Sage X3 - User Guide - HTG-ADC-V5

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How To Guide

Automated Data Collection (ADC)

ADC Parameters.......................................................................................................2
Entry Transaction Setup............................................................................................7
Stock Change................................................................................................................................. 7
Miscellaneous Receipt.................................................................................................................... 9
Miscellaneous Issue...................................................................................................................... 11
Sub-Contractor Transfer............................................................................................................... 12
Inter-Site Transfers....................................................................................................................... 13
Purchase Receipt......................................................................................................................... 14
User Setup...............................................................................................................17
Label Printing...........................................................................................................17
Connection Information...........................................................................................17
General Information.................................................................................................20
PO Inquiry XAPI...................................................................................................21
Receiving Inquiry XARI.........................................................................................22
Purchase Receipts - VXAPR...................................................................................23
Putaway - XAPY......................................................................................................24
Sales Picking XASP.............................................................................................25
Item Inquiry XAII...................................................................................................26
Location Inquiry XALI...........................................................................................27
Cycle Counting VXACC........................................................................................28
Miscellaneous Receipts VXAMR..........................................................................29
Miscellaneous Issues VXAMO.............................................................................30
Inter-site Transfers - VXAIT.....................................................................................31
Stock Change VXASC..........................................................................................32
Location Replenishment Putaway XALR.............................................................36
Production Tracking XAPT...................................................................................37
Material Picking XAMP.........................................................................................38
Material Issue XAMT............................................................................................39

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ADC Parameters
The function GESXAP allows you to setup your ADC Site and ADC parameters for that site. Setup
information includes transactions, locations, and labeling information.

Header: Press the document button in the left corner to add a new record. For previously defined sites,
click on the site code in the left window.
Warehouse Enter Site code as previously defined in X3
Default Txns Loc tab:
PO Receipt Txn - The Entry Transaction that will be used when performing PO receipts.
Loc Change Putaway The Entry Transaction that will be used when performing stock
changes for the Putaway Transactions.
Loc Change Picking The Entry Transaction that will be used when performing stock
changes for the Picking Transactions.
Production Reporting Txn The Entry Transaction that will be used when performing work
order receipts. The transaction corresponds to the Manufacturing Plan workbench

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Material Issue Txn The Entry Transactions that will be used when performing work order
material issues.
Unexpected Material The Work Order Entry transaction that will be used when reporting
material consumption from work orders where material was not originally included.
Time Tracking Txn The Entry Transaction that will be used when performing time tracking.
Receiving Dock For PO receipt, location will first utilize product site location as defined by
the Stock movement rule for a Supplier receiptif an exact default location is not setup for the
product site record PO receipts will utilize location defined here.
QC Location For PO and Work order receipts, location will first utilize product site location
as defined by the Stock Movement rule for a Supplier receipt or Produce Goods receipt if
an exact default location is not setup for the product site record it will utilize the location
defined here.
Prod Receiving Dock For Work Order receipts, location will first utilize product site location
as defined by the Stock Movement rule for a Produce Goods receipt if a default location has
not been setup on the product site record, it will utilize the location defined here.
Staging Location Default location For Shipment staging
Mfg Staging Location Default location for Work Order Material issues.

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ADC Parameters Continued

Options tab:
Allow Unexpected Material For Material Issues, this option indicates if unexpected
material can be consumed.
Allocate Unexpected Material Unexpected Material will be allocated to the work order.
Allow Lot Override For Material Picking, this option indicates if the users can enter a
different lot from the one that is currently allocated.
Short Picking Options are Not Allowed, Partial Allowed, Complete Allowed. This rule
sets the short picking level. Not Allowed must be a complete pick. Partial Allowed can pick a
partial of the products. Complete Allowed can short pick the products completely.
Extreme caution required if utilizing complete allowed.
Picking UOM Indicates if the stock or sales UOM should be used when picking quantities.
Block Shipment Validation This will prevent a shipment from being validated if all
products have not been processed via ADC Sales Picking.
Special Charge

