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Each group member will fill in the document separately. In this

phase, you are expected to make critical analysis of the
information you have collated so far. This document can be
regarded as an outline which your presentation will be based on.

Solutions of Gender Inequality

Education-focused Solutions

Details Information
According to World Economic Forum, making gender equality https://www.wefor
part of training and education. Young people should be
supported in choosing jobs that are future-oriented and 14/10/six-ways-
promising, regardless of their gender. fix-gender-

Some subjects which are about social equality can be put to My information
textbooks. In this way social equality is learned at an early age
and young people with awareness grow up in country.

Education Of The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) http://www.talentc
The SLT need to understand the legal issues associated with gender
discrimination. It is not enough simply to reference it generally. Focus gender-equality/
also on unconscious bias and how conscious systems can minimize the
risk of it. Dont forget to focus on covert bias, too.

Make education gender sensitive https://www.thegu
There has been much progress in increasing access to education, but
progress has been slow in improving the gender sensitivity of the
education system, including ensuring textbooks promote positive
stereotypes. This is critically important for girls to come out of schools as
citizens who can shape a more equal society. In some countries, there is
a tendency to assume that things are fine as long as there are equal
number of girls in schools.

Idea 3 Creating Awareness

Details Information
Campaigns http://www.gender
The European Commission has also launched the campaign Science: it's a
girl thing! to encourage girls to study science-related subjects and to engage
young women in research careers. Women remain largely under-
represented in the science, technology and research fields in Europe, which
constitutes a huge waste of talent. The campaign challenges stereotypes on
science and show young people, especially girls and young women, that
science can be a great opportunity for their future.

TEDWomen conference brings from 2010 together a global community of http://www.gender

women and men interested in exploring how change begins: with innovative
thinkers who catalyze ideas toward action. Over the past few years, tions/ted-
TEDWomen and TEDxWomen have launched some powerful ideas into the tedwomen
world and many women scientist are among them, too.

Idea #4 Mentality Change

Details Information
In Bangladesh and elsewhere, child marriage is a major impediment to https://www.thegu
girls education. In Bangladesh more than 50% of girls are married
before the age of 18, and about 30% of girls 15 to 19 already have one development-
child. If we want girls to be able to complete education we have to end professionals-
child marriage. We also have to seriously address sexual harassment of network/2016/mar
girls. Insecurity is one of the reasons parents give for marrying their /14/gender-
daughters. It is also a major barrier to girls full participation in equality-women-
education. girls-rights-
Encourage women into non-traditional vocations
Supporting women in non-traditional jobs is crucial in not only making
long-lasting change in their lives but also help break social taboos. Brac
is skilling women in professions such as motorcycle fixing, driving,
hospitality, mobile-phone fixing.

Idea #5 Stop the Violence

Details Information
Gender inequality allows for violence against women to continue https://www.thegu
unabated. The UN has found that globally, one in three women will
experience violence in her lifetime, with most violence against women development-
perpetrated by a current or former intimate partner. The World Health professionals-
Organisation, London School of Health and Tropical Medicine, and the network/2016/mar
World Bank Group have done a lot to consolidate and expand on what we /14/gender-
know about the prevalence of violence against women, and effective equality-women-
prevention and response strategies., but there is still a lot we do not girls-rights-
know. education-

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