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Table of the Demerit Point System 7 Points [- Fangio eaainotheeofavlion Points |» Casessdening + Rag + tceing these nity 50] Fai op frascolbue B Points | Dri oils filing napa panel ily a Points | Exslngibe sped lime 30 [Felling ocd 3 Points | Esesing he spedlina ly 16 | - Tnproper ing wheres Deng tough arundor | + Cromling the ders sat Falling coed the righevay | way eee Tage ssepape [+ von paige sl + Gonioga died road wre + Fling obey thd of |” oper cringe poi apelin Inpro in + Drsigehewrongwayens | Improper tue gh scan Anodes veh ae + Ealing por clan ZPoints [> Fangs wor belie Drilling war be Drier gen ere thats én sno welhing ethan 25 + Pobibied ne Exstocted mosser flee owing poe wxgins | chides sar Agee rename | Deer = gochey ens poscngereer ye omg + Fling ler aig bean Tang { hlaingesfigwoy eprops sgh Dever rar inie/ 1 Amore hl panenge poe 1 alg sip napyeepra chi Introduction Congratulations! Youve eter ju rnd steno you have now rene drversthe bac information the wl eed kno fo dive atin Oma. This book is divided into three parts o make i sense or you, Each pat il inclde escalation you ill eed ope ech te dig PARTI. ETE ‘liom cn 3, nota ou whi, ek our ear occror penne wt the eh When ato do my owy ra tthe {pce anf open ches ul war 5, Youay pl our vehicle forward toast the angle i esesry {_Stugten your serio whe! and sony back nto the po ard spin check around your vehicle 2. Stop hen your vic lly inthe paring space ‘5 Patyourseice in pakandset your raking trae Important to remember: * When reversing do not we your miror alone to gue you ‘arn your ad bck to chek for trafic a wl Drive in or Head in (on right) 1. When you fina parking spot, sow down 44 When 10 safe wo proceed. ten your Steringheeltothe righ andar nthe ‘spot using the hand over hand technigue ~~ fi 5. Sighen your secring wheel ce you are paral with the aA" 31" 6 Proved forwatd and sop once your ‘eh is fll in the parking seo 7. Put your vein prc and set your parking brake * Important to remember: + Wyo ae too close tether ar “Aor ar“ you shold back spin astraight in nd adjust your parking 2. Kespu fara posnle to theft hand ide z ofthe road Fe 5. Signal tothe gh, heck your bind pot we 3 Poe yy 15. Parallel Parking 16. One-Way Streets fone of the mont challenging als (0 ‘The fiourat traffic int onky one direction aes Sy wicceawrers + There sno yellow ine inthe mile that divides the road parking means that you wil be paral ith the ur and your font bumper + One-way sigs are usually fund at the beginning and at the vl be Tang the back bumper ofthe fu each nection an both ies ofthe roadway ‘arin frontof you ina ine ‘Once you find a spot to park in, " rect will have "Do Not Eater” ereretnd grt oe : 2 Sup beside the vehi infront «+ Ifthere are mpl lanes, vices may pass you onthe ef schice Car Your arbre ; {apd Car As ear bump shoul ein ap Entering and Exiting One-way Streets + Soetiidote arate | fanaa | “| Fou cbc whed ate wet need Onctonrakak nt oe | the spot, move forward 10 allow for the vehicles around you to get 2. ae Hs ‘out or until you are inthe middle ofthe spot Sher pep ma = in parka set the parking brake S eeeae, tony tra ting 2 Gar makings le + Your whi should note mor than 1 fot ena from he cur handtur will keep to and your ree boul not oh th ca hele hand side ote fone wa sac and hen itis todos, wll rood with making etn * important to emember: fade ear"C) a U + When paling of the sot, remember sal chek your ‘Wind spe ad nly pullout when i se + Remember—Prace Practice rite! + Car“E making right hand tarn wll keep othe igh frnd ie ath ne way ste and when sew do Soul proceed wilh king ight arn 2 I ay 17, Parking on a Hill 1 Making et hand tuen—Car ‘Ail move tthe let hand side of thera, make the Te care into hee an side ‘Whenitissafe keep tothe igh hand si ofthe ray Making ight hand turn —Car Bil ove to te rg ad Side ofthe roadway make the Fight tc int height and ‘Se ofthe ther oe way ste 4 Uphil Parking with Curb Turn your font wheel all he way to thelet and set your paring bake 2. Downhill Parking with Curb Tura your font whl al the wy to ‘he right an sel yo packing bake 3. UphillDownhill without Curd ‘+ Tarn your font wb all the way to the ght and et yor packing bre The following table summatles the dtection in which your wheels should point uphit | ierhelgt | Pronk whcothe igh Cow | rat when te right | Frnt wht igh The reason why we tur our front whess when parking 0 hil Isto prevent the ar from rling int tra the even the car's orking brakes i. Yow mus alo remember to parkas closet the ‘uth posse otherwise this techni wll ot work, 48. Roadside Stops It you plant stop om thes 4 sou slowdown and check the are around you or pedestrians Including your Mind spot Lacie Safe pace for your veil to stop Avoid blocking drieways of trance The illowing sep sho be flowed 1. Sigal othe right 2. Slowly pull your vehi othe ight an park your weil that you ae paral! eth the cur (no more than Tota) 3 Turnyourghtrrn signa ofand then ‘uemon youe ours ashing hts 1. Plce your vehicle an pack sti appy the pecking brake Tum of your engine Paling out from a roadside stop: 22 Paton drive nd reese the packing rake 1. ‘Tur of yur four ysgol and signal tothe le Check your misrors again and your lid spat (When itis safe odo so gry pl into the neo tar of Your le turn signal when ou a fully nthe tne Insresse yur sped and do at excosd the posta spo init 19, Where Should | Stop? School Bus with ashing red lights and Stop arm that sings out Step a 0 mete from the Back ofthe Bue allway crossing stop at astSmetres from the tack trai approaching Stcetars with passengers getting on orl and there safety land)” Stop a ast 2 metres fom the rear door ie Hydran {Yon may nt park within 3 mete offre drat Ret ed 20. Expressway Driving (Entering and Exiting} “Lang expressvaylnkeites to each otherand span fom province o province Ther ate at eas two anes going inthe sme diectin 9 “nexpresway- Tete are lane for entering the exprestay and other lanes for exiting the expressay Spe init ae ural between 80 =100 km/h (unless otherwise posted). While driving on express Youshould becstracarefal and alert tal times justin case you eed toeact quickly. Many accidents occurantheexpresneay during poor weather conditions due to increased speed Since you should nt Sop onthe sie of highway or drive at uneeasinabslae speed Isajgood dea to know where youre goingand write our directions shown Plan well ahend when exiting the expessay sd neve change lanes abr to eit the expeessy, Pedestrians and Biles may not enteram expres Entering the Expressway: Drving onthe Expressway Always keep both hands on he seeing wheel Look bead 0 ere you ae going to Bei the next 1st 20 seca, 3 ot ‘heads you can see when you ar rateling a ster ped 2. Constantly check the trafic an your ru vew mirror every S = seconds, All 4 scons betwen yuan the vehi Froatofyou When you change lanes ensure you signal and check your blind spt ist I you happen oe folleing tuo tack, Nol tying in ther lind sp fox prolonged pods af ime 5. lf theres more than one lan, ay tothe right and us the fare lane posing nly 4 Be paint when ester conditions or vnbilty poor a here letra ahead of you. Rede your speed and be sourcons 4 ‘ther driver. Exiting the Expressway 1. When eneiag an expres: you should pay cael attention to the rap speed. Fore fos Kesp fe distance from the ‘hice in rant of you ad eed your speed further during adverse wear conditions Pay attention to the while behind snd around you os wl ‘Once you reach the aceeration an, inal to the ef and begin sceceating oa speed with the of tal. Watch fr hikes ‘on the exresnay by checking your mirrors and your Blind pa When jou have nearly rach the endothe craton lane and the way idea, sch apes ard cancel your signal, AoA! Seetching lane to ery from the asckeration lane divers on {he expressny may nest tne to aj te spend allow you ‘emer therlane, Continue at the expres tated poe iit 1. Check the talc conditions around you and determine which Janes are used for exting the expressway you ae exiting rom the right keep to the right hand side of he expreoway. Check sourrear view mirors and signal wo the ight Check you Mid "pt andl when the may cee change not