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History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European
Teacher Education The HST Project

Training Manual for History of Science and

Technology Courses

General Editor: Bert Sorsby

September 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Author(s) Pages

Introduction & Acknowledgements Bert Sorsby 3-4


Unit 1
Communicating with other schools about HST Svein Hoff; Danielle Fauque; 6-20
Jorge Arroteia; Bert Sorsby;
Emanuel Vasiliu
Unit 2
Understanding and accessing European education Ray Kirtley 21-33

Unit 3
HST in education curricula in six European Bert Sorsby; Peter Ellis; Sam 34-89
countries Ellis; Danielle Fauque; Daniel
Bensimohn Jorge Arroteia; Svein
Hoff; Mary OBrien; Emanuel
Vasiliu; Mihai Vasiliu; Mihai
Nechifor; Maria Gansari;
Lcrmioara Stonescu


Unit 4
Developing HST education in your Paul Carlile; Sam Ellis; Bert 90-102
in your school Sorsby

Unit 5
Teaching and learning online The HST public Svein Hoff; Bert Sorsby 103-109
website and Merlin

Unit 6
How effective was the teaching and learning? Bert Sorsby; Danielle Fauque 110-119
Carrying out action research in the classroom.

Unit 7
Additional Tasks for HST Courses for Teachers Bert Sorsby 120-124

Unit 8
Resources and Information Bert Sorsby; Danielle Fauque; 125-132
Where to look for information about HST


History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Introduction and Acknowledgements

This training manual has been written for teachers and lecturers who want to introduce
European dimensions into their teaching of history of science and technology. It is one of the
major resources developed during 1999-2002, as part of the HST Project which was funded
by the European Commission Socrates programme through Comenius 3.1 and Comenius 2.1.

The manual has been prepared by a group of teachers and teacher educators from six
European countries, England, France, Norway, Portugal, Romania and Ireland. It will be the
core document to be studied by teachers from around Europe who have been successful in
gaining a place on one of a series of international in-service training courses for teachers. The
first five-day course was run in May 2001 and there will be more courses from 2003 onwards.

Other resources produced by the HST Project which are designed to be used in close
conjunction with this core Training Manual are: -
HST Resource Manual;
The public website at
The virtual, online learning intranet environment Merlin at

The Resource Manual and the Training Manual are also available on CD-ROM and there is
also a book to assist the dissemination of the HST Projects work which contains the early
units of the Training Manual.

An important feature of the development of the HST Course and the resources has been the
strong partnerships, established between teachers and teacher educators in each of the
countries involved in the HST Project. Teacher educators in the project have provided a
distinctively broad overview of HST with a European dimension, and also some background
details of the development of science and technology in Europe. Teachers in each country
have provided specialist insights into what is possible with pupils and students, as well as
contributing useful ideas for school-based learning and teaching in HST. These ideas are
mostly found in the HST Resource Manual although some appear in the Training Manual too.

The Training Manual

The Training Manual is then arranged in two sections.

Part 1 deals with general issues concerning the general background information which
teachers need to know when considering their work in history of science and technology
within a broad European setting. In Unit 1 there is help with finding and establishing partner
schools in Europe to share in projects and Unit 2 provides details of how to apply for funding
from the European Commission. Unit 3 gives a series of brief overviews and statements about
HST in a number of national curricula in Europe as well as giving other information about
the development of science and technology in Europe.

Part 2 concerns the practicalities of learning and teaching history of science and technology
and the units in this section will form the basis for the face-to-face in-service courses in HST.
As teachers and lecturers become more familiar with the information technology associated
with the HST Project, then there will be increasing support for them in their school s and
colleges through the online learning environment Merlin.
Also in Part 2 is an introduction to the resources which already exist for teaching and learning
history of science and technology.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Partners and contributors to the HST Project

England: Dr Bert Sorsby University of Hull

(HST Project Co-ordinator & Editor)
Paul Carlile Foredyke Primary School
Sam Ellis Howden School
Ray Kirtley University of Hull
Peter Ellis PREText
Dr Clive Sutton British Society for the History of Science
(HST Project Evaluator)

Ireland Prof Kieran Byrne Waterford Institute of Technology

Dr Eric Martin Waterford Institute of Technology
Finbarr O'Tuama Department of Education
Mary OBrien Dungarvan
Michael Kavanagh ..
Mary O'Driscoll Knockskeagh N. School
Anne Beechinor ..
Tom Lyons Darrara N. School

France Dr Danielle Fauque Lyce Stanislas

Odile Jacob
Dominique Alcian
Paul Logi
Daniel Bensimhon

Portugal Prof. Jorge Carvalho Arroteia University of Aveiro

Isabel and Mariana Arroteia Esgueira Primary School

Norway Assoc. Prof. Svein Hoff (Webmaster) Hgskolen i Bergen

Odd Netland

Romania Prof. Emanuel Vasiliu {Universitea Politehnica

Prof. Mihail Vasiliu {Bucuresti
Mihai Nechifor ..
Lacramioara Stoenescu {Colegiul National Dmitrie
Maria Gansari {Cantemir Bucuresti

All partners gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the European Commission for the
Socrates programme grant.number 71684-CP-2-2000-2000-1-UK-COMENIUS-C31 Also we
are indebted to our various institutions and organisations. Each has supported us generously,
by allowing us time to be involved in this important transnational project
On a personal note, I should like to record my grateful thanks to all my colleagues throughout
Europe for their support and advice at each stages of the project. I should like also to thank
staff at the University of Hull especially Ray Kirtley, Manager of the European Resource
Centre, Antonia White in the Research Support Office and Carolyn Brown, for her design
work. Your warmth, friendliness and professionalism have made this project possible.

Dr Bert Sorsby
July 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project



History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Unit 1 Communicating with other European schools about History of

Science and Technology

There is great value in letting other schools in Europe know about the HST developments
there have been in your own country, especially if the pupils themselves are involved in the
study. If perhaps your country is particularly proud of an important scientific idea or a
technological invention, (for example a development in railway technology, a particular type
of surgical operation, or specialised navigation system) then this knowledge should be shared
more widely.

There are advantages too when you link with another school in another part of Europe to tell
them details of an achievement about which you are very proud. If however this is just a one
way process, where you tell them about what you have done, then an important educational
opportunity has been lost. Far richer opportunities for learning and co-operation exist when
projects are shared, and when each partner feels an ownership for a particular part of the
overall project.
However, this does not mean that the partnership has to be equally divided at every stage.
One school may initiate the project, send interim details of their study to the partner schools,
and the partners then add their own thoughts and insights to broaden and extend the project.

The purpose of Unit 1 is to: -

explore the benefits and challenges of forming study networks with other schools for
history of science and technology;
give procedures and ideas about how these networks might be formed.

What are the benefits and challenges of linking with other schools in Europe for history
of science and technology studies?
The following benefits are easy to identify but there may be more advantages which you can
(a) The pupils are likely to be better motivated when they work on an international project.
(b) It can give the pupils pride in their own work and in the work of scientists, engineers etc.
from their own country
(c) Pupils and teachers can learn a great deal about HST developments in their own country,
as well as in other European countries.
(d) It promotes a broader view of our shared European heritage

Among the challenges which can be identified are the following, and there may be many
(a) Language difficulties;
(b) The financial costs of exchanging information;
(c) How to find the best way of exchanging information.
(d) How to find one or more partner schools who are willing to work with us.
(e) How to ensure that the work for the shared project is in accord with the demands of the
school curriculum in each country.
(f) How to find a suitable project.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

The sections that follow aim to provide some strategies to enable you to respond to most of
these challenges. For example you can find out more about funding for projects through the
European Commission, in Unit 6 of this training manual.

What will the partner schools need to know?

They will need to know some basic information about the school, such as its name, postal
address, email address, fax, and telephone numbers. They will also need to know the size of
the school, whether it is single sex or co-educational, and the age range of the pupils. These
are included on the pro-formae, which are set out below in four languages. Your partner
school will also need to know the preferred languages for communication, as well as the
proposed topic or study area for history of science and technology.

How do you find a partner school?

Obviously you may already know schools in other countries with whom you would like to
work, because you or a colleague have worked with them before.
In addition you can contact your national agency to see if they have been approached by
schools from other parts of Europe who are looking for a partner school in your country. You
might like to look at the 'Windows on the World' website at which links
schools and colleges throughout the world who are interested in sharing projects.

The HST Project has its own database for schools and colleges who are interested projects in
history of science and technology. You can find this by visiting the public website of the HST
Project at and clicking on 'School Projects'. Please send details of
your proposals to the email address which you will find there.

Alternatively you can complete one of the Request for a Project Partner form below and send
it to Dr Bert Sorsby, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK
.or to Svein Hoff, Hgskolen i Bergen, Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N-5096
Bergen, Norway

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

(HST) Project for European Teacher Education

Request for a Project Partner


School: Contact Person:

Name: Name:


Telephone: Languages spoken:

Fax Telephone:
Email Email:

More details about the school:

Number of pupils in the school

Boys and girls?

Type of schools: Primary Secondary Upper Secondary

(7 to 11 years) (11 to 16) (16 to 18)

Any special features of the school?

Ages of pupils involved in the project:

Details of a proposed history of science and technology project area

Preferred means of communication (fax; mail; email)

Preferred language (s) for communication:

Please send the details to the HST Project Co-ordinator, Dr Bert Sorsby, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX,
UK. or to Svein Hoff, Hgskolen i Bergen, Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N-5096 Bergen,

After a short while you will find details of your entry at : and you will be able to
search for links to other schools from there.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Communiquer en histoire des sciences et des techniques avec dautres

tablissements scolaires dEurope

Il est trs valorisant de faire connatre dautres coles europennes le dveloppement de
lhistoire des sciences et des techniques dans son propre pays, surtout si les lves eux-mmes
ont pris part une telle entreprise. Si peut-tre son pays tire une fiert particulire dune ide
scientifique majeure (laboration de lois en chimie, radioactivit, etc.) ou dune invention
technique importante (par exemple dans le domaine des transports, des communications ou
autre, un nouveau type dintervention chirurgicale, etc.), ce savoir mrite dtre partag plus

En sassociant une autre cole europenne, on peut lui communiquer non seulement ce que
lon a fait mais aussi bien des dtails supplmentaires sur ces ides scientifiques ou ces
innovations techniques. Renoncer ce dialogue serait perdre une opportunit pdagogique
essentielle de dveloppements futurs, riches de coopration et de connaissances. Ainsi
partager un projet permet un engagement personnel sur une partie particulire de lensemble.
Il nest cependant pas indispensable que la rpartition de ltude soit gale entre les diffrents
partenaires. Un tablissement scolaire peut initier un projet puis en envoyer une premire
version aux coles partenaires lesquelles pourront commenter puis ajouter leurs propres
suggestions. Dans ce va-et-vient de propositions et de lectures critiques, le sujet senrichit et
slargit pour devenir oeuvre commune lensemble des partenaires.

Lobjectif de ce chapitre est :

1- dexplorer les bnfices et les dfis de la constitution dun rseau dtude entre coles
partenaires autour de lhistoire des sciences et des techniques ;
2- de donner des ides, de susciter des procdures sur la faon dont les rseaux pourraient tre

Quels sont les bnfices et les dfis dun partenariat avec dautres coles europennes
autour dune tude en histoire des sciences et des techniques ?
Les bnfices suivants sont aisment identifiables mais on peut en trouver dautres :
a) les lves sont davantage motivs si leur travail entre dans un projet international ;
b) les lves prennent davantage confiance dans leur propre travail et dans le travail
queffectuent les scientifiques, les ingnieurs ou les techniciens de leur pays ;
c) les lves comme les enseignants peuvent apprendre beaucoup sur le dveloppement des
sciences et des techniques au cours de lhistoire dans leur propre pays comme dans les autres
pays europens.
d) ce type daction favorise le dveloppement dune vision largie de lhritage europen

Parmi les nombreux dfis que lon peut identifier, on peut relever les suivants :
a) comment surmonter la difficult de la langue ;
b) comment financer lchange dinformations ;
c) comment trouver la meilleure faon dchanger linformation ;
d) comment trouver lcole ou les tablissements scolaires partenaires qui accepteront de
travailler avec soi ;

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

e) comment sassurer que le travail effectu sur ce projet commun reste en accord avec les
obligations du programme officiel en vigueur dans chaque pays concern ;
f) comment laborer un projet adapt.

Les pages qui suivent proposent quelques stratgies permettant de rpondre plusieurs de ces
dfis. Par exemple, des subventions pour ce projet peuvent tre sollicites auprs de la
Commission europenne ; voir ce sujet le chapitre 7 de ce recueil.

Quelles sont les informations que ltablissement partenaire peut demander ?

Ltablissement scolaire partenaire peut demander des renseignements administratifs (nom,
adresses postale et lectronique, numros de tlphone et de fax) mais aussi des
renseignements sur limportance de lcole (nombre dlves, classes dge) ou dsirer savoir
si lcole est mixte ou non. Dans ce recueil, on trouvera un formulaire correspondant ce type
de demande. De plus on pourra y ajouter ce que lon prfre comme langue de
communication, et prciser ce que lon projette dtudier comme thme dhistoire des
sciences et des techniques.

Comment trouver un tablissement scolaire partenaire ?

On peut dj connatre un ou dautres tablissements scolaires europens parce que soi-mme
ou un collgue y a travaill en association et on dsire poursuivre cette coopration. On peut
aussi contacter lagence nationale de la commission europenne et lui demander si dautres
tablissements europens sont la recherche dune cole partenaire pour partager un projet en
histoire des sciences et des techniques. On peut aussi consulter le site Windows on the
worlds website qui regroupe les tablissements primaires ou
secondaires travers le monde intresss partager de tels projets.

Le projet dhistoire des sciences et des techniques ici prsent a sa propre base dadresses des
diffrentes coles intresses par des projets en histoire des sciences et des techniques. Ce site
est public et peut tre consult ladresse suivante : puis en
cliquant sur licne School Projects . On peut envoyer ses propositions ladresse
lectronique que lon choisira.
On peut aussi complter la Demande dassociation au projet incluse ci-aprs et lenvoyer
Dr Bert Sorsby, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, Grande-Bretagne, ou Svein Hoff,
Hgskolen i Bergen, Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N-5096 Bergen, Norvge.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Projet de formation en histoire des sciences et des techniques

pour les enseignants europens

Demande dassociation au projet


tablissement Personne contacter

Nom Nom

Adresse Langues parles

Tlphone Tlphone
Fax Fax
Email Email

Renseignements sur ltablissement scolaire

Nombre dlves

Garons ou filles

Type dtablissement :
primaire secondaire collge secondaire lyce
(7-11 ans) (11-15ans) (15-18 ans)

Particularits de ltablissement

ge des lves impliqus dans le projet :

Renseignements sur le champ dhistoire des sciences et des techniques envisag

Moyens prfrs de commmunication (poste ; fax ; email)

Langue(s) prfre(s) de communication :

Merci de bien vouloir envoyer ces renseignements au coordinateur du projet HST, Dr Bert
Sorsby, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, Royaume-Uni. Ou Svein Hoff, Hogskolen i
Bergen, Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N - 5096 Bergen, Norvge.
Peu aprs, vous trouverez les renseignements de cette page : et
vous pourrez tablir des liens avec les autres tablissements dj inscrits.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Existem grandes vantagens em divulgar, entre as escolas europeias, o projecto History of
Science and Technology (HST), principalmente no caso dos alunos estarem envolvidos em
estudos relacionados com esta matria.
Se o seu pas se distingue por uma cultura cientfica aprofundada ou por invenes tcnicas
relevantes (como, por exemplo, o aperfeioamento de tecnologia relacionada com os
transportes ferrovirios, com a medicina, com os sistemas de navegao martima ou outras)
ento estes conhecimentos devem ser largamente divulgados.

Existem igualmente vantagens quando se estreitam laos com outras escolas em qualquer pas
europeu e se trocam informaes sobre temas que nos so particularmente gratos. Este
apenas um processo que temos em divulgar o que fazemos e uma oportunidade que no deve
ser perdida. Outras oportunidades em aprender e cooperar com outras instituies escolares
surgem sempre que cada um dos participantes sente ter uma responsabilidade pessoal no
desenvolvimento global de um determinado projecto. Contudo isto no significa que a
colaborao num determinado projecto seja igualmente dividida em todas as fases do seu
desenvolvimento. Uma escola pode iniciar um determinado projecto, enviar s escolas
associadas os detalhes provisrios sobre o seu andamento e estas remeterem o seu contributo
por forma a ampliar e aprofundar o projecto inicial.

Os objectivos desta unidade, so os seguintes:

1. explorar as vantagens e os desafios que se colocam s redes de escolas associadas no
desenvolvimento de projectos no mbito da HST;
2. divulgar alguns procedimentos e sugestes relativas constituio destas redes.

Quais so as vantagens e as dificuldades em se ligar em rede com outras Escolas na

Europa interessadas no aprofundamento de estudos sobre HST?
As vantagens nesta ligao so facilmente identificveis. Destacam-se no entanto, as
a) O alunos ficam mais motivados quando trabalham num projecto internacional;
b) Valoriza o trabalho dos alunos e o trabalho que os cientistas, os engenheiros, etc.,
desenvolvem no seu pas;
c) Os alunos e os professores aprendem melhor acerca da evoluo da HST quer no seu
prprio pas, quer nos demais pases Europeus;
d) Permite uma viso mais alargada sobre a nosso passado e herana europeia comum.

Entre as dificuldades que podemos identificar, as que indicamos a seguir parecem-nos as mais
a) Domnio das Lnguas estrangeiras;
b) Custos financeiros resultantes da troca da informao;
c) Encontrar os melhores meios de comunicao;
d) Encontrar outras parceiros interessados em trabalhar connosco;
e) Assegurar-se que o trabalho desenvolvido no mbito do projecto est de acordo com
os requisitos do currculo oficial em cada um dos pases;
f) Elaborar um projecto adequado.

As alneas seguintes ajudam-nos a encontrar algumas estratgias capazes de responder a

muitos destes desafios. Por exemplo, pode encontrar sugestes relativas ao financiamento de
projectos, atravs da Comisso Europeia, na Unidade 7 deste manual.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

O que que uma Escola precisa de saber?

Os interessados em participar num projecto internacional precisam de dispor de algumas
informaes bsicas sobre a Escola, tais como a sua designao, o endereo postal e os ns de
telefone, de fax e o E.mail. Precisam ainda de saber a dimenso da Escola, se se trata de uma
escola mista ou no, o total de alunos e a sua idade. Estas informaes fazem parte da
listagem (pro-forma) que se indica a seguir. A Escola com quem deseja trabalhar precisa
igualmente de saber quais a(s) lngua(s) que vai utilizar bem como o temas(s) de estudo
relacionado(s) com a HST.

Como desenvolver o intercmbio com outra Escola?

Em princpio deve ter conhecimento de escolas existentes noutros pases, que pretendam
trabalhar consigo. Tal pode resultar de um conhecimento anterior atravs do desenvolvimento
de outros projectos.
Alm disso deve contactar os Servios de Relaes Internacionais do seu Ministrio da
Educao (ou outro servio equivalente) para proceder a um levantamento das possibilidades
e das ofertas disponveis.
Pode igualmente consultar o website: Windows on the World: que
lhe permite fazer links com escolas estrangeiras interessadas no estabelecimento de
projectos internacionais.

O projecto HST dispe igualmente de uma base de dados de escolas interessadas em

desenvolverem actividades na mbito da histria da cincia e da tecnologia. Para tanto pode
consultar o website do HST Project: e procurar a tecla
correspondente a:School Projects. Envie em seguida os detalhes e a sua proposta atravs de
E.mail para os endereos que entender.

Complementarmente pode preencher o formulrio: Request for a project Partner, em anexo, e envi-lo para:
Professor Dr. Bert Sorsby, University of Hull; Hull HU6 7RX, UK ou ento para: Professor Svein Hoff,
Hogskolen I Bergen, Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N-5096, Bergen, Norway.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

HST Project for European Teacher Education

Caractersticas da Escola

Escola: Contacto pessoal:

Nome: Nome:


Telefone: Lngua(s) utilizada(s):

Fax Telefone:
Email Email:

Outros elementos:
Nmero total de alunos:

N de rapazes e n de raparigas?

Tipologia da Escola:
Ensino Bsico Ensino Secundrio Outra 1
Ciclo 2e3 Ciclo
(6 a 9anos) (10 a 12anos) (13 a15anos)

Particularidades da escola?

Idade dos alunos envolvidos no projecto:

Caracterizao do projecto (objectivos, fases e actividades a desenvolver)

Meios de comunicao a utilizar (fax; mail; email):

Lngua preferida para comunicao:

Enviar estes dados para o Coordenador do HST Project: Professor Dr. Bert Sorsby,
University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK. Ou para: Professor Svein Hoff, Hgskolen i Bergen,
Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N-5096 Bergen, Norway

Poder encontrar outros detalhes no website : que lhe permite

estabelecer links com outras escolas

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Enhet 1. Kommunikasjon med andre europeiske skoler angende

utviklingen i vitenskapens og teknologiens historie (VTH)


Det er viktig informere andre skole i Europa om utvikling innen VTH som har blitt gjort i
ditt land, spesielt dersom elevne har vrt involvert i utviklingen. Hvis dessuten landet ditt har
vrt involvert i utviklingen av viktige vitenskapelige ideer eller spesielle teknologiske
nyvinninger, er det nskelig at denne informasjonen blir spredt videre.

Det er positivt om du kontakter en annen skole i en annen del av Europa for informere om et
prosjekt som du er stolt over, men hvis dette er informasjon som bare gr en vei s har en
viktig lrings mulighet gtt tapt. Det er mye strre muligheter for lring nr prosjekter deles
mellom skoler, og hver partner utvikler og fler eiendomsrett til en spesiell del av prosjektet.
Dette betyr ikke at partnerskapet m deles likt p et hvert stadium. En skole kan ta initiativ til
et prosjekt og sende forelpige detaljer til partnerskolene, der partnerne legger til sine egne
forslag for utvide og gjre prosjektet bredere.

Hensikten med denne enheten er :-

1) utforske fordelene og utfordringene med danne lringsgrupper med andre skoler
angende vitenskapens og teknologiens historie.
2) gi prosedyrer og ideer om hvordan disse nettverken kan formes.

Hva er fordelene og utfordringene ved knytte seg sammen med andres skoler i Europa for
arbeide med vitenskap og teknologihistorie?
Flgende fordeler er lett se, men det kan og vre andre
a. Elevene er mer motivert nr de arbeider p et internasjonalt prosjekt
b. Det gir elevene mulighet for stolthet i sitt eget arbeide og i arbeidet gjort av
vitenskapsmenn, ingenirer mm. fra deres eget land.
c. Elever og lrere kan lre en god del om VTH utvikling i deres eget land samt i andre
europeiske land
d. Det sttter opp om et bredere syn p vr felles europeiske kulturarv.

Blant de utfordringene som kan identifiseres har en blant annet flgende:

a. Sprkvansker
b. De finansielle vansker med utveksle informasjon
c. Hvordan en finner de beste mtene for utveksle informasjon.
d. Hvordan en skal finne en eller flere partnerskoler som er villige til arbeide med oss.
e. Hvordan en skal sikre seg at arbeidet med et felles prosjektet er i samsvar med pensum i
hvert land
f. Hvordan en skal finne et passende prosjekt .

I de flgende seksjonene er mlsettingen gi noen strategier for kunne hanskes med de

fleste av disse utfordringene. For eksempel kan du finne ut mer om finansiering gjennom den
Europeiske kommisjonen, i enhet nr. 7 i denne manualen.

Hva vil partnerskolene trenge kunnskap om?

De trenger basis kunnskap om skolen som navnet, postadressen, email, fax og telefon. De
trenger og informasjon om skolens strrelse, alderen p elevnene og om skolen er en ren

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

gutte/pikeskole eller om den har elever av begge kjnn. Dette er inkludert i skjemaet
nedenfor. Partnerskolen trenger og informasjon om det foretrukne sprket for kommunikasjon
samt det foresltte emne man vil studere innen vitenskap og teknologihistorie.

Hvordan finner du en partnerskole?

Det kan vre at du allerede kjenner skoler i andre land som du nsker arbeide med hvis du
har vrt i kontakt med dem fr.
Du kontakte ditt nasjonale kontor for internasjonalt samarbeide for se om de har blitt
forespurt av skoler fra andre deler av Europa om samarbeidsskoler i ditt land. Du kan og se p
nettstedet Windows on the World som ligger p og knytter
sammen skoler og hyere lreanstalter over hele verden som nsker samarbeide og dele

VTH prosjektet har sin egen database for skoler og hyere lreanstalter som er interessert i
prosjekter i vitenskap og teknologihistorie. Du kan finne dette ved g til nettstedet for VTH
som ligger p og trykke p valget for Skole prosjekter.
Vennligst send detaljene i forslaget ditt til email adressen som du finner der.

Alternativt kan du fylle ut skjemaet Request for a Project Partner som du finner nedenfor og
sende til Dr Bert Sorsby, University of Hull; Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. eller til Svein Hoff,
Hgskolen i Bergen. Avdeling for lrerutdanning, Landssvingen 15, 5096 Bergen, Norge.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Prosjekt for vitenskapens og teknologiens historie (VTH) i europeisk lrer

Foresprsel om en prosjekt partner

Detaljer om skole eller institusjon

Skole: Kontaktperson:
Navn: Navn:


Telefon: Sprk som kan nyttes:

Faks Telefon:
Epost: Epost:

Flere detaljer om skolen:

Antall elever i skolen

Ren gutt/pike skole eller begge kjnn?

Type skole Smskoletrinnet Mellomtrinnet Ungdomstrinnet Videregende

(6-10 r) (11-13 r) (14-16 r) (17-19 r)

Noen spesielle egenskaper ved skolen?

Alderen til elevene som er involvert i prosjektet:

Detaljer i et foresltt emne innen vitenskap og teknologihistorie

Foretrukket kommunikasjonsmedium (faks; post; epost)

Foretrukket (ne) sprk for kommunikasjon:

Vennligst send detaljene til prosjektkoordinatoren for VTH, Dr Bert Sorsby, University of
Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK. eller til Svein Hoff, Hgskolen i Bergen, Avdeling for
lrerutdanning, Landssvingen 15, 5096 Bergen, Norge

I lpet av kort tid vi du finne detaljene i din foresprsel p: og

du vil kunne ske etter linker til andre skoler derfra.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Stabilirea de colaborri cu alte instituii de nvmnt din Europa n

domeniul Istoriei tiinei i Tehnologiei


Este foarte important de a face cunoscute altor instituii de nvmnt europene realizrile
tiinei i tehnologiei din perspectiva istoriei din propria ar, mai ales n cazurile n care
elevii sunt implicai n asemenea studii. n general, fiecare ar este mndr de ideile
tiinifice majore cum ar fi: elaborarea unor teorii a fenomenelor fizice i chimice, sau
elaborarea unei invenii tehnice importante, de exemplu n domeniul transporturilor i
comunicaiilor, sau introducerea unor noi metode de intervenii chirurgicale elaborate de
proprii ceteni. Merit cu prisosin ca aceste idei i invenii s fie cunoscute pe o scar ct
mai larg.

Prin cooperarea cu o alt coal European se pot face cunoscute nu numai

ideile i inovaiile respective dar i o mulime de detalii suplimentare.
Renunarea la acest dialog este echivalent cu pierderea unor oportuniti
pedagogice importante pentru dezvoltarea ulterioar att a colaborrii ct i a
elaborrii de noi cunotine. n cazul participrii a mai multor ri la un proiect
fiecare ar i poate alege un domeniu particular din sfera de activiti a
proiectului. Nu este neaprat necesar ca repartiia cercetrilor s fie egal pentru
toate rile. O coal poate iniia un proiect, apoi poate trimite o prim versiune
a rezultatelor obinute altor parteneri care la rndul lor, prin sugestii proprii
favorizeaz desvrirea studiului respectiv. n acest mod subiectul devine mai
larg i mai bine abordat.
Obiectivele acestui capitol sunt:
1- explorarea beneficiilor i sfidrilor determinate de constituirea unei reele de studiu dintre
coli partenere n domeniul Istoriei tiinei i Tehnologiei;
2- de a elabora idei i de a favoriza elaborarea unor proceduri prin care reelele pot fi
Care sunt beneficiile i sfidrile parteneriatului dintre colile Europene n domeniul
studiului Istoriei tiinei i Tehnicii ?
Urmtoarele beneficii sunt foarte uor de identificat:
a) elevii sunt mai bine motivai dac munca lor se efectueaz n cadrul unui proiect
b) elevii capt ncredere n propria lor munc, precum i n munca pe care o efectueaz
oamenii de tiin, inginerii i tehnicienii din propria lor ar;
c) elevii pot s capete mult mai multe cunotine privind dezvoltarea tiinei i Tehnologiei
de-a lungul Istoriei propriilor ri, precum i a altor ri Europene;
d) acest tip de aciune favorizeaz dezvoltarea unei viziuni lrgite asupra motenirii Europene
Evident, i alte beneficii i sfidri pot fi identificate.

Dintre numeroasele sfidri care pot fi identificate se remarc urmtoarele:

a) cum pot fi surmontate dificultile de limb;
History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

b) cum poate fi finanat schimbul de informaii;

c) care este cea mai bun metod privind schimbul de informaii;
d) cum pot fi identificate colile care accept parteneriatul ntre ele;
e) cum poate fi verificat faptul c munca efectuat ntr-un proiect comun este n concordan
cu obligaiile programei oficiale n vigoare n toate rile participante;
f) cum se poate elabora un proiect adaptat unor cerine specifice.

n paginile care urmeaz se prezint strategia pe baza creia se poate rspunde la aceste
sfidri. De exemplu, subveniile pentru un anumit proiect pot fi solicitate Comisiei Europene
(vezi capitolul 7 din acest volum).

Care sunt informaiile necesare pentru stabilirea unui parteneriat ?

O instituie de nvmnt poate solicita informaii cu caracter administrativ (denumirea colii,
adresa potal i electronic, numerele de telefon i de fax) precum i informaii privind
importana colii (numrul de elevi, vrstele elevilor) sau dorete s cunoasc dac coala este
mixt (biei i fete) sau numai de biei, respectiv numai de fete. n aceast carte se gsete
un formular corespunztor acestui tip de solicitri. Evident, se pot aduga informaii
suplimentare cum ar fi: limba preferat de comunicare sau precizarea unei anumite teme
particulare de Istorie a tiinei i Tehnologiei.

Cum se poate gsi o instituie colar partener ?

Poate fi deja cunoscut o alt instituie colar European ntruct s-ar putea ca n aceste coli
s se afle colegi care doresc s coopereze. De asemenea se poate contacta Agenia Naional a
Comisiei Europene i de a solicita informaii privind alte instituii de nvmnt care sunt n
faza de identificare a unor coli partenere pentru mprirea domeniilor de studii ale unui
proiect de Istoria tiinei i Tehnicii. De asemenea se poate consulta site-ul Windows on the
worlds website la adresa care grupeaz instituiile primare sau
secundare de-a lungul ntregii lumi, interesate s participe la asemenea proiecte.

Proiectul de Istoria tiinei i Tehnologiei prezentat n aceast carte are baza sa proprie de
adrese a diferitelor coli interesate de proiecte n diferite domenii ale Istoriei tiinei i
Tehnicii. Acest site care este public poate fi consultat la adresa urmtoare: prin apelarea siglei school projects. Se pot trimite propuneri
la adresa electronic aleas.

Se poate de asemenea completa: Cererea de asociere la proiect prezentat n pagina

urmtoare i trimis Bert Sorsby, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, Marea
Britanie sau domnului Svein Hoff, Hgscolen I Bergen, Avdeling for laerutdanning,
Landassvingen 15N-5096, Bergen, Norvegia.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Proiect de formare n Istoria tiinei i Tehnologiei

pentru nvmntul din Europa
Cerere de asociere la proiect


Instituia: Persoana de contact:

Nume: Nume:


Telefon: Limbi cunoscute:

Fax Telefon:
Email Email:

Informaii despre instituia colar:

Numr de elevi

Biei sau fete?

