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Smallbore Rifle Clinic, Volume I
First Edition
(c) 1982 The National Rifle Association
Second Printing - 1995

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This manual may not be
reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission. For
information, address the Competitive Shooting Division, National Rifle Association, 11250
Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030.

Edited by: Ellen Ross, MemberNRA Smallbore Committee

Clinic Instructors: Presley V/. Kendall

Carl Jooss
Bill Krilling
Neal Johnson
David Ross III
David Weaver

Recommendations for equipment or

other items made in this publication are
the recommendations of the presentor/author
and ae not recommendations by the NRA.
The NRA ordinarily does not recommend the
use of specific products.

CAUTION: All technical data in this publication, especially for handloading, reflect the limited
experience of individuals using specifrc tools, products, equipment and components under
specific conditions and circ umstances not necessarily reported in the article, and over which
the National Rifle Association of America (NRA), has no control.
The data have not otherwise been tested or certified by the NRA.
The NRA, its agents, officers, and employees accept no
responsibility for the results obtained by persons using such data
and disclaim all liability for any consequential injuries or damages.
1982 NRA National ChampionshiPs
Smallbore Rifle Clinic

Dr. Robert G. Smith, lntroduction

Biographies of Clinic lnstructors

Presley W. Kendall
Selecting Eguipment and Testing Ammunition . page 1

Carl Jooss
The Effects of Wind and Weather " " page

Bill Krilllng
Training for Competitlon Page 15

Neal Johnson
Building a Target Rifle Page ??

Presley W. Kendall
David P. Weaver
David Ross I ll
Questlons & Answers. " " Page 31
of AND


1600 Rhode lsland Avenue, N.W. . Washington, D. C. 20036 . (202) 828-6000


Dr. Robert G. Smith, Chairman
Smallbore Rifle Committe

As chairman of the NRA smallbore Rifle committee, and on

behalf of the NRA, lam pleased to introduce this printed record of
the NRA smallbore Prone clinic that was conducted on July z7th,,
1982 at rhe National Rifle and Pistol championships at camp penry,

This clinic was made available to camp perry smaltbore prone

shooters not only as part of N RAts efforts to make up-to-date
information available to shooters, but also of our efforts to increase
the popularity of the smallbore prone competitive shooting game.
The clinic provided presentatons on general phases of
smallbore prone rifle shooting to include equipment selection and
ammo testing, effects of wind and weather, training for competition,
building a target rifle and a secton with questions and answers"
This document is the edited transcript of the clinic" lt is
being sent free of charge to all persons who attended the 'l'ggz
clinic and is being made available for sale to all interested
shooters. we are confident your shootng too will benefit by having
this wealth of nformaton made available to you.

Dr. Robert G. Smith


NEAL JoHNSoN, Harnpton, Virginia. Neal Johnson owns and operates

Gunsmthng, lnc. He has been a professional gunsmith for over zo
years, specializing in smallbore competitlon rifles for the last ten.
Over 10O national records have been set with his rifles.
CARL JOOSS, New Albany, Ohio- Carl Jooss is a perennial favorite at
Camp Perry in both the prone and position championships, having been
the National Civilian Champion in each. Carl owns Champion Shooter
Supply and can usually be seen there on Commercial Row between
relays during the National Matches.
PRESLEY w. KENDALL, carlisle, Kentucky. pres Kendall's success in
shooting spans a quarter century having won the National Smallbore
Prone championship foun times, in 1962, 197?, 1974 and 1ggz. pres was
also the National 3-Position Champion in 1964 and has been a member of
numerous U.S. nternatonal shooting teams.
WILLIAM KRILLING, Ft. Benning, Georgia- Bll Krilling fired the first
3200 in smallbore prone competition. He was the National
Smallbore Prone Champion in 1965. Despite his tremendous shooting
accomplishments, Bill is probably best known for his abilities as a
coach. He is currently serving s Head Rfle coach for the NRA
Training and Development Teams.
DAVID Ross, lll, Houston Texas. avid Ross is a well known
nternatonal competitor in small bore prone shooting having been on
numerous u"s. international teams including the 1976 olympic team. He
has won both the British and u.s. Natonal prone championships.
DAVID WEAVER Oil City, Pennsylvania. David Weawer was Nationai
smallbore champion in 1976 and 1979" His list of prone shooting
accomplishments also includes several Civilian Natlonal titles and
selection to the Dewar and Pershing teams"
Presley W- Kendall

Our topic will be selecting egui.pment Used Rifles. There are plenty of
and testing ammunition. You will have to secondhand Rernington 37ts and 4OX's,
consider your budget, but I hope that Winchester 52rs, Walthers, and Anschutz
the information you get here will be of awallable. Before you buy a secondhand
help in your decisions. rifle of any kind, f you ane not that
good a shooter, get somebody who is and
lf you have a queston, please raise ask him to shoot t. Most used rfles are
your hand; and f you disagree with not perfect. Get your friend's opinion
something I say, letrs talk aout it here after he has shot the rifle. Then if you
so ewerybody else can get in on the have access to a gunsmth, let him look at
discussion. the rifl ing to see f there is a ring
around the chamber or other damage.
The ltems that youtll need for prone Then look at the bedding and trgger
shooting are a mat, a coat, two before you buy it.
sweatshirts, a sling, a glove, ear plugs,
telescope, spotting scope and stand, The Trlgger. There are about four
CP, possibly glasses, a rif le, optons in your choice of a trlgger: the
ammunition, a pair of normal slacks, Kenyon trigger, the Anschutz old style
shoes, a loading block, bore cleaner, trigger, the new Anschutz trigger, and
cleaning rod with a brass brush, patches, the electronc tr-igger. I believe that you
f ront and rear sights, a rear adjustable need to keep your equpment as simple
iris for the near sight, a metal gun case and direct as possible, not only fc
for your rifle, and a metal case for your maintenance, but also to minimi!
shootlng equipment. All together it would equipment breakdown while you are usng
probably cost around 91 ,5O0" t. lf anything can go wrong in a match,
It certainly will"
lf you are a beginner, before you
buy anything, lwould recommend that Most people use single-stage trlggers
you wtch successful champion shooters to for prone, but there has been a trend
see what they use. Dontt buy any tern iately for some shooters to use a
until you see other people use t and then double-stage trigger. This is usually the
look further and get some ideas. Just international shooter because they have
because one shooter was successful does been using a two-stage trgger in their
not necessarily mean that others are also. smallbore poston rifle so they try to
So I would suggest that you watch keep the same trigger technique for all
several people who are successful and get rifles and all positons. For prone I
a consensus of their shooting styles and ,) would recommend a single stage trgger
equipment, and then see how that fits because you only have 20 mnutes to
your own physique, technique, and shoot and you have a lot of shots to
aspiratons. So I'll go through the shoot. You have a lot of wind vratons
eguipment now and recommend the thngs to consider and often you have to shoot
that you would need. quite fast. There is a good deal of
wasted time and motion in using a
New Rifles. I personally recommend two-stage trigger.
purchasing an Anschutz prone rifle with a
single-stage trigger.

Rifle Barrels. The barrels that come It to the rear porton of the front base
on the original Anschutz rffle are good; for 1OO yards. You may feel that its not
but after they wear, you have to get a necessary because you have an adjustable
new barrel. There ere several comb, but the hlgher you raise the front
possbllties. You can have a replacement slght on the barrel, the more chance you
Anschutz barrel put on or ,you. lan get a have for damage or inaccuracy caused by
Hart, McMlllan, Obermeyer gr Hutchlnson. the slightest canting error.
l've had most of my- r.r""us wlth Hart
barrels. Rear Slght. For a rear sight, I
wiruld, agaln, recommend the Anschutz.
Shooting Coats. There are four Whle we are talking about rear sghts, I
brands of leather coats on the market would like to comment on the use of the
today that I feel are good. One is the colored rear lrls. I feel that there
Hawkeye whlch sells for about t355. should be very little dlfference between
Anschutz also has a new coat out at about what you normally look at durlng the tme
the same price. Both the Bob Allen and when yourre not shooting and what you
the Pearson coats sell for about $160. All look at when you shoot. As you know,
of them are goodi but ln selecting a coat, rear iris inserts come in colors from pink
I would recommend that you conslder a \l to green. I have never had any luck
light colored back, preferably yhlt3, with them because they are not the
because thls reflects the heat. lt witt natural colors that you are used to
keep you a llttle cooler while you're looking at instinctively all the time.
shooting In the hot sun. When you are Shooting is an instinctlve thing, arld you
tting your coat, make sure you can get have to be able to think very quickly to
..bber replacement pads since the pads shoot. I would recommend a clear rear
wear, and you will have to replace them lens and then gettng a single'oirizing
once in a whlle to keep your arm from filter which can be screwed into the front
slipping off the mat. of the rear slJht.
Front Sights. ln today's state of Shootlng Glasses. Those of you who
the art, I thnk that you would want an wear glasses and shoot prone can use a
adJustable front aperture that opens and corrected lens in your rear sight. I
closes in such the Bame way as a camera would recommend this for prone shooting
lens, screwed lnto an Anschutz front because it saves having to wear glasses
slght. That is ldeal lf yousre shooting on that may get ran spotted. lf you need a
a dark cJay because you can open your pair of shooting glasses, the top of the
aperture up. lf you are shooting on \i llne Is the Junker frame. You carl
brlght sunny c,ay, you can close tne {
purchase these frames and have your own
aperture. Always try to close t as . lenses inserted. The lenses are
tlgh-tly as fs'iUle to prevent a sighting interchangeable so you can have several
error. made for your prescription. For the
right-handed shooter, I would recornmend
I also would recommend a Redfield that the left lens be a SOt dark green or
+ two-step front sight base so that you can smoked color and then two lenses for the
set your slght at 50 yards on the higher right eye--one clear and the other a 251
portlon of the front base and then move smoke or light green.

Slings. There hawe been some wind, raln, and sand. I consider a hat
lmprovements ln slings, I think, over the very mportnt.
last few years, especially the plastic
sling. So I would suggest that you Ear lugs. You have sever-al optons
consider a sllng made out of plastic right now. There are custom handmade
because leather is forewer stretching - plugs which are very good and which I
You have to oil a leather sling and that is recommend. You can also get the sprlng
going to allow t to stretch even more- type, or you can get muffs. I flnd that
for outdoor smallbore shooting standard
Gloves. For American shooting, rules earplugs alone are sufflcient. you really
allow you to use a thick padded glove. donrt need the pressure or the weight of I
For internatonal you have to use a thin a heavy set of muffs while you are looking I

one " through your sight and then looking ln I

the spotting scope and back to the rifle.

