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SOME ASPECTS OF WESTERN AND INDIAN ASTROLOGY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO LIFE, LOVE, MARRIAGE, HEALTH, PHYSICAL DEFICIENCIES AND MORTALITY by RAMNIKLAL R. MODY, 5, a., OL..5. Author of indian Astrotogy D, B, TARAPOREVALA SONS & CO., LTD. Treasttre House off Books 210, Dr D.Naoro), Road, Bombay 1, - bablishe tly Ramaikll R Medy, B A, LLG Solicitor, High Court, Bombay Kusum Villa, Alexandra Road Bombay, 7 4U Bightt weluding (hose af translation reseresd by the author e Furst Edition 1955 Sot¢ Selig Agents D B Taraperevals Sons & Co, Ltd 210 Or D Naorofl Road Bombay | Pranted by Pod Nesal Bombay Central Press 354, Glegaon Road, Bombay 2 PREFACE. The present book contains articles which were published years ago in the Sany Vartamai Annual Paten Numbers These Artucles come in Part I of the Book They have been thoroughly and completely revised and nany important matters and tables have been added su as o make them as complete as possible The last chapter of art I, dealing with Chandrayoga or Junar combinations has \t appeared before [tis anew matter added asit seems 9 the author to be rather important In the Second Part of the Book, there are two matters ealt with The first deals with the rationale of planetary ‘anions ‘The same appearedin the Astrological Wugazsne (Bangalore some yearsage tha: been completely and ioroughly revised and made as useful as possible The scond Chapter deals with the rationale of planetary powers hus was an essay written by the author fora competion augurated by the Bombay Astrological Society and won silver medal, This also has been thoroughly and impletely revised and will be found to be useful, The tronale of planetary powers and relations though achemaucally dealt with by emunent Sanskrit. scholars hat yt been explamed and 1tys difficult to follow the reasons ay planets have certain powers attributed to them owever an attempt has been made to mabe this article in rtreular as lucid as possible RRM num Villa exandra Road devi, Bombay, 7 CONTENTS Part d Pages Chapter I Vitality of the Zodiacal Signs I-42 » TL Astrology and Infant Mortalit; 43 82 » III Accidents and Astrology 83-09 » IV Eyes and Lyesight 100-107 . Dumpbness and Defective Speech 107-113 Ears and Hearing 114 Wg Vo Marriage Affinities and Astrology 20-164 7 Vio Chandra Yogas or Lunar Combinations 165-183 Part It Chapter 1 Rationale of Planetary Relationships 184-202 * II Powers of the Planets and the Mundane Houses 203-266 PART | Chapter | The Vitality of the Zodiacal Signs. —— « In the first two chapters of this part we shall consider the questions of (1) The Vitality of the Signs of the Zodiac and (2) infant mortality Before considering the latter questian, ut will not be out of place first to consider and discuss the first one of the vitality of the twelve signs of theZodiac It is not necessary to write anything in defence of the science of astrology, though it has been unfortunately brought into mdicule, contempt, discredit and degradanon, becanse of the hopeless muddle into which, 1 has been Ianded by the blunders of some of its ignorant votanes and by the trickeries and frauds, practised by some unscrupulous ympostors for ther own selfish ends, with a view to fileh and rob the ignorant, the guilible and the innocent of their moneys It 1s sufficient now to, state, that itas a perfect science, based on loge and reason and still maintains its position as such inspite of scanddl, ignorance, superstition, scepticism, doubt, prejudice, contempt and rmposture It 21s very amusing to note, that those whe are loudest in their onslaughts, attacks and protests against it, outwardly witha view to show off their disbelief in itto the public, are the very persons who almost every day of their byes run to, and consult the astrologers, to have their fortune and future predicted and foretold and woe to the scence, if the predicuons made by theastrologer do not come off true [tis then immediately said thit astrology sno science, that it 1s all humbug and supersution or that 113 a channel, through which, that rogue and bounder of an astrologer makes his living by trickery and fraud by always painting a rosy pice lure, a bright career and the happiest future The astrologer maust be correct and exact in all his predictions, otherwise he wsdoomed Thedoctor may commit blunders with impu- nity an the diagnosis of the disease from which his patient 3s suffering and give hum wrong treatment, with the result that he, the doctor, sends him, the patient, to his place of rest in heaven, but he charges hus fees and that 1s scientific know- ledge and scientific progress The Jawyer may commit blunders with impunity, mismanage, spoil and Jose Ins client's case, in Which, hus reputation or property worth lacs of rupees may be involved and which may spell utter ruin to the clent, but the lawyer charges ius cests, charges and expenses and perhaps that would be excused on the ground of an error of judgment, because he 1s a legal lummary and 1s considered to be infallable, but woe betide the astrologer, af his reading of the chent’s past 13 incorrect in any partucular orf his predi- cuon of the future proves to be maccurate m one singic matter Heisimmediately dubbed as a fraud, a mounte- bank, an impostor of an ignoramus amd the science of astrology, at as said at once, 1s a sham, a murage and a super- shbon Itss undoubtedly absurd to think that astrology by itse]fis not ascence, because some of its exponents and 2 sotanes are enther ignoramuses or impostors or innocent blunderers Astrology, as a science, 15 a vast subject and so many factors have to be considered and taken into account for the purpose af making predictions, that even the best, the most sincere and the most intellegent exponents get bewilder+ ed and come to a wrong conclusion and so make a wrong prediction, but that does not show, much less does 1t prove, that it 1s not a science The factors employed are (t) the planetsincluding the luminanes viz the Sun and Moon (2) the Zodiac and the twelve signs consututing it and the twelve terrestrial houses We are concerned here more with the second factor mentioned above viz the Zodiac and the twelve signs constituting it, with special reference to them from the standpoint of their vitality The Zodiac § What it is The Zodiac or Rash: Mandal or Rash: Chakra, hterally means a group of ammals collected in a circle and 1sa broad belt or band in the heavens, round the carth or rather across thecheavens, nearly parallel to the equator, extending some nine degrees on either side of the cchpuc 1¢ the Sung annual path in the heavens, as viewed by an abserver on this our Earth Jt xs mvisible and its position in the heavens can only be made out by noticing the vanous positions of the planets at mght The Zodiac 18 furnished to us by the motion of the earth called revolution round the Sun Its value and importance hes im the fact, that it isthe path of the Sun, 3 and sts employment tn astrology 3s simply 4 testimony and proofef the amportince and influence of the Sun, and 4 planet’s place in the Zodiac means simply its position in the Sun’s pith = Teas sartually the orbit of the earth Division of the Zodiac into the twelve Signs This broad belt or band of the Zodiac serves asa pibulum or medium or channel, through which, the planets, which are the centres of power, force, energy and ‘itality are working and funeuomng It as divided anto twelve equal sections of 30 degrees cach, called signs, winch are given distinctive names and are comparable tothe divisions on the dial of awateh or clock They start from the point occupied by the Sun at the vernal equinox, that 1 about atst March of every year, according to the Western scence of astrology, a date which is now changed, but according to the Hindu system of astrology, the Sun attains the Ist degree of Aries at present somewhere between the 19th and s7th of Apnl every year It ts called the M[esha Sankranti and marks the begrnning of the Salnahan Shak or the Maru or the Chanm year These twelve sections or signs, which are named after certam animals and. worms and also show human forms, are represented? by symbols or forms and divided and clasufied as shown m the accompanying table These forms have been taken from the Brhact Jatak and other Indian authorities on astrology held in great esteem and authority im India There 1s pracucally no difference between the forms, given by Indian and Western writers on the subject, except as regards the sgns Scorpio and Capricorn, which, m addition to the symbols of the Scorpion and the Crocodile, are considered by the Western writers, also to represent the former, by the 4 « snake or serpent and sometimes also by the eagle and the latter by the goat whois a mountain climber These symbols or forms should be thoroughly memorised and under- stood, as they are of extreme importance m unravelling the secrets of the signs and the planets ruling them and afford a most valuable guide, in interpreting their meaning and m reasoning out the various combinations and permutations, {nat are the natural result of the blending and their effeets In fact, the twelve signs are the foundation of all astrological interpretauon and form the ground plan and basis of astro- logy and all astrological reasonings, meanings and interpre- tations It may be said that the natures of the various planets can only be deduced, reasoned out and understood as revealed differently and distinctively through cach of the twelve signs They may be said to furnish, if not the alphabet ” says a learned English writer *4vinch may properly be relegated to the planets, as more fundmental, at Teast, the grammar of astrology ”” Three objections Three main objections my, however, be raised as to the salue and importance of the twelve signs constituting 1f and ther forms or symbols, (1) that these forms or symbols have no existence in fact, but are only the result of imagi- nation, (2) that even taking it for granted, that they do exist, they are vannble and changeable and would present different aspects or forms from different posrtions, and (g) lastly that even if the existence and non-changeabulity of these symbels are admitted, 1t cannot and does not necessanly follow that they should bear the meanings and interpretations ascribed to them, for the simple reason that the onginal and the copy 5 nre not the same, so that itis not only fuule, but absurd to say, that the signs, symbolising animals, human beings and worms, should bear the meanings and interpretations sought to be logically ascribed to them from their forms or symbols The answers to the three objections (1) Theanswer to the first olyection 1s ocular proof for the seepuc, who will not fail tosee atleast nine out of the twelve forms as clearly as possible an the sky when atas clear {2} The answer to the second objection is, that these forms or symbols appear to present the same appearance from what. ever place or position, they are s¢en from our earth Further, ecular proof guns support from antiquity and tradition as historical research will and docs definitely prove These symbols have undergone no modifications, during all known tme Why? Because of their truth and reality and because they have an actual living relanonstup with the signs of the Zodiac they represent (3) The answer to the third and last objection ts, that itrails to take note of the human faculty ofanalozy and comparseon The picture of the symbol gives the general idea of the arumals, the human beings and the worms symbol.sed by the signs, ef thar gene ral characteristics, though the animals etc., may differ even an specie from one another and also in their specific pecu hanues and special characterstres in general and also in particular Under the arcumstances, it follows that the Zodiac and the twelve signs in which itis divided, together with ther forms and symbols, are capable of a rational expla nation based on reason and logie, but it is better to rare the super structure of interpretation of the signs on trad:tion, inspiration and revelation rather than on lome and reason as ut would meet with less opposition 6 Various Divisions of the signs There are various kinds of divisions of the signs of the Zodiac viz, (1) Polarity 1 e division into male and female, posinve and negative (2) Polarity subdivided into the triphcities or tngons, groups of three signs each and we get the four elements viz Fire, Earth, Air and Water (3) cach of these four elernents is in Its turn, charactensed by three hinds of essential attributes or gunas viz (a) cardinal or moveable or Chara (5) fixed or mmoveable or immu- table or Sthira and (c) common or mutable or Dwiswa- bhava (4) There is a further division of the twelve signs mnto the four castes viz the Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Sudras and Brahmins Thus the twelve signs are the outcome of the division of the Zodiac in the factors mentioned above and conversely, this division arises from the fact that the Zodiac is constructed from and is the combination of the same factors, so that itis from the mterplay of the four groups of powers vz, the two polanues, the four elements or trpheines, the four castes and the three qualities or gunas, that the whole Zodiac of the twelve signs ts binlt up, four out of which belong to each of the three qualines and one of each group of four belongs to each clement and caste and further that all the odd signs viz Fiery and Kshtriya and Atry and Sudra are called positive and male and all the even signs viz, the Earthy and Vaishya and the Watery and Brahmin are called neganve and ferimne “ Astrology attributes to each one of the twelve signs a certam influence over the physical and mental constitution of every human being, whether the mfluences and quahties of the several signs, were seen through by mspiration, divinely 7 revealed, read into them by empirical art in the course of ages, or inferred or deduced by reason and Jogie, tt 1s certain that these influences do exist, wre there and have their undo- ubted effects and results, (compare the cflect of the Moon on the ebb and tide im the oceans, and of eclipses and earthquakes on our earth, to name only 1 few out of the many effects of the signs and the planct on our earth) and such 1s theforee and immortality of tradition, that the