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Herodotus was the first Greek writer who succeeded in writing a large-scale historical narrative

that has survived the passage of time. Herodotus was also known as The Father of History
because he was the first person to write what would consider a real history. Furthermore, he was
the first person who wrote the recorded instance of the word History.


Herodotus was born around 485 BC in Halicarnassus, modern Bodrum in
western Turkey. Like other writer of his time, Herodotus came from the
rich family and be able to go to school. He learned all the works of Homer
like other boy from rich family. But, the most important thing that
happened while Herodotus was a child was that Persian and Greeks
fought a war. At that time, hIs hometown was also be conquered by
Persians. After that, Persians continues to conquered Athens and Sparta,
in the mainland of Greece, but Greek defeated them. This make
Herodotus trying to explain how this had happened. And this was the
beginning of his work.

Herodotuss Famous Work

The most famous Herodotuss work was The Histories, an
account of the causes and particulars of the Greco-Persian Wars
(The modern meaning of the word History also came from his
famous work). However, his work also includes many fanciful story,
which has led other to term him the Father of Lies
After Herodotus died, histories divided his work into nine books.
The first five books explain about the rise and fall of the Persian
Empire. In addition, there also describe the geography and culture
in the society of each state that Persians conquered. The next four
books explain only about the war. For instance, the invasions of
Greece by Persian emperors Darius

Five Fascinating Facts about Herodotus

1.Herodotus has been called the father of history, as he pretty much invented the
entire discipline.

2.However, Herodotus was probably influenced by an important, though largely

forgotten, earlier writer.

3.Herodotus uncle was an epic poet who was often compared to the great epic
poet Homer.

4.The great Greek comic playwright Aristophanes poked fun at Herodotus

5.The great playwright Sophocles was a friend of Herodotus

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