Fore-end Stop. I do not recommend
using a large lreawy handstop because Spotting Scope. There are severat
your hand often goes against the stop in brands of spotting scopes on the market.
an unnatural position and this causes I personally use a e19-hne!.|.....1F_..... .-f-s
fatigue. I would recommend a narrow power variable because I like to have
fore-end stop, preferably one that s about ?O power for 50 yards. t turn t
quickly attachable and detachable such as up a little higher for 1OO yards. This is
the one Anshutz makes or the one that for two reasons: to spot shots when I
Carl Jooss handles. think I have a close one and for win.,
(mirage) doping. Always turn yoi
Mats" Try to get as -:rn a mat as spotting scope short of the range. Fr
you can possibly be comfrtable with instance, lf youre shooting at 1O0 yards,
because the thicker the mat, the less set t sllghtly out of focus, at about 90
hard contact you have with the ground, yards r so that you can pick up more
and therefore, the less stability or mirage. The heat waves are very critical
steadiness. There are three on the to reading wind"
market right now: pearson, Bob Allen,
and Hawkeye. Telescoes. The hottest thing Is the
receiwer mounted scopes made by
Sweatshirts. Try to get at teast one Redfield. There are several other good
thick sweatshirt, f not two, such as the brands and they might perhaps be better
Camp Perry sweatshirts. Get them long than having a scope mounted on the
enough so that when yourre stretched out barnel, such as the old Uneril . Agaln,
full length prone, they ft smoothly and this depends on what you can afford. A
donrt leave your stomach exposed. few years ago, some shooters tnled
sleewed actons that extended guite a bit
Cas. Get a cap that has at least a forward, just as benchrest shooters do,
broad bli but preferably something that to keep the scope well forward yet off the
hangs down on both sides and fonward barrel . We donrt see much of that these
over your sight while yourre aiming. days though.
This helps to block the distraction of
people around you who may be talkng Personally, I still use a 20-power
and mowing around and cuts out light, scope mounted on the barrel. I think
somewhere between 20 and 24 power is all once a day in a four match day. Then
you need. Anything more than that, and use a patch through the barrel untll t
you are seeing your pulse which will comes out reasonably clean.
scare you a little bit; and in a heavy
mirage, it causes the bull to look too Gun Case. Whenever youtre not
. wavy. You can also have difflculty using your rifle, carry it n a metal case.
finding the lines and seeing the bull- I donrt recommend a plastic case because
they really donrt offer enough protecton
Bedding. I prefer an aluminum when travelling on the airlines. Keep lt
block imbedded under the receiver and in a metal case where t can't be
two nches out under the barrel. Always damaged. When you put your gun away,
have the barrel bedded an inch-and-a- donrt put t away cocked. Keep the
half to two inches under the barrel . You firing pln forward to keep the pressure
bed an aluminum block under the action if off the fi ring pin spring so you donrt
you have a wood stock because shooting wear it.
conditions and climatic condition vary- ln
Phoenix itrs a hundred and twelve Ammunitlon. We have Eley, the
degrees and t doesn't ran much; while German RSO brand, and Lapua. The top
at Camp Perry itts eighty-five and rans. of the line is E_!_g-y Red. Of course,
By putting an aluminum block in there no thatts very expensive. There is some
matter how much the stock warps, it will ammunltlon that ls just coming out but
.\i, not be affected. ln 2O years, I feel that may never be on the market since itrs
-ost people will be shooting plastic being made in Russia. This is radically '
cks. The plastic stocks will have different from what werre using. Theyrre
-umnum blocks or at least aluminum lugs
embedded under the action screws.
using t only for their national team in
Russia and will probably never make t
available on the world markets. After we
Torque. Some people use 20 have the Eley Red, the next I consider of
pounds. Some use up to 40, but egual quality is 85,-O,. made by RWS in I ,.:
anywhere between ?5 and 30 pounds is Germany and !-apua Selected Match from r,1.".,
pretty good. You must remember that Finland. Then t 'comes down to Lapua
the Anschutz receiver is somewhat soft, Match followed by Eley Black --!hg,n E.!"y r',
and f you try anything over 35 or 40 C...l.yb. and then the RWS Match. Again, in
pounds, you run into the danger of picking ammunition, you have to get what
strpping out the action and then you you can afford and what you can use. lf
have to rethread t. lf I were building a I were shooting in national championships
rifle today, I would recommend a plastic today, I would probably recommend that
stock with an aluminum block and the top 20 shoot Red.
adjustable comb with allenhead screws, an
Anschutz single-stage trigger, and a Hart a. The RsO supposedly has a higher
barrel. velocity than the Eley red. ls there any
validity to that statement?
Cleaning. You should use a cleaning
rod guide, good cleaning rod with a brass A. Thatrs true. R50 is probably very
tip and Hoppes or some other popular very good ammuntion. There are two
solvent. Use a brass brush passed problems that R50 does, on occason '
through the barrel five times. I do this have though. lt is more supersonic so it

drifts more in the wind, and occasionally all of that lot that you can and store it
you will get a flyer which is the same away in a cool place thatts dry such as a
problem the old Remington match used to metal can.
have years ag,o-
a. Have you ever had any lubrication
a. Do you know of any ammunition that on your bullets evaporate or degrade with
doesnrt have flyers? time so that you have to relube?
A" No, sr, I donrt. ln testlng A. There was a man, who is now dead,
ammunltion at todayrs prlces, I would say who used to recommend that you take the
to pck what your budget can afford. bullet and rub the nose of t around in
Tny to shoot lt a year in advance. Take your thumb. I never had any experience
several lots and shoot them at 1OO yards with lubrication -
wlth a telescope, preferably in hlgh wind, Thats one of the
and then try to pick the lot which seems reasons I would recommend storing it in a
to drift the least in the wind and hold cool place.
the elevation the best. lt wontt be hard
to tell. Yourll be able to see t. Take a. Would you recommend looking at
the lot or lots you feel are best and set every bullet before you put t in your
them aside until you can shoot them at loading bin?
1OO yards in a calm. pick the lot whlch
seems to be the most accurate. Then A" Yes, sir"
move back to 50 meters or SO yards and
do the same thing again. Check it. Get

27 ta{ :*jrY)lTtn! J
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Carl Jooss

I always try to gve my talks based hltter comments that he didnrt hlt it
on personal experlences; and though l1m in because the wind was blowlng too hard.
the shootlng supply business, I try not ln football, they wait to see who is going
to endorse my products. lrll just talk in to get to start at whlch end--who is
general terms. Should you want to know golng to have the wind advantage-
somethlng specific about a product, I rll Almost any sport ls based around wind
tell you but wlll purposely avold talkng and weather, and fe outcome can change
about name brands. Basically I just want due to weather if everything else is
to talk about shooting and be as honest equal. The wind and weather will declde
and slncere as I can about what we,re who wlns because the person who can
golng to be talklng about. make his way through it the best is golng
to be a winner.
My topic today ls wlnd and weather.
Shootlng is a procedural sport, and we The wind and weather are changeable
have control of just about every aspect. factors. One morning on an iron sight
We plck some ammo and then go out to day you might have a certain condition,
the range and test it off the bench or in but it may not be the same for the scope
the prone positlon. You can pick the match at the same time the next day.
rrlotrr that you thlnk s best. We would You might start out in the mornlng with
all llke the one-hole group, but thatts one condition, and by the afternoon lt s
;nposslble so you try to get the best completely different. There are even
J CAn. changes from one match to the next. ln
fact, you can even have conditions in one
You can regulate your organized stage very different from the next. You
tralning. Train as much as you want, might shoot one good bull and find out
when you want, shoot the matches you the next bull ls not working out because
want, and go where you want. Physlcal t changed on you again. lt can change
and mental dlsclplines are wlthin you. from shot to shot. Wind is very
You have control over yourself, your changeable, and you have to be flexible
equlprnent, and your posltion. ln almost and change wlth it.
every aspect of shootlng we have some
form of control . However, when you walk How to best handle changing
up to that llne on a bright sunny morning conditions is one problem that many
and you look down there and see that the people have but donrt realize. A
wind is blowlng, you realize that you deliberate shooter wants to shoot in a
havent gotten any control over that partlcular manner; and if conditions
wlnd. lts there; and you have to accept enable hlm to shoot that wy, herll do
t for what it ls, and you have to make it well--but chances are the only tlme herll
work for you lf you can. do well ls when the condition that
prevails meets his type of shooting. You
ln many sports and games the wind canrt separate tactics and wlnd conditon. )v
and weather is the variable you have no You have to be flexible. You must be
control over. ln golf tournaments, you willing to change within the match, wlthin
hear that the wind is coming ln, and the the stage, or between shots. You hawe
ball is hanging up on it. ln baseball, a to be willing to make changes and take


chances untl you fnd a combnaton that have to see the mirage and then see what
works. happens.

What are some of the ways that we One of the main ways to read mirage
use to judge the wind? You canrt see it; is through your spotting scope. Why a
you can only feel t. One way to judge shooter will go out and purchase an
wind is through mirage. We see mirage. expensiwe rifle and equipment and the
we can also hear the wind indrectly best ammo and then use a $5O.OO spottlng
through the motion and nose of the scope is beyond me. So much of your
trees. we can also use a little gadget results will depend on what you see
that sits on the line with a spinning through your spotting scope. ltrs all we
propeller what is called a windmill. The have to read mrage wth.
windmill will change the pitch of its nose
and direction as the wind changes. You For years I shot with my spotting
can also find out what the wind is dolng scope thal my dad gave me. I could see
by looking at objects such as grass and mirage in t. No problem. I never gave
dust. When itrs raining, you can watch t another thought. About three years
the raindrops. You can see the results ago, I bought myself a new spottng
of the wind on other shootersrtargets. scope because I wanted to hawe
ln other words, t is a cause and effect changeable eyepieces. I began to observe
relationship. You donrt really see what over the next two or three years that my
the wind is doing, but you can see the scores were coming up. I was startng to
targets and see what t dd to somebody get a lead on the others with iron sights.
else. You can also get an interpretation'\, Itts hard to make a comeback once yo/
of the wind through another shootersr are down with the irons so every polnt ,-
reaction, whether itrs in the form of a especially lmportant there. Suddenly, I
four-letter word or pounding a foot on was the wnnen of the iron slght
the ground" aggregates. ln fact, my iron sight
scores pulled me through a couple of
Which one of these is an effective tool times when I didnrt do so well with the
to help you? Well, there is no real scope. I hadnrt changed anything. I
answer" What you have to do is use them was using the same gu r same lot of
all at once. Of course, we canrt talk ammunition " At first, I couldnt
about them all at once. Our discussion understand lt, and then I reallzed what
will separate them, but keep in mind that the difference really was. lt was that
you will in reality use every possible spotting scope. lt enabled me to read
means at the same time. You must put all the mirage a little better than I had
the information into your mental computer before.
and come up with an answer.
At Camp Perry, lf you're going to
Mirage. The most common wind win a match, it will be with a 400. As a
indicator that we can talk about ls matter of fact, lt will amount to the
mirage. Explaining the causes of mirage number of Xrs. lf you have a group that
Is really not important. What matters is measures .75 and you have a one inch
the fact that you can identify it, and X-rng, that leaves about a quarter of an
then you can use t to your advantage. inch (thatrs about a bullet hole at 1OO
Itrs a cause and effect nelationship. You yards) left over before you shoot a nine.

