Bluebook Legal Citations

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MB ‘Chapter Bleven TEXT STYLE IN MATHEMATICS Finally, all math papers (regardless of their citation format) have special rules governing the way to present standard terms such as theorems and proofs, as well as the way to present the text following these terms. A Mathematical Term Proper Formatforthis Term Text after the Term Hes vEgeEe CEP 0 ES EEREEES EERE EEC CRUEL THEOREM, THEOREM or Theorem —talicized Lemna LEIA or Lemma —_ttalcized COROLLARY COROLLARY or Corollary oicized PROOF Proof Standard, no tales DEFINITION Definition Standard, no italics Note Note Standard, no italics REMARK Remark Standard, no tales ‘OBSERVATION Observation Standard, no itaies EXAMPLE xample Standard, no italics Se For more details, see Ellen Swanson, Mathematics into Type, updated by [Arlene O’Sean and Antoinette Schleyer (Providence, Rl: American Mathe~ matical Society, 1999}. The Chicago Manual ofStyle,chapter 14, provicesan alternative guide to formatting, Either is fine as Jong as you are consistent. ‘ | | 12 BLUEBOOK LEGAL CITATIONS Legal citations are commonly based on The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Reviews! Recently, the Association of Legel Writing Directors developed an alternative manual for classroom use, The ALWD Citation Manual? The two systems are similar but not identical, so I will cover them in separate chapters. Despite its simple and inviting name, the Bluebook is actually a detailed reference manval, and often a complicated one. Traditions of legal writing and referencing add to the complexity. A commonplace task like citing an article isa good example of this complexity. Using standard Bluebookstyle, you need to use three different typefaces: ordinary Roman, italics, and ‘SMALL caps, Take this article, which appears in volume 40 of the Virginia Journal of ternational Law, beginning on page 1103: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Judicial Globalization, 40 Va. J. ivt't L. L1U3 (2000), Not every legal journal follows these conventions, but many do and no other styles so widely used.? Inthe table of citations below, P'll concentrate on this standard version. Notice, too, that legal citations frequently use abbreviations. In fact, the Bluebook has page after page listing abbreviations for journals, courts, 1. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Ctarion, 18th ed, (Cambridge, MA: Hetvard Law Review Association, 2005). By the way, the Blueboot’s citation for ise, ‘Tae Brvenoox: A Union Sesreac oF Crrartow (Harvard Law Review Ass'a etal. eds, 18th ed. 2003), 2, Association of Lega! Writing Directors and Darby Dickerson, The ALWD Citation Manual: A Professional System: of Chation, 2d ed. (New York: Aspen Publishers, 2003) I cover this style in chapter 13, 5, Although the Busbookis standard, manylaw reviewsvaryfromit.There’smothing ‘wrong with thee variations, but wel stick tothe Blusbook style here to keep things as clear as possible, Chapter Tee legislative documents, end so on, There is no single online site with all these abbreviations, but some sites go part ofthe distance, The Univesity. ‘of Washington Law Libary has a helpful list of journal ebbreviations at 7 _hupuflibJaw.washington.edwilpfabbrevhtal. Ihave added ashort lst of abbreviations for ather common legal terms at the end ofthis chapter, ‘Amnid this complexity, there ig at least one shortcut. Yop construct «iblogapy. The ist footnote gv cme information about the item, * INDEX OF BLUEBOOK CITATIONS IN THIS CHAPTER Amerisin aw Review DVD er CD-ROM Paper unpublished ase (ALR) annotation ss 369 