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With more than 350 million people around the world speaking

English as a first language and more than 430 million speaking

it as a second language, there are English speakers in most
countries around the world.

1. English is the Business & Finance

2. English is the Language of Travel
3. English is Also the Unofficial
Language of the Internet

1. English is part of the oldest languages in the world

2. Perkembangan kosakata bahasa ini sangat pesat.
Dengan penambahan kosakata bahasa ini mencapai
8500 kata pertahun.
3. Negara Inggris merupakan negara maju
4. Negara Inggris adalah negara yang paling banyak
jajahannya di dunia. Oleh sebab itu, bahasa ini sangat
familiar dan lebih banyak digunakan di berbagai negara.

1. How to learn LISTENING, Watch

English-language movies (without writing
anything down).
2. How to learn SPEAKING and
pronunciation, Talk to yourself (Talk
about anything and everything. Do it in the
privacy of your own home). And Practice
tongue-twisters ( a big black bug bit a
big black bear but the big black bear bit
a big black bug back. )

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