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What impact does social media have on

our society?

Honorable guest!
It gives me great pleasure to be here with you on this auspicious
occasion. I would like to talk to you on the topic What impact
does social media have on our society?
Its been said that the world has become a global village where
internet and social media has reduced the distances and the
whole world has become a family now but i think the reality is
Dear sir!
When I look at the society now, i notice so many incidents
around me. It seems like a new born baby must wonder
whether he is born or downloaded into this world. When the
child is crying for milk, the mother is busy updating status on
While living within a house, instead of giving a shout to Karmo
chacha for a glass of water, we would prefer to text him to
fetch a glass of water.
Is this the future generation Iqbal has dreamed of??
Initially electronic media destroyed our generations and now
this social media has left no stone unturned in destruction of
our society.
Today a youngster enters the house while using its smart
phone, playing game or checking messages instead of saying
Salam. He has no time to give a glance for his parents whereas
we know that one can earn a reward of Hajj by just looking at
them lovingly.
I have witnessed that hardly family sits for a dinner or lunch
together and even if they do, they are still busy with their
phones. Brothers and sisters sitting on one table don't talk with
each other rather they are busy chatting and replying to
friends miles apart.
Social media is actually bringing distance between close
relations instead of bringing them together.
We must boycott social media in order to save and promote our
religious and cultural values.

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