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Figure 1

Sample: Title Page

1 inch


Double space

6 single space

5 single space

A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School

Rizal Technological University
Double space,
Inverted pyramid
Mandaluyong City

5 single space

6 single space

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Double space,

Doctor of Technology Education Inverted pyramid

5 single space

3 single space

March 2016
1 inch

Figure 2

Sample: Approval Sheet



MODEL, prepared and submitted by Godofredo C. Calsado, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Doctor of Technology Education, has been examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree Doctor of Technology Education.





Member Member


Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of

Technology Education.



Figure 3

Sample: Acknowledgements


The researcher acknowledges with deepest gratitude the contributions of the

following valuable persons:

Dr. Jose Q. Macaballug, President Emeritus of Rizal Technological University, the

researchers adviser, for his selfless and unflinching support which made this study


Dr. Ma. Eugenia M. Yangco, Dr. Yolanda P. Evangelista, and Engr. Fernando Q.

Altea, for their encouragement, insightful comments, detailed and constructive

comments, and significant support throughout this work;

Dr. Edna C. Aquino, the Dean of the Graduate School, for her supervision,

advice, and guidance since the initial stage of this research and for providing the

researcher unflinching encouragement and support in various ways;

The Graduate School Staff, Dr. Leonila Crisostomo and Prof. Milagros E.

Magsajo, for their detailed review, constructive criticism and excellent advice during the

preparation of the study;

Dr. Evangeline P. Ladines, Mandaluyong City Schools Division Superintendent,

for her kind accommodation in the conduct of this study;

Dr. Ervin A. Salazar, Principal III of Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales, for

her moral support, trust, and confidence that inspired the researcher to finish the study;

Dr. Evangeline A. Diaz, Prinicpal IV of Bonifacio Javier National High School, for

her expression of genuine motherly concern that makes the conduct of this study


Marife V. Arias, Division ICT Supervisor, for her generous assistance in providing

the necessary documents that will support the research work;

All public high school Principals, Department Heads, Property Custodians, ICT

Coordinators and students participants involved in the study for their patience and

understanding and giving her the opportunity to fulfill this study.

Jhoanna L. Maniaol, Lenie Rose G. Manuel, Stefanie Joy C. Padilla, Maria

Denise S. Suriaga, Irish Joy Babas, Nesalen S. Catalasan, Leilanie V. Espinoza, Mika

Ela R. De Sagun, Eunice J. Aluad, Aurejen B. Acosta, Kuya Jun, and Kuya Onyo for the

untiring help during the difficult moments;

Her friends, Ghing, Cris, Judith, Juliet, Naj, Yolly, Marissa, Mitch, and Khayciey

for their genuine encouragement and support to complete this study.

Above all, to our God Almighty, for His infinite blessings and graces that, through

Him, nothing is impossible.


Figure 4

Sample: Dedication


To my beloved husband Lino C. Articona Jr., son, Ian Benedict N. Articona,

daughter, Shannen Faith N. Articona, and my mother Iluminada S. Napa, for their

understanding, trust, love, patience, and prayers, this piece of work is lovingly


Figure 5

Sample: Abstract


Emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning

and the way education is managed and delivered. Technology is having a major impact

on all curriculum areas. Learning outcome becomes a truly lifelong activity, an activity in

which the pace of technological change faces constant evaluation of the learning

process itself. But while the educational technology has demonstrated significant effects

on teaching and learning processes as a whole, technology users recognize the

existence of enablers and barriers to technology integration.

This study sought to explore faculty perceptions of the relative value of a number

of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that were believed to play key roles in their success as

technology users despite the presence of both internal and external barriers. Ultimately,

the study intended to develop a technology integration program for assisting the College

of Engineering and Technology faculty of selected State Universities and Colleges

(SUCs) of the National Capital Region (NCR) in their efforts to become effective and

efficient users to technology.

The research questions that guided the conduct of this study focused on: 1) the

technology profiles of the faculty in terms of technology proficiency, teaching with

technology, personal technology use, and personal requirement; 2) perceptions of the

technology-using faculty regarding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that have positively

influenced their success; 3) perceptions of the technology-using faculty regarding the


intrinsic and extrinsic factors that have negatively influenced their success; 4) extent

the faculty perceive intrinsic versus extrinsic factors as being more critical in technology

integration; 5) relationship between enablers and barriers of technology use in teaching;

6) relationship of faculty technology profiles to enablers and barriers of technology

integration in the classroom; and 7) technology integration plan that can be developed

to prepare and support faculty members in their efforts to be exemplary teachers.

The study tested the declarative hypotheses that: 1) the intrinsic factors are more

critical than extrinsic factors in the integration of technology in teaching; 2) there is a

significant relationship between enablers and barriers of technology use in teaching;

and 3) each of the faculty technology profiles is significantly related to enablers and

barriers of technology integration.

The study used the descriptive research, particularly the survey research design,

the correlational design, and the causal comparative design. The informal interview

technique was also utilized. The validated Survey Instrument consisting of six sections

were administered to the 121 College of Engineering and Technology faculty of the

EARIST, MPC, PHILSCA, RTU, and PUP during the second semester of school year

2015-2016. The school and faculty respondents were purposively selected as they

complied with the requirements of the study. Only SUCs with l engineering and

technology courses participated in the study and only engineering and technology

faculty who used technology in the classroom were involved in the study.

The data were gathered through the questionnaire and library method. The

frequency distribution, percentage, rank, weighted mean, z-test, and Pearson Product

Moment Coefficient of Correlation were used to quantitatively analyze the data. The

SPSS and the PHStat statistical software were used..