same forms or symbols stand for the same signs and carry the same me‘inings and interpretation today, as they have done from times immemorial and for ages prst, but the fact that the me inings and interpretations of the signs have come down to us by the mere force of tradition alone, cannot detract from or depreaate ther value On the contrary, therr very persistence and consequent existence today, proves therr value and their truth and adds to theirsanctity and genuineness Inherent Natures of the Signs Having shown the outcome of the division of the twelve signs as just stated, the mext thing is to determine the question of the inherent natures of the twelve signs apart from what 1s denoted by the combination of the state of nature or polanty, the clement, caste and quality to which each of them belongs and their rulers Has Aries, for instance, any mtrmsic or umherent nature or character, apart from what it derives from its bemg a cardinal, fery male, Kshtriya sign, ruled by Mars It has been suggested by an eminent Laghsh writer, that the answer 1s open to doubt It may be stated here, that 1¢15 not, for it 15 the symbol of each of these “arbitrary divisions of go degrees each, called syms, their inherent and intrinsic natures and characterss- 8 tres which immediately and indelibly stamp thar own natures and indicate, for certain, their pecuhar and special influence, characteristics and natures [nother words, people, coming under the influence of Aries, by having the sign im the ascendant or by having one of the Jummanies occupying the same, display thespecial and peculiar characteristics and inherent and intrinsic nature of the Ram those under Taurus of the bull, those of Gemim and other signs denoting human symbols or forms of mankind in general and so on Symbols of the Signs show their inherent nature These symbols indicate the internal, inherent, intrinsic and inborn attnbutes or qualities which may be truly desen bed as rambke, bull like, crab-hke, lLioonike, human ete These charactenstics are inborn, zmmanent and mherent and will seck an outlet or show themselves out sooner or later according as occasion arises and according to the arcum- stances and surroundings They form indeed the very essence, not only of the individuals character, but are the source and fountain head of all his aspirations and desires and are the springs which sur the mdividual te action and are, in brief, lumself They also afford a most valuable guide as to the physical, moral and mental conditions as well Tn fact, the symbols are the inexhaustible mine of informaton, regarding the individual's character, lus inner and inherent nature, hts physical and mental charactenstics and pecuba nities and his innermost beng and working Influences modifying the inherent natures of the signs But thismbherent nature is considerably modified and altered often completely out of its original shape and mould, 9 by a goodmany external influences and fretors which are furnished by the division of the Zodiac, as stated before, which shall naw be traced so far as they affect the vitality of the twelve signs The Twelve signs - What they show The twelve houses ofthe horoscope show the physical mould of the person born = The ascendant or the first house asthe concentrated estence of the remaimng houses and represents the physical body as a whole, because at shows the exact position of the carth sigmfying the body in the celestial sphere in relation to the Sun, the Moon and the other planets at the me of the birth of an individual and xs thus consequently of primary importance on the question of Life The ascendant is the prot, upon which every other factor m the horoscope centres round, the smportance of the other houses, so far as hfe 1s concerned, rests solely on ther relauon with the ascendant, representing the physical body The nature of the ngn, mung im the ascendant, shows the nature of the physical constitution with which, the subject 1s born and is naturally endowed In other words, the ascendant shows the physical mould, the sign msg im at mdicates the maternal of which the mould or form x8 made and the planets are forces which act and react directly or indirectly on both =A concrete illustration will make the whole positon clear Let us take vessels made of earth, glass, wood, brass, copper and steel. All those show the physical mould or form. The earthen and glass vessels are extremely brittle, the wooden ones much stronger and the steel ones the strongest. Break, they all do, but the latter do not do so, so casly They Jast 10 long, as the powers of resistance of brass, copper, steel and other metals of a like nature are very great Very little force and tme will be required to break the former, a vast amount of labour, toil and time will obviously be required to break the latter So with the twelve stgns of the Zodiac, some of them bestow weaker physical constituttons, some neither extremely strong nor extremely weak, whule others bestow constitutions of the nature of iron and steel The former easily succumb to disease and death, the latter offer stubborn resistance against them and take a Iong tumc before they succumb, becanse they have great powers of resistance and are hence very vitai It, therefore, becomes important to ingwre, which signs arevital and which are not, because they give a clue to the solution of the all important question of jife in infancy and even in later age Elements to be considered In determining the relative Vitality of the Signs For determing the relative vitality of the signs, the following factors have to be taken into account, viz, (1) their forms or symbols, (2) therr varrous divisions, (3} the planets, (qa) signs over which they rule, (4b) signs in which they get exalted, (4c) signs of their detraments and falls, (4d) their Multrikona signs, (5) and the aspects of the planets Division of Signs by Symbols From the symbols of the signs, given in the table, it will be seen that they are dyided (1) first 2nto anal, bestial or quadniped wiz, (1) Anes, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius end half and Capricorn, ist half (2) into human or biped il viz Gemun:, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius ist half and Aquarius, (3) unto vermin, mute or dumb viz Cancer, Scorpio and Pasces and (4) double-bod:ed or bicorporeal uz, Gemini, Samttarius and Pisces The table will also show that cach of the twelve signs 1s posiuve and negatne, male and female, masculine and fermnine in rotauon, the odd signs being postive and male, the even ones being negative and female, and further that the positive and male mgns compnse the fiery and auy tnpheties or tigons, in other words, the fiery and arry signs are merely their sub-divisions, while the negative and female signs comprise the earthy and watery tnphates or tngons, in other words, the earthy and watery signs are also merely their sub-divisions “Earth and water are negative and imert, but are acted upon by the positive clements fireand ar Thewinds 1 ¢ ar (airy tnpleity) sur the waters of the ocean (watery trphety) and shake the bowels of Mother Earth (earthy tnplicaaty) Tt is on account of these reasons, that fiery and ary signs are called masculine or male oF posinve signs “Earth and water are the two attnbutes of Mother Nature, given them, she 1s able to produce and to bring forth and consequently the signs which have afimty with these two celestial elements, may well be regarded as female or ferme or negative" Note that all the fiery sgns viz, Anes, Leo and Sagitta nus are bestial or ammal, that all the airy signs viz. Geum, Libra and Aquanus are human and that all the watery signs viz, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are dumb and vermm And according to Indsan astrology, Virgo and Aquanus, which 12 are both human signs are also considered to be watery srens, so that it will be seen that the watery signs, with the single exception of Aquarius, are all femimme or female signs Again according to Indian astrology, the signs Sagrttarius (and half) and Capricom (1st half) are both ammal or bestial signs Sagttarrus ist half is human Relative vitality of the signs- (1) Fiery and bestial group— all vital- The fiery group viz Anes, Leo and Sagitiarius, are vital signs from their very nature and give great strength and power to resist and withstand diseases and give and prolong life even im a severely afficated horoscope The reasons are first, (1) that these signs are all bestial or armmal, as the forms or symbols clearly show Amnesss represented by the ram, an ammal, Leo, by the Lon, also an arumal, and Sagi ttarmus, the centaur, first half man, the last haif horse, an ammai The sign Sagittarms 3s also represented by the hunter or archer Obviously the vitality and stamina of ammials or beasts, such as those mentioned above, 13 naturally and must be decidedly greater than that of human beings and worms, such as crabs, scorptons and fishes The reason is, that animals have an immense store of heat, energy stamina and vitality im ther bodies The first, the Ram, wears a natural coat of wool and is thus naturally gifted by the Almighty with means, whereby the heat and Gre which as the source of all starmna and vitality in the body, 1s naturally preserved The second, the lion 1s wuaversally regarded, as the king of beasts and his strength, stamina, vinhty and vitality can best be described in the words of an Indian poet who sings thata hon’s cub alone can digest 13 the milk of the honess and that a vessel made of any metal other than gold, cannot hold the same, because ifstis put mtoa vessel, made nof of gold, but of any other metal, the vessel would be broken to pieces Even the horse which 1s represented by Sagnttarms has an enormous store of energy, stamuna and vitahty and 1s perhaps the oldest of known domesticated anumals, used for the purpose of vehicles Even the energy of motor cars, steam engines and other things used to day 1s calculated by a reference to this ammal,e g,a motorcar or an engine being of 18 horse power or 12 horse powerete Again the symbol of the first part of this sign is the archer or hunter or a man shooting an arrow from Ins bow No weakling can handle a bow and 2n arrow and can be or even aspire to be an archer or hunter unless obviously he has physical strength, stamina, vitality and courage both mental and physical enough to enable him to go a hunting (2) Kshatriya signs-warrior class Secondly, column rr in the table will also show, that these are all Kshatrrya signs Kshatnyas are known among the Indians asa warnor class and must necessarily possess vitality and stamina and also physical and muscular strength, robustness and virility anda physique capable of endunng the rough and hard hfe of a soldier, absolutely essential for his profession (3) Male signs ruled by male planets Thirdl;, they are all male and positive signs respec- tively ruled by Mars, Sun and Jupiter, all mate plancts Males have, as a general rule, more stamina and vitality and 14 More physical and muscular strength than females who ate proverbially known as weaker vessels and are generally phy- sically the weaker of the two, having by far much less vitality, vigour and stamina The male signs are also less lable to external disorders, the female signs are more receptive to external influences and conditions The positive signs especially the fiery and bestial group having too much Mitality and stamina in them, are apt to neglect and very often overwork the body, taking abundant physical exerase even to an excess, but little or practically no repose or rest. ‘They are also often xmpradent in matters of diet and bang on diseases and undermine ther health on this account The airy group, consisting of all purely human sgns, on the other hand, 1s apt to overwork the mund, ther tendency beng always mental and imaginative They are apt to worry and to overstram the mind by study or worry The Tesult as nervous breakdown, as a result of the overworked mund, reacting on the body (4) Fiery Sigas—Fire is an Invigorating element Fourthly, these signs are all fiery signs Natural and internal heat 1s absolutely essential for the preservation of the physical body from disease and death Fire is an inva goratng and vitalizing element and destroys and burns away all the natural impuntes of the physical body Physiology cally, those who have vital heat in thew bodies, are gifted with very good thyestwve powers and appebte and vice \ersa and consequently there 1s mo wonder that people with excellent appetite and digestion, should be physically more robust and strong and have more energy, vitality and stamina Heat, natural heat is the sine qua non fora long To life and sound and perfect health. Thus these four ‘elements or factors viz. that these three signs are all animal or bestial, male and positive, fiery and Kshatriya, are common to all the three signs of this group, (except that the sign Sagittarius is partly bestial and partly human) account for their vitality and’ stamina and their ability to resist disease and death. » ok * Influences tending to vitalize or devitalize the signs. . The remaining elements to be taken into account for the determination of the vitality are (1) the sign rulership i.e, theplanet which rules the sign, (2) the planet's exalta- tion and (3) fall in a particular sign., (4) the natural friendship er enmity between the ruler of the sign in question and the planet, getting exalted or having a fall in that particular sign, and Jastly (5) the quality or guna or attri- bute of the sign in question fe. whether it is cardinal or chara, fixed or sthira, or common, or dwi swabhava. , The influence of these five elements mentioned above wall tend either to increase or decrease the vitahty or go to show its excess or want or deficien¢y or vitalize or devitalize the sien in question, ” r Aries Each sign of this group shall now be considered separately in the light of the remarks made above. The sign Aries is ruled by Mars, and is also his Multrikona sien who, though considered to be an evil planet, is first of all, a male and positive planet, secondly he is hot, fiery and electric and thirdly he isa Kshatriya planet, So that he is naturally energizing and vitalizing. He gives vital > 16 - heat and a good circulation and for this reason, is able to throw off diseases Thus sign 1s also the sgn of the Sun’s