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A. Cloze Test 10mks

The Kenya Revenue Authority has________1________claims that its officials
routinely switch off the online cargo____2__________system to engage in

The claims were made by a _______4_____________to a parliamentary

______5_________in Mombasa two weeks ago.

The officer said after the servers were______6_________clearance of cargo was

done______7___________. This made it easier
for_______8_______to________9___________the system.

KRA has mentioned that it does not have any servers at the port,
and_____10_________the issue of its officers switching off the equipment did
not arise.


I. Write down five words that have the sound /e/ although letter e does
not appear in their spelling.





II. In each case, give another word that is pronounced the same as the
one given.
(i) altar

(ii) bough

(iii) chord

(iv) foul

(v) him

III. In each of the groups of words below, identify the odd one out.
(i) counsel, cancel, council

(ii) leave, these, sin

(iii) full. food, too

(iv) parachute, chauffer, chores

(v) seal, sell, cell

IV. By using a stress mark, indicate how the following words would be
pronounced as a noun and a verb.
(i) Transport

(ii) Rebel

(iii) Absent

(iv) Upset

(v) content

C. Read the poem below and answer questions that follow.

OKOT P BITEK: Son of my mother 20mks
Son of my mother has fought
Unsuccessfully with death
Son of my mother has fought
Unsuccessfully with death
Death has defeated the boastful one
It has destroyed my own, the one with the dark skin;
My brother fought single-handed,
No help from his brothers.
Death has killed the insistent one;
Has killed the brother whom I trusted.
My brother fought unsuccessfully with death,
It has destroyed the boastful one,
Has killed my own, the one with the dark skin;
Man, take a rifle,
Shoot death.
Death has killed the insistent one
Has taken my brother whom I trusted.
. Identify four character traits of the dead brother in the poem. Give evidence
from the poem to support your answer. 8mks

. What does the poet mean by;
My brother fought single-handed
No help from his brothers? 3mks

c. Identify four instances when personification is used in the poem. How does it
relate to the solution the poet gives? 6mks

d. What do you think would be a more suitable title of the poem than the one
given? Why? 1mk

e. How has the poem achieved rhythm?` 2mks


Maas D! Bless me eyesight! How you do?

The woman was tall and well built; somewhat on the heavy side. David etched
out a rectangle of face from among the flesh that he saw, put a slim body on it
and there was Myrtle, Charleys sweetheart, later wife. All that in the time it took
for them to hug each other and for her to settle down in the chair next to his.
Not as good as you, Miss Myrts. She gave a little chuckle.
Charley gone to park, she said.
Myrtle had barely settled herself in the chair when a shout came from the kitchen;
Myrtle, come back here and talk to me. A long to see you till a short. Her getting
up was almost as slow as Davids to greet her had been. Soon he could hear the
lively cackle from the kitchen as the two women reacted like school girls to each
others presence.

Charley soon burst through the door. I met a traveler from an antique land who
said and David chimed in: Two vast and trunkless slabs of stone stand in the
desert. Charley boy, these slabs can hardly stand.

They fell upon each other, Charley forming a kind of brace for his friend. Charley
was ramrod straight and smiling as he always did. As if he didnt have a care in
the world.

You know, Dave children in school dont learn these things again like first time.
But you looking quite well, man. Edith, how you? Charley was shouting.

So so, came the reply, and in two strides he was in the kitchen, hugging her
against his waist.

Back on the verandah with David, inevitably the talk reached the illness. David
allowed himself to be free with his long-time. It was good to be able to admit to
being worried, even depressed, to somebody.

Dont take it so hard, man, Charley was saying. From what I hear, you come a
long way. True; and I have to give thanks. But you know how it is. You can
imagine how it feel to be looking on when so much is to be done. Just now, the
container will come and all the complications to cleat it, for from what I hear,
thats not an easy thing. I didnt want Edith to have to take care of all of that,

I know, Charley said. But dont worry. I have a plan for that. My Pedro is in the
customs broking business now and him can handle it,
When I leave here, Pedro was barely walking. Now him is a big business man.
Is a few years well since you leave, you know. Plenty water flow under the
But Im glad the bridge is still here. You take a load off my mind, Charley. You
must thank Pedro for me. In advance. He paused to sip coconut water.

Myrtle had brought a tray with two glasses and had placed it on the table without
a word. Is like old times, eh Charley, except that your drink is a drink and mine is
a chaser.
I was thinking the same thing, Charley said. But then I figure that after so long
in England you might lose the taste for the whites, even if the doctor didnt say
You have a point. But you see. I know that is him say it.
Forget the bloody rum. I myself shouldnt be drinking it. But seriously. Listen
here. I have an idea. It mightnt work, but we can try. Next week, Saturday, I
want you to come with me to Milk River. You remember Milk River? A lot of
people believe in it. A lot of people get better after a few baths in it.