exit lane 2. You shoal enter the ext ne whe sg. Once your vehi Isfllyntheentlane begin io educe your speed Avo entering thee neat the last moment, 3. Payatention totheramp speed reduce your spedaccordingy DD not drive to closely othe eis mrt of oa. Loot for led signs one meres head 4 Once you ate back on lal trafic watch for pedestrians and sted speed limits, Pork os el aie El 21. Tips for your Road Test: feniy tthe your rude cramnation. Soa an appointment th your ls Drivfet Centre On your examination dbte-yoe mestbringyourown veilese ‘range own our driving arate Yebile Area ea 0 minutes efore Your exam and bring your vers Tene tet the fc no which parking pa you hie park in and ‘roeed twa inp veil Am examine wil eter your vehicle and st inthe pangs. Yur ‘tamination vill et yor level of ebervaton ving silly and el pring techaigues: To lp you pss your tet we have som st For the G1 road test: 1. Before starting your engine. make ste your set bt son. ‘amine wl ge you isracionson where tog [esa goodie exaggerate your movements checking your ‘nies and bind spot) you want to make se your examinee Knows that you di check. 5. Many test centes are ete in alle where you mst Kesp a «ye out for pedestans and parked cas Maintain» speed limit ris 20k 4. Make sure you te allowing the posted ped limits and never ‘ceed the sped iit Where 0 speed Tm slg te posted (residential areas) you shod dive at speed of 40 kv Isler main streak nt ponte) the anim is 3k, 5. Always ep safe stance to the ca in root of you and keep Youre ving ome tacentre fright Ahochek our et ‘ee mimor every $1 secon {6 Slow doe when you are approaching cross and lok fom Sd to aie, checking to ce pedestrians ae cosing, Whe flowing bas or trac, allow even more pce Between your eh andthe bus or tuck '.Nomatter what dvston you ae traveling in yo ms stop for 2 school fs whe the fe ight re lashing uns there 2 ‘nolan, Iryou ae flowing behind the schol bis you sho Sop test 20 metres rem the ack the bas foe coming rom the opposite direction, stp at safe distance for chlen to off and cross the oad ont of you, 9. Ifa fre track ambulance, or police vb x aproaching you ‘vith tht stens myo should pl overt the ight andstop Ik posse, Bath sider ofthe raf must obey ei ale 10, Always keep othe very ight rol shee neo asin (ualess the examiner ass you to stayin anoter ane) 1. When appoaching slap sins, make a complete top and stop a the appropriate plac (fer to page 3), Follow the rl ofthe fat ychcleto slop wil be the st wei tog. where hee are rule tp sige 12, Some test centres il est You om src with one-way sets (cfr page 15, You say aloe testesom three point tens, parallel pking and ight ure trafic ight, op or dowel parking ane ‘hangs anbacknor rom parking teens. These willbe {ested in tusins and sda res Dont forgst to ler the corset es when theres bus ane * Car A; donot turn inthe bus ane + ar Bturm int thes tae ftom then make aright are an (TI 5 Listen carefully othe examine’ ditston and remain clo. If you souk! not he what ee sa yo may atk hem 1 repeat Themslves Concentrate on your driving sa keep bth hands on thestering hel 16, Avoid braking deny or acclerting uch 17, Reduce you sped ite ft raning or snowing, however do ft ive to so flo the Bow oa For the G2 road test: “he G2 Rou Tes ca ince everything that you were tse on in your GL Road Test a well a driving om the fea and oad ide tops: The G2 Rod Test willbe ander tase as asses you area LMvanced driver Yu shuld spend more tine practicing dense ou are confident on the rect Relr to page 7 fr fceway diving. The tes time sally longer than your Gt Road Tes. ee OT ary 4. Winter Driving 4 Canada, our weathers constantly changingand snow storms and freeringrainarelamiiar obstacles However, whale preparation tn some common sense you cam prevent acilets fom cut td have essential Kem case you gt stranded on the road. 22. Common Reasons Drivers Fail Their Road Test 1. Being nervous during the fest. 2 fled to makea complete stop tastop sign Didnt give right of way pedestrians or othe ators 4. Unsafe line changes Things to do before the winter season begins: 1. Bing your vehicle