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Pick by Line The option allows users to pick by shipment line number instead of the
default location sequence. If this option is not enabled, the user can still enter a shipment line
number in order to go directly to a particular line number. By default, if this option is turned
off, then the next button will show the next pick in location sequence. If this option is enabled,
the next button will show the pick for the next shipment line. If more than one pick exists for a
shipment line, the picks will be displayed in location sequence.
Allow Allocation Movement This option indicates if allocated stock can be moved while
performing a location change. NOTE: There is no control as to what document line will have
its allocation moved. This is important whenever picking tickets and manufacturing pick lists
are printed. The allocated material may be moved to a different location. Allocated material
will only be moved if there is insufficient unallocated material to move.

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ADC Parameters Continued

Miscellaneous tab:
PO Rec Display Receipt Number Yes will display the PO receipt number upon pressing
Create (F2) when creating receipts during the ADC Purchase receipts transaction.
PO Receipt Item Labels Yes will prompt to print labels at the ADC Purchase receipts
PO Rec Delay item Lbl Yes will delay the printing of the item labels until after the receipt
has been generated. This is required if the label is to contain lot information and the
transaction is setup to generate lots at the time the receipt is created.
Item Label Report ADCITMLBL - This label report is predefined in ADC X3 for label
Num Labels per page Default number of labels to print at the time of the Purchase
receipts transaction.
Expiration Management N/A Future Enhancement.
PO Worksheet Report This report is predefined in ADC X3 for the PO Worksheet.

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Entry Transaction Setup

Stock Change

Necessary values in Entry transaction:

General tab: Field 'Movement type' = Internal

Stock tab: Field 'Form' = No print

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Miscellaneous Receipt

Necessary values in Entry transaction

General tab: Field Auto print = No

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Stock tab: Field Form = No Print

Stock tab: Block Lot: all fields = No

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Miscellaneous Issue

Necessary value in Entry transaction

Field 'Automatic determination' = No

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Sub-Contractor Transfer

Necessary values in Entry transaction

Field 'Form' = No print

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Inter-Site Transfers

Necessary values in Entry transaction

Field 'Form' = No print

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Purchase Receipt

Necessary values in Entry transaction

Parameter Definitions tab:

Field 'Auto print' = No

Dimension Lines Method = Hidden for all Dimension Types

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Line 2 tab:

Discount/Charge fields = Hidden

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Stock tab:

Field 'Form' = No Print

Block 'Lot': all fields = No

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User Setup
Each ADC user must be defined as a user in X3. You must be linked to an ADC menu. The patch
includes the ADC Menu profile, which includes the following ADC menus:
Function Options Description
XASS Set Site
MENU XADCI Inventory Menu
MENU XADCP Purchasing Menu
MENU XADCM Manufacturing
The menu profile can be copied and adjusted according to your needs.
Note: The ADC user is an integral part of X3. Additional user setup and administration is not required
within ADC.

Label Printing
Since the Crystal Report DLLs cannot be stored on the ADC device, a Print Server must be used when
printing labels from a handheld device. Once the print server is configured, the Destinations functionality
can be used to direct an ADC user to a specific print destination.
ADC comes with one crystal report that can be modified to include additional information that is specific to
the customer. The report is named ADCITMLBL.

Connection Information
The ADC telnet server runs under the X3 web native interface. The standard port 23 is used. For the
handheld devices, the supported VT emulation is VT220 along with a screen size of 20 columns by 16
To connect from a Windows based computer, simply go the run command and type:

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A connection dialog similar to the one below should appear:

Using the arrow keys, select the X3 folder to connect to and Press the F1 key. A User / Password prompt
will then appear

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After you enter a valid username / password, press F1 to connect to the folder. After connecting, the
standard ADC menu will look similar to the following:

Use the arrow keys to highlight a function/menu and press the F1 key to select the function/menu.