Patetse Arbiteation 58 Emil Resoed (of hearing) 55 Book Breyclopecia sg Reference book chapter in dtedbook Federelence, offal and Regulations and ageacy 154 ‘nfl 56 materials 157 died Federal laws, statues, Reporters court cases rmukipleauthorsiss Constitution 6 and decisions 154 mikigle editions Fadel rales 1s6 Review 56 1s Foreign courtdessions Speech olectureaso cone author 33 161 Sar edions (Blckstone) single volume ia a 150 State andoca laws odes sultvolumewock Internationa courts161 57 4 Inverview 59 Sate court decisions Briss Tourna aetile By CCodiication and online 52 ess, unpublished restatement 96 quotation in footnote Tanscripesss (Court decisions st reatyis7 federalssy Laws UN document 60 fora, federal ss Unpubdigned judicial iternations) 60 sateis7 opinfon 35 sutersy Newspuperartciess8 Web Databise 60 [Note or commenti pagexe, Dictionary 139 Jjournalasz site: dort need 19 3 Blucbook Lega! Citations 91 3 LEGAL CITATIONS: BLUEBOOKSTVLE = w a Eric. Posnes & Adrian Vermeuta Interring the Nondelegation Doctrine, 69 U. tL. Rev. 1724 (2002) Two authors are separated by "8 Isher ate tree or more suthocs,you can choose between two ways oflising them, (One sto list only the fst author, flowed by “tal” Altexnatively, you ca sal the author, separated by ‘commas except fr an empersand before the ast one ‘Adams, en Brown & Charles lk. The snl caps use here forthe oul te en be found under FormavFoat in Microsoft Word journal article Eugene Volokh ete, The Second Amendment as Teaching Tool n Constitutional Lew Classes, 48 | LEGAL EDUC. 595, 595-98 (998). > Let's decode this ciation for Volos iteppears in volume 48 of te femal of Legal Edwation, beginning on page $91. Within the arte, Iam eltingpoges 595-58, Te fame pagination format applies to court cases laws and oer tees Fst ist the document’ opening page, then mension ‘he specific pages you ae tng ‘See Posner & Vermeule, supra note $9, at 3723. The Blsbookaliies the term see becuse iis a“sgnaling term? There are many such tera, incling eg fend compar "Supra note 99" ells the eader that he fll reference to Posner and Vermeue i given abow at footnote 99. Ofcourse, this could be easy eld in Engl: “ied in note 99” Bu, alas legal tations dont permit Later lations fe, at 724-25, > Thisrefersto the same article asthe previous ote but dierent pages russell Korobkin, Bounded Rotionaliy, Standord Form Contracts, ond Unconsclonablity, 70 U. Cr. REV. 3203, 203, (2003) (if anyshing, the dominance of frm contacts over negotiates cantrzets has Increased” over he past tity years), Journal ate, with quotation Tn footnete igre Bove Fouralatice, arline >Notice that in yal ations quotes within footnotes come ler the cation and ae places in parentheses John J. Brogan, Speak & Space: How the internets Going to Ail the First Amendment as We Know it, 8Naj.L. & TECH. 8 (2003), tp:| ww Brogan.pef. Frangois Brochu, The Internet's Effect om the Practice of Rea! Property Lows A North American Perspective, 2003 (2). INFO. L.& Tecat, hp:/ nwa warnick ac ukjfac/soc/lan) elflt/2003.2/brochu/. Unpublished paper or thesis Noreor comment in Ti Wu, intelectual Property, innovation, and Decision ‘Aachitecures (Univ. of Chicago Pub, Law Working Paper No. 97, lume 2008), avilable ot hits) jwiwLaw. chicago du facademies|publiclaw/gy-tw-architectures. pd you know when forthcoming paper willbe pxblishe, Inlude the ys: (ortscaming 2007), Gregory M. Helse, Fictions of Soverelgnty: Legal Interpretation and the Limits of Nartative (2998) (unpublished P>h.0, dissertation, Pennsyivania State Universi), avaiable cmp facuty-statou.eduyjHy Gregory West) Dissertation PDK > For ducerations