Difference Between Forging and Casting

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Casting and forging are both industrial processes of metal forming and shaping. Different process used in
different conditions. The main difference between casting and forging is that the metal is compulsory to heat
and convert
into liquid stage in casting but in forging metal is converted into desire shape by applying pressure with or
without applying heat. If the metal is preheated into forging it does not convert into liquid stage. But before
differentiate this both terms; you have to know about what is casting and what is forging.

Forging vs Casting:

What is casting?
Casting is a process in which metal is heated until molten stage and pour this liquid metal into a mold or
cavity where it is allow solidifying. This process converts the metal into desire shape. It is useful to make
complex structure. Most of the industrial structures parts are like lathe machine bed, milling machine bed
make big base of other machinery part, IC engine components etc. are made by this process.

Advantages of Casting
This process can form very large structure which is impossible to form by other process.
It can make any complex and unsymmetrical structure.
The structure formed by this process has high compressive strength.
It can attain wide range of properties.
This process can attain high accuracy.

What is forging?
On the other hand forging is the process of converting metal into desire shape by applying pressure and with
or without heat. When the metal is heated before applying pressure the process is called hot forging. In
forging metal is heated before below critical temperature or below molten stage. Rolling, pressing, Wire
drawing etc. is various types of forging. All sheets, small component, wire etc are formed by this process.

Advantages of Forging:
It produces tougher product compare to other.
The product made by forging has high impact or tensile strength.

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