Navigation information

There are four possible buttons in each ADC function. Each button from left to right corresponds to the
function keys F1 through F4.

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F1 is always the OK button

F2 is a reserved button dedicated to a specific function. For example, in many functions the F2 button will
not be enabled. In the Directed Picking function, F2 corresponds to the Next button.
Depending on the field context, F3 will be the select button that serves as a lookup. Once you F3 to go
into Select mode, use the up/down arrow keys to navigate to your selection and press F1 to OK the
selection. To help with the selection you can type a portion of an item, PO, etc. when you press F3
this will take you closer to your target data vs. the beginning of the selection.
F4 is always the End button.
Tab - Movement between the fields on the ADC screen, just like the graphical X3 client works.
Enter - should not be used to move between fields. Enter = OK button. If all of the required
information has not been entered for a transaction, you will get an error message.
A field with dots () indicates that the field is an entered field. If no dots are present, the field is
display only.

Currently there is no session recapture logic built into the telnet server. If a session goes out of range, the
associated process in X3 will be terminated.


Automated Data Collection (ADC) is by far the largest North American enhancement to date. ADC
typically requires onsite consulting/training assistance in order to implement. The following is a basic
summary of the functionality.

General Information

The ADC Transactions are similar to their X3 counterparts. For instance, when performing an
ADC Miscellaneous Receipt, the transaction will create a Miscellaneous Receipt document
that is similar to that which would be created using the X3 function GESSMR. However, do
NOT assume that the ADC transaction will perform all the functionality as the X3 function
Several ADC transactions will perform a Stock Change behind the scenes (Stock Change,
Putaway, Replenishment Putaway, Sales Picking)
When prompted for a Product, you will also be able to enter in the products UPC.

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PO Inquiry XAPI

The Purchase order inquiry function is used to display information about purchase orders. A PO number
and/or a product may be entered. If a PO number is entered, the display will be limited to that particular
PO. If an item is entered, the display will be limited to that particular item. Both fields may be left blank to
display every PO line in the site. After you tab off the item field, the following fields are displayed:
o Product
o Ordered quantity
o Remaining to be received quantity
o PO Number
o Line Number

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Receiving Inquiry XARI

The Receiving inquiry is used to display information about products that have not been received. A
product must be entered. The inquiry will look for matching Purchase Orders and Inter-site Transfers that
are to be received at your site. After you tab off the item field, the following fields are displayed:

o Remaining Quantity to be received

o Document number
o Line number
o Business Partner
o Product
o Order Quantity

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Purchase Receipts - VXAPR

Purchase Receiving is used to perform a receipt from a purchase order. You are first prompted for the
purchase order number. Next either the product OR the line number is entered. If the product is entered
and it alone determines the order line, then the line number prompt will be bypassed. If the product
appears on the PO more than one time then the line number will be prompted for.
Next the quantity is entered. The quantity must be greater than zero. If the Purchase Order Lines UOM is
not the Products Stocking UOM, then you will be prompted for the UOM. The Purchasing UOM will be
the default.
The status and location are defaulted. These values may be overwritten. Next, if applicable, the lot,
sublot and/or serial information may be entered. Finally, you are prompted if the PO line should be
closed (no more quantity can be received).
After the information has been entered, click OK. This writes the receipt line information to a temporary
table. The temporary table is called XARECTMP. It may be appropriate to build an Inquiry or Requester
to check this table from time to time to make sure all receipts are being processed. NOTE: The receipt
itself has NOT been created yet in X3.
You may now go and receive additional items from the PO, or press the Create Receipt button. The
create receipt button will generate the receipt in X3 for all of the lines entered.
If the PO Receipt Item Labels parameter is set, then after pressing the OK button, you will be
automatically directed to the label-printing screen where you can enter the number of labels you would
like to have printed. If you do not want any labels, enter 0.
If the PO Receipt Display Receipt Number parameter is set, then after the receipt is successfully
created, the corresponding receipt number will be displayed.