exaltation The Sun 1s known in Indian astrology to be the Jiva or Prana or life and the Satva or the essence of the universe He 1s to the solar system, what the heart ss to the physical body, and the main spring to the clock or watch He 1s vital heat and vital energy Heus the great vitaliang centre, force and power throughout nature and the universe, always, vivifying, nurturing, supporting and Ife giving He 1s the fountain head, source, and root of alt life, energy, strength, stamina, vitality, hght and heat” The Sun, hke Mars, 1s a male, positive and also a Kshatriya planet The exaltation of the Sun, in this sign, coupled with his natural friendship with Mars,its ruler, naturally tends to further vitahze ut) The result of the combination of these elements isthatit makes this sign a really vital one indeed, full of “igour, vitahty and stamina, able to restst disease and death and fight against them with a surprising tenacity Defects The main defects of this sign, however, are, (1) that Saturn, who 1s the natural enemy of both Mars and Sun and who ts a cold, dr, contracting obstructive and devitalizing planet, has his fall m this sign with the result that its vitalbty and stamina suffer, toa certain, thought to asmall and neghgible extent, and again (2) that this sgn 3s cardinal or moveable so that its peculiar characteristic 1s tobe continuously on the go, always moving, rushing and gushing, and thus its vitality, stamina and energy are often wasted to mo purpose and uselessly spent away on this account Thissign, though a strong and vital one, robust and full of vigour and stamina, is not and cannot be the 6 17 strongest sign in the Zodiac, but comes next to Leo and Sagittarius in this particular respect Leo The sign Leo 1s one of the strongest signs of the Zodiac. The reasons which may profitably and briefly be recapitulated are (1) that itasa bestial or arumal sign represented and symbolhsed by the hen, universally recognised and accepted asthe hing of beasts, full of vigour and vitality (2) It is alsoa fiery and (3) Kshatmya sien, the fire of the lon, its symbol and of the Kshatrrya and its inherent fire and the fire and heat of the Sun, its ruler, give this sign abundant natural heat almost to an excess, with the result that this excellent combmation endows this sign, with abundant vitality and stamina and excellent digestion (4) This 1s also a positive and male sign, so that the remarks made 12 conneton with the sign Anes, on thisscore, are equally applicable here It is ruled by the Sun and 15 also his whose Mulmkona sign, the Sun who 1s the Jiva or Prana or life and as what the heart 1s to the physical body One peculanty of this sign, 1s that no other planet has exther hus exaltation or fall and st stands by stself in this connechon Moreover it 1s a fixed sign, so that because ofits fixedness, its vitahty and stamina are not unnecessanly finttered away or wasted, asin the case of the cardmal sign Aries Thus, there 1s no wonder that this perhaps 1s one of the strongest and most vital signs in the Zodiac But the heart 1s generally affected when it 1 erther badly tenanted or aspected by the malefics especially Saturn, the natural enemy of its ruler, the Sun, and especially in the 5th house, which also mules the heart Ifat all, it 1s inferior only to 15 mutabibty and bicorporealness characterises 1t, bs Lept well under control by the human part, symbolised by the archer which indicates the supremacy of man over beast, of man who leads and guides, by the hght and power of his mind and reason, over beast who 1s led and ginded purely by instinct Airy Groap The Airy group which together with the fiery group goes to make up the group of the sx male and positiwe signs and compnses of Gemim, Labra and Aquanus (i} Heman Signs ‘The signs, in this Airy group, are also vital and have great vuality and stamina, though not so greatas the fiery ones mentioned above The reasons are (1) that they are m the first place, signs all symbolising human beings who have and must obviously have less vitahty, energy, stamina and physical and muscular strength and vinkty than anmais such as the ram, lon, and horse, symbolised by the ammal signs Human beings come next in order m pant of vitality and stamina, to the anunals mentroned above, and the werms and reptiles such as the crabs, scorpions and fishes symbolised by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces (2) Sudra {2) Secondly all these signs are all Sudra signs Sudras are persons, whose profession generally 1s to serve the three higher castes. 9 They toi and labour from morn tll eve and Tead a hard, arduous and labonous hfe The majority of this class consist of agriculturasts and nllers of the sol They work and tol im the open under the Sun in hot and cold weather and earn ther hvelzhood by sheer honest hard 20 labour and work Thus the open air and hard hfe give them abundant exercise and keep ther bodies fit and strong By ther very mode of life, they thus acquire extraordinary physical strength and a fund of vitalbty and stamina almost equal to that of the Kshairiyas, the only substantal difference being that the Kshatnyas are fighters, while the Sudras are ther mentals and assist them in ther fight Ther food 3s also simple and frugal TheS udras have thus bodies capable of the utmost physical endurance and physical wear and tear, aequired by the leading of a natural and simple and conse- quently a healthy life Thus it 18 no wonder that these signs should also have abundant vitality and stammna (3) Male Signs (3) Thirdly‘all these are positive and mal¢ signs and are vital also on ths account asin the case of the fiery signa (4) Air {4) Fourthly Aur as an element 1s also vital and witalizing, though not to the same extent as fire which comes in this respect above air, which, 11 its turn, stands above water, as 4 vitalizing element ‘ Libra Out of the three airy signs, Libra comes first, m9 point of vitality, though next to the fiery group in this connection The reasons are that its ruler is the benefic and magnene Venus who though a femmine planct 15, however, according to Indian Astrology, concerned wrth semen, the vital fluid which shows vital force One great peculiarity of this sign a that it is connected with the falls of the mo lumananes, the Sun and the Moon and Saturn gets 9 a exalted in 1t. Leo as not concerned with the falls or exaltations of any other planet as no planet has Ins fall or exaltation in Leo Simularly the positive signs Gemum, Sagittanus and Aquanus are not toncerned with the fall orexaltation of any planet whatever in them, though Rahu, the Moon's north node gets exalted in Gemini and Ketu the moon's south node in Sagittanus Except these four positive signs mentioned above, all the other sgns including all the negative ones are concerned with the fall or exaltation of one planet or the other On the other hand, Libra us affected by the falls of the two luwunanes viz, the "Sun and the Moon, and it is the exaltation of Saturn-the malefic The Sun which 1s the centre, root and source of all vitality and energy gets debilitated here, being the sign of tus fall The Moon, the other luminary also gets debilitated an the first three degrees of the next sign Scorpo Saturn gets exalted here, but bemg the natural frend o: Venus, its ‘ruler, not much harm ss likely to be caused on this account 4 Beng a cardinal sign, it very often tends to waste sts vitality to no purpose as 13 nature 13 to be continually on the go ‘Being human and consequently mental, however, it 3 the mund or the imagination that runs not, though 1t has not much bearing on the development of the physical body The health, in the case of this sign, as in the case of all human signs, 1s very often spoilt by overstrain or worry; which undermmne 1t and bring on disease and death, the mind reacang on the body, so that the vitality of this sign 1 partly sapped away for this reason 22 In sprte of all the faults and defects enumerated above, this being the Multrikona sign of Venus and being governed by her ss one of the most remarkbly fortunate sgns of the Zodiac and the heaviest affections pass away without any bad results It frequently gives great vitality and stamina to resist diseases and death and to prolong life and the reason 1s Perhaps suggested to us by 1ts symbol of a man holding the balance in his hands, which, :t must be confessed, 1s not only very interesting and suggestive, but very iluminating, clearly indicating that the human rund keeps all these various warring clements in the balance, and thus under :ts control by the force of human will and reason, and so wards off the evils of disease and death Semin Gemini 1s again a very peculiar sign and stands on its own pedestal It certamly gives good vitality and starmna in the ordinary run of things, as rt as human and conse quently must necessarily be more robust and strong than the mute or dumb signs Again this ts an airy sign and is classified as Sudra, so {that 1t has undoubtedly a good deal of vitality and stamina on account of these reasons also This sign has been put down as a male and positive sign, but asa matter of fact, 1t 18 both masculine and feminine, 2s 1ts form or symbol clearly shows Being neither purcly male, nor purely fernale, it 2s netther extremely strong as the fiery signs or even the other two ary signs, but its vitality and staming are fairly moderate Another reason why this sign 1s moderately strong and perhaps the weakest of the odd signs, 18 again furnsshed to us by its symbol which represents the éombination of 4 man and a woman, suggest thereby 93 frequent cohabitation and snter-course and consequently loss of vitality, stamina and strength, on this score Ttis ruled by Mereur, a convertible planet, which becomes benefic or malefic, masculine or feminine, according to the planet, with which it is in closest aspect, 2 ¢ according to the planet with which he is placed tas regarded by the Indian Astrologers as neuter1e having no sex The reason of this hes in the fact, that he 1s the Jord of both the common or mutable sgns vz «Gemini and Virgo and gets exalted in Vargo and debilitated in Pisces, which are all mutable or common His Multikona sign as also Virgo So that sf Mercury, the miler is in good aspect andss not otherwue afflicated in the horoscope, he will tend to increase the vitality and stamina of this sign, but decrease 1t, of hus pesitien is otherwise than whats desenbed above. Both Gem: and Virgo beng mutable or common and human must thus from ther very nature be more wiry than strong or vital As thisisacommen or mutable sign, st shows that itis careless about sts health and being human and airy, 3t brings about illhealth and disease by unnecessary worry and some- umes by overstudy, overstram and exhauston. The result very often 1s that there 1s mervous disorder and exhaustion and danger of paralysis Aquarius ‘The sign Aquarzus the last of the airy and male signs 3a positive, masculine and human sign, and in pomt of vitality and stamima comes next to the three fiery signs and the awry sgn Lsbra Beng 2 masculine, airy and human sign, tt 1s unques- uonably physically more robust, strong and vital, than the three watery and vermin or route or dumb augns, even though 24 mime is Aquinus, 1 name which 1 densed from the word Aqua meaning water, so diitits watery characterisue abo tends partly to stp its vitality, though to a very negligible estent, and henee its ponuion rmong the vita} signs ranks fifth, the first three being the fiery ngns and the fourth, the ay sign Libra Alry Signs are all human One of the chief pecultartues of the air, group of signs as that they all symbolise human beings Being hnman they are mental, as only human beings, in the whole manifested universe, have minds The results; that the tendency of these signs as to worry so that the health of these signs becomes weakened by unnecessary worry which brings on nervous disorders such as neuralgia, neuresthema, somnam- bulism, hystena and paralysis and other diseases akin to these Iti obvious, that human beng: alone worry and have perforce to worry, and further that human beings, alone suffer from nervous exhaustion, all, a result of the Human mond reacting upon the physical body and its nervous system Tilness, Wl health and diseases are also brought about by over study, over-strain and over-exhaustion Another pecular characteristic of the human signs is that being human, they diet carefully though not always so and avoid disease and illness by extreme carefulness in this directon, and in this connection, the human and earthy sign Virgo stands supreme The reason is, that this sign both by virtue of sts symbol and classification 1s a femumne sign, and females are known to be as a rule, more careful at least so far as dict as concerned So far as vitality and stamna are concerned, the signs in 26 the fiery and aury groups would perhaps stand in the following order, in their order of ment 112 {1} Sagrttarms {2) Leo (3) Anes (4) Inbra (5) Aquarrus (6) Germun: Thus order may be taken as correct, so far only as the masculine group is concerned, but two or three signs of the feminine group may perhaps intercept rt, but as a general tule the order mentioned above generally prevauls Femmine Group The femimme or negative group of signs comprises of the watery and earthy group Theformer group viz the watery group shall be first considered This group consists of the signs, Cancer, Scorpto and Pisces and is perhaps the lowest in pomt of vitality and stamina The chief pecuha rities of the signs im this group are (1) that they all symbolse worms and reptiles, such as crabs, scorprons and fishes (2) that they are all dumb and mute and (4) that they are, both by symbohsation and classification, all watery tis obvious that (a) symbolically considered, these signs, symbolising the worms mentioned above, must necessarily and naturally have extremely low vitality and stamina indeed, as these worms ean be easily crushed and can be said to be almost ephemeral, though they characteristically endeavour to cling to life, but have not the necessary amount of vitality or physical strength or stamina for the purpose (b} In the next place, they are all femmune or negatve signs Females have 27 weak physical bodies and constitutions, being universally known as the weaker vessels Females have not their physical