Tipul instituiei: Primar Gimnazial Liceal

(7 to 11 years) (11 to 15) (15 to 18)

Specificul instituiei?

Vrsta elevilor implicai n proiect:

Informaii privind domeniul anvizajat al Istoriei tiinei i Tehnologiei

Metodele preferate de comunicare (fax; pot; pot electronic)

Limbile preferate de comunicare:

V rugm s avei bunvoina de a trimite aceste informaii la HST Project Co-ordinator, Dr

Bert Sorsby, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK. or to Svein Hoff, Hgskolen i Bergen,
Avdeling for laerutdanning, Landassvingen 15N-5096 Bergen, Norway

Ulterior vei gsi informaiile din acest chestionar la

adresa: i vei putea stabili
legturi cu instituiile deja nscrise n acest site

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Unit 2 Understanding and accessing European education


The purpose of this unit is to help you to:

gain an overview of the European funding programmes which are relevant to schools;
select the actions appropriate to your type of project;
find the necessary information and forms to apply for funding.

Background information
In 1995 The European Commission has created two funding programmes in order to support
the international co-operation in education and training: SOCRATES and LEONARDO DA
VINCI. Both programmes operated until the end of 1999. They were succeeded by new
programmes using the same names and sharing many of the original aims and objectives. This
Unit concentrates on the Socrates programme which deals with education. It does however
provide sufficient information on Leonardo da Vinci the vocational training programme to
enable information to be located. In general Leonardo da Vinci is directed at students who are
taking part in initial vocational training courses at school or college. Both new programmes
are designed to operate up to 31st December 2006.

Socrates European Action Programme for Education

The main aims of the programme are:

to strengthen the European dimension in education at all levels;

to improve the knowledge of European languages;
to promote and facilitate co-operation in education;
to encourage innovation in education.


Thirty one countries will take part in the programme:

All the 15 member states of the EU:

The 3 EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway;
The 10 Associated Countries of the EU: Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia;
Turkey - it is advisable to check the current situation with your National Agency for
this country.

SOCRATES supports projects from all types of schools and training institutions and is aimed
at all levels: pre-school education, primary, secondary, higher education and life long learning.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

A Summary of the Programme

The following pages aim to provide readers with a broad understanding of the Socrates
Programme. For the majority of teachers the practical application of the programme
will be within Action 1 Comenius.

ACTION 1 School Education Comenius

To improve the quality of and develop the European dimension in education by:
Encouraging co-operation and supporting partnerships between schools in
participating countries;
Contributing to initial and in-service training of staff in the school education sector;
Promoting the development of networks of school partnerships and in-service training
projects to enhance co-operation and the dissemination of good practice.

Comenius School Partnerships

This action features:
Comenius School Projects
Comenius Language Projects
Comenius School Development Projects
Plus Preparatory Visits

Comenius Action 1 1 - Comenius School Projects*

These projects must include at least three schools or colleges across at least three countries.
These institutions can range from Nursery Schools to Vocational Colleges. Up to three years
of funding is available to support such projects. There are several important criteria.

Comenius School Projects:

Must be integrated into the regular activities of the school;
Take place within the curriculum;
Involve several class groups;
Have a wide impact in school;
Involve pupils in the planning, organisation and evaluation of the work;
Be multi-disciplinary.

The projects may be completely focused on the process of co-operation and linking but for
many there will also be outcomes: Newsletters, websites, CD-ROMs

The projects will be funded on an annual basis. The school that takes on the responsibility
to run the project (the co-ordinator) may receive up to 2000 per year while the partner
schools receive up to 1500. This may be used for materials, communication costs, the
purchase of software and a proportion of the lease of IT equipment for use in connection
with the project. Travel and accommodation costs for meetings are paid in addition to
these amounts and are related to the geographical location of the partnership schools (for
example a partnership featuring Finland, Greece and Ireland would receive a higher travel
costs than a partnership between the Benelux countries). Most projects will organise 2 or 3
meetings per year and use these occasions to organise and evaluate the work of the
project. It is permissible for a small number of pupils to accompany teachers to these
meetings. They will act as project workers and ambassadors for their school. Up to six

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

teachers can apply to undertake some kind of mobility activity each year and up to four
pupils can participate in the planning or evaluation meetings for the project each year.

* Participants in the first phase of Socrates will recognise many of the features of Multi-lateral
School Projects or Comenius Projects in this action.

Why take part in a Comenius School Project? Here are some outcomes for pupils reported
by schools previously involved in Comenius projects:
raising pupils self-esteem, confidence and motivation
development of pupils interpersonal and communication skills
increased motivation for language learning
reduced stereotyping
awareness and appreciation of life outside their own environment
increased awareness as citizens of Europe.

Comenius Action 1 2 - Comenius Language Projects

These are language learning projects between two schools from two eligible countries. They
enable a minimum of 10 students in the 14 25 age group to take part in a reciprocal two
week exchange closely involved with a project. The students must make use of the foreign
language in planning for their exchange and also use the target language in a real context
while the exchange takes place. There is usually a distinct end product of the project - a
magazine, drama performance or design and build task for example. Priority will be given to
the less widely used and less taught languages. Funding can be directed to language tuition if
the target language is not taught in school. In common with Comenius School Projects there is
a standard grant of up to 2000 with a variable contribution towards student and teacher travel
and subsistence. There is an expectation that the families of students will act as hosts for the
visiting group.

* Participants in the first phase of Socrates will recognise many of the features of Lingua E
projects or Joint Educational Projects in this action.

Why take part in a Comenius Language Project?

increased confidence and ability in the target language
greater motivation for pupils studies and improved interpersonal skills
valuable experience of other cultures and societies.

Comenius Action 1 3 - School Development Projects

These are a new element of Comenius which enable school managers and teachers to
exchange experience and information with partner schools elsewhere in Europe. Once again a
minimum of three eligible countries must be involved. The issues include:

The prevention of violence at school;

The integration of ethnic minorities;
Classroom management;
Equal opportunities;

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

The specific needs of the children of migrant workers, gypsies, travellers and itinerant

These projects are funded in a similar way to Comenius School Projects but mobility is
restricted to members of staff. Strong links with the community are encouraged in the
planning of these projects. Up to six teachers can apply to undertake some kind of mobility
activity each year.

A summary of Comenius 1

Schools and colleges can apply for three kinds of project under Comenius 1:

Comenius School Comenius Comenius School

Project Language Development
Project Project


Partnership at least three schools two schools or at least three schools

or colleges colleges or colleges
Duration max three years normally one year max three years

Comenius Action 2 The Training of School Education Staff

To improve the quality of and develop the European dimension in education by:

Promoting quality in the teaching of EU languages;

Promoting intercultural awareness in school education in Europe.

Comenius Action 2 1 European Co-operation Projects

These are projects which create, test and deliver training courses for teachers or other
educational staff. They may involve the development of curricula for initial teacher training,
promote the mobility of student teachers and develop teaching strategies for specific learner
groups. In general these projects are accessible to educational institutions other than schools
and colleges but schools may be involved eg as partners to local authorities or universities.

Comenius Action 2 2 Individual Mobility Activities

Individual mobility and training opportunities for teachers are published annually in the
Comenius Catalogue. The National Agencies for Socrates will direct users of their sites to
these courses, see for a
complete list of all agencies. Many of these courses are concerned with language learning and
resemble the Lingua B courses well known to teachers of modern foreign languages under the
previous programme. There are also courses concerned with particular curricular areas or
school management issues. Funding is available to cover individual members of staff in terms
of the cost of the course plus travel, accommodation and a contribution towards subsistence.
Courses last up to a week for non-language training up to 4 weeks for language courses.
Grants are available up to 1500.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Comenius Action 2 3 Comenius Language Assistants

These are prospective teachers of foreign languages who apply to work in school for between
3 and 8 months. They take part in activities which broadly support the European dimension
across the curriculum and help to introduce their own language and culture to the host
institution. Your school can host a Comenius Language Assistant wholly supported by the
Socrates programme.

Why host a Comenius Language Assistant?

The main benefit a Comenius Assistant will bring to your school or college is an
authentic presence from another European country. This can act as a way of introducing
your pupils to other European cultures, languages and perspectives.
Comenius Assistants are paid a monthly allowance by the European Commission. This
means that an Assistant represents a valuable teaching resource which comes at no cost
to your school or college.

Comenius Action 3 Networks

Comenius 3 provides support for Networks of institutions who have already been involved in
Comenius projects in order that they may share experience, good practice and innovation.
Comenius Networks involve at least one organisation from each of at least six different
countries, and partnerships should be designed to bring on board new organisations during the
course of the project.
Activities may include:

conferences, seminars and symposia

publication of findings and experiences including best practice guides, resources and
Cross-sector and / or cross-phase Networks are particularly encouraged.

Applying for a Comenius project summary of deadlines

Comenius School Projects 1 February De-centralised

Comenius Language Projects 1 February De-centralised

Comenius School Development Projects 1 February De-centralised

Comenius 2.1 European co-operation in- 1 March Centralised

service training projects
Comenius 2.2 Individual training grants for Varies De-centralised
school and college education staff:
- Initial training
- Comenius Language Assistants
- In-service training
Comenius 3 Networks 1 November pre- Centralised
1 March full

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

a. Some National Agencies may require earlier deadlines
b. De-centralised applications are submitted to National Agencies.
c. Centralised applications are submitted to the European Commission with a copy sent
to the National Agency of the co-ordinating country, with the exception of Networks
which are sent to the European Commission only.

Programme Management
The SOCRATES programme is managed by the European Commission. The responsible
Directorate is Education and Culture. The programme is divided into Actions. Some of these
actions are administered directly by the Commission and in these cases applications are made
directly to Brussels. These are called centralised actions. Other actions are administered by
the member states and applications are made to the National Agency (N.A.). These are
decentralised actions. This agency may be in an independent institution or within the
administration of the Ministry of Education of the member state concerned.

Making an application: the use of the Comenius Plan

The Comenius plan is a strategic tool the purpose of which is to enable your
school/institution to plan its European/international cooperation activities over a longer
timespan. The plan will also serve as a source of information for the National Agency and
will help in the assessment of your project proposals. The Comenius Plan will therefore
form part of the application form for Comenius projects. The questions in Part A allow
the National Agency to build up a picture of the school or college. The questions in Part
B provide a background to your schools European activities in general and indicate to
the National Agency all the Comenius activities which the school intends to undertake
under Comenius 1, 2 or 3. The completion of a Comenius Plan does not guarantee the
provision of funding for these activities and it is highly likely that National Agencies will
require schools to prioritise their requirements. The following document is therefore
indicative of the Comenius Plan.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

PART A. General information on your school/institution

(See Unit 1 for more details)

1. Name of the school/institution:

2. Address of the school/institution:
3. Location: rural urban suburban
4. Total number of pupils: Female: Male:
5. Age of pupils: Youngest: Oldest:
6. Total number of teachers: Female: Male:
7. Total number of other staff: Female: Male:
8. Please indicate the particular focus of your school/institution, if any, such as, for example, humanities, sciences,
environmental education, early language learning, music, sports:

9. Does your school/institution have a significant number of:

pupils at risk of social exclusion pupils with special educational needs
If yes, please explain:

10. Is your school/institution located in a socio-economically disadvantaged area, or is it in a disadvantaged situation for
any other reasons?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

PART B. Your schools/institutions European Activities

1. Has your school /institution already been involved in European/international co-operation activities?

Yes No
If yes, in what kind of activities?

2.. What kind of European cooperation activities, and in particular Comenius activities, does your school/institution
intend to pursue in the future? Please present the activities year by year, if possible. ( 1st year, 2nd year etc.)

3 .Who has been involved in the production of the Comenius Plan? Participants may include members of staff, the
European Co-ordinator and members of the wider community in which the school is situated.

Signature of the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the school/institution

Stamp of the school/institution

Name and position in capital letters

3. Why does your school/institution wish to become involved in these activities? Which concrete
outcomes do you expect of them for the participating pupils and teachers, and potentially, for the whole

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Activities for pupils, teachers, heads and school administrators

The following pages contain an overview of the different programmes and actions structured
according to the target groups: pupils, teachers, heads and school administrators. For more
information contact your National Agency.


a) Schools of all types can create a multinational partnership with a minimum three
different countries involved. Within this partnership schools can develop a Comenius
School Project (which is sometimes called a multi-lateral school partnership). This is a
cross curricular project on a common theme (e.g. environment, cultural heritage...).
Pupils and whole classes work simultaneously on the same project and then exchange
data, opinions or materials. This is then incorporated into their normal work in class.
This type of project is supported by COMENIUS Action 1.1

A basic project grant from the Commission is available up to a maximum of 2000/year

for the co-ordinating school and 1500/year for each partner school. A proportion of
travel costs for project meetings may be claimed in addition to these amounts depending
upon the costs incurred. Some national agencies may be able to increase these amounts
for schools which can demonstrate special needs or disadvantage. Special schools
should automatically apply for these higher amounts. Comenius School Projects will
support a project for up to three years with an annual renewal. The grant can support
teacher travel for planning meetings, subsistence costs, materials and telephone and fax
accounts. They can also support limited pupil travel (2-4) to project meetings but not the
purchase of capital equipment. Up to 1000 is also available for Preparatory Visits
before a project begins.

Application procedure: the co-ordinator and each partner apply to their own
National Agency - not to the European Commission.
Application deadline: 1 February,. Some National Agencies require earlier
applications for example France and Germany require applications in advance of
this date. The situation is similar for Preparatory Visits some National Agencies
allow applications at any time, others may set deadlines.

b) Comenius Language Projects are aimed at pupils/students in the 14 25 age group

who will co-operate with a single partner school abroad. Direct communication in a
foreign language and a pupil exchange are the core elements of each project. A wide
range of subjects can be used as a theme for a Comenius Language Project: history,
environment, music, sport, fashion etc but it must be related to the curriculum
followed by the pupils. The exchanges are reciprocal and last for a minimum of two
weeks each. This can include parts of the holiday periods and can be spread over two
school years. A standard grant of up to 2000 per school is available to support project
organisation. A proportion of the costs of the visit will also be reimbursed but there are
no accommodation allowances as pupils stay in host families. Additional funds are
available for pre-exchange language training if the target language is not normally
taught in school. In disadvantaged areas schools may apply for up to 75% of their
costs. Up to 1000 is also available for Preparatory Visits before a project begins.

Application: each school has to apply at its National Agency

Deadline: 1 February but note the possible exceptions listed under Comenius
School Projects

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

c) Schools can ask for a Comenius Language Assistant. This is a student or a young
qualified language teacher from one of the member states willing to spend a period as
an assistant in a school of a country where the language s/he teaches is one of the
official languages. This assistant can help in the teaching of languages, provide lessons
about country and culture, exchange information on education, help to plan a
European project at school etc.. The assistantship can last from three months to a full
school year. The Comenius Language Assistant action pays for travel and

Application: assistants and host schools: at their National Agency

Deadline: 1 February

Note to UK readers: This scheme is not accessible to secondary schools which teach the
mother tongue of the Comenius Language Assistant. This is to avoid competition with
bilateral schemes which are organised between departments of education.


a) Teachers can apply for Preparatory Visits in order to prepare a project: Comenius
School Projects, Comenius Language Projects and School Development Projects
all offer grants of up to 1000/person for this purpose.

Application: National Agency

Deadlines: usually three or four months before the project deadline

b) Comenius School Development Projects are aimed at teachers and school managers
who are interested in the exchange of information and experience. Like Comenius
School Projects a minimum of three schools in three countries must be involved.
There is also the expectation that appropriate agencies or community organisations
will be incorporated into the project. The choice of issue is up to the project group but
might include

The prevention of violence and conflict;

The integration of ethnic minority groups;
Teaching methodologies;
School organisation and management;
Preparation for employment.

A basic project grant from the Commission is available up to a maximum of 2000/year

for the co-ordinating school and 1500/year for each partner school. A proportion of
travel costs for project meetings may be claimed in addition to these amounts depending
upon the costs incurred.

Application: only by the coordinating institution at the N.A.

Application deadline: 1 February,. Some National Agencies require earlier
applications for example France and Germany require applications in advance of
this date.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

c) Teachers can also apply for a Teacher Exchange ( of 1 - 4 weeks) as part of a

Comenius School Project or Comenius School Development Project. There is an
expectation that such an exchange will facilitate and further the project. A teacher can
teach in the partner school, compare education systems, didactic approach, manuals,
examination systems or the teachers can jointly plan the project and associated
materials. The appropriate project will be provided with an extra grant up to a
maximum of 1500 for a Teacher Exchange.

Application: National Agency as part of the Comenius Plan

d) Teachers can also apply for a Teacher Placement in a business (of 1 - 4 weeks) as
part of a Comenius School Project or Comenius School Development Project. There
is an expectation that such an placement will facilitate and further the main project. A
teacher can use the placement to assist with the preparation of materials, the collection
of data or for any other purpose associated with the project. The appropriate project
will be provided with an extra grant up to a maximum of 1500 for a Teacher

Application: National Agency as part of the Comenius Plan

e) Teachers can take part in international in-service training seminars outside of projects.
National agencies will provide grants up to a maximum of 1500 for teachers to travel
and take part in training sessions organised by training institutions. The European
dimension at school, transnational co-operation, intercultural education, exchange of
information, new technologies, improvement of language skills are some of the
themes in these courses. They offer the opportunity for partner finding and the creation
of Comenius School partnerships as well. All courses are featured in the Comenius

Application. National Agency

Deadlines will be provided by the National Agency


a) School heads and administrators can also apply for a study visit (maximum 1 week) to
their Comenius partner schools as part of either a Comenius School Project or a
Comenius School Development project. These visits must be part of the workplan of the
project and should aim at strengthening the partnership. The project will be provided
with an extra grant of max. 1500 to any school taking part. School heads and
administrators and also careers guidance personnel and inspectors and advisors can
apply for an in-service training grant to attend an international in-service training course
(see the teachers section above).

Application: National Agency as part of the Comenius Plan

b) ARION is a programme for educational policy-makers nominated by the participating

countries. Educational staff active in management, evaluation, training and guidance can
take part in one week visits organized in and by one of the member states in order to
exchange information and experience on matters of common interest. ARION is included
in Action 6 of Socrates Observation and Innovation.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Application: National Agency

Additional information

1 The Remainder of the Socrates Programme

ACTION 2 Higher Education Erasmus

This action aims to enhance the quality and reinforce the European dimension in higher
education and does not come within the scope of this unit.

ACTION 3 Adult Education And Other Educational Pathways Grundtvig

Grundtvig complements the school education and adult education actions by promoting a
European dimension in lifelong learning. It is targeted in particular at young people who have
left the school system with insufficient training and wish to resume their studies. Grundtvig
will encourage the creation of European networks and enable greater co-operation in these

ACTION 4 Teaching And Learning Of Languages Lingua

This action aims to promote the teaching and learning as foreign languages of all the official
languages of the Member States. Financial assistance is available to trans-national language
learning projects such as:

Awareness raising activities;

Activities to promote innovation such as the early learning of languages;
The development of new curricula, teaching materials and instruments of
language proficiency;
The networking of resource centres.

ACTION 5 Open And Distance Learning; Information And Communication

Technologies In The Field Of Education Minerva
The purpose of this action is to complement and enrich the other actions of the programme by
promoting the use of new information and communication technologies especially in terms of
Open and Distance learning. Support is available for:

Projects which develop quality criteria for the use of educational multimedia;
Projects to develop materials and methodologies;
Projects to support the exchange of ideas and experience including the
networking of resource centres.

ACTION 6 Observation And Innovation

This action aims to develop the quality of education through the observation of education
systems including study visits for decision makers (ARION), information on national
education systems (Eurydice) and the Network of National Academic Recognition
Information Centres (NARIC).

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

ACTION 7 Joint Actions

The Commission intends to implement joint calls for proposals that may involve the
vocational training and youth programmes.

ACTION 8 Accompanying Measures

This part of the new programme will promote activities that are not eligible for assistance
under the other actions but which still promote the objectives of the programme.

2 Leonardo da Vinci
This is the European Commission programme for Vocational Training launched at the same
time as the new Socrates programme with the same lifespan. Leonardo provides support for
young people over the age of 14 to take part in work related activities with a partner school or
college. To qualify they must be enrolled on an initial vocational education course.

All eligible countries have a National Co-ordination Unit to oversee the Leonardo

3 Domestic funding programmes

Some member states have domestic funding programmes to support international activities for
their own schools:

For example in the UK the National Agency offers a number of schemes including:

a) North-South linking reciprocal visits;

b) North-South Curriculum Development Grants;
c) Teachers International Professional Development;
d) School Linking Visit Grants;
e) Regional Inservice Training Programme
f) International School Award Accreditation Programme.

Some of these schemes are supported by the Department for International Development and
have applications for links with Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Some In-service Course Tasks

Task U2.1
Read the description of the different actions and tick ( ) all the actions for which your school
is eligible. Select the actions of which you think the school might be interested in. Contact
your National Agency and ask for more information (guidelines) and for the necessary
paperwork to apply for funding.

Task U2.2
Use the model Comenius Plan to prepare a strategic plan for European activities at your
school for the next three year period. Relate the plan to the priorities of the school in terms of
the pupils and the curriculum but also consider management issues. Show this to the Head
and other key members of staff and use this work as the basis for Task 3.

Task U2.3
Obtain the appropriate application forms and use these to prepare detailed proposals. Include
a provisional budget. Show this to the Head and other key members of staff and use this work
as the basis for a real application.

Task U2.4
Handbook users from the UK
Contact the Central Bureau and find out which of the UK domestic funding programmes may
assist your European developments in school.

Handbook users outside the UK

Contact your national agency and ask about funding programmes other than those offered
through Socrates and Leonardo.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Unit 3 History of Science and Technology in Education in some

European Countries.

The purpose of this unit is:

to show where HST may be found in the school and higher education curricula for a
number of European countries.
to present some insights into how HST is taught in various countries.
to present some comments from various parts of Europe on the teaching of HST ;
to consider some European contributions to the growth of science and technology.

England and Wales

In England and Wales the curriculum is governed by act of Parliament in all schools funded
by the state, and in most schools funded privately,. There are statutory national tests in
English, Maths and Science based on these curricula for all children aged 7, 11 and 14 years
and examinations at 16 years relate to these curricula too. Initial teacher training courses are
also governed by act of Parliament. There are regular inspections of schools and teacher
training courses -every few years. The latest national curriculum for schools was published in
1999 and that for initial teacher training in 2002.

For HST in particular:-

Recent legislation requires history of science and technology to be taught to children in
state schools in England and Wales. An understanding of the nature of science is also
required at the moment ( 2001) in the training of all primary teachers and all secondary
science teachers in England.
HST is found mainly in the science and history curricula for schools and is for all children
aged 5 to 16 years. in science, and 5 to 14 years for history. Some aspects can also in the
new national curriculum for Citizenship.
In the science national curriculum HST is found under Ideas and Evidence and also in
Breadth of Study. In initial teacher training it appears in the documents concerning
exemplification of the standards.
In spite of the legislation, HST is usually not taught in school science lessons in England
and Wales because (a) teachers are generally unsure about the subject and (b) it is not
assessed in the national tests at age 7, 11 and 14.
BUT this is changing because examination boards in England are setting questions which
relate to the public understanding of science and also to Ideas and Evidence . Peter Ellis tells
how this is being done in the next section.(pages34-48)

You can find the complete school National Curriculum for England and Wales at the web
address: For initial teacher training, the document is at

Some extracts from the school national curricula for history and science are given below.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Science National Curriculum for Pupils in England

'Promoting pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through science
For example, science provides opportunities to promote:
.cultural development, through helping pupils recognise how scientific discoveries and
ideas have affected the way people think, feel, create, behave and live, and drawing attention
to how cultural differences can influence the extent to which scientific ideas are accepted,
used and valued.'

'Through science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological
change impacting on industry, business and medicine and improving quality of life. Pupils
recognise the cultural significance of science and trace its world wide development. They
learn to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the
direction of society and the future of the world.'

Key Stage 2 (7 to 11 year olds)

'Ideas and evidence in science
1 Pupils should be taught: a) that science is about thinking creatively to try to explain how
living and non-living things work, and to establish links between causes and effects [for
example, Jenner's vaccination work].'

Key stage 3 (11 to 14 year olds)

'1 Pupils should be taught:
'a about the interplay between empirical questions, evidence and scientific explanations using
historical and contemporary examples [for example, Lavoisier's work on burning, the possible
causes of global warming]..

c about the ways in which scientists work today and how they worked in the past, including
the roles of experimentation, evidence and creative thought in the development of scientific

Key Stage 4 ( 14 to 16 year olds

'Ideas and evidence in science
1 Pupils should be taught:
a how scientific ideas are presented, evaluated and disseminated [for example, by publication,
review by other scientists]
b how scientific controversies can arise from different ways of interpreting empirical evidence
[for example, Darwin's theory of evolution]
c ways in which scientific work may be affected by the contexts in which it takes place [for
example, social, historical, moral and spiritual], and how these contexts may affect whether or
not ideas are accepted

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

History National Curriculum for Pupils in England

Key Stage 1 (5 to 7 years)

'During the key stage, pupils should be taught:.
c the lives of significant men, women and children drawn from the history of Britain and the
wider world [for example, artists, engineers, explorers, inventors, pioneers, rulers, saints,

Key Stage 2 (7 to 11 years)

'During key stage 2 pupils learn about significant people, events and places from both the
recent and more distant past. They learn about change and continuity in their own area, in
Britain and in other parts of the world. They look at history in a variety of ways, for example
from political, economic, technological and scientific, social, religious, cultural or aesthetic

11 . Victorian Britain
a A study of the impact of significant individuals, events and changes in work and transport on
the lives of men, women and children from different sections of society.'
'Britain since 1930
b A study of the impact of the Second World War or social and technological changes that
have taken place since 1930, on the lives of men, women and children from different sections
of society.'

'A European history study

12 A study of the way of life, beliefs and achievements of the people living in Ancient Greece
and the influence of their civilisation on the world today.'

Key Stage 3 (11 to 14 years)

'Britain 1500-1750
9 A study of crowns, parliaments and people: the major political, religious and social changes
affecting people throughout the British Isles, including the local area if appropriate.'
For example:
advances in medicine and surgery including the work of William Harvey; the founding of
the Royal Society and the scientific discoveries of Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle and Edmund
Halley; developments in the arts and architecture.'

'Britain 1750-1900
10 A study of how expansion of trade and colonisation, industrialisation and political changes
affected the United Kingdom, including the local area.'
For example:
..industrialisation in the local area; changes in agriculture the role of scientists and
inventors such as Edward Jenner, Humphry Davy, James Watt, Michael Faraday, Mary
Somerville, Charles Darwin;; '

'A European study before 1914

11 A study of a significant period or event in the pre-history or history of Europe.'

Bert Sorsby(Hull)
May 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Teaching and Examining HST in Ideas and Evidence in the Science

National Curriculum in England

Introduction to Ideas and Evidence

A story
In the 1790s argument raged between the supporters of Luigi Galvani and Alessandro
Volta. Both Italians were respected for their contributions to the study of electricity. Galvani
had found that frogs legs twitched when hung from metal hooks and thought that the still
living matter generated the electricity that made the muscles move. Volta thought that the
source of the electricity was the metal hooks the frogs legs were hung from. Volta carried out
experiments to test his ideas. With no instruments sensitive enough, he used his own tongue
to detect the feeble electric effect generated when pieces of two different metals were
connected together. In 1799 a report on the structure of the electricity generating organs of
the torpedo fish gave him an idea of how he could build what came to be known as his
`voltaic pile. The alternating discs of zinc, silver and leather soaked in salt water provided
the first continuous supply of electricity. As his home in Como was undergoing repeated
invasions by Napoleons French army and the armies of the Austrian Empire he announced
his invention in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks at the Royal Society in London. Banks
immediately published the letter in the Societys journal and in the summer of 1800 the news
quickly spread. Soon other scientists were building piles and using the electricity to break
down water and perform other remarkable effects. The victorious Napoleon invited Volta to
Paris and rewarded him with the title of Count. Volta became rich and famous and his
invention helped give birth to the electrical age in which we live.

This short and simple story provide the basis of a lesson that will deliver most if not
all of the requirements for Ideas & Evidence as prescribed by the National Curriculum and
Edexcel1 science specifications, viz.

Candidates may be assessed on:-

(a) how scientific ideas are presented, evaluated and disseminated;

(b) how scientific controversies arise from different ways of interpreting empirical

(c) ways in which scientific work may be affected by the contexts in which it takes place;

(d) ways of considering the power and limitations of science in addressing industrial,
social and environmental questions, including the kinds of questions scientists can and cannot
answer, uncertainties in scientific knowledge and the ethical issues involved.

Each of these points can be drawn out of the story of Volta and his `voltaic pile, but this is
just one example of a topic that could be used. The Edexcel specifications signpost a
considerable number of topics from all branches of science, both historical and contemporary,
that may deliver the Ideas and Evidence points. This package contains a range of teaching
materials drawn from some of those topics.

Why Ideas & Evidence?


History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

The need to include teaching on the nature of science has been recognised ever since the
teaching of science was regularised by the first National Curriculum orders of 1988. Since
then the relevant statements have moved from the programmes of study to the introduction
and finally to Sc1 where it is now an assessable element of Scientific Enquiry. In response to
feedback from teachers, Edexcel, like the other awarding bodies, has decided to include Ideas
and Evidence in the external assessment of Sc2, 3 and 4 where it will make up 5% of the total
mark allocation.

While the weighting appears small, the importance of Ideas and Evidence should not be
underestimated. An understanding of how scientists work, the way a science develops and the
strengths and limitations of the scientific method makes the content of a science course
meaningful and relevant. Unless one is training to be an engineer or ballistics expert there is
little need, professionally, to learn the relationship between mass, acceleration and force.
However, knowing that Isaac Newtons laws of motion explained the movement of the planets
and subsequently enabled engineers to design buildings, machines and vehicles provides
considerable motivation for studying this rather dry and difficult bit of physics.

Similarly learning about the factors that affect the populations of animals and plants may be
professionally important only to ecologists. Nevertheless, all citizens can understand
something of contemporary studies by marine biologists on the life history of the cod.
Studying the conflicting interests of fishing communities and conservationists may lead pupils
to understand why cod and chips could soon become a rare or even illegal dish.

Attending to the interplay of Ideas and Evidence also allows teachers to examine the human
aspects of science. Scientists are no less creative and imaginative than artists, musicians, and
historians. They display the same character strengths and weaknesses as everyone else. Their
tools may be laboratory apparatus and instruments, but the outcomes, the papers and theories,
are as individual as any work of art. Spending a little time looking at the way scientists live
and work brings them back into the community and stops them being looked upon as
mysterious geniuses or distant and frightening figures in their laboratories.

None of this need add to the learning load of a pupil if the teacher preparing their scheme of
work keeps the I&E points at the forefront of the planning so that pupils become familiar with
the issues which will form the basis of the assessment. The following pages explore the I&E
statements in more detail and look at possible teaching strategies.

What do the I&E statements mean? Some comments.

(a) how scientific ideas are presented, evaluated and disseminated.

The now traditional and accepted way of publishing ideas and the results of experiments is
that one or more people (group sizes are growing) write a report of their work for other
members of a research network or a scientific society. Their paper is reviewed by a number of
scientists from a similar field before being published in a respected academic journal. The
readership of the journal may be very specialised but the abstract of the paper will be
published in collections that are available to a wider audience. Readers may comment and
other papers confirming or denying the original findings may appear. Later a book may be
published providing an overview of the teams work. Publishing is still largely on paper but
increasingly academic journals are appearing on the Internet.

Before the huge growth of the academic publishing industry, scientists relied on personal
letters and face-to-face meetings to pass on ideas. These are still important in spreading news

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

of results and ideas before they have reached a publishable state. Crick and Watson gained
immensely from their informal and perhaps unauthorised look at Rosalind Franklins X-ray
crystallography results on DNA, while the 1987 conference of the American Physical Society
was so astounded by the initial reports of high temperature superconductors that many
delegates hurried back to their own labs to repeat the experiments.