Often you will shoot nne shots in a good wind s worth so much. lt is vely
group, and then you wlll have that one important to get out n a lot of different
shot that sticks out just a little farther conditions to get the experlence.
than the rest. That one shot will make
the group maybe another tenth of an inch Itrs lmportant to plan the use of the
blgger. slghter. What you want to try to do is
to bracket the conditlon. First of all
The whole match is going to boil pick the condltion that is the most
down to two or three shots, and that one rellable, the most stable throughout the
shot that warles out of the group a little course of fire. .A,t Camp perny you will
blt makes all the dlfference. That means get a predomlnant wind that comes over
that you have to read the wind to within your left shoulder at about seven orclock.
a guarter of an lnch to shot an X. I As the day goes by, it will tend to turn
dontt know how many people can read the a llttle more on an angle from nine orclock
wlnd within a quarter of an inch. lt's or maybe even from the back, but it will
not easy. When a shooter shoots a 40O change at an angle. The second
wlth 36 or more X's, in effect, thatts \ condition you wlll often get is the one
what he ls doing. He's reading the wlnd i that comes from the front at about one or
that closely . two orclock. Of those two conditions, f I
had my choice, I would pick the one that
As a general rule, when you see comes over my shoulder because I can
mirage t lct) see heat waves that are feel t. lt hits you on the line and then
floatlng around. When the wind picks goes on down range. When the wind
:t they start drifting one way or the comes at you, you cantt see what itrs
-ner. Usually, the slower waves drift, doing until t htts you. Itts more
the easier it is to read the mirage. When difficult to read, bu! you can watch the
the wind picks u, the waves tend to grass or other indicators to get some idea
flatten out, and above some speed t ls of,.,whgtls hapening. /ou must remember
imposslble to distingulsh between the th9!,you muit give the condition time to
different wlnd welocities - As you work cover, the whole range before you shoot
with mirage you wlll become more the shot-
experienced. you can set your spotting
scope up and you can see the mirage and Itrs easy to lay there n the line
sy, rrWell, that mirage s worth three when the wind is comng from the back
quarters of an inch or itrs worth an nch and watch the windmill; and wfen lt
and a half .,' ygq ghould be within a f lips, sai, 'Thats my co-ndition - rr But
guarter of an inch - you donrt want . to shoot right then
because itts an eight mile an hour wind,
Some of you less experienced itf going to take as long tor that wind to
shooters mey be confused. yourre only get down to a 1oo-yard target as it takes
going to learn what mirage and wind are you to walk from the firing line to the
worth by looking through a scope and by 50-yard target. you canrt just shoot.
experience. you have to get out there Yo have to let the wind get down range
and shoot- you have to make a mental so that itrs as constant across the whole
memory- Once you shoot enough shots on range as posslble.
any given day, you can set your scope
up and look down there and say that the Here are some guide rules to shoot

To assure Xrs at 1OO yar ds, the shooter must be able to read the
wlnd to within \ mnute. The drawing shows a good smallbore'
group ln the X ring. Typical minimum group size ( ' 75) is
determined by rifle-ammo capability ( .65" ) and shooter error
(.1O")" That leaves only .25t' to stay in the 1OO yard X ring'

The typical smallbore rif le wind dispersion pttern is from 1O

orclock to 4 o'clock- The elongated oval shows where wind-
deflected bullets wll print on the target if wind corrections are
not made.
1) You focus vour scoe between next bull and shoot one out- The
vou and the target. you donrt want to condition has changed in ten seconds. lt
focus t behind.the target or you'll tend has changed from the time they shot the
to get a reverse mlrage. When you focus sighter. You go up and shoot another X,
your spottng scope, try to get lt rlght back down and shoot a nne. lt has
on the target or the target frame, then happened to all of us. There carr be
back t off toward you. l/ou can tell that several reasons for that. One, the wind
you are backing lt off by watchlng the can change between shots. Two, you can
grass closer to you come into focus. For change your position between shots. But
example, at 1OO yards t you wlll focus letts say that you are doing everything
somewhere around ZS or 80 yards. you right with your position.
need to be'"'focused well enough so that
you can stlll see the bullet holes. What happens to the mirage? The
mirage isntt as strong on the top bull as
?> You have to trv to bracket the t is on the bottom bull. Since ltrs
conditlon. Sight-in in the condition you coming off the ground, itts heavier on the
expect to prevail. Then shoot a sighter bottom bull. lt may be worth more than
when you get a wind change f rom the on the top. lt may be worth a half an
other direction in order to find out how inch, a guarter of an inch, an inch, but
far the conditions are going to move the t can be different. So you have to altow
shot- You need to know what the other for t. You may ask, rrHow do I know?rt
condltlons are worth because you may You dontt know until you shoot your shot
have to shoot in those conditions if you unless you have the experience. When
re tight on time. File that informatlon you do these things t pay attentlon to
your memory bank. what happens and file it away because
some time n some conditions, yourre not
3) Decide on vour tactical aproach going to get the chance to go back to the
to the match and condltions. Mirage sighter. You will have to rely on your
reading is one mportant element in your experence.
tactical approach to the match. When
{ you r tactc is to shoot ln the same I shot a match in Sidney one time;
condition, yau want to try to identify the and since itts a personal experience, I
wlnd, the direction and the velocity. know for a fact what happened, and t
Try to have ewerything the same for each just shows what you have to do sometmes.
shot. When it changes, you hold up and
you just wait until lt comes back. At Itrs the last day , last match , 1OO
Camp Perry t sometmes takes a mnute yards any sights, and I'm losing by two
or two for your condition to come back. ponts. I have to catch up again. The
Generally, t will corne back, and then wind is iust tearng off to one side, and
you shoot. the mirage is flat out- So I shot in that
condition on the sighter and got a ten.
4) Have Confidence. Often Then I shot another one, another ten.
beginners make a mistake when they are Shot another one, and it's only a nine,
not sure of their abitity to remember the and the mrage appears the same. you
condition. When the condition comes cant distinguish changes. Now the
back, they go up to the sghter and shoot mirage is going the other way. Well, I'lf
a shot. lt's an X. They go down to the see what this is worth and shoot, and trs

in the middle of the eight on the other shoot the gun as fast ,.a_s. ! can.posgibly
side. lrm trying to figure out what lrm load it and pull the triggen. That's
going to do now. One thing I know is tactics.
that itrs impossible to catch up. All I
have to do is shoot better than the rest A slow and deliberate shooter wonrt
of the shooters. I haven't any indication wn that match. He cant shoot that fast.
of how lrm going to be able to do that I rm not shootng for Xrs. I'm shooting
because I canrt tell any more than for tens. I ht that two-inch circle.
anybody else. lcanrt read that wind Thatrs all I want. I need the points, and
when itrs flat out- I canrt read it within I finish ln 19 mnutes. The conditlon has
two lnches. So I just stare through my changed enough to get all the shots off,
spotting scope and thoughts ramble and I got a 2OO. I feel pretty good about
through my head about what llm going to that. I know I can do t" I just hope
do. Five mnutes go by. All of a the conditions stay exactly the sarne for
sudden the wind is going like crazy. the next stage. Sure enough, everyone
The wind starts to let up, ancl there is a else is scratching their heads and talking
heat wave boiling, and its starting to to themselves. I lay down . Here I go.
come back. O.K., lcan read that. Now, I donrt hawe to take as much time
because I know the plan. I know what
Normally you don't want to shoot in the lrm going to do now. Before I had to
boil; but in this case, letrs see what waste that five minutes. All I have to do
happens. The wind starts coming up, is shoot a shot or two, keep the barrel
and I shoot, and, bam, Itwe got an X. lt warmed up and go for record. I can bp
comes up a llttle more, and bam, I have a more careful. I dontt have to get
good solid ten. This is going to work. chancy. lcan pick the condition anct
Now, I know I can win the tournament maybe shoot more in the middle condton
but now seven minutes hawe gone by. where I can best judge where the bullet
That tells me one thing, no more cycles; is going to go. I had time to finish the
you canst shoot them. I can't shoot unill match and shot a 40O. The guy that
the wind comes back again. lt's going was in the lead dropped four points.
like crazy . I don't know where it's at. The next best score was 392, and there
Itrs over that way, and I canrt shoot until were plenty of scores in the 80's. I
that wind starts to boil back. So I sit lucked out because I found something that
there and wait two more mnutes. Pretty would work. lts just that simple. I may
soon it comes back. Here it is. Load her never shoot another match that way. I
up, go for record. ltrs startng to come may neven use that same tactic again, but
this wy, so I hold out here, and bam, I vou have to first believe in vourself.
get a pretty good X. lt's comng up, You must know that vou hawe the
and itrs just about off on the other side" capabilitv of doing something, and then
Itts clear on the other side, and I get vou have the guts to do it.
another one two inches away frorrr the
first shot. Now, itrs going the other Clicking and Shading. As you can
way. I have eighteen mone to go. see, you canrt just read the wind- You
Sometimes I can get one shot off , have to take that information and put it
sometimes I can get three off if I'm lucky together with the gun. With a scope, the
with the wind coming up, going in the simple way to do t is just hold to one
middle, and going out the other side. I side or the other. I ron sights, it's not

so slmple. You have to cllck llke crazy The Windmill. When the wind comes
or else you have to shade. Very few over your shoulder its easler to read,
shooters can shade consistently. lf you but ltrs not as easy to read as far as the
can shade, thatrs the best way wlth iron mirage. When itrs difficult to see the
sights. Move over and shade, but not all mirage, what do you do? You look at the
the tlme. lf itrs a predomnant conditlon, windmill. You make sure the direction is
itrs going to stay the same, so click; but absolutely the same on each shot, and
when its really changlng fast, sometimes you make sure that the wind has tlme to
you have to shade. get down the range. When you are in
the open, sometimes you get a wind that
I have seen champions who shade stays more constant. The amount of wind
every shot and do well. lf you cen do doesn:t seem to make any difference
that, g reat. | lm not so lucky . I cantt whether itrs ten or twenty miles an hour
do that consistently. For every four or as long as itts consistent. When it hits
five I shade, I might shoot one out. You those trees though, t tends to bubble up
can shade or click, but you have to have and sometimes dip down, and then hit the
the guts'to do It. You haventt time to ground and bounce up and get very
get to the slghter sometmes. You have tricky. Thatrs why sometimes the sighter
to say thls condition is worth an inch-and- bull works better in the wind that the
a-half , stick t out there and fl re. bottom bull.
Sometimes you ht t. Sometimes you
donrt. The more you do lt, the more The Grass. When the wind is really
successful you are, and the more swirling you have to use the grass. lf
rnfidence you will have. you cnrt go you slght in for a condition and you are
:k to the sighter all the time. You watching everything, and the grass
want a guar-anteed absolute, but that movements donrt change, yourre probably
wonrt happen. ltts golng to change. in pretty good shape. You can combine
Rough condltions change f rom shot to watchlng the grass and the windmill.
shot. You may shoot a whole counse of Llsten to the amount of noise and the
flre and never hold the gun in the same pitch of the noise from the windmill , ancl
place twlce. then use the grass to check out what you
see and hear from the windmill.
Wlnd and eleVation. There ls a
typical wind group whlch we are going to Th-e Sighter. When you start to get
talk about. When you shoot, most of you a group, and yourre not sure where the
probably know the shot is going to be shot is in the group t g)o back to the
between ten otclock and four orclock sighter and check t out. Why is that
because the rifl ing in the barrel imparts a important if you shot a ten? You need to
twlst to the bullet. ln a major change, know exactly where you are sometimes-
you have to allow as much as one cllck of At times you have to go back to the
elevation to three of wlndage- On other sighter and shoot several shots just to be
days, lt could be one to four. When the sure because a bullet hole at 50 yards
wlnd really picks up, you have to watch means a lot sometimes. One X wifl often
elevation so that when you get one out on. be the difference that wins the match -
the llne, you wlll catch t at nine or You have Lo_ pav attenton to detail, everv
three lnstead of losing t at ten or four. minute detail.
lf you ht the elevation right, you might
tag the llne lnstead of belng out.