I remember it, David said thoughtfully.

We going to stay overnight so you can get two or three baths. Is not the length of
time, you know. Is the number of baths that matter. In fact, you not advised to
stay more than fifteen minutes at a time. The water is so highly radioactive.
Well, Jesus turn water into wine. You going to turn it into medicine?

You tongue well sharp still. I didnt say it will cure you, you know. I said I would
like to try.
I have nothing to lose, Charley, David said. I will try it.
The least I will get is the drive and some cashew on the Old Harbour/May Pen
road. Is thirty years since I see that road, and almost as long since I eat cashew.
In the kitchen, the women were laughing with an abandon that Edith at least had
grown to forget. She wasnt in her own house yet. They were spending a month
or so with own house yet. They were spending a month or so with Laura while
they waited for their things to arrive. But she felt comfortable and somewhat
right. It was enough to be in Jamaica. Back at yard, as the singer said, drinking
coconut water on a Saturday morning with her long-time friend.
Charley is the best thing coulda happen to David, she told Myrtle. Better than
any doctor medicine.
I think him have a plan, you know. Want to take him to Milk River. I dont know
if you ever hear it, but they say that if you throw well, it used to be sixpence
must be ten cents now.where the river meet the sea, and go and bathe in the
hot water, you stand a good chance of getting cure.
I never really hear that, but tell you the truth, I would advice him to try it. It can
do him no harm. I myself wouldnt mind go for the drive out.
Well, we might as well make it a sort of outing for the four of us,
That is how come Charley and Myrtle arrived Saturday morning, Charley driving
the four-wheeler and explaining that the road might not be all that good.
In no time, they had reached Six Miles and Kingston was behind them.
Marshland spread out on either side.
Ferry, David said as they approached the police station.
You memory good, man. Or is it your eyes
Both, said David. The country bus from Woods always stopped here. And you
knew that Kingston was around the corner.
The jeep picked up speed.
There is something about this stretch, said David.
For me too, you know, no matter how often I do it. The two women in the back
seat were unusually quiet, except for the Lord, it pretty, Edith, and Mhm, from
Six oclock in the morning even on a Saturday in a special time of day on the
road that eventually takes you from Kingston into Mandeville.
(Homestretch, Longman, 1994)


1. What is the relationship between Charley and Myrtle. 2mks

2. What does paragraph 7 (that starts Charley soon burst out) reveal about
David and Charley? 2mks

3. Identify two features of style used in the excerpt. 2mks

4. What in the excerpt indicates that David and Edith had just returned from a
long stay away from home. 4mks

5. Give the meaning of the following lines: 3mks

i. They fell upon each other.

ii. The jeep picked up speed

iii. Plenty of water flow under the bridge

6. Rewrite the following sentences correctly.

i. Is a few years well since you leave 3mks

ii I know that him say it.

iii. I think him have a plan.

7. What do the characters reveal about the society in Kingston. 2mks.

8. Change this into reported speech.

You know. Dave, children in school dont learn these things again like first time.
But you looking quite well man, 2mks

E. Grammar 30mks
a. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets with an appropriate auxiliary
verb where necessary to express past tense.
She_____________her homework by the time the party started. (do)

I______________to repair this computer but I had no time yesterday (mean)

They_____________us for what we had done (thank)

Mogoi_____________English as a child. (learn)

b. Use the most appropriate conjunction to complete each
1. How may jobs have you had_____________leaving school?

2. Put on this_______________you shower and you will smell


3. Always wear protective gear__________working with chemicals.

4. We went for a walk_________________seeing the visitors off.

5. _____________ I didnt want to buy a shirt, I did not find anything

else there.

c. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate prepositions.

1. I wonder if you could get it done___________________tomorrow.

2. He has been waiting there_____________five oclock.

3. Everyone tries to buy a new dress_____________christmass.

4. She always goes to visit her grandmother_________Sundays.

5. Theyre delivering the furniture____________my house on


d. Use the following adverbs to construct grammatically

correct sentences.
1. Immediately

2. abroad

3. yesterday

4. briskly

5. hourly

6. never

e. Rewrite the following sentences according to the
instructions after each. Do not change the meaning.
1. You have less confidence than I have. (Begin: I.)

2. Nobody in my class is stronger than Akinyi. (Begin: Akinyi.)

3. Mulis salary is double mine. (Begin: Muli earns.)

4. My brother is keen in cooking in the club (use keenest)

5. I have seen more exciting films than this one. (Begin: This isnt.)

f. Change the following sentences according to the

instructions given.
1. Sheila told John, You will be posted to a new school this term.
(Change into reported speech) 2mks

2. The strangers asked us where the money for shopping was from.
We told them, we had withdrawn the money from a bank that day.
(Change into direct speech) 2mks

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