

ment of modern languages. 1857- '

1883. ) Cadet Register, 1857, p. 16; to Militarv Academy. Post Orders, vol. II
Rept. Supt, I'. S. Military- Academy, 5, p. 175.' (A)
United States garrison flag which • *
1896, p. 141. [.\) | j
had floated at Vera Cruz and Perota I 1
1857-1892. Larned (C. W.): The use
and was raised upon the citadel or of 1 •
of tobacco b^- cadets. /;/ Lander M. ( )

Mexico at the capture of that capital jital I

The Tobacco Problem, p. xxxi. {.K) j
by General Scott presented to Militarytary I
1857-1902. Class albums of the ca- Academv. Post Orders, vol. 5, p 1 7.i '

dets of the classes of 1S57, 1S59, 1863,

1864, 1S65, 1866, 1S67, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1858, October 11. The course of study
1871, 1S75, 1S76, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, was four years; Apr. 5, 1859, at
fi.xed at
1S81, 1SS2, 1883, 1S84, 1885, 1SS6, 1SS7, five years; and July, 1861, at four years.
1888, 1889, 1890, 1S91, 1S92, 1S93, 1S94, Boynton's History of West Point, pp.
1895, 1896, 1S97, 1898, 1S99, 1900, 1901, 256, 252. (A)
1902, 19133 are owned by the library.
1858. Complete account of the pro-
[N. B. The missing numbers are very
ceedings of the academic board on the
nmch wanted.] (A)
question of a four against a five year
1858, March 26. Company
A, engi- course at West Point. Cong. Doc.
neers, under Lieutenant IJuane, ordered 1089, pp. 274-277. (A)
to Leavenworth to take part in the Utah
Engineer barracks built.
expedition. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 131.
(-M Artillery barracks

built (remod-
eled, 1905).
1858, April 13. .\ntone Lorentz
reports as sword master. Post Orders, Letters relating to the Military
vol 5, p. 137. (A) Academy, Jan. 6, 1S5S. House Mis.
H. Doc. 789, 58-2— vol 2 S
114 Ccitlouiial of United States Military Aeadeniy.

Docs., No. iS, 35tli Cong., istsess., vol. the Smithsonian Institution (p. 663); a
I, 4 pp. (A) special cavalry school should be added
1858. Report on expenses of Military (p. 664); defects in buildings and in
Academy. .Secretary J. B. Lloyd, Feb. heating cadet barracks (by furnaces)
1S.5S.Senate Ex. Docs., No. 23, noted (p. 664); a cadet should be com-
35th Cong,, ist sess., vol. 7, 2 pp. (A) missary for the mess (p. 665). (A)
1858-1859. Notes on fabrication of 1859, September 12. The comman-
cannon and projectiles. (Text-book dant of cadets was charged, by the
department of ordance and gunnery, Secretary of War, with instruction in
1858-1859.) Cadet Registers 1858, p. strategy, etc., but Oct. 2u, on the recom-
17, and 1S59, p. 16; Rept. ,Supt. U. S. mendation of the connnandant, these
Military .\cademy 1S96, p. iSo. subjects remained with the department
1858-1861. Tennemaiin, ( ): \ of engineering. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
manual of the history of philosophy . . .
tary Academy, 1896, p. 125. (A)
translated from the German bj' Rev. 1859. Rept. Board of Visitors at West
Arthur Johnson, revised enlarged and Point. President John Johnson. Dec.
continued by J. R. Morrell, London, 27, 1859. Senate Docs., No. 2, pp. 658-
1852. I vol.,0. (Text-book department 675, 36th Cong., istsess., vol. 2. (A)
of history, geography, and ethics 1858- West Point Life: An anonymous
1861.) Cadet Registers, 1858, p. 18, communication, read before a public
and 1S61, p. iS. (A) meeting of the Dialectic .Society. U. S.
1858-1862. De Hart (William C): Military Academy, Mar. 5, 1859, 16 pp.
Observations on military law and the [a poem], O, pam. 7 copies, [.\uthor:
constitution and practice of courts- Horace Porter.] (\)
martial, with a .summary of the law of Catalogue of the library, of the
evidence as applicable to military trials. U. S. Military .\cademy. West Point,
New York, :846. ivol.,0. (Text-book N. Y., with a supplement exhibiting its
department of geography, history, and condition at the close of September,
ethics, 1858-1862.) Rept. Supt. U. S. 1S59. [n. p.,n.d.] ivol.,0. [Com-
Military Academy, 1896, p. 156; Cadet bines in one volume the catalogue of
Register, 1862, p. 17. (A) 1853 snd supplement pulilished in 1S60,
1858-1882. Mcseley (Henry): The with a new title page; with colored lith-
mechanical principles of engineering ograph of the library building.] (A)
aiul architecture with additions by
. . .
Fowler (William C): EInglish
D. H. Mahan. ist Am. from 2d Lond. grammar. The English language in
ed. New York, i860. ivol.,0. (Text- its elements and forms, with a history
book department of civil and military of its origin and development. Rev.
engineering 1858-1882.) Rept. Supt. and enlgd. ed. New York, 1S58. I
U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 132. vol., O. (Text-book department of
(A) geography, historv, and ethics, 1859.)
1858-1883. Morales (Augustin Jose): Cadet Regi.ster, iS"59, p. iS. (\)
Progressive Spanish reader, with an 1859 to Mahan (D. H.): Ad-

analytical study of the Spanish lan- vanced-guard, outpost, and detachment

guage. New York, 1876. I vol., O. service of troops, with the essential
(Text-book department of modern lan- principles of strategy and grand tactics.
guage, 1858-18S3.) Rept. vSupt. U. S. New York, 1864. ivol.,0. (Text-book
Military Academy, 1S96, p. 141. (A) department of tactics, 1859 to .)
1858-1884. Fownes (George): Ele- Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
mentary chemistry, theoretical and 1S96, p. 126. (.\)
practical. Ed. with additions b}- Roljt.
Bridges. Philadelphia, 1S54.
1859-1860. Reguault (M. V.): Ele-
(Text-book Department of chemistrv,
ments of chemistry translated . . .

from the French by Thomas R. Betton,

1S5S-1884. ) Rept. Supt. XT. S. Military
Academy, 1896, (A)
M. D. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 vols., O.
p. 105.
(Text-book department of chemistry,
1859, March 1. Programme of four- 1859-1S60. ) Rept. Supt. I". S. Military
year course adopted. Post Orders, vol. Academy, 1896, p. 106. (A)
5, p. 221. (A)
Joniini (Baron de): Summary of
April 5. Five-year course re-
the art of war, or a new analytical com-
sumed. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 229. (A)
pend of the principal combinations of
June. Rept. Board of Visitors in .strategy, of grand tactics, and of mili-
Cong. Doc. No. 1024, p. 658. Officers tary policy . . . translated from the
of all arms of the .service should be de- French by Maj, O. F'. Winship and
tailed as instructors (p. 661); the geo- Lieut. E. E. McLean. New York,
logical specimens of the V. S. Military 1854. I vol., O. (Text-book depart-
Academy are now being arranged at ment of tactics, 1859-1860.) Rept.
Bihliograpliy of t lie U. S. Militcuy Academy. 115
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, ]). |
didates (p. 2S1 ); table giving the con-
126; Cailft Register, 1S60, p. 17. (A) dition of the parents of cadets, 1S42—
1859-1861. Youatt (William): On the 186.. (p. 287). (A)
horse. A new edition. Together with 1860, September 3. Ollicial report of
a general hi.story of the horse, and an y. M. tien. Nathaniel Creenc of the
essay on the ass and the nude. Phila- Revolutionary .\rmy to ("Teneral Wash-
delphia, 1S44. I vol., O. (Text-liook ington ])resented to the Academy by Mr.
department of tactics, 1S59-I.S61.) \,. W. Washington of Virginia. Post
Rept. Snpt. U. S. Military Academy, Orders, vol. 5, p. 372.
1896, p. 126; Cadet Register, i86i,p. iS. 1860, November 1. Number of cadets
(A) present, 278; ditto from the South, 86;
The ordnance manual for the use of the 86, there were discharged, dis-
of the ofiicers of the U. S. Army. 2d missed, or resigned from causes con-
ed. Wa.shingtou, 1850. r vol., O. necte<lwith the civil war, 65; of the 86,
(Text-book department of ordnance there remained at U. S. Military Acad-
and gunnery, 1S59-1861.) Rept. Supt. emy, 15. Boynton's History of West
U. S. Military Academy, 1S96, p. 130. Point, p. 252. (A)
1860. Su]iplement to the catalogue of
1859-1867. Roget( Peter Mark); The- the library of the U. S. Military .-Vcad-
saurus of Knglish words and phrases, eniy, Point, N. Y., containing the
so classified and arranged as to facili- adilitions from Jan. i, 1853, to Oct,
tate the expression of ideas and assist I, Prepared under the direction
in literary composition revised . . . of Colonel Delafield, Superintendent of
and edited by Barnas Sears. Boston, the Military Academy, by IJeut. O. O.
1S57. I vol.,' O. (Text-book depart- Howard, librarian, [and] Andre Freis,
ment of geography, history, and ethics, a.ssistant librarian. New York,
1859-1867.) Cadet Registers, 1S59, p. by G. W. Wood, i860, i vol., O. iv,
17, and 1S67, p. 24. (A) 155 PI'-; PP- 139-155. alphabetical in-
dex. (A)
1859-1883. Agnel(H. Tabular
.system. (Text-book department of Report of a commission [Jeffer-
modern languages, 1859-1,883.) Rept. son Davis, iSolomon Foot, H. Winter
Supt. U. vS. Military Academy, 1S96, p. Davis, John Cochrane. Maj. Robt. An-
13S. derson, Capt, A. A. Humphreys] ap-
pointed ... to examine into the organ-
Agnel (H. R.): Coursd'Idiotismes ization, discipline, and
. . . instruc- . . .

a I'usage, etc. (Text-book department tion of the U. S. Military Academy at

of modern languages, 1859-18S3.) Point, Dec. 13, i860. SenateMisc.
John Montgomery Wright [cadet, Docs. No. 3, 36th Cong., 2dsess., 350
1859-1861]: West Point before the war. PP- (C)
In The Southern Bivouac, June, 1S85, Tables showing the employment
pp. 13-21. (A) of a cadet's time; the studies followed;
the time retjuired for preparation of
1860, January 25. A board of officers each recitation in each subject. Cong.
at West Point prepares a progrannne
Doo. 11189, pp. 281-2S3. (A)
of studies (five-year course). Cong.
Doc. 1089, p. 225. (A) Tabular statement of time neces-
sary to prepare lessons in different
1860, June 21. A commission ap- studies. Civil and military engineer-
pointed by Congress to inquire into ing, 4 hours; mineralogj- and geology,
affairs at U. S. Military Academy (Sen- 2; law, 0.3; ordnance and gunnery, 2.3;
ator Jefferson Davis, chairman). Its tactics, 3; chemistry, 2.3; philosophy,
report dated Dec. 13, i860. Boynton's 4; French, 2; Spanish, 1.3; mathe-
hi.story of West Point, p. 251. (A) matics, 3.45 and 3; history and ethics,
1860, June 22. Regidations (par. 90) 2. The course study lasted five
as to gray and white vests not inter- years. Cong. Doc. 10S9, p. 283. (A)
preted as giving authority to wear them F'ach cadet is required to perform
in ranks. Order Book (60-70), U. S. all the duties of company oflicer, officer
C.C. (A) of the day, guard and police at least
once before graduation. Cong. Doc.
1860, June. Rept. Board of Visitors in
1089, p. 185.
Cong. Doc. No. 1079, p. 274. The War
Department orders of Apr. 12, 1S60, Bill of fare at cadets' mess. Cong.
operate against good discipline and Doc. 1089, pp. 304-307. (A)
should be re.scinded p. 275 discus.sion
( )
; .\ cadet's view of the discipline
of the curriculum (p. 276) and of prac- and instruction at U. S. Military Acad-
tical exercises p. 27S(
the veterinary
; emy. Cong. Doc. 1089, pp. 108-122.
art is now studied; the selection of can- (A)
1 16 Ccjitciii/ial of United States Alilitary Academy.
I860. Comparison of U. S. Military 1861, January 23. Colonel Beau-
Acadeiin- with the Ecole Polytechnique, regard assumes coniinand of West
St. Cyr'and Metz. Cong. Doc. 1089, Point as Superintendent. Orders,
p. 55- (A) vol. 5, p. 405. (A)
Address to the graduating class. 1861, January 28. Colonel Beau-
pani., O. j86u, by G. P. Marsh. (A) regard transfers back the superintend-
Report of Board of Visitors to ency of the Military Academy to Col-
W. P. Military Academy, Dec. 4, i860. onel Delafield. Post Orders, vol. 5,
Senate Docs., No. i, pp. 274-289, 36th p. 407. (A)
Cong., 2d sess., vol 2. (A) 1861, May 6. Finst class ordered to
Extracts from McClellan's military Washington without graduation. Post
commission to Europe. (Text-book (Orders, vol. 6, p. 14. (A)
department of civil and military engi- 1861, May13. Military and academic
neering. 1 861 Cadet Register, 1.S60,
J. )
staff takes oath of allegiance. Post
p. 17. Orders, vol. 6, p. 17. (A)
war, military laws, and
.\rticles of 1861, June 30. First class ordered to
rules and regulations
for the Arniv of Washington to report to Adjutant-Gen-
the United States. A. and I. G. Office, eral. Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 30. (.A)
1816, 1 vol., O. (Text-book depart-
ment of geography, histor}' and ethics, 1861, July 27. First class [third first
class in this 3'ear] ordered to begin
i860.) Cadet Register, i860, p. 27.
recitations and prepare for graduation.
Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 38. '(A)
1860 to . r. S. Army drill regula-
tiuns. ( Text-book department of 1861, July 30. Graduation of first
class [third first class of this year]
tactics, i86u to . ) Cadet Regi.ster,
i86u, p. iS.
postponed until 1862. Post Orders,
vol. 6, p. 38. (A)
1860-1861. French, (Rev. J. W.):
Prefixesand suffixes. (Text-book de- 1861, Aug-ust Act of Congress in-
partment of geography, history and creases the Corps of Engineers and the
ethics, 1860-1861.) Cadet Registers, Ordnance Department and provides for
i860, p. 19, and 1861, p. 19.
adding three companies of engineer
soldiers: provides that cadets recom-
Farley, J. P. [U. S. Military Acad-
mended deficient and to be discharged
emy, 1861]: \Vest Point in the early shall not be appointed in the Armj- till
sixties, with incidents of the war. 111.
after the graduation of their classes. ( .A
Trov, 1902, O. [Manv views of
I vol.,
West (A)
Point.] Act of Congress prescribes the
form of oath to be taken by cadets en-
1860-1867. French, "(Rev. J. \V.):
tering the U. S. Military Academy; re-
Vocabularies. (Text-book department
peals part of the act of -Aug. 23, 1842,
of geography, history and ethics, 1S60-
providing double rations to the Super-
1867. ) Cadet Registers, i860, p. 19, and intendentU. vS. Militarj' Academy. (A)
1S67, p. 24.
Oath of allegiance to be taken by
Parker, Richard Green): Aids to
cadets; July 2, "iron-clad"
1S62, the
English composition. 20th ed. New oath was taken. Boynton's History of
York, 1858, I vol., O. (Text-book de- West Point, p. 253. (A)
partment of ethics, 1860-1867.) Cadet
Registers, i860, p. iS, and 1S67, p. 24. 1861, August 6. .\ct of Congress in- the Corps of Engineers, etc. A (
1860-1877. French, (Rev. J. W.): 1861, Aug'ust 29. Oath of allegiance
A short course of instruction in the administered to cadets. Post Orders,
practical part of ethics. New York, vol. 6, p. 44. (\)
1S58, I vol., O. (Text-book, depart- Cadets William W. Dunlap and
ment of history, geography and ethics, John C. Singleton, having refused to
1860-1877.) Cadet Registers, 1S60, p. take oath of allegiance, are dismissed
19, and 1877, p. 36. (A) the service. Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 44.

1861, January 3. .Announcement (A)

that Jan. 4 was appointed by the Presi- 1861, September 25. Announcement
dent as a day of fasting, humiliation that Sept. 26, 1S61, has been appointed
and prayer. Academic duties sus- by the President a day of fasting, humil-
pended, etc. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. iation, and praj-er. All exercises sus-
399- (
A I pended. Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 52. (A)
1861, January
7. Lieut. Charles 1861, October 28. Company .A., Engi-
Griffin directed to organize and drill a neers, under connnand of Capt. J. C.
field battery of four pieces, with six Duane, ordered to Washington to re-
horses, etc. Post Orders, vol. 5, p. 400. port toGeneral McClellan. Post Orders,
(A) vol. 6, p. 62. (A)
Bibliography of tJir U. S. Mi/i/ary Academy. 117
1861. List of 150 graduates, olTicors struction in ordnance and gunnery.
U. S. Army, wlio left the service to join New York, 1867, I vol., O. (Text-book
the C. S. Ami}-. In Ileitinan's Hist. <lepartment of ordnance and gunnery,
Register U. S. Ariin-, p. iSo. [The 1861-1889.) Cadet Register, 1S61, p.
Army then contained about 75^, ofiicers 17, and i.S.Sg, p. 32. .\) {

on the active list who were graduates. 1862, July 2. Act of Congress pre-
Tlie jK-rcentageof graduates joining the scribes tile oath to be taken hv [cadets]
C. S. Army was about 20. Nearly one- (A)
half of the officers appointed from civil
1862. Report of the connnittee of the
life did so. See also The Volunteer academic board of the V. >S. Military
Soldier in America, p. 342.] (A) Academy in relation to the restoration
Resolutions relative to the Mili- of cadets who have been di.scharged
tar}' Academy, Rhode Island legislature, from the institution. New York, 1

July 17, 1S61. Senate Mis. Docs., No. vol., O., pj). II. ( ;\
3, 37th Cong., 1st sess., i p. (\) Marshall, K: Chauncey: Are the
S. R. Franklin: Jlemories of a West Point Graduates Loyal? New
Rear Admiral, Ch. XXI^•. III. New York, 1S62, I pam., ()., 8 pp., 2 copies.
York, 1S9S, I vol., O. (A) (A)
Report of Board of \'isitors to Cadet Life at West Point; by an
Military Academy. Charles Davies. officer of the I'. S. .\rmy [J. B. Kins-
July 5, 1S61. Senate Docs., No. i, pp. man], with a descriptive sketch of
29-48, 37th Cong., 1st (A) West Point by Benson J. Lossing. B.:
At this time every Southern State Burnham, 1862, i vol., O., 367 pp. i.-\)

save Florida and Texas was supporting Trollope, Anthony. North Amer-
a military academy officered by gradu- ica. New York, 1862. [Ch. 12, pp.
ates U. S. Jlilitar)' Academv. Jlichie's 164-172, "From Buffalo to New York,"
McClellan, p. 67. (A) contains several pages on West Point,
its institutions and system, with brief
Relation of graduates to the volun-
notices of .-Vlbany and the river in gen-
teer army. Schofield (J. M.): Fort}--
'six Years in the Arm}-, p. 514. (A)
" Point, the best of such
Oath taken by cadets before 1861.
schools to be found in any country."
Sec Tillman, S. E.: The West Point
Wolseley: Story of a Soldier's I<ife,
Oath, in N. Y. Nation. May, 18S5, p.
vol. 2, p. 140, note. (A)
General Orders, .Adjutant-Gen-
1862-1875. French (Rev. J. W.):
eral's Office, No. 45. Regulations re- Law and military law, with an analy-
specting cadets. (X)
sis by subjects. New York, 1 861, i
vol., O. (Text-book department of
1861-1862. Barnard, Maj. J. G.: Let- geography, history, and ethics, 1862-
ters to the editors of the National In- 1S75, and department of law, 1875-
telligencer, in answer to the charges Rept. Supt.
1877.) U. S. Military
against the U. S. Military Academy in Academy, 1896, p. 137; Cadet Register,
the report of the Secretary- of War, of 1S77, p. 36.
Julv, 1861. New York, 1862, i pam., March 3.
0.,'iSpp. (A) 1863, Act of Congress
merges the Corps of Topographical
1861-1865. Sfc Mitchel, F. A. A Engineers in the Corixs of Engineers.
Biographical Narrative: Ormsby Mac- (A)
Knight Mitchel, a.stronomer and gen-
eral. I v., O. (A) 1863, April 30. .Announces a day of
fasting, humiliation, and prayer. .All
List of 299 graduates who served exercises suspended. Post Orders, vol.
in the Confederate .-Vrmy. with highest 6, p. (A)
commission and command. Compiled (

by W. G. McCabe, late C. S. Army.) 1863, June 18. Practical instruction

in pliotographv given to first class.
In Bull. Assoc, of Grads. No.' 2
I'ost Orders, vo'l. 6, p. 181. (.A)
(1902), p. 53. (A)
1863, July 14. Capt. W. P. Chambliss,
Th. Roosevelt: Cromwell, pp.
Fifth .Artillery, and First Lieut. C. C.
67-68. 111. New York, igoo, vol., i
Parsons, F'ourth .Artillerj', with 59 men,
O. (A)
sent to arsenal, corner Seventh ave-
&'£' Headley, P. C: Young Folks' nue and Thirtv-fifth street. New York.
Heroes of the Rebellion, "Old Stars." Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 187. (A)
[Mitchel (O. M. ).] (A)
1863, August 5. .Announces that Pres-
1861-1882. No regular instruction in ident has appointed -Aug. 6 a day of
gymnasticsduring this period. H.J. K. thanksgiving anil rejoicing for victory.
1861-1889. Benton (J. G.) [f.S.Mil- .All duties, etc. su.spended for that day.

itary Academy, 1842]: A course of iu- Post Orders, vol. 6, p, 1S9. (AJ
1 18 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

1863, December 10. Letter of Gen- geography, history, and ethics, 1863-
eral Totteii proposing a form of certifi- 1875.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
cate to be taken by cadets with respect Academy, 1896, p. 157; Cadet Regis-
to hazing new cadets. Unless the cer- ters, 1S63, p. 17, and 1875, p. 28. (A)
could be signed, furlough was
tificate 1863-1888. Church (Albert E.) [U.S.
or not granted.
limited Army and Military Academy, 182.*^]: Pamphlet on
Navy Jour., Jan. I2, 1901, p. 473. (A) trigonometry. (Text-book depart-
1863. Deficiencies. N. Y. Times (ed. ), ment of mathematics, 1S63-1SS8.)
Jan. 21, 1S63, p. 4, col. 2. Rept. Supt. U. >S. Military Academy,
1.S96, ]5p. 59, 64.
(Graduates and the General Porter
court-martial. N. Y. Times (ed.), Jan. 1864, January 15. Under orders from
23, 1863, p. 4, col. 5. Secretarj' of War all cadets before going
During the draft riots in New York upon furlough must sign certificate that
Citv the corps of cadets was held
they have not in any way "interfered
with, or molested, harassed, or injured
readiness to repel an anticipated attack
on West Point. No attack was made. new cadets." Post Orders, vol. 6, p.
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 226. (A)
1S96, p. 126 [where it is said that the 1864, April 1. .•\ct of Congress fixes
custom of armed sentinels patrolling the annual pay of cadets the same as
the post originated at that time. »Sen- that of mid.shipmen; provides that ca-
tinels were regularly posted along the dets found deficient sliall not be con-
officers' row long before this period, as tinued at the U. S. Militarj- Academy,
early as 1795]. (A) or reappointed except on recommenda-
Admission of cadets by competi- tion of the academic board. (Repealed
tive examination. Extract from Report
Mar. 2, 1865.) lAl
of Yisitors for 1863. i pam., O. (A) 1864, May 18. Coin])etitive examina-
Man.sfield, E. D. The V. S. Mil- tion at WestPoint, debate in U. S. Sen-
itary .\carlemy at West Point. Re- ate. New York, 1864, pp. 97-119, O.
printed from the Amer. Jour. Education (A)
for March, 1S63, pp. 17-4S. pam., O. 1864, June 3. Superintendent refuses
(A) leave of absence to any cadet "who
Poore, B. P., West Point cadet. does not certify on his honor that lie
has in no manner or way improperly
interfered with or molested, harassed,
Annual report on West Point or injured new cadets" from above date.
Military Academy, F. Wayland, presi-
Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 248. (.A)
dent, Jan. 5, 1S63. House Ex. Docs.,
No. 21, 37th Cong., 3d sess., vol. 4, 1864, July 2. Joint resolution of Con-
(A) gress respecting the vacations of pro-
9 pp.
fessors, U. S. Military Academy. (.A)
U. S. Military .\cademy at West
Point. [Amer. Jour. Education, March, 1864, September 10. A salute of 100
1863.] O, pp. 32. (A) guns ordered in honor of brilliant yic-
tories in Mobile Bay of U. .S. naval and
Opinions of Colonel Thayer and
land forces under Admiral Farragut and
others on the recommendations of the
General Granger. Post Orders, vol. 6,
Board of Visitors as to the conditions of (A)
p. 274.
admission to the U. S. Military Acad-
.\ salute of 100 guns ordered in
emy. [New York, 1S63.] 3 pp.
honor of General Sherman's success at
Change in riding uniform and Atlanta. Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 274.
boots. Photoinclassalbum, 1863. (A)
Coatee collar on cadet uniform Board apjMinted to
1864, October 15.
not cutaway in front; fastened with revise the "Regulations for the U. S.
hook. Photos in class album, 1863. Military Academy. " Post Orders, vol.
(A) (A)
6, p. 2Si.
1863-1867. French (Rev. J. W.): 1864, November 23. Thanksgiving
Grammar: Part of a course on lan- order relating to vicories of Union
guage, prepared for instruction of the
forces. Post Orders, vol. 6. p. 290. (.%)
U. S. Corps cadets. 2ded. New York,
1865, I vol., O. (Text-l)ook depart- 1864, December 5. Chevrons for mili-
ment of geography, history, and tary merit to be worn by certain cadets
ethics, 1S63-1S67.) 'Cadet Registers, (similar to gold-lace .service .stripes of
1863, p. 19, and 1867, p. 24. (A) of 1902). Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 29^.
1863-1875. Bendt (S. V.): A treatise
on military law and the practice of 1864, December 19. Fonn of certifi-
court,s-martial. New York, 1S62, i cate required of cadets before being
vol., O. (Text-book department of granted furlough — relating to hazing
Bibliography of the U. S. Militaiy Academy. 119

and use of intoxicatinj^ liquors. I'osl sion, translated by M. J. O'Brien.

Orders, vol. 6, p. 296. .\ ( Leavenworth, 1894. (Contains an ac-
count of T'. .S. Military Academy.
1864, December 26. Salute of 36 guus
ordered in honor of "(ieneral Sher- 1864-1866. During the superintend-
man's Christmas gift to the nation of encv of CVeneral Cullum medals were
the city of Savannah." Orders, annually given to the five men in
vol. 6, p. 299. (-\) every but the fourth; gold medals
1864. -Annual examination; (.rant and to first cla.ssmen, silver medals to .second
visit. New York Times (eil. ), Jmu- 5,
classmen, bronze medals to third
1S64, p. 4, col. 5.
nien. The ribbon was red, white, and
blue, and the medals were worn with
West Point education vindicated. full dress.
New York Times (ed.). May 26, 1864,
p. 4, col. 2.
1864-1868. See Heath's Jlemoirs, by
himself. .V
Competitive examinations. New I

York Times (ed.), June 9, 1S64, p. 4, 1864-1893. Church (Albert E.)

col. 5. [U. S. ilililary Academy, 182S]: Ele-
ments of descriptive geometry, with
Northrop, B. G. Report to the applications to .spherical, perspective,
Massachusetts board of education on and isometric j>rojections, and to .shades
the U. S. Military .\cadeniy. /;/
and shadows. New York, 1S70. I vol.,
Twenty-seventh Ann. Rept. Mass. (Text-book department of mathe-
Board 'of Education, 1864, ]jp. 90-124. matics, 1864-1S93.) Cadet Regi.sters
(A) and
1864, p. 19, {\)
1893, p. 30.
General Orders, .\djutant-Gen- Board appointed
1865, Febriiary 21.
eral's Office, No. ]3S. .\ct making
to examine, report upon, and make de-
appropriations for U. S. Military Acad-
tailed plans and estimates for best mode
emv. (.\) of heating and ventilating public build-
General Orders, .\djutant-Gen- ings at West Point. Post Orders, vol.
eral's Office, No. 231. Privileges al- 6, p. 311. [.\)
lowed professors at U. S. Military 1865, February 25. Salute of 36 guns
Academy of being absent during sus- ordered in honor of General Schofield's
pension of academic studies. (-A) capture of City of Wilmington.
Seymour, T. [U. S. Military Acad- Orders, vol, 6, p. 313. (A)
emy, 1846]: Military education; a vin
1865, March 2. -\ct of Congress re-
dication of West Point and the Regular
peals a provision of the act of Apr. i
Armv. (Reprint from the .\rmy and 1864, respecting cadets found deficient.
Navy Journal, Sept. 24, 1864.) n. p., (A)
1864, I vol., O., 7 pp. (A)
1865, April 4. Order announcing cap-
History of West Point ... by
ture of Richmoiul, Ya., and remitting
E. C. Boynton. Review [by H. Cop- all punishments awarded cadets at that
pee] ill N. Amer. Rev., vol. 98 (1864), date. Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 321. (.A)
PP- 530-550- (A)
1865, April 10. Salutes of 100 guns
J. C. Hurd:
Review of Boynton's from Fort Putnam and 100 guns from
History of Point. /'/ .\tlantic
Batterv Knox ordered in honor of the
Monthly, vol. 13, p. 258. \.\)
surrender of Gen. R. E. Lee. Post
Letter on e.xamiuation of West Orders, vol. 6, p. 322. (A)
Point cadets. Secretary E. M. ,Stanton,
Apr. 3, 1864. House Ex. Doc. No. 64, 1865, April 15. Assassination of Presi-
38th Cong., 1st sess., vol. 2 dent Lincoln announced; all academic
\\, pp.
(A) and other duties suspended for the day.
Post Orders, vol. 6, p. 323. (.\)
West Point, N. Y. Battle monu-
ment; history of the project to June 1865, June. General Sherman visits
15, 1864. Oration of Major-General West Point June 5, General Grant June
McClellan, New York, 1864. 12°. 8, and General Thomas June 9. Post
Orders, vol. 6, pp. 332-3. (A)
-Admi.ssion and qualifications of 1865, July 30. Order announcing the
cadets, discussed in Ch. XY; employ- death of G.en. Joseph G. Swift, first
ment of a cadet's time (p. 274). Boyn- graduate of the Military Academy.
ton's Historv of West Point, pp. 265- Orders, vol. 6, p. 342. (A)
282. (A)
1865. Graduating class; memorial gob-
Number of volumes in library,
20,000. Boynton's History of West let. N. Y. times, June 4, 1865, p. 8,
col. 5.
Point, p. 295. (A)
See Chanal (F. Y. A. de): The Examinations and official visits.

.'Vmericau Armv in the War of Seces- N. Y. Times, June 4, 1865, p. 8, col. 5.

I20 Ccntouiial of United States Military Academy.

1865. Class of 1.S65; close of proceed- the army navy of the Confederate
ings. N. Y. Times, June 18, 1S65, States be appointed as a cadet,
IT. S. Military Academy, or U. S. Naval
p. 5, col. I.
.\cademy. (.A)
Board of Visitors' report. X. Y.
Times, Aug. i, 1865, p. I, col. 3. 1866, June 16. Joint resolution of
N. Y. Congress: Age of cadets at entrance to
Circular on vacancies.
be 17-22 years; in the of ex-
Times, Sept. 27, 1865, p. 5> col. i.
soldiers, 17-24 years; cadets to be ap-
In this year (and earlier?) candi- pointed one year in advance of entrance
dates recited 'to old cadets in the sub- entrance requirements increased by re-
jects of their entrance examinations be- quiring English grammar, geography,
fore such examinations. Col. S. E.
and history; five candidates may be
Tillman. nominated for each vacancy [repealed
Propositions and suggestions for Mar. 2, 1S67]; there shall'be 50 ap-
the improvement of the U. S. Military pointments at large. {\]
Academy bv Col. Sylvanus Thayer. 1866, July 13. .Act of Congress pro-
In Rept. Board of \'isitors U. vS. Mili- vides that the Superintendent U. S.
tary Academy, 1S91, pp. 774-783. (A)
Militarj- Academy may be selected
Cadet laundry organized. from an)' arm of the service, and that
Train of rubber ponton boats sent the inspector U. S. Jlilitary Academy
to West Point for the instruction of shall be any officer selected by the Sec-
cadets. Army and Navy of the U. S., retary of W'ar. [From April 7, i8i8to
vSec. VI. 1866 the Chief of Engineers was ex-
officio Inspector. General Totten was
Postprandial dream of an old-
[Poem.] Inspector 1.S38-1S64.] (A)
time West Pointer. 17 pp.
[n. d. between 1S65 and 18S0.] i pain., 1866, July 28. Congress: The
.\ct of

O. (A) .\rmv to consist of and the pro-

. . .

fessoVs and cadets, U. S. Military Acad-

Secretary of War recommends in-
crease in number of cadets. .Secretary's emy; the band, U. S. Military Academy,
to have the same status as other army
Report, p. 42, Nov. 22, 1865.
bands. (A)
1865 to Cadena (Mariano Velaz-
quez) dela; Pronouncing dictionary of
1866, August 11. Orders relating to
wearing chevrons for military and
the Spanish and English languages,
medals academic merit revoked.
composed from the Spanish dictionaries
Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 2. (A)
of the Spanish Academy, Terreros, and
Salva, upon the basis of Seoane's 1866. West Point education and ex-
edition of Neuman and Baretti, and perience of the world. N. Y. Times.
from the English dictionaries of Web- (ed.) Feb. 15, 1866, p. 4, col. 6.
ster, Worcester, and Walker. New The hotels, General Scott, and
Y''ork,1857, 1 vol., Q. (*Text-book the Times correspondence. N. Y.
department of modern languages, 1S65 Times, June 12, 1866, p. 8, col. i.
to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military closing proceed-
Class of 1866;
.\cademy, 1S96, p. 141. ings. N. Y. Times, June 19, 1866,
1865-1873. Mahan (I). H.)
[U. S. p. 8, col. I.
Military Academy, 1S24]: Outlines of [Regulations for the U. S. Jlilitary
permanent fortifications See A York, Baldwin &
. . .
treatise on field fortification, contain- xxii, 74 pp., 12°. (A)
Jones, 1866.
ing general outlines ... of per-
General Orders, .Adjutant -Gen-
. . .

manent fortifications. New York, 1S48, Resolution re-

eral's Oflice, No. 47.
1 vol., O. (Text-book, department of
specting appointments to the U. S.
civil and military engineering, 1S65-
Military .Academy. (.\)
1S73,) Cadet registers, 1865, p. 25, and
1873, p. 28. General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office, No. 54. Chief of Engi-
1866, February 9. Superintendent neer Department relieved from duty as
awards a gold medal to certain mem- inspector of the I'. S. Military Acad-
bers of first class, a silver medal to emy. (.A)
second class, and a bronze medal to
third class as badges of "eminent at- General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
tainments" in academic course. Post eral's Office, No. 56. Band at the U. S.
Orders, vol. 6, p. 380. [This practice Military Academy to be placed on same
was continued till 1866. The medals footing as other bands. (A)
were given to the first five in each Orders, .Adjutant -Gen-
class except the fourth.] (A) eral's Office, No. 56. person who No
1866, June 8. Act of Congress pro- has served in any capacity in military
vides that no person who has served in service of the Confederate States to re-
Bibliography of tJic II. S. M'ilitary Acade?in'. 121

ceive appointment as cadet of the 1'. S. 1867. .\nnual cla-ss day. N. Y. Times,
Military Academy. (A) June 15, 1867, p. 8, col. i.

1866. General Orders, Adjutant- (Gen- •

OfTicial class N. Y. Times,
eral's Office, No. 68. Act makini; ap- June 16, 1867, p. 8, col. i.
proi)riation.s forsupportof U. S. Jlilitary Graduating day. N. Y. Times,
.\cademy. (.\) •June iS, 1867, p. S, col. i.
Report. N. V. Times, Dec. i.t, General Orders. .\djutant-Gen-
lS66, p. 4, col. 6. eral's Office, No. 9. Pav of professors.
Inspector-General reports on the (A)
Military -Academy. Report, Sept., 1H67, General Orders, .Vdjutant-Gen-
p. 191. eral's Office, No. 17. Act making ap-
Propositions and susfgestions for ropriations for support of U. S. Military
the improvement of the V S. Military. Academy. (.A)
.\cademy. Rept. Board of X'isitors, General Orders, -Vdjutant-Gen-
1S91, Cong. Doc. 2921, pp. 774-7.S3. eral'sOffice, No. 17. Section III of joint
(A) resolution of Jan. 16, 1866, relative to
Pantaloons worn by cadets were appointment of cadets to the U. S. Mil-
made verv large. Photos in class al- itary Academy is repealed. (.\)
bum, 1S66. (A) Powder magazine built at a cost
1866-1875. Halleck iH. W.): [U.S. of |;io,ooo.
Military .\cademy, 1839.] Interna- Steam heating introduced into ca-
tional law, or rules regulating the inter- det barracks, etc.
course of States in peace and war. New
York, 1S61, I vol., O. (Text-book de- Report on the Military .Academy,
partment of law and history, iS66- Secretary ad interim U. S. Grant, Dec.
1S75.) Rept. Supt. r. S. 'Military 4, 1S67. House Ex. Doc. No. 13, 40th
.Academy, 1S96, p. 157. {\) Cong., 2d sess., vol. 7, 3 pp. (.A)

1866-1891. Holden, E. S.: The U. S. 1868, January 15. Regulations U. S.

Militarv .Academy at \Vest Point. Re- Military .Academy relating to hazing.
printed from the Overland Monthly, Certificate to be signed by cadets going
July, 1S91. I pam., O., 10 pp. (A) upon furlough. (A)
1867, February 28. .\ct of Congress: 1868, June 14. Practice fleet of the
Cadets to be entitled to a ration; fixes U. S. Naval .\cadem\- visits W'est Point.
the pay of assistant professor of Span- Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 133. (A)
ish; provides that no cadet appointed
from a State in rebellion shall receive 1868, June 15. Gen. U. S. Grant de-
pay his State is restored to
till its orig- livers diplomas to .graduating class.
inal relations with the Union. (.A) Naval cadets being present at cere-
monies. Both naval and military cadet
1867, March 2. .\ct of Congress re-
battalions formed. Post Orders, vol. 7,
]iealing sec. 3 of the joint resolution of
P- 133- (A)
June 16, 1S66. i\)
1867, September 24. Under orders 1868, October 21. Formal dedication
from Secretary of War, cadets of third of .statue erected in memory of the late
class to receive instruction in penman- Maj. Cien. John Sedgwick. Post
ship (not to exceed four weeks) under Orders, vol. 7, p. 159. (.A)

direction of professor of drawing. Post 1868. General Cullum's register, "Vet-

Orders, vol. 7, p. 81. (A) eran observer" on. N. Y. Times,
1867, October 8. Instruction in mili- Mar. 17, 1868, p. 2, col i.

tary signaling and telegraphy ordered Examinations: programme. N.

by Secretary of War. Post Orders, Y. Times, June 2, 1868, p. 5, col. 4.
vol. 7, p. 84. (A)
Examinations. N. Y. Times,
1867, November 13. Old-pattern ca-
det ritles turned in and new pattern June II, 1868, p. 8, col. 2.

issued. Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 92. (A) •

Sedgwick, Maj. Gen. J.: Descrip-
1867, November 25. The War De- tion of the ceremony of dedication of
partment directs that cadets admitted the statue of Maj. Gen. J. Sedgwick at
.sign a pledge, on honor, not to molest West Point, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1S6S. In-
new cadets. The text is given in Army cludingtheorationof Hon. G. W. Curtis
and Navy Jour., Jan. 12, 1901, p. 473. on the ooca.sion. New York: Van Nos-
(A) trand, 1869. I pam., O. 67 pp. (A)
1867. West Point cadets, 1867. N. Y. Report of the inspector of the
Times, May 25, 1867, p. 4, col. 7. Military .\cademy to the Secretary of
Board of Visitors, 1867. N. Y. War for the year 186S. Washington,
Times, June 3, 1867, p. 5, col. i. 186S. 7pp.,'0. (A)
122' Ccntninial of United States Mi/itary Academy.

1868. Report of General Schriver, in- 1869, August. The corjjs of cadets
spector, U. S. Military Academy. N. Y. marched to a camp in the mountains 4
Time.s, Nov. i8, 1868, p. 5, col. 2. miles from West Point and encamped
General Adjutant-Gen-
Orders, there for 8 days. Cong. Doc. No. 1412,
eral's Office, Act making ap-
No. 41. p. 474. (A)'
propriations for support of U. S. Mfli- 1869, September 16. Knapsacks to
tary Academy. (A) be worn at S. M. I. until further orders;
Fourth of July oration, 1S68, by packed with I pair pants, 2 shirts, 2

Cadet Arthur S. Hardv. pam., O. drawers, 2 pair socks; overcoat rolled

(A) and strapped on top. Order Book
(60-70), U. vS. C. C. (A) ,Shore Railroad, supreme
court of New York. U. A. Jlurdock 1869, September 24. Cadet laundry
and W. B. Duncan, etc., Hudson ;•,
destroyed by fire Sept. 23, 1869. Post
River West .Shore Railroad Company orders, vol. 7, p. 220. {.\)

. . . Amended complaint, i pam., O. 1869. Examinations. N. Y. Times,

(1S6S) (A) 1S69, June 3, p. 5, col. 2; June 4, p. 8,
^Adjutant-General's Office, U.S., col. I.

War Department. Report of a plan Order of merit of class. N. Y.

for reorganization of the U. S. Military Times, June 17, 1869, p. i, col. 4.
Academy ... on a basis of competi- Cadets; General Sherman's order
tive appointments to cadetships, etc., assigningtoduty. N. Y. Times, June 29,
1S6S, 16 pp. (A) 1869, p. 5, col. I.

General .Adjutant-Gen-
Orders, Board of Visitors' recommenda-
eral's Office, No. 41. Act making ap- tions. N. Y. Times, Aug. 5, 1869, p. i,
propriations for support of U. S. Mili- col. 4.
tary Academy. (A) Board of Visitors' report. N. Y.
The color-guard
U. S. C. C. was i Times, Aug. 6, 1869, p. 4, col. 3.
sergeant and 7 corporals until 1S91 Last examinations; Visitors' re-
when it was i sergeant and 2 privates. port. N. Y. Times, Aug. 6, 1869, p. i,
F. W. S. (A) col. 3.

1868-1887. Myer, (Albert J.l: A Report of the Inspector of the

manual of signals for the use of signal Military .Academy to the Secretary of
officers in the field, and for military War. [1869 and 1870 bound with re-
and naval students, military schools, port of Board of Visitors] Alio in Re- ,

etc. New ed. New York, 1S66, i port of Secretary of War. A (

vol. O. (Text-book department of General Orders, Adjutant-Gene-

practical military engineering. 1868- ral's Office, No. 12. The V. S. Military
1S87. ) Cadet Registers, 1S6S, p. 25, and Academy excepted from super^-ision or
iS87,p. 31. A)" I command of department commander.
1869, March 3. Act of Congress: All
bands except that of the U. S. Military General Orders, Adjutant-Gene-
Academv to be honorablv discharged. ral's Office, No. 24. Act making ap-
(A) propriations for support of V S. Mili- .

tary .Academy. (A)

1869, June 14. Gen. W. T. vSherman
delivers diplomas to graduating class. General Orders, Adjutant-Gene-
Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 200. (A) No. 27. Fixes number of
ral's Office,
enlisted men of ordnance allowed at
1869, June. Rept. Board of Visitors in U. vS. Military Academy. (.A)
Cong. Doc. No. 141 2, p. 479. Very
Addresses to the graduating class
little hazing among cadets p. 480) the ;

curriculum (p. 4S2 j; logic, phy.sical ge-

by Gen. W. T. Sherman, pam. O.
ography, history, hygiene, etc., should
be studied p. 484 the standard of
( )
Keep (R. P.) The system of in-
admission should be raised (p. 486); a struction at West Point; can it be em-
department of law is needed (p. 4S8); ployed in our colleges? In The New
high shoes are now worn by cadets in F^nglander, January, 1869, pp. 1-18. (P)
winter (p. 4,88); the library has 23,000 Forage caps worn by cadets lower
volumes; .signal drill (p. 490); reorgani- than formerlv. Photo, in class album,
zation reconunended (p. 491). (.4) 1869. (A)
1869, August 12. Battalion of cadets Change in cadets' full-dress hat.
moves from usual place of encampment Photo in class album, 1S69. (A)
and establishes a camp in the vicinity 1870, February 21. Act of Congress:
of Round Pond. Orders, vol. 7, The Board of Visitors to consist of two
\. 210. (A) Senators, three Representatives, and
Bihlioffraphv of ihr U. S. Afih'/aiy Acadniiy. 123

othtT members as now provided by 1870. General Orders, .Adjutant-* ren-

law; their re])ort to be made within eral's Office, No. 92. Students at the
twenty days after the meeting of Con- U. S. Military .Academy not to be re-
gress next succeeding tlieir appoint- <|uired to pursue their studies on Sun-
itu-nt. A I I day. (A)

1870, March 13. Cadet guard house General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-

partially destroyed by tire between 2 eral's Office, No. 92. Regulates pay of
and 4 a. ni. Post orders, vol. 7, p. 25.S. professors at the V. S. Military .Acade-
my. ( A
1870, June. Report of Board of Vis- Dress hat ornament and pompon
itors ill Cong. Doc. No. 1446. p. 305. changed. Camp photos in class al-
Written exaininatioirs in history, etc., bum, 1870. (A)
at entrance held for the first time (p. Sword worn by cadets fastened to
299) laboratory methods reconnnended
; lielt. Photo in class album, 1870. (.A)
(p. 305); lectures by persons not con- 1870-1875. See Michie (P. S.): Life
nected with the institution have been and Letters of General Upton. .A) (

given p. 306 entrance requirements


.should be increased (p. 306): hazing

) ;

1870-1882. Mahan
(D. H. [U. S. )

Military -Academy, 1S24]: Industrial

has almost disappeared (p. 307); there
drawing: Comprising the description
is room for improvement in the cadet
mess and uses of drawing instruments, the
(p. 310). ( .\]
construction of plane figures, the pro-
1870, July 15. .\ct of Congress fixing jections and sections of geometrical so!
the rank and pay and retirement of ids, architectural elements, mechanism
professors, I'. S. Military .\cademy; the and topographical drawing, with re-
Secretary of War directed .so to arrange marks on the method of teaching the
the course that cadets need not study .subject. New York, 1852, i vol., O.
on Sunday. I .\ 1
Text-book department of civil and mil-

1870. Cadetships; barter and sale of. itary engineering. 1S70-18S2.) Rept.
N. Y. Times led.), Feb. 8, 1870, p. 4, vSup't. U.S. Military Academy, 1.S96, p.
col. 2. 132. (A)
West Point and Annapolis— Mr. 1870-1887 and 1888-1896. Table
Spencer's proposition. N. Y. Times t)f the daily cost of subsisting a cadet
(ed.), Feb. 25, 1870, p. 4, col. 5. in barracks or in hospital given Maxi- :

• Colored appointee. N. A'. Times, mum cost, 1873-74, 10.74; minimum

May 28, 1870, p. 8, col. I. cost, 1878-79, $0.50. The correspond-
ing table for 18S8-1896 given. Rept.
Graduates' reunion in June. N.
Supt. U. S. Military Acadetny, 1S96,
Y. Times, May 30, 1S70, p. i, col. 5.
])]). 189-90. ( .\)
Examinations. N. \'. Times, June
1870-1902. See the annual reports of
15, 1870, p. 5, col. 5. of Cirads. U. S. Military
the A.ssoc.
Smith colored cadet ( ) ; report on. .Academy, 1S70 to date, passim, for
N. Y. Times, July 15, 1S70, p. 5, col. 3. items relating to the history of the
Case (colored cadet); report on. U. S. Military Academy. (A)
N. Y. Times, Aug, 13, 1870, p. 5, col. 1871. February 5. Entire roof and
Colored cadet trial. N. Y. Times, fourth storv of the cadet barracks de-
stroyed by fire at 2.20 a. m. Ther-
1870, Oct. 21; Oct. 22, p. I, col. 6.
mometer .stood 4° below 0° F. Fire
Improvements. N. Y. Times, Post
originated in the dialectic hall.
Nov. 4, 1870, p. 1 1, col. 4.
Orders, vol. 7, p. 324. (A)
Colored cadet; decision of Super-
1871, February 7. House Rept. No.
intendent. N. Y. Times, Nov. 16, 1870, 2S, 41st Cong., 3d Expulsion of
p. I, col. 4.
cadets from Military .Academy. (.A)
Register of cadets admitted into
From 1871, February 10. Order announc-
the U. S. Military Academy . . .

ing death of I'rof. Hyacinth R. Aguel,

its origin to June y>, 1S70. Compiled for thirty-one years professor of French.
by Bvt. Maj. E. C. Boynton, adjutant Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 327. (.A)
. .Washington, Government Print-

ing Office, 1870. I pam., bound, O. 1871, February 14, to 1901, Febru-
ary 16. The head of department of
57 pp. -^ \

( )

natural and experimental philosophy

Administration building erected at Michie during this period.
was P. S.
a cost of 140,000. (A) programme
A definite for the
General Adjutant-Gen- Orders, was adopted .Apr. 6, 1872. Michie's
eral's Office, No. 45. Act making ap- Wave-Motion adopted as a text-book
propriations for support of U.S. Military in 18S2, and Jlichie's Mechanics i,S,S6-
Academy. (A) 87; Young's Astronomy in 1S89; Mi-
124 Ccntnuiial of United States Military Academy.

clue and Harlow's Astronomy in 1S91. 1871. The discipline is not so strict as
Practical instruction in astronomy is in former ^-ears; reasons why. Rept.
given during the first class camp. Re- Board of Visitors, 1S71, p. 441. (A)
port Supt. U. S. Military Academy, M. West Point and its wants. In

1S96, pp. 1S-19. (A) The Nation, Mar. 2, 1S71, pp. 142-143.
1871, March 8. Professor Bartlett re- (A)
tires and Capt. Peter S. Michie, Corps Report on fire at the Military
of Engineers, succeeds him as professor .\cademy. Secretary W. W. Belknap,
of natural and experimental philoso- Feb. 13,1871. House Ex. Doc, No.
phv. Post ( irders, vol. 7. P- 335- (A) 127, 41st Cong., 3d sess., vol. 12, s pp.
1871, April 28. Prof. G. L. Andrews (A)
reports and is assigned to duty as pro- Letters on repair of West Point
fessor of French. Post Orders, vol. 7 Barracks. Secretary W. W. Belknap,
p. 346- (
A ) Feb. 6, 187 1. House Ex. Doc. Nos.
1871, May 25. Spanish naval practice 100, loi, 41st Cong., 3d .sess., vol. 10,
fleet visits West Point. Post Orders, 2 pp. (A)
vol. 7, p. 353- 1-^) Report on case of West Point
1871, June 12. Diplomas delivered cadets. Representative .\sper, Feb. 7,
to graduating class by Major-General 1871. House Rept. No. 28, Cong.,
Meade. Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 356- 3d sess., vol. I, 64 pp. (A)
(A) Letter on Japanese at West Point.
1871, July 9 Order announcing death
. vSecretarv Hamilton Fish, Apr. 3, 1871.
of Rev. John W. French, D. D., chap- House Ex. Doc. No. 17, 42d Cong., ist
lain and professor of ethics at the Mili- sess., vol. 2, I p. (A)
tarv Academy. Post Orders, vol. 7,
General Adjutant-Gen-
p. 363- (A) eral's Office, Act making ap-
No. 16.
1871, July. Rept. Board of Visitors in propriations for support of U. S. Mili-
Cong. Doc. No. 1503, p. 435. (A) tary Academy. {\)
1871, August 31. Prof. John Forsyth, General Orders, .Adjutant-Gen-
1). D., appointed professor of ethics and eral's Office, No. 44. Ten thousand
law. Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 376. (A) dollars appropriated to repair damages
1871, September 19. Order announc- caused by fire at the U. S. Military
ing death of Prof. Dennis H. Mahan. Academy, {k)
Post Orders, vol. 7, p. 386. (A) Anonymous: The Point
1871, October 12. Prof. Junius B. troubles. In The Nation, Feb. 9, 1871,
Wheeler assigned to duty as professor pp. S4-85. (A)
of engineering. Post Orders, vol 7, p. B.: West Point. In The Nation,
395- "(A) Feb. i6, 1S71. (A)
1871, October 28. New headquarters Table .showing the number of can-

I)uilding occupied by the Superinten- didates rejected 1.S67-1871 p. 428); haz- (

<lent and military staff. Orders,

ing p. 429
the Superintendent should

vol. 7, p. 401. (.\) have power to order courts-martial (p.

1871. Colored cadet trial. X. Y. 429). Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Acad-
Times (ed.), Jan. 13, 1871, p. 4, col. 4. emy. //; Cong. Doc. No. 1503, pp.
West Point difficulty. N. Y. 425-431- (A)
Times, Feb. 11, 1871, p. 4, col. 3. Expulsion of West Point cadets.
Graduating class, Secretary Bel- Speech of B. F. Butler ... in the
knap's order. N. Y. Times, June 6, House of Representatives, Feb. 14,
1S71, p. 5, col. 2. 1S71. I pam., O. 8 pp. (.\)

. Grant (Fred.l, plebs, etc. N". Y. Expulsion of cadets from the U.

Times, June 7, 1871, p. 5, col. 5. S. Military .\cademy. (41st Cong., 3d
— Presentation of diplomas, speeches, .sess., House Rept. No. 28.) Washing-
etc. N. Y. Times, June 13, 1871, p. i, ton, 1S71, I vol., O. 64 pp. (Bound
col. 2. in volume with other military pam-
phlets. \.\)
French tactics; effect on cadets. )

N.Y. Times, June 14, 1871, p. 4, col. 7. The .Superintendent recommends

Smith (cadet), .sentence of. X. to the War Department the abolition
Y. Times, June 15, 1S71, p. i, col. 4. of pledges against hazing. .\rmy and
Board of Visitors' report. N. Y. Navy Jour., Jan. 12, 1901, p. 473. (.A)
Times, July 4, 1871, p. I, col. 5. Change in cadet dress hat and or-
"Plebs" experience at West nament. Photograph of lieutenant in
Point. X. Y. Times, July 10, 1S71, p. 2, full dress, also camp scene in class

col. 5. album for 1 87 1. (A)

Bihliographv of thr U. S. Military Academy. 125

Sword with black scabbard 1872. Report on Military and Naval

adopted and dress hat and ornament Academies. Secretary W. W. Bclknaj),
worn by cadets chanjjed. Plioto of -Apr. 27, 1872. House E.x. Docs,, No.
(A) 280, 42d Cong., 2d sess., vol. i^, i p.
adjutant in class album, 1871.
1871-1875. Plume on dress hat
Letter on pay of professors of
changed. Photo of Wheeler in class
the Military Academy, .Apr. 17, 1872.
album, 1H75. (A) House Ex. Docs., No. 266, 42d Cong.,
1871-1891. Upton (Maj. Gen. Emory) 2d sess., vol. 12, 4 ])p. (A)
[U. S. Jlilitary Academy, 1861]: (By Annual report of the Board of
authority. Infantry tactics double and
Visitors of the Military Academy, Dec.
single rank, adapted to American top- 9, 1872. House Mis. Docs., No. 14, 42d
ography and improved firearms. New Cong., 3d sess., vol. i, 14 pp. (A)
York, iSSo, I vol.,0. (Text-book de- Holden, E. S.: TheU. S. Military
ptjrtment of tactics, i.S/i-iSgi.') Cadet Suggestions made at the
registers, 1871, p. 21, and 1.S91, p. request of Professor Michie. MS.,
31. (A) 1872. 14 pp., Q. (A)
1872, March 30. Police regulations
1872 to Borel (Eugene): Gram-

of post of West Point. orders.

maire Eran^aise a I'usage des Anglais.
Vol. S, p. 33. (A) .Stuttgart, 1867, I vol., O. (Te.xt-book
1872, May Act of Congress to re-
23. department of modern languages, 1872
imburse cadets for losses by fire in their to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
barracks. (A Academy, 1S96, p. 139.(A)

1872, November 8. Profe.ssors Michie Bocher ( Ferdinand ) : College se-

and Kendrick ordered to visit various ries of French plays, with English
colleges and universities in the United notes. 5th ed. New York, 1864, i
States and to report result of observa- vol., O. (Text-book department of
tions made. Post orders. Vol. S, p. modern languages, 1872 to .

125. (A) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,

1896, p. 139. (.A)
1872. " World's " slander on West
Point Military Academy contradicted. 1872-1878. Otto ( Dr. Emil ) : French
N. Y. Times (ed. ), Jan. 23, 1.S72, p. 2, convensation grammar. A new and
col. 5. practical method of learningthe French
language Revised by Dr. Charles
Low standard of its educational . . .

system. N. Y. Times (ed.), July 19, Bonnier. I2tli ed. New York, 1900,
I vol., O. (Text-book department of
1872, p. 4, col. 5.
modern languages, 1S72-1S78. ) Rept.
Board of Visitors recommended Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896.
change of system. N.Y. Times (ed. ). p. 139. (A)
Dec. 29, 1S72, p. 4, col. 5.
1872-1881. Reynal(Ch.): The French
General Orders, Adjutant-Gener- verb; containin.g the theory and model
al's Office,No. 38. Act making appro- conjugations of all the French verbs.
priations for support of U. S. Military' New York, 1870, i vol. O. Text-book , (

Academy. (A) department of modern languages, 1872-

General Orders, Adjutant-Gener- 1881.) Rept. Supt. V. S. Military
al's Office, No. 107. Uniform of band Academy, 1S96, p. 139. (A)
of U. S. Military Academy to be same Bocher F. Progressive French 1 :

as now worn. (A) reader, with vocabulary and notes.

Register of cadets admitted to the (Text-book department of modern lan-
U. S. Military Academy from its ear- guages, 1872-1881.) Rept. vSupt. U. S,
liest establishment to Dec. 31, 1872. Military Academy, 1896, p. 138.
Washington, 1872. 59 pp., 12°. 1872-1882. Dana (James D.): Text-
Lossing, B. Scribner's Maga-
J. :
book of geology. Philadelphia, 1S64,
zine, July, 1872. (A) I vol., O. (Text-book department of
The practice of exacting pledges chemistry, 1872-1882.) Rept. Supt.
from cadets has been discontinued, U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 104.
1870-1872; eight hours of sleep for (A)
cadets is necessary; criticism of the 1873, February 28. Act of Congress
methods of instruction. Rept. Board fixes the rank and pay of professors
of Visitors, 1S72. (A) U. S. Military Academy; appropriates
Light-house at Gee's point built. |;io,ooo for remodeling Battery Knox.

Band barracks built. (It .stands (A)

on the site of the old band barracks Battalion of cadets ordered to
built 1828, Washington to take part in ceremony
126 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

of inauguration of President U. S. 1873-1877. Flipper (PL O. [U. vS. )

Grant. Post Orders, vol. S, p. i68. Military Academy, 1877]: The colored
fA) cadet at West Point. New York, 1878,
I vol., O. Portrait of the author. (A)
1873, March 3. Act of Congress au-
thorizes the Superintendent to convene 1873-1878. Dufour (Gen. G. H.):
general courts-martial to try cadets and . . . and tactics. Translated
to execute their sentences except of from the latest French edition by Wil-
suspension and dismission. (A) liam P. Craighill. New York, 1864, I
vol., O. (Text-book department of
1873, March 4. The corps of cadets
civil and military engineering, 1873-
at General Grant's inauguration.
1878. Cadet Registers, 1873, p. 28,

Perlev's Reminiscences, vol. 2, p. 294. and 1878, p. 34. (A)

1873, June 13. President Grant de- 1873-1881. Catalogue of the Library-
livers diplomas to graduating class of
[Catalogue to 18S1.]' i vol., O. Con.
sists of catalogue of 1873, published in
1S73. Post Orders, vol. S, p. 206. (A)
1876, and supplement published in
1873. Visitors appointed by Vice- 1 882, without a common title, but with

President Wilson. N. Y. Times, Mar. one pagination [viii, 723, viii pp., pp.
25, 1S73, p. I, col. 2. 725-1027; pp. 913-1027: Alphabetical
Board of Visitors appointed. index to the whole catalogue.] (.\)
N. Y. Times, May 21, 1S73, p. 7, col. i. 1873-1886. Comparison of the results
Graduating class. N. Y. Times, of competitive and of direct examina-
May 30, 1S73, p. 8, col. 2. tion for candidates; statistics of school
Examinations. N. Y. Times, preparation of candidates ( pp. 779-785 )
June 3, 1S73, p. 5, col. I. civil occupations of graduates p. 786 ) (

Plebs' examinations. N. Y. Times, proposed addition to academic build-

June 6, I.S73, p. 5, col. i.

ing view ( p. 795 ) Rept. Board of .

Visitors, 1.S86, pp. 771-772. (.A.)

Hazing. N. Y. Times, June 7,
1S73, p. 8, col. 3.
1873-1891. Comparison of therecords
of cadets appointed (k) directly; (h) by
Professor David's speech. N. Y.
competitive examination. Sunnnary:
Times, June 13, 1S73, p. 5, col. 2. .Sixty per cent of those appointed after
—Addresses. N. Y. Times, June 14, competition graduated, and 42 per cent
1873, p. 5, col. 3. of those appointed directly. Rept.
Alumni of (Federal and Confed- Board of Visitors, iSgi, p. 7S4. (A)
erate), at St. Louis. N. Y. Times, 1874, January 2. Revised edition of
June 27, 1S73, p. I. col. 5. academic regulations issued. Post Or-
Cadets rejected after examinations. ders, vol. 8, p. 287. (A)
N. Y. Times (ed.), June 30, 1S73, p. 4, 1874, April 23. New police regula-
col. 2. tions for post of West Point issued.
Cadets rejected after examinations. Orders, vol. (A) 8, p. 318.
N. Y. Times, June 30, 1S73, p. 4, col. 7. 1874, June 6. .\ct of Congress creates
Board of Visitors' report. N. Y. the Professorship of Law. (A)
Times, Aug. 23, 1873, p. 2, col. 4. 1874, August 20. Existing orders V
Catalogue of the library, TI. S. S. C. C. (l)lue book). I vol., O. (A)
Military Academy, Point, N. Y., 1874, December 28. Cadet commis-
1S73. Librarian, Bvt. Lieut. Col. Robt. sary store established in new brick
H. Hall, captain. Tenth Infantry'. building southwest of cadet barracks.
Newburgh, N. Y., Chas. Jannicky, Post Orders, vol. 8, p. 409. (A)
steam book and job printer, 1876. i N.Y.
1874. Examinations (result of ).
vol., O., viii, 723 pp. [Pages iii-viii,
Times, Jan. 22, 1S74, p. 3, col. 5.
analytical table of classification; no
alphabetical index.] (A) Graduates. N. Y. Times, May
24, 1S74, p. 2, col. 2.
General Orders, Adjutant-Gener-
al's Office, No. 27. Act making appro- Board of visitors complete list. —
priations for support of U. S. Military N. Y. Times, May 30, 1874, p. i, col. 2.
Academy. (A) Examinations. N. Y. Times, June
Genera] Orders, Adjutant-Gener- 3. II. 1874.
al's Office, No. 42. vSuperintendent of .Alumni meeting. N. Y. Times,
V .S. Military Academy may convene
. June 12, 1874, p. 5, col. I.

courts-martial for trial of cadets. ( A Examinations — day. N. Y.

Addresses to the graduating class. Times, June 18, 1874. p. 5, col. 5.
pam. O, 1873, by W. \V. Belknap. (A) Vacancies. N. Y. Times, July 8,
Regulations, i vol., O. (A) 1874, p. 1, col. 3.
Bihtioi^raphy of the U. S. Military Academy. 12 /

1874. I'all Mall Gazette on Colonel (Text-book department of modern lan-

Fletcher's report, etc. X. V. Times, guages. 1S74-18S3.) Rept. Supl. U.S.
July 13, 1S74, p. 8, col. 5. Military .\cademy, 1896, p. 141. {\)
Cadets appointed for .\ 1874-1883. Mahan D. H. [U.S. ( )

N. Y. Times, Sept. 12, 1S74, p. 5, col. 2. Military .Xcadeniy, 1824]: Elementary

Comte de Pari.s on West Point Mili- of ])ennanent fortifications, re-
tary .\cadeniy. N. Y. Times (ed.), vised by J. B. Wheeler. (Text-book
Nov. 24, 1S74, p. 4, col. 5. deixirtment of civil and military engi-
Board of visitors, report. N. V.
neering, 1.874-1.883.) Cadet Registers,
Time.s, Dec. 3, 1S74, p. 4, col. 6.
1874, ]). 29, and 1S.83, p. 31,

Office of treasurer built (a vvin}^

1874-1901. Ernst (Capt. O. H.) [U.
S. Military .\cademy, 1.864]: .-l manual
added, 1S91 ).
of ])ractical military engineering. New
Davies, C. Prof. .\ddress before
, :
York. 1S73. ivol.,0. Text-book de- (

the a,ssociation of the graduates of the partment of practical military engineer-

U.S. Military Academy, annual reunion, ing, 1874-1901. Rept. Supt. U.S. Mil-

June II, 1S74 embracing; a brief

. . .
itary .\cademy, 1.896, p. 173; Cadet
history of the Military .\cadeinv . . .
Registers, 1S74, p. 29. and 1901, p. 32.
New York and Chicago. 1874. ipam.,
O., 32 pp. (A)
1874-1902. Resume of existing or-
.Anonymous = S. Newcomb?: Ob- ders, U. S. corps of cadets. York, New
servatories in the United .States. III. 1874. I vol., O., pp. 44. General orders,
West Point oKservatory. In Harper's U. S. corps of cadets. New York, 1S.80,
Magazine, JIarch, 1874, pp. 539-541. I vol., C, pp. 57, with addendum, 1.S81,

(P) pp. lo, and addendum. 1882, pp. 3, and

West Point memoranda, i pam., police regulations for the post of West
O., Spp. (1874). (A) Point, 1S82. pp. 4. Orders for the U. S.
The Weekly Spy Glass, A. L. Wag- corps of cadets, 1SS4. n. p. lvol.,0.,
ner [U. S. Military Academy, 1875], pp. 78, with appendix, 1S86, pp. 17, and
editor and proprietor. For a reprint appendix No. 2, 1887, p. i. Orders,
see U. S. Jlilitary Academy Class of U. S. corps of cadets, May i 1894. n. p.,

1875, Reunion, 1900, p. 102. 1 vol., O., pp. 90. Orders, U. S. corps
of cadet,s, 1.899. "• P- • vol., O.. pp. 78.
Letter relating to West Point IMil-
Regulations for the interior discipline
itary .•\cademy. Secretary W. W. Bel-
and police of the U. S. corps of cadets
knap, Apr. 14, 1874. House Ex. Docs.
by the commandant of cadets. West
No. 224, 43d Cong., 1st .sess., vol. 16,
Point, 1902. I vol., O.. pp. 77. (A)
2 pp. (A)
Report on the Military .Academy 1875, February 23. Cadet limits de-
band. Representative Young. May liiieil. Post Orders, vol. S, p. 429. (.A)

23, 1S74. House Repts., No. 606, 43d 1875, March 3. .\ctof Congress: The
Cong., 1st sess., vol. 3, i p. (A) U. S. Military Academy band to con-
General Orders, Adjutant -Gen- sist of I teacher of music and 40 en-
No. 63. .Act making ap-
eral's Office, listed musicians; Mar. 3, 1877, I teacher
propriations for support of U. S. Mili- and 24 enlisted men. (A)
tary .\cademy. (A) .•\ct of Congress authorizes the

Wood, Oliver E., lieutenant, U.S. President of the United States to fill
Army: The West Point Scrap Book: vacancies occurring at U. S. Military
collection of stories, songs, and legends .Academy by death "of any person ap-
of the U. S. Jlilitary Academ}- with pointed by him;" fixes the pay of as-
original ill. 2d ed. New York,
. . . sistant instructors of tactics. ( -A
Van Nostrand. 1874. i vol., O. (.A) 1875, June 7. General Order publish-
.Addresses to the graduating class, ing act of legislature of State of New
pam., O., 1S74, bv Francis Wavland. York relating to purchase by the
(A) United States of certain lands at West
.Assistant judge-advocate assigned Point and ceding jurisdiction. Post
as profe.ssor of military law. Chair of Orders, vol 8, p. 468. (.A)
English literature and rhetoric re- 1875, October 21. Capt. Thomas H.
quired. Rept. Sec. War, vol. I, pt. i, Handbury, Corps of Engineers, placed
p. xxvi. A) ( in charge of construction of the sy.stem
1874-1883. Vingut (F. J.): A guide of sewers for the Post of West Point.
to Spanish and F^nglish conversation Post Orders, vol. 9, p. 47. (.A)
. . by Emanuel del Mar, revised by
. 1875, November 15. Cadets attending
F, J. X'ingut. who has added a treatise drawing ordered to wear their riding
on Spanish pronunciation and orthog- jackets. Post Orders, vol. 9. p. 58.
raphy. New York, 1S54. i vol., O. (A)
128 .
Ccuteunial of United States M/litaiy Academy.

1875, November 26. Ponton boats martial, etc. (Te.xt-book department

to be shipjiecl from Willet.s Point to of law, 1875-187S. ) Rept. vSupt. V. S.
West Point. Post Orders, vol. 9, p. 63. Military Academy, 1S75-1878; Cadet
(A) Register, 1878, p. 34.

1875. Board of Visitors appointed. 1875-1891. Woolsey (Theodore D.):

X. V. Times, Mar. 9, 1875, p. i, col. 4. Introduction to the study of interna-
tional law. 2d ed. Xew York, 1864. I
Board of Visitors appointed by-
vol., O. (Text-book department of law,
President Grant. N. Y. Times, May
1875-1S91. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
II, 1S75, p. 12, col. 4.
Academv, Cadet Register,
June examinations standing of — 1891, p.31.
1896, p. 157;
cadets. N. Y. Times, May 26, 1875,
p. 7, col. 4. 1875-1900. U.S. Military Academy,
class of 1875, reunion, 1900. 111. Bos-
Vassar College students' visit to
ton, 1902. I vol., O. Portraits of all
West Point. N. Y. Times, May 28,
surviving members of the class save
1875, p. 5, col. 4.
two. (A)
Dull season. N. Y. Times, June
1875. P- I. col. 6. 1876, January 24. Members of grad-
uating classes forbidden to transfer their
Examinations. X. Y. Times, June
text-books to other cadets without au-
15. 1875. P- 6. col. 7. thority of the vSuperintendent. Post or-
Graduating N. Y. Times, ders, vol. 9, p. 87. (A.)
June 17, 1S75, p. 2, col. I.
1876, March 28. General Sherman

Graduates Latest assignments of. writes to General Schofield asking him
X. Y. Times, June 28, 1S75, p. 4, col. 7. to accept the superintendency of the
- Cadets appointed to supply failures. U. S. Military Academy under no super-
X. Y, Times, July 29, 1875, p. 5, col. 3. vision except that of the General Com-
Cadetships: Congressmen notified manding. MS. A. G. O., O. M. A.
tomake nominations for. N. Y. Times, 1876, March 29. General Schofield
June 30, 1875, p. 5, col. 2. accepts. (Superintendencv U. S. Mili-
General Orders, Adjutant-Gener- tary Academy.) MS. A. G. O., O. M. A.
al's OflSce,Xo. 30. Act making appro- 1876, June 26. General Orders No.
priations for support of U. S. Military 50, headquarters U. S. .\rmy. General
Academv for vear ending June 30, 1876. Schofield will relieve Colonel Ruger as
(A^ " .Superintendent, Sept. I, 1876. MS.
Address to the graduating class. A. G. O., O. M. A.
1875, bv Gen. W. W. Belknap, i v. Corps of Cadets with Military
A') Academy Band ordered to proceed to
O. (

.\ddress to the graduating class, Philadelphia on the 27th instant and

1875, bv Daniel C. Gilman. 1 v., O. encamp on the Centennial Exhibition
(A) grounds. Orders, vol. 9, p. 147.
Bixby I
\V. H.): Reunion of the
class of 1873. X^w York. 1875. i vol., 1876, August 7. Act of Congress di-
O., pp. 28.
(A) rects the Secretary of War to detail an
officer to act as quartermaster and com-
More time should be given to civil missary "of the battallion of cadets;"
engineering. Improved .sewerage at
and that all supplies be furnished cadets
West Point needed. Ex. Doc, vol. i, at (A)
1875-76, P- 351-
1876, August 24. First Uieut. Charles
Cartridge box used by cadets.
W. Larned, .Seventh Cavalry, appointed
Camp scene in class album, 1875. (A) professor of drawing. Post Orders, \o\.
Riding uniform for cadets adopted. 9, p. 165. (A)
Camp scene, class album, 1875. (A)
1876, September 13. Hour for reveille
Dress hat and ornament (cadets) changed from 5.30 to 6 a. m. and time
changed. Camp scene in class album, allowed for meals .stated. Post Orders,
1875." (A) vol. 9, p. 178. (.\)

1875-1878. Pomeroy
X.): Intro- (J. 1876, September 27. Act of the legis-
duction to the constitutional law of the lature of the State of New York relin-
United States, n. p., 1S68. i vol.. O. quishing title and jurisdiction to the
(Text-book department of law, 1875- United States over certain lands cov-
1878.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military ered with water at W'est Point. Post
Academy, 1896, p. 157. (A) Orders, vol. 9, p. 189. (A)
Ciardiner (Asa Bird): Practical 1876, October, 3. Amendments to
forms for use in courts-martial and head academic regulations. Post Orders,
notes on the law of evidence in courts- vol. 9, p. 195. (A)
Bibliography of the U. S. Militarv Amdrmv. 129
1876, October 12. General vSchofieUl 1877, January 2. Secretary of War
wriu-s to General Shennaii sugtjesling writes to '.eiieral .Schofield 'f hinks the

that West Point should be constituted ( ieneral of the Army should be ex officio

a separate department. MS. A. G. O., ins|)ect<)r()f the .\cademv. MS. .A. (5.
O. M. A. O., O. M. A.
1876, December 18. General Sher- 1877, February 2. Rules relating to
man writes to the' Secretary of War: ser\-ing punishments. I'ost Orders, vol.
The supervision of the Military Acad- 9, p. 250. (
emy by the War Department has proved 1877. General Orders,
to be worse than no supervision at all eral's Office, No. 17. .Act to supjily de-
. . New regulations are required.
ficiencies in appropriations for support
MS. A. G. O., O. M. A. of V S. Military .Academy.
. (A)
1876. Thoroughness of work at West General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
Point. X. Y. Times (ed.l, June I2, eral's Office, No. 20. The Military
1S76, p. 6, col. 2.
-Academy band to consist of one teacher
Addresses to the graduating class, of tiuLsic and 24 enlisted musicians;
1876, by Gen. C. Devens and Gen. W. act making appropriations for support
T. Sherman. I v., O. of I". .S. Military .Academy for fi.scal
(Hall, Lieut. Col. Robt. H. 1: List year ending June 30, 187S. (A)
of cadets admitted to the U. S. Military General Orders, .Adjutant-Gen-
.'Vcademy till Sept. 30, 1S76; with tables eral's Office, No. 84. Directs that the
exhibiting the results of the examina- value be given the subject of English
tions, and the corps to which the grad- in forming the general merit roll of the
uates have been promoted. Washing- first and fourth class in the Military
ton, Government Printing Office. 1876. .Academy be represented bv the number
I v., O. (A) fifty. (A)
Discipline; revision of the course Regulations. A\'ashington, 1S77.
is necessary; recommendations. Rept. I vol. O. (A)
Board of Visitors. (.A)
The U. S. Military Academy and
The corps of cadets visited the the post of West Point to constitute a
Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, separate department; the general in
remaining about a week. Rept. Supt. chief to supervise the Academy and to
U. S. Military Academy. 1S96, p. 126. report to the Secretary of War. Gen-
(A) eral Orders. No. 15, series of 1877. (.A)
Lo.ssing, B. J.: The romance of 1877-1883. [Offenses of each class-
theHud.son third paper ). [Newburgh,

New Windsor, West Point, Albany,

first specified with
to seventh — number
of demerit attached to each.] n. p.,
the Revolution, etc.] 111. In Harper's n. d. I vol., O. (.A)
Magazine, June. 1S76, pp. 33-42. (A)
1877-1893. Abbott (E. A.), and
Paper relating to the West Point Seeley (J. B.): English Lessons for
Military Academy. Mar. 7, 1976. English People. Boston, 1876. i vol..
House Mis. Docs., No. 125, 44th Cong., O. (Text-book department of geog-
1st sess., vol. 5, 5 pp. ( A )
raphy, histor5', and ethics, 1877-7S, and
General Orders, Adjutant Gen- department of modern languages 1878-
eral's Office, No. 83. Act making ap- 1893.) Rept. Supt. V. S. Military
propriations forsuppoit of U. S. Mili- .Academy, 1S96, p. 142; Cadet Register,
tary Academy. (.A) 1893. P- '30- (A)
1876-1880. See Memorial of Capt. Hart (John .S. ) -A manual of com-

Sidney E. Stuart. (A) position and rhetoric. Philadelphia, (

Table giving the statistics of ca- 187 1. I vol., O. (Text-book depart-

dets declared deficient and dismissed, ment of geography, history, and ethics,
with the subsequent action in each case. 1S77-7S, and department of modern lan-
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1880, pp. 54S- guages 187S-1.S93.) Rept. Supt. T'. S.
559- (-^) Military Academy, 1896. p. 144. (.A)
1876-1889. 1S76, 4,'2-inch gun burst 1878, April 17, to 1898, October 7.
at one hundred and sixty-second round; E. W. Bass was professor of mathemat-
1S81, 30-pounder Parrott gun burst at icsduring this period. Some changes
two hundred and twenty-second round; were made in the course in 1879; Chau-
1SS9, 30-pounder Parrott gun burst at venel's Least .Squares used as a text-
three hundred and twenty-second book; Determinants studied in 18.S0;
round. No cadets were injured. A's Calculus introduced, 1SS7; Lud-
new battery of old 4'<-inch Parrott low's Trigonometry, 1888; Johnson's
guns furnished in 1889, but not fired at Least Squares, 1S91. The chair of asso-
drills. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Acad- ciate professor of mathematics was
emy. iSgu, p. 223. (A) created (1893) and Lieut. W. P. Edger-
H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2 —vol 2 9
20 Cnitcuuial of I'uitrd States Military Academy.

Ion appointed. Rept. vSupt. I'. S. Mili- 1878. Change in ornament of
tary Academy, 1896, pp. 61-64. (Al cadets. Sameas worn in 1S90. Photo-

graph in class album, 1878. (A)

1878, June 11. Act of Congress pre-
.,criljin,t,' tile method of filling vacancies 1878 to Wheeler (J. B.I [U. S.

in the graile of second lieutenant in Military Academy, 1855]: An elemen-

the Army; forbidding the assignnient of tary course of civil engineering for the
officers as supernumerary; reducing the use' of cadets of the U. S. Military
appointments at large to ten. (A) Academy. New York, 1877. lvol.,0.
1878, December 21. Act of Congress (Text-book department of civil and
to authiirize 20 bronze guns to be used military engineering, 1878 to .

toward the erection of a monument to Cadet Register, 1878, p. 34. .V) I

(Ven. (.;. .\. Custer at West Point. A ( )

1878-1880. Roberts (Capt. Joseph)
1878. " Times " correspondence. N. Y. [U. S. Military Academy, 1835]: The
Times, July 7, iSyS, p. i, col. 4. handbook of artillery for the service of
The utility of boards of visitors to the United States. New York, 1S60.
U. S. Military .\cademy demonstrated. I vol., O. (Text-book department of
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1878, pp. 450- tactics, 1S78-1880. ) Cadet Regi-sters,
455- (A) ,
187S, p. 34, and 1880, p. 36. (.\)

There is at lea,st one public in- 1878-1886. Ives (Rollin A.): A trea-
stitution ill the United States of which tise on military lawand the jurisdiction,
it can be truly affinned that the more it constitution, and procedure of military
is investigated the better it appears. courts. New- Y'ork, 1879. i vol., O.
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1878 p. 455. (Text-book department of law, 1878-
(A) 1S86.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
Farrow, Edward S.: West Point; .Ycademy, 1896, p. 31. (A)
or, information for those about to enter
the Academy New York, 1878.
. . .
1878-1901. Examinations, annual.
I pain., O. June, 1878, 1882, 1883,
1 vol., O. (A)
1893, 1897, 1901. (A)
Flipper, H. O.: The colored cadet
at West Autobiographv
Point. . . . 1878-1902. Roster of officers and
New I vol., O.
Y'ork, 1S7S. (A) troops serving at the Vs. S. Military
C. F. Richardson and H. A. Clark:
Academy. O. 1878, 1886, 1887, 18S8,
1S89, 1890, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897,
The College Book. Boston, 1878, i vol.,
1S98, 1899, 1900 (May), 1900 (Septem-
Q. [P. 210. a chapter on U. S. Mili-
tary Academy.] (A) ber). (A)
Whittaker, F.: Cadet button . . . 1879, March 1. Cadet limits defined.
New Y'ork, 1878. i vol., O. (A) Post Orders, vol. 9, p. 388. (A)
Letter on the appointment of ca- 1879, June 23. Act of Congress estab-
dets. Atty. Gen. C. Devens, Mar. 27, lishes thedepartment of modern lan-
1878. House Ex. No. 70, 45th Cong., guages. The act went into effect June
2d sess., vol. 14, 2 pp. (A) 30, 1882. Professor Andrews head of
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- department, 18S2-1892; ProfessorWood,
eral'sOffice, No. 11. Adoption of Eng- 1 A list of the text-books
892- 1 902.
lish Lessons forFjiglish People, by Rev. employed given in Rept. Supt. U. S.

Edwin A. Abbott and J. R. Seeley, edi- Military .\cademy, 1896, p. 138. {.\)
tion of 1S76, as a text-book in depart- Act of Congress provides that grad-
ment of history, geography, and ethics, uates of 1S79 and 18S0 may accept $750
U. S. Military Academy. (A) and mileage to their 'homes in lieu of
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- commissions. (A)
eral's Office, No. 36. Relates to the
1879, June. The regulations amended
Spanish language and English studies
so as to excuse a cadet from answering
in U. S. Military Academy. ^.'V)
questions tending to criminate himself;
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- this provision altered in 1901. (.Y)
eral's Office, No. 39. Act making ap-
propriations for support of U. S. Mili- 1879, August 19. Order relating to
hazing. Post Orders, vol. 9, p. 419.
tary Academy. (A)
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office, No. 46. Keetel's Gram- 1879, August 30. New programme of
mar substituted for Bocher's Otto, and studies for second class announced.
adoption of Whitne\''s Essentials of Post Orders, vol. 9, p. 423. (A)
English Grammar, as text-book, have 1879, November 25. General orders
been approved. U.S. C.C. (blue book), i vol., O. (A)
Todd (A. ) : Class of 1877 (record). 1879. Cadet assignments. N.Y'. Times.
Cambridge, 1878. i vol., O. (A) July 9, 1S79. p. 3, col. 3.
Bibliography of tlic I\ S. .]/i/ifarr Aradniu T^.I

1879. West Point

fifty years ago, . . . 1879-1888. Wheeler (J. B. [F. S. )

liv Francis Smith. New York.

H. Military .Academy, 1855]: .A course of
iVol., O., pp. i6. (A) instruction in the elements of the art
Government: uncontrolled aca- and science of war. New York, 1879.
demic freedom in teaching and untram- I vol., O. (Text-book departmentof
meled academic authority are the con- civil and military engineering, 1S79-
ditions of academic success; the course i§88. Cadet Registers, 1879, p. 34^

of study considered; suggestions for and (A)

1888, p. 31
its improvement; candidates should be 1879-1891. Chauvenet (William).'
selected by competition. Rept. Board Manual of si)hcrical and practical as-
of Visitors, 1S79. (A) tronomy with an appendix on the
. . .

Schofield (Maj. Gen. J. M.): Ad- method of least squares.

dress delivered ... to the corps of ca- 1863. O. (Text-book depart-
2 vols.,
dets Aug. II. 1S79. pam.. O., 9 pp. I
ment of mathematics, 1879-1891.)
.(A) Rept. Supt. r. S. Military .Academy,
1S96. pp. 61, 64. (.A)
Stewart (Maria L.): Our little
brown house; a poem of West Point 1879-1893. Whitney (William D.):
. . 1S79 . New York, 1.S80.
. . .
Essentials of English grammar. Text- (

I pam., bound, O. (A) book department of modern languages,

Letter on the Jlilitarv Academv 1879-1893. ) Cadet Registers, 1879, p.
Secretary G. W.McCrary, Dec. g, 1S79. 33, and 1893, p. 30.
Senate Ex. Docs., No. 11, 46th Cong., 1879-1896. General Orders, No. 100.
2d sess., vol. I, 2 pp. (A) Adjutant-Greneral's Office (1S63).
Washington. 1864. vol.. O. (Text- i
Letter on a professorship at West
Point. Secretar\- G. M. McCrary. Jan.
book department of law, 1879-1S96.
Senate Ex. Docs., No. 47, Cadet Registers, 1879, p. ^4, and 1896.
23, 1879.
p. 32. (Al
45th Cong., 3d sess., vol. i, 2 pp. (A
Letter on payment of professors
1879-1898. Wheeler (J. B. [U. S. )

Military .Academy. 1855] Elements

at the Military Academy. Feb. 18, :

1879. Senate Ex. Docs., No. 69, 45th of field fortification. New York, 1882.
Cong., 3d sess.. vol. 4, 2 pp. (A)
I vol., O. (Text-book department of
civil and militarv engineering, 1879-
[Hazing at U. S. Military Acad- 1898.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military-
emy .
] See address by Gen J Scho- . . M . Academy, 1S96, p. 32. (.A")
field, August, 1879. (A) 1880, February 7. Regulations for
Orders, Adjutant-Gen- recitation rooms and for the drawing
eral's Office.No. 2. Act making ap- academy adopted and published. Post
propriations for support of I'. S. Mili- (Orders, vol. 9, p. 466. (.A)
tary Academv for the rear ending June 1880, February 9. Code of rules for
30,' 1880. (.A) governing the proceedings of the aca-
General demic board. Post Orders, vol. 9, p.

Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office, No. 64. Office of profes-
468. ( A I

sor of F'rench language and that of 1880, March 2. Detailed programme

Spanish language in the Military Acad- of instruction in drawing proposed;
emy to cease when a vacancy occurs, history of the department to 1896.
and thereafter there shall be in the Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
Military .Academy only one professor 1896. pp. 26-30. (.A)
of modern languages. A
August 31.
1 I

1880, Programme of
General Orders, A<ljutant-Gen- course of studies of first class at the-
eral's Office, No. 89. Subject of min- Military Academy. Post Orders, vol..
eralogy and geology transferred from 10, p. 9. (.A)
fourth year to third year. (A) 1880. Whitaker(Cadet)outrage; Bruce"
1879 to . Keetels (.fean Gustave): (B. K. letter. 1 N. Y. Times," July 13,
An analytical French and practical 1880, p. 3, col. 2.

grammar. New ed. New York, 1900. How Messrs. Brewsters and Stone
I vol., O. (Text-book department of came to offer to defend Cadet Whita-
modern languages, 1879 to Cadet . ) ker. N. Y. Times, Julv 29, 1880, p. 2,
Register, 1879. p. 33. (A) col. 6.

1879-1887. Church (Albert E. [U. S. )

Professor Greener's argument for
Military Academy, 1828]: Plane and granting a court-martial. N. Y. Times,
spherical trigonometry. (Text-book -Aug. 18, 1880, p. I, col. 7.
departmentof mathematics, 1879-1887. Whitaker (J. C. Cadet— Political )

Cadet Registers, 1S79, P- 33. and 1S87. speech in New York City. N. Y. Times^
P- 30. K-^) .Sept. 3, 1S80, p. 2, col. 7.
132 Cni/ciiii/al of United Stairs Afilitaiy Aaxdanv.

1880. Rank as fixed by separate exami- 1880-1883. West Shore tunnel built.
nations — Whitfield's case. N.Y. Times, 1880-1887. Kuight( Lieut. John G.D.)
Oct. I, 1880, p. 2, col. 6. [U. S. Military Academy. 1S6S]: Notes
Arniv officers' sons declared ineli- on determinants, for the use of the
gible for appointment; a question of cadets of the U. S. Military Academv
residence. X. Y. Times, iSSo, Oct. 20, (West Point), 1S80. i voL.'O. (Text-
p. I, col. 4; Oct. 21, p. 5, col. 2. book department of mathematics, 18S0—
Court-martial ordered. X. V. 18S7. Rept. Supt. U. S. Jlilitary Acad-

Times, iSSo, Dec. 30, p. 2, col. 6; Dec. emy, ]>p. 61, 64. (A)
31, p. 5, col. 2. 1880-1902. Orders U. S. corps of ca-
Case of Cadet Whitaker— .Schofield dets [the "Blue Book"] for the years
M.): Forty-six years in the .\rmy, 1880,1884,1899,1902. 4vols.,0. (A)
pp. 445. et seq. (A^) 1881, May Shaving by cadet
General Orders, Adjutant-Gener- barl>er discontinued and cadets ordered
al'sOffice, No. S. Adoption of ,\bbotl's to shave themselves. Post Orders, vol.
How to write clearly as text-book in 10, p. 66. (.A)

department of English studies, U. S. 1881, June 11. The use of tobacco in

Military Academy. (A) anv form by cadets is prohibited. Post
Cadet barracks are crowded, many Orders, vol'. lo, p. 68. (A)
rooms containing; three persons. Rept. 1881, June 17. White helmet with
Board of Visitors, iSSu, p. 544. (A) chin chain hooks and spike ordered
Report of Congressional Board of worn as full dress for the cadets during
"Visitors for iSSo. With draft of a bill the summer. Post Orders, vol. 10, p. 71.
for amending existing law'S in relation (A)
to the Military .\cadeniy .
46th Cong. 1881, June. To this date examinations
3d sess., Senate Mis. Doc. 18. ) O., pp. in the department of mathematics were
16. Washington, 1881. (A) oral, but new rules were adopted at
P. vS. Michie: Caste at West Point. this time; a change made in 1895 per-
In N. Amer. Rev., vol. 130 (iSSo), pp. mits examinations to be held when anv
604-613. (A) subject is completed. Rept. Supt. U. S.
Military .\cademy, 1896, p. S3. (A)
Andrews. Prof. George L., I'. S.
Military .\cademy: West Point and the 1881, Early in. Cadets forbidden to
colored'cadets. In the Inteniat. Rev.
smoke tobacco. (Permission again
vol. g, November, iS8o, pp. 477-498. given .Sept. 4, 1903.)

(A) 1881. Amendment of rules. X. Y.

General Orders I'. ,S. corps of Times, Feb. 23, 18S1, p. 2, col. 4.

cadets. Xew York, iSSo. i pam., O. Bachelor officers' ball. X. Y.

(A) Times, Feb. 25, 1881, p. 5, col. 5.
Addresses to the graduating class, Cadets' standing. X. Y. Times,
1880, by Gen. Robert Patter.son U. S. ( May 18, i88r, p. 2, col. 5.
Military Academy, 1851) and others, General Howard's staff. X. Y.
pam., O. y.K) Times, May 18, 1881, p. 2, col. 5.
Hazing; reform in methods of Graduation exercises. X. Y. Times,

drilling new cadets; fights between ca- 1881, June 3, p. 5, col. 4; June 7, p. I,
dets; changes in system of guard duty col. 6; June 8, p. 2, col. i; June 10, p.
in barracks; increased privileges to
5. col, 3.
cadets; Whitaker case. Rept, Supt.
.Addresses by Secretary Lincoln
U. S. Military -Academy, iS8u, pp. 225-
and General Sherman. N. Y. Times,
230. (A) "

June II, 1S81, p. 2, col. 3.

' The great aim of West Point edu- Graduates classed according to
cation is that combination of mental,
standing. N. Y. Times, June 12, 1.8S1,
moral, and physical discipline which
makes the reliable soldier The . . .
p. 5, col. 3.
essential quality required [in the new Board of Vi.sitors' recommenda-
cadet] is stamina, mental, moral, and tions. N. Y. Times, June 16, 18S1, p.
physical." J. M. Schofield in Rept. 5, col. 3.
Supt. U. S. Military Academv, 18S0,
Board of Visitors' report Recom- —
p. 224. mendations as to discipline and finan-
1880 to Abbott (Rev. Edwin A.):
cial methods. X. Y. Times, Sept. 18,
How to write Rules and exer-
clearly. 1881, p. 2, col. i; Dec. 17, 18S1, p. 2,
cises on English composition. Boston, col. 5.
1888. I vol., O. (Text-book depart- Board of Visitors' report on ail-
ment of modern languages, 1880 to ministration. X. Y. Times, Sept. 19,
.) CadetRegister, i88u,p.35. (AJ 1881, p. 4, col. I.
Bibliography of llic l\ S. Militaiy .hadnuv. 133

1881. Board of Visitors Reconniieiula- — 1881. Report on the Mililarv .Vcaileniy

tions on physicalcullure, financial :U West Point. Re]). J. F. Philip.s.
methods, etc. N. Y. Times. Oct. 3. Jan. 2t, 1S81. House Repts.. \o. 112,
i88r, p. 4, col. 4. 46th Cong., -,d, vol. i. i ^,
Rank and pav of Superintendent, (A)
O. O. Howard on.' N. Y. Times, Oct. Report of Board of \'isitors to
17, 1881, p. 2, col. 6. West Point .Vcademy. .Senator .\. IL
Rank of Superintendent, Engi- C.arland. Jan. 17, iSSi. vSenate Mis.
neers and West Point. N. Y. Times, Docs., No. iS, 46th Cong., 3d sess.,
Nov. 19, 1S81, p. 4, col. 3.
vol. I, 13 pp. (A)
The Superintendent should serve Augur (C. C): I'. S. Military
more than four years; and also the .\cademy, 1S43. to the gra(l-
Connnandant and the heads of the de- uating June 10, 1885. n. p., n.

partments of practical military engi- d. I vol., O., 9 pp. (.\)

neering and of ordnance; discipline; General Orders, .'Adjutant Gen-
hazing; instruction; criticism of the eral's Office, Nos. 9, u, 87. Text-
administration of the cadet mess. books. (A)
Minority report; the change in the General Order Adjutiuit (General's
supervision of the .\cademy in 1866 Office, No. 22. Violation of academic
has not been justified; the post of West rules and regulations to be reported.
Point should not be a military depart- I A)
ment; competitive examination for can-
General Order Adjutant General's
didates is not favored; a preparatory
Office, No. 22. Cadets' deficiency in
school is recommended. Rept. Board
di.scipline. ( .\
of Visitors, iSSi. (A)
General Orders Adjutant-General's
Duties of the adjutant U. ,S. Mili- Office, No. 22. Graduates of the Mili-
tary Academy described; the all-night tary Academy, physical disability. (\)
guard in cadet barracks abolished; no
General Orders .Xdjutant-General's
hazing during the camp of iSSi; each
Office, No. 22. Graduates of the Mili-
instructor prepares and reads a paper on
tary Academy, diplomas. (A)
some professional subject. Rept. .Supt.
U. S. Military Academy, 1881, pp. 157- 1881-1886. General Orders Adjutant-
159- (A) General's Office, No. 22, 18S1: Circ.
Detailed statement as to the va- Nos. 7, TS85; 33, 1886. Graduates of
rious funds U. S. Military Academy. the Military Academy, appointments
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, and assignments in the Army. How
1881, pp. ihi-167. (A) made. ( .\ 1

Fish Williston [U. S. Military

1881-1897. Cooley (Thomas 'SI. ) : The
Academy] vShort Rations [a story of
general principles of constitutional law
cadet and army life] ill. New York, .
in the United .States of .\merica ... 2d
I vol., ed.. by Alexis C. Angell. Boston, 1891.
I vol., O. (Text-book department of
Blasting or military mining, '81.
law, iSSi-i8g6; department of law and
1881. O., paper.
history, 1896-1S97. Cadet Registers, )

Howe (E. W.l: History of the 1881, p. 31, and 1897, p. 32; Rept. Supt.
Class of 1878. New York, 1881. I U. S. Military Academy, 1S96, p. 157.
vol., O. (A) (A)
Hamilton (Alice King): Mildred's 1881-1898. Tidball (John C. [U. ,S. )

Cadet or Hearts and Bell-Buttons. An Military .\cademy, i''^48]: (By au-

Idyl of West Point . . . Philadelphia, thority. ) Manual of heavy artillery
(1881). I vol., O. (A) service for the use of the .\rniy and
National No. 471.Repo.sitory, militia of the United States. 4th ed.
March, pam., O.
1881. [Pages
i Washington, 1S91. i vol., O. (Text-
193-205: West Point Militar\' Acad- book department of tactics, 18S1-1898.)
emy.] (A) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
1896, p. 127. Cadet Registers, 1881 and
Supplement to the catalogue of (A)
1898, pp. 31.
the library of the U. S. Military Acad-
emy, West Point, N. Y. Containing 1881-1900. General Orders, .\djutant-
the additions from 1S73 to the 31st of General's Office, Nos. 20, 1881; 9, 1882;
December, 18S1. Librarian: C. E. S. 17, 1890; 2, 1900. Uniform of profes-
Wood, . .Assistant Librarian: An-
sors of the Military .\cademy. \) (

dr^ Freis. New York, A. V. Haight, General Orders, .\djutant-Gen-

printer, 1S82. I vol., O., viii pp. and eral's Office, Nos. 58, i88i; 75, 18S2:
pp. 725-1027; pp. 913-1027, alphabetical 44, 1883; 62, 1884; 74, 1S85; 50, 1886;
index [to the whole catalogue]. (A) 45, 64, 18S7; 56, 188S; 57, 1889, 104,
134 Coilcuiiial of United States Military Aeadoiiv.

1S90; 62, 1S91; 51, 1892; 53, 1S93, 24. 1882. General Howard — Final report
1894; 37, 189s; 29, 1S96; 45, 1897; 43, "Fisticuff" practice. X'^. Y. Times,
1898; 33, 1899; 87, 1900. Graduates of .\ug. 30, 18S2, p. 2, col. 4.
the Military Academy, appointments The library contains 28,743 ^'ol
and assignments in the Army an- umes. Rept. Supt. U. ,S. Military Acad-
nounced. (A) emy, 1 882, p. 159. {h.)
1882, May 25. Board of officers ap- Effect of too numerous reports
pointed to devise a dress liat for the upon the discipline of cadets; hazing;
battalion of cadets. Post Orders. (A) fights between cadets. Rept. Supt.
U. S. Military Academv, 1882, pp. 157,
1882. Method of examining candidates;
15S. (A)
cieneral Fry's criticisms. N. Y. Times,
JIar. 15, 18S2, p. 4, col. 5. Religious instruction of cadets.
Rept. Supt. U. ,S. Military .\cademv,

.\p])ointnients; Lists by States. 1882, p. l6i. (A)
X. V. Times, .^pr. S, 1SS2, p. 2, col. 3.
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
Board of examiners appointed eral's Office, Xo. 9. LTiiiform of the
to attend examinations. >I. Y. Times, sword master at Military -Academy. (A)
1882, May II, p. 5, col. 2; May 13, p. Extension (2 divisions, 33 rooms)
2, col. 3. to Cadet Barracks completed, costing
Officers to be relieved from duty. 172,000. (A)
X. Y. Times, May II, 1S82, p. 2, col. 3. Second Observatory built
Board of \'isitors' report on se-
lection of Superintendent; fiscal sys- Autobiography of a West Pointer.
tem, and raising standard of admission. By Capt. Dum John. O., i v. 1882.
N. Y. Times (ed. ), June 3, 1SS2, p. 4, (A)
col. 3. Greneral Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
Graduates' names. X. Y. Times, eral's Office, No. 2. Cadets examina-
June 6, 1S82, p. 5, col. 5.
tions. (A)
Candidates for admission; treat- General Adjutant-Gen-
ment by cadets. N. Y. Times, June eral's Office, Graduates of the
No. 75.
7, 18S2, p. 5, col. I.
Military Academy; mileage to be paid
in advance.

-Class standing Bareback riding-
(-\) Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
Board of \"isitors' meeting. N. Y.
Times, June 9, 1882, p. 5, col. 2. eral's Office, No. 78. Colonel Merritt
appointed ,Superintendent, vice General
Graduation hop. N. Y. Times,
Howard, relieved. (A)
June 10, 1882, p. 8, col. i
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
Graduating exercises Address by — eral's Office, No. 102. Appropriations
Col. E. S. Otis. X\ Y. Times, June r
for new hospital. (A)
1882, p. 8, col. I.

•Cadets; a.ssignments. X.Y. Times,

1882 to Michie (Peter S.) [U. S.

Military Academy, Elements of

July J3, 1882, p. 2, col. 3.
wave motion sound and
relating to
Discontinued as a military depart- light. 2d ed., rev. New York, 1S86.

ment Col. W. Merritt appointed I vol., O. (Text-book department of
Superintendent. N. Y. Times, 1882, natural and experimental philosophy,
July 14, p. 2, col. 3; Sept. i, p. 3, col. 3. 1882 to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
Livingston, L. W. (colored), ap- tary Academy, 1896, p. 20; Cadet Reg-
pointed cadet from Florida. N. Y. ister, 1882, p. 32. (A)
Times, 1882, July 30, p. 8, col. 4; Aug. Le Conte (Joseph): Elements of
29, p. col. 6; .\ug. 30, p.
I, 2, col. 4; geology. New O.
'i'ork, 1891. i vol.,
Sept. 3, p. 5, col. 5. (Text-book department of chemistry,
1882, Aug'ust 3. Act of Congress au- 18S2 to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
thorizes payment to heirs of the late tary Academy, 1896, p. 104. (A)
H. R. .\guel, profe.ssor, U. S. Military 1882-1885. General Orders, Adjutant-
Academv, for monev expended by him General's Office, Xos. 77, 18S2; 13,
at TI. S. Military Academy, (A)" 1899; 98, 1S95; 2, 1882; 22, 1881; 43,
1882. Cadet's career declared easy 18S5. Regulations amended, etc. (A)
Relation of number of cadets to ap- General Orders, Adjutant-Gener-
pointments to the .\rmy. N. Y. Times al's Office, Nos. 77, 1.S82; 13, 1.S89.
(ed.), .\ug. II, 1882, p. 4, col. 3. Superintendent, duties. (A)
Cadets —
how appointed. N. Y. General Orders, Adjutant-Gener-
Times, 1S82, Aug. 25, p. 8, col. 4; Aug. al's Office, Nos. 77, 1.SS2; 13, 18S9.
26, ]). 8 col. 6. Supervision and charge of. (.4)
niblioorapliv of t lie L '.
S. MHilary Acadouy. 135

1882-1890. tVoncral Orders, Ailjutant- kept. .Supt. U. S. Military .\cadeiny,

(".(.iK-ral's Xos. 15S, 1.S.S2; 3S,
Officf. 1883, pp. iSS, 191. (A)
1S9.1. Transportation i)f articles do- 1883. I'or.syth (J. and Michie(I'. S.):

natfil to. (A) I, 'academic militaire des Ktat.s-I'nis a

1882-1893. Keetel (Jean l',.i: An West Point. Revue Internationale de

analytical French reader. (Text-book I'enseigncnient, tome 5, 1883, pp. 610
(lei)artinent of modern languages, et .secj. i.K)
. 18S2-1893). Cadet Registers, 1SS2, p. Andrews (G. L. ): The Military
31, and 1893, p. 30. Academy and its requirements . . .

1882-1894. General Orders, Adjutant- West I'o'int, 1S83. I vol., O., 38 pp. (A)
Cencral's Office, Nos. 74, 1882; 37, Novels: Kush, p.seud.: Won at
1S94. Assignment or detail of gradu- West Point: .A romance on the Hud-
ates of the Military Academy as pro- son. Byl" Chicago, 1 8S3. ivol.,
fessors, etc. (A) O. (Ai
1883, June 11. Thayer monument R. J. Lossing: West Point, ill.

dedicated. In Century Mag., vol. 4, p. 257.

1883. Connni.ssion to visit colleges. 1883 to Thompson (Sylvanus P.):

N. Y. Times (ed.), JIar. 15, 1SS3, p. 4, Elementary lessons in electricity and
col. 5. magnetism. New ed. New York,
Jlilitary Service Institute di.s- — 1901. ivol.,0. (Text-book department
cuss course of studv and examinations. of chemistry, 1S83 to .) Rept.
N. Y. Times, Mar. iS, 1SS3, p. 13, col. 3. Supt. U. S" :MiIitary .Academy, 1896,
p. 104.
Annual examinations. X. Y.
Times, 1883, June 6, p. 3, col. 2; June 1883-1889. Mordecai (.Alfred) [U. S.
7, p. 5, col. 3; June 8, p. S, col. i; June
Military .Vcademy, ]86l]; Ordnance
9, p. 8, col. 3; June lo, p. 5, col. i; and gunnery. Pamphlets Xos. 1,2, 3,
June n, p. I, col. 5. 4,and5. n.p.,n.d. 5vol., O. (Text-
Graduating exercises Times — book department of ordnance and gun-
nery, 1SS3-1889.) Cadet Registers,
"W. J. H." letters. N. Y. Times, 1883,
1S83, p. 32, and 1889, p. 32. (A)
June 2, p. 2, col. 7; June 3, p. 5, col. 6;
June 4, p. 5, col. 5; June 5, p. 5, col. i; 1883-1891. General Orders, Adjutant-
June 6, p. 9, col. i; June 7, p. 2, col 3; General's Office, Nos. 21, 18S3; 52,
June 8, p. 5, col. 4; June 9, p. 5, col. i; 1887; 70, 78, 1891. Graduates of the
June 10, p. 5, col. i; June 11, p. 5, col. Military Acadeni}-, transportation of
4; June 12, p. 5. col. 4: June 13, p. 9, books.' (A)
col. I.
1883-1893. Orders and circulars,
Commencement 1SS3. N. Y. compendium of, from headquarters,
Times, 18S3, June 12, p. i, col. 7; June U. S. Military Academy, No. 1 7 of 1883
13, p. I, col. 5; June 14, p. I, col. 6. to No. 61 of'1893. U.' S. M. A. Press,
Thayer Statue unveiled. N. Y. 1893. I pam., O. (-A)
Times, June 12, 1883, p. i, col. 7. 1883-1894. Wheeler
(J. B.) [U. S.
Alexander (J. H.), colored ca- Military .Vcademy, 1855] A text-book :

det. N. Y. Times, 1SS3, June 13, p. i, of military engineering for the of
col. 5; June 26, p. I, col. 2. the cadets of the U. S. Military Acad-
Alexander (J. H.), colored ca- emy. Pt. I. Permanent fortifications.

det Prospects of hazing. X. Y. Times, Pts. 2 and
military mining.
3. Siege operations and
New York, 1885. 2
July 2, 1S83, p. I, col. 3.
vols., O. (Text-book department of
Hartigan (Cadet) Di.smissal for — civil and military engineering, 1S83-
hazing. N. Y. Times (ed. ), T883, July 1S94. ) Cadet Registers, 1SS3. p. 31,
31, p. 4, col. i; Aug. 6, p. 4, col. 3; and 1S94, p. 31. (.\)
(news), July 31, p. i.col. 3; Aug. i!,p.
5, col. 5; Sept. 21. p. 5, col. 6.
1883-1896. Swinton (William): Out-
lines of the world's history, ancient,
Candidates admitted 18S3. N. Y. niediac-val, and modern, with special
Times, Sept. 8, 1883, p. I, col. 6. relation to the history of civilization
Annual report by General Merritt. ami the progress of mankind. New
N. Y. Times, Xov. 15, 18S3, p. 3, col. 2, York. 1874. I vol., O. (Te.xt-book
Regulations for the U. S. Military department of geography, history and
Academ}- at West Point, N. Y. Wash- ethics, 1S83-1896.) Rep't. .Supt. U. S.
ington, Government Printing Office, Military .-Xcademy, 1896, p. 156. (A)
1883. xviii, 82 pp., 12°. (A) 1883-1902. Knapp (William I.):
Cadets of the fourth class were Modern Spanish readings, embracing
for the first time instructed in swim- text, notes, and an etymological vo-
ming and in rifle practice. Hazing. cabulary. Boston, 1895. I vol., O.
136- Centennial of United States Military Aeadem)
tees appointed bv the President, Dec.
(Text-book department of modern lan-
18S4. O. Washington, 1S84. 50
guages, 1SS3-1902.) Rept. Supt. U. S. 2,
pp., 6 pis. (sep.) (A)
Militarv Academy, 1896, p. I44; ^a-
det Registers, 1902, p. 31. (A) 1884. Board of Visitors' annual report.
A X. Y. Times, Nov. 21, 1884, p. 3, col. i.
1883-1902. Knapp (William I.):
Orders for the U. S. corps of
grannnar of the modern Spanish lan- (A)
cadets. 18S4. v., O. 7''^
guage. 2d ed. Boston, 1892. i vol.,

O. (Text-book department of modern Electric-light Iniilding occupied.

languages, 883-1 9)2.
1 Rept. Supt.
). (A)
U. S. Militarv Academy, 1896, p. 144; Orders for the cadet guard in
Cadet Registers, 1902, p. 31. (A) camp. iv.,0. (1S84.) 25 pp. (A)
February 2, 1884. Act of Congress General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
authorizing a cadet from Guatemala eral's Office, No. 27: Cadet's dismissal
and one from Nicaragua to receive in- for hazing disqualifies for reappoint-
struction at U. S. Military Academy. ment. (A)
(A) -? Leeds (J. W.): The dress parade
West Point, n. p., 1884? O. ,12 pp.
March 4, 1884. Minor changes in gray at
(Reprint from the Episcopal Rev.,
cloth coatee for cadets. Post orders,
(A) 1884. /;/ the Lenox Library, New
vol. 10, p. 396.
York City.)
March 31. 1884. Act of Congress pro- Bloxham (Charles Lou-
vides aiiv cadet di:,niissed for haz- don): Chemistry, inorganic and or-
ing shall not be eligible to reappoint- ganic, with experiments. 4th ed.
ment. ( A London, 1880. vol., O. i
. Act of Congress appropriates department of chemistry, 1S84-1897.)
money to pay for plumes for hats of Cadet Registers, 1885, and 1S97, p. 31.
cadet officer-s'; same. Mar. 2, 1S91, ap- (A)
propriates money to pay for sashes for 1884-1900. General Orders, Adju-
cadet privates acting as officers, etc.; tant-General's Office, Nos. 5, 18S4; 41,
same, Jan. 16, 1895, appropriates money
90, 18S8; II. 28, 1893; 29, 1S99; 13.
to pav for sa.shes of all cadet officers. 1900. Admission of foreigners author-
[Previous to these dates the cadets ized. (A)
mentioned paid for plumes and .sashes Koehler
needed by them.] (A) 1885, February 1. II. J.
appointed master of the sword. (A)
April 14, 1884. Orders U, S. C. C. The corps of cadets
vol., O. (A)
1885, August 5.
(blue book), i
crosses the river to Garrison to salute
June 14, 1884. Houk (George W.): the funeral train bearing the remains
Address delivered at the graduating of Gen. U. S. Grant. Post Orders,
exercises. Rept. Board of Visitors, vol. II, p. 104. (A)
1S84, p. S19. (A) 1885. Cadets ask legislation giving
June, 1884. Table showing the phys- appointments on graduation. N. Y.
ical examination of each graduate and Times (ed.), Jan. 11, 1S85, p. 6, col. 3.
comparisons with the same data at en- Board of Visitors report— Cadets'
trance. Rept. Board of Visitors, 1S84, deficient knowledge of English criti-
pp. 840-841. (A) cized. N. Y. Times, Jan. 30, 1S85, p.
Crook (George) [U. S. Mili- 2, col. 4.
tary Academy, 1852]: Address to the Board of Visitors— Graduates.
graduating class. 11. p.. n. d. vol., i
N. Y. Times, June I, 18S5, p. 2, col. I.
0.,pp. 7- (A) "Times" letters. N. Y. Times,
1884. Bills of fare at cadet's, May 1885, June 2, p. 5, col. i; June 3, p.
and June; cost of provisions, etc., for col. i; Junes, p. 5. col. 4; June 6, p. 5,
cadets, 1874-1884; extracts from cadet col. 4; June 7, p. 9, col. 3; June 9, p. 2,
check books. Rept. Board of Visitors, col. 7; June 10, p. 2, col. i; June 12,
1884, pp. 833-S39. (A) col. 6; June
p. I, col. 7; June 13, p. I,
(Second) Cadet hospital erected 14, p. 7, col. 1.

at a cost of 1120,617.84. vSouth wing Review — .\ppointnients by States.

added, 1902-3. (A) N. Y. Times, June 4, 1885, p. 2, col. i.

Report of the Board of \'isitors Baccalaureate sermon, 1S85. N.Y.

on the part of the House of Representa- Times, June 8, 1SS5, p. 2, col. 3.
tives upon the discipline, instruction, General Grover's funeral. N.Y.
police administration, and fiscal and
Academy Times, June 10, 1885, p. 2, col. 31.
other affairs of the Military ' Plebs" initiation described. N.
at Point, with accompanying re-
Y. limes, June 11, 1885, p. 5, col. 3.
ports thereon of the several commit-
Bihlioi^rapliv of I lie U. S. Militarv Aradrviy. 137
1885. Commencement, 18S5. X. Y. 1885-86. Turnover collars on cadet
Times (ed. June 13. 1SS5, p.
I, 4, col. 4; uniform introduced. Classalbum, tS86.
(news) June 14, 1S85, p. 7, col. i. 1Al V. W. S. [before 1S57, E. S. H.]
Curriculum —
Changes .suggested 1885-1887. General Orders, Adjutant
bv Board of Visitors. X. V. Times ed. ) (
General'sOflice, Xos. 127, 1885; 5, 1SS.7
Ji'dy 8, 18S5, p. 4, col. 4. Graduates of the Military .-Vcadcmy.
Board of Visitors' recommenda- leave of absence. (\)
tions. X. Y. Times, July 8, 1885, p. (5eneral Orders, Adjutant Gen-
3, col. I. Xos. 127, 1SS5; 5, 18.S7.
eral's Office,
General Orders, Adjutant General's Graduates of the Military Academy,
Office, No. 43. Burials in post cemetery. pay. (A)
(A) Deschanel (\. P.): Heat, ele-
Antone Lorentz, sword master for mentary treatise, natural philosophy.
twenty-seven years, died; H. J. Koeh- Translated by J. D. Everett. (Tex't-
lerappointed Feb. i, 1SS5. The use of book department of chemistry, 1S85-
curtains in alcoves of cadet rooms dis- 1S87.) Cadet Registers, 1885, p'. 'ii,and
continued. Service at post-graduate 1887, p. 31.
schools recommended. Rept. Supt. Tillman (vSamuel E.) [U. S. Jlili-
U. S. Militarv Academy, 1SS5, pp. 190- tarj-.-Vcademy, 1869]: (Text-book de-
193. (A) partment of chemistry, 1885-1SS7.)
Methods V S. Mil-
of teaching at . Principles of chemical philosophy.
itary Academy described; are changes West Point, 1S85. I vol., O. Cadet
in the courses taught desirable? Opin- Registers, 1SS5, p. 31, and 1SS7, p. 31.
ions of the academic board; statistics (
(1S67-1S84) of preliminary examina- 1885-1892. The physical training of
tions and on scholarship; examination
cadets was carried on in the old g.vm-
papers for candidates 1878-1SS2. Rept. nasium in the basement of the third
Board of Visitors 1885, pp. S4R-85S, academic building). H. T. K.
868-880. (A)
Reasons why cadets should sub- 1885-1894. Instruction in swimming
mit written explanations for offenses; was given Washington Valley; since
necessity for target practice; necessity l894in the gymnasium tank. H. T. K.
for a new academic building; some 1885 . Labberton (Robert 11.):
military subject should be studied in Historical atlas, 3800 B. C. to 18S6 k. D.
each year of cadet life; lectures on hy- "... 5th ed. New York, 1891. i . . .

giene should be given; maps should be vol., O. (Title changed to Universal

provided for every room in cadet bar- History in 1902.) (Text-book depart-
racks, etc. Rept. Board of Visitors, ment of geography, history, and ethics,
1885, pp. 841-847. (A) 1885-1896, and department of law and
Systematic instruction in swim- history, 1896 to .) Cadet Register,
ming was first given H. T. K.
in 1S85. 1885, p. 31. (This book is furnished
to cadets and kept in their rooms dur-
Annual report of the Board of Vis- ing term time. (A) )

the U. S. Military .•\cademy for

itors to
the year iSSs; Washington, 1SS6, 44 1885-1898. General Orders,.A.djutant-
pp. "(A) Gt-neral's Xos. 98, 18S5; 15, 1S98.

Electric fire-alarm .system in- Examination of candidates for admis-

stalled. sion. (.\)

The ^Military Academy, West 1885 . Roemer, J. Cours de Lec-

Point, X. Y. [Ro.ster of officers.] In ture etde Traduction. X'ewYork, 1901.
The U. S. Military List No. 2, October, 2 vols., O. (Text-book department of
1885, p. 61. (A)' modern languages. Vol. L 1S85-1902;
A letter from the Hon. Edward Vol. n, iSggto ) Cadet Registers, .

Pierrepont to his son printed for

. . .
1885, p. 30; 1S99, p.30; 1902, p.31. (A)
distribution to the cadets, U. S. Mili- before 1886. Bruff (Lawrence L.)
tary Academy. West Point, 1885.
. . .
[U. ,S. Military .\cademy, 1876]: Ex-
I vol., O., 16 pp. (A) terior ballistics, gun
con.struction, and
Hoadley (G."): .-^n address de- U. vS. .sea coast guns. West Point, 1892,
livered to the graduating class . . . I vol., O. (Text-book department of
June iS, 18S5. n. p., n. d. i vol., O., ordnance and gunnery. 1S70-1886.)
13 PP- (A) Rept. Supt. V . S. Military Academy,
Annual report of the Board of 1S96, p. i.S... (A)
Visitors made to the Secretary of War, 1886, May
17. .A.ct of Congress au-

for the }-ear 1885. O. Washington, thorizes the promotion of graduates as

1885. 42 pp. (A) additional second lieutenants. {.\)
13?^ Coitctiuial of United States Military Amdcniy.

1886, May
20. Act of Congress pro- 1886. Letter ... in regard to the omi.s-
vides for instruction at U. S. Military sion from House bill 5S86 of certain
Academy as to the effects of alcoholic appropriations recommended. Mar.
drinks, etc. .A ( 23, 1 886. 2 pp. (k)
Act of Congress ap- Annual report of the Board of
1886, Jvtne 30.
propriating nionev to pay general serv- Vi-sitors for 1886. Dec. 22, 1S86.
Washington, 1886. 63 pp., 9 pis. .A
ice clerks at West Point.' "(A)
( 1

[Berard, Miss A. B.]: Reminis-

1886, June. Rept. Board of Visitors:
cences of West Point in the Olden
The U. S. Military Academy has con-
Time, Derived from various Sources,
tributed to the educational force of the
country no less than 35 presidents of and Register of Graduates of the I'. S.
Military Academy, corrected to Sept. i.
colleges, 27 principals of schools, 11
1886, with an index. East Saginaw,
regents or chancellors, 119 professors
(A) Mich., 1886. I vol., O. Reminiscen-
or teachers; 192 in all.
ces, 40 pp.; Register, 76. (A)
1886, July 29. -\ct of Congress pro-
List of cadets admitted to the
viding for the enlistment and pay of U. S. Military Academy, West Point,
general service clerks at 'West Point N. Y., from its origin till Sept. i, 1S86.
and elsewhere. -\ I
With tables exhibiting the results of
1886, December 20. Act of Congress: examinations for admission and the
Graduates who are commissioned must corps to which the graduates have been
be paid from date of acceptance and promoted. Compiled under the direc-
qualification for commission "in ac- tion of W. C. Brown, First Cavalry, by
cordance with the uniform practice William Ward. Washington, 1,887.
which has prevailed since the establish- 12°, 72 pp. (A)
ment of the Military Academy." (A) General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
1886. .Appropriation bill reported. erals's Office, No. 26. Graduates of the
N. Y. Times, Feb. 26, 1SS6, p. 3", col. 5; Military Academy, transportation of
passed by House, May 9, 1886, p. 1, col. baggage. (A)
3; pa.s.sed by Senate, June 17, 1886, p. Cervus, G. I.: Cut; A storv of
3, col. 6. West Point . . . Philadelphia, 18S6.
.Appropriation bill passed by I vol., O. (A)
House. N. Y. Times (ed. ), Mav 9, 1886-87. Book List No. i, U. S. Mili-
1S86, p. 8, col. I.
tary Academy library, fiscal year 1886-
Board of Visitors appointed. N. Y. 87' I v., O.
(A) '

Times, May 22, 1886, p. 3, col. 7.

1886-1895. Cooke (Col. A. C.) and
Annual exercises — Prograunne. others: .Aide-memoire for the use of
N. Y. Times, May 22, 1886, p. 6, col. i.
officers of royal engineers, pts. i and
Visitors appointed, 1886. N. Y. 2. London (n. d.). I vol., O.
Times, May 22, 1886, p. 3, col. 7. (* Text-book department of civil and

Graduating exercises — Times " W. military engineering, 1886-1895.)
J. H." letters. N. Y. Times, 18S6, June Cadet Registers, 1886, p. 31, and 1895,
2, p. 2, June 3, p. 5, col. 6; June
col. 7; p. 32. (A)
4, p. 5, col. 6; June 5, p. 5, col. i; June 1886-1897. Winthrop (Col. W.):
6, p. 9, col. i; June 7, p. 2, col. 3; June An abridgement of military law. 2d
8, p. 5, co!. 4; June 9, p. 5, col. i; June
rev. ed. New York, 1895, vol., O. i
10, p. 5, col. I June II, p. 5, col. 4; June
(Text-book department of law, 18S6-
12, p. 5, col. 4; June 13, p. 9, col. i.
1897.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
Candidates for admission— List. .Academy, 1896, p. 157; Cadet Register,
N. Y. Times, June 9, 1886, p. 5, col. i 1897, p. 32. (A)
Cadet at large .Appointment — 1886-1899. The classes elected class
given Mr. Rochester. N. Y. Times presidents.
(ed.), July 4, 1886, p. 6, col. i.

Estimates ... of appropriations 1887, June 4. The cadet mess hall

for the support of the Acaderav for officially named Grant Hall " in honor '

. . . 18S6-S7. Mar. II, 1886. 2 pp. of Gen. Grant. Post Orders,

U. S.

(A) vol. II, p. 355. (A)

Report of Committee on Military 1887. Cadets' winter life sketched
Affairson bill to regulate promotion of Result of examinations. N. Y. Times,
graduates. Mar. 18 and 23, 1886. 2+ Jan. 27, 1S87, p. 2, col, 4.

i-f4pp. (A) Board of Visitors' report, 1887.

On bill making appropriations N. Y. Times, Mar. 10, 1887, p. 2, col. 4.
for 1SS6-7. Feb. 25. i p. House Rept. Examination programme. N. Y.
No. 719- (A) Times, May 19, 1887, p. I, col. 6.
Bihlii)o;iupliy of Ilie L '.
S. MHilary Acadctin
1887. G. I'arkc's .ippointiiieiit pro-
1887. llow the time of a fourth class
posed asSuperinU*ii(li-nl. N. V. Times cadet in barracks and in camp isjia.ssed
(ed.), Way 31, 1S87, p. 4, col. 2. (details given Opinions of Profe.s.sor
) .

Michie on the character and .scope of

Graduates and relative standing. instruction at U. ,S. Military .\cademy
X. Y. Times, June 2, 1887, p. 2, col. i.
(p. 8471. Rept. Board of Visitors, 18S7,
Examinations, 1887. N. V. Times, pp. 826-827, (A)
1887, June 3, p. 2, col. 3; June 4, p. 5, Williams Charles ^: Point (

col. I ; June 6, p. 5, col. 4; June 7, p. 2, versus Woolwich. In N. Y. World,

col. I; June 8, p. 5, col. 4; June 9. p. 2, ,Sept. 2v 1887; extracts /// Rept. Board
col. 4; June 10, p. 5, col. 1
of Visitors, 1887. (A)
Second lieutenancies vacant. N. Mr. Wheeler's resolution (H.R.I
Y. Times, June 5. 1SS7, p. 2, col. 3. to print 5,1x10 e.xtra copies of the Re-
port of the Board of Visitors for 18S7.
Graduates' prospects of obtaining
I p. ( A )

commissions. X. Y. Times (ed. '), June

10, 18S7, p. 4, col. 6.
.\nnual report of the Board of
Visitors to the I'. S. Military Academy
Commencement; General Sher-
for Washington, 188S. (.\)
man's speech. N. Y. Times, June 12,
1SS7, p. 9, col. 3. Report from Committee on
Military Affairs on the Military Acad-

Court-martial — Civilian visitors'
emy. .Appropriation bill for 1S87-8S,
mistaken view of. X. Y. Times (ed.). Dec. 21, 18S6, 2 pp. (A)
June 16, 18S7. p. 4. col. I.
Powers (Fred. Perry): West
Supt. J. G. Parke appointed from
Point, the .Army and the Militia. ///
Engineer Corps. X". Y. Times (ed.), Lippincott's Monthly Mag., July, 1S87.
Aug. 30, 1887, p. 4, col. 4. p.m. ( .'V

Cadet examinations Recruits — Lemly (H. R., lieutenant, Third

Custer massacre F. Wilkeson's tales
U. S. Artillery .\ West Point Romance.
) :

told in Pullman smoker. X. Y. Times,

(Outing, vol. 9, February. 1887, pp. 466-
Oct. 23, 1887, p. 13, col. I.
468.) (A)
Entering class's size, 18S7. X. Y. King
Periodical articles:
Times (ed.), Sept. 5, 1887, p. 4, col. 2.
(Charles), U. S. Army: Cadet life at
Cadets' lives Discipline, etc. — West Point. In Harper's New Month-
Carl Breter on. X. Y. Times, Xov. 19, ly Mag., vol. 75, No. 446, pp. 196-219.
1887, p. 2, col. 3. (A)
Candidates' initiation ordeals. .\utom,atic fog bell at Gee's Point
X. Y. Times, Oct. 9, 1SS7, p. 18, col. 7. installed.
Graduates assigned to lieutenan- Telephone service introduced at
cies. X. Y. Times, June 25, 1887, p. West Point.
5, col. I. Department of chemistry, miner-
General .\djutant-Gen-
Orders, alogy, and geology; in this year, at the
eral's Office, Xo. 41. Colonel Parke suggestion of the head of department,
appointed superintendent, vice General an instructor was present each p. m. to
Merritt relieved. .\ (
give information to cadets applying for
Koehler (H. J.i: k .system of it. The cu.stom isstill ( 1902I continued
calisthenic exercises ... In Rept. and a like practice obtains in other de-
Sec. War, 18S9, pp. 1 125-1129, ill. partments.
(.\ copy bound separatelv is in the 1887 to Edgar W. [C. S.
. ( )

library.) (A) Military .Academy, 1S6S]: Introduction

Class of '86. First class annual of to the differential calculus. West
Point, 1887. ivol.,0. (Text-bookde-
the class of f. S. Military Acad-
emy For 1887.
, . . Poughkeepsie, partment of mathematics, 1S87 to .

18S7. I vol, O. 3 copies. (.A.)

Cadet Register, 1887, p. 30. (.\)
Powers, etc., of the Board of Visit- Reed Henry ( .\. )
, lieutenant, U. S.
ors; utility of the Academy; course of
.Army [U. S. Military -Academy, 1870]:
studies; .standard of admi.ssion; modern
Topographical drawing and sketching,
languages; discipline and government; including applications of photography.
daily life of cadets; appointment; com- New York, 1886. i vol., O. (*Text-
petitive examinations; fiscal affairs; book department of drawing, 1887 to
comparison of West Point with Wool- .) Cadet Register, 1887, p. 30.
wich and Sandhurst (p. 787); average (A)
annual cost of U. S. Military Academy Michie (Peter S.) fU. S. Military
( 187S-18S7), 1289,285.90.
Rept. Board .Academy, 1863] Elements of analyt- :

of Visitors, 1887, pp. 755-789. (A) ical mechanics. 4th ed. Xew York,
I40 .
Ccutoiuial of Uiii/cd Slates Militcuy Academy.

T897. I vol., O. (Text-book depart- 1888. Cadetsdischarged. N.Y. Times,

ment of natural and experimental phi- Jan. 26, 1888, p. 3, col. 2.
losophy, 1893 to Portion of this

book relating to hydrodynamics used

Board of Visitors appointed Des- —
ignations. N. Y. Times, May 12, j888,
as text-book in department of natural col. 4.
p. I,
and experimental philosophy, 18S7 to
) .
Military Acad-
Rept. Supt. U. vS. Board of Visitors arrive. N.Y.
emv, 1896, p. 19; Cadet Register, 1893, Times, June 3, 18S8, p. i, col. 6.

p. 31. (A) -Examinations, 1S8S. N.Y. Times,

1887 to Tillman (Samuel E.)
18SS, May 23,
p. 2, col. 2; June 2, p. 5,
[U. S. Military Academy, 1869]. Ele- col. 4; June 3, p. 5, col. 4; June 5, p. 2,
mentarv lessons in heat. 2d ed. New col. i; June 6, p. 5, col. 4; June 7, p. S,
York, 1S92. I vol., O. (Text-book col. 4; Jnne 8, p. 8, col. i June 9, p. ; 5,
department of chemistry, 1887 to .
col. 4; June 10, p. 3, col. 4; June 11, p.
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 4, col. 7; June 12, p. 5, col. 4.
[896, p. 106. (A)
Merit roll, 1888. N. Y. Times,
1887-1891. Brown ( ): Eclectic
June 10, 1888, p. 3, col. 4.
physiology. Text-book department of

chemistry, 18S7-1S91.) Cadet Regis- vSecond lieutenants appointed from

ters 1887, p. 31, and 1S91, p. 31. cadet graduates. N. Y. Times, July
10, 188S, p. 3, col. 5.
1887-1892. Michie (P. S.) [U. S.
Military Academy, 1S63]: Elements of •
Portraits of Generals Sheridan,
analytical mechanics. 4th ed. New Grant, and Sherman presented bv G. W.
York, 1893. lvol.,0. Text-book de- ( Childs. N. Y. Times, June 15, iSS8, p.
partment of natural and experimental 4, col. 7.
philosophy, 1S87-1892.) Cadet Regis- N. Y. Times,
Cadets appointed.
ters, 1887,'p. 31, and 1892, p. 31. (A)
July 20, 1888, p. 8, col. 7.
1887-1897. Tillman (S. E.) [U. S.
Military Academy, 1869] Essential :
Board of Visitors' report, iS
principles of chemistry. West Point, N. Y. Times (ed. ), Sept. 13, i,S88, p.
1888. I vol., O. (Text-book depart- 4, col. 2.

ment of chemistry, 18S7-1S97.) Cadet Norman (T.), Cadet Court-mar- —

Registers, 1S88, p. 31, and 1897, p. ^r. tial sentence remitted. N. Y. Times,
(A) Nov. 14, 188S, p. 2, col. 6.
1887-1898. Blunt Stanhope
(Capt. Department of mathematics.
E. [U. S.
Military Academy, 1872]: Problems in geometry, [n. d.] [n. p.]
(By authority) Firing regulations for I vol., O., 20pp. (A)
small arms for the U. S. Army. New-
See Sketch of the Life of Bvt. Brig.
York, iS8g. I vol., O. ("-Text-book
Gen. Sylvester Churchill, U. S. Army,
department of tactics, 1887-1898.)
Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
New York, 1S88, I vol., O. (Espe-
cially pp. 145, et seq. and pp. 1S5, et
1S96, p. 127: Cadet Registers, 1887, p.
seq.) (A)
30, and 1.S9S, p. 30. (A)
Coulter, Stanley; Jacob Whitman
1888, January. The need for a new Bailey. (Professor V. ,S. Military
academic building or for increased room
Academy.) I pam., O., 7 pp. (1888.)
is spoken of in the Repts. Board of
Visitors 1871, 1S81, 1882, 1884, 1885,
1886. Report of the academic board Reports in regard to the proposed
on the matter in Cong. Doc. 2603, H. new academic buildings at the U. S.
R., 2029; aho report on a new gym- Military Academy January, 1888. . . .

nasium. fA) U. S. M. A. Press, i pam., O., 27 pp.

1888, May 14. .A.ct of Congress au-
thorizes the admission of a cadet from Addresses to the graduating class,
Nicaragua. ( A
1888, by H: Flanders, pam., O. (A)
1888, July 26. Battalion of cadets ac- West Point and the educational
companied by U. S. Military Academy charities. In Century Ma.g., vol. 15,
band proceeds by .steamer to Pough- p. 424. (A)
keepsie, N. Y., to participate in the Letter from the Secretar}- of War,
centennial of the ratification of the Con- reconnnending an amendment to bill
stitution of the United States by the making appropriations for the Acad-
State of New York. Post Orders, vol. emy for 1S8S-89. Feb. 16, 1888. 1 p.
12, p. 21. (A) (A)
1888, October 19. Act of Congress Estimate of an appropriation for
authorizes the admission of a cadet an academic building at West Point.
from Switzerland. (A) Feb. 29, 1 888. 16 pp. (A)
Bibliography of the U. S. Military Academy. 141

1888. Annual report of the Board of 1889, April 30. Corps of cadets in
Visitors to the ^Military Academy for Xew York City (two pictures). The
1888. Washington, iSSS, 9 pp., map Centennial of Washington's Inaugura-
(A) tion, pp. 31S, 319, 321. (A)
Letter from the Secretary of War 1889, June 15. New collar for dress
relative to an appropriation for a gym- coat and new blouse for undress. [This
nasium. Apr. 9, iSSS. 7pp.,7pls. (A) blouse replaces the shell jacket.] Post
Report from the Committee on Orders, vol. 12, p. 133. (.A)

Military- Affairs on the appropriations 1889, Octo'ber 3. Portraits of Generals

for the JMilitarv Academv for i.SSS-.Sy. Grant, .Sherman, and Sheridan, pre-
Feb. 7, iSSS. 1 p. (A)' sented by G. W. Childs, and hung in
Report from the Committee on the cadet mess hall (Grant Hall).
Printing favoring the printing of 5,(kx) Childs: Recollections of Grant, p. 67.
extra copies of the report of the Hoard (A)
of Visitors to the Military Acadamv 1889, October 17. The Kinsley man-
for 1SS7. Dec. 19, 188S. i p. (A) sion and adjacent grounds placed on
Report from the Committee on cadet limits. Post Orders, vol. 12. p.
Jlilitary Affairs on bill for the erection 1S6. (A)
of an academic Imikiing and gymna- 1889, November. The library con-
sium at West Point. May2, 18S8. (A) tainsabout 37,400 volumes. Letter
Cervus. G. I.: Cut; A story of Book of Quartermaster U. S. Military
West Point. Philadelphia, 1SS8. ivol., .\cadem\-,November, 18S9, p. 102. A ( )

O. (Al At this time 864 interments in the

For illustrations showing cadets —
post cemetery Letter Book Quarter-
seeZogljaum R. F. Horse, Foot and
( ) : master U. S. Military Academ\', Novem-
Dragoons. Xew York, 18SS. ivoL.O. ber, 1SS9, p. 191. (A)
(A) 1889. Land purchased from Kinsley's
1888 to Ludlow . Henry H. ( 1

estate. N. Y. Times, Jan. 26, 1889, p. 2,

[U. ,S. Military .\cademy, 1876] Ele- :
col. 5.
ments of trigonometry. New York, Parrott rifle bursts. N. Y. Times,
18S8. I vol., O. (Text-book depart-
I Apr. 20, 1889, p. 4, col. 7.
ment of mathematics, 1SS8 to .)

Cadet Registers, 1888, p. 3.). (A) Rowing plans — New hotel pro-
1888-1890. General Orders, Adjutant- posed. N. Y. Times, May 9, 1889, p.
Cadets phys- 3, col. 2.
General's Office, No. 98.
ical disability. (A) Graduates' standing. N. Y. Times,
1888-1894. Dana (James D.I: Man- 1889, May 9, p. 3, col. 2; June 11. p. 5,

mineralogy and petrography. col. 4.

ual I if

5th ed. Xew York, 1S68, i vol., 6. Board of Visitors appointed. N.

(Text- book department of chemistry, Y. Times, 1889, May 21, p. 5, col. 3;
1888-1894.) Cadet Registers, 188S, p. May 31, p. 2, col. 3.
31, and 1S93, p. 31. (A) First class — List. N. Y. Times,
1888-1900. Mahan (D. H. [U. S. I
May 31, 1S89, p. 2, col. 3.
Military Academy 1824]: Permanent Blouse adopted for use of cadets.
fortifications, revised and enlarged l)y Class album, 1890. (A)
James 2d ed. New York,
Mercur. Examinations, 1889. N.Y. Times,
1888. iyol.,0. (Text-book department June 3, p. 2, col. 4;
June I, p. 5, col. 5;
of civil and military engineering, 1SS8- June June 7, p. 4, col. 7;
4, p. 8, col. i;
1900.) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
June 8, p. 3, col. 4; June 9, p. 3, col. 6;
Academy, 1896, pp. 131-132. (.A.) June ]o, p. 4, col. 7; June 11, p. 5, col. 4;
Mahan (D. H.) [U. S. Military June 12, p. 5, col. 2; June 13, p. 8, col. 6.
Academy, 1824]: Permanent fortifica- Graduates assigned. N. Y. Times,
tion Revised and enlarged by
. . .

June 26, 18S9, p. 2, col. 6.

James Mercur. Ed. of 1887. New
Col.M.Wilson's appointment as
"York, 18S7, lyol.,0. (Text-book de- J.
Superintendent. N. Y. Times, 1889,
l)artment of civil and military engi-
i; Aug. iS, p. 16, col. 6.
July 9, p. I, col.
neering, 1888-1900.) Cadet Registers,
1888, p. 31, and 19CXJ, p. 32. (A) Line and engiiieer superintend-
ents—Precedents. N. Y. Times (ed.),
1889, April 30. Battalion of cadets
July 20, 1SS9, p. 4, col. 2.
goes to New York City to participate
in celebration of the centennial anni- Cadets appointed, 1S89. N. Y.
versary of the first inauguration of Times, 1889, Aug. i, p. 3, col. 2; Aug. 3,
Washington as President of the I'nited p. 3, col. 7; .-Vug. 10, p. 3, col. 7; Aug. 23,
Stales. Post Orders, vol. 12, p. 109. p. I, col. 5; Sept. 20, p. 3, col. 3; Nov. 15,
(A) p. 3, col. 7.
142 Centcjiuial of United States Military Academy.

1889. Cadetship for New York, twelftli 1889 to Young (Charles A.): A

Coiifjres.sional Examinations. — text-book of general astronomy. Bos-
N. Y. Times, Aug. 2, 1S89, p. 8, col. 4. ton, 1895, I vol. O. (Text-book de-
partment of natural and experimental
Gymnasium, etc. — Building plans. philosophy. 1889 to .) Rept. Supt.
N. Y. Times, Aug. 3, 1889, p. i, col. 2.
U. S. Militarv Academy, 1S96, p. 19.
Sixth district — Appointment won (A)
by T. W. Connell. N. Y. Times, 1889, 1889-1890. Standing collar on cadet
Aug. II, p. 9, col. 4: Aug. iS, p. S, uniform introduced 18S9 or 1890.
col. 2. Class album, 1890. (A)
Officers relieved and appointed. 1889-1891. Gymnasium built (I90,-
N. Y. Times, Aug. 29, 18S9, p. i, col. 6. oo<:)).

Young (C. ), colored cadet, grad- 1889-1896. Bass, (Edgar W.) [U. S.
uated. N. Y. Times, Sept. 3, 1SS9, p. i, Military Academy, 186S]: Differential
col. 2. calculus. Pts. I and 2, West Point,
Portraits of Generals Grant, Sher- 1889,1vol. O. Text-book, department
man, and Sheridan unveiled. N. Y. of mathematics. Pt. I, 1S89-1896; Pt.
Times, Oct. 4, 1889, p. i. col. 7. 11, 1S93-1S96. Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
tary .\cademy, 1S96, p. 64. (A)
Capt. M. F. Watson, Cadetship
computed in longevity pay. N. Y. 1889-1898. Mercur, (James) [U. S.
Times (ed. ), Oct. 24, 1SS9, p. 4, col. 2. Military Academy, i865] Elements of ;

the art of war. West Point, 1889, 1 vol.

Annual report, 1889. N. Y. Times,
O. Text-book, department of civil and

IJov. 16, 1889, p. 8, col. 5.

military engineering, 1889-1898).
Board of Yisitors' report. N. Y. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
Times (ed. ), Nov. 23, 1S89, p. 4, col. 2. 1896, p. 31; Cadet Register, 1898, p. 32.
Board of Visitors' report Changes — (A)
sugge.sted. N. Y. Times, Nov. 23, 1889, 1890, June 20. Act of Congress ap-
p. 6, col. 3: Nov. 30, p. 3, col. 2. propriates money to purchase a row-
September examinations for ad- boat to be used during instruction of
mittance to be discontinued. N. Y. cadets in swimming. \ (

Times (ed.), Nov. 28, 18S9, p. 4, col. 6. 1890, July 22. Opinion of Attorney-
Estimate for additional pay of General in reference to rights and duties
Superintendent of U. S. Military Acad- of citizen resident and visitors at West
emy. Dec. 17, 1889. 26 .Stat. L., p. Point. Post Orders, vol. 12, p. 294. (A)
163. House Ex. Docs., 51st Cong., ist 1890. Cadets appointed. N. Y. Times,
sess., vol. 26, no. 77, 2 pp. Mar. 1S90, p. 6, col. 5.
Instrumentation of the U. S. Mili- Board of visitors report. N. Y.
tary Academy band, etc. Rept. Board Times, May 15, 1S90, p. 5, col. 2.
of Visitors, 1889, p. 1043. (A)
Board of visitors appointed. N.Y.
Garbage crematory built. Times, May 15, 1890, p. 5, col. 2.
Report of the Board of Visitors to Examinations bv academic board
the U. S. Military .\cademy, made to
the Secretary of War, for the year

committee Correspondence of Times-
Programme. N. Y. Times, May 18,
1889. Washington, 1889, 116 pp. (A) 1S90, p. 2, col. 3.
Report from the Committee on Examinations, 1S90. N. Y. Times,
Military .affairs on appropriations for 1890, June 2, p. 2, col. 3; June 3, p. 8,
the Military Academy for 1889-90. col. I June 5. p. 2, col. 6; June 6, p. 5,

Dec. 18, 1S8S, 7 pp. (A) col. I.

Report of a board appointed to Board of \'isitors' organization

a.scertainthe value of a tract of land at completed. N. Y. Times, June 3, 1890,
West Point, proposed to be purchased p. 6, col. 2.
for the use of the Military Academy.
Cavalry exhibitions. Board of
Jan. 25, 1889, 18 pp., 3 maps. (A) Visitors'subcommittees. N. Y. Times,
Letter from the Adjutant-General 1890, June 4, p. 8, col. i; June i, p. 5,
in regard to service of clerks to disburs- col. I.
ing officer, etc., at the Military Acad- Examination of cadets appointed
emy. Jan. II, 18S9, 2 pp. (A) for admission described. N. Y. Times,
Fry, James B. Military Miscel-
1890, June 7, p. 5, col. i; June 14, p. i,
lanies, p. 204-256. .Vdniission to the col. 3.
Military Academy. 1889. (A) Modern w-eapons needed — List of to the graduating class. —
graduates Candidates for admi.ssion
1889, by Hon. Cushman K. Davis. Cadet's life described. N. Y. Times,
2 copies, pain. O. [.\) June 8, 1S90, p. 16, col. i.
Bibliography of the U. S. Military Academy. M3
1890. Final divine service for jfradual- Repts., 52d Cong., 2d sess., vol. i. No.
m% class. N. Y. Times, June 9, iSgu, 2306, ,s pp. .\ (

p. I, col s- 1890. Report from the Committee on

Morlar drill. N. V. Tiitics, June Military .affairs to accompany bill
lo, iSgo, p. 5, col. I. (11. R. S152) making appropriations

First class cadets' standing for the support of tlie .\cademy for
Board of Visitors' recommendation to 1
1890-91. Mar. 13, 1S90. 8 pp. [A)

Congress Increase in nuiid)er of ac- Cadet hospital at, estimate for

dets Improvement in quarters Mili- — change of plumbing in . . . .\pr.
tary gymna.stics. N. V. Times, 1890, ]
22, 26 Stat. L., p. 168.
189U. Hou,se
June 1 1, p. 5, col. 4; June 12, p. i, col. 3. Ivx.Docs., 51st Cong., 1st sess., vol. 35,
Connnencement 1890 — .\ddresses I
No. 349, 3 pp. A ( 1

bv Doctor Hall, General Sherman, and 1

Petition of officers of U. S. .Arniv
Secretary of War Proctor. N. Y. Times, regarding appointments at large to
June 13, 1S90, p. I, col. 7. June 17, 1890. House Ex. Docs., 51st
Cadets admitted. N. Y. Times, Cong., 1st sess., vol. 37, Xo. 444, 8 pp.
June 22, 1890, p. 2. col. 7.
advocated pre-
School boy drill Estimate of appropriations for
paratory to West Point. X. Y. Times, the Military .\cademy. Jan. 29. iSgo.
June 4 pp. (A)"
29, 1S90, p. 9, col, 7.
Cadets appointed. X. Y. Times, House Rept. 2627, ist sess.. 51st
1890, Sept. 5, p. 3, col. 2; Sept. 12, p. 2,
Cong., relates to the U. S. Jlilitary
col. 7; Nov. 21, p. 6, col. 4.
.\cademv band. (.\)
Cadets demand re,5istration at .\ppointments at large to U. S.
Highland Falls. X. Y. Times, 189.5,
Military .Academy . . . 1S90. i

Oct. 29, p. Oct. 30, p. 2, col. 6;

pam. O, (A)
9, col. 4;
Nov. I, p. 3, col. 7; Nov. 2, p. II, col. 4. Dorst. J. H.: Historic America,
Supt. J. M. Wilson's annual re- 15-18. West Point. /« 111. Amer.,
port. N. Y. Times, Xov. 9, 1S90, p. 13, vol. I, p. -575, to vol. 2, ji. ;8. June
col. 6.
7-28, 1890,' (A)
Football game with T. .S. naval Football introduced. .\rmy offi-
cers athletic association formed 1892.
cadets. N. Y. Times, 1890, Nov. 29, p.
U. S. Military Academy .Athletic .Asso-
2, col. 4; Nov. 30, p. I, col. 7; Dec. i,
ciation formed 1893. First indoor ath-
p. 5. col. I-
letic meet 1894.
candidates examined for
Congressman Fitch — Appointment General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office, Circ. Xo. 10. Superin-
made. X. Y, Times, 1890, Dec. 14, p.
tendent; leaves of absence. (A)
12, col. 2; Dec. 28, p. 10, col. 6.
Soldiers' monument proposed. General Orders, .Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office, Xos. 38, 95. Inspection
X. Y. Times, Dec. 28, 1890, p. 9, col. 5.
of. f .A
battery of new 3.2 field guns was
provided. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military General Orders, .Adjutant-CTcn-
Academy (A) Xo. 46. Lieutenant-Col-
eral's Office,
[890, p. 223.
onel Wilson appointed superintendent.
West Point .\rmy Mess Songs. (A)
Ipam., O., S pp. [n. d., about 1890.)
(A) 1890-1894. Metcalfe, (Henry) [V S. .

Military .Academy, 1S6S]: .A of

Band at, reorganization of, recom- instruction in ordnance and gunnery.
mended. Repts,, 51st Cong., 3d ed. New York, 1S94. i vol.. O.
sess., vol. 8, Xo. 2627, 3 pp. (A) (Text-book department of ordnance
— Commissary
of appropriation for . .
and gunnery, 1.S90-1S94.
V. S. Military .Academy. 1896, p. 180;
') Rept. Supt

3, 1890. House Ex. Docs., 51st Cong., Cadet Registers 1890, p. 32, and 1894,
ist sess., vol. 26, Xo. 91, 3 pp. (.\) p. 32. (A)
.additional estimates for. 1890-91. 1891, February 17. The battalion of
House Ex. Docs.. 51st Cong., ist sess., cadets ordered to proceed to Xew A'ork
vol. 31, Xo. 159, 4 pp. (,-\) City on the 19th instant to participate
in the funeral ceremonies of the late
Assistant swordmaster at; ap-
Gen. W. T. Sherman. Post Orders,
pointment of, recommended May 23, vol. 12, p. 380, (A)
1890. Senate bill 3097. Senate Repts.
51st Cong., 1st sess., vol. 7, X'o. 1127, 1891, May
16. Order relating to ca-
2 pp.; Sai/ic. Jan. 20, 1893. House dets' shoes. Post Orders, vol. 12, p.
bill 9926. 27 Stat L., p. 515; House 406. (A)
144 Ccntcuuial of United States Militaiy Academy.

1891, July 9. Gen. F. A. Walker's re- 1891. Commencement — Mr. Bnrrows's

marks on the r. S. Military Academy, address — Alumni dinner. N. Y. Times,
qutited in Rept. Supt. U. 'S. Military June 13, i8l,i, p. 5, col. i.

.Icailemy, 1892, p. 16. (.\) Candidates for admittance. N.Y.

1891, August 18. The battalion of Times, 1891, June 14, p. 6, col. 1; June
cailetsgoes tt> Bennington, Vt.. in con- 26, p. 2, col. 3.
nection with the dedication of the Rat- Cemetery changes — Col. J. G. Til-
tle Monument at that place. Post ford on. N. Y. Times, June 21, l8gi,
Orders, vol. 12, p. 443. (A) p. 10, col. 3.
1891. Inspection by Gen. C. McKee- Assignment of graduates. N. Y.
ver from Adjutant-General's depart- Times, July 4, 1S91, p. 3, col. 6.
ment. Colonel Wilson's protest be- Cadet appointments. N. Y. Times,
cause not a graduate sustained. N. Y.
1891, July 4, p. 3, col. 6; July 11, p. 3,
Times, Jan. 3, 1S91, p. 3, col. 3. col. 4; July 14, p. 8, col. 7; Aug. 8, p. 2,
Cadet appointments. N.Y. Times, col. 3.
Jan. 9, iSgr. p. 2. col. 4.
Assignment of graduates. N. Y.
Board of Visitors appointed. N.Y. Times (ed. ), July 6, 1891, p. 4, col. -i.
Times, .\pr. iS, 1S91, p. i, col. 3.
Gymnasium — Contract forfurnish-
C o m m e n c em e n t week — Pro- ing. N. Y. Times, Sept. 22, 1S91, p. i,
gramme. X. Y. Times, May 22, 1891, col. 4. Gymnasium described, Oct. 20,
p. 3, col. 6. 1S91, p. 6, col. I.

Examinations. N. Y. Times, i.Sgi, Visitors' board report suggesting

June I, p. I, col, i; June 2, p. i, col. 5; changes. N. Y. Times led.), Oct. 12,
June 5, p. 5, col. 4. 1891, p. 4, col. 1.

Ordnance should be renewed. Number of cadets to be increased

N. Y. Times, 1S91, June 3, p. 5, col. i; and methods of appointment changed-
June 8, p. 5, col. 4. Civilian professors' appointments De- —
Laundry and stores inspected fects in instruction —
Board of visitors'
Cavalry charge — Battle monument. report. N. Y. Times, 1891, Oct. 12, p.
N. Y. Times, June 4, 1S91, p. 2, col. 4. 2, col. 4; Oct. 14, p. 9, col. 6.

Cavalry exhibition Historical ar- Academic buildings — Plans. N. Y.
tillerv. N. Y. Times, June 6, 1891, p. Times, Oct. iS, 1S91, p. 10, col. i.

8, coi. 3. —
board Course of instruc-
Cadets — Number to be cloubled —
G. L. Andrews' reply
tion critici-sed
Opposition. N. Y. Times, 1891, June regarding modern languages. N. Y.
I, p. 5, col. I; June 21, p. lo, col. 3. Times, iSgi.Oct. iS, p. 10, col. 11; Oct.
"Plebs" and initiation de-
life 21, p. 4, col. 7.
scribed. N. Y. Times, June 7, 1891, p. Adjutant's autograph board. N.Y.
17, col. 5. Times, Oct. 27, 1891, p. 7, col. i.
Baccalaureate sermon. N.Y. Supt. J. M. Wilson's report. N. Y.
Times, June 8, 1S91, p. i, col. Times, Oct. 28, 1S91, p. :, col. 3.
Electric light plant needed — Mu- Number of cadets increased-
sicians' salaries reduced. N. Y. Times. Snperintendent Wilson's suggestion.
June 8, 1891, p. 5, col. 4. N. Y. Times (ed.), Oct. 31, 1891, p. 4,
Ponton bridge building Mu- — col. 2.
seum. N. Y. Times, June 9, 1891, p. 5, Examinations for entrance to be
col. I. conducted at army posts. N. Y. Times,
First-class standing Base — ball Nov. 28, 1891, p. 8, col. 2.
game —Target practice. N. Y. Times, Cavalry teaching described. N. Y.
1891, June 10, p. 5, col. i; June 1 1, p. i, Times, Nov. 29, 1891, p. 15, col. 3.
col. 3. Examinations for admission to be
Improvements needed Discussed — held at army posts. N.Y. Times ( ed. )
by Senator J. L. Pugh. N. Y. Times, Dec. I, 1891, p. 4, col. 2.
1S91, June II, p. S, col. 6; June 15, p. 4,
col. 7.

Examinations Post board List —
Questions. N. Y. Times, Dec. 11, 1891,

Dress parade Gymnastics. N.Y. p. 10, col. 2.
Times, June 12, 1S91, p. 5, col. 3. List of portraits of officers in the
Maintenance of national impor- cadet mess hall [some have since been
tance. N.Y. Times! ed.), June 13, 1891, moved to memorial hall]. Rept.
p. 4, col. 2. Board of Visitors, pp. 850-851. (A)
Cadet appointments to be in- Military Academy, West Point,
creased. N.Y. Times (ed.), June 13, N. additional appropriation for,
1891, p. 4, col. 2. reconnnended Jan. 29, 1891. House
Bibliograpliy of tlw U. S. Military Academy.
Ex. Docs., 51st Cong.. 2d se.s.s., vol. 36, building was occujned in 1S95. It
no. 223, 3 pp. (A) cost |5(X),ooo.
1891. Report of the Board of Visitors to 1891-1895. General Orders, Adjutant-
the West Point .\cadeniy, Dec. 14, 1S91. General's Office, Circ. Nos. 13, 1.891;
Washington, 1S91. 122 pp., 11 pis. 10, 1S95. Cadet .service to be counted
(A) for retirement. (
Estimate of appropriation for pay 1892, March 1. Entrance examina-
of the Superintendent of the INIilitarv tions for candi<lates held, by onler of
Academy for the fiscal year 1S91. Dec. the Secretary of War, at various points
21, 1S89. 2 pp. (A) throughout the United States. Rept.
Board of Visitors to, report of, Supt. U. S. Military .\cademy, 1892,
1891 Dec. 14, 1891.
. . . Senate Misc. p. 4. (A)
Docs., 52d Cong., ist sess., vol. 2, 1892, June. Appointments and exam-
No. 19, 122 pp., II pis. (A) inations; and instruction;
Report from the Committee on armament and equipment; buildings
Printing favoring resolution to print t
and grounds; .supplies and expendi-
2,500 copies of the Report of the Visi- tures for cadets; bills of fare given in
tors to the Military Academy, 1.S91. full; fiscal affairs; address of Hon.
Dec. 22, 1891. I p. (A) H. Outhwaite to the graduating class;
Appropriations for, report on, address of the Secretary of War. Rept.
Board of Visitors, 1892. (A)
1S91-92. Jan. 6, 1S91. House bill
12922. 26 Stat. L., p. S16. House 1892, October 12. The battalion of
Repts., 51st Cong., 2d sess., vol. i. No. cadets proceeds to New York for the
3365,8 pp. (A) purpose of participating in the New
Annual report of the Superintend- York Columbian Celebration. Post
ent of the Orders, vol. 13, p. 73. (.\)
I". S. Military .\cademy.
1891. Washington, 1891. 24 pp. (.4) 1892. Examinations (semiannual).
Fourth of July oration, 1S91, by N. Y. Times, 1892, Jan. 6, p. 3, col. 3;
Cadet McAulev Palmer, Jan. 14, p. 3, col. 2.
J. pam., O.
(A) Cadets appointed List. N. Y. —
The West Point Times, 1892, Jan. 8, p. 2, col. 3; Jan.
affair. In Cen-
tury Mag., vol. 20, p. 462. 29, p. 3, col. 2; Feb. 19, p. 3, col. 6.

Cavalry barracks built near cadet .\ppointees' examinations Sched- —

riding hall
ule. N. Y. Times, Feb. 14, 1S92, p.
16, col. 7.
Athletic clothing adopted by
cadets in the fall of 1891. Foot-ball
Board of Visitors appointed. N.
photo, in class album, 1892. (A)
Y. Times, Apr. 2, 1892, p. 3, col. 5;
May 10, 1892, p. 3, col. 2. Report,
Johnson (William Woolsey) The :
Jan. 6, 1S93, p. 3, col. 3. House sub-
theory of errors and method of least committee's recommendations, June
squares. ed. New York, 1S96.
14, 1S92, p. I, col. 2.
I vol., O. (Text-book department of
mathematics, 1891.) Cadet Register,
Graduation — Order of exercises.
1891, p. 30. (A)
N. Y. Times, May 19, 1892, p. i, col. 4.

See Bailey (Prof. William Whit- Graduation exercises, 1892. N.Y.

Times, 1892, May 31, p. i, col. 6; June
man ) ; My Boyhood at West Point . . .

Providence, 1891. -^8 pam., O.

I, p. 4, col. 7; June 2, p. I, col. 3; June
pp. i

(A 3, p. 8, col. i; June 4, p. 5, col. 4; June

5, p. S, col. I June 6, p. 5, col. June i
1891 to . Michie (P. S.) [U. S.

7, p. 9, col. i; June 8, p. 3, col. i; June


Military Academy, and Har-

9, p. 8, col. i; June 10, p. 8, col. i;
low [U. S.
(F". S. ) Military Academy, June II, p. 3, col. 5; June 12, p. 16, col.
1879]: Practical astronomy. 2d ed. 4; June 13, p. 10, col. I.
New York, 1893. ivol.,0. (Text-book
Battle Monument history. N. Y.
department natural and experimental
philosophy, 1891 to
Times, June 3, 1892^ p. 8, col. i.
) Rept. Supt. .

V. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 19. Ponton bridge constructed. N.Y.

(Al Times, June 4, 1892, p. 5, col. 4.
1891-1894. Third Academic building Cavalry charge Portraits —in
demolished of 1891 and
in the summer Grant Hall.' N. Y. Times, June 5,
in 1892. Academic exercises were 1892, p. 8, col. I.

carried on during 1892-1894 in the Tablets in the chapel described.

ninth and tenth divisions and in the N. Y. Times, June 6, 1892, p. 5, col. i.
angle of cadet barracks, in the library, Cadets' mounted drill Graduat- —
and in two rooms of the administra- ing class' .standing. N. Y. Times,
tion building. The fourth academic June 7, 1892, p. 9, col. I.

H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2 — vol 2 10

146. Centennial of United States Military Academy.

1892. Flirtation walk— Light batten- 1892. Extract from proceedings of the
drill — Improvements needed — Cadet .\cademic board concerning an asso-
quartermaster's stores. N. Y. Times, ciate professor of mathematics. Dec.
June 8, 1892, p. 3, col. i. 17, 1892- 5 pp. (A)
Fourth — List. N. Y. Times, Report from Committee on Jlili-
1892, June 9, p. 8, col. i; June 26, p. tary .\ffairs favoring bill to fix the rank
9, col. 6. of the master of the sword. May 17,
Library presented by E. C. .Spof- 1S92. 3 pp. (A)
ford to the West Point Army Mess. Master of sword at, ranking of, as
N. Y'. Times, June 9, 1892, p. 8, col. 4. first lieutenant, reconnnended . . .

Review Fourth class admitted. May 17, 1S92, House
Repts., 52d Cong., ist ,sess., vol. 5, No.
bill 544S; House
N. Y. Times, June 9, 1892, p. 8, col. i.
1414, 3 pp. (A)
Cadets' standing by classes. N. Y'.
Times, June 10, 1892, p. 6, col. 3. Duffield, Rev. Howard: .\ddress
delivered Fel>. 25, 1892. before the
Baseball game Graduation pa- — . . .

corps of cadets of the U. S. Military

rade. N. Y. Times, June 11, 1892, p. 3,
Academy, upon the occasion of the
col. 5.
presentation of Bibles to the first
Graduation ceremonies — Addresses class . . . West Point, 1892. i pani.,
by Secretary Elkins, Mr. Outhwaite, O. (A)
and General Schofield. N. Y. Times, Michie, P. S. Educational meth-
June 12, 1892, p. 16, col. 4. ods at West Point. /« Ed. Rev., vol.

Camp life White trousers Stock, — 4, No, 19,

November, 1S92. pp. 350- )

1S92. N. Y. Times, June 13, 1892, p. 365. (A)

10, col. I.
Memorial Hall at, bequest of
Graduates assigned. N. Y'. Times, G. W. Culluni, report on. May 24, 1892,
June 27, 1892, p. 5, col. 6. 27 Stat. Senate Ex. Docs.,
L., p. 262,
Cadets at large appointed. N. Y. 52d Cong., 1st sess., vol. 6, No. 103, 9
Times, July 3, 1892, p. 8, col. 7. pp. Acceptance recommended July
Cadets appointed for 1893. N. Y'. 21, 1892. Senate bill 3406, 27 Stat. L.,
Times, 1892, July 8, p. 3, col. 5; July p. 262; Senate Repts., 52d Cong., ist
sess., vol. 5, No. 1038, 3 pp. (A)
15, P- 3. col. 2.
Graduates assigned to regiments. Catalogue of the more prominent
N. Y. Times, 1892, July 10, p. 3, col. 2; military works added to the library,
Aug. 2, p. 2, col. 7. U.S. Militar\' Academy, January, 1882,
to August, 1892. West Point, U'S. Mil-
Board of Visitors' report [ed.]-
itary .\cademy press and bindery, 1893.
Increase of cadets deprecated. N. Y".
I pam., O., 64 pp. (A)
Times, 1892, July 16, p. 4, col. 5: July
29, p. 4, col. 2.
Manual of calisthenic exercises
(U. S. Arm}-). By authority of the

Cadets to be increased Board of — War Department. By Herman J. (

Visitors' report. N. Y. Times, July 25,

Koehler, master of the sw-ord, U. S.
1S92, p. 3, col. 6.
Military Academy. ) Washington, 1892.
Modern language professorship; I pam., O. (A)
candidates for. N. Y. Times, July 26, Department of drawing: Rtiles for
1892, p. 4, col. 7. technical drawing, n. p., n.d. vol., i

.\rmv mess N. Y.
officers elected. 0., pp. 29. (A)
Times, Oct. 16, 1892, p. 19, col. 7. Burnham, Clara L.: Miss Bagg's

Cadetship Appointment in Elev- Secretary; A West Point Romance.
enth Congressional district Examina- — Boston, '1892. I vol., O. (A)
tions. X. Y. Times, Dec. 4, 1892, p. 20, 1892 to . Ludlow (Henry H.)
col. 2.
[U. S. Military Academy, 1876]: Ele-
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen- ments of trigonometry, with logarith-
eral's Office, No. 56. Memorial hall. mic and other tables. 3d ed. New
(A) York, 1893. I vol., O. (Text-book
department of mathematics, 1892
Associate professor of mathematics to ) Cadet Regi.ster, 1S92, p. 30.

at, provision for, recommended . . .

Dec. 15, 1892. 27 Stat. L., p. 515,
Tracy (Roger S., M. D. ): The
House Ex. Docs., 52d Cong.,, anatomy, physiology, and
e.ssentials of
vol. 30, No. 133, 5 pp. (A")
hygiene. New ed. New York, 1886,
Report from the Committee on I vol., O. (Text-book department of
Military Affairs, etc., on Ijill making chemistry, 1S92 to .) Rept. Supt.
appropriations for the Militarj- Acad- U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 106.
emy for 1892-93. 2 4 pp. (A) + (A)
Bibliography of the U. S. MHilary Academy. 147
1892 to U. S. Army infantry lirill
. 1893, September 26. The library con-
regulations. Text-book department
( tains 36.062 bound volumes and ,5,328
of tactics, 1892 to Cadet Rejj-
. I pamphlets. Rejjt. Supt. U. S. Military
ister, 1891, p. 31. .Academy, 1893, p. 753. (.-V)

Ingalls (James M.): Course of in- 1893, September 29. Riding trou.sers
struction for artillerN" gunners. Ballis- of .gray kersey reenforced, and to ex-
tics, with supplement. Washington, tend as far as top of shoe, liuttoned be-
1S93, 2 vols., O. (Te.xt-book depart- low the knee; to be worn with brown
ment of ordnance andgunnerv. 1892 to canvas leggings. Orders, vol. 13,
.) Rept. Supt. U. vS. Military p. 191 (A)
.\cademy, 1S96, p. 180; Cadet Register, 1893, November 23. Slight changes
1892, p. 32. (A) made in cadet overcoat. Post Orders,
1892-93. of casualties to cadets vol. 13, p. 205. (.A)
due to footljall, riding, and gymnastics.
Football produces frotn 20 to 100 times
1893. .Appointments Examinations—
List. N. V. Titnes, Feb. 21, 1893, p. 5,
as many accidents as riding and .gym- col. 4.
nastics. Rept. Board of Vi.sitors, 1894, Board of Visitors appointed. N.
PP- 56-5S. (A)
Y. Times, Mar. 2. 1893, p. 8, col. I.
1892-1894. Mercur (James) [U. S. Needs explained to them, June 6, 1893,
Military .\cademy, 1S66] Jlilitary Report. June 12, 1893, P-
p. 8, col. 3.
mining, n. p., n.d. i vol., O. (Text- 9, col. 5.
book department of civil and military Cadets' horsemanship. N. V.
engineering, 1892-1S94. Cadet Regis- )
Times, Mar. 4, 1S93, P- 6, col. i.
ters, 1892 and 1S94, pp. 31. (.^)
Cadet from Thirteenth Congres-
1892-1896. Use of a battalion color sional district; examination for appoint-
for the corps of cadets reintroduced;
ment. N. Y. Times, May 8, 1893, p.
leggings introduced, etc. Rept. Supt. II, col. 7.
U. S. Militarv .\cademv, 1896, p. 127.
(A) Cadet appointments. N.\'. Times,
1893, May 12, p. 2, col. 5; June 3, p. 8,
1892-1900. Davis (George B. [U. S. I
col. I.
Militarj- Academy, 1871]: Outlines of
international law, with an account of
Examination programme. N. Y.
its origin and sources and of its histor-
Times, May 19, 1893, p. 11, col. 4.

ical development. New York, 1S87. Italian Admiral Magnaghi's visit.

I vol., O. (Text-book department of N. Y. Times, May 24, 1893, p. 4, col. 6.
law, 1892-1896, and department of law First class ; standing. N. V.
and history, 1896-1900.) Cadet Reg- Times, June i, 1893, p. 9, col. 7; June
isters, 1892, i8g6, 1900, pp. 31 and 32. 10, p. 8, col. 3.
(A) I

JIartinet instructors Revolt in —

1893, March 1. Congress au-
.Act of iSSi) described. N. Y. Times, June 5,
thorizes the appointment of an associate I
1893. P- 5, col. 3.
profes.sor of mathematics, U. S. Mili-
tary .\cademy. .Also new platforms for
"McKinney paralyzed" — His-
tory. N, Y. Times, June 7, 1893, p. 3,
new 8-inch rifle and for 12-inch B. L. col. 3.
mortar, etc.
1893, June 12.
( .\)

Address to the gradu-

Conunencement week, 1S93 Ar- —
tillery drill. N. \'.Times, June 8, 1893.
ating class by Hon. Chas. S. Fairchild. p. 2, col. 2. Infantry drill, June 10,
Rept. Board of Visitors, pp. 29-31. .A) (
1893, p. S, col. 3.

1893, Aug'ust 17. The

battalion of (iraduates' assignments — Injus-
cadets proceeds to Chicago and en- tice of method. N. \'. Times, June 9,
camps upon the grounds of the V'orld's 1893, p. 5, col. 3. .\ssignments de-
Columbian Exposition until Aug. 28, fended by Secretary Lamont. June 28,
1893. Post Orders, vol., 13, p. 174. 1893, p. 4, col. 6.
(A) .Alumni .Association meeting-
1893, August 17-28. Visit of the Gytnna,stic exhibition. N. A'. Times,
corps of cadets to the World's Colum- June 10, 1S93, p. 8, col. I.

bian Expo.sition at Chicago. Rept. Commencement week, 1893. N.

Supt. U. S. Military .\cademy, 1893, Y. Thnes, 1S93, June 2, p. 5, col. 3;
p. 7; ibid., 1S96, p. 126. (.A) June 3, p. 8, col. i; June 4, p. 2, col. 3;
June 8. p. 2, col. 2; June 9, p. 5, col. 3;
1893, September 22. By authority of
June 10, p. 8, col. 3; June 11, p. 2, col. 4;
Secretary of \\'ar drill on Wednesday
June 12, p. 9, col. 5; June 13, p. 2, col. 6.
afternoons for the corps of cadets sus-
pended. Orders, vol. 13, p. 188. .^lumni Association annual meet-
(A) ing — Maj. R. Anderson's portrait ac-
148 Centennial of Utu'tcd States Military Academy.

cepted Miss Curtis's death. X. V. mandery M. O. L. L. U. S. Personal
recollections of thewarof therebellion.
Times, June 10, 1S93, p. 8, col. 3.

1893. Adjutant's desk List of incum- (A)
1893. Report from committee on appro-
bents. N. Y. Times, June 11, 1S93, p.
2, col. 4.
priations to accompany bill for the sup-
port of the .\cailemy for 1893-94; Feb.
Commencement day. N. Y.
15, 1S93. 6 pp. (A)
Times, June 13, 1893, p. 2, col. 6.
— List of candidates Fourth of July oration, 1893, by
Class of 1897
Cadet Ladue. pam., O. (A)
N. Y. Times, June 14, 1893, p. 11, col. 3.
Cadets (u) discharged. N. Y.
Constitution of the Young Men's
Christian Association. i pam., O.
Times, June 15, 1S93, p. i, col. 6,
1893. (A)
Count Reventlow's visit. N. Y.
Extract from the Report of the
Times, June 19, 1S93, p. 9, col. 7.
Superintendent of the U. S. Military
Admission examinations. N. Academy, to the Adjutant-General of
Times, June 20, 1S93, p. S, col. 4. the Army, upon the subject of athletic
Peekskill camp of in.struction; sports as practiced at the Academy.
visited by cadets, 1S93. N. Y. Times, 1893. I pam., O., 9 pp. (.\)
June 23, 1893, p. 2, col, 4. Burnham, Lieut. W. P., U.S. Army:
Cadets visit World's Fair— Por- Three roads to a commission in the U. S.
traits of Colonel Mills and Capt, W. F. Armv, New Y'ork, 1893, i vol., O.
Spurgin. N.Y. Times, 1893, July 24, p. (A)'
5, col. 6; July 26, p. 4, col. 5; Aug. 17, 1893 to . Meiklejohn M. D.):
p. 9, col. 7; Aug. 20, p. 2, col. 5; Aug. The English language, its grammar,
21, p. 5, col. 7; Aug. 22, p. 5, col. 4; history, and literature. Boston, Chi-
Aug. 23, p. 5, col. 3; Sept. 3, p. 16, cago, New
York, 1896, i vol., O.
col. 4.
(Text-book department of modern lan-
"Times" notes. X. Y. Times, guages, 1893 to .) Rept. Supt,
1893, Aug. p. 2, col. 7; Sept. 17, p.
6, U. S. Militarv .\cademv, 1896, p. 145.
20, col. 4; Sept. 24, p. 19, col. 5; Oct. (A)
2, p. 9, col. 5; Oct. 9, p. 9, col. 4. Roget (Peter Mark): Thesaurus
Cadets — Increased number,recora- of English words and phrases. Lon-
mended by Board of Visitors. N. Y. don, i860, I vol., O. (* Text-book de-
Times (ed!), Aug. 19, 1893, p. 4, col. i. partment of modern languages, 1893.
Cadet court-martialed for leaving to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military

World's Fair camp Resignation not Academy, 1896, p. 145. (.•\)
accepted by Secretary of War. N. Y. Smith Charles John
( Synonyms ) :

Times, 1893, Sept. 17, p. 2, col. 6; Sept. discriminated. dictionary of syn-

17, p. 20, col. 4; Sept. 18, p. 8, col. 5; onymous words in the English lan-
Sept. 20, p. 3, col. I. guage. Newed. London, 1882, i vol.,

Distinguished .students List, N. O. (*Text-book department of mod-
Y. Times, Sept. 24, 1S93, P- 9> '^°^- 5- ern languages, 1893 to .'] Rept.
Gymnasium built — Cuts— Descrip- Supt, U, S, Militarv Academy, 1896,
tion. N. Y. Times, Oct. 15, 1S93, p. 20, P- 145- (A)
col. I Williams (William): Composition
Academic buildings (new), de- and rhetoric by practice. Rev. and
.scribed —
Cuts of old buildings. N. Y. enlgd. Boston, 1S98,
book department of
i vol., O.
modern languages,
Times, Nov. 12, 1893, p, 21, col, 6,
TS93 to Rept. Supt. U. S. Mili-
. )

Superintendent's annual report (A)

tary .\cademy, 1896, p. 145.
Football criticised. N. Y. Times, Nov.
18, 1S93, p. 2, col. 3. 1893-94. Athletics at the U. S. Mili-
Examinations late. N. Y. Times, tary Academy; and special report by
Dec. the .Superintendent U. S. Military Acad-
19, 1893, p. 12, col. 4.
emy (Col. O. H. Ernst). Rept. Supt.
General Orders, Adjutant-Gen-
U. S. Militarv ,\cademy, 1894, pp. 7-8,
eral's Office, No, 29, Associate professor I

25-28. (A)
of mathematics to be appointed, etc.
(A) 1893-94 and from 1895. De PeifTer
(Jean): French pronunciation; rules
Postlethwaitet ProfessorHistori- ) :

and practice. 5th ed. New York, 1891,

cal literature with connnents of the best
I vol., O. (*Text-book department of
authorities. West Point, 1893, i vol., modern languages, 1893-1894; ditto,
O, p. 29. (A) Military
from 1895.) Rept. Supt. U. S.

Reminiscences of cadet and army j

.\cademy, 1896, p. 146; Cadet Regis-
service, 1893: New York State Com- ters, 1S94 and 1895, pp. 30, (.\)
Bibliography of tJie U. S. } fititarv Academy. 149
1893-1898. Bruff (Lawrence L.) [U. 1894, Summer of. " In Old Yienna"
S. Military Academy, 1S76]: Gunpow- opera. X. Y. Times, Feb. 26, !894,
der and interior ballistics. West Point, p. 2, col. 4.
1S92, I vol. O. Te.xt-book department

of ordnance and gunnery, iSgs-iSgS.)

Third-class — Connnittees. N. Y.
Times, Mar. 16, 1S94, p. 10, col. 6.
Cadet Registers, 1S93 and 1898, pp. \2.
Officers' details changed. X. Y.
Times, 1894, Mar. iS, p. 11, col. 4;
During most of these }-ears re\'eille Apr. 2, p. 9, col. 5.
and tattoo calls were sounded in the War relics at Trophy Point — Cuts.
area of cadet barracks by one drummer
X. Y. Times, Apr. 8, 1894, p. 20, col. 6.
and one fifer only. All the field musi-
cians did not sound the calls as formerly Board of
Yisitors. N. Y. Times,
and subsequently from the Sedgwick -\pr. 30, 1894, p. 13. col. 7.

statue and across the plain. Board of Yisitors- -Comnnttees

1893-1900. JIantilla (Luis F. ): Libro —
appointed Captain Craig's portrait.
de Lectura No. 3. New York, 1865, i X. Y. Times, 1S94, May 3, p. i, col. 4;
vol., O. (Text-book department of June 3, p. S, col. 2; June 4, p. 3, col. 3.
modern languages, 1893-1900. Rept. ) Yisitors appointed Usefulne,ss —
Supt. U. S. ^Military Academy, 1S96. queried. X. Y. Times, 1894, May 3,
p. 147; Cadet Register 1900, p. 30. [W \ p. I, col. 4; June 3, p. 8, col. 2; June 4,
1894, April 4. Usual Saturday after- ]>. 3, col. 3.

noon privileges granted to cadets on .\nny vacancies for graduates.

Wednesdays from 4 p. m. until retreat. X. Y. Times, May 5, 1894, p. 8, col. 2.
Post orders, vol. 13, p. 247. \k) Times's notes. X". Y. Times, 1S94,
1894, May 1. Orders U. S. C. C. I blue May 7, ]). 9, col. 6; May 27, p. 21,
book I I vol. (1. [\) col. 6; June 18, p. 3, col. 7.

1894, June. Detailed instructions and Commencement week, 1894 — Pro-

programme forexaminations. Rept. .gramme. N. Y. Times. 1S94, May 21,
IJoard of \'isitors, p. 63. ( .A ) p. 9. col. 5; June 7, p. 4, col. 5.

1894, July 26. Act of Congress: Bash I L. H. t — Court-martial find-

Officers not to return to U. S. Military ing. N.Y. Times, May 28, 1894, p. 13,
-'\cademy as instructors until two years col. 3.

after graduation. .\ (
Mills (Col. S. M.) X. Y. Times,
1894, Summer of. Rain coat made June 2, 1894, p. 9, col. 3.
part of the cadet uniform. Senior class list, X. Y. Times
Hospital descriljed. Cut. N. Y. June 2, 1894, p. 9, col.
Times, Jan. 7, 1S94, p. 17, col. 5. Examinations. N.Y. Times, 1894,
Pay of two cadets stopped during May 20, p. 12, col. 5; June 2, p. 9, col. 3.
their suspension. N. Y. Times, Jan. Officers who will leave. N. Y.
20, 1S94, p. I, col. 6. Times, June 4, 1S94, p. 4, col.
Cadets found deficient discharged. Ponton bridge constructed. X. Y.
N. Y. Times, Jan. 20, 1S94, p. i, col. 6. Times, June 5, 1894, p. 8, col. 3.
Foreign cadets' list. N. Y. Times, Mitchell (Cadet W. H.)— Portrait
Jan. 24, 1S94, p. 9, col. 4. of. X. Y. Times, June 5, 1S94, p. 8,
General merit roll announced. col. 3.
N. Y. Times. Jan. 25, 1894, p. 2, col. 4. Horseback riding e.xhibition.
Cadets at large and others ap- N. Y. Times. June 6, 1894, p. 2, col. 6.
pointed. N. Y. Times, 1894, Feb. 4, Carson (Lieut. J. M.)— Portrait.
p. II, col. 7; Feb. 9, p. 2, col. 3. X. Y. Times, June 6, 1894, p. 2, col. 6..
Battle Jlonument shaft arrives. Seacoast Batterv
• drill. N. Y.
N. Y. Times, 1894, Jan. 18, p. 6, col. 3: Times, June 7, 1894, p. 9, col. 5.
Jan. 19, p. 12, col. I. Cut— Descrip- Ladue's ( W. B. )— Portrait. N. Y.
tion, Feb. 4, 1S94, p. 20, col. 5.
Times, June 7, 1894, p. 9, col. 5.
Cadetship — Candidates to be ex-
Harden (W. B. )— Portrait. N.Y.
amined near homes. N. Y. Times,
Times. June 8, 1894, p. 9, col. 5.
Feb. 14, 1S94, p. I, col. 4.
Battalion drill. X. Y. Times,
Cadets — Lists — Examinations at
June 8, 1S94, p. 9, col. 5.
army posts. N. Y. Times, 1894, Feb.
22. p. 8, col. 4; Mar. 23, p. 5, col. 4. Gun practice. X. Y. Times. June
Cemetery — Monuments— Inscrip- g, 1894, p. 9, col.

tions on General Scott's — Cuts. N. \. Pence (W. P.)— Portrait. N. Y.

Times, Feb. 25, 1S94, p. 20, col. i. Times, June 9, 1894, p. 9, col. 7.
ISO Centennial of United States Military Academy.

1894, Summer of. Dyer (Lieut. A. 1894, Summer of. Colonel Ernst's
N. V. Times, June to, portrait. N. Y. Times, .4. i''>94>
B. )— Portrait.
S, eol. I. p. 4, col. 7.
1894, p. Class —Standing. N. Y. Detailed
in the ordnance museum.
list of trophy guns,

Times, June lo, 1S94, p. S, col. I. ^

ary; Mexican; civil war. Rept. Board 1

Cavalry drill— Cuts. N. Y. Times,

of' Visitors, 1S94, pp. 36-8. (.A)
June 10, 1S94, p. 16, col. 5.
Hours employed in recitations
Williams (C.C.)— Portrait. N.Y.
and studies by the cadets in each
Times, June 11, 1S94, p. i, col. i. department for four years: Mathemat-
Drill in extended order, N. Y. ics, 2,007 hours (1,800 in 1902); mod-
Times, June 12, 1S94, p. 2, col. 6. ern languages, 1,375 (1,400 in 1902);
Commencement. N. Y. Times, engineering, 1,003 (1,000); natural
June 13, 1S94, p. 9, col. 3. and experimental philosophy, 1,003
Marriage of a graduated cadet. (9501; chemi.stry, 565 (650); law and
history, 403 (550); drawing, 473 (475);
N. Y. Times, June 13, 1894, p. i, col. 4.
ordnance, 277 (300 in 1902). Rept.
Graduates' assignments. N. Y.
Board of Visitors, 1894, p. 27. (A)
Times, June 16, 1894, p. i, col. 2,
Address of Gen. John C. Black.
Graduates nominated for second
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1S94, p. 19. (A)
lieutenants. N.Y. Times, June 22, 1894,
New cadets are now clothed at
p. 2, col. 3.
once in uniform'. Rept. Board of
Graduates assigned as second lieu- (A)
Vi,sitors, 1894, p. 60..
tenants. N. Y. Times (ed.), June 25,
Rept. of the teacher of music on
1894, p. 4, col. 2.
the U. S. Military Academy band.
Hazing —W. S. Valentine arrested. Rept. Board of Visitors, pp. 79-So. .K ) (

N. Y. Times, 1894, July 5, p. 10, col. 2;

Regulations for the U. vS. Military
Oct. 1 p. 9, col. 3.
1 ,

Academy at West Point Wash- . . .

Cadets dismissed after examina-

ington, Government Printing Office,
tions. N. Y. Times, July 6, 1894, p. i,
1S94 [1S99]. xiii, 88 pp., 12°.
col. 4.
General Orders, Adjutant-Gener-
Fight between cadets. X. Y. Assignment or
al's Office, No. 37.
Times, July 9, 1894, p. S, col. 4.
detail of graduates as professors or in-
Cadet arrested— Hazing. N. Y. structors. (A)
Times, 1894, July 15, p. 10, col. 2; Oct. Memories of '94. [Newburgh]
II, p. 9, col. 3. (A)
n. d., I O. pp. 61.
Cadet appointed. N. Y. Times,
Report from the Committee on
1894, Aug. 10, p. 8, col. 4; Aug. 31, p. Military Affairs to accompany bill mak-
col. 4; Nov, 9, p. I, col. 6; Dec. 7,
ing appropriations for the Military Aca-
col. 5.
p. I,
demy for 1894-5; Feb. 20, 1894. (A)
Times's notes, 1894. N. Y. Times, F. A. Mitchel, late Captain and
1S94, Aug. 19, p. 12, col. 6; Dec. 24, Aid-de-camp, U. S. Volunteers. How
p. 9, col. 3; Dec. 31, p. 10, col. 2. to make West Point more useful. In
'Color line" abolished— Cadets' N. Amer. Rev., vol 159, 1894, pp.
di.sorderh' protest. N. Y. Times, Aug. 61-66. (A)
29, 1894, p. 31, col. 3. Annual report of the Board of
Visitors to the United States Military
Camp life described Cut of tent. — Academy for 1S94, 80 pp. O. (A)
N. Y, Times, Sept. 2, 1894, p. 24, col. i.
"Cadets at play, by a West Point
F'ootball restricted to home games. yearling." In The 111. Amer., Jan. 26,
N. Y. Times, 1S94, Oct. 25, p. 3, col. 4; 1895, pp. 9S-100. (A)
Oct. 28, p. 6, col. 4. Communication relative to asphalt
Grant Hall, academy building. walks at the Academy; Mar. 27, 1894
and barracks described Cuts. N. Y — I p. (A)
Times, Oct. 28. 1894, p. 25, col. i. celebration at West Point by
Reminiscences of Sergeant Owens ,\inerican Poles of the one hundredth
and Benny Haven.s Portraits. N. Y. — anniversary of Kosciusko's leadership
of the Polish insurrection of 1794. A
Times, Nov. 25, 1S94, p. 21, col. 5.
commemorative medal was given to
Board of Visitors report presented each cadet. (A)

to Congress Recommendations. N. Alphabetical list of periodicals in
Y. Times, Dec. 14, 1894, p. 13, col. 6. the U. S. Military Academy library.
Dade Monument historv — Cut. Subscribed for [or 'regularly presented]
N. Y. Times, Dec. 24, 1894, p. 9, col. 5. in 1S94. I sheet. F. (A)
Bihlioorapl/v o/ lite I'. S. Miliiary Aradoiiy. 751

1894, Summer of. Fourlli of Jiilv 1895. I\xatnination.s Cadets' stand-—

oration, 1894, by Cadet II. A. Wliitu. in.g. N. Y. Times, 1895, Jan. 11, p. 3.
S pp. pain. O. (A I col. 6; Jan. 14, p. 9, col. 6.
Examinations,, pain. Law department — Prof. Lieut.
O. January, 1S94. .\ | )
J. -A. Cole appointed. N. V. Times,
Soldiers' ho.sjntal l)uilt. (C) Feb. 6, 1895, p. 1, col. 6.

First macadamized roadways .Appointees' examining boards ap-

made. pointed at various forts. N. Y. Times,
I'eb. 13, 1895, p. 3, col. 4.
King. Capt. Charles. Cadet Days;
A Story of West Point. 1S94. 1 vol., Ca<lets appointed after Congress-
O. (A) men's terms expired declared illegal.
N. Y. Times, 1895, Mar. 8, p. 6, col. 5;
Sec Bourget, Paul: ( )ulre Mer, vol.
Apr. 26, p. t, col. 4.
2, ])p. 122 et seq. ( .\ 1

Cadets who have passed entrance

1894 and 1899. Itemized tables giv-
examinalions List. —
N. Y. Times,
ing the average monthly expenses of
Mar. 29, 1895, p. 10, col. 3.
cadets of first, second, and third clas-
ses. Rept. Board of X'isitors, 1900, ]). "Hundredth ni.ght " and "Color
28. (A) line " entertainments described. X. V.
Times, April 21, 1895, p. 29, col. 5.
1894-1900. Tillman, (S. E. [U. S.
Military .Xcademy, 1S69]: Elementary
Class of 185,5 — Reunion. N. V.
text-book of (Text-book Times, May 4, 1S95, p. g, col. 4.
department of chemistry, 1S94-1900. C o m m e n o e m e n t week Pro- —
Cadet Re.gisters 1894 and 1900, pp. 31. gramme. N. Y. Times, Maj- 16, 1895,
(A) p. 6, col. 2.
1894-1902. See Report of the Adju- Graduates who will not receive full
tant-General, U. S. Army. (.A) commissions. X. Y. Times, May 22.
1894 to date. .Alpliabetical register of 1S95, p. 16, col. 2.

appointment of cadets (on cards). Graduates' list. N. Y. Times, Mav

( Prior to 1S94 in books.) A. G. O., O. 22, 1895, p. 16, col. 2.
M. A. Ciurncy (J. A.) Portrait. N. Y. —
Cadet register by States aiul dis- Times, June 4, 1895, p. 2, col. 2.
tricts. (On cards.) (Before 1894 in E.vaminations Board of Visitors' —
books.) /;/ A. G. O., O. M. A. subcommittees List. —
N. Y. Tiiues,
1895, January 16. The first recita- June 3, 1895, p. 9, col. 5.
tion in the new academic building took Examinations, 1S95. N. Y. Times,
place. Rept. .Supt. U. S. Military 1895, June 4, p. 2, col. 2; June 5, p. 9,
Academy, 1895, p. S25. (.A) col. I; June 6, p. 3, col. i; June 7, p. 9,
col. i; June 8, p. 13, col. 7; June 9, p.
1895, June. Address to the graduating by Hon S. I,. Jlilliken. In Rept. 1 1, col. I June 10, p. 8, col. 3; June 11,

Board of Visitors, ]ip. 161-166. (A) p. 9, col. 7; June 12, p. 3, col. 5; June
13. P- 9. col. 7.
r895, September 1. The library con- Schulz (Cadet E. H. )— Portrait.
tains 38,203 volumes and 5,914 pam-
N. Y. Times, June 5, 1895, p. 9, col. i.
phlets. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
Academy, 1895, p. S22. ,\ (
Professors' list. N. Y. Times,

June 6, 1895, p. 3, col. i.

1895, September 12. Call to quarters
at 3 p. m. on Sundays discontinued.
Candidates for admission List —
by States. N. Y. Times, June 9, 1S95,
Post Orders, vol. 13, p. 43S. (.A)
p. II, col. 2.
1895. Cadets appointed— List. N. Y. Cailet's outfit upon entering.
Times, 1S95, Jan. 4, p. i, col. 3; Feb. i, N. Y. Times, June 9, 1S95, p. 11, col. 2.
p. 13. col. 5; Feb. 8, p. 1, col. 2; Feb. 15,
First —Standing. N. Y.
p. 10, col. 7; Feb. 22, p. I, col. 2; Mar. i;
Times, June 11, 1S95, p. 10, col. i.
Mar. 8, p. 9, col. 2; .Apr. 5, p. i, col. 7;
May 3, p. 4, col. 7; May 10; May 14; Cadet officers appointed. N. Y.
May 17, p. I, col. 6; May 24, p. i. col. 2; Times, June 13, 1895, p. 10, col. I.
June 14, p. 2, col. 5.
Cadets' a.ssignmentstoduty. N.Y.
"Times" notes. N.Y. Times, 1895, Times, June 19, 1895, p. 3, col. 6.
Jan. 7, p. 10, col. 2; Jan. 14, p. 9, col. 6;
Jan. 21, p. 10, col. 5; Jan. 28, p. 3, col. 7;
Exannnations for admission Re- —
port. N. Y. Times, June 27, 1S95, p. 9,
Feb. 4, p. 5, col. 2; Feb. 10, p. 17, col. 4;
col. 6.
Feb. 18, p. 10, col. 6; Mar. 4, p. 12,
col. 5; Mar. 11. p. 9, col. 6; May 2, Cadets dismissed — List. K, Y.
p. 7, col. 5; June 30, p. 13, col. 2. Times, June 30, 1895, p. 10, col. 3.
152 •
Coitniuial of Uuitid States Military Academy.

Cadets appointed. N. Y. Times, vol. 16, No. 73, January, 1S95, pp. i-
1S95, July p. 3. *^ol- 7; July 24, P- I.
25. I A)
col. 4; l/ec. 4, p. 3, col. 2; Dec. 18, p. 3, 1895. Weaver (Lieut. E. M.): The
col. 7; Dec. 25, p. 7, col. 2. Military Academy. Jour. Mil. Serv.

Cadets appointed. N. Y. Times, Inst., vol. 16, No. 75, May, 1895, pp.

1S95, Julv 4. P- 5. c"l- 6; July 19. P- 9. 576-580. Review. (A)

col. 6;Julv 26, p. I, col. 2; Aug. 9, p. i, Bass (Prof. E. W.), U. S. Military
col. 4;Dec. 61 Dec. 13, p. 9, col. 6. Academy: The preliminary examina-

Hazing A cadet disciplined. N. tion, West Point.
Inst., vol.
In Jour. Mil. Serv.
16, No. May, 1895, pp.
Y. Times, July 16, 1S95, p. i, col. 4. 75,
553-559- (A)
Chapel— Cut— Flags— Paintings-
Description History. — X. Y. Times, Willcox (C. De W.): The prelim-
inary examination. West Point. In
July 28. 1895, p. 20, col. 6.
Mil. Serv. Inst. Jour., vol. 16, March,
Cadets' color line entertainment.
1895, pp. 25t^275. (A)
N. Y. Times, Aug. 28, 1895, p. 5, col. 5.
See Geo. L. Andrews: "The Mili-
Portraits. N. Y. Times, Aug. 28,
tary Academy and the education of
1895, p. 5, col. 5. officers." Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol.
Furlough hop. N. Y. Times,
16, p. 316. (A)
Aug. 1S95. P- 3. col. 4.
Holden (E. S.): The Military
Butterby's (Cadet T. C.) myste- Academy and the education of officers.
rious death. N. Y. Times, Sept. 12,

Review. In Jour. Mil. Serv. vol. ,

col. 4.
1895, p. I.
16, No. 75, May, 1895, pp. 573-576. (A)
Football schedule — Team de-
N. Y. Times, Sept.
Michie (Prof. P. S.), U. S. Mili-
tary .\cademy: West Point, its purpose,
22, 1895, p. 10, col. I.
In Union
its training, and its results.
"Times" notes. X. Y. Times, College practical lectures, Butterfield
Sept. 22, 1895, p. 10, col. I. course, vol. I, 1S95, pp. 11-42. Renii-
Class of '96— Portraits of promi- niscences of cadet and army service,
nent members. N. Y. Times, Xov. 3, 1893. /// New York State Conunandery,
1S95, p. 29, col. r. M. O. L. L. Personal recollections of
Meeting at Battle Monument the war of the rebellion. (A)
Cut. X. Y. Times, Nov. 17, 1895, p. Ellis (E. S.): Young Scout: story
29, col. 4. of a West Point lieutenant. I vol., O.,

Board of Visitors' report. N. Y. 1895. (A)

Times, 1895, Dec. 5, p. 10, col. 3; Dec.
Organization of the bridge equi-
9. P- 3. col. I.
S. .\rmy, with directions
page of the U.
Hazing; camp outfit of cadet for the construction of military bridges
clothing described and compared with . Prepared by a board of Engineer
. .

that of former years; lack of informa- officers. Washington, I S70. ivol.,0.

tion on certain professional matters. (Text-book department of practical
Rept. Board of Visitors, 1895, pp. military engineering, 1895. Rept. Supt.
125-7. (A) U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. 173.)
Portraits class of 1895. /;/ Ham- (A)
ersly; Album of portraits of officers of
1895 to . Hennequin (.Alfred):
Spanish- American war. (.\)
Practical lessons in idiomatic I'rench.
Classof'75. Reunion at Sherry's, New rev. ed. New York, 1881. i vol.,
New York, June 12, 1895. Cambridge, Text-book department of modern
O. (

1895. I vol., O. (.-V)

languages, 1895 to .) Cadet Reg-
Annual report of Board of Visi- ister, 1895, p. 30. t.-^)
tors, 1895. 166 pp. (A)
PMgren (,.\. Hjalmar): .\ com-
Gibbon (John), U. S. Army: Can peiulious French grammar in two inde-
West Point be made more useful? In pendent parts introductory and ad- —
N. Amer. Rev., vol. 160 (1895), pp. vanced. Boston, 1898. I .oL.O. (Text-
668-676. (A) book department of modern languages,
.\rmy service barracks remodeled 1895 to . 1 Cadet Register, 1895, p.
from soldier's hospital built 185 30- (A)
Cadet life at West Point (by B. F. Castarede (J.): A complete trea-
McManus). Godey's Mag., January, tise on the conjugation of French
1895, pp. 26-35, ill. (A) verbs, new ed. London, 1900. i vol.,
Hubbard (Lieut. Elmer W.): The O. (Text-book department of modem
Military Academy and the education languages, 1895 to ) Cadet Regis- .

of oflacers. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., ter, 1895, p. 30. (A)-

BibliograpJiy of iJie U. S. Military Acadnny. 1 53
1895 to Revue Militaire des
. V . ,S. Academy shall be ap-
Arniees Etrangeres. Text-book de- ( jiointed for a tenn of four years. .\ (

partment of modern languages, 1895 1896, March 6. Act of pro-

to Cadet Register. 1S95, p. 30.
. )
siclis for the purchase of two barges
Eco de Madrid. Text-book de- I and two boats for instruction of cadets
partment of modern languages, 1895 in rowing. {\)
to Cadet Register, 1895, p. 30.
.) 1896, June. .Address of Hon. Robert
H. M.) and Languel-
Monsanto ( t'l. Cousins to the graduating class.
lier (L. A.): A practical course with Rept. Boanl of Visitors 1S96. pp. 31-34.
the .Spanish language. New York, (A)
1S75. vol., O.
I (Text-book depart- 1896. Cadets appointed. N.Y. Times,
ment of modern languages, 1S95 1896, Jan. In, p. g, col. 6; Feb. 14, p.
to .) Cadet Register, 1895, p. 30. 9, col. 3; F'eb. 21, p. 16, col. 5; I'eb.
28, p. I, col. 3; .\pr. 3, p. I, col. 3;
Legendre A. M. Elements of
\ ) : .\pr. 10, p. I. col. 4; Apr. 17, p. i. col.
geometry and trigpnonietry. Trans- 5; -Apr. 24, p. I, col. 3; -Apr. 29, p. 12,
lated from the French by Charles col. 6; May 22, p. 2, col. 2; June 5. p.
Davies. Edited bv J. H. Van Amringe. 10. col. 6.
New York, 1890.' 1 vol., O. (Text- Cadet appointments to be in-
book department of mathematics, 1895 creased. N. Y. Times (ed.), Feb. 17,
to .) Rept. Supt. I'. S, Military 1S96, p. 4, col. 4.
Academy, 1896, p. 74. (A)
••Game of bluff. A." N. Y.
Instruction in military engineer- Times, Feb. 23, 1896, p. 16, col. 2.
ing, embodying a portion of the course
of instruction at the school of military
Examinations for entrance — list.
N. V. Times, Mar. 22, 1896, p. 9, col. 4.
engineering, Chatham. England. Lon-
don, 1898. 6 vols., O. (* Text-book Cadets' heavy gun instruction
department of practical military engi- cuts. N. Y. Times, Apr. 5, 1896, p. 29,
neering, 1895 to Rept. Supt. )
col. 3.

U. S. Militarv Academv, 1896, p. 17^. Battle monument •'Fame" sub-

stituted for "Victory" statue. N. Y.
Mercur (James) [U. S. Military Times, May 4, 1896, p. I, col. 6.
Academy, 1866]: Attack of fortified Board of Visitors appointed. N.
places, including siege works, mining, Y. Times, May 15, 1896, p. 3. col. 2.
and demolitions, ist ed. New York, — Examinations. Commencement
1894. I vol., O. (Text-book depart- week programme. List of graduates.
ment of civil and military engineering, N. Y. Times. June t, 1896, p. 9, col. 5.
1S95 to Cadet Register. 1S95.
Merit list. N. Y. Times, June
p. 32. (A)
1 1. 1896. p. 3, col. 2.
Figaro (daily; three months' sub-
Cadets court-martialed for haz-
scription each year Text-book de- ) (

ing. X. Y. Times. Julv 23, 1896, p. i,

partment of modern languages, 189,^
col. 6.
to A Cadet Register. 1895, p. 30.
I A'l
Corporals (20) appointed. N.
V. Times. Aug. 4, 1896, p. i. col. 4.
1895-96. The corps of cadets receive
the new magazine rifles, caliber .30. Hazing. President Cleveland's
Rept. .Supt. U. S. IMilitary Academy, remarks approving sentences. N. Y.
1896, p. ~. [K] Times, Aug. 15, 1896, p. 4. col. 6.
1895-1901. Bruff( Lawrence L. [U.,S. Superintendent Ernst's annual

Military Academy, 1S76]: A text-book report. N. Y. Times. Oct. 25. 1S96. p.

of ordnance and gunnerv. ist ed. 20, col. 5.
New York. 1S96. vol., 'O. (Text- i Visitors' annual report. N. Y.
book department of ordnance and gun- Times, Nov. 26, 1896, p. 2, col. 5.
nery, 895-1901.)
J Cadet Register,
\\'ater supply polluted. Malarial
1895, p. 32. Second edition of above,
fever N. Y. Times (ed.), 1896,
revised and enlarged by F. E. Hobbs Dec. 15, p. 4, col. 3; Dec. 19, p. 4, col.
(New York, 1901. i vol., O.), used
from 1902 to . Cadet Register,
1902. p. 32. (A) General Orders, .Adjutant-Gen-
eral's Office. No. 15. Sec. 1309 Rev.
1896, February 18. Act of Congress
Stat. providing a chaplain for,
repeals so much of sec. 1309 of Rev.
amended. (.A)
Stat. U. S. as provides for a chaplain
U. S. Military Academy, to be also Organization of a department in
professor of history, geography, and I'. S. Military Academy; regulations
ethics, and provides that the chaplain for cadets in recitation rooms, etc.
154 Centennial of United States Military Aeadeniv.

Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academv, Military Academy, 1896, \i. 159; Cadet
1896, pp. 74, 75, 76. (A) Register, 1897, p. 32. (A)
1896. Annual report of Board of \'isi- 1896-1899. Memorial hall built ($268,-
tors, 1S96, 34 pp. (A) uoo )

Curtis N. M. Report .submittiiig

( ) : 1897, April 27. The battalion of cadets
House bill 9707, making appropriation goes to New York to take part in cere-
for Academy, 1898. Dec. 17, 1S96. i monies connected with the dedication
p. [House kept. 2343, 54th Cong., 2d of the General Grant monument. Post
sess.] (A) Orders, vol. 14, p. 146. (A)
Portraits, class of 1S96. In Ham- 1897, May 31. monument dedi-
ersly: Albinii of Portraits of Officers of cated to the memory of 2,042 men
Spanish-American war. (A) and 188 officers of the Regular Army
History of the departments of the who fell in the war for the Union
Academv. In Rept. of the Supt., i8g6. (#66,820). Post Orders, vol. 14, p. 159.
(A) 1897, June 14. Board of survey ap-
See History of Athletics at West pointed to investigate circumstances
Point (i89o-!896). In West Point attending the loss of four bronze trophy
Howitzer, 1S96, pp. 61 et seq. [Por- guns said to have been stolen sometime
traits 7.] (.\) during the fall of 1S96 and .spring of
1897. Post Orders, vol. (A)
Everard E.): A story of
Hatch (
14, p. 171.

West In Gulf Me.ssenger, vol.

Point. 1897. Examinations. Cadets who
9, No. 2, Feb., 1896, ])p. 56-62. (A) failed. N. Y. Times, Jan. 12, 1897, p.
7, col. 6.
Reed (Lieut. Hugh T.): Cadet Life
at West Point 111. Chicago, pub.
. . .
Cadets (six) discharged. N. Y.
bv the author (1S96), i vol., O. (236 Times, 1S97, Jan. 15, p. 4, col. 3; Mar.
pp.) (A) 20, p. 2, col. 7.

Craddock (Florence Nightingale): —

Cadets Washington trip during
Edgar Fairfax, A Story of West Point inauguration abandoned. N. Y. Times,
. . New York. 1896. i vol. O.
. Jan. 28, 1897, p. I, col. 5; p. 3, col. i.

(A) Cadets appointed. N. Y. Times,

1896 to Fitzwygram (Sir F.):
1897, Jan. 15, p. 4, col. 3; Jan. 29, p. 3,
col. 4; Feb. 5, p. 4, col. 3; F>b. 12, p. 4,
Horses and stables. 3d ed. London,
col. 2; Feb. 19, p. 3, col. 3; Feb. 26, p.
1886. I vol., O. (Text-book depart-
r, col. 2; Mar. 4, p. 3, col. 3; Mar. 12,
ment of tactics, 1,896 to .) Rept.
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, i8g5, p. 4, col. 4; Mar. 26, p. 4, col. 3; Apr.

p. 127. (A) 30, p. 4, col. 3.

Board of Visitors appointed. N.
Text-book of fortification and mili- Y. Times, Apr. 17, 1897, p. 5, col. 2.
tary engineering, for use at the Royal
Military Academy, Woolwich. London, Catholic chapel to be erected
187S, I vol., O. (Text-book department
Secretary .Niger's .statement. N. Y.
of practical military engineering, 1896 Times, 1897, Apr. 28, p. 14, col. 4; May
to .) Rept. Supt. U. S. Military 25, p. 4, col. 3.
Academy, 1896, p. 173. (."V) Battle monument dedication-
Speeches by General Wilson and Sec-
Wagner (Arthur L.) [U. S. Mili-
retary of War. N. Y. Times, 1897, May
tary Academy, 1875]: The service of
12, p. I, col. 2; May 30, p. 13, col. 3; June
security and information. Washing-
I, p. 12, col. 5.
ton, 1893, I vol., O. (Text-book depart-
ment of tactics, 1.896 to Rept. . ) Cannon stolen —Arrests made.
Supt. U. S. Military Academy, 1896, p. N. Y. Times, 1,897, May
21, p. 11, col. i;
127. (A) June 2, p. 3, col. 5; June 3, p. 7, col. 6;
June 4, p. 3, col. 4; June 5, p. 7, col. 3;
1896-97. Davis (George B.)
[U. S.
June 10, p. 4, col. I.
Military Academy, 1871]: An introduc-
tion to the study of the constitutional Commencement programme. N.
and military law of the United States. Y. Times, May 30, 1897, p. 13, coL 4.
Washington, 1896, i vol., O. (Text-
Baccalaureate sermon by the Rev.
book department of law and history,
H. Shipman. N. Y. Times, June 7,
1896-97.) Rept. Supt. U.S. Military
1897. P- 3, col- 5-
Academy, 1896, p. 157; Cadet Registers,
1896 and 1S97, pp. 32. (A) Graduates' standing. N. Y.
Times, June 10, 1897, p. 3, col. 3.
Myens P. V. N. ) General history.
( :

Boston and London, 1892, i vol., O. Commandant S. M. Mills's fare-

(Text-book department of law and his- well to graduates. N. Y. Times, June
tory, 1S96 and 1897.) Rept. Supt. U. S. 1 1, 1897, p. 3, col. 2.
Bihlioo^rapliy of tlie U. S. Military Acadcmv. 155
1897. Graduates can not receive army emblem and coat of arms I'. S. Military
appointments until vacancies occur. .\cademy. MS. (A)
N. Y. Times, June 15, 1.S97, p. 4, col. i. 1898, April 26. Class of 1898 gradu-
Commencemeul. N. Y. Times, ated. Ivxercises held in chapel. Post
June 12, 1S97, p. 7, col. 5. Orders, vol. 14, p. 275. (A)
Entrance examinations — Candi- 1898, October 13. Seal and arms of
dates (two) resign because hazed. N. U. .S. Military .\cademy adopted. Gen- if)
Y. Times, June 16, 1S97, p. 4, col. 2. eral Orders, No. 24. (A)
— Class 1S97 — Portraits — Honor men 1898, October 13. Description of "the
(Magazine). N. Y. Times, June 27, eml)lem" and of "the arms" for the
1S97, p. 19, col. I. II. S. Military Academy. Post Orders,
Board of \'isitors report against vol. 14, p. 372. (A)
increase of munber of cadets other — 1898, December 31. Classification of
views. X. Y. Times, July i.S, 1897, p. witli nunilierof demerits to be
9, col. 4. awarded lor each class. Post Orders,
Graduates who have won distinc- vol. 14, p. 415. (A)
tion — List. N. Y. Times, July 31, 1S97, 1898, Summer of. \. course of lectures
p. 6, col. 7. on military hygiene was given to cadets
Practical jokes on closing camp. bv the surgeon. Rept. Supt. U. S.
N. Y. Times, Aug. 22, 1S97, p. I, col. 7. Military Academy, 1S98, p. 4. (A)
Reveille gun disappears. N. Y. Practice marches by cadets de-
Times, Sept. 22, 1897, p. i, col. 2. scribed. Rept. Supt. I'.' S. Military
Academy, 1S9S, p. 12; ibid., 1899, pj).
Portraits class of 1S97. In Ham-
20-21; ibid., 1900, pp. 22-24; ibid..
ersly: Album of Portraits of OflScers of
1901, p. 23. (A)
.Spanish-American War. (A)
1898. Cadets discharged. N.Y. Times,
Objectsthe U. S. Military
1S98, Jan. 12, p. 2, col. i; Mar. 22, p.
Academy Schofield (J. M.);
3. col. 4.
Forty-six vears in the Armv, p. $2^.
(A) New York Ninth Congressional
district candidate for cadetship exam-
Cadets of Military and Naval
ined. N.Y. Times, Feb. 20, 1898, p. 13,
academies at inauguration, Mar. 4,
col. 5.
1897. Feb. 23, 1S97. 2 pp. (House
Rept. 3012, 54th Cong., 2d sess. ) (A) Class of 1898 graduated prema-
turely to enter army for Cuban war
Addresses to the graduating class, May
Assignments. N. Y. Times, 17,
1S97, by Hon. Hugh R. Belknap. (A)
1898, p. 4, col. 7.
South guardhouse and gates built
Visitors Board appointed. N. Y.
(f 10,000). Times, May 29, 1S9S, p. 4, col. 7.
finst granolithic pavements put in. Entrance examinations. N. Y.
Brewer, David J.: Address at the Times, June 19, 1S98, p. 2, col. 3.
dedication of the Battle Monument, Catalogue of biography and
West Point, N. Y., May 31, 1897. French history in the librarj-, U. S.
West Point, N. Y. 1897. pam. O. ( A
, , Militarj' Academy, West Point, N. Y.
— [April] 189S, 73 pp., I pam., O. (.\)
Brown, Lt. A. Hastings, U. S.
Army: Cadet life at West Point. In Catalogue of fiction in English in
Pall Mall Mag., January, 1S97, vol. II, the U. S. Military Academy library, i
No. 45, p. 121-128. 2 copies. (A) pam., O. (January, 1898) 33 pp. Fic-
tion in English in library U. S. Mili-
Wyckoff, Walter A.: The work- tary Academy, June, 1901,43 pp. 1.^)
ers . . The East. 1S97, pp. 32-77:
The U. S. Military .\cadenn- com-
A day laborer at West Point. 1-31.
pared with the U. S. Naval Academv.
The Adjustment. (A) See Holden (E. S. ): The U. S. Naval
1897 to Tillman (vSamuel E.).
. Academy at .Annapolis in Rept. Connnr.
[U. S. Military Academy, 1S69]: De- Education, 1S98-99, p. 747. (A)
scriptive general chemistry, 2d ed. Information relative to the ap-
New York, 1S99, i vol., O. (Text-book pointment and admission of cadets to
department of chemistry, 1897 to ). the r. S. Military Academv. 4 pp., Q.
Cadet Register, 1S98, p. 3(. (A) (1898.) (A)
1897-1902. See News of the High- Cadet supply departments. In-
lands, published at Highland Falls. formation relative to the. i pam., O.
F (2s;<xi9!4 inches). 1897 to date. 1S98. (A)
1898, January 14. Report of a com- Descriptive catalogue of the ord-
mittee of the academic board on the nance museum, department of ordnance
156 ,
Cnitcunial of Uuitcd States Military Academy.

and gunnery. V S. Military Academy. . 1899, February 27. .\ct of Congress

Prepared under the direction of Capl. appropriates f 70,000 for remodeling the
L. L. Bruff by Capt. J. T. Thonip- . . .
library building. (A)
.son West Point, 1898.
. . .
vol.. O. i
1899, March 24. Colors (black, grey, »j
223 pp. (A) gold for athletic games adopted. Circ. j

1898. General Orders, Adjutant-tiener- No. n. (A)

al's Office, No. 15. Physical examina- The colors black, grey, and gold \ \
tion of candidates for admission. (A] I

adopted as the colors of the U. S. Mi!i- 1

Department of modern languages. tary .•\cademy for use in all athletic |

Library. Catalogue of books, [n. d., games. Post Orders, vol. 14, p. 454. 1

about "1S98.] I pam., O., obi. (A) (A)

Seal, arms, and motto of the U. S. 1899, April 27. New dress hat or-
Military Academy. In Bull. Assoc. dered for cadets. Post Orders, vol. 14,
% Grads., No. i, 1900.
Lusk reservoir built ($ioo,ixkj).
(A) P.46S. (A)
1899, June. Before this date the only
Hamcrsly pub.: .A military album index of the purely soldierly qualities
containing over i.ouo portraits of com- of a cadet was exjijressed in his marks
missioned officers who served in the under di.scipline weight 200) and drill

Spanish-American war. New York, regulations (weight 100). Since it,

1898. I vol., O. (A) conduct weight 1 25 drill regulations,
( ) ,

etc. (weight 115), military efficiency

[Block, H. C. A. de:] Reisin-
(weight 130 soldierly deportment and
drukken. De Vereenigde vStaatten van ) ,

Noord-America. i vol., O., 1S9S. [In

discipline (weight 20) are noted. The
sum of the old weights is 300; of the
Dutch; pp. 47-64, on West Point.] new, 390. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
.\cademy, 1899, pp. 5-6. (A)
Nelson (S. A.I: The Annapolis,
1899, September 30. The battalion
West Point, and military .school hand- of cadets goes to New York City to take
book. [How to gain admission, etc.]
part in the parade in honor of .\dmiral
111. New York, 1898, pp. 74.
Devvev. Post Orders, vol. 15, p. 25.
Andrews (Israel Ward); Manual (A)
of the Constitution of the United States.
1899, October 24. Service stripes to
New York, 18S7. I vol., O. (Text- indicate the class to which cadets belong
book department of law, 1898.) Cadet
adopted. Post Orders, vol. is, p. 34.
Regi.ster, 1S9S, p. 32. (A)
Fi.sher George Park) Outlines of
1899, December

universal history, designed as a text-

9. Letter from .Ad-
jutant-General,!'. S. Army, making the
book New York, 1S85. ivol.,0.
. . .

.Superintendent's decision final as to

(Text-book department of law and
whether or not a cadet shall answer a
history, 1898.) Cadet Register, 189S,
question asked by an investigating
p. 32. (A)
board. Post Orders, vol. 15, p. 51. (A)
1898tO Davis Cieorge B. [U.S.
. ( )

Military 1871]: The ele-

Academy, 1899. First cadets ordered to
ments of law. An introduction to the front— List. N. Y. Times, Jan. 2, 1S99,
p. 3, col. 5.
study of the constitutional and military
law of the United States, ist ed. New Graduation list — .\ssigned to regi-
York, 1897. I vol., O. (Text-book ments. N. Y. Times, 1S99, Feb. 16, p.
department of law and history, 1S98 4, col. 7; Feb. 19, p. 5, col. 2.
to Cadet Register. 189S, p. 32.
. ) Cadets at large appointed. N. Y.
(A) Times, Apr. 9, 1899, p. 12, col. 3.
Flanders, (Henry ): .An exposition Board of Visitors appointed. N.
of the Constitution of the United States. Y. Times, Apr. 22, 1S99, p. 6, col. 3 ,

4th ed. Philadelphia, 1885. I vol., O. Board of Visitors (especiallv Con-

(Text-book department of law and gressman's Marsh's) appointment dis-
history, 1S98 to .) Cadet Regis- cussed. N. Y. Times (ed.), 1899, June
ter, i8g8, p. 32. (A) 4, p. 18, col. 2; June 6, p. 6, col. 2.

