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Project Report

Career Development
Road to Future

10TH MARCH 2016

Seminar Room 1, School of Civil Engineering,
Engineering Campus, University of Sciences Malaysia

USM ASCE Student Chapter
Engineering Campus, University of Sciences Malaysia

As Career Fair USM Engineering Campus will be organized on 16 and 17 March

2016, which is a week before the programme, this is a golden opportunity for the students to
show their capability and quality nurtured by USM, specifically School of Civil Engineering.
As part of the efforts in student professionalism development, USM American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter has organized the programme Career Development
Road to Future.

In this event, students are enabled to gain more knowledge and experience for an
interview. What make this event interesting is it invites a speaker from
Malaysia, Mr. Edmund Teh who is currently a graduate employability advisor and head of
campus & event marketing department. The speaker is invited to give a talk on interview tips
and resume writing for the students and prepare themselves for the job interviews.


To increase the competency of students in employment by improving their interview skills

and performance
To enable students experiencing a simulated interview session and overcome the weaknesses
in interview
To boost the confident of students and prepare themselves for the coming job interviews

3.0 DATE

10th March 2016

Seminar Room 1, School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus,
University of Sciences Malaysia


Director: Chun Jan Bong

Vice Director 1: Louis Tan Pao Chiang
Vice Director 2: Vivian Lim Wei Wen
Secretary: Farhanah binti Faisal
Treasurer: Elly Nurmyaisara binti Maizul
High Committee: Tung Wen Yan
Tan Yih Ken
Ong Ju Kit
Lim Wee Zheng
Richard Cheah Jun Xian
Nur Izzati binti Naserun


The event started with an introduction on USM American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE) Student Chapter which is the first established in Malaysia by introducing official
Facebook page named USM ASCE Student Chapter. The event followed by engineering
related video titled Zipper Truck - a new way of building tunnels video obtained on Tech
Insider website. After that, Master of Ceremony introduced a speaker from
Malaysia, Mr. Edmund Teh who is currently a graduate employability advisor and head of
campus & event marketing department. Firstly, the speaker started his speech by introducing which is an online recruitment website aimed to help job seekers find their
dream jobs. operations extend across Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, India,
Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. The speaker then explained the current situation of job
market and top six specialization that employers seek. The speaker talked about the
importance of correct resume writing as resume can become students ticket where he/she
promotes himself/herself to get a chance for interview offer. After that, the speaker explained
the top reasons for fresh graduate employment, common questions during interview, skill
employees need most in fresh graduates and 2015 recruitment challenges. Mr. Edmund Teh
shared his own experience during interview and emphasized that the fresh graduates should
learned from their first job. Last but not least, the speaker opened question and answer
session for students to ask any inquiry about interview tips and resume writing. The event
ended at 5.00 pm as planned in the event schedule.
Photo session with the speaker, Mr Edmund Teh after the event

Prepared by,


Career Development-Road to Future

Checked by,


Project Director,
Career Development-Road to Future

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