bodies, well adopted for physical wear and tear as a general rule, though ther powers of endurance and resistence are found to be extremely great, and they pass through crisis especially at the time of pregnancy and dehvery with surprising tenacity Thirdly all these signs, both by symbolisation and classification, are watery signs Water, as an element, 1s negative and inert and 1s acted upon by the posinve air ie, the airy taphicity Water as the umversal salvent It dissolves earth and 1s the carrier of arr or airy forms Water 3s used for washing solids and gases and for putting out fire Its chief charactenstic 1s reception to outside or external influences Water spreads out, so that watery signs give big bodies, but very htile vitality ar stamina, the physical parts constituting the physical bodies grven to these signs, are generally soft, loose, flabby, fatty and spongy in character, having practically no cohest veness, showing want of solidity and substance, this watery characteristic of the watery signs does onc more thing and that 13 that rt keeps these signs internally cold which shows a deficit of the necessary fire and want of digestion and want of vitality and stamina in consequence These signs are classified as Brahmin agns = Brahmuns have, as a general rule, weak physical bodies and hitle stamina or vitality The reasons are not far to seek. They are enjoined by the Shastras tolead an austere Ife and to pass ther lives im meditanon and m the study of the Vedas, the sacred semptures and the Shastras Their study compels them to keep un-doors The result naturally as, that they have hittle fresh or open air, or phyncal 28 ¢xerase which are absolutely essential to keep the physical body fit The study, seclusién and sedentary habits of fe sap away the vitality and stamina of these signs of which they have very little in store Cancer The symbol or form of the sign Cancer viz the crab isobviously the weakest and that ef Scorpio though small in size the scorpion 1s, perhaps the strongest The symbol of Pisces coming midway between the two, all these repules or vermin, can be easily crushed, though their charactenstic, 18 to ching to life, as much as possible In the first place, the crab 1s almost ephemeral, 1t has practically little or no vitality . orstamina Inthe next place, Cancer 1s also a feminine, negative and watery sign and on account of its plasneity and receptive characteristic, 1s also weak on that account Lastly ats ruler ys the Moon, a fermmine and watery planet, shining by the borrowed Lght of the Sun, and continually waxing and wamng The Moonis the quickest planet and her extreme velocity wd motion, coupled with the fact that she as the ruler of 1 cardinal sign assist in wasting and frittenng away what litle vitality or strength, this sign has ercan have ‘The Moon 1s a cold planet and has no natural heat of her own Although the size of the Moon is extremely small, she appears to us on earth to be one of the largest planets The reasonis her extreme prownmuty and nearness to the Earth of which she is only a satelhte The result 1s, that lunanans have large and tall bodies, but they are mostly «almost always weak and have practically no vitabty, strength, stamina or energy in them They are mostly loose, soft, flabby, fleshy and ef a spongy character, without any satva or real substance or vitality = These characteristics 29 are accentuated by the fact that she is a watery planet and water spreads itself out. Again both this sign and its ruler, the Moon, are feminine and watery and consequently cold, showing want of digestion and consequently want of vitality and stamina. Its symbol, the crab and the ruler appear to be comparatively big in size, but reaily extremely small. The real size and the spreading out of the bodies of the sign, its symbol and the ruler show that there is hardly any cohesiveness of the physical parts so that there can be no chance left for the body to be robust and strong and to possess any real stamina or vitality It must again be borne in mind that the fiery Mars gets debilitated in this sign as he has his fall here, and his fire is put out by the ‘water of this sign, with the result that the chances of this sign, being vitalized by Mars are considerably reduced, but not much harm results or is likely to result from this fact, 38 Mars is the natural friend of the Moon, the ruler of this sign. Further Jupiter, the benefic, has his exaltation in this sign and he is the best and the closest natural friend of the Moon and also of Mars and so pours his benefice and preserving influence, tending to preserve hfe. Still this is the weakest sign of the Zodiac, and thus the reason why the Moon is considered to be the chief significator of life, especially in infancy and even in later life can now be very well under- stood, when the fact that the sign which she rules is the weakest sign of the zodiac, for reasons already mentioned. - Seorpio This is a negative and feminine and fixed signs ruled by the malefic Mars. It is considered fo be very eritical in infancy and increasing in strength and vitality and power later in life as it grows older. The reason why it is ‘30 so can be easily understood and realsed by referrmg to its symbol, the scorpion which 1s a poisonous and venomous vermin which dies early in infancy, but 18 very tenacious and strong later m hfe Further this sign being a fixed sign does not waste its vitality and energy, because of its fixedness and tensequent stanlity ‘Though, this sign ts the sign of the Moon's fall, it is very sigmficant to note, that it is ruled by Mars, the frend of the Moon, and consequently 1s vitalized by mars It is true that this sign 1s the worst for the Moon, being the sign of her fall and that it 1s hable to external disorders and epidemics, but once the entieal penod in infancy is passed, this sign becomes very vital and gives length of life Pisces As for the sign Pisces very little explanation 1s needed to show, that the vitahty and stamina of this sgn must be necessarily low, as can be easily understood by a reference to its symbol, which 1s two fishes swimmung in opposite or contrary directions Symbolically, st 1s the second weakest sign of the zodiac in point of vitality, just above Cancer Itis easy to umagme that a large majonty of the fishes haying very small bodies, have very httle starmna or vitalty, though the bigger kinds of fishes may have some amount of stamina and vitality in them = Its fermmimty and watery characterstics show that its ttle store of strength, vitality and energy is very small, as compared to that shown by other masculine and fiery, bestal, airy and human signs Tis doubleness or bi corporealness and its mutability or commonality show that its hitle stere of energy, stamina, strength and vitahty soon gets exhausted by its beng fattered away and unnecessarily wasted Further ot as a 31 Brahmin sign, ruléd by a Brahimn, the benefice Jupiter, so that this ss one of the additional reasons why this sign us verylow in vitality Its mutability coupled with the fact thatit 1s ruled by the benefic Jupuet, » warm and temperate planet and that at 1s the sign of the exaltation of another benefic Venus (also a Brahmin and Jupiter’s enemy) makesait completely careless and ueghgent in matters of health, especially as Mercury, the human planet, gets debilitated here, being the sign of his fall Its only redeeming features are that it 1s ruled by the benefic Jupiter, and it 1s the sign of the exaltation of Venus and it has nothing whatever to do with the malefics Mars or Saturn ‘This sign is the only sign im the zodiac which has relation only with the benefics, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury Earthy Signs . The only group left to the considered 1s the group of the earthy signs, the peculiarity of which 1s, that 1tas not purely of a particular kind or type of signs, just as the three other groups, discussed above, but as of a muxed character, the firstsign of the said group viz Taurus Being purely ammal or bestial a domesticated and domestic ammal, the bull the second bemg purely human and the thd and the last being partl, watery and partly bestial or arumya] Again all the signs in this group, are classified as femuune signs 50 that they must necessarily be weaker than the positive signs, on this account, though by reason of their symbols, they all have greater vitality and stamuna than the watery and yeomn signs Further these are all earthy signs Earth as an element 1s, a3 a general rule, sohd though crumbling It gives strong and scl:d constitutions, great powers of physical endurance and the abshty and strength to stand a good deal of physical R20 wear and tear and a little roughing, as it iscalled But the Allnesses when they come, are gentrally long and severe and recovery 1s usually slow Though the constitutions of the carthy signs are generally strong and fine, they quickly go down, once the rot sets in and at takes pretty Jong m restoring them to their original condition aad it can be done only by extreme trouble, armucty, patience, delay and expense. Varsshya Signs 1 Further these signs are classified as Vaishya signs Vaushyas, as a class are generally merchants and business men, and act as middlemen to the three otherclasses This class's generally mch and wealthy and leads a Ivxurious hfe, a life of full and plenty They seldom know what want, poverty and destitution really are and mean They have Means at their command to keep their bodies fit Under the circumstances they have good physical bodies, well ted and nourished But thus class seldom makes the best use of the best mft and means which nature has so bemgnly given them in plenty and abundance ‘Though they move about in the open, and take fresh air, they doit generally in cars and carnages They take very little exercise and eat very rich and luxurious food The result generally 1s that they spoul their health and bring on disease by therr life of luxury and ease Thus though they have strong consitutions they spoil them m the manner deserrbed above They are themselves mostly responsible for the i! health, disease and physical suffering they have to undergo because st 1s “their mode of Ife which brings them on The symbolical aspect of the signs in this group 1s interesting, indeed, as the symbols are of a maxed character, two of them being animal or bestial 33 and one being purely human Taurus 4s classed among the moderately strong signs and 1s put at the head of the femunine group of signs in point of vitahty and stamuna It 323 supposed to promise a far length of hfe, but 1 considered, however, to be critical in infancy, but increasing in strength and power, late in life, as the native grows older mage The reason why thisisso can easily be reahsed by a reference to its symbol or form viz_ the bull, whichis a domestic animal, requiring a good deal of care and caution an breeding and rearing when young, but giving pretty good and hard work, nay excellent work, when grown older The bull zs proverbial for his strength and yitahty among the Hindus Thus sign as classed, among the female or negative stems, but :ts symbol, the bull suggests, that 1t has more of the masculine vitality and vinkity Again the ruler of ths sign is the benefic Venusand the aign itself is the Multnkona sign of the Moon and her exaltation, both bang fermnine planets, the former having dommion over the vital flund the latter being deeply concerned with death wm infancy and even im Jater hfe. Fortified with this excellent combination, and having a sort of obstunacy hke the bull a charactenstcally obstinate, umnteligent and lazy, though a robust and strong animal, this sign tends to Jaziness and thus sporls and mars ats health and ats naturally strong constitution by pure laziness and obstinacy bordering almost on stupidity Thisis an earthy sign, however, and earth being sohd,2t has a solid constitution, able to stand and endure a good deal of physical wear and tear The illnesses when they come, are Lekely to be long and severe and recovery 1s usually slow, by reason of the fixedness and earthiness of this sign «= As this isa fixed sign, it does not 34 waste or fritter away tts vitality and energy by any unneces- sary rush or bustle, but tends to preserve and conserve the same, beeause of its fixedness and consequent stability It takes no unnecessary exertion Virgo Virgo is a feminine, negative, earthy, human and common or mutable sgn ruled by the convertble or neuter planet Mercury whose Multrikona and exaltation sign it 1s This 1s one of the most femimine signs of the zodiac, as both its symbol and classification go to show = Its symbols 2 female and its classification is also among the female and negative signs Being human and a female sign, it diets very carefully and being both female and carthy, it 13 one of the most practical signs in the zodiac = It 18 also a Vaishya and earthy sign, so that 1t undoubtedly possesses a good and sohd constitunon and good powers of physical endurance and wear and tear, but these are generally spoiled by a hfe of luxury andease Its ruler is Mercury, the convertible Planet who also gets exalted inthis very sign, Venus, the planet having dominion over semen, the vital flud, 1s weak and debrlitated here, bemng the sign of her fall and consequently the planet Venus does not vitalze it The result is that its vitahty and stamina greatly depend upon the position of Mercury who properly aspected would perhaps witalize it and devitalize the same, if contrary conditions prevail The cluef drawback of this sign 1s its extra fermminity and extra timdity as a necessary result, Being a human and female sign, i also tends to worry perhaps a little too much and more often than not over notlung and entirely unnecessarily, as is usually the 35 case with womankind in general The result generatly and usually 1s nervous breakdown, hystena, neurestherua, paralysis and other diseases of a like nature brought on mostly as a result of imaginery fears and needless worry and anxiety over the samie Its common or mutable charaste mistic shows that it 18 sometimes very careless and neghgent about its health as a result of fear, amucty and sometunes despair Still, however, among the femmnine group of signs, it stands by far the best and perhaps comes first in vitality and staminaim the said group, as the sgn Taurus tends to be