1898 to date. Preliminary examina- Cavalry inspected by

Board of
tion papers of cadets. /;; .\.G. 0.,0. Visitorsand Governor Roosevelt. N.
M. A. Y. Times, June 6, 1S99, p. 4, col. 5.
1899, January 1. Guard, police, and Exhibition at West Point closed.
fire regulations, n. p., n. d. i vol., O., N. Y. Times, June 10, 1899, p. 5, col. 2.
pp.31. (A)
Cavalry sketch by Fitz Morris
1899, February 15. Class of '99 grad- Illustrated (magazine). N. Y. Times,
uated. Post Orders, vol. 14, p. 436. ( .\ ) June 18, 1899, p. 6, col. i.
Bihliqo-rap/iy of tlir U. S. Mililary Acadnny. 15;

1899. Scarlet fever. N. Y. Times, mathematics, 1899.) Cadet Rcgi.ster,

1S99, July 12, p. 4, col, 4: July 13, p. 3, 1S99, p. 30. (A)

col. 6. 1899. l-'isher ((ieorge Park): .-^ brief
Gift of historical pictures to Cul- history of the nations and of their
luni Memorial, by J. K. Pauliling. N. ]>rogress in civilization. New York,
Y. Times, Nov. 28. 1899, p. i, col. 5. 1S96. vol., O.
I (Text-Vwok depart-
Orders U. S. C. C. (l>lue liook i ) .
ment of law and history, 1899.) Cadet
Register, 1899, p. 32. (A)
vol.,0. (A)
1899 to Smith (Charles): An
Model target range completed.

elcnieiitary treatise on conic sections.

Complete siege battery and mortar London, 1894. i vol., O. (Text-book
battery, etc., were received. Rept.
department of mathematics, 1899 to
Supt. r. vS. Military Academy, 1.S99,
.) Cadet Register, 1S99, \i. 30,
p. 7- (A) (A)
Field outfit for cadets first worn. Smith (Charles): An elementary
Class album, 1S99. (\) treatiseon solid geometry. 5th ed.
All explanations by cadets for de- London, 1S95. vol., O. (Text-bookI

linquencies were required to be made department of mathematics. 1899 to

in writing. Rept. Supt. T'. S. Military .)CadetRegi,ster, 1899, p.30. (.\)
Academy, 1S99, p. 24. (.\1 Wagner (Arthur
L.) [I'. S. Mili-
Elementary infantry and artillery tary Academy, 1865]: Organization and
drill regulations, etc., \vere .studied by tactics. New York, 1895. i vol., O.
the fo\irth class. Rept. Supt. I'. S. (Text-book departmentof civil and mili-
Military .Xcademy, 1900, p. 5. (The tary engineering, 1S99 to ) Cadet .

foregoing recommended in Rept. Board Register, 1899, p. 32. (A)

of Visitors, 1SS5, p. S46.) (A) Fiebeger (C. J.) [U. S. Military
Stenographic report of interviews .\cadeniy, 1S79]: A text-book of field
with the Superintendent by the various fortification, isted. New York, 1901
committees of the Board of Visitors I vol., O. (Text-book department of
(pp. 544-573 Report on discipline and
) : civil and military engineering, iSgg to
hazing by the commandant pp. 573- ( . Cadet Register, 1899, p. 32.
) .A ( )

575); report on increasing the scope of Outline of instruction in .small-

U." S. Military Academy', by Professor arms firing, ba.sed on small-arms firing
Earned (pp. 595-620). Rept. Board of regulations as modified by General Or-
Visitors, 1S99. \k) ders, .Adjutant-General's Office, No. 36,
Advertisement, instructions, and 1S97. West Point, 1S98. i vol., O.
specifications for library building . . .
(Text-book department of tactics, 1899
reconstruction and remodeling, 1S99. to .1 Cadet Register, 1899, p. 31.
I pain., O., obi., 14 pp. ( .\ I (At
Football game songs, with Joe ,
1899-1900. General Orders, Adjutant-
Lincoln's The Regular .-Xriny Man. i !
General's Office, Nos. 36, 1899; 81, igon.
pam., O., 4 pp. {^.') .Appointment of cadets, number, etc.
General Orders, .\djutant -Gen- (A)
eral's Office, No. 37. Reorganization Roman Catholic chapel liuilt

of enli.sted strength on duty at ($22,800).

Point. (A) 1899-1902. Hazing at U. S. Mililary
Magazine rifles. Printed for the .Academy. Rept. Supt. U. S. Military
use of the cadets, U. S. Military .-Acad- .Academy, 1S99, pp. 7, 24-25; 1900, p.
emy, department of ordnance and gun- 11; pp. 5-7.
ig^ii, (-^)
nery, 1899. pam., O., 12 pp. (.\)
I 1900. In "Who's Who
in .America " for
Department of mathematics. Ex- I9!K) there are 117 graduates U. S.
amples from conic sections and solid Military .Academy [and 75 U. S. Naval
geometry of C. Smith. West Point, .Academy] There were then 1 ,900 liv-

N. Y., 1899. I vol., O.. 187 pp. (A) ing graduates U. S. Military .Academy
See Crane ( Stephen \\'est Pointer
) :
[and 1,700 U.S. Naval .Academy]. The
percentage of noted names is 5.6 for
and V'olunteer, in Le.slie's Popular
Monthly, November, 1899.
U. S. Military .Academy, which is the
largest for any American college or
New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, May university [and 4.4 for U. S. Naval
29, 1899, p. 3: West Point, The U. S. .Academy]. Letter from Prof. E. G.
Military .\cademy. ( .\ I
Dexter, Mar. 2, 1903. (A)
Peck (William G. I [U. S. Military 1900, February 17. Conduct grades
Academy, Elementary
1S44]: established: Three grades determined
on determinants. New York. 18S8. i by luunber of demerits recciycd. Post
vol., O. (Text-book department of Orders, vol. 15, p. 77. (A)
15^ Criilciniial of UiiiUd Sfa/rs Military Academy.

1900, February 24. Hundredth Night 1900. Booz hazing inquiry at Point.
Entertainment: The Ania/.ons. igixi. N. Y. Times (ed.), Dec. 21, 1900, p. 8,
n. p., n. d., I vol., obi., O. ( A) col. 5.

1900. March 1 0. liach i.s divided —

Hazing U. S. Congressmen's ad-
monthl}' into three conduct grades, and vice to abolish the institution. N. Y.
to each grade certain privileges attach. Times (ed. ), Dec. 23, 1900, p. iS, col. 4.
Rept. vSupt. V. S. Military Academy. Mills (Col. A. L.)—Testimony.
I goo, p. 1 1. (A ) N. Y. Times, Dec. 30, 1900, p. 3, col. I.
1900, June 6. Act of Congress fixes Exercises in trigonometry (from
the number of cadets to be appointed Ludlow's Elements Trigonometry.)
two from each State at large
( A ) . (
Department of mathematics, U. S. Mil-
1900, June. Address of Hon. Charles itary Academy. I vol., O., 41 pp. (A)
F. JIanderson to the graduatin,g class. Algebra and geometry recitations
Rept. Board of Visitors, pp. 1 1-19. A ( ) were made on alternate days; likewise
1900, spring- of. Cadets were in- those in conic sections and descriptive
structed in the of mountain guns geometry. Rept. ,Supt. U. S. Jlilitary
and in pack-tr;:in service. Rept. Supt. Academy, 1900, p. 5. (.\)
V S. Military Acidemy, 1900, p. 9. .\),
. 1

Department of mathematics, ex-

1900, summer of. The class of 1904 amples from C. vSmith's Treatise on Al-
was the last class subjected to hazing gebra. West Point, N. Y., 1900. ivol.,
in the fourth-class camp. O., 136 pp. (A)
1900. Cadets found deficient and dis-
The corps of cadets organized in
charged. N. Y. Times, Jan. 14, 19110,
sixcompanies (in place of four, which
p. S, col. 3.
had been the number, 1827-1900).
?iIemorial Hall .\ppeal for relics.— Rept. Supt. U. S. Military Academy,
X. Y. Times, Mar. 9, 1900, p. 3, col. 5. 1900, p. S. (A)

Graduates Standing of members
Department of tactics manual of
of this year's class. N. Y. Times, June
the ser\'ice of .security and information.
13, 1900, p. 3, col. 3.
Prepared for the use of cadets at the

Cadets Senators asked to name U. S. Military Academy, by First Lieut.
candidates under new law. N. Y. Edward Anderson, Seventh Cavalry,
Times, June 9, 1900, p. 3, col. 2. assistant instructor of tactics, by order
Catholic chapel dedicated. N. Y. of Lieut. Col. O. L. Hein, comman-
Times, June 1 i, 1900, p. 5, col, i. dant of cadets. West Point, N, Y., 1900.
Commencement— Class of 1900 I vol., O., 142 pp. (.\)
visit to New York City. N. Y. Times, See Dexter (E. G.): A .study of
June 14, 1900, p. 2, col. 4. twentieth century success. /// Pop. Sci.
Cadet graduates' assignments. Monthly, Julv, 1902, figs. 2, 4, and p.
N. Y. Times, June 17. 1900, p. 3, col. 3. 249. (A) "

Cadets appointed President Mc- — List of graduates in civil life;

Kinley fills his quota of ten names and of graduates on the retired list. In Bull.
three others. N. Y. Times, July 4, 1900, .'Vssoc. Grads., No. i (1900). (A)
p. 12, col. 6.
The new cadet must provide an
Board of Visitors report Admis- — outfit costing f 160. 10. His expenses
sion standard raising recommended.
for board, books, clothes, etc., average
N. Y. Times, Oct. 6, 1900, p. 6, col. 6.
I522. 12 yearly. His average
Booz Cadet Oscar L. ) U.S. Con-
( .
are thus I562.12, while his pay is $540
gress committee to investigate his case. Competitive examination is not the best
N. Y. Times, 1900, Dec. i, p. 3, col. 6;
Dec. 2, p. 15, col. 4; Dec. 4, p. 1, col, 3;
way to select cadets Hazing. Rept. —
Board of Visitors, pp. 7-10. (A)
Dec. 12, p. 7, col. I.
Dialectic Society: [For a brief hi.s-
Booz Cadet Oscar L.
( ) . Board of
tory of the society see U. >S. Military
inquiry appointed by Secretary of War-
Session at Bristol and Philadelphia.
Academy, class of 1S75, reunion, 1900,
p. 107.]'
N. Y. Times, Dec. 18, 1900, p. 3, col. 3.
Military court takes testimony-. Larned Chas. W.
( ) : U. S. Military
N. Y. Times, 1900, Dec. 19, p. 3, col. i; .Academy, 1S70. The U. .S. Military
Dec. 20, p. 6, col. I Dec. 21, p. 0, col. i;
Academy. Scientific American, June
Dec. 22, p. 2, col. 3; Dec. 23, ]). 5, col. i 23, 1900. (A)
Dec. 27, p. 3, col. 4; Dec. 28, p. 5, col. 2; Memorial Hall. Junior Munsey,
Dec. 29, p. 3, col. 3; Dec. 30, p. 3, col. i. No. 4, July, 1900, containing on
vol. S,
Breth's (Cadet) death claimed by PP- 515-523, The Memorial Hall at
family to have been caused by hazing. West Point, bv Prof. C. W. Larned.
N. Y. Times, Dec. 19, 1900, p. 3, col. i. I vol., O. (.\)'
BiblioorapliY of the IL S. M ilitary Acadcriiv. 159
1900. Memorial tablets of tlu' Rt-volu- (Text-book ilepartment of tactics, 1900
tionary ami Siianish- American wars [in to .) Cadet Register, 190(1, p. 32.
the chapel,] unveiling of. Presented (A)
. .by the N. V. Daughters of the
1900. Davis ( George H. ) [f. -S. Military
Revolution [with address by Professor .Vcadeniy, 1871]: The elements of in-
Michie.] 1900. r pani. C). 2 copies. ternational law, with an account of its
(A) origin, .sources, and historical develop-
Plan (with plate) of a propo.sed ment. New and rev. ed. New York
enlargement of the chapel, by Prof. C. and London, 1902. I vol., O. (Text-
AV. Lamed. Rept. Board of X'isitors, book ilepartment of law and history,
1900. p. 29. (A) 1900 to .) Cadet Register, 1900,
West Point described in How our '
p. 32. (A)
cousins manage it." R. M. A. Mag. Smith (A treatise on
Charles ) :

vol. I, ig<x), pp. I75-:7S. (.A) algebra. London, 1S93.

4th ed. i

Tripp. William H. Guide to West voL, O. (Text-book department of

Point and the I'. S. Military Academy, mathematics, 1900 to .) Cadet
giving location and hi.story of all the Register, 1900, p. 30. (A)
public buildings, monuments, and prin- Murray (Daniel Alexander): An
cipal points of interest, together with elementary course in the integral cal-
the hours for drills and formations. culus. New York, 189S. i vol.. O.
West Point, 1900. obi., O. (A) (Text-book department of mathe-
Appropriations bill, committee of matics, 1900 to .) Cadet Register,
House, hearings. Dec. 11, 1900. i 1900, p. 30. (A)
pam. O. (A) 1900-1901. Hazing. ,S(r 56th Cong.,
Appropriations bill, committee of 2d sess., 1900-1901. House Repts., vol.
House. Mav'S, igtK). i pam. O. (A) 4. Ibid., vol. 5. Ibid., vol. 6.

Estimate of [deficiency] appro- Library building remodeled \,$~o,-

priation forpay of Academy. Mar. 2S, OIK_l).

1900. 2 pp. (House Doc. 550.) (A)

1900 to Johnson (J. B.
. ) : The
at AVest Point, by Capt.
Hazing theory and practice of surveying. i6th
W. C. Rivers, U. S. Army. Anny and ed. New York, 1902, I vol., O. (Text-
Navv Journal, Jan. 12, 1901. p. 473. book, department of mathematics, 1900-
(A)' 1902; *Text-book, department of prac-
tical military engineering, 1902 to .)
Furlough Songs, I'. -S. Military
Cadet Regi,sters, 1900, p. 30, and 1902,
Academy, 1900. B., 1900. i vol., O.,
p. 31.
40 pp. "(A)
1900-1903. .Association of graduates.
West draughtsmen; by
Ilidls. pam., O. No. I, 1900; No. 2,
Fritz Morris. I» Leslie's Pop. Month-
1902; No. 3, 1903. Edited by Capt.
ly, vol. 49, Ko. 5, March, I9i-X>, pp.
W. C. Rivers, secretary. (.A)
52 '-536- (A)
1901, January 9. Special Committee
Craddock, Florence Nightingale:
of the House of Representatives ap-
Soldier's Revenge, or Roland and Wil-
pointed to investigate hazing at West
fred. I vol., O. (1900). (A)
Point arrives. Post Orders, vol. 15, p.
1900 to . Duruy (Victor): General 232. (A)
history of the world Translated
. . .
1901, January 28. Description of ex-
by K. A. Grosvenor. New York, 1S98. hibit of the Military Academy at the
I (Text-book department of
vol., O. Exposition at Buffalo.
law and history, 1900 to Cadet . )
Post Orders, vol. 15, p. 240.
Register; 1900, p. 32. (A)
1901, February 16. Graduation of
Dyer (A. B.) [U. S. Military
first class ordered on Feb. 18, 1901.
Academy, 1837]: Handbook for light (A)
Post Orders, vol. 15. p. 24S.
artillerj-. ist ed. New York, 1S96.
I vol., O. (* Text-book department of 1901, March 2. Battalion of cadets
tactics, 1900 to .) Cadet Register, ordered to Washington to take part in
1900, p. 31. (A) ceremonies attending the inauguration
of President McKinley. Post Orders,
Ander.son (Finst Lieut. Edward,
vol. 15. p, 257. (.\i
U. S. Army [U. S. :\Iilitary Academy,

18SS] Department of tactics. Manual

: 1901, March 2. .Act of Congress: The
of the service of security and informa- U. S. Military Academy band to consist
tion, prepared for the use of cadets at of 1 teacher and 40 enlisted musicians.
the U. S. Military Academy by order The master of the sword to have the
of Lieut. Col. O. L. Hein, commandant rank and pav of first lieutenant, etc.
of cadets. West Point, 1900. ivol.,0. (A)
i6o Centennial of United States Military Academy.

1901, March 2. Act of Congress: A Times (ed. ), 1901, May 2, p. 8, col. 4;

cadtt engaged in hazing sliall be sum- May 16, p. 8, col. 4.
marily expelled and shall not be eli- 1901. —
Hazing Cadets dismissed and
gible for appointment in the Army, suspended Statement ——
Navv, or Marine Corps until two years Root's attitude — Colonel Mills's report.
after the graduation of his class. (A) N. Y. Times, igoi. May 22, p. i, col. 7;

1901, March 16. Provision of act of May 23, p. 3, col. i ; Ma}' 24, p. 2, col. 6;
Congress giving the master of the May 25, p. 9, col. i; May 26, p. I, col. I.
sword the relative rank of first lieuten- Graduates' services the best an-
ant, with pay and allowances of first swer to Academy's critics. X. Y.
lieutenant mounted. Post Orders, vol. Times (ed.), May23, 1901, p. 8, col. 4.
15, p. 263. |.\)

Hazing Conditions discussed in
1901, June 30. .\ct of Congress appro- an old graduate's letter to editor Times.
priates |;io,tK>o for library furniture. X. Y. Times, May 23, 1901, p. 8, col. 6.

Hazing Gen. F.V.Greene New —
1901, August 12. battalion of York and Bermudez Company offers po-
cadets ordered to Pan-.\merican p;xpo- sitions to dismissed cadets Ecuador —
sition at Buffalo, to encamp there from Railroad Company, ditto. X.Y. Times,
Aug. 14 to Aug. 28. Post Orders, vol. 1901, May 24, p. 2, col. 6; May 25, p. 9,
15, p. 343- (A) col. i; June 5, p. 2, col. 2.
1901, August 14-29. The corps of Hazing —
Dismissed cadets ask to
cadets visits the Pan-American Expo-

report on their con-
see —
charges Try to see Secretary
sition at Buffalo Root. X. Y. Times, 1901, May 26, p. I,
duct there bv the conmiandant of col. i; May 28, p. i, col. 4.
cadets. Rept.' Supt. U. S. Military Hazingtraditionstill.strong. N.Y.
Academy, 1901, pp. 26-7. (.V) Times (ed.). May 29, 1901, p. 8, col. 3.
1901. Hazing — Booz scandal — Board .Statement that cadets' mutiny was
reports death was not due to hazing.
not due to hazing. X'. Y. Times, June
X. V. Times, Jan. 10, 1901, p. I, col. 6. 90 1, p.
I, 1 9, col. I.
Defective cadets discharged. X.
Y. Times, Jan. 13, 1901, p. 5, col. 1.
Examination,s Succession tangle.
• —
N. Y. Times, 1901, June 2, p. 2, col. 3;
Booz hazing scandal Congres- — June 7, p. 5, col. 3; June 8, p. 8; col. 6.
sional committee investigation. N. Y.
Court-martial of two cadets for

Times (ed.), Jan. 17, igm, p. 8, col. 4. drinking. N. Y. Times, June 6, 1901,
Compared with the military court of p. 2, col 4.
inquiry at West Point, (ed."), Jan. 19,
S, col. 4.
List of new cadets. X. Y. Times,
1901, p.
June II, 7901, p. 6, col. 3.
Hazing aboli.shed by cadets during
Congressional investigation. N. Y.
- Superintendent Mills u])held by —
Times, Jan. 20, 1901, p. i, col. 3.
cadets. X. Y. Times. June 12, 1901,
p. I, col. 6.
Hazing system criticised. X. Y.
Times (ed.), Jan. 20, 1901, p. 22, col. 4. West Point standard very high.
X. Y. Times (ed.), July 14, 1901, p. 6,
Cadet agreement to abolish haz-
col. 2.
ing. X. Y. Times (ed. ), 1901, Jan. 21,
p. 6, col. i; Jan. 24, p. 8, col. 4. Hazing stopped —
Xominations .sent to Senate bv Mills's report. X. Y. Times, Oct. 25,
President McKinley under reorganiza- 1901, p. 6, col. 4.

tion law. X. Y. Times (ed.), 1901, Admission certificates. X. Y.

Feb. 6, p. 8, col. I Feb. 10, p. 18, col. 3.
Times, Nov. 9, 1901, p. 8, col. 7.
Hazing. X. Y. Times, Mar. 10, Visitors' board condemns build-
1901, p. I, col. 6.
ings. N. Y. Times. Nov. 13, 1901, p. 5,
Candidates who have passed ex- col. 2.
aminations. X. Y. Times, Mar. 24,
1901, p. 4, col. 2.
Examinations in the department of
mathematics held immediately on the
Graduating class — Dela}'. X. Y.
termination of instruction. Lessons in
Times, 1901, Apr. 14, p. 16, col. 4; June calculus and in solid geometry are given
4, p. 2, col. 4.
on alternate days. Cadets showing
Officers' appointments distributed proficiency in previous work are ex-
geographically as patronage. X. Y. cused from exatnination. Rept. Supt.
Times (ed.), Apr. 26, 1901, p. 6, col. 2. LT. S. Military Academy, 1901, pp. 9-10.

Harper's Weekly on the way the
Commandant and Superintendent were Cadets are instructed in riding pad
chosen — Remarks retracted. N. Y, saddles, and with double reins. Rept.
BibliograpJiy of the U. S. Miiihiiy Academy. i6i

Supt U. S. Militarv Academy, lyoi, ]). with an introduction on Spanish pro-

23. (A) nunciation. New York, igtxj. i vol.,
190 1 . Kstiniate of apjjropriation for en- ( ). Text-book department of modern

larginsj Academy. Jan. S. 1901, 21 pp. languages, 1901 to .) Cadet Reg-

(A) ister, 1901, p. 3:. (A)
Estimate of appropriation for wa- 1901. Ramsey (M. Montrose): An ele-
ter supply at Academy. Jan. S, 1901, mentary Spanish reader. Xew York,
igixj. vol., O. (Text-book depart-
3PP- (A)

ment of modern languages, 1901 to

Jlilitarv Academy, select commit-
. ) Cadet Register, 1901, p. 31.
tee to investigate hazing at West Point.
Dick, Charles: Report submitting
House bill 14127, to aid in enforcement 1901-2. Press clippings: Enlargement
of discipline at ililitary Academy; with U. S. Militarv Academy, i vol., F.
testimony upon practice of hazing at (At
Academy. Feb. 9, I9i;>i, 2o-*-i9S2 pji. 1902, Feb. 1. The properly attested
(House Rept. 2768, 4 pts.) (.\) certificate of graduation from a normal
Rules for the government of the school to be accepted in lieu of exam-
academic board [an edition ])rinled in ination for entrance to the Military
1901 and other editions previously], Academy. Post Orders, vol. 15, p. 424.
(A) (A I

Woodruff (Charles E., surgeon 1902, Apr. 15. Centennial association

U. S. Army): The nen-ous exhaustion organized at Manila, P. I., Apr. 15.
due to West Point training. /;/ .\mer. 1902, to celelirate the one-'.iundredth
Medicine, June 22, 1901, p. 55S. {W anniversary of the founding of the I". S.
Military Academy. Manila, 1902. i
Fiction in English in library, U. S.
vol.. O. (A)
Military Academy, June, 1901, 43 pp.
(A) 1902, May 1. Entrance examinations
to U. Military Academy held, for the
Department of mathematics: Ex-
first time, at army posts. Rept. Supt.
amples from Murray's integral calculus.
v. S. Military Academy, 1902, p. 3.
West Point. X, Y., 1901, i vol., O., Surveying transferred to t'he depart-
48 pp. (A)
ment of practical military engineering.
Guard, police and fire regulations. Ibid., p. 6. (A)
n. p., 1901. I vol., O., 32 pp. (A)
1902, June Programme of the cen-
International monthly, vol. 3, tennial of the U. S. Military Academy,
Xo. April, 1901; see pp. 411-44^:
4, 1802-1902. June 9, alumni day: June
West Point, bv Prof. C. W. Larned. 10, field day; June 11, centennial day;
I vol., O. (A)" June 12, graduation day. The pro-
Weekly, vol. 27, Xo. 14.
Collier's gramme in detail printed in Rept. Supt.
July 1901, p. II.
6, Training V. S. U. S. Militarv .\cademy, 1902, pp. 57-5S.
officers at West Point, by Col. Albert (A)
L. Mills. Superintendent.' (A)
1902, June 11. Medal of honor pre-
Stevens (Bishop P. F.): Letter to sented by the President of the United
the U. S. corps of cadets [on hazing]. States to Cadet Titus, fourth class, for
West Point, 1 901 i vol. O. 4 pp. ( A
. , , gallant conduct at Peking Aug. 14,
Hazing atPoint. /;/ Army
West 1900. Rept. Supt. U. ,S. Military Acad-
and Xayy Journal, Jan. 12, 1901, p. 473. emy, 1902, p. 17. (A)
Contains list of the various fonns of
Bancjuet in celebration of the
pledges given by cadets, 1S64-1S71. (A)
centennial ... of the U. S. Military
1901 to .Tillman (Samuel E. )
Academy, [at] Manila, June II, 1902.
[r. S. MiHtary Academy, 1869] Text- : Manila, 1902. 1 vol., O., pp. 40. (A)
book of important minerals and rocks.
1902, June 28. .\ct of Congress au-
1st ed. Xew
York, 1900. vol., O. j
thorizes the purchase of 200 atlases to
(Text-book department of chemistry,
be placed in cadets' rooms. (A)
1 90 1 to .) Cadet Register, 1901,
p. 32. (A) Act of Congress: The professors,
etc., U. S. Military Academy, to have
Fiebeger (G. [U. S. Military
J.) actual rank in the Army and command
Academy, Pamphlet on perma-
1879]: only in the aca<lemic department U. S.
nent fortifications. Text-book depart-

Military Academy; cadets to be paid

ment of civil and military engineering,
fSLO and I ration (50.30) per day; ac-
1901 to . ) Cadet Register, 1901,
tual traveling expenses of accepted
P- 32- candidates to be paid; the President of
•Traub (Peter E. [U. S. Military )
the United States may appoint 40 cadets
Academy, 18S6]: The Spanish verb, i
at large. (Aj
H. Doc. 789, 5S-2— vol 2 1
Military Academy.
i62 Centennial o)/ United States
1902. Degrees. N.Y. Times, June 13,
1902, June 28. Act of Congress pro-
appointedfroni civil 1902, p. 3, col. I.
vides fora librarian N. Y.
U. b. Military Larned-Boorman letter.
life [Edward S. Holden

ij. (A) Times, June 30, 1902, p. 8, col. 5.

Acadeniv, 1870, appointed July
Con Kress appropriates Maior Greble and Cadet Moore
Act of Times,
of the hurt at artillery drill. N. Y.
«2 000,000 for the enlargement
\cademv immediately and authorizes July 13, 1902, p. I, col- 5.
a total' outlay for this purpose ot 1 Names of 35 new candidates.
col. 4.
Is, 500,000. (Al N. Y. Times, Aug. 3. 1902, p. 9.
1902, June. Songs: Centennial Din- Board of Visitors report. N. Y.
Military Academy, West Times, Aug. 1902, P- 8, col. 2.
ner- r
S. 9,

Point, 1902, I vol., O., pp. 23- (A.)

Annual report. N. Y. Times, Oct.
Miscellaneous 17, 1902, p. 8, col.
Jubilee 1802-1902.
(A) Football— West Point wins, 22 to
items in vScrap Books, Jubilee.
1902, July 1. Class rings to be worn Annapolis 8. N. Y. Times, Nov. 30,
onlv after Jan. i of first class year. 1902, p. I, col. 7.

Spe'cial Orders, Xo. 121. (A) The first class visits Gettysburg in
1902 September. Employment of a April. Rept. Supt. U S Military
time four x^sxs (m
during Academy 1902, p. 7- Candidates ad-
cadet's schools
hours) Tactics, 2,850 hours; Mathe- mitted on certificates from high
for the first
matics, i,Soo; Modernlanguages I 400;
etc without examination,
Engineering, i.oc>o; Natural
philoso- time. Ibid., p. 9- The new curricu-
Law lum described. Ibid., p. 9. (A)
phv 950; Chemistry, etc., 650; Ord-
and'historv, 550; Drawing, 475; Regulations U. S. Military Acad-
nance and gunnery, 300; Practical en- eniv [different editions were
issued in
gineering, i«>; Hygiene 25; the years 1810, 1814, 1S21,
1S25, 1829.
Meals, 2,7/5, 1S57, 1866,
Ti 000; Recreation, 9.025; 1832, 1839. 1840, 1841, 1853,
Tota (A)
Furloughs, 1,850; Chapel, 2.S0; ,

1873, 1S77, 1883, 1S94, 1902].

35,cx« hours. Kept. Supt. US. Mili-
-Regulations for the interior dis
Academy, 1902, p. 15- (A) corps of
tary cipline and police of the U. S.
1902, summer Cadets instructed
of. cadets. By the commandant of cadets.
rations and the prep-
in the handling of
West Point, 1902. i vol., O., pp. 5°.
aration of food in the field. (A)
vSupt U S. Military Academy,
1902, p.
- The battalion color of the corps
Detailed programme of instruc- color of a battel
tactics Jan. of cadets was the blue
tion in the department of ion of infantry until 1902,
when a flag
(A) black and
I to Dec. I, ibid., pp. 2S-30. with a grey' ground and
1902. Report of Prof. C. W.
gold fringe'charged with the arnis of
reorganization of the plant ot
upon the tiie U S Military Academy was adopt-
the U S Military Academy
ed. \Sce this catalogue Mar. 24,
panied by estimates, plans, and and a7.'!0 August 1S21.)
vol., U.,
West Point, Information relative to the ap
ings. 1902. i

F. (.A) to
24 pp., and atlas pointment and admission of cadets
Board of Visitors named. N. Y. (reprint
the U S Military AcademyBureau of
Times, Feb. iS, 1902, p. 3. col. 2. from the Register). Rept.
p. 2421. (A)
ConcT-ess considers enlargement. Education, 1900-1901,
N. Y. Times (ed.). Mar. 25, 1902, and
Designs for the new post
academy by Cram, Goodhue, and
8, col. 2.
West Point— Rebuilding. K. Y. plates.
guson in Arch. Rev., July, 1903.
Times (ed.), Apr. 16, 1902, p. 8, col.
Review of Hancock's
Ixe\iew yji. i*"". --- life
at — est W
Centennial (magazine supple-
of French,
Point, and brief comparison
ment). N. Y. Times, May 11, 1902, p., and American military schools.
9, col. I. The AtheiiEeum, No. 3931, Feb. 2»,
— Improvements planned. N. Y.
1903, p. 272. (A)
Times, June 8, 1902, p. 32, col.
Phonographs first used by the
Centennial celebrations begun. department of modern languages to
col. i
N. Y. Times, 1902, June 10, p. 3, teaching pronunciation of
sist in
June II, p. 3, col. I. and Spanish. (A)
West Point Centenary. N. Y. mili-
11, 1902, p. S, col. i. Circular; Classification of the
Times (ed.), June Military
tary works in the library, U. S.
Centennial day— Roosevelt, etc.,
1902) Circular;
12, 1902.
Academy (August,
speeches. N. Y. Times, June Arrangement of maps, charts, plans,
p. I, col. 7.
Bibliography of ilie U. S. Militarv Academy, 163
etc., in the map room (October, 1902). 1902 to . Beach (Capt. William I).,
(A) U. S. Army) [U. S. Military .Vcademv,
1902. The new curriculum. In Rept. 1879]: Manual of military" field cng'i-
Supt. V . S. Militarv Academv, 1902, i).
neering for the use of officers and troops
9- (A) of the line. Fort Leavenworth, 1S94.
Improvements at the U. S. Jlilitarv I vol., O. iTe.xt-book department of
Academy, West Point, N. V. Report practical and military engineering.
of a board of officers convened 1902 to .) Cadet Regi.ster, 1902,
. . .

Julvi2, igo2. West Point, 1902. ivol., p. 3'. (A)

O.' (A) Carter (Capt. William II.) [U. S.
:\Iilitary ,\caileniy, 1873]:
Honses, sad-

In 1902 electric bells were ])ut into
dles, and bridles. Leavenworth, Kans.,
the cadet mess hall and the servants
notified by cadet adjutant when the 1895. I vol., O. *Text-book depart- (

battalion was formed for meals and ment of tactics, 1902 to .) Cadet
when it began its march to the hall. Register. 1902, p. 32. (A)
In this wa^- hot meals are .secured. Willco.x Cornelis De Witt [U. S.

right to wear A on football

The Military .\cademy. 1SS5]: .\ Frencli-
uniform is given to cadets who have Engliish military technical dictionarv.
played in one army and navy game, Washington, 1899. ivol.,0. (-'Text-
or on five match games with other in- book department of modern languages,
stitutions. 1902 to Cadet Register, 1902,
. )

Holden (E. S.): The
Military Academy. N. Y. Sun, June Professional papers of the Corps
22, 1902. (.\)
of Engineers, U. S. Army. No. 29—
Topo.graphical reconnais.sance, being
Hancock, H. I.: Life at West Chapter I of the Engineer Field Man-
Point. 111. Xew York, 1902, O. (A) ual. Prepared unde'r the direction of
West Point after a centurv, bv the commanding officer of the Engi-
Frederick Palmer. 111. /« The World's neer School of .\ppIication. Wa,shing-
Work, August, 1902, p. 2433. (A) ton, 1901. I vol., O. (Text-book
List of 317 graduates in civil life; department of practical and military
list of 1S7 graduates on the retired engineering, 1902 to Cadet Reg- . )

In Bull. Assoc. Grads. U. S. Militarv ister, 1902, p. 31. (A)

Academy, No. 2 (1902). (A) Official publications of Signal De-
Cadets of the third class are to partment. ( *Text-book department of
write essays on subjects selected from practical and military engineering, 1902
English literature (this plan put into to .) Cadet Register, 1902, p. 31.
operation January, 1903). (A) Phillips (.\. W. ) and 'Fisher (Ir-

Alphabetical list of periodicals in ving): Elements of geometry. New
the U. S. Military Academy Hbrarv York and London, 1S9S. i vol., O.
subscribed for (or regularly presented )
(Text-book department of mathemat-
in 1902. (A) ics. 1902 to Cadet Register, 1902,
. )

Appropriations bill, !9u2. Com- p. 3'- (A)

mittee of House on Militarv Affairs, 1903, January 17. Cadets of the first
Monday, Mar. Statement of
24, 1902. class visit Watervliet Arsenal under the
Col. A. L. Mills, Superintendent U. S. guidance of the head of the department
Military .\cademy. Washington, 1902. of ordnance and gunnerv (and are
I vol., b.,
99 pp. (A) to visit Sandy Hook pro\ing station
( Carson (John M.): Trophies and during the spring 1.

. flags in the chapel, U. S. Militarv 1903, January. Tactical officers in-

Academv, in Bull. Assoc. Grads., No. '2
specting the rooms of their companies
U (1902), p. 81. (A) take the rooms in any order not be- —
Orders for the U. S. corps of cadets, ginning on the ground floor and going
1902. 77 pp. (A) in regular order. Orders commandant
of cadets. .A
See speech of Hon. R. Wavne ( )

Parker, of New Jersey, in the House of 1903, April 20. Bibles distributed to
Representatives, Apr. 22, 1902 [on the] the chapel, the whole corps
first class in
enlargement of West Point. Wash- in attendance. S. O. headquarters
ington, 1902. I vol., O., 8 pp. (A) U. S. Military .\cademy.
The library, U. S. Military .Acad- 1903. " Hundredth Day " opera. N.Y.
emy (letter from the Superintendent Times, Feb. 22, 1903. p. 2, col. 3.
U. S. Military Academv, to the Cadets of the second class visit
Adjutant-General U. S. Army). Jour. the Jletropolitan :\Iuseuni of -Art under
U. S. Cav. Assoc, October, 1902, p. the guidance of the professor of draw-
199- (A) ing.
164 Centennial of United States JMilitary Academy.

1903. The bugle calls sounded for cadet Mallory's vStruggle 111.
. . . New
call to quarters, etc., written down by York [1903]. (A)
I vol., O., 251 pp.

Trumpeter L. Lewis the library. for Garrison (Lieut. Frederick, U. S.

He learned them (by ear) from L. Benz, Army): A West Point Treasure; or,
bugler, 1S45-1S78. (A) Mark Mallory's Strange Find . . .

Department of drawing: Book of 111. New York [190^]. i vol., O.. 285
letters and lettering. n.p.,n.d. ivol., pp. (A)
obi., O. (A) Garrison (Lieut. Frederick, U. S.
Department of drawing; Geomet- Army): The West Point Rivals; or,
rical problems in pencil, n. p., n. d. Mark Mallory's Stratagem 111. . . .

I vol., obi., O. (A) New Y'ork [1903]. i vol., O., 277 pp.
Department of drawing: Topog- (A)
raphy—conventional signs, n. p., n. Garrison (Lieut. Frederick, U. S.
d. I sheet 10 x 4. (A)" Army): A Cadet's Honor; or, Mark
Department of drawing: Triangu- Mallory's ... 111. New
lation and traverse notes, n. p., n. d. Y'ork [1903]. I vol., O.. 274 pp. {h\
I vol., O., pp. S. (A) Roe W.(
J. ) : The new West Point.
Garrison (Lieut. Frederick, U. S. 111. Pop. Sci. Monthly, November,

.\rmy): On Guard; or, Mark Mallory'.s 1903, pp. 32-40. (A)

Celebration . 111.
. New York
U. S. Military Academy astro-
[[91.3]. I vol., O., 2S3 pp. (A) nomical observations. Sec Bartlett
1903. Garrison Lieut. Frederick, U. S.
( (W. H. C); Lee (T. J.) in the follow-
Army): Off for West Point; or, Mark ing pages.

fArrani^t'd alphabetical lyj

[Note. (A) signifies that the hook cited is in the lihraryof the Uiiiled States Military Academy
or in that of the Association of Graduates. IC» indicates that the l>ook cited is a Congressional
document, most of which are owned In* the Academy ]

Abbot. Frederic Vanghan I'. S. M. A.. 1S79). ( Abbot. Frederic Vanghan. Project, plan, esti-
translator. Extracts from a Treatise upon de- mate, etc., for the invijrovenicnt of Red River
fensive submarine mining, by D. Leopoldo of the North, Minn, and N. Dak. Rept. Chief
Scheidnagel, corps of engineers. Spanish of Eng., 1900, p. 2S41. (A I

army. Pi., Q., pp. 159. Madrid, iSSo. WiUets Causes of and the means of prevent-
Point, New York Harbor, Battalion Press ing the excessive floods in tlie Mississippi
[18S1]. [EngineerSchool of Application. Paper River between the Government dam at Sandy
No. II.] Lake and Brainerd, Minn.. an<l the effect
Kast River Suspension Bridge. 111.. <J.. tliereof on the interests of navigation. Rept.
PP- [3-]- [^Vi^ets Point. New York Harbor]. Chief of Eng., T901, p. 2344. (A)
1SS2. [Essayons Club Papers, No. 50.] Warroad Harbor and River. ^linu.
translator. Improvement of navigable
, Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901. p. 2357. (A)
nontidal rivers. By Prof. J. Schlichting. Long Prairie River and its sources,
Leipzig. 1SS2. PI., Q.. pp. 121. AVillets Point. Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 2ify2. (A)
New York Harbor, 1SS5. [Engineer School of See* Boards —
Harris. 5.6, 7; Stanton, i. 2.
Application. Paper No. IX. Sre Commission — Humphreys. 2.

Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Abbot. Henry Larcom (U. S. M. .\.. 1S54).
provement of Broad and Saluda rivers above Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
Columbia. S. C. Kept. Chief of Eng., iSSu, p. in 1S79.
1 207. ( C Routes in (.)regon and California. /« Re-
Edisto River, S. C. North and South ports of e.xplorations . . . for a railroad ro\ite
forks. Rept. Chief of Eng.. rSSg. p. 1210. (C) from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.
Socastee Creek. S. C. Rept. Chief 1S53-1S55, vol. (A)

:>f En 1SS9. p. 1215. (C) Pacific Railroad reports. \ol. 6. (Wash-

— A.shepoo River, ,. below the ington, 1S57.)
Charleston and Savannah Railroad briilge. Author of various biographical memoirs,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS9, p. 121S. (C) professional papers, etc. (iS6i-go.
Beaufort River, S. C. Rept. Chief of Siege artillery in the campaigns against
Eng., 1S90, pp. 1236. 1237. (C) Richmond. i vol., O.. 1S67. 2 copies. Prof.
Orvenden and W'ando rivers, S. C. Papers, Corps of Eng. I'. S. A., No. 14. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S90, pp. 1243. 1244. (C) Notes on the practical gauging of rivers.
Lynch River, S. C. Rept. Chief of Essayons Club Papers, No. 2, 1S6-S. (A)
Eng.. 1893. p. 1533. (A) Notes on mortars in harbor defence. Es-
Congaree River just below Colum- sayons Club Papers, No, II. 1S69. (A)
bia, S. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S94. p. 1096; Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
1S96, p. 11S4. (A) provement of Mississippi River levees. Rept.
Red Lake and Red Lake River, Chief of Eng., 1S69. pp. 32S>33'>. 332, 334,344,347;

Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 2S2S. (A) 1S70. pp. 402, 405; 1874, vol. I, pp. 3S2. 3S7, 39;.
Otter Tail Lake and Otter Tail
River, Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. Volley practice with mortars. Rept.
2830. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S95. p. 519. (A)
Big Stone Lake and Lake Traverse, Harbor lines in Cleveland Harbor,
Minu. and S. Dak. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, (_)hio. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. 312S. (A)
P- 2833- (A) United Slates bridge equipage and drill.
St. Croix River. Minn. Rept. Chief (1S70.) (Jointly with boards and commis-
of Eng., 1900. p. 2S36. (A) sioners. )

Minnesota Ri^-er, Minn. Rept, Notes on modern explosives. Essayons

Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 2S40. (A) Club Papers, No. 27, 1S73. (A)

1 66 . Centennial of United States Militaiy Academy.

Abbott. Henry Larcom. Reclamation of the al- Abbott. Henry Larcom, and Raymond, Capt.
luvial basin of the Mississippi River. (1S75.) Rossiter Worthington, Corps of Engineers.
Simultaneous ignitions. Essayons Club Observations at the recent transit of Venus on
Papers. Xo, 39. 1S75.
Dec. 6, 1SS2, made at the Willets Point field
Shock of the explosion at Hallets Point. observatory. Q. Willets Point, New York
Harbor, Battalion Press, n. d. [Engineer
Essayons Club Papers, Xo. 40. 1876. (A)
Report on the velocity of transmission of ,School of Application, Paper No. v.]

earth -waves. O. 1S7S. [Misc. Pam.. vol. 11.]

( )
See Williamson, R. S., in Reports of ex-
plorations for a railroad from the Missis-
In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, vol. 15, 1S7S. A ( . . .

Memoir of Prof. Dennis Hart Mahan, 1802- sippi RivertothePacificOcean, 1S53-1S55, vol. 6.

1S71. Read before the National Academy of (Al

Pam.. O. (A) See Boards— .Abbot; Bache, 3; Casey. 2, 3, 4.
.Sciences Xov. 7. 1S7S.

Testing of medium and high tension fuzes. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13; Duane, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Ma-
Essayons Club Papers, Xo. 47. 1879. (A) comb, 34; Newton, 6; Tower, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18,
military engi- 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2.S, 30, 31; Warren, 12, 13. (A)
Hasty notes relating to
neering in Europe; made in the autumn of Abbott, Edward Fifield (U. S. M. A., 1S47). Died
18S3. Submitted to the Chief of Engineers. Feb. I, 1901, aged 76. Obituary and portrait in
Washington, 1SS3. i pam., O. Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Report of gun foundry board. {1SS4. Abbott, Henry (U. S. M. A., 1897). Died Dec. 23,
Course of lectures upon the defence of the 1S9S, aged 23. Obituary and portrait in Ann.
sea coast of the United States, delivered be- Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
fore the United States Naval War College. Recent Japanese maneuvers. Jour. Mil.
New York, iSSS. 1 vol., O., pp. 167. (A) Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 11, p. 748. (A)
Notes on electricity in military and indus- Member of Board
Abbott, Johns, (of Maine).
trial engineering. O. Willets Point, 1S8S.
of Visitors to v. S. M. A, in 1S49.
Coastdefense, including submarine mines.
Oper. Div. Mil. Eng. Int. Cong. Eng., 1S94, p. IJ. Abercromble, John Jo.seph (U. S. M. A., 1822).
(A) Died Jan. 3, 1S77, aged 79. Obituary in Ann
The new Panama Canal. Reprinted from Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877. (A)
Forum, November, 1S9S. 1 pam., O. (A) Abert, James William (U. S. M. A., 1842). Died
Memoir of G. K. Warren. In Biog. Mem. .^-ug. 10, 1897, aged 76. Obituary and portrait
Nat. Acad. Sci.. vol. 2, p. 73. (.\) in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S98. (A)
Discussion of Parkhurst electricity and the Expedition on the upper Arkansas and to
art of war. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i, p. 357. the Comanche Indians. 1845. (A)
Vertical lire in seacoast batteries. Jour. Report of his examination of New Mexico
U. S. Art., vol. 5, p. 313. in the years 1S46 and 1847. Explorations and
- Recent progress in high explosives and Sniveys. (A)
their uses in war. Jour. Mil. Serv: Inst. U. S. Author of various professional and miscel-
vol. 6, p. 103. (A) laneous papers. (1846-1880).
Comment on " meritorious discharged sol-
and Peck, William Guy (U. S. M. A., 1S44).
diers." Jour. Mil. Serv-. Inst. U. .S., vol. II, p.
Maps of the Territorj- of New Mexico, 1846-47.
1024. (A) I map (23 X 28 inches). (A)
Comment on '-
coast and harbor defense." Abert, John James (U. S. M. A., 181 1). Portrait
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I S., vol. 13. p. 546. (.-i) .

(oil painting by Thomas Sully). Presented by

Recruiting and desertion. Jour. Mil. Serv. Corps Topographical Engineers. In the li-
Inst. U. S.. vol. 14, p. 921. (.A)
brary, U. S. JI. -A.
The Corps of Engineers. Jour. Jlil. Ser\-.
Engraving (by J. C. Buttre). O-ivned by
Inst. U. S., vol. 15, p. 413. (.A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Coast defense and submarine mines.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 15, p. 451. (A)
ill 1S42.
History of the Corps of Engineers. His-
Reports as Chief Topographical Engi-
tory U. S. Army. pp. 111-125. (X) neers, 1S38-1861. (C)
Author of various articles on professional I
On details of topographical officers.
subjects in Johnson's Encyclopaedia. Encyclo- Coast Survey Rept., 1S50, pp. 72-74- (A)

pasdia Britannica. the Fornm. and Atlantic '

Report in reference to the canal to con-
Monthly. nect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with the
- with Humphreys, \. A. Report upon the Baltimore 1S38. Reprinted for
city of . . .

physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi . the Engineer Department, U.

S. .Army.
River; upon the protection of the alluvial Washington, 1874. I pam.. O. (A)
region against overflow, and upon the deep- Pho-
Adams. Henry Martyn (U. S. M. A., 1S66),
ening of the mouths. Prof. Papers, Corps of
tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Eng. U. S. A.. Xo. 13. Philadelphia, 1S61. Q.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
and Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson (I S. .
provement of Brazos, Santiago Harbor, Tex.

M. A., 1S31J. Physics and hydraulics of the Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 67, 545, 546. (C)
Mississippi Reply to criticisms made by
. . .
Galveston Bay Ship-Channel, Tex.

Dr. Hageu, director-general of public works, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 533, 535. 536; 1874,
Prussia. New York, 1878, i vol., O., pp.8. (A) vol. I, p. 740, 1875, vol. 1, pp. 79. *70. 872- (C)
The Ji^ritiiij^s of Graduates, iSo2-igo2. 167
Adams, Hcnr\-Martyii, Project, plan, estimate, Adams. John it'. S. M. .\.. i.S46k Died Nov. 30.
etc., for the improvement of Mississippi City 1864.Engraving. Owned by Assoc, (irads.,
Harbor. Miss. Kept. Chief of Eng. iS?'. PP' U. S. M. A.
547,549- (C) Adams, John M. (of Maine). Member of
Neches River, Tex. Rept, Chief of Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in iSSS.
Eng., 1874, vol. t, p, 743. (C) Adams. Milton Butler (f. S. M. A., 1S6.';). Photo-
Newtown Creek, N. Y. Report Chief graph in .\Ibunis of officers' mess.
of Eng., 1S96, p. 763. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Jiridgeport Harbor, Conn. Repl. provement of French Broad River.. Tenn.
Chief of Eng., 1S96, p, S04. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S71. pp. .493, 494; 1S.S0. pp.
Norwalk Harbor, Conn. Rept. 1S7. 16S0; 1SS6. p. 1520; 1891. p. 2263. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S96, P.S13. (A) Erie ( Prcsquu Isle) Harbor. Pa.
Channel connecting Flushing Bay Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S79. pp. 1713. (C)
and Newtown Creek, N. Y. Rept. Chief of ,\shtabula H.arbor. Ohio. Rept.
Eng,, 1S9-, p. II59- i^) Chief of Eng., 1SS3. p. 19:8. (C)
Roslyu Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief Dunkirk Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1S97, p. 1161. (A) of Eng., 1SS3, p, 192S. (C)
Harbor at Oyster Bay. N. Y. Rept. Arkansas River, -\rk. and Kans.
Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 1163. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1884. p. 1395: i*i5. P- '5^5;

Lloyds Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief 1887, p. 1515. (C)

of Eng., 1S97, p. 1165. (.\) Arkansas River at Pine Bluff. Ark.
Northport Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Rept. Chief cf Eng., 1S.84, p. 1396. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 1167. (A) .Arkansas River at Fort Smith. .\rk.
Smithtown Harbor, N. Y. Rept. . Rept. Chief of F:ng., 1.SS4, p. 1397; 1SS5, p. 1.S63.
Chief of Eng., 1S9-, p. 1169. f A) (C)
Channels td Far Rockaway and In- Burlington Harbor, Vt. Rept. Chief
wood, X. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 1171. of Eng.. 1S.87. pp. 315. 2406. (C)
(A Gordons Landing. Lake Champlain.
Babylon Creek, N. Y. Rept. Chief Vt. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1887, p. 2400; 1S92, p.
of Eng., 1S97, p. 1173. (A) 2607. (C)
East Chester Creek, N, Y. Rept.
Lake Champlain. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng. 1S97, p. 1176. (A)

Eng.. 1887. p. 2413. (C)

Bay Ridge Channel, etc., N. Y. Waddington Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 1178. (A) Chief of Eng., 1887. p. 2415. (C)
Gowanus Creek, N, Y, Rept. Chief Swanton Harbor, Vt. Rept. Chief
of Eng.. 1S97, p. 1180. (A) of Eng., iSSS, p. 2095; 1889, p. 245S. (C)
channel between the Battery and - Bridge between North Hero and
Governors Island, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., Alburgh. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS.8, pp, 2432,
1897, p. 11S2. (A) (C)
Elizabeth River, N. J. Rept. Chief Bridge of the Lamoille Valley Ex-
of Eng., 1S97, p. 11S5. (A) tension R.R.Co. Rept. Chief of Eng.,, p.
Rahway River, N.J. Rept. Chief
2652. (C)
of Eng., 1S97, p. iiSS. (A) Platlsburg Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Wallabout channel. New York, N.
Chief of Eng.. pp. 344. 2459- (C)
Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S99, (A) p. 1251. George, N. Y. Rept. Chief of
Bay Ridge channel. New York. N.Y, Eng., 1SS9, p. 2454, (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S99, p. 1272. (A) Salmon River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of
East River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of 18S9, p. 2460. (C)
Eng.. 1900, p. 1435. (A) Saint Lawrence River, N. Y. Rept.
Sag Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Chief of Eng.. 18.S9, p, 24641 1891, p. 2922. (C)
Eng., 1900, p. 1451. (A) - Great Chazy River, N. Y. Rept.
Three-Mile Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1889, p. 2466; 1891, p. 2929; 1S92,
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1454. (A)
p. 2605. (C)
South Pass, Miss. Rept. Chief of
Sacketts Harlxir, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1900, p. 2225.(A)
of Eng., 1890, p. 2S68. (C)
Atchafalaya Bay, La. Rept. Chief
Ogdensburg Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
of Eng.. 1900. p.22,S4. (A)

Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 2872; 1892, p. 2602. (C)

Report in regard to the trial of Gruson's
chilled cast-iron armor, at Spezia, Italy, April Fort Niagara, N. Y. Rept. Chief of
1886. O.. pp. 7. pi. Washington, 1886, Eng., 1891, p. 518. (C)
See Boards— Allen, 2: Poe, 12, 13; Abbot, Saranac River, N. Y. Rept. Chief
23; Mansfield, 2; Barlow, l; Robert. 9, 10, 13, 16, (C)
of Eng., 1S91. p. 2939.
17, iS, 20, 27,32. ^^t: Commission Stickney, 8. — Rept. Chief of
• Boqnet River. N. Y.
Eng., 1891, p. 2941. (C)
Adams, Jasper South Carolina). Member
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1837. Breakwater construction in Lake
Adams (Rev. Jasper). Professor of geography, Champlain. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93. p. 3202.
history, and ethics, 1S38-1840. (A)
1 68 Centennial of United States Military Aeadeniy.
Alexander. Barton Stone. Project, plan, esti-
Adams. Milton Butler. Project, plan, estimate,
North Hero Har- mate, etc., for the improvement of Blossom
etc., for the improvement of
of Rock, Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S69, pp.485.
bor on Lake Champlain, Vt. Kept. Chief
486,490; i.S7l,pp.926,929. (C)
Eng.. 1893, p. 3214. (A)
Mendell, G. H.: Report of the board
Harbor at Adam.s (Tobias) Landing, ,S>,-

of commissioners on the irrigation of the San

so called, on Grand Isle, Vt. Kept. Chief of
(A) Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento valleys of the
Eng., 1893, p. 3216.
State of California. Washington, 1S74. O.
Cumberland River, Tenu.-Ky. Kept.
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2891. (A) Memoir on the Minots Ledge Lighthouse.
Arkansas River, mapof the, from Wichita, O. (Trans. Amer. Soc, Civil Eng., vol.S, 1879.)
Kans., to Fort Gibson, Ind. T. (in 36
sheets). [Bound with General Barnard's Lighthouse
1 889.
Engineering at Philadelphia Exhibition.]
See Boards— Mansfield, 2; Adams (M.
Alexander, Edmund Brooke (U. S. M. A., 1823).
Adams, Robert (of Pennsylvania). Member of Died Jan. 3, i.SSS, aged 85. Obituary in Ann.
Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1S98.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS8. (Al
Agnel, Hyacinth R. Portrait (oil painting by Obituary. Harper's Ne'w Monthly Mag..
Gray). Presented by War Department,
vol. 76(1888), p. 645. (A)
Photograph ill Albums of officers' mess. Pickett's charge and artillerT,- fighting at
Professor of French, 1848-1S71. Gettysburg. In Century Mag., January, 1887,
Acting professor of Spanish, 1S63-64. p. 464. (A)
Act of Congress, Aug, 3. 1SS2, authorizes Railway management. /« The Amer.
of money
a payment to his heirs on account Rwy. New York, 1SS9. i vol., O.
expended by him at U. S. M. A. (A) Why the Confederacy failed.
- /« Century
Agnus, Gen. Felix (of Maryland). Member of
Mag., February, 1897, p. 629.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1892 and in
Alexander. Edward Porter (U. S. M. A., 1S57).
Photograph in .Albums of officers' mess.
Ahem, George Patrick (U. S. M. A., 18S2). before the senate rail-
Argument of . . .

Spanish public landlaws (English translation)

road committee, Atlanta, Ga 1S79, 1 vol.,
in the Philippine Islands, and their history
vol., O. 0.,22pp. (A)
Aug. 13, iSgS. Washington, 1901. I
Argument of . . . on railroad bills
(A) judiciary committee of the senate of
Member the
Aiken, William (of South Carolina). Alabama, February, 18S1. 1 vol., O., 28 pp. (A)
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S71.
Reply to questions of the special commit-
Akerman, A. T. (of Georgia). Member of Boanl
tee on railroad transportation of the New
of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1873.
Member of York Chamber of Commerce. 12°, pani.
Alban, James S. (of Wisconsin).
Louisville, i&Si. (A)
Board of Visitors to U, S. M. A. in 1861. Reply to circular No. 19 of the railroad

Alden. Bradford Ripley (U.S. M. A., :83i). Died pam. Louis-

commission of Alabama. 12°,
Sept. 10, 1S70, aged 59. Portrait (oil painting
ville, 18S1. (A)
by J. F. Weir), Presented by Mrs. Alden. In Railway practice, its principles and sug-
Cadet mess hall.
mess. gested reforms, received. (Questions of the
Photograph in Albums of officers'
M. Day, No. 36.) i vol., O. 1S87. (Ai
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. A.,
Catterel-Ratterel-( Doggerel). 111.
1871. (A) (Al
Y'ork., 1890. I vol., O., 39 pp.
-Commandant of cadets, V. S. M. A., 1S45-
Boundary line between Costa Rica and
Nicaragua. Award of E. P. Alexander, engi-
Alderman, Edwin A. (of North Carolina). Mem-
neer arbitrator. No. 5. Center of Salinas
ber of Board of Visitors to U, S. M. A. in 1893.
Bay. Washington, [igoo]. i vol., O., I2pp, (A)
Aldis, Asa O. (of Vermont). Member of Board
Lee at Appomattox. Centurj- Mag.,vol.63,
of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1864.
p. 921, April, 1902, (P)
Alexander. Barton Stone (U. S. M. A,, 1842). The Confederate veteran; address . . .

Died Dec. 15, 1878, aged 59. Photograph In on alumni day . . . June 9. 1902. i vol., C,
Albums of officers' mess.
14 pp. (A)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Railway management. Scribner's Mag.,
1879. (A) vol. 5, p. 27.
Treasurer U, S. M. A., July 28, 1848, to Jan, Comment on "Question of an artillery re-
24, 1S52. seri'e." Jour. Mil. Seri'., V. S., vol. 21,
- The peninsular campaign. The Atlantic
p. 209.
Monthly, vol. 13, p. 379. '8*4
Alexander, John Hanks (U.S. M. A., 1887). Died
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Mar. 26, 1S94, aged 30. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
provement of Portland Harbor, Me. Rept.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. i, p. 4°; vol. 3, p. 18;
Obituary in Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
vol. 4, pp. 185, 1S7; 1867, p. 485. (C)
vol. 1, p. 213.
Kennebec River, Me. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1866, vol. 2. p. 40; 1867, p. 493- (C) Alexander. Newton F. (U. S. M. A., 1852). Por-
Saco River. Me. Rept. Chief of trait (ambrotype) belonging to Assoc. Grads.

Eng., 1866, vol. 3, p. 18; vol. 4, pp, 189, 191. (C) U.S. M.A. (A)
Thr ]]'}-iti}ios of Graduairs, ic^o2~rgo2. 169
Alexander, Newton-K. In chari;^ ot ptrrmam-iit Allen, Charles Julius. Project, plan, estimate,
tidal stations. westtTn coast. V. S. Coast Sur- etc., for the improvement
of Hudson. Wis.
vey Kept., 1S56. pp. 14. S4, 547-34S. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS7, p. 1724. (C)
Tide observations, I". S. Coast Survey _Red Lake River. Minn. Rept. Chief
Kept.. 1S56. p. 114. A) I of Eng.. 1S.S7, p. \~2(-,. yC)
Alexander, Samuel \oi Pennsylvania). Mem- Red River of the Xorth. Minn, and
ber of Hoard of Visitors to V.S. M. A. in 1S41. Dak. Rept. Chief of Eng.. is^7. p. 1734; iSSS.
AJexBJider, Thomas l^udwell (U. S. M. A.. !^;,o). p. 15S7. (C)
Died Mar. 11, iSSi. aged 73. Oliilnary in Mississippi River, l>etween St. Paul
Ann. Assoc. C.rads. I'. S. M. A., iSSi. (A) and St. Anthonys Falls. Minn. Rept. Chief
Alexander. Walter Stone (l*. S. M. A.. i«79)- of Eng., 1SS8, pp. 1568. 1570. (C)
iMiotograph /// Albums of officers' mess, Minnesota Point. Superior Hay.
Alexander. Src Hoards Alexander; Mendell. — Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSS. p. 15S0. iC)
i; Stewart. 1; Williamson, i. 2. 3, 4, y, Wright. Bridge at Hvidson City,M'is., and
3, Sre Commissions. Durand. Wis. Rept. Chief of En^^., isss, ]>.
Allaire.William Herbert 1.1"- ^- ^I- A-- I'S^^z)- 2637- (C)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Missouri River (upper). R(-])t.
Chief of Eng., 1889. p. 1S15. tC)
Alien, Charles Julius (f. S. M. A.. 1S641. Proj-
Bayou Cedar, Tex. Rept. Chief of
ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement
Eng., 1S90. pp. 1S17, iSiS; 1S91. p. 1923: i.Sq2, p.
of Plattsburg Harbor, N. Y. Kept. Chief of
1544. (C)
Eug., 1S67, pp. 234. 250. (C1
Trinity River. Tex. Rept. Chid' of
Alton Harbor, 111. Kept. Chief of
Eng., 1891. p. 193S. (C)
Eng., 1S71, pp. 31S. 327. (C)
Colorado River. Tex. and Ariz.
Mississippi River between I-alls of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 1940. tC)
St. Anthony and Cairo. Rept. Chief of Kng.,
St. Charles Bay. Tex. Rept. Chief
i-'^vi.pp. 320, 327; 1S72. pp. 55. 34S. 349, s^o, 351.
of Eng., iSgi. p. 1942. (C)
SS.-^. 3M. 356. 357. 362, 363, 366. 367; :S73, p. 435;
Aransas Pass and Bay. Tex. Rept.
1S74, vol. I, p. 326; 1875, vol. 2. pp. 460, 461. 462.
Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 1943. (C)
466, 4S6; 1S76. vol. I. pp. 636, 645, 653; vol. 2, pp.
Galveston Bay (West), Tex. Rept.
179, 180; 1S77, p. 514: 1S7S. p. 6S6.
Chief of Eng., 1S92, pp. 1568. 1569. (C)
St. lyouis Harbor. Mississippi River.
Brazos River, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S71, p. 326; 1.S72, p. 34S.
Eng., 1S93, p. 1S94. (A)
Chapel Point Harbor, Md. Rept.
Osage River, Mo. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., 1897. p. 1351. (A)
Eng.. 1S74. vol. I. p. 34S. (C)
Anacostia River. Rept. Chief of
Mississippi Riverabove the Fallsof
Eng.. 1S99. p. 1443. (A)
St. Anthony. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79. jip.
Patuxent River, Md. Rept. Chief
134. 1167, 1204, 1205, 1216. (C)
of Eng., 1900, p. 1739. (A)
Chippewa River, Wis. Rept. Chief
Breton Bay, Md. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1879. p. 1170. (Ci
Eng., 1900, p. 1743. (A)
Red River of the Xorth. at Goose
Carters Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
Rapids, Minn., and Dak. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Eng., 1900. p. 1747. (A)
1879, p. 1191; iSSi. p. 1760; 1SS7, pp. 1721. 1722.
Jackson Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1900, p. 1753. (A)
Dulnth Harbor. Minn. Rept. Chief
James River. Va. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1S79. p. 1466. (C I

Eng-, 1900. p. 1754. (A)

Mississippi River above the l-alls of
St. Anthony. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSi. pp.
Memorial Bridge, Potomac River.
1S33. 1836. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng.. i<)(X>, p. 5123. (A)
Chippewa River, including Yellow Quantico Creek. Va. Rept. Chief of
Banks, Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS3. p. 1442; Ivng., igoi, p. 1440. (A)
1SS6. p. 14S9. (C) Photographs of dredge built by the United

Minnesota River. MiuTi. Rejit. States under his direction for service on the
Chief of Eng., 1SS4, p. 1632. i,C;
Red River of the North. 1S79. 2 .sheets.
Duluth Harbor, Minn. Rept. Chief
Photographic views of reser\-oir dams at
of Eng., I-SS4, p. 1811; 1SS6, p. 162S; 1SS7, p. 1940.
headwaters of Mississippi River. [Leech I.ake,
Winnibigoshish, and Pokegama dams.] Im-
IJig Stone L,ake and I.,ake Traverse,
provement under his direction. 12 sheets.
Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5. p. 1953. (C)
Agate Bay. Minn. Rept. Chief of AUen, Harvey Abner (U. S. M. A.. 1S41). Died
Sept. 20. 18S2, aged 64, Obitnarj- in Ann. Assoc.
Eng., 18S5, p. 1956. (O
Superior Bay and St. I^ouis Bay. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1SS3. (A)
Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5. pp. 1959, 1963; Allen, Henr>- Tureman {U.S.M.A., 1SIS2). Pho-
1887. p. 1947. (C) tograph ;// Albums of officers' mess.
Grand Portage and Wans-Wau- Expedition to Cupper. Tanana. and Koyu-
Goising Bay. Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5, kuk rivers iti Alaska in 18S5. No. 2449, doc.
p. 2UI. (C) 125. (C)
xjo Cciitnniial of Ihiilcd Slates Military Academy.

H-ury Turcman- liislriictions lur foot

Alleu. Allison, W. 1!. (of U. S. Senate). Member of

combat in Russian army. Jour. Cav. Assoc, Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1875.

1889. p. 364. (A) .

AUston. Benjamin (U.S. M. A., 1853). Died Jan.
A hundred versts' race. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 15, 1900, aged 67. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc.
1S9.S. p. 61. I A) Grads. U.S. M. A., 1900. (.\)
Mounted cavalry in the Santiago cam- M.
AUston, Robert Francis Withers (U. S. A.,
pai)iu. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S99, p. 357- (A* 1821). Memoir on rice. (1S43.)
Influence of small caliber rifles on the oc- Report on public schools. (1S47.)
cupation of defensive positions. (Translation.) Essay on seacoast crops. ( 1854.
Jour. r. .S. Art., vol. 3, p. 741.
Allyn, Robert (of Rhode Island). Member of
[Translation of] Zabudisky: Resistance of
Board of Visitors to U. .S. M. A. in 1854.
the air for great velocities of projectiles. Jour.
V. S. Art., vol. 5, p. 369. Almy. Jacob (U. S. M. A., 1867). Died May 27,
Central military administrations of five 1S73, aged 57. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
great powers. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,vol. U. S. M. A.. 1S73. (A)
19, p. 63. (A) Alvord. Benjamin (U. S. M. A., 1833). Died Oct.
Makshayeffs "Supply of ammunition in 16. aged 71. Obituary
18S4, in Ann. Assoc.
war for all arms." Jour. Mil, Serv. Inst. II. S., Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S8.S. (A)
vol. 20, p. 5S3. (A) Obituary. Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
, translator. Advanced post service in Rus- vol. 70(1885), p. 331. (A)
sia. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 25, p. 17. (A) Numerous essays and reviews, 1833-1S67.
Organization of a staff best adapted to the Address before the Dialectic Society of the
U. S. Army. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. corps of cadets, 1S39. (A)
2S, p. 169. An account of
the compass plant (of which
Allen.James (r. S. M. A., 1829). Expedition to .Alvord was the scientific discoverer), read to
headwaters of rivers Des Moines, Blue Earth, the National Institute of Washington, 1842, and.
etc. 1S44. No. 485, doc. 168, 1846. (C)
with additions, subsequently delivered to other
and Schoolcraft, H. B. [sic] Expedition scientific bodies and finally published.
to Northwestern Indians, 1832. No. 257, doc.
On the Compass Plant. Tn Proc. Amer.
323- (C) Assoc, for .\dv. of Sci.. p. 12. Cambridge,
Allen, I.ucius Hamilton U. S. M. A., 1839). Died
Mass.. August, 1849.
Dec 5, 1.SS7, aged 70. Obituary and portrait in .\mer. Nat., vol. 16. August, 1SS2. i

Ann. Assoc. Grads. r. S. M, A,, 1SS8. (A)

vol., O.
Allen. Robert (U. S. M. A.. 1836). Died Aug. 5. The tangencies of circles and of spheres,
iSfib, aged 74. Obituary and portrait in Ann. Sth vol. of Smithsonian Contributions
{1S55. )

Assoc. Grad.s. V. S. M. A., 1887. (A)

to Knowledge.
AUen. Robert T. P. IT'. S. M. A., 1834). Proprie- -on the interpretation of imaginary^ roots
tor and publisher Pacific News at San Fran- in questions of maxima and minima. In
cisco, Cal., 1850. Mathematical Monthly, vol. 2, p. 237, i86o. (A)
Allen. Samuel Edward (U.S. M. A.. iSSi). Coast Memoir on the intersection of circles, and
Artillery fire instruction. Jour. U. ,S. Art., the intersection of spheres. 1S60. and, with ex-
vol. 3, p. 229. tensions, read 1878 before the National Acad-
Trained artillery for the defense of sea- emy of Sciences.
coast forts. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 4. p. 214. The mortality among army officers from
Discussion of sea coast defenses and the 1824 to 1S73. In Proc. Am. Assoc, for Adv. of
organization of our sea coast artillery forces. Sci., 1874.
Jour. V. S. Art., vol. 5, p. 376. Biographical sketches of several gradu-
Comment on "Range and position find- ates of the U. S. M. A., 1.874-1882.
ing." Jour. Mil. .Ser\'. Inst., vol. 12. p. 1029. (A) sketch from the life of
Comment on " Position finding service."
M. C. M. Hammond.
Augusta, Ga. (1876?).
Joiir, Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 13. p. 541. (A) I vol., O., pp. 17. (A)
Allen.. Thomas M. (of Missouri). Member of Tangencies. Vol. 4 of Johnson's New
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1863. Universal Cyclopedia, 1S77.
Winter grazing in the Rocky Mountains.
AUen, Vanderbilt (U. S. M. A., 1S64). Died Mar.
Published in Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc. 1SS3.
6, 189S. ag^d 59. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Curious fallacy in the theory of gravita-
U.S. M.A., 1S9S. (A)
tion. In vol. 5 of the Bull. Phil. Soc. of Wash-
Allen. See Boards— Abbot, 2, 3; Allen, — ; Coin-
ington, 1884.
stock, 16, 17, iS, 20; Davis, i; Harris, 8; Houston, - A special maxima atid minima.
case of
7,8, 9; Macomb, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 27, 28, 29, 30;
In vol. 6. Bull. Phil. Soc. of Washington, 1S84,
Newton, 2, 3, 4: Foe, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13; Simpson, 9;
translator. The question of the cavalry
Suter, 3. See Commissions — Suter, 4, 5. (A)

Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1897, p. 45S. (A)

James Nicholas (U.S. M. A., 1871). Com-
AlliBon, Remarks . . . upon the reorganization of
ment on "Military gymnastics." Jour. Mil. the Army. Washington, i vol.. O.. pp. 12.

Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 12. p. 668. (A) (A)

Allison. John (of Tennessee). Member of Board Indian superstitions. (Paper read before
of.Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1901. societies.)
Till' Jl'ri/ifii^s of Cracfitafrs, iSo2—!()02.

Alvord, Benjamin. Introduction ol" the Catholic Andorsou. Richard Herron l'. S. M. A., 18421. (

worship into Mexico. (Paper read before Died June 26, 1S79. aged 57. Obitnan,' in Ann.
societies.') Assoc. Grads. l'. S. M. A., 18S0. (A)
Treatment of the natives in America by Anderson, Robert (U. S. M. A.. 1S25). Died Oct.
the Spanish monarchs of tlie sixteenth cm- 2h, 1S71, aged 66. Portrait foil painting by A. I.
lury. (Paper read before societies.) Conanti, Presented by Mrs. James M. Law-
True science as opposed to skepticism. ton. In memorial Iiall, West Point.
I Pai>er read before societies.) I^ngravitig (by II. Wright Smith Ownud 1,

Ammen. Gen. J.
(of Mar^-land). Membi-r of by Assoc. Grads. r. S. M. A.
Board of Visitors to V S. y\. A. . in 1S65. obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I'. S. ^L A.,
Ammen, Jacob (T. S. M. A.. iS,^it. Died I-'eb. (>, IS; J. (A)
1S94, aged SS. Obitnar^- in Ann. Assoc, Obituary. Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S94. (A) vol 44 (1S72), p. 313. (A)
Anderson. Charles (of Texas). Member of In memoriam. In Fifth reunion of the
Hoard of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in iS6j. Army of the Cumberland, Detroit. Noveml)cr.
Anderson. Charles M. (of Ohio). Member of 1S71, p. 1S9. Cincinnati, 1872. (A)
Hoard of Visitors to l*. S. M. A. in 1SS7. Iiistrviction for field artillery, horse and
Anderson, Edward yV S. M. A., iSSS). Manual . foot. Philadelphia, 1S39. r vol.. O.. pp. 191.
of the ser\-ice of secnrity and information. Translated from French for the ser\'ice of the
prepared for the use of the cjtdets of the I'. S. United State.s. (A)
M. A. West Point, moo. i vol.. <i.. 14.; pp. Member of a commission to examine into
(A) the organization, discipline, and instiuction at
Bookkeeping for post exchanges. Jo\ir. U. S. M. A. Report in Senate Misc. Doc. No. 3,
Mil. Sere. Inst., V S., vol. 15. p. 116S. (A)
. 30th Cong.. 2d sess.. Dec. 13, iS6<j, 350 pp. (C)
Anderson, Edward D. (
1'. S. M. A., 1S91). The translator. Evolutions of field batteries.

officers' patrol. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S95. p. 210. 1S60.

(A) Anderson. Robert Houston (U. S. M. A., 1S57),

Anderson. George Lucius (U. S. M. A.. 1S74). Died l-eb. 8, 1S8S, aged 62. Bronze bust in Bona-
Course of instruction for artillery gunners. venture le cemeter>*. Savannah, Ga.
and application in
Obitnan.' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Electricity its artillerj-
practice Prepared for publication under
. . .
iSSS. (A)
direction of John M. Schofiebl
. . . by . , .
Member of Board
of Visitors to U. S. M. A.

. Tasker H. Bliss
. . Washington. iSg^. . . .
in 1S79 and in 1SS7.
1pam.. O. Art. circular C-, Jan. 17. 1S93.
Anderson, Samuel Smith (.U. S. M. A., 1S41).
Also reprinted, 1S91. \ pam.. O. Died Feb. 20, 1901, aged Si. Obituary and por-
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901.
Notices of Thompson's Dynamo electric
machinen,-; Houston's electrical dictionary-; (A)
Ewing's magnetic induction in iron and other Andrews. E- W. (of Connecticut). Member of
metals; Crocker and Wheeler's practical man- Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S53.
agement of dynamos and motors. Jour. I'. S.
Andrews, George (U. S. M. A., 1S23). Died Nov.
13, 1S73. aged 70. Obituar\- in Ann. Assoc
Art,, vol. I,pp. 2S2, 2S3.
Land mines. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., U. S.,
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S74.
vol. 20, p. 27S. (A) Andrews. George (U.S. M. A., 1S76). Historj'
Anderson, George Smith (U. S. >L A., 1S71). of the Twenty-fifth Regiment of Infantry.
Hist. U. S. Army. pp. 697-698. (A)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Authorizing acceptance of diploma and Andrews, George Leonard (U. S. M. A., 1S51).
decoration from France. Xo. 2674, doc. 4025; Died Apr. 4, 1S99. aged 71. Portrait (oil paint-
No. 2S09. doc. 756. (C) ing by James C. Beckwith, 1SS6). Presented
Work of the cavalry- in the Yellowstone by U. S. M. A. In the librar>'.

Park. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S97. p. 3. (A) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Anderson, John (U. S. M. A., 1S07). Died in obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., submitted
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Brigadier-general, brevet major-general,
1S27. for the improvement of Westport Sauga- i

tuck) Harbor. Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng., U. S. Volunteers; colonel, U. S. Army ( 1S2S-
1899): professor, r. S. M. A. In memoriam.
1S71, p. Sot; 1S73. p. 1022. (C)
M. O. L. L. U. S., Mass. I pam., O., 1S99.
Stonington Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Professor of French U. S. M. A.. 1S71-1882.
Chief of Eng.. 1S72. p. 920; 1S79. p. 327. (C)
Nantucket Harbor. Mass. Rept. Professor of modern languages, U. S. M. A.,

Chief of Eng., 1S75. vol. 2. p. 376. (C) June 30. 1SS2.

West Point and the colored cadets. In In-
Anderson. JohnT. (of ). Member of Board
ternal. Rev.. November, 1S80, pp. 477-49S. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S34.
Academy and
The Military- its require-
Anderson, Joseph Reid (U.S. M. A., 1S5M. Died ments . . . West Point, 18S3. i vol., O., 38 pp.
Sept. 7. iSqj, aged So. Obitnan,- /« Ann. Assoc. lA)
Grads. V S. M. A., 1S93. (A)
The Militarj' Academy and the education
Anderson, M. B. (of New York). Member of of officers. In Jour. Mil. Sen.-. Inst. U. S., vol.

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S69. 16(1895), p. 316. (A)

17-2 Coitciuiial oj United States Military Academy.

Andrews, Georj^e Leonard. Comment on Haw- Armstrone. John (I'. S. M, A., 1814). Notices of
kins's Manual of infantry drill. Jour. Mil. the war of 1S12 . , . New York, 1S40. 2 vols.,

Sen.-. Inst. U. ft., vol. ii. p. 658. O. (A)

Comment on The Military Academy, etc. Arnold, Abraham Kerns (U. S. M. A., 1859).
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 16, p. 316. (A) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Andre-ws, George Pearce (U.S. M. A., 1S43). Died translator. Derrecagaix's Command of
July 2, 1SS7, aged 66, Obituarj* in Ann. Assoc. Armies. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 18SS, p. 380. (A)
Grad^. U. S. M. A., iSSS. (A) A war reminiscence. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Audrus. Edwin Proctor {T. S. M. A., 1S75). The 1SS9, p. 28. (A)
saber. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1892, p. 375. (A) The cavalry at Gaines Mill. Jour. Cav.
Andruss. Isaac (of New Jersey). Member of Assoc, 18S9, p. 355. (A)
Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S28. A field exercise at Fort Riley. Jour. Cav.
Angamar. Eugene H. {of l,ouisiana). Member Assoc, 1897, p. 167. (A)
of Board of Visitors to t'. S. M. A. in 1S67. Notes on our cavalry. Jour. Mil, Serv.
Anonymous. I'nited States Infantry- tactics Inst., vol. 5, p. 216. (A)
... by a graduate of the U. S. M. A. and - Comment on Queries on the cavalry equip-

retired officer of the late Mexican war. For- ment. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 14, p. 101. (A)
tune's Ed. New York. 1861. i vol., O., pp. Comment on The evolution of cavalry.
149- (A) Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 15. p. 32S. (A)
The autobiography of a West Pointer, by Arnold, Isaac (U. ft. M. A., 1862J. Objections to
Capt. Dum John, of the late U. S. Army. 111. present method of making purchases. Rept.
New York. 1S82. i vol.. O. (A) Chief of Ord.. 1S89, p. loi; 1S90, p. 117; 1S91,
Visit to West Point. Once a Week, vol. 6, p. 107. (C)
p. 205. Columbia
Ar-senal, report of principal
West Pointers and Volunteers, Nation, operations. iSgo, p. 123; .Selection of stone for
vol. 2, p. 400, useat Columbia Arsenal, p. 123; Cistern recom-
West Point and its wants. Nation, vol. mended for Columbia Arsenal, p. 129. Rept.
12, p. 142. Chief of Ord., 1890. (C)
Competitive examination at West Point. Columbia Arsenal, report of principal
Amer. Jour. Ed., vol. 15. p. 51. operations,1S91, p. 113; I^Iortar used at Co-
See Amer. Jour, Ed., vol. 13, pp. 17, 659. lumbia Arsenal for building purposes, p. 114;
Amer. Quest., vol. 11, p. 495; vol. 16, p. 3S5; Stone containing large percentage of petro-
vol. 22, p. 77. Anal. M.. vol 16, p. 171. New leum should be rejected, p. 116. Rept. Chief
E"g. Mag., vol. 3, p. 264. Niles' Reg., vol. 16 of Ord., 1891. (C)
(Supp.), pp. I, 179; vol. 22, pp. 25, 40, 132; vol. - Columbia Arsenal, report of principal
31, p. 279; vol. 32, p. 3S0; vol. 34, pp. 40, 341; operations, 1S92. p. 319; Features of stable at
vol. 36, p. 311; vol. 44, p. 290; vol. 50. p. 325, Columbia Arsenal, p. 323. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
So. l,it. Mess., vol. 9, p. 665. 1S92. (C)
Ai'buckle. Mathew (of U.S. Army). Member of - and power plant at Water-
Electric light
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1837. vliet Arsenal, p. 309; Water supply at Water-
Archer, John (U. S. M.A.. 1S26). Died Dec. 30, vliet Arsenal, p. 311; Water\-liet Arsenal prog-

18S9, aged 84. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Crads. ress of gun construction, 1893. p. 312; Specifica-
U.S. M.A., 1895. (A) tions for paving at Watervliet Arsenal, p. 316.
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93. (C)
Archer, Robert (of U. ft. Army). Member of
Report on coal. Ord. Note 16, p. 87, vol i.
Board of Visitors to U. ft. M. A. in 1S29.
Archer, Robert Harris ( U.S. M. A., 1S32). Died Arnold, Isaac N. (of Illinois). Member of Board
Aug. II. 1S75, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1SS3.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1876. (A)
Arnold, I^ewis Golding (U. S. M. A., 1S37). 3Died
Archer, Samuel R. (of Virginia). Member of Sept. 22, 1871, aged 55. Portrait (oil painting
Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1S19. by Herman Dudley Murphy). Presented by
Ard. J. B. (of Pennsylvania), Member of Board his son. Allen Arnold. In memorial hall.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S5S. Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc
Arden, Thomas Boyle (U.ft.M.A.. 1S35). Died Grads. U. S. M. A., 1872. (A)
Aug. 13, 1S96, aged 83. Obituary /" Ann, Assoc. Richard (U. S. M. A.. 1S50). Died Nov.
Grads.U.S. M. A.. 1897. (A) aged 54. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre).
8. 1882,

Armisteacl, Walter Keith (U. S. M. A., 1S03). Owned by Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.

Portrait (oil painting by Thomas Sully). Pre- Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M.
sented by Corps of Engineers. In library. A., 1S83. (A)
Reports as Chief Engineer, U. S. Army, Arnold, Samuel Benjamin (U. S. M. A.. 1892).
1818-1821. (C) Some changes that might benefit the service.
Armstrong, Frank Spear (U. ft. M. A., 1S91). Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1897, p. 188. (A)
Regimental recruiting Kansas . . . City. 1899. Ashby, W. J. (of Kentucky). Memberof Board
I pam., O. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1828.
Armstrong, James W. (of Georgia). Member Askew, H. F. (of Delaware). Member of Board
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1855. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1848.
Thr U'ri//i/i^s (if (inid/Ki/cs, i8()2—i()()2. ^Th
Aspin'wall. John (,U. S. y\.. A., iS6g). Diet.! Dec. j
Austin, Ivers James. Memoir of Prof. William
26, iSSi,aged 35. Obituary i>i Ann. Assoc. W. Mather. i;iSS3.)

C.rads. V S. M. A.. 1SS2.

. (A) '

Austin, James T. (of ). Memberof Board

Atherton, B. M. (of Ohio). Member of Hoard of ,
of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in 1S24.
Visitors to l*. S. M. A. in iSjg. i
Austin. J. T. \\\ S. M. A.. iS2S>, North Ainer.,
Atkinson, Henry (of U. S. Army). Mt- inber <>f vol. 57. J). 269.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1X3=;. Averell, William Woods (U. S. M. A., 1S55).
Atwater.C. (of Ohio). Memberof Bnanlof Vi>- Died 3, 1900, aged 67.
I'cb. Engraving (by J. C.
itors to L*. S. M. A. in 1S24. Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U, S. M. A.
Audenried, Joseph Crain (U. S. M. A.. iS6i). Obituary and portrait in Ann. A.ssoc.
Died June 3, iSSo, aged 40. obituary /;/ Ann. Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1900. (A)
Assoc, (irads. V . S. Til. A., iSSo. (A) Report on inspection of State Homes for
Sherman in Europe and the Mast.
(Veneral Disabled Soldiers and Sailors, 18S8. No. 2654,
Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. .17, 1S7;,. pp. doc. 103. IC)
225, 4S1, 652. See National Home for Disabled Volunteer
Messina, Sicih Harper's New IMonthly
. Soldiers, Report, 1S99.
Mag., vol. 47, 1S73, p. 229. (A) Avis. Edward Shaw {V . S. :\I. A., iSSo). Prac-
Syracuse, Sicily. Harper's New Monthly tical work for infantry. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst.,
Mag., vol. 47. 1S73. p. 230. (A) V . S.. vol. II. p. 420. (.\)
Suez Canal, Harper's New Monllily Mag.. Aylett, P. II. |of Virginia). Memberof Board (if

vol. 47. 1S73. P- 233- (A) Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S5S.

1'3'rainids of Ghizeh. Uarpei 's New
Ayres, James Cooper (U. S. M. A., 1S71). Died
Monthly Mag., vol. 47, 1S73, p. 236. (Ai
Dec. 8. 1S94, aged 50. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Augur, Christopher Colon (U. s. M. A., 1S43).
Grads. r. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Died Jan. 16, iS9S,aged77. Engraving (by J. C. Saber, trial of English cavalrj-. Rept.
Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A.
Chief of Ord., 1S73, p. 527. (C)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Method of lireaking up unser^dceable
Obituary and portrait /'/Anil- Assoc. Crnds.
small-arm ammunition. Rept. Chief of Ord..
U. S. M. A., 1S9S. (A)
1877, p. 2AS. (C)
Commandant of cadets V. S. M. A., Aug. Report of chief ordnance officer of Platte.
26 to Dec. 3, 1S61.
Depar'ment of. ]Sq2, p. 324; Trials of Whip-
Memberof Board of Visitors to r. S. ISI. A.
ple curb bit, p. Ser\'ice performed by
in 1S78.
Omaha ordnance depot, p. 324: Strap for lariat
Address to the graduating class of iSSi, invented by Sergeant Suschanke, recom-
IT. M. A., June 10, 18S1. [n. p., n. d.] i vol.,
mended, ]). 325; I,eathcr ventilator in front of
0..9PP. (A) nosebag recommended, p. 325; Trial of Hooks,
See Sherman, W. T. Letters to (iencrals
hoof, p. 325; Horse covers, blanket-lined, rec-

Ord and Augur. Important historical letters, ommended, (inn slings, with extra
p. 325;
in North Anier. Rev., vol. 143, July, iSSb. (A)
heavy hooks, recommended, p. 326; Alumin-
Aueiu-, Jacob Arnold (U. S. M. A., i86<)). Photo-
ium bronze firing pins for .45 caliber rifle
graph in Albums of officers mess.
satisfactory, p. 32''>; Knapsack, improvement
Our new cavalry bit. Jour. Ca v. Assoc, of Merriam pack. Necessity of a better
p. 326;
1895, p. 14S. (A) intrenching Cup, tin, not satisfac-
tool, p. 327;
The shelter tent. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1897, tory, p. 327; Shotguns, double barrel, 10 bore,
p. :S. (A) recommended for issue to troops, p. 327. Rept.
Texas mange. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S99. p. Chief of Ord., 1S92. (C)
200. A {
Report of chief ordnance officer, Platte,
Comment on the new carbine and new De])artment of, 1S93. p. 525; Stores kept on
target practice. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst,, vol. 22,
hainl at Omaha ordnance depot, p. 525; Trial
p. 651. (A) of aluminium picket pins invented by \V. C.
Systeni of exercises and gymnastics. .S**v'
Brown, p. 526; Curb bit, model 1S92, designed
Godfrey, Edward Settle. by Capt. C. W. Whipple, issued to cavalry, p.
Augiistin, Joseph N. (f. S. :M. A.. iSg^). Died ^S26; Hooks, hoof, recommended to be issued,

July 1, 189S, aged 24. Obituary //; Ann. Assoc. p. 526;Revolver, Colt's double-action, caliber
Grads. U. S. M, A., 1S99. (A) .38,issued to cavalry, p. 526; Trial of, Souther
Aultman, Cornelius (of Ohio). Memberof Board farm rasp, p. 526; Trial of Korrigan (Russian)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S0. picket pin, p. 526; Rasps, blacksmith, trial of
Peeler and Souther, range finder, p, 526; Trial
Aultman, Dwight Edward (U. S. M. A.. ivS94).
of Kahan intrenching tool, p. 527; Trial of Pat-
Report of operations of Light Battery F, Second
terson intrenching tool, p. 527; Babcockspade
Artillery, in Santiago campaign. Jour. U. S.
hatchet, tr'al of, p. 527; Dodge blanket-roll
Art., vol. u, p. i?5.
support, trial of, p. 527; Knapsack trial of
Austin, Alvers J. (of Massachusetts). Member Dodge blanket-roll support, p. 527; Saddle at-
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. iti iS4,S.
tachments trial of girth straps suggested by
Austin, Ivers James (U. S. M. A., 1S2S). Died Captain Godfrey, p. 527; Trial of draw girth
June II, 1889, aged Si. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc. invented by G. F. Grummet, p. 527; Arm chest
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS9. (A) with hingesand padlocks, issue recommended,
174 Ccnteujiial of Lhiitcd States Mihtary Academy,
p. 52S; Carbine, ^Hng, trial of Belgian, p. 528; ter on <leath of L,icut. G. M. Bache, pp. 63-65.
Carbine, scabbard, fountain recommended, U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S46. A) 1

p. 52S; Gun racks, individual, suggested, p. Bache. Alexander Dallas. Report of the Super-
52S; Inspection of mi serviceable ordnance intendent of Weights and Measures for 1846-47.
stores, disadvantages of present system, p. 529; O. [Misc. pam., vol. 11.]
Marksmen, proposed system of rewards for, Observations at Agamenticus, pp. 10, 11;
in target practice, p. 529. Rept. Chief of Ord., Measures Dauphine Island base with new ap-
1893- (C) paratus, pp. 39-42; Letter on sur\-ey of Mobile
Ayres. James Cooper. Annual report of opera- Bav, pp. 79. So. U. S. Coast Sur\-ev Rept., 1847.
tions as chief ordnance officer. Department of (A)
the Platte. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S94. Observations at Unkonoonuc, pp. 17, iS;

Index to the reports of the Chief of Ord- .\t Magothy and Webb's, p. 34; Measurement
nance!'. S. Army, 1S67-1S95. Washington, 1895. of Bodie's Island base, p. 43; Duty of superin-
I vol., O. tendence, p. 5.. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1848.
Member of board on towers for range (At
finders. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S99. t)bservations, sec. i, ]). 15; Webb's Soper's
, translator. The theoretical rifle. Ord. Hills, p. 24, 25; Measurement of Edisto base,
Note 2.^3. vol. 7. (A) PP- 34~36. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1850. (A)
Ayres, Romeyn Beck (U. S. M. A.. 1S47). Died Obser\'ations at Mount Pleasant. Ossipee,
Dec. 4, 1SS8, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Cape Small, pp. 32-33; Causten's. p. 47; Discus-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1889. (A) sion of Cat Island tides, pp. 74-127; Currents,
Obituary. Harper's New Monthly Mag.. p. 136. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1851. (A)
vol. 78, 1SS9, p. 493. (A) Graphical method of representing cur-
Babbitt. Edwin Burr(U. S. M. A.. 1S26). Died rent-observations, as used in the Coast Sur-
Dec. 10, iSSi.aged 78. Obituary' in Ann. Assoc. vey. [Sketch No. 3).] U. S. Coast Sur-
3 (A.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS2. (A) vey Rept., app. S, pp. 136-137. (A)

Edwin Burr (V. S. M. A.. 1S84). Photo-

Trinidad, Humboldt, and San Diego Bays,
graph in Album.'; of officers' mess. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1^51, app. 50, pp.
Recent experiments in attacking armor 52S-530. (A)
with high-explosive shell. Reprint. Jour. Observations at Cape Small, p. 17; Roslyn,
U. S. Art., vol. 17, p. 208. pp, 25-26; Discussion of Cat Island tides, pp.
smokeless and charcoal 111-122; On reconnaissance to Cape St. Lucas,
Report on tests of
p. 127; On light-house examinations with ta-
powders at Benicia Arsenal. Rept. Chief of
Ord., 1S97.
bles, pp. 134, 135; Maine light-houses, p. 136.

Report on test of Howell lo-iuch disap- U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S52. (A)
Insjiections and commission ser^-ices, p. 9;
pearing carriage. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S99.
Babbitt. I,awrence Sprague (U. S. M. A., 1S61').
observations at Sebatus and Blue Hill, pp.
27, 28; Discussion of Gulf .Stream, pp. 46-52;
Report of principal operations at Benicia Ar-
senal. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1897. Letter on bank east of Gulf Stream, p. 50; Re-
Babcock, Or\-ille Elias (U. S. M. A.. 1S61). Died marks on Professor Walker's death, p. 166; On
Ann. Assoc. Lieut. J. S. Totten's death, p. 16S; Discussion
June 2, 1SS4. aged 48. Obituary in
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S4. (A) of Key West tides, pp. 71-76; Discussion of San
No. Francisco tides, pp. 76-S2. U. S. Coast Survey
Inspection of military- posts, 1866.
Rept.. 1853. (A)
12SS, doc. 20. (C)
Military' court of inquire- in case of, 1S76.
Tide-tables for of navigators, with
resolution regarding. No. (C)
description of bench-marks, explanations, and
1689, doc. 142.
examples for use. U, S. Coast Survey Rept.,
Babcock, Samuel (U.S. M.A., :SoS). Trial of.
1S53. app. 26, pp. 67-70. (A)
House doc. 63. iSth Cong., 2d sess. (C)
Notes on tides at Rincoii Point, Cal.
proceedings in court-martial of. No. 116,
[Tables i to 4.] [Sketch 48 (J. No. 7).] U.
doc. 63. (C)
S.Coast Survey Rept., 1S53. app. 28. pp. 77-81.
Bache, Alexander Dallas. (U. S. I^I. A., 1825.)
Obituary in Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. i,
p. iSi.
Notes on the tides at San Franci.sco, Cal.
:Mcmbtr of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. U. S.Coast Sun-ey Rept., 1S53. app. 29, pp.
in 1S42.
81-82. (A)
European systems of instruction. 1S39. Base apparatus, p. 13; Portland harbor
Observations at the magnetic a;id nreteor- commission, p. 29; Astronomical observations,
ological observatory at the Girard College. Ragged IMountain, pp. 29, 30; Nantucket tidal
(3 vols., 1840-1S47). observations, p. 29; Charleston harbor com-
Beginning of superintendence, p. 2; Ob- mission, p. 54; Gulf Stream discussion, p. 59;
ser\-ations, sec. i, p. 4; Sec. 3, Kent Island base, Reports on Stellwagen's bank, pp. *i7, *i8;
pp. II, 12.U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S44. (A) Rocks in Boston harbor and Davis's ledge, pp.
Obser\'ations. sec. i,pp. 6-S; Bodie's Island *iS. *i9; York spit and New
Point shoal, p. *2o;
base, p. 25; Office superintendence, p. 29. U. S. Wimble shoals, Turtle harbor,
pp. *2o, 21;

Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S45. (A) Florida reef, p. ^2i\ Florida reef passage, p.
Observations, sec. i, pp. 8, 9; Sec. 3. trian- *24; Garden Key Channel Shoal, p. *24; Al-
gulation, pp. iS, 19; Bodie's Island, p. 26; Let- leged shoal off the Belize, p. *25; Florida keys
The J I 'ri/ii/o's of Ciradiiafrs^ rSo2-Tgo2. ^75
sur\-eys.p. *25: Taper on reductiun of hori- Winds of the Gulf, pp, 15. 272-276; Winds oi
zontal angles in triangiilation. pp. *63-*75; Cat Island Harbor, pp. 15. 276-278; Letter to
Detenninatiou of Atlantic Co. tidal lines, pp. the Secretary of the Treasun-- on Indian dis-
*I47-*I52; Diurnal inequalities, pacific coast turbances. Florida, p. 343; Ditto. Washington
tides, pp. *i52-*i55;Gulf Stream temperature Territory, p. 343; Letter to Capt. .-V. .-V. Gibson,
distribution; pp. *i56-*i6i; Reports on Uomer p. 346;To Capt. W. R. Palmer, pp. 346-347; To
beacon, p. *2i7; Point Ano Nuevo and Santa Col. R. E. De Russey. pp. 347-34S. X'. S. Coai^t
Cniz. pp. *2i9-*22o; Maine light-house exami- Snr\*ey Rept., 1S56. (A)
nations, pp. *225-*224, Ditto in Massachusetts, Bache, Alexander Dallas. Tide prediction
Connecticut, and New York, pp. *225-*227: tables. Notes on the progress made in their
Coffin's Patches, pp. *22S-*229. U. S. Coast preparation with reference to tides of Boston
Snr\'cy Rept. 1S54, (C^ Harbor. U. S. Coast Sur\-ey. Rept., T856. app.
Bache. Alexander Dallas. Co-tidal lines, At- 34, PP- 249-251. (A)
lantic. Preliminary- determinations of co-tidal Cotidal lines. Gulf of Mexico. Di.scussion
lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States, and preliminary' determination. Table 1. di-
from Coast Sur\-ey observations. Table i, ob- urnal wave; 2, stations, etc.; 3. diurnal inter-
servations for co-tidal hours: 2, co-tidal hours vals; 4. tide elements of the stations; 5, semi-
of ports on the Atlantic coast; 3, rate and diurnal tides; 6, comparison of establishments
trend of co-tidal lines. [Sketch 26.] [Errata, of diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the Gulf of
151:1855, p. six.] r. S. Coast Survey Rept.. Mexico. [Sketches 35 and 36.] I". S. Coast
1S54, app. 45. pp. 147-^52. (A) Sur\'ey Rept.. 1S56. app. 35. pp. 252-260. (A)
Gulf Stream temperatures. V. S. Coast Tidal currents at Sandy Hook. Notes on
Sur\-ey Rept.. 1S54, app. 47. pp. 156-161. (A) the causes of northwardly increase of the pe-
Tide-tables for the use of navigators. U. S. ninsula. [Errata, p. 264: 1856. p. xx.] U.S. Coast
Coast Sur\-ey Rept.. 1S54. app. 51. pp. 1S0-189. Survey Rept., 1S56, app. 38, pp. 263-264. (A)
(A) Winds in the Gulf of Mexico. Discussion
Diurnal inequality, western coast tides. relative to the disturbance caused in the inter-
Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the vals of successive tides at several stations on
tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, the Gulf coast. Table i, quantity and direc-
with tables. [Sketch 4Q.] [Errata. 153:1855. tion of wind at Key West, Fla., 1S51-52; 2, at
p. xix.] (A) Fort Morgan, Ala., 1S47-1849; 3. at Galveston.
Mount Harris observations, pp. 35-37; Tex. V. S. Coast Sun,-ey Rept., 1S56, app. 44,
New York harbor commission sur\'ey, pp. 42- pp. 272-276. (A)
43. 165. 171; Key Biscayne and Cape Sable Astronomical observations, sec. i. p. 39;

bases, pp. 6S-72; Coast Sur\'ey engraving and Savannah, pp. 65-66; Sandy Hook changes, p.
procuring engravers, pp. 250-252- magnetic 33; Height of tides of Atlantic coast, pp. 28,
declination, table, and notes, pp. 295-306; Tide 342-347; Winds on Pacific coast, pp. 29, 354-358;
tables, discussions, pp. 13-15, 346-359; Pacific Tide tables and explanations, pp. 157-178; On
co-tidal lines, pp. 33S-342; Earthquake waves, measurement of Epping Plains base. pp. 41, 42,
pp. 342-346; West coast lights, pp. 415-418. U. S. 302-305; New York Harbor report, pp. 35S-370:
Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1S55. (A) Chronometric longitude. Fernandina. pp. 314-
Earthquake wave. Pacific Ocean. U. S. 324;Report on Florida Keys sur\'ey. pp. 3S2,
Coast Survev Rept., iSs5, app. 51. pp. 342-346. 3S3. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S57. (A)
(A) ICpping base, Maine. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey
Gulf of Mexico tides. Obser\'ations and Kept., 1S57, app. 26, pp. 302-305. (A)
type-curves at the several stations, showing Atlantic coast tides. Generalization of
their decomposition into diurnal and semidi- heights relative to the configuration of the
urnal tides, l". S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1S55, coast. Table i (A), heights of tides on the
app. 52, pp. 346-347- (A) Atlantic coast of the United States; 2 (,li), on
Tide-tables for the use of navigators. U. S. the coast of Cape Breton and New Brunswick.
Coast Sur\-ey Rept.. 1S55, app. 53, pp. 347-359; [Sketch 65.] U. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept.. 1857,
1S56, app. 17, pp. 120-133; 1S57. app. 20. pp. 157- app. 33. PP- 34^347- (A)
17S; 1S58. app. 43, pp. 275-297; 1S59, app. 14. pp. Winds of the western coast. U. S. Coast
136-167; 1S60, app. 16. pp. 131-164; 1S61, app. 9, Sur\*ey Rept.. 1S57, app. 36, pp. 354-35S. (A)

pp. 98-131; 1S62, app. S. pp. 93-126; 1863, app. 12, Primar\' triangulation and astronomical
pp. S4-117; 1864. app. S. pp. 5S-90. (A) obser\'ations in sec. i, p. 44; Discussion of prob-
able error in latitude by zenith telescope, pp.
Reconnoissance. Epping base, sec. i, p. 28;
35. 1S4-186; Remarks on currents of New York
Primary triangulation and astronomical ob-
Bay and Sandy Hook, pp. 36-3S, 197-203; Report
servations, pp. 29-30, 92; Inspection at Fernan-
on sur\'ey of Florida Keys, pp. 225-227; Tide
dina, Fla., pp. 58, 96; Character of Fernandina
tables for navigators, pp. 275-299. U. S. Coast
Harbor, p. 2S4; Programme for survey of New Sun.-ey Rept., 1S5S. (A)
York Harbor, pp. Sandy Hook changes,
pp. 263-264; Report to Commissioner of General Personal equation. U. S. Coast Sur\-ey
Land Office, p. 2S6: On terrestrial magnetism, Rept., 1S5S, app. 20, pp. 1S4-1S6. (A)
pp. 209-225; Tide tables for na\-igators, pp, 15, Triangulation and astronomical ob.ser\'a-
120-133: Notes on prediction tables, pp. 249-251; tions at Howard and Western Ridge. Maine,
Cotidal lines Gulf of Mexico, pp. 15, 252-260; p. 34; Astronomical obser\"ations, Smith\nlle,
176. CcutoDu'al of Lhiitcd States Military Acadcni
N. C. p. '>i; Tide tables, pp. 136-167; C.irard j
hours; co-tidal grou]*; 3, Discussion of the
College observ-ations. pp. 27S-295; Distribution middle group between Cape Mendocino and
of temperature, Florida straits, pp. 306-310. Point Conception. Chart of co-tidal lines.
U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S59. (A) [Sketch 29.] T*. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S55,
Bache, Alexander Dallas. CJulf Stream; distri- P-338- (A)
bution of temperature in the water of the Bache, Alexander Dallas. On the magnetic
Florida channel and straits. U. S. Coast Sur- dip, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, vol. i, pp. 146,
ve3' Rept., 1^5- ^PP- 3-' PP- 217-222. (A) 151; Magnetic observations, ibid., vol. i,pp.
A lecture on the Gulf Stream. [From 185, 294; Meteors, ibid., vol. i, p. 300; Fusible
Amer. Jonr. Sci. and Arts. vol. 30, November. metal, ibid., vol. 2, p. 42; Storms, ibid., vol.
1S60.] O. [Misc. pam., vol. 3.] 2, p. 56; Anemometer, ibid., vol. 2, p. 57; Mag-
Geodetic obser\^ations at Gunstock Moun- netic observations, ibid., vol. 2, pp. 69, 83, loi,
tain, N. H., and Wachusett Mountain, Mass.. 150; Cumulus by fire, ibid., vol. 2, p. n6;
pp. 32-33; Tide tables for navigators, pp. 131- Espy's theor>% ibid., vol. 2, p. 147; Rain gauge,
164: Notes on Gulf Stream observations, pp. ibid., vol. 2, p. 164; Meteors, ibid., vol. 2, pp.
165-176; Discussion of magnetic obsen'ations, 235, 267; Induction incliometer, ibid., vol. 2,

pp. 293-324. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S60. (A) p. 257; Dewpoint hydrometer, vol. 2, pp. 249,
Gulf Stream. U. S. Coast Survey Rept. 252; On Apjohn's formula, vol. 2, p. 255; Mag-
1560, npp. 17. pp. 165-176. (A) netic obsen'ations, vol, 3, p. 90; Instrument

Inspection of parties in sec. 1, pp. 28, 35; to determine conducting power of bodies for
Conference relative to blockade, pp. 265-266; heat, ibid., vol. 3, p. 133; Magnetic observa-
Astronomical obser\'atious at Gunstock, N. H., tions, ibid., vol. 3, p. 175; Magnetic dip, ibid.,
in 1S60. pp. 232-239. I'. S. Coast Survey Rept., vol. 4, p. ir; Standard weights, etc., ibid., vol.
1561. (A) 4, p. A new base apparatus, ibid., vol. 4, p.
Solar eclipse of July. 1S60. U. S. Coast 368; On
the diurnal variation of the needle,
Survey Rept., 1861; ai>p. 19, pp. 232-239. (A) Trans. Amer. Phil. .Soc. N. S., vol. 5, p. 1;
Geodetic obser\'ations at Mount Tom and Magnetic dip at Baltimore, etc., ibid., vol, 5,
Sanford, pp. 29, 30: Discussion of magnetic ob- p. 209; On the Brunswick tornado of 1S35, ibid.,
serv'ations. pp. 16, 17, 161-212; Magnetic sur\'ey vol. 5. p. 407; Terre-strial magnetism in U. S.,
of Pennsylvania, pp. 212, 229: Notes on cotidal ibid., vol. 5. p. 427; Magnetic intensity at 21
lines in the Gulf of Mexico, pp. 126-127; R^" stations in Europe, ibid., vol. 7. p. 427. (A)
marks on the career of Gen. I. I. Stevens, Bache, Franklin (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Major Palmer, and Captain Smead, pp. 431-434. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1S30.
U.S. Coast Snr\'ey Rept., 1S62. (A) Bache, Hartman U. S. M. A., 181S). Died Oct.

Cotidal lines of the Gulf of Mexico, de- 8. 1872, aged 74. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
duced from recent observations. Tables of U. S. M. A., 1S73. (A)
diurnal and semidiurnal tides. [Sketch 46,] Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im.
IT. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1S62, app. 9, pp. 126- provement of Delaware Breakwater, Del-
12S. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 4, p. 229; 1873,
Magnetic sur\-e3- of Pennsylvania and pp. S83, 884. (C)
parts of adjacent States from 1S34 to 1S62. - Cape Fear River, N. C. Rept. Chief
U.S. Coast Sun-ey Rept., 1S62. app. 19, pp. 212- of Eng., 1S73, pp. S13, 814. (C)
229. (A) - Thames River, Conn. Rept. Chief
Earthquake waves. U. S. Coast Sun.'ey of Eng, 1S73. P-9S3. (C)
Rept., 1S62, app. 39, pp. 268-430. (A) See Boards — Bache; Kearney, i. (A)
Geodetic obsen'ations at I\-\' Hill and Bachmau, John (of South Carolina). Member
Tashua, Conn., p. 27; Defensive works and of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.
snr\-eys near Philadelphia, pp. 31-33; Tide
Backus. George Benjamin (U. S, M. A. 1S75).
tables for the use of navngators, pp. 84-117;
Died June 14, 1895. aged 45. Obituary in Ann.
Discussion of magnetic obser^-atious made at
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
Girard College, pp. 156-196; I,unar influence on
vertical force, pp. 196-204. U. S. Coast Survey Bacon. George E. (U. S. M. A. 1S71). Died Dec.
Rept.. 1S63. (A) 20. 1SS3, aged 35. Photograph in Albums of
Discussion of the magnetic and meteoro- officers' mess.
logical obser\''ations made at the Girard College Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Obser\-atory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 184 1, 1S42, 1SS4. (A)
1S43, 1S44, and 1S45. tr. S. Coast Survey Rept., Bacon, Henr>- (of New York). Member of Board
1S63, app. 21, pp. 196-204; [sketch 3S] ibid., 1S64, of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18SS.

app. 17. pp. 191-198. (A) BadoUet, James P. (U. S. M. A., 1S14). Died
Tidal observ-ations at Cat Island. Gulf of May 8, 1S78, aged 81. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Mexico: Notes of a discussion. (Report for Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S7S. (A)
1S51.) [Sketch 30.] U.S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., Bailey, Albert Sidney (U. S. M. A. 1S7S). Died
1866, app. iS, pp. 113-1:9. (A) Apr. r, 1SS9, aged 33. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Pacific co-tidal lines. Tidal observations. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS9. (A)
Table i, Tide-stations on the western coast of Bailey, Frederick W. (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died
the United States; 2. Data for co-tidal lines of July 23, 1S78, aged 37. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
the Pacific coast of the United States; co-tidal Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S3. (A)
Tlir ]]^i!tiiiors of Graditairs, iSo2-i()o2. 177
Bailey, Jacob Whitman (U. S. M. A. 1S32). Died Baker. ICugene Mortimer (U. S. M. A.. 1859),
Feb. 26, 1857, aged —
Portrait (oil painting
. Died Dec. 19. 1S84, aged 47. Obituary' in Ann.
by Robert W. "Weir). Presented l>y War De- Assoc, (irads. l". S. M. A., 18S5. (A)
partment, iSjf). In the library-. Engagement with Piegan Indians in Mon-
I.arge photographic portrait in room ,^16, tana. No. I4c}6, doc. 49. (C)
academic building, I'. S. M. A., framed. Baker, Frank ( V. S. M. A.. 1S72). Photograpli nt
Photographic portrait in I.ibrary, V. S. Albums of officers' mess.
M. A., drawer 20. Report of trials of carbine cartridges.
Photograph in Albums of officers' moss. Rept. Chief of Ord., i.ssh, p. 495. (C)
See Coulter. Stanley: Jacob Whitman Model iS9i,efrect of weather and tempera-
Bailey. In Hot. Gazette, vol. 13. No. 5, May, ture on, fuse, Frankford Arsenal point com-
18S8. (A) bination, p. 897; Shrapnel 3.2-inch, Frankford
Copperplate map of West Point, i^^^i, in Ar.senal, table of weights and dimensions, p.
the drawing academy, (A) 946. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S92. (C)
Professor of chemistry, mineralogy and Manufacture of friction primers for can-
geology, U. S. M. A.. 183S-1S57. non at Frankford Arsenal, p. 279: Star gauge,
Chemical notes on gunpo\Fder and its ma- model 1893. description of F'rankford Arsenal,
terials, 1S40. I vol.. lith.. P". p. 2)^i\ Model 1S93, rests for. Star gauge, p. 2S5:
Examination of deep-sea bottoms. U. S. Description and test of projectiles. F'rankfortl
Coast Sur\-ey Rept.. 1S47, pp. 25-26. (A) Arsenal shrapnel, p. 531; Maximum and mini-
Examination of bottoms in Boston Har- mum weights and dimensions of Frankford
bor. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 184,8, p. 28; sec. Arsenal, for 3.6-inch rifle, p. 532; 3.6-inch.
2. p. 33. (A) Frankford Arsenal, result of firing with, shrap-
Examination of bottoms in Mobile Bay. nel, p. 533. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1893. (C)
U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1849, pp. 52-53. (A) Report on the construction of a battery at
Characteristics of Gulf Stream bottoms, Quonset Point. R. I. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 189b.
Fla. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1855, sec. 9, pp. Report on manufacture of carriage forg-
55,81.360. (A) ingsat Providence, R. I. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Microscopic sketches. 1S9S.
Author of papers in Silliman's Journal, Report on manufacture of forgings at
Smithsonian Contributions, and Journal of Builders Iron Foundry. Rept. Chief of Ord..
Microscopic Science upon chemistry, miner- 1S99.
alogy, etc. Report on the manufacture of 12-inch B. L.
Bailey, Thomas Norton (U. S. M. A.. 1S73). Died mortars, mortar carriages, etc. Rept. Chief of
Apr. 20, 1886. aged 36. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Ord., 1900.
Grads. V. S. M. A., 1886. (A) Baker, Joshua (U. S. M. A., 1S19). Died Apr. 15,
Brickyard and new brick machine. Es- 1885, aged 86. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.,
sayons Club Papers, No. 34, 1S74. (A) U. S. M. A., 1885. (A)
Two levels in the Zenith telescopic method. Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
in i>i53.
Essayons Club Papers. No. 42, 1876. (A)
Bailey, Prof. W. Whitman (of Rhode Island).
Baker. N. B. (of Iowa). Member of Board of
Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in 1875,
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
Baker, Maj. Rufus I,athrop (of Connecticut).
Member of Board of Visitors (Inspection) to
Baiubridge. Commodore William (of U. S. Navy).
U. S. M. A. in 1844 and in 1S59.
Menibor of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
Balch, George Thatcher (U. S. M. A., 1851),
Died Apr. 15, 1894, aged 66. Obituary in Ann.
Baird, Absalom (
l'. S. M. A., 1849). Portrait
Assoc. Grads., U. S. M. A., 1894. (A)
(oil painting by Robert Hinckley). In cadet
Instructor of ordnance and gunnery, U. S.
mess hall. M. A., 1864-^5.
Photograph Albums
of officers' mess.
General classification of hand-made draw-
Reports as inspector-general U. S. M, A., ings . Maps, profiles, surveys, and views
. ,

18S5-1SSS. appertaining to the railway service. New Vork,

Decoration for, authorizing acceptance of, iJ^TS- pam.
I F. (A)
1SS8. No. 2605. doc. 3145. (C) Railway rights, realties, and personalties.
Baird, Henrj- S. (of Wisconsin). Member of (1^77-)
Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1853. . Baldwin, John Mary (U. S. M. A.. 1875). Died
Baird, William (U. S. M. A., 1S75). Index to the Sept. 25, 1895. aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
orders amendatory of the U. S.Army Regula- Grads.. U. S. M. A.. 1S96. (A)
tions, etc. Washington, 1SS7. i vol., O., 108 Bancroft, George ( ). Member of Board of
pp. (A) Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1825.
How to "get there." Jour. Cav. Assoc. Banister. John Monroe. Chief Medical officer,
1889, p. 345. (A) U. S. M. A,. Oct. 27, 1S98.
Bankhead, Henry C. (f. S. M. A., 1850). Died
Baker. Charles Tainter (U. S. M. A.. 1842). Died
Jan. 9, 1S94, aged 65. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Feb. 28, 1S81, aged 60. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. i8Sr. (A)
Bankhead, James (of Massachusetts). Member
Baker. David J. (of Illinois). Member of Board of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S33 and
of Visitors to U. S. M. A., 1S36. in 1S43.

H. Doc. 789, 5S-2 —vol 2 12


Centennial of United Slates Military Academy.

John Whitney. Project, plan, estimate.
Banks, E. (of Virginia). Member of Board
of Barlo-uv,
etc., for the improvement of Connecticut River.
Visitors to U. H. M. A. in 1S33.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18.S4, p. 659. (C)
Banning, Henry B. (of Ohio). Memberof Board Rept.
Stony Brook Harbor, N. Y.
of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S77.
Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 665. (C)
Barbarin, Francis Noel (U. S. M. A., 1820). Died Rept.
Stamford Harbor, Conn.
Feb. 28. l8Sj, aged 82. Obituary in Ann.
(A) Chief of Eng., 1884, p. 672; 1S87, p. 619. (C)
Grad.s.. U. S. M. A., 1SS3.
Peconic River, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Barber, Thomas Henry (U. S. M. A.. 1R67). Pho-
of Eng., 1S84, p. 682. (C)
tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
In Southold Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Strategy, grand and minor tactics.
of Eng., 1884, p. 686. (C)
Circular No. 2, headquarters National Guard,
- Menomonee Harbor, Mich, and
State of New York, Feb. 10, 1902. ifi pp., o.
Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S84. pp. 1S35, 1836.
Barbour, B. J. (of Virginia). of Member Board
Lac La Belle Harbor, Mich.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1866. Chief of Eng., 1885, pp. 2008, 2009. (C)
Barlow, John Whitney (U. S. M. A.,iS6l). Pho-
- Ashland Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. (C)
of Eng., 1885, p. 2013; 1S86, p. 1675.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Tennessee River, Tenn. Rept. Chief
provement of Platt-shurg Harbor, N. Y. Kept. of Eng., 1887. pp. 1748, 1751- (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S68. p. 294; 1S69, p. 182. (C) Caney Fork River, Tenn. Rept.
Ne-w Haven Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1887, pp. 1767. 1769; 1S92, p. 1941.
Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. I, p. 104; 1875, vol. 2,
251, 252; 1S78, p. 399; 1879, P- 339; 1880,
pp. 250, Holston River, Tenn. and Va. Rept.
pp. 452. 455. (C)
Chief of Eng.. 1887, p. 1773- (C)
Southport - Harbor, Conn. Rept.
- Obeils River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. I, p. 105; 1875. vol. 2
1S88, p. 163S. (C)
40S; 1879, pp. 59, 355- (C)
p. 35i; 187.8, p.
Bear Creek, Miss. Rept. Chief of
Milford Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S88, p. 1641. (C)
of Eng., 1876, vol. I, p 225; 1S7S, p. 402; 1879, near Nashville,
Bridge (Wagon)
648. (C)
p. 342; 1882, pp. 614, 632, 634; 1885, p. Tenn. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSS, p. 2441. (C)
- Norwalk Harbor, Conn. Rept.
- Bridge of the Memphis and Charles-

Chief of Eng., 1876. vol. I, p. 231. (C)

ton Railroad Company at Chattanooga. Rept.
- West Haven Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1S8S, p. 2512. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S76, vol. p. 234. (C)
- Bridges crossing Tennessee River at

Housatonic River, Conn. Rept.

Florence, Ala., Decatur, Ala., Bridgeport, Ala,,
Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. 215: 1878, pp. 52,403; 1879,
Johnsonville, Tenn., and Gilbertsville, Ky.
pp.344, 345; 1S87, p. 607. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S8, p. 2640. (C)
Port Jefferson Harbor, N. Y.
• Rept. below Nash-
• Cumberland River,
Chief of Eng., 1877, p. 221; iS78,p.404; 1879, PP,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 2157. (C)
752. (C)
359, 361; 1880, p. 468; 1889, p. Little Pigeon River, Tenn. Rept.
Thames River, Conn. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng.. 1891, p. 228S. (C)
of Eng., 1S78, pp. 395, .397, 398; 1879, pp. 57, 332. Harbor, Ky. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 2289. (C)
- New London Harbor, Conn. Rept.
- o'Bion River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., 1S7S, p. 397; 1.881, p. 586; 1886, pp.
Eng., 1891, p. 2297. (C)
632, 633; 1SS7, p. 5S5. (<;) - Gunters Creek, Ala. Rept. Chief of
- Stonington Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Eng., 1891, p. 2326. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 585- (C) . Saugerties Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
- Channel, between Lloyd's Harbor (A)
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1 51-8.
and Cold Spring Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Tarrytown Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Eng., 1881, p. 615. (C)
Chief of Eng., pp. 1520, 1522. (A)
Madison Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief Arthur Kill, N. Y. and N. J. Rept.
of Eng., 1882, p. 627. (C,
Chief of Eng., 1900, pp. 1525, 1527. (A)
Clinton Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief
Passaic River, N. J.
Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1882, p. 630; 1886, p. 634; 1887, p. 596;
1530. 1536, 1543. 1547. (A.)
(C) Eng., 1900, pp.
1892, p. 667.
- Greenport Harbor, N. Y. Rept. WoodbridgeCreek, N.J. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., 1S82, p. 635; 1887, p. 630; 1B92, p of Eng., 1900, pp. 1552, 1554. (A)

712. (C) - Burlington Harbor, Vt. Rept. Chief

• Mamaroueck Harbor, N. Y. Rept (A)
of Eng., 1901, p. 1072.
Chief of Eng., 1.S82, pp. 639, 640; 1887, p. 623;
Report of a reconnaissance of the basin of
188S, p. 569. (C)
the upper Yellowstone in 1S71 ... i patn.,
Pawtuxet River, R. I. Rept. Chief of
O., 1872, 2 copies. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 66, 42d
Eng., 1884, p, 633. (C)
Cong., 2d sess. (A)
Duck Island Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Personal reminiscences of the war. M. O.
Chief of Eng., 18H4, p. 648; 1887, pp. 642, 648.
L. L. U. S., Wisconsin, War
The IVriimgs of Graduaics^ i8o2~igo2. I'

Barlow, John Whitney. S^e Heap. Daxad Por- Barnard, John (iross. A report on the defenses
ter. Yellowstone Lake and the valley of the of Washington to the Chief of Engineers,
Yellowstone River, sketch of the; rente of. r. S. Army. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng.,
1871. Topographical map. U. S. A., No.20. Washington, 1S71. Q. (A)
See Boards— Barlow; Merrill, 3. 5; Poe, 3, Report on the North Sea Canal of Holland,
4, 11; Robert, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35; Wright, 2. (A) and on the improvement of navigation from
Barnard, Fredrick A. P. (of Mississippi). Mem- Rotterdam to the sea. Prof. Papers Corps of
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S62. Htig.. U. S. A., No. 22. O. Q. Washington,
Barnard, Henr\' (of Connecticnt). Member of 1S72. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S63. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
Admission to West Point. Amer. Jour. provement of Delaware Breakwater, Del.
Ed., vol. 14. p. 103. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S73. pp. 884, &S5. (C)
Barnard. John Gross (T. S. M. A. 1^33). Died Report on light*house engineering, as ex-
May 14. 1SS2, aged 67. Portrait (oil painting hibited at the Centennial Exhibition. Trans.
by D. Huntington). Presented by War De- Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., vol. s, 1879.
partment, 1S75. Mathematical query. In Math. Monthly,
Engraving by I A. H. Ritchie t. Owned by vol. p. 49.
I. A) I

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Papers on the precession of the equinoxes,

Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. the pendulum, and llie internal structure of
Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. T". S. M. .\.. the earth. Smithsonian cont.. Nos. 240, 310.
1S82. (A) Dangers and defenses of New York Citj'.
Obituan,-. Harper's New Monthly Mag.. Essay. No. 1027, doc. 5. (C)
vol. 65, 1S82. p. 319. (A) and Barry, William Farquhar (U .S. M.A.,
Various scientific and professional reports. 1.S3S}. Report of the engineer and artiller>-
1833-1S81. operations of the Army of the Potomac. New
Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. York, 1S63. I vol., O. A.) I

(852-) Michie, Peter Smith, and 'Wrig-ht, Horatio

Reports as Superintendent of the U. S. Gouverneur. Report on the fabrication of
M. A. for the years 1855-56. iron for defensive purposes and its uses in
Analysis of rotar\- motion as applied to the modern fortifications, especially in works of
gyroscope. In Amer. Jour. Ed.. June. 1857, coast defense. Prof. PapersCorps of Eng..
pp. 537-560. (A) U. S. A.. No. 21. with a supp. Washington,
The phenomena of the g^'roscope . . . 1S71. Q- (A)
New York. 1S5S. i pam.. O., 2 copies. (A) See West Point: Letters to the editors of
The dynamic theor>' of the tides. In Amer. the National Intelligencer, in answer to the
Jour. Sci.,vol. 27, 1859, pp. 350-358. (A) charges against the U. S. M. A. in the report
The dangers and defences of New York of the Secretarj'of War, of July. 1S61. New . .

. . . New
York, 1S59. i pam.. O. (A) York, iS62. I pam.. O., iS pp.
Notes on sea coast defence: Consisting of i>ee Boards — Barnard. (A)
sea coast fortification, the 15-inch gun, and
Barney, George Franklin (
l". S. M. A., 18S2).
casemate embrasures New York. 1S61. . . .

Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.

I vol.. O. (A)
Major-General, U. S. Army: U. S. Coast Barney, John (of Mar^-land ). Memberof Board
Survey Rept.. 1S62, p. 36. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S27.
The C. S. Army and the battle of Bull Run. Barney, Joshua (T. S. M. A., 1&20). Survey of
(A letter to an Englishfriend.) New York, route from St. Louis to Big Bend of the Red
1862. I vol., O. (A) River. No. 619. doc. 49. (C;
The peninsular campaign. New York. Bamum. Malvern Hill (T. S. M. A., 1SS6). The
1864. I vol., O., pp. 96. (A) screening duty of cavalry. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Eulogy on the late Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jas. G. 1896. p. 2S9. (A)
Totten ... I pam., ()., 1S66. [In the same Quartermaster. U. S. M. A., May 9, 1899,
volume:] Martin, Benj. E.: In memoriam. J. to June 5. 1900.

G. Totten 1S66. (A). . . Barnw^ell, Thomas Osborne (17. S. M. A., 1S34).

Theory- for a drawbridge counterpoise. Died Feb. 4. 1879, aged 64. Obituarj" in Ann.
Essayons Club Papers. No. 5, 186S. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSi. (A)

Experiments on the front or shield of the Barbour, W. T. (of California). Member of

experimental casemate at Fort Monroe. (Pa- Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856.

per read before Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng.. Feb. 2, Barrette. John Davenport (U. S. M. A., 1S85).
1S70.) I vol., O.. pp. 17. (A) Notice of Brassey's The naval annual, 1902.
Defences of Washington. P.. 1871. Prof. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 17, p. 353.

Papers Corps of Eng. U. S. A.. No. 20. (A) Barrigrer. John Walker {V . S. M. A., 1S56).

Problems of rotary- motion presented by Legislative historj- of the Subsistence Depart-

the gj'roscope, the precession of the equinoxes, ment, U. S. Army, 1775-1876. Washington,
and the pendulum. Washington, 1S71. i pam., 1S76. I vol., C, pp. 134. (A)
F. (Smithsonian Cont. to Knowl., No. 240.) History of the Subsistence Department.
(A) Histon,- of U. S. Army, pp. 67-S2. (A)
I So Ccutmnial of United States Military Academy.
Baxrios. Antonio (U. S. M. A., iS88). Act of Bartlett, William Holmes Chambers. Elements
Congress Feb. 2, 1SS4, avithorizes his entrance of analytical mechanics. 5th ed. . . . New
as a cadet U. S. M. A. (A) York, 1858. I vol.. O. (A)
[Barron, William Amherst.] Portrait (oil paint- 7th ed. New York, i860, i vol.. O.

ing). Bought from Harriet Drew, of Highland

Falls, iSg6.
Spherical astronomy. (1855-185S.)
Professor of mathematics, 1S02-1S07. Strains in rifled guns Mem. Nat. Acad.
ScL. vol. I (1866).
Barry. Thomas Henr^- (U.S. M. A., 1S77). Com-
Report of the mortuar\' experience of the
ment on The knapsack. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst.,
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
vol. 14. p. 355. (A)
from 1S45 to 1S74. 2d ed. New York. 1876.
Barry, WiUiam Farquhar {U. S. M. A., 1S3S). I vol.
Died July iS, 1879, aged 60. Engraving (by Interest tables used by the Mutual L,ife In-
A. H. Ritchie). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U.^S. surance Company of New York, etc. 3d ed.
M. A. New York. 18S9. i vol.. Q. (A)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. Instruments used at West Point, N. Y.
1880. (A) Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. 3, p. 151. (A)
Center pintle chassis carriage for mortar. Barton. Seth Maxwell (U. S. M. A., 1849). Died
Kept. Chief of Ord.. 1S73. p. 4S1. (C) Apr. II, igoo, aged 71. Obituar>- in Ann. Assoc.
and Barnard, John Gross (U. S. M. A., Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
1833). Reports of the engineer and artillery Bass, Edgar Wales (U. S. M. A., 186S). Portrait
operations of the Army of the Potomac, from (oil painting by Benjamin Constant. 1888).

its organization to the close of the peninsular Presented by p;. W. Bass, 1S96. In the library.
campaign. 1S63. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Bartlett, William Holmes Chambers (U. S. M. A.. Ivibrarian U. S. M. A. from Nov. i, 1S78. to

1826). Died Feb. 11, 1S93, aged 89. Portrait July I. 1881.

(oil painting by R. W. Weir), presented by

Profes.sor of mathematics, U. S. M. A..

War Department about 1875. In the libran,' 1878-1898.

U. S. M. A. Differential calculus. West Point. 1S87-

Obituar^^ in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. a., 18S9. [Used as text-book in the Academy.]
1893. (A) 3d vol. O. I. Introduction: Chaps. 1-5, 1887,
Professor of natural and experimental pp. 1-95; 2. Pt. I, 18S9: Chaps. 6-11, pp. 93-220;
philosophy. U. S. M. A., (acting) 1834-1836, 3. [Notitle] Pt. 2: Chaps. 12-20, pp. 221-319. (A)
(professor) 1836-1871. Comment on The preliminary examina-
An elementary- on optics, designed tion. West Point. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,

for the use of the cadets of the V . S. M. A. . . .

vol. 16(1895), p. 553- (A)
New York, 1S39. i vol., O.. 231 pp.. S pi., 3
Elements of differential calculus ... ist
copies. (
A ed. . . . New York, 1896. i vol., O. (A)
Report on the observatories, etc., of Eu- Historical sketch of the department of
rope. 1840. I vol.. O., MS. (A) mathematics, U. S. M. A. In Rept. Supt. U.
Account of the obser\'atory. etc., U.S. M. S.M. A.. 1S96. pp. 3S-100. (A)
A., with observations on the comet of 1843. and LucUow^. Heimr Hunt. Elements of
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, n. s., vol. S, p. 191, and trigonometry with logarithmic and other tables
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, vol. 3, p. 151. (A) . .with the cooperation of E. W. Bass
. . . .

lyongitude by lunar culminations. Prof. 3d ed. New York, 1893. i vol., O. [Title
. . .

Papers Corps of Eng. U.S.A., No. 10. Wash- of tables;] Logarithmic, trigonometric, and
ington, 1S45. Q. other mathem. tables ... 2d ed., 2d thous.,
Rev. ed.
pp. 9. C,
Prof. Papers 1895. (A)
Corps of Eng. U. No. 10. S. A., Bate. William B. (of Tennessee). Member of
Elements of natural philosophy Sec. . .
Board of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S94.
1. Mechanics; 2. Acoustics; 3, Optics New . . ,
Bates. Alfred Elliott (U. S. M. A., 1865). Photo-
York. 1S50-1852. 2 vols,. O. (A) graph in Albums of officers' mess.
Sec. 4, Spherical astronomy. New History of the Second Regiment of Cav-
York, iS.s.s. I vol., O. (A) alr>*. (1836-1S65.) History U. S. Army, p.
3d ed. 2, Acoustics; 3. Optics. New 173-192. {See also From everglade to canon,
York. 1859. I vol., O. (A) by Gen. T. F. Rodenbough. New York, 1S75.]
Sec. 4, Spherical astronomy. 3ded., (A)
rev. pp. (vii, 465. New York, 1S63.) Reports as Paymaster-General U. S. Army,
4th ed. O.. pp. 365. New York, 1865. 1899- I 902.
Sec. 4, Spherical astronomy. 5th and Edwards. Clarence Ransom (U. S.
ed. . New York, 1870. i vol., O. (A)
. . M. A.. 18S3). Memorandum for the Secretary
Synthetical mechanics. (1850-1S5S.) of War on currency and exchange in the
Acoustics and optics. 1S52-1S59.) ( Philippines. Washington, 1900. i vol., O.,
19 photographs of the .solar eclipse of May 66 pp. (A)
26, 1854. I vol., O. (A) Bates. Francis S. M. A., 1850). Henry
Died (U.
Elements of analytical mechanics. 3d .'Vug. 12, 1895. Obituary and portrait
aged 68.
ed. New York, 1855. i vol., O. (A) in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1896. (A)
The Writings of Graduates, i8o2-i()02. i8i

Bates, George Delaware), Member of

11. (of Beaumont, Eugene Beauharnais 1
1", S. M. A.,

lioaril S. M. A. in 1S.S7.
of Visitors to U. \\*'\ Photograph in Albmnsof
I. ofl^cers' mess.
Bates, William G. (of Massachusetts). Member Beaui-egard. Peter f.ustavus Toutant V S. M. A.. ( .

of Board of Visitors to I". S. M. A. in iS;-!. 1S38), Engraving. Owned by Assoc. Grads.

Battell, Philip (of Vermont). Member of Board U. S. M, A.
of Visitors toU. S. M. -A. in i.S6.>. Twelfth Superintendent from Jan. 23. 1S61,

Battle. Dr. .\. J. (of Georgia). Mcmberof Hoard to Jan. 28, 1S61.
of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in iSSS. Report on proposed system of drainage
Battle, Kemp B. (of ). Member of Board for . . . New Orleans. New Orleans, 1S59. i

of Visitors to r. S. M. A. in iS,S6. vol.. pp. 14,

(.).. map. (A)
[Bayard. George Dashiell] (V. S. M. A., 1856). Principles and maxims of the art of war.
See The life of George D. Bayard, by S.J. Bay- Charleston, 1863.

ard. New York, 1S74. i vol., O.. ill,, por. Report of the defense of Charleston, Rich-
(A) mond. 1S64,

Bayard. Samuel J. (of New Jersey). Member of - Roman

(Col. Alfred): The militar>- oper-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S54. ations of General Beauregard in the war be-
Baylor. Thomas Gregor\- (V S. M. A., 1857). . tween the States, 1861-1865. Including a brief
Died Sept. 15, 1S90, aged 53. Obituary in Ann. personal sketch and a narrative of hisser\-ices
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S91. (A) in the war with Mexico, 1846-1848. 2 vols. .0.

Objections to present method of tnaking New York, 1S84. (A)

purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord.. iSSg. p. 96; In Some Federal and Confederate com-
if^:gc, p. no; 1891, p. 100. (C) manders. Sketch. J. C. Ropes. Atlantic
Plan for moving heavy ordnance. Ord. Monthly, April, 1SS4.

Note 24. p. 129. vol. 1. (A) The campaign of Shiloh. In North Amer.
Beach, Francis (U. S. M. A.. 1857). Died Feb. 5, Rev., vol. 142, February-, 1886.
1573, sged 43. Obituary m Ann. Assoc. Grads. Defense of Charleston, S. C. In North
U. S. M. A., 1873. (A) Amer. Rev,, vol. 142, May, June, and July,
Beach. John (T. S. M. A., 1S32). Died Aug. 31, 1SS6.
1574, aged 62. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. A mistake of Beauregard. By Rear-Ad-
U. S. M. A.. 1S75. (A) miral W, R, Taylor, In North Amer. Rev.,
Beach. Lansing Hoskins (U. S. :\I. A.. 1^82). vol. 143, July. 1S86.
Sec West Point, maps, 1SS5. Mistakes of Rear- Admiral Taylor, /«
Beach, Lewis (of New York). Member of North Amer. Rev., vol. 143. October, 1S86.
Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1SS4. A rejoinder to General Beauregard. By
Beach. William Dorrance {X S. M. A., 1879). .
Rear-Admiral W. R, Taylor. In North Amer.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Rev., vol. 144, March. 1S87.
^ Manual of military field engineering. Drury's Bluff and Petersburg. In North
... I vol., O., 1S94. (A) Amer. Rev., vol. 144, March, 1SS7.
High explosives and intrenching tools in The battle of Petersburg. Pt. i. p, 367; pt.
their relations to cavalrj-. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 2, p. 506. In North Amer. Rev., vol. 145. 1SS7.
1S95. p. 3- (A) Reply to P. G. T. Beauregard. In North
Practical work course in engineering at Amer. Rev., vol. 145, 18S7, p. 573.
Leavenworth, Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S96, p. 328. New Orleans, La., and
Proceedings of
(A) Charleston, S. C, relative to the presentation
Military map reading, field, uutpost, and of the sword of. Mar. 27, 1893. Charleston,
road sketching for noncommissioned ofiicers S. C. 1893.
. Kansas City, 1897. i pam.. O. (A)
. .
The battle of Bull Run. Century- Mag.,
Beacom. Edgar Swazie (U. M. A.. 1873). Died
S. vol. 29, p. So.
Mar. 15. iS84,aged 54. Obituary in Ann, Assoc. General Beauregard's courier at Bull Run,
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S84. (A) by Campbell Brown. Centuri,' Mag,, vol, 30, pp.
Beacom, John Henry (U, S, M. A.. 1SS2), How 47S. 779-

the buffalo lost his crown; with illustrations A commentary on the campaign and bat-
by Chas. M, Russell, n. p., n. d. [1894]. i vol., tle of Manassas,
obi. F.
Beck, JamesB. (of Kentucky). Memberof Board
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S5.
Beall, Lloyd James (l". S. M. A., 1830). Died
Beckley, Alfred (U, S. M. A.. 1823). Died May
Nov. 10, iS87,aged8o. Obituar^' in Ann. Assoc.
26, aged 86. Obituar}^ in Ann. Assoc.
Grads, U, S. M. A.. 188S. (A)
Grads. U. S. M, A,, 1S88. (A)
Member of Board of Visitors (inspection)
to U. S. M. A. in 1843.
Beckwith. Amos (U, S. M. A., 1S50). Died Oct. 26,
1S94, aged 68. Obitxiary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
BeaU, William N. R. (U. S. M. A., 1S4S). Died
r. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
July 26. 1S83, aged 58. Obituary in .^nn. Assoc.
Beckwith, Edward Griffin (U. S. M. A., 1S42).
Grads. U. S. M, A., 1884. (A)
Died June 22, 18S1, aged 63, Obituary in Ann.
Beard, William (of Louisiana). Member of Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. ^L A. in 1859. General report upon zoology Continued. —
Beatty. Ormond (of Kentucky). Member of Pts. 3-4, zoological portion: Thirty-eighth and
Board of Visitors to U. S, M. A, in 1S62. thirty-ninth parallels. Reports of explora-
iSa Coiicunial of Uuitcd States Miliiary Academy,
tions . for a railroad from the Mississippi
. . caliber .30, effect of variation in weight of bullet
River to the Pacific Ocean. 1S53-1855, vol. 10. and powder, p. 725. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93.
(A) (C)
Beckwith, Edward Griffin. Route near the forty- Ben^t, James Walker. Report on cupro-nickeled
first parallel. Reports of explorations for . . . steel jackets for caliber .30 bullets. Rept. Chief
a railroad from the IVIississippi River to the . of Ord.. 1894.
Pacific Ocean. 1S55-1S55. vol. 2. (A) Report on manufacture of shrapnel at
Bee, Barnard Elliott (U. ft. M. A., 1S45). En- Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
gra\'ing. Owned bj' Assoc, (irads. U. S. M. A. 189S.
Beebe, William Sully fl'. ft. M. A., 1S63). Died Report on manufacture of S-inch and 10-
Oct. 12, 1S9S, aged 57. Obituari,- and portrait inch disappearing carriages. Rept. Chief of
hi Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S99. i^A) Ord., 1899.
.American inscriptions. Pis. [About 1S97.] Report on manufactureof 15 spring-return
(A) and 48-inch disappearing carriages. Rept.
Mexican stellar symbols with references Chief of Ord.. 1S99.
to two jars in the ordnance museum U. S. M. Report of work done in the field and siege-
A. Pis. in cover 12 X 10 inches).
[189S.] lA) 1 gun shops at Watervliet Arsenal. Rept. Chief
Comparative analysis of three Algonquin of Ord., 1900.
stellar myths. [tSgS.] Pis. in cover (12x10 translator. Prof. F. Wilh. Hebler: The
inches). (A) minimum caliber; or the infantr>' weapon of
Belknap, Hugh R. (of Illinois). Member of the future. Notes Constr. Ord. No. 43, p. i.
Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1897. vol.2. (A)
Principal dimensions and elements of fire
Bell. George ft'. S. M. A., 1853). fter\-ices in
of modern rifled cannon. Notes Constr. Ord.
Coast Survey. V. S. Coast Survej' Rept.. 1S60,
No. 53, p. I. vol. 3. (A)
sec.I, pp. 34. 35; sec. 6. p. 66. (A|
Benet, Stephen Vincent (U. S. M. A., 1S49). Died
Triangulation of the coast of Texas, north
Jan. 22, 1895, aged 68. Obituary and portrait
and east of Galveston. V. S. Coast Survey
in Ann. Assoc. Grads, U. S. M. A.. 1S95. (A)
Rept., 1S61. pp. 63. 263-264. (A)
Instructor of ordnance and gunnery. U. S.
Detached from survey. U. S. Coast Sur-
M. A.. 1861-1S64.
vey Rept., 1.S61. pp. 21, S4. (A)
I.,ibrarian U. S. M. A. from Oct. 9, 1S61, to
Bell, James Edward (U. ft. M. A., 1S67). Died
Jan. I. 1S64.
Sept. II, 1S73. aged 29. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. Campaign of Waterloo. Translated from
Grads. r. ft. M. A.. 1S74. (A) the French of Jomini, 1853.
Bell. John R. {V. S. M. A.. 1S121, Died Apr. 11, A treatise on military law and the practice
1S25, aged — Commandant of cadets, I', ft. M.
of courts-martial New York, 1862, ivol.,
. . .

A.. 1819-20. O. (A)

Bell. T. ft. (of PennsyK'aiiia). Member of Board 3d ed. 1 vol., O., 1S63. (A)
. . .

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1827. 5th ed... 1 vol., O., 1866. (A) . .

6th ed. I vol.. O., 1S6S. (A) .

Bell,William Hemphill (U. S. M. A.. 185S). The . .

electro ballistic machines and the Schultz

quiddities of an Alaskan trip. ( 1S73.

Reports as Commissary General V. S.

chronoscope . . . New York, 1866. i vol., Q.
Army, 1897.
Metallic ammunition. 1S68, See Ord-
Bellinger, John Bellinger (U. S. M. A., 1884). nance Memoranda, No, 8.
Photograph in Albums of officers* mess. Alger gun. trial of S-pounder at W'est
Quartermaster U. S. M. A., Oct. i, 1S94, to Point. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1872. p. 35. (C)
May 12, 189S. and June 5, 1900. to July 19. 1903. Reports as Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army,
Beltzhoover, Daniel M. (U. S. M. A., 1S47). Died 1874-1891.
Nov. I, 1S70. aged 44. Obituan.' in Ann. Assoc. Benham. Henry- Washington (U. S. M. A., 1837).
Grads. V. ft. M. A.. 1871. (A) Died June i. 1884, aged 71. Oil portrait (by
Benchley. Edmund Nathaniel (U. S. M. A.. 189S). Dielraan). In CuUum Hall (1903). (A)
Died July i. 189S, aged 22. Obituary- and por- Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads, U. S, M. A.,
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) 18S4. (A)
Ben^t, James Walker U. ft. M. A.,iS8o). Princi- ( Assistant in charge of office. Appointed
pal dimensions and elements of fire of, rifle, in charge, pp. 14-80; Examines Minot Ledge
12.25 inch. Rept.Chief of Ord.. 1890, p. 735. (C) for light-house, pp. 33-171; Sow and Pigs rocks
Frankford Arsenal experiments attending for light-hoUse, pp. 34-172. U. S. Coast Survey
manufacture of caliber .30 cartridges. Rept. Rept., 1853. (A)
Chief of Ord.. 1S91. p 169. (C) In charge of office, pp. 14. 86; Extracts
Effect of granulation on velocities and from report of. pp. 86-91. U. S. Coast Survey
pressures of Wetteren smokeless powders, p. Rept.. 1854. (A)
34S; Ammunition with grooved-head cartridge Office operations, p. 20; Change of office,
case, report on trials of, p. 353. Rept. Chief of p. 99; On Coast Survey engraving, pp. 252-253.
Ord., 1892. (C) U. Coast Survey Rept., 1855. (A)
Rifle, caliber .30, effect of projectiles on Mission for engravers, p. 9; Detachment,
animal tissues, p. 2S7; Rifle, caliber .30. effect p. 19; Report t)n office di\'isions, p. 87. U. S.
of different lengths of barrel, p. 720: Rifle, Coast Survey Rept., 1856. (A)
The Writings of Gniduatcs^ iSo2-igo2. 183

Benham, Heiirj' Wasliiiiglon. Project, plan, Benton. James (iilchrist. Report on muzzle
estimate, etc.. for the iiiiprovement of Boston rifling. Ord. Note 29, vol. i, p. 173. (A)
Harbor, Ma^is. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. Benyaurd, William Henry Harrison (U. S. M. A.,
1S63). Died Feb. 7, 1900, aged 59. Obituary
Proviiicetown Harbor, Mass. Rept. and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 2, p. 29; 1S67, p. 464. 1900. (A)
(C) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Recollections of U'est Virginia campaign. provement of Ouachita River, Ark. Rept.
with "The three months' troops," May, June, Chief of Eng., 1S74, vol. i, pp. 354, 357; 1877. PP-
and July, 1S61. ByaiiEngiueerofficer [anon.]. 76, 477; :S7S, p. 673. (C)
O,, pp. [14]. Boston, 187.^. .
Y'azoo River, Miss. Rept. Chief of
- Sfe Boards— Bachc, 4. (A) Eng., 1S74, vol. I, p. 365; 1875, vol. I, p. 522; 1876,

Benjamin, Calvin U. S. M. A., 1842),

phesa- vol. I, p. 596; 1877, p. 480; 187.8, p. 626. (C)
peake triangulatiou. U. .S. Coast Survey Memphis, Tenn. Rept. Chief of
Rept., 1.S44, p. 13. (A) Eng., 1877, pp. 78, 492; 1878, p. 637; 1879, p. 979.

Triangulation section 3, relieved. U. S. (C) Survey Rept., 1S45, p. 22. (A) Mississippi River, between Cairo
Benjamin, Samuel Nicoll (U. S. M. A,, 186:). and mouth. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77, pp. 78,

Died May 15, 1S.S6, aged 47. Photograph in Al- 492; 1S78, p. 637; 1879, p. 979. (C)
bums of officers' mess. Red Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads., U. S. 1S78. pp. 87, 633, 634, 635, 636. (C)
M. A., 18S6. (A) Coldwater River, Miss. Rept. Chief
Memorial proceedings of Lafayette Post, of Eng., 1S79, pp. 116, 970, 9.S5. (C)
No. 140. New York, 1S86. Tallahatchee River, Miss. Rept.
Bennett, Thomas (of South Carolina). Member Chief of Eng., 1879, PP- "*. 97'. 985; 18.87, pp.
of Board of Visitors to U. S, M. A. in 1837. 200, 1774: 18SS, p. 1363. (C)
Benson, Harry Coupland (U. S. M. A., 18S2). Black, Little Red, and St.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Francis rivers. Ark. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79,
Benton. EHsha Spencer V. S. M. A., 1S84), The (
p. 96,8.
• 1,'Anguille River, Ark. Rept. Chief
artillerj' of the U. S. National Guard. Jour.
of Eng., 1S79, p. 969; 1&85, p. 1600; 1S86, p. 13S9.
r. S. Art., vol. 2, p. 326.
translation of Prehn's Shrapnel fire (C)

from field howitzers and mortars. Jour. U. S. Big Sunflower River, Miss. Rept,
Chief of Eng., 1S79, p. 970; 1886, p. 234; 1888, p.
Art., vol. 9, pp. 164, 334.
1365- (C)
Benton. James Gilchrist (U. S. M, A., 1842),
Fourche la Fave River, Ark. Rept.
Died Aug. 23. 18S1, aged 61. Portrait (oil
Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 972; 1881, p. 14,35. (C)
painting by J. C. Beckwith, from photo, 1S91). River, Ark. Rept. Chief of
Presented by Mr. \V. Seward Webb. In cadet (C)
Eng., 1S79, p. 991.
mess hall.
Saline River, Ark. Rept. Chief of
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Eng., 1879, p. 1006; 18S0, p. 1325; 1886, p. 138S;
1882. (A)
1S87, p. 1547. (C)
Remarks on his death. Rept. Chief of Red River, La., mouth of. Rept.
Ord., 1881, p. (C) 4.
Chief of Eng., pp. 1284, 128S. (C)
A course of instruction in ordnance and St. Francis River, Ark. and Mo.
gunnery-; prepared for the use of the'cadets of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1880, p. 1315; 18S1, pp. 1434,
the U. S. M. A. New York, 1859. i vol. in 3
1482, 14S4. (C)
pts., O. (A)
Black River. Ark. and Mo. Rept.
2d ed. . . . New York, 1S62. i vol..
Chief of Eng.. 1880, p. 1329. (C)
O. (A)
Big Hatchie River, Tenn.
- Rept.
3d ed. (A) I vol., O., 1867.
Chief of Eng., 1880, pp. 1331, 1342; 1S87, p. 1479.
Proceedings of Board to determine proper
caliber for small arms. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Yallabusha River, Miss. Rept.
1873. P- 383- (C)
Chief of Eng., 1880, p. 135c; 1887, p. 1473. (C)
Small arms, notes on European. Rept.
Tchula Lake, Miss. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Ord.. 1S76, p. 5. (C)
Eng., 1S80, p. 1351; 1886, p. 234. (C)
Manufacture small-arm cartridges in
- Bayou Bartholomew, Ark. and La.
Russia, p. 519: Russian powder mills and steel
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S1, p. 1455. (C)
factory, p. 524; Description of Russian Govern- - Tensas River and Bayou Ma5on, La.
ment foundr}-, p. 526. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, pp. 1457, 1461; 1888, p.
1877. (C)
1355; 1892. P- l6"7. (C)
- Bronze guu and projectile foundry, Span-
Grand Gulf, Miss. Rept. Chief of
dan, Prussia, description of. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1881, pp. 1476, 1477. (C)
Ord., 1887, p. 529. (C)
- Cost of Springfield muskets. Ord. Note 15, Cache River, Ark. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1S81, p. 1478. (C)
vol. I, p. 85. (A)
Plan for moving heavy ordnance. Ord. Obion River. Tenn. Rept. Chief of
Note 24, vol. I, p. 132. (A) Eng.. iSSl. pp. 1487, 1489. (C)
184 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Benyaurcl. William Henrj' Harrison. Project, Benyanrd, William Henry Harrison, Project,
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of
Forked Deer River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of Wilmington Harbor, Cal. "Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Eng., 1S81, p. 1491; 1887, p. 202; 1888, pp. 1S3, 1S95, p. 3287. (A)
1369; 1S90, p. 1906. (C) Jupiter Inlet, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Current River, Mo. and Ark. Rept. Eng,, 1897, p. 156S. (A)
Chief of Eng., iSSi, p. 1517. (C) Orange River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Bear Creek (branch of the Yazoo Eng., 1S97, p. 1570. (A)
River), Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS2, pp. Inside passage from Punta Rasa to
1563, 1565. (C) Charlotte Harbor, Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Dig Black River, Rept. Chief
- 1897, p. 1572. (A)
of Eng., 1SS2, pp. 1566, 1570; 1SR7, p. 236; 1S88, Hillsboro Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of
p. 1.156. (C) Eng., 1S97, p. 1574. (A)
- Hennepin Canal. Rept. Chief of Clearwater Harbor, Fla. Rept.
Eng., 1883, pp. 1757, 175S, 1760, I7f'l. 1762, 1772, Chief of Eng., 1,897, p. 157S. {A)
178S; 18S6, pp. 1709, 1710, 1713, 1715. 1722, 172S, Crystal River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
1732. 1734. 1748; 1S87, p. 2140. (C) Eng., 1897, p. 1580. (A)
Illinois and Michigan Canal. Rept. Harbor at Cedar Keys, Fla. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1883, pp. 1762, 1774, 1779, 1788; Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 1584. (A)
1886, p. 1713. (C) Palmbeach, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Sangamon River, 111. Rept. Chief Eng., 1S97, p. 15S6. (A)
of Eng., 18S4, p. 1957. (C) Biscayne Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Illinois and Des Plaines rivers, 111. Eng., 1897. p. 15S9. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S84, pp. 1959, 1964. (C) St. Johns River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Wolf Lake, Ind. Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1898, p. 1344. (Al
Eng., 1885, p. 2057. (C) St. Lucia Inlet and River, Fla.
Calumet River, 111. and Ind. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S, p. 1349. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1885, pp. 2061, 2070; 1887, pp. 2167, Hillsboro Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of
2170, 2173. (C) Eng., 1898, p. 1358. fA)
- Rept. Chief
San Luis Obispo,
Cal. Withlacoochee River, Fla. Rept.
of Eng., 1887, pp. 2434, 2435; 1890, p. 2S99. (C) Chief of Eng., 1898, p. 1364. (A)
San Diego Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief Tampa Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1888, pp. 2:16, 2117. (C) Eng., 1899, p. 1640. (A)
Newport Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief Port Chester Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
of Eng., 1888, p. 2120. (C) Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1422. (A)
San Pedro and Santa Monica bays. New Rochelle Harbor, Echo Bay,
Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S88, p. 2125. (C) N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, pp. 1423, 1429.
San Buenaventura Harbor, Cal. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS9, p. 2479. (C) Westchester Creek, N. Y'. Rept.
- .San Simeon Baj'. Cal. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng., 1900, pp. 1430, 1433. (.\)
of Eng., 1889, p. 2480; 1S91, p. 2971. (C) Bay Shore, N. Y'. Rept. Chief of
Colorado River, Tex. and Ariz. Eng., 1900, p. 1441. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 2482; 189:, p. 2976. Patchogue River, N. Y'. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1900, pp. 1443, 1446, 1450. (A)

San Rafael River, Cal. Rept. Chief Photographs of the mouth of Red River of
of Eng., 1S91, p. 2963. (C)
Louisiana. 3 sheets. i-SSi.
Alviso Creek and Harbor, Cal. .S*6'£? Boards — Benyanrd; Houston, 12, 13, 14;
Mendell, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14; Simpson, 7, 8;
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 2964. (C)
Suter, i; Warren, 12, 13; Weitzel, 5, 6. See
Redwood Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1S91, p. 2967. (C)
Commissions — Mendell, i, 2. (A)
Redondo Beach Harbor, Cal. Rept. Berard. Claudius, first teacher of French, U. S.

Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 2972. (C) M. A., 1815-1S46.

Navigable slough (known as lyibrarian, U. S. M. A. in 1836 and until
Twelvemile Creek) in the bay of San Francisco, his death. Mar. 6, 1848.

Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 3236. (A) Professor of French, 1S46-184S.
Harbor lines at Napa City, Cal. Bergland. Eric (U. S. M. A., 1S69). Photograph
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S94, p. 2524. (A) lu Albums of officers' mess.
Wilmington Harbor, Cal. Rept. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Chief of Eng., 1S9S. p. 3269. (A) provement of Colorado River of the West,
Harborof El Moro, Cal. Rept. Chief .Ariz. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76, vol. 3, p. 337.
of Eng., (A)
1895, p. 3279. (C)
San Rafael Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief

Bayon Boeuf, La. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1895, p. 32S2. (A) Eng., 1S85, pp. 235, 1503, 1.S46. (C)
Suisun Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief of Cypress Bayou, Tex. and La. Rept.
Eng., 1895, p. 3283. (A) Chief of Eng., 18S5, p. 1494; 1887, p. 194. (C)
Napa River, Cal. Rept. Chief of Cassidys Bayou, Miss. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1895, p. 3286. (A) of Eng., 1885, pp. 1534, 1537; 1S87, p. 1497- (C)
The Wn'/iiios of (iiadiiatcs^ iSo2~i()o2. 185

Bergland, Kric. Project, plan, estimate, etc., Bitfelow, John, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S77), Photo
for tlie iinproveiiieiit of Deer Creek, Miss, graph Albums of
in officers' mess.
Kept. Chief of Kng.. 1S85, pp. I5;,9. 1544. {C) •
John, jr. The principles of strategy, il-

Bayoii Bartholomew. Ark. and I,a. lustrated mainly from American campaigns
Rept. Chief of Kng.. 1SS7, p. 1460. (C) . . . New York, 1S91. I vol.. Q.
Bridges across the Deer River. Teim.
Reminiscences of the Santiago campaign
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S8S. p. 25^- (C)
. , . New York and I,ondon, 1S99. i vol., O.
Bernard, Brigadier-C.eneral Simon (of U. S. (A)
Army). Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. An account of the battles of Mars-la-tour
M. A. in 1S21 and in 1S22. and Gravelolte in the war of 1870, between
Berrien. John Macpherson {U. S. M. A.. 1S26). France and Germany. Ord. Note 330, vol. 11.
Died Oct. 14. 1876, aged 73. Obituary in Ann. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877- (A) The sabre and bayonet question. Jour.
Violation of naturalization laws, report Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 3. p. "65. (AJ
on. No. 45S. doc. 173. (C) History of the Tenth Regiment of cavalry.
Berry. Lucien Grant (U. S. M. A.. 1SS6). Pene- Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 13, p. 215; History

tration of armor. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., U. S., U. S. Army. pp. 288-297. (A)
vol. 12, p. 1 149. (A) Our cavalry drill regulations. Jour. Mil.
Comment on Whistlers Graphic tables of Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 27, p. 170.
fire. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S., vol. 14. p. 352.
Biggs. Herman (U, S. M. A.. 1S56), Died Oct. 11,
(A) Albums
1S87, aged 55. Photograph in of
Comment on Willcox's Preliminar\- exam-
ination. West Point. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
(A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
U.S., vol. 17, p. 169.
18SS. (A)
Best, Clermont L,i\-ingston (U. S. M. A., 1S47).
Died Apr. 7, 1S97, aged 73. Obituan," and por- Adjutant, V. S. M. A., May 13, :S6i, to Oct.
10. 1S61.
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S97.
Librarian from Apr. 24 to Oct. 9, 1S61.
Bettens. Augustus (U. S. M. A.. 1SS5}.
Philip Bingham. Daniel H. (of Alabama). Member of
Died Mar. 27, 1S92, aged 31. Obituar\- in Ann, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1865.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S92. (A) Bingham, Henry H. (of Pennsylvania). Mem-
Bickley, William (U. M, A., 1824). Died July
S. ber of Board of Visitors to U, S. M. A. in 1893.
21. 1S77, aged 75. Obituary and portrait in Bingham, Judson David (U, S. M. A.. 1S54).
Ann, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSS. (A) Triangulation, Saunders and Mount Desert
Biddle, Horace P. (of Indiana). Member of station. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1856, seer,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1S62. pp, 29, 30. 92, (A)
Biddle, James (U. S. Navy). Member of Board Bingham, Theodore Alfred (U, S. M. A., 1S79).
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S40. Arizona. Territory- and Departmient of, 1SS5.
Biddle, John (U. S. M. A.. iSSi). Dakota. De- Topographical map.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
partmentof, including Minnesota, Dakota, and
Montana; 1SS6. Topographical map. provement of public buildings, etc.. Washing-
Sun.'ey of the boundary' lines of the ton, D,C. Rept.Chiefof Eng..i9oo, p. 5227, (A)

United States militarj- reser\'ation at West Address at the centennial exercises in the
Point, N. Y. Scale i inch =1.500 feet. In east room. Executive Mansion, Washington.
Rept. Supt. U. S. M. A., 1S91. p. n. (A) D. C. Rept. Chief, of Eng., 1901. p. 3754. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- A "Fougasse." p. 2S2; Notice of Kuk's
provement of Tennessee River from Chatta- "Die Anwendung von bestandigeu und Feld
nooga to the junction of Holston and French Befestigungeu," p. 424. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 5.

Broad rivers. Tenn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, Translation of Mielichoffer's Sea coast
P- 2335. (A) artillerj^ and submarine mine defense. Jour.
Duck River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of U. S. Art., vol. 6, p. 348,
Eng.. 1S93. p, 2407. (A)
The Prussian great general staff. Jour,
Emory River, Tenn. Rept. Chief

Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol, (A)

13, p, 666.
of Eng., 1893. p. 2415. (A)
Forked Deer River, Tenn. Rept. Schott's Military technology. Jour. Mil,
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol, 19, pp. 113, 49^-
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 2266; 1S97, p. 2235. (A)
Cumberland River. Ky. Rept. Chief Batson's Improved cavalr>- sketching case,
of Eng., 1897, p. 2242. (A) p, 71;Review of von Plugk-Harting's Armies
-See Boards — Mahan. i, 2; Robert. 15. (A) and navies of the present day, p. 222; Army
Biddle. William Shepard (U. S, M. A.. 1SS5). uniform, p. 285; German artillery- and pioneers
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess, (translation), p. 332. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
U. S., vol. 20, (A)
Bidlack, B. A. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Board of Visitors. U. S. M. A., 1836. Boards— Macomb, 11. (A)
Bigelow, John, of New York. Member of Board Birkhimer, William Edward U, S. M, A,, ( 1S70).

of Visitors to U. S, M. A. in 1SS5. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.

1 86 Ccuienuial of United States Military Academy,
Birkiiiiner, William Edward. The law of ap- Birkhimer. William Edward. Relative efficiency
poinlment and i>romotion in the Regular of infantry and light batterj'. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Army of the United States. New York, 1880. Inst. U. S., vol. 21. p. 50. (A)
I vol.. O., p. 90. (A) Transportation of troops by sea. Jour.
of promotion and retirement in
The law Mil. Sen-. Inst. U. S.. vol. 23, p. 43S. (Al
the Regular Army of the United States. 1 Comment on Slack's Battle of New
vol.. O. Orleans. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. 28,

Memoir on the use of homing pigeons for p. 296.

militarj- purposes, i pam., O, 1SS2. See Signal I^and defenses of Manila Bay, May 1. 1898.

SenMce Notes, No. 2. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 15, p. 16.

Historical sketch of the organization, History of the Third Regiment of Artil-

administration, material, and tactics of the lerj'. Hist. U. S. Army, pp. 328-350. (A)
Artillen,-, U- S. Army, i vol., O. Washington, Birnie, Rogers (U. S. M. A., 1872). Photograph
18S4. (A) in Albums of officers mesa.
Alexander Hamilton. Address delivered
Tables for converting metrical into United
... Oregon June 20, 1891.
at the University of
States measures. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1882, p.
Military government and martial law.
299. (C)
Washington, iSy2. vol., O. (A) i

Tests of wrought-iron jackets for, rifles,

The Military Academy and the education

S-inch, p. 215; Test of shrinkage, of Midvale

In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.
of officers.
steel gun hoops, p, 461. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
16 (1S95),' p. 354-
1883. (C)
Can West Point be made more generally
useful? In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 17 No. 39, construction of 8-inch rifle con-
(1895), p. 446. lA.l verted, and, examination of a defect in the
- Has the adaptation of the rifle principle coiled wrought-iron tube, p. 350; Manufacture
to firearms diminished the relative importance and inspection of life-saving guns, p. 369;
of field artillery? Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. Maimfacture of sabots for M. L. projectiles,
6. p. 191. p. 497. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1884. (C)
Correspondence: Professor Michie on the Double hooped cj-linder. assembling and
personnel of the artillery. Jour, Mil. Serv. dismounting a compound, representing a sec-
Inst., vol. S, p. 210. (A) tion of powder chamber of the experimental
course of instruction. Jour. Mil. S-inch B. I^. rifle, p. 227; Cylinder representing
Ser\". Inst., vol. 10. p. 321. (A) powder chamber of 12-inch B. L. rifle, hooped
Comment on Eastman's Military instruc- and tubed, analysis of experiments made on
tion of our youth, p. 3S; Comment on McCler- hooping, p. 314; Experiments to determine
nand's Infantry battle tactics, p. 654; Comment whether tempered steel is injured by exposure
on Will's A regimental court of honor, p. 662. to a very high heat for a short time, p. 321;
Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst., U. S., vol. 11. (A) No. I, shrinkage and theoretical resistance of.
Comment on Artillery school methods. rifle,8-inch B. I,., p. 351; Projectiles inspection
Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. (A) 12. p. 156. report of S-inch Hotchkiss banded cored shot
Comment on The power of military courts. for 8-inch M. L. rifle, p. 397; Projectiles; in-
Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst., vol. 13, p. 75S. (A) spection report of 12-iuch Eureka mortar shell,
The Third U. S. Artillery-, p. 45S; Review and sabots, p. 40.S; Projectiles, packing cases
of Winthrop's Military law, p. 683; Comment for heavy, p. 41S; Projectiles, inspection report
on Army organization, p. 807; Comment on of 8-inch and lo-inch cast-iron shot for B. L.
History of the Second U. S. Artillery, p. 1040; rifles, p. 421; No. 68, breech insertion, recon-
A proper artillery field armament, p. 1208. struction of, rifle, 8-inch converted, p. 429;
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 14. (A) Rifles, 8-inch, converted M. I,., progress re-
Comment on Neutrality laws of the
port on manufacture of 50, p. 466. Rept. Chief
United States, p. 335: Comment on The Judge- of Ord., 1SS5. (C)
Advocate's Department, p. 1009; Comment on
Rifle, H-inch experimental. steel B. L.,No. i,
The National Guard: Its use, etc., p. 1215. construction report, p. 229; Description of, rifle,
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. (A) 15.
S-inch B. I.., p. 231; Rifle. S-inch experimental
Comment on The Military Academy', etc.
B. L,., steel, No. 1. inspection report, p. 253;
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 16, p. 335. (A)
Shrinkage of a forged oil-tempered and an-
Our present artillery armament. Jour.
nealed Midvale steel trunnion hoop on a cast-
Mil. Serv. Inst., U. S., vol. 17, p. 297. (A)
iron body to test quality of hoop. p. 393; Gun
Ifight artillery' horses, p. 532; Comment on
hoops, longitudinal strength of oil-tempered
Rice's Defense of our frontiers, p. 685. Jour.
and annealed rolled-steel, p. 405. Rept. Chief,
Mil. Sen'. Inst. U. S,. vol. iS. (A)
of Ord., 1SS6. (C)
Comment on Our Army: Its employment,
etc. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 19, p. 1S7.
Gun making in the United States, i vol.,

(A) O. New York. 188S. [Reprinted 1S97.J (A)

Comment on Rice's Congress and the Na- I vol., O., 1891. Jour. Mil. Serv. lust.
tional Guard, The question of ati No. 50; ibid., vol. 12. p. 385. (A)
p. 213;
artillery' reserve, p. 529; Comment on Swift's Resistances, etc., in 12-inch B. L. cast-iron
I^yceum at Fort Agawan. p. 634. Jour. Mil- hooped mortar, computation of, shrinkage.
Ser\-. Inst. U. S., vol. 20. (A) Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S9, p. 215. (C)
The ]Vf!ti)tirs of Graduates^ r8o2—rgo2. 1

Birnie, Rogers. Shrinkages fur u-inch It. L. Birnie, Rogers. Report on the fabrication of S-

ca^t-iroii. hooped mortar, application and inch projectiles at the West Point Fouiulry.
effect of. p. 289: Notes on cast-iron rifled Ord. Note 331. vol. 11. (A)
ordnance, p. 709 Rept. Chief of Ord., iSoo. (C) translator. Puddled versus cast steel as

design for mortar, p. 5J^5; Model 1S91,

Steel, metal for gun hoops. Ord. Note 332, vol. ir.
graduation of Fvise Krankford Ari^enal point (A^
combination, p. Sgo. Rept. Chief of (^rd., iSq2. .\ulumn inan<"cuvers of the Ninth Corps
(Ci (French) in September, iSSo. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Urown segmental wire ser\'ice guns, p. 39; Inst., vol. 3, p. 160. (A)
Brown segmental wire. 5-inch B. 1,.. compari- Review of Llovd and Hadcock's Artillery:
son with service guns, p. 39; Calculated recoil Its progress and present position. Jour, Mil.
of small arms when used with, powder smoke- Sen*. Inst., vol. 15, p. 394.

less, p. Gun
construction, discussion of
257: Bissell, Wilson S. (of New York), member of
tangential strength, p. 5S5; Different modes of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1SS6.
gvm construction, p. 591; Steel, model iSSS. Bixby. William Herbert (U. S. M. A.. 1S73)
discussion of. rifle, 12-inch B. L.. p. 602. Rept. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Chief of Ord.. 1S93. iC> The fire-alarm system of New York City.
Modern guu construction and hreech Essayons Club Papers, No. 29, 1S74. (A)
mechanism. In Chicago Exposition, 1S93, Int. Recordof theclassof i873of theU.S.M. A.
Cong. Eng..Oper. Div. Mil. Eng. New York. 1S75. i vol,. O., pp. 79. (A)
Report on tests of caliber .3S revolvers; Oraphical method for finding readily the
Report of principal operations at the ordnance real roots of numerical equations of any de-
depots of the Seventh Army Corps and Division gree if containing but one variable West . . .

of Cuba. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S99. Point. 1S79. I pam., O.

Fabrication of projectiles. Construction Hollow brick. Solution of equations and
report of 3 and 4':; inch projectiles with Butler interpolation in series. Foundations. Arches
sabot for muzzle-loading rifles, made at the in mason rj- bridges. Washington, iSSo. i

West Point Foundn,-. November. 1SS3, to Feh- pam.. O. (Engineer Dept.. U. S. Army.) (A)
ruar>', 1SS4. Notes Constr. Ord.. No. 26. p. i, Notes on the Ponte de Graves, France,
vol. 2. (A) and on the works for the protection of its
Manufacture of sabots for muzzle-loading shore against encroachments of the sea, \\'ash-
projectiles. Notes Constr. Ord., No. 29, p. i. ington, 1S81.
vol. 2. (A Report upon seacoast fortifications in Eu-
A study of the theoretical resistance of the \
rope in iSSi and 1S82. 1 pam., O.. 7 pp. (A)
experimental S-inch B. L. rifle. Notes Constr. - Armor-plate trials at Magde-
Ord., No, 31, p. I. vol. 2. A) I burg, Oct. Twelve-inch guns against
22, 18S3.

On the assembling and dismantling of an chilled cast-iron target. Translated from Mr.
experimental compound gun cylinder. Notes Gruson'sofficial report. O. Washington, 1SS4.
Constr. Ord.. No. 32, p. i, vol. 2. (A) Misc. Papers, vol. 2.
- The shrinkages and theoretical resistance Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-

of 8-inch experimental steel B. L. rifle No. i,

provement of Beaufort Harbor. N. C. Rept.
double- hooped. NotesConstr. Ord.. No. 33, p. i,
Chief of Eng., 1885. pp. 168, loSi; 1SS6. p. 9S9;

vol. 2. (A) 1SS7. p. 1030; 1S91, p. 136S. (C)

Cape Fear River, N. C. Rept. Chief
-The resistance of built-up ^ns and the
of Eng.. 1SS5. pp. 1130, 1131. (C)
shrinkages adapted to their construction.
Beaufort Harbor and New River.
Notes Constr. Ord., No. 35. p. i. vol. 2. (A)
N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.SS5, pp. 11 57. 1138;
The resistance and shrinkage of built-up iSSy. p. 1037. (C)
cannon, with application to V S. Army ord- .
-Congaree River, S. C. Rept. Chief
nance. Notes Constr. Ord., No. 50, p. i, vol.3. of Eng., 18S5, p. 1144, (C)
(A) Black River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
The hollow steel forg-
initial strains in a Eng.. 1SS5, p. 114S: 1SS7, p. 1043. (C)
ing cooled from the interior, compiled by Capt. - Winyaw Bay, S. C. Rept. Chief of
F. E. Hobbs. Ordnance Department. U. S. Eng., 1SS5. p. 1164; 18S7, p. 1078; 1SS9, pp. 1114,
Army, with examination of and a reduction 1115; 1S92. p. 1188. (C)
from the results by. Ord. Constr. Notes. No. 70. Lockwoods Folly River. N. C. Rept.
Report on captured Indian arms. Ord. Chief of Eng.. 1S87. p. iioi; 1S91, p. 1402. {C'\

Note 115, p. 152. vol. 4- (A) Lumber River, N. C. Rept. Chief of

, translator. The Italian 100-ton gun. Ord. Eng., 1SS7. p. 1106; 1S92, p. 1199. (C)
Note 174, vol. 6. (A) Mingo Creek, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Report on the Hotchkiss flank-defense re- Eng.. 1SS7, p. iioS; 1SS9, p. 1161; 1892, p. 120S.
vol\-ing cannon, cal. 1.575 inches. Ord. Note (C)
14S, vol. 6. (Al Clarks Creek, S. C. Rept. Chief of
, translator, The question of heav'y'guns. K"g-, 1S87, p. llll; 1S89, p. 1164; 1S91, p. 1453.
Ord. Note 205. vol. rj. (.A) (C)
. translator. Construction of guns, Ord. Pee Dee River,

Little, S. C. Rept.
Note 236. vol. 8. (A) Chief of Eug., 1SS7, p. 1114: 1S91, p. 144S. (C)
1 88 Centennial of United States Military Academy
Bixby, William Herbert. Troject, plan, esti- Bixby. William Herbert. Project, plan, esti-

mate, etc., for the improvement of Alligator mae. etc.. for the improvement of Greenwich
River, S. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 1118. Harbor. Greenwich Bay, R. I. Rept. Chief of
(C) Eng., 1893. p. S71. (A)
Yadkin River, N. C. Rept. Chief of Wickford Harbor. Narragaiisett
Eng., iSSS, p. 952. IC) Bay. R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng,. iSqj, p. S73.
Catawba River, N. C. Rept. Chief (A)
of Eng., I.SSS, pp. y,S<J, 9'>3. *5. (C) Inner Harbor at Point Judith Break-
Bridge of the Wilmington and Wel-
- water, R I. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893. p. 877.
don Railroad Company near Goldsboro, N. C. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSS, p. 2545. (C) Salt Pond, Block Island, R. I. Rept.
Bridge of the Wilmington, Colum- Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 8,So. (.4 I

bia and Angusta Railroad Company above Stonington Harbor and its entrance.
Wilmington, N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S88, Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. S91. (A)
pp. 2546, 2547. (C) Mount Hope Bay and harbor of Fall
Bridges of the South Carolina Rail- River, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1895, p. 727.
road and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta (A)
Railroad. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.888, p. 2548. Stone bridge over Sakonnet River,
(C) R.I. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. 730. (A)
Swift Creek, N. C. Rept. Chief of Bass River. Mass. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 18S9, p. 116. (C) Eng.. 1S95, p. 739. (A)
Ocracoke Inlet, N. C. Rept. Chief Hyannis Harbor. Mass. Rept.
of Eng., iSSij. pp. U2J, 1124; iSyi.p. 1341. (C I
Chief of Eng.. 1895. p. 744. (A)
New River and Swansboro, N. C. Conanicut I.sland. R. 1. Rept. Chief
Rept. Chief of Eng., iS.Su, p. 1127: iSqi. p. 1377 of Eng.. 1895. p. 745. (A)
(C) Seaconnet Point, R. I. Rept. Chief
WhiteOakRiver. N. C. Rept. Chief ]
of F;ng.. 1S95. p. 749. (A)
of Kng.. 1,889. p. 1129; 1S91. p. 143,S. (C) Ohio River. Ohio and Pa. Rept.
Tar River from Tarboro to Rocky Chief of Eng.. 1S9S. p. 2158. (A)
Mount, N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889. p. Big Sandy River. "W. Va. and Ky.
1131. (C) i
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S9S. p. 2160. (A)
Cape Fear River at and below Wil- Ohio River. Rept. Chief of Eng..
mington. N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1S89, p. 1S99, pp. 2361, 2367. (A)
"34. (C) 1 Pittsburg Harbor. Pa. Rept. Chief
Pasquotank River, N. C. Rept. of Eng.. 1S99. p. 2399. A (

Chief of Eng.. 1889. p. 1137; 1891, p. 1335. (C) Ivicking River. Ky. Rept. Chief of
Mackeys Creek, N. C, Rept. Chief Eng.. 1900. p. 3155. (A)
of Eng.. JS89. p. 1139; 1891. p. 1339. (C) Ohio River. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Trent River. N. C. Rept. Chief of 1900. pp. 3185,3191.3201.3215.3219, (A)
Eng., iSgo. p 1120; 1892. p. 1126. (C) Ohio River, at Maysville, Ky. Rept.
Fishing Creek, N. C. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng.. 1901. p. 2671.2675. ^,.\)

of Eng.. 1890. p. 1181; 1891, p. I34.T. (C) Ohio River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Shallotte River, N. C. Kept. Chief 1902. p. 186S. (A)
of Eng., 1890, p. 11S7. (C) New ordnance material and armor mate-
North East River, Cape Fear, N. C. rial in Europe. Official report to the U. S.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 1384. (C) War Department. F.. para. New York. 1S86.
Pungo River to .Sladesville, N. C. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 1419. (C) 5ft- Boards— Abbot, 7, 8; Adams, i; Bixby;
Pamlico and Bay rivers, N. C. Rept. Craighill, 14, 16; Eydecker. 2: Sears, i; Stick-
Chief of Eng., 1.891. p. 1423. (C) ney. 8. (A)
Drum Inlet, N. C. Rept. Chief of Black. Henrj' Moore (U. S. M. A.. 1S47). Died
Eng., 1891. p. 1426. (C) Aug, 5, 1893, aged 67. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc.
Washington Harbor. Pamlico River. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S94.
N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1891. p. 1434. (C) Commandant of cadets, U. S. M. A.. 1864-
Black River. S. C. Rept. Chief of 1S70. Bronze Medallion in Sally Port.
Eng.. 189:. p. 1436. (C) Black. John C. (of Illinois). Member of Board
Woods HoU, Mass. Rept. Chief of of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1894.
Eng.. 1S93. p. S60. (A) Black. William Murray (U.S. M. A.. 1S77). Pho-
Tarpaulin Cove, Nanshon Island. tograph ill Albums of officers' mess.
Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93. p. 864. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Bedford Harbor. Mass. Rept. provement of Wakulla River. Fla. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1S93. p. 866. (A) Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 161. (C)

Pawtuxet Harbor. Providence River. Key West Harbor, Fla. Rept. Chief
R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. S68. (A) of Eng.. 18S7, pp. 1224. 1226. (C)

Apponang Harbor. Cowesset Bay, Caloosahatchie River. Fla. Rept.

R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1893. p. 869. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1887. p. 1236; 1S89. p. 133S. (C)
The Writings of Ciadiia/rs, iSo2-i()02. 1
Black. William Murray. Project, plan, estimate, Blackburn, Joseph C. S. (of Kentucky). Mem-
etc., for the improvement of Charlotte Harbor, ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1882.
Fhi. Kept. Chief of Eng., 1S87, p. 125S. (C) Blaine, James G. (of Maine). Member of Board
Key West Harbor, northwest en- of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1861 and in 1S77,
trance, Hla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S8, p. 1093. Blair. Frank P. {of Illinois). Member of Board
(C) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S95.
Pease Creek, Fla. Rept. Chief of Blair, Montgomery (U. S. M. A.. 1835}. Died July
Eng., 188S, pp. 1102, 1 103. (C) 27, 1SS3, aged 70. obituary in Ann. Assoc.
St. Augustine Harbor, I'la. Rept. (Irads. U. S. M. A.. 1884. (A)
Chief of Rug.. 1S8S. p. 1142: 1891. p. 1672. (C) Union (newspaper). Editor.
Punta Rassa Harbor, Fla. Rept. A long paper in tlie North American Re-
Chief of Eng., 1S8S. p. 1:56. (C) view upon negro sufTrage; another opposing
Bridges of the Florida Southern, tht- the bill to reopen the Tilden-Hayes Presiden-
South Florida, and the Florida Railroad and tial question.
Navigation companies, across the Withlacoo- An attack u])on Southern jobbers.
chce River, and Florida Southern Railroad The defense of his brother Frank against
Company's bridge across Peace River. Rept. General Sherman's Memoirs.
Chief of Eng.. iSSS. p. 2631. (C) Blair, William B. (U. S. M. A., 1S3S). Died Mar.
Homosassa River, Fla. Rept. Chief 23, 1SS3, aged 66. Obituarj* in Ann. Assoc.
of Eng., 1SS9. p. 1353. (C) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS3. (A)
Cr\-stal River. Fla. Rept. Chief of Blair. William H. (of ). Member of Board
Eng.. 18S9, p. 1355- (C) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S6.
Alafia River, Fla. Rept. Chief of Blake, Edmund Molynenx (U. S. M. A., 1S89).
Eng.. 1S89, p. 135S. (C) Siege and coast artillery drill [joint author].
Ocklawaha River, Fla. Rept. Chief
• In Manual of instruction for the use of cadets,
of Eng., 1SS9. p. 1361; 1891. p. 1620. (C) U. S. M. A. W*est Point, 1901. 1 vol., O. (A)
St. Marks River, Fla. Rept. Chief Practice marches of light artillery. Jour.
of Eng., 1SS9. p. 1364. (C) Mil. Sen-. Inst U. S.. vol. 19, p. 102. (A)
Tampa Bay and Old Tampa Bay, Light artiller>-— Practice marches and
Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS9. p. 1369. (C) campaigning Jour. U. S. .\rt., vol. 13, p. 117.

Tampa Bay. Fla. Rept. Chief of Blake, EdwardD. (U. S. M. A.. 1S47). Died Nov.
Eng., 1890, p. 1605; 1S92, p. 1387. (C) 29, aged 57. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
Sarasota Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of
- Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S3. (A)
Eng.. i8go, p. i6i3; 1S91, p. 1651. (C) Blake, George (of ). Member of Board of
Cedar Keys Harbor, Fla. Rept. Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1827.
Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 1662; 1892, p. 1392. (C) Blake. Jacob Edmund (U. S. M. A., 1833). Quar-
St. Johns River (upper), Fla. Rept. termaster, U. S. M. A., May 2^, 1835, to July 29,
Chief of Eng., iSqi. p. 1669. f C) 1836.
Indian River. Fla. Rept. Chief of Blake. Samuel H. (of Maine). Member of Board
Eng.. 1891, p. 167^. fC) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S57.
Charlotte Harbor and Creek. Blakely. George (U. S. M. A., 1892). Exercises
Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. 16S4. fC)
in descriptive geometn,* West Point, 1S99,
. . ,

T pam., O.. 23 pp. (A)

South Atlantic coast. Prize es-^^av. Trans.
Notice of the Standard dictionarj-, p. 758;
Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., 1S93.
Notice of Jomini's Precis de I'art de la Guerre,
The Military Academy and the education
P- 759- Jour. U. S, Art., vol. 4.
of officers. /;/ Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Present state of the struggle between
vol. 16 {1895). p. 330- (A) armor and artillery- [translation] p. 196; Notice ,

The United States public works . , , of Durassier and \'alentine's Aide-Memoire

Methods of construction and character of ma- de rofficer de Marine, p. 425. Jour. U. S. Art.,
terials and plant xised in the public works under vol. 5.

the charge of the War and Treasury Depart- A shelter tent as a stable [translation], p.
ments and of the Commissioners of the Dis- 235; Translation of Jeannel's Field shrapnel
trict of Columbia . . . New York. 1S95. i vol., and cannon of the future, p. 332, Jour. U. S.
obi. O. (A) Art., vol. 6.

Comment on Company papers. Jour. Mil. Translation of Tildemann's Howitzers

Serv. Inst., vol. 14. p. 1034. (A) and mortars for field artillery to supply a
Comment on The Military Academy, etc., need of curved fire. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. g, pp.
p. 330; Experimental firing with the service 14, 180, 321; vol. 10, p. 42.
rifle, model 1894, p. 513. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., Translation of RoUin's English light ar-
vol. 16. (A) tillen,'. Jour, U. S. Art., vol. 10, p. 257.

Sec West Point, maps, 1885. Translation of (iautiers. A note on the

See Boards— Black; Corastock. ig; Harris. calculation of the transverse dimensions of
5. 6; Price, i; Robert, 4. 8. (A) steel guns. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 11. p. 131.
Blackburn. Churchill J. (of Kentucky). Mem- The trigono-telemeter. Jour. U. S. Art..
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S42. vol. 12, p. 57.
igo Centennial of United States Military Academy.

BlEikely. George. The modern infantr>' attack Blunt. Charles Edward (U. S. M. A., 1S46). Died
and the artillery of the defense. [Transla- July 10, 1S92, aged 69. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Jour. U.S. Art., vol. 14, p. 60.
tion.] ' Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893. (A)

Notice of Wisser's The second Boer war, Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
1S99-1900. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 15, p. 363. provement of Charlotte Harbor, mouth of
Blanchard, Albert Gallatin (U. S. M. A., 1S29). Genesee River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Hng.,
Died June 21, 189:, aged 86. Obituary in Ann. 1S66, vol. I. pp. 4, 51; 1S67, pp. 33, 252. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S92. (A) Pultne\'\'ille Harbor. N. Y.
Blaney, George (U. S. M. A., 1S15). Adjutant, Chief of Eng.. 1S67, pp. 33. 239. (C)
U.S. M.A., Mar. 9. 1S20. to Mar. 1, 1S21; Aug. 12. Plattsburg Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
1S22, to May 25, 1824. Chief of Eng., i8b7, pp. 34, 234. (C)
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor (U. S. M. A., 1S30). Died Oswego Harbor. N. Y. Rept. Chief
Dec. aged 68. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
8, 1877,
of Eng-, 1S68, pp. 46, 247, 254; 1869, pp. 41. 171.

Grads.U.S.M.A.. 1S7S. (A) (C)

Examination of Edwards on the will. Wilson Harbor, N. \. Rept. Chief
1845- of Eng., 1S6S. pp. 48, 2S8, 2S9. {O
A theodicy; or. vindication of the di\'ine Niagara Falls, N. Y'. Rept. Chief
glory, as manifested in the constitution and of P:ng., 1S68. pp. 273-2S7. (C)
government of the moral world . . . New Port Ontario Harbor, Salmon River,
York. 1S56. I vol., O. (A) N. Y*.Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S68, pp. 290. 291;
An essay on liberty and slavery- ... i 1S71, p. 52. (C)
vol., O. 1S56. (A) Sodus Bav Harbor, Little, N. Y.
Southern Review. (1S65-1877.) Editor. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p. 234; 1S72, p. 257. (C)
Philosophy of mathematics with special Black River Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
reference to the elements of geometry and the Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i, p. 220; 1875, vol. i, p.
infinitesimal method . . . Philadelphia, 1868. 300; 1876. vol. 2, p. 557. (C)
I (A)
vol.,0. :Monroe Harbor Raisin River). i

Is Davis a traitor? Was secession a con- Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S75. vol. i, p. 293;
stitutional right previous to the war of 1861? 1S76. vol. 2, p. 551. (C)
Contributor to literarj% scientific, and Toledo Harbor. Ohio. Rept. Chief
theological reviews of the United States. of Eng., 1S75, vol. I. p. 294; 1S76, vol. 2, p. 552.

Bliss, Horace (U. S. M. A-, 1S22). Died Nov. 7. (C)

1S7S, aged 76. Obituan.- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
U. S. M. A., 1S79. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. i. pp. 295, 296; 1880, p.
Bliss. Tasker Howard (U. S. M. A.. 1S75). The 2100; 18S1, p. 2290. (C)
siege of Plevna. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 2, Sandusky City Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
p. II. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. i. p. 297: 1876, vol. 2,

Review of Dodge's Gustavus Adolphus. P- 554; 1S79-P- 1683. (C)

Jour. Mil. Serv-. Inst. U. S.. vol. 18, p. 695. (A) Rocky River Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
Strategical value of the inland canal navi- Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. :, p. 301. (C)
gation of the United States. Ord. Note 346, Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
vcl. 12. (A) Chief of Eng., 1875. vol. i, pp. 303,505.306; 1877,
BUss, Zenas Randall (U. S. M. A., 1S54). Died p. 965. (C)
Jan. 2, 1900, aged 65. Obituary and portrait in Grand River Harbor, Fairport, Ohio.
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S75, ^'O^- i. PP- SUi S^S-
Blocksom, Augustus Perry (U. S. M. A., 1S77). (C)
An ideal drill regulations. Jour. Cav. Assoc, Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
1899, p. 176. (A) Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 1. p. 314: 1S77. p. 967.

War lessons for laymen. Jour. Mil. Ser\-.

Inst. U. S., vol. 27. p. 17. Dunkirk Harbor. N. Y. Rept. Chief
Blodget. William (of Rhode Island). Member of Eng., 1S75. vol. 1. p. 318; 1876, vol. 2. p. 567;

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S42. 1877, vol. 2, p. 971. (C)

Bloodeood, William (U. S. M. A., 1S24). Died Buffalo Harbor, X. \'. Rept. Chief
Aug. I, 1874, aged 73. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. of Eng., 1875. vol. 1, p. 321. (C)
Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSi. (A) -Erie (Presque Isle) Harbor, Pa.
Bloom. Jacob Emanuel (U. S. M. A.. 1S73). Sol- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76. vol. i. pp. 57. 106, 316;
diers campaign equipment, with modifications vol. 2, pp. 556. 564-566: 1S77. p. 969. (C)
for militia organizations. Patented June. 1S79. Lubec Channel. Me. Rept. Chief of
I pam., O. (A) Eng., 1SS3, p. 409; 18S5, p. 463. (C)
Meritorious discharged soldiers. Jour. Royal River, Me. Rept. Chief of
Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 11, p.; vol. 12. p. 332. Eng., 1883, pp. 419, 420. (C)
(A) - Saco River. Me. Rept. Chief of
Blount. James H, (of Georgia). Member of Eng., 1S84, p. 4S4; 1S87, p. 456. (C)

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S79 and 18S5. Piscataqua River. X. H. and Me.

Blunt. Albert Church (U. S. M. A., 18S1). The Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS4. pp. 4S7- 4S9. 490. (C)
Spanish defenses of San Juan, P. R. Jour. Owls Head Harbor. Me. Rept.
U. S. Art., vol. 16, p. 22. Chief of Eng., 1SS5, p. 47^. tC
The M'rithigx of Graduates, i8o2-igo2. 191

Blunt, Charles Edward. Project, plan, estimate, rifles, p. 566;Mannlicher rifle, description of,
etc.. for the improvement of I.ittle Harbor at p. 567; Description of Lee-Speed rifle, jj. 570;
Portsmouth. X. H. Kept. Chief of Knji-. 18S5. Description of Krag-Jorgensen magazine gun,
p. 4S1. (C) p. 575. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93. (C)
York Harbor, Me. Kept. Chief of Blunt. Stanhope English. Themodern infantry
Eng.. 1S85. p. 4S7: 18S7. p. 462. (C) rifle. Oper. Div. Mil. Eng. Int. Cong. Eng.,
Wood Island Harbor, Me Kept. iSq4, p. 395. Also in Chicago Exposition, 1893,
Chief of P:ng.. 1SS5, p. 490. (C) IiU. Cong. Eng.. Oper. Div. Mil. Eng. (A)
Niagara ship canal, sketch of parts of Report on dikes and dams of Rock Island
Niagara and Erie counties, N. Y., sliowing water power; Report on manufacture of sad-
approximately the routes of various lines sur- dletrees. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1897.
veyed for the. 1S67 (in 2 sheets^ Topograph- Outlineof instruction in small arms firing
ical map. based on small arms firing regulations as
See Boards— Bache. i. 2; Cram, i. 2; Ma- modified by General Orders, No. 36, Adjutant-
comb. 2; Newton, i; Woodruff. 12, 13, 14. (A) General's office, 1897. For the use of cadets,
Blunt. Stanhope English (U. vS. M. A.. 1S72). U. S. M. A. P(»int. 189S. i pam., O., 23
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. pp. (A)
Secretar\'of the Association of Graduates, Report of principal operations at the Rock
U. S. M. A., and editor of its annuals from 1S7S Island Arsenal. Repts. Chief of Ord.. 1848,
to 18S0. 1899, and 1900.
Fort A. Lincoln ordnance depot, transfer Member of board on uniform caliber for
to Fort Snelling recommended, p. 120; Ramrod small arms, etc., for Army, Navy, and Marine
baj'onet rifles: use in Department of Dakota, Corps. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S9Q.
1822, p. 120; Mills's woven cartridge belts give Target of a Springfield rifle, caliber .30.
satisfaction, p. 121. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S82. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 12, p. 1299. (A)
(C) Blythe, Calvin (of Pennsylvania^ Member of
Book on target firing to be prepared by. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35.
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1SS4, p. 5. (C) Board (Gun Foundry), organized under act of
Instructions in rifle and carbine firing for Congress approved Mar. 3. 1S83. Report of.
the U. S. Army. Prepared by command of O., pp. 89. Washington. 18S4.
Brig. Gen. S. V. Ben^t, Chief of Ordnance, Board of En^neers for Fortifications. Report
U. S. Army. 16*^.
ill. New York, 1SS5.
pp. 542, upon the practice in Europe with the heaw
Rev. ed. 24*^. New York, 1SS6. (A) Armstrong. Woolwich, and Krupp rifled guns.
Firing regulations for small arms for the Q.. pp. 48, 6 pis. and drawings. Washington,
U. S. Army. 3d ed. 2^*^. New York. 1SS9. (A) 1883. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng. U. S. A..
loth ed. New York, 1901. 1 vol.. No. 25.

O., 36SPP. (A) The fortifications of to-day. etc. Trans-

Trial of Maxim smokeless powder, p. 1S4: lated under the direction of the Board from
Trial of Cordite smokeless powder, p. 1S5; foreign books and magazines. Q,. pp. 29. i pi.
Trial of Nobel smokeless powder, p. 191; Trial Washington, 18S3.
of French smokeless powder, p. 193; Trial of BoEirds. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the
Du Pont smokeless powder, p. 196; Trial of improvement of I.ynn Harbor. Mass. Mem-
Walsrode smokeless powder, p. 197; Velocities bers: Lieut. Col. H. L- Abbot, 1; Lieut. Col.
and pressures of various powders, p. 199: Prac- C. B. Comstock. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1884, p.
tice of rifle club at Springfield Armory, p. 203; 524. (A)
Rifle, caliber .45, practice firing of. Armory Ohio River, bridge at Cairo. 111.
Rifle Club. p. 204. Rept. Chief of Ord., iSgo. Members: Lieut. Col. H. L. Abbot, 2: Lieut.
(C) Col. O. M. Poe, Maj. A. Mackenzie. Maj. C. J.
Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng..
1SS6, p. 2127. (A)
- Report on Maxim smokeless powder, p.
Kubin-Schwabe smokeless pow- Portage Lake and Lake Superior
147; Trial of
der, from Vienna, p 148; Trial of Wetteren ship canal. Mich. Members: Col. H. L. Abbot,
3; Maj. O. H. Ernst. Maj. C. J. Allen. Rept.
smokeless powder, pp. 152, 154; Trial of Clay's
cartridge shell, p. 164; Target practice of Ar- Chief of Eng., 1S87. p. 1972. {^.^
mor>' Rifle Club. caliber
Bangor Harbor and Penobscot
p. 165; Rifle, .45, verti-
River. Me. Members: Col. H. L- Abbot. 4; Col.
cal deviation greater than horizontal, p. 167.
C. B. Comstock. Lieut. Col. D. C. Houston,
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S91. (C)
Lieut. Col. G. L- Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Sights and baj'onets for small arms used
1SS9, p. 520. (A)
in foreign countries, p. 309; Report on Smoke-
Boston Harbor. Mass. Members;
less powder manufactured at Stowmarket,
Col. H. L. Abbot, o; Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie,
England, p. 333; Report on Troi.sdorf smoke-
Lieut. Col. S. M. Mansfield. Maj. W. R. Liver-
less powder, p. 335; Springfield Annor>' pres-
more. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889,'p. 601; 1890,
sure, description of gauge and rules for using,
P- 532. (A)
p. 639: Gauges, report on crusher and cutter
New York Harbor harbor lines.
for small arms, p. 927. Rept. Chief of Ord.,

Members: H. L- Abbot, 6; Col. C. B. Com-

1892. (C)
stock. Lieut. Col. D. C. Houston, Lieut. Col.
Rifle essay on modern infantry, p. 553; G. L. Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, pp.
Infant n,', of different nations, features of. S07, S09. (A)
192 Ccniennial of United States Military Academy.
Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the

iiuprovement of St. Augustine Harbor, Fla. improvement of breakwater at Buffalo. N. Y,

Members: Col. H. t. Abbot, 7; Lieut. Col. P. C. Members: Col. H. L. Abbot, 2»; Maj. H. M.
Haius. Capt. W. H. Bixby. Rept. Chief of Adams. Capt. D. C. Kingman. Rept. Chief of
Eiig.. iSSo. p. lys. (A) Eng., 1S95, p. 3153. (A)
Key West Harbor, Fla. Members: bridges across certain rivers. Mem-
Col. H. I,. Abbot, .S; Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains, bers: Lieut. Col. M. B. Adams. Maj. C. F.
Capt. W. H. Bixby. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSg. Powell. Major Willard. Maj. W. H. Bixby, Maj.
p. 1329: 1890, pp. 15S1, 1583. (.\) D. C. Kingman. Capt. H. F. Hodges. Capt. E.
Hudson River. Members: Col. H. L- Burr. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 5103. (A)
.\bl)ut. !1; Col. W. P. Craighill, Col. C. B. Corn- .San Diego Harbor, Cal. Members:
stock. Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie. Rept. Chief I.ieut. Col. B. S. Alexander. 1; president Board

of Eng.. 1S90. pp. 770, 772. (.\) of Pacific coast. Rept. Chief of Eng. 1870, p.
York Harbor harbor lines.
Netr ,514; 1S72, p. 99S. (A)
Members: H. L. Abbot, 10: Col. W. P.
Col. Willamette River bridge at Port-
Craighill. Col. C. B. Corastock, Col. D. ('. Hous- land. Oreg. Members: Lieut. Col. B. S. Alex-
ton, Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie. Rept. Chief of ander, 2; Maj. C. S. Stewart. Maj. G. H. Men-
Eng.. 1.890. p. 7S6; 1891, pp. 9.S0, 960, 961, 963. 965, dell, Maj. H. M. Robert, Lieut. J. H. Weeden.

973: 1S92. p. S49. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 593. (A)
Grand Alembers: Col.
River. Mich. -.San Diego Harbor, Cal. Members;

H. L. .\bbot. 11; Col. C. B. Comstock, Col. D. C. Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander, 3; Lieut. Col. C. S.
Houston, Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie. Rept. Stewart. Maj. G. H. Mendell. Lieut. J. H.
Chief of Eng.. 1S90, p. 261S. {.\) Weeden. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S76. p. 630. (A)
Presque Isle Peninsula, Pa. Mem- Willamette and Columbia rivers.
bers: Col. H. L. Abbot. 1-2; Col. C. B. Comstock, Members: Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander. 4; Lieut.
Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Col. C. S. .Stewart, Maj. G. H. Mendell, Maj.

Eng., 1S90, p. 2,Soo. (A) J. M. Wilson. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, p.

bridges. River, Mass. 1019. (A)
Members: Col. H. L. Abbot, 13; Lieut. Col. Pacific coast, harbor of refuge.
G. L. Gillespie. Lieut. Col. S. M. Mansfield. Members: Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander. 0; Lieut.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S90, p. 3482. (A) Col. R, S. Williamson. Lieut. Col. C. S. Stew-
bridges, Harlem River. Members: art. Maj. G. H. Mendell. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Col. H. L. Abbot, 14; Col. C. B. Corastock, 1.S77. p. 1054. (A)
Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Cape Gregory, Oreg. Members:
Eng., 1890, p. 34S7. (A) Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander, 6; Lieut. Col. C. S.
Boston Harbor, Mass. Members: Stewart, Lieut. Col, R. S. Williamson, Maj.
Col. H. L. Abbot, 15; Lieut. Col. G. L. Gille.spie, G. H. Mendell. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, P-
Lieut. Col. S. M. Mansfield, Maj. W. R. Liver- 1055. (A)
more. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, p. fiss. (A) Columbia River. Oreg. Members:
bridge, Hudson River. Members: Lieut. Col. B. S. .\le.xander. 7; Lieut. Col. C. S.
Col. H. L. .\bbot, 1«; Col. CD. Comstock. Col. Stewart. Lieut. Col. R. S. Williamson, Maj.
D. C. Houston. Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie. G. H. Mendell, Maj. J. M. Wilson, Lieut. A. H.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. 3S59. (A) Payson. Rept. Chief of Eng., 187S. p. 1333. (A)
Arthur Kill. N. V. and N. J. Mem- Ashland Harbor, Wis. Members:
bers: Col. H. L. Abbot. 17; Col. \V. P. Craig- JIaj. C. J. Allen, 1; Capt. D. W. Lockwood,
hill. Col. D. C. Houston, Liet. Col. G. L. Gil- Capt. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
iespie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S92, p. S61. (A) 1887, p. 1961. (.\1

Columbia River, Oreg. Members: Mississippi River. Members: Maj.

Col. H. L. Abbot, IS; Col. C. B. Comstock. Col. C. J. Allen. 2; Maj. H. M, .\dams. Capt. W. L.
D. C. Houston. Lieut. Col. G. L- Gillespie. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng., i.S,SS, p. 151 1.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1892, p. 2864. (A 1 (A)
harbor linesat Oswego, N. V. ^leni- Memorial Bridge. Washington, D. C.
bers: Col. H. L. .\bbot, 19; Maj. E. H. Ruffuer,
Members: Lieut. Col. C. J. Allen. 2a; Maj.
T. W. Symons. Capt. D. DuB. Gaillard. Rept.
Capt. D. C. Kingman. Rept. Chief of Eng..
(A) Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 5126. (A)
1893. P- 3179-
bridge across Potomac River, Wash-
harbor lines. Harlem River. Mem-
ington, D.C. Members: Lieut. Col. C.J. Allen,
bers: Col. H. L. Abbot. 20; Col. C. B. Comstock,
3; Capt. E. Burr. Capt. L. H. Beach, Lieut. G. M.
Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert, Lieut. Col. G. L- Gil-
Hoffman. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902. p. 2653.
lespie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S94, p. 7S6. (A)
harbor lines at Squaw Island, Niag- Burlington Harbor. Vt. Members:
agra River. N. Y. Members: Col. H.L- Abbot, Col. H. Bache, 1; Lieut. Col. G. Thom, Lieut.
21; Col. C. B. Comstock. Capt. D. C. Kingman. Col. C. E. Blunt. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1867. pp.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S94, p. 2452. (A) 234, 251. (A)
harbor lines in East River, N. Y. Ogdensburg Harbor, N. Y. Mem-
Members: Col. H. L. Abbot. 22; Col. \V. I". bers: Col. H. Bache, 2; Lieut. Col. G. Thom,
Craighill. Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert. Rept. Lieut. Col. C. E. Blunt. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Chief of Eng., 1865, p. 1017. (A) 1S67, p. 248. (A)
The Wn'lings of Graduates^ iSo2-tgo2. iq:i.•»

Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. tor tlu- Maj. W. H. Heuer. Lieut. C. L. Potter. Rept.
iiliprovcniciit of Hinlsoii River. Mciiil>frs: Chief of Kng., 1S94, p. 2525. {A}
Col. II. liachc. S; Col. II. liruvvertoll. l.icul Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the
Col. J. Ncwtol), JIaj, H. I,. .M>t.ot, Ript. improvement of Sacramento River. Cal. Mem-
Chief of Eng., \)
i,S67, p. 445. i bers: Lieut. Col. W. II. H. Benyaurd. .1: Maj.

Provnncetown Harbor. Mass. Mem- W. H. Ilener, Capt. C. E. Gillette. Rept.
bers: Col. H. Bache, 4; Col. H. lieiihani, W Chief of Kng.. i.Syft. p. 3mq. (A I

I.ieiit. Col. J. G. Foster. Rept. Chief of Kn;;.. Southern waters, removal of water
1-S67, p. 464. (A) hyacinth. Members: Lieut. Col. W. H, H,
Saco River, Me. Members: Col, H. Benyaurd, 4; Maj. J. B. Quinn. Rept. Chief of
Bache, 5; I^ieut, Thorn, Maj, T, I..
Col. ('.. Eng.. 1S99, p. 1613. (A)
Casey. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1S67, p. 4.S3. (A) Cape Cod ship canal. Mass. Mem-
Portland Harbor, Me. Members: bers; Gen. R. F. Bernard, 1; Major Tottcn.
Col. H. Bache. 6; Lieut. Col. G. Thorn, Maj. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.S70. p. 491. i,.\i
T. 1,. Casey. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S67. p. 4S7. Mississippi River to Atlantic Ocean.
(A) Members: Gen. R. F. Bernard, i; Captain
Block Island, R. I. Members: Col. Poussin. Rept.Chief of Eug.. 1S76, p. 514. (A\
H. Bache, 7-8; and others Rept. Chief of Chesapeakeand Ohio Canal. Mem-
Eng.. 1S70, p. 451; 1S75, p. 294; 1S77, p. 201. [A) bers: Col. Bernard, 3: Capt. W. T. Poussin.
Tennessee River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S74. p. 544. .\i 1

W. Barlow. I; Maj. .\. Mackenzie.

lyieut. Col. J. Brunswick Harbor. Ga. Members?
Maj. H. M. Adams. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, Capt. W. H. nixby, Lieut. O. M. Carter. Rept.
pp. 2313. 2317. (A) of Chief of Eng.. 1SS9, p. 1293. (A)
Cleveland Harbor, ()hi<j. Members: St. Augustine Harbor, I-la. Mem-
Col. J. W. Barlow, 2; Col. J. .A. Smith, Maj. bers: Capt. W. M. Black. Lieut o. M. Carter,
T. W. Symons. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1.S9Q. p. Lieut, D. DuB. Gaillard. Rept. Chief of Eng..
3086. (A) 1S.JI, p. 16.87. (A)
Illinois and Desplaines rivers. 111. Sandy Bay. Mass. Members; Col.
Members: Col. J. \V. Barlow, 3: Maj. J. H. C, E. Bhint, Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighill. Lieut.
Willard, Maj. C. McD. Townsend. Rept, Chief Col. W. McFarland, Maj. C. W. Raymond.
of Eng.. 1900, p, 3857. (.A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S5, pp. 523, 528. (A)
upper Illinois and Desplaines riv- Savannah Harbor and River. Ga.
ers, 111. Members: Col. J. \\'. Barlow, 4; Maj. Members: Captain Bowen. Lieutenant Gilmer.
J. H. Willard, Maj. C. McD. Townsend. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 737. (.\i
Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 3049, 305S. (.A) water supply of Washington. D. C.
Ohio River Falls. Members: Col. Members: Col.T. L.Casey, 1; Lieut. Col. W. P.
J. G. Barnard, 1; I,ieut. Col. J. G. Foster, Maj. Craighill. Maj. G. J. Lydecker. Rept. Chief of
O. M. Poe. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872, p. 460. Kng.. l.SSj. p. 2497. (A)
(A) Saco River. Me. Members: Col.
- James River and Kanawha canal. T. L. Casey, H. L. .Abbot. Lieut. Col.
•-'; Col.

Members: Col. G. Barnard, •1-3; Maj. \V. P. D, C. Houston Maj. W. R. King. Rept. Chief
Craighill, Maj. G. Weitzel. Lieut. T. Turtle. of Eng., 1SS7, p. 459. I A )

Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S74, p. 90: 1S75. p. 632: New York

Harbor. Members: Col.
(A) T. L. Casey, 3: Col, H. L. .Abbot. Lieut. Col
1877. p. 677.
C. B. Comstock, Lieut. Col. D. C. Houston.
Mississippi River at mouth. Mem-
Lieut. Col. W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of
bers: Col. G. Barnard, 4; Lieut. Col. J. New-
Kng., {A)
1SS7. p. 731.
ton. Maj. A. A. Gillmore, Maj. G. K. Warren,
.Arkansas River, above Fort Smitli,
Maj. W. P. Craighill, Maj. G. Weitzel, Capt.
.\rk. Members: Col. T. L. Casey. 4; Col. H. L.
C. W. Howell. Rept. Chief of Eng.. rS74. p.
.\bbot. Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock. Lieut. Col.
823. I A
W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887, p.
Mississippi River, Cairo to month. lA)
Members: J. G. Barnard. 5: Col. Z. B.
Col. Mississippi River. Members: Col.
Tower, Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright, Maj. C. B. T. L. Casey. 3; Col. H. L. .'Vbbot. Lieut. Col.
Comstock, Maj. C. R. Suter. Rept. Chief of I). C. Houston, Lieut. Col. W. McFarland. Maj.
Eng., 1879, p. looS. i.\) W. R. King. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887, pp.
Mississippi River levees. Members: 16S0. 1692. (.A)
Col. J. G. Barnard, (!; Col. Z. B. Tower, Lieut. Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Mem-
Col. H. G. Wright, Maj. C. B. Comstock, Maj. bers: Col. T. L. Casey. 6: Col. H. L. Abbot.
C. R. Suter. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 1018. Lietit. Col. C. B. Comstock. Lieut. Col. D. C.
(A) Houston, Lieut. Col. W. McFarland. Rept.
Sacramento and Feather rivers. Cal. Chief of Eng.. 18S7. p. 2094. (A)
Members: I,ieut. Col. W. H. H. Benyaurd, 1; Toledo Harbor, Ohio. Members:
Maj. W. H, Heuer, Maj. T. H. Handbnry. Col. T. L. Casey. 7; Col. H. L. Abbot, Col. W. P.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 2996. (A) Craighill. Lieut. Col. D. C. Houston, Lieut.
harbor lines at Napa City, Cal. Col. W, JIcFarland. Maj. W. R. King. Rept.
Members: Lieut. Col. W. H. H. Benyaurd, Chief of Eug., 1S87. p. 2295. (A)
H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2— vol 2 13
194 • Cnitniuial of United States Military Academy.
Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the Boards. I'roject. plan, estimate, etc., for the
improvement of Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. Mem- improvement of Great Kanawha River, W. Va.
bers: Col. T. I,. Casey, 8; Col. H. I,. Abbot, Members; Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, 7; Maj.
Went. Col. C. B. Comstock. Lieut. Col, D. C. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E. Merrill, Capt. T. Turtle.
Houston. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS7, p. 2362. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1SS2, p.926. (A)
Ohio River bridge at Louisville, Ky.
Oswego, X. Y. Members: Col. T. I.,. Meml)ers: Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, S; Maj.
Casey. «; Col. H. I.. Abbot, Lieut. Col. D. C. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief
Houston. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S7, p. 2390. of Eng., 1882, p. 19S8. (A)
(A) Ohio River bridge at Henderson-
Brazos River, Te.K. Members; Col. ville, Ky. Members; Lieut. Col. C. B. Com-
T. L. Casey, 10; Col. H. L. Abbot, I.ieut. Col. .stock, 9; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E. Merrill.

W. McFarland, M.lj. W. R. King. Rept. Chief Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882, p. 1992. (A)
of Eng., iSSS, p. J299. (.\) Ohio River bridge at Point Pleasant,
Matagorda Bay, Tex. Members; W. Va. Members: Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock,
Col, T. L. Casey, 11; Col. H. L. .\bbot. I.ieut. 10; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E, Merrill.
Col. W. McFarland, Maj. W. R. King. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S2, p. 2000. (A)
Chief of Eng., lS88, p. 1299. (A) Ohio River Ijridge at Wheeling, W.
.\rausas Pass and Bay, Tex. Mem- \'a. Members: Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, 11;
bers; Col. T. L. Casey, 12; Col. H. L. Abbot, Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept.
Col. \V. P. Craighill, Lieut. Col. D. C. Hon.ston, Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 1776. (A)
Lieut. Col. W. McFarland, Maj. W. R. King, Atlantic City Harbor, X. J. Mem-
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S.S, p. 131S. (A) bers: Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, 12; Lieut.
Arkansas River, Ark, and Kans. Col. H. M. Robert, Lieut. Col. W. McFarland.
Members: Col. T. L. Casey, 13; Col. H. L. Abbot, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS7, p. 815. (.\)
Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, Lieut. Col. D. C. Illinois and Michigan Canal. Mem-
Houston, Maj. W. R. King. Rept. Chief of bers: Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, 13; Lieut.
Eng., 1888, p. 1389. (A) Col. O. M. Poe, Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief
bridge, Arthur Kill. Members: Col. of Eng., 1887, p, 2128. (A)
T. L. Casey, 14; Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert, Lieut.
Hennepin Canal. Members; Lieut.
Col. P. C. Hains, Maj. W. R. King, Capt. E.
Col. C. B. CoULStock. 14; Lieut. Col. O. M. Poe,
Maguire. Rept. Chief of Eng., 188S, pp. 2423,
Maj. J. C. Post. Rept Chief of Eng., 1887. p.
2426, 2429. (A)
2137. (A)
bridge, Staton Island Sound. Mem-
bers: Col. T. L. Casey, 15; Lieut. Col. H. M. Winyaw Bay, S. C. Members:
Robert. Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains, Maj. W. R. Col. C. H. Comstock, 15; Lieut. Col. D. C.
King, Capt. E. Maguire. Rept. Chief of Eng., Houston, Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert. Rept.
1S88, p. 2430. (.\)
Chief of Eng., 1S89, p. 1114. (A)
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. i
bridge, Mississippi River. Mem-
Members: Brig. Gen. T. L. Casey. 16; Col. bers; Col. C. B. Comstock, IB; Lieut. Col. C. R.
W. P. Craighill. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. Suter, Maj. O. H., Maj. C. J. .\llen,
1195. (A) Capt. D. C. Kingman. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Lakes Huron and Erie, canal to con- 1890, p. 3454. (A)
nect. Members; Maj. C. B. Comstock, 1; Maj. bridges, Mississippi River. Mem-
G. Weitzel. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1874, p. 2n. bers; Col. C. B. Comstock, UMaj. C. J. Allen,

(A) Capt. D. C. Kingman. Rept. Chief of Eng.

Mississippi River, Falls of St. An- 1890, p. 3457. ( A
thony to Cairo. Members; Maj. C. B. Com- bridge, Ohio River. Members;
stock, •»; Maj. D. C. Houston, .Maj. F. U. Far- Col. C. B. Comstock, 1,S; Lieut. Col. C. R. Suter,
quhar. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S79, p. 1143. (A) Maj. C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, p.

Mississippi River, Dubuque Harbor, 3470. (A)

Iowa. Members: Maj. C. B. Comstock, 3; Maj. Sabine Pass, Tex. Members: Col.
D. C. Houston. Maj. F. U. Farquhar. Rept. C. B. Comstock, lit; Maj. J. B. Quinn, Capt. W.
Chief of Eng.. 1879, p. 1143. (A) M. Black. Rept. Chief of F:ng., 1891, p. 1834.