te Bluebook doesnot abbreviate the ‘university's name, For other unpublished papers, it does Pintip Hompluen: Dunn, Note, How Judges Overrale: Speech ‘Act Theory and the Dorrie of Stave Decisis, 113 YALE L493, (2003. the legal erm sare decisis appeared in repute, would beitalicced, When it ep arsazpart of Sacred ex, uch 1s this note it, seypeface ls reversed to notmal roman. Tae seis true forcourt cst, hich ate lite inthe regular 1x of ar rele and reversed inthe citation Robert, Sitkot, Comment, “tend the Hold” and Be: Why an Obscure Contracts Dactrie Should Contat in Federal Diversity Cases, 65 U. Ce Rev. 1059 1938), or eens ninana OAM ORNE RSS RN lucbook Legal Cations 358 > Ihis were book review t would say "Book Note*instead of Comment? The term "Comments" “Notes” and "Book: Notes elr to student authors Ifehere were no author ited for this comment, te citation would bein ‘Comment, “Mend the Hold" ond Ete ALR, annotation Book, one author 00K, multiple authors Book, multiple editions VLE. Shipley, Annotation, Libel and Slander Pilege Applcobie to fudiciel Proceedings as Extending 10 ‘Administrative Proceedings, 45 ALLR.24 1296 (2003) > Ainerotn Law Reports (A.LR.) comes in several series. The fst sees simply designated “A LR To Federal Series "ALR, Feo?” (Odor Detectable by Unaies Personas Furnishing Probable Cause for Secrch Warrant, 206 ALR sth 397 (2003). For unsigned anotations, bein with the BRUCE ACKERMAN, We THE PEOPLE: TRANSFORMATIONS 598). > Book author’ nsmnes are set in small aps as re book tes KEANETI WW, DAM, IE KULES OF THE GLOBAL Gale: A KEW Look Ar U.S. INTERNATIONAL POLICYIARKING 215-25 (2009. fer to pages 115-25 DOUGLAS G. BalRo Er AL, GAME THEORY ANO THE LAW 99. > According to the Bluebook these are more than two authors {as there are fr this book) ane space isa consideration, you should ist only the fest name fllowed by el? Ifspace permis, then you may isl the authors DOUGLAS 6. BalRo, ROBERT H, GERTNER & RANDAL C. PICKER, RICHARD A, Poswer, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW (6th ed 2003) Chapter Twelve Book single RAW H,FoLSOm, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRAKSACTONS volimeina 76-92 (ade 202) mutivolume + This eters to volume 2 pages 76-92. work Book, edited ECONOMIC ANALYSIS oF tHe Law: SfietieD ReaDiNas (Deneld Ahram ed, 2003) Chaoterin_Mlchael Sandel, what Money Can't Buy The Moral Lins af edited book ‘Markets, in 21 TANNER LECTURES ON HUMAN VALUES 89. (Grethe 8. Peterson ed., 2000). feprintof Waite Bacenor, THe Encusu ConstvUTiOn (Paul Smithed, earlier edition Cambridge Univ. Press 2003) (2867). Ouiver WENDELL HOLMES, J, THE Common Laiv 2-3 (Lite, Brown 1984) (0882). Staracitions Wiliam BLacxsvone, 4 CommenTanies "33 such as > A fewevery well-iown works, such as Blackstone's Blackstone Commentaries on the Laws of England, are given star treatient. You may cite tothe pages in the original by placing an asterisk immediately before the page number, This citation i to wl, page 33 single erterisk eppeats before mulsiple pages "33-35, Reporters, ‘Marbury v. Maison, § U.S. 137 (1803). court cases, Inthe text isl, case names ae italicized. After the ist and decisions —_textuak reference, they are usually refered to by the name of the frst party: Marbury Roe v, Wade, 410 U.S. 213 1973). Wosdson v. North Carolina, 428 U.S, 280, 305 (1976) (opinion of Stewart, J) United States v. Emerson, 270 F.3d 203, 260 (sth Cit, 2008) > "R3d” refers to the Federal Reporter, Third Series 63 F3d 160 (26 Cit. 1998), crt denied, 516 U.S. 2184 (1956). Bluebook Legal Citations 155 In this ctation, the Second Circuit’ opinion wes appealed to the