Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Khnem Ti-rlcxi

ffinline.Carn i*irnited
CIN NO.: l9?999WBl 982P1C0355/6

1.3th February, 2017

To, To,
The Secretary, Dy. General Manager,
The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited Corporate Relationship Department,
7, Lyons Range, BSE Limited,
Kolkata - 700 001 Tower,
P. J.
Mumbai - 400 001

SUB: Submission of Unaudited Financial Result for the 03'd Quarter and Nine Months ended 31"t December,
2015 pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBl (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Dear Sir,

The "612076-17" Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company held at its Registered Office on Monday, 13th
February, 2017 (which commenced at 02.00 P.M. and concluded at 3.10 P.M.) wherein they have adopted /
approved the following:

1. Unaudited Financial Results for 03'd quarter and nine month ended 37/12/2076 pursuant to Regulation
33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
2. Limited Review Report by the Statutory Auditors on Unaudited Financial Results for the 3'd quarter
ended 31't December, 2016.

The above information is also available on Company's website and on the Stock
exchange website: and

Please acknowledge the receipt.

Thanking you,
5rv t' )3
Yours faithfully,
For Shree Tulsi Online.Com Limited
/-\ -\
.f -I ::
(Vinod Kumar Bothra)
Whole-time Director

Shnee T;lsi
Enline.Eom Limited
CIN NO. : 199999W 81 982PlC035576


CIN: 199999W81982P1C035575
Statement of Standalone /,co65lidated audited Financial Resu lts for th 03rd Quarter and Nine months Ended 31st December,2015
PART I {Rs/in takhs)
Sr. No Quarterended
l3uLzl20!61 130109/20161 ,3U12l20r5l l31.l1.2l2016) l3u12l201Sl 131/03/20151
1 lncomefrom operations
(a)Net sales/ income from operations { Net of 12.5 25.It 77.2t 58.3: 53.11 7t.13
Exise Duty)
(bl other operaiing income 0.0( 0.0c 0.00 0.0c
Iotalincolne from operations (net) 12.56 25.L L7.26 58.33 53.11 7!.\3
(a)cost of materials consumed 0.0c 0.0c 0.0( 0.0c 0.00 0-0c
(b) Purchases of stock-in-trade 0-0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.oc 0.00 0.0c
{c)changes in inventories offinished goods, a.2e 12.5C 0.0c 20.7e 0.00 0.0c
work-in-prog.ess and stock- in-trade

(d) Employee benefits expense 2.53 s.0t 7.2t 13.8C 18.64 24.65
(e) oeprciationand amortkation expense 0.9 0.9 1.81 2.89 5.20 7.08

(f) other expe nses{Any item exceding 10% of 4.41 4.5C 9.2, 15.74 25.33 34.01
the total expenses relatingto continuing
operataons to be shown separatelyl

16.16 23.15 18.35 53.1S 49.11 65.74

3 Profit / (Loss) fron operations beforeother -3.5C 2,01 -1.09 5.14 3.94 s.39
income, financecosts and exceptional itms l1
4 Othr income 4.43 3.78 4.94 13.11 9.82 24.15
5 Profit / (toss) ordinary activities bfore 0.83 5.79 3.85 18.25 ',,3,76 33.54
rinance costs and exceptional items (3a4)

6 0.0c 0.0( o.0c 0.oc 0.00 o.0c

7 Profit/ {toss) from ordinary activities after 0.83 5,73 3.85 18.25 13.76 33.54
llnanccosts but before xceptional items (5 !
8 0-0c 0.0( 0.0c 0.0c 0.00 0.0c
9 Profit / {Loss) froln ordinary activities before 0.83 5.7S 3.85 1E.25 13.75 33.54
10 7.2C 0.0c o.0c 24.44 0.00 32.95
11 Net Profit/{Loss) from ordinary activities after -5.31 5.79 3.85 10.19 13.75 0.59
12 Extraordinary items {net oftax expenses ........... 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 13.M 0.0c
13 Net Profit/ (ross) for the period (11112) -6.31 5.79 3.85 -10.1S 27.24 0.59
14 share of Profit '
/ (loss) of associates o.0c 0.0c 0.0c o.0c 0.00 0.0c
15 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.00 0.0c
15 Net Profit (toss) after taxes, minority interest
/ -6.37 5.7! 3.85 -10.19 27.20 0.59
and share ofprotit/ (lost ofassociates (13 +
14+ ls).
!7 Paid-up equity share capital 2336.2e 2336.2 2336.2e n36.2e 2336.26 2336.26
(Face value ofthe share shall be indicatedXRs.) 10.0c 10.0c 10.0c 10.0c 10_00 10.0c

18 Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as per 764.53

balance sheet of previous accounting year

19.i Earnints Pr Share (before extraordinary

itemsl(or' 10/- each) (not annualisedl:
(a)sasic -o.o27 0-025 0.016 0.044 0.059 0.003
(b) Diluted -o.o21 0_025 0.016 -0.044 0.059 0.003
19. ii

