What Is The Difference Between A Direct Quote and An Indirect Quote

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What is the difference between a direct quote and an indirect quote?

A direct quote (or direct quotation) is the exact words taken from an original source and used in a
second piece of writing.

An indirect quote (or indirect quotation) is the idea or fact taken from an outside source and used
in a second piece of writing. The stude

What is a paraphrase?

A paraphrase and an indirect quotation are the same thing. They contain the information or idea
of another author, expressed in your own words. You must cite a paraphrase / an indirect

vocabulary can be defined as a powerful carrier of meaning.Additionally, Diamond &

Gutlohn (2006) suggest that vocabulary is the knowledge of words and their meanings.This
Means that without establishing a strong vocabulary base first, comprehension and use of
a language will not be achieved. In addition, the student should be able to recognise words, and
know their meanings as well. Thus, when a student is effectively able to recognise and use a
word in different contexts, speak, write,pronounce the word well, she/he has the knowledge and
meaning of that word.

Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Field classify into active and
Active vocabulary refers to put item which the learner can use appropriately in speaking
or writing, and it is also called as productive vocabulary, although in fact it is more
difficult to put into practice, it means that to use the productive vocabulary, the students
must know how to pronounce it well, they must be familiar with collocation and
understand the connotation meaning of the word. This type is often used in speaking and
writing skill.
2.Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognizes and understood in the
context of reading of listening and also called as receptive vocabulary
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Dari uraian diatas dapat dijelaskan, Conceptual framework merupakan gagasan si
peniliti tentang bagaimana masalah riset itu akan dieskplorasi. Itu semua akan
dijabarkan secara mendalam dan luas dalam Theoretical framework. Dalam
conceptual dijelaskan juga hubungan antara kedua variable yang diteliti. conceptual
framework dapat juga disebut Research Paradigm.

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