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Putaway - XAPY

The Putaway function is very similar to the Stock Change Transaction. In fact, performing a putaway will
actually create a Stock Change Transaction.
After you enter in the appropriate key information (From Loc, Product, Lot, S/L (sublot), Ser, Sta) the
process will total all the stock that matches the entered information and display the value in the Qty field.
If the product site record has Stock Default Location setup information, then the selection for the To Loc
will be filtered by the location type setup and the To Loc itself will be defaulted if a specific location is
specified in the default location. You will be able to enter any quantity up to the amount the system
determined was in the from location.

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Sales Picking XASP

Sales picking assists the movement of allocated stock from the internal bin locations to the staging dock.
The shipment is also updated to accurately reflect the items that we send to the customer.
First the shipment number is prompted for. If there are no open picks for the shipment an error message
will be displayed. An open pick is one that is not short allocated, is not allocated from the staging dock,
and is not already being processed by another user. If an open pick exists, the quantity, lot, sub lot,
location, and item are displayed to you.
At any point while you are entering the required fields for the pick, the pick may be skipped using the next
button. This will cause the next open pick to be displayed. After all other open picks have been displayed
and/or processed, any picks that were skipped will then be re-prompted for.
When you decide to process a pick, you are first prompted for the location from which you are picking.
This may or may not be the location the pick is allocated from. If a different location is entered, a check is
made to verify that enough stock exists to allocate to the pick. If enough stock does not exist, an error is
After the location is entered, the product number must be entered. If the product entered does not
match the product for the pick, an error message is displayed.
Next the quantity to pick is prompted for. If the quantity entered is greater than the quantity to pick, an
error is displayed. If the pick is less than the quantity, the short picking fields is checked to see if the
quantity is allowed (see picking setup).
Next, the lot and sublot are prompted for. Again, these may be different from the values allocated to the
pick. If the entered values are different, a check is made to verify that enough stock exists to allocate to
the pick. If enough stock does not exist, an error is displayed.
Once you are satisfied with the information entered, click OK. Behind the scenes, the pick is going to be
shorted or the full quantity is processed, then the entire pick is deallocated from the original allocated
location, a location change is performed from the entered location to the staging dock, and then the pick
is reallocated from the staging dock. If the pick was not shorted but the quantity picked was less that the
full quantity, you will then be prompted for the remaining quantity.

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Item Inquiry XAII

The item inquiry function is used to display the locations an item exists in. The only field prompted for is
the item. If an invalid item is entered, an error message is displayed. For each location found with the
item, the following is displayed:
o Location
o Lot
o Sub Lot
o Serial Number
o On hand quantity
o Allocated quantity
o A status quantity
o Q status quantity
o R status quantity

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Location Inquiry XALI

The location inquiry function is used to display the contents of a location. The only field prompted for is
the location. If an invalid location is entered, an error message is displayed. For each item in the location,
the following is displayed:

o Item number
o Description
o Lot
o Sub Lot
o Serial Number
o On hand quantity
o Allocated quantity
o A status quantity
o Q status quantity
o R status quantity

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Cycle Counting VXACC

Cycle counting is used to perform a physical inventory count. The stock count session and count
worksheet must first be created in X3 before the ADC functionality can be used. You are first prompted for
the stock count session and then the count worksheet. After these two items have been entered, you scan
or enter the line number from the count worksheet. You then enter the count in either the stock or pack
quantity. After the count is entered, you will confirm the count using the OK button. Confirming a count will
mark the worksheet line as counted, and will update the counted stock fields on the worksheet.

If you confirm the count with a zero quantity, a confirmation dialog will appear using if the count really is
zero. If confirmed, the zero stock flag is set to yes on the count worksheet.

NOTE: No inventory adjustments are made from within the ADC cycle count function. These
movements take place when the worksheet is validated.