H;li'%ff{il'-' o.ozl 0.025 0.016 -0.044 0.116 0.003

-o.o21 0.o25 0 01 -o.o44 0_116 0.003
Shnee Ti-rlsi
EJnline.Eom Limited
CIN NO.: 199999W 81982P1C035576

Quarterly Reporting sgmentwise Revenue, Results and CapitalEmployd alontwith the quarterly resultslor the 03rd Quarter and Nine Months Ended
{Rs./in .afths)
Particulars Quarternded Nine Months ndd fearendd
l3LlL2l2016l l3olo9l2016l l3u12l201sl 131/Lzl201sl l31lo312016l
"3U1212016) Unauditd Audited
1..S8ment Revnue
(net sale/income from each segment should be
disclosed under this head)
(a)Sesment- (Sale / lncome from Tradin8 in 12.5( 25.16 17.28 58.33 53.11 71.13
Agricultural Commoditiet
(b)Unallocated 0.0c 0.00 0.0c o.oc 0.0t o.oc
Total 12.56 25.15 17.26 58.33 s3.11 71.13
Less: lnterSegment Revnue o.oc 0.00 0.0c o.oc 0.0c 0.oc
Net sales/lncom From Operations 12.56 25.16 11.26 54.33 53.11 7L.13
2. Segment Rsults (Proflt)(+)/ Loss C)before
lax and interestfrom Each segment)#

(a) segme nt - (sale / lncome from Trading in -3_5C 2.O1 -1.09 5.14 3.94 5.39
Agricultural commodities)
(b)Unallocated 4.43 3.78 4.94 13.11 LA2 28.15
0.83 5.79 3.45 18.25 13.76 33.54
Lessri)lnterest** 0.0c 0.0c 0.00 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c
i)other Un-allocable Expenditure net off 0.0c 0.0c o.oc 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c

(iii) Un-allocable income 0.0c 0.0c o.o0 o.oc 0.0c o.0c

Iotal Proflt Before Tet 0.83 s.79 3.85 18.25 13.76 3t.54
l. CapitalEmployd
lSesment assets - Segment Liabilities)
la) sesment - (Sale / lncome from Tradins in 3090.6C 3096.96 3130.83 3090_6C 3130_8: 3100.79
Agricultiiral commodities)
lb)Unallocated o.oc
3090.60 3096.96 3130.83 3090.50 3130.83 3100.79

The above Financial results have been reviewed by the Audit committee and adopted by the Board of
Directors at their meeting held on 13th February, 2077 and have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by
the Statutory Auditor ofthe Company.

Segment Revenue: Revenue for this quarter comes from one activity, i.e., Sale / lncome from Trading in
Agricultural Commodities and it's allied products.

Provision for taxations will be made at the end of the year.

4. Figures ofthe previous period/year have been regrouped / rearrange wherever necessary.

By order ofthe Board

For Shree Tulsi Online.Com Limited

{ q it
\/ 9) a"i\
(Vinod Kumar Bothra)
Place: Kolkata Whole-Time Director
Date: 13.02.2017
s:::'ils DIN:00780848
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Darya Nagar House, 3rd Floor, Room No, 31, 67-69,
Maharishi Karve Marg, Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400 002.
Tel.: 022 - 69580888
E-mail : mohindraarora20l

Limited Review Report

Board of Directors
M/s. Shree Tulsi Online'Com Limited

2016' This statem-ent is the
Online.Com Limited for the 3rd quarter ended. .December'
approved by the Board.of llirectors'
responsibility of th. Co.p,ny;' f"fln"gttt* and
financial statements based on our review'
Our responsibility is to issue I ttpo* o"n th""

WeconductedourreviewinaccordancewiththestandardonReviewEngagement[SRE]2410, Entity"
,,Review of Interim Financial i"i*-L"" p..rormed by_the lndependent- Auditors of the
that we plan
issued by the Institute Ch;;;;JA.countants of tndia. This itandard requiresstatements are
p"rf;.-1rr" ."ui"* "fto obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial
""i primarily to inquiries. of company
free of material .irrt"t" a review is limited than an
and analytical procedures finuncial data and thus provides less assurance
"ooi'"Jto we do not express an audit opinion.
audit. we have not p"rro...i'un uudit and accordingly,

has come to our attention that causes us to

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing
.#".".i unuu"dit"d fin"ncial results prepared in accordance
believe that tt.," u..o.p"nyii1f "r
with applicabte accounting ;;"";;;;;;;".ified under Section 133 of the companies Act, 2013
read with Rule 7 of c"-;;;i;" a;un$) Rules, 2o74 and, other recognized accounting
required to be disclosed in terms of
practices and policies f,r. ioi iir.iored the information
Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulations, 2015
Regularion 33 of rhe sEBt di;,"g;;ligatiols and material misstatement'
;;;i;;; ih" manner in whi-J li ii to r""dir.tosed, or that it contains anv

For Mohindra Arora & Co.


k Kumar Katial)
Place: Mumbai (M. No.09096)

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