Flexibilitv. You cant shoot with a his reactions. lf llose a point, trm
perceived plan that you are going to do going to let the next guy lose his too.
this and not deviate from it because you
donrt know whatts going to actualty Agan, I want to stress the fact that
happen. You hawe to have your mind you dontt use any one of these in
open to take any little bit of information partcular. You use a combination of all
you possibly can and put it in your of them at once. You use every piece of
mental computer and make t work for evidence and information that you have.
you. Itrs not easy to integrate all this; but the
more you shoot, the more experienced you
Much depends on the conditions. get. You learn what you should and
Sometimes you use the dust, the mirage, what you shouldnrt do. Of course, you
the windmill, or the noise of the trees. are never going to learn t all. lf you
Sometimes you just use anything you can, know it all, you would be out wlnning all
but you'll use them all. Sometimes the the time. You just shoot and make
mirage will be the only thing you have to mlstakes llke everybody else. The
watch. You still have to be aware of important thing is to leann and gain
everything, but give tht the most experience from your mistakes. ltts fun
attention. The next time you shoot you when you get a rough condition and you
wll have to really rely on the wlndmill. figure t out; you do it; and you do lt
Other times you stare at that thing like well. Thatrs what the game is all about.
you think the propeller is going to fall
off" The conditions define what tactics a. You say that ten to four is a typlcal
will work best for you. wind condition?
An additional piece of information A. Yes, thatts a typical wind group
that might help you sometimes can be since thatrs where the bullet will norrnally
another shooter's target. At 1OO yards a go when you shoot in the wind lf you
lot of scopes can see two targets. you donrt allow for elevation due to the rifl lng
have to know who the other shooter is in the barrel that causes the bullet to
ard how good he is though. you have to twist. You can put the gun in a wice and
know f he shades or not because if he watch the shots print in the wind. They
shades, that will kll you. I have may be two inches apart but they wlll
watched other shooters shoot one out and run from ten o'clock to four otclock- you
lose the title" I saw the condion and he must click for elewatlon as well as
didnrt. wlndage.
Another shooter's reaction sometlmes a. What power scope do you use on
helps. You may hear a moan or groan your rifle? What power do you use for
down the line or the stomp of a foot. your spotting scope?
That means something probably didn't go
right. lt may be worthwhile looking A. A 20 power rifle scope will let you
through the scope at the mir-age to double break a shot on a bullet hole whlle you
check yourself . you may look back in can still hold well" I like a 15 power just
the scope and say to yourself that t dd for indoors because in position you get
change a little bt. He Just saved you a more eye relief. For a spotting scope, 20
point" A good shooter wonrt telegraph power works for prone, 22 for wide angle

so I can see three targets at 1O0 yards. target such as you sometimes get early in
They make a 25 power eyepiece which ls the morning?
handy sometmes. t feel ltrs better to use'l
a changeable eyeplece than a variable j A. Sometimes I think about it, but most
power scope- The variable scopes don't I of the time l never really do anything
seem to have the same clarty. -t about t. lhave never really seen the
group change just due to a shadow. I
a. Can you glwe us a little informatlon thlnk there can be a problem with rons,
on the value of wind at the line wersus but t doesnrt bother you with scope at
the value of wind at the target? all. The problem often is how you react.
ln other words, if you know there is a
A. Well, that's qulte controwersial. ltrs change on the target, you will probably
hard to say. lrwe heard of people tesilng tend to stare at t. You cantt stare too
thlngs by putting flags all the way down long. You have to get the picture and
nange. One study deduced that possibly shoot it.
the wind a third of the way down had the
most effect on the bullet. The longer the a. What effect does the rain have, f
bullet is in flight t would stand to reason any at all?
that the mor-e effect wind would have on
t. I don't know lf anybody can tell you A. A lot of people love to shoot in the
exactly. You may be able to do a cause rain. Often they are not the best
and effect relatlonship by shooting a shot shooters, but they are just at the point
-nd then another. Compare those shots where they are ready to break over.
J the wind and then go from there. They car read the wind pretty well, but
not totally. When the rain comes down
a. You said that there are studies that they can see that rain, so they can shoot
say that the wlnd in the first third of the very well in the ran. They can read t
range is the most signiflcant. yet when as an absolute; but when there is no
you read mirage, you see the last-two rain, they get lost sometmes. I dontt
thirds of the range. please comment. know what effect t may hawe on the
A. You canrt see mirage two feet in
front of you. Thatts a fact. I didn't
say mirage is an absolute. ljust said
itrs one way you can nead wind. you
may hawe mirage down there at the target
and perhaps you have mirage on the line.
Take the information both of them are
giving you and put it together somehow.
When the mirage s slow, of course, the
conditions arentt as tough either. you
can read and correct more finely when
it's not flat out. At 1OO yands the wind
will have longer to affect the bullet.
a. ls there any way to ascertain the
worth of a particular shadow on your

Bll Krilling

Training is a subject that covers a equipment s properly adJusted to each

broad spectrum. lt is very mportant to positlon. Adjusting equipment ls one of "r{
define where we are in our tranng, what the main difflculties, partlcularly for the
level of competton wetre in. Since ltm new shooter. The rifle must be properly
at the international level , lrm primarily adJusted to you and not to the rifle.
concerned about thnee positions. When I work wth Juniors I find ths ls
However, prone is very mportant because gulte a problem because often I only have
there are many 600's being shot ln an opportunity to look at them and work
international competition now. ln a with them for two weeks. When they
recent championship in Switzerland, there leave here, theyrre really shooting well .
were two 60ots shot; and not only were A year or so later, lrll see them again,
there two 6OO's shot, but one of those and they hawe problems. What has
shooters also shot a 4OO in the three happened? They grew several inches and
position match. Think about it. He shot their arms are longer, and their neck is
a thousand straight points- One hundned longer and ewerything else has changed.
tens. Think about how much effort was For a growlng junlor the rifle needs to be
put into that" Thatrs training. readjusted for each position. The butt
plate needs to be moved up or down or
We are talking about understanding maybe the stock has to have a spacer put
the conditions and making sure your in it for length. So one of the first steps
position is correct and that your to consider is the type of competition you

re going into and then have the shoulder ls being pushed back, move the
equipment adjusted to fit you properly. torg-end stop to the rear until your
inutr s totaily retaied gainst the
Just how do we do that when wetre butt of the rifle. Also be sure that you
talking about prone? ,,flrst put the rifle have a good 30 degrees angle between the
91 . your so.uJdqf . . l/our cheek inuld back of your left arm and the ground.
come down and rest on the forward part
of the cheekpiece. l/our right hand It is often helpful when you are
should reach the pistol grp comfortably working on your position to hawe someone
wfthgut being bent. !f thg hand or the observe you from above. The best thing
wrst is bent or the shoulder reaches you can do is to have a coach who will
forward, you know the stock is too short. put you ln a proper position and get you
lf your head is back on the cheekpiece, started correctly. Don't try to do
or yu can barely reach the pistol grip everything on your own - lf you don't
itrs too long. Finst get to work on the have the experience, you can get yourself
stock. Once the stock length is into an incorrect position or get yourself
corrected and t f its the shou lder into bad hablts. When a coach ls
properly, the second step is to make sure available, make maximum use of hlm.
the fore-end stop is n the proper place. Make sure your posltion is correct and
The fore-end stop should be out far that you are using the proper techniques.
engugh so the rif le makes good firm
contact with the shoulder but does not You .will see a lot of prone shooters
ush your shoulder back. lf your that donrt apply the 30 degree of angle

ffi \i
tt4# I+.
lT "4:',$.li
'' ,'*#-

rule. ln the U.S. style of shooting you clamped into a vlce, yet when you put
can almost put your wrist on the ground that same barrel into a stock, it fails to
when shooting prone; but when you do shoot well because yourre not holding the
that, lt is most difficult to achieve a good barrelled actlon the same way you dd
head position. You have to force your when you tested t.
head down low enough to see through the
sights so that your eyes are looking It is very important to find a lot of
upward at a sharp angle; and after a ammunition that is compatible with your
whlle, you have difflculty seeing and barrel vibrations. That is not easy to do
your groups may begin to change. nowadays, especially due to the cost of
Sometlmes you will even notice a dark ammunton. You go to the store and buy
shadow coming in at the bottom of your 50 rounds each of two or three different
sight. You may think that your head is lots and shoot it from the shoulder with a
so low that you are looking through the scope. You can put a sand bag under I
bottom part of the sight, when ln fact, your left hand f you want. Use your !
you are looking across the bridge of your scope and be sure that your shots are on
nose, through your eyebrow, or through call. Then choose the lots you feel shoot
the rim of your glasses. Slnce your eyes the best.
are just like a camera lens, this
lnterference appears upslde down in the I know we are supposed to be
slght. To avoid this you have to get talking about trainingi but if your
your head back up a llttle bit by raising eguipment is working at ts best, you can
your posltion. Shooting is like life; you make maximum use of the time you have
) have to learn how to adjust. on the range. ,

The United States is getting beaten lf you cannot get to the range very
ln both European and world competton often, yorJ. cen do quite a bt of trainlng
right now. Personally, I feel lt may be g-! . .hoe in the driveway especially in
because we have tuned our rlfles to the position shooting. Much o'F your tralning
point where they are almost too delicate- should begin at home" You can check to
Our glass bedding s so hard that t may be sure your rifle is fitted properly t
change the natural harmonics of the rifle. home too.
Harmonics are the vibrations which run
up and down the barrel as a result of the When you are on the range you want
explosion of the shell in the chamber. I to concentrte on the area that gives you
.*::7 see people shootlng 60O's with rifles in the most problem - Define your problem
the wood. Wetre experimentlng with glass area. ls it 1O0 yards or 50 meters?
beddlng trylng to irnprove it because werve Then spend the most time there. ln
been uslng the same system now for ?O position you shoot more standing than
years, and our scores aren't gettng any anything else. You can pick up more
better. The Europeans are using a Iittle polnts there"
softer type glass. ltrs a different type
of glass than we have. You can almost Some of us shoot very well fot' a
put a pin into t. This soft glass has a couple of days, and then we get tired out
tendancy to dampen the vibrations and and start losing our performance. How
not retransmit them down the barrel "
often do you shoot six days n a row?
Many barrels shoot fine groups when That takes a lot out of You. So that

. means that you also have to prepare .!hf ng9**y_q_q*"_qn..9.o_.._1--o""-"."-y-e.--qr-s'-9Jf ..Ridlnsa
h yourself physlcally for the match. You bicycle is also very good. Skipping rope
trave to be able to stay n that posltion is something you can do in the house.
for all those days without experlenceing a Walking up and down a lot of steps helps
great deal of pain. So you work on too. Swimmlng is another great sport
building yourself up to hold that rlfle since you llmber up the whole body. You
even if you hawe to practice by staying hawe to prepare yourself physically
ln posltion at home ln the livlng room. anytme you get ready for competltion. lf)
You can have exercises just to hold the you keep yourself n physical shape, I
rlf le. Start preparing yourself long you'll reduce the amount of traininS you I

efore matches. have to do on the range.

Once you become very experienced Once you have decided on the course
you wonlt need to shoot very often. you of fire you wlll speciallze ln and have
don't forget the techniques, but you do established a training schedule, you hawe
need to keep your body in shape so that to decide what competton you are going
when you lcX 'tne rlfle up lt feels to enter. Now, say you are getting
comfortable. ready for Camp Perry. You definitely
want to prepare for t. Two matches
I stopped shooting in 1971 for over a prlor to Perry may be enough for one
year and went off to work in Mexico wlth person whle others may need more. You
the Mexican national sguad. When I came need the matches so that you understand
back to the states and went to work for and experience match pressure and learn
'he Army team at Ft. Benning, I dug my to control it through relaxation.
le out of the closet and went to the
uorgla State Champlonship. I had not We also have to learn about the
had a chance to practice, not one shot, wind. You have to understand what the
before I went into competltion. I was bullet ls doing and the effect the wind
very careful to follow through and make has on t. The bullet not only moves left
sure I was seelng everythlng that was and rlght, but it moves up and down as
happening down range so that lf I made a well. When the wind comes from the
mlstake, I could correct t so t didn't right, t will push the bullet to the left
happen again. .A,s t turned out, I and up. Then lt ls from the left, it will
didn't make a mistake, and I shot a 32OO. push the bullet to the right and down.
At Camp Perry that same summer, I shot
another 3200. You must understand and experience
the wind in your training, and a good
, So that goes to show that your way to practlce is with a scope. I hardly
, technlgues and poslilons will stay there. ever shoot ln the center of the sighter
{ You donrt need to train as much in with a scope. I usually shoot at the
prone. You do need to pick up the rlfle numbers on the sighter bull. I also shoot
once in a whlle just to get the feel of it, a few bullet holes around in other areas
and you must keep yourself in good of the slghter and leave them free to use
physical shape. ln the year that I dldnrt later for aiming points, so once lstart
shoot, I ran all the tme. So prepare for record, should I feel a change, I can
yourself physically wlth a systematc take a shot at that bullet hole and find
prosram. _J_-9-9s!"e- l: ..-q.-*....9-1.. t-h.,g .. best out how far it goes. When I shoot with a