The public receive news of scientific research through the popular media. This may be
written by scientists but is more likely to be produced by journalists with an eye on the
circulation or viewing figures. One side of an argument may be presented more sensationally
than the other.

Occasionally scientists have been unorthodox and reported their work directly to the popular
media. This usually angers others scientists. The announcement of Cold Fusion by Pons and
Fleischman in 1989 was one such occurrence. The surprise that this raised persuaded a
number of research teams to repeat the experiments very quickly, something that may have
taken considerably longer if the results had been hidden away in an obscure journal. Soon the
overwhelming negative results discredited the advocates of cold fusion

(b) How scientific controversies arise from different ways of interpreting empirical
Science has sometimes been portrayed to children as a solitary process. The scientist has an
idea, devises an experiment to test the idea and publishes the result. This has been the model
used by previous versions of Sc1 in the National Curriculum. It is a false and incomplete
model. In fact controversy and argument have a vital role in the practice of science and new
facts and theories are invariably challenged before gaining general acceptance. Imagination
and creativity are necessary qualities for the innovative scientist. Experimental data isnt
always reliable, doesnt always suggest a pattern and theories are not always common sense.
Discussion and argument throw up original ideas and controversy stirs other scientists to
perform further research to add their contributions.

Controversies arise from varying interpretations of observations and data. The existence of
mountain ranges on the Earths surface drew a variety of explanations including at one stage
the idea that the Earth was shrinking and later the idea that drifting continents were colliding.
Further evidence (magnetic patterns on either sides of mid-ocean ridges) was necessary to
resolve the issue. Today argument continues in every field of science. A brief perusal of
articles in New Scientist magazine reveals that scientists argue over the interpretation of
almost every new fact. Sometimes the same data is used to support opposing theories.

The corollary of controversy is that no theory is ever proved; there is always the chance that
an alternative way of interpreting the data may produce a more successful theory. Newtons
classical mechanics survived for over two hundred years until Einstein provided a different,
more generalised way of considering motion from an entirely different set of ideas.

The major revolutions in science e.g. Copernican Cosmology, Newtonian Mechanics,

Darwinian evolution, Lavoisiers oxygen theory, all involved a new interpretation of data,
much of which had been available for many years previously. These stories are very complex
and with hindsight it is often difficult to appreciate how the superseded theories could have
been accepted for such a long period of time. It may be unrealistic to ask pupils to choose
between opposing theories where one theory has been very publicly discredited and the
evidence for it shown to be misinterpreted. It may be advisable that pupils should explore
simpler situations in which the alternatives have equal appeal, as for example the theories
about the origins of mountains.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Science doesnt really work in the way the public expects. People look for scientific progress
but scientists are expected to show certainty. Perhaps one of the causes of the disillusionment
with science that has occurred as a result of the various scare stories of the recent past is the
failure to realise that facts can be interpreted in various ways and that acceptance of scientific
theories is provisional on something better coming along. The public were quite nonplussed
by the uncertainty that scientists showed in the case of BSE and AIDS and could not
understand why scientists were unable to give unequivocal explanations for the causes.

(c ) ways in which scientific work may be affected by the contexts in which it takes
(i) The religious and cultural context.
Most of the scientists of the European Renaissance, or `natural philosophers as they were
called, were Christians and many were ordained clergy. Their worldview was provided
substantially by the Christian Bible and by their interpretation of the works of Greeks such as
Aristotle. A lot of their thought was shaped by their faith in God as the `architect of the
universe. It took a bold (even an arrogant) man to dispute the traditional view of the place
of the Earth in this Universe. Copernicus was perhaps not that person although he had
fundamentally new ideas published at his death in 1543. Giordano Bruno had the arrogance
and he very quickly ran into conflict with established opinion and power leading to him being
burnt at the stake in 1600. Galileo however brought to his writing the right mixture of
authority, expertise and imagination. He added his own new ideas to those of others and
compiled a lot of new evidence, for example about planets. Some groups found this new
evidence convincing but others resisted fiercely and these quarrels were all mixed up with
religious conflicts and changes in society that accompanied the switch to Protestantism in
northern Europe. Even Galileo had to bow to pressure to rescind his view of the universe.

This illustrates that the way science is done, the way scientists think, the degree to which new
ideas are accepted depends very much on the context in which the scientists live and work. A
related point is that from the time of Galileo, white, Christian, males have dominated science.
In the last century women have increasingly been allowed to have careers in science and other
parts of the world contribute to modern scientific research, so now there is much discussion
about whether the feminine outlook might produce a different interpretation of evidence
compared to the male viewpoint. There is even discussion of an Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist,
Confucian or even Marxist science that sees different patterns in the same evidence available
to a Western scientist. Much of this discussion remains controversial.

(ii) The context of who pays.

Workplaces also have an effect on the way science is done. The traditional image of the lone
scientist at work in his home laboratory is now replaced by teams of workers filling cathedrals
of science collaborating on research topics. Similarly the rationale for scientific research has
changed from personal interest (e.g. of the amateur geologists of the C19th) to governmental
concern and industrial competition. These factors certainly affect the type of science that is
done and perhaps even the way the evidence is interpreted. Would penicillin have been
studied intensively without government funding in the 1940s? Compare the search for the
structure of DNA with the Human Genome Project (although whether the latter should be
considered as innovative science rather than an application of techniques is another question).
Today scientists work for government agencies, academic institutions, industry and
campaigning groups. Each may have a different attitude to the way they collect and interpet
their data.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

The conclusion is that science is as much a cultural activity as literature and art. The
outcomes of scientific research depend on the personality of the individual and the historical,
social, cultural and religious context in which they worked. This doesnt diminish science but
instead shows that rather than standing aloof it is a fully integrated factor in human

(d) ways of considering the power and limitations of science in addressing industrial,
social and environmental questions, including the kinds of questions scientists can and
cannot answer, uncertainties in scientific knowledge and the ethical issues involved.
European science has exerted a huge influence over human civilisation and the environment
in the last five hundred years. For most of that time scientific progress was seen as a good
thing to the extent that other cultures have adopted what they perceive as the scientific
method. Today there is probably little obvious difference between scientific laboratories in
Britain, the USA, Japan, India, Egypt or Kenya although, as we have mentioned, the thought
processes of the scientists in the laboratories may differ. Today though, the benefits of science
are being questioned and the right of scientists to follow any course of research they wish is in
dispute. Science is no longer seen as neutral but as possibly being in part responsible for the
horrors of modern warfare, environmental disasters and health scares. The modern scientist,
in this view, must give consideration to the possible consequences of the application of his or
her discoveries, including unforeseen consequences such as those which followed the
development of DDT as an insecticide.

One wonders what Thomas Midgely would have felt had he been alive today. In the 1920s he
developed lead tetraethyl as an anti-knock additive for petrol and later synthesised CFCs,
which became important refrigerants and aerosol propellants. Would he have continued with
his work if he had been aware of the problems resulting in lead pollution and the destruction
of the ozone layer? Would his employers have marketed the products if they had been aware
of the future problems?

The history of science shows that discoveries were often quickly utilised to provide
technological solutions to industrial problems. Science provides humans with the power to
control their immediate environment. But time and time again the wider consequences were
hardly glimpsed. The growth of the alkali industry in the early nineteenth century provided
textile manufacturers with abundant supplies of soap and bleaches but devastated the land
around the factories. The invention of phosphate detergents gave housewives of the 1950s
efficient washing powders but destroyed life in rivers by encouraging the growth of algae.

Science has certainly given us the means to tackle limited technological problems such as
manufacturing artificial fertiliser or providing plastics for almost every purpose, or for putting
men on the Moon. But, increasingly we see that the application of science has failed on the
broader questions of maintaining the Earth as a place to live for countless millions of species,
or providing a decent standard of living for the whole human population. Perhaps these
questions are only soluble by changes in human nature rather than being treatable by science

Science has also created new ethical questions. The development of weapons of mass
destruction places a dilemma on the shoulders of governments. Even medical advances have
created ethical problems. When the means exists to save one of a pair of Siamese twins, how
do we decide if other should be deliberately killed or whether they both should be left to die
in their own time, as they would surely have done some years ago.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

These questions cannot be answered by merely learning facts, theories or the processes of
science. Instead a feel for the problems can be gained by examining how real scientists
behave and how people reacted to past attempts to answer the questions.

Science is often seen to be in conflict with religion. Indeed there are a number of well-
documented examples of apparent conflict. But science rarely tackles the central questions of
religions the significance of human life, and cannot provide the certainty that religious
believers find in their faith. The conflicts in this area can often be seen as essentially
struggles for power amongst different groups in society and there is some danger of `science
being cast as one of the groups competing for allegiance in belief.

Most scientists have a strong commitment to searching for evidence unrelated to any beliefs.
This does not prevent a large number of them from being active Christians, Moslems, Hindus,
etcetera. Nor does it stop them from seeing their scientific work as part of their religious life,
in the way that Robert Boyle and Michael Faraday did. This is very much an area of active
dispute, especially because some scientists insist that present theories of cosmology,
evolution, genetics, quantum theory, and biochemistry, show that the universe and its
inhabitants are entirely explicable and that they have, as it were, no need for divine guidance.

All of the Ideas & Evidence statements may be summed up in three words who, what, why.

Who was involved in the discovery or controversy? Can we picture them and imagine how
they thought and felt?

What did they do. What old ideas were they using? What new ideas did they launch?

Why did they do it? Why did they do it in that particular way? Why was it important to
whoever paid for the study?

Apply those three words to any teaching on scientific knowledge and if all three can be
answered then the objectives of Ideas and Evidence will be met.

Some Teaching Strategies

Telling stories
Traditionally teachers have delighted in telling (and re-telling) the humorous or dramatic
anecdote Archimedes and his bath, Newton and the apple, for example. Anecdotes are
memorable but are not sufficient alone to deliver the requirements of I&E. Nevertheless
telling stories is still a very important teaching strategy. A story can deliver the concepts, the
personalities and the background and need not be passive. Pupils can be asked for their
reactions and opinions during the story telling and prompted to provide summaries (in poster,
poem or cartoon form) and respond to questions. Stories can be supplemented by pictures,
artefacts, models and demonstrations, and be recorded on audio or videotape.
Story telling is a skill. With a bit of practice you will find that it is a natural part of your
professional armoury.

Activities related to text

The most familiar style of work will be to use the printed word and the resources that follow
this introduction are largely of this type. Text may be an account of a scientist and their work
or a general account of discoveries and controversies. Whether the topic is historical or
contemporary the account will be helped by extracts from the scientists own work in their

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

own words. Text may be continuous or broken down into blocks which pupils can access
rather like a database. Illustrations break up text but should add to the story rather than just
provide distraction. Questions may test comprehension, ask for opinions or empathy or
involve other learning tasks. Pupils can be involved in discussion groups. Audio, video and
computer resources can supplement the printed word.

Re-discovery and reconstruction

Some topics lend themselves to pupil practical activities. It has been proposed that childrens
learning goes through similar stages to the historical development of a scientific topic e.g.
understanding about burning, but there is little evidence that this is the case. Nevertheless
pupils can carry out practical exercises in order to re-discover laws and theories. For
instance pupils can investigate pendulums and argue about the laws governing the period of
oscillation. This can give an insight into scientists thought processes and the difficulties they
faced both practically and in convincing others. However the lack of time in science lessons
does limit the degree to which a discovery can be repeated.
Perhaps an easier task is simply to reconstruct an experiment or invention to give some
understanding of the difficulties faced by the scientist and their methods of overcoming them.
This is easier with experiments performed over a hundred years ago when apparatus was
relatively simple, such as Faradays first electric motor. However health and safety
considerations demand some alterations to the original specifications.

Role play and drama

Many science teachers are wary of using role-play in their lessons, as it is an unfamiliar
technique. Those that do embrace it are aware of the skill and enthusiasm children bring to
this style of work. Children do enjoy taking on roles and it can bring a new insight into old
stories. Dramas can be monologues, for small groups or involve casts of thousands (well,
whole classes anyway). Theatrical styles can vary immensely. There are some published
plays but children may like to write their own treatments given the background and the
characters. Role-playing in which children improvise from a short outline of a character or
job also allows pupils to develop understanding of controversies and ethics.

Drama is also an opportunity for cross-curricular work and can provide material for the
science department to make presentations to a wider audience either as live performance or
recorded on video.

As well as performing themselves, pupils also enjoy seeing dramatic presentations. There are
a number of theatre groups and individuals that visit schools to put on performances that
illustrate concepts, a scientific event or portray a character.

Schools have made good use of museums and science centres and many research
establishments have a programme of visits. With forethought and planning these can be used
to make children consider the issues raised by I&E. There are also many places around the
country where children can see where a well-known scientist worked. These sites provide the
context for a discovery as well as often showing the tools that the scientist used. Examples
include Newtons home at Woolsthorpe, Faradays laboratory at the Royal Institution,
Darwins home in Kent, and the Herschels house in Bath.
Peter R Ellis
Wantage UK
July 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Teaching the History of Science and Technology in Secondary Schools in


History of Science and Technology needs no justification for those already committed to it,
either as a basis for teaching or as a subject in itself. Unfortunately in the current times where
we in England are increasingly driven by utilitarian content and specific targets it is easy to
lose sight of the benefit which History of Science and Technology can bring to the school
curriculum both as a context for learning and as a component in itself. The current climate of
testing and target setting tends to emphasise the factual aspects of the curriculum and this can
obscure hierarchies of concepts. Factual knowledge and recall of facts becomes secondary to
understanding. History of Science and Technology provides an ideal framework for many
areas where the relevant concepts can be built in a meaningful way, providing a framework
the student can use to assimilate the essential detail.

A classic example of this is the study of motion and the basic concept of a force. The fact that
this area of the curriculum is so poorly understood, even by graduate scientists, many of
whom have at best an algorithmic understanding of the subject makes the point that at heart,
the Aristotelian view of motion prevails. The historical development of non-common sense
ideas like inertia and forces occurring in pairs are contexts which can be used to great effect to
teach some otherwise difficult ideas. To paraphrase Newton, there is a lot to be said for,
standing on the shoulders of giants.

There are two other dimensions to the curriculum at the start of the second millennium which
are important and to which History of Science and Technology can make a strong contribution
if it used as a vehicle to teach science or technology. These areas are Literacy, and ICT.
Literacy can be pursued or supported through the use of structured source material in the
historical context, and examples are given in section 2B of Unit 3. .as well as in the Teacher
Resource Manual. At an obvious level there are basic comprehension and data extraction
exercises. At a more sophisticated level one can use the historical context for descriptive or
persuasive writing. Write a letter from Galileo to the Pope attempting to persuade him that
the earth moves around the sun and not vice-versa.
The history of science is a rich area for discussion and debate for and against significant
developments The use of antibiotics, atomic power, genetic engineering, the internal
combustion engine, the development of amphetamines and other drugs. There are thousands
of examples.

The following ideas and comments relate to the programmes of study for 11 to 16 year olds
in the National Curriculum for Science in England.( See above)

The first section of Sc1, Scientific Enquiry, points to some examples in the history of science
in both key stage three and key stage four. The history of science and technology is a very rich
source of contextual material for teaching scientific enquiry. Some examples for key stage
three are given below.

The National Curriculum indicates the possible use of Lavoisiers work on burning at this
point. There are other examples;
Vesalius starting to question the work of Galen
The whole debate about the earth being the centre of the solar system.
The work of Mendel
Harvey and the circulation of the blood.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

There are many many examples of key points in science where the dual purpose of
introducing them in an historical context not only serves as an interesting and accessible
vehicle but also subscribes to point SC1a in the programme of study.
SC1 b that it is important to test explanations by using them to make predictions and by
seeing if evidence matches predictions
Examples include;
The observation of the solar eclipse in 1927 to confirm the predictions of the theory of
The measurement of the speed of light as a test to distinguish between the theories of
Huygens and Newton with regard to refraction.

SC1 c about the ways in which scientist work today and how they worked in the past
including the roles of experimentation, evidence and creative thought in the development of
scientific ideas.
The experimental work of Galileo which shifted the scientific emphasis from purely argument
to observation is an obvious area here. If a single example is needed then one of the simplest
is probably the way that Galileo constructed an Aristotelian type of argument to meet the
common sense view that heavy objects fell faster than lighter objects as well as using an
experiment to demonstrate what happens. Another more detailed example is Newtons first
ideas on his theory of Gravitation which appears to fail when he puts it to the test because he
uses an inaccurate estimate for the distance between the earth and the moon in his
calculations. Only some years later when he hears a better estimate for the distance does he
realise that his original ideas were not wrong after all.

Using History of Science and Technology as a basis for a section of work.

Some areas of science can be taught using an historical context which can aid the
development of concepts for the learner. Electricity, Forces and motion and The Earth and
beyond are examples of such areas.
Electricity for example can be taught by looking at the work of Gilbert to detect charge.
Examples of early electrostatic phenomena then lead to the work of Franklin and a two charge
theory. The development of the cell and the link to current electricity can then be made.
This is a short indication of the type of work that can be undertaken. A note of caution must
be sounded. There is a risk that the scheme of work can deviate too far from the dictates of the
National Curriculum both in terms of content and time available. Students can gain a lot of
knowledge and understanding of both electricity and electrochemistry by an historical pursuit
through the development of cells. This may well fire the interest and imagination of many. It
may well equip them superbly for studies beyond sixteen. Sadly it will probably have little if
any positive effect on the schools National Test or GCSE results and teachers using this
approach will need to strike a balance between local and immediate targets and students wider

Sam Ellis
Howden, UK
September 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project


Introduire lHST au niveau secondaire en France

Au collge (11-15ans)
Les ides dveloppes pour lcole primaire sont reprises par les concepteurs des programmes
du collge et du lyce de faon plus ou moins accentue selon les disciplines. En sciences
naturelles, cela napparat pas. en technologie, lhistoire des techniques apparat clairement
la fin du collge, au dernier trimestre de la classe de troisime.
Lenseignement de physique-chimie commence en classe de cinquime. Le programme est
commun la cinquime et la quatrime. Il porte sur ltude de la matire qui nous
environne, la lumire et le courant lectrique. Lintroduction gnrale du programme insiste
sur la dimension historique quil est ncessaire dintroduire mais en fait peu darticles du
programme sy rfrent prcisment. Seule est propose une tude documentaire sur lhistoire
du modle molculaire.
En troisime, le programme porte sur ltude des matriaux de la vie courante (emballages en
particulier) : comportement physique et chimique, proprits techniques. On aborde aussi les
mouvements et les forces, llectricit dans la vie courante. On poursuit ltude de la lumire
commence lanne prcdente. Lintroduction au programme insiste encore sur la dimension
historique de lvolution des ides. Dans le programme, on propose une tude dun texte
historique sur latome.
Le professeur peut introduire des textes historiques relatifs certains points du programme
mais il peut aussi nen rien faire. Le bilan est donc dcevant. Il reste cependant une voie
*Par exemple, ltude des proprits de la rouille permet dindroduire un texte de
Lavoisier ; ltude de la pesanteur, quelques textes historiques sur le sujet.
*On demande llve de raliser une recherche documentaire au cours de lanne.
Lui proposer une recherche historique peut tre une solution lintroduction effective de
lhistoire des sciences et des techniques au collge.

Au lyce (15-18 ans)

En septembre prochain , une rforme gnrale des lyces entrera en vigueur. Comme dans les
programmes de sciences mis en place en 1992, lintrt de faire appel lhistoire des sciences
et des techniques est souligne. Laspect culturel de lenseignement scientifique au lyce doit
tre privilgi, pour deux raisons principales. Il faut dabord donner envie dexercer plus tard
un mtier scientifique. Il faut ensuite donner envie de lire des revues ou des ouvrages de
bonne vulgarisation scientifique. Enfin, linitiation la dmarche scientifique doit contribuer
former le futur citoyen la responsabilit et lautonomie.
Cest pourquoi lenseignement scientifique est conu comme un tout et non comme une
juxtaposition de disciplines. Cela permet de privilgier linterdisciplinarit ; celle-ci devrait
tre mise en oeuvre dans la prparation des leons en quipe pdagogique et dans les travaux
personnels encadrs des lves dont nous reparlerons un peu plus loin. Cest pourquoi
lenseignement fondamental est complt par un enseignement thmatique (le thme est trait
la fois en sciences de la vie et de la Terre et en sciences de la matire mais sous des angles
Le va-et-vient entre lobservation et lexprimentation dun ct, la conceptualisation et la
modlisation de lautre ct doit conduire llve se poser des questions. Il est mis dans une
situation-problme et dans bien des cas, rien ne peut remplacer lexpos historique. Celui-

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

ci a un ct culturel irremplaable, qui situe la dcouverte scientifique dans son contexte

temporel mais aussi montre comment les dcouvertes scientifiques ont influenc le cours de
lhistoire. (prenons lexemple de la chute des corps).
Actuellement, seuls les programmes de la classe de seconde (15 ans) sont labors. Ceux des
classes de premire (16 ans) sont en cours dlaboration. Ceux de la classe de terminale (17
ans -anne du baccalaurat) ne sont pas du tout abords. Mais on peut dire que, dans le
programme actuel de terminale, les points historiques les plus forts concernent les diverses
conceptions du monde dAristote Einstein pour la physique et lhistoire dun mdicament,
laspirine pour la chimie. A chaque occasion, il est conseill dintroduire des notions
historiques, selon la sensibilit de lenseignant. Dans les futurs programmes de premire
scientifique, on pourra tudier des textes de Galile et de Newton en physique et tracer un
panorama chronologique des grandes dcouvertes en chimie organique.
Si nous portons plus dattention au contenu du programme de la classe de seconde gnrale
nous voyons que les commentaires insistent trs longuement sur lexpos historique.
En physique, par exemple, on parlera de la mesure du rayon de la Terre par Eratosthne, de la
dimension dune molcule par la mthode de Franklin, de la dispersion des couleurs selon
Newton, de lapproche du principe de linertie avec Galile, de lhistoire de la mesure des
distances en astronomie, de lhistoire de la mesure du temps, de la mesure de la temprature,
En chimie, on fera une prsentation historique des techniques dextraction des huiles
essentielles, de la classification de Mendeleiev, de quelques textes sur la conservation de la
matire en chimie, etc.
En sciences de la vie et de la Terre, lapproche historique nest pas explicite. Les
mathmatiques ont un statut part et lapproche historique ne semble pas ncessaire dit le

Dans la future classe de premire, les Travaux Personnels Encadrs ou TPE, innovation de
cette rforme, seront sans doute le lieu privilgi de lhistoire des sciences et des techniques
dans lenseignement scientifique des lyces. La ralisation dun dossier personnel sur un sujet
choisi par llve ou le groupe de trois quatre lves veut former la responsabilit et
lautonomie. Tout au long de lanne, le projet slabore sous lautorit de deux professeurs
(mathmatiques et sciences physiques, ou sciences physiques et sciences de la vie et de la
Terre. Pour documenter ce projet, il sera fait largement appel aux ouvrages de bonne
vulgarisation scientifique tant sur les sciences et les techniques actuelles que sur lhistoire des
sciences et des techniques. Pour la ralisation matrielle, on utilisera les techniques modernes
de communication.

Lintroduction de la dimension historique ( petites injections au cours du dveloppement de la

leon de physique-chimie et non pas cours dhistoire des sciences) est particulirement
dveloppe en physique-chimie depuis un certain nombre dannes. On espre ainsi mieux
former le futur citoyen en lui donnant de la science une image vivante, inscrite dans la socit.
On pourra consulter le site

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Introducing HST in secondary curricula in France

At the French collge

The ideas developed at primary school are considered again by the reformers of the secondary
curricula but more or less clearly maintained with the disciplines. In natural sciences, it does
not appear. In technology, history is clearly taught at the end of the last class of the collge.

The physics and chemistry syllabus at the collge level begins in cinquime (the fifth class
in the French system, for ages 12-13) and continues through the following year, quatrime. It
includes the study of the material world about us, and of light and current electricity.

The general introduction to the syllabus refers explicitly to the historical dimension that
should be introduced. But, in the syllabus itself, this requirement is seldom referred to : in
fact, a documentary study of the history of the molecular model is the only topic cited.

In troisime (ages 14-15), the syllabus includes the study of the materials encountered in
everyday life, with special reference to packaging and to their physical and chemical
performance and technical properties. Motion, force, light and the applications of electricity
are also mentioned. As the previous year, the introduction of the syllabus still insistes on the
historical dimension of the evolution of the ideas. But, a historical text on the atom is the only
topic cited.
Teachers are free to introduce historical texts relevant to appropriate parts of the syllabus,
although there is no obligation for them to do so.
The place accorded to history, therefore, is disappointing, even if the opportunities for
indirectly developing historical work exist. Two examples illustrate what might be achieved in
this respect :
* The study of the properties of the rust allows the introduction of a text by Lavoisier;
similarly, the study of the gravity is open to the use of historical sources.
*The pupil is asked to undertake a piece of document-based research during the year :
here, suggesting an historical subject is one way of introducing the history of science and
technology at collge level.

In the French lyce

In September of this year, a major reform will come into effect in the French lyce sytem. As
in the curricula that have been in force since 1992, the importance of incorporating elements
of the history of science and technology in science teaching will be very much to the fore. It is
part and parcel of the reforms that they conceive scientific education as an integrated whole
rather than a set of individual disciplines, and that they thereby promote interdisciplinary
perspectives. Also a constant interaction between observation and experiment on the one hand
and conceptualization and model-building on the other is used to encourage pupils to pose
questions. Pupils, it is intended, will find themselves in what the official documents describe
as a problem-situation in which in many cases an historical expos will be essential. This
necessarily introduces a cultural dimension which places the scientific discovery concerned
in its temporal context and shows how scientific discoveries have influenced the course of
history. The law governing the fall of bodies would be a typical case-study in which such an
approach might be implemented.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

In the current syllabus for the class of terminale scientifique (that is, the year of the
baccalaurat, normally taken at 17+) there are already opportunities for historical study,
including, in physics, changing conceptions of the universe from Aristotle to Einstein, and, in
chemistry, the history of aspirin. In the new syllabus, these opportunities will be extended to
the curricula for the preceding year, premire scientifique (16+), where it will be possible to
study texts by Galileo and Newton on the principle of inertia and the concept of force and to
follow a chronological account of the leading discoveries in organic chemistry.

The place of historical material is especially prominent in the new curriculum for the classe de
seconde (15+). In physics, teachers will be expected to discuss such topics as Eratosthenes
measurement of the radius of the Earth, the determination of the size of molecules by
Franklins method, Newtons work on the dispersion of colours, Galileos notion of the
principle of inertia, the history of the calculation of astronomical distances, and the history of
measurement of temperature. In chemistry, the curriculum includes an historical outline of the
techniques for the extraction of essential oils, the origins of Mendeleevs system of
classification, and a study of texts concerning Lavoisiers principle of the conservation of
mass in chemical reactions.
So far, I have spoken only about the syllabuses in physics and chemistry. For the life and
Earth sciences, the historical dimension is not spelled out explicitly and, in mathematics, the
ministerial documents make no explicite mention of history.

It is in project work, the newly introduced Travaux Personnels Encadrs (TPE), that the
history of science and technology is likely to have its most important role in the reformed
scientific curricula at lyce level. In this part of their study, groups of three or four pupils will
be expected to prepare dossiers on a subject chosen by them in collaboration with their
teacher. Over the year, the project will be supervised by two teachers. Sources will include
serious works of popularization concerning not only the science and technology of the present
day but also any relevant historical dimension. Pupils are also required to make full use of the
latest techniques of information retrieval and communication (Nouvelles techniques
dinformation et de communication, abbreviated as NTIC).

The introduction of an historical dimension in the form of small injections in science teaching,
rather than as formal instruction in the history of science, has come to be particularly well
developed in physics and chemistry over the last few years.
The new emphasis on the cultural aspect of scientific education is intended, in part, to foster
an interest in careers in science and to encourage pupils to read books and articles of good-
quality popularization. But it is also conceived as a means of fashioning citizens who see
science as a vibrant activity and one of immediate relevance to themselves and to society at
It is possible to visit the website:

Danielle Fauque (Paris)

19 juillet 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Enseignement de lHistoire des Sciences et des Techniques (HST) lcole


Les sciences ont une histoire : objectifs gnraux de lHST lcole

Nous vivons dans un monde dans lequel les sciences et les technologies sont omniprsentes et
sefforcer de dvelopper lenseignement de lhistoire des sciences lcole repose sur la
volont daider llve mieux percevoir le monde qui lentoure. De plus, cest permettre aux
jeunes lves de mesurer que lavance actuelle de la science rsulte dune formidable volont
humaine. En effet, par exemple, dans le domaine de la mdecine, dans celui des
communications, de la production nergtique ou encore de la conqute spatiale, il y a
toujours eu, une poque, un homme, un dcouvreur , sorte de pionnier scientifique, qui
sest attel une tche et qui a dcouvert un phnomne scientifique ou conu un outil

En outre, cet enseignement dveloppe une solide culture gnrale avec des apports cognitifs
consquents. Montrer que les sciences et les techniques ont une histoire cest montrer que la
science nest pas uniquement laffaire de spcialistes, quelle est une construction humaine au
service des hommes. Cet aspect essentiel de lHST ne peut que favoriser lmergence de
scientifiques en herbe .

Les aspects pluridisciplinaires de lHST

Cet enseignement offre lavantage dtre pluridisciplinaire et de permettre aux lves de
comprendre les liens essentiels qui existent entre les grands domaines du savoir. Le
rapprochement entre sciences et histoire est ici vident : chaque dcouverte a une histoire et
un impact dans la socit de lpoque. Cette dmarche souvre aussi sur la gographie
lorsquil sagit de situer un pays ou un savant, ou encore sur les mathmatiques lorsquil faut
calculer le nombre de kilomtres parcourus par un train vapeur ou la capacit de production
lectrique dune centrale nuclaire. Le franais est aussi une discipline denseignement
fortement sollicite lorsquil sagit, tout simplement, de lire le rcit historique dune
dcouverte aborde en classe.

La place de lHST dans lenseignement de lhistoire

En histoire, cet enseignement largit le champ de cette discipline. En effet, ct de lhistoire
politique, celle des rois et des grands hommes, apparaissent lhistoire sociale, lhistoire des
mentalits, lhistoire dmographique, lhistoire de lcole, etc. Dans cette perspective,
lhistoire des sciences et des techniques trouve naturellement sa place. Il ne sagit pas den
faire un simple sujet dtude ponctuel mais de regarder notre histoire nationale dun oeil plus
intress par les sciences.

Les diffrentes comptences mobilises par lHST

Aborder lHST lcole peut trouver facilement sa place dans le champ des comptences que
lon doit mobiliser chez llve. La premire dentre-elles est lacquisition du concept de
temps. En effet, en sinterrogeant sur les traces du pass scientifique, llve opre un pont
entre lactuel et lavant ce qui lui permet de percevoir un pass plus ou moins loign. Mais il
est galement amen formuler des hypothses sur tel fonctionnement technologique,
observer, dcrire, comparer et analyser des documents scientifiques accessibles. Il
comprend ainsi que les techniques actuelles hautement perfectionnes sont le fruit dun long
parcours, quelles se sont construites sur des bases qui peuvent nous sembler archaques de
nos jours mais que cest partir de ces dernires que la science a pu progresser.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Etudier lHST lcole, cest certainement contribuer former de futurs citoyens libres et
responsables dots dune curiosit et dun esprit critique et susceptibles dagir sur le monde
qui les entoure.

Teaching the History of Sciences and Techniques (HST) in primary schools

Sciences have a history: main objectives about teaching HST at school

In the world today science and technology are present everywhere and so trying to develop
the history of sciences at school is based on the idea to help the pupils to understand the world
they are living in. Moreover it will allow them to understand that the progress in science is the
result of a considerable human will. In fact whether as far as medicine is concerned, or
communications, or energy, or spatial conquest, there has always been, at a time, a person - a
discoverer - a scientific pioneer who settled down to a task and discovered a scientific
phenomenon or imagined a new technological tool.