Mississippi River. Members; Maj. (A)

C. B.Comstock, 4; Maj. C. R. Suter. Capt. A. Galveston Bay .Ship Channel, Tex.
Mackenzie. Rept. Chief of Eng 18S1, p. 1569, , Members; Col. C. B. Comstock, 20; Maj. C. J,
(A) Allen, Lieut. W. C. Langfitt. Rept. Chief of
Grand Marais, Mich., harbor of Eng., 1.S91, p. 1910. (A)
refuge. Members; Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, Ohio River at Logstowii Bar. Mem-
5; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. H. M. Robert. Rept. bers: Col. C. B. Comstock, 21; Maj. A. Stick-
Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 2050. (A) ney, Maj. A. Mackenzie. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Milwaukee Bay. Wis. Members; 1893, p. 2476. (A)
Maj. C. B. Comstock, 6; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. Bishop
Canal Lock. Members;
H. M. Robert. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSi, p. Maj. W. P. Craighill. a\ Capt. W. R. King.
2122. (.\) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1869, p, 529. (A)
The Writmgs of (rradiiatcs^ iSo2—U)()2. 195
Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the I
Capt. W. H. Bixby. Rejit. Chief of Eni;,. 1,891,

ini]Jr()venient of I"ox ami Wisconsin rivers, 1 p. 1120; 1S92, 1). 941. (.\)

Members: Maj. \V. 1>. CraiKhill. I; Maj. D. C. Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the
Houston, XIaj. W. K. llerrill. Kept. Chief of improvement of Philadelphia Harbor, Pa.
Eng., l,S79, p. 1547. (A) .Members: Col. W. P. Craighill, 17; Col. C. U.
T Kentucky River, Ky. Members: Comstock, Maj. C, W.Raymond. Rept. Chief
I.ieut. Col. W. P. Craighill, 2: I.ieut. Col. \V. of Eng,. 1.S91, p. 1122. (A)
K. Merrill. Capt. J. C. Post. Kept. Chief of Sandy Bay, Mass. Metubers: Col.
Eng.. 1S84, pp. 1729, 1731. (.\) W. P. Craighill. IS; Lieut. Col. S. M. Mans-
- Ohio River, bridge at IJeaver, I'a. field, Maj. C. W. Raymond. Kept. Chief of
Members: Lieut. Col. VV. P. Craighill. »; Lieut. Eng.. 1892, p. 560. {W
Col. G. Weitzel, Maj. A. Mackenzie. Rept. Potomac River. I), C. Members:
Chief of Eng.. 1SS4, p. 1786; 1SS7, p. 2655. (.^1 Col. W. P. Craighill, li); I.ieut. C. H.
Great Kanawha River, l)ridge at Elliot, Maj. C. %. L. B. Davis. Rept, Cliief of
Charleston, W. Va. Members: Lieut. Col. W. Eng., 1S92, p. 1080. (A)
P. Craighill, 4; Lieut. Col. W. K. Merrill, Capt. Bayou Plaquemine, La. Members:
J. C. Post. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS4, p. 17118. Col. W. P. Craighill. 20; Maj. \. Mackenzie,
(A) Maj. J. B. Quinu. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S92,
Members: Lieut.
Delaware River. pp. U'Jfi. 1498. '

Col. \V. P. Craighill. 5; Lieut. Col. W. McFar- Big Sandy River, W. Va, and Ky.
land, Maj. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. W. H. Heuer. Members: Col. W. P. Craighill, 21; Maj. D. W.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5. pp. .S22, S-^o; 1S86, p. Lockwood, Capt. T. Turtle. Rept. Chief of
822. (A) Eng., 1892, p. 2102. (A)
Norfolk Harbor. Va. Members:
New York Harbor, harbor lines.
Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighill. 6; Maj. P. C.
Members: Col. W. P. Craighill. 22: Col. C. B.
Hains. Capt. F. A. Hinman. Rept. Chief of
Comstock, Col. D. C. Houston. Lieut. Col. G.
Eng.. l.^sSj, pp. 1020, 1021; 1S87. p. 974. (.\)
L. Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1893, pp.
Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wis. Mem-
10S8, 1095. (A)
bers: Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighill, <: Lieut. Col.
G. L. Gillespie, Capt. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Deep-water harbor at San Pedro or
Chief of Eng., 1S87, p. 2021. (.\) .Santa Monica bays, Cal. Members: Col. W.
P. Craighill, 23; Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert,
Black Warrior River, Ala. Mem-
bers: Col. W-. P. Craighill. 8; Lieut. Col. W. E. Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains. Maj. C. W. Raymond,
Merrill, Maj. W. R. King, Maj. A. N. Damrell. Maj. T. H. Handburj-. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Maj. Post. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.S93, p. 3238. (Al
J. C. 1887, p.
1302. {\) harbor lines. Port of Philadelphia,
— Kentucky River, Ky. Members: Pa. Members: Col. W. P. Craighill, 24; Col.
Col. W. P. Craighill, 9; Lieut. Col. W. E. Mer- C. B. Comstock, Maj. C. W. Raymond. Rept.
rill. Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887, Chief of Eng., 1894, p. S64. (.\)

p. 1882. (A) -Allegheny River below Herr Island.

Delaware River. Members: Col. Members: Col. W. P. Craighill. 2.5: Maj. D.
\V. P. Craighill, 10: Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, W. Lockwood, Maj. T. Turtle. Rept, Chief
Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert. Rept. Chief of Eng.. of Eng., 1S94, p. 1924. u\)
18S8, p. 679. (A)
Buffalo Harbor, N. V. Members:
Columbia River, Oreg. Members: Col. T. Cram, 1; Col. J. N. Macomb, Lieut.
Col. W. Craighill. 11; Lieut. Col. G. L. Gil-
Col. W. F. Raynolds, Lieut. Col. J. Newton,
lespie, Maj. J. C. Post, Rept. Chief of Eng ,
Lieut. Col. C. E. Blunt, Maj. B. Wheeler,
1S8S, p. 2170. (A) Capt. F. Harwood. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1868,
- bridge. Great Kanawha River. p. 220. ( .\ )

Members: Col. W. P. Craighill, 12; Lieut. Col. New Buffalo Harbor. Mich. Mem-
W. E. Merrill. Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief of bers: Col. T. J. 2; Col. J. N. Macomb,
Eng., 1888, p. 2448. (.\) Lieut. Col. W. Raynolds, Lieut. Col. J. F.
Norfolk Harbor, Va. Members: Newton, Lieut. Col. C. E. Blunt, Maj. J. B.
W. P. Craighill, IS; Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains, Wheeler. Capt. F. Harwood. Rept. Chief of
Lieut. G. J. Kiebeger. Rept. Chief of Eng.. Eng.. 1868, p. 223. (Al
1S89, p. 979; 1890. p. 1030. (A) Marquette Harbor. Mich. Menu.
Savannah River, Ga. Members: bers; Maj. C. E. L. B. Daxas, Maj. C. J. .-VUeu.
Col. W. P. Craighill, 14; Capt. W. H. Bixby, Maj. J. B. Quinn. Rept. Chief of Eng,. iS
Lieut. O. M. Carter. Rept. Chief of Eng. 1.889. p. 2032. (A)
p. 1289. (A) - Cape Fear River, N. C. Members:
James River. \'a. Members; Col. Col. R. E. De Russy and others. Rept. Chief
W. P. Craighill, 15; Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains, of Eng., 1873, p. 809. {.\)
Lieut. G. J. Fiebeger. Rept. Chief of Eng., .
Nantucket Harbor, Mass. Mem-
1890, p. 1016. (.\) bers: Col. J. C. Duane. 1; Lieut. Col. C. B.
Delaware Bay, Del. Members: Col. Comstock. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5, p, 576.
W. P. Craighill. 16; Maj. C. W. Raymond, (A)
196' Cnitcnnial nf United Slates Mi/itaiy Academy.
Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. fc;r the Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the
improvement of New York Harbor. Mem- inaprovement of Christiana River, Del. Mem-
bers; Col. J. C. Duane, 2; I,ieut. Col. H. L.
bers: Col. P. C. Hains. 3; Maj. C. W. Raymond,
Abbot, Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock. Rept. Maj. C. E. L. B. Davis. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Chief of Eng.. 1885, p. 78;,. (.\) l8g<), p. 992. (.A)

Sabine Pass, Tex." Members: Col. harbor lines at or near Snow Hill,

J. C. Duane, 3; Lieut.
Col. H. I,. .4.bbot. Lieut. Pocomoke River, Md. Members; Col. P. C.
Col. C. B. Comstock. Kept Cliief of Kng., Hains, Maj. C.
4; W. Raymond,
Lieut. S.
18S5. p. 1420, (A) Cosby. Rept, Chief of Eng., 1.S96, p. 996. (A)
Rouse's Point Harbor, X. V. Mem- Cumberland Sound, Ga. Mentbers;
bers: Col. J. C. Duane. 4; Lieut. Col. H. L. Col, P. C. Ilains. 5; Maj. T. H. Handbury,
Abbot. Lieut. Col. C. B. Com.stock. Rept. Capt. W. M. Black. Capt. F. V. .Abbot. Capt.
Chief of Eng.. 18S5, p. 2J02. (A 1
O. ^^ Carter, Lieut. H. Burgess. Rept. Chief
Galveston Harbor. Te.x. Memliers: of Eng., 1S96, p. 1289. (.A)
Col. J. C. Duane, 3; Lieut. Col. H. L. .Abbot, St. Johns River, Fla. Members:
Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock. Rept. Chief of Col. P. Hains. 6; Maj. T. H. Handbury.
Eng., 1SS6, p. 1292. (A 1 Capt. W. M. Black, Capt. F. V. Abbot, Capt.
Water supply
of Washington. I). C. O. M. Carter, Lieut. H. Burgess. Rept. Chief
Members: Duane, G; Lieut. Col. H,
Col. J. C. of Eng., 1896, p. 1309. (A)
L. .Abbot, Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, Lieut. -Ashley and Cooper rivers. .S. C.
Col. W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of Eng., harbor lines. Members: Col. P. C. Hains, 7;
1.SS7, p. 2546. (A) Maj. W. T. Rossell. Capt. F. Y. Abbot, Lieut.
Feasibility and using the
advisability' of E. R. Stuart- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p.
water power of Great Falls for providing elec- I4S,S. ( A
tric light for public and private use in the Wilmington Harbor and Christiana
District of Columbia. Members: Col. G. H. River, Del. Members: Col. P. C. Hains, 8;
Elliot, Capt. J. G. D. Knight. Rept. Chief of Maj. C. J. -Allen, Maj. C. W. Raymond. Rept.
Eng., 1894. p. 3256. (A) Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 1255. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for tlie im- Coosa River, Ga. and Ala. Mem-
provement of Charleston Harbor, S. C. Mem- bers: Col. P. C. Hains. 9; Maj. R. L. Hoxie.
bers: I.ieut. Col. G, L. Gillespie, 1; Lieut. Col. Maj. W T. Rossell, Lieut. W. E. Craighill.
W. R. King, Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897. p. 1650. (A)
Eng., 1889, p. 1150. (.Ai Siuslaw River and Bar, Oreg.
Savannah River. Ga. Members: Members: Maj. T. H. Handbury, Capt. T. W.
Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie, 2; Lieut. Col. W. Symoiis, Lieut. E. Burr. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
R. King, -Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.891, p. 3175. (A)
rSSi,. p. 1236. (A) Willamette River, Oreg. Members:
Cumberland .Sound, Ga. and Fla. Maj. W H. Heuer, Capt. W. C. Langfitt, Capt.
Members: Lieut. Col. G. L. Gillespie, 3; Lieut. W. W. Harts. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p.
Col. W. R. King, Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief 4374- (A)
of Kug., iSSq, p. 12S1. (A) Saugatuck Harbor, Mich. Mem-
Hudson River, N. Y. Members; bers: Maj. D. C. Houston, 1; Maj. J. M. Wilson,
Lieut. Col. G. L- Gillespie, 4; Maj. A. Stickney, Maj. S. M. Mansfield. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Maj. C. W. Raymond. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, p. 258: 1876, vol. 2, p. 506. (A)
1.S92, p. 7,s2- I A 1 - St. Joseph Harbor, Mich. Mem-
harbor lines in Greenport Harbor, bers: Maj. D. C. Houston, 2; Maj, G. L. Gilles-
Conn. Members; Col. G. L. Gillespie, 5; pie, Maj. S. M. Mansfield. Rept. Chief of
Capt. W. L. Fisk, Lieut. W. E. Craighill. Eng., 1876, p. 316. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96. p. 816. (.A) St. Joseph Harbor, bridge at St.
Cape Fear River, N. C. Members: Joseph, Mich. Members: Maj. D. C. Houston,
Lieut. Col. Q. H. Gillmore, 1; Lieut. Col. \V. P. 3; Maj. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. S. M. Mansfield.
Craighill, Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, Capt. T. Rept, Chief of Eng., 1876, p. 317. (A)
Turtle, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882, p. 942. (A) I Ahnapee Harbor, Wis. Members:
Potomac River, D. C. Members: Maj, D, C. Houston, 4; Maj. H. M. Robert,
Lieut. Col. Q. H. Gillmore, 2; Lieut. Col. W. P. ) Maj. F. U. Farquhar, Maj. G. L. Gillespie,
Craighill, Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, Capt. T. '
Maj. S. M. Mansfield. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Turtle. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S2, p. 987. (A) i
1876, pp. 346, 354 (A)
Potomac River, D. C. Members: Chicago Harbor, 111. Members:
Lieut. Col. Q. H. Gillmore, 3; Lieut. Col. C. B. Maj. D. C. Houston, 5; Maj, H. M. Robert,
Comstock, Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighill. Rept. Maj. J. A. Smith, Maj. S. M. Mansfield, Capt.
Chief of Eng.. 1885, p. 941. (A) G. J. Lydecker. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, p.
Rock Island Rapids, Mississippi 1561. (A)
River. Member: Capt. P. C. Hains, 1. Rept. ^
Michigan City Harbor, Ind. Mem-
Chief of Eng., 1867, p. 298. (A) bers: Maj. D. C. Houston, 6; Maj. H. M.
Wharf, Fort Monroe, Va. Mem- 1 Robert, Maj. J. A. Smith. Maj. S. M. Mansfield,
ber: Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains. 2. Rept. Chief of I Capt. G. J. Lydecker. Rept. Chief of Eng.,

Eng., 18S8, p. 805. (A) ! 1S79, p. 158S. (A)

The Jl'ii/ii/os of (rradiia/rs, iSo2-i()()2. '97
Boards. Project, plan, estimale. elc fur the
Boards. Project, plan, estinialf, etc.. for llie ,

improveinenl of Superior Hay and St. I/niis i111 p rove 111 e lit of Buffalo Harbfir. N. V. .Mem.
Bay, Wis. Members: Maj. 1). C. Ilonstoii, '<; hers: Lieut. Col. W. R. King, »; Maj. I.. C. Ovir-
Capt. A. Mackenzie, Capt. C. J. Allen. Kept. man, Capt. G. McC. Derby. Rept, Chief of
Chief of E"g., iSSo, pp. 2024, 2029. A) I Eng., issq, pp. 23S.S, 2,391 (.A)

Missis.sippi River. Memliers: Maj. construction of entrance to the left

D. C. Houston,.S; Maj. H. :M. Robert, Maj. G. J. lock at Riverton, .\la. Members; Capt. D. C.
I.ydecker, Capt. C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of Kingman, Capt. C. W. Goethals, Capt. J. G,
Eng., 1881. p. 1763: 18S3, p. 1471. \\\ Warren. Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1S97. p, 2292.
Dnluth Harbor, Minn. Members: (A I

Maj. D. C. Houston, ft: Capt. .\. Mackenzie, Portland, Greg., harbor liius, Mem.
Capt. C. J. Allen. Rept. Cliief of Knt; if^Si, ,

bers: Capt. W. C. Langfitt. Capt. H. Taylor.

p. 2026. I .\ 1
Capt. W. W. Harts. Rept. Chief of Eng., iqix),
Michigan City Harbor, Iml. Mem- (A)
p, 44,s6.
bers: Maj. D. C. Houston, 10: Maj. H. M.
Robert, Maj. J. A. Smith, Maj. ('.. I.ydecker.
— bridge, Chicago River. Members:
1SS2. p. 2264.
Maj. W. Ludlow, Maj. C. E. L. B- Davis, Capt.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S.S1, p. 21S7;
W. I.. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Kn«., iv.r, p.
Bay Canal, Wis. Mei 3S64. (A I

bers: I.ieut. Col. D. C. Kou.ston, 11; Maj. H. M. outer harbor at Michigan City, liul
Robert. Rept. Chief of Eng., iS.Sj, p. 1657. Members: Lieut. Col. G. J. Lydecker, 1; Maj,
(A) W, I,. Marshall, Capt. C. McD. Townscnd.
Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Mem- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p, 2903. \.\\

bers: Lieut. Col. D. C. Houston, 12; Maj. H. M. Delaware and N. J. River, Pa.
Robert, Maj. W. H. H. Benyaurd. Rept. Chief Members: Lieut. Col. G. J. Lydecker. i. Lieut,
of Eng., iS8j, pp. 1725, 1727, 173S. (A I
Col. C. W. Raymond, Maj. W. H. Bixby kept.
Calumet River, 111. and Ind. Mem- Chief of Eng., 1900, p, 1615. I .^ I

bers: Lieut. Col. D. C. Houston, 13; Maj. J. A. Members:

Cleveland Harbor, tlhio.
Smith, Maj. W. H. H. Benyaurd. Rept, Chief Lieut. Col. W. McFarland. Lieut. Col. J. M.
of Eng., 1S83, p. 1748. (A) Wilson, Maj. L. C. Overman. Rept, Chief ..f
Frankfort Harbor, Mich. Mem- Eng., 1SS5, p. 2334. A I I

bers: Maj. D. C. Houston, 14; Maj. J. .A. Smith, Mississippi River. Members: .Maj,
Maj. W. H. H. Benyaurd. Rept. Chief of Eng., A, Mackenzie, Maj. .A. M. Miller, Maj. E. H.
1S83, p. iSii. (A) Ruffuer. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 2131.

Stamford Harbor, Conn. Members; (A)

Col. D. C. Houston, 15; Lieut. Col. <.;. L. <',il- Mississippi River, Des Moines Rap-
lespie. Capt. T. L. Casey. Rept. Chief of Eng., ids. Col. J. N. Macomb, 1; Lieut.
1890, pp. 332, 6S2, 6S3, 686. (A, Col. H. Wilson, Maj. G. K. Warren, Capt.

Wilmington Harbor, Del, Mem- P. C. Hains. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SA7. p. 310,
bers: Col. D. C. Houston, 16; Maj. C. W. Ray- (A)
mond. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, 1). 1138. (A) Erie Harbor, Pa. Members: Col,
. Harbor, Conn., harbor
Bridgeport J. N. Macomb, 2; Lieut. Col. J. Xewton, Lieut.
lines. Members: Col. D. C. Houston, 17; I.ieut. Col, W. F. Raynolds, Lieut. Col. C. E. Blunt.

Col. G. L. Gillespie, Capt. T. L. Casey. Rept. Maj. J. B. Wheeler, Capt. F. Harwood. Rept,
Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 999. (A) Chief of Eng., 1868, p, 179, (.A)
Rock Island bridge. Members: Mississippi River, Falls of St. .An-
Capt. A. A. Humphreys, 1; Captain Meade. thony to Cairo. Members; Col. J. X. Macomb,
Captain Franklin. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S78. S; Lieut. Col. J. H. Wilson. Maj. G. K. Warren.
p. 1036. (A) Capt. P. C. Hains. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S68,
Baltimore Harbor, Md.. ])ier and p. 674. (,A)

bulkhead lines. Members: Brigadier-General Toledo Ohio. Members;

Humphreys, 2; Maj. W. P. Craighill. Rept. Col. X. Macomb,J. H. Simpson, 4; Col.
Chief of Eng.,1S79. pp. 497, 500. h 1 1
Lieut. Col. I. C. Woodruff, Maj. J. B. Wheeler,
Oswego Harbor, N. Y. Members: Maj. W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of ling.,
Lieut. Col. James Kearney. Major Long, lS6q, p, 124. I .A}

Major Bache. Major Turnbull. Rept. Chief of Chicago Harbor, III. Members;
Eng,, 1874. p. 263. (A) Col. J. X. Macomb, .5; Lieut, Col. W. F. Ray-
Monongahela River, Pa. and W. Va.
- nolds, Maj. J. B. Wheeler, Maj. G. Weitzel.
Members: Maj. W. R. King, 1; Maj. A. Stick- Maj. W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of F:ng.,
ney, Maj. A. Mackenzie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1870, p, 124. (A)
1887, p. 1802. (A) Michigan City Harbor, Ind. Mem-
Green River and tributaries, Ky. bers: Col. J. N. Macomb, 8; Lieut. Col. W. F.

Members: Maj. W. R. King, 2; Maj. A. Stick- Raynolds, Maj, J, B. Wheeler, Maj. G. Weitzel,
ney, Maj. A. Mackenzie. Rept. Chief of Eng., Maj. W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1887, p. 1903. (A) 1870, p. 124. (A)
19S Coik'Hiiial of United States Military Academv.

Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the quhar, Maj. C. R. Suter, Capt. C. J. .Allen.
iniprovenieiit of Duluth Harbor, Minn. Mem- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, p. 819. (A)
bers: Col. J. N. Macomb, 7: Lieut. Col. W. F. Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the
RajMiolds, Maj. Wheeler, Maj. G. Weitzel,
J. V>. improvement of Jlississippi River, bridge at La
Maj. W. McKarland. Kept. Chief ot, Crosse, W^is. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb.
1S70, p. 125: 1S79, p. 1472. (Wi 21; Maj. G. Weitzel. Maj, W. E. Merrill.
Calnmet Harbor, 111. Meniliers: Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77, pp. S19, S22. (A)
Col. J. X. 8; Lieut. Col. W. F. Ray-
Macomb, Mississippi River, bridge at Winona,
uold"!. Maj. Wheeler, Maj. G. Weitzel,
J. n. Minn. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb. 22; Col.
Maj. W. McFarland. Kept. Chief of Eug.,
J. H. Simpson, Maj. G. H. Warren, Maj. F. I'.
1^70, p. 125; 1S76. p. ,)42. A) I
Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Suter, Capt. C. J. Allen.
Lake Huron, harbor of refuge on.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77, pp. 819, 822. (A)
Member.-;: Col. J. N. Macomb, !); Col. \. C.
bridge at Du-
Mississippi River,
Woodruff. Lieut. Col. J, G. Foster, Maj. C. B.
buque, Iowa. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb,
Com.stock, Maj. O. M Poe, Maj, F. V. Far-
23; Col. J. H. Simpson. Maj. G. H. Warren.
qnhar. Kept. Chief of, 1872, p. 209; 1S73,
Maj. F. U. Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Snter. Capt.
p. 2r4 i.\;i
C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, pp. 819,
Mississippi River. Falls of St. .An-
823. (A)
thony. Members; Col. J. X. Macomb, 10;
Lieut. Col. D. Kurtz, Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. Mississippi River, bridge at Bur-
O. M. Poe. Maj. D. C. Houston. Rept. Chief lington. Iowa. Members:
Col. J. N. Macouih.

of Eug., 1S72, p. .^02; 1.S73, p. 409; 1S74, p. 2b9.

24; Col. J. H. Sirap.son. Maj. G. H. Warren,
(A) Maj. F. U. Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Suter, Capt.
Mississippi River, Des Moines Rap- C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng,. 1S77, pp. S19,

id- Members: Col. J. N. Macomb, 11; Capt. .824. (At

T. \ Bingham. Rept. Chief of Eug., 1.^72, p. Mississippi River, bridge at Clinton,
;,iy. A .
1 Iowa. Members: Col. J, N. Maconih. 25; Col.
Rock Island Rapids, Mississippi J. H. Simpson, Maj. G. H. Warren, Maj. C. R.
River. Members: Col. J. N. Macomli, 1'2; Suter, Maj. F. U. Farquhar, Capt. C. J. Allen.
Lieut. Col. J. H. Wilson, Capt. A. H. Burnham. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, pp. 819, S25. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S72, p. 320. ( ,A I

Mississippi River, bridge at Keo-

Duluth Harbor, Miun. Members: kuk, Iowa. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb, 26;
J. N. Macomb, 13; Lieut. Col. Z. B.
Col. Tower. Col. J H. Simpson, Maj. G. H. Warren, Maj.
Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. D. C. Houston, Maj. F. r. Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Suter. Capt. C. J.
F. U. Farquhar. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1873, p. Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, pp. 819, S25.
129. (A)
Superior City Harbor, Wis, Mem- Mississippi River. Qnincy. 111.
bers: Col. J. X. Macomb, 14; Lieut. Col. Z. B. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb. 27; Col. H.
Tower. Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. D. C. Houston, Simpson. Maj. G. H. Warren, Maj. V U. Far- .

Maj, F. r. Farquhar. Rept. Chief of Eng., quhar, Maj. C. R. Suter, Capt. C. .\llen.
1S73. p. 129. (A) Rept. Chief of Eug. 1877, pp, S19,. 825. (A )

Superior Bay, Wis, Members: Col. Mississippi River, bridge at Prairie

J. N. Macomb. 15; Lieut. Col. Z. B. Tower, du Chieu, Wis. Members: Col. J. N. Macarab.
Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. D. C. Houston, Maj. 28; Col. H. Simpson. Maj. G. H. Warren,
F. C. Farquhar. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.S73, p. Maj. F. U. Farquhar, Maj. C. R, Suter, Capt.
130. lAi C, J. .Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S77, pp, S19,
Buffalo Harbor, X. Y. Members- S23. (A)
Col. J. N. Macomb,
Maj. D. C. Hou.ston,
16; Mississippi River, bridge at Hanni-
Maj. J. ^L Wilson, Maj. F. Harwood. Rept. bal, Mo, Members: Col. N. ^lacomb. 29;
Chief of Eng., 1S73, pp. 353, 354. (A) Col. J. H. Simpson, Maj. G. H. Warren, Maj,
Mississippi River. Falls of St, An- F. U. Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Snter, Capt. C. J,
thou\-. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb, 17; Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77. pp. 819, 826.
Lieut. Col. D. Kurtz, Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj.
J. (A)
O JI. Poe, Maj. F. U. Farquhar. Rept. Chief Mississippi River, bridge at Louisi-
of Eng.. 1S74. p. 285; 1S79, p, 1164. (A) ana, Mo. Members. Col. J. N. Macorab, 30;
Mississippi River, bridge at Clinton, Col. H. .Simpson, Maj. G, K. Warren, Maj,
Iowa, Members: Col. J. N. Macomb, 18; Maj. F. v. Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Suter, Capt. C. J.
G. Weitzel, Maj. F. U. Farquhar. Rept. Chief Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S77. p. 821. (A)
of Eng., 1S75, p. 683. (A I
La Crosse Harbor, Wis. Members;
Mississippi bridge at Du- River, Col. J. X. Macomb, 31; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj,
buque, Iowa. Members: Col. J. N. Macomb, W, E. Merrill Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S7S, p,
10; Maj. F. V. Farquhar, Maj. C. R. Suter. 719. (-'i.)

Rept- Chief of Eng., 1876, p, 309. (A) - Shrewsbury River. N. Members:

Mississippi River, bridge piers. Col. J. N. Macomb, 32: Col. Z. B. Tower. Lieut.
Members: Col. J. N. Macomb, 20; Col. J. H. Col. J. Newton. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, p,

Simpson. Maj, G, H. Warren, Maj, F. U. Far- 411. (A)

The J! 'r/////x>s of (rraff/ia/rs, i8o2-i()02. 199
Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., lor the Col. W, H. H. Benyaurd, Maj. W. H. Heuer,
iinproveinent of Tennessee River. Members: Rept. Chief of Ktig.. 1S90. p. 2S90; 1S91. p. 294S,
Col. J. N. Mnconil). :t:i; Maj. (), M. Poc, Capt. (A.
L. C. Overman. Kept, Chief of Kng.. 1S79, ]>. Boarda. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the
<253- (A) improvenifiit of rtan Diegt> Harlx)r, Cal. Mem
Manascpian River, X. J. Members: bers: Col. G. H, Mendt-ll. fi; Col
Col. J. N. Macomb. IH; Col. /.. \\. Tower, Col. W. H. H. Beny urd. Maj. \V. H. Hcucr. Kept
J. Newton. Maj. H. I.. Abliol. Ki-pt. Chief of Chief of Eng.. 1S90, p. 2905; 1S92, p. 2^40, (A
Kng.. 1SS9, p. 54>i. (A) Columbia River, Oreg. Members
Delaware River. Members: Col. Col. G. IL Mendell, 7; Col. W. P. Craighill

J. N. Macomb. 35; Ueut. Col. \V. K. Kaynolds. Maj. J. C. Post. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S90. p
Lieut. Col. N. Michler, Capt. \V. I.,u(llow. 30.50. (A;
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S80, p. 575. (Ai San Pedro and Santa ^^onica bays
Lock No. 4, Coosa River, (Va. and Cal. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell. S; Lieut
Ala. Members: Maj. F. A. Malian, I; Maj. Col. W. H. H. Benyaurd, Maj. \V. H. Heuer
\V. L. Marshall, Capt. J. Biddle. Rept. Chief Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91. p. 2976; 1^2. p. 2A3S
of Eng.. 1S96. p. 1423. (A) (A^
Lock No. 5, Cumhrrland Kiver. Sacramento and Feather rivers. Cal
Tenn. Members: Maj. F. A. Mahan. '2; Maj. Member?: Col. G. H. Mendell. 0; Maj \. Mae
W. L. Marshall. Capt. J. Biddle. Rept. Chief kenzie, Capt. D. C. Kingman. Rept. Chief til
of Eng.. 1896. p. T916. (A) Eng., 1891, p. 2990. (Al
(ialveston Bay ship channel. Tex. Humboldt Harbor and Bav. Cal
Members: Maj. S. M. Mansfield, 1; Capt. A. N. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell, 10; Lieut. Col.
Damrell, Capt. W. H. Heuer. Rept. Chief of W. H. H. Benyaurd. Maj. W. H. Heuer. Rept
Eng., 1SS3, p. loSi. (Ai Chief of Eng.. 1891, p. 3129. (A)
Detroit River, harbor lines. Mem- Humboldt Harbor and Bay. Cal,
bers: Lient. Col. S. M. Mansfield, 2; Lient. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell. 11; Lieut. Col.
Col. G. J. Lydecker, Maj. M. B. Adams. Maj. \V. H. H. Benyaurd, Maj. \V. H. Heuer. Rept.
H. M. Adams, Lieut. J. B. Cavanaugh. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91. p. 3141. yK\
Chief of Eng., iSg6, pp. 2906. 2908, 2910. (A) San Pedro and Santa Monica bays.
Point Judith, R. L, harbor of refuge. Cal. Members: CoL G. H. ISIeudell, l'2: Lieut.
Members: Lieut. Col. S. M. Mansfield, Maj. .'S; Col. G. L. Gillespie. Lieut. Col. \V. l{. H. Ben-
C. W, Raymond, Maj. W. R. Livermore. Maj. yaurd. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S92. p. 2631. (A)
D. W. Lockwood. Capt. S. S. Leach. Rept. ship canal to connect lakes Union,
Chief of Eng., 1897. p. 920. (A) Washington, and Samamish witli PugetSouud.
Sacramento and Feather rivers, Cal. Wash. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell, 13; Maj.
Members: Col. S. M. Mansfield, 4; Lieut. Col. T. H. Handbun,-, Capt. T. W. Symous. Rept.
W. H. Heuer, Maj. C. E. L. B. Davis. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSg2, p. 2762. (Ai
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 4232. (A) Humboldt Bay. Cal. Members: Col.
Yaquina Bay. Oreg. Members: Col. G. Mendell, 14; Lieut. Col. W. H. H. Ben-

S. M. Mansfield. 5: Capt. H. Taylor. Capt. yaurd, Maj. W. H. Heuer. Rept. Chief of Eng..
W. W. Harts. Rept, Chief of Kng \^(y^-^, p. , 1S93. p. 32S8. ( A i

4295- (A) Columbia River, Oreg. ami Wash.

San Francisco Harbor, Cal.. harbor Members: Col. G. H. Mendell, Maj. \V. H.

lines. Members: Col. S. M. Mansfield, (i; Heuer, Maj. T. H. Handbury. Rept. Cliief nf
Lieut. Col. W. H. Heuer, Maj. C. E. L. B. Eng.. 1S93. p. 3499. (A)
Davis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 3461. (A) harbor lines, Columbia River
Bodega Bay, Cal. Members: Maj. (Youngs Bay) at Flavel, Oreg. Members: Col.
G. H. Mendell. 1; Lieut. Col. R. S. Williamson. G. H. Mendell. 10; Maj. T. H. Handburj-. Capt.
Lieut. Col. B. S. Alexander. Lieut. Col. C. S. T. W. S3'mons. Rept. Chief of Eng., TS93, p.
Stewart. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S77. p. 1051. 353^- (A)
(A) Cascades Lock. Columbia River.
Coos Bay, Oreg. Members: Col. Oreg. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell, 17; Col,
G. H. Mendell, t\ Maj. \V. A. Jones, Maj. T. H. W. P. Craighill. Capt. W. L. Marshall. Rept.
Handbury. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S9, p. 25m. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 3576. (A)
I Al Norfolk Harbor, Va. Member:
Yaquina Bay, Oreg. Members: Col. Capt. J. Mercur. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1885, p.
G. H. Mendell, 3; Maj. W. A. Jones, Maj. T. H. 1026. (A)
Handbury. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S89, p. 2517. Genesee River, bridge at Charlotte,
lA) X. V. Members: Maj. W. E. Merrill. 1; Maj.
Columbia River. Oreg. Members: J. M. Wilson. Maj. F. Harwood. Rept. Chief
Col. G. H. Mendell, 4: Col. W. P. Craighill. of Eng.. 1S74. p. 583. (A^
Maj. J. C. Post. ReptrChief of Eng.. 1SS9, p. Mississippi River. Members: Lieut.
255S. (A) Col. W.
E. Merrill, 2; Maj. A. Mackenzie, Maj.
San Francisco Harbor and interior A. M. Miller. Lieut. W. E. Craighill. Rept.
bav. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell, u; Lieut. Chief of Eng.. 1SS8, p. 1466. (A)
200, CciifciDiial of United Slates Military Academy.
Boards. Troject. plan, irstiniate, trtc fur the Members: I,ieut. Cul. (). M. Poe. 2; Maj. A,

iinprovenient of Cumberland River. Mem- Mackenzie, Maj. C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of

bers: Lieut. Col. \V. E. Merrill. S; Lieut. Col. Eng-. 1SS5, p. 1928. (A)
J. \V. Barlow, Maj.
A. Mackenzie, Lieut. H. E. Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the
Waterman. Rept. Chief of En.?., iSS.S, p. 162S. improvement of Fox and Wisconsin rivers.
fAl Members: Lieut. Col. O. M. Poe. 3; Lieut. Col.
Ohio River. Members; Lieut. Col. W. E. Merrill. Lieut. Col. J.W. Barlow, Capt.
W. E. Merrill, 4: Maj. -A. Stickney, Maj, A. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S85,
Mackenzie. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSS, p, 1S69; p. 2041. (A)
iSgo, p. 2217. lA) Ludington Harbor. Mich. Mem-
-bridge, Ohio River. Members; bers; Lieut. Col. O.M. Poe, 4; Lieut. Col. J. W.
Lieut. Col. W. E. Merrill, 5; Lieut. Col. J. W. Barlow, Capt. D. W. Lockwood. Rept. Chief
Barlow, Maj. A. Stickney, Lieut. E. J. Spencer. of Eng.. 1885, p. 2073. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSS, pp. 2499, 2505. (A) Mississippi River, Falls at St. An-
- bridge, Mississippi River. Mem- thony. Members: Lieut. Col. (). M. Poe, 5;
bers; Lieut. Col. W. E. Merrill, 6; Maj. O. H Maj. A. Mackenzie, Maj. C. J. Allen. Rept.
Ernst, Capt. D. C. Kingman, Lieut, C. K. Gil- Chief of Eng., 1RS6. p. 2111. (A)
lette. Rept. Chief of Eng.. i.SSS, pp. 2517. 2521, Mississippi River, bridge at Minne-
2522. (A) apolis, Minn. Members: Lieut. Col. O. M. Poe,
Norwalk, Conn., harbor lines. 6; Maj. A. Mackenzie, Maj. C. J. Allen. Rept.
Members; Maj. A. M. Miller. 1; Maj. D. W. Chief of Eng., 1SS6. p. 2113. (A)
Lockwood, Maj, S. S, Leach, Rept. Chief of Kentucky River, Ky. Members:
Eng,, 1S99, p, 1205. (A) Lieut. Col. O. M. Poe. 7; Lieut. Col. W.
E. Mer-
Newport Harbor. R. L, harbor lines.
- rill, Maj. A. Stickney. Rept, Chief of Eng..
Members: Lieut. Col. A. M. Miller, i\ Maj. 18K7, p. 1.S79. (A)
D. \V. Lockwood. Maj. S. S. Leach. Rept. Cumberland River. Members:
Chief of Eng., 7902. p. 915. (A) Lieut. Col. O. M. Poe, S; Lieut. Col. W. E. Mer-
Ogdensburg Harbor. N, Y, Mem-
Maj. W. R. King. Lieut. H. E.
rill. Waterman.
bers; Lieut. Col. J. Newton, I; Lieut. Col.|C. E. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18SS. p. 1622. (A)
Blunt. Maj. D. C. Houston, Capt. A. S. Holgate.
bridge, Ohio River. Members:
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S6S. p. 255. (A)
Lieut. Col. O. M. Poe, Maj. A. Stickney, Maj.
Alton Harbor, 111. Members: Lieut.
A. Mackenzie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S88, p.
Col. J. Newton, 2; Lieut,
Col. W. F. Ravnolds.
24S3. )
Maj. G. K. Warren, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Capt.

C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872, pp. 54. Mississippi River. Members: Col.

(A) O. M. Poe, 10; Maj. A. Mackenzie. Capt.

358, 361, 366.
. St. Louis Harbor. Mississippi River. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS9, p.
Members: Newton, 3; Lieut. Col.
Lie\lt. Col. J. 1 751. I A)
W. F. Rayuolds, Maj. G. K. Warren, Maj. W. E. Cumberland River. Members: Col.
Merrill, Capt. C, J. .\llen. Rept. Chief of Eng., O. ^L Poe. II; Lieut. Col. W.
E- Merrill, Lieut.
1S72, p. 35S. I A 1
Col. J. W. Barlow. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890,
Mississippi River, Falls of St. An- p. 2144. (A)
thony to Cairo. :Members; Lieut. Col. J. New- bridge, Detroit River. Members:
ton. 4; Lieut. Col. W. F. Ravnolds, Maj. G. K. Col. O. M. Poe. 12-13: Maj. C. J. Allen. Maj.
Warren, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Capt. C. J. Allen. A. M. Adams. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1890, pp.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872, p. 35S; 1873, p. 4.';3; 3456, 3463. (A)
1874. p. 327. (A) Portage Lake, Mich. Members:
- Thames River, Conn., bridge near Col. O. M. Poe, 14; Maj. J. E. Quinn, Capt. W. L.
New London. Members; Col. J. Newton. 5; Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91. p. 2521.
Lieut. Col. G. H. Elliot, Maj. W. McFarland. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S84, p. 1770. (A) Chicago Harbor, 111. Members: Col.
Fox and "Wisconsin rivers. Mein- O. M. Poe, ir>; Maj. C. E. L- B. Davis. Capt.
bers; Col. J. Newton. 6; Lieut. Col. H. L. .\bbot. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1891, p.
Lient. Col. C. B. Comstock. Rept. Chief of 2661. (A)
Eng.. :S84, pp. igoo, 1919. I .\ 1
Illinois and Mississippi Canal, 111.
Chicago Harbor. 111. Members; Members: Col. O. M. Poe, 16; Maj. A. Mac-
Lieut. Col. J. G. Parke, Lieut. Col. C. B. Com- kenzie, Capt. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of
stock, Maj. G. Weitzel. Rept. Chief of Eng., Eng., 1892, p. 2302. (A)
1SS2. p. 2237. (A) harbor lines at Detroit. Mich. Mem-
Toledo Harbor. Ohio. Members; bers: Col. O. M. Poe. 17; Maj. W. L"dlow,
Maj. O. M. Poe, 1; Maj. D. C. Houston, Maj. Lieut. C. S. Rich^. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93,

W. E. Merrill, Maj. J. M. Wilson, Capt. G. L. p. 3041. (A)

Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 314. raft towing on the (ireat Lakes and
(A) their connecting water.-^. Members: Col. O. M.
St. I,oxns River. Minn, and Wis., Poe. 18; Maj. C. E. L- B. Davis. Maj. C. B.
bridge of Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Sears. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S94. p. 2378. (A)
Tlic JJ^n'fiiigs of Crradiiafcs, iSn2-rgo2. 20T

Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the Boards. Project, pl.'in, estimate, etc., for the
improvement of Peiisacola Harbor, Fla. Mem- improvement of Delaware River. Member^:
bers: Capt. P. M. Price. Capt. W. M. Black. Col. II. M. Robert. II; Col. P. C. Hains, Maj.

Capt. O. M. Carter. Rept. Chief of Kiig., C. \V. Raymond. Rept. Chief of Kng., iS<,7,
1S91, {k'\ p. 199. y\'\
p. 1723. 1

Sabine I,ake. Tex. and La. Mem- IJrazos River. Te.x. Member; Col.
bers: Maj. J. IS. Quinn, C. S. Rich6, Capt. H. M. Robert, li. Rept. Chief of Eng., \%-,
C. A. F. Flagler. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1900, p. p. 1S15. i.\)

2302. (.\) o.sage River, Mo., lock and dam .No.

Fort Mifflin on the Delaware River; I. ^tcmbers: Col. H. M. Robert, IS; Col. C. I,.
price of land in vicinity of. Member: Maj. Gillespie, Maj. H. M. Adams, ^^aj. J. C. I).
C. \V. Raymond. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSq.,. p. Knight, Capt. H. ]'. Hodges. Rept. Chief of
461. (.\) Eng., 1S97, p. 3952. (A)
lUack Lake Harlior. Mich. Mem- tValveston Bay, Te.x. Members; Ctd.
hers: Lieut. Col. W. F. Raynolds, 1; Maj. J. B. H. M. Robert. 14; Maj. A. M. Miller, Capt. G,
Wheeler, Maj. AV. McFarland. JIaj. F. V. Far- j
McC. Derby. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1898, p. 1516.
quhar. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S69, pp. id.}, ios. I A i

(A) .\ransas Pass. Tex. Members; Col.

Lakes Huron and Erie, bridge at ,
n. M. Robert, l.'>; Maj. W. T. Rossell, Capt. J.
Detroit over channel between. Members; |
niddle. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S, p. 1527. (.\)

Lieut. Col. W. F. Raynolds. i\ Lieut. Col. N. East River, N. Y. Members: Col.

Michler, Maj. O. M. Poe. Maj. D. C. Houston, H. M. Robert. Hi; Col. G. L. Gillespie. Lient.
Maj. J. M. Wilson. Rept. Chief of FCng.. iS,So, Col. \V. Ludlow. Maj. H. M, Adams. Rept.
p. 1R53. (-'^) Chief of Eng., 1.S9S, p. 1026. (A)
Saginaw River, Mich. Members; East River. Members: Col. H. M.
Maj. H. M. Robert, 1; Maj. F. U, Farquhar, Robert, 1<; f'ol. (',. L. Gillespie, Lieut. Col, \V.
Maj, D, P. Heap. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S.S3, p. Ludlow, Maj. C. W. Raymond. Maj. H. M.
1S63. (Al .\danis. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1.S9.S, p. 1028. yK\
Philadelphia Harbor. Pa. Member: Hudson River. N. Y. Members:
Ueut. Col. H. M. Robert, i. Rept. Chief of Col. H. M. Robert, 1.S; Col. G. L. Gillespie.
Eng.. 18SS, pp. 71S. 720. .\) i Lieut. Col. W. Ludlow. Maj. C. W, Raymond.

Galveston Harbor, Tex. Members; Maj. H. M. .\dams. Rept. Chief of F:ng-. isuS.
I.ieut. Col. H. M. Robert, 8; Lieut. Col.G. L. p. 1073. ( .\)

Gillespie, Lieut. Col. J. A. Smith. Rept. Chief Bridgeport. Conn., harbor lines.
of Eng.. 1890, p. 1781. (.\) Members: Col. H. M. Robert. Ill;Maj. .\. M.
Pensacola Harbor. Fla. Members; Miller. Maj. I). W. Lockwood. Rept. Chief of
Lieut. Col. H. M. Robert, 4; Lieut. Col. G. L. Eng., 1.S99, p. lUjS. (.\)

Gillespie, Maj. C. W. Raymond, Maj. F. \. New York

Harbor. N. V. ^Members;
Mahan, Capt. W. M. Black. Rept. Chief of Col. H. M. Robert. 20; Lieut. Col. C. W. Ray-
mond. Maj. H. M. Adams. Rept- Chief of
Eng., 1895, p, 1657. ^.\)
F'ng.. 1S99. p. 12S0. {\)
harbor Raritan River, N. J.
South Pass, Mississippi River.
Members; Col. H. M. Robert.0; Col. G. L. Gil-
Members: Col. H. M. Robert, •-•!; Maj. J. B.
lespie, Maj. C. W. Raymond. Rept. Chief of
Quinn. ^laj. D. C. Kingman. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1896, p. 820. (A)
Eng.. (A)
1S99. p. 1S64.
harbor lines in Harlem River, New Pass and Harbor. Tex.
York City. Members: Col. H. M. Robert. 6; Members: Col. H. M. Robert. ti\ Maj. W. T.
Col. G. L. Gillespie. Maj. C. W. Raymond. Rossell. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S99. p. 1973. (.\)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S96, p. S71. \\ i
Brazos River (mouth), Te.x. 3Ieni-
Appoquininiink River antl Black- ber: Col. H. M. Robert, i.?. Rept.Chief of Eng..
bird Creek. Del. Members: Col. II. M. Robert, i.Sqv), p. 1976. (.\)
7; Col.P. C. Hains. Maj. C. W. Raymond Rept. harbor lines. Hast River, X. Y.
Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. SS7. (A 1 Members: Col. H. M. Robert. 24; Col. G, L.

Pensacola Harbor, Fla. Members: Gillespie, Maj. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief

Col. H. M. Robert, S; Col. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. of Eng., 1900, p. 1455. (A 1

C. W. Raymond, Maj. F. .\. Mahan, Capt.W. M. harbor lines. New Y'ork Harbor,
Black, Capt. O. M. Carter. Rept. Chief of Eng.. N. Y. Members: Col. H. M. Robert. 25; Col. G.
1S96, p. 1391. l.\) L. Gillespie, Maj. AV. L. Mar.shaU. Rept. Chief
Hudson River harbor lines. Mem- of Eng., 1900. p. I47,s. (A)
bers: Col. H. M. Robert, i); Col. G. L. Gilles- Southwest Pass, Miss. Members:
pie, Maj. C. W. Raymond, Maj. H. M. Adams. Col. H. M. Robert. 28; Maj. G. McC. Derby.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, pp. 1068, 1072. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 2287. (.\)
Harlem River and Spuyten Duyvil - damage done to the fortifications at

Creek, New York City. Members; Col. H. M. Galveston, Tex., by hurricane of Sept. 8. 1900.
Robert, 10; Col. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. C. W. Members: Col. H. M. Robert, 2<; Maj, H. M.
Raymond. M.lj. H. M. .\dams. Rept. Chief of .\dams. Capt. C. S. Rich^. Capt. E. Jadwin.
Eng., 1897, p. 107S. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 850. (.A.)
20.2 Cenicnuial of United Stales Military Academy.
Boards. Project, plan, cstiiiiatt, etc., fur the Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the
iinprovenieiit of Hudson River, N. Y.. harbor improvement of Mississippi River, Cairo to

lines. Members: Col. H. M. Robert, 'J8: Col. mouth. Members: Col. J. H. Simpson, 7;

J. AV.Barlow. Col. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. E. H. Maj. C. R. Suter. Capt. W. H. H. Benyaurd.

Ruffner, Maj. W. L. Mar.shall. Kept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S78. p. 63S. (A)
Eng.. 1901. p. 1271. (A) Mississippi River. Vicksburg. Miss.
Newark Bay, harltor lines. Ment- Members: Col. J. H. Simp.son. S; Maj. C. R.
bers: Col.H. M.Robert, '2»; Col. J. W. Barlow, Suter. Capt. W. H. H. Benyaurd. Rept.
Maj. W. I.. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng., Chief of Eng.. 187S. p. 638. (.\)
1901. p. 1277. (A) Missouri River, bridge at Glascow.
Arthur Kill, X. J., liarbor lines. Mo. Members: Col. J. H. Simpson, 9; Maj.
Members: Col. H. JI. Robert, 30; Col. J. W. C. R. Suter. Capt. C. J. Allen. Rept. Chief of
Barlow, Col. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. W. L. Mar- Eng., 1S78. p. S97. (A)
shall. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 1280. (A) Lake Erie harbors, breakwaters.
Shrewsbury River, N. J., harbor
Members: Col. J. A. Smith. 1; Maj. C. B. Sears.
lines. Members: Col. H. M. Robert, 31; Col. Maj. T. W. .Symons. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900.
J. W.
Barlow, Col. G. L. Gillespie, Maj. E. H. p. 4085. (A)
Ruffner. Maj. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Sacramento and Feather rivers, Cal.
Eng., 1901, p. 1283. (A)
Members: Col. J. A. Smith. 2; Lieut. Col. W.
- jetties and main shi]) channel, etc.,
H. Heuer, Maj. C. E. L. B. Davis. Rept. Chief
at Galveston. Tex., effects of storm of Sept.
of Eng., 1901, p. 3423. (.\)
8. 1900. Members: Col. H. M. Robert. 32; Maj.
Brunswick Harbor. Ga. Members:
H. M. Adams. Capt. C. S. Rich^, Capt. E. Jad-
Rept. Chief of Eng.. Maj. W. S. Stanton. 1; Capt. F. \^ Abbot.
win. 1901. pp. 201S, 2023.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93. pp. 1501, 1503. (A)
Ellis Island. N. Y.. harbor lines. Brunswick outer bar, Ga. Mem-
Members: Col. H. M. Robert. 33; Col. J. W. bers: Maj. W. S. Stanton. 2; Capt. F. V. Abbot.
Barlow, Col. G. I<. Gillespie. J.ieiit. Col. E. H. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1896. p. 1278. (A)
Ruffner, Maj. W. 1,. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Oakland Harbor. Cal. Members:
Eng.. 1902, p. 990. f.\) Lieut. Col. C. Stewart. 1; Lieut. Col. B. S.

Biscayue Bay. b'la. Members: Maj. Alexander. Maj. G. H. Mendell. Rept. Chief
\V. T. Rossell. Capt. C. E. Gillette. Capt. C. H. of Eng., 1874. p. 378. (A)
McKinstry. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 1986. - Columbia River. Oreg. Members:
Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart. 2; Lieut. Col. C. H
harbor of refuge. Cape I,ookout,
Mendell. Maj. G. L- Gillespie. Rept. Chief of
X.C. Members: Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Maj. T. I<.
Eng.. 1880. p. 2305. (A)
Casey. Capt. E. W. V. C. Lucas. Rept. Chief
of Hug., 1900. p. 1S29. (A)
Columbia River, Oreg. Members:
Savannah Harborand channel from Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart. 3; Lieut. Col. R. S.

Beaufort, S. C, to Savannah, Ga. Members; Williamson. Lieut. Col. G. H. Mendell, Maj. G.

Maj. C. B. Sears. Maj. W. H. Bixby. Maj. T.W'. Weitzel, Maj. D. C. IIou.ston, Maj. G. L- Gil-
Synions. Rept. Chief of Eng.. igoo, p. 1922.
lespie. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 2572. (A)
(Al - harbor of refuge on the Pacific
Mobile Harbor. Ala. Members: coast. Members: Lieut. Col. C. S. .Stewart, 4;

Cul. J. H. Simpson, 1; Lieut. Col. Z. B. Tower. Lieut. Col. R. S. Williamson, Lieut. Col. G. H.
Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright. Rept. Chief of Eng., Mendell, Maj. G. L- Gillespie. Rept. Chief of
1.S72, p. 1S74, p. S93.
591; (A) Eng-. 18S1. pp. 2621, 26S1. (A)
Missouri River, bridge at Nebraska Humboldt Harbor Bay. Cal. Mem-
City. Nebr. Members: Col. J. H. Simpson. 2; bers: Col. C. S. Stewart, 5; Lieut. Col. G. H.
Maj. G. Weitzel. Maj. C. R. Suter. Rept. Chief Mendell. Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighill. Lieut. Col.
of Eng.. 1S73. p. 5S7. (A) C. B. Comstock, Capt. C. F. Powell. Rept.
Appomattox River. Va. Members
Chief of Eng.. 1883. p. 1992. (A)
Col. J. H. Simpson. 3; Lieut. Col. J. Newton,
Columbia River, Oreg. Members:
Maj. W. P. Craighill. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart, 6; Lieut. Col. W. P.
1874, pp. 50. 53- (A)
Craighill. Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock. Lieut.
Mississippi River, bridge at St. Louis,
Col. G. H. Mendell, Capt. C. F. Powell. Rept.
Mo. Members: Col. J. H. Simpson, 4; Maj.
Chief of Eng., 18S3. p. 2012. (A)
G. K. Warren, Maj. G. Weitzel. Maj. W. E.
Sandy Lake dam, Minn. Members:
Merrill, Maj. C. R. Suter. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Miij. A.Stickney, 1; Maj. A. Mackenzie, Capt.
J874, p. 63S. (A)
Mississippi River, bridge between St. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p.
Clair and Carondelet, Mo. Members: Col. J. H. 2269. (A)
Simpson, »; Maj. W. E. Merrill, Maj. C. R. harbor lines, Ohio River, from up-
.Suter. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S75, p. 678. (A) per end of Martins Ferry to the lower end of
Ohio River, bridge at Cincinnati, the city of Bellaire, Ohio. Members: Lieut.
Ohio. ^lembers: Col. J. H. Simpson, 6; Maj. Col. A. Stickney. 2; Maj. D. W*. Lockwood.
W. E. Merrill, Maj. C. R. Suter. Rept. Chief Lieut. H. E. Waterman. Rept. Chief of Eng..
of Eng., 1S76, p. 300. (A) 1894. p. 1896. (A)
The IVri/iiiQ-s of Gradna/rs, fS()2—i()()2. 203
Boards. Project, plan, estiinntc, etc., tor the BoardH. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the
improvenieiil of harbor liiit-s at Pittsburg. I'a. improvement New York Harbor, X. N'.,
Meniliers: I,iciit. Col. A. Stickney. S; Maj. harbor lines.Members: Col. C. R. Suter. H;
D. W. Lockwootl. Uietit. 11. K. Waterman. Col. S. M. Mansfield, Maj. W. L. Marshall.
Rept. Chief of Ivng., 1S95, p. 2.(^1. (A) Rept. Chief of I':ng., 1901, p. I2fi6. (.\)
harbor lines, Ohio and Ijicking riv- Hudson River harbor lines. Mem-
ers. Members: Lieut. Col. A. Stickney. 4; Maj. bers: Col. C. R. Suter. il; Col. S. M. Mansfield,
D. \V. Lockwood. Capt. M. E. Waterman. Kept. Maj. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Chief of Eng.. 1S96. p. 212S. (A) 1901. p. 1275. {A)
movable dam for Ilig Sandy Kivir, New York
Harbor, N. Y, harbor
near Louisa. Ky. Members: Lieut. Col. .A. lines. Members: M.
Col. C. R. Suter, lU; Col.S.
Stickney. o: Maj. J, 1-. dregory. Capt, H. M. Mansfield. Maj. \V. I,. Marshall. Rept. Chief
Chittenden. Lieut. W. H. Harts Kept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 1306. (A^
of Eng.. 1896, pp. 2302, 2;,n('\ (A) East River at Steiuwav, New ^'ork
canal connecting the waters of Lake- City, harbor lines. Members: Col. C. R. Suter,
Erie with the Ohio River through the State of II; Col. S. M.Mansfield, Maj.W. L. Marshall.
Ohio. ^Members: Lieut. Col. A. Stickney, <>; Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902. p. 965. (,\)
Maj. W. S. Stanton, Maj. W. L- Marshall. Buttermilk channel. N. Y.. harttor
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96. p. 2976. (A) lines. Members; Col. C. R. Suter, 12; Col.S. M.
Yaqnina Bay. Greg. Members: Mansfield, Maj. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief
Lieut. Col. A- Stickney. 7; Maj. J.C, Post, Maj. of Eng.. 1902, p. ifSj. (A)
C. B. Sears. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSgfi, p. 32.S4. Shooters Lsland, N. Y., harbor lines.
(AT Members; Col. C. R. Suter, IS; Col. S. M. Mans-
Ohio River. Members: Lieut. Col. field, Maj. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of
.\.Stickney. H; Maj. W. H. Bixby, Capt. ('.. A. Kng.. 1902. p. 9S7. (A)
/.inn. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSgg, p. 256^. (A) Hudson River, N. Y. Members;
.\rkansas River. Members: Lieut. Colonel Totten, 1; Lieutenant Colonel Tha^ver,
Col. A. Stickney. 1»: Capt. C. L. Potter, Capt. R. Captain Talcott. Rept. Chief of Eng.. istiA. p.
McGregor. Rept. Chief of Eng.. lyoi. p. 21 ;o. 20«. (A)
(A) East River, N. V. Memfiers: Coltt-
Iiuli;iii;i cIiiilL- I haiiiiel. ( ihio Ri\(rr, nel Totten. 2; Superintendent Baehe, V. S.
Ky. Members: Col. .\. Stickney. 10; I.ieiil. Coast Survey, Commodore Davis, U. .S. Navy.
Col. T. H. Handhiiry. Capt. \V. I.. Sibert. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S6S, p. 733. (.\|
Chief of Eng., 1902. p. 1970. (.\) Boston Harbor, Mass. Members:
Members: Maj.
Mississippi River. General Totten. 3; Professor Bache, Com-
C. R. .Swter, 1;Maj. \V. H. H. Benyaurrl. Maj. modore Davis. Rept. Chief of Eng., i><7r. p.
A. Stickney, Capt. O. H. Ernst. Rept. Chief of SS5. (A)
Eng.. 1S83. pp. 1359, 1366. (X) Members: Lieut. Col. Z. K. Tower,
1; Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright, Lieut. Col. J. G.
bridges across certain river. Mem-
Foster, Maj, Q. A. Gillmore, Maj.W. P. Craig-
bers: Lieut. Col. C. R. Suter, 2: Maj. A. Mac-
hill. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S73, pp. 797, 799. (A)
kenzie, Maj. .\. M. Miller. Maj. T. II. Hand-
Staten Islandand New Jersey, chan-
bury. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18SS. pp. 2374. 23S3.
nel between. Members; Col. Z. B. Tower, 2;
Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright, Lieut. Col. J. 1). Kurtz,
overcoming or removing obstruc- Lieut. Col. J. Newton. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Columbia River between
tions to navigation on 1S76, p. 252. (A)
Three Mile Rapids and Celilo Falls, Oreg. and Ri\-cr and Harbor, Ga.
Wash. Members: Lieut. Col. C. R. Suter. 3; Members; Tower, 3; Lieut. Col. II. G.
Col. 7.. B.
W. R. King, Maj. C.
Lieut. Col. J. Allen, Civil Wright, Lieut. Col. J. Newton, Lieut. Col.Q..\.
Eng. W. R. Hutton, Civil Eng. V. G. liogue. Gillmore. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76, p. 437. ( .A I

Rejjt. Chief of Eng.. 1894, p. 2664. lAi Ohio River. Members; Col. Z. B.
Sacramento and Feather rivers. Tower, 4; Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright, Maj. G.
Cal. Members: Col.C.R. Suter, 4; Maj. W. H. Weitzel, Maj.W. E. Merrill, Lieut. F. \. :Wahan.
Heuer, Maj. C. E. L. B. Davis. Rept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77. p. 644, (.A)
Eng., 1S98, pp. 2944, 2945. (A) .
Galveston Bay ship channel, Tex,
Sacramento and Feather rivers. Members: Col. Z. B. Tower, 5; Lieut. Col. H, G.
Cal. Members: Col. C.R. Suter. 0; Maj. W. H. Wright. Lieut. Col. J. Newton, Capt. C. W.
Heuer. Maj. C. E. L. B. Davis. Rept. Chief of Howell. Rept.Chief of Eng., lS77,p..46S; 1S7S,
Eng., 1S99, p. 3171. (A) p. 608. (A)
San Francisco Bay, Cal. Members; Charleston Harbor, S. C. Members:
Col. C. R. Suter. 6; Maj. W. H. Heuer, Maj. Col. Z. B. Tower, fl; Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright,
C. E.L. B. Davis. Rept, Chief of Eng., 1899, p. Lieut. Col. J. Newton. Lieut. Col. Q. A. Gill-
3194. (*) more. Rept. Chief of E"g., 1S7S, p. 571. (.\)
Harbor of Refuge, Sandj' Bay, Mass. Cincinnati, Ohio, harbor of refuge.
Members: Col.C.R. Suter, V; Maj. I). W. Lock- Members; Col. Z. B. Tower. 7; Maj.W. E.Mer-
wood, Maj. S. S. Leach, Rept. Chief of Eng., rill. Maj. C. R. Suter. Rept. Chief of Eng..
1900, p. I1S4. (A) 1379. P- 1356. (A)
204 Lctitciniial of Uiiilcd States Military Academy.
Boards. Project, plan, estiniale. etc., for the .Abbot, Maj. W.
Rept, Chief of
E. Merrill.
iitiproveiuent of New H.iven, Conn. Meni- Eng., (A)
1S81, pp. 192S, 1936.
hers; Col. Z. B. Tower. S; Col. J. Newton. Maj. Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc, for the
H. ],. .\bbot. Kept. Chief of Eng.. iSSo, p. 450. improvement of Chicago Harbor, 111. Mem-
bers: Col. Z. B, Tower, 27; Col, J, Newton,
Hudson River, N. Y. Members: Col. Lieut. Col. H. L. -Abbot. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
/. H. Tower, ft; Maj. H.L. Abbot. Rept. Chief 1881, p. 2162. (.-V)

of Hng., i^<So, p. 4S0: iS,S5, p. 690. |.\) Columbia River. Greg. Members:
Scitnate Harbor, Mass. Meinber.s: Col.Z. B. Tower, 28; Col. J. Newton. Lieut. Col.
Col. Z. B. Tower, 10; Col. J. Newton. Rept. H.L. Abbot. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSi.pp. 2548,
Chief of Eng., i.SSo, p. 524. (.\) 2552. l-A)
Savannah River, cia. Members; Thames River, Conn. Member;
Col. Z.B. Tower, 11; Col. J. Newton, Lieut. Col. Col. Z. B. Tower, 29. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Q. .\.Gillmore. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S80, p. 1SS2, p. 606. (A)
946. (A Beaufort Harbor, N. C. Members:
Mobile Harbor, .\Ia. Members; Col. Col. Z. B. Tower, 30; Col. J. Newton. Lieut.
7.. B. Tower, 12; Col.
J. Newton, Maj. H. L. Ab- Col. H. Abbot.
L. Rept, Chief uf Eng.: 1882,
bot. Rept.Chief of Eng., i.S,So, p. 1060. (A) p. 1096. (A)
Galveston Harbor, Tex. Members: Sabine Pass, Tex. Members: Col,
Col. Z. B. Tower, lit; Col. J. Newton, Lieut. Z. B. Tower, 31 Col. J Newton, Lieut. Col. H. L.
; .

Col. Q. A. Gillmore. Rept. Chief of Eng., lS,So, Abbot. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S2, p. 143S. (A)
pp. ^211, 1266. (A) Ohio River, bridge at Louisville, Ky.
• .\ransas Pass antl Bay, Tex. Mem- Members; Maj. G. K. Warren, 1; Maj.G.W^eit-
bers: Col. Z. B. Tower, 14; Col. J. Newton, zel, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Lieut. Col. Q. .\. Gillmore. Rept. Chief of 1871, pp. 119, 454. (A)
Eng., 18S0, p. 1254. \\) Niagara River, bridge at Buffalo,
Matagorda Bay, Tex. Members: N. Y. Members: Maj. G. K. Warren, 2; Maj.
Col. Z. B. Tower, l.l; Col, J. Newton, Lieut. W. E. Merrill. Maj. K. Harwood. Rept. Chief
Col. Q. A. Gillmore, Kept. Chief of Eng.. l.SSo, of Eng., 1S71, p. 219. (A)
p. 1256. (\) t:)hio River. Members: Maj. G. K.
•Mississippi River. Members: Col. Warren, 3; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E. Merrill.
Z. B. Tower, Ifi; Col. J. Newton, Maj. H. L. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71. p. 396. (A)
.\bbot. Rept.Chief of Eng., 18S0, p. 12S4. (A) )hio River, bridge at Steubenville,
- (

Red River. La. Members: Col. Z. B. i.>hio, MemV)ers: Maj. G. K. Warren. 4; Maj.
Tower, 17; Col. J. Newton. Maj. H. L- .\bbot. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief
Kept, Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 12S4. (A) of Eng., 1.S71, p. 403. (A)
Fo.\ and Wisconsin rivers. Mem- Ohio River, bridge at Wheeling, W.
bers: Col. Z. B. Tower, 18; Col. J. Newton, Va., and Bridgeport, Ohio. Members; Maj.
Maj. H. L. Abbot, Maj. D. C. Houston. Rept. G. K. Warren. 5; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. W. E.
Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 1953. (A) Merrill, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, pp. 405, 408.
Rockland Harbor, Vt. Members:
Col. Z. B. Tower, 19; Col. J. Newton. Rept. Ohio River, bridge at Bellaire, Ohio.
Chief of Eng., iSSi, p. 468. (A) Members: Maj. G. K. Warren, 6; Maj. G. Weit-
- Newburyport Harbor, Mass. Mem- zel, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
bers: Col. Z, B. Tower, -20; Col. J. Newton. (.\)
1871, pp. 408. 425.
Lieut. Col. H. L. Abbot. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Ohio River, bridge at Parkersburg,
1S81, p. 505. (A)
W. Va. Members: Maj. G. K. Warren, 7; Maj.
Nantucket Harbor, Mass. Mem- G, Weitzel. Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief
bers: Col. Z. B. Tower, 21; Col. J. Newton. of Eng., 1S71, pp. 411, 454- (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 542. (A)
- Ohio River, bridge at Covington,
Stonington Harbor, Conn. Mem- Ky. Members: Maj. G. K.Warren. S; Maj.G.
bers: Col. Z. B. Tower, 22; Col, J. Newton. Weitzel, Maj: W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S1, p. 583. (A) Eng., 1S71, (A)
pp. 414. 454.
New York Harbor. Members: Col. Ohio River, bridge at Paducah, Ky,

Z. B. Tower, 28; Col. J. Newton, Lieut. Col. Members: Maj.G. K.Warren, 9; Maj.G. Weit-
H. L. Abbot. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S.S1, p. 675. zel, Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept, Chief of Eng.,
(A) (A)
1871, pp. 424, 454.
Pensacola Harbor. Ga. Members: Ohio River, bridge
- at Newpo'l, Ky.
Col. Z. B, Tower, 24; Col. J. Newton, Lieut. Members: Maj. G. K.Warren, 10: Maj.G. Weit-
Col. H. L- .\bbot. Rept, Chief of Eng., iSSi, Rept, Chief of Eng.,
zel. Maj. W'. E. Merrill.
p. 1177. (A) 1S71, p. 426. (A)
St. Louis, Mo.
Member.^: Col. Z. B. channel between Lakes Huron and
Tower, 25; Col. J. Newton, Lieut.
Col. H. I,. Erie, bridge at Detroit, Mich.Members: Maj.
Abbot. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 1575. (A) G.K.Warren. 11; Maj.C. B. Comstock, Maj.G.
Ohio River. Members: Col. Z. B. Weitzel. Maj. W. E. Merrill, Capt. W.R. Liver-
Tower, 20; Col. J. Newton, Lieut. Col. H. L. ertnore. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S74, p. 587. (A)
The fl ')i/ii/os nf Chadnalrx, TSn2-iqn2. 205

Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the Boards. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the
improvement of Mississippi River. Cairo to improvement of Illinois River. MenilH-r:
mouth. Members: Maj. fi. K. Warren, \'X\ Lieut. Col. J. H. Wil.son. Kept. Chief of Enj;.,
Maj. H. L. Abbot, Capt. \V. 11. H. licnyaurd, 1867, p. 270; 1S6S. p. 440; 1S79. p. 1574. {,\)

Messrs. Sickles and Herbert, kept. Chief of Potomac River, bridge across East-
Eng.. 1S75.
PP- 539. 664. (.^1 ern Branch. Members: Lieut. Col. J. M.Wil-
Mississippi Riverlevees. Members: son. Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains. Maj. A. Mackenzie.
Maj. G.K.Warren. IS: Maj. II. I.. .^bbot.Capt. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S87. p. 923, (A)
W. H. H. Benyaurd. Messrs. .Sickles and Her- Dunkirk Harbor. N. Y. Members:
bert. Rept. Chief of Eng., i.-;75, pp. 53:9, 678. Col. I. C. Woodruff, 1; Maj. W, McFarland,
(A) Capt. F. Harwood. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S70,
Providence River Harbtir, Bulkhead p. 191: 1S71, p. 214. i.\\

rock, and Narragansett Bay. R. I. Member: Oswego Harbor, X. V. Members:

Maj. G. K. \Varreii. 14. Rept. Chief of Kng.. Lieut. Col. I. C. Woodruff, Maj. W. McFar-

1878, p. 234. (A) land, Maj. N. Bowen. Rept. Chief of Eng.,

Ohio River. Evansville, Ind, Mem- 1S70. p. 219. (.\ )

bers: Maj. G. K. Warren, 15: Maj. G. Weitzel. Erie Harbor. Pa. Members: Lieut.
Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief of Kng.. 187S. Cot. I. C. Woodruff, S; Lieut. Col. J. G. Foster,
p. no; 1S79, p. 1.^9. I A 1 Maj. W. McFarland. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Ohio River.^lembers: Maj. G. 1871, p. 206. (A)
Weitzel. Maj. W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief
1; Oswego Harbor, X, V, Members:
of Eng., 1S73. p. 540; 1S74. pp. 415, 4S1. (Ai Lieut. Col. I. C. Woodruff, 4; Maj. J. M. Wilson.
transportation routes to the sea- Capt. F. Harwood. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71.
board. Members: Maj. G. Weitzel. 2; Maj. pp. 242, 24S. (A)
W. E. Merrill. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, p. Delaware Breakwater. Del. Mem-
415- (A) bers: Col. I. C. Woodruff, h\ Lieut. Col. H. G.
Michigan City Harbor, Ind. Mem- Wright, Lieut. Col. J. Newton, Maj. W. P. Craig-
bers: Maj. G. W*eitzel, 3; Maj. D. C. Houston, hill. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, pp. 672. 678;
Maj. G. I,. Gillespie. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S75, 1S72. p. 7,S5. (A)
p. 23S. (A) Lewes. Del. Members: Lieut. Col.
Wabash River. Members: Maj. Ci. I.C.Woodruff. 6: Lieut. Col. J. Xewton. Lieut.
Weitzel. 4; Maj. W. E. Merrill. Maj. J. A. Smith. Col. J. D. Kurtz. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S71, p.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. i^^:;. p. 669: 1879. p. 1441. 6S1. (A I

(A) Delaware River, bridge between

Mississippi River, Cairo to mouth. Philadelphia and Camden. Members: Lieut.
Members: Maj. G. Weitzel, Capt. C. W. .">; Col. C.Woodruff. J; Lieut. Col. J. D. Kurtz,

Howell, Capt. W. H. H. Henyaurd. Messrs. Capt. W. R. King. Rept. Chief of Eng.. i-;7i.
Harrod. D'Hemecourt, and Wood. Rept. Chief pp. 710. 713. 718. (A)
of Eng., 1S78, p. 614; 1S79. p. S75. (Ai Grand River Harbor. Fairport.Ohio.
New Orleans, La. Members: Maj. Members: Lieut. Col. I, C. Woodruff. S; Maj.W.
G. Weitzel, 6; Capt. C, W. Howell. Capt.W. H. H. McFarland. Maj. J. M. Wilson, Capt. F. U. Far-
Benyaurd, Messrs. Harrod. D'Hemecourt. and quhar, Capt. G. L. Gillespie Rept Chief of
W*ood. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S7S. p. 614; 1S79, Eng.. 1S72, p. 243. (A)
p. 875. (A; Delaware River. Members: Col.
Mendocino Bay. Cal. Members: I. C. Woodruff, 9: Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright,
Lieut. Col. R. S. Williamson. 1; I.ieut.Col. B. S. Lieut. Col. J. Xewton. Lieut. Col. J. D. Kurtz.
Alexander. Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart, Maj. G. H. Maj. W. P. Craighill. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Mendell. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. ios2. 1873. P- •'*7.5. (A)
(A) Saugatuck Harbor, Mich. Mem-
Trinidad Harbor, Cal. Members: bers: Lieut. Col. I. C.Woodruff, 10; Maj. J. B.
Lieut Col. R. S. Williamson, -1\ Lieut. Col. B. S. Wheeler. Capt. F. U. Farquhar. Rept. Chief
Alexander. Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart, Maj.G.H. of Eng., 1S74. p. 190. (A)
Mendell. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, p. 1052. Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. Members:
(A) Col. Woodruff, 11; Maj. C. B. Comstock,
I. C.
Crescent City, Cal. Members: Maj. J. M. Wilson. Maj. F. Harwood. Rept.
I,ieut. Col. R.S. Williamson. 3; Lieut. Col. B. S. Chief of Eng.. 1874. p. 229. (A)
Alexander, Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart. Maj. G. H. Cleveland Harbor. Ohio. Members:
Mendell. Rept. Chief of Eug., 1S77, p. 10S3. Col. I. C. Woodruff, 12: Lieut. Col.C. E. Blunt,
(A), Maj. C. B. Comstock, Maj. J. M. Wilson. Rept.
Mack .\rch. Oreg. Members: I.ieut. Chief of Eng., 1S75, p. 308. (.4)
Col. R. S. Williamson, 4; Lieut. Col. B. S. Alex- Buffalo Harbor. N. Y. Members.
ander Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart. Maj. G. H. Men- Col, I. C. Woodruff, 13; Lieut. Col. C. E. Blunt,
dell. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877, p. 1054. (A) Maj. C. B. Comstock, Maj. J. M. Wilson. Maj. F.
Port Orford, Oreg. Members: Harwood. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76, p.569. (.\)
Lieut, Col. R. S.Williamson, .j; Lieut. Col. B. S. Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. Members:
Alexander, Lieut. Col. C. S. Stewart, Maj.G.H. Col, I. C. Woodruff, 14; Lieut. Col. C. E. Blunt,
Mendell. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1877. p. 1054. Maj. J. M. Wilson. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76.
(A) P- 573- (A)
2o6 Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Boards. Project, estimate, etc.. for the
plan, mental B. L. rifle, and tubed with steel, p. 200;
improvements SiUro Tunnel. Members:
of Progress report of the manufacture of steel
Lieut. Col. H. (i. Wright. a\ I,ieut. Col. J. C. forgings at the works of the Robert Poole &
Foster. Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1^72. p. 1126. Son Company, Baltimore, Md. Rept. Chief of
(A) Ord., 1S97. IC)
Galveston Harbor, Tex. Members: Borup, Henry Dana. Extract of report on de-
I.ient. Col. H. G. Wright. 1; Lieut. Col. Z. B. fenses of Santiago de Cuba; Report on arma-
Tower. Lieut, Col. J. Newton. Capt. C. W. ment of defenses of Santiago de Cuna. Rept.
Howell. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S74, p. 737; 1S75. Chief of Ord..i89S.
p. S69: 1S76, p. 5S3. (A) Report on materials furnished by various
Stonington Harbor. Conn. Mem- manufacturers- Rept. Chief of Ord., 1899.
bers: Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright. 2; Lieut. Col. J. Report on material furnished bj- various
Newton, Lieut. Thorn, Lieut. Col. J. D.
Col. G. manufacturers. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1900.
Kurtz, Maj. J. W. Barlow. Rept. Chief of Eng., The Ordnance Department 52-inch cali-
1S75. P-243- (A) pers. Notes Constr. Ord. No. 44. p. i, vol. 2.

Mississippi River at mouth. Mem- fA)

bers: Lieut. Col. H. G. Wright, :S; Lieut. Col. Report on the fabrication of S-inch pro-
B. S. Alexander. Maj. C. B. Comstock. Messrs. jectiles at the South Boston Foundry. Ord.
Mitchell, Sickles, Robert, and Whitcomb. Note 331, vol. II. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1875. p. 94S. (A) The water-front defenses of Santiago.
Ohio River. Members: Lieut. Col. [Reprint.] Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 11, p. 302,

H. G. Wright, 4; Maj. G. Weitzel. Maj. O. M. Bostwick, Samuel W. (of Ohio). Member of

Poe. Maj. W. E. Merrill. Lieut. F. A. Mahan. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1863.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76. p. 26. (A) Boughton, Daniel Hall (U. S. M. A.. 1881). Pho-
Great Kanawha River, W. Va. tographs in Albums of officers' mess.
Members- Lieut. Col H. G. Weitzel, 5; Maj. Bourke, John Gregory (U. S. M. A.. 1S69). Died
W. P. Craighill, Maj. O. M. Poe. Rept. Chief June 8, 1S96, aged 50. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
of Eng., iS-6. p. 164; 1877, p. 676; iS79,p.55i. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1896. ( A
Ohio River. Members: Lieut. Col. The snake dance of the Moquis of Ari-
H. G. Wright, 6; Maj. G. Weitzel, Maj. O. M. zona, being a narrative of a journey from
Poe. Maj. W. E- Merrill. Rept. Chief of Eng., Santa Fe, N. Mex., to the village of the Moqui
1877. P- 643; 1S78, p S05. (A) Indians. New York, 1S84. i vol. (A 1

Bodflsh. Summer Homer (U. S. M. A., 1S68). An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre
Died May 17, 1S94, aged 50. Obituary in Ann. . . 1883.
. ... vol., O. 18R6.1 (A)
Assoc. Grads. U.M. A.. 1S94. (A)
S, Compilation of notes and memoranda
BoBes, Frank Cranstoun U. S. M. ( A., 189S). bearing upon the tise of human ordvire and
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve- human urine in rites of a religious or semi-
ment of Boca Grande and Charlotte Harbor, religious character among various nations
Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., igoo, p. 2052. (A) ... pam., O. Washington. iSS8. (.A.)
Bomford, George (U. S. M. A 1805). Reports as
, Notes on the cosmogony and Iheogony of
Chief of Ordnance. 1832-1S4S. Member of the Mojave Indians of the Rio Colorado. Ari-
Board of Visitors( inspection to U. s. M. A. in zona. I pam., O. 1SS9. From Jour. .\mer. I

1845. Folklore.) (A)

Letter relative to ordnance duty, arms Note on shoeing or nonshoeing of cavalry
required bv militia of West, No. 80, doc. S3. horses. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1890. p. 343. (A)
(C) Mackenzie's last fight with IheCheyennes:
Bomford, James Voty (U. S. M. A.. 1S32). Died A winter campaign in Wyoming and Mon-
Jan, 6. 1S92, aged So. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. tana .Governors Island, New York Har-
. .

Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S92. (A) bor, 1890. I vol., O. (.'\)

Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon (U. S. M. A.. 1S52). On

border with Crook.
the O. New
Died Sept. 3. 1893, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. York. 1891. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S94. (A) The laws of Spain in tlieir application to
Bonneau, Richard Van Horst U. S. M. A., 1S52).
{ the American Indians Washington, 1894.
. . .

Died Jan. 28, 1899, aged 72. Obituary /« Ann. Ipam., O. (From the Amer. .Anthropologist.
Assoc. Grads, U. S. M. A.. 1901. (A) April, 1894.) (A)
Bonneville, Benjamin L- E. (U. S. M. A., 1815). Our neutrality laws. (Originally pub-
Died June 12, 1878, aged 85. Obituary in Ann. lished in the Mexican Financier. City of
Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1878. (A) Mexico, Fort Ethan Allen. VI. [n. d.].
I vol.. O.. p. 32. (A)
Borup, Henry Dana (U. S. M. A.. 1876). Report
Hodge (F.W. ): J. Gregory Bourke. pam.. i

on inspection of projectiles, South Boston

O. 1896. (A)
Foundry. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1882, p. 261. (C)
Review of Fewke's snake ceremonials at
Eureka projectiles, fabrication of 8-inch. Walpi. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst, U. S.. vol. 16, p. 643.
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S84, p. 501. (C) Notes on some Arabic survivals in the lan-
Experimental, hooped and tubed with guage and folk usage of the Rio Grande Valley,
steel, construction report, rifle, 12-inch B. L-, etc.
Shrinking on steel hoops at South Boston
p. 196; The folk food of the Rio Grande Valley
Foundry, method pursued with 12-inch experi- and northern Mexico.
The ]]'riliiios of (Tiadiia/cs, iSo2—i()()2. 207
Boutelle. Hon. Charles A. (of Maine). Mt-inher Boynton, ICdward Carlisle. Register of catiets
<»f Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in iSSi. admitted into the U.S. M. A. .West Point. X. V.,
Bouve, Waller I*, (of Massachusells). Member from its origin to June 30, 1S70. Washington,
of Board of Visitors to i*. S. M. A. in i>^<-f^. 1S70. I vol., O. [S\ibse(]uenl issues fur 1876,
Bowen. Achilles (U. S. M. A., 1S50), Died June 1S.S6. and T401.] (.\1
6, iS96,aged 71. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Orads. General orders of Cieorge Washington,
r. S. M. A., 1S96. (A) Commander in Chief, etc., issued at Xewburgh.
Bo^veu, John S. {V S. M. A., iSs^^
. Tortrait. Kn- I. Xewtiiirgli, l^'^3.

graving. Owned by Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A. . Author of several i)apcrs<ui chemistry and

Bowen, Nicolas (U. S. M. A., 1S60V Died July chemical analysis. iSs-'-iSfn.
II. 1871, aged y^. Obituary /;/ Ann, .\ssoc- Sei' West Point. gui<ie to, 1S67.
Orads. r. S. M. A.. 1S72. (A^ Bradeu. Charles U. ( S. M. A.. i>««jK Photograph
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for tlie im- in Albums of officers" mess.
provement of Charlotte Harbor, mouth of Secretary of the .-\ssocialion of Graduates
Genesee River. N. Y. Rept. Chief of Kng.. U. S. M. A. and editor of its .\nnnaK from
1S69, pp. 40, 179; 1870, p. 203. (C) 1S80 to 1 900.

Olcott Harbor. X. V, Kept. Chief Bradford, Kdnuind U, S. M. \.. 1^37).(Died

of Eng., 1S69. pp. 40. rSi. (Ci Apr. 2fi, 1SS9. aged 73. Obituary in Ann. .Assoc.
Pultneyville Harbor. N'. V. Kept. Grads, U. S. M. A.. iSSq. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1R72. p. 255; 1S74, v»)l, i. p. 2v>: Bradford. Thomas Carr U. S. M. A., 1S61 j. Died (

1S75. p. 3.-^4; 1SS4, p. 2)3S. (C) Jan. 12. 1872,aged 35. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc.
5i?^ Boards— Bowen. i: WoodrufT. 2. (Al Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S72. (A)
Bowen, William P. (of Georgia^. Member of Instructor of ordnance and gunnery. U S.
Board of Visitors to \' . S. M, A. in iSsi. M. A.. 1S71-72,
Bowman, Alexander Hamilton (
I", S. M. \., Bradley, Thomas W.iof Xew York). Member
1S25). Portrait (oil painting). Presented by of Board of Visitors to V S. I\I. A. in 1809. .

War Department. 1875. Brady. Edward Wright {U.S. M.A., 1S69). Died
Instructor of practical engineering. V . S. May 2, IQ03, aged — Editor of a newspaper at

M. A.. 1S51-52. Henderson, Tex.. 18 — and at Mnncie Ind.. .

Fourteenth Superintendent, from Mar. i. since iS—

iS6i.toJulyfi, 1S6.1. Reports as Supt. T.S. M. K.. Bragg, Braxton U. S. M. A., 1837). Died Sept,

1861-1^64. 27. 1S76 aged ^SQ. Engraving (by George E.

Remarks on making and applying con- Perine). Owned by Assoc. Grads U. S. M. .\.
crete, n.p. [1849I. I vol.. o,. pp. 9. (A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. \.,
Boyce, William M. fU. S. M. .'\,. 1S22). Topog- 1877. (A)
raphy, sec. r. r. S. Coast Survey Rei>t., 1S44, and hissuborrlinatecoinmantiers, Official

p. 5-' (A) report of the battle of Chickamaugua. O.. pp.

Topography, sec. i. p. 10; sec. 2. p. 15. 254. Richmond, \'a.. 1864.
U. S. Coast Survey Rept 1S45. (A) ,
Campaigns of. ( E. T. Sykes.) So. Hist,
Topography, sec. p. n; sec, 2, p, 17. i Papers, vols. 11. 12. 1SS3-84.
U. S. Coast Survey Rept 1S46. (A) .
Some unpublished war letters addressed to
Albemarle triangulatioii. p, 34: Plat- Gen. W Sherman. In North .\Tner Kev,.
forms, p. 3S. r, S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S47. vol. 143. November, 18S6.
(A) Some more war letters addressed to Gen.
.Mbemarle Iriangiilation r. S. Coast W. T. Sherman. /// North Amer Rev., vol.
144, April, 1S87.
Survey Rept. 184S, p. 44. (A)
Arrest of, etc. No. 443, doc. 21 1. (C
Oregon inlet, p. 37; Croatan. Roanoke, and
Bragg. Edward S. (of Wisconsin). Member of
Currituck triangnlation. p. ^9: Report on
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1886.
Bodie's island inlet, p. 87. r. S. Coast Sun-ev
Brag-g. John (of North Carolina Member of t.
Rept., 1849. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1855,
Boyd, OrsemusBronson (U.S. M. A., 1S67). Died Brainard, Thomas (of Pennsylvania) Member
July 25, 1SS5, aged 41. Obituary in .Ann. Assoc. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1863.
Grads. U.S. M. A., i8$6. (A) Brannan, John Milton U. S. M. A.. 1841). Died (

I,ife of; or. Cavalry life in lent and field. Dec. 16, 1S92, aged 74. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Mrs. O. B. Boyd. 1S94. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S9?. (A)
Boynton. Edward Carlisle (U. S. M. A.. :S46). In memoriam. /« Twenty-fourth reun-
Died May 13. 1S93, aged 69. Obituary in Ann. ion of the Army of the Cumberland. Cleveland,
Assoc. Grads. V S. M. .\-, 189^, (A)
Ohio, September. iSq^, p. 223. Cincinnati, 1^94.
Adjutant U. S. M. A.. Oct. 10. 1861, to Sept. (A)
I. 1S71. See V S. Coast Survev Rept., 1S62.
. ]>. 5^.
Quartermaster U. S. M, A.. Nov. 11. 1S61, (A)
to Sept. 30, 1865. Bratt.John (U.S. M, \., 1837). Died May 21. 1890.
Librarian U. S. M. h. from Jan. i. 1S64. to aged 77, Photograph in .Mbums of officers'
Sept. 2. 1871. mess.
Military and naval vocabulary in Web- Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. W S. M. .\.,

ster's Army and Na%'j' Dictionary. 1864. 1890, (A)

2o8 Coitouiial of Lhiitcd States Military Academy.
Breck. Saiiiutl lof Alabama Member of lluanl (. Brooks, Jolin Crafts Wright. A proposed design
of Visitors to r. S. M. A. in iS5r. for a new ballistic target. Jour. T'. S. .A,rt..

Breck, Samuel (U. S. M. A.. iS55)- Photograph vol. I. p. 247.

in Albums; of officers' mess. Brooks. William Thomas Hasbaugh (U. S. M.

Recollections of with passages from
. . . A., 1841). Died July 19, 1870, aged 49. Obitu-
his note books, 1771-1^62. Ed. by H. E- Sciul- ary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. 187 1.
der ... vol., O. 1877.
1 A I, 1 IA)
Reports as Adjutant-General U. S. Army. Brotherton, David Hammett (U.S. M. A., 1854).
lSq7-QS. Died Sept. 17, 1889, aged 5S. Obituary in Ann.
Breckinridge. Charles Henry U. S. M. ( A.. 18^5). Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSgo. (A)
Died Aug. 27, 1S67. aged — Brown, A. G. (of Mississippi). Member of
Brent. J. l,ancaster (of California). Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1847.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S5S. Brown, Austin Hastings (U. S. M. A., 1885).
Brent. Thomas L,ee. jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S65). Died Cadet life at West Point. Pall Mall Mag., vol.
May 24. iSSo. aged 34. Obiluarj- in Ann. Assoc, II. p. 130 (Jan.',
Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSo. U^ I
Brown. B. Gratz (of Missouri). Member of
Brereton, John James (U. S. M. A., 1S77). Died Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1884.
Dec. 2. 1899 aged 44. Obituary and portrait Brown, Harvey (U. S. M. A., 1818). Died Mar.
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) 31. 1874, aged 78. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Brereton. Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A., 1843). Grads. U. M. S. A.. 1874. (A)
Died Sept. iS. 1870, aged 48. Obituary in Ann. Browne. J. B. (of Iowa). Member of Board of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. 1871. (A) Visitors to U. S. M. A., In 1S51.
Brewerton. George Douglas. Died Jan. 31, 1901. Brown. Maj. Gen. Jacob (of Pennsylvania).
Quartermaster, U. S. M A., Jan. 31 to Apr. i. Member of Board of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in
1^51 1S15.

Brewerton, Capt. H. lof Member 1. of Brown, James. Membtr of Board of Visitors to

Board of Visitors (inspection) to U. S. M. A. in U. S. M. A. in 1820.
1843. Brown, John A. (U. S. M. A., 1846). Died Oct. S,
Brewerton. Henry (T. S. M. A.. 1S19). Died 1S77. aged 51. Obituary /;/ Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Apr. 17. 1879, aged 77. Portrait loil painting). U. S. M. A.,i87S. (A)
Presented by War Department. 1S75. Brow^n, Col. John M. (of Kentucky). Member
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. of Board of \'isitor^ to t'. S. M. A. in 1870.
1879. { A Brown. Rev. John W. of New York). Member i

Eighth Superintendent, from Aug, 15, of Board of Vi-sitors to l". S. M. A. in 1SS7.

1S45. to Sept. 1. 1852. Reports as Supt. U. S. M. Brown, Prof. Le Roy D. (of Nevada). Member
A., 1845-1852. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1889.
See U. S. Coast Sun.-ey Rept., 1S56. p. 49. Brown. Lytle (U. S. M- A.. 1S9S). The pho.s-
(A) phates of Tennessee. 1891.
Boards— Bache 3. (A)
Brow^n. Judge Mason (of Kentucky). Member
Brice, Benjamin WilliaTU (U, S, M. A., 1829). of Board of Visitors to L'. S. M. A. in 1864.
Died Dec. 4. 1S92. aged %(i. Obituary in Aim.
Brown. Micah Ryder (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893. (A)
Apr. 9. i8go. aged 36. Photograi>h in .\lbnms
Reports as Paymaster-General, 1864-1^72.
ot officers mess.
Brisbane, Abbott Hall (U. S. M- A.. 1825). Died
Sept, 28. 1861. aged — . Ralphton, or. The obituary /// \\\\\. .\ssoc. Grads, U. S. M. .'\.,

young Carolinianof 1776. 1880. ( A )

Brockenborough, John (of 1 Member of Pioject, plan, estimate, etc.. for the ini-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1831, proveraenl of Broad Kiln River, Del. Rept.
Brodrick. Patrick Thomas U. S. M. A.. 1868). ( Chief of Eng,, 1&72. pp, 792. 795. (C)
Died Mar. 28, 1S86. aged 41. Obituary in Ann. and Kurtz, John Daniel (T. S. M. A.. 1842).
Assoc. Grads. U. S M. A.. 1SS6 (A) Report on the effects ot the sea water and ex-
Bromwell. Jacob H. (of Ohio). Member of Board posure upon the iron -pile shafts of the Brandy-
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S99, wine shoal light-house Q. Washington, 1S74.
Brouson, Alvin. Member of Board of Visitors Brown, O. B. Member ot Board of Visitors to
to U. S. M. A. in 1834. U. S. M. A. in 1S25.

Brooke, Brig. Gen. George Mercer, U. S. Army. Brown, Oscar James (U. S. M. A,, 1S77). Photo-
Member of Board of Visitors (inspection) to graph in Albums of officers' mess.
U. S. M. A, in 1S43 and 1845 Brown, Robert Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1SS5I.
Brooks. Edward Cranston (U. S M. A.. 1886). Photograph m Albums ot officers' mess.
.\ technical criticism of our infantry drill book. Brown. Rufus Porter U. S M. A. 1S66). Died {

Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 17. p. 97. (A) Sept. 4 1892, aged 48. Obituary ;« Ann. Assoc.
Brooks. Horace (U. S. M. A., 1S35). Died Jan. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893. (A)
i;^, aged 79. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
1894, Brown. T. B. (U. S. M. A.. 1S261. Experiments
Grads, U. S. M. A., 1S94. (Ai on the resistance ol sand to motion through
Brooks. John Crafts Wright (L'. S. M. A., 1S85). tubes ... Us use m the blasting of rocks.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. [Philadelphia, 1836 J
1 vol., O. pp iS (A)
The Wn'/iuo-s of Ciradi(afrs, /8()2—igo2. 209
Brown, 'riiompsnii Skinner I". S. M. A., iS^.s*. i
A text-book of ord-
Bruff. I.awrence I.,aureiisoii.
Died June 30, 1S55. aged .(S. Meinorial to the nance and gunnery. Prepared for the use of
Senate niid House of Representatives, [n. p.], cadetsof the r.S.M. A. ist ed.. ist thous. . . .

1835. I vol.. O.. p. 13. (A) New York. 1S96. vol., <>.. v, 677 pp
1 (A)
Brown, William Carey (U. S. M. A.. 1S77), Pho- Report on the manufacture of spurs
tograph in Albums of officers" mess. and straps of the Mills ]>at tern. Ord, Note 160,
Adjutant V S. M. A.. Ani^. r>^S5. t(j July t,
. 1 , vol. 5, {\\
1S90. Comment on the new carbine and new
Memoranda of decisions on points of target i)ractice. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. V . S.,

tactics. Infantry and Cavalry School.

I*. S. vol. 22, p. b52. (A)
18S5. I vol.. O.. 49 pp. (Ai Ser West Point. Ordnance museum. De-
The Military Acadetuy and the education scriptive catalogue, 1S9S.
of officers. /« Jour. Mil. Serv Inst. r.S..vol. Brumby. X. V. (of Georgia) (U, S. M. A.. 1833).
17 (1^95). P- 176. (A) Member of Board of Visitors to V . S. M, A. in
Reorganization and graded retirement for 'S53
cavalry. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S96. p. 215. (A) Brimot. Hilary (f.S.M,A., 1S141. Died :\Iar. 26,
The carbine versus the rifle, p. 93: Five 1S72. aged 77. Obituary //; \\\n. Assoc Grads.
year enlistment for the cavalry, p. 333. Jour. r. S. M. A.. 1S72. (A)
Cav. Assoc, 1899. {\) Bryan, Col. Edward B. (of South Carolina ( V. S. |

Officers" equipments, Joiir. Mil. Serv. M. A.. 184S). Member of Board of Visitors to
Inst., vol. 14. p. 1219. (Ai U. S. M. A. in tS.60.

Comment on Hubbard's The Military Bryan. E- H. (of Mississippi Member of Hoard ).

Academy, etc. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S57.

vol. 17. p. 176, (A ! Bryan, Francis Theodore (U. S. M. A., 1S461. Re-
Bruce. William Kstcourt [V S. M. A.. 1887). . port of reconnaissance from Fort Riley to
Died Feb. 27. 1S92, aged 2S. Obituary hi Ann. Bridgers Pass and return, made in 1S56. O.
Assoc Grads. l'. S. M. A., 1892. (A) Washington. 1S57. Explorations and Surveys.
BruflF, I.awrence Laurenson (U. S. M. A.. 1876). Reconnaissance of routes from San An-
Instructor of ordnance and gunnery.l'.S. M. A., tonio to El Paso. Explorations and Surveys.
Aug. 17. 1891. Bryan, Timothy Matlock (U. S. M. A.. 1S55).
Quartermaster U. .S. M. A., May 19-23. Died Apr. 8. 1 88 1. aged 49. Obituary in Ann.
1S98. Assoc, Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S81. (A)
Malefs hytiraulic carriages for 3.2-inch Bryant, Cullen (U. S. M. A.. 1S64). Meteorologi-
B. I,, rifle. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S77. p. 321. cal register, Alaska, 1870-71. V. S. Coast Sur-
(C) vey Rept.. 1S71, app- 7. pp. 100-108. (A)
Spurs and straps, report on manufacture Bryant, Cyrus (of Illinois). Member of Board
of 1,000 Mills pattern. Rept. Chief of Ord., of Visitors to f. S. M. A. in 1863.
18S1. p. 271. tC I Bryant, Dr. Joseph D. (of New York). Member
Rock Island Arsenal— reportof work done of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S96.
in rolling mill, cost, etc Rept- Chief of Ord.. Bryce, Joseph Smith (U. S. M. A., 1S29). Died
1SS2. p. 82. Apr 16. 1901, Obituary and portrait
aged 93.
Ordnance and gunnery, V S. M, A. . Bal- JH Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1901. [.\\

listic . Newburgh. 18S5.

. . pam., O. i (A| Buchanan, M. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Exterior ballistics. Nevin's method. 18S5. Board of Visitors to 1824.
Rifle. S-inch B. L No. i. report on hooping.
Buchanan, Robert Christie U. S. M. A.. 1S30). {

chase, etc.. p. 267; Rifles, 3.2-inch. B. I^. steel. Died Nov. 29. 1S78, aged 67. Obituary in .\nn.
completed construction, report on, p. 299: Assoc. Grads. U S. M.A.. 1879. (A)
Malet hydraulic field carriage for 3.2-inch B. I,. Buckham, M. H. (of Vermont). Member of
steel rifle, p. 321; Projectiles with cast copper Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1876.
bands, p. 337. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS7. (C)
Bucking-ham, Catharinus Putnam (U. S. M. A..
1S291 Died Aug. 30, iSSS.agedSo. Engraving.
Description and construction of rifle. S-
Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
inch B. L,.. p. 21(1; Principal dimensions of
Obituary in Ann. Assoc, Grads. U. S. M. A.,
rifle, 8-inch B. L., p. 223: Shrinkage appli-
1 889. (A)
ances for rifle. S-mch B. 1.,. p. 226. Rept, Chief
of Ord. ,1890. (C) Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
in 1^79.
Steel, construction reportof. rifle, 12-inch
B. Construction report on. mortar, Principles of arithmetic 1871,
I,., p. 1S5:
i2-inch B. I,, Rept. Chief of Ord..
steel, p. 201. Elements of the differential or infinitesi-
189,. (C) mal calculus. 1875. [2d ed., 1S80.]

Notes on machine and rapid-fire guns. Buckner, Simon Bolivar (U. S. M. A., 1844).
small arms, and ballistic machines. 1892. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess,
Description of, mortar, 12-inch B. L. steel. Member of Board of Visitors to U. S, M. A.
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93, p. 39. (C) m 1S98,

Historical sketch of tne department of Buel. David Hillhouse (U. S. M. A., 1861). Died
ordnance and gunnery. U. S. M. A. /n Rept. July 22. 1870. aged 30, Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Supt. U.S. M.A.. 1S96. pp. 176-186. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1871. (A)

H. Doc. 789, 5S-2— vol 2 14

2IO Ccuioniial of United States Military Academy.

Buell, Don M. A.. 1841). Died Nov.

Carlos (U . description of, p. 407; Bill of materials for,
19, 1S98. Kngraving.
aged &o Owned by Hotchkiss. packing outfit, p. 41:?. Rej)t. Chief
Assoc. Grads. I'. S. M. A. of Ord.. 1892. (C)
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Buffington. .\delbert Rinaldo. Report of prin-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) cipal operations at Rock Island Arsenal. 1S93,

Member of Board of Visitors to r. S. M. A. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1893, p. 36-,-. (Cj

in iSSi. Reports as Chief of Ordnance, V . S. Army,
Proceedings of court-martial in case of. 1S99-1901.
No. 432. doc. 71. (C) Plan for moving heavv orduaiue. ord.
Proceedings of military commission in Note 24, vol. I. p. 135, A) 1

case of, etc. No. 1515, doc. 262. (C) Mechanical motion description and —
Records in case of, 1S72. No. 1543. doc. machine illustrating a meclianical
plates of a
97; No. 1545. doc. 42. (C) curiosity. Ord. Note 190, vol. 6. (A)
I.oss of papers in case of. No. 1576. doc. On the direct application of power to a
93- (C) crank arm, securing uniformity of work and
A contradicted "famous saying." Cen- motion. Ord. Note 290. vol. 10. (A)
tury Mag., vol. 30. p. 956. Headless shell extractor for the Spring-
Buffineton, Adelhert Rinaldo (U. S. M. A.. 1S61). field rifle and carbine. Ord. Note 311, vol. 10.
Cuiinterpoise gun carriage designed by French (A)
board. Rept. Chief of Ord. 1873, p. 457. {C
. Buford, Abraham (U. S. M. A.. 1841). Died Juue
Mechanical motion. Rept. Chief of Ord.. g, iSSi, aged 64. Engraving (by G. E. Ferine).
1582. p. 294. (C) Owned by Assoc. Grads U. S. M. A. (A)
Power crank arm, direct application
to a Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
of, p. 119; Headless shell extractor for rifles 1884.

and carbines, p. 159. Rept. Chief of Ord.. Buford, Napoleon Bonaparte (i:. S. M. A., 1827).
1583. (C) Died Mar. 28, 1S83. aged 76. Bronze statue (by
Commended by Chief of Ordnance, p. 5; J.
Gettysburg, Pa.
K. Kelly) in
Oxidation of metal parts of Springfield rifle, Obituary in Ann. Assoc, tirads. IT. S. M. A.,
p. 77; Description of sights and bayonets, front 1S83; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 67

and rear, for Springfield rifle, model 18S4, (1SS3). p. 156. (A)
p. 109; Rod bayonet, Springfield and at-
rifle, Member of Board of \"isitors to IT. S. M. A.
tachments, p. 109. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S4. in 1850.
(C) Bullard, Henry A. (of Louisiana). Member of
Fabrication for 25 carriages for 3.2-inch Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S49.
field guns. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 18S7, p. 317. (C) Bullock. Edwin Conover (U. S. M. A.. 1SS3). Died
Objections to present method of making Dec. 15. 1896, aged 34. Obituary and portrait
purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS9. p. 98; in Ann. .\ssoc. Grads. U.S. M. A., 1897. (A)
1S90, p. 112; 1S91, p. 102. (C) Bullock, James S. (of Georgia). Member of
Battery wagon and forge for 3.2-inch field Board of Visitors to C
S. M. A. in 1837.

gun, construction of, p. 171; Manufacture of Bullock, Joseph J. luf Kentucky) Member of
limber, caisson, battery wagon, and forge for, Board of Visitois to I", S. M. .\. in iS;u.

rifle, 3.2-inch B. L.. p. 171; Rifle. 3.2-inch B. L., Burbank, Sidney (U. S. M. A., 1829). Died Dec.
weights of gun carriage, limber, etc., p. 1S4; 7,1882, aged 75. Obituary ?H Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Weights and equipments for, liattery wagon r. S. M. A., 1SS5. (A)
and forge, p. 1S5; Improved harness for 3.2-inch Burden. J R. Member of Board of \'isiturs to
rifle, p. 1S5; Rifles, 3.2-inch, number of projec-
r. S. M. A. in 1S33.
tilescarried by batteries of, p. 189. Rept.
Chief of Ord., 1889. {CI Burdett. Samuel S. (of Missouri). Menib^rr nf

Small experiments with, am-

caliber, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .-V. in iN7t.

munition, p. 181; Small caliber, experiments Burgess. Doctor (of North Carolina). Member
with, rifle, p. 1S3; Powder, smokeless, previous of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S24.

reports on cordite and Wetteren corrected. Burgess, Harry (U. S. M. A.. 1895). See Boards-
p. 202; Artillery, for field batteries, construc- Harris. 5.6. (A)
tion of, wagon, p. 301; Limber and carriage,
Burleigh, George W. (of New Hampshire).
metallic, for machine guns, nomenclature of,
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S, M. A. in
p. 410. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S90. (C)
Construction report on manufacture of
Burnet, Robert Wallace M.A., 1829). Died
(L". S.
mounts for Gatling guns. p. 407: Carriages for Obituary and portrait
July 22. 189S, aged 90.
machine guns, construction report on manu-
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. C. S. M. .\., igoi. (.\)
facture of metallic, p. 407: Shield designed fcr
carriages for machine guns, p. 40S; Nomencla- Member of Board of Visitors to I'. S M. A.
in 1849
ture of metallic carriage and limber for ma-
chine guns, p. 410. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S91. Burnett, Jacob (of Ohio). Member of Board of
(C) Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1829.

Report of principal operations at Rock Burnett, Ward Benjamin (U. S. M. A., 1832).
Island Arsenal,p. 394: Packing outfit, modified, Died June 24, 1S84, aged 74. Obituary in Ann.
for Hotchkiss mountain gun. caliber 1.65-inch. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS5. (A)
Tlir lVritins[S of GradnatcSy j8o2-f()02. 21 I

Surnham, Arthur Hubert (T. S. M. A.. 1S64). Burr, Edward. .SVr Hoards — .\dams. 1; .\llen, 3;

Died Sept. u, aged 35. Obituary in Ann.

1S77, Handbnry. I.

Assoc. C.rads. I". S. M. A.. 1K7S. fA) Burr. C.eorge Washington I'. S. M. A.. 188S). (

Operations against tlie defences of Mobile On shrinkage operations and a proper healing
. Essayons Club Papers. No. 5, 1S6S. (A)
. .
furnace for hoops and jackets. Rept. Chief of
Des Moines Rapids. Locks, and Cana! of Ord., 1S9S,
the Mississippi River, detailed drawings of. Report on tool box for the 7-inch B. I,.

In ,^9 sheets. 1S72. siege howitzer and carriage. Rept. Chief of

.S>v Boards— Macomb, 12. (A) Ord.. 1900.
Burns, William Wallace (l'. S. M. A.. 1.S47). Burroughs, George (r. S. M. A., 1S62). Died
Died Apr. 12. 1S92. aged 67. Obituary in Ann. Jan. 22, 1.S70, aged — In memoriam. In .

Assoc. Grads. l*. S. M. A.. 1S92. iA) Fourth reunion of the .\rmy of the Cumber-
On the preser\*alion of moisture for sea- land, Cleveland, Ohio, November. 1S70. Cin
sonable rainfall. (Address before the Na- cinnati, 1H70. (A)
tional Agricultural Convention, Chicago, Dec. Burrows. Charles William (T. S. M. \., iS-o).
13, 1SS2.) Ord. Note 293. vol. 10. (.\) Publisher and bookseller.
Re\*iew of Bourrieune's Napoleon Bona- Burrows. Julius C. (of Michigan). Member of
parte. Jour. Mil. Serv. In>t., vol. 10, p, 557. Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in i.syi.
(A) Burtwell, John R. B. (L". S. M. .\.. iSfio). Died
Biirnside, Ambrose
H. ^l". S. M. A.. iS.)7;i. Died Oct. 21, 1S73, aged 37. Obituary in .\nn. .\ssoc.
Sept. aged 57. Kngraving (by J. C.
13. iSSi. Grads. T. S. M. K., 1874. (A)
Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A. . Bush, Asahel (of Oregon). Memberof Board of
Bronze (equestrian) statue (by l^unt Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861.
Thompson) in Providence, R. I. ["Erected Bush, Edward Geer (U. S. M. A. 1S59). Died
1SS7?] July 4. 1892, aged .S4. Photograph m Albums
Obituary m
Ann. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A., . of officers' mess.
1882; Harper's New- Monthly Mag., vol. '>3 Obituary ?'« .\nn. .^ssoc. Grads. 1". S. M.
(iS8i), p. 956. (A) A.. 1S93. (A)
Member of Board of Visitors t<> T*. S. M. .\. Bush, James Clark (l". S. M, A., 1S75). A short
in 1S56. history of the Fifth Regiment U. S. Artil-
Abbott, J. S. C: Gen. .\nibn>se E Burn- lery New York. 1895.
. . pam., O. (.4) 1

side. Harper's New Munthly Mag., vol. 30 Translator U. S. M. A. Cavalry arma-

(1864). p. 3. (A) ment. Jour. Mil. Serv, Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p.
Woodbury (Aug.): Burnside and . . .
73.^ *A)
the Ninth Army Corps. ... vol O. 1^67. i .
Subiiiarine mines and torpedoes. Jour.
(A) Mil. Serv Inst.U. S.. vol. 11. p. 179-377- (A)
Memorial addresses on tlie life ;in<l char- Strategy, tactics, and policy. Jour. Mil.
acter of Ambrose E. Burnside . , delivered Serv Inst. V . S.. vol. 12, p. 42. (A^
. . . Jan. 23. 1SS2. Washington, i^.s^. i vol., translator. Field artillerj- ammunition
Q.. 79 pp. (with por.). (.4) supply, p. 646; Skobeleffs opinion of the lance,
Poore, Ben; Perley: I.ife of IJurnside. p. ,871. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 12. (.4)
With introduction by H. B. .\nthony- 1SS2. translator .\rtillery question of 1S90. p.
Some unpublished war letters addressed 165. Hohenlohe"s letters on infantry, p. 3S0;

to Gen. W. T. Sherman. In North .-^raer. Rev,, The "lava" of the Cossacks, p. 80S; Firing
vol. 143. November, 1SS6. {k\ from horseback, p. 1016: Sub-caliber tubes for
See S. S. Hist. Sec. R. I,. 2d ser.. No. 17. seacoast guns, p. 1241. Jour Mil. Serv. Inst.
U. S., vol. 13. (A)
Burr, Edward (U. S. M. .\.. 1SS2). Project, plan,
estimate, etc.. for the improvement of Olympia
translator. Cavalry— past, present, and
future. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. f. S.. vol. 13. p.
Harbor, Wash. Rept. Chief of Eng,, iSS^. p.
1230; vol. 14, p. 179. (A)
2416. (C)
— .\ppomattox River. \"a. Rejit. LMiief Comment on The three battalion organi-
zation. Jour Mil. Serv. Inst, r, S., vol. 1 (, p.
..f Eng., 1S93, p. 1336. (.4)
S23. (A)
Mississippi River (Beechridgei.
translator. Instruction of the German
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, pp. 2666, 2672. (.\)
recruit. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I'. S..V0I. 14, p.
Mississippi River ( Rockwood, 111.).
S72. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2667. (A)
translator. The Stroobauts prism tele-
Harrisonville Harbor, 111. Rept.
meter. Jour. Mil- Serv, Inst. f. S., vol. is, p.
Chief of Rng., 1901, p. 2226. (.\)
841. (A)
Measurements of the discharge of the Regiment of
The Fifth .\rtillery. Jour.
Mississippi River at St. Louis. Mo., p. 2199;
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 17, p. 212. (.\)
lumber mattress for subaqueous bank protec-
History of the Fifth Regiment of .\rtillcry.
tion, as used on the Mississippi River between
Hist. r. S. .\rtny, pp. 376-39S. .\
the mouths of the Missouri and Ohio rivers, p.
1 i

2212; road scraper and floating derrick as ap- Butler, Ben Israel ( M. .\., 1877). Died Sept,
U. S.
plied to grading ri\'er banks to receive revet- I, i8Si,aged2i. Obituary/« .Ann. .A.ssoc. G rads.
ments, p. 2225. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901. (.\) U. S. M. A.. 18S2. (A)
212- Ceiifnnn'al of United States Military Aeademy.

Butler, Benjamin Franklin (of Massachusetts). Cameron, George Hamilton (U. S. M. A., 18S3).
Member of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in Map of the survey of the United States reser-
TS57 and 1S75. vation at West Point, N. Y., made by First Lieut.
Butler. Edward George Washington (U. S. M. A.. John Biddle, Corpsof Engineers, 188S-1S90, In
1S201. Died Sept. 6. iSSS.aged ^9. Obituary in Rept. Supt. U.S.M.A,, 1S91. p. 11. (A)
Ann, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S89. (A) Cameron, Henry C. (of New Jersey). Member
Butler, John Gozzam (U. S. M. A.. 1863). Ex- of Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1876.
perjniental compressor test of. Rept. Chief of Cameron. J. Donald (of Pennsylvania). Mem-
Ord.. 1S74. p. 134. (C) ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. 1874, in
Projectiles and rifled cannon. Systems of 1S7S, and in 1S92.

projectiles and rifling . . . New York, 1S75. Cameron, Simon (of Pennsylvania Member ).

I vol.. Q. (A) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1831 and

Cylinder exiieriments on cast iron, sub- in 1872.
Si; Test of speci-
jected to influence of heat, p. Camp, John H. (of New York). Member of
mens of. Woodbridge gun, p. 1S2. Rept. Chief Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 18S2.
of Ord., 1S76. (C) Campbell, Archibald (U. S. M. A., 1835). Died
The trial of two cast-iron guns. O.. pain. Jidy 26, 1887, aged 74. Obituary ;>/ Ann. Assoc.
Washington, i8Si. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS8. (A)
Objections to present method of making Campbell. A. W. (of West Virginia). Member
purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS9. p. 102; of Board of \'isitors to I'. S. M.A. in 1S63 and
1890. p. 119; 1891, p. 109. (C > in 1S65.
Description of a tire-npsettinp machine, Campbell, James B. (of South Carolina). Mem-
Ord. Note 206. vol. 7. (A) ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S67.
Butler, Matthew C. (of .South Carolina). Mem- Campbell, John Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1867).
ber of Board of Visitors to t'. S. M. A. in 1S92. Died Oct. 29, 1S75, aged 32. Obituary in Ann.
Butler. Matthew Calbraith (t*. S. M. A., 1888). Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1876. (A)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Reminiscences and documents relating to
Butler, ftigonrney (of Massachusetts). Member civil war during the year 1865. i vol.. O., pani.

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1895. Baltimore. 1SS7. (A)

Butler, William Patterson (U. S. M. A.. 1S66). Campbell, John I,, (of Indiana). Member of
Bochum cast steel, compressibility and burst- Bi.ard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S66.
ing tests. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S72. p. 56, (Cl
Campbell. Joseph Boyd (U. S. M. A.. 1861). Died
Butterw^orth, Benjamin (of Ohio). Member of
Aug, 28, 1S91, aged 55. Photograph in Albums
Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1SS7.
of officers' mess.
Butts, Edmund Luther U. S. M. A., i8go). ( Man-
ual of ])hysical drill, I'. S. Army . . . New Obitnary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A,,

York. 1S97. I (A)vol., O. 1S92. (A I

Physical training of the American soldier. The discovery of gunpowder by tlie Chi-
Jour Mil. Serv. Inst., vol, 16. p. 499. (A) nese. Ord. Note 312, vol 10. (A)
Cabaniss. Charles Henry, jr. U. S. M. A., 1S74). (
.\ few words on horseshoeing. Jour. Mil.
History of the Eighteenth Regiment of Infan- Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p. 397. (A)
try'. Hist. r. S. Army, pp. 643-656.
Cadw^alader. George (of Pennsylvania). Mem-
Campbell. Lewis D. (of Ohio ). Member of Board
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S71.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S51.
Cadvralader, T. (of New Jersey), Member of Campbell, guintin (U. S. M. A.. 1866). Died Sept.

Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S50. 26, aged 54. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.


Caffey, Francis G. (of Alabama). Member of Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S97. (A)

Board of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1R99. Canby, Edward Richard SpriggfU. S. M. A.,
Caldwell. James Nelson (U. S. M. A., 1S40). Died 1839). Died Apr. 11, 1873, aged 55. Engraving
Mar. \2. 3S.S5, aged 6S. Obituary in Ann. (by A. H. Ritchie). Owned by Assoc. Grads.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S86. (A* U. S. M. A.

Calef, John Haskell fU. S. M. A.. 18621. Course Obituary in .\nn. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,

in niilitarj' art, Military jjolicy and in-

(i) 1873. (A)
stitutions: (2I Ancient and modern armies. Biography. Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
(Department of military art, U. S. Artillery vol. 47 (1S73), p. 139.
School.) Fort Monroe, 18S6. i vol.,0., 249 pp. Capron, Adin B. (of Rhode Island). Member of
Artillery exercises. Class A. Description Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1900,
and service of machine guns. O.. pp. 40. Fort
CaproQ. Allyn(U. S. M. A.. 1867). Died Sept. iS,
Monroe, 1SS6. 1S9S, aged 53. Obituary and portrait in Ann,
Callender, Franklin Dyer (U. S. M. A.. 1S39). Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A)
Died Dec, 13, 18S2, aged 66. Obituary in Ann. Report of operations of Light Battery E.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1883. (A) First Artillery, in Santiago campaign. Jour.
Camack, James (of Georgia). Member of Board U. S. Art., vol. II. p. iSi.
of Visitors to U.S. M. A.iu 1S32.
Capton. Seth Makepeace (U. S. M. A., 1821).
Cameron. .A,ngus (of Wisconsin). Member of Died Nov. 30. 1878, aged 78. Obituary m Ann.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S83. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1879. (A)
The Writings of Graduates^ i8o2-i()02. 213
Carbauerb. Harvt-y Clarence (l*. S. M.A.. 1S82). Carson, John Miller. Adjutant l". S. M. .\.. July
Course of instruction for non-conunissioned I, 1S90, to Aug. 31, JS95.
officers, 1S90/ See Artiller\' School of the The service revolver. Jour. Cav. .\ssoc.,
United States. (A) 18S9. p. 416. (A)
— Review of the naval amuial, \(^i\. p. 36S; Trophies and flags in the chapel U. S. M. A.
Kxperiinental \isc of the Kssjck page-printing In Bull. Assoc Grads. r. S. M. A.. No. 2 (1902).
telegraph for transmitting information in sea- p. SI.
coast artillery fi ring, p. 593; Notice of Brassey's Carter. Eugene L". S. M. A.. 1861 ). Died Feb. 10,

annual, 1895. p. 760. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 4, '-^77.aged 38. Obituary /// Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Review of Mayne's Infantry fire tactics. r. S. M. A.. 1S77. (A)
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I'. S., vol. 10. p. 403. (A) In Four brothers in blue.
Instruction of non-commissioned officers. Carter, Oherlin Matthics {V S. M. A.. iSRo). .

Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. l'. S,, vol. ir.p. 222. (At Missouri. Department of the. outline map of
Neutrality laws of the I'nited States. a portion of, 1SS4. (In 4 sheets.) Topograjili-
Juur. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 15, p. 69. (A) ical map.
Martial law in Ceylon. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
Inst. L". S., vol. 17. !>. 323. (A) provement of Doboy Bar, Ga. Rept. Chief of
Present status of field artillery. Jour. Mil. Eng., 1S8S. p. 1044: 1S97, p. 1539. I'O
Serv. Inst. L'. S.. vol. 20. p. 500. (A) Savannah River between Savannah
Federal duty and policy in regard to artil- and Augusta, Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S90,
lerv. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 21. p. 257. pp. 1324, 1329. 1330; 1S92. p. 1253. (Ci
(A) Savannah River above Augusta,
A ser\'ice school for heavy artillery. Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1890, pp. !3*'^6. 1525.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 22, p. 322. (A) 1526. i.C)

Carey, Asa Bacon «l". S. M. A.. 1858). A sketch Altamaha River, Ga. Kept. Chief
of the organization of the Pay Department, of Eng.. 1890. pp. 1370, 13S0: TS92, p. 1261. (C)
U. S. Arm)', 1775-1S76. Washington, 1S76. Ocmulgee River, Ga. Rept. Chief
I vol.. O.. pp. 45. (A) of Eng.. 1S90, p. 1395; 1S91. p. 1544. iC
Reports as Paymaster-General. U. S. Yellow River, Ga. Repl. Chief of
Army, 1S99. Eng., 1S91. p. 1607. (C)
History of the Pay Department, Hist. Doboy and Sapelo, Ga. Kept, Chief
Army, pp. loo-iio. (A)
U. S. of Eng., 1S92, p. 1299. (C)
Carlin, William Passmore (U. S. M. A.. 1S50). Savannah, Ga.. and Fernandina,
Freedmen's affairs in Kentucky and Tennes- Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1892, p. 1323. (C)
see, 1868. No. 1346, doc. 329. (C) *- Brunswick Outer Bar. Ga. Rept.
Carling, Elias Brown (U. S. M. A.. 1859). Died Chief of Eng.. i8q3, pp. :5S6. 15SS: 1804. p. 1195.
July I, 1S75, aged 3S. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S76. (A) chanmrl
between Cumberland
Carmichael, E. H. (of Virginia). Member of Island, Ga., and
Fernandina. Fla. Rept.
Board of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 1600. (A)
Carpenter. Matt. H. (of Wisconsin). Member of Savannah River. Ga. Kept. Chief
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S71. of Eng.. 1S93, p. 1(109; 1S95. P- 1520. (A)
Carpenter, T. P. (of New Jersey). Member of Savannah Harbor. Ga. Rept. Chief
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1862. of Eng.. 1S95. p. 1460. (A)
Carr. Overton (U. S. M. A., 1S72). Died July 24, Brunswick Harbor, Ga Rept.
aged 30. Obituary
iSSi. in \\\\\. Assoc. Grads. Chief of Eng.. 1S95, p. 1494. (Ai
U.S.M.A., 1882. (A) Channel between Beaufort, S. C,
Carrington. H. B. (of Ohio). Member of Board and Savannah. Ga. Repl. Chief of Eng.. 1S9S,
Board of Visitors to t'.S.M.A. in 1S61. p. 1521. (A)
Carroll, Samuel Sprigg (U. s. M. A.. 1856). Died Cumberland Sound. Ga. Rept.
Jan. 28, 1S93. aged 61. Obituar\' in Ann. Assoc. Chief of Eng., 1S96. p. 1293; 1897, p. 1534.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S93. (A) See Dyckerhoff. R. Influence of sea wa-
Quartermaster U. S. M. A.. Jan. 1S60, to
ter on hydraulic mortars.

Nov. II, 1861. See Boards— Bixby. i; Black, i; Craighill,

14; Hains, 5,6; Price. 1; Roberts. S.
Carroll, William lof Tennessee). Member of
Carter, Robert Goldthwaite (U. S. M. A.. 1S70).
Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in . 182S.
/k Four brothers in blue.
Carrow, Charles Marim {U.S.M.A., 1878). Died Carter, Thomas H. (of Montana). Member of
May 19, 1879, aged 26. Obitviary f'w Ann. Assoc. Board of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in 1900.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1879. (A) Carter, William Harding (U. S. M. A.. 1S73). A
Carrow, Rev. J. D. (of Pennsylvania). Member portable ramp. p. 432; Comment on Swifts "38
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1876. caliber again.' p. 437. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1893.
Carson, Maj. John M. (of the District of Colum- (A)
bia). Member of Board of \"isitors toU. S. M. A. Tradition and drill regulations p. \ 14.
in 1891. (A)
Carson, John Miller (U. S. M. A., 1885). Photo- Letter on aluminium horseshoes, p. 275.
graph in Albums of officers' mess. tAJ
214 ' Ccuicunial of United States Military Aeademy,

Carter. William ilardiii'^ Kxtracts from Casey, Thomas IJncolu. Project, plan, esti-
Horses, saddles, and l.ri<Hcs. p. ,v^o. Jour. mate, etc.. for the improvement of Passaic
Cav, Assoc. 1S94. (A) River above Newark, N. J. Rept. Chief of
Will America profit by her recent military Hng.. 1891. pp. 991. 992. (Cl
lessons? North Amer. Rev., May. 1902. Princess Bay, Staten Island. N. Y.
Post-graduate instruction in the I'. S. Rept. Chief of P'ng., 1891. p. 1014. (Ci
Army. /« Kd. Rev., December. 1902, p. 433. (A) Seaford Creek. Island. N. V.
Comment on Queries on the cavalry Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 1134. (A)
equipment. Jour. Mil. Serv, Inst. T". S., vol. i], Channel connecting Kreeport with
p. 359, { A Great South Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng..
The infantry and cavalry school. Jour. 1893, p. 1136. (A)
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol, 15. p. 752. (A) Whale Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief of
History of the Sixth Regiment of Cava ry I Eng., 1893, p. 1139- (A)
Hist. U. S. Army. pp. 232-250. (A) Harbor lines, Shrewsbury River,
Cftrtwrig-ht, George Smith (U. S. M. A., 1SS5). N.J. Rept. Chief of Eng. 1S94, p. 824. (A)
Died Sept. 23. 1900. aged 3S. Obituary and Carrls River. N. Y. Rept. Chief of
I)ortrait in Ann. Assoc. Orads. I". S. M. A.. Eng.. 1S95, p. 1001. (A )

1901, (A) Inlet at mouth of Sharks River,

Casey, Edward Wanton {V. S. M. A.. 1-S73). N. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93, p. 1013,

Died Jan. 7, 1S91. aged 40- rhotograph in Al- I,yons Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
bnm< of officers mess. p:ng.. 1S95. p. 1297. (A)
obituary ///Ann. Assoc, iVrads. T. S, M.A., Deep Creek Branch of Elizabeth
l8i>i. A) I
River, \'a. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895. p. 1299.
Casey, Capt. J. C. Member of Board of Visitors (Al
(inspection) lo U. S. M. A. in 1S43. Western Branch of Elizabeth River,
Casey. Silas (U. S. M. A.. 1826). Died Jan. 22, Va. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1301. (A)
iS,S2, aged 74. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre). Nandna Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
Owned by Assoc. Orads. V. S. M. A, Eng.. 1895, p. 1302. (A)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Orads. U. S. M. A., Norfolk Harbor and Western
1SS2. (A) Branch of Elizabeth River. Rept. Chief of
Infantry tactics ... (By Authority. Eng.. 1S96, p. 1072. (A)
New York. 1862. 3 vols.. O. (A; waterway between Norfolk, Va..and
Infantry tactics for colored troops. 1863. the .sounds of North Carolina, Rept. Chief of
Casey, Thomas I^incoln (U. S. M. A., JS52). Eng.. 1896, p. 1087. (A)
Died Mar. 25. 1S96, aged 65. obituary and por- Cashie River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. i:.S. M. A., 1896. (A) Eng., 1897, p. 1381. (A)
Obituary. /;/ Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., Potecasi Creek. N. C. Rept. Chief
vol. 4, p. 125. of Eng.. 1897. p. 383. (A)1

Historical sketch of the Corps of Engi- Hampton Roads, Va. Rept. Chief
neers. Washington, 1S76. vol.. C, pp. 43. (A) i of Eng., 1900, p. 1785. (A)
Reports on coiistruction of the State, War, Red River, La, and Ark. Rept.
and Navy Department building, 1878-1888. O. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 24S9. (A)
Washington. Ouachita and Black rivers, Ark. and
Reports of the Chief of Engineers. 18SS- L,a. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2544. (A)
189=5. Alexandria Strait, L,a. Rept. Chief
[Constructiou of the Washington Monu- of Eng.. 1900, p. 2569. (A)
ment.] House :\Iisc. Doc. No. S, 48111 Cong., Red River,La.,Ark..Tex..and Ind.T.
2d .sess. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901. p. 2074. (A)
Reportson the Washington National Mon- Cass. C. W. (of Penns3'lvania). Member of
ument. O. Washington. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1859.
Reports, etc., upon the construction . . . Cassatt. A. J. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
I.,ibrary of Congress, 1889 (Cong. Doc. 2697); Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1892.
1891 (2904); 1892 (2907and 3110); 1S95 (3347)- (C) Castle. Charles William (U.S. M. A., 1894). The
See Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson. I,et- Terrain. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 25,
ter to the Secretary of War. 1S76. p. I. (A)

See Boards Casey, Bache, 5,6; Houston. Spanish hasty intrenchraents. Jour. Mil.
i.S, 17; Ruffner, i. ^^^ Commission Stickney, — Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 26, p. 379.
8.9- (A)
Caswell, Alexis (of Rhode Island). Member of
Casey. Thomas l^incoln (U.S, M. A. 1S79). Pho- Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A in 1852.
tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Catlin. Julius (of Connecticut). Member of
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S47.
provement of Arthur Kill. N. Y. and N. J.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS9, pp. 86, 820. (C) M. A.. 1824). Died July,
Catlin, Julius (U. S.

East Rockaway Creek. N. Y. Rept. aged -. Engraving (by J. C. Bnttre).


Chief of Eng.. 18S9, p. S41. (C) Owned by Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A.

Hackensack River, N. J. Rept. Chief Catlin. Robert (U. S. M. A., 1S63). Photograph
of Eng., 1889, p. 845. (C) /// Albums of officers' mess.
The JI 'ii'/ii/os of Gradiia/rs, 1S02-IQ02. 215
Catlln, Robert. Tri-iisnur ('. S. M. A.. Avi^. .^|, Chase, I.t-slic if. S. M. A., 183S). Died Apr. 15,
1S67. to Di'c. ,u. I'^ro. 1849, aged — . Oration delivered before the
^^ecretnry of the Association uf <'.raclu;itfs, corps of catlcts. at West Point, July 4, 1S37. by
r. S. M. A., and editor of its AnniiiiK from Cadet Leslie Chase. Newbnrgb, 1837. (>., pp.
1874 to 1S7S. 22, I A t

Terrestrial nia^netisin and nu-tcorology Chase, William Henry (t_'. S. M. A. 1S15). Died
(1877-7S), compiler, at Toronto Observatory, Feb. S. 1870. aged —
Brief memoir exjilanatory

Canada, of some records on. of a new trace of a front of fortification in place

Relations of pain toweatber. Contribntor. of the present bastionetl front. New Orleans.
Med. Sci.. 1S77 and 18S3.
in Jonr. 1S46. v»»l., (>.. pp. 11. pK.
I {.Ai
Atmospheric electricity, magnetic slortns, I.etltr of thanks, etc. V S. Coast Survey
and weather elements in relation to a case of Rept,. 1852, p. 125. (A)
tranniatic neuraly;ia. Published in vol. 6, Proc. Member of Board of Visitors to V . S. ISI. A.
Nat. Acad. Sci.. 1S91. in 1857,
Cavanauerh, James Hates (U. S. M. A . tSq21. Reply tu the strictur*.
. u])iin the -> , .

Commerce passing St. Marys l'"alls Canal, report of the late [1S57] Board of Visitors at
Mich., iSq5. Rept. Chief of Kng., t>^96, p. 27^.'. West Point. Pensacola. 1857. i vol., O.,
(A) (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
provement of St. Marys River. Mich., harbor provement of Mississippi River at its mouth.
lines. Rept. Chief of Eng., i8g6, p. 289(1, (A) Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1S74, vol. 1, pp. 781, 792.
Detroit River. Mich., harbor lines. /"^'l. 79.S, 806, S26, S27, S31, 84 1 . I C
Rept. Chief of E"S-, 1896. p. 2901. \\ \ Chase. William Howard (I'.S. M. A., 1865). Died
See Boards — Mansfield. 2. (A 1 June 24. iSyi.aged 27. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Center, Alexander Jenkins (f. S. M, A.. 1S27). Grads. r.S. M. A., 1872. (A)
Died Nov, 2, 1879. aged 71. Obituary in Ann. Cheuery, Richard (of California). Member of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSo. (A) Board of Visitors to l". S. M. A. in 1867.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Cherry, Samuel Austin (U.S. M. A.. 1875). Died
provement of Milwaukee Harbor. Wis. Rept. May aged 31. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
11, 1.8N1,

Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. 2. pp. 3^5, ;,S7: 1879. p. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSi. (A)
1.S23. (C) Chester. Eliphalet Nott (U.S. M. A., 1867I. Died
Chalfin. Samuel Fletcher T. S. M. A.. 1847). ( Nov. 16. 189.S, aged 52. Obituary in .\nii. Assoc,
Died Nov. i. 1891, aged f/i. obituary ju Ann. Grads. T". S. M. A., 1901. (A)
.\ssoc, Grads. I'.S. M. A.. 1892. (A) Journalist, New York City, since 18—,
Chamberlain, Benjamin Franklin (U. S. M. A.. Chester. Dr. John (of Albany). Member of Board
lS!i;^^ Died Dec, 26. 1871. aged s,^. Obituary of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S24.
ui Ann As,soc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1872. (A) Chidlaw, Rev. Dr. B. W. (of Ohio). Member of
Chamberlin, John L,ooniis (U.S. M. A., 1880). Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1.SS9.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mc^s.
Chief of Engineers. U. S. Army. Report on the
Chambers, Alexander (U. S. M. A.. 1S53). Died
condition of the fortifications [of the United
Jan. 2, 188R, aged 55. Obituary in Ann Assoc
States} and what number of them, if any, can
Grads. V S. M A. 18S8. (A)
be dispensed with. O pp. 24. Washington-
Chambers. Joseph N. (U. S. M. A., 1818) Died

1S81. [Senate Ex. Doc. No. 3. 47th Cong, tsI

Nov 12, 1874, aged 76. Obituary tn Ann .\ssoc.
Grads U. S. M. A., iSSi. (Al ]

Chambliss, Nathaniel Rives U, S. M. A. 1861). (

Correspondence respecting pile founda-
Died Mar. 7, 1S97, aged 62. Obituary- in Ann tions and pile-driving formulae Circular No.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1897, (A) 17, Office of the Chief of Engineers U. S. Army,

Chapin, A. I., (of Wisconsin). Member of Board Nov. 28, iS8i- I pi. Q.. pp, 16.

of Visitors to L". S. M. A. in 1873. Report of Board of Engineers (Casey,

Chapin. Edward Silas (U. S. M. A,, 1S70). Died F'lliot, Adams) on strength, etc.. of Winder
May 3, 1899. aged 52. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Building. Washington, D.C Feb. 17, 1882. O..
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1899 (A) pp. 10
Chapin. Gurden (U. S.M. A.. 1851 Died Aug. Thomas Philoteos(U. S. M. A.. 1S36).
22. 1875. aged 44. Obituary />/ .Ann. .\'^soc. Died Apr 27. iSgi, aged 75. Obituary in Ann.
Grads. V. S. M A., 1876. (A) Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S91. (A)
Chapman. Joseph G. (of Missouri). Member of Childs, A. W. (of Massachusetts). Member of
Board of V*isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S82. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A in 1S36.

Chapman, Robert M.(of Indiana). Member of Childs. l-rederick Lynn ( U. S. M. A., 1855;.) Died
Board of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S64. June aged 61.
19, JS94. Obituary in Ann.
Chapman, William (U. S. M. A., [831 ). Diet! Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A)
Dec. 17, aged 78, Engraving (by J. C.
1S87, Childs, George W, (of Pennsylvania). Member
Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A. of Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 18S7.
(A) Chilton, Robert Hall (U. S. M. A.. 1837). Died
Obituary ;h .Ann. Assoc. Grads. U,S M.A.. aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
i-eb. 18, 1.879,
1S88. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1879. (A)
2i6 Coifcnin'al of United States Military Academy,

Chittenden, Hiram ISIartin kV !^- ^I- A.. 1SS4). •

Church, Albert E. Personal reminiscences of
Personal Equations. [An essay.] In Cadet the Military Academy, from 1824 to 1S31 . . .

Howitzer, 18S4, p. 12. West Point. 1879. i pam., 86 pp., O. (A)

Platte, that portion of the Department of Church, William C. (of New York). Member of
the, and adjacent territory west of the one Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1900.
hundred and third meridian. 1SS9. (In 2
Churchill. U. S. M. A., 1836). 1

sheets.) Topographical map.

Died Oct. 21, 1889, aged 74. Obituary in Ann.
The Yellowstone National Park, histor-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1890. (A)
ical and descriptive Cincinnati. . . .
1S95. i

Churchill. Richard Cuyler (U. S. M. A., 1S66).

vol.. O. (A)
Project, i)lan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
Died June 24. 1S79, aged 34. Obituarj* in Ann.
Assoc, (irads. U. S. M. A., 1880. (A)
provement of canal conneclinj; the waters of
Lake Erie with the Ohio River through the Churchill, William Hunter (U. S. M. A., 1840).
State of Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896. See notice of his life. pp. 67-71 of Life of Bvt.
p. 2996. \. A )
Brig. Gen. Sylvester Churchill, I'. S. Army.
Missouri River steainhoat wrecks. New York, 1888. i vol.. >. A ( ' 1

Rept. Chief of Hng., 1S97, p. 3S70. A) 1

Chui'chman. Clarke {\\ S. M. A.. 1898). Died
Osage River. Mo., lock no. 1. Rept. July 2. 1898, aged 25. Obituary and portrait in
Chief of Eng.. 1897. pp. 3933, 3946. (A) Ann. Assoc. Grads. l". S. M. A,, 1899. (A)
Wyoming and Colorado, reservoirs Clark. Charles Hobart (U. S. M. A., 1875). Re-
in. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S, p. 2817. lA) port on manufacture of caliber .30 ammuni-
Yellowstone National Park. Rept. tion;Report on lubricated and nonlubricated
Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 5403. (At bullets; Report on tests of bullet jackets of
Militan.'^road, Fort Washakie, Wyo., cupro-nickeled steel and of German silver;
to mouth of Buffalo Fork of Snake River. Report of tests of smokeless powders. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 5453. A) (
Chief of Ord., 18Q4.
Sioux River. S. Dak. Rept. Chief Report of chemical laboratory opera-
of Eng., 1901, p. 2396. (A) tions; Report on erosion of .30 caliber rifles
Monument to Sergt. C. Floyd. Rept Chief using smokeless powder; Report on penetra-
of Eng.. 1900, p. 3455. (A) tion of .30 caliber rifle bullets in wood, sand,
Reservoirs in the arid regions, 18^7. etc. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1895.
Washington. U. .S. Government publication. Skobeleff's last campaign. Jour. Mil.
Reservoir system of the Great T,akes, Sen.-. Inst. U. (Ai
S.. vol. 13, p. 1113.

1S98. The bear, lion, and porcupine. Jour. Mil.

The American fur trade of the far West, Serv. Inst. XT. S.. vol. 14, p. 988. (A)
iQni, Clark. Col. Emmons (of New York). Member
See Boards— Stickney, S. (A) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S80.
Christiancy. Isaac P. (of Michigan). Member Clark. James (of District of Columbia). Mem-
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1862. ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861.
Church. Albert E. (T. S. M. A., 1828). Died Clark. James (U. S. M. A., 1829 Died Sept. 1.

Mar. 30. 1878, aged 70. Crayoii portrait, about 9. aged 76. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc, (irads.

life size. In department of mathematics, U. .S, I'. S. M. A., 1886. (A)

M. A., framed. Clark, Joseph Claypoole, jr. (U. S. M. A., 184S).
Portrait (oil painting by D. Huntington). Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Presented by War Department, \><~'S- In the Clark, Meriwether Lewis U. S. M. A., 1830). (

I^ibrar^. Died Oct. 28, 1881. aged 71. Obituary in Ann.

Photograph, In Alluinisof officers' mess. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (A)
Obituary. /// Ann. Assoc. Grads. IT. S. Clark. T. H. (of Alabama). Member of Board
M. A., 1878. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1896.
Professor of mathematics. U. S. M. A., 1837- Clark. William Philo (U. S. M. A., 1868). Died
1878. Sept. 22, 1S84, aged 39. Obituary in Ann.
Elements of differential and integral cal- Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS5. (A)
culvis . .Imp. . containing the elements
ed., The Indian sign language with brief ex-
of the calculus of variations. New York, 1S51. planatory-notes. . . . ivol.,0. 1S85. 2copies,
I vol., O., \nii+344 pp. (A) I among
dup. (A)
Rev. ed., containing the elements Clarke, Henry Francis \V . S. M, A,. 1843). Died
of the calculus of variations. New York. 1876. May 10. 18S7, aged 66. Photograph in Albums
Ivol., O., xi+369 pp. (.\) of officers' mess.
Elements of analytical geometry - . . Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
Xew York, 1851. i vol., O. (At M. A.. 1887. (A)
F'lements of analvtical trigononietrv. Clarke, Powhatan Henry
{U. S. M. A.. 18S4).
Died July aged 31. Obituarj- in Ann.
21, 1893,
Elements of descriptive geometn-. with Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. lA)
its applications to spherical projections, shades Comment on revolvers and revolver jirac-
and shadows, perspective and isometric pro- tice. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1890, p. 222. A 1 1

jections . . . New York, 1S70. i vol., O.. vii Remarks on the (German cavalr>'. Jour.
-l-iu2pp., and atlas. O. (A) Cav. Assoc, 1S92, p. 428. (A)
llir U'rf/ijio-s of Grad/fdfrs, /Soj-kjo^, 21'

Clarke.Powhatan Ilciiry. Comiucnl on Queries Cog-swell, Milton (U.S. M.A., lS4,(i. Died Nov.
on the caviilry eqiiipnicnt. Jour. Mil fter\'. 20. 1S82. aged 57. Photograjih /;/ .\lhnms fif
Inst. r. S., vol. M, pin. i Ai officers' mess. (A)
Clarke, William C. (of New Hampshire). Mem- Obituary /// Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. s. M. .\ ,

lier of Board of \1sitors to V. S. M. A. in 1SS4.

1K.S3. (A)
Coit. Gurdon S. irif Connicticiu Memb« r nf
Emmet {V

Clary. Robert S. M. A.. 1S2S).

. Died
Board of Vi.sitors to U.S.M..\.in iv^.
Jan. 19, 1S90, aged S5. Obituary hi Ann, Assoc.
Coke. Richanl (of Texas). Member of Board of
Grads. IT.S.M. A.. 1890. (A)
Visitors to V. S. M. .'\, in 1SS4.
Cleland. Thomas (of Kentucky), Member of Cole. James Alfred U. ( S. M. A,. t,^S4). Notes on
Board of \'isitors to V . S. M. A. in 1S2Q Cole's girth attachment. Jonr. Cav, As.snc .

Clemens, Sherrard lof Virginia* Mt-inher of 1890. p. 43_s. I A)

Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in . 1SS4. Comment on Queries on tJie cavalry ecjuip-
Clinton. De Witt (of New Vorki. Member of meiit. Jour. :\Iil. Serv. Insl, V . S.. vol. 14. p.

Board of Visitors to T". S. M. A. in l>^l^.

.:,6<., ( I

Cole. Robert Granderson M". S. M. A., i-^v-i.

Clitz. Henn,' Boynton iV . S. M. A.. i><45i. Uicd
Died Nov. 7, 1SS7, aged ,sq. Obituary in .Ann,
Oct. 30, iSS.S, aged f>^. l'hotogr.'ii)h hi Albums
.A.SSOC.Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1RS8. (A)
of officers' mess. ( .\ 1
Collins. Charles T.,ee U. S. M. A.. 1.8S21. Died (

Obituarv in Ann, Assoc. C.rads. V S, M. A ,

Sept. 7, 1899, aged 40. Obituary /'" .\nn. Assoc.

1S90. (Al
Grads. V. S. M. A,. 1900, (A)
Commandant of cadets. I". S. M. .\.. iVi?-
Collins. Francis fU. S. M. A.. 1845). Died Aug,
31. 1S82, aged 60. Obituary in Ann. .Assoc.
Closson. Henry Whitney iV. S. M. A., 1S54).
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1884. (A)
Morning reports and afternoon speculations.
Collins.S. iaf New Hampshire). Member nf
Jonr. Mil. Sen.'. Inst. V S.. vol. 5. p. \K\. i.\) .

Board of \'isitors to U- S, M. \. in 183-,.

A paper on military libraries. Jonr. Mil, Combs. I^eslie (of Kentvicky). Member of Board
Ser\-. Inst. V. S.. vol. 15. p. 1121.
of \'isitor>^ to I'. S. M. A, in rSnS.
Discussion of seacoast defense and the
Comegrys, Jo. P. (of Membt-r
Delaware). ..f
organization of our seacoast artillery forces,
Board of Visitors to M. A. in 1852.
I'. S.
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 5. P- i-'^S.
Coming'e. H. P. Member of Board of Visitors to
Clous, John Walter. Professor of law, r, S. M. A ,
V. S. M. A. in 1S34.
1S90-1S95. Comly. Clifton \V. S. M. A.. 18621, Died Apr. 17,
Cobb, Edmund Monroe il'.S.M. A., 1870). Died 1894, aged 52. (;)bituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads,
Oct. 28, 1SR3, aged 36. Obituar>- iti Ann. Assoc. U. S. M. A.. i8u4. (A)
r.rads. U.S. M.A., 1SS4. (A) Itistructor of ordnance and ijunnery. U. S.
Cobb.JamesD. (of Arkansas) (U. S. M. A., iSii). M. .\.. TSS1-1SS6,
Member of Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. Objections to present method of making
1S50. purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord,. 1889, p. 102;
Cobb, Joseph R- of Mississippi). Member of
1890, p. iiS; 1891, p. 108.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S51. War on the op-
Report to the Secretary of
Cobxirn. John (of House of Representatives). erations of the Division of Military Engineer-
Member of Board of Visitors t*> I', S. M. -^. in ing of the International Congress of Engineers,
oper. Div. Mil, Ping. Int. Cong. Eng., 1894,
Cobum, Leander U. S. M. A.. 1X^4
Jo.seph Died ( ). pp. 7-11- (A)
Sept. aged 81. Obituarj- in Ann. A.s.soc,
9, 1890, Couimission. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for
Grads. U.S. M. A.. i.Sgi. (A) the improvement of irrigation of Joaquin, Tu-
Cochran. Charles Herscbell (U. S. M. A.. 18S;, 1. lare, and Sacramento valleys, Cal. Members:
Died Sept. 29. 1892. aged 3.V Obituary in Ann. Lieut. Col. B. Alexander. Maj. G. H. Men-

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 189.3. (A) dell. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1873. p. 115; 1S74,
Cocke. Philip St. George U. S.M. A., 1832). Died ( p. 126, (A)
Dec. 26. 1^61, aged —
Plantation and farm in-
. Yellowstone National Park. Mem-
struction. 1S52. ber: Capt. H. M. Chittenden. Rept. Chief of
Cockrell, Francis M. (of Missouri). Member of Eng., 1900. p. 5441- (A)
Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S87. Mississippi River. Members: Col.
Codman, Charles R. (of Massachusetts). Mem- C. B. Comstock. 1; Lieut. Col. C. R. Suter. Maj.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1885. O. H. Ernst, B. M. Harrod. R. S. Taylor, Henry
Coe. Frank Winston (U. S. M. A.. 1892). Exer- Flad. H. Whiting. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S90.

cises in descriptive geometry, shades, and p. 30S3; i8gi, pp. 3397, 3446; 1892. p. 2881. (A)
shadows. West Point. 1902. 1 vol.. O.. 8 pp. Mi.ssissippi River. Members: Col.
(-^) C. B.Comstock, 2: Lieut. Col. C. R. Suter. R. M.
Coffin, Charles. Member of Board of Visitors to Harrod. R. S. Taylor. Maj. O. H. Ernst, Henry
U.S. M. A. in 1835. Flad. H. L. Whiting, Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Coffin,William Harrison (U. S. M. A., 1873). 1893. P- 3545- (A)
Photograph in Albums of oflficers' mess. Mississippi River. Members: Col.
Cogswell. J. (of Connecticut). Member of Board C. B. Comstock. 3: Lieut. Col. C. R. Suter, B. M.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35. Harrod, R. S. Taylor, Henr^- Flad. Lieut. Col.
2i8. Cciiicuuial of United Slates Military Academy.
A. Stickney. H.
Whitillil. Kept. Chief ol'
I,. Commission. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for
Eng.. (A)
1S94, p. 2697. the improvement of water supph-. Washing-
Commission. Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for ton, D. C. Members: Maj. W. L- Marshall, 1:
the improvement of Mississippi River. Mem- Capt. J. L. Lusk, Capt. D. D. Gaillard. Rept.
bers; Col. G. L. Gillespie, 1: Ueut. Col. A Chief of Eng., 1896, p. 3932. (A)
Stickney. Maj. T. H. Hanclbun,-. Kept. Chief Water supply. Washington. D. C.
of Eng.. 1900. p. 4525. (A) Members: Maj. W. L. Marshall, 2: Capt, J, L.
Mississippi River. Members: Col. Lusk, Capt, D. D. Gaillard, A. Fteley, D, Fitz-
r,. I.. Gillespie, •!; B. M. Harrod, R. S. Taylor, gerald. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896. p. 3934. (A)
l.icnt. Col. A. Stickney, Maj. T. H. Handbnry, California Debris Commissioti,
H, I,. Marindin. J. A, Oakerson. Rept. Chief Members: Col. G. H. Mendell. 1: Lieut. Col.
of Eng., 1.S99. p. 3291. (A) W. H. H. Benyaurd, Maj. W. H. Heuer. Rept.
- Mississippi River. Members: Col. Chief of Eng., 1894, p. 3169. (A)
G. L. Gille.spie, 3; B. M. Harrod, R. S. Taylor, California Debris Commission.
H. Flad, I.ient. Col. A. Stickney, Maj. T. H. Members: Col. G. H. Mendell, 2; Lieut. Col,
Handburj-, H. L. Marindin. Rept. Chief of W. H. H. Benyaurd, Maj. W. H. Heuer. Rept.
Eng., 1898, p. 3137. (A) Chief of Eng., 1895, pp, 4049, 4062. C.\)
Mississippi River. Members: Col. Duluthand Superior harbors. Mem-
G. I,. Gillespie, 4; B. M. Harrod, R. S. Taylor, bers: Col. O. M. Poe. Maj. J. F. Gregory, Maj.
H. Flad, Lieut. Col. A. Stickney, H. L. Marin- C. B. Sears. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 2539,
din. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S97, p. 3505. (A) (A)
Mississippi River. Members: Col.
- California rivers (Debris). Mem-
G. L. Gillespie, 5; B. M. Harrod, R. S. Taylor. bers: Col, J. A. Smith, Lieut, Col. W. H. Heuer,
H. Flad. H. L. Whiting, Lieut. Col. A. Stickney, Capt. H. Deakyne. Repl. Chief of Eng.. 1901,
Maj. T. H. Handbury. Rept. Chief of Eng.. p, .^625. (A)
1S96. pp. 3403, 3430. (A) Mississippi River, minority report.

Mis.sissippi River. Members: Col, Member: Lieut. Col. A. Stickney. Rept. Chief
G. L. Gillespie, 6; B. M. Harrod. R. S. Taylor. of Eng., 1896, p. 3430. (A)
H. Flad. Lieut. Col. A. Stickney. H. L. Whiting. Missouri River. Members: Lieut.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95, p. 3617. (A) Col. A. Stickney, 1: G. C. Broadhead, B, S. Ber-
Mississippi River. Menibers: Col. lin, Maj, W, H. Heuer, Maj. T. H. Handbur)'.

Q. A. Gillmore. 1; Lieut. Col. C. B. Comstock, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896, p, 3759. (A)
Maj. C. R. Suter, H. Mitchell, B. M. Harrod, Missouri River. Members: Lieut.
B. Franklin. J. B. Eads, R. S. Taylor. S. W. Col. A. Stickney, 2; G. C. Broadhead, Maj. T.
Ferguson. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSi, pp. 2720, H. Handbury, Maj, W, H. Heuer, C. L. Chaffee.
2740; 1882, pp. 2745, 2762, 27S0; 1883, pp. 2111, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p, 3837, (A)
2226; 1S84, p. 2408; 1S85, pp, 2535, 2539, 2859; 18S6, Missouri River. Members; Lieut.
p. 2143; T.S87. pp. 26S9, 2690, 2749, 2764, (A) Col. A. Stickney, 3: G. C. Broadhead. Maj. T.
Mississippi River. Members: Col. H. Handl-iury. C. L. Chaffee, Maj, W. L. Mar-
y. A. Gillmore, 2; Col. C. B. Comstock, Lieut. shall. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1898, p, 3459, (A)
Col. C. R. Suter, Maj. O. H, Ernst. B. M. Harrod. Missouri River. Members: Lieut.
R. S. Taylor, S. W. Ferguson. Rept. Chief of Col. A. Stickney. 4: G. C. Broadhead, Maj, T.
Eng.. 1888, p. 2191; 1889, p, 2593, (A) H, Handbury, C. L. Chaffee, Maj. W. L. Mar-
California rivers (debris). Mem- shall. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1899. p. 3655. (A)
liers: Lieut. Col. D. P. Heap. Lieut. Col. W. H. Missouri River. Members: Lieut.
Heuer. R. Johnson. Rept. Chief of Eng..
P. Col. A. Stickney. o: Maj. T. H. Handbury,
1902, p. 2443. Maj. W. L. Marshall. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Cape Fear River, N. C. Members: 1900, p. 4935. (A)
Captain Humphreys. 1; Captain Franklin, Mississippi River. Members: Lieut.

Lieutenant Whiting. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1873, Col. A. Stickney, 6; B. M. Harrod, R. S. Tay-
p. Slo. (.A I
lor, Maj. T. H. Handbury. H. L. Marindin,

Memliers: Brigadier-
111. J. A.
Ockerson. Rept. Chief of Eng. (supp. ),
General Humphrey, 2; Lieut. Col. H. G.Wright, 1901, p. 3. (A)
Maj. H. L. Abbot. Rept. Chief of Eng., 187,8.
- Mississippi River. Members: Lieut.

(A) Col. A. Stickney. 7; G. C. Broadhead, Maj. T.

p. 749^
H. Handbury, C. H. Chaffee, Maj. W. L. Mar-
Yellowstone National Park. Mem-
shall. Rept, Chief of Eng. (.supp. ), 1901, p, 365.
ber: Maj.W. A. Jones. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1.S92, p, 3450.
Missouri River. Members: Col. A.
California rivers (Debris). Mem- Stickney. 8; B. M. Harrod, R, S. Taylor, H, L.
bers: Col, S. M. Mansfield, 1: Maj. W. H. Marindin, J, A. Ockerson, Lieut. Col. H. M.
Heuer, Lieut, H. Deakyne. Rept. Chief of Adams, Maj. T. L. Casey. Rept. Chief of Eng.
Eng., 1899, p, 3747. (A) (A)
(.supp.), 1902, p. 3.
California waters (Debris in). Mem- Missouri River. Members: Col. ,\.
bers: Col. S. M. Mansfield, 2: Lieut. Col. W. H. Stickney, !l: G. C. Broadhead, C. H. Chaffee,
Heuer, Capt. H. Deakyne. Rept. Chief of Eng.. Maj. W. L- Marshall. Maj. T. L- Casey. Rept.
1900, p. 5007. (A) Chief of Eng. (supp.), 1902, p. 175. (A)
The U'n'iiuirs of Gradtiates^ /8o2~igo2. 219
Commission. rroject. plan, estinuitc. etc.. f(ir Comstock. Cyrus Ballon. Report on the 1-iftli
thtr iinprovemeiU of Missouri River. Mem- Congress of International Navigation, held at
bers: IJenl. Col. C. R. Suter. 1; Maj. A. Mac- Paris July 21 to July 31, 1S92. O. Washington.
kenzie, Maj. H. Krnst. W. J. Hroatch, C,. C.
(). 1S92. Misc. I'ni)ers, vol. 3.

Broadhtad. Kept. Chief of Kng., i.sss, p. 2313; Sur\'cy of Northern and Noit Invest crn
1S89, p. 2741; 1.S90, p. 3361. (A) Lakes. Portfolio. Detroit River, i chart; Erie.
Missoviri River. Mt-nibers: Uieut. Lake. i2charts; Huron, Lake. H charts; Macki-
Col. C. R. Suter. "2; Maj. A. Mackenzie, Maj. nac. Straits of, r chart: Michigan, Lake. 15
().H. Ernst. G. C. Broadhead. R. S. Berlin. charts; Ontario, Lake, h charts; St. Clair. Lake.
Rept. Chief of Etig.. iSq2. p. 3251. (A) Ichart; St. Clair River, i chart; St. Lawrence
Missouri River. Members: Lieut. River, 6 charts; St. Marie River. 3 charts; Su-
Col. C. R. Suter, 3; Lieut. Col. A. Mackenzie, perior, Lake. 14 charts. (A)
Maj. O. H. Ernst. G. C. Broadhead. R. S. Berlin. Primary triangulation of the l'. S, Lake
Rept. Chief of l%ng.. 1893, p. 3921. (A) Sur\*ey. /« Pop. Sci. Monthlj*. vol. 23. p. 423.
Missouri River. Members: Lieut. Kort Hisher and vicinity, sur\'pyed uiuler
Col. C. R. Suter, 4; Lieut. Col. A. Mackenzie, the direction of.
G. C. Broadhead. R. S. Berlin. Maj. C. J. Allen. and Wilson, James Harrison. Military
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S94, pp. 3075. 3163. 3163. map. Vicksburg, siege of. by the United States
(A) forces under the command of Maj. Gen. I'. S.
Missouri River. Mcmtiers: Lieut. Grant. U. S. Volunteers; Maj. F. E. Prime, chief
Col. C. R. Suter, o: Lieut. Col. A. Mackenzie. engineer; surveyed and constructed under the
G. C. Broadhead, R. S. Berlin. Maj. C.J. Allen. direction of Capt. C. B. Comstock. V S. Engi- .

Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95. p. 3957. (A) neers, and Lieut. Col. J. H. Wilson. A. I. G.. first
California rivers (Debris). Mem- lieutenant engineers.
bers: Col. C. R. Suter. 6; Maj. C. E. L- B. Da\-is, See. Boards —
Comstock; Abbott, i. 4, 6.9.
Capt. C. E.Gillette. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896. 10, II, 12, 14, 16, iS. 20. 21; Barnard, 6.4.5; Casey.

p. 3S61. (A I
3.4,6, S. 13; Craighill, 10. 17. 22. 24; Duane. 1.

California rivers (Debris). Mem- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6; Macomb, 9; Newton, Parker. 1;

liers: Col. C. R. Suter. 7; Maj. C. E. L- B. Davis, Stewart, 5. 6; Warren. 11; Woodruff, n, 12;
Capt. C. E. Gillette. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, Wright, 3. 5.?^ Commissions— Comstock: Gill-
p. 3961. (A) more. I. 2.

California rivers (D6bris,i. Mem- Condict. Lewis. Member of Board of Visitors to

hers: Col. C. R. Suter, H; Maj. W. H. Heuer. V. S. M. A. in 1S27.
Lieut. H. Deakyne. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 189S. Cong-er, Omar D. (of Michigan.) Member of
p. 3549- (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1884.
Comstock, Cyrus Bailout U.S. M- A.. i'^55). Pho- Conklin. John, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1884). The devel-
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. opment of naval armor. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
Treasurer U. S. M. A.. Jan. iS to July 27, U. S.. vol. II, p. 914. (A)
1861. Notes on light artillery material. Jour.
Reports of the inspection of the South Mil. Ser\-. Inst. V. S., vol. 21, p. 290. (A)
Pass improvement of the Mississippi River; Conkling. F. A. (of New York). Memberof Board
ist rept.. Nov. 20, 1875; 2d rept. [April], 187?); of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S65.
3d rept., June 9, 1876; 4th rept.. Sept. 20, iSyo; Conkling, Roscoe (of New York). Member of
5th rept., Dec. 6, 1S76; 6th rept.. April 5, 1877. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S70.
Notes on European sur\'eys [compiled un- Conline. John L'. S. M. A.. 1870). Recollections

der his direction]. Washington. 1S76. Q, of the battle of Autietam and the Marylaiul
Explorations and Surveys. campaign.
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- ConneU. Thomas Walter (I'. S.M. A.. 1S94). Obit-
provement of McCargoes Cove, Isle Royale, uary and portrait hi Bnmpus (E. C): To the
Lake Superior. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. memory of mj* son. E- A. Bumpus. first lieu-
1876. vol. 2, p. 320. (C) tenant. Ninth r. S. Infantrj-, and. of his com-
Memphis Harbor, Tenn. Rept. panions in arms ... n. p., n. d. i vol.. C,
Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 258. (C) 122 pp. (ports.). (A)
Chattahoochee River, Ga. and Ala. Conrad. Joseph Speed {V S. M. A., 1857).
. Died
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 175S. (C \ Dec. 4, i8gi, aged 58. Photograph ifi Albums of
Sucaruoochee River, Ala. Rept. officers' mess. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 1S03. (C) Obituary /« Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .A...

Bayou Carlin, La. Rept. Chief of 1S92.

Eng.,iS9i, p. 1839. (C) Conway. J. S. lof Arkansas). Member of Board
Bayou Teche, La. Rept. Chief of of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S38.
Eng., 1891, p. 1S52. (C) Cook, Philip (of Georgia). Memberof Board of
Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S1.
Eng., 1S91, p. 2074. iC) Cook, William (of New Jersey). Member of
Clarendon and Lower White rivers, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1840.
Ark. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S92, p. 1704. (C) Cooke. Philip St. George (U.S. M. A., 1827). Died
Mississippi River. " change of Mar. 20. 1S95, aged 86. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
plane." Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93. p. 3564. (C) Grads., U. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
220 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Cooke, Philip St. George. Journal of march Copped, Henry. Review of Roytiton s histor\-of
from Santa Fe, X. Mex.. to San Diego. Cal. West In North Anier. Rev., vol. 98
1S49, No. 517. doc. 41. C) I,
(1864I, pp. 530-550- (A)
Scenes and adventures in the Army; or, Editor U. S. service magazine. 1S64-1S66.
Romance of militarv- life Philadelphia. . . . Compiler of Songs of praise in the Chris-
1S59. I(A)vol.. O. tian centviries. 1S66.

Cavaln.- tactics or regulations for the in- Grant and his campaigns: A military bi-
struction ... of the cavaln.' of the Army and ography ... vol.. O. 1S66. 1(A,(

volnnteers of the United States Wash- . . . English literature considered as an inter-

ington, 1S62. I vol., O. (A) preter of English history. 1873.
New York, iSS;v vol.. O. (A) 1 History- of the conquest of Spain by the
New cavaliA- tactics. 1SS4. Arab-Moors, with a sketch of the civilization
Conquest of New Mexico and California. which they achieved and imparted to Europe.
IV0I..O. (A) 187S. 1S81.

The charge of Cooke's cavalry at Gaines's General Thomas . . . New York, 1S93.

Mill. Century Mag., vol. 30. p. 777. Great commanders. Series. 1 vol., O. (A)
Coombs. William Henr>' (U. S. M. A.. 1S68). 01)ituary of Washington Irving. Proc.
Died Dec. s, iqoo, aged 54. Obituary and por- Amer, Phil. Soc, vol. 7. p. 363. f A)
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. l'. S. M. A., 1901. Flax culture. Proc. .\mer. Phil. Soc, vol.
I Ai 9. P- ^'^.

Cooper. David (of Minnesota). Member of Obituary of O. M. Mitchell. Proc. Amer.

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861. Phil. Soc, vol. 9, p. 147.
Cooper, Samuel U. S. M. A.. 1S15).
Died Dec. Editor of the American edition of the
14. 1S76, aged Si. Engraving (by O'Neill). Comte de Paris's Guerre civile en Am^rique.
Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. (A) Manual of courts-martial.
obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads, U. S. M. A.. Usefulness of West Point, N. Amer. Rev..
1S77. vol. qS, p. 530.
(Macomb, Maj. (ien. Alexander). Con- Cordray. David Price (U. S. :\I. A., 1S91). Topo-
cise system of instructions and regulations for graphical may of West Point, 188S. Scale,
the militia and volunteers of the United In the drawing academy. (A)
States, comprehending the exercises and
Coijley, (U. S. M. A., 1850).
James Lawrence
nioveTnents of the infantrj-. light infantry,
Died, Mar. aged 50. Obituary in Ann.
28, 1SS3,
riflemen, cavalry, and artiller>-. 16°. 1836.
Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S83. (A)
Reports as Adjutant-Geueral V . S. Army, Corthell. Charles Loring (U. S. M. A., 18S4).

Died, Nov. 14, 1S93, aged 31. Obituary in Ann.
Member of .\ssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S94. (A)
Copeland, Joseph T. (of Michigan).
Roard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i860. Cosby. George P. Member of Board of Visitors
Copped. Henry {U. S. M. A., 1845). Died Mar. to U. M. A., in 1886.

21, 1895, aged 74. Photograph in Albums of Cosby, Spencer (U. S. M. A., 1891). Project,
officers' mess. plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement of
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Zuckerton Creek. N. J. Rept, Chief of Eng.,
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S95. (A) 1897, p. 1231. (A)
Obituary by J. G. Rosengarter. Extract Wading River, X. J. Rept. Chief
from Proc. Amer, Phil. Soc; vol. 34 (1895), p. of Eng.. 1S97, p. 1234. (At
357. (A) Beach Thoroughfare. N. J Rept. .

Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. Chief of Eng., 1S97. p. 1236. (A I

in 1S6S. Warrior River, Ala.; locks and dams

Librarian U.S. M.A. 1853. Nos, I, 2, and 3. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1902. p.
Contributor to the principal reviews and 1294. (A)
magazines in the United States after 184S, — Hains. 4. (A
See Boards 1

Elements of logic, designed as a manual Cottman, Thomas (of Louisiana). Member of

of instruction. 185S. Board of Visitors to IT. S. M. A. in 1S65.
Edited a Gallery of famous poets. 1S58. Cotton. Gilbert Parker (U.S. M. A., 1867). Com-
Author of several military works. 185S- pany papers. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst X . S., vol. 14,

1867. P-755- 'AI

Elements of rhetoric. 1859. Proximity of England to the I'nited
Select academic speaker. 1861. States, etc. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. ig,

Edited a Gallery of famous poetesses. P- 434. (A)

1S61. Couch, Darius Nash (U. M. A.. 184(1). Died S.
Translator of Marmonfs Esprit des insti- Feb. 12, 1897, aged 74. Engraving (by J. C.
tutions niilitaires. 1S62. Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Evolutions of the line. 1S62. Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
The field manual of evolutions (infantry) tirads. U. S. M. A., 1897. (A)
. . . Sequel to the authorized I'. S. infantry Counselman. Jacob Henry {V S. M. A., 1863).
tactics. Philadelphia, 1S62. 1 vol., O.. pp. 144. Died F'eb. 21, 1S75, aged 35. Obituary in Ann.
(Ai Assoc. Grads U. S. M. A.. 1S75. (A)
The IVritin^s of Graduates^ /S02—IQ02. 22 I

Courlenay. Edward Henr\' I'U. S. M. A., 1S211. Craighill.William p;dward. Project, plan, esti-
Professor of natural and experiiueiital philos- mate, etc., for the improvement of Westfort
ophy, r. S. M. A.. IS2S-2C,. iS-t^iS34. Harbor. Conn Rept. Chief of Kng., \^^^/^, p.
Elementan-treatiseon mechanics. Trans- Sio. (A')
lated from the French of M. Honcharlal. with Cape Lookout. Harbor of Refuge.
additions and emendations, designed to adapt N. C.Rept. Chief of E"K-. '^97- P- M;^"- CA^
it to the nse of tl>e cadets of the V. S. M. A. Craighill. William Price iV. S. M. A.. iS53").
Photograph ht Albums of officers' mess.
the difference of lonjjitnde of several Treasurer, l^. S. M. A.. July 27. iS6f. to
places in the I'nited States as determined June 24. 1862; Oct. 25, 1S62, to June 6. 1S63: June
by ... the solar eclipse of Nov. 30. i8j(4. 22 to Aug. 31, 1S64.
Trans. Anier. Phil. Soc. V. ">.. vol. 5.. p. 54,^. Instructor of practical engineering, V . S.
(A) M. A., June 22 to Aug. 31. 1864.
Treatise on the differential and integral Translator (jointly with Cnpt. II. Men- C
calcnlns and on the calciilns of variations . . . delli of General Joniini's Precis de Part de la
New York. 1S55. i vol., O., 3 copies. (A* guerre. Philadelphia, i8(>2. i vol., O.
Ser\-ices in section 4. ]). 46: Ser\-ices in The army officer's pocket companion:
computing di\nsion. p. 131. V . S. Coast Svir- principally designed for stafT officers in the
vey Rept., 1S62. (A) field. . New York. 1S62. r vol.. O. ( .\^
. .

Ser\'ices in section In section 3. p. i. p. 26; Translator of Dufour's Cours de tactique.

37; In computing division, p. 50. V. S. Coast 1 8^3.
Snr\-ey Kept.. 1S63. f Al Strategy and tactics. Translated from
See Boucharlat. J. L.: Elementary trt-atisc the latest French edition of Gen. G. H. Dufcmr.
on mechanics. New York. 1864. i vol.. O,
Courtenay. AV. A. of South Carolina ).
( M mbtr Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
of Hoard of Visitors to T. S. M. .\. in 1SS7. provement of Baltimore Harbor, Md. Rept.
Cousins. Roberto. of Iowa I ). Member of Board Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. 2. pp. 24, 25, 233. 234;
of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in iSq6. 1S66, vol. 4, pp. 232. 254; 1S67. pp. 42.417. 420. 422;
Gouts. Cave Johnson (V. S. M. A.. 1S43). Died 1S72. p. 67: 1S73. pp. 72. 761: 1879.pp. 492, 494:
June 10, iN74,aged 53. Obituary- hi Ann. Assoc. 1S81, p. 861: t886. p. 874: 1887. pp. 860. 881; 1888.
Grads. l'. S. M.\.. 1S74. (A) p. 75^: 1891, p. 154; 1895, p. 1202. (A)
Coac. C. C. (of Marj'landl. Member of Board of Susquehanna River, near Havre de
Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S65. Grace. IVId- Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. 2. p.
Cox. Samuel fi. (of New York). Member of 27: 1S67. pp. 42. 419. 423, 427. 428: 1871. pp. 590.
Board of Visitors to T'. S. M. A. in 1S72. 591; 1^7.^. P- 15^\ 1879, p. 487. fC)
Coxe. Robert Edward (I*. S. M. A.. 1.S701 Died Susquehanna River, above and be-
. June 15. 1S92. aged 42. Obituar\- /« Ann. Assoc. low Havre de Grace, Md. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1893. A) i 1S67, pp. 42, 419, 427; 1S80, pp. 617. 621: 1SS2, p.
Cradlebaugh. George William V. S. M. A., 1S67 | j. 838. (C)
Died Nov. 25, r>^75, aged 32. Obituan,* /;/ Ann. James River. Va. Rei>t. Chief of
Assoc. Grads. I'. S. M. A. 1S.S1. (Al Eng.. 1871, pp. 73. 604. 606; 1872. p. 6gi; 1874,
Craig, George H. of Alabama Member of
1 1. vol. 2. pp. pp. 871. 876; 18S5. p. 947;
39, 41; 1882,
Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1S94. 1SS6. p. 138; 1887. p. S67: 1S91, p. 1234. (C)
Craig. Louis Aleck (U. S. M. A., 1S74, Photo- Queenstown. M<i. Rept. Chief of
graph /;/ Albums of officers' mess. Eng.. 1871. pp. 75. 612. 614: 1S79. p. 488- (C)
Craig. Robert, translator (V S. M. A.. 1S66). . Potomac River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Hermites. A new balloon material. Jour. Mil. 1S7 1 . pp. 592, 595: 1872, pp. 68, 688. ( C
Serv. Inst. V . S.vol. 22, p. 147. (A) Rappahannock River. Va. Rept.
Craig. William i V. S. M. .A... 1853^. Died May 27, Chief of Eng.. 1871, p. 5r,6; 1S72. p. 689. (C^
aged 56. {)bituar\* in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
1886, Rappahannock River, near Fred-
U. M. A.. 1886. (A)
S. ericksburg. Va. Rept. Chief of Eng., iS7r. p.
Craighill, William Edward (U. S. M. A.. 1SS5). 596; 1S72. p. 6S9; 1873, PP- 74- 770; 1^74. ^'ol- i-P-
Project, plan, estimate, etf:.. for the improve- 84; 1874, vol. 2, pp.50, 33, 35. C) (

ment of Greenwich Harbor, Conn. Rept. Roanoke River, N. C. Rept. Chief

Chief of Eng.. 1895. p. S61. (A) of Eng.. 1871. p. 609: 1S72, pp. 696, 697. 727; 1885,
Byram Harbor. Conn.Rept. Chief p. 996. (C)
of Eng.. 1S95. p. S63.(A) Cape Fear River, N. C. Rept. Chief
Milton Milton Point, N. V. of Eng.. 1S71, p. 610; 1874. vol. 2. p. 70; 1875.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. S6S. (A) vol.2. p.9<i: 1879. pp. 81,557. (C)
Echo Bay and New Rochelle Har- Cambridge Harbor, Md. Rept.
bor. N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1895. p. S6q. Chief of F^ng.. 1S71, pp. 614, 616, 618; 1874, vol.
(A) I, p. 82; vol. 2. p. 24; 1879, p. 501; 18S7, p. S52.
Cold Spring Harbor. X. V. Rept. (C)
Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. S75. lAi James River and Kanawha Canal.
Woodsburg channel. Hempstead Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1871, pp. 625. 635, 637, 650;
Bay. N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. H79. 1873, p. 829; 1874, vol. 2, pp. 88, 100, 117, 12S;
<A) 1877. P- 754- (C)
2 2.2 Coitcmiial of U)iitcd States Militarv Aaideiii
Craigliill, William Edward. Project. .plan, esti- Craighill.William Edward. Project, plan, esti-
mate, the iinprnvement of Wicomico
etc., for mate, for the improvenient of Patapsco

River. Md. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S71. pp. 661, River, Western Branch. Rept. Chief of Eng.
663; 1.S72. p. 6S5; 1.S75. vol. 2. p. 70; 1M79, pp. 503, 1S79. p. 5S0. (C)
504. (C) Susquehanna River. Md.. above and
Accotink Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of below Havre de llrace. Rept. Chief of Eng.
Eiig., 1S72, pp. 6.S, 71. 670, 688. (C) 1.880, p. 621. (C)
Aquia Creek. Ya. Rept. Chief of River, Md. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S72. pp. 6(j. 71. 688, 708; 1S73,
pp. 74, 771; of Eng.. 1S80, p. 621. (C)
1874, vol. I, p. 37; 1875. vol. 2, p. 121. (C) Choptank River, Md. Rept. Chief
Chesapeake and Delaware hays. of Eng. 1880. p. 636; 1.S87. p. 94; 1.S91. p. 1190;
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872. p. 702: 1879, pp. .S89, 1892, p. 972. (C)
590: 1880, pp. 715, 725. (C) Secretary Creek. Md. Rept. Chief
Neabsco Bay, Va. Rept. Chief of of Eng., iSSo. p. 637. (C)
Eng.. ]872, pp. 708. (C) Treadhaven Creek. Md. Rept.
Elizalieth River, South Branch. \'a. Chief of Eng., 1880. p. 639. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S72. pp. 716, 71S; 1873, p. Broad Creek. Del. Rept. Chief of
7S5; 1874, vol. 2, p. 58. (C) Eng.. 1.S80. p. 641; 1,883. p. 681. (C)
Norfolk Harbor, ^'a. Rept. Chief Shenandoah River. Va. and W. Va.
of I{ng.. 1S72. pp. 717. 71S. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1880. pp. 666, 667; 1885. p. 957.
Nanseraond River, A'a. Kept. Chief iC)
of Eng.. 1872. p. 723. (C) Tuckahoe Creek. Md. Rept. Chief
Neuse River. N. C. Rept. Chief of of Eng., 18S0. p. 73S. (Cl
Eng.. 1872. p. 734. (C) Slaughter Creek. Md. Rept. Chief
Washington and Georgetown har- of Eng.. 1S80, p. 740. (Cl
bors, D. C. Rept. Chief of Hng., 1873, pp. 73,
Nanticoke River. Del. and Md.
767. (C)
Rept, Chief of Eng.. 1880. p. -42: 1S87. p. S42. (C)
Xomini Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
Chincoteague Inlet. \'a. Rept. Chief
Eng.. 1873, pp. 75, 774. 822: 1874, vol. 2, p. 38.
of Eng.. iSSo. p. 743. (C\
Chester River at Kent Island Nar-
Chester River. Md.. from .Spr5,s
Landing to Crompton. Rept. Chief of Eng..
rows. Md. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873. pp. 760.
1881. p. ,857; 18S3. pp. 133. 667; 18S6. p. 130. (C)

81S, 825; 1S74, vol.
2. p. 64; 1S76, vol.

p. 17; i87,s, vol.
pp. 63. 2.84:

p. 86;
— Corsica Creek. Md. Rept. Chief of
Eng.. 18S2, p. S42. (C)
s-, 273: 1S8S, p. 133. (CI
Deals Island, Md. I'pper thorough-
Occoquan River, Va. Rept. Chief of
fare between island and mainland. Rept.
IvllK.. 1S73, pp. 76S, S20. 825; 1880, p. 754. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1882. p. 856; 1883, p. 680. (C)
Elk River, Md. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Broad Creek. Md. Rept. Chief of
pp. 15. 82, 83; iSSo, p. 622. (C)
Eng.. 18S2, p. 948. (C)
Appomattox River. Va.
Rept. Chief
Skipton Creek, Md. Rept. Chief
of Eng.. 1S74. vol. 2. pp. 46. 47. (Ct
of Eng.. 1882. p. 949; 18S5, p. 908. (C)
t)ld-House channel. Pamlico Sonnd.
Bush River, Md. Rept, Chief of
N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S74. vol. 2. p. 85.
Eng., 1882, p. 950. (C)
Transportation routes to the sea- Bridge at Charleston'. W. Va. Rept.
board, central route, third subdivision. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1.8,53, p. 1592; 1.SS4, p. 1797
Chief of Eng.. 1S74, vol. 2. pp. 88. too, 117, 128; pp. 2572. 2574. (C)
i87,s. vol. 2. pp. 90, 95; 1S76. vol. 2. pp. 15S. 163, 164; Pungateague Creek Va. Rept.
1877, pp. 676, 682, 684, 696, 697, 703, 709. 71S. 727, Chief of Eng.. 1.8,84, P- 953- (C 1

Dividing Creek, Md. Rept. Chief

743. 747, 749- C-")
Kanawha River (Great), W. Va. of Eng., 1SS4, pp. 962,963. (C )

Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1875. vol. I. p. 89; vol. 2, pp.

Greenbriar River, W. ^•a Rept.
90. 91, 92, 93. 94, 95, 638; 1S76. vol. 2. pp. 158. 163.
Chief of Eng., 1885, p. 1867. (C)
164: 1877, pp. 303.676, 745; 1879. pp. 547. 550; 1882. Coal River, \V. Va. Rept. Chief of
pp. 82S. L829: 18S6. pp. 2.80. 281; 1S92. pp. 2043, Eng.. 1S87, p. 1932. (C)
2056. (C) Meherriii River, N. C. Rept. Cliief
Breton Bay, Leonardtown. Md. of Eng.. 1S8S. p. 773. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2, p. 108; 1880, p. Meadow River, W. Va. Rept. Chief
757; 1885. p. 965; 1S91, p. 125S; 1892, p. 1045. (C) of Eng., 1SS8, p. 1762. (C)
Elk River, W. Va. Rept. Chief of Mahon River. Del. Rept. Chief of
Eng., iS-6. vol. 2, pp. 166, 171; 1879. p. 555; iSSo. Eng., 1889, p. 909. (C)
p. 691; i8Sr,p. 147; i8S5,p.2S6; 1S95. p. 2467. (C) - Wetipquin River, Md. Rept. Chief
Pocomoke River. Md. Rept. Chief of of Eng., 18S9. p. 910. (Cl
Eng.. 1879, pp. 505.506.509.510; iSSi.p. 8S9. (C) South East River. Md. Rept. Chief
Annapolis Harbor, Md. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S89, p. 913. (C)
of Eng. 1879, pp. 574. 575, 577, 578; 1881, p. S72; Occohannock River, ^'a. Rept.
1S85. p. 1,34. (C) Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 913. (C)
The ]\^) itiui^s of (rradnatrs, iSo2-i()i)2,
Craighill, William Edward. IToject. plan, csli- Cram, Thomas JeffLison. I'rojecl. plan, c^^i-
inate. etc.. for the improvt-iiieiil of Nassa- mate, etc.. for the improvement of l^rie
waddox River. Va. Kept. Cliief of Kns-. "^89. (Presqne Isle) Harbor, Pa. Rept. Chief of
p. 915- iC) Eng., 1S66. vol. I, pp. 4, 20, 21, 24; 1S66, vol. 3. pp.
Hospital I'oim. Va. Kept.CIuefof 4. 31; iS56. vol. 4. pp. I. 2; 1867. pp. 31. 139. 254:

Eng.. 1SS9, p. t»6S. iC) 1S6S, p. 43. C ( I

Quantico Creek. Va. Kept- Chief Chicago Harbor. Ill, Kept. Chief of
of Eng.. 1889. p. 1030. (,C) Eng.. 1866. vol. I. pp. 5. 16, 24; 1S66, vol. 4. p.

Ware River. Va. Kept. Chief of 114; 1S67, pp. 86. 25S, 259; 186S. p. 11 1: 1SA9. ]). 2s;

Eng.. 1S89. p. 1034. (C) 1870, \*. 101; i>^74, vol. I. ]). 156. (C)
Machodoc River, Va. Rept. Chief St. Josei>h Harbor. Mich. Rept.
of Eng.. 1889. p. 1037. (C) Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. i. pp. s. 19; 1S66, vol, 4.

Roanoke River, Va. and N. C. Rept. p. no. I C I

Chief of Eng., 1SS9. p. 1040; 1S91. p. 1331. (C) Sandusky City Harbor. Ohio. Rept.
Sonth Branch of Patapsco River, Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. i, pp. 5. 24; 1S66, vol. 4.

Md. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 1263. (A) PP- 34. 73; 1867, p. 145. (C)
Harbor at Claiborne. Md. Rept, Vermillion Harlior. Ohio. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1S95. p. 1200. (Al Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. i. pp. =;. 26, 27. 29; 1866,

vol. 3. p. 5: 1S66, vol. 4, pp. 2('),

27, 75; 1S67. pp.
Big Coal and tittle Coal rivers.
143, 14S, 216, 217. 230: 186.8, p. 40. iC)
W. Va. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95, p. 2466. (A)
Grand River Harbor, Kairport.ohio.
Notes oil guns afloat and guns ashore. Es-
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. i, pp. 13, 21. 22.
.sayons Club Papers. No. 6. 1S6S. (A)
24; 1S66. vol. 4. p. 73: 1867, pp. 141. 217. 221. (C)
A paper on the relations of the Corps of
Cleveland. Harbor. Ohio. Rept.
Engineers the Army, and on the sixty-third
Chief of ting.. 1S66. vol. 1. pp. 13. 22. 23; 1866.
article of war. Washington. 1S69.
vol. 3. pp. 5. 2Q\ 1S66. vol. 4. p. 73: 1867. p. 252. (C)
Photographs illustrating the improve-
Racine Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
ment of the Great Kanawha River, Va., under
of Eng., 1866. vol. 1. pp. 17. 24; 1866. vol. 4, p.
his direction. 7 sheets in portfolio. 1879-80.
131. (CI
Reports upon building monument at
Washington, Milwaukee Harbor, Wis, Kept.
Yorktown. Va. O. 1S82-1SS5.
Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. 1. p. 18. 1 C 1

Misc. Papers, vol. 3.

Slieboygau Harbor, \\'is. Rejit.
Annual report upon the improvement of Chief of Eng., iSbb, vol. i.pp. 19. 24; i86h. vol.3,
certain rivers and harbors. 1SS4. .SVv Engi- (C)
pp. 12, 67, 75-
neer Dept.. U. S. Army, Chief of Engineers, Black River Harbor. Ohio. Rept.
1884. Annual Report, App. I. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. i,p. 23; 1866. vol. 4, p. j6;
Great Kanawha River, W'. Va.. detailed (Cl
iSft7. p. 142: 1S6S, pp. 150. 151.
drawings of lock and dam No. 7 |in 16 Monroe Harbor (Raisin River).
sheets). 1S92.
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S66. vol. i, pp. 32.
Reports as Chief of P^igineers, 1895-1S97. 1S67, p. 145; 1S6S. p. 145;
33; 1866, vol. 4. p. 40; 1872.
.S>*' Boards— Craighill; Abbott. 9. 10. 17.
p. 239; 1873, p. 309; 1S74, p.2r5. (C)
24;Barnard. 4, 2; Blunt. 1; Casey. 1. 7. 12, 16; Frankfort Aux Bees Scies) Harbor.(

Gillmore, i, 2. 3; Gillespie. 5; Hains, 9; Hum- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66.V0I. i. pp. 34,
phreys. 2; Mendell, 17: Merrill. 2: Simpson, 3: 1S87, p. 2179. (C^
36; 18S1. p. 2201;
Stewart, 5. 6; Tower, i Woodruff. 5. 9: Wright. 5.

Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. Rei>t.

(A) Chief of Eng.. 1S66. vol. 2, p. 41; 1866. vol. 3.

Cram. Thomas Jefferson ( l'. S. M. A.. 1S26). pp.4, 32; 1866, voI.4,, 12, 73: 1867. pp. 140. 230.
Died Dec. 20. 1SS3, aged 80. Obituary in Ann. 233; 1S6S, pp. 159, 160: 1869. p. 140; 1S70. p. 180. (C )

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S4. (A) Toledo Harbor. Ohio. Rept. Chief
Triangulation sec. i. l*. S. Coast Survey of Eng., 1866. vol. 3, pp. 6. 33, 63; 1S66.V0I. 4, pp.

Rept.. 1S47, p. 12; 1849. PP- -°' 21; i\Si- P- 3^: 38. 73; 1S67. pp. 2S, 144, 230, 254; 1S6S. pp. 146, 131
1S52, p. 18; 1853, p. 29. (A I
1S69. pp. iiS. 119, 123. (C)
Reconnaissance and triangulation sec. i. - St. Clair Flats and Ship Canal. Mich.
r. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S4S. pp. 22. 23. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. 3, p. 34: 1866, vol.
Triangulation Portsmouth. Isle of Shoals. 4. pp. 47. 49- 51. 53. .^7. 38, 73: 1S67. pp. 28, 145. 159.
Coast Sun.-ey Rept.. 1S50, p. 17. (A)
l". S. 234.255; 1S6S, pp. 38. 142, 144. fCl
Elevations of stations. U. S. Coast Sur- - St. Marys River and St. Marys l^alls
vey Rept., 1S52. p. iS. (A) Canal. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S66. vol.3,

Heights and coefficients of refraction. p. 34; 1866, vol. 4, pp. 65, 66, 67, 73: 1S67, pp. 148,

U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1.S53, p. 29. (A) 230, 255; 186S, pp. 36. 140, 151; 1S69. pp. 34. 106, 107,

Notice of his experiments on measure- 113,115; 1870, p. 163. (C)

ment of heights, p. 10; Synopsis, pp. 39, 42; Conneaut Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
Cram abstract, pp. *95-*i03. U. S. Coast Sur- Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol.4, pp. 7, 69: 1867, pp. 140,

vey Rept., 1S54. lA) 14S; 1S67, vol. 4. p. 139; 1880, pp. 2169. 2170. IC)
Triangulation of Pamlico Sound. North Huron Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief of
Carolina. V. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1859, p. 57; Eng., 1866.V0I.4.P.31; 1S67, p.142; i86S,pp.i49-
1S60, p. 52. (A) 151- (C)
2 24 Centennial of Uni/ed Stales Military Academy,
Cram. Thomas Jefferson. Project, plan, esti- Cressey, Edward
S. M. A.,1858). Died
Potter (

mate, etc., for the improvement of Sandusky June aged 63. Obituary in Ann,
21, 1899,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. ( A
River, Ohio. Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. 4.

pp. 36,37: r^67. p. 2S. (C) Crilly, Col. Francis J. (of Pennsylvania)
Saginaw River, Mich. Rept. Chief { U. S. M. Memberof Board of Visit-
A., 1859).

of Eng.. 1S66. vol. 4. pp. 59, 61; 1S67. p. 146; 1S68. ors to U. M. A. in 1890.

p. 141; )S6t). p. no. (C) Crimmins, John D (of New York). Memberof
Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1894. .

of Eng.. 1S67. pp. 32. 6S, 137. 193. 194; 1S68, pp. Crispin. Silas (U. S. M. A.. 1S50). Died Feb. 27.
205. 207. 24,^. fC) 1889. aged 61. Obituarj^ in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Dunkirk Harbor. N. Y. Rept. U.S. M. A., 1S89. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1^67, pp. 137, 138. 221; 1S68. pp. Improvements of seacoast carriages, p. 130;
19-205. (Cl Carriages for heavy guns, proposed changes in,
An Sable River Harbor, Mich. p. 131; Description of Sinclair's recoil-check
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S67, pp. 147, 149. 151; i86fi, for seacoast carriages, p. 133; Arsenal of con-
p. 141; 1S69, p. 107; 1SS5, p. 2133. (C) struction near New York recommended by
Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio. Rept. board, Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S74. (C)
p. 15S.

Chief of Eng.. 186S. pp. 154. 155. (C) Cartridge box, submitted by Monger, p.
Report upon the decay and preservation of 77; Rifles, 8 and 9 inch, record of firing, p. 116.
timber. O. \\'ashington. 1871, Misc. Papers, Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1875. (C)
vol. I. 8 and 9 inch, conversion of 10-inch S. B.

SeeV. Coast Survey Rept., 1S5R. p. 41;

S. into, rifles, p. 55; History of conversion of 10-

1S61. pp. 21, 42. 84. (A) inch S. B. guns into 8-inch and 9-inch rifles,

See Boards. p. 55; No. I, fabrication of, rifle, 8-inch con-

Crane. Charles Judson U. S. M. A., 1877). I
verted, p. 5S; No. 2, steel lined, description rifle,
Photograph iti Albums of officers' mess. 8-inch converted, p. 63; No. 3. wrought-iron
Infantry fire its uses in battle. — Pub. lined, description of, rifle, 9-inch converted,
V. S. Inf. Soc, vol. I. No. i (March, 1894). p. 68; No. 4, steel lined, description of. rifle,
Comment on Hawkin's Outline of manual 9-inch converted, p. 70; Mofi"att B. L,. rifled field
infantry drill. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., gnu, caliber 3.07 inch, description and trial,
vol. II. p. 490. ( Al p, 86; Mann B. l^. rifle, caliber 8.4 inches, de-

New drill regulations for infantry. Jour, scription and trial, p. 90; Sutcliffe, B. 1,. rifled
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S..vol. 13. p. 1148. (A) field gun, caliber 3.15 inch, description and
Drill. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 14, trial, p. 94; Thompson B. I^. rifle, caliber 12-inch,
p. 784. (A) description, p. 96; Sutcliff"e B. I,, rifle, caliber
Comment on Di.scipline, etc. Jour. Mil. 9-inch, description, p. loS; Projectiles, process
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 17, p. 443. lA) of lead coating, chemically. Russian method,
The new infantry rifle. Jour. Mil. Serv. p. 1 13; Recommendations of board on plans of
Inst. r. S.. vol. 19. p. 48S. lA 1 arsenals, p.
211. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1876. (C)
Crane, Col. J. B. Member of Board of Visitors Deterioration of powder caused bj- storage
(inspection) to V. S. M. A. iu 1S44. in seacoast forts. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S76,
Cranston. Arthur (U. S. A., 1S67). DiedApr. M p. 263; 1S77, p. 605. (C)
-"' 1^73. aged 30. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Dean patent bronze gun, p. 653; Descrip-
Crads. I". S. M. A.. 1S73. (A) tion of carriage for 12-inch rifle, p. 657; Rifle,

Crawford. T. Hartley. Member of Board of 12-inch, cast iron, lined with wrought-iron
Visitors to r. S. M. A. iu 1S33. tube, progress report, p. 663. Rept. Chief of
Creamer. T. J. (of House of Representatives) Ord., 1877. (C)
Memberof Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1S75. Rifle. lo-inch. converted from 13-iuch S.
Creden, Samuel George {U. S. M. A.. 1895). Died B., coiled wrought-iron tube. M. L.. construc-
Feb. 9. 1896, aged 24. Obituary and portraits tion report, p, 347: Rifle, 8-inch M. I,., con-
.\nn, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1896. (A) verted from lo-inch S. B.. coiled wrought-iron
Cree. John Kirby l'. S. M. A,, 1S85I. Notice of
( tube, breech insertion, having a jacket shrunk
Wilson's Photographic mosaics and of the on tulje extending through breech, construc-
American annual of photography and photo- tion report, p. 351; Construction report, rifle,
graphic times almanac for 1897. Jour. U. S. 8-inch B. I^.. p. 357; Tests of Whitworth's fluid
Art., vol. 7. p. 130. compressed steel for S-inch B. I,, rifle, p. 366;
Notice of the American annual of photog- Pyrometer, hydro-, for measuring tempera-
raphy and photographic times almanac for ture of cast-iron casing in converting smooth
1898, p. 359: Notice of the Process year book bores into rifles, description, p. 374; Carriage
for 1897, vol. 3, p. 360. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 8. altered for S-inch B. 1,. rifle, p. 37814. Rept.
Notice of the International animal of Chief of Ord.. 1S78. (C)
Anthony's photographic luilletin and Amer- L,. rifle, ii-inch, converted from rs-inch
ican process book for 1S9S. Jour. V. S. Art., S. B., construction report, p. 61; Rifles, 3-inch
vol. 9, p. 113. B. L,., converted, construction report, p. 67;
War and its modern instruments — Influ- Rifles, 3.16-inch M. L. chambered, construction
ence the air-ship of war. In North Amer.
oij report, p. 71; Rifle, 3.17-inch M. L,.. rapid
Rev., vol. 162 1896). p. 7&. (A)
( twist, construction report, p. 13; Gas checks
Tlir U^i-//ii/_i^s of Graduates, iSo2-Tgn2. !25

for R. I,, rifles, p. 74; Altcralions in carriage Crook, George. Monrke (Capt. John G. ): On
for 12-inch rifle, p. 75; Rifle. .1,5-inch proposed the border with Crook New York, 1S91. . . .

chambered, p. 77; I-lank defense, carriage for I vol.. O. (A)

Ilotchkiss revolving cannon, p. 163. Rept. Tlie Apache problem. Jour. Mil. Scr\*.
Chief of Ord., 1S79. (C) Inst. v. S.. vol 7. p. 257. (\)
Crispin, Sihis. Constniction report, rifle, 3.1S- Crosby. Schuyler (of Montana). Member of

inch. 11. I., chambered, p. 42; M. I., rifle, S-inch Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S3.
converted. No. 29. breech insertion, rapid twist, Crosby. Oscar Terry (t:. S. M. A., 18S2). Project.
construction report, p. 47; M. L. chambered, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement of
breech insertion, constniction report, rifle. canal connecting Bayou Teche with Grand
S-inch converted, p. 4S. Rept. Chief of Ord., Lake at Charenton, I,a. Rept. Chief of Eng,.
iSSo. (C) 1SS6. pp. 1250, 1257; i>sS7, (C)
p. 1370.
B. I,, chambered, constniction report, rifle. Bayou T,a Fourche. La. Rept. Chief
It-inch converted, p. 3S2; M. I,, chambered, con- of Eng., 1SS6. pp. 12^7. 1274. 127s: 1887, p, u66.
struction report, n-inch converted, p. 391;
rifle, (C)
B. V,. chambered, round wedge fermeture, con- Bayou Platpiemiiie. La. Rept, Chief
struction report, rifle, S-inch converted, p. 395; of Eng., 1887. pp. 1407. 1412. (C)
Rifle. 3.2-inch B. L. chambered, construction Discussion of Parkhurst electricity and
report of 3, p. 409; Chambeied. progress report the art of war. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 1, p. 361.
on construction of 4, rifles. i2-iiicli B. L.. p. 435: Author of several technical papers.
Howitzer, 12-inch B. I^. chambered, rifled, de- and Bell. Louis. The electric railway in
scription and constniction report, p. 439; Prog- theory and practice. O. New York. 1S92. .\ ) 1

ress report on "plant" for manufacturing 12- Crosman, George Hampton (U. S M. .\., 1^2,^').

inch B. I,, rifles at South Boston Foundry, p. Died May 28. 18S2, aged 84. Obituary in .Ann.
441; Testsof steel used in convertings. B. guns Assoc. Grads. U. S. M, A.. 1882. (A)
into B. I,, rifles at West Point Foundry, p. 442: Cross. Osborn (U. S. M. A., 1S25). Died July 15,
Experimental cannon, progress report on. 1876.aged 73. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
powders, p. 4S2. Rept. Chief of Ord., iSSi. (C) U. S- M. A., 1S77- (A)
Armstrong gun. description, etc.. p. 211; Report to Quartermaster-General, in form
Woolwich guns, description, etc., p. 211; of journal of march to Oregon. 111. In Rept.
Method of securing ends of, wire for guns. Pi. Secretary of War, 1850, pp. 126-244. No. 5S7,
XXIII, p. 211; Report on European ordnance doc. I. (C)
and manufactures, English heavy ordnance, Trial, 1S59. 1860.
p. 211; Whitworth guns, description, etc.. p.
Cross. Col. Trueman. Member of Board of
237; French heavy ordnance, report of. p. 240;
Visitors (inspection) to V . S. M. A. in 1844.
Schultz wire gun, report of, p. 251; De Bange
Crozet. Claude. Portrait (oil painting by J. C.
fermeture, p. 257. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS2.
Beckwith). Presented by V S. M. A.. 1902. .

Oil portrait by J. C. Beckwith. In library
Proposed model of 12 and 15 inch guns.
Ord. Note 30, vol. i. p. 1S7. (A) r. S. M. A. (Framed.)
Descriptive articles on the 80-ton steam Professor of civil and military engineer-
ing. 1817-1S23.
hammers of Creusot and St. Chamond. Ord.
Note, 333, vol. II. (A) Crozier. William (U. S. M. A.. 1876). Photograph
Crittenden. Alexander Parker {U. S. M. A., 1836). in .-Mbums of officers' mess.
Died Nov. aged 55. Obituary tn Ann.
5, 1S70. wire-wrapped.
Rifle. lo-inch B. L. cast-iron,
Assoc. Grads. U. M. A.. 1S71. (A>
S. progress, construction report, p. 359: Report
Crittenden. George Bibb (U.S. M. A.. 1832). Died on winding and dismantling an experimental
Nov. 27. iSSo. aged 69. Obitnarj- in Ann. Assoc. wire-wound gun cylinder, p. 411. Rept. Chief
Grads. U. S. iM. A.. iSSi. (A) of Ord.. 18S6. (C)
Crittenden. John J. (of Kentucky). Member of Notes on cast-iron mortars; Disadvantage
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1B61. of weight and unreliability of cast-iron guns.
Cronkhite. Adelbert (U. M. A., 1S82).
S. Gun- Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S90. p. 717. (C)
nery for noncommissioned officers
24® . . . Some observations on the Pekin relief ex-
New York. 1893. (A) pedition. In North .\mer. Rev., vol. 172(1901),
Crook, George (U. S. M. A.. 1852). Died Mar. 21, p. 225.
1S90, aged 62. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Deduction of the stresses at any point in
r. S. M. A., 1S90: Harper's New Monthly Mag., the section of a hollow tube subjected to any
vol. Si (1S90), p. 157. (A) interior and exterior fluid pressure. Notes
Memorial addresses. (In raemoriuni. Constr. Ord. No 35, vol. 2. p. 43. (A)
Memorial services. O., pani. Omaha, 1S90. ) On winding and dismantling on experi-
(A) mental \Ti re- wound gun cylinder. Notes
King (Charles): The Fifth Cavalr>' in the Constr. Ord. No. 38, vol. 2 p. i. (A)
Sioux war of 1S76. Campaigning with Crook Probability of fire. Notes Constr. Ord.
... I vol., (A) O. iSSo. No. 47. vol. 2, p. I. (A)
Address to the graduates U. S. M. A . . . On the rifling of guns. Notes Constr.
class of 1SS4. n. p. n. d. i vol.O,, pp. 7. (A) Ord. No. 49, vol. 2, p. 1. (A)

H. Doc. 7S9. 5S-2 — vol 2- -15

226 Ccnicniiial of Lbu'tcd States Military Academy,

Crozier, William. Desigii for an experimental Cullum, (ieorge Washington. Death of Col.
carriage for a 7-inch li. 1.. siege howitzer. James Monroe, n. p., 1S70. i vol.' O. (A)
Notes Constr. Ord. No. 57, vol. 3, p. i. (A) Biographical sketch of Maj. Gen. Richard
Cruse. Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1S79). Mexico and Montgomery of the Continental Army . . .

her military resource:^. Jour. Cav. Assoc, n. p., 1S76. I vol., O., 16 pp. i .\)

1S92. p. III. (A) Memoir of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Robert Ogden

Culbertson, Michael Simpson (,U.S. M. A., 1S39). Tyler, U. S. Army. Philadelphia, 1S78. 1 vol..
Numerous works of religious literature in Q., pp. 120. (A)
Chinese and English. 1S44-1S6J. Campaigns of the war of 1812-1815, against
Translator of the Bible into Chinese. Great Britain With brief biographies of
. . ,

1S51-1S62. the American Engineers ... vol., O. 1879. 1

Cullom, Shelby M. (of Illinois). Member of Paper on the land of Egypt. (Amer.
Board of Vi.sitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S8.S and in Geog. Soc.) New York, iSSi. vol., O., pp. 1

30. (A)
Cullum, George Washington f U. S. M. A.. 1833). The valley of the L,oire and its historic
Died Feb. 2S, 1892, aged 83. Portrait (oil paint- chateaux. O., pp. 42. New York. 1SS4.
ing). Presented by George W. Culhnn In Historical sketch of the fortification de-
niemorial hall. West Point. fenses of Narragansett Bay since the founding
Presented by War Department. 1S75. in 1638 of the colon}* of Rhode Island. Wash-
In cadet hall. ington, 18S4. Reprinted in Jour. U. S. Art.,
Steel-engraved portrait as frontispiece to vol. 8, pp. 51, 1S6.
his Register of Graduates, vol. 4 (1900). (A) Bequest of, for memorial hall at West
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. Point, 1S92. No. 2901. doc. 103: No. 2901, doc.
1S92; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 84 S9; No. 2915, doc. 1038. (C)
{1S92). p. 969. (A) Will of General Cullum. In Bull. Assoc.
Numerous biographical, historical, and Grads. U. S. M. A.. No. i (1900), p. 43.
geographical papers, 1S33-1S90. The struggle for the Hudson, being Chap.

Treasurer V. S. M. A., Mar. 25 to July 28, IV of Winsor's Narrative |and |critical history
184S. of America, vol. 6, pp. 275-366. (A)

Instructor of practical engineering, l". S. The early history of the V S. M. A. In .

M. A., 1S4S-1S51, 1852-1855. vol. 3, p. 465, Cullum's Biographical register of

Sixteenth superintendent from Sept. S, officers and graduates U. S. M. A.
1864, to Aug. 28. 1S66. Reports as Supt. U. S. Biographical sketches of deceased gradu-
M. A., 1S64-1866. ates of the U.S.M.A. Misc. Pamphlets, vol. 9.
Description of a system of military bridges Edgar A. Poe at West Point. In Harper's
with india-rubber pontons. Prepared for the Mag., vol. 45, p. 561, footnote. (A)
use of the U. S. Army. Prof. Papers Corps of Cummings, Alexander (of Pennsylvania). Mem-
E"g. U. S. A.. No. 4. New York and Phila- ber of Board of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S61.
delphia. 1S49. (A^ Cummings, Amos J. of New York). Member

Systems of military bridges in use by the of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1890.

U. S. Army, those adopted by the great Euro- Cunningham, Arthur Sinclair I'. S. M. A., 1S56). (

pean powers, and such as are employed in Died July 26, 1S85, aged 50. Obituary /h Ann.
British India, with directions for the preserva- Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A. 1SS6. (A)
tion, destruction, and reestablishment of Curtenius, Fred. W. (of Michigan). Member of
bridges. O. New York. 1863. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842.
Translator of Duparcq's Elements of mil- Curtis, Henry B. (of Ohio). Member of Board
itary art and history. 1S63. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S73.

Biographical register of the officers and Curtis. Henry M. (of Ohio). Member of Board
graduates of the U. S. M. A. at West Point, of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1900.
N. Y., from its establishment. Mar. 16, 1S02, Curtis, Herbert Pelhani. Professor of law, U.S.
to the army reorganization of 1S66-67, by Bvt. M. A.. 1S82-18S6.
Maj. Gen. George W. CuUum, colonel, Corps Curtis, Joseph R. ^of California). Member of
of Engineers U. S. Army. New York. 1868. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S52.
O. [In 2 vols.: Vol. i. 1S02-1840; vol. 2, 1841- Curtis, Newton M. (of New York). Member of
1867.] Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1894.
from its establishment in 1802 to Curtis, Samuel R. U. S. M. A., 1831). Died Dec.

1890.with the early history of the U. S. M. A. 26, 1866, aged 60. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre).
by Bvt. Maj. Gen. George W. Cullum. colonel Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
of Engineers, U. S. Army, retired. 3d ed.. rev. Bronze equestrian statues, by Carl Rohl
and extended. Boston and New York, 1891. Smith, at Keokuk and Des Moines, Iowa.
O. [In 3 vols.: Vol. i. Nos. i-iooo; vol. 2, Nos. Curtis, James (U. S. M. A., 1S51). Died Jan. 19,
1001-2000; vol. 3. Nos. 2001-33S4.] 187S, aged 47. Obituary /;/ Ann. Assoc. Grads.
from its establishment in 1802 to U. S. M. A.. 1878. (A)
1&90, with the early history of the Military Gushing, Samuel Tobey L'. S. M. A., i860). Died

Acad., vols. T to 3. 3d ed. . . . Vol. 4, supple- July 21, 1901, aged 62. Reports as Commissary-
ment, 1S90-1900. 4 vols., O. 1891-1901. General, U. S. Army, 1898.
TJic Writings of Graduates^ i8o2-rgn2. \2J
Cushman, John F. (of Mississippi). Member of Dahlgren, Paul (T. S. IM. A.. 1S6S). Died Mar.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S55. 23, 1S76, aged 30. Obituary in Anti .\ssoc.

Custer, George Arrastrong (l*. S. M. A., 1S61). Grads. r. S. M. A.. 1S76. (A)
Died June 25, 1S76. aged 37. Portrait. ( Frontis- Dalton, Gen. Samuel lof Massachusetts). Mem-
piece. IJoots and saddles, by L- B. Custer.) ber of Board of Visitors to l". S. M. A. in 1S92,
New York. 1SS5. vol., O. i
DamreU, Andrew Neaf (U. S. M. A.. 1S64).
Engraving. Owned by Assoc. Grads. I'.
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improve-
S. M. A.
ment of Pensacola Harbor, Fla. Kept. Chief
Enlarged photograph in a group. (.SVv
of F;ug.. 1S70, pp. loi. S03. Sro; 1R77. p. 411; 1S7S,
Sheridan. Philip Henry. In memorial hall.
Pi>- 79. 5^^; iSS"- p- 'o*'?; '^'^'- p- "^76; '8S4. p.
Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .\.,
1 162; i8St'), p. iiSo. (C)
1S77. (A)
— — Gen.
- George A. Custer. by T. R. Davis, Apalachicola River and Bay. Kept.
Chief of Eng.. 1S73, pp. 6m.S. 699: 1S74. vol. 1, p.
Harper's New Monthly Mag. vol. 36 (i86S;i. p.
(A) 896: 1S75. vol. 2. p. 9; 1S7S, p. 591; 1879, p. 823.
Author of various magazine articles, 1S68- (C)

1876. Chattahoochee and Flint rivers.

My life on the plains. 1874. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1873, pp. 700, 704-707. 821;

Act of Congress, Dec. 21. 187S, authorizes 1S74. vol. I. p S97: 1S79. pp. S16, SiS, S19, S20.

the use of 20 bronze cannon toward erecting a C)

monument to him at West Point. (A) — '

Choctawhatchce River, Fla. Rept.

Wild life on the plains and horrors of In- Chief of Eng., 1S74. vol. 1, pp. 75, 896; 1S75. pp.
dian warfare, i vol.. O. St. I.ouis. 1SS6. (A) I. Si; 1S75, vol. 2, p. 9: 1S76, p. 493: 1877. p. 413;
t,ife of. in Elizabeth B. Custer's Tenting 187S. p. 590. (C)
on the plains. New York, 1SS7. 1 vol., O., Tombigbee and Black Warrior riv-

per. (A) ers, Ala. and Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1875,
Tenting on the plains; or. General Custer vol. I. p. 17; 1S76. vol. 1, pp. 496,497: 1S79. p. 832;

in Kansas and Texas. By Elizabeth B. Custer. iSSo, p. 10S5; iSSS. pp. iiqS, 1204: 1SS9, pp. 143S,
Atlantic Monthly, vol. 62 iSSS). p. 424. ( 1439: 1890. pp. 170. 1720. 1721; 1892, pp. 1450, 1451.
Gen. George A. Custer. Biography. Har- I,
C i

per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 81 (1S90). p. 37S. .\labama River. W-\. Rept. Chief
Battle of Washita River. No. 1360. docs. of Eng.. 1876. vol. 1. pp. 498. 507: 1S7S. p. Si; 1879,
13, 18,56,40. (Ci p. 829: rSS5. p. 203. (C)
Contributor to "Galaxy," "Turf.
the Mississippi River to the Gulf. Rept.
Field and Farm," and "
Forest and Stream." Chief of Eng.. 1S76, vol. i, p. 513; 1S76. vol. 2,

f— See Custer. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Boots and :

pp. 513. 514- (C)
si,<3dles, 18S5; Tenting on the plains. 18S7; Fol- Mobile Harbor. Ala. Rept. Chief
lowing the guidon, 1S90. Also Whittaker, of Eng.. 1S77. pp. 69, 408: 1S79. pp. 100, Sod; iSSo,
(F.): Life of Custer New York. 1S76. pp. 1059. 1060. io66, (C)
Cutbush. James. Professor of chemistry, min- Apalachicola Bay. Fla. Rept. Chief
eralogy, and geology, V . S. M. A., 1S20-1S23. of Eng., 1S79 p. 8-'3: 1SS5, P- 125S; 1SS7, p. 12^5.

A system of pyrotechny. Philadelphia, (C)

1S25. 1 vol.. O. (A) Escambia and Conecuh rivers, Ala.
Cutcheon, Byron M. (of Michigan). Member and Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, pp.S53.856;
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1890. 18S0, p. 1082. (C)
Cuyler. James Wayne (U. S. M. A.. 1S64). Died Suwanee River, Fla. Rept. Chief
Apr. 16, 1SS3, aged 42. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. of Eng. 1S79. pp. 857.862,863; i8S6. p. 1143: 1892,
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS3. (A) p. 1594. (C)
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- Caloosahatchee River, Fla. Rept.
provement of Duluth Harbor, Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S79, pp. 864. S69; 1SS5, p. 1003;
Chief of Eng., 1S70, pp. 38, 113. 125; 1879, p. 1472. 1S85, p. 1273; 1S87, p. 1236. (C)
(C) Tampa Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Appomattox River, Va. Rept. Chief Hug.. 1S79. p.871: iSSo.p.1077; i8S6.p.n89; 1887,
of Eng., 1S79, p. 524. (C) p. 1245. (C)
Annapolis Harbor, Md. Rept. Cliitrf Noxubee River, Miss. Rept. Chiei
of Eng., 1S79. p. 575. iC) of Eng., 1S80, p. 1093; 1SS7. pp. 1329, 1343. (C)
Patapsco River, western branch. Pease River, Fla. Rept. Chief ol
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1879, pp. 580, 5S4. (C) Eng., 1S80, pp. 1100. iioi. (C)

Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky. Charlotte Harbor and Pease Creek.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSo. p. 1S28; 18S1, p. 1981; Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSo, pp. 1100. 1106
1883, p. 1566; 1884. p. 1756: 1887, p. 1S24. (C) (C (

Tradewater River. Ky. Rept. Chief Withlacoochee River. Fla. Rept-

of Eng.. 1881, p. 1994; 1S8S. p. 1747. (C) Chief of Eng.. iSSo. p. im. iCi

Licking River, Ky. Rept. Chief of Pea River, Ala. Rept. Chief ot
Eng., i8S2, p. 1965. (C) Eng.. 1880. p. 1121. (C)
22S Cfiitnniial of United States Military Aeadeniy.

Damrell. Andrew Neaf. Project, plan, estimate, Damrell, .Andrew Neaf. Project, plan, estimate,
etc., for tlie improvement of Black Warrior etc.. for the ini]>roveinent of bridges of the

River from Tuscaloosa to Daniels Creek, Ala. Selma and Kew Orleans Railroad and the
Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSi, pp. 121S, 1220: 1.SS5, Alabama Central Railroad. Rept. Chief of
p. 1.154; 1SS6. p. 1 199. (C) Eng . 1.8SS. pp. 25,si. 2553. (C)
Sipsey River, Ala. Rept. Chief of Gulf Port Harbor. Miss. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S.S1, p. \12\: 1S90, p. 1724. (C) of Eng., 1889, p. 1461. (C)
Coosa River. C.a. and Ala. Rept. Bluff Creek. Miss. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., iSSi, p.' 1222, (C) Eng., 18S9. p. 1461: 1.S92. p. 1457. (C)
Tallapoosa River, Ala. Rept. Chief Leaf River, Miss. Rept, Chief of
of Eng., 1881, p. 1230; J8.S7, p. 12S5; 1890, p. 1649. Eng., 18S9, p. 1462; 1892, p. 1458. (C)
(CI Chickasahay River, Miss, Rept.
Fiiihalloway River, Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 1465; 1S91, p. 1791; 1S92,
Chief of Eng., 1S82, p. 1302. (CI p. 1456. (C)
Wacissa and Aucilla rivers, Kla. Bayou Chitta (Bogue Chitto), La.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882, p, 1303: 1S86. pp. 1220, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1,889, p. 1466; i8gi, p. 220:
1221. IC) 1892. p. 1466. (C)
Chipola River, Fla. Rept. Chief of Sucarnoochee River, .Ala. Rept.
Eng.. 1882, p, 1304. (C) Chief of Eng., 1S91. p. 1802. (CI
Ocklockonee River, Fla. Rept. Mississippi Sound. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., 1SR2, p. 1307. (C) Eng.. 1S93, p. 17.S3. (A)
lilackwater River and East Bay. Back Bay, Biloxi, Miss. Rept. Chief
Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS2, p. 1310. (C) of Eng.. 1893. p. 1784. (A"!
Tombigbee River, above Coltimbus, Pearl River, Miss. Rept. Chief of
Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1882. pp. 1312, 1313. Eng.. 1893, p. 1791. (A)
(CI Noxubee River, Miss. Rept. Chief of
Crooked River, Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1715. (A)
Eng., 1882, p. 1314. (C) channel between Mobile Bay and
DoglslandHarbor, Fla. Rept. Chief Mississippi Sound. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 189.'^,
of Eng., 1.882, p. 1314. (C) pp. 1717. 171.8. (A) 1719.
Key West Harbor, northwest en- .
Rockland Harbor. Me. Rept. Chief
trance, Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882, p. 1314; of Eng., 1896, p, 581. (A)
1.8S4, p. 1167; 18S7, p. 1221. (C) Chandlers River, Me. Rept. Chief
Bayou I^a Grange, Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 799. (.A)
of Eng., 1882. p. 1318; 1887, p. 1268. (C) Union River, Me. Rept, Chief of
Ship Island Harbor, Miss. Rept. Eng., 1897. p. 800. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1882, p. 1321. (C) Penobscot River, Me.
Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1897, p, (A) .S02.
Manatee River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Boothbay Harbor, Me. Rept, Chief
Eng.. 1SS2, p. 1321: 1883. p. 102S; iSSb, p. 1151.
of Eng., 1897. p. 803. (A)
Oyster River. N. H. Rept. Chief of
Biloxi Harbor. Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 804. (A)
Eng.. 1882, pp. 1322, 1323; 1884. p. 1217: 1885. p. Machias River. Me. Rept. Chief of
1361. (C)
Eng., 1S97, p, 809. (A)
Pascagoula River. Miss. Rept, Chief Bangor Harbor and Penobscot
of Eng., iS,S2, p. 1,324. (C) River, Me. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p, 811.
Horn Island Pass, Miss. Rept. Chief (A)
of Eng., 18S2. pp. 1324, 1325: 1SS5. p. 1362; 1895, Harraseeket River, Me. Rept.
p. 1714. (C) Chief of Eng., 1897. p. 815. (A)
Royal River. Me. Rept. Chief of
Old Town Creek, Miss. Rept. Chief
Eng.. 1897. p. 817. (A)
of Kng., r8S2, pp. 1326. 1327. (C)
Exeter River, N. H. Rept. Chief of
Cahaba River, Ala. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 818. (A)
Eng.. 1883, p. 996; 1886, p. 202; 18S7, p. 1287; 1892. See Boards— Craighill, 8; Marshall, i.
p. 1432 (C) Dana. James F. (of New Hampshire). Member
Cedar Keys tcj Clearw-ater Harbor. of Board of Visitors to U. .S. M. A. in 1S26.
Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18,84. p. 1220. (CI Dancy. Francis Littleherry (U. S. M. A., 1826).
St. Marks River. Fla. Rept. Chief Died Oct. 27, 1.890, aged 84. Obituary in Ann.
of Eng.. 18S4, p. 1222. (C) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
Danes, Henrj- Clay (U. S. M. A., 1867). Died
Dauphin Island and Cedar Point,
Nov. 4, igoi, aged 56. Oration, delivered at the
Ala. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S4, pp. 1229, 1231.
decoration of the graves at West Point on
Decoration Day, May 30, 187S. (A)
Homosassa Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief Danforth. George E. (of New York). Member
of Eng., 18S5, p. 1373. (C) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1859.
Handsboroiigh, Miss. Rept. Chief Daniel. John W. (of Virginia). Member of
of Eng., 1885, p. 1374. (C) Hoard of Visitors to V.. S. M. A. in 1889.
Tlic Wriiiuirs of Craditafcs, 1802— rgo2. 229
Daniel, P. V. (of Virginia). Member of Board Davies, Charles. The metric system with . . .

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35. reference to its introduction into tlie t'nited

Darling'ton. Williani. Member of Board of States ... I vol., O. 1871. (A)
Visitors to V. ft. M. A. in 1S23. University arithmetic, embracing the
B'Armit. Albert Miligan (U. S. M. A., iS8y). science of numbers and general rules for their
Died Oct. 13, 1895. aged 30. Obitiian.- in Ann. application New York and Chicago. 1S73.
. . .

