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The Conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10)

29 January 2017
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church

I. Cornelius prepared his heart to seek God (v. 1-8).

A. How the world saw him (a man of influence).
B. How he saw relation to God:
1. devout = he saw God as mightier than himself.
2. feared God = he was very careful in his actions.
3. gave alms = he was very generous with the needy.
4. prayed to God always = he was dependent on God.
C. Because Cornelius had this kind of heart attitude toward God, God sent
a special message to him.
1. He was told that God took notice of his actions. But this was not
2. He was told to send for Simon Peter... He will tell you what you
must do (v. 6).

II. Peter was prepared to meet Cornelius (v. 9-23).

A. God gave him a vision, an illustration of the truth he was meant to
B. God the Spirit spoke directly to him.
God told him to go with them, doubting nothing.
C. Significance: God accepted Gentiles in the same way as Jews.
1. The miraculous: to show that this was Gods doing.
2. Peters part: to show apostolic leadership in this venture.

III. Cornelius becomes a believer (v. 24-48).

A. Peter explained his willingness to speak to Cornelius & friends (v. 28-
B. Peter preached to them.
- He spoke about God and the nations (v. 34-35).
- He spoke about Jesus Christ (v. 36-38).
- He spoke about the apostles witness to Jesus ministry (v. 39-43).
C. Cornelius was saved and baptised.

Lessons from the story of Cornelius:

- Moving towards God is not the same thing as becoming a Christian.
- The book of Acts shows a pattern of salvation.
o Paul summarised guys preaching ministry in this way: testifying
to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith
towards our Lord Jesus Christ.
o There is also a pattern beyond salvation. Those who were saved
were baptised and joined the church.

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