This form of teaching helps to get a general knowledge. Showing that sciences and techniques
have a history means proving that science doesnt only concerns specialists, but that it is also
a human construction to the service of men. This aspect of teaching the history of sciences
and techniques will undoubtedly favour the budding of scientists.

Interdisciplinary aspects in teaching HST

Teaching HST offers the advantage of covering many branches of education and allowing the
pupils to understand the links between sciences and history is obvious. Every discovery has a
weight and an impact on the society at the time. It may mean situating a country or a scientist
or it may help the teaching of mathematics when, for example, you have to calculate the
numbers of kilometres a steam train covered or the production of nuclear power station.
French language is also a branch of education which has to be used when the history of a
discovery has to be read in class.

HST in the teaching of history

Teaching HST enlarges the teaching of history. In fact together with the history of kings or
famous people we now have to teach social history, history of mentalities, demography, or
history of school. And naturally teaching HST finds its place there. The idea is not to use it
apart but with it, to have a different approach to the history of our country.

Skills needed by HST

The teaching of HST can develop many skills. One of them is the concept of time. When
trying to understand the scientific past, the pupil has to find the link between before and after.
He is also lead to ask questions on technology, to observe, describe, compare and analyse
scientific documents that are available. This he will understand that very sophisticated modern
techniques are the result of a long evolution and have been built according to bases which
may appear old fashioned today, but it is thanks to them that science has been able to
Studying HST at school contributes to train free and responsible citizens, with an ability for
criticism and curiosity who may decide to play their part in the world which is surrounding
Professeur des Ecoles Matre-
Formateur Paris
mai 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project


O trabalho desenvolvido por Portugal no mbito do projecto HST refere-se ao 1 Ciclo do

Ensino Bsico (6-9 anos), na rea do Estudo do Meio.
Esta matria faz parte do curriculum oficial juntamente com: Lngua Portuguesa, Matemtica,
Expresses (Expresso e Educao Fsico-Motora, Expresso e Educao Musical, Expresso
e Educao Dramtica e Expresso e Educao Plstica) e Educao Moral e religiosa

O tema referido no Programa oficial explorado no 3 ano, no mbito da unidade geral: Eu

e a natureza.
Esta a terceira unidade temtica, explorada depois das anteriores unidades: Eu e a minha
famlia e Eu e a minha terra.

A unidade temtica: Eu e a natureza, compreende os seguintes blocos:

1 perodo: descoberta de mim mesmo e descoberta dos outros e das instituies;
2 perodo: descoberta dos outros e das instituies (cont.); descoberta do ambiente
natural; descoberta das inter-relaes entre espaos e descoberta das inter-relaes
entre a natureza e a sociedade;
3 perodo: descoberta do ambiente natural (cont.); descoberta das inter-relaes entre
espaos (cont.) e descoberta dos materiais e objectos.

Os contedos da matria relacionada com o projecto HST so aprofundados no mbito do

tema: Meios de comunicao, que constitui a essncia do bloco: descoberta das inter-
relaes entre espaos.
Os trabalhos referentes a este tema esto includos na Programao mensal de Junho.

Descrevem-se os objectivos especficos do tema: Meios de comunicao:

1. Investigar sobre a evoluo dos transportes;
2. Realizar experincias de mecnica;
3. Investigar sobre a evoluo das comunicaes.

6. A explorao destes temas feita atravs de diversas actividades e da utilizao de material

Descrevem-se essas actividades:

I. Vias de comunicao
1. Dilogo sobre as frias que se aproximam e os projectos de frias: viagens,
deslocaes e visitas a familiares.
2. Localizao, no mapa de Portugal, de alguns locais de frias.
3. Verificao das vias que podero ser utilizadas para possveis viagens de frias;
4. Registos, no mapa da localidade, das vias (terrestres, fluviais, martimas e areas) que
as servem;
5. Associao dos meios de transporte, usados na localidade, s vias respectivas.

II. Transportes
1. Investigao acerca da evoluo dos meios de transporte (atravs de entrevistas a
familiares idosos e atravs de pesquisa em manuais, enciclopdias infantis e outros);
2. Composio de um painel ou album com gravuras, desenhos e textos sobre a evoluo
dos transportes

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

3. Construo dos meios de transporte do passado e do futuro (imaginado) (trabalho feito

atravs da observao de gravuras representando o homem primitivo transportando
grandes pesos; das experincia com alavancas, elevando pesos e da experincia com
roldanas e rodas, movimentando os pesos).

III. Meios de comunicao

1. Dilogo sobre os meios de comunicao usados ao longo do ano em trabalhos
escolares: cartas, jornais, cartazes;
2. Narrao de uma histria em banda desenhada ou slides, representando uma famlia
3. Pesquisa acerca da evoluo dos vrios meios de comunicao;
4. Visita de estudo a um meio de comunicao actual (o jornal a rdio, o estdio de
5. Organizao do roteiro da visita (repartindo os alunos por diversos grupos que
atendam: 1 identificao e localizao do meio de comunicao a visitar; descrio do
local; realizao de entrevistas; realizao de fotos e/ou desenhos);
Registo e apresentao dos trabalhos realizados sobre os meios de comunicao (atravs de
um album; de um jornal escolar, de um jornal de parede, de um programa a difundir pela rdio
ou atravs de textos e gravuras colados num rolo de papel de cenrio e passados, com o
auxlio de uma roldana, numa caixa a fingir de TV).

Jorge Carvalho Arroteia

July 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project


In Norway the curriculum in all schools is decided by the state. The latest version of the
curriculum for primary schools (age 6-16) is from 1996. History of science and technology
(HST) is far from being a central subject in this curriculum, but one can find themes within
HST scattered through it.

General part
It is an important part of general education to know our technological heritage Its
contribution in easing living conditions, but also the dangers imbedded in technological

Grade 4
Social science
Pupils shall get to know how mankind learned to farm, use farm animals as well as the
plough, saddle, water wheels and windmills.

Grade 6
Natural science
Pupils shall work with examples of the ways in which different forms of energy dominated at
different times, and how technology has been involved in using energy. Study should include
examples of how this has influenced the environment.

Grade 7
Natural science
Pupils shall learn simple principles of transport and cleaning of drinking water. This includes
making timers which were important in historical times. .
Plan and make simple models for transforming the energy in running water to mechanical
work and to get to know how man have used this technologically in earlier times and now.

Grade 8
Natural science
Pupils shall learn different theories about the development of the universe and how
technological developments have contributed to our knowledge of the universe.

Grade 9
Natural science
Pupils shall get to know central discoveries and inventions connected to electricity.

Working methods
Grade 1-4
80% of the time shall be used doing theme work.

Grade 5-7
30% of the time shall be used doing theme or project work

Grade 8-10
20% of the time shall be used doing theme or project work.

The difference between theme work and project work is that in theme work the subject is
chosen by the teacher, and the pupils work in groups getting information about the subject,

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

whereas in project work the subject often is chosen by the pupils working in groups and the
work is more problem orientated. As there is room for much theme/project work in
Norwegian schools there is some freedom in using a historical approach to the study of
science and technology as this subject well suited to that type of work.

Svein HOFF
August 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Republic of Ireland

The following comments relate to the Physics and Chemistry syllabi at Senior Cycle in
Second Level Schools. Each is a two-year programme offered at Ordinary and Higher level
with a terminal examination The Leaving Certificate.
From the perspective of history of science and technology students are expected to be aware
of the contribution of various scientists in the fields of physics and chemistry and of the time
frame of significant discoveries and inventions. When the syllabi were introduced in 2000
teachers were supplied with a Reference Handbook of background information on all aspects
of the subjects.
The handbook is especially good in supplying historical information and has sections
dedicated to Irelands scientific heritage in both the physics and chemistry.

Irish contributions to Physics, Mathematics and Technology by Charles Mollan

Irish contributions to Chemistry by Charles Mollan

The extent to which historical information is emphasised in the overall delivery of the
syllabus is at the discretion of the teacher. There are time constraints in including HST
because of the concentration on teaching factual knowledge for examination purposes.
The syllabus objectives are Knowledge, Understanding, Skills, Competence and Attitudes

Objectives specifically related to HST:

1. Knowledge
Students should know
how physics contributes to the social, historical, environmental, technological and economic
life of society

5. Attitudes
Students should appreciate
the contribution of physics to the social and economic development of society;
the relationship between physics and technology

In the syllabus each topic is set out under the headings:

Content, Depth of treatment, Activities and STS (Science Technology and Society)

The following topics are cited with specific historical reference under the heading of Science
Technology and Society.

Modern Physics
1. The electron
Electron named by G. J. Stoney. Quantity of charge measured by Millikan.

2. Acceleration of protons
First artificial splitting of nucleus.
First transmutation using artificially accelerated particles.
Irish Nobel laureate for physics, Professor E. T. S. Walton (1951).
Cockcroft and Walton proton energy approximately 1 MeV: outline of experiment.

4. Converting other forms of energy into mass

History of search for basic building blocks of nature:
Greeks: earth, fire, air, water

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

1936: p, n, e. Particle accelerators, e.g. CERN.

6. Families of particles
Pioneering work to investigate the structure of matter and origin of universe.
International collaboration, e.g. CERN.

7. Anti-matter
Paul Dirac predicted anti-matter mathematically.

Option 2 Applied Electricity

3. Electromagnetic induction
Callan Induction coil.

7. Logic gates

The objectives specifically related to HST

1. Knowledge
Students should have knowledge of
social, historical, environmental, technological and economic aspects of chemistry.
5. Attitudes
Students should appreciate
advances in chemistry and their influence on our lives
that the understanding of chemistry contributes to the social and economic development of

The following topics include specific historical reference under the heading of Social and
Applied aspects.

Periodic Table and Atomic Structure

1.1 Periodic Table
History of the idea of elements, including the contributions of the Greeks, Boyle, Davy and
Moseley. History of the periodic table, including the contributions of Dobereiner, Newlands,
Mendeleev and Moseley. Comparison of Mendeleevs table with the modern periodic table.

1.2 Atomic Structure

Very brief outline of the historical development of atomic theory (outline principles only;
mathematical treatment not required): Dalton: atomic theory; Crookes: vacuum tubes, cathode
rays; Stoney: naming of the electron; Thomson: negative charge of the electron; e/m for
electrons (experimental details not required); Millikan: magnitude of charge of electrons as
shown by oil drop experiment (experimental details not required); Rutherford: discovery of
the nucleus as shown by the alpha particle scattering experiment; discovery of protons in
nuclei of various atoms; Bohr: model of the atom; Chadwick: discovery of the neutron.

1.3 Radioactivity
Historical outline of radioactivity: work of Becquerel (discovery of radiation from uranium
salts); Marie and Pierre Curie (discovery of polonium and radium).

2A.1 Crystals

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

Contributions of
(i) Bragg's: development of the X-ray technique for determining crystal structure;
(ii) Dorothy Hodgkin: determination of the crystal structure of complex organic molecules,
e.g. vitamin B12, penicillin (structures not required).
The discovery of buckminsterfullerene (structure not required).

Option 2A: Materials.

2 Addition Polymers
Brief history of the discovery of low-density poly(ethene) and of high-density poly(ethene).
Brief history of the discovery of poly(tetrafluoroethene).

Option 2B Additional Electrochemistry and the Extraction of Metals

1. The Electrochemical Series
Contributions of Galvani, Volta, Davy and Faraday.

Mary OBrien
June 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teacher Education The HST Project

HST in Education in Romania

This section contains the names of European great scientists, mathematicians and engineers
whose contribution to the history of science and technology are presented in manuals of
mathematics, physics and chemistry for Romanian high school and higher education.

Mathematics and Physics

Platon (mathematics) K. Waierstrass (mathematics);

Pitagora (mathematics) Euclid (mathematics);
Tartaglia (mathematics); N. Oresme (mathematics);
Cardano (mathematics); B. Pascal (mathematics);
N. Abel (mathematics); J.B. Fourier (mathematics);
Arhimede (maths, physics); B. Bolzano (mathematics);
C.W. Leibniz (mathematics); K.F. Gauss (mathematics)
B. Riemman (mathematics) P.S. Laplace (mathematics, physics)
H. Lebesgue (mathematics) T. Lalescu (mathematics)
E. Goursat (mathematics) Cr. Huygens (mathematics, physics)
Mac-Laurin (mathematics); R. Dedekind (mathematics);
Cramer (mathematics); G. Cantor (mathematics);
L. Euler (mathematics); L. Fibonacci (mathematics)
G. Neper (mathematics); G. Galilei (mathematics, physics)
P. Fermat (mathematics); I. Newton (mathematics, physics)
B. Russell (mathematics); R. Descartes (mathematics);
J. B. Biot (mathematics, physics);

Physics and Chemistry

M. Faraday (physics, chemistry) Kelvin (physics, chemistry)

M. Cristian Orsted (physics) W. Cosel (chemistry)
Bohr Niels (physics) F. Kekule (chemistry)
A. Ampere (physics) J. Crafts (chemistry)
Ohm (physics) L. Pasteur (chemistry)
E. Rutherford (physics) C.A. Bosch (chemistry)
tefan Procopiu (physics) A. Volta (physics, chemistry)
J.C. Maxwell (physics) S. Arhennius (chemistry)
H. Hertz (physics) J. Berzelius (chemistry)
Weber (physics) F. Voehler (chemistry)
W. Pauli (physics, chemistry) C.D. Neniescu (chemistry)
H. Hulubei (physics) A.L. Lavoisier (chemistry)
A. Einstein (physics) J.L. Proust (chemistry)
E. Fermi (physics) J. Dalton (chemistry)
M. Planck (physics) J. Joule (physics, chemistry)
Aristotel (physics) H. Chatelier (chemistry)
Mendeleev (chemistry) F. Habel (chemistry)
Van der Waals (physics, chemistry) C.A. Coulomb (physics, chemistry)
A. Avogadro (chemistry)

Named laws Rutherfords experiment
Faradays law (physics) (physics)
Brewsters law (physics) Francks experiment (physics)
Avogadros law (chemistry)
Hesss law (chemistry) Named postulates
Einsteins postulats (physics)
Named rules Bhors postulats (physics)
Cramers rule (mathematics)
Hospitals rule (mathematics) Named principles
Lenzs rule (physics) Newtons principles (physics)
Huygenss principles (physics)
Named equations Paulis principles (physics)
Newtons equations
Maxwells equations Named devices
Lorentzs equations Van der Graafs generator
Named inequalities Wheastones bridge (physics)
Youngs inequality Helmholtzs quails (physics)
(mathematics) Galileis telescope (physics)
Chauchy - Buniacovschi Youngs device (physics)
inequality (mathematics) Jollys balance (physics)
Bernoullis inequality Atvowd device (physics)
Cebevs inequality Named models
(mathematics) Rutherfords model (physics)
Mincowschis inequality Thomsons model (physics)
(mathematics) Bohrs model (physics)
Hermites inequality
(mathematics) Named constants
Maxwells inequality (physics) Plancks constant (physics)
Avogadros number (chemistry)
Named experiments
Fiseaus ezperiment (physics) Named effects
Michelsons experiment Halls effect (physics)
(physics) Comptons effect (physics)

Emanuel Vasiliu;
Mihail Vasiliu
Mihai Nechifor;
Lacramioara Stoenescu;
Maria Gansari.

July 2002
History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

History of Science and Technology in Romania

In the next section, Romanian colleagues present details of some of some important
science and technology developments from the history of Romania, as well as more
information of the contributions of some notable Romanian scientists, technologists
and mathematicians. They are included for two reasons.
They present additional information for teachers and lecturers about HST
developments which have affected the growth of science and technology in
They can be used for comparative study purposes during future in-service courses
in HST. These developments from a Romanian perspective will be used for
comparing and contrasting with the science, mathematics and technology
developments in other European countries.

1. Introduction
For a better understanding of the history of science and technology of Romania it is
useful to present some general data about Romania.

Southeastern, Central Europe,, on the northern side of the Balkan Peninsula including
the lower Danube Basin.

238,391 Km(12th largest country in Europe)

The Moldavian Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and the Black Sea.
The length of the borders is 3,190 km.

22,897,993 people (January 2001)
54,9 percent live in urban areas
45,1 percent live in rural areas

More than 10 million Romanians live beyond the frontiers, ranging from the Republic
of Moldavia in the east, Hungary in the west, other European countries, North and
South America and even in Australia.The majority of the population, more than 20
milion, are ethnic ethnic Romanians, the rest of the population includes 1,6 milion
Magyars, 400.000 Gypsies, 100.000 Germans, 66.000 Ukranians and smaller numbers
of Turks, Serbians, Bulgarians and Greeks.
Life expectancy: men 66.5 years, women 73.2 years.

The Capital City: Bucharest

Population: 2,136,723 people(January 2001). Total metropolitan area: 1,521 sq. km,
of which the urban area covers about 228 sq. km.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Administrative Divisions:
Romania is divided into 41 counties and the municipality of Bucharest, which has a
country status; 260 towns (of which 57 are considered municipalities); and 2,688
communes (which about 13,000 villages).

On the Black Sea Constana can accommodate ship of over 150,000 dwt. Mangalia
and Sulina are free ports.
On the Danube Turnu Severin, Turnu Mgurele, Giurgiu, Oltenia, Cernavod,
Brila, Galai, Tulcea (the last three are both river and sea ports). The Danube-Black
Sea Canal (64,2 km long) between Cernavod and Agigea and Constana was opened
to traffic in 1984. Following the inauguratio of the Rhine Main Danube Canal in
1992, a direct connection with the North Sea was moda possible. The waterway
system is navigable both for river and sea-going ships of up to 5.000 dwt.

International: Bucharest-Otopeni, Constanta-Mihail Kogalniceanu, Suceava, Arad and
Domestic: Bacau, Baia Mare, Bucharest-Baneasa, Caransebe, Cluj, Craoiva, Deva,
Iai, Oradea, Satu-Mare, Trgu Mure and Tulcea.

The National Flag:

Three equal vertical stripes of blue, yellow and red(from left to right)

National Coat-of-Arms:
(Since 1992) An eagle, holding a cross in its beak and a sword and a scepter in its
claws, with the symbols of the five historical provinces Wallahia, Moldavia,
Transylvania, Banat and Dobrogea.

National Day:
December 1, the anniversary of 1918 June of all Romanians into one single country.

National Anthem:(since 1990)

Awake, Ye, Romanian!
Awake, Ye, Romanian from your lethargic sleep/Into which your barbarous tyrants
have sunken you so deeply.
Written by: Andrei Mureianu; Score by: Anton Pann. Performed for the first time on
June 28, 1848.

Physical features.
31 percent mountains, 33 percent hills and plateaus and 36 percent plains.
The Romanian Carpathians include: the Eastern Carpathians with Pietrosu Peak, the
highest, at 2.303 m in the Rodna Mts.; the Southeastern Carpathians, with
Moldoveanu Peak, the highest, at 2.543 m in the Fagara Mts.; and the Western
Carpathians, with Curcubta Mare peak, the highest, at 1.849 m in Apuseni Mts.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Hills and Plateaus.

Within the Carpathians arch, the Transylvania plateau reaches between 400-700 m
altitude.Other important plateaus are the Some Plateau (northwest), the Moldavian
Plateau (east and the Dobrujan Plateau (southeast).
The most important is the Plain of the lower Danube (the Romanian plain). It is the
countrys most important agricultural area.
The Danube Delta
. Situated to the north of the Dobrujan Plateau, it is the youngest geophysical feature
in Romania. Even though the land dates back to prehistoric times, it is transforming
continually, even now. Every year the alluvial deposits brought by the river increase
the height of the land by a few centimeters. On Romanian territory it extends over
4.340 sq. km, which 78 percent is swampland and frequently flooded. The Danube
divides into three branches approaching the Black Sea: Chilia, Sulina and Sf.

The Danube River in the south of the country is the largest river, with 1.075 km of its
total 2.850 km length in Romania. Other major rivers include: Mure, Olt, Prut, Siret,
Ialomia, Some, Arge, Jiu, Buzau and Bistria.
About 2.300 lakes and over 1.150 ponds (covering an area of 2.650 sq. km). The best
known are: Razelm (415 sq. km), Sinoe (171 sq. km), Brate (21 sq. km), Taaul (20
sq. km), Techirghiol (12 sq. km) and Snagov (5.8 sq. km).

Described as temperate continental, the climate is influenced by the ocean from the
west, the Mediterranean from the southwest, and extensive continental weather from
the northeast. The mean annual temperature ranges from 8 C in the north to 11 C in
the south.

The history of Romania is a major part of the history of Europe. Rooted in the Roman
Empire of the 1st millenium AD, Romanians have continuously inhabited the same
geographical area. Their forefathers, a people of Indo-European origin, who were
members of the Thracian tribes, had arrived as early as the 2nd millenium BC. One of
the branches, the Geto-Dacian tribes, originally settled in Dacia. King Burebista (88-
44 BC), ruler of one of the most populous Dacian tribes, succeeded in uniting these
scattered groups into a powerful empire whose capital, Sarmizegetusa, was located in
todays Transylvania.
In 105-106 AD, the Roman Emperor Traian conquered Dacia. The Roman ruled over
Dacia until 276 AD, but the conquerors coexisted on peaceful terms with the Geto-
Dacians. The assimilation of the Dacian and Romans produced the early Romanian.

The Romanian language is spoken by more than 35 million people worldwide. Just
like Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Sardinian, Catalan, Provencal or Rhaeto-
Romanic, it is rooted in Latin, brought by the Romans to their conquered provinces.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Romanian is a neo-Latin language, an example of Oriental Latinity, the only one to

survive in an isolated enclave, surrounded by Slavic languages and cultures.

The Romanian language we speak today was born and developed both in the territory
to the north of the Danube, in Dacia, as well as in the vast area which includes a major
part of the Balkan Peninsula, from the ancient Dacia to the Pindus Mountains. This
extensive territory was conquered and colonized by the Romans, during the first
decades of the third century, when they arrived on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. They
began their conquest with Greece, Macedonia, Ilyria, Moesia, Pannonia, Thracia and
Dacia turning the latter two into roman provinces in 105-106 AD.

When the Romans came to Dacia after 106 AD, they brought with them a more
advanced culture, different customs and their language, Vulgar Latin. This was the
spoken Latin of those days rather than the literary language. Quickly, the Vulgar Latin
replaced the local language. After the withdrawal of the Romans, Romania retained a
linguistic structure similar to Latin. But, the invasion of Slavs from south of the
Danube resulted in the breakup of the initial unity of Romania. Part of the population
displaced from the south of the Danube was pushed to Istria, where the Istro-
Romanian dialect was shaped. Others lived in north of Salonik, where the Megleno-
Romanian dialect was born, and in Macedonia, where the dialect is called Aromanian.
All of these dialects, together with the Daco-Romanian, spoken by the population
north of the Danube, developed in relation to the historical and social conditions in
the respective geographical areas, but with the general rules and characteristics of the
Romanian language and its Latin roots.

Romanians living south of the Danube speak with the Macedo-Romanian, Istro-
Romanian and Megleno-Romanian dialects to this day, while those living in the east,
west and north of the country speak a more literary Romanian, a language which
subsumes the Transylvanian and Moldavian versions. The people in todays Republic
of Moldavia have a difficult history as well. Nonetheless, they too have preserved
their national identity and language to this day. If you know Italian or Portuguese, you
will probably find that Romanian sounds like a combination of these two languages.

International Memberships:
Romania has diplomatic relations with 177 nations, has diplomatic missions in 99
countries and is a member of UNO, IAEA, IBRD, FAO, IFAD, GATT, ICAO, ILO,
IMO, WMO, WIPO, WHO, UNIDO, ITU, UNESCO and UPU. In 1993, Romanian
became an EEC and EFTA associate member, and the 23rd Council of Europe member.
On January 26, 1994, Romanian was the first Eastern European country to sign
NATOs Partnership for Peace accord in Brussels, and in 1997 became a full-
fledged EFTA member.

According to the January 7, 1992, census, the population of Romania belongs to the
following religions: Orthodox 19.802.389 (86.8%); Roman Catholic 1.161.942(5%);
Reformed 802.454 (3.5%); Greek Catholic 223.327 (1.0%); Pentecostal 220.824
(1.0%); Baptist 109.462 (0.2%); Adventist 77.456 (0.3%); Unitarian 76.708 (0.3%);
Muslim 55.928 (0.2%); Church of Christ 49.963 (0.2%); Evangelical of the Augustan
Confession 39.119 (0.2%); Old Rite Church 28.141 (0.1%); Synod-Presbyterian

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Evangelical 21.221 9 (0.1%); Other denominations 56.329 (0.2%); and non believers
34.645 (0.15%).

Weights and Measures:

The metric system has been in use since 1866.

Standard Time:
Romania is on Eastern European Time(GMT+2 hours).As of 1979, from the last
Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, Romania changes to Daylight Saving
Time (GMT+3hours). Romania lies in the same time zone as the Republic of
Moldavia, Finland, Bulgaria, Greece, Israel, Syria, Egypt and the Republic of South

Transportation Network:
Total length: 72.816 km, of which 14.863 km are trunk motorways (4.508 km are
European motorways) and 53.133 km are county and commune roads.

Railway network.
Total length: 22.367 km of which 16.542 km are single track and 5.825 km are
double track. 8.643 km are electrified.
Inland waterways.
Total length: 1.690 km, of which 1.075 km are on the internationally navigable
Danube river, 524 km are on the navigable branches of the Danube, and 91 km are on
man-made navigable canals (the Bega, Danube-Black Sea canals).
Air Transportation.
Seventeen airports, six of which serve domestic and international flights, and 11
serve domestic flights only. The domestic air company is Tarom. For domestic flights
you can buy tickets in advance (10 days before) from Bucureti Tarom agencies. You
can buy one-way ticket, or a round trip ticket (the price is double, no reduction), an
adult or a child ticket (40 percent of the usual price). The highest cost of a ticket, for
the longest route, Bucureti-Baia Mare, is about US $60 (lei equivalent).
Underground Transportation (Metro) in Bucharest.
Total length: 63.2 km. Four main lines with 43 stations.

The Economic Potential:

The economic potential of Romania is able to meet the requirements of its people,
while creating a solid basis of international trade and helping to integrate Romania
into the continental social-economic structure. This potential includes a skilled
workforce of 5.900.000, qualified on par with European standards; an industrial
structure that is being restructured; and programs designed for more efficient use of
the countrys natural resources and for boosting of foreign trade. The actual
unemployment rate is about 10 percent.

Romanian industry has a high degree of concentration: 600-700 companies control
almost 80 percent of the industrial production. Industry accounts for approximately 50
percent of annual revenue. The private sector contributes more than 40 percent of the
industrial production.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Romania has 9.5 million hectares (23.475.450 acres) of farmland, about 62 percent of
the total area of the country. Of these, over one million hectares are irrigated
farmlands. Approximately 4.6 million hectares are pasture, and 600.000 hectares are
vineyards (Romania produces a number of famous wine labels), orchards, vine
nurseries and fruit tree nurseries.

In January 2001, the National Commercial Register had registered about 600.000
companies (joint-stock, limited, incorporated, state owned, co-operatives and private
individuals). Some 85-90 percent of companies in Romania handles merchandise
distribution. Total amount of foreign investments is US$7.12 billion (National Board
For Statistics, February 2001). The main investors are France ($818million), Germany
($749 million), Netherlands ($707 million) and USA ($663 million).

Located in the center of Europe, Romania contributes to international trade between
all parts of the continent, as well as between Europe and the Middle East. The
government has prepared a draft regarding the modernization of land, air and sea
transportation facilities in Romania. Thirteen new highways are to be built, with a
total length of 3.000 km. An additional 1.200 km of railway tracks, bridges over the
Danube and the Prut rivers, and four new airports, in Braov, Galati, Alba Iulia and
Bistria also are being planned.

Air Transportation.
Domestic flights link the Capital to Craiova, Timioara, Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, Cluj-
Napoca, Satu-Mare, Baia Mare, Trgu Mure, Bacu, Iai, Suceava, Tulcea,
Caransebe and Constana. A number of international airlines link Bucharest to all
European capitals as well as to other continents.

The main highway junction is Bucharest. The roads originating here cross the country
in all directions, some of them part of the main European routes. One of these is E60,
which originates in Hamburg and passes through Oradea and Bucharest before
terminating in Constana.

Railway network.
Ten railway lines cross the Carpathian mountains. The general orientation of the lines
is influenced by Bucharests location in the southeastern part of the country, toward
which the main routes converge. Bucharest is the largest railway center in the country;
eight trunk lines start here, most of them linked to international traffic ways. Romania
manufacturers railway carriages of all categories, as well as, electrical and diesel-
electrical engines.
The domestic Rail Company is SNCFR. For international travels you can buy tickets
in advance (up to one month before) from the international agency. For domestic
travels you can buy your ticket in advance (up to 10 days before) from the SNCFR
agencies or one hour before the departure of the train, from Gara de Nord train
station. You can buy an adult ticket, a childrens ticket (50 percent of the usual price
for 10-18 year-olds), a one-way, round trip or circuit ticket. The highest cost of a

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

ticket for a domestic express train on the largest route, Bucureti-Satu Mare, is about
US 20$.

Inland waterways.
The main waterway is the Danube River. Ships with a draught of over 7 m (23ft.) can
navigate down the river from Brila, on the section of the river called maritime
Danube. Ships with a draught of up to 2.5 m (8.25ft.) can navigate the rest of its
length all the way to Germany, passing through Yugoslavia, Hungary, Slovakia and
Austria. The construction of the Danube-Black Sea Canal and of the Rhine-Main-
Danube Canal created an extremely important waterway that connects the North Sea
to the Black Sea. The construction of the Portile de Fier I and II Hydro-Electric
Complex and navigation facilities, which include double waterlocks, made major
increase of traffic possible. Maritime transportation can handle ships with great
capacity. The Romanian fleet is equipped with ships of all sizes, up to 170.000 dwt.
The port of Constana handles 60 percent of Romanias imports and exports.

Romanian Postal System:

The mail system was first developed in the 13 th century, but the year 1858 marked a
significant step in the development of Pota Romn. The first Romanian stamps were
put into circulation that year and now are considered some of the earliest in the world.
The famous Aurochs Head series, some of which are of inestimable value in the
philatelists world, were issued then. At present, the Romanian Post is a state service,
and considered part of the national communication system. The Romanian Post has
accepted the standards of the European Commission regarding the new unified market
of mail services defined in the Green Book. Under these regulations, the same
tariffs are charged and the same categories of services are offered throughout the
country. Romanian post offices sell postcards and stamps.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

2. The beginning of technical civilization in Romania

To know the history of a peoples science and technology enables one to appreciate
their contribution to the formation of the scientific and cultural horizon of man, of the
riches a nation adds to the world cultural thesaurus. This chapter presents a series
of significant contributions of the two-millenium old Romanian people, which has
always manifested a special liking for knowledge and innovation, as well as
sensitivity to novelties.
Romania has an old culture and civilization and technical creation significantly
contributed to its progress, jointly with other domains of the spiritual work.

Prehistoric traces that were found on the Romanian territory at Cuciulat, Porile de
Fier, Cucuteni, Hrova and other areas show that the inhabitants of these areas had
skillfully created and handled tools already before Christ. They showed a propensity
for technics, for the study of natural phenomena and the tendency to appropriate them.

A The Hamandjia culture that was discovered in Dobrudja was dated the 4th
millenium B.C. Excavations digged out tools of hard polished stone and of silex,
trapezoidal hatchets with bi- and plan-convex sections. Through its expressive design,
a statue of that era reflects the propensity of Romanians for thinking. It was named
The Thinker of Hamandgia and it may be looked upon as an anticipation of Rodins
Le penseur, representing at different moments in time the same universal craving of
man to know and to render the essence of discovery, which is to reason and to think.