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S96. (A) ! vol.. O. (A)

rroject. plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Address before the .Association of the
provement of ice liarlxar, Marcus Hook, Pa. I
Graduatesof the l'. ft. M. A., annual reunion,
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93. p. 1169. (A) \
June II. 1S74 . . . embracing a brief history
Indian River, Fla. Rept. Chief of of the Military Academy New York and . . .

Eug., 1S94, p. 1228. (A) I

Chicago, 1S74. I pam.,
pp.,2 copies. O., 32 (A)
St. Johns River, Fla. Rept. Chief First lessons in arithmetic.
of Eng.. 1895, p. 1595. (A) Priinar\' arithmetic and table-book.
Intrenched camps. Oper. Div. Mil. Eng.
- New school arithmetic, with key.
Int. Cong. Eng.. iS^t. p. Si. (A) Intellectual arillimetic.
Darr. Francis Joseph Andrew (U. S. M. A., 18S0). Grammar of arithmetic.
The Mar\'in shell extractor. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Practical mathematics.
Inst. U. S., vol. 2. p. 339. (A) and Peck. WilHam Guy l". ft. M. A.. 1844). \

Davenport. Thomas Corbin (U. S. M. A., 1S721. Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of
Died May 6, 1887, aged 37. Obituary in Ann. mathematical science New York. 1^55. . . .

Assoc. Grads. r. S. M. A., 1SS7. (A) 1 (A)

vol.. O.
Davenport, William (of t". S. Array). Member editor. See Bourdon:
, FUements of al-
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M, .^. in 1S40. gebra; Legendre (A. M. i: Elements of geom-
Davidson, John Wynn (U. S. M. A., 1S45). Died etry- and trigonometry-.
June 26, iS8i,aged 59. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. Davies. Francis Asburj' (U. S. M. A., 1S61). Died
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS2. (A) Jan. 22, 1SS9, aged 51. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Davies. Charles (U. S. M. A., 1815). Died Sept. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S89. (A)
17. 1876,aged 79. Portrait: Photographic copy Davies. Henr^- E. (of New York*. Member of
of crayon original in department of mathe- Board of Visitors to L". ft. M. A. in 1S53.
matics, U. S. M. A. (A) Davies, Thomas Alfred {U. M. A.,
ft. 1H29). Died
Portrait (oil painting), by H. P. Gray? Aug. 19, 1899, aged 90. Engraving. Owned by
Presented by War Department, 1S75. In the Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .\.

library. Bronze medallion by Hammerstein and 1

• Obituarv iti Ann. Assoc. Grads. I; . ft. M. A , Dennivelle). Presented by Mr. W. W. Davies
1877- (A) (son). Memorial hall.
Professor of mathematics, U. ft. ^I. A.. Obituan.- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. l". ft. M. A.,
1S23-1S37. 1900. (A)
Treasurer U. M. A.. Dec. II, 1841. to Davies. William Staring l\ ft, M. A., 1874). Died (

Dec. 19. 1845. Feb. 4, 18SS, aged 38. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
Member of Board of Visitors to V . ft. M. A. Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSS. (A)
in 1S41 and in i86i.
Davis. Alexander Macdonald (U. S. M. A., 1S92).
Elements of descriptive geometr>- w-ith
Na\-icular disease. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1894, p. 17.
their application to spherical trigonoraetr\\
spherical projections, and warped snrfaces
( A
. . .

Philadelphia, 1S26. 1 vol.. O. ,22pp., S pis. (A) Davis, Charles Augustus (of New York). ISIera-
Elements of sur\*e\-ing with the uecessan,- ber of Board of Visitors to V ft. M. A. in 1841. .

tables . . . New York, 1S30, 1 vol., O. (A) Davis, Charles Edward I,aw Baldwin U. ft. M. A., (

4th ed. New York, 1839. i vol.. o. 1866). Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
(A) Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
Elements of the differential and integral provement of Torch Lake channel. Lake
calculus . , . ist ed. New York. 1836. i vol., Superior, Mich. Rept. Chief of F^ng.. isS7,

O, (A) p. 2054. (C)

rev. and corr. Hartford.
2d ed., Marquette Harber, Mich. Rept.
1S3S. (A)
I vol., O. Chief of Eng., 1S8S. p. 1S31. (Ci
Elements of analytical geometr>- ... 2d Cedar River Harbor. Mich. Rept.
ed. I vol., O.
. . 1S39.
. (Al Chief of Eng., tS8S. p. 1S36: 1891, p. 2526. (C)
Elements of survejnng and navigr.tion Milwaukee Harbor. Wis. Rept.
. . Rev. ed. New York. 1S4S.
. i vol.. O. Chief of Eng., p. 2073. (C^

(A) Racine Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief

- The logic and utility of mathematics . . , of Eng., 1SS9. p. 2077; 1892, p. 2204. (C)
New York, 1S50. i vol., O. (A) Kenosha Harbor, \\'is, Rept. Chief
A treatise on shades and shadows and of Eng., 1SS9. pp. 2080. 2105. (C)
linear perspective New York, 1S51. 1 . . . Waukegan Harbor, III. Rept. Chief
vol., 0., 159 pp., 21 pis,. 2 copies. (A) of Eng.. 1S89. pp. 2083, 20S4: l8q2. p, 220<). (C)
Elementan,- algebra New York, 1S52. . . . Centerville Creek, Wis. Rept. Chief
' vol., O. (A) of Eng., iSvS9, p. 2103. (C)
23© Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Davis, Charles Edward I,aw Baldwin. Project, Davis. E. S. (of South Carolina). Member of
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S29 and in
Oconto Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSjS.
1S89, p. 2:07. (C) Davis, George Breckinridge (U. S^ M. A., 1S71).
Pensaukee Harbor. Wis. Rept. Photograph in Albums of officers' raess.
Chief of Kng., 1S90. p. 2333. (C) Ivibrarian U. S. M. A. from Jan. 22, 1885, to
Manitowoc Harbor, Wis. Rept. Aug. 28. 188S.

Chief of Eng., 1S90, p. 2345, (C 1 Professor of Law, U. S. M. A., Aug. 20, iSt>5,
Fond du Lac River, Wis. Rept. to Aug., igoi.
Chief of Eng., 1.S90, p. 2393. (CI Outlines of international law with an ac-
Menomonee River. Wis. Rept. count of its origin and sources and of its his-
Chief of Eng., 1.S90, p. 2306; 1S92, pp. 252S, 2530. torical development . . . i vol., 12°. 1SS7.

(C) (A)
Reconstruction of Long Bridge Cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign.
over Potomac River at Washington, D. C. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S8S, p. 325. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 1274. (A) Gen. Henry Leavenworth. Jour. Cav.
Parish Creek. Md. Rept. Chief of Assoc, 1S95. p. 261. (A)
Eng,, 1.^93. p. 131 1. \\) Historical sketch of the department of
Little Wicomico
River, Va. Rept. law and history, U. S. M. A. /;/ Rept. Supt.
Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 1315; iS9,s, p. 1259. (A) U. S. M. A., 1896. pp. 156-159. (A)
Morattico Creek, Va. Rept. Chief Thcniilitarylawsof the United States . . .

of Eng., 1S93, p. 131S. (A) Washington, 1S97. i vol.. O., 851 pp. (A)
Milford Haven, Va. Rept. Chief 4th ed., prepared under the direc-
of Eng., 1S93, p. 1320; 1.395, P- '268. (.\) tion of the Hon. KHhu Root, Secretani' of War-
Chapel Point Harbor, Md. Rept. Washington, 1901. I vol., O. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1S95. P- 'ZSS- (A) The elements of law. 1897.
Quantico Creek, Va. Rept, Chief A treatise on military law and the prac-
of Eng., 1895, p. 1254. (A) tice and procedure of courts-martial. 1S98.
Great Wicomico River, Va. Rept. Calling forth of the militia. In Mars and
Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1257. (A) Neptune (monthly magazine), vol. i, No. i.
Jacksons Creek, Va. Rept. Chiet p. 55. Washington, 1S9S.
of Eng., 1S95. p. 1262. (A) Elements of international law . . . New
Ware River, Va. Rept. Chief of and rev. ed. NewYork, 1900. i vol., O. (A)
Eng., 1895, p. 1264. A) I Reports as Judge- Advocate-General U.S.A.,
Harris Creek Prong of Back River, 1901-2.
Va- Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1895, p. 126,5. (A) Operations of the cavaln,' in the Gettys-
Cranes Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of burg campaign. In Cavaln- studies from two
Eng , 1S95, p. 1 271. 'A) great wars.
Oconto Harbor. Wis. Rept. Chief Davis, George Burwell (U. S. M. A., 1SS6). Re-
of Eng., iSq3, p. 2682. (A) view of Wagner's Service of security and in-
bridge across Anacostia River. D. C.
formation. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S93, p. 2:3. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896, p. 3890. (A) Infantry fire. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,
Colorado River, .\riz. Rept. Chief vol. 13, p. 306. (A)
of Eng., (\^
1897, p. 3339. Comment on Musketry training. Jour.
Suisun Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief of Mil. Sen.'. Inst. U. S., vol. (A)
14, p. 819.
E;ng., 1897, p. 3341. (A) Davis, George R. f of Illinois). Member of Board
Alviso Creek, Cal. Rept, Chief of of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1SS2.
Eng., 1897. pp. 3344, 3345. iAi Davis, Gustavus V. (of Connecticut). Member
Redwood Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1836.
of Eng., 1897. p, 3349. (A) Davis. Henn,' Clarence, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S83).
Mare Island Strait, Cal. Rept. Review of The naval annual, 1S91, p. 155;
Chief of Eng,, 1S97. p. 3353. (A) Recoil of heavy guns and its control, p. 364.
Napa River, Cal. Rept, Chief of Jour. I'. S. Art., vol. i.

Eng., 1S97, p. 3374. (.4) Target practice. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 2.

-Washington, D. C. (harbor lines). p. 42.

Rept. Chief 01 ,ng.. 1899, p. 1463, (A) Translation of General Baumgarten's The
river hydraulics. In Pop. Sci. Monthly, importance of smokeless powder in war, p. loS;
vol. 6, p. 236. Coast artillery fire instruction, p. 241. Jour.
U. S. Art., vol.

See Boards Davis; Craighill, 19; Hains, 3;

Ludlow, 1: Mansfield, 4, 6; Poe, 15, iS; Smith, Comment on Whistler's Graphic tables of
2; .Suter. 4, 5, 6. See Commissions— Suter, 6, 7. fire. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,vol. 14, p. 350.

(A) (A)
Davis, C. K. (of Minnesota) Member of Board lyight artillery target practice. Jour. Mil.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1889. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 18, p. 102. (A)

Davis, David (of Illinois). Member of Board of Battle under the new conditions. Jour.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861. Mil. Serv. Inst. l'. S.. vol. 23. p. 249. (A)
The J I 'r/liiigs of Graduates, iS()2-n)02. 231

Davi£f. Isaac (of Massacluisetls). Member of Davis. Jefferson, Rewards for capture of. No.
Board of Visitors to I". S. M. A. in 1S32 and in 1237, doc. 7. No. 1238, doc. 64; No. 1263, doc. 90;
1S55. No. 1272, doc. 9<); No. 1358, doc. 60; No. 14 16, doc.
Died 34- (C)
Dftvis, James Lucius lU. S. M. A., 1S33).
Political conspiracy of. by I. .\Ilerton.
May 11, 1S71. aged 5S. Obituary Ann. Assoc. m Craven, J. J.: Pri.son lifeof Jefferson Davis
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1X71. (A)
. .New York, 1867. 1 vol., O. (A)

Light artillery for frontier service, 1S39,

.'?cc Johnston, J. K. Jefferson Davis and :

Davis, Jefferson M. A.. 1S2S). Died Dec. 6,

(l". S. the Mississippi campaign. In North Amer.
1889, aged 81. Kngraving, owned by A.ssoc. Rev., vol. 143, December, 18S6. (.A)

Grads. V. S. M. A. Davis, John J. (of West Virginia). Member of

Bronze statue (by ("..
J. Zolnay) i" Rich- Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1894.
mond. Va. Davis, John W. (of Indiana). Member of Board
Small copy of a plaster portrait bust made of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 185S.
during the civil war. Owned by Va. Hist. Soc, Davis, Nelson Henry (U. S. M. A., 1846). Died
Richmond, Va. May i.-i, 1890, aged 69. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Obituary in Ann. .Vssoc, Grads, U, S. M. A., Grads. U. S. M. A., 1890. (A)
1S90. (A1 Reports as Inspector-General I'. S. .Army.
Memorial oration, by J. W. Daniel, 1890. 1885.
Memorial, by J. W. Jones, 1890. Davis, Richmond Pearson (U. S. M. A., 18871.
Memorial tribute. By the citizens of Photograph in .Albums of officers' mess.
Charleston. Charleston, 1S92. Davis, William Church (U. S. M. A., 1S90). The
Reports of the Secretary of War for the bicycle and its adaptibility to military pur-
years 1S53-1S57. (A) poses. Jour. IT. S. .Art., vol. 6, p. 165; vol. 8.

facsimile letter of. 1857. (A) P-63-

Speech on l". S. Army. 1S58. P. 2. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6, p.
Speech delivered in the Senate of the 326-
United States on the Pacific Railroad bill. Davis. W. M. (of Kentucky). Member of Board
1859- of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1829.
Chairman of a commission to examine Davison, Lorenzo (U. S. M. A., 1S85). Battle
into the organization, discipline, and instruc- tactics and mounted infantrj-. Jour, Mil,Serv,
tion at U. S, M. A, Report in Senate Misc. Inst, U, S,, vol, 20, p, 296, (A)
Docs, No, 3, 36th Cong,, 2d sess, Dec. 13, i86c, Dawson, Samuel Kennedy M, A., 1831)!; (U. S.
350 pp. (C) Died .\pr.aged 72, Obituary in Ann.
17, 18S9,
Adventures of, by McRone (burlesque). Assoc, Grads, U, S, M, A,, 1S89, (A)
1865, Day, Hannibal (U, S, M. A,, 1823). Died Mar,
- Life of, by Frank H. .-Vlfriend. Cincinnati, 26, 1891, aged 87, Obituary in Ann, Assoc,
1868, Grads, U, S, M, A,, 1S91, (A)
Rise and fall of the Confederate govern- Military drawings, i vol,, F,, obi, 1S23,

ment. NewYork, iSSi, 2 vols, (A)

The Indian policy of the United States. MS. maps of the seat of war in Florida.
In North Araer. Rev., vol. 143, November, 1SS6, 1839. (A)
John C. Calhoun, In North Amer, Rev,, Dayton. Col. Lewis M. (of Ohio), Member of
vol, 145 (1SS7), p, 246, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .A. in 1883 and in

Lord Wolseley's mistakes. In North 1S90.

Amer, Rev,, October, 1S89, Deakyne. Herbert (U. S. M. A., 1890). Project,
Life and character, by John W, Daniel, plan, estimate, etc, for the improvement of
So. Hist. Papers, vol, 17, 18S9. Mendocino Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief of E"K .

Robt. E, Lee, In North Amer, Rev., vol, 1S95, p. 3337-(A)

150(1890), (A) .American River, Cal, Rept, Chief
The doctrine of State rights. In North of Eng., 1S95, p, 3337- (A)
Amer, Rev,, vol, 150 (1S90), San Joaquin River, Cal, Rept. Chief

Jefferson Da\-is, ex- President of the Con- of Eng., 1S96, p. 3220. (A)
federate States: K memoir. By Mrs, Varina Kissimmee River, Fla., etc, Rept,
Howell Davis, New York, 1890, 2 vols, Chief of Eng,, 1902, p. 1239, (.A)

Short history of the Confederate States &c Commission — Mansfield, i, 2; Smith, i;

of America, York, 1890, New Suler, 8, (A)

Audersonville and other war prisons , , ,
Dean. James (of Vermont). Member of Board
New Y'ork, 1890, I pam., O, 4 copies. (A) of Visitors to U, S, M, A, in 1826.

Imprisonment of. etc. No. 1255, doc. 46.

Deblois, Thomas .A, (of Maine), Member of
(C) Board of Visitors to U, S, M, A, in 1S48,
Reports of capture of. No. 1277, doc. 131
Deems. Clarence (U, S, M, A,, 1874). Review of
No. 1302, doc. 82. (C)
Burton Bigelow's Strategy, p. 141; Review of Hender-
The capture of Jefferson Davis.
son's Spicheren, p. 278. Jour. U. S. Art, vol. i.
Harrison: Century Mag., vol. 27, p. 130.

Capture of, list of men present, etc. No. De Hart. William Chetwood (U. S. M. A.. 1820).
(C) Observations on military law, and the consti-
1337, doc. 115.
23? Ceniouiial of U)iilcd States Military Academy,
tutiori and practice of courts-martial. . . . Derby. George Hasket. Squibob papers, i860.

adapted to the Army and Navy of the

. . .
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
U. S. N. Y.. 1S46. I vol., O. {A) provement of San Diego Harbor, Cal. Rept.
de Janon, Patrice. Professor of Spanish V. S. Chief of Eng., 1S70, p. 514. (C)
M. A.. 1S65 to 1SS2. Photograph in Albums of Reconnoissance of Gulf of California and
officers" mess. Colorado River. No. 620, doc. Si. (C)
Oil by Frank Fowler in the
portrait Reconnoissance of Tulare Lake and vicin-
Ijbran,' V. M. A.
S. ity. No. 621, doc. no. (C)
Delafield. Richard (U. S. M. A., 181S). Died Derby, George McClellan (U. S. M. A.. 1878),
Nov. 5, 1S73, aged 75. Portrait (oil painting bv instructor of practical military engineering,
H. P. Gray). Presented by his nephew, F,d. U. S. M. A., 1S89-1S93.
Delafield. No. 5, room 201, academic building. translator. Studies on coast defense ap-
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. plied to the Gulf of Spezia, by Caesar Guarasci,
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. colonel of engineers. O. Washington, 1S84.
1874; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 4S Misc. Papers, vol. 2.
{1874}, p. 307. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc. for the im-
Seventh Superintendent from Sept. i, provement of Mississippi River, use of dredge
1S38. to Aug. 15, 1845; thirteenth Superintend- ram in levee building. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
ent from Jan. 28 to Mar. i, 1S61. Reports as 1S9.S. P- 3922. (A)
Supt., U. S. M. A., 1838-1845, 1861. Mississippi River, Homochitto levee
Building for the library and philosophical district. Rept. Chief of Eng., i8g6, p. 3472.
apparatus of the Military Academy, con- (A)
structed from the designs of Major Delafield. Mississippi River, fourth district.
Frontispiece to Catalogue of the L,ibrary U. S. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S99, p. 3682; new book,
M. A., 1859. (A) 1900, p..^55i; 1901 (supp.). p. 311; 1902 (supp.),
Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854, p. 136. (A)
1855, and 1S56, from his notes and observ^a- Changesin flood heights, Mississippi
tions made as a member of a military commi.s- River. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 4551. (A)
sion to the theater of war in Europe. 36th De Russy. Rene Edward (U. S.M. A., 1812). Died
Cong., 1st sess., Senate Ex. Doc^., vol. 14. O. Nov. 23, 1S65, aged 75. Portrait (oil painting
Q. Washington, i860. (A) by D. Huntington, from a daguerreotype).
Reports as Cliief Engineer and as Chief of Presented by War Deparment. No. 2, room
Engineers, 1864-1S66. (C) 201, .academic building.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Oil painting (byjewettj. Owned by Mrs.
provement of Hudson River, between Troy and Berry (n^e De Russy).
New Baltimore, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eug., Secretary' of Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A.
1866, vol. I, p. 3; 1866, vol. 3, pp. 20. 21; 1866, vol. in 1S27.

4, pp. 208, 209. (C) Sixth Superintendent from July i, 1833, to

Memoir on "foundations in compressible Sept. I, 1838. Reports as Supt. U. S. M. A.,
with experimental tests of pile driving,
soils, 1S33-183S.
and formula for resistance deduced therefrom. See Boards— De Russy. (A)
Washington, 186S. Desha. Joseph (of Kentvicky). Member of
Delano. L,ewis H. of Vermont). (Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1840.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852. Deshler. George Wagener (U. S. M. A., 1S68).
Deming, Henrj- C. (of Connecticut). Member of Died July 2S, 1S75, aged 31. Obituary in Ann.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i?57. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S76. (A)
Dennis, George R. (of Maryland). Member of
Deshon, George (U. S. M. A., 1S43). Photograph
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S74.
in Albums of mess.
Denison, David Stewart (U. S. M. A., 1S68).
Guide for Catholic young women, etc.
Died July i, 1S9S. aged 53. Photograph in Al-
bums of officers' mess. De TreviUe, Richard (U. S. M.Died
A., 1S23).

^ Obituan,- and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Nov. 25, 1S74, aged 73. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
(irads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1875. (A)
Dennison, James Alfred (U. S. M. A., 1870). Devens, Charles, jr. Member of Board of Visit-
Died July 12, 1900, aged 54. Obituary and por- ors to U.S. M.A. in 1876.
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M A., 1901. Devore. Daniel Bradford (U.S.M. A., 1885). Pho-
(A) tograph ill Albums of officers' mess.
Dennison, W., jr. Member of Board
(of Ohio). Dewey, C. Member of Board of Visitors to V . S.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842. M.A. in 1S25.
Dent, Frederick Tracy (U. S. M. A.. 1S43). Died
De'Witt, David Porter (U.S. M. A., 183b). Died
Dec. 24, 1892, aged 72. Obituary :"« Ann. Assoc.
Feb. 26, 18S9, aged 72. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S93. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S89. (A)
Derby. George Hasket (U. S. M. A.. 1846). Died
May 15. 1S61, aged — Phoenixiana; or Sketches
Dewitt, William R. (of Pennsj-lvania ). Member
and burlesques. 1S56. Under nom de plume of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1S39.

of "John Phoenix." Dick. Charles (of Ohio). Member of Board of

13th ed. 1889. 1 vol., O. (.\) Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902.
Tlir If 'n'/iiio-s of Graduates, i8o2-igo2. 233
II. U'. S. M. A., iS.);). Uifd M:ir. Dodge. Henry C. (l'. S. M. A., 1S63). Died Jan.
Diokerson, John
aged 50. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. C^rad.s. 27, 1873,aged 30. obituary in Ann. Assoc.
2. 1872.
r.S. M. A.,1872. (A) Grads, U. S. M. A., 1873. (A)
Dickerson, 1,. B. (of KciiUickv MtinlR-v of 1.
Dodge, Richard Irving (U. S. M. A., 1848). Died
Board of Visitor.s to I". S. M, -A., in 1S.S4. June i.i, 1S95, aged6S. Photograph in Albums
Dickinson, \V. O. (of Tennessee). Member of of officers' mess.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S30. Obituary in Ann. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. .\.,
Dickinson.Walter Ma.son (U. S. M. A., iSSo). Died 1,896. (A)
July 1S9S, aged 42.
-', Obitnarj* and portrait in The Black Hills, a minute, description of
Ann. Assoc. C.rads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) the routes, .scenery, .soil, climate, timber, gold,
Memorial. Amherst, Mass., iSoS. 17 pp. geolog)', zoology, etc., with an accurate map,
1 pam., O. (A) sectional drawings and ten plates from photo-
Dickman, Franklin J. (of Rhode Islatidl. Mem- graphs. I vol., 12°. New York, 1S76. (A)
ber of Board c ' Vi,sitors to U. 8. M. A. in i8.s8. The plains of the great West ... vol., 1

Dickman, Joscp. Theodore (U.S. M. .\., iSSi). O. (A)

New met'od of loading the revolver. Jour. Our wild Indians: Thirty-three years'
Cav. Assoc, tS94, p. 17S. (A) personal experience among the red men of the
Balloons in war ... A lecture delivered great West. A jKipular account of their .social
before the classof officers at the U. S. Infantry life, religion, [etc.]. With an introduction by
an" Cavalry .School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., General Sherman. PI., illus., O., pp. xxxix,
Ma.. 27, 1896, class 1S95-1S97. Fort Leaven- 650. Hartford, Conn., 1882.

worth, Kans., pp. (A)

1896. 1 vol., O., 13 The enlisted soldier. I-ort Sully, 1886.

iranslator. New drill regulations for Rus- I vol., C, pp. 51. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. I'. .S.,
sian cavalry. Jour. Cav. Assoc., 1896, p. 339. (A) vol. S, p. 259. (A)
Military policy and institutions. Lecture Comntent on McAnaney's Desertion ques-
ipam.,0. U.S. Inf. and Cav. School, 1896. tion, p. 163; Comment on Meritorious dis-
(A) !
charged soldiers, 1029. Jour. Mil. Sen'.
Prouounciation of the names of persons '

Inst. U. S., vol. (A)


and places found in Strategical operations. U. The plains and their inhabitants. Cen-
i pam., O. (A)
S. Int. and Cav. School, 1896. tury Mag., vol. 13, p. 875.
Questions on the most important princi- Dolph, Joseph N. ( of Oregon ) . Member of Boa rd
ples of conduct of war ... pam., o. 1S97. 1
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S87.

(A) Donaldson, Charles Victor (U. S. M. A., 18SS).

Notes on the German army, i pam., O.
Died July 15, 1890, aged 24. Obituary in Ann.
1S97. Inf. and Cav. School, lecture 11. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
Balloons in war, p. 103; A field exercise
Donaldson, James Lowry (U. S. M, A., 1836).
at Fort Leavenworth, p. 158; Swimming of
Died Nov. 4, 1885, aged 72. Obituary in Ann.
horses in (German cavalry, p. 318; Military
Cav. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A., 1886. (A)
policy and institutions, p, 383. Jour.
In memoriam. In Eighteenth reunion
Assoc, 1S97. (K)
of the Army of the Cumberland, Washington,
Instruction in patrolling ... i pam., O.
D. C, May, 1887, p. 205. Cincinnati, 1S8S. (A)
1S9S. Inf. and Cav. School, lecture 12. (A)
Sergeant Atkins; a Tale of adventure
The fire of dismounted cavalry. Jour.
founded on facts during the Florida war
Mil. Serv. Inst. I". S., vol. 16, p. 530. (A)
against the Seminole Indians. 1S71.
Dickson, Tracy Campbell (U. S. M. A., 1892). Donelson, Andrew Jackson (U. S. M. A., 1820).
Description of the Galling gun, .30 caliber, Died June 26, 1871, aged 71. Engraving (by
model, 1895. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1856. Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M.
J. C.
Report of firings with S. magazine rifle C A. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A..
and carbine, caliber .30. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1872. (A)
1897. Editor Washington, D. C, Union, 1S51-52.
Report on trials and the Win-
tests of
Reports of explorations.
chester rifle, caliber .30, model, 1S95. Rept.
Chief of Ord., 1899. Treasurer V. S. M. -A., Sept. n, 1S55, to
Dimick, Justin (U. S. M. Died Oct. 13,
A.,1819). Feb. 24, 1858.
1S71, aged 72. Obituarjf in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Instructor of practical engineering, \'. S.

U. S. M. A., 1S72. (A) M. A., 1856-58.

Dinsmore, John W. (of California). Member of Doniphan, A. W. (of Missouri t. Member of

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1893. Board of Visitors to U, S, M. A. in 1848.

Ditch, William Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1.S68). Died Donovan, Joseph Lavialle (U. S. M. A., 1891).
May aged 38. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
I, 1884, Oration delivered before the U. S. corps of
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1885. (A) cadets July 4, 1890. West Point, 1890. I vol.,

Dix, John A. (of New York). Member of Board 0., 15 pp. (A)
of Visitors to U.S. M. .4. in 1831. Donworth, Albert Bernard (U. S. M. A., 1.891).
Dod, Albert (of New Jersey). Member of Board Gymnasium training in the Army. Jour. Mil.
of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1837. Seri-. Inst. U. S., vol, 21, p. 508. (A)
234 Ccutfiiuial of United States iMilitary Academy.

D'Or^mifeulx. Th^jpile Marie. Died July.^, iSSi. Drexel, George W.C. (of J'ennsylvania). Mem-
Portrait crayon drawing from a photograph).
i ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902.
Presented by his wife, 1902. In the depart- Driggs, John F. (of Michigan). Memberof Board
ment of modern langnages, academic bnilding. of Visitors to tJ. S. M. A. in 1865.
Photograph in Albums of officers* mess. Dromgoole. George C. (of Virginia). Memberof
Instructor in French, 1840 to 1S56. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in :S32.
Dorst, Joseph Haddox (U. S. M. A., 1873). Pho- DrouiUard, James Pierre (U.S. M. A., 1S61). Died
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. Oct. 16, 1892, aged 53. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Historic America (XV-XIII). West Point. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893. (A)
(4 articles with ill.) In 111. Amer.. vol. i, p. In memoriam. In Twenty-fourth re-
375. to vol. 2. p. 38 (June 7-2^, 1890). union of the Army of the Cumberland. Cleve-
The cavalry horse. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1892, land, Ohio, September, 1893. p. 22S. Cincinnati,
p. 302. (A) 1S94. (A)
Personal experience with the Wint saddle. Duane, James Chatham (U. S. M. A., 1S4S). Died
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1894, p. 200. (A) Nov. S. 1897, aged 73. Photograph in Albums
Ranald Slidell Mackenzie. Jour. Cav. of officers' mess.
Assoc, 1S97, p. 367. (A) Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc,
More about cavalry gaits. Jour. Mil. Inst. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S9S. (A)
r. S.. Vol. 10, p. 309. (A) Obituar>-. In Trans. Amer. Soc. Civ.
Doubleday. Abner {V S. M. A., 1842). Died
. Eng. prepared by W.
[reprint], P. Craighill.
Jan, 26, 1893, aged 74. Engraving (by J. C. A. Helcy, and James Duane, 189S. (A)
Iluttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
Bronze medallion {by Hammerstein and M. A., 185S-1861.
Deminelle of New York). Presented by Treasurer U. S. M. A., Mar. 1, 1859, to Jan.
Lafayette Post. G. A. R., New York. Memo- 18, 1861.
rial hall. Manual for engineer troops New . . .

Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. York, 1S62. I vol., O. (A)

1893- (A) History of the bridge equipage, U.S. Army.
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Essayons Chib Papers, No. i, 1S68. (A)
Moultrie in 1S60-61 New York, 1876.
. . . i Reports of the Chief of F'ngiueers, 1886-87.
vol., 0. (A) .SVe" New York City. Aqueduct. Report,
Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, o.. pp. 1887-1895.
24;^. New York, 1SS2. [Campaigns of the See Boards — Duane.
CivilWar, vol. 6.] DuBarry, Beekman (U. S. M. A., 1849). Died
Gettysburg thirty years after. //; North Jan. 12, 1901, aged 72. Photograph in Albums
Amer. Rev., vol. 152, February, 1S91. of officers' mess.
Douglass, David Bates. Professor of mathe- Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
luatics, 1820-1S23. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Professor of civil and military engineer- Treasurer U. S. M. A., Sept. i. 1879, to Sept.
ing. 1S23-1S31. 2, 18S1.
Douglass. Henry (T. S. M. A., 1852). Died June Reports as Commissary-General U. S.
19, 1S92. aged 65. Photograph in Albums of Army. 1890-1892.
officers' mess. Du John Van Deusen (U. S. M. A., 1855).
Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Died July 31, 1S79, aged 45. Obituarj' in Ann.
1893. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSo. (A)
Dowd, William (of New York). Member of Ducatel, (of Maryland) Member of Board .

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S75. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 183S.

Drake, Thomas M. (of Ohio). Member of Board Dudley, Charles E. Member of Board of Visi-
of \'isitors to U. S. M. A, in 1S47. tors to U. S. M. A. in 1831.
Drayton, Thomas Fenwick (U. S. M. A., 182S). Dudley, Edgar Swartwout (U.S. M. A., 1870). Pro-
Died Feb. 18, 1891, aged S3. Engraving owned fessor of law and historj-, U. S.M. A., 1901- .

by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. A reminiscence of Washington, and

Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Early's attack in 1S64. Cincinnati, 1884. i

1S91. (A) vol., O., pp. 22.(A)

Dresser, George Warren (U.S. M. A., 1861). Died The necessity for closer relations between
May 27, 1S83, aged 46. Photograph i?i Albums the Army and the people and the best method
of officers' mess. to accomplish the result. Essay read before
Obituan,' /« Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., the Military Ser\'ice Institution of the United
1883. (A) States. Lincoln, Nebr., 1886. 1 vol. O., pp. 14.
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- (A)
provement of Block Island, R. I. Rept. Chief Home - guard battles. Read before the
of Eng.. 1S68,
pp. 741.793.795- (C) Minnesota Commandery M. O. L- L- U. S., May
Editor American Gas-I,ight Journal, of J I, 1897.
New York, 1875-18S3. Report of civil affairs considered in the
Drew. Alfred Wettermark (U. S. M. A., 1891). office of the judge advocate of the department
Died Aug. 19, 1S99. aged 32. Obituary and por- [of Cuba], n. p, [Havana], u. d. [1901]. i
trait in Auu. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. vol., O., n pp.
The JJ'n'/iiios of Graditalcs, fSo2-/go3. 235
Puncan, Daniel (T. S. M. A., Uicd Aug. U. S. M. A., 1890; Harper's New Monthly Mag..
8, 1S97. aged 24. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. vol. 79 (1S89). p. So(). (A)
Orads. U. S. M. A., iSoS. (A) Du Pont, Henry. Member of Board of Visitors
Duucan. Gforgc lirand (U.S. M. A.. i?vS()t. Some to U.S. M. .\. in 1X50.
reasons for increasing the Army. In North Du Pont. Henry Algernon (I'. S. M. A., 1S61).
Amer. Rev., vol. 166 (1.S9S). p. 44S. (A) Artillery tactics.
Supply of aniniuiiition to the firing line. Cavalry- tactjcs.
Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst. U.S.. vol. 19, p. 443. (A) Du Pout, Victor (of Delaware). Member of
Duncan. W. H. (of New Hampshire). Meniber Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60.
of Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. \. in 1856. Durham. Cass (U S. M. A.. iS6.s). Died Apr. 3.
Dimlevy, A. H. (of Ohio). Member of Board of 1S9S. aged 54. Obituan,' in Ann. As.soc. Grads.
Visitors to V . S. M. A. in 1S51. U. S. M. A.. 1S9S. (A)
Dunn, Heverly Wyly (U. S. M. A.. iS\;i. Kssay; Dui'mont, Henry J. (of Rhode Island). Member
development of power in the modern military of Board of Visitors U. S. M. A., 1S36.
rifle. 1SS7. O. Jifc Artillery School. (A) Dutton, Arthur Henry (U. S. M. A., iSbi). Died
Atmospheric refraction on target ranges. June 5. 1S64, aged —
Solution of a prize prob-

1SS8. pam., O. ^V"*" Artillery School. (A)

I lem. /« Math. Monthly, vol. 2. p. 331. (A)
Description of rack press for assembling Dutton, George U. S. M. A.. 1S22).
( Project.
3.2-inch fixed ammunition. Rei>t. Chief of plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of
Ord., 1S96. New Hax'en Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief of
Report upon the vitility of cont'nuing the Eng., i87i, p. 774. (C)
tinning of brass cartridge shells; Report on the Bridgeport Harbor. Conn. Rept.
eff"ect of temperature on velocity of caliber .^.o Chief of Eng.. 1S71, p. 7S9. (C)
ammunition; Deviation of small-arm project- Taunton River, Mass. Rept. Chief
iles ilue to artificial wind pressure; Report on of Eng.. 1873. p. 954. (C)
tests of smokeless powders. Kept. Chief nf Duval, W. P. Member of Board of Visitors to
Ord.. 1897. U. S. M. A. in 1S34.
Report on chemical laboratory at Krank- Duvall, ^\illiam Penn (U. S. M. A., 1S69). No-
ford Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., iS9.s. tice of Das Artillerie-Schiesspiel. Jour. I*. S.
Design of apparatus for determining the Art., vol. I. p. 2S0.
relative sensitivenessof high explosives. Rept. Dwight. Colonel. Member of Hoard of Visitors
Chief of Ord., 1900. to V- S. M. A. in 1824.
Report on development of a photo-retardo- Dwight, William (of Massachusetts). Member
graph antl its application to the dynamic meas- of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S51.
urement of resistance to compression offered Dye. William McEntire(U. S. M. A.. 1S53). Died
by the copper cy li nders used in coushe r gauges. Nov. 13, 1S99, aged 67. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
Ord. Const. Notes No. 71. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A)
(Conclusion.) Jour. U. S. Art., vol. Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia;
7, P- 215. or, Military service under the Khedive . . .

A photo-velocimeter and application to its 1 vol., O. iSSo. (A)

the free recoil of small-arm rifles. Ord. Const. Dyer, Alexander Brydie f U.S. M. A.. 1S37). Died
Notes. No. 74. May 20, aged ,S9. Engra\ang (by A. H.
Development of a photo-vt-locimeter. Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 8. p. i. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Dunn. William M. (of Indiana;. Member of 1874. [N. P.], 1S74. I vol., O., pp. 27. Har-
Board of Visitors M. A. in 1S37.
to U. S. per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 49 (1S74), p. 29S.
Dunwoody, Henry Harrison Chase (I". S. M. A,, (A)
1866}. Signal Service tables of rainfall and Reports as Chief of Ordnance U. S. Army,
temperature compared with crop production. 1864-1S74.

Q-1 PP- 15 Washington. 18S2. [Prof. Papers, Dyer, Alexander Brydie ( U. S. M. A.. 1S73).
Signal Service. U. S. Army, No. 10.] Selections from War Department General
Charts and tables showing geographical Orders. 1866. to G. O., No. 51. iSSo. inclusive.
distribution of rainfall in the United States. San P'rancisco, iSSo.
Q.. pp. 51. 13 charts. Washington, 1SS3. [Prof. Handbook for light artillery . . . isted..
Papers, Signal Service. U. S. Array, No. 9.] istthousand. New York, 1S96. i vol.. O. (A)
Weather proverbs. Washington. 1883. t History of the Fourth Artillerj-. Jour.
vol., O., pp. 14S. I A) Mil. Sen.-. Inst. U. S.. vol. u, p. 843. (A)
Summary of international meteorological Early, Jubal Anderson (U.S. M. A., 1837). Died
observations. Washington, 1S93. i vol.. 1". Mar. 2, iSq4, aged 78. Engraving (by H. B.
obi. (A) Hall's Sons) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
.SV^ U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Weather Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A..
Bureau. Departures from normal temperature 1894. (A)
and rainfall. With crop yields in Nebraska A memoir
of the last year of the war for
... By Maj. H. H. C. Dunwoody. pam.. O. i independence in the Confederate States of
1S96. America, containing an account of the opera-
DuPont, Henr>*(l'.S. M.A., 1S33). Died Aug. 8, tionsof hiscommandin i864andiS65 . . . . , ,

1S89, aged 77. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Lynchburg, 1S67. vol., O. (A) 1
236" Ceiiionual of United Stairs Military Academy.
Early, Jiibal Anderson. Memorial by J. W. Eaton, Josph Horace. The army paymaster's
Daniel. So. Hist. Soc. Papers, vol. 22, iHg.]. manual, for the information of officers of the
Jackson's campaign against Pope. Pay Department of the I'.S. Army. Rev. i
Campaigns of General Lee. vol. June 30, 1867 ... I vol., O. 1867. (A)
Early. William T. (of Virginia). Member of Rev. to include June 30, 1871. Wash-
Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S73. ington, 1S71.

Eastman. E. G. (of Tennessee). Member of Eaton, Nathaniel Jackson (U. S. M. A., 1827).
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856. Died Mar. 29, 1883, aged 76. Obituar>' r« Atiu.
Eastman, Frank French (U. S. M. A.. 1879). Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A., 18S3. (A)
Comment on The Fourteenth Infantr\'. Jour. Echols. Charles Patton (U.S.M. A., 1891). Proj-
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 18, p. 215. (A) ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement

Preparation of volunteers for field ser\-ice. of Carrabelle Bar and Harbor, Fla. Rept.
Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst. U. S.. vol. 21. p. 89. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S95. p. 1681. (A)
Eastman, James Edwin (U. S. M. A., 1S66). Died Associate professor of mathematics, U. S.
Aug. 28, 1899, aged 56. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. M. A. Oct. 7, 1S98.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Eddy, Asher Robbins (U. S. M. A., 1S44). Died.
Eastm,an, Joel (of New Hampshire). Member Jan. 29, 1879, aged 55. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1879. (A)
Eastman, Seth (U. S. M. A.. 1829). Died Aug. Edgerton, Wright Prescott (U. S. M. A., 1874).
31, 1875, aged 68. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Associate professor of mathematics, U.S. M.A.»
Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1876. (A) 1893-1898; and professor of mathematics, U. S.
Constitution Island. Surveyed and drawn M. A.. Oct. 7.1898.
by Lieutenant Eastman, U. S. Army, 1S36. Portrait; Oil painting by Frank Fowler in
(Scale about 400 feet = 1 inch.) Lithograph. the Library U. S. M. A.
12 X 18. (A)
Edie, John Rufus U. S. M. A., 1S61). Died Oct.
Treatise on topographical drawing . . .

20, aged 36. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.

New York, 1S73. i pani., O. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1875. (A)
History, condition, and future prospects of
Report on army revolvers. Ord. Note 5,
the Indians of the United States.
vol. r, p. 27. (A)
Oil painting: Ball playing among the
Report on muzzle rifling. Ord. Note 13,
Sioux. No. 136 in Corcoran Gallery, Washing-
vol. I, p. 78. (A)
Report on Catling gun, caliber .45". Ord.
See West Point— Views. Lithograph:
" Cadets'
Note 19, vol. I, p. 113. (A)
encampment," painted in 1S35 (in
the office of Supt. U. S. M. A.) Edmands. Thomas F. (of Massachusetts). Mem-
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1894.
Easton, J. C. (of Minnesota). Member of Board
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iSSo. Edmonds, J. W. (of New York). Member of
Board of Visitors U. S. M. A., 1S36.
Easton, Langdon Cheves (U. S. M. A., 1S38}.
Died Apr. 29, 1SS4. aged 70. Obituary in Ann. Edmunds. Frank Heartt I U. S. M. A., 1871. Died
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS4. (A) June 18, iQoo, aged 51. Photograph /« Albums
of officers' mess.
Eaton. Amos Beebe (U. S. M. A., 1826). Died
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
Feb. 21, 1877, aged 71. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S77. (A)
Battle tactics. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S.,
Geological nomenclature for North Amer-
vol. 12, p. 1202. (A)
ica; founded upon geological surveys, taken
Comment on The three battalion organi-
under the direction of Stephen Van Rens-
. . .

zation. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 14, p.

selaer Albany, 182S. i pam., O. ^A)
. . .

1257; vol. 15, p. 340. (A)

Reports as Commissary-
General U. S.
— Review of Hamlin's Battle of Chancellors-
ville, p. 437; Review of Rowans Island of
Eaton, D. B. (of New York). Member of Board Cuba, p. 641. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1879.
20. (A)
Eaton, John (of Tennessee). Member of Board Review of Wilson's General Grant. Jour.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i86g. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 21, p. 21S. (A)
Eaton, John H. (of Tennessee). Member of Reviews of Du Vernois's War game sim-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S32. plified. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 22, p.

660. (A)
Eaton, Joseph Horace (U. S. M. A.. 1S35). Died
Jan. 20, 1896, aged 80. Obituary and portrait in Edmunds, George F. (of Vermont). Member of
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S96. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S.M. A. in 1880.

The Army Paymasters's Manual . . . Edson, Theodore (U. S. M. A., 1S60). Died Nov.
June, 1S64. Supplement to Mar. 4, 1865. Addi- 17, 1870. aged 32. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
tional to Nov. 30. 1865. Appendix table of the Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S71. (A)
pay . .from July 28, 1S66. Circulars and
. Instructor of ordnance and gunnery
Memoranda to paymasters, 1S62-1867. (In U. S. M. A., 1869-70.
front.) Index to naanual and supplements. Mann S-inch B. L- rifle, trial of. Rept^
1S63-1865. Washington. 1S66. (A) Chief of Ord., 1S72, p. in. (C)
The JI ritiiigs of Graduates^ iSo2—iqo2. !37
Edwards. Albert Gallatin (U. S. M. A., 1S32). Elliot, George Henr>-. Project, plan, estimate,
Died Apr. 20. 1802. aged 80. Obituary in etc., for theimprovement of Nantucket Har-
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A-.iSg^, (A) bor, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1885, jjp. 364.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. 576. (C)
in 1S71. Providcuct: River, k. I. Kept. Chief
Edwards, Rev. Dr. Arthur (of Illinois). Member of Eng., 1SS5, p. 602; 18S6, pp. 75, 605; 18S7, p.
of Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in iSSy. 553; 1892, pp. 621, 622. (C)
Edwards. Clarence Ransom (U. S. M. A.. 1883). Hyannis Harbor. Breakwater,
Field training year, etc., at Fort Nueces. Mass. Rept. Chief of Kng., 18S5, p. 62c: 1S86.
Jour. Mil. Sen.-. Inst. l'. S.. vol. 22, p. 55S. (A) p. 586; 1SS7. p. 532; 1892. p. 598. (C)
and Bates, Alfred Elliott (U. S. M. A., Warren River, R. I. Rept. Chief of
iS6s). Memorandum for the Secretary- of War Eng., 18S5. p. 628; 1S87, p. 547. (C)
on currency and exchange in the Philippines. Cottage City Harbor, Mass. Rept.
. . Washington, 1900. i vol., O.. 66 pp. (A)
. Chief of Eng., 18S7. p. 569. (C)
Edwards. John. jr. (U. S. M A., i$5i). Died Oct. Menemsha Harbor, Mass. Rept.
12, iSSi, aged 51. Engra\'ing owned by Chief of Eng.. 1S87, p. 571. (C)
Assoc. Grad&. U. S. M. A. Narragansett Bay (Little), R. I. and
Obituarj^ in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I'. S. M. A., Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887. p. 572. (C
1SS2. (A) Bridge of the Boston and Pro\'idence
Edwards, N. W. (of Illinois). Member of Railroad Company. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSS.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 186s. p. 2529. (C)
Edw^ards. Samuel (of Pennsylvania). Member Washington Aqueduct, D. C. Rept.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S30. Chief of Eng.. 1S90, p. 3509. (C)
Elbooc. John. Member of Board of Visitors to Water supply of Washington, D. C.
U. S. M. A. in 1S19. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1894, p. 3231. (A)
Elderkin, Noble S. (of New York). Member of •
The Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. 1S74.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S57. Report of a tour of inspection of European
Elderkin, William Anthony (U. S. M. A.. i86r). light-house establishments, made in 1873 . . .

Died Dec. 31. 1S99. aged 51. Obituary' in Ann. Washington, 1S74. i vol.. O. 2 copies. (U. S.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) Ivight-House Board.) No. 15S1. doc. 54. (A)
Eldridge, Charles A. (of Wisconsin). Member SfV Boards— Elliot; Craighill, 19; Newton.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1859. 5- lA)
Eliot. Dr. Charles W. (of Massachusetts). Elliot, William George (U. S. M. A., 18S6). Died
Member of Board of Visitors to X . S. M. A. in Aug. II, 1898, aged 35. Obituary and portrait
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
Eliot, Rev. William G. (of Missouri). Member
Elliott. John (U. S. M. A.. 1864). Died Apr. 18.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S64.
1S71,aged 29. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Ellet. William H. of South Carolina). Member

U. S. M. A.. 1S71. (A)

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S39.
EUicott, Andrew. Professor of mathematics. Ellis. Eugene Albion (U. S. M. A., 1S76). Photo-
r. S. M. A.. 1S13-1820. graph in Albums of officers' mess.

Elliot, George Henr>- (U. S. M. A.. 1855). Died The Russian regular cavalry*. Jour. Cav.
Mar. 23, 1900, aged 67. Obituar>' and portrait Assoc. (A)
18S8, p. 196.

in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) Discipline — Its

importance, etc. Prize (

Tide observations. U. S. Coast Survey essay.) Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 16.
Rept., 1S57. p. 114. (A) p. 211. (Al
Charge of tidal obser\-ations in sects. 10 The new carbine and new target practice.
and II. U. S. Coast Survey. Rept.. 1S5S, pp. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 22. p. 247. (A>
115, 118; 1859. pp. loi, 104; 1S61, pp. 22, 69, 71. Ellis, Wilmot Edward (U.S.M. A.. [Trans- 18S9).
(A) lation of Curey's.] A project for the regulation
Charge of tidal obser\'ations in California of sea-coast artillery- fire, applicable to the Rus-
and Oregon. V. S. Coast Sun-ey Rept., i860; sian artillery'. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 14. p. 304.
98. loi. (A) The development of the modern field artil-
Supervision of tidal observations on the lery. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 16, p. 117.
Pacific coast. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1862, Member
Ellsworth. H. L. (of Connecticut). of
pp. 61, 63; 1S63. pp. 57, 58. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1832.
and forms of contract,
Specifications etc.
(for Washington Aqueduct). 1S71. Elting. Norman
(U. S. M. A., 1843). Died Apr.
20, aged 67. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S9. (A)
provement of Edenton Harbor. N. C. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1S73, pp. S55. 857. (C) Ely, Frank David (U. S. M. A., 1S94). Miscella-
Block Island Harbor. R. I. Rept. neous records for the use of companies, troops
Chief of Eng., 1S83, p. 497; 1S84. p. 628; 1885. p. and batteries of the United States forces. Kan-
607; 18S6. pp. 611. 613. (C) sas City, [n. d.]. i vol., F., 152 pp.

Pawtucket River. R. I Rept. Chief Property book for the use of companies.
of Eng., 1884. pp. 85, 613; iSS5,p.593; 1SS7, p. 54^- troops, and batteries of the United States
(C) forces. Kansas City, [n, d.]. i vol.. F., 73 pp.
>38 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Blzey. Arnold (I". S. .M. A., iS;,7). Died Feb. 21, the south, 1S64. Compiled in the Engineer
aged 54. Obituary ni Ann. Assoc, Grads.
»iS7i, Bureau, War Department, 1876,
U. S. M. A., 1871, (A) Engineer Department. V. S. Army. Atlanta
Embry. James H. (of Kentucky). Member of campaign, map IV, illustrating the military
Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1866, operations of the; embracing the region from
Emerson. Ralph W. (of Massachusetts). Mem- Pine, Lost, and Kennesaw mountains, south,
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S63. to include Atlanta and its environs, exhibiting
Emory, Campbell Dallas (U. S. M. A. 1861). thelinesof operationsat Pine, Lost, and Kenne-
Died Mar. 11, 1S7S, aged 38. Obituary in Ann, saw mountains, at Smyrna camp ground, along
Assoc. Grads. r. S. M. A., 187S. (A) the Chattahoochie River, and the investment
Emory. Thomas (of Maryland). Member of of Atlanta, 1.S64, Compiled in the Engineer
Board of Visitors to U, S, M. A. in 1S28. Bureau, War Department, 1877.
Emory, William Helmsley U. S. M. A., 1S31).
( Map V, includes the region from
Died Dec. i, 1S87, aged 76. Engraving (by A. H. the Chattahoochie River, south, to Jonesboro
Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. and Lovejoy Station, and exhibits the works
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. of the United States and Confederate forces,
188S; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 76 1S64. Compiled in the Engineer Bureau. War
(l88S).p. 483. (A) Department, 1877.
Notes of a military reconnaissance from .Alluvial valley of the Mississippi River
Fort I^eaveii worth, in Mississippi, to San Diego, from the head of the Gulf of Mexico, 1887.
Cal., including parts of the Arkansas, Del
English, Thomas Cooper (U. S, M. A,, 1849).
Norte, and Gila rivers. Washington, 1S4S. i
Died June 10, 1S76. aged 48, Obituary 7« -Ann.
vol., O. 30th Cong, ist sess.. Senate E.x. Doc.
Assoc, Grads, U, S. M. A,, 1S76. (A)
No. 7; Explorations and Surveys. (A)
Observations, astronomical, magnetic, and Ennis, William (U, S. M, .\., 1864). Note on op-
meteorological, made at Chagresand Gorgona, erations of artillery battalion in Santiago cam-
Isthmus of Darieu, and at the city of Panama, paign. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 11, p. 191,
New Grenada. Cambridge, 1S50. Ernst. Oswald Herbert (U. S, M, A.. 1864). Por-
Report upon the United States and Mexi- trait (oil painting by R. Hinckley, 1897). Pre-
can boundary survey and appendices. Wash- sented by U. S. M. A., 1S97. In the Cadet Mess
ington, 1S57-1859. Hall.
[Origin of the thimble belt.] Jour. U. S. Photograph in .albums of officers' mess.
Cav. Assoc, 1896, p. 201. (A) Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
Empie, Adam, Professor of geography, history, M. A., 1871-1878.
and ethics. 1814-1S17. Twenty-fourth Superintendent from Mar.
Treasurer U. S. M. A. Mar. 14, 1S15, to Sept, 31, 1.893, toAug, 21, 189S, Reports as Supt, U, S.
31, 1816. M, A., 1893-1898,

Engineer Department. U, S, Army. Maps, Map Description of a blast at I.ime Point, Cal,,
of Northeastern Virginia, and vicinity of Wash- etc, Essayons Club Papers, No. 9. 1S69, (A)
ington, Compiled in Topographical Engineers' .An account of the eclipse of 1870 in Spain.

office Jan, 1, 1S62, and corrected under direc- Essayons Club Papers. No. iS, 1871, (A)
.A manual of practical military engineer-
tion of Topographical Engineers Aug, i, 1S62.
Extract of, showing forts and roads ing, prepared for . . , U. S. M. .A,, and for

about Washington, 1865. engineer troops , . . New York. 1S73. 1 vol.,

Organization of the bridge equipage of O. (A)

the U. S. Army, with directions for the con- Author of various articles on military sub-
jects in Johnson's Cyclopa;dia. 1S74-1S76.
struction of military bridges. Prepared by a
board of engineer officers, O, with vol, of Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
plates, Washington, 1870. provement of Mississippi River between the
Kansas and Texas, States of, and Indian mouths of the Illinois and Ohio rivers. Kept.
Territory, with parts of the Territories of Chief of Eng., 1881, pp. 1573, 1598; 1.S82, pp.
Colorado and New Mexico; prepared in the 1644, 1650. (C)
office of the Chief of Engineers, U, S. Army, St. Louis, Mo. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1867, 2d ed,, with corrections, issued in 1.S74 18S1, pp. 1581, 1582. (C)
(in 4 sheets). Meramac River, Mo. Rept. Chief
Atlanta campaign, map I, embracing the of Eng., iSSi. p. 1597. (C)
region from the Tennessee River to the Post- Osage River, Mo.
- and Kans. Rept.
anaula River, 1864. Compiled in the Engineer Chief of Eng., 1S85, p. 165S. (C)
Hureavi. War Department, 1S75. Cedar Bayou, Tex. Rept. Chief of
-Map II, includes the
region from Eng., 18S7. p. 1436- (C)
Reseca on the north to Ackworth on the south, Trinity River, Tex. Rept. Chief of
1.S64, Compiled in the Engineer Bureau, War Eng., 1889, p. 1558; 1892, p. 1541. (C)
Department, 1877. Rio Grande River, N. Mex. Rept.
Map III includes the region extend- Chief of Eng., 1S89, p, 1572- (C)
ing from Rome, Kingston, and Cassville on Guadaloupe River, Tex. Kept.
the north, to include Dallas and Marietta on Chief of Eng., 1SS9, p. 1578. (C)
Tlic ]]"n'tiuffs of Graduates, i8o2-igo2. 239
Project, plan, estimate, Ewell, Richard Stoddert. Obituary in .Vun.
Ernst, Oswald Herbc-l t.
Cancy Creek, .\ssoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1872. (A)
etc., for tlie iini)roveinciit of
Kept. Chief of Eng., 1SS9, p. 1581. (C) Office duty, relieved, f. S. Coast Survey
Curtis Hay. naltimore Harbor. Md. Rept.. 1S46, p. 35. (A)
Brown (Campbell): Gen. R. S. Ewell at
Rept. Chief of Kiig-, u»i, P- '.-9.S- (A)
Bound volume of 2,1 photographs, illus- Bull Run. Century Mag., vol. 29. p. 777-
trating details of improvements of the Missis- Ewing. William B. (of ). Memberof Board
sippi River between the Illinois and Ohio rivers, of Visitors to r. S. M. .\. in 1,831.

under his direction, rhotographed by I,ie\it. Fahnestock. Simon Snyder (f. S. M. A.. 1S41).
F. V. .\bbot. Corps of Engineers. (A) Died June 15, 1.S7I), aged 57. Obituary in Ann.
See Boards— Abbot, .1; Comstock. 16; Mer- Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S77. (.A)
rill, 6; Suter. i. See Commissions— Comstock, Fairchild. Charles S. (of New York). Member

I, 2; Gillmore, 2; Suter. 1, 2, 3. t.\) of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1893.

Eustis, Abranl (of V. S. .'Vrmyl. Member of Fairchild, Lucius (of Wisconsin). Member of

Board of Vi.sitors to l". S. M. .\. in 1825 and in Board of Visitors to U. S. M. -A. in 1892.

1S41. Falrcloth,W. T. (of North Carolina 1. Member

Eustis, Henry Lawrence ( U. S. M. K., 1S42). Died of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. .\. in 1S9S.

Jan. II. 1885. aged 65. Marble relief portrait

Farley, John (U. S. M. A.. 1S23). Died July 31,
and photographic portrait in Lawrence Scien- 1S74. aged 71. Obitnar}- in .\nn. .Assoc. Grads.
tific School, Harvard rniversity.
U. S. M. A.. 1S73. (A)
Obituary in .Ann. .\ssoc. Grads. I". S. M. K., Charge of engraving. U. S. Coast Survey
1885. (A) Rept.. 1S44, P- '7; 1S45. P- 33; 1846, p. — .
Eustis. William (U. S. M. A., 1S30). Died July Annap-
Views at New Bedford, p. 12; at
1S.89, aged 7Q. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Survey Rept., 1845. (A)
4, olis, 24. U. S. Coast
Grads. 1.S93. (A) Views.Edgartown, Hyannis, and Nan-
Evans. Andrew Wallace (U. S. M. A., 1S52). Ba-
tucket, p. 17; Delaware overfalls, p. 22. U. S.
rometer observations, sec. i, p, 28; Tidal com-
Coast Survey Rept., 1847. (A)
putation!, p. 87. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S53.
Triangulation, sec. 3. U. S. Coast Survey
Evans. Dudley (of New Jersey). Member of Rept., 1S47. p. 28; 184S. p. 35; 1S49, p. 32; 1850.
Board of Visitors to f. S. M. A. in 1900. p. 27; 1851, p. 50; 1852. p. 27; 1853. p. 4>. (A)
Evans, Ellwood Waller (U. S. M. .\., 1887). Views for No. i. Eastern series. U. S.
Throwing horses. Jour. Cav. .Assoc. 1S92. p.
Coast Survey Rept.. 18.^0. p. 20. (A)
166. (A) Base measurement. U. S. Coast Survey
Evans, George F. (of Maine). Memberof Board Rept., 1853, pp. 41-42. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1897. Triangulation. James River, Va. U. S.
Evans, Robert Kennon (U. S. M. A., 1875). The Coast Survey Kept., 1S53, p. 42; 1854, p. 46;
infantry of our Regular Army. Prize memoir 1855, p. 49; 1856. pp. 46. 94; 1S57, p. 54. (A)
for Inf. Soc. 189S. Signal for secondary S. stations. V.
Evans. William Pierce (U. S. M. A., 1S7S). Pho- Coast Survey Rept.. 1S55, pp. 19. 49, 50,363-364.
tograph in .\lhums of officers' mess. (A)
Courts-martial. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Triangulation, St. Marys, Potomac, and
vol. 12. p. 1004. 1 .\)
Curratoman rivers. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.,
Comment on The power of military
1857.p..i3- (At
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 13, p.
courts. Triangulation of Potomac River. V S. .

I187. (A) Coast Survey Rept., 1S58, p. 60; 1S59, p. 52. (A)
Comment on The three-battalion organi-
Triangulation of Hampton Roads. U. S.
zation. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 14,
Coast Survey Rept., 1859, p. 53. (A)
p. 1032. (A) Triangulation of the Patuxent and Poto-
Comment on The Judge-.\dvocate's De-
mac rivers. V. S. Coast Survey Kept.. 1860,
partment, Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. r. S., vol. 15,
pp. 48, 49- (-^'
p. 1227. lA) Triangulation of Potomac River near
Everett, Edward (of Massachusetts!. Member Piney Point. U. S. Coast .Survey Rept.. iS&i,
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .K. in 1825. (A)
p. 39-
Everett. Surg. J. (of U. S. ArniyV Member of Triangulation of the coast of New Jersey.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1831. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1861, p. 36; 1862. p.
Everett, Dr. William (of Massachusetts). Mem- 31. (A)
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1887. Triangulation near Abscom, N,
- J. U. S.
Everett, William (U. S. M. A., 1868). Died Mar. Coast Survey Rept.. 1863, p. 29. (A)
15, 1899, aged 51. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc. Farley. Joseph Pearson (U. S. M. A., 1S61).
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Ewell. Benjamin .Stoddert (U. S. M. A.. 1S32). .\nomalies of small-arm practice, p. 163;
Died June 19. 1S94, aged 84. Obituary in Ann. Velocity of bullet in rifle bore, p. 166. Rept.
.'Vssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1895. (A) Chief of Ord.. 187S. (C)
S. M. -A.. 1S401.
Stoddert (l. Powder depot. United States: Annual re-
Ewell, Richard
aged 55. Engraving by port, guardhouse, magazines, roads, etc., p.
Died Jan. 25, 1S72, I

O'Neill). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. 87; Detail of magazine construction at, p. 92;
240 Coitcunial of United States Military Academy.

Railroad at, p. 92. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S4. istry and explosives. All bound in i vol., ill.,

(C) O.] (A)

Farley. Joseph Pearson. Annual report of. Farley, Joseph Pearson. Maximum initial ve-
powder cases, p. 609; Additional details of locity. Ord. Note 3S. vol. i. p. 241. .\ (

magazine construction at United States pow- .

Report on revolver cartridges. Ord. Note
derdepot,p. 61J. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS5. (C) 41. vol. 2, p. 265. (A)
gun construction, manufacture
Steel, for Compari.son of Benton velocimeter with
of, wire p. 32S; Progress report on manufac- I,e BoulangC- chronograph. Ord. Note 44. vol. 2.
ture of, pneumatic dynamite guns, p. J64. p. 2.85. (A)
Kept. Chief of Ord.. 1S90. (C) The 16-inch breech-loading rifle; type.
The U. S. magazine rifle and hallasticsof model 1S95, dated Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y..
the Springfield rifle [Reprint from Mil. Sept. 15, 1900. Ord. Const. Note No. 78. Re-
Serv. Inst. Jour.] [n. p.], 1.S92. I vol., O., print in Jour. U. S. Art., vol. is, p. 29S, to vol. 16.

pp. and 2 pp. pis.

10, .\) f 40.

High explosives and smokeless powder. Report on resultsof experiments, showing

[Reprint from Mil. Serv. Inst. Jour.] [n.p.], anomalies of small-arm practice. Ord. Note
1892. I vol.. O., pp. 25. (A) 86, vol. 3, p. 69S.(A)
Results of tests of Wetteren and Rifleite Facts relating to high explosives. Jour.
smokeless powders at Frankford Arsenal, p. Mil. Sen'. Inst. U. S.. vol. 12. p. 1154. (A)
245; Result of Peyton smokeless-powder test Chemistry and explosives. Jour. Mil. Serv.
at Frankford Arsenal, p. 24.?; Result of leather (A)
Inst., U. S., vol. 13. p. 1220; vol. 14, p. 165.

test at Frankford Arsenal, p. 249; Leonard, Farnan. John. Member of Board of Visitors to
result of test at Frankford Arsenal, p. 249; r. S. M. \. in 1831.
Dupont smokeless powder, result of test at Farquhar, Francis Ulrtc U. S. M. .\., 1S61). Died (

Frank'ord .\rsenal, p. 2.52: .\xtell smokeless July 3. 1SS3. aged 45. Photograph in Albums
powder, result of test at Frankford .\rsenal. p. of officers' mess.
253; Troisdorf smokeless powder, result of
test Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
at Frankford Arsenal, p. 254; Alters smokeless 1S84. (A)
powder, results of test at Frankford .\rsenal. Treasurer U. S. M. K. Aug. 31. 1864. to June
p. 255; manufacture of ammunition forcaliber 16, 1865.

.30 rifle at Frankford Arsenal, p. 267; Ammu- Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
nition experiments in regard to penetration, provement of Conneaut Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
p. 269: Experiments with lubricants for caliber Chief of Eng., 1866, vol, 4, pp. 7, 73. (C)
.30 ammunition, p. 270; Mauser anvil, experi- Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
ments with. for.3o-caliber ammunition, p, 272; Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. 4, pp. 11, 12. (C)
Rifles, record of caliber. 45 and caliber .30, p. St. Joseph Harbor. Mich. Rept.
707; Velocities, recoils, etc.. of modern, table Chief of Eng., 1867, pp. 34. 97; 1869. pp. 34, 97,
of rifles, p. 718. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1893. (C) 98; 1874, vol. I, pp. 194, 195; 1S76, vol. 2, p. 518,
Report on cupro-nickled and German
steel (C)
silver for bullet jackets; Experiments with Minnesota River, Minn. Rept. Chief
caliber .30 service and Hebler tubular bullets; of Eng.. 1868. p. 369; 1S75, vol, I, pp. 360, 362, 364,
Report of tests of smokeless powders; Descrip- 365, 441; 1876, vol. I, p. 704; 1878, p. 72S; 1S79. pp.
tion of eccentric caliper for armor-piercing pro- 135, 1183. 1185. (C)
jectiles, caliber S, 10, and 12 inch; Report on
Manistee River, Mich. Rept. Chief
manufacture, etc., of crusher gauges. Rept. of Eng.. 1869, pp. 30, 88; 1S70, p. 40; 1S71. p. 136;
Chief of Ord., 1S94. (C) 1S74. vol. p. 176; 1876, vol. 2. p. 469. (C)
Report of the chemical laboratory; De-
South Haven Harbor. Mich. Rept.
scription of F. A. 7-inch shrapnel, model iSq6,
Chief of Eng., 1869, pp. 79. 97; 1S70. pp. 43. 142;
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1896. (C)
1872. p. 193; 1874, vol. I. p. 192; 1876. vol. 2, pp.
Report of principal operations at Water-
512,513- (C)
vliet Arsenal, Repts. Chief of Ord., 1899 and
1900. (C) Black Lake Harbor. Mich. Rept.
the punishment fit the crime. Army
L,et Chief of Eng.. 1869, pp. 85, 98; 1S70. pp. 42. 139.

and Navy Jour., Dec. 29. 1900. p. 424. (A) 146; 1876, vol. 2, p. 503. (C)
West Point in the early sixties, with inci- White River Harbor. Mich. Rept.
dents of the war. 111. Troj', 1902. i vol.. O. Chief of Eng., 1869, p. 91; 1S71. pp. 39. 144: 1876.
(A) vol. 2, p. 482. (C)

Views and description of Watervliet Arse- Saugatuck Harbor. Mich. Rept.
nal and Gun Factory; Notes on the construc-
Chief of Eng., 1S69, pp. 96. 100, loi; 1870, p. 141;
stnictiMn of ordnance No. 78; ibid., app. to No.
1871, pp. 41, 152; 1872, pp. 38, 192; 1874. vol. I. p.
78; ill., with pis. and photos. [Bound in i vol.]
190; 1876, vol. 2, pp. 507. 510. (C)
Frankfort (Aux Bees Scies) Harbor,
Notes on small arms and ammunition.
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1869, p. 102; 1870,
[Preface by Geo. Tucker Bispham; text from
p. 129; 1S71, p. 132; 1S72, p. 36. (C)
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., January. 1899, with
addl. pis,; ibid.. November. 1891; ibid., ,
Leland Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief
iS— ; abstract of Munroe's lectures on chem- of Eng.. 1S70, p. 149. (C)
The Jl'ii/ii/os of (rraditatc.^, iSo2-H)02. 241
Farquhar. Francis rlric. Project, plan, esti- Farquhar. I-rancis l*lric. Project, plan, esti-
mate, etc.. for the improvement of Pcntwater mate, etc., for the improvement of St, Clair
Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871. pp. Flats Ship Canal, Mich, Rept. Chief of Eng.,
39. 140, 141: 187;. p. 1S7. (Cl 18S3, pp, 1877, 1879, I,SSo; 1S.S4, p, 306, (C)
Alpena Harbor. Micb. Rt!pt. Chief Detroit River, Mich. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1871. pp. 158, 159. (C) of Eng., 1.S83, p. 1885: 1S.S6, p. 326; 18.S7. p. 22hS.
Mackinac City, Mich. Kept. Chief IC)
of Eng.. 1S71, pp. 160, 161. (C) Caseville. Mich. Rept. Chief of
Cheboygan Harbor, Mich. Kept. Eng., 1SS4, p. 2077. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 1S3, 1S5, 1S6: 18.S0, p.
preservation of the Falls of St. .An-
219; 18.87, P- 2247- (C) thony. and 2 maps, O. Trans. Amer.

Superior Bay, Wis. Rept. Chief of Soc. Civ. Ftng., vol. 12, pp. 393-411. 1SS3.
Eng., 1873, p. 132; 187.1. vol. \. p. 133. (C) .SV^ Boards— Farquhar; Comstock, 2, 3:
DuUith Harbor, Minn. Rept. Chief Houston, 4; Macomb, g, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20.
of Eng..iS73, p. 13s; 1S74, |)p. 132, 133: iS7,s,vol.i, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; Raynolds, i; Rolv
p. 182; 1876, vol. 2, p, 31S; IS77, p. 83S; iSSO, p. 200. en, 1; Woodruff, 8, 10. (A)
Eagle Harbor. Mich. Rept. Chief of Farragut, I.oyall (U. S, M. A,, 186S). Editor of
Eng., 1873, p. 137; i874,vol. 1, p. 136; 1877, P.S4S. Life and letters of Admiral Farragut.
(C) Fai-relly,Terence (of Arkansas). Member of
Mississippi River, Falls of St. An- Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .\. in 1S52.
thony. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 409; 1874, Farrow, Edward Samuel U. S. M. A,. 1876). Pho- (

vol.l,p.28i; 1S76.P.700. (Cl tograph in .Mbums of officers' mess.

Galena River and Harbor. 111. Rept. Military system of gymnastic exercises
Chief of Eng., 1S74, vol. i, pp. 290, 291, 2q2; 1S7S, and a system of swimming ... i pam.. O.
p. 98; 1880, p. 1548. ( C iSSi. (A)
Red River of the North, Mirn. Mountain scouting; a handbook for offi-
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1874, vol, i, pp, 297, 29S. (C) cers and soldiers on the frontiers New . . .

Mississippi River, above the Fallsof York. iS,Si, I vol., O. (.\)

St.Anthotn-. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.S74, vol, i, Pack mulesand packing . . . New York,
p. 300; 1S75, vol.i,p.359; 1S75, vol. 2, pp, 441, 449, 1S81. I pam., bound, O. (.\)
450. 452; 1877, p, 570; 1S78, pp. 99, 727; 1S79, pp. Camping on the trail; or. Some of my ex-
1160,1166; 18S0, p. 1572; 1886, p. 1483; 1887, p. 1664. periences in the Indian country, containing
(C) numerous notes on the art of travel. III.
Grand Marais Harbor, Minn. Rept. Philadelphia. 1902. i vol., O. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. i, p. 184; 1S79, p. 150; Treatment of the apparently drowned.
1880, pp. 1882, 1883; 1886. p. 290; 1S89, p. 1996; 1892, I para., 3 pp., O. [n.d.] (A)
p. 2122. (C) Military encyclopedia . . . 111. .with maps
St. River, Wis. and Minn. and about 3,000 wood eng. . . . 3 vols., Q, (.'\}

Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S75, vol. i. p, 375; 1878, p. .-Vmerican sporting arms.
100: 1S79, p. 11S2, (C) Requirements for entering the Military
Mississippi River reser\'oirs, Rept. Academy.
Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. 2. p. 441. (C) Faville, Oran (of Iowa). Member of Board of
Bridge across the St. Croi.K River at Visitors to U. S. M. .\. in 1S63.
Stillwater. Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, Fay. H. H. (of Rhode Island). Member of Board
pp.314. 315 (C) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S75.
- Chippewa River. Wis, Rept. Chief Fay, Heman Allen C. S. M. \., 1S08). Official

of Eng., 1876, vol. pp. 707, 708; 1877.P.574; 1878,

I, account of battles fought between the .'Vrmy
p. 729; 1879, p. 1169. (C) and Navy of the United States and Great
Chippewa River, inclnding Yellow Britain in 1S12-1815. 1S15.
Banks, Wis, Rept, Chief of Eng., 1877, p. .S74; Feltou. William H. (of Georgia). Member of
iSSo, p. 179. ) Board of Visitors to V. S, M, \. in 1880,
Mississippi River, between Falls of Feltus, Henrj' James (I'. S. M. A., 1S20). Died
St. Anthony and Cairo. Rept. Chief of Eng., July 12, 1871, aged 70. Obituary i» .\nn. .\ssoc.*
1879, pp. 130.131,1130,1131.1137,1150. (C) Grads. r.S. M. A.. 1872. (.\)
Burlington Habor. Iowa. Rept. Fenner, James. iVIembcr of Board of Visitors to
Chief of Eng., 1879. pp. 131. 113S, (C) U. S. M. .\. in 1S33.
Quincy Harbor, Mississippi River, Fenwlck, John R. (of V. S. .\rmyl. Member of
111. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 1130, 1131. Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. .\. in 1819. in 1833,
(C) and in 1839,
Muscatine Harbor (Mississippi Ferris. C, G. (of New York). Member of Board
River), Ioiva. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, p. of Visitors to t'. S. M. A. in 1835.
"37- (C) Ferris, Samuel Peter (U. S. M. A.. i86x). Died
Alexandria Harbor, Mo. Rept. Feb. 4, 1882, aged 43. Obituary in Ann. .\ssoc.
Chief of Eng., 1S79. p. 1150. (C) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1882. (A)
-\u Sable River and Harbor, Mich. Fessenden, John M, (of Massachusetts), Mem-
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S3, p. 1857. (C) ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S65.
H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2— vol 2 16
242 Ccutoniial oj United States Military Acadciii V.

Fesseuden. John Miltuii I'. S. M. A., 1><J4). ( Died Fisk. Walter Leslie. Project, plan, estimate,
Feb. 8, l.Sb3, ged Si. Obituan.' in Ann. .\ssoc. etc. ,
for the improvement of Bayou Terrebonne,
CTrads. U. S. M. A., 18S3. (A) La, Rept. Chief of Eng, 1889, p. 1508. (C)
Fiebeger, (lustav Joscpli (U. S. M. A., 1879). Pro- Atchafalaya River, La. Rept. Chief
fessor (»f civil and military- engineering, U. S. of p;ng., 1SS9. p. 1511. (C)
M. A. 4, May
iSi)6. Project, plan, estimate, Baton Rouge Harbor, La. Rept.
etc., the improvement of Appomattox
for Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 1511. (C)
River, \'a. Kept. Chief of Eng., iSSg, p. 960. Bayou Des Glaises, La. Rept. Chief
(C) of P:ng., 1S.S9, p. 1513; 1S91, p. 1855. (C)
Chnckatnck Creek, Va. Ke]}t. Cliief Amite River and Bayou Manchac,
of Eng., 18S9, p. 9&Q. (C) La. Rept. Chief of Eng., l8"9, p. 1515. (C)
Bennetts Creek, Va. Kept. Chief of Tchefuncte River and Bogue Falia
Eng.. 1SS9, p. 972. (C) (Falaya), La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, p.
Hampton Creek and Bar. Va. Rept. 1530. (C)
Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 975. (C) Tickfaw River, La Rept. Chief of
Norfolk Harbor, Va., and the ap- Eng., 1.889, p. 1531. (C)
proaches thereto. Rejit. Chief of P^ng., 1.S90, Lake Pontchartraiu. La. Rept.
p. 1023. (Cl Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 1S39. (Cl
Chickaliominy River, Va. Rept. Bayou Chevreuil and Bayou Tigre,
Cliief of Eng., 1891, p. 1306. (C) La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 1S41. (C)
Lynn Haven
Bay, waterway con- Bayou Black, La, Rept, Chief of
necting, with Eastern Branch of Elizabeth Eng., 1891, pp. 1846, 1,851. (C)
River, Va. Rep*. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 1312. Berwicks Bay. La, Rept. Chief of
(C) Eng., 1S91, p. 1848. (C)
Nottoway River, Va. Rept. Chief of • Bayou Cocodrie, La. Rept. Chief of
Pjig,, 1S91, p. 1316. (C) Eng., 1,891, p. 1S50. (C)
Northwest River, N. C. Rept, Chief Bayou Vermillion, Bay and Passes,
of P'ng., i.Sgi, p. 1322. (C) La. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1891. p. 1.856. (C)
West Neck River, Va. Rept. Chief St. Louis River. Minn. Rept. Chief
of Eng.. 1S91, p. 1325. (C) of Eng., 1892, p. 2151. (C)
Historical .sketch of the department of Willamette River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
civil and military engineering, U. S. M. A. In of Eng., 1896, p. 3310; 1,898, p. 3052. (A)
Rept. Snpt. U. S. M. A, 1896. pp. 159-171. (A) Umpqiia River, bar and entrance,
Text-book on field fortification ... ist Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1,898, p. 2992. (A)
ed, . . New York, 1901.
. vol.. O. (A) i Alsia River, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Campaign of
Gettysburg. West Point, Eng., 1S98. p, 2995, (A)
[n. d.]. I vol., O., 31 pp. (A) Yaquina River, Oreg. Rept. Chief

Sfe Boards Craighill, 13, 15. (A)— of Eng., 1898, p. 2997. (A)
Field. Charles William (U. ,S. M. A.. 1.S49). Died Siletz River, bar and entrance.
Apr. 9, 1892, aged 64. Obituarv- /;/ Ann. .Assoc. Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng., (A) 1898, p. 2999.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1.S93. (A) Cape Lookout Rept.Harlior, Oreg.
Findlay. John King (U. S. M. A., 1S24). Died Chief of Eng., 1898, p. 3001. (.A)
Sept. 13, 1S.S5, aged82. Obituary i« Ann. As.soc. Port Orford Harbor, Oreg. Rept.
Grads. r. S. M. A., 1886. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S98. p. 3004. (.A)
Findlay. S. (of Kentucky). Member of Board Nehalem Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief
of visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1830. of Eng., 1898, p, 301c. (.A)

Fish. Willi.ston (U. M. Scappoose Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief

A.. 1881). Short S.
of Eng.. 1S98, p. 3043. (A)
poems, sketches, etc. In Harper's
Mag. and Harper's Weekly, Puck, Time, Life, Long Tom River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
of Eng., i89S,-p. 3045. (A)
etc., from 1S83 to date.
Short rations.
Santiam River, Oreg, Rept. Chief
[A story of Cadet and
of Eng., 1S98, p. 3048. (A)
."Vrniy life] HI. New York, 1S99. I vol. O.
Won West Clatskanie River. Oreg. Rept. Chief
at Point.
of Eng., 1898, p, 3050. (A)
Fisher. Robert J. (of Pennsylvania). Member Tualitin River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1,847.
of Eng., 1898, p. 3053. (A)
risk, Walter Leslie (U. S. M. A., 1877). Project, Portland Harfxir, Oreg, Rept. Chief
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of of Eng.. 1S99. p. 3251. (A)
Tangipahoa River, La. Rept. Chief of Eng.. Isles of Shoals, Me. and X H. Rept.
1,888, p. 1245; 18.S9, p. 1527. (C) Chief of En,g., 1900. p. 1175. i ,\ 1

Bayou Teche, -)- canal connecting, Piers and breakwater, Rockport,

with Grand Lake at Charenton, La. Rept. Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 1177. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1888, p. 12,=,3. (C) Lower Willamette and Columbia
Sabine River, La. and Tex. Rept.
rivers. Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng., igoo, p. 4416.
Chief of Eng., 18S8, p. 1260. (C) (A)
Bayou, St. John, La. Rept. Chief Portsmouth Harbor, N, H. Rept.
of Eng., 1SS9, p. 1501. (C) Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 1057. 105S. (A)
Jlir IJ 'n/i}i»'s of Gradiiatrs^ iSo2—igo3. 243
Fisk, \\'alter I,uslie. Project, plan, estiiiiatf, etc.. Flagler. Daniel Webster. Lindsley, Thales,
for the improvenicnl of licvci ly Harbor. Mass. scheme of. to found a national university at
Rept. Chiif of Eng.. 19111. pp. 1066, 106H, (A) Rock Island, p. 74; Proposed military prison

See Hoards (iillespic. 5. (A) at Rock Island, p. 272; Reiwrt of iirinei^ml
Fisk, Wilbur (of Connecticut). Member of Hoard operations at Rock Island .\rsenal for 1S77, p.
of Visitors to V . S. M. A. in 1X^2, 3.\S; Traffic on Rock Island bridge, p. 358.
Fitch. Ashbcl V. York).
(of- New
Member of Kepi. Chief of Ord., 1S77. (C)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iSSS and in Rock I.sland Arsenal, principal operalion.s.
189S. 1879, P- 201; Stairway, circular, at Rock Island
Fitch. Graham Dt-nbytr. S. M. A., 1SS2). I'njject. Arsenal, p. 201; Boilersat Rock Island Arsenal,
plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement of method of setting up. p. 205. Rept. Chief of
Georgiana Slough, Cal. Kept. Chief of luig., Ord.. 1S79. (C)
1895. P- 3:^29- (A) Rock Island Arsenal iron-finishing shops
Mississippi River, first and second and rolling mill, p. 251; Rock Iskind Arsenal,
districts. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. ,^756; method of building foundations, p. 253: De-
1S96. p. 359S; 1897. p. 11696. scription of machine in operation at Rock

Wolf River, Tenii. Rept. Chief of Island Arsenal for making paper targets, p.
Hug.. 1896, p. 1703. (A) 201; Rack for small arms, p. 265. Rept. Chief
Caving of west bank, of Mississippi of Ord., 18S0, (C)
River in front of Helena, Ark. Rept. Chief of Rock Island Arsenal, report of command-
Eng., 1S96, p. 1705. (A) ing description of waterworks, etc..
Oswego Harbor. N. Y. Rept. Chief p. 57: Rock Island Arsenal, special hydraulic
of Eng.. 1S99. p. 313S. (A) jack for lifting water gates, p. 64; Fabrication
Grasse River, X. Y. Rept. Chief of of centers for targets, p. laS; Harness for
Eng., 1901. pp. 337S. 33S4. (A) Laidley cavalry forge, description of, p. iii.
St. I,awrence River at head of I,ong Rept. Chief of Ord., iSSi. (C
Sault Island. N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901, Rock Island Arsenal, errors ii laying
pp. 33S9. 339'- (A) water-power transmission shafting. Rept.
Fitzhugh. Heurj- William \\' S. M. A.. iSi.^K . Chief of Ord., 1S82, p. 92. (C)
Died June aged 79. Obituary in Ann.
10, 1S76. Arm racks for rifles, carbines, and re-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S77. (A) volvers improved, p. 133; Work on shops H, T,
Fitzpatrick. Patrick (U. S. M. A.. iS6St. Died K, etc.. annual Report, Rock Island Arsenal,
Sept. 23. 1SS4, aged 37. Obituary' in Ann. Assoc. p. 413; Beton and concrete floors and walks at
Grads. IT. S. M. A.. 1SS5. (A) Rock Island Arsenal, construction of, p. 415;
FitzBimmons, W'ilUam Crittenden (T. ,S. M. A,. Rock Island Arsenal storehouses, plans, etc..
1869). Editor Topeka Real Estate Register, p. 419. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1SS3. (Ci
1S70-1S74. Rock Island Arsenal, annual report, shop
Editorlndustrial Advocate. Lansing, Mich.; K, storehouse A. etc.. p. 79: Finishing and
1S74. stocking shop for Rock Island Arsenal, p. So;

Editor California Fruit Grower and State Rock Island Arsenal, improvement of grounds,
Journal of Horticulture. San Francisco, Cal., p. 81; Rock Island Arsenal machinery and
1892-1S96. shop fixtures, p. 83; Rolling mill, improve-
Flagler, Clement Alexander Fiuley (
I". S. ]\I. A., ments in. Rock Island Arsenal, p. S4; Water
iSSg). Project, plan, estimate, etc., for tin- im- power at. Rock Island Arsenal, p. 85. Rept.
provement of Pensacola Harbor, Fla. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S84. (C)
Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 2121. (Al Rock Island Arsenal, annual report. 18S5,
Ocklockonnee Fla. Rept.River, p. 619; Rock Island Arsenal, description of
Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 2146. i,A) "digger" to remove deposits where there is a
Carrabelle Harbor, Fla. Rept. Chief strong curi nt, p, 622; Marksman's pins and
of Eng., 1900, p. 2152; 1901, p. iSoo. ^Aj sharpshooter's badges, fabrication of. p. 626;
Harbor lights. Dog Island, Fla. Fabrication of skirmish targets, cloths ajid
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2158. (A) paperskirmish targets at Rock Island Arsenal,
Chattahoochee River, Rept. Ga. p. 629. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS5. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 1793. (A) Madigan box for packing ammunition,

See Boards Quinu, i. (A) objections to. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S86, p. 476,
Flagler, Daniel Webster (U. S. M. A., 1861). Died (C)
Mar. 29, 1899, aged 63. Photograph in Albums Analysis of, Morse and ser\'ice small-arm
of officers" mess. cartridges, p. 371; Report of board on location
EngraWng owned by Assoc. Grads. V S. . of gun factorv*, p. 375. Rept, Chief of Ord.,
M. A. 1889. (C)
Obituarj* and portrait in Ann. Assoc. •
Purchasing supplies for Ordnance Depart-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) ment, evils of present method of. Rept. Chief
Rock Island Arsenal annual report, water of Ord.. 1S90. p. io,s: 1S91, p. 94. (C)
power, etc. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1876, p. 254. Reports as Chief of Ordnance. U. S. .\rmy.
(C) 1S91-1S99. (C)
History* of the Rock Island Arsenal work on shops G, H. I, and K, etc. annual
I vol., O. 1877, See Ord. Mem. No. 20. report. Rock Island Arsenal, p. 78; Shrapnel
244 Centennial of United States Military Aeademy.
speciScations of the Hotchkiss and American Foltz. Frederick Steinman. The trainiugof the
Projectile Company's 3.2-inch, p. 957; Star, recruit. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1895. p. 184. (A)
rests for gauge, p. 961; Instruments, reports of Improved aluminum-mounted saber (Ber-
measuring and inspecting, p. 961; Description lin). Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S97, p. 518. (A)
and manufacture of targets for small arms. A new
test for glanders, p. 276; Five year
p. 983; Revolving, list of parts of, targets, p. enlistment for the cavalry, p. 332. Jour. Cav.
984. Rept. Chief of Ord.. iSq2. (C^ Assoc, 1899. ( A)
Flagler, Daniel Webster. Report on foundation Things we are forgetting, p. 2S4; The
of shop G, Rock Island Arsenal. Rept. Chief Mauser self loading pistol, p. 515. Jour. Mil.
of Ord., 1S97. (C) Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 21. (A)
Description of harness manufactured at Foote, Stephen Miller (U.S. M. A.. 18S4). Heavy
Rock Island Arsenal for the Laidley cavalry artillen,- target practice. Jour. Mil, Serv. Inst.,

forge. Ord. Note 13S. vol. 5. (A) vol. n. p, 74. (A)

Report on an improved arm rack for Comment on Pettifs Proper military in-
carbines, and revolvers, manufactured
rifles, structions of officers. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. V
at the Rock Island Arsenal. Ord. Note 298, S., vol. 20, p.429. (A)
vol. 10. (A) Our volunteer armies (prize essay), p. i;
Stencil outfit for companies. Ord. Note Reply to comment on Our volunteer armies,
344. vol. 12. (A) p. 639. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. T. S., vol. 22. (A)
Flanders. Henry (of Pennsylvania). Member Field intrenchments for infantr>'.
;- Jour
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 188S. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 25, p. 71. (A)
Fleming, Hugh Brady (U. S. M. A.. 1852). Died Foraker, Joseph B. (of Ohio). Member of Board
Apr. g, aged 67.
iSgj. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. of Visitors to T'. S. M. A. in 1897.
M. A.. 1S95. (A)
r.rads. v. S.
Forbush, William Curtis(U. S. M. A., 186S).
Fleming, James E. (of New Jersey Member of ).
American grasses and herbage. Jour. Mil.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1897. Serv. Inst., vol. 23, p. 53. (A)
Fletcher. Robert (IT. S. M. A., 1868). On prehis-
Fornance, James (U.S. M. A.. 1871). Died July 3,
toric trephining and cranial amulets. 1SS2.
189S. aged 48. Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
hi U. S. Dept. of the Interior. U. S. Geogr.
U. S. M. A.,1900. (At
and Geol. Survey of the Rocky Mountain Re-
gion. Cont. to North Amer. Eth., vol. 5
Extended order. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
U.S..V0I. 17. p.477. (A)
Contributor to engineering periodicals.
translator. The range finding field glass.
Flint, Franklin Foster U. S. M. A., 1841).
( Died
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 21, p. 387. (A)
Sept. 15, 1S91, aged 70. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S, M. A., 1S92. (A) Forse, Albert Gallatin (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died
Flipper, Henry Ossian (U. S. M. A., 1877). The July I, 1898. aged 57. Obituary and portrait in
colored cadet at West Point. New York, 1S7S. Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
I vol.. O., por. (A) Unshod horses. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S89, p.
Translator of mining lawsof Mexico. 1S93. 410. (A)
Compiled and translated Spanish and Forsyth, James William (U. S, M. A., 1856). Pho-
Mexican land laws for the Department of tograph (one of a group of general officers).
Justice. 1895. 5^1? Sheridan (,P. H.) in memorial hall.
Floyd, Daniel Hezekiah U. S. M. A.. 1S70). Died
( Military record of James William Forsyth.
Mar. 10, aged 45.
1S94. Obituary in Ann. [n.p..n.d.] I vol., 12°, pp. 10.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A) and Grant, Frederick Dent (U. S. M. A.,
Floyd, John G. lof Indiana). Member of Board 1S71 ).Report of an expedition up the Yellow-
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842. stone River, made in 1875. Washington. 1S75.
Floyd, Judge W. W. (of Arkansas). Member of O. Explorations and Surveys. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. — See California, Department of. Annual
Floyd-Jones, De L,ancey (U. S. M. A., 1S46). Died report, 1S95.
Jan. 19, 1902, aged 76. Letters from the Far editor of Jour. I' . S. Cav. Assoc.
East, being impressions of a tour around the Forsyth. John. Member of Board of Visitors to
world by way of England. India. China, and U.S. M. A. in 1S33.
Japan during 1SS5-1886. i vol.. O. 1S87. (A) Forsyth, John. Photograph in Albums of offi-
Letter on An East India Review, p. 209; cers' mess.
Among the Mandarins (letter), p. 233; Our oil portrait by Frank Fowler in the Li-
correspondent in Japan, p. 350. Jour. Mil. brarj' U.S. M. A.
Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 7. (A) Professorofgeography, history-, and ethics,
Flynn, William Francis (U. S. M. A., 1S83). U. S. M. A.. 1871-1881.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. and Micbie (Prof. P. S.). L'Acad^mie mil-
Foltz, Frederick Steinraan (U. S. M. A.. 1879 1.
itaire des ^tats-Unis. Rev. int. de renseign..
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. tome 5, 1883. pp. 6ri et seq. (A)
French ideas on cavalry. Jour. Cav. Forsyth. WilliamWoods (U. S. M. A., 1S82). Pho-
Assoc, iSSS, p. 160. (A) tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
German ideas on cavalr\-. Jt>ur. Cav. Simple means for measuring width of
Assoc, vol. I. p. I. (A) streams. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S98, p. 237. (A)
Tlic n 'r/tnio-s of Graduates, i8n2-igo2. 245
Forsyth, 'Williain Woods, translator. French Franklin, William BuellU. S. M. A.. 1S43). Died
view of American cavalr\' in war of secession. Mar. aged So. (Engranng(by A. H.
S, 1903,
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S99, p. 313. (A) Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. l*. S. M. A.
Fort, G. I,, (of IlUnois't. Member of Board of Albums of officers'
Photogra]>h in mess.
Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1878. Memberof Board of Visitors to V . S. M. .\.

Foster, Charles Williain k\\ S. M. A., 1876). in 1868.

[Translation of Chadon's] I-'ire maneuvers of /// NV)rth Amer. Rev.,
National defense.
artillery,' masses and the instruction to be December. 1SS3.
vol. 137,
drawn therefrom. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 2, p. 640. Rear guard fighting at Savage's station.
Foster, Claiborne Lee (U.S. M. A.. 18SS). Died Century Mag., vol. 30. p. 454.
Aug. 10, 1S90. aged 26. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Greene (.Jacob I,.): Gen. William H.
(Irads. U. S. M. A.. 1S91. (A) Franklin and the operations of the left wing
Foster. John Gray (U. S. M. A.. 1846). Died Sept. at the battle of Fredericksbxirg. Dec. 13. 1862,

2. 1S74. aged 51. Engra\ing (by A.H. Ritchie) . . . Hartford. Conn., iqoo. i pam.. bound, O.
owned by Assoc. Grads. U, S. M. .\ (A)
Ann. Assoc, (irads. V S. M. A..
Obituar>- in . -S(V r, S. Survey Rept.. 1862. p. 36.
1875; Harpers N'ew Monthly Mag. .vol. 49 ( 1S74), I A)
p. 899. (A \ See Boards — Humphreys, i. .SVv Com-
Charge of drawing division. I'. S. Coast missions—Humphreys, I. (A)
Survey Rept.. 1S52. pp. 56-60. (Ai Franklin. W. S. Member of Board of Visitors to
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- U. S. M. A. in 1S31.
provement of Boston Harbor, Mass. Rept. Fraaer. William Davidson (U. S. M. A., 1S34).
Chief of Eng., 1S67. p. 474; 1S70. p. 46S. (C) Died July 27, 1S56, aged — Project, plan, esti- .

Proxnncetown Harbor. Mass. Rept. mate, etc.. for the improvement of East River,
Chief of Eng.. 1S6S. pp. SoS. Sto; 1869. p. 420; N. V- Rept.Chiefof Eng.,iS6S. pp. 733, 73S. (C)
1S70, pp. 78, 469. (C) Fraaer, W. C. lof Pennsylvania). Member
bridge from Boston to East Boston, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1835.
Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1868, pp. S21. (C) Freedley, Henr>- William C. S. M. A.. 1855). (

- Cape Cod Ship-Canal. Mass. Rept. Died Nov. aged 57. Obituary in Ann.

Chief of Eng., 1870. pp. 477. 4S3, 4S8. 489. 490; Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1890. (A)
1^73. PP- 805- St5; 1S76, vol. I, pp. 321-331. (C) Freeman, Samuel Diggs (l". S. M. A.. 1883). Pho-
Gloucester Harbor. Mass. Rept. tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Chief of Eng.. 1S70. pp. 870. 872, S75. C 1 1 Freeman. Capt. W. G. Member of Board of
Submarine blasting in Boston Harbor, Visitors (inspection) to U. S. M. A. in 1S43,
Mass. ... I pam., O. 1S69. (A) Fremont. Sewall L,. (U. S. M. A.. 1841). Died
Design for an improved submarine tunnel May 1. 1886. aged 69. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
comprising a brick arch within a cast or Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1886. (A)
wrought iron skin, laid in a trench dredged French, Asa (of Massachusetts). Member of
for that purpose. Q. Washington. 1S72. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S83.
5^<?Naglee (Gen. H. M.j: Correspondence, French, James Hansell (U. S. M. A., 1874). Died
orders, etc., between Gen. D. Hunter. General Jan. 17. iSSo. aged 2S. Obituary atid portrait
Foster, and General Xaglee. February- and in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1880. (A)
March. 1863. (G) French, John Theodore (f. S. M. A., 1S761. Pho-
.S^t- Boards —
Bache.4; Barnard, i: Macomb. tograph }u Albums of officers' mess.
9; Tower, i; Woodruff, 3; Wright, a. (A I
Comment on Extended order. Jour. Mil.
Foster, Pierce Currier (U. S. M. A.. iS9q). Died Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 15, p. 337. (A)

May 22, 1899, aged 21. Obituary- and portrait /« French, John W. Chaplain and profes.sor of
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) geography, histon,-. and ethics. V. S. M. A.,
1856- 187 I.
Foster, R. C. (of Tennessee). Member of Board
of Visitors, V . S. ^[. A.. 1S36.
French, Samuel Gibbs I U. S. M. A., 1843). F:n-
gra\'ing. Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A,
Foster, Samuel Augustus { U. S. M. A., i860).
Twowars: An autobiography. 111. Nash-
Died Feb. 3, 1S71, aged 34. Obituarj' in Ann.
\-iIle, 1901. I vol., O., por. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S71. (A)
Reconnaissance of routes from San Anto-
Fowle, John. Commandant of cadets. U. S. nio to El Paso. Explorations and Sur\'eys.
M. A.. 1833-183S.
Fowler, Joshua IvOunsberry V S. M. A.. 1868). ( . Road between San Antonio and El Paso
Died July 11. 1899. aged 52. Obituary- and por- (p. 551. No. 562. doc. 64. (Ci
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900.
French. William Henry (U. S. M. A., 1S37).
(A) Died May 20. iSSi, aged 66. Obituar>' in Ann.
Frank. Royal Thaxter U. S. M. A., 185S). editor.
1 Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSi. (A)
.S<?if Artillery Circ. K. Machine guns, 1896. Manual of in.struction for field artillery.
Franklin. Capt. Samnel R. i.of l'. S. Na\T). Fries. Anton. Assistant librarian U. S. M. A...
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.. 187S. from 1842 to Februan,'. 1S94.

Franklin. Thomas. Treasurer L". S. M. A.. Jan. Fritz. Peter (of Pennsylvania). Member of
8, 1902, to . Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S32.
246 Ccnioniial of United States Military Aeadcmy
Frost. Daniel Marsh (U. .S. M. A.. 1S44). Died Fry. James Barnet. Law in the Army, p. 78;
Oct. aged 77. Engraving (,by A. H.
29, 1900, A military court of appeal, p. 323. Jour. Mil.
Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. .s. M, A. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 2. (A)
Obituary and iiortrait in Ami. Assoc. on The command of the Army. p.

Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A) 395; Notes on fundamental points in our mili-
tary system, p. 4^1. Jour. Mil. Serv. U. S.,
Member of Board of Visitors to T'. s. M. A.
vol. 3. (A)
in 1S60.
Admission to the Military Academy.
Fry, Cary Harrison (U. S. M. A.. 1S34). Died Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 4, p. 101. (A)
Mar. 5. 1S73, aged 57. Obituary m Ann. Assoc. The power of the Senate, p. 225; Comment
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1873. (A) on Naval and military pensions, p. 330; The
Fry. James Barnet (I'. S.M. A., 1847). Died Adjutant-General's Department, p. 686, Jour.
Jvily 1 1. 1S94, nged-67. Photographs in Albums Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 12. (A)
of officers' mess. Provost-Marshal General, investigation of
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. charges made by Roscoe Conkling against.
Grads. U. S. M. A., l8g,s. (A) No. 1272, doc. 93. (C)
Adjutant U. S. M. A.. Aug. i. 1854, to Aug. The number
of Union troops engaged at
Bull Run. Century Mag., vol. 30, p. 317.
Reports as Provost-Marshal-General, 1863- Various reviews and magazine articles.
l.Sh6. and "Wherry, William Macky. The com-
A sketch of the Adjutant-General's De- mand of the Armv: A discussion on the . . .

partment, U. S. Army, 1775-1875. New York, President's constitutional obligation to exer-

187.S. I vol., O.. pp. 10.5. (A) cise actual command of the U. S. Army, and
The history and legal effect of brevets in of the question of his power to delegate . . .

the armies of Great Britain and the United New York, 1879. i pam., O. (A)
States from their origin in 1692 to the present Frye. William P. (of Maine). Member of Board
time ... 1 vol., O. New York, 1S77. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1895.
Army sacrifices; or, Briefs from official Fuller, Charles Alexander ( U. S. M. A., 1S34).
pigeon-holes. the services of the Reg-
. . . . . Died Dec. aged 76. Obituary
16. 1890. in Ann.
ular Army of the United States on the Indian Assoc. Grads. U. M. A., 1891. (A)
frontier ... i vol., O. 1S79. (A) Fuller. Kzra Bond (U. S. M. A., 1S73). Photo-
McDowell and Tyler in the campaign of graph in Albums of officers' mess.
Bull Run. 1861. New York, 1SS4. i vol., O. (A) Fuller, Jerome (of New York). Member of
Opeiations of the army under Buell from Board of Visitors M. A. in
to U. S. 1S49.
June 10 to Oct. 30. 1S62. and the "Buell Com- Fuller, Lawson Mayo (U. S. M. A., 1891). Re-
mission." New York, 18S4. i vol., O., pp.
. . . port on sights for S, 10, and 12 inch B. L- rifles,
201. (A) Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1895.
Rev. ed. i vol., O. 1884. (A) Report on Tweedie (soft nosed) bullet. .30
New York and the conscription of 18(13. caliber. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S96.
New York, 1S85. I vol., O.. 85 pp. ( Ai Fuller. Robert O. (of Massachusetts). Member
An acquaintance with Grant. In North of Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1891.
Amer. Rev., vol. 141, December, 1885. (A) Fuller, William Duncan (U. S. M. A., 1861).
Killed by a brother soldier; A chapter in Died Mar. 11, 18S6. aged 49. Obituary in Ann.
thehistoryof the war. New York, 1885. pp. 15. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S86. (A)
L,etters. /« North Amer. Rev, vol. 142. Furlong, John William (U.S. M. A.. 1891). Notes
February, 1S86, on training remounts, gaiting, and leading.
An open
letter. In North Amer. Rev., Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1899, p. 63. (A)
March. 1886.
vol. 142, translator. Maxims of Bancher. Jour.
Compulsory' education in the Arniw [New Cav. Assoc, 1899, p. 94. (A)
York, 1S86.] I vol., O. (A) Gaillard, David Du Bose (U. S. M. A., 1884).
Grant and Matthew Arnold "An esti- — Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
mate." In North Amer. Rev,, vol. 144 (18S7). ment 01 Portland Channel (Canal), Alaska.
(A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 3487. (A)
Mr. Matthew Arnold on America. In water supply. D. C. Rept. Chief of
North Amer. Rev., vol. 146 (1SS8), p. 515. Eng.. 1S98. p. 3642. (A)
I.,ord Wolseley answered. In North Amer, —
Sec Boards Allen. 2«; Black, i. See Com-
Rev., vol. 149, December, 1889. —
missions Marshall. 1, 2. (A)
Military miscellanies. New York, 1889. Gaillard. Peter Cheves (U. S. M. A., 1S35). Died
I vol.. O.. pp. 52S. (A) Jan. II, 1889, aged 76. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc
The Conkling and Blaine-Fry Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1889. (A)
in 1866. The outbreak of the life-long feud i
Gaines, Maj, Gen. Edmund Pendleton. Mem-
between the two great statesmen. Roscoe '

ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1824.

Conkling and James G. Blaine ... 1 vol., O. I
Gaither, James I.,, (of Maryland). Member of
New York. 1893. (A) ;
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1851.
Origin and progress of the Military Serv- '

Galbraith. Jacob Garretson (U S. M. A.. 1877).

ice Institution of the l^. S. Army. Jour. Mil. >

First Cavalrj- recruiting service in Iowa. Jour.

Serv. U. S., vol. i, p. 20. (A) Cav. Assoc. 1S94, p. 189. (A)
Tlir ]\ 'r/'/iiigs of Graditatcs^ i8o2-igo2. 24:

Galbraith, Jacob Garretson. Principles of mili- Garland, John (of l". S. Army). Member of
tary administration. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S95, Board of Visitors to U. s. M. A. in i86r.
p. io,s. (A) Garlington. Ernest Albert V S. M. A.. 1S76). Cat- ( .

The shelter tent for cavalry. Jour. Cav. echism on cavalry outposts, reconnaissances
Assoc, iSqh, p. 2%\. lAl patrols, ano advance and rear guards. iS^,

Galbraith, William Walts (l'. S. M. A-, 1S77). 1890. ( \

Photograph in Albums of ofTicers' mess. Chronological sketch of Troop I. Seventh
Gale, George Henry Goodwin (IT. S. M. A.. 1S79). I'.S. Cavalry (n.p.,iS94.) i pain.,0. (A)
. . .

Photograph Albums of ofl^cers' mess.

;';/ History of the Seventh Regiment of Cav-
— Comment on Queries on the cavalry equi]>- alry. Hist. r. S. Army, pp. 231-267. (A)
ment. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. vol. 14. p. S^.x. Garnett. John. Member of Board of Visitors to
(A) r.S. M..\. in 1819.
Gale, Levin. Member of Board of Visitors to Garnett. Robert Selden (U.S. M.A.. 1841). Died
U. S. M. A. in iS,;;,. July 13, iS6i,aged4!. Commandant of cadets
GallaghRr, Hugh John 1
1". S. M. A-. 1SS4). Cav- U.S. M.A. 1852-1854.
alry in modern warfare. Jour. Cav. Assoc Garrard. Joseph (U. S. M. A.. 1S751. Notes on
iSq6. p. 3S. { A j
the competition for 1889. Jour. Cav. Assoc.
Gallup. Charles Corser (T. S. M. A., iSSS). Died 1889. p. 423. (A)
Sept. 23, ifi97. aged, 34. Obituary and portrait Garrard. Kenner (US. M. A.. 1831 1. Died May 15,
inAim: Assoc Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1R98. (A) 1S79, aged 49. Obituary in Ann. Assoc Grads.
[Translation of] Mathematical aiming, by U. S. M. A., 1879. (A)
Admiral Reveillere. p. 662; Review of the naval Commandant of cadets. U.S. M. A. 1.S61-2.

annual. 1S92, p. 674. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 2. Garrett. Isaiah (U. S. M. A.. 1833). Died May 5.
Development and construction of modern 1S74, aged 61. Obituary i%L Ann. Assoc. Grads.
gun carriages for heavy artillery. Jour. V . S. U. S. M. A.. 1874. lA)
Art., vol. 4. p. 29. Garst. Charles Elias (U. S. M. A., 1S76). Died
Gallup, Fred Hayes (l*. S. M. A.. iSgg). Auto- Dec 28, 1S9S. aged 46. Obituary and portrait
matic sighting as applied to sea coast artillery in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .\.. 1S99. .\ 1 i

fire. Jour. l'. S. Art., vol. 15, p. 2S0. Garwood, Hiram W. (of Texas). Member of
Gait, Patrick Henry. Adjutant U. S. M. A. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1896.
May 20, i82r. to May 13, 1S22. Gaston, Joseph Alfred (U.S. M. A..1S81 Effects ).

Member of BoanI of Visitors to U. S. of school training on Indians. Jour. Cav.

M. A. in 1S42. Assoc. 1S91, p. 422. (A)
Gardiner, Asa Bird. Photograph ni Albums of Gaston, William (U. S. :M. A.. iS5(>). Died May
officers' mess. 17, 1858. aged — . Disabled. U. S. Coast Sur-
Professor of law. T. S. M. A., 1874-1878. vey Rept.. 1853, p. 164. (A)
Gardiner, George Washington (l", S. M. A., 1814). Gatewood, Charles Bare (U. S. M. A.. 1877). Died
Died Dec. 2S. 1S35. aged Adjutant L'. S. — .
May 20, 1896. aged 43. Obituary and portrait
M. A., Oct. 12 1S16, to Sept. \% 1S17; Feb. 10. in Ann. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S96. (A)
1S19. to Mar. 9, 1820. Gatlin. Richard Caswell U. S. M. A.. 1S32). Died (

Commandant of cadets. U. S. M. A.. 1S17-1S. Sept. 8, 1896, aged 88. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Gardiner. John William Tudor S. M. A.. 1S40). (
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1897. (A)
Died Sept. aged t>2. Obituary in Ann.
27. 1879, Gay. Ebenezer (U. S. M. A.. 1S55). Died Sept. 11.
Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A.. 18S0. (A) 1871, aged 39. Obituary in j^nn. Assoc Grads.
Gardiner, R. H. (of Maine). Member of Board U. S. M. A., 1S72. (A)
of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S40 and in 1851. Gayle, Edward Edgerly U. S. M. A.. 1876}. Pho- (

Gardner. Franklin (U.S. M. A., 1843). Died Apr. tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
29. 1873. aged 50. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Mechanical principle of the bit. Jour. Cav.
Grads. U.S. M..\.. 1S81. Assoc. 1894. p. 4;. (.\:i

Gardner, John I,ane. Quartermaster I'.S. M. A.,

The forage ration for horses of field artil-
lery and cavalry. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 2, p. 348.
May 27. 1829, to Oct. 24, 1S50.
A proposed modification of the field gun
Gardner, William Montgomery (U. S. M. A.. 1846). sight. Jour. U. S. .Art vol. 471.
. 4. p.
Died June 16. i90[. aged 77. Obituary and, por- Geary. Woodhridge (U. S. M. A.. 1882). Died
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. L'.S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Oct. aged 42. Obituary in .Ann. Assoc.
II, 1899,
Garesche, Julius Peter (l*. S. M. A., 1S41 ). Died Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Dec. 31. iS62,aged 42. Engraving. Owned by Geissenhainer. Jacob A. (of New Jersey). Mem-
Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A. .
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1892.
Instructions for officers and non-commis- Gentry. William Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1S56).
sioned officers on outpost and patrol duty . . .
Died June 28, 1885, aged 53. Obituary in Ann.
abridged from the work of the late Colonel Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S86. (A)
Arentschild. of the British service. Washing- Gerhardt, Charles \\5. S. M. A., 1887). Manual
ton. iSoi. I vol., O., pp. 23. (.'\) for boardsof sur\-ey. Washington, i9(x>. vol., i

Washington, 1S63. vol.. 12^, i SS pp. (.A) O.. pp. 30- (A)
IHff of) by L- Garesche, 1S87. Getty. George Washington (U. S. M. -A.. 1840).

Garland, .Augustus H. (of Arkansas). Member Died Oct. 1. Engraving (by Hall)
1901, aged 82.

of Board of Visitors to I'.S. iSso. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.

>4S' Cenfoniial of United States Militarv Academy.

Getty, (ieorge Washington. Retirement of. 1SS2, Gibson, Augustus Abel. Defenses of Philadel-
No. 2076, doc. 54. C (
phia, U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1863, p. 33.

Gibbon. John (U.S. M. A.. 1S47). Died Keb.6, 1S96. I A)

aged 69. Photograph in Albunisof officers' mess. .S>Y l". S. Coast Siir\-ey Rept.. 1861, p. 37.

Obituan*^ and portrait /« Ann, Assoc (".rads. (A)

U.S. M.A..i8q6. (A) Gibson, Brig. Gen. George. Member of Board
Quartermaster U. S. M. A,, Sept- i.^. is.sf', of Visitors (Inspection) to U. S. M. A. in 1S45.
to Aug. 51. 1S59. Gibson. Randall 1,. Member of Board of Vis-
The artillerist's mauual, compiled from itors to r. S. M. A. in 1S86.

various sources, and adapted to the service of Gibson. William W'esley fU. S. M. A.. 1879).
the United States New York. 1S60. i vol.,
. . .
Shrapnel, report on manufacture of American
(>. (A) Projectile Company's 3.2-inch. Rept. Chief of
Address to the graduating class at West Ord., 1893, p. 341. (C)
Point, June 12. 1S86. Vancouver Barracks, Progress report on manufactureof gun car-
[n. d.]. I vol.. O., pp. 17. (A) riages at Hamilton, Cleveland, Alliance, Ohio;
Address on the unveiling of the statue of St. Paul, Minn. Report Chief of Ord.. 1897. (C)

Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, in Philadelphia, Report on manufacture of gun carriages

Oct. iS. 1SS7. I vol., O., pp. 24. (Ai at Hamiltfjn. Ohio. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1898.
Another view of Gettysburg. In North Report on manufacture of forgings for
Amer. Rev., vol. 152, June, 1891. spring- return mortar carriages: Report on
Railroad consolidation. In North Amer. manufacture of forgings for 25 spring-return
Rev., vol. 134 ( 1892). p. 251. mortar carriages, model 1S96: Report on forg-
Needed reforms in the Army. In North ings for 12-inch B. I,, mortars and on 6, S, and
Amer. Rev., vol. 156 (1893), p. 212. 12 inch disappearing and 10 and 12 inch bar-

Can West Point be made more useful? bette carriages; Report on manufacture of 12-
/« North Amer. Rev,, vol. lAo (1893), pp. 668- inch disappearing carriages (Morgan Engi-
676. ( A neering Company). Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1899.
Personal recollections of Appomattox. [Translation and compilation from Col-
Century Mag., vol. 63. p. 936, April. 1902. onel Langlon's] Shrapnel fire for field artil-
Law in the Array. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., lery. Jour. U. S- Art., vol. 2, p. 599. (A)
vol. I, p. 438. (A) Notes on rapid-fire artillery. Jour. U. S.
Our Indian question. [Prize essay for Art., vol. 16; pp. 143, 247; vol. 17. pp. 23, 193.
1S80.] Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 2. p. loi. (A) Discussion of Krupp breech mechanisms.
Reading signs. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. [Translated from the French.] Ord. Const.
vol. 5. p. 396. (A) Notes No. So. (A)
Puget Sound defenses. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Gilbert, Charles Champion (U. S. M. A., 1846).
Inst., vol. 10. p. 409. (A) Died Jan 17, 1903, aged 81. Photograph in
Danger from lack of preparation. Jour. Albums of officers' mess.
Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 11, p. 16. (A) Gilchrist, Albert W. (of Florida). Member of
Discussion of Seacoast defenses and the Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1896.
organization of our seacoast defences. Jour. Giles, Henry (U. S. M. A., iSiS). Died Mar. 17.
U. S. Art. vol. 5, p. 1S3. 1S77, aged 74. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Gibson, Archie (U. S. M. A., 1S79). Died Jan. 26, U. S. M. A.. 18S3. (A)
iSSi,aged 25. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Qilham. William (U. S. M. A..1S39). Died Nov.
U.S.M. A., 1881. (A) 16, 1872, aged —
Manual of instruction for

Gibson, Augustus Abel (U. .S. M. A.. 1839}. the vohmteers and militia of the Confederate
Died Feb. 11, 1S93, aged 74. Obituary in Ann. Stales. Richmond, 1S62. vol., O. (A) i

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1893. (A) Gill. Samuel U. S. M. A.. 1S44). Died Jan. 18.

Office duties, p. 90; Sketches of geo- 1876, aged 52. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
graphical positions, p. 94. U. S. Coast Sun.-ey U S. M, A,. 1876. (A)
Rept., 1S51. (A) Gill. William G. (U. S. M. A.. 1848). Died June
Views, sec. i, p. 22; Charleston Harbor, 7, 1862, aged -. Services. U.S. Coast Survey
p. 38. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1852. (A) Rept., i860, sec. 2, p. 45. (A)
Views, Salem, Newburyport, and Ports- See U. S Coast Survey Rept.. 1861. pp.21,
mouth, p. 36; Charge of drawing division, p. 31,84- (A)
81; Report, pp. 57-60. U. S, Coast Survey Gillem, Alvan Culloni (U. S. M. A., 1851). Died
Rept., 1S33. (A) Dec. 2. 1875. aged 45. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Charge of drawing division, p. 8S; Report Grads. U. S. M. A., 1876. (A)
of operations on. pp 44-48. u. s. Coast Sur\'ey Gillespie, George I^ewis (U. S. M. A., 1S62).
Rept.. 1S54. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc. for the improve- .

New York commissioner's map, pp. 44- ment of Merrimac River, Mass. Rept. Chief
100; Congress map, p. 100; Charge of drawing of Eng. 1869, pp. 421.4,^8; 1870, pp. 469.473;
division, p. loi; Views, pp. 52-53, 400. U. S 1876. vol. 1, p. 165. (C)
Coast Survey Rept., 1855. (A) Toledo Harbor. Ohio. Rept, Chief
Study of chart projects, p. 8; Notice of of Kiig . 1S71. p. 190. (C)
ser\'ices. p. 19; I^etter on detachment, p. 346. Huron Harbor, Ohio. Kept. Chief
U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1856. (A) of Eng., 1871, p. 193. (CI
The Writings of Graduairs, iSo2-i()02. 249
Gillespie, George Lewis. Project, plan, esli- Oiliespie. George Lewis. Project, plan, estimate.
inale. etc., for the improveinenl of Black River etc.. for the improvement of Rarilan Bay, N.J.
Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief of Kng.. 1871. p. 193; Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S84, p. 753; 1S85, p, 758;
1S72, pp. 229. 239. (C) 1SS7. p. 751; iSm. pp. 932. 933. (C)
Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Hempstead Harbor and Bay, N. Y.
Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 193, 19,}; 1^72. p. 229. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S84. p. 764. (C) Branch, X. J. Rept. Chief of
Ashtabula Harbor. Ohio. Rept. Eng.. 1884, p. 764. (Cj
Chief of Eng.. 1S71. p, 195: 1S72, p. 232. Newton Creek, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Monroe Harbor ( Raisin River), of Eng.. 1S84, p. 766; 1886, p. 718: 1S87, p. 699;
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S72, pp. ?24. 239. 1892, p. 810. (C)
IC) Shoal HarborandCompton'sCreek,
Mauniee River, above Toledo. Ohio. N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S4. pp. 771, 773;
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S72. pp. 225. 237. (C) i8m. p. 1005. (C)
Vermilion Harbor, Ohio. Rept. New York Harbor. Repl. Chief of
Chief of Eug.. 1S72, p. 22S. (C) Eng.. 1S85. pp. 773, 774, 777, 77s. 779. 786. 7S7; iSS(i.
Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio. Rept. p, 730; 1^97. P- '053-
Chief of Eng., 1872. p. 234. (C) Baldwin River, X. Y. Rt-pt. Chief
Rocky River Harlmr, Ohio. Rept. of Eng., 18S5, p. 789. iC)
Chief of Eng., 1S72, p. 235. (C) Gloucester Harbor. Mass. Rept.
Grand River Harbor, Hairporl, Chief of Eng., 1888, p. 443. (C)
Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S72. p. 240.241. Manchester Harbor, Mass. Repl.
(C) Chief of Eng., 18S8, pp. 464. 466; 18S9, p. 567;
Sandusky City Harbor. Ohio, Rept. 1892. p. 569. (C)
W'inthrop Harbor, Mass. Rept.
Chicago Harbor, 111. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng.. iSSS, pp. 470. 471; 18S9. p. 571;
of Eng., 1875, vol, I. pp. 45, 230; 1S76. vol. I. p. 1S92. p. 574- (Cl
99; 1876, vol. 2, p. 431. (C) Duxbury Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
Calumet Harbor. III. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSS, p. 474. (C)
of Eng.. 1875, vol. I, p. 232; 1S76. vol. 2. p. 438; Wellfleet Harbor. Mass.
Rept. Chief
1877. p. 895. (C) of ICug.. iSSS. p. 476; i8?^9, pp. 587. 588; 1892. p.
Wolf Lake Cut. lud. Rept. Chief 591- (C)
of Eug., 1875. vol. I, p. 242. (C) Hudson River, X. Y., between New
Port Henrj', Lake Champlain. N. V. Baltimore and Coxsackic. Kept. Chief of Eng.,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876. vol. 1, p. 261; 18,82. p. 1S88. p. 642. (C)
717. (C) Bridge of the Xew York and New
Lake Michigan and Wabash River. England Railroad Company at Boston. Mass.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. 2, pp. 439.46a. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S8S, p. 2609. (C)
461. (C) Maiden and Mj-stic rivers. Mass.
Willamette River 1 upper) Oreg. Rept- Chief of Eng., 1889. p. 594. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 1833. (C) Plymouth Harbor. Mass. Rept.
Columbia River, Oreg. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng.. 1S89, p. 597. (C)
of Eng., 1S80, p. 2320; 1881. p. 2546. (C) Stage Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
Coos Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief of of Eng., i88g. p. 600. (C)
Eng., iSSo, p. 2323; 1SS3. p. 2055; 1S87. p. 2460; Gowanus Bay, N. J. Rept. Chief of
1S8S, p. 2142. (C) Eng., 1889, pp. 785. 7S6; 1891, p. 916. (C)
Alsea River and Bay, Oreg. Rept. Tarrytown, N. Y. Rept. Chief i>f
Chief of Eng.. iSSo, p. 2336. Eng.. 18S9. p. 800. {O
Umpqua River, Oreg. Rept. Chief ship channel between Jersey City
of Eng.. iSSo. p. 2336. (C) and Ellis Island, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Plug.,
Skagit, Steilaquamish. Nortsack. 18S9. p. 803. (C) and Snoquahnie rivers. Wash. Wappingers Creek, X. Y. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng., iS8r, p. 262; 1882. p. 2686; Chief of Eng., 1890. p. 759; 1S92, p. 777. (Ci
18S4, p. 2275; 1886. p. 200S. (C) East River. X. Y. Rept. Chief of
Yaquina Bay. Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890. p. 764. (C)
Eng., 1S81, p. 239; 18S2. p. 26S0; 1&S6, p. 2001: Buttermilk Channel. Xew York
1SS7, pp. 237, 2465. (C) Harbor. Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91. p. 938. (C)
Cowlitz River, Wash. Rept. Chief Bay Ridge Cha;mel, N. Y. Rept.
of Eng., 1S81, p. 2603; 1SS6, p. 1952; 1S91 p. 3371.
Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. 942. (C)
Champlins Creek, N.Y. Rept. Chief
Manasquan River, N. J. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1S91, p. 943. (C)
of Eng., 18S2. p. 702; iS8t), p. 753. (C)
Lake Champlain. Rept. Chief of Westche.ster Creek. X. Y. Rept.
Eng., 1SS2. pp. 71S. 719. (Cj Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 956. (C)
Passaic River below Newark, N. J. Jamaica Bay and Long Beach Inlet,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1884, p. 741; 1887, pp. 765, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1892, pp. S46, 847.
766. (C) (C)
250 Ccjitnniial of United Stairs Military Acadcni V.

Gillespie. George Lewis. Project, plan, estimate, Gillmore, Quincy Adams (U.S. M. A., 1S49). Died
etc., for the iniprovement of Fort Pond Bay. Apr. 7, 188S, aged 63. Engrav-ing owned by
at the east end of l,ong Island, N. Y. Rept. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Oil portrait by J.
Chief of Eng., iSg^, p. 1077. (-A.) Alden Weir in Memorial Hall,
channel west of Robbins Reef light- Photograph in All)ums of officers' mess.
house, to connect the mouth of Arthur Kill Obituary in Ann. Assoc, firads. U. S. M. A.,
with New York Harbor. N, Y. Rept, Chief of 1S88; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 77 (1S88),

Eng.,iS93,p.io83. (A) p. 15^^. (A)

harbor lines Westchester Creek, Treasurer and quartermaster U. S. M. A.,
N. V. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1894. p. :gi. (A) Sept. 1, 1855, to Sept. II. 1856.
(*.ravesend Bay, N. Y, Rept. Chief Official report to the U. S. Engineer De-
of Eng,, 1895, p. 1005. (A) partment of the siege and reduction of Fort
Rahway River. N. J. Rept, Chief of Pulaski, Ga., February, March, and April, 1862.
Eng., (A)
1S93, p. 1009. New York, 1862. i vol.. O. (A)
Elizabeth River, N. J. Rept. Chief Prof. Papers, Corps of Eng., U. S. A.,
of Kng.. 1S95. p. loii. (A) No. 8. New York, 1S64. O. (A)
Catskill Creek. X. Y. Rept, Chief Limes, hydraulic cements, and mortars.
of Eng.. 1S97. p. 1041. (A )
O. 1S63. Prof, Papers. Corps of Eng., U. S. A.,
Nyack Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief No. (A)

of Eng., 1S97. p. 1044. (A) Fort Sumter. S. C. at the time of its cap-
Wallabout channel, N. Y. Rept. ture, Feb. 18, 1865, showing the effect of the
Chief of Eng.. 1*97, p. 1047. (A) bombardment from Morris Island,
Coney Island channel. X. Y. Rejjt. Engineer and artillery operations against
Chief of Kng., 1S97. p. 1049. (A) the defenses of Cliarleston Harbor in 1S63, with
Western Territories, 1S76. Topographical a supplement. Prof. Papers. Corps of Eng.,
map. U. S. A., No. 16. New York. 1868. O. (A)
Report upon the construction of Tillaniock Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Rock light station sea coast of Oregon. With provement of St. Johns River, Fla. Rept. Chief
plans and specifications. 12 pi.. O.. pp. [36]. of Eng., 1S69. pp. 47, 269, 270; 1870, p. 63; 1871,
Washington. iSSi. \In Rept. I.ight- House p. 70; 1S72. pp. 66, 665, 666, 675, 676; 1874, vol. 2,
Board. iSSi.] p. ii; 1S75, vol. I, p. 84; 1S75, vol. 2, p. 59; 1879.
Reports of the Chief of Engineers, igoi-2. pp.98. 7S1. 784,785. 796: 1880, p. 970; 18S7. p. 120S;
.S'^t' Boards— Gillespie; Abbot, 4. 5, 6, 9. 10. 1889, p. 1298. (C)
II, 12. 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, iS, 20; Craighill, 5. 7. 11. Savannah River at and below
22; Houston, 2. 3. 4, 5; Mendell, 12; Poe. i; Savannah, Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873. pp.
Robert. 3. 4. 5, 6, 8, q. 10, 13. 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28. 30. 741, 747: 1S80. p. 933; 1SS2, p. 1142; 1888. pp.
31, 33; Stewart, 2, 3, 4; Woodruff. S.
Weitzel, 3; 1006, 1007. fC)

See Commission.s Gillespie. (A) Ashley River, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Gillett, Frederick H. (of Massachusetts). Mem- Eng., 1873, p. 756; 18S6. p. 179; 1S87. p. 1141. (C)
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902. St. Augustine Creek (Thunderbolt
Gillette. Cassias Eric (U. S, M. A.. 1SS4). Pro- River), Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2,
ject, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement P- 37; 1S77, p. 381; 1879, p. 763; 1880, p. 957; 1881,
of steamboat channel (slough), Cal. Rept. p. 1 105. (C)
Chief of Eng.. iSg6, p. 3224. (A) St. Johns River and Fernandina,
Petaluma Creek. Cal. Rept. Chief Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875. vol. 2. p. 59; 1879,
of Eiig., 1S97, p. 3376. (A) (C)
p. gS; 1SS6, p. 190.
Humboldt Harbor. Cal. Rept. Chief
Cumberland Sound, Ga. and Fla.
of Eng.. iSq7, p. 3377. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. i, pp. 459-483;
Brunswick, Ga. Rept. Chief of 1S79. pp. 792. 793; 18S0, p. 965; 1886, p. 189; 1S87.
Eng.. 1900, p, 1962. (A) p. 1191; 1891. pp. 1566, 1573; 1892. p. 1286. (C)
"engineeringmethods" used in the Brunswick Harbor. Ga. Rept. Chief
district of eastern Georgia, etc. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S76, vol. I, p. 4S9. (C)
of Eng.. iQoi, p. 1660. (A)
Missi-ssippi River to the Gulf. Rept.
Brunswick outer bar, Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng. .
1877. pp. 383, 387, 3S8, 392. 393. 394.
Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 1664, 1666. (A) (C)
Savannah Harbor. Ga. Rept. Chief Darien Harbor, Ga. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1901, p. 1720, (A) Eng., 187S, pp. 78, 579. (C)
Skiddaway Narrows, Ga. Rept. Charleston Harbor, S. C, including
Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 1729. (A) SuUivans Island. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1878,
Cumberland Sound, Ga. Rept. Chief PP- 558,572; i8S6, p. 176; 1887, p. 1135. (C)
of Eng., 1902, p. 2501. (A) Volusia bar, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Dampness in magazines, Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSo, p. 972; iSS6,p. 1135; iS87,p. 1217. (C)
Eng.. 1S99, p. 884. (A) canal from St. Mays River to Gulf
Hee Boards— Ben yaurd, 3; Merrill, 6; Ros- of Mexico, Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1880, pp.
sell, I. .SvCommissions— Suter, 6, 7. (A) 9&6, 994, 1006. (C)
The JVrifinQ-s of Gradnalrs, iSo2-rQ02. 251
Gilmore, Quincy Adams. Project, plan, esti- of the Hayford process. 1S7.). Misc. Pam-
mate, etc.. for the improveineiit of Broad River, phlets, vol. 7.
S C, Kept. Chief of Kng., iSSo, p. 1013. (C) Gilmore, Quincy .-Vdams. The present condition
Port Royal River, S. C. Rept. Chief of our sea-coast defenses, and the importance
of Eiig., :S.So. pp. !03j. 10.34. (CI of strengthening them. 2 pi.. f>,, pp. 21.
Wappoo cut, S. C. Rept. Chief of Wasliington. iSsi.
Ellg.. iSSl. p. 1073: 1SS5. p. IlS;; 1SS7. pp. 113.S, Report to the Bureau of .\wards. Centen-
139- (C) nial Exhibition of iK7(,, on the cements, artifi-
Altaitiaha River. (*,a. Rept. Chief cial stone, brick-making machines, kilns,
of Eiig.. !S.Si, p. 1 106; 1SS7. p. 1176. (C) pavements, etc.
Edi.sto River, S. C. Rept. Chief of —
See Boards (iillmore; Barnard, .1: Tower,
Elig.. l8,Si. p. 1140: 1SS6, p. iSo; 1SS7.P. 1143; 1892, I, 3,6, II, 13, 14, 15. See Commission— Gillmore.
P- "33- (C) (A)
Salkehatchie River, S. C. Rept. GiUmore, Quincy O'Maher iX S. M. .\., 1S73).
Chief of Eiig., 18S1, p. 1144: 1S.S7, p. 1146: iSg2, Librarian U. S. M. A. from .Aug. 30 to Sept. 7,
p. 1235. (C) 1SS2.

Caiioochee River. Cra. Rept. Chief Quartermaster, U. S. M. .A., June 23, 1S.S4,
of Eng.,iSSi. p. 1158. (C) to July 1. 1S.S5.

Romerly marsh, fia Rept. Chief of GUman. Benjamin Hidden (C .S. M. A.. 1872).
Eng., 1881, pp. 1160, iifii. (Ct Died July 26, 1.S98, aged 48. Obituary in .Ann.
JekyI Creek, Ga. Rept. Chief of Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .A.. 1899. (A)
Eng.. iSSi. p. 1 164. (C) Gilman, Prof. D. C. (of California). Member of

St. Johns River, Fla., and Charlotte Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1875.
Harbor, Gulf of Mexico. Rept. Chief of Eng., Gilmer, Jeremy Francis (U. S. M. A., 1839). Died
1882, pp. 1204, 1215, 1216. (C) Dec. I, 1S83. aged 66. Obituary in Ann. .\ssoc.
Indian River, Fla. Kept. Chief of Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S84. (A)
Eng., 1.882, pp. 1231, 1232, 123S, 1241; 18.S4, p. 1143. .See* Boards —
Bowen, i. (A)
(C) Gimbrede, Thomas. Teacher of drawing, r. S.
Darien Harbor (River). Ga. Rept. M. \., 1819-1.132.
Chief of Eng., iSSs, pp. I2^S, 1242; 1S91, p. 1528. Girard. Alfred C. Chief medical officer, V . S,
(C) M. A., May 5 to May 20, 189S.
Doboy Bar. Ga. Rept. Cliief of Eng., Gird, Henry H. (U.S. M. A., 1822). Adjutant U.
1SS7, p. iiSi: 1SS8. p. 1041. (Ci S. M. June 9. 1824, to Apr. 20, 1S27.

Mosquito Creek, S. C.. between Gittlngs. Erskine (U. S. M. .A., 1.S61). Died Sept.
South Edisto and Achepoo rivers. Rept. Chief 20. iSSo. aged 40. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
of Eng.. 18SS, p. 1000. (C) Grads. r. S. M. .A., iSSi. (.A)
bridge of the Savannah, Florida and Glass, John NeLson (U. S. M. A., 187S). Died
Western Railroad Company at Doctor Town, Aug. 15, 1892, aged 39. Obituary in .Ann. Assoc.
Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1.8SS. p. 2550. (C) Grads. V. S. M. A., 1893. (.A)
Report on b^ton agglom^rO or coignet- Glen, James L. (of Michigan). Member of
b^ton and the materials of which it is made. Board of Visitors to U. ,S. M. A. in i8sS.
Prof. Papers Corps of Eng., l". S. .\., No. 19. Glenn, Edwin Forbes (U. S. M. A., 1.877) and
Washington. 1871. O. (W Abercrombie, William Ralph. Reports of ex-
Coignet-b^ton and other artificial stone. plorations in .Alaska, 189S Washington,
. . .

New York, 1S71. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng,. iSoQ. vol., O.

I See V. S. Dcpt. of War. Mil.
U. S. A.. No. 19. (A) Inf. Div., No. 25.
Practical treatise on limes, hydraulic Goddard, Vinton .Augustus (U. S. :m. .A.. 1S71}.
cements, and mortars. Prof. Papers Corps of Died Mar. 2, 1.S77, aged 27. Obituary in .\nx\.
Eng., r. S. A., No. 9. New York. 1S72. 4th ed. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S77. (A)
(Al Goddard, Col. William (of Rhode Island). Mem-
Report upon the results of firings to deter- ber of Board of Visitors to-C. S. M. A. in 1S64.
mine the pressure of the blast from i^-inch Godfrey, Edward Settle (tf. S, M. A., 1867).
smooth-bore gvins, made at Stateu Island, New- Photograph in .Albums of officers' mess.
York Harbor in 1S72 and 1S73. O. Washing- \ few words on horse shoeing. Jour, Mil.
ton, 1S74. See Newton, Serv. Inst., vol. 10, p. 39S. (.\)
Cavalry fire discipline. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Report on the compressive strength, spe-
Inst., vol. 19. p. 252.
cific gravity, and ratio of absorption of various
and AugTir. Jacob Arnold (U. S. M. A.,
kinds of building stone from different sections
1869). System of exercises and gj'ranastics
of the t'nited States, tested at Fort Tompkins,
Staten Island. N. Y. O. Washington. 1874.
for use in school of soldier mounted West . , .

Point, i8,S7. I pam., O. (A)

Godfrey, George John ( U. S. M. A., 18S6). Died
Practical treatise on roads, streets, and June 3, 1900, aged 38. Obituary in \\\\\. .\ssoc.
pavements ... i vol.. O. 1S76.
Grads. U. S. M. .A., 1900. (.\)
Report of experiments with the Seely and Godwin, Edward Allison (r. S. M. .A.. 1S70).
Bethell processes for tlie preser\'ation of tim- The curb bit, p. 168; Aluminum horse shoes,
ber, tand) descriptions of these processes and p. 179. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S94. (A)
252 '
Coitnnnal af United Stairs Military Academy.
Goe, James Buick ( U. S. M. A.. 1S75). History Gordon, William Brandon. Manufacture of
of the Thirteenth Regiment of Infantry.* 8-inch B. L. rifle, steel, model 18SS, at West
Goethals, George Washington (U.S. M. A.. 1S80). Point Foundry. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S92, p.

Instructor of practical mihtary engineering, 579- (C)

r. S. M. A., Nov. 15, 1S98 to 1900. Report of manufacture of S-inch rifles at
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- West Point Foundry, p. 467; Progress of work
provement of Sakonnet Harbor. R. I. Rept. on pneumatic dynamite guns at West Point
Chief of Kng., 1901, p. 1150. lAi I-'oundry, p. 468; Description of Elswick hydro-
Xarragansett Bay, R. I. Rept. Chief pneumatic carriage for 9.2-inch B. I,, rifle, p.
<jf Eng,. 1901, p. 1156. (A) 632; Elswick hydropneumatic carriage for 10-
(Umters Reef. Tennessee River. inch B. Iv. rifle, p. 633; Raskazoff carriages, de-
Kept. Chief of Eng., 1902, (A) p. 1^22. scription of. range finder, p. 636; Canetand St.
Channel around Bridgeport Island, Chamond carriages, reference made to, p. 637;
Tenn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902. p. 1824. (A) Creusot (Schneider) carriage, reference made
.SVv Boards— Kingman, i. (A) to, p. 637; Disappearing carriage designed by,

Goldman, Henry Joseph (f. S. M. A., 1S77). A p. 637; Noble, reference made to carriage, p.
new lecture on the horse's foot. Jour. Cav. 637; Armstrong carriage, description of, p. 637;
Assoc, 1S90, p. 271. (A) Description of pneumatic disappearing gun
Good, Gen. John J. (of Texas). Member of carriage, p. 63S; Bnffington-Crozier disappear-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i860. ing, carriage, description of, P.63S; Description
Goodell, R. "E. (of Illinois). Member of Board of Gordon disappearing gun carriage, p. 639.

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S5S. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1893. {C)

Goodenow, Daniel (of Maine*. Memberof Board Disappearing gun carriages. Oper. Div.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S53. Mil.Eng. Int. Cong. Eng., 1S94, p. 5S7. (A)
Goodenow, John H. (of Maine.) Member of Progress report on manufacture of ord-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1.S63. nance at the West Point Foundry. Rept. Chief
Goodloe. Archibald Henry U. S. M. A., 1S65). 1,
of Ord., 1894. (C)
Died Nov. 27, 1899. aged 57. Obituary and por- Suggestion relative to making annual re-
trait /;/ .\nn. Assoc. Grads. l'. S. M. A., 1900. turn or inventor\'. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1900.
(A, Disappearing gun carriages. In Chicago
Goold. Ednioiid I,, lof California). Memberof Exposition, 1S93. Int. Cong. Eng.. Oper. Div.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i860. Mil. Eng.
Gordon. George Alexander U. S. M. A.. 1S54). ( translator. On the determination of

Died Oct. 26, 1878, aged 45. Obituary in Ann. brakes for checking the recoil of gun carriages,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1879. (A) by M. Hugoniot, p. 22: Use of a liquid under
Gordon, George Henry (U. S. M A.. 1S46). Died compression in hydraulic brakes, p. 47. Notes
Aug. 30, 1886, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Constr. Ord. No. 36. vol. 3. (A)
Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1887; Harper's New Monthly Notice of Barry's A treatise on hydraulics.
Mag., vol. 73 (18S6), p. 967. (A) Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6. p. 123. (A)
Rappahannock triangulation. U. S. Coast Gordon, William Washington {U. S. M. A., 1815).
Sur\*ey Rept.. 1S54. p.46. (A) Died Mar, 20. 1S42, aged 46. President of the
History of the Second Massachusetts Reg- Central Railroad of Georgia, which in 1S59 ap-
iment of Infantrv. 3d paper Boston, 1875. . . . propriated $15,000 for the erection of a monu-
I vol., O. (A) ment to him
History of tlie campaign '>t' the Army of Gorgas, Josiah (U. S. M. A.. 1841). Died May
Virginia, under John Pope . . . from Cedar 15, 1S83. ageo 65. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc.
Mountain Alexandria, 1S62
to Boston. . . . Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S83. (A)
1S80. vol.. O.
I (A) Gorman, James S. (of Michigan). Member of
War diary of events in the war of the great Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1893.
rebellion. 1863-1865. Boston. 1882. vol., O.
Gow^. John L. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
(A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1841 and in
Brook Farm to Cedar M(Jiintain in the war 1S49.
of the great rebellion, 1S61-62. Boston, 1885.
Grafton. Henry Dearborn (U. S. M. A.. 1839).
Died Apr. 13. 1855, aged 37. Treatise on the
Gordon, John B. (Senator from Georgia). Mem-
camp and march; with which is connected
ber of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S79. .

the construction of field works and military

Gordon, William Brandon (U. S. M. A. 1877).
bridges. With an appendix of artillery ranges,
Professor of Natural and Experimental Phi-
etc.. for use of volunteers and militia in the
losophy, r S. M. A., 1901 to Description .

thiited States. 12^. Boston. 1S54. (A)

of Buffinglon-Crozier disappearing carriage.
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1893. p. 638. (C) Graham. A. (of New York). Member of Board
Book of verses. Point, 1S87. iSo. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35.

(A) Graham, Jaraes Duncan (U. S. M. A., 1817).

Design of carriage for lo-inch B. T,. rifle. Died Dec. 28, 1865, aged 66. Adjutant U. S.

Rept. Chief of ord.. 1890. p. 29. (C) M. A., Oct. 12, 1818, to Feb. 10, 1S19.

*[An abridgnieiil of I,it-ntenant Goe's History of the Thirteenth Infantry.] His. U. S. .\rmy, pp.
575-585- <A)
Tin- JI 'ri/iiios of (rraif/ia/rs, fSo2-rgo2. !53
Graham, James Duncan, on the niiUlary kfjiort Graham. James Duncan Telegraph ie longi-
and hyclrographical chart of the extremity of tudes, p. 312; Contributions to geography, p.
Cape Cod. inchuling tlit- to\vnshii).s of Prov- 347. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, vol. h, (A)
ince To%vn and Truro. !•". pam. See Cape Cod. Conlrib\itions to geography, pp. 24, 123.
map. 1S33-1S35. Lunar tidal wave. p. 378. Proc. Auu-r. Phil;
Report on tlie suhjtct of the boundary Soc, vol. 7. (A)
between the I'uited Stales and Mexico. 1S52. Magneticdip in the Tniled States. Trans,
I vol., O. 32d Cong., ist sess.. Senate Kx. Doc. Amer. Phil. Soc. u. s., vol. 9, j). 329. (.-Xi
No. 121. (A t Granger. Gordon (U. S. ^L A., 1845*. Died Jan.
Annual reports on the liarbor improve- 10, iS7h. Tiged 53. Engraving (by J. C. Buttrej
ments of Lakes Michigan and St. Clair for owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. -A
1855 and 1.S56. Senate Kx. Doc. No. id, y\W\ Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. r. S. ^L A.,
Cong., 3d sess. Washington, 1S57. 1876; Harper's New Monthly Mag vol. S2 .

Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- (1S76), p. 627. (A)
provement of Oak Orchard Harbor, N. Y. In memoriam. /;/ l-ifteenth reunion of
Senate Doc. 42, 35th Cong., ist pp. T27. the Army of the Cumberland, Cincinnati, Ohio.
136. 137. (C) October, 18S3. p. 209. Cincinnati, 1XS4. (A)
South Black River, Mich. Senate Granger. Robert Seaman (U. S. ^L A., 183S). Died
Doc. 42,35th Cong., ist sess., iSs7. pp. y*^. 175. Apr. 25, 1894, aged 78. Obituary- in Ann. As.soc.
(C) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. ^A)
Burlington Harbor, Vt. Kept. Chief In meraoriain. In Twenty-fifth reunion
of Eng., 1S66, vol. 1, p. 3. (C) of the Army of the Cumberland. Chattanotjga.
Susquehanna River, near Havre de Tenn., September. 1S95, p. 14c). Cincinnati.
Grace, Md. Kept. Chief of Eng., iS6<i. vol. i, 1S96. (A)
pp. 3, 38. (C^ Grant, Frederick Dent (U. S. M. A.. 1S71 Ilal- 1.

Sodus Harbor (Great), N. \ Kept. leck's injustice to Grant. In North Amer.

Chief of Eng.. 1S66. vol. p. 4; vol.
1, i86t'.. 4. pp. Rev., vol. T41, December, 18S5. (W
171. 173. 174; 1S67. p. 23S. (C) and Forsyth. James William (U.S. MA.
Kenosha (Southport) Harbor, Wis. 1856). Rey)ort of an expedition up the Yellow-
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. i. p. 5. (C) stone River made in 1875. Washington, 1S7S.
Monroe Harbor (Raisin River). O. Explorations and Surveys. (A)
Mich, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol, j. p. 5.
Grant, George R. (of Tennessee). Member of
Board of Visitors to T. S. M. A. in 1850.
Milwaukee Harbor, Wis. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. i, p. 5; i^'j'j. vol. Grant. Ulysses Simpson (U. S.M. A., 1843). Died
4. p.
126; 1876. vol. 2. p. 3S6. (C) July 23. 18S5. aged 63. Oil portraits (by Healy
Baltimore Harbor, Md. Rept. Chief and Le Clair). In the Red Room corridor.
of Eng.. 1S66, vol. I. p. 38. (C) White House, WashingtOTi, D. C.
Portland Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief Portrait (oil painting, by E. H. Danage,
of Eng., 1866, vol. I. pp. 40, 41, 42. (Ct 1887). Presented by George W. Childs. In
Provincetown Harbor, Mass. Rept. cadet mess hall.
Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. (oil painting, by A. Lenlze). Pre-
pp. 43. i, 44. 49. (C)
Oswego Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief sented by General Culhim.
of Eng., 1S66. vol. (pastel, by Paul Lt^>nvrier, i8h6).
I. p. 55; 1S66, vol. 2. p. 40;
1866, vol. 4, pp. 169, 173; 1867. pp. 34. 237, 263;
Loaned by Mrs. U. S. <'.rant. iqm. lu memorial
1868, p. 46. (C) hall. West Point.
Boston Harbor, Mass. Repi. Chief Oil portrait (by Cogswell). In rooms of
of Eng., 1866, vol. 2, p. 31. (C) Senate Committee on Rules, U. S. Capitol.
Grand Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept. Portrait. Harper's New Monthly Mag..
Chief of Eng.. 1866, vol. 4, p. 99; 1S74, vol. vol.30 (1865), p. 151; vol.31 (18651. p. 68; vol.71
i. p.
184; 1S76. vol. 2, p. 496. (C) (i8S5).p.sS5; (death 1, vol. S.s iSQ2i, p. 329.

Black Lake Harbor, Mich. Rept. (A)

Chief of Eng.. 1S66, vol. 4, p. 104. (C) Engraving owned by Assoc. Grads. U, S.
New Buffalo Harbor, Mich. Rupt. M. A.
Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. 4. p. 154; 1S75, vol. 2,
Tomb and memorial of I'. .S. Grant, tin
pp. 451. 452- (C) Clareniont Heights, Riverside drive. New York
Waukegan Harbor, 111. Rept. Chief City.
of Eng.. 1S73. p. 247. (Cl Marble statue by Franklin Simmons
( 1. In
Capitol. W*ashington. D. C.
Sodus Bay Harbor. Little, N. Y.
Bas relief, equestrian. Prospect Park
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76, vol. 2. p. 592. (C)
plaza. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Magnetic observations, p. 84; Earthquake, Equestrian statue (by Partridge i. Grant
p. 250; Reflectors, p. 260. Proc. Amer. Phil. square, Brooklyn. N. Y.
See, vol. 2. (A)
(by Thomas Eakins). Inside of
On the northeast boundary, p. 53; Mag- soldier's arch, Brooklyn. N. Y.
netic dip. p. 20^ Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol.4. Bedford avenue, opposite I'nion
(A) League Club. Brooklyn. N. Y
254 CenifJiuial of Ihiitcd States Military Academy.

Grant, ['lysses Simpson. Eqiustriaii statue (by Grant, I'lysses Simp.son. Cannon (John): His-
D. C. Freiicli). Fairjiiouiil l^^rk,Philadel- tory of Grant's campaign for the capture of
phia, Pa. Richmond (1864-65), with an outline of the
Bronze equestrian statue (by IvOuis K. previous course of the American civil war . . .

Ribisso). At Chicago, III. London, 1S69. vol.. O. (A) i

Bronze statue, heroic size by Robert ( Grant on the battlefield, by K. Lawrence.

Rringhurst). At St. Louis. Mo. Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 39 {1869).
(by J. Gelert). At Galena, 111. p. 210.
Bronze (?) statue. At Fort Leavenworth, Marshall (Edward Chauncey): The an-
Kans. cestry of General Grant and their contempo-
In St. Louis, Mo. raries New York. 1869.
. . . vol.. O. (A) I

Statue. Lincoln Park, Chicago, 111. The intellectual character of General

Plaster bust (by Sarah IsTines, iS6S). In Grant, by Adam Badeau. Atlantic Monthly,
officers' mess. vol. 23 ( i86c)), p. 625.

Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. CraiU. I". S. M. A,, Smith (Francis H.). Presidential election,
1886; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 71 1872 ... voL.O. 1872. (A)

(1885) p. 806. (A) General Grant's qualifications and dis-

Our own general. obituary poem, by qualifications, by A, G. Sedgwick. Atlantic
C. J. Beatty. [n. p., n. d.J Monthly, vol. 29 (1S72), p. 125.
Headley (P. C): The hero boy; or The The Grant convetition and platform, by
life and deeds of Lieutenant-f'.eneral Grant F. B. Sanborn. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 30
... I vol., O. 1864. (A) (.1S72), p. 254.

Life of U. S. Grant, by Iv Willett. 1865. Grant and the civil .service, by A. G.

In War Dept. Library. Sedgwick. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 31 (1873),
by K. D. Mansfield. iShN. In War p. 716.

Dept. I,ibran,-. Armament for seacoast defense, message

by H. C. Deniing. iSbS. In War of the president. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S75, p.
Dept. Libr.Tiy 93. (C)
by John McKlro\'. Washington, Political of U. S. Grant, by N,
Cross. Dept. Library-.
1S76. /;/ War
- and cainpaignsof, by j- Gt. Wilson, With U. S. Grant in the East, by J. M.
1S6S. In War Dept. Library. Keating. 1879. In War Dept. Library.
Ulysses S. Grant, by
J. S. C. Abbott, Young (John Russell): Around the world
Harper's New Monthly Mag.. vol. 30 (iSb.-s), with General Grant , . . 1877-1S79. 2 vols.,

p. 151. (A) O. 1879. (A)

by W. F. G. Shanks. Harper's New General Grant and athird term, by George
Monthly Mag., vol. 31 {1S65), p. 68, per. (A) S. Boutwell. In North Anier. Rev., vol. 130,
by T. W. Higginson. Atlantic April, 18S0.
Monthly, vol. 57 (1886). p. 3S4. General Grant and strong government.
Report of the armies of the United States, by Judge J. S. Black. In North Amer. Rev,,
1S64-65.New York, 1865. vol. 130. May, 18S0.
New York City, Reception of (ieneral The Nicaragua Canal. In North Amer.
Grant by citizens of New York, Nov. 20, 1863. Rev., vol. 132, Februai-y, 1S81.
I pam., O. 1S65. (A) An undeser\-ed .stigma. In Nortli Amer.
Grant and his campaigns: A military bi- Rev., vol. 135. December. 1882.
ography, by Henn,' Copp^e. New York, 1S66. Memorial address at Manhattan Beach.
U. S. Grant, reception at Galena, August, N. Y., by Robert Laird Collier. New York.
1865, p. 681; Grant and the sidewalk (anecdote). 1885.
p. 696. Hari)er's New Monthly Mag., vol. 32 Memorial address at Atchison. Kans., by
(1866). (A) J. A., Martin. Topeka, 1885.
Life and .services of Gen. U. S. Grant. Memorial services in Pawtucket, R. I.
conqueror of the rebellion and eighteenth Pawtucket, 1885.
President of the United States. Washington. Grant's memorial What Shall it be? by —
1S68. 1 (A)
vol., o. Launt Thonip.son and others. /;/ North Amer.
Personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, by Rev., vol. 141, September, 1S85.
A. D. Kichard.son. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 22 A letter from Millikens Bend. /;/ North
(186S), p. 638. Amer. Rev., vol. 141, October, 1S85.
Grant as soldier and statesman, by K.
Letters and recollections of Grant, by
Howlaiul. 1S6S.
Admiral Aninien. hi North Amer. Rev., vol.
Military historj^ of U. S. Grant, by Adam
141. October and November, 18S5.
Badeau. 1S61-1S65. New York, i868-i88r. 3 vols.
Eighteenth President. Mar. 4. 1S69. to Mar. Rosecrans ( W. S.): The mistakes of Grant.
4, 1S77. Annual message to Congress, 1S69, No. In North Amer. Rev., vol. 141. December, 1885.

1411, doc. i; 1870, No. 1445, doc. i; 1871, No. 1502, (A)
doc. i; 1872. No. 1552, doc. i; 1S73, No. 1594, doc. Grant (F. D. ): Halleck's injustice to Grant.
1; 1S74. No. 1634, doc. i; 1875, No. 1741, doc. i; In North Amer. Rev., vol. 141. December,
1876. No. 1263, doc. 113. {CJ 1885. (A)
The Writings of Graduates^ 1S02-IQ02. 255
Grant. I'lysses Simpson. Fr>- (James H.l: An Grant, Simpson. True story of Gen.
acquaintance with Grant. In North Amer. U. S. <lrant Children's lives of great men), by

Rev., vol. 141. December, 18S5. (A) Kldri<Ige Streeter Brooks. Boston, rSg;.
Career and character of U. S. Grant. Ad- Cramer (M. J.): I'lysses S. Grant: Con-
dress at Belchertowii. Afn.s.s., by Rev. P. W. versations and nn]>ublished letters New . . ,

I.yman. Belchertown, 1SS5. 24. />t WarDept. York, 1S97. I vol., O. (A>
Lihrar\'. General Grant {Great commanders),
. . .

Hitt (Adrian): The Grant pot_in, contain- by James Grant Wilson. New York, 1S97. 1
ing Grant's public career and private life from vol., O. (A)
the cradle to the prave New York, 1S86.. . . Letters to a friend (P'lihvi B Washburne),
I vol., O. (A) 1S61-1SS0. With introduction and notes by
Memorial daj', May .^o and y\. 18S6. V. S. James Grant W'ilson . . . Boston. 1897. i

Grant Post, No. 327, Dept. of New York, G- A. R. vol.. O. (.\)

1 pam., bound. O. (A) /« North Amer. Rev vol. i^s , ( t^97),
Oration at tomb of Grant, by J. A. Logan. p. 129.
1S86. In War Dept. Library-. Monument and tomb of G,en. U. S. f'.rant.
Sherman and McPher.son. In North New Y'ork City. Official programme of the
Amer. Rev,, vol. 142, April, iSs6. (A) exercises at the dedication, ])ani., I-". 1S97. i

General Sherman. Important

I,etters to (A)
Historical Letters. /« North Amer. Rev,, vol. Garland (Hamlin): Grant at West Point.
143. Jiily. 1S86. (A) The stor>' of his cadet days. In McClure's
Grant's memoirs, 2d vol., by T. W. Higgin- Mag., vol. 8, No. 3. January, i'^97. pp. 195-210.
son. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 58 (1SS6). p. 419. U. S. Grant: His life and character, by
Personal memoirs and militan,' history of Hamlin Garland. New York. 189S. 524 pp., ill.
U. S. Grant versus the Army of the Potomac, Fairmonnt Park Association ceremonies
by C. McClellan. 18S7. In War Dept. Librarj'. incident to the unveiling of the . . equestrian

Estimate of I'. S. Grant, by Matthew Ar- statue of Gen. U. S. Grant . . . Philadelphia,

nold. 1SS7. In War Dept. Library-. iSytj. I vol., O. (A)
Fry (James B): Grant and Matthew Ar- Personal memoirs. New York. 2 vols.,

nold An estimate, (1SS7.) In North Amer. O., ports.
ill., (A)
Rev., vol. 144. (A) Signature of U. S. Grant, from a West
Some more war letters, addressed to Gen. Point hotel register, 1S39. Facsimile, in frame
W. T. Sherman, In North Amer. Rev., vol. (i6 by 12 inches).
144, April, 1SS7. (A) Collection of swords, presents, etc. In
Grant as a soldier, by A. Alexander. 1SS7. National Museum, Washington. D. C.
(A) Memorial of IT. S. Grant, by Horace Por-
Arnold (Matthew I: Civilization in the ter. M. O. L. L. U. S., N. Y. In War Dept.
United States. pp. i-fiS. General Grant. Li bran,'.
1888. (A) r. Grant at Chattanooga, by O. O,
U. S. Grant in peace. Personal memoir, Howard. M. O. L. L- V. S., N. Y.
by A. Badeau, 1888. In War Dept. L,ibrarj\ Character of U. S. Grant, by E, S. Parker.
Reasons for accepting the Presidency. In M. O. L. L. r. S..N. Y.
North Amer. Rev., vol. 146 (iSSS). p. 558. The siege of Vicksburg. Ceiitury Mag.,
Recollections of U. S. Grant, by G. W. vol. 30. p. 752.
Childs. i8go. In W'ar Dept. Library-. Gen. Lew Wallace and General McCook
Hoy's life of General Grant, by Thomas at Shiloh. Century Mag., vol. 30, p. 776.
Wallace Knox. New York, 1895. General Grant's papers in the war series.
Personal memoirs. New York, 18S5-86. Ceutur\' Mag., vol. 30, p. 805.
2 vols. [New ed., rev.] 1895. 2 vols. The last days of General Grant, by Gen.
F.): The charge of packing the
Hoar (G. Adam Badeau. Centurj' Mag., vol. 30, p. 919.
court against President Grant and Attorney- Lincoln and Grant, by Gen. Horace Per-
General Hoar refuted, i pam., O. iSg6, (A) ter. Centnr>- Mag., vol. 30, p. 93S.
Lonvielle(E. M.); The Ulys.siad: An Amer- "Taps." Poem, by F. M- Newton. cen-
ican epic ... 1 vol., O. 1896. (A) tur>- Mag., vol. 30, p. 955.
Anecdotesof U. S. Grant, by J.I,. Ringwalt. The dead comrade. Poem, by Richard
Philadelphia, 1S96. In War Dept. Library'. Watson Gilder. Centurj- Mag., vol. 30. p. 955.
A study, by \V. II. L- Barnes. Cal. M. O. National memorials of the civil war.
L. L. U, S., Dec. 22. 1S96. War papers, 19. Iji
Yiews of General Grant and Charles Sumner,
War Dept. Library. by Charles W. Eldridge. Century Mag., vol.
30. P- V57-
Porter (Gen, Horace): Campaigning with
Grant New York. 1897. i vol., O, (A)
. , .
General Grant's premonitions, by M. E.
vSeawell. Centurj- Mag., vol. 30, p. 958.
U. S. Grant aud the period of national
preservation aud reconstruction (Heroes of See Four Men, by Garcou, Paris, France.
the nations), by William Couant Church. New In War Dept. Library.
York. 1897. xi, 473 pp,, por. In War Dept. Gratiot, Charles (U. S. M. A., 1S06). Died May
Library. 18, 1855, aged 67. Portrait (oil painting, by
256 Centennial of United States Military Academy,

Thomas Sully). Tresented by Corps of Kngi- Greene. Francis Vinton. The U. S. Army. ill.
neers. In the I^ibrarj' U. S. M. A. Three papers in Scribner's Mag., vol, 30 (1901).
Gratiot, Charles. Reports as Chief Engineer pp. 286. 446, 593. (A)
Army. 1828-1838.
Important improvements in artof war and
U. S.
probable effect on futvire military operations.
[Grattan,John Lawrence] (U. S. M. A.. 1S53).
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 4, p. i. (A)
Massacre of, and his command, by Sioux In-
Our defenseless coasts. Scribner's Mag..
dians. No. 823. doc. 91; No. 728. doc. 63. (C)
vol I. p. 51.
Gray. Alonzo U.S. M. A., 1SS7). Uses of cavalr>-

Over the Balkans with Gourko. Century

in times of riot. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 19,
Mag., vol. 20, p. 72[.
p. loS. (A)
Author of numerous magazine articles.
Gray. Andrew C. (of Delaware). Member of See West Point, maps, 1885.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1858. Greene, George Sears (U. S. M. A., 1S23). Died
Gray, George lof Delaware). Member of Board Jan. 28, 1899, aged 9S. Portrait (oil painting by
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1890 and in 1896. G. B. Butler). Presented by Gen. F.V. Greene.
Greble, Edwin St. John
M. A., 1881). (U. S. In memorial hall, West Point.
Rapid-fire guns. In Chicago Exposition, 1893, Engraving (by J. C. Buttre) owned by
Int. Cong. Eng., Oper. Div. Mil. Eng. Oper. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Div. Mil. Eng. Int. Cong. Eng., 1894, p. 355. Photograph of, when 97 years old, the old-
est living graduate of the Academy. Cabinet
size in frame (125-2 by loj^ inches).
Review of Bruffs Ordnance and gunnery.
Bronze tablet, designed \yy McKim, Mead
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6, p. 244.
& White, on the bowlder over his grave at
Greble, John Trout (U. S. M. A., 1854). Died Apponang, R. I.
June 10, 1K61, aged 27. Engraving (by A. H. Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Grads. U.S. M. A., 1899. (A)
Quartermaster U. S. M. A.. Aug. 31, 1859, Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
to Jan. 3. iSbo. in 1.S81.

Memoir ... by B. T. Lossing. Phila- Greene. Lewis Douglas (U. S. M. A., 1S7S). The
delphia, 1S70. I vol.. ()., ill., por. (A) militar\' value of the donkey. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Inst., vol. 15, p. 943. (A)
Green, Bynura (of New York). Member of
The Nicaragua Canal in its military aspect.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.
Jour. Mil. Sen-. Inst. U. S., vol. 26. p. i.
Green, James. Quartermaster U. S. M. A., Oct. The National Guard as an effective re-
22, iSiS, to May 17, 1S24. serve. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 27, p.
Greene. Benjamin Dwight (U. S. M. A., 1866). 340.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve- Greene, Nathaniel (of Massachusetts). Member
ment of Port Ontario Harbor, Salmon River. of Board of Visitors U. S. M. A., 1836.
N. V, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 252, 253. Greenough. George Gordon (U. S. M. A., 1865).
iC I
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Mississippi River to the Atlantic. Translation of De Kerillies's snail-shaped
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S72, pp. 495,510. (C) pointing cam for elevated batteries. Jour.
Report upon the docks of New York City. U. S. Art., vol. 5, p. 40S.

Essayons Club Papers, No. 37. 1874. (A) Translation of Bacle's Attack of face-
hardened plates by capped projectiles. Jour.
Greene, Francis Vinton (U. S. M. A., 1870).
U. S. Art., vol. 6, p. 220.
Engraving (by Williams of New York)
Greer. John Edwin ( U. S. M. A., 1867). Trajec-
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
tories of army revolvers, p. 257; Springfield
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
rifle compared with Peabody- Martini, p. 261;
Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
Effect of powder spacing, in small arms, p.
M. A., 1SS5-S6.
263; Rapid firing, effect of, continued, on rifle,
Local deflections of the plumb line near range finder, p. 2t,\\ Sights and bayonets for
the forty-ninth parallel. Essayons Club Pa- Springfield rifles, report on, p. 265; Action of
pers, No. 41, 1S76. (A) sea water on brass cartridge shells, p. 267;
Report on the Russian army and its cam- Small arms, swollen barrels in service, p. 301.
paigns in Turkey in 1877-78 Text and . . . Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1879. (C)
atlas, 2 vols., O. (A) 1S79. Velocimeter, Benton's electro-ballistic ma-
Author of various military and scientific chine, p. 403; Small arms of the leading na-
papers, 1S79-90. tions, data relating to, p. 436. Rept. Chief of
The Mississippi. (Campaigns of the civil Ord., 1S80. (C)
war, S. ) New York, 1SS2. (A) Having varj'ing lengths of barrel, experi-
Department of practical military engi- ments on small arms, p. 87; Long-range firing,
neering [U. S. M. A.]. Instructions for the p. 118; Telemeter sight of Capt. Guigo Folta,
month of October, 1885 [to accompany a map]. p. 149; Feed guides, feed cases, and method
West Point, 1885. i vol., C, 23 pp. (A) of packing ammunition for machine guns,
General Greene New York, 1893. . . . p. 243: Report on experimental, cartridges 70
I vol., O. [Part of Great commanders.] (A) and Sn grains of powder and 500 grains of lead.
The Writings of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 257
p. 275; Trajectory' of a projectile in vacuo, p. Gregory. James Fingal. Project, plan, estimate,
315. Kept. Chief of Ord.. iSSi. (C) etc., for the improvement of harbor at Calu-

Qreer, John Edwin. Didion's formula for com- met, on I,ake Winnebago. Wis. Rept. Chief of
puting the trajectory' of a projectile in the air, Eng.. 1893. p. 2783. (A)
on value of " C " in. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1883. harbor lines in Oconto Harbor, Wis.
P-S5. (C) Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S93. pp. 27S5, 27S7. (A)
Construction of batter>' at Peekskill. harbor lints on Milwaukee River,
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1SS9. p. 357. (C) Milwaukee. Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893,
For 12-inch B. I,, mortars, manufacture of p. 2789. (A)
carriages at Builders Iron Foundr>'. Rept. I,ake Michigan, water levels. Rept.
Chief of Ord., 1S92. p. 56S. (C) Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 4383. (.\)
Report of tests of revolvers, caliber .38. Oconto River, Wis. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S99. (C) Eng., 1S95, p. 2682. (A)
R^sum^ of firings at Springfield Arnior>'. River, Mich. Rept. Chief
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1900. (C) of P:ng,, 1S95, p. 2685. (A)
Report of experiments on small arms harbor lines on Fox River, Wis.
space between bullet and powder charge. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 26S7. (A)
Ord. Note (A)
104, vol. 4, p. 39. Treadwater (Tradewater) River, Ky.
Report on the effects of atmosphere on Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 2477. (A)
the velocity of gunpowder. Ord. Note no. vol. Green River, Ky. Rept. Chief of
4, p. S7. (A) Eng., 1S97. pp. 2505. 2506. (A)
Report on captured Indian arms. Ord. See Boards — Stickeney, 5. See Commis-
Note 115, vol. 4, p. 152. (A) sions— Poe. I. (.\)
Report on swollen barrels (small arms). Gresham, John Chowning \V . S. M. .\.. 1S76).
Ord. Note 117, vol. 4. p. 1S4. (A) The school at Fort Riley. Jour. Mil. Serw Inst.
Report of experiments on extreme ranges vol. iS, p. 507. (A)
of the Springfield and Martini-Heniy rifles Gresham. Walter Q. fof Indiana). Member of
and their ammunition. Ord. Note 132. vol. .s, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S69.

p. 141. (A) Grier, R. C. {of Pennsylvania). Member of

Report on a telemeter sight. Ord. Note Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.
142, vol. 5. (A) Grier. William Nicholson (U. S. M. A., 1S35).
Report on improved feed guides and feed- Died July S. 1SS5, aged 73. Obituary in Ann.
cases for machine guns and method of packing M. A.. 18S6. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S.
the ammunition for transportation. Ord. Note Charles (U.S. M. A., 1S47). Engra\'ing
157. vol. 5. (A) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Report on experimental cartridges of 70 Bronze medallion (by Andrew O'Connor),
and So grains of powder and 500 grains of lead. Presented by F. A. Schenierhorn, 1902. In
Ord. Note (A)
161. vol. 5. memorial hall.
Report on the trajectory of a projectile in Eugene (U.
Griffin. S. M. Our sea-
A., 1S75).
vacuo. Ord. Note 165. vol. 5. (A) coast defenses . . . New York and
Determination of the value of "C" 1SS5. I pam. O., I Mil. Monographs, No. i.
Didion's formulas. Ord. Note 22S, vol. 7. (A) In North Amer. Rev., vol. 147 (188S),
Solution of the problem of the trajectory' p. 64.
of a projectile in vacuo. Ord. Note 329, vol. 11. Griffith. Frederick I,. tl'.S, M. A. ,1817). Adjutant
(A) U. S. M. A. May 14, 1S27. to Sept. i, 1S31.
Oreee, David :McMurtrie (V. S. M. A., 1S55). Griffith, Joseph Evan (U. S. M. A., 1S67). Died
Further recollections of Gettysburg. In North July 7, 1877, aged 34. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
Amer. Rev., vol. 152. March. 1891. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1S7S. (A)
Grese, John Caldwell (U. S. M. A.). Died Mar. Griffith. \V. R. {of Kentucky). Memberof Board
31, 1S99, aged 35. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 183S.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) Griffiths. Albert James
S. M. A.. iSSi).
(U. Died
Gregory. James Fingal (,1". S. M. A., 1S65). Died Nov. 6, 1S82, aged 25. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
July 31. 1S97, aged 54. Obituarj- and portrait Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1883. (A)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S98. (A)
Groome. John C. (of Marj-land). Member of
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S53.
provement of Mis.sissippi River to the Gidf.
Grosvenor, Charles H. (of Ohio). Member
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S72. pp. 495, 510. (C)
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iqoo.
Fort Brown. Tex. Rept. Chief of
Grover. Cuvier (U.S. M. A., 1S50). Died June 6,
Eng., 1S77. p. 475; 187S. p. 621. (C)
Green Bay, Wis., from light-house aged 57.
1S85. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre)
to first bridge on Fox River. Rept. Chief of owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Eng.. 1893, p. 277S. (A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A., .

Fox River, Wis., on the necessity 1885. (A)

and advisability of building a protection wall Grubb. Gen. Edward Burd (of New York).
on the canal at Kankauna. Rept. Chief of Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. iu
Eng., 1893. p. 2779. (A) 1S90.

H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2— vol 2 17

258 Cciiicniiial of United States Militaiy Aeadeiuv.
Grubbs. Haydon Young (U. S. M. A.. 1S96). Died Haines, Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A., 1S49).
Oct. 1. i.S9q. aged 27. Obituary i« Ann. Assoc. Died Aug. 14, 1S83. aged 55. Obituary tn Ann.
Grads. I*. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1884. (A)
Guenther, Francis I^uther (U. S. M. A., 1859). Hains, Peter Couover (U. S. M. A., 1861). Proj-
Photograph in Albums of officer.s' mess. ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement
Gunnison. John Williams (U. S. M. A.. 1S37). of Potomac River in vicinity of Washington.
The Mormons ahistorj'. derived from
. . . . . D. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S85, pp. 939, 942;
personal observation. Philadelphia, iSfio. i 1890, p. 1042; 1892, p. 1070. (C)
vol.. O.. pp. 165. (A) James Creek Canal, D.
C. Rept.
Survey for Central Pacific Railroad. No. Chief of Eng., 18S8, pp. 809, Sii. (C)
717. doc. iS. (C) Bridge at Washington, D. C. Rept.
Gurley, P. D. (of District of Columbia). Member Chief of Eng.. 18S8. p. 2541. (C)
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1863. Great Cacapon River, W. Va, Rept.
Gurney, John Asa (U. S. M. A.. 1S95). Died July Chief of Eng.. !8S9, p. 995. (C)
1, 1S98. aged27. Obituary and portrait 7'«Aun. Shenandoah River, Va. and W. Va.
Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A.. 1899. (A)
. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSgo, p. 1055. (C)
Guyer, George Dickinson (U. S. M. A.. 1S91). Occoquan Creek, Va. Rept. Chief
Supply of small arm ammunition in field. of Eng., 1S91, p. 1254. (C)
Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1898. p. 145. (A) Patuxent River, Md. Rept. Chief
Qwynn, Walter (U. S. M. A.. 1822). Died Feb. 6. of Eng.. 1S91. p. 1263. (C)
1S82, aged So. Obituary- ;// Ann. Assoc. Grads. St. Jerome Bay, Md. Kept. Chief of
U.S. M. A.. 18S2. (A) Eng.. 1891, p. 127S. (C)
Haan, William George (U. S. M. A.. 1S89). Com- St. L,eonards Creek, Md. Rept. Chief

ments on Report of coast artillery target of Eng., 1891, p. 127S. (C)

jiractice. Fort Monroe. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. — -
Piscataway Creek, Md. Kept. Chief
17. P- -M''- of Eng., 1S91. p. 1281. (C)
Hacker. John S. (of Illinois). Member of Board Newport Creek, head of Wicomico
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S54. River, Md. Rept. Chief of Eng., i8gi, p. 12S2.
Hackley, Charles William (U. S. M. A., 1829). (C)
Died Jan. 10, 1861, aged 53. Smiths Creek. Md. Rept. Chief of
of geometry, for the use of schools and col- Eng.. 1891, p. 1283. (C)
leges , New York, 1847.
. . vol., O. (A) i Nandua Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
Treatise on algebra ... 3d ed. New Eng., 1S91, p. 12S4. (C)
York. 1849. I vol.. O. (A) Upper Machodoc Creek. Va. Rept.
Treatise on trigonometrN', plane and Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 1287. (C)
spherical, with its application to navigation Wicomico River (Great). Va. Rept.
and surveying, nautical and practical astron- Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 1288. (C)
omy and geodesy New ed. New . . . . . . Cranes Creek. Va. Rept. Chief of
York. 1851. 1 vol.. O. (A) Kng., 1891. p. 1289. (C)
Haddock, Charles B. (of New Hampshire). Mem- Kennebec River, at Bath. Me., and
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S41 from Augusta to lower end of Perkins Island,
and in 1S50. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S92. p. 547. (C)
Hagadorn, Charles Baldwin (U. S. M. A.. 1889). Lynn Haven Bay. Va. Rept. Chief
Military reconnoissauce. Jour. Cav. Assoc, of Eng.. 1S92. p. 1076. (C)
1^9.^. P- 330- (A) channel near Hardys Point, below

Descriptive geometry problems, depart- Pembroke. Me. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93, p.
ment of drawing. U. S. M. A. West Point, 723- (A)
1897. I vol., O., pis. (A) south fork of Bagaduce River. Me.
Our friend the SuUan of Jolo, Century Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1893. p. 724. (A)
Mag., April. 1900. Vinal Haven, or Carver Harbor, Me.
Book of letters and lettering, for the use Re:it. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 726. (A)
of cadets in the department of drawing, U. S. t,incolnville (Duck Trap) Harbor.
M. .\. West Point. 1903. i vol., O., pis. (A) Me. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93, p. 727. (A)
Hagner. Peter Valentine (U. S. M. A,, 1836). Freuchs Beach Harbor, Me. Rept.
Died Mar, ir, 1893. aged 78. Obituary in Ann. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 728. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S93. (A) '

Rockland Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief

Iiitrenchingtool; each trowel with wooden of Eng.. 1893. p. 730. (A)
handle, recommended by. Kept. Chief of Ord.. Owls Head Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
1S73. p. 57- (C) of Eng.. 1893. p. 731. (A)
Carriage for I^owell battery gnu. Kept. - Teunant Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
Chief of Ord., i-SSo, p. 413. (C) of Eng., 1893, p. 733. (A)
Haines, Augustine (of Maine). Member of Georges River, Me. Rept. Chief of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1859. Eng., 1893, p. 734. (A)
Haines. John Taylor (U. S. M. A.. 1886), The U. S. Portland Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
magazine rifle, p. 53; The U. S. magazine car- of Eng., 1S93. p. 735. (A)
bine, model, 1895, p. 137. Jour. Cav. A.ssoc, Glen Cove Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
1895. (A) of Eug., 1S95, P- 577- (A)
The lV)-iU)tgs of (TiaditalcSy iSo2-i()n^ 259
Hains, Peter Conover. Troject, iilau, fstiiuatc, to which the graduates have been promoted
etc.. for the iniproveinont of Royals River, Me. . . Washington. 1S76.
. pam., O. (A) i

Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 579. (A) Hall. Robert Henry. Address to the members
Parkers Head Harbor and channel. of the U. S. Infantry Society. Pnb. U. S. Inf.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 5S1. (A) Soc. No. I (March, 1894).
vol. I.

Cape Porpoise Harbor. Me. Rept. Sketch of the history of Fort Dearbi.irii,
Chief of Kng.. (A) 1S95, p. 5S3. Chicago. 111., 1896.
harbor of .sonthwest IJaltimore, Md. Hi.story of the flag of the United States.
Rept. Chief of Rng., 1S96, p. 1006. (A) 1S97.

Annapolis Harbor, Md. Rept. Chief Registers of the V . S, .-Xriny for 178Q, 1792,

of Eng.. 1^97. p. i">oi). fA) 1794. 79*'. 179'*^- Compiled and published for
Great Kanawha River. W. Va. Rept. private distribution.
Chief of Eng.. 1S97, p. 2569, (A) S. M. .'\.
Early discipline at the U. Jour.
Annamessex River, Md., liarbor Jlil. Serv. Inst., vol. (A) 2, p. 44S.
lines. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S99, p. 1399. (A) Author of several reviews of works on
Sparrow Point. Md., harbor lines. U. S. histor\-.
Rept. Chief of Eng., iSl)9, p. i.iio. .\ * 1 History of V S. Infantry tactics.

Fixed coast Jonr. Mil. Serv. See West Point, laws of Congress relating
Inst., vol. 15, p. 23j;. \W to, from 1786 to 1877.
An isthmian canal from a military point HaU. Thomas Winthrop (!' S. M. A.. 1SS7).
of view. [Reprint.] Jour. I'. S. Art., vol. 13, l>ied Aug. 21, i9tK), aged 36. Obituary :ind por-
p. 2S9. trait in Ann. Assoc. <",rads. V. S. M. A., igor.
^tfe' Boards — Abbot, 7, R; Casey. 14. 15; Craig- (A)
hill, 6. 13, i.s. 23; Hains; Macomb, i. 3; Robert. Wlien heads are trviinps. [Verse.]
7,n; Wilson (J. M.). 2. (A) When Love laughs. [Verse.]
Hairston, Peter (of Virginia). Memberof Board When Cupid calls. |\'erse.]
of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S95. When Love is lord. [Verse.]
Hale, Rev. Edward Everett (of Massachu.setts), The little lady. [Prose.]
Member of Board of Visitors to V . S. M. A. in Some other people and myself. [Prose.]
1^90. An experimental wooing. [Prose.]
Hale, Engene (of Maine). Member of Hoard of The fun and lighting of ihc Rough Riders,
M. A.
Visitors to U. S. in 1S79. [Prose]
HaJe, Irving (U. S. M. A.. iSJ^)- Addres.s. In Tales by Tom Hall. [Prose.]
Cadet Howitzer, 18S4, pp. S-ii. Co-dramatist of Beside the bonnie brier
Present limitations of electric power in bush.
mining, i pam... O. 1S92. (A) Hall, William K. (of New York). Meml)cr of
Discussion of Parkhnrst's P!)lectricity and Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1879.
the art of war. Jonr. U. S. Art., vol. 2. p. 101.
Hall. William Preble {V. S. M. A., 1S6S1. The
Hale, Robert S. (of New York). Memberof Board
use of arms, mounted, p. 34; Saddle up, p. 22S.
M. A. in 1S74.
of Visitors to U. S.
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 188S. (A)
Hall. Charles Badger. Photograph in Albums
Revolver shooting, p. 37; Noteson theconi-
of officers' mess.
petition for 1884, p. 421. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S89.
Treasurer l*. S. M. .\., Mays. ^'-A to Jan.
8, 1902.
Saddle and cavalr\' horses. Jonr. Cav.
Hall. Christopher Tomkins
U. S. M. A., 1S6SV (

Assoc, 1892, p. 170. lAl

Died Jan. aged 40. Oliitnary in Ann.
31, 1SS7,
Revolver or saber, in North Anicr. Rev.,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS7. (A)
vol. 161 (iSqs). P- 249-
Hall. Frederick fof District of Columbia 1.
How to shoot a revolver. Kansas City,
Member of Board of \'isitnrs to V. S. M. A. in
1901. I vol., 0.,pp. 43.
HaU, James Harrison (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died Halleck. Henry Wager (I'. S. M. A., 1839). Died
Mar, aged
31, 1893, 48. Obituary in Ann. Jan. 9. 1S72. aged 57. Portrait (oil painting by
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1893. (A) J. H. Lazarus). Presented by General Ctdlum.
In memorial hall, West Point.
Hall, Louis W. (of Pennsylvania). Memberof
Engraving (by I. A. O'Neill) owned by
Board of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in 1S97.
Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.
HaU. layman (U. S. M. A., iSSi). Hall's Ele- Bronze statue. In Central Park, on tlie
ments of algebra and key to same. Mall, New York City; unveiled 1877.
Hall, Robert Henry (l*. S. M. A., i860). Photo- Obituary ;« Ann. Assoc Grads. U. S.
graph in Albums of officers' mess. M. A., 1S72; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol.
Adjutant U. S. M. A.. Sept. 1. 1871, to July 44 (1872), p. 634. (A)
I, 187S. Bitumen: Its varieties, properties, and
Librarian U. S. M. A. from Sept. 2, 1S71. uses. Compiled from various sources. Prof.
to Nov. I. 1S78. Papers Corps of Eng.. V. S. A., No. i. Wash-
List of cadets admitted to the U. S. M. A. ington, 1S41. O.
. .till Sept 30, 1876; with tables exhibiting
. A course of instruction in the elenients of
the results of the examinations, and the c<jrps military art and science, etc., with critical
26o Centennial of United States Military Academy,
notes on the Mexican and Crimean wars. 12°, Hamilton. Alston. A simple method of laying
pp. 449, pi. New York, 1859. guns for indirect fire for the 3.2 B. ly. field

Halleck, Henrj'^ Wager. A collection of mining rifle. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 11, p. 121.

laws of Spain and Mexico. 1S59. The irreducible case of thecubic equation.
Translator and editor. De Fooz on the Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 13. p. 50.

law of mines, with introductory remarks. Hamilton. Charles Smith (C S. M. A., 1843).
Died April 17, 1S91, aged 67. Obituary /m Ann.
International law and laws of war; or, Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
Rules regulating the intercourse of States in Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
in 1874.
peace and war. San Francisco, 1S61. i vol., O,
Hamilton, Frank Brown (U. S. M. A., 1862). Died
Abridged for the use of colleges and May 29, 1891, aged 53. Photograph in Albums
San Francisco, 1S65. i vol., O., of officers's mess.
pp. 2S.
Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,

3d ed., thoroughly revised and in 1S91. (A)

many parts rewritten by Sir Sherston Baker Hamilton, James. Member of Board of Visitors

, . vols. I, 2.
. London, 1893. 2Vols.,0. (A) M. A. in 1S25.
to U. S.

F,Ieraents of military art and science . .

Hamilton. John (U. S. M. A., iS.(7). Died July
3d ed. New York, 1863. i vol., O. (A)
. . .
15, igoo, aged 77. Obituarj' and portrait /w
Ann. Assoc, (irads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Annual report of the General-in-Chief.
Artillerj' practice, 20-inch Rodman gun
U. S. Array. Washington, iSti3. i vol.. O.,
used in. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S84, p. 113. (C)
pp.46. (A)
Review of Wilcox's history- of the Mexican
Translator of Jomini's I,ife of Napoleon. war. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. r. p. 291. Comment
New York. '
1864. 4 vols, and atlas. (A) on same. Wilcox's history of the Mexican war.
A treatise on international law and the Jour. U.S. Art., vol. 2, p. 141.
laws of war, prepared for the use of schools Our artillery organization, p. i; Notice
and colleges. 1866.
of Aide-memoire de Marine Durassier et
Telegrams received by while Gen- . . . Valentino, p. 457. Jour.U. S. Art., vol. 2.
eral-in-Chief and Chief of Staff. Vol. i. pts. The latest sttidies on the detonation of
I and 2; vol, 2, pts. and 2; vol. 3. pts. i and 2;
i explosives. The explosive wave. [Translation
vol. 4. pt. 5. Washington, 1S77. S vols., O. from a summary' by Lieutenant Sanchez. Chil-
(A) ean army, from Berthelot], p. 140; Review of
(Vrant. (I-'. D. Halleck's injustice to
) ; Brassey's Annual, 1S93, p. 145; Coast artillery-
Grant, hi North Amer. Rev., vol. i^i, Decem- fire instruction, p. 249; Review of Gould's
ber, i8S,s. (A) Modern American pistol and revolvers, p. 525.
North Amer. Jour. II. S. Art., vol. 3.
I'npublished war letters. /;/

Rev., vol. 142. March, 18K6. Comment on Wills' Regimental court of

honor. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 11, p. 816.
Some unpublished war letter.s; addressed
to W. T. Sherman. In North Amer. Rev., vol,
Comment on The summary court, p. 1237;
143, November, 1S86. (A)
Review of Chittenden's Recollection of Lin-
Report on the means of national defense. coln, etc., p. 1305. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 12.
In Senate Doc. 85, 2Sth Cong., 2d sess.. 1845, i
vol.. O.. pp. 76. (A) Re\'iew of Polk's Leonidas Polk, bishop
Hallonquist. James Henry (U. S. M. A., 1S5S). and general. Jour. Mil. Sen,'. Inst., vol. 15,

Died Juueu. 1SS4, aged 49. Obituary /« Ann. p. 106S. (A)

Assoc. Orads. I". S. M. A.. 18S7. (A) Review of Ropes' Story of the civil war.

Halsted. N. N. (of New Jersey). Member of Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 17, p. 1S9. (A)

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S64. Hamilton, Peter (of Alabama). Member of Hoard

BCambright, Fred. Member of Board of Visitors of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S67.
to U. S. M. A. in 1S31. Hamilton, Robert (of New Jersey). Member of

Hambright, Horace (ieorge (U. S. M. A.. 1S92). Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1848.

Died April 15, 1896, aged 26. Obituary in Hamilton, Schuyler (it. S. M. A., 1841). Died
Ann. Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S96. (A) Mar. 18. 1903, aged 81. History of the national
Hamilton, Alston (U. S. M. A., 1894). A sketch flagof the United States of America Phil- . . .

of the military history of Japan. iSy;. 1 vol,, adelphia, 1S52. I vol., O. (A)

Q.. MS. (A) Our national flag; the Stars and Stripes; its
history in a centur^^ Address delivered before
Brilliant points on a family of concentric
the New York Historical Society 1S77
Annals of Math., 19— (A)
. . . . . .

spheres. .

New York. 1877. i para., O. (A)

The Weldon range finder; its use and Our national fiag; "The Star Spangled
theory. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 8, p. 263. Banner;" the history- of it. New York, 1SS7.

Translation of Torre's The Krupp 7.5 I (A)

vol., p. 26.
c. tn. R. F. gun in the Cuban campaign. Jour. •
Who projected the canal at island-No. 10?
U. S. Art., vol. y, p. 283. Century Mag., vol. 30, p. 776.
The U^ritings of Graduates^ 1802-1^02, 261
Hamilton, William John (U. S. M. A., iS6S). Died Hancock, Winfield .Scott. Statue. Hancock
Jan. 22. 1S72, a^cd 26. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Square. New York City, N. Y.
Crads. \\ S. M. A., 1S72. Bronze bust by Wilson Macdonald). In

Hamilton. William Reeve (U. S. M. A., 1S76). Metropolitan Muscvun. New York City.
Elemcntan- principles connected with the art Bronze medallion (by Philip Martiuy),
of war. being instructions for the care of minor Presented by Gen. Eugene GrifTin. In nu luo-
organizations in the time of peace or war . . . rial hall.
2d ed. 1 vol., 12^^. 1SS7. (A) Obituary in Ann. .Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Manual Army, Navy, and Marine
of U. S. iSS(); Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 72 1SS6), (

Corps retirements from igoo to 1935, inclusive. p. S13. (A)

I pam.. sra. O. 1900. (A) Letters and addresses contributed at a gen-
Review of military career of Gen. George eral meetingof the Militarv- Ser\-ice Institution
Izard. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. (A)
9. p. 495. held at Governors Island. New York Harbor,
The Nicaragua Canal. Jour. Mil. Serv. Feb. 25, iS-Sf.. New York. 1SS6.
Inst., vol. 15. p. 6S7. (A) Hancock (Mrs. A. R.): Reminiscences of
Practical instructions for the National W. S. Hancock. 'by his wife, i vol., O. 1SS7.
Guard. iSS-. (A)
Hammond, Charles Lyman (,U. S. M. A., 1S76). Bingham (Bvt. Brig. Gen. H. H.): Oration
Letter on Dorst's General Mackenzie. Jour. at the unveiling of the equestrian statue of
Cav. Assoc. 1S9S. p. 259. (A) Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock on the battlefield of
About the Bible, being a collection of ex- Gettysburg, 1896. Philadelphia, 1899. i pam.
tracts from writings of eminent biblical schol- bound, O. (A)
ars and of scientists of Europe and America. Message of President Johnson, recom-
New York, 1900. i vol., O.. ill. mending some recognition of services of, ns
Hammond, Harry S. M. A.. 1S77V
Truett (T. commander of Fifth military district. No.
Died Feb. aged 27. Obituan,- in Ann.
S, 1SS3. 1332, doc. SS. {CI
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1883. (A) Removal of New Orleans city council.
Hammond, Marcus Claudius Marcellus (U. S. No. 1339, doc. 172; No. 1341, doc. 209. (C)
M. A.. 1S36). Died Jan. 23. 1S76. aged 61. Obit- Communication suggestingamendment to
nar\- in Ann. Assoc, (^rads. IT. S. M. .\.. 1S76. one hundred and fourth article of war in rela-
(A)' No. 1780, doc. s. iC)
tion to courts-martial.
Member of Board of Visitors to !_'. S. M. A. See Walker (Gen. I". A.): Military char-
in 1S32. acters and services. In Some Federal and
Various essays on agricultural, political Confederate Commanders.
and military subjects, 1S43-1S49. Handbury, Thomas Henry (U. S. M. A., 1S65).
Critical history of the Mexican war, in a Photograph /// Albums of officers' mess,
series of articles published in the Southern Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Quarterly Review. 1.S49-1S53. provement of San Diego Harbor, Cal. Rept.
Oration on the duties and the require- Chief of Eng., 1S72, p. 1005. (C)
ments of an American officer, delivered before Missouri River. Rept. Chief of
the Dialectic Society of the U. S. M. A. New I^Tig.. 1S7Q, pp. 1055, 1058, 105Q, 1062, 1083. 1085.
York, 1852. I vol., O., p. 30. (A) (C)
Hammond, Richard Pindell (U. S. M. A., 1S41). Red River ( Little), Ark. Rept. Chief
Obituan,^ in Ann. of Eng.. 18S2. pp. 15S7. 1589. (C)
Died Nov. 2S, 1S91. aged 71.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S92. (A) Little River. Ark. Rept. Chief of

Member of Board of Visitors to U. .S. M. A. Eng.. 1SS4, p. 1407. (C)

in 1S76. Bayou Metre (Meto.), Ark. Rept.

Chief of Eng.. 1SS4. p. 140S. (C)
Hampton. Celwyn Kmerson (U. S. M. A., 1S96).
White River. Ark. Rept. Chief of
Sulu fables. N. Y. Snn. Mar. 30, 1902.
Eng.. 18S4, p. 1410. (CI
N. Y. Sun. Apr. 6 and 13, 1902.
Fawn Creek, \\\. Rept, Chief of
Japanese fables. In N. Y'. Snn, Apr. 20-27,
Eng.. 1SS7. p. 2171. (C)
Willamette River. Greg., west side
HEincock, David Porter (
I'. M. A., 1S54). Died
S. of Swan Island. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891,
May 21. iSSo, aged 47. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. p. 2373. ( C
Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSo. (A) Youngs Bay Channel, Greg. Rept.
Hancock, Winfield Scott (U. S. M. A., 1S44). Chief of Eng.. 1S91. p. 3377. (C)
Died Feb. 9, 18S6, aged 62. Engraving (by A. Deep River, W^ash. Rept. Chief of
H. Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Eng.. 1S91, p. 337«. (C)
(by H. B. Hairs sons) owned by Crooked River, Wash. Rept. Chief
Assoc. Grads. l". S. M. A. of Eng.. 1S91, p. 3379. (C)
Bronze equestrian statue. Cemetery Hill, Yamhill River. Oreg. Rept. Chief
Gettysburg. of Eng..iS9i,p.3383; 1893. p. 3531. (C)
Equestrian statue. To be erected in Fair- Lewis and Clarke
Oreg. River,
mount Park, Philadelphia. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSgi, p. 3385. (C)
Bronze statue (by J. Q. A. Ward). Iij Grays River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Philadelphia, Pa. Eng., 1891, p. 33S7. (C)
262 Cciitrnnial of United States Military Acadeniy.

HandtJury. Thomas Henrj-. Project, plan, esti- Hardin. Edward Er\'in (I\ S. M. A.. 1874). Photo-
mate, etc., for the improvement of Willamette graph in Albums of officers' mess.
River, Oreg., Clackama.s Rapids, Ross Island, Army messing. Jour. Mil. ,Ser\-. Inst..

and Corvallis City. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1892, vol. 6. p. 276. (A)
p. 394. (C) Comment on Hawkins Outline of manual
Columbia River, Wash. Rept. Chief of infantry drill. Jour. I\Iil. Serv. Inst., vol.
of Kng., 1S92, p. 2S68. (C) 1 1 . (A
p. 490. I

Willamette River,Oreg. Rept. Chief Hardin. Martin D. (f. S. M. A.. 1859). Some
of Eng.. 1S93. p. 35^9- (A ) thoughts on methods of attack. Jour. Mil.
Lewis River, Wash. Rept. Chief of Serv. Inst., vol. i^;, p. 66. (.\)

Eng, 1893, p. 3,';34. lA) 'I'he Military Academy. In Jour. Mil.

St. Johns River, Fla. Rept. Chief Serv. Inst. IT. S., vol. iS, p. 449. (.A)

of Eng., lS9,5, pp. l.'^6o, 15S7. (A) History of Twelfth Regiment Penn.syl-
Lucia Inlet and River, Fla.
St. vania Reserves.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1564. (A) Author of many articles for military and
entrance to Biscayne Bay, Fla. other magazines.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1567. (A) Harding, Chester (U. S. M. A., 1889). Project,
Tampa Bay. Fla. Rept. Chief of plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement of
Eng., 1895, p. 1571. (A) Muskegon River. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Anclote River. Fla. Rept. Chief 1900, p. 3934. (A)
of.Eng., 1895, p. 3574. (A) Lake Michigan to Stony Lake, Mich.,
Cry.stal River, I-la Kept. Chief of channel- Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 3939.
Eng., 1S95, p. 1576. (A) (A)
Withlacoochee River. Fla. Kept. .Arcadia Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., iSg.s. p. 1579- (A) of Eng.. 1900, p. 3942. \.\)
harbor at Cape Canaveral Kla. Muskegon Harbor. Mich. Rept.
Rept, Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1605. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1901, p. 3131. (A)
Indian River, Fla. Rept. Chief of Hardy. Arthur Sherburne (U. S. M. .A., 1S69).
Eng., 1S96. p. 1.321. (A) Francesca of Rimini: A poem. Philadelphia,
Colombia River, entrance to; 1889 (in 2
1878. I vol., O., 46 pp. (A)
sheets). Topographical map. Elements of quaternions Boston,

. . .

See Boards Handbury; Benyaurd, i;

18S1. I vol., O. (.4)
Craighill. 23: Hains, 5, 6; Mendell, 2, 3, 13, 15,
But yet a woman: .^ novel. 1SS3. (Aj
i5; Stickuey, 10; Suter, 2. See Commission— The wind of destiny. 16'. 1SS6. (A)
Gillespie, 1, 2. 3, 5; Stickney, I. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Marginal notes from the library of a
(A) mathematician. Atlantic monthly, vol. 59
Haney. William Walter (U. S. M. A., 1892). Died ( 1887). p. 81.
Mar. 9, 1897. aged 26. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc. Passe rose. 129. Boston. 1890. (A)
Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S97. (A) Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima.
Hanson, A. B. (of Maryland). Member of Board I vol.. O. 1.S92. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iS.'jS. Editor Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1S93-1895.
Haralson. H. A. (of Georgia). Member of Board Elements of analytic geometry . . . Bos-
of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S47. ton. 1897. I vol., O. (A)
Hardcastle. Edmund La Fayette (U. S. M. .\.. Songs of two. New York, 1900. I vol., O.,

1S46). Died Aug. n. 1S99. aged 7.S. Obituary 36 pp. (A)

hi Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. \., 1900. (A) His daughter first. Boston. 1903. i vol..

Report on survey of valley of Mexico. No. O.. 349 pp. CA)

529. doc. 19; No. 554, doc. II. (C) .\ truce. [Poem.] Scribner's Mag., vol. 9.

p. 31.
Hardee. William Joseph (U. S. M. A., i.S.-,S). Died
I\Iy friend. [Poem.] Scribner's Mag. .vol.
Nov. 6, 1S73, aged 58. Photograph /;/ .\lbuins
9. p. .io.S.
of officers' mess.
Obituary /// Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
New methods in topographical surveying.

1S74; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 48 New York.

Notes on imaginaries.
(1874), p. 307. (A)
Commandant of cadets U. S. M. A., 1856-
Elements of the calculus.
West Point. Fourth of
See Jiily oration,
1868. by Cadet Hardy.
Rifle and light infantry tactics. Phila-
delphia, 1856. 2 vols., O.. ill. (A) Harison, George Sumner (U. .S. M. A.. 1892).
Died June aged
2, 1.894, 25. Obituary in Ann.
Hardie. James Allen ^V S. M. A., 1S43), Died .

Assoc. Grads.. U. S. M. A.. 1.S94. (A)

Dec. 14, 1876, aged 54. Photograph /;/ Albums
of officers' mess. Harlow, Frank Stowell (U. S. M. A., 1879).
Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. .\.. Translation of Siacci's Resistance of the air to
1S77. (A) the motion of projecti'es. Jour. V. S. Art., vol.

Memoir of James Allen Hardie, Inspector- 5. p. 353; ™l. 6. p. 207; vol. 7. p. 361.

General, U. S. .Army ... I pam.. O. 1S87. A new general ballistic table. [Transla-
(A) tion.] Jour. r. S. .Art., vol. 8. p. 295.
The IVritiugs of Graduales, 1802—1(^02. 26'

Harlow, Frank Stowcll and Michie. Peter Smith Harris, IlL-nry R. (of Georgia). Mcinher of
(U. S. M. A., 1S63). Practical astronomy . . .
Board of Visitors to r. S. M. A. in iS7f-.
2ded. . New York, iSc)3, vol., O.. ix-l-2iS
. . i
Harris, Isham G. (of Tennessee). Member of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1SS3.
Harmon. John U. (of California), Member of Harris. Nathaniel Sayre (U. S. M. A.. 1S25).
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S54. Died Apr. 22, 1SS6, aged 80. obituary in .Vnn.
Harmon, iMillard Fillmore (U. S. M. A., iSSo). Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .*\., iSSc. (A)
The Huffington-Crozier experimental disap- Harris. T. M. (of West Virginia). Member of
pearing carriage for S-in. breech-loading steel Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1867.
rifle. Jonr, I'. S. Art., vol, 4, p. 42. Harris, William A. \of Kansas). Member of
Harper, William R. (<jf Illinois). iSIenibcr of Board of Visitors to L'. S. M. A. in 1900.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902. Harris. William Hamilton (U. S. M. A., 1861).
Harrington, Henry Moore (U. S. M. A., 1S72). Died Nov. 6, 1S95, aged 57. Obituan,' and por-
Died Jnne 25. 1S76, aged 27. Obituary in Ann. trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S96.

Assoc. Grads.. l'. S. M. A., 1S77. (A) (A)

Harris. Frank Ephraim (U. S. M. A.. 1S92). Harrison. A. G. (of Missouri). Member of Board
Translation of Ricci's Contribution to the of Visitors to V . S. M. A. in 1832.
study of the probability of fire of coast artil- Harrison, Benjamin (of Indiana). Member of
lerj-. Jour. U S. Art., vol. 9. p. 299. Board of Visitors to U. -S. M. A. in 1S82.
Translation of Ricci's Note on the em- Harrison. George Francis Edward (U. S. M. A..
ployment of scaled elevations in coast artil- 1873). Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
lery firing. Jour. \' . S. Art., vol. 13^ p. 27. Harts. William Wright U. S. M. A., 1SS9). Pro- (,

Translation of Bonamico's The study of ject, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement
sea power. Jour. V. S. Art., vol. 13, p. 276; of Woods HoU. Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
vol. 14, p. 192; vol. 15. p. 41; vol. 16, p, 49. 1S93. p. S62. (A)

Translation of Ronca's Perforation for- Wickford Harbor, Narragansett Bay,
mulas. Jour. r. S. Art., vol. 13, p. 302. R. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. S74. (A)

Translation of Bassani's New formulas Stonington Harbor and its entrance.

for curved fire. Jour. I'. S. Art., vol, 14, p. Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 893. (A)
177- former entrance to Point Judith
Translation of
Mieliclihofer's Obser\'a- Pond. R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. 6S9.
tions on firing expedients of coast artillerj-. (A)
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 15, p. i.
— Woods Hole and Little Woods Hole
Translation of Von Obermayer's Experi- Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95. p.
ments in illustration of the top motion of 750- ( A
rotating oblong projectiles. Jour. U. S. Art., Wickford Harbor in Narragansett
vol. 16, pp. 63, 1S9, 303. Bay. R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 753.
Translation of Bassani's Upon the form (A)
of the head of oblong projectiles which en- Snake River, Wash. andOreg. Rept.
counters the minimum resistance to motion Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 433S. (A)
from the air. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 16, pp. 154, Columbia River, Oreg. and Wash.
294. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901. pp. 3502, 3505. (A)
Modifications of the German ironclad Snake River, IdahoandWash. Rept.
Hagen. Jonr. U. S. Art., vol. 17, i>. S4. Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 3526, 3529. {.\)
Harris, George Montgomery (
I'. S. M. A., 1S6S). See Boards.— Heuer. i; Langfitt, i; Mans-
Died May aged 27. Obituarj' in Ann.
11. 1S73. field, 5; Stickney, 5. (A)
As.soc. Grads., U. S. M. A., 1S73. (A) Hartsuff, George Lucas U. ( S. M. A.. 1852).
Harris. Henr>' Leavenworth (U. S. M. A., 1S69). Died May 16. 1874, aged 44. Photograph in
Photograph in Albums of ofl!icers' mess. Albums of officers' mess.
Instruction in photography at the U. S. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V . S. M. A.,
Artillery School, v. O.. pp. 40. Fort Monroe,
i 1S74; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 49
1SS2. (A)
(1874). p. 29S.
Range and position finding, i pam. 1S93. Harvey, John Gailard l,U. S. M. A., 1S31). Editor
See Kr\.. Circ. E. (A) Alabama Beacon since 1S44.
Gunpowder analysis. Ord. Note 181. vol. Harvey, Philip Francis, Chief medical officer
6, p. 16. (Al U. S. M. A., 1S92-1S94,
Comment on Range and position finding. The Military* Academy and the education
Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 12, p. 1025. (A) of officers. /« Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S..vol.
Comment on Position-finding service, p. 16(1895). p. 327. (A)
540: translator of The Deport apparatus for Harwood, Franklin (U. S. M. A.. 1S61). Died
Ia>-ing heavy guns. p. 780. Jour. Mil. Serv-. Mar. 26. 1SS3, aged 44. Photograph in Albums
Inst., vol. 13. (A) of officers' mess.
Comment on Horn's Telescopic sights. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A.,
Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst,, vol. 23. p. 364. (A) 1SS3. (A)
Photographic triangulation. Description Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
of the process of photo-zincography. O., pp. provement of Buffalo Harbor, N. V. Rept.
32, ill. Chief of Eng-, 1S69, p. 149. (C)
264 Centennial of United States Mi/iiary Academy.

Harwood, Franklin, rrojecl, plan, estimate, Harwood, Franklin. Project, plan, estimate,
Dunkirk Harbor. etc., for the improvement of Grand River
etc., for the improvement of
N.Y. Rept.Chief of Eng.,lS72,p. 247; 187,^, p. below Grand Rapids. Mich. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1881, p. 2224. (C)
34S; 1874. vol. I, p. 226; 1S70. pp. 193-197; "868,
(C) Alpena Harbor, Thunder Bay, Mich.
pp. 43, 196; 1870, p. 190.
J Grand River Harhor, Fairport,Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1881, p. 2244; 1884. p. 2037;
18S7, p. 2249. (C)
Kept. Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 39; lS74. vol. I, p.
Swan Creek, Lake St. Clair, Mich.
222. (C)
Maumee River. Ohio. Rept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng.. l.88l, p. 2257. (C)
42. 324. 325. (C) Empire Bay. Mich. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 873, pp.
Harbor (Raisin River), Eng., iSSi. pp. 2260, 2261. (C)
Mich, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, pp. 308. 309; ^f**? —
Boards Cram. i. 2; Macomb. 2,
(C) 16; Merrill. 1; Warren, 2; WoodrufT. 1. 4. 11,
1874, vol. 1, p. 215.
Sandu-iky City Harbor, Ohio. Rept. 13- (A)
Hasbrouck, Henry Cornelius (f. S. M.A. 1861 1.
Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 327; 1874, vol. i, p. 217. (C)
Huron Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
of Eng., 1S73, p. 331; 1874, vol. I, p. 21S. (C) Commandant of cadets. U. .S. M. A., 1882-
Harbor, Rept. 188S.
Vermilion (-)hio.

Chief of Eng., (C) HascaU, Herbert Austin r. S. M. A., 18.56). Died (

1873, p. 332.
Black River Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Oct. 14, 1890, aged 55. Photograph in Albums
p. 220. of officers' mess.
Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 335; 1874, vol. 1

Obituary in .\nu. .\ssoc. ads.U.S. M. .A.,

Cleveland Harlior, Ohio. Rept. Chief 1891. (Al
pp. 222, 237. (C) HascaU. Gen. :wilo S. (of Indiana). Member of
of Eng.,lS73,p.337; 1874, vol. i,

- Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Board of Visitors to l". S. M. A.. iSSi.

Chief of Eng.. lS74,vol. Haskin. Joseph Abel (U. S. M. A., 1S39). Died
1873, p. 34u; 1874,1). 223;

I. p. 223; 1875, vol. I, p. 314. iC) Aug. 3, 1874. aged 56. Obituary in .\iin. Assoc.
Conneaul Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1875.
(C) Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolf. Professor of mathe-
of Eng., 1873, p. 342; 1874, vol. 1, p. 224.
Harbor, Pa. matics. U. -S. M. A., 1807-1S09.
Erie (Presque Isle)
p. 343: '874, vol.
Hatch, Everard Enos U. S. M. A.. 1884). A story
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, i,

of West Point. In Gulf Messenger, vol. 9, No. 2,

P- 2^25- (C)
Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio. Rept. February, 1896, pp. 56-62.
Chief of Eng., 1.873, P- ,344: 1S74.V0I. 1, p. 217.
Water: Its pollution and purification. Jour.
Mil. Serv., vol. 22. p. 495. (A)
- Rocky River Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Hatch, F. W. (of Virginia ). Member of Board of
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S29.
Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 345; 1874, vol. I, p
Hatch. John Porter (U. S. M. A.. 1S45). Died
Cheboygan Harbor, Mich. Rept. Apr. 12, igoi, aged 79. Obituary and portrait in
Chief of Eng., 1S76, vol. 2, pp. 530, 531; 1S77, p.
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Hatch, William H. (of Missouri). Member ot
945; 1879, pp. 169, 1666; 1882, p. 232.8; 1.S87, p. 2247.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S94.
Hatfield, Charles .Albert Phelps (U.S. M. A., 1.872).
St. Clair Flats and ship canal, Mich.
The evolution of cavalry. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. 9.10; 1S79, p. 1656.
vol. 15. p. 89. (A)
Tendency of evolution in the .\rniy. Jonr.
Saginaw River, Mich. Rept. Chief
Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 21, p. 441. (A)
of Eng., 1S77, p. 941; 1S79, pp. 169, 1662: 18S1, p.
Haupt. Herman (U. S. M. A.. 1S35). General
2250. ICl
theory of liridge construction ... i vol., O.
Sable River Harbor, Mich.
1851. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, pp. 169, 1657-165S.
Member of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A.
in 1861.
Grand Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Photographs, illustrative of operations in
Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 2024. (C)
construction and transportation, as used to
Sebewaing Harbor, Mich. Rept.
facilitate the movements of the armies of the
Chief of Eng., 1880, p. 2045; 1882, p. 2334. (C)
River, Mich. Rept.
Rappahannock, of Virginia, and of the Poto-
St. Josephs
mac. 2 vols., O. obi. Boston, 1863. (.\)
Chief of Eng., 1880, p. 2054; 18SS. p. 258. (C)
Military bridges . . including
. . . . de-
Mackinac City, Mich. Rept. Chief
signs for trestle and truss bridges for military
of Eng., 1S80, pp. 2056, 2057. (C)
railroads... New York, 1864. i vol., O. (A)
Belle River. Mich. Rept. Chief of distance transmission c. power
Long . . .

Eng., 1880, p. 2060; 1883, p. 1875; 1SS5, p. 2158;

2d ed. 1 pani.. O. [1S95.] (A)
18.87, p. 2262. (C) Reminiscences, giving hitherto unpub-
Clinton River, Mich. Rept. Chief lished official orders, personal narratives of
of Eng., 1880, p. 2063. (C) important military operations with notes . . .

Frankfort (Anx Bees Scies) Harbor, and a personal sketch by Frank Abial Flower.
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S1, p. 2201. IC) Ill, . . . 1901. I vol., O. (A)
The Wriliii_Q-s of Gmdiiatrs, iSo2-i()02. 265

Haupt, Herman. Hints on bridge building. Hozen. William Babcock. Obituary in .\n\\.
Plans for improvement of the Ohio River. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S87. (A)
Street railway motors. In memoriam. hi Eighteenth reunion i>f
Haupt, I,cwis Muhlcnburg if. S. M. A.. 1S67). the Army of the Cumberland. Washington,
Engineering specifications and contracts, D. C, May, 1S87, p. 1S7. Cincinnati, iSSS. (A)
1S7S. The school and the army in Germany and

Working drawings and how to make and France, with a diary of siege life at Versailles
nse them Philadelpliia, issi.
. . . pam., i ... New York. 1872. ivol.,0. (A)
bonnd. (A) School and the Army. Harper's New
The topographer, his instrnnicnts and Monthly Mag., vol. 45 (1872), p. 622.
methods. O.. pp. iS.). 111. with miinerons -Our barren lands. The interior of the
maps, and engravings. New York, etc.
plates, United States west of the one hundredth meri-
18S3. dian and eastof the Sierra Nevadas Cin- . . .

Physical phenomena of harbor entrances. cinnati, 1S75. ivol.. O. [In same vol.:] (i)

[Prize essay Amer. Phil. Soc] 1S87. Some correctionsof life on the plains; (2) The
Special report on railway plant of Paris great middle region of the United States and
Exposition. 1SS9. its limited space of arable land. (A)
Canals and their economic relation to ReportsasChief Signal Officer, U.S. Army,

transportation. 1S90. 18S0-18S7.

A move for better roads. iSgi. Court-martial. T. J. Mackey. 18S5.
A number of pamphlets and other contri- A narrative of military science. O. 1S85.
butions to engineering. (A)
Hawes, James Morrison i U. S. M. A., 1S45). Notes and comments. In North Amer.
Died Nov. 22, 1SS9. aged 66. Photograph In Rev., vol. 142, April, 1SS6.
Albums of officers' mess. Some corrections on Life on the plains.
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I". S. M. A., [n. p., n. d.] 18 p. hi War Dept. Library.
1890. (A) Inspection of military posts, Department
Hawkins, Hamilton Smith. Commandant of of the Platte, etc.No. 1289, doc. 45. (Cj
cadets and instructor of tactics. U. S. M. A., Utah Territory in 1866. [Initials errone-
1SSS-1S92. ously given " M. B." in document.] No. 1302,
A manual of infantry drill. Jour. Mil. doc. 75. (C)
Serv. Inst., vol. ir, p. 355. (A) Hazleton, George H. (of Michigan). Memberof
Comment on The three battalion organi- Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1850.
zation. Jour. Mil. SerT.'. Inst., vol. i.^, jk 1030. Hazlett. Charles Edward (U. S. M. A., 1861).
(A) Died July 2, 1863, aged 25. Engraving owned
Hawkins. John Parker V. S. M. A., { is.s^). Re- l)y Assoc. Grads U. S. M. A.

ports as Commissary-General U. S. Army, Hazzard, Samuel Chrisman (U. S. M. A., 1S93).

I 89 2- I 894. Adjutant U. S. M. A. June iS, iSgS, to Aug. 14,

Hawley, John P. (of Illinois). Memberof lioard iSqq.

of Visitors to IT. S. M. A. in 1871. Heap, David Porter{U. S. M. A.. 1S64). Project,

Hawley, Joseph R. (of Connecticut). Member plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of
of Board of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. in 1SS5, in St. Joseph Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1K90, and in :S98. 1867, p. 104; 1S74, vol. I, p. 194. (C)
Hay, James \oi Virginia). Member of Board of Racine Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1901. of Eng., 1S67, p. 81. (C)
Hay. William Henr>-(r.S. M.A.. 1SS6). Cavalry KcTiosha (Southport) Harbor, Wis.
raids. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S91, p. 362. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1867. pp. S3, 84; 1S6S, p. 109.
Hayes, W. Alabama). Memberof Board
S. (of (C)
of Visitors toV S. M. A. in 1S32. .
New Buffalo Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Hayman, Samuel Brinckl^^U. S. M.A., 1842). Chief of Eng., 1867, p. 102; 1S68. pp. iiS, 223;
Died May i, 1S95, aged 75. Obituary ?« Ann. 1876, vol. 2, p. 452. (C)
A.SSOC. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S95. (A) .
Calumet Harbor. 111. Rept. Chief
Haymond, Col. Henry (of West Virginia). Mem- of Eng., i-'^7o. pp. 105. 107; 1876, vol. 2, p. 441.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1SS4. (C)
HayTies, Milton A. (U. S. M.A..183S). Editorof Michigan City Harbor, Ind. Rept.
a law journal, 1S44-45. Chief of Eng., 1S70, pp. 109, no. (C)
Hays, Alexander (U. S. M. A.. 1S44). Died May Savannah River and Harbor. Ga.
5, 1S64, aged 44. Engraving (by A. Robin) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 749. (C)
owned by Assoc. Grads, U. S. M. A. Grand River below Grand Rapids,
Hays. William (U. S. M. A., 1S40). Died Feb. 7, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S2, pp. 2311, 2312.
1S75, aged 56. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. (C)
U. S. M. A., 1875; Harper's New Monthly Mag., Machias River Channel, Me. Rept.
vol.50 (1875), p. 923. (A) Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 5S5. (A)
Hazen, William Babcock (U. S. M. A.. 1S55). Died Carvers Harbor. Me. Rept. Chief
Jan. 16, 18S7, aged 56. Engra\'ing (by A. H. of Eng.. 1895, p. 587. (A)
Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Georges River, Me. Rept. Chief
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. of Eng., 1895, p. 591. (A)
266 .
Ccntcnuial of United States Military Aeademy,
Heap. David Porter. Project, plan, estimate. seacoast and other guns, 1S92. p. 421; Descrip-
etc.. for the improvement of Sasona River, Me. tion of barracks at Satidy Hook proving
Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. 593. (A) ground, p. 423; Description of office building
harbor lines in Cape Fear River at at Sandy Hook proving ground, p. .J23; De-
Wilmington. N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896. scription of Gantry crane and runway at
p. 1148. (A) Sandy Hook proving ground, p. 424; Specifi-
Bogiie Inlet. N. C. Kept. Chief of cations for office buildings at Sandy Hook
Eng.. 1897, pp. 1419, 1421. (A) proving ground, p. 427; Specifications for
Ocracoke Inlet, N. C. Kept, Chief barracks at Sandy Hook proving ground,
of Eng.. JS97. p. 1423. (A) P- 435; 3.2-inch B. I.,., effect of position of vent
Pamlico River, N. C. Rept. Chief upon and pressures in gun, p. 444;
of Eng.. 1897. p. 1425. (A) Trial of platform and equipment for 3.6-inch
Neuse River. N. C. Rept. Chief of B. E. mortar, p. 458; Test of Merriam's base
Eng.. 1S97. p. 142S. (A) percussion, p. 483; 3.2-iiich. Frankford Ar-
Town Creek, N. C. Kept. Chief of senal, test of shrapnel, p. 947. Kept. Chief of
Eng., 1S97, p. 1434. (A) Ord., 1892. (C)
Montana Territory. 1872. Topographical Heath, Frank, Sandy Hook proving ground, re-
map. port of principal operations. 1S93, p. 3S1; Ar-
History of the application of the electric rangement of firing butts for proof at Sandy
light to lighting the coasts of France. O., pp. Hook proving ground. p,3Si; Improvementsof
31. Washington, i.SS_v wharf at Sandy Hook proving ground, p. 3S2;
The Engineer Department, U. S. Army, Sandy Hook proving ground, table of rounds
at the Philadelphia International Exhibition fired from various guns and mortars, 1S93, p.3?3;
of 1S76. 0., pp. 647, in Washington. 1SS4. Advantage of railroad transportation to Sandy
(Al Hook proving ground, p. 3S3; Electricalh*
Report on the International Exhibition of welded (American Projectile Company') fir-

Electricity held at Paris in iSSi. O., pp. 2S7, ingtestsof shrapnel, Shrapnel, 3.2-inch,
p, 544;
ill. Washington. 1SS4. comparative results of electrically welded,
Electrical appliances of the present day. Hotchkiss and Frankford Arsenal, p. 545.
1SS4. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93. (C)
Ancient and modern light-houses. 1S8S. Report of principal operations at Sandy
and Barlow, John Whitney (U. S. M. A., Hook proving ground; Summary of tests of
1.861). Yellowstone Eake and the valley of the smokeless powders; Report of firings with
Yellowstone River, sketch of the; route of. Woodbridge lo-inch B. L. wire-wound rifle;
1S71. Topographical map. Report of firings with 12-inch B. L- mortars to
Reconnoissance of the Yellowstone determine pitch of rifling; Accuracy trials of a
River. No. 1479, doc. 66. (C) worn S-inch B. L. rifle. Rept. Chief of Ord..
and Maguire, Edward (U. S. M. A., 1S67). 1S94. (C)
Dakota Territory, 1S72. Topographical map. Report of principal operations at the
.Sec Boards —
Robert, i. ^'fc Commissions Sandy Hook proving ground. Rept. Chief
Heap. ( A of Ord., 1S95. (C)
Heard, John T. {of Massachusetts). Member of Report of Principal operations at Sandy
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S59. Hook proving ground; Report on range tables
Heath. Frank (U. S. M. A., 186S). Ammunition, for 3.6-inch B. L- rifle; Report on smokeless
fuses, primers, etc. See Ord. Mem., No. 21, powders. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S96. (C)
187S. Report of principal operations at the
Report of Cheyenne ordnance depot cora,- Sandy Hook proving ground; Report of tests
nianding officer, p. 115; Ramrod bayonet rifles, of smokeless powders at Sandy Hook; Report
use in Department of the Platte, 18S2, p. 116; of firing to determine the cone of dispersion of
Hunting knives satisfactory, except steel is shrapnel with 3.2-inch rifle. Rept. Chief of
loo brittle, p. lib; Wiping rods, wooden, allow- Ord., 1S97. (C)
ance should be increased, p. 116: Cartridge Report of principal operations of the
belt not adapted for carrying revolver and Sandy Hook proving ground; Report on tests
saber, p. 117; Carbine, socket should be al- of powders; Report on tests of Jovite. Rept.
tered, p. iiS; Side lines. Coraly No. 2. pre- Chief of Ord., 1S9S. (C)
ferred in Department of the Platte, p. 119; Summary of tests of smokeless powders
Lariats, Cranston's .safety bighting attach- at Sandy Hook proving ground; Report of
ment for, p. 119; Targets and target materials, principal operations at Sandy Hook proving
use in Department of the Platte, p. 119. Rept. ground; Tests of Gathmann system of projec-
Chief of Ord., 1SS2. (C) tiles and fuses for high explosives. Rept.
Shrapnel test of Hotchkiss 3.2-inch gun, Chief of Ord., 1S99. (C)
P- 559; Shrapnel, greater elevation required Report of principal operations at Frank-
for than for shell, p. 562. Rept. Chief of Ord., ford Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1900. (C)
1S91. (C) Comment on Whistler's Graphic tables of
Sandy Hook proving ground report of fire. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 14. p. 345. (A)
principal operations for 1892, p. 421; Firings Report on cleaning and lackering artil-
made at Sandy Hook proving ground, with lery projectiles. Ord. NoteS?, vol. 3, p. 70S. (A)
The JFn'tings of Graduates, iSo2-igo2. 267
Heath, Frank. Report on fouling by blank car- ment. N. (i. S. X. v., about i^qt*. In memorial
tridges. Ord. Note 8S, vol. 3, p. 710. (A) hall. West Point.
Heaton, Robert C. (of Massachusetts). Member Henry. Guj' \'eriion. Obituary- and portrait ///

of Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in igoi. Ann. Assoc. Grads. t'. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Hubert. Louis (U. S. M. A.. 1^.45). Died Jan. 7. Military record of civilian appointments
1901, aged So. Obituary and portrait in Ann. in the I'. S. Army ... 1 vols,. (_). iS(x)-iS73.

