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Name : Sujadi Wiranata

NPM : 1506710903
Focus Group : 6
Virtue : Transcendence
The word transcendence means the existence or experience beyond the normal or
physical level. Therefore, transcendence is the understanding of things around us; beyond our
physical form like nature and our spirituality.
Transcendence is a very important virtue for us to have. Transcendence makes us
conscious that we are human with limitations and nowhere close to being perfect in this world.
Its our anchor to our humanity and conscience. It shows us that we have a superior being above
us, The God that has created everything in this universe. Regardless our beliefs and religion, we
all believe in one God and we do his teachings while striving to become the true image of him.
This helps us to be a better person in the society we live in. In addition to that, transcendence
allows us to appreciate the nature around us. It makes us realize the beauty of this world our God
has created and remind us to always take care of it. It helps us to always be grateful with
everything despite the hardships this world has always given us. In the end, it actually improves
our relationship with everything around us and our relationship with God.
If transcendence is missing from us, intelligence, power, influence, and authority would
just become a double-edge weapon for us. We would be consumed by our worldly desires and
become something without humanity and conscience. We would exploit the nature without any
concern of its well-being, we would do anything for our own satisfaction and wouldnt think
about the sacrifices we make. Moreover, we would play God and dont have any limitation in our
arrogance and pride. This may sounds satisfactory for our physical form, but inside our heart and
conscience would be already dead. We would think evil deeds as a way to reach our ambitions.
The simplest way to achieve transcendence is to practice it in our daily life. We can try to
always stay positive and be grateful in everything. For instance in our studies, when were about
to face a terrifying test, instead of panicking and spreading negativity to those around us we can
stay positive and be grateful that we even have the chance to be able to experience a college-
level education in one of the best university around that most people in our country is trying to
get with blood, sweat, and tears. We can encourage the people around us too by spreading that
positivity and it may actually help them to get through the test. Another easy way is to always
pray to God so that he may lead us in every steps that we take in our life, but remember that
praying without doing anything is just nonsensical. We still have to do our part like studying,
working, etc.
In conclusion, transcendence is essential in our life. It helps usappreciate everything that
God has made for us and everything that God us has given us. It improves our relationship with
the nature and God himself. It also helps us to stay positive in everything despite the
circumstances we are currently in. Transcendence is the thing that makes us human.

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