The study concluded that: 1) the engineering and technology faculty are highly

proficient in their technology profiles; 2) all intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors are very

influential enablers or facilitators of faculty success to technology integration; 3) Intrinsic

factors such as lack of commitment, lack of confidence, negative attitudes of

colleagues, negative personal beliefs/attitudes and negative drive and extrinsic factors

such as lack of training, lack of appropriate software, lack of technical support, lack of

administrative support, and lack of time for technology integration are very influential

barriers to faculty success in technology integration; 4) The engineering and technology

faculty believe that both the intrinsic and extrinsic enablers are critical to technology

integration while they see the intrinsic barriers to have strong negative influence on

technology use than extrinsic barriers; 5) The intrinsic and extrinsic enablers and the

intrinsic enablers and the intrinsic and extrinsic barriers have strong inverse As the

barriers decrease, the enablers increase the chance of faculty success in technology

integration; and 6) the faculty technology profiles influence to a very significant degree

the intrinsic and extrinsic enablers and barriers to technology integration.


Figure 6

Sample: Table of Contents


TITLE PAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
APPROVAL SHEET---------------------------------------------------------------- ii
ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- vii
LIST OF TABLES------------------------------------------------------------------- x
Introduction----------------------------------------------------------- 1
Theoretical Framework ------------------------------------------- 4
Conceptual Framework-------------------------------------------- 5
Statement of the Problem----------------------------------------- 8
Hypotheses----------------------------------------------------------- 9
Scope and limitations/Delimitations---------------------------- 11
Significance of the Study------------------------------------------ 12
Definition of Terms------------------------------------------------- 15
Technology Integration in Instruction-------------------------- 18
Diffusion of Innovations-------------------------------------------- 34
Adopting Innovations----------------------------------------------- 37
Facilitative Conditions for the Integration of
Motivation and Changes in Teaching-------------------------- 56
Barriers and Enablers of Web-Based Teaching------------- 64
Synthesis/Concluding Statement------------------------------- 89


Research Method/s and Design/s to be Used--------------- 92
Study Population and Sampling Scheme -------------------- 94
Description of Subjects-------------------------------------------- 94

Instruments of the Study------------------------------------------ 95

Data Gathering Method and Procedures--------------------- 99
Statistical Treatment of Data------------------------------------- 101
1. Technology Profiles of the Faculty in Terms of the
1.1. Technology Proficiency Profile---------------------- 104
1.2. Teaching with Technology Profile------------------- 107
1.3. Personal Technology Use Profile ------------------- 112
1.4. Personal Requirement Profile------------------------ 116
2. Perceptions of the Technology-Using Faculty
Regarding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors that Have
Positively influenced their success
2.1. Intrinsic Enablers---------------------------------------- 119
2.2. Extrinsic Enablers--------------------------------------- 121
3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors that Have Negatively
Influenced Faculty Success in Technology
3.1. Intrinsic Barriers------------------------------------------ 124
3.2. Extrinsic Barriers---------------------------------------- 126
4. The Extent the Faculty Perceive Intrinsic Versus
Extrinsic Factors as Being More Critical in Technology
4.1. Positive Influence-------------------------------- 128
4.2. Negative Influence------------------------------ 129
5. Relationship Between Enablers and Barriers of
Technology Use in Teaching------------------------------------ 132
6. Relationships of the following Faculty Technology
Profiles to Enablers and Barriers of Technology
6.1. Enablers
6.1.1. Technology Proficiency Profile--------------- 134
6.1.2. Teaching with Technology Profile----------- 135
6.1.3. Personal technology Use Profile ------------ 136
6.1.4. Personal Requirements Profile--------------- 137
6.2. Barriers
6.2.1. Technology Proficiency Profile--------------- 139
6.2.2. Teaching with Technology Profile----------- 140
6.2.3. Personal technology Use Profile------------- 141

6.2.4. Personal Requirements Profile-------------- 142

7. Technology Integration Plan to Prepare and Support
Faculty Members in their Efforts to Become
Exemplary Technology Users------------------------------ 144
Summary of Findings---------------------------------------------- 167
Conclusions---------------------------------------------------------- 172
Recommendation--------------------------------------------------- 173
REFERENCES -------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
APPENDICES --------------------------------------------------------------------- 191
A. Permission Letter----------------------------------------------- 192

B. Survey Instruments-------------------------------------------- 193

C. Curriculum Vitae------------------------------------------------ 203

Figure 7

Sample: Table of Contents


No. Title Page

1. Weighted Means Obtained by the Faculty in their
Technology Proficiency Profile------------------------------------------
2. Weighted Means Obtained in Percentages of Classes Where
Specific Types of Technology are Used------------------------------
3. Number of Hours Per Week the Faculty Spend on 113

Personal Technology Use------------------------------------------------

4. Means Obtained by the Faculty in their Personal Requirement

for the Implementation of Technology in the Classroom---------
5. Weighted Means Obtained in the Perceptions of the Faculty
as Regards the Positive Influence of Intrinsic Factors on their 119
Success in Technology Integration------------------------------------
6. Weighted Means Obtained in the Perceptions of the Faculty
as Regards the Positive Influence of Extrinsic Factors on their 121
Success in Technology Integration------------------------------------
7. Weighted Means Obtained in the Perceptions of the Faculty
as Regards Intrinsic factors with Negative Influence on their 124
Success in Technology Integration------------------------------------
8. Weighted Means Obtained in the Perceptions of the Faculty
as Regards Extrinsic Factors with Negative Influence on their 126
Success in Technology Integration------------------------------------
9. z-Value and p-Value Obtained Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Factors with Positive Influence Over Success in Technology 128
10. z-Value and p-Value Obtained Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Factors with Negative Influence Over Success in Technology 129
11. Responses of the Faculty on Factors that Most
Influenced their uses of Technology-----------------------------------
12. Pearson r Value Obtained Between Enablers and
Barriers of Technology Use in Teaching------------------------------
13. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Technology Proficiency
Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Enablers--------------------------
14. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Teaching with
Technology Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Enablers
15. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Personal Technology
Use Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Enablers--------------------

16. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Personal Requirement

Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Enablers--------------------------
17. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Technology Proficiency
Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Barriers---------------------------
18. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Teaching with
Technology Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Barriers-----------
19. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Personal Technology
Use Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Barriers---------------------
20. Pearson r Values Obtained Between Personal Requirement
Profile and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Barriers---------------------------

Figure 8
Sample: List of Figures


Figure Page

1 Experimental Designs for Experiment I and Experiment II-------------------------


2 Plot of Test Scores for All Groups Before and After Each Learning and Review
Session--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Figure 9

Sample: List of Plates


Plate Page


TOPOGRAPHIES OF PONDS --------------------------------------------------------- 31

2 DISTRIBUTION OF EGGS ON WILLOW BRANCH------------------------------- 33


Figure 10

Sample: Introduction Section

Exploring the Conceptions and Misconceptions of

Teen Smoking in High Schools: A Multiple Case

Tobacco use is a leading cause of cancer in American

Society (McGlinnis & Foefe, 1993). Although smoking among
adults has declined in recent years, it has actually increased for
adolescents. The Center for Disease Control and Presentation
The Topic
reported that smoking among high school students had risen from
The Problem
27.5 percent in 1991 to 34.8 percent in 1995 (USDHHS, 1996).
Unless this trend is dramatically reversed, an estimated 5 million of
our nations children will ultimately die a premature death (Center
for Disease Control, 1996).

Previous research on adolescent tobacco use has

focused on four primary topics. Several studies have
Evidence Justifying the examined the question of the initiation of smoking by young
Research Problem people; noting that tobacco use initiation begins as early as
junior high school (e.g., Heishman, et. al., 1997).

Other studies have focused on the prevention of

smoking and tobacco use in schools. This research has led to
numerous school-based prevention program and interventions
(e.g., Sussman, Dent, Burton, Stacy, & Flay, 1995). Fewer
studies have examined quit attempts or cessation of smoking
behaviors among adolescents, a distinct contrast to the
extensive investigations into adult cessation attempt
(Heishman, et. al., 1997).

Of interest as well to researchers studying adolescent

tobacco use has been the social context and social influence
smoking (Fearnow, Chassin & Presson, 1998). For example,
adolescent smoking may occur in work-related situations, at
home where one or more parents or caretakers smoke, at
teen social events, or at areas designated as sale smoking
places near high schools (Mc Vea, et. al., in press).

Minimal research attention has been directed toward the

social context of high schools as a site for examining adolescent
tobacco use. During high school students form peer groups which
may contribute to adolescent smoking. Often peer becomes a strong
social influence for behavior in general, and belonging to an athletic
Deficiencies in
team, a music group, or the grunge crowd can impact thinking
Evidence about smoking (McVea, et. al., in press). Schools are also places
where adolescents spend most of their day (Fibkins, 1993) and are
available research subjects. Schools provide a setting for teachers
and administrators to be role models for abstaining from tobacco use
and enforcing policies about tobacco use (OHara, et. al., 1999).

Existing studies of adolescent tobacco use are

primarily quantitative with a focus on outcomes and trans
theoretical models (Pallonen, 1998). Qualitative investigations,
on the other hand, provide detailed views of students in their
own words, complex analyses of multiple perspectives, and
specific school context of different high schools that shape
student experiences with tobacco (Creswell, in press).
Moreover, qualitative inquiry offers the opportunity to involve
high school students as co-researchers, a data collection
procedure that can enhance the validity of student views
uncontaminated by adult perspective.

By examining these multiple school contests, using

qualitative approaches and involving students as co-
researchers, we can better understand the concepts and
misconceptions adolescents hold about tobacco use in high
schools. With this understanding, researchers can better
The Audience
isolate variables and develop models about smoking behavior.
Administrators and teachers can plan intervention to prevent
or change attitudes toward smoking cessations or intervention

Figure 11

Sample: Theoretical Framework


Theoretical Framework

It is important to begin with a theoretical lens through which to think about

implementation of the integration of technology in the classroom. Fullan (2007) guided

the conception about the challenges to changing educational practice. His notion of a

complex, non-linear, and difficult process included three stages: initiation or adoption,

implementation, and continuation or institutionalization. It is recognized that in most

schools, individual teachers are typically free to choose from a wide range of teaching

practices. Additionally, Fullan (2007) suggested that teachers as learners require time to

gain knowledge and then weave that knowledge into what they know and do in their

instructional lives. The improvement in research in this area needs to attend to

technology-using teachers achieving meaningful technology use in learning-centered,

constructivist environments despite the presence of both internal and external barriers.

In general, a constructivist learning environment engages students in authentic,

collaborative tasks, based on their interests. Within this type of environment, technology

is used as a tool to support learners engagement with the content, ultimately prompting

them to use higher level thinking skills. According to Benz, et al. (2008), this is due, in

part, to technologys ability to provide students with the tools to actively process new

information, to transform it, and make it their own.

Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate

knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas.

It has influenced a number of disciplines including psychology, sociology, education, and

the history of science (Driscoll, 2005). During its infancy, constructivism examined the

interaction between human experiences and their reflexes or behavior-patterns. Jean


Piaget called these systems of knowledge schemata. Constructivism is not a specific

pedagogy, although it is often confused with constructivism, an educational theory

developed by Seymour Papert, inspired by constructivist and experimental learning

ideas of Piaget. Piagets theory of constructivist learning has had wide ranging impact

on learning theories and teaching methods in education and is an underlying theme of

many education reform movements.