Assoc. Crads. l^, S. M. A.. 1901. (A) (A)

Hubert, Paul Octave (U. S. M. A., 1S40). Died Target practice for soldiers. Ord. Note
Aug. 29. iSSo, aged 62. Obituary in Ann. 340, vol. 12, pp.
5. Washington. 18S4. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S1. (A) Comment on Bernard's marching and
Hein. Otto I.ouis V S. M. A., 1S70). Photograph
( . camping cavalry. Jour. Xj. S. Cav. Assoc, :SS9,
in Albums of officers' mess. p. 166. (A)
Commandant of cadets and iiislruclor of Remarks on
Letter 16 Hohenlohe's. on —
tactics I'. S. M. A., June 15. 1901.
Mar. 23. 1S97. to Cavalry, p. S9; Notes on Review of lU-nry's
Instructions for outposts, advance guards, Practical informatiou for noncommissioned
and reconnaissance. I'ort I.eavenvvorth, 1SS7. ofilicers, p. 439. Jour. Cav. .^ssoc, iSyo. (A)
1 vol., O., 95 pp. (A) Cavalry instruction. Jour. Cav. Assoc.
The French cavalry, p. 100; Longdistance 1S94, p. 292. (A)
rides, p. 222, Jour. Cav. Assoc. iSSS. (A) Army catechism for noncommissioned
Comment on Allen's Cavalry training. officers. (A)
Jour. !\Iil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 2S. p. 460. Henry, James M. Lake {U. S. M. A., 1S44). Died
Heintzelmann, Charles Stewart (l. .S. M. A., July 4. iSSi, aged 61. Obituary in Ann. .\ssoc,
1S67). Died Feb. 27. iSSi, agedja. Photograph Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S82. (A)
in Albums of officers' mess. Henry, Mathis Winston (U. S. M. A., 1S61). Died
Obituar\- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V. S. Nov. 28, 1S77, aged 39. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
M. A.. lSS[. (A) Grads, U. S. M. A 1S78. (A) .

Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (U. S- M. A., 1826). Henry, Patrick M. (of North Carolina). Mem-
Died May 1, 18S0, aged 74. Portrait. Harper's ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .\, in 1^49.
New Monthly Mag., vol. 31 (1S65). p. 31. (A) Henry, William Seton (U. S. M. .A.., iS-,5). Died
Engraving (by George E- Ferine)
Mar. 5, 1S51. aged 34. Campaign sketches of
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. the war with Mexico vol., O. 1S4S. (A)
. . . i
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
M. A., iSSo; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol.
Herbert. Alfred (U. S. M. A.. 1S35). Died Feb.
61 (iSSo). p. 317. (A) 12, 1894, aged So. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Obituary notice of, by J. W. De Peyster. Grads. U. S. M A., 1894. (A)
Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman. Biography. Hero, Andrew, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1891). Notes on
Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 31 iS65i, p. ( European seacoast fortifications. Jour.
31. 1S65. (A) U. S. Art., vol. 6, pp. 153, 305; vol. 7, p. 16-
General Heintzelman in the peninsular Review of Greely's Handbook of Arctic
campaign, by Mary L- Heintzelman. Century discoveries. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6, p. 402.
Mag., vol. 30. p. 956. Notice of Notes on year's naval progress.
SeeV. S. Coast Sur\'ey Report, 1S61, p. 40. July, 1896, p. 137; Notice of Durassier's and
(A) Valentino's Aide- m^inoire de marine, 1S97, p.
Heistand, Henry Olcot Sheldon (U. S. M. A., 262;Review of Bennett's. The steam na\'y of
1S7S). Alaska and her gold fields. The Terri- the United States, p. 265. Jour. U. S. Art., vol.
torj- of Alaska . . . Kansas City, 1S9S. 1 vol., 7. p. 265.
O. (A) Translation of The penetration of bullets
Address at the banquet of the U. S. M. .'\. of Portuguese rifle. Jour. l". S. Art., vol. S,

Centennial Association, Manila, P. I.. June 11, P.9S.

1902, in response to the toast "West I'oint." Translation of The English armored
MS. cruiser Prince George. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 9,

Helm. Ben Hardin (U. S. M. A.. 1851). Died p. 231.

Sept. 21, 1S63, aged 33. Engraving. Owned Review of Hill's Cuba and Porto Rico, with
by .\ssoc. Grads. V S. M. .\. . the other islands of the W*est Indies, p. 217;
Henderson, John (of Pennsylvania). ^leraber Translation of The new field artillery, p. 267;
of Board of Visitors, V S. M. A.. 1S36. . Translation of FJInglish armored cruisers, p.
Hendricks, Joh n of I ndiana ). ( Member of 305; Review of Garland's U. S. Grant; His
life and character, p. 311; Translation of a re-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S56.
view of Gossot's M^moire sur les vibration
Hendricks. William (of Indiana). Member of
Elastiqufe et la resistance des canons, p. 314;
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S39.
Noticeof Photographic mosaics, of Armor plate.
Henley, Austin (U. S. M. A., 1872). Died Julyii, Ballistic tests of armor plate as manufactured
1S7S, aged 30. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. by the Carnegie Steel Company (Limited), p.
U. S. M. A., 1S79. (A) 315; Notice of the Reprint of the squadron bul-
Henry, Guy Vernon (l*. S. M. A., i>>6i). Died letin of the North Atlantic Squadron, with an
Oct. 27, 1899, aged 6(. Portrait (oil painting by introduction by Rear Admiral Sampson, p. 326.
Irving T. Wiles). Presented by Seventh Regi- Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 10, p. 326.
268 Centennial of United States Military Aeademv,

Hero, Andrew, jr. Translation of Vallier's The Heuer, William Henry. Project, plan, estimate,
law of pressure in guns. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. the improvement of Atchafalaya River,
etc., for

13. P- 297- La. Rept. Chief of Erg., iS8,s, p. 1435. (C)

Ship building in Germany and the im- Bayou Black, La. Rept. Chief of
perial German navy. Jour.Y S. Art., vol. is.
. Eng., 18S7, p. 1370. (C)
p. 147. Bayou Terrebonne. La Rept. Chief
Translation of Korrodi's Watervliet Ar- of Eng., 18S7, p. 1396. (C)
senal. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 16, p. 73. Vermillion River, I,a. Rept. Chief
Translation of Collon's Commentaries on of Kng., 1SS7, p. 139S. (C)
contemporaneous art of defense. Jour. U. S. Calcasieu River and Pass. La. Rept.
Art., vol. 17. p. 120.
Herr, Hiero Benjamin U. S. M. A., iS6b). I'ho-
— Chief of Eng., 1SS7, pp. 1403. 1404. (C)
Petaluraa Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief
tograph /;/ Albums of officers' mess. of Eng., 1S8S, p. 2134. (C)
Herrick, Edward (of Pennsylvania). Memberuf Eel River, Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Board of Visitors, U.S. M.A.. 1S36. 1889, p. 2495 (C)
Herron, Joseph Southerland (U. S. M. A., 1895). harbor moorings at Kort Ross. Fisks
Explorations in Alaska, 1.S99. See U. S. De- '
Mill, Fish Rock, Shelter Cove. Trinidad, etc.,
partment of War. Mil. Inf. Div., No. 31. Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 249S. (C)
Hersey. Mark I^eslie (U. S. M. A.. 1S87). Train- Mokelunine River, Cal. Rept. Chief
ing of companj' cooks. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., of Eng., 1891. pp. 3135. 3136; 1892, p. 3651. (C)
vol. 2T, p. 300, (A) San Joaquin River, Cal. Rept. Chief
Sess, Frank Watson. The Militan,- Academy of Etig.. 1S93. p. 3290: 1S96. p. 3219. (A)
and the education of officers. In Jour. Mil. Merced River. Cal. Rept. Chief of
Ser\'. Inst., U. S., vol. 17 {1S95), p. 180. (A) Eng.. 1893, p. 3297. (A)
Heth. Henry (U. S. M. A., 1847). Died Sept. 27, Stanislaus River, Cal. Rept. Chief
1899, aged 7S. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. of Eng., 1893, p. 3302. (A)
U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) mouth of Navarro River, Cal. Rept.
A system of target practice . . . rhila- Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 3304. (A)
delphia, 1858, i v., O. (A) Yaquina Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Heth. John (of Virginia). Member of Board of Eug., 1S93, p. 3315. (A)
Visitors to T- S. M. A. in 1836. Feather River, Cal. Rept. Chief of
Hetzel. Abner Riviere (U. S. M. A., 1S27). Died Eng.. 1S95. p. 3325. (A)
July 20, 1S47, aged 42. Military laws of the American River. Cal. Rept. Chief
United States. Washington, 1S46. i vol., O., of Eng., 1895, p. 3325. (.A)

pp.311. (A) Georgiana River, Cal. Rept. Chief

Heuer. William Henry U. ( S. M. A., 1865). Proj- of Eng., 1895, p. 332S. (A)
ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement Mendocino Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief
of Willamette and Columbia rivers. Rept. of Eng., 1S95, p. 3330. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. 3. p. 36; 1866, vol. 4, pp. Ohio River. Ohio. Rept. Chief of
328.331- (C) Eng., 1S97, p. 23S0. (A)
Columbia (upper) and Snake rivers. Humboldt Harbor, Cal.
Rept. Chief
Rept. Chief of Eng.. iS66, vol. 4. p. 330; 1S69, of Eng., 1900, p. 4237.(A)
PP- 476, 477, 479- (C) South .San Francisco Harbor. Cal.
Blossom Rock, Cal. Rept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 4248. (A)
Eng., 1S67, pp. .SI. 507; 1868, pp. SS5, S86. (C) Suisun Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief of
Crescent City Harlior, Cal. Rept. Eng., 1900, p. 4250. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1867, pp. 516, .518; 1S93, p. 3309; Napa River, Cal. Rept. Chief of
1895. p- 3340: 1900. P- 4262. (C) Eng., 1900, p. 4253. (A)
Pacific Coast Harbor of Refuge. Sonoma Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Eng., iS67,p. .siS. (C) Eng., 1900, p. 4256. (A)
San Diego Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief San Francisco Harbor, Cal. Rept.
of Eng., 1870, p. 515. (C) Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 4258. (.\)

Willamette River (upper). Oreg. Oakland Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief

Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, p. 909. (C) of Eng., 1901, pp. 3435, 3445. (A)
Sacramento and Feather rivers, Cal. . and the
San Joaquin River, Cal.,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, p. 917. (C) waterway connecting the same with the Strait
Sabine Pass, Tex. Rept. Chief of of Karquines. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, pp.
Eng., 1882, pp. 1426, 1436, 1437: 18S3, p. 1054. (C) 3450, 3452- (A)
Townshend Inlet and Corsons San Joaquin River, Cal.. above the
Sound, N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5, p. S60. mouth of the Stanislaus River. Rept. Chief of
(C) Eng., 1901, p. 3454. (A)
Atlantic City Harbor, N. J. Rept. and "Williamsou, Robert Stockton (U. S.
Chief of Eng., 1885, pp. 862, 864. (C) M. A-, 184S). Report upon the Removal of
Bayou Teche, canal connecting with nlos.son Rock in San Francisco Harbor, Cal.
rirand Lake at Charenton, I,a. Rept. Chief of Q. Washington, 1871.

Eng., 1S85, p. 1399; 18S6, pp. 125, 1260; 1S87, pp. .V<r Boards— Heuer; Ecnyaurd, i, 2. 3;

1371, 1374. (C) Craighill, 5; Mansfield, 4, 6; Marshall, l; Men-

The ]\l-itinffs of Graduates^ iSo2—igo2. 269
dell, 5. 6. S, 10, II, 14. 15; Smith. 2; Suter, 4. 5,6. Hill, Richard Mason (U. S. M. A., iS(ii. Died
^£T Coniinissions— Heai>, 1; MaiisfieM, i; Men" Mar. 25. 1S76, aged 37. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
dell, I, 2; Stnithi; Stickney. i, 2; SiUer.S. (A) Grads. IT. S. M. A.. 1S76. (A)
Hewit. Augustine Francis (Vl. S. M. A., iSjg). Hill, Rowland Gardner (l*. S. M. A.. iSSi). Died
Died June 3. 1SS2, aged 25. Obituary in Ann. May 2, 1S9S, aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Assoc. Grads. X'. S.,M. A., 18S2. (A) tlrads. U. S. M. A.. 1S9S. (A)
Hewitt, Christian Cyrus (U. S. M. A.. 1874)- Received first honorable mention fur the
Historj' of the Nineteenth Regiment of In- prize essay of the Military Service Institutiou
fantr>\ Hist. U.S. Army, pp. 657-665. (A) for 1S96.

Hewson, Francis (of Pennsylvania). Member The bicycle as a military machine. Jour.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S53. Mil. Scr\-. Inst., vol. (A)
17, p. 312.

'The proper military instruction of officers.
Hibben, Ethelbert O. (of Oregon). Member of
Jour. Mil. Scr\-. Inst., vol. 20, p. 453. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1859.
Hillhouse, John (U. S. M. A., 1S42). Died IVIar.
Hildt, John Mcl^ean (U. S. M. A.. 1856). Died 29, 1SS2, aged 65. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Apr. aged 41. Photograph in Albums
25. 1S77, Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS4. (A)
of officers' mess. The redemption.
[Poem.] 1S67.
Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. (Irads. U. S. M. A., Hillis,Gen. David B. (of Iowa). Member of
1S77. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1877.
Hill. Ambrose Powell (U. S. M. A., 1S47). Died Hinds. Ernest (U. S. M. A., 1S87). Report of
Apr. 2, aged 40. Fingraving (by A. H.
1S65, operationsofl.ight Battery F, Second Artillery.
Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. in Santiago campaign. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 11.
Statue (by Shepherd). In Richmond. Ya. p. 184.
Triangulation. Hudson River. U. S. Coast Hine. Charles De Ivano (U. S. M. A., 1S91). Post
Survey Rept., 1S56. pp. 3,9. 93. (A) records. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 15, p. 531.
-Charge of office, p. 116; Printing, pp. 119. (A)
190;Printing report, pp. 232-317; Assistant, Hinman, Frederick Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1S67).
pp. 119, 192. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S57. Notes on military surveying. Essayons Club
(A) Papers, No. 21. 1S72. (A)
Assistant in Coast Sur\'ey office, t*. S. Project, plau, estimate, etc., for the im-
Coast Survey Rept., 185S. pp. irS, 155; i8no, p. provement of Currituck Sound, Coanjok Bay,
loi. (A) and Noith River Bar, N. C. Rept. Chief of
See U. S. Coast Sur\''ev Kept., 1861, p. 71. Eng.. 18S5, pp. 86. 155. (C)
(A) Norfolk Harbor, Va., and the ap-
HiU. Bennett Hoskin (U. S. M. A., 1837). Died proaches thereto. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS5,

Mar. 24, 1SS6, aged 69. Obituary in Ann. p. 1026. (C)

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S86. (A) Perquimans River, N. C. Rept. Chief

of Eng., 1SS5, p. 1045. (C)
Hill. Daniel Har\-ey (U. S. M. A., 1S42). Died
Cashie River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Sept. 25. iSSg, aged 67. Engraving. Owned by
Eng.. 1SS5. pp. 1055, 105S. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Nottoway River, Va. Rept. Chief of
Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M.
Eng., 1887, p. 988. (C)
A.. 1S90. (A)
Alligator River, N. C. Rept. Chief
Author of various essays in the Southern
of Eng., 1S87. p. 993. (C)
Quarterly and Southern Presbj-terian Re-
Nausemond River, Va. Rept. Chief
views. 1S50-1861.
of Eng.. 1SS7, p. looi; iSSS, p. 98. (C)
Consideration of the Sermon on the
bridge in Brunswick County, N. C.
Mount. 1S56.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 188&. p. 2543. (C)
Elements of algebra. 1S5S.
See Boards— Craighill, 6. (A)
Crucifixion of Christ, i860.
Hirst, Robert Lincoln (U. S. M. A., 1S86). Pho-
Editor of monthly magazine, I^and We
tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
I/3ve, at Charlotte. N. C, 1S66-72. when it was
Hitchcock, Ethan Allen (U. S. M. A., 1S17).
merged into the Southern Magazine of Balti- Engraving (by J. C.
Died Aug. 5. 1S70, aged 72.
Buttre) owned by Assoc, (^rads. U. S. M. A.
Memorial address on life and character,
Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. t*. S.
by A, C. Aver>*. Raleigh, N. C, 1893. 41 pp.
M. A., 1871. (A)
In War Dept. I.ibrary.
Commandant of cadets, U. S. M. A., 1S29-
Editor of a weekly newspaper, The South-
ern Home, at Charlotte, N. C.
Remarks upon alchemy and the alche-
The battle of Gaines's Mill, p. 294; McClel-
mists. 1857.
lan's change of base, p. 447. Centurj- Mag.,
Christ the Spirit. 1S60.
vol. 30.
The Red book of Appin. New York,
HiU, James Hoffman (U S. M. A.. 1R55). Died 1856. 1 vol., C, pp. 298. (A)
June 6. 1S90, aged 57. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. - and other fairj- tales. 1S63.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1890. (A) Appendix to the stor\' of the Red book of
Hill, Joshua (of Georgia). Member of Board of Appin. New York. 1S63. i vol., O., pp. 297.
Visitors to IT. S. M. A. in 1867. (A)
27Q Ccutcnuial of U)iitcd States Military Acadruiy,
Hitclicock, Ethan Allen. Swedcnborg a her- Hodees. Harry Foot (U. S. M. A.. iSSi). Photo-
metic philosopher. New York, 1S65. 1 vol,, graph in Albums of officers' mess,
O., pp. 352. (A) — Notes on military lock gates. O. 1S92.
Spenser's Colin Clouts explained, etc. 1865. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng., IT. S. A., No. 26.
Notes on the Vita Nuova and minor poems Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
of Dante New York. 1S66. i vol., O., pp.
. . . provement of Ohio River between I^udlow and
377. (A) Covington, Ky., and Cincinnati, Ohio; Chesa-
Remarks on the sonnets of Shakespeare. peake and Ohio Railway bridge to Cincinnati;
Hoadly, George (of Ohio). Member of Board of Southern Railway bridge. Rept. Chief of
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S85. Eng., 1893, p. 2524. (A)
Hoae. William Reddy (U. S. M. A., 1S71). Died Little Miami River, Ohio. Rept.
Jan. 16, 1875, aged 27. Obituary in Ann. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 2527. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S75. (A) Ohio River between Ironton, Ohio,
Hoaj:',George F. (of Massachusetts). Member and 3 miles along and up the Ohio east of the
of Board of Vi.sitors to West Point in 1S74. mouth of Guyan River, W. Va. Rept. Chief of
Hobbs, Frank Emery (U. S. M. A., 1S7S). 3.2- Eng. 1893, p. 2529. (A)
inch B. I,., tests of steel used iu field gun. Raccoon River, Ohio. Rept. Chief
Kept. Chief of Ord.. 1S76. p. 94. (C) of Eng., 1893. p. 2531. (A)
Report on the manufacture of steel forg- Ohio River between Davis Island
ings, etc., by Midvale Steel Company. Rept. Dam and dams at or near the mouth of the
Chief of Ord , 1SS4, p. 415. (C) Beaver River in Pennsylvania. Rept. Chief of
pouring molten cast iron
Steel, effect of Eng., 1S93, p. 2534. (A)
about a piece of oil tempered, p. 317; Rifles, Allegheny River between the dam
S, 10, 12, and 16 inch, steel forgings for, tables, at Tarentum and Herr Island Dam, Pa. Rept.
p. 383; Midvale Steel Company*, work done for Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 2537. (A)
Ordnance Department in 1SS5, p. 449. Rept. Allegheny River at or near Taren-
Chief of Ord., 1SS5. (C) tum, Pa. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S93. p. 2540. (A)
Midvale Steel Company, report of inspec- Allegheny River from Olean, N. V.,
tion ofordnance for iS8b, p. 325; Experimental to Warren. Pa. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1893, p.
trunnion hoop for rifle, S-inch B. L,., p. 34fj. .-542. (A)
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1886. (C) Missouri River between Three
Midvale Steel Works, report of inspector; Forks and Canyon Ferry, Mont. Rept. Chief
Test of forgings for rifle, 3.2-inch B. L. Rept. of Eng., 1894, p. 1775- (A)
Chief of Ord., iSSS. p. 62. (C) Missouri River, Iowa. Rept. Chief
Manufacture of steel forgings at Bethle- of Eng., 1895, p. 2241. (A)
hem Iron Works. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1890, Tongue River, Mont. Rept. Chief
P-350. (C) of Eng., 1S95, p. 2243. (A)
Progress report on manufacture of steel Elk River, W. Va. Rept. Chief of
forgings at Bethlehem Iron Works. Rept. Eng., 1900. p. 3392. (A)
Chief of Ord., 1S91, p. 352. (C) Guyandot River, W. Va. Rept.
Platforms, etc., manufacture of, for 3,6- Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 3396. (A)
inch B. L. mortar carriage. Rept. Chief of Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky.
Ord., 1S93, p. 325. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 3400; 1901, p. 2752.
Construction report of lo-inch B. I^. wire (A)
Crozier gun. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S95. Memoir, description of the steel gates of
Report on manufacture of guns, carriages, the Soo-foot lock, St. Marys Falls canal, Mich.
projectiles, and ammunition. Rept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, pp. 3028, 3034. (A)
Ord., 1899. —
See Boards Robert, 13. (A)
Report of principal operations in seacoast Hodgson, Benjamin Hubert (U. S. M. A., 1870).
gun shop at Watervliet Arsenal; Report on Died June 25, 1S76, aged 28. Obituar>' in Ann.
manufacture of guns, carriages, projectiles, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877. (A)
and ammunition. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1900. Hof, Samuel (IT. S. M. A., 1894). Adjutant U. S.
translator. The determination of some M. A. May 12 to June 6, 1S9S.
of the elements of solids of revolution, when Hoffer, Jay Edgar (U. S. M. A., 1S92). Ser\'ice
the generating curve is given graphically. of the S-inch M. X.. rifle mounted on a barbette
Notes Constr. Ord., No. 24, vol. i. p. i. (A) carriage, model 1S91. and 15-inch smooth bore,
Experimental trunnion hoop for 8-inch niounted on a front-pintle barbette carriage,
steel B. L. rifle. Notes Constr. Ord., No. 39, new model, etc. West Point, 1897. vol., O., i

vol. 2, p. 13. (A) 13 pp. (A)

The initial strains in a hollow steel forg- Hoffman, A. W., of New York. Member of
ing cooled from the interior, compiled by. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S98.
Ord. Const. Notes. No. 70. Hoffman, William (U. S. M. A., 1829). Died
Hock. Ormentiz John Cadwalader (U. S. M. A., Aug. 12, 1S84, aged 76. Obituary in Ann.
1878). Died June 5, 1S83, aged 27. Obituar>- in Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S85. (A)
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S83. (A) See Boards— Allen, 3. (A)
Hodge, Rev. Charles (of New Jersey). Member Holabird, Samuel Beckley (U. S. M. A., 1S49).
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in if^72. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
The ]]'n'fi'uQ\'^ of Graduates^ iSo3-Tgo2, 271
Holabird, SamiK-llleckKy. Adjutant V S.M. A. . Holden, Ivlward Singleton. Telescopic research
Sept. 2. 1S59, to May 1,^, iSdi. on the nebula of Orion. 111. Pop. Sci.
Treatise on grand military operations. Monthly, vol.5, pp. 257-26S (July, i"^74l. (A)
Translated from the French of General Jomini. On the inner satellites of Uranus. Proc.
1S65. Amer. Assoc, vol.23, PP- 49-,S^ (August, 1^741;
Reconnaissance of Department t)r Dakota, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc, vol. 35, pp.
1S69. No. 1440, doc. S. (C) 16-22 (November,
1S74), (A)
Reports as Quartcrmastt r-tJcnc-ral V. S. On
the possible periodic changes of the
Army. 1SS3-1S90. sun's apparent diameter (by Newcomb and
Transport of troops and supplies, /h Chi- Holden). Amer. Jour. Sci.. 3d ser., vol. 8. pp.
cago Exposition, 1S93. Int. Cong. Kng., Opcr. 26S-277 (October, 1S74). (A)
Div. Mil. Eng. jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 15, On
the nnraber of words used in speaking
p. 494. and writing. Hull. Phil. Soc. of Washington,
Army transportation in the United States. vol. 2, app. n, pp. 16-21 (January, 1875). (A)
Ord. Note 1S9, vol. 6. (A) Drawing of the ring nebula in Lyra.
Desertion in the Array. Ord. Note, 232, Monthly Not, Koy. Astron. Soc, vol. 36, pp. 61-69
vol. 7. (A) (December, 1S75). (A)
Some thoughts about the future of our Progress of astronomy in 1S76. Ann. Rec.
Array. Ord. note 234, vol. 7. (A) Sci. and Ind., 1876, pp. 17-26. [Note. — This
Money and property accountability in the annual review of astronomy is continued in
Quartermaster's Department. Ord. note 259, Professor Baird's Annual Record of Science
vol. S. (A) and Industry for 1S77 and 1878, and subse-
Subjects for a military library. Ord. note quently in the Smithsonian reports. (A)
269, vol. 10. (A) Report upoi^ the astronomical instru-
Armj' clothing. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst., ments of the loan collection of scientific in-
vol. 2, p. 355. (A) struments at the South Kensington Museum.
Army wagon
transportation. Jour. Mil. 1S76. Rept. Sec. Navy, 1876, pp. 289-314; No.
Ser\'. Inst., vol. 3, p. 97. 1748, doc. 1. (A)
Holbrook, (of South Carolina). Member The horseshoe nebula in Sagittarius. III.

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S38. Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. S, pp. 269-281 (January
Holbrook. Willard Ames (U. S. M. A.. 18S5). 1876). (A)
Proper relative proportions of three branches On supposed changes in nebula M. 17,
of the service. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S91, p. 390. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 11, pp. 341-361
(A) (May. 1876). (A)
Holden, Edward Singleton (XT. S. M. A., 1870). Comparison of the Washington ob5er\'a-
Crayon portrait in Washburn Observaton,', tions of the satellite of Neptune with New-
University of Wisconsin, Madison; in presi- comb's tables. Astron. Nachr., vol. SS, pp.
dent's office University of California, Berkeley; 1S3-JSS (July, 1876). (A)
in Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, Cal. (in reference catalogues of astronomical
Member of Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. papers and memoirs. Bull. Soc. of
Washington, vol. 2, pp. 95-101 (December. 1S76).
Assistant librarian U. S. M. A. from Nov. (A)
I, 1901, to July I, 1902; librarian from July i, Index-catalogue of books and memoirs ,

1902, to . relating to nebulae and clusters, etc. Wash-

of the Board of Visitors to th^. ington, 1S77. 9 + i09 + (2j pp., O. Smithsonian
V. Naval Academy, June, 1S96.
S. - Misc. Coll., vol. (A)14.

Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Observations of the satellites of Neptune


The orbit of the binary star Struve 1757. and Uianus, and of the companion of Sirius
Essayons Club Papers, No. 26, 1872. (A) Astron. Nachr.. vol. 90, p. 161 (July, 1S77). (A)
The U. S. M. A. Suggestions. [Memo- Observations of comets a, f>, c, 1S77.
randum asked for by Professor Michie about Astron. Nachr., vol. 90, pp.167. 170, 331 (1S77).
1872.1 1S72. MS., 14 pp., y. (A) (A)
The Bastion system of fortification, its de- On the proper motion of thetrifid nebula.
fects and their remedies. New York, 1872. O. 111. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 14, pp. 433-
(A) 458 (December, 1877}. (A)
Onthespectrum lightning; Spectnnnof
<^>f Index-catalogue of books and memoirs
the aurora. Amer. Jour. Sci., November, 1872. on the transits of Mercury. Cambridge, 187S.
On a new arrangement of shutters for a 6 pp., O. Lib. Harv. Univ. BibHog. Contrib.,
dome for an equatorial telescope. Amer. Jour. No. I. (A)
Sci., 2d ser., pp. 375-377 (November, 1S73). (A) Note on the reticulated forms of the sun's
On the adopted value of the sun's apparent surface. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 16, p.
diameter. Bull. Phil, Soc. of Washington, app. 346 (November, 1878). (A)
I. PP- 3-9 (January, 1S74). (A) Subject-index for the publications of ol>
On Sir William Herschel's obser\'ationsof servatories. Library* Jour., vol. 3, p. 365 (De-
the satellites of Uranus. Bull. Phil. Soc. of cember, 1878). (A)
Washington, vol. i, app. 4, pp. 30-36 (June, Catalogue of the library of the United
1S74). (A) States Naval Observatory. Pt. I, Astronomical
272^ Coiicnuial of United States Military Academy.
bibliography. Washingloii. 1S79. ro pp.. y. Holden, Edward Singleton, Libservations of
(A) comet b, iSSi (1S81, HI), made at the Washburn
Holden, Edward Singleton. A subject-index to Observatory. 111. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.,
the publications of the United States Naval vol. 22. pp. 260-263 (October, iSSi).
Observatory', 1S45-1S75. Washington, 1S79. 74 Publications of the Washburn Observa-
pp., Q. Wash. Astron. Observ.. 1S76, app. i. torT,' of the University of Wisconsin. Vols, i,
Reports of observatories, 1879. Smith- 2, 3. 4. Madison, 1S82-18S6. 4 vols., O.

sonian Rept.. 1S79, pp. 455-512. Monograph of the central parts of the
The cipher dispatches. Internal. Rev., nebula of Orion. 111. Washington, 1882. 230
vol. 6, pp. 405-424 (April. 1879). pp., Q. Wash. Astron. Observ., 1S78. app. i.

Astronomy for students and general read- Observations of the transit of Mercury,
ers (by Newcomb and Holden). 2d ed., ill. iSSi, Nov. 7, at Mount Hamilton, Cal. Amer.
New York, iSSo. 11-512 pp., (>. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 23, p. 48 (January, 18S2).
Note on a relation between the colors and On the inclination of the ring of Saturn to
magnitudes of the components of binary stars. its orbit, deduced from Washington observa-

Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 19, pp. 4^7-472 tions. Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc, vol.
(June, iSSo). 42, pp. 304-307 (April, 18S2).
On the treatment of pamphlets in special Measures of the rings of Saturn in the
libraries. 111. Library Jour,, vol. 5, p. i'-'j years 1879, iSSo, iSSi, and 1S82. Amer. Jour.
(June. 18S0). Sci.. 3d ser., vol. 23. pp. 387-394 (May, 18S2).

On some of the consequences of the Figure of the nucleus of the bright comet
hypothesis recently proposed, that the intrin- of 1S82 (1882,11). 111. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.,
sic brilliancy of the fixed stars is the same (December, 1882).
vol. 24, pp. 435
for each star. Proc. Amer. Assoc, vol. 29, pp. Report of the eclipse expedition to Caro-
137-151 (August, 18S0). line Island, May, 1SS3. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci..
Recent progress in astronomy. /" North vol. 2. pp. i-i4b (1883). Q.
Amer. Rev., vol. 131 (October, 18S0). Observations of the transit of Venus, made
Sir William Herschel: His life and works. at the Washburn Observatory (18S2). Amer.
New York, iSSi. 6-23S pp. (por.). 12^. (A) Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 25. pp. 71-74 (January,
Berlin, 18S2. 12°. [Translation into 1S83).

German of the foregoing.] Li&t of 23 new double stars discovered at

On the vocabularies of children under 2 Caroline Island (by E. S. Holden and C. S.
years of age. Trans. Amer. Phil. Assoc, 1S77, Hastings). Science, vol. 2, p. 66 (July 20, 1883).
pp. 58-68. Hartford. Conn., 1878. Preliminary list of errata in YarnaU's cata-
Observations on infants. Trans. Amer. logue of stars. Astron, Nachr.. vol. 107, pp.
Phil. Soc, 1^75-1877. Bull. Phil. Soc. of Wash- 261-26S (October, 1883).
ington, app. 6. A system of local warnings against torna-
A forgotten astronomer (E. P. Mason). does. Science, vol. 2. p. 521 (Oct. 19, 1SS3).

Internal. Rev . vol. 10, p. 5S5. Proper motion of Lacaille S262. Astron,
synopsis of the scientific writings of Nachr., vol. 107, p. 273 (October, 18S3}.
Sir William Herschel (by Holden and Has- Thenarrow belt on Saturn. 111. Observa-
tings). Washington. 1S81. 114 pp., O. I''rom tory, vol. 7, p. 74 (March, 1SS4).

Smithsonian Rept., iSSo. Statistics of stellar distribution derived

Reports of observatories, iSSo. Washing- from star-gauges and from the celestial charts
ton, 1881. 126 pp., O. From Smithsonian and Palisa. Ob-
of Peters, Watson, Chacornac.
Rept., iSSo. servatory, vol. 7. pp. 249-256 (September, 1884).
account of recent progress in astron- The Lick Observatory. Sid. Mess., vol. 3,
omy (for the years 1S79 and 1S80). [Note. — pp. 301-303 (December, 18S4). See also Overland
Similar reviews will be found in the Smith- Monthly, 11. s., vol. 6, pp. 651-655 (December,
sonian reports for 1S81, 1S82, 1SS3, and 1884.] 18S5); Univ. Rev. (London), Feb. 15, 1S89, ill.;

Washington, iSSi. 37 pp.. O. Froin Sniith- Himmel und Erde (Berlin), ill.. May and June,
.sonian Rept., iSSo. 18S9; L'Astronomie, July and August, 1889 (2
Studies in Central American picture-writ- papers); in a circular of the U. S. Bureau of
ing. 111. First Ann. Rept. Bureau Ethnol.. Education relating to California; San Jose
Smithson. Inst. pp. 207-245 (1881). Mercury, Jan. i, 1S92; Blue and Gold, 1S92; La
Investigation of the objective and mi- Atmosfera, May, 1S93; tn "Santa Clara and its
crometers of the 26-inch equatorial constructed resources." [San Jose, 1895. Q.]
by Alvan Clark & Sons. Washington, 1881. Sketch of Prof. S. P. Langley. Pop. Sci.
44 PPm Q- Wash. Astron. Observ., 1S77, app. i. Monthly, vol. 27, pp. 401-409 (July, 1S85).
The multiple star S 748. Washington, 18S1.
22 pp., Q. Wash. Astron. Observ., 1877, app. 2.
A catalogue of 1001 southern stars . . .

[jointly with P. Hagen]. In Publ. Washburn

List of red stars observed at the Wash-
obser^'., vol. 3, 18S5, O.
burn Obser^'atorj'. Copernicus, vol. 1, p. 176
(18S1). The personality of George Eliot. In N. Y.
Obser\'ations on the light of telescopes Nation, May, 18S5, p. 400.

used as night-glasses. Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d Inaugural address of President Holden,

ser., vol. 22. pp. 129-131 (August, iSSi). June 30, 1886. Sacramento, Cal., iSSfi, O.
The ]]^i-itings of Graduates^ iSo2—r()02. 273
Holden, Edward Singlctoti. Photography, tlie Holden. Edward Singleton. The total eclipses
servant of aslroiioniy. (Ivcrland Monthly, No- of 1SS9. Century Mag.. 1891.

venihtT, iSS(). O. Occultation of the planet Jupiter, as ob-

Publications of tiie I.ick OV)scrvatory. served at the Lick Obsen-'atory, Mar. 23, 1S89.
Vols. Sacramento, 3 vols. Q.
I, 2, 3. (Observations by J. E- Keeler, E. E. Rnriiaid,
for high schools and colleges
Astronomy C. B. Hill. A. O. Lcuschner.) Sid. Mess., May,
[jointly with Professor Newcomh]. New York, 1SS9, p. 221.

1SS7. O. Address before the Astronomical Society

Hand-book of the L,ick Observatory. San The work of an astronomical
of the Pacific, on "
Francisco, June. iSSfi. 32 mo, pp. 135. ist and society." Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, No. 2, Mar,
zd eds.
Stellar photography. <^verl;ind Monthly. Reports on the observations of the total
June. iSSS. solar ccli])se of Jan.
i, i88g. Published by the
Note on earthquake intensity in San l-'ran- Lick Observatory, 1S89. O.
cisco, i8oS-iSfiR. Anier. Jonr. Sci., June, ifiSS. Great telescopes and their work. Obsen'-
Total solar eclipse of Jan. i, 1SS9, in Cali- atory, March, 1S89, p. 13S.
fornia. Monthly Not. Koy. Astron. Soc. vol. 4S, Recent discoveries in the uebulje by means
Occultation of 47 Librce by Jujnter, Tnne9, of photography. Scientific Araer., 1S89.
1888, Astron. Jour., vol. $, ]i. 64. On the helical nebulae. Pub. Astron. Soc.
The ring nebula in Lyra. Monthly Not. Pac. No. 3, July 27. 1SS9; Die Helikalischeu
Roy, Astron. Soc.. vol. 4S, p. 3S3. Nebel, Himmel und Erde. Octobc, 1SS9.
Regarding Sir T\'. Herschel's obser\-ations Astronomical photography (two papers).
in the nioon. Obser\'ator\-, iSSS, p. 334. Pacific Rev.,September and October, 1889.
List of recorded earthquakes in California, Earthquakes and how to measure them.
Lower California. Oregon, and Washington Century Mag., vol. 47, p. 179.
Territory [1769-1SSS]. Sacramento. 1887. [pp. Drawings of Jupiter, made with the 20-
7S] . O. inch equatorial at Washington in 1S75. Pub.
Sidereal astronomv, old and new (two Astron. Soc. Pac, No. 5, Nov. 30, 1889.
papers). Century Mag.. August and Septem- What is the real shape of the spiral neb-
ber, 18SS. nl;e? Century Mag., January, 1890.
Occultation of a star (eleventh magnitude) Astronomical observations made with
by Mars. Astron. Jour., vol. 8, p. 102. the great telescope since June, 1SS8, Commu-
Ob.ser\'ations of the Umar eclipse of July nicated to the A. A. A. S., 1889. [Not printed.]
22, iSSS, at the Lick Obser%'atory of the Uni- Ou photographing and seeing stars in the
versity of California. Communicated to the daytime. Astron. Jour., vol. 9, p. 73; [second
National Academy of Sciences (by all the note] Astron. Jour., vol. 10, p. 72.
astronomers). Printed in the report of the Memorandum on the determination of
total solar eclipse of December. 1SS9. the jnaguitndes of stars by means of photog-
Suggestions for observing the total eclipse raphy. Communicated to the permanent
of the sun on Jan. i, 1SS9. Sacramento. iSfiS. committee of the Diternational Astro-Photo-
O. graphic Congress, August, 1889, and printed
Hypothetical parallax of binary pairs. in their bulletin ( 1S90).

Sid. Mess., October, 1S8S, p. 356. The Lick observatory expedition to ob-
Physical ob.servations of Mars during the serve the solar eclipse of Dec. 21, 1889. Sid.
opposition of iSSS, at the Lick Obser\'atory. Mess., October, 18S9. p. 339.
Astron. Jonr.. vol. 8, p. 97, pi.; Jour. Liverp, First annual report of the director of
Astron. Soc. vol. 7 (November. iSSS). p. 7, Lick Obser\'atory to the president of the
pis. University of California, Sept. i, 18SS. MS.
Saturn and his satellites, .Sid. Mess., Jan- [E.\'tracts printed as an appendix to report of
uary, 1889. the president, 188S. 1

Obsen-ations of nebulae at the Lick Ob- Second annual report of director of Lick
servatory (by E. S. Holden and J. M. Schae- Observatory to the president of the University
berlel. Monthly Not.. Roy. Astron. Soc., vol. of California, Sept. r, 1889.
48 (iSfiS). p. 388. On some of the features of the arrange-
Earthquakes in California (1888). Amer. ment of stars in space. Monthly Not. Roj-.
Jour. Sci., May. 1889. p. 392. Astron. Soc, vol. 50, p. 6r.

On the solar eclipse of Jan. 1, 18S9. Ob- The photographic apparatus of the great
servatory, March, 1S89, p. 130; May, p. 221. equatorial ol the Lick Ob.servatory. Mouthly
- On the photographs of the corona at the Nol Roy. Astron. Soc. vol. 50, p. loi.

solar eclipse of Jan. i, 1SS9. Monthly Not., The rills of Hyginus, Ariadaeus, etc., on
Roy. Astron. Soc, vol. 49, p. 343; Naturwissen- the moon. Observatory, March, 1890, p. 109;
schaftliche Rundschau, vol. 4. p. 4S1. Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 2, p. 14; Sirius,
Reported changes in the rings of Saturn.
April, 1890, p. 73. pi.

(Observations by E. S. Holden, J. M. Schae- Review of Montessus' Central American

berle. J. E. Keeler. E. E. Barnard.) Astron. earthquakes and volcanoes (188S). Himmel
Jour., vol. 8, p. iSo. und Erde, vol. 2 (1890).

H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2— vol 2 iS

274 Ccutcjinial of United States Military Academy,
Holden, Edward Singleton. Astronomical pho- the Repsold meridian circle of the Lick Ob-
tography at the L,ick Observatory-. Anthony's servatory; Death of Capt. R. S. Eloyd, late
Internal. Photog. Bull., 1S90; Pub. Astron. president of the Lick trustees; Index to vols.
Soc. Pac, No. 9, vol. 2, p. 152. I and 2 of the Publications of the Astronomical

Report on the eclipse of Dec. 21. 1SS9. Society of the Pacific {printed at the end of
In LickObserv. Eclipse Kept., p. i. vol. 2). Pub. Astron. .Soc Pac, No. 11.
Address before the Astronomical Socitty KColclen, Edward Singleton. ContriV^utious from
of the Pacific. Mar. 29. 1S90. Pub. Astron. the Lick Ob.servatory: A lunar landscape.
Soc. Pac, vol. 2, p. 50. Century Mag., July, 1S91.
Photometry of the corona of Dec. 2[, 1SS9. An astronomer's voyage to fairyland.
Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 2, p. 69. Overland Monthly, May, 1891.
Solar protuberances on tlie negatives of •
University extension in California. Book
the eclipse of December, iSSg. Jour. Ital. News, May, 1S91, p. 370.

Spec. Soc. 1890, p. 95. The t". S. M. A. at West Point. Overland

Eclipse of Dec. 21, 1SS9. Pub. .\stron. Monthly, July, 1S91.
Soc. Pac. vol. 2. p. 93. Is Mars inhabited? N. V. Herald (Europ.
Catalogue of the library of the l,ick Ob- ed.). Sept. 30, 1S90.
servatory. In Eclipse Kept., December, 1SS9, The Moon. Youth's Comp., February.
p. I. iSqi.

The fiillowing notes (among

liriefer Circular letter (Apr. 22, iSgi) relating to
others) have been printed in the notices from the transit of Mercury. [Sent to California
the Lick Observatory in the various numbers newspapers.]
of the Publications of the Astronomical So- Observations of Saturn at the Lick ob-
ciety of the Pacific (of the dates beli>w written): servaton.' during 1891 with the 3^-inch tele-
July 27. 1SS9 — Photograph of the Davidson scope. Jour. B. A. A., 1891.
comet. Sept. 2S, iSSg — Photograjihing the Color associations with numerals, tic.
Milky Way; Kxamination of stellar photo- Nature, July, 1S91, p. 223.
graphs; Note on the corona of Jan. 1. 1RS9; Ze- Obser\'ations and drawings of Saturn,
nographical fragments, etc.; The uses of trails 1879-1889, p. 11; Review of Dr. Stumpe's paper
of stars in measures of position or of bright- on the motion of the solar system in space,
ness. —
Nov. 30. iS8g On the determination of printed in Astron. Nach., No. 2999, p. 42; Satel-
the brightness of stars by means of photo- lites of Mars, 1890. p. 46; Scientific expedition
graphy; Rainfall on Mount Hamilton, 1S80- (by M. Janssen) to the summit of Mount Blanc,
1S89. —
Jan. 25, 1S90 Contributions of Raphael p. 50; Review of Dr. Hbert's paper on the ring-
and of Albrecht Durer to astronomy; Pro- shaped mountains of the moon, p. 53; Compar-
gramme for meridian observations of stars. ison of some photographs and drawings of the

Mar. 29, 1S90 International Congress of Celes- nebula of Orion, p. 57; Moon negatives taken
tial Photography; Earthquake obsenations; at the Lick Observatory. 1S8S and 1S90, p. 62;
Schiaparelli's discovery of the rotation period Negatives of Jupiter luade at the Lick Observ-

of Mercury. May 31. 1S90 Indexes to scien- atory- during 1S90, p. 65 {see also Monthly Not.
tific periodicals; Medal of the great comet of Roy, Astron. Soc, vol. 51, \>. 402); Schmidt's
1680; Comet observations at Mount Hamilton; drawings of Nebula Orionis, 1860-1S75, com-
New instrumcuts for the Lick Observatory; pared with photograph.*;, p. GS; The U. S.
Occultation of Mars. Apr. 8, 1S90; OccuUation Naval Observatory, p. 74; Address of the presi-
of Japetus. Apr. 9, 1S90. July 12, iSgo— Notice dent of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
of the life of Prof. F,. I,oomis; Notice of Pro- Mar. 28, 1891, p. 103; The observatory- of Nice,
fessor Dnner's memoir on the rotation of the p. 123; Artificial earthquake of Jan. 31, 1891, p.
sun; The square-shouldered aspect of Saturn; 132; Who discovered the optical properties of
Bands on the planet C'ranus. Sept. 13. 1S90 lenses? p. 133; Photograph of the nebula of
Notice of Professor Schiaparelli's meuioiron Orion, with the great telescope, p. 141; Obser-
The rotation of the planet Venus; Wliite spots vations of the transit of Mercury. May 9, 1891,
on the terminator of Mars; Plmtographs of p. 225; Observations of the .solar eclipse of
Venus and Mercury in.daylight; Photographs June 6, 1S91, p. 241; The Imperial Observatory
of Alpha Lyrae in daylight. of Vienna, p. 243; Examination of the Lick
Third annual report of the director of the Observatory negatives of the moon, p. 249;
Lick Observatory, dated Sept. i, 1890. Jn Rept. Obituary notice of l)r. John Le Conte, p. 254;
Pres. Univ. Cal., 1890. Observations of Jupiter, 1SS9-90. p. 263; The
The red spot on Jupiter, Aug. 25, 1S90. university observatory of Strassburg, p.
Jour. B. A. A., December. 1S90. p. 157. 279; Observations of Uranus, 1889-91, p. 283;
Neue Spektroskopische Untersuchungen Observations of Uranus for the detection of
auf Ml. Hamilton. Himmel nud Erde, vol. 3, new satellites, p. 2S5; Characteristic forms
p. 149- within the cluster in Hercules, p. 375. Pub.
On the explanation of the dark transits of Astron. Soc. Pac, vol, 3.
Jupiter's satellites; Note on the opposition of Catalogue of the library of the Lick Ob-
Mars, 1890; Relation between the colors and servatory. Sacramento, 1891. [pp. 121] O.
magnitudes of the binary stars; Notice con- I-"orest fires at Mount Hamilton (July and
cerning the miscellaneous stars observed with August), 1S91. Californian, September, 1892;
The Writings of Graduates, i8o2-rQ02. 275
Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 3, p. 292; vol.
4, p. Holden. Edward Singleton. The new star of
161. See Neue Rille und Neucr Krater ent- February', 1S92, again observed at Mount Ham-
deckt auf den Mond Photographieii der L,ick ilton. Press telegram of Aug. iS, 1S92.
Steniwarte, Astron. Nach.. No. 3055 (article by Double canals obser\'ed on Mars. Press
Professor Weinek, director of the Prague tJb- telegram, Aug. iS, 1S92.
servatory). See also Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, The exhibit of the Lick Observatory at
vol. 3. pp. 252, 2S5. the World's Fair, Chicago, etc. San Jose Mer-
Holden, Kdward Singleton. The lunar crater curj*, Aug. J9, JS92.
Copernicus. Californian, March, 1S92; Pub. Note on the Mount Hamilton observa-
Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 4. p. 114. tions of Mars (Jinie-August, 1892). A. and A.
Photographs of the moon. Overland P., September, 1S92.
Monthly, January, 1892. A correction (relating to Lick Observatory
Astronomy (.American Scientific Series) obser\-ations of Mars). Pub. Astron. Soc Pac,
briefer course [jointly with Professor Xew- No. 25.

comb]. 5th ed. New York, 1892. O. Theories of the planet Mars. I'-orum,
California foxes. Nature, Nov. 5, 1S91. November, 1S92, p. 359.
Recent discoveries at the i,ick Observa- Letter regarding Professor Barnard's dis-
torj'. San Francisco Examiner, l-\-bruary, covery of a fifth satellite of Jupiter. Detroit
1902- Free Press, October, 1S92.
Negatives of Jupiter made with the great Columbvis the navigator. San P"rancisco
telescope of the Lick Observatory during Call, Oct. 21. 1S92.
1891 (by Kdward S. Holden and W. \V. Camp- A giant reflector for Mount Hamilton.
bell). Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. vol. 52. San Francisco Chronicle, October, 1S92.
p. 499- Regarding the announcement of Professor
Popular astronomical ubser\'atories in Barnard's discovery of a fifth satellite to Jupi-
America. New York Sun, Jan. 22, 1S92; Eng. ter. Observatory, 1S92, p. 452.
Mag., New York, March, 1902. Earthquakes in California in 1S90 and
—— List of earthquakes in California, etc., 1891. Washington. 1S92. O., 31 pp. U. S.
1890 and 1891 (with the help of Ur. Henry Geol. Sur\'ey Bull., 95.
Crew). Bull. U. S. Geol. Sun.-ey, 1S92. Negatives of Jupiter made at the Lick

Historical note relating to the search for Observatory, 1S92-93. Monthly Not. Roy. As-
the planet Neptune, in England in 1S45. p. 21; tron. Soc, vol. 53, p. 445.
the national obser\'atory of the Argentine Re- Sketch of the history of astronomy in
public, p. 25; The system of bright streaks ou America, 1620-1893. Forum, August, 1S93.
the moon, p. 81; The new star in Auriga, p. S4; What is evolution? Overland Monthly,
Note on the early history of the L,ick Observa- March, 1S93.
tory, p. 139; The national observatory of Paris, Enlargemeutsof Lick Observatory photo-
p. 151; Notes of a preliminary examination of graphs of the moon by Baron Rothschild.
photographs of Jupiter taken at the Lick Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 5. p. 51.
Observatory in 1S91 by A. S. Williams, F. R. Screens to protect telescopes from wind
A. S., p. 166; Photographic discovery of a new tremors. A. and A. P., 1S93.
crater on the moon (negatives of the Lick How to protect the individual against the
Observatory') by Professor L- Weinek, p. 17S; newspaper. Overland Monthly, June, 1S93.
Powder explosion at West Berkeley, July 9. The new Dudley Observatory, p. 100;
1892, p. 1S7; Visual magnitudes of Nova Aurigce; Alphabetical indexes to special libraries, p.
p. 257; Enlargemeutsof Lick Observatory pho- 100. Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 5.
tographs of the moon, p. 257: Photographs of Tamerlane the Great (A. D. 1336-1405).
the phenomena which accompany the ingress Overland Monthly, 1893.
of the shadows of the satellites of Jupiter, p. Babar, Emperor of Hindustan (1482-1530).
260; The fifth satellite of Jupiter, p. 262. Pub. Cosmopolitan, June, 1S93.
Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 4. The suicide of rattlesnakes. Nature, 1893.
The new star of 1.S92, etc, Californian, The history of the new star of 1892.
April, 1S92;San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 12, Forum, 1S93.

1892; San Francisco Examiner, Feb. 13, 1S92. The Lick Observatory eclipse expeditions
Nova Aurigce. A. and A. P., March. 1S92, of January, 1889, December, 1S89, and of
P-235- April. 1S93. Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 6,
The nebula of Orion. Overland Monthly, p. 245-
April, 1S92. Ou the eclipse comet of 1S93 (Apr. 16).
Article "'Lick Observatory." In Johnson's Astron. Nach., No. 3253.
Univ. Cyclop. Ancient Arabian marriage customs. Over-
land. October. 1S94.
A graduate school of astronomy. San
A brief account of the Lick Observatory.
Jose Mercury, July 21, 1892.
2d ed. November, 1S94. State prmting ofl&ce.
Mount Hamilton observations of Mars, The Mogul Emperorsof Hindustan. N.Y.,
1892. A. and A. P., September, 1892, vol. 2.
1895. pp. 365. O.
Opposition of Mars, 1892. Two telegrams Transit of Mercury, Nov. 10, 1S94. In San
to New York Herald, Aug. 3, 4, 1892. Francisco newspapers.
276 Ccnicuuial of Uuiicd States Military Academy.
Holden. Edward Singleton. St. I-rancis of Holdeu, Edward Singleton. A Rhode Island
Assisi. Overland, January. 1S95. writ of 1747; Index to some Dorchester records;
Mistakes about Mars. Cosmopolitan, Abstract of a Dorchester deed, 1753. N. E. H.
March, 1894. and G. Reg.. 1S96.

a general subject-index to periodical Mountain observatories in America and
scientific literature. Science. May 10, 1S95, Europe. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., No. 1035.
p. 520. Washington, 1S96 [pp. 77], O.
The latest news of Mars. North Anier. Note on the discovery* of comet a (1896)
Rev., May, 1895, p. 636. by C. D. Perrine. San Francisco Chronicle,
The U. S. M. A. at West Point, and the etc.. Kebruaiy, 1896.
education of ofRcers. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. The Lick Obser\-ator3' expedition to ob-
U. S.. vol. 16 {May. 1S95), p. 573. serve the total solar eclipse of August, 1896, in
The U. S. M, A. Kept. U. S. Bureau of Japan. .Scientific Amer.. 1S96; Pub. Astron.

Ed.. T891-92, p. 767. Soc. Pac. vol. S, p. 30.

A large reflector for the Lick Obser\-a- Tlie National AcadeniV of Sciences and
tory. San Francisco papers. Apr. 5, 1S95; Pub. the colleges in the United .States. Science,
Astron. Soc. Pac. 1S95, p. 128; Astron. Nach.. Apr. 10. 1H96.
No. 3283; Science, vol. i, p. 457. etc. A piece of family silver: a Boston gold-
large reflecting telescope for the Lick smith of 1712. N. E- H. and G. Reg., vol. 50.
Observatory. San Francisco Chronicle. Apr. p. 297.

7. 1S95. Sonya Kovalevsky (review), p. 340; The

The Crossley reflector of the Lick Observ- Herschels and modern astronomy (review),
atory. San Jose Mercur\-. Apr. 20, 1S95. p. 349. Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, vol. 7.
Report made to the joint committee of the The photography of planetoids (review),
regents on the organization and course of in- p. 23; Nomenclature of the asteroids, p. 28;
struction in the department of astronomy, Telegraphic announcement astronomical of
Apr. 15, 1895. Separately issued as an octavo discoveries, p. 64;Craters discovered on the
pamphlet. Lick Observatory photographs of the moon, p."
Addendum to the above, June 11. 1895. 90; Progress of work on the Crossley dome, p.
Separately issued. 100; A cipher code for astronomical messages,
Color associations with numerals, etc. 3d p. 109: ob,ser\'ationsof dark markings on Venus.
note. Science, May 24, 1S95, p. 576. 1SS9, p. iSi; Memorandum on a proposed ob-
The meteor of July 27. 1894, p. 26S; Bright
- servatory atlas of the moon from negatives
projections at the terminator of Mars, p. 2S5; taken at Mount Hamilton, p. 1S7. Pub, Astron.
The comet of Apr. 16, 1893, p. 295; En- Soc. Pac, vol. 8.
largement of lunar photographs by Prof. \V. A system of warning signals against tor-
Prinz, p. 2y6. Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac. 1S94. nadoes. St. Louis Globe-Dispatch, May 29.
Photographs of the sun at Mount Hamil- 1S96.
ton, p. 30;American astronomical journals, p. The total solar eclipse of Aug. 9, 1S96.

59; Drawings of Mars (1S94), p. Si; Teaching Chicago Tribune.

of astronomy in the University of California, Mountain observatories. McClure's Mag.
p. 126: Earthquake shocks felt at sea off Cape The Louis tornado of May 27, 1896.
Mendocino, The Crossley reflector, pp.
p. 131; Occident, Berkeley, vol. 31, No. 2.
197-201, 202, 205, Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac, 1895. The James Lick,
centenar>^ of the birth of
Some extracts from a family Bible (1613- Aug. San Jose Mercury, Aug. 23, 1896.
25, 1796.

1748), p. 341; Early insurance of animals against The beginnings of American astronomy.
lightning, p. 339. N. E. H. and G. Reg., vol. 49. Science, June 18. 1897.
The early historj- of New England towns. Life of Copernicus. In Best I,it., vol.
Univ. Cal. Mag., vol. i, Nos. 5,6. New York.
Eighth annual report of the director of Nin«th annual report of the director of the
the Lick Observatory' to the president of the Lick Obser\'ator\' to the president of the Uni-
university, Sept. i, 1895. (/;/ Report of the versity of California. {In the Report of the
secretary of the university for the year end- secretar\'«of the University for the year ending
ing July 1. 1895, pp. 109-116.) July I. 1896.)
Astronomical work in California. San Memorials of W. C. Bond and of his son,
Francisco Call. Dec. 25, 1S95. G. P. Bond. San Francisco and New York,
Persian life and customs (review); Celi- 1897. pp. 296. ill.. O.
bates (review). Overland Monthly, 1S95. A primerof heraldn,- for Americans, New
The meteor of July 27, 1894. Cont. Lick York. 189S. pp. 105. ill.. 120.
Observ., No. 5, 1895, O. Earth and sky. New York, 1S98. pp.
Request to astronomers regarding ephe- 116, ill.
merides of comets, etc. Astron. Nach., No. Stories of the great astronomers. New
333 1- York, 1900. pp. 255, ill.
a foreign war should come? Univ. Cal.
If The family of the sun. New York, iSgg.
Mag., 2, No. I (Februaiy, 1S96).
vol. pp. 252. ill.
The value of large telescopes. San Fran- Our country's flag and the flags of foreign
cisco Chronicle. Jan. 23. 1S96. countries. New York, 1S98. pp. 165, ill.
The lVii/in<rs of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 277
Holden, Kdward Singleton. [Pscnd. Single- Holden. Edward Singleton. Orbits of revolving'
ton.] The chronicles of Sir John Kroissart. double stars. Scientific Amer., Jan. 26, 1901.
New York, 1900. pp. 235. ill. What we know about Mars. McClure's
[pseutl. Stories from the
Singleton.] Mag.. March. 1901.
Arabian nights. New York, 1900. pp. .>4S. ill. .\ Chinese " Mother Choose." The Book-
Flowers from Persian gardens: Selections man. .\i>ril. 1901.

from the poems of Hafi/, Saadi, etc. New Biographical register of the oflTicers an<I
York, 1902. pp. 15S. graduates of the r. S. M. A. at West Point,
[Editor of] Pnblicationsof the Astronomi- N. Y., since its establishment in 1802, by
cal Society of the Pacific, from vol. (1889) to i Bvt. Maj. Cien. George W. Cnllum. Colonel of
vol. 9 (1S97), inchisive. O. Engineers, U. S. Army, retired. Supplement,
[Editorof] The young folks Ubran,-. Bos- vol. 4, iSgo-igoo. Edited by Edward S. Holden.
ton, igo2. 20 vols.. C>. M. A.,Sc. n.. \X. D. Cambridge. 1901. O.
Elementar>- astronomy. New York, 1S99. Henr>' Augustus Rowland. N. V. Sim,
pp. 446, O. .\pr. 20, 1901.
A catalogue of earthquakes on the Pacific Our scholarship i in America). N. Y. Sun.
Coast, 1769-1S97. Washington. 1S9S. ().,ii. 253 June 30, 1901.

pp., 5 pis., 5 text figs. P'rom Smithsonian Misc. The U. S. M. .-v. N. Y. Sun. Aug. 4. 1901;
No. T0S7.
Coll., vol. 37, June 22, 1902.
The longevity of scientific men. Cosmo- West Pointersin history. N. Y. Sun. .\ug.
politan. March, iSqS; Science. Apr. i, 1S98. II, 1901.

Earthquakes. Science. September, 189S. The U. S. Naval Academy. Kept. r. S.

Three writers compared Kipling. Sien- — Com. Ed., 189S-99. pp. 747- 7S0.
kiewicz. Shakespeare. N. Y. Sun, May 6, 1900, The birth and death of the moon. Har-
The Baboo poet-laureate. X. Y. Sun, May per's Mag.. August, 1901.
27, 1900. Ballooning as a science and as a sport.
Americans and the climate. Atlantic Munseys Mag.. September. 1901.
Monthly, June, 1900. The radio-activity of matter; a new field
New light on Omar Khavvam. N. Y. Sun. for thought. N. Y. Sun. Sept. 22. 1901.

June 3. 1900. Phenomenal memories. Harper's Mag..

What is —
a gentleman a lady^ [pseud. November. 1901,
Singleton.] Cosmopolitan. August, 1900. Friar Roger Bacon. Pop. Sci. Monthly.
Sonnet — Stockbridge. New England December. 1901.
Mag., June. 1900. The adventures of Mr. William Mariner.
Christianity in China. N. Y. Sun, July S. captain's clerk, 1.S05-6. Outing. December,
1900. See also Our Constitution in China: How 1901.
it came to be translated. N. Y. Sun, July 22. The sciences: A reading book for children.
igoo. Boston. 1902. O
How to teach morals in the public schools. L,ife in a great obser\'ator>-. Youth s Com-
Cosmopolitan, October, 1900. panion. January, 1902.
Mr. Tesla and the universe. Science, Sept. [pseud. Edward Atherton;] The adven-
21, 1900. tures of Marco Polo, the great traveler. New
Essays in astronomy— edited with a critical York. 1902. I vol. O., ill.
introchictioii. New Y'ork. 1900. (>., pp. 536, The U. S. M. A.. West Point: 1802-1902.
ill. [Sonnet, ill.] Cosmopolitan Mag., June, 1902.
Our race difference with the Hebrews. p. 192. In Outlook. July 5. 1902, p. 601.
Atlantic Monthly. 1900. Edgar Allen Poe at West Point. N. Y.
[Editor of supplement to Webster's In- Sun. Oct. —
1902. .

ternational Dictionary-. 1900.] Comets. In Encv. Brit.. loth ed. IQ02). (

Marco Polo's Adventures. Oviting, Octo- (A)

ber. 1900. Preliminary' list of the portrait statues of
Modern astrolog\-and palmistry-. Atlantic famous Americans (arranged alphabetically).
Monthly, May, 1901. in N. Y. Sun. Mar. 1903. (A) — .

A Chinese view point. [Review of "China's The Carnegie Institution. In Science,

only hope."] N. Y'. Commercial, Oct. 27, 1900. September, 1903.
Future great telescopes. N. Y. Sun, Oct. The renaissance of science. Pop. Sci.
2S. I goo. Monthly, November, 1903, pp. 5-25. (A)
Art criticism. Churchman. Sept. S. 1900.
Early Hindu mathematics. 5 pp. In Pop.
Science column in the N. Y. Sun, Sunday Sci. Monthly, vol. 3, p. 334.
edition, weekly from Dec. 23, 1900, to July, 1903. On the distribution of standard time
American schooling. N. Y. Sun. Nov. 7, the United States, [n Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol.
II, p. 174.
- The November meteors. N. Y. Sun, Nov. Comment on The Militar\' .\cademy, etc.
iS, 1900. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 16. p. 573.

The Sim's corona Sun, Dec. u, A new light on Balzac. Scribuer's Mag.,
vol. 3, p. 76.
278 Coitcnnial of United States Alih'tary Academy.
Holden, Edward Singleton. The hieroglyphs of Hooker, Joseph. Portrait (by I^. E. Faber) in
Central America. Century Mag., vol. 23. p. 22S. memorial hall, V, S. M. A., 1903.
The three Herschels. Century Mag., vol, (by H.B.Hall &Sons of New York)
30, p. 178. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Advisory editor of the Librar>' of the Equestrian statue (by D. C. French). In
world's best literatnre. Boston, Mass. (erected in 1903). (A)

Infantry Drill Regulations, U. S. A., i77'>- Obituar\' iti Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
1904. A. & N.Jour.. Jan. 16, 1904. p. 526. 1880; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 60(1880),
Holgate, Asa Hopkins (U. S. M. A.. 1863). Died p. 316. (A)
Sept. II. 1S80, aged 42. Obituar>- in Ann. Assoc. (by J. W. De Peyster). New York.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S81. (A) 1881. Q.. 207 pp.
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the ini- Adjutant U. S. M. A. July i to Oct. 3. 1S41.
provenient of Bridgeport Harbor, Conn. Rept. Gen. Joseph Hooker (by W. F. G. Shanks).
Chief of Eng., 1869. p. 41.S. (C) Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 31 (1865), p.
Providence River, Harbor, etc., R. I. 639. por.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S70, p. 450; 1871, p. 733. In mcmoriam. In Twelfth reunion of the
(C) Army of the Cumberland, Toledo, Ohio. Sep-
St-e Boards. — Newton, i. (A) tember. 1S80. p. 151. Cincinnati, 1881. (A)
Holland, (of New York). Member of Joseph Hooker and his troops at I^ookout
ISoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S38. Moutain, with his military record (by D. But-
Hollis. Magnvis Olin (U. S. M. A.. 1882). Died terfield). New York, 1S96. 48 pp.
Nov. 15. iS99,aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Hopkins. Edward Robie (U. S. M, A., i860).
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Holmes, Samuel Nelson (U. S. M. A., 1S73).
Hopkins. William Fenn (U. S. M. A., 1825). Act-
Died Feb. 15, 1884. aged 36. Obituary in Ann.
ing professor of chemistry, niineralogfy, and
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS4. (A)
geology. U. S. M. A., 1827-1835.
Holmes, Theophilus Hunter (U. S. M. A.. 1S29).
Died June 20. 1S80, aged 75. Obituary in Ann. Hoppin, Curtis Bushrod (U. S. M. A.. 1877).
Assoc. Grads. t'. S, M. A., 1S81. (A) Emergency cases with the horse. Jour. Cav.
Holstein, General (of New York). Member of Assoc, 1897, p. 248. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1S38. Horn, Tieman Newell (U. S. M. A., 1891). Tel-
Holt, J. H. (of Mississippi). Memberof Board of escopic sights. Jour. Mil. Ser\^ Inst., vol. 23,
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S3S. p. 241, l.\)
Holt, James (of Kentucky). Member <.>f Board Range finding. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6,

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35. p. 230.

Helton, Frederick Duane (U. S. M. A., iSSo). Homey, Odus Creamer {V S. M. A.. 1891).
. Re-
Died Sept. 18, 1890, aged :^^. Obituary in Ann. port on extraordinary repairs of dikes and
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S91. (A) dams at Rock Island water power; Report ou
Holtzbecker, George (of Delaware). Member manufacture of saddletrees. Rept. Chief of
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1854.
Ord., 1S97.
Report on trials and tests of the Winchester
Homer, William Bradford (U. S. M. A., 1870).
rifle, caliber .30; Report on trials and tests of
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
revolvers, caliber. 38. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1899.
Honeycutt. John Thomas (U. S.M. A., 1S74). Card system for property records and re-
Died Oct. 6, 189S. aged 48. Photograph in turns. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1900.
Albums of officers' mess.
Hosack, David (of New York) . Memberof Board
Ann. Assoc Grads.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S28.
U. S. M. A.,(A) i8g«).

A reply to the report of board on sea-coast Hosmer, John Edward (U. S M. A., 1S65). Died
mortar fire. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. S. p. 142. July 13. 1S70, aged 29. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1871. (A)
Hood, John Bell (U. S. M. A., 1S53). Died Aug.
30, 1S79, aged 4S. Engraving owned by Houghton, Dr. H. (of Iowa). Memberof Board
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1849.

Obituary in Anfi. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A., . Houghton, William (of Michigan). Memberof
1880; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 59 Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1872.
(1S79), p. 956. (A) Houk, George W. (of Ohio). Member of Board
Advance and Personal experi-
retreat. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1857 and in 1884.
ences in the United States and Confederate
Houston. David Crawford (U. S. M. A., 1856).
States armies New Orleans, iSSo. i vol..
. . .

Died May iS, 1S93, aged 57. Photograph in

O. (A)
Albums of officers' mess.
Hooker, James. Member of Board of \'isitors Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
to U. S. M. A. in 1834. (A)
Hooker. Joseph (U. S. M. A., 1S37). Died Oct Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
31. 1S79, aged 64. Portrait. Harper's New provement of Thames River, Conn. Rept.
Monthly Mag., vol. 31 (1S65), p. 639; vol. 37 Chief of Eng.. 1866, vol. 4, p. 197; 1S68, pp. 752,
(1868), p. 2. (A) 753; i«73. P- 9^3- (C)
Tin- Wn'/iHos of Graduates, iSo2-n)02. 279
Houston, David Crawford. Project, idan. esti- Houston, iJavid Crawford. Project, ]jlan. esti-
mate, etc., for the improvement of IJridjjeport mate, etc., for the improvement of Sheboygan
Harbor, Conn. Kept. Chief of Kn^., 1S66, vol. Harbor, Wis. Rept. Cliief of Eng., 1873, pp.
4. p. 201; 1S69. p. 415. (C) 33. 2o6. (C)
Westport (Saugatuck) Harbor. Conn. Port Washington (Ozaukee) Harbor.
Kept. Chief of Kng.. pp. 44, 452. (C)
1867, Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 207; 1876,
Providence River, Harbor, etc.. K. I. vol. 2, pp. 3S0. 381. (C)
Rept. Chief of Kng.. iS'^y. p. 44S; pp.
iS(>S. (>7, Waukegan Harbor. 111. Rept. Chief
746; iS6g. p. 408; 1,870, p. 449. (C) of Eng., 1873. p. 248; 1880, pp. 1943, 1946; 1S83. p.
Connecticut River. Rept. Chief of 1711; 1886, p. 16S6; 1887. p. 2075. (C)
Eng., 186S, pp. 66. 67, 750, 755, 756, 776. 7S4; 1S69, Manistique Harbor. Mich. Rept.
PP- 57. 5S. 409; 1870. PP- 74. 447- (C) Chief of Eng., 1873. p. 255. (C)
Pawlucktt (Seekonk) River, R. I. ; Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. ifi6S, pp. 67, 746; 1S70, p. Chief of Eng., 1875. vol. 1, p. 218; 1876, vol. 2.
450. (C) pp. 3gS, 400, 401; 1878, p. 1170. (C)
New Buffalo Harbor. Midi. Rept. Wolf River, Wis. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., 1870. pp. 38. oS; 1S71, i>p. 36, 120; Eng.. 1S79, pp. 1550. 1552, 15.S3; 1S80, pp. 197S,
1876. vol. 2, p. 453. (C) 1981. (C)
Eagle Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief Milwaukee Bay, Wis. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1S70, p. 91. (C) of l''ng.. 18S1, pp. 2117. 2iig, 2121, 2122. (C)
Racine Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief Housatonic River, Conn. Rejit.
of Eng., 1S70, p. 95; 1872. p. 127; 1873, p. 211; Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 608; 1891, p. 774; 1892.
1S74, vol. I, p. 153; 1876, vol. I, p. 390; 1S77. pp. p. 6S1. (C)
102, 871; 1S79, P- '5^- (^) Peters Neck Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Kenosha (Sonthport) Harbor, Wis. of Eng.. 18S7, p. 639. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S70, p. 9(3; 1872. p. 12S; Five Mile River Harbor. Conn.
1873, p. 212; 1S74. vol. I, p. 155; 1S77, p. 874; 1879, Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S7, p. 641; 1S89, p. 710;
p. 156; 18S0. p. 1938. (C) 1S92, p. 697. (C)
Chicago Harbor. 111. Rept. Chief Duck Island Harbor, Conn. Rept.
of Eiig., 1S70, p. 96; 1S72, pp. 33. 129; 1S73, p. 214; Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 642; iSgi.'p. 757. IC)
1S74. p. 156. (C) Glen Cove Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Michigan City Harbor, Ind. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS7, p. 646; 1SS9, p. 72S; 1S92, p.
Chief of Eng., 1S70, p. 97. (C| 720. (C)
Plymouth Beach and Harbor, Mass. — Connecticut River, below Hartford,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S70, pp. 457, 458. (C) Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S88, p. 532; 18S9,
Hj'annis Harbor Breakwater, Mass. pp. 614, 615: 1892, p. 659. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1870, p. 460; 1872, p. 952. bridge at Stratford, Conn. Rept.
(C) Chief of Eng.. iSSS, p. 2612. (C)
Grand Marais Harbor, Mich. Rept. Norwalk Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief
Chief, of Eng., 1S71, pp. 37, 130, 131, 139. (C) of Eng.. 1S89, pp. 64. 707. (C)
Duluth Harbor. Minn. Rept. Chief Fort Pond Harbor. Montauk, N. Y.
of Eng.. 1871, p. 107; 1S73, p. 135. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS9. p. 736. (C)
Menomonee Harbor, Mich, and Wis. New London Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p. 109; 1S72, p. 115; Chief of Eng.. 1SS9, p. 745. (C)
1874, vol. I, p. 139; 1S76, vol. 2, p. 336; 1879, p. Mystic River, Conn. Rept. Chief of
1484; 1S84, p. 1835; 1S86, p. 1652. (C) Eng., 1889. p. 747. (C)
Two Rivers Harbor. Wis. Rept. Port Jefferson Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1871, p. iii; 1874, vol. i. p. 144; Chief of Eng., 1S89, p. 754; 1891, p. S15; 1S92, p.
1875, vol. I. p. 200; 1876, vol. 2, p. 364: 18S6, pj). 714- (C)
1665, 1666. (C) Browns Creek, Sayville, N. Y. Rept.
Oconto River, Wis. Rept. Chief of Chief of Eng., 1S90, p. 673; 1S92, p. 728. (C)
Eng., 1S71, p. 121. (C) lyarchmont Harbor, N. Y% Rept.
Ahnapee Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng., 1S90, p. 678; 1891. p. 800; 1S92. p.
of Eng., 1871. p. 125; 1S72, p. iiS; 1S73, p. 200; 703. (C)

1874, vol. I, p. 143; 1S74. vol. 2, p. 351; 1S76, vol. Wilson Point Harbor, Conn. Rept.
2. p. 351. (C) Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 790. (C.)
Stony Creek River, Conn. Rept.
Green Bay Harbor, Wis. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 833. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S72. pp. 31, 116; 1873, p. 198;
1874, vol. I, pp. 38, 140, 141; 1875, vol. I. p. 42. (C) Shaws Cove, New I,ondon Harbor,
Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1891, p. S34. (C)
Manitowoc Harbor, Wis. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1872, p. 121; 1S74, vol. i, p. 146;
Westport Harbor. Mass. Rept.
1879. P- 1516. (C) Chief of Eng., 1891, p 842. (C)

Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wis., harbor Mattituck Bay, N. J. Rept. Chiei of

of refuge at entrance. Rept. Chief of Eng., Eng., 1891, p. 845. (C)
1872, pp. 171, 172; 1S73, pp. 32, 199; 1S74, vol. I, Stamford Harbor, Conn. Rept.
pp. 141, 142, 144. (C) Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. 849. (C)
28o Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Houston. David Cra-n-for<l. Project, plan, es- Howard, Oliver Otis. Reports as Commissioner
timate, etc., for the improvement of Cos Cob of the Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen. and
(Miamus) River, Conn. Rept. Chief of Kng., Abandoned Lands, 1S65-1S72.
1S91, p. S55. (C) (Ven. Oliver o, Howard. Biography. Har-

Pecoilic River, N. Y. Kept. Chief l)ers New Monthly Mag., vol. 35 (1867), p.

of Eng.. 1S91, p. S58. (Cl 211. I .A I

Sag Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Howard at .Atlanta (by J. G. Whittier).

Eng.. 1S91, p. S61. (C) Atlantic .Monthly, vol. 23 (1S69I, p. 367.
New Y'ork Harbor. Rept. Chief of Proceedings, findings, and opinioiis of
Eng., 1S92, pp. 460, 461. (Cl the court of inquiry ... in the case of . . .

Norwalk Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief Howard Washington, 1S74, i vol., O.

. . .

of Eng., 1S93, p. 991. (.\) (il. Review of the Judge-Advocate-General

Berrians Creek, Long Island, N. Y. and order of the Secrelarj- of War (i pam., O.,
Kept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 99.^ (A) 1874): (2) ArguTuents of George W. Dyer and
SouthoUl Harbor, Long Island, Asa Bird Gardner (i pam.. O., 1874). (A)
N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 996. (.\) Campaign and battle of Gettysburg, June
Notes on the harbors of the Great Lake.s, and July, 1S63. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 38,
Essayons Club Papers, No. 25, 1S72. (A) (1S76I. p. 48,

Method of sinking cribs. Washington, The battles about .Atlanta. .Atlantic

1S7.). Monthly, vol 38 (1S76), pp. 358. 559.,

Photograph of a model of a wing dam for Donalds school days , . . Boston, 1878.'

the improvement of the Wisconsin River. I vol., O. (A)

Model at Willetts Point, N. Y. The true story of the Wallowa campaign.
Report upon experiments made by Assist- hi North Amer. Rev., vol. 129, July, 1S79.
ant W. H. Hearding upon the compressive Nez Perce Joseph ... i vol., O. 1881.

power of pine and hemlock timber, under the (A)

direction of Maj. D. C. Houston. HoUoway (L. C); Howard, the Christian
See Boards— Houston; Abbot, 4, 6, 10, 11,
hero. New Y'ork, 1S85. I vol., O., pp. 2,35.

Casey, Corn- (A)

16, 17, 18; 2, .^, .s, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13;

Macomb, Gettysburg thirty j'ears after. In North

stock, 2, 3, 15; Craighill, i, 22; 10, 13,

16; Newton, i; Poe, i; Raynolds, 2:

Amer. Rev., vol. 152, February', 1891.
14. 15,

Stewart, 3; Tower, 18; Weitzel, 3. (A) General Taylor New York, 1S92. I . . .

vol., O. Part of Great commanders. (A)

Houston, David V. (of Texas). Member of
Isabella of Castille Text ill. by F. A. . . .

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1900.

Carter. New Y'ork, 1894. i vol., O. (A)
Houston. Samuel (of Texas). Member of Board The menace of "Coxeyism." In North
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1826. Amer. Rev., vol. 158 (1894), p. 689.
Hovey. A. G. (of Oregon). Member of Board Fighting for humanity; or, Camp and
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1892. quarter-deck (War with Spain.) New
. . .

Howard, Douglas Alexander (U. ,S. M. A., 1878). York, 1898. I vol., O. (A)
I.atch for B. L. rifles, theory of, translation,
Henry in the war; or. The model volun-
teer Boston, 1S99. I vol., O. (A)
p. 236; Carriage proof for lo-inch B. L- steel and
. . .

,S-inch rifle, construction report, p. 2S4. Rept. Military problems in South .Africa. /«
Chief of Ord.,iS86. (C)
North .Amer. Rev., vol. 170 (1900), p. 192.
Field guns, progress construction report
Comment on his article on Military and
naval pensions. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 11,
on twenty 3.2-inch, p. 279; Projectiles report
Report p. 160. (A)
on banded S-inch and lo-inch, p. 345.
Chief of Ord., 1SS7. (C)
Review of Sherman's Personal memoirs,
translator. Theoretical investigations p. 671; Comment on Centralization in array
Notes Constr. affairs, p. 1013. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 12.
relating to interior ballistics.
Ord. No. (A) (A)
42, vol. 2, p. I.
Life of Count de Gasparin. [Translated
Howard. Edwin Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1873).
from the French.]
Died Mar. aged 45. Obituary in Ann.
12, 1896,
Grant at Chattanooga. M. O. L. L. U. S.,
A.SSOC. Grads, U. S. M. A., 1S98. (A)
N. X.
Howard, Col. John K. (of Tennessee). Member Numerous magazine and review articles.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. Author of various books and articles.
Howard, Oliver Otis (U. S. M. A., 1854). Por- Howard, William -A. (of Michigan). Member
trait (oil painting). Presented by War Dept., of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852.
1875. In Cadet mess hall. Howard, William Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1876).
Engraving (by .\. H. Ritchie) owned by Died Sept. 3, 1888, aged 34. Obituary in Ann.
.A.SSOC. Grads. U. S. M. A. Assoc. Cirads. U. S. M. A., 1889. (A)
Photograph in Albums of oilicers' mess. Howe, Albion Parris (U. S. M. A., 1841). Died
Bronze medallion. Washington, D. C. January 25, 1897, aged 79. Portrait (oil paint-
Twentieth Superintendent from Jan. 21, ing by Frank W. Benson, 1891). Presented by
18S1, to Sept. I, 1882, Reports as Supt. U. S. his son, F. DeS. Howe. In Memorial hall,
M. A., 1SS1-S2. West Point.
The ]\'iili)igs oj Graduates^ iSo2—i()02. 281
Howe, Alhiuii Talis. KtlKraving (liy A. H. Howell Charles Wagoner. Project, plan, esti-
Ritchie) owned liy Assoc. C.rads. V. S. M. A. mate, etc., for the improvement of Brazos
Pliotograph in Albums of officers' mess. River, Tex. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1875, vol. 1,
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. PP- 938, 941: iS70,pp.9l9,94,t,945; i8«o, p. 1243. (C)
Grads. U. M. A., 1S97. (A)
S. Cedar Bayou Bar (Galveston Bay),
Howe, Kdgar Wellington (t'. S. M. \.. 1878). Tex. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S75, vol. i, p. 942.
The history of the of '7S. W. the V . S. (C)
M. A. New York. iSSi. I vol., O., 140 pp. (A) .Sabine Pass, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Howe, Myron Winslow (U. S. M. A., 1875). I>ied Eng., 1875, vol. I
, p. 947; 1877, p. 75; 1S7S, p.
June 16, 1S79. aged 27. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. 609; 1881, p. 198. (C)
Grads. r. S. M. A., 1S80. (A) Neches River, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Howe, Timothy O. (of Wisconsin). Member of Eng., 1878, p. .84; 1879, p. 909; 18S0. p. 1202. (C)
Board of Visitors to U. .S. M. A. in 1874. Pearl River, Miss., between Car-
Howell, Charles Wagoner (U. S. M. A.. 1863). thage and Jackson. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879,
Died Apr. 5, 1SS2, aged 41. obituary in Ann. pp. 878, 898, 900; 1887, p. 1336; 1891, p. 1797. IC)
.4SSOC. Grads. U. S. M. .\., 1882. (A) Bayou La Fourche, La. Rept. Chief
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- of Eng., 1S79. p. goi; i.SSi, p. 196. (C)
provement of Missouri River. Rept. Chief of Corpus Christi and Aransas Pass,
Eng., :S6S, pp. 621, 624. 633. (C) Tex. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, jjp, 930, 931, 932.
Western rivers. Rept. Chief of (C)
Eng., 1S6S; pp. 633. 821; 1869, pp. 310, 311. (C) Tickfaw River, La.
Rept. Chief of
Bayou Teche, La. Rept. Chief of Eng., pp. H48, 1184; 1892, p. 14,84. (C)

Eng., 1870, p. 349; 1S72, pp. 350, 556. (C) Pearl River, Miss., below Jackson.
Galveston Harbor, Tex. Rept. Chief Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S0. p. iisj; 18S7, p. 1339.
of Eng., 1871. pp. 51.S. 520,521: 1874, pp. 732-736, (C)
740: 1875, vol. I. p. 866; 1S7S, ]). S2; 1879, p. 912. .\raite River and Bayou Mauchac,
(C) La. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSo, p. 1157; 1S83, p.
Trinity River, Tex. Rept. Chief of 1105; 18S4, p. 210. (C)
Eng., 1871. p. 537; 1873, pp. 685, 686; 1878, pp. Vermilion River, La. Rept. Chief
84, 612: 1879, p. 919; 1880. p. i2-;S: 1887. p. 1422. of Eng., 1880, pp. 1157, 1165, 1166; 1S83, p. 1107:
(C) 8S7, p. 139S. (C)
.Sabine River, Tex. Rept. Chief of Bayou Teche. canal connecting with
Eng., 1.S71. p. 541; 1873, p. 681; 1.S7S, p. 611; 1879, Grand Lake at Charenton, La. Rept. Chief of
pp. 904, 905. (C) Eng., 18S0, pp. 1 159, 1 166, 1169, 1 189; 1SS2, p. 137S;
Calcasieu Pass, La. Rept. Chief of 1S84, p. 1275: 1885, p. 1399; 18S6, p. 1260. (C)
Eng., 1871, p. 558; 1872, p. 61. (C) Bayou Courtableau, La. Rept. Chief
Red River. Rept. Chief of ling., of Eng., 1S80, p. 1160. (C)
1872, p. 61; 1S73, pp. 622, 624, 627, 628, 674, 675; Tchefuncte River and Bogue Falia
1874, vol. I, pp. 73, 705, 710, 714, 715, 720,904; 1875, (Kalaya), La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S80, p. 11S2.
vol. pp. 69, 529, 904,906; 1877, pp. 483. 484; 1879,
I, (C)
P- 953- (C) Calcasieu Riverand Pass. La. Rept.
Cypress Bayou, Tex. and La. Rept. Chief of Eng., i.ssi, pp. 196, 1302. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 622; iSSo, pp. 1280, 1281; Bayou Black, La. Rept. Chief of
1886, p. 299; 1887, pp. 1454, 1494. (C) Kng., pp. 128.8, 1292; 1885, p. 1402; 18S7, p.
Tangipahoa River, La. Rept. Chief 1.369. (C)
of Eng., 1S73, p. 631; 1S79, pp. 946, 949; 1886, p. Little Lake, La. Rept. Chief of
1241; 18S8, p. 1245. (C) Eng., 1S81, p. 1314. (C)
Tchefuncte (Chefuucte) River, La. ,
Barataria Bay. I,a., from New Or-
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 633, (C) leans to Grand Pass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881,
Indianola Harbor (Passo Cavallo p. 1314- (C)
and Matagorda Bay), Tex. Rept. Chief of On Eads' jetties. Misc. Pamphlets, vol. 3.

Eng., 1874, vol. I, pp. 763, 764; 1877, pp. 469, 470. and Woodruff. Eugene Augustus (U. ,S.
(C) M. A., 1866). Photographic views of Red River
raftmadein 1S73, toaccompany their
Matagorda Bay. Tex. Rept. Chief
. . . . . .

of Eng., 1874, vol.

annual report . . . 1873. (A)
I, pp. 763, 764; 1877, p. 469;
See Boards— Barnard, 4; Tower, 5; Weit/.el,
pp. 1244, 125S. (C)
5, 6; Wright. I. (A)
Mississippi River, at its mouth, HoweU, George Pierce (U. S. M. A., 1893). Proj-
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i, pp. 781, 788, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement
825. (C)
of Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of Eng.
Galveston Hay Ship-Channel, Tex. (supp.), 1902, p. 32. (A)
Report Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i. p. 873; 1876, HoweU, Rezin Gist (U. S. M. .\.. 1S64). Died
vol. I, p. 77; 1877, pp. 466, 467; 187S, pp. 83, 607; May 2, 1S87, .aged 45. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc,
1S79. pp. no, 91S. iC) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1887. (A)
Donaldsonville to the Rio Grande Howland, George Washington U. S. M. A., 1848). (

River. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, pp. Died Dec. 21, 18S6, aged 62. Obituary in Ann.
876-901. (C) As.soe. Grads. U. .S. M. A., 1S87. (A)
282 Centennial of United States J[Iilita?y Aeadeniy,
Howze, A. C. (of Alabama). Member of Board Hoyle. George Summers. Veterinary' science
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902. for cavalrj' officers. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S92,
Howze, Robert I,ee (U. S. M. A.. 1S6S). Notes p. 27. (A)
on horsemanship. In Man. Inst, for Cadets, Grooming cavalry' horses in winter. Jour.
r. S. M. A.. No. 6. West Point. 1901. i vol.. Cav. Assoc. (A)
1S96, p. 26.

O. (A) Hoyt, Charles H. Assistant Quartermaster U. S.

Hoxie. Richard Leveridge (U. S. M. A.. 1S6S). M. A., July I, 18S0. to June 23, 1SS4.
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improve- Hubbaxd, Elmer Wilcox (U. S. M. A., 1S85).
ment of Clear^\-ater Harbor. Fla. Rept. Chief Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
of Eng.. 1SS5. pp. 1325. 132S. (C) The Military- Academy and the education
Oconee River. Ga. Rept. Chief of of officers. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 16,
of Eng.. 1S.S5. p. 1332. (C) ^*o 75. PP- 1-25. January, 1895. (A)
Flint River. Ga. Rept. Chief of Translation of Fauconneau's Artillen,- of
Eng.. iSS-. pp. 1290. 1291. (C) the future. Jour. U. S. Art., vol.3, P- 640,
Oostanaula and Coosawattee rivers, Notice of Manual of field engineering for
Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSS, p. ii7> (C) the use of officers and troops of the line. Jour.
bridges of the East Tennessee, Vir- I'. S. Art., vol. 4, p. 161.

ginia and Georgia Railroad, above Hawkins- An improved method of hauling heavy
\'ine and below Macon. Ga. Rept. Chief of guns. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 7. p. iSo.

Eng.. 1S.SS. p. 2552. (C) A sketch of the siege artillen.- train at

bridge at Dayton. Ga. Rept. Chief Camp Rodgers, Tampa. Fla., during the sum-
of Eng.. 1SS8, p. 2552. (C) mer of 1S98, p. 147; Roller bearings for artil-
bridges near Geneva and below lery, p. 272. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 13.
Newton. Ala. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSS. p. The organization, care, and ser\ace of a
2553- (C) i6-mortar battery*. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 17,
Allegheny River, below Herr Island. P- 235-
Rept. Chief of Kng.. 1S94, p. 1921. (A) The Military Academy. Jour. Mil. Sen-.
Tionesta River (creek), Pa. Rept. Inst., vol. 16, p. I. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 241S. (A) Hubbard. Oliver P. (of New Hampshire). Mem-
Clarion River. Pa. Rept. Chief of ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1863.
Eng.. 1S95, p. 220S. (A) Hubert, Edgar (U. S. M. A., 18S0). Died Aug. 4,
Allegheny River. Pa. Rept. Chief 1S9S, aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
of Eng.. 1896, p. 2212. (A) U. S. M. A.. 1S99. (A)
harbor lines at Pittsburg. Pa. Rept. Hudson, Edward McK. (T. S. M. A.. 1S49).
Chief of Eng., 1896, p. 2216. (A) Died July 20. 1S92. aged 66. Obituary Ann. m
St. Croix River. Me. Rept. Chief of Assoc. Grads. U.S.M. A., 1S93. (A)
E:ig.. 1S97. p. S06. (A) Huey, James 1,. (of Alabama). Member of
Union River, IMe. Rept. Chief of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1855.
Eng., 1S93, p. S40. (A) Huger. Benjamin (U. S. M. A.. 1S25). Died Dec.
Bagaduce River, Me. Rept. Chief 7. 1S77, aged 72. Obituary* in Ann. Assoc.
of Eng., 1S9S, p. S42. (A) Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S78. (A)
Mississippi River, St. Paul to Min- Triaugulation. Kennebec and Sheepscot
neapolis lock and dams. Rept. Chief of Eng., rivers, :Me., pp. 31. 92; Cedar Keys, Fla., pp.
1902, p. 1665. (A) 67. 9S. r. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1S56. (A)
Value of the improvements of the Monon- Triaugulation of Booth Bay Harbor and
gahela Na\'igation Company on the Mononga- Daraariscotta River, Me., p. 41; of Florida coast,
hela River, in Pennsylvania. Rept. Chief of below St. Johns River, p. 82. U. S. Coast Sur-
Eng.. 1S96, p. 2143. (A) vey Rept.. 1S58. (A)
and Marshall, William Louis (U. S. M. A., Triaugulation of St, Augustine Harbor.
1849). Instructions for taking and recording V. S. Coast Sun-ey Rept.. 1S59. p. 73. (A)
meteorological obser\'ations, and for preser\-- Triaugulation, near St. Augustine, Fla.
ing and repairing the instruments prepared U. S. Coast Survey Rept., i860, p. 65. (A)
for the use of field and astronomical parties, See V. S. Coast Sun-ey Rept., 1S61, p. 51.
etc. Washington, 1 pani.. O.
1S75. Explora- (A)
tions and [Other title: U. S. Geog.
Sur\-eys. Huger, Frank (U. S. M. A., i860). Died June 10,
Sur^'ej's west of the 100th meridian; Baro- 1S97, aged 60. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
metric hj-psometry.] (A) r. S. M. A.. 1900. (A)

See Boards Adams, i; Hains, 9.
Hugrhes, William Burton (U. S. M. A., 1856). Died
Hoxton, Llewellyn Griffith (U. S. M. A., 1S61).
Sept. 22, 1896, aged 64. Obituar\- in Ann. Assoc
Died Feb. 12, 1891, aged 53. Obituary and por-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S97. (A)
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900.
(A) Hull, John A. T. (of Iowa). Memberof Board of
Hoyle, Eli Du Rose (U. S. M. A., 1S75). Photo- Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S92 and in 1898.
graph in Albums of officers' mess. Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson (U. S. M. A.,
Hoyle. George Summers (U. S. M. A., 1S73). 1S31). Died Dec. 27, 18S3. aged 73. Eng^raving
Recent discussions on horseshoeing. Jour. (by A. H. Ritchie) owned by Assoc Grads.
Cav. Assoc., 1S90, p. 204, (A) U. S. M. A.
The l\'riti)igs of Graduates, 1S02-IQ02. 283
Humphreys. Andrew Atkinson. obituary /« 'il the citizens of Philadelphia, Nov, 18, 1872,

Ann. Assoc, drads. r. S. M. A., iS-Sv); Haqjer's Washington, 1S72,

New Monthly Mag., vol. 6S(ifvS4\ p. 650; in Humphreys, .\iulrew Atkinson, Remarks tipon
Bio^. Mem.
Nat. Acad. Sci.,vol. 2. p. 201. (A) so nnich of the proposed Revised Statutes of
Sketch by H. I^. Carson. Philadelphia. the United States. "Title XIV, The Army,"
1554. In War
Uept. I.ibran'. as affects the legal status of the Corps of
Memoir of {by H. I.. Abbott). 1SS5. In Engineers. Washington. 1873.
War Dept. Library. Letter from the Chief of Enginctrs to the
(by J. Watts de Peyster ). 1886. In ftecretarj'of War.containinga historical sketch
War Dept. I^ibrar>'. of the Corps of Engineers. Washington, 1.S76.
Takes charge of, and reorganizes oflfice. 1 vol., O.. pp, 43. (A)
V. S. Coast Sur\-ey Kept., 1S44. p. 17. (A) Erom (ietty.sburg to the Rapidan— July.
Office serv-ices, p. 29; Compares base appa- 1863, to April. 1S64. 12*^, pp. 86, maps 3. New
ratus, p. 25. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S45. ( A) York, 1SS3,

Verification of field work, p. 17; Potomac Virginia campaign of 1S64 and 1865: The
reconnaissance, p. 19; Office ser\'ices, p. 34. Army of the Potomac and the Army of the
r. S. Coast Survey Kept.. 1S46. (A) James. Campaigns of the civil war, vol. 12.
Verifications, sec. 3, pp. 29, 47; Office ser\-- New York, 1883.
ices, pp. 46, 47. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S47. At Malvern Hill. July i, 1862, and Freder-
(A) icksburg, Dec, 13. 1S62 (by Col, C. McClellan).
Verification, Boston topography, p. 25; 18SS. In War Dept. Library.
Office ser\*ices. p. 54. U. S. Coast Survey Rept. At Fredericksburg. Dec. 13, 1862, aud Farm-
1848. (A) ville. Apr. 2, 1S65 (by H. H. Humphreys). Chi-
Verification, topography sec. i. p. 22; Of- cago, 1896. In War Dept. Libran,'.
fice ser\'ices. bad health, relieved from office, and Abbot. Henry Larcom (V S. M. A., .

p. 54. U. S. Coast Survey' Rept., 1S49. (A) 1854). Report upon the physics and hydraul-
Triangulation sec. 4, pp. 29. 30; Relieved ics of the Mississippi River; upon the protec-
from Coast Sur\'ey, recommended for brevet, tion of thealluWal region against overflow, and
p. 53. U. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept.. 1.S50. (A) upon the deepening of the mouths. Prof,
Brevet recommended. V .S. Coast Sur\'ey .
Papers, Corps of Eng. U. S. A., No. 13. Phila-
Rept., 1S51, p. iS; 1853. p. 14. (A) delphia, 1S6:. Q. (A)
Office ser\nces. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., Physics and hydraulics of the Mis-
1555. PP- 19-20. (A) sissippi River, chapters 2, fi, and 7. Washing-
Report on progress of Pacific railroad sur- ton, 1867.
vey. In Rept. Sec. War, 1855, p. 90, No. S41, Physics and hydraulics of the Mis-
doc. 1; 1856, p. 203, No. S76, doc. 5; 1S56, p. 203, sissippi, Reply to criticisms made by Dr.
, . ,

No. S94. doc. I. (C) Hagen, director general of public work.s, Prus-
Letter to Hon. William M., U. S. -sia. New York, 1S78. i vol., C, pp. 8. Misc.
Senator, in reply to communication from "A Pamphlets, vol. 3. (A)
citizen of Arkansas," respecting the two and "Warren, (.ouverneur Kemble (U. S.
routes for a railroad to the Pacific (etc. 1. MA., 1850). Examinationof the various routes
Washington, 1S58. [for railways] . /h Reportsof explorations . . ,

Annual report of Topographical Engi- for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the
neers, in charge of Office of Explorations and Pacific Ocean, 1853-1855, vol. 1 (A)
Sur\^eys, War Dept., December, 1S5S. Wash- An examination
of the Reports of
ington, 1859. O. Explorations and Sur\-eys. explorations for railroad routes from the Mis-
Member of a commission to examine into sissippi to the Pacific, made under the orders
the organization, discipline, and instruction of the War Department in 1853, iS54(etc.). Pa-
at V, S. M. A. Report in Senate Misc. Doc. cific R. R. Repts., vol. i.

No. 3, 36th Cong., 2d sess., Dec. 13, 1S60. 330 Gettysburg, battlefield of, July i. 2.

pp. (C) and 3, 1S63, sheets i, 2, and 3.

Reports as the Chief of Engineers, rS6(_h- and others. Report of the board on the
1S79. improvements of the harbors of Washington
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the ini- and Georgetown, D, C, Plans, O., pp. 17.
provementof Mississippi River, between Cairo Washington, 1872.
and mouth. Rept. Chief of Engineers, 1869, See Whipple, Amiel Weeks (V . S. M. A.,

PP- 335. 344; 1S72, p. 438; 1S74, vol. I. pp. 392, 1841). Vol. (A) 3.

564. 574. (C) See U, S. Coast Snr\'ev ReiJt., 1S61. p, 62.

Mississippi River to the Gulf. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. i. pp. 50S-511. See Boards— Humphreys. See Commis-
(C) sions—Humphreys. (A)
A paper on the relations of the Engineer Hun, Leonard Gansevoort (l^ S. M. A., 1S69).
Department to the Army, aud on the sixty- Died Mar. 11, 1S91, aged 43. Obituary in Ann.
third article of war. Washington, 1869. Assoc, Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
Address on the military' services of the Hunt, Edward Bissell (U. S. M. A., 1845). Died
lateMaj.-Gen. George Gordon Meade, U. S. Oct. 2, 1863, aged 41. Obituary in Biog. Mem,
Army, made at the Meade memorial meeting Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 3, p. 29.
284 Ccnitoinial of United States Military Aeadem]
Hunt, Edward Bissell. CoiUribntor of numerous Hunt, Edward Dynamics of ocean cur-

and elaborate articles to the various literary rents, app. 51. pp. 213-216;On some anomalies
and scientific periodicals of the country, 1S45- in the Florida Gulf Stream, and on their fur-
ther investigation. Rept. V S. Coast Survey, .

Keniarks on terrestrial tliermotics. I'roc. 1558. (A)

A, A. A, S,, 1S49. Modern warfare, its science and art. hi
In charge of report printing, p. 57. 108. New Englander. November, 1S60, pp 908-29.
no. Office agent in New York, p. no. l*. S. (A)
Coast Survey Kept.. 1S52. (A) On corals, pj). iS. 241-24S; Florida Reef:
In charge of engraving division, p. 82; Re- Its origin, growth, substructure, and chro-
port of engraving operations, pp. 60-61; litho- nology, app. 39. pp. 26S-430. U. S. CoastSurvey
graphic duty, Crystal palace, p. S7: Notes on Rept., 1862". (A)
lithography and lithographic transfer, app. Examination of shore line. New Haven,
36. pp. go-93; Aligning reflector or inter- Conn., p. 29; Titles of his scientific papers, p.
ranger. Hunt's; app. 37. pp. 93-94: Self-reg- 207. U.S. CoastSurvey Rept., 1863. (A)
istering tide guage. i Saxton's description, Union foundations i pam.. P. 1S63. (A)
. - .

app. 38. pp. 94-<j6; Notes on map projections, Index of scientific subjects, p. 39; Appa-
pp. 96-102; Alpliabetical index of Coast Survey ratus for sounding and levelling, pp. 39, 40,
Reports for 1851. 1852. and 1853. U. S. Coast 247. 24S; Remarks on ocean dynamics, pp. 3S,
Survey Rept., 1S53. (A) 213-216; On anomalies of the Gulf Stream cur-
On cohesion of fluids, evaporation, and rent, pp. 217-222. I'. S. Coast Survey Rept. .

steam-boiler explosions; Project of a geo- (A)

graphical department of the Library of Con- See U. S. Coast Survev Rept,, 1S60. p. 341.
gress. Proc. A. A. A. S., 1S53. (A) (A)
Description of coast survey base appara- Hunt, Franklin Flyre ( U. S. M. A., 1S29.) Died
tus, pp. i3,*io3-*ioS; Charge of printing report, Feb. 2, iSSi, aged 72. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
sketches, p. 91; Report on engraving in Coast Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S81. (A)
Sun-'ey, its history, methods, varieties, pros- Himt. Henry Columbia). Mem-
(of District of
pects, etc., pp. 16, * 201, *2:2; List of dis- ber of Jioard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S37.
coveries and developments, pp. *i4-*i7; Ten Hunt. Henry Jackson U. S. M. A., 1839. Died(

years' alphabetical index and index of Feb. II. 18S9, aged 69. Engraving (by A. H.
sketches, pp. 17. *230-*285. V. S. Coast Sur- Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
vey Rept., 1854. (A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.. U. S. M. A.,
The U. S. Coast Sur\-ey: Its history, 1559. (A)
and results.
objects, organization, methods, Biographical sketch. 1S19-1S89 (by David
[From Putnam's Monthly. November, 1855.] Fitz Gerald). In War Dept. Library.
New York, 1855. i vol., O., pp. 14. (A) Comment on An antiquated artillery
Index of papers for coast survey, p. 18; organization. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 17.
Ten years' index, pp. 18-19; Duties, p. 104. p. 443- (A)
V. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1855. (A) Instructions for field artillery.
On our sense of the vertical and horizon- Hunt. Lewis Cass (U. S. M. A., 1S47). Died
tal, and on our perception of distance; On an Sept. 6. 1S86. aged 63. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
index of papers on subjects of mathematical Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S7. (A)
and physical science; On the use of salt marsh Hunt, Memucan (of Texas). Member of Board
soda in fortifications for facing the steep slopes of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S52.
of parapets, terraces, etc. Proc. A. A. A. S.. Hunter, Alfred Milton (U.S. M. A.. 1SS7). Range
1S55- (A) table for lo-inch B. L. rifie. Jour. U. S. Art.,
vol. 7. p. 254.
On an index of reference to memoirs and
and Landon, Edwin {U. S. M. A., 1896).
papers on subjects related to the Coast Sur-
Manual for 12-inch B. L- rifle, mounted on
vey operations. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.,
barbette carriage in an emplacement provided
1S56, pp. 18. gi, 325,330; On sy.stematizing the
with ammunition lifts. Jour. U. S. Art., vol.
abbreviations of titles of periodicals, trans-
15. p. 204.
actions, etc. Repts, U. S. Coast Survev. 1856,
Hunter. Charles Hodge (U. S. M. A., 1880).
1857- (A)
Translation of Billardon's Temperature devel-
Sounding apparatus, pp. 34,135; Notes on, oped in firearms \iy firing. Jour. U. S. Art.,
and Temple's report, pp. 298-402; tested, p. vol. II, p. 2S1.
51; Index ofscientific references, p. 35, app.
Artillery school methods. Jour. Mil. Ser\'.
36. pp. 354-35S; Report on the preparation of an Inst., vol. 12, p. 23. (A)
index of scientific references, pp. 404, 405; Dis- Huuter. David M. A., 1S22). Died Feb. 2,
(IT. S.
cussion of ditto, pp. 496-412; On systematizing 1886. aged 84. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre.)
abbreWations, pp. 412-414. V. S. Coast Sur\'ey owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Rept.. 1S57. (A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
On the idea of physical and metaphysical 1SS6; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 72
infinity; Views and suggestions on the prac- (1SS6). p.813. (A)
tice and theory' of scientific publication. Proc. Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
A. A. A. S., 1857. (A) in 1841 and in 1869.
The JJ'n'/iiij^s of Gradtiafes, 1802-IQ02. 28s

Hunter. David. Correspondence Drtlers etc. Ives. Joseph Cliri-stmas. Military maps of the

1S63. In War
Dept. Library. seat of war in Italy (1S59). New York, 1.S59. .\) i

Rei><>rt of tile military .services of Gen. U Report upon the Colorado River of the
Unnter during the
. . .
rebellion made . . .
West, explored in 1S37 and 1S58. Washington.
to the U. S. War Department, 1S7V New 1.S61. Q. Explorations and Surveys; No. 105S.
York, 1873. 1 vol.. O. {.K) doc. 90. ( .\

S,-f NaRlee, ( H. M.l. //; War Dept. Ives, Rollin Augustus (V. S. M. .\., 1S70). Died
I,iorary. Oct. 29, iSSl, aged 32. Photograph m Al-

Hunter. John (of New Vorki. Member of l^utiis of oflficers' mess.

Board of Visitors to I". S. M. \. in LSj^i. obituary tn Aim. .Assoc. t;rads. V . S. M. .^.,

Huntington. 11. W. (of Louisiana ). Member of 1S82. A) I

Hoard of Visitirs to IV S M. A. in Treatise on military law. New York, 1S79.

Huntington. Henry Dnstan f. S. M. .\., l.S7.s^. (
I O. (A)

Died May 4. 1SS6. aged i't. obituary in .Ann. Izard. George (of Soutli Carolina). Member of
Assoc. Grads. V. M. A..iSSt). (.A) ;'..
Hoard of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1823.
Hunton. Thomas d". S. M. A.. iSjq). Died May Izard, (U. S. M. A.. 1S29).
James Allen Smith
II, 1S90. aged 71- Obituary in .\nn. Assoc. Died July aged 69. Obituary in .\iiii
26, 1879,

Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1S90. (A) As.soc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S0. (A)

Hurlbut. a. A. (of House of Representatives). Jackson, Alfred Baury (U. S. M. A., 1SS3). Died
Member of Board of Visitors to I". S. M. A. in Nov. 19. iSq7. aged 38. Photograph in Albums
1S75. of officers' mess.
Huse. Caleb ( U. S. M. A.. 1S51 1. Photograph in obituary and portrait in .Ann. .Assoc.

Albums of officers' mess. Grads. M. A., 1S98. (A) V . S.

Huse. Guy Evans (U. S. M. A.. 1S79). Died Apr. Jackson. George (U. .S. M. A.. 1856). Died
30. aged 38. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
May 27. 1883. aged 51. Obituary in .Ann. .\ssoc.
Grads. U. S. M, A.. 1S93. (A) Grads. U. S. M. .\., 18S3. (A)
Huston. Daniel (U. S. M. A., 1S4SI. Died Dec. 2. Jackson. John Jay (U. S. M. A., 1S18). Died Jan.
1SS4, aged 60. tibituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I, 1877, aged 77. Obituary in .Ann. .Assoc.
V. S. M. A., 1S85. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877. (A)
Hutcheson. Grote U. S. M. A.. 1S84). The Ninth
( Jackson, John P. (of Memljer of New Jersey).
Regiment of Cavalry. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., Board of Visitors M. A. in 1852. to U. S.
vol. 16, p. 666. (A) Jackson. Thomas Jonathan (U. S. M. A., 1846).
Hyde, Gen. Thomas W. lof Maine). Memberof Died May 10, 1S63, aged 40. Oil portrait by
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S77. J. .\.
I\lder in Corcoran Gallery. Washington,
Hyde, .\rthiir Peurhyu Stanley (U. S. M. A., D. C.
1900). The Monroe doctrine. Gen. Serv. and Portrait. Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
College Lectures, no. iS. Fort Leaven-
Staflf vol. S3 (1,891), pp. 910, 913. (A)
worth. 1903. I vol., O. pp. 2. (A) Engraving owned by Assoc. Grads. V. S.
Hyer. Joseph Keyes (f. S. M. A.. 1865). Died M. A.
Feb. 12. 1882, aged 73. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. - Statue. At Lexington, Va.
Grads. U. S. M. \.. 1882. (A) .At the Confederate .monument.
Ingalls, IL E. (of Ohio). Member of Board of .Augusta, (ja.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1896. (by Foley). In Richmond, Va.
Ingalls. Rufus (U. S. M. A.. 1S43I. Died Jan. 15, Monument. Harper's New MonthlyMag.,
i>i93. aged 73. Engraving (by .\. H. Ritchie) vol. S3 ( 1891 ), p. 915. (A)
owned by .\ssoc. Grads. I'. S. M. .\. Life and military career. M. Abby. New-
Obituary in ,\nn. Assoc. Grads. L'. S. iVL .\.. York, 1863. 240 pp. In War Dept. Library.
1893- (A) Thomas J. Jackson and his Virginia cam-
Reports as ynartermaster-General. U. S. paigns. Sarah L. Jones. London. 1S63. /«
Array. 18S2-83. War Dept. Library.
Died The life of By a Virginian [John M.
Irons, Joseph Finley (U. S. >L
. . .
.\.. 1S41).
Daniel). New York, 1SS6. vol. (). /« War i
Aug. 26. 1847. aged 26. Triangulatiou. .Section
•III. p. 22; relieved. U. .S. Coast Survey Rept., Dept. Library. (.A)

(A) Sketch and outline of his Virginia cam-

1845, p. 22.
paigns. 1S63. Fn War Dept. Library.
Iverson. .\lfred (of C^eorgia). Memberof Board
Cooke (John Esten): .Stonewall Jackson;
of Visitors U. S. M. A., 1S36.
A militar}* biography . . . New York. 1S66, I

Ives. Edward Bernard (U. S. M. A.. 1878). Pho- vol., O.

tograph in .\lbnras of officers' mess. I.,ife and campaigns. R. L. Dabney.
Ives. Joseph Christmas (U. S. M. A., 1852). Died i$6t>. Dept. Library.In War
Nov. 12. 1S6S, aged 40. Military map of the Allen (Win.): History of the campaign
peninsula of Florida south of Tampa Bay. of Gen. T. J. Jackson in the Shenandoah Val-
Compiled bj- order of
. . JefT. Davis,
. . . . ley 1S61-62.. Philadelphia, 1S80. i vol., O.
. .

Secretary of War, April. 185(5 [with me- . . .

moir]. New York. 1S56. i vol., O. (A) Jackson Mary .'^nua): Life and letters of 1

Preliminary report on tlie Colorado ex- Gen. Thomas J. Jackson ... by his wife.
ploring expedition. Washington, 1859. . .New York. 1892.
vol.. O. i
286 - Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan. Stonewall Jackson Jervey, Henry. Project, plan, estimate, etc, foi
{by Rev. Henry M. Field, D. D.). Harper's the improvement of Kissiminee River, Fla., to
New Monthly Mag., vol. 83 (1S91), p. 907. the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902,
Hovey (Carl): Stonewall Jackson . . . p. 1226. (A)
(Beacon biogr.) Boston, 1900. i vol., O. military snr\'eys and reconnaissance and
-Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah: map duplication in the field. In Chicago Ex-
Expedition to Bath, Va.. January. 1S62, p. 287 position, 1S93. Int. Cong. Eng., Open Div. Mil.
Engagement at Front Royal, Va., May 23, Eng. (Al
1862. p. 289; Battle of Cross Keys, Va., June 8, Jervey, James Postell U. S. M. A.. 1892J. Map of

1862. p. 290; Engagement at Newtown, Va., Stony Point battlefield (at p. 32). In Stony
May 24, 1S62. p. 290. Century Mag., vol. 30. Point battlefield (by E. H. Hall). New York,
/h The Second Massachusettsand "Stone- 1902. I vol., O., pp. 40. (A)
wall" Jackson; Father's talk with his chil- Jesup, Brig. Gen. H.J. (of U. S. Army). Member
dren about three characters. In War Dept. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1820.
Library. Jett.Thomas M. (of Illinois). Member of Board
Jadwin, Cornelius C. (of Pennsylvania). Mem- Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S99.

ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S90. Johns, Thomas (U.S. M. A..

1S33). Died June 17,
Jadwin, Edgar (U. S. M. A., 1S90). Project, 18S2,aged 70. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of U. S. M. A.. iSe3. (A)
Bogue Inlet, N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, Johns, Thomas Denton (U. S. M. A., 1848). Died
p. 1419. (A) July 31, 1S83, aged 59. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc.
See Boards— Robert, 27, 32. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1884. (A)
Jamerson, George Hairston (U. S. M. A., 1S93). Johnson, Alfred, jr. (of Maine). Member of
The English in India. Jour, Cav. Assoc, Board of Visitors U. S. M. A.. 1S36.
(A) Johnson, Andrew (of Tennessee). Memlier of
1899. P- 3-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861.
James, Judge (of Kentucky). Member of Board Johnson. Bushrod Rust I'. S. M. A., 1840). Died

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S38.
Sept. 7, 18S0, aged 63. Engraving owned by
Jamieson. Charles Clark (U. S. M. A., 1S92). Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A.
Report on the Schmidt chronograph. Rept. Obituary in Ann. Assoc, Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Chief of Ord., 1899. iSSi. (A)
Translator. Microscopic metallography. Johnson, David Dick (U. S. M. A., 1S6S). Photo-
Notes Constr. Ord. No. 68, vol. 3, p. 1. (A) graph in Albums of officers' mess,
Janeway, E. G. (of New York). Member of Johnson. Edward (f. S. M. A., 1S3S). Died Feb.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1895. 22, 1S73. aged 57. Engraving owned by .A.ssoc,
Jarvis, Dwight (of Ohio). Member of Board of Grads. U. S. M. A,
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S53.
Obituary in Ann, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
1873- (A)
Jenkins, John Murray {U. S. M. A., 1887). Train-
Johnson, J. Neely (of Nevada). Member of
ing the troop for field duty. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M, A. in 1S71.
1891, p. 221. (A)
Johnson, Richard W. (U. S. M. A., 1S49). Died
I^etter on the volunteer cavalry of South
Apr. 21, 1S97, aged 70. Engraving (by A. H.
Carolina. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1892, p. 97. (A)
Ritchie) owned by Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.
Jenkins. Walworth (U. S. M. A., 1853). Died Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M, A.
May 14, 1S74, aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. iSc»7, (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1874- (A) A soldier's reminiscences in peace and
Q. M. D., or book of reference for quarter- war, 1S66.
masters Louisville, 1865.
. . . 1 vol., O. (A) Address before the Society of the Army of
Jervey, Henry (U. M.
Tests of
S. A., iSSS). the Cumberland, Cincinnati, February. 1868.
hydraulic cement. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95. In Report of the first meeting of the Array of
p. 2743; 1897, p. 2847. (A) the Cumberland, p. 43. Cincinnati, 1S68. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc, for the im- Memoir of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas.
provement of Tampa, Fla., harbor lines. Rept. I vol.. O. !SSi. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1S99. p. 1643. (A) Johnson, William Orlando (U. S. M. A.. 1S90).

Orange River, Fla. Rept. Chief of Photograph Albums of officers' mess.


Eng., 1900, p, 2032. (A) Johnston, Abraham Robinson (U. S. M. A., 1S35).
Punta Rasa to Charlotte Harbor, Journal of, on march from Santa Fe, N. Mex.,
Fla., channel. Rept. Chief of Eng-. igoo, p. to San Diego. Cal,, p. 565. No. 517, doc. 41. (C)
2041. (A) Johnston, Albert Sidney (U. S. M. A,, 1826). En-
Boca Grande and Charlotte Harbor, graving owned by Assoc. Grads. U, S. M, A,
Fla. Rept- Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 204S. (A) Bronze equestrian statue. In New Or-
Sarasota Bay to Lemon Bay. Fla.
- leans. La.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 2054. (A) Life of Gen. A. S. Johnston, embracing
Hudson Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief of his services in the armies of the United States,
Eng., 1900, p. 2066. (A) the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate
Crystal River, Fla. Rept. Chief of States (by William Preston Johnston). New
Eng., 1900, p. 2074. (A) York, 1879.
The ]]^ri(i)igs of Graduates^ iSo2-igo2. 287
Johuston, Albert Sitliicy. Albert SiduL-y John- Jones. George W. (of '.)hio). Member of Board
ston and the Sliiloh campaign: ICngagetneiit of Visitors io U. S. M. A. in 1S79.
at Mill Springs. Ky.. Jan. ly, 1S62. p. O17; Cap- Jones, Horatio Morgan (U.S. M. A., 1S671. Died
ture of Tort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1S62. p. June 2, aged 40. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
618; Century Mag,, vol. 29. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS7. (A)
The offer of Union command to Gen. Jones, James (of Louisiana). Member of Board
Albert Sidney Jolinston 0>y i*itz John Porter). of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1855.
Centuo' Mag., vol. 29, p. 634. Jones. James Mills (U. S. M. A., 1875). Died
Johuston. C. M. (of New York). Member of Jan. 2, 1866. aged 34. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Board of Visitors toU.s. M.A. in 1S3S. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS6. (A)
Johnston. J. S. (of Louisiana). Member of Jones, Roger (U. S. M. A., 1S51). Died Jan. 26,
Hoard of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S24. 1889, aged 58. Obituary in Ann, Assoc. Grads.
Johnston, John (of Ohio). Member of IJoard of U. S. M. A.. 1889. (A)
Visitors to L*. S. M. A. in iSsq. Reports as Inspector-General I'. S. .\rmy,
Johuston. Josepli Eccleston (I'. S. M. A., 1S29), iSSS.
Died Mar. 21, iSgi.aged S4. Engraving owned Jones, Samuel (U. S. M. A., 1841}. Died July 31,
by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. 1SS7, aged 68. Engraving owned by As.soc,
Obituary hi Ann. Assoc. Grads. l'. S. M. A., Grads. U. S. M. .\.
1S91; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. ^3(1891), Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I'. S. >L A.,
p. 157- (A) 18S8. (A)
Report descriptive of tlie country l.<etween Jones. William Albert (U. S. M. A., 18041. Pho-
San Antonio and VA Paso, dated Dec. 2S, 1S49; tograph ni Albums of officers' mess.
[and] Report on the condition of the River Treasurer U. S. M. A., June 16 to Aug. 31,
Colorado, and the probable cost of improving 1S65.
its navigation. Washington, 1S50. No. 562, Report upon the reconnaissance of north-
doc. 64. Explorations and Surveys. western Wyoming, including Yellowstone
Sur\-ey of the southern boundary line of National Park ... in 1S73 ... vol.. O. i

Kansas. Washington, 1S5S. 1875. 43d Cong., ist sess.. House Ex. Doc. No.
Reports as Quartermaster-General U. S. 285^ (A)
Army, !S6c>-6i, Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- I>rovement of Couer d'Alene Lake and River,
provement of Red River. Rept. Chief of Eng., Idaho. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S85. pp. 372. 2443.
1S72, p. 569; 1S73. p. 646. (C) (C)
Narrative of military operations during Lewis River. Wa>h, Rept. Chief of
the late war between tlie States. New York, Eng., 1SS5, p. 2444. (C)
1S74. Columbia River (upper) and Snake
negotiations with General Sherman. River. Oreg. and Wash. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
In North Amer. Rev., vol. 143, August. 1SS6. 1S86, p. 1965. (C)
(A) Willamette River (upper), Oreg.
Jefferson Davis and the Mississippi cam- Rept Chief of Eng., 1SS7. p. 2519: 1SS9, pp. 25S1,
paign. In North Amer. Rev., vol. 143, Deceni- 23S2. (C)
ber. 1SS6. (A) North Palouse River, Wash. Rept.
Johnson (Bradley T., ed.): I^Iemoir of the Chief of Eng., 1SS9. p. 2592. (C)
life and public service of Joseph E- Johnston Columbia River (upper). Wash.
... I vol., O. 1S91. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S90, pp. 3074, 3075. (C)
Memorial sermon by A. T. Porter, sur- Hudson Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
vivors' association. Charleston, S. C.
Charles- of Eng., 1S91, p. 2220. (C)
ton, 1S91. In War
Dept. Library. Creels Bay, Totten Bay, and Minne-
General Johnston. (Great commanders.) waukeu Shoals, in Devils Lake. N. Dak. Rept.
By Robert M. Hughes. New York, 1893. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. 2223. (C)
Survey of southern boundary of Kansas. Red River of the North, and tribu-
No. 95S. doc. 103. (C) taries Fergus Falls and Crookston,
'Surrender of, to W. T. Sherman, testi- Minn., and Big Stone Lake, Minn, and S.
mony, etc. No. 1214, doc. 142. (C) Dak. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1R92. p. 1872. (C)
Manassas to Seven Pines. A reply to Minnesota River, Minn. Rept. Chief
Jefferson Davis, including descriptions of the of FIng., 1S95. p. 2207. (A)
battles of Bull Run and Seven Pines. Century Big Stone Lake, Minn. Rept, Chief
Mag., vol. 30, pp. 97. 99- of Eng., 1S95, p. 2209. (A)
General Johnston's chief of artillery at Red Lake River, Minn.
Rept. Chief
Bull Run. Century Mag., vol. 30, p. 641. of Eng., 1S95, p. 22i[. (A)
and Beauregard, Peter Gustavus Toutant Chippewa River. Wis. Rept. Chief
(U.S. M. A., 1S3S). Official reports ... of the of Eng.. 1S96. p. 1S64. (A)
battle of Manassas, July 21, 1S61; also official Nebraska side of Missouri River,
reports of the battle of 10th Sept., etc. . . opposite Sioux City. Iowa. Rept. Chief of
Richmond. 1S62. i vol., O. (A) Eng.. 1896, p. 1874. (A)
Johnston. William F. (of Pennsylvania). Mem- Mille Lacs Lake. Minn. Rept. Chief
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S66. of Eng., 1897, p. 2171. (A)
288 Cciiloiiiial of United States Military Acadnuy.
Jonea. William Albert. I'rojict, plan, estimate, Kaufman, Abraham C. (of South Carolina).
etc., for the improvement of otter Tail Lake
Member of Board of Visitors to I'. S. TiL .\. in

and Otter Tail River, Minn. Rept. Chief of 1900.

Eng., 1897, p. 2172.(A) Kautz. August Valentine (U. S. M. A., 1852I.

Big Stone I.akeand Lake Traverse, Died Sept. 4, 1S95, aged 68. Obituary and portait
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S98, p. 1834. (A) in .\\\n. Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
Salmon fisheries of Colnmbia River, 1S8S. The company clerk; showing how and
No. 2510, doc. 123. (CI when to make out all the returns, reports, rolls,
and other papers, and what to do with them.
Set Boards— Mendell, 2, },.
Jones, William E. (of Virginia). Member of ... I vol., 16°. 1S63. (t^)

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. Customs of service for noncommissioned

officers and soldiers, as derived from law and
Jordan, Allan Robertson (U, S , M. A., 1879).
Ann. regulations and practice in the .\rmy of the
Died Dec. 13, 1882, a.ttcd 2S. obituarj' in
(A) United States ... i vol., iS°. Philadelphia,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. JI. A., 1883.
1864. (A)
Jordan. Charles Downs (IT. S. M. .\., 1842). Died A
mission U\t the infantry. Jour. Mil.
Jan. 5, aged 55. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
1876, Serv. Inst., vol 10, p. 159. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S76. (A) Military education for the masses. Jour.
Jordan. Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1840). Died Nov. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 17. p. 486. (.A)

27, 1895, aged 76. Obituary and portrait in Sean. John (of Jersey). Member of Board
Ann. Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1896. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1901.
The South; Its products, commerce, and Kear. John (of North Carolina). Member of
resources. 1.S61. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i8,S9.
Jefferson Davis. Harper's New Monthly Kearney, Col. James (of U. S. Army). Member
Mag., vol. 31 (1865), p. 611. of Board of Visitors (inspection) to U. S. M. A.
Notes of a Confederate staff officer. Cen- in 1.844.

tury' Mag., vol. 29, p. 629. Keen, William W. (of Pennsylvania). Member
Editor of the Financial and Mining Rec- of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1894.
ord of New York City. Keim, George, M. (of Pennsylvania). Member
and I'ryor, J. P. The campaigns of Lieut. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1836.
Gen. N. B. Forrest and of Forrest's cavalry. KeUer, Charles (U. S. M. A., 1S65). Died Apr. 22,
... New Orleans, 1S6S. I vol., O. (A) 1901, aged 59. Obituary and portrait in Ann.
Joyes, John Warren (U. S. M. A., 1894). Report Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .A., 1901. (A)
of principal operations in the gun factor>', Keller. Charles M. A.. 1.S90), Project, plan,
( U. S.
Water\-liet Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S99. estimate, the improvement of Ports-
etc., for
Card system for property records and mouth Harbor, N. H. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
returns; Report upon the condition of the roofs (A)
1900, \i. 1171.
and cornices of the army gun factor>' at the Islesof Shoals, Me. and N. H. Rept.
Watervliet .\rsenal and the methods decided Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1174. (A)
upon to correct the defects now existing there. Estimate of cost for completion of
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1900. lock and dam No. i, Brenneckes Shoals, 0.sage
Judd. Henry Bethel (U. S. M. A.,i.S39l. Died River, Mo. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 2369.

July 27, 1S92, aged 73. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc. (A)

Grads. r.S.M. A., 1893. (A) Kelley. William D. (of Pennsylvania). Member
Judson. JohnW. (U. S.M. A., 1836). DiedMay30, of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1885.
i87S,aged 67. Obituary- in Ann. .Assoc. Grads- Member of
Kellogs. Prof. J. F. (of Illinois).
U. S. M. A., 1S7S. (A) M. A. in
Board of Visitors to U. S. 1875.
Judson. William Voorhees (U. S. M. A., 18SS). KeUoBB, Lyman Mack (V . S. M. .A., 1.852). Died
Tidal observations at Galveston Bay, Tex. Ann. Assoc.
Jan. 31. 1S77, aged 49. Obituary iyi

Rept. Chief, of Eng., 1S95, p. iSoi. (.\) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Kelly. William, jr. ^U. S. M. A., 1.S96). .Animals
provement of channel between Brazos River
in warfare. Muusey's Mag., November, 1900.
and Galveston Bay, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1897, pp. 1811, 1812. (A)
Carrabelle Harbor. Ga. Rept. Chief Kelsey. .Ambrose B. (of Maine). Member of

of Eng., 1901, p. 1803. (.A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S65.

Upon the use of electric searchlights in Kelton. John Cunningham (U. S. M. A., 1S51).
war. [Translated from the French of A. Died July 15, 1S93, aged 65, Photograph in
Bochet, 1901.] Washington, 1902. ivoL.O., 12 Albums of officers' mess.
pp. (A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .\.,

Lefebvre: Military landscape sketching. 1894. (A)

[Translation Washington, 1902. I vol., C, Librarian U. S. M. .\. from to Apr.
pp.28. (A) 24, 1861.
A new manual of the bayonet for the
Kalk, Frank Green (i; S. M. A., 1886). Died

Mar. 5, 1898, aged 33. Obituary and portrait Army and militia of the United States . . .

in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1898. (A) New York, 1862. i vol., O. (A)
Tlir Writiugs of Graduates^ i8o3-i()02. 289
Kelton, John Cunningham. Pigeons as couriers. Kerr. Robert David (U. S. M. A.. 1S9S). Died
San Krancisco. 18^2. i vol., pp. 39. July 21, 1S9S. aged 22. Obituarj- and portrait
Information for riflemen on the range in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
and battlefield, compiled from the l)est author- Obituarj-/« Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A.,
ities by Col. J. C. Kelton. U. S. Army. 3d ed. 1S99.
12°. 1S84. (A) Kerr, W. C. (of North Carolina), Member of
De\nces for effective firing by cavalry in Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S67.
attack. Jour. Cav. Assoc. iSSvS, p. 60. (A) Ketchum, William Scott (U. S. M. A.. 1834).
Reports as Adjutant-General U. S. Army. Died June 28, 1S71, aged 58. Obituar>* in Ami.
1889-1892. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S72. (A)
— Fencing with foils. (A) Trial of Mrs. E. G. Wharton. 1S72.
Kemp, Ulysses Grant (U. S. M. A., 1SS9). Died Keyes, Erasmus Darwin (U. S. M. A., 1832).
July 16. 1S9S, aged 32. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Died Oct. 14, 1895. aged 84. Portrait (oil paint-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) ing by Carrol Beckwith, 1900. from photo).
Gymnasiums and riding halls at cavalry Presented by his son. Dr. E. S. Keyes. In
posts. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S92, p. 209. (A) memorial hall. West Point.
Kenan, Avigustns H. (of Georgia). Member of Engra\nng (by A. H. Ritchie) owned by
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S49. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.
KendaU. Henr>- Fletcher (U. S. M. A., 1S78). An Obituar>' and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
armv uniform. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S94, p. iiS. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S96. (A)
(A)' Member of Board of Visitors (inspection)
Eendie, A. B. (of Iowa). Member of Board of
to U. S. M. A. in 1S44.
Visitors to U. S, M. A. in 1S74.
Fifty years observation of men and events,
Kendrick, Henry Lane (U. S. M. A.. 1S35). Died ci\'iland militan,-. New York.. 1S85. vol., O. i
May 24, 1S91, aged So. Portrait (oil painting. [Contains many
references to West Point; see
by D. Huntington) presented by War Depart- especially Chap. XL] (A)
Kibby, Epaphras (U. S. M. A., 1834). Died Sept.
Large photographic portrait in room 316,
15. 1^39, aged 28. Editor Mobile, Ala., Register,
academic building, U.S. M. A. Framed. Same
in \V. P.A.M.
Photograph Album
of ofl&cers' mess.
in Kilboume. Charles Evans (U. S. M. A., 1866).
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A,. Use of meteorological instruments. See Art.
1S91. (A) Cir. D. pam. 1S93. (A)

Professor of chemistry, mineralogj', and Kilbum, Charles Lawrence (U. S. M. A., 1S42).
geologv-, U.S. M.A., 1857-1880. Died Mar. 17, 1899, aged 80. Obituarj* in Ann.
Address by Rev, M. R. Vincent. Obituary Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
by Prof. S. E. Tillman, 1892. Notes on preparing stores for the U. S.
Kendrick, John (of Ohio). Member of Board of .\rmy; and on the care of the same with . . .

Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1867. A few rules for detecting adulterations . . .

2d ed enl. Cincinnati, 1863. i vol., O.

Kennedy, John P. (of Maryland.) Member of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1&61.
Kilpatrick, Judson (U. S. M. A.. 1S61). Died
Kennon, Lyman Walter Vere (U. S. M. A., iSSi ).

Duties of guards and sentinels. Salt Lake Dec. 2. 1S81, aged 45. Engraving (by J. C.
City. 1SS4. I vol.. O., pp. 166. (A)
Buttre). Owned by .\ssoc Grads. U. S. M. A.
(by O'Neill) owned by Assoc Grads,
Manual of guard duty, i vol., iS*'. 1S90.
U. S. M. A.
The case of the Chiricahuas. In North Obituarv in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Amer. Rev., vol. 150 (1S90).
18S2; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 64
The Army; its employment during time (18S2). p. 476. (A)
of peace, and the necessity of its increase. Kimball, Frederick Clark (U. S. M. A., 1SS6).

I pam., O. 1S96. See U. S. Inf. Soc. Mon. Died Sept. aged 34. Obituan,- in Ann.
11, 1S97.

Battle tacticsof infantry. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A., 1898. (A)
Inst., vol. 7, p. I. (A) King. Charles (U. S. M. A., 1866). Photograph
Kensel, George Amos (U. S. M. A., 1S57). Died in Albums of officers' mess.
Apr. 17, iSSi, aged 45. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. [Short biography by] (Philip Reade). In
Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSi. (A) Lippincott's Mag., vol. 42 (iSSS), pp. 856-S62.
Kent. Jacob Ford (U. S. M. A.. 1861). Photo- Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A,
graph in Albums of officers' mess. in 1S89.
The Fifth Cavalry in the Sioux war of
Kent, James (of New York). Member of Board
1876. Campaigning with Crook, i vol., O.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S2S.
1880. (A)
Kephart, Samuel Alexander (U. S. M. A.. 1S92). Campaigning with Crook. 1S80. Har-
The reduction of impedimenta of troops in per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 32 (1891), p. 316.
campaign. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 10, p. i.
Kemey, Richard R. (of Delaware). Member of Author of many magazine stories and
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S98. sketches. 18S0-1S90.

H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2— vol 2 19

Military Academy
290 Centennial of United States
Win- King, Charles The stor>- of Fort Frayne
. .

colonel's daughter; or,

KinB Charles. The Chicago [1895]- ivol., O. (A)
"ighLpurs. :.°. Philadelphia, ,883^ t^V^^ stories
Captain Dreams, and other

Translation of The colo- (A)

^irlsie hein,fuhren? 1895.
Philadelphia, i vol., O.
vols., :20. Brannschwe.g, Philadelphia, i
nel's daughter. . under fire . . .

Philadelphia, vol.. O. (A)

conquest, .60. Croesus. 1
j!!!^Kitty-s Captain Close and Sergeant
novels. I vol., O. 1S95.
the ^orld.
J!!! Famins and decisive battles of Trooper Rossand Signal Butte . . .
1SS4. (A) (A)
O Philadelphia, The colonel,.=s , delphia, 1S96. IvoI.,0. „,
_-_ Marion's faith: A sequel to A garrison tangle . . . New York,

Philadelphia, .88.,. (A)

daughter. vol., O. (A)
Philadei I o A
From the ranks. A novel. O. New , ,
wife ... York, ,896. i
An army
phia [1887]. (A) (A)
[isS,]. vol., O.
Philadelphia story, tn
JL_The deserter. O.
Noble blood; A Prussian cadet
.; and
New from E Von Wildenbruch .
. .

Harper's American cadet

J^Capt. Santa Clans.
(A) a' West Point parallel; An
MonthlvMag.,vol. 76(18871, p. 107- vol., O. (A)
story .. New York, 1S96. i
/« Harper's
__1 cadet life at west Point. 111.
A tame surrender. A story of the
Mag., July, 18S7, pp. ibO-=i9- (A I
Philadelphia, 1896. ivol.,0.-(A)
School. Harper s New strike
.The Leavenworth
(A) Trumpeter Fred. A story of the
Monthly Mag., vol. 76 ("888), p. 777. New New York and Chicago, 1896. i vol.,
A war time wooing. A stor^-.

Sioux out-
York [1888]. (A) ^ ^- ., r,«>,l
_!^ Warrior Gap. Astoryof the
Dunraven ranch. O. Philadelphia
ivol., O. (A)
breakof'68. New York
Philadelphia, 1898. 1
Ray's recruit
_^ Between . . .

the lines. A story of the war.

vol., O. (A) •

(A) of the
The general:s double. A story
vol., O.
New York [1888]. i

__• Laramie;" The Qneen or. of

Phila- Army of Potomac the
Philadelphia, .S98. . . .

Astoryof theSionxwarof
: vol., O. (A)
delphia, 1SS9. (A) A wounded name . . . New York [1S98].
Christmas dinner. 12 .

The colonel's I vol., O. (A) .,,,,

Philadelphia, 1S90. (A) Galahad Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, 1890.
, . „ A trooper . . .

Au army Portia. O. (A)

1S99. ivol., O.
Cav. Assoc,
The story of a march. Jour. !! From school to battle field. A
story of the
120. (A) Philadelphia, 1899. 1 vol.,
1890, p. war days . . .

Sunset Pass. 1890.

Maj Gen. George Crook, r. S.
paper read before the
Army. LA
Commandery of Wis-
_^ Found in the Philippines.
New York
story of a
woman's letters .. .

of the Loyal Legion of

consin, Military Order
i vol.,
United States.] Milwaukee, A story of the Army of the
the Jl- Norman Holt.
O., pp. 20. (A)
New Cumberland. New York, 1901. vol., O (A) i

daughter. A story of Manila
^^Custer's last battle. . .

Monthly Mag., vol. Si (1890), p. 37S. (A) vol., O.
Philadelphia, 1901. i
12°. Philadelphia,
In spite of foes; or. Ten
Trialsof a staff-officer. years' trial . .

army Philadelphia, 1901. I vol., O.
-^'stltlight ranch, and other stories of New York, 1902. ivol.,
The iron brigade.
frontier. .2°. Philadelphia, 189..
life on the O. (A)
Milwaukee, 1903- 1
, ^
_^ A soldier's secret. A story of the Sioux
pp. 27. (A)
war . . . of 1890. O. Philadelphia [1S92].
__ A daughterof the Sioux. New York, 1903.

Philadelphia, 1S92. I voL, O. (A) I , ,

-^Captain Blake. 12°.
Esprit de corps.
Jour. Mil. Ser^^ lust.,
Trans, to post library. (A) vol. II, P-8l. (A)
nov- ^^
Two soldiers and Dunraven ranch. 2 , ^ ,

lippincotfs Mag. ... The deserter,
Dunraven Ranch, m vol.
Philadelphia, 1892. (A)
els i^°
in vol. 39. PP.:699-82S;
.^ 1 Foes in ambush . . . O. Philadelphia,
42 pp 751-855;
P™ra the ranks, vol. 40. PP- m
(A) secret, in vol. 41, PP-
893- 762-879; A soldier's
Waring's peril .. Philadelphia, 1894. M. A.. 1S93). Photo-
King. David Matson (U. S.

vol., O. (A) graph i,i Albums of officers' mess.

in the ma-
Cadet days. A storj- of West Point . . .
Report of principal operations
New carpenter shops (lower
New York, .894. 1 vol., O. [Reprinted, chine blacksmith, and
and storehouse at Watervliet Arsenal.
York, 1899.] (A) shops),

initial experience, and other stories Rept. Chief of Ord., 1900. , ^

An Died .
Oct. 13.

Philadelphia, 1S94. I vol., O. (A) King, Rufus(U. S. M. A., 1833)-

aged 63. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Jour. Cav. 1876.
-Notes on the Swiss M. A., 1S77. (A)
U. S.
Assoc, 1S94. P- 283. lA)
The II 'rilins;s of Graduates^ iSo2—igo2. 291
King, Rnfus. Editor Albany N. { \ .') Advertiser, King, William Rice. Project, plan, estimate,
1S39-1841. etc., for the improvement of Elk River, Tenn.
Associate editor Albany I\vcninp Journal. and Ala. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S5, p. 1771.
1S41-1S45. (C)
Editor Milwaukee Sentinel and Cazette, Little River. Ky. Rept. Chief of
iS45-i>16i. Eng., 1S85, p. 1772. (C)
Member of Board of Visitors to V . S. M. A. bridgesof the Memphis and Charles-
in 184,9. ton, the Nashville. Chattanooga and St. Louis,
Ohio. First fniitsof the ordinance of 1787 the Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern rail-
. .Boston, 1S91. I vol., O. /« American
. roads, crossing the Tennessee River at Flor-
Commonwealths. (A) ence, Ala., Johnsonville, Tenn., and Gilberts-
The life and correspondence of Rnfus ville, Kv. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSS. p. 2563.
King New York, 1S94-1900. 6 vols., o.
. . . (C)
Edited by Charles R. King. (A) La Crosse Harbor, Wis.
Rept. Chief
King, William Rice (U. S. M. A., 1S63). Died May of Eng., 1S97, p. 2117.(A)
iS, JS9S, aged 58. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Davenport, Iowa, harbor lines.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S9S. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S, p. 1807. (A)
Torpedoes: Their invention and use. from Photographic views, illustrating work of
the first application to the art of war to the improvement ou the Muscle Shoals Canal,
present time. Washington, 1S66. O. under his direction. April, 1878, to December,
Counterpoise gun-carriages and platforms 18S5.
. .Washington, 1S69. i vol., Q. (A)
. Photographic views Nos. i to 15, inclusive,
Report on certain experimental and the- illustrating work of improvement on Coosa
oretical investigations relative to the quality, River, under his direction. 15 sheets. May,
form, and combination of materials for de- 1S80.
fensive armor. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng, Controllable torpedoes, operated from
U. S. A., No. 17. Washington, 1S70. Q. (A) shore stations. In Chicago Exposition, 1S93,
Economy of seacoast defenses. Essayons Int. Cong. Eng., Oper. Div. Mil.Eng. (A)
Club Papers, No. 19, 1S71. (A) The militar\' necessities of the United
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- States and the best provisions for meeting
provement of Tennessee River. Rept. Chief them. Jour. Mil. Serv-. Inst., vol. 5. p. 355.
of Eng., 1877, pp. SS, 89. 580. 5S3. 590. (C) (A)
Ocmulgee River. Ga. Rept. Chief Comment on Walker's Fortifications and.
of Eng., 1877, pp. 91, 600; 1882, pp. 1276, 1S59; fleets. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst., vol. 11, p. 14S.

1887, pp. 91. 600. (C) (A)


Cumberland River. Rept. Chief of Review of The year's naval

Eng., 1S77, p. 595. (C) Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. (A)
13. p. 19S.
Coosa River, Ga. and Ala. Rept. Comment on Army organization. Jour.
Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. 598; 1878, p. 766; 1S79, P- Mil. Serw Inst., vol. 14, p. 124S. (A)
1271; 18S1, p. 1871; 1S87, p. 12S1. (C) Comment on Proposed deep waterway
Oconee River, Ga. Rept. Chief of from Great Lakes to ocean. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Eng., 1878, pp. 105, 76S; 1S86, p. 1162. (C) Inst., vol. 16, p.97. (A)
Oostenaula and Coosawattee rivers, .Sff Boards —King: Casey, 2. 5, '7, 10, 11, i2»
Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, pp. 141,1272. (C) 13,14,15; Craighill, (Z, 8; Gillespie, 1.2, 3; Poe, 8;
Duck River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of Suter. 3; Woodruff. 7. (A)
Eng., iSSo. p. 16S4. (C)
and Reese, Chauncey B. (U. S. M. A.. 1859).
Etowah River, Ga. Rept. Chief of
Reports ou experimental firing with modern
Eng., 1880. pp. 1693, 169S. (C)
seacoast artillery- to determine the elements
Chattahoochee River, Ga. and Ala.
of the trajectory in both direct and ricochet
Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSo, pp. 170S, 1721; 18S2,
firing, etc., with a supplement. O. Washing-
p. 1876. (C)
ton, 1S68.
Clinch River. Tenn. and Va. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 18S1, p. 1S67. (C)
TCin g-man, Dau Christie (U. S. M. A.. 1875). Pho-
Red River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of tograph in .-Mbums of officers' mess.
Eng., iSSi, p. 1S7S. (C) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Holston River, Tenn. and Va. Rept. provement of Bayou Plaqnemine. La. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. iSSi, pp. 1879, 1SS3. 1SS5. (C) Chief of Eng., 1890. p. 1762; 1S92. pp. 1494, 1498.
Powell River, Va. and Tenn. Rept. (C)
Chief of Eng., :SSi. p. 1SS7. (C) Sodus Harbor (Great), N. Y. Rept.
canal connecting the headwaters of Chief of Eng., 1891, p. 290S. (C)
the Hiawasse, Tennessee, and Savannah rivers. Charlotte Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSi. p. 1889. (C) of Eng.. (C)
1892. p. 2556.
south fork of Cumberland River, Harbor of refuge in Mexico Bay on
Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S1, pp. 1S97, 1898 Lake Ontario, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng..
1886, p. 270; 18S7, p. 235; 1890, p. 2149. iC) 1S93. p. 3169. (A)
Little Tennessee River, Tenn. Rept. Niagara River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Chief of Eng., 1SS2, pp. 1868, 1869. (C) 1S93. P-437S. (A)
2gi Ceittennial of United States Military Academy,

Kingman.Dan Christie. Project, plan, estimate, and Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
portrait in
etc., for the improvement of Lake Ontario 1899- (A)
water levels. Rept, Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. Knapp, Joshua Lagrand U. S. M. A., 1S73). (

4382. (A) Died Apr. 19. 1877, aged 31. Obituary in Ann.
breakwater at Buffalo, N. Y. Rept. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S77. (A)
Chief of Eng., (A)
1S95, p. 3137. Kneedler. William Ludwig. Chief medical offi-
channel connecting Irondequoit Bay cer U. S. M. A., May 20 to Oct. 27, 1S98, and
with Lake Ontario, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. Jan. 6 to June 9, 1902.

1895. p. .^223. (A) Knight, John George David (U. S. M. A., 1868).
Tennessee River. Ky. Rept. Chief Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
of Eng., 1S97, p. 2315. (A) Notes on determinants for the use of ca-
Emory River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of dets of the U. S. M. A. [West Point]. 1S80. i
Eng., 1897, p. 2317. (A) pp. II. (A)
vol., O.,
Elk River, Tenn. and Ala. Rept. General orders and circulars headquarters
Chief of Eng., 1899. p. 230S. (A) Corps of Engineers and office of the Chief of
Tennessee River (lock building). Engineers, in force May i, 1S92; and index.
Rept. Chief of Eng., (A)
1900, p. 2907. Washington, 1892. i vol., O. (A)
Hiwassee River, Tenn. Rept. Chief Notes on the aurora borealis. 1S70. See
of Eng.. 1900, p. 3010; 1901, p. 2459. (A) Essayons Club Papers, No. 14. Thickness of
French Broad River. Tenn. Rept. cover for guns and magazines of fortifications.
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 3018. (A) . . "Washington, 1893. i pam., O. (A)

Holston River. Tenn. Rept. Chief Elevation of sites for seacoast batteries
of Eng.. 1900, p. 3058; 1901, p. 2519. (A) . . Washington, 1S96. ipam.,0. (Engineer

Clinch River. Tenn. Rept. Chief of Dept., V. S. A.) (A)

Eng., 1900, p. 3065. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Powells River. Va. and Tenn. Rept. provement of water supply. "Washington,
Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 3067. (A) D. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1896, p. 3950. (A)
Richland River. Tenn. Rept. Chief Re^-iew of Librecht's Attaque et defense
of Eng., 1900, p. 3074. (A) des place.s. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6, p. 120.
Little Tennessee River, Tenn. Rept. Modern fortifications and sieges. Jour.
Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 2492, 2496. (A) Mil. Ser\-. Inst., vol. 8, p. 381. (A)

See Boards Kingman; Abbot, 19, 21, 23; Commenton Walker's Fortifications and
Adams, i; Comstock. 16, 17; Meudill, 9; Mer- fleets, p. 156; Comment on Wills's Regimental
rill. 6; Robert, 21. (A) court of honor, p. 815. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst.,
Kingsbury, Charles Peoble (U. S. M. A., 1840). vol. II. (A)
Died Dec. 25, 1879, aged 61. Obituary in Ann. The elevation of sites for batteries. Jour.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSo. (A) Mil. Sen'. Inst., vol. 19, p. 211. (A)
Contributor to American Whig Re- See Boards— Elliot, i; Robert, 13. (A)
view, Southern Quarterly Review. Putnam's Knowlton, Joseph Lippincott (U. S. M. A., 1895).
Monthly, and the Southern Literary Mes- 1
Translation of Crouzet's The coUimating cli-
senger 1840-1867. nometer of Colonel Goulier. Jour. U. S. Art.,
An elementary treatise on artillery and l
vol. 14. p. 78.
infantry, adapted to the service of the United |
Knowlton, Miner (U. S. M. A., 1S29). Died Dec.
States, designed for the use of the cadets of j
24. 1S70, aged 66. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc.
the U. S. M. A., etc. New York. 1S49. i vol.. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S71. (A)
O.. pp. 203. (A) — Military pyrotecbny for the V S. . . . .

Kingsbury, Frederick William {U. S. M. A., M. A. Lith. (by G. Aspinwall). 1837. para., i

1870). Died June 13, 1897. aged 50. Obituary F. (13x10 inches). (A)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1898. (A) Copy of a report on the military' establish-
Kingsley. (of Connecticut). Member of ments of the British provinces. (Canada.)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1824. 1840. MS. West Point, i vol., O. (A)
Kincear, James (of Pennsylvania). Member of Notes on g^unpowder, percussion powder,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1836. cannon, and projectiles. 1844. /m West Point.
Kinsey, H.M. (of Texas). Memberof Board of Notes on engineering.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1854. Instructions and regulations for the militia
Kinsley, Zebina James Duncan (U. S. M. A., and volunteers of the I'nited States. 1861.
1819). See West Point, maps, 1821. •
-Authorized tactics U. S. Army (infantry).
Kirby, Henry (U. S. M. A., 1S77). Photograph Philadelphia. 1S61. i vol.. O. (A)
in Albums of officers' mess. Knox. James (of Illinois). Member of Bolard of
Visitors to U.M. A. in 1862.
Kirkham, Ralph Wilson (U. S. M. A., 1842).
Krause, "William (U. S. M. A., 1S65). Died Jan.
Died May 23, 1893, aged 72. Obituary i7i Ann.
24. 1901, aged 56. Obituary and portrait in
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1893. (A)
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U, S. M. A.. 1901. (A)
Kirkpatrick, Littleton (of New Jersey). Mem- Krayenbuhl, Maurice Gaston {U. S. M. A., 1890).
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856. Died Mar. 26. 1899, aged 30. Obituary and por-
Kirkpatrick. Newton Davidson (U. S. M. A., trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901.
i>i96j. Died Sept. 7, 1S98. aged 25. Obituary (A)
The IVriliiio-s of Graduates^ i8o2~igo2. 293
Kuhn, Joseph Ernest t U. S. M. A., iSSs). Pho- Department. Jour, Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 14, p.
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. 1008. (A)
Felddienst-Ordnung, German army. Ladue. William Baker (V S. M. A., 1894). Ste

Jour. r. S. Art., vol. 2. p. 196. West Point, Fourth of July Oration, 1893.
A new method of indirect laying for field Lafferty, Herbert .\dams (U. s. M. A., 1898). Died
artillery. [Translation from the (iernian of Sept. 17, 1S9K, aged 23. Obituary in Ann. .Assoc.
Von Brilli.) Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 3, p. 444. Grads. V. S. M. .\., 1899. (A)
Kurtz. John Daniel (U. S. M. A., 1S42). Died Laidley. Theodore Thadeus Sobieski (U. S.
Oct. 16, aged 58.
1S77. Obituary in Ann. M. .A., 18421. Died .\pr. 4, iS.%, aged 64. Obit-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1878. (A) \iarv in .\x\\\. .Assoc. Grads. I". S. M. A iS,S6 ,

Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- (A)

provement of Shrewsbury River, N. J. Rept. New edition of the Ordnance manual, June
Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. So, 703; 1S72, pp. 77,
4, 1858, to Sept. 26, 1S61.
782; 1873, p. 869; 1876, vol. I, pp. 280, 281; 1877, Heavy guns, report of board on place,
p. 268. (C) manner, and details of construction of experi-
Delaware River. Rept. Chief of mental. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S72. p. 174. (C)
Eng., 1871, pp. 81, 707, 70S; 1872, pp. 78, 7S6. 7S7. Report of board to determine the best
78S, 790, 791; 1873, pp. 872, 877, 878, 929; 1S-4, vol. method of rifling and venting, and the char-
I, p. 92; 1874, vol. 2, p. 142; 1S75, vol. 2, p. 192; acters of the powder, projectiles and carriages
1S76, vol. I, p. 276; 1877, p. 26S. (C) to be provided for the trial of heavy, rifled
I,ewes, Del. Rept. Chief of Eng., guns. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1873, p. 24. (C)
I87I, pp. 670, 672, 675. 676, 678, 6S0; 1874, vol. 2, Powder mills in Germany, France. Eng-
PP- 133. 134; 187s. vol, 2, p. 173; IS76, vol. I, p.
land, and Russia. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1875,
267. (C) p. 40;Powder, report on European, p. 437;
Newcastle Harbor Delaware River ). (
Powder pebble, p.' 442; Wiener's powder, p.

Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, p. 690; 187.). vol. 2, 4.S1: Schultz's granulated wood, powder, p. 454;

P- 135; 1875. vol. 2, pp. 177, 25S. (C) Wetteren, description of manufacture of, pow-
Salem River. N.J. Rept. Chief of der, p. 457; Report of carriages on European
Eng., 1S71, pp. 695, 696. (C) fields, p. 464; Forges, traveling, report on

South River, N. Rept. Chief of European, p. 473; Report on European sea-

Eng., 1871, p. 698; 1872, p. 7S1. (C) coast carriages, p. 475; Gruson's .seacoast car-
Chester Harbor, Pa. Rept. Chief riages, p. 476; Krupp's seacoast carriages, p.
of Eng., 1871, p. 706; 1S75, vol. 2, p. 1S3; 1S76, 4-S: Description of carriage, for 14-inch gun.
vol. I, p. 271. (C) p. 4S4;Description of Krupp carriage, for 12-
Cohansey Creek. X. Rept. Chief inch gun. p. 4S4; Description of German naval
of Eng., 1S73, p. 8S9. (C) carriage, p. 4.S4; Prussian gun lift, p. 487;
Wilmington Harbor, Del. Rept. Krupp's gun lift, p. 4S8; 35-ton hydraulic, de-
Chief of Eng., 1874. vol. 2. p. 137: 1S75. vol.
scription of English carriage, p. 493; Vavas-

p. 179; 1S76, vol. I. p. 270; 1879, p. 441; iSSi. seur's gun carriages, p. 496: Moncrieff's depress-
769- (C) ing gun carriages, p. 496; Moncrieff's hydro-
• Schuylkill River, Pa. Rept. Chief pneumatic gun carriages, pp. 499, 506; Mortar,
of Eng., 1S74, vol. 2, pp. 139, 1S7; 1875, vol. 2, p.
changes in carriages, p. 509: Report on Euro-
187; 1876, vol. I. p. 272; 1879. P- 264: 18S3. p. 614; pean, sling wagons, p. 515; Colonel I.ischine's
18S7. pp. 78, Soi.
(C) wooden, tent, p. 516. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S77.
Shoals, Delaware Bay. N. J. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, vol, 2, pp. 147, 154. Powder mill for the Government, erection
Reedy Island, Port Penn, Del. recommended by, p. 39; Description of Laidley
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, p. 694. (C) cavaln.' forge, p. 295. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1879.
-and Brown, Micah Ryder (U. S. M. A., IC)
1865). Report on the effects of the sea water .\ course of instruction in rifle firing.
and exposure upon the iron-pile shafts of the 1S79.

Brandywine shoal light-house. Washington, Report of experiments on the resistance

1S74. Q. of thick cast-iron cylinders to internal pres-
See Boards Macomb, — 10, 17; Tower, 2;
sures,and reply to remarks made thereon by
Woodruff, 6, 7, 9; Wright, 2. (\) the Ordnance Board. PI.. O., pp. ig. Boston,
Kutz, Charles William (U. S. M. A.. 1893). Proj-
ect, plan,estimate, etc. for the improvement
Shall a cast-iron rifled gun be tested? C,
of Annapolis Harbor, Md. Rept. Chief of Eng., p. 16. Boston. 18S1.
Plan for moving heavy ordnance. Ord.
1S97. P- i3'o- (A)
Note 24, vol. I, p. 133. (A)
harbor lines, Baltimore, Md. Rept.
Gun-lift. Ord. Note 32, vol. I, p. 191. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1900, pp. 1693, 1697. (A)
Translation of article on field artillerv.
Kyle, John Gowdy (r. S. M. A., 1870). Died Ord. Note 34. vol. i. p. 209. (.\)
Mar. 30, 1877, aged 28. Obituary in .-Vnn. Assoc. Sling-cart and sling-wagon, ord. Note
Grads. L". S. M. A., 1S77. (A)
37. vol. I. p. 239. (A)
I/add, Eugene Frederick (U. S. M. A., 1884). Tests of metals for cannon. Ord. Note 40,
Special ser\'ice corps for the Quartermaster's vol. I. p. 255. (A)
294 Ccntonu'al of Lhu'tcd States Military Academy.

Laidley, Theodore Thatleus Sobieski. Transla- Lamed, Charles William. The clever versus the
tion of steel-bronze guns. Ord. Note 51, vol. serious in art. I. Studio, Jan. 27, 1S83.

2, p. 345- (A) II. Studio, Feb. 17. 1883.

Modified field-forge: On the manner of I,ie, as an element of modern art. Studio.

breaking up unser\-iceable loaded projectiles. Mar. 23, 18S3.

Ord. Note 69, vol. 3, pp. 550, 551. (A) An artist's point of view. Modern art
Timber and minerals of Deep River coun- patrons, critics, and criticism. Art Interchange,
try of North Carolina. No. 859, doc. 109. (C) Mar. 29, 1883.

Laird, James. Member of Board of Visitors to The spirit of art. Studio, May. 1883.

U. S. M. A. in 1SS6. French art. Studio, 1883.

La Motte, Joseph Hatch U. S. M. A.. 1.S27).
The story of a hunchback Chicago Trih-
Died Nov. 15. iSSS. aged 81. Obituao' "' Ann. une, Nov. 29, 1884.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSg. (A) The language of form. Cosmopolitan,
Lancaster, James Madison ( r. S. M. A., 1S02). January, 1891.

Died Oct. 5. 1900. aged 60, Photograph in Al- The language of form. Address delivered
bums of officers' mess. (A) before the New England Conference of Edu-
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. cational Workers, Boston, Apr. 10, 1S91.
Grads. U.S. M. A., 1901. Is our military' training adequate? Forum.
Lander, Patterson C. (of Kentucky). Member February, 1S92.
ofBoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S48. Rules for technical drawing, department
Landers, George Foreman (U. S. M. A.. 1S87). of drawing, U. S. M. A. [West Point, 1892.]
Some notes on our artiller\- target practice. I vol., O.. p. 29. (A)
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 7. p. 170. The pulpit and modern criticism. Church-
Landis, Charles B. (of Indiana). Member of man, Feb. 25. 1S93.
Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1901.
The spirit of complaisance. Churchman.
Landis. John Fulton Reynolds {U. S. M. A.. Dec. 20, 1893.

1S78). Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. The church and the young man. Church-
Landon, Edwin {T. S. M. A., 1S96), and Hunter, man, Feb. 9. 1895.

Alfred Milton {U. S. M. A.. 1887). Manual for An enthusiast in painting. Monthly III.,

12-inch B. I^. rifle, mounted on barbette car- February, 1895.

riage in an emplacement provided with ammu- The clergy and the young men. Church-
nition lifts. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 15, p 204. man. Apr. 27. 1S95.
Lane, Amos (of Indiana). Member of Board of Design. Introduction to catalogue of
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S26 and in 1S40. Seventieth Annual Exhibition of the National
Langdon. Russell Creamer (U. S. M. A., i8y6). Academy of Design. April, 1895.
Organization of a staff best adapted to the The Military' Academy and the education
U. S. Army. Jour. Mil. Ser\\ Inst. U. S., vol. of officers. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.
28, p. 208. 16(1895), p. 320. (A)
Langfltt, William Campbell (U. S. M. A.. 1SS3). A lay view of the pulpit. Churchman,
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improve- May 2, 1896.

ment of Crawfish and Mill creeks, Ohio. Rept. Church truancy. An address delivered
Chief of Eng., 1894. p. 1891. (A) before the Churchman's Club, of Providence.
Lower "Willamette and Columbia R. I., Nov. 4, 1896, by invitation.
rivers. Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. Historical sketch of the department of
4416, A)
drawing, V S. M. A. In Rept. Supt. f. S.
Columbia River, Oreg. Rept. Chief M. A., 189'^, pp. 24-38. (A)
of Eng., 1900. p. 4434. (A) Military training. An address delivered
See Boards —
Langfitt; Comstock, 20; at the annual dinner of the Brown University
Heuer, i. (A) Club. l)y invitation, Feb. 24, 1S97.
Lanham, Samuel W. T. (of Texas). Member of The Battle Monument at West Point.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1891. Harper's Weekly, June 12, 1897. (A)
Lansing, Arthur Breese (U. S. M. A., 1836). History- of the battle monument at West
Died Feb. 9, 1S80, aged 63. Obituar>' /;/ Ann. Point, with a list of the names of those in-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSo. (A) scribed upon and commemorated by it . . .

Lamed, Charles William (U. S. M. A., 1S70). West Point. N. Y., 1S98. i vol., O., 237 pp. (A)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Report upon plans for increasing the
Oil portrait (by J. C. Beckwith) in Library scope of the U. S. M. A., with estimates. In
U. S. M. A. Rept. Board of Visitors, U. S. M. A., 1899, pp.
Professor of drawing, U. S. M. A.. July 25, 595-^20. (A)
1876 to .

line. Introduction to catalogued
The Battle Monument at West Point. In
exhibition of works of J. C. Beckwith, Febru-
Araer. Arch, and Bldg. News. Dec. 13, 1870. pp.
ary, 1900.
168-169. (A)
Chicago Inter-Ocean from
Inciters to the The U. S. M. A. See Scientific Amer., vol.
the Stanley expedition to protect the survey of 82, No. 25, pp. 392-393. June 23, 1900.

Northern Pacific Railroad, 1S73. Apr. 26, May The memorial hall at West Point. In
28, June 19, Julj' 21, Aug. 19, Aug. 23, Sept. 21. Jr. Munsey. July, 1900. (A)
The Writings of Gradtiates^ 1802-IQ02. 295
Lamed, Charles William. Plan of a proposed Lazelle,Henry Martyn. One law in nature: a
enlargement to cadet chapel. Kept. Board of new corpnscidar theory comprehending unity
Visitors, U. S. M. A., 1900, p. 28.(A) of force. New York, 1872. i vol., O., pp. 219.
West Point. In Internat. Monthly, April, (A)
1901. pp. 411-443. (A) Gold medalist of Military Ser\'ice Institu-
The modern soldier and militarj- lessons tion, 1SS3.
of recent wars. In Internat. Monthly, April, Translator of Matter, force, and spirit;
1902, p. 3S1. (A) or Scientific e\'idence of a Supreme intelli-
Report npon the reorganization of the gence. New York, 1895. 1 vol., O. (A)
plant of the U. S. M. A., accompanied by esti- Improvements in art of war and probable
mates, map, and drawings. West Point, N. Y.. effect on future operations. Jour. Mil. Serv.
1902. I vol.. O.. 24 pp., and Atlas, F. (A) Inst., vol. 3, p. 307. {A I

Comment on the Military- Academy. Jour. England in India. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst..
Mil. Se^^. Inst., vol. 16, p. 520. (A) vol. S. p. 247. (A)
The use of tobacco at U. S. M. A. In India. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 9, p. 355.

Lander (M): The tobacco problem, p. xxxi. (A)

(A) LazeUe. Jacob H. G. (U. S. M. A., 1871). Died
See Lewis, Frederick Worthington; W'ood- July I. 1S9S. aged 49. Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc.
vard, J. A. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1899. (A)
Larrabee, Adam (of Connecticut) Member of Lazelle, Jacob Hollingsworth Gaines (U. S.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 182S. M. A., 1892). Died July 12, 189S, aged 32. Obit-
Larrabee. W. C. (of Indiana). Member of Board uarj- and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V. S.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S4S. M. A.. 1901. (A)
Lea, Albert Miller (U. S. M. A., 1831). Died
Lassiter,William (U. S. M. A., 18S9). Drill
regulations for mountain artillery* For . . .
Jan. i6, 1891. aged 84. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S91. (A)
the use of cadets. V S. M. A. i pam., sm.

Lea. William W. (of Tennessee). Member of

[1900.] Jour. r. S. Art., vol. 14. p. 212.
Range and position finding. Jour. U. S.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .A. in 1854.
Leach. Smith Stallord (T. S, M. A., 1875). Pro-
Art., vol. 4, p. 238.
ject, plan, and estimate, etc., for the improve-
and others. Department of tactics: Manual
of instruction for the use of cadets at the
mentofOgdensbnrg, N. Y., watergauge. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1893. p. 43S4. (A)
U. S. M. A. (i) Mountain artillen-; (2} Siege
and coast artiller>- [jointly with E. M. Blake] Waddington Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 3242. (A)
(3) Colt automatic machine gun; [141 Shelter
Missisquoi River. Vt. Rept. Chief
trenches;] (5) Tent pitching; [(6) Notes on
of Eng.. (A)
1895, p. 3244.
horsemanship, by I.ieut. R. L. Howze;] [(71
Niantic Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief
Rules for polo.] West Point, 1901. i vol., O.
cf Eng., 1S97. p. 973- (A)
Lathrop, John H. (of Wisconsin). Member of
New Haven Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1S97, p. 973; 1900. p. 1366. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S51.
Housatonic River. Conn. Rept.
Xjatimer, James. Member of Board of Visitors
Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 9S0. (A)
to U. S. M. A. in 1834. Southport Harbor. Conn. Rept.
Latrobe, John H. A. (of Marjdand). Member
Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 986. (A)
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S49.
Bridgeport. Conn., harbor lines.
Laws. Dr. S. S. (of Missouri). Member of Board Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897. p. 991. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i88i. Connecticut River, Conn. Rept.
Law^soD, Thomas (of U. S. Army). Member of Chief of Eng.. 189S. p. 976. (A) .

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1840 and South Norwalk Harbor, Conn.

in 1S45. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1898, p. 990, (A)
Bridgeport Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Law^ton, Alexander Robert (U. S. M. A., 1S39).
Chief of Eng., 1S99, p. 1173; p. 1187. (A)
Died July 2, 1896. aged 78. Engraving. Owned
by Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A.
New London, Conn., harbor lines.
Rept. Chief of Eng, 1S99. p. 1189; 1900, p. 1363.
Obituan,'/H Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
1897. (A)
New London Harbor, Conn. Rept.
Lawton. Edward Percival (U. S. M. A.. 1SS5) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1351. (A)
and MedaUe, P. A. Traducci6n castellano- Milford Harbor, Conn. Rept. Chief
visaya deBaldwin's reader. Danao.Cebn. P. I .
of Eng., 1900. pp. 1356. 1359. (A)
[n. d.]. I vol.. O.. pp. 12S. (A) Stamford Harbor. Conn. Rept.
Lay, George William (U. S. M. A., 1842). Special Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 1368. (A^
duty. U. S. Coast Sun.'ey. Rept.. 1S51. p. 100; Bran ford Harbor. Conn. Rept.
1852, p. 67. (A) Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 1189, 1191. (A)
LazeUe. Henr>* Martyn (U. S. M. A., 1S55). Com- Boards— Mansfield, 3: Miller, i, 2; Su-
mandant of cadets V. S. M.A., 1879-1882. New ter. (A)

Mexico and Arizona. 1858. Leadbetter, Dan\-ille (U. S. M. A.. 1836). See
A review of the situation. 1866. V. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept., i860, p. 88. (A)
296 Ccnicnnial of United Stales Military Academy.
Leavenworth. Henry (of New York). Member Lee, Robert Edward. Engraving. Owned by
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1831, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
[liecomte. Henr\' C] (U. S. M. A., 1893). Act of Steel engraving (in the uniform of a
Congress, Oct 19, ]88S, authorizing his ad- colonel of engineers, U. S. Army, by A. H.
mission. (A) Ritchie) in I^ibrary U. S. M. A.
Leconte. Capt. John (of U. S. Army). Member Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1820. 1821, Also framed photograph as ftupt. I', ft. M. A.
and 1822. Daguerreotype (as yet unpublished) of
Ledyard. Henr>- Brockholst (U. S. M. A., 1865). about i860 (?). Owned by Va. Hist, ftoc Rich- .

Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. mond, Va. (1902).

Member of Board of ^'isitors to U. S. Statue (by Mercie). Richmond, Va.
M. A., 1881. Bronze statue (by Alex. Doyle). In New
Lee, Alexander Nisbet (U. S. M. A.. 1S65). Orleans, La.
Died Oct. 31. 1S79. aged 36. Obituary /« Ann. Recumbent marble statue by Edward

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S0. (A) Valentine). In the chapel of Washington and
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- I,ee I'niversity. Lexington. Va.
provement of Des Moines Rapids. Mississippi Statue. On Confederate monument, Au-
River. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 3, p. 36; gusta. Ga.
1S67, pp. 264. 273, 280, 324, 335. (C) Equestrian statue. Atlanta, Ga.
Sebawaing River, Mich. Rept. Obituary m
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. i, pp. 291. 292; 1S76, 187 1 ; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 42
vol. 2. p. 537. (C) (1S70), p. 153. (A)
Lee, Fitzhugh (U. S. M. A., 1S56). Engraving Member of Board of Visitors (Inspection)
(by Rembrandt Engraving Company of Phila- to U. S.M. A. in 1S44.
delphia! owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Ninth Superintendent from Sept. i, 1852,
Meml>er of Board of Visitors to U. S. to Mar. 31, 1S55. Reports as Superintendent
M. A. in 18S5. U. S. M. A.. 1S52-1855.
General [Robert E.] l,ee ... vol., O. i Gen. Robert E- Lee. Biography. Har-
iSqi. [Great commanders.] (A) per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 30 (1S65), p. 714.
and Wheeler, Joseph (U. ft. M. A., 1859). (A)
Cuba's struggle against Spain with the . . . Reconstruction. Testimony before . . .

Spanish American war ... A story of San- the Congressional committee New York, . . .

tiago by Gov. Roosevelt, and a descrip-

. . .
1866. I pam., O. (A)
tion of the destruction of the Maine, by Com- Last campaign. Capt. J. C. G. Raleigh,
mander Richard Wainwright New York, . . .
1S66. In War Dept. Library.
1899. I vol.. O. (A) Photographic copy of the agreement for
Lee. George Washington Custis (U. S. M. A.. the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox
1854). Engraving (by J. J. Cade) owned by Court-House. Va.. 1865. The bail bond of Mr.
Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A. Jefferson Davis. 1867. In Q. cover. (A)
Memorial relative to Arlington. No. 1584, Robert E. Lee and his generals (by W. P.
doc. 96. (C) Snow). 1S67. In War Dept. Library.
Sec U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S57, pp. 82. 86. Robert E. Lee and his lieutenants (by
(A) E. A. Pollard). 1867. In War Dept. Library.
Lee, H. W. (of Iowa). Member of Board of [Pollard. E. A.:] Early life, campaigns,
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1865. and public services of Robert E. Lee New . . .

Lee. John Fitzgerald (U. York, 1S71. I vol., O. (A)

S. M. A.. 1834). Died
aged 71. Obituar>' iti Ann. Assoc. Life of Robert E. Lee (by E. Cook).
June 17, 1S84, J.
1871. hi War Dept. Library.
Grads. U. M. A., 18S5. (A)

Reports as Judge-Advocate-General. V ft. Campaigns of Robert E. Lee. Address


Army, 1S49-1S62.
before Washington and Lee University (by
J.A. Early). Baltimore, 1S72. 54 pp. In War
Lee, Richard Bland (U. M. A.. 1S17). Died
Dept. Library.
Aug. 2, 1875, aged 76. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Personal reminiscences of Robert E- Lee
Grads. U. ft. M. A.. 1876. (A)
(by J. W. Jones). New York, 1S74. xvi, 509
Lee. Robert Edward (U. 9. M. A., 1829). Died pp. In War Dept. Library.
Oct. 12, 1870, aged 64. Oil portrait (by J. A. Boissonnas (Mme. B.): Un vaincu: souve-
Elder). In Corcoran Gallerv, Washington, nirs du general Robert Lee. 3d 4d. Paris,
D. C. 1875. I vol., O. (A)
Portrait (enlarged from a small photo- Childe (Edw. L-): Life and campaigns of
graph taken 18—? in the uniform of the U. S. General Lee ... i vol., O. 1S75. (A)
Army). In the office of the Superintendent Four years with Lee (by W. H. Taylor).
U. S. M. A. 1S77. In War Dept. Libraiy.
Oil painting [as Superintendent U. S. M. Statue to Robert E. Lee at New Orleans.
A., ?]. Owned by his son, Capt. R. E. Address, C. E. Fenniar. 1884. In War Dept.
I^ee, West Point. Va. (1902). [A small copy Library.
of the above owned by the Va. Hist. Soc. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee, his military
Richmond, Va.] and personal histor\'; together with incidents
The IVri/iui^s of Gradiia/rs, j8o2-igo2^ 297
relating to his private life subsequent to the Lee. Thomas Jefferson. On the use of the zenith
war, collectf<l aiul edited by Arinislcad I,. and equal altitude telescope, in the determina-
Long, with the assistance of Marcus J. Wright. tion of the latitude. 1 pam.,0. 1S4S. Topogr.
New York. 1SS6. Bureau, War. Dept. (A)
Lee, Robert Edward. Sherman (W.T.): Grant, Determines disagreeing stars. West Point
Thomas, I,ee. In North Atuer. Rev., vol. 144, mural circle, pp. 29, 30; Computations, p. 55.
May. 1887. (A) U. S. Coast Snr\'ey Rept., 1848. (A)
Monument to Robert K. Lee; history of Collection of tables and formula; useful in
movement. So. Hist. Soc. Papers, vol. 17. geodesy and practical astronomy. . . . Wash-
1SS9. Ik War Dept. Librar>'- ington, 1849. ^ (A)
vol., O.
Sweeney (Talbot): A vindication from a Reduces West Point observations, pp. 25, 54;
Northern standpoint of Gen. Robert E. Lee Is detached, value of services, pp. 25, 26. U. S.
and his fellow-officers who left the U. S. Army Coast Survey Rept., 1849. (A)
and Navy in 1861 ... pam., O. 1S90. In
i Southern boundary of Maryland. Balti-
War Dept. Library. (A) more, iSbo,
Dedication of monument to, at Richmond. Charge of drawing division, pp. 22, 73. 75;
Address (by A. Anderson). 1890. In War Dept. Report on occupation of draughtsmen, pp. 144-
Library'. 149. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., i86r. (A)

Robert E. Lee and the question of treason Tracing a parallel of latitude. Essayons
(byT. Sweeney). 1S90. /« WarDept. Libran,-. Club Papers. No. 101. 1S69. (A)
Robt. E. Lee (by Jefferson Davis). In Lee, Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A., 1S57). Died
North Amer. Rev,, vol. 150 (1S90). (A) Nov. 28, 1SS8. aged 54. Obituary in .^nn. .\ssoc.

General Lee; by his nephew and cavalr>- Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S9. (A)
commander, Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. [Great Lee, William (of Washington). Member of
commanders.] New York, 1S94. vol., O. 1 Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S29. (A)
Robert E. Lee 1S07-1S70) and the Southern
Leggett. Wells Wilner (U. S. M. A., 1S69). Died
Confederacy (by Henry Alexander White). May 14, 1891, aged 44. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
[Heroes of the nations.] New York, 1897. xiii, Grads. U. S. 1\L A., 1891. (.A)
467 pp. In War Dept. Libran,'.
Leiber, F^. South Carolina). Member of Board
Robert E. Lee (by William Peterfield
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S3S.
Trent). [Beacon biographies.] Boston, 1S99.
Camp fires of Robert E. Lee (by E. S. Leiper, W. J. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Ellis), [n. d.] /w War Dept. Librar\-. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1835.

A Canadian's estimate of Robert E. Lee Lemly, Henry Rowan (U. S. M. A., 1S72). Arra-
(byT. V. Moberly). So. Hist. Soc. Papers, vol. pahoes. Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 60
17. /k War Dept. Librarj'. (1880). p. 494. (A)
Sketch of Robert E. Lee (by C. H. Anson). Santa F6 de Bogotd. Harper's New
M. O. L. L. U. S., Wisconsin War papers. In Monthly Mag., vol. 72 (1SS5), p. 47. (A)
War Dept. Librarj*. The stor^'of Feather Head. Harper's New
Invasion of Pennsylvania by Lee; claims. Monthly Mag., vol. 72 1SS6), p. S99. (

No. 1656, doc. 41. (C) Changes wrought in artillerj' in the nine-
An inter\*iew with Gen. Robert E. Lee (by teenth centurj' and their effect upon the at-
John Leybnrn). Century Mag., vol. 30, p. 166. tack and defence of fortified places. 18S6. i
Robert E. Lee and Longstreet (by W. H. pam., O. See Art. School U. S. Translator—
Taylor). So. Hist. Soc. Papers, vol. 24, pp. 13-79. See Upton (E. ): TActica de infanteria. (A)
In War Dept. Library. A West Point romance. In Outing, Feb-
- In Father's talk about three great char- ruary, 18S7, pp. 466-468. (A)
acters. In War Dept. Librarj- Translation of Fix: Manual of strategy.
Washington, 1889. i vol., O. (A)
Lee, Roswell Walter (U. S. M. A., 1833). Died
New system of written accentuation pre-
Dec. 20, 1873, aged 63. Obituary /m Ann. Assoc.
scribed by the Royal .\cademy of Spain. 1
Grads. U.S.M.A., 1874. (A)
pam., O. 1890. (.\)
Lee, Stephen (of North Carolina). Member of A Queen's thoughts.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1855. translator. Ejercicios gimnAsticos.
Lee. Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A.. 1830). Died translator. El heli6grafo.
Dec. 30, 1891, aged 83. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Padre Anselmo.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S92. (A) Uncle 'Man.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. translator. Upton's Infaiitr>' regula-
in 1859. tions.
Astronomical observations, sec. r, p. 8; Who was El Dorado?
Astronomical and magnetic observations, Tay- Leoser, Charles McKnight (U. S. M. A., 1S61).
lor's Abingdon, p. 20. U. S. Coast Sun-ey Died Feb. 23, 1896, aged
Obituary and 57.
Rept., 1845. (A) portrait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Latitude and magnetic observations, Cape 1896. (A)
Ann,pp. 8. 9; Eclipses and latitude, Marriott's, Leslie, Charles R. Engraving owned by
pp. 19, 20; Magnetic observations, sec. 2, p. 16; Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
sec. 3, p. 20. U S. Coast Survey Rept., 1846. ( A
. Teacher of drawing, U. S. M. A., 1S33-34.
298 Ccnteiiuial of United Stairs Military Acadeniy.

Leslie, Charles R. Letter of Washington Irving Lissak, Ormond Mitchell (U. S. M. A., 1882).
urging his appointment. Life and Letters of Wire, tinned, report of manufacture of, steel.
In.-ing. vol. 3, p. 47. (A) Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S90. p. 309. (C)
LesUe. Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A., 1S15). Report of tests on black and smokeless
Died Nov. 25, 1S74. aged 77. Obituan,- in Ann. powders, Benicia Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S75; Harper's New- 1S94. (C)
Monthly Mag., vol. 50 (1875), p. 451. (A) Report of operations in Division of Cuba.
Treasurer U. S. M. A.. Oct. 31, 1S16, to Rept. Chief of Ord., 1900. (C)
Dec. II, 1S41. translator. Study of the action of powder
Lester, Charles Harris (U. S. M. A., 1S63). Died in a ID-centimeter cannon. Notes Constr. Ord.
Oct. 27, 1S99, aged 57. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. No. 62. vol. 3. p. I. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Little. John (U. S. M. A., 18S5). Died July 28,
Levins, Thomas C. (of the District of Columbia). igoo. aged 39. Obituary and portrait in Ann.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1901. (A)
1S24 and in 1S27. Litton, Abm. (of Tennessee). Member of Board
Lewis, Dixon H. (of Alabama). Member of of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S47. Livermore, William Roscoe (U. S. M. A,, 1865).
Lewis, Ellis (of Pennsylvania). Member of Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1837. ment of Falmouth Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
Lewis, Edward Mann (U. S. M. A., 1886). Dis- of Eng., 1S87, p. 558. (C)

cipline Its importance, etc. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Vineyard Haven Harbor, Mass.
Inst. U. S.. vol. 28. p. 323. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S87. p. 579. (C)
Lewis, Frederick Worthington {U. S. M. A., New Bedford Harbor, Mass. Rept.
1896). Map
West Point showing modifica-
of Chief of Eng., 188S, pp. 514, 515; 1S92, p. 610.
tions and additions ... to accompany the (C)
report of Prof. C. W. Larned (1901). Topo- Taunton River, Mass. Rept. Chief
graphical map in colors. Scale, i inch to 125 of Eng., 1S88, p. 51S. (C)
feet. bridge between Somerset and Fall
Lewis, Rev. James (of Michigan). Member of River. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18SS, p. 2659. (C)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S78. Point Judith, R. 1. Rept. Chief of
Lewis, Louis Hoffman (U. S. M. A., 1S95). Died Eng., 18S9, p. 43; 1S90, p. 595. (C)
July I, 1S9S, aged 26. Obituarj' and portrait /w Westport Harbor,
Mass. Rept.
.\nn. .\ssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) Chief of Eng., 1SS9, p. 646; 1S91, p. 706. (C)
Lewis, William Henry (U. S. M. A., 1849). Died Fishing Place Cove, near Seaconnet

Sept. 28, 1878, aged 48. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Point, R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 649.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1879. (A) (C)
Leyden, James Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1879). - Greenwich Bay, R. I. Rept. Chief
Died Apr. 10, 1897, aged 41. Obituary- in Ann. of Eng., 18S9. p. 651; 1S91. p. 717; 1892, p. 623.

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1897. (A) (C)

Register of commissioned officers of the Marthas Vineyard, inner and outer
Fourth Infantry, from 1796 to 1S94 [n. p., . . . harbor at Edgartown, Mass. Rept. Chief of
I pam. O. (A) Eng., 1S90, p. 586; 1891, p. 698; 1892, p. 603. (C)
1894. J
Historj* of the Fourth Regiment of Infan- Coaster Harbor Island, R. T. Rept.
try. Hist. r. S. Army. pp. 452-465. (A) Chief of Eng-, 1890. p. 591. (C)
. Vulnerability and artillery Narragansett Bay, at the mouth of
fire. Jour. Mil. Sen.-. Inst., vol.
17, p. 139. (A) Narrow River. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, p.
Infantry formations.
attack Jour. Mil. 597- (C)
Serv. Inst., vol. 19, p. 90. (A) Watch Hill Cove, R. I. Rept. Chief
Lieber, Guido Norman. Professor of law, U. S. of Eng.. 1891, p. 735. (C)
M. A., 1S7S-1882. Newport Harbor, R. I. Rept. Chief
LiUie, Maj. John. In command of West Point of Eng.. 1891. p. 736. (C)
June 17 to Sept. 22, iSoi; buried at West Point. Menemsha Bite (Bight), Mass.
"An active agent in founding the Military Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1892, p. 645. (C)
Academy. iSoi." Pierce (E. L-); Maj. John Canapitsit Channel, Mass. Rept.
Lillie, p. 33. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1S92, p. 647. (C)
Lincoln, Dr. N. S. (of the District of Columbia). Report upon fog-signal experiments, i

Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in pam., O. Light-House Board, Report, 1894,

18S9. app. 5-

Linden, Henry St. James (U. S. M. A., 1825). Military surveys and reconnaissance, and
Died Aug. 10, 1S36, aged 34. Military manual, map duplicating in the field. Oper. Div. Mil.
1830. Eng. Int. Cong. Eng., 1894. p. 753. In Chicago
Lindsay, R. B. (of Alabama). Member of Board Exposition, 1S93, Int. Cong. Eng. Oper. Div.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S57. Mil. Eng. (A)
Liudsey, Col. John W. (of Georgia). Mem- Militan.' and naval maneuvers. Jour. Mil.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S92. Ser\'. Inst., vol. 9, p. 411. (A)
Lindsley, Philip. Member of Board of Visitors The modern battle and the effect of new
to U. S. M. A. in 1834. weapons. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 16, pp. 173. 271.
TItc IJ'n'titiirs of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 299
Xjivermore. William Roscoe. Texas, southwest- Lockv/ood. Daniel Wright. Project, plan, esti-
ern, military map, iSSi. Topographical map. mate, etc., for the improvement of Needle
Texas, western. 1883-1884. Topographical dam, on the Big Sandy River, near Louisa.
map. Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S94, p. 1999. (A)
See Boards— Abbot. 5. 15: Mansfield. 5; Gnyandotte River. W. Va. Rept.
Warren. 11. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. 251S. (A)
Lloyd, Edward (of Marj-land). Member of Tarpaulin Cove, Nanshon Island,
Board of Visitors to U, S. M. A. in 1S47. Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1H96, p. 668. (A!
liOan. B. F. (of Missouri). Member of Board of — harbor at Warcham. Mass. Rept.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S69. Chief of Eng., 1S96. p. 670. (A)
Locliridge, P. D. (U. S. M. A.. 1SS7). Employ- New Bedford Harbor, Mass, Rejn.
ment of cavalr>' in war. Jour. Cav. Assoc. Chief of Eug.. iSg6, p. 672; 1900, pp. 1295, 12^7.
I8)3. p. 223. (A) (A)
Contact squadrons. Jour. Cav. Assoc. harbor at Block Island, K. I. Rept.
1S99, p. 127. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. h7.). (.\t
IfOcke, Joseph Lorenzo (L*. S. M. A.. 182S). Died Pawtucket River, R. I. and Conn.
Oct. 5. 1864, aged 56. Editor Savannah Re- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. f)7fj. (A)
publican, 1S40-1853. Stonington Harbor, Conn. Rept.
liockett,Samuel Henr>- (IT. S. M. A., 1S59). Died Chief of Eng., 1896, p. 679. (.\)
Oct. aged 54. Obituar>- in Ann. Assoc.
12, 1891. channel through Conanicut Island,
Grads. U. M. A., 1S92. (A)
S. Narragansett Bay. R. I. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Lockwood. Daniel Wright (U. S. M. A., 1866). 1S97. p. 929. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve- channel in New Bedford Harbor.
ment of Black Lake Harbor. Mich. Rept. Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97. p. 930. (,\t
Chief of Eng.. 1S66, vol. 4, p. (C) — . aiount Hope Bay and Fall River
Portage Lake, Manistee County, Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97. p.
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1&S4. p. 1975. (C) 932. (A)
Peutwater Harbor, Mich. Rept. Sakonnet Point, R. I. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng.. 1S84, p. 19S0. (C) of Eng., 1S97. p. 935. (A)
White River Harbor, Mich. Rept. Point Judith Harbor of Refuge. R. I.
Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 19S2. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 937. (A)
Cross Village Harbor, Mich. Rept. Herring River, Mass, Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., 1884, pp. 1997, 199S. (C) of Eng., 189S, p. 933. (A)
Ludington Harbor, Mich. Rept. Salt Pond, Mass. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 2001; 1S85. pp. 2029, Eng.. 1898, p. 934. (A I

2091, 2093. (C) Point Judith, R I. Rept. Chief of

Little Traverse Bay. Mich. Rept. Eng., 1.S98, p. 936. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1SS5, p. 2095. (C) Great Salt Pond R. I. Rept. Chief
Grand River below Grand Rapids, of Eng.. 1900, p. 1276, (A)
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S7, p. 2207. (C) Bass River Harbor, Mass, Rept.
Pigeon River, Mich. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 1282. (.\)
of Eng., 1SS7. p. 220S. (C) Hyannis Harbor, Mass Rept. Chief
Carp River, Mich. Rept. Chief of of Eng., 1900, pp. 12S4, 12S6. (.A)
Eng., 1SS7. p. 2209. (C) Cotuit Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
Empire, Lake Michigan. Rept. of Eng., 1900, p. 12S7. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1SS7, p. 2210. (C) Vineyard Haven, Mass.Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1900, p. 1289. (A)
bridge near St. Joseph, Mich. Rept.

Chief of Eng.. 18&S. pp. 2585, 2586. (C) Cottage City. Mass. Rept. Chief of
Eng.. 1900. p. 1293, (A)
Green River and tributaries, Ky.
Westport Point Harbor, Mass.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S9. pp. 263. 1965: 1S91. p. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1298. (A)
2482. (C)
Assonet River, :\Iass. Rept. Chief
Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky. of Eng., 1900. p. 1300. (.\)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S89, p. 1992; 1S91. p. 2476. Pawtucket River, R. I. Rept. Chief
(C) of Eng., 1900, pp. 1302. 1304; 1901. p. 1152. i;.\)
Rough River, Ky. Rept. Chief of Pro\-idence Harbor and River, R. I.
Eng.. 1S91. p. 244S. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, pp. 1307, 1309. (A)
Big Barren River, Ky. Rept. Chief
harbor lines. Mount Hope Bay. Fall
River, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1311.
of Eng,. 1S91. p. 2475. (C)
Licking River, Ky. Rept. Chief of
Sakonnet Harbor, R. I. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S93, p. 2645; 1S95. p. 2514. (A)
of Eng., (\)
1901, p. 114S.
Big Sandy River. Ky.. from its Narragansett Bay, R, I. Rept. Chief
junction with the Ohio to the crossing of the of Eng.. 1901. p. 1 155. (.A)
Big Sandy by the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail- and WTieeler. GeorgeMontague (U. S. M.
road bridge. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93. p. A., 1866). Preliminary report upon a recon-
2647. (A) naissance through southern and southeastern
30Q Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Nevada made in 1S69. Washington. 1875. Q. Lord. James Henry (U. S. M. A., 1862). Died
Explorations and Surveys, (A) Feb. 21, 1896, aged 56. Obituary and portrait
Lockwood, Daniel Wright. See Boards— Allen, in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
i; Craighill, 21, 25; Mansfield, 3; Miller, t, 2; Love, John (U.S. M. A., 1841). Died Jan. 29,
Poe, 4; Robert, 19; .Stickeney. 2, 3, 4; Suter, 7. 18S1, aged 61. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
(A) U. S. M. A., 18S1. (A)
Lockwood. Henry Hall ( U. S. M. A,. 1S36). Died Lovell, Louis S. (of Michigan). Member of
Dec. 7, 1S99, aged S5. Obituary' in Ann. Assoc. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1872.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) LoveU. Mansfield (U.S. M. A., 1842). Died June

Exercises in small arms. 1, 18S4, aged 61. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Manual of naval batteries. V. S. M. A.. 18S4; Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
Loder. Samuel Howard (U. S. A., 1S77). Died M vol.69 (1874), p. 482. (A)
Jnne30, 1S79, aged 23. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Loveridge. Wilbur (U.S.M.A., 1880). Died June
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S80. (A) 3, 1892, aged 36. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
liOeeer, Lucien (U. s. M. A.. 1842). Died Mar. U. S. M. A.. 1892. (A)
6, 1S97, aged 79. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Lovering. Leonard Austin (U. S. M. A., 1876).
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1.S97. (A) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
liOfland, James R. (of Delaware). Member of Low. William Hall. jr. (U.S. M. A., 1S72). Died
Board of Visitors to V. .S. M. A. in 1S62. July 24, 1886, aged 38. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Logan, John A. (of Illinois). Member of Board Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S87. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1870. Lowe, William Warren (U.S. M.A., 1853). Died
Lomia. Luigi (U. S. M. A., 1867). Photograph May 18, 1S98, aged 69. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
in Albums of officers' mess. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1898. (A)
translator. Artigleria and Genio. Jour. Lowndes. Rawlins U. S. M. A., 1820). Died Aug.

Mil. Serv. Inst., vol. 5. p. 226. (A) aged 76. Obituary ?w Ann. Assoc. Grads.
10, 1877,

translator. Target practice at Berndorf, U. S, M. A., 1S7S. (A)

p. 120; French field artillery, p..3^<5- Jo"r. Mil. Low^ry, John J. (of Missouri). Memberof Board
Ser\'. Inst., vol. 10. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856.
London, Robert (U.S. M.A., 1S73). Died Dec. 12, Lowry. S. B. (of Minnesota). Memberof Board
1S92, aged 42. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1859.
U.S. M.A., 1S93. (A) Lucas. Eugene Willett Van C. (U. S. M. A.. 1S87).
Long:, Armistead I^indsay (U. S. M. A.. 1S50). Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
Died Apr. 20, iSqi, aged 64. Obituar\- in Ann. ment of Ocracoke Inlet, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S91. (A) Eng.. 1894, pp. 1005. 1016. (A)
Memoir> iif Robert E. Ivee ol., O. Scuppernong River, N. C. Rept.
18S6. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1895, p. 1363; 1901, pp. 1541. 1543.
Long, John Osmond ( U. S. M. A. i«54l. Died (At
Apr. 3, 1875, aged 42. Obituar>' / Ann. Assoc. '
South Creek, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S1. (A) Eng., 1S95, p. 1369. (A)
Lour. Oscar Fitzaland (U. S. M. A., 1S76). His- Cape Lookout Harbor of Refuge,
ton,' of the Quartermaster's Department. Hist. N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1895, p. 1379- (A)
U. S. Army, pp. 38-66. (A) - Alligator River, N. C. Rept. Chief
Long. 5<?tf Boards — Kearney, i. {.\.)
of Eng., 1895, p. 1385. (A)
waterway from Albemarle Sound,
Longatreet, James (U. S. M. A., 1842). Died
N. C, to Beaufort Inlet. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1904. Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie) owned by
1901. pp. 1517, 1529. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Trent River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Autograph letter dated Dec. 3, 1874, refer-
Eng., 1901, pp. 1546, 1550. (A)
ring to the charge at Gettysburg July 3, 1S65,
Wilmington Harbor and Cape Fear
which he disapproved. MS. (A)
River, N.C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901. pp.1554,
From Manassas to Appomattox. Memoirs
1557. (A)
of the civil war in America ... i vol., O.
establishment of harbor lines in
1896. (
A PamlicoRiver, N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901,
Lee and Longstreet at high tide (by Mrs.
pp. (A)
1570, 1571-
Helen Dortch Longstreet). i voL, O. 1904.
estimate of storm damages, Fort Caswell,
The seven days' fighting about'Richmond.
N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 900. (A)
Century Mag., vol. 30, p. 468.

See Board Ruffner, i. (A)
Loomis, Gustavus (U. S. M. A., iSii |. Died Mar. Luckie, L- B. (of Arkansas). Member of Board
5. 1872, aged 83. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1854.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1872. (A) Lucky. S. J. W. (of Tennessee). Member of
Lorain, Lorenzo (U. S. M. A., 1856). Died Mar. Board of Visitors to IT. S. M. A. in 1S66.
6, aged 52. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
1S82, Ludlow. Henry Hunt (U. S. M. A., 1876). Pho-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S82. (A) tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Instruction in photography. Art. School. Subscales, including Verniers. New York,
U.S. 1882. (A) 1SS2. I vol., O., pp. 16. (A)
Photographic processes and gunpowder Elements of trigonometry with log- . . .

analysis. Ord. Note i8i, vol. 6. (A) arithmic and other tables with the coop-
. . .
The If 'n'tiiio-s oj Graduales^ 1802— igo2. 301
eration of I'Mgar \V. Bass, ])roft-ssor I'. S. M. A. Ludlow. William. Project, plan, estimate, etc..
y.\ ed.. 1st thousaiui. New York, 1893. i vol. for the improvement of Pine River at St. Clair
O. [Title of tables: l,ogarithniic. trigonome- City, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SQ3, p. 295.4.
tric, and other mathematical tables ... 2d (Al
ed., 2d thousand. 1S95.J (A) Belle River, Marine City, Mich.
liudlov?, Henr^' Hunt. KfTect of wind on the Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 2956. (A)
flight of projectiles, Didioii's formula. ()rd. harbor lines on Black River at Port
Note. lyi. vol. 6, p. 2. (A) Huron, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p.
Review of Metcalfe's Ordnance and guii- 2959- (A)
nerj- U. S. M. A. Jour. Mil. Sen.-. Inst., vol. 13. Breakwater construction in Lake
p. 1247. (A) Champlain. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1893, p. 3210.
Comment on Whistler's Graphic tables of (A)
fire. Jour. Mil, Ser\-. Inst., vol. 14. p. 348. (A) New York Harbor, N. Rept.
Comment on Kingman's Right turn in in- Chief of Eng., 1899, p. 12S1. (A)
fantry- drill regulations. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., Report of a reconnaissance from Carroll.
vol. 17, p. 1S6. (A) Mont., on the upper Missouri, to the Yellow-
Ludlow. William (U. S. M. A.. 1S64). Project, stone National Park and return, made in the
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of summer of 1S75. Washington, 1876. Q. [En-
Savannah River and Harbor, C.a. Rept, Chief gineer Dept., r. S. A.] (.\)
of Eng., 1S72, p. 659. (C) Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia water
Charleston Harbor, S. C. Rept. Chief department, annual report of, for the year
of Eng. 1S72, p. 652; 1874, vol. I. p. 76; 1874, vol. 1883, O., pp. 3S0. Philadelphia. 1SS4.

2, pp. 3, 4. 5; 1S75. P- 579; 1S75, vol. I, p. 82; 1B75, The militarj' systems of Europe and
vol. 2, p. 29; 1877. p. 67. (C) America. North .\mer. Rev., vol. 160 (1895). p.
Shrewsbury River, N. J. Rept. 72. (A)
Chief of Eng., PP- 409- 4^^ A^^- (C)
1879, Upper Geyser Basin. Topographical
Delaware Breakwater, Del. Rept. map.
Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 460, 461; 1SS2, p. 792; —
See Boards Lndlow; Macomb, 35; Poe,
18S6, p. 119. (C) 17;Robert, 16, 17, iS.
Newton Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief See Havana, Dept. of, annual report of
of Eng.. 1S82, p. S05. (C) general commanding, 1899-1900.
Mantua Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief Lugenbeel, Pinckney (U. S. M. A., 1840). Died
of Eng., 18S2, p. S06. (C) Mar. iS, 18S6, aged 66. Obituary /w Ann. Assoc.
Maurice River, N. J. Rept. Chief of Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS6. (A)
Eng., 1882, p. 811; 1S85, p. 868; 18S7, p. 86; 1892, LummiB, Prof. W. D. F. (of Iowa). Member of
p. 938- (C) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1888.
- Murder-Kill Creek, Del. Rept. Chief Lmideen John August (U. S. M. A.. 1873).
, Pho-
of Eng., 1S82, p. SiS. (C) tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Frankford Creek. Pa. Rept. Chief Examples and exercises in analytical
of Eng., 1882, p. 823; 1884, p. 811; 1SS7, p. 799. geometry, selected and arranged ... V . S.
(C) M. A., Press, 1SS9, i pam., O., 24 pp. (A)
Indian River, Del.
Rept. Chief of Description of a 20 mm. subcaliber rifle

Eng., (C)
1882, p. 833; 18S3, p. 650: 1887, p. S35, tube. [Translation.] Jour. U. S. Art., vol. S.

-Saugatnck Harbor. Mich. Rept. p. 329-

Chief of Eng., 1S89, p. 2204. (C) Lusk. James Loring S. M. A., 1S78).
l". Photo-
Manistee Harbor, Mich. Rept. graph in Albums of ofiBcers' mess.
Chief of Eng., 1890, pp. 2617, 2619; 1891, p. 2679. Adjutant U. S. M. .\., Sept. 8. 18S1 to Aug.
(C) 28, 1882.
Ludington Harbor, Mich. Rept. Instructor of practical military- engineer-
Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 2622. (C) ing, U. S. M. A., 1S93-1S9S.
- Grand Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept. Historical sketch of the department of
Chief of Eng.. 1890, p. 2651. (C) practical military engineering U. S. M. A.
Petoskey Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief In Rept. Supt. U. S. M. A., 1896, pp. 171-175.
of Eng., 1S90, p. 2675; 1S91, p. 2671. (C) (A)
Black I.ake (Holland) Harbor, General Orders and circulars, headquar-
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p, 2697. (C) ters, Corps of Engineers and office of the Chief
Peutwater Harbor, Mich. Rept. of Engineers, in force Apr. 16, 1900, and index.
Chief of Eng., 1S92, p. 2330. (C) Washington, 1900. i vol., O. (A)
Muskegon Harbor, Mich. Rept. See Commission — Marshall, i, 2. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1892, p. 2336. (C) Lydecker. Garrett J. (U. S. M. A., 1864). Photo-
- St. Joseph's Harbor, Mich. Rept. graph in Albums of officers' mess.
Chief of Eng., 1892, p. 2360. (C) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Hammond Bay, Lake Huron, Mich.. provement of Chicago Harbor, 111. Rept.
at the mouth of Ocqueoc River. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. S94; 1S78, p. 1185; 1879,
of Eng., 1893, p. 2948. (A) pp. 158, 1556, 1561, 1562. (C)
- Sebewaing River, Saginaw Bay, Illinois River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 2950. (A) 1879, pp. 158, 1571. (C)
302 Ccuioiuial of United States Military Academy.
l,ydeoker. Garrett J. Plan, project, estimate, Lyford, Stephen Carr. Diagram of penetration
etc., for the improvement of Calumet Harbor, of English guns. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S78, p.
111. Kept. Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 1569. (C) losi.i. (C)
Wolf Lake Outlet, In<l. Kept. Chief Cartridges machine for heading solid
of Eng., 1S80, p. 2000. (C) head, p. 83; Sand-blast process for sharpening
Calumet River, 111. and Ind. Rept. files, p. S3; Gill's counterpoise beam for dif-

Chief of Eng., C)
1S84, p. 1952. (
ferential measurement by mechanical touch,
Washingtou, D. C. Rept. Chief of p. 84. Rept. Chief of Ord., iSSi. (C)
Eng., 18S4, p. 2301. (C) Dynamometer, Gill, description and use,
PotomacRiver. Rept. Chief of Eng., p. 109; Star gauge model, 18S1, p. no; Descrip-

1S85, p. 2499; 1S87, p. 2565. IC) tion and drawings of shotgun reloading tools,
Little Wabash River, 111. Rept. p. Ill; Comparison of sporting and service

Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 2570. (A) powder for cartridges, p. 112; Cartridge
Embarras River, 111. Rept. Chief of primer, Frankford Arsenal description, p. 113.
Eng., 1S93, p. 2573. (A) Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S82. (C)
Saugatuck Harbor, Mich. Rept. Reloading cartridges, instructions for
Chief of Eng., 1S94, p. 2204. (A) using hand tools for, recoil check, p. 88; Smith
harbor line St. Joseph Harbor, Mich. and Goldthorp's system of making illuminat-
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S94, p. 2260. (A) ing gas from petroleum, p. 143; Experiments
- Cheboygan Harbor, Mich.
Rept. to determine proper thickness of metal for
Chief of Eng,, (A)
1895, p. 2S25. primers, p. 151; Autogenic plumbing appara-
— Kalamazoo River, Mich. Rept. Chief tus, p. 156; Hydrogen-gas generator for blow-
of Eng., 1S95, p. 2S42. (A) pipe work, p. 156; Rubber stamps for mark-
Kawkawlin River, Mich. Rept. ing boxes, p. 157. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1883.
Chief of Eng., 1895. p. 2S46. (A) (C)
Tittabawassee River, Mich. Rept. Submits articles on the organization and
Chief of Eng,, 1S95, p. 2849. (A) administration of the Swedish army and navy.
Shiawassee River, Mich. Rept. Ord. Note 73, vol. 3, p. 580. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 2852. (A) Present method of target practice at
Clinton River, Mich. Rept. Chief Frankford Arsenal. Ord. Note 171. vol. 6. (A)
of Eng., 1895, p. 2S57. (A) The Frankford Arsenal improvements in
Sebewaing River, Mich. Rept. Chief the fiscal year 1883. Ord. Note 309, vol. 10. (A)
of Eng., 1S96, p. 2743. (A) Lyie, David Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1869). Pho-
Pine River, Mich. Rept. Chief of tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Eng., (A)
1896, p. 2745. Benton, dynamometer, p. 373 (Ord. Note
Belle River, Mich. Rept. Chief of
66, vol. 2, p. 510); Pistons and cutters for
Eng., iSq6, p. 2746. (A) powders, p. 386. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1877. (C)
Huron River, Mich. Rept. Chief of Report on manufacture of leather, p. 61;
Eng., 1S97, p. 3035. (A) Remarks on army shoes, p. 76; Price of tan-
Saginaw, Shiawassee, Bad, and Flint
ning materials, p. 79; Oils used in manufac-
rivers, jSIich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1898, p. 2579. ture of leather, prices, etc., Leather,
p. 80;
(A) prices of different kinds, p. 81; I^ife-saving ap-
Rouge River, Mich. Rept. Chief of paratus and guns. p. 204; Experiments with
Eng., 1S9S, p. 2606, (A) life-saving projectiles, p. 229; Gun carriages
Mackinac Harbor, Mich. Rept. for Life-Saving Service, p. 244; Powder and
Chief of Eng., iqoo, p. 4oaS. (A) cartridge bags for I,ife-Saving Ser\'ice, p. 246;
Cheboygan Harbor, Mich.
Rept. Sabots, friction primers, and implements for
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 4012. (A) lyife-Saving Service, p. 249; Firing grounds for
waters connecting I^akes Superior
I^ife-Saving Service, p. 266; Historj' of Manby's
and Huron, including Hay I^ake Channel, St. and others" life-saWng apparatus, p. 285; Par-
Mary's River. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, p. rott mortar, 3-inch, for I,ife-Saving Service, p.
3201. (A)
300; Chandler Life-Sav-ing Service apparatus, p.
St. Clair Flats Canal, Mich. Rept.
313; Boter's life-saving rockets, p. 314. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 3204, 3206. (A) Chief of Ord., 187S. (C)
Commerce passing St. Mark's Falls Canal, I,ife-saving ordnance. Washington, 1S78.
Mich, and Ont., during 1S96. Rept. Chief of
I vol., O., pp. 164. (A)
Eng., 1S97, p. 3004. (A)
Description of I,yle-Emery grapple shot.
Comment on McClernaud's Infantry bat- Rept. Chief of Ord., 1879, p. 291. (C)
tle tactics. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst., vol. 11, p.
Remarks on report of Life-Saving Service,
653. (A)
p. xvii; Foreign life-saving rockets and rocket
5"i?f Boards — Lydecker; Casey, i; Houston, apparatus, p, 273; Russian life-saWng appara-
5, 6, S, 10; Mansfield, 2.
tus, p. 283; German life-saving rockets and
Lyford. Stephen Carr (U. S. M. A., 1S61). Died apparatus, p. 290; English life-saWng rockets
May g, aged 46. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
1SS5, and apparatus, p. 304; Description of Hooper's
Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S5. (A) life-sa\'ing rocket, p. 312; Method of fastening
^^— Instructorof ordnance and gunner^', U. S. faking-boxes for l,ife-Saving Ser^'ice, p. 321;
M. A., 1872. Report on galvanized sheet-iron flaking boxes
The Writings of Graduates^ iSo2—H)02. 303
for l,ifc-Saviiig St.rvice, p. 325. Rept. Chief Lynde. Williatn P. (of Houscof Representatives).
of Ord., iSSo. (C) Member of Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in
Lyle. David Alexander. Report on the manu- 1878.
facture and nses of files and rasps, being ap- Lyon, Marcus Ward (U. S. M. A.. 1S72). Rejiort
pendix 35 of the annual report of Chief of of principal operations at Cheyenne ordnance
Ordnance, iSSi. 1 vol.. O. (A) depot. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S7S, p. iv. (C>
Life-saving projectile, p. 253; Cartridge Method of target practice at Hrankford
bag for life-saving guns, p. 269. Rejit. Chief Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord.. i8S2,p. 268; Ord.
of Ord.. iSSi. (C) Note 171, vol. 5. (C)
Vent pnnch and vent gimlet for I.ife-Sav- Objections to present method of making
ing Service. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S82, p. 284. purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S89. p. 104.
(C) (C)
Rifle, 10-inch wire-wrapped B. I,., con- Operations employe<l in fabrication of
struction report of the cast-iron body. p. 159; mortars. 12-inch B. L. cast-iron, hooped. Rept.
Cylinder, experinitntal. from the 12-inch cast- Chief of Ord., iStj<\ p. 253. (C)
iron B. L.rifle, hooped and tubed with steel, Repairs of bridge at Rock Island Arsenal,
p. 277;Annual report of South Boston Iron p. 117: Abstract of travel over bridge at Rock
Works, p. 331; Projectiles report of the manu- Island Arsenal, p. 119; Equipment plant trans-
facture of S-inch chilled, p. 403, Rept. Chief ferred to Rock Island Arsenal from Water\*liet
of Ord., 1S85. (C) Arsenal, p. 121; Report of maiuifactureof mor-
Armor plate, experiments
at Spezia, p. 6; tars and mortar carriages at Builders" Iron
Rifle. 8-inch Yates. B. L. converted, construc- Foundry, p. 451. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1891. (C)
tion report, p. 275; South Boston Iron Works, — Report of development of water power at,
annual report of inspector, p. 309: Rifle, 12- Rock Island Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
inch, tubed B. L-, loss of third casting, p. 310. 1892, p. 401. (C)
Rept. Chief of Ord.. :SS6. (C) Spring return, mortar carriage. Rept.
Mortar No. i, hooped with steel, construc- Chief of Ord., 1893, p.454. (C)
tion report of experimental 12-inch B. L. rifled, Lyon, Nathaniel (U. S. M. A., 1S41). Died
p. 253; Projectiles inspection report of 250 Aug, 10, 1861, aged Engraving (by A. H.
ogival-headed 12-inch B. I,, mortar shells, p. Ritchie.) Owned by Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A.
329; Projectiles inspection report on 3,000 ogival- Political writings, i860.
headed Eureka chilled cored shot for 8-inch Woodward (A.): Life of Gen . . . Lyon . , .

M. I,, rifle, p. 331; Projectiles S-inch Eureka 1 vol., O. (A)

shells, weights and physical properties, p. 361. Packham (James): Gen. Nathaniel Lyon,
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1887. (C) and Missouri in 1861. A monograph of the
Report on progress of manufacture of, great rebellion New York, 1S66.
. . . vol., i

steel forgings at Midvale Stee! Works. Rept. O. (A)

Chief of Ord., 1S91, p. 298. (C) McAfee, Robert B. (of Kentucky). Member of
Report of manufacture of steel forgings Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1832 and in
at Midvale Steel Works. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1842.
1893, 1894. 1S95, 1896, 1S97, 1S98, 1899, 1900. (C) McAleBter, Miles Daniel (U. S. M. A., 1S56).
translator. The cellular theory of stee!. Died Apr. 23, 1869, aged 37. Instructor of
Ord. Note 45, vol. 2, p. i. (A) practical engineering, IT. S. M. A., 1863-64.
Report on the Spencer line-throwing gnn Treasurer. U. S. M. A., Nov. 6, 1863, to June
for life-saving purposes. Ord, Note 147, vol. 22, 1864.

