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Arjun Badi

Language Arts
30 Minutes

Three Hope

Lesson: Manna on be responsive

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim)
Students will know that God wants us to be responsive for his work, and for our works.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lesson
- Start with prayer
- Introduce topic: be responsive
3 mins - Explain about responsive

Developing the Lesson

3 mins - Ask students to write down the bible verse from book of Galatians 6:5
- Then review the class from the assembly class about responsive, and remind them
2 mins
saying the way to become responsive, such as; words, action and attitude.
- Ask students to share their real life story or experience about being responsive.
2 mins - Ask them write down the Observation part of the manna from the scripture such
2 mins as; God wants us to be responsive for our own work.
- And ask them to write down the application on the scripture such as ;
3 mins 1. I will have the spirit of doing works by myself.
2. I will learn from my parents and the Bible how to be responsive to God commands.
3. I will try to be responsive person, whom people can count on.
- Ask students to write down their own prayer by themselves
2 mins - Ask students to make their own illustration to remember the bible verse with topic.
2 mins Closing the Lesson
- Revise the topic one more time.
1 mins - And close with the prayer.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Students will copy the scripture, and copy the If some students are finding hard time to find the
observation and applications. Bible verse then help them to find the Bible
Arjun Badi

Language Arts
30 Minutes

Three Hope

White board.

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