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WFRP ~ Pregnancy Rules

Based on rules by Tim (aka Byrhtnoth)s D&D rules, from

I have no qualms with my players running around having sex willy-nilly in my games, but I do hold them to the standards of
real life when doing so. The following pregnancy rules were created to account for two factors: the possibility of conception
and the effects of pregnancy on a character. The rules were designed to be simple enough to use on the odd occasion
pregnancy comes up, while getting rid of the sexist notion that a character should be "retired" if she becomes pregnant
(consider the pregnant badass as a much more interesting alternative).


The chance of conception depends on contraceptive methods used by the partners prior to, during or after intercourse. There
are four basic approaches available (calculated based on the effectiveness of birth control methods), as follows.

Contraceptive Method Risk of pregnancy per sexual encounter

None, deliberately while ovulating Toughness check %
None 5%
Calendar-based 5%, on failed stat check - use lowest INT between partners
Withdrawal method or barrier device 5%, on failed stat check - use best INT between partners
Abortifacient consumed at most 8 hours after sex 0.5% to 3% based on efficacy (Quality) of mixture

Barrier devices include citrus; a mixture of cedar oil, incense and olive oil; and a mixture of honey and rock salt.
Abortifacients include pennyroyal tea, oil of rue, wild carrot, silphium and nutmeg.
If a character conceives, they roll a d100. If a 1 is rolled, the character conceives twins and rolls again. Each additional 1 rolled
increases the number of children by 1.

New Items Cost Description

Barrier device 6p An easy-to-make mixture, made from a range of products. Higher
quality versions are more appealing in touch and smell.
Abortifacient 5gc These draughts must be carefully made to avoid poisoning. A single
draught allows for five doses. They can be manufactured as per other
draughts, with difficulty (Challenging). The quality purchased modifies
the percentage pregnancy risk:
Poor 3%; Common 2%; Good 1%; Best 0.5%
There is also a chance the mixture is too strong and causes poisoning.
This is also based on the Quality purchased:
Poor 20%; Common 10%; Good 5%; Best 1%
If it is determined to be toxic, treat as if the imbiber has immediately
taken one dose of Thung.

First Trimester (weeks 1 to 12)

The first trimester is characterized by feelings of tiredness and nausea. The chance of miscarriage is relatively high, especially
in women who do not experience much morning sickness.

Suffer -5% WS & BS
After any combat in which 5 or more attacks have been made, must make a Toughness check or find need to rest for 1-
3 hours, or all character stats will be reduced by 10% for remainder of the day.
When character has not eaten within the past 8 hours, must make a Toughness check or will vomit for 1-4 rounds. If
character fails at least 10 saves, nausea continues into second trimester (hyperemesis gravidarum).

Second Trimester (weeks 13 to 28)

The second trimester is the period of significant weight gain; the character will typically gain between 10-15% of their current
weight in placenta, retained fluids and baby.
The character is no longer as nauseous unless they develop hyperemesis gravidarum (see first trimester, penalties). The
character may begin to feel more tender and sore.
The character may become constipated or have frequent urination (pressure on the bowels and bladder). The chance of
miscarriage is much lower than in the first trimester.

Suffer -5% WS & BS
After any combat in which five or more attacks have been made, must make a save Toughness check or find need to
rest for 1-3 hours, or all character stats will be reduced by 10% for remainder of the day.
Character must consume an additional 1 lb. of food a day. Treat this as a 50% increase in cost when buying daily
food from item lists or meals in taverns/inns.
Character loses an additional 2% of their body water a day (risk of dehydration). Treat this as needing to carry an
additional water skin while travelling, and/or consume two more drinks of water/beer in taverns/inns.

Third Trimester (weeks 29 to 40)

The third trimester is similar to the second, although the baby grows much larger and heavier, causing increased muscle,
girdle and back pain, and reducing the character's balance. The chance of miscarriage is quite low, but the character can enter
preeclampsia (leading to seizures and/or coma) due to high blood pressure or stress. The chance of miscarriage is fairly low.

Suffer -5% WS, BS & Ag
After any combat in which five or more attacks have been made, must make a Toughness check or find need to rest for
1-4 hours, or all character stats will be reduced by 10% for remainder of the day.
Character must consume an additional 1 lb. of food a day. Treat this as a 50% increase in cost when buying daily
food from item lists or meals in taverns/inns.
Character loses an additional 2% of their body water a day (risk of dehydration). Treat this as needing to carry an
additional water skin while travelling, and/or consume two more drinks of water/beer in taverns/inns.
Whenever character's Toughness drops below 10%, character must pass a Willpower check or succumb to
preeclampsia. The character must rest completely for 2-8 days and make a Toughness check each day. If more than
half the checks fail, the character will enter eclampsia.

(Definite rules outstanding.)
Based on a Toughness check, assisted by a Heal check performed by a physician, Shallyan priestess, midwife etc., using some of
the Surgery modifiers (see WFRP Companion).

Miscarriage affects around 20% of pregnancies. Miscarriage can occur naturally at any time during the pregnancy due to a
number of different complications. The chance of miscarriage is highest at the beginning of the pregnancy and steadily
decreases over time. Note that physical injury can increase the chance of miscarriage.
As most miscarriages are not immediately obvious to the mother until quite late in the pregnancy (or even until delivery), the
DM should roll on the player's behalf.

Week 1 2 3-12 13-14 15-21 22-26 27-33 34-40

Chance 3% 2% 1% 0.5% 0.25% 0.2% 0.1% 0.05%

Chance of miscarriage is rolled automatically at the end of each week.

Whenever a character takes a hit causing 5 or more wounds, the DM must roll double the miscarriage chance immediately (i.e.
if the character takes a hit causing 5 Wounds in combat during the 11th week, the miscarriage chance is 2 x 1% = 2%). If the
character takes any critical hits, add the level of critical to the rolled percentage. Some critical hits may force further
consequences on the pregnancy. A character may spend fortune points on this roll.

E.G. A character is adventuring on Week 13, and takes a hit causing 5 Wounds (after Armour and TB reduction). They had only 2
Wounds remaining, and thus take a 3-Point Critical. The immediate miscarriage chance is:
(0.5% x 2) + 3% = 4%.

For multiple births, miscarriage chance is multiplied by the number of living offspring. Each baby miscarries separately.

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