5- (A) project, plan, estimate, etc, for the im-

Report on sponge, sponge cover, and cart- provement of Mississippi River, at its mouth.
ridge bag for the I.ife-Sa\-ing Sen-nce. Ord. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 4, p. 23S; 1867.
Note 159, vol. 5. (A) pp. 362, 364, 367. 370; iS68."p. 55; 1S69. p. 46;
Report on tlie manufacture of russet 1870. p. 343- (C)
leather and
its adaptability for the military Pass and Bayou Manchac, and
ser\'ice. Ord. Note 172, vol. 6. (A) Amite River. La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S68,
Description of a vent punch and gimlet pp. 491. 492. 493. 496- (C) •
for the Life-Saving Service. Ord. Note 176, Galveston Harbor, Tex. Rept. Chief
vol. 6. (A) of Eng., 1868, pp. 500. 501, 502, 503, 512, 515, 516,
Author of many articles on professional 517; 1871. pp. 517, 521; 1874. vol. I, p. 732. (C)
and scientific subjects. McAIexander, Ulysses Grant (U. S. M. A., 1887).
and W.
Report on Ufe-sa\'ing
Porter, S. Examination for promotion in England. Jour.
ordnance and appurtenances. Washington, Mil. Sen.'. Inst., vol. 17, p. 614. (A)
1S7S. O. (A) McAlUster, Julian (U. S. M. A.. 1S47). Died
Lyman, J. D. (of New Hampshire). Member of Jan. 3, 1887, aged 63. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
Board of Visitors to tl. S. M. A. in 1865. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S87. (A)
Lyman, W. C. (of Georgia). Member of Board Benicia Arsenal, artesian well recom-
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35. mended, abandoned. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Lynde. Isaac (U. S. M. A., 1S27). Died Apr. 10, :88i,p. 67. (C)
1886. aged 82. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Benicia Arsenal arrangements for proving
U. S. M. A., 1886. (A) powder. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S2, p. 100. (C)
304 Cnitciuiial of United States Militayy Acadcni)

Plan for moving heavy ord-

McAllister, Julian. McCIellan. George Brinton. Report on the Cri-
nance. Note 24, vol. I, p. 133. (A)
Ord. mean War. Capt. G. B. McCIellan, U. S. Army.
McAndrew, James William (U. S. M. A., 1888). Feb. 27, 1857. Military commission to Europe,
Comment on The post mess. Jour. Mil. Serv. 356 pp., pis., woodcuts, and maps. Q. No. 916,
Inst., vol. :5, p. 793. (A) doc. 1. (C)
McArthur, Malcolm (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died The
seat of war in Europe. Extracts for
Jan. 13. 18S6. aged 45. Obituary' /« Ann. Assoc. the use of the cadets at the U. S. M. A. Wash-
Grads. r. S. M. .\., 1S86, (.\) ington, i860.
McAuliffe, James Richard (U. S. M. A., 1875). Army of the Potomac and its mismanage-
Died Feb. 21, 1882, aged 27. Obituary in .\nn. ment. By C. Ellet, jr. Washington, 1861. In
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (A) War Dept. Library.
McBride, John R. (of Oregon). Member of Pamphlets relating to George B. McCIel-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1864. lan, 1861-1864. In War Dept. Library'.
McCain, Henry Pinckney (U. S. M. A., 1885). Campaign. Reprinted from the World of
Comment on Drill regulations. Jour. Mil. Aug. 7, 1S62. New York, 1S62. i pam., O. (A)
Serv. Inst., vol. 14. p. S17. (.\) Fremont and McCIellan; their political
McCall, 'George Archibald (U. S. M. A., 1822). and military careers; review of. Van Buren
Died Feb. 25, 1S68, aged 65. Portrait. Har- Denslow. 2ded. Yonkers, 1S62. /?i War Dept.
per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 31 (1865) p. 28, Library.
(A) A reply to Fremont and McCIellan (by
engraving owned by ,\ssoc. Grads. U. S. "Antietam"). 1862. In War Dept. Library
M. A. Military review of the campaign in Vir-
Gen. George A. McCall. Biography. Har- ginia and Maryland. F. A. Peterson. New
per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 31 (1865), p. 28. York, 1S62-63. Pt. I, p. 55; pt. 2. p. 69. /« War
(A) Dept. I.ibrary.
Report oil condition of New Mexico, etc., Re\'iew of his campaigns. Boston, 1S63.
1.S50. No. 5S9. doc. 26. (C) hi War Dept, I,ibrary.
Letters from the frontiers. Written dur- From Balls Bluff to Antietam (by Geo.
ing ... 30 years' service in the Army of the Wilkes). New York, 1S63. In War Dept.
Uuited States Philadelphia, 1868. i vol.,
. . . Library.
O. (A) Letter of the Secretary of War, transmit-
McCaUum. William B. (U. S. M.,A.. 1S67). Died ting report on the organization of the Army of
Mar. 26, iSSq. aged 44. Obitiian.* in Ann. Assoc. the Potomac, and of its campaigns in Virginia
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS9. (A) and Man.*land, under the command of Maj.
McCalmont. John Swayze {!_'. S. M. A., 1S42). Gen. George B. McCIellan, from July 26. 1861,
Engraving owned by Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A. . to Nov. 7, 1862. O. Washington, 1864. (A)
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. complete report with last revision.
in 1S77. New York, 1864.
McCarthy, Daniel Edward (U. S. M. A., iSSr). Peninsular campaign of McCIellan (by H.
Manual of instructions for quartermasters ser\'- Ketchura). New York, 1864. In War Dept.
ing in the field Washington, 1900. ivol.,
. . . Library.
O. (A) McCIellan and the Army of the Potomac
McCaulley. William S. (of Delaware). Member (by Gen. J. Primm). New York, 1S64. In
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1866. War Dept. Librarj-.
McCauly, Dr. (of New York). Member of Board George B. McCIellan (by G. S. Hillard).
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S24. 1S64. In War Dept, Lihrary.
McCIellan, George B. (of New York). Member George B. McCIellan and the conduct of
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i8g6. the war (by W. H. Hurlburt). 1864. In War
McCleUan. George Brintou (U. S. M. A., 1846). Dept. Library.
Died Oct. 29. 1885, aged 59. Portrait (oil paint- "Times," reWew of McCIellan; his raili-
ing by Lawrie) presented by Gen. E. Burd tar\- career reviewed and exposed (by W.
Grubb. In memorial hall, West Point, N. V. Swinton). 1864. /« War Dept. Library-,
Portrait.Harper's New Monthly Mag., Review of services (by Gen. I, McDowell).
vol. 30 (1S65), p. 711. (A) 1S64. In War Dept. Library.
Engraving owned by Assoc. Grads. IT. S. Oration at dedication of battle monument
M. A. at W^est Point. 1864. In War Dept. Library-.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Author of various magazine articles, 1S64-
-Bronze equestrian statue (by H. I. Elli- 1S85.
cott). In Philadelphia, Pa. Dispatches from Alexandria during the
Equestrian statue (by P. W. Bartlett) (to second battle of Bull Run [Washington], 1865.
be erected). In Fairmouut Park, Philadel- See Pope (Jno. ), and theConite de Paris. Cor-
phia, Pa. respondence ... (A)
Obituarv- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Gen. George B. McCIellan. Biography.
1S86; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 72 Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 30 (1865), p.
(1886), p. 327. (A) 711. (A)
Matuial of bayonet exercise. Philatlelphia, Army of the United States. Harper's New
1852. I vol., ().. pp. 106. (A) Monthly Mag., vol. 55 (1877), p. 774. (A)
The Writings of Graduates^ iSo2-igo2. 305
McClellan, George Brinton. The war in the in the Yosemite ParJc, p. 1 13. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
East (with maps). /« Ni)rth Aiuer. Rev., vol, 1S97, p. 113- (A)
125, July, August. September, October, Novem- McClurg, Alexander Caldwell (of Illinois).
ber, December, 1877. Member of Board of Visitors to V S. M. .\. in .

Capture of Kars, and fall of iMeviia. In 1^93-

North Araer. Rev., vol, 126, Januan,'- and Feb- McCook. Alexander McDowx-ll (U. S. M. A.,
ruary, 187S. 1S52). Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie) owned
McClellan's last service to the Republic by Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A. .

(by G. T. Curtis). Pt. I, /w North Amer. Rev., See Colorado, Department of the, Anuual
vol. 130. April, 18.S0; also Pt. II. ibid.. May, iSSo; Report, 1S94.

Pt. III. ibid., June. iSSo. (A) McCook. Anson G. (of New York). Member of
The removal I'npublished
of McClellan. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1900.
war records. With facsimile of the order by McCorkle, Joseph W\ (of Nevada). Member of
Abraham Lincoln. /« North Amer. Rev., vol. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S67.
142, May, i8S6. McCorvey. Thomas C. Member of Board of
The militia and the Army. Harper's New Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S86.
Monthly Mag., vol. 72 (1SS6), p. 294. McCown, John S. M. A., 1S39).
Porter (U. Died
Life, character, and public ser\'ices of Jan. aged 63. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc
22, 1S79,

George B. McClellan (by G. T. Curtis). Bos- Grads. U. S. M. A., 1879. (A)

ton, 1S87. In War
Dept. Librar>-. McCoy, C. F. (of Georgia). Member of Board of
McClellan Memorial Association. 1SS7. Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 183S.
In War Dept. Librarj-. McCrea, Tully (U. S. M. A., 1S62). Photograph
General McClellan (by John C. Ropes). in Albums of officers' mess,
Atlantic Monthly, vol. 59 (1887), p. 54*'- Quartermaster l'. ft. M. A. Sept. 30, 1S68, to
Congress and its critics. In North Amer. Aug. 28, 1872.
Rev., vol. 162 (1896), p. 367. McCreery. Thomas C. (of Kentucky). Member
Michie, Gen. Peter Smith (U. S. M. A., of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1858.
1863).General McClellan. (Great com- . . . McCuUoch, George P. (of New Jersey). Member
manders). New York, 1901. i vol., O. (A) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1830 and
Organization of Army of the Potomac. in 1842.
No. 1 187. doc. 15. (C) McDaniela. Isaac (of Vermont). Member of
A winter on the Nile. Century Mag., vol. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S4S.
I3i PP- 36S, 452, 670. McDonald, Allan (of New York). Member of
From Palermo to Syracuse. Century Mag., Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. ini836.
vol. 20, p. 400. McDonald. Johu Bacon (U. S. M.A., 1881). Notes
The war in Egypt. Centura- Mag., vol. on shod and unshod horses. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
24, p. 7S4. 1S90. p. 431. (A)
The Princes of the House of Orleans. Comment on Palmer's Reform in paper
Centurj- Mag., vol. 27, p. 614. work of the Quartermaster's Department.
Engagement at Malvern Cliff. Va., June Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., vol, 17. p. 181. (A)
30, 1862. "McClellan's change of base." Cen- The heating of an army post. Jour. Mil.
tur>' Mag., vol. 30, p. 449. Sen.-. Inst., vol. 19, p. 268. (A)
Memoranda on railways. Pacific R. R. McDoweU, Irvin (U. S. M. A.. 1838). Died May
Repts., vol. I. 4, 1885, aged 67. Engra\-ing owned by Assoc.
and Marcy, Randolph Barnes (U. S. M. A., Grads. U. S. M. A.
1S32). Exploration of the Red River of Loui- Oil portrait (by Frank Fowler) in memo-
siana in the year 1S52. with reports on the nat- rial hall.
ural historj' of the country. Washington, Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
1S53. pp. 320, pis.
I vol., O., 1885; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 71
McCIeUand. George C. (U. S. M. A.. 1843). Died (i8S5),p. 319- (A)
Oct. aged 69. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
26, 1888, Adjutant U. S. M. A. Nov. 11. i84i,to Oct.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1889. (A) 8. 1845.
McClernard. Edward John (U. S. M. A., 1S70). Statement ... in review of the evidence
Photograph in Albums of officers" mess. before the court of inquiry- instituted at his
Comment on Eastman's Militarj' instruc- request in Special Orders, No. 353, Headquar-
tion of our youth. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst., vol. ters of the Army. Washington, 1863. i pam.,
n. p. 33S. (A) O. (A)
Infantr>' battle tactics. Jour. Mil. Serv. See U. S. Coast Surx'ey Rept., 1S61, p. 39.
Inst., vol. II, p. 509. (A) (A)
McClure. Daniel (U. S M. A., 1849). Died Oct. McElderry, Henn.-. Chief medical officer U. S.
31. 1900, aged 64. Obituary and portrait in
M. A., 1890-1S92.
Ann, Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
McClure, Nathaniel Fish (U. S. M. A., 1887). McElwee, Thomas (of Pennsylvania). Member
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S3S.
The new carbine scabbard. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
1896, p. 338. (A) McFarland, Walter (U. S. M. A., i860). Died
Loading and unloading cavalry horses in July 22. 18S8, aged 52. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
movements by rail, p. 29; The Fourth Cavalrj' Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S9. (A)

H. Doc. 789, 58-2 —vol 2 20

3o6 Cenioinial of United States Military Academy.
UcFarland, Walter. Project, plan, estimate, McFarland. Waller. Project, plan, estimate,
etc., for the improvement of Ashtabula Har- etc., forthe improvement of Port Day, Niag-
bor, Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng., lS68, pp. 159. ara River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSi, p.
160; 1869, p. 140; 1S70, p. 180. (C) 2454. (C)
, Conneaiit Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Grass River at Massena, N. Y.
Chief of Eng., 186S, p. 161; 1869, p. 142. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 2458; 1885, p. 2297;
Erie (Presque Isle) Harbor. Rept. 1S86, p. 1889; 1887, p. 2396. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S68, p. 164; 1869, p. 143; 1870. pp. — Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief
181, 182, (C) of Eng., 1882, p. 2490. (C)
Sandusky City Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Westport Harbor, Mass. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1S69, pp. 37, 130, 131; 1870, p. 173. Chief of Eng., 1884, p. 675. (C)
(CI .
Branford Harbor, Conn. Rept.
• Toledo Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng., 1884, pp. 679, 680. (C)
of Eng., 1869, p. 129; 1S70, p. 171; 1873, pp. 314, Port Marshall Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
31S. (C) Chief of Eng., 1884, p. 2161. (C)
— Black River Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Port Henry, Ivake Chainplain, N. Y.
Chief of Eng., 1869, p. 132; 1S70, p. 276. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1884, p. 2it>8. (C)
Tennessee River. Rept. Chief of Hortons Point, N. Y. Rept. Chief

Eng., 1871, pp. 502, 507; 1S72, pp. 478, 4S0, 48S. of Eng., 1885, p. 702. (C)
494, 500. 501, 509. 512. 514, 518; 1873, pp. 61, 544; Huntingdon Harbor, N. Y'. Rept.
1874, vol. pp. 572, 573, 575; 1875, vol. 2, p. 658;
I, Chief of Eng., 1885, p. 705; 1891. p. 817; 1892, p.
1S77. pp. 579. 5S4; 1S7S, p. 756- (C) 71S. (C)
Coosa River, Ala. and Ga. Rept. Falkners Island, Conn. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., 1S72. pp. 505, 507: 1875, vol. 2, p. of Eng., 18S5, pp. 708, 709. (C)
662. (C) - Housatonic River,
Conn. Rept.
Tombigbee River, above Columbus, Chief of Eng., 1S87, p. 607. (C)
Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. 54S; 1S80, p. Saugerties Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
1092; 1S81, p. 1211; 1SS2, p. 1295. (C) Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 662; 1892, p. 771. (C)
Charlotte Harbor, mouth of Genesee Buttermilk Channel, New York
River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i, p. Harbor. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 705, (C)
249; 1876, vol. 2, p. 582; 1879, p. 1728: l88l,p. 2437; Gowanus Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief

1886. p. 343; 1S90, p. 2852. (C) of Eng., 1SS7, p. 712. (C)

Oostenaula and Coosawattee rivers. - Jamaica Bay and Rockaway Inlet.
Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S75. vol. i. pp. 77, Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S7, p. 758. (C)
792. (C) Patchogne River, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Cumberland River above Nashville. of Eng., 1887, p. 760; 1891, p. 826. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. i,pp. 795,796. (C) - Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Hiawassee River, Tenn. Rept. of Eng., 1S88, p. 626. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. I, pp. Sic, 813; 1S7S, p. Spring Creek, N. Y. Rept. Chief of
762; 1879, pp. 140, 1269; 18S2, p. 184S; 1S85, p. 1764; Eng., 1888, p. 639. (C)
1887, p. 1755; 1891, p. 2261: 1892. p. 1920. (C) - bridges of the New York, New
French Broad River, Tenn. and Haven, and Hartford Railroad. Rept. Chief
N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, pp. 818, of Eng., 188S, pp. 2532, 2534. (C)
820; 1876, vol. I, p. 719. (C) Water communication between the Missis-
Powells River, Tenn. and Va. sippi River and the Atlantic Ocean by way of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. i, pp. 737, 739, the Tennessee and Coosa rivers and the rivers
740,746. (C) of Georgia and connecting canals; sketch
Clinch River, Tenn. and ^'a. Rept. showing the proposed line of, under direction
Chief of Eng., 1S76. vol. i, pp. 742, 744, 747,737; of Maj. Walter McFarland, Corps of Engineers,
1S80, p. 1680. (C) U. S. Army (in 8 .sheets).
Emorj- River, Tenn. and Va. Rept. Route of Nicaragua Canal, etc. No. 3056,
Chief of Eng., 1S76, vol.
pp. 745, 746. (C)
I, doc. 46. (C)
Wilson Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief 5.?<? Boards — McFarland; Blunt, i; Casey,
of Eng., 1S77, p. 975. (C) 3. 4. 5i 6, 7, 10, II, 12; Craighill, 5;Duane, 6;
- Waddington Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Macomb, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; Newton, 5; Raynolds, i;

Chief of Eng., 1S78, p. 1280; 1S79, P- 1739- (C) Woodruff, (A) I, 2, 3, 8.

Dunkirk Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief McFerran, John Courts (U. S. M. A., 1843). Died
of Eng., 1879, pp. 174, 1716, 1717. C. Apr. 25, 1872, aged 51. Obitnan- in Ann. Assoc.
Oswego Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief Grads. U. S. M. A., 1872. (A)
of Eng., 1879, pp. 177. 1734, 1735. -C) McGinneas, John Randolph (U. S. M. A., 1863).
Sodus Harbor (Great), N. Y. Rept. Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, U. S.
Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 1730. (C) M. A., 1S72-1S74.
Niagara River at mouth of Tona- .
Report of principal operations at Rock
wanda Creek, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng,, Island Arsenal for 1899, p. 327; Rock Island
1881, p. 2429. (C) Arsenal, establishment of street railway over
Oak Orchard Harbor, N. Y. Rept. bridges and islands permitted, p. 330; Knap-
Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 2435. (C) sack tent, designed by Major McGinness, p.
Tlir W'n'lhiff^ of Graduates^ i8o2-/go2. 307
333; Gun sling, pattern of 1S87. directions for McKee, tleorge Wilson. Bartlett's formulas.
using, p. 335. Kept. Chief of Ord., iSSq. (C) [A continuation of Ord. Note 14S.] Ord. Note
McQinneBB, John Randolph. Report on smoke- 291, vol. 10. (Al
less ix>wder for the KniK and Springfield translator.
, Carrasco's employment of
rifles in the Philippines. Kept. Chief of t)rd., dynamite. Jonr. Mil. Ser\*. Inst. V S., vol. 7. .

p. .?39- (A)
McGoun. George H. (of Iowa). Member of Comment on New powder and guns.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M, A. in 1867. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. ii. p. 333. (A)
McGrath. Hugh Joslyn (U.S. M. A., 18S0). Died McKeever, Chauncey (U. S. M. A., 1849). Died
Xov. 7, 1S99, aged 44. Obituary- and portrait Sept. 4, iQoi.aged 72. Photograph. /« Albnnis
/« Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) of officers" mess.
McGregor. Robert (U. S. M. A.. 1SS9). Pied Member of Board of Visitors to V . S.

Dec. 23, 1902. aged 3S. Project, plan, estimate, M. A. in 1S98.

etc., for the improvement of Current River, McKenna. Joseph ^of California). Member of
Mo. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 2614. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1890.
St. Francois River, Mo. Rept. Chief of McKeon, John (of New York). Member of
Eng., igoo, p. 2618. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.

See Boards Stickney. 9. (A) McKinley. William, jr. (of Ohio). Member of
Mcllvaine. Rev. Charles P. Engraving (by J. C. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S80.
Puttre) owned by Assoc, Grads. U. S. M. A. McKinney. John Augustine (U. S. M. A.. 1S71).
Professor of geography, histor>' and Died Nov. 25, 1876. aged 30. Obituan.- in Ann.
ethics. U. S. M. A., 1825-1S27. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A., 1S77. (A)

Mclndoe, James Francis (U. 6. M. A., 1S91 ). McKinstry, Charles Hedges (U. S. M. A., 1S88).
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve- Contour map of proposed [I,usk] reservoir
ment of Saginaw. Bad. Flint, and Shiawassee below Fort Putnam Scale 1:1200; con-
. . .

rivers, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S9S, p. 2603. tours. In Rept. Supt. U. S. M. A., 1892. p. 19.
(A) (Al
Mclntyre. Frank (U. S. M. A.. 1S86). Photo- Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-

graph in Albums of officers' mess. provement of Milwaukee breakwater. Rejit.

McKean. Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A., 1831). Chief of Eng., (A)

1894. p. 2083.

Died Apr. 19. 1870, aged 60. Obituarj' in Ann. location of a canal to connect I^ake
Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A.. iSSi. (A) Superior and the Mississippi River. Rtpt.
McKee, George Wilson (U. S. M. A., 1S63). Died Chief of Eng., 1S96, pp. 2396, 239S. (A)
Nov. 30, 1891, aged 50. Photograph in Albums St. Johns River, Fla. Rept. Chief
of officers' mess. of Eng., 1900, p. 1974. (A)
Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. See Boards— Rossell, i. (A)
M. A.. 1892. (A) McKinstry, Justus (U. S. M. A., 1838) Died Dec.
Gunner\-. application of formulas and 11, 1S97. aged Si. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
tables to problems in practical, p. 47; Energ>- Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S98. (A)
and penetrating power, rifle, 8-inch converted, Assistant quartermaster, court of inquiry
Tables for application to problems in and courts-martial of. H. Doc. 144, 37th Cong.,
p. 54;
gunnery, compiled by, p. 54. Rept. Chief of 2d sess., July 9, 1S62.

Ord., 1878. (C) McKowTi. James (of New York). Member of

Proposed 3.5-inch B. I,, rifled, field guns. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1837.
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S81, p. 302. (C) McKown, J. ly. G. (of Illinois). Member of
Formulas. Bartlett's application in gun Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S73.
construction. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1SS3, p. 125. McLane. Robert Milligan (U. S. M. A.. 1S37).
Died Apr. 17, 1S9S, aged 83. Obituan,- in Ann.
Present status of dynamite as an explo- Assoc. Grads. t". S. M. A.. 1S98. (A)
sive for shells. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1887, p. Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
428. (C) in 1S79.
Objections to present method of making McLaws. Lafayette (U. S. M. A., 1S42). Died
purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS9, p. loo. July 24, 1897, aged 76. Broniie bust, heroic

(C) size, on a granite pedestal. In Savannah, Ga.

Objections to present method of making Obituaryirt Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S90, p. 115. 1S9S. (A)
(C) McLean. John (of New York). Member of
- The McKees of Virginia and Kentucky. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., 1836.
Portrait of Col. William McKee. [Pittsburg. Mcljean, Nathaniel Henr>- (U. S. M. A., 1S48).
1890.] I vol.. O., pp. 195. (A) Died July 5. 1SS4. aged 57. Obituary in Ann.
Objections to present method of making Assoc. Grads. X*. S. M. A.. 1885. (A)
purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1891, p. 105. Charge of miscellaneous division, p. 74;
(C) Detached, p. 84. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.,
Problems in practical gamner>-. Ord. Note 1S61. (A)
45, vol. 2. p. 289. (A) McMahon, John Eugene (U. S. M. A., 1886).
Report on the practical application of Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Bartlett's formulas to problems in gun con- McMillan. Hugh (of Michigan). Member of
struction. Ord. Note 14s. vol. 5. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1890.
3oS- Ceniciniial of Ujiitcd States Mih'tarv Academy
McMillan, James (U. S. M. A., 1856) Photograph Mack, Oscar Addison (U. S. M. A., 1850), Died
in Albums of officers' mess. Oct. 22, 1S76, aged 49. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
McMullan. James H, (of Maine). Member of Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1873. Maokall, James Bond (U. S. M. A., 1868). Died
McMynn. John (i. (of Wisconsin). Member of Apr. 18, 1S71, aged 24. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S66. . Grads. U. S. M. A., 1871. (A)
McNeill, Edwin {V. S. M. A,, 1S7S). Died Jan. Mackall, William Whann (U. S. M. A., 1837).
28, 1901, aged 44. Obituarj' and portrait in Died Aug. 19, 1891, aged 75. Obituary in Ann.
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U, S. M. A. 1901. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1892. (A)
McNeiU. William Gibbs (U. S. M. A., 1817). Mackay, Aeneas. Quartermaster U. S. M. A..
Died Feb. 16, 1853, aged 51. Project, plan, esti- May 17, 1824 to May 27, 1829.
mate, etc., for the improvement of James Mackay. Capt. J. Member of Board of Visitors
River and Kanawha Canal. Rept Chief of (insi)ection) to V. S.M. A. in 1844.
Eng.. 1871. pp. 63, 625, 637; 1874. vol. 2, p. 87; Mackay-Smith, Alexander (of District of Colum-
1877. pp. 677, 762. (C) bia). Member of Board of \'isitors to U. S.
Report on plan, construction, and costs of M. A. in 1894.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. No. 254, doc. 38. Mackenzie, Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1864).
(C) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
MoNutt, Albert Scott (T. S. M. A., 1881). Died ment of Grand Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept.
May 8, igor, aged —
Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 4, p. loi; 1867, p. 108;
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A) 1876, vol. 2, pp. 494, 496. (C)
McNutt. John (U. S. M, A., 1840). Died Mar. 28, Pentwater Harbor, Mich. Rept.
18S1, aged 62. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Chief of Eng., 1S67, pp. 25, 113; 1868, p. 130; 1S74,
U. S. M. A., 1881. (A) vol. I. pp. 179, 180; 1876. vol. 2, p. 478; 1877. p.
McPheraon, K. B. (of Missouri). Member of 908; 1S7S, p. 1205; 1879, p. 1610. (C)
Board of Visitors to U, S. M. A. in 1862. Rock Island Rapids, Mississippi
^Mcpherson, James Birdseye (U. S. M. A., 1853). Ri%-er. Rept. Chief, of Eng., 1S80, p. 153S; 1886,
Died July 22. 1864, aged 35. Engraving {by p. 1464. (C)
A. H. Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. Cuivre River, Mo. Rept. Chief of
M. A. Eng., 1S80, p. 1553. (C)
Equestrian statue (by Rebisso). McPher- Mississippi River from Des Moines
son Square, Washington, D. C. Rapids to the mouth of the Illinois River.
Bronze juedalliou. Washington, D. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, pp. 1723, 1726. (C)
Gen. James B. McPherson (by Gen. W. T. bridge at Sabula, Iowa. Rept, Chief
Sherman). Washington, 187S. 11 pp. /« War of Eng., 1881, pp. 2016, 2018. (C)
Dept. I.ibrary. Dubuque. Iowa. Rept. Chief of
Grant (U. S. ): Sherman and McPherson. Eng., 1882, pp. 1770, 1771; 1884, p. 1572; 1887. p.
In North Amer. Rev. .vol. 142, April, 1S86. (A) 222. (C)
Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, sketch Des Moines Rapids. Rept. Chief of
showing the relative positions, also the roads Eng., 18S3, pp. 1422, 1423. (C)
connecting the two positions. Pecatonia River, Wis. Rept. Chief
Mcauiston, Charles (U. S. M. A., 18S3). Died of Eng., 1884, p. 1594. (C)
Sept. 15, TQoo, aged 42. Obituary and portrait bridge at Dubuque, Iowa. Rept.
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A) Chief of Eng., 1888, pp. 2496, 2497. (C)
McRae, Alexander (of North Carolina), Mem- Moline City Harbor, 111. Rept.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842. Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 1781. (C)
McKae, James Henry (U. S. M. A., 1886). History Hamburg Bay, Mississippi River,
of the Third Regiment of Infantry, [,\ii Calhoun County, HI. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
abridgment of Lieut. J. H. McRae's History of 1S93, p. 2249. (A)
the Third Infantrj-.] Hist. U. S. Army, pp. Lake Pepin, Wis. Rept. Chief of
432-45>- (A) Eng., 1893, p. 2257. (A)
McBee, Samuel (U. S. M. A., 1S20). Died July Quincy Bay, 111. Rept. Chief of
15, 1849, aged 48. Engraving (by Williams). Eng., 1895, p. 2160. (A)
Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Lacrosse Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
McKee, William (U. of Eng., 1895, p. 2163. (A)
S. M. A., 1805). Died May
May 15, J833, aged 45. "Great West." N. Y. east bank of Mississippi River, III.

,Sci. and Lit. Mag.

Rept. Chief of Eng., (A)
1895, p. 2164.
west bank of Mississippi River,
Macfeely, Robert (U. S. M. A., 1850). Died Feb.
Iowa. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 2168. (A)
21, 1901, aged —
Obituary and portrait in Ann.

Bridgeport Harbor, Conn., harbor

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
line. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S99, p. 1197. (A)
Reports as Commissary-General U. S.
Notes on harbors of the Great Lakes.
Army, 1875-1890.
Essayons Club Papers, No. 13. 1869. (A)
on reorganization of the Army of
Dynamite works of the Atlantic Giant
the United States, dated Nov. 8, 1S76.] i vol.,
Powder Company. Essayons Club Papers, No.
F. (A)
28, 1S74. (A)
Macgill. Charles (of New Jersey). Member of Report on current-meter observations in
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839. the Mississippi River, near Burlington, Iowa,
The ]]'n'tiiiirs of Graduates^ i8u2-/go2. 309
during the month of October. 1879. 111., (>., Macomb, John Navarre. Project, plan, estimate,
pp. 3S. Washington, 1S84. etc., for the imi)nn-ement of Cohausey Creek,
Mackenzie, Alexander. -SVr Boards— Mackenzie; N. J. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1879. pp. 69. 415;
.•\bbot, 2; Harlow, i; Conistock, .;, 12, 21; Craig- 1880. p. 591. (C)
hill. 3, 20; Houston, 7, 9; King, 1. 2; Poe, 2,5,6, Newcastle Harbor (Delaware River).
9,10,16; Mendell,9; Merrill, 2, 3,4; Stickncy,i; Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1.S79, pp. 72, 439,440. (C)
Suter, 2; Wilson (J. M.), i. .S^*- Commission— Mispillion Creek, Del. Rept. Chief
Siiter, 1, 2, 3,4. 5. [.\) of Eng., 1879, pp. 73. 467, 468, 470. (C)
Mackenzie, Ranald Slidell (U. S. M. A.. 1S62). Delaware Breakwater, Del. Rej)!.
Died Jan. 19, 1889, aged 48. obituary in Ann. Chief of Eng., 1K79, pp. 74, 4.54. (C)
Assoc. Crads. U. S. M. A., 1S.S9. (A) Salem River, N. Rept. Chief of
Boiirke (John G.). Mackenzie's last fight Kng., 1879, p. 413. (C)
withtheCheyennes. ipam.,o. 1S90. (A)
. . . Wilmingto!! Harbor, Del. Rept.
Mackey. .\.G. (of South Carolina). Member of Chief of Eng., 1S79, p. 441; 1S81, pp. 770, 774;
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1.S65. 1SS3, p. 622; 1S89. p. 8S2; 1891, p. 1136. (C)
MacNutt, Ira (U. S. M. A., 1870.). Manufacture Lewes. Del. Rept. Chief of Kng..
of, rifle, 3.6-inch B. I,. Kept. Chief of Ord., lN7<l, p. 45°- (C)
1890, p. 299. (C) Smyrna River (Duck Creek). Del.
Bethlehem Iron Works, physical qualities Rept. Chief of Kng., 1879. pp. 471. 473. 474; 1881.
of specimensof materials furnished by. Kept. pp. 128, 788. (C)
Chief of Ord., 1893, p.^409. (C) Susquehanna River, Pa.. North
Progress report on manufacture of steel Branch of. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1880. p..yi4;
forgings, etc., at the Bethlehem Iron Works. 1881, p. 805; 18S5, p. 125. (CI
Repts. Chief of Ord., 1S94, 1895, 1896, 1897, i8g8, Chester and Ridley creeks. Pa.
1S99. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S81. pp. 125. 794. (C)
Report of principal operations at Sandy New Castle. Del. Rept. Chief of
Hook proving ground. Rept. Chief of Ord.. Eng.. 1881. p. 768. (C)
1900. Broadkilu River. Del. Rept. Chief
Macomb, Alexander (of U. S. Array). Member of Eng.. 1881. p. 782. (C)
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1.S32. Rancocas River. N.J. Rept. Chief
Portrait (oil painting by Thomas Sully). of Eng.. 18S1. p. 798; 1891, p. iaS4. (C)
Presented by Corps of Eugineers. In the St. Johns River. Del. Rept. Chief
Library. of Eng.. iSSi. pp. 799, 801; 18S7, p. 831; 1891, p.
Report as Acting Adjutant-General U. S. "65. (C)
Army, 1812. Appoquiuimink Creek, Del. Rept.
Reports as Chief Engineer, 1821-182S. (C) Chief of Eng., iSSi, p. 826. (C)
Macomb, Alexander Saranas (U. S. M. A., 1835). Ridley Creek, Pa. Rept. Chief of
Died May 8, 1876, aged 62. Eng., 1881. p. 828. (C)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M, A, Bronx River. N. V. Rept. Chief of
1876. (A) Eng.. 1891. p. 952. (C)
Macomb. John Navarre (U. S. M. A., 1832). Died Report of the exploring expedition from
Mar. 16, 1889, aged 78. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Santa F(§, N. Mex.. to the junction of the Grand
Grads. IT. S. M. A., 1889. (A) and Green rivers of the Great Colorado of the
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- West, in 1S59. imder the command of Capt.
provement of Saginaw River, Mich. Rept. J. N. Macomb; with geological report, by Prof.
Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. 4, p. 59. (C) J. S. Newbury. Q. Washington. 1876. [Eng.
transportation routes to the sea- Dept., U. S. A.] Explorations and surveys.
board, Northern route, second subdivision. (A)
Hennepin Canal. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1871.P. New Mexico and Utah, explorations and
306; 1875, vol. pp. 52s, 527, 530.
2. (C) surveys in iS6o. Topographical map.
Manasquan River, N. J. Rept. Chief .SV^ U. S. Coast Survey Rept., iS6i. p. 41.
of Eng., 1872, pp. 68, 462, 464; 1886, p. 751; 1879, (A)
p. 464. (C) Macomb, Montfconiery Meigs (U. S. M. A., 1874).
Rahway River, N. J. Rept. Chief Photograph in Albums of officers' mesji,
of Eng., 1S74, p. 485; 1879, pp. 69, 484, 485; 1880, The necessity for a fixed policy in the
p. 87; 1882, p. 696; 1887, p. 769; 1891, p. 995. War Department in regard to the collection of
Mississippi River, between Falls of militar\' statisticsand the construction of a
St. Anthony and Cairo. Rept. Chief of Eng., general militan,' atlas of the United States.
1875, vol. 2, pp. 454, 462, 466, 467; 1S76. vol. I 1S86. I pam., O. [See Art. School of the U. S.l
pp. 688, 6go. 692. 694, 695, 698; 1877, pp. 84, 524, (A)
525. 529. 535; 1S78. p. 712. (C) - Comment on Artillery school methods.
Shrewsburj' River, N. J. Rept. Jour. Mil.Serv. Inst., U. S., vol. 12, p. 160. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1879, pp. 67. 404. (C) and Wheeler, George Montague (U. S.
Woodbridge Creek, N. J. Rept. M. Tables of geographic positions,
A., 1S66).
Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 67, 478, 479, 480; 1884, p. azimuths, and distances, together with lists of
750; 1886, pp. 781, 7S2; 1S87, p. 770. (C) barometric altitudes, magnetic declinations,
Elizabeth River. N. J. Rept. Chief and itineraries of important routes. Explora-
of Eng.. 1S79, pp. 67, 482, 483. (C) tions and Surveys. Washington, 1855,0. (A)
3IO .
Coitenuial of United States Military Academy,
Macomb, Montgomery Meigs. .SVf Boards Mahan. Dennis Hart. Industrial drawing. Com-
Macomb; Cram. i. 2. (A) prising the description and uses of drawing
Macrae, Nathaniel Chapman (U.S. M. A.. 1S26). instruments, the construction of plane figures,
Died Feb. 5. 1S78, aged 74. Obituary in Ann. the projections and sections of geometrical
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1^78. (A) solids; architectural elements, mechanism,
Magilton. Albert I^ewis (U. S. M. A., 1^46). and topograpliical drawing, with remarks on
Died Dec. 2S, 1875. aged 49. Obituary ui Ann. the method of teaching the subject 1 vol., . . .

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1876. (A) O, New York. 1S52. [.\lso an ed. of 1855.}
Magruder. John Bankhead (U. S. M. A., 1830). (A)
Died Feb. 19, 1871. aged 64. Engraving Descriptive geometry as applied to the
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. drawing of fortificationand stereotomy. New
Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. York, 1864.

M. A., 1871. Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. Memoir of (by H, I,. Abbot), i pam., O.
42 (1871), p. 791- (A) 1S78. (A)
Magoiire. Edward (U. S. M. A., 1S67). Died A treatise on civil engineering. Rev. and
Oct. u, 1S92, aged 45. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. ed. by De Volson Wood. New ed., with chap-
Grads. V. S. M. A., 1893. (A) ter on river improvements. By F. A. Mahan,
Notes on the preservation of timber. captain, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Armj'. O.,
Essayons Club Papers, No. 7. iSbS. (A) pp. 637, ill. New York, 18S4.
Yellowstone River, map of the. from Fort Permanent fortifications . . . [Enlarged
Keogh to Fort Buford (in 44 sheets). 1S78. by James Mercur.] ist . . . ed. New \*ork,
Professional notes. 1 pam., O. Wash- 1S87. I vol., O. [interleaved]. (A)
ington, 1884. Misc. Papers, vol. 2. [Engineer Characters of Grant and Sherman con-
Dept.. U. S. A.] (A) trasted. In Wilson's I,ife and Campaigns of
translator. Armored minimum; embras- Grant, pp. 14, 15. (A)
ure gun-carriage, patented by Herman Gru- Notes on architecture Notes supplemen- —
son, F'eb. 17, 18S3. O. Washington, 1S84. tary' to the course of permanent fortification-

Misc. Papers, vol. 2. (A) —

Notes on mines Composition of armies. In
The attack and defense of coast fortifica- West Point, Notes on Eng. I^ith. (A)
tions . . . New York, 18S4. 1 vol., O. (A) Stonecutting. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Philosophy of engineering.
provement of Ashtabula Harbor. Ohio. Rept. and MoBeley, H. Mechanical principles of
Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 2117; 18S5, p. 342. (C) engineering ... ist Am. ed. i860.
Sacjacanda Creek, N. Y. Rept. See Nation, vol. 2, pp. 243, 307.
Chief of Eng., 18S5, p. 2286. (C) Mahan, Frederick Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1867).
Erie Harbor, Pa. Rept. Chief of Photograph iyt Albums of officers' mess.
Eng.. 1SS6, p. 339; 1S90, pp. 2796, 2797. (C) Translator from the French of Bress^'s
Wabash River, Ind. Rept. Chief of Hydraulic motors. 1869.
Eng., 1891, p. 2411. (C) Index to the principal constellations.
and Heap. David Porter (U. S. M. A., 1864). Essayons Club Papers, No. 17, 1870. (A)
Dakota Territory revised and corrected, 18S1. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Topographical maps. provement of Youghiogheny River, Pa. Rept.
.S'^<' Boards— Casey, 14, 15. (A) Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i, pp. 564, 566. (C)
Mahan. Dennis Hart (U. S. M. A., 1S24). Died Presque Isle Peninsula, Erie Har-
Sept. itt, i87i,aged 69. Portrait (oil painting bor, Pa. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 2800. (C)
by K. W. Weir) presented by U. S. M. A. In Tonawanda Harbor and Niagara
the Library U. S. M. A. River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. 2890.
Obituary /?i Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., (C)
1872. Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 2, p. 29. Pensacola Harbor, Fla. Rept. Chief
(A) of Eng., 1895, pp. 1634, 1647. (A)
Acting professor of civil and military en- Carabelle Bar and Harbor. Fla.
gineering U. S. M. A., 1830-1832. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1680. (A)
Professor of civil and military engineering Apalachicola Bay at Apalachicola,
U. S. M. A., 1832-1S71. Fla. Rept. Chief of Eug., 1896, p. 1344. (A)
Elementary course of civil engineering Chipola River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
for the use of cadets of the U. S. M. A. . . .
Eng.. (A)
189S, p. 1423.
[ist ed.] New York, 1837. i vol., O. (A) Barrage de I'lle Davis sur TOhio.
Advanced guard, outpost, and detachment Construction du Batardeau de la Passe Navig-
service of troops with the essential principles able. O, p. 7, pi. I. [n. d., n. p.]
of strateg>' and grand tactics . . . New York, French field artiller>'. Jour. Mil. .Ser\*.
1847. I vol., O. [Also an ed. of 1S61.J (A)
Inst. U. S.. vol. 10, p. 357. (A)
A treatise on field fortification. 2d ed.
. . . New York, 1848. ivol.,0. [3d ed., 1862.] Review of Meyer's Use of portable armor,
(A) etc. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 14. p. 679.

the course of permanent
of (A)
fortification and of the attack and defense of and Lemoine. G. Sur rannouce des
permanent works . . . West Point. 1850. i ernes de I'Ohio. [Signaling the rise of the
vol., O., lith., 372 pp. (Al Ohio.] Q., p. 4, map. Paris, '1S84.
Tin- J I 'r 7 1 ill ox of Gniduales^ i8o2-i()02. 3TI
Mahan, Frederick Augustus. See Krantz J. !J. ). t Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno. J. K. F. Mans-
Study on reservoir walls. field, at Antietam (by J.N. Gould). 1S95. In
.SW- Hoards — Mahan; Robert. .(.S; Towt-r, .t; War Dept. Library.
Wright, .1- (A) Mansfield, Samuel Mather (U. S. M. A., 1S62).
Mahon. Thad. M. (of Pennsylvania). Member of Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improv-
Hoard of \'isitors to U. S, M, A. in 1901. nient of Charlevoix Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief
Major. James Patrick (U. S. M. A.. iS,s6). Died of Eng., 1S69, pp. So. 81. 8j: 1S73. pp. 282. 283;
May 8, aged 44, Obituar>' in Atin. Assoc.
1S77. 1876. vol. 2, p. 523; 18S0, p. 214; 1887, p. 2177.
Grads. t'. S. M. A.. 18S1. (A) (C)
Mallary, Robert. Member of Board of Visitors Ludiiigton (Perc Marquette) Har-
to U. S. M. A. in 1827. bor, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872, pp. 36,
MaUery. John Conrad (U. S. M. A., 1867). Proj- 1S7; 1875, vol. I, pp. 47, 247. 24S; 1876, vol. 2, p.
ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement 477; i879,pp. 162, 1607. (C)
of Ocklawaha River. Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. Pentwater Harbor, Mich. Rept.
1892, p. 1367. (C) Chief of Eng., 1872, pp. 37, 1S7; 1875, vol., i. pp.
harbor at Cape Canaveral, Fla. 48. 249; 1S76, vol. 2. p. 47S 1877, p. 907. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. ibSi. (A) Frankfort (Aux Bees Scies). Rept.
Manderson, Charles F. (of Nebraska). Member Chief of Eng.. 1872, p. 185; 1873, p. 261; 1879.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i8,%, in pp. 161, 162. 1601. (C)
1S91, and in 1900. •
Manistee Harbor. Mich. Rept. Chief
Mann, Horace (of Massachusetts). Member of of Eng., 1S72. p. 1S6; 1873, pp. 37, 263; 1S74, vol.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S49. 1. PP- 43. 177; 1S75, vol. I, pp. 47, 246: 1876, vol.
Mann, James Defrees (U. S. M. A., 1S77). Died 2, p. 469; 1S77, p. 904. (C)
Jan. 15, 1891, aged 38. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grand Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A) Chief of Eng., 1872. p. 190; 1S74. vol. i, p. 185;
Mann, \V. D. (of New York). Member of Board 1875, vol. pp. 49, 254:
I, 1876, vol. 2. PP 494, 495;
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S99. 1S77. p- 913- (C)
Manning:, Van. H. (of Mississipi). Member of White River Harbor. Mich. Kept.
Board'of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S78. Chief of Eng.,'iS73. pp. 3S, 270; 1S74, vol. i, p.
Mansfield, Edward Deering (U. .S. M. A., 1S19). 44; 1S76, vol. I, p. loi; 1S76, vol. 2, pp. 482, 483,
Died Oct. 27, 1880, aged 79. Obituary in Ann. 484, 4S6, 4S7; 1879, p. 163. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S.S1. (A) Black Lake Harbor. Mich. Rept.
Utility of mathematics. 1834. Chief of Eng., 1S74, vol. i. p. iSS; 1876, vol. i, p.
Political grammar. A treatise on consti- 102; 1S76, vol. 2, p. 500; 1S77. pp. 108, 914. (C)
tutional law. 1835. South Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Editor of Cincinnati Chronicle 1S36-184S. Chief of Eng., 1S75, ^'o'- '. P- 260; 1876, vol. 2,
I-egal rights of woman. 1S45. PP- 513. 514; 1S77. P- 91S; 1878, p. 1214; 1879, p.
I^ife of General Scott. iS^6. 166. (C)
The utility and services of the U. S. M. A., St. Joseph Harbor, Mich. Rept.
with notices of some of its graduates fallen in Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, pp. 262, 263, 265;
Mexico. New York. 1847. r vol. O., pp. 48. 1876, vol. 2. p. 51S. (C)
(A) Portage Lake, Manistee County.
History of the Mexican war. 1S4S. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 1634.
American edncatiou. 1S50. 1636, 163S; 1S87, p. 2181. (C)
Editor of Railroad Record. 1852-1872. Sabine River, La. and Tex. Rept.
Memoirs of Daniel Drake, M. D. 1S55. Chief of Eng., 1880, p. 1199; 1S86, p. 222; 1S92, p.
The life and militan,* services of Lieut. 1510. (C)
Gen. Winfield Scott . . . New York, 1S62. i Neches River, Tex. Rept. Chief of
vol. O.. 560 pp. (A) Eng., 18S0, p. 1204. (C)
The U. S. M. A. at West Point. Amer. Bayou Buffalo, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Jour. Ed., March, 1S63; Misc. Pamphlets, vol. 9. Eng., pp. 1343, 1344, 1346;
1881, 1S91, p. 1925;
Personal memories; Social, political, and 1892, p. 1550. (C)
literary, with sketches of many noted people, —
Galveston and Brazos River. Tex.
1S03-1843. 1S79. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S1, pp. 1376, 1379. (C)
Mansfield, Francis Worthington (U. S. M. A., Cohasset Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
1S71). Puerto Rico. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. of Eng., 18S9, pp. 595. 596. (C)
r. S., vol. 27. p. 30. Weir River, Mass. Rept. Chief of
Mansfield, Jared. Portrait (oil painting by Eng., 1S89, p. 599. (C)
Thomas Sully) presented by class of 1S28. In Crane and Waters rivers, Mass.
the Library U. S. M. A. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S90. pp. 518. 519. (C)
Professor of mathematics, U. S. M. A., W*eymouth River, Mass. Rept. Chief
1802- I 803. of Eng., 1S90, p. 522; 1S91, p. 6S3; 1S92, p. 584.
- Professor of natural and experimental (C)
philosophy, U. S. M. A., 1812-1S2S. Beverly Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno (U. S. M. A.. of Eng., 1890. p. 525. (C)
1S22). Died Sept. 18. 1862, aged 59. Engraving Salem Harbor, including South
(by J. C. Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. River, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 530;
U. S. M. A. 1891, p, 640. (C)
312* CeHtenntal of United States Military Academy,
Mansfield. Samuel Mather. Project, plan, esti- Marcy, Randolph Barnes. Thirty years of
mate, etc., for the improvement of Chatham army life on the border. 1866. In War Dept.
Harbor. Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, p. Library.
667. (C) Life on the border noticed. Harper's
Mystic Kiver, Conn. Rept. Chief of New Monthly Mag., vol. 33 (1866), p. 429. (A)
Eng., 1S91, pp. 674. 675. 740. (C) Ruperts land and its people. Harper's
. Essex River, Masa. Rept. Chief of New Monthly Mag., vol. 41 (1870). p. 286. (A)
Eng., 1S91, p. 677. (C) Border reminiscences, 1872. In War
Town River, Mass. Rept. Cliief of Dept. Library.
Eng.. 1891, p. 680. (C) Maj. Allan Pinkerton. Harper's New
Kingston Harbor. Mass. Rept. Monthly Mag., vol. 47 (1873). p. 720. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1891, p. 6S7. (C) Ramblings in the West. Harper's New
Vincent Cove, Gloucester Harbor, Monthly Mag., vol. 76 {1888). p. 397. (A)
Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. P- T'^g- (A) Historical sketch of the In.spector-Gen-
Saugus River, Mass. Rept. Chief of eral's Department, U. S. Army. [Washington,
Eng.. 1893, p 790. (A) iS7t..] I (A)
vol., O., p. II.
Chelsea River, Mass. Rept. Chief Expedition to sources of Brazos and Big
of Eng.. JS93. p. 791. (A) Wichita rivers. 1855. No. 821. doc. 60. (C)
East Boston Channel, Mass. Rept. Exploration of Red River of Louisiana,
Chief of Eng.. 1893, p. 794. (A) 1852. No 666, doc. 54. (C)
Neponset River, Mass. Rept. Chief Reconnaissance of route from Fort Smith
of Eng., 1893, p. Soo. (A) to Santa Fe, No. 562, doc. 64. (C)
Manchester Harbor. Mass. Rept. Same (p. 26^. No. 577. doc. 45. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 643. (A) Marcy. W. L- (of New
York). Member of
Plymouth Harbor, Mass. Rept. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S39.
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 646; 1897, pp. 863, 877. Markle, Joseph (of Pennsylvania). Member of
(A) Board of Visitors to U. M. A. in 1862.
Merrimac River. Mass. Rept. Chief Marmaduke, John Sappington (U. S. M. A..
of Eng.. 1S96, p. 617. (A) 1857). Died Dec. 28, 1S87, aged 55. Engraving
Great Salt Pond, Block Island, R. I. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. 620. (A) Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
Duxbury Harbor, Mass. Rept. M. A., 1S8S. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. S60. (A) Editor of various Missouri newspapers.
Marblehead Harbor. Mass. Rept. Marsh, Benjamin (of Illinois). Member of
Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 870. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1899.
I*ynn Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief of Marsh, George P, (of Vermont). Member of
Eng., 1897, p. 872. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60.
Provincetowii Harbor, Mass. Rept. Marshall, Elisha Gaylord (U. S. M. A.. 1850).
Chief of Eng., 1897, p. S79. (A) Died Aug. 3. 1883, aged 55. Obituary in Ann.
Merrimac River, Mass. Rept. Chief
- Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S4. (A)
of Eng., 189.8. p. S84. (A) Marshall, Humphrey (U. S. M. A., 1832). Died
Boston Harbor. Mass. Rept. Chief Mar. 28, 1S72, aged 60. Engraving owned by
of Eng., 189S, p. 887. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Comment on Walker's Fortifications and Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
fleets. Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst. U. S., vol. 11, p. M. A.. 1872; Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
153- (A) vol. 45. (1872), p. 153. (A)
See Boards— Mansfield; Abbot, 5, 13, 15; Humphrey Marshall (by A. C. Quisen-
Craighill, 18; Houston, i, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6; Suter. 8. 9, 10, berry), 1892.
II, 12, 13. See Commissions Mansfield. (A) — MarshaU. James M. (U. S. M. A.. 1865). Photo-
Marcy, Randolph Barnes U. S. M. A., 1832). (
graph in Albums of officers' mess.
Died Nov. 22, 1SS7, aged 76. Obituary in Ann. Treasurer U. S. M. A., Dec. 31, 1870, to
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1888. (A) Sept. 20, 1S72; Sept. 8, 1873, to June 28, 1875.

Obituan.', Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
Marshall, Louis (of Kentucky). Member of
vol. 76 (iSSS), p. 645. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1836.
Report on a route [for a road] from Fort
Marshall, Samuel S. (of House of Representa-
Smith to Santa Fe. New Mexico, dated Nov.
tives). Member of Board of Visitors to U. S.
20. 1849. Washington. 1850. Explorationsand
M. A. in 1873.
MarshaU, William Louis (U. S. M. A., 1868).
Exploration of the Red River of L,ouisi-
Tables for the reduction of transit observa-
ana, in 1S52: By R. B. Marcy, assisted by
. . .

tions for time. Computed for the latitude

George B. McClellan Washington, 1S54.
. . .
40"^ 47' 20". I pam. Q. Willits Point, 1872.
I vol.. O. (A)
The prairie traveler: A handbook for Theory of barometric oscillations. Essay-
overland expeditions. . . . New York, 1859. ousClub Papers, No. 23, 1872. (A)
I vol., O., Dp. 340. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
— Reports as Inspector-General U. S. Army, provement of Coosa River, Ala. and Ga. Rept.
1861-1881. Chief of Eng.. 1877. p. 598. (C)
The Wrifiiigs of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 313
MarBball. William Louis. Project, plan, esti- Marye. William Augustus (C. S. M. A., 1862).
mate, etc., for the improvement of Milwaukee Plans for moving heavy ordnance. Ord. Notes
Bay, Wis. Rcpt. Chief of Kng.. 1SS7, pp. 2060, 24. vol. I, p. 130. (A)
2061. (C) Mason. Charles (U. S. M. A.. 1829). Died Feb.
Calmuet Harbor, 111. Rept. Chief 25. 1882, aged 77. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc.
of Eng., 1888, p. 1889; 18S9, p. 2117; 1890, p. 240s. Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1S82. (A)
(C) acting editor of the New York Evening
bridges across the Fox River and the Post. 1835-36.
Portage Canal, Wis. Rept. Chief K"g.. 1SS8, p. Author of various papers on financial sub-
251S. (C) jects. 1S67-1S82.
canalway connecting I^-'ike Michi-
- Mason, James Louis (U. S. M. A., iS.v/j. Died
gan with the Calumet River. Rept. Chief of Sept. 5, 1853, aged 36. Various military- and
Eng., 1S89, p. 2155. (C) scientific memoirs and reports, 1836-1S53.
Berr>- Ivake, Ind. Rept. Chief of An analytical investigation of the resist-
Ene., 1889, p. 2157. (C) ance of piles to superincumbent pressure.
Wolf River Harbor, Ind.. on Lake Prof. Papers Corps of Eng., U. S. A., No. 5.
Michigan. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 2851. Washington, 1850. O. (A)
(A) Mason. James M. (of Virginia). Member of
Illinois and Mississippi Canal. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S30.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 2S67. (A) Mason, John Sanford (U. S. M. A., 1847). Died
East River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Nov. 29, 1897, aged 73. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Eng., 1900, p. 1435. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1898. (A)
lllnois River, 111. Rept. Chief of Mason, Stanton Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1875).
Eng., 1900, p. 3863, (A) Died Mar. 9. 1891, aged 38. Obituan,* in Ann.
Buttermilk Channel. New York Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901. pp. Massey, Solon Frederick (U. S. M. A., 1S77).
1300, 1303. (A) Died July 12, 1901, aged 48. Photograph in
Kampsville lock and dam, Illinois River, Albums of officers' mess.
111.; detailed drawings of \\\\ 14 sheets). 1892. Essaj- . . . The present defenseless con-
and Hoxie. Richard Leveridge (U. S. M. A.. dition of the seaboard of the United States.
186S). Instructions for taking and recording ... I pam., O., 1886. Art. School, U. S. (A)
meteorological obser\'ations, and for preser\-- The late revolution in Colombia. Jour.
iug and repairing the instruments prepared Mil. Sen.-. Inst., U. S., vol. 22, p. 288. (A)
for the use of field and astronomical parties, MasBon, Floriraond. Teacher of French, U. S.
etc. Washington, 1S75. O. Explorations and M. A., 1810-1815.
surveys, Masson, Francis D^sir^. Teacher of drawing,
See Boards— Allen, i, 2; Craighill, 7; Lud- U. vS. M. A., 1803-1808.
low, i; Lydecker, i; Mahan, r, 2; Meudell, 17; First teacher of French, U. S. M. A., 1803-
Poe. 3, 10, 14, 15, 16; Robert, 24. 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1810.

33;Stickney, i, 6; Suter. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12, 13. See Mather, William Williams (U. S. M. A.. 1S2S).
Commissions— Marshall; Stickney, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. Died Feb. 27. 1859, aged 54. Obituary- in Ann.
(A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S84. (A)
Martin, J. Member of Board of
A. (of Kansas). Member of Board of Visitors to U. S.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S66. M. A. in 1S55.
Hartin. James Green (U. S. M. A., 1S40). Died Sketch of the geology and mineralogy' of
Oct. 4, 1878, aged 59. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. New Loudon and Windham counties, in Con-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S79. (A) necticut. Norwich, 1834.
Computations, p. 9; Triangulations, sec. Second annual report of the geological
3, relieved, p. 19. U. S. Coast Sur^'ey Rept., survey of the State of Ohio. Columbus, . . .

1846. (A) 1838. I vol.. O. (A)

Martin, James Porter (U. S. M. A., 1S60). Died Author of various reports on agriculture.
Feb. 19, 1S95, aged 58. Obituary zw Ann. Assoc. mineralogy', and geologj*.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1895. (A) Mauck, Edwin (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died Aug.
Martin, Leonard (U. S. M. A., 1861). Died Apr. 16, 1S80, aged 38. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
14, 1890, aged 52. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1881. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1890. (A) Mauldin. Frank Gratin (U. S. M. A., 1890).
Martin, Peter (of Alabama). Member of Board Quartermaster U. S. M. A., May 12 to Maj' 19,
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35.
Geographical key to Duruy's general his-
Martin, William Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1837).
tory, [n. d.] I pam. (A)
Draughtsman, Details of work, p.
p. 73; 146.
Maury. Dabney Herndon (U. S. M. A.. :846).
U. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1861. (A)
Died Jan. 11, 1900, aged 78. Engraving
Martindale. John Henry (U. S. M. A., 1S35). owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Died Dec. 13, iSSi, aged 69. Obituary iw Ann. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS2; Harper's New 1900. (A)
Monthly Mag., vol. 64 (1SS2), p. 476. (A) Skirmish drill for mounted troops.
aiarvin, William (of Florida). Memberof Board Printed by order of the War Department.
of Visitors to U.S. M.A.iu 1866. Washington, 1S59. pam., O. (A) i
314 Cenioniial of United States Alilitary Academy.

Maury, Dabney Heriidon. Recollections of a Meade. Hedijah (of Virginia ). Member of Board
Virginian in the Mexican. Indian, and civil of \"isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S41.

wars. New York. 1S94. i v., O. Medcalfe, William Morgan (U. S. M. A., 1876).
Maxey, Saranel Bell (U. S. M. A., 1846). Died Died Oct. 21, 1886, aged 33. Photograph in
Aug. 16, 1895, aged 70. Engraving (by H. B. Alliums of officers' mess.
Hall's Sons) owned by Assoc. Grads, I'. ,S. Obituar\' iti Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M, A.,
M. A. 18S7. (A)
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. For gun construction, manufacture of
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S96. (A) steel by Otis Iron and Steel Company. Rept.
Member of Board of Visitors to U S. M. A. . Chief of Ord., 1S84, p. 432. (C)
in 1877. Report on drawing and rolling 20 steel
University address, delivered on the com- billets into wire. p. 436; Jones & I,aughlin's.
mencement day, June 19, 1889, University of Pittsburg, Pa., report of work done for Ord-
Texas. O., pam. 1SS9. (A) nance Department during year ending June
Maxon. 1). W. (of Wisconsin). Member of 30, 1S85, p. 469; Wire, report on manufacture of

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S68. steel gun, at Trenton Ironworks, p. 473. Rept.

Maxwell, Marcus (U. S. M. A., 18S6). News- Chief of Ord., 1885. (C)
paper editor since 1894. Powder, report on experimental cannon,
May, Will Thompson (U. S. M. A., 1879). Cy- p. 449; Siege howitzer, design for a 7-iuch, p.

clists' drill regulations. (A) 203. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S86. (C)
Maynadier, William (U. S. M. A.. 1827). Died Banded projectiles of the French army
July 3, 1871, aged 65. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. service. Notes Constr. Ord. No. 28, vol. 2, p. 1.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1872. (A) (A)
Maynard, Edward (of District of Columbia).
Researches on the penetration of project-
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iles. Ord. Note 295, vol. 10. (A)
translator. Field artiller>- and its organi-
zation. Ord. Note. 335, vol. 12. (A)
Meade. Francis Key (T. S. M. A., 189S). Died
Machines for the physical tests of metals.
Sept. 22, 1900, aged 23. Obituar>' and portrait
Ord. Note 341, vol. 12. (A)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
translator. Synopsis of the principal
Meade. George Gordon (U.S. M. A., 1S35). Died points in the theory of the probability of fire.
Nov. 6, 1S72, aged 57. Portrait (oil painting by Ord. Note 342, vol. 12. (A)
T. Henr>- Smith). Presented by Henn,* Carey Meige, John Rodgers (U. S. M. A., 1863). [Fac-
Baird. In memorial hall, West Point. simile letter concerning his appointment to
Statue. At Fairniount Park, Philadel- U. S. M. A., 1857, signed by Jefferson Davis and
phia, unveiled 1SS7. others.] (A)
Bronze (equestrian) statue (by A. M. Cal-
Meigs, Montgomer>' Cunningham
(U. S. M. A.,
der). In Philadelphia, Pa.
1836). Died Jan. aged 76. Engraving
2, 1892,
Bronze equestrian statue. Gettysburg
(by A. H. Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads.
U. S. M. A.
Obituar\- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A..
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.U. S. M. A.,
1873; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 46 1892; Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 3, p. 311;
(1873). P- 311- (A)
Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 84 (1892),
Coffin's patches. U. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept.
p. 644. (A)
1854, p. *228. (A)
Reports as Quartermaster-General U. S.
Report of the sur\-ey of the north and
Army, 1861-1882.
northwest lakes, i860. Detroit, 1861.
Instructions for transport and erection of
Report of Major-General Meade's niilitarj'
military wire suspension bridge equipage.
operations and administration of civil affairs
Washington, 1862. i vol., O., pp. 24, pis. 10. (A)
in the Third militarj^ district and Department
Memoir. H. 1,. Abbot. 1893. In War
of the South, for the year 1S6S Atlanta, . . .

Dept. Libran,'.
Ga.. 1868. I vol., O. (A)
Mellen, Albert Hastings (U. S. M. A., 1874). Died
Did Geueral Meade desire to retreat at
the battle of Gettysburg? i v., O. Philadel- Sept. 21, 1870, aged 23. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc.
phia, 18S3. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1877. (A)
Address by Col. J. C. Biddle. 1888. In Meudell, George Henry (U. S. M. A., 1852). Died
War Dept. I,ibrarj'. Oct. 19, 1902, aged — Treasurer, U. S. M. A.,

of Gen. George Gordon Meade (by

I^ife June 24, 1S62, to Oct. 25, 1862.
Richard Meade Bache). Philadelphia, 1S97. Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
Pennypacker, (I. R.) General Meade . . . M. A., 1864-65.
New York, 1901. i vol., O. [Great Com- — Treaties on military surveying New . . .

manders.] (A) York. 1864. 1 vol., O. (A)

Report of, on murder of G.W. Ash burn. In Project, plan, estimate, etc, for the im-
War Dept. LibrarJ^ provement of Plymouth Beach and Harbor,
.SV.?: A critical examination (in part) of Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 2, p. 28.

Pennypacker's life of Gen. George G. Meade. (C)

Tivoli, N. Y.. 1901. I v., O. (A) Duxbury Beach and Harbor, Mass
5ff Boards— Humphreys, i. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. 2, p. 36. (C)
Tlic JJ^n'/i)/o-s of Graduates, 1802— IQ02. 315
llendell, George Tlenn-. Pniject, plan, esti- ings, p. 752; Notice of Houston's Electricity
mate, etc.. for the iiuproveineiit of Wilming- one hundred years ago and to-day, p. 753. Jour.
ton Harlx>r, Cal. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S69. r. S. Art., vol. 3.

p. 484; 1871, p. 947; 1874, vol. 2, p. 370; 1876, Mercer, Hugh (of Virginia). Member of Board
vol. 2, p. 617; 1880, p. 2232; iSSi, p. 2467; I8'^,s. of Visitors to t*. S. M. A. in 1S25 and in 182S.

PP- 2335. 2336; 1SS6. pp. 1912. 1913, 1914; 18S7. Mercer, Hugh Weedon (U. S. M.
Died A., 182S).
p. 2430. (C) June 9. 1877,aged 69, Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
San Diego Harbor, Cal. Rept.Chief Grads. V. S. M. A., 1881. (A)
of Eng., 1873, pp. 631. 1114; 1S76, vol. 2, pp. 622, Merchant, Charles Spencer (IJ. S. M. A., 1S14).
631. (C) Died Dec, 6. 1879, aged 84. Qbituari,' in Ann.
Rincon rock, San Francisco Harbor, Assoc. Grads. l". S. M. A., 1880. (A)
Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1873, pp. 1137, 1139; Mercur, James (U. S. M. A., i86h). Died Apr. 21,
1874, vol. 2. p. 371. (C) 1896, aged 53. Portrait (oil painting by Geo. B.
Estero Bay (San Luis ObispoCounty), Butler) presented by r. S. M. A. In the Li-
Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1R73. p. 1141. (C) brary U. S. M. A.
Sacramento and Feather rivers, Cal. Photograph /?/ .Mhunis of officers' mess.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S75. vol. 2, p. 700; 1877, p. Obituarj' and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Grads,
992; 1S79, pp. 1754, 1755; 18S0, p. 2334; 1886, p. U. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
1926. (C) Professor of civil and militar>^ engineer-
- Monterey Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief ing, U. S. M. A.. 1S84-1896.
of Eng., 1S75. vol. 2, pp. 708, 709. (C) Lithographic and photo-lithographic
Humboldt Harbor and Bay, Cal. works. Essayons Club Papers, No. 31, 1874.
Rept. Chief of F^ng., 1881. pp. 24S0, 24S8. (C) (A)
_ Mokelumne River, Cal. Rept. Chief Longitude by lunar culminations. Essaj"-
of Eng., 1SS2. p. 2639; i883, p. 2131: 18S9, p. 2486. ons Club Papers, No. 38, 1875. (A)
(C) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Red Wood Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief provement of Beaufort Harbor, N. C. Rept.
of Eng., 1884, p. 2204. (C) Chief of Eng.. pp. 1093, 1096, 1098. (C)
- Santa Monica Bay, Cal. Rept. Chief \Vhite Oak River, N. C. Rept. Chief
of Eng.. 18S4, p. 2209. (C) of Eng., 1882, p. 1113; 18S4, p. 1055. (C)
Clear Lake. Cal. Rept. Chief of Meherrin River,' N. C. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S84, p. 2210. (C) of Eng., 1SS2, p. 1115. (C)
- Petaluma Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief Mew River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 18S5, p. 2339; 1SS7, p. 2446. (C) Eng.. 1SS2, p. 1117; 18S5, p. 1082; 18S7. p. 1040;
- San Mateo River, Cal. Rept. Chief 1891, p. 13S0. (C)
of Eng., 1885, p. 2343. (C) Cape Fear and W'accamaw rivers,
Napa River, Cal. Rept. Chief of N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882, p. 1120. (C)
Kng., 1885, p. 2346; 1888, p. 290; 1892. p. 2622. Winyaw Bay. S. C. Rept. Chief of
(C) Eng., 1S82, p. 1123; 18S5, p. 1159. (C)
entrance to harbor of San Francisco, Oregon Inlet, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Cal., known as Golden Gate. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882, p. 1128. (C)
Eng., 1893. p. 3221. (A) Rondout Harbor, N, Y. Rept.Chief
Report on blasting operations at Lime of Eng., 18S4, p. 700. (C)
Point, Cal., on the i6th and 2Sth May, 186S. -„ — Milford Haven, Va. Rept. Chief of
"Washington, 1S68. O. Misc. Papers, No. i. (A) Eng., 18S4. p. 1054. (C)
Alexander, Barton Stone, and Davidson, Broad River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
George. Report on the irrigation of the San Eng.. 1884. p. 105S. (C)
Joaquin. Tulare, and Sacramento valleys of '
Alligator River, N. C. Rept. Chief
the State of California. Washington, 1874. of Eng., 1S84, p. 1059.(C)
translator (jointly with Craighill, W'illiam Black River, N Rept Chief of
Price). Jomini's Art of war. Philadelphia, Eng., 1884, p. 1061. (C)
1862. I vol.. O. (A) Morehead City. N. C Rept. Chief

See Boards Mendell; Alexander, 2, 3, 4,5, of Eng., 1884, p. 1063. (C)
6, 7; Stewart, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Williamson, i, 2, 3, 4, 5. Bay River, N. Rept. Chief of

5(r Commission Mendell; Alexander, i. (A> Eng., 18S4, p. 1064. (C)
Mendenhall, John (U. .S. M. A., 1S51). Died July Hudson River. N. Y. Rept. Chief
I, 1S92, aged 63. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. of Eng.. 1S85, p. 712. (C)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S93. (A) Mahan's Permanent fortification. 2d ed..
In raemoriam. /m Twenty-fourth reunion rev.and enl. i vol., O. 1888.
of the Army of the Cumberland, Cleveland, Elements of the art of war. Prepared for
Ohio, September. 1893. p. 247. Cincinnati, iSq4. the use of the cadets of the U. S. M. A. ...
(A I West Point, 1S89. i vol., O. (A)
Menoher, Charles Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1SS6). Military mining, including blasting and
Notice of Buniham's Duties of outposts, ord- demolitions West Point, 1892. i pam..
. . .

nance and rear guard, with manual of guard O. (A)

duty, U. S. Army. Jour. U. S. Art, vol. 2, p. 673. Attack of fortified places, including siege-
Notice of Parkhurst's Dynamo and motor works, mining, and demolitions. Prepared for
construction for amateurs, with working draw- the use of the cadets of the U. S. M. A. . . .
3i6 Ccnicnuial of United States Military Academy.

ist ed., ist thousand. New York, :Sq4. i vol., MerriU, William Emery. Project, plan, esti-
O., xvi 4-197 pp., 12 pis. (A) mate, etc., for the improvement of Cincinnati,
Mercur, James. In Chi-
Militarj- land mines. Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1878, pp. 823, 824,
cago Exposition, 1S93, Int. Cong. Eng. Oper. 825, 826, 827, S28, 829; 1879, pp. 1360, 1361-1363,
Div. Mil. Eng. 1364- (C)
See Boards— Mercur. (A) Kentucky River and its tributaries,

See West Point, maps, 1886. Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79. p. 1399. (C)
I^ittle Kanawha River, W. Va.
Merrill, Abner Hopkins (U. S. M. A., 1866).
Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 1795. (C)
Field music. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.
Bellaire, Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
16, p. 84. (A)
1881, pp. 1951, 1953. (C)
MerriU. Harailton Wilcox (U. S. M. A., iSjS). Point Pleasant, W. Va. Rept. Chief
Died July 14, 1892, aged 78. Obituar)- in Ann. of Eng., 1881, pp. 1955, 1957. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S93. (A1 Red Bank Creek, Pa. Rept. Chief
MerriU, l^cwis (U. S. M. A., iSs.'j). Died Feb, 27, of Eng., 1S81, p. 1961. (C)
1896, aged 62. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Clarion River, Pa. Rept. Chief of
U. S. M. A., 1896. (A) Eng., 1882, pp. 1938, 1941. (C)
MerriU. William Emer\- (U. S. M. A., 1859). Tionesta Creek, Pa. Rept. Chief of
Died Dec. 14, J891, aged 54. Obituary in Ann. Eng., 1S84, p. 1704; 1891, p. 2381. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M.A., 1S92. (A) Middleport, Ohio. Rept. Chief of
In raemoriam. In twenty-third reunion Eng.. 18S4, pp. :70s, 1710. (C)
of the Army of the Cumberland, Chickamauga, Buckhannon River, W. Va. Rept.
Ga., September, 1S92. (A) Cincinnati. 1S92. Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 1719. (C)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
-Taggart's Valley River, W. Va.
provement of Mobile Harbor, Ala. Kept. Chief Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 1719. (C)
of Eng., 1866. vol. I, pp. 52, 53. 54- (C) Bridge near Fairmont, W. Va.
• Monougahela River. Rept. Chief Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S5, pp. 293, 1920, 1922.
of Eng., pp. 416, 417; 1873, pp. 504, 505;
1872, 1924. (C)
18S6, p. 1542; 1S87, pp. 1802, 1808. (C) Shawneetown Harbor, 111. Rept.
-l,icking River, Ky. Rept. Chief of Chief of Eng., 18S5, p. 1828. (C)
Eng., 1872, pp. 423, 424, 425; 1879, p. 1423; 1885, New Harbor, Ind. Rept. Chief of
p. 1844- (C) Eng., 18S5, p. 1829. (C)
- Mississippi River, between Cairo Paducah, Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
and mouth. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872, p. 435. 1885, p. 1830; 1S87, p. 1833. (C)
(Ci Owensboro Harbor, Ky. Rept.
Kanawha River (Great), W. Va. Chief of Eng., 1885, p. 1831. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, pp. 59, 506, 508. (C) Scioto River, Ohio. Rept. Chief of
Mount Vernon Harbor, Ind. Rept. Eng., 1885, pp. 1836, 1839. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1873, p.525. (C) - I^awrenceburg Harbor, Ind. Rept.
River (except
Ohio the Falls). Chief of Eng., 1SS5, p. 1842. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S74, vol, i, pp. 64, 404, Big Hocking River, Ohio. Rept,
406, 409, 410, 411, 414, 424, 480; 1875, vol. I, pp. Chief of Eng., 18S7, p. 1835. (C)
686, 687, 688, 735, 918, 924; 1875, vol. 2, pp. 608, Cheat River, W. Va. Rept. Chief
611, 612, 613. 614,616,617,627,629,630,631; 1S76, of Eng., 1S89, p. 1906; 1S91, p. 2361. (C)
vol. 2, pp. 5, 14, 28; 1878, pp. 803, 805; 1879, pp. Iron tmss bridges for railroads. Methods

13.16- (C) of calculating strains, with a comparison of

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Rept. the most prominent truss bridges, and new
Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i, pp. 494, 497, 498. 5°°. formulas for bridge computations; also the
504, 511,521, 529, 534, 544. 550. 553. 554. 558; 1875, economical angles for struts and ties. I vol.,
vol. I, p. 770; 1S76, vol. 2. pp. 59, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, F [Q]- New York, 1S70. (A)
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95, 99, 101, 102, 103, 113, 116, Photographs of the Davis Island dam,

123, 124. (C) Ohio River. Improvement under his direc-

- Youghiogheny River, Pa. Rept. tion. 2 sheets. January, 1879.

Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i. pp. 497, 556, 559, 563; 4 sheets. 1881.

18S1. p. 1958. (C) 14 sheets. July, 1881.

3 sheets. September, 1881.
Twelve-Pole River, W. Va. Rept.
ID sheets. 1881.
Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, pp. 749. 75°. 754.
photographs of dredges, towboats, and
other vessels pertaining to Ohio River im-
- Sandy River (Big), Ky. Rept. Chief provements under his direction. 8 sheets.
of Eng., 1875, vol. I, pp. 757, 759. (C)
Guyandotte River, W. Va. Rept. Photographic views of the Muskingum
Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, p. 794; 1878, p. River at its mouth, and part of dam No. i. 6
1879. P- 1352; 1880, p. 196. (C) sheets, 5 of which were taken in November,
- routes to the sea-
transportation and I in December, 1881.

board, central route, first subdivision, the Ohio Photographs relating to hydraulic gates
River, Cairo to Pittsburg. Rept. Chief of Eng., and dams, taken from plates in Annales des
1875, vol. 2, pp. 608, 614, 627, 628, 629. (C) Ponts et Chaussfes. 7 sheets. [2 sets.]
The IVriliiigs of Graduates^ i8o2-i()02. i'^1

Merrill, William Hniery. on the iiupiovfuuiit Merritt. Wesley. St'€ Dakota, Dept. of, Head-
of noil tidal rivt-rs. Traiislate<i from the (juartcrs, Annual Report, 1S94.
French of MM. S. Janicki, S. Jacquct, and Metcalfe, Henry (T'. S. M. A., 1868). Metcalfe
A. Pasqneau. Q. i8Si. (A) cartridge block. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1875. p.
Ohio River, map of the (in 41 sheets). iSSi. 80. (C)
Photographs of dredge boats and ice-har- Report of In ernational Exhibition, 1876,
bor on Ohio River; Mnskingnm ice har-
fleet p. 33; Rock Island Arsenal, description of
bor, Marietta; Louisville and Portland canal model in photosculpture at International E.\-
dredges Nos. and 2; the canal in the flood of
i bibition. 1876, p. 36; Gun, method of unloading
1883; and of Newport Barracks. Ky., during 20-inch, at International Exhibition, 1876, p. 37.
and after the flood of 1S83. 15 sheets. March Rept. Chief of Ord., 1876. (C)
and April. 1883. — Description of Metcalfe's pressure gauge.

Translation of Memoir on a new kind of Rept. Chief of Ord., 1877, p. 361. (C)
movable dam (by S. Janicki). v., O., pp. ir, i Dynamometers, recoil, p. 109; Lubricants
pi. 2. Washington, 1S83. for machinery, test of, p. 115; Friction, method
—— - Photographs showing progress of work on of determining axle. p. 116; Measuring wheel
locks Nos. 8 and 9. Improvement of the Mo- for measurement of areas of resilience of car-
nongahela River. 6 sheets. 1SS4. tridge metals, p. 139. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Plans of Davis Island dam, Ohio River 1S78. (C)
(in 12 sheets). 18S9. Inspection of contract small-arm ammu-
Franklin, battlefield in front of. The nition. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1881, p. 155. (C)
United States forces under command of Maj. Accuracy of small-arm firing, determina-
Gen. John M. Schofield, Nov. 30, 1864. tion of. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S2, p. 316. (C)
Engineer service of the Armj*of the Cum- Ordnance and g^unnerj-, U. S. M. A. Pt.
berland; block houses; canvas pouton-traias, I: Explosives, metallurgy, and projectiles.
etc. O. In Van Horne"s (T. B.) Histor>' of West Point. 1SS9. 1 vol., O. (A)
the Army of the Cumberland, vol. 2. Projectiles. In Chicago Exposition, 1S93,
The relation of forestry' to the floods of Int. Cong. Eng. Oper. Div. Mil. Eng.
the Ohio River Valley. C. p. S. Report on washing cotton waste. Ord.
Solution of a prize problem. In Math. Note 16, vol. I. p. 88. (A)
Monthly, vol. r, p. 25S. (A) Report on internal pressure gauge. Ord.

See Boards Merrill; Comstock, 7, 8, 9, 10, Note 58, vol. 2, p. 413- (A)
11; Craighill, i, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12; Macomb, 21, 31; Report on lubricants for machinerj' new —
Newton. 2, 3, 4; Poe, i, 3, 7, 8, 11; Simpson, 4, method of determining axle friction. Ord.
5, 6; Tower, 4, 7, 26; Warren, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Note 84, vol. 3, p. 664. (A)
9, 10, II, 15; Weitzel, i. 2, 4; Wright, 4, 6. (A) Report of inspections of contract sraall-
Merritt, Wesley (U. ft. M. A., i860). Portrait arin ammunition. Ord. Note 143, vol. 5. {\)
(oil painting by J. C. Beckwithi, 1S.S5, pre- Description of the improved capstan made
sented by U. S. M. A., in cadet mess hall. at Benicia Arsenal, Cal., for issue to Fort Win-
Engra\ing (by Rembrandt Engra\-ing field Scott. Ord. Note 307, vol. 10. (A)
Company, of Philadelphia) owned by Assoc. Improved capstan. Ord. Note 339, vol. 12.
Grads. U. S. M. A. (A)
Enlarged photograph in a group \s€e and Rockwell, James (U. S. M. A., 1S70).
Sheridan, P. H.]. In memorial hall. Hitchcock 9-inch rifle. reports on construction
Twenty-first Superintendent from Sept. i, of. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S76, p. 185. (C)
18S2. to July I, 18S7. Repts. Supt. U. S. M. A., Metcalfe. John Thomas (U. S. M. A., 183S). Died
18S2-18S7. Jan. 30, 1902, aged 84. Authorof various papers
Marching cavalr>'. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1888, on medical science. 1S45-18S7.
p. 71- (-^) Meyler. James Joseph (U. S. M. A.. 1887). Died
The Ainiy of the United States, p. 493; Dec 12, 1901, aged 35, Project, plan, estimate,
Three Indian campaign.s, p. 720. Harper's etc., for the improvement of Orange River.
New Monthly Mag., vol. 80. (1890.) (A) Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 1571. (A)
Life of Gen. Philip St. G. Cooke. Jour. inside passage from Punta Rasa to
Cav. Assoc, 1895. p. 79. (A) Charlotte Harbor. Fla. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Report on campaign in the Philippines, 1S97. p. 1573- (A)
189S. In U. S. Dept. of War. Sec of War, Re- harbor at Cedar Keys, Fla. Rept.
port, 1S98. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 1584. (A)
Note on the surrender of I^ee. Century .
San Pedro, Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng-.
Mag., vol. 63, p. 944. April, 1902. (P) igoo, p. 4194. (A)
Annual report. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 12, •
Colorado River between El Dorado
p. 17S. Canyon and Rioville, Nev. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Improvements in the art of war in the 1901, p. 3403. (A)
past twenty years and probable effect on Michle, Dennis Mahan (U. S. M. A., 1892). Died
future militarj- operations. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. July I, 1898, aged 28. Obituary- and portrait in
Inst. U. S.. vol. 4. p. 172. (A) Ann. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A., 1899. (A)
- Comment on WoodhuU's Medical Depart- Mlchle, Peter Smith (U. S. M. A.. 1863). Died
ment. Jour. Mil.Ser\'. Inst. U.S., vol. 11. p. 657. Feb. 16, 1901, aged 62. Portrait (oil painting
(A) by George B. Butler). [1895 or 1896.] Pre-
3i8 Ccntoiuial of United States MilitcDy Academy,
sented by U. ft. M. A. In the library U. S. Five F'orks, Jetersville and Sailors Creek, High
M. A. Bridge, Farmville, and Appomattox Court
Michie. Peter Smith. I'hotograph in Albums of House; also Harpers Ferry, Antietam, Chan-
officers' mess. cellorsville, Fredericksburg, and South Moun-
Obituary- and portrait m Ann. A.'^soc. firads. tain, with index sheet.
X. S.M. A., iqoi. (A) Micliie, Peter Smith. See: West Point, Memo-
Instructor of practical engineering, U. S. rial tablets of the Revolutionary and Spanish-

M. A., i867-:S7i. American war [with address by Professor

librarian U. S. M. A. from Aug. 2S. 1W8, Michie]. I pam., O. 1S99,
to Feb. 16, 1901. Michler, Frank (U. .S. M, A., 1870). Died May
Caste at West Point. In North Amer. Rev., 29. 1901. Photograph in Albums of officers'
vol. 150, June. 18S0. mess.
Elements of wave motion, relating to Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
sound and light. 1SS2. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
The life and letters of Emory Upton . . Adjutant U. S, M. A., July i, 1S78. to Feb.
I vol., O. 1S85. (A) 28, 1881.

Elements of analytical mechanics. iSSo-87. Michler. Nathaniel (U. S. M. A., 1848). Died
The personnel of seacoast defense. [Mon. July 17, 1881, aged 54. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc,
No, 5, Mil. Serv, Inst.] New York, 18S7. i vol., Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (A)
O.. pp. 17. (A) Report of a survey for an interoceauic
Elements of hydromechanics. 188S. ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien, con-
On the increase of the number of cadets necting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 1857-
[at U. vS. M. A.]. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U.S.. 1S59. Text and maps. Washington, 1861. O.
vol. 12 (1S91), p. 246. (A) Explorations and Sur^'eys.
Educational methods at West Point. Ed, Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Rev., November, 1S92, pp. 350-365, (A) provement of Potomac River. Rept. Chief of
Comment on Willcox's Preliminary ex- Eng., 1S68. pp. 61, 889, 911, 913, 924; 1869, p. 514;
amination, West Point. Jour. Mil. Serw Inst. 1870. pp. 530, 534- (C)
U. S., vol, 17 (1S95), p. 16S. (A) Willamette and Columbia rivers.
Historical sketch of the department of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. 2, p. 352; 1875, vol. 2,
natural and experimental philosophy, U, S. pp. 734.735. 736.738. (C)
M.A. In Rept. Supt. U.S. M. A., 1896, pp. 14-23. Coquille River, Greg. Rept. Chief
(A) of Eng.. 1874, vol. 2. pp.367. 3^8. (C)
General McClellan New York, 1901.
. , .
- Columbia (upper) and Snake rivers.
I vol., O.[Great commanders.] (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2, p. 772. (C)
American military roads and bridges. In Skaget River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Chicago Exposition. 1S93, Int. Cong. Eng. Oper. Eng., 1875, vol. 2, p. 792. (C)
Div. Mil. Eng. Yamhill River, Ore. Rept. Chief of
21 sheets of drawings of rebel torpedoes Eng., 1875, vol, pp. 796, 798. (C
2, I

and ordnance, 1S65. i portfolio, F. {26^ x 20 Snohomish River, Wash, Rept.

in.). Notes explaining the plates. O. Pam. Chief of Eng.. 1875, vol. 2, p. 799. (C)
kept in portfolio. [Text and plates are photo- Chehalis River, Wash. Rept. Chief
graphed.] (A) of E"g-, 1875, vol. 2, p. 800. (C)
Reminiscences of cadet and army service. Shoalwater Bay to Columbia River,
In N.Y. State Commandery. M. O. I,. I,. U.S. Greg. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876. vol 2. p. 644.
Personal recollections of the war of the rebel- (C)
lion, 2d ser. (A) Huron Harbor, Ohio. Rept, Chief
Education in its relation to the militarv of Eng., 1877. p. 559. (C)
profession. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol, i,
Monroe Harbor (Raisin River),
p, 154- (A) Mich. Rept. Chief, of Eng,. 1877, p. 943. (C)
Barnard. John Gross U, S. M. A., 1833).
Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio, Rept.
and "Wright, Horatio Gouverneur (U.S. M.A. Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. 956. (C)
1S41). Report on the fabrication of iron for
Vermilion Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
defensive purposes and its uses in modern
Chief of Eng.. 1S77, p. 960. (C)
fortifications, especially in works of coast de-
fense. Prof. Papers, Corps of Eng,, U. S. A..
- Sandusky City Harbor, Ohio, Rept.
No. 21, with a supp. Washington, 1S71. Q. (A) Chief of Eng., iSSo. p. 21 10; 1S87, pp. 2302. 2336,
and Harlow. Frank Stovall (U, S. M, A.,
- Shrewsbury River, N. J. Rept.
1879),Practical astronomy ... 2d ed. . . .
Chief of Eng., 18S1, pp. 701, 704. (C)
New York. 1S93. i vol.. C, ix + 218 pp. (A)
- Elizabeth River. N. J. Rept. Chief of
and Bticliler. Nathaniel (U. S. M. A., 1848).
Eng., 1S81, p. 707; 1S87, p. 768; 1892, p. 879. (C)
Armies of the Potomac and James; maps illus-
trating the operations of, from May 4. 1864. to Raritan Bay, N. J. Rept. Chief of
Apr. 9. 1865, including the battlefields of the Eng., 18S1, pp, 715, 717; 1887, p, 750. (C)
Wilderness. Spottsylvania, North Anna, Toto- - Amboy, from Perth and south to
potomoy. Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundred, siege main ship channel, Raritan Bay, Rept. Chief
of Petersburg and Richmond, battlefields of of Eng., 1881, p. 719. (C)
The WritiH^s of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 319
ICichler. Xathnnie!. Project, plan, estimate. Miller, Alexaiuler Macomb. Project, plan, esti-
etc., for the improvement of Mattawan Creek, mate, etc., for the improvement of Roebuck
N. J. Kept. Chief of Eng., iSSi. p. 722; Lake. Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S84. p. 1358.
762; 1891, p. 1003;. (C) (Ct
Ticonderoga River, N. Y. Kept. Steels Bayou, Miss. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng.. 1S81, pp. 72S. 72q; 1S92, p. 2613. Eng.. 18S4, p. 1362. (C)
(C) Bayou Loggy, Lake Bistenau. and
Shark River, N. J. Rept. Chief of the Dorcheat. La. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 18S4,
Eng. 18S1. p. 730. (C) p. :363- (C)
Reconnaissance of countr>' between Corpus
- Cane River. La. Rept. Chief of Eng..
Christ! and Leona and Red River Valley. No. 1SS4, p. 1368; 1887, p. 1452. (C)
562. doc. 64. (C) Palmyra Lake, Lft.and Miss. Rept.
Suitable site for a public park and Presi- Chief of Eng.. 1884. p. 1371. (C)
dential Mansion. No. 1278. doc. 21. (C) -Trenton Harlxir, La. Rept. Chief
Harpers FerrT,-, Va.. including Mar>dand, of Eng., 18S4. p. 1381. (C)
I,oudouii, and Boli\*ar Heights, and portions of Monroe Harlxjr. La. Rept. Chief of
South and Short mountains, with the positions Eng., i>iS4, p. 13S3. (C)
of the defensive works. Osage River, Mo. and Kans. Rept.
Reconnaissance of routes from San An- Chief of Eng., 18S7, p. 1594. (C)
tonio to El Paso. Explorations and Sur\'eys. Kaskaskia River. III. Rept. Chief
and Michle. Peter Smith (U.S. M. A., 1S63). of Eng.. 1888. pp.1455. M56; 1892, p- 174b. (C)
Armies of the Potomac and James; maps illus- bridges: {3I Wabash. Si. Louis and
trating the operations of. from May 4. 1864. to Pacific Railroad bridge at .-Vttica. Rept. Chief
Apr. 9. 1S65, including the battlefields of the of Eng.. iSSS. p. 2557. (C)
Wilderness. Spottsylvania. North Anna, Toto- bridges: (5) Indiana, Bloomington
potomoy. Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundred, and Western Railroad bridge atCo\'ington.aud
siege of Petersburg and Richmond, battlefields Columbvis and St. Louis Railroad bridge near
of Five Forks. Jeters\'ille and Sailors Creek. Lodi. Ind. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iSSS, p. 2557.
High Bridge, Farnunlle, and Appomattox (C)
Court House; also Harpers Ferr\'. Antietam, - bridge of the Missouri Pacific Kail-
ChancellorsWlle. Fredericksburg, and South road Compaiiy. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS8, p.
Mountain, with index sheet. 2559- (C)
See Boards— Macomb, 35; kaynokls, 2. Grand River, Mo. Rept. Chief of
(A^ Eng.. 1SS9, p. 1711. (C)
Middleton, Henr>- (U. S. M. A.. 1S15). Died Mar. St. Louis Harbor. ^lo. Rept. Chief
15, aged 79. Portrait. In possession of
1S76, of Eng., 1SS9. p. 1712. (C)
Capt. E. M. Blake. Artillery Corps, U. S. Army. Colorado River. Tex. Rept. Chief
— Obituar\' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., of Eng., 1895. p. 1821. (A)
1876. (A) - Guadaloupe River, Te.x. Rept. Chief
The Government and the currency. of Eng.. 1S95. p. 1S26. (A)
1S44-45 and 1S50. - bar and harbor at Brazos Santiago,

Miles, John (of Pennsylvania). Member of j

Tex. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1S31. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S- M. A. in 1S37. Trinity River, Tex. Rept. Chief of
MUey.John David (U.S.M. DiedSept, A.,iSS7). Eng., 1S96. p. 1552. (.\)

19, 1S99, aged 37. Obituary* and portrait in Ann, east end of Galveston Island. Tex.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96. p. 155S. (.\)
In Cuba with Shafter New York . . . channel between Brazos River and
1899. I vol., O. (A) Galveston Bay. Tex. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897,
MiUar, Edward Alexander (U. S. M. A.. 1SS2), p. 1809. (A)
Comment on Chester's Instruction of Gunners. Galveston Island, Tex. Rept.
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i, p. 202. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 1814. (A)
Coast artillery fire instruction. Jour. U. S. , translator. Irrigation in Egypt {by J.
Art., vol. 3. p. 252. Barois, engineer in chief des ponts et chaus-
Scheme for securing uniform examina- s^es, etc.). Washington, 1S89,
Paris, 1887. Q.
tions for battery- competitions. Jour. Mil. See Boards— Miller; Mackenzie, 1; Merrill,
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 20. p. 553. (A) 2; Robert, 14, 19; Suter, 2. (A)
MiUer, Alexander Macomb (U. S. M. A., 1S65). Miller, Andrew Galbraith (U. S. M. A., 1848).
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve- Died Oct. 21, 1S65, aged — Engraving (by the .

ment of Bayou Pierre, I,a, Rept. Chief of Milwaukee Lithographing and EngTa\'ing
Eng., 1SS3, p. 1139- (C) Company) owned by Assoc. Grads. T. S. M. A.
Yallobusha River, Miss. Rept. Chief Miller. Charles P. See Runkle decision. Court
of Eng., 1884, p. 1342. (C) of Claims. In War Depart. Librar>-.
Loosascoona River, Miss. Rept. Miller,Crosby Parke (U. S. M. A., 1S67). Photo-
Chief of Eng., 1SS4. p. 1344. (C) graph in Albums of officers* mess.
Sulphur River. Tex. Rept. Chief of Quartermaster U. S. M. A. July i, 1S75, to
Eng.. 1S84, p. 1345. (C) July I, 1880.
Ouachita and Black rivers. La. and MiUer, (ieorge L. (of Nebraska). Member of
Ark. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS4, p. 1353. (C) Board of Visitors to U, S. M. A. in 18S5.
320 Ccutoniial of Lhiitcd States Militaij Academy.
Killer, Rutger B. (of New York). Member of Mills, Samuel Myers. Comment on Military
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1837. gymnastics. Jour. Mil. Serv. lust. U. S., vol.
Miller. Weiitz Curtis \V. S. M. A., 1869). Died 12, p. 665. (A)
July 31, 1892. aged 44. Obituar>' in Aim. Assoc. Commetit on Best's Wanted— a fitting

Grads. U. K. M. A., 1843. (A) artillery organization. Jour. Mil Sen-. Inst.
Miller. William (of Alabama). Member of U. S., vol. iS, p. 215. I A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S71. Ittilroy, Samuel (of Indiana). Member of Board
Miller. William Haven (U. S. M. A.. 1872). Pho- of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1835.
tograph in All»ums of officers' mess, Mitcham, Orin Burlingame (U. S. M. A., 1S74).
Quartermaster U. S, M, A„ 1890-1894, Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
MiUlken, James P. (of Indiana). Member of New methods of solving problems of fire
Hoard of Visitors to V. S. M, A. in 1S50. (by Capt. F. Siacci), p. 21S: Range tables,
Milliken, Seth L. (of Maine). Member of Board .S-iiich converted and 12-inch B. L. rifles, p.

of Visitors to U. S, M, A, in 1895. 236. Rept. Chief of Ord.. iSSi. (C)

MilUs. John (U, S. M, A„ 1881). Notes on elec- Report of Cheyenne ordnance depot, com-
tricity in military and industrial engineering. manding officer, p. 489; Cartridges, brass shells
2d ed., rev. and enl., with a chapter on electric recommended for reloading, p. 490; Sights and
lighting. Willets Point, 18SS, bayonets for Springfield rifle, model 1S84, not
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- satisfactory, p. 490. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S6.
provement of Mississippi River (commercial (C)
statistics). Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 3912. Report of operations at the Rock Island
(A) Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S98.
harbor at Baton Rouge, I,a. Rept. translator. Friction-primers 'for cannon.
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1793. (A) Ord. Note 177, vol. 6. A) i

harbor at Bayou Sara, La. Rept. translator. Theoretical and practical bal-
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1795. (A) listics [from Italian]. Ord. Note 301, vol. lo'
waterway connecting Puget Sound (A)
with Lake Union and Washington, Wash. Submits the solution of the problem of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902, p. 2420. (A) the trajector>' of a projectile in vacuo; by Prof.
Electricity in land warfare. Scribner's A. G. Greenhill, of the Royal Artillery Insti-
Mag., vol. 6, p. 424. tution, England, and that of Lieut. John. E-
MiUs. Albert Leopold (U. S. M. A., 1S79). Por- Greer, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, for
trait (oil painting by J. C. Beckwith) pre- publication. \_See also Ord. Note 165.] Ord.
.sented by Military Academy, 1902. In the Note 329, vol. II. (A)
cadet mess hall. Twenty-fifth Superintendent Field artillery fire; compara-
U. S. M. A., Aug. 22, 189S, to .
tive study of the methods employed in the
Military geography of Mexico. See mili- French and other European services. Ord.
tary geography lectures in department of Note 352, vol. 12. (A)
military art Infantry and Cavalry school.
. . .
Mitchel. Ormsby McKnight (U. S. M. A., 1829).
Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1S93-1895. (A) Died Oct. 30, 1862, aged Obituary notice (by

Mills. Anson ((>f Texas). Member of Board of H. Copp6e). In Proc. Amer. Phil. See, vol. 9,
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S66. p. 147- (A)
Mills. Caleb (of Indiana). Member of Board of Portrait. Harper's New Monthly
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852. vol. 31 (1865), p. 164; vol. 48 (1874), p. 526. (A)
Mills, Charles C. (of Alabama). Member of
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
in 184 1.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.
Editor and publisher Sidereal Messenger,
Mills. Roger Q. (of Texas). Member of Board
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1SS5.
Recording apparatus, p. 20; Report on
Mills.Samuel Myers (U. S. M. A., 1S65). Photo- mechanical record of astronomical obsen.'a-
graph in Albums of officers' mess. tions, pp. 72, 78. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1849.
Treasurer U. ,S. M. A., June 28, 1875, to (A)
Sept. I, 1879. Telegraphic longitudes; Seaton's, Mar-
Commandant of cadets and instructor of riott's,and Cincinnati. U. S. Coast Sur\-ey
tactics r. S. M. A., 1K92-1897. Rept., 1S50, pp. 25, 26. (A)
Supplemental manual for seacoast guns. Report on electro-magnetic recording of
I pam., O. 1890. See Art. School V S. (A) . N. P. distances. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.,
Description and service of the machine 1851, pp. 137-145- (A)
guns. 1891. I pam., O. [Art. School V. S.] Astronomy of the
Bible, with a bio- . . .

(A) graphical sketch. New York, 1867. i vol., O.

Historical sketch of the department of (A)
tactics IT. S. M. A. In Rept. Supt. U. S. M. A., Popular astronomy; a concise elementary
1896, pp. 122-131. (A) treatise on the sun, planets, satellites and
Comment on Chester's Instruction of gun- comets . . . yth ed. New York, 1S67. i vol.,
ners. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i, p. 191. O. (A)
A trip to India, China, and Japan. Jour. Mitchel (F. A.): Ormsby McKnight
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 11, pp. 57, 22S, 730. Mitchel, and general. A biograph-
(A) ical narrative. Boston, 1887. i vol., por. (A)
Tlif Writmgs of Graduates^ iSo2-igo2, 321
Mitchell. Orinsby McKnighl, Tht- orbs of Moorman, J. J. (of Virginia). Member of Board
heaven. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S32.
Mltchel, Orinsby McKiiight, jr. (U. S. M. A., Mordecai, Alfred (U. S. M. A., 1823). Died Oct.
1S651. Died May aged 32.
27, 1S75. 22, 1SS7, aged 83. Photograph in Albums of
Kiigraving (by A. H. Ritchie) owned by officers' mess.
Assoc. (Jrads. U. S. M. A. Ai ( Obituarj- in ,\nn. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I'.S. M. A., 1S8.S. (A)
1875. (A) Instructor of ordnance and gunnerj-, U. S.

Mitchell, Dr. Samuel (of Pennsylvania). Mem- M. A., 1S65-1869, and 1S74-1S81.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S13. Member of Board of Visitors (Inspection)
Mitchell, Sani\iel I,. Member of Board of Visit- to U. S. M. A. in 1843.
ors to U. S. M. A. in 1820. A digest of the laws relating to the mili-
MitcheU. Warren E. (U.S. M. A., 1S94). Died Nov. itary establishment of the United States . . .

26, 1S95, aged 24. Obituari,' in Ann. Assoc. Washington. 1833. vol., O. (A) i

Grads. U.S. M.A.. 1896. (A) Ordnance manual, for the use of the offi-

Mizner, John Kemp (U. S. M. A.. 1S56). Died cers of the U. S. Army. 1S41.
Sept. S. 1S9S. aged 65. Obituar>' and portrait Report of experiments on gunpowder,
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S.M.A., 1S99. (A) made at Washington Arsenal in 1S43 and 1844.
Cavalry recrviitraent. Jour. Cav. Assoc, I vol.. O. 1S45. (A)
1S8S, p. 174. (A) Second report of experiments on gunpow-

Some changes in equipment. Jour. Cav. der, made at Washington Arsenal, in 1845, 1847,
Assoc, 1889, p. 34. (A) and 1S4S Washington, 1849. i pam., O.
. . .

Moberly, Will Jenkins (U. S. M. A.. 1S661. (A)

Died June S. 1S96, aged 51. Obituarj* in Ann. Artillen,- for the U. S. land ser^-ice as de-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S96. (A) and arranged by the Ordnance Board.
Mock, William {U. S. M. A., 1S36). Died Apr. 2. Washington, 1S49. i vol., C, pis., atlas F. obi.
1S9S, aged S7. Obituan.' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. (A)
U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) Militan,' commission to Europe, in 1855
MoUnard. Albert Julian Stiffan ( U. S. M. A. 1851). , and 1856, report . Washington, 1S60. ivol.
. .

Died Sept. 14. 1872. aged 44. Obituary in Ann. O. (A)

Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSi. (A) Mordecai. .\lfred. jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S61). Inter-
Monroe, James (U. S. M. A., 1815). Died Sept. nipter, Russell's electric description for
7, 1870, aged 71. Obituary in Ann. Assoc Schultz chronoscope. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S71. (A) 1878, p. 45- (C)
In memon,' of Col. James Monroe [with Carriage for 3.2-inch B. L. steel rifle,
photograph], n. p., 1S70. i vol.. O. (A) nomenclature and material of parts. Rept.
Montgomery, Alexander (U. S. M. A.. 1834). Chief of Ord., 18S4, p. 547- (C)
Died Oct. aged S2. Obituary in Ann.
13, 1S93, Construction of Captain Baldwin's gun-
Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A.. 1894. (A) carriage saddle for Hotchkiss mountain gun;
Montgomery, George (U.S. M. A., 1890). Com- p. 645; Caisson, construction of a metal, for
ment on Horn's Telescopic sights. Jour. Mil. field ser^'ii-e. p. 659; Machines, artillery, fabri-
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 23, p. 363. (A) cated at Watendiet Arsenal, p. 669; Changes
Report on manufacture of gun carriages, made in Pinch bar. p. 669; Model 18S4 (Eccles
telescopic sights, etc. Rept. Chief of Ord.. feed), metal carriage for Catling gun. p. 671.
1900. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1885. (C)
Moon. Henr\' Buckman (U.S. M. A., 1880). Army Objections to present method of making,
regulations. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S.. vol.
purchases. Rept.Chief of Ord., 1890, p.m. (C)
14, P- 739- (A)
Moore, Charles Erastus (U. S. M. A., 1865). Died Manufacture of small-caliber barrels of,

Dec 5, 1885, aged 44. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. steel. Rept.Chief of Ord., 1892, p. 329. (C)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S6. (A) -Steel for gun barrels, specimen tested to
Moore, Clifton K. (of Illinois). Member of obtain suitable, p. 202; Action on Houch maga-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1882. zine rifle, p. 206; Action on Philips magazine
rifle, p. 206; Action on Greeves magazine rifle,
Moore. Harr>- De Witt (U. S.M. A., 1872). Died
p. 207; .\ction on MuUin' s magazine rifle, p.
May 9, 1S7S, aged 29. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1878. (A) 207; Austrian Arms Manufacturing Company,
action on, p. 208; t,ardo-Barri magazine rifle,
Moore, James Seaborn (U. S. M. A., 1829). Died
action on, p. 20S; Action on Teall magazine rifle,
July 25. 1S69, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
p. 209; Burton magazine rifle, action on, p. 209;
Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S1, (A)
Action on H. Blake's, p. 209; Friend's maga-
Moore, Samuel D. J. (D. S. M. A., 1837). Remedy zine action on, p. 209: Action on Harris
for existing evils, social and political, and magazine rifle, p. 210; Machine illustrating
necessarily, a prevention of all conflicts be- manufacture of small arms at Columbian Ex-
tween capital and labor. 1S7S. position, p. 210; Specifications for ofl&cers'

Moore. Tredwell (U.S. M.A., 1S47). Died May quarters at Springfield Armory, p. 219; Fuse
29, 1S76. aged 51. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. punches, material required for fabrication of
Grads. U.S. M.A.. 1S76. (A) 1,000, p. 54S. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1893. (C)

H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2— vol 2 21

322 Centennial of United States Military Academy,
Mordecai. Alfred. Report of operations at Morrison, Charles Clifford and Ayres, James
Springfield Armory. Repts. Chief of Ord., Cooper (U. S. M. A.. 1S71). Modern guns and
1895, 1896, 1S97. mortars adopted in the U. S. land service . . .

Report of firings with magazine rifle and Washington, 1895. vol.,0. [Art. Circ I, ser.

carbine, caliber .30. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1897. 1893.] (A)

Report of operations at the Watervliet Morrison. James Campbell (U. S. M. A., 1868).

Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., iSgS. Died May 4, aged 25. Obituary in Ann.
Member of board on uniform caliber for A.'isoc. Grad.s. U. S. M. A., 1S71. (A)
small arms, etc., for Army, Na\'y, and Marine Morrison. John (U. S. M. A.. 1896). Died Jan.
Corps. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1899. iS. 1901, aged 30. Obituary and portrait in Ann.
Ordnance and gunner>-, U. S. M. A.. No. 5. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1901. (A)
I pam., O. [n. d., 18—.] (A) Morrison, John Frank (U. S. M. A., 1881). Com-
Report on electrical interrupter. Ord. ment on Reform in paper work in Q. M. D.
Note 46, vol. 2, p. 303. (A) Jour. Mil. Sen'. Inst. U. S., vol. 16. p. 572. (A)
Morell, George Webb (U. S. M. A., 1835). Died Morrison, John Jar\'in (of Indiana). Member of
Feb. 12, 1S83, aged 6S. Engraving (by A. H. Board of Visitors to U. ft. M. A. in 1854.
Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Morton. Alexander Logan (U. S. M. A., 1S68).
Morflt. Campbell (of Maryland). Member of Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S57. Morton, Charles (U. S. M. A., 1869). History of
Moreran. Charles Hale (U. S. M. A., 1S57). Died the Third Regiment of Cavalry [an abridg-
Dec. 20, 1875, aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. ment of Captain Morton's Historical sketch of
Grads. V. S. M. A., 1876. (A) the Third Cavalry]. Hist. V. S. Army, pp.
Morgan, George Horace (U. S. M. A. 18S0). Re- 193-210. (A)
volvers and their caliber. Jour. Cav. Assoc, Morton, James St. Clair (U.S. M. A., 1S51). Died
1SS9, p. 20S. (A) June 17, 1864. aged 35. Paper submitted to the
Comment on A walking horse. Jour. Cav. Board of Visitors U. S. M. A., 1857. In Cong.
Assoc, 1890, p. III.(A) Doc. 920, pp. 204-218. [A severe criticism of the
Morgan. Henry S. M. A., 1897).
Sinis<U. Died course of civil and military engineering at the
Aug. 31, 189S, aged 24. Obituary in Ann. Assoc, Academy and suggestions for its improve-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) ment.] (A)
Morgan. John T. (of Alabama). Member of Memoir on the dangers and defenses of
Board of Visitors of U. .S. M. A. in 187S. New York City. Washington. 1S3S.
Morgan, Michael Ryan (U. S. M. A,. 1S54). Re- ... A new plan for the fortification . . .

ports as Comniissarj'-General U. S. Army, 1S94- of the seacoast of the United States. Wash-
ington, 1858. I vol.. O.. pp. 105. (A)
Morgan. Thomas J. (of Nebraska). Member of Memoir on American In fortifications.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., in 1874. Ann. Rept. Sec. War, 1S59, p. 452. (C)
Morrill, Justin S. (of Vermont). Member of Life and services of Maj. John Sanders, of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iSSi. the Engineers. Pittsburgh, 1S61.
MorriB, B. F. (of Illinois). Member of Board of Morton. O. P. (of Indiana). Member of Board of
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 183S. Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S71.
Morris, Thomas Armstrong (U. S. M. A., 1834). Mosher, X,. F. (of Oregon), Member of Board
Engraving (by George E. Perine) owned by of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1884.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Moss. James Alfred (U. S. M. A., 1894). Mem-
Morris. William Hopkins (U. vS. M. A., 1851). ories of the campaign of Santiago, 1898. San
Died Aug. 26, 1900, aged 73. Obituary and por- Francisco, 1S9S. pam., bound, Q. (A)

trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S, M. A., 1901. A sketching board. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
(A) U. S., vol. 20, p. 564. (A)
Assistant editor New York Home Journal. , translator.Organization and use of the
1S54-1861. cyclist service in France. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Field tactics for infantn,'. New York, Inst. U. S., vol. 23, p. 485: (A)
1864. I vol., O., p. 146. (A) Mott, Seward (U. S. M. A.. 1886). Died Mar. 12,
Morrison, Charles Clifford (U. S. M. A., 1871). 1887, aged 25. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Died May 13. 1S94. aged 45, Photograph in U. S. M. A., 1887. (A)
Albums of officers' mess. Mott, Thomas Bentley (U. S. M. A., 1886). Pho-
Obituary'- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
1S94. (A) German foot artillery with horsed guns.
Cartridge supporting anvil for aiming [Translation.] Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 4, p. 501.
drill. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S1, p. 313. (C) Service of the i2-inch B. I,, mortar and
Manufacture of Howitzer, a 7-inch B. ly. 8-inch B. I,, rifle on barbette carriage. Jour.
steel, designed bj- Ordnance Board. Rept. U. S. Art., vol. 6, p. 84.

Chief of Ord.. 1887, p. 181. (C) Mott, Wallace (U. S. M. A., 1871). Photograph
Manufacture of steel forgings at Midvale inAlbums of officers' mess.
Steel Work.s. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S90, p. 343. Mowry. Sylvester U. S. M. A., ( 1852). Died Oct. 17,
(C) 1S71, aged 40. Obituary in Ann. As.soc. Grads.
translator. Position and form of bands U.S. M.A., 1872. (A)
for projectiles. Notes Constr. Ord. No. 27, vol. Arizona and Sonera ... 3d ed. ... i

2, p. I. (A) vol., O. 1S64. (A)

Tlic Wriliito^s of Graduates^ 1802- rgos. 323
MovniT. Sylvester. (»t.ograpliy, histor\'. and Myers, Frederick (V.. S. M. A., i8.)6). Died July
rt-sources of the silver re^ons of North 7, 1S74, aged 52. Obit\iar\- in Ann. Assoc.

America. Crads. V. S. M. A.. 1S75. (A)

Muir. Charles Hcnn,- (l". S. M. A..iS,S5i. His- Myera. John Edward (U. S. M. A.. 1873). Died
torical sketch of peniianeiit fortifications. May 28. 1S94, aged 45. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
A lecture ... i pam.. O. iS(j7. [U. S. Inf. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1894. (A)
and Cav. School.] (A) Myers, William (U. S. M. A., 1852). Died Nov.
Naturalization ... l'. S. Inf. and Cav. II, 1887. aged 57. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
School lectures. No. 15. Fort Leavenworth, Grads. r. S. M. A.. iSas. (A)
Kans.. 1S98. I vol.. O.. 15 pp. (A) Sfr V. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S5S, p. 41.
Sraatl arms
Jour. Mil. Ser\*. Inst.
firing. (A)
U. S., vol. 14. p. 980.(A) Naglee, Henry Morris (V. S. M. A., 1835). Died
Notes on the preparation of an infantn.- Mar. 5, 1S86, aged 72. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
soldier. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I'. S.. vol. 19, CSrads. I'. S. M. A., iS85. (A)
p. 219. (A) Correspondence, orders, etc., between
Mullan. John (U. S. M. A., i^*- Toi)OKraphicaI Gen. D. Hunter, Gen. J. C. Foster, and Gen.
memoir of Colonel Wright's campaign against H. M. Naglee, I-ebruary-March, 1863. Phila-
the Indians of Washington Territory. Wash- delphia. 1863. fn War Dept. Library.
ington, 1S59. Part taken by his brigade in Seven Pines
Report on the construction of a niilitarj* battle, 1862. In War Dept. I^ibrary.
road from Fort Walla Walla to Fort Benton. Part taken by his brigade in Seven Days
Washington, 1S63. <>. Explorations and Sur- Battle, 1S63. In War Dept. I.ibrarj-.
veys. (A) Nast, Rev. Wilhani, D. D. [.\ssistant librarian
Miners and travellers' guide to Oregon. U. S. M. A., 1S30-1S32.]
Washington. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Negus, Charles (of Iowa). Member of Board of
Colorado, -^na the Missouri and Columbia Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S55.
rivers . . . New York 1865. i vol.. O. (A) NeiU. Thomas Hewson (U. S. M.A.. 1S47). Died
MuUay. John C. (of Tennessee). Member of Mar. 12. 1S85, aged 59. Photograph in ,\lbunis
Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iSjiy. of officers' mess.
Mumford, Ferdinand Suydam (U.S. M. A., 183S). Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Died Oct. aged 54. Obituarj-
i, 1S72, in Ann. 1885: Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 70
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S73. (A) (1885), p. 979. (A)
Munsell. Oliver S. (of Illinois). Member of Commandant of cadets. U. S. M. A., 1875-
Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S63. 1879.
Munton. Charles Harold (U. S. M. A.. 1898). Nelson, Anderson D. (U. S. M. A., 1841). Died
Died Feb. 11, 1900, aged 23. Obituary in Ann. Dec. 30, 1SS5. aged 68. Photograph in Albums
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900. (A) of officers' mess.
Murat. Achille (of Florida). Member of Board Obituary' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. .S. M. A.,
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S34. 1S.S6. (A)
Murfee, Col. James T. (of Alabama). Member Nelson, John. Member of Board of Visitors to
of Board of Visitors to 1'. S. M. A. in 1891. U.S. M.A. in 1831.
Murphy. William Louis (U. S. M. A., 1898.) Nesmith, J. W. (of Oregon). Member of Hoard
Died Aug. 13, 1900. aged 25. Obituan,- and por- of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1,866.

trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. Newcomb, Francis Day (U. S. M. A.. 1824). Died
(A) Nov. 28. 1.872. aged 71. Obituary' iH Ann. .\ssoc.
Miirray. Arthur (U. S. M. A.. 1874). Course of Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S73. (A)
instruction for artiller>' gunners. Mathe- Special correspondent, at Havana, Cuba,
matics . Prepared for publication under
. .
of the New York Journal of Commerce, 1847-
direction of John M. Schofield ... by
. . .
. . . I'asker H. Bliss Washington, 1893. . . .
Newcomb, Warren Putnam (U. S. M. A., 1SS2).
ipam.,0. fQ.l Art. Circ. H.June 1. 1S93. (A) Notice of Cronkhite's Gunnery for noncom-
Review of Instructions for courts-martial. missioned officers. Jour. V .S. Art., vol. 2, p. 30S.

Jour. IMil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p. 553. (A) Newcomer, Henry Clay (U. S. M. A., 1886).
Comment on Neutrality laws of the Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
United States. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., ment of Mississippi River, third district.
vol. 15, p. 534. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 3725; 1899, p. 3537.
Murray, Daniel (of Ma.ssachusetts). Member of (A)
Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 183S. Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1S98. p. 3370. (A)
Murray, Edward (f. S. M. A.. 1.S41). Died July
3. 1S74, aged 54. Triangulation, p. 20; Astro- NewTnan. John (of Vermont ) . Member of Board
nomical observations, sec. 4. p. 26. U. S. Coast of Visitors to U.S. M.A. in iS66.

Suri-ey Rept., 1S46. (A) Newrman.Rev. John P.(Chaplainof U.S. Senate).

Mushat, John (of North Carolina). Member of Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A in 1836. 1870.

Myers, Abraham C. (U. S. M. A., 1833). Died Newton, John (U. S. M. A., 1842). Died May :.
June 20, 1SS9. aged 78. Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc. 1895. aged 72. Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1890. (A) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
J 24
Cciiioinial of United States Military Aeadetny,

Newton, John. Obitnan,- and portrait in Ann. Newton, John. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for
Assoc. Orads. U. S. M. A 1R95. (A) ,
the improvement of Ivong Island coast. Rept.
Ohituan.-/«Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. Chief of Eng.. 1878, pp. 425-427; 1879, p. 403.
4. P- ^33- (C)
Ill memoriam. In Twenty-fifth reunion New Town Creek. N. Y. Rept.
of the Army of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Chief of Eng., 1S78, pp. 42S, 429; 1880, p. 511;
Tenn., September, 1S95, p. 156. Cincinnati. 1881, p. 636; 1S82, p. 662: 1S86. p. 96. (C)
1S96. (A) Flushing Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- of Eng., 1S78, p. 430; 1879, pp. 62, 385. 387; 1886,
provement of Hudson River between Troy p. 661; ]SS7. p. 634; 1892, p. 722. (C)
and New Baltimore, N. Y. Kept. Chief of Passaic River. N. J. Rept. Chief of
Eng.. 1866, vol. 3, p. 21; 1866, vol. 4. pp.213, 21S, Eng., 1879, p. 392. (C)
219; 1S67, pp. 442, 44^-447; :S6S, pp. 7ir, 71S, 719; Canarsie Bay. N. Y. Rept. Chief
i?79. P- 369- (C) of Eng.. 1879, P- 40°; 1S80, p. 84; 18S2, p. 670.
Hudson River. Rept. Chief of (C)
Eng.. 1R66, vol. 4. pp. 21S, 219: 1S75. vol. 2,pp. Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief
215. 219; 1876, vol. I. p. 244; 1S77, p. 245. (C) of Eng.. 1879. p. 400; 1886. pp. 743, 745. (C)
East River, N. Y. Rept. Chief Buttermilk Channel, New York
of Eng., tS68, pp. 65, 66, 730, 738. 741. 742. 745; Harbor. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 506; 1881,

1S70, pp.437, 438; 1872. p. 803; 1874, vol. 2, p. 164; p. 629; 1886, p. 721. (C)
1S7.S, vol. 2, p. 202; 1876. vol. I, p. 243. (O South River, N. J. Rept. Chief of
Harbor, Hudson River, Eng., 18S0, pp. 522. 523; 1S87, p. 773. (C)
N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S69, pp. 56. 393; Cheesequakes Creek, N.J. Rept.
1872, pp. 811, S12; 1S79. p. 374; iSSo, p. 495; 1SS6, Chief of Eng., pp. 525. 527; 1882, p. S60;

p. 671. (C) I'SSs. p. 743; 1887. p. 743. (C)

Plattsburg Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Bergen Neck. N, J., ship canal
Chief of Eng.. 1S70. pp. 222, 224; 1S72, p. 271; across, Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S0, pp. 530,
1S79.P- 395: 1S77. P- 253- (C) 532. tC)
Burlington Harbor, Vt. Rept. Chief Passaic River, N. J., below Newark.
of Eng., 1S71. pp. 53, 255; 1874. vol. I. p. 275; Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S80. p. 537; 1884, p. 741.
1875, vol. I. p. 353; T876, vol. I. p. 258. (C) (C)
Otter Creek, Vt. Rept. Chief of Gowanus Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1S72, pp. 49, 273, 277; 1874, vol. I, p. 276; Eng., 1881.P. 636. (C)
1S75, vol. I, p. 355; 1876. vol. I, p. 260; 1877, p. Sumpawanus Inlet, N. Y. Rept.
254; 1879. P- 399: 1^81, p. 725. (C) Chief of Eng., iSSi. p. 655; 1892, p. 864. (C)
Passaic River, N. J., above Newark. Bronx River. N. Y. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1872, pp. 805. 807; 18S0, Eng., 1881, pp. 666, 667. (C)
p. 536: 1886, p. 79-. (C) Hempstead Harbor and Bay, N. Y.
Port Chester Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S81. p. 668. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S72, p. 809; 1&74, vol. 2, p. 167; Cornell's Landing and Jamaica
i'^75. vol. 2, p. 222; TS77. p. 250; 1886, p.652. (C) Bay, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, p. 673.
East Chester Creek, N. Y. Rept. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1872, p. S12. 815; 1S73, p. 939; Patchogue River, N. Y. Rept. Chief
1877, p. 249; 18S6, p. 663. (C) of Eng., 1881, pp. 674. 675. (C)
- Swanton Harbor, Vt. Rept. Chief Raritan River, N. J.
- Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1873, pp. 397, 398: i874.vol.r.p. 275: 1879. of Eng., 1882, p. 675; 1886, p. 770. (C)
p. 397; 1882. pp. 65. 710. (C) Miniscenongo Creek, N, Y. Rept.
Rouses Point Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1884. p. 715. (C)
Chief of Eng.. 1873. p. 403. (C) Saugerties Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Keyport Harbor, N. J . Rept. Chief Chief of Eng., 1884. p. 716; 1885, p. 699; 1886, p.
of Eng., 1873, p. 942; 1S84, p. 759; 18S7, p. 776; 669; 1887, p. 662. (C)
1891, p. 1002. (C) Peekskill Harbor, on Hudson River,
Stateu Island and Newjersey. Rept. N Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1884, p. 719. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1873, pp. 944, 945; 1S76, vol. i, p. Report upon the results of firings to de-
251; 1879, p. 64. (C) termine the pressure of the blast from 15-inch
Harlem River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of smooth-bore guns made at Staten Island, New
Eng., 1874, vol. 2, pp, 165, 173; 1875, vol. 2, pp. 220, York Harbor, in 1872 and 1873. O. Washing-
236, 237; 1876, vol. I, pp. 245,246; 1877, p. 248; 1SS4. ton, 1S74. ^ff Gillmore (Q. A.): Misc. Papers.
p. 705; 18S5. p. 676; 1886, p. 674: 18S7, p. 668. (C) No. I.
Raritan River at and below New Modern explosives. In North Amer. Rev.,
Brunswick, N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S74. vol. 137, Noveiuber, 1SS3.
vol. 2. p. 179; 1S7S, p. 41Q: 1S79. pp. 393. 394- Reports of the Chief of Engineers, 1884-
(C) 1S86.
Harbor, (New Rochelle),
Echo Further recollections of Gettysburg. In
N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S76, vol. 1, pp. North Amer. Rev., vol. 152, March, 1891.
264, 265; 1878, p. 420; 1879, pp. 389, 390; 1881, p. See Boards — Newton; Bache, 3; Barnard,
645; 1886. pp. 654, 656; 18S7, pp. 624, 626; 1892, p. 4; Cram, i, 2; Macomb, 2, 32, 34; Simpson, 3;
706. CO Tower, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
Tlic IVn'ffjio-s of Graduaics, iSo2-igo2. 325
19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 2(>, 27, 2S, 30, 31; Wood- Northrop, I.ucitis Ballingcr (U. S. M. A., 1831).
niff, 5, 6. 9; Wriglit, i. 2. (A) Died l-eb. 9, 1894, aged 83. Obituary /// Ann.
Nicholls. Kraiicis Rcddin Tillou {IT. S. M. A., Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A)
1855). Photograpli owned by Assoc. Grads. Norton, William Augustus (T. S. M. A., 1831).
U. S. M. A. (A) Died Sept. 21, 1S.S3, aged 73. Obttiian,' in Ann.
Nichols. Francis T. Member of Board of Visitors Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1884; Biog. Mem. Nat.
to r. S. M. A. in 1SS6. Acad. Sci., vol. 2, p. 189. (A)
Nichols. Thomas Brainard (U. S. M. A., 1872). Elementary treatise on astronomy. 1839.
I.ecciones para la Artellia y los Estados First liook on natural philosophy. 1858.
Mayores. A work in Spanish, still in use in Several memoirs on terrestrial magnet-
the Colombian army. 3 vols. ism, comets, and other scientific subjects.
Nichols. William Augustus (U. S. M. A.. 1S3S). Norvell. John. Meml)er of Board cf Visitors to
Died Apr. S. 1S69. aged 51. Comment on U. S.M. A. in 1833.
Smith's Post instruction. Jour. Cav. Assoc. Noyes. Charles Rutherford (t^. S. M. A., 1879).
1S90. p. II. (A)
I Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Nicklin. V. H. (of Pennsylvania). Member of The infantr>' drill regulations, etc. Jour.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1828. Mil. Serv. Inst. U.S., vol. 16, p. 309. (A)
Nicodemus. William Joseph Leonard (U. S. Nye, James W. (of Nevada). Member of Board
M. A.. 185S). Died Jan. 6. 1879. aged 44. Obit- of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1865.

uar>' itt Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1879. O'Brien, Alonzo (U. S. M. A., 1879). Died
Reports as Acting Chief Signal Officer, Dec. 12, 1SS6, aged 31. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
1863-64. Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1887. (A)
Histon.' of the science of hydraulics. A O'Brien, Rev. Frank A. (of Michigan). Member
paper . . . Madison, Wis.. 1874. i pam., O. of Board of Visitors to l". S. M. A. in 1891.
(A) O'Brien, John PaulJones{ U.S. M. A.. 1836). Died
Railway gauges . . . ipaiu.,0. 1S74. (A) Mar. 3!, 1S50, aged 38. Treatise on American
The Wisconsin River improvement . . . niilitan,' laws and the practice of courts-mar-
I pam., O. 1874. (A) tial. Philadelphia, 1846. i vol., O., pp. 570. (A)
Nicola, I.ewis (commandant
the Corps of of O'Brien, Michael James (U. M. A.. 1885). Died
Invalids and ex-officio Chief of the Military Sept. 16. iSqS, aged 35. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Academy at the .\rmy. 1777 et seq.). Easy Grads. U.S. M. A., 1S99. (A)
method of preser\'ing subjects in spirits. Militar>' policy and institutions compiled
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, vol, i, p. 314. (A) from Jomini's .A.rt of war, and Von derGoltz's
L'Ingenieur de campague. or Field Engi- The nation in arms . . . Fort Leavenworth,
neer, written in French by the Chevalier de 1S94. I pam., O. (.1)
Clairac and translated by Maj. I,ewis Nicola. O'ComielJ, John James (U. S. M. A., 1S92).
Copper plates. Phila,, 1776, i v., O., pp. 2564 . Kriegsspiel of Vinturinus. Jour. Mil. Serv.
(A) Inst. U. S.. vol. 4. p. 418. (A)
A treatise of military exercise calculate<l , translator. Von der Goltz's .Science in
for the use of Americans. Phila., 1776?, i v. military life. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I'. S., vol. 5,
Register of the officers in the Army 1779- p. 56. (A)
80. 1 vol., F., MS., pp. 142. [.\U its essential Battle of Waterloo. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
facts are embodied in the registers of Heit- U. S.. vol. 8, p. 197. (A)
man, Hamersly and Powell.] (A) Civil war in Chile. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst.
Writes to Washington suggesting that he U.S., vol. (A)
13. p. 75**.
be King (1782). Irving's Washington, vol. 4, Armies of Europe. Jour. Mil. Sen.-. Inst.
p.401. (A) U.S., vol. 14, p. 1225: vol.15, PP.52-2S1. (A)
Washington's letter to Nicola of May 22, O'Connor. Charles Wallon (U. S. M. A, 1873).
1782, p. 21; Nicola's letter to \V*ashington on the History- of the Eighth Regiment of Cavalry.
instability of republics summarized, p. 23. Hist. U. S. Army, pp. 268-279. (A)
Writings of George Washington, vol. 10. (A) Ogden, Rev. A. N. (of Louisiana). Member of
Noah. Sanniel (U. S. M. A., 1807). Died Mar. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1876.
10, iS7i,aged92. Obituary ///Ann. Assoc. Grads. Ogden. Charles Cornell (U.S.M.A., 1S91). Died
U. S. M. A., 1871. (A) July 20. 1S93, aged 25. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc.
Noble. Henry Beach (U. S. M. A., 1861). Died Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1S94. (A)
Apr. 4. iSy8, aged 61. Photograph in Albums of
Ogle. Alexander (U.S. M. A., 1872). Died Aug. 8,
officers' mess.
1891.aged 42. Obituary in Ann. Assoc, (irads.
Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
U.S. M.A.. 1S92. (A)
189S. (A)
Nolan, James Eugene (U. S. M. A., 18S6). Died Ogle. Capt. .\Ifred M. (of Indiana). Member of
Dec. 5, 1898, aged 38. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S92.

Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) Oliver, Henry K. {of Massachusetts). Member

Norris. Charles E. (U. S. M. A., 1851). Died of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1847.
Oct. 31, 1875, aged 48. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Onderdonk. Benjamin T. (of New York). Mem-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S76. (A) ber of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1840.
Northrop* Birdsey G. (of Massachusetts). Mem- O'Neal. Edward A. (of Alabama). Member of
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1863. Board of Visi.^.j to U. S. M. A. in 188S.
326 Ccntoinial of United States Military Academy,
Ord. Edward Otho Cresap (U. S. M. A.. 1839). Overman. Lewis Cooper. Project. i)lan, estimate,
Died July 22. 188,^. aged 65. Portrait {oil paint- etc., for the improvement of Fairport Harbor,

ing). Presented by Judge Ord to Alumni As- Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S90, P.27S2. (C)
sociation. In memorial hall. Ashtabula Harbor,
Rept. Ohio.
Engraving (by J. C. Euttre) owned by Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 2785; 1S91, p. 2864. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A. Grand River, Ohio. Rept. Chief of
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Eng.. 1892. p. 2514. (C)
1S84; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 67 Texas to Fort Yuma, Cal., outline map
(1S83), p. 804. (A) showing a new route from, for cattle droves
I.etters to Generals Ord
Sherman (W.T.): and trains en route to California.
and Augur. Important historical letters, in See Boards— King, 3; Macomb, 33; McFar-
North Amer. Rev., vol. 143, July, 1SS6. (A) land. I. (A)
Some more war letters, addressed to Gen. Overton, Winfield Scott (U.S.M.A., 1897). War-
W.T. Sherman. In North Alner, Rev., vol. 144, ships and seacoast batteries operations of the
April, 1S87. (A) American squadron at Santiago de Cuba.
Osborne, William Headley U. S. M. A.. 1S91). ( [Translation from Revue d'Artillerie.] Jour.
Died Aug. 23, 1S98, aged 28. Obituary and por- U. S. Art., vol. 13, p. 177.
trait /« Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) Translation of Deligny's Infantry under
Osgood. Charles Henry (U.S.M.A., 1883). Died German artillery' fire. Jour, U. S. Art., vol. 16,

May I. 1886, aged 29. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. pp. 180, 279.

Grads. U.S. M. A., 1886. (A) Owens, W. A. (of South Carolina), Member of
Ostheim. Louis (U. S. M.A.. 1883). Died Apr. 8, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1858.
1900, aged 40. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Oyster, Joseph Shillington (U. S. M. A., 1874).
U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Photograph /// Albums of officers' mess.
Otis, Klmer (U. S. M. A., 1853). Died Aug. 18. Paddock., George Hussey (U. S, M. A., 1873).
1897, aged 67. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. Saddling, p. 81; Mounted pistol practice, p. 297,
U. S. M. A.. 1S98. (A1 Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S92. (A)
O'TooIe. William David (U.S. M. A., 1865). Died Page, John. Member of Board of Visitors to
27, 1S97, aged —
Oration, pronounced
. U. S. M. A. in 1831 and in 1838.
before the U. S. corps of cadets, on the 4th day Page, John E- (of Virginia), Member of Board
of July, 1864. New York, 1864. i vol., 0..pp. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1838.
14. (A) Page, L. R- (of Mississippi). Member of Board
Outhwaite, Joseph H. (of Ohio). Member of of AMsitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S59.
Board of Visitors to U. .S. M. A. in 1892. Pague, Samuel Speece (U. S. M. A., 1876). Died
Overman, Lewis Cooper (U. S. M. A., 1865}. Died July 7. 1899. aged 44. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
May S, 1S99, aged 56. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Grads. I'. S. M. A.. 1899. (A) Paine, Eleaser A. (U. S. M. A., 1839). Died Dec.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- 16, 1S82, aged 67. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
provement of Oostenaula and Coosa wattee Grad.s. U. S. M. A.. 1S83. (A)

rivers, Ga. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, vol.

Paine. William Cushing U. S. M. A., 1858), Died
5S2.5S3; 1875, vol. I. p. 794; 18S0. p. 1693. (C) Sept. 14, 1SS9, aged 55. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
Caney Fork River, Tenii. Rept. Grads. U. S. M. A., (A)
Chief of Kug.. 1879, pp. 1275, 1277; 1SS3, p. 1500; Palfrey. Carl Follen (U. S. M. A., 1870).
. Proj-
18S7. p. 1767. (C) ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the , improvement
Obeys River, Teun. Rept. Chief of of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Eng.. 1879. pp. 1275, 1279; 1884, p. 1652. (C) 1889, pp. 338, 2436. (C)
Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Sodus Harbor (Great), N. Y. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1885. p. 2151; 18S8, pp. 2004. 2006. Chief of Eng., pp. 2413, 2414. (C)
(C) Oswego, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Toledo Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief 1889, p. 2421. (C)
of Eng.. 1887, pp. 2294, 2295, 2296. (C) Genesee River, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Sandusky City Harbor, Ohio, Rept. of Eng., 18S9, p. 2425. (C)
Chief of Eng., 18S7, pp. 2337, 2339; 1 888. pp. 1991, Irolideq\loit Bay, l,akeOntario,N. Y.
1993. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S89, p. 2426. (C)
Rocky River Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Troutburg Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 188S, p. 2001. (C) Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 2427. (C)
Couneaut Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief Salmon River, Lake Ontario, N. Y.
of E"g., 188S. p. 2015; 1889, p. 2341; 1892, p. 2519. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 2427. (C)
(C) Krontberg, N. Y., harbor of refuge
Cowles Creek, Ohio. Rept. Chief of at. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 2427. (C)
Eng.. 1889, p. 2336. (C) Black River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of
Chagrin River, near Willoughby. Eng., 1889, p. 2432. (C)
Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 2337. (C) Mississippi River (study of early
Monroe Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief maps). Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 3703. (A)
of Eng.. 1SS9, p. 2339. (C) Report of operations. Mississippi River
Huron Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief Commission. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p.
of Eng.. 1S90, p, 2773; 1892, p. 2498. (C) 3.S74. (A)
The Writings of Graduates^ 1802-1(^02. 327
Palftrey. Edward Augustus (T. S. M. A., 1H51). Parke, John (irubb. Extracts from the reports
Died Mar. 19, 1901, aged 71. Obituary and por- of decisions of the Supreme Court of the United
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. States, concerning navigable waters, riparian
(A) proprietors, bridges, boundaries between
Palfrey. Gen. F. \V. (of Massachusetts). Mem- States,eminent domaiu, title to certain lots in
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S84. Washington City, and contracts. O., pp. 264.
Palmer. Innis Newton {V. S. M. A., 1S46). Died Washington, 1882.
Sept. 9, 1900, aged 76. Obituary and portrait Laws
of the United States relating to the
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A) construction of bridges over navigable water.s
Palmer. John McAuley (t*. S. M. A.. 1S92). Ora- of the United States, from Mar. 2, 1S05, to Mar.

tion delivered before the U. S. corps of cadets 3, iS8i. Washington, 1SS2.

O., pp. 139.
July 4. iSgi. 12°. pani. West Point, 1S91. See Extracts from opinions of Attorneys-Gen-
West Point. Fourth of July oration, 1S91, eral of the I'nited States concerning acquisi-
Railroad building as a mode of warfare. tion of land; bridges; cession of jurisdiction;
North Amer. Rev., 1902. (A) contracts; harbor improvements [etc.]. O.,
The traction problem in I,akeport. MS. PP- 350- Washington, 1SS2.
1902. See Boards— Parke. (A)
The good roads question in Winnebago. Parke, John Spr>' (U.S. M. A.,iS79). Civil juris-
MS. 1902. diction over military resen-ations. Jour. Mil.
Pardee. Julius Hayden (U. S. M. A., 1S71). Died Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 17. p. 522. (A)
July 13, 1900, aged 52. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Parker, Francis H. (U. S. M. A., 1861). Died Feb.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1901. (A) 22, 1S97, aged 59. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
Park, Roswell (U. S. M. A.. 1831). Died July 16. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S97. (A)
1S69, aged 62. A sketch of the history and Powder depot, Piccatinny, report of prin-
topography of West Point and the U. S. M. A. cipal operations, 1S81. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
. . Philadelphia, 1S40. i vol.. O., 140 pp. (A)
. 18S1, p. 74. (C)
Pantologj-. or a systematic survey of Piccatinny powder depot, description of
human knowledge. 1541. site, water power, etc. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Handbook for American travelers in iSSi, p. 74; 18S2, p. 102. (C)
Europe. 1S53. Tests of, Whitworthsteel, for 8-inch B. L.
Jerusalem, and other poems. 1S57. rifles and
12-inch rifled mortars, p. 9; Rifle,
Parke. John Grubb yV. S. M. A.. 1S49). Died 3.2-inch B. L., report of manufacture, p. 509.
Dec. 16, 1900. Portrait (oil painting by Hinck- Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS4. (C)
ley, 1S94). Presented by V. S. M. A. In cadet Report on fabrication of 3.2-inch steel field
mess hall. guns. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S86, p. 453. (C)
Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie) owned bj- Siege gun-construction report on a 5-inch
Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A. B. L. steel experimental, p. 173; Siege, experi-
Photograph in Albums of officers" mess. mental, description and fabrication of, rifle,
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. 5-inch B. L., p. 173; Annealed steel cylinders,
M. A., 1901. (A) report on initial strains in, p. 391; Report of
Twenty-second Superintendent from Aug. experiments with steel cylinders, p. 391. Rept.
28, 1887, to June 24. 1S89. Reports as Supt. U. S. Chief of Ord., 1SS7. (C)
M. A., 18S7-1SS9. Objections to present method of making
Maps of the Territory- of New Mexico. purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS9. p. 99; 1S90,
I map (25J4x39j^ in.), folded. (A) p. 114; 1S91, p. 104.
Zoological report, thirty-second parallel. Watervliet Arsenal, progress of work on
In Reports of explorations for a railroad . . . gun facton,'. p. 134; Storehouse transformed
route from the Mis.sissippi River to the Pacific into projectile foundry at Water\-liet Arsenal,
Ocean. 1S53-1S55. vol. 10; aliO Routes in Cali- p. 13S; Projectiles manufactured at Watervliet
fornia, etc. I,
A I Arsenal, p. 139; Progress of work on field and
Report of explorations for that portion of seacoast guns at Water\'liet Arsenal, p. 140;
a railway route near the thirty-second par- Removalof old buildings at Water\'liet.\rsenal,
allel, lying between Dona Ana on the Rio p. 141; Gun carriages and ecpiipments manu-
Grande and Pimas villages on the Gila. 1S54. factured at Watervliet Arsenal, p. 141; State-
Reports of explorations for a railroad . . . ment of expenditures at Watervliet Arsenal,
from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, p. 142; Specifications for steam-power plant at
1853-1S55, vol. 2; Pacific R. R. Repts., vol. 2. Watervliet Arsenal, p. 143; Watervliet Arsenal
(A) specifications for appliances for transmission
Report of explorations for railroad routes of power, p. 149; Water\-liet Arsenal Specifica-
from San Francisco Bay to l,os Angeles. Cal., tions for leather belting, p. 154; Specifications
west of the Coast Range, and from the Pimas for steam-heating plant at Water\']iet Arsenal,
villages on the Gila to the Rio Grande near p. 155; Lathes at Waten.-liet Arsenal, specifica-
the thirty-second parallel. 1854-1855. Pacific tions for, p. 161; Machine for threading and
R. R. Repts., vol. 7. slotting Waten-'liet Arsenal for guns, p. 173.
I^awsof the United States relating to pub- Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S90. (C)
lic works for the improvement of rivers and Improvements of river channel at Water-
harbors, from Aug. 11. 1790. to Aug. 14, 1S76. vliet Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1891, p. 125.
Washington, 1S77. (C)
32S Coitriniial (ff United Stairs Military Academy,
Parker. Francis H. Watervliet Arsenal report Parkhurst, Charles Dyer. Translation of Bor-
of principal operations for 1S91. p. 122; Water- denhorst's Mountain artillery in Europe.
vliet Arsenal report of principal operations, Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U.S.. vol. 11, pp. 611-789.
1892. p. 35S; Machinery' to be put in Watervliet Education of the soldier. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Arsenal, p. 359; Progress of gun work at Water- (A)
Inst. U. S., vol. II. p. 946; vol. 12, p. 64.
Manufacture of field car-
vliet Arsenal, p. 361; Comment on Military gj-mnastics. Jour.
riages at Watervliet Arsenal, p. 362; Waten'Uet Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 12, p. 666. (A)
Arsenal, paving roads with granite blocks, p. Comment on Seacoast ammunition .service.
362. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S92. (C) Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol, 13, p. 122. (A)
Tests of iron and steel and other materials Parks, Martin Philip (U. S. M. A.. TS26). Pro-
for industrial purposes ( letter of transmittal of fessor of geography, historj*. and ethics. 1840-
report only). 1S44. No. 2261, doc. 4. (C) 1846.
Plan for moving heavy ordnance. Ord. Parmerter, Alnion I^ee (U. S. M. A., 18S5). Field
Note 24, vol. I, p. 131. (A) works in military operations. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Tables of fire. Ord. Note 36, vol. i,p.227. Inst. U. S., vol. 14, p. 1182. (A)
(A) Parrott, John H. Member of Board of Visitors
Pai-ker. James (U. S. M. A.. 1S76). An easily to U. S. M. A. in 1825.

constructed canvas boat. Jour. Cav. Assoc, Parrott, Robert Parker (U. S. M. A., 1824).
1891, p. 91. (A) Died Dec. 24, 1S77, aged 73. Obituary in Ann.
Cavalry extended-order formations, p. 61; Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 187S. (A)
One way of conducting a forced march, p. Memoir of (by Frederick De Peyster).
180. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1894. (A) pam, 0., 1878. (A)
Reduced targets for known-distance fir- Facts as to hooped guns . , . New York,
I pam., O. (A)
ing. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S96, p. 165. (A) 1S62.
The conscription of our volunteers, p. 570; Parsons. Charles Carroll (U. S. M. A., 1861).
The officeringandarmingof volunteers, p. 650. Died Sept. 7, 1S7S, aged 40. Photograph i«
/w North Amer. Rev., vol. 166 (1898). (A) Albums of officers' mess.
Musketr>' training; its value. Jour. Mil. Obituary iji Ann. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Sen.*. Inst. U. S.. vol. 14, p. 61. (A) 1S79. (A)
translator, Machine guns as an aid to Secretary' of the Association of Graduates
cavalny'. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 22, p. U. S. M. A. and editor of its Annuals in 1870.
187. (A) Associate editor Memphis, Tenn., Banner
Notes on fighting in the Philippines. of the Church, 1871-72.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 27, p. 317. Partridge. Alden (U. S. M. A., 1806). Died Jan.
Parker, John Henr\' (U. S. M. A., 1S92). His- 17, 1854, aged 69. Crayon portrait in office of
Supt. U.S. M.A.
tory of the gatling-gun detachment, Fifth
Steel engraving (by H. W. Smith), [In a
Army Corps, at Santiago Kansas City, . . .

blue uniform coatee with three rows of bell

189S. I vol., O. (A)
buttons; cadets then wore only one row.] (A)
Tactical organization and uses of machine
guns in the field Kansas City, 1899. ivol.,
. .
Professor of mathematics, U. S. M. A., Apr.

13 to Sept. 1, 1S13.
O. (A)
The machine gun arms. Jour. Mil. Serv. Professor of civil and. military engineer-
ing. U.S. M.A. 1S13-1S16. .
Inst. U. S., vol. 24, p. 232. (A)
F'ourth Superintendent from Mar. 24, 1814,
Parkhurst. Charles Dyer (U. S. M. A., 1S72).
to July 28, 1817. Repts. as Supt. U. S. M. A.,
The pistol versus the saber, p. 124; A horse's
foot, p. 222; Unshod horses, p. 411. Jour. Cav.
Obser\'ations relative to the calculation of
Assoc, 1SS9. (A)
the altitude of mountains, etc., by the use of
Comment on On pistol firing. Jour. Cav.
the barometer (Aug. 20, 1811); Inciter on the
Assoc, 1S90, p. 112. (A)
method of determining the initial velocities of
Review of Handbook of Hotchkiss 12-
projectiles (.Jan. 19, 1S12); An account of some
pounder 3-inch mountain gun (1892), p. 157;
experiments on the fire of artillery and in-
Comment on Chester's Instruction of gunners, fantry made at the Military Academy Nov. 8
p. 200; Field artillery; its organization and its
and 17, iSio, and November, 1S14; Newton's
r6Ie, p. 250; Electricity and the art of war, p.
binomial theorem — Meteorological table (April
315. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i.
to October. iSio; April to May, iSii; May to
Coast artillery fire instruction. Jour. U. S.
November, 1812; July, 1811, to May, 1S12; April
Art., vol. pp.
3, 197, 625; vol. 4, p. 73.
to December, 1S13; March to November, 1S14);
Notice of Buckley's Electric lighting
Table of the altitude of mountains calculated
plants; their cost and operation. Jour. U. S.
from barometrical observations (Navesink
Art., vol. 4, p. 159.
Highlands) — A general plan for the establish-
General table of correction of quadrant ment of additional military academies (April,
angles. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 8, p. loi. 1S15); Ivetter to the National Intelligencer
The artillery at Santiago, p. 137: Report relative to calculating heights by means of the
of operations of I^ight Battery F, Second Ar- barometer. [The foregoing in i vol., MS.,
tillery, in Santiago campaign, p. i86. Jour. owned by H. V. Partridge, Norwich, Vt., his
U. S. Art., vol. II. son.]
The JVritins^s of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 329
Partridge. Aldeii. Panii>hk-ts. 1x>iiikI in vol. i Patterson. Gen. Robert (of Pennsylvania).
National tleft-iict; Catalogues of the military Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
academy, Norwich. Vt., 1S21-22. etc. O. (A) i8So.
I^ectiire on iiatioiml defence, pp. 312-320, Patterson, Robert Emmet (U. S. M. A.. iSsi).
in Holbrook(J.): Militar>* tactics. Middle- Gen. Robert Patterson and the battle of Hull
town, 1S26. 1 vol.. O., pp.344, portrait fprofile) Run (by his son. Robert K. Patterson). Cen-
of Captain Partridge. (A) tury Mag., vol. 7 (1S84I, p. 635.
Captain Partridge's lectiirj on national Patterson, Thomas Calvin (U.S. M. A.. 1S77).
defence, i vol., O., pp. 14. (A) Died .-Vpr. I?, 1896, aged 40. Obituar>- in Ann.
Catalogue of officers and cadets ... of Assoc. Grads. i:. S. M. A., i8(/>.
the military academy at Middletown, Conn. Paul. Gabriel RenO f.S.M. A., 1S34). Died May

(1S27), pp. 51; of the military academy at Nor- 5. 18S6. aged Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
wich, Vt.. 1S22, pp. 20; 1S21. pp. 16, (A) r.S. M.A., tSS6. (A)
Report on the Northeastern boundary, Pawling, Lewis (of Pennsylvania). Member of
1819. etc.(A) Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1829.
Altitudes [in Maine]. In Citizen Soldier Paxton, Robert Glasgow (U. S. M. A., 1S87).
(newspaper). Dec. 11 and iS, 1S40. (A) Axtellite smokeless pow<ler, composition and
Tables of the altitudes of mountains in ballistic qualities of, p. 261; Ballistic work.
the States of New York. New Hampshire, and methods and appliances for, at Frankford
Vermont, etc. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, N. S.. Arsenal, p. 303. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1S93. (C)
vol. I, p. 147. (A) Payne. Brooke (U.S. M.A., 1S95). Embarkation
See r S. M. A.. 1S30.
. and disembarkation of horses at sea. Jour.
Pasco. Samuel (of Florida). Member of Board Cav. Assoc, 1S99. p. 3SS. (A)
of Visitors to U. S.M. A. in 1S97. Payne. David W. (of New York). Member of
Patrick, Marsena Randolph (U. S. M. A.. 1H35). Board of Visitors to U. S. M. 1891.
Died July 27. iSSS. aged 77. Obituarj- in Ann. Payne. John Scott (U. S. M. A., 1866). Died Dec.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSy. (A) 16, 1S95, aged 51. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Patrick, Mason Matthews (U. S. M. A., 1SS6). Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S96. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve- Editor RogersWlle, Tenn., Journal, June
ment of Mississippi River, first and second to October. 1S70.
districts. Kept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S. p. 3343. (A) Editor Knox\'ille, Tenn., Whig and Reg-
Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of ister. October to December, 1S71.
Eng., 1S99, p. 3337; 1900. p. 4557; 1901 (supp.), Payson. Albert Henry (U.S. M. A., 1S6.S). Project.
p. 41. (A) plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement of
Patten, Francis Jarvis (U. M. A., 1S77.) Died
S. Sacramento and Feather rivers, Cal. Rept.
Nov. 12, 1900. aged 48. Obituary and portrait Chief of Eng.. 1877, p. 995. (C)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A) — Colorado River of the West, Ariz.
Patten. George (U. S. M. A.. 1S47). Died Dec. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 1774. 17S0. (C)
20, iSqo. aged 64. Army Manual: Containing Yuba River, Cal. Rept. Chief of
instruction for officers in the preparation of Eng., 1SS5, p. 2374. (C)
rolls, returns, and accounts required for regi- Smiths River, Cal. Rept. Chief of
mental and company commanders (etc.). New Eng., 1SS7. p.2451. (C)
York, 1864. Crescent City Harbor, Cal. Rept.
Patten, George \V. yV. S. M. A., 1S30). Died Apr. Chief of Eng.. 1887, p. 2455. (C)
28. 1S.S2, aged 74. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. -bridge at Butte City. Cal. Rept.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S82. (A) Chief of Eng.. 18S8, p. 2652. (C)
Author of numerous poems. 1S30-1S80, —
See Boards Alexander, 7, (A)
The Seminole's reply. Peacock, James (,of Pennsylvania). Member of
Joys that we've tasted. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S36.
Voices of the border; a volume of verse. Pearce, Dutee J. (of Rhode Island). Member of
Cavaln,' drill. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S4S.
Infantr>' tactics. Pearce, Fred Anderson (U. S. M. A., 1S97). Died
Patterson, David T. (of Tennessee). Member of June 6, 1899, aged 28. Obituary* in Ann. Assoc.
Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in , 1S64. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
Pearson, Daniel Crosby (U. S. M. A., 1870).
Patterson, George Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1896).
Military notes, 1876. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1899,
Letters on target practice. Jour. U. S. Art.,
P- 295- (A)
vol. 17, p. 260.
Pease, William (U. S. M. A., 1855).
Patterson, George Thomas Tillman (U. S. M. A..
Died June aged 64. Obituary in Ann,
7, 1895,
1872). Died Aug. 14, 1S94, aged 46. Obiluarj'
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
Peck, Fremont Pearsons (U. S. M. A., 18S7).
Patterson, John J. (of South Carolina). Member
Died Feb. 19, 1S95, aged 29. Obituary ;'« Ann.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S76.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S95. (A)
Patterson, R. M. (of Virginia). Memberof Board Test of smokeless powderat Sandy Hook
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1834. proving ground, p. 395; German, lest of, pow-
Patterson, Robert. Memberof Board of Visitors der, smokeless, p. 397; Navy, test of, powder,
to U. S. M. A. in 1S19 and in 1823. smokeless, p. 398; Troisdorf, test of, powder,
330 Centennial of United States Militarv Aeademy.
smokeless, p. 399; Leonard, test of, powder, Peuningl^on. Alexander Cummings McWhorter
smokeless, p. 402; Increase of efficiency of (U. S. M. A., i860). Range table for the 5-inch
guns by using smokeless powder, p. 414; Su- B. ly. rifle. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 3. p. 606.
periority of efficiency of, rifle, 3.2-inch B. I,, Penrose, Charles B. Member of Board of Visitors
over other guus. p. 405. Rept. Chief of Ord.. to U. S. M. A. in 1S34.
1893. (C) Percival. James G. Professor of chemistry,
Peck. Fremont Pearsons. Range tables for 3.2- mineralogy, and geologj-, U. S. M. A., Mar. 4
inch field guns with shell and shrapnel. to Juh' 6, 1824.
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S94. Perrine, L. (of New Jersey). Member of Board
, translator. Effects of fire ou gun car- of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1866.
riages. Notes Constr. Ord., No. 5S, vol. 3, p. i. Perry. Alexander James (U. S. M. A., 1S51).
(A) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Peck, John James {U. .S. M. A.. 1S43). Died Apr. Perry. Alexander Wallace (U. S. M. A.. 1888).
21, 1S78, aged 57. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre) The Ninth Cavalry in the Sioux campaign of
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. 1890. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S91, p. 37. (A)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Perry. M. C. (of U. S. Navy). Member of Board
TS78. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842.
Peck, Gen. Theodore S. (of Vermont). Member Pershing. John Joseph U. S. M. A.. 1886). Notes (

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1891. ou The competitions for i8Sg. Jour. Cav.

Peck, William Guy (U. S. M. A.. 1844). Died Assoc, 18S9, p. 420. (A)
Feb. 7, 1S92, aged 71. Photograph in Albums Peterson, Matt Ransome (U. S. M. A., iS8g).
of officers' mess. Died Oct. 17, igoo, aged 34. Obituary in Ann.
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
M. A., 1892. (A) Petrekin. H. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, Board of Visitors M. A. in U. S.
in 186S. Petrikin, Reuben Winslow (U. S. M. A., 1S65).
Mathematical dictionary and encyclope- Died Oct. 15, 1882, aged 40. Obituary in Ann.
dia of mathematics. 1S55. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S3. (A)
Elements of mechanics, 1859.
Pettis, Spencer (of Missouri). Member of
Popular physics. [Translated from the
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1830.
French of Ganot.] 1859.
A complete course of mathematics, v\z, Pettit, Colville Matt (U. S. M. A., 1S86). Died
Dec. 30, 1890, aged 27. Obituary in Ann. Assoc
arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonom-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
etry, analytical geometry, and calculus. 1859-
1S7S. Pettit. James Sumner Pho- { U. S. M. A.. 1S7S).
and Davies, Charles. Popular astronomy. tograph in Albums of mess. officers'
Pegram. John (U. S. M. A., 1854). Died Feb. 6, Modern reproductive graphic processes . , ,

1865. Engraving owned by Assoc. Grads. V S. . New York, 1884. i vol., O. [Van Nostrand's
M. A. Science Series. 76.] (A)
Peirce, William Sullivan U. S. M. A., 1S8S). Re-
( Outposts, patrols, advanced and rear
port ou manufacture of 12-inch spring-return guards [1893?]
. .i vol., O.
. (A)
motar carriages. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S99. Elements of Rev, ed.
militar\- science.
Pelouze, lyouis Henry (U. S. M. A., 1853). Died New Haven, 1895. (A) i vol.. O.
June 2, 1S7S, aged 47. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. The Military- Academy and the education
Grads. U. S. M. A., 187S. (A) of officers. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst., U. S.,
Pemberton, John Clifford (U. S. M. A., 1837). vol. 16 {1895), p. 332. (A)
Died July 13, 1S81, aged 67. Engraving owned Review of Schneegans De la Puissance de
by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. (A) Feus, p. 421; Notice of Sharpe's The art of
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., supplying armies in the field, p. 426. Jour. U. S.
1S82. Art., vol. 5.

Pence, William Pern,' (U. S. M. A.. 1894). The Apache campaign notes, 86. Jour. Mil.
possibilities of the camera obscura as a range Serv. Inst., U. S., vol. 7, p. 331. (A)
and position finder, p. 113; Battery com- Comment on The gj-roscope and the draft,
mander's record [on target practice], p. 263. p. 336; De Hensch's Method of combat for
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 17. infantry, etc., p. 1065. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.,
Pendleton, George H. (of Ohio). Member of U. S., vol. 12. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S1. Terrain in its relations to militar\- opera-
Pendleton, William Nelson (U. S. M. A., 1830). tions. (Honorable mention essay.) Jour. Mil.
Died Jan. 15, 1883, aged 73 Obituary in Ann. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. 13, p. S51. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1883. (A) Proper military,' instruction for officers.
Science a witness for the Bible. 1S60. [Prize essay.] Jour. Mil. Sen*. Inst. U. S., vol.
Memoirs of. 1&93. 5<?^ Lee, Susan P. (A) 20. p. I. (A)
Penn. Julius Augustus(U.S.M. A. .1886). Mounted Reply to Wagner's comment on Proper
infantry. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 12,
military education of officers. Jour. Mil. Serv.
p. 1 125. (A) Inst. U. S., vol. 26, p. 631. (A)
Ammunition packing boxes. Jour. Mil. Pettit, T. M. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 17, p. 564. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839.
The Writings of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 331
Fettus, Kdinund \V. (of Alabama). Mcnilwr of Phillips, Charles Blanchard. Project, plan, esti-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902. mate, etc., for the imjirovL-ment of Nottoway
Pew, T.J. (of Kentucky). Member of Hoard of River, Va. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, i)p. 720,
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1835. 722; 1S80, p. 823. (C)
Peyton, J. H. (of Virginia). Member of Board Chowan River, N. C. Rept. Chief
Visitors to U. S.M. A. in 1841. of Eng.. 1879, p. 728. (C)
Phelan, John D. (of Alabama). Member of Pee Dee River (Great). S. C. Rept.

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1836. Chief of Eng., 1880, pp. 124. 845; 1891, p. 145,0.
Phelps, J. (of California). Member of Board of (C)
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1862. York River, Va. Rept. Chief of
Phelps. John Walcott (U. S. M.A.. 1836). Died Eng.. 1880. p. 777; 18S5, p. 984; 1S87, p. 946. (C)
Feb. 2, 1S85, aged 72. Obituar\' in Ann. Assoc. Waccamaw River. N. C. Rept. Chief
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S85. (A) of Eng., 1880, p. 848; 1885, p. 1 105; 1886, p. 1022;
Numerous articles, on the danger of Free- 1892, p. 1196. (C)
masonn*; African colonization; and on po- New Berne to Beaufort. N. C. Rept.
litical, scientific, and educational subject.s, Chief of Eng.. iSSo, pp. 857, 897; 1S84, p. 1066.
1853-7S. (C)
—— -Translator of De I,a Hodde's secret so- water comniunieation from Norfolk
cieties of France. 1S64, Harbor to Atlantic Ocean, south of Hatteras.
The fables of Florian in English verse. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. S69. (C)
History of Madagascar. Broad L,ynn Haven and Link Horn
Good behavior. Bays. Va., Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S80. p. 901.
Sibylline leaves. (C)
Phelps, Joshua (of Iowa). Member of Board of Pamunky River, Va. Rept. Chief of
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S57. Eng., pp. 905, 906;
1880, 1885, p. 9S3; 1887, p. 943;
Philbrick.John Herbert (U. vS. M. A., 1S77). Died 1891, p. 1275. (C)
July 24, 1S90, aged 37. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Archers Hope River, Va. Rept.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1891. (A) Chief of Kng., i8So, p. 907; 1885, p. 157; 1S87, p.

Philips, John F. (of Missouri). Member of 117- (C):

Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1S80. Lockvi-oods Folly River, N. C. Rept.

Chief of Eng.. iSSo, p. 909. (C)
PhlUips, Charles Blanchard (U. S. M. A.. 1864).
Catawba River, N. C. and S. C. Rept.
Died Jvine 14, iSSi. aged 41. Obituary in Ann.
Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 912. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS2. (A)
Wateree River, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Aquia Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1880, pp. 915, 916; 1881, p. 1034; 1885, p.
Eng., pp. 69, 71, 688, 707, 708, 709. (C)
1124; 1887, pp. iaS9, 1091; 1S92, p. 1214. (C)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Santee River and Canal, S. C. Rept.
provement of Accotink Creek, Va. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., 18S0, pp. 91S, 919; 1S86, p. 1036;
of Eng., 1S72. pp. 688, 707. 711. (C)
1887, p. 1081. (C)
Choppawaniasic Bay, Va. Rept.
Contentnea Creek, N. C. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., pp. 707, 70S. 714, 715.
1872, (C)
of Eng., pp. 1010, 1012: 1885, pp. 1060, 1062;
Neabsco Bay, Va. Rept. Chief of
18S7, p. 1013; 1S91, p. 1351; 1892, p. 1123. (C)
Eng., 1872, p. 712. (C)
Beaufort Harbor, N. C. Rept. Chief
Elizabeth River (South Branch), Va.
of Eng., 1881, pp. 1013, 1017. ^C)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1872. pp. 716, 720. (C)
Cape Fear River, N. C, above Wil-
Cape Fear River, N. C. Rept. Chief
mington. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1881, p. loiS;
of Eng., 1874, vol. 2, pp. 69, 70; 1S75, vol. 2. pp.
1885, p. 1084; 1886, p. 996; 1887, p. 1045: 1S91, p.
99. 101. (C)
139^- (C)
North Landing River, Va. Rept.
I<illington River, N. C. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 90, 687, 690, 691. (C)
of Eng., 1881, p. 1022; 1884, p. 1044. (C)
Neuse River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Town Creek, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1879, pp. 93, 704, 705. (C)
Eng., 1881, p. 1025. (C)
Onancock Harbor, Va. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1879, PP- 5'i. 716, 717. 71S. (C) Georgetown Harbor, S. C. Rept.
Norfolk Harbor, Va. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng., 1S81, p. 1038; 1886, p. 1029: 1887,

of Eng., 1S79, p. 675. (C) p. 1074; 18S9, p. 1103. (C)

North Landing River, Va. and N. C. Lynchs
River, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 691; 1S80. p. 824; Eng., 1881, pp. 1039, 1040. (C)
1886, p. 153. (C) •
Black River, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Currituck Sound. Coanjok Bay, and Eng., 1881, p. 1041. (C)
North River Bar, N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
PhilUpa. Charles Leonard (U.S. M. A., 18.S1). The
1879; p. 693: iS8o, p. S27; 1S81, p. 1000. (C)
Phillips replotting board. Jour. U. S. .\rt.,vol.
Scuppernong River, N. C. Rept.
17, p. 70.
Chief of Eng.. pp. 698, 699. (C)
Tar River, N. C. Rept. Chief of FhillipB.James (of North Carolina). Member of
Eng., (C) Board of Visitors to L*. S. M. A. in 1851.
1879, p. 700.
Trent River, N. C. Rept. Chief of Phillips, Joh n ( of Wisconsin ) . Member of Board
Eng., 1879, pp. 711, 714; 1887. p. 1017. (C) of \'isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1864.
332 Centennial of United States Military Aeademy,

Phillips.Joseph Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1S23), Pipes, Henn.' Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1892).

Died Jan. 4, 1S46, aged 41. Quartermaster Died Mar. 22, 1897, aged 28. Ann.
Obituary in

U. S. M. A., June 26, 1834, to May 25. 1835. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1897. (A)
Phipps. Frank Huntington (U. S. M. A.. 1S63). Pitcher. John (U. S. M. A., 1876). Snap shooting
Watkins range finder, p. 373; Report on, Ber- with and pistol. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1892,

dau telemeter, p. 379; Nolan's range finder, p. P- 157-(A)

3S5. Kept. Chief of Ord., 1S79. (C) The carbine; how it should be carried
Ann rack for company quarters. Rept. mounted. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S93, p. 137. (A)
Chief of Ord.. iSSo, p. 271. (C) Pitcher. Thomas Gamble (U. S. M. A., 1845).
Description of portable arm rack for com- Died Oct. 19, 1S95, aged 70. Portrait (oil paint-
pany quarters. Ord. Note 125. vol. 4, p. 344. (A) ing by D, Huntington) presented by U. S.
Report of principal operations at Power M. A., in the Cadet Mess Hall.
depot. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS9. (C) Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc
Objections to present method of making Grads. U. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
objections. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1SS9, p. 102; Seventeenth Superintendent from Aug.
1890, p. iiS; 1S91, p. 108. (C) 28. 1S66, to Sept. r, 1S71. Repts. as Supt. U. S.
Report (Ordnance Board) on test of Howell M. A., 1S66-1S71.

lo-inch disappearing carriage. Rept. Chief of Pitchers. (of Michigan). Member of Board
Ord., 1S99. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1838.
Rept. of principal operations at Spring- Pitman, John (of Rhode Island). Member of
field Armory, Mass. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1899, the Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1828.
iqOO. Pitman, John (U. S. M. A.. 1867). United States,
Report on range finders. Ord. Note 116, description of testing machine. Rept. Chief of
vol. 4, p. 175. (A) Ord., 1SS3. p. 223. (C)
Phister, Nat. Poyntz (U. S. M. A., 1S78.) The Effect of granulation on velocities and
Indian Messiah. Jour. Cav. Assoc, iSgi, p. 427- pressures of Wetteren smokeless powder, p.
(A) 352; Pressures obtained with. Wetteren smoke-
Infantr>' footwear. Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst. less powder, using .30-caIiber rifle, p. 942. Rept.
U. S., vol. 15. p. 503. (A) Chief of Ord.. 1S92. (C)
Pickell, John (U. S. M. A., 1822). Died Jan. 23, Description of laboratory at Frankford
1865, aged 63. A new chapter in the early Arsenal, p. 275; Wetteren smokeless powder,
life of Washington, in connection with the investigation of chemical properties at Frank-
narrative history of the Potomac Company ford Arsenal, p. 277. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1893.
. . . I vol.. O. (A) 1856. (C)
Frostburg Gazette, and Miners' Record, Report of chemical tests of smokeless
1839- 1S6 1. powders. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1894. (C)
Pickering, John (of Massachusetts). Member Report on chemical laboratory at Frank-
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1839. ford Arsenal. Repts. Chief of Ord., 1S95, 1S97.
Pickering. Timothy. Secretary of War, 1795. (C)
Poytrait, oil painting by W. M. Veckett, after Report of tests of smokeless powders for
Gilbert Stuart. Presented by in the
small arms at Frankford Arsenal. Rept. Chief
Library, of Ord., 1S97. (C)
Pickett, George Edward (U. S. M. A.. 1846). translator.
. Smokeless powder. Notes
Died July 30, 1875, aged 50. Engraving (by Constr. Ord. No. 64, vol. 3, p. i.
William Murray) owned by Assoc. Grads. Plate, Otto. Assistant librarian U. S. M. A. from
U. S. M. A. November, 1894. to October, 1901.
— Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Piatt, Edward Russell (U. S. M. A., 1849). Died
1S76. June 17, 1884, aged 58. Photograph in Albums
Pickett and his men (by Mrs. I^a Salle of officers' mess.
Corbell Pickett). Atlanta. Ga., 1899. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,

See Harrison (Walter): Pickett's men. 1885. (A;
A fragment of war history. New York, 1870. Acting Professor of Spanish, U. S. M. A.,
1 vol.. O. (A) 1S64-65.
Picton, Thomas. Professor of geography, his- Revised articles of war. for the govern-
tory, and ethics. 1S18-1S25. ment of the armies of the United States, with
Pierce, (of Pennsylvania). Member of synoptical index. Fort Leavenworth, Kaus.,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1824, 1878. I vol., O., 27 pp. (A)
Piatt, Thomas C. (of New York). Member of
Pierce, Henry I^. (of Massachusetts). Member
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1877.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1893.
Pleasonton, Alfred (U.S. M. A.. Died Feb. 1S44).
Pierson, Henry W. (of New York). Member of aged 73. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre)
17. 1S97.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1872. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Pinkerton, Prof. C. M. (of Iowa). Member of Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1889. 1897. (A)
Piper, Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1851). Died Feb. Pleasonton, Augustus James (U. S. M. A., 1S26).
22. 1902. aged 73. Photograph in Albums of Died July 26, 1S94, aged 86. Obituary in Ann.
officers' mess. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S95. (A)
The Writings of Cradiiatcs^ i8o2-igo2. 333
Pleosanton, Aiijfustus James. On the influcnct- Poo, Orlando Metcalfe. Project, plan, estimate,
of the blue color of the sky in developing ani- etc.. ftir the improvement of Detroit River,
mal and vegetable life Philadelpliia,. . . Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S.S5, i>p. 2166,
1871. I pam., (). (A) 2167; 1886, p. 1843; 1887, p. 2268; 1892, p. 2481.
Influence of the blue ray of the sunlight (C)
and of the blue colour of the sky Phila- . . .
_ Mackinac City, Mich. Rept. Chief
delphia. 1S76. I vol., O. (A) of Eng., 18S5. p. 21S1; 18S7. p. 2272. (C)
See Philadelphia Home <'.nard. 3d Ann. Pine River, Mich. Rept. Chief of
Kept., 1863. Eng., 1885. p. 2183. (C)
Plummer, Kdward Hinkley (T. S. M. A., 1S77). Cross Village Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Practice versus theorj- in training. Jour. Mil. Chief of Eng., 1885. p. 2185. (C)
Ser\'. Inst., I'. S.. vol. 14, p. 1019. (A) St. Clair River. Mich. Rept. Chief
Comment on Palmer's Reform in paper of Eng., 1885, pp. 2198, 2202; 1S87, p. 2270. (C)
work, Q. M. D. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. North River. Mich. Rept. Chief of
17, p. 1S2. (A) Eng.. 18S7, p. 2271. (C)
Marching shoes for troops. Jour. Mil. Forestville Harbor, I.ake Huron,
Ser\'. Inst. U. (A)
S., vol. 19. p. 4.S0. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS7. p. 2273; 1889.
Plummer. John C. (of Pennsylvania). Member p. 2282. (C)
of Board of Visitors'lo U. S. M. A. in 183S. Pinepog River, Mich. Rept. Chief
Plummer. Satterlee Clark {U. S. M. A., 1S65). of Eng., 1S87, p. 2275. (C)
Died Nov. 14, i8-Si, aged 37. Obituarj' in Ann. Rouge River. Mich. Rept. Chief of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S82. (A) Eng., 1887, p. 227S; 1891. p. 2823. (C)
Plunkett, William B. (of Massachusetts). Mem- Black River, Mich. Rept. Chief of
ber of Board of Visitors to IT. S. M. A. in 1S97. Eng., 1887, p. 22S0. (C)
Poe. Orlando Metcalfe (U. S. M. A.. 1S56). Died Alpena Harbor and Thunder Bay
Oct. 2, 1895, aged 63. EIngraving (by Western River. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1888, p.
Publishing and Engraving Company) owned 1961; 1889, p. 2290; 1891, p. 2765. (C)
by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Detroit River. Mich., channel at
Obituary' and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Crosse Pointe. Rept. Chief of Eng., 188S, p.
Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S96. (A) 1978; 1890, p. 2742: iSqi, p. 2790; 1S92, p. 2470.

Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- (C)

provement of Au Sable River and Harbor, bridge of the Ohio River Railroad
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S70. pp. 152. 153- Company at Point Pleasant, W'. Va. Rept.
158; 1872, p. 206; 18S5. pp. 2130. 2137; 1886. p. 322. Chief of Eng., 188S, p. 2451. (C)
(C) bridge of the Sault Ste. Marie
St. Marjs River and St. Marys Falls Bridge Company. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1888.
Canal, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1870, pp. p. 2458. (C)
158, 160, i6i. 162; 1873, p. 28S; 1S74, vol. I, p. 197; Sand Beach, Lake Huron, Mich.
1884, pp. 2012, 2033, 2125; 1S85, p. 2105: iSS£, p. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S89. p. 2256; 1890. p. 2731.
1735; 1SH7. pp.2215, 2217. 2220. 2223. (C) (C)
Clinton Harbor, Mich. Rept Chief false Presque Isle Harbor. Lake
of Eng.. 1S70, pp. 161, 162; 1871. p. 180; 1S72. p. Huron, Mich., harbor of refuge at. Rept.
214. (C) Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 2277- (C)
St. Clair River, at the mouth of Au Ores River, Mich. Rept. Chief
Black River, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, of Eng., 1889, p. 2278. (C)
pp. 41, 159: 1S73, p. 300; 1874. vol. I. pp. 47. 212; Port Austin, Mich. Rept. Chief of
1875, vol. I. pp.52, 27S. (C) Eng., 1889. p. 22S0. (C)

Huron (Lake), harbor of refuge on. Lexington Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, p. 44: 1S72, pp. 213, Chief of Eng.. 18S9, p. 2282. (C)
221, 222. (C) Pine River at St. Clair City, Mich.
- Cheboygan Harbor, Mich. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 2283. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1871. p. 172; 1S72. p. 203; 1885, pp.
Quanicassee River, Mich. Rept.
2 1 28, 2248. (C) Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 2284. (C)
Port Sanilac. Mich. Rept. Chief of
Pine River, Sag^inaw Bay,
- Mich.
Eng.. 18S9. p. 2285. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p. 188. (C)
St. Clair River at Algonac.
- St. Clair Flatsand Ship Canal, Mich. Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 22K7. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. pp. 42, 216;
1872. 1885. p. Black River at Port Huron, Mich.
2160; iaS6, p. 1838; 1SS7, p. 2263. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng. 18S9, pp. 2292. 2293; 1S91,
-St. Clair Flats Ship Canal, Mich. p. 2781: 1S92, p. 2469. (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S85. p. 2160; 18S6, p. 1838; Yellowstone River, Dak. and Mont.
18S7, p. 2263. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 2242. (C)
Port Crescent, Mich. Rept. Chief - AUouez (Allonez) and Nemadji
of Eng., 1873. p. 304. (C) River, Lake Superior, Wis. Rept. Chief of
Clinton River, Mich. Rept. Chief Eng., 1891, p. 2512. (C)

of Eng.. 1881, p. 300: 18S5, p. 2193; 1886. p. 325: Sebewaing River, Mich. Rept. Chief
1891, p. 2788. (C) of Eng., 1891, p. 2S05. (C)
334 Centennial of United States Military Academy,

Poe, Orlando Metcalfe. Project, plan, estimate, Polk. Marshall Tate U. S. M. A.. 1852 i.
( Died
etc., for the improvement of ship channel Feb. 29, 1884, aged 53. Obituan,- in Ann.
between Chicago, Diiluth. and Buffalo. Rept. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1884. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 2819. (C) Pollard, Richard. Member of Board of Visitors
Corsica Shoal, St. Clair River, Mich. to U. S. M. A. in 1833.
Rept. Chief of Eng., iSgi, p. 2S22. (C) Pomeroy, John N. (of Vermont). Member of
harbor lines in St. Mar\'S River. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S50.
atSaultSte. Marie, Mich. Kept. Chief of Eng., Pope, James Worden (U. S. M. A., iS68). Mili-
1893. P- 3038- (A) tary penolog>-, p. 782; Comment on Field ex-

Report on commerce pas.sing St. Mary's ,

ercises, p. 1033. Jour. Mil. Sen'. Inst. U. S.,
Falls Canal. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S93, vol. 12. (A)
p. 2974; 1894, p. 2271; 1895, p. 2S71. (A) Pope. John (U. S. M. A., 1S42). Died Sept. 23,
Report on transcontinental railways, 1S83. j
1S92, aged 70. Oil portrait in Union League
O. Wash., 1SS3. Misc. Papers, vol. 3. Club, Philadelphia.
i47stereoscopic views kept in box. [I.istin Engraving owned by Assoc, farads. U. S.
first volimie.] (A) M. A.
Knoxville, Tenn., approaches and de- Obituarj' /;/ Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
fenses of, showing the positions occupied by M. A., 1893. (A)
the United States and Confederate forces dur- ;
Some legacies of the civi war. In North
ing the siege during December, Janiian,-, and Amer. Rev., vol. 144, June, 1887. (A)
February, 1S63-64. Common-sense and civil-ser^ace reform.
Atlanta, siege of, by the United States ! In North Amer. Rev., vol. i6q, September, 1889.
forces under command of Maj. Gen. W. T, (A)
Sherman, from the passage of Beech Tree Exploration of Territory' of Minnesota,
Creek, July 19, 1S64. to the commencement of 1849. No. 558, doc. 42. (A)
the movement upon the enemy's lines of com- Route near the thirty-second parallel ly-
munication south of Atlanta, Aug. 26, 1864, ing between the Red River and the Rio
from a map prepared by O. M. Poe. Grande. In Reports of explorations for . . .

Photographs, war of the rebellion, 1864- a railroad from the Mississippi River to the
65. Nashville. Knoxville. Chattanooga, At- Pacific Ocean, 1S53-1855. vol. 2. (A)
lanta, Savannah, Charleston, Fort Sumter, and The Virginia campaign of July and Au-
miscellaneous. 2 vols., F., obi. (16x25 in.), gust, 1S62.
and vol., Q.. obi. (A)
I Order-book, headquarters Army of Vir-

See Boards Poe; Abbot. 2; Barnard, i; ginia, Aug. 21-25, 1862. MS., manifold copies,
Comstock. 13. 14; Macomb, 9, 10, 17, 33; Ray- I vol., O. (A)
nolds,2; Wright, 4, 5, 6. See Commissions— Aug. 26-Sept. 2, 1862. MS., mani-
Poe. (A) fold copies, r vol., O. (A)
Poinsett,J. R. (of South Carolina). Member of John Pope (by M. F. Force). M. O. L. L.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1833. U.S.. Ohio, War Papers, vol. 1896. In
Poland. John Scroggs ( U. S. M. A., 1S61). Died War Dept. Library.
Aug. 8, 189S, aged 62. Photograph in Albums The second battle of Bull Run. Century
of officers' mess. Mag., vol. 31, U. S., vol. 9, p. 441.
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. Porter. Vice-Admiral, Da\'id D. (of U. S. Navy).

1899. (A) Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in

A digest of the military laws of the United 1870.

States from 1S60 to . . . 1867 . . . i vol., O. Porter. Fitz-John (U. S. M. A., 1845). Died May
1868. (A) aged 78. Engraving (by J. C. Buttre)
21. igor.

Notes on evidence applicable to courts- owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.

martial procedure. Fort I,eaven worth. 1885. Photograph in Albums of officers' ra.ess.
I vol.. O., 30 pp. (A) Bronze statue, heroic size (by J. W. Kelly).
Poland, I^uke P (of House of Representatives).
To be erected at Portsmouth, N. H.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
M. A., 1901. (A)
Adjutant U. S. M. A., Sept. i. 1853. to Aug.
Poland. Martin Luther (U. S. M. A., 1864). Died
I, 1854-
Aug. 20, 1S7S, aged 37. Obituary in Ann. A,ssoc.
Review by Judge- Advocate-General of
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S78. (A)
court-martial proceedings of. 1863. In War
Polk, L,. J. (of Tennessee). Member of Hoard Dept. Library.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852. Reply to the re\'iew of Judge-Advocate-
Polk, Leonidas (U. S. M. A., 1827). Died June General Holt (by Reverdy Johnson), i pam.,
14. 1S64, aged 58. Engraving. Owned by Assoc. O. 1S63. (A)
Grads. V. S. M. A. to Reverdy Johnson's attack upon
Leonidas Polk, bishop and general (by the Administration in the case of Fitz-John
William Mecklenburg). New York, 1S93. Porter. Baltimore, 1863. In War Dept. Li-
2 vols. brary.
Polk (WillianiM.): Lifeof Leonidas Polk. Reply to speech of Senator Z. Chandler.
(A) 1870. In War Dept. Library.
The Writings of Graduates, i8o2-igo2. 335
Porter, Fitz-Johii. Opinions and memorials in Porter. Fitz-John. Speeches of Hons. K. S.
the case of. O., pani. 1S74. (A) Bragg and Joseph Wheeler in the House of
Statements, brief of the case of. In Pope Representatives Feb. 16, 1886. (A)
(Gen. John and Cle. de Paris): Correspond- Speeches of Hons. 11. Weber anti William
ence . concerning the second battle of Bull
. . C. Gates in the House of Representatives Feb.
Run. 1876. 1 pam., Q. (A) 17. 1886. (A)
Case of I pam.. <>. 187S. [.S>'^ House Hx.
. Referring to some publications in the Cen-
Doc. No. 71. 37th Cong., 2d sess.; Supp. vol. 12. turj' Magazine. O. 1SS9. (A)
pt. 2, War of the Rebellion, Series I.] Report of court of inquiryjin case of. Sen-
Speech by T. M. lirowne. House of ate Fx. Doc. 37. 4(tth Cong., ist sess.. 3 vols.
Representatives. 1SS4. In War Dept. Library. i87(). In War Dept. Lil>rary.
Committee report on, iSSo. No. Report of Mr. Sewell, Coramittee on Mil-
1893, doc. 15S: No. 1934. doc. 129; 1882. No. 2007. itarv Affairs. 49th Cong., ist sess.. No. 1951.
doc. 662: 1SS4, No. 2173, doc. 74; No. 2253, doc. i. (A)'
Papers relating to. No. 1316, doc. 2. General Grant's unpublished correspond-
Proceedings and reports of board. ence in the case of. i v., O., pam. (A)
Pt. I. 560 pp.. No, 1871, doc. 37; pt. 2, pp. 1-946, Army of the Potomac Containing a
. . .

No. 1S71, doc. 37; pt. 3, pp. 947-1762, 22 maps, brief re\new of the case of Gen. Fitz-John Por-
No. 1872, doc. 37. (C) ter, bound with Porter's letter to Gen. James
No. 1. Statement of services of Fifth McQuade and Members of the Association of
Army Corps. (A) the p-ifth Army
Corps, i pani., O. (A)
No. 2. Argument of Anson Maltby. Letter to Fifth Array Corps Association.
I para., O. (A) [n. d.] In War Dept. Library'.
No. 3. Argument of John C. Bullitt. [Proceedings of a board of army officers
I pam., O. 1879. (A) in case of; correspondence.] Typewritten, i
No. 4. Closing argument by Joseph H. vol., Q. {A^
Choate. O., pam. 1S79. (A) The offer of I'nion command to Gen. A. S.
Proceedings and report of the board of Johnson. Centur\' Mag., vol. 29. p. 634.
army officers convened by Special Order, No. The battle of Gaines's Mill and its pre-
78, Headquarters of the Army, Washington. liminaries. Centur>- Mag., vol. 30. p. 309.
Apr. 12, 1S78, in the case of Fitz-John Porter, The last of the Seven Days' battle.s Mal- —
together with proceedings in original trial. vern Hill, July I, 1862. Centur\' Mag., vol. 30,
Pts. I, 2, 3, 4. Maps. Washington, 1S79. 4 p. 615.
vols.. O. (A) Porter. Giles (U. S. M. A., 1818). Died May 31,
Morristown, N. J., Aug. 29, 1880. Letter to 1S7S, aged 79. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Gen. J. D. Cox. Cincinnati. (A) V. S. M. A., 1S78. (A)
Slater (John S.). Address to the soldiers Porter, Horace {U. S. M. A.. 1S601. Engraving
of the Army of the Potomac Containing . . . (by Atlantic Publishing and Engraving Com-
a brief review of the case of Gen. Fitz-John pany) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Porter. Washington, iSSo. i pam.. O. (A) Member of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. .

Memorial of. 0.,pam. 1882. [47th Cong., in 1S82.

1st sess., Senate Misc. Doc. No. 91.] (A) West Point life [an anonymous poem read
Summary of case of (by T. A. Lord). 1883. before the Dialectic Society. U. S. M. A., Mar.
In War Dept. Library. 5,1859]. 0.,i6pp. (A)
Speeches of Hon. W. J. Sewell delivered Reminiscences of General Grant. Har-
in the Senate Dec. 2S, 1SS2, Jan. 3, 1S83, and per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 71 (1S85), p. 587.
Mar. 12, 1SS4. I pam.. O. 1SS3. (A) (A)
Speech of Hon H W
Slocum in the House
. . . Oration commemorative of the late Gen.
of Representatives Jan. 18, 1884. O., para. (A) U. S. Grant at the Brooklyn Academy of
Speech of Hon. J. W. Keifer. of Ohio, in Music. Sept. 29, 18S5. O., pam. 1S87. (A)
House of Representatives Jan. 25, 1S84. (A) Address Oct. 3, 18S9, at the presentation of
Speech of Hon. William Walter Phelps in portraits of Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan to
the House of Representatives Feb. 1. 1884. O.. the U. S. M. A. Childs: Recollections of
pam. (A) Grant, p. 79. (A)

Speech of Hon. Andrew G. Curtin in the Do Americans hate England? In North
House of Representatives July i. 1884. O., Amer. Rev., vol. 150 (1890).

pam. (A) Railway rates. In North Amer. Rev.,-

vol. 153 (1891), p. 718.
Speech of Senator J. F. Wilson. 1S.S4. In
Campaigning with Grant. New York,
Dept. Library-.
1897. xviii. 546 pp. In War Dept. Lihrarj*.
How to quell mobs. In North .\mer. Rev.. Railway passenger travel. Scribner's
vol. 141, October, 1885. Mag., vol. 4. p. 296.
Biographical sketch of. from Encyclo- Lincoln and Grant. Century Mag., vol.
paedia of contemporary biography. Pam. 30. P- 938.
18S5. (A) Porter, James Ezekiel (U. S. M.A.. iS6g). Died
Speech of |Hon. Martin A. Haynes in the June 25.1876, aged 29. Obituar>*/« Ann. Assoc.
House of Representatives Feb. 11, 1886. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S69. (A)
336 Caitcnuial of United States Militaiy Academy.
Member of Poatley, Clarence Ashley (U. S. M. A.. 1S70).
Porter, Noah (of Connecticut).
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S79. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
M. Died Potter, Alonzo (of New York). Member of
Post, James Clarence ( V. S. A., 1865).
Obituary and portrait in
aged 52.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842.
Jan. 6, 1896.
Potter. Charles Lewis (U. S. M. A., 1886). Proj-
Ann. Assoc. Grads, U. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement
Notes on the Hoosac Tunnel. Essayons ect,

(\) of Suisun Creek, Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng,,

Club Papers, No. 35. 1S74.

Froject, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- 1895, p. 3284. (A)
C, ship Colorado River, Ariz. Rept. Chief
provement of Charleston Neck, S.

canal across. Rept. Chief of Eng ,

1881, p. of Eng., 1S96, p. 3186. (A)
Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of
1167. (C)
Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky. Eng., 1900, p. 4551-
- Mississippi River, third district.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S3. p. 15(36; iS.S?, p. 1902.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901 (supp.), p. 266; 1902
Guyandotte River, W. Va. Rept. (supp. ). p. loS. (A)
Chief of Eng., 18S4, p. I7,S3; i88g, p. 1986; 1S92, Ouachita and Black rivers. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1902, p. 1436. (A)
p. 2111. (C)
Rept. Chief See Boards— Benyaurd, 2;Stickney, 9. (A)
Kankakee River, Ind.
of Eng., 1885, p. 1647. (C) Potter, Howard (of New York). Member of
. Rough River, Ky. Rept. Chief of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1883.

Eng., 1.SS5, p. 1896. (C)

Potter,J. B.M.(of
Rhode Island). Member of
Pond River, Ky. Rept. Chief of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1850,
Eng., 1887. p. 1901. (C)
Rept. Chief of Potter, Joseph Haydn (U. S. M. A., 1843). Died
I^icking River, Ky.
Dec. I, 1892, aged 70. Obituary j« Ann. Assoc.
Eng., 18S7, p. J903. (C)
- bridges across the Kentucky River,
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893, (A)

Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1888, pp. 2575, 2576. Povall, Francis B. Member of Board of Visitors

(C) to U. S. M. A. in 1833.

bridge at Parkersburg, W. Va. Powell, A. H. Member of Board of Visitors to

Rept. Chief of Eng., 188S. p. 2577. (C) U. S. M. A. in 1827.
bridge of the Chesapeake and Ohio PoweU, Charles Francis (U. S. M. A., 1867). Sys-
Railroad Company. Rept. Chief of Eng., 188S, tems of army administration, etc. Essayons
p. 2578. (C) Club Papers, No. 12, 1869. (A)
canal at the cascades of the Columbia Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
River, Oreg. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1895, pp. 3572, provement of Chehalis River, Wash. Rept.
3579- (A) Chief of Eng., pp. 26S7, 26S8. (C)
Clatskanie River, Oreg. Rept. Chief Columbia River at The Dalles, Oreg.
of Eng., 1895. p. 3596- (A) pp. 2697, 2699, 2711.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1882,
Tualiton River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1S95. p. 3599. (A) Youngs. Lewis and Clarke, and
l,ewis River, Wash. Rept. Chief of Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Skipanon rivers, Oreg.
Eng., 1895, p. 3600. (A)
1882, pp. 2715, 2716. (C)
Yamhill River, Oreg. Rept. Chief - Snake River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 189s, p. 3602. (A) (C)
Eng.. 1882. pp. 2718, 2722.
Columbia River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
Grays Harbor, Wash. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1895, p, 3605. (A) (C)
of Eng., 1S82, p. 2723.
Columbia River, Wash. Rept. Chief Bakers and Shoalwater bays. Wash.
of Eng., 1896, p. 3264. (A) (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S82, pp. 2725, 2727.
Photographs showing condition of work Clearwater River. Idaho. Rept.
on lock at I^ouisa, Ky. Improvement of Big Chief of Eng.. 1884, p. 2280. (C)
Sandy River. 10 sheets. June 18, 1885. Lewis River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Photographs showing condition of work (C)
Eng.. 1S84. p. 2293.
at dam No. 4, and lock and dam No. 5. Im- Humptuleps River, Wash. Rept.
provement of Kentucky River. 11 sheets.
Chief of Eng.. 1884, p. 2295. (C)
- Dwamish River, Wash. Rept.Chief
- See Board.s — Comstock, 13, 14; Craighill, of Eng., 18S4, p. 2297. (C)
,9, II, 12; Gillespie, i. a, 3: Mendell, 4, Nehalim Bay and River, Oreg.
Stickney, 7. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1885, p. 2411; 1S87, p. 2497.

Postlethwaite, William Morton. Died Jan. 10, (C)

Portrait (oil painting by George - Puyallup River, Wash. Rept. Chief
1896, aged 57.
B. Butler, 1895 or 1896). Presented by U. S. of Eng., 1885, p. 2419. (C)
M. A. In room 202, academic building. - WiUapah River, Wash. Rept. Chief
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. of Eng., 18S5, p. 2422. (C)
Chaplain and Professor of geography, - Yaquina Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
history, and ethics, U. M. A., 1S81-1896.
S. Eng., 1886, p. 2001; pp. 237, 2465. (C)

Librarian U. .S. M. A. from Sept. 7, 18S2, to Coquille River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
Jan. 22, 1885. of Eng., 1887, p. 2499. (C)
71ir ]]')iti)ii^s of Craditnlrs^ 1802— igm. 337
Powell. Charles Francis, I'rojt-ct. plan.tstiinatc-. Prescott, William (of New Hampshire). Mem-
etc., for the improvement of Unipqua River, ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1848.
Oreg. Kept. Chief of Kng., 1SS7, p. 2.S00. (C) Preston, Francis (of Virginia). Member of
Tillamook Itayand liar, Orcg. Kept. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1832.
Chief of Eng.. iSSS. p. 2153. (C) Preston. Col. Thomas L. (of Virginia). Mem-
Wood River, Oreg. Kept. Chief of ber of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S80.

Eng.. iSSS. p. 2177. (C) Prevost, Andrew M. Member of Board of Vis-

I^ink River, Oreg. Kept. Chief of itors to U. S. M. A. in 1827.
Eng.. 18SS, p. 2179- (C) Price. Philip M. (U. S. M. A.. i86g). Died Oct.
bridges at Portland, Oreg. Rept. 4, 1894, aged 46. Photograph in Albums of
Chief of H"g.. iSSS. p. 2593. (C) officers' mess. (A)
Tongue River, Mont. Kept. Chief Obituar>' and portrait zw Ann. Assoc.
of Eng.. 1S91. p. 2239. (C) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1895. (A)
Yellowstone River. Dak. and Mont. Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91, p. 2241. (C) M. A., 1S86-1889.
Missouri River, between Sioux City, New York and Long Island Coignet Stone
Iowa, and Fort llenton. Mont. Rept. Chief of Co. Essayons Club Papers, No. 33, 1874. (A)
Eng., 1891, pp. 2246. 2249. (C) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Missouri River, Mont. Kept. Chief provement of Bayou L,a Grange, Fla. Rept.
of Eng., 1S92, p. 1909. (C) Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 1375. (C)
James River. S. Dak. Rept. Chief of Pensacola Harbor, Fla. Kept.
Eng.. 1S93, p. 2321. (A) Chief of Eng.. 18S9, p. 1406. (C)
Allegheny River.
Kept. Chief of St. Andrews Bay, Fla. Rept. Chief
Eng.. 1S9S. p. 2212; (A)
1S99. 2411. of Eng., 1889. p. 14 15. (C)
Allegheny River, locks and dams. Flint River, Ga. Rept. Chief of
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 3257. (A) Eng.. 1S89, p. 1421. (C)
Youghiogheny River. Rept. Chief Choctawhatchee River Fla. and
of Eng., 1900, p. 32S3. {.\) 1
Ala. Kept. Chief of Eng., iSSy. p. 1424. (C)
Monongahela River harbor lines. Coosa River, Ga. and Ala. Rept.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902, p. 1913. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1S90, pp. 1670,1672,1677,1686. (C)
Photographs of sites and structures per- —
— — Alabama River, Ala. Rept. Chief
taining to the construction of the canal around of Eng., 1S91, pp. 1740, 1765. (C)
the Cascades of the Columbia River, Greg. 9 See West Point, maps. 1886-S7 and 1888.
sheets. December. iS.S3, and February-, 1SS4. —
See Boards Price. (A)
See Boards — Adams, i; Stewart, 5, 6. (A) Price, Robert Newton (U. S. M. A., 1870). Died
Powers. Clinton Jacob U. S. M. A., 1S65). Died
( Apr. 5, 18S9. aged 42. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Apr. 21, 1S72, aged 28. Obituan,'i'H Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., i88g. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1872. (A) Prime, Frederick Edward (U. S. M. A., 1850).
Pratt. Henr>- Clay (U. S. M. A., 1837). Died Feb. Died Aug. 12, 1900, aged 72. Obituary and por-
14, 1S84. aged 70. Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901.
Grads. r. S. M. A., 1SS4. (A) (A)
Topography, sec. i. U. S. Coast Survey Prince, Henry (U. S. M. A., 183,=;). Died Aug. 19,
Rept.. 1S45. p. 10. (A) 1892, aged Si. Obituao' '" Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Office duty, p. 34; relieved, p. 35. U. S. U. S. M. A., 1893). (A)
Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S46. (A) Reconnaissance, sees, i, 3. and 4. U. S.
Pratt. John Taylor (U. S. M. A., 181S). Died Coast Survey Repts,, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1S51, 1852,
Nov. 29. 18S3, aged about 87. Obituary m Ann. 1853, 1S54. 1855. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S5. (A)
Eppling Plains base. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey
Pratt, Sedgwick. (U. S. M. A., 1867). The Pratt
Rept., 1S57, p. 302. (A)
range finder. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.

2. p. 333. (A) Prince, I,eonard Morton {U. S. M. A,, 1892).

Target practice at fixed target, etc. Jour.
Died Nov. 1, 1S95, aged 2S. Obituary and por-
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. (A) trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S96.
4, p. 65.
Service of the lo-inch disappearing guns (A)
at Fort Point. Cal.. during the war with Spain. Printup. Daniel S. (of Georgia). Member of
Jour. L'. S. Art., vol. 12. p. i. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S59.
Extract from the proceedings of the board Procter, Robert Grider (U.S. M. A., 1886). Died
of officers convened at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. May 10, 1894, aged 32. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 17, p. 2SS. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A)
Prentiss. Henn,' Flpaminondas (U. S. M. A..
Proctor, Redfield (of Vermont). Member of
1831 1. Died July 2, 1S73, aged 64. Obituary' in
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1894.
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1874. (A)
Preacott. Jonathan (U. S. M. A., 1821). Died Pueh, James ly. (of Alabama). Member of
Aug. 12, iS37.aged37. Project, plan, estimate, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S82 and in
etc., for the improvement of Nantucket Har- 1891.

bor, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2. p. Purviance, James (of Mississippi). Member of
376- (C) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1853.
H. Doc. 7S9, 58-2 — vol 2 22
338 Coitoniial of United States Military Academy
Putnam. George Israel (U. S. M. A., 18S5). In Q-uinn, Janies Baird Project, plan, estimate,
*ilue uniform: An army novel, i vol.. O. 1893. etc., for the improvement of channel through
(A) Sabine Lake, Tex. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93,
On the offensive : An army stor\- . . . p. 1K51; (A)
1895, p. 1790.
New York. 1894. 1 vol., O. (A) month of Neches River, Tex., to
Since 1895 publisher of The Advocate, at Shooks Bluff. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p.
Clareniont, N. H. 1853. (A)
Author of short stories for Scrihner's, Bayou Bonfuca, St. Tammany Par-
Harpers, Century-, etc. ish, La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1783.
Pyle, George Washington (U. S. M. A., 1S6S). (A)
Died Dec. 29, 186S, aged —
Christian soldier,
. Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia,
The. Memorials of Lieut. George W. Pyle. i La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1785. (A)
pam. O. (A I
Tickfaw River and tributaries, La.
Quarles. Joseph V. (of Wisconsin). Member of Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1787. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902, Bayou Teche, La. Rept. Chief of
Guattlebaum. Paul Jones (U. S. M. A., 1857). Died Eng., 1895, p. 1789; 1897. p. 1784. (A)
Jan. 4, 1SS3, aged 46, Obituar>r in Ann. Assoc. South Pass, Mississippi River. Rept.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1883. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 174S; 1899, p. 1815. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Atchafalaya Bay, La. Rept. Chief
provement of Apalachicola River and Bay. of Eng., 1897, p. 1779. (A)
Rept.Chief of Kng., 1S79. P.S24. (C) Bayou Grossette, La. Rept. Chief of
Quinan, William Russell (U.S. M.A., 1870). Re- Eng., 1897, p. 17S1. (A)
port on Vigorit powder, i v., O., p. 22. 18S1. -Sabine Lake, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Explosives, hi Chicago Exposition, 1893, Eng.. 1897, p. 1789. (A)
Int. Cong. Eng.. Oper. Div. Mil. Kng.. 1S94, p. Sabine Pass, Tex. Rept. Chief of
427. Eng., 1899, p. 1862. (A)
Quinby, Isaac Ferdinaiid (U. S. M. A., 1S43). Died Atchafalaya Bay, La. Rept. Chief
Sept. iS, 1891, aged 71. Photograph in Albums of Eng., 1900, p. 2282. (A)
of officers' mess. Norfolk Harbor, Va. Rept. Chief
Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
of Eng., 1901, pp. 1463, 146b. (A)
1S92. (A) Appomattox River, Va. Rept. Chief
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. of Eng., 1901, pp. 146S, 1471. (A)
in 1871, Pagan River, Va. Rept. Chief of
Quinn, James Baird (U.S. M.A., 1866). Project, Eng., 1901, pp. 1475. 1477. (A)
- Chesconnessex Creek, Va. Rept.
plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of
Green Bay Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., Chief of Kng., 1901, pp. 1479, i^Si. (A)
1S66. vol. 4. pp.35. 135- (C) Waterway from South Mills, N. C,
Pascagoula River and Harbor. Miss. to and including Ocracoke and Beaufort inlets.

Rept.Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. 1, p. 757. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 1513, 1523. (A)
Galveston Bay ship channel, Tex. Jetties for harbors and rivers. Kssayons
Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. i, p.875. (C) Club Papers, No. 36, 1874. (A)
Agate Bay. Minn. Rept. Chief of Applications of photograph^'- in war.
Eng., 18S7. p. 1951; 18S8, p. 1812; 1S89, p. 199S; Q., pp. [8]. [Willets Point, New York Har-
1890, p. 311. (C) bor], 1881. [Essayons Club Papers. No. 49.]
Grand Marais Harbor, Minn. Rept. Submarine mining, improvements. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1SS7. p. 1954. (C) Chief of Eng., (A)
1899, p. 947.
Duluth Harbor, Minn. Rept.Chief
History of attempted improvements at

of Eng., 1SS8, pp. 1S05, 1807; 1S90, p. 2316. (C)

the mouth of the Mississippi River. Rept.
Ontonagon Harbor. Mich. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1899, p. 1914. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1SS9, p.2018. (C)
Marquette Harbor, Mich. Rept. See Boards —Quinn; Benyaurd, 4; Corn-
Chief of Eng., 1890, p.2301. (C) stock, 19; Craighitl, 20; Davis, i; Poe, 14; Rob-
Minnesota Point. Superior Bay, ert. 21. (A)
Minn. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1890, p. 2308; 1S91, Quintard, Right Rev. Charles T. (of Tennessee).
p. 2499. (C) Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
Mermentau River, L,a. Rept.Chief 1877.
of Eng., 1891, p. 1863. (C) Rafferty. William Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1865).
Sabine River, I^a. and Tex. Rept. Died Sept. 13, 1902, aged 59. Photograph in
Chief of Eng., 1S92. p. 1514. (C) Albums of officers' mess.
Homochitto Rept.
River, Miss.
Deviation index, a mechanical indicator
Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 1839; 1897. p. 1777. (A)
etc. Washington, 1897. i vol., O., 3 pp. (A)
harbor of refuge on Lake Pontchart-
raine, La. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 1S42. Rafferty,William Carroll (U. S. M. A., 1880).

(A) System of fire control for seacoast artillery.

Bayous Black and Terrebonne, La. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 21, p. 76. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1893. p. 1845. (A) translator. Relative efficiency of infan-
Sabine River, La. Rept. Chief of Xxy and artillery fire. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
Eng., 1S93, p. 1848. (A) U. S., vol. 21, p. 545; vol. 22, p. 149,
The ]]'riti)ii!^s of (rradiiatrs^ rSo2-r()02. 339
Rains. Gabriel Jones (U. S. M. A.. 1S27I. Died Ransom, Robert (l^. S. M. A., 1850). Died Jan.
Aug. aged 7S. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
6, 1881. 14, 1892, aged 63. Photograph in Albmns of
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS2. (A) officers' mess.
Raius, George Washington U. S. M. A.. 1S42). ( Obitnarj' in Ann. Assoc, (irads. I'. S.
Died Mar. 21. 189S. aged 81. Photograph in M. (A)
A.. 1892.
Albums of officers' mess. Raymond. Charles Walker (U. S. M. A.. 1865).
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 189S. (A) Instructor of practical engineering. U. S.
Author of several scientific papers on M. A.. 187S-18S1.
electricity, geology', etc., 1845-1S48. Report of a reconnoissance of the Yukon
Rndimentar>' course of analytical and River. Alaska Territory, July to Sept., 1S69.
applied cheniistrj-. Washington, 1S71. O. Hxplorations and Sur-
Steam por'able engines. veys. (A)
Chemical qualitative analysis. Yukon River, the, Alaska, from Fort
Rains, Sevier McClellan U. S. M. A., 1876). Died
( Yukon to the sea. 1S71, Topographical map.
July 3, 1877, aged 26. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. (A)
Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S78. (A) Author of various mathematical papers
Ralston, Joseph N. (of Illinois). Member of on subjects connected with terrestrial mag-
Hoard of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1866. netism, 1871-1S78. (A)
Ramsay, George Douglas (U. S, M. A., 1820). The theory' of magnetics.

Died May 2^^. 1SS2. aged So. Obituary- in Ann. Essayons Club Papers, No. (A) 20, 1872.

Assoc. Grads. I'. S. M. A.. 18S2; Harper's New The practice of terrestrial magnetics.
Monthly Mag., vol.65 (1S82), p. 479. (A) Essayons Club Papers, No. 24, 1872. (A)
Recollections of cadet life, 1814-1S20. In The national surveys. [Galaxy, January,
Cullum's Biog. Reg., vol, 3, pp. 612-632. (A) 1876.] Misc. Pamphlets, vol. 8. (A)
Reports as Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army, Notes on distribution of magnetism. Es-
sayons Club Papers, No. 44, 1S77. (A)
Ramsay. George Douglas {U. S. M. .\., 1863).
Notes on magnetic determinations. Es-
Died July 5. 1878, aged 36. Obituary in Ann. sayons Club Papers. No. 43, 1S77. (A)
Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A.. 1S79. (A)
Kriegsspiel: A paper read before the
Ramseur, Stephen Dodson {V S. M. A., i860). .
United States Militarj' Service Institute at
Died Oct. 20, 1S64, aged 27. Engraving owned West Point. N. Y., Feb. 17, 1881. 12°, pp. 29.
by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Fort Monroe, Va., 1S81. (A)
Address on the life and character of (by translator. Contributions to the theory of
blasting, or military mining, by H. Hofer,
Hon. William R. Cox). Raleigh, N. C, 1891.
In War Dept. Library.
ordinary professor at the Royal Imperial
54 pp.
Ramsey. Alexander (of Minnesota). Member School of Mines at Przibram. Pts. i and 2.
of Board of Visitors to U.S. M. 1S72. O. Washington, iSKi. Misc. Papers, vol. 2,

Ramsey, J. S. M. lof Tennessee). Member of (A)

Hofer (H. ); Contributions to thetheory of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S4S.
blasting, or military mining. 1S81. (A)
Rand. L,ewis Hathaway (U. S. M. A., 1899).
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
provement of Hull, Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
ment of Ocklockonnee River, Fla. Rept.
18S4. pp. 553. 557- (C)
Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 2148. (A)
Sandy Bay (Rockport), Mass. Rept.
Carrabelle Harbor, Fla. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1S84, pp. 567, 570; 1885, p. 229;
Chief of Kng., 1900. p. 2155. (A)
1886, pp. 67, 5S1. 582; 1887, pp. 24, 497. 498. (C)
Randall. Henry S. (of New York). Member of
Gloucester Harbor, Mass. Rept.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S63.
Chief of Eng.. 1885. pp. 535. 541. 543; 1S87, pp.
Randall. Thomas (of Florida). Member of
501,502. (C)
I". S. M. A. in 1851.
Board of Visitors to
Salem Harbor. Mass. Rept. Chief
Rautlol.Alanson Merwin (U. S. M. A., i860).
of Eng.. 1SS5. p. 537. (C)
Died May 7. 1SS7, aged 50. Pliotograph in
riymouth Harbor, Mass. Rept.
Albums of officers' mess.
Chief of Eng., 1885. pp. 53S, 539- (C)
Obituar\' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I*. S.
Boston Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief
M. A., 1887. (A)
of Eng., 1885, pp. 546. 54S; tS87, p. 516. (C)
Randolph, Benjamin Harrison (U. S. M. A.,
Powow River, Mass. Rept. Chief of.
1S70, )Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Eng., 1885, p. 551; 1S89. p. 558; 1891. p. 630. (C)
Randolph, Theodore F. (of New Jersey). Mem-
bridge of the Omaha and Council
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1876.
Bluffs Railroad and Bridge Company between
Ransom, Hyatt Clark (U. S. M. A., 1851). Died
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Rept. Chief of
Mar. 16, 1874, aged 51. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc.
Eng.. 18SS, p. 2469. (C)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S74. (A)
bridge of the New York and New
Ransom. M. W. North Carolina). Member
(of England Railroad Company at Boston, Mass.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S75. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1888, p. 2527. (C)
Ransom, Owen P. (U. S. M. A., 1S38). Died bridge of the old Colony Railroad
Jan. 10. 1S80. aged 62. Obituary r« Ann. Assoc. Company at Boston, Mass. Rept. Chief of
Grads. U, S. M. A.. iSSo. (A) Eng . 1SS8, p. 2527- (C)
340 Centennial of United States Militajy Academy^
Haymotid, Hofer H. Project, plan, estimate, Raymond, Hofer H. Project, plan, estimate,
the improvement of Delaware River.
etc., for etc., for the improvement of Blackbird and

Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, pp. S73. 874. (C) Appoquinimink creeks. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Delaware Bay, ice harbor at head of. 1S96. p. 889. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. i8go, p. S87; 1891, p. 1073; Hog Neck Channel. Delaware River,
1S92. p. 931. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1896, p. 905. (A)
Delaware Breakwater, Del. Rept. Barnegat Bay, N. J. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng.. 1891. p. 10S3. (C) Eng., 1897, p. 1229. (A)
Shark River. N. J. Rept. Chief of Tuckerton Creek. N. J. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S91, p. 1092. (C) of Eng.. 1897, p. 1230; 1900, pp. 1612, 1614. (A)
Barnegat and Great Egg Harbor Wading River, N. J. Rept. Chief
bays. N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S91. p. 1094. of Eng., 1S97, p. 1233. (A)
(C) Beach Thoroughfare, N. J. Rept.
- Little Egg Harbor Bay and Inlet, Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 1236; 1901.PP. 1353. 1355.
including Great Bay. N.J. Rept. Chief of Eng., (A)
1891, p. 1096. (C) Oldmans Creek, N.
J. Rept. Chief
thoroughfare between Cape May of Eng.. 1897, p. 1238; 1900, pp. 159S, 1602. (A)
and Great Bay, N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S91, Dividing Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief
p. 1093. (C) of Eng., 1897, p. 1243. (A)
Pensauken Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief Delaware River. Rept. Chief of
of Eng., 1891. p. iioo. (C) Eng., 1898, p. 1106. (A)
-Cape May City, N. J. Rept. Chief Delaware Breakwater, Del. Rept.
of Eng.. 1891, p. IIOO. (C) Chief of Eng.. 1899, p. 1346. (A)
Susquehanna River. Pa. Rept. Chief Raccoon Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1S91, p. 1113. (C) of Eng., 1900, pp. 1590, 1596. (A)
Toms River, N. J. Rept. Chief of Maurice River, N. J. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1891, pp. 1115, 1116. (C) Eng., 1900, pp. 1605, 1610. (A)
Goshen Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief of Surmounting of great ascents. Paper pre-
Eng., 1891, p. 1118. (C) pared for and read at the 1902 International
Schuylkill River. Pa. Rept. Chief Congress on Navigation, Dusseldorf. Geimany,
of Eng., 1S92, p. 929; 1898, p. 1115. (C) 1902.
harbor Philadelphia water
lines, and Abbot. Henry Larconi (U. S. M. A..
front. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, pp. 1156,1161. 1S54). Obser\'ations at the recent transit of
(A) Venus on Dec. 6, 18S2, made at W'iUets Point
Barnegat Inlet, entrance and har- Field Obser\'atory. Q, Willets Point, New
bor, N.J. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 11S5. (A) York Harbor [n. d.]. [Eng. Schoolof Applica-
Dennis Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief of tion, Paper No. 5.] (A)
Eng., 1893, p. 1187; 1895. p. 1105. (A) 5<?e Boards— Raymond; Blunt, i; Craighill.
Cooper Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief of 16, 17, 18, 23, 24; Gillespie, 4; Hains, 3, 4, 8;
Eng., 1S93, p. 1190; 1895, p. 1102. (A) Houston, 16; Lydecker, 2; Mansfield, 3; Rob-
harbor between Philadelphia, Pa. ert, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. ID. II, 17, 18. 20.
and Camden, N. J. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S94, See Board of engineer officers. Report as
pp. S39, 843, 844; 1895. pp. 1042, 1046, 1051, 1053; to .suspen.sion bridges.
. .

1899. P- 1330. (A) Rayner, K. (of North Carolina). Member of

extension of dike at Fishers Point. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1853.
Delaware River. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1895, p. Raynolds. William Franklin (U. S. M. A., 1843).
1036. (A) Died Oct. 18, 1&94, aged 75. Obituary in Ann.
Delaware River, between Trenton Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
and Burlington, N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng., Report on exploration of Yellowstone and
1895, p. 1080. (A) Missouri rivers, 1S59 and i860. No. 1317, doc.
- Rancocas River, N. J. Rept. Chief 77- (C)
of Eng., 1895. p. 1084. (A) Survey of Northern and Northwestern
I,umberton branch of the Rancocas lakes (Great Lakes). In Ann. Rept. Sec. War,
River, N. J. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1086. 1866, p. 456. No. 1285, doc. I. (C)
(A) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Mantua Creek. N.J. Rept. Chief of provement of Marquette Harbor. Mich. Rept.
Eng., 1S95, p. 1089; 1898, p. 1122. (A) Chief of Eng.. 1866, vol, 3, p. 8; 1866, vol. 4, pp.
Salera River, N. J. Rept. Chief of 79, 80, 81, 82; 1867, p. 67; 1876, vol. 2, pp. 330,332;
Eng., 1895, p. 1091; 1897. p. 1246. (A) 1879, p. 1482; 18S6. p. 291. (C)
Absecon Inlet, N. J. Rept. Chief of l,ac La Belle Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Eng., 1895, p. 1094; 1S98, p. 1126. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 3, p. 9; 1866, vol. 4. pp.
- Buckshuten
Creek, N. J. Rept. 85.86; 1S67, p. 256. (C)
Chief of Eng., (A)
1895, p. 1096, - Superior City Harbor, Wis. Rept.
Cold Spring Inlet, N. J. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. 3, p. 10; 1866, vol. 4, p.
of Eng.. 1895, p. 1098. (A) 89; 1867, pp. 252. 256; 1868, pp. 26, 81. (C)
Susquehanna River, Pa. Rept. An
Sable River and Harbor, Mich,
Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. iioo. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. 4, p. 77; 1867, p.
The ll'ritings of Graduates^ iSo2-i()03. 341
147; 1S70, p. i'«57 1SS3, p. 1S57; iSS5. pp. Reap. Frank Patrick lU. S. M. A., 1872). Died
21 >2. iCl May 30, 1894, aged 42, Obituary* in Ann. Assoc.
Raynolds. William Franklin. Project, plan, Grads. U. S. M. A., 1894. (A)
estimate, etc., for the improvement of Western Reber. Samuel (l*. S. M. A., iaS6). Theory of
rivers. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S71, pp. 58. yio, two and three phase motors. In Trans, of the
382.385; 1872. p. 340. (C) Am.. Inst, of Klec. Rngrs., 1894.
Mississippi River, between Falls of Manual of photography. Prepared under
St. Anthony and Cairo. Rept. Chief of F*ng., the super\-ision of Brig. Gen. A. W. Grecly,
1871, pp. 58. 312. 31S. 320; 1S72. pp. 54. 355. 361,
Chief Signal Officer, for the use of the V. S.
362, 367; 1873, pp. 443, 444, 446, 448, 469; 1875, vol. Army. Washington. 1896. i vol., O. [Re-
1. pp.<'5.447: 1S76. vol.i.p. 645; 1877, p. 635, (C) I
printed in 189S.] (A)

Alton Harbor. 111. Rept. Chief of !
Handbook of telephones of the Signal
Eng.. 1871, pp. 58. 31S. 320; 1872. p. 355. (C) Corps, V S. Army. Sig. Corps Manual No. i.

Ouachita River. Ark. Rept. Chief Washington, 1903. vol., O., pp. 66. i

of Eng., 1S71, pp. 1872. pp. 53, Redfleld, Alexander H. (of Michigan). Member
335. 337. .344: 54.
of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 18,^8. .
m6, 348, 367. 370. 374; 1873. pp. 53,55, 346, 367.371.
484; 1874, vol. I, p. 352; 1S77. p. 479. (C) Reed. Henn,' Albert (U. S. M. A., 1870). Topo-
Osage River. Mo.
Rept. Chief of graphical drawing and sketching, including
Eng., (C)
1871, p. 338; 1S72. p. 343. applications of photography F. 1886. (A)
— Missouri River (I,ittle). Ark. Rept. Photography applied to surveying . . .

Chief of Eng.. 1871, pp. 346. 34S. (C) New York. 1S8S. i vol.. O. (A)
White. Black, Little Red, and St. Terrain in its relations to military opera-

Francis rivers. Ark. Rept. Chief of Eng., tions. [Prize essay.] Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
1S71, pp. 356, 3<>2. 363. 366, 374. 377; 1872. p. 378.
U. S.. vol. 13, p. 1. (A)
(C) Artiller>' Jour. Mil. Ser\'.
firing charts.

Current River, Mo. Rept. Chief of Inst. r. S.. vol. 20, p. 315.(A)
Eng., 1872. p. 39S. (C) Historical sketch of the fortifications of
Report on the exploration of the San Juan and the English attack in 1797.
Yellowstone and the countrj* drained b\' that Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 16. p. 229.
river. I vol., O. 1S67. 40th Con., ist sess.. See West Point, maps, 1886.
Senate Ex. Doc. No. 77. (A) Reed, Hugh T. (V S. M. A., 1873). .

Report on the exploration of the Yellow- Upton's Infantrj' tactics abridged and re-
stone River, with geological report of the ex- vised. 1SS2.

ploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri Dakota Indian charts. 1877.

Rivers, 1S59-1S60. Washington, 186S-69. O. Dakota winter counts. 1880.

Explorations and Sur\'eys. (A) Signal tactics Baltimore, 18S0.

. , .

JSif^Boards— Raynolds;Cram,i,2; Macomb, Cadet regulations Richmond, . . . Ind.,

2, 5. 6, 7, 8, Newton. 1S81.
35; 2, 3, 4.
Broom tactics, or calisthenics in a new
Rea. John P. of Minnesota). Member of Board
form 1883.
. . .
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S93.
Standard infantry tactics . . . As author-
Read, Daniel (of Ohio). Member of Board of ized by the War Department. Chi- 6th ed.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1840. cago, 1887. (A)
I vol., 24°.
Read, Daniel (of Wisconsin). Memberof Board Elements of Military' Science and Tactics.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1857. Chicago. 1S80, I v., O., 706 pp. (A)
Read, George. Member of Board of Visitors to Infantrj' Drill Regulations, Chicago, 1S91,
U. S. M. A. in 1S33, I v.. O.
Cadet life at West Point. Chicago, 1896.
Read. George Windle (U. S. M. A..1S83). Notes
I v., O. (A)
on the grooming machine. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Indian campaigning. 1899.
1890. p. 434. (A)
Publisher, Chicago, since Jan. i, 1887.