Archaeologists and historians estimate than one can identify an iron age on the

The Thinker of Hamandjia The Thinker by Rodin

territory of Romania about the year 1200 until 450-300 B.C. Traces of bronze
metallurgy were also dated to the same epoch. The discovery of iron ore entitled
specialists to speak about our forefathers skills in iron reduction and working.
Hatchets, household appliances and weapons were found in Babadag (Tulcea),
Cernetu (Covasna), Basarab (Dolj), attesting that remarkable attention was paid to this
domain of human activities.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

The foundation of several Greek cities on the Black Sea shore, such as Histria (657
B.C., according to the Chronicle of Eusebius of Caesareea), Tomis (the second half of
the 6th century B.C., according to the reports of Greek colonists of Millet) and Calatis
had brought about an intense commercial trade along with knowledge exchanges in
the domain of technics and tools, the construction of buildings and bridges for ships.
Once the first centralized Getic and Dacian state (under King Burebista, 82-44 B.C.)
was set up and developed by Decebal (87-107 A.C.), trades flourished. There were
sustained activities in the domain of civil and military constructions, installations for
catching and gathering drinking water. Chiseled stone was utilized in the
constructions of cities (murus Dacicus, a wall without mortar, very strong, thick of
approx. 3 m, with the faces of the walls made of stone blocks connected through
wood beams and earth padding, with unchiseled stone between the faces of walls).
Evidence of Dacian technical creation can still be found today especially in the cities
of the Ortie Mountains. A significant fact should be mentioned here, namely that
during the Dacian and Roman wars, the Dacian state was in full swing and it was the
only state, which had to counterbalance the force of the Roman Empire.
When Dacia had been conquered by Romans, a new technical culture was created
through the work of slaves and captive Dacians. The technical genius of Roman
conquerors, which intermingled with that of the captive Dacians, resulted in special
constructions, such as: the monument of Adamclisi, the bridge over the Danube and
Drobeta-Turnu Severin that was built by the architect Apolodor of Damascus by order
of the Roman King Traian (102-105 B.C.). Several gold and silver mines were opened
in the zone Brad-Baza, where there has been attested 2000 years of mining
exploitation, in 1979). The contemporary exchange of knowledge between the Roman
Empire and the colony of Dacia was very active. New dwellings and techniques
emerged (aqueducts, ore exploitation, wood working).Archaeological discoveries
mentioned even a short inscription from Ulpia Traiana that speaks of the existence of
a Collegium fabrum (a smiths corporation) in the 3rd century A.C. As roads
represented the means of connecting the newly built dwellings, a wide network of
roads was built. Conrad Peutinger (1465-1547), who was the empire advisor of
Augsburg, mentioned it, drawing up the Peutingerian Tabula that was a map of the
main roads of Dacia and their connection to other regions of the Roman Empire.

The migration of peoples on the territory of the former Dacia that had been deserted
by Romans and whose population was over 1 million at that time (according to the
historian Prvan) left deep traces as regards unitary state organization, in the sense
that a delay in the state organization was registered as compared to the Western
Europe countries. In spite of its slow development, mention should be made that there

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

is archaeological evidence in support of the continuity of old trades and the surge of
new handicrafts, as a result of a commercial exchanges (ceramics, household
appliances, weapons) on the territory of present day Romania. The discovery of pre-
feudal dwellings of Garvan, Capidava in the region of the Low Danube point to the
original Romanian folk creativity in the conception of tools. There were discovered
several ovens for iron reduction that were built in the earth, adornment objects of
silver, glass, ceramics, brass and bronze objects. Several proofs testify to the
utilization since the 10th to the 12th centuries of the horizontal weaving mill (thanks
to the influence of Byzantine culture) that was utilized in the Western countries only
in the 13th century!

Great Romanian technical and scientific achievements

We are entitled to state that the feudal civilizations of Romania appeared and
developed in the context of the European civilization, with obvious interrelations and
influences in the domain of mining, metallurgy, constructions, military technique,
wood working.
Receptive to novelties, our people were able not only to utilize them, but also to offer
in turn original solutions that were adopted in other regions of the world. Several such
creations should be mentioned here, whose authors remain anonymous. They opened
up a way to future progress. We shall refer first to mining, as a segment of activity
with long tradition on the Romanian territory. The existence of ore deposits attracted
German and Austrian mine workers to those areas. The presence of the first of them
was traced back to 1238 at the gold and silver mining works of Zlatna and Clnic,
while others worked at their iron one mine of Remetea (in 1291).

The wooden trolley with wooden wheels was a remarkable achievement at that time.
It had been devised in the 14th - 15th centuries and was endowed with rail points
(switch and switch blade). It was the first item of his type to be mentioned among the
ancient technical achievements in the world and it was discovered in a gold mine at
Brad-Barza. It maybe considered to be the oldest driven vehicle or wooden rails,
when taking into account the fact that it was hardly around the year 1550 that the
wooden rail were attested by archaeologists to have been utilized in the mining
galleries in the Harz Mountains. Since 1930, the model of this trolley can be found at
the Museum of Communications in Berlin. The utilization of powder in mining as
early as the 14th century is also attested. Georgius Agricola mentioned in his work
De vera Metalica the fact that the powder was used in the mines of Germany only in
the 16th century.Ore reduction ovens had a special design. The one found at Gherla-
Toplia and exhibited at the Science Museum of London is estimate to be the oldest in

Instances of ingenuity can be found in the domain of harnessing wind and hydraulic
power, as well as in utilizing the afferent equipment. In Europe, the windmill
(originating from Persia) was mentioned to be used first in Normandy in 1180. On the
territory of Romania, this kind of mill was mentioned to have been used in the 12th
and 13th centuries, especially for cereal grinding. Such windmills with 4 or 6 sheets
will be utilized in Romania until the 20th century, according to the travelling
impression notes of the French traveler Fracois de Pavie.

When new trades appeared, hydraulic energy was employed for the new equipment:
oil manufacturing, cereal grinding, felting mills for cloth, ore crushing. The first

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

hydraulic-drive stampheads for ore crushing are mentioned under the denomination of
'stupa' in Transylvania in the 14th century and in the Romanian and Moldavian
Principalities since the 15th centuries.

The spinning and winding wheel had been conceived and utilised in all the regions of
our country. That device was based on the connecting rod and crank principle, that
was an invention of the 14th century and on the principle of the conveyance belts.
Romanian water mills, namely the so-called cup-mills or bucket-mills may be
considered to be the precursors of the hydraulic turbine, which was invented by Pelton
in 1884. Original items of this Romanian device are displayed at the Museum of
Science and Technics in Munich and at the Technical Museum 'Prof. D. Leonida' of
Bucharest. This construction, which was a specific work of popular artisans, has been
conceived in the early ages of mankind, as the Romanian historian C. Giurscu said,
being utilized in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Albania.

A whole range of specialized equipment for various trades is attested by

archaeological documents, such as: weaving device for tissues (dated 1473), fulling

mills for cloth (1441), which had been located on the mountain rivers.

The development of trades in the domain of woodworking and the flourishing of

trading stimulated the wood shipbuilding. A 'firman' of Sultan Mohammed II (1445)
mentioned about the ships trading authorization of the dwellers of Moldavia to sell the
ships they used to build in Chilia and Cetatea Alb (the White Fortress, in Ukraine).
As the time passed, constructions were performed in a wider range. Shipyards were
set up, where Romanians built various types of boats at Brila (1620), Giurgiu (1700),
Galai (1783). The voivode Alexandru Moruzi obtained from the Ottoman Porte the
permission that Valachia should detain various types of vessels, boats, kayaks and all
kinds of ships on the Danube within the borders of the country. Since 1836, the
Danube harbors of Galai and Brila already received the porto-franco regime, a fact
that testified to the vivid activity that was being deployed there. The ships of
Moldavia and Valachia sailed under the Ottoman flag first. Then, since 1834, they
sailed under the Romanian flag. These signs of independence also reflected in the
diversifying of shipbuilding: the brig schooner Emma for the Danube river police
and the military schooners Stephen the Great and Galai.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

In guise of a conclusion, one can say that the shipbuilding industry had an old
tradition in Romania, as a result of a strong sector of conception and manufacturing,
which has been developing since times immemorial. Cargoes, bulk-goods vessels, ore
ships and oil tanks are manufactured in Romania, according to the concept of
Romanian researchers, who have brought significant contributions to the study of
hydrodynamic regimes, to the optimization of ship building and the modeling of
operation regimes. The range of performances includes such achievements as: ore
ships of 150000 dtw, oil tanks of 200000 dtw and 7 offshore drilling platforms in the
Black Sea continental zone for oil drilling, which were built in the shipyards of Galai,
according to the projects and studies of Romanian researches.

Romanians had original contributions in the domain of architecture and constructions

also, which were applied in the raising up of public or private buildings, roads and
bridges, silos, railways and hydrotechnical works. One cannot speak of a breach
between the techniques that our forerunners had been familiar with in the past and the
technics, which our contemporaries currently apply today. Churches and cathedrals
that had been built in Romania are but a few examples. The Moldavian arch that was
specifically employed in the architecture of the Northern Moldavia monasteries or the
princely tombs of Curtea de Arge are real proofs of the Romanians innovation
capacity. The stone bridges of Borzeti and Cotnari, which have been erected at the
end of the 15th century under the reign of Stephen the Great and the wooden bridges of
Transylvania are also such instances of Romanian ingenuity. It is remarkable how new
ideas coming from various geographical areas found a good soil for their development
into a practical synthesis in Romania.

Ion Mincu, the founder of the national architecture school, undertook construction and
decorative elements specific to the Romanian medieval and folk architecture or to that
of other countries, especially in point of technology. He also employed the balconies,
the wooden pillars, the archways, the capitals in his projects. There still can be seen
instances of his creation in Bucharest today: the Lahovary, Monteoru and Vernescu
houses, the Refreshment Bar on the Highway, the Central School for Girls, the
Administrative Palace of Galai.

The architects, who were trained by him continued in the line of traditional
architecture, each of them coming up with something specific, as it results form the
buildings that they had designed. Petre Antonescu was the architect, who set up the
Townhall building of Bucharest, the Faculty of Law, the Administrative Palace of
Craiova, the Triumph Arch (that had been temporarily erected in 1922 according to
the projects of architect Petre Antonescu and finished between 1935 and 1936,
through the participation of the most worthy Romanian sculptors: Ion Jalea, Corneliu
Medrea, Dimitrie Paciurea, Oscar Spethe, Frederik Stork, Constantin Baraschi).
Duiliu Marcu conceived the former State Committee of Planning (the Ministry of
Industry and Trade at present), the Library of the Romanian Academy, the Military
Academy, the Palace of the Victory Avenue, the Palace of Railways, the State Opera
and the National Theatre of Timioara. The Hotel Bulevard of Bucharest was built
according to the plans of architect Alexandru Orascu in 1871.

Mention should be made of monumental buildings, such as the Palace of Parliament,

whose construction started on the 25th of June, 1984 with a partial commissioning
between 1991 and 1992 and a final stage of works still under way today. Specialists in

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

various domains contributed to this construction their own ideas in architecture,

constructions, equipment and furniture. This building ranks second among the world
administrative buildings after the Pentagon building (330000 sqm as compared to
604000 sqm). As for the building volume, it stands on the third place with 2.55
millions m3, after the building for rochet assembly of Cape Canaveral (3.666 million
m3) and Quetzalcoatl Pyramid (3.3 million m3). The ground building surface is 66000
sqm, its maximum height 86 m. The building continues below the ground down to
minus 92 m. it has over 440 offices, 1200 conference halls and tens of parlors, being
an ideal place for the organiyation of cultural, scientific, social and political events.
The interior elegance is due to a specific combination of materials, such as: marble,
glass, ceramics, wood, carpets, crystal candelabra.

Speaking of the Romanians receptivity to modern solutions and of their capacity to

develop new solutions, mention should be made that the renowned Gustav Eiffel
elaborated the metallic structure of the Traian Hotel of Iai. Romanians were among
the first who have perfected the design technique for reinforced concrete (the Project
for reinforced concrete of the former old building of the Romanian Parliament was
drawn up by Gogu Constantinescu). Emil Prager perfected the mechanization of
construction works (metallic shuttering, quickly hardening cement etc.). Recently,
there have been achieved a series of constructions, which are relevant for the
conception talent of Romanian architects and builders: the new building of the
Politehnica University of Bucharest, which covers 50 ha (architect Octav Doicescu),
airports Koglniceanu of Constana and Otopeni of Bucharest (architect Ceyar
Lzrescu), the Romanian TV Headquarters, the National Theatre, the Palace of
Sports of Bucharest, the town planning of the Mamaia sea resort and of the Black Sea
coastline, the Central Pavilion Romexpo (made of metal, concrete, glass, with an
original dome construction that had been carried out by the academician Dan

Bridges represent one of the strong domains of the Romanians builders, Angel
Saligny being the founder of a renowned national school. His achievements are well-
known: metallic bridges with brackets and without abutment (1886), the railway
bridge over the Danube, at Feteti-Cernavod, that was the longest bridge in the
Continental Europe at that time and his masterpiece. Bracketed beams and a new

material, the soft steel (instead of the puddle iron) that had never been utilized before,
were employed for the bridge superstructure.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

The tradition of Angel Saligny continues. Recently his solutions were applied to the
Danube Bridge at Giurgieni-Vadul Oii, 1456 m in length, with a maximum opening of
160 m. It is metallic with orthotropic plate, with 4 circulation lanes. The Giurgiu
bridge with metallic superstructure, was the largest combined bridge in Europe at his
time (1953): it had a railway a the lower deck and a road at the upper deck). The 28
bridges of the Transfgraan road are one more instance of continuity in the tradition
of Anghel Saligny. The road, which is 91.5 km long crosses the alpine zone of the
Fgra Mountains reaching up to 2045 m, getting through the mountains below the
Blea pick, between Capra and Blea. Another origial bridge is the bracing wire
bridge of Agigea, along the Danube-Black Sea channel that round up the water main
to the North Sea. Its central sector is 162 m, representing the largest opening that was
ever achieved in Romania and one of the world top performances.

Anghel Saligny was the initiator of the dock warehouses construction, namely the
silos of Brila (1888) and Galai (1889). For the first time in the world, reinforced
concrete was used for those constructions, only twenty years after the French Monier
had obtained the first Patent for construction elements of this material, in 1867. The
prefabrication of plates on the ground, the welding of metallic bars, elements of
rigidity, mechanization of assembly represented Romanian novelties.
Hydropower constructions and the Danube-Black Sea channel are among the hydro-
electrical achievements in the domain of constructions.

Dams and hydro-electrical constructions of Romania are a proof of a special

conception force, which is embodied in the chain of hydropower stations along the
valley of several rivers: Bistria, Arge, Olt, Lotru, Som and the Danube.

The projects of Dimitrie Leonida and Dorin Pavel for the accommodation of hydraulic
basins, which had been conceived around the year 1908, were found to be as good at
the time when hydro-electrical arrangements were done in Romania.

The Iron Gates Dam that was started in 1964 and commissioned in 1972 represents a
hydro-energetic and navigation system at the same time. The dam has 868 m in
length, spillways of 25 m and two locks of 300 x 34 m. It contains two built-in hydro-
power stations of the river type, each of them including 6 groups. The installed power
is 2100 MV, which is under way to be increased.

The Danube-Black Sea Channel was a success, both in point of technical solutions,
and the economic effects it will generate when the conditions to connect the Black
Sea to the North Sea through the Danube-Rine Channel are met. All the Danube river-
side countries will benefit from this opportunity. The channel has 64.38 km in length,
a shipping canal of 70-90 m in width and it is over 7 m deep. It represents a
remarkable achievement of the Romanian conception and industry.

The connections that Romanian principalities established, both with the European and
the eastern countries enabled the development of trade, as well as of the scientific
transfer and interrelations. The Prince Despot founded the Academy of Cotnari in
1562, according to the model of European academies. Mathematics was taught there
among other subjects of study. Nicolae Milescu, G. incai, Gh. Asachi are the authors
of mathematics publications, which were intended to be taught in schools.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Originality becomes manifest with even more remarkable results in the 19th and 20th
centuries. In 1826, I. Bolyai created the non-Euclidean geometry independently and
simultaneously with N. I. Lobacevski and F. Gauss, discovering an altogether new
world. Gh. ieica, one of the creators of the centroaffine geometry, discovered new
categories of curves, surfaces and networks, which were called by his name. Dimitrie
Pompei introduced the notion of areolar derivative in mathematics and is the creator
of the Pompei functions. David Emmanuel brings important contributions to the
study of abelian integrals, which represents an intensely discussed problem by the
mathematicians of the 19th century. Traian Lalescu developed the theory of integral
equations, being one of its creators and upholds the existence of the periodical
polygonal functions. In his mathematical studies, Nicolae Botez developed a formula
that was undertaken and further developed by Cebaev.

The Romanian school of mathematics has proved that it had good innovating human
brains. Romanian mathematicians have a remarkable capacity to develop five
solutions to high-complexity problems. Simion Stoilov, for instance, found a class of
equations for which there are always uniform integrals in the neighborhood of a
singularity. A. Miller and Octav Mayer developed the geometry of projective and
related subgroups. Alexandru Pantazi brought his contribution in the differential
geometry through the definition of the Pantazi quadruples, which are called the
Terracini-Pantazi networks in the specialized literature. Gh. Mihoc originally dealt
with the Marcov chains and introduced the notion of the complete connections
chain together with Octav Onicescu.

Octav Onicescu (the creator of the Romanian school of the theory of probabilities and
mathematical statistics) brought valuable contributions to the development of
invariable mechanics and introduced the notion of sum-function and holothrope
function. Grigore Moisil reported original achievements in functional analysis,
Riemannian spaces, mathematical logic applied in the automation technique. Miron
Nicolescu worked with outstanding results in the theory of the harmonic and real
variable functions. Solomon Marcus is known for his original interpretations in

In the last 10 years, a series of Romanian mathematicians have obtained top results in
domains of public interest: Dan Voiculescu reached profound theorems in the study of
C* algebra and non-cumulative probabilities, with their implications in modern
physics. Ciprian Foia had far-reaching results in the optimum control in infinite
dimensional spaces and in the study of the Navier-Strokes equation. Viorel Barbu had
brought his contribution to the domain of the multidimensional optimum control and
the theory of integral equations.

In the history of science, a special importance is attached to the contribution of the

physician tefan Odobleja, who published La Psychologie consonantiste in Paris in
1938. His work contained fundamental concepts regarding the operation of complex
systems (biological, social) with a smaller or higher degree of automatism. He is
considered to be the creator of psycho-cybernetics. Ten years later, in 1948, the
American mathematician Norbert Wiener founded cybernetics.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

One can also speak of a remarkable Romanian physics school and its tradition. Its
representatives had been trained in the greatest foreign scientific centres, undertaking
the latest concepts, which they distilled, yielding in return a luxurious treasury of

As for the domain of physics, the 19th and 20th centuries are the most relevant period
in the history of sciences. Nevertheless, forerunners should never be forgotten.
Mention should be made here of the Romanian scholar Dimitrie Cantemir, who
published Hieroglyphic history in Istanbul (1705), which deals with the relation
between matter and motion. In 1710 he studied the doctrine of I. V. Van Helmont,
focusing on several elements of the mechanics of motion. A century later, Gheorghe
incai presented in his work Natural teaching for abolishing ordinary peoples
superstitions the principles of Newtonian mechanics.

3. Great Romanian scientists and engineers

This section is dedicated to some remarkable Romanian scientist and engineers whose
achievements are at the highest level.

Jnos Bolyai was born in Transylvania, at that time part of Hungary and of the
Austrian Empire (although the town Kolozsvr is now officially named Cluj and is in
Romania). By the time Bolyai was 13, he had mastered the calculus and other forms
of analytical mechanics, his father Farkas Bolyai giving him instruction. Bolyai also
became an accomplished violinist and he performed in Vienna. He studied at the
Royal Engineering College in Vienna from 1818 to 1822. Immediately after this he
joined the army engineering corps in which he spent 11 years. He was the best
swordsman and dancer in the Austrian Imperial Army.
He neither smoked nor drank, not even coffee, and at the age of 23 he was reported to
still retain the modesty of innocence. He was an accomplished linguist speaking nine
foreign languages including Chinese and Tibetan.

Between 1820 and 1823 he prepared a treatise on a complete system of non-Euclidean

geometry. Before the work was published, however, Bolyai discovered that Gauss had
anticipated much of his work. Although Gauss had never published his work in this
area, probably because he did not feel confident to publish, this was a severe blow to
Bolyai. However Bolyai's work was published in 1832 as an Appendix to an essay by
his father.

Gauss, on reading the Appendix, wrote to a friend saying:

"I regard this young geometer Bolyai as a genius of the first order".

To Bolyai's father he wrote:

"To praise it would amount to praising myself. For the entire content of the
work ... coincides almost exactly with my own meditations which have
occupied my mind for the past thirty or thirty-five years".

In 1848 Bolyai discovered that Lobachevsky had published a similar piece of work in
In addition to his work in geometry, Bolyai developed a rigorous geometric concept of
complex numbers as ordered pairs of real numbers.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Bolyai was plagued with a fever, which frequently disabled him, and in 1833 he was
pensioned off from his army career. Although he never published more than the 24
pages of the Appendix he left more than 20000 pages of manuscript of mathematical
work when he died. These are now in the Bolyai-Teleki library in Tirgu- Mures.

In 1945 a university in Cluj was named after him, and this is now part of the Babes-
Bolyai University.

In October 1910 Grand Palais on Champs-Elysees in Paris was hosting the second
International Aeronautical Exhibition. The most recent products of aviation were
exposed. Many people were visiting the exhibition, some because of pure curiosity,
attracted by the mirage of flight, others because they were particularly interested in
some specific machines.

The most interesting machine, which attracted lots of people, and caused the visitors
to gather in a crowd around it, was a red airplane which was missing the propeller;
beside it, on a metallic shell, was written: COANDA-1910. This airplane caused the
people to be so curious not only because it was missing the propeller, but also because
of the fact that it was completely different from what people knew by that time an
airplane looked like. It was a double-wing, one-seat plane equipped with a reactive
engine. His main characteristics were span: 10.30 m, length: 12.50 m, lifting surface:
32.70 mxm, weight: 420 kg, propulsion force at sea level: 220 kgf.
The news concerning the airplane's construction were mainly the following:For the
first time the main stubs of wings were made of steel instead of wood. The wings
were for the first time equipped with mobile surfaces placed ahead of wing to increase
lift (*these are mobile surfaces attached to the wing, which have the role to delay the
separation of the boundary layer, thus increasing the critical flight incidence and the
maximum lifting coefficient; in Romanian it is called volet - e.g volet Fowler, Taghi,
Kruger etc.*).

The wings profile had a strong curvature; their shape was rectangular except for the
fact that they were, of course, circular at the corners. The gasoline and lubricants were
stored inside the upper wings (!) such as the drag was considerably reduced.The two
wings had different lengths and the superior (upper) wing was set ahead of the inferior
one, which was shorter, such as the aerodynamic interference between these two
surfaces were reduced. This construction, applied for the first time by Henri Coanda,
was later called 'Sesquiplan'; it was re-invented 10 years later, being used for
Fokker's, Brequet's, Potez's airplanes.

Paul Painleve - 1863-1933, Prof. at Sorbone, one of the pioneers of Flight Mechanics,
who also flew with Wilbur Wright and Henri Farman even in 1908 - Sextrieux and
Gustave Eiffel - 1832-1923, a pioneer of experimental aerodynamics, his first
experiences being carried out from the tower which bears his name - were particularly
interested in Coanda's machine. However they realized that the hour of the reactive
airplane had not come yet (Eiffel: 'This boy should have been born 30 years later.').

The most interesting part of Coanda's plane was the propulsion system, a real
revolution in the construction of airplane engines that would have to constitute the
solution in the future. The "air-reactive engine", invented and built for the first time

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

by Henri Coanda, composed of a piston-engine with four cylinders, cooled with

water; it developed 50 HP (Horse-Power) at 1000 rotations/minute. This piston-engine
was connected to a rod which rotated the rotation multiplier; the movement was
transmitted to the compressor which gained a rotation speed of 4000 rot./min.. In front
of the compressor was placed the obturator - a device very similar to that of a photo-
camera; this device could be controlled by the pilot such that the quantity of air that
entered the compressor could be regulated. The air entered the burning rooms, (that
had a ring-like section and were placed on both sides of the fuselage), from which,
through some tubes, burned gases of the engine were evacuated and the propulsion
force was generated.The propulsion force at sea level obtained with this engine was
220 kgf, much larger than that obtained if the piston-engine would have been acted by
a propeller.

Many visitors were suspicious about the possibility that this machine could take off
since it was missing the propeller. They had never seen such a strange flying machine
and never heard about an airplane without a propeller.

After the exhibition closed its doors, on December 16, 1910, Henri Coanda
transported his airplane at Issy-les-Moulineaux. Here he only intended to verify the
engine, not to fly. So Coanda got into his machine, and after several minutes of
warming up, pushed the buttons that commanded the obturator and the rotation speed
of the engine. The airplane began to move faster and faster, and flames and fume
could be seen along the fuselage getting out from the engine. After a very short time,
before Coanda could realize what was going on, the airplane was in the air. Impressed
by the flames and worried about the fact that he had never piloted an airplane by then
(only planors), Coanda lost the control of his machine, which began to loose speed
and height. In a short time it stroked the ground and began to burn.

Coanda described this first flight in 1964 as follows:

"The machine gained height much faster than I thought; it was not my fault, but
after a while it entered a glissade, stroke the ground and burned completely. I
was very lucky I was not tied on the chair, such that I was pushed out when the
airplane stroke the ground; otherwise I would have burned with it".

This attempt constitutes the first flight of an airplane equipped with an air-reactive
engine, the first reactive flight of an airplane in the world. But lacking the financial
support Coanda could not improve his invention such that a second reactive airplane
made by Coanda could not be seen flying again.

So 30 years before Heinkel, Campini and Whittle, Coanda built and flew the first
reactive airplane.

OBERTH Hermann
Hermann Julius Oberth, born June 25, 1894 in the Transylvanian town of
Hermannstadt, is, along with the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the American
Robert Goddard, one of the three founding fathers of rocketry and modern
astronautics. Interestingly, although these three pioneers arrived at many of the same
conclusions about the possibility of a rocket escaping the earths gravitational pull,
they seem to have done so without any knowledge of each others work.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Oberths interest in rocketry was sparked at the age of 11. His mother gave him a copy
of Jules Verne's From The Earth To The Moon, a book which he later recalled he read
"at least five or six times and, finally, knew by heart. It was a young Oberth, then,
that discovered that many of Vernes calculations were not simply fiction, and that the
very notion of interplanetary travel was not as fantastic as had been assumed by the
scientific community. By the age of 14 Oberth had already envisioned a recoil
rocket that could propel itself through space by expelling exhaust gases (from a
liquid fuel) from its base. He had no resources with which to test his model, but
continued to develop his theories, all the while teaching himself, from various books,
the mathematics that he knew hed need if he was to ever challenge gravitys
dominion. Oberth realized that the higher the ratio between propellant and rocket
mass the faster his rocket would be able to travel. Problem: as the rocket expends fuel,
its mass (not including fuel) remains the same, in essence becoming heavier and
heavier in relation to the engines ability to provide thrust. Solution: stages. Hermann
Oberth reasoned that as one section of the rocket cylinder becomes expended, and
therefore also becomes dead weight, why not just get rid of it? This idea is especially
important, in light of the fact that in space, velocity is additive. Oberth wrote,
the requirements for stages developed out of these formulas. If there is a
small rocket on top of a big one, and if the big one is jettisoned and the small
one is ignited, then their speeds are added.

In 1912 Hermann Oberth enrolled in the University of Munich to study medicine. His
scholarly pursuits, however, were interrupted by the First World War. In an indirect
way, Hermann Oberths participation in the war, mostly with the medical unit, was, in
some ways, fortunate for the future of rocketry. Hermann Oberth stated it best when
he wrote that one of the most important things he learned in his years as an enlisted
medic, was that he "did not want to be a doctor. When the war was over, Professor
Oberth returned to the University of Munich, but this time to study Physics with
several of the most notable scientists of the time. In 1922 Oberths doctoral thesis on
rocketry was rejected. He later described his reaction: I refrained from writing
another one, thinking to myself: Never mind, I will prove that I am able to become a
greater scientist than some of you, even without the title of doctor. He continued: In
the United States, I am often addressed as a doctor. I should like to point out,
however, that I am not such and shall never think of becoming one. And on
education he had this to say: Our educational system is like an automobile which has
strong rear lights, brightly illuminating the past. But looking forward things are barely

In 1923, the year after the rejection of his dissertation, he published the 92 page Die
Rakete zu den Planetenraumen (The Rocket into Planetary Space). This was followed
by a longer version (429 pages) in 1929, which was internationally celebrated as a
work of tremendous scientific importance. That same year, he lost the sight in his left
eye in an experiment while working as a technical advisor to German director Fritz
Lang on his film, Girl in the Moon.

In the thirties Oberth took on a young assistant who would later become one of the
leading scientists in rocketry research for the German and then the United States
governments; his name was Werhner von Braun. They worked together again during
the Second World War, developing the V2 rocket, the vengeance weapon for the
German Army, and again after the war, in the United States at the U.S. Armys

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Ballistic Missile Agency in Huntsville, Alabama. However, three years later Professor
Oberth retired and returned to Germany.
That Hermann Oberth is one of the three founding fathers of rocketry and modern
astronautics is, I think, indisputable. That all three have advanced the science of
rocketry is also indisputable - Professor Oberth, though, possessed a vision that set
him apart, even from these great men. In 1923 he wrote in the final chapter of Die
Rakete zu den Planetenraumen (The Rocket into Planetary Space), The rockets... can
be built so powerfully that they could be capable of carrying a man aloft. In 1923,
then, he became the first to prove that rockets could put a man into space. By all
accounts Hermann Oberth was a humble man (especially considering his
achievements) who had, in his own words, simple goals. He outlined them in the last
paragraph of his 1957 book Man into Space: To make available for life every place
where life is possible. To make inhabitable all worlds as yet uninhabitable, and all life
purposeful. Hermann Julius Oberth died in a Nuremberg hospital in West Germany
on December 29, 1989 at the age of 95.

He was born in November 1912 in Jassy (Iasi), the old capital of Moldavia, the
eastern province of Romania. My education was started in that city and was continued
through a baccalaureate (continental style) at the "Al Hasdeu" Lyceum in Buzau. His
father, Emil Palade, was professor of philosophy and my mother, Constanta Cantemir-
Palade, was a teacher. The family environment explains why he acquired early in life
great respect for books, scholars and education. His father has hoped he was going to
study philosophy at the University, like himself, but he preferred to deal with
tangibles and specifics, and - influenced by relatives much closer to my age than he
was - he entered the School of Medicine of the University of Bucharest (Romania) in

Early in his student years he developed a strong interest in basic biomedical sciences
by listening to, and speaking with, Francisc Rainer and Andr Boivin, professors of
Anatomy and Biochemistry, respectively. As a result, he started working in the
Anatomy laboratory while still in medical school. He went, nonetheless, through six
years of hospital training, mostly in internal medicine, but he did the work for my
doctorate thesis in microscopic anatomy on a rather unusual topic (for an M.D.): the
nephron of the cetacean Delphinus delphi. It was an attempt to understand its structure
in terms of the functional adaptation of a mammal to marine life.