scope I will hardly ever hold in exactly up, or the windmlll starts raclngr oF
the same place from shot to shot, but |rll you're overholding, then stop and take
hold on one side of the X-ring or the another breath. ln most cases, you stop
other. When the wind picks up from the and recheck your condition. When yourre
right, I hold down at four orclock. The satisfied everythlng is correct, go back
next time, I hold down at four-thirty, or and do t again. put your maximum

maybe even five orclock, depending on concentration on centering the bull in the

the angle of the wind. I hardly ever front sight. Shoot the shot and follow
hold on the ten line or outsde the ten" through. You should be thinking about
one shot at a tlme and get the most out
Even with iron sights, shading is an of lt. You are concentreting on one shot\ Jl,
excellent way of shooting when the and that is the shot you are shooting. )
conditions are changlng guickly. lt saves
you the time t takes to move the sight.
Try to work the condion so that you can even f h is shooting Xrs. lf you are
shoot in the same condition; but f you onest with yourself, f- . 2O-shot course,
are zeroed ln properly, you feel the wind you will probably not break 1O shots
pick up a bit or let off a bit, all you absolutely perfectly. They may silll be
have to do is shade lightly in that Xrs but you can see that you are sllghily
direction and break the shot. on the left or right, or maybe sllghtly up
on down as you break the shot. Nobody r.
ln prone, there is only one way to breaks every shot perfectly. i
release the trgger, and that is to

squeeze t" you squeeze the trigger The way to control the rlfle i.
cleanly straight back, and then you follow through relaxation, letting the rfle rela.
1 through on that shot. you try to watch on the target. Your position must bd
that shot go to the target. Only then do correct. lf you're using muscle to hold lt
you check your wind and mlrage. lf the there, you will have a great deal of
wind has picked up or let off while you difficulty. ln a heavy wlnd, you may
wene squeezing a shot off, you should be have to tghten up the sling a notch to
able to compute your esmation of how get a little tighter posltlon, but you do
far the shot has gone before you look to this with the sling, not with your
see what the shot is. muscles.
After you have loaded the rlfle, A lot of your training inwolves
bring t onto the target. As you lhfnking positively about everything you
breathe, the sight will move up and down do. Many shooters tell you about the bad
the target" lf you think you have your shots. I donrt care about the bad shots.
condition, look at the mirage and make I want to hear about the good shots, how
sure ltrs going the right way and check they stayed on top of the conditions, how
youn windmill. lf you are satisfled, take they shaded successfully" practice your
a breath and let he air partially out un! wind dopig and shading techniques in
the bull is centered. At that point, hold your tralning. That will give you the
your breath and put one hundred percent confidence to go lnto competton relaxed,
concentratlon into firing the shot. lf you knowing you have the skills.
feel the wind change on your face or
neck, or hear the sound of the wind pick

Many people start a match and sy, wrist is stralght. lf his wrist is bent,
I canrt win here because the world Itrs too short. The face should be
champlon is here.rl Thats a very forward on the cheekpiece so that he is
negatiwe way to look at things. On the reaching the pistol grp comfortably and
other hand/ some shouldnrt think about the wrist is straight and firm. The
wlnnlng yet. They may not be shooting fore-end stop is adjusted so that the rifle
tht well. They may be beglnners or ln maintains good contact with the shoulder
the early stages of their development. lf and so that he has 3 .-._g*god. ,3_O. ..p-e-gee
the best score you have every gotten ls a .?ls.'!e gn..h.!.9.-tgf! gr1 to allow him a sood
1590, then your goal in that match should head position. You can get one of the
be somewhere over 1590. lf you shoot manuals from the MTU that shows pictures
over than, then you have to feel like a of the correct positions.
wlnner because you have accomplished
your goal. Your goals wlll get higher a. What can you recommend to help the
and higher. That's how you shoot those problem of getting the first and last shot
160Ots. You must move your- goals off in competltion?
upward in a neallstic way- You must be
concerned about how you are shooting. A- Many people shoot very well on the
When you are successful in reachlng your sighter i but when they go for the
goal, analyze your performance. Where record, the r whole atttude changes .
dd you do t right? What dld that feel They slow down, and it takes them four
like? ln your training, work on the times as long to shoot the shot. They
areas where you lost the polnts. You can look at the target too long, and they
'+root rmatchestr in training as long as burn the mage of that slght picture in
,ou treat your training .like a competition. their eye. You have to have confdence.
You must work on your overall Realize that you wouldnrt be going for
performance. record f you werenrt sure of the
conditions . Be sure you donrt begin
We have covered a large area today. canting when you go down on 'ecord. At
Shootng is a great sport because t 50 yards the bull is to the left and some
doesnrt matter how old you get as long as have a tendency to cant the rifle to the
you can see the target. You can still left- lf you take a break, be sure that
perform as long as you are in good you donrt change your cant when you get
physical condltion. Anyone can do t f back into position. Be very careful of
they want to train for it, and anyone can your cant. Be sure itrs always the same.
continue to learn new things and improve
their performance. Give every shot your maximum
effort- Tht means -y*-our sighter as w_ell
a. lam working with my son, but I a.'s your record target. Treat each shot
donrt have any coaching experience" How like itrs a match. Once the shot is over,
can I analyze his position? ls there an you can't repeat t. Forget it.
deal type positon for each person? Concentrate on the next shot. When you
come to the last shot, you just go on and
A. Start with the length of the stock. shoot t. Shoot each shot as f its an
Adjust the nifle to the individual. Make individual match. Concentrate on
sure he gets nto his positon with his relaxation , o relaxing on the target.
cheek properly on the stock and that his

a. Many prone shooters use spirit
levels on thelr sights- Do you recommend

A. lf t is helpful , you should use one.

When yourre using a telescope, all you
have to do ls turn the telescope in the
mounts so that the crosshairs are straight
up and down so you will know when you
have the proper cant on the rifle.

Neal Johnson

I am going to talk today about what a lightweight training gu, not a match
it takes to build the very best shooting rifle. The Remington 4OX is probably not
rifles because that's what it takes to wn your best choice to start with because lt
these matches. is too heavy for position shooting though I
fine for pnone.
To build a good rifle, you have to
start with something good . yourre not Assuming you hawe a good basls to
building these things from scratch; you're start with, what is the next step? I
working with what's available. I will talk think you better find out f you have a
about specif ic brands because I think good barrel on the rifle. You can test
there are some differences that you need the barrel in a machine rest. Some of
to know about. Some brands are better them are a little better than others .
to start with. Some are easier to work Winchester makes some very fine shooting'
on. ln any case, we have to look at the .22 ealiber barrels and there are a lot of
resu lts . them on the market.
There are several sources for What do you do if you don't have a
equipment. Unfortunately, theytre not all good barrel? You can put another barrel
made in this country. They are made in on and know you have something good.
,urope. Whatever you co, dontt put Two outstandng barrels, as far as I am
,,,^", effort, and a lot of money into concerned, are the -"Hart and the McMillan.
building something that doesn't have any They are making just about all the
possibility of being the best. There are barrels for the guns that are winning the
a lot of rifles around from World War ll, championshlps these days. They ane the
and befone, that are inexpensive, but only two barrels that I have personal
yourll never build a championship rifle experience with. While you may have
from them. heard about others, I don't want to bring
them into the discussion because I don't
Nowadays shooters probably strt have the personal experlence of worklng
with an Anschutz. you have the least wth them. I know what the Hart and
amount of work to do. you can start McMillan can do. lm not too sure I can
with the rifle and walk right nto a match tell any difference between the two snce
with it. There is lots of possibllity for both are really state of the art type
future addition. peces of hardware.
,N, Wnchester up until recently made a lf you get into statistics, lthink
good rif le, but they have qut making you might f ind more records and more
them. They are very popular in the national championships have been won
prone game. The short acton makes t with those two than any other barrels.
nice and easy to load. Since there are not too many lying on
shelves, you usually have to order them.
Remington still sells the 4OX which is Sometimes that makes a lttle bt of a
I a good rifle. The _{O's are excellent for difference in the deliwery dates. ln my
juniors to start with although you canrt personal opinion, if you have to wait for
stay with them too long. They are really one or the other, I would take which ever
was available first.

Once you trave selected a good Some tme ago George Stidworthy did
barrel t you have to get t on the acton. experlments on tle crown. George always
lrm golng to start at the front of the gun seems to have the best equipment and
and work my way to the end. lf you gets excellent results. When George says
look at whatrs in the barrel, the primary something, I listen. What can we do with
interest ls the crown. the crown, assumlng we get t straght?
George worked out what he called the 11
What is the crown? lf yourre asking degree crown. Although lhavenrt done
an average shooter or a gunsmith, who any experiments along these llnes, lrm
does a lot of work on sporters, they will perfectly willing to take Georgets advlce.
tell you that lt's the end of the barrel I think t works because werre gettng
where the bullet exlts. I don't thlnk so. good results with t. The 11 degree
As far as lrm concerned, the crown of the crown recesses the muzzle enough that
barrel is the polnt all around the you wonrt bang t. Care of the muzzle is
circumference where the bore meets the primary. lf you ht the muzzle, yoLr
face. That point ls absolutely crltlcal to crown Is out of line. lf you get ewen a
the wey the rlfle is going to shoot. lt small nick in your muzzle, itrs not
means just about everything. lf ltrs not perfect. Get it recrowned.
rlght, that rlfle ls not golng to shoot.
You have to take tlme. You cantt Just At the other end we hawe access to
chuck t up ln a three Jaw chuck and the action. Fortunately the Winchester
turn lt down. -7r and Remington have threads ln the action
nto which the barrel screws. 'lf you
How do I do lt.? I chuck the barrel take it out, it screws back into the same
in a four Jaw chuck, put a dial indlcator place and stays put. Next is the
on lt, and get t centered just as Anschutz. Although Anschutz gets
perfectly as I thlnk lt can be done--well superb results, the action is pinned, not
under a thousandth of an lnch lnside the screwed, into place with two very fine
barrel . You donrt care whatrs golng on pins. I have also had good results wlth
on the outslde of the barrel . That ls pinning the barrel into place.
why a three jaw chuck wonrt work. lt
wlll grab it on the outslde and let lt run" I recently spent an afternoon talking
It may look great runningo but t wont to Pat McMillan. I respest Pat veny
be perfect" We are talklng about much, and he thinks there s something
perfecton. to be gained by screwing the barrel ln.
His background ls benchrest shooting and
When I get that done, I turn around he feels ltts worth the extra effort to
and go'to the back end of the barrel and screw them in. There really isntt much
use a devlce on my lathe that lets me extra work, and I thnk t is worth the
center t up with a dial lndtcator. What difference" As lve said, we l-lave some
you find out is that when you go back up fine Anschutz rifles out there, so pnnng
to the front, itrs not the same anymore, the barrel isnrt something you should be
so you center lt a second time. Now you afraid of.
have the' whole barref runnlng true.
When you start to cut the crown, lt3s Once your barrel is attached to the
golng to come out a perfect clrcle, receiver, you have two more things to
perfectly centered wlth the bore. Only do. First, you must have a proper
then are you golng to get the most out of
barrel -

The crown of the barrel is absolutelY crtical to the way the rifle
is going to shoot. To get the most out of the barrel the crown
mLst be perfectly centered with the bore-