Translator of Krusenstern's Organization

The Mexican Military' Academy. [Type-
of cavalrj- scouts. Jour. Cav, Assoc. 1S92, p. 46. .

written MS.] [1902?] 7 pp. In U. S. M. A.

Scrapbook "Foreign Military Schools."
Translator of Prepentsoff's Cavalry on
Elements of military' science and tac-
the field of battle. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1892, pp.
tics . . . 7th ed. Chicago, n. d. i vol., O.,
195, 250. 362; 1893. pp. 13, 144. (A)
pp. 706. (A)
Training the army in field duties. [Prize
Author of several
tactical works.
essay.] Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 12,
Reed, Thomas B. Member of Board of Visitors
p. 1. (A)
to U. S M. A. in 1827.
Comment on
Military specialists. Jour.
Bees, Thomas Henry (U. S. M. A., 1886). The
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,vol.
14. p. 557. (A)
engineer battalion of the Fifth Army Corps.
-Translator. See Burot (F.) and I.cgrand
1S9S. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 24,
(M. A.): Hygiene of the soldier in the Tropics.
p. 74. (A)
Read, W. B. (of Kentucky). Memberof Board Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856. provement of Crj-stal River, Fla. Rept. Chief
Read. William (U. S. M. A., 1S44). Died Apr. of Eng., 1900, p. 2078. (A)
29, 1S84, aged 61. Obituary in Ann. Assoc Removing water hyacinth from Florida
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S.84. (A) waters. Rept.Chief of Eng. , 1901, p. 1746. (A)
342 Centennial of United States Militaiy Academy.
Reese. Charles M. (of Georgia). Member of at Watertown Arsenal, p. 420. Rept. Chief of
Board of Visitors to U. M. A. in 1839.
S. Ord., iSg2. (C)
Reese. Chauncey B. (U. S. M. A., 1S59). Died Reilly,James William. Improvementsof Charles
Sept. 22, 1S70, aged 33. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. River at Watertown Arsenal recommended,
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S71. (A) P- 37.s; Car-coupler, use of testing machine
Project, plan, estimate, the im-
etc.. for at Watertown Arsenal Rept.
to select, p. 376.
provement of Plattsbvirg Harbor. N. Y. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93. (C)
Chief of Eng.. iS6fi, vol. 3. pp. 17. 2y; iSfi6, vol. Description of barbette carriages for 10-
4.P.181; 1S67. pp.235. 249. (C) inch rifle; Description of gun-lift carriage for
Burlington Harbor, Vt. Kept. Chief 12-inch B. L. steel rifle. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
of Eng., 1S66, vol. 4. p. iSo; 1867. pp. 179. 234; 1S6S, 1895. (C)
p.49; 1S69, p.42. (C) Remington, Philip Halsey (U. S. M. A., 1861).
Ogdensbnrg Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Died Dec. 17, iSgi, aged 53. Obituary in Ann,
Chief of Eng.. PP- i'S2. 183, 184. (C)
1K66. vol.4. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A,. 1892. (A)
Mobile Harbor, Ala. Kept. Chief of Renick. Robert M. (U. S, M, A., 1S35), Died Jan.
Eng.. 1S71, p. 559; 1872. p. 574; 1877, p. 408. (C) 10, 1S75, aged 62. Obituarv in Ann. Assoc.
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the rail- Grads. U.S. M. A., 1875- (A)
way bridge across the Great Rigolets, La. Reno, Jesse Lee (U. S. M. A., 1846). Died Sept.
Rept.Chief of Eng., 1870, p.379. (C) 14, 1862. aged 39. Engraving (by J, C. Buttre).
and King. William Rice U. S. M. A.. 1S63).
( Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Reports on experimental firing with modern Reno, Marcus Albert (U. S. M. A., 1857). Died
seacoast artillery to determine the elements Apr. I, 1889, aged 57. Photograph in Albums
of the trajectory in both direct and ricocliet of officers' mess.
firing, etc., with a supplement. O. Wash- Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
ington, 1S6S. 1S89. (A)
Reese. William Isaac ((U. S. M. A., 1S69). Died Reniwick, (James). Memberof Board of Visitors
June 20, aged 24. Obituary in Ann.
1S72, to U. S. M. A. in 1819 and in 1S20.
Assoc. Grads. U. .S. M. A., 1S73. (A) Reynolds. Alexander Welch (U. S. M. A., 183S).
Reeve, Horace Maynard (U. S. M. A., 1892). Died May 26, 1S76, aged 60. Obituary in Ann.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A., 1876. (A)
M.S. copies of papers referring to the early Reynolds, Frank A. (U. S. M. A.. 1S61). Died
history of the I'. S. M. A,, and to West Point in July 19, 1875, aged 34. Obituary in Ann. Assoc
the Revolution, made from the originals in Grads. IT. S. M. A., 1881. (A)
the Department of State, War Department, Reynolds. John Fulton (U. S. M. A., 1841). Died
and Lihrarj' of Congress, and deposited in the July I, 1863, aged 42. Portrait (oil painting by
library. U.S. M.A., 1902. (A) A. Lawrie) presented by First Corps, Army of
Reeve, Isaac Van Duzer (U. S. M. A., 1S35). Died the Potomac. In memorial hall, West Point.
Dec. 31, 1890, aged 77. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie). Owned by
Grads. U.S. M.A.. 1891. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Bronze equestrian statue. Gettysburg
Reeves. I.saac Stockton Keith (U. S. M. A., 1S38).
Died Feb. 22, 1S51, aged 32. Adjutant U. S.
Standing bronze statue. In cemetery,
M. A., Oct. 31, 1846 to Sept. 28. TS50.
Reeves, James Haynes (U. S. M. A.. 1S92). Cav- Bronze standing statue. To be erected in
alry raids. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1897, p. 232. (A) Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Hawaiian Islands. Joiir. Cav. Assoc, Bronze equestrian statue. City Hall. Phil-
1S9S, p. 171. (A) adelphia, Pa.
Reean, John H. (of Texas). Member of Board Statue unveiled, Philadelphia, 1SS4. In
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S88. War Dept. librai->\
Reid, Gen, Hugh Thompson (of Iowa). Mem- Bronze bust (by H.K.Bnsh Brown). Pre-
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1872.
sented by Mrs. George Gildersleeve. Mrs. H. D.
Landis, Miss Eleanor Reynolds, sur\'iving sis-
ReiUy, James William (U. S. M. A., 1863). Objec-
ters ofGeneral Reynolds. In memorial hall.
tions to present method of making purchases.
Reynolds memorial addresses delivered
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1SS9, p. loi; 1H90, p. 116;
before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1891, p. 106. (C)
. Mar.S, 18S0. IV0I..O. 1881. (A)
. .

Augusta Arsenal, work on artesian well at.

Commandant of cadets, U. S. M. A.,
Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1889, p. 24S. (C)
Report of principal operations at Water-
Rosengarten (J.G.): William Reynolds,
town Arsenal. Repts. Chief of Ord., 1892, p.
rear-admiral John P'ulton Reynolds,
. . .

417; 1893, p. 373; 1894, 1895, 1S96, 1897. 1898, 1899,

major-general, U. S. Volunteers ... 1 pam.,
1900. (C)
O. 18S0. (A)
Work of alteration of old gun carriages.
at Watertown Arsenal, p. 418; Manufacture of Reynolds, Johnson (of Virginia). Member of
Belleville springs at Watertown Arsenal, p. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., 1839.
419; Mannfactureof shopcomparatorat Water- Reynolds. Joseph Jones (U.S.M.A.. 1843). Died
town .\rsenal, p. 419; Experiments of I^ieut. Feb. 25, 1S99. aged 77. Engraving (by J. C.
B. W. Uvnin, O. D., on compression of copper. Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
The If 'ri/nt^i^s of Graduates, i8o2—ic)02. 343
Reynolds. Josepli Jones. Pliotograph in Albums Richardson, Wilds Preston. The Sioux cam-
of officers' iiifss. paign of 1890-91. Jonr. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S.,
Obituary tn Ann. Assoc. Gratis. U. S. M. A., vol. iS, p. 72. (A)
1899. (A) Reply to criticism on The Sioux campaign
In niemoriani. In Twcnty-cijihlh reunion of iS9o-»^i. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S.,vol. rg.

of the Arniyof thcCuinbcrland, Detroit, Mich.. p. 391- (A)

September. rSgtj. Cincitmati, 1900. (A) Comment on The Sioux campaign of
St-e v. S. Coast Siir\'ey Kept., 1S61, p. 269. 1S90-91. Jour. Mil. Ser\*. Inst. U. S.. vol. 20, p,

(A) 43.> (A)

Keynolds, William Butler (U.S. M. A.. 1S79). In- Rich^. Charles Swift (U. S. M. A., 1SS6). Project.
tervention. I pani., O. 1S98. See Inf. and Cav. plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement of
School. I". S.. lecture (4. Galveston Bay. Tex. Rept. Chief of Kng. 189S.
Bejmolds. William Floyd (U.S. M. A.. 1S67). iMed p. I513; 1901, pp. i960, 1967. (A)
Nov. 22. 1S77, ajied 30. Galveston Harbor to Texas City,
— — Obituary
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I'. S. M. A,, Tex.. Rept. Chief of Hug.. 1S99. p. 1962. (A)
187S. (A) Turtle Bayou. Tex. Rept. Chief of
Rhett, Kdmund Moore (l". ft. M. A., 1900). Trans- Eng.. 1900, p. 2342. (A)
lator of Impressions of a company commander Trinity River, Tex. Kcj)!. Chief of
(by Captain Peter Washington. 1902. vol., Eng.. 1900, p. 2348; 1901, p. 1971. (A)
t. i

— East Bay Bayou. Tex. Rept. Chief

Bhett, ThomasGrimke (V.S. M. A., 1S45). Died of Eng., 1900, p. 2379. (A)
July 28. 187S, aged 58, Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Clear Creek. Tex. Rept. Chief of
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S79. (A) Eng., 1900, p. 23S5. (A)
Rhett, Thomas Smith (U. S. M. A., 1S4S). Died Dickinson Bayou. Tex. Rept. Chief
Dec. 23. 1895, aged 67. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. of Eng.. 1900, p. 2396. (A)
Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1S95. (A) Chocolate Bayou, Tex. Kept. Chief
Rhodes. Charles Dudley (U.S. M. A., 18S9V Duties of Eng.. 1900, p. 2403. (A)
of cavalrj- in modern wars. Jour. Cav. Assoc, Highland Bayou, Tex. Rept. Chief
1.893. p. 172. (A) of Eng.. 1900, p. 2410. (A)
The cavaln.- of the <»erman Hmpire. p. 125; Bastrop Bayou, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Polo in the Army. p. 249. Jour. Cav. Assoc, Eng., 1900, p. 2414. (A)
1896. { A Oyster Creek. Tex. Rept. Chief of
History of the cavalry of the Army of the Eug., 1900, p. 2418. (A)
Potomac. [Prize essay.] Jour. Cav. Assoc, Brazos River. Tex. Rept. Chief of
189S. p. 3. (A) Eng., 1900, p. 2426; 1901, pp. 1975, 2004. 2011. (A)
Five-year enlistments for the cavalrj*. San Bernard River, Tex. Rept.
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S99. p. 329. (A) Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 243S. (A)
Reviews of Seton's Elementar\veterinar>' Caney Creek, Tex. Rept. Chief of
manual, p. 203; Review of W^agner's Cavalry Eng.. 1900. P- 2453. (A)
studies from two great wars, p. 398; Re\new of Colorado River, Tex. Rept. Chief
Von der Goltz's Conduct of war, p. 607. Jour. of Eng., 1900. pp. 245S, 2461. (A)
Mil. Ser%-. Inst. U. S., vol. 19. (A) Alligator Head Harbor, Tex. Rept.
Re\*iew of Maude's Cavalr>- versus In- Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 2462. (A)
fantry, and other essays. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. Brazos Santiago Harbor, Tex. Rept.
I'. S.. vol. 20. p. 636, (A) Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2469. (A)
Review of Hohenlohe's Conversations on harbor lines Galveston Harbor, Tex.
cavalr>'. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S..vol. 21, p. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 2475. (A)
215. (A) inner harbor of Galveston, Tex.
Riblett. Jacob Rhoads (L*. S. M. A.. 1872). Ed- Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1902, pp. 1393. 1395. (A)
itor of a newspaper, Pekin, 111., 1873-18 — , and Dampness in magazine, Rept. Chief of
at Peoria. 111., iS— Eng.. 1S99, p. 970. (A)
Publisher of a newspaper, Aarwood
Springs, Rapid City, Kalkaska County, Mich.
See Boards — Roe, 17; Quinn, i; Robert. 27,

Rice. Olin F. W
S. M. A., 1861).
. Died Dec. 23,

Richmond, Ephraim Thomas Carroll (I'. S. M. A.,

1SS2. aged 43. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
U. S. M. A., 1S94.
(A) 1867). Comment on Chester's Instruction of
Richardson, Rev. Charles S. (of New York). gunners. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i, p. 196.

Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in The gyroscope and "drift." p. 54; Com-

1S77. ment on The g[>'roscope and drift, p. 797;
Richardson. Israel Bush (U. S. M. A., 1S41). Died Comment on The theorj' of drift, p. 803.
Nov. 3. 1S62, aged 47. EngraWng (by J. C. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. 12, p. 803. (A)
Buttre). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Comment on Whistler's Graphic tables of
Richardson. Wilds Preston (U. S. M. A.. 18S4). fire. Jour. Mil. Sen.-. Inst. XT. S., vol. 14, p.

Photograph Albums of officers' mess.

in 346. (A)
The Military- Academy and the education Ricketts, (U. ft. M. A., 1839).
James Breweri:on
of officers. In Jour. Mil. Sen,-. Inst. V . S., vol. Died Sept. aged 70. Portrait (oil paint-
22. 1S87.
I" (1895). p. 170. (A) ing by R. Hinckley) presented by Benjamin
344 Cefitennial of United States Military Academy,
W. Richards, Philadelphia. In memorial hall, j
Robert, Henry Martyn. Project, plan, estimate,
West Point. etc., for the improvement of Port Orford, Oreg.
Bicketts. James Brewerton. Engra\'ing (by J. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, pp. 1127-1129. (C)
C. Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Marquette Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads, U. S. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, p. 189; 1S76, vol. 2. p.
M. A., iSSS; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 330; 1878, p. 1140; 1S79, p. 1142; i8S6,p. 2S2. (C)
76(iS8S),p. 322. (A) Eagle Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief
Report to Joint Committee on Conduct of of Eng., 1S76, vol. 2, p. 328; 1877, pp. 98, 845, S48,
the War. In supplemental report of joint 849; 1878, p. 1139. (C)
committee, vol. 2. (C) — . Green Bay Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
Ridfleld, Lsaac F. (of Vermont). Member of of Eng., 1876, vol. 2, p. 33S; 1S79, p. 152; 18S1, p.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1840. 2070. (C)
Riggs, Joel (U. S. M. A.. 1S33). Died Nov. 13, Ahnepee Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
1S65, aged 53. Editor Montgomery, Ala., Mail, of Eng., 1876, vol. 2, pp. 346, 352, 356, 359; 1879,
1856-1S5S. p. 1509. (C)
Rin&gold, George Hay (U. S. M. A., 1S33). Foun- - Two Rivers Harbor. Wis. Rept.
tain Rock, Amy Wier, and other metrical pas- Chief of Eng., 1877, p, 860; 1878, p, 1156; 1S79,
times. 1S60. pp. 154, 1512,1513, 1514. (C)
Ripley, James Wolfe (U. S. M. A., 1S14). Died Manitowoc Wis. Harbor, Rept.
Mar. 15, 1870, aged 76. Reports as Chief of Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 1516. (C)
.Ordnance, U. S. Army, 1861-1S63. Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wis. Rept.
Proceedings of court of inquiry in case of. Chief of Eng., 1880, pp. 1907, 1908; 1S83, p. 279.
No. 476, doc. 344. (C) (C)
Ripley, Roswell Sabin (U. S. M. A., 1S43). Died Portage Lake and t,ake Superior
Mar. 26, 1887, aged 64. Obituary in Ann. Ship Canal, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1880,
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1887. (A) pp. 1927, 192S. (C)
Triangulation, sec. 3. U. S. Coast Survey Bayfield Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
Rept., 1846, p. 20. (A) of Eng., 1S80, p. 1929. (C)
The war with Mexico ... 2 vols., O. Manistique Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Chief of Eng., iSSo, p. 1932, (C)
The war with Mexico. So. Quar. Rev., Oconto Harbor, Wis. Rept. Chief
January, (A)
of Eng.. iSSi, p. 2067; 1883, p. 1646; 1887, p. 2007.
Riter, G. W. (of Pennsylvania). Member of (C)
Grand Marais, Mich., harbor of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1828.
refuge at. Rept. Chief of Eng., iSSi, pp. 2045,
Ritner, Joseph. Member of Board of Visitors
2046, 2047, 2048, (C)
to U. S. M. A. in 1827
Rivers, William Cannon (U. S. M. A., 1887).
Kewaunee Harbor, Wis.
Rept, Chief
of Eng., 1881, pp. 2083, 2084; 1891, p. 2541; 1892,
Adjutant U. S. M. A., Aug. 14, 1899, to July 2,s,
p. 2187. (C)
Secretary of the Association of Graduates,
Cedar River Harbor. Mich, Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1882, pp. 2121, 2124; 1885, p. 1976;
U. S. M. A., and editorof its Annuals, 1900-1902.
1892. p. 2172. (C)
Instruction for recruits, First U. S. Cav-
alry, n. p., 1899, I vol., O., 15 pp. (A)
Pensaukee Harbor. Wis. Rept.
Chief of Eng,, 18S2, p. 2132; 18S3, p. 1650. (C)
I,ists of graduates U. S. M. A. in civil life,
on the retired list, of those who have become Rouses Point Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
general officers U. S. Array, etc., in Bull. Assoc. Chief of Eng., 1884, p, 2175; 1885. p. 2299. (C)

Grads. U.S. M. A., Nos. i and 2 1900-1902). (A) (

Delaware Bay, ice harbor at head
Regulations for the army transport service. of. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S5, p. 841; 1886, p.
S36; 1887, p. 804. (C)
Robbins, Christopher E. (of Rhode Island).
Salmon River, N. Y., below Fort
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
Covington, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1885,
pp. 2288, 2290. (C)
Robert, Henry Martyn (U. S. M. A.. 1S57). I^ake Champlain, N. Y. and Vt.
Treasurer U. S. M. A., Aug. 31, 1S65, to Aug. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1885, pp. 2312, 2313, 2315,
31. 1S67. 2318; 1891, p. 2937; 1892, p. 2614. (C)
Instructor of practical engineering, U. S. Plattsburgh Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
M. A.. 1865-1867. Chief of Eng., 1885, p. 2319. (C)
Index to the reports of the Chief of Engi- '

Swanton Harbor, Vt. Rept. Chief

neers, U.S. Army, 1S66-1887. j
of Eng., 1885, p. 2324. (C)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im
Delaware River. Rept. Chief of
provement of Willamette and Columbia rivers.
Eng., 1S86, pp. 806, 826; 18S7, pp. 793, 794; 1890,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p. 900; 1874, vol. 2,
pp. 869, 871, S82. (C)
PP- 352. 363- (C)
Columbia (upper) and Snake rivers, I^ewes, Del. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1872, p. 996; 1S73. p. 1121, 1886, p. 838; 18S7, p. 805; 1890, p. 888. (C)
(C) channel back of Brigantine Beach,
Pacific coast harbor of refuge, N. J., between Absecon and Brigantine inlets.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1873, pp. 1127, 1129. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng , 1SS7. p. 821. (C)
The Writings of Gradica/cs, 1S02-IQ03. 345
Bobert, Henr>'Martyn. Project, plan, estimate, Roberts. Benjamin Stone. Project, plan, esti-
etc.. for the improvement of Darby Creek. Pa. mate, etc., for the improvement of Mississippi
Rept. Chief of Eug., 1SS7, p. S23. (C) River, between Cairo and mouth. Rept. Chief
Frankford Creek, Pa. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1868, p. 468; 1869, pp. 51, 312, 320, 323;
of Eng., laSS. pp. 69S. 699. (C) 1874, vol. I. p. 382. (C)

-thoroughfare between Cape May Mississippi River levees. Rept.

and Great Bay, N. Rept. Chief of Eng. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 1, pp. 54°. 564. 670. (C)
1888. p. 731. (C) Breech-loading musket and carbine. No.
Marcus Hook Harbor, Pa. Rept. 1648, doc. 152. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1889. p. S67. (C) Memorial relative to reorganization of
Mantua Creek, N. J. Rept. Chief mihtia of United States, 1S60. No. 1031, doc.

of Eng., iSSq. p. S74. (C) 28. (C)

Delaware Breakwater, Del. Rept. Plan for reclaiming swamp and waste
Chief of Eng., 1S90, p. S93. (C) lands of basin of lower Mississippi River. No.
-Tennessee River from Chattanooga 1237. doc. 22. (C)
to the junction of Holstou and French Uroad Roberts. Joseph (U. S. M. A., 1S35). Died Oct.
rivers, Tenn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893. p. 18, 1898, aged 84. Engraving owned by Assoc.
2333. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A.

Duck River. Tenn. Rept. Chief of Photograph in Albums of oflficers' mess.

Eng., 1S93. p. 2406. (A) Obituary :w Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A.,
- River, Tenn. Rept. 1S99. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 240S. (A) The hand-book of artillery for the service
Hiwassee from its River. Tenn., of the United States . . . New York, i860, i

confluence with the Tennessee River to the vol.. O. (A)

mouth of the Ocoee River. Rept. Chief of 10th ed. . . . enl. New York, 1S75.

Eng., 1S93, p. 2412. (A) : vol., (A)

Emory River, Tenn. Rept. Chief of Letters written in Europe during the sum-
Eng., 1893, p. 2414. (A) mer of 1890 to Dr. David Roberts, of Philadel-
- harbor lines in Greenport Harbor, phia. O.. pani. Philadelphia. (A)
N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1894. p. 717. (Al Roberts. Samuel A. (of Texas). Member of
harbor lines in Patchogue River, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1850.
N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1894, p. 719. (A) Robertson. Edgar Brooks (U. S. M. A., 1874).
Glen Cove Harbor, N. Y. Rept. History of the Ninth Regiment of Infantry-.
Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 840. (A) Hist. U. S. Amiy. pp. 526-530. (A)
harbor of West Haven. Conn., and Robertson, S. M. (of Louisiana). Member of
West River from the steam-railroad crossing Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1889.
to main channel of New Haven Harbor. Rept. Robertson, Samuel Churchill (U. S. M. A., 1879).
Chief of Eng.. 1895, p. S53. (A) Died Aug. 31, 1893. aged 36. Obituary' in Ann.
Black Rock Harbor, Conn. Rept. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S94. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S95. p. S57. (A) Author of many papers on professional
Hempstead Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
subjects. 1883- 1893.

Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. S78. (A) Proposed revision of school of the soldier
Cos Cob Harbor and Mianus River, mounted. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 18SS, p. 212. (A)
Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 881. (A) Comment on Wainwright's Riding school.
harbor lines at New Haven, Conn. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S90, p. 137. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895. pp. 8S3, 890. (A) Remount question in the U. S. Cavalry*.
Westport Harbor, Conn. Rept. Jour. Mil. Scrv. Inst. U. S., vol. 8. p. iii. (A)
The cavalryman and his horse. Ord. Note
Chief of Eng.. 1S96. p. 806. (A)
Galveston Harbor, Tex., harbor 297, vol. 10. (A)
lines. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1898. p. 1572. (A) Robertson, William (U. S. M. A., 1S40V Died
Brazos River. Tex. Rept. Chief of Feb. 17, 1890, aged 71. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Eng., 1900, p. 2431. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1890. (A)
Youghiogheny River. Rept. Chief Robins. Ernest Smith (U. S. M. A., 18S4). Died
of Eng., 1900, p. 3294. (A) Aug. iS, iS94,aged32. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc.
Pocket manual of rules of order: A com- Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S95. (A)
pendium of parliamentary law. 1^76.
Robinson, James Watts (U. S. M. A., 1S52). Ed-
The water jet as an aid to engineer con-
itor and publisher Shoe and Leather Adver-
struction. iS-Si.
tiser. 1872-73.
See Boards— Robert; Abbot, 20, 22; Alex- Author of various papers on interest, av-
ander, 2; Casey, 14, 15; Comstock, 5. 6, 12, 15; erage, and exchange. 1S7S-T8SS.
CraighiU, 10, 23; Houston, 4, 5, 6, 8. 10, 11, 12. Robinsoniati calendars for the Christian
Roberts, Benjamin Stone {U. S. M. A., 1835). era, with equation and interest tables. 2d ed.
Died Jan. 29, 1875, aged 64. Engraving (by Boston. 1877. I chart folded. O. (A)
J. C. Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. Robinsonian rapid reckoner Boston, . . .

M. A. 1879. pam.. y. (A)


Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. Pocket edition of Robinsonian interest

M. A.. 1875. (A) simplified Boston, iSSo. i pam., O. (A)
. . .
346 Ceutcjuiial of Uiiitcd States Alilitarv Academy,

Robinson. James Watts. Robinsoiiiaii cumula- Rodgers. James. Member of Board of Visitors
tive discount remainders Boston. 1S80. . . . to U.S. M. 1833.

I chart F. (14x5^ i«-)- (A) Rodders, John {Admiral U. S, Na\'>'). Member

Robinsonian bond and investment tables of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1828.
. . . Boston, (A)
1S90. 1 vol., O. Rodgers. John B. (of Tennessee). Member of
Robinsonian multiplication and divi.sion Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1862.
tables... 1S91. I vol..F.°(i6x5J^in.). (A) Rodgers. John Isaac (U. S. M. A., 1861). Photo-
Robinsonian interest on daily balances graph in Albums of officers' mess.
, Boston, iSq2. I pam.. O. (A)
. .
Rodgers. J. Sumner (of Michigan). Member of
Robinsonian 6 per cent interest book. 2d Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1899.

ed. I vol., O (A) 1S92. Rodman, Thomas Jefferson (U. S. M. A., 1841).
Robinsonian building loan interest tables Died June 7, 1871, aged 53. Portrait (oil paint-
. . . Boston. 1893. I vol., f\ (A) ing bv R. W. Weir, from photograph) pre-
Robinsonian uniquecalculator ivol.. . . . sented by Chief of Ord., 1.S74. In cadet mess
(>. i8(jf>. (A) hall.
Author of the Robinsonian scriesof math- Engraving (byA. H. Ritchie) owned by
ematical reference books. Assoc. Grads. U. M. A. S.

Robinson, Wirt (U.S. M. A.. 18S7). Notes on Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
some albino birds with some remarks on
. . . 1S71; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 43

albinism. Proc. Nat. Mus., No. 733. Washing- fi87i),p. 472. (A)
ton, 18S8. I O.
vol.. Reports of experiments on the properties
The militia of the I'nited States Cam- of metals for cannon, and the qualities of
bridge, 1S94. 1 vol.. O. cannon powder, with an accovuit of the fabri-
A .in the
flying trip to the Tropics . . cation and trial of a 15-inch gun . . . Boston.
year Cambridge, 1S95. 1 vol.. O., ill. (A)
1892. 1S61. ivol., F. [Q.] (A)
An annotated list of birds obser\'ed on Bills of iron for the wrought-iron barbette
Margarita Island and at Guanta and La Guavra, and casemate seacoast carriages, models of
Venezuela. Proc. Nat. Mus., No. 1093. Wash- 1861. 1862, and 1863. Washington, 1864. r vol.,
ington. 1S96. I vol., O. (A) O., pp. 20. (A)
The passage of streams by troops. Cam- Project, plan, estimate, etc., for Rock
bridge, 1897. I vol., O., 15 PP-. ill- (A) Island Bridge. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S70, pp.
An annotated list of birds collected in the 257. 25S. (C)
vicinity of La Guayra, Venezuela. Proc. Nat. Koe, Charles Francis (U. S. M. A., 1S68). Por-
Mus., No. 1247. Washington, 1901. i vol.. O. trait in Mars and Neptune, vol. i {1S9S), p. 23.
(A) (A)
A trip after Papilio homeius. Entomolog- Troop A, New York, in the Brooklyn
ical News. January. 1903. (A) riots. Jour. U. S. Cav. A.ssoc., 1895, p. 139. (A)
Notes on the circumstances of a moving Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
projectile. Cambridge, i vol., O.. 15 pp., ill.
in 1902.
Translation of Alvarado's Impressions of Roe. William James (U. S. M. A.. 1867). Cer-
the bombardment of Puerto Rico Jour. U.S. .
vus (G. I.), [pseud.] White feathers. Phila-
Art., vol.13, P-I3I- delphia, 1S85. I vol.. O., pp. 313. (A)
Robison. William (of Pennsylvania), Member Genone (Hudor). [pseud.] Inquirendo
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S35. Island. New York. 18S6. ivol.. O., pp. 347.
Rockwell. Alfred P. (of Connecticut). Member (A)
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1865. Genone (Hudor). [pseud.] Belloua's hus-
Rockwell. Charles Farnara (U. S. M. A.. 1S63). band. Philadelphia. 1SS7. 1 vol., O., pp. 332.
Died Nov. 13, 1S6S, aged 27. Oil portrait in (A)
the possession of his widow. Genone (Hudor). [pseud.] The last tenet
Albums of officers' mess.
Photograph in imposed upon the Khan of Toraathoz. Chi-
RockweU. Charles Henry (U. S. M. A., 1869). cago, 1892. I (A)
vol.. O., pp. 161.

Died Aug. 21, 1888, aged 41. Obituarj' in Ann. The new West Point. Pop. Sci. Monthly,
Assoc. Grads.U.S. M. A.. 1889. (A) November. 1903. pp. 32-40. (A)
Quartermaster U. S. M. A. July i, 18.S5, to Genone (Hudor). [pseud.] A dikastery
June 30, 1SS7. of one ... a plea for the religion of science.
RockweU. James, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S70). Assistant Chicago [n. d.]. i vol., O., pp. 14. (A)
Instructor of Ordnance and (lUnnery at U. S. Royal Americans.
M. A.. 1S78 to 18S1. Scarlet gods, etc.
Report on the construction of the experi- Cut: A Stor>' of West Point.
" Author of articles scientific, philosophic,
mental Hitchcock wrought-iron 9-inch gun.
Rept. Chief of Ordnance. 1876. pp. 195, 196, or purely literar>-. in magazines and the press
200-203. (C) generally, too numerons and over too many
of board for testing Winchester signatures to quote. "
repeating shotgun, model 1893. Rept. Chief of Roessler.Solomon William (U. S. M. A., 1877).

Ord.. 1896. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.

Rodgers, Rear Admiral C. R. P. (of U. S. Navy). Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
Member of Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in provement of harbor at Memphis. Teun.
1S74 and in 18S3. Rept. Chief of Eng-, 1S93. p. 2135. (A)
Tlir U'ritiu<rs of Graduates, iSo2-n)oi 347
ITojcct. plan, fsti- School Fort Leavenworth. iSyS-
Boessler, Solomon Willuuii . . .

improvimeiit of Wolf RiviT. O. (A)

nulte. etc., for tlie Lec-
Kept. Chief of HiiR. iSgj. p. 2i,V>. (A) Root. Edwin Alvin. Sewage and sewers.
Tenn. officers at the
Mi.ssissippi River, first and second ture <lelivered before the class of
Kept. Cliicf of Kng., iSo.^, p. JTM- f.S. Infantry and Cavalry School. I-'ort
enworth. Kaiis.. class 189.3-1895. Fort Leaven-
I'nion River, Me Kept. Chief of worth. Kans., 189.S. 1 vol.. O., 15 pp. (A)
1S99. p. 1026. Root, Erastus. Member of Board of Visitors to
EnR., ,

Cape Porpoise Harbor Me. Kept. r. S. M. A. in 1833.

Ropes. John C. (of Mas.sachnsetts Memberof
Chief of Kng.. iSgg, p, 1050. (Al

lineksport Harbor. Me. Kept. Chief Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1878.

of Kng., 1900. pp. 1 104, 1107. (,\) Rosecrons. William Starke (XI. S. M. A.. 1842I.
Kept fof
Died Mar. 10, 1S9S. aged 78. I^ngraving (by
Kendnskeag River. CIi
Kng., (A)
1900. p. iioS. H. B. Hall S Sons) owned by Assoc.
Camden Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief V. S. M. A.
of Eng.. 19CX). pp. nil. 1114. (A) Obituary and Portrait in .^nn. .V.ssoc.

Boothhay Harbor, Me. Kept. Chief Grads. v. S. M. A.. 1S98. (Al

of Eng., 1900, pp. 1117. 1120. lAl In memoriam. In Twenty-eighth re-
Parkers Head Harbor Me. Rept. union of the Army of the Cumberland. De-
Chief of Eng.. looo. pp. ii.v, iirA lAi troit. Mich.. September. 1899. Cincinnati,
Rockland Harbor, Me., harbor
1900. (A)
lines. Rept. Chief of Kng., iQoo, p. u.lS (A) Member of Board of Visitors to t" .
S. M. A.
Portsmonth Harbor. N. H. Rept.
in 1884.
Chief of Kng.. 1900. p. 1170. (A) Report of the battle of Mnrfreesboro.
Isles Me. and N. H.
of Shoal.s. Senate Doc. No. 2, 37th Cong.. 2d sess. Wash-
Rept. Chief of Kng., 1900. p. 1172. Ai (
/" War Dept. Library.
ington. 1S63.
Plan for removing Witch Rock. Portland The mistakes of Grant. In North Amer.
Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief of Eng.. I9<.i. I'P
Rev. vol. 141, December. 1,885. (A)
loio, 1015. (.A) Society of the Army of the Cumberland:
harbor lines at l.nbec Cincinnati.
Modification of Burial of General Rosecrans.
Harbor. Me. Repl. Chief of Eng.. 1901. p. 1903. I vol.. O.. p. 159. por. (A I

1020. (Al Popular government.

Kstablishnient of harbor lines in Penob- Died May
Ross, EdwardC. (U. S. M. A.. 1S21).
scot River at Bangor. Me. Rept. Chief of
aged 50. Klements of algebra. Trans-
16. 1851.
E'ng., 1901. pp. 1022. 1024. 1027. (A) the use
lated from the French of Bourdon for
Alfred Hibbard (f. S. M. A.. 1S72),
of cadets, U. S. M. A. New York. 1,831.
Rogers. i vol..

Died Apr. 30. 1S79, aged 31. Photograph

<). (A)
Albums of officers' mess. Pennsylvania). Member of
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. (Irads. If. S, Ross, Thomas (of
Board of Visitors to U. S.M. A. in 1838.
M. A.. lS7g. t.\)

Rogers. Charles Geddings (U. S. M. A..

1S54) Ross. William (of New York ). Member of Board
Ann. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1829.
Died Feb. 24. 1S88, aged 57. Obituarj- /"
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1888. (A) Rossell. W^illiam Trent (U. S. M. A.. 1S73). Pho-
Rogers. Henrv- (of Pennsylvania I. Member
tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S37.
Notes on the chromium battery. Kssayons
Rogers. James (of South Carolina (.
Member of Club Papers. No. 30., 1S74. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1837. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Re. Rept.
Rogers. William Evans (U. S. M..\.. 1S67). provement of .\nclote Harbor, Fla.
port of the board of railroad commissioners
Chief of Eng., 18S5, p. 1280. (C)
i.Sm on -bridge strains." being
a computation Wekiva River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
\ipon every"
of the strains brought to bear Eng., 1885. p. 1281. (C)
member of every train and railroad bridge in St. Augustine Harbor. Fla. Rept.
State of New York. [Joint author.] (A)
the Chiefof Eng., 1885. p. 1282. (C)
Rogers. W. T. (of Pennsylvania). Member of Amelia River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S3.5. Eng., 188s, p. 1285. (C)
RoUins. James Hickman (U. S. M. A..
1S62). Rept. Chief
Charlotte Harbor. Fla.
Died Feb. 5, 1898. aged 57- Photograph
of Eng.. 1S85. p. 1286. (C)
Albums of officers' mess. (A) Indian River, Fla. Rept. Chief of
Obituary in Ann. .\ssoc. Grads. U.S. M. .\.. Kng., 1SS5. p. 1290. (C)
1898. (A) St. Johns River to Jupiter Inlet, I-la.

BolUns. James S. (of Missouri:.. Member of Rept. Chiefof Eng., 1885, p. 1292. (Cl
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1850. Black River. .Ala. Rept. Chief of
W. lof Hlinois). Member of
Board Eng., 1896, p. 14''2. (.A)
Roman. -W.
M. A. in 1856. Mobile Harbor. Ala. Rept. Chief of
of Visitors to U. S.
Military Eng.. 1S96, p. 1465; pp. 18.54. iS.5'>. (A)
Hoot, Edwin Alvin (U. S. M.A., 18S3).
Prepared for use Ship Island Pass, etc.. Miss. Rept.
topography and sketching.
U. S. Infantry and Cavalry Chiefof Eng.. 1897, p. 1709: 1899, p. ll"^;. l-^)
in the . . .
348 Cciifcnnial of United States Military Academy,

Rossell. William Trent, Project, plan, estimate, Ruckman, John Wilson. Notice of The widen-
etc., forthe improvement of Horn Island Pass, ing uses of compressed air, by W. P. Pres-
etc.. Miss. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 1717; singer, p. 157; Notice of Aeronautics, p. 157;
1899, p. 1784. (A) Notice of Bertrang's Upon the reduction of
Pascagoula River. Miss. Rept. Chief the draft in field batteries, p, 164; Review of
of Eng.. 1S97, p. 171Q. (A) PowelPs An army officer's examiner, p. 531;
Pearl River, Miss. Rept. Chief of Review of Boado y Castro's Los fusiles mo-
Eng.. 1S97, p. 172S. (A) dernos in Austria-Hungria, p. 753; Notice of
Warrior River
to Five-mile Creek, A map of Asia, China, and Korea, issued by
Ala. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S99. p. 1730. (A) the Office of Naval Intelligence, p. 755. Jour,
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for shore pro- U. S. Art., vol. 3.
tection at Forts Gains and Morgan, Ala. Rept. Ruff. Charles Frederick (U. S. M. A., 1838).Died
Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. 521. (A) Oct. I, aged 66. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Lock building. Rept. Chief of Eng.. iqoo.
Grads. U. S. M, A.. 18S6. (Ai
p. 2179. (A) Ruffner, Ernest Howard (U. S. M. A., 1867).

See Boards Rossell; Hains, 79; Robert, 15, Dodge, Fort, Kans,. to Camp Supply. Ind. T.,
22. roads from. 1S72. Topographical map.
Roumfort. Augustus L,ouis (IT. S. M. A., 1817). Report of a reconnaissance in the Ute
Died Aug. 2, 187S, aged S2. Obituary in Ann. country, made in the year 1873. Washington,
Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1879. (A) 1874. O. Explorations and Surveys.
Rousseau, Gustave Sebastian (U. S. M. A.. 1828). Indian Territor>', military' map of the,
Died Jan. 29. 1879, aged 72. Obituary in Ann. 1S75 (in 4 sheets). Topographical map.

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S79. (A) The practice of the improvement of non-
Rowan, Andrew Summers {U. S. M. A.. 18S1), tidal rivers of the United States; with an ex-

and Ramsey, Marathon Montrose. The island amination of the results thereof. O., pp. 187.
of Cuba: A descriptive and historical account Quincy, 111.. 18S5.

. . New York, 1896. i vol., O. (A)

Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
provement of Clarksville Harbor, Mo. Rept.
Rowan. Vice-Admiral S. C. (of U. S. Navy).
Chief of Eng.. 1889, p. 1724. (C)
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of
in 1875.
Eng., 1S91, p. 2136. (C)
RoweU, Charles Walter (U. S. M. A., 1874). Died Dunkirk Harbor. N. Y'. Rept. Chief
July 10. 1.S9S, aged 48. Obituary and portrait of Eng., 1893, p. 3120. (A)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) breakwater at Buffalo, N. Y.
Rowell, Melvin Weston (U. S. M. A., 1890). Pri- Chief of Eng., (A)
1895. p. 3149.
vate's handbook of military courtesy and guard harbor lines. Buffalo Harbor, N.Y.

duty Kansas City. 189S. i pam., bound,

. . . Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p, 3179. (A)
O. (A) harbor lines. Niagara River, N. Y.
Row^les, George W. (of Tennessee). Member Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1S95. p. 31S0. (A)
of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S58.
Charleston Harbor, S. C. Rept. Chief

of Eng., 1899, p. 1551. (A)

Roy. James Philip (U. S. M. A-, 1S49). I>ied Oct.
Lynchs River, S. C. Rept. Chief of
24, 1874, aged 47. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Eng., 1900, p. 1876. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1875. (A)
Sampit River, S.C. Rept. Chief of
Rappahannock triangulation.
IT. S. Coast
Eng., i9rx). p. 1S83. (A)
Sur\'ey Rept., 1S54. p. 47. (A)
Estherville-Minim Creek Canal, S.C.
Triangulation. York River, Va. U. S.
Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1900. p. 1894. (A)
Coast Survey Rept.. 1S56. pp. 46,94. (A)
Triangulationof Patuxent River, Md., pp.
Wee Tee Lake, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1900, p, 1903. (A)
59, 60; Assistant in office, p. iiS; Charge of mis-
Great South Bay and Patchogue
cellaneous division, pp. 156. 176-184. U. S. Coast
River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901, pp.
Survey Rept., 185S. (A)
1249, 1255. (A)
Ruckman, John Wilson (U.S.M.A., 1S83). Bal- .SVf Boards —
Ruffner; Abbot, 19; Mackenzie,
listics: The wind problem in gunnery. O., i; Robert. 28. 31, 33.

pam. Fort Hamilton, 1890. (A) Ruger, ThomasHoward (U.S. M. A., 1854). Por-
Review of Information from abroad, No. trait (oil painting by D. Huntington) pre-
10, p. 145; Review of Dredge's Modern French sented by U. S. M. A. In the cadet mess hall.
artillery, p. 284. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i. Superintendent Military Academy, Sept. i,
Announcement to vol. 2, p. 1; Review of 1871, to Sept. I. 1876.
General information series, No. ir, p. 156; Ruggles, Colden L'Hommedieu (U.S.M. A., 1S90).
Notice of De Brack's Cavalry outpost duties, Report on projectiles of caliber 30 service bullet
p. 309; Artillery difficulties in the next war and Hebler tubular bullet. Rept. Chief of
(continued), p. 422; Notice of French's Ex- Ord., 1894. (C)
tended order of drill, p. 458; Notice of The Report on range tables for 3.6-inch B,L.
present development of heavy ordnance in the fieldguns. Rept. Chief of Ord.. iSg6. (C)
United States, by W. H. Jaques, p. 673; Report Progress report on inanufacture of small-
of editor to committee, p. 713. Jour. U. S. Art., arms ammunition. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1897.
vol. 2. (C)
Tlir Jf 'ri/iiijrs of Graduates^ 1802— igo2. 349
Rutfgles, Coldfii 1,'Honnnedieu, Report of tests Russoll, Andrew Howlan<i. Experiments with
of iioniucrcuric primer with smokeless pow- electrical interrupter. Ord. Note 46. vol. 2, p.
der. Kept, Chief of Ord., iSqg. (C) 303- (A)
Hxpt-rimental bullet; Report on the manu- Report on the Weldon range finder. Ord.
facture of guns, mortars, carriages, forj^ings. Note 134. vol. 5. A) f

projectiles, etc., at tlie works of the Bethlehem What is the use of a Regular Army? Jour.
Steel Company, etc. Rept. Chief of (Ird.. 1900. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 24. p. 216. (A)
(Ci Hussell. James. Member of Board of Visitors to
Rugrgles. Daniel U. S. M. A.. i\;5).
1 Died June i, U. rt. M. A. in 1833.
iSgj, aged S7, Obituary in .\nii. Assoc. Grads. Russell. Martin J. (of Illinois). Member of
U..S. M.A., 1897. (At Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1887.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. Russell, W. H. (of Connecticut). Member of
in 1SS4. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S63.
Memorial asking an appropriation to be Russell. W. H. (of Mis.*iouri). Member of Board
expended in developing liis system of pro- of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1838.
ducing rainfall, iSSo. No. 1890. doc. 39. (C) Rust. W. A. (of Maine). Member of Board of
Bug-ti-les, George David (U. Re-
S. M. A., 1855). Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iS(>3.
portsasAdjutant-Oeiieral U.S. Array, 1893-1897. Ryan, James (of New York). Memberof Board
The proposed increase of tlie Army. In of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1836.
North Amer. Rev., vol. 159 (1894}. p. 728. Ryan. John Paul (U. S. M. A., 1S88). Cavalry
Rug-gles. William (of the District of Columbia). lessons from the civil war. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1895. p. 268. (A)
1S41. Sacket. Delos Bennet (U. S. M. A.. 1845). Died
Runcie. James Edward ( U. S. M. A., 1879). Mar. S, 18S5, aged 63. Photograph in Albums
Photograph in Albums of
officers' mess. of officers' mess.
American misgovernment of Cuba. In Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
North Amer. Rev., vol. 170 (1900). p. 2S4. 1885. (A)
Ru3h, Richard Henr>-(i;. S. M. A., iS.t6). Died Reports as Inspector-General. U. S. Army,
Oct. 17. 1S93, aged6S. Photograph in Albums 1881-1885; also asInspector U. S. M. A., 1S66.
Saffold, Marion Boling (U. S. M. A., 1S79).
of officers' mess.
Inchargeof drawingdivision. U.S. Coast Died Oct. 8, 1899, aged 43. Obituary in Ann.
Sur\-ey Rept., 1851. pp. 89, (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Safford. Robert Eliel (U. S. M. A., 1S77). Died
Buss. Charles Perren (U. S. M. A., 1888). Died
July 19, 1879, aged 25. (Obituarj-fw Ann. Assoc.
Feb. 13, 1899, aged 35. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S80. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
Sanders. Capt. J. Member of Board of Visitors
Russel. Edgar (U. S. M. A., 1SS7). Notes on
to U. S. M. A. in 1844.
field practice, Light Batter>- F. Jour. U. S. Art.,
Sands. George Henry (U. S. M. A., 1S.80). Five-
I, p. 106.
yearenlistment for cavalry. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Russell, Albert Judson (U. S. M. A., 1S76). Died
1S99. P- 332. (A)
Apr. 15, 1900, aged4S. Obituarj' f« Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)
Sanford, J. W. A. (of Georgia). Member of
Board of Visitors to U. S.M. A. in 1839.
Ruasell.Andrew Rowland (U. S. M. A., 1S71).
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Sanford. James Clark (U. S. M. A.. 18S4). Proj-
Author of various professional papers, ect,plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement
of Missouri River, report of secretarj-. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 3929. (.A)
Weldon range finder. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
1S80, p. 415.
Congaree River, S. C. Rept. Chief
of Eng., 1900, p. 1S66. (A)
Telemeters, prism range finders, report of.
Rept. Chief of Ord.. iSSi, p. 291. (C) Charleston Harbor, S. C. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1870. (A)
The War Department at the centennial,
Cincinnati. Ohio, 1S88. O.
• Sampit River, S. C. Rept. Chief of
Springfield, inspecting glass for, rifles.
Eng., 1900. p. 1S92. (A)
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1.8S8, p. 79. (C)
Great Pedee River, S. C. Rept.

Chief of Eng., 1901, pp. 160S, 1614. (A)

Second construction report on mortar, 12-
Ashley River. S. C. Rept. Chief of
inch B. Iv., cast iron. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
1S89. p.
E!ng., 1901, pp. 1620, 1623. (A)
36.S. (C)
Summarv' of shrinkages and effect of Sarg-ent. Aaron A. (of California). Member of
hooping mortar. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1890, p.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1872.

297. ;C) Sargent, Herbert Howland (U. S. M. A., 1883).

Report on method on rendering property Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign (1796-97),
receipts and issues at Rock Island Arsenal with comments Chicago, 1895. 1 vol.,
. . .

[/71 circular letter ordnance office, Sept. 23, O. (A)

1S99, on revision of property returns], Rept. The campaign of Marengo . . . Ch'cago,
Chief of Ord.. 1899. 1897. I vol., O. (A)
Physical properties of metals. Notes Five-year enlistment
for the cavalrj'.
Constr. Ord. No. 15, vol. i, p. i. (A) Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1899, p. 333. (A)
350 Ccntoniial of United Stati's Military Academy.
Sargrent. Htrbert Howlaiid. A strategical study. Savage, Richard Henn.-. Her foreign conquest:
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 21, p. 27. (A) A novel New York, 1S96.
. . vol., O.
. (A) i

Sarratt.Edwin Oliver (U. S. M. A., 1897). Pho- A modern Corsair: A stor\- of the l,evant
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. . . Chicago and New York, 1897. i vol., O.

Sartle.William Judsou (U. S. M. A., 1S67). Died
For her life: A story of St. Petersburg . . .
Jan 27, 1S73. aged 29. Obiluar\' in Ann. Assoc.
Chicago and New York, 1897. i vol., O. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1873. (A)
A fascinating traitor New York, . . .

Sater, William Alfred (U. S.M. A.. 1S94). Died iSq;. vol., O.
I (A)
July I, i8gS,Obituary and portrait aged 28.
In the shadow of the pyramids: The last
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) days of Ismail Kh£'dive, 1879. A novel . . .

Satterlee. Charles Booth (U. S. M. A., 1876). Chicago and New York, 1898. 1 vol., O. (A)
Died July 10, 1S99, aged 44. Obituary and por- In the swim: A storv' of currents and
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., igoo. undercurrents in gayest New York Chi- . .

(Al cago and New York, 189S. i vol., O. (A)

The theoretical and practical training of The hacienda on the hill: A novel . . .

the liglU-arlillery gunuur. Jour. U. S. Art., New York, 1899. i vol., O. (A)
vol. 8. p. isi. The white lady of Kharainavatka. l,eip-
Training of field batteries. Jour. Mil. zig, 1S99. 2 vols.. O. (A)
Sen.'. Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p. 174. (A) Captain Laudon: A story of modem
Savage, Richard Henry ( r. S. M. A., 1S68). Rome . . . New York, 1S99. i vol.. O. (A)
Shield of his honor . . . New York, 1890. i
Our mysterious passenger, and other
vol., O. (A) .stories . . . New York, 1899. 1 vol., O. (A)
Brought to bay, 1900. Chicago.
My official wife: A novel. 12"^, New
The midnight passenger. 1900. Chicago,
York, 1S91. (A)
The little judge of I,agunitas.
That old checkbook: 1864-1892. An old
Notice of his life. See Introduction to his
cadet's memories. 2 leaves. New York, Feb.
novel. Princess of Alaska.
2y, 1892.
Author of 29 volumes of novels, poems,
The little A Krauco-
lady of Lagunitas:
stories, etc.
California romance. New York, 1892. (A)
and Gunter, Mrs. Archibald Clavering.
Prince Schamyl's wooing: A story of the
His Cuban sweetheart: A novel New
Caucasus, Rnsso-Turktsh war. 12^. New . . .

York, 1S95. I vol., O. (A)

York, 1S92. (A)
The masked Venus: A story of many
and Hooper, W^ill Phillip. An untold tale,
by Phillip Hooper. An awkward meeting;
lands. 12^^. New York, 1893. (A)
Fighting the tiger, and other thrilling adven-
For life and love: A ston»- of the Rio
Grande . , . Chicago and New York. 1893. \
tures told by Col. R. H. Savage New York, . . .

1897. I vol., O. (A)

vol., (A)
Sawtelle. Charles Greene (U. S. M. A., 1854).
The passing show IV0I..O. 1893. (A) .

Reports as Quartermaster-General U. S. Army,

Delilah of Harle A stor^' of the New
York City of to-day New York, 1893. i
Sawyer. Frederick A. (of South Carolina).
vol., O. (A)
The Princess of Alaska: A tale of two Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
countries. A novel Chicago, 1S94. ivol.. . . .

O. (A)
Saxton, F. B. (of Texas). Member of Board of
\''isitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S56,
A daughter of Judas . . . New York,
1894. I vol., O.
Saxton, Rufus (U. S. M. A.. 1849). Photograph
The flying halcyon: A mystery of the Pa-
in Albums of mess. officers'
Triangulation, South Carolina, pp. 55, 96;
cific Ocean.New version. 1894. i vol.,0. (A)
anarchist: A story of to-day
The Charge of engraving division, pp. 89. 145-147.
. , ,

Chicago, 1894. I vol., O. (A) U. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S56. (A)

In the old chateau: A story of Russian Charge of engraving division, pp. iiS, 188;
Report, pp. 200-210. U. S. Coast Survey Rept.,
Poland . . . Chicago and New York, 1895. i

vol., O. (A) 1857. (A)

After many years. [Poems.] Chicago Scales, Alfred M. (of North Carolina). Member
and New York, 1S95. i vol., O. (A) of Board of Visitors to X^. S. M. A. in 1881.
Miss Deverenx of the Mariquita: A story Scamnaon. Eliakim Parker (U. S. M. A., 1S37).
of bonanza days in Nevada . . . Chicago and Died Dec. 7, 1894, aged 78. Obituary in Ann.
New Y'^ork, 1895. (A) i vol.. O. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
Checked through missing, trunk No. 175S0:
Scammon, J. Young (of Illinois). Member of
A story of New York City life Chicago . . .

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1864.

and New York, 1S96. i vol., O. (A)
An exile from L,ondon: A novel . . .
Schaeffer. Charles Melanchton ( U. S. M. A., 1878).

New York. 1S96. i vol., O. (A) Died June 23, 1900, aged 42. Obituary in Ann.
I^ost Countess Falka: A ston,' of the Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Orient . . . Chicago and New York, iSgi). i Schaff, Gen. Morris (of Massachusetts). Mem-
vol., O. (A) ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1882.
The JFriiings of Graduates, i8o2-i<)02. 351
Bchenck, Alexander Dubois (U. S. M. A., 1S67). Schumm. Herman C. (U. S. M. A., 1887). Review
The time fuze with shrapnel fire. Jowr. U. S. of Construction der Gezogenen
Art., vol. I. p. 397. Geschuetzrohre. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 2. p. 670.
FieUl arti]ler>- fire, p. 79; The pack mule Artillery projectiles and their penetra-
and mountain artillery-, p.,s^3. Jour. V S. Art., . tion. Jour. V. S. Art., vol. 4, p. 620.
vol. 3, p. 5S3. Translation. Thoughts on the employ-
Pack saddles au<l a powerful luounlain ment of cavalry and mounted artillery in bat-
gun. Jour. r. S. Art., vol. 9, p. 129. tle. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 5. p. 394.
Organization of the field artillery. Jour. Schuyler. Montgomer>' (of New York). Mem-
U. S. Art., vol. 16. p. 1. ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902.
Relative values of field guns. Jour. Mil. Schwatka. I-redcrick (I'. S. M. A., 1S71). Died
Serv. Inst. I'. S., vol. 10, p. 195. (A) Nov. 2, 1892, aged 43. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Our northern frontier. Jour. Mil. Ser\". Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S93. (A)
Inst. U. S.. vol. 11, p. S6y. (A) Rep(jrt of a military' reconnaissance in
Comment on Artiller>' difficulties. Jour. Alaska made in 1S83. t). 1SS5. (A)
Mil. Serv. Inst. \'. S., vol. 12. p. Soo. (A) The fur-seal fishery dispute. In North
Schenck, Bard Pendleton (r. S. M. A., 1SS7). Amer. Kev., vol. 146, 1S8S, p. 390.
Died Mar. 10, 1900, aged 35. Obituarj'- in Ann. Coming polar expeditions. In North
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., igoo. (A) Amer. Rev., vol. 148. p. 151, February, ifiSg. (A)
Schenck. Robert C. {of Ohio). Member of Board In the land of cave and cliff dwellers . . .

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1865 and in 1S70. New York, 1S93. vol.. O., ill. (A)

Scherer. Louis Charles ( U. S. M. A.. 1891 ). Ceuta. Among the Esquimaux with Schwatka
(by Wm. H. Gilder). Century- Mag., vol. 22,
Jour. r. S. Art., vol. 10, p. 137.
p. 76.
Schofleld. Charles Brewster (l*. S. M. A.. 1870).
A musk-ox hunt. Centur>* Mag., vol. 4,
Died Feb, aged 51. Obituarj- in Ann.
i. 1901,
p. 671.
Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Sledging in the arctic in quest of tlie
Schofleld. John McAllister T. S. M. A., 1S53). (
Franklin records (by W. H. Gilder, second in
Portrait (oil painting by James C. Beckwith) command).
presented by U. S. M. A., 1^7^ or iH7tj. !n the The children of the cold.
cadet mess liall.
Scott, Henry (U. S. M. A.. 1833). Died Jan.
Oil portrait in Metropolitan Club, of
6. 1S86, aged 71. Obituary In \\\\\. Assoc.
Washington. D. C.
Grads. V. S. M. A.. 18S6. (Al
Portrait. In The Army of the I'nited
States, p. 629. (A)
Military- dictionary' . . . New York. 1S61,
1 vol., O. (.\)
Engraving (by H. B. Halls Sonsl owned
by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M, A. Scott. J. W. Member of Board of Visitors to

Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. r. S, M. A. in 1S34.

Nineteenth Superintendent from Sept. i. Scott.John W. (of Pennsylvania). Member of

1S76. to Jan. 21, iSSi. Reports as Supt. V. S. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iSt>2.
M. A.. 1S76-1SS1. Scott. William Sherley (U. S. M. A., 1880). Kil-
Member of Board of \"isitors to I'. S. '

pat rick's raid around Atlanta. Jour. Cav.

M. A. in 1901. Assoc. 1S90, p. 263. (A)
Introducton,- remarks upon the study of

Remount system for cavalr\' in different

the science of war from a paper read to the '

countries. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1899, p. 13. (A)

r. S. Mil. Serv. Inst.. West Point, Oct. 11, 1S77.
Scott, Winfield. Died May 29, 1866, aged 86.
New York. 1S77, vol.. O.. 21 pp. (A) i
Portrait (oil painting by Weir at request of
Address delivered ... to the corps of
Maj. Barnard. Superintendent I*. S. M. .\.).
cadets. U. S. M. A., West Point. N. Y.. Mon-
Presented by Military- Academy. In the Li-
day. Aug. II. 1879. pam., O., 9pp. (A) r
Forty-six years in the Army. New York,
1S97. hi War Dept. Library-.
xvi. 577 pp.
bronze medallion (by Hammerstein &
Inaugural address before Mil. Sen*. Inst., Penniville. of New York City). Presented by
Gen. Daniel Butterfield. Memorial hall.
Jan. II, 1S79. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst, I'. S.. vol.
I. p. I. (A) Member of Board of Visitors to W -S. M. A.
Maneuvers of the French army and ob- in 1S31. 1843, 1S44. and 1845.

ser\'ations upon continental military systems. Scranton. Joseph A. (of Pennsylvania). Mem-
Jour. Mil Serv. lust. \' . .S.. vol. 3, p. 151. ( .\ ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M.A. in 1891.
Remarks . nixm the reorganizittion of
. .
Scriven. George Percival (U. S. M. A.. 1878).
the Army. Washington, i vol., O., pp. 10. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
(A^ translator of Scouting and reconnaissance
Schriver. Edmund
(U.S. M. A., 1833). Died Feb. by Von der (ioetz. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U.S.,
10, iSgg. aged 86. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. vol. 7. p. 72. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1901. (A) The Nicaragua Canal. [Prize essay.]
Schull. Herman Walter (U. S. M. A., iS-Sg). Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. I'. S., vol. 15, p. i. (A)
Spanish ordnance in the defenses of Havana. Scudder. Col. James I,, (of Tennessee). Mem-
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 15, p. 129. ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. ni 1S72.
352 Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Searight, Joseph Donaldson (U. S. M. A., 1826). Sed^w^ick. John. Address before Vermont Offi-
Died Jan. aged 83. Obituary /;; Ann.
22, 1SS5, cers' Reunion Society (by M. T. McMahon).
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S85. (A) 1880, 33 pp. In War
Dept. Library.
Bearle, Zetus Stilwell (U. S. M. A., 1850). Died Memorial exercises at Cornwall, Conn..
Apr. 2, 1876. aged 48. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. May 30, 1S92. Hartford, 1S92. 35 pp. In War
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S76. (A) Dept. Library.
Sears. Rev. Barnas, D. D. Member of Board of Correspondence oi Maj. Gen. John Sedg-
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1870. wick, vol. I (1S46-184S). n. p., 1902. O., por.

Sears, Claudius Wistar (U. S. M. A., 1841). Died (A)

Feb. 15, 1891, aged 74. Obituar>' :« Ann. Assoc. Selden, Henry Raymond (U. S. M. A., 1S43).
Grads. r. S. M. A., 1891. (A) Died Feb. 2, aged 44. Engraving (by

Sears, Clinton Brooks (U. S. M. A., 1867). Pho- J C. Buttre )

. . Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M A. .

tograph in Albums of officers' mess. Semmes, Paul J. (of Georgia). Member of

Ranson genealogy. 1882. Board of Visitors toU. S. M. A. in 1S57.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Settle. Judge Thomas (of North Carolina).
provement of James River. Dak. Rept. Chief Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. A.M. in
of Eng.. 1SS7, p. 1606. (C) 1870.

bridge of the Northern Pacific Rail- Sevier. Robert U. S. M. A., 1828). Died May 16,

road Company. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1888. p. 1879.aged 71. Obituary 2'« Ann. Assoc. Grads.
2670. (C) U. S. M. A., 1S79. (A)
harbor lines in AUouez Bay, near Seward. Augustus Henry (U. S. M. A., 1847).
Superior, Wis. Rept. Chief of Eug., 1S93, p. Died Sept. 11, 1876, aged 50, Obituary in Ann.
2695. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S77. (A)
— Irou River, Wis. Rept. Chief of SeweU. John Stephen (U. S. M. A., 1891). Pro-
Eng., 1S95, p. -2581. (A) ject, plan, estimate, etc., for the erection of
harbor lines in St. I^ouis Bay. Rept. new building for Government Printing Office.
Chief of Eng., 1S95, P- 258S. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901. p. 3801. (A*)
Portwing. Wis., harbor of. Rept. Sew^ell,William J. (of New Jersey). Member of
Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 2643. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1896.
Two Islands, Minn. Rept. Chief of Seymour, Truman (U. S. M. A.. 1S46). Died Oct.
Eng., 1900, p. 3629. (A) Photograph in Albums of
30, 1S91, aged 67.
Copper Harbor. Mich. Rept. Chief
officers' mess,
of Eug., 1900, p. 3636. (A)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Report upon ownership of the ground on
1S92. (A)
which are located the canal, canal entrances, Bronze medallion (by Launt Thompson).
and piers at Duluth Harbor. Minn. Rept. Presented by Mrs. Louisa Seymour, his wife.
Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 2665. (A)
Memorial hall.
I^ocation for canal to connect Lake Super-
The bugle ... its utility in battery evo-
ior and the Mississippi River. Rept. Chief of
lutions ... I pam., O. i8b2. (Al
Eng., 1896, p. 2391. (A)
Military education: A vindication of West
Principles of tidal harbor improvements,
Point and the Regular Army. [Reprint from
Army and Navy Journal. Sept. 24. 1864.] N. Y.,
^^t'Boards— Sears; Poe, 18; Smith, i; (A)
1864. I vol.. O., 7 pp.
Stickney, 7. i't'^ Commissions — Poe. r. (A)
Sears. Henry B. (U. S. M. A., 1S46). Died Feb.
ShaafF, John Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1851). Died
12, 1S80, aged 55. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. July 2. 1S77, aged 47. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S80. (A) Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1S81. (A)
Seaton, W. W. (of District of Columbia). Mem- Shaler. Charles (U. S. M. A.. 1S67). Photograph
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S30, in Albums of officers' mess.
Seawell, Washington (U. S. M. A., 1825). Died Sounding, method of, smokeless powder,
Jan. 8, iSSS, aged 86. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. at Rock Island Arsenal; Water power, amount
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1888. (A) of flow per minute. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1877,

Sedgwick, John (U.S.M.A., 1837). Died May 9, p. 1S4. (C)

1S64, aged 50. Engra\nng owned by Assoc. Rifle, 3.2-inch B. L-, from base. p. 494; Ex-
Grads. U. S. M. A. perimental carriage for 5-inch B. L- rifle, test
Portrait {oil painting by H. Balling). Pre- of, p. 529. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1891. (C)
sented by subscription and $100 from Military Report on Benicia Arsenal facilities for
Academy. In memorial hall, West Point. storing, distributing, and manufacturing.
Bronze standing statue (by Launt Thomp- Rept.Chief of Ord., 1S99.
son). At West Point. N. V. Translator of Resistance of metallic tubes,
Bronze and granite memorial (by J. J. simple or compound, with ai>plication to the
Hawley). At West Cornwall. Conn, (1899). construction of cannon. Notes Constr. Ord.
Description of the ceremony of dedication No. vol. r, p. I.
9. (A)
of the statue of Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick . . .
Relative values of field guns. Jour. Mil.
at West Point, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1S68, including the Serv. Inst. U.S., vol. 10. p. 391. (A)

oration of Hon. G. W. Curtis on the occasion. Shanmon. James (of Kentucky). Member of
New York, 1869. i pam., O., 67 pp. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S30.
The JI 'ri/in,i^s of Graduates^ iSo2-/goi 353
sharp, I^eanderJ. Member of Board of Visitors Sheridan, Philip Hcnrj'. Philip H. Sheridan.
to I'.S. M. A.iil 1S31. Anecdote Harper's New Monthly
Mag., vol,
Sharpe, Henry (".ranville (U. S. M. A., 1S80). Plio- 31 (A)
(1S65K pp. 29S. 305-
tograph iti Albums of officers' mess. Keim (De B. R.): Sheridan's troopers on
Review of I'ierroii's Strategie et tactique. the iKjrders: A winter cam])aign on the plains
Philadelphia, 1870. i vol., O.
Jour. Mil. Scrv. Inst. U. S. vol. 14, p. 1116. (A) . (186S-69).
. .

Translator of Dufour's Theories upon util- (A)

ization of local resources by troops in cam- Report of an exploration of parts of Wy-
paign. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I". S., vol. 17, p. 623. oming, Idaho, and Montana, in August and
(A) September, iS82,with the itinerary of Lieut. Col,
Art of supplying armies in the field, etc. James F. Gregory, A. D. C, and a geological
[Prize essay.] Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.,vol. and botanical report by Surg. W. H. Forvvood.
IS, p. 45. (A) Map, ()., pp.69. Washington, 1882.
See West Point maps, 1.S85. Record of engagements with hostile In-
Shea. James (of New York). Member of Board dians within the military- division of the Mis-
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 183S. souri, from i.S(>.S to 18S2. Chicago, 1882. i vol.,

Shelton, Edwin Henry (U. S. M. A.. 1S70). Died O., pp. 120. (A)
Jan. 13. 1S.S0. aged 29. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Report of an expedition through the Big
Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1.SS0. (A) Horn Mountains. Yellowstone National Park,
Shepherd. Oliver Lathrop (I'. S. M. A., 1S40). etc. Maps, O.. pp.39. Washington, 18S2.
Died Apr. 15, 1S94. aged 79. Obituary in Ann. The last days of the rebellion. In North
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S94. (A) .'^mer. Rev., vol. 1.37, July, 1S83; vol. 147 (1S88),
Sheridan, Philip Henrj- {V. S. M. A., 1853). Died p. 270. (A)
Aug. 5, 188S. aged 57. Portrait (oil painting Personal memoirs. New York, 1888, 2
by Mrs. L. H. Darriigh. Philadelphia. May 22, vols., O., ill.por. (A)
1888). Gift of G. W. Childs. Ill cadet mess MacClellan (Carswell): Notes on the per-
hall. sonal memoirs of P. H. Sheridan ... I pam.,
Oil portrait. In Metropolitan Club, Wash- O. 1889. (A)
ington, D. C. Davies(Gen. Henry E): General Sheridan
Oil painting, Sheridan's ride (by T. B. ... I vol., O., 1S9.S. [Great commanders.]
Read). In Academy of Kine Arts, Philadel- (A)
phia, Pa. Message of President Cleveland announc-
Commanding the .\rmy, 1S83-1SSS. Por- ing death of, .-Vug. 6, j888. No. 2,';6i, doc. 415.
trait in the .\rmy of the United States, p. 575. (C)
(A) Removal of, from command of 1-ifth mili-
Engra\"ing owned by As.soc. Grads. U. S. correspondence relative to. No.
tary district ;

M. A. 1.330, doc. 57. (C)

Enlarged photograph showing a group of Report to Joint Committee on Conduct of
ofhcers as below, counting from the left of the War. /« supplemental report joint com-
the picture: Sheridan, J. W. Forsyth, W. mittee, vol. 2. No. 1242, doc. (C) .

Merritt, T. C. Devin, Custer. In memorial Memoir (by B. M.Gutcheon). M.O.I,. L.

U.S. 1888. 61pp. /« War Dept. Library.
Bronze (equestrian) statue (by J. Q. A. M. O. L. L. U. S., General Commandery,
Ward). In 'W'ashington, D. C. 1889. In War Dept. I.ibrarj'.
Bronze portrait medallion (by Samuel J. Toasts, etc., at to. M.O. L. I.. U.S.,
Kitson) on granite monument in Arlington Illinois, war papers. In War Dept. Lihrarj-.
National Cemetery, Washington, D. C. [Cast Division of. at Missionary Ridge. M. O,
in 1SS9.]
L. L- U. S., Ohio, war papers, vol. 4. In War
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. Dept. Library.
M. A., 18S9; Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
Sketch of (by E. D. Parsons). M. O. L. L-
vol. 77 (1SS8), p. S05. (A) In War Dept.
U. S., Wisconsin, war papers.
In memoriam: Proceedings of the senate
and assembly of the State of New York on Personal recollections of (by E. P. Tobie).
the life and sen-ices of, Apr. 9, 1889. (A) S. S. Hist. Soc. R. I., 4th ser., No. 6. In War
Memorial from Boston. 1889. /« War Dept. I,ibrary.
Dept. L,ibrar>'.
Recollections of, as a cadet (by L. Hana-
Eulogy on Gen. Philip II. Sheridan (by way). M.O.L.L. U.S., Wisconsin, warpapers.
Russell A. Alger). In nineteenth reunion of In War Dept. Library.
the Army of the Cumberland, Chicago. 111., Life of General Sheridan (by Richard J.
Sept., 1SS8, p. 113. Cincinnati, 1S89. (A)
Memorial addresses. M. O. L. L,. U. S. From Gravelotte to Sedan. Scribner's
"Wisconsin war papers. /;/ War Dept. I.ibrarj-. Mag., vol. p.
4, si.'i.
Sheridan's battle of Winche.stci (by J. W.
Lieutenant-General Sheridan (by Adam
De Forest). Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
Badeau). Centurj- Mag., vol.27, p. 496.
vol. 30 (1865). p. 195.
Recollections of Sheridan (by W. F. G. and Sherman, William Tecumseh (U. S.

Shanks). Harper's New Monthly, vol. M. A., 1840). Reports of inspection made in
31 (1865), p. 298. (A) the summer of 1877 ... of country north of

H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2— vol 2 23

Centennial of United States Military Academy.
order under the direction of Bvt. Maj. 'W. L. B.
the Union Pacific Railroad. Printed by
Jenney, 1865. Military maps. Portfolio. (A)
of the Secretary of War. Washington,
Sherman, William Tecumseh. Recollections of
I vol., O. (A)
engage- W.T. Sherman (by W. F. G. Shanks), p. 640;
Sheridan, Philip Henry. See Record of
Sherman's march to the sea, p. 807. Harper's
ments with hostile Indians . . .

Sa with General Sheridan in I,ee's last New Monthly Mag., vol. 30 (1S65).

(A) Sherman's great march (by A. H. Guern-

campaign i vol., O. 1866. .

Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 31

. .

Sherman. James learned (U. S. M. A., 1865).
Died May 15, 1S80, aged 35. Obituarj- in Ann.
(1S65), p. 571-
Address before the societies of the armies
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S80. (A)
of the Tennessee, Cumberland, Ohio, and
Sherman, John (U.S. Senate). Member of Board Georgia. Chicago, Dec. 15 and 16, 1868. In the
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S-3. Army Reunion, p. 17. Chicago, 1S69. (A)
Sherman. Thomas West (U. S. M. A.. iSj6l. West Point, graduating class, address,
Died Mar. 16, 1879, aged 66. Obituary in
Ann. by William T. Sherman. Also same for
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S79. (A) 1S76 and 1S80.
Sherman, William Tecumseh U. S. M. A., 1S40). (
General Sherman in Turkey. Harper's
Died Feb. 14, 1S91, aged 71. Portrait (oil paint- New Monthly Mag., vol. 47 (1873), p. 481. (A)
Gift of
ing by Mrs. L. H. Darragh, 1S87). Boynton (H. V.); Sherman's historical
G.W.Childs. In cadet mess hall. raid ... I vol., O. 1S75. (.\)
Oil painting (by G. P. A. Healy)
Autobiographical memoirs. [1st ed.]

sented May, 1902, by Father Deshon (U. S. 1S75. 2 vols., Q. In War Dept. Library. (A)
M. A., 184.3). In memorial hall. Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman (by
- Oil portrait. In Metropolitan Club, Wash- Reviewed by Francis Winthrop
ington, D. C. Palfrey. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 36 (1875), p.
• Portrait. Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
vol.30 (1865) p. 640. (A) Gen.William T.Sherman (by C. H. Catch).
Portrait (death mask). Harper's New War Dept. Library-.
Monthly Mag., vol.85 (1892) p. 911. (A) (by J. B. Foraker). [n.p] /« War
Engraving (by J. C. Buttre) owned by Dept. Library'.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. (by Manning Ferguson Force).
Bronze equestrian statue (by Carl Rohl New Vork, 1S99. [Great commanders.]
Smith). Washington, D.C. - (by Col. Heurj- Hitchcock). In War
Bronze equestrian statue (by St. Gandensl. Dept. Library
Central Park, JJew York City. - (by Capt. F. H. Magdeburg). Re
Bronze statue, standing (by J. Massey print of Wis. M. O. L. L. U. S., war papers,
Rhind). In Muskegon, Mich. Gift of Charles 1S91. Milwaukee, 1896. 51pp. /k War Dept.
Hackley. Library.
Bust (by A. St. Gaudens). (by C. W. Moulton). 1875. In War
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Dept. Library.
1891; Harper's New Monthly /" War Dept.
Mag., vol. 82
J. Pitzman).
- (by

(1891), p.969. (A) I^ihrary.

Memorial addresses (by W. B. Allison). - (by E. V. Sinalley). Century Mag.,
In War Department Library. vol. 27. p. 450-
In memoriam. In Twenty-second reunion .
.\ddress to the class of 1880, Artillery
of the Army of the Cumberland, Columbus, School, X-^x. y^) 28. 6 pp.
Ohio, September, 1S91, p. 163. Cincinnati, 1S92. Sherman's opinion of Grant (by Allen
(A) Thorndyke Rice), /k North Anier. Rev., vol.
In memoriam. William T. Sherman. 142, February, 1S86.
Proceedings of the senate and assembly of the An unspoken address. In North Amer.
State of New York . . . i vol., O. 1892. In
Rev., vol. 142, March, 1886.
War Dept. Library. (A) [Important
Memorial tribute (by S. J. Nicholls). St. Letter to General Grant.
Historical Letters.] In North Amer. Rev.,
Louis, 1S9!. In War Dept. Library.
vol. 143. July. 'SSe. (A)
Bowman (S. M.) and Irwin (R. B.): Sher-
man and his campaigns. New York, 1S65. i -Grant (U. S.): Letters to General Sher-
vol., O., ill., Dept. Library. (A)
por. In War man. [Important Historical Letters.] In
Official reports, 1.S64-65. Atlanta, Savan- North Amer. Rev., vol. 143. J"ly. '886. (A)
nah, the Carolinas, Johnson's truce. New Letter to President Johnson. [Important
Y'ork, 1865. 84 pp. In War Dept. Library. Historical Letters.] In North Amer. Rev.,
General and field orders. Campaign of vol. 143, July, 1S86.
the armies of the Tennessee, Ohio, and Cum-
Johnston (J. E.)i My negotiations with
berland Sherman commanding, 1864-65.
In North Amer. Rev.,
General Sherman,
. . .

I vol., O. (A) 1865.

vol. 143, -August, 1886.
Marches of the United States forces under
Smith (William Farrar): To General
the command of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman,
Shernijin. In North Amer. Rev., vol. 143,
U. S. .\rmy, during the years 1863, 1864, and
1S65. Compiled by order of General Sherman, .\ugust, 1886.
The J J 'ritii/o-s of Graduates, 1802-TQ02. 355
Sherman, William Tccviniseli. lliaj^p ( Hraxtttn) Shlpton, James Ancil. Translation of Von
Suint- mipublislK-d U-ttcrs adclrt-sscil to Rohnes Concerning the reliability of range-
W. T. Slu-rnian. /« Nortli Aincr. Rev., vf)I. fin<ling shots. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 9, p. 137.

143. November. iSSf); vol. 144, Ai>ril. 1SS7. Sbiras.Alexander Kakin (U. S.M. A., 1833).
Grant. Tlionias,I.t-c. In North Amcr. Died Apr. 14, 1875, aged 63. Photograph in
Rev., vol. May, 1SS7. (A)
144. Albums of officers' mess. (A)
Sherman's march to the sea (l>yS. H.M. Obituar>' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A.,
Byers). In North Amer. Rev., vol. 145. 1SS7. 1875. (A)
I,etter from Admiral Porter. In North Reports as Commissary-General. V . S.
Amer. Rev,, vol. 145 {1SS7). p. 553. Campfiros Army, 1S74-75.
of tlie O. A. R.. p. 497. Old Shady with a Shobor, K. (of North Carolina). Member of
moral. ]>. 361; Hon. James G. Blaine, p. 616. Board of Visitors to tl. S. M. A. in 1832.
In North Amer. Rev., vol. 147 (iSSS). Shoemaker. Frank L. (U. S. M. A., 1868). Died
Remarks Oct. 3, 1SS9. on the occasion of July I, 1S9S. aged 55. Obituary in Ann. Assoc
the presentation of portraits of Generals Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1S99. (A)
Grant. Sherman, and Sheridan to the U. S. Shoup, Francis Asbury (U. S. M. A., 1S55). l^'t-^l
M. A. Childs: Recollections of Grant, p. 77. Sept. 4. iSq6, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
(A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S97. (A)
Onr Army and militia, /w North Amer. Elements of algebra New York, 1S74.
. . .

Rev., vol. 150 (1S90). 1 vol.. O. (A)

Correspondence between Gen,
Letters. The issue.
\V, T.and Senator John Sherman, 1S37-189T. Various magazine articles.
Kdited by Rachel Sherman Thorndike. New- Shubart, Yl. (of Pennsylvania). Member of
York. 1S94. viii. 39S pp., por. In War Dept. Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1850.
Library, Shuuk, Francis Rawn (l". S. M. A., 1S87). Proj-
Statne of. Answer of committee of So- ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the improvement
ciety Army of Tennessee to the National of Chelco River, Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Scnlptnre Society. 1S96. Itt War Dept. Li- 1893. P- 3431- (A)
brary'. Rogue Rept. Chief of
River, Oreg.
Why General Sherman declined the nom- Eng., (A)
1893. p. 3435-
ination in 1SS4, In North Amer. Rev., vol. 171 Quillaynte River and Harbor, Wash.
(1900). p. 243. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 3454. (A)
Monlton (C. W. ): The review of . . . Clallam Bay, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Sherman's memoirs examined. (A) Eng., 1895, p. 3465. (A)
military' lessons of the war. Okanogan River, Wash. Rept. Chief
G. A, R., F. C. Jones Post, No. 401, Ohio. of Eng., 1895. p. 3477. (A)
In War Dept. Librarj*. Translation of Impressions of a company
M. O. L. I*. U- S., Minnesota Commanden,-. commander (by Captain Potez). Washington,
In War Dept. Library. 1901. I vol., O.
Official deposition of. ou the burning of Shunk. William Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1S79).
Columbia. In War Dept. Library*. Essay: The origin, development, and use of
and Sheridan, Philip Henr\- (U. S. M. A., hasty intrenchments for infantry. 12°, pam.
1S53). Reports of inspection made in the sum- 1SS7. (A)
mer of 1S77 ... of country- north of the Onion Foreign criticism of civil war. Jour. Cav.
Pacific Railroad. Printed by order of the Sec- Assoc, iSgi, p. 243. (A)
retar>' ofWar. Washington, 1S7S. i vol., O. Military geography of Mexico. Jour. Cav.
Shields, Hamilton Leroy (U. S. M. A.. 1846). Assoc, 1893. p. 117. (A)
Died Nov. 24. 1SS9, aged 66. Obituary in Ann. Hasty intrenchments. Jour. Mil. Serv.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S90. (A) Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p. 421. (A)
Shipman. Herbert. Chaplain U. S. M. A.. 1896- Sibert, William Luther (U. S. M. A., 1SS4). Proj-
ect, plan, estimate, etc, forthe improvement
Shipp, Col. Scott (of Virginia). Member of of Cache River to Riverside, Ark. Rept. Chief
Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1890. of Eng., 1S95, p. 2037. (A)
Bhipp. William Ewen
M. A., 18S3). Died
(U. S. St. Francis River, Mo. Rept. Chief
July I, 1898, Obituary and portrait in
aged 37. of Eng., 1895. p. 2040. (A)
Ann. Assoc. Grads. l". S. M. A., 1809. (A) Upper White River, Ark. Rept.
Comment on Bernard's Marching and Chief of Eng., (A)
1896, p. 1697.
camping of cavalrj*. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1889, Arkansas River, Ark. Rept. Chief
p. 323. (A) of Eng., 1897, pp. 1989, 1991. (A)
Mounted infantry, p. 76; Captain Craw- Buffalo Fork of White River, Ark.
ford's last expedition, p-343- Jour. Cav. Assoc, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97. p. 1995. (A)
1S92. (A) St. Francis River, Ark. and Mo.
Bhipton, James Ancil (U. S. M. A., 1892). Trans- Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 2000. (A)
lation of Von Reichold's Indirect fire, p. 170; Allegheny River, Pa., locks and
Translation of Field gun constructed by the dams. Kept. Chief of Eng., 1902, p. 1902. (A)
Soci^t^desAnciens ^stablissements Call. p. 207. Falls of Ohio River, at Louisville,
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 8. Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902, p. /964. (A)
25.6 Ccnteuuial of United States Military Academy.

Sibert. William Luther. Project, plan, estimate. Simpson, James Hervey. Project, plan, estimate,
etc.. for the improvement of Indiana Chute etc.. for the improvement of Cape Fear River,

Channel. Ohio River, Ky. Kept. Chief of Eng.. N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1870. p. 70. (C)
igni, p. 1969. (A I
Baltimore Harbor. Md. Rept. Chief
.SV.? Boards— Stickney, 10. of Eng., 1870, pp. 4.30. (Ct
Sibley. Caleb Chase C. S. M. A 1S29). Died
Mobile Harbor, Ala. Rept. Chief
Feb. 19, 1S75. aged 69. pbituary Ann. Assoc. . ( of E"g.. 1871, pp. 560, 5bi; 1872, pp. 576, ,^98;

Grads. U. S. M. A., 1875. (A) 1877, p. 40S. (C)

Sibley. Kbenezer Sprote (T. S. M. A.. 1827). Coosa River. Ala. and Ga. Rei^t.
Died Aug. 14, 1884. aged 79. Obituary tn Aun. Chief of E"g-. i87i,p.563. (C)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS5. A| (
Tombigbee and Black Warrior
Sibley. Henr>- H. (of Minnesota). Member <)f rivers. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871.P. 573; 1873,
Board of Visitors tb U. S. M. A. in 1S67. p. 697. (CJ
Sibley. Henry Hopkins ll'. S. M. A.. 1S3S). Died Choctawatchee River, Fla. Rept.
Aug. 23. 18S6, aged 71. Portrait. Harper's Chief of Eng.. 1S72, pp. 63. 589, 641; 1874. vol.

New Monthly Mag., vol. 51 {1S75). p. 631. (A) I, p. 896. (C)

Engraving. Owned by Assoc. Giads. Tampa Bay, Fla. Rept. Chiel of
U. S. M. A. Eng., 1872, pp.64, 587.^47- (C)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. Apalachicola River and Bay. Rept.
M. A.. J887; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. Chief cf Eng., 1872, pp. 584. 612. (C)
82 (i89i),p. 969. (A) Mississippi River between Falls of
Gen. H. H. Sibley. Biography. Harper's St. Anthony and Cairo. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
New Monthly Mag., vol. 51 (1S75), p. 651. (A) 1874, vol. I, p. 32S; 1S75. vol. I, pp. 481,505; 1875,
Sketch of. M. O. L. I.. V S., Minnesota. . vol. 2, pp. 471, 483. 485. 4S9, 491. 492, 493, 494.495;
war papers, fn War Dept. Ivibrary. 1876, vol. I, pp. 81, 639, 642. 643,646, 649, 650, 651,
Sickles. Daniel Edgar lof New York). Member 653, 654; 1S77, pp. Si. 505, 50S 509, 511, 512, 513.
of Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1901. 514; 1S7S, p.686; 1879, p. 1032. (C)
Sidell. William Henry (L'. S. M. A.. 1833). Died - Osage River, Mo. Rept. Chief of
July I, 1873, aged 63. Obituary /" Ann. Assoc. Eng. , 1875. vol. I, p. 489. (C)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S74. (A) The shortest route to California, illustrated
Sill. Joshua Woodrow (V. S. M. A.. 1853I. Died by a history of explorationsof the Great Basin
Dec. 31, 1S62. aged 31. Engraving (by A. H. of Utah. I vol.. pam., O. 1S69. (A)
Ritchie). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Coronado's march in search of the seven
Silliman, B. Member of Board of Visitors to cities of Cibola ... i pam., O. 1871, (A)
U. S. M. A. in 1S22. Report of an expedition into the Navajo

country. Explorations and Surveys. (A)

Silvey. William ( T. S. M. A.. 1S49) Died Oct.
See Boards— Simpson; Macomb, 4,
25. 1875, aged 51. Photograph in Albums of
20. 22, 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29, 30.
officers' mess.
Simpson, Marcus De Lafayette (U. S. M. A.,
Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads r.S.M.A.,
1846). Request of, to be authorized to inter
1S76. (A)
remains of deceased son in lot assigned him
Simpson, Bishop (,of Pennsylvania). Member of
in Arlington Cemetery, i8g2. No. 2957, doc.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S64.
231. (A)
Simpson, James Hervey (l*. S, M. A., 1832).
Died Mar. 2. 1SS3, aged 70. Obituary in Ann. Simpson. R.T. (or South Carolina). Member of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S83. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856.

Route from Fort Smith, Ark., to Santa F^, Simppon, Wendell Lee (U. S. M. A., 1884). Pro-
N. Mex. 1849. (A) posed deep waterway from great* Lakes to
Journal of a military- reconnaissance from Ocean. Jour. Mil. Ser\*. Inst, U. S.. vol. 15,
Santa F6, N. Mex., to the Navajo countr\- . . .
p. 1 193. (A)
1849. I vol.. O. (A) 1S52.
Simpson, William Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1875).
Report of a reconnaissance made between
Army of the United States. InEncy. Brit.. 10th
I-'ernandina and Cedar Keys. U. S. Coast Sur-
ed.. vol. I (1902). (A)
vey Kept.. 1857, app. 41, pp. 379-382. (A)
Ourartillery organization, p. 48; Comment
Wagon roads in Utah Territory', 185S. No. on Chester's Instruction of gunners, p. 198.
984, doc. 40. (C)
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i.
Report on the change of route west from
The Second Regiment of Artillery. Jour.
Omaha. Nebr. Proposed by the Union Pacific
Mil.Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 14. p. 905. (A)
Railroad Company, made to Hon. James Har-
lan, Secretary of the Interior, Sept. 18, 1865;
Sinclair.William (U. S. M. A., 1857). Quarter-
with the President's decision thereon, o.,
master U. S. M. A.. Sept. 30, 1865, to Sept. 30,
pam. Washington, 1S65. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Singr,Charles Bostwick (U.S.M.A., 1836). Died
provement of Key West to Gulf of Mexico. Feb. 28. 1S78, aged 63. Obituary in Aun. Assoc.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S6S. pp. 56. 519. 520. (C) Grads. U. S. M. A., 187S. (A)
Susquehanna River near Havre de Copper plate map of West Point 200x150
Grace, Md. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1869, p. 376. mm. Legend: Topography of West Point,
(C) Chas. B. Sing (about 1830). (A)
The If 'riliiigs of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 357
SitgreaveB, Lorenzo (U. S. M. A., 1S32). Died Smith, Andrew Jackson. Bronze nit-dallion.
May 14, 1888, aged 78. obituary in Ann. Assoc. Washington, D. C.
Grads. r.S. M.A.. 1SS8. i,A) obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
Report of an expedition down the Ziiiii 1S97. (A)
and Colorado rivers. Washington, 1853. O. Smith, Ashbfl {of Texas). Member of Board of
Explorations and Sur\'eys. (A) Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1848.
and Woodruff, Israel Carl (U. S. M. A., Smith, Augustus W. (of Connecticut). Member
1S36). Report of the survey of the northern of Board of Visitors to V . S. M. \. in 1851.
and western boundary' line of tlie Creek coun- Smith, Cavanar (of Florida \. Member of Board
try. 1S49. Explorations and Surveys. Wash- of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S59.
ington. 1S58. O. Smith, Charles Ferguson (U. S. M. .\., 1825).
Skinner, Charles R. (of New York). Member of Died April 25, 1S62, aged 56. Portrait (oil
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1884. painting by T. H. Smith). Presented by Mr.
Skinner, J. S. Member of Board
(of Man.'land). H. C. Baird. In memorial hall. West Point.
V S. M. A. in 1S25 and in 1833.
of Visitors to . .\djutant r. S. M. .\.. Sept. i. 1S31. to .\pr.
Skinner, Dr. John A. (of Indiana). Member of I. 1S3S.

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i860. Comniaivdant of cadets l". S. M. A., 1S33-

Slayden. James I,, (of Texas). Member of Board 1842.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1900. Smith, Charles Sidney (U. S. M. A., jS66). Den-
Slemmer. Adam Jacoby (U. S. M. A., 1S50). Died simeter for determining specific gravity of
Oct. 7. 1S6S. aged 40. Engraving (by J. C. metals, p. y\\\ B. Rodman guns into 8-inch
Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. I*. S. M. A. rifles, tubes, p. 400. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1877,
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. (C)
Slicer, Henry (of Maryland). Member of Board Prussia and Austria, rifie. 12.2.S inch.
of Visitors to U. S. M. .\. in 1867. Rept.Chief of Ord.. 1S78. P.S9. (C;
Sloan, Ithamar C. (of Wisconsin). Member of Powders, report on experimental cannon,
Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S70.
. p. 83; Report on, English pebble, p. 88. Rept.
Slocmn, Henr>- Warner (U.S.M. A.. 1852). Died Chief of Ord.. 1S79. IC)
Apr. 14. 1S94, aged 67. Portrait (oil painting by Experimental cannon, progress report
R. Creiplac) in memorial hall. West Point. on, powders, p. 51; Mortarsand howitzers, prin-
Engraving tby A. H. Ritchie) owned by cipal European in 1S80. p. 506. Rept. Chief of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Ord.. 1S80. (C)
Engra\'ing (by Atlantic Publishing and Test of Firth & Sons steel for army guns,
P'ngraving Company) owned by Assoc. Grads. p. 127; Proof of, rifle. ii-inchB. L.. chambered,
U.S. M.A. No. i.p.459. Rept.Chief of Ord.. 18S2. (C)
Bronzeequestrian statue (by McMonnies). Carriage barbette for 15-inch S. R. guns
Erected in Brooklyn. X. V.. 1902. and ii-inch rifle. 2 plates. Rept. Chief of
Equestrian statue. Gettysburg, Pa. ord.. i8S4,p.5S5. (C)
Obituarj* in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Rifles. 12-inch and 16-inch proposed B. I,,

1S94. (A) steel plate. Rept. Chief of Ord.. 18S5, p. 3S7. (C)
In raemoriam. In Twenty-fifth reunion Report on the manufacture of wrought-
of the Army of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, iron tubes. Ord. Note 62, vol. 2, p. 463. (A)
Tenn.. September, 1895. p. 162. Cincinnati. Translator of European rifled siege how-
1896. (A) itzers and mortars. Ord. Note 6S. vol. 3, p. 534.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. Report on the j^rincipal dimensions and
in 1870 and in 18SS. elements of fire of the most powerful rifled
Gettysburg thirty years after. In North guns existing or proposed at the commence-
Amer. Rev., vol. 152, Febniary, 1S91. ment of the year (i&So), with tables. Ord.
Slocum. Col. John S. lof Rhode Island). Mem- Note 135, vol. 5. (A)
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. and Birnie. Rogers (f. S. M. A.. 1S72),
Small, Michael Peter (U. S. M. A.. 1S55). Died translators. Fabrication of cannon in Russia.
Aug. I, 1S92, aged 61. Obitnarj^ in Ann. Assoc. Notes Constr. Ord.. No. 21, vol. 1, p. i. (A)
Grads. T. S. M. A., 1S93. (A) and Hobbs. Frank Emer>- ( C S. M. A.,
Smalley, Henry Adams (U. S. M. A., 1S54). Died 1878*, translators. Recapitulation of tests on
May 13, iSSS, aged 54. Obituarj' and portrait cast-steel hoops made at the Turin Foundry.
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 18SS. (A) Notes Constr. Ord.. No. 2., vol. i. p. i. (A)
A defenseless sea-board. In North Amer. Mechanical exi>eriments on the re-
Rev., vol. 13S, March. 1S84. .sistance of metals for cannon. Notes Constr.
Assistant editor New York Star. iS— Ord., No. 4. vol. I, p. I. (A)
Smedberg. William R. (of California). Member Verification of the hooping for can-
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1897. non in the Italian ser\-ice. Notes Constr. Ord.,
Smith, Albert (of New Hampshire). Member No. 5, vol. I, p. I. A) I,

of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S63. The resistance of hollow cylinders

Smith, Alfred Theophihis (U. S. M. A.. :86o). and of cannon. Notes Constr. Ord.. No. 6, vol.
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. I. p. I. tA)
Smith, Andrew Jackson (U.S. M. A.. 183S). Died Special elasticity. Experiments to
Jan. 2S. 1897, aged 82. Portrait. Harper's New determine its value, and deductions concern-
Monthly Mag., vol. 73 (1SS6J, p. 684. (A) ing Its api>lication for increasing the advan-
358 Centcmiial of United States Military Academy.

tage derived from the use of hoops in gun Smith, Gustavus Woodson. Company A, Corps
constr\iction. Notes Const. Ord., No. 11, vol. i, of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1846-184S, in the Mex-

p. I. (A) ican war ... 1 pam., O. 1896. (A)

Reply to Fry's Review of Smith's Confed-
Smith, Dickinson (U. S. M. A., 1879).
erate war papers. Jour. Mil. vSer\'. Inst. U.S.,
Died Feb. aged 44. Obituary in Ann.
5. 1900.
vol. 6, p. 157. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. vS. M. A., 1900. (A)
Journal of march, Matamoras to Tampico.
Exercises in geometry. West Point, 1S96.
No. 59S, doc. 13. (C)
I vol., O., 53 pp. (A)
Smith. Henr>' Lyon (U. S. M. A., 1839). Died
Smith. Edmund Kirby (U. S. M. A., 1845)- Died aged Project, plan, estimate,
Sept. 13. 1853. 38.
Mar. 28, 1S93, aged 6g. Engraving (by O'Neill) etc., for the improvement of Sabine Pass, Tex.
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. i, p. 945. (C)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. New York). Member
Smith, J. Augustine (of
1893. (A) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1829.
Smith, Francis Henney (U. S. M. A., 1833). Died Smith, Jared Augustine (U. S. M. A., 1862).
Mar. 21. i8go. aged 78. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S90. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
provement of Plymouth Beach and Harbor,
in 1S56.
Mass. Rept. Chief of Eug.. 186S, p. 804; 1869,
Lecture on the history of mathematics. (C)
p. 411; 1870, p. 456-
Lexington, Va., 1S41. i vol,, O., pp. 35. (A) Taunton River, Mass. Rept. Chief
Works on arithmetic, 1S45 and 1846. of Eng., 1868, PP.S05, 806. (C)
Works on algebra, 1S4S. Huron (Lake), harbor of refuge on,
The regulations
of military institutions,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p. 44; 1S72, pp. 220,
applied to the conduct of common schools.
221, 222. (C)
New York, 1S49. ' ^'o^' ^^-^ PP- 3-?- (A)
Wabash River. Rept. Chief of Eng.
Best methods of conducting common 1S7S, p. 838. (C)
schools. 1S49.
Kankakee River, 111. and Ind
Elementary treatiseon algebra . . . Phil-
Rept. Chief of Eng., pp.1844
1879, p. 1458; 1880,
adelphia, 1S50. I vol., O. (A)
1S46. (C)
College reform. 1850.
Michigan City Harbor, Ind. Rept,
Scientific education in Europe. Report to
Chief of Eng. 1B79. PP- , i59o- ^592, 1593; 1882, pp,
the legislature of Virginia. 1S59.
2260, 2264. (D)
Presidential election, 1872 ... i vol.. o.
New Buffalo Harbor, Mich. Rept.
1872. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S82, pp.2275, 2276, 2279. (C)
The inner life of the V. M. I. cadet: Its re-
Portland Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
sponsibilities and its privileges. Lexington,
of Eng., 1886, p. 540; 18S7, p. 449; 1888, pp. 385,
1873. I vol., O., pp. 52. (A)
386; 1890, p. 444; 1892, pp. 51S. 542, 543. (C)
West Point fifty years ago. New York,
Moose-a-Bec River. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1SS7. p. 439. (C)
translator. Biot(J.B.): Analytical geom-
York Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief of
etry. 1840.
Eng., 1S87, p. 462; 1S8S, p. 393; 1892, p. 526. (C)
Smith, Frederic Augustus (U. S. M. A., 1S33).
Big Rapids, Me.
- St. Johns River, at
Treasurer U. S. M. A. Sept. 12, 1S46, to Mar. 25,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S7, p. 473- (C)
St. Georges River, Me. Rept. Chief
Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
of Eng.. 18S7, p. 475- (C)
M. A., 1846-1848.
Matinicus Isle, Me., with view to a
Sm,ith, Gustavus Woodson (U. S. M. A., 1842). harbor of refuge at. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S87.
Died June 24. 1896, aged 76. Engraving (by At- p. 477- (C)
lantic Publishing and Engraving Company) Belamy River, N. H. Rept. Chief of
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Eng., 1887, p. 486; 1889, p. 541; 1891. p. 606: 1S92,
Obituary /'« Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., P.52S. (C)
1897. (A) Belfast Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief of
Notes on insurance. New York, 1876.
life Eng.,iS8S, p. 3S2; 1890, pp. 18,435.456; iS9i,p.586;
I vol., O., pp. 204. (A) 1892, p. 508. (C)
Life insurance: How to find out what a Saco River, Me. Rept. Chief of
life insurance company owes you New . . . Eng., 18SS, p. 391; 1S89. p. 535. (C)
York, 1S7S. I pam.. O. (A) -Bayaduce(Bagaduce) River, Me., be-
Confederate war papers. Fairfax Court tween the towns of Penobscot and Brooksville.
House, New Orleans, Seven Pines, Richmond, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S8S, pp. 399. 402; 1892, p.
and North Carolina ... 2d ed. New York, 502. (C)
1884. ivol.,0. (A) Rockport Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
The battle of Seven Pines. New York, of Eng., 1S88, p. 410; 1S92. p. 510. (C)
1891. I vol., O. (A) Pembroke Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief
Gen. J. E. Johnston and G.T.Beauregard of Eng., 1889, p. 546. (C)
at the battle of Manassas. New York, 1S92. Monhegan Island Harbor, Me.
I vol.. O., pp. 4S. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 54S. (C)
The Writings of Graduates^ 1802-IQ02. 359
Smith. Jared Augustine. Project, plan, estimate, and Harbor. Ga. Rept, Chief of Kng., 1S73. p.
etc., for the iinprovcnicut of Hampton River, 737- (C)
K. n. Rept. Chief of Kng., 1S.S9. p. 550. (C) Smith, Martin Luther. Project, plan, estimate,
Harrisecket River. Mc. Rept. Chief etc., forthe improvement of Mississippi River
of Eng.. 1SS9, p. 551; 1S92. p. 516. (C) to the Atlantic. Rept. Chief of Eng 1S76, vol. .

Camden Harbor. Me. Rept. Chief I.pp. 511. 525. 524. 537. 53S. 539, 540. 541. 542. 543.
of Eng., 1S90, p. 436; iSgi. p. 5SS; 1S92, p. 509. (C)
(C) and ECardcastle, Edmund La Fayette (U. S.
Union River and Bay. Me. Rept. M. A., 1846). Reports on survey of valley of
Chief of Eng., 1S90. pp. 462. 463. (C) Mexico, without map. No. 529, doc. 19. (C)
St. Croix River. Me. Rept. Chief of Same, with map. No. 554, doc. 11.
Eng., 1890, pp. 466, 467; 1S92. p. 494. (C) (C)
Pleasant River. Me., from Columbia Smith, Melancthon (U. S. M. A., 1S31). Died
Falls to its mouth. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890. Nov. I, 1881, aged 53. Obituarj^ /« .\nn. Assoc.
p. 470; 1891. p. 574. (C) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S82. (A)
Hancock County, Me.
Sullivan Falls, Editor Pascagoula (Miss.) Democrat-Star,
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1891. p. 33. (C) I 874- I $76.
Blue Hill Harbor. Me. Rept. Chief Editor Mobile (Ala.) Cycle, iS-o.
of Eng., 1S91. p. 614. (C) Editor Mobile News, 1877.
Pepperell Cove, Me. Rept. Chief of Smith. Morgan L- (of New York). Member of
Eng., 1S91, p. bi6. (C) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A., 1S36.
Lubec Channel. Me. Rept. Chief Smith. Richard Somers {U. S. M. A.. 1-S34). Died
of Eng.. 1891. p. 618. (C) Jan. 23, 1S77, aged 64. Photograph in .\lbums
Vermilion Harbor, Ohio. Rept. of officers' mess.
Chief of Eng.. 1S92. p. 2500. (C) Obituary in Ann. Assoc, tirads. U. S. M. A.,
Toledo Harbor. Rept. Chief of 1877- (A)
Eng., 1893. p. 5053. (A) Quartermaster V. S. M. A. Dec. i, 1S46, to

Sandusky Harbor, Ohio. Ropt. Jan. 31, 1S51, and Apr. i, 1S51. to Sept. i, 1855.
Chief of Eng.. 1S95, pp. 3084, 3086. (A) Manual of topographical drawing. 1853.
Ashtabula Harbor. Ohio. Rept. Manual of linear perspective. 1857.
Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. 3122. (A) Smith, Samuel B. (of U. S. Army). Member of
harbor lines in Fairport Harbor, Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1832.

Ohio. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95, p. 3131. (A) Smith, Samuel Stanhope (U. S. M. A., iSiS). Died
Fairport Harbor. Ohio. Rept. Sept. 10, 1S2S, aged— Lectures .delivered . . .

Chief of Eng.. 1S96, p. 2956. (A) ... in the College of New Jersey; on . . .

Conneaut Harbor, Ohio. Rept. moral and political philosophy . . . 2 vols., O,

Chief of Eng., iSgfi, p. 2970. (A) 181 2. (A)
Manmee River, Ohio, harbor lines. Smith, William Farrar U. S. M. A.. 1S45). Died

Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S96, p. 3092. (A)

Feb. 28. 1903. aged 79. Engraving (by A. H.
Raisin River. Monroe County, Mich.
Ritchie). Owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97. p. 3095. (A)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Mauniee River and Bay, Ohio.
Report of a reconnaissance of a route for
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S, p. 2693. (A)
a road from San Antonio to El Paso, dated May
Starve Island Reef, Ohio. Rept.
25, 1849 [and] Report of a reconnaissance of
Chief of Eng.. 1S9S. p. 2705. (A)
the Sacramento Mountains, dated Oct. 3, 1S49.
Black River (Lorain) Harbor, Ohio.
Washington, 1S50.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S9S. p. 271S. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
provement of Easton Point Harbor, Md. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 403S. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1S85. p- 890. (C)
Lake Erie harbors, breakwaters.
Chincoteague Bay to Delaware Bay.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 4084. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS5, pp. S97, 899. 904. (C)
White River, map of the, from its mouth
Tuckahoe Creek, Md. Rept. Chief
to Bedford, Ind., on the East Fork, and to
of Eng., 1S85, p. 910. (C)
Gosport, Ind.. on the West Fork (in 17 sheets).
Duck Creek, Del. Rept. Chief of
Eng.. 1S87, p. S50. (C)
Smith, John L. (of U. Army). Member of
Fairlee Creek, Md. Rept. Chief of
Board of Visitors to U S. M. A. in 1S34 and in

Eng., 1SS7. p. S56. (C)

Hatter>- Island, Chesapeake Bay.
Smith (Joseph Br>-ce). (U.S. M. A..
1829.) Died
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS7, p. 864. (C)
Apr. 16, 1901, aged 93. Obituary and portrait in
St. Jones River, Del. Rept. Chief
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U S. M. A., 1901. (A)
of Eng., 1S93, p. 1229; 1900, p. 1662, (A)
Smith, Larkin (U. S. M. A.. 1835). Died Dec. 3. Pocomoke River, Md. Rept. Chief
1SS4, aged 70. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. of Eng., 1893. p. 1234. (A)
U. S. M. A., 1885. (A) Christiana River, Del. Rept. Chief
Smith, Martin Luther (U. S. M. A., 1S42). Died of Eng.. 1S95, p. 1147. (A)
July 29, 1S66. aged 47. Project, plan, estimate, Mahon River, Del. Rept. Chief of
etc., for the improveiueut of Savannah River Eng.. 1S95, p. 1150. (A)
360 Centennial of United States Mi/ita?'y Academy.
Smith. William Farrar. Project, plan, estimate. Smith, William Harvey. Some observations on
etc., for the improvement of Broadkill River, the German caval^^^ Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1891,
Del. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1151. (A) p. 2S9. (A)
Hunting Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of Notes on training remounts, p. 177; Meth-
Eng., 1895. p. 1156. (A) ods of carrying the carbine mounted, p. 415.
waterway extending from
internal Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S92. (Aj
Franklin City southward to Cape Charles, Va. Gaits and gaiting of horses. Jour. Cav.
Rept. Chief of Eug., 1S95, p. 1158. (A) Assoc. 1893, p. 48. (A)
Rock Hall Harbor, Md. Rept. Chief Officers' patrols. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S94,
of Eng., 1S95. p. 1163; 1900, p. i()7o, (A) p. 211. (A)
Nanticoke River, Del. Rept. Chief Saber and revolver. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
of Eng., 1S95, p. 1 166. (,A) 1897. p. 93- (A)
Susquehanna River, Md. Rept. Comment on Queries on the cavalry equip-
Chief of Eng.. 1895. p. 1169. (Aj ment, p. 108; The, new cavaln.- drill regula-
Appoqninimink and Blackbird tions, p. 525. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.
creeks. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96, pp. 890, 14. (A)
892. (A) Comment on Management of a post hos-
Christiana River and Wilmington pital. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 15, p.

Harbor, Del. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. 974. looS. (A)

(A) Smith, William Proctor (U. S. M. A., 1857). Died
Mispillion River, Del. Rept. Chief Aug. aged 61. Obituar>" in Ann. Assoc.
27. 1S95,
of Eng., 1S97, p. 1292; 1901, pp. 1365, 136S. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1896. (A)
Cedar Creek, Del. Rept. Chief of Smith, William Sydney (U. S. M. A., 1S39). I*ied
Eng.. 1S97. p. 1294. (A) Nov. 6. 1S49, aged 30. William Sydney Smith
I^a Trappe River, Md. Rept. Chief (b}^ J. Barrow). 2 vols. 1845. In War Dept.
of Eng.. 1897. p. 1296. {A) lyibrary.
Elk River, Md. Rept. Chief of Smither, Henry Carpenter (U. S. M. A., 1897).
Eng., 1900, p. 1665. (A) Map of country west of West Point, July 9,
Queenstown Harbor. Md. Rept. 1902 {100 feet contours). Scale, 4 inches = i
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1673. (A) mile; size, 8x954 inches. (A)
Claiborne Harbor. Md. Rept. Chief Smoke, Samuel Aaron (U. S. M. A., 1887). Some
of Eng., 1900, p. 1677. (A) advantages of military drill. In Yale Sci.
Tyaskin Creek, Md. Rept. Chief Monthly, vol. 9 (1902), p. 59.
of Eng.. 1900. p. 1681. (A) Smyth, William (of Maine). Member of Board
Smyrna River, Del. Rept. Chief of of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1834.
Eng., 1901, pp. 1361, 1363. (A) Snow, Josiah (of Arkansas). Member of Board
Havre de Grace Harbor. Md. Rept. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i86b.
Chief of Eng., 1901. pp. 1392, 1393. (A) Soul^. Frank, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S66). Photograph
To General Sherman. In North Amer. in Albums of officers' mess.
Rev., vol. 143, August, 1S86. (A) Sparks. William A. J. (of Illinois). Member of
From Chattanooga to Petersburg under Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S3.
Generals Grant and Butler. A contribution
Spencer, Eugene Joccard (U. S. M. A., 1S82).
to the history of the war, and a personal vindi-
cation . . . Boston and New York, 1S93. i
See Boards — Merrill, 5.

vol., O. (A) Spillman, Baldwin Day (U. S. M. A., 1878.) En-

Report of a board of army officers upon graving (by Atlantic Publishing and Engrav-
the claim of Gen. William F
. . Smith
. . . .
ing Company, New York) owned by Assoc.
. that he and not General Rosecraus origi-
. .
Grads. U. S. M. A.
nated the plan for the relief of Chattanooga Spinka, Marcellus Garner (U. S. M. A., 1898).
in October. 1S63 Washington, 1901. i . . . Notes on target practice. Jour. U. S. Art., vol.
vol., O. (A) 17. p. 264.
Reconnaissance of routes from San Antonio Spotswood, John B. (of Delaware). Member of
to El Paso. Explorations and Surveys. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.iu 1S56.
Smith. .SVc Boards— Smith; Barlow, 2; Houston,
Springett, Howard Abraham (U. S. M. A., 1S77).
5, 6, 10, 13, 14; Robert, 3; Weitzel, 4. ^^,? Com-
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
missions— Smith. A) I,

Smith, William Frederick (U. S. M. A., 1S69). Sprole. William Thomas. Chaplain and profes-
Died Jan. 23. 1S98, aged 52. Obituary in Ann. sor of geography, history-, and ethics, 1847-1S56.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Spurgin, William Fletcher. Photograph in
Smith, William Harvey ( U. S. M. A., 18S3). Died Albums of officers' mess.
July I. 1S9S, aged 38. Obituary and portrait in Treasurer U. S. M. A. 1SS1-1S98.
Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1899, (A) Quartermaster U. S. M. A. May 23, 189S, to
Comment on Bernard's marching and May 9, 1899.

camping cavalry. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1889, p. Adjutant U. S. M. A. June 6 to June iS, 1S98.

168. (A) George Owen (U. S. M. A., 1S87). Electro-

Bquier, instruction, p. 25; Noteonthetraining chemical effects due to magnetization ... i
of recruits, p 342. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1890. (A)
pam., O. 1893. (A)
Till- ]]^ritin<^s of Graduates, i8o2-rQ02. 361
SQUier, George Owen. Tlie Internatioiiul Elec- Stanton. William Sanford. Project, plan, esti-
trical Congress of 1893. and its artillery lessons, mate, etc., for the improvement of Turners
p. i; Coast Artillery fire instruction, p. 243; Cut,N.C. Rept.Chiefof Eng.,i.SQ5,p. 1357. (A)
Some tests of the magnetic qualities of gun Scuppernong River. N. C. Rept.
steel, p. 55**. Jour. I'.S.Art., vol.3. Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 1361. (A)
Notice of Trowbridge's What is electricity? Tar River, N. C. Rept. Chief of
Jour. r. S. Art., vol. 7. p. 122. Eng.. 1895. p. 1365. (A)
A United Slates Government Pacific cable. South Creek. N. Kept. Chief of
Jour. U- S. Art., vol. 13. p. 152. Eng., 1S95. p. 1366. (A)
The new polarizing photo-chrono- Drum Inlet. X. Kept. Chief of
graph at the r. S. Artillen.' School. Jour. V S. . Eng.. 1S95, p. 1372. (A)
Art., vol.6, p. 271. Cove Sound. N. Rept. Chief of
alternating current range on Eng., 1895. p. 1373.(A)
position finder. Jour. U.S. Art., vol.7. P--1-- Cape lyookout Harbor of Refuge,
Motion of a gun during recoil. N. C Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S95. p. i37h. (A)
(Volunteer Signal Corps) and Crehore. .\ Alligator River. X. C. Rept. Chief
horizontal-base range and position finder for of Eng.. 1895, p. 1385. (A)
coast artiller\'. Jour. IT, S. Art., vol. lo, p. 24S. North East (Cape Fear j River, N. C.
and Crehore. A. C. Experimental deter- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 1389. (A)
mination of the motion of projectiles inside Cape Fear River, above Fayetteville,
the bore of a gun, with the polarizing photo- N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. 1144. (A)
chronograph. Jour. U. S. Art., vol, 5, p. 325. Mohawk River, N. Y. Rept. Chief
Stacy, I,ncian (U. S. M. A., 1896). Died Sept. of Eng.. 1897. p. 3305. (A)
4, iSgS, aged 2S. Obituary and portrait in Ann. harbor at Alexandria Bay, X. Y.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1.S99. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 3312. (A)
Stager, Gen. A. (of Illinois). Member of Board Oak Orchard Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in iSSi. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 3314. (Ai
Stanley. DaWd Sloau (U. S. M. A.. 1S52). Died Missisquoi River, Vt. Kept. Chief of
Mar. 13,aged 74. Kngraving (by J. C.
1902, Eng., 1S97. p. 3320. (A)
liuttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. locks in the Oswego Canal, X. Y.

Bronze medallion. In memorial hall. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1897, p. 3324. (A)
Report on the Yellowstone expedition of Platte, reconnaissance of routes in and
1873. Washington. 1S74. o. Explorations and leading from the Department of the, 1&75, 1876.
Surveys. and 1877. Topographical map.
Address before the Society of the Army Instructor of practical engineering, U. S.
of the Cumberland, September, 1S96. In M. A. 1881-18S5.
Twenty-sixth reunion of the Army of the Cum- Two photographs of a double lock spar
berland, Rockford. 111., September, 1896, p. bridge constructed by cadets of first class U. S.
46. Cincinnati, 1S97. (A) M. A., West Point, X. Y., within forty minutes;
Stanley, Wright C. Member of Board of Visit- one of Company E, Battalion of Engineers,
ors to U. S. M. A. in 1S34. and one of its noncommissioned officers, July
and A\igust, 18.83. 4 sheets.
Stanton, Fredrick P. (of Kansas). Member of
Project, plan, estimate, etc. for protection
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S61.
of site of Fort Niagara. X. Y. Rept. Chief of
Stanton, Henry. Quartermaster I'. S. M. A. Eng., 1896, p. 527. (A)
May 30. to Sept. 19, iSiS. 5^f Boards —Stanton, 1; Stickney, 6.
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S.
Starring, William Sylvanus (U. S. M. A.. 1S65).
M. A. in 1827.
Died Feb. 12, 18S9, aged 4S. Obituan,- in Ann.
Stanton, R. L,. (of Ohio). Member of Hoard of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1889. (A)
Visitors to U. S. M, A. in 1869.
Staughton. William (of the District of Columbia).
Stanton, William Sanford (U. S. M. A. 1S65). —

Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A in

Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improve-
ment of Penobscot River, Me. Rept. Chief of Steele, Charles l^ee ( M. A., 1S79). Died Jan.
U. S.
iS, 1900, aged 43. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc. Grads,
Eng., 1S74, vol. 2, pp. 332, 335. 342. (C)
Ocracoke River, N. C. Kept. Chief U. S. M. A., 1900. (A)

of Eng.. 1S93. p. 1359. (A) Steele, George W. (of Indiana). Member of

Fishing Creek, N. C. Kept. Chief Board of Visitors to ll. S.M. A. in 1S83, in 1S89,

of Eng., 1S93. p. 1377- (A) and in 1S96.

Potohunk River, X. C. Rept. Steele, Matthew Forney (U. S. M. A., 18S3).
Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 1452. (A) Notes on the competition for 1S89. Jour. Cav.
Durhams Estuary-, N. C. Rept. Assoc, 1SS9, p. 422. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1S93, p. 1455. (A) Fourth of July exercises. Jour. Cav.
- breakwater to protect town of A.ssoc, 1892, p. 418.(A)
Beaufort. N. C. Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1893, p. Military reading. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S95,
1457- (A) P- 93- (A)
Ocracoke Inlet, N. C. Rept. Chief The troop mounted and in garrison.
of Eng., 1894. p. 997. (A) Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S96, p. 17. (A)
362 Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Steele. Matthew Forney. Comment on The Stevenson. Carter t,ittlepage (U. S. M. A., 1838).
post mess. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 15. Died Aug. 15, 1S8S, aged 7X. Obituar>- in Ann.
p. 790. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S89. (A)
Discipline: Its importance, etc. Jonr. Stevenson, W. (of U. S. Senate). Member of
T^Iil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S.. vol. 17. p. (A)
i. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1873.
Comment on Pettit's Proper military
Stevenson. John D. (of Missouri). Member of
instruction of officers. Jonr. Mil. Ser\'. Inst.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1866.
U. S.. vol. 20. p. 430. (A) Stewart, Cecil (U. S. M. A., 1886). Photograph
Steele. S. (of Kentucky). Member of Board of in Albums of officers' m,ess.
Visitors to T. S. M. A. in 1830.
Stewart. Charles (of U. S. Navy). Member of
Steele. William (U. S. M. A., 1840). Died Jan. Board of Board of Vi.sitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S41.
12. 1SS5, aged 66. Obituar\' in Ann. Assoc. Stewart. Charles (U. S. M. A., iSSo). et al. Me-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S5. (A) morials relative to illegal removal from serv-
Steever, Edgar Zell (U. S. M. A., 1S71) Photo- ice. No. S36, doc. 8. (C)
graph in Albums of officers' mess. Stewart, Charles Seaforth (U. S. M. A., 1846).

Secretary of the Intercontinental Railway Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.

Commission. Chester Harbor, Pa. Rept. Chief
Steptoe, Edward Jenuer (U. S. M. A., 1837). of Eng., 1866, vol. 3, p. 22; 1S66, vol. 4, pp. 225, 226;
Died Apr. i, 1S65. aged 49. Photograph in 1S6S, p.701. (C)
Albums of officers' mess. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Sterling. J. W., I^I^. D. (of Wisconsin). Member provement of Marcus Hook Harbor, Pa. Rept.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S76. Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. 3, pp. 22, 31; 1866, vol. 3,

Stevens, Edward A. (of New Jersey). Member pp. 221, 222. 223; iS7i,pp.78,687. (C)
of Board of Vistors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. Delaware Breakwater, Del. Rept.
Stevens. Edward Godfrey (U. S. M. A., 1S70). Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. 3, p. 23; 1866, vol.4, P-

Died Apr. 10, 1901, aged 54. Obituary and por- 230. (C)
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iqoi. - Reedy Island. Port Penn, Del. Rept.
(A) Chief of Eng.. 1868, p. 705. (C)
Stevens, Isaac lugalls (U.S. M.A., 1839). Died - I^istons Tree Point (Delaware
Sept. I. 1S62, aged 44. EngraWng (by J. C. River). Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S68, pp.706-:
Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. (C)
Relieves A. A. Humphreys as assistant in Pacific Coast Harbor of Refuge.
charge of Coast Survey office. U. S. Coast Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 1147. (C)
Survey Rept., 1S49, P- 54- (A.) Trinidad Hr rbor, Cal. Rept. Chief
Services in organizing the office, p. 53; of Eng., 1873. p. 1147. (C)
Report on office, pp. 129-131. U. S. Coast Sur- -El Estero (near Santa Barbara),
vey Rept., 1S50. (A) Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S73, p. H50. (C)
Campaigns of the Rio Grande and Mex- Santa Cruz, Cal. Rept. Chief of
being a review of Ripley's History of
ico, 1851: Eng., 1874, vol. 2, p. 377. (C)
the Mexican war. New York, 1S51, i vol., Noonday Rock (San Francisco Har-
O., pp. loS. bor). Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2, pp.716,
Office, pp.5, 56; Savannah River map, p. 34; 722. |Ci
Report on lithographic transfers, p. loS. U.S. San Diego Harbor, Cal. Rept. Chief
Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S52. (A) of Eng-. 1876, vol. pp. 627, 628, 632. (C)

On Professor Walker's death, p. *i67; Re- - San Joaquin River, Cal. Rept. Chief
signs as assistant in charge, pp. 14-80. U. S. of Eng.. 1S7S, p. 1302. (C)
Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1S53. (A) San Luis Obispo, Cal. Rept. Chief
Report on the northern route, 1853-1855. of Eng.. 1879, p. 1760. (C)
In Report ou explorations and surveys . . .
- Sant,uisObispoHarbor,Cal. Rept.
for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Chief of Eng.. 1879. pp. 1767, 1769. (C)
Pacific Ocean, 1S53-1S55, vol.i. San Buenaventura Harbor, Cal.
Final report. Ibid, vol. 12, book i. |C) Rept. Chief of Eng.. pp. 1771, 1772. (C)
Report of explorations made by him in Statements with reference to the effect of
1S53-54 while governor of Washington Terri- the "Robbins process" for preserving piles
torj- for a route for the Pacific Railroad near from the attacks of the Teredo navalis and
the fourty-seventh and forty-ninth parallels of Limnoria terebrans, at San Francisco Harbor.
north latitude from St. Paul. Minn., to Pnget Cal. I vol.. O.
Sound, published hy order of Congress. 1855. See Boards— Stewart; Alexander, 2. 3, 4, 5,

Point Wilson light. U. S. Coast Survey 6, 7; Mendell, i; Williamson, i, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Rept., 1S55. P.40S. (A) Stewart, George H. (of Maryland). Member of
Bache (A. D.): Remarks on the career of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1842.
Gen. I. I. Stevens. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., Stewart. Merch Bradt (U. S. M. A., 1896). The
iSb2. p. 431. (A) Nth Foot in war, New York, 1900. i
. . .

Stevens. Walter Husted (U. S. M. A., 1848.) See vol., O. (A)

U.S. Coast Snr\-ey Rept., iS6i,p.64. (A) Stewart. Reid T. (U. S. M. A.. 1S71). Died Aug.
Stevenson. Adlai E- (of Illinois). Member of 27, 1S72. aged 22. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. iu 1S77. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1873- (A)
The ]Vritings of Gradna/rs, iSo2-ir)02. 363
Stickney. Amos (I'. S. M. A.. i8(>4). Project, Stockle,George Edward (U. S. M. A.. 188S).
plan, estimate, etc. for the: imiirovcmuiit of Mountain scouting. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1893,
New Orleans. l,a. Kept. Chief of J-'iir., 1SS2, p. 150. (A)
p. 1390. (C) Military instruction in colleges. Jour.
Bayou Grand Caillou, I,a. Kept. Cav, Assoc. 1S99, p. 41. (A)
Chief of Eiig., 18S2. p. (C) Stockton. Pliilip(r. S. M. A., 1S52). Died Mar. 25.
Atchafalava River, l,a. Rept. Chief 1879. aged 47. Obituarj* in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
of Eng.. 1SS2, p.; 1SS4, p. 12S5, (C) U.S.M. A.. 1S79. (A)
West I'carl River, I,a. Rept. Chief Stockton. Richard G. (U. S. M. A.. 183ft)- Hied
of Eng.. 1SS3, p. 1130. (C) June 14, iS74,aged 59. Obituary /« Ann. Assoc.
Grand I^ake. L,a. Rept. Chief of Grads. U. S. M. A., 1875. (A)
Eng., 1S83. p. 1131. |C) Stockton. T. Mcmlter of Hoard of \"isitors to
Bogue Chito River, Miss, and I,a. U. S. M. A. in 1S27.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS3, p. 1133. (C) Stockton, Thomas Baylies Whitmarsh ( U. S.
Tchefuncte River, I,a. Rept. Chief M. A., 1827). Died Dec. 9. 1890. aged 85.
of Eng., 1S84, p. 1270. tC) Obituarv in Ann. Assoc. Grads. I'. S. M. A.. 1891.
Sabine Pass, Tex. Rept. Chief of (A)
Eng.. 1SS4, p. 12S5. (C) Stockton, Col. William Telfair (of I-'lorida),
Natalbany River. I,a. Rept. Chief (U. S. M. A.. 1834). Member of Board of Vis-
of Eng., 1SS4, p. 1290; :SSs, p. 1446. (C) itors to U. S. M. A. in 1S49.
Ohio River. Rept. Chief of Eng., Stokes. James Hughes (U.S. M. A.,
1S35). Died
1SS7, pp. 1896, 1900. (C) Dec. aged 77. Obituary i'« Ann. Assoc.
27, 1890,
Salt River. Ky. Rept. Chief of Eng., Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
1S88, p. 1799. (C) In memoriam. In Twenty-second reunion
bridges crossing the Wabash and of the Army of the Cumberland, Columbus,
White rivers. Ind. Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S8, Ohio September, 1891, p. 169. Cincinnati,

p. 264S. (
C) 1S92. (A)
Dunkirk Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief Stokes, Mounlfort (of North Carolina). Mem-
of Eng., 1S90, p. 2S07; 1891. p. 287S. (C) ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1830.
Niagara River, N. Y,, from Tona- Stone, Charles Pomroy (U. S. M. A., 1S45). Died
wanda to Port Day. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S92. Jan. 24, 18S7. aged 63. Engraving (b}' Atlantic
p. 2344- (C) Publishing and Engraving Company, New
Ohio River at or near Elizabeth- York) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
town, 111. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 2519. Photograph in Albums of ofScers" mess.
Obituary /« Ann. Assoc. Grads. IT. S. M. A.,
Harbor at Evansville, Ind. Rept. 1SS7. Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 74
Chief of Eng.. 1S93, p. 2521; 1895. p. 23S8. (A) (1887), p. 830. (A)
I,ittle Miami River, Ohio. Rept. Author of various military, statistical, and
Chief of Eng., (A)
1893, p. 2526. geographical papers, 1860-1878.
Raccoon River, Ohio. Rept. Chief Washington on the eve of the war. Cen-
of Eng.. 1S93. p. 2530. (A) tury Mag., vol. 26. p. 45S.
Allegheny River between the dam Introductory letter to dian,' of an Ameri-
at Tarentum and Herr Island Dam, Pa. Rept. can girl in Cairo during the war of 1SS2, p. 2S8;
Chief of Eng., 1S93. p. 2536. (A) The bombardment of Alexandria (rejoinder,
Crawfish and Mill creeks, Ohio. by Stone Pasha), p. 953. Century Mag., vol. 28.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1894. p. 1S90. (A) Military affairs in Eg>'pt. Jonr. Mil. Ser\'.
Elizabethtown Harbor, 111. Rept. Inst. U. S., vol. 5, p. 154. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1S96. p. 2123. (A) Stoneman, George (U. S. M. A., 1846). Died
Missouri River (Huntsdale, Mo.). Sept. 5, 1S94, aged 72. Portrait (oil painting).
Presented by his wife. In memorial hall.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 2847. (A)
West Point.
Photographs showing work on Kempe,
Engraving (by J. C. Buttre) owned by
Evergreen, and Hard Times levees, Kempe
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Bend, etc. Improvement of the Mississippi
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc.
River. 6 sheets. 1S85.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1895. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for location Storer. William H. (U. S. M. A., 1S32). Died
of movable dams Nos. 2, 3. 4, and 5. Ohio River. Aug. 21, 1878. aged 67. Obituary in Ann. A.ssoc
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1896, p. 2120. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1879. (A)
See Boards— Stickney; Comstock, 21; Gil- Story, John Patten (U. S. M. A., 1865). Elements
lespie, 4; King. I, 2; Merrill, 4, 5; Poe, 7. 9; of elastic strength of guns: A text-book . . .

Suter, I. See Commissions Stickney; Com- — I vol., O. 1894. [.Artillery School. U.S.] (A)
stock, 3; Gillespie, i. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (A) Notice of Bluir's translation of Pashkie-
Stivers. Charles Bryant (U. S. M. A., 1856). Valid- vitsch's Resistence of guns to tangential rup-
ity of retirement of, etc. No. 2S26, doc. 1942. ture. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. i, p. 2S1.

[Note. Pages 2-7 of this report were trans- Review of I^loyd and Hadcock's Artillery:
posed in printing so as to appear as pages 2-7 Its progress and present position. Jour. U.S.
of No. 1943, following.] (C) Art., vol. 3, p. 530.
364 Centennial of United States Military Academy.
story,John Patten. Notice of Merriman's A Stuart, Sidney Edwin, translator. A studyof
text-book on the mechanics of materials and the mode of combustion of explosives (by M.
of beams, cohimns, and shafts. Jour. U. S. Vieille). Notes Constr. Ord. No. 72.

Art., vol. 6, p. 121.

Coast artillery organization. Jour. Mil.
Seacoast mortar fire. [Report of a board.] Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 12, p. 1224. (A)
Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 7, p. 2S7. Army organization, etc. [Prize essay. p. J

Report as inspector of artillen.-, Depart- 231 ; Comment on The three battalion organiza-
ment of the East, July 30. 1901. Jour. U.S. Art., tion, p. 1031. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 14.

vol. 16, p. 321.

Stotsenburg. John Miller (U. S. M.A., iSSi). Died See Boards Kains, 7. —
Apr. 23. i8qQ, aged 41. Obituary and portrait in See West Point, maps, 1885.

Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A., 1S99. (A) Sturgeon, Sheldon (U. S. M. A., 1861). Died
The Fort Donelson campaign. Jour. Car, July 24. 1S92, aged 54. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Assoc, 1S97, p. 417- '^) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S93. (A I

Stout, Harry Howard U. ( S. M. Report

A., 1S95). SturgiB, James Garland S. M. A., 1S75.)
on operations at the California Powder Works. Died June aged 22. Obituary in Ann.
25, 1876,

Rept. Chief of Ord.. 1900. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1877. (A)

Street. Nathaniel Heath (U. S. M. A.. 1S25). Died Sturgis. Samuel Davis U. S. M. A., 1846). Died

|uly 6, 1S76, aged 72. Obituary /w Ann. Assoc. Sept. 2S, 1SS9, aged 67. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S1. (A) Grads. U S. M. A., 1S90. (A)
Stretch. John Franklin (U. S. M. A.. 1S66). Pho- Sturgis, Samuel Davis, jr. (U. S. M. A., 1S84).
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
War without declaration. Pub. U. S. Inf. SulUvan, Thomas Crook (U. S. M. A., 1856).
Soc, vol. 1, No. 2 (June, 1S94). Reports as Commissan,^-General, U. S. Army,
Commeut on Mounted infantr\*. Jour. i8g7.

Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 13, p. 123. (A) Sully. Alfred (U. S. M. A.. 1S41). Died Apr. 27.
Strong, Frederick Smith (U. S. M. A.. 1S80). 1879, aged Engraving (by Atlantic Pub-

Field artillery practice grounds. Jour. Mil. lishing and Engraving Company, New York)
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 19, p. 239. (A) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Strong, George Crockett (U.S. M. A.. 1S57). Died Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
July 30, 1S63. aged 30. Cadet life at West Point. 1S79; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 59
1862. (iS79),p. 315. (A)
Strother. James F. (of Virginia). Member of Manual for noncommissioned officers
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S50. U. S. Army. Philadelphia, 1861. i vol., O.
Stuart, James Ewell Brown (U. S. M. A., 1854). (A)
Died May 12, 1864. aged 31. Engraving {by Stilzer, William (of New York). Member of
A. H. Ritchie owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S.
I Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902.
M. A. Sumner, General, ?.Iemberof Board of \'isitors
The life and campaigns of commander of to U. S. M. A. in 1S24.
the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia Sumner, W. G. Member of Board of Visitors to
(by H. B. McClellan). O. 1885. (A) U. S. M. A. in 1SS6.
Gen. J. E. B. Stuart (by John C. Ropesl. Sunderland, Rev. Byron, D. D. (of the District
Atlantic Monthly, vol. 57 (1S86), p. 415. of Columbia). Member of Board of Visitors
In Some Federal and Confederate com- to U. S. M. A. in 1871.
manders. Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly, Suter, Charles Russell (U. S. M. A., 1862). Proj-
March, 1S86. In War Dept. Library-. ect, plan, estimate, etc., for the bridge across
Stuart, Sidney Edwin (U. S.M. A., 18S0). Died the Missouri River at Kansas City. Mo. Rept.
Apr. 29, 1899, aged 42. Photograph in Albums Chief of Eng., 1S69, pp. 303, 304. (C)
of officers' mess. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. II. S. M. A., provement of Western rivers. Rept. Chief of
1S99. (Al Eng., 1S71, PP.5S, 310. 382, 385; 1S72, p. 340; 1873,
In memoriam. 1899. i pam., O. (A) pp. 57. 4S9. 490; 1S74. vol. I, pp. 370. 371; 1875.
Manufacture of steel forgings at Midvale vol. pp. 67, 516;
I, 1S76. vol. I, p. 622; 1877, pp.
Steel Company. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S80, p. 79.497- (C)
227. (C) White, Black, Little Red, and St.
For modern guns and other ordnance pur- Francis rivers. Ark. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
poses, essay on manufacture of, steel, p. 645; 1S73. p. 492; 1S74, vol. I, p. 63; 1S76, vol. I. p. ^26;
Manufacture of steel for projectiles, p. 651; 1S7S, pp. 92. 661, 662. 663. (C)
Manufacture of stee! for armor plate, p. 654, White and St. Francis rivers. Ark.
Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S93. (C) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 492; 1S86, p. 137S.
Report of inspections of powders. Rept. (C)
Chief of Ord., 1894. (C) Arkansas River at Fort Smith, and
Report of inspections of powders at Wil- from Fort Smith to Wichita. Kans. Rept.
mington, Del. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1896. (C) Chief of Eng., 1S7S. p. 65S; 1879, PP- 'oS^. 1082,
translator. A studyof the wave pressures 1086, 10S8. (C)
produced by explosives in a closed chaml)er. Gasconade River, Mo. Rept. Chief
Notes Constr. Ord. No. 66, vol. 3, p. i. (A) of Eng., iSSo, p. 1466. (C)
Tlif \l'riti)tgs of Graduates^ iSo2-n)02. 365
Suter. Charles Knssell. Project, pl:Mi, estimate. Swift, Alexander Joseph. His sword in |>osse.s-
etc., for the improvement of Nishtiabotana sionof Dr. C.Swift. Pittsfield.

River. Iowa. Kept. C'hief of Kiig.. iS*<_*. p. \-y:\ Instructor of practical engineering U. S.
18S5, p. 1643- (C) M. A.. 1841-1846.
bridge of the Sioux City and Pacific Treasurer U. S. M. A., Dec. 19, 1845, to Sept.
Railroad Company. Kept. Chief of Kng.. 12. 1846.
1SS3. p. 1603. (C) Swifi. Eben (T. S. M. A., 1876). Sabers or re-
bridge of the Nebraska Railroad volvers. Jour. Cav. A.ssoc, fSS8, p. 38. (A)
Company at Nebraska City. Rept. Chief of The new revolver. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1893,
V.\\%.. iSSS. p. 2405.(c; p. 85. (A)
Missonri River from old month of Military geography of Chile. .S>/' Military
Platte River to the city of Leavenworth; also geography. Lectures in department of mili-
at the city of Weston. Mo. Kept. Chief of tar>*art .Inf. and Cav. School. Fort Leav-
. .

Kng., 1891. p. 2229. (,0 enworth. Kans. 1S93-1S95. (A)

Kansas River. Kans. Kept. Chief Field orders and reports Fort Leav- . . .

of Eng.. 1S93. p. 2293. (At enworth, 1894. 1 pam.. O. (A)

Walnnt Hend. Ark. Rept, Chief of Review of Carter's Horses, saddles, and
I'!ng., 1894, p. 1561. (Ai bridles. Jour. Cav. Assoc i595. p. 73. (A)
San Francisco Harbor, Cal. Rept. History of the Fifth Regiment of Cavalry.
Chief of Kng.. 1S9S, p. 2924. (A) Hist. U. S. Army, pp. 221-231. yX)
Plvmonth Jiarbor, Mas Rept. Review of Gould's Modern pistol and re-
Chief of Eng.. 1S99, p. 10S9. (,A i
volvers. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. L*. S.. vol. 15,

Mystic River. Mas.s. Kept. Chief of p. 62S. (A)

Kng.. 1899, p. 1096. (A) The tyceura at Fort Agawam. Jour. Mil.
piers and breakwater. Rockport. Ser\-. Inst. V. S.. vol. 20, p. 233. (A)
Mass. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 1177. (A) See Wagner, Arthur Lockwood ( V . S.
Beverly Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief M. A., 1S75). Strategical operations.
of Eng.. 1900. p. 11S2. (A) Swift, G. Member of Board of Visitors to U. S.
Winlhrop Harbor. Mass. Rept. M. A. in 1S19.
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1219. (A) Sw^ift, Henry A. (of Minnesota). Member of
Cohasset Harbor. Mass. Rept. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1864.
Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 1221. ( A^ Swift. Joseph Gardner (U. S. M. A., 1S02). Died
Sandwich Harbor, Mass. Rept. July 23. 1S65, aged 82. Portrait (oil painting
Chief of Eng.. 1900. p. 1224. (A) by Thomas Sully). Presented by the Corps
X,ynn Harbor. Mass. Rept. Chief of Engineers. /« the Cadet Mess Hall.
of Eng.. 1901. pp. 1092, 1093. (A) Commission as cadet in the Second Regi-
Boston Harbor. Mass. Rept. Chief ment of Artillerists and Engineers, May 12,
of Eng., 1901, pp. 1097. 1098. i,A) iSoo. Swift MS. (A)
Photographic views illustrating methods Third Superintendent from July 31, 1812,
employed and appliances used under his to Mar. 34, 1814. Reports as Supt. U.S. M.A.,
direction in the improvement of the Missonri 1812-1814.
River at Nebraska City. 6 sheets. 1S79. Reports as Chief Engineer, 1812-1818. (C)
Photographic views Nos. 1 to 15, inclusive, Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
illustrating work of improvement on Missouri in 1820, 1S21. 1822, and 1S24.

River under his direction. To accompany Two articles on West Point in the National
his annual report for iSSo. 15 sheets. Intelligencer, about 1854. are mentioned in a
Photographs of U. S. snag Iwat John N. letter of Colonel Thayer's, Feb. 5, 1S54. Cul-
Macomb, employed in the improvement of the luni MSS., r. S. M. A.
Mississippi, J.Iissonri, and Arkansas rivers. 3 Manuscripts deposited in the libran,' U. S.
sheets. M. A. by his family, through Dr. L. C. Swift
See Boards — Suter; Barnard, 5. 6; Com- (1902). [Much of the above has been copied
stock, 4, 16, iS; Macomb. 19. 20. 22. 23. 24, 25, and is bound.] (A)
26, 27, 2S, 29, 30; Simpson, 2, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9; Eilerj' (H.): The memoirs of Gen. J. G.
Tower, 7. See Commissions— Suter; Corn- Swift, LL. D., U. S. Army, first graduate of
stock, 1. 2, 3; Gillmore. i. 2. (A'l the U. S. M. A. [Born 1783; died 1865.]
. . .

Swain, David L. (of North Carolina). Member (A)

of Board of Visitors to X'. S. M. A. in 1S65. Swift. Joseph Gardner (U. S. M. A., i866). Died
Swartwout, Henry {V S. M. A., 1S32). Died . Mar. 2, 1871, aged 28. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc.
July 1, 1852. aged 41- Quartermaster V. S. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1871. (A)
M. A.. May iS, 1S37, to Sept. i. 1S42.
Swift, William Henry (U. S. M. A., 1819). Died
Sweitzer, Nelson Bowman (U. S. M. A.. 1853). Apr. 7, 1S79, aged 79. Portraits: (i) A fine
Died Mar. aged 7, 189S, 69. Obituarj' in Ann. crayon drawing; (2) a photograph. Owned
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S98. (A) by Dr. L. C. Swift. I»ittsfield. Mass.
Swift. Alexander Joseph (U. S. M. A.. 1830). Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
Died Apr. 24. 1S47, aged 37. Portrait (a colored M. A., 1S79. (A)
lithograph) in possession of Dr. 1^. C. Swift, Member of Board of Visitors (inspection)
Pittsfield. Mass. to U. S. M. A. in 1843.
566 Centennial of United States Military Academy,
Swift. William Henr>-. Project, plan, estimate. Symona, Thomas Williams. Project, plan, esti-
etc., for the improvement of Bridgeport Har- mate, etc., for the improvement of Columbia
bor.Conii. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1871, p.ySS. (C) River (upper), W'ash. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
The Chicago Historical Society owns some 1891, p. 3224; 1892, p. 2716. (C)
500 of his letters. ship channel between Port Town-
Swords, Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1829). Died Mar. send Bay, Puget Sound, and Oak Bay, Wash.
20. 1SS6, aged 79. Portrait (oil painting). Pre-' Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1891. p. 3260. (C)
sented by Mrs. Thomas Swords. In cadet North River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
mess hall. Eng., 1891, p.3265. (C)
Obituarv- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Skagit, Steilaquamish, Nootsack,
1SS6. (A) Snohomish, and Snoqualniie rivers, Wash.
Sydenham, Alvin Humphrey (U. S. M. A.. 1S89). Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1891, p. 3272. (C)
Died Sept. 10, 1893, aged 26. Obituary- in Ann. Coos Baj', Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1894. (A) Eng.. 1S91.P.3285. (C)
Mountain cannon. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1891, Nasel River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
p. 64. (A) Eng., 1891, p. 3296. (C)
translator of Gun's Ordnance manufac- Grays Harborand Ear, Wash. Rept.
ture in France. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Chief of Eng., 1891. p. 3302. (C)
vol. 14, p. 1291. Snake River (upper), Idaho. Rept.
Sykes, George (U. S. M. A.. 1S42). Died Feb. 8, Chief of Eng., iS9i,p.388S. (C)
1S80, aged Engraving (by J- C. Buttre)
57. Nehalem Bay and Bar, Oreg. Rept.
owned bj^- Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Chief of Eng., 1892, p. 2707. (C)
Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Swinomish Slough, Wash. Rept.
18S0. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S92. p. 2756. (C)
Act of Congress Feb. 17. iSSo, appropriates Chetco River, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
mouej- to remove the remains of General FZug., 1893. p. 3429. (A)
Sykes to West Point. (A) Rogue River, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Symmes, John Cleves (U. S. M. A., 1847). Died Eng., 1893, p. 3433. (A)
Mar. 16, 1895, aged 70. Obituarjw'w Ann. Assoc. Alsea River, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Grads. U.S.M.A., 1S95. (A) Eng.. iS93,p.344i. (A)
Symonds. Henry Clay (U.S. M.A.. 1853). Died Nestugga River, Oieg. Rept. Chief
Nov. 30, 1900, aged 68. Photograph in Albums of Eng., 1893, p. 3446. (A)
of officers' mess. Kootenai River, Idaho. Rept. Chief
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. of Eng., 1893, p. 3456. (A)
Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1901. (A) Spokane River, Idaho. Rept. Chief
Abstract of the elements of U. S. history. of Eng., 1S93. P.345S. (A)
[Sing^ Sing. iSSb.] i vol., O., pp. log. (A) Everett Harbor, Wash. Rept. Cliief
Report of a commissary of subsistence, of Eng., iS93,p.3465. (A)
1861-1S65 ... I vol., C, 1888. (A) harbor lines at ports in State of
Tabular system of education; Abstract of Washington. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1893, p. 3474.
the elements of geography. New York, 18S8- (A)
89. (A) Zaquina Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Abstract of the elenients of arithmetic. Eng., 1S95, p.3450. (A)
New York, 188S-89. (A) Clallam Bay, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Abstract of the elements of English gram- Eng., 1S95, p. 3457. (A)
mar. New York. 18S8-89. (A) Hoods Canal to North Bay in Puget
Abstract of the elements of algebra and Sound, Wash. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S95. p.
of trigonometry-. New York, :SSS-S9. (A) 3467. (A)
Geography: Arranged for the use of Bellmgham Bay, Wash. Rept.
schools. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 3472. (A)
Symons, Thomas Williams (U. S. M. A., 1874). Okanogan River, Wash. Rept.
Itineraries and tables of distances, with a list Chief of Eng.. 1S95, p. 3475. (A)
of posts, location, etc., in the Department of Flathead and Pend d'Oreille rivers.
the Columbia. 12°, pp. — map. Vancouver
Mont. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, p. 34S0. (A)
Barracks, 1S81. North River. Wash. Rept. Chief of
Report of an examination of the upper Eng.. 1895. p. 34S5. (A)
Columbia River and the territory in its vicinity Port Orford, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
in September and October, 18S1. Roy. O. Eng., 1895, P- 3492. (A)
Washington, 1882. Explorationsand Surveys. Nestucca River, Oreg. Rept. Cliief
(A) of Eng.. 1895. p. 3510. (A)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Nooksack River. Wash. Rept. Chief
provement of Tillamook Bay and Bar, Greg. of Eng., 1895, p. 3511. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 29S0. (C) Grays Harbor and its bar entrance,
Umpqua River, Greg. Rept. Chief Wash. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1895, pp. 3517,
of Eng., iSqo. p. 3007; 1S91, p. 3169. (C) 3528. (A)
Coquille River, Greg. Rept. Chief
waterway connecting the waters of
of Eng., 1891, p. 3148; 1892, p. 2665. (C) Puget Sound, at Salmon Bay, with Lakes
The ]]'n'ti)igs of Graduates^ 1802— IQ02. 567
Union and Washinj;toii. Rcpi. Chief of I-'ng., Talcott. George Henr>- [V S. M. A.. 1S31 Died . ).

iScj6. (A)
p. 3356. June 1854. aged 43.
s, Reports asChief of Ord.
Symons, Thomas Williams. Project, plan, esti- V. S. Army, 184S-51.
mate, etc.. for the improvement of Erie Har- Taliaferro. James P. (of Florida). Member of
bor, Pa. Rfpt.Chief of Kng.. 1897. P.323S. (A) Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1901,
BiifTalo entrance to Krie Basin and TalmaKe, (of New York). ^lembcr of
Black Rock Harbor. N. V. Rcpt. Chief of Btiard of Visitors to r. S. M. A. in 1824.
Eng., 1S97. p. 3246. (A I Tappan. Gen. James C. (of Arkansas Member 1.

locks of the Erie Canal. N. V. Kept. of Hoard of Visitors to 1*. S. M, A. in 1885.

Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 3251. (A) Tardy. John Alphonse (U.S. M. A., 1S601. Proj-
Dunkirk Harbor, N. Y. Rept. ect, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement
Chief of Eng., moo, p. 414S. (A) of Buffalo Harbor. N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Tonawaiida Harbor and Creek. X.Y. i8<>6, vol. I, pp. 4, 49, 50; iS6<j, vol. 2, pp. 38. 39; 1866,
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900. p. 4152. (A) vol. 3, p. 30; 1S66, vol. 4, pp.161, 162, 163; 1867. p.
Xorth Tonawanda, N. Y., harbor 22S. (C)
lines. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1900, p. 4159. (A) Olcott Harbor. N. Y. Rept. Chief
St. L,a\vrencc River, N. Y.. harbor of Eng., 1S66. vol. 3. p. 15; 1866, vol. 4, pp. 15S,
lines. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1902, p. 233S. (A) 159; 1867, pp. 32, 241; 1874, vol. I, pp.239, 240; 1S76,
A ship canal from the C»reat I^akes to the V0I.2.P.577. (C)
sea. Rept. Chief of Etig., 1S97. Dunkirk Harbor, N. Y. Rcpt. Chief
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the t~ I il; . 1866, vol. 3, pp. 15. 31; 1866, vol. 4, pp.
tablishment of harbor lines in Erie Basin aiKl .,-...:. (C)
Black Rock Harbor, Buffalo, N. Y. Rept. I

Oak Orchard Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Chief of Eng., 1901, p. 3351, (A) Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 4, p. 160. (C)
The Army and the exploration of the Tate. Parish C. (of Georgia). Member of Board
West. Jour, Mil. Ser. lust. U. S., vol. 4, p. I
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 189S.
205. (A)
Taylor. Daniel Morgan {U. S. M. A., 1S69).
See Boards— Allen, za; Barlow. 2; Hand- ; Photograph in .\lbums of officers' mess.
burj-, i; Mendell, 13, 16; .Sears, i; Smith. 1. Revolver, Colt's double-action, caliber .38,
Taber, Henry Sheldon (U. S. M. A., 1873). Died description of, rules fur manufacture of, trajec-
Apr. 12, 1S94. aged 45. Obituarj* i« Ann. Assoc. tory and description of aiunmnition. p. 235;
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S94. (A) Material used in manufacture of. revolver,
Notes on the Continental Iron Works, Colt's double action, caliber Fuse .38, p. 239;
Essayons Club Papers, No. 32. 1S74. (A) punch for Frankford Arsenal point combina-
Project, plan, estimate, etc. for the im- tion fuse, description of. p. 547. Rept. Chief of
provement of Black River, Ark. and Mo. Rept. Ord., 1S93. (C)
Chief of Eng.. 1SS5. p. 247: 1SS8. p.. 1403; 1S92.P. The National Guard as an effective re-
1690. (C) ser\'e. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 26, p. 232.
Petit Jean River, Ark. Rept. Chief Taylor. Edward (U. S. M. A., 1893). Died Dec. 26,
of Eng., 1SS5. p. 1630; iSSS, p. 1401; 1889, pp. 1653, 1899.aged 31. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
1654; 1S92. p. 16S3. (C) U.S. M. A.. 1900.
Cache River, Ark. Rept. Chief of Taylor, Harr>- (U. S. M. A., 1SS4). Photograph
Eng., 1SS7, p. 154S; 1S91, p. 2053. (C) in Albums of officers' mess.
Little River, Mo., from HomersviUe Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
to its junction with the St. Fiancis. Rept. provement of Olympia Harbor. Wash., harbor
Chief of Eng.. 1S87, p. 1549; iSSS, p. 191; 1892, p.
lines. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S96, p. 3393. (A)
1697. (C) North Fork of Lewis River, Wash.
St. Francis River, Ark. and Mo.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 3470. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1887, p. 1550. (C) Bellingham Bay, Wash. Rept. Chief
bridges crossing the Petit Jean, of Eng., 1897, p. 3479. (A)
Cache. St. Francis, Ark. Rept. Chief of Eng., Kootenai River, Mont. Rept. Chief
18S8. p. 2635. (C) of Eug.. 1897, p. 3482. (A)
Fourche la Feve River, Ark. Rept. Snake River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng., 1889, p. 1655. (C) Eng., (A)
1S98, p. 3014.
-Current River, Mo. Rept. Chief of .
Neah Bay, Wash. Rept. Chief of
Eng., 1S91, p. 2066. (C) Eng., 189S, p. 3083. (A)
Saline Lake, Ark. Rept. Chief of Willapa River, Wash. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1893, p. 2123. (A) of Eng., 1898, p. 3089. (A)
Arkansas River, map of the. from Little Quillaynte Harbor and River,
Rock, Ark., to the mouth (in 22 sheets). 18S6.
Wash. Rept. Chief of Eug., 1898, p. 3091. (A)
Talcott, Andrew
(U. S. M. A., 1818). Died Apr. Deschutes River. Wash. Rept. Chief
22, aged 86. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
18S3, of Eng.. 1898, p. 3094. (A)
Grads. T. S. M. A., 1SS3. (A) Duwamish River and its tribu-

See Boards Totten, i. taries. Wash. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S98, p. 3103.
See Courtenay (E. H.), in Jour. Franklin (A)
Inst.,October, 183S. p. 217 [concerning Talcotfs Skagit River, Wash. Rept. Chief of
invention of the zenith telescope, etc.]. Eng., iS9S,p.3U3. (A)
368 Centennial of United States Military Academy.
Taylor. Harry. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for U. S. M.A. MS., I vol., bound, Q. 1823-1829.

the improvement of Okanogan River, Wash. (A)

Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S98, p. 3121. (A) Thayer, Sylvanus. A special report on the sea
Pend d'Oreille River, Wash. Rept. wall built in the year 1843 for the preser^'ation
Chief of Eng., 1S98, p. 3125. (A) of Ram Head at the northwest end of Lovells
Portsmouth Harbor, N. H. Rept. Island. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng. V S. A., .

Chief of Eng.. (A)

1901, p. 1062. No. 2. Washington, 1844. O. (A)
Tacoma Harbor, Rept. Chief Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
of Eng., 1901, p. 3596. (A) provement of Boston Harbor, Mass. Rept.
See Boards— Langfitt, i; Mansfield, 5. Chief of Eng., 1866, vol. 2, p. 33. (C)
Taylor, James (of Kentucky). Member of Sylvanus Thayer(byG.W.Cullum). 1SS3.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1838. In War Dept. library.
Taylor, Joseph Hancock (U. S. M. A., 1S56). Propositions and suggestions for the im-
Died Mar. 13, 18S5, aged 49. Obituarj- in Ann. provementof theU.S.M.A. In Rept.Boardof
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS5. (A) Visitors U.S.M.A.. 1S91, pp. 774-783- (A)
Taylor. Walter Lucian (U. S. M. A., 1887). Died Will of Sylvanus Thayer [dated July, 1S71]
Sept. aged 33. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
18, 1S9S, [n. p., n. d.] I vol., O., 13 pp. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A) .S^ Boards— Totten, I.

Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. .SVfTicknor'sI.etters, vol. i, pp.373et seq.,

Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A) and elsewhere.
Temple, George (of Iowa). Member of Board Thorn, George (U. S. M.A., 1839). Died June 29,
of \-isitors to C. S. M. A. in 1853. aged 72. Obituarj' in .\nu. Assoc. Grads.
Temple, O. P. (of Tennessee) Member of Board .

U. S. M. A., 1S92. (A)

of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1874. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Temple, Robert Emmet U. S. M. A., 1828). Died
provement of Portland Harbor, Me. Rept.
July 20, 1S54, aged 45. Reports of the Boards of Chief of Eng., 1866, pp. 848, 849; 1869, pp. 448,
Visitors to the Militarj- Academy at West Point 461; 1870, pp. 499, 506; 1S71, p. 851; 1872, p. 934;
in June, 1S30, and June, 1831. In North Amer.
1S73, pp. 1067, 1068, 107 1. (C)
Rev., vol. 34 (1832I, pp. 246-261. (A) Saco River, Me. Rept.Chief of Eng.,
TerriU, William Rufus (U. S. M. A., 1853). Died
1866, vol. 4, p. 194; 1S67, pp.479. 481; 1868, p. 840;
Oct. s, 1.S62, aged 29. Engraving. Owned by 1S71, p. 853; 1872, p. 936. (Cl
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M.A. Richmond Island, Me. Rept. Chief
TevJB. Charles Carroll [known as Washington C.
of Eng., 1867, pp. 48, 484; 1872, p. 935; 1876, vol.
Tevis when a cadet] (U. S. M. A., 1849). Died I, p. 160; 1S79, p. 257; 18S0, p. 336; 1882, p. 499.
Sept. 29, 1900, aged 72. Obituary and portrait
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Bath, Me. 1867,
Newspaper correspondent in Paris,
pp. T879, p. 253.
p. 499; 1870, p. 81; 1S78. 39, 197;
France, 18S0-18 — (C)
Thayer. M. Russell (of Pennsylvania). Member Union River, Me. Rept. Chief of
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1873. (C)
Eng., 1S67, p. 502; 1869, p. 63.
Thayer. Russell (U.S. M.A. 1874). Movements ,
St. Croix River, Me. Rept. Chief of
of troops in cities in cases of riots or insurrec-
Eng., 1867, pp. 503, 505; 1868, p. 856; 1869. p. 458;
• tion. I pain., O. 1S7S. l.\)
lS73,p.l05l; 1876, vol. I. p. 152; 1877. p. 154.
Dirigible balloons. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. Rept. Chief
Penobscot River, Me.
U. S.. vol. 7, p. 177.(A)
of Eng., 1868, p. 860; 1869, p. 63; 1870, pp. 82, 502;
See Kairmount Park.
1871, p. 841; 1874, vol. 2, p. 301; 1875, vol. 2, p. 389;
Thayer. Sylvauus( U.S. M.A. 1808). Died Sept. ,
1S76, vol. 1, p. 155; 1S78, p. 194. (C)
7, 1S72, aged 87. Full-length portrait (oil Kennebec River at Bath, Me., and
painting by R. W. Weir) presented by officers from Augusta to lower end of Perkins Island.
r. S. M. A. In the Cadet Mess Hall. Rept.Chief of Eng., 1S70.P.81; 187S, p. 197; 1879,
Bust portrait (oil painting by Weir) pre- p. 253; 1SS2. p. 67; 1S.S3. p. 62. (C)
sented by Sisters of I^adycliff School, Highland Merrimac River. Mass. Rept. Chief
Falls. In memorial hall. West Point. of Eng.. 1871, pp. 92. 867, 869; 1872, p. 962. (C)
Oil painting presented to Dartmouth Col- Taunton River, Mass. Rept. Chief
lege by Colonel Thayer. of Eng., 1871, pp. 94, S91, 892. (C)
Photographic portrait, taken after 1865. Hvannis Harbor Breakwater, Mass.
In frames in the librarj-. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71, p. 95: 1872. pp. 94, 952.
Statue, in granite, presented by the .Asso- (C)
ciation of Graduates. Southwest angle of pa-
Provincetown Harbor, Mass. Rept.
rade groimd.
Chief of Eng., 1871, pp.95, S9S; 1S72, pp.950,951;
Obituary in Ann. .\ssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
l873,p. Iiol; l.S74,vol.2, p. 326; 1S75. vol. I, p. 120;
JS73; Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 45 (C)
1875, vol. 2, p. 416; 1,876, vol. I, pp. 47. 183-
(1872), p. 947. (Al
Fifth Superintendent U. S. M. A. 1S17-
Narraguagus River, Me. Rept.Chief
of Eug., 1871, p. 833. (C)
Correspondence with Kilian. book dealer, SullivansRiverand Falls, Me. Kept.
Paris, regarding purchases for tlie library Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 835, 83S. (C)
flic U'ri/iiis^s of Crij(fna/rs, rSo2—iC)02. 369
Thorn, George. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for Thom, (ieorge. Project. i>lan, estimate, etc.. for
the iiiii>roveinent of Royals River, Me. Kept. the improvement of Richmond Harbor, Ken-
Chief of Kng.. 1S71. pp. s,(6. S4.S. fC) nebec River, Me. Rept. Chief of Eng-. iSSi,p.
Cocheco River. N. H. Kept. Chief of 477; J-**f^j.
P- 4"'- '^)
Eng.. 1S71.P.857; 1S72. p.<»j: 1^7,%. I'. 1079; "876. Lamprey River, N. H. Kept. Cliief
vol. I, p. 164. (C) of Eng., 1S.S1. p. 495. (C)
— Fifteen Mile l-alls, N. H. Rept. Newburj-port Harbor. Mass. Rept. _

Chief of Eng.. 1S71, p. 864; 187^, i>. 960. (C) Chief of Eng., 18S1, pp. 502, 505, 509, 511. (C)
W'arehani Harbor, Mass. Rept. Maiden River, Mass. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eiig.. 1S72. pp. 94. 953. (C) of Eng.. 1881. pp. 532.533; 1S85. p. 519; i8rt6, p.
Dnxbury Beach and Harbor, Mass.
Kept. Chief of Eng., 1S72. pp. 947. 964. (C) .\ndroscoggin River (at and below
Wells Harbor. Me. Rept. Chief of Ilnniswick). Me. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1SS2,
Eng., if^72, p. 956. (C) pp. 52S. 530: 1S84. p. 473. (C)
Wellfleet Harbor, Mass. Rept. Harriseeket River. Me. Rept.
Chief of Eng.. 1872. p. 972. (C) Chief of Eng., 1S82. p. 531. (C)
Machias River, Me. Rept. Chief of Saco River Breakwater, Me. Rept.
Eng., 1S73. pp. 74, 1053, 1103, 1104. 1154; 1S74. Chief of Eng., 1S84, p. 484; 18S5, p. 471; 1886, p.
vol. 1. p. 104; 1S74. '^'ol- 2. pp. 2y6, 297; 1S75, vol. 544; 1SS7. P-453. (C)
I. p. 112: 1876. vol. 1. p. 153. (C) Sandy Bay (Rockport). Mass. Rept.
Caraden Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief Chief of Eng.. 1SS4. p. 566. (C)
of Eng., 1S73, pp. 97. 1062, iiof>; 1874, vol. i, p. Shiloh, battlefield of, near Pittsburg Land-
107; 1S74, vol. 2, p. 302; 1875. vol. I, p. 114; 1S7'), ing. Tcnn.; showing the positions of the V. S.
vol. I. p. 157. (C) forces under the command of Maj. Gen. U. S.
Salem Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief Grant, l". S. Volunteers, and Maj. Gen. D. C.
of Eng., 1S73. pp. 102, 1084, 1109, 1 1 11; 1874, vol. Buell. U. S. Volunteers. 6th and 7th of April,
1. p. Ill; 1874, vol. 2, p. 312; 1S77, pp. 37, 172. 1862; surveyed under the direction of Col.

(C) George Thoni. Chief of Topographical Engi-

Boston Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief neers, Department of the Mississippi, Mili-
of Eng.. 1S73. p. 1091; 1S74, vol. 2, p. 31S; 1S75, tant' map.
vol. 2. pp. 410, 41S; 187S, p. 217. (C) —
See Boards Wright, 2; Bache. i. 2, 5. 6.
Aroostook River. Me. Rept. Chief Thomas, Charles William (U. S. M. A.. 1855).
of Eng.. 1S74. pp. II, 327, 32S, 329. 330. (C) Died Dec. 30, 1SS2, aged 49. Obiluarj- iti Ann.
Plymouth Harbor, Mass. Rept. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1883. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2, p. 414; 1876, vol. i. Thomas, George Cummins (U. S. M. A., 1836).
p. 181; 1S77. p. 1S8; 1S78, p. 221; 1881. p. 528. (C) Died Dec. 2. 1882, aged 70. Obituary in Ann.
Smutty Nose I.sland, N. H. Rept. Assoc. Grads. l'. S. RI. A., 1S83; Harper's New
Chief of Eng., 1S75. vol.pp. 422, 423. (C)
2. Monthly Mag., vol. 66 (1SS3), P.4S1. (A)
- l,amprey River. N. H. Rept. Chief Thomas, George Henrj- (U. S. M. A. 1S40). ,

of Eng.. 1S75. vol. pp. 424-426.

2. (C) Died Mar. 28, 1S70, aged 54. Portrait (oil
Exeter River. N. H. Rept. Chief painting by A. A. Lawrie) in memorial hall,
of Eng.. 1S75, vol. 2, pp. 427, 429, 430; 1S81, p. West Point.
496. (C) Oil portrait (by S. W. price) in rooms of
Lake Wiuiiipiseogee, N. H. Rept. Senate Committee on Arid Lands, U. S. Capitol.
Chief of Eng.. 1875, vol.pp. 431.432. (C)
2, Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie) owned by
Ipswich River, Mass. Rept. Chief Assoc. Grads. I". S. M. A.
of Eng., 1S76. vol. pp. 199, 202; 18S4, pp. 559,
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
561.564; 1SS7. p. 495. (C) Equestrian statue (by J. Q. A. Ward).
Lubec Channel. Me. Rept. Chief Thomas Circle, Washington, D. C. (.\)
of Eng.. 1S79, PP- 44- 246. 280. 282. (C) Obituarj'. Harper's New Monthly Mag.,
Portsmouth Harbor, N. H. Rept. vol. 40 (1870), p. 93S. (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1S79,pp. 48. 261, 262, 282. (C) Gen. George H. Thomas (by W. F. G.
Ivincolnville Harbor, Me. Rept. Shanks). Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol.
Chief of Eng.. 1S79, pp. 275, 276, 277. (C) 30(1865), p. 754-
Scituate Harbor, Mass. Rept. Chief (by John McElroy). Washington,
of Eng., 1S79, pp. 2S5, 286; 1S81, p. 522; 18S2, p. 1896. 31pp. In War Dept. Library.
520; 1S87. p. 523. (C) (by Lieut. Eli Torrance). 1897. 23
Charles River, Mass. Kept. Chief pp. /« War Dept. Library.
of Eng.. 1879, p. 291. (C) (by J.Sherratt). Illinois M.O.L.L-
r. In War Dept. Library.
S., vol. 2.
Moose-a-Rec River. Rept. Chief of
(by O. O.Howard). M. O. L. L. U. S.,
Eng.. 1S80. p. 362; 1S82. p. 489; 1885, p. 465. (C)
New York, war papers. In War Dept. Library.
Calhance River, Me. Rept. Chief Oration on the life and characterVof Gen.
of Eng.. 18S1. p. 67; 1S84, p. 465. (C) George H. Thomas (by Gen. James A. Gar-
Rockland Harbor, Me. Rept. Chief field. November. 1870). In Fourth reunion of
of Eng., 18S1. pp. 471. 473; 1882, p. 492; 1886. p. the Army of the Cumberland, Cleveland, Ohio,
536. (C) p. 55. Cincinnati, 1870. (A)

H. Doc. 7S9, 5S-2 —vol 2 24

370 Centennial of United States Military Academy,
Ttaoznas, George Henry. IMemorial address (by Thompson, James (U.S.^LA., 1S51). Died Feb.
W. H. Lambert). Philadelphia. iSSo. /w AVar 14, iSSo, aged 51. Photograpli in ,\lbums of
Dept. I,ibrar>-. officers' mess.
Memoir (by R. AV. Johnson). Philadel- Obituary- in Ann. .\ssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
phia, i88i. In War Dept. l,ibrar>'- 1880. (A)
Life of (by T. B.A'aii Home). New York. Thompson, James Raster (U. S. M. A., 1884).

18S2. Jn War Dept. Libran". History of the Twenty-third Regiment of In-

Sherman (William Tecumseh), Grant, fantn.-. Hist. U. S. Army, pp. 692-694. (A)
Thomas, Lee. In North Amer. Rev., vol. 144. Thompson, John Charles (U. S. M. A., 1S66).
May. 1SS7. (A) Died Aug. 31, 1S89, aged 43. Obituary in Ann.
General Thomas (by Henn' Copp^e). Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S90. (A)
[Great commanders series.] New York, 1S93. Thompson, John Taliaferro (U. S. M. A., 1S82).
(A) Description of construction of viaduct at Rock
Piatt,(Donn): Gen. George H. Thomas: A Island Arsenal, p. 394; Electric lighting at
critical biography; with concluding chapters, Rock Island Arsenal recommended, p. 399;
by Henry V. Boynton. Cincinnati, 1893. Rock Island Arsenal, increase of detachment
F.nlisted man's estimate of (by W. H. recommended, p. 399. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Scott). 1S94. In War Dept. Library. 1892. (C)^
His place in histon.-. Oregon M. (>. L. L- Repairs of bridges at Rock Island Arsenal,
XT. S., Col. T. M. Anderson. 1S94. In War p. 369; Railroad at Rock Island Arsenal, p.
Dept. Library. 371. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1893. (CJ
Portrait of, purchase of, 1SS6. No. 2311; Descriptive catalogue of the ordnance
doc. 13; No. 2358, doc. 250. (C) museum, U. S. M. A., West Point, 1898. 1 vol.,
Report to Joint Committee on Conduct of O., 223 pp. (A)
the War. In supplemental report-joint com- Report of operations at Port Tampa City,
mittee, vol. I. No. 1241, doc. — (C) — . Fla. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S98.
In the record. In Some Federal and Con- Report on tests of revolvers, caliber .38.

federate commanders (by T. M. Livermore). Rept. Chief of Ord., 1899.

In War Dept. Library*. Report upon experiments to determine
Corrections of Grant's memoirs regarding. the effect of case hardening upon the physical
[n. d.] In War Dept. Librarj-. qualities of receiver steel of different carbon
hi Men who saved the t'uion (by D. contents; Report of principal operations at
Piatt). In War Dept. Library. watershopsat Springfield Armory. Rept. Chief
Thomas. J.B. Member of Board
(of California). of Ord., 1900. (C)
M. A. in 1S65.
of Visitors to U. S. Thompson, Newell A. (of Massachusetts). Mem-
Thomas, John Addison (U. S. M. A., 1833). Died ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1867.
Mar. 26, 185S, aged 47. Commandant of cadets, Thompson, Richard Edward (U. S. M. A., 1S68).
U. S. M. A., 1842-1845. Instructions for using the heliograph of the
Thomas, Lorenzo (U.S. M.A., 1S23). Died Mar. Signal Corps. U. S. Army. Washington, 1S94. i
2, 1S75, aged 70. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. vol.. O., 17 pp. (A)
U. S. M. A., 1S75; Harper's New Monthly Mag., Thompson. Richard P. (of New Jersey). Mem-
vol. 50 (1875). p. 923. (A) ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1840.
-^ Member of Board of Visitors (inspection) Thomson. Frank (of Pennsylvania). Member
to U. S. M. A. in 1S44. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S93.
Reports as Adjutant-General U. S. Army,
Thorington. Monroe Parker (U. S. M. A., 1877).
Died Sept. 10, 1S7S, aged 23. Obituary in Ann,
Regulations for the recruiting service of
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S79. (A)
the Army of the United States, both Regular
and Volunteer .published by order
. . . . .
Thornbureh, Thomas Tipton (U. S. M. A., 1867).
by L. Thomas, Adjutant-General. War Dept., Died Sept. 29, 1S79. aged 35. Obituary i'k Ann.
3862. I vol., O.. 99 pp. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S0. (A)

Memoir. Washington, 1S65. In War Dept. Thruston, Charles Mynn (U. S. 1814). Died
M. A.,
Library-. February-, aged
1S73, 77. Obituary in Ann.
Thomas, Robert Brenham (U. S. M. A., 1852). Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1873. (A)
Died Jan. 25, 1901, aged 73. Obituary and por- Thruston, George A. (of Maryland). Member
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1872.
Thurston, L. A. Shall Hawaii be annexed ?
Thompson, Alexander Ramsay (U. S. M. A.,
[Reprint.] Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 9, p. 97.
1S12).Died Dec. 25, 1837, aged 44. Lieut. Col.
Alexander R. Thompson's monument, West Ticknor, George (of Massachusetts). Member
Point cemetery, i Lith. picture (165^x12 of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1826.

inches). (A) Tidball, John Coldwell (U.S.M. A., 1S4S). Com-

Thompson, Charles 0.(of Massachusetts). Mem- mandant of cadets. U. S. M. A. July 10 to
ber of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1877.
. Sept. 22, 1864.

Thompson, Henry A. (U. S. M. A., 1S19). Died Charge of drawing division. U. S. Coast
Mar. 12, iSSo, aged 80. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Survey Rept., 1855, p. loi; 1856. p. 88; 1857, pp.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1880. (A) 117, 1S7; 1858, pp. 118, 160. 161. lA)
Tlir WritiiK^s of Graditatrs, i8o2-igo2. 371
TIdbaU. John ColdwcU. Report of. U. S. Coast Tillman, Samuel Escue. Text-book of important
Sur\'cy Rept., 1S55, pp. 232-235; 1856, pp. 141, 142; minerals and rocks New York, 1900. i
. . .

IS.S7. PP- 195. 200. (A) vol., O.. X + 176 pp. (A)
Description of Congre.*i.s map. I*. S. Coast The true soldier: an Address delivered
Siir\'cy Rept., 1S55, pp. 253-255. (A) before the Y. M. C. A. at West Point. In The
A manual
of heavy artillery service, offi- Outlook, Apr., 1902. (A)
cially adopted for the use of the Army and West Point and its centennial. Rev. of
militia of the United States, and as a text-book Reviews. July. 1902. III. (P)
at the I". S. M. A. iSSo. Organic evolution. In Pop. Sci. Monthly,
4th cd. By authority, i vol., 12°. vol. 39. p. 271.
Washington, 1S91. (A) Notice of Wisser's Explosive Materials.
Report of an inspection of the Artillen.- [No, 70. Van Noslrand science series.] Jour.
School, Fort Monroe, Va. Washington, . . . U. S. Art., vol. II, p. joo,

1S82. I pam.. O. (A) Tilton. Henry R. Chief medical officer U. S.

Comment on .\rtillery administration. M. A.. 1S89-1890.
Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. I". S., vol. 12, p. (>f>i. (Ai Tindall. R. M. (of Mississippi). Member of
• Artillen.* ser\'ice in the rebellion. Jour. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S66.
Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S.. vol. 12. pp. 697, 952, 1211; Todd. Albert (U. S. M. A., 1877). Theclassof '77
vol. 13, pp. 276, 466, 677, 876, 10S5; vol. 14, pp. 1, at the V. S. M. A., West Point, N. Y. Cam-
307. bridge, 1.S7S. I vol., O., 126 pp. (A)
Rifle target practice in the Army. Ord. Todd. Albert (U. S. M. A., 1877). The cam-
Note 237. vol. S. (A) paigns of the rebellion. (A) O. 1SS4,
Author of various professional p.ipers. The Military Academy and the education
Tilghman, Richard Cooke l'. S. M. A.. 1S2S). (
of officers. In Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S., vol.
Died Mar. 14, 1879. aged 72. Obituary in Ann. 16 (1S95), p. 342. (A)
Assoc. Grads. r. S. M. A.. 1S79. (A) Wind components. Jour. V. S.Art., vol, 5,

Tilghman, Tench (U. S. M. A., 1832). Died Dec. p. 48.

22, 1S74. aged 64. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. The heavy artillery- of the future. Jour.
Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 19, p. 260. (.A,)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S75. (A)
Memoir. xAmer. Rev. Jour.
Todd, Henrj- Davis (U. S. M. A.. 1S90). Photo-
1876. In "War
Dept. Library.
graph in Albums of officers" mess.
Todd. Jolm Blair Smith (U. S. M. A., 1837). Died
TiUinghast, Nicholas (U. S. M. A.. 1S24). Died
Jan. 5, 1872, aged 57. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc.
Apr. g, 1S56, aged 51. Engraving (by R. E.
Grads. I'. S. M. A.. 18S1. (A)
Babson). Owned by Assoc, (irad.s. U. S. M.A.
Todd, John W. (U.S. M.A. 1852). Died May 10,

Tillman. J. D. {of Tennessee). Member of 1S7S. aged 48. Obituarj^ in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1SS2. r. S. M. A., 1S78. (A)
Tillman. Samuel Esctie (U. S. M. A.. 1S69). Pho- Tolman. Thomas Murray (U. S. M. A.. 1S65).
tograph in Albums of mess. officers' Died Dec. 14, 1883, aged 42. Obituary- iji Ann.
Professor of chemistr},*, mineralogj-, and Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS4. (A)
geolog>-, r. S. M. A., Dec. 21, 18S0, to .
Tomliuson. John A. Member of Board of Visitors
Librarian U. S. M. A. from Feb. 16, 1901, to to U. S. M. A. in 1S33.
July I, 1902. Tompkins. Christopher Quarles (U. S. M. A.,
Author of works on cheraistn,- and heat, 1836). Died May 28. 1S77. aged 64. Obituarj'
1S59-1SS9. in .Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S77. (.\)
The West Pointoath. X. Y. Nation, Mav, Tompkins, Daniel D. (U. S. M. A., 1S20). Died
1885. P- 399- (A) Feb. 26, 1S63. aged 63. Oil portrait in the pos-
Organic evolution: A lecture. 1890. U.S. session of Brig. Gen. C. H. Tompkins, U. S.
M. A. Press, i pam., O.. 36 pp. (A) Array (retired).
Notes on chemical analysis of water ai Engraving (by T. Woolnoth) owned liy
West Point. 1S90-1S97. i vol. (A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Elementary- lessons in heat ... 2d ed.. Purchase of portrait of. No. 3072, doc.
rev. and enl. New York. 1S92. i vol., O. (A) 1127. (C)
The Military- Acadenn- and the education Early fortifications around New York
of officers. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst, U. S., vol City. [Reprint.]
Jour. U. S.Art., vol.9, p. 194.
16 (1895), p. 324. (A) Torbert, Alfred Thomas Archimedes (U. S. M. A.,
Historical sketch of the department of 1S55). Died Aug. 29, 1S80, aged 47. Engra\-ing
chemistr>', mineralog>-. and geology-. U. S. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. Obituar>'
M. A. In Rept. Supt. U. S. M. A., i?96, pp. 101- in Ann. .Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1881. (A)
122. (A) Tomey. George H. Chief medical officer U. S.
The general value of boy training at the' M. .\., 1894-1S98.
military' schools. In Rev. of Reviews, July, Torrance. Hon. Eli (of Minnesota). Member of
1897. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902.
Mineral products. Cosmopolitan Mag., Torrey. John. Professor of chemistr>', mineral-
October, 1897. (A) ogy.-, and geolog>^ U. S. M. A. 1824-1827.

Acetylene. Cosmopolitan Mag., Novem- Totten, Charles Adelle Lewis (U. S. M. A., 1873).
ber, 1S97. (A) Oration delivered before the U. S. corps of
372 Centennial of United States Military Academy,
cadets July 4. 1872. Hartford, 1S73. i vol..O., disorganization, reorganization, mobilization.
pp.14. (A) I vol., ill., tables. New Haven, 1890.

Totten, Charles Adelle Lewis. Strategos: A se- Totten, Charles Adelle Lewis. Strategos. To
ries of American games of war Vol. 2.
. . . which is appended a collection of studies upon
pis., tables and statistics. New York. 1880. i military statistics as applied to war on field
vol., thin O. (A) or map. 2 vols., ill., 1880.

Laws of athletics and general rules. Rev. An important question. A study of the
ed. Compiled for the use of the I'. S. Army. sacred cubit of the Hebrews, as the undoubted
0..pam. Washington, 1891. (A) origin of Anglo-Saxon measures, i vol., ill.,

The Our Race Series. [Each volume con- 18,87.

taining 365 pp., approximately.] No. i. The The facts and fancies, legends and lore.
romance of history; lost Israel found in the of nativity. Ob., O. New York, 18S7.
Anglo-Saxons. Instructions in guard duty. Complete,
No. 2. The voice of history-; Joshua's and for use upon the spot. Prepared for the
long day and the dial of Ahaz. Connecticut National Guard. New Haven,
No. 3. The philosophy of histon,'; 1S87. Liniited, vest-pocket ed.
Tea Tephi, Jeremiah's ward. The Our Race pamphlets. [From 16 to 64
No. 4. The secret of history-; the pp. each.] Midnight: The last hour of the era.
King's daughters— Flight of David's line. Miscellaneous, historical, chrono-
No. 5. The renewal of history; logical.
Eochaidh the Heremonn — "The scarlet More light on the crucifixion date.
thread." An epistle; " the time is at hand."
N0.6. Thefactof histon,'; the deluge St. Paul's life and labors.
and the advent— Proof and guarantee. The daughter of an earl; an idyl of
No. 7. The hope of history-; the crisis London town. For the passover (Easter)
and the millenium — At hand.
No. S. The riddle of history*; Saint Inspiration, and the trend of mod-
Paul and Daniel interpreted. ern criticism. Construction or destruciion.
No. 9. The answer of history; reply which?

to objections companion to Study No. i. Answers to numerous important
No. 10. The measure of histon,-; a queries, historical, chronological, and other-
standard scale of chronology. wise.
No. n.The truth of history; facts of Saturday versus Sunday; the pres-

gol<l. The times and seasons of Babylon. ent phase of an old piece of Pharisaism.
No. 12. The heart of history; facts of A conclusive argument.
silver. Medo-Persian times and seasons. Signs of the times; a startling
- No. 13. The key of history; facts of
copper. The times and seasons of Greece, The church and state; a warning.
No. 14. The focus of history; facts of The one year ministry demon-
iron. The times and seasons of Rome. strated; light at last.
No. 15. The man of history; facts of The restoration of Israel; a lecture.
stone. The times of Christ. Judah, Judea, and Jerusalem; the
No. 16. The confirmation of historj-; latest news; a very important paper.
the sign of the prophet Jonah. History first The genealogy of Mar>', and other
centnr\- A. D. matters.
No. 17. The canon of history; the The dividing of a time; a set of ac-

times of the Gentiles. curate colored chronological charts covering

No. 18. The seal of histon.-; or. the secular and sacred chronology between birth
great seal of the United States. Vol 1. of Herod and death of John.
No. 19. Vol. II. Its significance unto -The Olympic scale; proved from
us. Africanus, Censorinus. and Theon.
No. 20. The coming crusade: Rela- The Olivet discourse; first to second
tion of our race to Israel's restoration. advent. The Saviour's comments.
Nos. Consolidated. "Bethel,"
21-24. The Wednesday theory^ of the week
the stone kingdom. Colored lithographic day of the crucifixion, examined.
chart aud explanatory- study. Jesus Christ and His contempora-
Nos. 25-26. The gospel of history. ries. (
Easter, in New York World, revised,
with supplement. Vol.1, Matt., Mark, Luke. iS95.)
John interwoven and harmonized into one Miscellaneous queries answered.
composite truth. The skeleton of histor>'; explaining
Vale miUtar\' lectures. Selected from the chart of Daniel.
series of 1890. First section: National and in- The Gibraltar of chronology;
ternational. I. (Introductor\') lecture— The whereon the secular dates rest.
The calendar-almanac of all past
military outlook at home and abroad. II.

Military economy, and the policy of America. and all future time.
III. The militar\' problem of America, with Current events; signs and designs.
notes on seacoast defense. IV. Organization. Important.
Tlir JI 'r///;/os oj (rraduatis, iSo2-igo2. 373
Totten. Charles Adellv l,c\vis. The- Our Race Totten, Charles Adelle Lewis. The Our Race
pamphlets. The Kasteni question: hciw the panii)hlets. The sword of the Lord.
I'liited States may become involved. What next?
A ulauce into our mail l)a^; what Ireland: new evidence as to origin.
we are at. as told hy others. China; the Kast and the outcome.
The manifestation )f Christ with The new gospel.
()ur ])resent situation.
- The chart of the siejije of Jeru.saletn. — —— - A controversy; as to facts.
- An open word with an op]>oiient. "All about things;" expansion,
- How readest thou?" biblical dates, and traces of Israel.
- Timely topics; latter day parables. tVencral epistolary sur\*ey: miscel-
- The ])resent situation. laneous topics.
- The letters of Senins; finance. Kpistolary survey and miscel-
- Ve compact; its histon.*, authority, laneous topics continued.
and seal. .\ Christmas souvenir (pictorial).
These times and their significance; Personal documents as to Totten.
a few words in general. An epistle. The Sunday school times chronol-
Tliis is the anti-Christ; by Kschol.
Introduction by C. A. I,. Totten. Scientific astrology,
Odds and ends; what we think rhc duniiii\- watch.
about matters. We told you so. - The three great lights of histor\-.
The i)hysical factors veiled in (len- - Tlie .situation. Spanisli and Hoer
esisi, "Halt! who goes there? "

The outlook from our point of view. - Epistolar\-comments; zionism. etc.

Peter the Great's will, and a run- - Lot versus Abram.
ning commentary- on Ezek. xxxviii-xxxix. Anarch\-. In menipriam McKinley.
" Signs of the end." - The Yalensian era.
Give the Lord no rest as to the • A thing or two about two or three
restoration of Israel and the Jews. things
Fourteen standard systems of The new cycle.
chronolog;\-, analyzed. \Vilh chart. Ven,- Mortality or immortality?
valuable. The Tau-cross.
All past time; Guinness, Dimbleby, Totten. Edward Harris (U.S.M.A.. 1S65). Died
Totten. and others. " Present truth." June 14. 1S78, aged 33. Obituan,- and portrait
"As it listeth;" here and there. In in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1879. (A)
the world and with the word. Secretary- of the Association of Graduates
Israel in America. I'. S. M. A. and editor of its Annuals, 1871-1S74,

— War extra; Vale militarA- lectures Totten, James {V S. M. A.. 1S41). Died Oct. 2,

I reprint ). 1S71, aged 33. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. Grads,

— Matters of present moment. r. S. M. A., 1S72. (A)
More momentous matters. Florida reef triangulation, p. 40; On screw-
I''urther matters of moment. pile signals, p. 97. U. S. Coast Surx-ey Kept.,
Providence; a duplex calendar. 1S52. (A)
Maternity. The history of Israel. Triangulation, Key Largo and Key West,
Flotsam and jetsam as to events p. fij; l-'lorida keys, p. 50. 51; Reef screw-pile
now happening. signals, 173, 174. U. S. Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1853.
More as to things now on deck. (A)
Further discussion of current F'lorida reef, triangulation, p. 73; Signals,
events. pp. So-Si,6S, 72, 157-160; Bottoms Florida section,
The conduct of the war. (iulf stream, p. Si; Key Biscayne and Cape
Live topics, Au Courant. Sable bases, pp. 69,71; Station and scaffold.
As to Anglo-Israel; a sworn state- Mount Desert, pp. 35-36. U. S. Coast Sun-ey
ment from Professor Totten. Rept., 1S55. (A)
New Year thoughts; important Totten. John Reynolds ^l". S. M. A., 1878). Pho-
supplement. tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
The sabbatic key; the world's age. See West Point, maps, 1SS5.
Dreams, insignia, signs.
Totten. Joseph Gilbert (V. S. M. A.. 1S05). Died
The basis of Anglo-Americanism;
Apr. 22, 1S64, aged 75. Portrait (oil painting by
arm for war.
Weir) presented by Cori>sof Engineers. In the
The gospel of history-; shall we
librar>- U-. S. M. A.
publish it?
Obituary /h Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol.
The New Testament; memoranda.
L P- 35-
- Secret satisfaction; data.
Medicine and faith; miscellaneous. Member of Board of Visitors to I". S. M. A.
Tara's exploration. in 1S19, 1S21. 1S22, 1S26, and 1S2S.

- The shape of the earth. Reports as Chief Engineer U. S. Army and

Arilhraography; N. B. Inspector U. S. M. A., 1S38-JS64.
374 Centcnuial of United States Military Academy.
Totteu. Joseph Gilbert. Made an inspection of Tow^nsend, Curtis McDonald. Project, plan,
the U. S. M. A. in 1S46. [There was no regu- estimate, etc., for the improvement of Charle-
larly appointed Board of Visitors to the voix Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897,

U.S. M. A. in 1846.] p. 2954. (A)

Sandy Hook changes, pp. 33, 34: Report to St. Joseph and Benton harbors,Mich.
New York harbor commissioners, changes, etc.. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S9S, p. 2496. (A)
pp. 35S-370. Coast Sun-ey Kept., 1S57. (A)
V. S. Kalamazoo River, Mich. Rept.
Report on the effect of firing with heavy Chief of Eng.. 1S98, p. 2537. (A)
ordnance from casemate enibrasnres. and also Mississippi River (Quincy, 111).

the effects of firing against the same embra- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2756, (A)
sures with various kinds of missiles. Prof- Mississippi River (Bellevue, Iowa),
Papers Corps of Eng. U. S. A., No. 6. Washing- Rept. Chief of Eng., 1900, p. 2759. (A)
ton, 1S57. O. (A) Mississippi River (Lake Pepin).
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1900, p. 2763. (A)
provement of Dnxbun.'^ Beach and Harbor, Paper on the influence of the basins of the
Mass. Rept. Chief of Eug., 1S66, vol. 2, pp. 36. Mississippi River on its flood heights. Rept,
(C) Chief of Eng., 1S95, p. 3661. (A)
Barnard (J. G.): Eulogy on Maj. . . . —
^<v Boards Barlow, 3,4; Lydecker, i.
Gen. .Totten, Chief Engineer U.S. A.
. . . . .
Townsend. Edward Davis (U. S. M. A., 1837).
I pam., O. 1S66. (A) Died May :i, 1S93, aged 76. Engraving (by

See Boards Totteu; Bernard, i Barnard, 3. ; A. H. Ritchie) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
.SV^Treussart; Mortars. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
See U. S. Coast Sun,'ey Rept., 1S56; 84, 347. 1S93. (Al
(A1 Reports as Adjutant-General U. S. Army,
Touaard, Louis de (organizer U. M. A. of 1801). S. 1S69-18S0.
The American artillerists' companion. Phila- Anecdotes of the civil war in the United
delphia, 1S09. 3 vols., O. and Q. (A) States . .New York, 1S84. i vol O. (A)
. .

Tovey, Timothy Arthur (U. S. M. A.. 1S75). Catechism of the Bible.

Died Sept. 28, 1SS7, aged 35. Obituary in Ann. See U. S. Coast Survey Rept., jS6i, p. 268.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. iSSS. (A) (A)
Tower, Zealous Bates (U. S. M. A., 1841). Died Townsend, John (of New York). Member of

Mar. 20, 1900, aged Si. Portrait (oil painting Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 1830.
by Lawrie) presented by War Department, Townsend, Thomas Gerry (U. S. M. A., 1871).

1875. In the Cadet Mess Hall. Photograph in Albums of officers' m,ess.

Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc, Townshend, R. W. (of Illinois). Member of

Grads. U. S. M. A., 1900. (A) Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1888.

Fifteenth superintendent from July 8 to Townsley, Clarence Page (U. S. M. A., 1881). Pho-
Sept. 3, 1S64. Relieved. Report as Supt. U. S. tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
M. A.. 1864.
Towsend, Amos (of Ohio). Member of Board of
Report upon the practice in Europe with Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1883.

the heavy Armstrong, Woolwich, and Krupp TowBley, Charles Dennis (U. S. M. A. 1885).
rifled guns . . . Washington, 1883. i vol., Q. Author. Port Washington, Wis.
(A) Tow^son, Nathan (of U. S. Army). Member of
Analytical investigation of the velocity of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S24, 1S40, and
ice boats. in 1845.
See Boards —Tower; Barnard, 5, 6; Ma-
Tracy, Albert H. Member of Board of Visitors
comb, 13, 14, 15, 32, 34; Simpson, i; Wright, i.
to U. S. M. A. in 1827.
Towers, John Alexander (U. S. M. A., 1S86).
Died Mar. 23, 1893. aged 31. Obituarj- in Ann. Traub, Peter Edward (U. S. M. A., 1SS6). Pho-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893. (A) tograph in Albums of officers' mess,
Townsend, Curtis McDonald
On the sabre and sabre exercise, p. 297;
(U. S. M. A., 1879).
Military' g>-mnastic exercises, p. 348. Jour,
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the improve-
Cav. Assoc, 1891, (A)
ment of Mississippi River. Comparison of low-
English and American literature [for in-
water soundings taken through Lake Provi-
struction of cadets, U. S. M, A,; chronological
dence Reach, 1882-1S91, inclusive. Rept. Chief
tables of principal authors and their works.]
of Eng., 1893, p. 3786. (A)
I pam. O, obi., 24 pp, [West Point, 1S97.] (A)
Mississippi River, third district.
The Spanish verb, with an introduction
Rept. Chief of Elng.. 1S95, p. 3S04; 1S96, p. 3652.
on Spanish pronunciation New York, , . ,

1900, I vol.. O. (A)

outer harbor at Michigan City, Ind.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 2S99. (A) Travers, John (of New Jersey). Member of
South Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept. Board of Visitors to U. S, M, A, in 1836.

Chief of Eng.. 1S97, p. 2949, (A) Treadwell, Thomas James (U. S. M. A, 1S54),
harbor of Holland (Black Lake), Died Aug. 2, 1S79. aged 47. Obituary in Ann.
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1897, p. 2950. (A) Assoc. Grads, U, S, M, A,, 1880, (A)
Ludington Harbor, Mich. Rept. Instructor of ordnance and gunnery, U. S.
Chief of Eug, 1S97, p. 2952. (A) M, A., 1S64.
The Writings of Graduates, 1802— igo2. 375
Treadwell, Thomas James. Metallic cartridges pp. 231-267; progress, pp. 270-273.
. Washington, 1S73.
. . vol., O. Ste Ord- i U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1858. (A)
nance Mem.. No. 14- Trovrbridge, William Petit. Researches, p. 107;

Report on long-friction tubes. Ord. Note Deep-sea sounding apparatus, pp. 30, 359-364.
13. vol. I, p. 77. (A) U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1859. (A)
Treat, Charles Gould (U. S. M. A., 1882). Com- Gulf Stream examination, pp. 72, 73;
mandant of Cadets, U. S. M. A., June 15, 1901. Sounding apparatus, pp. 29. 71; Establishment
to . of magnetic station at Key West, Fla., pp.
Comment on Allen's Cavalr\' training. 71-72; Description of Key West Station, pp.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. V S., vol. 28. p. 460.
. 326-349. r. S. Coast Snr\-ey Rept., i860. (A)
Moving targets in use in the light artil- Hydrography of Mount Hope and Bristol
lery of Kngland, (iennany. France, and Italy bays, R. I., p. 33; Charge of lithographic di-
and some forms recently by the light tried vision, pp. 74, 75, 175; Report on trials of
artillery battalion at Fort Riley, Kans. Jour. sounding apparatus, pp. 135-139. U. S. Coast
U. S. Art., vol. 9. p. 265. Sur\'ey Rept., 1S61. (A)
Treat, Joseph B. (of Wisconsin). Member of The profession of the mechanical or
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iS8i. dynamical engineer. New Haven, Conn.. 1870.
Treville, Richard D. (of South Carolina). Mem- I vol.. O.. p. 26. (A)
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S54. Tables and diagrams relating to noncon-
Trevltt, John U. S. M. A.. 1S44). Died Mar. 21,
( densiug engines and boilers New York, , . .

1893, aged 71. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. 1872. I pam., Q. (A)
U. S. M. A., 1893. (A) Heat as a source of power, witli applica-
Trimble, Isaac Ridgway (U. S. M. A., 1822). tions of general principles of the construction
Died June 2, iSSS. aged 85. Obituarj- in Ann. of steam generators: an introduction to the
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S88; Harper's New- study of heat engines New York, 1874.
. . ,

Monthly Mag., vol. 76 (iSSS), p. 645. (A) I vol.. O. (A)

Tripp, Frederic Amasa (U. S. M. A., 18S7). Turbine wheels: On the inapplicability of
Died Sept. 29. 1S93. aged 29. Obituar\- in Ann. the theoretical investigations of the turbine
Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1S94. (A) wheel to the modern constructions. New
Troost. G. (of Tennessee). Member of Board York, 1S79.

of Visitors to U. S.M.A. in 1S41.

Rival systems of heating. In North
Amer. Rev., vol. 13S, FebruarT,', 1S84. (A)
Trowbridge, William Petit (T. S. M. A., 1S4S}.
Died Aug. 12, 1S92, aged 64. Photograph in Modern sanitary* engineering. North
Albums of officers' mess. Amer.Rev., vol. 68, p. 756.

Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., Stationary- steam engines,

1S93; Biog. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci.. vol. 3, p. 363. Turnbull, Charles Nesbit (U. S. M. A., 1S54 ). Died
(A) Dec.2, 1S74, aged 42. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc.
Triaugulation, sec. 1, p. 52; Discussions, Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S75. (A)
p. 100. U.S. Coast Sur\*ey Rept.. 1S51. (A)
Turnbull. William (U.S. M.A., 1S19). Died Dec.
Triangulatiou. p. 17: Triaugulation. sec.
9, 1S57. aged 57. Treatise on the strength,
3, p. 27. r. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S52. (A)
flexure, and stiffness of cast-iron beams and
Triaugulation James River, p. 41 Western ;

columns ... i vol., O. 1S32. (A)

coast tides, pp. 79. So. r S. Coast Survey Rept.

1853. (A) Potomac Aqueduct. Hydrographicsur\-ey

Tidal and magnetic observations. Western of the Potomac River near Georgetown, show-
coast, pp. 12, 78; Results, pp. 84, 85; Report, pp. ing the position of the aqueduct, its connec-
tions with the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal on
*37. *4o; Eclipse, p. 78; Meteorological obser-
vations, p. 84. L'. S. Coast Survey Rept.. 1S54. the north bank and with the Alexandria Canal
(A) on the south bank of the river. 27 sheets, in F:
Reference to instruments used, etc., in cover. 1S32. (,A)

California. I'. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1854. Report on the sur\'ey and construction of
app. 50. pp. 37-40- (A) the Alexandria [Potomac] Aqueduct. Wash-
Tide and magnetic observations. West ington, 1838.
coast, pp. 13. 98-99; Report, pp. 223-227; Nootka Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Sound, pp. 227-22S; Earthquake waves in the provement of Olcott Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Pacific, p. 342; Ou Bodega Bay and South Chief of Eng., 1S74, vol. i, p. 238; 1876, vol.2, p.
Farrallou. pp. 1S5-1S6. U. S. Coast Sun-ey 5". (CJ
Rept., 1S55. (A)
Charlotte Harbor, mouth of Genesee
Tides, Hudson River, pp. 44-45. 94: Con-
River, N.Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1876, vol.2,
cluding report on western coast, tidal obser\-a-
P.5S4. (C)
tions, pp. 269, 270; Relieved from coast snr\-ey
duty, pp. 14, 19, 84. 348. U. S. Coast Sur\'ey The French cavalry- in 1870. Jour. Cav.
Rept., 1856. (A) Assoc, 1897. p. 300. (A)
Preparation of records and results, p. 39; See Boards— Kearney, i.
Experimental researches for deep-sea sound- Turner, Henry Smith (U. S. M. .\., 1S34). Died
ings, pp. 22S-240; Review and comparison of Dec. 16, i88i,aged 71. Obituary :'« Ann. Assoc.
Coast Sur\*ey progress with foreign sur\-eys. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S82. (A)
376 Ccntoinial of United States Military Academy.
Turner, John Wesley \V S. M. A.. 1855). Died
. Tyler. Daniel. Member of Board of Visitors to

Apr.S, 1S99, aged 66. Obituary and portrait in U. S. M. A. in 1S49.

Ann.Assoc.Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1899. (A) A memorial volume containing his auto-
Turner, Samuel A. (of Massachusetts). Member biography and war record [privately printed].
of to U. 5. M. A. in 1S40.
Board of Visitors New Haven, 1SS3. i vol.. Q-. pp. 1S6. ports.
Turner. ThomasG. (of Rhode Island). Member (A)
of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S66. . Tyler. Robert Ogden (U. S. M. A., 1S53). Died
Turner. Winslow (of Missouri). Member of Dec. I. 1874, aged 43, Portrait (oil painting by
Board of Visitors to L'. S. M. A. in 1854. W. R.AVheeler. 1S75). In memorial hall. West
Turnley. Parmenas Taylor (U. S. M. A., 1S46). Point.
Address to the Mexican war veterans of Illi- Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
nois. Chicago, 1S77. I vol., O.. pp. u. (A) 1875. (A)
Reminiscences of Parmenas Taylor Turn- Memorial of Bvt. Maj. Gen. R ... O . . .

from the cradle to three .score and ten.

ley, Tyler. U. S. Army
(by George W. CuUum);
By himself ... vol.. O. Chicago [n. d.,
i t(jgether with his journal of two months'
prefaced, 1S92]. (A) travel in British and farther India i vol., . . .

Turnley's West Point and Aztec addresses. O. 1S7S. (A)

Chicago, 1902. I vol., C, 24 pp. (A) Upham, John Jaques (U. S. M. A.. 1859). Died
Turtle. Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1867). Died Sept. Oct. 21. 1898. aged 61. Obituary and portrait
iS, 1S94. aged 50. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1899. (A)
Grads. V S. M. A., 1S95. (A)
. Upham, W. H. Wisconsin), Member of
History of the engineer battalion. Es- Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1901.
sayons Club Papers, No. S, 1S68. (A) Upson, W. H. (of Ohio). Member of Board of
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Visitors toU. S. M. A. in 1S97.
provement of Cherrystone Creek. \'a. Rept. "Upton, Emory (U.S.M.A.. 1S61). Died Mar. 15,
Chief of Eng.. 1SS4, p. 955. (C) jSSi. aged 42. Obituary in Ann.Assoc.Grads.
Wetipkin [Wehpquin] Creek, Md. U. S. M. A., 1881; Harper's New Monthly
Rept. Chief of Eng., 18S4. p. 956. (C) Mag., vol. 62 (1881), p. 957. (A)
Isle of Wight Bay, upper Synepux- Commandant of cadets U. S. M. A., 1S70-
ent Bay. and Indian River. Rept. Chief of 1S75.
Eng., 1S84. p. 957. (C) Tactics for nonmilitan- bodies. 1S70.
Hunting Creek, Va. Rept. Chief of [Rev. New York, 1874. i vol., O.]
Eng., 1SS4, p. 961. (C) The Prussian company column read
Bayou Courtableau. La, Rept. Chief before the Thayer Club of West Point, 1874.
of Eng., 1S85. pp. 1404, 1406; 1886, p. 219. (C) I pam., O. 1875. (A)
Buffalo River, Miss. Rei)t. Chief of Infantry tactics, double and single rank.
Eng,. 1SS5. p. 1431. (C) Adapted to American topography and im-
Atchafalaya River, La. Rept. Chief proved firearms. Rev. ed. New York, 1877.
of Eng.. 1885, p. 1433. (C) ThearmiesofAsiaand Europe . . . ivol.,
Gauley River, W. Va. Rept. Chief O. 1878.(A)
of Eng., 18S8, p. 224; 18S9. p. 1959; 1892, p. 2067. Tactica de infanteria para unay para dos
(C) filas . .Traducida y arreglada ^ las necesi-

European systems of defense. Jour. Mil. dades del Ejercito de Colombia por H . . .

Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 9, p. 54. A) 1

R. Lemly . . . yA
.B. Ruiz . Bogota,
. . . .

See Boards — Barnard, 2; Comstock, 7; 1S83. I vol., O. (A)

Craighill, 21, 25; Gillmore, i. 2. and
The life letters of (by Peter S. Michie,
Tutherly, Herbert Everett (U. S. M. A., 1872). with an introduction by Janies Harrison Wil-
Score book for riflemen. 1SS2. son). 12° 1S85. (A)
Elementary treatise on military science Military policy of the United States. MS.
and the art of war. 1S97, See Michie's Memoir of Upton.
Twiggs, David Emanuel (of U. S. Army). Mem- Upton, Samuel (of New Hampshire). Member
ber of Board of Visitors to U. M. A. in 1S36. S.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1862.
Twining. William Johnson (U. S. M. A.. 1S63). "
Van Antwerp, Verplanck (of Iowa). Member
Died May 5, 1SS2, aged 42. Obituar>- in Ann. of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S59.
A.ssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (A)
Ventilation of military magazines.
Van Bokkelen, L- (of Maryland). Member of
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1862.
sayons Club Papers, No. 22. 1872. (A)
Tyler. Charles Humphrey (U. S, M. A.. 184S). Van Buren, Abraham (U. S. M. A., 1827). Died
Died Mar. aged 56. Obituary in Ann.
17, 1882, Mar. 15, 1873, aged 66. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1873. (A)
Tyler, Daniel (U. S. M. A., 1819). Died Nov. 30, Van Buren, Daniel Tompkins (U. S. M. A., 184;).
1SS2, aged 84. Portrait (oil painting by G. B. Died July 16, 1890, aged 64. Photograph in Al-
Matthews). Presented by his brother. In bums of officers' mess.
memorial hall. West Point. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
01)ituar>' in Ann. Assoc. Grads I'. S. M. A.. 1S91. (A)
18S3. (A) Hudson River triangulation. p. 38; Rappa-
School of the driver. Translated from hannock triangulation and base, p. 42, U. S.
French, 1829. Coast Survey Rept., 1S53. (A)
The Jf 'riti)igs oj (rraduatcs^ i8o2—i()02. 377
Vance. Capers Daniel (U. S. M. A., iS>>S). Died Viele, Egbert I^udovickns. Topography and
Feb. 12. i8(j5, aged ;^o. Obituary Ann. Assoc. m liydrology of New York New York,
. . .

Grads. V. S. M. A.. 1S93. (A) i8'>5. pam.. O. (A)


Vance, Joseph. Vembcrof Board of Visitors lo Relations of topography to health in con-

U. S. M. A. in 1827. nection with the principles and practice of
Veui Cleve. Horatio Phillip (-U. S. M. A., 1S3O. drainage and sewerage. An address New . . .

Died Apr. 24, 1891, aged 81. Obituary in Ann. York. 1875. pam., O. (A)

Assoc. C.rads. U. S. M. A.. 1891. (A) Knickerbockers of New York. Harper's

Van Cortlandt, Pierre (of New York). Member New Monthly Mag., vol. 54 (1876). p. 33. (A)
of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S29, 1S31,
. Nature from my veranda. Harper's New
and 1S.JI. Monthly Mag., vol. 57 (1878), p. 404, (,\)
Van Deusen, George William yV . S. M. A., 1880). Camp and garrison sanitation. Jour. Mil.
The Maxim-Nordenfelt luonntain guns in the Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 6, p. 37. (A)
Philippines. Jour. T. S. Art., vol. 14. p. i. A trip with I,incoln, Chase, and Stanton.
Tactical use of mounted troops. Jour. Cav. Century Mag., vol. 16, p. 813.
Assoc, 1892, p. 225. (A) See U. S. Coast Sun'ey Rept.. iS(i2, p. 41.
Rapid-fire guns. Jour. Mil. Scrv. Inst. (A)
U.S.. vol. (A)
13. p. 75. Vilas. William F. (of Wisconsin). Member of
Warships or coast defenses? Jour. Mil. Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S95,

Serv.Inst. I'.S.. vol. 15. p. 988. (A) Villepigne. John Bordcuave (U. S. M. A., 1854).
Our artillery in the Mexican war. Jour. Died May 13, 18S8. aged 54. Engraving owned
Mil.Serv. Inst. r.S.. vol. 17, p. 87. (A) by As-soc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
translator. German artillerj' targets, p. Vincent. Thomas McCurdy (U. S. M. A.. 1S53).
179; Engelhardt'sT^ectureou artillcrj' material, Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
p. 393; Cnr\'ed fire and high explosives in for- Author of numerous professional reports,
eign countries, p. 642. Jour. Mil. Sen*. Inst. 1853-1S96.
U.S.. vol. iS. (A) The military power of the I'nited States
Van Dorn, Earl {I'.S.M.A.. 1S42). Died May 8, indicated during the war of the rebellion.
1863, aged 42. Engraving owned by Assoc. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. I'. S., vol. 2, p. 229. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A. Comment 0:1 meritorious discharged sol-
Defense of Vicksburg, In Official reports diers. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. V. S.. vol. 11, p.
of battles, 1S63. 1025. (A)
Van Horn. James Judson (I*. S. M. A.. 1858). Florida Indians in the day of De Soto, and
Died Aug. 30, 1S98, aged 64. Obituary in Ann. the Florida Seminole wars.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S90. (A) Staff organizations: A plea for the staff.
Van Rensselaer, Stei)hen (of New York). Mem- Compensation of army officers.
ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1833. Lincoln and Stanton.
Van Schoohoven, G. Member of Board of Vis- Vinton, David Hammond (U. S.M. A., 1S22). Died
itors to U. S. M. A. in 1S3.;. Feb. 21, 1S73, aged 70. Obituary in Ann.
Van Vliet, Stewart (U. S. M. A., 1S40). Died Mar. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1873. (A)
28, 1901, aged 86. Portrait (oil i>ainting by Rob- Vinton. Francis (U. S. M. A., 1830). Died Sept.
ert Hinckley) presented by Stewart Van Vliet. 29, 1872, aged 63. Engraving (by Forrest)
In memorial hall, West Point. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. .\.
Obituary and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.
Grads. l\S.M. A., 1901. (A) M. A.. 1S73. (A)
Member of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. . Menaber of Board of Visitors to U. S.
in 1880. M. A. in 1855, and in 1S67.
Venable. C. S. (of Virginia). Member of Board Treatise on canon law.
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 187S. Vinton, Francis I^aurens (U. S. M. A., 1856.)
Venable, Richard M. (of Mar>-land). Member Died Oct. 6. 1879. aged 44. Obituary in Ann.
of Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1895. Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., iSSo. (.\)
Vethake, (of Pennsylvania). Member of Theory of the strength of materials . , .

Board of Visitors to I'. S. M. A. in 1S28. I vol.,0. (A)


Viele. Egbert Uidovickus (U. S. M. A.. 1847). The guardian: A poem.

Died Apr. 22, 1902, aged 77. Portrait (oil paint- Lectures on machines.
ing by J. C. Beck with, 1900) presented by Voedes. Israel (U. S. M, A., 1S37). Died Dec. 7.
George Egbert Viele, 1901. In cadet mess hall. 1889, aged 73. Photograph in .Albums of offi-
Engraving (by Atlantic Publishing and cers' mess.

Engraving Company) owned by Assoc. Grads. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S.

U.S. M. A. M. A.. 1S90. (A)
Member of Board of Visitors to IT. S. Volkmar. William Jefferson (U. S. M.A.. 1868).
M. A. in 1886 and in 1899. Died Mar. 4. 1901, aged 54. Obituary and por-
Author of variotis papers on engineering. trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901.

geography, sanitation, etc.. 1S53-1S90. (A)

Handbook of field fortification and artil- "Wade, Robert Buchanan (U. S. M. A., 1865).
ler\-. Richmond. Va., 1S61. i vol., O., p. 124. Died Jan. 8. 1884, aged 39. Obituary in Ann.
(A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1884. (A)
378 Coitouiial of United States Military Academy.
Wagener, Jacob (of' Pennsylvania). Member Wagner, Arthur Lockwood, and Dickman,
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S37. Joseph Theodore (U. S. M. A.. 1881). Pronun-
Wager, Barnet (U. S. M. A., 1S67). Died Aug. ciation of the names of persons and places in

9, 1883, aged 40. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. strategical operations. ipani..O. 1896. (A)
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS4. (A) "Wainwright, J. M. (of New York). Member of
Waggaman. George G. (tj. S. M. A., 1835). Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S30.
Died Sept. 9. 1SS4, aged 69. Obituary in Ann. Wainwright, Robert Powell Page (U. S. M. A.,
Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A., 1885. (A) 1875). The riding school and its importance.
Adjutant U. S. M. A. Feb. 17, 1S39, to July Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S90. p. 130. (A)
I, 1S41. History of the First Regiment of Cavalry.
Member of Board of Visitors (inspection) [An abridgment of Captain Waiuwright's His-
to U. S. M. A. in 1S44. tory of the First U. S. Cavalry.] Hist. U. S.

Wagner. Arthur I^ockwood (U. S. M. A., 1875). Army. pp. 153-^72. (A)
As a cadet, editor of the Weekly Spy-Glass.
Walbash, J. E. Member of Board of Visitors to
U. S. M. A. in 1825.
For a reprint see U. S. M. A., class of 1S75, re-
Walke. Willoughby (U. S. M. A., 1883). Ex-
1900, p. 102.
of Koniggratz: A study of
plosives. In Chicago Exposition, 1893, Int.
The campaign
the Austro- Prussian conflict in the light of the
Cong. Eng.. Opcr. Div. Mil. Eng.
American civil war. O. 1SS9. (A) I^ectures on explosives. 2ded. New . . .

The new German drill book. Jour. Cav. York, 1S97. I(A)vol., O.

Assoc, 1SS9, p. 43. (A) Notice of Hale's description map of army

Comment on Sumner's American practice posts, p. 309: A new powder — The
and foreign theory. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1890,
phase of smokeless compounds, p. 374; Notice
of War series. No. 4, information from abroad,
p. 150, (A)
Extracts from Organization and tactics. U.S.N.. p. 67S. Jour. U. S. Art, vol. 2.
Coast artillery' fire instruction. Jour. U. S.
Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1S93, pp. 241-3S2; 1894, p. 3.
Art, vol. 3, p. 259.
Military- geography See Mili- of Canada. I,inseed oil. Jour. U. S. Art, vol. 4. p. 152.

tary geography. Lectures in department of Walker. Aldace F. (of New York). Member of
of military art Inf. and Cav. School. . . .
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1897.
Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1893-1895. Jour. Mil. Walker. Charles Jones (U.S. M.A., 1857). Died
Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 13, p. 429- (A)
Mar. 4, 1S79. aged 43. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Re\new of Ropes' Story of the ci\'il war. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1879. (A)
Walker. George Brinton (U.S. M. A., 1872). Died
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1894, p. 357. (A)
Oct. II, 1902, aged — The man behind the gun.
Catechism of outpost duty, including ad- .

Jour. Mil. Sen.*. Inst. U.S., vol.17, P-3o6. (A)

vance guards, rear guards, and reconnaissance
. . . [2d ed.]. An abridgment ... of The Walker.Gilbert C. Walker (of Virginia). Mem-
service of security and information. Kansas ber of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1877.
City, 1895. I vol., O. (A) Walker, Henry Perrine (U. S. M. A., 1S74). Died
The military* necessities of the United Sept. II, 1880, aged 32. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
States and the best provisions for meeting Grads. U.S. M. A.. 1881. (A)
them. [Prize essay.] Jour, Mil. Ser\'. Inst. Walker, Leverett Hull (U. S. M. A., 1S71). Photo-
U. (A)
S., vol. 5, p. 237.
graph in Albums of officers' mess.
Military and naval policy of the United Walker. Thomas Woodruff (U. S. M. A., 1856).
States. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 7, p. Died Dec. 9, iSgo, aged 57. Obituary in Ann.
(A) Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1891. (A)
An American war college. Jour. Mil. Serv. Walker. Timothy (of Massachusetts). Member
Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p. 287. (A) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1829.

Comment on Field exercises. Jour. Mil. Walker. William Henr>' Talbot (U. S. M. A.,
Ser\'. Inst. U. S.. vol. 12. p. 1034. (.A) 1837). Statue at the Confederate monument,
Comment on Three battalion organization. Augusta. Ga.
Jour. Mil. .Ser\'. (A)
Inst. U. S., vol. 15, p. 122. .\t Atlanta. Ga.
Review of Hart's Reflections on the art of Commandant of cadets. U. S. M. A., 1854-
war. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 18, p. 223, 1S56.
(A) Wall. Edward C. (of Wisconsin). Member of
Hasty intrenchments in war of secession. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1894.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 22, p. 225. (A)
Wall, James W. (of New Jersey). Member of
and Kelley, Commander J. D. Jerrold.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S58.
Our countr\''s defensive forces in war and
peace. U. S. Army and Navy: Their his-
The Wallace. George Daniel (U.S.M.A., 1872). Died
tories with accountsof theirorganization,
. . .
Dec. 29, iSgo, aged 41. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
administration, and duties New York, . . .
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S91. (A)
1899. I vol., F., obi., ill. (A) Wallace. Gen. I,ew (of Indiana). Member of

and others. Strategical operations. Il-

Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 18S9.

lustrated by campaigns in Europe and America WaUace. Robert Bruce (U. S. M. A., 1890). Died
... t' . S. Inf. and Cav. School. 1S97. 1 vol., Mar. 13, aged 31. Obituary
1900. in Ann.
O. (A) Assoc. Grads. U.S. M,A., 1901. (A)
The Writ iu(rs of Graduates^ i8o2—i()02.
'Wallen. Henry Davics (U.S. M. A.. 1S40). Died "Wai-ren, (;ouvernenr Kemble. Statue, stand-
Dec. 2, 1886. aged 68. Obituary hi Ann. Assoc. ing. Pail? Circle, Brooklyn, N. Y.
C.rads. V. S. M. A.. 18S7. (A) Bronze standing statue. On Little Round
Service manual . . . ivoI.,(). 1S69, (A) Top, Gettysburg.
Kxpedition from Dalles City lo Great Salt Bronze medallioti (by Philip Marliny),
I,akc and back. iSho. Xo. 1031, doc. 3;;. (C) Presented by Mrs. Emily Warren Roebling.
'Walleu, Ilenr\* Davits (U. S. M. A.. 1S67). Died Memorial hall.
Dec. aged
23, 1889, 45. Obitnai y m .\nn. Assoc. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. .^.,

Orads.r.S.M.A.. 1S90. (A) 1S83. Biog. Mem. Nat. .\cad. Sci..voI. 2, p. 173:
"WaUer. Henry (T. S. M. A.. 1S35). Died July Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 65 (1882),
28.1S93. aged S3, Obilnary and portrait in p.So.s. (A)
Ann. Assoc. Grads. l". S. M. A.,iS<>7. (A) the general map ... In
Memoir upon
Member of Hoard of Visitors to I'.S. M. A. Reports of explorations for a railroad . . .

in 1850. route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific

"Walton. E. P. (of Vermont). Mctnber of Hoard Ocean. 1853-185,5, vol. u. (A)
of Visitors to I". S. M. A. in 1S42. Letter to Hon. George W. Jones, relative
"Walton, William P. (of Alabama). Member of to explorations of Nebraska Territory. Wash-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in iSgS. ington, 1S58.
"Wansboro. Thomas Aloysius (I'. S. M. A., 1S96), An account of the operations of the Fifth
Died July i. 1S9S, aged 24. Obitnan.- in Ann, Army Corps ... at the battle of Five Forks.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S99. (A) Apr. 1,1865 New York, 1866. [Reprinted
. . .