infra tune yp and have them check your vehicle Use SW/30 toro ight form of mosae ol) 3nd lost parked care Change your cars coaant ot last every 0 year 5. Fale to check ear vew ror egal Driving slowly or above the spe iit Driving Vehicle ithe curb he tempting thr pi tro parking {sso irs and change then wellbore the sso all: They 9. Driver ose contol of vehicle tne bighly recommended os thy wil preset sliding and key ui control of your vie Many winter acldent ar cats 0, Lackof obsecration to sero beers who are wing ther sumer res, Check ou ie tad, oT 1. Lack practice or desing knowledge 4 Boats pressure and dn rg tod the same for your sare tie & hl ot low a rl orf ighs 3. nsure your butery is in good condition. Your car neds ore Fi 18. Incorrst driving ethos power ttt your engine when temperatures arco A batery = 1M. Following oo corey {poor conditon may ave you stranded in winter oaths, Resp ee tater terns ca, gt ref cornea dy ee ras 4. Abeyscarey alia cescraperand brash exe windshield ceathig fd (40°, love, blanket, light jumper cable, ago and for ading traction incase your veil te stk inthe sm shove nd ell phone fon ay cl pb ial “OFP whch will cooect ou othe nee OP 16 Too many minor mistakes 17. Accident occured Change your windshield wipers rot and ren) when necessary | ‘ conatantly cs your windshield evel Keeping your ‘vindhie clear and vise wl ip prevent accident, ‘Starting your vehicles in the winter time: 1 Cheat your vehicle ofa ie and snow epi om ll windows, headlights and iene pate: Dot get rsh ol the snow om thereto yourcaras wel 2. Unless the weather sbeow reczing you do nat need to waren op Your vehi Ihe temperate is ew freeing you cn war Upyour car fora few mites, ut diving sony er thei fe inte would bean afetine ‘Skid Controt 1. nthe case our vie begins to sid donot asc elese your foot lom the gas pedal Silda otstepon the rake abropey 2. the rear of your vehi dng to the Fight ten your tering wel othe righ iF "eskid tothele turn thet Once yu have regained cont straighten your teeing ‘wheel aod continue driving nrsaly 3 yw ned toslow donno stop ony rasa eeu on the brake get and vod making sudden tps epsilon 4. Keepan even gree distance tthe eis ia font you What you can do if you get stuck in the snow: 1. Useashieltclerany soo ore hat may bok oui 2. Place a car mat under the whe tht are alipping and se low fear to move forward. Have someone push the vehi fom Fehind possibe 3. Uesand ost under our tire te increase traction 4 Repeating the motion of moving your vehicle forward an then backwards cam aia lp you whet you are stick Ensue ou are fully stoped etre sitching fom deve aero eee to dese la damage to your tansmission wll occur you do) 5. Avoiallowing your whee t spinon the sans, cw frm and makeit even moedifical fr you to pet out 6. fyouhappen tobe stranded in your velco you are waiting for atow track fora prolonged pia fvme, ste our engine very our fr ten minutes te keep your caf win and your ater recharged ‘Open your window slight allo es aint he vile 8. Make sure yourexhaust pipe sot locked the snow: scab ‘monoxide willenter yur ec if Long trips 1. Plan your come with maps and check the weather epost ‘elo leaving 2 your indo family when you expos to ative + tnareas of extreme cali ou cama a block heer which a device tha eae the engine by keeping the motor ol arm. 1s for Buying a New or Used Car Before buying anew or usa ola of esearch and tak reds te aly and ga thir ecomnendation Tre are many guides eed review in ooores an online tht you san we to make Informed ecisons, Dot fgt to factor in the oat of seglareuintenancs Fuelcomumption, parking conte apd insurance ele prchasng yor vehicle Read al ite pit and documents beoresigning Buying a new vehicle: 1+ Purchasea vile rom epuabe deslerhip «Compare pricerbetween mls salty featres gas consumption + New hier willl come it serrate that cover the cst of Pepa should sanething go rong ‘Nothow long your waranty ss ad whats conte + New caredepeiate inva the moment you deve of the delershp aso make rire sts the eis you want Buying a used car: 1+ Check the year model, mileage and examine the condition