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Miscellaneous Receipts VXAMR

The miscellaneous receipts function is used to bring inventory into a warehouse location. First an
inventory transaction code is prompted for. Note that this transaction does NOT control which fields will be
prompted for, it is simply used for the stock transaction record.
Next the product number is entered. If the product is lot and/or sublot controlled, these fields will then be
enabled. Otherwise they will be disabled. After the product has been verified, the UOM and status fields
are defaulted.
Next the UOM field is prompted for. If the UOM entered is invalid an error message will be displayed
Next the quantity is prompted for. The quantity to receive must be greater than zero.
Next the status is prompted for. If the status entered is invalid an error message will be displayed
Next the location is prompted for. A default location is suggested to you based on X3 parameters. The
location is verified according to the setup of the product. For example, an A status product cannot be
received into a Q status only location.
Finally the suppler lot, lot, sublot and serial numbers are prompted for (if required). After you are
satisfied with their entries, click OK and the transaction is processed in X3.

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Miscellaneous Issues VXAMO

The miscellaneous issue function is used to take inventory out of a warehouse location. First an
inventory transaction code is prompted for. Note that this transaction does NOT control which fields will be
prompted for, it is simply used for the stock transaction record.
Next the product number is entered. If the product is lot and/or sublot controlled, these fields will then be
enabled. Otherwise they will be disabled. After the product has been verified, the UOM and status fields
are defaulted.
Next the UOM field is prompted for. If the UOM entered is invalid an error message will be displayed
Next the quantity is prompted for. The quantity to issue must be greater than zero.
Next the status is prompted for. If the status entered is invalid an error message will be displayed
Next the location is prompted for. A default location is suggested to you based on X3 parameters. A
check is made to verify that sufficient stock exists to be issued. If not, an error message is displayed.
Finally the lot, sublot and serial numbers are prompted for (if required). After you are satisfied with their
entries, click OK and the transaction is processed in X3.

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Inter-site Transfers - VXAIT

The intersite transfer function is used to move inventory from one warehouse to another. The function is
based upon the stock change function. After the Destination site is entered, the function behaves in the
same manner as the stock change function.

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Stock Change VXASC

The stock change function is used to move inventory out of a warehouse location to another location
and/or to change the status of an item. First an inventory transaction code is prompted for. Note that this
transaction does NOT control which fields will be prompted for, it is simply used for the stock transaction
Next the product number is entered. If the product is lot and/or sublot controlled, these fields will then be
enabled. Otherwise they will be disabled.
Next the From status field is prompted for. If the status entered is invalid an error message will be
Next the From location field is prompted for. If the location entered is invalid an error message will be
Next the quantity is prompted for. The quantity to move must be greater than zero. . A check is made to
verify that sufficient stock exists to be moved. If not, an error message is displayed.
Next the lot, sublot and serial numbers are prompted for (if required).
Next the to status and to location fields are prompted for. If either is invalid, an error message is
displayed. The location is verified according to the setup of the product. For example, an A status product
cannot be received into a Q status only location.
After you are satisfied with their entries, click OK and the transaction is processed in X3

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Sub-contractor Transfers VXAST

The sub-contractor transfer function is used to move inventory to a supplier location. The function is
based upon the stock change function. After the supplier is entered, the function behaves in the same
manner as the stock change function with the exception that the to location is defaulted from the location
stored under the supplier function under the classifications tab.

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Set Site VXASS

In multi-site environments, it may be necessary for the ADC user to switch sites as they travel from
warehouse to warehouse. The Set Site function allows you to change your current site setting. Most
ADC transactions rely on you having a site set in order for them to operate.

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Location Replenishment Picking XARP

ADC Location Replenishment is a two-step process that is based on the Pick Location
Replenishment Workbench (FUNREO). After the Pick Location Replenishment function (FUNCALREO)
is executed and the replenishment demands are satisfied via the Workbench, a Storage List number is
created. The ADC Location Replenishment Picking transaction can be used to direct you to the
locations you must pick the material from. After the material is picked, the Location Replenishment
Putaway transaction (see below) can be used to put the material in the demand location.
After the Storage List number is entered, you will be presented with picks in Location order. Pressing the
OK button will inform the system that the material has been picked by updating the allocation record that
was created by workbench.