Intrinsic motivation exists when somebody is motivated by internal factors that

drives the individual to do things just for the fun of it, or because it is a good or right

thing to do. It refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, the

motivation to engage in a behavior arises from within the individual because it is

intrinsically rewarding. This contrast with extrinsic motivation, which involves engaging

in a behavior in order to earn external rewards or avoid punishments (Brown, 2007)).

Extrinsic motivation is when somebody is motivated by external factors that drive such

individual to do things for tangible rewards or pressures, rather than for the fun of it.

Hence, it refers to behavior that is driven by external rewards such as money, fame

grades, and praise. These rewards provides satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself

may not provide. This type of motivation arises from outside the individual, as opposed

to intrinsic motivation, which originates inside of the individuals (Brown, 2007).

Different types of motivation can be arranged along a continuum of autonomy

where intrinsic motivation is considered the most autonomous form of motivation

(Gagne and Deci, 2005). Along this continuum, external regulation is defined as the

most controlled and non-internalized form of extrinsic motivation used. It defines the

classic form of extrinsic motivation, where a person is engaged in an activity in order to


receive an external reward or to avoid punishment. Introjected regulation emerges when

a person engages in an activity to feel like a worthy person or to avoid feeling guilty or

ashamed. It is partly internalized, but the internalized value pressures the person into

behaving in a certain way. However, this strict polarization, i.e. existence of a clear

frontier between different types of motivation, is a start for a new research for a more

nuanced perspective of motivation in organizations. These ideas acknowledge the co-

existence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, interaction between the two as well as

different types of motivation filling in the gap between the two types (Gottschalg and

Zollo, 2006).

This study also works on the theory of motivation. Learning can be defined as the

act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skill. To engage in the act of

gaining knowledge or skill, learners must be motivated. Paras (2005) cited Chan and

Ahern stressing that when people are intrinsically motivated to learn, they not only

learn more, they also have more positive experiences. Motivation and flow to motivate

is to provide with an incentive. In traditional instructional practice, motivation is often

considered as preliminary step in instructional process Paras (2005). Intrinsic

motivation, however, focuses on the development of motivation throughout the entire

instructional process. To understand motivation in instruction, Paras (2005) looks at the

ARCS Model of Motivation Design developed by John M. Keller. The ARCS Model

identifies four (4) components for motivating instruction: attention strategies, relevance

strategies, confidence strategies, and satisfaction strategies. A well-designed game can

include all these strategies. Heafner (2008), in her study, advocates the use of

technology as a means to motivate students by engaging them in learning process with


the use of a familiar instructional tool that improves students self-efficacy and self-

worth. The potential that technology has to motivate students was discussed as it

relates to expectancy-value model of motivation which focuses three areas of

motivational theory: value (students belief about the importance or value of a task),

expectancy (students belief about their ability or skill to perform the task), and effective

(emotional reactions to the task and self-worth evaluation) (Heafner, 2008).


Figure 12

Sample: Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study found its basis from the above theoretical

framework and the concepts, theories, and the studies discussed in the Review of

Related Literature division. The Conceptual Model, as shown in Figure 1, intended to

delineate the relative value of a number of intrinsic and

Extrinsic Factors:

Figure 1. Conceptual Model


extrinsic factors that are believed to play key roles in facilitating and supporting faculty

members development as exemplary or successful technology users. While intrinsic

enablers include faculty members inner drive, personal beliefs, previous success with

technology, previous failure with technology, commitment to using computers, vision of

technology integration, self-confidence in technology use, previous success with

technology use, and previous failure with technology use, extrinsic enablers include

access to hardware, access to quality software, access to Internet, access to

administrative support, access to technical support, support from parents, support from

teachers or peers, in-service professional development, current setting, pre-service

educational experiences, availability of school technology plan, time, classroom

facilities, and current setting for technology. While extrinsic barriers include poor fit

with the curriculum, lack of basic technology skills among faculty, lack of training, lack of

administrative support, lack of technical support, lack of appropriate hardware, lack of

appropriate software, hardware malfunctions, lack of time for technology integration,

and lack of reward system for technology users, intrinsic barriers include negative

inner drive, negative personal beliefs/attitudes, negative attitudes of colleagues, lack of

confidence, lack of commitment, and lack of vision on technology education.

The relationships of intrinsic and extrinsic, enablers and barriers, demographic

profile, technology proficiency profile, teaching with technology profile, personal

technology use profile, and personal requirement profile to success in technology

integration in the classroom was examined.


The researcher forwarded the proposition that intrinsic and extrinsic enablers,

demographic profile, and technology use profiles have significant influences over the

success of faculty in technology integration.

The results of the study would serve as basis in the preparation of a program

supporting faculty members to become effective technology users.

The intrinsic and extrinsic factors were correlated with the success or

nonsuccess of exemplary technology users. The framework also intended to determine

how demographic profile influences exemplary technology use.


Figure 13

Sample: Significance of the Study

Significance of the Study

There were a number of reasons why it was important to undertake this research.

These reasons ranged from broad societal expectations and the possibilities presented

by technology use in teaching.

Faculty. Faculty members have a vital role to play in integrating technology to

help students develop 21st century skills to enable them to use technology as a tool for

learning and ensure that they are prepared to succeed and participate in a digital

society. This increasing reliance on technology has moved information literacy to

education, thereby making it necessary for faculty members to familiarize themselves

with the intrinsic and extrinsic enablers and barriers of technology use in the classroom.

Institutions of higher learning. If the factors which discourage or enable the

use of technology in teaching by the faculty can be identified, tertiary education

institutions might be able to take actions to lessen or ameliorate possible barriers and

thereby encourage more use of technology in teaching. It should be noted that

significant sums are being invested by tertiary institutions into providing the needed

technology infrastructure. Every college or university has an expectation that this

investment is well placed, managed, and exploited. It is in the interest of the tertiary

institutions to maximize the return of this investment.

