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How To Guide

EDI Processing

EDI Outbound - Functionality ........................................................................................................ 2

EDI BP Setup .............................................................................................................................. 5
EDI Inbound Functionality .......................................................................................................... 6
Inbound EDI Parameters ............................................................................................................. 6
EDI Status Monitor ..................................................................................................................... 6
Inbound EDI Processing Flow .................................................................................................... 7

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EDI Processing

EDI Outbound - Functionality

X3 supports the following outbound EDI transactions:
810 Sales Invoices
850 Purchase Orders
855 Sales Acknowledgment
856 Ship Notice

After all setup is complete, the outbound EDI processing performs automatically as shown in the
flowchart below for the 855 Sales Acknowledgement transaction. All outbound EDI transactions follow a
similar flow depending on the entered document. Purchase Order entry will trigger the 850, Shipment
entry will trigger the 856, Sales Invoice entry will trigger the 810.

Enter Sales Order

Is EDI active
EDI 855 flag set to
and 855
No No Request
enabled for
this BP?


EDI 855 flag set to


Export 855 and set

EDI 855 flag to

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EDI Processing

The current EDI status for any Sales Order, Purchase Order, Shipment, or Sales Invoice can be
viewed on the corresponding document. A Misc. tab displays the EDI status. See examples below.

Sales Order


Sales Invoice

Purchase Order

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EDI Processing

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EDI Processing

EDI BP Setup
The EDI BP Setup (GESXBG) function is used to enable specific business partners for particular EDI
transactions. An overarching EDI Active flag can be set for the selected BP. In addition, each of the
four supported EDI transactions can be activated separately for a given BP.

The second tab of the EDI BP Setup function can be used to hold specific identification parameters for
use with EDI.

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EDI Processing

EDI Inbound Functionality

X3 supports the following inbound EDI transactions:
810 Purchase Invoices
850 Sales Orders

Inbound EDI Parameters

The Inbound EDI Parameters (GESXBF) function is used to link the EDI import templates and set the
directory to be used with each. The templates entered here can be controlled with the Active flag. Note:
when the activity flag is changed for a given template, the EDI Status Monitor must be restarted for the
change to take effect.

EDI Status Monitor

The EDI Status Monitor (XBEDI) function is used to start and stop the inbound EDI processing. This
function is found under the ADMIN menu at Usage > Batch Server > EDI Status Monitor.

The EDI Status Monitor displays the active inbound EDI transactions and their statuses.

EDI Status Monitor fields:

Task Status Indicates the current status of the task. Possible values are:
o Inactive
o Active

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EDI Processing

o Shutting Down
o Restart in Progress
Query The request number as shown in the Task Management function
Status Indicates the current status of inbound EDI processing:
o Standby
o In Progress
o Finished
o Held
o Kill
o Aborted
o Error
o Immediate
o Warning
Processes The process number for the EDI monitoring process

EDI Status Monitor buttons:

Run Now Starts the inbound EDI monitor processing
Stop Stops the inbound EDI monitor processing
Refresh Refreshes the EDI Status Monitor fields

EDI Status Monitor line option:

Log Used to view the EDI monitor processing trace file

Inbound EDI Processing Flow

When the EDI Status Monitor is started, a new process for each active EDI template is launched in
batch mode called XBEDI. In the example above, an XBEDI task is created for XBIMP810 and

The XBEDI process will periodically search the EDI directories defined in Inbound EDI Parameters
for any EDI files that match the format 810_# or 850_#.
When a file is found, that file is copied from the EDI directory to the import directory located on the
corresponding template (see below). NOTE: the EDI directory and template directory must be

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EDI Processing

The files are copied in batches of 10 for efficiency. Once the files have been copied, a new batch
task is submitted to import the corresponding EDI files.
If the import is successful, a Purchasing Invoice (810) or Sales Order (850) is created.
If the import is not successful, the Status of the EDI task will be Error on the EDI Status Monitor.
The import file containing the error will be moved to the ERROR directory. It will maintain its same
name with .err added as the extension.
An error in one EDI file does NOT block the processing of other files.

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EDI Processing

To view the errors, go to the Request Management (AREQUETE) function and select the
corresponding EDI IMPORT process. Right click the line and select the Log button to display the
import log file.

Once an error has been fixed, the file may be renamed (the .err extension removed) and copied back
to the EDI directory for the EDI Status Monitor to reprocess. Or, the Import function may be run
manually by selecting the error file to be reprocessed.
Removing the error file(s) from the error directory resets the EDI Status Monitor status for that task
back from Error to In Progress.

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