lazy and consequently mars its health on that account and further 1t 1s able to fits m dentiton and 25 erucal in anfancy and 3s thus lable to succumb to an early death on account of these reasons, though ths sign bas decidedly 2 stronger and more solid conststution for many reasons viz that :t 1s bestial or animal, earthy, fixed and 1s ruled by Venus and 1s the Multnkona and exaltat on sign of the Moon Capricom Thisis a feminine and negate sign ruled by Saturn According to Indian Astrology, this sign 1s conudered to be a sign partly watery and partly ammal or besa] The reason of thigis to be found in its symbol, or form wiz an alhgator or a crocodile, a huge amphibious an:mal The ist halfof ths sign 1s anmmal and the latter half watery The watery characteristic of this sgn makes it entical in infancy, making tt generally weak and delicate and often athng especially when young, and aincreanngly stronger in eld age, because of the bestial part of it This sign is both Vaishya and earthy, 3o that all that as said above, with regard te the other bvo signs of thus group 10 36 i this connection 1s also applicable to this sgn It gives a solid consttution, able to stand a good deal of physical wear and tear, when once well started in fe ‘Iius 1s 2 cardinal sign and its general tendency 1s to waste its energy, stamina and vitality n unnecessary rush and hustle, and much ado about nothing really substantral On the whole, this sign 1s, in brief, one of the weakest signs especially in infancy {t) firstly on account of its watery characterstic, (2) secondly on account of its cardinahty (3) thirdly its ruler us the cold, non-vitalzing and the malefic Saturn, (4) fourthly because the fiery and malefic Mars gets exalted m this sign, ruled by his natural enemy Saturn {s) fifthly and lastly because Jupiter has his fall here Neither the Sun nor the Moon would be well placed in this sign, because they are both the natural enemies of Saturn, so that all the above mentioned planets viz Mars, Jupiter, Moon and Sun, all tend to devitahze this sign, as they are all the Natural enemies of Saturn Summary Tosum up the whole question of the vitality and stamina of the twelve signs of the zodiac in bnef, one must, first of all look to the symbols of the twelve signs They are of primary importance on the subject just dicussed, because they reveal, at a glance, the herent natures of the signs, so far as the question of vitality and stamuna 1s concerned From the symbole pomt of view, the signs can be divided into (1) animal or bestial (2) human (3) vermin or mute and (4) single or double bodied The animal signs viz, Anes, Leo Sagitta- mus, 2nd part, Taurus and Capricorn are, as a general rulc, stronger and have generally greater vitality and stamina in 37 . them, than the human or vermin or mute signs, thougl Taurus and Capneorn,” though beth bestal or anima are always erttical in infancy, the former frequently subject te fits in dentition and consequently lable to succumb to ar early death, the fatter also cntical in infancy for reasons already mentioned above, but both getting increasingly stronger in old age, once the eritieal penod in imfancy 15 passed As for Sagittanus, it 18 partly animal and partl) human Both these parts, however, go to make this sign, one of the most vital signs in the zodiac Perhaps this sign would head the list in potnt of vitality and starmuna, for the simple reason, that the ammal part of it, 1s kept well under control, by the human part, symbolising the ‘archer showing the supremacy of man oser beast Next m order to the ammal signs come the human signs, wiz = Labra, Aquanus, Sagittanus, Gemum and Virgo Sagittanus tops the hst on the question of vitabty, next come Leo and then Aries, the animal signs in the:rr order of merit These are followed by Libra, Aquanus, Gemim and Virgo in the order mentioned The signs Taurus and Capricorn would take precedence over Aquanys and the other signs following it, provided, of course, the entical period munfancy 3s passed There remain only the three dumb of qante signs viz Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, of these, Cancer as, as has been seen at the lowest rung of the ladder, followed by Pisces which 1s a little better, Scorpio, 15 also cnncal in anfancy, but this sgn, lke Taurus and Capncom, gets increasingly stronger in old age, when once the cnucal period in mfancy 1s passed and an that case, it comes off better even than the human signs, except Sagittanus and Labra Thus fimshes off the whole hst, so far as the symbolic standpoint 1s concerned no ‘The next thing which shows the inherent powers and natures of the various signs of the zodiac 1s ther classi fication which divides itself into four main kinds, viz polarity, trplicities castes and quadriphicities The first three of these four show the anherent vitahty and starnina of the signs and the last 1e the quadrupheites show what use xs made of these powers, whether for better or for worse or good or evil Polarity shows the division of the twelve signs of the zodiac into male and female, odd and even, masculine and fermnine, positive and negative 1 ¢ the division of the one into two The positive and male group of signs 1s a general rule, more vital, than the negative or female group, which 1s generally the weaker or less vital as a whole ‘This polarity is then subdivided into the tuphaties and castes which are both four in number, viz (1) Fiery and Kshatriya (2) Airv and Shudra (3) Earthy and Vaishya and lastly (4) Watery and Brahmin The fiery and Kshatriya group, which 1s also, purely an animal or besial group 1s by far the strongest and the best and comes first in point of vitality and stamma The airy and the human group follows next in order, followed by the earthy and Vaishya group which comes in between in order and last comes the watery, dumb and Brahmin group Fire is an invigorating and vitalizing elenent and consequently, fiery signs are necessarily vital Aor, as an element, 1s also invigorating and vitalizing, but not so much as fire Moreover,it has a lot to do with the mind, as the airy signs are all human signs Consequent ly, the mand exerts a considerable mnfiuence on the physical ‘bedy and health and frequently undermines the same 39 my Earth 1s obviausly sold and consequently gives a sold constitution, capable of much physical wear and tear, enabling a person to undergo and undertake a lot of roughing, the difficulty with the earthy signs as that once the health goes down, st is very difficult for them to recoup it, without a consrderable amount of trouble, worry, delay and expense Water as an element 1s negative and inert, loose and spreading atsclf out So that there is no cohes:veness of the physical parts, asa result, water} signs are very weah m constitution They have big bodies, but of a soft, fleshy flabby, fatty, and spongy character There 1s lack of the necessary heat in their bodies, being watery and cold and being all mute and vermin signs they are hable to be crushed, though their tendency 18 to cling to hfe, as much as possible, a tendency given to them by their symbols Kshatnyas bemg born warmers and fighters must necess anly be strong and vital and so must be the Sudras, who have tototland work for their very eustence from mom nll cve Vasshyas are, naturally endowed by bemgn Providene, with solid consntutions, but they spoil them generally by their mode of life, a Ife of Iuxuery and east Brahmans are extremely low m point of vitality and stamina, Grstly because they have weak physical bodies, which are made further weaker by thar studious and seden- tary habits and secluded Lves These are thus the elements which go to show the inherent natures of the signs Elements, wluch go to vitalize or devitalize the signs, are five in number und already set out before, are well worth recapitulating again They are (2) sign rulerslup (2) a planet's exaltauon (3) and fall m a parteular 40 and evil positions or aspects are more hable to kill Taurus rising gives danger of fits durmg dentition in infancy and if the figure be a weak one, the death of the child may result from this cause Fiery signs rising and next to these the airy signs, Libra, Aquanaus and Gem: and Virgo and Scorpio give the best vitality and stamina for reasons already explained, and 30 persons, born with these signs nsing on the ascendant, will hve through illnesses, while it would fall others, born under the other weaker signs nsing on the ascendant Tt 1s, as Raphael,-the great and well known astrologer, says “the difference in the quality of the signs which causes an apparent contradiction mm the science, for one eluld will dive and be healthy with a very evil nauvity, while another will die without half the amount of radical evil and this depends on the sign rising on the ascendant,” just as the brittle character or otherwise of the different kinds of the vessels depends upon the difference in the quahty of the materials used in their manufacture Hence if a strong and vita! sign 1s rising mn the ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant 1s well placed and free from affliction, the person will be able to withstand diseases and lave through severe illnesses and will not easily succumb to death Chapter i Astrology and Infant Mortality — Having discussed and exammed the question of the vitality of the signs of the zodiac, the next thing to be considered is the queston of infant mortality from the standpoint of astrology and see what factors are necessary im deter- muming the question whether a child 1s Lkely to survive or not and the pnnciples by which the same 1s determmed, as wtas futile and manifestly absurd to delineate the horoscope of a child and predict anything about its future in connection with marmage, profession, monetary conditonsetc., when it has little or no chances of rts survival The early years ofa child’s life are naturally very critical and uncertain, for the simple reason that sts physical orgarusm 1s entrely undeve- loped and ummature and the several parts of ats body are extremely tender and delicate, so that there is no wonder that the planets exert a greater influence upon infants than adults and morbid distempers, diseases, illnesses and all health result very easly from evi] transits, positions and aspects of the planets in the case of children than in the case of adults and grown up men and women Childhood bears a close parallel to and resemblance with old age and semlity, but the planetary mfluences in old age are of a different nature, kind and order, the phyzical body by the acton inseparable from hfe and existence undergoes a contunual change frorn birth, im old age, ‘the smaller Gbres, 43 4 * . tissues and muscles become more and more rigid, the minute vessels grow into solid fibres no longer impervious to fluids and there is a tendency in ail directions to contraction, dryness, immobility, rigidity, inertia and inaction, the true Saturnine qualities. The child may be compared toa delicate flower, likely to wither away or perish for reasons too obvious to mentien, such as the mother’s health and her vitahty, stamina, and strength’'to feed and nurture it, vaccina- tion teething, smallpox, measles and numerous other diseases and illnesses to which the child is subjected during the period of its infancy and earlier years of sts existence. ‘ , Infantile hfe-Important factors , In considering the questian of the life of an infant or even an aduit rt is always necessary to consider :— (1) The ascendant. ‘ (2) The sign nsing in the ascendant and its nature. (3) The rufer of the ascendant. “ (4) The nature of the planets rising in the ascendant. (5) The Sun and . (6) The Moon and their strength or weakness by sign and or house positions. veo) The 8th house, the sign occupying it and its nature. (8) The ruler of the 8th house. (9) .The aspects of the planets on the ascendant and the 8th house and . (10) The assistance received from the benefics viz. Venus, Mercury and Jupiter by their house and sign positions tind “their aspects on the ascendant, Sun > f ‘ 44° and Moon The seriousness of the disturbance to health and life must be judged by the strength and weakness of the rolers of the ascendant and 8th honse and the Sun and Moon by their house and sign positions and of the ascendant and 8th house by the signs mising in them and the strength and weak ness of the affictng planets by ther sign and hause posutons and the aspects, always beanng “in mind that the aspects of the benefics are always good and preserving, while the aspects OF the malefics are always malefic, evil and destructive The Ascendant the 8th house and their rulers, the Sun and Moon are the most vital spots or the cluef signuficators of life im any map, the rest being all connected therewith The Ascendant ‘The ascendant 1s of the first and foremost importance It corresponds with Anes and the 8th house corresponds with Scorpio, signs which are both ruled by Mars who 2s thus closely connected with life and death life commencing with the ascendant, corresponding with Anes and with death the Bth house-the house of death and corresponding with Scorpio Thus both the ascendant and 8th house are héuses of ummense importance im considenng the question of Lie whether in infancy or later hfe The ascendant is the concentrated essence of the remaining houses and fepresents the physical bedy as a whole because rt shows the exact position of the Earth sign fying the physical body in the celetial sphere in relation to 45 the Sun, Moon and the other planets at the time of the birth of an individual in her revolution or annual journey round the Sun and also in her diurnal movement on her own axis and 1s thus consequently of primary importance on the question of hfe The ascendantzs the pivot upon which every other factor in the horoscope centres round, the amportance of the other Houses, so far as hfe 1s concerned, rests solely on their relation with the ascendant representing the physical body The ascendent corresponds with sunrise and the beginning of the day and consequently at naturally denotes birth and the beginning of life and hght As for the nature of the sign msing in the ascendant and iif importance see p pio and rz of Chapter I Some signs bestow weaker physical constitutions than others, and persons born with these weak signs msing m the ascendant or oceupred by the Sun and/or