Learners. There are a number of reasons that technology integration in teaching

is important to learners. These reasons range from aspiration, such as the ability to

enrich and empower themselves, to the practical, including avoiding inconvenient and

time consuming travel to classes.

The changing nature of work and an economy which is moving into a post-

industrial era also acts as a significant driver in encouraging government to

encourage and support technology use in higher education. Technology use has

potential to allow more people to attain tertiary qualification.

Technology integration can support a wide variety of learning styles. Due to the

self-paced nature of asynchronous online teaching, students who may struggle to

succeed academically in a traditional classroom may find success in technology

integration environment. This environment provides a flexibility of time for

students enabling them to study at their own pace, in their own place and on their

own schedule.
Work is increasingly based on technology, and familiarity with technology is

required in most workplaces and professions. Learning with the use of

technology provides practical introduction to working with technology and

prepares graduates to work and learn online, both skills that are increasingly

called upon now and in the future.

Technology use in the classroom may increase student satisfaction. The post-

secondary students today often have an expectation for online teaching or

learning opportunities. This might be due to the media-rich environment in which

they have grown up, setting expectations for more engaging, interactive

environments than the traditional face-to-face teaching sometimes provides.

School administrators. Knowledgeable and effective school administrators are

extremely important in determining whether technology use will improve learning for all

students. Some administrators, however, may be uncertain about implementing

effective technology leadership in ways that will improve learning, or they may believe

their own knowledge of technology is inadequate to make meaningful

recommendations. Results of this study could fill the gap as results may enhance the

administrators knowledge and skills in managing technology use in teaching.

Curriculum Designers. The curriculum designers can translate the information

derived from the results of this study into effective planning and implementation of

curricular programs. With knowledge of intrinsic and extrinsic enablers and barriers of

technology use, workplace conditions associated with effective use of technology

hardware and software shall be ensured. Exemplary faculty is more likely to work at a

school where there is full-time coordinator: there is adequate teacher time for

technology use; and there is adequate technology infrastructure.


Figure 14

Sample: Review of Related Literature (Topic and Thematic Approach)


The literature review includes three areas: (a) empirical studies relating motor

and cognitive development, (b) motor development, and (c) the neo-Piagetian theories

of development as they related to both and cognitive development. The present review

is limited investigations of children within the four-to-eight-year-old age range. Studies

targeting children with special needs excluded. [The remainder of the chapter is divided

into three main sections, Motor and Cognitive Development, The Development of

Gross Motor Skills, and The Neo-Piagetian Theories of Development. We pick the

chapter midway through the section on the Development Gross Motor Skills.]

The Development of Gross Motor Skills

The early children period is when many fundamental motor patterns are most

efficiently learned. During this age period, children must have daily practice and

participation in movement education programs to develop the fundamental movement

skills to a mature pattern (Gallahue, 1993, 1995b, 1996; Halverson & Robertson, 1984;

Hauenstricker & Seefeldt, 1986; Hayrood, 1993; Miller, 1978, cited in Gallahue, 1989;

Williams, 1983). If opportunity for this practice is not provided, children may move into

adolescence with immature motor patterns that will hinder their ability to enter games or

sports activities (Gallahue, 1995a; Haubenstricker & Seefedt, 1986). Mature patterns

can be acquired later in the developmental life span, but it requires much more time and

practice to relearn the patterns.


The fundamental patterns for the 4-to 8-year-old range included four categories

of movements: (a) loco-motor movement, (b) stability movements, (c) manipulative

movements, and (d) axial movements (Gallahue, 1995b).

The loco-motor movements acquired and/or refined during this period of

childhood are running, jumping, hopping, galloping and sliding, leaping, skipping,

and climbing (Gallahue, 1995b). These movements involve a change of location

of the body relative to a fixed point on the surface (Gallahue, 1989, p.46).

Stability movements refers to the ability to maintain ones balance in relationship

to the force of gravity even though the nature of the forces application may be altered

or parts of the body may be placed in unusual positions (Gallahue, 1989, p.494).

Stability movements include weight transfer skills (Haywood, 1993). Weight transfer

skills include inverted supports, in which the body assumes an upside-down position for

a number of seconds before the movement is discounted. Stability of the center gravity

and maintenance of the line of gravity within the base of support apply to the inverted

posture as well as to the erect standing posture (Gallahue, 1989, p.275). Other stability

movements are dodging, one-foot balancing, beam walking, and rolling.

The manipulative movements involve giving force to objects and receive force

form them (Gallahue, 1989). Movements practiced during childhood are overhand

throwing, catching, kicking, striking, dribbling, ball rolling, trapping(fee or body is used to

absorb the force of the ball instead of the hands and arms), and volleying.

The axial movements are movements of the trunk or limbs that orient the body

while it remains in a stationary position (Gallahue, 1989, 1989, p.271). Bending,


stretching, twisting, turning, swinging, reaching, and lifting are all axial movements.

They are used in combination with other movements to execute more complex

movement skills.

Researchers investigating the development of fundamental movement skills

focus on qualitative changes as childrens developing movement patterns become more

smooth and efficient. The following section will review studies investigating the

development of fundamental movement patterns in children four to eight years of age.

Development of Loco-motor Skills

The loco-motor skills, from earliest acquisition until mature patterns are

established, developed through qualitatively different stage (e.g., Gallahue, 1995b;

Haywood, 1993; Haubenstricker & Seefeldt, 1986). The studies reviewed investigated

qualitative changes that occur as fundamental locomotor patterns are developed.