An 11 degree crown recess protects the muzzle from damage if the

end of the barrel strikes something.
chamber in it. When you chamber a
target rifle, you donrt use the same
reamer that you put in a sporter rif le-
You may hawe noticed that when you feed
a round nto your actlon, it stops a little
bit short of the breach face. The reason
s the 'bullet iiself is now in contact wth
the rifling. The bolt will shove it in the
rest of the way and be in full contact BOLT
with the rifling. Thats worth a lot of
accuracy. It makes the difference
between a sporter and a trget chamber.
Since a sporter rifle is made to operate HEADSPACE
rapidly using some kind of magazine, the
shell must feed completely nto the
chamber- lt doesnt engage the rifling at
all. This will not be as accurate as when
the bullet engages the rifl ing as t does
in the target chamber. To get a nice
perfect chamber, you also need a good
quality reamer- Lke ewerythng else you
do with a target rifle, you want it to be
nice and straight and squre in virtually
every aspect-
The next thing s headspace " On
ths drawing , you can see the small rim You now have a good barrel and a
on the cartridge. Headspace is where the good action properly set up. When lt
rim goes when the cartridge is all the comes to the stock, there are many
way in the chamber. On .?2. rimfire different choices. A good deal depends
rifles, headspace is the distance b.etw-een on personal preference. You can have a
the face of the rim cut in the chamber f,iberglass stock moulded f nom on that
and the face of the bolt when the bolt is fits you properly or have a new stock
closed compietely. lf you look' at copied n wood from an old one.
production chamber or ask about the
standard for production, yourre gong to No matter what stock you choose,
fi nd that t is .O!4 to. -O47 of an inch. the ccuray is lnfluenced by the
For a target rifle to shoot at ts very bedding. Werve done a lot of
best, .O44 of an inch is the maximurn experlmenting with bedding. Some thngs
headspace as far as I am concerned.. We are working quite well at the moment.
want our .barrel and chamber tighter than
the minimum size of the public standard. We have a receiver, and we hawe a
That gets better results and more barrel . There are usually two or three
consistency out of the barrel. When I set stock bolts ( i . e. , action screws ) that go
rifles up, my standards are .O41 to .O43 into the recever. Letrs talk about two; I

of an nch, Headspace can be adjusted, think that's enough. One is vlrtually

and itrs worth keeping an eye on. Snug always up under the chamber. The other
headspace is very mportant

one, depending on the brand of the guD,
is somewhere ahead or behind the Once you have the bedding material
trgger. Remington has three of them. in the stock you press the actlon in.llYou
Benchrest shooters think more are better, will need to use gulde pins to make sure
but I donrt see any advantage to them that the acton is positloned properly.
myself . The actlon must be held in place to let
the material set up good and hard. We
Where do you start bedding the donrt do this by just tightening the action
nifle? For a target rifle, you don't start screws. All that does ls twist the action.
on the receiver, but down on the lnstead, we let the action lay there of ts
bushings. They need to be anchored into own weight- The arrel is supported by
somethlng. placlng some materal between the barrel
and the barrel channel. The thickness of
what do we use for beddlng? There ths material is not too critical to the
are several brands of bedding compound accuracy, but the appearance of the
on the market. lrm currently usng finished job will be better if you use just
.,Pj_:o*Lti!g,_ not because tt's a better enough material to keep the barrel lewel
materlal but because itrs easler to work the fore-end of the stock. Then when
wlth; therefore, I get better results wlth you go in to clean out the overf low,
t. yourll have a good, true, clean bedding
Job. This bedding then is going to
We want a perfect flt- When support the rifle without any torque or
'redding was first talked about or other straln on the actlon - Thatrs
'scovered several years ago, the orlginal theoretically true but not entirely possible
product was baslcally liquid epoxy loaded because you stlll hawe a long barrel thatrs
with flbers of glass. Tlt" g-oal 3! lhat puttlng forward weight on the action that
lime was to get a perfect fit between the pulls t down.
acton and usually the barrel and the
stock. Thats what the plastlc or liquid Now, how do you check your
materal in there would do. lt would glve bedding? Take a dial lndlcator with a
a skln-tlght perfect fit. magnetic base and mount it right on the
barrel . Place the indicator needle so that
Wetwe found ocit slnce then that we t touches the stock. Start with the
need some strength from the bedding. So beddlng bolts tght and alternately loosen
now lnstead of just puttlng a skln type one or the other, then tighten it, then
coatlng ln the stock to bed wlth, we mill loosen lt. lf yourre dial indicator
,1, out an area starting up under the barrel. lndlcates more than .OO2 of an inch as a
lf lt's a llght barrel, I'll go up an inch to result of tightening either bolt, then you
an lnch-and-a-half and on a heawier have bedding problems. Your gun it not
barrel , l'll go up to two lnches for a shooting its best. lf you thlnk that t is
llttle more support. We cut down into the shooting pretty well, it can shoot better.
channel a good quarter of an inch, to get We usually get them down to .001 of al
a lot of beddlng material in there. When lnch. lf you get ze?o movement or the
( you bed the rifle, you bed for the same needle from both bolts/ your bedding
,1 dlstance behind the back screw as you isnrt right either because itts locked -
went ahead of the front screw (assuming Thls happens when the bedding compound
that we are talklng about a gun with both comes up around the sdes of the action
action screws ahead of the trigger) - and locks it in place-

The rifle ls coming along pretty well best. You have to recheck your torque
now. We have bedded and checked t. setting to keep up wth the bedding.
Whatrs the next step? We better teke t
out and tune it up- By tuning t up, I A fiberglass stock solwes wirtually
mean taking an allen head torque wrench all of these problems. ltts a lot easier to
on your stock bolts and tuning the action work wlth than wood. Flberglass can be
to the stock" Get some good ammunition bedded very welt, and it will stay where
and a benchrest or sandbags and shoot you put lt. When you are all done and
the rifle. You can vary the torque on finished and start shooting, lt will feel
your bedding screws and should be able very much like wood. Some people who
to see the results in the slze of the sweat a lot put a plece of ypfd skln on
groups on the target. th e stoc k ' 'rr ''' '"'

One of the problems that you hawe 9lgnls also need some love and care.
with a good wood stock is that wood is a I sure see a lot of dirty sights. Spray
natural product and is affected by natural the s'ight" wth one of the new c1ea.r"i",
variables such as temperature and preferably a nonpetroleum product. The
moisture. Change the climate a little bit new synthetics do a much better job of
and whatever you had the bedding set at cleanng and preserving than the
on your dial t ty not be rght anymore. petroleum products because petroleum will
Wood stocks can get so dry they can collect dust. After you spray the slght
crack" lf the rifle is changing enough to with the cleaner, take it to a gas station
crack the stock, t cantt be shooting ts and just blow tt out with
". j-i._..!o^=,..',


Stghts also wear, and the wear has dusty conditions, t s sometmes
to be taken up. Some are adjustable; necessary to clean the trigger at the end
some are not. The Anschutz sight is of the day.
totally adjustable. You can keep one of
them around for years. Remember to It is also necessary to keep the bolt
Y..' clean and adjust them before you get into clean and in good working order. This
serlous trouble. wi ll cut down on the wear of the
headspace and keep your rifle shooting
You can check your sights with the well for a longer time. You will loose
dial indicator. The dial indicator needle accuracy f you donrt keep the bolt face
will move against the eyepiece of the clean because powder residue will build up
sight as you click. Take your thumb and and temporarily glve you a smaller
push on the eyepiece. lf it moves, that headspace.
means the eyepiece is moving on its own
and means that you can move the slght There are all sorts of ideas about
by simply bumping t with your hand or cleaning the barrel. As far as lrm
your hat. Be sure the eyepiece has no concerned, Captain Moore is the expert
movement.. on the subject and he says that you canrt
get them too clean. You have to. get n
While the indicator is still in place there nd work to get it clean. You do
and the needle is resting on the eyepiece, that with a brush. Some people sy, rr l
check to see how uniform each click is- donrt want to get a rough old brush in
-hey wonrt be perfect, but they should that barrel .tr There s no way in the
i close. You are now interested ln what world that you can get in there with a
happens when you reverse dlrection. brush and put anywhere near the
Most sights will not giwe you a full click pressure and heat in that barrel that you
return when you reverse directons. You put through t everytime you shoot a
wlll get about three-quarters of a click shot. Use a solvent and brush and get
which is okay. in there and scrub. Always use
cleaning rod guide and never clean from
Now move the sight five rght then the muzzle. Push your brush through
rve "iit. Vo., should be where you the barrel in one direction. Although the
strted. You 'want to be sure to get all direction has no effect on the barrel , it
the play out of the sight. Remember, if does have an effect on the brush since
there is play in the sight, itrs moving you break the bristles off when you
around on you, and you donrt know revense the brush. After you are done
whatrs happening. cleaning with the brush put a couple more
patches through, and yourre finished.
The care and cleaning of your Patches donrt do the cleaning; brushes do
equlpment is very mportant. You need the clening. Patches just wipe out what
to keep your sights clean. ; You need to the brush has loosened up.
keep youn trigger clean too. Use the
same method that you used ln cleaning lf you are going to put the gun
your sights for the trgger. A solvent away for a while , you better use some
and air hose wlll do the trick" A clean preservative. Don't forget to take the
trigger will work properly and last preservatve back out before you shoot
longer. lf you re shooti ng in very because you may damage the barrel- I

prefer to use something like Rig because Wlg.1r Vou set it back yeu 99utd .q-qe An
itrs silicon and won,t hurt the barrel . erosion ring all the way around it.
9-trr.9flV .!l.f.l re_commnd' stting a barret
a. How do you check headspace? ts back after that f_ing. .Sts abou.t
there any facility here at Cmp perry to thle:fuft-s or the way around.
have that done?
a. Do you feel that there ls an
A. Hedspace is checked by using adwantage to sleewing the action as many
specially made headspace gauges. These of the benchrest shooters have?
gauges are made from very hard steel and
machined to give an exct headspace A. I hawe not had personat experience
tolerance whlch is usually marked on the wth sleeving any smallbore actions . I
side of the gauge. I don,t know of know that some shooters have, and they
nyone here who has gauges. Often shoot very well, but t makes a very
when someone does have thern, they are unwieldly rifle- Benchrest shooters dontt
not small enough. lf you are a serious hawe to hold the rifle when they shoot.
shooter, at some time you should acquire All that extr weight is going to get
a set of headspace gauges running from pretty heavy.
several thousandths below to several
thousandths bove the headspace which a. Can you recommend a two-stage
you find to be best fon the kind of trigger?
ammunlton you usually shoot.
A" The Walther is an excellent
a- How do you determine the torque two-stage trigger- The new Anschutl
settng you use? Do you recommend a trigger ls superb " Snce the Anschutz'
specific settl ng? has a more conventional setup, it can be
adapted more easily to other guns.
A. You have to experiment wth
different settings to see what setting a. What kind of preservatlwe dd you
gives you the best groups. I know of say you use for long-term storage?
shooters who use anything from 15 inch
pounds to 65 inch pounds. Most seem to A. I use Rig. Be sure that you close
use about 35. the bolt so that drt won't be drawn
through the barrel by normal ar currents
a. How do you decide if an older b.arrel while you are storng the gun.
needs to be replaced?
a" How often do you brush the barrel?
A. The group that t shoots on the
target is the bottom llne when t comes to 4,. At least once very four matches.
deciding to replace a barrel. Before Some of the very good shooters do t a
replaging a barrel, you, can cut t off iot rnore often than that though "
right ahead of the receiver- Then we
mac,hlne them and set them back. The a- There seems to be a great deal of
best rif,le I own has an old Anschutz wariation n the machinlng of cleaning rod
barrel from the early sixties which has guides. How good are they? Can you
been set back. lt shoots very well, but damage the receiwer by usng a guide
it didnt shoot well until t was set back. which is not accurate?