the Moon have much lower vitahty and stamina, and are thus susceptible to the morbid effects of planetary action than those born under agns which naturally bestow stronger constitutions Thus the ascendant representing the physical body and the sign msmg an it denoting the physical constitution of the subject are of ummense and primary importance and at as the pivot upon which every other factor, in the horoscope, so far as hfe 1s concerned, centres round and depends Planetary Aspects According to Hindu Astrology, all the planets aspect the houses which are 7th from the houses in which they are placed 1 e houses im opposition to those occupied by them selves, but Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, the superior planets 46 have certain extra aspects which are that Mars aspects the houses which 4thand 8th from the house in which he hum- self'is placed, while Juprter and Saturn respectively similarly aspect the 5th and oth and grd and oth houses from the houses in which they are placed The reason for these extra aspects of these three planets just mentioned lies in the fact, that they are superior planets having their orbits outside the orbit o: the Earth Houses The houses over and above the ascendant which have to be taken inte account for determining the question under discusston, are the and, 6th, 7th, 8th and rath and the unportance of these houses hes in the aspects of the planets, evil aspects of the malafics and good aspects of the benefics thrown by them on the ascendant itself and or on the 8th house ‘The 8th house is the house of death and the and house as exactly oppoute to it and consequently’ planets placed in the and house aspect the th house by opposition The 6th house as the house of ilnesses and diseases and the 12th house is exactly opposite toat, so it naturally follows that planets placed m the 6th house, whether benefics or malefics being weak by house position bring on diseases and illnesses and so do planets in the 12th by begin opposition to the 6th Mars and Saturn, placed in the 6th, throw ther respective aspects on the ascendant and 8th, the ascendant being 8th from the 6th and the 8th bemg grd from the Gth, they being the basic and fundamental aspects of Mars and Saturn respectuvely It is needless to say that at is chiefly the malefics which play the most important part iu 47 causing death, especially when they affect the vital spots viz.- the Sun, Moon and ascendant and the 8th house and their rulers cither by being placed in the ascendant or the 8th or in the other houses by aspect, and hence any position ot the malefics in the horoscope which tends to affect the Sun or Moon or ascendant or Sth house-the house of death, or‘their rufers either by conjunction, opposition or any other aspect of the malefics is bad and dangerous and is likely to cause it to perish, while, on the other hand, sucha position of the benefics is beneficial and is found to be of great assistance in saving its life. The importance of the houses other than the ascendant lies in the aspects thrown by the planets on the ascendant and/or the 8th house and their tulers, The 9rd house has no bearing in this connection a5 no planct placed in this house can ever aspect the ascendant or the 8th house. Saturn occupying the 11th house 1s, however, important, as he would then aspect both the ascendant and 8th house from this position by his, extra- ordinary aspects and would thus be dangerous Angular position of the Planets It is generally believed that the angular position of Mars and Saturn is evil, serious and destructive of the child’s Life, while on the other hand, such a position of Venus, Mercury and Jupitor is good, beneficial and hfe-preserving The principle seems to he too broadly stated. The accupa- tion of the ascendant by Mars and Saturn or either of them is obviously’ dangerous, serious and ‘crictical by itself by reason of their very position and their occupation of the 7th-the descendant by reason of the aspects thrown by them from this house on the ascendant by opposition, The occupation of the 1oth-the meridian by Mars and by Saturn 48 of the Nadir-the 4th house are also serous and dangerous, as both these planets will aspect the ascendant by their extra aspects according to Hindu Astrology These malefics will be square to the ascendint according to the Western system But the occupation of the 4th house by Mars and of ths, toth house by Saturn which are both angles 1s not Likely to be mumeal to or destructive of infantile hfe as these planets cannot, whenso placed, aspect the ascendant or dhe 8th house either by therr ordinary or extraordinary aspects, though 2t may be that sucha configuration may either kill the parents, the mother or the father or both or the wife of the child in future -* Mars and Saturn are both milefic and evil by their very natures, and they or their aspects especially the conjunction, oppostion and squire which are considered to be evil would naturally prove imimical to infantile hfe It is because of these evil aspects of these malefies that the angles derive their amportance The position of Mars in the 4th and of Saturn an the roth are the only exceptions, generally considered to be bad wluch cannot altogether be considered to be as dangerous to and destructive of infantile life The conjunction and opposition of Mars and Saturn are always bad and evi] without exception The angles especially the ascendant and the decendant are evidently and certainly sensitwe ports, always dangerous and critical and are very important and significant on the question of hfe in infancy and Jife in generat and thus there 1s no wonder that the angular position of the malefics should be conmdered to be ewl So far as the angular position of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter is concerned, the same principles apply The 49 occupation of the ascendant and descendant the 3st and 7vh houses by the benefies 1s good, the first by reason of the position itself and the second by reason of the aspects throw on the ascendant by them from the 7th house = The position pf the benefics Mercury and Venus in the 4th and [0th houses can have no bearng on the quesuon of hfe, though it may be good for the parents, business and occupation ‘The poswon of Jupiter an the roth house can alsa have no bearing on the question of life as be cannot aspect eather the ascendant or the 8th house from th:s position His occupa- tion of the 4th house may be useful to some extent as he will aspect the 8th house from this position, even though he cannot aspect the ascendant from here ‘Thus the propo- sition that the angular position of the benefics 1s always beneficaal and sayes hfe in infancy or even hfe in general, except as pointed out above is rather too broad, just as it isan the case of the malefics which 1s always considered not ofly serous and critical, but always fata) The amportance of the angles lies firstly inthe position of the plancts both malefics and benefics m the ascendant and secondly m the aspects thrown on the ascendant by them by the position mm or occupation of the other angles Planets and Trinal Houses -5th & 9th The posttion of the planetsin the trinal houses 1s more innocuous Mercury, Venus and the Juminaries can never aspect the ascendant or the 8th house when occupying these trinal houses viz the 5th and gth Jupiter 1s umportant 2532 Ife saving factor when occupying these houses as be will aspect the ascendent by his extra aspects Mars in the 5th isa bit bad as he will aspect the 8th and rath houses when 50 placed here Placed mm the gth, he would aspect the 12th house, but that is neghgible Saturn can never aspect the ascendent and/or Sth when placed in the trinal houses and his occupation of these houses 1s hence of no consequence at all 2 The Sun The next factor again of equal, fnot of greater import. ance in connection with the questton under consideration, is the Sun The Sun 1s, as hase been seen, the ruler of one of the physically strongest stens in the zodiac «12 Leo and 1 symbo- hical of physical strength, health and vitality “He 1s to the Solar system, what the heart 1s to the physical body Hess the Jiva or prana or life Hes called the Grahapati, the Lord of the planets ind deyatas and 1s the essential factor in all our conscious existence Hie as the soul of the physical being, containing in himself every form of manifestation of pheneo- mena, the representatue of unseen force and power and the directing and motive force and centre of the unnerse He as the satva or the essence of the umerse, vital force, vital energy and vital heat Complex in the quality of his rays, he specialises through the circling planets by reflection and refraction, and yust asthe whole spectrum of colours 13 con- cealed in white, the rays of all the planets are all combined in husorb = He us the mind of the world, the organising princ- ple, the great vitalising centre, force and power throughout nature, always vivifying, nurtufing, and supporting he ts not only the life force of the universe he illuminates, but contains and carmes in himselfall the powers attributes, and gunas specialized in the other planets, all of which draw and §1 placed m the male signs and weaker when placed in the femalesigns Libra and Aquarius, so far as the Sun 1s concern- ed, are the weakest signs of the male signs, while Taurus and Scorpio are the strongest of the female signs It ts not a very happy position for the Sun to be placed in ether Libra or Aquarius, so far as health, stamina or vitality are concerned, because Libra is the sign of hus fall and of the exaltation of the cold and slow Saturn, his natural enemy who deprives him (the Sun) of much of hus stamina, vitality, hght and heat and further because this sign is ruled by Venus, afermnine planet and also hus natural enemy The Sun in Aquarius ts also not good, as Saturn his enemy 1s its ruler, andit is partly 1 watery and consequently a cold signs and the Sun placed here loses much of Ins vitality, stammna, hght and heat The Sun is always well placed in fiery signs, two of them viz Leo and Anes are respectively the signs of his rulership and exaltation and the third Sagittarius 1s the sign tuled by Jupiter hus natural friend, and further as he 1s a fiery Planet and the element of the sign and planet coalesce Tllnesses and diseases arising through excessive heat, will be frequent, sharp and severe, but soon over All fiery signs are alse anumal signs ind atumals like rams lions and horses have as a general rule, undoubtedly a greater amount of vitality, Strength and stamina than human beings and worms like crabs, fishes and scorpions Moreover the rulers of the other two signs viz Anes and Sagittarrus are Mars and Jupiter who are his natural friends The fiery signs are all Ashatriya sgns~hshatriyas the warnors and fighters The Sunin ary sagns which are human signs 1s also good except as shown above But the health very often gets weakened by worry as human beings are hot only prone, but are compelled 53 to worry, which causes a nervous breakdown leading to nervous disorders like hvstena, neuresthema, paralyrs, mental diseases and other diseases of a bke and Jandred nature Ther health soon recupetates, however, throvgh mentel rest and change of scene Th- earthy signs and the Sun placed in them give a solid constitution, able to stand a good deal of physical wear and tear _Llnesses are likely to be Jong and severe and recovery us usually slow, as ther vitality and stamina beng femmine s.gn8 aslow The Sunin watery ugns gives the weakest const tutions, lowest vitahty and stamma, for the simple reason that the two elements fire and water have not only nothing im common between them, but are antagonistic to each other “foreover all the watery signs are abo fermoime and vermin, but as the Sun 2s the natural frend of all the rulers of these sgns, the Moon, Vfars and Jupiter, though the phyncaf constttubon may not be exerpe tionally strong and though the vitahty and starmya of these agns may be extremely low, the child 1s not Likely to succumb to an early death, of the Sun ts not otherwise badly aspected by the malefics,as theSun is placedan the signs of bss natural fnends who are always hkely to stueld and protect the clad upto the ver; last gasp of breath and hfe The Moon The Moon or Vilagna is the last, but not the least factor, but a factor almost of paramount importance io be taken into account on the question of Ife in wnfancy and even later age The Moon is the ruler of Cancer which ys symboli- cally represented by the crab and perhaps the weakest sgn of the zodiac, as far as votakty and stamina are concerned and the physical constituten which this ugn bestows o certainly of the weakest character In the next place, her influence on the physical body, representing the Earth as she does, 1s also \ery marked on account of her extreme nearness to the Earth, no other planet being so near to the Earth as the Moon-her distance from the Earth being only 240,000 miles, while Venus, the planet next to the Earth being mullon 67 miles distant 1 e€ more than 33 times as much Though the Moon isa small body, she apparenth appears to be one of the biggest, and this 1s accounted for by her extreme nearness and proximity to the Earth The hght of the Moon 1s also the reflecton of the ght of the Sun She shines by the boorowed hight of the Sun who stands for the Atma the soul, the Moon stands for the mind The Atma 1s selfluminous, the ight of the Moon or the mand ts only the reflectron of the Atma The Atma-the Sun is infinite, the Moon-the mind ‘is finte and crcum- senbed The Sunis the Purush, the Moon the Prakriti Because she shines by the reflected and borrowed light of the Sun she 1s rightly considered to be ‘ the medium of relanonship, the conveyor and distributor, her velocity and motion 1s extremely great bemg thrice that of Mereury and by far much greater than the motions of other planets, the result is that because of her brisk passage through the circle of the zodiac, she rapidly takes up magnetic forces from the other bodies, and as aspects are quickly formed and dissolved, she produces continual change and acts as an expulsive, alternative and cleansing agency and just as the Moon quickly moves through the zodiac and as the lone wanderer in the skies, the lunar persons always a rover, restless, moving, mobile, changing