Walking. The mature walking patter is achieved between the fourth and seventh

year (Eckert, 1987l; Guttridge 1939; Wickstrom, 1983; Williams, 1983). At this level,

there is a reflexive arm swing, narrow base of support (feel are placed no further apart

than the width of the shoulders), the gate is relaxed, the legs lift minimally, and there is

definite heel-toe contact (Gallahue, 1989). Although the mature pattern is achieved

during the early childhood period, waling is not targeted in movement education

programs as a skill needing concentrated focus (Galllahue, 1989, 1996; Werder &

Bruininks, 1988).

Running. Many investigators have studied the running pattern. Roberton&

Halverson (1984) document the development of running by rating arm action separately

from leg action but base the documentation on earlier work (Wickstrom, 1983; Seefeldt

et. al., cited in Gallahue, 1995b) proposes a whole-body sequence of development

based on the same earlier work. Running patterns develop from flat-footed, uneven

patterns with arms swinging outward to smoother patterns with step length increased,

and a narrower base on support, relaxed gait, minimal vertical lift, and a definite heel to

toe contact. Several University of Wisconsin studies of children between 1.5 and 10

years of age have documented the qualitative changes in the running pattern

(Haywood, 1993).

Jumping. Early developmentalists defined age norms for childrens jumping

achievements (Wickstrom, 1983). The children step down from a higher surface from

one foot to the other before jumping off the floor with both feet. Later, they can jump

forward, and over objects (Haywood, 1993).

Developmental sequences in both the horizontal and vertical jump are based on

research on the standing long jump (Clark & Philips, 1985; Hellebrandt et. al., 1961;

Seefeldt et al., 1972, cited in Gallahue, 1989; Wickstrom, 1983; Roberton, 1984;

Roberton& Halverson, 1984). The one-footed takeoff is one salient characteristic of the

earliest jump pattern and persists in some children well in their elementary school years

(Roberton, 1984). The jumping motor pattern develops during the ages from two to

seven years (Haubenstricker & Seefeldt, 1986). Some element of the jumping pattern

remain stable across ages and type of jump specifically, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-years old and

adults all used the same pattern of leg coordination. All people do not obtain a mature

pattern in childhood. In fact many immature patterns are found in adults (Haywood,

1993). . .

[The author devotes additional sections to Hopping, Galloping and Sliding,

Skipping, and Leaping and Climbing. She then proceeds to the development of other

categories of motor skills and, eventually, to discussion of the third motor topic of the

chapterneoPiagetian theories.]

Figure 15

Sample: Research Methodology

Research Method/s and Design/s Used

This study made use of the experimental research method. The specific design

used was the posttest-only control group design (see Figure A).This design was

selected because it provides control for most sources of invalidity and random

assignments to groups was possible. A pretest was not necessary since the final

science grades from June 2002 were available to check initial group equivalence and to

help control mortality, a potential threat to internal validity with this design. Mortality,

however, was not a problem as no students dropped from either group.

Group Assignment n Treatment Posttest

1 Random 3 IMM instruction NPSS:
0 Ba
2 Random 3 Traditional instruction
*National Proficiency Survey Series: Biology

Figure A. Experimental Design

Population and Sample

The sample for this study was selected from the total population of 213 tenth-

grade students at an upper class all girls Catholic high school in Miami, Florida. The

simple random sampling scheme (using a table of random numbers) was utilized to

select the 60 students who were randomly assigned to two groups of 30 each. Since the

design was experimental, the study used the general guideline to ensure

representativeness of sample.

Description of Subjects

The student population was multicultural, reflecting the diverse ethnic groups

which comprise Dade Country. The student body was approximately 90% Hispanic

students from variety of Latin American backgrounds, the major one being Cuban, 9%

Caucasian non-Hispanic students, and 1% African-American students.


The biology test of the National Proficiency Survey Series (NPSS) was used as

the measuring instrument. The test was designed to measure individual student

performance in biology at the high school level but the publishers also recommended it

as an evaluation of instructional programs. Content validity is good; items were selected

from a large item bank provided by classroom teachers and curriculum experts. High

school instructional materials and a national curriculum survey were extensively

reviewed before objectives were written. The test objectives and those of the biology

classes in the study were highly correlated. Although the standard error of measurement

is not given for the biology test, the range of KR-20s for the entire battery is from .82 to .

91 with a median of .86. This is satisfactory since the purpose of the test was to

evaluate instructional programs not to make decisions concerning individuals. Catholic

school students were included in the battery norming procedures which were carried out

in April and May of 1997 using 22,616 students in grades 9-12 from 45 high schools in

20 states.

Data Collection Method/s and Procedures

Prior to the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year, before classes were

scheduled, 60 of the 213 tenth-grade students were randomly selected and randomly

assigned to two groups of 30 each, the average biology class size; each group became

a biology class. One of the classes was randomly chosen to receive IMM instruction.

The same teacher taught both classes.

The study was designed to last eight months beginning on the first day of class.

The control group was taught using traditional methods of lecturing and open class

discussions. The students worked in pairs for laboratory investigations which included

the use of microscopes. The teachers role was one of information disseminator.

The experimental classroom had 15 workstations for student use, each one

consisting of a laserdisc player, a video recorded, a 27 inch monitor, and a Macintosh

computer with a 40 MB hard drive, 10 MB Ram and CD-ROM drive. The teachers

workstation incorporated a Macintosh computer with CD-ROM drive, a videodisc player

and a 27 inch monitor. The workstations were networked to the school library so

students had access to online services such as Prodigy and Infotrac as well as to the

card catalogue. Two laser printers were available through the network for the students


In the experimental class the teacher used a videodisc correlated to the textbook.

