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How To Guide

Updating Sales Pricing

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2
Training Materials References .............................................................................. 2
Procedure ............................................................................................................. 2

October 2008 Sage Page 1 of 8

HTG Updating Sales Pricing

Sage ERP X3 provides two functions that can automatically update existing sales pricing records
according to user-defined parameters. Such updates are done when a companys pricing policies
change or as the base prices of products increase or decrease over time. Product prices,
Charges and Discounts can each be updated.

Three types of updates are possible:

Pricing records can be modified. In this case, no trace of older prices is retained.

Pricing records can be duplicated, with the new records carrying new effectivity dates. In
this case, a complete history of prices can be maintained for review. (Note that totally
new pricing records must be creating using function Price Entry (FUNSPCSEL)).

The currency on pricing records can be changed.

Pricing records may also be selected for selective deletion to purge old prices from the

Training Materials References

Training Materials V1.2



Pricing and Invoicing Elements

Price Update Parameters GESSNE

Price Update FUNSPCINC

Start a new set of Price Update Parameters. Assign a code (up to seven characters) and
give the parameters a title that reflects their particular purpose.

Assign an Access Code if you want to specially protect the pricing update.

Indicate the pre-defined Price Code to which this update will apply.

Indicate if the update will apply to selected pricing records encompassed by the Price
Code or to all pricing records.

Set a validity date for selecting pricing records. Only those records that are effective on
this date (with respect to their effectivity date range) will be selected for processing.

Indicate if the selected records can be modified during processing.

Decide if the update will retain old price information (Copy Record), change old price
information (Modify Record) or used to only change the Currency.

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HTG Updating Sales Pricing

Set the validity dates for the new price records and indicate if the dates may be modified
during the update processing.

If the currency is changed, prices will be converted from the old currency to the new
currency using the most recent of one of three exchange rates (Daily, Monthly or
Average). Enter the Old and New Currency and the Rate Type.

Optionally define one or more local Process Variables that can be used in the Lines
section to control the selection of pricing records and the calculation of new prices. If
used, these variables will be displayed during the price update process so that the user
may modify their values. If no variables are defined, the update process will be fixed. For
each Process Variable, enter:

A Variable Code (up to 10 characters).

A Title to describe the variable.

A Data Type (e.g., ITM for a Product ID or DCB (decimal) for a discount).

A Default Value set either manually or by using the Formula Editor. This value will be
displayed during update processing, and may be overridden. (Note that the Formula
Editor provides access to the pricing data elements in the special table SPRICINCR. It is
not necessary to open further tables in order to construct selection or calculation

An optional Control Table, to restrict the values that may be entered by the user.

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HTG Updating Sales Pricing

After the main Price Update Parameter form is complete, press the Lines button to enter
one or more parameter lines that will precisely control:

The selection of pricing records

The calculations for new prices.

Define one line for each set of selection conditions. If only one set exists, or if there are
no specific conditions (i.e., the Line Selection Expression is blank), only one line that
specifies the Update calculation is required.

For each line, enter:

A line number and description of the line.

An optional selection expression, defined using the Formula Editor. The condition
specified in this expression will be used to select pricing records against which the update
calculation formula will be applied. Note that the Variables defined on the main form may
be used in the expression.

Check the Deletion check box if you want the selected records to be deleted instead of
updated. Leave it unchecked for the normal update process.

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HTG Updating Sales Pricing

Update parameter lines. (Note that a line is created for each price, charge or discount that
is involved in the particular Price Code being processed.)

Title Automatically set from the Price Code.

Type of Modification:

o Not Modified The price will not be updated.

o Variation in % - A percentage will be applied to the price, charge or discount.

o Variation in Value A fixed value will be added to or subtracted from the price,
charge or discount.

o Assignment The price will be initialized by a value defined in the pricing

update. If the price is already set by an existing price record, the update
process will overwrite this value by a new one.

Formula or Constant The Formula Editor is used to define an expression (or to set a
constant) to compute the price update. Variables previously defined can be used in
the expression. Precede the value with a minus sign if the sales price is to be

Rounding Type Determines how the new price will be rounded, since the calculation
can result in unacceptable prices from a commercial standpoint (e.g., $39.91 rather
than $40.00).

o No Rounding.

o Round to the Nearest.

o Round Down.

o Round Up.

Rounded Value How the Rounding, if used, will be performed. (E.g., 1.0 to the
unit, .10 to the tenth or .05 to the fifth.)

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HTG Updating Sales Pricing

Execute the Price Updates directly from the parameter definition function (GESSNE)
or from the menu using function FUNSPCINC. In either case, the process may be
carried out in simulation mode or for real. Pricing records or dates may be changed if
the applicable check boxes are set in the parameters for a particular update. If
Process Variables were defined for selections and/or calculations, their values may
be changed before the update is initiated.

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HTG Updating Sales Pricing

In Simulation mode, a screen will display the results of each set of price update so
that the results can be verified prior to doing the actual updates.

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HTG Updating Sales Pricing

When the results are acceptable, run the update process with Simulation mode set =
No. In either mode, a log will be produced to provide an audit of which price records
were updated.

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