A - Your rod is smaller than the bore a. lf after you finish the bedding you
by enough tolerance that you can be find that some spots didnt take, is it
slightly off center and not do any harm. detrimental to just machine out that little
Without a guide, you can come in the bt and fll t with bedding and put the
wrong way and damage the chamber. The action back in?
gulde does two things: guides your rod
and protects your trgger. A. This shouldn't happen. Make sure
that your release compound is evenly
a. Who manufactures the magnetic base spread over the barreled actlon. lf t
that you use to hold your dial indicator? does happen, ltrs necessary to get the
release compound completely off the glass
A- I believe that it's ggers. otherwise the new glass will not stck.
a. You mentioned a headspace of .O41 a. What do you thin k about the
of an inch, but how much clearance do Model 37 Remington? You didn't menton
You want between the bolt and the that earlier.
chamber end of the barrel?
A. There are a few around. George
A. Leave . 0O1 or . OO2 of an inch . lf Stidworthy likes them a lot, but you don't
you have any trouble closing the bolt, see many of them anymore.
you can come back and c.ut some of the
bolt face to get some of the clearance you

ls t true that some shooters have

had problems wlth some of the synthetic

lub ricants dissolving the bedding

A. I have heard that also. Personally, I

have not had the problem. There are

some cleaners on the market that are
potent chemicals- You want to be very
ca refu I.

a. Dd I understand you to say that

you mill the bottom of the barrel and
action before bedding lt? lf so, wny do
you do ths?
A. No, I don't mill the action or the
barrel. I mlll the stock out whene the
bedding compound will be put. That's
all. Just make sure that you hawe plenty
of room for the glassing compound.

Presley W- Kendall
David P. Weaver
David Ross lll

a. Pres, I have a question for you. ls ( Kendall) prefer the single.

it true that you feel adjustable color
fi lters for the rear sight are not (Ross) lrve never found a day so bright
advantageous? that lrve needed the double.
( Kendall) This s a personal preference ( Kendall) That's true even n Phoenix
of mne . You may d isag ree with t . when you are on the desert.
Your eyes are used to looking at normal
daylight. When you get behind the rifle, a. How do you feel about usr'ng diopters?
you have to be able to think in much the
same way as you do in normal daily life, (Ross) I donrt use a dlopter. lrve
so I dont care for green, yellow, pink or looked through them from tme to time-
other colors. I have difficulty adjusting They do appear to make the target larger.
to them. Thatrs why luse a polaroid For people who donrt see very well, I
fi lter for a normal day with a clear rear understand they will help.
iris or lens.
(Weaver) My dad uses a dlopter. You
(Ross) The aperture you are talkng can adjust them tc see the f ront sight
about is very long. I have no objection clearly/ but often the bull is fuzzy or
to the colons, but often those rear sghts wice versa- lf you move your hcad onr'
are so long and the apertu re is so far way or the other, t will change your'.
back from the body of the rear sight that sight picture. Personally, I belleve that
f therers a little movement in the rear the simpler you keep things the better.
sight, you can actually move the rear iris lf you can see the bull clearly, thatrs
five or six clicks by touching it with your really all you need. lf you have to have
hand or your hat. Unfortunately, many somethng to filter out light use a
of the rear sghts you find on the line polarizer. lf you donrt see clearly, then
have some movement ether f rom initial possibly your eyes arerrt corrected
faulty manufacture or, more likely, frorn properly by youn glasses. I would prefer
wear. to see you wear shooting glasses than use
a diopter. I donrt know anyone who uses
Personally, I use yef low glasses on most a dopter who shoots extremely well with
days that are dark, and I put a polaroid irons on a consistent basis from one year
filter in, as Pnes does, on any of the to the next.
bright days. Light coming off the target
or ary flat surface is polarized, so that a" Have any one of yoLi tried contact
means when the sun comes anound on the lenses?
face of the tar.get you can put a polaroid
filter in and cut out a lot of the glare (Weaver) A couple of years ago/ I had
and yet not distort the pcture. a friend who used contacts. The idea is
super, but he had a problem because his
a. Do you use a single or double contacts would drop to the bottom of hs
polarizer? eye at tmes, and he would have to use a
mirror and push it back into place-

(Ross) My wife Just switched to soft that cants the rifle a little bit. You end
contacts and absolutely lowes them. up with a position that ls not absolutely
Theyrre very large, and they tend to sty straight up and down, but normally you
on the eye very well. She claims to see adjust for that by rotatng your scope so
far better than she ever dd before. I that the crosshairs can square. With iron
donrt use contacts. sghts, you can add one of several
dlfferent bars to the front slght that can
( Editor's Note) There have been many be rotated so that you have a reference
new developments ln contact lenses ln the lne that looks horizontal ewen though you
past two years. These include astgmatlc hawe some cant.
soft lenses that are particutarly helpful to
a shooter wlth an astigmatism problem. a. lf yourre shooting any slghts , do
These lenses allow you. to look through you use your rlfle scope or your spottng
the center of your correction and awoid scope to dope the wlnd?
the dlstortlon that ls often pnesent when
looklng through glasses no matter how well (Ross) I donrt usually use my spotting
adjusted they are. The new soft lenses scope when I shoot scope. I can read
also allow for correcton to or the wind almost as well through the rifle
better - "O/2O scope wlthout the necessity of takng my
head off the stock. I feel that keeping
a. Do you try to elimlnate cantng or do the polnt of contact on the rifle for the
you want to use lt sometmes to shade? entire match is more of an adwantage than
any addtlonal lnformaton that I might get
eaver) The ldeal posltlon ls perfectly from uslng the spotting scope.
r,Jrzontal .lf your posltlon ls not
perfectly stralght, you have to have the (Weaver) I use my rifle scope for
same cant all the time. You donrt need to spotting shots and readng conditions -
worry about bad postlon as long as your
positlon is consistent. lf you do have a a. What klnd of scopes do you
sllght cant, and it's a llttle bit awkward, recommend? Do you recommend mounting
stralghten t up. As far as cantng to your scope on the receiver or on the
the rlght for shading, I wouldn't barrel?
recommend that under any conditions
whatsoever. (Weaver) I never really paid any
attentlon to how the scope was mounted
(Ross) From reading a number of texts, on the rlf le. I use a Lyman wlth external
cantng clearly wlll work as a method for mourts that ls mounted on the barrel.
shadlng shots. The flrst thing that The only strong feeiing that I have about ,ii
happens ls the shots tend to go stralght a scope is to gp-g*a__J_oj*.p-_g_y._ej. I use a
out the slde. As you cant further, they 15 power scope" The reason that I use a
form a semlcircle. I don't know that 15 power scope is because you have a
anybody uses thls method. I think lt's larger field of vlsion, and the larger the
very dlfflcult to know how far to cant fleld of vision the more condtions you see
and not foul up your poslton so that the and the less chance you have of making a
gun recoils dlfferently as you try to cant mistake-
a little more or Just a llttle less. I think
most of us Just naturally have a poslton

( Ross) There is one mportant thing trigger avallable. lhave been using a
that should be clarifled- On guns where f,nyen-.*!i:!gser for 1o or 12 years and
the scope is on tlre barrel and the scope hawe not had any problem wtth lt.
has internal movements, lke the 32OO, t
is very easy to actually bend the barrel (Ross) I use a Ke-nyon t99, You want
if your mounts are not absolutely square. to be careful not to get any oil or solvent
Thls is easy to check if you put your dlal on it- Triggers Bre meant to work
lndicator on the barrel and then tighten relatiwely dry. lf you clean your gun
down your scope and see if the barrel and store t in an upright positon t y
shows any wrp- Those blocks must be extra oll or solvent will drlp down lnto
absolutely straght and it takes an awfully the trigger mechanism, and it can becorne
good gunsmth to get them Just the way lnconsistent. Thls is not a permanent
they are supposed to be- Fine adjustment problem. You can take the trlgger out
n height can be made by usng shims. and clean it wlthout too much trouble.
You should be very careful when you
The receiver mounted scopes avold ths clean your gun not to use excess oil.
pnoblem, and therefore theoretically are
better- lrve been uslng three different a. When yourre shootlng a match and
ones for the last two years. I must say the wlnd condltions are rough and you
that lrm not yet convinced that they are take the full 20 minutes, do you stay ln
any better. I thlnk the big problem is poston the full tlme or do you ever
that the movements inside have to be so break and take the gun off your shoulder
small and so precise that they may not be to rest your hand?
as good as they ought to be. I donrt
thlnk we always get the movement that we (Weawer) i stay down for the whole tlmi'
should, and I rm not sure if there isntt but not for any technical reason" I don't
some inaccuracy in the movement of those think there is any problem with breaking
crosshairs when you cllck- lf your arm ls killlng you. The reason I
stay down s because lrm not n that mucn /
a. lf you have bad trigger controt, do pain; and secondly, lf the conditon comes
you suggest a llght trigger or a heavy back, I want to be ready for it.
( Ross) I thln k being up in positlon
(Kendall) tf you have bad trgger when your condton comes back can be
control, you can correct t by forcing important- On the other hand, trs very
yourself to use a heavier trigger. When easy to lose polnts when your arm hurts.
you say a light trigger, I think you are You stop paying attention to your \
talking about a few ounces. Nobody ls execution and start shooting shots to get jI
uslng the old thnee pounds anymore- You it over with.
should get good control with anything
between a pound and a pound and a half. (Kendall) if you start shooting and you
have a condltion change, take it off your
a. What . br:and of trgger do yo,u shoulder and rest, then go back. Make
recommend? sure you have youn condton back.
There is no use lylng there wearlng
(Weawer) You want a consistent trigger. yourself out.
There are good and bad points to every

a. Do you dryfire? lf the conditions the option of going back later !f you eed
are bad do you shoot slghters or do you to and stlll be able to see the shot. lf
Just walt for the condltions to come back? you flnd yourself in real trouble because
thlgl are so s_hot up that you don't know
(Kendall) t just walt for the conditlon wh.ei9 the. shot is landing, ih" best thing
to come back. that I know of is to hold either high oi
low; that is, rest the bull on the b-ott;m -1r,,.
(Ross) ln the American game where you or the top of your aperture so that the
have a sighter target, you can go back shot wlll appear somewhere In the eighi
and try the conditlon to see tf you are rlng. Now it is very easy to find. tf tl
where you thlnk you should be. you lines up directly above or below tne ien (
canrt do that ln international. personally, ring or the X ring, you know you are in i
I wo,'ld take lt down f the wind is goa shape for windage. )
changlng and go to sleep until t comes
back. a. Could you give us hlnts or
suggestions about shootlng in the rain?
a. How many shots do you usually fire
at the sghter ln a match? ( Kendall) I try to keep the stock real
(Weaver) That woutd very between the cJry inside. One thing you can do is to
stretch some electrical tape along the
flrst and second stage. On the first barrel where tt meets the stock to keep
target ln a match you certalnly wlll shoot water from nunning down the barrel and
more sighters than the second. At the nto the stock. As I mentioned eanlier, I
rglnnlng of very match, J.:.!!. 9h_o-9.!'.f!-yJ prefer to use a lense in my rear aperture
armelg. lltg the lake. tt hetps retieve to avoid the problem of raindrops on my
the tenslon of startng a new match. Then g lasses .
I take my sghng shots and go from
there. lrrn a llttle bit mone tentative on (Ross) lf you are asking f the rain
the flrst target because |tve had an hour deflects the bullet, |ve never had a shot
or so since I last shot and just donrt want that I thought was deflected by the rain.
that first shot to be a nlne. On my lrve shot some of the best scores lrve ewer
second target, I know the condition and had in the rain. The wind is usually very
get back into the swlng of things much even during a rain stonm. I donrt try to
more quickly- avoid shooting in the rain. Cover up the
( Ross) wth a scope all those shots in
barrel so you dontt get puddles of water
under the barrel and down nto the action,
the sighte ar no real problem because 1
but short of that, and sl-rort of being
when you shoot up the middle, you cn uncomfortable, I don't thnk there is any
use the numbers on the sighter. lf you problem.
run out of those, you can actually shoot
a shot through the sighter and shoot at (Weaver) When you see the clouds
that. So you can fire a tremendous coming , put everything extra away.
number of useful shots nto the sighter. Accept the fact that you are going up on
the line and get drenched. Many people
Wltf ...iro- slghts, yau have a problem. get excted and start to hurry up and do
Yo_u., rnfght try not'to-shoot too many things out of their normal order. you
qlghterS to begin with so that you have must go slowly, become less excited.