He graduated in 1940 and, after a short period as an assistant in internal medicine, he

went back to Anatomy, since the discrepancy between knowledge possessed by, and
expected from, the medical practitioners of that time made me rather uneasy.During
the second world war, he served in the medical corps of the Romanian Army, and after
the war - encouraged by Grigore Popa, Rainer's successor - he came to the United
States in 1946 for further studies. He worked for a few months in the Biology
Laboratory of Robert Chambers at New York University and, while there, he met
Albert Claude who had come to give a seminar on his work in electron microscopy.
He was fascinated by the perspectives opened by his findings and extremely happy
when, after a short discussion following his seminar, he asked me to come to work
with him at The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in the fall of the same
year. This was truly a timely development, since Chambers was retiring that summer.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

At The Rockefeller Institute, Claude was working in the department of Pathology of

James Murphy with George Hogeboom and Walter Schneider as direct collaborators;
Keith Porter was in the same department but had developed his own line of research
on the electron microscopy of cultured animal cells. At the beginning, he worked
primarily on cell fractionation procedures, and he developed with Hogeboom and
Schneider the "sucrose method" for the homogenization and fractionation of liver
tissue. This first "Rockefeller group" had a rather short existence: Schneider returned
to the University of Wisconsin, Hogeboom moved to the National Cancer Institute,
and Claude went back to Belgium in 1949 to assume the directorship of the Jules
Bordet Institute. Only Porter and he remained at The Rockefeller Institute.

Two years later, upon Murphy's retirement, they became "orphans" and were adopted
by Herbert Gasser then the director of the Institute, since none of them had the rank
required to head a laboratory.

Around that time, Palade started working in electron microscopy with the general aim
of developing preparation procedures applicable to organized tissue. This line of
research had been tackled before by a few investigators, Claude included, but there
was still ample room for improvement. Taking advantage of whatever techniques
were already available, Porter and Palade worked out enough improvements in
microtomy and tissue fixation to obtain preparations, which, at least for a while,
appeared satisfactory and gratifying. A period of intense activity and great excitement
followed since the new layer of biological structure revealed by electron microscopy
proved to be unexpectedly rich and surprisingly uniform for practically all eukaryotic
cells. Singly, or in collaboration with others, he did his share in exploring the newly
open territory and, in the process, he defined the fine structure of mitochondria, and
described the small particulate component of the cytoplasm (later called ribosomes);
with Porter, Palade investigated the local differentiations of the endoplasmic
reticulum and with Sanford Palay he worked out the fine structure of chemical
synapses. With all this activity, their laboratory became reasonably well known and
started functioning as a training center for biological electron microscopy. The
circumstances that permitted this development were unusually favorable: they didn't
have to worry about research funds (since we were well supported by Herbert Gasser),
they had practically complete freedom in selecting their targets, strong competitors
who kept them alert, and excellent collaborators who helped them in maintaining their

In the middle 1950's, Palade felt that the time was ripe for going back to cell
fractionation as a means of defining the chemical composition he and the functional
role of the newly discovered subcellular components. The intent was to use electron
microscopy for monitoring cell fractionation. He was starting from structural findings
and morphological criteria seemed appropriate for assessing the degree of
homogeneity (or heterogeneity) of the cell fractions. Philip Siekevitz joined their
laboratory in 1955 and together they showed that Claude's microsomes were
fragments of the endoplasmic reticulum (as postulated by Claude in 1948) and that the
ribosomes were ribonucleoprotein particles. To find out more about the function of the
endoplasmic reticulum and of the attached ribosomes, they started an integrated
morphological and biochemical analysis of the secretory process in the guinea pig

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

In 1961, Keith Porter who had been the head of our group since 1953 joined the
Biological Laboratories of Harvard University and, with his departure, the history of
the second "Rockefeller group" came to an end. It was during this period that cell
biology became a recognized field of research in biological sciences and that the
Journal of Cell Biology and the American Society for Cell Biology were founded.
Their group participated actively in each of these developments.

In the 1960's, Palade continued the work on the secretory process using in parallel or
in succession two different approaches. The first relied exclusively on cell
fractionation, and was developed in collaboration with Philip Siekevitz, Lewis
Greene, Colvin Redman, David Sabatini and Yutaka Tashiro; it led to the
characterization of the zymogen granules and to the discovery of the segregation of
secretory products in the cisternal space of the endoplasmic reticulum. The second
approach relied primarly on radioautography, and involved experiments on intact
animals or pancreatic slices which were carried out in collaboration with Lucien Caro
and especially James Jamieson. This series of investigations produced a good part of
their current ideas on the synthesis and intracellular processing of proteins for export.
A critical review of this line of research is presented in the Nobel Lecture.

In parallel with the work on the secretory process in the pancreatic exocrine cell,
Palade maintained an interest in the structural aspects of capillary permeability, that
goes back to the early 1950's when he found a large population of plasmalemmal
vesicles in the endothelial cells of blood capillaries. Along this line of research,
Marilyn Farquhar and Palade investigated the capillaries of the renal glomeruli and
recognized that, in their case, the basement membrane is the filtration barrier for
molecules of 100A diameter or larger; a byproduct of this work was the definition of
junctional complexes in a variety of epithelia. Visceral (fenestrated) capillaries were
investigated with Francesco Clementi, and muscular capillaries with Romaine Bruns
and Nicolae and Maia Simionescu.

The capillary work relied primarily on the use of "probe" molecules of known
dimensions detected individually or in mass (after cytochemical reactions) by electron
microscopy. It led to the identification of the passageways followed by large water-
soluble molecules in both types of capillaries and by small molecules in visceral
capillaries. The pathway followed by small, water-soluble molecules in muscular
capillaries was still under investigation.

In the middle of the 1960's their laboratory began a series of investigations on

membrane biogenesis in eukaryotic cells using as model objects either the
endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian hepatocytes (with P. Siekevitz, Gustav Dallner
and Andrea Leskes), or the thylakoid membranes of a green alga (Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii) (With P. Siekevitz, Kenneth Hoober and Itzhak Ohad). These studies
showed that "new" membrane is produced by expansion of "old" preexisting
membrane (there is no de novo membrane assembly), and that new molecules are
asynchronously inserted, and randomly distributed throughout the expanding
membrane. Asynchrony also applies to the turnover of membrane proteins in the
endoplasmic reticulum as shown by work done with P. Siekevitz, Tsuneo Omura and
Walter Bock.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

In 1973, Palade left the Rockefeller University to join the Yale University Medical
School. The main reason for the move was his belief that the time had come for
fruitful interactions between the new discipline of Cell Biology and the traditional
fields of interest of medical schools, namely Pathology and Clinical Medicine.
Besides, he thought that his work at the Rockefeller University was done: when he
left there were at least five other laboratories working in different sectors of cell

He investigated, together with his collaborators, the interactions which occur among
the membranes of the various compartments of the secertory pathway, namely the
endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, the secretion granules, and the

Palade was a member of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.) since 1961, and
he has received a number of awards and prizes for his scientific work, among them:
the Lasker Award (1966), the Gairdner Special Award (1967), and the Hurwitz Prize -
shared with Albert Claude and Keith Porter (1970).

Since his high school years he has been interested in history, especially in Roman
history, a topic on which he has read rather extensively. The Latin that goes with this
kind of interest proved useful when he had to generate a few terms and names for cell

He has a daughter, Georgia Palade Van Duzen, and a son Philip Palade from a first
marriage with Irina Malaxa, now deceased. In 1970 he married Marilyn Gist Farquhar
who is a cell biologist like himself.

Emil Racovita was born in Iasi (Romania) on November 15, 1868. He spent his
childhood at Soranesti, Vaslui County, in the family estate. He was educated in Iasi
under the guidance of professor and writer Ion Creanga and afterwards he continued
high school at "Institutele Unite", where he learned the basics of natural sciences from
Grigore Cobalcescu, who knew how to implant passion for the knowledge of
nature.Following his father's wish he attended Law School in Paris, but following his
own vocation he graduated from the Faculty of Science in Sorbonne where he learned
zoology with an excellent professor, Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers. After his graduation in
1891, he obtained in 1896 a remarkable doctor degree, which made him well- known
among European scientists.

As a recognition of his scientific merits, he was selected to participate as a biologist in

the Belgium Antarctic Expedition (1897-1899) on board the"Belgica", headed by
Adrien de Gerlache. He accomplished his mission brilliantly, coming back with a
collection of 1,600 botanical and zoological specimens. Soon after he returned he
published a consistent work about Cetacea. He is known to be one of the initiators of
ethological researchers.

On November 1st, 1900, as Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers decided to find someone to

succed him, Emil Racovita was appointed assistant-director of the oceanological

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

laboratory "Arago" from Banyuls-sur-Mer, which was founded twenty years earlier
by his professor. In 1901 he became joint menager of the review "Archieves de
Zoologie experimentale et generale" also a creation of that erudite scientist.

Following the discovery of a new species of cave crustaceans in the famous Cueva del
Drach on the island of Majorca, which he had visited in August 1904, Racovita gave
up his oceanological researchers and fully devoted himself to the biological study of
the subterranean realm. In 1907 he published "Essai sur les problemes
biospeologiques" which is considered to be the birth certificate of biospeleology (cave
biology) as an independent science. At the same time he initiated an extensive
international research program called "Biospeologica" (primarily intending to
document and collect cave fauna). This, initially private activity, got an official frame
in 1920 when Racovita, volunteered to get involved himself in the organization of the
Romanian University of Cluj, returned to his native country and founded in the capital
of Transylvania the world's first Speleological Institute.

The results of his biospeleological program are altogether exceptional: 1,200 caves
explored in Europe and Africa, a collection including 50,000 cave animals, 66
published papers on subterranean fauna totaling almost 6,000 pages. Biology has
never known such a remarkable concentration of forces, as that initiated by Racovita
to approach his goal: the understanding of the natural history of the subterranean

The two decades spent by Racovita in Cluj until the beginning of the war were
characterized by an extraordinary diversification of his offices. He was a senator
(representing the University of Cluj) in 1922-1926, Rector of the University of Cluj
(1929-1930), president of the Romanian Academy of Sciences (1926-1929), Director
of the Speleological Institute (1920-1947), and member of various scientific
associations. His contributions to the study of isopode crustaceans and his advocacy
campaigns for the protection of the environment are remarkable. The climax of his
scientific career was the elaboration of an original theory on evolution.

In August 1940, the Vienna Dictate forced the Faculty of Sciences and, together with
it, the Speleological Institute to take refuge in Timisoara. During four long years, the
scientific activity ceased altogether. Immediately after his return in Cluj, Emil
Racovita strived to reorganize his institute, but it was too late: on November 17th
1947, the great scientist passed away. The man disappeared, but his work lives for
ever, as it is the outcome of a strong spirit, which shall not be forgotten.

Born in 19th of April 1854 at erbaneti, today belonging to Lieti county, Galai.He
died in 17th of june 1925 in Bucharest.Scientist and Engineer, brother of the chemist
Alfons S..His father was Alfred S., french at origin. He lived in Moldova around
1845-1848, beeing the leader of a children preparing school. At this mansion Anghel
Saligny has started his studies continuing them at the gimnasyum school in Focani
and after that in Postdam. Initialy attracted to astronomy he begun studies at Berlin
University where he had the great physician L. Helmholtz as a teacher. Engineering
studies (1870-1874), were performed at the superior technic school in Charlottenburg
which in those days had a lot of great engineering experts like Schwedler or Franzius.
Before his returning into the country he worked under the surveillance of G. Mehrtens

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

for the construction of Cottbus-Frankfurt railway. Returned into Romania he works at

the Bridge and Roads Company and under the surveillance of G. Duca he helped at
the Ploieti-Predeal railway system. In 1891 he is promoted as second executive in the
same company where he receives the job of building the Adjud-Tg. Ocna and Barlad-
Vaslui railway system. He designed many bridges and railways to replace the old
ones. At 3 October 1884 he is promoted as chief of the Docks system function that he
preserved until 1 January 1901.In the same period he run The General direction of
railways, solving the problem of substitution of wooden bridges with steel bridges in
Filiai-Tg. Jiu line. In the 1884-1889 period he has build the concrete silos at Braila
and Galai. At 18 November 1887 he is granted with the permission to lead of the
Feteti-Cernavoda railway system. He conceives a new method of building bridges
over the Danube and elaborates his projects with Romanians engineers. Being a Chief
Executive of the railway system, beginning from 7th October 1895, he initiates a law
regarding the reorganization of the railway system and has created a direct railway
line between Berlin and Bucharest and Berlin-Constana. In 1901-1910 he has run the
General institute of ports and water communication ways. Chairman of the third
International Congress of petroleum in Bucharest in 1909.Minister of Public works in
(1918-1919).Member of the French Legion of Honor, Founding member of the
Politechnic Society. The pedagogic activity of Saligny begins in 1884 when he is
named Chairman of the Bridges cathedrae which he runs it until 1914.Member of the
Romanian Academy in 1892; Chairman of the Romanian Academy (1907-1910).

One of the pioneers of the Romanian engineering science especially with the new
given solutions in building and designing of bridges. In 1881 he designed and
accomplished on Adjud-Tg. Ocna line the first railway-road combined bridges in the
country. In 1886 he designed and runed the first metal bridges with consoles and
without cullees in Filiai-Tg. Jiu line. During 1884-1889 period he accomplished the
docks and antreposits from Braila and Galai ports, by elaborating original solutions
for the founding of silos and tanks as well as for cereal silos build from prefabricated
armed concrete. The execution of the cell walls was made from prefabricated
elements builded into the ground and mounted into the opera. The arming of the
monoliths and the stiffness corners were glued together into the forge forming in this
way o closed profile, a fact that indicates Salingny as a precursor of usage of melted
cuirasses for stiffness. The assembling plan of prefabricated pieces and the joining of
them contitues in a rational combining system applied for the first time in
constructions by Salingy and reused many years later. The most important accomplish
of Saligny consists in the designing and building the bridge over Danube in
Cernavoda, the greatest in Europe in that time and the third in the world.(the total
length of all bridges over the Danube is 4088 m).The inauguration of the bridge was
made in 14 Sept. 1895 by the passing of a 15 locomotives convoy at almost 80
Km\Hour. This thing has definitely consecrated the superiority of soft steel over the
iron in constructing of metal bridges. Saligny has chosen for the infrastructure the
console system, and the designing of the bridge was made after modern calculation
techincs. Saligny has created with Gh. Duca the Romanian technic body. He has
participated in active way at the organizing of the superior technic studying, being the
chairman of the perfectioning system of the Council and of the comity that has
decided the building of new politechnic schools after the first world war.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

VASILIU Haralambie
Born at 17 Jan. 1880 in Hoisesti, Iasi he has died at 3 Nov. 1953 at Iasi. Scientist,
chemist and agro-chemist. He studied at Internat high school in Iasi (1889-1897), at
Science Faculty in Iasi in Chemistry-Fizics section. He has also studied Maths (1898-
1902) at the High agronomic studies academy from Hohenheim (Germany). Doctor
on agricultural chemistry at Breslau University with the degree about New findings
about the origin substances of Hipuric acids formed in animal body(1906). Professor
at the Culture university in Iasi (1906-1933), then at the university of Agriculture in
Chisinau (1933-1940) Board leader at the agricultural chemistry from the Agronomic
institute Ion Ionescu from Brad in Iasi (1940-1951). Initialiser of the agricultural
sciences of Iasi University (1912). Author of the low project regarding the founding of
the Agricultural sciences Faculty in Iasi. He was the first principal of this faculty.

Since 1911 he has developed chemistry analysis of different types of land, and later
(after 1930) he intensifies his attention on the microorganisms which he has studied
correlated with the vegetal methabolism. He has proven the important role played by
Coper in developing of the plants (1938). Between 1936-1938 his research was based
on ground water and the proportion that different agrotechnical works that make it
dissapeare. He begun studies about azotous fertilizers, o new technique between the
World Wars. His conclusions have determined him to study the relations between
chemical fertilizers and different corn crops(1940-1941).By studying the proteic
content of numerous aliments he draw attention on the selective character, and about
the proteic metabolism in animal body. He emitted the Desagregation Hypothesy, the
predesagregation of the crystalline rafts and eruptive rocks, a process about which he
thinks that is correspondent to the solidification of the ground rock in one step and in
which the crystalline rafts and eruptive rocks would have been suscesible at the
destructive action of water vapors, clorhidric acid, carbonic anhydride, combined with
high pressure and temperature. Actual studies are confirming this theory, making
Vasiliu the precursory of this domain. He is the author of the first agricultural
chemistry treaty and he also is the creator of a valuable agro-chemistry school in Iasi.

VUIA Traian
Traian Vuia was born on August 17, 1872 in a village known as Surducul Mic in the
Timis County of Romania. It was a small village in the western part of Romania, in
the vicinity of the present border between Romania and Hungary. Today this village
bears the inventor's name: Traian Vuia.

Vuia went to primary school in his village, after which he left the village for the town
of Lugoj (also in the Timis County). In 1892 he graduated the high school in this
town, the first among all graduates that year. As a high-school student he was
particularly interested in Mathematics, Physics and Technics. That was why, in the fall
of 1892 he enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Budapest, School of Mechanics.
After one year, because of financial problems, he joined the Faculty of Law in
Budapest. The main reason was the possibility to work and make some money (as a
student at the Polytechnic University of Budapest he could not do that). Despite this
change which came out in his life, he continued to study by himself those technical
problems which he was particularly interested in, the most important one being the
problem of flight.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

In May 1901 the Faculty of Law in Budapest awarded him the Ph.D. degree in Law.
After graduation he returned to Lugoj. Here he accomplished his studies about human
flight and designed his first flying machine, which he called "the airplane-car". He
tried to build this machine in Lugoj, but, because he had no material help, decided to
go to Paris. On the first of July 1902 he arrived in Paris. Vuia was hoping that in Paris
- considered at that time the center of the aeronautical world - he would find
somebody interested in his project. In Paris, Vuia began to look for help among those
interested in aerial navigation using balloons. But these persons did not believe that a
flying machine, which had a density greater than that of the air, could fly, since their
flight principles were based on Archimede's law. In these circumstances Vuia
addressed Prof. Tatin, known as a very good theoretician and experimentator as well.
In 1879 Tatin had succeeded in building an aero-model.
Tatin was interested in Vuia's project, but also tried to persuade him that he would do
nothing, because its flying machine did not have a suitable engine (which was
expected by all constructors of flying machines at that time). Tatin's main argument
against Vuia's engine project, was that it had only one propeller, while all aero-
models which had flown had had two parallel propellers rotating in opposite
directions (from stability considerations). However Vuia continued to sustain his
project and submitted it to the Science Academy of Paris on February 16, 1903. In this
project he demonstrated the possibility of mechanical flight with a machine that had a
density greater than that of the air. He also presented his procedure for taking off. This
project was entitled 'Project of an airplane-car'. The special Commission of
Aeronautics of the Science Academy of Paris considered Vuia's project an utopia.
They rejected it, adding the comments: 'The problem of flight with a machine which
weights more than air can not be solved and it is only a dream.'

Vuia did not give up and applied for a license for his machine from the Office of
Industrial Property in France. On August 17, 1903 he received this license. It was
officially published on October 16, 1903. Decided to give life to his invention, Vuia
had begun to build the flying machine during the winter of 1902-1903. Despite of a
lot of difficulties, the most important being of course the financial ones, he succeeded
in his attempt. During the autumn of 1904, he began to build the appropriate engine,
also an invention of his own. During the same year (1904) Vuia got a license for his
invention from Great Britain.

This flying machine was called by his constructor 'Traian Vuia 1'. It was a single-
plane airplane with a high-wing. The second difficult problem solved by Vuia was to
build an engine that could develop a propulsion force to assure the autonomous taking
off. The first airplane engine appeared in 1903, built by Wright brothers. The second
one, built by Charles Manly was used by Prof. Langley for his airplane; he tried to fly
with it two times in 1903 but he failed. (* This engine can be seen in Washington, at
'National Air & Space Museum' *). The third engine was Vuia's. It was the second
engine in the world, which worked on a flying machine. (*Vuia's engine can be seen
in Paris, at 'Air Museum'; a copy of it is in Bucharest, at 'Central Military Museum'*).

The propeller of Vuia's flying machine was built by Tatin, who, seeing that Vuia's
airplane becomes a reality, decided to help him. The propeller was the only part of the
airplane built by Tatin.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

The main characteristics of Vuia's first airplane were: span : 8.70 m; length : 5.65 m;
height : 2.90 m; lifting surface : 20 mxm; engine : 20 horse-power at 450
rotations/minute; lifting surface : 20 mxm; engine : 20 horse-power at 450
rotations/minute; propulsion force at fixed point : 45 kgf; total weight : 195 kg (+
Vuia's 56 kg = 251 kg);

While he was building his airplane Vuia received some visitors like George Besancon,
Santos-Dumont etc., well known as personalities in aviation. Most of them were
shocked by the fact that Vuia adopted a mono-plane solution for his airplane, because
all planors which had flown by then were built after Lilienthal-Chanute double-plane
idea. Vuia's argument was that he was inspired by nature (he used to say 'I have never
seen a bird with more than two wings'). They were also worried because Vuia's
machine had only one propeller so airplane 's stability was difficult to maintain.

'Vuia 1' airplane was completely built in December 1905. Now Vuia had to choose a
suitable place to test his machine; he found a plain called Montesson, near Paris,
where spectators could not disturb him. His first experiences began in December
1905. In this period he used his machine only as a car; the wings were not mounted on
it. After he became a very good pilot for his 'car' Vuia changed it into what he called
'airplane-car' by adding the wings. In this configuration the machine was still used as
a car only, till it could attain safely a speed of 40 km/hour without using the engine at
its maximum capacity.

By now nobody, except one of the men who had helped him building the machine,
attended these experiences. In February, after they heard of Vuia's successes, more
people - including George Besancon and others -joined him to see the attempts.
During February many papers in France began to devote large spaces to Vuia's
machine. Considering the weather warm enough, Vuia decided to make his first flying
attempt on March 18, 1906. He had established to make the attempt in the afternoon,
so at three o'clock p.m. he set out the engine. After five minutes his machine began to
move. After an accelerated motion (about 50 meters long) 'Vuia 1' left the soil and
flew at a height of about 1 m. After about 12 m in flight, some problems occurred at
the engine so the propeller stopped and 'Vuia 1' landed.

Vuia was very happy he could fly with his machine. At that time that flight constituted
a notable performance. It was the first flight with a machine, which weighted more
than the air and was entirely driven only by its on board installations during all its
evolution (unlike Wright's brothers machines). Of course such an event was exploited
by the mass media; a lot of papers in France, USA, Great Britain, etc. noted that at
Montesson an autonomous flight had taken place. Six moths later Santos-Dumont
succeeded in a similar attempt; he is sometimes quoted as the first who flew using
only his on board installations, because his flight was officially controlled. But Vuia
had flown many times before: March 18, June 24 at Issy-les-Moulineaux (also in
France), July 1, July 5, July 14, August 12, August 19, etc.

In 1907 Vuia flew many times. A notable event took place on March 27 when Vuia,
Santos-Dumont and Bleriot attended an aviation meeting at Bagatelle. Only Vuia
succeeded in his attempt, while Santos-Dumont and Bleriot could not even take off.
Santos Dumont made only three flights during this period: the first on September 13,
1906, then October 23, November 12, 1906 when the first flight was officially

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

controlled. After these Santos-Dumont gave-up his first airplane and built a new one,
completely different. In 1907 the number of autonomous flying machines increased
rapidly; Charles Voisin on March 16 and 30, Louis Bleriot on July 11, 25 etc., Henri
Farman on September 30, Esnault-Pelterie in October etc.

The first aerial trip was made by Henri Farman on October 30, 1908, from Bouy to
Reims. The first aerial raid (Toury-Artenay-Toury) by Bleriot on October 31, 1908.
During 1908 Wilbur Wright, came in France and established a lot of records with his
machine. Notice that all these pioneers flew double-plane airplanes. Only Bleriot,
after some unsuccessful attempts, reached the idea of Vuia (the single-plane) in 1907.
After 'Vuia 1', Traian Vuia built 'Vuia 1 bis' which was equipped with the same engine
but was enhanced by his constructor, and 'Vuia 2' which was equipped with a new
engine built by the French engineer Leon Levavasseur. Vuia also built two helicopters
in 1918 and 1922.

Some historians of aviation pretended that Vuia was inspired by the airplane built by
Clement Ader, which attempted to fly in 1897. But there are big differences between
the two machines. Clement's machine's wings were very different from Vuia's design
and these probably caused his failure. Clement pretended that he flew in 1897, but
historians of aviation demonstrated he could not fly exactly because of these wings.

In 1907 - after so many successful autonomous flights - Vuia considered that the
problem of mechanical flight was completely solved. He later declared: 'the creation
of airplane was completely finished in 1906. After that the constructors industrialized
the aviation, of course a very important mission but it can not be confounded with the
creation of the new machine. On the other hand it is clear that the airplane was created
in France, despite of the fact that it is usually claimed that Wright brothers created the
aviation. Even when they came in France, in 1908, they used the same procedure for
taking off, which implied a non-autonomous flight. Wright brothers adopted the new
style of taking off later. This should be repeated because many forgot it' (T. Vuia's
book 'Memories', 1955)

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project



History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Unit 4 Ways of teaching HST in your school

This unit is divided into two sections. The first deals with whole school issues and
then section 2 deals with teaching HST in the classroom or laboratory. In part A of
the first section Paul Carlile suggests ways in which long term and medium planning
for HST can be planned for the whole school, and then Sam Ellis presents ideas for
organising a one day school event for HST.
In Section 2 Bert Sorsby follows some of the suggestions in Unit 3 (especially pp 39-
40) and considers ways of teaching HST in your own classroom. Teachers will study
the whole unit in more detail during the HST Course, but it can of course be used
independently as a basis for developing HST in your own school or college

The purposes of this unit are:

to provide strategies so that HST can be incorporated into the whole school
to provide ways of teaching and organising for HST at whole school and at class

Section 1 Whole school issues -

A. Developing a curriculum plan for HST starting from science and


Schools will approach the planning for teaching of History of Science and Technology
from many different starting points, using a variety of curriculum models. However
the common theme transcending the development is that through curriculum planning
teachers will provide opportunities for pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding
of the history of science and technology, and learn to appreciate the interactions of
scientific and technological advancement on the lives of citizens within their own
cultures and within the broader European culture. This model is shown below.

European Culture

History Science


History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Task 1
The task for schools, and their teachers, is to develop a curriculum plan which builds
sequentially the knowledge, skills and understanding in a relevant and meaningful
way, whilst enriching the pupils learning experiences.

Possible starting points

Developing HST opportunities from within established, separate, curriculum
plans for history, science and technology
Refining current plans for science and technology to include an integrated
historical element
Enriching learning opportunities to include the wider European dimension
Creating opportunities from an emerging plan in response to significant
Refining plans to ensure continuity in the acquisition of knowledge,
understanding and skills
Planning for the effective use of Information Technology to support learning

Developing a HST Curriculum with a European dimension.
Does the school have an agreed Task - To develop a curriculum
curriculum plan for teaching NO plan to provide a framework for
Science or Technology? teaching Knowledge,
understanding and skills


Does the plan identify links Task To explore the links

between Science and NO between the Science and
Technology? Technology and modify the
existing plan


Is the History of Science and Task Identify opportunities to

Technology incorporated in to NO enhance learning using the
the curriculum plan? Historical impact of scientific
and technological advancement


Task Enrich the learning

NO experience by incorporating a
European dimension into the HST
92 curriculum plan
History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Does the teaching of the History of

Science and Technology extend to
the wider European
Starting dimension? a school plan
Point - Developing for Science and Technology

Most effective learning takes place when schools have in place a curriculum plan
which identifies, in broad terms, knowledge, understanding and skills to be taught as
pupils progress through the school.

Possible starting points to establish such a plan for HST :

Explore the knowledge and understanding to be taught within Science and
Identify the skills to be developed
Agree the content for each unit of study
Decide where, within the plan, the study unit should be located

Example : Study Unit Plan

Year time allocation Science Technology

Unit 1 Knowledge Skills Knowledge Skills

Unit 2

Exploring the links between Science and Technology

When the broad plan has been established the next stage in the process is to explore
the links that exist between Science and Technology

Draw together common themes from Science and Technology to make up a study
Decide on an appropriate theme to give the study unit a relevant focus that
explores the common themes already identified
Plan activities to focus on the impact of scientific and technological advancement.


Year Theme Science Technology

Knowledge Skills Knowledge Skills

Developing an Historical Dimension to the learning experience

The school plan identifies the opportunities for the teaching of HST and ensures that
knowledge, skills and understanding are acquired sequentially and are relevant to

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

pupils learning. The integration of historical dimensions to further extend and

develop pupils understanding is a vital element of the total learning experience.

Starting points
Identify within the curriculum plan study units where learning experiences
would be enhanced by the introduction of relevant historical content.
Consider the historical skills pupils may need to be taught
Plan for the use of Information Technology to support historical

Extending the wider European dimension

This stage extends the schools curriculum for HST to provide opportunities for
pupils to explore and understand the impact of Scientific and Technological
developments within the wider European context.

Possible starting points

Start with the individual study units within the curriculum plan and
expand learning opportunities to include a European dimension
focussing on the impact of the particular scientific and technological
advancement within other European countries
Explore the use of information technology to source additional
information and set up network groups
Outline the IT skills pupils will need to acquire:
a. Using the Internet successfully i.e. web browser, navigating, searching.
b. Saving web pages, extracting information and copying to other
documents where it can be manipulated
c. Using e mail
d. Publishing information on the World Wide Web

Here is a possible matrix to assist in the development of teaching HST within a

wider European dimension

Theme Science Technology History European


Paul Carlile
Hull, UK
June 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

B. Organising a whole day school conference for HST - Some ideas

Some primary and secondary schools use whole day events for special activities to
provide extended inputs for particular areas of the curriculum. Examples of this type
of activity include days spent on Drama, a Local Industry Focus, Newspaper
Production and Problem Solving. One useful facet of such days can be the
introduction of external speakers or people from local industry brought in to work
with groups of students. This type of approach can be used to put on a day based
around the History of Science and Technology. The structure of the day will depend to
a large extent on the key purposes. A day with the purpose of supporting the study of
ideas and evidence in science will be quite different to a day with the purpose of
supporting problem solving and construction aspects of the Technology curriculum.
The outline below is intended as a generic set of ideas and suggestions for adaptation
depending upon the purpose of a day based on History of Science and Technology.

A typical day for secondary students might have the following arrangements

The school suspends the timetable for the day for a large group ( 100 or more) of
14 year old students.
Students are arranged into mixed groups of nine and located at tables set out
around the main hall. Each group has a visitor attached to it. The visitors are
people from local industry, governors, friends of the school, whose time has been
begged from their employers and who are prepared to spend a day working and
learning with a group of students.
The day itself has been planned and organised by three teaching staff but is being
fronted by a visiting facilitator who is a charismatic teacher from a nearby
school bought out for the day as a 'new face' to lead the event. The facilitator
has had some involvement in the planning
The day is based around the idea of competition between groups and there are four
basic activities. Each activity has a prize in itself and the points add throughout
the day to give an overall prize at the end. Prizes are also given to other teams
such as the best team workers.

Activity 1 Icebreaker

The purpose of this activity is to get the groups working as teams and focus their
attention on the history and philosophy of science.
The groups are given a set of cards each of which has a picture or drawing of a key
worker ( Newton, Galileo, Lavoisier etc) They also have a sheet of clues (Newton was
the first person to think of a theory that explained how the solar system worked,
Galileo believed that the earth went round the sun but he couldnt prove it etc.)
Using the clues provided and their own general knowledge the teams have to produce
a time line of the cards. There is a strict time limit, teams exchange results and score
each other's efforts.
The idea can be extended in many ways, for example by having associated cards
which list key developments that have to be associated with the correct key workers.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Activity two- The news report.

Teams are given briefing papers on a significant event e.g. Jenner and Vaccination.
They are given some preparation time and then take turns to act out a television news
report presenting the news of this event in the style of a news item on TV. Groups are
encouraged to use interviews with significant characters and to bring in arguments for
and against the development. The presentations are acted out in front of everyone.
Part of the brief is to make the presentation last exactly two minutes. Part of the
scoring of the presentation involves penalty points for being seconds away from the
target time.

Activity three The quiz

This is run on the lines of a pub quiz with a series of ten question rounds based on
famous events and people in the History of Science and Technology. Students could
be given background reading papers in the weeks leading up to the day that they can
read to allow them to prepare for the quiz.

