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"Are human too dependent on computers"

Honorable guests, and respected audience!

I would like to present my view points on the topic "Are human too
dependent on computers"

yes ,every human is too dependent on the computer because in today's

world every man, woman, old, young and even a child know very well about
computer. the world is experiencing global changes in a the people, and their
life styles, in their everyday activities. they are face with the urge to meet
many challenges, in order to succeed in endeavor, therefore as every day
takes increase and even the urge to keep move information for future
reference, fortunately, computer automated processes the previously, had to
be performed in a repetitive way.

dear listeners !

today, the whole humanity, is wandering around computer no work and

nothing can be possible without computer. the computer has become an
important tool for us. which is necessary to be in every home behalf of
computer the works of hours can be done with in minute by the help of this
small tool.

chief guests!

in today's world the computer most of the time makes our work easier and
also give us alternative ways of learning about the things we don't know.
they give us power to do many things. nowadays one can chat with so many
people online by the help of computer using the social sites like face book,
and internet one can take an option of studying online by the computer one
can make the designs of cars aero plans robots by the computers.

MR: president!

students can take help in their studies by the computer we can find out and
analyze any kind of information by the computer. All of these acknowledges
and researches show that computer has become an important tool for the

MR: president!

let me ask you this what would happened who don't have computer and
what about the time, where computers were not invented yet. somehow
these people used to pass their lives in hardships and in difficulties but in
modern world computer has controlled the world in so many ways that is
hard to imagine the world without them.
and finally, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that, computer is
the biggest invention in the world. and we should take it as a useful
invention of our life.


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