When barcodes provides in the text were scanned, a section of the video disc was

activated and appeared on the monitor. The section might be a motion picture

demonstrating a process or a still picture offering more detail than the text. The role of

the teacher in the experimental group was that of facilitator and guide. After the teacher

had introduced a new topic, the students worked in pairs at the workstations

investigating topics connected to the main idea presented in the less. Videodiscs, CD-

ROMs and online services were all available as sources of information. The students

used Hyper Studio to prepare multimedia reports which they presented to the class.

Throughout, the same subject matter was covered and the two classes used the

same text. Although the students of the experimental group paired up at the

workstations, the other group worked in pairs during lab time thus equalizing any effect

from cooperative learning. The classes could not meet at the same time as they were

taught by the same teacher, so they met during second and third period. First period

was not chosen as the school sometimes has a special schedule which interferes with

first period. Both classes had the same homework reading assignments which were

reviewed in class the following school day. Academic objectives were the same for each

class and all tests measuring achievement were identical.

During the first week of May, the biology test of the NPSS was administered to

both classes to compare their achievement in biology.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Prior to the beginning of the study, after the 60 students were randomly selected

and assigned to experimental and control groups, final science grades from the

previous school year were obtained from school records in order to check initial group

equivalence. Examination of the means and t-test for independent samples (a=.5) was

made. A t-test for independent samples was used because the groups were randomly

formed and the data were interval.


At the completion of the eight-month study, during the first week in May, scores

on the NPSS:B were compared, also using the mean, standard deviations, and t-test.

The formula for each of these statistical measures is as follows:

1. Mean. The arithmetic average of scores (Heiman, 1998, p. 161):



X = mean
X = a row score in a set of scores
= sum of
= total number of scores in a set

2. Standard deviation. The square root of the variance, or the sum root of the average

squared deviation of scores around the mean (Heiman, 1998, p. 189):

Sx =
( x )


= standard deviation of the scores in a sample
=square root

( x )
= sum of squared deviations

3. t-test for two independent samples. The formula is (Heiman, 1998, p.401):
( 1 2 )( 1 2 )
t obt =


S =
1 2
( ( n11 ) s + ( n 21 ) s 1 1
)( ) +
( n11 ) s + ( N 21 ) n1 n2


t obt
=standard deviation of the scores in a sample
1 2
=square root
S 1 2
=sum of squared deviations

Figure 16



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets data on the effects of content specific

seminars on student teachers effectiveness.

To determine if reliable differences existed between the groups, dependent data were

statistically analyzed using t-tests or a priori orthogonal contrasts. The data from the two training

groups were combined and then contrasted with the discussion group.

Student Teachers Management Skills

The first analysis focuses on the student teachers classroom management skills. Data

from faculty rating of student teachers using the Component Rating Scales are reported in Table


Table 1

Comparisons of Faculty Ratings of Student Teachers

Classroom Management Ability

Group contrast N M S T-value P

Coping and 18 180.9 30.5 2.47 0.01
Discussion 8 149.5 25.7

Inspection of the table reveals that the combined raw group means of both of the training

groups were over 30 points higher than the means of the Discussion Group. The average score

per inventory item on the 5-point scale was 3.7 for the two training groups and 3.1 for the

discussion group (5 was the highest score). The a priori orthogonal contrast was conducted

using t-tests on the combined training group mean compared to the discussion group mean.

The orthogonal contrast reported in the above table indicates reliable differences between the

combined training group mean and the discussion group mean at the p<.01 level, t= 2.47.

Overall Student Teacher Performance

The second research question examined overall student teaching performance. The

faculty observers rated their overall performance on the Student Teaching Evaluation. The

results are presented in Table 2. The total possible score on the Student Teaching Evaluation

was 90.

Table 2

Comparison of Faculty Ratings of Student Teachers Overall Effectiveness

Group contrast N M S T-value P

Coping and 1 74. 11.3 1.85 0.03
Management 8 2
Discussion 8 65.6 9.6

The scores for the management and coping training groups had a slightly higher range

(50 to 88) than student teachers in the discussion group (52 to 80). Also, mean of the training

groups was higher (M = 74.2) than of the discussion group (M=65.6). The t-test contrasting the

combined means of the two training groups and the mean of the discussion group revealed a

reliable difference (p<.05).

The first two questions investigated in the present study attempted to determine whether

coping skills training and classroom management training seminars resulted in more effective

classroom management skills in student teachers than did discussion seminars not directly

related to the classroom experiences. The results from both of the faculty ratings (Table 1 and

Table 2) provide a basis for concluding that content specific training seminars contribute more to

the development of effective classroom management skills. At the same time, the discussion

seminars may contribute to other aspects of professional development not addressed in this

study. The superiority of the classroom management skills of the training groups compared to

the discussion group may be attributed to several factors. The seminar content of the classroom

management group focused on teaching trainees to master specific target behaviors essential

to the development of superior classroom skills. Apparently the training sessions enhanced their

management skills in a way that was observed by the faculty in their higher ratings. Of interest

is the fact that the coping seminars also affected the management behaviors of the student

teachers, as evidenced by the mean scores of the coping group. Perhaps this occurred because

the student teachers were more relaxed and resilient to classroom stressors. Their coping skills

might have allowed them, while in class, to access previously learned classroom management

information (from teacher education classes) and to implement effective management

strategies. The findings that both personal coping skills and classroom management skills

contributed to effective classroom management is consistent with the results of previous

research by Sharp and Forman (1985) in which teachers trained in either management or

coping skills demonstrated an increase in their approval of pupils classroom behaviors. The

result from both sets of faculty ratings of student teachers consistently viewed the participants in

the training seminars as generally more effective student teachers than the participants in the

discussion group.

Pupil On-Task Behavior

The third analysis was directed at pupil on-task behavior. To provide for a more

straightforward analysis, the percentage of pupil off-task behavior on the modified Student

Engagement Rating was computed instead of on-task and waiting on task to estimate pupil

behavior in the classroom. The data are reported in Table 3.