Activity four Construction problem

The groups are set a construction task such as building a bridge using spaghetti and
cotton to span a particular gap and hold a particular weight. Pictures of historically
important bridges are given out and may be used to inspire the students'designs.
There is a time limit and groups have to purchase raw materials from an initial
points total. Points are awarded for completing the task, quality of the final result and
team work.
The actual task would be dictated by the themes of the day and materials available. A
few weeks spent collecting yoghourt pots, string, cardboard, plastic bottles egg boxes,
cardpoard tubes and other packaging will provide a wealth of free construction
material. In a day based on communication for example groups could be expected to
construct a model lightouse. In a day based on energy a windmill could be attempted.
The bridge problem fits well in a day which brings in forces and engineering.

At the close of the day there are cumulative prizes for a variety of teams based on
their performances through the day. Prizes could be awarded for overall winners,
runners up, team work, most improved team, the team who always came last but kept
going etc.

The ideas outlined above are intended as suggestions and prompts. There are many
variations of activities that can be used depending upon the numbers of students
involved, their ages, abilities and the level of prior knowledge that they have. The
resources and space available to the school are also critical General suggestions

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Poster construction
Debates ( e.g. pros and cons of a particular discovery)
Drama (Mock trial of Galileo)
Mime games
A visiting expert to give an illustrated talk.
Treasure hunts based on following a series of clues

If the day is set up using say a total of about thirty stuents then the possibility of
introducing an ICT based activity such as a treasure hunt based on web sites and
information from the internet may well be possible. Similarly more scientific
activities may be possible for example work based around the experiments of Galileo.

Some themes such as transport or bridges lend themselves to this type of day.

June 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Section 2 Classroom and Laboratory Based Teaching of HST.

Classroom Teaching Strategies for HST

There are two main pedagogical approaches to teaching the history of science and
technology, and both are closely linked. One approach involves developing students'
language skills by developing their speaking and listening skills as well as writing and
reading. This generally is taught in classrooms. The other approach is through
practical science and technology activities, where children work in laboratories,
workshops on practical projects which replicate, sometimes exactly, the work which
earlier scientists and engineers have carried out. Both approaches can be found in the
examples below and we shall study these in more detail during the HST Course.

It can be argued that all practical work carried out in school science can be shown to
have a historical context. For example when children are investigating pendula, or
rolling balls down a slope, they are following in the footsteps of Galileo. When they
group plants together according to their features or use keys for identification, then to
some extent they are following Linneaus. When they explore how different things
burn in candle flames, they are following the work of many eighteenth century
scientists such as Priestly and Lavoisier. The historical connections of their studies
may not always made clear to the pupils however. Almost all practical science in
school re-visits and illustrates historical scientific discoveries and technological

Task 1 Historical Contexts for Current Teaching of Science and

Consider the following list of practical science activities which children carry out in
school. Which scientists were closely involved in pioneering the practical approaches
which the children are using?


Children look through straight tubes at a
lighted candle. They then bend the tubes
and look again.
Children use thermometers to measure the
temperature of a cup of tea as it cools.
Pupils carry out an investigation to find
whether snails prefer to live in dry or
damp places.
Pupils put different metals on their tongue
to see if they can feel a tingle
Pupils watch a demonstration of what
happens to when a model steam engine is
connected to a model electrical generator.
Pupils make a pinhole camera

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Task 2.
Look through any teaching manual of practical science ideas for pupils and students.
For each activity, identify a historical scientist or technologist, who carried out the
same (or similar) investigation.

As I mentioned above, there are pedagogical techniques which do not involve

practical investigations or demonstrations, and these too can provide a range of
opportunities for HST. All of these involve pupils and students in using language,
especially in speaking and listening, and this is a powerful way of encouraging
learning to take place. The main approaches are set out below, and although they are
presented separately in this unit, they can obviously be used together in a combined
way within a teaching programme

Telling a story.
The power of stories from the history of science and technology in arousing and
maintaining the interest of pupils cannot be underestimated. They can give insights
into the private lives of famous scientists.

Task 3 Collecting stories for use in teaching HST

Use the resources from the World Wide Web, links from the Merlin Resource Centre,
or from books etc. to find ONE story relating to HST. Prepare a short presentation to
relate the story to the rest of the group, showing how you would use it to teach a
group of pupils or students.

Drama and Role Play

This can be a particularly challenging approach, especially for teachers of secondary
science, and also possibly for teachers of history. Primary school teachers, who are
used to teaching in all curriculum areas, will be much more familiar with these
approaches, and are likely to be more at ease with drama and role play in their

Task 4 What are the opportunities for drama and role-play

Chose one of the stories in presented in Task 3 and consider its potential for acting
out with children or students.

What are the challenges of this particular drama/role play (a) for the children (b) the

Discussion and Argumentation

The role of discussion and argumentation in science itself can be easily seen from
historical contexts. It is in this way that an individual's scientific ideas develop, from
practical observations and experiences towards more widely held scientific concepts,
hypotheses and theories. These theories are within the public domain and their claims
for being valid are the result a consensus among scientists, which is reached after a
great deal of discussion and argumentation.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

In his chapter 'Science as Conversation. Come and see my air pump!' Sutton2 gives a
series of examples of how historical approaches using case studies, can give children
greater insights into the way scientists work as well as developing their own
involvement in the important ideas of science.

There are challenges of working in this way, and during the taught part of the HST
Training Course we shall explore some of the issues. The activity is outlined below in
a very brief form in Task 4.

Task 5 The Burning Question

This taught session involves discussion, and argumentation around data, information
and evidence which relate to theories of burning. Historically these debates took place
in the eighteenth century and led to the currently held theory of burning, put forward
in an early form by the great French chemist Antoine Lavoisier. Briefly the main ideas
here are that:

Burning is the release of light and heat energy, as well as combustion products
when oxygen (usually in the form of gaseous oxygen from the air) reacts
chemically with a fuel.
A small amount of energy is generally needed to start the reaction.
A flame is the region where this reaction takes place.

During the taught session we shall explore the practical evidence and the theoretical
insights which led eventually to the establishment of this consensus view of modern
scientists, and also consider some of the rival theories which were rejected.

Working with historical texts

This is an excellent approach for older pupils and students. It gives them a chance to
develop their powers of analysis and synthesis. A case study is given below for you to
consider in Task 5.

Task 6 Properties of Nitrous Oxide

Here is an account by Sir Humphry Davy3 where he describes his experiences and
researches into the properties of nitrous oxide. These studies took place during the last
years of the eighteenth century. Nitrous oxide is a gas which, from the later part of the
nineteenth century, has been widely used as an anaesthetic for dental surgery.

Read through the account below and then devise a series of questions which you
would ask a group of children aged 11 to 12 years based on the writing.

Humphry Davy (1800) 'Researches on Nitrous Oxide' in Collected Works, London 1839, Volume iii

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

In the beginning of March, I prepared a large quantity of impure nitrous oxide from the nitrous
solution of zinc. Of this I often breathed the quantities of a quart and two quarts generally
mingled with more than equal parts of oxygen or common air. In the most decisive of those
trials, its effects appeared to be depressing, and I imagined that it produced a tendency to
fainting: the pulse was certainly rendered slower under its operation.

At this time, Mr Southey respired it in an highly diluted state; it occasioned a slight degree of
giddiness, and considerably diminished the quickness of his pulse.

Mr C. Coates likewise respired it highly diluted, with similar effects.

In April, I obtained nitrous oxide in a state of purity, and ascertained many of its chemical
properties. Reflection upon these properties and upon the former trials, made me resolve to
endeavour to inspire it in its pure form, for I saw no other way in which its respirability or
powers could be determined.*

I was aware of the danger of this experiment. It certainly would never have been made if the
hypothesis of Dr Mitchill had in the least influenced my mind. I thought that the effects might
be possibly depressing and painful, but there were many reasons which induced me to
believe that a single inspiration of a gas apparently possessing no immediate action on the
irritable fibre, could neither destroy nor immediately injure the powers of life.

On April 11th, I made the first inspiration of pure nitrous oxide; it passed into the bronchia
without stimulating the glottis, and produced no uneasy feeling in the lungs.
The result of this experiment proved that the gas was respirable, and induced me to believe
that a farther trial of its effects might be made without danger.

On April 16th, Dr Kinglake being accidentally present, I breathed three quarts of nitrous oxide
from and into a silk bag for more than half a minute, without previously closing my nose or
exhausting my lungs.

The first inspirations occasioned a slight degree of giddiness. This was succeeded by and
uncommon sense of fullness of the head, accompanied with loss of distinct sensation and
voluntary power, a feeling analogous to that produced in the first stage of intoxication: but
unattended by pleasurable sensation. Dr Kinglake, who felt my pulse, informed me that it
was rendered quicker and fuller.

This trial did not satisfy me with regard to its powers; comparing it with the former ones I was
unable to determine whether the operation was stimulant or depressing.

I communicated the result to Dr Beddoes; and on April the 17 th, he was present, when the
following experiment was made.
I did not attempt to experiment upon animals, because they die nearly in equal times in non-

respirable gases, and gases incapable of supporting life and possessed of no action on the
venous blood.

Having previously closed my nostrils and exhausted my lungs, I breathed four quarts of
nitrous oxide from and into a silk bag. The first feelings were similar to those produced in the
last experiment; but in less than half a minute, the respiration being continued, they
diminished gradually, and were succeeded by a sensation analogous to gentle pressure on all
the muscles, attended by a highly pleasurable thrilling, particularly in the chest and the
extremities. The objects around me became dazzling and my hearing more acute. Towards
the last inspirations, the thrilling increased, the sense of muscular power became greater, and
at last an irresistible propensity to action was indulged in; I recollect but indistinctly what
followed; I know that my motions were various and violent.


History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

These effects very soon ceased after respiration. In ten minutes, I had recovered my natural
state of mind. The thrilling in the extremities, continued longer than the other sensations.*
This experiment was made in the morning; no languor or exhaustion was consequent, my
feelings throughout the day were as usual, and I passed the night in undisturbed repose.
The next morning the recollections of the effects of the gas were very indistinct, and had not
remarks written immediately after the experiment recalled them to my mind, I should have
even doubted of their reality. I was willing indeed to attribute some of the strong emotion to
the enthusiasm, which I supposed must have been necessarily connected with the perception
of agreeable feelings, when I was prepared to experience painful sensations. Two
experiments, however, made in the course of this day, with scepticism, convinced me that the
effects were solely owing to the specific operation of the gas.

In each of them I breathed five quarts of nitrous oxide for rather a longer time than before.
The sensations produced were similar, perhaps not quite so pleasurable; the muscular
motions were much less violent.
Having thus ascertained the powers of the gas, I made many experiments to ascertain the
length of time for which it might be breathed with safety, its effects on the pulse, and its
general effects on the health when often respired.

I found that I could breathe nine quarts of nitrous oxide for three minutes, and twelve quarts
for rather more than four. I could never breathe it in any quantity, so long as five minutes.
Whenever its operation was carried to the highest extent, the pleasurable thrilling at its height
about the middle of the experiment, gradually diminished; the sense of pressure on the
muscles was lost; impressions ceased to be perceived; vivid ideas passed rapidly through the
mind, and voluntary power was altogether destroyed, so that the mouth-piece generally
dropped from my unclosed lips.
Whenever the gas was in a high state of purity, it tasted distinctly sweet to the tongue and
palate, and had an agreeable odour. I often thought that it produced a feeling somewhat
analogous to taste, in its application to my lungs. In one or two experiments, I perceived a
distinct sense of warmth in my chest.

I never felt from it any thing like oppressive respiration: My inspirations became deep in
proportion as I breathed it longer; but this phenomenon arose from increased energy of the
muscles of respiration, and from a desire of increasing the pleasurable feelings.
Generally when I breathed from six to seven quarts, muscular motion were produced to a
certain extent; sometimes I manifested my pleasure by stamping or laughing only; at other
times, by dancing round the room and vociferating.
At the end of July, I left off my habitual course of respiration; but I continued occasionally to
breathe the gas, either for the sake of enjoyment, or with a view of ascertaining its operation
under particular circumstances.

In one instance, when I had headache from indigestion, it was immediately removed by the
effects of a large dose of gas; though it afterwards returned, but with much less violence. In a
second instance, a slighter degree of headache was wholly removed by two doses of gas.
The power of the immediate operation of the gas in removing intense physical pain, I had a
very good opportunity of ascertaining.

In cutting one of the unlucky teeth called dentes sapientiae, I experienced an extensive
inflammation of the gum, accompanied with great pain, which equally destroyed the power of
repose, and of consistent action.
On the day when the inflammation was most troublesome, I breathed three large doses of
nitrous oxide. The pain always diminished after the first four or five inspirations; the thrilling
came on as usual, and uneasiness was for a few minutes swallowed up in pleasure. As the
former state of mind however returned, the state of organ returned with it; and I once
imagined that the pain was more severe after the experiment than before.'

Bert Sorsby
July 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Unit 5 Teaching and Learning on-line

In the HST Project, we use two regions of the world-wide web, but please note that
these two sites are continually being changed and updated, so they may not appear
exactly as described below.
First there are resources and activities at our public website4, which everyone can
access, and you can find this by clicking on These activities
and information details all relate to teaching history of science and technology and
also to the HST Project.
The second part of the world wide web we use is called Merlin, and you will need a
password to enter this site. You can find more details of Merlin at as well as in section 2 .below.

The purposes of this unit are:

to develop your ability to use the internet to help your own teaching and learning
of HST
to develop your familiarity with the HST online learning environment in Merlin.

Section 1. The HST public website

You can use the Internet in mainly two ways 1) to get information, 2) to present

Getting information
To get information from the net you must be connected through your computer to the
net and you must have a net browser, which enables you to read the information on
the net. Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer are the browsers most people use
and you can get them for free.
Once you have a browser you can search the net by using a search engine or you can
go to addresses you know and which you have collected as bookmarks (Netscape) or
favourites (Explorer). Since it takes some time so search the net and the search often
can be disappointing it is important that you collect the good addresses as
bookmarks/favourites, and that you organise these sensibly. That means you organise
them in folders if you have many addresses. In Netscape and Explorer it is explained
how you can do so. One good address by the way is hopefully the address for the HST
website where we have collected links, which might be useful if you are working on a
HST project. The address is:

When it comes to searching the net there are many different search engines most of
them are free. Most search engines find only about a third of the relevant information
on the net, but often thats enough. If you will find more you have to try the different
engines and see which gives the best result. That of course takes time. One favourite
of mine is Alta Vista, which gives reasonable results. The address for this service: A recent winner in a test of search engines is Google and
you can find this at

The HST public website has been set up, and is maintained by, Svein Hoff

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Another way to get information is use news groups. News groups are places where on
can get information abut different themes and participate in discussions about the
theme. To minimise traffic on the net the information is mirrored around the world.
That means that you connect to the news groups through your local news server if you
got one. Three are also free news servers but they are few and tend to get closed after
a while. A good browser for the groups is Hotbot at:

Presenting information on the net

To present information on the net you must have access to a web server. If you have
file-sharing access to that server you can save a document directly to it and you are
one the net. You can save a file in any format to the net server and anyone on the net
can open it they got the address and have the appropriate software to open it. For
example if you save a document as a Microsoft Word Document, a person who wish
to open it must have Microsoft Word on his/hers machine or a Microsoft Word
The most common file format on the net however is the html format. This format can
be read by the web browsers like Netscape and Explorer and makes it possible to set
up links to other documents. To get a file in this format you often have the opportunity
in most programs to save a file in html format. To edit html files you can use an html
editor. Examples are Microsoft Word, Netscape Composer and Microsoft FrontPage
reduced version. If dont have file sharing access but are allowed access to a web
sever trough the net you must use the publish function of these web editors to get your
files on the net.

Once you get through the starting stage you will find that it is very easy to present
information on the net. It might be useful though to have a more advanced editor than
those already mentioned. I myself find the full version of Microsoft FrontPage quite
easy to use and adequate for most net publishing, but of course there are other good
editors. Publishing pupils work to the net will be motivating factor in their work. If
you publish work done in a HST theme I hope you can give the link to the HST
website so that we can present your work through this site

Svein Hoff
June 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Section 2. The Merlin On-line Learning Environment

Merlin is a web-based learning environment that is used in two ways on the HST
Project. First it supports the development of the in-service teacher courses in history
of science and technology, and documentation, including reports of meetings, can be
found on the site. Secondly it is used as part of the actual course delivery and as a
means of making sure that all teachers on the course have contact with the tutors as
well as with each other. It provides a flexible and friendly interface and has been
designed to encourage both written and oral communication between all members of
the HST Group.

To use Merlin you will need:

A Windows PC (95 or later), or a PowerPC-based Macintosh.
An Internet connection
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later, or Netscape Navigator 6.

It is also useful to have:

RealPlayer and RealProducer so that you can listen to and record audio
(This is a free download and you can find out more about this from the Merlin home
page when you register- see below)
A microphone and speakers so that you can record and listen to messages.

When you have this set up you can access Merlin from anywhere in the world at any
time of day.

Registering and Logging On

Load your web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer)
Type in the Merlin URL
Type in your Merlin username in the first box Username
Click on the text box below
Type in your Merlin password in the second text box Password
Click on Log on.

The Noticeboard
The screen you now see should look like this:-

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

There are buttons to the left of the screen and also towards the top of the central panel.

Options allows you to change your password and alter your email address.

Who's Who? gives a list of all the people who are part of the HST group. Your name
should appear on the list. You can generally find out more about each member of the
group by clicking on a name. Here is my entry.

Who's online? shows you who has their computer switched on to Merlin. You can
find who is working in other groups as well as HST. It is sometimes a comfort to find
you are not working alone and you might want to send an email to the other person
for an online chat.

For Information or Help you need to click on FAQ/HELP at the top right of the
screen. As you wander around in Merlin this help button is always available so you
can get particular help when you want it.

NOW click on the dark blue type Introductory Tasks in the top left hand side of the
centre box. In here I have put a number of things for you to do to help you to explore
the various parts of the Merlin environment.
You can always see the buttons to the left of the Merlin screen and because you are
using a web browser you can always see the usual browser buttons at the top of the
screen. You will find the navigation buttons Back and Forward very useful to steer
between screens you have previously visited.

The buttons on the Merlin toolbar and what they do are described below.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Notice Board
This is where you will find the latest details about the HST Project and the in-service

You will find your incoming messages in here and you can use this section to send
messages also to people in the HST community. A little red flag appears when you
have messages not yet read. You can write to someone in the group - or to lots of
people simultaneously - if you click on New Message. You can also attach Word
documents or a sound file to your messages.

BUT please remember to save your writing regularly and it is a good idea to put your
message into the Drafts folder, or click Preview before you try to send it.

A picture of my own Merlin Mailbox is printed below.

This is really only version of mailbox, but in here you can post a question, a response
or a message which will be read by everyone in the HST group. This is where open
discussions can take place, and you can see some of the current issues if you click on
the button General Discussions. You can also send details of websites which you
have found interesting, as well as receive copies of the training and resource manuals
and the in-service course programme.
The other areas are for closed discussions and at the moment they contain some of the
details of the various meetings which the tutors have had as well as information about
the funding bids which have been made for the HST Project.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

This region contains materials which are provided to complement the face to face in-
service course. It will look something like this but the site will continue to be
developed and there may be some changes when you actually look at it.

Pathway also contains some tasks which you will look at when you are working on
lessons and projects in history of science and technology in your own school. Some of
them are reflective tasks which will require a response. Some of them relate to the
action research which you will carry out to inform your own teaching and to help you
gain accreditation for your work as part of the HST Project.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Resource Centre
In here you will find two different sorts of resources to help you teach history of
science and technology. The section above will link you straight into websites which
you can access directly.

In the File Bank particularly useful for materials which have been generated by the
HST Project, including worksheets for pupils to use as well as teaching ideas. Some
of these ideas are in Appendix 2 of this HST Training Manual.
. In the Image Library we are building up a collection of images of pupils working on
HST Project. We shall also include other images too for example pictures of famous
scientists, diagrams of apparatus etc. which can be a good resource for downloading
for teaching sessions in history of science and technology.

In Lecture Presentations we are building up a record of some of the lectures and

workshop sessions which will take place during the face-to-face in-service course and
to which you might like to refer from time to time. There will be other support for
HST teaching in here too as we build up the collection of PowerPoint lecture material.

If you click on Exit at the top left, then you will need to re-enter both your username
and password to get back into Merlin. At the moment, HST in Merlin is only being
developed for use with teachers who are involved in the European Comenius funded
courses in history of science and technology. If future funding is forthcoming then we
shall develop online learning facilities for pupils and students to use too.

I hope that you enjoy exploring this online learning environment and that you find it a
useful way of extending your own teaching of history of science and technology.

Bert Sorsby

Hull UK
May 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Unit 6 Action Research in the Classroom. How effective was the

teaching and learning?

In this study unit we shall consider ways of evaluating the teaching and learning in
classrooms and laboratories when history of science and technology is being taught. It
will form the basis of the assignment for those teachers who want to receive
accreditation in HST at higher degree level as a result of attending a HST course.

The purposes of this unit are:

to discuss why we need to carry out classroom-based research into teaching, and
to consider ways of evaluating teaching and learning in the classroom;
to present some of the advantages and disadvantages of action research.

What is action research and why do we need action research in the classroom?
The short answer is that action research is the study of what is going on in a
classroom with the intention of improving it. Working from this definition, the reason
for carrying out action research becomes very clear. It is to make sure that both
teaching and learning of history of science and technology is enhanced.
The first purpose of action research often involves finding out more about the
teaching which goes on and then using what we have discovered in order to help the
teacher teach better lessons. But this is only part of what teachers involved in action
research are trying to do, because the real purpose of teaching is so that pupils will
learn more effectively and will achieve more.

Who carries out action research?

Very occasionally an external researcher may be in the classroom but basically action
research is carried out by teachers working with their own pupils, in their own
classrooms, during their ordinary lessons. These are 'normal' teachers who reflect
upon their own practice and upon their pupils' learning, and who then take steps to
make sure that what they have discovered about effective - and ineffective - learning
strategies, are incorporated into their future plans for teaching.

What are the pleasures and pitfalls of action research in HST?

Some of the benefits are:
1. 1 It gives greater autonomy and power to the teachers. . Because teachers take
responsibility for the action research it is they who are in the driving seat, and it is
they who can begin to initiate the change towards better quality learning for their
2. It addresses relevant issues in HST teaching and learning, because the questions
and issues which are studied are the ones identified by the teachers themselves as
being important.
3. It raises the status and profile of teachers because it makes them more research
orientated and reflective. In a word, teachers become more professional.

There are however a number of constraints.

1. The work must be carried out within the limitations of the curriculum and ethos of
the school. For example it is no good trying to carry out studies into how child

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

centred discussions affect learning in HST if the pupils have never before
experienced the chance to discuss during their immediate school experience..
Similarly, if there are no resources for practical science work, then it is pointless
trying to carry out a teaching scheme involving re-creation of classic experiments
in the history of science.
2. It is very likely that at a later stage, other people will become involved from
outside the classroom so that the research findings may be fully exploited and put
into action more fully. Extra resources may be needed to implement the change
and so this will include informing other teachers, parents school governors and
3. It involves careful planning so that the research itself does not interfere with the
learning of the children.

What techniques can be used in action research?

Action research does not have any particular set of research techniques, but borrows
its methodologies for all aspects of educational research.

Techniques which you may consider using in your classroom include:

1. Observing the pupils. For example, one group of pupils have not done well during
a particular piece of practical work, and next tie they work in this way you decide
that you will watch them especially closely.
2. Giving out questionnaires for the pupils to complete. For example, can the
children suggest why they enjoy using computers when they study HST? You can
use all sorts of questionnaires from open ended questions which require writing a
few sentences to complete them, to attitude scales where the pupils are asked to
respond on a scale of 1 to 7 ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
3. Interviews with the pupils. These are particularly useful because with a careful
and empathetic approach you can probe more deeply than with questionnaire
responses. You can also gain extra insights - but it is very important remain neutral
and not lead the pupils to agree with your own views. You need to have the
insights to see when the pupils are saying something just to please you. They may
not necessarily believe what they have just said to you and are only saying it so
that you will not question them any more!
4. Keeping a reflective diary of what has happened in the classroom. This too can be
a powerful way of carrying out action research. But you do need to analyse very
carefully though what went well and try to say also WHY it went well. The
amount of information collected in this way can be enormous so you need to have
a framework which restricts your data collection.
5. Tests and assessments. Analysing where children were successful and were not
successful is very important, and you need to try to find out why they did not do
well on that particular test item.

How is it done? What are the stages in carrying out an action research project?
I am tempted to give the response of Feyerabend. When he wrote about how science
proceeds, he basically said, 'Anything goes!' Each individual research project will
indeed have its own set of characteristics, but it is possible to identify a very general
framework as follows:

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

1. Finding a starting point. This is a general idea which might interest you and which
has arisen out of your work with children as you have been teaching history of
science and technology.
2. Identifying a research question. You need to think very carefully about this, and to
make sure especially that it is not too large a question. It is much better to refine
the question right down to something that can be tackled within the time and
resource constraints, and these are imposed by your working environment. It is a
good idea to do some extra reading here to see what other people have published
on your own area of interest because this will help you to tighten the focus on a
particular question.
3. Developing strategies for action research and then trying them out in your own
situation. You will probably find that you will need to run a pilot study to check
whether your methodology and protocol will work when you try it out on a larger
4. Reflecting of what you have done and what you have discovered. You will need to
consider the work of others during this stage too in order to see if your findings
agree or disagree with what others have done.
5. Using what you have discovered in order to inform your planning of learning
experiences for the pupils. This is vital - and it will ensure that the work which
you have done is really worthwhile in helping the learning process. It will also
mean that you will need to re-visit some of your earlier ideas which you
considered what you set the work up originally.
6. Making the knowledge public. This phase is not strictly necessary, but it is an
opportunity missed if you do not share your experiences and findings more widely
with your fellow professionals.

Some case studies for action research on HST in the classroom

1 How effective is a visit to a museum to study HST

Following a visit to Buffon's ironworks with her class of 11 year old pupils, Mme
Debru was concerned that all the children seemed to remember about the visit were
the things they bought in the museum shop, and the beef-burgers they had for lunch.
She began to wonder about the following questions as the beginning of a piece of
action research on the effectiveness of museum visits.

Why has their learning about HST been so limited?

What do children learn about HST from a visit to a museum?
What do they now know about HST which they did not know before?
What skills have they developed?
What attitudes have they developed?

2. Pupils' misunderstandings and misconceptions

As a result of marking a science test, Mr Smith discovered that many of his 14 year
old pupils still believed that objects only move when they are pushed. He wondered
about the sorts of alternative teaching strategies which he could use to challenge the
pupils ideas and he began to plan how he could assess which was the best way to
ensure that the pupils had made progress.
With the same class, Mr Jones found that some of the pupils had difficulty in history
lessons when he asked them to distinguish historical facts from opinions. He
mentioned this to Mr Smith during a coffee break and the two of them decided to

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

carry out a small scale study to see if they could help their pupils to come to terms
with these misconceptions in both history and science.

A checklist for Classroom-based Action Research in History of Science and


A. Identify an area for study

B. Identify a precise problem or question. Is it capable of being


C. Consider other (published ) work in the area.

D. Analyse and refine the problem further as a result of your


E. Suggest actions that are likely to lead to change (with

reasons for these).

F. Plan to carry out the actions, considering carefully how you

will monitor the effects of these.

G. Collect data to monitor the effects of these actions (What

will you do to collect data? How will you ensure that it is
(a) valid and (b) reliable?)

H. Analyse which actions are effective and which are not.

I. Re-formulate ideas concerning further actions.

J. Report and disseminate your findings more widely.

Bert Sorsby
Hull UK
May 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Quentend-on par recherche pdagogique active (RPA) ?

Un professeur labore toujours un protocole du droulement de lactivit 5 quil
compte dvelopper en classe. Il prvoit, selon le type dlve et selon le caractre de
chacun, telle ou telle raction ou intervention orale. Il doit donc anticiper les rponses
et se prparer faire face toutes les situations.
Juste aprs cette activit, dans la journe tout au plus, lenseignant note ses
observations ou ses remarques dans son cahier personnel, propose quelques
modifications lactivit mene ou labore un autre protocole sur le mme sujet quil
utilisera lanne suivante ou avec une autre classe.
Cette attitude de recherche avant, dobservation pendant, et danalyse aprs la sance
denseignement, permet de progresser dans sa propre faon denseigner comme de
mieux rpondre aux besoins des lves, et cela quelque niveau que ce soit. Cest ce
travail de lenseignant que nous nommons RPA au cours de ce chapitre.
Rflchir sur sa pratique ou sur ce que les lves retiennent ou apprennent rellement
fait partie actuellement de la formation initiale des enseignants. Il apparat donc plus
que ncessaire dappliquer ces rgles dontologiques lenseignement de lHST
lorsque lon est un professeur de sciences ou de technologie sans formation initiale la
plupart du temps en HST. On pourra rapidement alors savoir o sont les avantages et
les plaisirs, les difficults et les piges de ce type dactivit.

Avantages et difficults dune RPA utilisant lHST

Parmi les avantages, citons :
1 Utiliser lHST donne une grande autonomie aux enseignants. Chacun est
responsable du choix du thme abord et choisit librement la faon de laborder en
classe. Il peut donc sexprimer plus spontanment, plus naturellement.
2 Utiliser lHST permet aussi dans certains cas une plus facile
comprhension dun sujet par llve car lHST permet une approche graduelle dun
thme. Le professeur aura mieux cern les difficults par lapproche historique et
saura mieux expliquer le thme choisi.
3 Utiliser lHST, cest aussi conduire une vritable recherche intellectuelle
pour soi comme pour les lves. Cest donc une activit valorisante qui rend


History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

professionnellement plus assur. En effet, dcouvrir et rflchir sur la faon dont telle
ou telle dcouverte ou innovation a t faite permet en retour de dfinir, dclairer
puis de surmonter les obstacles pistmologiques rencontrs par les enseignants au
cours de leur formation initiale comme ceux rencontrs par les lves au cours de leur

Il y a cependant un certain nombre de contraintes.

1 Le travail doit tre men lintrieur des limites du programme officiel et
du caractre propre de ltablissement scolaire. Par exemple, il nest pas bon
dinnover en introduisant au niveau des lves lors de lintroduction de lHST - notion
dj nouvelle - la discussion en classe si les lves nont, pralablement, jamais appris
dbattre entre eux en prsence du professeur dans des disciplines plus classiques. De
mme, si ltablissement ne permet pas en cours de sciences de procder des
expriences, il serait dlicat dintroduire un thme portant exlusivement sur la
comparaison dexpriences historiques. Dans cette ventualit, lintroduction du texte
historique na de sens que si la ou les expriences peuvent tre faites devant les
lves. Par exemple, le texte relatant la combustion du fer par Lavoisier nest
intressant que si lexprience de combustion est faite devant les lves. De mme
lexprience de dispersion des couleurs par le prisme doit accompagner le texte de
2 Il est souhaitable qu un stade ultrieur, une personne extrieure la classe
puisse intervenir et apporter un regard neuf sur les recherches entreprises (RPA) afin
de pouvoir les exploiter plus pleinement. Des ressources extrieures peuvent aussi tre
ncessaires pour raliser cet change et ceci inclut dinformer les autres enseignants,
les parents, et les personnes responsables de ltablissement ainsi que les inspecteurs.
3 Si la RPA est une attitude habituelle, normale en quelque sorte du
professeur, elle devient une exprimentation lorsquelle est applique une discipline
nouvelle, ici lHST. Il est donc ncessaire dorganiser soigneusement le planning de
travail et dintervention afin que la recherche elle-mme ninterfre pas par ailleurs
avec lapprentissage ordinaire des lves.