and varying and also variable, mconsistent, mconstant and unsteady 55 The Moon is secretive, convertive, integrative, metamorphic and assimilative in action, because she imbibes the light of the Sun and for the same reason she is the receiver and preparer, Sce Medical Astrology by Henry Daath at pp 16-17, Alan Leo's Astrological Manual EX. ° . Indian Astralgers consider her to be almost of paramount importance not only on the question of life in infancy, but in respect almost of excry other question connected with the life of a human being from an astrological standpoint, ‘ Rashi Kandli They put down a kundli or horoscope from the position of the sign in which the Moon is placed at the time of birth which is treated’ and examined i in the same way as the birth horoscope. & # . \ Navamanshs Kundli They also give an equal, importance to the Navamansha Kendh which is directly connected with the Moon. The Janma Kundli or the horoscope of birth has relation with the Sun and fs’ calculated with the assittance of the two motions of the Lacth, her rotation on her own axis and her revolution round the Sun, The Earth maves one degree forward in her revolution round the Suu per day, but by her rotation, she goes through all the twelve signs in one day of 24 hours; she thus takey about two hours te go through one sign by her rotation. ve The Moon revolves round the Earth and goes through all the twelve signs in about 274 days, and takes about 2} days to go through one sign containing 30 degrees in her revolution round the Sun. She covers about 4/9 of a sign so 56 by her revolution round the Earth in aday 1 e about 13 degrees and 20 minutes in a day of 24 hours and thus takes about one hour and 48 minutes or about twe hours te cover one degree of asign inher revolution round the Earth The signs arc hot of equal magnitude, some are long and big and some are short And small, and hence the Earth takes sometimes a little longer than 2 hours and sometumes a httle shorter to go through one sign im her rotation on her own aus The importance of the Navamansha Kundli Iresin the fact thataits enables us to determine the sex of the individual born if the accendant of the Navamansha Kundh is of an ,odd or masculine sign, the person born will be a male, of of an even or feminine sgn, the person bern will be a female This is a faurly workable rule, though it can never bé always invarrable and infalhable without exception ‘The duration of the navamansha 1s about a quarter ofan hobtr It there- fore necessarily follows that all births during that quarter of an hour must be necessarily roale de female without exception Itus a starting propositioh which goes, against reason and common, sense to, suppose that all births during a quarter of an hour must necessanly be of one “sex only either male or female The degrees of a Nakshatra or an asterism are 1g minutes and 20 seconds and one math of two hours 33 also exactly 13 minutes and 20 seconds, showing an exact correspondence in figures The Janma Rundi: 3s calculated with reference to the Sun signifying the male principle and gives us the lustory of the subject born The Navamansha Kundl is calculated with reference to the Moon, sigmfying the female prmaple and grves us the history of the wife or husband as the case may be of the marriage partner 1 e of the opposite principle im hfein nature One is the 57 Purush, the other the Prakriti, the one signifies untty, the other duality (3) The Dashas or the periods of the planets The Dashas are the penods of the planets Parashar, the great Indian Rush: mentions 42 kinds of these Dashas, but at present only two of them wiz, the Ashtottan and the Vinshettan are in vogue and use, The Ashtottan Dasha takes the hfe period at 108, while the Vinshottan takes at at tzo Thes are both calculated from the position of the Moon at birth = For a fuller explananon of the ongin and rationale of the Dashas, the reader 1s referred to the author’s book on the subject Indian Astrology—Ashtottan and Vinshot- tar Daslias Sadesat: Panots or the cycle of 7+ years 2 7. . The Sadesati Panon or the period of seven and a half years is also calculated from the sign mn which the Moon 1s placed at the individuals birth =Let us suppose, for instance, that at the birth of anandividual, the Moon happens to be inthe sign Tula or Libra His Sadesaus Panou will begin from the tame Saturn enters into Virgo and will continue till Saturn’goes out of the last degree of Scorpio A Pano may also be for a penod of two and a halfyearsonly This happens uben Saturn comes 4th or 8th from the sign m which the Moon 1s placed at the ndiidual’s buth In the Wlustration taken above, the Panots for two and a half 5 cars will begm when Saturn enters mto Capneorn and Taurus and will continue unt Satum occupies these signs, and Saturn takes nearly two and a half ycars to go through one Sign. as Four kinds of Panotis There are 4 kinds of Panotes wiz (1) Iron (2) Golden (3) Silver and (4) Copper The first two are supposed to be exteremely evil in then effects and very often prove disastrous, the latter two, sometumes and in some rare cases, prove the other way round and are found to make the person lterally rolim wealth ér mse from the posimonof extreme poverty to the highest pinnacle of position and power Tins happens, however, only in rare cases, the favoured few a Dame Fortune and thu only when Saturn ts dignified even to the very degree firstly by sign position ( essential cagmity } and secondly bv house position (accidental dignity), not only im the horoscope of birth but in the Navamansha hundh also and when assusted by other planets both by house and sign position (essenual and accidental dignities } in the horoscope of birth ‘(xadheal horoscope ) and the Navamansha hundh " ; These 4 kinds of pinotis are calculated according to the position of the Moon on the day, on which, Saturn enters the particular aon with reference to which, the Panoti ss about to begin In theillustration taken above with reference to Libra, the Sadesati Panott will begin when Saturn enters Virgo and will continuc tall he goes out of the fast degree of Scorpio Let us suppose that on the day, on which Saturn enters any of these signs, the Mgon 1s found to be in the 4th 8th or 12th mgn from dabra 1 e an Capricorn Taurus or Virgo, the Pancth in ths case will bean tron one 1 € the worst kind of Panoti, as the tron Panoti causes a great amount of loss harm, myury and evil perhaps because iron has, it seems, great affimty wath Saturn Similarly if the 59 Moons found to be im the sat, (2 ¢ in the same sign as Satum) 6th or ith sign, the Panot: will be golden, as evil and disastrous in ats effects as the iron one, as Saturn it seems has Ltle affimty with gold If the Moog ts found ta beau the ond, 5th, or 9th ugn, woth reference to which the Panok isto be calculated, the Panoty is the ulver one and if the Moon 1s in the grd, 7th, or roth sign, the Panott will be the copper one where the evil effects of Saturn’s mfluence are supposed to be conuderably reduced and mitigated, and sometimes even to prove extremeh beneficial and even 2 God-erd, The lund of Panotu ts thus to be determined by the poution of th= Moon at the beginning of the month or ) ear If the land of ,Panot: for the particular month 3s won and that for the year 15 also 1ron,the evl effects of Saturn are sure to be extremely bad for the paftieular month, if the one us won and the other suver“er“eopper, the evil effects of Satum’s influence may" perhaps be neutralsed and the parucular month may not prove to be very had, if both are _ silver or copper, the evil influence of Saturn may not only be * considerably mutigated, but the particular. month may even prove beneficial, provided the other planets render some asustance by therr sient and house positions for the ime be: ain the birth horoscope and also‘in the Navamensha Kundh Lucky indeed 1s the person, high or low, nch ot poor, who has been fortunate enough te escape the effects of the evil influence of Saturn and has not suffered in one or more of the countless ways and matters, some of which are mentioned below, when he 1s passing through Saturn’s Panot: for 7} and 2} years, monetary losses and sometimes even complete financial rum, loss of the nearest and dearest lath and lan 60 oceumes at birth Similarly death 1s hkely to occur when the “Mfoon comes into Cancer and Scorpio which are respectively ath and 8th from Anes, the sign occupred by the Moon at Lurth = This rule as very often found to gue very accurste results in practice It must not, howerer, be taken im all cases to be an invarnble and infallable rule. Tr may prove wrong, but is generally found to be correct Affinities for Marriage Hindu Astrologers also conuder the pouuon of the Moon alone for the purposes“6f determining the all important question of the affinities for marnage between the would-be husbands and wes Jt us the posiuon of the Moon in particular asterusms and signs 1 ¢ nakshatras and signs at the time or birth of the would be husbands and wives that 1s conudered for determining ther respecuve affinities, This subject has been dealt with in subsequent chapter of chis part. Indian Astrologers base their calculations and inferen- ces in these and many other matters connected with the duly life of the indiwidual taking the sign of the Moon at birth mto account and treating such sign as the ascendant The pesstion of the Moon at birth us thus of paramount ymportance Gn numerous quesuons connected with his Lfe melding life in infancy and in iter life and in many other respects The best signs for the Moon from the point of view of stamina and vitality are Cancer and Taurus, both femme signs, Cancer over which she rules and Taurus ruled by Venus a female planet in which she gets exalted and which 1s also her Mulerihona sign Cancer 1s also the sign of the exal tation of Jupiter, though the fall of Mars, but not much harm 62 is caused on this account as Mars, 1s hernatural frend Pisees 1s also a very good sign for the Moon to occupy as it 1s ruled by Jupiter and is the exaltation of Venus, a femmine planet The reasons are that the Moonisa fenunine and watery planct and both Cancer and Pisces are also watery and fem mint signs and are therefore agreeable to her nature, which 15 plastic, watery and receptive, and she may be said to be almost in her clement m these two signs The Airy signs being all human nagns are also good for the Moon which represents the mund Virgo 1s also goed for the same reason and also because *t 1s a feminine sign The fiery agns acc not very favourable for the Moon in this connection as they are all masculine and_bestial signs and da not harmonse wrth her nature which is cold and watery and as fire and water are antagonistic to cach other as elements Scorpio though a watery and femmuine sign is one of the worst signs for the Moon to be placed in, as it is the sign of her fall ruled by the fiery Mars who, however, 15 her natural fmend Her position m this sign tends to produce impurities and urregulanties of the {ermine system as this sign rules the private parts of both sexes It conduces to dissolute habits which react on the general health It also freqently causes an umpure kind of obesity Capricorn isalso one of the worst signs for the Moon, though if 1s a femumne and watery sign, asitas ruled by Saturn and Mars gets exalted im it, whnle Jupiter has Ins fall Unde? the circumstances, it tends to weaken the lunar power, and se those born with thus pasition 1 ¢ the Moon in Gapncorn or Capricorn rising on the 63 ascendant are generally weak and delicate and cften ailing especially an infancy and youth In generi affiictions to the Sun are worse than those to the Moon, as these denote defects in the ridical consutution and give less promuse of reef and cure, but alficuons te the Moon are serious in the case of children, irrespective of sex and evenin the case of adult and old persons, the Moon plays a very important part in causing iiness, disease and death = Itus beheved by western astrologers that, sn genera, Mars afflicts the Moon more than it does the Sun,(the reason wsthat they are of different natures) and sumularly Saturn afflicts the Sun more than ut does the Moon for similar reasons But in Indian astrology, itis believed thar itis Saturn that afficts both the Sun and Mfoon, because hes the natural enerny ofboth and consequently he ws more injunous ard harmful to both but Mars dees not afflict eather, ashe is the natural frend of both Thus in yudging the life, either of an mfant or adult, one must consider the factors mentioned in the beginning of this chapter at p 44 always bearing in mind, the nvvam of the Hindu astrologers that the aspects of the malfiecs are always evil and destruc tive, wlule those of the benefics are always beneficial and preservatse of life Difficult Periods The Moon travels through all the 12 signs dunng one month The child will pass through a ernss whenever the Moon pastes through the sign of the matlefics or malefie which are or 15 Likely to cause death or when the Moon passes through the sign in which she was placed at birth If, however, the Moon x strong by being in her 64 a awn sign Cancer or in her multrikona and exaltation sgn ‘Faurus, the death may very likely occur when she passes through the sign of the ascendant at birth During the course of one year, the Moon passes through the sign of the birth ascendant 12 or 13 times Thus the cinld will pass through the several crisis about 39 to 40 times in a year Death im infancy my very likelyjtake place under the follow ing combinations (I) (a) When birth has taken place at twibght 1 ¢ about half an hour before sun-nse or after sun— setand Cancer rises in the ascendant of the Hora Kundh Canceris one of the weakest signs of the zodiac and twilkghtis a dangerous tame for child-birth The first 15 degrees of an odd sign and the last 15 degrees of an even sign gives Leo as the ascendant, of the Hora Kundh, while the last. 15 degrees of an odd sign and the first 15 degrees of an even sign gives Cancer as the, ascendant in the Hora Kundh . (b) When all the malefics are placed in the last Navamamsh 1 e the last 3 degrees of a sign at birth ‘ (c}) When the Moon and the malefics each and every one of them occupy an angle All the angles must be occupied None of them should be vacant, Brihat Jatak Chapter Sixth, Sloak No 