Table 3

Comparison of Percentage of Pupil Off-Task Behavior

Group contrast N M S T-value P

Coping and 1 13. -7.9 1.63 0.06
Management 8 2
Discussion 8 20. 14.9

An examination of the means in the table reveal that the management and coping

training groups had a lower (more preferred) raw mean score (13.2%) than the discussion group

(20.5%). The range of off-task percentages obtained was lower for the training groups (4-33%)

compared to the discussion group (7-55%). The a priori orthogonal contrasts on the difference

between the combined mean of the two training groups and the discussion group mean

produced an associated p = .06, t = 1.63.

Of considerable interest to us were the findings with respect to the on-task behavior of

pupils in the trainees classrooms. Though the results were not statistically significant, the

results provide some basis for concluding that both coping skills and management skills training

seminars specifically designed to increase student teacher effectiveness in the classroom

produce higher percentages of on-task behavior than seminar content that discusses general

educational issues. Several possible explanations exist for this finding. Student teachers trained

in classroom management skills may provide a more organized, or orderly, and well managed

classroom, which influence their pupils on-task behavior. A major component of the

management treatment was teaching student teachers how to maintain high levels of pupil

academic engagement. Previous research has demonstrated a direct relationship between a

teachers ability to effectively manage their classroom and pupil on-task behavior and

achievement (Brophy & Good, 1986; Doyle, 1986; Emmer et. al., 1981, 1982). The student

teachers trained in coping skills may have produced higher pupil on-task behavior because

during the seminars they developed personal solutions for dealing with classroom stressors.

Learning how to cope with the stress and frustration of trying to keep pupils on task received a

lot of time and attention during problem solving discussions in the training seminars. The

student teachers, therefore, might have been less likely to allow teaching frustration to interfere

with their efforts to keep pupils on task. Coping skills provided them the patience, persistence,

and stamina necessary to establish appropriate behavior in their pupils. A tempting conclusion

providing a parsimonious explanation for the similar outcomes of the two training groups is that

group felt more comfortable, relaxed, and in charge of their classrooms, enabling them to

function more easily and freely in this new environment.

Figure 17



The purpose of this study was to determine if content-specific seminars operated in

conjunction with a student teaching program would result in more effective teaching behaviors in

students compared with discussion seminars based on educational issues less directly related

to effective teaching. The study was based on the premise (conceptual framework) that

seminars during student teaching are potentially important avenues to assist prospective

teachers in developing critical teachers behaviors. It was hypothesized that: 1) coping skills

training and classroom management training seminars will result in more effective classroom

management skills in student teachers than discussion seminars not related to classroom

experiences; and, 2) coping skills and management skills training seminars specifically

designed to increase student teacher effectiveness in the classroom will produce higher

percentages of pupil on-task behavior than seminar content that discusses general educational


Student teachers were randomly assigned to one of three seminar conditions coping

skills, classroom management, general education. During the 10-week student teaching period,

five 2-hour seminars were conducted for each group. Trained faculty observers collected

observational data on the student teachers classroom management abilities, their overall

student teaching performance, and on the academic engagement of the student teachers


Three instruments were used to determine student teacher effectiveness. These

included the component Rating Scales which was used to measure teachers classroom

management skills; the Student Teacher Evaluation Scale which was used to rate the student

teachers behaviors; and modified version of the Stupid Engagement Ratings from the

Classroom Management Improvement Study which measured pupil on-task percentages in this


Results were analyzed on the dependent measures using a priori orthogonal contrasts

(t-tests). In addition, a power test was conducted to determine whether using a sample size

twenty-six would provide adequate statistical power for this study.

Summary of Findings

Results of the study are summarized as follows:

1. Student Teachers Classroom Management Skills

The combined raw group means of both of the training groups on classroom

management skills were over 30 points higher than the means of the discussion group. The t-

tests contrasting the combined means of the training groups and the mean of the discussion

group revealed reliable differences at the p<.01 level, t=2.47.


2. Overall Student Teaching Performance

The mean of the training groups ( =74.2) was higher than the mean of the discussion

groups ( =65.6) in their overall teaching performance. The t-test contrasting these two

means revealed a significant difference of (p<.05).

3. Pupil On-Task Behavior

The training groups obtained lower (more preferred now mean score (13.2%) than the

discussion group (20.5%) in the pupil on-task classroom behavior. The a priori orthogonal

contrast produced an associated p = .06, t = 1.63.


The findings provide basis for the following conclusions:

1. Content specific training seminars contribute more to the development of effective classroom

management skills, while discussions seminars may contribute to other aspects of professional

development not addressed in this study.

2. Coping skills and management skills training seminars specifically designed to increase student

teachers effectiveness in the classroom produce higher percentages of pupil on-task behavior

than seminar content that discusses general education issues.


Culled from the findings and conclusions of this study, the following are recommended:

1. The findings of this study have direct implications for institutions of higher education with

teacher education programs. It is likely that student teachers and their pupils will both benefit.

This implies that teacher education programs could improve the on-task behavior of their

student teachers pupils and develop more effective classroom managers and overall teachers if

they implemented training seminar programs that focus on the development of personal coping

skills and effective classroom management behaviors.

2. As suggested by Sharp and Forman (1985), it would be interesting to investigate the

effectiveness of a combined coping and management treatment program. A combined program

might be more powerful than the individual treatment programs. Another design consideration

for future studies is to include a non-training seminar condition that discusses coping and

management issues but is not instructional. This would address whether the content

(coping/management) or the format (the role of the faculty) is more important in the student

teachers skill development. This would inform teacher education program if structured training

in coping and management skills is the most effective course, or if informal discussions on

coping and management issues would be as effective.

Figure 18

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