Supreme Cour, which declined to hess the case. One role oflega cations is that ifthe case was subsequent appealed, enforced, vacated or otherwise acted upon, you need 1 show that i your citation. Marriage of Friedman, x22 Cal. Rptr. 2d 412 (Ct. App), review denied, No. $109408 (Cal. 2002). > When citing a case with two or more decisions i a single year, include the year oly wit the last-cited decision in tha year. Hamidi v, Rumsfeld, 126 S. Ct 2633, 266t (2004) Scalia & Stevens J, dissenting). Ine eBay, Inc. Shareholders Litig, Consolidated C.A. No. 19988-NC, 2004 WL 253523, at'2 (Del. Ch Jan. 23, 2004) {opinion of Chandler, Thisisan electronic citations "WL" refers to Westlaw. The same formats used for LEXI. ef, transcript, oF record Unpublished judicial pinion Brief of Petitioners Hamacher & Gratz at 8, Gratzv. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 244 (2003) (No. 02-516). > You cond also cite brief such as Appellant's Opening Brief at 6, Bears v. Packers... Respondent's Briefat 4, Aliv. Liston... Brief of American Psychological Assin as Amicus Curige in ‘Support of Respondents at 22, Grutter. Bollinger, 539 U.S, 306 (2093) (No. 02-241), available at Transcript of Oral Argument at 21~22, Rumsfeld v. Padilla, 324 S.Ct. 2711(2004) (No. 3-027), 2004 WL 1066129. Trial Hearing Record at 2:2, July 24, 2002, Simon v. Navon, 71 Fad 9 (st Cit. 1998). » Typical citation: Record at 3, Aone Road Renner. Ecology Works v. Essex Ins., No. 02-15658, 58 Fed. Apo. 724, 2003 U.S, App, LEXIS 4862 (gth Ci. Mar. 17, 2003). > Some federal opinions ate unpublished and do not appeat in the Federal Reporter. However, unpublished opinions issued by federal appeals courts since January 2001 are available in the privately published Federal Appendix Some are also available on the courts! own Websites. 156 Chaprer Tualve Federalrules FED. R. EVID. 50%. Refers ta Federal Roles of Bvidence, rule number 501 Feo, R.CW.P.9. “ Feo, R CRIM. P.32. U.S, Senrencins GurDeuines Manuay§ 2T.A(0K2) (997) a Codification _Restaremew (Secowo) oF Conruicr oF Laws § 82 (4971) and RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF THE FOREIGN RELATIONS LAW OF THE restatement Yyitea STATES 85 402-404 (1987) > §aneans section; $$ isthe plural Sse aE EEE SEES Sener eee Federal laws, statutes, Constitution US. Const art. 1, §8, ct. 3. > Refersto the US. Consticution, article 1, section 8, clause’ U.S, Const. mend. V ("Ho person shall be held to answer for ‘a capital, or otherwise infamous crime. .."), Homeland Security Aet af 2002, Pub. L. No. 207-296, §§ 223, 312, 874, 196 Stat. 2135, 2156, 2176, 2243 (2002). Telecommunications Act of 996, PUD. L. No, 104-104, 220 Stat. 56 (1996). Securities Exchange Act of 1934 § 23(0)(. 15 U.S.C. § 78 000}, North American Free Trade Implementation Act, Pub. L. ND. 103-182, 107 Stat, 2057 (codified at 19 U.S.C. § 3302 (1993)). + Use normal typeface fr the titles of laws, states, and regulations, Use saan cays for the title ofthe Constitution, eevee sere degeeeeCeEeeCH vege eeeeCeeeececeseeee CreeCeScee Federalcode, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a)(2). official and Freedom of information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 (1966), amended unofficial ‘by Pub. L. No, 104-234, 110 Stat. 3048 (1996). 142 U.S. § 20000-2(2)(2) {2000}. United States Code (U.S.C) is the oficial consolidation and codification of US. lw. Unofficial versions are published by ‘Wiest atid LEXIS. The one om West {and Westlaw) i led US. Code Annotated (US.C.A.). The one from LEXIS isUS. Code Service (USCS). 