Assign 2

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Statistics 117

Assignment 2.

1. Suppose a 4-digit numbers will be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, where
each digit can be used only once. Determine the number of 4-digit numbers that
can be formed under each of the following conditions:
a) the 4-digit number is greater than 5300
b) the 4-digit number is greater than 6450

2. In a freshman class of 60 students, there are 30 who enjoy dancing, 9 who enjoy
acting, 39 who enjoy singing. There are 15 students who enjoy both dancing and
singing, 5 who enjoy both dancing and acting, 20 who enjoy singing only and not
dancing nor acting. Only five students enjoy dancing, singing and acting. Give the
exact values for the following questions and show your solution. Let =set of all
freshmen, D=set of freshmen who enjoy dancing, A=set of freshmen who enjoy
acting, S=set of freshmen who enjoy singing. For each item below, express the set
whose cardinal no. is needed in terms of the sets D, A and S.
a) How many students enjoy both acting and singing?
b) How many students enjoy acting or enjoy singing?
c) How many students enjoy dancing and singing but not acting?
d) How many students enjoy dancing only?

3. Eighteen people are going to Baguio in three cars that can hold 2,5 and 12 passengers,
respectively. How many ways is it possible to transport the 18 people to Baguio if all
18 people know how to drive and so any one of them can be designated as the driver
of any one of the three cars?

4. A 6-sided die is tossed 100 times and the number of dots is recorded at each toss.
Suppose an outcome of this process is represented by an ordered 100-tuple, where the
ith coordinate is the number of dots on the ith toss.
a) How many outcomes are there where the number of dots on each one of exactly
75 tosses is greater than 4?
b) How many outcomes are there where the number of dots on each one of 75 tosses
is 1, while the number of dots on each of 15 tosses is 2, and the number of dots on
each one of the remaining 10 tosses is 3?
c) How many outcomes are there where the number of dots on each one of 75 tosses
is greater than 4, while the number of dots on each of 15 tosses is less than 4, and
the number of dots on each one of the remaining 10 tosses is 4?

5. Suppose an 8-digit number will be formed using the digits from 1 to 9. Find the
cardinalities of the following sets:

a) ={(x1,x2,,x8): xi{1,2,,9} for all i}

b) A={x: all 8 digits are even numbers}
c) B={ x: exactly 6 digits are even numbers}
d) C= { x: at least 6 digits are even numbers}
e) D={ x: exactly 2 digits are less than 3, exactly 2 are from 3 to 5, exactly 4
digits are greater than 5, e.g., 61342687, 55671882}
f) E={ x: exactly 5 consecutive digits are even and the other digits are odd,
e.g., 11242683, 26682573}
g) F={ x: exactly 5 consecutive digits are even and exactly 2 digits are odd,
e.g., 18242674, 26682523}

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