"Ward. Frederick King (U. ft. M. A., 1S70). Fair in Jour. Rev. Silas Constant, pp. 4S3 et seq.]
leather horse equipments. Jour. Cav. Assoc. (A)
1896. p. 35. (A) Five Forks and General Warren. Har-
Guide center and leading, p. 50: Single or per's New Monthly Mag., vol. 32 (1866), p. S05.
double rank for cavalry, p. 139. Jour. Cav. Nebraska and Dakota and portions of the
Assoc. 1S99. (A) States and Territories bordering thereon.
"Ward. GeorgeT. (of Florida). Memberof Board 1867. Topographical map. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S53. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Ward, Marcus I., (of New Jersey). Memberof provement of Minnesota River, Minn. Rept,
Board of Visitors M. A. in 1S82.
to V. S. Chief of Eng., 1S67. p. 260; 1S6S, p. 369; 1874.
Warfield, . Memberof Board of Visitors to vol. I, p. 288; 1875, vol. I, pp. 360, 3S1. 403, 408,
r. S.M. A. in 1824. 409, 414, 416-442; 1S79, p. 1182. (C)
"Waring. George E. (of Rhode Island). Member Mississippi River, between Falls of
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1884. St. Anthony and Cairo, Rept. Chief of Eng.,
"Warmoth, Isaac S. (of Illinois). Member of 1867. p. 260; 1868, pp. 50, 51, 313, 317, 318. 320, 326,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. 366: 1871, p. 260. (C)
"Warner. Edward Raynsford iV S. M. A.. 1S57). . Chippewa River, Wis. Rept. Chief
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. of Eng.. i36S. pp. 306, 360, 365, 369. 370, (C)
"Warner, James Meech (U. S. M. A.. 1S60). Died Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Rept.
Mar. 16, 1897, aged 61. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Chief of Eng., 186S, pp. 315, 352, 360, 368; 1869,

Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S97. (A) p. 191; 1S76, vol. 2, pp. 190. 198, 273, 287, 288, 289.
Warner, Thomas. Miniature portrait. Owned
Rock Island bridge. Rept. Chief of
by Miss Anna Warner. 1902.
Eng. 1S69. pp. 194, 195, 196, 198; 1870, pp. 229, 237,
Chaplain and professor, r. S. M. A., 1S2S-
241. 244, 246, 251. 261, 262, 263, 264, 266; 1871, p.
301; 1S72, pp. 286, 287, 288. 291, 293. 416; 1873, pp.
Warren, C. H. (of Massachusetts). Member of 53,415; 1877, P.S24; 1S7S. pp.992, 1002, 1003. (C)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. iu 1869. Mississippi River reser\*oirs. Rept.
"Warren, Fitz Henr\* (of Iowa). Member of Chief of Eng., 1870. pp. 2S4. 2S6. 2S7. (C)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861. Providence River, Harbor, etc., R.I.
"Warren, Gouverneur Kemble (U. S. M. A.. 1850). Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S70, pp. 449, 450; 1871, p.
Died Aug. S. 18S2. aged 52. Portrait (oil paint- 730; 1S73, pp. 968. 970; 1875, vol. 2. p. 291; 1876,
p. 207; 1877. p. 199; 187S, pp. 48, 232. 235; 1S79.
ing by A. I,awrie)- Presented by friends in
Newport and New York City. In the Library PP- 54. 30S. 311- (C)

U. S. M. A. Connecticut River. Rept. Chief of

portrait (oil painting by Chartrau. New Eng., 1S71, pp. 84. 757; 1872. pp. 835. 836, 83S;

York, 1902 presented by his sister, Mrs. Emily 1S73. pp. 9S5, 9S9, 1011; 1877, pp. 45. 206; 1878,
W*arren Roebling. In memorial hall. West pp. 50. 247, 248; 1879, pp. 56, 320. (C)

Point. New Haven Harbor, Conn. Rept.

portrait by Chartran. p. 434; Copy
Copy of Chief of Eng., 1871, pp. 85. 769, 770. 774. 775;

of Cadet portrait. 1841^-50. and others. In Jour- 1872, pp.83, 861, 864, 865. 8go. (C)
nal of the Rev. Silas Constant, Phila., 1903. Bridgeport Harbor. Conn. Rept.
I v.. O. (A) Chief of Eng., 1871. pp.86. 787. 791. 794. 796. (C)
Photograph in Albums of officers* mess. Port JefTersoii Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Bronze statue (by Henry Baerer). Pros- Chief of Eng., 1871. pp. 86. S04. 808; 1875, vol. i,
pect Park, Brooklyn, N. \'. p. 105; 1875, voL 2, p. 265. (C)
3S0 Cenienviial of Uuiicd Stales Military Academy,
Warren. Couveriieur Kemble. Project, plan. Warren, (lOUvemeur Kemble. Project, plan,

estimate, etc., for the improvement of Tecoiiic estimate, etc., for the railway bridge across
River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1871, pp. Sb, the Mississippi River at Quincy. 111. Rept.
Sii. 814, 817; 1872, p. 916. (C) Chief of Eng.. 1S78, pp. loio. 1014. 1015. (C)
Pawcatuck River. R. I. and Conn. bridge across Missouri River at
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S71. pp. 741. 743. 744- (^i Atchison, Kans. Rept. Chief of Eng., 187S,
Housatonic River. Conn. Rept. p. 10S7. (C)
Chief of Eng., 1S71, pp. 7S1, 7S2. 783. 786; 18S6, railway bridge across the Missouri
p. 642: 18S7, p. 606. (C) River at St. Charles, Mo. Rept. Chief of
Narragansett Pier. R. I. Repl. Chief Eng.. 1S7S, p. 10S7. (C)
of Eng., 1S71, p. 818. (C) railway bridge across the Missouri
Southport Harbor, Conn. Rept. River at l,eavenworth, Kans. Rept. Chief of
Chief of Eng.. 1S71, p. 827. yC) Eng., 1S7S. p. 10S7. (C)
Block Island. R. I Rept. Chief of railway bridge across the Missouri
Eng., 1S71. p. 839; 1S72, p. S23; 1S74. vol pp. River at Omaha, Nebr. Repl. Chief of Eng.,
242. 243; 1S79, p. 311. (C) 1S78, p. 10S7. (C)
Stonington Harbor, Conn. Rept. An
essay concerning important physical
Chief of Eng., 1872. pp. S5, 918, 919; 1S73, p. 980; features exhibited in the valley of the Minne-
1S74. vol. 2. p. 246; 1S75, vol. 2, p. 247. (C) sota River and upon their signification. O.
Norwalk Harbor, Conn. Rept. Washington, 1S74. Misc. Papers, vol.i.
Chief of Eng.. 1S72, p. 902. (C) Report upon the Minnesota River. 1874.
Huntington Harbor, l,ong I.sland, Geographical surveys in the United States.
N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng-. 1S72, pp. 905. 907, Remarks upon Prof. J. D. Whitney's article
909. (C) in North American Review, July, 1S75.
Hyanuis Harbor Breakwater, Mass. Misc. Pamphlets, vol. 8.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S73, pp. 86, 948, 949; 1874, Preliminary- report of explorations in
vol. 2, p. iSo; 1879, p. 297. (C) Nebraska and Dakota in the years 1855, 1856,
Wickford Harbor, R. I Rept. Chief I

1857. Reprint. O. Washington, 1875. Ex-

of Eng.. 1S73. pp. 972. 974. (C) plorations and Sur\'eys. (A)
Milford Harbor, Conn Rept. Chief Geographical surveys in the L'. S. . . .

of Eug, 1873. pp. 1043, 1044; 1S74, vol. 2. p. 260; j

concluding with an account of the origination
1876, vol. 2. p. 261; 1886, p. 640. (C) of the Pacific Railroad. Washington, 1S77.
Edgartown Harbor, Mass. Rept. I
I vol., O.. pp. 28. (A)
Chief of Eug-. 1874, vol. 2, p. 208. (C) Report upon bridging the Missis-
. . .

New Bedford Harbor, Mass. Rept. sippi River between St. Paul and St. I.,ouis.

Chief of Eng., p. 2S4; 1S7S, p. 227. In App. X, Rept. Chief of Eug., 1S78, pp. 900-
1875, vol. 2,
1125, maps. (A)
Fall River, Mass. Rept. Chief of Argumenton behalf of Sheridan . . . . . .

Eng.. 1S74, vol.

(by Asa Bird Gardner) in the case of . . . . . .
pp. 285, 286; 1S78, p. 228. (C)

Narragansett Bay (Little), R. I. and G. K. Warren ... i vol.. O. iSSi. (A)

Conn. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1876, vol. i, p. 221; Findings of the court of inquiry and re-
iSSo, p. 392; 1S86, p. 78. (C) views of the Judge-Advocate-General and of
Wareham Harbor, Mass. Rept. the General of the Army in the case of O., .

Chief of Eng., 1S77. p. 196. (C) pam. 1SR3. (A)

Wood's HoU (Hole) Harbor, Mass. Memoir of (by H. L. Abbot). In Biog.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 53, 29S, 299. (C) Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 2. p. 173. (A)
Vineyard Haven Harbor, Mass.
Geographical surveys in the United States.
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS2, p. 594; 1S90, p. 556.
(CI In Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. 11, p. 377.

Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the bridge Exploration of the countn- between the
across the Ohio River at Steubenville, Ohio. Missouri and the Platte rivers.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1868. pp. 50. 316, 380. (C) and Humphreys. Andrew Atkinson (U.S.
railway bridge at L,a Crosse, Wis. M. A.,1831). Examination of the various
Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S73, pp. 554, 557, 558. 560; routes [for railways]. In Reports of explora-
1S77, pp. 817, 822; 187S, p. 973. (C) tions for a railroad from the Mi.ssissippi
. . .

railway drawbridge across the Mis- River to the Pacific Ocean. 1S53-1855, vol. i.
sissippi at Hastings, Minn. Rept. Chief of (A)
Eng., 1S7S. pp. 969, 970. (C)
Gettysburg, battlefield of. July 1, 2,
railway bridge across the Missis-
and 3. 1S63. Sheets i. 2, and 3.
sippi River at Winona, Minn. Rept. Chief of
Eng.. 1S7S, p. 970. (C) See Pacific Railroad. Reports of explora-
railway bridge across the Missis- tions and surveys. Map on roller.
sippi River at Burlington. Iowa. Rept, Chief Warren, James Goold (U. S. M. A., 1881). Pho-
of Eng., 187S, pp. 1003, 1006, (C) tograph in Albums of officers' mess.
railway bridge across the Missis- Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im-
sippi River at Keokuk. Iowa. Rept. Chief of provement of White River. Ind. Rept. Chief
Eng., 1S78, pp. 1009, 1010. (C) of Eng.. 1897. P- 24S4. (A)
The ]l'iili)igs of Graduates^ i8o2—i()02. 381
Warren, James GooUl. Project, plan, estimate, Wayne. Henry Constantine. Letters on The
etc.. forthe imj>rovenu-nt of Racine Harbor, command of the Army. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.
Wis. Kept. Chief of l''ng.. 1S99. p. 2S1.S. (A) U.S., vol.3, p. 391- (A)
Kenosha Harbor, Wis. Rei)t. Chief Introduction of the camel into the Tinted
of Eng., 1S99. p. L'Si7. (A) States. In Proc.Amer. Phil. Soc, vol. '1. p. 27JS.
Menominee River, Mich, and Wis, (A)
Repl. Chief of En^-. 1900, p. y.yi, (A 1 Waahington. cieorge C. Member of Board of
Oconto. Wi'i, Rrpt, Chief of Iuig;., Visitors to L'. S. M. A. in 1S27.
1900. p. 3745- (A) Washing-ton, Joseph \K- (of Tennessee). Mem-
Green Bay Harbor. Wis. Repl, Chief ber of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1895 .

of Eng., 1900, p. 37.17. (A) and in 1897.

Two Rivers. Wis. Kt-pt. Cliief of Washington, Thornton Augustin \\' S. M. A.. .

Eng.. 1900, p. 5759. (A) 1S49), Died July 10, 1S94. aged h~,. Photograph
Manitowoc Harbor. Wis. Rcpt. /// Albumsof officers' mess.
Chief of Eng., 1900. ]>. 3761. (.^1 Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. .-V.. .

Port Washington, Wis. Rept. Chief 189s. (A)

of Eng., 1900. p. 37(16. (A) Waterman, Henry Ely (U. S. M. A., 18S3).
Wankegan, HI. Rept. Chief of Died Oct. 26. 1S98, aged 38. Obituary in :\\\\\.
Eng., 1900. p. 3769. (A) Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S99. (A)
Stnrgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
Ship Canal. Wis. Rept. Chief t)f I-'ng,. 1901, provement of Mississippi River, changes in
pp. 2971. 2t)73. (A) mean Gulf level at Port Rads, I.a. Rept.
Manitowoc Harbor. \\ is. Repl. Chief of Eng,, 1S96, p. 347S. (A)
Chief Eng.. 1901. p. 2979. (A) upper entrance to the Elk River
Milwankee Harlior, Wis. Rept. Shoals Canal, Tennessee River. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng.. 1901. p. 29S2. (.\) of Eng., 1902, p. 1819, (A)

See Boartls Warren; Barnard, 4; Macomb, See Boards— Merrill, 3; Poe. S; Stickney,
1, 3, 20, 22, 23. 24. 25, 26, 27. 2S, 29, 30; Newton, 2. 3. 4-

2, 3, 4; Simpson. 4. See Boards Kingman. 1. — Watson, James Waterman (U. S. M. A.. 1880).
"Washington, George (President of U. S. 1789- Scouting in Arizona. Jour. Cav. Assoc. 1897,
1797), Portrait toil painting by C. W. Peale, p. 128. (A)
1772 [copy by C. Missbach] presented by I. Watson, Malbone Francis (U. S. M. .\ 1S61). .

Maj. Gen. Daniel Butterfield. In memorial Died Dec. 9, 1S91. aged 53. Obituary in .Ann.
hall. West Point. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S92. (A)
Portrait (oil painting by John Triinibiill), Watterson. H. M. (of Tennessee). Member of
[Copy.] In memorial hall. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 186S.
In tlie Museum at Versailles, see
Portrait. Way, Henrj' Newell (U. S. M. A., 1S99). Died
Marins et soldats fran^ais en Am^rique, 177S- Aug. 28, 1900, aged 26. Obituary and portrait
17S3 (Noailles). \ .\) in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1901. (A)
Photograph of oil portrait by Gilbert W^ayland, Francis (of Rhode Island). Member
Stuart (known
as the (Ubbs-Channing por- of Board of Visitors to V S. M. .\. in 1837, .

trait), presented by Samuel P. Avery. In the 1S62. and 1S74.

Library l'. S. M. A.
Wayman. Samuel Pierce (U. S. M. A., 1S77I.
Silhouette, cut in 17S3 by one of the Misses
Died Dec. 16, 1S79. aged 27. Obituary in Ann.
De Hart, of Elizal>ethto\vn, N. J., lent by Maj.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S80. (A)
Edward A. Duer. /;/ the Library U. S. M. A.
5f^ Johnston, Klizabelh B. Original por- Waymire, James A. (of California). Memberof
traits of Washington ... B.. iSS.'. i v., I-'.,
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1891.

256 pp. lA) Wayne, Ant-hony. Bronze medallion by Kelly). (

Bronze equestrian statue. Erected in Presented by Gen. Daniel Butterfield. In

Tnion Square. X. Y. Cit>', July 4, 1S56. memorial hall.
Marble bust by Houdon, 17S5. In Library. Weaver, Erasmus Morgan (U. S. M. A.. 1875).
Wayne. Henrj' Constantine (U. S. M. A.. 1838). The Military Academy and the education of
Died Mar. 16, 1883. aged 69. Photograph in officers. In Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. 16

Albums of officers* mess. (1S95), P-576- (A)

Obituary in Ann. Assoc, (^.rads. V . S. M. A., Seacoast guns and steel armor. Jour.
1883. (A) U.S. Art., vol. I. p. 81.
Quartermaster I*. S. M. A., July i, 1843, to Review of Hadfield's Alloys of iron and
June 1. iS4t).
1 chromium, p. 154; Noteson armor [continued],
Exercises for the broadsword. Washing- p. 443. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 2.
ington. 1S49. 43 pp. (A) Review of Hadfield's Iron alloys, with
The sword exercise. Washington, 1S50. special reference to manganese steel, p, 159;
1 vol.. O.. pp. 43. (A) Coast artillery- fire instruction, p. 615. Jour.
Reports upon the purchase, importation, U. S. Art., vol. 3.
and use of camels and dromedaries for mili- Review of Notes on the year's naval prog-
tar>' purposes. 1855, 1S56, and 1857. Washing- ress, General information series, No. 13. Jour.
ton, 1857. U. S. Art., vol. 4, p. 35S.
382- Centennial of United States Military Aceidcmy.
Weeden, John HtiU. -Vc Boards— Alexander, 2, 3.
Weaver. Erasmus Morgan. An experiment willi
militia in heavy artiller>- work [continued],
Weeks, George Henry (U. S. M. A., 1857). Re-
Squier'sThe new ports as Quartermaster General U. S. Army,
p. 1; Review of Crehore'sand
Jour. i8q7-qS.
polarizing photo-chronograpli. p. 4o:!-
Weeks, Harrison Samuel (U. S. M. A., 1868).
U. S. Art., vol. 7.
Jonr. V.S. Died Jan. 21, aged 47. Obituary i« Ann.
Instruction of coast artiller\-.
,\ssoc. Grads. U. S. M.A.. 1S92. (A)
Art., vol. 14, p. 255-
Report of coast artiller\- target practice, Weigel, William (U. S. M. A., 1887). Photograph
in .\lbums of officers' mess.
p. i; Note, Answer to Captain Haan's Inquiries,
Weir, Robert Walker. Portrait (oil painting by
p. 253. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 17.

Some thoughts on artillerv-. Jour. Mil. D. Huntington) presented by U. S. M. A. In

Serv. Inst. U. (A)

S.. vol. 10. p. \<A.
the Library.
Translator of Fabies's Seacoast batteries. Teacher of drawing, U. S. M. A., 1834-1846.
(A) Professor of drawing. U. S. M. A., 1846-1876.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. u, p. 59l-
Comment on Range and position finding. Weir, William Bayard (U. S. M. A., 1870). Died
12, p. 1026. \!C) Oct. 20, 1S79. aged 30. Obituary z« Ann. Assoc.
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst.U. S..V0I.
Comment onCoast and harbor defense. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSSo. (A)
Design for infantry equipments. Ord.
Jour. Mil. Serv. lust. U. S.. vol. 13, p. 547- (A)
Comment on The Militarv' Academy, etc. Note 67, vol. 2. p. 529. (A)
Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. V. S.. vol. 16, p. .S76. (.\) Weitzel. Godfrey (U.S.M..\., 1855). Died Mar.
Comment on Carbaugh's Federal duty and 19, 1S84, aged 49. Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie)
policy in regard to artillery. Jour. Mil. Serv. owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A. U. S., vol. 22, p. 203. (\) Photograph in Albums of officers' mess.
Webb, Alexander Stewart (U. S. M. A., 1855). En- Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M. A.,
graving (by A. H. Ritchie) owned by Assoc. 1SS4: Harper's New Monthly Mag., vol. 69
Grads. U. S. M. A. (18,84). P- 15S. (A)
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. translator. Extracts from Constructions
Bronze medallion (by Philip Martiny). of iron applied to fortifications; by O. Giese,
Presented liy H. W. and W. S. Webb, brothers. captain of the royal Prussian engineers and
In memorial hall. company commander. O. Washington, 1867.
Conseri-ators of the Union. An address Misc. Papers, No. I. (A)
delivered before the New York State Society Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
of the Cincinnati on Washington's birthday. provement of Ohio River Falls. Rept. Chief
... I pam., O. 1873. (A) of Eng., 186S, pp. 57, 523, 524, 529, 530, 531, 535,
The Military Service Institution. What it
536, 537, 548; 1869, pp. 48, 273, 274; 1S70, p. 385;

is doing, etc. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol.5, 1S71, p. 459; 1872, pp. 446, 452, 458, 460; 1874, vol.
p. I. (A) I, p. 568; 1875. vol. 1, pp. 774, 784; 1876, vol. I,
Review of Dodd's Song of the Rappahan- pp. 749, 764; 1877, pp. 607, 617; 1878, p. 772; 1879,
nock. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 24, p. 510. p. 12S3. (C)
(A) Rept. Chief of
Tennessee River.
Review of Michie's General McClellan. Eng., pp. 555, 55S, 579; 1869, p. 280; 1870,
Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 30 (1902), pp. p. 3S9; 1S77. p. 584. (C)
:6i-lfi4. (A) Cumberland River. Rept. Chief of
The Peninsula. Centurv Mag., vol. 23, p. Eng., 1S71, pp. 462, 469, 470, 478, 480; 1872, pp.
62_s. 471. 472; 1874, vol. 1, p. 578; 1S75, vol. I, p. 795;

WebBter. George Ogilvie (U. S. M. A., 1S66). Died 1S77. PP- 594. 595- (C)
Oct. 10, i8i)<^, aged 56. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. An Sable River Harbor, Mich. Rept.
Grads. U.S. M. A., 1900. (A) Chief of Eng., 1872, p. 206; 1S73, p. 291; 1876,

Died July vol. 2, p. 550. (C)

Webster, Horace (U. S. M. A., iSiS).

12, 1S71, aged 77. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. Wabash River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
1S72, pp. 463, 472, 474. 475; 1S73, pp. 59. 5", 514-
Grads.U.S. M.A., 1872. (A)
Webster, Isaac Talman (U. S. M. A., 1S66). Died
Cheboygan Harbor, Mich. Rept.
July 7, 18S6, aged 44. Obituarj' in .Ann. .\ssoc.
Chief of Eng., 1873, p. 290; 1874, vol. i, p. 200;
Grads. U.S. M. A., 1887. (A) (C)
187s, vol. I, p. 271; 1S76, vol. 2, p. 529.
Webster, Lucien Bonaparte (U. S. M. A., 1S23). • Saginaw River, Mich. Rept. Chief
Died Nov. 4, 1S53, aged 52. Quartermaster of Eng., 1874, vol. I, pp. 205, 207, 209; 1875, vol.
U. S. M. A. Oct. 24, 1830, to June 26, 1S34. I, pp. 274, 29c; 1876, vol. 2, pp. 535, 547. (C)
Weeden, John Hull (U. S. M. A., 1S66). Died Pine and St. Clair rivers, Mich.

Jan. 29, 1877, aged 33. Obituar>' in .\nn. Assoc. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. I, p. 105; 1876,

Grads. U.S. M. A., 1877. (A) vol. 2, pp. 541, 542. (C)
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- - Alpena Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief
provement of Noonda}- Rock (San Francisco of Eng., 1S76, vol. I. p. 106; 1876, vol. 2, p. 548;
Harbor). Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. 2, p. 1S77, pp. tic, 934. (C)
723- (C) Sand Beach, Lake Huron, Mich.
San Joaquin River, Cal. Rept. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S77, p. 927; 1S86, p. 1832;
Chief of Eng., 1S75, vol. 2, p. 729. (C) 1SS7, p. 2258. (C)
The Writings of Graduates, 1 80 2-1 go 2. 383
Weitzel, Godfrey. Project, plan, estimate, etc., Wharton, (of Tennessee t. Member of Board
for the improvement of Detroit River. Mich. of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1832.
Kept. Chief of Eng., 18S0, p. 222; 18S3, p. 1S85; WTieaton. Levi (of Rhode Island). Member of
18S7. p. 2268. (C) Board of Visitors to 1". S. M. A. in 1S41.
. Mispillion Creek, Del. Kept. Chief "Wheeler, Benjamin I. (of California). Member
of Eng., 1883. pp. 625, 626. (C) of Board of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1901.
Woodbury Creek, N. J. Kept. Chief WTieeler, Charles Brewster (U. S. M. A., 1887).
of Eng., 1883, p. 642. (C) Specifications for removal and construction of
Raccoon River. N. J. Rcpt. Chief dock at Saudj- Hook Proving Ground. Rcpt.
of Eng., 1883, p. 649; 1&S7, p. 810. (C) Chief of Ord., 1893. p. 3S5. (C)
Delaware River. Rept. Chief of On the requirements of a modern field
Eng.. 1SS4. pp. 124, 795, 796, Soo; 18S5, pp. S05, gun carriage. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S9S.
813.814. (C) Theory of powder and other explosives.
Pensauken Creek. N. J. Rept. Chief Notes Constr. Ord. No. 67, vol. 3, p. 89. (A)
of Eng.. 1S84, p. S52. (C) Report of experiments with an 8-inch B. I,.
Leipsic River. Del. Rept. Chief of rifle mounted on a free-recoil carriage. Ord.
Eng.. 1S84. p. S54. (C) Const. Notes No. 69.
BrandjTvine River, Del. Rept. Chief WTieeler. Edward D. (U. S. M. A., 1S64). Died
of Eng.. 1SS4. pp. SS3, SS4. (C) Oct. aged 44. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
12, 18S3.
Translation of notes accompanying draw- Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1SS4. (A)
ings concerning the construction of iron lock WTieeler, Elbert (U. S. M. A., 1875). Editor of
gates for the harbors of Weser River, Ger- U. S. M. A., class of 1875 Reunion, 1900. Boston,
many. IV Q. Washington, 1873. (A)
, 1902. I vol.. O., ill. Portraits of all thesur\'iv-
Photographic views illustrating work of ing members of the class save two.
construction of new lock of the Mar>*s St. WTieeler, Francis B. (of New York). Memberof
Falls Canal. 5 sheets. July and October, 1877. Board of Visitors to l*. S. M. A. in 1S78.
, A lecture on the improve- Wheeler, George Montague (V. S. M. A.. 1866).
ment of the Vienna, by Sir Gustav
Danube at Preliminary report concerning explorations
\'. We.v (2 papers 1; also, first and second audsur\'eys principally in Nevada and .\ri/.ona,
treatises on the decrease of water in springs, conducted under the immediate direction of
creeks, and rivers. Washington, iSSi. i vol., First Lieut. G.M.Wheeler. 1S71. Washington,
O. 1572. Explorations and Sur\'eys. (A)
See Boards— Weitzel; Barnard, 4. 2; Corn- Tables containing camps, lines of march,
stock, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 1 1 ; Craighill, 3; Macomb, latitudes, longitudes, altitudes, etc. Explora-
5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, iS, 21, 31; Parker, i;
tions and surveys west of the one hundredth
Simpson. 2, 4; Tower, 4; Warren, i,
Stewart, 3; meridian, field season of 1872. Washington,
5. 4. 5. 6. 7> S, 9, 10. II. 15; Wright. 4, 6. 1873. (A)
Welcker. William Thomas (U. S. M. A., 1S51). Report upon the determination of astro-
Died Nov. 3. 1900, aged 70. Obituan>- and por- nomical coordinates of the priman,- stations at
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1901. Cheyenne. Wyo., and Colorado Springs, Colo.,
(A) made during the years 1S72 and 1S73. Wash-
Advanced algebra . . . San Francisco, ington, 1S74.
1S80. I (A)
vol., O. Progress report upon geographical explo-
Welcker's military lessons. iSSo. rations and sur\-eys west of theone hundredth
Wells. Da\'id A. (of Connecticut). Member of meridian in 1872. Washington, 1S74. Q. Ex-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S7S. plorations and Sur\'eys. (.\)
WeUs. Hezekiah G. (of Michigan). Member of Report upon ornithological specimens col-
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S67. lected in 1S71, 1S72. and 1873 [by H. C. Yarrow,
"Wells, John S. (of New Hampshire). Member surgeon and naturalist]. Washington, 1874.
of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S5S. (A)
Wells. Samuel (of Maine). Member of Board Catalogue of plants collected in 1S71, 1872,
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S47. 1573, with descriptions of new species [by
WesseUs, Henn,- Walton (U. S. M. A., 1833). vSerenoWatsonandDr.J.T.Rothrock]. Wash-
Died Jan. 12, 1SS9, aged 80. Obituary* ut Ann. ington. (A)1874.

Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS9. (A) U. S. geographical survey west of theone

hundredth meridian. Washington, 1S75. {.\)
W^est, Frank (U. S. M. A., 1872). Five years
Catalogue of the mean declination of 2,018
enlistment for the cavalry-. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
star$ between o^ to 2^ and i2*> to 24''. right
1&99. p. 332. (A)
ascension, and 10° and 70° of north declination,
Military railway transportation. Jour.
(A) for Jan. i, 1S75. Q. Washington. 1879. Ex-
Mil. Ser. Inst. U. S., vol. 15, p. 1000.
plorations and Sur\'eys. (A)
Westmore, Stephen Moore (U. S. M. A., 1S27).
List of reports and maps of the V S. geo-
- .

Died Feb. 4, 1S96. aged 90. Obituarj' in Ann.

graphical surveys west of the one hundredth
Assoc. Grads. U. S,M. A., 1896. (A)
meridian. 2d ed. O. pp. 74, map.
Weston, J. B. (of Ohio). Member of Board of ington, 18S1. Explorations and surveys.
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S38. Chronological statement of voyages and
W^etmore, William Boerum (U. S. M. A., 1872). explorations to the west coast and interior of
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. North America between 1500 and iSoo (iuclud-
384 Ceutcnnial of United States Military Academy,

ing Columbus and Corte R^al). koyal f>., pp. Wheeler, George Montague, and others. Report
17, Washington, 1SS4. upon geographical and geological explorations
Wheeler. George Montague. Collection of ste- and sun-eys west of one hundredth meridian.
reoscopic views pertaining to geographical Vol. I. Geographical report, 1889. (A)
surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. Vol. 2. Astronomy and baro-
3 boxes, I A ) metric hypsometn.-. 1S77. (A)
Annual reports upon the geographical Vol. 3. Geology. 1875. (A)
explorations and surveys west of the one hun- - Vol. 4 Paleontology. 1876.
dredth meridian [reprints from the annual re- (A)
ports of the Chief of Engineers] for 1S74. 1S76, -Vol.5- Zoology-. 1875. (A)
1877, 1S7S, 1879. iSSo. (A) - Vol. 6. Botany. 1878. (A)
Tables of geographic positions, azimuths, -Vol. 7. Archaeology. 1879. (A)
distances, etc., prepared principally by M. M. Photographicviewsobtained in con-
Macomb, from data gathered under the direc- nection withgeographical and geological explo-
tion of. [r. S. geographical surveys west of rations and surveys west of the one hundredth
the one hundredth meridian.] Royal 0..pp. meridian, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of
261. Washington, 1885. Engineers, in charge: views, seasons
i vol., 50

Facts regarding the origin, organization. of 1871. 1872, 1873; I seasons of 1871,
vol. ,25 views,
administration, functions, history, and prog- 1872, 1873,1874. I set (100) stereoscopic views,

ress of the Government land and marine seasons of 1871, 1S72, 1873; i set (50) stereoscopic
surveys of the I'nited States, being extract views, seasons of 1S71, 1872, 1S73, 1874. (A)
from the report on the Third International See Boards— Cram, i, 2; Macomb, 2. 4, 5,6,
Geographical Congress. Royal O., pp. 74- 7. S; Raynolds, i; Woodruff, 10.
Washington, 1S85. (A)
Wlieeler. (U. S. M. A., 1855). Died Dec.
Facts concerning the origin, organization, 7, aged 49.
1879, Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
administration, functions, history, and prog- Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S80. (A)
ress of the principal government land and
Wheeler, John (of Vermont). Memberof Board
marine sur\-eys of the world, being extracts
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1856.
from report on Third International Geograph-
ical Congress and Exhibition. Q., pp. 569, pi. WTieeler, Joseph (U. S. M. A., 1S59). Engraving
Washington. 1SS5. (by Central Bureau of Engraving, New York)
owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
Report upon the Third International Geo-
graphical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Memberof Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.
Italy, iSj>i. accompanied by data concerning in 18S7, 1893, and 1895.

the principal government land and marine A revised system of cavalry tactics, for the
surveys of the world. Q.. pp. 586, pi. Wash- use of the cavalry and mounted infantry,
ington. 1885. (A) C. S. Army Mobile, 1863, i vol., O. (A)
. . .

Geographical explorations and surveys Authorof a published volnmeof Wheeler's

west of the one hundredth meridian, 1874, re- speeches, 47th Cong., 1883; 49th Cong., 1886;
port on printing. No. 1644, doc. 32. (C) 50th Cong., 18-88; 5istCong., 1890; 52dCong., [892;
Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the 53d Cong., 1894; 54th Cong., 1S96; 55th Cong.,
Eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874. 1898.

E. D. Cope, A. M., paleontologist. [U. S. geo- Our duty in the Venezuelan crisis. North
graphical surveys west of the one hundredth Amer. Rev., vol. 161 (1895), p. 62S.
meridian,] A) Boston

The Santiago campaign, 1898 . . .

Washoe mining region, Nevada, topo- and New York, :89s. i vol., O (A)
graphical map of: 1876 and 1877 (in 2 sheets). The evolution of firearms . . . Philadel-
Washoe district, Nevada, outline map of, phia, 1902. I vol., O., pp. 28. (A)
showing Comstock lode, locations of mineral History of Cuba, 1496-1899.
claims, shafts, mills, mining towns, etc., 1879. and Lee, Fitzhugh (U. S. M. A., 1856).

Progress of exploration of public domain Cuba's struggle against Spain, with the . . .

in Nevada and Arizona, 1872. No. 1479, doc. 65. Spanish-American war ... A story of San-
(C) tiago by Gov. T. Roosevelt, and a de-
. . .

and Lockwood, Daniel Wright (U. S. M. A., scription of the destruction of the Maine, by
1866). Preliminary report upon a reconnais- Commander Richard Wainwright New . . .

sance through southern and southeastern York, 1S99. I vol., O.

Nevada, made in 1S69 Washington, 1875. . . .
WTieeler, Junius (U. S. M. A., 1S55).
I pam., Q [Engineer Dept. U. S. A.] (A) Died July 15. 1S86, aged 55. Portrait (oil paint-
and Macom.b. Montgomerj' Meigs (U. S. ing by J. C. Beckwith) presented by U.S. M.
M. Tables of geographic positions,
A., 1S74), A., 1902.
azimuths, and distances, together with lists of Photograph in Albums of oflScers' mess.
barometric altitudes, magnetic declinations, Obituan,' in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.,
and itineraries of important routes. Wash- 1887. (A)
ington. 1SS5. O. Explorations and surveys. Professor of civil and military engineer-
(A) ing, U. S. M. A., 1871-1884.
Tlu' 11 'n't! I/O s of (h'cuiiitUrs, iSoj—i()n2. 3S5
"Wheeler, Junius IJrutus. Project, plan, estiinalc. 130; lS().).
i>p. 31.
St,; 1870. pp. 41, 133; 1S74. vol.

etc.. for the improvement of White River I. pp. I7'J. 180; 187(1. vol, 2, pp. 47S, 479. iCt
Harbor.Mich. Kept. Chief of Kng.. 1S66. vol. i. "Wheeler. Junius Itrntus. Project, plan, csliniale,
p. 13; 1S66. vol. 3, p. 13; 1S66, vol. 4. pp. 144. 145. etc., for the improvement of Lndingtou Har-

15.*); 1S67, pp. 25. 111; i86S, pp. 34. 129: 1S74.V0I.1. bor, Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng,, 1S67. pp, 23,
pp. iSo. 181. 182; 1876, vol. 2, pp. 482, 4S4; 1SS4, 114; 1S80. ]). 2014; 1883. p. 2074. (C)
p. 1982. (Ct Eagle Harbor, Mich. Rept. Chief
St. Jo.seph Harbor, Mich. kept. of Eng.. 186S. pp. 28. 90. 92, 93. (C)
Chief of Kng., 1S66, vol. i, p. 19; iShh. vol. 3, p. .Superior City Harbor. Wis. Kept,
11; 1S66. vol. 4. pp. Ill, 112; 1867, p. 104; 1874. Chief of Eng.. 1869. p. 73. (C)
vol. I. p: 194; 1876, vol. 2, pp. 317, 518: 1879, p, i(>33. 1
Calumet Harbor, III. Rept. Chief
(C) of Eng., 1870. pp. 104, 105, 107; 1871, p. 117; 1S76,
Racine Harlx)r, Wis. Kept. Chief vol. 2. pp. 441. 442; 1880, pp. 211, 1988; 1S86, I).

of Eng.. 1866, vol, 3, p. 11; 1866, vol. 4, pp. 122, 30<'- (Ci
123; 1867. p. 22; 1868. p.30; 1874. vol. I. p. 153- (C) Port Washington (Ozaukee) Har-
Manistee Harbor. Mich, Rept. Chief bor, Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1870, pp. 119. 120.

of Kng., 1S66, vol. 3. pp. 13, 34; 1866, vol. 4. ]>p. 121, 122; 1S76, vol. 2. p. 381. (C)
142, 143. 155; 1S67. pp. 25, 26, lis; 1868. p. 133: A course of instruction in the elements of
1S74, vol. I. p. 176; 1S76, vol.2, pp. 469, 471. (Ci the art and science of war. I-'or the use of the
Muskegon Harbor. Mich. Rept. Cadets of the I'. S. M. .\. New York, 187^.
Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol.3, P- '866, vol.4. I vol., O. (A)
Ml PP-
145.146,155; 1867, pp. 24, 25, no; 1868. pp.34. 127; The elements of field fortifications, for
1S71, p. 145; 1874. vol. I. p. 1S2; 1876, vol. 2, pp. the use of the cadets of the r. S. M. .\. . . .

488, 490; 1879, pp. 1616, 1617; 1S81, p. 2217; 1884. New York. 18S2. vol., O. (A) 1

p. 1984; 18S6, pp. 1764, 1765; 1887, pp. 21.S9, 2190. Crib work, plan of. as adopted by Bvt. Col.
(C) J. B. Wheeler, major of engineers, for piers of
New Buffalo Harbor, Mich. Rept. Lake Michigan harbors. Topographical map.
Chief .f Eng.. 1866. vol. 3, pp. 14, 35; 1S66. vol. "Wheeler. Otis (I'.S.M.A., iSsn. Died June i,
4. pp. 154. 155- (C) 1872, aged 73. obituary in Ann. Assoc. C.rads.
South Haven Harbor, Mich. Rept. U. S.M. A., 1S81, (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1866, vol. 3, p. 35; 1S66. vol. 4. p. "Wheeler, William A. (of New York). Member
148; 1874. vol. I, p. 192; 1876, vol. 2. pp. .S12. 514. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S76.
"Wheeler, William Henry (U. S. M. A., 1874).
Frankfort (Aux BecsScies) Harbor.
Tidal rivers: Their hydraulics, improvements,
Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66, vol. 4. p. 95;
and navigation I,ondon. 1893. ^ vol., O.
. . .

1R67. pp. 117, 258, 259; 1868, p. 35. (C)

Black I.ake Harbor, Mich. Kej)!
Chief of Eng.. 1S66, vol. 4. pp. 104. 103, lot), 107;
"Wheelwright. Washington (U. S. M. A., 1821).
24, 106, 109; 186S, pp. 33, 121; 1S70, p. 143; Died Oct. 31, 1871, aged 70. Portrait (oil paint-
1867. pp.
ing. 7xg, on wood panel, framed). Presented
1874. vol. I, p. 1S7: 1876. vol. 2, p. 303. (C)
-Chicago Harbor. 111. Rept. Chief to Military .\cademy under will of his daugh-
ter. Man,- D. Wheelwright Felt. Apr. 19. 1904,
of Eng., 1866, vol. 4. p. 115; 1867, pp. 258. 259;
1S68. p.31; 1869, pp. 1S70. pp.96, 102; 1S74,

vol. 1, p. 156. (C)

28, 73;
——obituary //; .Ann. .Assoc, (irads. f. S. M. .\..

Kenosha (Southport) Harbor. Wis. 1872. (Ai

Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S66. vol. 4, pp. 118, i [9; "Whipple. Amiel Weeks (U.S.M.A.. 1S41). Died
1867, pp. 22, 23, 83; 186S, p. 31; 1869, p. 27; 1872, May aged 40. Bronze medallion (by
7. i8h3.

p. 128. (C) Philip Martiny) presented by his son. Maj.

Sheboygan Harbor. Wis. Rept. C. W, Whipple, r. S. Army. In memorial
Chief of Eng., 1866. vol. 4, pp. 127, 129; 1867, p. 22; hall.
1868, p. 29; 1874, vol. I, p. 148; 1876. p. 78; 1S76, Zoological report, thirty-fifth parallel.
vol. 2. p. 372. (C) hi Reports of explorations for a railroad . . .

Manitowoc Harbor. Wis. Rept. from the Mississippi River to the Pacific
Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. 4. pp. T29, 131; 1869. p. Ocean, 1853-55. vol. 10. (A)
26; 1870. p. c»3. (C) Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for tlie im-
- Green Bay Harbor. Wis. Rept. Chief provement of St. Clair Flats and Ship Canal,
of Eng.. i8()6, vol. 4, pp. 134, 136; 1867, p. 70; 1868. Mich Rei)t. Chief of Eng.. 1866. vol. i. p. 4.

p. 28; 1872. pp. 31, 116; 1873, p. 19S; 1874, vol. I. (C)
pp. 38, 140, J41; 1S75. vol. I. pp. 42, 193. (C) St. Marys River and St. Marys Falls
Ontonagon Harbor. Mich. Rept. Canal. Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S66. vol. i.

Chief of Eng., 1867. pp. 20, 63. 65; 1S68, pp. 27. p. 4; 1866, vol. 4, pp. 63. 65. (C)
87; 1S79, p. 151; 1886, p. 1641; 1887, p. 1967. (C) Magnetic and astronomical field work.
Milwaukee Harbor. Wis. Rept. Essayons Club Papers. No. 16. 1869. (A)
Chief of Eng., 1867, pp. 22. 29; 1868, p. 30; 1869, "Whipple. Charles W. (of Michigan). Member
p. 27; 1S74, vol. I, p. 151. (C) of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1854.

Pentwater Harbor, Mich. Rept. "Whipple. Charles William (U. S. M. A., 1868).

Chief of Eng., 1867. pp. 25, 112, 113; iSbS, pp.34. Photograph in .Albums of officers' mess.
H. Doc. 789. 58-2— vol 2 25
Cculoiuial of I ^nitcd States Military Acadouy.
Report on maiui- White, William (of Pennsylvania). Member of
Whipple. Charles William.
life-saving guns. Kept. Chief of Board of Visitors to l" S. M. A. in 1901. .

facture of
Whiteley, Robert Henry Kirkwood (U. S. M.A,,
Ord., 1879, p. 270.
1830). Died June 9, 1S96, aged 87. Obituary in
Tests of bar iron used in ivrought-iron
Ord., Ann.Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.-'V., 1S97. (A)
tubes for converted rifles. Kept. Chief of
Report of board to select and test rifled
1S80, p. 54- (C)
hea\'y ordnance. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S72, p.
Carriage construction report for 3.2-inch
for long- (C)
field gun, p. 411; New iron carriage

-Whiting, Charles Jarvis (U. S. M. A., 1835). Died

range field guns, p. 414. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
Jan. 8, 1S90, aged 75. Obituary .\nn. .Assoc. m
Tests of specimens of steel hoops for can- Grads. U.S. M. A., 1890. (A)
Whiting, Daniel Powers (U. S. M. A., 1832). Died
non. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S8.S. p. 427. (C)
.\ug. 1892. aged 84. Obituary in .\nn. Assoc.
Sights and bayonets for 8-inch rifle, 2,

Grads. r. M. .A., 1S93. (A)

method of attaching. Kept. Chief of Ord., S.

.Army portfolio. 1849.
1S85, p. 635.
New field-artillery gun and carriage. Whiting, Henry. Member of Board of Visitors
to 1S32.
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1S8S, p. 27. (.A.)

Objections to present method of making Whiting, Henry (U. S. M. .A., 1S40). Died June
purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1889, p. lo.';; 23, 18S7, aged —
Life of Zebulon Pike, in

Sparks's American biography.
iSgo, p. 122.
Objections to present method of making Otway, the son of the forest: A poem.
The age of steam.

purchases. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1890, p. 122.

SaniUe: .\ poem.
Member of board on testing Winchester 5ft- North Amer. Rev., vol.52, p. 23.

repeating shotgun. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1896. "Whiting, Maj. Le\-i. Member of Board of Visit-
1'. 73. (C) ors (inspection) to T. S. M. A. in 1845.
translator. Fabrication of cannon in Whiting, William Henry Chase (U. S. M. A.,
France. Notes Constr. Ord. No. 13, vol. i, p. i.
1845). Died Mar. 10, 1S65, aged 40. Recon-
(A) naissance of western frontier of Texas. No.
translator. Empirical formulas for the (C)
562, doc. 64.

determination of the center of gravity and Commission— Humphrey,

See .A 1 . ( I

moment of inertia of a piece and its carriage.

Whitman, B. C. (of Nevada). Member of Board
Notes Constr. Ord. No. 58, vol. 3, p. 63. (A)
of Visitors to U. S. M. .A. in 1883.
Progress of naval artillery Whittemore, James Madison (U. S. M. A., i860).
from 1855 to 1880. Ord. Note 203, vol. 6. (A) Cartridge annealing furnace at Fraiikford
translator. Rifled howitzersand mortars.
Arsenal, p. 269; instructions for care and use of
Ord. Note 224, vol. 7. (.A) hand tools for reloading cartridges, p. 421.
Whistler, George Washington (U. S. M. A., 1819). Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S0. (C)
Engraving (by W. J. Jackman) owned by Cartridges and friction primers for mili-
.Assoc. Grads.,U. .S. M. A. tary ser\-ice. Rept. Chief of Ord 1S82, p. 287. ,

A sketch of the life and works of Geo. W'.

Whistler, by Geo. L. Vose. Boston, 1S87, i v., Waterv-liet Arsenal, report of work done,
0.,pp. 45. (A) 1889, p. 343; Projectile foundrj- at Watervliet
WTiistler, Joseph Nelson Garland (U. S. M. \., .Arsenal, p. 344. Rept. Chief of Ord., 18S9.

1S46) . Died Apr. 20, :89s, aged 77. Photograph (C)

in Albums of officers' mess. Report of principal operations at Rock
Obituary in \\\\\. .\ssoc. Grads. U. S. Island Arsenal for 1890. Rept. Chief of Ord.,
M. A., 1899. (A) 1.890, p. 130. (C)
White, Edward Brickell (U. S. M. \., 1S26). Reloading tools for. 1.65-inch Hotchkiss
Died May 10, 1SS2, aged 76. Obituary in Ann. mountain gun; Progress report on the manu-
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1882. (.\) facture of small-arm ammunition at the Frank-
"White, E. D. (of I^ouisiana). Member of Board ford Arsenal. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S97. (C)
of Visitors to V. S. M. A. in 1S93. Report on tests of Mauser rifles and am-
White, Herbert .\rthur (U. S. M. .\., 1895). munition. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1S99. (C)
Fourth of July oration. Delivered before the Description and drawing of cartridge-
corps of cadets July 4, i8q4, West Point,
. . .
gauging machine. Ord. Note 69, vol. 3. p. 549.
N. Y. [West Point, 1894.] I pam., S pp., O. tA)
White, J. William (of Pennsylvania). Member Cartridges for breech-loading small arms
of Board M. A. in 1899.
of Visitors to U. S. in the U. S. militaryservice— friction primers
White, James Lyon (f. S. M. .4., I8,i3). Died for cannon. Ord. Note 185, vol. 6. (A)
Nov. 24, 1S94, aged 64. Obituary in Ann. .\ssoc. -Whittlesey. Charles (U. .S. M. A., 1831). Died
Grads. U. s. M. K.. 1S95. (A )
Oct. iS, 1S86, aged 78. Engraiing owned by
White. Joseph M (of Florida). Member of Assoc. Grads. U. .S.M. A.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. .\. in 1826. Obituary /« Ann. AS-SOC. Grads. U. S. M. A..
White, Peter (of Michigan). Member of Board 1SS7. ( A
of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 188S. Editor Cleveland Herald, 1S36-37.
White, Robert H. Chief medical officer. T. S. Life of John Fitch. In Sparks's Amer.
M. A. Apr. 27, to June 7. 1S90. Biog. 1S45.
Tlir ]Vritings of Graduates^ iSo2-igo2. 387
WliittleBey, Charles. Ancient luiniiijj; t)n I.ake "Wlllard. Joseph Henry. Project, plati. estimate,
Superior. 1862. etc., improvement of Red River be-
for the
Glacial drift of the Northwestern States. tween Shreveportand Fulton, etc. Rej)t, Chief
In Smithsonian Cont. 1866. of Eng., 1887, p. 1494. (C)
Early history of Cleveland and vicinity. Bayous Roundaway and Vidal. La.
1S67. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1887, p. 1498. \C)
War memoranda. Cheat River to the Ten- .
I^ittle River, La. Rept. Chief of
nessee, 1861-62. Cleveland, 18S4. i v<i!.. O.. Eng.. 18S7, p. 1499; :8S9, p. 1600; 1890, p. issi. (C)
pp. 89. (A) bridge of the Georgia Pacific Rail-
— General Wallace's division, battle of Shi- road Company. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS8. p.
loh— Was it tardy? [n. p., n. d.] i vol., O-. PP- 24SS. (C)
8. (A) Tchefuncta River and Bogue Falia
"Whittlesey, Joseph Hotchkiss (U.S. M.A.. 1S441. (Falaya), I^. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1SS9. p. ir>29.

Died Aug. 2, 1SS6, aged 65. Obituary i» Ann iC)

Assoc. Grads. IT. S. M. A.. 18S7. Bayou Dorcheat. La. Rept. Chief
Report on national niilitar\- education, of Eng., 1HS9, p. 1631. (C)
with the plan of a system for the United Cave River. La. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
States, based on existing educational agencies. 1891, p. 2027. (C)
A. G. O.. 1S67. pp. 35. (A)
I vol., O., Sulphur River, Tex. Rept. Chief of
Report of a plan for a reorganization of Eng., 1893. p. 2083. (A)
the U. S. M. A. at West Point. War Dept.. A. Coldwater River, Miss. Rept. Chief
G. O., 186S. I vol., O., pp. 16. l.-M of Eng., 1S93, p. 2099. (A)
"Wieting, Orlando Luther (U. S. M. A.. 1S70). Boeuf River, Ark. Rept. Chief of
Died Feb. aged 47. ()bitnar^• in Ann.
4. 1S93, Eng.. 1895, p. 1969. (A)
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S93. (A) Yallabusha River. Miss. Rept. Chief
"Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus \V S. M. A., 1S46). .
of Eng.. 1S95, p. 1979. (A)
Died Dec. 2, 1890, aged 65. Photograph in Bear Creek. Miss. Rept. Chief of
Albums of officers' mess. Eng., 1S95. p. 1990. A) I

Obituary /« Ann. Assoc, (irads. U. S. M. A., Big Sunflower River. Miss. Rept.
1S91. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. 1639. (A)
Austrian infantry evolutions of the line. Coldwater River. Miss. Rept. Cliief
1859. [Translated from French.] of Eng., 1S97. p. 1944. (A)
Rifles and rifle practice ... N. Y., 1H59. Red River, Tex. Rept. Chief <jf

I vol., O. (Ai Eng., 1900. p. 2565. (A)

Historj- of the Mexican war. Washing- -Illinois and Des Plaines rivers, III.

ton, 1S92. 1 vol., O.. 711 pp. (A) Rept. Chief of Eng-. 1900, p. 3S55. ( .\ 1

"Wilder, Wilber Elliott (U.S.M. A., 1S77). Compe- Rock River, 111. Rept. Chief of
titions for 1S89. Jour.Cav.Assoc.,i8S9,p.4i5. (A) Eng.. 1901. p. 3067. (A)
Adjutant U. S. M. A.. 1S95-1898. Illinois and Mississippi Canal.
•Wildrick. Abram Calvin (U.S. M. A. 1857 ) Died
, . Rept. Chief of Eng., 1902, p. 2122. (A)
Xov. 16, 1S94. aged 58. Obituan,' and portrait —
Sec Boards Adams, 1; Barlow, 3. 4.
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1895. (A) "WiUard, Simon (U. S. M. A., 1S15). Died Aug.
"Wiley, J. McCaleb (of Alabama). Member of 24, aged So. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1849. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1S75. (A)
\ViIhelm, William Herman (U. S. M. A., iSSS).
"WiUcox, Corn^lis De Witt (U. S. M. A.. 1SS5).
Died June 12. 1901, aged 34. In memoriam. Albums
Photograph in of officers' mess.
[Philadelphia], 1902. i vol.. O., i,spp.,por. (A)
"Wiliins, John Darragh (U.S. M.A.. 1846). Died
Member of the editorial committee of the
Feb. aged 77. Obituary and portrait Journal of the U. S. Artillen,-, January- to June,
20, 1900,
1892, and occa.sional contributor to that jour-
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U.S. M.A., 1901. (A)
nal, and to the Journal of the Military Ser\'ice
Wilkinson, John William (U. S. M. A.. 1S72).
Died Mar. 22, 1892, aged 45. Obituary' in Ann.
Assoc. Grads. U.S.M. A., 1892. (A) The preliminary examination, West Point.
WilkinBon, M. Minnesota). Member of
S. (of
/« Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S., vol, 16 (1895),
Board of Visitors to U.S. M. A. in 1865. p. 251. (A)

"WlUard. Joseph Henry (U.S. M.A.. 1S6S). Proj- French-English niilitarj- technical diction-
ary \\"ashington, 1899. i vol., O. [U. S.
ect, plan, estimate, etc.. for the improvement . . .

of Ouachita and Black rivers, La. and Ark. Dept. of War, Adjutant-General's Office. No.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p, 340; 1874, vol. i, 24.] A) I
352; 1S84, p. 13S6; 18S7, pp. 14S8. 1496: 18S9, p. Modern engines of war. Munsey's Mag.,
159S. (C) May, 1900, p. 176,
Deer River, North Fork, Tenn. Article on gun-making. Jr. Munsey, 1900-
Rept. Chief of Eng., iSS?, pp. 1484, 1494. (C) 1901.
Dugdemona River. La. Rept. Chief Development of the art of war in the
of Eng.. 1SS7. p. 14S9. (C) nineteenth century-. N. Y. Evening Post. Jan.
Cornay River, La. Rept. Chief of 15. 1901. [Republished in a volume. "The
Eng., 1S87, p. 1489. (C) nineteenth century." New York, 1901 ]
388 '
Centennial of United States Military Academy.
"Williams, Charles G. (of Wisconsin). Mt^mber
Willcox, Cornells l)e Wilt. Announcement, p. .^;
Translation of t>ossofs Determination of the of Board of Visitors in i8si.
velocities of projectiles by means of sound Williams, Charles Wilson (T. S. M. A.. 1S75).
phenomena [continned], p. 25; Review of Died Nov. ii. 189S, aged45. obituary' and por-
Manrice's war. p- 73; Review of Metcalfe's trait /h Ann. Assoc. Grads.U.S.M. .\., lyoo. (A)
Ordnance and gunnery, p. 74; Notice of Roy's Quartermaster I'. S. M. A., 1SS7-1S90.
Repertoire alphabetique de termes militaires Report on West Point and U. S. M. A.
(20 typewritten pp. l^etter book Quar-
allemands. p. 144; Notice of Forbes Barracks 18S9). I

bivduacsand battles, p. 139: Notice of Durassier termaster U- S. M. A.. November, 1889, pp.
and Valentino Aide-memoire de I'officer de 77-197. 213-21Q. Al (

marine, p. 2S3; Notice of Eichensieg Das niili- Williams. Clarence Charles (U. S. M. A., 1S94).
taerische fuerwehrwesen, p- 422. Jour. V. S. Report on manufacture of powders and explo-
Art., vol. I.
sives. Kept. Chief of Ord.. 1900.
Translation of Note by 1*. M de Nignaux. A study on a new material for the Swiss
in reply to Messrs. Armstrong & Co.. on R. F. artillery'. [Translation.] Jour. I'. S. Art., vol.

gvins. p. 2SS; Review of Conme.s's Aper5us sur 7, p. 226.

la tactique de demain. p. 306; Translation of Notice of Maurice's National defenses.

Wuich's On the determination of the combus- Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 8, p. 351.

tion temperature of explosives, Review

p. 407; Noticeof Garhett's Naval gunnery. Jour.
<.f Mahan's The influence of sea power upon U. S. Art., vol. 9, p. 112.
the French Revolution and Empire, p. 4.S1; WHliams, George Augustus (I". S. M. A.. 1852).
Notice of Nouveau dictionnaire militaire. p. Died .\pr. 2. 1SS9 aged 38. Obituary in Ann.
453, Jour. U. rt. Art,, vol. 2. As.soc. Grads. V S. M. A.. 1889.
. (A)
Long guns, translation of Summary from "Williams. James Marks l'. S. M. A.. 1894).

l.a Marine de France (vol. i. p. 6). p. 65S; Re- Translation of Froissart's An apparatus for
view of General information series, No. 12, 1893. poi nting by means of an elevated line of metal,
]>. 154. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 3. automatically finding concealed position.
Notice of Dictionnaire militaire, p. 156; Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 9. p. 211.

Notice of Les armes a feu portatives des armies Translation of Downy's A discussion of
actuelles et leurs munitions, p. 158; Notice of the errors of cylindro-ogival projectiles. Jour.
Steam: Its generation and use, with catalogue U. S. Art., vol. 1% p. 186: vol. 16. pp. 134, 262;
manufactures of the Babcock it Wilcox Com- vol. 17. pp. 44. 131-
pany, p. 158. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 4. "Williams, James Seymour (T. S. M. A.. 1831).
Noticeof Adye's Recollection of a military Died Sept. 7, obituary and por-
1S71, aged 60.

life, p. 126: Notice of Pirrie's Technical diction- trait /h Ann. Assoc. Grads. r.S. M. A.. 1872. (A)
ary of sea terms, phrases, and words, p. 127; Bo.stou topography, p. 14; Reconnaissance,
Notice of Didelot's La defense des cotes d'Eu- sec. 5. pp. 37. 38. r. S. Coast Survej^ Rept., 1.847.

rope. p. 127. Jour. I'. S. Art., vol. 5. I A)

Notice of Mata's Tratado de balistica inte- Astronomical observations, sec. 1, j). 18;
rior. Jour. IT, s. Art., vol. 7, p. 256. Triangulation, sec. 3, p. 34; Reconnaissance,

Old Fort Matanzas. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. sec. 5, p. 4h; .Selects Edisto base, p. 46. U. S.
9. P- 52- Coast Sur\-ey Rept., 1S48. (A)
Translation of Instructions for repulsing Reconnaissance, .sec. 5. p. 43; Edisto base,
attempts at landing by North American expe- p. 43; Western coast detail, p. 8. U. S. Coast
tions on the coasts of Cuba. Jour. V S. Art., . Siir\'ey Rept., 1849, (A)
vol. 10, p. 263. Galveston Bay triangulation. U. S. Coast
Article " Military' insignia." Supp. to Ap- Sur\'ey Rept., 1851, p. 79. (A)
pleton's Cycloptedia. 1. Triangulation, p. 73; Topography, sec. 9,
WiUcox. Orlando Bolivar (T. S. M. A.. 1S47). p, 74. U. S. Coast Survey Rept., 1S53. (A)
Engraving (by A. H. Ritchie owned by Assoc. 1
WUliams. John R. (U. S. M. A., 1876). Photo-
Grads. U. S. M. A. graph in Albums of officers' mess.
.Shoepac recollections: A wavside glimpse Translator of Impressions of a company
of American life. 1S56. commander (by Captain Potez). Washington,
F'aca: An army memoir (bv Major March). 1902. I vol., O.

1SS7. Place of the Medical Department in the

fMitposts of large armies. Jour. Mil. Serv. Army. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst, U. S.. vol. 14. p.

Inst. U. S., vol. 5, p. 337. (A )

Si. (At
Siege of Detroit (by Pontiac). Address Comment on The infantry' of our Regular
S. A. R. Society. Army. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. l". S., vol. 23, p.

74. (A)
Morgan's raid. Century Mag.
Report on the French grand maneuvers
Battle of Sacketts Harbor. Address cele- of 1897. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 10, p. 153.
bration thereof at Sacketts Harbor.
"Williams, Jonathan. Died May 16, 1815. Por-
"WiUey. Thomas Moseley (U. S. M. A., 1S6S). trait (oil painting by Thomas Sully, painted
Manager Hartford Globe, 1887-18S9. in 1815; see Cullnm Reg., vol. p. 57S). Pre-
Williams. Alpheus S. (of Michigan). Member sented by Corps of Engineers. In the cadet
of Board of Visitors to U.S. M.A. in 1876. mess hall.
TJir JVritiiij^s of Graduates^ 1802-/Q02. 389
'Williame, Jonathan. First Superintendent V S. . Wllliamaon, Robert Stockton. Meteorological
M. A. iruni Apr. i.s. 1N02, to June 20. 1803. obser\-ations taken on the Nile in 1S73. In
Second Superintendent from Ap-. 19, 1805. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol, 14, p. 632. (A)
to July 3!, 1812. Reports as Supt. IT. S. M. A.. Practical tables in meteorology.
1S05-1S12. and Heuer, William Henry il". S. M. .\..
On the use of the thermometer in discov- 1865). Report upon the removal of Blossom
ering hanks, soundings, etc., vol. ,^. p. -S2; On Rock in San Franci.sco Harbor. Cal. (J. Wash-
the claying of sugar, vol. 6, p. S2. Trans. ington, 1S71.
Amer. Phil. Soc. (A) —
S^e Boards Williamson; Alexander. 5. 6,
Thernionietrical navigation. Ph., 1779. iv.. 7; Mendell, i; Stewart. 3, 4.
O. lAl See r. S. Coast Surv-ey Rept., iS6(). p. 94.
Translator of elements of fortification. 2d I A 1

ed. War Dept., 1801, iv., O.. pp. 49. Plates. "Williamson, S. P. (of Tennessee.) Member of
(A) Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in 1S41. .

"Williams, Lawrence Abert ll'. S. M. A.. 1S52). Wills, John Howard (U. S. M. .\., issn. Died
Died June 21, 1S79, aged 47. Obituary im Anti. Feb. 16. 1S96, aged 37. Obituary and i>ortrait /«
A.ssoc. (irads. U. S. M. A.. 18S0. (A) Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., iSy6. (Ai
Williams. Matthew Jouetl (U. S. M. A.. 1825). Wilson, George (I*. S. M. A., 1830), Dietl Mar,
Died June 23. 1S73, aged 6S. Obituary in Ann. 3. 18S0, aged 71. Obituary- /// .\nn Assoc.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S74. (A) Grads. U. S. M. .\.. 1S80. (A)
Member of Board of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. Wilson, George W. (of Virginia). Member of
in 1S50. Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 184S.
"Willieims.Richard Algernon (U. S. M. A., 1S70). WilBon, James Eveleth {U. S. M. A.. 1862). Died
Died Jan. 20. 1S90, aged 43. Obituary- ht Ann. N'ov. 20. 18S7, aged 45. Obituary and portrait
Assoc. Grads. l". S. M. A.. 1S90. (A) hi .\nn. .\ssoc. Grads. U. S. M. A,, iss.s. (A)
On pistol firing. Jour. Cav. Assoc. i8Sy, Wilson, General James Grant lol i^w York).
P- 337- (A) Member of Board of Visitors to V S. M. A. in .

Williams, Robert (U. S. M. A.. 1S51). Died Aug. 1S80.

24. 1901, aged 72. Reports as Adjutant-General "Wilson, James Hamilton (I'. S. M. .\.. i8^so),

r. S. Army. 1892-93. Wilson. James Harrison (I". S. M. .\.. 1S60).

Williams, Seth {V. S. M. A.. 1^42). Died Mar, Engraving (by J. A. Lowell &. Co.) owned
23. 1S66. aged 44. Adjutant l". S. M. A.. Sept by Assoc Grads. V. S. M. A.
jS, iSso to Sept. I. 1S53.
Member of Board of Visitors to I". S. M. A.
Williams, Thomas Greenhow 1'. S. M. A..
in 1S96. Author of numerous papers on mis-
Die<l Jan. 22. 18S5, Obituary and por-
aged 57. cellaneous subjects, 1.S70-1890.
trait in Ann. Assoc. Grads. V S. M. A.. iS-Ss. .
Life ... of Bvt. Brig. Gen. .\. J. .Alex-
I Al ander, I'. S. Army New York, isS7. i
. . .

Williams. Willis L. u»f Mi-ssouri 1. Member of vol., O.. pp. 135, por. (Al
Board of \'isitorslo V. S. M. A. in 1S52. China: Travels and investigations in the
"Williamson, Robert Stockton (U. M. A. 1S4H). S. " Middle Kingdom." A study of civilization
Died Nov. aged 58. ObituarT,- m Ann.
10, 18S2, and possibilities, with a glance at Jaj^an. i
Assoc. Grads U. S. M. A.. 1SS3. (A) vol., 12°. 1SS7. (AJ
Route from Sacramento Valley to the Do Americans hate England? lu North
Columbia River. Reports of explorations . . . .\mer. Rev., vol. 150 ( 1.890).

for a railroad from the Mississippi River to Address ... at the tweuty-seventli reun-
the Pacific Ocean, 1S53-1S55, vol. 6. Army of the Cumber-
ion of the -society of the
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- land ... pam., O. 1897. (A)

provement of Willamette and Columbia rivers. An addresson our trade relations witli the
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S67. p. 51: 1868, p. 872; Tropics, delivered at Boston, Mass.. Nov. 9,
1S70. p. 509. (Cl 1901. Boston. 1901. I pam., O. (A)
Columbia (upper) and Snake rivers. Our relations with Cuba. .\n address . , .

Rept. Chief of Eng., 186S. pp. 74. S74. (C) Oct. 25, 1902. Wilmington. 1902. 1 vol., O., pp.
Port Sal, Cal. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 36. (A)
1 868, p. 8S9. (C) Maj. Gen. Jolm Buford. Jour. Cav. Assoc,
Wilmington Harbor, Cal. Rept. 1895. p. 17'- (A)
Chief of Eng.. 1869, pp. 480,481. (Cl Capture of Jefferson Da\Hs. No. 1277. doc.
Sacremento and Feather rivers, Cal. 13- (C)
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1871, p. 97. (C) Survey of Illinois River, 1S67. No. 1311,
Umpqua River, Greg. Rept. Chief doc. 16. (C)
of Eng., 1S71, pp. 912,913,914; 1SS6, p. 2005. (C) Sur\*eyof Rock River, 1.S67. No. 1311, doc.
On the use of the barometer on sur\'eys 15- (C)
and reconnaissances, with an appendix. Prof. General Humphreys. In Dwight (T. F.).
Papers Corps of Eng., U. S. A., No. 15. New ed.: Federal and Confederate commanders,
York, 1S6S. I vol.. Q. (a) pp. 69-97.
Compendium without plates. 1 Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
pam.. O. 1S78. Prof. Papers Corps of Eng.. provement of Rock Island Rapids. Mississippi
U.S.A., No. 15a. (A) River. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S67. pp. 36, 273,
Centennidl of United States Military Academy.

287, 293, 295, 298, 299: iSbS. p. 3SS; lSb9, p. 239; "Wilson. John Moulder. Project, plan, estimate.
1874, vol I. pp. 312, 313. 315; 1876, etc.. improvement of .Shoalwater Bay
for the
1S72. p. 329;
(C) to Columbia River. Oreg. Rept. Chief of Eng..
vol. 1, p. 667.
vol. pp. 673. 674. (C)
Wilson. James Harrison. Project, plan, esti- 1,876. 2.

Monroe Harbor (Raisin Riven.

mate, etc.. for the improvement of Illinois
River. Kept. Chief of Eng.. 1S69. pp. 46. 21S; Mich. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1S77. P- 947; lS79.

1S71. pp. 54, 275. 278; 1S72. pp. pp. 170. 1677. (C)
1S70, pp. 60. 304;
2S1. --14: 1S79. pp- 1575. 1577. 1579- (C) Port Clinton Harbor. Ohio. Rept.
1S79. pp. 171. 1681, 1682. (C)
.\tldress before the society of the .\rmy of Chief of Eng..
Huron Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief
the Cumberland, Columbus, Ohio. Sept. 22.
iSSo, p. 2121; 18S5, p.
1897. Twenty-seventh reunion. Wilmington, of Eng.. 1879, pp. 171, 1686:

Del., i''Q7. (A) 2220: 1S87, p. 2308. (C)

Review of Military miscellanies. Jour. Conneaut Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
Mil. Ser. Inst. U. S., vol. 10, p. 77S. (A) Chief of Eng., 1S79, pp. 173, 1706; 1880, p. 2171;

and Comstock. Cyrus Ballon (U. S. M. A., 1886, p. 1S73; 1SS7, p. 2332. (C)

1S55I. Vicksburg, siege of, by the V. S. forces Grand River Harbor. Fairport.Ohio.
Rept. Chief of Eng., (C)
under the command of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant, 1879, pp. 173, 169S, 1699.
Toledo Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief
V. S. Volunteers, Maj. F. E. Prime, chief engi-

neer; surveyed and constructed under the di- of Eng.. 1879, pp. 1679, 16S0; 18S2, pp. 2385, 2386;
rection of Capt. C. B. Comstock, r. S. Engi- 1SS6, P.1S50; 18S7. pp. 2291,2296. (C)
neers, and l,ieut. Col. J. H. Wilson, A. I. G., Vertnilion Harbor, Ohio. Rept.
first lieutenant of engineers. Military- map. Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 1688, 1689. (C)
and Dana, C. A.: I,ife of U. S. Grant. Ashtabiila Harbor, Ohio.
- Rept.
Springfield, 1868. I vol., O., p. 429. (A) Chief of Eng., 1879, p. 1701; 1S80, p. 2163; 1882,

Sff Boards— Wilson (J. H.): Macomb, i, 3, pp.2410. 2411. (C)

12. . Erie Presque Isle) Harbor, Pa.

See Mantauzas and Santa Clara, Dept. of, Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S79, p. 1708. (C)
annual report, 1S99. - Coos Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Wilson, John Moulder (V. S, M. A., i860). Por- Eng., 1S79, pp. 1793. 1796. (C)
trait (oil painting by Robt. Hinckley, 1893), Pacific Coast Harbor of Refuge.
presented by U. S. M. -A. In the cadet mess Rept. Chief of Eng., 1879, pp. 1S04, 1805. (C)
hall. Port Orford, Oreg. Rept. Chief of
Photograph in Albums of officers' mess. Eng.. 1S79, pp. 1,804, 1805. (C)
Twenty-third superintendent from Aug. - Coquille River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
26. .1SS9. to Mar. 31. 1S93. Reports as Supt. of Eng.. 1879. pp. 1S08, 1810; )88i. p. 2599. (C)
U.S.M.A.. 1889-1S93. Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Rept. Chief
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- of Eng.. jS8o. p. 2133; 1.SS2, p. 2407; 1.887. P- -i-i-
provement of Olcott Harbor, N. Y. Rept. Chief (C)
of Eng., 1S72, pp.46, 24S; 1874, vol. 1, pp. 239. Sandusky River, Ohio. Rept. Chief
240. 241. 327. (C) of Eng., 1881. pp. 2297, 2298; i887,p.23o6. (C)
Oak Orchard Harbor, N. Y. Rept. - Chagrin River, Ohio. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng.. 1S72. p. 251. (C) of Eng., iSSi, pp. 2339, 234c; 1887, p. 2334. (C)
Oswego Harbor, N. \'. Rept. Chief Maumee River, Ohio. Rept. Chief
of Eng.. 1S72. pp. 265-269. (Cl of Eng., 1881, p.2342. (C)
Black River. N. Y. Rept. Chief of St. Marys River, Ohio. Rept. Chief
Eng.. 1S73. p. 379: 1S74, vol. I. p. 268. (C) of Eng., 1S81, p.2345. (C)
. Bear Creek Harbor, N. Y'. Rept. - canal (ship) from I^ake Erie to the
Chief of Eng., 1S73. pp. 3S5, 386, 388. (C) Wabash and Ohio rivers. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
Waddingtou Harbor, N. Y". Rept. 1881. pp. 2352, 2354, 2362. 2393. ( C
Chief of Eng., 1873. p. 390; 1S74, vol. i, p. 272; - of certain
Harlem River (purchase
1S75, ^'°1- 1. PP- 60, 350; 1876, vol. 2, pp. 607, 60S, land). Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1899, p. 1237. (A)
610: iSSo, p. 226. (C) Reports as the Chief of Engineers, 1897-
Wilson Harbor, N. Y'. Rept. Chief 1901.
of Eng., 1873, pp. 392, 393; 1875, 'o'- I. PP- 58. Photograph of the water-color painting.

323, 324; 1S76, vol. 2, pp. 575, 576. (C)

showing the cascades canal around the cas-
Charlotte Harbor, mouth of Genesee
cades of the Columbia River, as it would have
River, N. Y. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1874, vol. i,
been if completed in accordance with original
p. 24C1-, 1S75, vol. I, p. 59. (C)
Transportation routes, northern
See Boards— Wilson (J. M.);
Alexander, 4.
route. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1875, vol. 2, pp. 539,
7; Houston, McFarland, 1; Macomb, 16; Mer-
540, 541, 542, 546. 552, 561, 585, 5S6, 605. (C)
rill, i: Poe, i; Raynolds, 2; Woodruff, 4, 8, 11.
Sandy Creek (Big), N. Y'. Rept.
12, 13, 14
Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. 2, pp. 605, 606. (C)
Willamette and Columbia rivers. Wilson, Richard Hurlbut (U. S. M. -Y., 1877).
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1876, vol. 2, pp. 646, 647, 648, The Eighth Regiment of Infantry. Jour. Mil.
650, 651; 1S77, pp. 1021. 1023, 1024, 102S. (C) 15, p. 660.
Serv. Inst. U. S.. vol. (A)
Puyallup River. Rept. Chief History of the Eighth Regiment of In-
of Eng.. 1S76, vol. 2, pp. 670, 671. (C) fantry. -An abridgment of Lieutenant Wil-
Tlic Writings of (rradua/rs, i8o2-i()02. 391
son's History of the Kiglith r. S. Infantry. Wisser. John Philip. Reflections on Russian
Hist. U. S. Armj', pp. 511-525. (A) cavalrj-. Jonr.Cav. Assoc. 1890. p. 34. (A)
W^Uson, Thomas Died May
(U. S. M. A., 1S53). By land and sea. [Philadelphia], 1891.
30, 1901. aged Obituary and portrait in Ann.
69. Modern i>ractical military instruction.
Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1901. (,A) United Service, Jinie, 1891, pp. 5S3-591.
West Point dream waltz. Composed and The education of officers for the armies of
dedicated to Mrs. General Scottby Cadet to-day. United Ser\*ice. February. 1S92. pp.
Thomas Wilson, of the I'. S. M. A. [Ralti- Irxj-12f>.

niore?]. 1S53. 5 pp.. K., col. lith. frontispiece, Articles " Militaryschools" and Staff "

showing hotel, etc. and Johnson's New I'niversal

staff schools." in
Triangulation in sec. i, p. 44; in sec. 3. p. Cyclop:edia, 1S93. New York.
60. r. S. Coast Snrvey Rept.. 1S5S. (A) Explosive materials New York. 189S.
. . .

Ser\-icesin sec. 5. p. 64; Charge of drawing I V0I..O. [Van Nostrand's Sci. Ser.. 70a.] (A)
division, p. 105; Report, pp. 1^2-187. T.rt. Coast Second Boer war, 1S99-190Q Kansas . . .

Survey Rept., 1859. (A) City. 1901. I vol., t),, and maps. (Aj
Chargeof drawingdivisiou. p. 103; Report. The tactics of coast defense. Kansas
pp. 1S6-193. V. S. Coast Sun-cv Kept.. 186a. City. 1902. I vol., O.. 232 pp.
(Ai The West Point centennial celebration.
"Windom. William (,uf U. S. Senate Member of 1. United Ser\*ice, July. IQ02. pp. i-ii. (A)
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S79. Military notes, fn X. Y. Sunday Sun,
"Winn. Frank I,ong (U.S. M. A.. 1SS61. Military 19t"J2.

instructions in colleges. Jonr. Mil Ser\', Inst. Review of Bigelow's Principles of strategy.
U. S.. vol. 19. p. 272. (A) Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 3, p. 516.
"Winn. John Sheridan (U. S. M. A..'iSSS). Pho- The uses of the artillery-fire game.
tograph in Albums of officers' mess. U. S. Art., vol. 4, p. 255.
"Winship, Oscar Fingal (U. S. M. A.. 1840). Died Xotice of vols. i. 2 of translation of the
Dec. 13. iS55.aged 3S. Translator (with I,ieut. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi-
E. H. McLean) of Jomini's. Precis de Part de neers, p. 129; Notice of Leading events of the
la guerre. 1S53. American Revolution, p. 130; Notice of the
"Winslow. Eben Eveleth (U. S. M. A.. 18S9). Century Dictionaiy. p. 291: Notice of Larned's
Instructor of practical tnilitarj- engineering. History for real reference, p. 292: Announce-
r. S. M. A.. Sept. 4 to Nov. 14. 1S9S. ment of prize essay, 1896, extra page following
Project, plan, estimate, etc.. for the im- p. 304; Notice of Johnson's Universal Cyclopae-
provement of Back Bay. Biloxi. ISIiss. Rept. dia, p. 419: Notice of Horsebnrgh's Waterloo, p.
Chief of Eng., 1S93, p. 17S5. i,A) 423. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 5
Wolf River. Miss. Rept. Chief of Notices of Wagner's Catechism of outpost
Eng., 1S93, p. 17SS. (A) —
duty, and Fix's Aide memoirede manceuvre
Jordan River, Miss. Rept. Chief of etde campagne, pp. 123-124; Notice of Lejuge's
Eng.. 1S93, p. 1790. (A) Das Englische Heer. EJnschliesslich der Kolo-
Mississippi River, first and second nialtruppen, p. 125; Aluminum horseshoes
districts. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1899, p. 3504- [translation], p. 236; Notice of Dyer's Hand-
(A) book of light artillerj'. p. 246; Review of Wolse-
Hickman. Ky,. to Slough Landing, ley's Decline and fall of Napoleon, p. 246;
Tenu. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1901, pp. 2137. 2159. Re\-iew of Von Pfcie's Experiences of a Prus-
(A) sian officer in the Russian ser\'ice during the
Winston, Donald tU. S. M. A.. 187S). Died Oct. Turkish war of 1877-7S. p. 249; Notice of Giin-
26, 1882, aged 2S. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc. ter's Abriss der Taktik, p. 252; Notice of Meix-
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1SS3. (A) ner's Historischer Riickblick auf die Verpfle-
Winston. Thomas Winfield yV S. M. A., 1S90). . gung der Armeen in Felde. p. 252; The fortifi-
Letter on target practice. Jour. U. S. Art., cations of the Dardanelles [translation], p. 385;
vol. 17. p. 2(13. Review of Dodge's Gustavus Adolphus, p. 392-
"Winthrop, Greenville Temple (of Massachu- Review of J. Lo"gstreet's From Manassas to
setts). Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. Appomattox, p. 394: Review of Johnson's Mar-
M. A. in 1839. cean. p. 396; Review of Woods Cavalry in the
Winthrop. William. Professor of law, V . S. M. Waterloo campaign, p. 398; Review of St. Cha-
A.. 1SS6-1S90. mans Memoirs, p. 400; Review of Brasse^-'s
Wisser. John Philip (U. S. 1\I. A., 1S74). Photo- Naval annual, 1896, p. 401; Notice of Maude's
grai>h /)/ Albums of ofRcers" mess. Militarj^ letters and essays, p. 404; Review of
Short historical sketch of gunpowder. Masons Water supply, p. 404; Notice of The
[Translated from the German of Karl Brann.] pocket revolver and its use, p. 406; Review of
16°, pp. iSo. New York, 1883. Lord Roberts's Rise of Wellington, p. 24S.

Course of .sciences applied to military' art. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 6.

Chemical manipulations. 1SS3. \S€e Art. Notice of Etude Critique des Operations
School, r. S.] (A) en Turquied Asie pendant la Guerre Turco
Practical problems in minor tactics and Russe en 1877-7S. d'apr^s des Documents Offi-
strategy ... i vol., O. 1S86. [Art. School. cies Sup^rieur Turc. p. 124: Notice of Walford's
U.S.] '(A) translation of Hohenlohe's Letters on artiU
392 Centennial of U}iited States Military Aeadeniy.

lery. p. 125; Notice of Miillers KrufT's Guss- tices of Kriegstechnische Zeitschrift fiir

stahlfabrik. p. 126: Notict of Korbt-'s Camps, offiziere allerWafTen and Scientific Ameri-
quarters, and casual plans, p. 127; Notice of can Supplement reference catalogue, p. 114;
Kaiser's Verschliisse der Schiiellfeuer-Kauo- Review of Schofield's Forty-six years in the
nen, p. 128; Notice of Das Deutsche Reich, p. Army, p. 237; Notice of Der Griechisch-turk-
I2fi; Notice of Von Billow's Das Militiir des ische Krieg der Jahres 1S97, p. 241; Notices of
Fiinf Welttheile, p. 129; Notice of Seagrim's Dane's All the world's fighting ships and
The oflficer's gviide to campaigning equipment, Darassier and Valentino's Aide-Memoire de
how. where and what to obtain, p. 129; Notice I'officers de Marine, p. 241; Notice of Ben-
of Bengougli's Thoughts on modern tactics, gough's Preparatory' battle formation, p. 243;
p. 129; Review of Cranz's Compendium der Notices of Brassey's Anniuil, 1S98, and Staven-
Theoretischen Ausseren Ballistik, p. i;^u; Re- hagen's Petit Dictionnaire Militaire Francais-
view of Tlie memoirs of Baron Thiebault. p. Allemand et Allemand-I-'rancais, p. 37; Notice
133; Notice of Van Cortlandt's Questions and of Kriegsgeschichtliclie Beispiele aus dem
answers on the theorj- and practice of equita- dentsch-franzosiche Kriege von 1S7C-71, p. 371;
tion for the course of squadron training, p- 136; Notice of Die Heere und Flotten der Gegen-
Notice of Report America's relief expedition wart. p. 372; Notice of Recueil des Travaux
to Asia Minor under the Red Cross, p. 137; Techniques des Officers du Genie de PArniee
Review of M^moires de I.ouis-Auguste I,e Beige, p. 373; Notice of Tillman's Descriptive
Pelletier, p. 260; Notice of Wagner's Service general chemistr\', a text-book for a shoft
of security and information, p. 261; Notice of course, p. 374; Notice of Ileydenrich's Die
I,ycoudis's M6moire sur un Nouveau Syst^ne I^ehre Vom Schuss und die Schusstafelm. p.
de Rouches a Feu Dt^montables, p. 2^3; Notice 374: Notice of Mielickhofer's Der Kanipf nm
of M. M.'s Quelques Mots sur la Defense et Kuestenbefestigungen, p. 375. Jour. U. S. Art.,
I'Attaque de Constantinople du c6te de al vol. 9.
terre, p. 263: Notice of Von Gizycki's Strate- "Wiseer, John Philip, Translation of Wiichler's
gisch-taktische Aufgaben nebst I.osnngen, p. A new range finder (by Zeiss), p. 80; Notice of
264; Translation of \'on Winch's Size and Rowell's Private's handbookof militaryco\irted
shape of powder grains, p- 346; Notice of guard duty, p. 105; Review of Hohenlohe's I^et-
Stiegler's Memoirs
of IVIarshal Ondinot, p. 401; terson strategy, p. 213: Notice of Smekal's Fiinf
Notice of Smekal's Fiinf Taktische Aufgaben Taktische Aufgaben iiber Fiihrung und Ver-
iiberP'uhrung und Verwendung der Feld-Ar- wendung der Feld-Artillerie, p, 217: Notice of
p. 404; Notice of Von Kiesling's Die
lillerie, Giddings' Manual for cyclists, p. 221; Review
Anwendung der Photographie zu Militari- of Collenberg's Uber die Gruudlegan des
schen Zwecken, p. 407; Notice of Von Attl- Shrapnelschiesses bei der F'eldartillerie, p.
mayer's Der Krieg Oesterrcichs in der Adria ,113. Jour. U, S. Art., vol. 10.
im Jahre iSb6, p. 40S; Notice of Rimiugton's Notices of Powell's Custom of the service
Hints 'on stable management, p, 4(jS, Jour. and Masons Examination of water (chemical
U. S. Art., vol. 7. and bacteriologicaD, p. loi; Notice of Spear's
"Wisaer, John Philip. Testof armor platesin the Our Navy in the war with Spain, p, 102; Notice
Witkowitz Iron Works [translation] p. 85; Re- of Parker's Tactical organization and use of

view of Von Trothas Tactical studies on the machine guns in the field, p. 102; Notice of Sta-
battles around Plevna, p. 104; Review of Meix- renhagens Kleines Militar-Worterbuch, (II)
ner's Historischer Riickblick auf die Verpfle- Theil Deutsch-Franzosisch, p. 214. Jour. U. S.
gnng der Armeen in Felde, p. 106; Notice of Art., vol. II.

Maun,''s A young people's history- of Virginia Notice of Pliieddenann's Der Krieg um

and Virginians, p. 107; Review of Mahan's Nel- Cuba im sommer 1S9S, p. 73; Notic:; of Had-
son, p. 238; Review>of Du Teil's Napoleon Bona- fields Alloys of iron and nickel, p. 21S; Notice
parte et les G^n^ratix Du Teil, 17SS-1794, p. 241; of Cranzand Koch's Untersuchungen ueber die
Notice of Groome's Military hand book, p. 242; vibration des Gewehrlanfs, p. 219; Notice of
Reviewof Brassey's Naval annual for 1S97, De Gruylher's Tactics for beginners, p. 220;
p. Notice of Root's Military topography
243; Notices of Zimmerhaeckel's C. Julius Caesar's
and sketching, p. 244; Notice of Poulenc's Rheinbriickle, of Banning's Organization and
Nouveant^s Chimiques, p. 245; Notice of Cap- equipment made easy, and Shadwell's Key to
itaine and v. Hertling's Die Kriegswaffen, military sketching made easy and military
p. 246; Investigations on the cone of explosion maps explained, p. 221. Jour. l'. S. Art., vol. 12.
of shrapnel charged with high explosives, p. Notice of WiUcox'y French-English Mili-
277; Notice of O'Mearas Napoleon en Kxil, tary Dictionary', pt. i, p. 91; Notice of Kaiser's
p. 354; Review of Church's U. S. Grant and the Construction der Gezogenen Geschutzrohen,
period of national re£er\-ation and reconstrnc. p. 92; Notices of Baden- Powell's Aids to scout-
tion. p. 355; Notice of Sargent's The cam- ing, and History' of the manufacture of armor
paign of Marengo, p. 35S. Jour. U. S. Art., plate for the U. S. Nav>*, p. 94; The determina-
vol. S. tion of the jump in guns [reprint], p. 202; A
Notice of Hohenlohe's Aus Meinem Leben, new military' telephone, p. 21 1 Review of;

p. in; Notice of Kunz's Kriegsgeschichtliclie Meixner's Historischer Rueckblick auf die

Beispiele aus dem deutsch - franzosischen Verpflegung der Armeen in Felde, pt. 3. p. 224;
Kriege von 1S70-1871, heft 3 and 4, p. 113; No- Notice of L,ayritz's Betrachtungen iiber die
The J[ 'n'tiiigs of Graduates^ i8o2-n)o2. 393
ziikuiift des iiitchanischeii /iigcs fiir (Il-ii ^ canii>aign in the fret- state and its lessons, !>.

Transport auf Ivaiulstrassen. hauptsaeclilich 94; Notice of von Kreytag-I.oringhovcn's Stu-

iiber seine Verwendbarkeil ini Kriege, ]>. 226; dien ueber Kriegfuehrung anf Grnnd dt-s
Notice of Hamilton s Manual of V S. Army, . Nordamerikanischen Sezessions. Krieges in
Na\-\', and Marine Corps retirements, p. 24.S; virginien, p. 95; Notice of Anley's Practical
Notices of Siege and coast artillen,* drill reg- hints for mounted infantry men. p. 97; Re-
ulation,compiled for the use of the cadets, of view of Mnnsou's The theory and practice of
Manual for the nse of the cadets, of Manual military hygient-. p. 211; Notice of Mirandoli's
for making tlie blanket roll and for pitching Die Automobilcn fner .'^chwere Laster und ihre
and striking shelter tents, preparetl for tlu- Bedeutung fuer militaerische Verwenching, p.
the use of the cadets, and of Note on horst-- 212; Notice of Bernadou's Smokeless ]>owder,
manship and rules for polo, prepared for the nitrb-cellulose and the theory of the ct-Uulose
nseof the cadets, p. 347. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 13. molecule, p. 212; Notice of Views of Woolwich
'Wisser.John Philp. Notice of l.assiter's Drill and Royal Military Academy, p. 32S; Notice
regulations for mountain artillery- provisional, of Official crests of the British army now in
p. 232; Noticeof Ost-Asieu. 1S60-1S62; in Briefen daily use, p. 328; Notices of Photographic view
des Grofen Kritz Zu Eule?ibnrg Koeniglich of Eton College and Hadfield's Alloys of iron
Preussischen Gesandten betrant mit Ausseror- and nickel, p. 329. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 16.

denllichen Mission nach China. Japan, and "Wisaer. John Noticeof the naval annual,
Siara, p. 232: Notice of Anderson's Manual of iqoi. edited by John Seyland. p. 95: Notice of
the ser\*ice of security and information, ]>. 2U": 1-leming's Around the pan. with Tncle Hank,
Notice of Spinelli's A catechism of court-mar- his trip through the Pan-American Exposition,
tial duty. p. 233: Noticeof Chandler's Militan,- p. 219;Notice of Voung's Men and memoirs
lance construction, for semipermanent field personal reminiscences, p. 352: Notice of Bar-
telegraph and telephone lines, p. 2^3; Notice ber's Strategy" grand and minor tactics. ]>. 353,
of Hyde's The iiidikil system: A decimal sys- Jour. V . S. Art., vol. 17.
tem of weights and measures for the Knglish- Translator of The employment of artil-
speaking people, p. 234; Notice of Bouvier's lery. Jour. Mil. Ser\-. Inst. U. S.. vol. 7. p.
Bonaparte en Italic, p. 356; Notice of \'an 270. (A)
Oordt's Paul Kriiger und die Entstehung der Minor tactics. Jour. Mil. Scrv. Inst. l". S.,
Siidafrikanischen Repnblik, p. 357; Notice of vol. 8. p. 130. (A)
Ridards and Woodman's Air. water, and food Strategy and leadership. Jour. Mil. Ser\-.
from a sanitary* standpoint, p. 35S; Notice of Inst. I*. S.. vol. II, p. 573. (A)
Moni'sThe campaign of 1S15. dignj': Quatre Translator of The Turkish .soldier. Jour,
Bras. Waterloo, p. 3,S9; Notice of Bengough's Mil. Sen-. Inst. I". S.. vol. 25, p. 225. (A)
preparaton,' battle formation, p. ,^60; Notice of
Report on the grand luaiKcnvres of the
vol. 2, Recuer^ des travaux Techingnes des
SeventeenthArmy Corpsof thearm\of 1-rance,
officers des quire de 1' Arm^e Beige, p. 361 No- ;

Sq. O. (A)
tice of Van Bevers Projet de Recrutenient de
rArm^e Beige, p. 361. Jonr. U. S. Art., vol. 14. On modern gun cotton. See Hoerster (^lax
Notices of Forsyth's The stor>' of the sol- von I: Compressed gun cotton. (A)
dier, Brady's Commodore Paul Jones, The Translator of Braun iK.j: Sliort histori-

and pocketbook for 1901, and The Wash-

d,iar>' cal sketch of gunpowder.
ington Post Almanac Encyclopedia, pp. 103, Wisw^ell, Arno (of Maine). Member of Board of
106; Notice of J. N. S. La Question Militaire Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1853.
aux Etats t'nis Neyt's notes consernant la
Wisw^ell, George F. (of Delaware). Member of
Guerre Hispano-Aniericaine. p. 107; Notice of
Board of Visitors to V . S. M. A. in 1S64.
Waite's How to keep "fit." or the soldier's
guide to health in field, camp, and quarters, Withers, John (U. S. M. A.. 1849). Died Feb. 3,
1892, aged 65. Obituarj- in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
p. 226: Noticeof Photographic album of Alder-
shot town and camp, the headquarters of the r. S. M. A., 1S92. (A)
British army, p. 226; Notices of de Hovell's "Withers, Jones Mitchell (U.S. ^I. A.. 1835). Died
Soldiers* training and other notes and With- Mar. 13, 1S90, aged 77. Obituary /// .Ann. .\ssoc.
erby's Skirmishing made easy, p. 226; Notice Grads. U. S. M. A., 1890. (A)
of Shaw's Studies in field engineering, p, 367; Wolcott, Oliver (of Connecticut). Member of
Notice of Cranz and Koch's Vntersuchung Board of Visitors to I*. S. M. A. in 1S15,
iiber die vibration des Gewehrlaufs, p. 367;
W^olfe. N. (of Kentucky). Member of Board of
Notice of Crabtree's The marvels of modern
Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852.
mechanism and their relation to social better-
ment, p. 368; Noticeof Pollock's With seven "Wood. Abram Epperson (U. S. M. A.. 1S72). Died
generals in the Boer war, p. Jour. V S.
. .
Apr. 14, 1894. aged 49. Obituarj" in Ann. .\s.soc.
Art., vol 15.
Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1894. (A)

Notice of Official medals and ribbons of Discussion of Marching and camping cav-
Armj', p. 92; Notices of Colonel X.'s 1,'artil- alry (by Bernard). Jour. Cav. Assoc. iSSii, p.
lerie a I'exposition and Maraiel's Le Nouveau's 160. (A)
Material d'Artillerie de Conxpagne Suisse, Proper employment of cavalry, p. 114: The
Modele, 1901, p. 93; Notice of Caunter's The horse, p. 329. Jour. Cav. Assoc., 1S91. (A)
Ccntouiial of United States Military Academy

Wood. Charles Krskine Scott (f. S. M. A., 1874 1. numerous tables of the ultimate and actual
Orders, precedents, and opinions relative to thrust. Prof. Papers, Corps of Eng. U. S. A.,

niilitarj- law, and instructions and forms of No. 7. New

York, 1S5S. O. (A)
procedure for courts-martial, with a table of Woodbm-y, Daniel Phineas. Project, plan, esti-
fines and penalties for the use of garrison mate, etc., for the improvement of Norfolk.
courts-martial, [n. p.. iSSo] i vol., O., p. 71. Va., and Neuse River, X. C, to Cape Fear

(A) River. N. C. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1879. vol. i,

.Adjutant, V. S. M. A.. Feb. 2S to Sept. .s,
P- 3^7- (C)
iSSi. On the horizontal thrust of embankments.
Librarian U. S. M. A., from July i. iSSi, to In Math. Monthly, vol. i. p. 175; vol. 2, p. 355.

Aug. 30, 1SS2. (A)

Translator of A book of tales, being some Note on the "rule of false." In Math.
myths of North .American Indians. Portland, Monthly, vol. 2, p. 267. (A)
Oreg., it)Oi. I vol., O. (.A) Woodman, J. S. (of New Hampshire). Member
Chief Joseph, the Nez-Percf Century. of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in i860.
Mag., vol. 2S, p. 135. Woodruff, Charles Albert (U. S. M. A., 1871).
Our Indian question. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. Comment on Historical sketch of Seventh In-
U. .S.. vol. 2. p. 123. (A) fantry. Jour. Mil. Sen.'. Inst. U. S.. vol. 17, p.

Wood, Edward Edgar (U. S. M. .A., 1S70). Pho- iSi. (A)

tograph /h Albums of officers' mess. The ideal ration for the Tropics. Jour.
Oil portrait (by Frank Fowler) in the Li- Mil. Ser\\ Inst. U. S., vol. 27. p. i.

brary. Woodruff, Eugene Augustus U. S. M. A.. 1866). (

Professor of modern languages, r. S. Died Sept. 20, 1873. aged 32. Project, plan, es-
M. .A.. Oct. I, 1892 to .
timate, etc. for the improvement of Tchefuncta

Historical sketch of the department of (Chefuncte) River, La. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
modern languages, U. S. M. .\. hi Rept. Supt. 1S71, pp. 67.552. 553. (C)
r. S.M. .A., 1.S96. pp. 131-156. (A) Corpus Christi and Aransas Pass,
Wood, George T. (of Kentnckyl. Member of Tex. Rept. Chief of Eng.. 1871, pp. 529, 530.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S60. iCi
Wood, Oliver Ellsworth (U. S. M. A.. 1S67). The Tangipahoa River, I,a. Rept. Chief
"U^est Point scrap book. 2d ed. O. 1S74. (A) of Eng., 1871. pp. 551, 553, 554, 946. (C)
Remarks on battery competitions forgvm- Red River. Rept. Chief of Eng.,
ners. Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., vol. 16, ]). 519. 1872. pp. 569, 572; 1S73, pp. 613, 614. 675; 1874,
(A) vol. I, pp. 704, 706; 1875, vol. r, p. 526; 1876, vol.
Pay for services rendered. Jour. Mil. I. p. 598; 1S77. p. 4S2. (C)
Serv. Invt. r. S.. vol. iS, p. 349. (A) and Howell. Charles AVagoner (U. S. M.
Wood, Thomas John (U. S. M. A., 1S45). En- A.. 1863). Photographic views of Red River
graving (by A. H. Ritchie! owned by Assoc. raft made in 1S73 . to accompany their
. . . . .

Grads. U. S. M. A. annual report 1873. (A)

. . .

Member of Board of Visitors to l". S. M. A. Woodruff, George Augustus (U. S. M. A., iHbi).
in 1895. Died July 4, 1863. aged 22. Engraving (by J.
Oration before the Societjof the .\rmy of C. Buttre) owned by Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
the Cumberland, Dayton, Ohio. November, •Woodruff, Israel Carl (V. S. M. A., 1S36). Died
1S72. In Sixth reunion of the Army of the Dec. 10, 1S78, aged 63. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Cumberland, Dayton, Ohio. 1S72. p. 59. Cin- Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S79. (A)
cinnati. 1S73. (A) Project, plan, estimate, etc, for the im-
"Wood, William Heur>' (U. S. M. A., 1845). I^i^-d provement of Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. Rept.
Jan. 1,aged 63. Obituarj"
18S7, in Ann. Assoc. Chief of Eng., 1S67, p. 227. (C)
Grads. U. S. M. A., 18S7. (At Wilmington Harbor, Del. Rept.
Wood. W'inthrop Samuel (U. S. M. A., 1S89). Chief of Eng.. 1:^70, p. 427. (C)
The cavaln- horse. Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1893, p. and Sitgreaves, Lorenzo {V. S. M. A.,
182. (A) 1832). Report of the survey of the northern
Fair leather equipments for cavalry-. and western boundarj' lines of the Creek coun-
Jour. Cav. Assoc, 1897, p. 520. (A) try, 1849. O. Washington, 1S58. Explorations
Woodbridee. George (U. S. M. A., 1826). Died and surveys.
Feb. 14, 1S7S. aged 74. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. —
See Boards Woodruff; Macomb, 4, g.
Grads. U.S.M.A., 1878. (A) Woodruff. John (of Connecticut). Member of
Woodbridge, Wylly (of Georgia). Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1861.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1S65. "Woodruff, Thomas Mayhew (U. S. M. A., 1871).
"Woodbury, Daniel Phineas (U. S. M. A., 1836). Died July 11, 1899, aged 51. Obituan,- and por-
Died Aug. 15, 1S64, aged 51. Sustaining walls: trait in Ann. Assoc Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1900.
Geometrical constructions to determine their (A)
thickness under various circumstances. Prof. Our northern frontier. [Prize essay.]
Papers Corps of Eng. U. S. A., No. 3. Wash- Jour. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. (A) S., vol. 9, p. i.

ington. 1854. O. (A) Translator of Experiments with field

Treatise on the' various elements of sta- mortars. Jour. Mil. Ser\'. Inst. U. S., vol. 13,
bility in the well-proportioned arch, with P- 59.S. (A)
The Writins^s of Graduates^ i8o2-igo2. 395
"Wooda. Charles Robert (l". S. M. A., 1S52). Died Wright Smith, his sisters. In mt-morial
Feb. 2f>, 1VS5, aged57. Obituar>' in Aim. Assoc. hall.
Crads. l". S. M. A., 1SS5; Harper's New Monthly Wright. Horatio Gonverneur. Crayon portrait.
Mag., vol. 70 (18S5), p. 979. (A) In the possession of Mrs. Mary WriglU Wootten
"Woods, Joseph Jacksou (U. S. M. A., 1S47). and Mrs. Rosa Wright Smith [for sftmc years
Died Sept. aged 67. Obituan- in Ann.
27, 1889, till 1902 —deposited with the Association of
Assoc. Grads. V. S. M. A., 1S90. (A) Graduates at West Point]
Editor Maq\ioketa Excelsior, 1865-1869. EugravingJ(by A. II. Ritchie) owned by
Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.
in 1871. Obituar>-and portrait in Ann. Assoc. Grads.
Woods, Samuel (U. S. M. A., 1837). Died Sept. U.S.M.A., 1900. (A)
22. aged 75. Obituary- in Ann. Assoc.
1SS7, Shoal in Garden Key Channel, Tortugas.
Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S88. (A) U. S. Coast Sur\'ey Rept., 1S54. pp. 17, 62. *24.
Woodyard. J. F. (r. S. M. A., 1S9S). Map of (A)
I'. S. M. A. drawn iu 1898 and photo- . . . Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
graphed by Capt. F. W. l.ewis to the scale of provement of St. Johns River. F'la. Rept.
I to 1,500. Chief of Eng.. 187S, p. 5S4. (C)
Wooten. \ViUiam Preston \V S. M. A., 1S9S). . Reports of the Chief of Engineers. 1879-
The improvement of the Mississippi River be- i8v84.

tween S*. Louis and Cairo. Washington Bar- with Barnard, John Gross U.S.M.A., 1833). (

racks, 1902. I pp. (A)

vol.. <)., 8 and Michie. Peter Smith U. S. M. A., 1S63). Re-

Worden, Charles Anthony (f. S. M. A.. 1872 ). port on the fabrication of iron for defensive
Died Sept. 21. 1S98, aged 51. Photograph in purposes and its uses in modern fortifications,
Albums of officers' mess. especially in works of coast defense. Prof.
Obituar^ and portrait /« Ann. Assoc. Papers Corps of Eng., U.S.A.. No. 21, with supp.
Grads. S. M. A.. 1899.
l". (A) Washington, 1S71. Q. (A)
Worth, William Jenkins. Commandant of See Boards— Wright; Barnard, 6; Simp- ,s.

cadets U. S. M. A., 1820-1828. son, i; Tower, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Woodrufi", 5, 9.

Member of Board of Visitors to l'. S. M. A. —
See Commissions Humphreys, 2. (A)
and in 1S44.
in 1S29 Wright. J. M. (of Kentucky). Member of Board
Worthin^on, John T. (of Illinois*. Member of of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1895.
Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1852. Wright, Moses Hanibal (U. S. M. A.. 1S59). Died
Worthington, Thomas (U. S. M. A.. 1S27). Died Jan. 8, 1886, aged 50. Obituarj' and portrait in
Feb. 23. 1884, aged 80. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc. Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 18S6. (Ai
G-ads. U. S. M. A., 18S4. (A) Wright. William Henr>-(U.S. M. A., 183S). Brief
Volunteer manual. 1S61. practical treatise on mortars ... i vol., O.
Shiloh: The only correct military* history 1845. (A)
of r. S. Grant and of the missing army records, Wyatt, Walter Scott (U. S. M. A.. 1-S71). Photo-
for which he is alone responsible, to conceal graph in Albums of officers' mess,
his organized defeat of the T'nion .\rmy at Wyse, Francis Octavus (U.S.M.A.. 18371. Died
Shiloh. Apr. 6. 1862. Washington, 1872. ivol.. Jan. 21. 1S93, aged 82. Obituarj' in Ann. Assoc.
O., pp. 164. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1893. (A)
Wright, Benjamin Hall i,U. S. M. A., 1822,1. Died Yates, Joseph C. ISIember of Board of Visitors
May 13, jSSi. aged So. Obituary in Ann. Assoc. to U. S. M. A. in 1833.
Grads. r. S. M. A., 1881. (A) Yeaton, Franklin (U.S. M.A.. 1S69I. Died Aug.
National finance. Resumption made easy. 17, 1S72, aged 24. Obituary in Ann. Assoc.
Rome, X. Y.. 1S7S. i para.. O. (A) Grads. U. S. M. A., 1S73. (A)
Wrigrht, Crafts James (U.S.M.A.. 1828). Died Yoakum, Henderson K. M. A.. 18321. Died
(U. S.

July 23, 1SS3. aged 75. Obituary- and portrait Nov. aged 46. History of Texas from
2q, 1856,
in .\nn. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A.. 1884. (A) 16S5 to 1846, from its first settlement to its an-
Editor Cincinnati, Ohio. Gazette, 1S47-1853. nexation to the United States, iS5(i.
Wright, Edward Maxwell (U.S.M.A., 1866). Died Yoder, S. S. (of Ohio). Member of Board of
Apr. 24, iSSo, aged 34. Obituan,- in Ann. Assoc. Visitors to U. S. M. A, in 18S9.
Grads. V. S. M. A., iSSo. (A) Young, Prof. Charles A. (of New Hampshire).
Revolver, tendency of muzzle to rise meas- Member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in
ured. Rept. Chief of Ord., 1879, p. 336. (C) 1870.
Report on
tests of cartridges and the man- Young, Pierce M. B. (of (ieorgia). Jlember of
ufacture of small -arm ammunition at the Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1874.
Frankford Arsenal. Ord. Note iiS, vol. 4, p. Young. Richard W. (of Utah Memberof Board \.

185. (A) of Visitors to U. S. M. A. in 1902.

Wright, George (U. S. M. A., 1822). Died July 30, Young, WiUard (U.S.M.A., 1S75). Photograph
1S65, aged 62. Topographical memoir relative in Albums of officers' mess.
to Indian wars in Oregon and Washington. Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im-
No. 9S4, doc. 32. (C) provement of Yaquina Bay, Oreg. Rept. Chief
Wright, Horatio Gouvemeur (T. S. M. A., 1841). of Eng., iS8g, pp. 2519. 2521; 1S90. p. 2770. (C)
Died July 2. 1899, aged 79. Oil painting pre- Clackamas River, Oreg. Rept. Chief
sented bj- Mrs. Marj-Wright Woottenand Mrs. of Eng.. 1SS9, p. 2524. (C >
596 Ccniciinial of Unilcd Slates Militmy Academy.
Young. Willard. Project, plan, estimate, etc., Zinn, George .Arthur. Project, plan, estimate,
for the improvement of Tualatin River, Oreg. etc., for the improvement of harbor at Ahna pee,

Kept, Chief of Eng., 18S9, p. 2526. (C) Wis. Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S97, p. 27,'i6. (A)
Umpqua River, Oreg. Kept. Chief Sheboygan Harbor, Wis. Rrpt.
of Eng., 1889, p. 2527. (C) Chief of Eng., 1S97. p. 2762. (A)
Youngs and Klaskuiue rivers, Oreg. Milwaukee Harbor, Wis kept.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S90, p. 2493. (C) Chief <jf Eng., 1897. p. 276,s. ( .\ 1

Nehalem Bay and Bar, Oreg. Rept. harbor at Racine. Wis. Kept, Chief
Chief of Eng., 1890. p. 299S. (C) of Eng., 1S97, p. 2768. (A)
Siuslaw River and Bar, Oreg. Rept. harbor at Kenosha, Wis. Rept. Chief
Chief of Eng., 1890, p. 3003. (C) of Eng., 1S97, p. 2773. (.\)
Young, William Clark (U. S. M. A., 1S22). Died Ohio River. Rept. Cliief <if Eng.,
Dec. 22, 1893, aged 94. Obituary and portrait 1899, p. 2553. (A)
in Ann. Assoc. Grads. U. S. M. A., 1894. (.\) Green River, Ky.
Rept. Chief of
Yulee, D. L. (of Florida). Member of Hoard of Eng-, (A)
1900, p. 3542.

Visitors to U. S. M. A. iu 1847. Demolition of concrete gun platforms and

Zinn. George Arthur (U. ,S. M. A., 1883). Photo- magazines at Fort Monroe, Va. Jour. U. S. Art.
graph in Albums of officers' mess. vol. I, p. 392.
Project, plan, estimate, etc., for the im- Coast artillery tire instruction, p. 262; Re-
provement of Mississippi River. Rept. Chief view of professional papers of the Corps of
of Eng., 1895, p. 3672. (A) Engineers, vol, 29, p. 519. Jour. U. S. Art., vol. 3.
harbor at Oconto, Wis Rept. Chief —
See Boards Stickney, 8.
of Eng., 1S96, p. 2561. (A) See West Point, maps, iSSfi.
Manitowoc Harbor, W'is. Rept. Chief Zoeller, Christian E. Teacher of drawing, I'. S.
of Eng., 1896. p. 2566. (A) M. A., iSoS-iSio and 1812-1819.
Kenosha Harbor. Wis., harbor lines.
Rept. Chief of Eng., 1S96, p. 2569. (A)

[c()Mrn,Ki> H\ \v. I,, ostrani>i-;r.]

The names are alphabetically arranged, with the year of gnulnation and the number in Cnl-
lum's Biographical Register. The sign + signifies that the gradnate died before July i, 1902.

Abbot. Frederic V 1879 2760 Allen. Cyrus M 1865

Abbot, Henry t 1897 3796 Allen. Ernest E.t
Abbot. Henry I, 1854 1632 Allen. Ethan At
Abt>ot, Stephen 1902 40S3 Allen. Hannibal .Alt-...
Abbot. William 1872 24 iS Allen, HarveyA-t
Abbott, Edward K.f 1847 1.^59 Allen. HenryT
Abercromhie, John J.f 1822 322 Allen, Jamest
Abernethy. Robert S 1897 37.50 Allen. Jamest
Abert, James W.t 1S42 116.S Allen, James
Abert. John J.+ iSii 71 Allen, James f'..t
Adair. John iS6e igoo Allen. Jesse K.t
Samuel K
Adair. [8Sji 2989 Allen, John H.t
Adams, Edward M 1900 3941 Allen, I.even C
Adams. Granger 1S76 2609 Allen, Lucius H.t
Adams, Henry M 1866 2115 Allen. Robert t
Adams. Henry R 1SS7 3235 Allen. Robert T. P.t
Adams. Isaac A. t 18 17 163 Allen, Saniuel E
Adams, John f 1S46 1296 Allen, Vanderbiltt
Adams, Julius W.t 186 "9ftO Allen, William T.t
Adams, Milton B 1865 2051 Alley, John W
Adams. Sterling P 1892 3477 Allison, James X
Adams. Thomas B.f 1828 519 Allston, Benjamin t . ..

Adams. Thomas R 1867 2217 Allston, Robert K. W.t-

Ahem, George I* 1882 296S Allston,Samuel R.t
Aisquith. William E.t 1827 480 Almy, Jacob t
Albright, Frank H . 18S7 3237 Almy. William E.t
Alden. Bradford R.t 1831 653 Alstaetter. Frederick W.
Aleshire, James B 1S80 2844 Alvord, Benjamin t
Alexander. Barton S.t 1842 1117 Alvord. Benjamin, jr
Alexander. Edmund B.t 1S23 3.S8 Alvord. Charles B-t
Alexander. E. Porter 1S57 1762 Ames, Adelbert
Alexander. James B. S.t 1856 1747 Ames, Butler
Alexander. John H.t "887 3205 Ames, Thales T
Alexander. Newton F.t 1852 15.^7 Ammen, Jacobt
Alexander. Thomas I,.t, 1830 615 Amory. Thomas J. C.t
Alexander. Walter S 1879 2766 Amos. Frank P. . .

Allaire. William H 1SS2 2964 Anderson. Allen I,

Allanson. John S.t 1814 95 .\nderson.Edward

Allen, Augustus P.t 1836 850 Anderson, Edward I) . .

Allen. Chnrles J 1864 2034 Anderson, George B.t. -

Allen. Charles M T902 40S0 Anderson. George I,. .. .

398 Centennial of United States Military Academy,


Anderson. George S
Anderson, James J.f
Anderson. James W.t
Anderson, Johnf
Anderson. Joseph R.f —
Anderson Richard H.f.-
Anderson, Robert f
Anderson Robert H.t

Anderson, Samuel S.f

Anderson, William H
Andrews. Avery D
Andrews, Georgef
Andrews, George
Andrews, George I^t
Andrews, George P.t
Andrews, Henry M
Andrews, James M
Andrews, John N
Andrews, Lincoln C
Andrus, Edwin P
Andrns, Frank B
Andruss, E. Van Arsdale
Aiisell, Samuel T
Applewhite, Hugh La V .

Archer, Johnf
Archer, Robert H t ,

Arden, Thomas B.f

Arniistead,Frank S.f
Arniistead,Walker K.+ .

Armstrong, Bezaleel W.f

Armstrong, Franks
Armstrong, John +
Armstrong, Robert L,.t .-

Armstrong, Williamf
Arnold. Abraham K. t •

Arnold. Conway H.. jr...

Arnold, Frederick T
Arnold, Isaac t
Arnold. L,ewis G.f
Arnold. Richardf
Arnold, Ripley A.f
Arnold, Samuel B
Arvin. William B.|
Ashburn, Thomas y
Ashley, Richard H.f
Aspinwall. Johnf
Andenried, Joseph C.f
Angur, Amnion A
Augur, Christopher Cf- -
Augur. Jacob A
Augustin, Joseph N., jr.f
Aultman. Dwight E
Austin, Ivers'J.f
Austin. James I.f

Austine, William
Averell, William W.f....
Averill, Nathan K ,
List of Graduates of United States Military Acadetny. 399

Year. I

Bandholtz, Harry H 1890 33.W Beacom, Edgar S t 1873 2506

Bankhead, Henry Ct 1850 1484 Beacom, John H 1S82 2957
Barbarin, Francis N.f 1820 237 Beall. Lloyd J.t 1830 611
Barber, George C.f 1848 1402 Beall, Thomas J.t iSii 60
Barber, Thomas H 1867 2178 Beall, William N. R.t 184S 398
Barbour, John I, 1881 2898 Beanian, Jenkst 1842 "45
Barbour. Philip N.t 1834 77- Bean, William H 1886 3'24
Harden, William J 1894 3564 Beardslee, (luy R 1S79 2S26
Barker, John W 1894 3611 Beardsley, John 1841 1094
Barlow, John \V 1861 1901 Beaumont. Eugene B 1S61 1919
Barlow, Warren S 1897 3S04 Beauregard, P. G. T.t 1S3S 942
Barnard, John G.t 1833 708 Beck, Robert McC, jr 1901 4023
Barnard, Jonathan G.t 1833 708 Beckham, Robert F.t 1859 1S30
Barnes, Jamesf 1S29 545 Beckley, Alfredt 1823 334
Barnes. Joseph F igoi 4010 Beckwith, Amost 1850 1470
Barnett, Charles K 1868 2235 Beckwith, Edward ('.t 1S42 1123
Barnett, John T 1S78 2730 Bee. Barnard E.t 1845 1263
Barney, George F 1882 2940 Beebe, William St 1863 2009
Barney, Joshua f 1820 249 Bell, David t 1S51 1511
Barnhardt, George C 1892 34« Bell, Edwin 1S94 3597
Barnuni, Malvern H 1886 3138 Bell, George 8.53 '592
Barnwell, Thomas O.f 1834 772 Bell, George, jr 1880 2869
Barrette, John D 1885 3066 Bell, James K.t :867 2176
Barriger. John W 1S56 1723 Bell, James F 1878 2754
Barrios, Antonio i88g 3329 Bell, James F 1902 4074
Barroll, Morris K 1889 329S Bell, John R.t 1812 76
Barr>', Garrett t 1839 lolo Bell. Ola W 1S96 3710
Barrj-, John W.f 1830 .594 Bell, William H.t 1820 235
Barry. Thomas Henry 1877 2679 Bell. William H 1S58 1S18
Barry. William F.f 1838 957 Bellinger, John B 1884 3050
Barth, Charles H iSSl 2910 Beltzhoover, Daniel M.t .
1847 '342
Bartlett, George T 1881 2888 Benchley, Edmund N.t.... 189S 3S40
Bartlett, William C 1862 1986 Bena, J. Walker iSSo 2.S60

Bartlett, William H. C.t 1826 429 Ben^t. Stephen V.t 1849 1409
Barton, Seth M.t 1849 1434 Benham. Henr^' W.t 1S37 89
Bascom, George N.f 1858 1823 Benjamin, Calvin t 1842 1 120
Bash. Lewis H 1895 3663 Benjamin, Julian A 1900 3974
Basinger, William E.t 1830 58S Benjamin, Samuel N.t. - . . - 1S61 1.S99

Bass, Edgar W j86S 2222 Bennet. John B 1891 3412

Bassel, James 1867 2186 Bennett, Charles A 1881 2890
Bassette, Buell B 1893 3539 Bennett, Clarence V, 855 1701
Batchelder, James E.t 1868 2261 Bennett, John t 1856 1725
Bates, Alfred E 1865 2063 Bennett, Napoleon li.t 1824 306
Bates, Francis H.t 1850 1472 Bennett, Thomas t 1S06 21

Bates, Joshua H 1837 9'5 Benson, Harr>- C 18S2 2938

Batman. Mark W.t 1823 341 Bent, Charles L 1894 3605
Battle, John S '.. 1894 3604 Benton Elisha S
, 1.S84 3040
Baxter, George W 1S77 2688 Benton, James <i.t 1842 1I21
Baxter, John, jr 1877 2703 Benton. James W.t 1885 3093
Bayard, George Dt 1856 1721 Benyaurd, William H. H t 1863 2000
Baylor. Thomas G.t !
1857 1766 Bergland, Eric 1869 2273
Beach, Francist 1857 1775 Berkeley, Hugh D 1894 3584
Beach, Francis H 1887 3210 Berrien, John M.t 1826 455
Beach, Johnt 1
1832 699 Berrier, Francis N.t 1815 137
Beach, Lansing H |
1882 2934 Berrj-, Alga P 1896 36S6
Beach, Warren C 1S65 2107 Berry, Benjamin A.t 1841 1102
Beach, William D '
1879 2783 Berry. Daniel (i 1S98 3839
400 Centennial of Ihiitcd Slates Military Academy.

Berry, John A 19°' 4035 Blnnt, Albert C iSSl 2893

Berry. Lvicien G iSS6 3105 Blunt, Charles E.+ 1846 1274

Berry, Thomas J.t '8S7 1770 Blunt, Matthew M 1853 1586

Berry man, Henry t


'*^^7 174 Blnnt. Stanhope E 1872 2413

Bertsch, William H iSg' 34 oS Board. Bneknerf 1S38 950


Best, Clermont I,.t

'847 13.SI Bodfish, Sumner H.t 1868 2270

Bethel, Walter .\ 1S89 3225 lioggs. Frank C 1898 3809

Bcttens, Philip At ''''5 3088 Boggs. William R 1853 15S2

Betti.son, William R 1901 4029 Boisanbin. Marie V-t 1811 54

'S35 Bolle.s, A.sat 1862 1983

Ketts, William H.t 80s
Bibb, John J. C.t '^44 1229 Bolles.Frank C 1896 3737

Bibb, Lncien l.t 'S27 474 Bolton,Edwin B 1875 2588

Bomford, George t 1805 8

Bickley. William t 1824 378
Bicknell. John Y.t 1844 1215 Bomford, James V.t 1832 695

Kiddie, John iSSi 2880 Bomus, Peter S 1870 2346

Riddle, William S 1885 3079 Bonaparte. Jerome N.t 1852 1546

Bigelow, Charles H,t 'S.W 787 Bond, Adolphns F.t 1851 1528

Bigelow, John 1877 26.S6 Bond, Paul Stanley" 1900 3948

Bigelow. Mortimer () 1895 3634 Bonesteel. Charles H 1876 2615

Big^s. Herman t '8,s6 174.') Bonneau. Richard V.t 1852 '577

Bingham. Jndson D 1S54 1639 Bonnell. Joseph t '825 418

Bingham, Theodore A 1879 2762 Bonneville. Benjamin L. E.t 1815 '55

Bingliam, Thomas 1850 1478 Booker. Jacob J.t 1843 "79

Birdsall, Egbert B.t 1823 360 Bookmiller. Edwin V 1889 3309
Birdsall.Stephen + 1814 98 Booth. Charles A 1872 24.39

Birkhimcr. William K 1870 2330 Booth. John C.t 1848 1392

Birnie, Rogers 1872 2411 Booth, William I,.t 1814 112

Biniie, I'pton, jr 1900 3962 Borland, Harold i860 1887

Bisli,,p, Harry G 1897 3795 Borup, Henry D 1876 2607

Bishop, Hoel S 1873 2497 Bottoms. Sam. F 1897 3803

Bissell. George R 1853 1588 Botts. Archibald B.t 1846 1328

Bixby, William H 1873 24 68 Boughton. Daniel H 1881 2887

Black, Frederick F 1902 4110 Bonis, Pascal \'incent t 1806 '3

Black. Henry M.t 1847 1354 Bourke. James C 1887 3199

Black, William M 1877 2641 Bonrke, John Gt 1869 22S3

Blair. I'rancis P'. 1877 2656 Bowdoin. George R. J.t 1829 57S

Blair. Montgomeryt 1835 803 Bowen, Achillest 1850 1459

Blair, William B t 1S38 9.S1 Bowen. Edgar C 1865 2096
Blake, Edmund M 1889 3288 Bowen, Frank S 1900 397S

Blake, Edward D.t 1S47 1367 Bowen. Lsaac t 1842 1125

Blake, Jacob E.t 1833 731 .

Bowen, John S.t 1853 '59'

Blake, John Y. F 1880 2866 t

Bowen, Nicholas t i860 1S50

Blakely. George 1892 3453 Bowes, John R.t 1S19 208


Blanchard. Albert G.t 1829 566 Bower. David H 1902 4116

Blanchard, .Sawyerf 1892 34^5 Bower, Nathaniel E 1901 400S
Blaney. George f 1815 146 Bowley, Albert J 1897 3754
Blaney, James R.f 1819 227 Bowman, Alexander H.t ......... 1825 394
Bledsoe, Albert T.t 1830 602 Bowman, Andrew W.t 1S41 logS
Bliss. Horace t 1822 290 Bowman. Charles S.t 1S60 1875
Bliss, Johnf 181 66 Bowman. James M.t 1832 704
Bliss, Tasker H 1S75 2557 Boyce. William M.t 1822 305
Bliss. William W. S.f 1833 715 Boyd, Charles T 1896 3729, Zenas R.+ I

1854 1671 Boyd. Joseph B.t 1839 1003

lilocksom. .Angnstns P 1S77 2662 Boyd. Orsemns B.t 1867 2216
Bloodgood, William t '

1S24 383 Boy n ton. Edward C.t 1846 12S3

Hloom, Jacob E '

1S73 2474 Br:ickett. John Et 1832 677

a Name changed from .S. B. Hamilton, 1902.
List of (iradiiatcs of Ibiilrd Stairs Militarv .-Icddrnn'- 401


Hratlbiny. T.iicius 1S35

Bradeii, Charles
Bradford. Edniund t
Bradford, James A., jr.f
Bradford, James 11.. jr
Bradford, Thomas Ct
Bradley. Charles A
Bradley, John J
Brady. Kdward \V
Brady. James 1'

Bragg, Braxloii t
Brannan. Joliti .M.f

Bransford. Samuel J.f

Brant, I,ouis
Breck, Samuel
Breckinridge. Charles H.f---
Brent. Robert Ct
Brent, Thomas I,.t

Brent. Thomas L,., jr.f

Brerelon, John J.f
Brereton. Thomas J.+
Brett. I.loyd M
Brewer, Alonzof
Brewer. Richard H.t
Brewerton. Henrj't
Brewster. Alden F
Brice. Benjamin W.f
Brice, Pressley K ,

Bricker, Edwin I) ,

Bridges. Charles H
Bridgman. Victor II ,

Briggs. 1-rank o
Briggs. Obadiah V
Brigham. Claude K . .

Brightly, Charles H.f

Brisbane, Abbott H.f
Britton, Forbes f
Brockenbrough, Austin t
Brock way, Thomas C.+
Brodie. Alexander O .

Brodrick. Patrick T.f

Bromwell, Charles S
Brooke. Edniund t
Brooke. Francis J.f
Brooke. Leonard U-t
Brooke. Mark
Brooke, Robert S.f
Brookes. Albert S
Brookfield. Robert M
Brooks. Edward C
Brooks, Horace f
Brooks, John C. \V
Brooks, Lorenzo L. C
Brooks. William T. H.f
Broom. Thomas R.t
Brotherton, Da\-id H.f

H. Doc. 789, 58-2 — vol 2

402 Ce7itennial of United States Military Academy,


Buford. Abraha:iJ f
Buford. Johnf
Buford, Napoleon It.f.-

Bugge. Jens, jr
Billiard. Robert L
Bullock, Edwin C.f
Bundel, Charles M
Bundy, Omar
Bunnell, George \V., jr

Burbank. John G.f

Burbank, Sidney f
Burchstead, Henry A.f.
Burdine, Clark
Burgess. Harn,'. .......
Burgess, Louis R
Burgwin. John H. K.f
Burke. Martin J.f
Burkhardt, Samuel
Burnet, Robert W.f. .

Burnett. Charles
Burnett, George R
Burnett, Isaac R. D.f ..

Burnett, Ward B.f

Burnhain. Arthur H.f .

Burnhani, James D.f- - -

Burns, James D.f

Burns, William W.f
Burnside, Ambrose E.f
Burnside, Wra, A
Burr, Edward
Burr, George W
Burroughs, George f- •

Burrows, Charles W . .

Burt, CharlesS
Burt. Reynolds J
Burton George
, H
Burton, Henry S.f
Burton, Oliver G.+
Burtt, Wilson B
Burtwell, John R. B.f .

Burwell. William T.f .

Bush, Edward G.f

Bush. James C
Bush, Ross L
Bushfield, Llewellyn N
Butler, Ben. I.f
Butler. Edward G. W.t
Butler, John G
Butler, Matthew C
Butler, Robert Q.f
Butler. William P
Butner. Henrj' W
Buttler, William C
Butts, Edmund L
Byram, George L
Byron. Joseph C
Cabaniss, Charles H . .
List of Gradjiaies of United States Militiuy Academy, 403


Carter. I^wrence F.f

Carter, Oberlin M
Carter, Robert G
Carter. William H
Cartwright, (ieorge S.f
Casad. Adam F
Casey, Edward W.f
Casey, John C.f
Casey, John J. t
Casey, Silas t
Casey, Thomas f
Casey. Thomas I,
Casey, Thomas I.incolii f •

Cass, George W f
Cassatt. Edward B
Castle, Charles W."
Castor, Thomas F.f
Catlin. EdwardH
Catlin, Juliusf
Catlin, Robert
Cavenaugh, Harry I,aT
Cavenaugh, James B
Cecil, George R
Center, Alexander J.f
Center. John P.f
Chadbourne, Theodore L.f
Chaffee. Clemens C.f
Chalfi n, Samuel F.f
Chalmers. Charles B.f
Chamberlain. Benjamin F.f
Chamberlain, John I,
Chamberlaine, William
Chambers, Alexander f
Chambers, James A.f
Chambers, Joseph N.f
Chambliss, John R.f
Chambliss, Nathaniel R.f .

Charaplain, Samuel f
Chandler, Elias
Chandler, John G
Chandler, Walter S.f
Chapin, Edward S.f
Chapin. Gnrden f
Chaplin, Wiufield S
Chapman, Alfred B
Chapman, James R
Chapman, Orren f
Chapman, William f
Chapman, William H. H . . .

Chapman, William W.f

Charles, Oscar J
Chase, Arthur W
Chase, George E-t
Chase, George F
Chase. George N
Chase. Leslie t
Chase, William H.f
404 •
Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Cobb, James D.f 181 58 Cooke, Philip St. George t- 1827 492
Cobli, Sanuiel K,t • 1828 532 Cooley, William M 190 4058
Cobuni. Joseph L.t 834 775 Coombs, William H.f 1868 2272

Cocheii. Frank S 1S94 3590 Cooper. George t -. 1815 138

Cochran, Charles H.t 18S3 3006 Cooper, Hiram M 1902 4118

Cocliran. Robert M.t 1838 979 Cooper. James F.f 1834 766

Cochrane. Alexander K.f.. 1815 140 Cooper. Samuel f 1815 156

Cocke, Philip St. ('.eorgef. 1832 667 Copp^e, Henry t 1845 1 24

Coe, Frank W 1892 3457 Corcoran. Thomas M 189 340

Coffiu, William H 873 2475 Cordray. David I* 1891 3449
Cogswell. Milton t 1849 1417 Corley James
. I^.f 1850 1489
Colbnrn, Albert V.f 1855 1693 Cornish, George A 1873 2490
Colcock, Richard W,t 1826 457 Cornish, Lester W l88l 2915
Colcord, Austin N.t 1S50 1479 Cornman, Daniel 1873 2494
Cole, Edwin T 1889 3316 Corprew. George W.t 1818 189

Cole, Haydn .S 1885 3062 Corthell, Charles I,.t 1884 3029

Cole, Henry G 3490 Cosby. George B. 1852 1552
Cole, James A 3037 Cosby. Spencer 1S91 3385
Cole. James B 1 866 2155 Cotton. Gilbert P 1S67 2212
Cole, Robert G.t IS.'JO i486 Cotton, John W.t 1823 357
Cole. William f; 1898 3824 Couch. Darius N.t 1846 1284
Coleman, Le Vert 1899 3874 Counselnian. Jacob H.t 1863 2011
Colerick, Chariest 1826 466 Courteuay, Edward H.t 1821 262
Collins, Charles I,.| 1882 2967 Couts, Cave J.t 1843 1203
Collins. Charles O.f 1828 512 Covington. Erasmus F.t- . . - 1831 651
Collins. Charles R.f 859 1827 Cowan, Arthur S 1899 3935
Collins, Edgar T 1S97 3798 Cowles, Calvin D 1873 2492
Collins, Francis f • • 1845 1242 Cowles, Warren H 1880 2847
Collins, Richard D. C.f 1823 345 Cowles. William H 1902 4107
Collinsworth, John T.f 1830 610 Cox, Creed F 1901 4022
Comly, Clifton t 1862 1985 Cox, John L J878 2747
Comly. r.eorge R 1900 3990 Coxe, Robert E.t 1870 2345
Comstock. Cyrus B 1855 1677 Crabbs. Joseph T 1891 3413
Couant. •Vngustusf 1812 73 Cradlebaugh. George W.t- . 1867 2214
Coiiant. Koswell t 1819 228 Craig. Isaac E.t 1814 104
Cone, Aurelius F' 1857 1787 Craig. John W 1S94 3580
Conklin, Arthur S 1897 3769 Craig. L,ouis A 1874 2541
Conklin. John 1S84 3028 Craig, Malin 1898 3841
Conkling. Barnabas f 1836 852 Craig, Robert 1866 2134
Conkling, Solomon G.f 1S09 47 Craig. William t 1853 1630
Conley Edgar , T 1897 3792 Craighill, William E 1885 3059
Conline, John 1S70 2365 Craighill, William P 1853 1580
Connell,Thomas W,t 1894 3603 Craiii, F
Charles 3589
Conner, Edward J.f 1857 1792 Crall^. G. Maury 3863
Conner. Fo.x 1S98 3825 Cram, Thomas Jefferson t-. 1826 432
Connor William D 1897 3742 Crane. Charles J 1877 2684
Conrad, Casper H., jr 1895 3621 Cranston, Arthur t 1867 2190
Conrad. John + 1831 661 Crawford, Charles 1889 3322
Conrad. Joseph S.f 1857 1791 Crawford. Medorem 1867 2202
Conrad. Julius T 1S92 .3483 Craycroft. William T 1S69 2290
Converse. C.t rge I, 1880 2S54 Creden. Samuel G.t J895 3661
Cook. Anson J.f 1847 346 Cree, John K 1885 3076
Cook, Augustus t 1844 1214 Creel. Heber M 1877 2704
Cook, Frank A 1885 3078 Cress, George O 3047
Cook, Williamt 1822 291 Cressey. Edward P.t 1816
Cooke, Francis N 1899 3896 Crilly, Francis J 1859 1839
Cooke. James H.f 296 Crispin. Silas t 1850 1452
List of Graduates of United States Military Acadeiuy, 405

Crissy, Myron S 1902

Critchlow. Beiijainin D —
Crittenden. Alexander I'.+ .

CrittLMiden.CeorKf B.f
Crittenden, William L.f ...

Cronin. Marcus I)
Cronkhite. Adelhert
Crook, (ieorget
Crosby, Herbert B
Crosby, Oscar T
Crosman, George H.f
Cross, Charles E.t
Cross. t)shorne t
Crowder, Enoch H
Crowley. Matthias
Croxton. Richard C
Crozet. Alfred!
Crozet, A. St. Amandf
Crozier, William
Cruger. Nicholas f
Cruikshank. Williani M ...

Cmse, Thomas
Cnlbertson, Jacobf
Culbertson. Michael S.t. -

Cullnra. George W.f

Cumming. Alfred
Cnniniings. Joseph K
Cummins, Albert S
Cnnningham, Arthur S.f. ..
Cunningham. George A ...
Curd, Thomas J.f
Cnrrie. Dennis H
Curtis. Arthur F
Curtis. Edwin S.f
Curtis. Samuel R.f
Curtiss, James f
Cushing, Alonzo H.f
Cushing, SaniYiel T.f
Custer, George A.f
Cutbush. William f
Cutts. Thomas f
Cuyler, James W.f
Dade, Alexander I,

Dahlgren, Paul f
Daingerfield. Joseph r.f...
Dallam, Samuel F
Dalliba, James t
U'Armit, Albert M.f
Damrell, Andrew N
Dana. Napoleon J. T.f
Dana, Nathaniel G.f
Dancy. Francis L.f
Danes. Henr>' C.t
Daniel, Junius f
Daniels, Charles B.f
Dame. Alexander C. H
Darr, Francis J. A
4o6 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

De Lagnel, Julius A.f 182 285 Donworth, Albert B ,

De Ivano, Horace F.f 1849 1426 Dorey, Halstead .... 1897 3784
Dempsey, Charles A 1865 21 14 Dorr, Gustavus f 1825 423
Denison, David S.f 1S68 2241 Dorst. Joseph H 1873 2476
Dennisoii, James A.f 1870 2324 Doubleday, Abnerf-. 1842 134
Deuman, Frederick J.f . . . 1842 1 137 Dougherty. Henry M '

1901 4038
Denny. St. Clair t 1822 3<* Dougherty, John J . 1872 2452

Dent, Elliot J 1901 4000 Douglas, Samuel R. 1S76 2604

Dent. Frederick T.f iS« 1 199 Douglass. Henr^'f . 1852 1566

Dentler, Clarence E 1884 3044 Dowd, Heman '

1876 2594
Derby. George H.f 1846 127.S Dowdy, Robert W 1879 2806

Derby, George McC 1S78 2717 Doyle, Fred. C 1900 3979

Derrick, Clarence 1861 1936 Drake, Charles B 1896 3696
De Russy, Job n t 1847 1369 Drane, Anthony f 1824 376
De Russy, Lewis G.f 1814 96 Dravo, Edward E 1876 2611

De Russy, Reii^ E.f 1812 89 Drayton, Thomas f 1828 535

Deshler, George W.t 1868 2240 Drayton, Thomas F.f 1S28 535
Deshler. James f 1854 1637 Dresser. George W.f 1861 1906

Deshon, George 1843 1168 Drew, Alfred W.f 1891 3446

De Shon, George D 1886 3119 Drouillard, James P.f 1861 1959
Despinville, Charles f 1817 166 Druien. James L 1886 3149
De Treville, Richard f 1823 336 Drum, Simon H.f 1830 597
De Veuve, Henry f 1852 1547 Duane, James C.f 1848 1371
Devore, Daniel B 1885 3086 Du Barry, Beekman f 1849 1413
De Witt, David P.f 1836 855 Du John V. D.f
Bois, 1855 1686
Dichraann, Henry M 1897 3783 Du Bose. Benjamin E.f 1833 745
Dick, George McG.f 1855 1710 Ducat, Arthur C 1879 2822
Dickerson, John H.f 1847 1341 Dudley, Edgar S 1864 2326
Dickinson, Walter M.f 1880 2853 Duff, Robert J ; 1883 2977
Dickman. Joseph T 1S81 2905 Dugan, Thomas B 1882 2962
Dickson, Tracy C 1892 3455 Dulany, Henry R.f 1815 128

Dillahunty, John N.+ 1824 367 Dumest. Jacob A.f 1819 226
Dilworth. Rankin f 1844 1218 Duncan, Daniel f 1895 3668
Dimick, Justin f 1819 213 Duncan, George B l886 3161
Dimick, Justin E.f 1861 1958 Duncan, Jamesf 1834 755
Dimmock. Charles f 1821 266 Duncan, Johnson K.f 1849 1411
Diraon. George D.f 1833 729 Dimgan, Hugh E.f 1850 1458
Dinkins, Simeon M 1881 2929 Dunn. Beverly W 2974
Ditch, William T.f 1S68 2259 Lunning. Samuel W 2845
Dix, Roger S.t 1832 693 Dunwoody, Henry H. C 1866 2133
Dixon, Henry B T895 3651 Du Pont, Henry f 1833 727
Dixon, Joseph f 1858 iSoo Du Pont. Henry A 1861 1888
Dixon, Varien D 1900 39S4 Durfee, Lucius L 1886 3163
Dixon, William P. t 1866 2135 Durham. Cass f 1865 2111
D" Lagnel, Julius A.f 1821 285 Duryea, Richard C.f 1853 1598
Dockery, Albert B 1902 4101 Dusenberrj-, Samuel B.t 1820 244
Dodd. George .\ 1876 2624 Dutton Arthur H.f
, 1861 1935
Dodds, Frank L.f 1S79 2779 Dutton, George f 1822 286
Dodge. Henry C.f 1863 2013 Dutton William f
, 1846 1286
Dodge. Richard l.f 1848 1387 Duvall, William P 2279
Donaldson, Charles V.f... t888 3273 Dwycr, Charles G 3164
Donaldson. James L.f 1836 857 Dvvyer, Thomas F 1895 3654
Donaldson. Thomas Q . . . 1887 3207 Dye, William McE.f 1S53 1610
DonelsOn. Andrew J.f 1820 233 Dyer, Alexander B.f 1837 896
Donelson, Andrew J., jr.f. 1848 1370 Dyer, Alexander B. . j r 1S73 2480
Donelson, Daniel .S.f 1825 396 Dykman, William N 1875 2570
Donovan, Joseph L 1891 3410 Eakin. Constant M.f 1817 175
List of Graduates of United States Alilitary Academy, 407


Karly. Juba! A.f 1837

Easley, Thomas f
Eastman. ElbridgeG.f
Eastman. Frank F
Eastman. James E.f • •

Eastman, Robert L.f.

Eastman, Seth f
Easton. Langdon C.f.
Eaton. Amos B.f
Eaton, George O
Eaton, Joseph H.f
Eaton. Nathaniel J.f.
Eaton, William W.f ...

Eby, Charles McH

Echols, Charles P
Echols. William H
Eckerson. Theodore H
Eckhart, Charles G
Eddy. Asher R.f
Edgerly, Winfield S ..,

Edgerton, Edward C.
Edgerton. Wright P . .

Edie. John R.f

Edmunds, Frank H.f.
Edson, John H ,

Edson, Theodore -f
Edwards. Albert G.f . .

Edwards, Arthur M . . .

Edwards, Clarence R . .

Edwards. George f
Edwards, Johnf ,

Edwards, John M.f

Edwards, Oliver, jr
Edwards. W'illiam W .

Egan, John
Eggleston. Millard F...
F^hninger, Henry A ....

Elbert, L,eroy S.f

Elderkin, William A.f ,

Eliason. William A.f...

Elliot. George H.f
Elliot. William G.f ....

Elliott. Charles P
Ellliott. Johnf
HlUott, Stephen H
FUliott. William J
Ellis, Eugene A.f ,

F;ilis. James N.f

Ellis, Wilmot E
Elting. Norman f ,

EUinge, Le Roy
Eltonhead, Francis E.
Ely. Frank D
Ely, Hanson E
Elzey, Arnold f
Enibick, Stanley I)

Emburj', Peter f
4oS Ccntcuuial of United Stales Military Acadoiiy.

Ferguson Harley B 1S97

Ferguson. Henry T
KerKUSon. Samuel W
Fergusson. Frank K
Ferris. Samuel P.f
Fessenden. John M.+
Fetterman. Georgef
Fiebeger. Gustav J
Field, Benjamin t
Field. Charles W,t
Field, George P.f
Field, Horace B.f
Field. Josiah H. V.f
Findlay. John King f
Finley. Walter L
Fiscus. William W., jr.f...
Fish, Oliver H.f
Fish, Sewall I, ,

Fish. Williston ,

Fisk, Walter I,

Fiske, Harold B
Fitch, Graham D
FitzGerald, William G
Fitzhugh. Henry W.f
Fitzpatrick, Patrickf
Fitzsinimons, William C.
Flagler,Clement A. F
Flagler, DanielW.f
Flanigan, William f
Fleming, Adrian S
Fleming, Hugh B.f
Fleming. Lawrence J
Fleming. Robert J
Fleming. William W
Fletcher. John C.f
Fletcher, Robert
Flewellen, James P
Flint, Franklin F.f
Flipper. Henry t)

Floyd, Daniel H.f

Floyd-Jones, De lyanceyf.
Flynn. William F
Foley. Oscar D
Folger. George W.f
Follet. Frederick Mt
Folsom. Joseph L.f
Foltz, Frederick S
Foote, Stephen M
Forbnsh. William C
Fornance, James f
Forney, John H
Forse, Albert G.-f-

Forsyth, James W
Forsyth Robert M. f

Forsyth. William W
Forsythe. Benjamin D.f
Foster, Amc^t
List of GraduaUs oj Unilai Slates Militcuy Academy. 409

Year. No. Year. No.

Gaillard, William W.t 1S21 277 (iibson, Charles H iSui '930

Gaither, KdiJar B.f 1839 1013 Gibson, David t JS42 1131

Oalbraith. Jaoil) G 1877 2664 Gibson, Horatio (V 847 '.vl7

Galbraitli, William W 1S77 2648 Gibson, James f :Sas 4"

(iale. George H. G . 187c, 2769 Gibson, William W.f 1879 2765
Gale, I,eviiit 1827 Vfl GifTord, John H 1S67 2218
Gallagher. Hugh J . . 1SS4 3043 Gilbert, Bertram C 1S97 375*
Gallup, Charles C.f- 1S88 3242 Gilbert. Charles C 1S46 1292
Gallup, Fred H 1899 3881 Gilbert. Henryt 1S19 230
(iaine, Clyffard '

1899 3927 Gilbert, John M 1902 4082

Gano, Aarou (i-t ;
1S15 143 Giles. Henryt iSlS 201

(lantt, Lcvit 1 1841 1 106 Gilham. Willian;t IS40 1021

(iarber, Hezekiah H.f 1S52 1578 ("•ill. Samuel t 1844 120S

Gardener, Cornelius 1873 25°4 Gill. WilliamGf IS4S i.;8o

Gardeuier, John R. ll.f 1828 in Gillem. Alvan Ct 1851 '.504

Gardiner, Cieorge W.f 1814 91 Gillespie, George I* 1862 1968

Gardiner, John W. Tt 1
'S40 1042 Gillette. Cassius E I8S4 3024
(iardner, Franklin t ,
1S43 1183 Gillraore. Quincy .^.f . . IS49 1407
Gardner, George W,t 1814 117 Gillmore. Quincy O'M. 1873 2,S07

Gardner, John H 1
1881 2927 (Oilman. Benjamin H.t - 1872 2423
Gardner, Rogers !' 1894 3582 Oilman. Edward R 1SS5 .3091

(iardner, Thomas J. t i
1815 i.';4 Gilnian. Jeremiah H . . . 1856 1734
Gardner, W'illiam M.t . 1846 1326 Gilmer, Jeremy F.f 1839 989
Garesch(>, Julius P.f -. 1841 1074 Gilmore. John C, jr . IS94 .3.181

Garey, George W.f 1825 425 Gird. Henry H.f 1822 303
Garland, William A.t.. 1865 2094 Gittings. Erskine t IS6I 1917
(iarlington, Krnest A .. 1S76 2622 Givens. Newton C.+ 1845 1260
Garnett, Richard B.f. . 184 10S7 Glade. Herman 1900 .W7">

Garnett, Robert S.f 1841 1085 Glasgow. William J I89I 3414

liarrard, Joseph '873 2478 Glass. John N.t 1878 2739
Garrard, Keiiner f 1851 1501 Gleason. Willard E.. . 1892 34S6
Garretson, Cieorge A . 1867 2195 Gleaves. Samuel R 1900 .3977

Garrett, Isaiah f 833 7>7 Glenn, Edwin F 1877 2698

Garst. Charles E.t 1876 2631 Goddard. Vinton A.f. .. I87I -'375

Gaston, Joseph A 1881 2894 Godfrey. Edward S IS67 22t).S

Gaston, William t 1856 1737 Godfrey, George J.f 1 886 3152

Gatchell, George W . . . 1887 3186 Godwin, F'dward A 1S70 2342
fiates, Collinson R.t - • 1836 Goe, James B 875 2.s8h

Gates, Samuel t 1804 Goelhals, George W 1880 2S2S

Gates, William f 1806 Goethe, James 1900 3982
Gatewood, Charles B.f. J877 2663 Gohn, Joseph F 1S98 38<>4

Gatlej', George G 1890 3355 Goldman Henry .

J 1877 2671
Gatlin, Richard C.f 1832 696 Goodale, George S 1896 3734
Gay, Ebenezer t I8.S5 1682 Goode. George W 1S80 2S73
Gayle, Edward E 1876 2605 Goodiu. James A 1S82 2963
Geary, William 1, 1S74 2537 Gooding. Oliver P 1S5S 1821

Geary, Woodbridgef. • 1882 2965 Cioodloe. Archibald H.f. 1865 2110

Gentry William T.f
, 1856 1746 Goodspeed. Nelson A . . 1902 4105
Gerhard, W'illiam 1869 2310 Goodwin. Millard F .... 1S72 2467
Gerhardt, Charles 18S7 3221 Gordon. George A.t 1854 1660
Getty, George W.f 1840 103 Gordon. George H.t .... 1S46 '314
Getty, Robert N 1878 2750 Gordon, Walter H 1S86 3148
Gibbes, Wade H i860 1874 Gordon. William B 1877 2646
(iibbon, John t 1847 1350 Gordon. William W.t... 1815 '27
Gibbs. Alfred! 1846 1313 Gorgas. Josiaht 1841 1064
Gibson, Archie 1879 2784 Gorham. Benjamin t 1820 252
Gibson, Augustus A.+ .. 1839 1008 (iose. Ernest B 1890 337S
4IO Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Year. I

Gowen, James B 3833 Grisard, John S 1888

Grade, Archibald t 1854 1644 Griswold, Henrj- W.f ...

Graftou, Henry D.f !

1839 996 Grote, William F"
Graham, Campbellf '822 294 Grover, Cuvier f

Graham, James D.f 1817 165 Grubbs, Haydou Y.f


Graham, James D.t 1865 2106 Guard, Alexander McC .

Graham, John t '834 783 Guenther, Francis I^

Graham, Richard H.f 183S 983 Guerrant. Charles f

Graham, William M.t 1817 164 Guignard, William S
Grandiu, William G.t 1S37 934 Guilfoyle, John F
Granger, Gordon f !
1845 1265 Guiney, Patrick W
Granger, Ralph S 1899 3899 Guiou, Frederick I.,t

Granger, Robert .S.f 1838 968 Gunnison, John W.f

Grant, Frederick D 1871 2406 Gurney, John A.f
Grant, Ulysses S.f

1843 11S7 Gustin, Joseph H

Grant, Walter S 1900 3957 Guthrie, William L
Gratiot, Chariest 1S06 16 Guyer, George D
Grattan, John L.f 1853 1614 Gwynn, Walterf
Graves, William S 1889 3323 Haan, William G
Hackley, Charles W.f..

Gray, Alonzo 1887 32'3 ..

Grayson, John B.f 1826 450 Haden, John J

Greble, Edwin .St. J 1881 2884 Hagadorn, Charles B
Greble, John T.f.. '

1854 1651 Hagner, Peter V.f

Green, Duff C.f 1849 1435 Hagood, Johnson
Green, James O 1882 2966 Haile, Jo.seph T.f
Greene, Benjamin D I
1866 21 18 Haines, John T
Greene, Christopher .\.t ,
1836 864 Haines, Thomas J.f
Greene, Francis V 1
1870 2312 Hains, John P
Greene, George S.f ', 1823 327 Hains, Peter C
Greene, Henry A 1879 2777 Hale, David E.t
Greene, James B.f 1851 1534 Hale, Harry C
Greene, Lewis D 1 1878 2729 Hale, Irving
Greene. Oliver D I

1854 1656 Hall. An.sont

Greenough George G

1865 2105 Hall, Chalmers G

Greenough, Jonathan K.f 1827 504 Hall, Charles S
Greer, John E 1867 2163 Hall. Christopher T.f ...

Gregg, David McM 1855 1684 Hall. Cyrnsf

Gregg, John C.f 1887 3204 Hall, Herman
Gregory. .A.. Park f ,
1837 905 Hall, Harrison f
Gregory, Daniel D 1901 4053 Hall, Jonathan N
Gregory, James F.f 1865 2062 Hall, Joseph

Grelaud. John H.f '

1843 I170 Hall, Lyman

Gresham. John C 1876 2626 Hall, Norman J.+
Grier, James t 1821 273 Hall, Robert H
Grier, William N.f 1835 839 Hall, Thomas W.t
Grierson, Charles H . . 1879 2792 Hall, William P
Griffin, Charles f 1847 1353 Halleck, Henry W.f
Griffin, Eugene 1875 2552 Hallonquist, James H.f
Griffin, George H.f 1832 598 Halstead, Laurence
Griffin. Henry J.f 1826 452 Ham, Samuel V
Griffin. William H.f ... 1835 812 Hambright, Horace G.f.
Griffith, Emerson 1872 2417 Hamilton. Alston
Griffith, Frederick I^.f 1817 170 Hamilton, Charles S.f. .

Griffith, Fred D., jr 1902 4099 Hamilton, Fowlerf

Griffith, Joseph E.t . • 2160 Hamilton, Frank B.f
Griffith, Thomas W... 3016 Hamilton, George F
Griffiths, Albert Jt 2911 Hamilton, James
List of Graduates of United States Alilitaiy Academy. 411

Year. No.

Hamilton, John t 1847 1332 Harris, George M.f 1868 2263

Hamilton. Robert t, 1891 342! Harris, Henry L 1869 2281
Hamilton, Schnyler 184 10S2 Harris, Henry L., jr 1 1899 39>2
Hamilton, Stanley R.* 1900 3948 Harris, Joseph W.f I 1825 404
Hamilton, William J.f 1S68 2229 Harris, N. .Say re f 1825 416
Hamilton, William R 1876 2606 Harris, PeterC 3268
Hamilton. William W 1898 3822 Harris, William H.f 1861 1940
Hammond, Andrew G 1881 2912 Harris, William L-t 1824 382
Hammond, Charles L 1876 2632 Harrison. George F, E 873 2487
Hammond, Harold 1898 3848 Harrison, Joseph P.f 1833 746
Hammond, Harry T.f 1877 2685 Harrison, Masillon f 1841 1061

Hammond, Marcus C. M.f,. 1836 884 Harrison, Matthew R. T.f 1825 405
Hammond. Richard P. f 1841 1079 Harrison. Montgomery P.f 1847 1362
Hatnmond, Thomas Ct 1842 1159 Harrison. Ralph 1889 3299
Hampton, Celwyn E 1896 3694 Hart, Verling K. 893 3552
Hamtramck, John F.f 1819 217 Hart. William H 1888 3270
Hancock, David P. t 1854 1665 Hartman. John D. L 3257
Hancock. G wynn R 1899 391 Harts. William W 3286
Hancock, William F ^. 1883 2972 Hartshorne, Benjamin M.. jr.f 3736
Hancock. Winfield S.f 1844 1223 Hartsuff. George L-t 1852 1554
Handbury, Thomas H 1865 2057 Hartwick, Edward E 893 3547
Handforth. Benjamin V .... 1881 2903 Hartz. Edward L-t 1855 1700
Handy, James O-t 1842 1 166 Harvey, Charles G 1900 3992
Haney, William W.f 1892 3501 Har\'ey,John G.f 183 659
Hanley, John H.f 1835 811 John M.f
Har\-ie, '837 920
Hanna, Matthew E 1897 3755 Harwood, Franklin f 1861 1905
Hanua, Robert 1872 2456 Hasbrouck, Alfred 1883 3010
Hannuni, Warren T 1902 4069 Hasbrouck, Henry C i86l 190S
Hanson. James 1899 3922 Hascall, Herbert A.+ 1856 1718
Hanson. Thomas G 1887 3209 Hascall, MiloS 1852 1549
Hanson, Weightman K.f. . . 1835 807 Haskell, WiUiam M 1901 4059
Harbeson. James P 1895 3613 Haskin, Joseph A.f 1839 995
Hardcastle, Edmund I<. F.f. 1276 Hatch, Everard E 1884 3035
Hardee. William J.f 966 Hatch, John P.f 1845 1247
Hardeman, Letcher 1886 3139 Hatfield. Charles A. P 1872 2437
Hardia, William f 1837 939 Hatheway. John S. f 836 S73
Hardie, James A.f 1843 "77 Haupt Herman 1835 816
Hardin, Edward E 1874 254-! Haupt, Lewis M 1867 2162
Hardin, James P. t 1832 691 Hawes, James M.f 1845 1259
Hardin, Martin D 1859 1835 Hawkins, Clyde E 1895 3641
Harding, Chester 1889 32S5 Hawkins, Edgar S.f 1820 258
Harding, Edwardf 1818 191 Hawkins. George W.f 1844 1230
Hardy, Arthur S 1869 2282 Hawkins. Hamilton S 1894 3586
Hare, Luther R 1874 2533 Hawkins. John P 1852 1575
Harford, William H.f 1829 543 Hay, William H 1886 3'42
Hanson. George S.+ 3491 Hayden, John L 3243
Harker, Charles G.f 1813 Hayden, Ralph N 1901 4033
Harlow, Frank S 1879 2767 Hayes, Edmund t !
1846 1282
Harman, John A 1887 3206 Hayman, Samuel B.t 1842 1161

Harmon, Millard F 1880 2840 Haynes, Ira A 1883 2983

Harper, Roy B 1897 3771 Haynes, James M.f 1848 1376
Harrington, Henry M.f 1872 2429 Haynes, Milton A 1838 958
Harris, Arnold f 1834 778 Hays, Alexander f 1844 1225
Harris, David B.t 1833 713 Hays, William f 1840 1034
Harris, Floyd W 1886 3114 Hazen, William B. t 1855 1704
Harris, Frank E 1S92 3452 Hazlett, Charles E-t ' '861 1902

t changed to Pa ul Stanley Bond, 1902.

412. Centennial of United States Military Academy-

Hazlitt. Robert t 1S43

Hazzard George W.f

Hazzard. R. Kdward f
Hazzard. Samuel C
Heap, David P
Heard, John \V
Hearn, Clint C
Heath, Frank
Heavey, John W
Hubert, Ironist
H^'bert, Paul o.|
Hedekin, Charles A
Hegewald. John H. C
Heiberg, Klvin K
Heidt, (i ray son V

Heilenian, Julius K.f

Hein, Otto I, -.

Heiner. (Vordon G
Heiutzehnan. Charles S.f--
Heintzelman. Samuel P.f .

Meintzelman. Stuart
Heisland, Henr>- O. S
Helm. Hen Hardin t
Helmick. Eli A
Helms, George W
Hendershott. Henry B. t [

Henderson. Bennett H.f

Henderson. John E-f
Henderson, Richard f
Henely. Austin f
Henry. Addis M.
Henry, Guy V. f
Henry, Guy V.. jr
Henry, James M
Henry, James M. I^ake f
Henry. Mathias W. f
Henry, William S.f
Henshaw, James f
Hepburn, James S. f
Herbert. Alfred t
Hero, Andrew, jr
Herr, Hiero li

Herr, John K
Herring, Daniel .S. f
Herron. Charles D
Herron, Joseph S
Hersey. Mark 1,
Heth. Henr\t
Hetzel.Abner K.f
Heuer, William H
Hewit, Augustine F. f
Hewitt, Charles E
Hewitt, Christian C
Heyward. William C.f
Hezlep, John K.f
Hickey. James B
Hickok. Howard R
List of Ciraduairs of United States Military Acadcm v. 413

Hoi lister. George S.f i860

Holloway. Ednuinds B.t
Holmes, James t
Holmes, keuhen t
Holmes, Samuel N.f
Holmes. Tiieophilus H.f
Holt, Chariest
Holt, (ieorge W.f
Helton. Frederick D.f
Homer. William B
Himey, Robertson
Honeycutt. John T.f
Hood, Duncan N
Hood. John B.t
Hood. Washington t
Hooe. Alexander S.t
Hook, Cornelius t
Hooker, Joseph t
Hooper. John L.t
Hopkins. Edward R
Hopkins. Jay P
Hopkins, William Fennt ;

Hoppin, Curtis B
Hopson, John D.t
Hopson. Nevil t
Horn, Tiemann X
Hornbrook. James J [

Home. William J. I) !

orney Odns C
\ I . ,

Hopkins. Charles f !

Hoskins. John D. C |

Hosraer, John E.t

Hoiile, George E j

Houston. David C.f

Howard, Clarence O
Howard. Douglas A
Howard. Edwin T.t
Howard. Harold P
Howard, Oliver ()
Howard. Thomas F i

Howard, William T.t

Howe. Albion P.t '

Howe, Chileab S.t I

Howe, Edgar W
Howe, Myron W.t
Howe. W'alter I

Howell. Charles W.t '

Howell, Daniel 1. I

Howell, George P [

Howell, Lewis t '

Howell, Rezin G.t


Howes, t,eander T \

Howland. Carver
Howland. Charles R '

Howland. George W. t
Howze, Robert L
414 Ceniennial of United States Military Academy,

Irons, Joseph F.f 1841 1070 Johnson, Arthur 1886

Irvin, William t 1839 1005 Johnson, Ben

Irvine, Armstrong f — 1811 59 Johnson, Bushrod R.t
Irwin, Douglass S.+ . . 1840 1056 Johnson, David D
Irwin, Francis G 2958 Johnson, Edward f
Irwin, George l,e K . . 3305 Johnson, Franklin O
Irwin, James K.f 1825 408 Johnson, Jacob C
Isham, Pierrepont 18S7 3216 Johnson, John M
Ives, Brayton C.f 1856 1757 Johnson, Milof
Ives, Edward B 1S7S 2731 Johnson, Richard W.f .

Ives, Joseph C.f 1S52 1540 Johnson, William O

Ives, Rollin A. t 1S70 2323 Johnston, Abraham R.f
Izard, J. Allen Smith 1829 544 Johnston, Albert S. f. . .

Izard, James V .\ 1828 524 Johnston, Alexanderf ,

Jackson. Alfred B.+ . 1883 2980 Johnston, Edward N..

Jackson, Andrew 1858 1812 Johnston, Frederick E-
Jackson George f
, 1856 1740 Johnston, John A
Jackson, Harry H 1896 3671 Johnston, Joseph E. t
Jackson, Henry B.I — 1803 4 Johnston, Richard W.f
Jackson, James B 1877 2705 Johnston, Robert
Jackson, John J.f 1818 190 Johnston, Robert P
Jackson, Robert P" . . . . 1900 3983 Johnston, Thomasf. . .

Jackson. Thomas H 1899 3873 Johnston, William T. .

Jackson, Thomas J. t . 1846 1288 Johnstone, John P. f

Jackson. Thomas K . 1848 1393 Jones, Arnold E. t —
Jackson, William H . ., 1856 1748 Jones, David R. f
Jackson, William P . . 1S91 3428 Jones, DeL,ancey F
Jadwin, Edgar ,
1890 3331 Jones, Edmund C
Jamar. Mitchell V 1872 2433 Jones, Edward N
Jamerson. George H . 1893 3556 Jones, Francis I,, f
James, Frederick J-t- - 1S62 1993 Jones, Frank B
James, William H. W., 1S72 2463 Jones, Horatio M. f
Jamieson, Charles C. . 1S92 3463 Jones. James H
Jamison, I^ouis T. f 1824 377 Jones, James M. f
Janda, Joseph F 1898 3845 Jones, John M. +
Janes, l,eroy 'L, 1861 1924 Jones, Robert T.f
Jarrett, George D 1899 3919 Jones, Rogerf ,

Jarvis, Charles E. t 1843 "95 Jones, Samuel t

Jarvis, MeK-ille S 1S91 3416 Jones, Samuel (

Jefferson, John P 1875 2559 Jones, Samuel R

Jenkins, John M 1887 31S3 Jones, Thaddeus W
Jenkins, Leonidasf . . 184 1071 Jones, Thomas M. t
Jenkins, Micah J 1879 2790 Jones, William A
Jenkins, Walworth |.. 1853 1601 Jones, William E. f
Jenks, Isaac C 1891 3445 Jones, William G. t
Jennings, Charles H . 1902 4085 Jones, William K
Jennings, Rowley S. f ,
1838 964 Jones, William P.f
Jerome, Lovell H 1870 236S Jordan, Allen R.f
Jervey, Eugene P., jr . 3676 Jordan, Charles D.f
Jervey, Henry ,
323S Jordan. Harry B
Jer\'ey, James P 3451 Jordan. Lambert W., jr
Jesup, Charles E. t 1858 1S24 Jordan, Sidney S
Jewell, Frank C 1899 3880 Jordan, Thomas f
Jewett, Henrj' C 1901 4002 Jordan, William H
Johns, Thomasf 1833 744 Joyes, John W
Johns, Thomas D. f - 1848 1400 Judah, Henry M.f
Johns, William B.f -. 1840 1055 Judd, Henry B.f
List of Graduates of United States Militarv Academy. 415

Name. Year. No.

Jiidsoii. John W. t 1836 870 King, Edward I^ 1896 .3717

Judson, William V 1888 3240 King, Rufust 833 710

Jxistice, 1S99 3933 I King, William R.t 1,863 '999
Kalk. Frank O.f 1886 3122 Kingman, Dan C 1S75 2551
Kane. Delancey A 1868 2269 1 Kingsbury, Charles P.t 1840 1018
Kane, Elias K.t 1841 1 105 ' Kingsbury. Frederick W.t 1870 2.«2
Kautz, August V, t 1846 1570 Kingsbury, (iaines P.t 1832 702
Keais, John L. t 1835 799 Kingsburj-,Henry P 1871 2.^87

Keech, Frank B 1890 3382 Kingsbury, Henry W.t 1861 1S91

Keene, Henry- C 1886 3153 Kingsbury. Julius J, R.t ... 1823 343
Keller, Chariest 1S65 2097 Kinnard. Andrew t 1823 337
Keller, Charles 1890 3332 Kinney, Samuel t 1830 607
Keller, Frank 190 4062 Kinney, Samuel H.t 1864 2046
Kello, William 0.+ 1832 700 Kinsey, Samuel t 854 1654
Kellogg, John t 1849 1422 Kinsley, Zebina J. D,t 1S19 210
Kellogg, Josiah H i860 1859 Kinsman. Benjamin W.t. . . 1828 529
Kellogg, Lyman M.t 1852 1572 Kirby. Edmund t 1861 1897
Kelly, William 1899 3869 Kirby. Henry 1877 2678
Kelly, William, jr 1896 3725 Kirk, John Ct 1817 167
Kelton, John C. t 851 I5'9 Kirkham, Ralph W.t 1.S42 '47
Kemp. I'lysses G, t 1889 3314 Kirkman, George W 18S9 3319
Kendall, Henr^' F 1878 2758 Kirkpatrick, George W 1892 3499
Kendrick, HenryL.t 1835 801 Kirkpatrick, Newton D.t... 1896 3688
Kenly. William L 1889 3292 Knapp. Joshua L.t •873 24S1
Kennedy, Chase W* 1883 2986 Knight, Clarence H 1
1901 4007
Kennedy, John F.f 1829 554 Knight, John G. D t868 2220
Kennington, Alfred K . . 1896 3738 Knight, John T 1884 3055
Kennon, Lyman W. V.... 1881 2928 Knowlton, Joseph I., 1895 3625
Kensel, George A.f 1857 1769 Knowlton, Miner t 1829 550
Kent, Guy 1901 4064 Knox, Thomas T 1871 2396
Kent, J.Ford 1861 J918 Kochersperger, Stephen M 1896 3709
Kephart, Samuel A 1892 3461 Koehler, Benjamin M 1897 3787
Kernan, Francis J 1881 2896 Koehler. Lewis :M 1885 30S1
Kerr, Frederick B 1899 3925 Koester, Francis J 1888 3252
Kerr, James T 1881 2906 Korn. William H.t 839 1014
Kerr, John B 1870 2362 Krause, William t 1865 20S8
Kerr, John M,t i860 1865 Krayenbuhl, Maurice (i.t - 1890 3342
Kerr, Robert D.t 1S98 3813 Kreps. Jacob F 1883 301
Kerth. Monroe C 1S98 3819 Kroraer, Leon B 1,899 3S89
Kerwin. Arthur R 1896 3732 Krumm, Herbert Z 1902 4097
Kessler, Percy M 1896 3687 Kuhn, Joseph E 1885 3058
Ketcham. Daniel W 1890 335' Kurtz, John D.t 1842 1114
Ketcham.Thomast 1811 57 Kutz. Charles W 1893 3513
Ketchum. James M.t 1838 953 Kyle, John G.t 1870 2353
Ketchura. William Scottt 1834 781 Lacey, Edgar M.t 1827 496
Keyes. Allen C 1901 4046 Lacey. Francis E 18S9 3320
Keyes, Erasmus D.t 1S32 671 Lacey, Westwood t 1822 307
Kibby. Hpaphrast 1834 756 Ladd, Eugene F 1884 3032
Kilbourne, Charles E 1866 2131 Ladue. William B 1894 3563
Kilbourne, Lincoln F. . . 1893 3551 Lafitte, Jacques de L 1891 .W*
Kilhurn. Charles L-t 1842 1 132 Laff erty, Herbert A .t 1898 3855
Kilburn. Dana W 1894 3601 Lagnel. Julius A. D.t 1821 285
Kilpatrick, Judson t 1S61 1904 Lahin, Frank P 1901 4016
Kimball, Frederick Ct . 1886 3155 Laidley. Theodore T. S.t 1842 1116

Kimmel. Manning M . . . 1857 1781 Lambert. Edward J.t 1817 171

King. Charles 1866 2136 Lanioreux. Thomas B 1890 3356

King, David M 1S93 3523 La Motte, Joseph H.t 1827 495
4i6 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Year. No.

Lancaster, James M-t 1S62 198: Legate. Stephen B.f 1830

Lancaster, Job R. H.+ 1S40 1023 Leggett. Wells W.t 1869 2299
Landers. George F 1887 3185 Leitch, Joseph D ias9 3325
Landis. J, F. Reynolds 1S7S 2737 Lemly, Henry R 1872 2421

I.andon, Kdwin 1S96 3677 Lendrum, Thomas W.f 1815 145

Landon, Henrj' H 1872 2454 L'Engle. Jolin t 1819 220

Lane, John F.f 1828 5"7 Lenihan. Michael J 1887 3230

Lang, Clarance E 1894 3571 Leonard. Luthert 1808 44
Langdon. Loomis L 1S54 1650 Leonhaeuser. Harry .\ 1881 2924
Lauijdrni, Russell C 1896 3726 Leoser. Charles McK 186 1907
Langfitt. William C 1S83 2970 Leslie. Thomas J.f 1815 147
I.anghorne. (".eorgeT 1S89 3313 Lester. Charles H.t 1863 2016

LansinK. .\rthur B.f 18311 S77 Levy. Simon M.f 1802 2

La Point. Henr>- C 1873 2495 Lewis. Ed.son A 1887 3191

Larnard, Charles H.t 1831 644 Lewis, Edward M 1886 3"66
Larned. Charles H.f 1831 644 Lewis, Fisher .\.t 1836 848
learned. Charles W 1870 2339 Lewis. Frederick W 3716
I,arrabee, .\datnt 181 55 Lewis, Isaac N . . .
Lassei.tjne. Armaiid I 1886 3150 Lewis. I.ouis H.t 1895 3657
Lassiter. William iSSg 33°'t Lewis. Martin V. B.t i860 1872
Latimer. .Alfred f; 1R53 1616 Lewis, Thomas J 1879 2802
Lanbach. Ilinvard L 1893 35^8 Lewis. William H.t 1849 1421

Laws. Albert 1893 3561 Leyden, James .\.t 1879 2791

Lawson. Charles R 1900 3945 Liggett, Hunter 1879 2800
Lawson, tVeorge W.f 1S30 592 Lincoln, Abrani B 184,5 1251
Lawtoii. ,\lexander R.t 1839 998 Lincoln. Albertt 1822 312
I^awton. Edward P 1S85 3096 Linden H. . James t
St. 1825 420
Lawton, Frederick G 1894 3588 Lindsay, George F.t 1820 250
Lawton. Louis IJ 1893 3533 Lindsay. James R. ,
1890 3346
Lay, George W.f 1842 1151 Lindsey, Julian R 1 1892 3481
Lazelle, Henry M 1853 1706 Lindsey, Remembrance H |
i86g 2286
Lazelle, Jacob H. G.f 1892 3475 Lindsley. Elmer 1891 34"
Lea. Albert Millerf 1831 633 Liniiard. Thomas B.t 1830 595
Leach. Smith S 1875 2550 Lissak, Ormond M j
1882 2939
Leadbetter. Dan\Tllet 1836 844 Littebrant, William T 1888 327S
Learnard, Henry G iSgo 3362 Littell, Isaac W ,
1883 2996
Leary, Edmund M 1892 3482 Little, Johnt 1885 3080
Leavell. Benjamin W 1879 2814 Livermore, Richard L 1891 3400
Leavenworth. Jesse H.f 1830 608 Livermore, William R 1865 2052
Le Comte. Henrj' C 1893 3522 Li\Tngston, John t 1803 5
Ledyard, Henry B 1865 2064 Li\"ingston.LaRhett L 1853 1597
Lee. \. Nisbett 1865 2061 Lloyd, Charles F 1874 2546
Lee, -\. Tracyt 1867 2204 Lloyd, Thomas J.t 1865 2091
Lee, Charles C.t 1856 1714 Lochridge, P. D 1887 3194
Lee, Fitzhugh ... 1856 1755 Locke. Joseph L-t 1828 515
Lee. Francis t 1S22 313 Lockett, James - 1879 2798
Lee, G. w. Custis 1S54 1631 Lockett, Samuel H.t 1859 1826
Lee, Harry R 1889 33°8 Lockwood, Daniel W 1866 2123
Lee, John F.t 1834 75S Lockwood, Henry H.t 1836 863
Lee. Richard B.f 1S17 169 Loder. Samuel H.t 1877 2711
Lee. Robert E.t 1829 542 Lodor. Richard 1856 1732
Lee. Roswell W.f 1833 714 Loeser. Charles McK. t !
l86i 1907
Lee. Stephen U 1S54 1647 Loeser. Lucien t 1842 1136
Lee, Thotnas J.+ 1830 593 Lomax, Lutisford L 1856 1731
Lee. Thomas J.f 1S57 1796 Lomia. Luigi 1867 2175
Lee, Walter H.f 1901 3998 London, Robert t • 1873 2485
Legate. George M.f '

183.5 573 Long. Arniistead L-t 1850 1466

List of Gradtiatcs of I ^uitcd States Mih'tarv Academy. 4 1

I^ong. Edwin R.t iSjg

Long. George W.f
Long. John D
Long. John O.f
Long. Oscar F
Long, Richard H.f
Longan. Rufus E
Lougley. Francis F
Longstreet, James
Loorais, Gnstavust
Lorain, Lorenzof
Loramier, Louis f
Lord, James H.f
Lord. Richard S. Ct
Loring, Henr>' H.f
Lott, Abraham G
Loucks, Mehnlle R.f
Loughborough, Harrison f.
Love, John t
Lovell, Mansfield t
Loveridge. Eugene L
Loveridge. Wilbur f
Lovering, Leonard A
Low, Ephraim W.f
Low. William H.f
Lowe, Bradley, S. A.f
Lowe, William W.f
Lowndes. Rawlins f
Lucas, Eugene W. Van C . .

Lucas. Robert t
Ludlow, Henry H
Ludlow, William t
Lugenbeel, Pinkney f
Lukesh. Gustave R
Lundeen. John A
Lupton. Lancaster P.f
Lusk, James L
Luther. Roland A.f
Lj'decker. Garrett J
Lyford, Stephen Ct
Lyle. David A
Lyle, David E. W
Lyman, Charles G
Lynch. Arthur J
Ly nde. Isaac f
Lynn, Daniel D.f
Lyon, Henrj' G
Lyon, Hylan B
Lyon, LeRoy S
Lyon. Marcus W
Lyon. Nathaniel t
MacDonald. Philip W.f
Macdonald, Godfrey H
Macfeely. Robert!
Mack. Oscar A.f
Macknll, James B.f
Mackall, William W.f
H. 000.789,58-2-
4iS Centennial of United States Militaiy Academy.


Martin. Charles F 1900 McClellan, John, jr 1867 21S0

Martin, Charlts H 3192 McClelland, George C.t.. 1843 1205
Martin. Edward H 3854 McClernand, Edward J . 1870 2347
Martin, James G-t 1840 1030 McCloskey, Manus 3S16
Martin, James P.f i860 1 809 McClure, Albert N 3939
Martin, John T 1889 3289 McClure, Charles 1S79 2810

Martin, Leonard f 1861 1920 McClure, Daniel f 1849 1427

Martin, Medad C 1877 2661 McChire, Daniel W.t. . - 1849 1427
Martin, William F 1885 3094 McClure, George W 1830 625
Martin, William T 1837 907 McClure, James t 1833 742
Martindale, John H.f 1835 7.S8 McClure, Samuel V 1896 3674
Marye, William A 1862 1977 McClure, Nathaniel F . . 1887 3196
Mason, Chariest 1829 541 McConnell, Thomas R.t . 1846 1321

Mason, George T.f 1842 "53 McCook, Alexander McD 1852 1565
Mason, James Iv.t 1836 843 McCormick, L,oyd S 1876 2630
Mason, John S.f 1847 13.19 McCornack, Willard H .. 1897 378S
Mason, Milo t 1808 39 McCown. John P-t 1840 1026
Mason, Stanton A.f 1875 2572 McCoy, Frank R 1897 3775
Massey, Solon F.f 1877 2649 MeCrabb, John W.t 1833 734
Mather, William W.t 1828 522 McCrate, Thoniasf :836 888
Mathews, John H.f 1838 970 McCrea, TuUy 1862 1980
Manck. Edwin t 1865 2082 McCreery, William W.f.. i860 1857
Mauldin. Frank G 1890 3350 McCrimmon. Ariosto . . . 1877 2715
Manry, Uabney H 1S46 1308 McDonald, Angus W.f. .. 1817 173
Mans. Marion P 1874 254s McDonald. David N 1877 2712
Maxey, Robert J 189S ,1862 McDonald, Isaiah H 1870 2364
Maxey, Samuel B.f 1846 1329 McDonald, John B 1881 2930
Maxon, Mason M 1869 2311 McDonough, Michael J . 1S99 3882
Maxwell. J. Edward f 1850 1491 McDowell. Irvinf 1838 963
Maxwell. Marcus 1886 3172 McDuffee, Franklin t --.- 1832 672
May, Charles O.t i
1829 .583 McKlvain, Joseph t 1845 1269
May, Will T [
1S79 2816 McFarland, Munroe 188S 3269
Maybach, Alfred A I 1901 4031 McFarland, Walterf i860 1847
Maynadier, Henry E-t 1851 l.SIO McFarland, William C... 1872 2445
Maynadier, Williamf 1827 472 McFerran, John C-t 1843 1200
McAlester, Miles D.f 1856 1713 McGinness. John R 1863 2003
Mc.Alexander, Ulysses G 1887 3226 McGinness, John R 1902 4108
McAllister, Jnlianf 1847 1334 McGlachlin, Edward F . 1889 .3301
McAndrew, James W 1888 3249 McGrath, Hugh J.t 1880 2^50
Mc Arthur, John C 1894 3.S93 Mctiregor, Robert 1889 3287
McArthur, Joseph H.f 1
1S49 1443 McGrew, Milton L 1895 3640
Mc Arthur. Malcolm f 1865 2099 Mclndoe, James F 1891 3388
McArthur, Thomas f 1820 255 Mclntire, Samuel B 1862 1989
Mc.Auliffe, James R.f 1875 2565 Mcintosh, James McQ-t- 1849 '449
Mcliroum, Walter S 1895 3656 Mclntyre, Augustine - . . 1900 3991
McCain, Henry V 1S85 3077 Mclntyre, Frank 1886 3106
McCain, William A 1902 4tII Mclntyre. James B. f 1853 1627
McCaleb, Thomas S 1875 2590 Mclver, George W 1882 2950
McCall, George A.f 1822 3" McKavett, Henry" f 1834 773
McCallum. William B.t .. 1867 2215 McKean. Thomas J.t . . . 1831 647
McCalmont. John S.f 1S42 1142 McKee, George W.t . .. ;. 1863 2004
McCarthy. Daniel E 1881 2908 McKee. Samuel t 1858 1810
McCaskey, Edward W . . 1886 3130 McKee, William R.t 1829 552
McCauley. Charles A. H . 1870 2333 McKeever, Chaunceyt-.- 1849 1420
McCleary John f 1S54 1676 McKenna, Frank B 1893
McClellan, f'.eorge B.f... J846 1273 McKinney, John A.t 1871 2390
McClellan, Johnf 1826 McKinstry, Charles H 1888
4,14 . .
List of Graduates of United States Military Academy. 419

McKinstr>', Justus f. . 1838 980 Merrill, Thomas K 189S 3S18

McKissack. William D.t M .
1835 822 Merrill, William K-t 1859 1825

Mclvane, Robert M.f 1837 927 Merriman, Edward M 1867 2193

McLaughlin. William H. 1865 2075 Merritt. Wesley i860 1S68

Mct,aws, Lafayette t 1842 1 158 Merry, William T 1899 3924

McLean, Eugene E 1S42 I1.S7 Metcalfe, Henry 1868 2227

McLean, Nathaniel H.f. .. 1848 1395 Metcalfe. John T. t 18.38 94

McLeniore,Owen K.f 1856 1749 Meyer, Henry A..jr 1901 406 r
McLeod, Hugh t 1835 841 Meyer, Oren B 33S«

McMahon JohnH
1886 3107 Meyler, James J.f 3175
McManus, George H 1893 3520 Michie, Dennis M.f 1892 3.502

McManus, John 1900 3989 Michie, Peter S.f 1863 1996

McMartin, Peter f 1825 393 Michie, Robert E. L 1885 3083
McMartin, John 1877 2695 Michler, Frankf 1870 2355
McMaster, George H 1892 3509 Michler. Nathaniel f 1848 1375
McMillan, James 1856 1752 Middleton. Henry f 1815 121

McNair, William S 1890 3353 Miles, Dixon S.f 1824 .I8r

McNally, Reginald E 1899 3937 Miles, Perry L 1895 3639-

McNamara, Thomas t 1S22 320 Miley, John D.t 3193-

McNeil, Clarence H 1S96 ,3679 Millar, Edward A 2945

McNeill, Edwin + 1878 2720 Miller. .\. Galbraithf 139&
McNeill, Henry C.+ 1857 1785 Miller. Albert S.t 1823 359
McNeill, William Gibbsf 1817 172 Miller, Alexander M.,jr. l8g6 3693
McNutt, Albert .S.f 1881 2899 Miller, A. Macomb 1865 2049
McNutt, Johnt 1840 1019 Miller, Benjamin F 1902 4120
McPhersou, James B.f- - 1853 1579 Miller, Claude H 1897 3764
McQuesten, James F.+. . 1861 1926 Miller, Crosby P 1867 2173
McQuiston. Charles f 1S83 3015 Miller, Harvey W 1898 3834
McRae, Alexander f 1851 1516 Miller, John H.f 1833 718
McRae, James H 1886 3144 Miller. John K 1892 3473
McRee, Samuel t 1820 253 Miller. Lawrence S 1897 3757
McRee, William t - 1805 9 Miller, Marcus P 1858 1805.

Meade, Francis K.f 189S 3S27 Miller, Morris .S.f 1834 763-

Meade, George G.f 1835 804 Miller, Samuel H.f 1831 638-

Meade, Richard K.t 1857 1761 Miller, Samuel W 1879 2S17

Mearns, Robert W 1892 3510 Miller, Thomas E.t 1856 1735
Mebane, John A.f 1850 1465 Miller. Troup 1902 4119
Mechling, William T.f. • 1848 1401 Miller. Wentz C.t 1869 2305
Medcalfe, William M.f . - 1876 2600 Miller. William H 1872 2450
Meigs, John R.t 1863 199.'; Millikin, Seth M 1897 379"'

Meigs, Montgomery* C.t • 1836 846 Minis, John 1881 287<>-

Mellen, Albert H.+ 1874 2520 Mills, Albert L 1879 2796-

Mendell, George H 1852 1538 Mills, Samuel M 1865 2101

Mendenhall, John f 185 1513 Mills, Stephen C 1877 2699'

Menoher, Charles T 1886 311- Miner, Christopher C 1879 2807'

Mercer, Hugh W.f- 1828 ."iio Minor. Charles L- C.t 1826 458-

Mercer. John T.f 1854 1670 Minor. CoU'ille J.f 1846 1291'

Merchant, Charles G.f- -. 1843 1204 Minus. Josiah C 1899 39oS'

Merchant. Charles S.f ... 1814 92 Mishler, Lyman t i860 1S83

Mercur, James t 1866 2116 Mitcham, Orin B 1874 2519

Merillat, Alfred C 1890 3341 Mitchel, O. McKnightt 1829 .5.55'

Merrill, Abner H 1866 2132 Mitchel, Ormsby M.t 1865 2067

Merrill, Elijah H 1878 2749 Mitchell. Alexander M.f. 1 8.15 SI8

Merrill, Hamilton W.f. . 1838 967 Mitchell. Americus 189,'; 3638

Merrill. Henr>'+ 1845 1249 Mitchell, Enos C.t 182S 523
Merrill, Lewis t 1855 1696 Mitchell. George E 1897 3758
Merrill, Moses E.t 1826 465 Mitchell, Harrv- E 1900 397S
420 "
Centennial of United States Military Aeadeniy.


Mitchell, Henry E 1902 4103 Morton, Alexander I. IS68

Mitchell, Warren H.t 1894 3573 Morton, Charles

Mitchell, William A 1902 4068 Morton, Charles G
Mizner, John K.f 1856 1743 Morton, James St. C.f
Moberly, William J.t l866 2153 Morton. Kenneth
Mock, William + 1S36 879 Moseley, George V. H . .

Molinard, Albert J. S.f 1S51 1509 Moses, Andrew

Moniac, Davidt 1822 324 Moses, George W
Monroe, James t 1815 131 Moss, Henr\* N
Montgomery, Alexander f 1834 785 Moss, James A
Montgomery. George .... 1890 3343 Molt, Seward f
Montgomery, Thomas J.f 1845 1256 Mott, Thomas Bentley...
Montgomery, William R.f 1S25 419 Mott, Wallace
Moon, Henry B l88o 2863 Mouton, John J. A. A.f. .

Moore, Charles E.t 1865 2103 Mowry, Sylvester S-f

Moore. George D 1890 3373 Mudge. Robert R.f
Moore. Harrj' De W.f 1872 2420 Mueller. Albert H
Moore. Isaiah N.f 1851 1507 i Muir. Charles H
Moore, James S.f 582 Mullan, John
Moore, James T 3504

MuUer, Carl H
Moore, John C 1849 1423 MuUins. John t
Moore, John K 1897 3751 Mumford. Ferdinand S.f

Moore, Samuel D. J 1837 931 Mumford. Thomas S

Moore. Stephen W.f 1827 503 I
Murama. Morton C
Moore, Tredwell t 1847 1356 Munro. James N
Moorhead, Henr\* C.f 1836 889 Mnnroe, John f
Moran. Edward J 1902 4087 Munroe. John E
Mordecai. Alfred t 1823 320 Munton. Charles H.f
Mordecai. Alfred, jr 186 1941 Murdock, Francis B.f. . .

Morell, George \V.+ 1835 786 Murphy. Eugene P

Morey Lewis
, ri 1900 3980 Murphy, Pierce A
Morgan, Charles H.f 1857 177 Murphy, Truman O
Morgan, Edwin W.f 1837 893 Murphy. William L.f ...
Morgan, George H 18S0 2858 Murray, Albert M.f
Morgan, Henry S.f 1S97 3745 Murray. Arthur
Morgan, James M.f 1835 795 Murray, Cuuliff e H
Morgan. John M 1893 3532 Murray, Edward f
Morgan, Michael R 1854 1646 Murray, John W.f
Moriarity, .\mbrose I 18S7 321-' M u rray, Peter
Morley, George f 1812 S5
Myers, Abraham C.f
Morris, Charles 1865 2IO.S Myers. Frederic f
Morris, Charles F.f 184 iiro Myers, Jasper
Morris, Lewis N.f 1820 24.S Myers, John E.f
Morris, Thomas A 1834 753 Myers, William f
Morris, Thompson f 1822 316 Naglee, Henry M.f
Morris, William H.f 1851 1520 Nance, John T
Morris. William W.f 1820 261 Napier, Leroyf
Morris. Willis V 1900 3953 Nauman, George f
Morrison, Charles C.t 1871 nT^ Nave, Andrew H
Morrison. James C.t 1868 2234 Naylor. Charles J
Morrison, John, jr.f 1896 3699 Neall. John M
Morrison. John K 1881 2904 Neff, Albert J.f
Morrison. William F 1902 4088 Neill. l,ewis f
Morrison. William L- R-+ 1828 531 Neill, Thomas H.f
Morrow, Jay J 1891 3389 Nelly, Henry M
Morse, Benjamin C 3054 Nelson, Anderson D.f . ..

Morton, Alexander H.f . . 276 Nelson, Hunter B

List of Graduates of United States Military Aeadeniy, 421

Nesbitt. William 1898
Xewbill.WiUard D
Newbold. Henry I,
Newconih. Francis D.f
Xewconib. Warren P
Newcomer. Ilenrj* C
Newell. Isaac
Newell. John K. t
Newman, Samuel f
Newman, William
Newton, John +
Newton. William S.f
Nicholls, Francis R. T
Nicholls, Jesse C
Nicholls. John f
Nichols, Thomas B. f
Nichols, William A.f
Nicodemns. William J. L.t
Niles, Lotus
Nimmo. William A. f
Niskern, Albert D
Nissen, August C
Noah, Samuel t
Noble. Henry B. t

Noble, Patrick t
Noble. Robert H
Noel. Thomasf
Nolan. Dennis E
Nolan, James E. t
Nones, Edward P
Norcom. Frederick f
Norman. Traber
Normoyle. James E
Norris, Charles E. t
Norris, William F
Northrop, Lucius B. f
Norton, Allen H.+
Norton, Charles C
Norton, Seneca H
Norton, William A. f
Noves, Charles R
Noyes, Henry E
Nugen, John f
Nugent, George A
Nute. Levi M.f
Nuttman, Louis M
Nye. Frank E
f Jakes, James
Oakes, John C
O'Brien, Alonzo L- 1
O'Brien. John P. J.f
O'Brien. Michael J. f
O'Connell, John D. f
O'Connell, John J -.

O'Connor, Charles M
O'Connor, Edgar t
O'Hara. James
422 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Parke, John S I879

Parker. Charles F
Parker, Dexter W
Parker, Francis H. t
Parker, Francis T^e J . . .

Parker, Frank
Parker. James
Parker. James S
Parker, John H
Parker, Percy
Parker, Robert B.f ,

Parker, TheophiUis ,

Parkhurst, Charles D...,

Parkhurst, Jabez f
Parks, Martin P. t
Parks. Martin P., jr.f...

Parmerter, Almon L
Parrott, Robert P. f
Parsons, Charles C. f
Parsons, fanning
Partridge, Aldenf
Partridge. William
Patch, Alexander M
Patrick, Marsena R.f
Patrick, Mason M
Patten. Francis J.f
Patten, Georgef
Patten, George H
Patten, George W.f ,

Patten, William T
Patterson, Charles E.f •

Patterson, George T
Patterson, George T. T.f
Patterson, Robert E
Patterson. Thomas C.f-
Pattison, Harry H
Paul, Gabriel R.f
Pawling, Joseph H.f
Paxton, Robert G
Payne. Brooke ,

Payne, David W
Payne, J. Scott f
Payson, Albert H
Peace, Willis G
Pearce. Earle D' A
Pearce, Fred. A.f
Pearce, N. Bartlett
Pearce, Thomas A
Pearce, Thomas H.f
Pearson, Daniel C
Pearson. John A
Pease, William R.f
Peck. Ernest D
Peck, FrankH
Peck, Fremont P.f
Peck. John J.t
Peck, Lafayette t
List of Graduates of Lhiilcd States Milita>y Acade»iy. 423

Name. Year,

piper. Alexander R '

1889 33>o Prentiss. Henry E.f
Pipes. Henry A.f I
1892 3476 Prentiss, James H.f
Pitcher, John 1876 2634 Prescott. Jonathan t
Pitcher, Thomas G.f I 1845 1270 Preston, Guy H
Pitkin. Lucius t I
1838 955 Preston. John F., jr
Pitman. John !
1867 2165 Price, David
Piatt, Kdward R.t i
1849 1419 Price, PhilipM.f
Piatt. William P 1901 4019 Price, Robert N.f
Pleasonton. .\lfred t 1844 1212 Price. William H.f
Pleasonton. Augustus J.f 1826 448 Prime. Frederick E.f - •

Plummer, Augustus H.f . 853 1626 Prince, Henry f

Plunimer, Edward H 1877 2660 Prince, I^eonard M.f
Plimimer. Joseph B.f 1S41 1080 Pritchard, George B., jr
Plummer. Samuel M.f . . . 1835 817 Procter, Robert G.f
Phimmer, SatterleeC.f ... 1865 2109 Proveaux, Joseph f
Plympton. Peter W. I,.t . 1847 1365 Prtmty, Leonard W
Poe. Orlando M.f 1856 I716 Pullman, John W
Poillon. Richard H 1871 2386 Purdy, Clarence N
Poland. John S.f 1861 192 I Putnam. Alfred B
Poland. Martin Iv.+ 1864 2036 Putnam, George I
Polk. I.eonidas f 1827 477 Putnam, Haldimand S.f
Polk, Marshall T.t .. 1852 1558 Pyle, George W.f
Pond. George E 1872 2432 Quattlebauni. Paul J.f..
Poole. Benjamin t 1830 596 Quay, Andrew G. C
Poole. John H 1901 3996 Quinan. William R
Pooler. Robert W.t 1815 149 Quinby, Isaac F.f
Poore. Benjamin A l,S86 3129 Quinn. James B
Pope. Curran f 1834 760 Rabb, James D.f
Pope. Francis A 1900 3946 Radford, Richard C. W.f
Pope, Francis H 1897 3752 Rafferty, William A
Pope, James W 1868 2257 RafFerty. William C
Pope. John f 1842 1127 Rains. Gabriel J.f
Pope. John, jr 1868 2248 Rains. George W.f
Porter. A. Parker t 1856 1719 Rains, Sevier M.f
Porter, David M.f 182 284 Ralston. Robert R
Porter. David R.f 1865 2068 Ramsay, George D.f
Porter. Fitz-John f 184.') 123S Ramsay. George D.. jr.f
Porter. Giles t 1818 iSS Ramseur. Stephen D.f.
Porter, Horace i860 Ramsey, Frank De ., W .

Porter. James E.+ 1869 Rand, l,ewis H

Porter. John M 1S79 2772 Randal. Horacef
Post, James C.+ 1865 2059 Randell, Theodoref
Post. Justust 1807 26 Randol, .'Vlanson M.f ...
Postley, Clarance A 1870 2327 Randolph, Benjamin H.
Potter, Charles I, 18.S6 3T01 Randolph, Thomas B.f .

Potter, Joseph H.+ 1843 11S8 Rankin, James L-f

Powell. Albert M.f i860 1S66 Ransom, Hyatt C.f ,

Powell. Charles F 1867 2167 Ransom, Owen P.f

Powell. Hiram McL 1890 3347 Ransom, Robert f
Powers. Clinton J.f 1865 2076 Rathbone, Jared i,
Powers. Robert B 1896 3741 Rathbone, Samuel B.f..,
Pratt. Henrj- C.f 1S37 910 Rawles, Jacob B ,

Pratt. John T.f 1818 202 Rawson. William f

Pratt, Raymond S 1901 4030 Ray. James B ,

Pratt, Sedgwick 1S67 2187 Raymond, Charles W...

Prentice, James 1901 4060 Raymond. John C
Prentiss, George H,t 1S27 4S8 Raymond, Robert R ....
424 Centennial of United States Military Aeademy.


Raynolds, William F.f--.-

Rea. Charles H
Read. Alvan C
Read. George \V
Read. Robert D., jr
Read. WiUiaiiit
Reap, Frank P.f
Reber, Samuel
Reed. Heiiry A
Reed. Hugh T
Reed, James G.f
Reed, Sardine P.f
Rees. Thomas H
Reese. Chauncey B.f
Reese. William I.f

Reeve. Horace M
Reeve. Isaac V. D.f
Reeves, Isaac S. K.f
Reeves,James H
Rehkopf, Ned B
Reid, Charles M.f
Reid, James R
Reid. J. Chestert
Reiliy. James W
Reisinger. Paul
Remak. Slauislaus
Remington, Philip H.f ...
Renick, Robert M.f
Rennard, John C
Reno. Jesse I^.f
Reno. Marcus A.f
Reynolds. Alexander W.f
Reynolds, Alfred
Reynolds. Bainbridgef ..

Reynolds, Frank A.f

Reynolds, John K.f
Reynolds, Joseph J.f
Reynolds, Samuel H.+
Reynolds, William f
Reynolds, William B
Reynolds. William F.f
Rhea, James C
Rhea. William f
Rhett, Edmund M
Rhett, Thomas G.f
Rhett, Thomas S.t
Rhodes, Charles D
Ribbel, Charles H
Riblett. Jacob R
Rice, Frank S
Rice. John H
Rice, Olin F.f
Rich, I^ucius I^.f
Richards, George C.f
Richards. James R
Richards. Melzar C
Richardson, Asaf
List of Gradnaics of United States Military Academy, 425


Rodgers. Alexander
Rodgers. Alexander P.f.
Kodgers, John I

Rodman, John H
Rodman, Samuel
Rodman, ThoniasJ-f. .

Rodney, (ieorge Ct
Roe. Charles F
Roe, Fayette W
Roe, William J
Roessler, Solomon W
Rogers, Alfred H.f
Rogers, Charles O.f
Rogers, I.taniel G.f
Rogers, James S
Rogers. Jason +
Rogers. Robert M
Rogers, William C
Rogers, William E
Roland, John F.f
Rollins. James H.f
Romeyn, Charles A
Ronan, George t- -

Root, De Witt N.f

Root. Edwin A
Rose. Edwin f
Rose, George W.f
Rose, William t
Rosecrans, William S.f
Rosecrants, Mortimerf .

Rosenbanni, Otho B
Ross, Edward C.f
Ross. Francis H
Ross. Reuben K.t
Ross, Richard H.f
Rossell, William T
Ronmfort, Augustus l,.f

Rousseau, Gustave S.f -

Rowan, Andrew S
Rowan. Hamilton
Rowell, Charles W.+
Kowell. Melvin W
Roy. James P.f
Royden, Herbert K
Roys, Rufus A.f
Royster, Thomas J. f

Ruckman. John W
Ruff. Charles F.f
Ruffner. Ernest II

Ruger. Thomas H
Ruggles, Golden I H
Ruggles, Danielf
Ruggles, George D
Ruhlen. George
Rumbough David,
Ruucie. James E
Rundell. Charles H.f. . .
426 .
Centennial of United States Military Academy.


Schenck. Bard P. t 3234

Schenck. Edwin t 1827 476
vScherer, Louis C 189! 3398
Schindel. Samuel J. Bayard 1893 3526
Schoeffel. Francis H 1891 3406
Schofield, Charles B. f 1870 2351

SchofieUl.John M 1853 1585

Schofner, James C 1877 2657

Schriver, Edmund t 1833 723

Schroeder, Henry A 1880 2833

Schroeder, Henry B 1844 1227

Schuler, John J.t 1822 300

Schnll. Herman W 1899
Schulz, Edward H 1895

Schunim, Herman C
Schnrenian. James W.f
Schuyler, Walter S
Schwatka, Frederick f
Scott, Albert B
Scott, Ernest D
Scott, George I,

Scott, Henry I,, t

Scott. Hugh I.

Scott, John B.t

Scott, John F. t
Scott, John M.f
.Scott, John W.t

Scott. Moses t
Scott, Rohert J. f
Scott. William S
.Screven. Richard B.f
Scriven. George P
Searight. Joseph D. f
Searle. Frederic t
Searlc, ZetnsS.t
Sears, Claudius W. t
Sears, Clinton B
Sears, Henry B.t
Seaton, Augustine F. f
Seawell, Washington f
Seay, .Samuel, jr
Sedgwick, Johnf
Selden, Henry R.t
Settle, Douglas
Sevier, Robert t
Seward, Augustus H.f
.Sewell, John S
.Seymour, Truman f
ShaafT,John T.t
Shackleford, Muscoe L. t - •

Shaler, Charles
Shanks, David C
Sharpe, Henry G
Shattuck, Amos B
Shaw, George W.t
Shelton, Edwin H.t •

Shelton, (ieorge H
List of Graduates of United States Military Acade»iv. 427

Year. No.

Slemmer, Adam T. + 1850 146 Smith, Mathew C "893

Sloan, Benjamin i860 l8S3 Smith, Melancthou t
Sloan, Henjamin I'" i860 1853 Smith, Morton F
Sloan, I*. Klnieiuiorf 1865 2113 Smith, Richard S, t

Slocnin, Henr)' W.f 1852 1542 Smith, Robert Percy t

Sloo, John R. t 1815 129 Smith, Sebree t
Small. Michael P.f 1855 1687 Smith, S, Stanhope t
Snialley. Ilenrj' A.f 1854 1653 Smith, Thomas L ....... -

.Smalhvood, Jenifer H 1869 2300 Smith. Waller n

Siuead. .\bner 1854 655 Smith, Walter H
Smead. John R.f 1854 1645 Smith, William t
Smead, Raphael C. t 1825 ,398 Smith, William D,t
Smedhurg. William R., jr 1893 3527 Smith, William F
Smiley, Samuel E 1885 3085 Smith, William F
Smith, Abiel L 1878 2756 Smith, William H.t:
Smith. Alfred T i860 1867 Smith, William P, t
Smith, Andrew J. t 1838 976 Smith, William R.
Smith, .\ndrew W 1902 4117 Smith, William S, t

Smith, Benjamin F 1855 1617 Smith, W'illiani Sooy

Smith, Charles C 1894 3608 Smith, William W, t
Smith, Charles F.f 1825 410 Sniither, Henry C
Smith, Charles G.t 1 1822 Smoke, .Samuel -^
Smith, Charles P '

1865 Siiiyser. Jacob H.t

Smith, Charles S '
1866 2128 Snelling. James G. S. t

Smith, Clarke S 189S 3810 Snow, William J

Smith, Edmund D.f I
1879 2773 Snyder, Antes f
Smith, Edmund K,t '

1845 1255 Snyder, George W, t

Smith, E. Kirbyt 1826 469 Sokalski, George O, t

Smith, EruesteV I 1886 3160 Sol^liac, Louis, jr

.Smith, Ezra + iSii 63 Soley, James R. t
Smith, Fine W 1895 3655 Solomon. Owen F. f
Smith, I'rancis G 1896 37'3 Sorley, Lewis S
Smith. Francis H,t !
1833 711 Soul4. Frank
Smith, Frederic A. f. . 833 707 Southerland. Samuel M. t.

Smith, Frederick A .. 1873 2489 Spalding, George R .

Smith, Fred. E.* 1876 2619 Sparrow, Solomon E

Smith, George R 1875 2580 Speiice, Robert E- L
Smith, Gustavus W,t • 1842 ni8 Spencer, Eugene J
Smith, Guy H. B 3433 Spencer, James M.t
Smith, Hamilton A 1893 3559 Spilinau, Baldwin 1)

Smith, Harry .\ 1891 3423 Spillks, Marcellus G

Smith, Harry E 895 3622 Spoor, Charles H. E.t
Smith, Henry t 1S15 139 .Springer, .\nlon, jr.t
Smith, Henry I., t 1830 990 Springett. Howard A
Smith, Horace t 1825 409 Sprole, Henry W
Smith. James A.f 1S53 1623 Squier. George O
Smith, Jared A 1862 1971 Stacy. I«ucian t

Smith, J. Allen t 1829 .544 Stanley. David S. t

Smith, J. L. Kirbyt... I8.S7 765 Stanley, David S. [jr. |

Smith. John W, A,t.. 1824 362 Stansbury. Smith t

Smith, Joseph Brice, , 1829 .547 Stanton, Henry W, f

Smith, Joseph P.t 1844 1228 Stanton, William S

Smith. Joseph R.f--.. 1823 347 Starr, Charles G
Smith. I.arkm f 1835 832 Starring, William .S, t
Smith, Martin I,.t 1842 I126 Stedman, Clarence A
* Name changed
428 Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Steele, Charles Lt 1879

Steele, Frederick t
Steele, Matthew F
Steele, William f
Steever, Edgar Z
Stephens, John E
Stephenson, James R.f
Stephenson, Thomas T.f
Steptoe. Edward J .f
Sterling, F.. Kearsley
Sterling, George A.f
Sterrett, Essex f —
Stetson, Frederic T
Steuart, George H
Stevens, Charles J
Stevens, Edward G.t
Stevens, Georgef
Stevens, Gustave W. S . ..

Stevens. Isaac If
Stevens, Robert R
Stevens. Walter Hf
Stevenson, Carter I^.t

,Stevenson, Matthew R.f--

Stevenson, William L
Stewart, Alexander P
Stewart, Cecil
Stewart, Charles
Stewart. C. Seaforth
Stewart, Gilbert H
Stewart, Henr>- R.f
Stewart, Joseph
Stewart. Merch B
. Stewart. Reid T.f
Stickle, Horton W
Stickney, Amos
Stilwell. William S.f
Stith, Donald C
Stivers, Charles B
Stivers. CharlesP
Stockham. Edward V. . .

Stockle, George E
Stockton, Edward D.f .

Stockton. Philip t
Stockton. Richard G.t .

Stockton, Thomast -

Stockton, Thomas B. W.f

Stockton. William T.f
Stoddard, John S.t
Stodter. Charles E .

Stcgsdall, Ralph R
Stokes, James H.t
Stokes. Marcns B
Stokey, William P
.Stoll. Walter R

Stone. Charles P.f

Stone, David I,

Stone. Roderick t .
List of Graduates of United States Alilitary Academw 429

Name. Year.

Sydenham. Alvin H.f

Sykcs, George f
Symington. John f
Symington, John
Symmes, John C.f
Symraonds. Charles J
Symonds, Henr>' C.f
Syraons, Thomas W
Taber. Henr>- S.f
Taggart, Elmore F
Talcott. Andrew!
Talcott.George H.f
Talhnadge. Grier f
Tannatt, Thomas R
Tappen, Alexander H.f...
Tardy. John A.f
Tate, Daniel I,

Taiilbee, Joseph F
Taylor, Charles W
Taylor. Daniel ISI

Taylor, Edward t
Taylor. Francisf
Taylor, George t
Taylor, Harr>'
Taylor, James H.+
Taylor, John R. M
Taylor. Joseph H. f
Taylor, Oliver H. P.f
Taylor. Walter L.t
Teare, Charles C
Tebbetts, Clinton H
Tebbetts, Harr\- H
Temple. Robert E.f
Tem])leman. George t
Terrell. John P
Terrill, William R. f
Tevis, Washington C.f
Thayer, Arthur ,

Thayer, Russell
Thayer, Sylvanusf
Thoni, Georgef
Thomas, Br\'an M
Thomas. Charles W. f
Thomas, Earl D
Thomas, Francis J. f
Thomas. Frederick f
Thomas. George C.f
Thomas, George H.f
Thomas. John A.f ,

Thomas, Lorenzo f
Thomas, Richard M ,

Thomas. Robert B. f
Thompson. Alexander R.f
Thompson, Henr>' A.f....
Thompson. Jamesf
Thompson. James K
Thompson, James L. f
430 ^ Centennial of United States Military Academy.

Traub, Peter E i8S6

Tra\ns, Pierce M. B
Treadwell, Thomas J. f
Treat, Charles G
Trenor, Eustace f
Trescot, George f
Trevitt, John f
Trimble. Isaac R. f
Tripp. Frederick A. t
Trippe. Percy E
Trott.Clement A
Trout. Harry G
Trowbridge, William P.f..
Troxel. Orlando C
Truitt. Charles M
Tschappat, William A
Tufts. Danforth H. f
Tufts, John M.t
Tupes, Herschel
Turnbull. Charles N. f
Turnbull. Williamf
Turner, Daniel f
Turner, George I,
Turner, George W. f
Turner, Henrj-S.f
Turner. John W. f
Turner, Reuben B
Turnley, Parmenas T
Turtle, Thomasf
Tutherly. Herbert E
Stephen t
Twining, William J.f
Twiss, Thomas S.f
Tyler, Augustus C
Tyler, Charles H.f
Tyler, Charles R
Tyler. Daniel f
Tyler, Robert O. f
Tyler, AVilliam H.f
Tyson, l,aurence D
nine. Willis
I'mbstaetter, Charles I^

Underhill. Frederick A.f-

Upham. John J.f
TJpham. William H
Upton, Emory f
Upton, I^a Roy S
Ury, Asbury f
Vail, Jefferson t
Vaillant. Rigby D
Valentine, William S
Vall^, Ivouist
Van Bokkelen, William K.
Van Buren. Abraham f
Van Buren, Daniel T. f
Van Camp, Cornelius t
Vance. Capers D.t
Vance. Joseph C.f
List oj Graduates of United States Military Acadeniv. 431

Year. No. Year.

Walker. John P 1866 2147 Webster. Edmund K

Walker, Keiizie W 1893 3544 Webster. Frank I)

Walker, Kirby 1892 3472 Webster, Cieorge O.t

Walker, I.everctt H 1871 2385 Webster. Horace t
Walker, I^ucius M.t 1850 1464 Webster. Isaac T.t
Walker, Meriwether t, "893 35'4 Webster. John McA
Walker, Thomas W. t 1856 1739 Webster. I,ucien B.t
Walker, William H.T.t 1837 93* Weed, Stephen H.t
Wall, William t 1832 674 Weeden. John H.t
Wallace, Da\*id t 1821 270 Weeks. George H
Wallace. George D, t 1872 2419 |,
Weeks, George McD
Wallace, Robert Bruce t . - 1890 3348 I,
Weeks. Harrison S.t
Wallace, William B. f 1836 853, Weigel. William
Wallen, Henr>- D.t 1840 1050 ,;
Weir. William B.t
Walleu, Heiir\- D.,jr.t 1867 2189 Weitzel. Godfrey t
Waller, Henrjt 1833 724 1'

Welborn. Ira C
Walsh, Robert D 1883 3005 Welborn. Luther S
Walton, Romulus F 3851 Welch, Louis D.t
Waltz, Millard 2743 Welch. Lyman M
Wansboro, Thomas A. t 3730 Welcker. George L.t
Ward, Charles R 1871 2403 Welcker, William T.t
Ward, Frederick K 1870 2344 1
Weld. Thomas B. J.t
Ward, George W. t 1832 662
Wells, Briaut H
Ward, James N. f 1845 1258 I Wells. Frank L .

Ward, Thomas 1863 2010 Wells, James M.t

Wardwell, Heur>- 1 1840 1045
Wells. William t
Warfield, William H.t 1829 573 ''
Wells, William W.t
Warner, Charles N 1862 1994
Welsh. Blanton C
Warner, Edward R 1857 1780 Welsh. William E
Warner, James M.t i860 1886 I' Wendell, Abraham t
Warner. William H. + 1836 851 Wessells, Henry W.t
Warren, Gouverneur K. f . . 1850 1451 Wesson. Charles M
Warren. James G 188 2883 West. Barrington K
Washington. George A. t 1815 134 West, Eugene R
Washington. John M.t 1817 178 West, Frank
Washington. Thornton A.t- 1849 1439 West, James t
Wassell. William H 1S87 3231 West, Parker W
Wasson. James R 1871 2370 Westeri'elt, William I
Waterman. C Douglast ... 1864 2032 Westmore, Stephen M.t
Waterman. Henry E.t 1883 2971 Wetmore. Samuel W.t
Waterman. John C 1S81 2916 Wetmore. William B
Waters. George W.t 1823 338 Wever, Benjamin S
Waters. James H i38l 2907 Wharton. Henrj- C.t
Watson, Frank B 1895 3665 Whedbee. Thomas M.t '-

Watson, George t 1S32 670 !

Wheeler. Charles B
Watson, Tames W 1880 2877
Wheeler. DaWd P
Watson, John 1900 3976 Wheeler. Edward D.t

Watson. Malbone F.t l86i 1912 I

Wheeler. Elbert 1875
Watts. Charles H 1872 2442 I Wheeler, Fred
Watts, George O 1861 1964 1
Wheeler. George M , 1866
Way, Henr\' X.t 1899 3930 Wheeler. James t
Waynian, Samuel P.t 1877 2697 Wheeler. Joseph
Wayne. Henr>- C.t 1838 954 Wheeler. Joseph, jr . . . . - . ...

Weaver. Erasmus M 1875 2563 Wheeler. Junius B.t

Webb. Alexander S iSs.'j 1689 Wheeler. Otist
Webb. George t 1818 197 Wheeler, William B
Webb. William A.t 1853 1613 Wheeler, William H
Webber. John A.t :8i5 153 Wheelock, Joseph H.t
432 Centennial of United States Alilitaty Academy.


Wheelock. Thompson B.f .

Wheelwright, Washington |

Whipple, Amiel W.f

Whipple. Charles W
Whipple. Herbert S
Whipple. Joseph H.t
Whipple. William D.f
Whistler. George W.t
Whistler, Joseph N. G.f
White. Edward B.f
White. George P
White. Herbert A
White. James I^.f
White, John V
White. Moses J.f
White, Richard M.f
White, rlysses S. G
Whitehead. Henr>- C
Whitehead. Nathaniel J
Whitehorne, Samuel f
Whitely, Robert H. K,t
Whiting, Charles J.f
Whiting, Daniel P.f
Whiting. Henr^'t
Whiting. Henry M.f
Whiting. William H. C.f
Whitlock. Frank O
Whitman, Frank Homer ....

Whitman, Walter M
Whitney. Henr\- H
Whitteniore. James M
Whittlesey, Charles t
Whittlesey. Joseph H.-f
Whitworth, Pegram
Wholley. John H
Wickliffe, Charles t
Wieting, Orlando L.f
Wigmore. Hubert I^

Wilcox. Cadmus M.f

Wilcox, Frank A
Wilcox. James H. G
Wilcox. John R.t
Wilder, Wilber E
Wilder, William T
Wildrick, Abrara C.t
Wilen. John W
Wilhelm, William H.f
Wilkins. Harry E
Wilkins, John D.t
Wilkinson, Frederick!
Wilkinson. John W.f :

Wilkinson. Theophilus F. J.f

Willard. Joseph H
Willard, Prentiss t
Willard. Simon f
Willcox, Corn^lis DeW
Willcox. E. Farnsworth
Willcox. Francis W
List of Graduates of United States Military Acadeiiiv. 433

Name. Name.

Wise, Hugh D 1S94 3^14 Wooten. William P IS9S

Wisser, John P 1S74 2517 Worden. Charles A.f. . .

Withers, Johnf 1849 1429 Workizer, John G

Withers. Jones M.f 1835 S29 Worth, Henrj- A, F.f...
Wittenniyer, Edmund 18.S7 322S Worth, Joseph S.-f
Witter. Henry F.t 1S51 i.?32 Worthington, Thomasf
Wittich, Willis 1874 2534 Wragg. Samuel t
Wolcott. Christopher C.f 1S67 2210 Wright, Aaron M.f
Wolf, Louis C 1S97 3744 Wright. Benjamin H.f..
Wolf. Paul A 1890 3371 Wright, Crafts J.t
Wolf. Silas A 1878 27.S7 Wright, Edmund S
Wood, Abram E.t 1872 24-M Wright, Edward M.f
Wood, Charles E. S 1874 2532 Wright, Georget
Wood, Edward E 1870 2317 Wright. Horatio G.f....
Wood, Eleazer D.t iSo6 17 Wright. Jamesf
W*ood, Ingham t |
1831 Wright, James H.f
Wood, Lafayette B.f 1843 Wright. John t
Wood, Oliver E 1867 2\'4l Wright, Moses H.f
Wood, Robert E 1900 3952 Wright, Thomas t
Wood, Thomas J 1845 1235 Wright, Thomas J.f
Wood, William H.f 1S45 1267 Wright. Walter K
Wood, William T 1877 2682 Wright, William H.f
Wood, Winthrop S 18S9 33 12 Wyatt, Walter S
Woodbridge, Francisf. 1837 904 Wygant, Henry
Woodbridge, Georgef.. 1S26 442 Wyman, Powell T.f
Woodbur\', Daniel P.f 1836 847 Wyndham, John D.f. ..
Woodbury, Thomas C . 1872 24.1'' Wyse, Francis O.f
Woodruff, Charles A 1S71 23S0 Yates, Halsey E
Woodruff, Eugene A.f . 1866 2I2I Yates. William
Woodruff, George A.f. .. 1861 1948 Yeatman. Richard T
Woodruff, I. Carle t 1S36 871 Yeaton, Franklinf
Woodruff, James A 1899 3858 Yoakum, Henderson K.f
Woodruff, Thomas M.f . 187 23S4 Young, Charles
Woods, Charles R.f 1852 1.555 Young, Edward C
Woods, James S.t 1844 1222 Young, Richard W
Woods. Joseph J.f 1S47 1333 Young. William C.f
Woods.Samuel t 1837 926 Young. Willard
Woodward. Charles G . 187- 2651 Youngberg, Gilbert A. .

Woodward, John E 1892 3500 Zane, Edmund L

Wooley, Frederick 1878 2724 Zinn, George .A

Wooster, Charles F.f. .. 1837 921


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