1 (IT) When Cancer or Scorpio 15 rising in the ascendant and the matefics are placed in the Eastern or t Qrtental hemisphere 1 ¢. houses roth, 11th, reth, « 65 ascendant, and and 3rd i.e, malefics rising or ascending the midheaven and the benefics are placed in the Western or Occidental hemisphere i.e, qth, 5th, Gth th, 8th, oth, and toth houses i.e. setting or culminating. The Eastern hemisphere begins from the degree rising on the roth house and ends with the degrece-the opposite one on the ath house. The Western hemisphere on the other hand, begins from the degree rising on the qth house and ends with the degree rising on the toth house. Cancer and Scorpio are physically the weakest signs from the point of view of vitality and offer little resistence to illness and disease and malefics and benefics placed in the positions mentioned above not only weaken but almost cripple the horoscope of the child who hence easily succumbs to ditease and death. Malefies are elevated and the benefics are reverse, Ibid Sloak 2 (a), Compare the principle in Western «Astrology that the malefics in the invisible aif with benefies in the visible half shows a probability of death in infancy. (I) (B) Whenthe raalefics-the Sun, Mars, Afercury and the waning Moon ) sandwich the ascendant or the 7th house-the Descendant, in other words, when these malefics are placed in the and, 6th, Sth and rath houses, the combination may prove to be fatal. The principle is that the malefics beseiging the ascendant wreck the constitution and so also does their posinon in the 6th and 8th houses beseiging the 7th 66 house Malefics are about to nse or msen or are yust about to set or have set or some of them are rising or some setting There are four com- binations possible in the opimion of the Sage Gargacharya with whom many other Pundits agree They are as follows (a) When the malefics are placed in the and & 12th houses {D) sy os » oo» oo» » b6th&eBth ,, (Cc) oo oes, MM HEH, (d) ou os » oo» 9 oo Sth& ith In the fitrst ease malefics just rising or risen sandwich the ascendant between them andan the end case, the malefics about to set and or set sandwich the 9th house-the descendant between them Inthe grd case, they are just about to rise and set Mars or Saturn placed in the end house will aspect the 8th house and one of them placed tn the 6th house, say Mars will aspect the ascendant and Saturn inthe 6th would aspect the 8th-the house of death by therr extra aspects respectively Inthe 4th case, also the malefics placed mn the 6th and reth are just set and msen and placed in the 6th are bad by aspect as just seen in the 3rd case and placed in the reth by their very position Thus malefics nang and setting, or sust risen or set or just about to rise and/or set are immucal to imfantle hfe and very often prove disastrous and fatal to wt Thid Sloak 2 (b) 67 Hi When mulefics oceupy the ascendant and 7th house and the Moon is also in conjunction with 4 malefic in any house unupected by benefies, the combina- tion may prove fatal In other words, if malefies eceupy the ascendant in opposition to another malefic in the 7th house and the Moon 1s in conjunc- tion with a malefic, unaspected by a benefic, the combination may Jall the child Thus the Sun in the ascendant with Saturn or Mars im the 7th house and the Moon tn conjunction with Mars er Saturn in any house ts likely to kill the child af the the Moon 15 not aspected by a benefic This combination 1s really dangerous indeed as the ascendant 1s badly afflicted by the position and aspect of the mualefics placed in the rst and 7th houses and the Moon 1s also afleted by being yn conjunction with a male- fic. Ibid sloak (3) IV (a) When the waning Moon 1s placed an the sath house (1¢ just sen) and the malefics occupy the ascendant and the 8th house or either or both of them ind none of the benefics 2s placed in the angles, the combination may prove fatal as the Moon 1s waning and in the rath house, the Sun must bein the ascendant or 12th, nsing or just risen im every case In ths case, the following combinations are posible with the Moon in the 12th (A) The Sun, Mars and Saturn: e the malefics in the ascendant and rising or (B) The Sun, Mars andjor Saturn may oecupy the ascendant (two melefies in the ascendant nang and 65 Saturn or Mars may be placed in the 8th house Thus two of them are rising and one about to set (CG) The Sun may be rising in the ascendant and Mars and Saturn may be placed inthe 8th house and thus be just about to set Thus the Sun is and must be msing orjust msen and thus itis a twilight scene:m every case One or two malefics is or are ising and one or both will be about to set and agam there is a twilight scene, thus adding to the danger In all these cases, there ss a danger to infantile life. Thid Slaak 4 | (V) Ifthe Moon 1s in conjunction with a malefie and occupying the ascendant, 7th, 8th, or rath house and the benefics do not occupy the angles and do not aspect the Moon, the combination 1s dangerous and may prove fatal The Moon in the ascendant or the 7th house means that she must be rising or setting The nsing or setting position of the Moon in conyunction with the malefics is always bad especially when the benefics are not angular Malefics or luminaries’ rising or misen or about to rise or setung, set or about to set are always dangerous, msky and critical The 8th house 1s bad being the house of death The Moon with the Sun in the ascendant means the New Moon and with the Sun inthe 7th house, it will be the full Moon There ts no wonder ifthe conjunction or opposition of the Sun, Mars and/or Saturn in the abovementioned houses were to prove dangerous or fatal The position of the Moon with a malefic bke Mars or Saturn in the ist 69 bad In this case, the Sun must be in the ascen- dant as the Moon 1s wanmg and being in conjunction with the Sun, 1t must be the New Moon If Saturn and/or Mars were respectively to occupy the 4th, 7th and roth houses, they will aspect the ascendant and hence be dangerous Tf they arein the ascendant itself they are bad by their very position and dangerous If they are in the 8th house, they are equally dangerous and bad placed as they are Ibid Sloak 7{A) The position of Marsin the 4th and Saturn in the 1oth which 1s an exception should not, however, be lost sight of {B) Ifthe Moon 1s sandwiched between the malefics in the 4th, 7th and 8th house, the combination 2s likely to prove fatal The reasons are obvious It has been scen that the positron of the Moon in the 7th and 8th houses 1s bad To be placed and sandwiched in these houses between the malefics placed in the 6th and 8th houses or be placed m the 8th and to get sandwiched between the malefics placed in the 7th and gth houses is not at alla very position for the Moon It 1s, however, difficult to see how the sandwiching of the Moon in the 4th between malefies placed in the grd and 5th houses can beso bad as to prove fatal Ibid Sloak 7 (B) (C) Ifthe Moon 1s placed in the ascendant sandwiched between the malefics placed in the and and izth and the malefics are placed in the 7th and/or 8th houses unaspected by a strong benefic, the child is likely to die with the mother If benefics are aspect G1 ing the Moon, the mother 1s saved, but the child ches all the same. Tins must be a rare combina- ton as all the important houses which have a bear- ing on the question of death in onfancy are invol- ved viz, the ascendant, and, 7th, 8th & rath «The combination may be illustrated as follows -the Moon in the ascendant, Rahu and Ketu inthe end and 8th, Saturn and/or Mars in the I2th or 7th or vice-versa and the Sunin any of these houses Mereury and Venus can aspect the Moon in the ascendant onlyif placed im the jth house. Jupiter strong by sign and placed im the 5th, 7th and gth ean save the mother by aspecting the Moon m the ascendant Of course, thisis only an dlustatron to show the various combinations as the planets may be placed in the vanous houses in vanous ways. The position of the Moon in the ascendant sandwi- ched between two malefiesin the end and rath is bad on the face of it Aspects on the Moonin the ust from the malefics placed in the 7th are also bad and thar position in the 8th house-the house of death is nene the better The benefics can aspect the Moon in the rst only as pomted above Ibid Sloak 7 (C) (VIET) (A) The Moon placed in the last 34 degrecs ofa sign: € its last Navamamsha unaspected by © a benefic may Lill the child The Moonin the last ¢ degrees of a sign 13 always considered to be weak and bad Compare Sloak: (b) where a sumilar position of the malefics 1s stated to be bad 72 (B) The malefics placed in the 5th and gth houses may prove to be fatal It 1s difficult to see how this combination can prove to be fatal The malefics cannot aspect the ascendant or the 8th house, when placed mn the gth by their ordinary or extra-ordinary aspects Mars placed in the 5th can aspect the 8th, but can this combinanon be taken to bea fatal one standing: by itself? Saturnin the 5th cannot aspect the ascendant or the 8th How can this positron then always prove fatal ? (C) The Moon in the ascendant and the malefics placed in the 7th and thus aspecting both the Moon and the ascendant show a probable fatal combmation which needs no elaborate explana tion, though it 3s a little mullder than the one given mm Sloak 7 (B) Fbid Sloak g (C) (IX) (A), When birth takes place at the time of a lunar eclipse and the Moon 13 in. the ascendant with Saturn (with Rahu or Ketu) together by reason of the eclipse and Mars occupies the 8th house,“the child dies with the mother As there ts a lunar eclipse, the Sun must be placed in the 7th howse with Rahu er Ketu and with Mercury and/or Venus rn the 6th, 7th or 8th house and thus thefatal combination becomes complete Rahu or Ketu one of the Moon’s nodes will be in close conjunction with the Meon mm the ascendant This combination 1s certainly bad indeed,.as at least five planets must and will be and are placed in the ascendant and 7th and these planets are the two 73 lummanes, the two nodes and the malefic Saturn with the Moon in the ascendant and the Sun in the 7th m opposition The Moon in the ascendant 18 always in conjunction with two malefics Saturn and one of the Moon's Nodes Rahu or Ketu To complete the picture, Mars as placed in the 8th and Mercury and Venus may join m the 7th Their occupation of the 8th house 1s none the better as they will then be m conjunction with Mars Even if Mercury and Venus are placed im the 6th, they cannot, it seerns, much improve the position. The combi- nation is bad enough =‘It 1s to be noted that the author does not speak of any aspects of the benefics Tbid Sloak 9 (b) (EX) (B) 1f1n the last case just mentioned, burth takes place at the time ofa solar eclipse instead of a lunar one, death will occur as aresult of an operation The Sunin this case will be in the ascendant with the Moon with Rahu or Ketu one ofthe Moon's nodes also in the ascendant with Saturn also there The other Moons node, Rahu or Ketu will bein the 7th ~=Thus there will be 4 planets an the ascendant wiz, the Sun, Moon, Saturn and one ef the Moon's nodes, the other berg in the 7th and, Mercury and Venus may join the fatal combination by being placed in the ascendant ‘Their position in the 2nd and/or rath houses will not umprove the situation as they will be occupying the bad houses Mars 15 placed in the Sth Nothing improves even of Mars and 74 “ Saturn were to exchange thar positions being respectively placed in the ascendant and the 8th The combination ts thus bad all round, but one wonders if the situation can improve by Jupiter, Mercury and/or Venus sandwiching the ascendant by being placed in the end and rath, a thing which 1s perfectly possible and by Jupiter aspecting the ascendant by being placed in the 5th, 7th or gthor by lus beng placed in the ascendant Ibid Sloak g (b) (C) When the Sun or Moon 1s 1n the ascendant at birth not aspected bya strong benefic and the matefics are accupying the 5th, 8th or gth house, the combination 1s likely to prove fatal When the Sun 1s in the ascendant, Mercury and/or Venus may occupy the ascendant also and bein conyunction with the Sua,but they can never aspect the Sun or the Moon in the ascendant Jupiter can also be in conjyucuon with the Sun and the Moon in the ascendant or may occupy the sth, 7th or gth house and may aspect the Sun and the Moon in the ascendant by lus ordinary or extra-ordinary aspects If the Moon 1s placed in the ascendant, Mercury and Venus may be placed i the 7th along with the Sun, but they can never aspect the Moen from any other position So far as Jupiter 13 concerned, lus position is the same whether the Sun or the Moon as in the ascendant or 7th This combination with the male- fics placed 2m the &th house may be bad and prove fatal, but it 1s difficult to understand how the fs) position of the malefics in the trinal houses the 5th and oth can prove fatal, as they can never aspect the ascendant from these positions The conjunction of the benefics Mercury, Venus and/or Jupiter with the Sun and/or the Moonas certainly good and might prevent the combination from being fatal Ibid Sloak 9 (c) (X} When at birth, Saturn ss placedin the rath, the Sunin the oth, the Moon in the ascendant and Mars in the 8th and these planets are not aspected by Jupiter strong by stgn and howe position, the combination 1s Likely to prove fatal This as indeed 2 bad combination as the Iuminanes are literally hounded, so to say by the malefics, Mars hounding the Sun and Saturn the Moon, so that both the vital houses the ascendant and the 8th are afficted Saturn also aspects the Sun in the oth by his extra aspect. Supposing now that Saturn is placed im the 8th and Mars 1s placed m the 12th, the combination becomes a httle softer, as the Sun escapes the bad aspect of Saturn, though the hounding of the luminaries by the malefics still remams and continues, It makes no difference whether the Sun or the Moon occupies the ascendant or the gth or vice-versa. «Note that one of the Iummanes 1s always msing The nsing postion of the lummaries especially the Moon 1s always supposed to be cntical. It is made worse by the hounding by the malcfic Saturn in the 2th from which he will be aspecting the Sun or Moon placed nm the gth. Letus now suppose that the 76

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