48 U.S.C.A. § 3553(a) (Wost 2c00 & Supp. 2004). ss sageEEEL PLL fsgeSSEgEECEE CHL 9ESPEREELEL UL SSESEELEELES See ss each se AN AE nh ela Roan Bluebook Lega! Giations 357 Regulations _|mplementatian of the Local Competition Provistonsiin the and agency _Telecommunicatlons Act of 1996, 61 Fed. Reg. 45,476, 45,493, materials (Aug. 29, 1996). Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-discriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utlites; Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities, 75 Fed. Energy Reg. Comm'n Rep. (CCH) ¢ 61,080, Fed. Energy Reg. Comm'n Rep.—Stat. & Reg. (CCH 4 31,036, 61 Fed, Reg, 23,540 (May 10, 1996). Appropriate Framework for Broadband Access to the Internet over Wireline Facilities, 67 Fed. Reg. 9232 (proposed Feb. 28, 2002). State and tocal laws, codes: Cat, HEALTH & SarETY Cove § 11488.4((3) (West 2003). Cat. Pewat Coe § 667(t)-(i), omended by 1994 Cal, Stat. ch. 22, § (legislative version effective Mer. 8, 2000). It, Const. of 1970, at. 5, § 22 (expressly conferring upon the governor the power to reprieve death sentences). washington State tedical Use uf Mautjueirs ALL, WASH. REV Cove ch, 69.51A, 1999 ¢2 (Intitive Measure No. 692, approved Nov. 3, 998). State court decisions People v, Latona, 284 Ill 2d 260, 277 (4998). Commonwealth v, Lockwood, 209 Mass. 323, 336 (1872). Treaty Agreement Between the United States and Jepan Concerning the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation ane Security, Jan. 39,1960, 23 UST. 3420, 131 U.NI.S.83 (entered int force June 23, 960). Protocol No. sto the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Mar, 20, 1952, £1.5. No, 9,233 UNS. 262 [hereinafter European Convention on Human Rights) Since theres no ebvious way to shorten this lengthy ttle, the “hereinafter” phrase lls the reader how you wil shorten it for use in ater citations. A subsequent reference would read European Convention on Human Rights, supra note 132. ConsoLIDaTED Taeary ow European Linton, Oct. 2, 1997, 1997 (4. (C340) s45. 58 Chapter Twelve Treaty (contioued) Because this treaty effectively forms the EU constitution, its tiles in small caps, asa constitution would be. \North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Dec. 17, 1992, 32 LLM, 605 (1993). > LLM.= International Legal Meterials A arbitration NASD Code Ard, Proc, 10332. ICC R. Arb. art. 8(2). \Wheatland Farms, Inc. v. Bakery, Confectionary and Tobacco ‘Workers Local 111, 102 Lab. Arb. Rep. (BNA) 2275 (1994) Woot Ab). Potent US. Patent No. 3,819,923 (filed Dee. 21,1972). > Orif you wish to include the patent's mame ‘Minfature Electronic Calculator, U.S, Patent 3,819,921 (filed Dec. 24,1972) > Youmayalso inchude the paten'issuing date, if thetisrlven: Miniature Electronic Calculator, U.S. Patent 3,839,921 (ited Dee. at, 3972) fissued lune 25. 4974), Newspaper antcle Howard W. French, China Luring Foreign Scholars to Make ts Universities Great, NY. TiweS, Oct. 28, 2005, at 1 ‘Thom Shanks, U.S. and jepan Agree ta Strengthen Miltary Ties, NY. TIMES, Oct. 29, 2005, 2005/10/30/polities) 3obases.htmlznagewanted=all, Book review ‘Stephen Labaton, Click Here for Democracy, N.Y TIMES, May 13, 2001 (reviewing Cass SuNsrein, RePUBLIC.cOM (2022), ‘veilable at htps/ reviews/o30513.13labatot htm, ‘Michael Sullivan & Daniel. Solave, Can Pragmatism Be Radical? Richard Posner and Legal Pragmatism, 113 Yate L 6687 (2003) {book review). Book Note, Measuring the Costs of Humanitarian Efforts, 138 Hay. Ls Rev. 1032 (2005). >» Or | | Bluebook Lege! Citations 1 Book Note, Measuring the Costs of Humanitafian Efforts, 118 Hany. L. Rev. 1932 (2005) (reviewing Davio KENNEDY, THE DARK SIDES OF VIRTUE: REASSESSING INTERNATIONAL HuMaNmanianisi). + Or Jane Doe, Book Note, Measuring Interview Speech or lecture Dictionary or reference work Telephone Interview with Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (Jan. 30, 2004). > An in-person interview would be Interview with Emilio Garza, Judge ofthe Fifth Circuit Couet of Appeals, in New Orleans, La. (Feb. 2, 2006). Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Speech atthe “American Bar Assocation Anral Meeting Avg. 9, ‘available at hip: wwe supremecourtus gov/publ speeches/sp_08-09-03-htm|. President George W. Bush, Statement onthe Next Steps in Stratagic Partnership with Inia Jan. 2, 2004), 40 WEA Come, PRES. Doc. 6 (Jan, 19, 2004), available athtp:/ BLack’s Law Dictionary 778 (8th ed. 2004). Income, in Buack’s Law Dictionary 778 (8th ed. 2004) 6 MagriNDALE-HuBBeuL Law DIRECTORY LA347B (2005) (listing for Charles . Stem, I) > Refrsto volume 6, page LA347B, refering to lawyers in Lovisiana ‘Supreme Court ofthe United States, in 10 West's Eucyctopeoin oF AMERICAN LAW 12~14 (1998). Refers to volume 1, pages 12-14 » The Bluebook doesnot show citations for onary definitions and encyclopedia references, This format is based on Bluebook guidelines for similar wor. Chapter Tae Database —_—_Natlonal Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade, intelectual Property Treaties, InterAm Database, htp:// twetiesfntpro.him. ie DvD or Prius 8, Tavton, Consrirurionay Law (PusLic Law) (CLS cO-ROM bw tecture Sees cD ROM, nee > nai, = no dete given for his CD-ROM. Government 149 CONG. Rec. H2051~53 (daly ed. Mar. 19, 2003) document U.S. itary Commnttments and Ongoing Military Operctions Abroad: Testimony Before the Senate Armed Services Comm., 108th Cong, + 2003} (statement of Paul Wotfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary), available at ‘ pdt, Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001: Hearings on H.R. 1644 Before the Subcomim. on Crime of the House Comm. on the Judiciary, so7th Cong, 53-54 (2001) (staternent of Jean Bethk= Elshtain), available at hitp { 72982.pif H.R, REP. NO. 208-507, at 2 (2004), reprinted In 200% US.CCAN. 726, 727. + Or ‘Marine Turtle Conservation Act of 2003, H.R. REP. NO. 198-507, at 2 (2004), reprinted in 2004 U.S.C.CAN. 726, 727. The Nariowat SecuR'ty StRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES OF America (Sept. 47,2002), available at hitp:| www \ U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, SrarisTicaL ABSTRACT OF THE UNiTED STATES 15 (1234 ed. 2003). U.S. Census Bureau, U.S, Dept. of Commerce, Census 2000 CONGRESSIONAL Disraicr SUMMARY FiLE DVO (Software Version}: 1o8th Congress (2003). UN document U.N. CHaRTER art. 23, para. 1. S.C. Res. 1441, UN. Doc $/RES/ 24471 (Nov. 8, 2002). » This is UN. Security Council Resolution 1441, which found Iraq in "material beac” of previous resolutions. | Bluebook Legal Citations * U.N. Doc, $/P¥.4692, at § (2009) ("Regrettably the 12,000 page declaration {by the Iragi government], most of which is a reprint of earlier documents, does not seem to contain any new evidence that would eliminate the questions or reduce their number." Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. Res. 217A, pmbl., UN, Doc. 4/830, at 73 (1948), avalloble athtta:|/wwwe -unhichech udhe/langfeng.htm, International courts (Miltary and Patamiltary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (leat. v. U.S.) 1986 LC. 392 (Nov. 26). Prosecutor v. Nikolié, Case IT-94-2-A, judgment Feb. 4, 2005), available ot judgement/ eee eee Cece ee ee eee eve gUESEEL Foreign court aston & Co, v. McCarthy, [1998] 59 B.C.LR.3d 168 (Ct. Ap). decisions > BCLR3d = British Columbia Law Reports, Third Series Canadian Councit of Churches v, The Queen & Others, [:9921 1 S.CR. 236, » SCR = Supreme Court Reports (Canada) Web siteor U.S, Dep't oF State, What the Secretary Has Been Saying, Web page 2005, http://mw.state.gav/secretary/tm, » You may add the Gate when the site was last visited + Secretary/im/ (last visited Aug. 31, 2008). ee sees eee Eee EST email E-mail from Martha Bergmark, President, Mississippi Center for Justice, to Charles Lipson (Oct, 25, 2005) (an fle with author), » You may wish to include the exact time of the message: (Oct. 25, 2005, 9:53 PM CST). 10 (Chapter Tree COMMON LEGAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS. affirmed afd istrict Dist. paragraph or para affirming fg «Document — Doc. paragraphs $f or paras. amendment amend, Federal Fed. preamble pmb article a Government Gov't _egulation Reg, Association Ass'n. judge; je “reversed rev'd certiorari cert, ——_—justice Rules R Commission Comm'n judges; hh section = § Company Co. lustices sections §§ Constitution Const, judgment. fitle tit Court ct lew versus v Department Dep't Tote: Copitalization eften depends on content, Contractions such as of are nat lowed bya period. EXPLANATORY PHRASES In these abbreviations, { have not indicated italics. However, phrases such as enforced or modified are almost always itali are called explanatocy phrases because they explain the history of udiciat decisions. Some, such as cert. denied and rev'd, are also abbreviated. The Bluebook (18th ed.) contains a complete list of abbreviations and e«plar tory phrases in 1.616, pages 335-79. Cornell University Law Schoo! provides a valuable interactive list of 2 breviations, explanatory phrases, and other legal topics at http://www.lo Another handy source is the 'Lectric Le Library at http://www lectlav.comidef.hem, 13 ALWD LEGAL CITATIONS ‘The Association of Legal Writing Directors {ALWD) has devised a citation system for classcoom useas an alternative to the standard Bluebooksystem.! ‘This chapter will show you how to use the ALWD system and includes plenty of examples so you can cite cases, laws, regulations, journal articles, books, and more. ‘These citations include both printand electronic sources: such as LEXIS and Westlav, which are widely used for legal research. [Fyou need additional details, you can find them in The ALWD Citation Manual? ‘The ALWD system is similar to the Bluebook in many ways. It cites statutes the same way, for example. Neither uses a bibliography because the frst citation for each item includes all the information, Stl, there are some differences. The most obvious are that ALWD includes the names of book publishers and eliminates the use of sMALL Cars, which the Bluebook ses for some titles and authors. My conclusion: ifyou already know how to use one of the legal citation systems, you can easily learn to use the other. INDEX OF ALWD CITATIONS IW THIS CHAPTER American Law Review mulivolume work Codification and (ALR) annotation 167 168 restatement 170 Arbitration 173 one author 167 (Court decisions Book reprint 68 federal 170 chapter in edited single volume in a foreign 76 booke168 rmulsivelume work international 376 edited 368 168 state ‘multiple authors 168 Brief 69 Database 175 1. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 18th ed (Cambridge, MAs Harvard Law Review Association, 2005), 2, Association of Legal Weiting Directorsand Darby Dickerson, The ALWYD Citation Manat: A Profesional System of Ctason, 2d ed. (New Yor's Aspen Publisher, 2003, * separate version for internationsl sources is forthcoming,

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