of the wei + Askestions sich shat hen any acident? Minoo ima? Was regular malntenance done? + Checkll components iaclding che heating si conditioning lights + Takei out fora tet drive and ten of he radi and Uisten for anysoundsthe cary rake + isagood idea ohave mechanic look titers such asthe rakes eaks and overllcondition of chile “+ Makes the vehi fce of dbt ad ens 1 Alas elise nst obtain a Safety Standard certificate before the owsership transfered + Since Api 99a vehies in Ontario must pas the Drive Clean et very a years efor a ence ay be renee eT ron 3. What to Do If You are Involved in an Accident Most accents are caused by divers who were driving too wees, there are othe reson why acients may oct Some other + Ladkof experience or knowledge the rales ofthe rad, lack oncentation, dl ot ge right ‘fay toathers, poor eather ouailons poor malnenance Serious asients cam case severe Injury or os you or someone che thal Many aceidents a be swe with ite common sense ad jut sowing down Homever i you ae invalid nan scien bere the damage exceeds 81,00 or ther personal injury, you ms ep is tothe police immediatly. the darmge sud $1,000 and mo fone at ben hurt you myst this on your own, Accents may involve farther ll acton ogatnst yu. To [tet yurselitisa good sto wns damn acme Information a psu Here ata ew sep you shoul low 1. tap your ea, tur of your engine an turn on your four-way Mashing tgal. Wait nt tafe toes your vehileamd ave ye vec wheres ntl the police are TE somcone is burt cll the pie ane ambulance 2s soon ssp 3. Say calm, wie down the oer vei) Hoence plate, yeu, Ik, model and color. Alun note how many posers ei ‘he vehicle anyones injured 1. Aske ther drivers to Se thie drivers sn, we down thee ‘ame addres, deer cence ner snd hone mame 5 wel Yousboall ao ete drive’ insurace pole and wie down he luancecrpanys are py numb andthe nme (Get the coma nlormaton of witness jut incase you ned it {6 Draw small map af the roadwaylnseton ofthe ace Make sure you write down the sped limite, oad condone, Aetna of tafe and what damages were cased by the decent Alto incade there ate any taf ih tre nase ‘onthe udev ther od sige an ‘Wee down the weather onsittons (Le snow storm runing.) wll ari thee as heavy tal or consraction, When the plc ofcer aries, answer any question hee ey save. Wee down the oficers badge mime ame pic sation and phone number st nce you need coat thee ta theta) 9, tomes x bly hurt they may got shack, Sin Bank oe Jacket tole them war Meeing occu ate clean cothand apply reste tispomibl writ down thrash ey are ging, swell thelr adres al contac oration, 10. Notify your surance company andor Iyer ao as posse 1, Hecessary, cals tow eck alt then how where you would lke your whic tomed to your acckentoccurson igh. vod soppingin theme the highway and poll our chive tothe se ns safe action tvhee you can wat uti the police ative Trym tay in yur {arifyou aren dangerous ae, Tam on your foray eshing Tights or open yur font hod wo tht the drivers ca see ou 15, Myuate ina rural tes where pice ace cannot be laste, you ms report your ascent within 2 hour to the nest ple of OP station Car Care Taking care of our sbi by bringing i in or sevice reguley wil realy prolong yur vehicle ead an dace larger unnecessary epaibilsn te fate ‘To keep your veicein good shape there are things you can de: 1 Repuaty + Checkallighs + Check motoreileve + Check our rditor et + Check ng id Transion fd foe leaking the condition othe be have ted general aide of elo ems tha shouldbe pve (1 filter change every 6.000 kw Summer time—101/30 ofl Winter timme—SW/30 oi CCooting system—changed every wo years (be careful to ever open a hot nidiator cap) heck every 20,000 km ry 1,000 kon flukd—chamge every 49,00 km you ties every 10,000 ~ 12,000 kr reife of our tres by 20 fiter—chang Tire rotation eater approximately 4 to S years i nd icone mre + nan hang perk Paya to; Bae Divs ‘45 Raye Ave. chmod i Schoo Ontario Classified Drivers Licensing System © soymoietn Fs | sched Rated : so seca tina Srte pia] “Se a een ne me serait | tn 189-7374884-05

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