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Location Replenishment Putaway XALR

After the material is picked (see above), the Location Replenishment Putaway transaction can be used
to put the material in the demand location. You will enter the Storage List number and be presented with
material that is ready to be putaway in location order. The system uses the ADC user id to determine
which picks you performed, therefore, it only presents you with putaways that correspond to the picks that
you performed. When you click OK, a Stock Change is performed to move the material from picking
location to the putaway location. Additionally, the allocation is removed and the Storage list itself is

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Production Tracking XAPT

Production tracking is used to perform a production receipt against a work order.

You are first prompted for the work order number.
Enter or scanning the WO (Work order number). The product number (Item) will default from the Work
order. The Work order QTY, Unit of Measure, and Item status will also default.
Press Tab to Qty You can override the qty produced or accept the qty that has defaulted. (In the above
example the default qty was 100, changed to 5)
Press Tab to UOM (Unit of Measure) - Accept default
Press Tab to Sta (Status) Change status if the item is Changeable on the product record or accept
Press Tab to Loc (Location) - Accept default or change location to a valid location
Press Tab to Lot Leave blank for automatic assignment (if setup in with this auto functionality) or enter
Lot no.
Note: S/L Sublot will be the next field if the product is set up for sub lot
Serial no. will be the next field of the product is set up for serial nos.
Press Tab to Clo (Close):
Y will Close the Line item
N will leave the line open for further production tracking transaction.
Press F1 to OK the transaction. The Work order and the inventory will be updated.

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Material Picking XAMP

Material picking can be used to perform the following:

1) Move material to a staging location. Ex. Material is normally stored in Location 01, with this
transaction, material required for a work order will go to Location 05. The suggested staging location
follows these rules. First, use location defined on workstation if defined. Second, use workstation
location defined on product site if defined. Third, use material staging location defined on the ADC
parameters (XADCPAR).
2) Allow material to be picked from a different location than what is originally allocated. Also allows a
different lot to be picked if the "Allow lot override" option is enabled under the ADC parameters function.
3) Allow over picking and staging of material against a work order. Note: This will not over allocate
material. Ex. WO requires 40 lbs of material, Material is stored in 100 lb containers. The transaction will
stage 100 lbs to a staging location, 40 lbs will remain allocated.
You are first prompted for the work order number.
Enter the MFG (Work order number). Qty, Lot, To Loc, Loc, and Product information will default from
the Work order. Note: This information is materials required for the work order and defaults in Location
order. The F2 (Next) button can be used to scroll through products in location order.
Loc (From Location) field is highlighted Enter location you are picking the product from.
Press Tab to Product Enter the Product number.
Press Tab to Qty Enter the Qty to be picked.
Press Tab to Lot Enter the Lot number being picked.
Press F1 to OK the transaction. The material will be updated.

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Material Issue XAMT

The Material issue transaction is used to perform material issues against a work order.
You are first prompted for the work order number.
Enter the MFG (Work order number). Operation, Item, Qty, Status, Loc, and Lot number will default from
material allocated for the Work order. Note: This information is materials required for the work order and
defaults in Location order. The F2 (Next) button can be used to scroll through products in location order.

Press Tab to Product Enter the Product number for verification of material to be issued.
Press Tab to Qty Enter the Qty to be issued or Tab to accept default.
Press Tab to Loc Enter the Location for verification.
Press Tab to Lot Enter the Lot number for variation.
Press Tab to Sub lot if sub lots are in use for this product verify sub lot.
Press Tab to Close Y = Yes material line is closed upon posting transaction, N = No material line
remains open
Press F1 to OK the transaction. The material will be issued against the work order.

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