Protocole dapplication dune RPA en HST

En fait, il ny a rien de nouveau dans la dmarche qui soit spcifique lHST.
Rappelons quelques rgles essentielles suivre :

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

1 Observer les lves au cours de la sance. Si par exemple, un groupe

dlves ne travaille pas bien sur une srie de questions, il faudra sen occuper
davantage lors de la srie suivante.
2 Une petite enqute peut tre faite auprs des lves sur lactivit en HST
que lon vient de mener. Par exemple, loccasion de cette discipline, ont-ils aim
utiliser lordinateur ? Ou bien, on peut leur demander dapprcier la dmarche et les
questions touchant lHST que lon vient de traiter avec une chelle de 1 7.
3 On peut aussi poser ce mme genre de questions oralement, la rponse sera
plus spontane, moins acadmique. La discussion permet de mieux prciser sa pense.
Il peut y avoir des opinions divergentes et il est bon de pouvoir en dbattre. Cest
aussi loccasion de revenir sur tel ou tel aspect de la sance qui aurait pu ntre pas
clair pour tel ou tel lve.
4 Il est indispensable dtablir un carnet de bord de telles sances. On peut
dailleurs charger un ou plusieurs lves de le tenir tour de rle. Ce cahier de bord
doit contenir prcisment et de faon dtaille les diffrentes tapes de lactivit selon
un protocole quil sagira de dfinir et que chacun successivement responsable
appliquera. Il sera contresign par le professeur. Un tel cahier de bord responsabilise
llve. Il prend conscience de ce quest un travail de groupe, et par l de son rle de
futur citoyen. Cela ninterfre pas avec le carnet personnel de lenseignant qui est le
lieu de ses rflexions personnelles et qui doit contenir de faon trs dtaille le
droulement de lactivit et les ractions des lves quelles quelles soient, positives
ou ngatives.
5 Il est ncessaire de contrler les acquis des lves. De mme il est
ncessaire danalyser lensemble des rponses aux tests donns afin de dgager une
analyse sur le questionnaire lui-mme, tmoin de lenseignement que lon a dispens,
de ses points forts comme de ses faiblesses.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Quelles sont les tapes mettre en oeuvre pour une RPA ?

Il ny a pas de rponse toute faite. Chaque recherche personnelle a ses propres
caractristiques mais il est possible de dgager quelques caractristiques dun cadre
gnral :
1 Trouver un point de dpart. Cest une ide gnrale bien sr, mais ce point
peut surgir du travail dj fait avec les lves lors dune utilisation de lHST.
2 Identifier un sujet de recherche. Il faut y penser trs soigneusement et tre
sr que ce ne soit pas un sujet trop important, trop vaste ou trop gnral. Il est
prfrable de dfinir son sujet plus troitement plutt que de jongler avec le temps et
(ou) de devoir en restreindre les ressources, et ceci est impos par lenvironnement. Il
est bon de faire ici quelques lectures pour voir si des publications nont pas dj t
effectues sur le sujet retenu. Cela aiderait mieux se concentrer sur une question
3 Dvelopper quelques dmarches de RPA et les essayer dans sa propre
situation. Peut-tre aura-t-on besoin de suivre quelque tude servant de guide au
dpart puis au fur et mesure que son propre travail avance, on peut sen manciper.
4 Rflchir sur sa pratique et sur ses dcouvertes. Il faut aussi considrer le
travail des autres durant cette tape afin de comparer ses propres dcouvertes et
observations celles dautrui et savoir ainsi si on est en accord ou en dsaccord.
5 Utiliser ce que lon a dcouvert en linvestissant dans lorganisation des
activits futures avec les lves. Ceci est vital - et assurera que le travail effectu est
rellement positif pour lapprentissage des lves. Il signifie aussi que lenseignant
nhsite pas revoir ses ides pralables et quil est prt les adapter la lumire de
lexprience pdagogique mene.
6 Faire connatre son exprience. Cette phase nest pas indispensable mais ce
serait une opportunit manque que de ne pas partager son exprience et ses
dcouvertes plus largement avec ses collgues.

Quelques tudes de cas pour une RPA en HST en classe

1 Rendre une visite au muse plus fructueuse.
Lacher sa troupe dlves dans un muse des sciences ou des techniques sans
prparation et sans encadrement revient perdre son temps. Si on interroge les lves
aprs la visite, ils nont retenu que ce quils ont achet la boutique, ou ce quil ont
pu consommer la cafetaria, ventuellement, lanecdote un peu drle quils ont pu

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

entendre ou dcouvrir. Ils seront en gnral incapables de fixer leur attention. Il est
donc indispensable de prparer la visite. Elle doit venir en complment dune activit
ou faire partie de lactivit elle-mme. De mme il est indispensable de distribuer un
questionnaire lentre du muse. Ce questionnaire peut se prsenter comme un jeu
de piste et permet de faire une visite cohrente et formatrice autour de quelques objets
ou autour dun thme donn. Le reste de la visite sera libre et dpendra du got de
chacun. La visite ne doit pas excder une heure. Au-del lattention des lves tombe
et on risque de susciter lennui. On peut donner rendez-vous la fin ou au milieu de la
visite autour dun objet ou dun ensemble cohrent dobjets et en faire le commentaire
et susciter des questions. Un telle visite demande un srieux investissement en temps
de la part du professeur. Il doit lui-mme visiter le muse ou du moins obtenir par
correspondance suffisamment de renseignements pour construire sa visite. Bien sr,
certains muses peuvent fournir un guide dont lexpos peut tre adapt au type de
public qui se prsente. Lobjet suscite en gnral un commentaire et un
questionnement dlve plus libre quun texte. Plus interess, llve se souviendra
plus facilement.

2Fausse comprhension et fausses conceptions des lves

Voici un canevas classique des difficults constates par deux enseignants, lun de
science et lautre dhistoire. En corrigeant un test de sciences, M. Dupont dcouvre
que plusieurs de ses lves de quatorze ans croient encore que les objets ne se
dplacent que si une force agit sur eux 6. Il se demande quelle sorte de stratgie
pdagogique il pourrait appliquer pour changer les ides de ses lves et il commence
rflchir la meilleure voie suivre pour cela.
Avec la mme classe, M. Martin trouve que plusieurs de ses lves ont des difficults
en cours dhistoire quand il leur demande de distinguer les faits historiques des
opinions. Il mentionne cela M. Dupont durant la pause caf et tous les deux dcident
de mettre en oeuvre une petite tude pour voir sils ne pourraient pas aider leurs
lves surmonter en mme temps leurs difficults en histoire et en science. LHST
simpose alors comme domaine commun.


History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Liste rcapitulative pour une Recherche pdagogique active en

histoire des sciences et des techniques
A. Identifier un domaine dtude.
B. Identifier un problme ou un sujet prcis dans ce domaine
dtude. Peut-il tre tudi ?
C. Considrer les publications dans ce domaine
D. Analyser et prciser le futur sujet en fonction des lectures faites.
E. Suggrer des pistes dtude du sujet quil serait bon de travailler
en propre (avec les raisons pour cela).
F. Planifier tout le travail projet en considrant soigneusement
comment on va en matriser les diffrents aspects et les
G. Collecter les informations pour nourrir et conduire ltude.
Comment faire pour collecter ces informations ? Comment tre sr
de la validit des informations collectes ?
H. Analyser quelles pistes dtude du sujet peuvent tre retenues
ou non.
I. Reformuler ventuellement les ides concernant les pistes
dtude retenues.
K. Faire connatre largement son exprience et ses dcouvertes.

Danielle Fauque
juillet 2000

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Unit 7 Additional Tasks in HST for Teachers' In-Service Courses

As well as formal lectures and structured seminars and workshop session the HST
courses will use a number of tasks. Some tasks will be carried out before teachers
attend the five-day training course. Some will take place during the course itself and
others will form part of the work which follows up the five-day course.

The purpose of this unit is:

to provide the extra tasks in addition to the ones in Units 3, 4 and 5 which will
form the basis of study of HST by teachers who attend the HST Project in-service
training courses for European teachers.

There is one main task which has to be carried out before the Course begins. Its
purpose is to find out about the countries and people who will take part in the in-
service course.

Task 1 Pre-course task. Poster display preparation

What work do you carry out with your pupils in science, history and/or

Please bring with you to the first meeting of the HST In-service Course, some details
about your country, your region, your school, your pupils or students and also some
examples of work which you might have done with them which relates to history of
science and technology.

One of the first activities on the course will be for each teacher to use these materials
to set up a small display measuring about 1m x1m so that everyone can see what is
done in all the European countries represented on the course.

There are also two main tasks which are ongoing and which will take place at various
times throughout the five day course, and also afterwards
The purpose of Task 2 is to consolidate and extend all that has been learned on the
five day in-service course

Task 2
Developing HST resources work for students and children
Work with one or two other teachers.
Use the ideas and the Framework in the Teachers' Resource Manual to develop or
produce resources which will directly help your teaching of history of science and
technology with a European dimension.
Use some of the resources which appear in Part 3 of Unit 8;
Begin to plan how you will send details of your work in school to the other
members of the course so that you can share details of how the work has been
carried out in the various schools.
Begin to plan how you will evaluate your proposals using action research ( based
on Unit 6)

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Task 3 How to write reflectively - keeping a learning log

This is another ongoing task, but a personal one. Its purpose is to allow us all chance
to reflect on our learning and also to help in evaluating the in-service course.

During the HST in-service course, you will be asked to keep a written log of what you
have learned during each day. The notes on reflective writing are intended to help you
in this work.

If you want accreditation for following the HST course, then you will need to submit
your learning log to your tutor to be assessed.

Some notes on reflective writing

In adults, as in children, "deep learning, " is hard to define. However deep learning is
to be encouraged rather than superficial learning, and according to a recent project
(Improving Student Learning 1992) there are seven key elements which foster depth
in learning with adults:-

1. The first element involves encouraging independent learning. Adults have a

fair degree of autonomy over the choice of what they learn, how they learn, the
pace of their study and some choice in the relevant assessment instruments.

2. This learning element involves personal development It involves developments

in the affective domain, including feelings and motivation as well as intellect.

3. New learning needs to be related to the real world and to break new ground, as
opposed to trying to solve problems by well-worn routes.

4. New learning can be encouraged by reflection and an important method here

involves keeping learning diaries and reflective journals.

5. There needs to be an element of learning by doing, by carrying out practical

activities to elicit and explore the possibilities and ramifications of the new

6. In order to develop deep understanding - as opposed to knowledge and recall of

facts- there has to be an element of applying the learning to new situations.

7. There has to be a sense of purpose with which the student can identify and to
which she or he can relate.

Please pause at this point and consider the relevance of points 1 to 7 to your learning
on this course. Are any points more important that the others? Do your pupils learn
best in this way? Is there anything here that will assist your science teaching in

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

According to Ruddock (1991 p 327) keeping diaries and journals is, "the most
obvious way of introducing reflection/critical consciousness into (initial) teacher
education ." There is also great emphasis, at all levels of teacher education, to
develop the teacher as a "reflective practitioner, with many books on the subject.
(See Pollard 1997 for example).

What then should you write, and how can this be structured? I suggest the headings
below might help at first but of course you can write much more freely than this if
you find the headings too much of a constraint. They are based on a paper presented at
a recent conference on teacher training in primary science (Ryan 1997). There may
very well be overlap between the points.

Date; topic; summary of the key points which were presented.

What new learning came out of the sessions for me?

Was this the most effective way of helping me to learn? If it was, why? If it
wasn't effective, what would have been a better way of helping me to learn?

What questions or challenges remain based on what I have studied today?

What were my personal reactions to the context, content, teaching strategies, likes,
dislikes etc.?

Which ideas particularly interested me? Why was this? Which ideas did I not find
interesting? Why was this? Which ideas did I find difficult? Why did I find these

What will I need to study next? What will be the best way of doing this? How will
I know that I have achieved something?

References for this section;

Improving Student Learning Project, 1992, Outcomes Report, Oxford, Oxford Centre
for Staff Development.
Pollard, A., 1997, Reflective teaching in the primary school. , London, Cassell
Education, Third Edition.
Ruddock, J., 1991, "The language of consciousness and the landscape of actions:
tensions in teacher education." British Educational Research Journal, 17,(4), 319-
Ryan, C., 1997, "Diary writing in initial teacher education. "Third Summer
Conference for Teacher Education in Primary Science, Durham, University of

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Task 4 What are your views about the nature of science?

The purpose of this task is for you to explore your own and other people's ideas about
the nature of science, and also the nature of technology. Do historical studies help our
understanding of these issues?

Work with two or three other teachers and decide if you agree or disagree with the
statements below. Try to come to a single decision within your group, but you
disagree among yourselves, then put 'undecided'.

1.Science is objective, capable of yielding ultimate truths, and is concerned with proving
things. It has a defined and unique subject matter, unique methods and is value-free. (quoted
in Harlen 1992)

2.Science is built up with facts as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a
science than a heap of stones is a house. (J.H. Poincar 1885).

3.Science is nothing but trained common sense and its methods differ only from common
sense only so far as the manner in which a guardsman's cut and thrust differs from the way in
which a savage wields his club (T.H.Huxley 1825-95)

4. Facts are stupid until brought into connection with some general law. (Louis Agassiz

5. Science searches for relations which are thought to exist independently of the searching
individual. (A. Einstein 1879-1955)

6. It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts
to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts. ( Sherlock Holmes)

7. Any theory is always provisional in the sense that it is only a hypothesis. You can never
prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiment agree with some theory you can
never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand,
you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the
predictions of the theory. ( Stephen Hawking 1988)

8. The belief that science proceeds from observation to theory is so widely held that my denial
of it is often met with incredulity ( Karl Popper)

9. Surveying the experimental literature makes one suspect that a paradigm ( a theory) is
pre-requisite to perception itself. (Thomas Kuhn)

10. First you guess. ..this is the most important step. Then you compute the consequences.
Compare the consequences to experience. If it disagrees with experience, the guess is wrong.
In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn't matter how beautiful your guess is, or
how smart you are or what your name is. If it disagrees with experience, it's wrong. That's
all there is to it.(Richard Feynman)

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Task 4 Exprimer vos Points de Vue Sur La Nature de la Science

Le but de ce travail est dexplorer vos ides et celles dautres personnes sur la nature
de la science, autant que la nature de la technologie. Est-ce que les tudes historiques
aident-elles notre comprhension de ces sujets?

Collaborez avec deux or trois autres professeurs pour dcider si vous etes daccord
avec les phrases suivantes. Faites de votre mieux darriver une decision unanime
dans votre groupe, mais si vous ntes pas daccord mettez simplement indcis.

1. La science est entirement objective. elle est capable de donner des vrits definitives, et soccupe
de preuver des thses. Elle soccupe dune discipline unique et prcise, a des mthodes uniques et
les valeurs ne la modifient pas
. ( cite de Harlen 1992)

2. La science est construite de faits comme on construit une maison de pierres. Mais une collection
de faits nest plus la science quun tas de pierres est une maison.
(J.H.Poincare 1885)

3. La science nest que du bon sens bien ces mthodes se distingue seulement du bons sens
dans la mesure que le maniement habile de lepe se distingue du sauvage avec sa matraque.
(T.H.Huxley 1825-95)

4. Les faits ne servent a rien avant dtre lis par une rgle gnrale
.(Louis Agassiz 1807-73)

5. La science se met a la recherche des rapports quon croit exister independamment de lindividu
qui les cherche.
(A. Einstein 1879-1955)

6. Il est une erreur fondamentale dlaborer une theorie avant de se doter des faits. Insensiblement,
on finit par changer les faits pour soutenir la thorie au lieu dlaborer la thorie fonde sur les
( Sherlock Holmes)

7. Une thorie est toujours provisionelle dans la mesure que ce nest quune hypothse. On ne peut la
prouver jamais. Meme si a chaque fois que les rsultats dune exprience concordent avec une
thorie quelconque, on ne peut jamais tre sur que la prochaine fois les rsultats ne la contradira
pas. En revanche, on peut rfuter une thorie en trouvant une seule observation qui ne correspond
pas aux prdictions de cette thorie.
( Stephen Hawking 1988)

8. Lopinion que la science procde de lobservation a la thorie est si universellement accept que
ma dngation de cette opinion provoque souvent des ractions incredules.
( Karl Popper)

9. En passant en revue la litrature experimentale... se fait souponner quun paradigme (une

thorie) est indispensable pour la perception elle-meme
.(Thomas Kuhn)

10. Au dbut, on divine... voila la premire chose a faire. Ensuite on calcule les consquences. On
compare les consquences a lexprience. Si lun ne saccorde pas a lautre, la conjecture nest
pas bonne. Cette dclaration contient la cl de la science. Peu importe si votre conjecture est
belle, ou si vous etes tres intlligent, ou si vous etes bien connu. Si la conjecture ne saccorde pas
a lexprience, elle a tort. il ny a plus que ca dans laffaire.
(Richard Feynman)

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Unit 8 Resources and information

There are many sources of information for teaching history of science and technology
and in this unit they have been arranged under been arranged under seven main
headings. There are suggestions which link in with many countries in Europe, and
there are some excellent resources available from other parts of the world too,
especially USA and Australia.

The purpose of this study unit is

to give you some useful contacts and resources to help you to teach history of
science and technology to your pupils.

We all need more contacts so the tasks in this unit invite you to let the rest of us know
by email and/or by Merlin us know of any more resources you have found.

Societies and teachers' organisations

There are many of these and if you have internet access then browsing some of the
websites below can provide some interesting resources. Alternatively you can write to
the society or association concerned.

British Society for the History of Science

BSHS Executive Secretary, 31 High Street, Stanford in the Vale, Faringdon, Oxon
SN7 8LH, UK.
Telephone and Fax: (+44) 1367 718963

This society has an education section and you can find out more about resources for
HST teaching from the Executive Secretary. There are also details at the Society's
website of you click on 'Education Section'. Within this there is a site called
'Humanity in School Science' which is a discussion forum as well as giving more
details of resources for teaching HST.

Association for Science Education
ASE , College Lane, Hatfield, Herts.AL 10 9AA UK
Tel. (+44) 1707 283000
Fax (+44) 1707 266532

This is the largest subject teacher organisation in the UK and it has a publications
department which produces many resources for teaching HST. There are more details
in the publications in the Books and Journal Articles sections below. If you visit the
website you can order the publications online.

Socit franaise dhistoire des sciences et des techniques (SFHST)
SFHST, 5 rue de Vertbois, 75141 Paris cedex 03

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

La socit regroupe des chercheurs en pistmologie et en histoire des sciences et des

techniques et des enseignants du suprieur et du secondaire. La promotion de
lenseignement de lHST est un de ses objectifs. Une des sessions du congrs quelle
organise Lille du 24 au 27 mai 2001 porte sur lenseignement de lHST (voir

Union des Physiciens (UDP)

Cre en 1906 pour rpondre la demande des professeurs de physique et de chimie,

cette association professionnelle est, depuis, un partenaire important dans
llaboration des rformes dans ces deux disciplines. Son Bulletin mensuel publie,
entre autres, des articles dHST adapts lenseignement secondaire.
UDP, 44 boulevard Saint-Michel, 75270 Paris cedex 06.

Please contact Bert Sorsby ( or via Merlin) or Danielle Fauque
( or via Merlin)if you have any more you would like to add.
The details will beincluded in Merlin.

There are two main types of books for history of science and technology. One sort
gives information about HST itself, and there are lots of these which cover all levels
of expertise and all ranges of interests. You will find examples of these in the
Bibliography section at the end of this training manual..

The other sort of book deals with issues relating to the pedagogy of HST, and these
are much smaller in number.

As well as local, regional and national libraries, if you have access to the internet,
then many bookshops now have on-line catalogues which are very useful. There are
also online book-sale companies such as Amazon (see and look
under 'Science and Nature').which can give details of recent books on history of
science and technology.

An important resource for HST in schools is PREtext Publishing. This is a specialist

mail order service for books relevant to history of science and technology and these
area available at discount prices. The address is:
PREtext Publishing, Boston House, TBAC Business Centre, Grove Technology Park,
Wantage OX12 9FF UK Tel (+44) 1235 227236 email
There are a number of publishers too such as Dorling Kindersley, Blackwells and
Routledge, who specialise in books for teaching purposes, and the Association for
Science Education also publishes books for teaching HST,.
See for example:-

Solomon, J (1997) Primary Technology Stories Using Stories from History.

Hatfield:Association for Science Education

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

"Real technology has changed the ways in which we live. How can we show
our pupils that? With these new resources primary teachers can learn more
about technology and plan work to fit in with history, through school-based
INSET. The stories are about girls and boys in the times of KS2 History units
who get excited about new technology:- hammocks for the navy, railway
signal, cars,clay pots, a water wheel for grinding corn, a printing press, a
working greenhouse and.....lots more! There are teachers' notes for each
project, the cost of materials is minimal but making skills for wood and
plastic, as well as planning and designing skills , are learnt with every unit."

ASE (1999) 100 Years of Radium Hatfield:Association for Science Education

"In 1898, Marie Curie discovered two new elements, the second, radium,
being by far the most radioactive element ever known. This package, written
by members of the British Society for the History of Science, celebrates Marie
Curie, her work, and the subsequent development of the science and industry
of radiochemistry. Aimed at pupils from age 14 upwards, the units in this pack
do not form a continuous story. Each unit can stand alone, providing a
historical context, questions and activities - teachers are encouraged to select
the materials for their own uses."

ASE (1997) Henri Becquerel and the Discovery of Radioactivity Hatfield:Association

for Science Education
"To celebrate the centenary of the discovery of radioactivity by Henri
Becquerel in 1896, ASE has produced a SATIS-style book for Key Stage 4
containing units on: history and discovery of radioactivity; uses of radioactive
substances; radioactivity in archaeology ; radon; radioactivity and geology, the
age of the earth, plate tectonics."


Les documents imprims en langue franaise dont on dispose aujourdhui sont

nombreux. Depuis vingt ans, des articles dans des revues professionnelles, des actes
de colloques puis des livres pdagogiques prsentant des exemples directement
applicables en classe, offre un panel de choix. La SFHST dite aussi deux
monographies chaque anne.
Nous citerons les plus rcents dabord puis nous ajouterons quelques titres plus
anciens qui rendent encore de grands services.

Rosmorduc, J (dir.),(1997)Histoire des sciences et des techniques, actes du plan

national de formation des professeurs, mai 1996, Morgat, publi par le Centre
Rgional de Documentation pdagogique (CRDP) de Bretagne, 1997, < >
. Cet ouvrage regroupe plusieurs tudes de cas dapplication de lHST en
classe dans les diffrentes disciplines scientifiques.

Id., Chronologie des sciences et des techniques, publi par CRDP de Bretagne, 1997.
Ce petit livre complte le prcdent ouvrage en donnant des conseils de
mthode pour aborder lHST. Il donne une trs importante bibliographie et une
chronologie mettant en parallle les sciences, les techniques et les autres

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

vnements qui ont marqu la socit. Trs facile demploi, ce petit livre rend
de grands services.

Id., Lhistoire des sciences, collection les enjeux du systme ducatif , CNDP /
Hachette, 43 quai de Grenelle, 75905 Paris Cedex 05, 1996.
Cet ouvrage dfinit les objets et les mthodes de lhistoire des sciences. Il place
aussi les sciences et les techniques dans la socit et fournit une abondante

Andries, B et Beigbeder, I (1993). La culture scientifique et technique pour les

professeurs des coles, collection les enjeux du systme ducatif , CNDP /
Hachette, 43 quai de Grenelle, 75905 Paris Cedex 05,
Indispensable pour situer lHST dans une culture largie lcole primaire.

Scheidecker-Chevallier, M et Laporte,G (1999). La dmarche de modlisation en

chimie, publi par Ellipses, 32 rue Bargue, 75740 Paris cedex 15,
Des textes historiques sont exploits selon un processus didactique permettant
de diffrencier le champ exprimental et le champ conceptuel.

Sonneville, M et Fauque, D (1997). La gravitation, Paris: Centre National de

Documentation Pedagogique.
Textes originaux de Copernic Einstein, avec introduction, commentaires et
questions destines aux lves du lyce sur le thme de la gravitation.

On peut rappeler les ouvrages suivants :

Audigier, F et Fillon, P (dir.), (1991) Enseigner lhistoire des sciences et des

techniques, une approche pluridiscipinaire, publi par lINRP, 29 rue dUlm, 75230
Paris cedex 05,
Il sagit du compte rendu et de lanalyse dune exprience mene par plusieurs
professeurs de disciplines diffrentes pour introduire lHST en classe.

Associazione per linsegnamento della Fisica,(1995) La fisica nella scuola, La

storia della fisica nella didattica della fisica , quaderno 5, anno XXVIII, sup. al n.2,
aprile-Giugno .
Au plan international, le mouvement dintroduction de lenseignement de
lHST dans lenseignement secondaire en Europe a t mis en valeur par le
colloque de Pavie en 1983. Voir les rfrences des actes des colloques qui ont
suivi celui-ci, lhistoire du mouvement et la bibliographie correspondante dans
larticle de Fabio Bevilacqua et Enrico Giannetto, La storia della fisica e la
didattica delle fisica, unesperienza europea , p. 6-16. Ce numro spcial de
La fisica nella scuola, publi par lassociation professionnelle italienne, est
entirement consacr lenseignement de lhistoire de la physique.
(Dipartemento di Fisica dellUniversit, via Campi 213/A, 41100, Modena,

Xos A. Fraga (ed.), (1997) Ciencias, educacin e historia, Actas V Simposio de

Historia e Ensino das Ciencias, Publicacins do Seminario de Estudos Galegos, , 626

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Il sagit des actes dun trs important colloque qui sest droul Vigo, en
Espagne, en septembre 1995 et qui porte sur lensemble des disciplines

Quelques ouvrages adapts la formation, personnelle et gnrale en HST, des

enseignants :
Brock,W H (1992) (The Fontana history of Chemistry, .
North, J (1994) The Fontana history of Astronomy and Cosmology,
Rosmorduc, J (dir.),(1987) Histoire de la physique, t. 1, 1987 et Jean-Paul Mathieu
(coord.), t.2, 1991, d. Lavoisier, Tec & Doc.

Please contact Bert Sorsby ( or via Merlin) or Danielle Fauque
( or via Merlin)if you have any more you would like to add.
The details will beincluded in Merlin.

Journal Articles
Many of the more academic journals in HST are very scholarly indeed and just do not
relate to working with pupils and students in classrooms. It is better to look through
the journals of science teacher organisations to find articles which relate closely to
teaching HST in schools. Details of some useful journals are given below, with a few
examples of articles which may be of interest for teachers.

School Science Review.

The online index for this is at:
Recent articles include:
Swain, P.A., (1999) School Science Review 81 (294) 89-94, 'Bernard Curtois-
Chemistry and kelp.'
Stock, J.T.,(1999) School Science Review 81 (294)95-100, 'The history and
some applications of coulometry.'

This is a photocopiable resource which is published three times a year and is
dedicated to history of science and technology in school teaching. Recent articles
Pascal and atmospheric pressure
Newlands and the periodic table
Volta's Pile
Prof. Blondlot's new disovery
William Withering
It is available from :
PREtext Publishing, Boston House, TBAC Business Centre, Grove Technollgy Park,
Wantage OX12 9FF UK Tel (+44) 1235 227236 email

Please contact Bert Sorsby ( or via Merlin) or Danielle Fauque
( or via Merlin)if you have any more you would like to add.
The details will beincluded in Merlin.

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Museums, Libraries and World Wide Web Links

There are thousands of museums across Europe and the websites and brief
descriptions of just a few of these are given below. If you are thinking about a visit to
a museum with your students then contact the museum well ahead of your visit to see
what resources they have available. Larger museums will have education officers who
may be able to teach your students for you in the museum galleries or offer hands-on
experiences in the primary museum classrooms. Almost all will have worksheets and
information packs which relate to their collections so it is a good idea to see what is
available before you take a group on a visit.

The Science Museum, London

This is one of the great museums for history of science and technology. There
are original object which relate to all aspects of science and technology and
the website is of interest too.

The Wellcome Museum and Library, London, UK
This is an excellent resource centre and website for studies in the history of

Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, UK
This is one of the largest science and technology museums in England with
important collections from all areas of science and technology.

The Mary Rose Museum Portsmouth UK
This specialist museum displays King Henry VIII's warship, which was sunk
in the Channel in 1543. The website has some excellent ideas for work which
can be done with children. on this topic.

The World Wide Web

There are thousands of websites on the internet, and if you are not yet online some
important resources will not be available to you and your pupils.. Here is a small
selection of some of the more relevant ones and there are more links in the Merlin
Resource Centre (See Study Unit 5)

The Galileo Project
This is an excellent website to generate resources and collect information for
teaching about Galileo, his discoveries and his scientific thinking. There are
primary source links too with the correspondence from his daughter.

The History of Telecommunications
This site is part of the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation and provides a really
useful timeline which traces developments in all aspects of

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

WWW Virtual Library for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
This is a site which provides links to hundreds of other HST sites. It also links
with sites for history of medicine and history of mathematics too.

History of Mathematics (St Andrews University, Scotland)
This site has interesting articles on topics not just relating to history of
mathematics. For example there are articles on longitude and cosmology with
some excellent, extensive links made to other sites too.

Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe
Although many of the links here are not directly concerned with HST, it is
good to have these primary sources available for study by students.

Charles Darwin's Correspondence
This website is one of the outcomes of the Darwin Correspondence Project
and it has published all the letters to and from this important scientist.

SHiPS Resources for teachers.
This American site gives some useful ideas and contacts for teaching history
of science and technology.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
At this very large site you can find out details of the lives and thoughts of the
philosophers. There is an excellent index and a most useful timeline.
Copernic est un moteur de recherche qui effectue une recherche systmatique dans
tous les autres sites. Il permet de slectionner trs rapidement les sites internet en
langue franaise selon des mots cls choisis et de tlcharger les listes obtenues :

Recherche Nombre total de rponses Sites retenus parmi les plus

Muses dhistoire des 116 6
sciences et des techniques
Bibliothques dhistoire des 165 6
sciences et des techniques
Histoire des 57 4

On pourrait slectionner selon dautres critres de recherche et sur dautres thmes :

histoire des transports, histoires des communications, navitation astronomique, etc.

Retenons donc :

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Muses scientifiques de Belgique
2-Evolution des sciences et des techniques en Wallonie
3-Musum dhistoire naturelle de La Rochelle
4-Cit des sciences Paris
5-Muse des Arts et mtiers
6-Association pour lhistoire des chemins de fer en France

Bibliothques dhistoire des sciences

1-Rseau des bibliothques. Strasbourg
2-Catalogue collectif dhistoire des sciences et des techniques. Grenoble
3-Site de la Bibliothque de France
4-Bibliothques des sciences . Revues dhistoire des sciences
5-Priodiques analyss
6-Bibliothque du Muse dhistoire des sciences de Gnve

Histoire des tlcommunications

1-Histoire des tlcommunications
2-Petite histoire des tlcommunications
3-Dossiers tlcommunications -revue Pour la Science 249 - juin 1998
4-Le tlgraphe de Claude Chappe

Please contact Bert Sorsby ( or via Merlin) or Danielle Fauque
( or via Merlin)if you have any more you would like to add.
The details will beincluded in Merlin.

Contact an 'expert'
It is said that we are only three telephone calls away from the word expert in any
subject. There might very well be someone in your local university or college who has
special interests in a particular area of history of science and technology. Certainly
libraries and regional information centres, including tourist offices can often help with
more details of HST in a particular area.

Danielle Fauque Bert Sorsby

Paris France Hull UK
July 2002

History of Science and Technology (HST) for European Teachers. The HST Project

Short Bibliography

These and other books will be available during the HST Course The first one (*) is
particularly important.

* Goodman, D. and Russell, C. (eds.) (1991) The Rise of Scientific Europe 1500-
1800. London: Hodder and Stoughton Educational.

Debru, C. (ed) (1999), History of Science and Technology in Education and Training
in Europe Conference Strasbourg 25-26 June 1998. Luxembourg: European

Sonneville, M. et .Fauque, D. (1997) La Gravitation. Paris: Centre National de

Documentation Pedagogique.

Sorsby, B (2000) The Irresistible Rise of the Nature of Science in Science Curricula.
in Sorensen, P and Sears, J ( ed.) Current Issues in Science Education. London:


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