Everybody is getting wet, so just allow (Weawer) I always go from one to three
yourself to get wet and donrt worry about to two to four. I never vary that
t. pattenn.
a. Letrs assume that youtve chambered a. lf you start shooting on the left
a round then notice a slight condton bull, do you adjust your poston when
change and hawe decided to wait lt out. you move to the right bull?
How long will you hold that round, and
will you use it to go right back to your (Weaver) I don't readJust anything. I
record bull, or will you shoot t off to do have position problems, though. lf
the side? l:m completely zeroed at bull number one,
Itm out of position when I go to bull
(Weaver) lf I wait for any length of number three whlch ls below, and I will
tlme, I will have shot on the sghter. be low. lf I am out of posltion when I go
Personally, I dontt like to lay around and from bull number three up to bull number
do nothing for any length of time. two/ lwill be at ten orclock. When I
come back to bull number four, I wlll be
( Ross) Occassionally when shootlng in centered. This has happened to me on
the bright sun, the ammo does get very occaslon for years. I don't understand
hot. I have been concerned about that. what puts you out of positlon from one
lf lrve left a round ln for a long time, butl to the other.
some extra pressure could build up and
cause it to go high. ln such cases, I just (Ross) The point obviously ls: ,Do you
pull t off to the side, shoot it into the have a natural point of aim? How crltlca.'
lake and go on wlth the next one. I donrt ls it? ln other words, if you really have
know that it would actually go high, but a natural pont of am on the first bull,
I donrt want to worry about t. you can push the gun over to the second
or down to the thlrd; and if you do, can
a. On a four-bull target, what onder you notlce the difference in the polnt of
do you shoot the bulls i, and why do mpact? My positlon is so tight that if
you shoot them in that order? n do push the gun one way, lt will sprlng

back. I canrt tell you exactly what I do,

( Kendall) I shoot them in numerical but I do scoot around a llttle blt. Going
order; one, two, three, four. down the bulls, partcularly at 1OO ;"iat
I tend to move my body forward. I think
(Ross) I shoot them in a circle. I'll the point of impact does change- This
start with the first and ether go becomes apparent when you shoot
clockwise or counterclockwise, depending international where you always have the
on which is more comfortable. lnever bull in the same place"
make make a diagonal move. Whn I go
i"m ift irst to the third bult and then a" Do you wear a heavy caat or a light
back tc the sighter, nstead of comlng coat?
back down to the bottom, I shoot the
number two bull so that t make a smatter ( Kendall) Light
move from the sghter bull to the record "

bull and then go on and finish the

remaining bulls. ln each cese, lmake
(Ross) Light. .' ' ' "... ,.
the smallest mowement possible. (Weaver) Heavy. -r i ,r,.t.

a. Do all of you wear two sweatshirts? possble, but you don't want to get into
the habit of covering It and uncowering it
(weaver) I wear three. I wer a between shots. Lay over your ammunitlon
T-shirt, three sweatshrts and a treawy while you are shootng so that your body
Jacket. When I first got my leather shades it-
Jacket, it was too big so I wore the extra
sweatshlrts and now I don't wnt to (Ross) You don't ever want to let your
change even though my Jacket is no ammo get hot. I dont think you can do
longer too blg. ny damage if you leave t out for 15 or
20 minutes. When l'm shooting I keep my
(Ross) I only use one, but its a very ammo shaded by putting it right up under
thick one, and lwear a long sleeved me. That's where I load from.
cotton shlrt underneath that. I thlnk
wht you have under the jacket is as a. Why dd you select the ISU jacket
mportant as what jcket you use. For over the NRA conventional?
example, I may be as stiff in a long
sleeved shirt, one sweatshrt and a light (Kendall) Because I m shootlng both
jacket as someone else may be in a heawy whenever I get the chance too.
Jacket. You need to experiment. lf you
get the jacket too bulky, it's very hard a. When you are f lying to a match,
to move around, and yourre not what do you do to protect your ammo on
comfortable- lf you get too little between the plane or ln transport?
1rou and the Jacket, then you won't hold
, well - (Kendall) Don't store ammo in your car.
On a hot day t can be a hundred and
a. lf ammurton gets wet ln the rain, fifty degrees in your trunk. When you
ls lt good to use in another match? are driwing, keep the ammo in the front
prt of the car wlth you. I store ammo
(Kendall) lt t gets wet, lrm in a small metal Gl can and pad it with a
superstitlous and afraid to use lt. glove or swetshirt to make sure it won't
bounce around.
( Ross) When yourre shooting, lrwe
never dlscovered a way to really keep (Ross) For years l've used a very small
ammo dry- The rain s going to fall on it cooler to keep my ammo in. The ammo
as well as everything else- I just let it you take on a plane may well sit outside
get wet and use t. I must say, if itts on the baggage cart for an extended
gotten too wet, I take lt home and shoot period before they load the plane. There
It In practice. I don't think any harm is s nothing you can do about that- I put
done in the 2O minutes if you take out a the cooler ln the middle of the bag that
fresh box and shoot't up. contains my mat, sweatshlrts o and
raingear and use them to help insulate it-
a. When you are shootng the 20 minute Anything you can do to increase the
stage, do you cover your ammo up? Do length of tme before the heat reaches the
you cover lt while you walt for the next ammo is a help.
When trawelling by can, I keep the cooler
(Weaver) You wnt to keep your in the front of the car with me; and wl-ren
ammuntion n the shade as much as

we stop for any extended period of time, ( Kendall) I origlnally started out
I carry the cooler along with me. shooting prone in the American style, and
still prefer that. This necessitates a
a. How long does it hawe to get hot change when I shoot in ISU competition.
before it loses accuracy?
(Ross) lshoot the high poston for
(Ross) I don't know, and I don't think both types of competitlon. There are a
anyone knows for sure. ltrs clear that number of shooters who switch . lt
when t gets very hot (as it will ln the depends on what is most comfortable for
summer in an automobile) that the you. lf the hgh postion is comfortable,
accuracy is destroyed. No one I know I would recommend shootng t all the
has done any definitiwe tests which s way"
surprising. My own belief is that high
heat affects the primer, and as result, a. When- you shoot a match, how mucl-l
t either becomes uneven around the rim time do you use?
or burns at different rates. A second
problem, having to do not only with heat (Ross) That depends on the condltlons.
but with the age of the ammunitlon, is lf the conditions were perfect, five
the loss of the lubrlcant on the bullets- mnutes would be ideal. I can comfortably
Thls was particularly true when we used shoot twenty shots in eight to ten. Pres
cardboard boxes which over time absorbed has done It n fve.
the grease. I have found that t have
been able to improve my resLlts when Seldom do you get that kind of situatlon.
usng older ammunton by applylng some Sometimes conditions are good the f rsl
of the commenclally available greases. thing In the morning, but for the other
three matches, you have to work harder
a. I understand that in some of the and longer. You have to stop and watch
new ammunition the primer contins some and be confident. lf the conditions
kind of glass " ls that hard on the arenrt there, I would rather use the last
barrel? five seconds and take my chances than
finish ln fifteen mnutes. Many tmes the
(Kendall) The old Mark ttt ammuntlon conditions will come back f you are
dd contain glass. This was famous for patent.
causing a barrel ring in the front of the
chamber. A" What do you eat during the day
while you are shootlng?
a. Should you put an empty case ln the
rlfle when you dryfire? (Weawer) ldon't recommend eating any
substantal emount durlng the day - |
(weawer) Some people might hawe to f often eat pudding and' canned fruit cup
the fining pn is a litue long. lf you are and drink water.
not sure/ check with your gunsmth.
(Ross) lf you eat very much, yout'
a. Mr. Kendall , Would you elaborate on stomach s really going to be busy
the comment you made about changing digesting lt. I would prefer to et a
your position for ISU style shooting? Do small amount between every match- Going
you use two different prone positions? out for a big lunch and chowing down is

terrlble for your performance. My ( Kendall) I shoot with an old thick
personal preferance is to eat yogurt- I leather glove and put the sling down
like lt, and its easy to digest. below my wrlst.
(Kendall) I drink coke, and I like a. What kind of fore-end stop do you
smoked cheese so I 'll munch on that. use?
Many shooters go over to the Mess Hall
and eat a big lunch. you could be using (Kendall) I use a small, short,
that hour and a half to rest. leet my detachable fore-end stop. lpersonally
snack and then go out and lay under a donrt like the thick ones-
shade tree for a nap-
( Ross ) I don't recommend a hgh one
a. What kind of pressure do you have because I like some pressure on the back
on the stock with your right hand? of my hand slnce that relieves some of
the pressure that would normally go to
(Kendall) Firm but not ilght. you hold the wrist- You can relieve some of the
your rifle ln position with your left hand pressure by adjusting the height of the
and your sllng. your right arm and fore-end stop. The best height will
shoulder re held in poston wthout the depend on. the slze of your hand. Try
use of the rlght hand. The sole purpose two or three different heights unill you
of the right hand is to fi re the shot. find one that is comfortable.
Grip the stock firmly but be careful not
to put too much pressure on lt. a. Does you arm go to sleep?
.Ross) I hold the stock about as firmly (Ross) Yes, sir. After about ten
as you would shake hands with someone. mlnutes my arm will go to sleep, but I
Use a pressure that is good and firm and can shoot very well in spite of it.
comfortable to you.
a. How long does it take for the feeling
(weaver) since I have a different type to come back?
of position, I don't require any type of
grp. The moFe grp you have n your (Ross) lt usually takes about three or
right hand and the more strength you use four minutes. You can work your fingers
for your four fingers, the less control to increase the blood supply. That hurts
you have to move your trigger flnger a little bit but helps to get the feeling
freely. back. There seems to be no permanent
damage done.
a. Do you feel as much pain n pnone
as you did when you frst started? a. Sometimes I donrt know where my
arm is, with my position being affected
(Weaver) No. I thin k that comes because my arm was totally numb?
th rough physical conditioning for one
thing. When I first started to shoot, I (Ross) I have gotten to that point
had the sling ln the wrong place and t where I wondered about that. I dontt
created a lot of extra pressure on my worry as long as I the shots are going on
+: hand. I prefer a high fore-end stop to call. When I break because the conditions
keep the pressure of the sling off the have changed, I try to move my fingers
back of my hand-

round some to increase the blood supply
to my arm. lf you were puttng pressure
one way or the other on the rifle because
your arm ws aseep, the shots would
begin to go off call. As long as they are
styng in, just keep shooting.
(Weaver) My arm goes to sleep too, but
it doesnrt seem to bother me too much in
a matcl'r -
(Kendall) My arm doesnrt got to sleep
when I shoot. I keep the sling low, just
above the elbow, on my !rm- lf you feel
the back of your arm just above the
elbow, you will feel gristle as opposed to
muscle, and you put the sling on that.
You will not lose your position. lt will
pnevent the sling f rom acting li ke a
tourniquet cutting off your blood
circulation -

A Training Publication
Produced by
The National Rifle Association of America

11250 Waples Mill Road

Fairfax, Ya 22030

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